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63.6 kB
"title": "Menorat HaMaor",
"language": "en",
"versionTitle": "merged",
"versionSource": "",
"text": {
"Piyyut": [],
"Introduction": [],
"i; On Charity": [],
"ii; On Prayer": {
"Prayer": [],
"Prayer in the Synagogue": [],
"Washing": [],
"Tzitzit": [],
"Tefillin": [],
"Hundred Berakhot": [],
"Chazzan": [],
"Kaddish": [],
"Shema": [],
"Amidah": [],
"Order of Amidah": [],
"Birkat Kohanim": [],
"Tachanun": [],
"Torah Reading": [],
"Mincha": [],
"Arvit": [],
"Bedtime Shema": [],
"Shabbat Prayers": [],
"Havdalah": [],
"Rosh Chodesh": [],
"Kiddush Levanah": [],
"Chanukah": [],
"Purim": [],
"Pesach": {
"i": [],
"ii": [
"The one checking should take a candle in his hand; and it should be from wax, as I said. Then he recites the blessing, \"Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has commanded us about the destruction of chametz.\" And he searches afterwards, since the Sages, may their memory be blessed, said, \"One must recite the blessing over all commandments, passing upon them\" - meaning before [them]. And after checking, he takes the chametz in his hands and places it in a closet or in [another] place that a mouse cannot reach. It is like [the textual version] we teach in the Yerushalmi, \"How do we do it? We cover it with a vessel. If he covered it and did not find it, I say that a [human] hand took it. If he did not cover [it] and he did not find it, he needs to check the house another time.\" And afterwards, he nullifies all of the chametz that is in his possession that he does not know about. And he needs to express the nullification with his mouth, with words that nullify it in any language that he wants. However, it has become customary to nullify [it] with the wording of the Gemara. And that is: All the chametz that I have in my possession that I have not seen and that I do not know about, let it be considered like the dust of the earth (<i>Kol Chamira...</i>)."
"iii": [],
"iv": [],
"v": [],
"vi": [],
"vii": [],
"viii": []
"Sefirat HaOmer": [],
"Shavuot": [],
"Fasts": [],
"Drought Relief": [],
"Individual Fasts": [],
"Matters that Occurred to our Forefathers": [],
"Tisha BeAv": [],
"Selichot": [],
"Rosh Hashanah": [],
"Yom Kippur": [],
"Sukkot": [],
"The Four Species": [],
"Lulav": [],
"Sukkot Prayers": [],
"Addenda": []
"iii; On Repentance": {
"The Quality of Repentance": [],
"On Afflictions": [],
"The Power of Repentance": [],
"Incentives of Repentance": [],
"What is Repentance": [],
"The Quality of the Repenter": [],
"Marganita deRabbi Meir": [],
"Merits and Transgressions": [],
"Order of Teshuvah": [],
"Laws of Teshuvah": [],
"Tales of the Righteous": [],
"Reprovement": []
"iv; On Humility": {
"Its Attributes": [],
"Developing Humility": [],
"Its Habits": [],
"Haughtiness and its Subclasses": [],
"Great is Humility": [
"Our father Abraham lowered himself, so the Holy One, blessed be He, gave him greatness. And that is to the one to whom the Holy One, blessed be He, first said, “Ask.” Rabbi Yonatan said, “There are three to whom the Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘Ask.’” Rabbi Acha said they are four - Abraham, Solomon, Achaz and the messianic king. Abraham, from where [do we know it]? As it is written (Genesis 15:2), ‘And [he] said, “My Lord God, what will You give me?’” He would not have said, ‘What will You give me,’ unless He had said to him, ‘Ask.’ Solomon, from where [do we know it]? As it is written (I Kings 3:5), ‘In Givon, the Lord appeared to Solomon [... and …] said, “Ask that which I shall give you.”’ Achaz, from where [do we know it]? As it is written (Isaiah 7:10-11), ‘And the Lord spoke further to Achaz, “Request a sign for yourself from the Lord, your God.”’ The messianic king, from where [do we know it]? As it is written (Psalms 2:8), ‘Request of Me, and I will render nations your inheritance, your estate will be the limits of the earth.’” Rabbi Levi said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, showed our father Abraham, peace be upon him, the stars, the constellations and all the corners of the firmament, as it is stated (Genesis 15:5), ‘And He took him outside (<i>chutzah</i>).’ And did He take him outside of the universe? Rather it is that He showed him the chambers of the skies that are called <i>chutzot</i>, as it is stated (Proverbs 8:26), ‘Before He made earth and <i>chutzot</i>.’” Rabbi Yehudah bar Ilai said, “Five things did the Holy One, blessed be He, show to our father Abraham, peace be upon him, and these are them: 1) He showed him the splitting of the Red Sea, as it is stated (Genesis 15:17), ‘which passed between these pieces (<i>gezarim</i>).’ And likewise does it state (Psalms 136:13), ‘To slice the Red Sea into pieces (<i>gezarim</i>).’ 2) He showed him the giving of the Torah, as it is stated, ‘and behold, a smoking furnace and a flaming torch.’ And likewise is it with the giving of the Torah (Exodus 20:14), ‘And the entire people saw the torches and the sound of the shofar. 3) He showed him the Temple built and [4)] the order of the sacrifices, as it is stated, (Genesis 15:9), ‘He said to him, ‘Take for Me a calf of three.’ [5)] And He showed him the four empires (destined to subjugate Israel), as it is stated, (Genesis 15:12) ‘and behold, a dread of deep darkness fell upon him.’ Those were the four empires.” Rabbi Channan said, “He showed him the revival of the dead, as it is stated (Genesis 15:10), ‘Birds of prey came down upon the carcasses.’ He took the limbs and placed them side by side. And once the bird descended upon them, they came to life, as it is stated, ‘but Abram repelled (<i>vayashev</i>) them.’ And <i>vayashev</i> is always that they are scattered by the wind (which is only possible here if they returned to life), as it is stated (Isaiah 40:7), ‘when the breath [of the Lord] blows (<i>nashvah</i>) upon it.’”"
