If Nationalism is to grow from its own ashes and succeed it must grow stronger from its past failures, by learning new paradigm shifting lessons from those failures. It must then break forcefully from its old image.
Thus a wiser Nationalism will be leaving behind the failure of the past, and the isolation this has engendered. A new nationalism will be born among the rubble that will be able to directly approach the man and woman on the street at a person to person level.
Real Strength is NOT in mantras, memes or other mamba but in MEN made of living FLESH, who act in accordance with common ends.
This one truth taken as a dictum, an over arching order would of and in itself make a world of difference to the fate of the nationalism movement among the Anglo Peoples.
Now the Iron:
Up to this point, Modern Anglo Nationalism, has been in all honesty and with few notable exceptions largely an elitist dress up club.
A failure through and through. This is just factual reality. Since Mosley it has stagnated.
Rather than act its correct part as an organized mass movement functionally based upon the day to day lives of the people, it has isolated itself into a cult like atmosphere that degrades the dignity of the commons and exalts the cult above all else.
Rather than nominally defending the normative customs of the white western peoples, it has been at odds with them as well as the current ruling caste, but has served no concrete purpose except as a model of what is not to be repeated. (We know as to our shame we were part of the very 'larpers' we correct today. )
It has projected by and large an image of anger and hatred and not one of Care and Love. The anger has a solid factual basis in truth but the mindless aggression behind much of the delivery turns many otherwise interested people away.
This works long term to ensure that they cling to the very system which nationalist's rightly see as their long term mutual enemy.
Right or wrong this image has soured the milk between them and the normal person.
This has resulted in a dual rejection of the People by the Nationalists and the Nationalist by the People which has resulted in a sterile, meaningless Nationalism by and large - the exceptions hammer home the rule - AND has allowed for our People to be the play things of the Plutocratic Oligarchic Elite who rule the Western Nations with a Golden Chain.
This status quo is not acceptable as it has allowed both the Nation and the Nationalists to stagnate in the mire having at each other to the advantage of the PC Elite, the traitor outer party and their diverse hordes of muscle. The Nation left to the party system fraud and nationalism existing in an insular realm among a certain subculture, around the fringes of the 'Right Party' but not part of the party, powerless to shape events for the National Good.
Both at the mercy of the media, and more or less neutered to the ends of the system as it exists, not united to create the system that ought to exist. Yes the rot has run deep so the iron must strike hard. Oh but this is just the beginning of enlightenment.
Accept this as truth: There is a great divide between Nationalists and The Nation, for many reasons, tragically this is a truth. This has lead Nationalists in the main to a rejection of the actual nation of living people whose living being is the body inside which nationalism flourishes. Instead there is a tendency to idolize the non-existent, while judging the actual on the basis of the counter-factual. This allows the system to sell a false ideal of nationalism to the masses and ensures mutual alienation by the people and their true leaders, brothers and kinsmen.
This is the next to final act in the tragedy-comedy which is current elitist nationalism come to devour itself fully from the tail. Being part of the liberal system it must share in the common fate of whole rotten edifice.
All this is surely paved with good intentions, but not grounded in a proper understanding of common people's day to day lives, nor does it application show any understanding of their needs, wants or concerns. This due to the alienating effect of the cult like atmosphere which on line nationalism breeds among its votives with few exceptions.
These well meaning folk then replace the living warm embrace of the nation by embracing cold dead fetishized symbols and other far-fetched beliefs such that names are become magical talismans which bring enemies low. It is the desperate attempt of the disenfranchised to garner power in a last ditch attempt to shape events to their advantage. They reject numbers as a basis for strength and thus are left with little but will and hope, alas this is not a Disney movie.
They are tragic in that they have true and useful insights into the truth but no means to effect them. Sadly, blindly they are leading the blind to mutual doom. No more foolishness.
This state of affairs invites destruction for all without regard.
The actual people are being replaced, meanwhile as all this goes on apace. They are being thumbed down and pushed out, their ways being degraded before the onslaught of modernity, right before the eyes of all and sundry. Tragedy.
The lack of effective opposition to our displacement, invites destruction upon us all to a common doom. The lack of organized concerted leadership is deadly because it persuades people, who have some insights but no clear understanding of how to apply them, to act foolishly with what little time we have left.
