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Approval for Brazilian President Michel Temer's government has plummeted, according to a poll published on Tuesday, as the scandal-plagued leader faces new corruption charges and struggles to push his economic reform agenda through Congress. Polling firm MDA said that _NUMBER_ percent of those surveyed thought the Temer government was doing a great or good job - down from _NUMBER_ percent in MDA's last such poll in February. Temer took over a year ago from impeached leftist Dilma Rousseff and has said he does not care about popularity and only wants to push through an austerity package before his term ends in Jan. _NUMBER_. Yet his ability to do so has been hamstrung by charges of taking bribes, racketeering and obstruction of justice. The charges against Temer are based on the plea-bargain testimony of the owners of the world's largest meatpacker, JBS SA. They accuse Temer of taking bribes in return for political favors and of conspiring to buy the silence of a witness who could implicate the leader. Temer has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. The MDA poll was commissioned by the national transport lobby CNT and surveyed _NUMBER_ people across Brazil from Sept. _NUMBER_-_NUMBER_. The poll has a margin of error of _NUMBER_ percentage points.
During a Cruzin to the Caucus campaign event in Iowa on Thursday night, Ted Cruz was questioned by a young woman who is concerned that she may be deported if Cruz is elected president.According to the Washington Post, Ofelia Valdez is a _NUMBER_-year-old woman, who works as a special needs social worker and activist. Her parents brought her into the United States when she was a child illegally. She tells Cruz that she is currently safe from being deported because of President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. The program mandates that homeland security focus their attention on high priority individuals who have come into the United States illegally. High priority targets are people who have a violent criminal record. DACA makes it so that government agencies are not wasting resources going after people who more than likely were brought here by their parents, and have lived here for most of their lives. I think of myself as a part of this community and you know, first day of presidency, you'decide to deport, you know, people like myself, you know, it's just very difficult, said Valdez.Cruz has vowed to reverse the executive orders made by the President during the Obama administration. It doesn't seem to matter what those executive orders are, Obama made them so they are bad. So Cruz responds, essentially telling the woman that he would deport her, should he become president. If you're a DACA recipient, you were brought here illegally, and violating the law has consequences. One of the problems of our broken immigration system is that it is creating human tragedies and there are human tragedies when people break the law, Cruz says.Cruz then goes on to list a number of other nations that he'seems to think have a singular, hegemonic system for immigration, that represents the entire world. This is met with thunderous applause from the other attendees at the event.You can watch a video from the event below.Featured Image Credit: Screenshot via YouTube
It's over for Hillary It's officially over for the Democrat Party Obama built this!The nomination was barely sealed up at the Democratic National Convention before Bernie Sanders, who had campaigned against Hillary Clinton for the party's nod, went back to being an Independent.Sanders, who considers himself, officially, an Independent in Congress because his views lean further left than the Democratic party's platform, caucuses with Democrats. But until declaring an intention to run for the presidency in _NUMBER_, he had rarely, if ever, identified as a member of the Democratic Party .And now, despite pleading with his base to support Hillary, even though they're concerned that she's too moderate, Sanders will return to Vermont and to his seat in the Senate, and he ll do it with no official party affiliation.Bernie Sanders tells _USER_ breakfast w/reporters he'll return to the Senate as an Independent, not a Dem: 'I was elected as an Ind.' Susan Page July _NUMBER_, 2016Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was forced to resign as Chairwoman of the DNC after leaked emails revealed she d tried to keep Sanders from challenging Clinton for the party's nomination, might even be vindicated sort of.Sanders has struggled all along with whether to call himself a Democrat, even ducking the question of his party affiliation, raised by local Vermont media, just days after he declared. He later tried to reinforce that he was, indeed, a Democrat. But Sanders certainly wasn't a party player and that's exactly the concern Wasserman Schultz voiced in the Wikileaks document dump.Via: Heatstreet
Ahhhh .social justice rears its ugly head in the transgender department. Degendered facilities are the new thing for campuses women who don't want to pee with guys are just out of luck How about social justice for women who do not want to share a public bathroom with men? Now that's justice!A New York City college has responded to transgender students who vandalized bathrooms by rewarding them with campus-wide degendered facilities.Bill Mea, acting president of Cooper Union, sent an email March _NUMBER_ informing the campus community of the new restrooms, which will only be identified as Restroom with Urinals and Stalls, Restroom with Only Stalls, and Restroom Single Occupancy. We have always been ahead of our time and we must continue being leaders on issues of social justice, Mea said. We, who are in positions of power, have the obligation to not only stand with those without power, but to stand in front of them, clearing a path for them to walk. I cannot change the outside world and how it treats transgender and gender non-conforming people, but I can change the Cooper Union environment to help everyone feel safe when they are inside our buildings. The'school president then appeared to make a veiled threat of disciplinary action for individuals who publicly protest his decision. I also ask that none of us practice gender policing, where we attempt to restrict someone from using the'same restroom we are using or make them feel uncomfortable for doing so, Mea said. If you feel uncomfortable sharing a restroom, then the'single-occupancy restrooms will now be available to you. The website Insider Higher Ed reported Thursday that Cooper Union may be the first college to completely eliminate gender distinctions in bathrooms. The process began two years ago when students removed bathroom signs and replaced them with banners reading Bathroom or Degendered. Mea, who left the'signs down in order to observe how students reacted, told the website that resistance was relegated to a handful of alumni. I think you ll begin seeing this more and more, Mea said. We here in New York City, we have the'support of our mayor and the'support of our city. That allows us that opportunity to be more expansive, but obviously there may be less of an opportunity where other colleges are located. Doulos Christou, a reader at the education watchdog The College Fix, said Mea's decision has much more to do with control than supporting those without power. Here's what the agenda is really about, said Christou on Friday. Demanding tolerance gave way to demanding recognition, which gave way to demanding equality, which is now giving way to demanding superiority. We ve written numerous things about this controversy and feel strongly about keeping the bathrooms segregated. One of the best arguments for this:WHAT S SO WRONG WITH TRANSGENDER BATHROOMS? This Guy Has The Awesome Answer!Read more: wnd
Got NewsNew York Times Mexican'telecom mogul Carlos Slim's blogger Michael Schmidt told professional liar Brian Williams that he hadn't seen the memos that James Comey allegedly wrote. Someone that had seen them recounted details to me, Schmidt said in what is a breach of journalistic protocol.Schmidt has been called out for getting a story wildly wrong before thanks to his anonymous sources. Schmidt, citing his anonymous federal law enforcement sources, claimed that one of the San Bernardino terrorists had talked about jihad openly. She didn't.His boss even reprimanded him and called for systematic changes to the way Schmidt and Carlos Slim's blog use anonymous sources.We guess our anonymous sources are better than the Times.Schmidt's open admissions on MSNBC confirm GotNews reporting Wednesday that Schmidt hasn't in fact seen the relevant Comey documents.
Will this FINALLY be the'straw that breaks the camel's back? Wow and it's not even October yet! Things are not looking good for _TAG_ The House Oversight Committee is reviewing a Reddit post that alleges an IT specialist who worked on Hillary Clinton's private server sought advice on how to alter the contents of VERY VIP emails, according to Rep. Mark Meadows .Meadows is the chairman of the panel's Government Operations subcommittee. The Reddit post issue and its connection to Paul Combetta is currently being reviewed by OGR staff and evaluations are being made as to the authenticity of the post, Meadows told The Hill. Reddit users appear to have uncovered a two-year-old post from an account believed to belong to Combetta, an engineer with Platte River Networks. The Denver, Colo.-based firm managed Clinton's private server.The Reddit Archives that are allegedly Combetta s, can be found near end of article. Combetta was granted immunity from Obama's Department of Justice in their investigation of Clinton.Combetta was the employee who deleted all of Hillary Clinton's emails.According users on Reddit, Combetta asked for assistance in July _NUMBER_ from Reddit users on how to purge emails and how to strip VIP's email address from a bunch of archived emails. -GP post, which has been deleted but can be read in images archived by Reddit users, coincides with the discovery of Clinton's use of the'server.Busted:Proof of Intent to Obstruct Justice _NUMBER_ Years Ago from _TAG_ Post Reveals. _URL_ The Truther September _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_ I may be facing a very interesting situation where I need to strip out a VIP's email address from a bunch of archived email Basically, they'don't want the VIP's email address exposed to anyone, and want to be able to either strip out or replace the email address in the to/from fields in all of the emails we want to send out, reads the post, by a user called stonetear. Does anyone have experience with something like this, and/or suggestions on how this might be accomplished? Here is the Twitter user who uncovered Combetta's requests for help on Reddit:SMOKING GUN: "BleachBit" Paul Combetta ASKED TO STRIP OR REPLACE VIP's EMAIL ADDRESS! _URL_ _TAG_ _URL_ Katica September _NUMBER_, 2016Here she is discussing her find:Great job! That's some damned good sleuthing, you should give the FBI some lessons. Girl_Grimly September _NUMBER_, 2016Thank you!!! I'm studying law with concentrations in eDiscovery/eLitigation, but close! I have amazing professors. _URL_ Katica September _NUMBER_, 2016Wikileaks cheered Katica's good work on Twitter, and she was thrilled:This is so awesome to be to have _USER_ on this. *swoon* _URL_ Katica September _NUMBER_, 2016Combetta is currently one of the targets of a broader Oversight investigation on whether Clinton ordered the destruction of emails that had been subpoenaed by the Benghazi Select Committee. If it is determined that the request to change email addresses was made by someone so closely aligned with the Secretary's IT operation as Mr. Combetta, then it will certainly prompt additional inquiry, Meadows told The Hill. The date of the Reddit post in relationship to the establishment of the Select Committee on Benghazi is also troubling. The Reddit message was sent on July _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_, according to an archive of the page saved by other users. The day before, the Benghazi Committee had reached an agreement with the State Department on the production of related records, according the FBI's investigation into Clinton's use of the'server.The identity of the stonetear user is not confirmed. Reddit users point to the fact that an account on the online marketplace Easy for a Paul Combetta has the username stonetear and the inactive website is registered to the email address _EMAIL_ appeared under subpoena in a committee hearing last week on the alleged destruction of evidence, but both he and colleague Bill Thornton exercised their Fifth Amendment right not to testify.borismkv: There is no supported way to do what you're asking. You can only delete emails after they're stored in the database. You can't change them. If there was a feature in Exchange that allowed this, it could result in major legal issues. There may be ways to hack a solution, but I am not aware of any. permalinkembedsavegive goldstonetear: As a PST file or exported MSG files, this could be done though, yes? The issue is that these emails involve the private email address of someone you'd recognize, and we're trying to replace it with a placeholder address as to not expose it.exproject: To my knowledge, there's no way to edit existing messages, that's a possibility for a discovery nightmare. To strip/rename on outbound/inbound you could rewrite it with a transport rule.stonetear: That wouldn't work on existing messages though right?odoprasm: Is there no way to access and edb manually?stonetear: I have full access to the'server what are you suggesting with the EDB file?stonetear: I think maybe I wasn't clear enough in the original post. I have these emails available in a PST file. Can I rewrite them in the PST? I could also export to MSG and do some sort of batch find/replace. Anyone know of tools that might help with this?exproject: Just because you have the messages available in multiple formats and locations doesn't change that it's an attribute of the envelope not meant to be rewritten. The functionality is just not built into any tool I know of. Having that functionality would create the ability to screw with discovery While it may not be a read-only part of the envelope, the only tool that MIGHT be able to do what you want is MFCMapi, and I don't think you want to play with that for this job. The chance of getting it wrong would be pretty high I think and it is not a particularly friendly tool. I m not sure it could be scripted with it either. My recommendation would be what /u/borismkv said. Making a mailbox for VIP and telling them to use that. Forwarding to VIPs mailbox would be ripe for them to just respond directly instead of responding through his relay mailbox. As for your existing messages, if the current users absolutely cannot see the existing messages, you ll need to do a search and export and just forcibly remove the messages from their mailboxes. It's not clean and not advised by me, but if they'don't want VIPs address out there it will need to be removed. I would do a search with his email address as the query with -LogOnly -LogLevel Full and see what kind of results you get.EDIT: Holy shit they actually deleted all their comments from a _NUMBER_ year old reddit post, I think we hit gold on this one. link of the deleted reddit postCan somebody make sure we have the twitter posts archived too? I really don't trust twitter to keep those up. Gateway PunditHere is the ARCHIVE of the messages that were deleted on Reddit.UPDATE: Here's a screengrab of the archived pictures from Reddit:The committee has scheduled another hearing on the preservation of State Department records for Thursday.Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz has issued a criminal referral asking the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia to investigate deletions from the'server.This latest probe stems from revelations from the _NUMBER_-page report issued by the FBI summarizing its investigation into Clinton's use of the'server.According to the FBI's report, an unnamed Platte River Networks technician deleted an archive of emails from the'server in March _NUMBER_ after the House Select Committee on Benghazi had issued a subpoena for records relating to the _NUMBER_ attack on the Libyan outpost.According to the FBI's notes, longtime Clinton aide Cheryl Mills instructed Platte River Networks to delete a set of archived emails in December _NUMBER_. Mills told investigators Clinton had decided she no longer needed access to emails older than _NUMBER_ days.But the technician apparently forgot the request and didn't immediately comply. According to the FBI report, between March _NUMBER_ and March _NUMBER_ of _NUMBER_, the technician believed he had an oh shit moment and deleted the Clinton archive mailbox from the server. Reporting from The New York Times has since identified Combetta as that technician, citing an anonymous law enforcement official and others familiar with the FBI probe.Clinton and Mills told the FBI that they had no knowledge of the technician's deletion of the emails. The technician, according to the report, was aware of the existence of the preservation request and the fact that it meant he'should not disturb Clinton's email data on the server. The HillFrom Representative Steven Smith:BREAKING: Citizen Journalist breaks HUGE Clinton email story PROVING Hillary ORDERED EMAILS TO BE STRIPPED! _TAG_ _URL_ Rep. Steven Smith September _NUMBER_, 2016Rep. Steven Smith posted this on Monday morning. BREAKING: Citizen Journalist breaks HUGE Clinton email story PROVING Hillary ORDERED EMAILS TO BE STRIPPED! "The issue is that these emails involve the private email address of someone you'd recognize." WOW!_TAG_ _URL_ Mike Cernovich September _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_
The latest video of Maxine Waters is downright hysterical! She's confronted by one of her constituents who says they're going to work every day to make sure that President Trump isn't impeached and that Waters is impeached. Mad Max didn't care for that comment and shot back: You can't impeach a woman of Congress Constituent: Well I just want to talk about your representation in Washington and our President as well.Waters: I can't stand him! He's the most horrible man I ve ever seen in my life! Constituent: I love my President. Waters: I m glad you'do! Your President is a dishonorable, lying man. He mocked a journalist. I ve never seen a grown man do that! He talked about grabbing women by the private parts. He's lies everyday. He's in bed with Putin and the Russians about oil! And everybody around him are allies with the Kremlin and with the Oligarchs of Russia. They re gonna take us down! NEW: Constituent confronts Maxine Waters: I m going to work every day to make sure that isn't impeached and that you're impeached. _URL_ Josh Caplan May _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_ The video is hysterical because you know she never ever is confronted by someone.
U.S. authorities are investigating a threatening letter sent to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's sister, a federal appeals court judge in Philadelphia, according to NBC News. Maryanne Trump Barry, _NUMBER_, received the letter on Friday, the network's Philadelphia affiliate said in a report late on Sunday, citing a source familiar with the investigation. Reuters could not immediately confirm the report. Separately on Friday, officials said they were investigating a letter sent to Trump's son Eric that contained a granular substance. The FBI and the U.S. Secret Service are investigating the letter to Trump's sister. The source told NBC that letter did not contain any white powder but did have the same threatening message that demands Trump drop his bid to be the Republican presidential nominee. Trump is leading among the three remaining Republicans campaigning to represent the party in the Nov. _NUMBER_ presidential election.
The leader of Germany's pro-business Free Democrats , a possible partner in Chancellor Angela Merkel's new government, has called for Russia to be invited to the next summit of the Group of Seven industrialized countries. The proposal met immediate resistance from Merkel's conservatives and the environmentalist Greens, throwing a possible wrench into already tricky negotiations about a three-way ruling coalition. FDP leader Christian Lindner told the Austrian newspaper Die Pressed that readmitting Russia to the Group of Eight could help ease tensions with Moscow. Russia was suspended from the group in _NUMBER_ after it annexed Ukraine's Crimea peninsula following an uprising in Kiev that toppled its pro-Moscow president. We cannot make all things dependent on the situation in Crimea, Lindner said, although he said Russia's violation of international law could not be accepted. But this is the most severe conflict and that's the last place we ll see progress, Lindner said. That's why I m in favor of intensifying dialogue - and that Putin is asked to join the table of the G7 and that one talks with him and not about him. Juergen Hardt, foreign policy spokesman for the conservatives, called Lindner's suggestion unhelpful . Putin would tout readmission to the exclusive G8 discussion format as confirmation of his policies at home, and that would be counterproductive, Hardt said. Omnid Nouripour, a Greens lawmaker and foreign policy expert, urged the FDP chief to refrain from any further suggestions until the potential coalition partners had worked out their Russia policy. The three blocs are due to start exploratory talks about a coalition next week, but experts have warned it could take months to bridge their differences on migration, climate and taxes. Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, a member of Merkel's conservatives, told an event in Washington that he expected the talks to be completed by Christmas. Fifty-seven percent of voters support the idea of the three-way coalition, according to a new poll for broadcaster ARD. Lindner had already raised eyebrows in August when he suggested that Germany might have to accept Russia's _NUMBER_ annexation of the Crimea region of Ukraine as a permanent provisional arrangement . Merkel and Greens politicians have previously rejected calls to gradually lift sanctions against Russia imposed over its role in the Ukraine crisis. The center-right chancellor has also objected to the idea of inviting Putin to G7 meetings. Turning to euro zone policies, Lindner repeated his criticism of French President Emmanuel Macron's proposals to create a joint euro zone budget. A red line for us in any coalition talks is the mutualization of debt in Europe, the creation of new pots of money, Lindner said.
