Is it true that superhot is useless now and any ggml model can do 8k context?

by rombodawg - opened

This was a conversation between me and some other people in the koboldcpp discord

me: but do you know if this works the same in oobagooba? the no need for superhot for 8k deal?
discord guy: ya I saw it's the same, change n_ctx to 4096 or 8192
some ppl say 8K ctx turns them dumb for some reason LOL
regardless of kcpp or other webui

So is it true? Do you not even need super hot? Can you run any ggml model in 8k? And can you run GPTQ models, Fp16 models in 8k without superhot also? Let me know if you have any idea how any of this works because im clueless lol

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