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The council was opened under Pope John XXIII on 11 October 1962 and closed under Pope Paul V on the feast of Immaculate Conception in 1965. The vernaculisation of Mass was done in this council. Inculturation is a concept said in its sixteenth chapter. It is a term used by the Roman Catholic Church in-order to mingle the Christian Gospel with the ordinary native culture. It announced that each Church has to agree with the native culture in active.
In the Council, the term Inculturation is not mentioned anywhere. Only about the modern man and culture is said. This is said in the chapter II of Twashe Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today. The Chapter dealing with culture in the document is 'The proper development of Culture'. Church welcomes all changes occurring to mankind. But the faith in him must not be lost. Bishop Jerome is the first native Bishop of Quilon diocese. His tenure as Bishop spanned from 1937 to 1978.
His tenure as Bishop spanned from 1937 to 1978. He has raised Quilon diocese to its horizon. He not only indulged in the duty of the Church, but also in the social, educational and cultural activities in Kerala. He established many educational institutions, many churches, made many alterations in liturgy and enhanced many activities in churches. He was a promoter of inculturation in Quilon diocese. In the present paper about Inculturation, the most valid person to be discussed is surely Bishop Jerome.
But Inculturation is generally discussed with reference to regional Churches like Syro Malabar and Malankara Catholic and non-Catholic Churches like Orthodox Churches. Generally Latin Catholic is not noted for Inculturation. But Bishop Jerome is relevant for the study; for many reasons. The very first reason is; the Second Vatican Council took place during his tenure as Bishop, the Second reason is his nationalism, patriotism, cultural sense and his interest in the past.
The primary aim of the paper is to analyze how Bishop Jerome has implicated the concept Inculturation. 52 Bishop Jerome founded Trinity Lyceum English Medium School in January 5, 1966. It was Bishop Jerome, who designed the emblem of Trinity Lyceum. In it 'The complex distinction between 'God' and 'Trinity' is portrayed eminently' (Karmayogi 346). Three equal circles which are linked together equally. In the image, 'Pitha', 'Puthru' 'Athma' is depicted in Hindi.
It signifies 'the Father', 'the Son' and 'the Holy Spirit' of the Catholic Faith. The deep thought in the word God is portrayed in Hindi as 'Sath' 'Chindh' 'Anand'. These words are taken from Sanskrit. 'Sath' means spirit or athma which is spread everywhere and which is there. 'Chindh' means thoughts, knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. 'Anand' means delight, happiness and luck. God, according to Indian thought, is a mixture of 'Sath' 'Chindh' 'Anand'. And so, he is called 'Sachidhanandan'.
And so, he is called 'Sachidhanandan'. This word has all the three ideas in it. These representations are Indian in thought. Moreover, Holy Trinity is represented in Hindi alphabets. Here Bishop Jerome has distinguished the Holy Trinity in Catholic belief and God according to Indian thought. In order to adopt the native culture, the Bishop has made a very rare combination of Trinity and God from Catholic faith and Indian thoughts.
The middle portion of the emblem, there is the Hindu religious symbol 'Oom'. According to the Indian belief there are three sounds in it. The sound 'Aaa' signifies Lord Vishnu, the sound 'Uuu' signifies Lord Shiv and the sound 'Mmm' signifies Lord Brahma. The three deity of Hinduisim is contained in this single word. So, the word is also called 'Bhramathinte Vachakam' or 'The word of the Universe'. The Hindu symbol 'Oom' which is used to signify 'Lord Vishnu', 'Lord Shiva' and 'Lord Bhrama'.
The same 'Oom' is used by the Bishop to signify 'God the Father', 'Son' and 'Holy Spirit'. None others have compared the three deity concepts of Christian and Hindu religion. The base of the emblem is depicted with 'Holy, Holy, and Holy'. This is taken from The Book of Isaiah Chapter 6 verses 3.
The particular verses say the Angels surrounding God the Almighty, praising him as Holy, Holy, Holy.The entire emblem signifies both God in Indian thoughts and Trinity in Catholic faith deserve to be worshiped at most. This particular emblem is a perfect example of Inculturation. Fatima Mata National College was founded by Bishop Jerome in August 6, 1950. The word 'Mata' is an Indian word signifying 'Mother'. The word 'National' is used to show in interest as a nationalist.