Iraq hanged _NUMBER_ Sunni Muslim militants on Thursday after they were sentenced to death on terrorism charges, the justice ministry said in a statement. The mass executions were carried out at a prison in the southern Iraqi city of Nassiriya, the statement said quoting the Justice Minister. On Sept. _NUMBER_, Iraq executed _NUMBER_ Sunni Muslim militants on terrorism charges ranging from killing members of security forces to detonating car bombs. The justice ministry said all the convicted were members of Islamic State. Officials have said all the appeal options available to the condemned had been exhausted, according to the statement.
The head of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee introduced legislation on Thursday to cut cost overruns at the Pentagon by overhauling the way it buys everything from common off-the-shelf goods to services and intellectual property. Representative Mac Thornberry, a Texas Republican, told reporters, "if you're buying office supplies, you ought to be able to go on Amazon and do it." "The current acquisition process prohibits rapid purchases of goods at the best prices because" the Department of Defense is restricted to using expensive and onerous contracting processes, committee aides said in a statement about the bill. Thornberry hopes to spark debate about the initiative and then wrap it into the annual National Defense Authorization Act, a broader bill that sets policy for the Defense Department each year, committee aides told reporters. Thornberry and the committee drafted the legislation after more than a year of examining billions of dollars in cost overruns, schedule delays and other problems that have plagued defense procurement programs. The legislation includes measures that would allow existing business to business e-commerce markets, such as Inc or W W Grainger Inc, to sell the military commercial off-the-shelf products such as staplers or forklifts. This would expand procurement options beyond the Pentagon's current e-commerce program, EMall. The legislation also aims to make the Defense Department's acquisition system more proactive, agile, transparent and innovative, committee aides said, noting that further measures would be proposed in coming years. This bill would consolidate reporting for services contracts and allow for more transparency and accountability for program managers, committee aids said. In _NUMBER_, the Pentagon spent _CUR_274 billion on contracts of which _CUR_144 billion, about _NUMBER_ percent, was spent on contracted services. The bill also incentivizes the Pentagon to consider purchasing intellectual property earlier in the acquisition cycle. It was hoped that purchasing intellectual property, such as technical data for missiles, while an acquisition process is still competitive would lead to lower overall costs. Committee aides said the legislation was crafted with input from acquisition officials, industry and outside experts. "It is essential to be more agile in the face of technology that changes to fast and threats that change so fast," Thornberry told reporters.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to separate leftists from Islamic terrorists as both destroy monuments, statues, and seek to eliminate freedoms we enjoy. On a day in which an Islamic terrorist killed over a dozen people in Barcelona, senior editor Wilber Cooper has the audacity to publish an article for VICE Magazine urging the left to destroy Mt. Rushmore just like ISIS would.In his article Let's Blow Up Mount Rushmore, Cooper attacks the Founding Fathers and calls for a demolition of the monument. His call to erase historical markers, such as statues, echoes the recent movement from left-wingers for a culture war that would decimate Americans political traditions and heroes. Those targeted heroes include Thomas Jefferson, former president and chief author of the Bill of Rights such as the First Amendment and General and President George Washington, who declined offers to become a dictator after winning the Revolutionary War.Cooper argues that these historical monuments and statues help preserve a system of racial exploitation and inequality, and should be erased to help build a new society. He says, It's going to be impossible to improve America if we can't be honest about its origins and its past. He insists that Trump and his white supremacist cohorts believe the reverence some Americans have for these statues is simply respect for history, and that tearing them down is tantamount to ripping pages out of a textbook. But monuments built by the'state are not history they are manifestations of power. Upon acknowledging the insensitivity of the article's title given the tragic events which occurred earlier today in Spain, VICE Magazine deleted the original article and wrote an editor's note: The headline and URL of this story have been updated. We do not condone violence in any shape or form, and the use of blow up in the original headline as a rhetorical device was misguided and insensitive. We apologize for the error. They have since changed the title to Get Rid of Mount Rushmore. Wow. What an improvement. Leftists continue to contradict their self-proclaimed peace-seeking objectives and prove that they are actually seeking to burn down the United States by getting rid of every trace of this great country's history. And you can bet they are coming for the Constitution next.Read more: Breitbart
McCarthyism has returned.Donald Trump is literally letting a white nationalist publication dictate personnel decisions in his administration.Sahar Nowrouzzadeh is an American citizen of Iranian descent. She is an expert on Iran and has played a crucial role in shaping U.S. policy in the Middle East. She was born in America, first served at the State Department under the George W. Bush administration in _NUMBER_ and was on the team that negotiated the Iran Nuclear Deal under President Obama.But because she is of Iranian descent, Breitbart and other conservative outlets believe she is in league with Iranian leadership against the United States. Seriously.According to Politico,Nowrouzzadehad had been detailed since last July to the'secretary of state's policy planning team, where she handled ongoing issues related to Iran and Gulf Arab countries. Her yearlong assignment was cut short earlier this month, after critical stories about her and others appeared in the Conservative Review and on Breitbart News, according to the State Department official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the matter. Nowrouzzadeh did not want to be reassigned, according to the official.Indeed, being reassigned is basically a demotion and one based on racism and fear instead of one based on her job performance.Nowrouzzadeh will now be working in the Office of Iranian Affairs despite the State Department praising her work as valuable in furtherance of U.S. national security. Nowrouzzadeh is the kind of State Department employee America needs right now as tensions between Iran and the United States remain strained because Trump and his Republican allies have repeatedly threatened to trash the nuclear deal.Former State Department official Phillip Gordon slammed the Trump administration for caving to pressure from conservative media. Like many civil service experts and career foreign service officers, she possesses just the'sort of expertise political leaders from either party should have by their side when they make critical and difficult foreign policy decisions, Gordon said.The bottom line is that this smacks of McCarthyism from the right-wing just as it did when Joe McCarthy led a witch hunt against government employees in pursuit of alleged communists.Only this time, conservatives are targeting anyone who has a name that sounds Middle Eastern or Muslim.Breitbart should not have the power to affect personnel decisions at the State Department and Donald Trump'should not listen to them. Doing so only makes us weaker because the experts we need on the front lines are being persecuted or living in fear of being persecuted.It also makes America less safe because this demotion will be used as an example of how the current United States government treats people of Middle Eastern descent in order to recruit terrorists.Sahar Nowrouzzadeh already swore an oath to defend the United States Constitution when she was hired by the State Department in _NUMBER_. It's the'same oath that members of Congress swear when they enter office. Questioning her loyalty based on the color of her skin or her birth name is wrong and constitutes discrimination. Frankly, she'should file a lawsuit against Trump.Featured Image: Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images
During Wednesday's Presidential Town Hall on CNN, President Obama was asked by Gold Star mother Tina Houchins why he doesn't use the term Islamic terrorist, which Obama stated was a sort of manufactured issue before outlining the reasons why he doesn't use the term.Houchins asked, As a Gold Star mother, my son gave his life for acts of terrorism. Do you still believe that the acts of terrorism are done with a self-proclaimed Islamic religious motives? And if you'do, why do you'refuse to use the term racially I m sorry, Islamic terrorist? BreitbartObama goes through the whole litany of horrific acts ISIS commits and insists that the ISLAMIC State of Iraq and Syria has NOTHING to do with Islam.Watch our Jack-Ass-In-Chief arrogantly address this Gold-Star mom with his defense of Islam:
These grifters have no shame. How much more evidence do Americans need to see before they understand Hillary has no interest in our nation's security? How much more evidence do we need before the Everyday American Queen of the Clinton Crime Syndicate is sent to prison? Judicial Watch today released nearly _NUMBER_ pages of State Department records that show that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top aides, Deputy Chiefs of Staff Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan, received and sent classified information on their email accounts. The documents, also available on the State Department website, were obtained in response to a court order from a May _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_, lawsuit filed against the State Department (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State ) after it failed to respond to a March _NUMBER_ Freedom of Information Act request seeking:All emails of official State Department business received or sent by former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin from January _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_ through February _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_ using a email address.The new documents show that Hillary Clinton used the system to ask Huma Abedin to print two March _NUMBER_ emails, which were sent from former British Prime Minister Tony Blair to Jake Sullivan on Sullivan's email account. The Obama State Department redacted the Blair emails under Exemption which allows the withholding of classified material. The material is marked as being classified as Foreign government information and foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources. Another email shows that Clinton wanted to know how meetings in Washington, including a four-hour meeting concerning America's war on Libya, would impact her Hampton vacation. Responding to an email that details the'sensitive meetings in DC, Clinton emails Abedin on August _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_, Ok. What time would I get back to Hamptons? Again, this email discussion takes place on email accounts.The documents also include advice to Clinton on Libya from Sidney Blumenthal, a Clinton Foundation employee who, according to a Judicial Watch investigative report, also had business interests in Libya. Clinton wanted Blumenthal's March _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_, Libya memo to be printed without any identifiers. The newly released Abedin emails include a lengthy exchange giving precise details of Clinton's schedule using unsecured government emails. The email from Lona J. Valmoro, former Special Assistant to Secretary of State Clinton, to Abedin and Clinton reveals exact times and locations of all appointments throughout the day. Another itinerary email provides details about a meeting at the United Nations in New York at _NUMBER_:_NUMBER_ on Tuesday, January _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_, with the precise disclosure, that would mean wheels up from Andrews at approximately _NUMBER_:00pm/_NUMBER_:15pm. These emails show that Hillary Clinton isn't the only Obama official who should be worried about being prosecuted for mishandling classified information. Her former top State aides Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan should be in the dock, as well, said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. The Obama State Department has now confirmed that Clinton, Abedin, and Sullivan used unsecured, non-government email accounts to communicate information that should now be withheld from the American people in the interest of national defense or foreign policy, and properly classified. When can we expect the indictments? Via: Judicial Watch
U.S. President Donald Trump welcomed a record surge in the stock market on Thursday, a day after the Dow blasted through the _NUMBER_ mark for the first time after his speech to Congress. "Since November 8th, Election Day, the Stock Market has posted _CUR_3.2 trillion in GAINS and consumer confidence is at a _NUMBER_ year high. Jobs!" the Republican president wrote on Twitter. In an address to Congress on Tuesday night, Trump said he wanted to boost the U.S. economy with a "massive" tax relief and make a _CUR_1 trillion push on infrastructure, bets that have helped Wall Street scale fresh records since the election.
A longtime associate of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort has hired a new team of lawyers to defend himself against charges brought in a probe looking at alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, a spokesman said on Thursday. Richard Gates and Manafort were charged with money laundering, conspiracy against the United States and other counts earlier this week as part of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of alleged Russia interference. Gates and Manafort have pleaded not guilty in the case. Gates hired a new legal team comprised of attorney Walter Mack of the law firm of Doar Rieck Kaley and Mack in New York and attorney Shan Wu of Wu, Grohovsky and Whipple in Washington, his spokesman said in a statement.
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley will face a legislative effort seeking his impeachment, a state lawmaker said on Tuesday, announcing the start of formal proceedings amid escalating political fallout over his relationship with a former advisor. Bentley, a two-term Republican governor, has apologized for making inappropriate remarks to the married ex-staffer, while denying allegations of a physical affair. Since he acknowledged the accusations two weeks ago, he has been dogged by questions about their relationship and potentially inappropriate use of state resources. State representative Ed Henry, also a Republican, held a news conference on Tuesday to discuss impeachment proceedings, acknowledging uncertainty about exactly how they would unfold. "We are looking at this governor that has essentially betrayed the trust of the people of Alabama," he said, calling on Bentley to step down. "We've never done this before. We've never tried to impeach a governor," added Henry, who spoke alongside several state representatives who support impeachment. He drafted articles of impeachment that accuse Bentley of corruption, incompetence, immoral behavior, and neglecting his duties as governor. In response, Bentley issued a statement calling the effort a distraction from pending issues before the state legislature. "There are no grounds for impeachment, and I will vigorously defend myself and my administration from this political attack," said Bentley, a medical doctor who easily won re-election to a second term in November _NUMBER_. The senior advisor in question, Rebekah Mason, resigned last week. She said she intended to focus on her husband and children and did not address the alleged affair. Funding for her salary was among the issues questioned in the impeachment documents. Discussions about their relationship have dominated Alabama politics since March _NUMBER_ when Bentley was publicly accused of having an affair by Spencer Collier, the former head of the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, just after he was fired by the governor. Audio recordings have emerged that depict Bentley making suggestive comments to Mason, according to state media reports. Bentley's wife filed for divorce in August _NUMBER_ after _NUMBER_ years of marriage, citing unspecified problems.
The U.S. has been talking to North Korea, and paying them extortion money, for _NUMBER_ years. Talking is not the answer! - After witnessing first hand the horror & devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey,my heart goes out even more so to the great people of Texas! - After reading the false reporting and even ferocious anger in some dying magazines, it makes me wonder, WHY? All I want to do is _TAG_! - Will be leaving for Missouri soon for a speech on tax cuts and tax reform - so badly needed! - Texas & Louisiana: We are w/ you today, we are w/ you tomorrow, & we will be w/ you EVERY SINGLE DAY AFTER, to restore, recover, & REBUILD! - First responders have been doing heroic work. Their courage & devotion has saved countless lives – they represent the very best of America! _URL_ -- Source link:
Philip Mudd, a former CIA official, totally tore Trump and his future national security adviser, Lt. General Michael Flynn, to pieces during a Tuesday appearance on CNN's The Situation Room. Mudd had strong words for Flynn especially, saying he was absolutely not the right choice. I m watching a clown show, he'said.CNN has more:Quickly morphing in his own words from a CNN commentator to a former CIA official, Mudd went on to list a collection of men and women who have previously held the post Flynn is scheduled to occupy, all the while denouncing Flynn's behavior during the recent campaign. We transition now to a national security adviser in a political realm who argues that an opponent, on the'stump, should be locked up in prison, who argues that a billion plus Muslims should be grouped together. Mudd went on to express his ire at the idea that Flynn's son Michael G. Flynn had security clearance requested on his behalf.While it should be noted that team Trump has denied requesting that access for Flynn's son, I have to point out they're already trying to bury the whole incident anyway, and are also liars, so their word is not to be trusted without thorough documentation.As Mudd said, the incoming Trump administration is, indeed, a clown show. Unfortunately, it's also a clown show that will be running the entire country, and Flynn is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to swamp monsters on Trump's staff.Here's the video:Former CIA official Phil Mudd goes off on Gen. Flynn: I m watching a clown show! _URL_ The Situation Room December _NUMBER_, 2016Politico, in their coverage of the'segment, touched on some of the issues people are taking with the appointment of General Flynn, saying: Trump's appointment of Flynn, who has referred to Islam as a cancer and argued that fear of Muslims is rational, has been challenged by numerous advocacy groups, with _NUMBER_ organizations recently signing an open letter calling on Trump to rescind the pick. In my own words:Flynn isn't as bad as Trump's other picks at first glance, that is. He seems to have no clue what he's talking about with regard to many political issues, but on the'subject of national security, he does at least have some expertise. Unfortunately, that expertise is tempered with a let's bomb the'shit out of everything! attitude combined with extreme Islamophobia. Lovely. He's also been reported to have a loose relationship with the truth. A leaked email from former Secretary of State and four-star general Colin Powell is even more telling: I spoke at DIA last month, Powell wrote to his son, Michael, on July _NUMBER_ before relaying a story he apparently heard from Marine Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, the current DIA director. Flynn got fired as head of DIA. His replacement is a black Marine _NUMBER_-star. I asked why Flynn got fired. Abusive with staff, didn't listen, worked against policy, bad management, etc. He has been and was right-wing nutty every since.' Come on, Trump, you can't do better than that? Who am I kidding of course you can't.Every day it becomes more and more clear: Trump is an authoritarian moron with little idea of how to run a government. He, and the people around him, are incredibly dangerous.Featured image via video screencapture
_TAG_ that Trump will lock her ass up! _URL_ MAGS for ?MAGA? October _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_
The United States has approved _NUMBER_ Syrian refugees who are awaiting resettlement to the country, while an additional _NUMBER_ are awaiting security review, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said on Thursday. Johnson, speaking to a homeland security advisory panel at the Department of Homeland Security, was defending against critics who say the Obama administration is falling behind meeting its goal of bringing in _NUMBER_ Syrian refugees into the country by the end of fiscal year _NUMBER_.