Time we don't have on the Clock.
They, with the best of intentions are burning what time we have left on the Western Candle, upon futile and worthless gestures that do nothing to organize our people for our own stark cold best interests.
Better than Nothing.
Commanding the tides to stop would surely be a more productive use of time. At least that would get them out into the world of manifest activity.
Taken as a whole this dress up 'movement', so called, has been an utter failure, thus any newly styled, people principled mass movement incarnation of Nationalism, cannot be any less successful.
The insular isolated elitist nationalist movement has been a failure, because it has no emotional appeal, to the masses of the nation, while also having no means to give them HOPE for better days ahead. The elitist club emphasizes events in history and other arcana that have no day to day impact on actual people's lives. These do not motivate the masses of the people.
Thus actual people have no incentive to attached to them. Since nothing the elitist club nationalism proposes seemingly has any connection to their lives, they see no reason to connect to the club - and this then reinforces itself; time and time again.
That is its core and singular reason for failure. Give Nothing; Get Nothing. Disdain for the People results in normal people rejecting them.
Simple really, and so easily fixed.
Time for Nationalism to come on down off the mountain to the People.
That would be the solution that presents itself to my mind. Leave the nets. And promote a narrative that attracts good working middle class folks who will build success upon success, and strength upon strength.
The Substance is that:
People ARE finally coming to the ideals which True nationalism represents. PC has finally threaten their homes, and they are resisting. The majority is threatened at a basic level, they have woken to find they are surrounded in their homes and have lagered up the wagons.
That is the objective reality of the 'populist' uprising among the people which will grow into full blown ethnic-nationalism if it is nurtured and fed by good and noble wardens.
No cheers or pats among the 'movement' please, since this has nothing to do with the 'movement'. It is simply the nature of PC playing out, the logic of Mass Immigration, job loss, and other factors, which are causing the nationalist uprising amongst common people. And which is forcing identity and the reality of race to the fore of the public mass mind.
Return to Sender.
But be that as it may: The following conclusion cannot be denied--
The horrible skinhead neo NAZI image of nationalism, has functioned to allow the media for a very long time to steer common people away from white identity politics.
It has acted as a system created and system promoted bogey man, wherein people have based their version of nationalism upon hatred of outsiders rather than love of insiders.
Most normal, working and middle class family oriented people, that is most people, have no interest in being associated with the image which the movement has allowed, nay assisted, the media in creating of itself. The neo NAZI skinhead image OR a sheet wearing fool, take your pick either is an image sure to cause failure. (If you associate with those that embrace this image; you embrace this image. )
Thus any 'movement' so called that embraces any of this symbolism of failure is an impediment. The stark cold truth is that it would be better if folks could start from nothing rather than build upon the unsound footings that the foolish, persons who act out this image, have created.
These persons who help to build and maintain this false image of Nationalism are the exact persons who have the least knowledge, about the principles upon which nationalism in real life was based in those times and places it has been embraced. They are isolated from truth in all ways even historically by their movement bubble.
The concepts and fixations pushed by most of the net-nationalism people, have as much relation to real nationalism as a cargo cult has to real religion.
This 'image'; this edifice, must be burnt to the ground and razed. It must be reduced to ash and char: Let it be the bed from which new things grow.
The obvious deduction which comes to our mind is that a better more viable, community, and family based form of nationalism must arise from the ash of the old image as the new face of nationalism. It must arise with a purpose and a will to work towards concrete doable goals that aggregate into the construction of the inner and outer world anew.
Nationalism must undergo a spiritual trial of fire. A great internal ordering wherein the useless will be burned away, and the useful will be purged and forge hardened. Worked with the intent that it may be a useful tool, a viable instrument for the protection of our values, our traditions, our hearths, our homes, our families, our history, our common values, and our communities. Above all these things, this new nationalism must be a viable vehicle for the protection and sustainment of our future Children who are the reason for all this concerted action.
Everything that is suggested here, is based around the simple concept that to have as many healthy children in stable homes where they are taught good values and learn to be proper members of the society in which they are born, is a good unto itself. The best of goods which all the others goods in society tend to reinforce.
For this to be so, the man and woman family unit, must be taken from the realm of mere contracts, and return back to the realm of sacred values. Homes must be castles. Heritage the rock upon which our people founded.