"Arrogance": []
"v; On Fixed Hours of Study": {
"Torah Study": [],
"Torah is an Architect of Creation": [],
"Torah and the Jewish People": [],
"The Crown Torah": [],
"The Light of Torah": [],
"The Healing of Torah": [],
"Tree of Life": [],
"Dedication to Torah": [],
"Bitul Torah": [],
"Its Reward": [],
"Death of the Righteous": [],
"Torah Study by Day and by Night": [],
"Excellent is Torah Combined with a Worldly Occupation": [],
"Torah for its Own Sake": [],
"Seeking Torah": [],
"Torah and Derekh Eretz": [],
"Sefer Torah": [],
"Giving of the Torah": [],
"Ignorant People": [],
"The Duty to Teach Torah": [],
"Teacher Pupil Relationship": [],
"Honoring the Sages": [],
"Five attributes of the Torah scholar": [],
"Great is Torah": []
"vi; On the Commandments": {
"Study in order to keep and teach": [],
"The commandments and Israel": [],
"Dedication and sacrifice": [],
"On their fulfilment": {
"i": [],
"ii": [],
"iii": [],
"iv": [],
"v": [],
"vi": [],
"vii": [],
"viii": [],
"ix": [],
"x": []
"Order of blessings": {
"i": [],
"ii": [],
"iii": [],
"iv": [],
"v": [],
"vi": [],
"vii": [],
"viii": [],
"ix": [],
"x": []
"Laws of circumcision": [],
"Great is circumcision": [],
"Betrothal blessing": [],
"Laws of redeeming the firstborn": [],
"Laws of mezuzah": [],
"Laws of onen": [],
"Laws of mourning": [],
"The eulogy": [],
"Not to grieve excessively": [],
"Eruvin": [],
"Laws of Challah": [],
"Parapet blessing": []
"vii; On Acts of Mercy": {
"Great is Kindness I": [],
"Visiting the Sick": [],
"The Vidduy": [],
"Eulogizing the dead": [],
"Great is Kindness II": []
"viii; On the Observance of Sabbath and Holy Days": {
"Observing Shabbat": [],
"The covenant of Shabbat": [],
"Oneg Shabbat": [],
"Honor the Shabbat": [],
"Great is Shabbat": [],
"Holidays": []
"Addendum": [
"Strength seduces a person. When he sees about himself that, among his fellows, he is like a lion among flocks of sheep, he will trust in the power of his strength: If they rise up against him and he defeats them, he will not recognize the hand of God that saved him from their hand, so he will not hail and praise [God]. Rather, he will say, \"I did it with the strength of my hand.\" So his heart will turn from God and he will deny a major principle, as happened with Goliath the Philistine, who blasphemed the God of the Jewish war encampments.",
"What is its antidote? He should put into his heart and contemplate how many strong men failed with their strength; due to the circumstances, they fell into the hands of weaker ones. [Likewise should one contmplate] that there is no strong man who can escape accidents, like hitting his foot on a rock, falling from the roof, drowning in a river, getting sick or other accidents that are similar to this, that have no connection to strength. So the only salvation and rescue for someone from them is God, may He be blessed, who has the salvation. He should attach a poem of accidents to his heart, and see that he has no protections and no shelter other than the supernal Shelter; and that he has no protection if he does not seek protection from Him. For 'who is the one and which one is it' who is as strong as Goliath? But because he relied upon his strength and trusted in his weapons and the copper helmet on his head and his spear, that was like a weaver's shaft, he disparaged David; that is why he fell into his hand. Whereas David who trusted in God, who was his strength, stole the spear from his hand and severed his head. And likewise did he say to him when he approached him (I Samuel 17:45), \"You come to me with the sword, etc.\" When a person looks at and contemplates these things and their particulars, he will place his mind towards Him and plant his spirit in the hand of the 'God of the spirits of all flesh,' 'who gives strength to men to establish power.' And then the haughtiness of his heart will bow down and he will lower his uppity eyes. But 'kindness will surround the one who trusts in God.'"