For-profit education stocks have surged on expectations that President-elect Donald Trump and a Republican Congress may ease regulations imposed on the industry by the Obama administration, Barron's said in a report. Stocks such as Grand Canyon Education, DeVry Education Group and Capella Education rose about _NUMBER_ percent last week. Trump won an upset victory in Tuesday's presidential election. Jeff Silber at BMO Capital Markets said Trump's election could be good news for for-profit education companies, according to Barron's. A federal court trial in San Diego is set to begin on Nov. _NUMBER_ over claims by former students of now-defunct Trump University that they were defrauded by a series of real estate seminars. A Trump lawyer has requested that the trial be delayed until after Trump's inauguration on Jan. _NUMBER_. Trump denies the students' allegations.
The Wall Street Journal is anything but liberal, and most of its columnists are likewise anything but liberal. But this not-at-all liberal publication does have writers, reporters and columnists who can see reality, and one sees the reality of Trump's deteriorating mental state to the point where he actually called it out. Yes, a Wall Street Journal columnist literally went there on the'state of Trump's mind.Bret Stephens, the columnist in question, asked Twitter something interesting: When will Republicans acknowledge that the President of the United States is mentally ill? He then linked to a WSJ story about Trump's latest tantrum, which includes accusing former President Obama of wiretapping him during his campaign. He likened the activity to both Watergate and McCarthyism, but failed to produce any evidence. It's illegal for the President of the United States to order wiretaps in fact, the FISA court very likely would not go along with a presidential order to grant a warrant for tapping someone.He also called Obama a bad guy, for it:How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad guy! Donald J. Trump March _NUMBER_, 2017Trump quickly drew the ire of Republicans and Democrats alike with that, and many are rightfully calling on him to produce his evidence or shut the fuck up. Stephens, fed up, was essentially doing the'same thing, but he caught a lot of flak for saying Trump is mentally ill without a degree in psychology or evaluating Trump himself. That perpetuates the'stigma against mental illness.Because of that, he later deleted his tweet :The truth is that we do need an answer about Trump's state of mind soon. How stable is Donald Trump? His behavior does suggest a serious problem. There are any number of things that this could be , but nobody can address this without knowing what it is.Featured image by Jim Lo Scalzo via Getty Images
The investigative arm of Congress has decided that US bank guidelines on leveraged lending are subject to Congressional review, clearing the way for them to possibly be overturned. After months of consideration, the US Government Accountability Office said the guidelines amount to a formal rule that Congress can review. In the wake of the last financial crisis, banking regulators recommended against banks making loans to companies with a debt-to-earnings ratio greater than six times or that are unable to pay down debt quickly. Critics charge those guidelines have hindered bank loans to business, and that they usurp the powers of the legislature to make law. In March, US Senator Pat Toomey asked the GAO to decide if they were actual rules, which unlike guidelines can be potentially voted down under the _NUMBER_ Congressional Review Act. "It is a rule subject to the requirements of the CRA," the GAO said in a letter to Toomey on Thursday. The Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency - the main US bank regulators - announced the guidelines in _NUMBER_. In a speech earlier this year, Toomey was critical of the "huge increase in the regulatory powers and authorities to various agencies," including their use of guidance to help shape policy. "These kind of actions have the power of a rule-making ... just to say they really have the power of law, but they exist outside the traditional rule-making." Participants in the finance industry say any lending that flouts the guidelines risks inviting the scrutiny - or worse - of the authorities. Yet many argue the guidelines are too opaque and too broad, while some business sectors are better able than others to cope with higher leverage multiples.
More than _NUMBER_ U.S. Marines and their artillery are leaving Syria after helping to capture the city of Raqqa from Islamic State, the U.S.-led coalition fighting the militant group said on Thursday. Last month, U.S.-backed militias declared victory in Raqqa, Islamic State's former headquarters in Syria, after months of fighting with the help of the U.S.-led coalition. With the city liberated and ISIS on the run, the unit has been ordered home. Its replacements have been called off, the coalition said in a statement, using an acronym for Islamic State. We re drawing down combat forces where it makes sense, but still continuing our efforts to help Syrian and Iraqi partners maintain security, Brigadier General Jonathan Braga, the director of operations for the coalition, said in the statement. Our remaining forces will continue to work by, with, and through partner forces to defeat remaining ISIS, prevent a re-emergence of ISIS, and set conditions for international governments and NGOs to help local citizens recover from the horrors of ISIS short-lived rule, he said. Officially, the Pentagon says there are _NUMBER_ troops in Syria. However, as of last week, U.S. officials said there were closer to _NUMBER_ U.S. troops in the country. The latest announcement would reduce that number. As that campaign against Islamic State winds down, it is unclear how many, if any, U.S. troops will remain in Syria. Most of them are special operations forces, working to train and advise local partner forces, including providing artillery support against Islamic State militants. Separately, Russia said it was already preparing to withdraw its military contingent from Syria, Russian news agencies reported.
We will never forget the men who gave everything in Benghazi EVER!Charles Woods speaks up on Hillary Clinton's ineptness and inability to properly do her job as Secretary of State: My son would still be alive if she had performed her duties and protected the people under her care and supervision in Libya. If she couldn't protect four Americans in Libya, how can she protect _NUMBER_ million Americans here in our country? THIRTEEN HOURS IN BENGHAZI-THE SURVIVORS TELL THEIR STORY:FIVE FACTS ABOUT HILLARY AND BENGHAZI:THIS IS EVERYTHING IN ONE PICTURE: EVIL!
With U.S. Republicans sharply split over a front-runner they cannot unite behind, a new group is trying to push the country's top elected Republican, Paul Ryan, into the White House race. The Committee to Draft Speaker Ryan filed papers as a Super PAC with the Federal Election Commission on Thursday, adding to the groups of mainstream Republican leaders and donors with a shared goal: stopping Trump. Ryan, the House of Representatives speaker who spoke out against Trump for not quickly rejecting white supremacist support, did not appear ready to take on the role. "He is flattered, but not interested," Ryan spokeswoman AshLee Strong said in an email on Friday. Politico first reported the formation of the draft-Ryan PAC. Mitt Romney, the Republicans' losing presidential candidate in _NUMBER_, also said he was not interested. "There are no circumstances I can foresee where that would possibly happen," Romney said on NBC's "Today" show on Friday, a day after he excoriated Trump as a fraud ill-equipped for the White House. The Republican Party may need more than a hero as it grapples with its deepest divisions in decades. Those splits were on display again on Thursday night as Trump took on his two closest challengers, U.S. Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz of Texas, in a debate marked by the yelling, name-calling and vulgarity that has tainted the _NUMBER_ Republican race. Trump's rivals said they would support the ultimate nominee but it was clear on Friday that would be easier said than done. "That is the quandary I'm trying to avoid the Republican Party having to face," Rubio said on CNN on Friday. While the anti-Trump movements proliferated, some Republicans have urged party leaders to respect the will of the voters. Trump spokesman Sam Clovis seized on that message on Friday, warning on CNN that it was dangerous for Republican leaders to "call American voters stupid" because they support Trump. "You have record turnout in every state so far. Record turnout. That doesn't happen by accident, said Clovis, national campaign co-chairman. Trump is "tapping into what is going on in this country like no one else has in a long, long time. I haven't seen anything like this since Ronald Reagan." Columnist Peggy Noonan, a former Reagan speechwriter, had a different lament in the Wall Street Journal on Friday. "I think we are seeing a great political party shatter before our eyes," she said. "But we are witnessing history. Something important is ending. It is hard to believe what replaces it will be better. No one knows where this goes. The top of the party and the bottom have split." This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production.
Remember when Mooch thought having _TAG_ back in the White House wasn't in the best interest of our nation? Yeah neither does she. Maybe someone should remind her as she hits the campaign trail to drum up support from Black female voters. I wonder if anyone is gonna miss this racist freeloader and her regular attacks on anyone whose last name isn't Obama? We sure aren't going to miss _NUMBER_-Star Mooch, her mooching mother or her embarrassing spouse _URL_
Republicans in Congress may not support raising the minimum wage, but most mayors in America say they want to do exactly that.A Politico survey reached out to _NUMBER_ mayors in cities across the country asking them if they would consider raising the minimum wage like had been done in Seattle, Los Angeles, and New York City, all three of which approved a _CUR_15 minimum wage over the last two years.In a stunning result, _NUMBER_ percent of the mayors surveyed said they would definitely consider raising the minimum wage. _NUMBER_ percent said they would consider raising wages as high as _CUR_15 an hour while _NUMBER_ percent said they consider raising wages but not quite as high as _CUR_15, suggesting they would support President Obama's call to raise the minimum wage to at least _CUR_10 an hour.29 percent of the mayors are like the Republicans who control Congress, in that they'refuse to consider the idea of raising the minimum wage at all.Income inequality and poverty ranked as serious issues among the mayors with _NUMBER_ percent identifying both as great challenges to overcome.Of course, raising the minimum wage would do a lot to close the income gap and provide families with more resources. And because families would spend that extra money, it would be a huge boost to the local economy. It would also help Americans pay for housing, which is getting much more difficult now. In addition, it would save the federal government millions of dollars because higher wages would mean less people needing federal aid such as food stamps to get by.Sadly, efforts to raise the minimum wage have been largely left to cities as Republicans in control of state legislatures and Congress refuse to take up the issue so as not to anger their corporate masters, despite the fact that studies from both sides of the aisle support wage hikes.Indeed, Republicans would rather eliminate the minimum wage all together so that corporate CEOs can pay their employees slave wages that would make America look more like it did during the Gilded Age, when workers were kept in poverty due to low wages, and the top _NUMBER_ percent controlled more than a third of the nation's wealth.And once again, unless the issue of low wages and income inequality is addressed in a meaningful way, America will be repeating history, which means that the middle class will cease to exist and workers will struggle to keep their families and themselves afloat as the wealthy use their money to buy politicians to ensure that nothing ever changes.Raising the minimum wage and tying it to the rate of inflation has never been more important to achieve. And as Seattle, Los Angeles, and New York City have demonstrated, it can be done. But if we want it to happen across the entire nation, the _NUMBER_ Election would be a great place to start. Republicans think they can keep forcing Americans to work longer and harder with inadequate pay while they continue to make _CUR_174,000 a year working only for _NUMBER_ days out of _NUMBER_.Clearly, there is something terribly wrong when lawmakers can raise their own taxpayer paid salaries at will while they continue to reject the pleas of working people across the country to have their own efforts rewarded with a much needed wage increase.Featured Image: PR Watch
The Hill released controversial comments sore loser and RINO Senator John McCain made about Trump's leadership:Sen. John McCain said American leadership was stronger under President Trump's predecessor, President Barack Obama, according to a Guardian report published Sunday.Asked if the country stood on sturdier ground under Obama's leadership, McCain said yes, according to the report. As far as American leadership is concerned, yes, said McCain, who also vocally criticized many of the Obama administration's foreign policy decisions.For months, President Donald Trump has been trying to convince Cindy McCain a respected voice on refugees and other humanitarian issues and wife of Sen. John McCain, a Trump critic to join his administration. Now, it's a done deal for both parties, according to two senior administration officials.After months of being offered and rejecting several potential posts in the Trump administration, Cindy McCain and the president came to the agreement of a Washington, D.C.-based ambassador-at-large position, which would focus on anti human trafficking efforts, refugees, and humanitarian-aid matters. The title being kicked around internally is U.S. ambassador-at-large for human rights, though that title is subject to change, and it is unclear if a new office within the State Department would be created for her. , aggressively courted her for this, one White House official told The Daily Beast. It's a done deal now The president had floated several positions before this is the one that stuck. A formal announcement of that new role is expected within a matter of weeks. Early last month, the Associated Press was the first to report that Cindy McCain was expected to be offered a prominent role in the Trump administration's State Department. For entire story: The Daily Beast
Ohio Governor and former Republican presidential candidate John Kasich is the one GOP elected official that is still not on the Trump Train. The other party loyalists have fallen in line, with the occasional criticisms from folks like Senator Lindsey Graham and Senator John McCain . Infamously, Gov. Kasich did not attend the Republican National Convention even though it was in his home state and he was the'sitting Governor. He also refused to praise or endorse Trump, or demand that others in his party do so. Now, it seems he may be looking at a way to take his party back from The Donald in _NUMBER_.Gov. Kasich's gubernatorial term will end in _NUMBER_, due to term limits. Therefore, he also will be looking to see what his next project will be. For now, he has been touring the talk show circuit promoting a book, and that has been the focus of these conversations. However, a man who was once an aide to _NUMBER_ GOP nominee Mitt Romney, Ryan Williams, says of Kasich's _NUMBER_ prospects: Kasich is kind of in limbo his time as governor will end when he's termed out, he doesn't have a path toward any other office in Ohio, and if Trump runs for reelection, I doubt he ll challenge him. That, however, does not mean that Kasich won't be throwing his hat into the _NUMBER_ ring. Williams goes on to say: But he's trying to keep his name in the mix in case President Trump decides not to run again He, like many people, was counting on President Trump to lose in November, expecting to occupy a space in the effort to rebuild the party. But that evaporated the minute Trump won'the election. Still, though, Kasich remains skeptical of Trump as president, and refuses to rule out challenging Trump. When asked, he ducks the question and essentially says he isn't running right now, he is promoting his book.In short, it seems that Kasich knows that Trump is terrible for the country, and really has no loyalty to the man. Further, with Trump's increasingly divisive policies and rhetoric continuing to rip at the fabric of the nation, he may feel the obligation to do what he can'to unseat Trump in the primary and deny him the nomination a second time. In fact, when asked, Kasich said: What I m saying is it's unlikely, but I don't know what the future is going to bring for me, or what responsibility or obligation I might feel. The more Trump rips the nation apart, something tells me that obligation will feel a lot stronger by the time _NUMBER_ rolls around if Trump isn't impeached first.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
White House press secretary of Alternative Facts Sean Spicer tried to attack the New York Times over an article detailing disorder in the West Wing over the executive order banning seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the U.S. That report details that Trump watches TV in his bathrobe. So naturally, Spicey said the report was inaccurate despite there being several pictures of Trump in a bathrobe which have circulated for quite awhile now. Spicer thinks the New York Times should apologize to the fake president about the bathrobes comment, because feelings. That story was so riddled with inaccuracies and lies that they owe the President an apology for the way that thing was written, he told reporters aboard Air Force One, according to CNN. There were literally blatant factual errors, and it's unacceptable to see that kind of reporting. Oh, lookie here's another pic of Trump in a bathrobe which he totally doesn't wear:One detail really irked Spice. I don't think the President wears a bathrobe, and definitely doesn't own one, he'said. We re not sure how Spicer knows if Trump wears a bathrobe or not, but we can speculate.The New York Times reported that when Trump is not watching television in his bathrobe or on his phone reaching out to old campaign hands and advisers, he will sometimes set off to explore the unfamiliar surroundings of his new home. And if this is true, it's even worse for the Crybaby-in-Chief:Spicer also said Trump was fully aware of what his executive orders contain, including one about restructuring the National Security Counsel. The President is clearly aware of the policies that come out of the White House with his name on it, Spicer declared.Twitter being Twitter, just after Spicer's comments, several Twitter users circulated images of Trump wearing a bathrobe.Spicer: Trump doesn't own a bathrobe / Must be those _TAG_ eh _USER_ ? _URL_ _URL_ 4q2 February _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_ Sup _USER_! Picturing you writing this tweet in your bathrobe & crackin up! Did your boss Bannon yell at U for this? Haha _TAG_ _URL_ Danny Zuker February _NUMBER_, 2017Also, too, the Twitter account _USER_ suddenly appeared. Just like that.Yes, I ve been to Russia .that's all I have to say about that. POTUS Bathrobe February _NUMBER_, 2017Team Trump doesn't want you to believe what you've seen with your own eyes. By the way, there are quite a few pictures of Trump wearing a bathrobe which Spicer will probably tell you is fake news. Read more:Images: circulating all over Twitter.
CNN's Allison Camerota started out her interview with Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee telling her that it was being pointed out that, A whole bunch of Texas lawmakers voted against sending financial aid to the victims of Superstorm Sandy when they needed it in _NUMBER_ and _NUMBER_. Why didn't you vote at that time to help Sandy victims? Camerota asked. Well, at the time, we helped Sandy victims. The Democrats wanted more money. We didn't get all the money we needed. Frankly, um we did vote. I did vote on the maximum money. Unfortunately, it did not pass. Why didn't you vote for H.R. _NUMBER_, that was the Appropriations Act of _NUMBER_, that all sorts of Texas lawmakers voted against and you just did not vote? Why did you skip that one? As I said, I voted on legislation to help the Sandy Hook victims, Jackson Lee responded. Camerota corrected her, Sandy superstorm, At the conclusion of the interview, Allison Camerota took the time to clarify that Just so that we're clear, we're talking about Superstorm Sandy, not the Sandy Hook shooting.Immediately following Camerota's clairification, Jackson Lee clarified that yes, she is complete bafoon, as she ended the interview by clarifying that she was indeed talking about the mass murder of small children in New Jersey vs. the'superstorm: Let me be clear, I voted on many votes for Sandy Hook funding. Another reporter attempted to point out that Repbulican Senator Ted Cruz voted aginst a _CUR_50 billion bill that was supposedly intended to help Sandy Superstorm victims. Unlike dingbat Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee, Senator Cruz offered a legitimate reason for not supporting the bill that was filled with pork by legislators who weren't acting in the best interest of Sandy Superstorm victims. The accurate thing to say is that I and a number of others enthusiastically and emphatically supported hurricane relief for Sandy, the'senator told the MSNBC host. The problem with that particular bill is it became a _CUR_50 billion bill that was filled with unrelated pork it's not right for politicians to exploit a disaster when people are hurting to pay for their own political wish list.
