we need to understand as one sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenails are growing back again
[ "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonials are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenails are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenials are growing back again", "we need to understand as one sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenails are growing back again", "we need to understand as one sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenials are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonyals are growing back again", "we need to understand as one sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonials are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenyals are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toneals are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenels are growing back again", "we need to understand as one sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonyals are growing back again", "we need to understand as one sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenyals are growing back again", "we need to understand as one sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toneals are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonels are growing back again", "we need to understand as one sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenels are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonals are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonails are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toyals are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenals are growing back again", "we need to understand as one sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonels are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman wants told me peace is the fact that my toenials are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman wants told me peace is the fact that my toenails are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toonials are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman wants told me peace is the fact that my tonials are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenils are growing back again", "we need to understand as one sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonails are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman wants told me peace is the fact that my toenyals are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toennials are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanny's woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonials are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenyels are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanny's woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenails are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanny's woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenials are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonyels are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudani's woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonials are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanese woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenaials are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudani's woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenials are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudani's woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenails are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudennis woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonials are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanney's woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonials are growing back again", "we need to understand as one sudanny's woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenails are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanny's woman once told me peace is the fact that my toneals are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanny's woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonyals are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanney's woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenails are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanny's woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenyals are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanney's woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenials are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudennis woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenails are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanny's woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenels are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanni's woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenails are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudanny's woman once told me peace is the fact that my tonels are growing back again", "we need to understand as once sudenni's woman once told me peace is the fact that my toenails are growing back again" ]
[ -9.91597, -22.34406, -12.53339, -23.73741, -13.92674, -12.68378, -11.30931, -15.30103, -14.92667, -18.18042, -14.07713, -16.69438, -16.32002, -15.55672, -19.57376, -11.36553, -19.72342, -12.57114, -13.98903, -16.95007, -16.56149, -26.37217, -14.34119, -13.94407, -17.64087, -21.11676, -19.32914, -17.12451, -10.42034, -19.7943, -22.84844, -13.03777, -17.17884, -8.90424, -19.52144, -11.52166, -21.33234, -11.85, -12.29334, -24.24178, -15.43105, -13.18816, -24.72144, -15.80541, -14.91077, -24.2781, -18.6848, -21.74604, -16.0611, -24.72324 ]
[ -8.82775, -3.6084, -7.82037, -3.99491, -8.20209, -8.75349, -9.36472, -7.73849, -7.92002, -6.89841, -9.17068, -8.11304, -8.39281, -9.055, -7.35526, -11.61533, -8.07642, -11.15961, -10.65283, -9.57226, -9.92, -5.94461, -11.22337, -11.49597, -10.07138, -8.58301, -9.8527, -10.81165, -14.14723, -10.16761, -9.0812, -13.2988, -11.53285, -15.12889, -10.58246, -14.1986, -10.01659, -14.31467, -14.4625, -9.47262, -13.27042, -14.25722, -9.31608, -13.14904, -13.5541, -9.55687, -12.33414, -11.83251, -14.32012, -10.94127 ]
[ -9.15422, -9.2291, -9.23428, -9.91766, -9.91949, -9.93258, -9.9481, -10.00725, -10.02202, -10.28301, -10.64262, -10.68744, -10.77097, -11.00552, -11.02081, -11.54039, -11.57052, -11.58307, -11.65369, -11.78561, -11.91245, -12.07288, -12.15871, -12.2304, -12.34222, -12.34314, -12.69563, -12.70551, -13.02916, -13.05562, -13.21137, -13.22049, -13.22665, -13.26149, -13.26415, -13.39552, -13.41131, -13.57527, -13.81175, -13.90337, -13.91861, -13.9365, -13.93769, -13.94595, -13.9611, -13.97324, -14.23933, -14.80657, -14.84241, -15.07586 ]
she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaced five million refugees
[ "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaced five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan and southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan and southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaced five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaceed five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displays five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it kills one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up into sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killsed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killsed one million people and displaced five million refugees", "she grew up into sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaced five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it kills one million people and displaced five million refugees", "she grew up in suudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and dispce five million refugees", "she screw up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war were it killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaces five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displacs five million refugees", "she grew up sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up on sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refues", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displased five million refugees", "she grew up in suudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaced five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it kill one million people and displace five million refugees", "she screw up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaced five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan and southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaceed five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaced five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refuges", "she crew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaced five million refues", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and dispaced five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where killed one million people and displaced five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war were it killed one million people and displaced five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million rafugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan or twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaced five million refugees", "she grew up on sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaced five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displacce five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudam for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killeds one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan a southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grewp in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she crew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaced five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaced five million refuges", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaced five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displaced five million rafugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern s sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refugees", "she grew up in sudan in southern sudan for twenty years of war where it killed one million people and displace five million refugeese" ]
[ -3.32976, -4.92978, -6.17758, -7.77759, -3.80728, -10.6408, -7.83058, -12.50056, -7.56794, -9.16795, -14.10058, -9.4306, -4.49448, -9.17522, -11.25964, -9.63414, -7.95099, -9.31823, -5.63593, -6.72101, -7.06529, -10.72527, -6.49112, -7.67471, -6.0945, -6.88034, -12.85966, -6.65509, -7.04524, -10.63995, -10.1856, -8.09113, -10.71232, -9.551, -11.23415, -12.0944, -10.15596, -8.6653, -12.32529, -6.22232, -11.02873, -8.39612, -10.57131, -8.9938, -11.78562, -12.23996, -12.23928, -13.69442, -9.20494, -10.78825 ]
[ -3.88471, -3.72861, -5.78362, -5.63691, -10.00537, -8.21822, -9.61372, -7.72454, -9.85052, -9.68005, -7.59018, -9.76536, -12.29644, -10.31311, -9.45742, -10.31131, -11.06088, -10.4753, -12.09899, -11.65131, -11.50767, -9.95748, -11.78026, -11.40767, -12.13449, -11.81288, -9.25253, -11.92056, -11.80957, -10.27922, -10.53293, -11.43718, -10.31888, -10.82625, -10.14736, -9.86354, -10.70117, -11.36662, -9.79957, -12.54786, -10.51809, -11.72225, -10.82125, -11.53223, -10.34795, -10.18575, -10.26281, -9.71993, -11.66604, -12.45235 ]
[ -3.71822, -4.08896, -5.9018, -6.27912, -8.14594, -8.94499, -9.07878, -9.15734, -9.16575, -9.52642, -9.5433, -9.66493, -9.95585, -9.97174, -9.99809, -10.10816, -10.12791, -10.12818, -10.16007, -10.17222, -10.17496, -10.18782, -10.19352, -10.28778, -10.32249, -10.33312, -10.33466, -10.34092, -10.38027, -10.38744, -10.42873, -10.43336, -10.43692, -10.44367, -10.4734, -10.5328, -10.53761, -10.55622, -10.55729, -10.6502, -10.67128, -10.72441, -10.74627, -10.7707, -10.77925, -10.80201, -10.85575, -10.91227, -10.92771, -11.95312 ]
many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water
[ "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken a slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the amunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers a sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken us slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the immunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition in the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebles and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rubbles and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebbels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken a slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the amunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the aminition and the water", "many women were taken a slaves by rebels and soldiers a sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual s laves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who are forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the amminition and the water", "many women were taken aslaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaps who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were force also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by repels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken a slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the immunition and the water", "many women were taken asslaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry themunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunishing and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers and sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken a slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition in the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebelles and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by a rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers are sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the amnition and the water", "many women were taken a slaves by rebles and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual laves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women are taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammenition and the water", "many women were taken a slaves by rubbles and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the amenition and the water", "many women were taken our slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers at sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slames who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebel and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken a slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken a slaves by rebbels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slakes who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken asthlaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves we were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunitions and the water", "many women were taken a slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual s laves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water", "many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunation and the water" ]
[ -9.49013, -8.22165, -8.71881, -12.23042, -13.0776, -14.44218, -13.58691, -10.42188, -15.53552, -14.22648, -14.18689, -9.88148, -7.45033, -12.49289, -10.96194, -10.51472, -14.29634, -13.26421, -9.06701, -14.06396, -13.32642, -15.35376, -13.1737, -11.01549, -12.0533, -18.74964, -14.87196, -12.31843, -8.69959, -13.56139, -14.08487, -16.98671, -9.1534, -10.42395, -15.54944, -16.23408, -14.26704, -15.46275, -15.02611, -16.36401, -16.56936, -13.59803, -12.91841, -8.613, -16.06465, -15.438, -16.72256, -16.71769, -9.24624, -16.54385 ]
[ -3.36582, -6.41266, -8.36312, -7.42852, -7.40917, -6.9839, -7.59576, -9.50507, -7.37541, -8.0772, -8.33813, -10.19595, -11.41604, -9.31336, -9.98161, -10.19353, -8.73762, -9.2298, -11.13867, -9.35398, -9.90918, -9.11542, -10.07215, -11.02338, -10.59389, -7.72906, -9.49067, -10.63916, -12.23128, -10.30052, -10.16604, -9.11896, -12.5524, -12.02547, -9.91875, -9.63135, -10.47537, -9.98031, -10.20405, -9.72345, -9.70322, -11.06864, -11.37395, -13.23247, -10.09407, -10.37338, -9.91885, -9.98011, -13.24392, -10.13154 ]
[ -5.20312, -6.95536, -8.46982, -8.86909, -9.1097, -9.22138, -9.39311, -9.78012, -9.82344, -9.92199, -10.09276, -10.10161, -10.22633, -10.26722, -10.27571, -10.28989, -10.40523, -10.44012, -10.51718, -10.76698, -10.93435, -10.98692, -11.00262, -11.02101, -11.03171, -11.03524, -11.10506, -11.14294, -11.17177, -11.27879, -11.34169, -11.47929, -11.5327, -11.54501, -11.60796, -11.61217, -11.61287, -11.62504, -11.65067, -11.71562, -11.76306, -11.82745, -11.83728, -11.84663, -11.88525, -11.89277, -11.95996, -12.00139, -12.04462, -12.05523 ]
and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnapped again
[ "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that women walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnabped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be sidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnobped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be a kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not we kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not make kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not bekidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnaphed again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnaped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not me kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnapbed again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be quidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be catnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnopped again", "and a food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she could not be kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not make a kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be cadnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kid knapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnap again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnpped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kid napped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not mean kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kednapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnobbed again", "and the food for the soldier so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kitnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnopped again", "and the food four the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be cidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty year so she would not be kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be cutnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years sa she would not be kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would be kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not really kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be knapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for two thousand years so she would not be kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kutnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnapted again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnaopped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not beat kidnapped again", "and the food for their soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not beckidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not been kidnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnapmed again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnaobped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidsnapped again", "and the food for the soldiers so that woman walked for twenty years so she would not be kidnappeded again" ]
[ -4.77817, -14.44475, -2.46643, -10.71309, -7.01725, -11.20168, -7.35843, -6.20887, -9.35648, -7.26507, -3.75037, -8.41698, -7.1544, -11.06315, -16.92345, -10.98287, -12.88213, -13.76858, -12.47895, -14.83262, -7.79603, -6.84437, -7.01113, -10.07504, -10.74985, -10.71108, -11.95316, -12.75538, -9.8322, -9.3346, -13.36088, -9.06377, -15.46823, -13.29194, -12.2377, -10.87696, -11.65178, -6.76089, -15.53724, -9.00633, -9.1672, -10.50514, -13.37212, -12.76201, -12.79534, -8.97609, -10.87375, -9.93283, -11.51255, -15.72722 ]
[ -2.69759, -4.39885, -9.6858, -6.57932, -8.62693, -7.03386, -9.46837, -9.96968, -8.93935, -9.85668, -11.46282, -9.52598, -10.60981, -8.94437, -6.65359, -9.29277, -8.59936, -8.30069, -8.86555, -7.92915, -11.00443, -11.51477, -11.46125, -10.18236, -9.93772, -10.10177, -9.6045, -9.27849, -10.57351, -10.79739, -9.10311, -10.98757, -8.25238, -9.29925, -9.81043, -10.43063, -10.18598, -12.3597, -8.63559, -11.55105, -11.50438, -10.93276, -9.71626, -10.03317, -10.04492, -11.69265, -10.95274, -11.58945, -11.15924, -10.27336 ]
[ -3.32177, -7.41262, -7.51999, -7.81945, -8.14402, -8.28421, -8.83539, -8.84144, -9.06449, -9.0792, -9.14909, -9.19328, -9.57319, -9.58, -9.73455, -9.7998, -9.88419, -9.94106, -9.94957, -10.00019, -10.04191, -10.11365, -10.12622, -10.15016, -10.18136, -10.28456, -10.3091, -10.32156, -10.35112, -10.35855, -10.38044, -10.41043, -10.41714, -10.49706, -10.53861, -10.56453, -10.62572, -10.68005, -10.70608, -10.78764, -10.80323, -10.80447, -10.81302, -10.85182, -10.87005, -10.87768, -10.92904, -11.09246, -11.26523, -11.90952 ]
and only when there was some sort of peace
[ "and only when there was some sort of", "and only when there was some sort of peace", "and only when there was some sort of piece", "and only when there was some sort of p", "and only when there were some sort of", "an only when there was some sort of", "and only when there is some sort of", "and only one there was some sort of", "and only when there was some sort ofce", "and only when there was some sort", "and only when there was some sort of pea", "an only when there was some sort of peace", "and only when there were some sort of peace", "and only one there was some sort of peace", "and only when there is some sort of peace", "and only when there was some sort of pce", "and only when there was some sort of pace", "and only when was some sort of", "and only when there was some piece", "and only when there was some", "and only when there was some sort of these", "and only when there was some sort peace", "and only when there was some sort of the", "and only when there was some sort of pe", "and only when there was some sort of ph", "and only when there was some peace", "and only when there was some sort of pece", "and only when there with some sort of", "an only when there was some sort of piece", "and only one there was some sort of piece", "and only when they was some sort of", "and only when there is some sort of piece", "and only when there were some sort of piece", "and only when there was some sort of heace", "and only when there was some sort of teace", "and only when was some sort of peace", "and only when there was some sort of pice", "and only when there was some sort ofp", "and only when there was some sort of a", "and only when there was some sort of people", "and only when there some sort of", "and only when there with some sort of peace", "and only when there was some sort of pc", "and only when there was some sort of pieceace", "and only when there was some sort of place", "and only when there was some sort of speace", "and only when there was some sort ofpiece", "and only when there was some sort of t", "and only when one there was some sort of", "and only when they was some sort of peace" ]
[ -4.55708, -3.4647, -5.14034, -2.86311, -8.81188, -8.21942, -9.8226, -11.62014, -4.66708, -7.90487, -3.04218, -7.12704, -7.7195, -10.52776, -8.73022, -2.97311, -9.76133, -8.65759, -11.64115, -11.05791, -10.3888, -6.81248, -9.94789, -4.10549, -11.17717, -9.96552, -4.21795, -9.95256, -8.80268, -12.20339, -11.92448, -10.40585, -9.39514, -11.45949, -11.03725, -7.56521, -7.42758, -9.23062, -12.03511, -12.58235, -8.92723, -8.86018, -9.44624, -4.48582, -14.4538, -11.18428, -16.0326, -12.19239, -9.49877, -10.83209 ]
[ -0.99556, -2.40256, -3.3798, -8.23832, -6.05699, -6.50772, -5.94029, -5.278, -8.51289, -7.13367, -9.53181, -7.89953, -7.65586, -6.63992, -7.50218, -10.18507, -7.48923, -8.19945, -6.97193, -7.29438, -7.78066, -9.34245, -8.20289, -10.8082, -7.78314, -8.35078, -10.83666, -8.41553, -8.96376, -7.58237, -7.75123, -8.42825, -8.88516, -8.09057, -8.33304, -9.86362, -10.10802, -9.34529, -8.18726, -7.95283, -9.59287, -9.75653, -9.51812, -11.68291, -7.42307, -8.90282, -6.87695, -8.60416, -9.79295, -9.24487 ]
[ -2.06402, -2.7212, -3.90796, -6.62576, -6.88346, -7.02123, -7.10498, -7.18064, -7.35915, -7.36503, -7.58492, -7.66779, -7.67495, -7.80627, -7.87059, -8.02148, -8.17086, -8.3369, -8.37269, -8.42344, -8.5631, -8.58346, -8.72639, -8.79739, -8.80135, -8.8352, -8.85105, -8.87664, -8.91543, -8.96868, -9.0032, -9.02153, -9.03815, -9.10125, -9.1443, -9.1741, -9.30389, -9.31089, -9.34162, -9.34169, -9.39318, -9.48763, -9.49656, -9.52379, -9.53229, -9.58726, -9.62365, -9.68063, -9.7047, -9.72104 ]
toenails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we
[ "honels grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "honels grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "renails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "snails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "snails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "monails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "renails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "monails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "tonails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "tonails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "honels grew back again we need to understand peace from a tonails perspective we", "renails grew back again we need to understand peace from a tonails perspective we", "snails grew back again we need to understand peace from a tonails perspective we", "monails grew back again we need to understand peace from a tonails perspective we", "jonails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "manails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "jonails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "manails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "nonails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "nonails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "manails grew back again we need to understand peace from a tonails perspective we", "honels grew back again we need to understand peace from a tonail's perspective we", "tonails grew back again we need to understand peace from a tonails perspective we", "snails grew back again we need to understand peace from a tonail's perspective we", "whonails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "renails grew back again we need to understand peace from a tonail's perspective we", "whonails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "gnails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "monails grew back again we need to understand peace from a tonail's perspective we", "renails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toneals perspective we", "monails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toneals perspective we", "snails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toneals perspective we", "gnails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "honails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "honels grew back again we need to understand peace from a toneals perspective we", "honails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "menails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "pernails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "pernails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "sonails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "jonails grew back again we need to understand peace from a tonails perspective we", "sonails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "connails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "connails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "menails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "tonails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toneals perspective we", "pronails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective we", "pronails grew back again we need to understand peace from a toenails perspective we", "manails grew back again we need to understand peace from a tonail's perspective we", "tonails grew back again we need to understand peace from a tonail's perspective we" ]
[ -18.91348, -17.05563, -13.59045, -13.80313, -15.66098, -13.2181, -15.4483, -15.07595, -14.96798, -16.82584, -11.74765, -8.28248, -8.49516, -7.91013, -14.04404, -13.91157, -15.90189, -15.76942, -13.68343, -15.54128, -8.6036, -13.6055, -9.66001, -10.35302, -15.8199, -10.14034, -17.67777, -12.87416, -9.76798, -10.95466, -10.58231, -11.16734, -14.73201, -10.64802, -14.41983, -12.50588, -16.0205, -15.18877, -17.04663, -17.64822, -8.73607, -15.79036, -15.20783, -17.0657, -17.87835, -12.33219, -17.85854, -16.00068, -10.46145, -11.51786 ]
[ -4.72613, -5.59732, -7.29335, -7.21626, -6.43173, -7.57772, -6.62682, -6.85547, -7.49766, -6.75214, -8.95353, -10.58506, -10.58222, -10.85342, -8.51151, -8.56829, -7.72155, -7.85003, -8.74804, -8.14174, -11.15728, -9.11244, -10.82427, -10.75915, -8.44311, -10.87761, -7.67271, -9.74534, -11.08426, -10.57873, -10.75321, -10.55245, -9.07256, -10.8328, -9.2319, -10.06034, -8.58484, -8.94167, -8.17286, -7.92516, -11.74896, -8.72575, -8.97694, -8.21857, -7.89958, -10.43326, -8.06963, -8.88644, -11.39375, -11.0227 ]
[ -8.98233, -9.03481, -9.18248, -9.19232, -9.20051, -9.26984, -9.27327, -9.32161, -9.73876, -9.77425, -9.79176, -9.89428, -9.9561, -9.97043, -10.17127, -10.17127, -10.17565, -10.22585, -10.22865, -10.3616, -10.39118, -10.46036, -10.475, -10.63731, -10.65615, -10.65643, -10.67423, -10.68398, -10.68938, -10.69151, -10.70194, -10.73692, -10.7704, -10.77737, -10.78828, -10.794, -10.81553, -10.8158, -10.83499, -10.84208, -10.84509, -10.84513, -10.84621, -10.87271, -10.89321, -11.00294, -11.0063, -11.02071, -11.11406, -11.17125 ]
need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table
[ "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars are peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wors or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at their negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at then negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars our peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of hours or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars her peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women are the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannott actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of haws or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we canot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending a wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at a negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of fours or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of endding of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace withut fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully incluing women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have neigotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending or wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "needs to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or pace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wurs or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars a peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wwars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have 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cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars your peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peaces without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ening of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or pece without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiationss of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without a fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars all peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of the ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiaing table", "need to understand that we connot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating ttable", "need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating tabled" ]
[ -1.36549, -3.49429, -4.82774, -5.20572, -5.5751, -7.00929, -9.66604, -6.02164, -7.99246, -3.97563, -10.99833, -6.53658, -7.144, -7.13489, -8.79572, -4.35413, -6.51511, -8.00854, -6.41961, -8.14794, -8.89351, -8.55619, -8.11764, -6.33378, -6.36411, -8.72297, -5.88662, -6.56651, -9.28003, -8.62687, -9.23087, -7.13525, -10.03927, -6.71494, -9.50723, -7.39899, -7.18228, -8.59186, -9.90587, -7.78462, -7.53602, -7.43105, -9.06147, -9.29533, -9.36401, -9.75473, -8.00946, -11.09101, -10.35299, -10.871 ]
[ -3.48999, -9.31586, -9.53732, -9.58302, -9.83021, -9.5255, -8.44702, -10.17566, -9.84165, -11.64123, -8.70968, -10.78529, -10.53063, -10.5576, -9.95169, -12.20694, -11.3367, -11.01922, -11.70799, -11.0177, -10.71766, -10.89376, -11.13848, -11.91406, -11.95294, -10.95403, -12.22754, -11.9656, -10.82031, -11.10364, -10.94048, -11.8532, -10.65569, -12.18428, -11.0053, -11.92433, -12.02566, -11.48341, -10.92408, -11.88239, -11.99501, -12.05248, -11.42896, -11.35116, -11.33257, -11.17088, -11.9463, -10.64784, -12.18822, -11.97777 ]
[ -2.85264, -7.56939, -8.12445, -8.26983, -8.55368, -8.77064, -8.81273, -8.92945, -9.28689, -9.34155, -9.39628, -9.51067, -9.51464, -9.53079, -9.6049, -9.8511, -9.89022, -10.11601, -10.12147, -10.15678, -10.17042, -10.19249, -10.23223, -10.23998, -10.27629, -10.28471, -10.32526, -10.34587, -10.35823, -10.36061, -10.42759, -10.43782, -10.47076, -10.54348, -10.55588, -10.56673, -10.57264, -10.61595, -10.61862, -10.65306, -10.65731, -10.66605, -10.71871, -10.73441, -10.742, -10.74603, -10.76524, -10.78079, -11.63765, -11.64574 ]
i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging and not burning and not raping
[ "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pyllaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing a not pillaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging a not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pllaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pylaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing are not pillaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing a not pillaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pellaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging a not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not billaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not plaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging are not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pilllaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pilaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not belaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing a not pyllaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing a not pillaging a not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not bellaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting a not killing and not pillaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing an not pillaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and that killing and not pillaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pyllaging a not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not villaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not bullaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pylaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not plyaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging and not burning and not rapping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pleaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing are not pillaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pullaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting are not killing and not pillaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging an not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pilaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pilleging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging are not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not piloging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillyging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaiging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that be only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging or not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pileaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing i not pillaging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging and that burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pilleging and not burning and not raping", "i find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging and not burning and not rapeing" ]
[ -7.92244, -4.91652, -3.89157, -9.56612, -8.33466, -2.73476, -6.91033, -13.65639, -6.5602, -7.06494, -5.32874, -8.45807, -5.78341, -5.82038, -14.50112, -4.90377, -7.31736, -11.82576, -5.53526, -9.97834, -8.73873, -11.86438, -11.73817, -15.04278, -4.30379, -7.7238, -9.00754, -8.5885, -8.26626, -8.3888, -9.435, -10.65047, -10.96512, -15.18534, -10.83403, -7.93314, -9.21038, -11.4952, -11.7976, -12.56689, -7.19679, -14.3529, -15.78386, -14.43012, -13.66014, -9.48722, -15.94359, -15.68524, -13.78452, -12.37198 ]
[ -2.93216, -6.26283, -8.11264, -6.38095, -7.25006, -11.04716, -9.26147, -6.93417, -9.97922, -9.84896, -10.60162, -9.36773, -10.82534, -11.00552, -7.33062, -11.46694, -10.56348, -8.89182, -11.63606, -9.78616, -10.45278, -9.20389, -9.26826, -7.89992, -12.53335, -11.27132, -10.83439, -11.12535, -11.26776, -11.41685, -10.99095, -10.66219, -10.57602, -8.77201, -10.69946, -12.01351, -11.54342, -10.65728, -10.58106, -10.36791, -12.74155, -9.67754, -9.07365, -9.72698, -10.0801, -11.93018, -9.28112, -9.41965, -10.25641, -10.93336 ]
[ -4.42924, -5.85894, -6.84632, -7.3365, -7.57544, -8.55344, -8.55613, -8.95083, -8.95351, -9.01376, -9.01975, -9.09483, -9.31276, -9.44997, -9.48177, -9.49799, -9.58965, -9.772, -9.80582, -9.84381, -9.93857, -10.00204, -10.00923, -10.04278, -10.06448, -10.20706, -10.28633, -10.36429, -10.36731, -10.50843, -10.52416, -10.65867, -10.69275, -10.69601, -10.73983, -10.7894, -10.84351, -10.90866, -10.94602, -11.02761, -11.07812, -11.08015, -11.08671, -11.13793, -11.15411, -11.19729, -11.27986, -11.29932, -11.31484, -11.36495 ]
and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively who are keeping life going in the midst of war are not included at the negotiating table
[ "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively are keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively were keeping live going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively or keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively who are keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively are keeping live going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively where keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and a group of people who are mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the mids of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people are mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively more keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going and the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midts of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively we are keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and a group of people who are mostly though not exclusively are keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in their negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midt of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively are keeping life going in the mids of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people are mostly though not exclusively are keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midths of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively or keeping live going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of wars are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mosttly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively who are keeping live going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who aremostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively were keeping life 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included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the neigotiating table", "and the groups of people who are mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not excluseively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are a mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclussively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who were mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are muchly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people whoar mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating table", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiatingtable", "and the group of people who are mostly though not exclusively were keeping life going in the midst of war are not included in the negotiating ttable" ]
[ -4.3514, -3.96304, -7.23212, -8.34702, -11.32146, -6.84377, -8.99069, -9.27634, -2.79446, -7.13345, -10.58148, -9.3704, -6.80152, -12.5355, -8.88799, -9.91382, -5.89153, -2.40611, -6.7451, -5.81722, -6.01993, -11.22774, -9.43281, -5.55763, -14.20219, -10.67124, -12.52334, -8.28892, -7.77067, -13.38263, -10.87433, -5.67518, -8.98205, -12.15706, -9.31739, -9.96752, -11.87141, -11.35586, -6.41317, -8.18838, -9.8534, -9.82597, -7.34402, -10.27536, -8.16345, -12.3199, -12.71019, -11.58425, -18.40124, -12.23945 ]
[ -3.70532, -6.13645, -6.30992, -7.10559, -6.45704, -8.79547, -7.92023, -7.80481, -10.76208, -9.60282, -8.67143, -9.24702, -10.64234, -8.29433, -10.21577, -9.82494, -11.69774, -13.2151, -11.37421, -11.8025, -11.99077, -9.7764, -10.86124, -12.54297, -9.09462, -10.79316, -10.05872, -11.87882, -12.16544, -9.77832, -10.92739, -13.16629, -11.74949, -10.40016, -11.71158, -11.50177, -10.68771, -10.90918, -13.059, -12.32085, -11.61923, -11.64302, -12.72183, -11.47042, -12.40338, -10.62507, -10.53318, -11.05738, -9.16374, -12.33844 ]
[ -3.89914, -5.48443, -6.58658, -7.47802, -7.91637, -8.20996, -8.24136, -8.24627, -8.3718, -8.86201, -9.24445, -9.28403, -9.49009, -9.56668, -9.81743, -9.8516, -9.95588, -9.9724, -9.98547, -10.00692, -10.19952, -10.21181, -10.43271, -10.44737, -10.62689, -10.75658, -10.79811, -10.80185, -10.84701, -10.85962, -10.91147, -10.91895, -10.91925, -10.92723, -10.99332, -11.04149, -11.04282, -11.04319, -11.06525, -11.0811, -11.08948, -11.09791, -11.10849, -11.1119, -11.1314, -11.13352, -11.18628, -11.21544, -11.93499, -12.30875 ]
do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting
[ "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but they are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the backline discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion that doctors who are not fighting", "you argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but they're also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also man who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded for that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "you argue that women lead the back line discussion but they are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do you argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women leave the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the backline discussion but they are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but they are also men who are excluded from that discussion that doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back liine discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the backeline discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion a doctors who are not fighting", "do arge that women lead the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussions the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there is also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back lines discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women liad the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussioned the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women leads the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back lined discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there were also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but therere also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also mens who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back leine discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but their also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there arere also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussioned but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that womenad the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the backline discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion that doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women led the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "you argue that women lead the backline discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but they are also man who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also men who were excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "you argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion that doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women read the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "you argue that women lead the back line discussion but they're also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that human lead the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the backline discussion but they're also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion and the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead a back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but they're also men who are excluded from that discussion that doctors who are not fighting", "do argue that women lead the back line discussion but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion the doctors who are not fightting" ]
[ -1.70431, -4.14271, -6.43397, -4.29215, -2.86304, -8.34671, -3.11389, -6.53523, -8.01965, -5.30144, -3.15748, -7.34763, -8.87237, -6.73055, -3.98552, -5.80061, -8.37786, -6.18355, -7.65474, -8.2548, -8.21476, -6.19809, -7.4492, -6.89016, -7.94598, -6.66085, -8.4683, -5.10351, -9.40121, -11.05865, -12.32835, -5.45105, -7.60726, -6.4954, -6.43176, -9.6649, -9.02181, -9.01405, -7.5927, -8.97362, -10.43535, -5.45088, -10.15504, -9.50544, -13.55564, -13.07637, -8.2741, -10.05978, -10.93455, -7.15176 ]
[ -3.81722, -6.06009, -7.02732, -7.9626, -8.63247, -6.48557, -9.08131, -9.43725, -9.22824, -10.61274, -11.57763, -9.79194, -9.22806, -10.4065, -11.67007, -11.26279, -10.45576, -11.53465, -10.99367, -10.83884, -10.87466, -11.74327, -11.25526, -11.54948, -11.11792, -11.68128, -10.95053, -12.44687, -10.64259, -9.97679, -9.4967, -12.46146, -11.56287, -12.09768, -12.1881, -10.86756, -11.17335, -11.18381, -11.85604, -11.27223, -10.68034, -12.82017, -10.85332, -11.13343, -9.40665, -9.6306, -11.70065, -11.17174, -10.82735, -12.92658 ]