"ix; On the Honoring of Parents": {
"Great is honoring one's parents": [],
"The ways of honoring": [],
"Morals in honoring one's parents": [],
"The extent of honoring one's parents": []
"x; On Marriage": {
"One's match; fate or choice": [],
"How great is a great wife": [],
"The virtues of great wife": [],
"Honoring a wife": [],
"Marriage and lineage": [],
"One who commits adultery is likened to an idolater": [],
"The severity of sexual immorality": [],
"Marrying a suitable wife while young": [],
"The virtues of a modest woman": [],
"Communion with one's wife": {
"i According to the Raavad": [],
"ii According to the Ramban": []
"xi; On the Education of Children": {
"Discipline a son": [],
"He who disciplines his son makes him wise": [],
"Chastisement of love": [
"How pleasant is the Musar of Love. Anyone whom Hashem loves, God brings down upon them suffering. You find three good gifts that God gave to Israel; and they were only given by way of suffering. These are them: Torah, the Land of Israel, and the World to Come. "
"Extrication of fathers by sons": [],
"Commandment a father must fulfill towards his son": [],
"The community must hire teachers": [],
"One must teach his son Torah": [],
"Love of a father to his sons": []
"xii; On Upright Conduct in Business": {
"Acting in business honestly": [],
"Keeping away from theft": [],
"Keeping away from fraud": [],
"To loan the poor": [],
"Engaging in an honorable trade": []
"xiii; On the Proper Administration of Justice": {
"Great is justice": [],
"Great is jurisprudence": [],
"The qualities of a judge": [],
"The disgrace of an unfit judge": [],
"Keeping away from bribery": [],
"To carry the load of the people": [],
"To carry out justice to all": [],
"To appoint elderly judges": []
"xiv; On Contentment": {
"To rejoices in one's lot": [],
"To be satisfied with a little": [],
"Trusting God": [],
"Accounts of the pious ones": [],
"The reward of he who rejoices in his lot": [],
"On jealousy": []
"xv; On Equanimity": {
"The praise of he who is slow to anger": [],
"He who becomes angry his wisdom departs from him": [],
"The great sin of he who becomes angry regularly": []
"xvi; On Avoidance of Flattery and Deception": {
"On flattery": [],
"The classes of flatterers": [],
"The ways of flatterers": [],
"The severity of flattery": [],
"On scoffing": [],
"The severity of scoffing": []
"xvii; On Love of Comrades and their Considerate Treatment": {
"Loving one's fellow": [],
"The severity of": [],
"The severity of discord": [],
"Love of all people": [],
"Associating with the upright": [],
"The qualities of a good friend": [],
"Loving the converts equally": [],
"Beloved are the converts": [],
"Honoring one's friend": []
"xviii; On Cleanness of Speech": {
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue": [],
"The severity of slander": [],
"The punishment of slander": [],
"The classes of slanderers": [],
"The greatness of silence": []
"xix; On Keeping a Friend's Secret": {
"Keeping and revealing a secret": [],
"On disputes": [],
"Classes of treacherous men": [],
"Being diligent on vows": []
"xx; On Good Manners": {
"On etiquette": [],
"i etiquette of Torah scholars": [],
"ii etiquette of elders": [],
"iii etiquette of men": [],
"iv etiquette of women": [],
"v etiquette rules": [],
"Ways of the Amorite": [],
"More on etiquette": []
"Chupat Eliyahu Rabbah": {
"Forward": [],
"Gate of Three": [],
"Gate of Four": [],
"Gate of Five": [],
"Gate of Six": [],
"Gate of Seven": [],
"Gate of Eight": [],
"Gate of Nine": [],
"Gate of Ten": [],
"Gate of Eleven": [],
"Gate of Twelve": [],