In a post-Harvey Weinstein world, logic would dictate that Silvio Berlusconi, who hosted wild parties with young women and brags about his sexual prowess, would not have a ghost of a chance at political resurrection. But logic and Italian politics have never been synonymous. On Monday, the four-time former prime minister's right-wing bloc relished a huge political victory in regional elections in Sicily. Silvio, as his die-hard adoring acolytes simply call him, was back in the driver's seat. Berlusconi is Alive, was the headline in La Verita, a right-wing newspaper, on Tuesday. The mainstream Corriere della Sera ran a cartoon showing Berlusconi, wrapped in a burial shroud, emerging from a tomb like Lazarus in the New Testament. The regional Sicilian ballot, in which Berlusconi's candidate, Nello Musumeci, won big, was seen as a dry run for nationwide elections due before May. As the _NUMBER_-year-old media tycoon campaigned tirelessly for Musumeci, betting that a victory in Sicily would be the springboard for a national return to power of the center-right, the ex-premier's sex scandals were no issue. Unfortunately, this is a country where if one violates rules on sexual ethics, he is admired, said Anna Foa, a history professor who is on a team of women who write a monthly edition on women's issues of the Vatican newspaper L Osservatore Romano. Earlier this month, British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon resigned after admitting touching a radio presenter's knee repeatedly in _NUMBER_ - relatively tame behavior compared to Berlusconi's past sex scandals. This is a country - and I am sorry to have to say this - where breaking the rules brings votes, Foa said. Everyone wants to be the one who breaks the rules and gets away with it, and Berlusconi did this in a sphere that people like best - the sexual sphere. Bunga Bunga - the term of uncertain origin that the billionaire media magnate gave to his wild parties with young women at his plush residence near Milan - is now part of the modern Italian lexicon. Partly as a result of the sex scandals, Berlusconi went through a very public divorce from his second wife, Veronica Lario, in _NUMBER_. His current partner, Francesca Pascale, is _NUMBER_ years his junior. Berlusconi is due to stand trial on charges he bribed witnesses to silence them over accusations he paid for sex with young women. In an earlier, related case, he was acquitted of having sex with one when she was still _NUMBER_. He denies all wrongdoing. But far from being a hindrance, commentators say that in Italian politics, scandals can help, if only because voters believe there is little left to hide. Berlusconi is like a used car that comes with a guarantee. You know what you are going to get, said Giovanni Orsina, professor of modern history at Rome's Luiss University. Even a person who is _NUMBER_ years old and has gone through all these issues and scandals can seem appealing..., not because of his own strength but because of the weaknesses of others. For now, Berlusconi cannot run for office due to a _NUMBER_ tax fraud conviction. But he hopes the European Court of Human Rights overturns this ban in time for him to run next year. Even if the courts deny him the chance, he would still be calling the shots as leader of the center-right in the event of a victory at the national elections. More than _NUMBER_ women have accused Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein of having sexually harassed or assaulted them over the past three decades. He has denied having non-consensual sex with anyone. The allegations against Weinstein have prompted many more women as well as men to share stories in the media about improper behavior by powerful men in their countries. Not so in Italy, where women have for the most part remained silent despite confidential polls showing that many were asked for sexual favors in order to keep their jobs or advance their careers. We are still a backwards country where women who speak out about sexual abuse are accused of exaggerating, said Michela Marzano, an Italian philosopher who teaches at Paris Descartes University. There is an unconscious adoption of the concept of a patriarchal order and male superiority and there is very little solidarity among women.
Aides to U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday attacked the credibility of the nonpartisan agency that will analyze the costs of a replacement for Obamacare, as the White House sought to quell opposition from many conservative Republicans. The Congressional Budget Office, which provides official estimates of the budget impact of proposed legislation, is expected to issue a report as soon as Monday that will assess the healthcare legislation put forward by Republican House of Representatives leaders. The report could influence sentiment toward a bill already under fire from Democrats and some Republicans, especially if it suggests the legislation would reduce the number of Americans with health coverage or worsen U.S. budget deficits. Republicans have long opposed Obamacare, formally called the Affordable Care Act, on the grounds it was government overreach and led to higher insurance premiums. The _NUMBER_ law, Democratic President Barack Obama's signature legislation, provided _NUMBER_ million previously uninsured Americans with health coverage. Trump has called Obamacare a "disaster" and made its repeal and replacement a key campaign pledge. Several Republican lawmakers said on Sunday the replacement bill was unacceptable in its current form, including conservative Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, who said the plan could not pass the Senate and could put the Republican House majority at risk in _NUMBER_ congressional elections. "I believe it would have adverse consequences for millions of Americans and it wouldn't deliver on our promises to reduce the cost of health insurance for Americans," Cotton said. In a series of television interviews, White House budget director Mick Mulvaney and top White House economic adviser Gary Cohn said the CBO was focusing on the wrong metrics with the estimates it will provide on the number of people who are insured. Cohn and Mulvaney said the CBO should instead should analyze whether patients can actually afford to go to a doctor. "I love the folks at the CBO, they work really hard, they do, but sometimes we ask them to do stuff they're not capable of doing, and estimating the impact of a bill of this size probably isn't the - isn't the best use of their time," Mulvaney told ABC's "This Week" program. Speaking on Fox News, Gary Cohn, director of the White House National Economic Council, said: "We will see what the score is, in fact in the past, the CBO score has really been meaningless." "They've said that many more people will be insured than are actually insured. But when we get the CBO score, we'll deal with that," Cohn said. The Trump administration's criticisms of the CBO are unusual. Prior administrations, both Republican and Democratic, steered clear of attacking the credibility of the agency, which many lawmakers regard as a neutral arbiter. The CBO's current director, Keith Hall, was appointed by Republicans in _NUMBER_. The credit rating agency Standard & Poor's has estimated _NUMBER_ million to _NUMBER_ million people could lose health insurance coverage under the Republican plan. Senator Bernie Sanders, who ran for president in _NUMBER_ as a Democrat, said it was "cowardly" for Republicans to proceed with a healthcare bill without CBO estimates, telling CBS' Face the Nation show: "This is a disgrace." In recent weeks, Trump administration officials and Republican lawmakers have criticized what they said were overly optimistic estimates from the CBO of the number of Americans who would sign up for health insurance on government-run exchanges. The CBO estimated in _NUMBER_ that _NUMBER_ million people would be purchasing insurance through the exchanges in _NUMBER_. Only _NUMBER_ million were signed up for those plans by the middle of last year, according to Department of Health and Human Services data. The House Republican legislation would scrap tax penalties for Americans without health insurance, roll back an expansion of Medicaid insurance for the poor, and replace Obamacare's income-based subsidies with a system of fixed tax credits to help people buy private insurance on the open market. Cohn also disputed the notion that millions of people on Medicaid would become uninsured as Obamacare's expansion of the program is rolled back over a period of years. He said many of these people would be transitioned into new private and employer-sponsored plans that would become more affordable under the Republican plan. House Speaker Paul Ryan, the Republican plan's top backer in Congress, said he was "certain" the CBO would show a reduction in the number of Americans with coverage. "You know why? Because this isn't a government mandate," Ryan told NBC's Meet the Press. Conservative Republicans said, however, they could not support the plan without significant changes. Republican Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, a founder of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said it did not go far enough to meet Republicans' promise to kill Obamacare. "We told them we were going to replace it with something that would bring down the cost of insurance. That's what we told them," Jordan told Fox News Sunday. "This legislation that the speaker's brought forward doesn't do that."
The U.S. Congress, rushing to beat a Friday midnight deadline, on Thursday passed legislation funding the government through Dec. _NUMBER_. By a vote of _NUMBER_-_NUMBER_, the House of Representatives passed the bill and rapidly sent it to the Senate, which then approved it _NUMBER_-_NUMBER_, sending it to President Donald Trump for signing into law. While a Saturday shutdown of government agencies was averted, Congress and Trump will now have to come up with a deal to keep the government operating beyond Dec. _NUMBER_.
France's President Emmanuel Macron told African youths on Tuesday that he belonged to a new generation of French leaders who would build partnerships with the continent rather than tell it what to do. But a youth protest against him, stones pelting one of his delegation's vehicles and a botched grenade attack on French troops hours before his arrival in Burkina Faso's capital Ouagadougou showed the hostility that still lingers after decades of an often tense France-Africa relationship. Macron was also subjected to rowdy student questions at the university after his speech in Ouagadougou, and was sometimes left fruitlessly hushing as he struggled to get his answers heard above the crowd. In his speech, peppered with references to African nationalists such as Nelson Mandela and Burkina's revolutionary leader Thomas Sankara, Macron promised a break with a past in which France often seemed to call the shots to former colonies. I am from a generation that doesn t come to tell Africans what to do, Macron said, prompting applause. I am from a generation for whom Nelson Mandela's victory is one of the best political memories. The _NUMBER_-year-old is on a three-day visit to Burkina Faso, Ghana and Ivory Coast aimed at boosting cooperation in education, the digital economy and migration. I will be alongside those who believe that Africa is neither a lost continent or one that needs to be saved, he said. The grenade attack missed the French soldiers but wounded three civilians hours before Macron arrived. No group claimed responsibility. Stones were thrown at a delegation convoy, however Macron was far away from it at a meeting with his Burkina counterpart, Roch Marc Kabore in the presidential palace. Dozens of local youths clashed with security forces in the center of the capital throwing stones. Police responded with teargas. Protesters burnt T-shirts with images of Macron and carried slogans including Down with new-colonialism and French military out of Burkina . It was not the first time a French president has promised to break with past French politics on the continent. Macron's predecessor Francois Hollande declared while visiting Senegal in _NUMBER_ that the time of La Francafrique is over , referring to a shadowy network of diplomats, soldiers and businessmen who manipulated African leaders for decades after independence. But it comes at a tense time, when French troops are being sucked deeper into a years-long battle to quell Islamist militancy in the Sahel region. France has _NUMBER_ troops deployed there, and there are mixed feelings about their presence - highlighted in a bitter row between France and Mali over the deaths of _NUMBER_ Malian troops being held captive by Islamist militants in a French air strike. The French are pinning their hopes on the so-called G5 Sahel force being set up by regional country's with French and American backing. It launched a campaign on Oct. _NUMBER_ amid growing unrest in the desert reaches of the region, where jihadists allied to al Qaeda or inspired by Islamic State roam undetected. Macron earlier told journalists G5 had been too slow to get established. He said he would call for greater co-operation between Europe and Africa to tackle human trafficking and he touted a European initiative to rescue African migrants from being enslaved in Libya. The exchange with heckling students was typical Macron, who during his presidential campaign often managed to turn initially hostile crowds in his favor by answering questions head on. You speak to me like I m a colonial power, but I don t want to look after electricity in Burkina Faso. That's the work of your president, he retorted to one hostile questioner.
The spokesman for President Donald Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort testified before a federal grand jury on Friday in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into possible collusion between Trump's _NUMBER_ election campaign and Russia. Jason Maloni, the president of the crisis public relations firm JadeRoq LLC, spoke briefly with reporters after leaving a courtroom where he had testified for a little less than two hours. "I was ordered to appear today before the grand jury. I answered questions and I've been dismissed," Maloni said. He declined to discuss the types of questions he was asked. Mueller is investigating Manafort's financial and real estate dealings and his prior work for the Party of Regions, a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine, that backed former Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovich. Overall, Mueller's investigation and two congressional panels are looking into conclusions by U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia worked to tilt last November's election in Republican Trump's favor. Moscow has repeatedly denied any meddling in the election and Trump has denied any collusion by his campaign. Mueller's investigators are examining potential money laundering by Manafort and other possible financial crimes, sources have told Reuters. Manafort was also present at a June _NUMBER_ meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya who offered to provide damaging information about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Others at that meeting included Trump's eldest son, Donald Trump, Jr., and son-in-law, Jared Kushner. In July, Manafort's Virginia home was raided by FBI agents. Maloni, as Manafort's spokesman, had told reporters that Manafort "has consistently cooperated with law enforcement and other serious inquiries and did so on this occasion as well."
Not fake news, just fake! Team _TAG_ hits back on claims _TAG_ has compromising material on _TAG_. _URL_ Jon Williams January _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_
As Tiffany Trump blew out the candles on her birthday cake, she had plenty of time to reflect in that moment on the fact that she probably made that cake herself because her family doesn't think she is important enough to acknowledge.Donald Trump tweeted a lot on Friday and Saturday, bragging about hurting the'stock market, complaining about fake news and promoting candidates he likes. Though he normally tweets birthday tidings to the three kids whose existence he acknowledges, he forgot all about poor Tiffany .Sadly, they and others are Fake News, and the public is just beginning to figure it out! _URL_ Donald J. Trump October _NUMBER_, 2017Health Insurance stocks, which have gone through the roof during the ObamaCare years, plunged yesterday after I ended their Dems windfall! Donald J. Trump October _NUMBER_, 2017The Democrats in the Southwest part of Virginia have been abandoned by their Party. Republican Ed Gillespie will never let you'down! Donald J. Trump October _NUMBER_, 2017Newsweek notes that Melania and Tiffany's siblings also completely ignored her birthday.Trump has wished Don Jr., Melania, Ivanka, Eric, and even the Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force, and Army birthday tidings via Twitter. But not Tiffany. Apparently, she isn't important enough for The Donald to spend two seconds wishing her a happy birthday.In fact, he wished the Navy a happy birthday instead of Tiffany:I have no greater privilege than to serve as your Commander-in-Chief. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the incredible men and women _USER_!#242NavyBday _URL_ Donald J. Trump October _NUMBER_, 2017Poor Tiffany. It's unfortunate that she is forced to deal with being a member of the Trump family. No amount of money is worth that.Featured image via Twitter
Puerto Rico's semi-public power utility, known as PREPA, on Thursday said it would make all of a _CUR_415 million debt payment due on Friday, a relief for bond insurers who might have been on the hook in the event of default. PREPA, which had been on the brink of collapse under _CUR_8.3 billion in debt, last year reached an exchange deal with most of its creditors, which is being finalized. On Thursday, the utility said it would make its _CUR_415 million payment using operational funds and proceeds from the new bond sales. "Today's outcome is another step toward PREPA's transformation," Lisa Donahue, the utility's chief restructuring officer, said in a statement. The payment is not a shock because PREPA and its creditors have had the framework of a restructuring deal in place since December. But debt payments in the U.S. territory are being watched closely as the island is expected to default on pieces of _CUR_1.9 billion owed on Friday, and President Barack Obama prepares to sign a bill putting the island's finances under federal oversight. Puerto Rico faces _CUR_70 billion in total debt, a stalled economy, and high poverty and unemployment. The _CUR_1.9 billion due on Friday - of which PREPA's payment was a portion - includes nearly _CUR_800 million in general obligation debt, the island's highest-ranking debt protected by a constitutional pledge. It was unclear on Thursday whether Puerto Rico would make that payment. On Wednesday night, the U.S. Senate passed the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act , which Obama has said he will sign, providing for a bankruptcy-like debt restructuring process for Puerto Rico, as well as federal oversight of its finances. While PROMESA contemplates a stay on litigation in the event of default, missed payments matter for the insurers who have to pay out on claims. MBIA's National Public Finance Guarantee insures about _CUR_139 million of the PREPA payment due on Friday, while Assured Guaranty covers about _CUR_35 million. National insures another _CUR_211 million in other debt due on Friday, including _CUR_173 million in GO debt, a company spokesman said on Wednesday. Assured covers another _CUR_329 million due Friday, about _CUR_184 million of which is GO debt, a spokeswoman said. Ambac, which insures more than _CUR_2 billion of Puerto Rican bonds, is on the hook for _CUR_122 million in principal and interest due on Friday, including some _CUR_40 million in GO or GO-guaranteed debt, according to the company's public documents.
President-elect Donald Trump's statement Thursday that the United States needs to strengthen its nuclear capabilities referred to the need to prevent nuclear weapons from spreading to unstable countries or terrorist groups, a spokesman said. "President-elect Trump was referring to the threat of nuclear proliferation and the critical need to prevent it - particularly to and among terrorist organizations and unstable and rogue regimes," spokesman Jason Miller said. In his Twitter post earlier, Trump wrote, "The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes."
British foreign minister Boris Johnson said on Tuesday negotiations to leave the European Union were going well but there was too much gloom attached to Brexit. At the Conservative Party's annual conference, Johnson said that, while trade deals with other countries might take time to negotiate, there would be loads of them done before the next British election, due in _NUMBER_. Johnson also told a meeting on the sidelines of the conference that Britain would want to do things differently to the EU in certain areas, such as data and bio-science.