[ -3.18335, -5.48488, -6.84932, -6.86146, -6.90164, -7.04391, -7.29108, -8.56664, -8.86566, -9.01935, -9.05158, -9.05865, -9.12135, -9.30372, -9.3647, -9.62413, -9.83239, -9.92932, -9.99199, -10.06363, -10.07669, -10.07972, -10.11344, -10.15169, -10.16634, -10.17515, -10.20586, -10.24386, -10.27017, -10.30134, -10.3462, -10.35833, -10.37619, -10.417, -10.4612, -10.50676, -10.52789, -10.53288, -10.57704, -10.58264, -10.60684, -10.60939, -10.64384, -10.64503, -10.65135, -10.66433, -10.67269, -10.83815, -10.85951, -11.19413 ]
the artists the students the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are too excluded from the negotiating tables
[ "the artists the students the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are too excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refused to pick up the guns they are too excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are two excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refused to pick up the guns they are two excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the man who refuse to pick up the guns they are too excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the man who refused to pick up the guns they are too excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the man who refused to pick up the guns they are two excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the man who refuse to pick up the guns they are two excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are to excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists that students the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are too excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artist the students the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are too excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refuse to pick up the guns there are two excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students and the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are too excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are do excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refuseed to pick up the guns they are too excluded from the negotiating tables", "they artists the students the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are too excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artist the students the men who refused to pick up the guns they are too excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refused to pick up the guns they are to excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists that students the men who refused to pick up the guns they are too excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists that students the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are two excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refused to pick up the guns there are two excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are tou excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artist the students the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are two excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refused to pick up the guns they are do excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students and the men who refused to pick up the guns they are too excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refuse to pick of the guns they are too excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are too excluded from their negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refuseed to pick up the guns they are two excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are you excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refus to pick up the guns they are too excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artist the students the men who refused to pick up the guns they are two excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students and the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are two excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are to you excluded from the negotiating tables", "the artists the students the men who refuse to pick up the guns they are toe excluded from the 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[ -7.41602, -5.14595, -5.28655, -3.01648, -10.68995, -8.41989, -6.29043, -8.56049, -5.0977, -12.17332, -10.62837, -11.57752, -10.52531, -10.54737, -6.92661, -11.79636, -8.3583, -2.82763, -9.90326, -10.04385, -9.30745, -8.46384, -8.4989, -8.27731, -8.25524, -12.07761, -12.73464, -4.79714, -10.58279, -9.7297, -6.22884, -8.39584, -7.26336, -8.91534, -7.77379, -9.5263, -9.6669, -12.67789, -6.12578, -6.19378, -9.80755, -16.03414, -10.46458, -12.95923, -16.56642, -12.46671, -10.60517, -10.19983, -10.40783, -10.19665 ]
[ -3.59326, -5.60761, -5.67432, -7.28841, -7.39605, -8.71804, -10.40058, -9.49552, -11.27904, -8.58465, -9.41038, -9.06003, -9.68176, -9.69327, -11.58235, -9.52794, -11.00188, -13.38134, -10.58942, -10.64438, -10.96441, -11.37558, -11.46046, -11.59541, -11.61002, -10.0127, -9.78172, -13.19183, -10.71701, -11.10007, -12.63098, -11.7792, -12.2843, -11.63735, -12.26064, -11.61313, -11.62442, -10.40385, -13.30174, -13.36687, -11.99627, -9.40289, -11.82971, -10.81802, -9.27812, -11.0821, -11.88219, -12.15088, -12.12856, -13.08106 ]
[ -4.74009, -5.46911, -5.55799, -6.00683, -8.38422, -8.62859, -9.16754, -9.21501, -9.42464, -9.66125, -9.77578, -9.81528, -9.93482, -9.9495, -10.18563, -10.20847, -10.20881, -10.21523, -10.38357, -10.46423, -10.46733, -10.50206, -10.572, -10.59998, -10.60359, -10.63217, -10.6676, -10.67342, -10.67674, -10.68896, -10.71034, -10.76419, -10.77802, -10.82074, -10.91459, -10.98708, -11.03716, -11.08606, -11.14895, -11.21494, -11.33965, -11.39227, -11.42017, -11.46038, -11.46461, -11.49748, -11.49909, -11.56557, -11.61234, -12.21574 ]
there is no way we can talk about a lasting peace building of democracy sustainable economies any kind of stability if we do not fully include women
[ "there is no way we can talk about a lasting peace building of democracy sustainable economies any kind of stability if we do not fully include women", "there is no way we can talk about lasting peace building of democracy sustainable economies any kind of stability if we do not fully include women", "there is no way we can talk about the lasting peace building of democracy sustainable economies any kind of stability if we do not fully include women", "there is no way we can talk about a lasting peace building of democracy sustainable economies any kinds of stability if we do not fully include women", "there is no way we can talk about a lasting peace building of democracy sustainable economies any kind of stabilityies if we do not fully include women", "there is no way we can talk about a lasting peace building of democracy sustainable economies any kind of stabilities if we do not fully include women", "there is no way we can talk about a lasting peace building of democracy 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[ -5.00642, -8.65488, -10.50501, -9.55074, -3.366, -9.96746, -10.30994, -9.21468, -9.85359, -9.5955, -11.06108, -13.99036, -9.41943, -8.66083, -12.4737, -7.60517, -13.9577, -12.59082, -11.19003, -10.51783, -11.69861, -10.73542, -11.8039, -15.15442, -9.26928, -13.04721, -13.65872, -11.36944, -15.63334, -13.62681, -10.36861, -14.2466, -15.48263, -13.24792, -13.02779, -14.40541, -13.79204, -13.80496, -13.34694, -11.26909, -15.21037, -13.33912, -14.47477, -13.35908, -11.5023, -13.77555, -13.64631, -13.40075, -13.76858, -10.74212 ]
[ -3.50247, -6.26437, -7.98443, -8.99963, -11.89712, -9.12127, -9.17533, -9.91194, -10.10381, -10.28992, -9.82802, -8.98152, -10.9431, -11.32958, -9.84912, -11.95228, -9.30437, -9.92643, -10.5514, -10.90316, -10.41411, -10.94068, -10.53028, -9.11572, -11.73498, -10.19, -9.9617, -11.06284, -9.23902, -10.12313, -11.57735, -9.9874, -9.55004, -10.52439, -10.68068, -10.10195, -10.42952, -10.42927, -10.65138, -11.55379, -9.89357, -10.71561, -10.36486, -10.8615, -11.66658, -10.71216, -10.81702, -10.94956, -10.79314, -12.2557 ]
[ -3.95365, -6.98152, -8.7406, -9.16497, -9.33778, -9.37513, -9.51571, -9.70276, -10.02874, -10.08159, -10.19794, -10.48417, -10.486, -10.52895, -10.63649, -10.64815, -10.70037, -10.72575, -10.74299, -10.78756, -10.79946, -10.8791, -10.91237, -10.92733, -10.99527, -11.04717, -11.07081, -11.15482, -11.15732, -11.17423, -11.21472, -11.26516, -11.32982, -11.34145, -11.38481, -11.39299, -11.43828, -11.44197, -11.46004, -11.46838, -11.48861, -11.50266, -11.59784, -11.61077, -11.6173, -11.63118, -11.66581, -11.68492, -11.68577, -11.80163 ]
no way we can talk about the building of stability if we don't start investing in women and girls
[ "no way we can talk about the building of stability if we don't start investing in women and girls", "no way we can talk about the building of stability we don't start investing in women and girls", "no way we can talk about a building of stability if we don't start investing in women and girls", "no way we can talk about the buildings of stability if we don't start investing in women and girls", "no way we can talk about the building of st ability if we don't start investing in women and girls", "no way we can talk about the building of stability if we we don't start investing in women and girls", "no why we can talk about the building of stability if we don't start investing in women and girls", "no way we can talk about the building of stability of we don't start investing in women and girls", "no way we can talk about that building of stability if we don't start investing in women and girls", "no way we can talk about the building of the stability if we don't start investing in 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way we can talk about the building of stability if we don't start investing in women and girlals" ]
[ -1.23362, -2.23729, -6.44026, -7.38577, -7.60242, -3.78795, -6.67485, -7.84572, -8.76612, -8.9445, -9.24708, -5.39008, -10.33921, -8.69774, -8.95836, -8.00688, -9.26514, -8.11088, -9.47217, -10.94312, -9.95949, -9.66776, -9.07174, -8.34306, -8.15109, -7.44393, -8.29463, -6.87137, -9.83561, -10.32259, -7.41193, -8.4267, -10.77556, -7.11245, -10.0583, -10.99814, -10.96455, -7.95069, -9.09367, -10.16773, -8.07045, -8.9777, -8.18705, -8.31967, -9.58239, -11.43889, -9.32334, -7.49835, -10.55776, -9.57001 ]
[ -1.88157, -5.99938, -6.14459, -8.36649, -8.3574, -10.13452, -9.22654, -8.8404, -8.44621, -8.89314, -8.83046, -10.51535, -8.60673, -9.39969, -9.28936, -9.72728, -9.27227, -9.82045, -9.34278, -8.78713, -9.21185, -9.3394, -9.61666, -9.93998, -10.03887, -10.3473, -9.98919, -10.60382, -9.34078, -9.14775, -10.39943, -9.99311, -9.03031, -10.61109, -9.39872, -9.00328, -9.06911, -10.37474, -9.93355, -9.50718, -10.4077, -10.05768, -10.47663, -10.50192, -10.02337, -9.24089, -10.15861, -10.94712, -9.69886, -10.74157 ]
[ -1.68719, -4.87075, -6.23329, -8.07228, -8.13091, -8.23055, -8.46104, -8.542, -8.54218, -8.90855, -8.95544, -8.97777, -9.12647, -9.18911, -9.19006, -9.21116, -9.27013, -9.30758, -9.3816, -9.43393, -9.43614, -9.43791, -9.45319, -9.46091, -9.47253, -9.47629, -9.48082, -9.48408, -9.48923, -9.5002, -9.50318, -9.52319, -9.55389, -9.5615, -9.5966, -9.60174, -9.63775, -9.64753, -9.68158, -9.70534, -9.70653, -9.73369, -9.78976, -9.84725, -9.89108, -9.90029, -9.90803, -9.91248, -9.95653, -10.3901 ]
did you know that one year of the world's military spending equals
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[ -0.20803, -3.60715, -4.24433, -6.24784, -4.50688, -8.68595, -9.64697, -7.8155, -7.8013, -7.41144, -7.10939, -7.906, -9.43273, -4.36845, -7.63975, -11.74025, -11.19856, -10.18706, -7.64919, -4.80147, -6.42442, -11.43178, -5.69632, -6.17098, -10.50955, -9.08484, -9.57456, -10.81056, -9.23263, -8.93819, -9.93558, -5.921, -6.00585, -8.10566, -7.18904, -12.83186, -8.00181, -9.41533, -11.56027, -7.97251, -8.91336, -11.57918, -6.82057, -9.87098, -9.30859, -9.26284, -9.55939, -10.28415, -11.57679, -7.7442 ]
[ -2.36333, -2.57002, -5.10045, -6.99844, -8.04798, -7.5348, -7.19384, -8.27271, -8.28739, -8.58068, -8.76326, -8.50006, -7.92829, -10.55924, -9.30905, -7.9012, -8.13396, -8.583, -9.69286, -10.98476, -10.31624, -8.20968, -10.7366, -10.64864, -8.82629, -9.48096, -9.2811, -8.75494, -9.44346, -9.59744, -9.17001, -10.91562, -10.90168, -10.00726, -10.47209, -8.09606, -10.23535, -9.71636, -8.91424, -10.45366, -10.05815, -8.92299, -11.00126, -9.91566, -10.15882, -10.18644, -10.06084, -9.76422, -9.21689, -10.86562 ]
[ -1.71674, -2.88116, -4.84361, -6.77326, -6.98565, -7.88015, -7.92978, -8.13555, -8.14156, -8.22991, -8.2671, -8.32184, -8.37962, -8.702, -8.80826, -9.05291, -9.05334, -9.06422, -9.07976, -9.12978, -9.1487, -9.17631, -9.22451, -9.30535, -9.33127, -9.36212, -9.36914, -9.37163, -9.38021, -9.39967, -9.39968, -9.41723, -9.43293, -9.43678, -9.48717, -9.5168, -9.56529, -9.62605, -9.70805, -9.70931, -9.71472, -9.71985, -9.74706, -9.90225, -9.90375, -9.90936, -9.9104, -9.9202, -9.92486, -9.9292 ]
hundred years of the u n budget and equals
[ "hundred years of the u n budget and equals", "hundred years of the u n budgets and equals", "hundred years of the u n budget an equals", "one hundred years of the u n budget and equals", "hundred years of the un budgets and equals", "hundred years of the u n budgets an equals", "hundred years of the un budget and equals", "hundred years of the un budget and equals", "one hundred years of the u n budgets and equals", "hundred years of the n budget and equals", "hundred years of the u n budget and iquals", "hundred years of the u and budget and equals", "thousand hundred years of the u n budget and equals", "hundred years of the eu n budget and equals", "hundred years of the u and budgets and equals", "hundred years of the yu n budget and equals", "hundred years of the u k budget and equals", "hundred years of the un budgets and equals", "hundred years of a u n budget and equals", "hundred years of the u m budget and equals", "a hundred years of the u n budget and equals", "hundred years of the u n budgett and equals", "hundreds years of the u n budget and equals", "hundred years of the uu n budget and equals", "hundred yearss of the u n budgets and equals", "hundred hundred years of the u n budget and equals", "hundred yearss of the u n budget and equals", "hundred years of the u n buddget and equals", "hundred years of the u in budget and equals", "ten hundred years of the u n budget and equals", "hundred years of the u n budget in equals", "hundred years of the u and budget and equals", "hundred years the u n budget and equals", "hundred and years of the u n budget and equals", "hundred years of the u ng budget and equals", "hundred years year of the u n budget and equals", "hundred years of their u n budgets and equals", "hundred years of the u n budget and equalls", "two hundred years of the u n budget and equals", "hundred years of the u an budget and equals", "hundred years of the ukn budget and equals", "hundred years of the u n badget and equals", "hundred years of the ju n budget and equals", "hundred years years of the u n budget and equals", "hundred years of their u n budget and equals", "hundred years of the u n budgetz and equals", "hundredde years of the u n budget and equals", "hundred years of the u n budgets and iquals", "hundred years of the u n budget it and equals", "hundred years of the u n budget and equols" ]
[ -1.62408, -1.79272, -7.02618, -5.10638, -10.31465, -7.19481, -10.14601, -2.52042, -5.27502, -4.73368, -10.36095, -7.64492, -8.73404, -9.1672, -7.81356, -10.03476, -9.79476, -2.68906, -10.16753, -8.64258, -10.09987, -7.8537, -7.51662, -5.06586, -9.21018, -5.79115, -9.04154, -6.7978, -6.8129, -7.66104, -10.37233, -7.87959, -8.7405, -7.13432, -11.28516, -7.55478, -9.37661, -8.01982, -8.60663, -7.81657, -8.89539, -10.93866, -9.78433, -8.27437, -9.20797, -10.16044, -8.50965, -10.52959, -10.02429, -10.48024 ]
[ -1.34475, -3.30566, -5.61372, -7.00606, -5.06604, -6.98382, -5.92644, -9.3803, -8.60422, -9.40149, -7.00164, -8.43345, -8.01208, -7.95529, -8.85035, -7.91666, -8.04152, -11.16224, -7.98108, -8.68938, -8.17141, -9.16288, -9.33236, -10.39027, -8.61775, -10.12958, -8.79866, -9.82715, -9.94617, -9.58815, -8.46922, -9.57852, -9.28495, -9.99185, -8.22899, -9.87422, -9.12122, -9.70286, -9.45404, -9.83537, -9.40156, -8.61946, -9.17668, -9.83459, -9.47923, -9.13439, -9.86959, -9.02201, -9.31312, -9.33249 ]
[ -1.42855, -2.85178, -6.03745, -6.43616, -6.64062, -7.04712, -7.19231, -7.32233, -7.60546, -8.00115, -8.00943, -8.19689, -8.22867, -8.31886, -8.53932, -8.55209, -8.56749, -8.62029, -8.63702, -8.67534, -8.74994, -8.77012, -8.78764, -8.79295, -8.79548, -8.82805, -8.87152, -8.91834, -9.00619, -9.01002, -9.04015, -9.06884, -9.12162, -9.13459, -9.14584, -9.17839, -9.19784, -9.19795, -9.19982, -9.22973, -9.24971, -9.31522, -9.35897, -9.36653, -9.39785, -9.44221, -9.46161, -9.47428, -9.52647, -9.67682 ]
two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of the u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps
[ "two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand and nine hundred and twenty eight years of u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of the u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of eu n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand nine hundred twenty eight years of u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of un budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand and nine hundred and twenty eight years of the u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two 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eight years of u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand nine thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distributions of funds perhaps", "two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of new n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of a u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of w n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand nine hundred and twenty eighty years of u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of eu n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhap", "two two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of fundz perhaps", "two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of an u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight years of u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse the distribution of funds perhaps", "two thousand million nine hundred and twenty eight years of u n budget allocated for women if we just reverse that distribution of funds perhaps" ]
[ -2.41003, -4.70821, -6.14502, -8.30244, -3.36214, -11.94812, -8.4432, -5.30607, -4.3354, -7.42369, -5.09807, -9.98241, -5.18953, -10.21719, -11.63637, -10.73258, -8.5565, -6.73525, -9.73857, -6.63953, -9.86055, -8.32116, -8.56187, -8.19536, -11.49428, -6.49737, -9.76896, -12.17859, -6.96504, -9.4591, -11.10314, -11.77905, -7.70691, -15.23492, -11.57704, -10.90948, -10.47056, -10.39254, -10.23207, -10.32236, -6.22657, -9.36111, -9.35644, -10.65193, -8.93362, -9.17908, -9.90211, -10.66403, -13.02357, -13.71978 ]
[ -3.00153, -6.17044, -6.03778, -7.9983, -10.73044, -7.54603, -9.16406, -10.64749, -11.17361, -10.02328, -11.02413, -9.15742, -11.26264, -9.17042, -9.14614, -9.64204, -10.59294, -11.4468, -10.2111, -11.59173, -10.26152, -10.92536, -10.86331, -11.02743, -9.67235, -11.82319, -10.44859, -9.53327, -11.77698, -10.78502, -10.0919, -9.86096, -11.67446, -8.50436, -10.07402, -10.36084, -10.67377, -10.78482, -10.87475, -10.86272, -12.66328, -11.35451, -11.37032, -10.82244, -11.56268, -11.48206, -11.22774, -10.90702, -9.89929, -9.64193 ]
[ -2.82408, -5.73177, -6.06995, -8.08954, -8.51995, -8.86666, -8.9478, -9.04506, -9.12215, -9.2434, -9.24631, -9.40492, -9.44071, -9.48445, -9.89321, -9.9692, -9.98201, -10.03333, -10.06934, -10.10607, -10.14123, -10.1441, -10.17288, -10.17781, -10.21893, -10.22544, -10.2447, -10.32687, -10.3334, -10.38724, -10.39527, -10.43639, -10.48419, -10.52352, -10.52493, -10.52543, -10.61281, -10.66714, -10.68195, -10.70061, -10.73226, -10.75649, -10.76616, -10.77129, -10.77396, -10.79116, -10.83005, -10.83412, -10.83657, -10.86529 ]
it is the right thing to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future
[ "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right thing to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right things to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right thing to do not only because it is the right things to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lastsing peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right thinks to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right thing to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lastsing peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build a sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do that only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lossing peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the rightting to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is that right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is that right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right thing to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build a sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right thing to do that only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasing peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peaces today but it is for the future", "is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and the lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right thing to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lossing peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting piece today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right things to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right thing to do not only because it is is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lastingpeace today but it is for the future", "it is the right thing to do not only because it is that right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable andlessing peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right thing to do not only because it is the rightting to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable andlassing peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lassing peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right time to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is four the future", "it is the right thing to do not only because it is the thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do and not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable in lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to be sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and mosting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peath today but it is for the future", "it is the right thing to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasing peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do it not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right thing to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peaces today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lessing peace today but it is for the future", "it is the rightting things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today but it is for the future", "it is the right things to do not only because it is the right thing to do for all of us to build sustainable and lasthing peace today but it is for the future" ]
[ -1.36412, -4.71837, -3.87604, -7.23029, -1.48763, -8.98381, -4.84188, -6.19752, -6.38768, -9.30274, -5.11048, -4.79387, -10.40378, -6.62818, -9.31285, -9.55178, -9.74194, -6.69639, -6.57743, -8.62956, -9.20797, -12.65699, -17.1278, -7.11852, -7.79728, -8.46473, -9.6092, -10.72255, -13.75803, -7.60366, -8.14812, -8.3928, -5.88925, -9.015, -8.37684, -9.13818, -9.79601, -9.98244, -9.53247, -9.52579, -8.37429, -10.11744, -12.43957, -8.13864, -10.05064, -9.80787, -9.93168, -10.75065, -11.43617, -7.83796 ]
[ -3.71042, -3.32929, -8.11545, -7.79569, -11.14937, -8.86029, -10.77791, -10.33959, -10.36467, -9.39302, -11.42519, -11.81664, -9.54912, -11.1795, -10.0709, -9.98723, -9.95848, -11.27796, -11.39934, -10.67956, -10.47319, -9.00343, -7.09631, -11.43056, -11.17687, -10.95695, -10.67574, -10.24345, -9.0028, -11.6847, -11.47099, -11.37064, -12.46228, -11.1243, -11.40307, -11.13411, -10.87736, -10.80909, -11.006, -11.01837, -11.51545, -10.7878, -9.80298, -11.70606, -10.89958, -11.07757, -11.03003, -10.70813, -10.464, -12.044 ]
[ -3.00653, -3.74602, -6.84363, -7.62607, -8.25085, -8.89735, -8.9971, -9.09697, -9.17157, -9.36594, -9.53078, -9.70981, -9.80552, -9.8141, -9.84349, -9.85659, -9.89352, -9.90349, -9.95277, -10.06456, -10.09363, -10.0995, -10.10575, -10.13695, -10.163, -10.20929, -10.35578, -10.38718, -10.42937, -10.46039, -10.47413, -10.47729, -10.49038, -10.49151, -10.4952, -10.53533, -10.55295, -10.56109, -10.56394, -10.57059, -10.5731, -10.58669, -10.59396, -10.63584, -10.6449, -10.69666, -10.70052, -10.72089, -10.75565, -10.78219 ]
and mutilated in front of them and her children saw their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now
[ "and mutilated in front of them and their children so their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children saw their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children say their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children so they're nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children's so their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children so their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing ok right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children are so their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", 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mutilated in front of them and their children say their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing ok right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children so their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing go okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children so they're nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing ok right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children so their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay all right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children so their nine year old sibline killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and ustilated in front of them and their children so their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children see their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and 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mutilated in front of them and their children's so they're nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and muutilated in front of them and their children so their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "a mutilated in front of them and their children so their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children so their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing oay right now", "and mutilated in fron of them and their children so their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children so their nine year old siblingkilled in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children saw they're nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children sow their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children so their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing gokay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children show their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children so their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing ok a right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children will so their nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children so their nine year own sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children are so they're nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now", "and mutilated in front of them and their children and so they're nine year old sibling killed in front of them how they're doing okay right now" ]
[ -4.13319, -12.73572, -10.57557, -7.33586, -11.28678, -6.014, -9.1817, -9.02592, -11.03682, -13.22931, -7.53191, -10.88651, -15.93015, -5.75347, -8.25447, -11.44579, -6.99466, -12.44773, -9.37137, -14.61653, -6.3335, -12.45638, -8.38652, -9.21668, -11.66754, -7.89976, -14.63964, -13.15094, -13.77825, -7.03404, -10.30171, -13.16759, -13.94382, -14.68551, -10.6967, -14.48946, -7.55648, -10.98616, -6.67509, -6.85387, -11.09068, -15.93839, -9.01524, -9.72772, -14.69462, -8.41588, -16.16479, -10.32131, -12.38437, -12.2286 ]
[ -4.61566, -4.76793, -5.78602, -7.33523, -5.88994, -8.58833, -7.40182, -8.44033, -8.84807, -7.95319, -10.59486, -9.1597, -7.06488, -11.52158, -10.76889, -9.69205, -11.67625, -9.40501, -10.734, -8.73422, -12.313, -9.74724, -11.52671, -11.24718, -10.31192, -12.00528, -9.13673, -9.77827, -9.51218, -12.40628, -11.02915, -9.81611, -9.58594, -9.28294, -10.99436, -9.37123, -12.44131, -11.06287, -12.9429, -12.88389, -11.07796, -9.03307, -12.0527, -11.7869, -9.74906, -12.51134, -9.22239, -11.75615, -11.30339, -11.52971 ]
[ -4.47092, -7.15827, -7.22289, -7.33542, -7.509, -7.81603, -7.93578, -8.61601, -9.50469, -9.53603, -9.67597, -9.67774, -9.72446, -9.79115, -10.01456, -10.21817, -10.27177, -10.31783, -10.32521, -10.49891, -10.51915, -10.55999, -10.58465, -10.63803, -10.71861, -10.77362, -10.7876, -10.79007, -10.792, -10.7946, -10.81092, -10.82155, -10.8933, -10.90371, -10.90506, -10.90669, -10.97586, -11.03985, -11.06255, -11.07489, -11.08177, -11.10467, -11.14146, -11.16915, -11.23273, -11.2827, -11.30511, -11.3257, -11.62768, -11.73937 ]
she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts
[ "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their heart", "she said but what i worry about the most is not only of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i warry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have had hate in their hearts", "she said but when i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but whate i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that much children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children has hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worryy that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that might children have hate in their hearts", "she said what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have haid in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children had hate in their hearts", "she said but i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worryed about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worri that my children have hate in their hearts", "he said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hat in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worryed that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what are i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that are worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that a worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she he said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hates in their hearts", "she said but what i i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said by what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have has hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in your hearts", "she said but what i worry about most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of what i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i wry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hated in their hearts", "she said but what i we worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have ha hate in their hearts", "so she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "and she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most has not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she saids but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most are not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worarry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not anying of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any you of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most it's not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their hearts", "she said but what i worry about the most is not any of that i worry that my children have hate in their heart's" ]
[ -1.13958, -4.16462, -6.86728, -3.45784, -8.79811, -9.20485, -5.21439, -9.95315, -5.99237, -8.7012, -6.1419, -4.73034, -6.80834, -9.0661, -6.86622, -6.46808, -12.87905, -9.26904, -7.69848, -6.30077, -10.99255, -10.59632, -13.09688, -7.48004, -8.85026, -8.94356, -8.78795, -8.08128, -10.23572, -7.91757, -10.21756, -8.25711, -11.04968, -9.40758, -9.76813, -7.51284, -7.64911, -10.97779, -7.71654, -9.79358, -10.5056, -10.76496, -9.31395, -11.06845, -8.34289, -8.55919, -8.95799, -8.20801, -13.60606, -10.35295 ]
[ -2.13574, -7.0048, -8.6754, -10.22432, -8.1377, -8.11065, -10.05766, -8.2486, -9.97208, -8.8688, -9.97236, -10.69455, -9.92834, -9.08496, -10.05202, -10.22827, -7.58001, -9.13351, -9.84692, -10.57812, -8.68212, -8.86096, -7.82941, -10.27375, -9.69348, -9.69866, -9.94273, -10.24927, -9.33945, -10.42211, -9.47307, -10.31488, -9.15072, -9.87665, -9.72707, -10.69715, -10.64463, -9.23549, -10.67801, -9.90326, -9.61025, -9.50459, -10.20026, -9.4573, -10.65485, -10.57999, -10.41212, -10.81646, -8.50807, -9.92533 ]
[ -1.83689, -6.15275, -8.13297, -8.19437, -8.33582, -8.43891, -8.60468, -8.75996, -8.77817, -8.81852, -8.82322, -8.90528, -8.99234, -9.0793, -9.09628, -9.10021, -9.16972, -9.17417, -9.20239, -9.29492, -9.37525, -9.38157, -9.40965, -9.43564, -9.44051, -9.47213, -9.59629, -9.59887, -9.60833, -9.67075, -9.69641, -9.69755, -9.72041, -9.73593, -9.73939, -9.74185, -9.74597, -9.75818, -9.78957, -9.87036, -9.87885, -9.8827, -9.93437, -9.94065, -9.96126, -9.97375, -9.97588, -10.03393, -10.03746, -10.05362 ]
and when they grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance
[ "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chances", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again that killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and then they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because there's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chants", "and know when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killerss of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and now when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killer of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and know they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and on they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chats", "and when they want a grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father in their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's are only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chanced", "and known they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because's our only chance", "and own they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brothers we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest and women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want a fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because they's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their fathers and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and if they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "andone they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chanceps", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we needed to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again thekillers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chat", "and know and they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women that's our only chance", "andound they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and that when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want of fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only ch", "and it when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up and they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when we want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again their killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and so when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killer's of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killer is of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when then they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance", "and when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invests in women because that's our only chance", "and to when they want to grow up they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother we need to invest in women because that's our only chance" ]
[ -1.81638, -2.21582, -5.5335, -5.9597, -6.91883, -7.52247, -7.35825, -3.27632, -2.34797, -7.40237, -5.42812, -4.77853, -8.40519, -9.39697, -8.68396, -8.51638, -5.62084, -6.76952, -8.19275, -6.70344, -11.19234, -13.16593, -8.62388, -8.55844, -8.56194, -9.8233, -8.84398, -10.23391, -6.7977, -6.42711, -6.94865, -10.88329, -8.99758, -9.50192, -7.88851, -10.92016, -10.38775, -8.54708, -7.85256, -9.26768, -9.24553, -9.30457, -11.36348, -9.63809, -9.02795, -13.81054, -13.23909, -8.32205, -7.82228, -10.29276 ]
[ -3.23967, -9.93749, -8.55464, -8.68986, -8.67026, -8.47262, -8.55692, -10.72648, -11.47265, -9.47903, -10.46973, -11.12256, -9.6427, -9.24428, -9.63673, -9.74759, -11.04037, -10.64665, -10.17213, -10.81433, -8.95929, -8.13068, -10.08255, -10.24399, -10.40426, -9.86506, -10.28892, -9.74684, -11.22202, -11.63398, -11.4819, -9.82437, -10.68732, -10.47531, -11.20941, -9.92814, -10.17684, -10.98222, -11.3139, -10.71554, -10.74757, -10.81871, -9.99536, -10.76461, -11.02626, -9.05955, -9.38176, -11.49011, -11.76197, -10.73477 ]
[ -2.81268, -7.62099, -7.6483, -7.87081, -8.14483, -8.18757, -8.19732, -8.49143, -8.73525, -8.85603, -8.95725, -9.21935, -9.27145, -9.29009, -9.3509, -9.37823, -9.41451, -9.48351, -9.57832, -9.58106, -9.62921, -9.64125, -9.64495, -9.73833, -9.85156, -9.85254, -9.85544, -9.89296, -9.89472, -10.07192, -10.12192, -10.14204, -10.1804, -10.1833, -10.21314, -10.22575, -10.24011, -10.25168, -10.2755, -10.28118, -10.29696, -10.36446, -10.4058, -10.42665, -10.42676, -10.48485, -10.53896, -10.53969, -10.58007, -10.60217 ]
to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do
[ "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any piece agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace aggreement can do", "to ensure that there is now more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mothers has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any pace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has the better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensuree that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to hereal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother had a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any pece agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chanced to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heale her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal our children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children then any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any pce agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more of war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any pea agreement can do", "to ensure that there is not more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heel her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is know more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to healed her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that they is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more or war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to hial her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more and war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more a war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to insure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in their future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal your children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace acgreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any speace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heals her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war on the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than anypeace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal their children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance the heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any pe agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to hel her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peaces agreement can do", "to enssure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more wars in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chant to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother have a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do", "to ensure that there is no more war in the future that mother has a better chance to heal her childrens than any peace agreement can do" ]
[ -1.35046, -11.286, -4.22521, -7.0063, -8.27357, -2.76012, -6.24906, -2.31029, -6.29323, -8.22167, -3.47459, -7.34562, -3.64744, -7.22995, -8.88947, -10.09861, -4.9307, -5.90864, -7.55786, -4.50779, -9.28663, -5.98008, -7.19524, -9.46199, -7.70289, -7.88357, -7.99284, -8.80824, -9.56588, -8.72756, -12.66864, -10.23494, -11.40025, -6.50146, -9.27086, -8.92855, -7.6808, -10.08657, -7.8574, -9.22105, -12.34321, -9.08585, -6.68249, -6.07373, -7.77461, -7.64225, -9.36046, -10.39559, -9.01323, -7.20209 ]
[ -2.76636, -4.89041, -9.18489, -8.00395, -7.74187, -10.83896, -9.53768, -11.23668, -9.60683, -8.79831, -10.9625, -9.46498, -11.07073, -9.54322, -8.84519, -8.36661, -10.61035, -10.43187, -9.80143, -11.13575, -9.15339, -10.57223, -10.19449, -9.23137, -10.00405, -10.00569, -10.02344, -9.73593, -9.41812, -9.79324, -8.11664, -9.19216, -8.73484, -10.92725, -9.7531, -9.96626, -10.61734, -9.64472, -10.66589, -10.10407, -8.83018, -10.24954, -11.29638, -11.55922, -10.89773, -11.05598, -10.40846, -9.96743, -10.65523, -11.43297 ]
[ -2.34159, -6.80909, -7.69698, -7.70466, -7.90138, -8.4153, -8.55109, -8.55876, -8.61275, -8.62532, -8.71613, -8.82917, -8.84375, -8.84924, -8.85847, -8.88621, -8.90645, -9.0749, -9.12836, -9.14736, -9.19336, -9.19458, -9.29471, -9.30055, -9.31371, -9.36905, -9.41426, -9.45763, -9.46245, -9.47353, -9.48224, -9.50499, -9.53446, -9.59951, -9.60843, -9.65494, -9.73638, -9.77728, -9.82334, -9.83917, -9.88409, -9.90043, -9.91221, -9.91358, -9.96079, -10.03186, -10.09406, -10.09588, -10.16263, -10.16371 ]
lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance
[ "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with this women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about our dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lasts of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "last of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "loss of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lot of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told me about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "las of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lotss of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with this women that i told you about our dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about a dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "less of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singinging every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "last of good news to start with this women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "a lot of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with the women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lasts of good news to start with this women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "in lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to started with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "loss of good news to start with this women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to doance", "and lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dances", "lot of good news to start with this women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "ass of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dancet", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with this women that i told me about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to danced", "las of good news to start with this women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if day can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and sing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "ess of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dancek", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day in if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you me about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good newss to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news is to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you but are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that ild you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "place of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are dancingcing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lotss of good news to start with this women that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these women that i told you about are danncing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance", "lots of good news to start with these womens that i told you about are dancing and singing every single day and if they can who are we not to dance" ]
[ -1.20243, -3.87043, -3.95421, -7.07266, -9.77438, -6.08495, -3.90403, -9.62595, -5.36481, -1.25397, -6.62222, -8.26128, -6.35765, -8.36078, -4.86887, -12.44239, -9.47746, -8.1862, -9.74067, -7.52085, -6.33595, -8.75296, -6.2782, -8.45599, -5.55674, -6.57204, -8.59492, -7.35871, -5.83729, -7.26551, -8.72507, -12.29396, -6.74806, -8.03282, -9.58348, -6.03912, -9.32124, -6.54088, -9.36446, -7.04495, -7.80573, -8.3561, -9.17322, -8.21337, -9.44428, -12.16519, -7.41137, -3.92197, -6.54842, -9.22228 ]
[ -3.1974, -4.89988, -8.02903, -7.61894, -6.4693, -8.25414, -9.26352, -7.41795, -9.39981, -11.49218, -9.55325, -8.87105, -9.74013, -9.1935, -11.15832, -7.98672, -9.28093, -9.89036, -9.22515, -10.20542, -10.85852, -9.83409, -10.94701, -10.04542, -11.33816, -10.90692, -10.09592, -10.77813, -11.5524, -11.05589, -10.47895, -8.99419, -11.41239, -10.87217, -10.25739, -11.77811, -10.53559, -11.73096, -10.54258, -11.53883, -11.2761, -11.05016, -10.82997, -11.26276, -10.7657, -9.61591, -11.70103, -13.24163, -12.1332, -11.00395 ]
[ -2.59891, -4.59104, -6.80659, -7.45506, -7.46082, -7.60338, -7.65567, -8.08035, -8.18931, -8.42072, -8.67394, -8.68812, -8.72538, -8.94368, -9.27148, -9.32342, -9.33989, -9.37912, -9.37981, -9.40005, -9.50175, -9.50975, -9.54637, -9.56859, -9.60373, -9.60645, -9.64562, -9.7523, -9.83786, -9.91878, -9.95279, -9.98412, -10.01309, -10.02037, -10.05521, -10.05641, -10.17128, -10.17393, -10.18915, -10.19067, -10.23499, -10.24194, -10.33294, -10.34794, -10.36927, -10.3807, -10.41413, -10.44573, -10.45777, -10.46945 ]
