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"language": "en",
"title": "Mishnah Shabbat",
"versionSource": "",
"versionTitle": "Open Mishnah",
"status": "locked",
"license": "CC-BY-SA",
"versionTitleInHebrew": "משנה פתוחה",
"actualLanguage": "en",
"languageFamilyName": "english",
"isBaseText": false,
"isSource": false,
"direction": "ltr",
"heTitle": "משנה שבת",
"categories": [
"Seder Moed"
"text": [
"There are two [types of] transfers on Shabbat which amount to four inside, and two which amount to four outside. How so? [This is illustrated by] a poor person standing outside and a homeowner [standing] inside: [If] the poor person reaches his hand inside and puts [something] into the hand of the homeowner, or takes [something] from [the hand] and brings it outside, the poor person is liable and the homeowner is exempt. [If] the homeowner reaches his hand outside and puts [something] into the hand of the poor person, or takes [something] from [the hand] and brings it inside, the homeowner is liable and the poor person is exempt. [If] the poor person reaches his hand inside and the homeowner takes [something] from it, or puts [something] into it, and [the poor person] brings it outside, they are both exempt. [If] the homeowner reaches his hand outside and the poor person takes [something] from it, or puts [something] into it, and [the homeowner] brings it inside, they are both exempt.",
"A person should not sit down before the barber close to [the time of] <i>Minchah</i> [the afternoon prayer service] until he prays. Nor should he enter a bath-house, or a tannery, or [start] eating, or judging [in court]. But if [one did] began [such an activity], we do not interrupt him. We do interrupt for the recitation of <i>Shema</i>, but we do not interrupt for prayers.",
"The tailor may not go out with his needle close to nightfall [before Shabbat], lest he forget and go out [with it on Shabbat]; and neither [may] the scribe [go out] with his quill. One may not delouse his apparel, and may not read by lamp light [on Shabbat]. In truth they said: The instructor may check where the students are reading but he may not read. Similarly, a <i>Zav</i> [a man suffering from gonorrhea] may not eat with a <i>Zavah</i> [a woman with a menstrual-type flow occurring at a time other than her normal period] because familiarity leads to sin.",
"And these are some of the regulations enacted in the attic of Hananiah ben Chizkiyah ben Guryon when [the rabbis] went up to visit him. They called the roll and found that [members of] Beit Shammai outnumbered those of Beit Hillel and they decreed eighteen regulations on that day.",
"Beit Shammai say: One may not steep ink, dye, or vetches [fodder] in water [on Friday] unless there is sufficient time for them to dissolve while it is still day. But Beit Hillel permit it.",
"Beit Shammai say: One may not put bundles of flax into the oven [on Friday] unless they will be steamed during the day; nor wool into the vat unless it will absorb the color. But Beit Hillel permit it. Beit Shammai say: One may not spread traps for animals, birds or fish [on Friday] unless they will ensnare [their quarry] during the day. But Beit Hillel permit it.",
"Beit Shammai say: One should not sell [anything] to a non-Jew [on Friday], or help him load [an animal], or lift [a burden] onto himself, unless there is sufficient time for him to reach a neighboring place [before Shabbat]. But Beit Hillel permit it.",
"Beit Shammai say: One may not deliver hides to a non-Jewish tanner, or clothes to a non-Jewish launderer [on Friday], unless there is sufficient time for them to complete [the work before Shabbat]. Beit Hillel permit [one to act] in all of these [cases] as long as the sun [is shining].",
"Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel said: It was the custom in my father's house to deliver white garments to the non-Jewish launderer three days before Shabbat. [Both schools] agree that one may load the beams of the oil-press, and the cylinders on the wine-press [just before Shabbat].",
"One may not roast meat, onions, or eggs [on Friday] unless there is sufficient time for them to get roasted during the day [before Shabbat]. One may not put bread into the oven towards dusk [nightfall on Friday], nor cakes on the coals, unless there is sufficient time in the day for its surface to form a crust [before Shabbat]. Rabbi Eliezer says [unless there is sufficient time for] its bottom [surface] to form a crust.",
"One may lower the Passover offering into the oven towards dusk [on Friday]. And [the priests in the Temple] may kindle the fire in the hearth-room [on Friday], but outside [the Temple a fire may be lit] only if there is sufficient time for the fire to ignite the greater part of the wood. Rabbi Yehudah says: With regard to coals [it is acceptable] if any part of them becomes ignited [before Shabbat]."
"With what [wicks] may one light [Shabbat lamps], and with what [wicks] may one not light? One may not light with moss [that grows in] cedars, nor with uncombed flax, nor with raw silk, nor with willow bast, nor with desert fiber, nor with weeds [growing] on water. Nor [may one light] with pitch, nor with wax, nor with castor oil, nor oil set for burning [consecrated oil that has become impure], nor with [the fat from] sheeps' tails, nor with forbidden fat. Nachum HaMadi says: One may light with boiled forbidden fat; but the Sages say: One may not light with forbidden fat whether it's boiled or not boiled.",
"One may not light with oil set for burning on festivals. Rabbi Yishmael says: Out of respect for Shabbat, one may not light with tar, but the Sages permit all [of the following] oils: Sesame oil, nut oil, radish [seed] oil, fish oil, gourd [seed] oil, tar, and naphtha. Rabbi Tarfon says: One may only light olive oil.",
"Of tree products, one may light only with flax. Of tree products, only flax [fashioned into a] shelter can contract impurity [if it surrounds a corpse]. [If] a slip of cloth has been folded but not singed, Rabbi Eliezer says it is subject to impurity and one may not light with it. Rabbi Akiva says:It is not subject to impurity [literally: it is pure], and one may light with it.",
"One may not perforate an eggshell, and fill it with oil, and place it over the lamp, so that it [oil] drips [therein], even if it is [made] of earthenware, but Rabbi Yehudah permits it. But if the potter had originally joined it, it is permissible because it is one utensil. One may not fill a bowl [with] oil and place it beside the lamp, and put the end of the wick into it, so that it draws [the oil], but Rabbi Yehudah permits it.",
"[If] one extinguishes the lamp because he is afraid of non-Jews, of bandits, of an evil spirit, or that the sick may sleep, he is exempt; but [if his intention is] to preserve the lamp, to preserve the oil, or to preserve the wick, he is liable. Rabbi Yose exempts in all [these cases] except the [act preserving the wick], because he thereby creates a coal.",
"Women die in childbirth for three transgressions: If they are not careful with [the laws] of menstruation; and if they are not careful [to separate some] dough [when baking to give to the priest]; and if they are not careful with the lighting of the [Shabbat] lamp.",
"At dusk on the eve of shabbat, a man must make three statements: Have you separated the tithe? Have you prepared the <i>Eruv</i> [the halachic merging of separate domains by means of setting aside an amount of food in a designated place]? Light the lamps! If it is uncertain whether it is night [dark] or not, one may not tithe [produce that is] certainly untithed; and one may not immerse vessels [in a <i>Mikveh</i>]; and one may not light the lamps. One may [however] tithe <i>Demai</i> [produce from which it is uncertain whether tithes were already taken]; and one may prepare the <i>Eruv</i>, and one may cover [pots] of hot food [to retain their heat.]"
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