Islamic State on Sunday condemned as an "apostate" a U.S. Muslim soldier killed in Iraq whose story has re-ignited debate in the _NUMBER_ presidential election on the role of Muslims in American life. Dabiq, the militant group's online magazine, showed a picture of U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan's tombstone in Arlington National Cemetery with a caption, "Beware of Dying as an apostate." An accompanying article, penned by an unnamed "American convert in the Islamic State," urged Muslims to resist Western influences and to either migrate to Islamic State-controlled lands or carry out lone attacks. "Reject these calls to disunity and come together. Live the life of Islam, for which you have already left the path of falsehood," the militant wrote. "You are behind enemy lines, able to strike them where it hurts them most," the article added. Khan's death in a bomb attack in Iraq in _NUMBER_ re-emerged as an election issue when his father gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday in which he paid homage to his son. Khizr Khan, a U.S. citizen of Pakistani origin and a Muslim, also criticized Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for proposing a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States and asked if the candidate had read the U.S. Constitution. Trump rejected the criticism and questioned whether the soldier's mother was allowed to speak during the couple's appearance at the podium. Ghazala Khan later said the outspoken billionaire was ignorant of Islam and of sacrifice. Trump has stoked outrage during his unorthodox campaign by supporting racial profiling for Muslim Americans in the wake of a deadly shooting by a U.S.-born Muslim man killed _NUMBER_ people at a gay nightclub in Orlando in June. Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, has said the comments and other pointed remarks about American minorities show Trump is unfit to be president.
By U.S. President Donald Trump's math, renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement and other deals will largely pay for the massive tax cuts his cabinet laid out earlier in the week. He is likely off by a factor of close to _NUMBER_ - or more - according to trade and tax economists who say it does not make sense to think of the world in the two-dimensional, money-in-my-pocket or money-in-yours way that Trump did in a Thursday interview with Reuters. The president, for example, said that given the current _CUR_61 billion annual trade deficit with Mexico, the United States would be better off if the two countries did not trade at all, saying "You'll save yourself a hell of a lot of money." The former real estate developer's economic assessment appeared to overlook the ways in which a total halt to trade between the two neighbors would ripple through both nations - changing prices, currency values, jobs and wages, arguably helping some industries but damaging others. The net impact of Trump's calculations, which run counter to most widely accepted views of the benefits of trade, are hard to predict, said Claude Barfield, a trade expert at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. "These views about the trade deficit and its alleged negative impact...are nonsense, and are views he has held since the 1980s," said Barfield. "It could happen," he said of a hypothetical severing of ties between the United States and Mexico, "but the things you would do to make it happen would be hugely disruptive. You'd have to think what are the firstand second-order effects," as industries reorganize and consumers adapt. In the case of Mexico, the American companies that exported a quarter of a trillion dollars of goods and services to that country last year would be out a customer, and likely cut jobs. Those American companies that tried to replace the _CUR_323 billion in Mexican imports would likely do so at a higher cost — assuming they are in the United States to begin with. There is no guarantee that if Trump were to seal the border with Mexico that it would "save" the United States any money, said Marcus Noland, a trade economist at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. It may simply reduce consumption through higher prices charged by domestic suppliers, or lead to increased imports from a different country. "Americans seem to really like guacamole," Noland said, "but the idea that we are going to have giant greenhouses and lots of avocados and limes - the fact that we are purchasing them from the Mexicans rather than producing them at home tells you producing them at home is more expensive. We can stop trading with the Mexicans, and have _CUR_60 billion less in consumption." Since consumption accounts for a large part of the U.S. economy, that is not an outcome Trump would want, though it would be one way, economists note, to achieve the trade balance the president and his advisers regard as important. Trump told Reuters: "There is no such thing as a trade war when you have a deficit." Most economists disagree with the notion that the trade deficit matters much to a country as large and self-sufficient as the United States. Trade at that scale in particular is shaped by global savings and investment patterns that in recent years have favored the United States. By the statistics most widely accepted among economists, the U.S. position with the rest of the world has been steadily improving as investment flows into the country from abroad and supports millions of jobs. The current account deficit – which includes trade flows, investment, and other financial transfers across borders – has been shrinking for more than a decade and is now less than _NUMBER_ percent of gross domestic product. As far as the impact of trade on the federal deficit - a separate concept reflecting how much the government spends and how much it collects from businesses and households - Trump said that he was not worried that his plan to cut taxes will result in a sea of red ink "because we will do trade deals that are going to make up for a tremendous amount of the deficits." Economists, however, say any connection is circuitous, felt through channels like an increase in tax payments from new job holders or stronger corporate profits — but hard to estimate and likely small. Even if Trump achieved his wildest success, and eliminated the United States' _CUR_500 billion trade deficit solely through increased exports that boosted gross domestic product on a dollar-for-dollar basis, it would do little to dent the estimated _CUR_7 trillion in government deficits his tax plan is projected to generate over the next decade. Alan Cole, an economist at the Tax Foundation, said that every dollar of gross domestic product generates about _NUMBER_ cents in federal government revenue, meaning the _CUR_500 billion trade shortfall would translate into just _CUR_88 billion in new taxes. Even that, he said, is wildly generous. "You have to say where is the new production coming from, which people, which places?" Cole said. "Will it be new factories being built, and if so why haven't they been built already?"
That's right, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls, zero percent of black voters say that they are supporting Donald Trump in the battleground states of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Surprised? Nope, me either and it's likely that neither is anyone else who has been paying attention even a little.Trump is tied with Hillary Clinton in Ohio. NBC reports that _NUMBER_ percent of the _NUMBER_ registered voters in the poll were African-American and they went for Clinton _NUMBER_ percent to _NUMBER_ percent.Clinton holds a nine-point lead over Trump in Pennsylvania. Of the _NUMBER_ voters in the poll, _NUMBER_ percent were African-American and they chose Clinton _NUMBER_ percent to _NUMBER_ percent.The NBC/WSJ/Marist polls were conducted between July _NUMBER_-_NUMBER_ and also included Iowa, but there were not enough African-Americans voters polled in that state for a statistically significant sample.Trump has said repeatedly that black people are going to vote for him and insists that they are going to like him more than they like Obama. Why in the world he would have such a ridiculous notion is unclear. Over and over we have seen black protesters assaulted at his rallies, often shouting such lovely sentiments as light that motherf*cker on fire. Trump has made an appalling habit of retweeting white supremacists. White nationalists have made robocalls on his behalf in multiple states. At the'same time, he has slammed the Black Lives Matter movement for being too divisive. And these examples don't even include his bigoted rhetoric towards Mexicans and Muslims.He may deny it, but he knows he is in trouble when it comes to voters of color, that would be why he tweeted a fake photo of an African-American family who supposedly supported him. No sane black person would even consider casting their vote for this racist piece of sh*t egomaniac.Zero percent support is exactly what he'should expect from the African-American community. But judging from the way he has pandered to white supremacists, it is unlikely that these are the voters he's really after anyway. Whether he admits it or not, though, he can't win the presidency without them.Featured image via Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images
A Republican bill to dismantle Obamacare has been pulled by U.S. House Republican leadership and will not be voted on as planned on Friday afternoon, a House Republican leadership aide said.
One month before the election, political activist and Hillary supporter Amal Clooney traveled to Texas to warn Americans about our elected President Donald J. Trump and his tough immigration policies. Today, she and her open-borders, Hollywood liberal husband George, who arrogantly claimed There will never be a President Trump, are reportedly moving back to the U.S. According to Breibart, a Clooney insider says they no longer feel secure in England. What could possibly make them feel unsafe about living in a country overrun by Muslim refugees from terror-hotbed nations?Actor and immigration activist George Clooney will be moving to Los Angeles with his wife Amal and newborn twins Ella and Alexander citing security concerns at his England estate, according to a report.Life & Style magazine reported last week that the _NUMBER_-year-old Oscar-winner will move his newly-expanded family to his mansion in Studio City, California, after deeming his 17th century mansion in Sonning, England to be not sufficiently safe for them.Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars DESTROYS the embarrassing hypocrisy of Hollywood leftist George Clooney in this brilliant video:
A billion here, a billion there These spendthrifts in big government are forgetting where this money comes from. The hard working taxpayers should not be footing the bill for this monstrosity.
All of this is a deflection from the fact that he has done nothing, she continued. So, we haven't seen we haven't seen a jobs bill. We haven't seen _URL_
Kenyan police fired teargas and shots in the air on Monday as hundreds of demonstrators marched through the capital Nairobi to protest against proposed legal changes that would make it harder for the Supreme Court to annul an election. Reuters television footage showed a sport utility vehicle ploughing into some of the protesters, severely injuring three, but it was not immediately clear who was responsible and the police made no immediate comment on the incident. Kenya is due on Oct. _NUMBER_ to repeat a presidential election after the Supreme Court nullified an Aug. _NUMBER_ vote due to procedural irregularities. President Uhuru Kenyatta, who won the August election, will face opposition leader Raila Odinga. Uncertainty over the coming election has created turmoil in the East African nation, which is a regional trade hub and staunch Western ally. As the demonstrators marched toward the election board in Nairobi, a Reuters journalist saw men in plain clothes near security forces fire shots in the air. Police on horseback set up blockades to prevent protesters from accessing some roads. Police also used teargas in the western city of Kisumu, Odinga's stronghold, to disperse protesters, though another demonstration in the coastal city of Mombasa passed peacefully. Odinga's opposition alliance is threatening to boycott the October vote unless the electoral board changes some personnel - a stance he declined on Monday to clarify, in comments that suggested he was keeping his options open for now. This is a democratic society we live in. If I choose not to participate in the pre-rigged election process, it is my democratic right. No court can order me to do so, Odinga said in comments broadcast on Kenyan TV stations, without elaborating further. The protesters want to warn ruling party lawmakers not to pass an amendment to the election law that would limit the circumstances in which the Supreme Court could void an election on procedural grounds, opposition lawmaker James Orengo said. If parliament passes the law tomorrow, it will be like declaring war on the Kenyan people, he said. Justin Muturi, speaker of the National Assembly, said the amendment could be debated when parliament reconvenes on Tuesday if lawmakers were keen to push it forward. He said the key part of the proposed law stipulates that if a candidate boycotts an election whose date has already been set, the remaining candidate would win the contest without formal polls being held. The government is keen to avoid a constitutional crisis if Odinga pulls out at the last minute, frustrating the court's order to hold elections within _NUMBER_ days, Muturi said. We are trying to prevent a crisis should there be no elections, he told Reuters by phone. The government-backed Kenya National Commission on Human Rights said on Monday in a report that at least _NUMBER_ people had been killed in a police crackdown on protests that immediately followed the August vote - the highest death toll given so far. The report attributed some deaths to police using live bullets and a few from police bludgeoning using clubs . It named a _NUMBER_-month-old baby girl, a _NUMBER_-year-old boy, and an _NUMBER_-year-old girl as being among the victims.
A man was jailed for _NUMBER_ years for rape by a Swedish court on Thursday for forcing _NUMBER_ children from the United States, Canada and Britain to perform sex acts on themselves or with other children that he viewed over the internet. The case, heard in Uppsala, marked the first time in Sweden that a person has been convicted of rape without having met the victim - setting a precedent for such crimes over the internet to be treated as seriously as if they were committed in person. The district court makes a very important assessment here. It states clearly what is required for an act performed by a girl on her own body to be regarded as rape when the perpetrator is not in the same room, prosecutor Annika Wennerstrom told TT news agency. This may lead to a different level of priority and status from the police in criminal investigations with these types of crimes. The _NUMBER_-year-old Swede found the girls via social media and threatened to rape them and kill their families unless they committed the sex acts on themselves, on other children or with animals. The children, most under the age of _NUMBER_, either streamed the acts to the man over the internet or recorded them and sent them later. The man was also sentenced for a large number of acts of online sexual abuse of children and child pornography. As a result of this case, Wennerstrom said the means of investigation and the penalties could change. We will be given the opportunity to use other types of methods with this legal classification, penalties will be longer and the chances for compensation for victims will increase, she said.
The U.S. Navy said on Friday that it was moving the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln and other ships into position to provide humanitarian relief from Hurricane Irma if needed. The Abraham Lincoln, along with the amphibious assault ship Iwo Jima and transport dock ship New York, have left Norfolk, Virginia and are making their way south while trying to avoid the hurricane, U.S. officials said. A destroyer is expected to join them. These ships are capable of providing medical support, maritime civil affairs, maritime security, expeditionary logistic support, medium and heavy-lift air support, the statement said. In total, the four ships have three CH-53E Marine heavy lift helicopters, _NUMBER_ MH-60S and _NUMBER_ MH-60R Navy medium life helicopters. The Pentagon said the assault ship Wasp near the U.S. Virgin Islands was carrying out evacuations for critical patients from the island of St. Thomas to the larger St. Croix island. So far, _NUMBER_ patients have been evacuated with another _NUMBER_ evacuations planned for Friday, U.S. Northern Command said in a statement. The U.S. Air Force said it had moved _NUMBER_ F-_NUMBER_ fighter jets and more than _NUMBER_ personnel from Shaw Air Force base in South Carolina to Louisiana. Military facilities in the path of the hurricane have ordered evacuations. MacDill Air Force base in Tampa, home to U.S. Central Command which oversees military operations in the Middle East, ordered a mandatory evacuation. Marine Corps Recruit Depot in Parris Island, South Carolina, said it had authorized and encouraged non-essential military and civilian personnel to evacuate.
