No module named 'peft'

by lhl1bit - opened

Hello, after pulling the latest version, I receive the following error when importing the Geneformer Classifier. I believe including peft in the requirements.txt and files may solve this issue.


from geneformer import Classifier


File ~/.conda/envs/geneformer_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geneformer/
10 import torch
11 from datasets import Dataset, load_from_disk
---> 12 from peft import LoraConfig, get_peft_model
13 from transformers import (
14 BertForMaskedLM,
15 BertForSequenceClassification,
16 BertForTokenClassification,
17 BitsAndBytesConfig,
18 )
20 GENE_MEDIAN_FILE = Path(file).parent / "gene_median_dictionary.pkl"

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'peft'

Thank you for letting us know about these errors in the updated code! This should be resolved now.

ctheodoris changed discussion status to closed

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