Where can I download it?

by simoti - opened

Is it a merge guide?

Hopefully you worked this out, but on the off chance you haven't:

  • Click on "Files and versions"
  • Click on either "original" or "split-einsum" folder (for clarity split-einsum uses neural engine on macOS (slower but more efficient), original uses CPU and GPU (Faster but more power hungry))
  • Click on the respective zip file link
  • Click on "download"
Core ML Models org

Hi @simoti , other than the great explanation @Gomeo already gave you, I'll just add that you can also download the models by clicking on the downward arrow ↓ next to LFS. Have fun!

Zabriskije changed discussion status to closed

Thank you so much for kindly explaining my trivial question. I found your reply belatedly and would like to express my gratitude. Thank you very much.

Thank you so much for kindly explaining my trivial question. I found your reply belatedly and would like to express my gratitude. Thank you very much.

No problem at all! Hope you had a chance to download and play around with some of your favourite models. There's over 80 now in the repository!

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