language: id
license: apache-2.0
- icefall
- sherpa-ncnn
- phoneme-recognition
- automatic-speech-recognition
- mozilla-foundation/common_voice_13_0
- indonesian-nlp/librivox-indonesia
- google/fleurs
Sherpa-ncnn Pruned Stateless Zipformer RNN-T Streaming ID
Sherpa-ncnn Pruned Stateless Zipformer RNN-T Streaming ID is an automatic speech recognition model trained on the following datasets:
Instead of being trained to predict sequences of words, this model was trained to predict sequence of phonemes, e.g. ['p', 'ə', 'r', 'b', 'u', 'a', 't', 'a', 'n', 'ɲ', 'a']
. Therefore, the model's vocabulary contains the different IPA phonemes found in g2p ID.
This model was converted from the TorchScript version of Pruned Stateless Zipformer RNN-T Streaming ID to ncnn format.
Converting from TorchScript
Refer to the official instructions for conversion to ncnn, which includes installation of csukuangfj
's ncnn fork.