"Gate of Thirteen": [],
"Gate of Fourteen": [],
"Gate of Fifteen": []
"Ohr Olam": [],
"Ohr Gadol": [],
"Great is the peace": [],
"Addenda": {
"i": [],
"ii": [],
"iii": []
"versions": [
"Sefaria Community Translation",
"heTitle": "מנורת המאור",
"categories": [
"schema": {
"heTitle": "מנורת המאור",
"enTitle": "Menorat HaMaor",
"key": "Menorat HaMaor",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "פיוט",
"enTitle": "Piyyut"
"heTitle": "הקדמה",
"enTitle": "Introduction"
"heTitle": "א; פרק הצדקה",
"enTitle": "i; On Charity"
"heTitle": "ב; פרק התפילה",
"enTitle": "ii; On Prayer",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "תפילה",
"enTitle": "Prayer"
"heTitle": "תפילה בבית הכנסת",
"enTitle": "Prayer in the Synagogue"
"heTitle": "נטילת ידים",
"enTitle": "Washing"
"heTitle": "ציצית",
"enTitle": "Tzitzit"
"heTitle": "תפילין",
"enTitle": "Tefillin"
"heTitle": "סדר מאה ברכות",
"enTitle": "Hundred Berakhot"
"heTitle": "ענין שליח צבור",
"enTitle": "Chazzan"
"heTitle": "קדיש",
"enTitle": "Kaddish"
"heTitle": "שמע",
"enTitle": "Shema"
"heTitle": "עמידה",
"enTitle": "Amidah"
"heTitle": "סדר י\"ח ברכות",
"enTitle": "Order of Amidah"
"heTitle": "ברכת כהנים",
"enTitle": "Birkat Kohanim"
"heTitle": "נפילת אפים",
"enTitle": "Tachanun"
"heTitle": "קריאת התורה",
"enTitle": "Torah Reading"
"heTitle": "מנחה",
"enTitle": "Mincha"
"heTitle": "תפילת ערבית",
"enTitle": "Arvit"
"heTitle": "קריאת שמע על המיטה",
"enTitle": "Bedtime Shema"
"heTitle": "תפילות של שבת",
"enTitle": "Shabbat Prayers"
"heTitle": "הבדלה",
"enTitle": "Havdalah"
"heTitle": "ראש חודש",
"enTitle": "Rosh Chodesh"
"heTitle": "ברכת הלבנה",
"enTitle": "Kiddush Levanah"
"heTitle": "חנוכה",
"enTitle": "Chanukah"
"heTitle": "פורים",
"enTitle": "Purim"
"heTitle": "הלכות חג המצות",
"enTitle": "Pesach",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "בענין הגעלת הכלים",
"enTitle": "i"
"heTitle": "בענין בדיקת החמץ",
"enTitle": "ii"
"heTitle": "בענין יום ארבעה עשר",
"enTitle": "iii"
"heTitle": "בענין דברים שעוברין בפסח",
"enTitle": "iv"
"heTitle": "בענין לישת המצה",
"enTitle": "v"
"heTitle": "בענין איסור מלאכה",
"enTitle": "vi"
"heTitle": "בענין המלאכות המותרות בחול המועד",
"enTitle": "vii"
"heTitle": "בענין תפלות ימי החג וסדר ליל פסח",
"enTitle": "viii"
"heTitle": "סדר ספירת העומר",
"enTitle": "Sefirat HaOmer"
"heTitle": "שבועות",
"enTitle": "Shavuot"
"heTitle": "הלכות התעניות",
"enTitle": "Fasts"
"heTitle": "בענין הגשמים",
"enTitle": "Drought Relief"
"heTitle": "תענית יחיד",
"enTitle": "Individual Fasts"
"heTitle": "מאורעות שאירעו לאבותינו",
"enTitle": "Matters that Occurred to our Forefathers"
"heTitle": "הלכות תשעה באב",
"enTitle": "Tisha BeAv"
"heTitle": "תיקון האשמורות",
"enTitle": "Selichot"
"heTitle": "ראש השנה",
"enTitle": "Rosh Hashanah"
"heTitle": "יום כיפור",
"enTitle": "Yom Kippur"
"heTitle": "סוכות",
"enTitle": "Sukkot"
"heTitle": "הלכות אתרוג והדס וערבה",
"enTitle": "The Four Species"
"heTitle": "לולב",
"enTitle": "Lulav"
"heTitle": "תפילות חג הסוכות",
"enTitle": "Sukkot Prayers"
"heTitle": "הוספות",
"enTitle": "Addenda"
"heTitle": "ג; פרק התשובה",
"enTitle": "iii; On Repentance",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "מעלת התשובה",
"enTitle": "The Quality of Repentance"
"heTitle": "ענין הייסורין",
"enTitle": "On Afflictions"
"heTitle": "כח התשובה",
"enTitle": "The Power of Repentance"
"heTitle": "סבות התשובה וכלליה",
"enTitle": "Incentives of Repentance"
"heTitle": "כיצד היא התשובה",
"enTitle": "What is Repentance"
"heTitle": "מעלת בעל תשובה",
"enTitle": "The Quality of the Repenter"
"heTitle": "מרגניתא דר' מאיר",