The Catholic figure St. Mary of Fatima is given a native outlook by incorporating it with the words 'Mata' and 'National'. The logo of the college:- Per Matrem Pro Partria which means ' Through Mother to Jesus'. The very logo also means ''Through Mother to Motherland'. This very well shows his patriotic love for the nation. In Ramayana, it is said:- 'JannaniJanmabhumicha SwargathapiGariyasi'. The couple of lines mean that motherhood and the nation is mightier than the Heaven'. (Jerome Thirumayni- 36).
(Jerome Thirumayni- 36). The Christian ideology is intermixed with the knowledge in Indian mythology, Sanskrit and culture. St. Raphael's Seminary Chapel, Kollam was built adjacent to St. Rappels' Seminary by Bishop Jerome. He assimilated the Christian ideology and Indian architecture. The structure of the chapel is of a Buddhist Monastery with Hindu elements. The chapel is named 'The Temple of God'. Before entering the chapel, there is a small well like structure on two sides of the door outside.
This structure is to wash feet, before entering the chapel. These are similar practice before entering a temple. There is a lotus like structure made of stone on the either side of the door.The Altar of the chapel is in the shape of a lotus which is made of black granite. Lotus is the national flower of India. In the altar, words like 'Neer', 'Sheer' and 'Vivek' are scripted along with a White swan in a white marble background. Here 'Holy Spirit' is depicted as swan.
Here 'Holy Spirit' is depicted as swan. The lectern is also made in the shape of a lotus, made of wood. This may be the reason that he named it 'The Temple of God'. Just below the Crucifix, there is structure made of Sunflower petals. This is made in the structure of 'Sudarshana Chakra' of Indian mythology. On the top the tomb like structure which indicates the Buddhist monastery, has a lotus painted pink. Above the lotus there is a cross. Here Indianism Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol.
XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) BISHOP JEROME FERNANDEZ, AN IMPLEMENTER OF INCULTURATION- SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC CHURCH 53 is incorporated very minutely. Bharatha Rajni or Mary Queen of India is the rare blend of Mother Mary, the mother of Christianity and Bharatha Mata, the representation of 'Mother India. Bharatha Rajni is wearing the attire sari, which is the national dress of Indian women. She is wearing a crown in her head.
She is wearing a crown in her head. The right hand is in 'Abhaya Mudhra' with indicates protection and peace. With her left hand she gifts the Child Jesus Herself to the devotees. Behind her, there is a royal throne. On her two sides, there are two lions which callout the royalty of the throne. The halo around her is in a traditional Indian way, which is in the shape of the sun. The halo is not in the usual oval shape.
The halo is not in the usual oval shape. On the two sides of her feet, there are two Ashoka Chakras, which is the very sign of Ahimsa. On the top of her head, there is a royal umbrella, decorated with pearls and beads. On the top of the umbrella there is a globe, where the map of India is seen. On the top of it, Holy Spirit is seen, in the form of a white dove. These are the Indian elements of the Portrait.
These are the Indian elements of the Portrait. The usual Christian elements seen with Mother Mary are the moon, which is used as her feet-rest; the sun, which is behind her head, twelve stars, which is the representation of twelve disciples of Jesus, which surrounds her head and the snake, which is stabbed by her, the representation of Satan. These elements are also there in this picture also. Child Jesus is also wearing royal attire and is wearing a crown in His head.
Since it is named Bharatha Rajni or 'The Queen Mary of India', it must contain all Indian elements which up-holds the power of its rich tradition. But during the portrayal of rich Indian elements, he did not forget to portray the elements of Christian faith. The representation of Mother Mary has both Christian and Indian elements. On the shores of Lake Ashttamudi; Bishop Jerome found out; Ashta Jala Rani or the 'Queen of Ashttamudi'. 'Ashta' means eight. Lake Ashttamudi has eight branches.
Lake Ashttamudi has eight branches. 'Jala' means water. 'Rani' means queen. Mother Mary is named in accordance to Indian tradition. He made the mother of Christianity, the 'Queen of Ashttamudi'. Moreover,in its depiction, Mother Mary is wearing a sari. She is wearing a Crown and the halo is a round structure which is of Indian form made of wood. Her right hand; like Bharatha Rajni, is in 'Abhayamudra', a helping hand to guide and protect the needy.
Like Bharatha Rajni, she is gifting, Child Jesus to the believers. Child Jesus is also wearing a crown. He too stretches His both hands to help the seekers. She is standing above the globe, which is the representation of the world and the men in it. The globe comes out from a bloomed lotus, which is the national flower of our nation. These are the Indian elements of Ashta Jala Rani. The usual Christian symbol of Mother Mary is also there in the portrayal. Behind Her there is the Sun.