Just two years ago, the Obama White House welcomed Russia's top internal security official, Alexander Bortnikov, to Washington, as the head of a Kremlin delegation attending a highly publicized U.S. government summit on countering violent extremism.Obama was caught on an open mic telling Russian President Dmitry Medvedev who is pictured toasting with Vladimir Putin and Head of the Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov, that he would have more flexibility after his second term. Of course, the mainstream media all but ignored the disturbing conversation. They re all over the fake news story however about Trump and his alleged Russian ties, of which they have absolutely NO evidence. What U.S. officials did not then know is that officers of the agency that Bortnikov heads, the FSB or Federal Security Service, were at that moment directing an audacious state-sponsored cyberattack to penetrate Yahoo's email network, deploying criminal hackers to steal data on _NUMBER_ million email users, according to criminal charges unveiled by the Justice Department on Wednesday. The indictment handed up by a federal grand jury in California charged two FSB officers and two civilians one Russian and one from Kazakhstan, now living in Canada with crimes including computer hacking and economic espionage.The FSB sponsored cyberattack, which lasted from _NUMBER_ to last September, was described by government officials today as one of the largest data breaches in history: It involved the theft of vast amounts of credit card data and other financial information, as well as personal details on individuals of high interest to the Russian government: journalists, U.S. officials and U.S. and foreign corporate executives and employees, including a senior officer of a major U.S. airline and even a Nevada gaming official.But what was especially galling to U.S. officials is that the two FSB officers at the center of the plot, Dmitry Dokuchaev and Igor Sushchin, were assigned to the agency's Center for Information Security, or Center _NUMBER_ a cybercrime unit that was the FBI's point of contact for investigating criminal hacking operations. What this shows is that we've been had, said Steve Hall, a former CIA station chief in Moscow who later directed agency operations in Russia. Center _NUMBER_ was the part of the FSB that was supposed to be working with us. But instead of working with the FBI and CIA to catch hackers, the FSB officers were actually working with hackers themselves, according to the Justice Department charges. In the Yahoo attack, two alleged cybercriminals were also charged as co-conspirators in the plot. One of them, Alexsey Belan, a notorious cyberthief who has been twice indicted in the United States and is on the FBI's Cyber Most Wanted list, received sensitive law enforcement and intelligence information from the FSB that helped him avoid detection by the FBI and facilitated his theft of proprietary Yahoo data including stealing the company's Account Management Tool , a system that Yahoo used to make and log changes to user accounts. His purpose, a senior U.S. official said today, was to line his own pockets with money. For entire story: Yahoo News
Leave it to Obama to politicize our money some think the past presidents should be on the money but now Obama's made our money like a postage stamp. He's made this political and racial which really is what you'd expect from this pitiful man.Abraham Lincoln will not be the only person depicted on the _CUR_5 bill much longer.The Treasury Department announced Wednesday that it will overhaul the design of the _CUR_5 note, a move overshadowed by its decision to revamp the back of the _CUR_10 bill to include women and to feature Harriet Tubman on the front of the _CUR_20.Civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr., famed opera singer Marian Anderson and first lady Eleanor Roosevelt will be depicted on the back of the updated _CUR_5 bill.All three will be portrayed in historical moments in front of the Lincoln Memorial, which is currently pictured on the back of the bill. King will be shown delivering his _NUMBER_ I Have a Dream speech. Anderson will be shown performing in _NUMBER_, when concert halls were still segregated and she was banned from singing in Constitution Hall, supported by Roosevelt.In redesigning the _CUR_5 bill, a previously unannounced step, the Treasury will disrupt Lincoln's long-running tenure on both the front of the bill, in a portrait, and on the back, captured as a statue within the Lincoln Memorial. The basic layout of the note hadn't changed since _NUMBER_.Read more: WE
Very interesting There's truth to President Trump's claim that his iconic Midtown skyscraper was wiretapped during the Obama administration only Trump wasn't the target.The FBI listened in on phone conversations and monitored text messages for two years ending in _NUMBER_ while probing a sports-betting and money-laundering ring tied to the Russian mob that operated out of a swanky pad in Trump Tower, ABC News reported Tuesday.The apartment, unit 63A, is located just three floors below Trump's lavish penthouse, ABC said. Everything was moving in and out of there, said ex-FBI official Rich Frankel, who's now a consultant for the network.In _NUMBER_, the apartment's former occupant, Vadim Trincher, was sentenced to five years in the'slammer and ordered to cough up more than _CUR_20 million in cash, investments and property after pleading guilty to racketeering conspiracy.Trincher, currently living in a halfway house and set to be sprung in July, admitted being part of a massive, _CUR_100 million operation that ran poker games frequented by A-list celebrities including movie star Leo DiCaprio and former Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez.Earlier this month, Trump ignited a firestorm of controversy with a series of tweets alleging that then-President Barack Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower shortly before last year's election. NYP
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump on Thursday of fuelling America's "radical fringe" with racist rhetoric, even as her Republican rival sought to soften his image with an appeal to minorities. Clinton needs to retain support from black and Latino voters to win the Nov. _NUMBER_ election, the same coalition that helped propel Democrat Barack Obama to the White House in _NUMBER_. Trump, whose support comes mainly from whites, is unlikely to be victorious unless he can cut into that support. "Donald Trump has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia," Clinton said in a scathing speech in Nevada. "He's taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over one of America's two major political parties." "This is a moment of reckoning for every Republican dismayed that the Party of Lincoln has become the Party of Trump," Clinton said, referring to Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president, who issued the Emancipation Proclamation and championed the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution during the Civil War that led to the abolition of slavery in _NUMBER_. Trump, who trails Clinton in national opinion polls, has polled poorly with minorities and has been criticized for his proposals on immigration, which include deporting millions of undocumented foreigners, building a wall along the Mexican border, and suspending Muslim immigration to shore up national security. He described some Mexican immigrants as "criminals and rapists" in a _NUMBER_ speech launching his candidacy and more recently questioned the impartiality of an American-born judge of Mexican heritage. On Thursday, the New York real estate mogul-turned-politician criticized Clinton before her speech, saying she and her party had let black Americans down with failed economic policies and were falsely labeling Republicans as bigoted. "When Democratic policies fail, they are left with only this one tired argument: You're racist, you're racist, you're racist," Trump told a crowd in Manchester, New Hampshire. "It's a tired, disgusted argument and is so totally predictable." At a Mississippi rally on Wednesday, Trump called Clinton a "bigot who sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings." He argued on Thursday that Clinton's opposition to charter schools and vouchers locked minority students in failing jobs, that her tax policies would hurt black-owned businesses and that she would allow immigrants to take jobs from minorities. Trump said the Clinton attacks were not only an assault on him, but on all his supporters - people, he said, who want strong borders and security. "To Hillary Clinton, and to her donors and advisers, pushing her to spread smears and her lies about decent people, I have three words ... shame on you." A Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation poll for the week beginning Aug. _NUMBER_ found Clinton beating Trump among Hispanic voters by _NUMBER_ percentage points, and by _NUMBER_ percentage points among black voters. Trump has tried recently to broaden his appeal to them, hinting at a softening of his hardline position on immigration. In comments broadcast on Fox News on Wednesday night, Trump said he would be willing to work with immigrants who have abided by U.S. laws while living in the country, backing away from his insistence during the primaries that he would try to deport all _NUMBER_ million illegal immigrants. Trump also met with black and Latino Republican leaders at his headquarters in New York City on Thursday morning. Trump's efforts were unlikely to draw out minorities in his favor but could reassure some moderate Republicans worried about his views on race, said Bernard Fraga, a political science professor at Indiana University. "I don't think these efforts will do a lot to help him in minority communities," Fraga said. An association of _NUMBER_ Latino organizations sent a letter on Thursday calling on him to "cease" his rhetoric and meet with their leadership to discuss ways he could improve his outreach to Hispanics. "As we have expressed numerous times, your rhetoric of relentless attacks against our community is an issue of serious concern and has had a significant impact, fuelling an alarming trend in our nation," the letter reads. Clinton released a video on Thursday ahead of her Nevada speech tying Trump to white supremacist groups. The video shows a Ku Klux Klan member praising Trump and plays a recording of former leader Klan leader David Duke calling on white people to vote for Trump. The video also shows newly appointed Trump campaign chairman Steve Bannon, who ran the website, which has been accused of stoking online racists. Bannon told the magazine Mother Jones during the Republican National Convention last month that the website was "the platform for the alt-right," a brand of U.S. political conservatism associated with white nationalism. Trump's campaign called for the Clinton campaign to withdraw the video. "This type of rhetoric and repulsive advertising is revolting and completely beyond the pale," Mark Burns, an African-American pastor who supports Trump, said in a statement. "I call on Hillary Clinton to disavow this video and her campaign for this sickening act that has no place in our world."
William Stanford Nye or Bill Nye is an American comedian, actor, writer and science educator. Bill Nye initially started working as a mechanical engineer and later turned to hosting television shows. Bill Nye has a net worth of _CUR_6.5 Million.He has acquired his wealth and fame mainly because of the television show Bill Nye the Science Guy that was produced jointly by Disney and PBS. The'show aired for almost four years. It was aired first in _NUMBER_, and it continued till late _NUMBER_.Nye also attended Sidwell Friends in DC, the'same elite private prep school as the Obama girls. Nye was honored with a doctorate by the Johns Hopkins University, and he also received an Honorary Doctor of Science Degree in _NUMBER_ from the Willamette University.The American Mirror Bill Nye the science guy is gaining a new reputation as Bill Nye the eugenics guys after a recent episode on this Netflix show Bill Nye Saves The World. Nye tackled the'subject of overpopulation during the'show's season finale on Tuesday, and hosted a panel discussion that included the question: Should we have policies that penalize people for having extra is in the developed world? Nye, a high-profile climate change activist, posed the question after panelist Travis Reider of Johns Hopkins University alleged that the average Nigerian emits _NUMBER_ metric tons of carbon annually.Watch:_URL_ Nazi's also believed in killing children to further their cause. It's actually called eugenics : From _NUMBER_ to _NUMBER_, Nazi Germany carried out a campaign to cleanse German society of individuals viewed as biological threats to the nation's health. Enlisting the help of physicians and medically trained geneticists, psychiatrists, and anthropologists, the Nazis developed racial health policies that began with the mass sterilization of genetically diseased persons and ended with the near annihilation of European Jewry. With the patina of legitimacy provided by racial science experts, the Nazi regime carried out a program of approximately _NUMBER_ forced sterilizations and over _NUMBER_ euthanasia deaths that found its most radical manifestation in the death of millions of racial enemies in the Holocaust.Rachel Snow, chief of population development for the United Nations, intervened. I would take issue with the idea that we do anything to incentivize fewer children or more child. It's justice and human rights, she'said. People should have the number of children they want and the timing of children and if some families have five or six children, God bless them, I mean, that's fine. But most people end up with fewer. Another panelist, Montefiore Medical Center director of family planning Nerys Benfield, pointed out that poor and minority women would be disproportionately impacted by policies that penalize parents for extra kids. These people, in the name of climate change, are beginning to sound an awful lot like the eugenicists of the early 20th century, DanJanTube posted in the comments of a YouTube clip of the'show. Disturbing. Others attacked Nye and Netflix on Twitter. This might be the darkest show Netflix has ever streamed, Chris Morgan tweeted.
Chuck Grassley and Merrick Garland go way back, but when the Republican Senate Judiciary Committee chairman and President Barack Obama's U.S. Supreme Court nominee meet for a private breakfast on Tuesday, they will not exactly be sharing fond memories. Two decades ago, Grassley, an Iowa Republican, spearheaded a fight against Garland's nomination to the influential U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Just like now, a Democratic president, in that case Bill Clinton, submitted Garland's nomination to a Republican-controlled Senate. Garland, then a top Justice Department lawyer, was denied a Senate confirmation vote in _NUMBER_ and _NUMBER_ despite earning bipartisan praise. Finally, in _NUMBER_, after Clinton renominated Garland upon winning re-election in _NUMBER_, was he confirmed to a seat on the court that was a launching pad to the Supreme Court for Chief Justice John Roberts, Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Clarence Thomas, as well as the late Antonin Scalia. Fast-forward to _NUMBER_: Another Democratic president has chosen Garland to replace Scalia only to have Grassley and a Republican Senate maneuver to block the nomination without so much as a Judiciary Committee hearing. "Nothin' against him," the _NUMBER_-year-old Grassley, who describes himself as "just a farmer from Butler County," told Reuters. Even so, Garland, _NUMBER_, will sit down with Grassley on Tuesday and be told that once again, his nomination will be put on ice. In _NUMBER_ and _NUMBER_, Garland was entangled in "what ended up being a _NUMBER_- or _NUMBER_-year crusade," Grassley said, to reduce the number of judges on the federal appeals court that Clinton chose him to join. Two decades later, Grassley again offered no criticism of Garland's qualifications. Grassley, like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, has decided to ignore Garland's nomination in the hope that a Republican will be elected president on Nov. _NUMBER_ and, after taking office in January, would choose a conservative rather than the centrist Garland. "It's not about him because we're living by the principle 'let the people have a voice,'" Grassley said, referring to the November presidential and congressional elections. Grassley, no stranger to controversy during _NUMBER_ years in the Senate, has become the target of Democrats' scorn in this Supreme Court drama. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said Grassley could go down as both inept and the "most obstructionist" Judiciary Committee chairman in history. Other voices have weighed in against Grassley and his fellow Republicans, with the Des Moines Register newspaper in his home state calling the Garland blockade "un-American." Grassley, facing re-election in November, insists he will not buckle, and called the Register's editorial "hyperbolic rhetoric." In a Senate speech last week, he recounted showdowns dating back to the 1980s when he took on a popular president from his own party, Ronald Reagan, over budget matters. "I am no stranger to political pressure and to strong-arm tactics," Grassley said. Grassley then turned his attention to Roberts, criticizing a speech the chief justice made shortly before Scalia's death about the politicization of the confirmation process and warning Roberts, appointed by Republican George W. Bush, to keep his mouth shut in the Garland fight. "Now that's a political temptation that the chief justice should resist," Grassley said.
Reince Priebus, the'soon-to-be ex-chairman of the RNC and Trump's new chief of staff, went on television to justify one of Trump's biggest lies since getting elected. Last week, Trump alleged that millions had voted illegally in the presidential election after he heard that Jill Stein was seeking recounts in three states. That's a serious claim to make and he made it without basis whatsoever. Priebus, though, apparently doesn't care that's a lie, and went on national television to hold it up as some kind of bizarre example.CBS Face the Nation host, John Dickerson, asked Priebus about that claim and even pointed out that there's no evidence that millions voted illegally. Priebus played all innocent in his support of Trump at first: Well I don't know if that's not true, John. I mean, there was an article in the Wall Street Journal the other day and it had a certain percentage of people voting that shouldn't be voting. There are estimates all over the map on that, and here's the problem no one really knows. But Dickerson wasn't done. He also asked this: When you're president, can you just offer a theory that has no evidence behind it, or does he have to tighten up his standards of proof? He should have to tighten up his standards of proof, but Priebus may well be afraid he ll lose his new job as one of Trump's lap dogs if he criticizes him at all. So here's Priebus vigorously defending Trump's lies: I think he's done a great job. I think the president-elect is someone who has pushed the envelope and caused people to think in this country. He's not taking conventional thought on every single issue and has caused people to look at things that maybe they have taken for granted. So basically, it's okay for Trump to lie or say things no president should say because it starts national conversations. It's okay for us to have a president who lies because it makes people think in ways they might not otherwise.Way to go, America. Watch Priebus full segment below:Featured image via screen capture from embedded video
On New Jersey _NUMBER_, Chris Christie made the argument for raising wages for judges and government employees, but he'still presumably thinks minimum wage workers and teachers are the exceptions.Christie lost a bid to get a raise for judges, who currently make _CUR_140,000 a year in New Jersey. According to Christie, _CUR_140k makes for stupid judges. The idea somehow that judges are overpaid is ridiculous, Christie said.Christie said starting salaries for lawyers in the New Jersey area is _CUR_195,000 for a first-year associate. You don't want judges out there, lawyers becomes judges who think that getting _CUR_140,000 a year is a raise, Christie said. If you can't make _CUR_140,000 as a lawyer with the experience to actually be on the bench, you're not that good a lawyer. You want to appear before stupid judges? Then don't raise their pay anymore. Because the people you will get in the main applying for these jobs will be people who see it as a step up in pay for them, said Christie.Here's the video:Christie was referring to a defeated bill that would have allowed him and other government officials, including judges, to make money off of book deals. The bill would have also given a big raise to Christie's cabinet members, state and local judges and legislative aides.The bill would also have done some real damage to newspapers in New Jersey, which is currently the only place to find official legal notices. Christie's bill would have made the notices available online, and in a time when journalism is under assault, newspapers can't afford the hit that would cause in readership.But, let's just for a moment assume that Christie is right, and that it takes money to attract the best and the brightest. Well, he certainly doesn't seem to have that attitude when it comes to teachers or to the people who serve his copious amounts of food.Christie has long been engaged in a war against teachers. He even once threatened to punch teachers in the face. In New Jersey, teachers average less than half what Christie's judges make, and Christie fights tooth and nail to keep their pay low. Shouldn t we aim for smart teachers, as well?Christie has long been against raising the minimum wage in New Jersey, which has the fourth most expensive cost of living in the nation. It's even ahead of California. Still, the minimum wage for New Jersey is just _CUR_8.25. Christie vetoed a bill that would have raised the minimum wage.Featured image via Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images.
Last week, the Washington Post reported that after almost _NUMBER_ decades, _NUMBER_ women came forward to claim they were sexually abused as teenagers, by Roy Moore, the GOP candidate for senator in Alabama. Nevermind that for _NUMBER_ decades they were silent about Moore's alleged behavior, and that only _NUMBER_ weeks before the election, they all decided to confide in the leftist rag who just endorsed Moore's Democrat opponent, Doug Ross for Senate.It was discovered last week that one of the women who accused Roy Moore of sexual misconduct actually worked for Hillary as a signer at her campaign, openly trashed President Trump and pushed her friends to support Moore's opponent on her personal Facebook page.Meanwhile, the allegations against Moore continue to unravel, as the mother of Leigh Corfman, who says that Alabama Senatorial Candidate Roy Moore tried to engage in a sexual encounter with her when she was _NUMBER_, told Breitbart News that the Washington Post worked to convince her daughter to give an interview about the allegations against Moore. Speaking by phone to Breitbart News on Saturday, Corfman's mother, Nancy Wells, _NUMBER_, further stated that her daughter would not have come forward if it weren't for The Post reporter's alleged actions.Earlier on Sunday, Breitbart News reported that Corfman's mother contradicted a key detail of Corfman's story. Speaking by phone to Breitbart News on Saturday, Wells said that her daughter did not have a phone in her bedroom during the period that Moore is reported to have allegedly called Corfman purportedly on Corfman's bedroom phone to arrange at least one encounter.The Washington Post cited Corfman as remembering that she provided Moore with her number when she was _NUMBER_. She'said that she'spoke to Moore from what she described as the phone in her bedroom.Today, the left got some very bad new about their hit job on Roy Moore it appears that polls show Alabama voters aren't buying it Breitbart News Two new polls demonstrate that GOP nominee for the U.S. Senate Judge Roy Moore remains unaffected entirely by smears in the Washington Post against him, and his lead before the Post piece on Thursday afternoon remains intact. One of the polls, which were both provided by the pollster to Breitbart News exclusively on Saturday evening, was conducted on Thursday morning before the publication of the Post piece that afternoon. The'second one was conducted on Saturday evening. Together, they show Judge Moore's lead over Democrat Doug Jones has been virtually unaffected since the Post story came out.The first survey, which was conducted entirely before noon local time on Thursday, shows Moore leading Jones by _NUMBER_ percent to _NUMBER_ percent with _NUMBER_ percent undecided. That survey of _NUMBER_ likely voters in the upcoming Dec. _NUMBER_ special election has a margin of error of _NUMBER_ percent.The'second survey, conducted Saturday evening two days after the Post piece hit, roiling Alabama's political scene shows Moore and Jones with about the exact same percentages as before. Moore's position in this second poll is _NUMBER_ percent meaning he only dropped _NUMBER_ percent since the'story hit and Jones has only picked up _NUMBER_ percent to reach _NUMBER_ percent total. The'second survey, which polled _NUMBER_ likely voters with a margin of error of _NUMBER_ percent, has _NUMBER_ percent as undecided. The polling between Thursday morning and Saturday showed far less movement than I originally expected, pollster John Wahl told Breitbart News. The controversy surrounding the Washington Post article seems to have galvanized the'support of both candidates, but not changed the actual percentages in a significant manner. The Moore campaign has already weathered a considerable amount of political attacks during this campaign season, and I expect most of his lightest support to have blown off during these attacks. His current support level is holding fairly steady. Another liberal publication, The Hill, reported that Moore was losing in the polls to Jones after the hit piece on Moore was published in the Washington Post.The Hill -Democrat Doug Jones is leading Republican Roy Moore in Alabama's Senate race in the wake of explosive accusations of sexual misconduct against Moore, according to a new poll released Sunday.Forty-six percent of likely voters polled said they would vote for Jones, while _NUMBER_ percent said they would vote for Moore, according to the Louisiana-based JMC Analytics and Polling.The'survey was conducted on Nov. _NUMBER_ and Nov. _NUMBER_, after The Washington Post reported that a woman said Moore had initiated a sexual encounter with her in _NUMBER_, when she was _NUMBER_ years old and he was _NUMBER_.The RealClearPolitics poll has Moore and Jones tied. The poll showing Moore losing to Jones was conducted by JMP, the'same polling operation who gave us this hilariously inaccurate poll, only one week before the general election in _NUMBER_:We re gonna go out on a limb, and say that this so-called scandal involving Judge Roy Moore is going to backfire spectacularly on the left, and will ultimately only shine a spotlight on the hypocrisy of the Democrat Party, who ignored the'sexual misconduct of former President Bill Clinton and his enabling wife, Hillary Clinton for decades.