"enTitle": "Marganita deRabbi Meir"
"heTitle": "זכיות ועברות",
"enTitle": "Merits and Transgressions"
"heTitle": "סדר התשובה",
"enTitle": "Order of Teshuvah"
"heTitle": "הלכות תשובה",
"enTitle": "Laws of Teshuvah"
"heTitle": "מעשיות בצדיקים קדושים",
"enTitle": "Tales of the Righteous"
"heTitle": "ענין התוכחות",
"enTitle": "Reprovement"
"heTitle": "ד; פרק הענווה",
"enTitle": "iv; On Humility",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "מעלות הענווה ומידות העניו",
"enTitle": "Its Attributes"
"heTitle": "הדברים המביאין לידי ענוה",
"enTitle": "Developing Humility"
"heTitle": "דרכי הענווה",
"enTitle": "Its Habits"
"heTitle": "הגאווה וכתותיה",
"enTitle": "Haughtiness and its Subclasses"
"heTitle": "גדולה ענוה",
"enTitle": "Great is Humility"
"heTitle": "יהירות",
"enTitle": "Arrogance"
"heTitle": "ה; פרק תלמוד תורה",
"enTitle": "v; On Fixed Hours of Study",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "לימוד תורה",
"enTitle": "Torah Study"
"heTitle": "התורה אומן למעשה בראשית",
"enTitle": "Torah is an Architect of Creation"
"heTitle": "התורה וישראל",
"enTitle": "Torah and the Jewish People"
"heTitle": "כתר התורה",
"enTitle": "The Crown Torah"
"heTitle": "מאור התורה",
"enTitle": "The Light of Torah"
"heTitle": "רפואת התורה",
"enTitle": "The Healing of Torah"
"heTitle": "עץ החיים",
"enTitle": "Tree of Life"
"heTitle": "חייב אדם למסור את נפשו על התורה",
"enTitle": "Dedication to Torah"
"heTitle": "עניין ביטול תורה ועונשו",
"enTitle": "Bitul Torah"
"heTitle": "שכר העוסק בתורה",
"enTitle": "Its Reward"
"heTitle": "סילוקן של צדיקים",
"enTitle": "Death of the Righteous"
"heTitle": "לימוד התורה ביום ובלילה",
"enTitle": "Torah Study by Day and by Night"
"heTitle": "יפה תורה עם מלאכה",
"enTitle": "Excellent is Torah Combined with a Worldly Occupation"
"heTitle": "כוונת תלמוד תורה לשמה",
"enTitle": "Torah for its Own Sake"
"heTitle": "צריך אדם לחזר אחר התורה",
"enTitle": "Seeking Torah"
"heTitle": "תורה ודרך ארץ",
"enTitle": "Torah and Derekh Eretz"
"heTitle": "ענין ספר תורה",
"enTitle": "Sefer Torah"
"heTitle": "ענין מתן תורה",
"enTitle": "Giving of the Torah"
"heTitle": "ענין עם הארץ",
"enTitle": "Ignorant People"
"heTitle": "כל מי שיודע תורה חייב ללמדה",
"enTitle": "The Duty to Teach Torah"
"heTitle": "דרכי הרב ותלמידיו",
"enTitle": "Teacher Pupil Relationship"
"heTitle": "כבוד תלמידי חכמים ועניין נדוי",
"enTitle": "Honoring the Sages"
"heTitle": "חמש מעלות לעוסק בתורה",
"enTitle": "Five attributes of the Torah scholar"
"heTitle": "גדולה תורה",
"enTitle": "Great is Torah"
"heTitle": "ו; פרק המצות",
"enTitle": "vi; On the Commandments",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "לימוד המצות ע\"מ לעשותן וללמדן",
"enTitle": "Study in order to keep and teach"
"heTitle": "המצות וישראל",
"enTitle": "The commandments and Israel"
"heTitle": "מאהבת ישראל במצות מוסרין נפשם עליהן",
"enTitle": "Dedication and sacrifice"
"heTitle": "המצות ועשייתן",
"enTitle": "On their fulfilment",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "א' בחריצות וזריזות",
"enTitle": "i"
"heTitle": "ב' באזהרה מבטול מצות עשה",
"enTitle": "ii"
"heTitle": "ג' בזריזות להקדים למצוה בבואה",
"enTitle": "iii"
"heTitle": "ד' להגדיל ולהאדיר את המצות",
"enTitle": "iv"
"heTitle": "ה' בהידור המצוה",
"enTitle": "v"
"heTitle": "ו' לקיים המצוה באיברים ובהרגשות",
"enTitle": "vi"
"heTitle": "ז' בכוונת עשיית המצוה",
"enTitle": "vii"
"heTitle": "ח' בעשיית המצוה מממון היתר",
"enTitle": "viii"
"heTitle": "ט' במצות הנוהגות בנשים ובקטנים",
"enTitle": "ix"
"heTitle": "י' במצות שהן מדברי סופרים",
"enTitle": "x"
"heTitle": "סדר הברכות",