Behind Her there is the Sun. She is standing over moon. She has stabbed a snake, with a fruit in its mouth; the very representation of Satan. Fatima Mandir is a shrine of 'Our Lady of Fatima', founded by Bishop Jerome. The structure of it is in a Muslim architecture, with a round ceiling from inside and outside. A tomb like structure is on its top. The whole building is a round structure like a temple with a half wall all around. This is the style of traditional Hindu architecture.
'Mandir' is an Indian word for temple. Here Bishop Jerome has incorporated the Hindu and Muslim elements to Christianity. Bishop Jerome, has done inculturation not only in new concepts and portrayals, but also in naming of institutions. Here he has named many institutions in the diocese with Malayalam literary names. They are 'Karmala Rani Training College', Kollam is an educational training College. 'Rani' is a malayalam word for queen. It can be named 'Our Lady of Mount Carmel'.
It can be named 'Our Lady of Mount Carmel'. But he gave it a Kerala touch. The purpose was may be to show oneness of Mother Mary with the native people. Though the portrayal of Bharatha Rajni; Bishop has drawn a parallel line between Mother Mary and the concept of Mother India. 'Vimala Hridaya Higher Secondary and 'Kristu Raj Higher Secondary School' are other examples. It can be named as 'Our Lady of Immaculate Heart' and 'Christ, the King' respectively.
But the national sense of the Bishop did not let him to do that. 'Fatima Mandir', which is a Shrine, 'Jyothi Nikethan', a women's college, 'Cheru Pushvam Nivas', Ghandhi SmarakaYeshu Nivas, Ashta Jala Rani, a portrayal of Mother Mary as the queen of Lake Ashtamudi; 'Vimala Niketh'; Bharatha Mata ITC, Shanti Dhan, an old age home run by sister of Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol.
XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) BISHOP JEROME FERNANDEZ, AN IMPLEMENTER OF INCULTURATION- SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC CHURCH 54 Missionary of Charity and Shree Yeshu Shishu Bhavan are all names associated with Malayalam words.
He has further coined out other names for Mother Mary like 'Deva Mata', which means the mother of God- the name of a Convent in Kollam; 'Upakara Mata', the name of a Convent in Koduvilla, Kollam, 'Fatima Mata' or 'Our Lady of Fatima', 'Sagara Mata' or the 'Mother of Sea', Balika Mariyam or the child Mary is the name of a school; 'Lokha Rakshaka' or the Lady protector of the world is the name of a hospital in Koivilla, Kollam and Arogya Mata or 'Our Lady of Good Health' is a Shrine, Kollam.
He has named a Christian institution has 'Bharatha Mata'. He wished that every student, despite his religion and caste, must have a patriotic love and faith to the nation. The word 'Shree' is used as a word of respect in Malayalam. 'Gandhi', the father of the nation is read along with Christ. Such rare combinations can be only seen in the coinages of Bishop Jerome. He coined the Forty days fasting of the Lent season as 'Mandalopavasam'.
The very word identifies the fasting of the devotees of the Hindu God Lord Ayappa, before going to Shabarimala, his abode. In the 'Bishop Benziger Hospital' founded by him, the children's ward is named as 'Shishu Deva Stanam'. The word indicates Child Jesus, but said in Malayalam. This is the very example of Indianization. He brought inculturation in naming of institutions and on representations of Mother Mary, so that the ordinary people may feel a oneness with the foreign Christian religion.
This is the very purpose of Inculturation said in the Second Vatican Council. As a promotor of Inculturation, he even brought about changes in his own lifestyle and activities. 'In every aspect, he was a good nationalist. Since patriotic love was filled in him, his lifestyle was very simple (Njan..113)'. No other Bishop led life in such a simple manner. 'The saffron robe, we wore was very noticeable (36)'. The saffron is the symbol of simple and acetic life.
It is an important symbol of Indian tradition. He insisted on his laity, the importance of silent prayer. 'Through insisting silent prayer, Bishop Jerome pointed out the importance of infinity (145)'. For a successful group prayer, there is a need of the practice of silent prayer. During this, a mode of self-control and patience must be maintained. This patience and self-control must be born out of spiritual maturity. Bishop Jerome used to pray very silently in Fatima Mandir, Kollam.
