All numbers are converted to Chinese numerals.

by cookiexND - opened

Since all numbers are converted to Chinese numerals, they are difficult to read and impractical.

clu-ling org

@cookiexND , unfortunately our lab has no plans to publish an updated version of this model, since we're no longer using it in any applications.

If you're interested in fine-tuning a model that represents numerals as you desire, I would suggest modifying the transcripts for Common Voice v18 ( to account for your desired output (see for a sample). You'll probably want to take care that you have sufficient examples where digits should not be converted to Arabic numerals (ex. 伊丹 十三 → 伊丹 十三 vs. 三種類 → 3種類 ). To ensure that sort of coverage, you may need to record additional data to supplement Common Voice.

An alternative would be to post-process your output using something like (you could also fine-tune a seq2seq transformer or a generative LLM to accomplish this).

Thank you for your kind reply. Understood.

cookiexND changed discussion status to closed

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