InSilicoPerturberStats can't handle 2 classes

by MinieRosie - opened


I have a model with just 2 classes and I tried to run the following function but get errors related to the third class either not being entered, or the function trying to calculate for a "None" value in the dictionary.

I figured a way around this by adding in the alt_state as a repeat of the goal state and commenting out lines 822:826 in so it doesn't consider it as an error.

ispstats = InSilicoPerturberStats(mode="goal_state_shift",

Thank you for your question! You can just leave the 'alt_states' value as an empty list [ ] . However, we pushed a change that will allow the key to be omitted entirely. Please pull the most recent version. Thank you!

ctheodoris changed discussion status to closed

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