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license: apache-2.0

Update Information

On April 8, 2024, we uploaded a new model with improved multilingual support below:


This is a translation model utilizing the high Japanese proficiency of Swallow-MS-7b, primarily focused on English-Japanese and Japanese-English translation.

The model, tokyotech-llm/Swallow-MS-7b-v0.1, has been fine-tuned with an 8K context and is mainly aimed at translating relatively long texts ranging from 100 to several thousand tokens.

While its core strength lies in English-Japanese and Japanese-English translation, it also partially supports translation in multiple other languages.
(Multilingual translation features and long context translation become unstable when quantized.)


An XML-like instruction template has been adopted.



英日翻訳メインに、8K contextでファインチューニングしています
100 token〜数千tokenまでの比較的長文の翻訳を主目的としています



XML likeなinstructionフォーマットを採用しました

  • 利点
    • Instructionのtoken消費少ない
    • モデルの指示理解がよい
  • 欠点
    • タグ付きテキスト処理に弱い


Prompt format:English to Japanese

<english>: {} </english>

<japanese>: {} </japanese>

Prompt format:Japanese to English

<japanese>: {} </japanese>

<english>: {} </english>


import torch
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, TextStreamer

model_name = "aixsatoshi/Honyaku-Multi-Translator-Swallow-ms7b"
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)

# Define the streamer
streamer = TextStreamer(tokenizer)

# Define the English prompt
english_prompt = """
In an era marked by rapid globalization, the intricate interplay between international law, economic policies, and political dynamics has become increasingly complex. 
Legal frameworks, once confined within national borders, now stretch across continents, necessitating a nuanced understanding of transnational legislation and treaties. 
As multinational corporations navigate the labyrinthine maze of global markets, economic theories that underpin currency fluctuations, trade imbalances, and fiscal policies are more pertinent than ever. 
Central to these economic considerations is the concept of market equilibrium, a delicate balance affected by myriad factors including consumer behavior, governmental regulations, and global crises.
Politically, the landscape is equally labyrinthine. Ideological shifts and the resurgence of nationalism have reshaped diplomatic relations, with international agreements and alliances being tested under the strain of geopolitical tensions. 
The role of supranational entities like the United Nations and the European Union in mediating these conflicts is of paramount importance, as is the need for diplomatic finesse in an increasingly multipolar world. 
Furthermore, the intersection of politics and economics is evident in the debate over economic sanctions and their efficacy in swaying political decisions.
In this context, understanding the subtleties of rhetoric used in political discourse, and how it interweaves with legal jargon and economic terminology, is crucial. 
For instance, the rhetoric surrounding fiscal austerity measures often intertwines with legal discourse on budgetary legislation and economic debates on inflation control. 
Similarly, discussions on constitutional amendments are frequently laden with political undertones, reflecting broader societal issues and ideological divides.
This convergence of legal, economic, and political vernacular presents a unique challenge for machine translation systems, demanding not only linguistic accuracy but also a deep comprehension of the nuanced interplay of these disciplines.

# Prepare the prompt for English to Japanese translation
prompt = f"<english>: {english_prompt} </english>\n\n<japanese>:"

# Tokenize the input text and move to CUDA device
inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda")

# Generate the output using the model and streamer
output = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=4096, do_sample=True, top_k=20, top_p=0.95, streamer=streamer)

Multi Language

TAG work in English-to-Japanese
Other functional Tags
Czech :

Not so good ,mostly unstable
ελληνική γλώσσα:
Tiếng Việt:

Almost not working


<english>:In an era marked by rapid globalization, the intricate interplay between international law, economic policies, and political dynamics has become increasingly complex. Legal frameworks, once confined within national borders, now stretch across continents, necessitating a nuanced understanding of transnational legislation and treaties. As multinational corporations navigate the labyrinthine maze of global markets, economic theories that underpin currency fluctuations, trade imbalances, and fiscal policies are more pertinent than ever. Central to these economic considerations is the concept of market equilibrium, a delicate balance affected by myriad factors including consumer behavior, governmental regulations, and global crises.

