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language: fr
license: mit
- zero-shot-classification
- sentence-similarity
- nli
pipeline_tag: zero-shot-classification
- text: "Selon certains physiciens, un univers parallèle, miroir du nôtre ou relevant de ce que l'on appelle la théorie des branes, autoriserait des neutrons à sortir de notre Univers pour y entrer à nouveau. L'idée a été testée une nouvelle fois avec le réacteur nucléaire de l'Institut Laue-Langevin à Grenoble, plus précisément en utilisant le détecteur de l'expérience Stereo initialement conçu pour chasser des particules de matière noire potentielles, les neutrinos stériles."
candidate_labels: "politique, science, sport, santé"
hypothesis_template: "Ce texte parle de {}."
- flue
We present DistilCamemBERT-NLI, which is [DistilCamemBERT]( fine-tuned for the Natural Language Inference (NLI) task for the french language, also known as recognizing textual entailment (RTE). This model is constructed on the XNLI dataset, which determines whether a premise entails, contradicts or neither entails or contradicts a hypothesis.
This modelization is close to [BaptisteDoyen/camembert-base-xnli]( based on [CamemBERT]( model. The problem of the modelizations based on CamemBERT is at the scaling moment, for the production phase, for example. Indeed, inference cost can be a technological issue especially in the context of cross-encoding like this task. To counteract this effect, we propose this modelization which divides the inference time by 2 with the same consumption power, thanks to DistilCamemBERT.
The dataset XNLI from [FLUE]( comprises 392,702 premises with their hypothesis for the train and 5,010 couples for the test. The goal is to predict textual entailment (does sentence A imply/contradict/neither sentence B?) and is a classification task (given two sentences, predict one of three labels). Sentence A is called *premise*, and sentence B is called *hypothesis*, then the goal of modelization is determined as follows:
$$P(premise=c\in\{contradiction, entailment, neutral\}\vert hypothesis)$$
Evaluation results
| **class** | **precision (%)** | **f1-score (%)** | **support** |
| :----------------: | :---------------: | :--------------: | :---------: |
| **global** | 77.70 | 77.45 | 5,010 |
| **contradiction** | 78.00 | 79.54 | 1,670 |
| **entailment** | 82.90 | 78.87 | 1,670 |
| **neutral** | 72.18 | 74.04 | 1,670 |
We compare the [DistilCamemBERT]( model to 2 other modelizations working on the french language. The first one [BaptisteDoyen/camembert-base-xnli]( is based on well named [CamemBERT](, the french RoBERTa model and the second one [MoritzLaurer/mDeBERTa-v3-base-mnli-xnli]( based on [mDeBERTav3]( a multilingual model. To compare the performances, the metrics of accuracy and [MCC (Matthews Correlation Coefficient)]( were used. We used an **AMD Ryzen 5 4500U @ 2.3GHz with 6 cores** for mean inference time measure.
| **model** | **time (ms)** | **accuracy (%)** | **MCC (x100)** |
| :--------------: | :-----------: | :--------------: | :------------: |
| [cmarkea/distilcamembert-base-nli]( | **51.35** | 77.45 | 66.24 |
| [BaptisteDoyen/camembert-base-xnli]( | 105.0 | 81.72 | 72.67 |
| [MoritzLaurer/mDeBERTa-v3-base-mnli-xnli]( | 299.18 | **83.43** | **75.15** |
Zero-shot classification
The main advantage of such modelization is to create a zero-shot classifier allowing text classification without training. This task can be summarized by:
$$P(hypothesis=i\in\mathcal{C}|premise)=\frac{e^{P(premise=entailment\vert hypothesis=i)}}{\sum_{j\in\mathcal{C}}e^{P(premise=entailment\vert hypothesis=j)}}$$
For this part, we use two datasets, the first one: [allocine]( used to train the sentiment analysis models. The dataset comprises two classes: "positif" and "négatif" appreciation of movie reviews. Here we use "Ce commentaire est {}." as the hypothesis template and "positif" and "négatif" as candidate labels.
| **model** | **time (ms)** | **accuracy (%)** | **MCC (x100)** |
| :--------------: | :-----------: | :--------------: | :------------: |
| [cmarkea/distilcamembert-base-nli]( | **195.54** | 80.59 | 63.71 |
| [BaptisteDoyen/camembert-base-xnli]( | 378.39 | **86.37** | **73.74** |
| [MoritzLaurer/mDeBERTa-v3-base-mnli-xnli]( | 520.58 | 84.97 | 70.05 |
The second one: [mlsum]( used to train the summarization models. In this aim, we aggregate sub-topics and select a few of them. We use the articles summary part to predict their topics. In this case, the hypothesis template used is "C'est un article traitant de {}." and the candidate labels are: "économie", "politique", "sport" and "science".
| **model** | **time (ms)** | **accuracy (%)** | **MCC (x100)** |
| :--------------: | :-----------: | :--------------: | :------------: |
| [cmarkea/distilcamembert-base-nli]( | **217.77** | **79.30** | **70.55** |
| [BaptisteDoyen/camembert-base-xnli]( | 448.27 | 70.7 | 64.10 |
| [MoritzLaurer/mDeBERTa-v3-base-mnli-xnli]( | 591.34 | 64.45 | 58.67 |
How to use DistilCamemBERT-NLI
from transformers import pipeline
classifier = pipeline(
result = classifier (
sequences="Le style très cinéphile de Quentin Tarantino "
"se reconnaît entre autres par sa narration postmoderne "
"et non linéaire, ses dialogues travaillés souvent "
"émaillés de références à la culture populaire, et ses "
"scènes hautement esthétiques mais d'une violence "
"extrême, inspirées de films d'exploitation, d'arts "
"martiaux ou de western spaghetti.",
candidate_labels="cinéma, technologie, littérature, politique",
hypothesis_template="Ce texte parle de {}."
{"labels": ["cinéma",
"scores": [0.7164115309715271,
### Optimum + ONNX
from optimum.onnxruntime import ORTModelForSequenceClassification
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, pipeline
HUB_MODEL = "cmarkea/distilcamembert-base-nli"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(HUB_MODEL)
model = ORTModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(HUB_MODEL)
onnx_qa = pipeline("zero-shot-classification", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
# Quantized onnx model
quantized_model = ORTModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(
HUB_MODEL, file_name="model_quantized.onnx"
TITLE = {{DistilCamemBERT : une distillation du mod{\`e}le fran{\c c}ais CamemBERT}},
AUTHOR = {Delestre, Cyrile and Amar, Abibatou},
URL = {},
BOOKTITLE = {{CAp (Conf{\'e}rence sur l'Apprentissage automatique)}},
ADDRESS = {Vannes, France},
YEAR = {2022},
MONTH = Jul,
KEYWORDS = {NLP ; Transformers ; CamemBERT ; Distillation},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-03674695},