"enTitle": "Order of blessings",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "א' בדבר שכולל כל הברכות",
"enTitle": "i"
"heTitle": "ב' ברכת הלחם והזימון וברכת המזון",
"enTitle": "ii"
"heTitle": "ג' בדברים שמברכין עליהם בורא מיני מזונות",
"enTitle": "iii"
"heTitle": "ד' בדברים שמברכין עליהם שהכל נהיה בדברו",
"enTitle": "iv"
"heTitle": "ה' בדברים שמברכין עליהם בורא פרי האדמה",
"enTitle": "v"
"heTitle": "ו' בדברים שמברכין עליהם בורא פרי העץ",
"enTitle": "vi"
"heTitle": "ז' בדברים שבאים בתוך הסעודה מחמת הסעודה",
"enTitle": "vii"
"heTitle": "ח' בברכות שמברכין על כל ריח מיני בשמים",
"enTitle": "viii"
"heTitle": "ט' בברכות שמברכין על השמועות ועל ראיות העין והשבח וההודאה",
"enTitle": "ix"
"heTitle": "י' בברכות שמברכין על הדברים שאין להם זמן ידוע",
"enTitle": "x"
"heTitle": "הלכות מילה",
"enTitle": "Laws of circumcision"
"heTitle": "גדולה מילה",
"enTitle": "Great is circumcision"
"heTitle": "ברכת אירוסין",
"enTitle": "Betrothal blessing"
"heTitle": "הלכות פדיון הבן",
"enTitle": "Laws of redeeming the firstborn"
"heTitle": "הלכות מזוזה",
"enTitle": "Laws of mezuzah"
"heTitle": "הלכות אונן",
"enTitle": "Laws of onen"
"heTitle": "הלכות אבל",
"enTitle": "Laws of mourning"
"heTitle": "דין ההספד",
"enTitle": "The eulogy"
"heTitle": "אין מצטערין יותר מדאי",
"enTitle": "Not to grieve excessively"
"heTitle": "עירובי חצרות ותבשילין",
"enTitle": "Eruvin"
"heTitle": "הלכות חלה",
"enTitle": "Laws of Challah"
"heTitle": "ברכת מעקה",
"enTitle": "Parapet blessing"
"heTitle": "ז; פרק גמילות חסדים",
"enTitle": "vii; On Acts of Mercy",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "גדולת גמילות חסדים א",
"enTitle": "Great is Kindness I"
"heTitle": "ביקור חולים",
"enTitle": "Visiting the Sick"
"heTitle": "תשובת החולה",
"enTitle": "The Vidduy"
"heTitle": "הספד המת",
"enTitle": "Eulogizing the dead"
"heTitle": "גדולה גמילות חסדים ב",
"enTitle": "Great is Kindness II"
"heTitle": "ח; פרק כבוד שבתות וימים טובים",
"enTitle": "viii; On the Observance of Sabbath and Holy Days",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "שמור שבת",
"enTitle": "Observing Shabbat"
"heTitle": "ברית שבת",
"enTitle": "The covenant of Shabbat"
"heTitle": "עונג שבת",
"enTitle": "Oneg Shabbat"
"heTitle": "כבוד שבת",
"enTitle": "Honor the Shabbat"
"heTitle": "גדולה שבת",
"enTitle": "Great is Shabbat"
"heTitle": "חגים",
"enTitle": "Holidays"
"heTitle": "הוספה",
"enTitle": "Addendum"
"heTitle": "ט; פרק כיבוד אב ואם",
"enTitle": "ix; On the Honoring of Parents",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "גדולת כיבוד אב ואם",
"enTitle": "Great is honoring one's parents"
"heTitle": "פרטי הכבוד",
"enTitle": "The ways of honoring"
"heTitle": "כיבוד אב ואם ולימוד המוסר",
"enTitle": "Morals in honoring one's parents"
"heTitle": "עד היכן כיבוד אב ואם",
"enTitle": "The extent of honoring one's parents"
"heTitle": "י; פרק נישואי אשה",
"enTitle": "x; On Marriage",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "זיווגו של אדם; הכרח או בחירה",
"enTitle": "One's match; fate or choice"
"heTitle": "כמה טובה אשה טובה",
"enTitle": "How great is a great wife"
"heTitle": "מידות האשה הטובה",
"enTitle": "The virtues of great wife"
"heTitle": "כבוד האשה",
"enTitle": "Honoring a wife"
"heTitle": "לישא בת טובים",
"enTitle": "Marriage and lineage"
"heTitle": "המזנה על אשתו כעובד ע\"ז",
"enTitle": "One who commits adultery is likened to an idolater"
"heTitle": "קשה הוא הזנות",
"enTitle": "The severity of sexual immorality"
"heTitle": "לישא אשה הגונה בימי הבחרות",
"enTitle": "Marrying a suitable wife while young"
"heTitle": "מידות האשה הצנועה",
"enTitle": "The virtues of a modest woman"
