SPIGA: Shape Preserving Facial Landmarks with Graph Attention Networks.
This repository contains the models weights of SPIGA, a face alignment and headpose estimator that takes advantage of the complementary benefits from CNN and GNN architectures producing plausible face shapes in presence of strong appearance changes.
The repository is available on github
WFLW Dataset
NME_ioc |
AUC_10 |
FR_10 |
NME_P90 |
NME_P95 |
NME_P99 |
full |
4.060 |
60.558 |
2.080 |
6.766 |
8.199 |
13.071 |
pose |
7.141 |
35.312 |
11.656 |
10.684 |
13.334 |
26.890 |
expression |
4.457 |
57.968 |
2.229 |
7.023 |
8.148 |
22.388 |
illumination |
4.004 |
61.311 |
1.576 |
6.528 |
7.919 |
11.090 |
makeup |
3.809 |
62.237 |
1.456 |
6.320 |
8.289 |
11.564 |
occlusion |
4.952 |
53.310 |
4.484 |
8.091 |
9.929 |
16.439 |
blur |
4.650 |
55.310 |
2.199 |
7.311 |
8.693 |
14.421 |
NME_bbox |
AUC_7 |
FR_7 |
NME_P90 |
NME_P95 |
NME_P99 |
full |
1.509 |
78.474 |
0.052 |
2.163 |
2.468 |
3.456 |
frontal |
1.616 |
76.964 |
0.091 |
2.246 |
2.572 |
3.621 |
half_profile |
1.683 |
75.966 |
0.000 |
2.274 |
2.547 |
3.397 |
profile |
1.191 |
82.990 |
0.000 |
1.735 |
2.042 |
2.878 |
300W Private Dataset
NME_bbox |
AUC_7 |
FR_7 |
NME_P90 |
NME_P95 |
NME_P99 |
full |
2.031 |
71.011 |
0.167 |
2.788 |
3.078 |
3.838 |
indoor |
2.035 |
70.959 |
0.333 |
2.726 |
3.007 |
3.712 |
outdoor |
2.027 |
37.174 |
0.000 |
2.824 |
3.217 |
3.838 |
COFW68 Dataset
NME_bbox |
AUC_7 |
FR_7 |
NME_P90 |
NME_P95 |
NME_P99 |
full |
2.517 |
64.050 |
0.000 |
3.439 |
4.066 |
5.558 |
300W Public Dataset
NME_ioc |
AUC_8 |
FR_8 |
NME_P90 |
NME_P95 |
NME_P99 |
full |
2.994 |
62.726 |
0.726 |
4.667 |
5.436 |
7.320 |
common |
2.587 |
44.201 |
0.000 |
3.710 |
4.083 |
5.215 |
challenge |
4.662 |
42.449 |
3.704 |
6.626 |
7.390 |
10.095 |
BibTeX Citation
author = {Andrés Prados-Torreblanca and José M Buenaposada and Luis Baumela},
title = {Shape Preserving Facial Landmarks with Graph Attention Networks},
booktitle = {33rd British Machine Vision Conference 2022, {BMVC} 2022, London, UK, November 21-24, 2022},
publisher = {{BMVA} Press},
year = {2022},
url = {https://bmvc2022.mpi-inf.mpg.de/0155.pdf}