that girl that i told you about ended up starting women for women international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing
[ "that girl that i told you about anded up starting women for women international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about anded up starting women for women international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it up starting women for women international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it up starting women for women international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it upsiding women form and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it upsiding women form and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it up starting women form and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it up starting women form an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it up starting women form and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about anded up starting women form and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it up starting women form an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about anded up starting women form an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about anded up starting women form and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about ended up starting women for women international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it upsidning women form and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about ended up starting women for women international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about anded up starting women form an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it upsiding women form an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it upsidning women form and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it upsiding women for women international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it upsiding women form an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it upsiding women for women international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about anded up starting women for an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it upsigning women form and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it upsiding women form in international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it upsigning women form and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it upsidning women form an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it up starting women for an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about anded up starting women for an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it upsidning women for women international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it upsiding women form in international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it up starting women form in international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it upsidning women form an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it upsidning women for women international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it up starting women for an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about anded up starting women form in international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it up starting women form in international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it upsanding women form and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about anded up starting women from an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about anded up starting women form in international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it upsanding women form and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it upsigning women form an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about anded up starting women from an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it upsigning women form an international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about and it upsidning women form in international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it upshanding women form and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it upsidning women form in international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not", "that girl that i told you about anded up starting women forem and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it up starting women forem and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing", "that girl that i told you about and it upshanding women form and international group that impacted one million people sent eighty million dollars and i started this from zero nothing not" ]
[ -12.27294, -13.28181, -15.00964, -16.01851, -13.78178, -14.79065, -9.13029, -9.78392, -10.13916, -6.39359, -10.79279, -7.04723, -7.40246, -21.93494, -15.11587, -22.9438, -8.0561, -14.43542, -16.12473, -19.66116, -15.44429, -20.67002, -7.24054, -18.921, -14.43973, -19.92986, -15.7695, -9.97723, -8.24941, -20.99524, -15.4486, -9.78823, -16.77837, -22.00411, -10.9861, -7.05154, -10.7971, -15.08843, -11.65156, -8.06041, -16.0973, -19.57463, -12.66043, -20.5835, -15.77381, -16.24847, -16.78268, -10.06923, -12.80592, -17.25734 ]
[ -9.67486, -9.46705, -8.91175, -8.66091, -10.117, -9.88157, -12.39355, -12.2294, -12.16033, -13.85299, -11.98851, -13.81514, -13.6657, -7.47194, -10.51954, -7.23876, -13.62234, -10.93191, -10.26289, -8.79241, -10.68583, -8.52259, -14.39921, -9.39902, -11.42439, -9.14411, -10.95092, -13.48055, -14.23037, -8.79519, -11.18854, -13.62064, -10.69207, -8.49785, -13.26719, -14.96354, -13.39028, -11.65621, -13.22626, -14.77398, -11.40334, -9.97856, -13.04955, -9.71698, -11.78113, -11.74236, -11.52621, -14.4603, -13.38307, -11.47538 ]
[ -10.45429, -10.61148, -10.74111, -10.86819, -11.21643, -11.3543, -11.41457, -11.49575, -11.55398, -11.61517, -11.6298, -11.78476, -11.78673, -11.81084, -11.89844, -11.95028, -11.95247, -11.98296, -12.02144, -12.05303, -12.11337, -12.16682, -12.25161, -12.25561, -12.329, -12.37984, -12.3965, -12.42956, -12.43608, -12.45521, -12.46656, -12.47092, -12.51796, -12.54973, -12.58287, -12.58994, -12.61233, -12.68588, -12.75385, -12.75991, -12.81153, -12.85738, -12.93281, -12.97693, -12.97893, -13.0942, -13.10315, -13.14298, -13.20993, -13.20997 ]
for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion
[ "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "before a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both for the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from thefront line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the backline discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "four a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have our representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back lined discussion", "a for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back lines discussion", "before i change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we had a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for it change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a reresentation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from theront line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back liine discussion", "for i change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for our change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front liine and the back line discussion", "if for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back mine discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand whoar both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both on the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for her change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a it change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back lineed discussion", "for a changed we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand wars both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand ware both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discuss", "fore a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "and for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand warre both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for at change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "forer change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and that back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front lines and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representations and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "fora change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the bront line and the back line discussion", "i for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand warl both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line of discussion", "for a change we have the better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussioned", "for a change we have a better equality we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussions", "for a change we have a better equalityity we have equality we have a representation and we understand war both from the front line and the back line discussion" ]
[ -0.30971, -4.48003, -5.94153, -5.33365, -10.28419, -6.46086, -8.17327, -9.60373, -3.91271, -6.81199, -4.6115, -11.64788, -8.42278, -8.25874, -6.1647, -5.96211, -6.08189, -7.47756, -7.91605, -7.76679, -7.75534, -9.6637, -8.5577, -8.85873, -9.91876, -8.99727, -5.64697, -7.22142, -7.34035, -5.73555, -5.44679, -6.81811, -5.22263, -8.86538, -4.8197, -9.45727, -7.55238, -9.40804, -8.09646, -7.83168, -7.73756, -9.68194, -11.40335, -8.06758, -7.73343, -9.64432, -9.40234, -7.82835, -7.29039, -7.31942 ]
[ -3.47359, -7.34532, -8.89879, -9.87277, -7.9509, -9.65054, -9.09853, -8.74195, -11.22962, -10.09299, -11.40515, -8.43039, -10.03414, -10.18405, -11.12898, -11.39333, -11.42082, -10.8424, -10.72963, -10.81679, -11.03464, -10.32123, -10.82496, -10.69716, -10.24741, -10.74312, -12.23629, -11.6021, -11.61414, -12.32214, -12.47969, -11.90244, -12.58665, -11.02826, -12.76255, -10.8052, -11.62218, -10.83479, -11.45484, -11.59248, -11.63703, -10.85421, -10.13704, -11.57807, -11.77655, -11.02317, -11.12984, -11.81618, -12.05761, -12.04519 ]
[ -2.52443, -6.48573, -8.01161, -8.51103, -8.65089, -8.69363, -8.82095, -9.00048, -9.03455, -9.10869, -9.36706, -9.39563, -9.55073, -9.60646, -9.6397, -9.76396, -9.81914, -9.83295, -9.88556, -9.90179, -10.05085, -10.12397, -10.14478, -10.14563, -10.14881, -10.21936, -10.2595, -10.28789, -10.33201, -10.34616, -10.36982, -10.37714, -10.37744, -10.37939, -10.37969, -10.40082, -10.40124, -10.40677, -10.44733, -10.46424, -10.46719, -10.50253, -10.51693, -10.52492, -10.56361, -10.60952, -10.61159, -10.61983, -10.62744, -10.62746 ]
rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there
[ "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of why doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the world's of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a fields i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the world of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will met you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of wry doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rume a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet he says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century suufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds ofry doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of how doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi powet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says how beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumy a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of every doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of high doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet it says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century suphi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi at thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumie a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century suhi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says outbyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poets says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is afeld i will meet you there", "rummi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of very doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufy poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings a wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century suffi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet to you there", "rui a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of i doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of rightry doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doing and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of fry doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sui poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "ruomi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of by doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumme a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufer poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufie poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufhi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meetit you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds are right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth centurys sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenthth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you there", "rumi a thirteenth century sufi poet says out beyond the worlds of right doings and wrong doings there is a field i will meet you their" ]
[ -3.06735, -6.04783, -5.51277, -5.0738, -7.28949, -9.6926, -10.43354, -8.42254, -10.01859, -3.65405, -5.47672, -9.5313, -7.33682, -9.12966, -8.5656, -7.53892, -10.04174, -10.63396, -8.48726, -9.49274, -8.61013, -6.82484, -6.53868, -10.41218, -8.0034, -7.39439, -8.52521, -5.53667, -10.47608, -8.09553, -9.39153, -7.84892, -7.46658, -3.80435, -9.7879, -5.98203, -9.32478, -11.98631, -4.20637, -6.10221, -10.81541, -7.72907, -8.91879, -6.18435, -6.4724, -7.2303, -10.5417, -7.23851, -7.9487, -9.03147 ]
[ -3.40642, -6.72878, -7.89133, -9.58839, -8.70858, -7.90364, -7.92924, -9.22166, -8.69316, -11.42999, -10.66883, -9.10532, -10.13322, -9.38646, -9.87169, -10.36753, -9.31902, -9.1018, -10.15159, -9.79754, -10.17678, -11.00612, -11.26706, -9.65677, -10.74421, -11.121, -10.65002, -11.94752, -9.95548, -10.97667, -10.44453, -11.11097, -11.2841, -12.90351, -10.35334, -12.01447, -10.58935, -9.48356, -12.91686, -12.12043, -10.1093, -11.45289, -10.9579, -12.17064, -12.0536, -11.7808, -10.37898, -11.86747, -11.63063, -11.26923 ]
[ -3.3047, -6.52449, -7.17776, -8.23402, -8.28285, -8.44033, -8.68053, -8.98192, -9.09079, -9.09721, -9.1112, -9.23311, -9.2943, -9.30942, -9.47986, -9.51895, -9.53584, -9.56145, -9.65229, -9.7061, -9.70679, -9.75173, -9.84855, -9.88339, -9.92196, -10.00301, -10.01257, -10.02426, -10.11166, -10.11233, -10.12863, -10.13235, -10.13885, -10.17376, -10.1837, -10.20474, -10.20998, -10.23439, -10.30371, -10.31496, -10.32113, -10.33575, -10.34616, -10.37475, -10.37924, -10.41565, -10.42779, -10.47878, -10.52605, -10.5979 ]
when the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas
[ "when the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "one the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down and that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "on the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that grasp the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that grassed the world is too full to talk about ideas", "one the soul lies down and that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that gras the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk abouts ideas", "the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul liess down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the saul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that grass the world is to full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that grast the world is too full to talk about ideas", "one the soul lies down in that grasp the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that grass the world is two full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that grasss the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that grass the world is too fullll to talk about ideas", "one the soul lies down in that grassed the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down at that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "want the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "on the soul lies down and that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "from the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lice down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "in the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul liesed down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "won the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lis down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that grass the world is too fall to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that grased the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down and that grassed the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lights down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "and when the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul liese down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that grass the world is toofull to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideass", "when the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk of out ideas", "when the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about out ideas", "when the soul lies down in that glass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "then the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lives down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul liies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down and that grasp the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when they soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul liesies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that grass the world are too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that crass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about its ideas", "one of the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas", "when the soul lid down in that grass the world is too full to talk about ideas" ]
[ -2.54641, -4.59675, -4.87514, -6.60703, -10.69088, -4.44561, -6.92548, -6.82637, -2.27682, -9.54028, -4.31382, -10.14196, -4.98322, -9.53816, -12.74122, -11.32963, -6.1062, -4.5973, -6.49596, -9.92147, -9.63556, -8.93577, -10.87396, -9.05532, -9.46166, -8.47915, -14.65854, -6.48821, -12.8581, -7.73509, -6.77434, -12.30349, -12.27046, -6.98505, -9.11483, -7.17987, -12.06697, -5.84998, -15.44812, -11.08795, -13.99688, -7.86507, -13.01961, -11.44344, -6.99297, -12.66758, -12.54236, -9.38649, -10.97776, -8.30814 ]
[ -2.01472, -4.11932, -5.33586, -6.23008, -4.90815, -7.80985, -7.83528, -8.70539, -10.67408, -7.7086, -10.26481, -7.82494, -10.10392, -8.31005, -6.95442, -7.58734, -9.84008, -10.74025, -9.9666, -8.59894, -8.75087, -9.20288, -8.3835, -9.19022, -9.06339, -9.50152, -6.85562, -10.38343, -7.67463, -9.92387, -10.40213, -8.06815, -8.16577, -10.44076, -9.61254, -10.46677, -8.38996, -11.14766, -7.09865, -8.98447, -7.74949, -10.55754, -8.34871, -9.05284, -11.01492, -8.60097, -8.66631, -10.0258, -9.48285, -10.6485 ]
[ -2.17423, -4.26255, -5.19764, -6.34316, -6.64297, -6.80058, -7.56234, -8.14168, -8.1549, -8.2581, -8.47951, -8.52005, -8.56771, -8.67849, -8.69046, -8.71002, -8.71991, -8.89737, -8.92541, -8.9957, -9.01628, -9.12274, -9.13064, -9.14975, -9.18287, -9.1948, -9.1965, -9.21487, -9.22967, -9.26723, -9.3138, -9.33875, -9.39718, -9.40405, -9.46323, -9.4807, -9.49306, -9.55836, -9.60349, -9.61552, -9.62371, -9.7498, -9.74998, -9.77002, -9.80834, -9.82095, -9.82913, -9.83401, -9.93133, -9.94639 ]
out beyond the
[ "out beyond the", "out beyond the world", "how it beyond the", "about beyond the", "now beyond the", "out beyond", "beyond the", "ut beyond the", "now it beyond the", "out beyond a", "that beyond the", "it beyond the", "out it beyond the", "at beyond the", "to beyond the", "not beyond the", "sout beyond the", "for beyond the", "our beyond the", "how beyond the", "up beyond the", "out beyond the the", "outd beyond the", "and beyond the", "out to beyond the", "out the beyond the", "outs beyond the", "what beyond the", "out at beyond the", "i beyond the", "would beyond the", "out beyond the a", "how it beyond the world", "out and beyond the", "out beyond the of", "out i beyond the", "of beyond the", "where beyond the", "out a beyond the", "out beyond the all", "got beyond the", "part beyond the", "out now beyond the", "out beyond the will", "pout beyond the", "out beyond world", "oute beyond the", "out not beyond the", "out of beyond the", "about beyond the world" ]
[ -0.49766, -3.62417, -6.94721, -4.47863, -5.05625, -6.28646, -4.062, -5.15469, -8.3121, -8.72864, -5.80862, -6.94578, -3.75715, -7.51841, -7.18544, -6.68499, -8.99325, -8.65923, -8.29234, -3.69123, -10.34246, -7.06827, -6.52282, -9.68835, -7.16014, -8.21597, -7.50445, -8.50475, -7.23693, -8.68293, -10.51449, -8.65421, -10.07373, -8.86244, -8.97948, -8.76009, -9.50009, -10.19999, -7.91503, -9.85025, -11.59639, -11.49431, -6.75815, -10.8684, -10.69109, -9.41293, -9.31229, -8.96783, -9.36627, -7.60514 ]
[ -0.60447, -3.82434, -5.08531, -6.4564, -6.39513, -6.54087, -8.45238, -8.18838, -6.92037, -6.76185, -8.0616, -7.61227, -9.0021, -7.58438, -7.76027, -8.04198, -7.2888, -7.5641, -7.8225, -9.82302, -7.09111, -8.62906, -8.90287, -7.74457, -8.84984, -8.43997, -8.81554, -8.62747, -9.25983, -8.71136, -7.93948, -8.7675, -8.16332, -8.72069, -8.69081, -8.80274, -8.50082, -8.21334, -9.20112, -8.39409, -7.6462, -7.70754, -9.74394, -8.00166, -8.21617, -8.84639, -8.91385, -9.07096, -8.94928, -9.70704 ]
[ -0.57243, -3.76429, -5.64388, -5.86307, -5.99346, -6.46455, -7.13526, -7.27827, -7.33789, -7.35189, -7.3857, -7.41232, -7.42862, -7.56459, -7.58782, -7.63488, -7.80014, -7.89264, -7.96346, -7.98348, -8.06651, -8.16082, -8.18886, -8.3277, -8.34293, -8.37277, -8.42222, -8.59065, -8.65296, -8.70283, -8.71198, -8.73351, -8.73644, -8.76321, -8.77741, -8.78995, -8.8006, -8.80933, -8.81529, -8.83094, -8.83126, -8.84357, -8.8482, -8.86168, -8.95864, -9.01635, -9.03338, -9.04002, -9.07438, -9.07647 ]
there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place
[ "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field are much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make these field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make the field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field as much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting their let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and they are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there lett us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field much bigger place", "there is a field there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men our meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field at much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting here let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field a much biger place", "there is a field and there are many human and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a fields and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there are is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make those field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and man are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many womens and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us take this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meetting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us made this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let uss make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there a let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field and much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and mens are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meetings there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field our much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field to much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there are let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there lets us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field of much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field a much a bigger place", "there is a field and there are many and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there lat us make this field a much bigger place", "their is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger life", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field or much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there and let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are money women and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there or let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger space", "there is a field and there are many womenn and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting theres let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and their are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and there are many women and men are meeting thereer let us make this field a much bigger place", "there is a field and therere are many women and men are meeting there let us make this field a much bigger place" ]
[ -0.69078, -1.2464, -6.4894, -5.96471, -5.25051, -6.16251, -5.89811, -3.31268, -5.07276, -7.34895, -8.10082, -7.39956, -7.87888, -6.41523, -13.01262, -6.68682, -9.08285, -9.86271, -9.32496, -7.93773, -10.3997, -5.82222, -7.56455, -5.75226, -8.35616, -8.42209, -7.26305, -7.94568, -9.92951, -8.22938, -7.91229, -5.30392, -8.78421, -9.1883, -8.49008, -10.72372, -11.80384, -13.57406, -9.02392, -9.96011, -8.54464, -12.27662, -11.1972, -9.72944, -14.06041, -8.42663, -8.47837, -9.97344, -8.67211, -8.50842 ]
[ -2.13158, -7.98194, -6.20919, -7.77368, -8.51177, -8.18143, -8.40025, -9.57426, -9.25241, -8.80683, -8.57302, -8.91233, -9.02269, -10.15706, -7.33085, -10.19384, -9.19736, -8.93272, -9.20535, -9.88416, -8.83002, -10.80395, -10.1179, -10.94512, -9.85038, -9.98872, -10.5236, -10.25726, -9.48474, -10.31352, -10.52048, -11.64146, -10.17085, -10.00621, -10.30619, -9.41271, -9.04592, -8.29118, -10.24585, -9.85274, -10.45944, -8.87172, -9.33502, -9.9775, -8.12668, -10.54738, -10.54001, -9.9099, -10.47127, -10.56532 ]
[ -1.69934, -5.96128, -6.29325, -7.23099, -7.53339, -7.57576, -7.64961, -7.69579, -7.99851, -8.36947, -8.43136, -8.45849, -8.67955, -9.03451, -9.03538, -9.14173, -9.16301, -9.21172, -9.24123, -9.30023, -9.30092, -9.30943, -9.3519, -9.38726, -9.40212, -9.51873, -9.54543, -9.56378, -9.61817, -9.68828, -9.73802, -9.7402, -9.75486, -9.76083, -9.76135, -9.80602, -9.87329, -9.87604, -9.87927, -9.88495, -9.885, -9.89319, -9.89368, -9.90308, -9.9068, -9.91115, -9.92152, -9.92896, -9.93152, -9.94825 ]
let us all meet in that field thank you
[ "let us all meet in that field thank you", "let us all meat in that field thank you", "let us all meets in that field thank you", "let us all meats in that field thank you", "let us all mete in that field thank you", "let us all meetes in that field thank you", "let us all meeds in that field thank you", "let as all meats in that field thank you", "let us all meetts in that field thank you", "let us all meet on that field thank you", "let us all meet in that field thank you you", "let us all meet's in that field thank you", "let us all meet and that field thank you", "let us all meate in that field thank you", "let us all meet in that fields thank you", "let us all are meats in that field thank you", "let us all the meats in that field thank you", "let us all meet in that field thanks you", "let us all neat in that field thank you", "let us all of meats in that field thank you", "let us do all meats in that field thank you", "let us all meetz in that field thank you", "let us say all meats in that field thank you", "let us do all meet in that field thank you", "let us as all meats in that field thank you", "let us all meet in that fid thank you", "let us all meett in that field thank you", "let us as all meat in that field thank you", "let us all meat in that field thank you you", "let us all the meat in that field thank you", "let us all meet in that field thankk you", "let us all old meats in that field thank you", "let us all meet in that field thank", "let us all meat in that fields thank you", "let usm all meats in that field thank you", "let us all meetth in that field thank you", "let us do all meat in that field thank you", "let us's all meet in that field thank you", "let us all meet in that field than thank you", "let us all meat in that field thanks you", "let us as all meet in that field thank you", "let us s all meats in that field thank you", "let us s all meat in that field thank you", "let us just all meet in that field thank you", "let used all meat in that field thank you", "let us all me meet in that field thank you", "let us all meetal in that field thank you", "let us all meetme in that field thank you", "lett us all meet in that field thank you", "let us all meet in our field thank you" ]
[ -7.25406, -5.02858, -3.23724, -1.01176, -16.28691, -11.95366, -14.21552, -12.05358, -9.61986, -16.47544, -12.17066, -12.16553, -16.23242, -15.22593, -13.22247, -12.53014, -10.04686, -13.88427, -16.36026, -11.77647, -10.33308, -14.38614, -13.00543, -16.57539, -8.64466, -14.56402, -13.54899, -12.66148, -9.94519, -14.06368, -15.46956, -11.97477, -20.24431, -10.99699, -10.7752, -16.70663, -14.3499, -15.27459, -16.25295, -11.65879, -14.88695, -9.55567, -13.57249, -16.54145, -14.07886, -18.21887, -17.42354, -17.47937, -16.3965, -20.02414 ]
[ -0.99494, -3.48901, -6.61384, -8.59865, -6.32526, -9.2978, -8.34476, -9.38519, -10.4317, -7.50804, -9.40402, -9.55549, -7.9709, -8.41033, -9.35813, -9.71301, -10.85794, -9.22568, -8.24143, -10.36844, -11.00361, -9.29895, -10.00189, -8.53247, -11.97393, -9.70618, -10.22504, -10.68266, -11.8914, -10.28336, -9.84909, -11.37593, -7.90692, -11.87971, -11.97674, -9.46355, -10.48397, -10.09875, -9.6917, -11.71275, -10.49894, -12.78454, -11.07311, -9.82588, -10.88211, -9.18335, -9.54843, -9.56279, -10.04519, -8.49724 ]
[ -2.87268, -3.95088, -5.60086, -6.32259, -9.31376, -10.09456, -10.10599, -10.1857, -10.18815, -10.19826, -10.23401, -10.3385, -10.44936, -10.45501, -10.51743, -10.55815, -10.61462, -10.62326, -10.67708, -10.79085, -10.80245, -10.82511, -10.90295, -10.94535, -10.97515, -11.16353, -11.22223, -11.2763, -11.30754, -11.41745, -11.53523, -11.55558, -11.60814, -11.61489, -11.61628, -11.63647, -11.64375, -11.6515, -11.66008, -11.69657, -11.81535, -11.81588, -11.82293, -11.84055, -11.84114, -11.894, -11.91096, -11.93776, -11.95058, -11.95531 ]
you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection
[ "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak a ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak of ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approach me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak in ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak and ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chriss first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when criss first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted and i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that a personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connections", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said know because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at teda i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know one chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak or ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't get to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to take that personal connection", "you know when kriss first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know then when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak as ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know and when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know it when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris's first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said now because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak on ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted i i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted that i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approach me to speak a ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know that when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at tedt i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like it wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approaches me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approach to me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached to me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approachd me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak with ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection but", "you know when chris first approached me to speak it ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak had ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at tedat i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i felt liked i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted i said no because i've felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak to ted i said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted ice said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at tedize said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection", "you know when chris first approached me to speak at ted it said no because i felt like i wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection" ]
[ -3.48102, -6.85708, -6.24184, -5.15707, -8.10475, -9.20597, -3.64892, -1.39693, -8.77906, -9.46827, -9.63632, -9.58036, -10.81984, -7.24852, -8.98137, -11.27866, -9.91559, -12.94311, -10.14631, -7.06377, -11.43114, -7.17443, -9.3711, -10.14277, -12.46362, -10.68379, -12.96977, -9.22903, -9.51495, -8.53314, -9.89186, -9.10189, -9.13268, -9.87663, -12.29529, -9.3472, -11.18137, -9.78653, -10.29738, -13.04673, -12.27149, -11.849, -12.88948, -8.53642, -11.06353, -14.98436, -13.12697, -9.99352, -10.71612, -9.99647 ]
[ -3.21489, -5.49153, -6.77663, -9.17736, -8.00424, -8.11035, -10.78668, -12.1217, -9.11913, -9.72789, -9.98314, -10.01149, -9.49412, -11.12118, -10.39319, -9.48257, -10.11405, -8.87323, -10.1532, -11.56274, -9.69883, -11.5939, -10.74751, -10.49198, -9.56429, -10.38263, -9.41701, -11.09029, -11.03906, -11.59661, -11.06806, -11.49971, -11.5313, -11.22558, -10.26313, -11.54392, -10.77613, -11.38606, -11.18452, -10.07581, -10.42018, -10.62744, -10.2209, -12.09151, -11.01198, -9.33252, -10.18298, -11.60299, -11.33607, -11.7068 ]
[ -3.29473, -5.9012, -6.61619, -7.97127, -8.0344, -8.43904, -8.64535, -8.90427, -9.01711, -9.65, -9.87909, -9.88215, -9.89183, -9.95939, -9.96964, -10.0214, -10.05451, -10.09419, -10.15113, -10.21305, -10.21852, -10.26806, -10.33459, -10.38722, -10.43409, -10.47298, -10.48284, -10.53191, -10.58182, -10.67757, -10.7152, -10.78036, -10.81171, -10.8209, -10.87278, -10.88491, -10.8977, -10.9062, -10.91838, -10.96709, -10.97558, -10.99391, -11.02148, -11.02498, -11.02744, -11.02807, -11.06618, -11.12015, -11.15009, -11.1937 ]
you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble finding the kind of sex appeal and star power
[ "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble to finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble defining the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble to finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble for finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble defining the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble the finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble for finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble f finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in abind and that he was having trouble finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to its such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble defining the kind of sexipeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble the finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to its such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble to finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in abind and that he was having trouble to finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble of finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to at such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble finding the kind of sexipeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble de finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to at such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble to finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble to finding the kind of sexipeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble so finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble befining the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble they finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble f finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble finding the kind of sex appeal and star power that", "you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in abind and that he was having trouble finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in abind and that he was having trouble defining the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in abined and that he was having trouble finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to its such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble defining the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having troublefining the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble if finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in abind and that he was having trouble to finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble defining the kind of sexipeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble to finding the kind of sex appeal and star power that", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble at finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in abined and that he was having trouble to finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble that finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble of finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble and finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble finding the kind of sexipeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to at such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble defining the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble finding the kind of sex appeal and star power the", "you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble de finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to its such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble for finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble to finding the kind of sexipeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble so finding the kind of sex appeal and star power", "you know that i wanted to it such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble to finding the kind of sex appeal and star power the", "you know that i wanted to it's such a large conference but he explained to me that he was in a bind and that he was having trouble befining the kind of sex appeal and star power" ]
[ -10.96063, -8.55438, -12.2795, -17.32312, -9.87326, -10.41569, -18.642, -13.20342, -11.73456, -15.28598, -9.8908, -10.98002, -17.6653, -14.5223, -8.57378, -7.48456, -16.77151, -16.17691, -11.3028, -9.57215, -13.77067, -8.89656, -15.13463, -19.01251, -14.66832, -16.60486, -15.207, -11.20968, -16.2533, -14.08342, -17.34252, -18.71134, -16.99886, -8.80344, -18.98417, -12.80075, -17.13402, -11.67717, -15.84054, -18.09039, -16.06903, -12.62168, -22.5394, -16.13177, -10.89103, -10.43508, -10.21543, -16.45351, -13.72552, -20.33138 ]
[ -6.53909, -7.95113, -7.50535, -5.36064, -8.90732, -9.39354, -6.27909, -8.914, -10.32745, -9.0654, -11.58086, -11.11626, -8.48176, -9.85874, -12.47095, -12.94502, -9.12919, -9.45287, -11.54928, -12.52932, -10.86845, -12.97321, -10.40868, -8.77049, -10.65614, -9.99291, -10.68259, -12.42529, -10.31356, -11.27857, -9.88273, -9.36805, -10.1806, -13.77924, -9.43756, -12.10696, -10.35525, -12.70941, -10.97141, -10.06424, -10.9902, -12.53498, -8.28983, -11.08814, -13.46571, -13.8601, -13.9586, -11.34566, -12.51497, -9.69449 ]
[ -7.86555, -8.1321, -8.93759, -8.94939, -9.1971, -9.70018, -9.98796, -10.20083, -10.74958, -10.93157, -11.07384, -11.07539, -11.23682, -11.25781, -11.3018, -11.30688, -11.42189, -11.47008, -11.47534, -11.64217, -11.73912, -11.75021, -11.82647, -11.8431, -11.8598, -11.97649, -12.03991, -12.06061, -12.09548, -12.12003, -12.12066, -12.17103, -12.22608, -12.2865, -12.30154, -12.3151, -12.38888, -12.39974, -12.43215, -12.47208, -12.51385, -12.56099, -12.5647, -12.60123, -12.69331, -12.83259, -12.83565, -12.87802, -12.87814, -12.88556 ]
so i said fine ted i mean chris
[ "so i said fine ted i mean chris", "so i said find ted i mean chris", "so i said fin ted i mean chris", "so i said fine ted i mean in chris", "so i said found ted i mean chris", "so i said fine ted i mean chrisp", "so i said for ted i mean chris", "so i said fing ted i mean chris", "so i said fined ted i mean chris", "so i said fine ted i mean a chris", "so i said fineed ted i mean chris", "so i said ted i mean chris", "so i said fine ted i been chris", "so i said by ted i mean chris", "so i said fine ted mean chris", "so i said fine ted i mean the chris", "so i said fine ted i i mean chris", "so i said fine ted i mean been chris", "so i said feel ted i mean chris", "so i said find ted i mean in chris", "so i said fine ted i mean chris and", "so i said plan ted i mean chris", "so i said fine ted i mean it chris", "so i said fine ted it mean chris", "so i said fine ted i mean crisp", "so i saidfine ted i mean chris", "so so i said fine ted i mean chris", "so i said fine ted and i mean chris", "so i said fne ted i mean chris", "so i said find ted i mean chrisp", "so i said fine ted i mean chrish", "so i did find ted i mean chris", "so i said fine ted that i mean chris", "so i had fine ted i mean chris", "so i said fine ted i mean chriist", "and so i said fine ted i mean chris", "so i said fine and ted i mean chris", "so i said five ted i mean chris", "so i said fine ted i mean krisp", "so i said fine ted i mean chrisk", "so i said fd ted i mean chris", "so i said fine ted i meaning chris", "so i said fines ted i mean chris", "so i said fine ted i think chris", "i said fine ted i mean chris", "so i said shine ted i mean chris", "so i said fine teds i mean chris", "so i said fine ted i mean chris s", "so i said fine ted i mean chris a", "so i said fine ted i meant chris" ]
[ -1.93661, -2.26558, -4.45253, -6.04377, -6.96987, -4.90166, -8.34538, -6.03204, -9.79353, -8.20391, -7.27309, -7.58346, -11.57036, -8.5833, -7.06483, -8.99246, -8.66805, -8.02688, -11.27062, -6.37273, -11.20691, -10.17777, -9.58262, -7.81545, -12.14507, -9.33755, -10.32546, -9.67229, -9.26599, -5.23063, -9.67864, -14.66868, -11.03584, -11.66528, -8.94914, -10.59461, -10.13518, -11.59695, -13.35777, -7.98582, -9.81788, -9.30907, -10.9358, -14.01222, -12.08032, -11.32673, -11.63224, -10.72872, -10.65626, -10.16649 ]
[ -0.95313, -3.00352, -6.68326, -7.97101, -7.74327, -8.89584, -8.02505, -9.15808, -7.62217, -8.72953, -9.14767, -9.09152, -7.42319, -8.7335, -9.53966, -8.74198, -8.91103, -9.37367, -8.05973, -10.19383, -8.14334, -8.59099, -8.86292, -9.62196, -7.79008, -8.99639, -8.62584, -9.0358, -9.2128, -10.95663, -9.18227, -7.13223, -8.69456, -8.45209, -9.62753, -8.92624, -9.16298, -8.53995, -7.83802, -10.1704, -9.41916, -9.65891, -8.97546, -7.66322, -8.52185, -8.92777, -8.80247, -9.19819, -9.22994, -9.46318 ]
[ -1.24817, -2.78213, -6.01404, -7.39284, -7.51125, -7.69759, -8.12115, -8.22026, -8.27358, -8.57184, -8.5853, -8.6391, -8.66734, -8.68844, -8.79722, -8.81713, -8.83814, -8.96963, -9.023, -9.0475, -9.06241, -9.06702, -9.07883, -9.08, -9.09658, -9.09874, -9.13573, -9.22675, -9.22875, -9.23883, -9.33118, -9.39316, -9.39694, -9.41605, -9.42401, -9.42675, -9.45464, -9.45705, -9.49395, -9.51503, -9.53878, -9.55396, -9.56356, -9.56792, -9.58939, -9.64746, -9.6514, -9.65735, -9.65784, -9.67418 ]
i want to speak as early in the morning as possible
[ "i want to speak as early in the morning as possible", "i want a speak as early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as early and the morning as possible", "i want to speak as earlyy in the morning as possible", "i want to speak us early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as early in them morning as possible", "i want to speak is early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak has early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak his early in the morning as possible", "i wanted to speak as early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak ass early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as early in the morning is possible", "i want to speak at early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as earily in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as early the morning as possible", "i want to speakers early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as early in their morning as possible", "i want to speakest early in the morning as possible", "i want to spak as early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as earerly in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as earlyly in the morning as possible", "i want speak as early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as early in the morning has possible", "i want to speak as early on the morning as possible", "i want to speak as eary in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as early in this morning as possible", "i want to speak as early in morning as possible", "i want to speak as us early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as early in the morning at possible", "that i want to speak as early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as a early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as early in the morning as possible and", "and i want to speak as early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as early in the mornings as possible", "i want to a speak as early in the morning as possible", "i want on to speak as early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as early in the morning as posible", "i want to speak as early at the morning as possible", "i want to speak as an early in the morning as possible", "i want of speak as early in the morning as possible", "want to speak as early in the morning as possible", "i want to speakas early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as earally in the morning as possible", "i want to speak as early in the morning as possible to", "i want to speak as early in the morning as possibled", "i want to speake as early in the morning as possible", " i want to speak as early in the morning as possible", "i want to speak because early in the morning as possible", "i want going to speak as early in the morning as possible", " i want to speak as early in the morning as possible" ]