"heTitle": "חיבור האדם אל אשתו",
"enTitle": "Communion with one's wife",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "א' ע\"פ הראב\"ד ומקצת דעות אחרות",
"enTitle": "i According to the Raavad"
"heTitle": "ב' ע\"פ הרמב\"ן",
"enTitle": "ii According to the Ramban"
"heTitle": "יא; פרק גידול בנים",
"enTitle": "xi; On the Education of Children",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "ענין מוסר הבן",
"enTitle": "Discipline a son"
"heTitle": "המייסר את בנו מחכימו",
"enTitle": "He who disciplines his son makes him wise"
"heTitle": "מוסר של אהבה",
"enTitle": "Chastisement of love"
"heTitle": "הצלת בנים לאבות",
"enTitle": "Extrication of fathers by sons"
"heTitle": "דברים שאדם חייב לעשות לבנו",
"enTitle": "Commandment a father must fulfill towards his son"
"heTitle": "חייב הקהל לשכור מלמדי תינוקות",
"enTitle": "The community must hire teachers"
"heTitle": "ישתדל אדם ללמד תורה לבנו",
"enTitle": "One must teach his son Torah"
"heTitle": "אהבת הבנים",
"enTitle": "Love of a father to his sons"
"heTitle": "יב; פרק משא ומתן",
"enTitle": "xii; On Upright Conduct in Business",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "גדולת הנושא ונותן באמונה",
"enTitle": "Acting in business honestly"
"heTitle": "להתרחק מן הגזל",
"enTitle": "Keeping away from theft"
"heTitle": "להתרחק מן האונאה",
"enTitle": "Keeping away from fraud"
"heTitle": "להלוות לעני בשעת דחקו",
"enTitle": "To loan the poor"
"heTitle": "לעולם ידבק אדם באומנות חשובה ונקייה",
"enTitle": "Engaging in an honorable trade"
"heTitle": "יג; פרק הדין והדיין",
"enTitle": "xiii; On the Proper Administration of Justice",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "מעלת הצדקה והדינין",
"enTitle": "Great is justice"
"heTitle": "גדול המשפט",
"enTitle": "Great is jurisprudence"
"heTitle": "מידות הדיין",
"enTitle": "The qualities of a judge"
"heTitle": "גנאי הדיין שאינו הגון",
"enTitle": "The disgrace of an unfit judge"
"heTitle": "להתרחק מן השוחד",
"enTitle": "Keeping away from bribery"
"heTitle": "לישא משאן של ישראל",
"enTitle": "To carry the load of the people"
"heTitle": "לעשות דין אחד לכל",
"enTitle": "To carry out justice to all"
"heTitle": "למנות דיינים זקנים",
"enTitle": "To appoint elderly judges"
"heTitle": "יד; לשמוח בחלקו",
"enTitle": "xiv; On Contentment",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "בשבח השמח בחלקו",
"enTitle": "To rejoices in one's lot"
"heTitle": "הצדיק והספוק במועט",
"enTitle": "To be satisfied with a little"
"heTitle": "מעלת הביטחון בהקב\"ה",
"enTitle": "Trusting God"
"heTitle": "מעשיות בחסידים ששמחו בחלקם",
"enTitle": "Accounts of the pious ones"
"heTitle": "שכר השמח בחלקו",
"enTitle": "The reward of he who rejoices in his lot"
"heTitle": "בענין הקנאה",
"enTitle": "On jealousy"
"heTitle": "טו; פרק הכעס והחמה",
"enTitle": "xv; On Equanimity",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "בשבח המאריך אפו ואינו כועס",
"enTitle": "The praise of he who is slow to anger"
"heTitle": "כל הכועס חכמתו מסתלקת ממנו",
"enTitle": "He who becomes angry his wisdom departs from him"
"heTitle": "המרבה לכעוס עונו רב",
"enTitle": "The great sin of he who becomes angry regularly"
"heTitle": "טז; פרק החנופה והליצנות",
"enTitle": "xvi; On Avoidance of Flattery and Deception",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "בענין החנופה",
"enTitle": "On flattery"
"heTitle": "כתות החנפים",
"enTitle": "The classes of flatterers"
"heTitle": "דרכי החנפים",
"enTitle": "The ways of flatterers"
"heTitle": "קשה החנופה",
"enTitle": "The severity of flattery"
"heTitle": "הליצנות והלצים",
"enTitle": "On scoffing"