Many laity had seen him praying in the Mandir in Yogic position, chanting the name of Christ in the model of bajanas and mantras. He not only insisted the importance of Indianization, but also adapted it in his own practice of prayer and lifestyle. Coinages like 'Sree Yeshu Maheswara'; 'Sree Yeshu Deva' were given as a mode of it. Through silent prayer, he acquired a spiritual insight and experience.
'Before the Second Vatican Council, Bishop Jerome assimilated the elements of Indianization in his personal prayers and deeds (113)'. He was a true visionary of Indianization. Bishop Jerome was a language scholar. He went deeply inside the ascetic Indian spirituality and altered the traditional liturgy customs into a simple one. 'He had a notion that, when the Catholic Church is introduced in India, it must resemble and favor Indian culture so much (Kaalathinte Karmayogi- 683)'.
There was a need of vernaculization of liturgy as per the Council. For that the whole liturgy was modified. Bishop Jerome was the President of Kerala Hierarchy Liturgy Committee. In this committee, he coined words like 'Thelloru Paghalitham', 'Shakthikanmar', 'Bhakthijwalakar', and 'Bhadrasinanmar' are notable. His influence on languages and his new coinages are relevant.
In reconstructing the mode of liturgy, he shared the opinion of Cardinal Joseph Puraekattil that the liturgy must contain the elements of daily routine, culture and symbols.... In my opinion, liturgy must involve the novelty must adopt the ascetic tradition of Indian culture and in this way; it must give birth to a mode of Indian liturgy.
In the Pastoral Letter of the Cardinal; Liturgy Ente Drishttiyil, Cardinal Joseph Paraekattil, states that: The various Rites were born by adopting and imbibing certain elements from many national cultures.... What we need now is a liturgy assimilating the twentieth century culture and symbols.... In my opinion, liturgy must involve the novelty of modern Indian culture.....
The natives of India will accept the Catholic Church and the growth of Catholic Rite, only the liturgy must have a novelty and timely growth'. (214-215) Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol. XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) BISHOP JEROME FERNANDEZ, AN IMPLEMENTER OF INCULTURATION- SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC CHURCH 55 Bishop Jerome relied in simplifying the Latin mode of liturgy. Words and verses from Indian texts like Upanishad and Baghavad Gita can be taken into prayers.
As a part of it, words like 'Eshwaran'; 'Paramatvamavu' were included in it. Screenplays for dramas and plays must be created with the help of Bible characters. He used the Hindu mode of signing keerthanas which highlights the morality and culture of Indianism. He wanted to modify Christian devotional songs with Sanskrit words and with the Indian mode of narration. He insisted on celebrating the feast of saints and patrons of each parish with special prayers, traditions and customs.
Likewise, he also insisted to give importance to Hindu festivals like Onam, Deepawali, Vijayadashami and Mahanavami. While the Holy Mass, celebration of sacraments, anointing and Eucharistic adoration, traditional Indian adorational devices like Camphor, incense, sandalwood sticks and Indian oil lamp can be used. The adoration can be executed in the manner of Bajanas.
In the Christian mode of prayers, he wanted to incorporate the pilgrim journeys, the Indian mode of retreats and penance He insisted to pray in Yogic position. This practice will create an Indian atmosphere and the main ideology of Eucharistic adoration is not affected. The adaptation of native elements should not affect the basic elements of the Rite. He wanted the New Testament to be written in the narrative mode of Kilipattu. Thus, he wants the faith of Christ to be dissolved in the Indian soil.
Thus, Bishop Jerome is the true advocate of Inculturation. References 1. Balasurya, Tissa. 'The Encyclical 'Caritas in Veritate'.Hindu-Christian Relation VOL. XXXIX No. 233 (September 2009): ISSN-11 2. Ed. Flannery, Austin. Vatican Council II- The Conciliar and Post Concilar Documents. Bombay: St. Paul's Publications, 1975. 3. Fernando, Leonard, and G. Gispert- Sauch. Christianity in India- Two Thousand Years Of Faith. New Delhi: Penguin Viking, 2004. 4. Msgr. Kayavil, Fredinard.
4. Msgr. Kayavil, Fredinard. Bishop Jerome Kaalathinte Karmayogi- Oru Kaalagattathinte Samagra Grandham. Quilon: B.J.F. Publications, 1998. 5. Msgr. Rozario, A.J. Kollam Christianikal- Indiayile Pradhama Roopathayudae Sampoorna Charithram. Kollam: Catholic Press and Book Depot, 1995, 6. Mundaykal, Antony. Njan Kandarijna Abhivandhya Jerome Thirumaini-Anusmarana Grandham. Kollam: Javier Institute Publications, 2015. Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol.
XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) BISHOP JEROME FERNANDEZ, AN IMPLEMENTER OF INCULTURATION- SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC CHURCH 56 12 SPIRITUALITY AND ENVIRONMENT: SIGNIFICANCE OF INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS IN AFRICA AND CHALLENGES Garima Rawat, Applied Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee Sanjit Mishra, Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India Abstract: Since time immemorial, Africa has been rich in natural resources and sharing spiritual connections with the nature.
Indigenous practices having spiritual significance nurtured African environment. Philosophers believe that Global industrial establishments and interference of western development and Eurocentric world views are responsible for the magnitude and severity of contemporary environmental crises in Africa. It resulted in changes in values, beliefs and world views which altered their socio ecological aspects of life and promoted extraction and exploitation of natural resources.
Environmental crises seek holistic approach for healing nature, new values that would stress individual and joint responsibility towards the environment and towards nurturing harmony between humanity and environment. Traditional practice of resource utilization proved to be systematic which enabled lands to regenerate it and promotes socio-cultural harmony among community.
This paper highlights the interconnectedness of nature and spirituality within African communities; and explores the importance of African indigenous practices in environmental conservation. Key words: Spirituality; African community; Kikuyu; Indigenous; worldviews; Green belt movement; Wangari Maathai. Introduction “Can we really put a price tag on the carbon dioxide trees capture? I know scientists and economists are working out such evaluations and I wouldn't stop them.
But the answer surely is that what they provide is literally incalculable” - Wangari Maathai Environment is our basic life support system which is an important part of one's existence. It comprises living and non-living things and covers social, political, economic, natural and spiritual environment; all the living and non- living beings are inter-related to each other. However, in Ecology organisms share reciprocal relationship to one another and their environment (Raven et al.).
Spiritual ecology is also an emerging trend in conservation and academic field which understands that there is a i spiritual dimension related to environmental issue. Spirituality refers to the practices and beliefs which governs life of people and enable them to experience sensible realities of the world. Spirituality encompasses many experiences which prove that the behaviors of human beings are influenced by their ultimate values and beliefs, promoted by a particular community.
In the field of academia, spirituality implies to the emerging academic discipline which ii explores the communal and individual experiences and practices govern by something sacred . In a traditional African society, belief system and cultural values are an integral part of historical iii identity of people and they cannot be separated from their beliefs which they practiced, no matter which iv ethnic groups they belonged to . Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol.
Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol. XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) www.literaryendeavour.org 57 According to Ashton: The ancient people of the earth lived dynamically within the ebb and flow of the natural world, belonging as much to each other and the human community of life, as they did to the sun and the moon and the cyclical rhythms of nature around them.
Because they depended on nature for all their essential needs, they upheld a sacred reverence for the earth that took into cognizance the give and take of the living order (2010). v In Primeval times, nature was worshiped and inspired from the magic and spirits . The earliest humans of the earth depended on nature for all the essential needs, so they upheld a spiritual reverence for the earth that is driven by the awareness of give and take order (2010).
People, including Africans, Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Celts and the first people of Americas Australia and New Zealand were polytheistic, worshipped nature and various goddesses and gods. Rivers, rocks, mountains and animals were permeated with spirituality and regarded as sacred. Merchant says: The connection between people and earth shared an I-thou ethic of veneration to be vi performed before cutting a tree, damming a brook or sinking a mine shaft” .
In most of the indigenous cultures, nature is considered as alive, and every single entity is established with intelligence and wisdom vii and qualities, which west has referred to as “soul” . This study highlights the connection between nature and spirituality in African communities and how gradually their indigenous practices, beliefs and worldviews have altered by the European influence.
It is also informed by the traditional worldviews of Africans and suggests that in order to revive and protect African environmental degradation; they must go back to their indigenous practices and reclaim it. Communicating African Spirituality through the Environment Wangari Maathai, Noble laureate and environmentalist has stressed upon the sense of gratitude and respect for all the natural resources that Mother Nature has given to us and how it should be consumed, sustainably and wisely.
This value was also incorporated by her in The Green Belt Movement for years, viii followed by the three R's (reduce, reuse, and recycle) In Ghana, when an elder dies in the community, they are informed through a phrase, “A great tree ix has fallen” , it connects the deceased elder to the nature. The elder believed to be a guardian of rich wisdom and knowledge; and the somatic link to the sacred and spiritual elements of nature.
