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20.7 kB
"title": "Machzor Rosh Hashanah Sefard",
"language": "en",
"versionTitle": "merged",
"versionSource": "",
"text": {
"Laws of Erev Rosh Hashanah": [],
"Annullment of Vows": [],
"Yesod HaTeshuva of Rabbeinu Yonah": [],
"Eiruv Chatzerot": [],
"Eiruv Tavshilin": [],
"Eiruv Techumin": [],
"Lighting the Candles": [],
"Mincha for Erev Rosh Hashanah": {
"Korbanot": [],
"Ashrei": [],
"Amidah": [],
"Aleinu": []
"Maariv": {
"Achot Ketannah": [],
"Kabbalat Shabbat": [],
"Barechu": [],
"Amidah": [],
"Vayechulu": [],
"Aleinu": []
"Kiddush": [],
"Rosh Hashanah Customs": [],
"The Morning Prayers": {
"Upon Arising in the Morning": [],
"Putting On the Tallit": [],
"Blessings Upon Arising": [],
"Akeidah": [],
"Korbanot": [],
"Ketoret": [],
"Kaddish d'Rabanan": [],
"Hodu": [],
"Baruch She'amar": [],
"Pesukei Dezimrah": [],
"Shirat Hayam": [],
"Nishmat": [],
"First Day of Rosh Hashana": {
"The King": [],
"Blessings of the Shema": [],
"Recitation of Shema": [],
"Amidah": [],
"Reader's Repetition": [],
"Song of the Day": []
"Second Day of Rosh Hashana": {
"The King": [],
"Blessings of the Shema": [],
"Recitation of Shema": [],
"Amidah": [],
"Reader's Repetition": [],
"Song of the Day": []
"Reading of the Torah": {
"Va'yehi Binsoa": [],
"Reading of the Torah for the First Day": [],
"Reading of the Torah for the Second Day": [],
"Maftir Reading": [],
"Mi Sheberach": [],
"Haftarah for the First Day of Rosh Hashana": [],
"Haftarah for the Second Day of Rosh Hashana": [],
"Blessings for the Haftarah": [],
"Yekum Purkan": []
"Sounding of the Shofar": {
"Laws of Circumcision on Rosh Hashanah": [],
"Laws of Shofar": [],
"Order of the Shofar Sounds": [],
"Kavanot for Shofar": [],
"Rav Saadiah Gaon's Ten Reasons for Shofar Sounding": [],
"Zohar Recitation Prior to Shofar": [],
"Blessings and Sounding of the Shofar": []
"Musaf": {
"Laws of Musaf": [],
"Hineni": [],
"First Day of Rosh Hashana": {
"Amidah": [
" 讜职注址诇 讛址诪旨职讚执讬谞讜止转 讘旨讜止 讬值讗指诪值专 讗值讬讝讜止 诇址讞侄专侄讘, 讜职讗值讬讝讜止 诇址砖旨讈指诇讜止诐, 讗值讬讝讜止 诇指专指注指讘, 讜职讗值讬讝讜止 诇指砖旨讉讘址注, 讜旨讘职专执讬旨讜止转 讘旨讜止 讬执驻旨指拽值讚讜旨 诇职讛址讝职讻旨执讬专指诐 诇职讞址讬旨执讬诐 讜职诇址诪旨指讜侄转.",
"You were revealed in Your cloud of glory, to Your holy people, to speak to them. From the heavens, You let them hear Your voice, and revealed Yourself to them in pure clouds. So too, the entire world quivered before You, and the works of creation trembled before You, when You, our King revealed Yourself upon Mount Sinai to teach Your people Torah and mitzvos. You let them hear the majestic splendor of Your voice, and Your holy words from flames of fire; amidst thunder and lightning You revealed Yourself to them, and with the sound of a shofar, You appeared to them. And it is said: All the people witnessed the thunder and lightning, the blare of the horn and the mountain smoking. (Exodus 20:15)"
"Reader's Repetition": []
"Second Day of Rosh Hashana": {
"Amidah": [],
"Reader's Repetition": []
"Kaveh": [],
"Aleinu": [],
"Hymn of Glory": [],
"Mourner's Kaddish": []
"Laws of Rosh Hashanah Day": [],
"Mincha": {
"Korbanot": [],
"Reading of the Torah for Shabbat": [],