Politically, the landscape is equally labyrinthine. Ideological shifts and the resurgence of nationalism have reshaped diplomatic relations, with international agreements and alliances being tested under the strain of geopolitical tensions. The role of supranational entities like the United Nations and the European Union in mediating these conflicts is of paramount importance, as is the need for diplomatic finesse in an increasingly multipolar world. Furthermore, the intersection of politics and economics is evident in the debate over economic sanctions and their efficacy in swaying political decisions.

In this context, understanding the subtleties of rhetoric used in political discourse, and how it interweaves with legal jargon and economic terminology, is crucial. For instance, the rhetoric surrounding fiscal austerity measures often intertwines with legal discourse on budgetary legislation and economic debates on inflation control. Similarly, discussions on constitutional amendments are frequently laden with political undertones, reflecting broader societal issues and ideological divides. This convergence of legal, economic, and political vernacular presents a unique challenge for machine translation systems, demanding not only linguistic accuracy but also a deep comprehension of the nuanced interplay of these disciplines. </english>





<french>:L’ère marquée par le rapide processus de mondialisation se caractérise par un jeu subtil entre la loi internationale, les politiques économiques et les dynamiques politiques qui sont plus complexes que jamais. Les législations nationales désormais s’étendent sur des continents nécessitant une compréhension fine des réglementations transnationaux et des traités internationaux. Dans le contexte des multinationaux qui naviguent dans le labyrinthe du marché mondial, les théories économiques fondées sur les fluctuations monétaires, les équilibres commerciaux et les politiques fiscales sont plus pertinent qu'ever. À leur centre, la notion d’équilibre du marché, affecté par un nombre sans cesse croissant de facteurs, notamment le comportement des consommateurs, les réglementations gouvernementales et les crises mondiales, est centrale.

Politiquement, la paysage est aussi labyrinthique. L’évolution des idées et du renouveau du nationalisme ont modifié les relations diplomatiques, où les accords internationaux et les alliances sont testées sous le poids de tensions géopolitiques. Le rôle des entités supra-nationales telles que l’Organisation des Nations Unies ou de l’Union européenne pour médier ces conflits est de premier plan, comme aussi bien la délicate diplomatie dans un monde devenu plus multipolaire. De plus, les liens de politique avec l’économie sont évidents lorsque la question de l’efficacité des mesures de blocade économique et de leurs impacts sur les décisions politiques est abordée.

Dans ce contexte, comprendre les subtilités du langage utilisé dans le discours politique ainsi que comment il se intègre aux termes juridiques et économiques est essentiel. Par exemple, le langage autour des mesures budgétaires de rigueur se mêle souvent à la discours législatif sur les lois budgétaires et au débat économique sur la lutte contre l’inflation. De même, les discussions sur les amendements constitutionnels sont souvent chargées de tonalité politique, reflétant des problèmes sociétaux plus larges et des divisions idéologiques. Cette convergence de langages juridiques, économiques et politiques présente un défaut unique pour les systèmes de traduction machines, demandant non seulement la précision linguistique mais également une profonde compréhension de cette interactivité des disciplines. </french>

<spanish>:La era de la globalización rápida ha marcado un cambio complejo en el interplay entre el derecho internacional, políticas económicas y dinámica política. Los marcos legales, una vez contenederos dentro de los límites nacionales, se extienden a través de continent, lo que necesita una comprensión minuciosa de las leyes transnacionales y tratados. En un mundo de empresas multinacionales, la economía está más relevante que nunca, ya que las teorías económicas subyacentes al cambio monetario, desequilibrios comerciales y políticas fiscales son más pertinentes que nunca. A estos aspectos económicos centrales es la idea del equilibrio del mercado, un equilibrio precuoque influenciado por factores tan variados como el comportamiento de los consumidores, reglamentaciones gubernamentales y crisis globales.

