model checkpoint has different layer shape with the model

by bruce-cdx - opened
- transformer.layers.26.mlp.dense_4h_to_h.weight: found shape torch.Size([4096, 8192]) in the checkpoint and torch.Size([4096, 16384]) in the model instantiated
- transformer.layers.27.attention.query_key_value.weight: found shape torch.Size([12288, 2048]) in the checkpoint and torch.Size([12288, 4096]) in the model instantiated
- transformer.layers.27.attention.dense.weight: found shape torch.Size([4096, 2048]) in the checkpoint and torch.Size([4096, 4096]) in the model instantiated
- transformer.layers.27.mlp.dense_h_to_4h.weight: found shape torch.Size([16384, 2048]) in the checkpoint and torch.Size([16384, 4096]) in the model instantiated
- transformer.layers.27.mlp.dense_4h_to_h.weight: found shape torch.Size([4096, 8192]) in the checkpoint and torch.Size([4096, 16384]) in the model instantiated
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.
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I got this log after I launch the Is it as expected to happen?

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