[ -0.05034, -7.88202, -9.06999, -3.78105, -8.30119, -8.99239, -6.27682, -6.4633, -9.56517, -7.38368, -7.64476, -10.00677, -10.19862, -7.68682, -8.90211, -8.67344, -10.18752, -8.86855, -6.94122, -7.63048, -8.30219, -8.78045, -10.2623, -10.75678, -7.78515, -10.63646, -8.9302, -8.91804, -11.55753, -10.10339, -10.12932, -11.14605, -9.26435, -9.30949, -8.74098, -9.90015, -10.06196, -11.77699, -10.86315, -10.80401, -10.48406, -10.27816, -10.69331, -10.94954, -9.9356, -11.26442, -10.25308, -10.45094, -10.17454, -10.11168 ]
[ -1.49527, -7.34384, -7.59915, -10.00278, -8.12592, -8.44464, -9.71952, -9.65116, -8.43541, -9.37815, -9.51766, -8.56583, -8.56336, -9.7747, -9.29066, -9.44633, -8.80983, -9.42569, -10.32851, -10.07462, -9.83704, -9.75776, -9.1837, -9.03043, -10.34316, -9.13155, -9.87489, -9.88316, -8.78175, -9.4207, -9.50478, -9.10392, -9.92242, -9.9462, -10.25193, -9.86151, -9.80025, -9.10031, -9.4993, -9.53682, -9.67522, -9.77573, -9.63815, -9.62584, -10.07061, -9.64079, -10.11406, -10.06717, -10.18769, -10.23371 ]
[ -1.06179, -7.50529, -8.0404, -8.13626, -8.1785, -8.60897, -8.68671, -8.69481, -8.77434, -8.77981, -8.95579, -8.99811, -9.05394, -9.14833, -9.17409, -9.21446, -9.22314, -9.25855, -9.31232, -9.34138, -9.37659, -9.46457, -9.50728, -9.54833, -9.57576, -9.58302, -9.59148, -9.59362, -9.61448, -9.62551, -9.69214, -9.71656, -9.725, -9.75519, -9.79865, -9.8731, -9.87877, -9.90331, -9.90846, -9.91698, -9.91787, -9.92646, -9.9547, -10.02295, -10.03011, -10.12788, -10.15577, -10.1823, -10.18375, -10.1971 ]
the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agreed
[ "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily here agree", "the theme for ted two thousand and six luckily he agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agree", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily here agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six luckily here agree", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agrees", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily here agrees", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agre", "the theme for ted two thousand and six luckily he agree", "the theme for ted two thousand and six luckily here agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily hi agree", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily agree", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily his agree", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily here agre", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he ag", "the theme for ted two thousand six and luckily he agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily hi agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six luckily he agrees", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily agreed", "theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agreen", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckilyhe agree", "the theme for ted two thousand and six luckily here agrees", "the theme for ted two thousand and six he luckily he agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckly he agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he aged", "the theme for ted two thousand and six can luckily he agreed", "the the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six a luckily he agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six luckily he agre", "the themee for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily the agree", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agreede", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily heregree", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily her agree", "the theme for ted two thousand and six ha luckily he agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agreet", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily who agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily here ag", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily here agreen", "the theme for a ted two thousand and six and luckily he agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agrie", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agrea", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agreeded", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agreeds", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agres", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily he agream", "the theme for ted two thousand and six six and luckily he agreed", "the theme for ted two thousand and six and luckily here agrees" ]
[ -3.63318, -3.29021, -7.85985, -1.81882, -5.10457, -7.51688, -4.39645, -5.86784, -1.4157, -6.04549, -9.33125, -7.39424, -5.71327, -6.49886, -2.88709, -4.86747, -5.2581, -9.20861, -8.62312, -7.52763, -13.09757, -5.70408, -7.11455, -10.09452, -11.67122, -6.97409, -7.07543, -9.16248, -12.56986, -12.26385, -5.64237, -8.53311, -9.80017, -6.19553, -8.93248, -9.55862, -10.43912, -8.15719, -10.83918, -6.33887, -7.17547, -10.98897, -7.87372, -8.82281, -8.20919, -10.15489, -6.77552, -8.54386, -10.69059, -9.1413 ]
[ -1.99775, -3.9138, -3.18006, -6.52585, -5.78164, -4.89082, -7.27674, -7.32187, -9.56785, -7.80391, -6.62254, -7.54911, -8.31373, -8.39305, -10.23955, -9.79427, -9.80834, -8.25027, -8.53287, -9.01794, -6.72275, -10.0292, -9.47148, -8.22815, -7.69091, -9.72726, -9.74692, -8.91097, -7.74528, -7.93895, -10.77868, -9.54286, -9.08394, -10.63416, -9.56488, -9.30865, -8.98894, -10.00346, -8.93315, -10.8731, -10.54927, -8.94665, -10.29089, -9.88973, -10.15412, -9.3887, -10.95974, -10.27183, -9.63988, -10.42736 ]
[ -2.48838, -3.72672, -4.584, -5.11374, -5.57852, -5.67864, -6.41265, -6.88566, -7.1222, -7.27638, -7.43515, -7.50265, -7.53359, -7.82479, -8.03381, -8.31623, -8.44326, -8.53777, -8.55995, -8.57085, -8.6352, -8.73166, -8.7644, -8.78806, -8.885, -8.90131, -8.94547, -8.98643, -9.19265, -9.23642, -9.23779, -9.23994, -9.29881, -9.30257, -9.37516, -9.38364, -9.42399, -9.44958, -9.50496, -9.51283, -9.53713, -9.55935, -9.56574, -9.56965, -9.57064, -9.61856, -9.70447, -9.75344, -9.95509, -10.04154 ]
the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures of
[ "the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years has going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures", "the theme in two years is going to be cue pictures of", "theme in two years is going to be cute pictures of", "the theme and two years is going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years as going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures of pop", "the the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be a cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures of a", "the theme in two years it's going to be cute pictures of", "a theme in two years is going to be cute pictures of", "the themee in two years is going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years was going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures of the", "the theme in two years is going to be cuted pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures of up", "the theme in two years is going to be cutbe pictures of", "the theheme in two years is going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures ofp", "the theme in two years are going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be cute picture of", "the thereme in two years is going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to becute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures of pa", "the theme in two years this going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures a", "the theme of two years is going to be cute pictures of", "the thme in two years is going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be cutw pictures of", "the thememe in two years is going to be cute pictures of", "the theveme in two years is going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures at", "the theme in two years is's going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is is going to be cute pictures of", "of the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures of", "the theleme in two years is going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be cutke pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures of about", "the theme in two years is going to be the cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be cube pictures of", "at the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years is going to be cute pictures ofop", "the theme in two years is going to be cutte pictures of", "the theme in three years is going to be cute pictures of", "the theme in two years that's going to be cute pictures of" ]
[ -0.52098, -4.88852, -8.3424, -5.81484, -8.73872, -5.56432, -5.9883, -8.83218, -7.35925, -4.62373, -6.64077, -10.25522, -7.48383, -3.57114, -7.00867, -8.45304, -8.36763, -7.50587, -4.54779, -8.36999, -4.69813, -7.87997, -6.83588, -7.21283, -7.2298, -8.51864, -8.78566, -9.5288, -10.51772, -10.18704, -7.13198, -6.61384, -7.94518, -10.25469, -11.44691, -7.26357, -7.54379, -9.60737, -9.69516, -7.79106, -8.19881, -10.393, -8.5642, -9.28683, -9.49574, -9.8793, -8.73343, -8.82896, -12.86226, -12.30652 ]
[ -1.13685, -4.88045, -5.69155, -6.84923, -5.65737, -7.09584, -7.11762, -5.9938, -6.83523, -8.12111, -7.46213, -6.24251, -7.45454, -9.1495, -7.71893, -7.57528, -7.82269, -8.25486, -9.5796, -8.01821, -9.61136, -8.36986, -8.85126, -8.88029, -8.97247, -8.72037, -8.66084, -8.39116, -7.96883, -8.23321, -9.63822, -9.89458, -9.40459, -8.47267, -7.98287, -9.79024, -9.71327, -8.98977, -8.96357, -9.82946, -9.67159, -8.75508, -9.60737, -9.29898, -9.21634, -9.05214, -9.61576, -9.60654, -7.89258, -8.20586 ]
[ -0.95209, -4.88287, -6.4868, -6.53891, -6.58178, -6.63639, -6.77882, -6.84532, -6.99243, -7.07189, -7.21572, -7.44632, -7.46332, -7.47599, -7.50585, -7.8386, -7.98617, -8.03017, -8.07006, -8.12375, -8.13739, -8.22289, -8.24664, -8.38005, -8.44967, -8.65985, -8.69828, -8.73245, -8.7335, -8.81936, -8.88635, -8.91036, -8.96677, -9.00728, -9.02208, -9.03224, -9.06242, -9.17505, -9.18304, -9.21794, -9.22975, -9.24646, -9.29442, -9.29533, -9.30016, -9.30029, -9.35106, -9.37327, -9.38348, -9.43606 ]
[ "the", "in the", "and the", "the the", "of the", "on the", "at the", "the a", "is the", " the", "be the", "for the", "with the", "from the", "so the", " the", "are the", "into the", "see the", "the that", "the to", "the you", "all the", "or the", "like the", "d the", "the i", " the", "how the", " the", "that the", "can the", "e the", " the", "s the", "out the", "to the", "nce the", "the this", "me the", "do the", "theer", "the be", "the of", "the kind", "thea", "ther", "the of the", "thep the", "the de" ]
[ -0.01391, -6.37845, -7.70336, -5.47296, -8.63664, -7.8935, -9.41206, -8.25056, -9.64757, -8.40968, -9.8134, -8.15, -8.95632, -9.16014, -8.83606, -9.82146, -9.26628, -9.23914, -9.29138, -9.85993, -10.65548, -10.35724, -9.84134, -10.81159, -10.19512, -10.80839, -11.27472, -10.06945, -10.61607, -10.50003, -9.5398, -10.6409, -10.89947, -11.09399, -11.90358, -11.33192, -6.66215, -11.08256, -11.38544, -11.32518, -11.20113, -10.71925, -11.87114, -11.32023, -12.09331, -9.6036, -11.90271, -13.75023, -16.16034, -12.02708 ]
[ -0.14406, -7.06567, -7.27768, -8.50131, -7.3876, -8.27264, -7.97085, -8.53371, -8.13539, -8.67043, -8.07513, -8.90034, -8.7928, -8.72012, -8.91058, -8.52706, -8.80571, -8.86021, -8.93811, -8.70596, -8.40798, -8.55397, -8.8623, -8.56446, -8.88364, -8.6413, -8.45028, -8.99259, -8.82302, -8.87594, -9.40946, -8.9728, -8.88089, -8.82606, -8.49822, -8.7497, -10.78515, -8.91988, -8.80268, -8.87176, -8.94785, -9.24618, -8.84288, -9.22565, -8.94794, -10.21675, -10.64491, -9.94562, -8.93268, -11.00198 ]
[ -0.10501, -6.8595, -7.40539, -7.59281, -7.76231, -8.1589, -8.40321, -8.44876, -8.58904, -8.59221, -8.59661, -8.67524, -8.84186, -8.85213, -8.88822, -8.91538, -8.94388, -8.97389, -9.04409, -9.05215, -9.08223, -9.09495, -9.15601, -9.2386, -9.27709, -9.29142, -9.29761, -9.31565, -9.36094, -9.36317, -9.44856, -9.47323, -9.48646, -9.50644, -9.51982, -9.52437, -9.54825, -9.56869, -9.57751, -9.60779, -9.62384, -9.6881, -9.75136, -9.85403, -9.89155, -10.0328, -11.02225, -11.087, -11.10098, -11.30951 ]
doesn't actually take pictures but
[ "doesn't actually take pictures but", "doesn't actually take pictures", "doesn' actually take pictures but", "does't actually take pictures but", "doesn't actually take picture but", "it doesn't actually take pictures but", "sn't actually take pictures but", "doesn't actually take pictures but it", "doesn't actually make pictures but", "doesn't actually take pictures but i", "doesn't actually take pictures but the", "doesn't actually take picture's but", "doesn't actually take pictures but a", "doesn't actually take pictures but that", "doesn't take pictures but", "doesn't actually actually take pictures but", "doesn't actually take pictures that", "doesn't actually pictures but", "doesn't actually it take pictures but", "doesn actually take pictures but", "doesn't actually take pictures but what", "doesn't actually take pictures but at", "doesn't actually take pictures but to", "doesn't actually take pictures butt", "doesn't actually take pictures buth", "doesn'll actually take pictures but", "doesn't actually take pictures but you", "doesn't actually take pictures but in", "doesn't actually take pictures but if", "doesn't actually take pictures butter", "doesn't actually take pictures butat", "doesn't actually take pictures of but", "doesn't actually take pictures butch", "doesn't actually takep pictures but", "doesn't actually take pictures but he", "he doesn't actually take pictures but", "doesn't actually take pictures but then", "doesn't actually take pictures butk", "i doesn't actually take pictures but", "doesn't actually take pictures but are", "doesn't actually take pictures but be", "does don't actually take pictures but", "doesn'tre actually take pictures but", "doesn't actually take pictures but as", "doesn't actually take picture", "that doesn't actually take pictures but", "doesn't actually take pictures but have", "doesn't actually take pictures but actually", "doesn't actually take pictures but there", "doesn't actually take pictures but can" ]
[ -0.10107, -7.13943, -3.29275, -3.88414, -5.38486, -8.12857, -6.48954, -9.74333, -11.02564, -9.56426, -9.46786, -7.77675, -9.2416, -9.77882, -8.76448, -8.37067, -12.42117, -9.80267, -10.7664, -10.01238, -11.35808, -10.51618, -10.47714, -11.09111, -10.58619, -10.50294, -11.34344, -11.55868, -11.59678, -11.20204, -11.5656, -11.73454, -12.35697, -10.29852, -12.31827, -11.33194, -12.80384, -12.2666, -10.93772, -12.25817, -12.72611, -11.52946, -11.90193, -12.52273, -12.42321, -10.88816, -13.01042, -12.90616, -12.84359, -12.98716 ]
[ -0.66286, -6.71352, -9.31242, -9.06209, -8.42034, -7.47379, -9.21689, -8.02318, -7.58276, -8.23912, -8.41021, -9.24256, -8.87891, -8.70102, -9.17904, -9.55899, -7.82796, -9.21217, -8.81147, -9.1414, -8.59921, -8.96225, -9.02454, -8.76148, -9.13851, -9.27917, -9.02943, -8.9416, -8.94126, -9.15892, -9.06942, -9.02133, -8.82053, -9.74981, -8.95233, -9.39151, -8.76163, -9.0286, -9.60195, -9.05548, -8.85707, -9.40393, -9.2457, -8.98231, -9.07566, -9.79038, -8.88545, -9.00653, -9.03892, -9.034 ]
[ -0.49432, -6.84129, -7.50652, -7.5087, -7.50969, -7.67022, -8.39868, -8.53922, -8.61563, -8.63666, -8.7275, -8.80282, -8.98772, -9.02436, -9.05467, -9.20249, -9.20592, -9.38932, -9.39795, -9.4027, -9.42687, -9.42843, -9.46032, -9.46037, -9.57282, -9.64631, -9.72364, -9.72672, -9.73792, -9.77186, -9.81827, -9.83529, -9.88146, -9.91442, -9.96211, -9.97364, -9.97429, -10, -10.00268, -10.01629, -10.01778, -10.04159, -10.04257, -10.04444, -10.07993, -10.11972, -10.12294, -10.17642, -10.18032, -10.21995 ]
dear sir good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you and family
[ "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you and family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you in family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day in my best wishes to you in family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day in my best wishes to you and family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to youin family", "dear sur good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you and family", "dear sur good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you in family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day in my best wishes to youin family", "dear ser good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you and family", "dear ser good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you in family", "dear sur good day compliments of the day in my best wishes to you in family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to youen family", "dear serve good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you in family", "dear serve good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you and family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my best fishes to you in family", "dear ser good day compliments of the day in my best wishes to you in family", "dear sur good day compliments of the day in my best wishes to you and family", "dear ser good day compliments of the day in my best wishes to you and family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you en family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my best fishes to you and family", "dearser good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you and family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my best wish is to you in family", "dear serve good day compliments of the day in my best wishes to you in family", "dearser good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you in family", "dear sir good day a compliments of the day and my best wishes to you in family", "dear sir good day a compliments of the day and my best wishes to you and family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day in my best wishes to youen family", "dear serve good day compliments of the day in my best wishes to you and family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day in my best fishes to you in family", "dear s good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you and family", "dear s good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you in family", "dear sir good day a compliments of the day in my best wishes to you in family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day in my best wishes to you en family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you when family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my bestwishes to you in family", "dearser good day compliments of the day in my best wishes to you in family", "deer sir good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you and family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to youan family", "deer sir good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you in family", "dear sir good day a compliments of the day in my best wishes to you and family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my best swishes to you in family", "dearser good day compliments of the day in my best wishes to you and family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my bestwishes to you and family", "dear sar good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you in family", "dear sar good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you and family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my best wish is to you and family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my best wishes to you an family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day in my best fishes to you and family", "dear s good day compliments of the day in my best wishes to you in family", "dear sir good day compliments of the day and my best swishes to you and family" ]
[ -5.02985, -5.1244, -5.75258, -5.65803, -5.57993, -7.60679, -7.70134, -6.20811, -4.55911, -4.65366, -8.32952, -7.69138, -10.75796, -10.66342, -10.83443, -5.28184, -8.23497, -5.1873, -8.60672, -10.73988, -11.41099, -10.97066, -11.38614, -11.50554, -9.54493, -9.45038, -8.31956, -11.2916, -11.46261, -3.61344, -3.70799, -10.17311, -9.2349, -10.26567, -6.804, -12.13372, -9.60753, -8.63284, -9.70208, -10.07856, -9.27639, -12.03917, -6.70945, -8.69946, -8.60491, -10.87611, -10.72828, -11.36806, -4.33617, -9.18184 ]
[ -3.29428, -3.28521, -3.71729, -4.08967, -8.08198, -7.99848, -7.98005, -8.65851, -9.48634, -9.47309, -8.39315, -8.72624, -7.50552, -7.55123, -7.4829, -9.89157, -8.78043, -10.29085, -8.88236, -8.01133, -7.88185, -8.07511, -7.91345, -7.87355, -8.72094, -8.79945, -9.37984, -8.33118, -8.26065, -11.74839, -11.70847, -8.97776, -9.44454, -9.02159, -10.52811, -8.2575, -9.4061, -9.84186, -9.42895, -9.39772, -9.77847, -8.64554, -10.9605, -10.11422, -10.17925, -9.25071, -9.39227, -9.13645, -12.22002, -10.15795 ]
[ -3.81495, -3.83697, -4.32787, -4.56018, -7.33136, -7.88097, -7.89644, -7.92339, -8.00817, -8.02726, -8.37406, -8.41579, -8.48125, -8.48489, -8.48836, -8.50865, -8.61679, -8.75979, -8.79967, -8.8299, -8.94059, -8.94378, -8.95526, -8.96314, -8.96814, -8.99473, -9.06176, -9.2193, -9.22124, -9.3079, -9.30832, -9.33636, -9.38165, -9.39481, -9.41088, -9.42037, -9.46653, -9.47915, -9.51089, -9.60197, -9.62784, -9.66363, -9.68519, -9.68979, -9.70695, -9.73833, -9.79307, -9.80593, -9.85486, -9.86511 ]
i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced
[ "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving un announced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving uninnounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unacnounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprised to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unonnounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving on announced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprised to you for nature has a way of arriving un announced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unennounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of ariving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has away of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise too you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come do you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of ariving un announced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be surprised to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to use surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has away of arriving un announced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprised to you for nature has a way of arriving uninnounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise too you for nature has a way of arriving un announced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surpriseed to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to your surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving announced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unnounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprised to you for nature has a way of arriving unacnounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but le it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come and you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come do you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving un announced", "i know this letter will come to do surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you four nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be as surprised to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this leter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unynounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving un andnounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unanounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be surprised to you for nature has a way of arriving un announced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a 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unantnounced", "i know this letter will come to you a surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for nature it has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for in nature has a way of arriving unannounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise too you for nature has a way of arriving uninnounced", "i know this letter will come to you surprisingly but let it not be a surprise to you for an nature has a way of arriving unannounced" ]
[ -8.80893, -3.37189, -6.29798, -9.1909, -9.33637, -7.8209, -9.11699, -3.89933, -11.71934, -13.91511, -11.40723, -8.03221, -14.37346, -8.47807, -14.20172, -12.72802, -5.97019, -6.82542, -2.59517, -9.39911, -12.86221, -14.89218, -12.81108, -10.46637, -9.71834, -9.62314, -16.0988, -10.27692, -8.93642, -12.19741, -17.27218, -16.16257, -13.40112, -12.28962, -11.727, -12.013, -8.76468, -8.34834, -13.69622, -17.12497, -14.43445, -16.27436, -12.75575, -3.96208, -14.6216, -15.09253, -18.33414, -14.79425, -5.52127, -16.15854 ]
[ -3.5381, -7.27399, -8.29529, -7.3427, -7.95092, -8.77433, -8.39549, -11.67898, -8.50916, -7.83807, -9.23588, -10.70795, -8.75949, -11.63029, -9.22305, -10.03655, -13.01736, -12.69856, -14.53465, -11.70065, -10.32824, -9.4799, -10.373, -11.38276, -11.75562, -12.09076, -9.35615, -11.8967, -12.50964, -11.19066, -9.01615, -9.49803, -10.71211, -11.26571, -11.51382, -11.39468, -12.94864, -13.18236, -10.99306, -9.63868, -10.79772, -10.01426, -11.69774, -15.46818, -10.92404, -10.80891, -9.78057, -11.4136, -15.48974, -10.99185 ]
[ -5.11935, -6.10336, -7.6961, -7.89716, -8.36655, -8.4883, -8.61194, -9.34508, -9.47221, -9.66118, -9.88729, -9.90523, -10.44368, -10.68462, -10.71665, -10.84399, -10.90321, -10.93662, -10.95281, -11.01019, -11.08843, -11.10359, -11.10442, -11.10784, -11.14444, -11.35047, -11.37895, -11.41077, -11.43768, -11.49269, -11.49296, -11.49739, -11.51881, -11.57288, -11.57777, -11.58017, -11.69345, -11.73215, -11.80401, -11.88457, -11.88874, -11.89229, -12.01514, -12.01635, -12.03331, -12.09399, -12.34664, -12.4278, -12.4992, -12.54186 ]
for you to assure me of safety and honesty if i have to entrust any amount of money under your custody
[ "for you to assure me of safety and honesty if i have to entrust any amount of money under your custody", "for you to assure me of safety and honesty if i have to intrust any amount of money under your custody", "for you to assure me of safety and honesty if i have to en trust any amount of money under your custody", "for you to assure me of safety and honesty if i have to entrust any amount of money under your custy", "for you to assure me of safety and honesty if i have to in trust any amount of money under your custody", "for you to assure me of safety and honesty if i have to and trust any amount of money under your custody", "for you to assure me of safety and honesty if i have to entrust any amount of money under your custdy", "for you to assure me of safety and honesty if i have to entrust any amount of money under your custoity", "for you to assure me of safety in honesty if i have to entrust any amount of money under your custody", "for you to assure me of safety and honesty 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of money under your custody", "for you to assure me of safety and honesty if i have to intrust any amount of money under your custoy", "for you to assure me of safety and honesty if i have to entrust any amount of money under your custcidy", "for you to assure me if safety and honesty if i have to entrust any amount of money under your custody", "for you to assuor me of safety and honesty if i have to entrust any amount of money under your custody", "for you to assure me a safety and honesty if i have to entrust any amount of money under your custody", "for you to assure me of safety and honesty if i have to be intrust any amount of money under your custody", "for you to assure me of safety and honesty if i have to you in trust any amount of money under your custody", "for you to assure me of safety and honesty if i have to en intrust any amount of money under your custody", "for you to assure me of safety and honestty if i have to entrust any amount of money under your custody", "for 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[ -9.5934, -9.1871, -6.69877, -6.46989, -6.29247, -8.95027, -6.20866, -12.33408, -12.00054, -9.52311, -6.06359, -10.16831, -10.7783, -12.56851, -13.01744, -8.63557, -11.7138, -3.57526, -11.94959, -5.80236, -13.65661, -14.88435, -13.87624, -12.94544, -11.92778, -11.59424, -12.3577, -13.59937, -9.76201, -10.372, -13.43188, -11.28402, -12.16222, -14.25279, -12.61114, -14.9639, -11.68302, -14.58869, -8.22927, -11.44267, -17.1761, -11.42908, -18.72628, -20.04987, -15.29534, -14.98926, -15.29887, -17.15524, -16.05398, -13.53089 ]
[ -2.91348, -5.22449, -7.55912, -9.2122, -9.53311, -9.19732, -10.89632, -8.7703, -8.9467, -10.04493, -11.52917, -10.02819, -9.78453, -9.14664, -8.99462, -11.15675, -9.98746, -13.8464, -10.34287, -13.21671, -9.94087, -9.59104, -10.07155, -10.50693, -11.00429, -11.25093, -10.94668, -10.43853, -12.3424, -12.11321, -10.80776, -11.74465, -11.42315, -10.60304, -11.33778, -10.37907, -11.80021, -10.67008, -13.46305, -12.10147, -9.77128, -12.24826, -9.19068, -8.94199, -11.06921, -11.25969, -11.22935, -10.44533, -11.03687, -12.14977 ]
[ -4.91745, -6.41327, -7.30102, -8.3895, -8.56092, -9.1232, -9.49002, -9.83944, -9.86285, -9.88838, -9.88949, -10.07023, -10.08266, -10.1732, -10.20147, -10.40039, -10.50536, -10.76506, -10.82489, -10.9924, -11.05559, -11.17904, -11.21296, -11.23848, -11.28134, -11.35392, -11.36999, -11.38678, -11.56829, -11.59085, -11.59499, -11.60646, -11.64487, -11.69796, -11.71979, -11.75452, -11.76505, -11.84566, -11.89291, -11.90383, -11.99272, -12.00251, -12.05136, -12.27436, -12.33705, -12.37856, -12.4502, -12.4583, -12.54201, -12.5641 ]
i am mister michael bangoora
[ "i am mister michael bangoora", "i am mister michael bangora", "i am myster michael bangoora", "i am mister michael banguora", "i am mister michael bangara", "i am mister michael banghora", "i am a mister michael bangoora", "i am mister michael bangura", "i am mister michael bangoura", "i am mister michel bangoora", "i am myster michael bangora", "i am mister michael banjora", "i am mister michael bangroora", "i am mister michael bangoa", "i am mister michael bangora", "i am mister michael bangrea", "i am mister michael bangoora", "i am mister michael bangouora", "i am mister michael bangoara", "i am misterer michael bangoora", "i am mister michael bangalora", "i am mister michael bangjora", "i amm mister michael bangoora", "i am mistered michael bangoora", "i am mister michael bangoorah", "i am miser michael bangoora", "i am mister michael bangkora", "i am mister michael bangera", "i am mister michael bangtora", "i am mister mochael bangoora", "i am mister a michael bangoora", "i am mister of michael bangoora", "i am mister michael bangeora", "i am mister michael bangoera", "i am mister michael bangoorra", "i am mister michael bangooria", "i a mister michael bangoora", "i am mister michael bangooraa", "i am mister michael bangoorla", "i am mister michael bangoorara", "i am mister michael bangoor", "i am a mister michael bangora", "i am mister mychael bangoora", "i am mister michael bangoorta", "i am mister miychael bangoora", "i am mister miichael bangoora", "i am mister michael bangoorh", "i am mistern michael bangoora", "i am mister michael bangoorae", "i am mister michael bangoorer" ]
[ -2.80338, -1.90693, -6.85798, -2.75712, -6.87692, -6.68664, -10.02209, -6.68176, -7.10056, -8.3915, -5.96153, -11.06716, -8.94189, -6.32281, -7.96872, -6.7105, -9.85154, -5.26785, -7.08897, -5.09435, -10.3705, -6.80974, -8.3945, -8.46046, -8.96747, -6.19818, -7.8046, -7.4939, -8.31438, -10.23864, -9.27858, -8.73233, -8.78025, -7.43733, -7.32393, -10.07078, -8.77983, -8.53847, -9.17918, -5.70044, -8.47162, -9.12564, -11.30064, -8.76703, -7.20233, -8.56816, -10.27231, -10.39279, -12.14584, -11.2709 ]
[ -1.02415, -4.91546, -4.72231, -7.21146, -6.44758, -6.68544, -5.4594, -7.66397, -7.59546, -7.34557, -8.39659, -6.2667, -7.58932, -8.76865, -8.15956, -8.80386, -7.57045, -9.66929, -8.89081, -9.84259, -7.64567, -9.24568, -8.61821, -8.62281, -8.41452, -9.6647, -9.02441, -9.21703, -8.88406, -8.12192, -8.54431, -8.79957, -8.7929, -9.54561, -9.66489, -8.51595, -9.10942, -9.25128, -9.12122, -10.64001, -9.52692, -9.29566, -8.40803, -9.49975, -10.31625, -9.80012, -9.07943, -9.05863, -8.85291, -9.37563 ]
[ -1.55792, -4.0129, -5.36301, -5.87516, -6.57638, -6.6858, -6.82821, -7.36931, -7.44699, -7.65935, -7.66608, -7.70683, -7.99509, -8.03489, -8.10231, -8.17585, -8.25478, -8.34885, -8.35026, -8.41811, -8.46312, -8.5149, -8.5511, -8.57411, -8.5804, -8.62474, -8.65847, -8.70009, -8.71315, -8.75694, -8.76459, -8.7794, -8.78911, -8.91312, -8.9626, -8.9824, -9.01054, -9.03744, -9.13861, -9.15814, -9.21033, -9.24466, -9.27581, -9.27993, -9.38207, -9.43053, -9.43729, -9.45888, -9.84079, -9.94421 ]
the son of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war
[ "the son of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the sun of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the sun of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the son of late mister tiama bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiama bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the son of late mister tiom bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiom bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the son of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone i was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tium bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tium bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the son of late mister tim bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the sun of late mister tiama bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tim bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the sun of late mister tiama bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the son of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone that was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiam bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone i was killed during the civil war", "the son of late mister tiam bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the sun of late mister tiom bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone that was killed during the civil war", "the sun of late mister tiom bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the sun of late mister tium bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiamo bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the sun of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone i was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in serra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the sun of late mister tium bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the sun of late mister tim bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiamo bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the son of late mister tiamu bangora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the sun of late mister tiam bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in serra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the son of late mister tiamum bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiama bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone i was killed during a civil war", "the sun of late mister tim bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the son of late mister tiamu bangora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the sun of late mister tiam bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the son of late mister tiamum bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the sun of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone that was killed during a civil war", "the sun of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone i was killed during the civil war", "the son of late mister tiaman bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiamu bangara who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiamu bangoora who is the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the sun of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone that was killed during the civil war", "the son of late mister tiama bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone that was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiom bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone i was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiamu bangoora who is the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war", "the son of late mister tiamm bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiamu bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone it was killed during a civil war", "the son of late mister tiaman bangoora who was the minister of finance in sierra leone but was killed during the civil war" ]
[ -18.53692, -18.92851, -20.53722, -20.92882, -16.40495, -16.79654, -16.55516, -16.94676, -21.2705, -18.17238, -18.56397, -16.8671, -18.40526, -17.2587, -18.79685, -20.41638, -14.53424, -21.6621, -14.92583, -18.55548, -20.80797, -18.94707, -20.17268, -20.69828, -23.27081, -16.32754, -20.56427, -18.86742, -21.08987, -17.50269, -16.53454, -16.71913, -16.03137, -19.13853, -19.25901, -17.89428, -16.92614, -16.42297, -22.41668, -23.6624, -19.28631, -18.80098, -22.93636, -22.80828, -18.28441, -19.28875, -23.32795, -15.16141, -20.36501, -19.6779 ]
[ -5.34409, -5.41136, -5.79231, -5.86113, -7.9767, -8.06523, -8.60184, -8.6677, -6.81558, -8.21059, -8.25509, -8.98582, -8.32898, -9.04328, -8.41653, -7.7937, -10.3879, -7.41899, -10.43388, -8.95648, -8.00062, -9.01924, -8.58188, -8.38416, -7.28278, -10.40619, -8.62214, -9.40176, -8.47234, -10.02698, -10.48419, -10.40608, -10.71607, -9.43605, -9.45769, -10.05885, -10.52897, -10.79529, -8.26465, -7.88966, -9.89678, -10.16446, -8.41092, -8.46879, -10.43879, -10.06999, -8.38047, -11.91626, -9.70033, -9.9963 ]
[ -9.30194, -9.46651, -10.21578, -10.38144, -10.50517, -10.68462, -10.98784, -11.15141, -11.15206, -11.19913, -11.34776, -11.3502, -11.35186, -11.50791, -11.53063, -11.58051, -11.6318, -11.69192, -11.78146, -11.83618, -11.84282, -11.99759, -12.05912, -12.07839, -12.07919, -12.18259, -12.20478, -12.24146, -12.2576, -12.26969, -12.29929, -12.3, -12.31066, -12.3468, -12.39809, -12.40948, -12.44812, -12.48359, -12.51026, -12.62148, -12.71364, -12.75542, -12.76855, -12.77063, -12.79248, -12.83562, -12.86472, -12.88981, -12.89973, -12.90078 ]
knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you
[ "knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people as transparent and trust worthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people is transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people has transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people is transparent and trust worthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment in your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage and business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country could be economical conducive for investment and your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people as transparent and trustworthi to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people have transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be aconomical conducive for investment and your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "know in your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people as transparent in trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conduces for investment and your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing you your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conduced for investment and your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people has transparent and trust worthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be an economical conducive for investment and your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to 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transparent and trustworthyed to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people is transparent and trustworthy to engage and business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage in a business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people are transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment and in your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country could be economical conducive for investment and your people as transparent and trust worthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowlling your country to be economical conducive for investment and your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you", "knowing your country to be economical and conducive for investment and your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage in business on which premise i write you" ]
[ -3.11949, -3.65332, -3.7683, -3.97912, -4.30213, -7.53412, -7.09141, -6.50468, -8.94566, -6.6387, -11.33846, -5.25204, -7.71459, -12.25036, -8.7877, -10.20418, -4.51295, -8.64687, -8.73861, -5.04164, -9.2209, -6.27518, -9.95976, -9.66142, -9.33848, -8.83812, -8.06795, -8.9833, -5.71077, -5.88354, -7.94921, -9.76757, -15.51343, -8.119, -6.8234, -9.12229, -12.88606, -8.24843, -7.62524, -7.55077, -7.73989, -8.81881, -8.3301, -7.74022, -9.83033, -9.17348, -10.20055, -7.03852, -7.00091, -10.32802 ]
[ -3.71867, -6.52103, -6.67925, -9.01002, -9.62381, -8.28423, -9.26117, -9.7926, -8.80485, -9.95477, -8.1332, -10.8127, -9.81343, -8.06838, -9.96262, -9.3761, -11.93991, -10.1827, -10.23889, -11.94899, -10.18069, -11.5205, -10.07, -10.24642, -10.52406, -10.76239, -11.13079, -10.83227, -12.35504, -12.4674, -11.66849, -10.99719, -8.53722, -11.79176, -12.35349, -11.37494, -9.79051, -11.80992, -12.10701, -12.17032, -12.0932, -11.64647, -11.85669, -12.24291, -11.35253, -11.64113, -11.20577, -12.58602, -12.66307, -11.24357 ]
[ -3.53892, -5.66072, -5.80597, -7.50075, -8.02731, -8.0592, -8.61024, -8.80622, -8.84709, -8.95995, -9.09478, -9.1445, -9.18378, -9.32298, -9.61014, -9.62452, -9.71182, -9.72195, -9.78881, -9.87678, -9.89275, -9.9469, -10.03693, -10.07092, -10.16839, -10.18511, -10.21194, -10.27758, -10.36176, -10.49224, -10.55271, -10.6283, -10.63008, -10.68993, -10.69446, -10.69914, -10.71917, -10.74147, -10.76248, -10.78445, -10.78721, -10.79817, -10.79872, -10.8921, -10.89587, -10.90084, -10.9042, -10.92177, -10.96442, -10.9689 ]
before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war
[ "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million the united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars would he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel eaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million in united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million in the united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the wars", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million and united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leader during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept the way from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars would you kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept theway from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which you kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had this sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of two thousand and three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kep away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the reb leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollar which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars what he kept away from the rebel 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"before my father death he had a sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sub of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he keptway from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before and my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the of course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three billion united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty 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the rebel leaders during of course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million them united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars when he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which she kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million the united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel eaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the some of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the summ of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he ket away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebelleaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept a way from the rebel leaders during the course of the war", "before my father death he had the sum of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war of", "before my father death he had the su of twenty three million united states dollars which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war" ]
[ -9.42351, -8.67616, -12.27907, -12.23809, -6.21585, -11.06288, -12.42199, -8.4893, -12.80092, -17.65905, -13.49725, -11.87826, -10.6417, -14.61802, -20.56767, -7.87665, -11.71853, -9.71173, -15.70909, -7.57744, -13.64176, -11.53172, -16.31465, -10.74329, -10.29906, -16.4894, -15.9111, -12.26523, -12.67413, -14.0823, -18.19313, -15.99184, -12.90814, -15.84592, -12.56729, -12.11857, -15.21148, -14.58558, -11.68333, -16.6383, -15.90976, -11.49075, -14.60585, -19.71719, -12.27078, -12.11414, -13.60282, -15.2043, -16.44602, -13.32649 ]
[ -3.63767, -8.09234, -7.02294, -8.05592, -10.74843, -9.10646, -8.88184, -10.64742, -9.11289, -7.1014, -9.09162, -9.79442, -10.57006, -9.09387, -6.55956, -12.32852, -10.82612, -11.71761, -9.32868, -12.82516, -10.41542, -11.37716, -9.43371, -11.92298, -12.15086, -9.50853, -9.79842, -11.46386, -11.52024, -10.9344, -9.1814, -10.14, -11.51546, -10.33741, -11.77001, -12.02006, -10.70149, -11.02109, -12.33263, -10.22007, -10.57, -12.49219, -11.18066, -8.99798, -12.20245, -12.27986, -11.74643, -11.09485, -10.62879, -12.01754 ]
[ -5.37342, -8.26748, -8.59978, -9.31057, -9.38866, -9.69339, -9.94389, -9.99998, -10.2193, -10.2687, -10.41331, -10.41957, -10.59155, -10.75112, -10.76199, -10.99296, -11.09384, -11.11585, -11.24281, -11.25084, -11.38332, -11.42352, -11.49799, -11.56907, -11.59532, -11.6028, -11.63222, -11.70427, -11.86641, -11.87877, -11.88492, -11.89555, -11.93327, -11.98996, -12.00919, -12.04961, -12.05449, -12.09044, -12.13784, -12.14554, -12.17193, -12.19176, -12.20821, -12.21374, -12.22295, -12.23014, -12.30334, -12.32769, -12.37396, -12.41022 ]
this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war
