Fine tuning questions

by ZYSK-huggingface - opened

Hi !

We wanted to fine-tune 95M models with our own data for cell state perturbation but we could not obtain a wonderful loss. When checking your examples, we found some functions or parameters, but not sure their effect or usage:

①in your cell_classification.ipynb:
IS 'n_hyperopt_trials=n in cc.validate()' essential for fine tuning?

AND is function like 'train_all_data' 'train_classifier' 'hyperopt_classifier' useful?(these functions are listed in, but do not appear in your example codes)

AND is a quantized model better or not?

Finaly, we also see 'evaluate_model' function, is it different from 'cc.validate'

In conclusion, we are confused at these extra functions or parameters and not sure which could be used to optimize fine tuning

②Create multi-task_cell_classification.ipynb:
We found this example and wonder if it could be used for optimizing finetuning model for cell state perturbation

AND what is the difference between it and the above code? What is the best choice to fine tune a 95M model for cell state perturbation?

Thank you so much !

Thanks for your questions.

  • as stated in the documentation, as for all deep learning applications, hyperparameter tuning can be highly beneficial for fine tuning

  • the multitask classification is useful if you would like to train with multiple tasks, for example to understand how disease may affect different cell types by learning from both of these aspects simultaneously

  • the quantized models are more efficient

  • the other functions you mention are useful depending on your goal. Please read the documentation to understand them and decide which is relevant to your goal.

ctheodoris changed discussion status to closed

Thanks for your questions.

  • as stated in the documentation, as for all deep learning applications, hyperparameter tuning can be highly beneficial for fine tuning

  • the multitask classification is useful if you would like to train with multiple tasks, for example to understand how disease may affect different cell types by learning from both of these aspects simultaneously

  • the quantized models are more efficient

  • the other functions you mention are useful depending on your goal. Please read the documentation to understand them and decide which is relevant to your goal.

Thank you for your answer, for 'train_all_data' 'train_classifier' 'hyperopt_classifier',I do not see difference in documentation, so they are just for the same aim but have different capacity? And, in your cell_classification.ipynb, could I just insert these functions after or before the cc.prepare?

Our goal is to fine tune a 95M model for cell classification with different state, and to apply it for cell state perturbation. Could you please give me some more specific guidance?

Best wishes

Besides, for the multi-task_cell_classification.ipynb, seems that it include cell_classification and perturbation. So it is similar with cell_classification.ipynb first and cell state perturbation second? I mean, like, just for a cell classifier finetuned model, could multi-task_cell_classification.ipynb replace cell_classification.ipynb and perform better?

Thank you again!

Thank you for your questions! "hyperopt_classifier" is for hyperparameter optimization. "train_all_data" trains on all the provided data and does not hold any out for validation, and there is therefore no hyperparameter optimization. "train_classifier" fine-tunes a model on the provided training data and then evaluates on the provided validation data, also without hyperparameter optimization.

"validate" is the most common way the model should be used, as provided in the examples. If you want to perform hyperparameter optimization, you can just set n_hyperopt_trials to be >0. The other functions are mostly used internally by "validate" etc, but we provide documentation in case others would find them helpful for their use case. To accomplish your goal of fine-tuning a model for cell state classification, I would suggest following the example and using "validate" with changing n_hyperopt_trials if you want to perform hyperparameter tuning.

For the multi-task cell state classification, yes this would replace the single-task cell state classification, while the next step of in silico perturbation would be the same for both. The reason to use the multi-task version is if you have multiple tasks you are interested in fine-tuning the model towards.

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