Metadata Documentation

by munikumar - opened

Hello @ARTPARK , is there any document or blog that explains the metadata of this dataset? I would appreciate any guidance or references. Thank you!

We have a website and blog that discuss the data; however, they may not explicitly mention the metadata details.
The following metadata fields are provided as part of this release:

language: The language spoken in the file.
languagesKnown: The languages that the speaker knows (the speaker may know multiple languages apart from the one spoken in the file).
gender: Gender of the speaker.
state: The state to which the speaker belongs.
district: The district where the speaker resides.
pincode: Pincode of the speaker's current residence.
stay(years): Details the  location within the district where the speaker resides and specifies the length of time (in years) the speaker has been living there.
isTranscriptionAvailable: Flag to indicate whether the transcription is available or not.
transcript: Transcription corresponding to the file.
referenceImage: The image that was shown to the speaker to collect the speech data (the speaker talks about what comes to mind when they see the image).

Please let me know if you need more details.

Thank you for providing the detailed metadata information for the dataset.

munikumar changed discussion status to closed

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