[ "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fun was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the reabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the upbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the out break of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of what a reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outreak of war", "this fun was supposed to be used for the reabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this funn was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of what reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water a reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was suppose to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehailitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used from the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitations of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fun is supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was opposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund is supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fun with supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of ware", "these fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of what it reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreaker war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of a war", "this fund has supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was suppos to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was suposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the appreak of war", "this fun were supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehibilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fun supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water it reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserve all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this funs was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehebilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fun it was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of what are reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of wars", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbrearak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of the war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of warre", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbrak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before of the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreake of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of w", "this fund was supposed to be used for a rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak of war", "this fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country before the outbreak at war" ]
[ -1.54277, -0.59336, -5.8463, -9.46727, -6.04156, -13.72003, -8.07935, -4.8969, -8.2238, -8.61674, -6.64605, -8.2562, -5.45436, -9.55979, -8.13753, -8.99028, -10.54591, -9.93965, -10.12608, -7.42811, -10.76007, -7.37154, -16.28577, -9.80125, -10.26545, -10.80012, -9.25819, -7.47747, -7.95283, -14.69462, -11.34983, -6.65326, -8.97483, -9.21183, -8.22486, -9.79552, -8.71591, -10.30958, -15.91166, -9.56517, -8.9445, -9.9406, -9.40815, -7.2307, -9.87348, -9.2782, -9.98967, -8.89232, -12.54474, -11.00919 ]
[ -2.89862, -7.33858, -7.18791, -8.89341, -10.73895, -7.59024, -10.17681, -11.63429, -10.24149, -10.23068, -11.10744, -10.43081, -11.63324, -9.93485, -10.67008, -10.36635, -9.74157, -10.05533, -10.03339, -11.24741, -9.92114, -11.3992, -7.62059, -10.47829, -10.29257, -10.06804, -10.73986, -11.52887, -11.35437, -8.48618, -9.94372, -11.95867, -11.03662, -10.94034, -11.40056, -10.7598, -11.26429, -10.65435, -8.26221, -11.00782, -11.35589, -10.95943, -11.20023, -12.1748, -11.10481, -11.36967, -11.07294, -11.54547, -9.98952, -10.71535 ]
[ -2.49186, -5.31501, -6.78543, -9.06556, -9.32973, -9.42918, -9.54757, -9.61307, -9.63618, -9.7465, -9.76902, -9.77843, -9.77957, -9.82233, -9.91031, -9.95353, -9.98287, -10.02062, -10.0612, -10.10162, -10.17282, -10.1909, -10.22014, -10.27518, -10.28443, -10.28767, -10.29536, -10.31345, -10.33391, -10.34871, -10.36555, -10.36705, -10.41808, -10.42179, -10.44785, -10.47052, -10.49978, -10.55092, -10.55705, -10.57503, -10.63247, -10.65378, -10.66261, -10.69157, -10.73541, -10.74223, -10.74796, -10.74953, -10.75608, -10.8035 ]
when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession
[ "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war wroke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his posession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fun be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not an his possession", "when the warbroke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel eader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possion", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father andsisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not on his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted was not in his possession", "when the war wrote out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the warb broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leaders demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father ansisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given a him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanda that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the reb leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the reel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded at the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund we given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father and sisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the reble leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insist it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebal leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the warroke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund to be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given into him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebelader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war b wroke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war brok out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fundy given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given the him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fun to be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund by given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possesion", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund would be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him and my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted do it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father ensisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted at it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father assisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in an his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to hin my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the funded be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insist to it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel le eader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebel leadered demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession", "when the war broke out the rebbel leader demanded that the fund be given to him my father insisted it was not in his possession" ]
[ -5.25706, -7.42577, -3.13278, -5.98969, -11.40866, -7.94705, -9.28462, -8.10459, -7.27689, -13.56854, -14.15093, -15.628, -6.07963, -11.35152, -11.52036, -10.70192, -11.15408, -9.54797, -8.46489, -5.94778, -12.27907, -11.16913, -15.09113, -8.67393, -7.55408, -9.0677, -7.88687, -10.39494, -9.80618, -7.64615, -7.54083, -9.78685, -10.35785, -13.14691, -11.07969, -11.87133, -9.85724, -14.1659, -11.09203, -9.99639, -13.17105, -12.72786, -12.59779, -10.36791, -13.61235, -12.43317, -9.81687, -9.59897, -11.70138, -12.54101 ]
[ -3.19955, -7.41044, -10.52889, -9.72562, -7.47365, -9.64226, -9.09632, -10.03875, -10.57757, -8.19663, -7.98457, -7.44414, -11.58445, -9.32775, -9.46206, -9.84675, -9.86104, -10.5661, -11.03787, -12.12013, -9.41619, -9.92614, -8.30066, -11.0699, -11.63585, -11.02388, -11.5835, -10.58446, -10.84739, -11.84389, -11.95431, -11.15772, -11.00693, -9.82017, -10.73962, -10.4313, -11.43091, -9.64482, -11.00913, -11.48172, -10.16273, -10.37808, -10.43554, -11.40724, -10.1306, -10.65181, -11.80104, -11.90324, -11.03912, -10.71877 ]
[ -3.81681, -7.41504, -8.31005, -8.60484, -8.65415, -9.1337, -9.15281, -9.4585, -9.58737, -9.8082, -9.83448, -9.8993, -9.933, -9.93488, -10.07955, -10.1033, -10.24895, -10.26066, -10.26597, -10.26843, -10.27506, -10.29904, -10.3378, -10.35111, -10.41132, -10.43703, -10.47451, -10.52761, -10.53503, -10.58457, -10.63027, -10.74646, -10.81221, -10.81819, -10.84164, -10.86331, -10.95881, -11.00114, -11.034, -11.03612, -11.06523, -11.08302, -11.08422, -11.09544, -11.17512, -11.18621, -11.20579, -11.21196, -11.2378, -11.26544 ]
and he was killed because of his refusal to release the
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[ -4.2426, -4.62912, -4.82964, -5.21533, -5.56889, -5.60185, -5.95247, -5.47948, -3.32, -8.3603, -7.96889, -5.21615, -8.08154, -5.866, -9.40783, -3.70652, -11.25951, -9.97283, -8.35541, -9.79141, -6.9252, -8.57695, -12.70753, -8.46806, -10.85763, -10.07644, -9.29517, -3.90703, -10.9047, -8.96346, -11.85709, -9.33303, -6.54161, -9.86242, -13.09405, -10.03682, -11.64602, -9.67876, -4.29273, -11.54625, -12.00257, -9.68792, -8.3277, -8.49474, -6.80576, -10.55059, -10.85463, -11.10744, -11.60039, -13.24242 ]
[ -1.75285, -3.10611, -4.68272, -5.05608, -6.08662, -6.13109, -6.35893, -6.57151, -7.83798, -5.9567, -6.13921, -7.68125, -6.63723, -7.90139, -6.46353, -9.1007, -6.19228, -6.95295, -7.65975, -7.08349, -8.955, -8.2617, -6.63075, -8.45788, -7.7445, -8.12103, -8.59602, -11.02579, -8.13923, -9.00007, -7.79461, -8.95969, -10.15641, -8.73388, -7.36175, -8.71631, -8.09373, -8.96, -11.28429, -8.33379, -8.1956, -9.29157, -9.91914, -9.87529, -10.65745, -9.07506, -8.96403, -8.86195, -8.75736, -8.08989 ]
[ -2.49978, -3.56301, -4.7268, -5.10386, -5.9313, -5.97231, -6.23699, -6.2439, -6.48259, -6.67778, -6.68812, -6.94172, -7.07053, -7.29078, -7.34682, -7.48245, -7.71245, -7.85891, -7.86845, -7.89587, -8.34606, -8.35628, -8.45378, -8.46093, -8.67844, -8.70765, -8.80576, -8.89016, -8.96887, -8.98909, -9.01335, -9.07169, -9.07197, -9.07244, -9.08144, -9.11247, -9.15942, -9.17563, -9.18682, -9.29753, -9.33769, -9.41048, -9.44171, -9.46112, -9.50195, -9.51772, -9.53121, -9.5356, -9.61027, -9.63565 ]
meanwhile my mother and i is the only person who knows about the fund because my father always confide in
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[ -5.67067, -6.45208, -6.40701, -7.71923, -7.23766, -10.10205, -8.23705, -8.45705, -9.66122, -6.35562, -7.13702, -7.18842, -8.48067, -4.24308, -8.45557, -8.38909, -8.01438, -8.54076, -12.74116, -10.25169, -11.95012, -10.63737, -8.07793, -13.12333, -12.4729, -11.0331, -10.1491, -11.00968, -10.7874, -7.97399, -12.87884, -8.82437, -8.01907, -10.83838, -12.13567, -8.65938, -8.97338, -11.13038, -7.06957, -10.44264, -9.3635, -8.61724, -8.54204, -8.92198, -9.76681, -11.28906, -12.14224, -9.28622, -10.92237, -12.48195 ]
[ -2.37187, -5.12741, -5.75181, -5.65671, -7.0432, -5.96131, -6.79656, -7.43011, -6.97303, -8.45389, -8.38908, -8.55811, -8.17536, -10.34246, -8.99245, -9.03633, -9.29463, -9.39638, -7.63525, -8.99832, -8.34016, -9.02547, -10.14466, -8.08116, -8.39402, -9.04239, -9.45057, -9.12498, -9.23445, -10.44652, -8.35426, -10.1269, -10.52236, -9.3439, -8.79472, -10.29986, -10.20153, -9.29241, -11.13918, -9.72916, -10.19817, -10.51873, -10.58061, -10.43267, -10.07293, -9.4566, -9.23985, -10.4915, -9.79571, -9.20267 ]
[ -3.36151, -5.52481, -5.94837, -6.27547, -7.10154, -7.20353, -7.22871, -7.73819, -7.77949, -7.82441, -8.01346, -8.14721, -8.26695, -8.51265, -8.83139, -8.84216, -8.91055, -9.1397, -9.16702, -9.37433, -9.42315, -9.50904, -9.52464, -9.59381, -9.61768, -9.6396, -9.66013, -9.69039, -9.70033, -9.70476, -9.71164, -9.73614, -9.77138, -9.79225, -9.79701, -9.80772, -9.83309, -9.8438, -9.9183, -9.9432, -9.94777, -9.94828, -9.96904, -9.97947, -9.98109, -10.00634, -10.11056, -10.12992, -10.13371, -10.18645 ]
of the box
[ "of the box", "the box", "to the box", "at the box", "so the box", "into the box", "for the box", "in the box", "that the box", "and the box", "are the box", "through the box", "on the box", "or the box", "have the box", "sort of the box", "of box", " of the box", "over the box", "of to the box", "as the box", "with the box", "after the box", "r the box", "see the box", "of the boxe", "answer the box", "a box", "of the box and", "of a box", "s of the box", "is the box", "than the box", "if the box", "out of the box", "do the box", "some of the box", "of the mox", "it of the box", "of the dox", "get the box", "of the boxp", "of so the box", "of the bix", "that of the box", "of the boxes", "kind of the box", "of at the box", "of the box of", "of the box it" ]
[ -0.25911, -2.71617, -2.59957, -4.47567, -3.92028, -3.94403, -4.87833, -5.21895, -6.30972, -7.13292, -6.24265, -7.04712, -8.73143, -7.95108, -8.46399, -10.47366, -7.13592, -8.03868, -8.80706, -8.17338, -9.12904, -8.6132, -9.58087, -9.05593, -8.96164, -9.17729, -8.95159, -12.97294, -9.70104, -10.59254, -10.96058, -9.75018, -10.26599, -10.46978, -12.64256, -10.84299, -11.30535, -11.28126, -9.78806, -10.66699, -10.85846, -11.14679, -10.70605, -10.00093, -10.66725, -10.6088, -11.9989, -10.4617, -11.03566, -10.80044 ]
[ -0.45013, -3.40082, -3.6062, -5.2509, -6.1122, -6.63271, -6.72577, -6.68345, -7.3174, -7.25387, -7.63761, -7.79323, -7.22602, -7.87776, -7.81862, -7.01647, -8.53841, -8.23666, -7.97767, -8.2777, -7.89387, -8.33555, -8.06266, -8.43509, -8.55391, -8.50967, -8.62714, -6.99376, -8.46774, -8.10913, -8.05124, -8.58368, -8.63679, -8.56229, -7.72272, -8.53672, -8.40791, -8.47456, -9.12692, -8.77231, -8.74888, -8.6321, -8.83917, -9.22731, -8.94206, -8.99709, -8.41335, -9.07744, -8.85989, -8.97282 ]
[ -0.39282, -3.19543, -3.30421, -5.01833, -5.45463, -5.82611, -6.17154, -6.2441, -7.0151, -7.21758, -7.21912, -7.56939, -7.67764, -7.89975, -8.01223, -8.05363, -8.11766, -8.17727, -8.22649, -8.2464, -8.26442, -8.41885, -8.51813, -8.62134, -8.67623, -8.70996, -8.72447, -8.78751, -8.83773, -8.85415, -8.92404, -8.93363, -9.12555, -9.13454, -9.19867, -9.2286, -9.27714, -9.31657, -9.32526, -9.34071, -9.38176, -9.3865, -9.39923, -9.4594, -9.45962, -9.4806, -9.48901, -9.49272, -9.51262, -9.5211 ]
the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company in dakar senegal
[ "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company into car senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company and to car senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company in to car senegal", "the fund was deposited is a family reassure in a safe reliable security company into car senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company into car centigal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company and into car senegal", "the fund was depositive as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company into car senegal", "the fun was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company into car senegal", "the fund was deposited is a family reassure in a safe reliable security company and to car senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company and a car senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe for liable security company into car senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family resure in a safe reliable security company into car senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe or liable security company into car senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe re liable security company into car senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure and a safe reliable security company into car senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company to car senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company into car senegol", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company and decar senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure an a safe reliable security company into car senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reasure in a safe reliable security company into 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in a safe reliable security company into cars senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company into car senegall", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company into kar senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company in decar senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company into car centigol", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company into car sentigal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company and dakar senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company and to car seinegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company into car senegale", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company in dicar senegal", "the fund was deposited as a family reassure in a safe reliable security company into car seneagal" ]
[ -12.7101, -13.12901, -15.08658, -11.82712, -17.78025, -9.94771, -14.41367, -14.68035, -12.24604, -17.45064, -15.25035, -16.33933, -16.04489, -11.0946, -17.85726, -15.89134, -14.50776, -18.36718, -18.34438, -14.32301, -15.09926, -14.83258, -17.54364, -14.45684, -20.38612, -11.90528, -16.23981, -15.66926, -11.5135, -13.58998, -14.2036, -18.19916, -14.87573, -18.27617, -16.20604, -18.42856, -16.62046, -14.92667, -18.53928, -17.70066, -16.46181, -18.85716, -20.32475, -19.57938, -19.57924, -27.33237, -16.65872, -19.06217, -20.21777, -14.55851 ]
[ -3.39299, -4.75854, -6.12329, -8.83216, -7.39445, -10.89659, -9.19885, -9.15776, -10.23139, -8.23203, -9.4471, -9.07469, -9.24305, -11.42226, -8.54278, -9.51792, -10.11785, -8.63214, -8.8815, -10.63418, -10.48898, -10.6082, -9.45151, -10.79926, -8.58651, -12.27239, -10.45247, -10.74536, -12.57608, -11.76849, -11.51001, -9.82246, -11.25338, -9.8203, -10.75592, -9.8248, -10.63382, -11.45704, -9.94891, -10.55752, -11.56244, -10.56489, -10.07593, -10.68602, -10.72268, -7.41908, -12.18595, -11.17146, -10.72262, -13.15926 ]
[ -6.18812, -7.26968, -8.81227, -9.73065, -10.51019, -10.61193, -10.76329, -10.81453, -10.83578, -10.99762, -11.18808, -11.25409, -11.2836, -11.32396, -11.33712, -11.42994, -11.43482, -11.55265, -11.72037, -11.74083, -11.87207, -11.87551, -11.87915, -11.89653, -12.12639, -12.16225, -12.18867, -12.22253, -12.25731, -12.31494, -12.31809, -12.33547, -12.34009, -12.35706, -12.39096, -12.40593, -12.42981, -12.49793, -12.52602, -12.70046, -13.03225, -13.05257, -13.15058, -13.35403, -13.37965, -13.39306, -13.52778, -13.53868, -13.57116, -13.57903 ]
where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you
[ "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavoritable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavoral economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "when i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wished to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in segal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money and senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal du to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in seinegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylam i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegol due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to onfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorablee economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest a money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need for you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistence i need from you", "well i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary aslum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistants i need from you", "where i was only given temporary at silum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in seagal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylumn i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in seneagal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance that i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only asistance i need from you", "where i was only given temborary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in seategal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavitable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfvorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in se negal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylums i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal d to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistances i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylem i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asyl i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal and due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal do to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylom i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal dut to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assence i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i needed from you", "where i was only given emporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish too invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asyylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal of due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorral economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary isylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylm i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal due to unfavorful economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you", "where i was only given temporary asylum i do not wish to invest the money in senegal duet to unfavorable economic climate and so close to my country the only assistance i need from you" ]
[ -10.96453, -14.63188, -11.85438, -17.57195, -11.48529, -8.43761, -16.57567, -10.85247, -13.91572, -15.35352, -15.08868, -14.14512, -12.82732, -18.61411, -19.00091, -12.64505, -17.00159, -9.20588, -21.04485, -17.81772, -10.00735, -16.5445, -13.04538, -17.65616, -13.506, -16.34474, -11.10398, -15.71152, -15.21383, -16.25655, -17.9704, -13.48775, -15.91711, -17.30612, -15.74458, -16.63682, -17.66062, -20.18605, -16.33235, -15.14661, -16.79713, -19.86475, -18.10423, -14.445, -15.93843, -16.08648, -15.017, -14.85243, -19.68447, -16.49356 ]
[ -4.41192, -9.72854, -11.25116, -9.15141, -11.76856, -13.17628, -9.70466, -12.16785, -11.00056, -10.77955, -10.98387, -11.47874, -12.15772, -9.79102, -9.66002, -12.38405, -10.61364, -14.01193, -9.04748, -10.57044, -13.9563, -11.17255, -12.74709, -10.79189, -12.60302, -11.54458, -13.91212, -11.95442, -12.17067, -11.74692, -11.01389, -12.95202, -11.91257, -11.35583, -12.06061, -11.83937, -11.40688, -10.35277, -12.20845, -12.76155, -12.08386, -10.83664, -11.67946, -13.3067, -12.71582, -12.66562, -13.13402, -13.26244, -11.2153, -12.59924 ]
[ -6.3777, -11.19955, -11.43213, -11.67757, -11.68358, -11.75468, -11.76596, -11.77324, -11.87511, -12.15174, -12.21531, -12.27865, -12.3586, -12.43795, -12.46228, -12.46235, -12.53002, -12.57012, -12.64669, -12.74462, -12.77162, -12.78414, -12.83658, -12.85117, -12.87391, -12.98463, -13.06968, -13.08155, -13.08362, -13.09981, -13.10085, -13.11274, -13.11393, -13.14092, -13.1658, -13.2786, -13.283, -13.30275, -13.44562, -13.47707, -13.49784, -13.54507, -13.60689, -13.64819, -13.6826, -13.69188, -13.69892, -13.73944, -13.75605, -13.76753 ]
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[ -0.42387, -1.44787, -7.16807, -6.6574, -7.03483, -9.20738, -9.41925, -8.5316, -6.36735, -10.03797, -7.73086, -8.4302, -6.70681, -8.79066, -9.23977, -8.39755, -9.71403, -9.35401, -8.6826, -10.22836, -8.92167, -8.63175, -9.47792, -10.26477, -8.19206, -11.63458, -8.06966, -8.98523, -9.61633, -9.45899, -2.77289, -11.44423, -9.38857, -10.2408, -9.35683, -12.00388, -9.69295, -9.31808, -12.32002, -10.8898, -12.59809, -11.13306, -9.80315, -11.09508, -10.8431, -10.0266, -11.49914, -11.38678, -11.95831, -11.95748 ]
[ -0.75996, -3.97112, -6.15538, -8.13558, -7.9764, -7.35022, -7.41703, -7.84764, -8.79867, -7.39227, -8.39334, -8.19948, -9.00951, -8.35245, -8.28599, -8.79066, -8.24048, -8.4771, -8.82276, -8.21861, -8.89461, -9.15893, -8.82994, -8.50367, -9.40995, -8.09877, -9.72008, -9.36279, -9.13258, -9.22335, -12.10273, -8.41922, -9.31324, -8.98243, -9.36809, -8.26164, -9.29239, -9.49411, -8.37273, -8.98576, -8.25932, -8.89631, -9.46794, -8.96023, -9.10493, -9.48585, -8.85986, -8.97636, -8.75163, -8.8379 ]
[ -0.65913, -3.21415, -6.45919, -7.69213, -7.69393, -7.90737, -8.01769, -8.05283, -8.06927, -8.18598, -8.19459, -8.26869, -8.3187, -8.48391, -8.57212, -8.67273, -8.68254, -8.74017, -8.78071, -8.82154, -8.90273, -9.00077, -9.02433, -9.032, -9.04458, -9.15952, -9.22495, -9.24952, -9.2777, -9.29404, -9.30378, -9.32672, -9.33584, -9.35994, -9.36471, -9.38431, -9.41256, -9.4413, -9.55692, -9.55697, -9.56095, -9.56734, -9.5685, -9.60068, -9.62638, -9.64808, -9.65164, -9.69948, -9.71364, -9.77377 ]
be remitted three receive the funds into your account in trust take out your commission and leave the rest of the money
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[ -1.02291, -2.49819, -4.20587, -8.61082, -8.63573, -5.28831, -5.7879, -5.68115, -6.63125, -10.0861, -5.19798, -5.49573, -5.76845, -6.76359, -8.06375, -2.81507, -7.30196, -4.8545, -5.81391, -3.60357, -5.07728, -3.48114, -9.07041, -7.26317, -10.3299, -9.34468, -8.10653, -5.42783, -4.13824, -7.57807, -9.73058, -8.53992, -11.68294, -8.48324, -6.43851, -6.36019, -7.83546, -7.36961, -6.97101, -6.67326, -6.7915, -6.10786, -7.29445, -7.24373, -10.81938, -7.66163, -9.15321, -8.77725, -8.16779, -10.91321 ]
[ -3.60918, -4.70039, -8.89567, -7.47988, -7.83545, -9.38094, -9.68243, -9.96584, -9.60126, -8.47023, -10.93877, -10.81361, -10.85441, -10.44948, -9.8972, -12.21829, -10.30634, -11.477, -11.12619, -12.1598, -11.54003, -12.2583, -9.89818, -10.74748, -9.44928, -10.14279, -10.77448, -11.9245, -12.53482, -11.30147, -10.47294, -11.016, -9.67934, -11.05222, -11.94205, -12.04294, -11.43002, -11.65264, -11.84861, -11.97685, -11.96219, -12.27472, -11.86484, -11.92266, -10.40638, -11.76884, -11.18632, -11.43402, -11.86264, -12.02345 ]
[ -2.8333, -4.03973, -7.48873, -7.81916, -8.07554, -8.15315, -8.51407, -8.68043, -8.71025, -8.95499, -9.21653, -9.21825, -9.32862, -9.34371, -9.34716, -9.39733, -9.40502, -9.49025, -9.53251, -9.59293, -9.6012, -9.62515, -9.64985, -9.70219, -9.71346, -9.90336, -9.97409, -9.9755, -10.01585, -10.18445, -10.25023, -10.27318, -10.28042, -10.28153, -10.29099, -10.33811, -10.35165, -10.36773, -10.38533, -10.38577, -10.41098, -10.42466, -10.49373, -10.51898, -10.53028, -10.53668, -10.57638, -10.63698, -10.75418, -11.69038 ]
until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangoora
[ "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangoora", "until i arrive after the transfer as complete sincerely mister michael bangoora", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangora", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangara", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael banguora", "until i arrive after the transfer his complete sincerely mister michael bangoora", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangura", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely myster michael bangoora", "until i arive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangoora", "until i arrive after the transfer as complete sincerely mister michael bangora", "until i arrive after the transfer as complete sincerely mister michael bangara", "until i arrive after the transferers complete sincerely mister michael bangoora", "until i arrive after the transfer as complete sincerely mister michael banguora", "until i arrive after the transfers complete sincerely mister michael bangoora", "until i arrive after the transfer his complete sincerely mister michael bangora", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangroa", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangoura", "until i arrive after the transfer his complete sincerely mister michael bangara", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely a mister michael bangoora", "until i arrive after the transfer his complete sincerely mister michael banguora", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael banghora", "until i arrive after the transfer as complete sincerely mister michael bangura", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangalora", "until i arrive after the transfer as complete sincerely myster michael bangoora", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangroora", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangua", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely myster michael bangora", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister micael bangoora", "until i arive after the transfer as complete sincerely mister michael bangoora", "until i arrive after the transferest complete sincerely mister michael bangoora", "until i rive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangoora", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely myster michael bangara", "until i arive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangora", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sinceerly mister michael bangoora", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerily mister michael bangoora", "until i arrive after the transfer has complete sincerely mister michael bangoora", "until i a rive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangoora", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangkora", "until i arrive after the transfer his complete sincerely mister michael bangura", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangrea", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael banggora", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangoa", "until i arrive after the transferers complete sincerely mister michael bangara", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael banjora", "until i arrive after the transfer as complete sincerely mister michael bangroa", "until i arrive after the transfer as complete sincerely mister michael bangoura", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister a michael bangoora", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangoorah", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely a mister michael bangara", "until i arrive after the transfer is complete sincerely mister michael bangoorra" ]
[ -7.80109, -9.76081, -7.1505, -10.38474, -6.18383, -8.77533, -8.99472, -11.16345, -9.49008, -9.11022, -12.34446, -11.47002, -8.14356, -15.04989, -8.12475, -13.58206, -9.88676, -11.35898, -12.36426, -7.15808, -13.03096, -10.95444, -14.09188, -13.12317, -10.41068, -9.02442, -10.51287, -9.22584, -11.4498, -13.72369, -15.12483, -13.7471, -8.83949, -6.82118, -9.48253, -14.62845, -9.15939, -12.43945, -9.96897, -12.90821, -10.01282, -11.07306, -14.05367, -18.75791, -15.54178, -11.84648, -13.85305, -12.35676, -14.94791, -10.56051 ]
[ -2.76084, -4.3566, -5.85096, -4.68182, -6.92096, -5.83338, -7.233, -6.3127, -7.18709, -7.45394, -6.28669, -6.86316, -8.51684, -5.69617, -8.87621, -6.62512, -8.31674, -7.78403, -7.63468, -10.02076, -7.71041, -8.82484, -7.49238, -7.91134, -9.08207, -9.81225, -9.19059, -9.80444, -8.99306, -8.03133, -7.51989, -8.16124, -10.26751, -11.28085, -10.20356, -8.03838, -10.41287, -9.15789, -10.30417, -9.04473, -10.37296, -9.93107, -8.78184, -6.84175, -8.24426, -9.9368, -9.2553, -10.30145, -9.48557, -11.49133 ]
[ -4.27291, -5.97786, -6.24082, -6.39269, -6.69982, -6.71596, -7.76152, -7.76792, -7.87799, -7.95082, -8.10402, -8.24522, -8.40485, -8.50229, -8.65077, -8.71221, -8.78775, -8.85651, -9.05355, -9.16196, -9.30657, -9.46372, -9.47223, -9.47488, -9.48065, -9.5759, -9.58727, -9.63086, -9.73008, -9.73904, -9.80137, -9.837, -9.83911, -9.94295, -9.98725, -10.0154, -10.03682, -10.14236, -10.20361, -10.20378, -10.26491, -10.27367, -10.36339, -10.4166, -10.43352, -10.5097, -10.63463, -10.91804, -11.12427, -11.21209 ]
this is really embarrassing i was told backstage that i have eighteen minutes
[ "this is really embarrassing i was told back stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told backstage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back stage that i've eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back stage that i had eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told backs stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told backstage that i've eighteen minutes", "this is really embrassing i was told back stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrasing i was told back stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this has really embarrassing i was told back stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is a really embarrassing i was told back stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told backd stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this was really embarrassing i was told back stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told backstage that i had eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back stage that i of eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrasing i was told backstage that i have eighteen minutes", "this has really embarrassing i was told backstage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told backed stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embrassing i was told backstage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is a really embarrassing i was told backstage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back stage i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back a stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told bax stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was toldback stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back to stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this was really embarrassing i was told backstage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back of stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this really embarrassing i was told back stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back's stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back the stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told backstage that i of eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back staged that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back dage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back i stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back sage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told backstage i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrascing i was told back stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back stage that have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back stages that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back in stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back on stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back at stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told backsage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told backg stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarraissing i was told back stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back sttage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told backstaged that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back stage that ive eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassings i was told back stage that i have eighteen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back stage that i have oneeen minutes", "this is really embarrassing i was told back stage that i have eighteen minutese" ]
[ -1.34562, -6.29149, -8.58735, -10.327, -3.45041, -13.53322, -3.58779, -1.59114, -7.88316, -7.27348, -7.94878, -8.52459, -15.27286, -9.43681, -6.537, -12.82902, -9.8263, -8.53365, -12.21934, -10.34644, -8.57973, -14.68707, -14.09049, -10.26904, -13.47046, -10.64048, -6.95149, -10.36739, -11.97916, -14.38268, -8.2733, -10.52622, -10.46205, -11.74772, -15.2923, -5.99473, -7.80383, -10.17762, -11.61314, -11.95505, -11.69986, -8.51803, -6.92214, -6.59601, -7.77127, -13.21917, -10.05087, -8.01544, -12.28404, -10.20141 ]
[ -3.39222, -2.38354, -6.52593, -6.963, -10.04786, -5.77678, -10.4371, -11.37679, -8.69026, -9.22567, -9.19047, -9.15997, -6.31546, -8.8281, -10.27157, -7.59661, -8.92449, -9.4829, -7.93221, -8.83228, -9.86658, -7.40623, -7.72822, -9.48264, -8.17079, -9.38858, -10.98363, -9.5453, -8.86295, -7.90932, -10.60403, -9.7474, -9.87159, -9.32363, -7.81933, -11.89095, -11.15692, -10.19208, -9.65528, -9.58922, -9.76171, -11.18, -11.96681, -12.1133, -11.84621, -9.5268, -11.03542, -11.98662, -10.33535, -11.78755 ]
[ -2.77824, -3.55593, -7.14435, -7.9722, -8.06862, -8.10371, -8.38231, -8.44109, -8.44813, -8.64001, -8.81796, -8.96936, -9.00268, -9.01071, -9.1512, -9.16634, -9.19504, -9.19813, -9.21835, -9.28652, -9.48053, -9.59048, -9.6369, -9.71856, -9.76069, -9.76415, -9.77399, -9.79192, -9.79782, -9.85133, -9.90481, -9.98105, -10.04873, -10.05086, -10.06122, -10.12209, -10.15099, -10.18774, -10.24264, -10.29897, -10.34316, -10.38141, -10.45341, -10.45811, -10.62372, -10.63451, -10.74005, -10.79526, -10.91996, -11.31171 ]
i only prepared fifteen
[ "i only prepared fifteen", "i only preparired fifteen", "only prepared fifteen", "i only prepaired fifteen", "are only prepared fifteen", "i only repared fifteen", "is only prepared fifteen", "i only preparered fifteen", "i only prepareded fifteen", "i actually prepared fifteen", "i only prepired fifteen", "and i only prepared fifteen", "i only prerepared fifteen", "our only prepared fifteen", "i only prepared the fifteen", "i only prepared fifteen and", "i only preparedd fifteen", "that only prepared fifteen", "an only prepared fifteen", "i only prepared a fifteen", "a only prepared fifteen", "i only be prepared fifteen", "i only prepared fifteen a", "i only prepared fifteenh", "it only prepared fifteen", "i only repaired fifteen", "i only prepared in fifteen", "i only prepared fifteteen", "i only prepared fifteen the", "i only prepared fifilteen", "that i only prepared fifteen", "i always prepared fifteen", "i only prepared of fifteen", "i also prepared fifteen", "by only prepared fifteen", "i only to prepared fifteen", "i only prepared fteen", "i only prepareed fifteen", "i only prepared with fifteen", "i only preparreed fifteen", "i only prepared fifteen in", "how only prepared fifteen", "i only prepared for fifteen", " i only prepared fifteen", "i only prepared fifteen of", "i only prepared f sifteen", "i only prepared and fifteen", "to only prepared fifteen", "was only prepared fifteen", "i only pre propared fifteen" ]
[ -0.21742, -1.96912, -4.30755, -6.03002, -6.77537, -12.5707, -7.68433, -6.22062, -6.99592, -11.08848, -7.97534, -8.31251, -8.21673, -8.09682, -9.31103, -9.48784, -8.31302, -8.49437, -8.91829, -10.01865, -8.12091, -10.20696, -10.09493, -9.35039, -9.22022, -18.3833, -9.28531, -9.45809, -9.89008, -8.95446, -10.1684, -14.30546, -10.01315, -12.13561, -10.22006, -11.54515, -9.73913, -11.49449, -10.49112, -8.31317, -11.3432, -10.20224, -10.75771, -9.62886, -11.60759, -10.38077, -11.35973, -10.4742, -10.21983, -10.95554 ]
[ -0.72511, -9.44554, -8.77912, -8.70174, -8.5066, -6.22331, -8.58277, -9.35961, -9.39177, -7.67792, -9.02103, -8.88276, -9.03611, -9.14821, -8.63644, -8.80896, -9.40884, -9.36834, -9.20621, -8.79373, -9.70684, -8.82242, -8.94236, -9.32008, -9.38099, -5.46548, -9.37594, -9.33533, -9.16982, -9.61158, -9.11254, -7.37825, -9.30965, -8.44008, -9.32945, -8.7709, -9.5643, -8.87522, -9.31414, -10.26003, -8.98737, -9.48769, -9.27863, -9.76387, -8.98135, -9.5105, -9.10517, -9.50206, -9.61133, -9.29964 ]
[ -0.5728, -7.20261, -7.43765, -7.90022, -7.98723, -8.12753, -8.31323, -8.41791, -8.67302, -8.70109, -8.70733, -8.71169, -8.79029, -8.8328, -8.83882, -9.01262, -9.08009, -9.10615, -9.11983, -9.16121, -9.23106, -9.23778, -9.28813, -9.32917, -9.33276, -9.34083, -9.34875, -9.37216, -9.3859, -9.41444, -9.4293, -9.45641, -9.5207, -9.54874, -9.59664, -9.60318, -9.61675, -9.661, -9.66724, -9.67597, -9.69412, -9.70205, -9.72235, -9.72337, -9.76922, -9.77158, -9.78153, -9.7937, -9.79388, -9.79641 ]
so if it's cool i'd like to just wait for three
[ "so if it's cool i'd like to just wait for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just await for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just a wait for three", "so if it's school i'd like to just wait for three", "so if its cool i'd like to just wait for three", "so if it's school i'd like to just await for three", "so if its cool i'd like to just await for three", "so if it's cool i like to just wait for three", "so if it's cool id like to just wait for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just to wait for three", "so if it's school i'd like to just a wait for three", "so if it's co i'd like to just wait for three", "so if it's tool i'd like to just wait for three", "so if its cool i'd like to just a wait for three", "so if it's cools i'd like to just wait for three", "so if it's a cool i'd like to just wait for three", "so if it's pool i'd like to just wait for three", "so if it's cool i'd liked to just wait for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just waite for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just the wait for three", "so if it's cool and i'd like to just wait for three", "so if it's the cool i'd like to just wait for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just shait for three", "so if it's cool i' like to just wait for three", "so if its school i'd like to just wait for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just wit for three", "so if it's cool'd like to just wait for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to wait for three", "so if's cool i'd like to just wait for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just be wait for three", "so if it's cool i like to just await for three", "so if it's cool id like to just await for three", "so if it's co i'd like to just await for three", "so if it's coo i'd like to just wait for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just of wait for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just an wait for three", "so if it's cooled i'd like to just wait for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just wait for three three", "so if if it's cool i'd like to just wait for three", "so if it's cool i'd liked to just await for three", "so if it's a cool i'd like to just a wait for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just do wait for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just wait for a three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just wait for three hundred", "so if it's a cool i'd like to just await for three", "so if it's cool i'd liked to just a wait for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just awaite for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just heait for three", "so if it's cools i'd like to just await for three", "so if it's cool i'd like to just weight for three" ]
[ -2.11767, -4.31095, -1.15505, -5.5162, -5.99933, -7.70947, -8.1926, -9.05199, -4.13404, -6.49868, -4.55358, -3.38601, -9.95436, -5.03671, -9.36266, -10.58193, -11.42064, -6.01859, -6.79942, -7.1193, -9.7991, -10.70923, -10.29163, -7.0045, -9.39786, -7.4989, -6.73548, -9.81326, -9.8379, -9.75403, -11.24526, -6.32732, -5.57929, -10.35381, -11.29726, -10.40902, -10.89428, -9.87207, -10.44184, -8.21186, -9.61931, -11.42531, -11.80766, -11.22589, -12.7752, -5.05597, -8.99269, -12.0287, -11.55593, -20.65513 ]
[ -1.47596, -3.38287, -5.6346, -5.29155, -5.32464, -7.11716, -7.12821, -6.77596, -9.67353, -8.83093, -9.7468, -10.28559, -7.80221, -9.92116, -8.14709, -7.8814, -7.571, -9.89354, -9.68917, -9.58874, -8.51192, -8.20811, -8.47878, -10.01402, -9.09727, -9.93721, -10.43718, -9.33283, -9.35312, -9.39391, -8.87103, -11.04854, -11.4537, -9.40973, -9.08167, -9.50986, -9.31102, -10.02148, -9.95936, -11.00102, -10.41082, -9.64168, -9.49209, -9.8919, -9.33821, -12.65252, -10.96948, -9.74848, -10.00457, -6.14787 ]
[ -1.66848, -3.66129, -4.29073, -5.35895, -5.52705, -7.29485, -7.44753, -7.45877, -8.01169, -8.13125, -8.18884, -8.21572, -8.44785, -8.45583, -8.51176, -8.69156, -8.7259, -8.73105, -8.82224, -8.84791, -8.89807, -8.95844, -9.02264, -9.11116, -9.18745, -9.20572, -9.32667, -9.47695, -9.49855, -9.50194, -9.5833, -9.63217, -9.69137, -9.69295, -9.74635, -9.77961, -9.786, -9.97666, -10.1041, -10.16427, -10.17337, -10.17677, -10.18676, -10.2921, -10.36931, -10.37355, -10.37644, -10.43255, -10.46998, -10.50005 ]
[ "serve", "serve fose", "serve fast", "serve face", "serfas", "serfaus", "serface", "serve fas", "serfaes", "servefas", "serve faes", "serfas", "serve fause", "serve foss", "serfause", "serfaos", "servefaes", "serveface", "serve faos", "ser fose", "serve foses", "servefas", "serve faot", "served", "serve fox", "servefaus", "serve faots", "serve fase", "serfaces", "serves", "serve foes", "serve fos", "serve fasts", "servos", "serve fases", "servefaos", "surface", "surfaus", "serve faz", "serfais", "serve as", "serveaus", "servefaces", "serveiles", "serve false", "serve fais", "servefs", "serve foze", "serve fouse", "serve fails" ]
[ -7.70945, -10.03719, -13.46103, -10.85953, -5.30385, -7.76249, -8.18765, -7.98408, -4.43844, -9.07799, -7.12014, -6.51388, -11.52819, -11.5163, -8.85, -7.23111, -7.00332, -10.75254, -8.93875, -7.4744, -8.63154, -7.86872, -12.72925, -12.98118, -12.26811, -10.32737, -13.24139, -9.2454, -6.99962, -7.5667, -7.9037, -8.77361, -15.35316, -12.4339, -7.83517, -9.79733, -12.35685, -11.93168, -11.53413, -10.93602, -12.42982, -11.31293, -9.56399, -9.98702, -12.88314, -12.97602, -6.0382, -14.21094, -12.7792, -11.49747 ]
[ -2.39386, -2.40828, -2.23224, -3.96461, -6.42204, -5.44322, -5.4835, -5.92399, -7.50195, -5.58742, -6.43099, -6.77543, -4.69228, -4.77759, -5.98195, -6.75917, -6.87025, -5.30928, -6.09082, -6.73361, -6.31033, -6.66871, -4.61895, -4.99307, -5.34721, -6.27535, -5.08679, -6.85318, -7.81854, -7.58371, -7.51377, -7.23301, -4.58782, -5.92328, -7.93119, -7.19612, -6.10867, -6.54653, -6.72472, -6.99057, -6.44105, -6.94268, -7.78176, -7.64443, -6.50808, -6.47065, -9.45654, -5.97943, -6.64014, -7.26604 ]
[ -3.98854, -4.69696, -5.60087, -6.03308, -6.08658, -6.139, -6.29475, -6.54202, -6.5829, -6.63459, -6.63773, -6.69697, -6.74305, -6.7992, -6.84237, -6.90075, -6.91017, -6.94226, -6.9452, -6.95584, -7.00669, -7.02871, -7.05204, -7.3895, -7.42348, -7.49095, -7.53317, -7.57085, -7.57287, -7.57861, -7.63075, -7.69519, -7.81742, -7.87646, -7.90238, -7.97648, -7.98313, -8.16208, -8.16754, -8.17421, -8.23768, -8.25376, -8.31643, -8.34721, -8.4206, -8.42226, -8.43104, -8.44888, -8.48186, -8.53547 ]
are you a virgin