"Amidah": [],
"Avinu Malkenu": [],
"Aleinu": []
"Tashlich": []
"versions": [
"Sefaria Community Translation",
"heTitle": "诪讞讝讜专 专讗砖 讛砖谞讛 住驻专讚",
"categories": [
"High Holidays"
"schema": {
"heTitle": "诪讞讝讜专 专讗砖 讛砖谞讛 住驻专讚",
"enTitle": "Machzor Rosh Hashanah Sefard",
"key": "Machzor Rosh Hashanah Sefard",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "讚讬谞讬 注专讘 专讗砖 讛砖谞讛",
"enTitle": "Laws of Erev Rosh Hashanah"
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛转专转 谞讚专讬诐",
"enTitle": "Annullment of Vows"
"heTitle": "讬住讜讚 讛转砖讜讘讛 诇讛讞住讬讚 专讘谞讜 讬讜谞讛",
"enTitle": "Yesod HaTeshuva of Rabbeinu Yonah"
"heTitle": "住讚专 注讬专讜讘讬 讞爪专讜转",
"enTitle": "Eiruv Chatzerot"
"heTitle": "住讚专 注讬专讜讘 转讘砖讬诇讬谉",
"enTitle": "Eiruv Tavshilin"
"heTitle": "住讚专 注讬专讜讘讬 转讞讜诪讬谉",
"enTitle": "Eiruv Techumin"
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛讚诇拽转 谞专讜转",
"enTitle": "Lighting the Candles"
"heTitle": "诪谞讞讛 诇注专讘 专讗砖 讛砖谞讛",
"enTitle": "Mincha for Erev Rosh Hashanah",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "拽专讘谞讜转",
"enTitle": "Korbanot"
"heTitle": "讗砖专讬",
"enTitle": "Ashrei"
"heTitle": "注诪讬讚讛",
"enTitle": "Amidah"
"heTitle": "注诇讬谞讜",
"enTitle": "Aleinu"
"heTitle": "转驻诇转 注专讘讬转",
"enTitle": "Maariv",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "讗讞讜转 拽讟谞讛",
"enTitle": "Achot Ketannah"
"heTitle": "住讚专 拽讘诇转 砖讘转",
"enTitle": "Kabbalat Shabbat"
"heTitle": "讘专讻讜",
"enTitle": "Barechu"
"heTitle": "注诪讬讚讛",
"enTitle": "Amidah"
"heTitle": "讜讬讻讜诇讜",
"enTitle": "Vayechulu"
"heTitle": "注诇讬谞讜",
"enTitle": "Aleinu"
"heTitle": "拽讬讚讜砖 诇专讗砖 讛砖谞讛",
"enTitle": "Kiddush"
"heTitle": "诪谞讛讙讬 诇讬诇 专讗砖 讛砖谞讛",
"enTitle": "Rosh Hashanah Customs"
"heTitle": "转驻诇转 砖讞专讬转",
"enTitle": "The Morning Prayers",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛砖讻诪转 讛讘讜拽专",
"enTitle": "Upon Arising in the Morning"
"heTitle": "住讚专 注讟讬驻转 讛讟诇讬转",
"enTitle": "Putting On the Tallit"
"heTitle": "讘专讻讜转 讛砖讞专",
"enTitle": "Blessings Upon Arising"
"heTitle": "注拽讬讚讛",
"enTitle": "Akeidah"
"heTitle": "拽专讘谞讜转",
"enTitle": "Korbanot"
"heTitle": "拽讟讜专转",
"enTitle": "Ketoret"
"heTitle": "拽讚讬砖 讚专讘谞谉",
"enTitle": "Kaddish d'Rabanan"
"heTitle": "讛讜讚讜",
"enTitle": "Hodu"
"heTitle": "讘专讜讱 砖讗诪专",
"enTitle": "Baruch She'amar"
"heTitle": "驻住讜拽讬 讚讝诪专讛",
"enTitle": "Pesukei Dezimrah"
"heTitle": "砖讬专转 讛讬诐",
"enTitle": "Shirat Hayam"
"heTitle": "谞砖诪转",
"enTitle": "Nishmat"
"heTitle": "诇讬讜诐 专讗砖讜谉 砖诇 专讗砖 讛砖谞讛",
"enTitle": "First Day of Rosh Hashana",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "讛诪诇讱",
"enTitle": "The King"
"heTitle": "讘专讻讜转 拽专讬讗转 砖诪注",
"enTitle": "Blessings of the Shema"
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗转 砖诪注",
"enTitle": "Recitation of Shema"
"heTitle": "注诪讬讚讛",
"enTitle": "Amidah"
"heTitle": "讞讝专转 讛砖\"抓",
"enTitle": "Reader's Repetition"
"heTitle": "砖讬专 砖诇 讬讜诐",
"enTitle": "Song of the Day"
"heTitle": "诇讬讜诐 砖谞讬 砖诇 专讗砖 讛砖谞讛",
"enTitle": "Second Day of Rosh Hashana",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "讛诪诇讱",
"enTitle": "The King"
"heTitle": "讘专讻讜转 拽专讬讗转 砖诪注",
"enTitle": "Blessings of the Shema"
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗转 砖诪注",
