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BRIA 2.0 Model Card

Trained exclusively on the largest multi-source commercial-grade licensed dataset, BRIA 2.0 guarantees best quality while safe for commercial use. BRIA's models were trained from scratch exclusively on licensed data from our esteemed data partners, including Getty Images, Alamy (part of PA Media Group), Envato, boutique niche agencies, independent photographers and artists. BRIA 2.0 is safe for commercial use and provides full legal liability coverage for copyright and privacy infrigement and harmful content mitigation. In addition, having been trained on commercial-grade data, BRIA models set new standards of safety, diversity, equity and inclusion. Our dataset does not represent copyrighted materials, such as fictional characters, logos or trademarks, public figures, harmful content or privacy infringing content. Generation of these concepts using our models is impractical.


Model Description

  • Developed by: BRIA AI

  • Model type: Latent diffusion text-to-image model

  • License: bria-2.0

  • Model Description: BRIA 2.0 is a text-to-image model trained exclusively on a professional-grade, licensed dataset. It is designed for commercial use and includes full legal liability coverage.

  • Resources for more information: BRIA AI

Get Access

BRIA 2.0 is available under the BRIA 2.0 License Agreement, allowing commercial usage with an attribution model that supports our data contributors. To access the model, please contact us. By submitting this form, you agree to BRIA’s Privacy policy and Terms & conditions.

Code example using Diffusers

pip install diffusers
from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline
import torch

pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("briaai/BRIA-2.0", torch_dtype=torch.float16, use_safetensors=True)

prompt = "A portrait of a Beautiful and playful ethereal singer, golden designs, highly detailed, blurry background"
negative_prompt = "Logo,Watermark,Text,Ugly,Morbid,Extra fingers,Poorly drawn hands,Mutation,Blurry,Extra limbs,Gross proportions,Missing arms,Mutated hands,Long neck,Duplicate,Mutilated,Mutilated hands,Poorly drawn face,Deformed,Bad anatomy,Cloned face,Malformed limbs,Missing legs,Too many fingers"

images = pipe(prompt=prompt, negative_prompt=negative_prompt, height=1024, width=1024).images[0]
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