[ "are you a virgin or", "are you a virgin", "or you a virgin or", "are you a virgin for", "are you a virgin or a", "are you argin or", "or you have virgin or", "are you of virgin or", "are you virgin or", "or you a virgin", "are you a virgin a", "are you a virgin of", "or you have virgin", "are you a virgin are", "or you were virgin or", "you a virgin or", "are you of virgin", "are you a virgin her", "are you an virgin or", "but you a virgin or", "are you a virgin at", "are you have virgin or", "are you a virgent or", "are you argin", "are you a virgin where", "are you were virgin or", "are you a re virgin or", "are you in virgin or", "are you a vigin or", "are you a virgin or it", "are you a virgin but", "are you a virgin with", "are you virgin", "or you are virgin or", "are you a virgin to", "are you a virginer", "are you a virgin and", "are you a virigin or", "are you have virgin", "so you a virgin or", "or you have a virgin or", "are you a virgin it", "are you a virgion or", "are youa virgin or", "or you argin or", "where you a virgin or", "are you a vivergin or", "are you a virgin in", "are you a virgin so", "are you are virgin or" ]
[ -1.13822, -2.85834, -3.74442, -6.27663, -6.92169, -2.83524, -6.25913, -5.15142, -4.24446, -5.46454, -6.23692, -7.33571, -7.97925, -7.18833, -6.68565, -5.68939, -6.87154, -7.50284, -8.0941, -5.38552, -8.31043, -3.65294, -5.97839, -4.55536, -9.747, -4.07946, -11.29706, -7.41494, -3.2665, -7.48984, -9.76082, -9.7564, -5.96458, -7.58397, -9.56969, -8.12048, -8.31011, -6.20054, -5.37305, -6.25671, -8.87545, -7.73195, -4.08813, -6.72151, -5.44143, -5.96882, -5.463, -9.2322, -10.41203, -4.97778 ]
[ -0.89451, -2.34079, -5.12055, -4.79579, -5.5158, -7.28647, -6.22011, -6.70499, -7.65158, -7.52116, -7.19464, -7.04882, -7.13737, -7.47733, -7.72078, -8.21831, -7.7436, -7.54192, -7.30118, -8.47411, -7.22824, -9.27916, -8.30342, -8.91388, -6.70077, -9.17863, -6.08583, -7.8181, -9.61651, -7.82094, -6.89295, -7.20373, -8.83017, -8.21083, -7.37044, -8.01334, -7.94714, -8.86743, -9.24831, -8.89017, -7.77729, -8.27843, -9.88494, -8.82961, -9.39542, -9.17521, -9.48674, -7.88895, -7.44555, -9.77753 ]
[ -0.96762, -2.49606, -4.70771, -5.24005, -5.93757, -5.9511, -6.23181, -6.23892, -6.62944, -6.90417, -6.90732, -7.13489, -7.38993, -7.39063, -7.41024, -7.45964, -7.48198, -7.53019, -7.53906, -7.54753, -7.5529, -7.59129, -7.60591, -7.60632, -7.61464, -7.64888, -7.6492, -7.69715, -7.71151, -7.72161, -7.75331, -7.96953, -7.97049, -8.02277, -8.03022, -8.04548, -8.05603, -8.06736, -8.08574, -8.10013, -8.10674, -8.11449, -8.1459, -8.19718, -8.20922, -8.21329, -8.27962, -8.29192, -8.3355, -8.3376 ]
i mean like in the ted sense
[ "i mean like in the ted sense", "i mean like in the ted", "i mean like in the teds", "i mean like in the ted cents", "i mean like in the ted scent", "i mean like in the ted scents", "i mean like in the tedce", "i mean like in the ted and", "i mean like in the teds and", "i mean like in the ted cell", "i mean like in the tedents", "i mean like in the ted's", "i mean like in the tedsen", "i mean like in the ted sentence", "i mean like in the tedsent", "i mean like in the tedsens", "i mean like in the tedent", "i mean like in the ted cent", "i mean like in the teds in", "i mean like in the ted sent", "i mean like in the ted sense", "i mean like in the tedsense", "i mean like in the tedsents", "i mean like in the tedcent", "so i mean like in the ted sense", "i mean like in the tedness", "i mean like in the tedcents", "i mean like in the ted them", "i mean like in the tedse", "i mean like in the ted senses", "i mean like in the ted sense in", "i mean like in the ted cells", "i mean like in the ted so", "i mean like in the ted sense and", "i mean like in the tedson", "i mean like in the ted senseent", "i mean like in the ted percent", "i mean like in the ted says", "i mean like in the ted said", "i mean like in the ted se", "i mean like in the tedscents", "i mean like in the ted science", "i mean like in me ted sense", "i mean like in the teds sense", "i mean like inm the ted sense", "i mean like in the tedscent", "i mean like him the ted sense", "i mean like in the ted sens", "i mean like in the tedsend", "i mean like in the teds cents" ]
[ -4.91783, -1.5717, -2.82805, -5.3702, -8.63722, -10.56368, -6.34605, -4.12056, -6.27524, -8.44811, -3.54935, -7.68861, -5.55324, -12.92419, -3.75244, -7.45632, -1.63868, -3.45386, -6.76672, -6.29761, -17.38007, -13.22063, -5.66402, -6.54201, -9.09768, -10.75708, -8.46385, -10.29634, -8.09014, -6.80294, -9.97807, -10.32171, -8.77948, -9.42842, -10.25934, -6.17124, -11.34113, -12.80127, -10.92066, -4.30401, -10.69291, -12.48908, -11.43287, -7.07494, -9.30463, -8.77011, -13.35394, -11.59048, -8.62459, -7.62925 ]
[ -1.01585, -4.01786, -4.54937, -5.01423, -4.59694, -3.9135, -5.96385, -7.27679, -6.36365, -6.06463, -8.41381, -6.72625, -7.84206, -4.80892, -8.79937, -7.26478, -9.78496, -9.16483, -7.84085, -8.0713, -3.41263, -5.26941, -8.56128, -8.51122, -7.62509, -6.97717, -7.99322, -7.45344, -8.43554, -9.08897, -7.88977, -7.78129, -8.57889, -8.4497, -8.09885, -9.87074, -7.67367, -7.0916, -7.90521, -10.74749, -8.12103, -7.45919, -7.96804, -9.87864, -8.95948, -9.24525, -7.30341, -8.27814, -9.57255, -10.29521 ]
[ -2.18644, -3.28401, -4.03298, -5.12102, -5.80903, -5.90855, -6.07851, -6.32992, -6.33713, -6.77967, -6.95447, -7.01496, -7.15541, -7.2435, -7.28529, -7.32224, -7.34108, -7.45154, -7.51861, -7.53919, -7.60286, -7.65478, -7.69211, -7.92045, -8.06686, -8.11114, -8.13441, -8.30631, -8.33192, -8.40316, -8.51626, -8.54341, -8.63907, -8.74332, -8.747, -8.76089, -8.77391, -8.8045, -8.80985, -8.81445, -8.89259, -8.96816, -9.00749, -9.03753, -9.06303, -9.10271, -9.11857, -9.27184, -9.28816, -9.49542 ]
thousand eight hundred and sixty am i good
[ "thousand eight hundred and sixty am i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty and i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty and my good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty m i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty a my good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty am my good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty a i good", "one thousand eight hundred and sixty am i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty andm i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty my good", "thousand eight one hundred and sixty am i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty am i", "thousand eight hundred and sixtym i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty em i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty as i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty am good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty a m i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty of my good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty and am i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty in my good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty a and i good", "thousand and eight hundred and sixty am i good", "thousand eight hundred and and sixty am i good", "thousand eight thousand eight hundred and sixty am i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty am i go", "and eight hundred and sixty am i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty amm i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty him i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty am i could", "thousand eight hundred hundred and sixty am i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty at my good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty and i could", "thousand eight hundred and sixty am i going", "thousand eight hundred and sixty am i get", "thousand eight hundred and sixty am a good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty if i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty and i", "eight hundred and sixty am i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty them i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty ham i good", "thousand eight hundred and or sixty am i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty a mi good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty ami good", "thousand eight hundred and six sixty am i good", "thousand eight seven hundred and sixty am i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty am i goodd", "thousand eight hundred and sixty then i good", "thousand eight hundred and sixty am i good at", "thousand eight hundred and sixty am i goods", "thousand eight hundred and sixty i am i good" ]
[ -1.93916, -1.99126, -3.57172, -6.1798, -3.91193, -3.51978, -2.33146, -10.53052, -1.60038, -6.71704, -5.10678, -7.08129, -4.73518, -7.04945, -7.51026, -4.4626, -8.92692, -9.7004, -5.08332, -10.47387, -5.38219, -4.48731, -6.53472, -8.58184, -11.54484, -12.1179, -9.34588, -10.27051, -11.48347, -9.32743, -10.91361, -11.53557, -14.9552, -12.83462, -10.46932, -9.49929, -7.13339, -11.65039, -11.01152, -9.86422, -8.84003, -9.91778, -11.46698, -9.59447, -9.67687, -10.5557, -11.21432, -12.60163, -10.52778, -9.87259 ]
[ -0.76867, -4.35091, -4.52095, -5.86333, -6.91733, -7.71743, -8.56033, -5.55496, -9.44342, -7.34006, -8.04707, -7.31214, -9.19137, -8.25607, -8.10236, -9.4212, -7.52085, -7.3997, -9.43819, -7.18415, -9.402, -9.78638, -8.98376, -8.36592, -7.15789, -6.91412, -8.4881, -8.13132, -7.66624, -8.79836, -8.22616, -7.99577, -6.57878, -7.68402, -8.71961, -9.13973, -10.17671, -8.28898, -8.59792, -9.09429, -9.57582, -9.25681, -8.75951, -9.57614, -9.54848, -9.17727, -8.90486, -8.31519, -9.27719, -9.58541 ]
[ -1.11982, -3.64302, -4.23618, -5.95827, -6.01571, -6.45813, -6.69167, -7.04763, -7.09051, -7.15315, -7.16498, -7.24288, -7.85451, -7.89408, -7.92473, -7.93362, -7.94267, -8.08991, -8.13173, -8.17107, -8.19606, -8.19666, -8.24905, -8.43069, -8.47398, -8.47526, -8.74544, -8.77307, -8.81141, -8.95709, -9.03239, -9.05771, -9.09171, -9.2292, -9.24453, -9.2476, -9.26371, -9.2974, -9.322, -9.32527, -9.35508, -9.4551, -9.57175, -9.58164, -9.587, -9.5908, -9.5977, -9.60113, -9.65237, -9.67157 ]
some google guys last night
[ "some googley has last night", "some google guys last night", "some google is last night", "some google we as last night", "some google we has last night", "some google has last night", "some google as last night", "some google last night", "some googley as last night", "some google who has last night", "some googleies last night", "some google eyes last night", "some google s last night", "some google he has last night", "some googlea has last night", "some googlee has last night", "some google a has last night", "some googlez last night", "some google are last night", "some google's last night", "some google we last night", "some googlei has last night", "some google years last night", "some googly has last night", "some google a's last night", "some google the last night", "some google a last night", "some googy has last night", "some googleiz last night", "some googlees last night", "some googleise last night", "some google az last night", "some google i last night", "some google gas last night", "some google add last night", "some google a s last night", "some googleis last night", "some google weize last night", "some google ads last night", "some google ays last night", "some google i'd last night", "some googleyads last night", "some google wey has last night", "some google yes last night", "some googleyad last night", "some googley az last night", "some google wead last night", "some googley add last night", "some google we add last night", "some googleyad's last night" ]
[ -6.8999, -10.14978, -8.10468, -6.60815, -6.62819, -6.24021, -6.22033, -4.8799, -6.87909, -9.26649, -7.80372, -17.7292, -10.62518, -11.03813, -8.35697, -9.10451, -10.27891, -8.26798, -10.87246, -9.62453, -5.26746, -8.49816, -12.26158, -9.41613, -12.30691, -9.0033, -7.04678, -6.4235, -10.46789, -10.19941, -10.34179, -10.86707, -8.58899, -12.83894, -11.29047, -13.19788, -8.40559, -8.89067, -9.97262, -12.95203, -14.29996, -9.36982, -8.85189, -17.94821, -7.5743, -11.5661, -7.25624, -11.99135, -11.69136, -14.39256 ]
[ -3.79122, -2.78488, -4.26294, -5.0275, -5.05792, -5.32855, -5.46237, -6.27436, -6.2712, -5.31094, -6.15274, -1.95919, -5.72925, -5.71807, -6.88302, -6.70028, -6.26992, -7.18536, -6.08938, -6.9629, -8.91135, -7.53339, -5.95264, -7.23175, -6.02255, -7.49891, -8.35697, -8.66887, -7.0806, -7.29109, -7.25249, -7.06816, -8.09457, -6.34343, -7.07849, -6.42141, -8.69009, -8.57911, -8.48169, -7.63734, -7.13408, -9.36898, -9.6768, -5.91778, -11.09743, -9.4412, -11.5462, -9.73032, -10.07362, -9.87654 ]
[ -4.72382, -4.99435, -5.41546, -5.5017, -5.529, -5.60205, -5.68976, -5.85602, -6.45357, -6.4976, -6.64803, -6.69019, -7.19803, -7.31409, -7.3252, -7.42155, -7.47262, -7.51014, -7.52431, -7.76139, -7.81819, -7.82282, -7.84532, -7.88707, -7.90786, -7.95022, -7.96391, -7.99526, -8.09679, -8.16359, -8.17928, -8.20783, -8.2429, -8.29208, -8.34209, -8.45435, -8.60474, -8.67258, -8.92897, -9.23175, -9.28385, -9.36924, -9.42932, -9.52691, -10.04049, -10.07867, -10.25921, -10.40863, -10.55894, -11.23135 ]
really cool we were getting wasted
[ "really cool we were getting wasted", "really cool we're getting wasted", "really cool we are getting wasted", "really cool we were getten wasted", "really cool we getting wasted", "really cool we were get in wasted", "really cool we were getting wastted", "really cool we were getting wased", "really cool we were geten wasted", "really cool we were getting wasteded", "really cool were getting wasted", "a really cool we were getting wasted", "really cool we we were getting wasted", "really cool we were get an wasted", "really cool and we were getting wasted", "really cool we were get a wasted", "really cool we were getting wasteed", "really pool we were getting wasted", "really cool we were get them wasted", "really cool we were getting wastedd", "really cool we were getin wasted", "really cool we were getting wast", "really cools we were getting wasted", "really cool we were getting wasaed", "really cool we were getting wasated", "really cool getting wasted", "really cool we were getting waseded", "really cool we were getting wast it", "really cool we were getting wasighted", "really cool we re getting wasted", "really tool we were getting wasted", "really cooli we were getting wasted", "really cool we were getting wastedated", "really cool we wereting wasted", "really cool we were again wasted", "really cool we wasted", "really cool we were get me wasted", "really cool we were getting to wasted", "really cool we were getting wasced", "really cool we were get any wasted", "really cool we're getten wasted", "really cool we were get into wasted", "really cool a we were getting wasted", "really coolu we were getting wasted", "really cool we were gettingten wasted", "it really cool we were getting wasted", "really a cool we were getting wasted", "really cool if we were getting wasted", "really coolle we were getting wasted", "really cool we were getting wassed" ]
[ -2.2735, -4.73188, -6.68615, -7.99935, -3.80152, -5.36238, -3.32795, -3.3682, -4.80498, -5.80533, -7.60265, -10.03106, -10.80952, -6.89644, -9.19375, -7.01405, -5.78115, -10.2663, -8.70722, -8.2491, -9.81003, -8.50442, -10.31053, -8.56266, -11.06122, -9.22777, -6.8962, -9.51821, -9.93785, -9.62061, -12.07202, -9.18291, -9.64994, -8.94637, -13.09297, -11.39751, -10.19424, -7.86543, -10.24277, -10.86286, -10.45773, -11.09054, -9.04907, -10.0383, -8.64347, -12.20745, -11.68691, -10.95324, -9.11247, -9.99528 ]
[ -0.61973, -3.92832, -5.48457, -5.26039, -9.06085, -8.4333, -9.31573, -9.4104, -8.95805, -8.83488, -8.34692, -7.39224, -7.11003, -9.01138, -8.04405, -8.98266, -9.58077, -7.69913, -8.74699, -9.19937, -8.56945, -9.15159, -8.37935, -9.16039, -8.1099, -8.95301, -9.97917, -8.87265, -8.73588, -9.05937, -8.03409, -9.27647, -9.16483, -9.47203, -7.70693, -8.4381, -8.95396, -9.97893, -9.00187, -8.73906, -8.97816, -8.77462, -9.65068, -9.23741, -9.86693, -8.35387, -8.66052, -9.02356, -9.8443, -9.47396 ]
[ -1.11586, -4.16939, -5.84505, -6.08208, -7.48305, -7.51202, -7.5194, -7.59774, -7.71213, -7.92602, -8.12364, -8.18389, -8.21988, -8.3769, -8.38896, -8.39207, -8.44088, -8.46928, -8.73506, -8.91429, -8.94162, -8.95744, -8.95871, -8.98107, -8.9953, -9.03544, -9.05428, -9.06631, -9.09647, -9.22774, -9.24547, -9.2484, -9.31036, -9.31433, -9.32275, -9.32592, -9.32605, -9.34488, -9.37414, -9.3762, -9.42203, -9.4694, -9.4702, -9.47768, -9.49989, -9.50995, -9.56844, -9.60247, -9.62475, -9.63035 ]
and they were telling me that google software has gotten so advanced that based on your interaction with google over your lifetime they can actually predict what you are going to say
[ "and they were telling me that google software has gotten so advanced that based on your interaction with google over your lifetime they can actually predict what you are going to say", "and they were telling me that google software has gotten so advanced that based on your interaction with google over your lifetime they can actually predict what you are going to", "and they were telling me that google software has gotten so advanced that based on your interaction with google over your lifetime they can actually predict what you were going to say", "and they were telling me that google software has gotten so advanced that based on your interaction with google over your lifetime they can actually predict what you were going to", "and they were telling me that google software is gotten so advanced that based on your interaction with google over your lifetime they can actually predict what you are going to say", "and they were telling me that google software has gotten so advanced that 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google software has gotten so advanced that based on your interaction with google over your lifetime and they can actually predict what you were going to say", "and they were telling me that google software has gotten so advanced that based on your interaction with google over your lifetime they can could actually predict what you were going to say", "and they were telling me that google software has gottenen so advanced that based on your interaction with google over your lifetime they can actually predict what you are going to say", "and they were telling me that google of software has gotten so advanced that based on your interaction with google over your lifetime they can actually predict what you are going to say", "and they were telling me that google software has gotten and so advanced that based on your interaction with google over your lifetime they can actually predict what you are going to say", "and they were telling me that googles software has gotten so advanced that based on your interaction with google over your lifetime they can actually predict what you are going to say", "and they were telling me that google software has had gotten so advanced that based on your interaction with google over your lifetime they can actually predict what you were going to say" ]
[ -2.65294, -2.77735, -3.24579, -3.37021, -4.97566, -6.04147, -5.10007, -9.93409, -5.56851, -10.52694, -6.63432, -10.0585, -6.95665, -5.69292, -10.65136, -9.06454, -1.86236, -8.79122, -7.08107, -7.54951, -9.18895, -9.65739, -1.98677, -2.45521, -9.38408, -9.92009, -8.97625, -7.67392, -9.7818, -10.2668, -9.07292, -6.83649, -6.62594, -2.57963, -6.63644, -11.20926, -9.80148, -6.96047, -10.71026, -11.00205, -9.10066, -14.38207, -9.58881, -9.56911, -7.2188, -8.29925, -9.76989, -8.83266, -8.38424, -12.66767 ]
[ -4.79008, -5.81585, -5.75634, -6.75779, -8.5383, -9.09993, -9.57665, -7.7144, -9.78657, -7.85727, -9.9999, -8.71279, -10.2191, -10.8058, -8.82095, -9.62168, -12.88948, -10.14012, -11.24715, -11.20699, -10.65577, -10.57331, -13.90646, -13.87612, -11.08116, -10.90178, -11.55446, -12.2077, -11.58559, -11.37986, -11.89392, -12.86998, -13.07472, -14.86784, -13.15558, -11.21612, -11.82998, -13.30849, -11.7557, -11.67277, -12.56398, -10.36375, -12.48482, -12.52551, -13.55458, -13.19072, -12.60542, -13.01365, -13.23579, -11.46092 ]
[ -4.14894, -4.9043, -5.00317, -5.74151, -7.4695, -8.18239, -8.23368, -8.38031, -8.52115, -8.65817, -8.99023, -9.11651, -9.24037, -9.27193, -9.37007, -9.45454, -9.58134, -9.73545, -9.99732, -10.10975, -10.21572, -10.29854, -10.33055, -10.44985, -10.57204, -10.60727, -10.78099, -10.84756, -11.04445, -11.04594, -11.04762, -11.05993, -11.14008, -11.18138, -11.19984, -11.21406, -11.22143, -11.40408, -11.44207, -11.47155, -11.52498, -11.56925, -11.61602, -11.63859, -11.65384, -11.72328, -11.75476, -11.75935, -11.78032, -11.82294 ]
and i was like
[ "and i was like", "and i was lake", "and i was", "and i was light", "and i always like", "i was like", "and i is like", "and i was liked", "and i was late", "and i was la", "and was like", "and i was a", "and i i was like", "and i was like to", "and i was life", "when i was like", "and i was great", "and i was like a", "and and i was like", "in i was like", " and i was like", "and i was like the", "and i was like that", "it and i was like", " and i was like", "and i was right", " and i was like", "and i was like this", "and i was like it", "now i was like", "an i was like", "but i was like", "and i was make", " and i was like", "and i was likey", "then i was like", "and i was take", "this and i was like", "that i was like", "and i was like i", "and i was likeg", " and i was like", "and that i was like", "and i wased like", "r and i was like", "and i was like in", "e and i was like", "a and i was like", "and i was like you", " and i was like" ]
[ -0.0839, -7.50985, -5.51476, -5.61721, -6.40459, -7.15261, -5.02186, -6.66993, -10.62218, -3.67355, -8.37181, -10.61964, -11.59555, -9.55467, -9.21236, -9.85326, -10.40122, -9.44161, -8.01268, -10.00604, -8.97747, -9.01015, -10.24265, -8.08347, -9.33516, -10.8244, -9.0436, -10.7672, -9.2334, -11.33966, -11.18494, -10.51867, -9.77471, -9.79415, -9.80328, -10.80964, -10.20173, -9.96708, -11.80917, -10.7399, -9.64204, -10.26705, -10.75512, -10.93782, -10.56933, -10.45648, -10.46354, -8.3159, -10.27527, -10.81097 ]
[ -0.37661, -4.54546, -6.12306, -6.18319, -6.86159, -6.80338, -8.06853, -7.53719, -5.90612, -10.32923, -8.31653, -7.50465, -7.09971, -7.99184, -8.1524, -7.9707, -7.93947, -8.37682, -9.00123, -8.15002, -8.82902, -8.91707, -8.39692, -9.34439, -8.81406, -8.22801, -8.99983, -8.27393, -8.9372, -8.09579, -8.17227, -8.49158, -8.82577, -8.86429, -8.88023, -8.53699, -8.84091, -8.94778, -8.1621, -8.6471, -9.15875, -8.89589, -8.68744, -8.65619, -8.86794, -8.93693, -8.94618, -9.91204, -9.08027, -8.89377 ]
[ -0.2888, -5.43478, -5.94057, -6.0134, -6.72449, -6.90815, -7.15453, -7.27702, -7.32094, -8.33252, -8.33312, -8.43915, -8.44846, -8.46069, -8.47039, -8.53547, -8.678, -8.69626, -8.70466, -8.70683, -8.87355, -8.94499, -8.95064, -8.96611, -8.97039, -9.00693, -9.01296, -9.02191, -9.02606, -9.06895, -9.07607, -9.09971, -9.11045, -9.14325, -9.15714, -9.21878, -9.24915, -9.25357, -9.25622, -9.27494, -9.30374, -9.30723, -9.30775, -9.34068, -9.37836, -9.39279, -9.40139, -9.4332, -9.43877, -9.46893 ]
but they said no but don't
[ "but they said no but don't show", "but they said no but don't", "but they said no but don't know", "but they said no don't show", "but they say no but don't show", "but they said no but i don't show", "but they said no but don't come", "but they said know but don't show", "but they said no but don't tell", "but they said no but they don't show", "but they said no but don't you", "but they said no but don't go", "but there said no but don't show", "but they did no but don't show", "but they said but don't show", "but they said no but don't t show", "but they said no don't", "but they no but don't show", "but they said noh but don't show", "but they said no that don't show", "but they should no but don't show", "they said no but don't show", "but said no but don't show", "but they said don't show", "but they said no but you don't show", "but they said no but it don't show", "but they said know but don't", "but they said no but don't so", "but they say no but don't", "but they they said no but don't show", "but they said noe but don't show", "but they said no it don't show", "but they said no but don't shown", "but i said no but don't show", "but they said no but don't just", "but they said no but don't grow", "but they said now but don't show", "but they said no now but don't show", "but they said no but don' show", "that they said no but don't show", "but they said no but don't show know", "but they said no but don't show you", "but they said no but don't showe", "but they said no but don't should", "but they said no no but don't show", "but they said no but don'", "but they said no but i don't", "but they had no but don't show", "but they said no well don't show", "but they said no but don't show show" ]
[ -0.41334, -1.32792, -5.09007, -3.8818, -7.75024, -8.10751, -9.34187, -6.82884, -9.98765, -9.31892, -11.97659, -8.89924, -9.34194, -11.63541, -5.09567, -7.5542, -4.79638, -7.47019, -8.79351, -11.35731, -10.49498, -8.41825, -8.64922, -8.56412, -9.69535, -8.44855, -7.74341, -10.3972, -8.66481, -9.28251, -9.68048, -11.49946, -8.7145, -11.09754, -10.49798, -10.6692, -11.25806, -9.61705, -9.20974, -11.444, -9.52824, -11.5885, -11.3163, -12.27809, -11.89808, -10.12431, -9.02208, -10.84906, -12.48991, -10.3771 ]
[ -0.88572, -2.31712, -6.71914, -8.22945, -7.67692, -7.65469, -7.24277, -8.3611, -7.37474, -7.77478, -6.65424, -8.03699, -7.93047, -6.99221, -9.90416, -8.89539, -10.14203, -9.02563, -8.62274, -7.65621, -8.0349, -8.94609, -8.95108, -9.06128, -8.63254, -9.17753, -9.481, -8.35586, -9.13895, -8.88573, -8.84331, -8.06881, -9.40619, -8.40926, -8.67007, -8.67173, -8.44296, -9.20914, -9.4208, -8.49733, -9.32235, -8.44439, -8.60852, -8.24451, -8.43012, -9.20984, -9.715, -8.9384, -8.24205, -9.23335 ]
[ -0.74401, -2.02036, -6.23042, -6.92516, -7.69891, -7.79053, -7.8725, -7.90142, -8.15862, -8.23802, -8.25095, -8.29566, -8.35391, -8.38517, -8.46162, -8.49303, -8.53833, -8.559, -8.67397, -8.76654, -8.77292, -8.78774, -8.86052, -8.91213, -8.95138, -8.95884, -8.95973, -8.96826, -8.99671, -9.00476, -9.09446, -9.098, -9.19868, -9.21575, -9.21844, -9.27097, -9.28749, -9.33151, -9.35748, -9.38133, -9.38412, -9.38762, -9.42086, -9.45458, -9.47051, -9.48418, -9.50713, -9.5116, -9.51641, -9.57648 ]
but they slipped up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next
[ "but they slipped up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to see next", "but they slip up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipp up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipt up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they sliped up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up and they said i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they sli up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up it and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up and they said that i could just type in what was going to say next", "but they sliffed up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slpped up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slept up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slift up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to st next", "but they slip up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to see next", "but they slimped up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up and they said that i could just typ in what was i going to say next", "but they slipp up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to see next", "but they slipped up and they said that i could just type and what was i going to say next", "but they slipt up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to see next", "but they slipped up there and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped it and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to think next", "but they sliped up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to see next", "but they slmpt up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to same next", "but they slipped up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say the next", "but they slipped up and they said that i could just type in was i going to say next", "but they sipped up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up and they said it that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they sliphed up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to start next", "but they slipped up them and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they sl up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipffed up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up and he said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slip it up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they sli up and they said that i could just type in what was i going to see next", "but they slipped up and they said i could just type in what was i going to see next", "but they slipped up and they said that i could just type in what was i are going to say next", "but they slipped up and and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up that and they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up and they said then i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up it and they said that i could just type in what was i going to see next", "but they slipped up and they said that i could just tpe in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up then they said that i could just type in what was i going to say next", "but they slipped up and they said that i could type in what was i going to say next" ]
[ -9.31323, -10.50659, -3.71005, -3.98131, -2.83653, -4.48566, -12.18526, -6.379, -10.70628, -13.55464, -10.97132, -12.03519, -9.03949, -12.17708, -11.32758, -13.09361, -4.90341, -11.595, -11.55214, -5.17467, -13.32658, -4.02988, -12.06114, -12.82551, -16.93101, -5.67902, -9.3202, -17.87779, -16.43441, -12.59004, -11.09894, -14.66917, -12.01882, -11.43294, -16.89156, -12.92727, -11.93485, -11.58655, -16.02433, -14.74759, -7.57236, -13.37862, -12.98282, -15.38806, -14.67622, -16.85068, -11.89963, -14.38613, -18.39786, -14.08778 ]
[ -1.95882, -4.46722, -9.75781, -10.15461, -10.71044, -10.23103, -7.755, -10.26175, -8.67901, -7.67863, -8.90565, -8.49584, -9.89094, -8.56746, -9.46612, -8.712, -12.22713, -9.44442, -9.89192, -12.64213, -9.16226, -13.19939, -9.78093, -9.46748, -7.85538, -12.7266, -11.28464, -7.62136, -8.33118, -10.01056, -10.65837, -9.16266, -10.32103, -10.61088, -8.30761, -10.1132, -10.66162, -10.85765, -8.97619, -9.53326, -12.73298, -10.28145, -10.46132, -9.56743, -9.94405, -9.01508, -11.1398, -10.12602, -8.44901, -10.30599 ]
[ -4.16514, -6.27903, -7.94348, -8.30262, -8.34827, -8.50742, -9.08408, -9.09693, -9.28719, -9.44144, -9.52535, -9.55764, -9.63551, -9.65034, -10.02456, -10.02648, -10.03001, -10.08959, -10.38998, -10.40189, -10.41156, -10.44854, -10.46499, -10.47489, -10.57807, -10.61233, -10.69531, -10.69829, -10.76215, -10.7844, -10.79054, -10.81461, -10.83037, -10.85749, -10.8828, -10.95742, -11.04359, -11.07632, -11.09063, -11.09756, -11.18479, -11.2106, -11.21777, -11.31362, -11.3637, -11.36576, -11.36775, -11.40405, -11.43366, -11.44053 ]
and my name and it would tell me
[ "and my name and it would tell me", "and my name and i would tell me", "in my name and it would tell me", "and my name i would tell me", "and my name and it would tell", "and my name and i would tell", "and my name and would tell me", "and my name and it will tell me", "in my name and i would tell me", "and my name and i will tell me", "and my name and a would tell me", "and my name in it would tell me", "and my name it would tell me", "and my name and will tell me", "and my name and i would tell you", "and my name and it would tell you", "and my name and it would tell it", "and my name and i would tell it", "and my name and there would tell me", "and my name and it would tell me it", "and my name and then would tell me", "and my name and it had tell me", "and my name and he would tell me", "and my name and i would tell me it", "at my name and it would tell me", "and my name and they would tell me", "and my name and her would tell me", "and my name and had would tell me", "and my name and what would tell me", "at my name and i would tell me", "and my name would tell me", "and my name and it would tell mek", "and my name and that would tell me", "and my name and i would tell mek", "and my name ander would tell me", "and my name and in it would tell me", "and my name an i would tell me", "and my name then i would tell me", "and my name and it would tell the", "and my name then it would tell me", "and my name and with tell me", "and my name and it was telling me", "and my name and i would tell the", "and my name and it with tell me", "and my name andan would tell me", "and in my name and it would tell me", "and my name and i had tell me", "and my name and it could tell me", "and my name is it would tell me", "and my name and and it would tell me" ]
[ -1.02293, -1.41094, -5.2903, -5.48705, -4.74173, -5.12974, -3.9481, -4.76669, -5.67831, -5.15472, -4.55423, -6.39203, -5.10689, -7.69176, -5.0486, -4.66058, -2.61014, -2.99815, -7.3143, -5.33243, -6.29813, -7.88142, -8.43703, -5.72044, -8.73777, -8.04808, -7.61197, -6.75995, -9.11691, -9.12579, -8.03318, -7.23194, -8.09465, -7.61996, -8.9134, -8.80253, -9.45774, -8.17466, -8.47606, -7.78603, -10.81344, -12.11118, -8.86408, -7.89074, -10.22126, -9.48805, -8.2694, -10.17966, -10.749, -9.83468 ]
[ -1.36604, -1.45966, -5.62736, -5.66142, -5.99551, -5.8915, -6.51096, -6.22243, -6.00065, -6.82373, -7.91919, -7.13241, -7.77507, -6.99116, -8.19358, -8.39343, -9.46018, -9.5354, -7.77776, -8.83069, -8.43354, -7.79359, -7.6348, -8.90547, -7.82147, -8.1672, -8.43625, -8.98837, -8.02597, -8.10587, -8.6139, -8.96047, -8.63533, -8.88432, -8.44215, -8.49766, -8.22898, -8.84835, -8.71976, -9.08794, -7.8441, -7.29584, -8.84973, -9.29218, -8.33483, -8.6493, -9.20218, -8.40549, -8.17499, -8.67577 ]
[ -1.2631, -1.44504, -5.52625, -5.60911, -5.61938, -5.66298, -5.7421, -5.78571, -5.90395, -6.32303, -6.9097, -6.9103, -6.97462, -7.20134, -7.25008, -7.27358, -7.40517, -7.57423, -7.63872, -7.78121, -7.79291, -7.81994, -7.87547, -7.94997, -8.09636, -8.13146, -8.18896, -8.31984, -8.35325, -8.41184, -8.43968, -8.44191, -8.47313, -8.50501, -8.58352, -8.58912, -8.59761, -8.64624, -8.64665, -8.69737, -8.7349, -8.74044, -8.85404, -8.87175, -8.90076, -8.90092, -8.92235, -8.93774, -8.94719, -9.02344 ]
was i going to say
[ "was i going to say", "as i going to say", "i going to say", "because i going to say", "was i going you say", "was i are going to say", "was i going to", "was i going say", "was i want going to say", "is i going to say", "was i going just say", "was i going to see", "was going to say", "was i going to you say", "was i going", "was that going to say", "was i going toll say", "well i going to say", "was as i going to say", "was i goingh to say", "was i go to say", "always i going to say", "was i get going to say", "what was i going to say", "was i to say", "us i going to say", "was i like going to say", "was i go going to say", "was i were going to say", "was i at going to say", "it was i going to say", "was i the going to say", "was i goingd to say", "was i going to sayy", "was i going to just say", "was i going and to say", "just i going to say", "was i going to say a", "with i going to say", "was i going on to say", "was i goinge to say", "was i going to say say", "was i going to do say", "was i goinged to say", "was i i going to say", "was i going to say the", "was because i going to say", "was i goingter to say", "was i going there to say", "was i goingll say" ]
[ -0.15787, -4.56534, -4.35113, -5.7794, -6.48849, -4.66091, -5.68349, -4.79225, -6.80898, -7.5316, -7.1178, -7.91836, -5.2389, -5.52564, -10.31788, -9.73591, -5.64866, -7.75362, -7.18965, -7.17832, -6.39503, -8.89711, -8.10294, -9.99105, -7.30186, -9.38786, -7.17864, -8.10215, -7.6864, -9.70626, -9.34932, -9.20506, -8.03122, -8.33315, -8.70479, -8.17251, -9.30483, -9.06522, -9.83038, -9.8234, -8.34589, -8.52444, -9.89399, -8.61372, -8.28987, -9.38869, -8.99131, -7.84153, -10.11596, -10.23463 ]
[ -0.40383, -5.78161, -6.09172, -7.18225, -7.37263, -8.27369, -7.84424, -8.30295, -7.67008, -7.62494, -7.85237, -7.5157, -8.72277, -8.70849, -6.7296, -7.12702, -8.98931, -8.09011, -8.3394, -8.62144, -9.12443, -8.0826, -8.4504, -7.70401, -8.86476, -8.00078, -9.02577, -8.69142, -8.89619, -8.03526, -8.21054, -8.27325, -8.79029, -8.68291, -8.54583, -8.85098, -8.39845, -8.52786, -8.21064, -8.21567, -8.88939, -8.87359, -8.30367, -8.87784, -9.02842, -8.56348, -8.74142, -9.24918, -8.39208, -8.42521 ]
[ -0.33004, -5.41673, -5.56954, -6.76139, -7.10739, -7.18986, -7.19602, -7.24974, -7.41175, -7.59694, -7.632, -7.6365, -7.67761, -7.75363, -7.80608, -7.90968, -7.98712, -7.98916, -7.99447, -8.18851, -8.30561, -8.32695, -8.34616, -8.39012, -8.39589, -8.4169, -8.47163, -8.51464, -8.53325, -8.53656, -8.55217, -8.55279, -8.56257, -8.57798, -8.59352, -8.64744, -8.67036, -8.68907, -8.69656, -8.69799, -8.72634, -8.76885, -8.78076, -8.7986, -8.80686, -8.81105, -8.81639, -8.82688, -8.90924, -8.96804 ]
and ze frank that's me am i feeling
[ "and ze frank that's me and my feeling", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling rocky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling mucky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling hucky", "and ze frank that's me am i feeling", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling lock", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling lucky", "and ze frank that's me am i feeling rocky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling whocky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling knocky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling bucky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling mocky", "and z frank that's me and my feeling", "and ze frank that's me a my feeling rocky", "and ze frank that's me and my feelingck", "and z frank that's me and my feeling rocky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling bocky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling locky", "and ze frank that's me am i feeling hucky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling hecky", "and ze frank that's me am i feeling mucky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling like", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling wocky", "and ze frank that's me and my feelingcky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling shocky", "and ze frank that's me am i feeling lucky", "and ze frank that's me am i feeling whocky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling hacky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling huck", "and ze frank that's me and my feelinglocky", "and as ze frank that's me and my feeling rocky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling hick", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling lockey", "and ze frank that's me am i feeling mocky", "and ze frank that's me am i feeling like", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling ok", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling whock", "and ze frank that's me am i feeling lock", "and ze frank that's me am i feeling knocky", "and ze frank that's me am i feeling wocky", "and ze frank that's me a my feeling lucky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling hockey", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling knucky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling knock", "and as ze frank that's me and my feeling lock", "and as ze frank that's me and my feeling lucky", "and ze frank that's me am i feeling huck", "and ze frank that's me am i feeling hacky", "and ze frank that's me and my feeling locke", "and ze frank that's me am i feeling locky" ]
[ -15.16877, -9.61045, -10.34471, -9.45726, -20.96421, -11.479, -15.07592, -15.40589, -11.2906, -15.94656, -11.0488, -11.53258, -13.82233, -10.77722, -8.16319, -8.26401, -11.81212, -10.59544, -15.2527, -11.91048, -16.14015, -17.2407, -12.47684, -7.27963, -13.87046, -20.87136, -17.08604, -11.28686, -10.34082, -10.75615, -10.2559, -12.60376, -20.81599, -17.32802, -23.03614, -20.66405, -12.17417, -17.27444, -21.742, -18.27228, -16.2427, -20.04616, -16.98091, -16.83003, -12.12445, -15.72138, -16.13626, -17.0823, -15.94229, -16.39087 ]
[ -3.61041, -6.10451, -6.76143, -7.27853, -3.04126, -7.26759, -5.73467, -5.76351, -7.62369, -5.87012, -8.05441, -7.93507, -7.12656, -8.55374, -9.68292, -9.65251, -8.31562, -8.85287, -6.89104, -8.42374, -6.63334, -6.27247, -8.34667, -10.78988, -8.01259, -5.33097, -6.95455, -9.71323, -10.15299, -9.98525, -10.21928, -9.28285, -5.80731, -7.35069, -5.02394, -6.51918, -10.31475, -8.26518, -6.4853, -7.97755, -8.86976, -7.31202, -8.79893, -8.92957, -11.34473, -9.85375, -9.82342, -9.53143, -10.13504, -10.01917 ]
[ -7.07792, -7.15629, -7.83641, -7.93215, -8.41815, -8.53101, -8.53704, -8.65622, -8.72376, -8.89305, -8.95273, -9.01432, -9.13529, -9.22078, -9.227, -9.23596, -9.36457, -9.37564, -9.39954, -9.46976, -9.48539, -9.56294, -9.58572, -9.73681, -9.76995, -9.99309, -9.994, -10.18532, -10.20934, -10.21652, -10.23027, -10.27912, -10.30991, -10.34389, -10.4276, -10.76264, -10.87257, -10.96796, -11.06231, -11.06597, -11.08164, -11.13226, -11.25352, -11.29971, -11.57865, -11.61404, -11.71727, -11.79669, -11.87722, -11.93068 ]
am i feeling lucky
[ "and i feeling lucky", "and my feeling lucky", "i feeling lucky", "am i feeling lucky", "in my feeling lucky", "my feeling lucky", "at my feeling lucky", "and i'm feeling lucky", "andm i feeling lucky", "and i feeling lucki", "and feeling lucky", "when i feeling lucky", "and and i feeling lucky", "an i feeling lucky", "and by feeling lucky", "if i feeling lucky", "and i feeling luocky", "that i feeling lucky", "and i feeling luckye", "in i feeling lucky", "the i feeling lucky", "and i feeling luckey", "then i feeling lucky", "and i feeling ucky", "of my feeling lucky", "and i feeling luck", "and the feeling lucky", "right and i feeling lucky", "and i feeling lucky and", "and i are feeling lucky", "but i feeling lucky", "can i feeling lucky", "on my feeling lucky", "and i find feeling lucky", " and i feeling lucky", "the my feeling lucky", "and i feelinglucky", "as i feeling lucky", "h and i feeling lucky", "well i feeling lucky", "and then i feeling lucky", "and i feeling locky", "and im feeling lucky", "and when i feeling lucky", "and i i feeling lucky", "have i feeling lucky", "that my feeling lucky", "and i feeling luckying", "ca and i feeling lucky", "this and i feeling lucky" ]
[ -0.65221, -1.98865, -4.80912, -8.26807, -6.71553, -6.14806, -7.23462, -11.1298, -4.60463, -6.77101, -6.49523, -7.69069, -6.84211, -7.21551, -9.90961, -7.51541, -4.80506, -7.1125, -6.32109, -5.37909, -7.52763, -7.65899, -8.79437, -6.96569, -9.25934, -7.09164, -10.98118, -9.18828, -10.04443, -10.48069, -8.21243, -9.11923, -10.201, -13.20672, -7.76812, -8.86398, -7.73606, -8.96971, -9.34819, -9.51383, -11.81375, -11.58556, -5.60396, -11.3352, -8.00243, -10.1311, -8.44893, -8.95472, -9.51249, -9.46353 ]
[ -0.8368, -3.60672, -4.38819, -5.03074, -6.21759, -6.61561, -6.87839, -5.42233, -8.22061, -7.60712, -7.80422, -7.51393, -8.08294, -7.96551, -6.90113, -8.03041, -9.1943, -8.48033, -9.23033, -9.67316, -8.77448, -8.75011, -8.29274, -9.12563, -8.16057, -9.15761, -7.54543, -8.34457, -8.26218, -8.08496, -9.06111, -8.67448, -8.21252, -6.97978, -9.34229, -8.93368, -9.53018, -9.04729, -8.91482, -8.85651, -7.91994, -8.13124, -10.69588, -8.26539, -9.71623, -8.81889, -9.54901, -9.3636, -9.12918, -9.19321 ]
[ -0.78142, -3.1213, -4.51447, -6.00194, -6.36697, -6.47535, -6.98526, -7.13457, -7.13582, -7.35629, -7.41152, -7.56696, -7.71069, -7.74051, -7.80367, -7.87591, -7.87753, -8.06998, -8.35756, -8.38494, -8.40042, -8.42277, -8.44323, -8.47765, -8.4902, -8.53782, -8.57616, -8.59769, -8.79685, -8.80368, -8.8065, -8.8079, -8.80907, -8.84786, -8.87004, -8.91277, -8.99194, -9.02402, -9.04483, -9.05371, -9.08809, -9.16754, -9.16831, -9.18633, -9.20209, -9.21255, -9.21899, -9.24094, -9.24417, -9.27431 ]
[ "oh", "oh the", "okay", "oh a", "oh b", "oh oh", "oh you", "o", "oh hey", "oh really", "oh me", "oh be", "oah", "ok", "oh believe", "oh well", "oh i", "oh we", "oh a a", "oh oh the", "oh my", "okay a", "oly", "oh all", "okay the", "oh they", "oh maybe", "ok oh", "oh be a", "oh do", "oh do you", "ohay", "oh like", "oh no", "oh be the", "o oh", "oh bly", "oh bo", "oh blame", "oh hey a", "oh oh b", "oh boy", "oh oh a", "oh bla", "oh dy", "oh oo a", "oh oo", "oh hey the", "ok oh the", "oh o b" ]
[ -3.85464, -6.25455, -9.07538, -4.76904, -6.25946, -6.898, -8.03654, -2.71325, -10.50644, -9.66971, -8.77902, -9.42594, -6.20363, -5.63635, -8.15061, -10.62705, -8.07994, -8.61045, -8.08819, -9.30804, -9.55138, -10.00347, -5.74103, -10.80896, -11.5109, -9.10142, -11.06343, -6.93643, -10.39087, -8.60191, -13.92769, -8.26054, -10.86952, -9.85693, -12.09317, -5.2705, -9.3407, -9.73377, -18.64927, -11.43882, -9.32538, -12.94507, -7.8223, -11.94909, -12.37068, -8.93409, -8.00861, -12.96553, -9.34196, -7.44294 ]
[ -1.73189, -2.97263, -2.67408, -5.20103, -5.29726, -5.4666, -5.3025, -8.02723, -4.69985, -5.0777, -5.64206, -5.39446, -7.19857, -7.45809, -6.6181, -5.59041, -6.7402, -6.58976, -6.95293, -6.43266, -6.3302, -6.25805, -8.11476, -5.94596, -5.72452, -6.97022, -6.13094, -8.02076, -6.56342, -7.36208, -5.17449, -7.69988, -6.69005, -7.13292, -6.24114, -9.25017, -7.51941, -7.42871, -3.6516, -6.83038, -7.83241, -6.37856, -9.05577, -7.36856, -7.35965, -8.83842, -9.35036, -7.23977, -9.0752, -9.95526 ]
[ -2.36871, -3.95721, -4.59447, -5.07143, -5.58592, -5.89602, -6.12272, -6.43304, -6.44183, -6.4553, -6.58314, -6.6039, -6.90009, -6.91157, -7.07786, -7.1014, -7.14212, -7.19597, -7.2935, -7.29527, -7.29655, -7.38167, -7.40264, -7.40486, -7.46043, -7.60958, -7.61069, -7.69546, -7.71166, -7.73403, -7.80045, -7.86808, -7.94389, -7.95012, -7.99675, -8.05626, -8.06579, -8.12023, -8.1509, -8.21291, -8.2803, -8.34852, -8.68573, -8.74272, -8.86296, -8.86712, -8.94783, -8.9575, -9.15523, -9.20156 ]
on a thursday i
[ "on a third day", "on a thursday", "on a third day i", "on a thursday i", "on a thirs day", "on a thirsd day", "on a thirsday", "on a thirsday i", "on a thirs day i", "on a thirsd day i", "on a third", "on a thirdd day", "on a thirds day", "on a thirsd", "on a thirz day", "on a thirdsday", "and a third day", "on a thirst day", "on a thirdsday i", "on a thir's day", "on the third day", "on a thir day", "on a thurs day", "on a thirt day", "on a third day of", "on a thirth day", "on a third day a", "on a third a day", "in a third day", "an a third day", "on a third's day", "on a thursd", "on a thirdd day i", "on a thursd day", "on a thirday", "on a thurird day", "on a thirthd day", "on a third day that", "on a third dayd", "on the third day i", "on a thirsdday", "on a thirz day i", "on a thirn day", "on a thirday i", "on a thursda", "on a thirsdday i", "on a third day and", "on a thurzday i", "on a third day day", "on a thirds day i" ]
[ -5.03632, -9.79326, -5.73081, -10.48802, -5.17952, -4.13203, -4.95049, -5.64524, -5.87401, -4.82653, -7.33269, -4.95401, -4.72869, -5.36571, -6.81602, -4.56428, -11.25888, -9.24892, -5.25903, -8.1185, -10.59802, -7.91297, -10.0223, -11.47853, -13.10004, -11.44278, -13.02813, -10.55098, -12.41289, -12.57588, -11.0006, -10.20849, -5.64851, -8.97479, -6.52173, -8.59996, -10.32761, -13.1899, -9.47232, -11.29251, -6.48175, -7.51052, -11.55541, -7.21648, -10.29982, -7.17651, -12.3936, -12.07429, -11.19285, -5.42318 ]
[ -1.66332, -2.17061, -3.98978, -2.00176, -4.66204, -5.58724, -5.44538, -6.03646, -7.43568, -8.17793, -7.58065, -9.18275, -9.53449, -9.48406, -8.86618, -10.06495, -7.38345, -8.3776, -10.2222, -9.06541, -8.09036, -9.24666, -8.61208, -8.02991, -7.45057, -8.27876, -7.61533, -8.95643, -8.26648, -8.21058, -8.95742, -9.3284, -11.29214, -9.90767, -11.00203, -10.14544, -9.40797, -8.19565, -9.80319, -9.09231, -11.17049, -10.7638, -9.05201, -11.09391, -9.85639, -11.26299, -9.05056, -9.27728, -9.66889, -12.17095 ]
