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中文 | English


這是一個繁體中文命名實體識別 (NER) 模型,可用於提取商品名稱中的各種屬性,例如品牌、名稱、顏色等。

關於如何使用模型,請參考 Product-Name-NER-for-EE5327701

關於各種屬性的標註規則,以及模型在各個屬性的 F1-score,請參考下表:

編號 標籤屬性 說明 F1-score
1 品牌 商品品牌名稱,如 華碩、LG 0.8770
2 名稱 商品中所有的“產品系列”,以及商人為了特殊目的所特別額外創造出的商品名稱,不包含特殊主題或是產品類型,不含廣告詞。如 iPhone 12、ROG 3060Ti 0.5941
3 產品 實際產品名稱(類型)。如 電腦、滑鼠、鍵盤、螢幕、玩具、餅乾、衛生紙 0.8001
4 產品序號 商品序號,該產品所擁有的唯一數字字母組合序號,不含系列名。 0.8443
5 顏色 顏色資訊,包含化妝品以及明亮色調。如 花朵紅、藍色系、晶亮 0.8898
6 材質 產品的製造材料,請注意,不是產品成分。如 木製、PVC 材質、304 不銹鋼 0.7810
7 對象與族群 適用的人與動物的族群。如 新生兒、寵物用、高齡族群 0.8755
8 適用物體、事件與場所 適用的物品、事件、場所。如 手部用、騎車用、廚房用 0.7614
9 特殊主題 產品附有特殊主題或為創造作。如 航海王、J.K. Rowling 0.4979
10 形狀 商品形狀及其外觀詞彙。如 圓形、鈕扣形、可愛熊、無袖、長筒、窄邊框 0.7793
11 圖案 產品上的圖案,如 圓形、螺旋形圖案 0.5731
12 尺寸 商品大小,常以數字和特殊規格形式出現。如 120x80x10cm(長寬高)、XL、ATX 0.8420
13 重量 商品重量,常以數字和特殊規格形式出現。如 10g、極輕 0.9105
14 容量 商品容量,常以數字和特殊規格形式出現。如 128G(電腦)、大容量 0.9220
15 包裝組合 產品的包裝方式、組合方式。如 10 入、10g/包、鍵盤滑鼠組合、送電池 0.7478
16 功能與規格 產品的用途與特殊規格,如 USB 3.0、陽光防曬、防水 0.7960
17 Macro F1-score 0.7807

English Version

This is a Traditional Chinese Named Entity Recognition (NER) model designed for extracting various attributes from product names, such as brand, name, color, etc.

For details on how to use the model, please refer to Product-Name-NER-for-EE5327701.

The following table provides the annotation rules for various attributes, along with the F1-scores for each attribute:

No. Attribute (English) Description F1-score
1 品牌 (brand) The product's brand name, such as Asus, LG 0.8770
2 名稱 (name) The "product series" or name created by the seller for special purposes. Excludes special topics or product types. Does not include advertisements. For example, iPhone 12, ROG 3060Ti 0.5941
3 產品 (product) The actual product name (type), such as computer, mouse, keyboard, monitor, toy, snack, tissue 0.8001
4 產品序號 (product serial number) The product's unique alphanumeric code, excluding series names 0.8443
5 顏色 (color) The color information, including cosmetics and brightness. For example, floral red, blue, crystal 0.8898
6 材質 (material) The material used in the product, not ingredients. For example, wood, PVC, 304 stainless steel 0.7810
7 對象與族群 (target group) The target audience, such as newborns, pets, seniors 0.8755
8 適用物體、事件與場所 (applicable item, event, or place) The item, event, or place the product is applicable for. For example, hand-use, cycling, kitchen 0.7614
9 特殊主題 (special topic) Special themes or brands. For example, One Piece, J.K. Rowling 0.4979
10 形狀 (shape) The product's shape and appearance description. For example, round, button shape, bear shape 0.7793
11 圖案 (pattern) Patterns on the product, such as round or spiral patterns 0.5731
12 尺寸 (size) Product size, often in numerical or specific form. For example, 120x80x10cm (LxWxH), XL, ATX 0.8420
13 重量 (weight) Product weight, often in numerical or specific form. For example, 10g, ultra-light 0.9105
14 容量 (capacity) Product capacity, often in numerical or specific form. For example, 128GB (computer), large capacity 0.9220
15 包裝組合 (package combination) The product's packaging method or combination. For example, 10 pieces, 10g/package, keyboard & mouse combo, battery included 0.7478
16 功能與規格 (function & specifications) The product's functions and special specifications. For example, USB3.0, sun protection, waterproof 0.7960
17 Macro F1-score Overall F1-score 0.7807