The spiritual connections to the nature and the indigenous knowledge that nurture it have been conquered by the Eurocentric knowledge and Western interferences which promotes commodification of nature by unlimited extraction and exploitation of natural resources. Communities struggle to come out of poverty even after independence while still practicing the western model, which does not seem a practical solution x to their social and environmental problems .
There is a belief among Africans that the creation of universe is a contribution of God, and the universe consist both visible and invisible realities. The invisible universe can be seen after hearing or xi feeling the visible/ tangible world . The African view of the universe is deeply sacred/ spiritual. Albeit, humanity has been a central figure of universe and the clergyman of the universe is also seen as humankind, which links the Universe with the God, its originator.
Humanity awakens the universe, speaks to it, listens to it, and creates harmony with the universe. It is humanity which transforms segments of the xii universe into holy objects . The participation of communities was encouraged and their natural resources were conserved with a lot of carefulness, monitored by the rules and regulations about the usage and their conservation/protection.
The communities of Africa can be considered as a moral basis for the interaction between humanity, the environment and nature; the respect and regard to the earth have been made imperative by Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol. XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) SPIRITUALITY AND ENVIRONMENT: SIGNIFICANCE OF INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS IN AFRICA AND CHALLENGES 58 the traditional African society.
As land belonged to the whole community, not to an individual, collective responsibility towards nature had highlighted that all the resources had to be utilized for the dead, the living xiii ones and those yet to be born . One such example of reverence to nature comes from Western Kenya of Luhya community. According to Luhya community, after creating the universe God turned into different parts of the nature like rocks, trees, mountains, hills and rivers.
It shows and gives reason why there is an important place for nature among Luhya communities, and as per their belief there is no such non-living thing exists in the universe and there are numerous aspect of nature that are connected with something spiritual, that are xiv above human beings and whom they must give reverence for their eternal qualities .
This spirit of interconnectedness is a spiritual understanding of life that leads to respect and reverence for nature that are not only expressed in ritual, but in the way resources are used and buildings are placed. This belief is called Ubuntu in South Africa; it shows interconnection between humans and the nature and the sacred/spiritual world. Ubuntu says, a person is a person because of other people and its understanding has deep consequences on the whole mechanism of life.
Hence, in order to maintain xv harmony between the nature, human world, and spiritual world, a great care is to be taken . African Worldviews on Environment Conservation A worldview is a way of understanding natural resources and human being's place in maintaining natural resources. This signifies values, attitudes, perception, practices and beliefs, based on society with special attention to the natural environmental resources of the universe.
Therefore, it is important to note down that there are numerous types of communities in Africa; each has different belief system, ceremonies, ritual and religious symbols, African worldviews in this sense depicts the same worldview employ and practiced differently by different African communities, even though there is basic worldview xvi which basically is the same everywhere .
African spiritualism understands God's omnipresence and presents god as the architect of all natural phenomena, it also suggests that the entire natural phenomenon have something spiritual that define the relationship between nature and humans that is interdependent and xvii linked to each other . The knowledge on worldviews can be traced from different sources like: taboos, songs, myths, proverbs, riddles, rites, metaphors and legends.
Myths reflect the historical backgrounds about the origin of people and their communities, their customs and beliefs. Respect and humility for the nature is the feature of African worldviews. As conservation values are embedded on African communities, resultant, xvii they do not intervene with what they do not understand, invent or create . Similar beliefs are also guided by the Luhya community of Kakamega forest who continue to follow spirituality to conserve the Kakamega forest.
The notion of selecting specific place used for their spirituality is a common practice of Luhya community and their way of spirituality has been considered as a way of environmental xix conservation . A person tries to establish spiritual relationship with natural occurrence that encourages xx conservation of resources significant to environment .
The acceptance of interdependence between humans and nature is very common in African communities; it shows the collective responsibility to make sure that resources are not vanishing. This proposes that environmental conservation is a collective responsibility which emerged out of the indigenous and accumulative knowledge of millions of people.
They understand that the practice and value of environmental conservation is a spiritual and social responsibility and if anyone goes against the values, person will have to face punishment form spiritual world. There are various African worldviews that observe rain frequencies and soil fertility as dependent upon the liveliness of certain wildlife populations.
Annihilation of sacred sites, murdering of sacred animals and felling sacred trees in the forest result in spiritual disapproval, and breaks out as a punishment in the form of deadly diseases and droughts. This encourages African communities to maintain the linkage Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol.
XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) SPIRITUALITY AND ENVIRONMENT: SIGNIFICANCE OF INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS IN AFRICA AND CHALLENGES 59 xxi between humanity and the spiritual world by not interfering with nature . Traditional practices shape ecological balance, which guide them to use plants and animals rationally and ultimately to resource utilization, environmental protection and conservation.
Wangari Maathai says values are the most important thing for a person and any organization, as she claims four core values (1- Love for the environment. 2- Gratitude and respect for earth's resources. 3- Self- empowerment and self-betterment. 4- The spirit and service for volunteerism) proved to be effective in the successful functioning of her Green Belt movement.
These values are not just a part of religious traditions neither one ought not to profess a faith on being divine but are a part of nature and it is believed that we are better people only because we hold these values. When these values are ignored by the people, they may be replaced via vices consisting of selfishness, corruption, greed, and exploitation and might even lead to loss of life.
Experiences and observation says that the physical destruction of nature leads to the destruction of humanity as well. If our environment is wounded- air, water, soil is contaminated with heavy metal and plastic residues, or the soil is not more than a dust- it hurts us, leading to psychical, xxii psychological and spiritual injuries . Human beings have a consciousness by which we can appreciate love, beauty, creativity and innovation and mourn the lack thereof.
“We can experience delicacy of dew or a flower in bloom, water as it runs over the pebbles, or the majesty of an elephant, the fragility of the butterfly, or a field of wheat or leaves blowing in the wind such aesthetic responses are valid in their own right, and as reactions to the natural world they can inspire in us a sense of wonder and beauty that in turn encourages a sense of xxiii divine .
Such consciousness realizes that the trees, mountains or forest might not be sacred, but the vital services they provide- water, oxygen are what make human existence possible and hence deserve our respect. From this perspective, the nature/ environment become sacred, because destroying what is important to survive is to dismantle life itself. Unfortunately many of us have become detached from the nature because of industrialization, mechanization, urbanization and habitat loss.
Conveyors of the belief and faith became entrapped with colonialists, expansionists, and with those who exploited humans and the nature, the damage or wounds xxiv they have created and promoted need to be healed . Threat to Worldviews and Spiritual wisdom / Challenges to African Spirituality and Ecology Ecological crisis is one of the problems facing the world of our times, a global concern of all the human beings regardless of social class.
It is not just a threat to the well-being of humanity but to the xxv creation as a whole . At present, human activities are contributing to soil erosion and widespread deforestation. Ecology and Spirituality in Africa are encountering many challenges that interfere with the way they practice spirituality.
There are various factors that challenges and hampers the sustainability of Africa, in respect to environment such as: Population increase, Conversions, Urbanization, modernization and changes in economic trends which detached people from their social structures, corruption, political xxvi interferences etc. . At present, most of the postcolonial African societies overlook indigenous wisdoms, particularly, their spiritual values, resulting in ignoring their capability in enabling sustainable development.
The root cause of this phenomenon is directly or indirectly linked to the onset of colonization, which dates back to th 15 century. Western colonization introduced a Christian worldview that considered indigenous knowledge as inferior and imposed their worldviews and values, economic systems and beliefs on the colonized people.
Through these acts, native wisdom and spirituality was subjugated by the exogenous civilization, which resulted in disinterest in the capacity of indigenous wisdoms to find out the solutions to numerous problems. And even now, despite rapid advancement in technology and modern sciences, the st environment is still degrading in 21 century. It is evident that the technological and scientific knowledge Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol.
XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) SPIRITUALITY AND ENVIRONMENT: SIGNIFICANCE OF INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS IN AFRICA AND CHALLENGES 60 and values are limited and ecological protection is an issue that demands us to go beyond Western mindset. The invasions of Christianity and Islam have changed the worldviews and African spirituality. After Africans converted, they surrendered their indigenous wisdom, practices and beliefs and changed African worldviews into Arabic and Christian worldviews.
One such example is from Kenya: For kikuyu community, Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga) also known as a place of brightness and the second highest mountain peak in Africa was a holy place. Kikuyus believed that all the good things happen to them because of the Mount Kenya, it gave them everything they needed for survival like: clean drinking water, abundant rains, rivers, streams etc.
Mount Kenya was an important part of their daily practices, right from building their houses facing its doors towards Mount Kenya to the burial and sacrificial practices; they believed that God is with them who are providing rain for their fields, livestock and themselves. But th unfortunately, these beliefs and practices have now died.