[ -2.67522, -4.4574, -4.51209, -4.54764, -4.81729, -5.15068, -5.29691, -5.91909, -6.96718, -7.17251, -7.50626, -7.91413, -8.09275, -8.24856, -8.25114, -8.41475, -8.54608, -8.63899, -8.73325, -8.78134, -8.84266, -8.84655, -9.03515, -9.0645, -9.14541, -9.22796, -9.23917, -9.4348, -9.51041, -9.52017, -9.57038, -9.59243, -9.59905, -9.6278, -9.65794, -9.68179, -9.68386, -9.69393, -9.70393, -9.75237, -9.76387, -9.78782, -9.80303, -9.93068, -9.98942, -10.03705, -10.05347, -10.11638, -10.12608, -10.14662 ]
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[ -3.92773, -4.56873, -5.63223, -7.07446, -4.24456, -6.68136, -5.47392, -10.30565, -6.27322, -5.11369, -7.55576, -7.72899, -5.58817, -7.91281, -7.22435, -10.59326, -3.36838, -10.532, -8.77895, -7.71546, -10.00456, -9.34446, -7.7441, -8.85535, -8.84175, -7.40509, -9.55076, -7.32236, -11.50254, -9.58619, -6.45539, -8.75309, -7.5789, -7.2147, -4.88555, -5.94905, -6.91502, -10.65364, -11.02111, -8.50284, -8.90956, -8.08502, -8.85962, -10.46994, -13.66421, -7.9546, -10.94664, -8.1937, -6.11492, -9.97036 ]
[ -3.52465, -6.46944, -7.09678, -7.54171, -9.01155, -8.85489, -9.84753, -7.80005, -9.62227, -10.32054, -9.61806, -9.79863, -10.93448, -10.08298, -10.50228, -9.10616, -12.2124, -9.1521, -9.99186, -10.45307, -9.51852, -9.82486, -10.56957, -10.18795, -10.2037, -10.97997, -10.14637, -11.16539, -9.48922, -10.36798, -11.71128, -10.79137, -11.39026, -11.59265, -12.81708, -12.45958, -12.05096, -10.47803, -10.36169, -11.45682, -11.29641, -11.66306, -11.39301, -10.82818, -9.49509, -12.05385, -10.796, -12.08693, -13.00073, -11.57171 ]
[ -3.64557, -5.89922, -6.65741, -7.40154, -7.58145, -8.20283, -8.53545, -8.55173, -8.61756, -8.75849, -8.99937, -9.17774, -9.33059, -9.43193, -9.5189, -9.55229, -9.5592, -9.56607, -9.62799, -9.63178, -9.66433, -9.68074, -9.72193, -9.78817, -9.79512, -9.90751, -9.96769, -10.01248, -10.09322, -10.13344, -10.13451, -10.17988, -10.24685, -10.27927, -10.43762, -10.50642, -10.51018, -10.53071, -10.55952, -10.57063, -10.58036, -10.58965, -10.633, -10.72071, -10.74583, -10.82408, -10.8412, -10.91896, -10.93498, -11.09131 ]
i received a call from earthlink that said due to a ten cents per megabyte overage charge i owed them thirty thousand dollars
[ "i received a call from earthlink that said due to a ten cents per megabyte overage charge i owed them thirty thousand dollars", "i received a call from earthlink that said due to a ten cents for megabyte overage charge i owed them thirty thousand dollars", "i received a call from earthlink that said due to a ten cents permegabyte overage charge i owed them thirty thousand dollars", "i received a call from earth link that said due to a ten cents per megabyte overage charge i owed them thirty thousand dollars", "i received a call from earthlink that said due to a ten cents per megabyte overage charge i ed them thirty thousand dollars", "i received a call from earthlink that said due to a ten cents per magabyte overage charge i owed them thirty thousand dollars", "i received a call from earthlink that said due to a ten cents promegabyte overage charge i owed them thirty thousand dollars", "i received a call from earthlink that said due to a ten cents for a megabyte overage charge i 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[ -9.97362, -11.55367, -13.43994, -9.4445, -9.07461, -15.25849, -17.68143, -13.70147, -16.04695, -10.98315, -14.4393, -10.057, -10.21094, -9.83728, -11.9328, -17.05829, -10.45353, -15.75006, -11.02455, -11.38354, -16.87536, -12.871, -12.50619, -10.65466, -11.63705, -14.51274, -15.09927, -12.91082, -16.26388, -12.54094, -13.26263, -14.3446, -11.87673, -12.97592, -13.45686, -17.54723, -12.51679, -13.72219, -16.43117, -12.49602, -15.44443, -8.54549, -12.76257, -16.83856, -16.50766, -12.60995, -14.74352, -17.72287, -18.63016, -15.84275 ]
[ -3.07494, -5.95927, -5.48255, -7.96337, -8.36227, -7.12205, -6.17442, -8.43018, -7.65273, -10.19047, -8.83014, -11.062, -11.00685, -11.21104, -10.3873, -8.25354, -11.09917, -8.88656, -10.92228, -10.77877, -8.46517, -10.19748, -10.37406, -11.23708, -10.82852, -9.60053, -9.39262, -10.40972, -9.06699, -10.76928, -10.51246, -10.07542, -11.23479, -10.84876, -10.64646, -8.91444, -11.28983, -10.92295, -9.76373, -11.45423, -10.22822, -13.26204, -11.4695, -9.73123, -9.94009, -11.71705, -10.85692, -9.64043, -9.33041, -10.56725 ]
[ -5.14455, -7.63759, -7.86977, -8.40771, -8.57597, -9.56298, -9.62652, -10.01157, -10.17099, -10.42827, -10.51289, -10.7605, -10.76808, -10.79892, -10.85095, -10.89496, -10.90548, -10.94561, -10.95296, -10.9602, -10.98823, -10.99954, -11.0137, -11.06236, -11.07108, -11.07419, -11.10462, -11.16005, -11.22605, -11.30078, -11.33751, -11.35618, -11.42737, -11.48691, -11.48958, -11.50428, -11.65792, -11.76272, -11.76396, -11.76676, -11.79308, -11.84707, -11.85742, -11.86343, -11.91036, -11.98492, -12.0229, -12.06516, -12.12034, -12.1499 ]
needless to say i was able to leave my job
[ "needless to say i was able to leave my job", "needls to say i was able to leave my job", "need looks to say i was able to leave my job", "need less to say i was able to leave my job", "need us to say i was able to leave my job", "needless to say i was able to leave by job", "needle to say i was able to leave my job", "need lose to say i was able to leave my job", "needles to say i was able to leave my job", "need to say i was able to leave my job", "needlessed to say i was able to leave my job", "needos to say i was able to leave my job", "needless is to say i was able to leave my job", "needless to say i i was able to leave my job", "needels to say i was able to leave my job", "needdeless to say i was able to leave my job", "needless tos say i was able to leave my job", "needless to say i was able to leave my jobs", "needlas to say i was able to leave my job", "needdless to say i was able to leave my job", "needis to say i was able to leave my job", "need los to say i was able to leave my job", "needless to see i was able to leave my job", "needlese to say i was able to leave my job", "need those to say i was able to leave my job", "needlesses to say i was able to leave my job", "needists to say i was able to leave my job", "need list to say i was able to leave my job", "needles to say i was able to leave my job", "needless a say i was able to leave my job", "needeless to say i was able to leave my job", "needless to say i was able to lead my job", "needless i say i was able to leave my job", "needless to say i was able to leaved my job", "needlessly to say i was able to leave my job", "need les to say i was able to leave my job", "needless to says i was able to leave my job", "need lest to say i was able to leave my job", "need look to say i was able to leave my job", "needless to say was able to leave my job", "needless to say i was able two leave my job", "needless just to say i was able to leave my job", "needless to say and i was able to leave my job", "needless to say that i was able to leave my job", "needless to say i was abled to leave my job", "needless to say i was able to leave our job", "needless to say i was able to leave my jobe", "needless to sayh i was able to leave my job", "needless to say i was able toave my job", "needless to say i was able to at leave my job" ]
[ -2.62247, -2.3064, -3.38653, -7.15431, -5.99276, -7.6776, -8.64799, -7.22975, -6.37085, -8.12721, -6.73223, -5.48726, -8.03856, -7.57154, -6.03823, -8.90099, -8.62155, -8.82241, -5.87784, -6.66254, -8.05578, -4.13967, -12.83882, -8.71479, -10.16857, -7.99295, -8.18127, -10.75472, -4.69179, -10.7103, -7.86478, -12.67156, -11.90236, -8.49022, -11.1291, -3.72278, -10.52704, -7.62301, -7.34312, -11.52862, -9.5605, -9.1476, -11.512, -9.66473, -10.1268, -12.3898, -9.90456, -9.88144, -11.51584, -13.11571 ]
[ -1.02374, -8.90837, -8.52763, -7.13341, -7.65431, -7.10258, -6.70433, -8.10945, -8.57573, -8.23818, -9.42521, -10.06419, -9.05299, -9.26829, -9.98014, -8.92912, -9.06279, -9.00803, -10.27893, -9.98609, -9.42983, -11.21064, -7.52269, -9.30735, -8.69278, -9.62619, -9.66115, -8.65778, -11.28424, -8.72469, -9.97506, -7.9284, -8.28997, -9.77344, -8.74682, -11.92544, -9.02511, -10.27427, -10.41019, -8.65126, -9.49679, -9.79057, -8.83094, -9.65346, -9.4831, -8.53174, -9.60167, -9.63481, -8.98655, -8.33134 ]
[ -1.50336, -6.92778, -6.9853, -7.13968, -7.15584, -7.27509, -7.28743, -7.84554, -7.91427, -8.20489, -8.61731, -8.69111, -8.74866, -8.75926, -8.79757, -8.92068, -8.93042, -8.95235, -8.9586, -8.98902, -9.01761, -9.08935, -9.11753, -9.12958, -9.13551, -9.13622, -9.21719, -9.28686, -9.30651, -9.32037, -9.34198, -9.35135, -9.37369, -9.38848, -9.4615, -9.46464, -9.47569, -9.47889, -9.49007, -9.51447, -9.5159, -9.59768, -9.63526, -9.65684, -9.67621, -9.68915, -9.69253, -9.7088, -9.74534, -9.76665 ]
more of as like an internet guru or
[ "more of as like an internet grew or", "more of us like an internet grew or", "more of is like an internet grew or", "more of his like an internet grew or", "more of it is like an internet grew or", "more of as like an internet guru or", "more of us like an internet guru or", "more of has like an internet grew or", "more of as like an internet grue or", "more of is like an internet guru or", "more of as like an internet gru or", "more of like an internet grew or", "more of us like an internet grue or", "more of us like an internet gru or", "more of is like an internet gru or", "more of is like an internet grue or", "more of as like an internet g or", "more of as like an the internet grew or", "more is like an internet grew or", "more of was like an internet grew or", "more of us like an the internet grew or", "more of us like an internet g or", "more of as like an internet grew", "more of as like an internet grew were", "more as like an internet grew or", "more ofers like an internet grew or", "more of as like an internet graw or", "more of this like an internet grew or", "more of a is like an internet grew or", "more of as like an internet gree or", "more of as like an internet greu or", "more ofas like an internet grew or", "more of is like an the internet grew or", "more of as like an internet gorew or", "more of us like an internet grew", "more of as like an internet gew or", "more of us like an internet graw or", "more of us like an internet grew were", "more of just like an internet grew or", "more of it like an internet grew or", "more of his like an internet guru or", "more of as like an internet glue or", "more of as like an internet gurew or", "more of us like an internet gree or", "more of as like an internet garu or", "more of as like an internet giru or", "more of us like an internet g grew or", "more of it was like an internet grew or", "more of as like an internet grew where", "more of it is like an internet guru or" ]
[ -3.60331, -5.28454, -2.17311, -8.42004, -8.1604, -9.75233, -11.43356, -5.89925, -10.83148, -8.32213, -9.71288, -5.9761, -12.51271, -11.39411, -8.28268, -9.40127, -5.07069, -5.67588, -5.36238, -7.78335, -7.35712, -6.75192, -8.95035, -10.18092, -6.79247, -9.78953, -10.33091, -10.02502, -10.31423, -5.00669, -6.15551, -8.92776, -4.24568, -13.16552, -10.63158, -7.09145, -12.01214, -11.86215, -10.81385, -4.30863, -14.56906, -12.58163, -10.10079, -6.68792, -12.08247, -12.9317, -7.47855, -12.73626, -13.06407, -14.30942 ]
[ -1.99703, -1.98316, -3.81839, -3.6993, -4.73293, -4.81215, -4.77382, -7.34482, -5.2515, -6.48003, -6.09006, -7.74642, -5.02084, -6.1044, -7.50216, -7.09963, -9.02242, -8.84769, -9.07431, -8.39558, -8.72487, -9.0058, -8.11407, -7.61521, -9.10045, -7.86116, -7.64078, -7.84537, -7.8394, -10.24589, -9.76189, -8.57465, -10.62542, -6.89806, -8.07646, -9.61337, -7.58678, -7.7068, -8.19271, -11.01706, -6.62929, -7.60875, -8.70566, -10.22129, -7.92959, -7.57303, -9.95303, -7.73112, -7.64665, -7.18462 ]
[ -2.47892, -2.97358, -3.3248, -5.11552, -5.76117, -6.29421, -6.77174, -6.91115, -6.92549, -7.03266, -7.17691, -7.21533, -7.2684, -7.69131, -7.73632, -7.79012, -7.8369, -7.89615, -7.96073, -8.21191, -8.31455, -8.32964, -8.36496, -8.38492, -8.40806, -8.43967, -8.44782, -8.49926, -8.58185, -8.67413, -8.67997, -8.68059, -8.7115, -8.7783, -8.843, -8.85679, -8.91438, -8.95341, -8.97905, -9.00453, -9.01122, -9.10062, -9.1242, -9.16128, -9.17545, -9.18063, -9.21068, -9.23266, -9.27188, -9.32206 ]
[ "swami", "dwami", "twami", "ami", "swamy", "wami", "swomi", "iswami", "fwami", "swam", "swamie", "swamiy", "swummy", "gwami", "swammy", "swamami", "waswami", "kwami", "swalami", "swam me", "swamic", "swuami", "awami", "suami", "aswami", "swamn", "sawami", "swami a", "wami", "wami", "swamme", "swhami", "hwami", "swaming", "swamied", "swowami", "swami the", "swamia", "squami", "itwami", "bwami", "uswami", "kwami", "wami", "twomi", "swama", "swambi", "swamii", "swamine", "swamies" ]
[ -0.66612, -3.43815, -4.31428, -2.61374, -3.31783, -4.96316, -8.26438, -5.92985, -6.20911, -4.12529, -7.57695, -4.79671, -12.7823, -5.29782, -7.58719, -4.9136, -8.8105, -6.14902, -7.8716, -6.5252, -8.95582, -5.27339, -7.49435, -9.22977, -8.13419, -8.92842, -8.48532, -8.70652, -6.48862, -5.78017, -8.44569, -7.40412, -7.61267, -7.84598, -9.7619, -7.11702, -9.66812, -9.44252, -12.93039, -9.27529, -4.94427, -10.06586, -9.12574, -12.80756, -11.91254, -8.02675, -7.60485, -10.34032, -9.71258, -9.631 ]
[ -0.29697, -4.59015, -6.03442, -7.93489, -7.75536, -7.21355, -5.99734, -7.89921, -7.94091, -8.93885, -7.57199, -8.89257, -5.47294, -8.68168, -7.88505, -9.07483, -7.67501, -8.92756, -8.20973, -8.83029, -8.03618, -9.62107, -8.68733, -8.05432, -8.55734, -8.27243, -8.46383, -8.37078, -9.37599, -9.72115, -8.6337, -9.19957, -9.14071, -9.07357, -8.25655, -9.50958, -8.43687, -8.53837, -7.0842, -8.66431, -10.55611, -8.39234, -8.89356, -7.35928, -7.75819, -9.43178, -9.63203, -8.48951, -8.81721, -8.97533 ]
[ -0.40771, -4.24455, -5.51838, -6.33855, -6.4241, -6.53843, -6.67745, -7.3084, -7.42137, -7.49478, -7.57348, -7.66382, -7.66575, -7.66652, -7.79569, -7.82646, -8.01566, -8.094, -8.10829, -8.13876, -8.31207, -8.31677, -8.32944, -8.40696, -8.43039, -8.46923, -8.47028, -8.4715, -8.50978, -8.53885, -8.5773, -8.66094, -8.6823, -8.7053, -8.70816, -8.79181, -8.80625, -8.80962, -8.83806, -8.8476, -8.87256, -8.89439, -8.96321, -8.99376, -9.0045, -9.01027, -9.02388, -9.04475, -9.08582, -9.17203 ]
i i knew i had something
[ "i knew i had something", "i knew i had something i", "and i knew i had something", "and i knew i had something i", "i knew i had something that", "i knew i had something guy", "i knew i had something a", "i i knew i had something", "i i knew i had something i", "i knew i had something that i", "i knew i had something like", "i knew i had something i i", "i knew i hadd something", "knew i had something", "i knew i had somethinged", "a i knew i had something", "i knew i head something", "a i knew i had something i", "i knew i hadd something i", "i knew i head something i", "i knew i had something right", "knew i had something i", "i knew i had somethings", "i knew i had something kind", "i knew i had something good", "but i knew i had something", "i knew i had something it", "i knew i had something out", "so i knew i had something", " i knew i had something", "why i knew i had something", "right i knew i had something", " i knew i had something", "but i knew i had something i", "now i knew i had something", "so i knew i had something i", " i knew i had something i", "right i knew i had something i", "i knew i had something got", "i knew i had something i'd", "the i knew i had something i", "why i knew i had something i", "you i knew i had something", "the i knew i had something", " i knew i had something i", "i knew had something", "i knew i had something to", "i knew i had something had", "now i knew i had something i", "you i knew i had something i" ]
[ -0.95523, -1.75484, -4.5328, -5.33241, -7.30458, -4.28454, -7.89118, -3.05974, -3.85935, -9.61031, -10.47282, -8.58031, -3.3936, -4.06588, -7.42342, -6.88688, -10.08729, -7.6865, -4.19321, -10.8869, -8.5123, -4.86549, -8.61778, -8.87675, -10.70574, -8.02401, -8.94495, -10.55413, -7.68998, -6.2403, -7.96252, -6.42742, -5.9202, -8.82362, -7.59909, -8.48959, -7.03992, -7.22703, -10.2878, -13.53746, -9.01681, -8.76213, -8.94296, -8.2172, -6.71982, -7.05049, -10.45968, -6.24722, -8.3987, -9.74257 ]
[ -1.30118, -1.21006, -6.44531, -6.33373, -5.97004, -7.52104, -6.81252, -9.01188, -8.83409, -6.90344, -6.66615, -7.54108, -10.01429, -9.73524, -8.32014, -8.58409, -7.22297, -8.29747, -9.94005, -7.08137, -8.15038, -9.76614, -8.21794, -8.15825, -7.38359, -8.6953, -8.3205, -7.64319, -8.9805, -9.61457, -8.89464, -9.56789, -9.87056, -8.64724, -9.21951, -8.84752, -9.47472, -9.45643, -8.15716, -6.78489, -8.72826, -8.84408, -8.78063, -9.12394, -9.77593, -9.63547, -8.22797, -10.03366, -9.11368, -8.77403 ]
[ -1.1974, -1.37349, -5.87156, -6.03334, -6.37041, -6.55009, -7.13612, -7.22624, -7.34167, -7.7155, -7.80815, -7.85285, -8.02808, -8.03443, -8.05113, -8.07493, -8.08226, -8.11418, -8.216, -8.22303, -8.25896, -8.29595, -8.33789, -8.3738, -8.38024, -8.49391, -8.50783, -8.51647, -8.59335, -8.60229, -8.615, -8.62575, -8.68545, -8.70016, -8.73339, -8.74014, -8.74428, -8.78761, -8.79636, -8.81066, -8.81482, -8.81949, -8.82933, -8.85192, -8.8591, -8.85998, -8.89748, -8.89773, -8.89919, -9.06459 ]
[ "about", "about about", "", "about that", "about now", "about to", "about a", "now", "about the", "about it", "out about", "about around", "d about", "abouting", "of", "a", "about our", "around", "up about", "about all", "about but", "by", "about how", "about out", "about for", "about do", "abouta", "aboute", "well", "to", "about by", "all", "about be", "how about", "about back", "but", "be about", "back about", "about so", "aboutal", "about we", "abouto", "about got", "about this", "about not", "about them", "about us", "about app", "aboutu", "aboutf" ]
[ -0.00972, -7.68559, -4.90096, -10.25474, -10.3498, -10.32711, -9.5117, -11.90398, -9.881, -10.05376, -10.94227, -10.63014, -9.61554, -11.02141, -12.32601, -12.24489, -11.59765, -12.58667, -11.39491, -11.87532, -12.46766, -12.95653, -12.10265, -10.24125, -11.9539, -12.50747, -11.77114, -11.37807, -13.06998, -12.56266, -12.78794, -12.68076, -13.12173, -12.73644, -13.14363, -12.58324, -11.53607, -11.19051, -13.0522, -13.16092, -13.19862, -10.08194, -12.78484, -13.05196, -12.99529, -13.50854, -10.96932, -13.25125, -13.44542, -12.28197 ]
[ -0.13165, -5.77473, -7.14808, -6.62751, -7.27044, -7.86024, -8.30765, -7.41118, -8.35228, -8.34605, -8.24964, -8.43519, -8.89684, -8.46233, -8.00402, -8.12818, -8.41565, -8.06684, -8.65527, -8.48953, -8.29094, -8.09916, -8.48322, -9.36619, -8.64072, -8.4096, -8.81085, -8.9921, -8.27127, -8.53671, -8.47673, -8.57618, -8.45732, -8.62326, -8.48458, -8.72826, -9.1982, -9.38547, -8.60685, -8.63939, -8.6517, -10.0843, -8.94786, -9.02663, -9.12908, -8.99808, -10.11217, -9.47131, -9.66295, -10.30472 ]
[ -0.09507, -6.34799, -6.47394, -7.71568, -8.19425, -8.6003, -8.66886, -8.75902, -8.8109, -8.85836, -9.05743, -9.09367, -9.11245, -9.23006, -9.30062, -9.3632, -9.37025, -9.42279, -9.47716, -9.50527, -9.54395, -9.55637, -9.56905, -9.62871, -9.63468, -9.63896, -9.69894, -9.70789, -9.71088, -9.7445, -9.7701, -9.80756, -9.85664, -9.85722, -9.8823, -9.88476, -9.89956, -9.92698, -9.94045, -9.99585, -10.01578, -10.08359, -10.09896, -10.23423, -10.28894, -10.35122, -10.36931, -10.60529, -10.79769, -10.89789 ]
what makes websites popular and
[ "what makes websites popular and", "what makes websites popular", "what makes website popular and", "what makes websites popular and the", "what makes a websites popular and", "what make websites popular and", "what makes website is popular and", "what makes websites popular and", "what it makes websites popular and", "what makes the websites popular and", "what makes f websites popular and", "what makeswbsites popular and", "what makes websides popular and", "what makes website's popular and", "what makes websites poppular and", "what makes websites popular and to", "what makes websitees popular and", "what makes websites popular and you", "one makes websites popular and", "what takes websites popular and", "what makes websites po popular and", "what makes websites popular and them", "what makes websites popular in", "what makes websites is popular and", "what makes websites popular and on", "what makes rebsites popular and", "what makes and websites popular and", "what makes swebsites popular and", "what makes websites popular and some", "what makes some websites popular and", "what makes websitesd popular and", "what makes webites popular and", "what makes websites popular and a", "what makes websites and popular and", "what makes websites populatar and", "what makes websites populars and", "what mades websites popular and", "what makes websites a popular and", "what makesce websites popular and", "what makes websites poular and", "what makes websites the popular and", "what makes weabsites popular and", "what makes shebsites popular and", "what makes websits popular and", " what makes websites popular and", "what makes one websites popular and", "what make is websites popular and", "what makes websites popular and then", "what makes websites popular and so", "what makes webosites popular and" ]
[ -0.83331, -5.53794, -5.55812, -7.11022, -6.46733, -3.26767, -11.17942, -9.00617, -7.00263, -8.39963, -9.17712, -7.84573, -9.15701, -17.48171, -8.47384, -9.77235, -3.35693, -10.83434, -11.78535, -11.29518, -8.50417, -10.60939, -10.47184, -8.13595, -10.41192, -12.26242, -10.6214, -13.11355, -11.06347, -10.9458, -9.16456, -8.91294, -9.76767, -9.20558, -8.27237, -10.33957, -12.24959, -9.30574, -11.56514, -10.67419, -10.94299, -10.9883, -13.52936, -10.11583, -11.15707, -10.87166, -10.19411, -12.4116, -11.77854, -10.14954 ]
[ -0.99037, -7.22226, -7.65315, -7.2834, -7.85935, -9.39407, -6.51987, -7.64724, -8.69843, -8.50526, -8.25226, -8.96298, -8.78852, -5.23624, -9.11773, -8.59956, -11.41745, -8.34469, -7.99674, -8.22795, -9.47908, -8.61187, -8.72983, -9.77153, -8.83207, -8.10283, -8.8326, -7.78525, -8.68859, -8.75778, -9.54029, -9.68894, -9.32581, -9.63058, -10.05055, -9.18592, -8.3681, -9.63402, -8.68795, -9.08838, -9.01226, -9.01406, -7.97231, -9.48005, -9.03893, -9.16573, -9.6812, -8.75546, -9.0454, -9.75738 ]
[ -0.94325, -6.71696, -7.02464, -7.23145, -7.44174, -7.55615, -7.91773, -8.05492, -8.18969, -8.47357, -8.52972, -8.6278, -8.89907, -8.90988, -8.92456, -8.9514, -8.9993, -9.09159, -9.13332, -9.14812, -9.18661, -9.21113, -9.25243, -9.28086, -9.30603, -9.3507, -9.36924, -9.38374, -9.40105, -9.41419, -9.42757, -9.45614, -9.45837, -9.50308, -9.51709, -9.53202, -9.53255, -9.53554, -9.55111, -9.56412, -9.59148, -9.60633, -9.63942, -9.67078, -9.67437, -9.67751, -9.83507, -9.8523, -9.86534, -9.87503 ]
you know it's it's unfortunate that i don't have more time
[ "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's a it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more times", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more time and", "you know it's an it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have a more time", "you know its unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know's it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's unfortunate i don't have more time", "you knows it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more time maybe", "you know it is it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more time to", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more time made", "you know it''s unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have and more time", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more time a", "you know it's the it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more time they", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more time the", "you know a it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it s it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's its unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more time it", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more time i", "you know it's unfortunate but i don't have more time", "you know it's infortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't haveing more time", "you know it's and it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's it's unfortunate that i don't have more time and", "you know it's it's unfortunate that i don't have more times", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have them more time", "you know it that's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more time me", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more time in", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more", "you know it and it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it the it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more timed", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more time for", "you know it's that's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "know it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have in more time", "you know it'st it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know it's unfortunate that i don't have more time make", "you know is it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know and it's unfortunate that i don't have more time", "you know the it's unfortunate that i don't have more time" ]
[ -4.38019, -2.34221, -1.36977, -7.82447, -10.52634, -9.41938, -11.78235, -8.31703, -8.89066, -5.63361, -10.54301, -5.15035, -8.65108, -8.15033, -11.7685, -8.32502, -6.19571, -9.94281, -10.39887, -9.74138, -11.80357, -11.29581, -9.25478, -7.7036, -6.82064, -10.84063, -11.80131, -12.37823, -15.80677, -8.92646, -10.01109, -7.3814, -8.48836, -10.06286, -9.2546, -11.16098, -12.19103, -13.17425, -9.0064, -8.71919, -11.49322, -14.17434, -10.22817, -12.16086, -11.75104, -9.0916, -11.20227, -10.89251, -12.01421, -11.94408 ]
[ -1.45221, -5.12528, -9.0135, -7.48455, -6.34935, -6.94634, -6.39538, -8.25943, -8.02097, -9.47115, -7.40388, -9.74123, -8.24656, -8.78311, -7.59323, -9.09137, -10.1942, -8.64764, -8.47251, -8.89561, -8.02691, -8.24573, -9.3038, -10.09825, -10.51145, -8.88197, -8.48319, -8.25636, -6.8333, -9.79127, -9.382, -10.54148, -10.06805, -9.41444, -9.83157, -9.03921, -8.66541, -8.26185, -10.10535, -10.23859, -9.14807, -8.02742, -9.73393, -8.9709, -9.17964, -10.33038, -9.45242, -9.59502, -9.12999, -9.22455 ]
[ -2.3306, -4.29036, -6.72038, -7.58652, -7.60245, -7.68825, -8.01147, -8.27671, -8.28188, -8.31989, -8.34562, -8.36397, -8.36792, -8.59328, -8.84581, -8.86146, -8.99465, -9.03619, -9.05042, -9.14934, -9.15991, -9.16075, -9.28909, -9.37985, -9.40421, -9.46957, -9.47863, -9.49292, -9.52534, -9.53183, -9.57072, -9.59345, -9.59414, -9.60896, -9.65848, -9.67574, -9.72309, -9.73557, -9.77567, -9.78277, -9.85161, -9.8715, -9.8822, -9.92789, -9.95106, -9.95875, -9.97737, -9.98427, -9.99525, -10.04041 ]
i can come back next year
[ "i can come back next years", "i can come back next year", "i can come back next", "i can come back the next years", "i could come back next years", "i can come back the next year", "i can come back next two years", " i can come back next years", "i can come back next to years", "i can come back next year years", "i can come next years", "i can come back years", "i can come like next years", "i can come back next eight years", " i can come back next years", " i can come back next years", "i can come back at next years", "i can come back next four years", "i could come back next year", "i can come back and next years", "i can come back six years", "that i can come back next years", "i can come back of next years", " i can come back next year", "i can come back next day years", "but i can come back next years", "i can come back next years year", "i can come back next first years", "so i can come back next years", "now i can come back next years", "i can come back next years years", "i can come back in next years", "know i can come back next years", "i can come back", "i can come act next years", "i can come back next of years", "i can come back next six years", "and i can come back next years", " i can come back next years", "i can come back an next years", "i can come backd next years", "i can come back one next years", "i can come back many next years", "i can come like next year", "i can come back next last years", "just i can come back next years", "like i can come back next years", "then i can come back next years", "i can come backed next years", "i can come back then next years" ]
[ -0.89374, -3.59181, -5.29967, -4.96619, -8.28395, -7.66426, -6.13962, -1.44735, -7.45851, -2.59769, -5.01715, -6.65691, -10.29126, -9.62282, -4.07188, -5.12625, -9.04851, -9.1426, -10.98202, -7.03951, -13.55292, -8.59483, -8.79093, -4.14542, -11.32307, -8.43704, -6.70095, -12.75676, -7.39044, -6.746, -7.31679, -8.84173, -7.56941, -11.06284, -11.4524, -11.09795, -11.29512, -7.50468, -7.38037, -7.43029, -8.41457, -8.95531, -9.2157, -12.98932, -12.31585, -8.46494, -9.80739, -9.26374, -9.45682, -9.70214 ]
[ -0.88859, -1.6407, -5.74364, -6.26149, -6.27892, -6.8504, -7.58643, -9.636, -7.733, -9.90749, -8.9311, -8.28171, -6.76854, -7.14481, -9.70651, -9.2617, -7.67083, -7.82431, -7.0415, -9.05975, -6.29159, -8.43918, -8.42183, -10.46313, -7.41096, -8.66955, -9.46794, -6.88701, -9.19245, -9.50599, -9.35625, -8.80606, -9.38195, -7.9238, -7.82571, -7.99723, -7.92465, -9.65699, -9.73908, -9.73703, -9.32407, -9.14729, -9.08097, -7.51465, -7.85331, -9.52303, -8.97958, -9.33347, -9.27077, -9.17023 ]
[ -0.89013, -2.22603, -5.61045, -5.8729, -6.88043, -7.09456, -7.15239, -7.17941, -7.65066, -7.71455, -7.75691, -7.79427, -7.82536, -7.88821, -8.01612, -8.02107, -8.08413, -8.2198, -8.22366, -8.45368, -8.46999, -8.48587, -8.53256, -8.56781, -8.58459, -8.5998, -8.63784, -8.64793, -8.65185, -8.67799, -8.74441, -8.81676, -8.83819, -8.86551, -8.91372, -8.92745, -8.93579, -9.0113, -9.03146, -9.04501, -9.05122, -9.08969, -9.12139, -9.15705, -9.19207, -9.2056, -9.22792, -9.31255, -9.32659, -9.3298 ]
and it's been an amazing opportunity to kind of get to know
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[ -0.66645, -4.33243, -2.11133, -8.5738, -4.69835, -7.35927, -3.46972, -7.69412, -2.64003, -5.64698, -8.19279, -5.46517, -8.0932, -7.05219, -7.81922, -6.36335, -8.36434, -6.53249, -9.67428, -8.37541, -5.77732, -8.74175, -6.39071, -6.7479, -7.41725, -9.66332, -8.6663, -6.91741, -7.5743, -9.70935, -8.58162, -9.33552, -9.73717, -9.41287, -9.30127, -8.15753, -9.91034, -10.00254, -10.92191, -9.67994, -10.31019, -10.82224, -12.4912, -10.0011, -13.0225, -10.63677, -10.3058, -9.62829, -10.36585, -10.83911 ]
[ -1.70199, -5.06032, -7.23326, -6.43765, -8.98288, -8.01347, -9.71721, -8.04382, -10.21298, -8.93412, -8.00922, -9.52163, -8.4205, -8.87591, -8.66789, -9.37252, -8.62613, -9.4736, -8.35137, -8.94362, -10.18514, -9.17698, -10.25155, -10.22289, -9.97233, -9.01247, -9.47636, -10.27878, -10.28281, -9.53012, -10.06785, -9.88811, -9.77376, -9.91585, -10.02826, -10.60194, -9.91211, -9.95291, -9.56548, -10.11636, -9.85755, -9.7098, -9.00643, -10.07936, -8.79245, -9.87111, -10.04867, -10.34198, -10.03986, -9.91838 ]
[ -1.39133, -4.84195, -5.69668, -7.0785, -7.69752, -7.81721, -7.84296, -7.93891, -7.94109, -7.94798, -8.06429, -8.30469, -8.32231, -8.3288, -8.41329, -8.46977, -8.54759, -8.59127, -8.74824, -8.77316, -8.8628, -9.04641, -9.0933, -9.18039, -9.20581, -9.20772, -9.23335, -9.27037, -9.47025, -9.58389, -9.62198, -9.72233, -9.76279, -9.76496, -9.81017, -9.86862, -9.91158, -9.96779, -9.97241, -9.98543, -9.99334, -10.04353, -10.05186, -10.05588, -10.06146, -10.10081, -10.12581, -10.12787, -10.13766, -10.1946 ]
you know it's like a microscope to the rest of the world you can kind of peer into other people's lives and
[ "you know it's like a microscope to the rest of the world you can kind of peer into other people's lives and", "you know it's like a microscope to the rest of the world that you can kind of peer into other people's lives and", "you know it's like microscope to the rest of the world you can kind of peer into other people's lives and", "you know it's like a microscope to the rest of the world and you can kind of peer into other people's lives and", "you know it's like a microscope to the rest of the world you can kind of pear into other people's lives and", "you know it's like a microscope to the rest of the world you can kind of peer into other people's lives", "you know it's like a microscope to the rest of the world you can kind of peer into other peoples lives and", "you know it's like a microscope to the rest of the world you can kind of peer into other people's lives in", "you know it's like a microscope to the rest of the world or you can kind of peer into other people's lives 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[ -2.24259, -3.9528, -5.47145, -6.02648, -2.52785, -7.00133, -5.49592, -6.54417, -5.46763, -7.13273, -7.18167, -8.11407, -7.53551, -9.30387, -7.65605, -10.77438, -4.23806, -8.71154, -6.62918, -7.91746, -7.20613, -8.25438, -8.75412, -7.91602, -5.75671, -6.63674, -9.25534, -10.23019, -10.1093, -8.23566, -9.01403, -11.18538, -10.88506, -8.72478, -9.77304, -8.3794, -10.56852, -8.54318, -10.79443, -9.61435, -9.94766, -10.68818, -10.99224, -8.73411, -7.89192, -13.12288, -14.97767, -8.84444, -8.17169, -11.87836 ]
[ -2.78442, -5.4888, -5.51919, -6.86327, -8.50441, -6.65737, -7.5065, -7.12357, -8.72627, -8.32008, -8.40537, -8.72965, -9.02742, -8.31917, -9.46695, -8.31601, -11.21033, -9.35607, -10.25213, -9.72848, -10.27187, -9.85048, -9.77398, -10.25421, -11.21037, -10.8449, -9.72429, -9.37923, -9.44129, -10.25736, -10.07502, -9.14935, -9.36173, -10.28954, -9.8413, -10.63309, -9.73455, -10.68657, -9.87372, -10.46488, -10.36315, -10.11487, -10.04434, -11.04338, -11.48879, -9.2501, -8.45897, -11.1012, -11.42374, -9.89335 ]
[ -2.62187, -5.028, -5.50487, -6.61223, -6.71144, -6.76056, -6.90333, -6.94975, -7.74868, -7.96387, -8.03826, -8.54497, -8.57985, -8.61458, -8.92368, -9.05352, -9.11865, -9.16271, -9.16525, -9.18517, -9.35215, -9.37165, -9.46802, -9.55275, -9.57428, -9.58245, -9.58361, -9.63452, -9.6417, -9.65085, -9.75672, -9.76016, -9.81873, -9.82011, -9.82082, -9.95699, -9.98474, -10.04355, -10.14993, -10.20972, -10.2385, -10.28686, -10.32871, -10.3506, -10.40973, -10.41193, -10.41458, -10.42417, -10.44812, -10.48885 ]
i also feel like i get a lot of inspiration
[ "i also feel like i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i get a lot of inspirations", "i also feel like i got a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i get a lot ofspiration", "and i also feel like i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i get a lot of insiration", "i also feel like i get a lot of inspiroration", "i also feel like i get a lot inspiration", "i also feel liked i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i get a lot of inspiraration", "also feel like i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feeled like i get a lot of inspiration", "i also a feel like i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel you like i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i did a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like that i get a lot of inspiration", " i also feel like i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i give a lot of inspiration", "i also feel that i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i get a out of inspiration", "i also feel like get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i get got a lot of inspiration", "i also feels like i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i get a lot of inspiration and", "i also feel like like i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i get a lot of anspiration", "i also feel like i get a lot of inspirtion", "i also feel like i get a lot of conspiration", "i also feel like i get in a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i can get a lot of inspiration", " i also feel like i get a lot of inspiration", "that i also feel like i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i put a lot of inspiration", "i also feel likek i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i get a lot of inpiration", "i also feel like and i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i get a lot of inspiration we", "i also feelre like i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i get a lot of inspiration in", "i also feel like i get it a lot of inspiration", "i actually feel like i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel likeg i get a lot of inspiration", "do i also feel like i get a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i get a lot of inspirational", "i also feel like i get a sort of inspiration", "i also feel like i gett a lot of inspiration", "i also feel like i've get a lot of inspiration", "are also feel like i get a lot of inspiration", " i also feel like i get a lot of inspiration" ]
[ -0.01668, -7.59186, -7.44, -9.01019, -6.38953, -8.35422, -7.69806, -6.44853, -8.86502, -8.54982, -7.56475, -9.13708, -10.7893, -8.86297, -9.88697, -10.52212, -11.52392, -9.83109, -10.64206, -11.26496, -11.64139, -9.30077, -9.29282, -9.18215, -10.77489, -11.01278, -10.98578, -11.43836, -11.02682, -11.97649, -11.81358, -9.92666, -10.38373, -11.585, -10.00754, -10.65079, -11.35548, -11.91005, -10.51878, -11.24476, -11.26827, -14.68411, -10.98697, -10.95164, -12.31735, -13.91044, -10.92414, -14.15692, -12.40045, -11.10504 ]
[ -0.9293, -7.56482, -8.63721, -7.96456, -9.11792, -8.63765, -9.04279, -9.74268, -8.81376, -9.18712, -9.74077, -9.12617, -8.4378, -9.49383, -9.06135, -8.83095, -8.40805, -9.1792, -8.84643, -8.62275, -8.46739, -9.60348, -9.62286, -9.67364, -9.00369, -8.94482, -9.00701, -8.83129, -9.14445, -8.74825, -8.83129, -9.63998, -9.58639, -9.07544, -9.75166, -9.50449, -9.21427, -9.00326, -9.66997, -9.36943, -9.36121, -7.91202, -9.51018, -9.52988, -8.96896, -8.35798, -9.64327, -8.30565, -9.07244, -9.63898 ]
[ -0.65551, -7.57293, -8.27805, -8.27825, -8.2994, -8.55262, -8.63937, -8.75444, -8.82914, -8.99593, -9.08797, -9.12944, -9.14325, -9.30457, -9.30904, -9.3383, -9.34281, -9.37477, -9.38512, -9.41542, -9.41959, -9.51267, -9.52385, -9.5262, -9.53505, -9.56521, -9.60064, -9.61341, -9.70916, -9.71672, -9.72597, -9.72599, -9.82559, -9.82831, -9.82843, -9.84838, -9.85664, -9.8753, -9.92461, -9.93203, -9.93333, -9.94365, -9.95322, -9.95641, -9.97348, -10.02372, -10.02753, -10.06103, -10.07085, -10.0788 ]
from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey ze if you ever come to boulder
[ "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey ze if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said haza if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey z if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said haze if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said heyze if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey ze if you ever come into boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said heze if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey za if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said heyza if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said oze if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey ze if you ever come to bolder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey ze if you ever coming to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said ze if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said haza if you ever come into boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hazy if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody write me they said hey ze if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hazza if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey z if you ever come into boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey zy if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hize if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hiza if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said heyze if you ever come into boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said haze if you ever come into boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hizza if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey z they if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said haza if you ever come to bolder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hazay if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey ze if you ever comeing to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hayze if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey ze if you ever come to bulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hayza if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said he ze if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey ze if you ever come to boolder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey ze if you ever come in to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey z a if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said kza if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey z if you ever come to bolder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said haza if you ever coming to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said heyzy if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said haze if you ever come to bolder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey ze if you ever come to boder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hazze if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey ze if you ever come to golder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said kyza if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey zee if you ever come to boulder", "from the average users for example somebody wrote me they said hey ze if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey zey if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey zz if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey zer if you ever come to boulder", "from the average user for example somebody wrote me they said hey z and if you ever come to boulder" ]
[ -8.02682, -6.38831, -7.71429, -7.81856, -5.62228, -11.59956, -7.39978, -6.55272, -4.18728, -12.41527, -10.1523, -12.23524, -12.45354, -9.96105, -8.21869, -10.49178, -6.45401, -11.28703, -8.3782, -12.53807, -11.10782, -9.19502, -11.3913, -11.17352, -15.82474, -8.5138, -7.28494, -8.53013, -6.0409, -14.89324, -4.6059, -10.60654, -11.73099, -13.01464, -10.43568, -13.62145, -9.83977, -10.59674, -6.0172, -9.94404, -8.57745, -7.94055, -15.76481, -11.8391, -12.55092, -14.01783, -8.93599, -12.73535, -14.11878, -16.3185 ]
[ -2.6149, -5.47137, -5.39937, -5.75669, -6.84267, -5.57687, -7.85938, -8.63191, -10.01893, -6.72285, -7.73394, -7.40532, -7.35272, -8.53216, -9.32115, -8.39124, -10.18437, -8.41194, -9.73278, -8.17769, -8.83043, -9.72319, -8.81482, -9.03155, -7.04829, -10.2149, -10.77196, -10.32063, -11.40512, -7.75101, -12.25783, -9.69657, -9.36877, -8.82184, -9.99328, -8.66781, -10.35766, -10.05466, -12.16463, -10.48794, -11.10536, -11.38248, -8.03454, -9.78967, -9.56653, -8.93882, -11.12448, -9.53517, -9.07503, -8.17489 ]
[ -4.23848, -5.74645, -6.09385, -6.37525, -6.47655, -7.38367, -7.7215, -8.00816, -8.26943, -8.43058, -8.45945, -8.8543, -8.88297, -8.96082, -8.99041, -9.0214, -9.06526, -9.27446, -9.32641, -9.4858, -9.51365, -9.56474, -9.58776, -9.67415, -9.68122, -9.70457, -9.72585, -9.78348, -9.79585, -9.89368, -9.96225, -9.96956, -10.07744, -10.07968, -10.126, -10.1539, -10.2023, -10.21728, -10.3204, -10.32477, -10.34699, -10.3499, -10.35362, -10.4045, -10.46185, -10.46252, -10.46793, -10.49522, -10.58816, -10.61798 ]
you should rock out with us and i said why wait
[ "you should rock out with us and i said why wait", "you should rock out with us and i said why weight", "you should rock out with us and i said whywait", "you should rock out with us i said why wait", "you should rock out with us and i said why waight", "you should rock outt with us and i said why wait", "you should rock out with us and i said why a wait", "you should rock out with us and i said why wa", "you should rock out with us and i said i wait", "you should rock out with us and i said why waited", "you should rock out with us and i said why wake", "you should rock out with us and i said why wight", "you should rock out with us and i said why i wait", "you should rock out with us and i said why waite", "you should rock out it with us and i said why wait", "you should rock out with this and i said why wait", "you should rock out with us and i said why weight", "you should rock out with us and i said why wit", "you should rock out with us and i said my wait", "you should rock with us and i said why wait", "you could rock out with us and i said why wait", "you should rock outut with us and i said why wait", "you should rockout with us and i said why wait", "you should rock out with us and i did why wait", "you should rock down with us and i said why wait", "you should rock out with us and i say why wait", "you should rocke out with us and i said why wait", "you should rock out at with us and i said why wait", "you should ruck out with us and i said why wait", "you should a rock out with us and i said why wait", "you should rock out out with us and i said why wait", "should rock out with us and i said why wait", "you should rockk out with us and i said why wait", "you should rock on with us and i said why wait", "you should rock out with us and said why wait", "you should rock out with us and i said why wa it", "that you should rock out with us and i said why wait", "you should rock out with us and i said why waitve", "you should rock out with us and i said by wait", "you should rock out with us and i said why wae", "you should to rock out with us and i said why wait", "you should rock out with us and i said what wait", "you should rock out with us and i said why wate", "you should rack out with us and i said why wait", "you should the rock out with us and i said why wait", "you should rock out in with us and i said why wait", "you should rock out with us and i said why white", "you should rock out with us and and i said why wait", "you should rock out with us and i said why wait and", "you should rock out with us and i said why waalit" ]
[ -0.90048, -8.69223, -5.09188, -7.66721, -3.52076, -4.78795, -8.57951, -5.28624, -6.75315, -6.44322, -8.64526, -5.69097, -6.33561, -6.12648, -7.84536, -11.6508, -6.45527, -6.77327, -8.64644, -8.83394, -12.22902, -7.16591, -14.9546, -13.33831, -11.19405, -10.74869, -9.06058, -9.87217, -11.83172, -8.44222, -8.93289, -10.62671, -8.99517, -10.8109, -10.16945, -9.59159, -10.59968, -8.72319, -9.9083, -8.90234, -9.91634, -9.81173, -9.12634, -11.52328, -9.75868, -11.13377, -15.18955, -9.5323, -11.39657, -6.844 ]
[ -0.99839, -4.36109, -7.04587, -6.35527, -8.34667, -8.91256, -7.55086, -9.21561, -8.74776, -8.93688, -8.03276, -9.51168, -9.29937, -9.45279, -8.87391, -7.40627, -9.73519, -9.5997, -8.80114, -8.73567, -7.36055, -9.58166, -6.31639, -7.02182, -8.00551, -8.24518, -8.97982, -8.76425, -7.93668, -9.47531, -9.30435, -8.58662, -9.40689, -8.65655, -8.94031, -9.2184, -8.81185, -9.6236, -9.1692, -9.64623, -9.24492, -9.29896, -9.61949, -8.66365, -9.47474, -8.94656, -7.2452, -9.67897, -9.27667, -11.42012 ]
[ -0.96902, -5.66043, -6.45968, -6.74885, -6.8989, -7.67517, -7.85946, -8.0368, -8.14938, -8.18879, -8.21651, -8.36547, -8.41024, -8.45489, -8.56535, -8.67963, -8.75122, -8.75177, -8.75473, -8.76515, -8.82109, -8.85693, -8.90785, -8.91677, -8.96207, -8.99623, -9.00404, -9.09663, -9.10519, -9.16539, -9.19292, -9.19865, -9.28338, -9.30285, -9.30905, -9.33036, -9.3482, -9.35348, -9.39093, -9.42307, -9.44634, -9.4528, -9.47155, -9.52154, -9.55992, -9.60272, -9.62851, -9.63497, -9.91264, -10.04728 ]