Zimbabwe has named a former diplomat as the head of its intelligence agency, state-owned newspaper The Herald said on Saturday. Isaac Moyo, who was serving as an ambassador to neighboring South Africa and Lesotho, replaces retired army general Happyton Bonyongwe, the paper quoted chief secretary to the president, Misheck Sibanda, as saying. No one was immediately available to comment in President Emmerson Mnangagwa's office. The Herald is a mouthpiece for the government. Moyo takes over a domestic spy network, the Central Intelligence Organisation, that permeates every institution and section of society and has been used by former President Robert Mugabe to stay in power. He has served as a member of the African Union's Committee of Intelligence and Security Services of Africa , intelligence provider to the union's _NUMBER_ states. Mnangagwa, who was sworn in two weeks ago in the wake of the de facto military coup that ended Mugabe's _NUMBER_-year rule, has been ringing in changes in his administration including appointing leading military officials to top posts in his cabinet.
The U.S. Senate on Wednesday rejected a resolution to revoke an Obama-era rule to limit methane emissions from oil and gas production on federal lands, dealing a blow to President Donald Trump's efforts to free the drilling industry from what he sees as excessive environmental regulation. The Congressional Review Act resolution received just _NUMBER_ votes after Republican leaders scrambled for weeks to secure the _NUMBER_ needed to pass it. The resolution would have revoked the rule and prevented similar regulations from being introduced. Getting the Trump administration to repeal the BLM rule had been a top priority of the oil and gas industry. Companies said it was unnecessary, would could cost them tens of thousands of dollars per well and hinder production. But not all Republicans supported the measure, in part because it would have made regulating methane waste more difficult in the future. Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona made a surprise vote against the resolution, joining fellow Republicans Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Susan Collins of Maine in opposition to torpedo it. "While I am concerned that the BLM rule may be onerous, passage of the resolution would have prevented the federal government, under any administration, from issuing a rule that is 'similar'," McCain said in a statement. He said the Interior Department should issue a new rule on to replace the existing one on methane leaks, which he called a public health and air quality issue. The rule, finalized by President Barack Obama in his last weeks in office, updated _NUMBER_-year-old regulations that govern flaring, venting and natural gas leaks from oil and gas production. Obama's administration said it would preserve up to _NUMBER_ billion cubic feet of natural gas per year that is currently lost to leaks and flaring. The American Petroleum Institute and other industry groups have said the methane rule is unnecessary because companies have made strides in reducing leaks on their own. "The rule could impede U.S. energy production while reducing local and federal revenues," said Erik Milito, API's Upstream and Industry Operations Group Director. Members of the Western Energy Alliance, which include Devon Energy , Whiting Petroleum and EOG Resources had also been strongly opposed to the rule. Environmental groups hailed what they depicted as a rare victory for the environment after several regulatory rollbacks by the Trump administration. "In recent months, thousands of Americans asked the Senate to stand up for clean air and against the oil lobby, and their efforts were successful today," said Jamie Williams, president of the Wilderness Society. The Western Values Project estimated that if the rule had been rescinded, the U.S. Treasury would have lost out on _CUR_800 million in lost potential royalties from leaked or vented natural gas over the next decade. Republican Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming, chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works who supported the resolution to kill the rule, called on Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to act unilaterally to revoke it.
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch did not order FBI Director James Comey to withhold from Congress the discovery of emails potentially related to the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server, but she made it known that she thought his decision violated department policy, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters on Monday. As Comey and Lynch aides debated last Thursday whether alerting Congress about the emails would comply with longstanding Justice Department policy against announcing overt investigative steps that would influence an upcoming election, Comey asked whether he was being explicitly directed not to do so. Lynch never gave Comey the order not to send the emails, a senior government official said. Comey's letter on Friday notifying members of Congress that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had discovered new emails apparently pertinent to the Clinton server probe has upended the presidential race and given new hope to Republican candidate Donald Trump that he can make a comeback and win on Nov. _NUMBER_. Lynch's office informed the FBI on Thursday that sending the letter conflicted with a memo containing official guidance that is sent to all Justice Department employees during presidential election years, according to the official. The memo instructs employees to "never select the timing of investigative steps... for the purpose of affecting any election." But the Justice Department made no effort to block the FBI from obtaining a search warrant to review the emails, which the agency received on Sunday. The department is working closely with the FBI on the case. Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik told several members of Congress in letters on Monday that the Justice Department was dedicating "all necessary resources" to work with the FBI on its examination of the newly discovered emails "as expeditiously as possible." However, an official familiar with the FBI review said investigators could not predict how long the examination would take. Senator Harry Reid, the Democratic leader in the Senate, sent Comey a letter on Monday accusing the FBI of keeping "explosive information" under wraps about ties between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. Reid wrote to the FBI in August, requesting information about those ties, including alleged meetings between a Trump adviser and several high-ranking sanctioned individuals in Russia in July, according to a copy of the letter seen by Reuters. The FBI acknowledged that it received the letter and said it had replied to Reid's office. An aide to Reid said he was not aware of any response from Comey to the letter.
Donald Trump's most recent secretive actions toward the press are raising a lot of eyebrows and concerns.While Trump is on taxpayer-paid golf vacation in Florida, the undeserving POTUS has made sure that no one will know what the hell he's up to. To symbolize just how transparent his administration is, Trump has blacked out all the windows of his Winter White House and banned the press from taking any pictures and keeping tabs on him.Here's what AP reported Jill Colvin saw in the press pool area:Here's another photo of this disturbing activity:PoliticusUSA obtained a White House pool report, which stated: The pool was escorted into the clubhouse after Trump and Abe were out of view and then led downstairs to a filing room, where we're told we ll be staying for awhile. The door and windows are covered with black plastic so we can't see out. Photographers were instructed not to take pictures on the grounds of a private club. While reporters may not always be blessed with ideal conditions when covering the president, being stuck in a basement with blacked out windows is highly problematic. This couldn't possibly be any more shady. Basically, American'taxpayers just sent Trump on a paid vacation, and he's literally hiding from them.This shouldn't really be a surprise, considering the fact that Trump has ditched his press pool a few times before and has expressed a distinct hatred for journalists and the press as a whole. However, what Trump is doing is highly unethical. When you run for the highest office in the country, you work for the American people now and your life is no longer private. What Trump is trying to do is keep American citizens in the dark, and it is beyond disturbing. This is not how presidents should act.Featured image via Drew Angerer / Getty Images
On Friday, Donald Trump decided to distract from revelations that intelligence agencies had identified the individual Russians who delivered hacked documents to Wikileaks on behalf of The Donald's best friend Vladimir Putin by proving to the world that what he lacks in his desire to attend intelligence briefings he makes up for in his adherence to the principle that ratings aree everything. Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT. So much for . Trump tweeted. Nine minutes later, he added, being a movie star-and that was season _NUMBER_ compared to season _NUMBER_. Now compare him to my season _NUMBER_. But who cares, he'supported Kasich & Hillary. Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got "swamped" by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT. So much for . Donald J. Trump January _NUMBER_, 2017Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got "swamped" by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT. So much for . Donald J. Trump January _NUMBER_, 2017While it is true that Celebrity Apprentice debuted with low numbers _NUMBER_ percent down from the last year Trump hosted, this probably has more to do with the fact that the President-elect is still listed as executive producer for the'show than any other factor. After all, more than half the country wants nothing to do with him as President, or as part of a television show that has been steadily dropping in ratings for years."Executive Producer Donald J. Trump" _URL_ Steve Kopack January _NUMBER_, 2017Naturally, as The Donald has spent more time b*tching about Celebrity Apprentice than attending intelligence briefings like Fridays, where he gets to learn the identity of the Russians who delivered the information Trump'says they'didn't get from a hack ordered by Vladimir Putin to rapist-in-hiding Julian Assange's shady website. Twitter, naturally, descended on The Donald, brutally mocking him for, well, just being him..@realDonaldTrump Sir: how can you find time to tweet on Apprentice ratings but not receive an intelligence briefing? West Wing Reports January _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_@realDonaldTrump Kind of like getting beat by almost _NUMBER_ million votes when running for president? Aaron Gouveia January _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_@realDonaldTrump It must be exhausting to be this petty. Mark Pytlik January _NUMBER_, 2017His show ratings tanked bigly after the first season. Sad! _USER_ _USER_ _URL_ Vicious Babushka January _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_.@realDonaldTrump respectfully Mr. President elect.. you are a real dipshit. . David Sugarman January _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_@realDonaldTrump Donald,Brush your teeth, make your bed and go to the'security briefing. Mommy doesn't have time to talk reality tv. Mike Kelton January _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_.@realDonaldTrump Another great presidential tweet. But how'd you'do compared to duck dynasty? For the love of God, get off Twitter. Now. Dr. Craig Malkin January _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_@realDonaldTrump holy fuck. C'mon America, please stop this madness. Ralph Midnight January _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_@realDonaldTrump You call out your own name in bed. Am I right? Rhys Muldoon January _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_@realDonaldTrump arent u still exec producer of _USER_? If you root against ur own show, will u also be rooting against own country? Ashvin Lad January _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_ Ratings are bad bc Americans are boycotting the'show & your brand, you slow bully! _USER_ _USER_ _URL_ Sonia Mota January _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_@realDonaldTrump Read an intelligence briefing, not a Nielsen briefing Jason Solomon January _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_@realDonaldTrump if you just added "nanny nanny boo boo. I'm rubber, you're glue!" that tweet would be complete. _TAG_ _TAG_ Kristine Schachinger January _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_@realDonaldTrump Ratings machine? History Revisionist. First season was OK at _NUMBER_ spot. Down hill from there. So sad _URL_ Subvert Trump January _NUMBER_, 2017Trump may be tweeting about ratings, but he'surely has a lot on his mind with the intelligence briefing. After all, he has maintained for months that he had secret information that proves Vladimir Putin's gang didn't hack his political enemies for him. He has repeatedly attacked our intelligence agencies for bringing it to light. As ABC reports, the proof that Trump was lying to the American people is quite strong:Overnight just hours after President Barack Obama received the report new details emerged of just what is contained in the'secret document.A senior official briefed on the intelligence sources, methods and assessments in the report that Trump will receive this morning told ABC News that the findings are clear: the evidence points directly to the Kremlin and to Russian President Vladimir Putin in what one official described as multiple streams and types of intelligence collection, not just forensic examinations of the hacked systems. Those various streams of information gathered by U.S. spy agencies include signals intelligence such as intercepts of communications between Russian officials in which they implicated the Kremlin's own espionage, as ABC News reported last month.The Washington Post reported late on Thursday that the eavesdropping caught senior Russian officials actually cheering Trump's surprise victory in November as a success of the Kremlin's intelligence program.And Vice President Joe Biden who was privy to the classified briefing that Trump will receive today told the PBS NewsHour that, there's overwhelming consensus in the community and overwhelming evidence supplied by the community that Russia did engage in an effort to impact on the elections. There is clear evidence that they in fact were engaged in activities designed to try and impact in the outcome of the election, Biden said, while noting there was no evidence that they actually tampered with voting booths or tampered with voting rolls. Referring to parts of the report which will be made public next week, Biden said: It will state clearly that the Russians did as a matter of policy attempt to discredit the US electoral process and attempt to hurt Mrs. Clinton. Contrary to Trump's public bloviations Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, says that the attacks were approved at the highest level of government in Russia and by that, he means that the highest is President Putin. Recently, Barack Obama expelled more than _NUMBER_ suspected Russian intelligence operatives from the country. Vladimir Putin responded by saying he would wait to respond until his puppet sorry, Trump was officially President.Featured image via Getty Images /screengrab
You d think people would be afraid to order a Confederate flag after the riot in Charlottesville BUT this Alabama flag factory is seeing a huge jump in sales The'story of how this single flag manufacturer was started and has flourished is bittersweet ALABAMA FLAG & BANNER SALES SURGE!Sales of Confederate flags surged at Alabama Flag & Banner, which may be the only company still manufacturing the flags in the United States. Belinda Kennedy, the owner, sees the flag as a historical symbol.Rebel flag sales are up since Charlottesville. One north Alabama shop may be the only flag manufacturer in America meeting the increased demand.Alabama Flag & Banner is located in a small strip near downtown Huntsville. Two years ago, the company began manufacturing the Confederate flag after retailers pulled it from their shelves in the wake of the mass shooting at the Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, S.C. in which nine people were killed by a white supremacist who d been photographed holding a Confederate flag.The country's major flag manufacturers stopped producing rebel flags. Eventually, said longtime owner Belinda Kennedy, Alabama Flag & Banner became the go-to manufacturer for hundreds of retailers across the country looking to stock American-made Confederate flags. Online orders boomed, too.Two weeks ago, after the deadly Charlottesville rally sparked a national debate about whether Confederate monuments should be removed from parks around the country, flag sales spiked again. After the church shooting , Amazon and Walmart stopped selling and people were afraid they wouldn't be able to buy it, she'said. And then you started seeing streets renamed, schools being renamed, mountains being renamed. And then people started getting angry. And then there's another surge . Since _NUMBER_, Alabama Flag & Banner has sold an average of _NUMBER_-_NUMBER_ Confederate flags a year. Before that, they typically made a handful of special orders per year because they were able to order flags from a larger manufacturer.Kennedy said there are now Chinese-made flags available elsewhere, and she's seen a handful of individuals online who hand-sew flags to order, but as far as she knows her business is the only one in the country currently manufacturing Confederate flags.About half of the Confederate flags at her shop are a more labor-intensive appliqued flag which retails for anywhere from _CUR_93 to upwards of _CUR_200. The rest are a less expensive screen-printed flag, which costs _CUR_38.50 for a _NUMBER_ x _NUMBER_ flag. Everybody's got a different reason , she'said. By and large, I think people are afraid they may not be able to get it one day. Confederate flags represent only a fraction of her business, she'said, and she has not needed to hire any extra help so far. She has a team of seven or eight seamstresses, some of them Hispanic, who work on the manufacturing side, hand-stitching appliqued flags and preparing the'screen-printed flags.Downstairs in Kennedy's office is a double-frame picture of two of her great-great-grandfathers, who fought for the South in the Civil War. I think there is a bigger racial divide in our country than what we've had in many years, said Kennedy. I think a lot of it is we're trying to sanitize history. You ve got white supremacists, but then you've got people like me who are history buffs, pushing back and saying, don't change history. Removing Confederate monuments is not right, she'said. She echoed President Donald Trump's remarks about the Charlottesville violence, asking where the country should draw the line at removing monuments because founding fathers like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson owned slaves.The Confederate flag, in her view, has been co-opted for something it doesn't represent. She hated seeing it carried by white supremacists in Charlottesville. When you've got people like the Ku Klux Klan and these neo-Nazi groups, the white supremacists, when they hijack the flag, that should be a crime, she'said, because that's not what the flag is about. But that's what makes people so vehemently, adamantly opposed to the flag. Since _NUMBER_, Kennedy has been no stranger to attention, though she'said she dislikes most of the publicity and news coverage surrounding the Confederate flag. Outlets such as CNN and Yahoo News have already interviewed Kennedy this week as part of coverage of the monument debate.A self-avowed Daughter of the Confederacy, Kennedy does not see herself as a crusader for the Confederate cause. But she doesn't accept that the flag or monuments, for that matter are anything more than a symbol of heritage or history. When we start trying to rewrite our history, we are forgetting our history, she'said. Does anybody really think by taking down monuments and renaming mountains and taking down Confederate flags, that we are really going to see racism end? That's not going to fix it.Read more:
This video brilliantly dispels every one of Hillary's false claims and throws them right back in her face Absolutely brilliant!
This is what happens when you have government leaders who represent their own self interests, putting job opportunities and national security for its citizens dead last. Sound familiar?A well-known Iranian born writer, Ramin Peymani explains in a Huffington PostGermany article, Der Syrer eine Fl chtlingsgeschichte , that, while living in Germany, he met up with the Syrian refugee in the checkout line at a local grocery store.Being Iranian, Peymani could speak fluently with the refugee, who freely admitted that he, and all the others claiming to be refugees, were not fleeing war, but had merely come in search of jobs and money.The Syrian told Peymani that his mother lived in America, that that his sister was still in Syria. Did you escape with your mother? Why your sister has not come? Peymani asked. No, I did not flee. None of us had to flee, the Syrian freely admitted. The Assad regime is cruel and unjust, but you can live in Syria, if you just don't mess with it. Peymani then asked if the Syrian had then fled from the Islamic State terrorists. The Syrian's answer in this regard was revealing as well: I come from Damascus, like most of us do that I ve met in the camp. There is no IS ; it is in other regions, for example, towards Iraq. Peymani then asked him the logical next question: Are you saying that most Syrians do not flee from war and persecution? The Syrian answered: Yes. My friends and I went because we didn't want to go to the army. And because it is easier to get a good job and earn money in Europe. Peymani then wanted to know why so many Syrians had come so suddenly. Why now are so many coming? Is it because the Assad regime has become worse? The Syrian replied: No. He has been in power many years already. The regime is cruel and can kill opponents, but my family and I have not been touched, and none of my friends either. So why had they all now come to Europe, Peymani asked, to which the Syrian replied: In the'summer we saw on the Internet that Germany wanted people to live there. We were invited to come here. And it was said that the'state would take care of us and we would be given jobs. But I cannot find one Peymani also asked him what route he had followed to Germany. I lived in Turkey for some time after my mother had emigrated to the United States to be with relatives. But I could not get a visa for the USA, even though my mother has a green card. Peymani asked him if he had fled to Turkey because of the war in Syria? Laughing, the Syrian replied: No . My friends and I are here because we thought we d find work. We did not like Turkey. He was then asked if his story is typical of the people who leave Syria? The Syrian replied: I think most go for the'same reason as I did. All men of my age, who want to just live better elsewhere.