At the end of 19 century of European missionaries arrived in central highlands of Kenya and taught native people that God did not dwell in Mount Kenya, he resides above the clouds in the heaven and the only place to worship him is Church in Sundays. This was a very new concept to Kikuyus and after the acceptance of European worldview of worshiping god, within two decades they lost respect for their culture and they no more worshiped Mount Kenya.
The adoption of new worldview solved the European purpose of exploiting resources of Mount xxvii Kenya and expanded their commercial activities within the forests . However, in spite of Christian and Islamic influence, some Africans still practice their traditional wisdom, while others have adopted enculturation. Embracement of current lifestyles has put African spirituality at risk which has been contributing in environmental conservation.
The minds of most of the African people have been diverted towards European worldviews and way of life at the cost of native beliefs and practices. This reflects lack of community participation in African culture, which brought all the community members to practice same cultural practices and ties to environmental conservation which xxviii they had been practicing since ancient times . Since ancient times, there is a struggle for control over the spiritual landscape.
One such example can be found in Hebrew Scriptures, the struggle of Yahwistic priests to dissipate the cult of goddess Asherah (Sacred wooden pole), who was worshipped during the first and second millennia before the common era. The political and religious authorities of ancient Israel believed that worshiping Asherah goddess is against Yahweh's decree and tore down the sacred sites.
Another such approaches highlight the acts of Saint Benedict in the sixth and seventh centuries and Charlemagne's in the eighth, which destroyed pre-Christian groves in Europe which not only proved that idolatrous practices have no match for Christian god and forced native people to adopt new faith.
The kikuyu community of Africa experienced strong resistance from the Kikuyu government when it comes to worshipping to god facing Mount Kenya or even visiting the mountain for spiritual pilgrimage, as this form of practice is not acceptable by the principal form of Christianity. Even today, communities understand the importance of sacred trees and that their destruction carries potent message.
Invading forces were very well aware that to suppress the native voice against the imposition of social, political and religious customs, they must ruin the sacred groves and trees. xxix But sometimes it also leadsto rallying for the protection of trees . One of the best examples is from Kenya in 1989, when developers planned to replace Uhuru Park with a multi-story complex, which included lavish residential apartments, offices for the country's ruling party and a statue of then President Arap Moi.
Wangari Maathai along with a group of women organized a peaceful protest against the demolition of Nairobi's Uhuru Park. During protest, these women sustained severe injuries from police brutality but still stood with their argument that the park belonged to the people and privatizing the park is not a fair deal; finally their hard work paid off and the developers pulled out their xxx investment as a response to protestor's strong opposition Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol.
XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) SPIRITUALITY AND ENVIRONMENT: SIGNIFICANCE OF INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS IN AFRICA AND CHALLENGES 61 Another such examples other than Africa are: The Chipko movement from Indian Himalayas, wherein men and women adopted non-violent resistance technique to protect their forest from being th logged by the logging company.
This modern Chipko was inspired by the event of 18 century, where more than three hundred native people of Kherjarli village in northwest India died hugging trees, while xxxi protecting their sacred khejri trees from loggers, sent by the local ruler . Conclusion It is suggested that we must need to improve and increase living standards for all people and maintain healthy environment altogether, where natural resources are not exploited and overused.
Unless the needs of poor are not met, overall sustainability can't be achieved. The world does not have enough resources for consumption as enjoyed in Europe, US and Japan. Nevertheless, there are strategies to reduce the level of consumption without compromising the current quality of life. Revival of indigenous wisdom and eco spiritual practices could help provide sustainable solutions and practical solutions to the environment in Africa.
The Green Belt Movement of Kenya, founded by Noble Laureate Wangari Maathai is one such example, her success at gathering thousands of people to challenge oppressive systems. The movement employed adult education as a decolonization process and fostered the revival of indigenous culture. Her work taught us that we must not isolate our work from the root cause of environmental problems.
Similar works Like Green Belt Movement should be employed by the communities which encompass indigenous and spiritual practices for the revival of their environment; it will heal the environment holistically. References: 1. “'A GREAT TREE HAS FALLEN': COMMUNITY, SPIRITUAL ECOLOGY, AND AFRICAN EDUCATION | African Journal of Teacher Education.” Accessed August 26, 2020. https://journal.lib.uoguelph.ca/index.php/ajote/article/view/1937. 2. Breuilly, Elizabeth. Christianity and Ecology.
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