Políticamente, la escenografía es igualmente complicada. El cambio de paradigma ideológico y la reactivización del nacionalismo han alterado relaciones diplomáticas internacionales, sometidas al cernido de tensiones geopolíticas. La mediación de estos conflictos por entidades supranacionales como las Naciones Unidas o la Unión Europea es fundamental, así como la necesidad de diplomacia sutil en un mundo cada vez más multipolar. Además, la intersección de política y economía está evidenciada en el debate sobre las sanciones económicas y sus capacidades para dirigir decisiones políticas.

En este contexto, comprender las subtiles de oratoria utilizadas en el discurso político y cómo se interrelaciona con el vocabulario jurídico y el terminología económica es crítico. Por ejemplo, el oratorio sobre medidas fiscales austera les intertwine con el discurso sobre legislación presupuestaria y dilectas sobre inflación controlada. De manera similar, las discusiones sobre modificaciones constitucionales están frecuentemente cargadas de tintes políticas, reflejando problemáticas sociales más amplias y división ideológica. Esta convergencia de vocabularios jurídico, económico y político presenta un desafío único para sistemas de traducción automatizada, demandiendo no solo lingüística exactitud, pero también profunda comprensión de los subtelos de interacción de estas disciplinas. </span>

<Indonesian>:Era yang dikarakterkan oleh kecepatan globalisasi pembandingan antara negara berlatih, hubungan antara hukum internasional, ekonomi dan politika dinamis menjadi semakin kompleks. Hukuman-hukuman yang sebelumnya terbatas dalam batas nasional saat ini menyajikan hingga kontinen, memerlukan pengecahahan yang diperluaskan tentang peraturan dan persuatan internasional. Pusat usaha multi nasional navigasi kasih meandrean pasar global, teori ekonomi yang berdasarkannya untuk mata angka, imbalance dagangan, dan polisi fiskal lebih penting akhirnya. Tentang ekonomi ini senter ke konsep keadaan rata-rata pasar, diwakilkan oleh berbagai faktor termasuk gerakan pelaku, regulasi negara dan krisis global.

Hidup politik, landskap juga penuh meanderean. Perubahan ideologi dan resurekta Nasionalisme adalah peningkatan hubungan diplomatik, dimana perjanji antar negara dan aliansi internasional di ujuk oleh tegakan geopolitik. Mediasi konflik ini oleh entitas supra nasional seperti PBB dan EUB yang melakukanya penting besar, sama sekali diperlukan kekerjaan kerjasama diplomatika dalam dunia yang semakin polarisasi. Selain itu, masalah politik dan ekonomi disajikan dalam debat mengenai ekonomsan dan kesaktinan ekonomsan dalam menghantarkan keputusan politik.

Dalam context ini, memahami subtilitas bahasa yang digunakan dalam diskursi politik, dan bagaimana ia weave dengan jurileg dan bahasa ekonomi, sangat penting. Misalnya, bahasa yang digunakan kerasa yang bersifat budgetari kerap weave dengan bahasa legalkritik budget dan ekonomi dalam mencoba memelihar konsensus inflasi. Sama sekala, percakapan amandemen constitutions sering diberimbau dengan temuan politis, mereflecting kesulitan umum dan ideologi pemisahan. Konvergensi bahasa hukum, ekonomi, dan politik membuat sistem mesin translater paling unik, membutuhkan tidak hanya lingkungan lingual baik tetapi penuh pemahaman nuansa interaksi antara kedua-dua ilmu ini. </indonesian>


4000 token以上では、読み飛ばし等の性能低下が目立ちます

In short sentences or very long texts, the model may experience unstable stop token behavior and duplicate translations. When translating texts longer than 4000 tokens, performance degradation, such as skipping content, becomes evident. The model is also more likely to produce hallucinations when encountering concepts it does not understand. Please use the output at your own risk.


For the support of multiple languages, there are areas where accuracy has been compromised. We will continue to train more accurate models.