"enTitle": "Recitation of Shema"
"heTitle": "注诪讬讚讛",
"enTitle": "Amidah"
"heTitle": "讞讝专转 讛砖\"抓",
"enTitle": "Reader's Repetition"
"heTitle": "砖讬专 砖诇 讬讜诐",
"enTitle": "Song of the Day"
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗转 讛转讜专讛",
"enTitle": "Reading of the Torah",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛讜爪讗转 住驻专 转讜专讛",
"enTitle": "Va'yehi Binsoa"
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗讛 诇讬讜诐 专讗砖讜谉 砖诇 专讗砖 讛砖谞讛",
"enTitle": "Reading of the Torah for the First Day"
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗讛 诇讬讜诐 砖谞讬 砖诇 专讗砖 讛砖谞讛",
"enTitle": "Reading of the Torah for the Second Day"
"heTitle": "诪驻讟讬专",
"enTitle": "Maftir Reading"
"heTitle": "诪讬 砖讘专讱",
"enTitle": "Mi Sheberach"
"heTitle": "讛驻讟专讛 诇讬讜诐 专讗砖讜谉 砖诇 专讗砖 讛砖谞讛",
"enTitle": "Haftarah for the First Day of Rosh Hashana"
"heTitle": "讛驻讟专讛 诇讬讜诐 砖谞讬 砖诇 专讗砖 讛砖谞讛",
"enTitle": "Haftarah for the Second Day of Rosh Hashana"
"heTitle": "讘专讻讜转 诇讗讞专 讛讛驻讟专讛",
"enTitle": "Blessings for the Haftarah"
"heTitle": "讬拽讜诐 驻讜专拽谉",
"enTitle": "Yekum Purkan"
"heTitle": "转拽讬注转 砖讜驻专",
"enTitle": "Sounding of the Shofar",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "讚讬谞讬 诪讬诇讛 讘专讗砖 讛砖谞讛",
"enTitle": "Laws of Circumcision on Rosh Hashanah"
"heTitle": "讚讬谞讬 转拽讬注转 砖讜驻专",
"enTitle": "Laws of Shofar"
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛转拽讬注讜转",
"enTitle": "Order of the Shofar Sounds"
"heTitle": "诪讜住专 讜讻讜讜谞讜转 驻砖讜讟讜转 诇驻谞讬 转拽讬注转 砖讜驻专",
"enTitle": "Kavanot for Shofar"
"heTitle": "注砖专讛 讟注诪讬诐 注诇 转拽讬注转 砖讜驻专 诪专讘讬谞讜 住注讚讬讛 讙讗讜谉",
"enTitle": "Rav Saadiah Gaon's Ten Reasons for Shofar Sounding"
"heTitle": "诪讗诪专讬 讛讝讜讛专 拽讜讚诐 讛转拽讬注讜转",
"enTitle": "Zohar Recitation Prior to Shofar"
"heTitle": "住讚专 转拽讬注转 砖讜驻专",
"enTitle": "Blessings and Sounding of the Shofar"
"heTitle": "转驻诇转 诪讜住祝",
"enTitle": "Musaf",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "讚讬谞讬 转驻讬诇转 诪讜住祝",
"enTitle": "Laws of Musaf"
"heTitle": "讛谞谞讬",
"enTitle": "Hineni"
"heTitle": "诇讬讜诐 专讗砖讜谉 砖诇 专讗砖 讛砖谞讛",
"enTitle": "First Day of Rosh Hashana",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "注诪讬讚讛",
"enTitle": "Amidah"
"heTitle": "讞讝专转 讛砖\"抓",
"enTitle": "Reader's Repetition"
"heTitle": "诇讬讜诐 砖谞讬 砖诇 专讗砖 讛砖谞讛",
"enTitle": "Second Day of Rosh Hashana",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "注诪讬讚讛",
"enTitle": "Amidah"
"heTitle": "讞讝专转 讛砖\"抓",
"enTitle": "Reader's Repetition"
"heTitle": "拽讜讛",
"enTitle": "Kaveh"
"heTitle": "注诇讬谞讜",
"enTitle": "Aleinu"
"heTitle": "砖讬专 讛讻讘讜讚",
"enTitle": "Hymn of Glory"
"heTitle": "拽讚讬砖 讬转讜诐",
"enTitle": "Mourner's Kaddish"
"heTitle": "讚讬谞讬诐 讜诪谞讛讙讬诐 诇讬讜诐 专讗砖 讛砖谞讛",
"enTitle": "Laws of Rosh Hashanah Day"
"heTitle": "诪谞讞讛 诇专讗砖 讛砖谞讛",
"enTitle": "Mincha",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "拽专讘谞讜转",
"enTitle": "Korbanot"
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗讛 诇诪谞讞讛 讘专讗砖 讛砖谞讛 砖讞诇 讘砖讘转",
"enTitle": "Reading of the Torah for Shabbat"
"heTitle": "注诪讬讚讛",
"enTitle": "Amidah"
"heTitle": "讗讘讬谞讜 诪诇讻谞讜",
"enTitle": "Avinu Malkenu"
"heTitle": "注诇讬谞讜",
"enTitle": "Aleinu"
"heTitle": "住讚专 转砖诇讬讱",
"enTitle": "Tashlich"