Training Question

by Nexyboye - opened


I want to train the model on a collection of midi files. Some hints on how to do it? Sadly I couldn't find anything about it on the web.


I want to train the model on a collection of midi files. Some hints on how to do it? Sadly I couldn't find anything about it on the web.

i wrote code that mass converts it on a website that converts midi to musenet enocders and stores the in database. so like this, midi files -> use website to convert to musenet enocders and store in db -> json -> cleaned json -> csv -> cleaned csv -> upload dataset

here is the code to convert it on the site.
and you will need to download this and host it locally
and then you will need this to make a list of the midi files in your dataset

make a list of your midi files and put it in a txt -> then host the site -> then run this code on the hosted site in the dev consle -> download the db in a json file from your browser -> then clean any blank rows from the json file aka the db -> then convert it to csv -> then clean the csv -> upload csv -> train model like normal llm using transfomers or whatever you use to train models with

Thank you for the detailed explanation, it is a very good starting point! This is gonna be my project for this week. :)

Thank you for the detailed explanation, it is a very good starting point! This is gonna be my project for this week. :)

np, you are going to need a lot of ram for running the code in the dev console
around 32GB is good i think

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