"heTitle": "קשה הליצנות",
"enTitle": "The severity of scoffing"
"heTitle": "יז; פרק אהבת החברים",
"enTitle": "xvii; On Love of Comrades and their Considerate Treatment",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "בענין אהבת חבירו",
"enTitle": "Loving one's fellow"
"heTitle": "קשה היא המחלוקת",
"enTitle": "The severity of"
"heTitle": "קשה היא השנאה",
"enTitle": "The severity of discord"
"heTitle": "אהבת הבריות",
"enTitle": "Love of all people"
"heTitle": "להתחבר לטובים ולישרים",
"enTitle": "Associating with the upright"
"heTitle": "מידות החבר הטוב והנאמן",
"enTitle": "The qualities of a good friend"
"heTitle": "גרי הצדק וישראל שוין באהבה",
"enTitle": "Loving the converts equally"
"heTitle": "חביבין הגרים",
"enTitle": "Beloved are the converts"
"heTitle": "לכבד את חבירו",
"enTitle": "Honoring one's friend"
"heTitle": "יח; פרק לשון הרע",
"enTitle": "xviii; On Cleanness of Speech",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "מות וחיים ביד לשון",
"enTitle": "Death and life are in the power of the tongue"
"heTitle": "קשה לשון הרע",
"enTitle": "The severity of slander"
"heTitle": "עונשו של לשון הרע",
"enTitle": "The punishment of slander"
"heTitle": "כתות מספרי לשון הרע",
"enTitle": "The classes of slanderers"
"heTitle": "מעלת השתיקה",
"enTitle": "The greatness of silence"
"heTitle": "יט; בענין כסוי סוד חבירו",
"enTitle": "xix; On Keeping a Friend's Secret",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "בכסוי הסוד וגלויו",
"enTitle": "Keeping and revealing a secret"
"heTitle": "בענין הריב",
"enTitle": "On disputes"
"heTitle": "כתות אנשי שקר",
"enTitle": "Classes of treacherous men"
"heTitle": "יזהר אדם בשבועה",
"enTitle": "Being diligent on vows"
"heTitle": "כ; פרק דרך ארץ",
"enTitle": "xx; On Good Manners",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "בענין דרך ארץ",
"enTitle": "On etiquette"
"heTitle": "א' דרך ארץ של תלמידי חכמים",
"enTitle": "i etiquette of Torah scholars"
"heTitle": "ב' דרך ארץ הראויה לזקנים",
"enTitle": "ii etiquette of elders"
"heTitle": "ג' דרך ארץ של אנשים",
"enTitle": "iii etiquette of men"
"heTitle": "ד' דרך ארץ של נשים",
"enTitle": "iv etiquette of women"
"heTitle": "ה' דרך ארץ בכלל ובפרט",
"enTitle": "v etiquette rules"
"heTitle": "דברים שהם מדרכי האמורי",
"enTitle": "Ways of the Amorite"
"heTitle": "דברים בדרך ארץ",
"enTitle": "More on etiquette"
"heTitle": "מקצת דברים מחופת אליהו רבה",
"enTitle": "Chupat Eliyahu Rabbah",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "פתיחה",
"enTitle": "Forward"
"heTitle": "שער שלשה",
"enTitle": "Gate of Three"
"heTitle": "שער ארבעה",
"enTitle": "Gate of Four"
"heTitle": "שער חמשה",
"enTitle": "Gate of Five"
"heTitle": "שער ששה",
"enTitle": "Gate of Six"
"heTitle": "שער שבעה",
"enTitle": "Gate of Seven"
"heTitle": "שער שמונה",
"enTitle": "Gate of Eight"
"heTitle": "שער תשעה",
"enTitle": "Gate of Nine"
"heTitle": "שער עשרה",
"enTitle": "Gate of Ten"
"heTitle": "שער אחד עשר",
"enTitle": "Gate of Eleven"
"heTitle": "שער שנים עשר",
"enTitle": "Gate of Twelve"
"heTitle": "שער שלשה עשר",
"enTitle": "Gate of Thirteen"
"heTitle": "שער ארבעה עשר",
"enTitle": "Gate of Fourteen"
"heTitle": "שער חמשה עשר",
"enTitle": "Gate of Fifteen"
"heTitle": "אור עולם",
"enTitle": "Ohr Olam"
"heTitle": "אור גדול",
"enTitle": "Ohr Gadol"
"heTitle": "גדול השלום",
"enTitle": "Great is the peace"
"heTitle": "הוספות",
"enTitle": "Addenda",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "א' תשובת הר\"ר מאיר בענין הזיווגים",
"enTitle": "i"
"heTitle": "ב' דברים שמנו חכמים במנין",
"enTitle": "ii"
"heTitle": "ג' מדרש לעולם",
"enTitle": "iii"