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This model has been pushed to the Hub using the PytorchModelHubMixin integration:

  • Library: [More Information Needed]
  • Docs: [More Information Needed]

About the project

This is a decoder of image captioning model. The image will be first preprocessed and resized to (224, 224) and then passed to ViT_b_32(with no classification layer), and then this will output (N, 768). Then this will be repeated 32(max_length) times and will be passed to K, V to CrossMultiHeadAttention block in decoder. This model was trained with Microsoft COCO2017 dataset and acheived 0.54 of masked_accuracy on validation set.

Sample Code

To use this model, first you need to download ViT_b_32 which will be used as encoder and download decoder from this repo.

Downloads last month
Model size
44.3M params
Tensor type