and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked
[ "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i met the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey za thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey za thanks for rocking out but i met the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd been naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i met the kind of rocking out where we'd been naked", "and they said heyza thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey z thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said heyza thanks for rocking out but i met the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we be naked", "and they said hey z thanks for rocking out but i met the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i met the kind of rocking out where we be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i meant that kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said heyze thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hay ze thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hay ze thanks for rocking out but i met the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said heyze thanks for rocking out but i met the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey z a thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i mat the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i let the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey zy thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i met a kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "then they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said kyza thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we've been naked", "and they said hey z a thanks for rocking out but i met the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for a rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i meant the kinds of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i meant the rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i'd met the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i met that kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i met the kind of rocking out where we've been naked", "and they said hey zy thanks for rocking out but i met the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said kyza thanks for rocking out but i met the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i mean met the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i met the kinds of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where wed be naked", "and then they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "then they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i met the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i meant a kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i met the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i then meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey z say thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out when we'd be naked", "and they said haza thanks for rocking out but i meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i me meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for rocking out but i then met the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked", "and they said hey ze thanks for a rocking out but i met the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked" ]
[ -5.43152, -7.88897, -4.13635, -6.59379, -9.96224, -12.41968, -4.17772, -2.45706, -6.63517, -11.12868, -4.9145, -13.58613, -10.81408, -5.46809, -9.12317, -11.58062, -7.92553, -3.95889, -12.38517, -13.83918, -5.19394, -13.50015, -11.59299, -10.78333, -14.5765, -6.41633, -11.76814, -8.96256, -11.52592, -12.77455, -17.45465, -13.27153, -17.03394, -7.65138, -13.24077, -7.24008, -13.98336, -7.94039, -13.17684, -14.05043, -11.04271, -14.22559, -14.45156, -12.20095, -7.76696, -15.14772, -15.06293, -8.46868, -15.66862, -11.42001 ]
[ -3.3541, -2.76506, -8.75204, -8.15932, -6.72732, -6.11672, -9.85553, -10.99272, -9.25414, -7.46418, -10.38512, -6.95155, -8.7793, -11.15419, -9.62045, -8.98375, -10.58192, -12.51021, -9.17124, -8.55106, -12.27913, -8.78603, -9.66327, -10.03067, -8.4244, -11.94644, -9.65316, -10.97735, -9.88393, -9.37241, -7.41806, -9.25089, -7.67753, -11.71482, -9.32539, -11.90433, -9.08478, -11.67727, -9.45159, -9.10144, -10.4046, -9.04072, -8.94946, -9.92316, -11.83288, -8.71778, -8.77935, -11.64024, -8.56693, -10.49254 ]
[ -3.97733, -4.30223, -7.36734, -7.68966, -7.69779, -8.00761, -8.15219, -8.43202, -8.46845, -8.56353, -8.74393, -8.94192, -9.38974, -9.44836, -9.47127, -9.76281, -9.785, -9.94481, -10.13542, -10.1375, -10.15357, -10.20026, -10.24218, -10.25646, -10.27003, -10.28741, -10.28766, -10.37291, -10.37653, -10.39305, -10.42904, -10.45708, -10.48445, -10.49579, -10.50001, -10.50506, -10.55436, -10.55621, -10.56916, -10.58614, -10.59604, -10.59618, -10.60009, -10.6065, -10.61311, -10.64677, -10.66443, -10.68877, -10.69744, -10.77078 ]
and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fans so i said
[ "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said to", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fans so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fans so i said to", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of collaboration between me and the fan so i said", "and that was embarrassing but it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said you", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said do", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fand so i said", "and that was embarrasing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of collaboration between me and the fan so i said to", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said two", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said were", "and that was embarrassing but it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said to", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said it", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of collaboration between me and the fans so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and a fan so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said to you", "and that was embarrassing but you know its kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fand so i said to", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said for", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said to a", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said or", "and that was embarrassing but it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fans so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said too", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said what", "and that is embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said you were", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said to us", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said to it", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said who", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said was", "and that was embarrasing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said to", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fin so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me the fan so i said", "and it was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan and so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and fan so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fanz so i said", "and that was embarrassing you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fans so i said do", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaporation between me and the fan so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said to were", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fans so i said you", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said we", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said we were", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said where", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said a", "and that was ebarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fan so i said", "and that was embarrassing but you know it's kind of a collaboration between me in the fan so i said" ]
[ -2.41827, -3.31557, -5.25211, -6.14941, -5.30844, -8.71739, -6.28915, -6.34096, -5.89854, -2.0662, -6.20574, -6.77031, -3.74612, -9.61468, -7.69487, -8.14227, -9.52653, -9.50116, -7.53898, -6.79584, -8.48646, -8.57395, -8.07846, -11.55122, -9.15016, -7.93078, -10.03038, -7.62861, -10.90743, -8.87165, -9.30324, -8.26137, -2.9635, -8.44172, -7.42044, -10.22517, -9.45529, -7.92592, -8.73346, -9.67402, -9.17479, -9.66748, -4.64451, -9.12298, -7.87352, -9.77713, -8.21702, -7.59329, -4.68064, -7.3229 ]
[ -2.97804, -4.2151, -4.31809, -5.49119, -7.7461, -6.67049, -8.33488, -8.32037, -8.62136, -10.7025, -9.05511, -8.85213, -10.20987, -7.95535, -9.01788, -9.01981, -8.53747, -8.56333, -9.54421, -9.92701, -9.20516, -9.16833, -9.4461, -8.05293, -9.09607, -9.64716, -8.78511, -9.83955, -8.45894, -9.33694, -9.15228, -9.61901, -11.91268, -9.70813, -10.15539, -8.99325, -9.3859, -10.04525, -9.71305, -9.33506, -9.59583, -9.38699, -11.54625, -9.6917, -10.23374, -9.41875, -10.14907, -10.44535, -11.69952, -10.57494 ]
[ -2.81011, -3.94525, -4.5983, -5.68866, -7.0148, -7.28456, -7.72116, -7.72655, -7.80451, -8.11161, -8.2003, -8.22759, -8.27075, -8.45315, -8.62098, -8.75655, -8.83419, -8.84468, -8.94264, -8.98766, -8.98955, -8.99002, -9.03581, -9.10242, -9.1123, -9.13225, -9.15869, -9.17627, -9.19349, -9.19735, -9.19756, -9.21172, -9.22792, -9.32821, -9.33491, -9.36283, -9.40672, -9.40945, -9.41917, -9.43675, -9.46952, -9.47114, -9.47573, -9.52109, -9.52567, -9.52626, -9.56945, -9.58973, -9.59386, -9.59933 ]
you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so smooth
[ "you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentations of smooth", "what you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "what you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentations of smooth", "you're saying you're saying holy crab how is his presentation so smooth", "which you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation of smooth", "you're saying you're saying wholly crap how is his presentation so smooth", "you're saying you're saying holy crab how is his presentations of smooth", "which you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentations of smooth", "you're saying you're saying wholy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "you're saying you're saying a holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "we're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation's of smooth", "you're saying you're saying wholly crap how is his presentations of smooth", "you're saying you're saying poly crap how is his presentation so smooth", "if you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "you're saying you're saying huly crap how is his presentation so smooth", "they're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "would you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "you're saying you're saying wholy crap how is his presentations of smooth", "it you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "we're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentations of smooth", "you're saying you're saying holycrap how is his presentation so smooth", "but you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "youre saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "what you're saying you're saying holy crab how is his presentation so smooth", "you're saying you're saying holy crap how his presentations of smooth", "you're saying you're saying holy crapp how is his presentation so smooth", "you're saying you're saying a holy crap how is his presentations of smooth", "you're saying you're saying holly crap how is his presentation so smooth", "you're saying you're saying holy crap how is this presentation so smooth", "you're saying you're saying holy crap how has his presentations of smooth", "you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so of smooth", "you're saying you're saying holy crap how is these presentations of smooth", "you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation to smooth", "what you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation of smooth", "if you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentations of smooth", "what you're saying you're saying wholly crap how is his presentation so smooth", "with you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentations so smooth", "at you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "you're saying you're saying the holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "would you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentations of smooth", "what you're saying you're saying holy crab how is his presentations of smooth", "you're saying you're saying to holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "it you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentations of smooth", "you're saying you're saying hully crap how is his presentation so smooth", "that you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so smooth", "you're saying you're saying holy crap how is his presentation so smoooth" ]
[ -5.88556, -0.79254, -10.97641, -5.88339, -11.59677, -10.27163, -2.53682, -14.77962, -6.50375, -5.17861, -10.84358, -12.24699, -13.02206, -7.92533, -9.6866, -13.10247, -13.97356, -12.87001, -12.99249, -14.20454, -5.75056, -13.47688, -7.92904, -13.36377, -14.35413, -9.04725, -16.68763, -8.1465, -7.13734, -7.15397, -9.82159, -14.25684, -8.55718, -6.9387, -11.1213, -10.79337, -7.62767, -8.88054, -19.87047, -15.66113, -4.14208, -14.35778, -14.05232, -9.11152, -11.59461, -15.42022, -8.38386, -16.80605, -13.79282, -8.64863 ]
[ -2.86329, -6.54627, -4.15394, -7.59927, -5.50973, -6.24872, -9.94171, -5.01394, -9.00458, -9.81981, -7.58003, -7.04874, -6.79602, -9.2462, -8.5523, -7.42467, -7.06975, -7.7111, -7.96411, -7.44953, -11.09635, -7.836, -10.34059, -8.14035, -7.78618, -10.06387, -6.81665, -10.5028, -10.94622, -10.991, -9.90569, -8.03649, -10.52552, -11.32643, -9.54026, -9.82447, -11.19056, -10.75573, -6.33043, -8.2239, -13.16724, -8.78946, -8.93117, -11.06426, -10.03879, -8.4643, -11.4809, -7.99704, -9.3812, -11.67346 ]
[ -3.76997, -4.82015, -6.20068, -7.08451, -7.33584, -7.4556, -7.72024, -7.94365, -8.25433, -8.42745, -8.55909, -8.60822, -8.66383, -8.84994, -8.89259, -9.12801, -9.1409, -9.25877, -9.47263, -9.47604, -9.49261, -9.52827, -9.61712, -9.70737, -9.75657, -9.75888, -9.77794, -9.79591, -9.80356, -9.83989, -9.88046, -9.9026, -9.93502, -10.01011, -10.01457, -10.11514, -10.12169, -10.19317, -10.39244, -10.45507, -10.45969, -10.45995, -10.46751, -10.47844, -10.50554, -10.55107, -10.55179, -10.63974, -10.70469, -10.76601 ]
and i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess
[ "and i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess a", "and i have to say that it's not all me the year i guess", "i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say it's not all me this year i guess", "that i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess of", "then i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "but i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not all me year i guess", "it i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess up", "and i have to say that it's not all me these year i guess", "now i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not all of me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not all me this year guess", "and i have to say that it's not allme this year i guess", "and i have to say that its not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not old me this year i guess", "and i had to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "if i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that that it's not all me this year i guess", "as i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and then i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess the", "and i have to say that it's not all me this year iguess", "and i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess so", "and i have to say that it's not all mee this year i guess", "said i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not all me this year i gess", "and i have to say that it's not all me this year i i guess", "did i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess have", "and and i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not all me this year i guessed", "and i have to say that it's not all me with this year i guess", "and i have to see that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it a s not all me this year i guess", "at i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not all me that this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not all my this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not all me this year i gues's", "so i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not all me this year i guessa", "and that i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess", "and i have to say that it's not all me this year i guess you" ]
[ -0.35772, -3.24858, -3.91339, -4.376, -2.83208, -4.86374, -6.46381, -6.44578, -6.94009, -3.2175, -7.79105, -7.27548, -7.55146, -8.17473, -8.96002, -7.06338, -13.18282, -6.34707, -7.33399, -10.67545, -8.75083, -9.22261, -8.64148, -9.81327, -8.38828, -7.50709, -11.00365, -8.40792, -8.5783, -8.63201, -8.16687, -7.51857, -9.21804, -8.17079, -7.52552, -7.84777, -9.39064, -8.45884, -7.60591, -11.13025, -10.26234, -15.77718, -10.15106, -8.90365, -12.23487, -7.6818, -10.10615, -8.48921, -8.72247, -10.75048 ]
[ -1.37943, -6.06916, -5.98449, -6.15598, -7.34101, -7.29364, -7.86734, -7.9867, -7.80079, -9.90571, -8.13134, -8.46247, -8.76869, -8.5179, -8.43924, -9.28445, -6.66981, -9.61733, -9.20737, -7.8094, -8.72268, -8.58715, -8.97825, -8.50579, -9.12186, -9.52611, -8.14331, -9.26594, -9.20311, -9.18244, -9.38574, -9.6859, -9.01304, -9.47562, -9.77574, -9.66067, -9.08391, -9.5079, -9.88856, -8.39431, -8.79979, -6.45279, -8.87126, -9.42734, -8.03606, -10.05156, -9.02676, -9.73657, -9.67203, -8.80867 ]
[ -1.07292, -5.22298, -5.36316, -5.62199, -5.98833, -6.56467, -7.44628, -7.52442, -7.54258, -7.89925, -8.02926, -8.10637, -8.40352, -8.41495, -8.59547, -8.61813, -8.62371, -8.63625, -8.64535, -8.66922, -8.73113, -8.77779, -8.87722, -8.89804, -8.90179, -8.92041, -9.00141, -9.00854, -9.01567, -9.01731, -9.02008, -9.03571, -9.07454, -9.08417, -9.10067, -9.1168, -9.17593, -9.19318, -9.20377, -9.21509, -9.23856, -9.25011, -9.2552, -9.27023, -9.2957, -9.34063, -9.35058, -9.36236, -9.38716, -9.39122 ]
chris has to take some credit here because in years past i guess there's been some sort of subpar speakers at
[ "chris has to take some credit here because in years past i guess there's been some sort of subpar speakers at", "chris has to take some credit here because in years past i guess there's been some sort of subpar speakers at ted", "chris as to take some credit here because in years past i guess there's been some sort of subpar speakers at", "chris has to take some credit here because in years passed i guess there's been some sort of subpar speakers at", "chris has to take some credit here because in years past i guess there's been some sort of subpar speakers of", "chris has to take some credit here because in years past i guess there has been some sort of subpar speakers at", "chris has to take some credit here because in years past i guess there's been some sort of subpart speakers at", "chris has to take some credit here because in years past i guess there's been some sort of subpar speakers at to", "chris has to take some credit here because in years pass i guess there's been some 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[ -3.10235, -6.47309, -7.3745, -5.11222, -6.07009, -8.94443, -9.31994, -6.72092, -2.67552, -8.15089, -4.7428, -8.43748, -9.94846, -9.41214, -10.74524, -8.48296, -7.38628, -7.94603, -9.44083, -9.76911, -9.38437, -8.08057, -12.10014, -12.69861, -4.74376, -6.12018, -10.58475, -8.22964, -5.64938, -12.054, -12.0832, -9.94689, -5.75204, -12.07859, -12.31518, -6.43839, -8.95084, -5.96559, -13.14745, -5.69657, -12.69069, -8.47489, -10.73544, -9.93975, -9.84271, -9.68865, -11.33532, -6.04626, -11.84744, -18.38806 ]
[ -2.90424, -4.95083, -5.71209, -6.7553, -7.16221, -6.56161, -6.60639, -7.8838, -9.65496, -7.76263, -9.23781, -8.3683, -7.79865, -8.06904, -7.71678, -8.85285, -9.44803, -9.24101, -8.66996, -8.62465, -9.086, -9.75397, -8.16162, -7.93858, -11.3834, -10.93474, -9.08606, -10.13497, -11.28802, -8.59468, -8.60226, -9.54587, -11.37081, -8.68709, -8.63753, -11.18264, -10.13787, -11.43665, -8.44977, -11.65154, -8.65983, -10.48815, -9.5461, -9.88732, -9.98261, -10.05096, -9.35261, -11.74721, -9.29072, -6.49685 ]
[ -2.96367, -5.40751, -6.21081, -6.26238, -6.83457, -7.27646, -7.42045, -7.53493, -7.56112, -7.87911, -7.8893, -8.38905, -8.44359, -8.47197, -8.62532, -8.74188, -8.8295, -8.85252, -8.90123, -8.96799, -9.17551, -9.25195, -9.34318, -9.36659, -9.39151, -9.49037, -9.53566, -9.56337, -9.59643, -9.63247, -9.64654, -9.66617, -9.68518, -9.70455, -9.74082, -9.75937, -9.78176, -9.79534, -9.85907, -9.86505, -9.86909, -9.88418, -9.9029, -9.90305, -9.94064, -9.94227, -9.94742, -10.03692, -10.05774, -10.06421 ]
which really allowed us
[ "which really allowed us", "would really allowed us", "which really allowed us us", "which really allow us", "which is really allowed us", "which really allowed uss", "which really allows us", "which really allowed us to", "which really it allowed us", "which really allow it us", "which really really allowed us", "which really allowed us and", "which really to allowed us", "we really allowed us", "which really allowed to us", "which really an allowed us", "which will really allowed us", "which really allow to us", "which really allowed uses", "which really allowed of us", "which really allowed us so", "which really is allowed us", "which reallyowed us", "which really will allowed us", "which really allowed us this", "which really have allowed us", "which really allowed us that", "which really well allowed us", "in which really allowed us", "which really are allowed us", "what really allowed us", "which are really allowed us", "which really allowed us in", "much really allowed us", "which really allowed us as", "was really allowed us", "which reallyate allowed us", "which reallyt allowed us", "which really allowe us", "which really allow at us", "which really allowed us of", "which really allowuned us", "which reallyes allowed us", "which really allowed us for", "that really allowed us", "which really allowed us or", "could really allowed us", " which really allowed us", "but really allowed us", "which really allowed" ]
[ -0.18226, -6.31728, -2.1321, -3.84844, -9.21948, -8.72262, -10.42354, -11.43364, -8.9934, -11.27392, -8.82073, -9.77947, -9.31022, -10.77001, -10.0092, -9.8386, -10.42033, -13.39516, -10.65645, -10.50006, -11.12549, -9.70632, -10.35819, -11.81856, -11.31343, -10.99044, -11.19934, -11.7913, -10.84989, -10.43352, -11.67555, -10.90743, -11.24248, -13.48323, -11.93005, -12.28659, -10.35647, -9.2708, -11.57316, -11.621, -12.07404, -10.19569, -11.39749, -12.82667, -12.02766, -12.64056, -13.61098, -11.89103, -12.94687, -15.84946 ]
[ -0.38522, -6.07296, -8.2644, -7.83571, -7.94375, -8.16433, -7.52626, -7.40212, -8.59461, -7.72498, -9.05228, -8.70961, -9.03476, -8.41164, -8.74018, -8.86206, -8.6481, -7.42471, -8.64299, -8.78845, -8.53088, -9.15087, -9.00681, -8.41777, -8.66285, -8.83541, -8.83212, -8.58038, -9.00942, -9.18827, -8.66918, -9.07051, -8.952, -7.9997, -8.66725, -8.57669, -9.43935, -9.96428, -8.99365, -8.97429, -8.79288, -9.64605, -9.14962, -8.54196, -8.89777, -8.68144, -8.27415, -9.06268, -8.61531, -7.5128 ]
[ -0.32433, -6.14626, -6.42471, -6.63953, -8.32647, -8.33182, -8.39544, -8.61157, -8.71425, -8.78966, -8.98282, -9.03056, -9.1174, -9.11915, -9.12089, -9.15502, -9.17977, -9.21584, -9.24703, -9.30193, -9.30927, -9.31751, -9.41222, -9.43801, -9.45802, -9.48192, -9.54228, -9.54366, -9.56156, -9.56185, -9.57109, -9.62159, -9.63915, -9.64476, -9.64609, -9.68966, -9.71449, -9.75624, -9.7675, -9.76831, -9.77723, -9.81094, -9.82398, -9.82737, -9.83674, -9.86918, -9.8752, -9.91119, -9.91478, -10.0138 ]
as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i've got to say that
[ "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i've got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at homes so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i gotta say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice it home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get them in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get their in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and ive got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we will be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at homes so that we would be ready for this experience and i've got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practices at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i'd got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say", "as speakers to get there in the torenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice it home so that we would be ready for this experience and i've got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we will be ready for this experience and i've got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the chrenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice it homes so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get them in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i've got to say that", "as speakers to get their in the trenches and practice at home so 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to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice that home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the frenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there and the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i' got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we could be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be a ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practices at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i've got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i've got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the drenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say that", "as speakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i to say that", "as spakers to get there in the trenches and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience and i got to say 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[ -1.50982, -4.30416, -2.46447, -9.12674, -6.41123, -6.5111, -6.83635, -5.64215, -1.51071, -7.54255, -5.25881, -6.10085, -10.38025, -3.56073, -7.00572, -7.84379, -9.20557, -10.33689, -7.24479, -7.28064, -7.36588, -9.30544, -9.63069, -8.2046, -9.38605, -8.31067, -7.69864, -8.43649, -7.68865, -10.2141, -9.40246, -8.53332, -9.28517, -6.24223, -6.10698, -4.29889, -5.61699, -10.15465, -9.19827, -6.35679, -8.89519, -6.35507, -9.05603, -11.99646, -6.95874, -9.58707, -9.80006, -10.65068, -9.18814, -6.08474 ]
[ -3.50745, -4.3706, -8.36608, -6.26401, -8.12031, -8.2364, -8.09879, -8.68604, -10.54854, -8.0297, -9.21054, -9.75922, -8.00679, -10.92945, -9.71227, -9.45423, -8.97086, -8.56101, -9.89537, -9.90114, -9.87093, -9.0731, -8.95499, -9.64261, -9.22361, -9.75952, -10.10229, -9.88717, -10.31856, -9.27671, -9.93727, -10.37379, -10.05547, -11.47006, -11.55182, -12.33214, -11.85139, -10.00433, -10.41784, -11.66493, -10.62002, -11.78787, -10.68374, -9.42959, -11.60163, -10.56392, -10.48302, -10.12181, -10.87738, -12.20965 ]
[ -2.90816, -4.35067, -6.5956, -7.12283, -7.60759, -7.71881, -7.72006, -7.77288, -7.83719, -7.88355, -8.02502, -8.66171, -8.71883, -8.71884, -8.90031, -8.9711, -9.04128, -9.09378, -9.1002, -9.11499, -9.11942, -9.1428, -9.1577, -9.21121, -9.27234, -9.32486, -9.3812, -9.45197, -9.52959, -9.55793, -9.77683, -9.82165, -9.82438, -9.90171, -9.91837, -9.92217, -9.98107, -10.04942, -10.05197, -10.07249, -10.10257, -10.15803, -10.19543, -10.19965, -10.20876, -10.27086, -10.27813, -10.28047, -10.37061, -10.37218 ]
you know it's really really great to be here
[ "you know it's really really great to be here", "you know it's really really great to be", "you know it's really great to be here", "you know it's really really great to be there", "you know it's really really great be here", "know it's really really great to be here", "you know its really really great to be here", "you know it's really really to be here", "you you know it's really really great to be here", "you know it's a really really great to be here", "you know that's really really great to be here", "you know's really really great to be here", "you know it's really really great do be here", "you know it's really really good to be here", "you know it's really really great to be in", "do you know it's really really great to be here", "you know it it's really really great to be here", "you no it's really really great to be here", "you know it's really really great to be a", "you know it's really really a great to be here", "you know it's really really great to be it", "you know it's really very great to be here", "and you know it's really really great to be here", "you knows it's really really great to be here", "you know it's really really great to be for", "you know it's really really great to be here here", "you know it's not really really great to be here", "you know it's really really great to be year", "it's really really great to be here", "you now it's really really great to be here", "you know it's really really great two be here", "you know and it's really really great to be here", "you know it's really really great i be here", "you know it's really really great to be where", "you know it's really really great to b here", "you know if it's really really great to be here", "you know it's really really great to be here in", "you know it's really really great to be her", "you know it's really really really great to be here", "you know it's is really really great to be here", "you know there's really really great to be here", "you know it's really really greater to be here", "to you know it's really really great to be here", "you know it's really really great to be here there", "you known it's really really great to be here", "right you know it's really really great to be here", "you know it's really really great to be here it", "you know it's really really great to be here for", "you know it's really really great to the be here", "the you know it's really really great to be here" ]
[ -0.07249, -5.29495, -7.35583, -8.32778, -4.95771, -7.45556, -5.95917, -8.08892, -4.94105, -10.83469, -8.54403, -6.8409, -8.30073, -13.63282, -11.26141, -8.78089, -8.21765, -9.65538, -10.28451, -11.25474, -9.66181, -15.26362, -8.87182, -8.27872, -11.18837, -9.30492, -11.04795, -12.24424, -11.74393, -10.78882, -9.90327, -9.05992, -9.99762, -12.26528, -11.14382, -10.50471, -10.53873, -11.43626, -10.65325, -11.35378, -12.71372, -11.19458, -9.54845, -11.05582, -9.77834, -10.81869, -9.49093, -10.59638, -10.12062, -9.47028 ]
[ -0.87347, -4.41373, -5.78227, -6.98104, -8.49983, -8.07143, -8.73336, -8.12471, -9.47848, -7.03555, -8.04219, -8.84071, -8.32057, -6.39256, -7.50375, -8.59325, -8.88203, -8.32186, -8.12498, -7.76375, -8.68715, -6.41755, -9.18657, -9.51211, -8.34618, -9.16786, -8.42713, -7.91756, -8.16879, -8.60927, -9.10488, -9.47252, -9.11365, -8.2313, -8.85169, -9.14025, -9.16899, -8.79943, -9.15616, -8.85969, -8.3469, -9.00548, -9.75319, -9.12518, -9.67779, -9.24017, -9.8184, -9.37292, -9.58869, -9.88014 ]
[ -0.63317, -4.67809, -6.25434, -7.38506, -7.43719, -7.88666, -7.9011, -8.11397, -8.11725, -8.17529, -8.19274, -8.24076, -8.31462, -8.56464, -8.63105, -8.64954, -8.68271, -8.72191, -8.77284, -8.81104, -8.97955, -9.07137, -9.09214, -9.1421, -9.19884, -9.20898, -9.21338, -9.21556, -9.24133, -9.26314, -9.3444, -9.34874, -9.37884, -9.44149, -9.53933, -9.54959, -9.57991, -9.59048, -9.60528, -9.60792, -9.65695, -9.66221, -9.69177, -9.70437, -9.70796, -9.71373, -9.72016, -9.73996, -9.74827, -9.75718 ]
not just the good stuff
[ "not just the good stuff", "not just the good stuff the", "not just the good stuff that", "not just the gets stuff", "not just the goods stuff", "not just the good stuff there", "not just the good stuff of", "not just the good stuff they", "not just the good stuffed", "not just the good stuff to", "not just the good stuffe", "and not just the good stuff", "not just a good stuff", "not the good stuff", "not just the good stuff it", "not just the good stuff those", "not just the good's stuff", "not just the good stuff now", "not just the good stuff and", "not just the good stuff other", "but not just the good stuff", "not just the good stuff you", "not just the good stuff their", "not just the good stuff but", "not just the good stuff is", "not just the good stuff them", "not just the good stuffy", "not just the good stuff with", "it not just the good stuff", "not just the good stuff about", "not just the good stuff no", "not just the good stuff do", "not just good stuff", "not just the good stuff this", "not just the good stuff then", "not not just the good stuff", "not just the good stuff in", "not just the good stuff know", "not just the good stuff another", "not just the good stuff are", "not just for good stuff", "not just the good stuff so", "not just the good the stuff", "not just the good stuff than", "not just the great stuff", "not just the give stuff", "not just the good stuff we", "not just the good stuff well", "not just that good stuff", "not justs the good stuff" ]
[ -0.62882, -3.58014, -5.56149, -7.27125, -1.15738, -4.61429, -4.28543, -6.31614, -6.64408, -7.15297, -6.69928, -7.77749, -9.62909, -8.48013, -7.67676, -7.52977, -6.487, -9.17082, -8.64371, -7.79246, -9.37235, -9.12884, -8.30802, -9.95709, -8.79414, -8.46351, -8.9816, -9.48425, -9.12901, -8.08874, -8.5256, -9.12053, -9.44142, -9.43599, -9.80888, -9.25801, -9.17907, -9.35746, -9.45956, -9.7733, -10.68742, -10.29036, -10.35788, -9.25649, -12.22466, -13.27555, -10.46791, -10.63921, -10.07314, -10.12654 ]
[ -0.39858, -4.81949, -5.33977, -5.11404, -8.53224, -7.46882, -8.34748, -7.77128, -7.89489, -8.22488, -8.51429, -8.05494, -7.46969, -8.01009, -8.47137, -8.60668, -9.13545, -8.34474, -8.59375, -8.96531, -8.29321, -8.40148, -8.77615, -8.07425, -8.57597, -8.73611, -8.5198, -8.32724, -8.51776, -8.97394, -8.84288, -8.59446, -8.63195, -8.72028, -8.5863, -8.85101, -8.95054, -8.88256, -8.99947, -8.87187, -8.51717, -8.73301, -8.70847, -9.19891, -7.9368, -7.49662, -8.77475, -8.70698, -8.9701, -9.01744 ]
[ -0.46765, -4.44769, -5.40628, -5.7612, -6.31978, -6.61246, -7.12886, -7.33474, -7.51965, -7.90331, -7.96979, -7.9717, -8.11751, -8.1511, -8.23299, -8.28361, -8.34091, -8.59257, -8.60874, -8.61345, -8.61695, -8.61968, -8.63571, -8.6391, -8.64142, -8.65433, -8.65834, -8.67435, -8.70113, -8.70838, -8.7477, -8.75228, -8.87479, -8.93499, -8.95308, -8.97311, -9.0191, -9.02503, -9.1375, -9.1423, -9.16824, -9.20022, -9.20329, -9.21619, -9.22316, -9.2303, -9.28269, -9.28665, -9.30101, -9.35017 ]
you can do heckler mode hey moron get off the stage
[ "you can do heckler mode hey moron you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode right you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey mouray you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron ok you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey mory you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron you get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron say you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron do you get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron go you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey mori this you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron because you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moray you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moray this you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moray ok you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron this you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey mo riy you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey mori ok you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moray you get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey more ride you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron hey you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron you know you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moaray you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey mouray you get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey mo auray you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron go all you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moaray you get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moray hey you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron you'll get off a stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron get off a stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moore ok you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey mouray you can get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron go all this you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron dead you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey mouray you'll get off a stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron okay you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron ok you'll get off a stage", "you can do heckler mode hey mo al ride you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey mory you'll get off a stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron thank you get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron you get off a stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron do you get off a stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron you'll got off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron say you'll get off a stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron you'll go off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron go you'll get off a stage", "you can do heckler mode hey mori this you'll get off a stage", "you can do heckler mode hey moron ok all you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey mori laughter you'll get off the stage", "you can do heckler mode hey mo alright you'll get off the stage" ]
[ -20.8061, -14.0001, -32.30488, -22.08661, -27.81059, -17.68928, -25.07323, -26.00262, -29.27692, -24.76139, -16.97657, -25.74267, -16.84944, -19.02449, -23.89068, -22.96658, -16.20657, -21.75756, -21.11657, -23.63174, -28.59466, -27.97957, -22.16146, -26.35373, -26.07659, -27.49794, -26.42858, -24.6883, -23.89259, -35.39136, -28.12819, -31.89852, -29.66457, -33.68321, -25.1731, -34.81432, -30.89708, -30.59689, -20.77577, -33.00403, -28.15972, -32.3634, -24.67218, -29.0891, -29.30162, -27.84788, -20.06306, -30.64962, -36.52689, -33.13994 ]
[ -7.01736, -10.13073, -2.67449, -7.4894, -5.41842, -9.8091, -6.85707, -6.57433, -5.19031, -7.27923, -10.65045, -7.5966, -11.48319, -10.67035, -8.58916, -9.08757, -11.98622, -9.66507, -9.94134, -8.8719, -7.68664, -8.14179, -10.89579, -9.35448, -9.50302, -8.894, -9.87497, -10.85927, -11.26513, -6.45945, -9.63759, -8.39357, -9.42503, -7.84064, -11.77849, -7.86728, -9.5923, -9.7885, -14.0572, -8.84074, -10.93328, -9.28564, -12.77986, -10.93528, -10.8985, -11.60952, -14.99719, -10.54735, -8.05319, -9.52212 ]
[ -11.15398, -11.29154, -11.56361, -11.86856, -12.13607, -12.17315, -12.32192, -12.40281, -12.41629, -12.52388, -12.54828, -13.04042, -13.09306, -13.17659, -13.17961, -13.25128, -13.25232, -13.29282, -13.29391, -13.29985, -13.95905, -14.09312, -14.27549, -14.45426, -14.47509, -14.47518, -14.84105, -15.00798, -15.05337, -15.13902, -15.18477, -15.44506, -15.49689, -15.59341, -15.79687, -15.95139, -15.98373, -16.03102, -16.07277, -16.08973, -16.10121, -16.20896, -16.34756, -16.38143, -16.41943, -16.48103, -16.51695, -16.57803, -16.5953, -16.60747 ]
case you run over time
[ "case you run over time", "case you run over time time", "the case you run over time", "case you run over", "case you run over timeme", "a case you run over time", "case you run over times", "case that you run over time", "of case you run over time", "case do you run over time", "in case you run over time", "case are you run over time", "caase you run over time", "case he run over time", "casey you run over time", "case so you run over time", "case who you run over time", "caste you run over time", "case you runt over time", "all case you run over time", "case you run over the time", " case you run over time", "case yourun over time", "case to you run over time", "case you rune over time", "case you run overs time", "it case you run over time", "case of you run over time", "case you run over to time", "case i run over time", "case you can run over time", "case youul run over time", "case you run over timeime", "case and you run over time", "case you ren over time", "case you would run over time", "case you runn over time", "case us you run over time", "any case you run over time", "case you run over time", "case you run over time high", "d case you run over time", "casees you run over time", "caace you run over time", "case if you run over time", "r case you run over time", "case you run over time science", "case you run over time to", "case you run overtime", "case you run over timei" ]
[ -0.16361, -5.58673, -4.2498, -6.27335, -3.84404, -4.31936, -8.87537, -9.17974, -6.82633, -9.25015, -6.52252, -10.11514, -6.75641, -11.59461, -9.53686, -9.7935, -9.85913, -8.56442, -7.24523, -7.14002, -10.01582, -7.83878, -13.56504, -9.97385, -12.41292, -8.35609, -8.76909, -10.36505, -10.66179, -11.75217, -9.38022, -12.62668, -11.08372, -10.74638, -13.10698, -9.94956, -9.77531, -10.89528, -8.15282, -8.8087, -11.99171, -8.67461, -10.06471, -9.86529, -11.75297, -8.87245, -11.71356, -11.34561, -18.48464, -7.13641 ]
[ -0.54739, -6.67056, -7.70223, -6.89453, -8.79833, -8.64861, -7.13717, -7.20757, -8.28243, -7.32956, -8.95565, -7.68768, -9.20412, -7.13997, -8.02496, -8.17086, -8.19994, -8.75935, -9.42875, -9.68864, -8.45755, -9.46972, -7.05367, -8.65181, -7.66307, -9.42598, -9.2532, -8.65796, -8.53536, -8.08816, -9.13867, -7.78154, -8.47209, -8.66888, -7.68379, -9.05294, -9.14549, -8.67611, -9.87996, -9.62817, -8.28822, -9.71886, -9.16234, -9.26605, -8.55767, -9.81091, -8.6502, -8.98616, -6.85275, -12.49721 ]
[ -0.43226, -6.34541, -6.6665, -6.70818, -7.31204, -7.34983, -7.65863, -7.79922, -7.8456, -7.90574, -8.22571, -8.41591, -8.46981, -8.47636, -8.47853, -8.65765, -8.69769, -8.70087, -8.77369, -8.92406, -8.92503, -8.98044, -9.00708, -9.04842, -9.08802, -9.10501, -9.10797, -9.17008, -9.17329, -9.18736, -9.21114, -9.23508, -9.25558, -9.29213, -9.31074, -9.32193, -9.33443, -9.34186, -9.36182, -9.38233, -9.39926, -9.40558, -9.43305, -9.44582, -9.51626, -9.52937, -9.5692, -9.694, -10.34232, -10.88897 ]
just one last thing i'd like to say i'd really
[ "just one last thing i'd like to say i'd really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i really", "just one last thing i'd like to say id really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i had really", "just one last thing i'd like to say had really", "just one last thing i'd like to say it really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i ad really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i' really", "just one last thing i'd like to say and really", "just one last thing i'd like to say really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i was really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i'm really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i it really", "just one last thing i'd like to say at really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i've really", "just one last thing i'd liked to say i'd really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i is really", "just one last thing i'd like to sayd really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i actually", "just one last thing i'd like to say i would really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i have really", "just one last thing i'd like to say a really", "just one last thing i'd like to say out really", "just one last thing i'd like to say that really", "just one last thing i'd liked to say i really", "just one last thing i'd like to say ied really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i'd", "just one last thing i'd like to say i'", "just one last thing i'd like to say i not really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i are really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i'll really", "just one last thing i'd like to say in really", "just one last thing i'd like to say", "just one last thing i'd like to say i got really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i'd actually", "just one last thing i'd like to say it'd really", "just one last thing i'd like to say have really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i what really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i're really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i'd not really", " just one last thing i'd like to say i'd really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i' was really", "a just one last thing i'd like to say i'd really", "it just one last thing i'd like to say i'd really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i'd really good", "just one last thing i'd like to say i just", "just one last thing that i'd like to say i'd really", "just one last thing i'd like to say i'd really do", "just one last thing i'd like to say i'd really that", "just one last thing i'd like to say i' it really" ]
[ -4.25334, -1.40631, -0.5613, -5.98317, -5.94996, -6.758, -6.229, -3.52745, -8.47509, -6.20105, -8.91173, -9.70492, -6.37695, -7.91383, -10.13259, -7.23293, -9.33301, -5.32114, -11.46658, -9.87398, -10.2736, -8.64408, -9.81838, -10.38094, -4.3859, -10.14835, -9.12337, -8.40945, -10.79229, -10.59072, -11.79307, -10.34028, -11.08398, -11.3533, -14.30265, -9.53536, -10.9872, -11.41026, -11.28774, -14.53574, -11.7921, -12.60077, -14.08986, -13.59684, -13.1608, -15.61278, -15.58516, -14.13476, -12.81825, -12.3804 ]
[ -1.00413, -3.44384, -7.66721, -7.31955, -7.42757, -7.1965, -7.83536, -9.29022, -7.31104, -8.31984, -7.25127, -6.93944, -8.89893, -8.31648, -7.44106, -8.8529, -7.96016, -9.69188, -7.20381, -7.89631, -7.73393, -8.69258, -8.26568, -8.06041, -10.7964, -8.44326, -8.98923, -9.40737, -8.55105, -8.67638, -8.30761, -9.03072, -8.71649, -8.72301, -7.49251, -9.54168, -8.94849, -8.83738, -9.16552, -7.93869, -9.43658, -9.15876, -8.66066, -8.89465, -9.09284, -8.06334, -8.09395, -8.77347, -9.4285, -9.64304 ]
[ -1.97889, -2.83258, -5.53543, -6.91864, -6.98428, -7.06495, -7.35345, -7.56139, -7.66026, -7.6842, -7.74941, -7.76908, -8.14234, -8.19568, -8.24852, -8.36691, -8.37201, -8.38066, -8.48264, -8.48961, -8.49583, -8.67803, -8.73149, -8.75657, -8.87325, -8.95479, -9.02947, -9.10799, -9.22342, -9.25068, -9.35325, -9.42359, -9.42674, -9.5121, -9.53555, -9.53978, -9.56011, -9.60924, -9.80218, -9.9178, -10.14324, -10.19136, -10.28942, -10.30531, -10.31323, -10.32818, -10.34131, -10.38186, -10.44542, -10.46425 ]