Endless Spaces

by vacanickel - opened

Used it with ollama, did the right template, it does generate endless spaces and lines after an answer and doesn't stop

Yes. Didn't happen with the original model, but with the GGUF (I used KoboldCCP) version. Didn't tested GPTQ and AWQ.

Our bad, we had a config issue that caused this. Was fixed in the meantime (and I verified that gguf quants are fine now), see here : https://huggingface.co/DiscoResearch/DiscoLM_German_7b_v1/commit/560f972f9f735fc9289584b3aa8d75d0e539c44e .

Already pinged @TheBloke and asked if he can redo affected quants - huge sorry for this oversight on our side!

Works now like a charm! :) Thanks for the fix!

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