Russia will abide by a European Court of Human Rights ruling requiring it to pay nearly _NUMBER_ million euros in damages for the _NUMBER_ Beslan school siege, Interfax news agency reported on Tuesday, citing the Russian justice ministry. Russia used excessive force to storm a school in the small southern Russian town seized by Islamist militants in _NUMBER_, causing a high number of hostages to be killed, the court ruled in April. The three-day drama began when Islamist militants took more than _NUMBER_ people hostages on the first day of the school year and called for independence for the majority-Muslim region of Chechnya. More than _NUMBER_ hostages lost their lives, including at least _NUMBER_ children, when the siege ended in a gun battle. It was the bloodiest incident of its kind in modern Russian history. The case for damages was brought by _NUMBER_ Russian nationals who either were taken hostage or injured in the incident, or were family members of those taken hostage, killed or injured, the European Court of Human Rights statement said in April. On Tuesday, the court said in a press release that its Grand Chamber Panel had rejected a Russian government request to refer the case and said its ruling was final. No other actions are being contemplated by the participants in this process, the Russian justice ministry said in comments carried by Interfax news agency. In its April ruling, the court said the heavy-handed way Russian forces stormed the school had contributed to the casualties among the hostages . It also ruled that authorities had failed to take reasonable preventive measures, despite knowing militants were planning to attack an educational institution.
A police sergeant in St. Paul, Minnesota is enjoying a paid vacation has been placed on leave after a concerned citizen brought some of his more unsavory actions to the attention of Internal Affairs specifically, suggesting that people run down Black Lives Matter protesters with their cars because, he'says, they will get away with it.Andrew Henderson, a co-administrator of Minnesota Cop Block, first noticed Sgt. Jeffrey M. Rotheker posting under the name JM Roth on the cop watcher group's Facebook page. In fact, he explained while making his report to Internal Affairs, Rotheker was a regular dissenter. But one remark on an article about Black Lives Matter protesters stopping traffic went too far, prompting Henderson to take action. Run them over. Keep traffic flowing and don't slow down for any of these idiots who try and block the'street, Rotheker advised his fellow Facebookers. He explained that they should continue to drive and if you hit someone make sure you call _NUMBER_ to report the accident and meet the cops a block or two away. Rotheker says that the'stop farther away can be justified because you feared for your safety since in the past people in this group has shown a propensity towards violence. Since they are trying to block the'street and/or cross where there is no crossing you should not be charged with anything, he added, explaining that even if these idiots attempted to sue you in civil court, remember that it will be jury trial and so most likely it will come out in your favor. Henderson provided evidence to Internal Affairs that JM Roth is actually Rotheker. You know, a police officer shouldn't be advising people to run over other people for just standing in the road. That's not reasonable to me, Henderson tells Internal Affairs investigators in a recording he made of the encounter. I don't know if that's reasonable to you. It wouldn't be reasonable to, I would think any person, any decent person, Sgt. John Wuorinen replies. Police Chief Thomas Smith says that the allegations are of grave concern given the then-upcoming Martin Luther King Day protest. In a statement the police department announced an investigation is underway and swift, strong and decisive disciplinary action will be taken if it is proven that Rotheker made the comments. The'statement is offensive, disappointing, concerning and does not reflect in any way or align with the views, values and practices of the St. Paul Police Department, the'statement reads.Unfortunately, Rotheker's suggestion is uncomfortably close to reality. In _NUMBER_, a St. Paul man struck a _NUMBER_-year-old protester in Minneapolis who was speaking out about Michael Brown's murder, breaking the teen girl's leg. He paid a _CUR_575 fine and was ordered to complete a traffic education course. No jail time was served. Jeffrey Patrick Rice claimed that he was attempting to flee a mob that damaged his car. After plowing through a crowd of people and injuring the girl, Rice attempted to flee the'scene but was stopped by police about a mile away.St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman issued a statement Monday indicating that he is outraged and disgusted by the post and have directed the SPPD to investigate. Watch the meeting with Internal Affairs below: Featured image via screengrab
The exceptionally negative tone of this year's race for the White House is souring young Americans, turning some away from the democratic process just as the millennial generation has become as large a potential bloc of voters as the baby boomers. Reuters/Ipsos polling shows that Americans aged _NUMBER_ to _NUMBER_ are slightly less likely to vote for president this year than their comparably aged peers were in _NUMBER_. Some political scientists worry that this election could scar a generation of voters, making them less likely to cast ballots in the future. Young Americans on the left and right have found reasons to be dissatisfied with their choices this year. Senator Bernie Sanders had an enthusiastic following of younger people before he lost the Democratic primary race to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. On the Republican side, some are unwilling to vote for Donald Trump, citing the New York businessman's sometimes insulting rhetoric on women, minorities and immigrants. Brandon Epstein, who turned _NUMBER_ on Monday, had looked forward earlier in the year to casting his first vote for Sanders. Now, the resident of suburban Suffolk County, New York, plans to sit out the vote on Election Day, Nov. _NUMBER_. "It's because of the selection of the candidates. I find them to be not just sub-par, but unusually sub-par," said Epstein, a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. "Something's gone terribly wrong." That sentiment is broadly reflected in poll data that show that young Americans are less enthusiastic about their choices in November than they were four years ago when Democratic President Barack Obama faced a re-election challenge from Republican Mitt Romney. Some _NUMBER_ percent of respondents aged _NUMBER_ to _NUMBER_ told Reuters/Ipsos they were certain or almost certain to vote, compared with _NUMBER_ percent who reported that level of certainty at the same point in _NUMBER_. The national tracking poll was conducted online in English in all _NUMBER_ states. It included _NUMBER_ people between _NUMBER_-_NUMBER_ years old who took the survey from Oct. _NUMBER_ to Oct. _NUMBER_, and _NUMBER_ _NUMBER_-_NUMBER_ year olds who took the poll on the same days in _NUMBER_. It has a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of _NUMBER_ percentage points for both groups. For at least the past half century, young Americans have voted at lower rates than their elders. But this year's decline in enthusiasm is of particular concern because it comes as the millennial generation - people born from _NUMBER_ through _NUMBER_ - has become as large a bloc of eligible voters as the baby boomers - born between _NUMBER_ and _NUMBER_. Each group's number of eligible voters is approaching _NUMBER_ million people, according to the Pew Research Center. "This generation has never trusted the government, Wall Street or the media less," John Della Volpe, director of polling at Harvard University's Institute of Politics, said of the millennials. "That's likely to result in turnout of less than _NUMBER_ percent and of those who do turn out, there is still a deep cynicism regarding the impact of their vote, whether or not it will make a difference." The projected low turnout is a particular concern given recent research showing how important habit is in encouraging voter participation. Put simply, a person who votes in one election is about _NUMBER_ percent more likely to vote in the next than an eligible voter who opted to stay home, said Alexander Coppock, an assistant professor of political science at Yale University. "If you extend that logic, if you have an election that fails to turn people on to voting, you'd expect that you wouldn't get that cumulative effect," said Coppock, whose article "Is Voting Habit Forming?" was published in this month's issue of the American Journal for Political Science. However, not all young voters unhappy with their choices will be staying home. Some plan to cast a ballot anyway, even if only in protest, rather than sitting out. That group includes Cameron Khansarinia, a _NUMBER_-year-old vice president of the Harvard Republican Club, who said he would cast a ballot even though he opposed Trump. "I will definitely vote, I just don't know if I will be writing someone in or voting for Gary Johnson or even voting for Hillary Clinton when it gets down to it," said Khansarinia, who is registered to vote in heavily Democratic California. "Once this is over, come Nov. _NUMBER_, we will need people here to rebuild the party."
Everyone knows that Republican front runner Donald Trump's Twitter account is filled with nonsense and an absolute nightmare for any level-headed American. Trump has successfully funneled all of that bigotry and offensive rhetoric to his Instagram account, as the business mogul has just posted a completely baffling ad meant to insult Hillary Clinton while nearly destroying his friendly relationship with Russian president Vladimir Putin.Trump has previously spoken positively about Putin and defended the Russian leader several times, which won him Putin's support for presidency. But in the ad, it doesn't seem like Trump likes Putin at all it even seems like he's trying to destroy their mutually respectful bond. In the video, Putin performs MMA-style combat moves for a few seconds before a clip of an ISIS soldier pointing a gun at the camera is shown. The text reads: When it comes to facing our toughest opponents, the Democrats have the perfect answer And right as the text disappears, Trump goes after Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton by showing a clip where Clinton is barking which is ironic since Clinton was actually doing this to mock Republicans for not being able to fight our toughest opponents. This footage of Clinton is from a campaign rally in February, and happened after telling a story about an old campaign ad that made a dog bark whenever someone lied. Clinton was implying that the GOP candidates were lying through their teeth about several of their claims. Having this clip in Trump's ad is completely out of context, and makes it even more confusing.After the footage of Clinton barking, the video cuts to some really uncomfortable footage of Putin giggling creepily. The last line in the ad reads, We don't need to be a punch line! The ad is about _NUMBER_ long seconds that make absolutely no sense just like Trump himself.Is this what we want for a President?A video posted by Donald J. Trump on Mar _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_ at _NUMBER_:15am PDTFor someone who doesn't want America to become a punchline, Trump has done an amazing job making our politics look like a joke. Unfortunately, this video is getting tons of positive attention from Trump's _NUMBER_ million Instagram followers. Since being posted this afternoon, it has already received over _NUMBER_ likes and thousands of comments.Trump has previously railed against Clinton for imitating a dog. During a South Carolina rally, Trump criticized the former Secretary of State, stating that the press would bury him if he acted the'same way. He said, If I ever did that, I would be ridiculed all over the place. I won't do it. I m not going to imitate her. However, we all know that Trump has done far worse.Given that Trump has a history of misogyny and attacks on women, this strange anti-Clinton ad is nothing new. And it makes about just as much sense as he does. Featured image via Evan Guest / Flickr
21st Century Wire says Is there any difference in US foreign policy between the two major parties? Just how important is foreign policy in the minds of American voters come November?CrossTalk: It is a truism American voters are far more interested in domestic issues during a presidential election. And this suits the foreign policy establishment just fine. Since the Cold War there has been a narrowing of foreign policy debate. Does this explain why Washington blunders from one fiasco to another?CrossTalking with 21WIRE's Patrick Henningsen, along with UCSF's Stephen Zunes, and DC policy expert Daniel Faraci. Watch:
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight _NUMBER_:_NUMBER_ PM PST | _NUMBER_:_NUMBER_ PM CST | _NUMBER_:_NUMBER_ PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for bar fly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along side Andy Nowicki and FunkSoul & Randy J , for the hundred and nineteenth episode of BOILER ROOM. Turn it up, tune in and hang with the ACR Brain-Trust for this weeks boil downs and analysis and the usual gnashing of the teeth of the political animals in the'social reject club.This week on the'show the ACR Brain-Trust is back with another meeting of the Social Reject Club in the No Friends Left Zone! This week on the'show the ACR Brain-Trust is back with another meeting of the Social Reject Club in the No Friends Left Zone! The gang is covering a number of topics this week including the rise in public displays of pathological ego & mental illness, Trumps tweets on transgenders in the military, an upcoming _NUMBER_/_NUMBER_ movie with Charlie Sheen, Grenfell Tower and some thoughts on the deaths of Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell..Direct Download Episode #119Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved! Reference Links, for your consideration and research:
When President Donald Trump scolded U.S. lawmakers on Thursday for clamping down on Moscow with new sanctions, his message clashed with the one that Vice President Mike Pence pushed during a four-day trip this week to Eastern Europe. As he toured Estonia, Georgia and Montenegro, Pence said the sanctions passed overwhelmingly by Congress would send a unified message to Russia that it must change its behavior. Trump, by contrast, took to Twitter to complain that the sanctions legislation, which he grudgingly signed, would send U.S.-Russia relations to "an all-time & very dangerous low." While some Republicans played down the divergence, critics said it exemplified an incoherent policy that would unsettle allies and fail to placate Moscow. "There are some policies where a good cop/bad approach can work," said Michael McFaul, a U.S. ambassador to Russia under former Democratic President Barack Obama. But McFaul added that in the case of the Trump administration's policy toward Russia, Moscow was likely to view the mixed signals as a sign of policy disarray. If the Republican president continues to want improved relations with Russia, "he's not achieving his goal," McFaul said. The White House's two-track approach is mirrored in Moscow. After Trump signed the new sanctions into law on Wednesday, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the No. _NUMBER_ in the Russian ruling hierarchy, launched a blistering attack on the White House. Yet Russian President Vladimir Putin — who has tried to cultivate a personal rapport with Trump in phone conversations and face-to-face meetings at a summit in Germany — has not uttered a word in public about the sanctions since Trump approved them. Trump has repeatedly said he wants better ties with Russia. But the country has loomed large over the first six months of his administration as a special counsel and U.S. congressional panels investigate allegations Moscow meddled in the _NUMBER_ U.S. election to help Trump and also examine any potential role by Trump aides. Moscow denies any meddling and Trump denies any collusion by his campaign. After Congress passed the sanctions legislation with a large enough margin to override a presidential veto, Trump signed it on Wednesday but criticized it as infringing on his authority and said he could make "far better deals" with governments than Congress could. As a countermeasure to the sanctions, Putin called for reducing the staff of the U.S. diplomatic mission by _NUMBER_ people and for the seizure of two properties near Moscow used by American diplomats. Jarrod Agen, deputy chief of staff to Pence, insisted that Trump and Pence were "completely aligned" on Russia. "It was the president's decision to send the vice president to the region. It was the president's decision to deliver the message that the vice president delivered," Agen told Reuters. He added that Pence and Trump spoke every day during his trip and sometimes multiple times a day. The disconnect between Pence and Trump on Russia is an anomaly. Pence usually goes to lengths to emphasize his loyalty to his boss and to downplay any differences. Their different tone on Russia dates back to the U.S. presidential campaign. While Trump often praised Putin, Pence called the Russian president a "small and bullying leader" during a vice presidential debate last October. During his trip this week, Pence condemned Russia for its "occupation of Georgia's soil" as he spoke to U.S. and Georgian troops engaged in joint exercises only _NUMBER_ miles away from Russian troops in South Ossetia. In Montenegro, Pence accused Russia of trying to "destabilize" the western Balkans - a message criticized by Moscow. Russia's Foreign Ministry said it was "regrettable to note that Washington is sliding ever deeper into the primitive ideology of the Cold War era, which is completely detached from reality." Traditional Republican conservatives - who favor a hard line on Moscow - have taken some comfort in Pence's message, as have foreign leaders concerned about the impact of a rapprochement between Trump and Putin. "What he is saying is good and helpful and should be the policy of the Trump administration – and so for those of us who want it to be that way, we're happy to embrace it," said Danielle Pletka, senior vice president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute. "None of us know what Donald Trump thinks in his heart of hearts about Russia," Pletka said. But she added: "If were not comfortable with Pence making this trip, Pence would not be making this trip." Republican Bob Corker, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said he would not "read a lot" into the different tones struck by Pence and Trump, although he welcomed Pence's trip to the European countries. Corker described Pence as the administration's "ombudsman" on policy and said Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Trump's national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, were key to developing Trump's foreign policy. A former U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, was at pains to explain the disconnect between Pence and Trump on Russia. "We are dealing with a major, open split between the president and basically the rest of his administration with the possible exception of Tillerson," the former official said.
Asia-Pacific nations must uphold multilateralism , Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Friday, countering U.S. President Donald Trump's message at a summit that the United States would stay out of trade deals that surrender its sovereignty. Globalization is an irreversible trend, but the world must work to make it more balanced and inclusive, Xi told leaders gathered in the Vietnamese resort city of Danang for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting. His comments came moments after Trump told the same audience the United States would not tolerate chronic trade abuses from partners. Should we steer economic globalization, or should we dither and stall in the face of challenge? Should we jointly advance regional cooperation or should we go our separate ways? Xi asked. Openness brings progress, while self-seclusion leaves one behind, he said. During the past year, Xi has positioned China as a defender of globalization in speeches around the world, contrasting himself with Trump, who has pursued his America First agenda, and pulled the United States out of the regional Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump's predecessor saw the deal as a way for the United States, and not China, to write Asia's trade rules. Having just concluded a state visit to China, Trump said the United States was ready to make a bilateral deal with any country in the Indo-Pacific region, but only on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit . He blasted the World Trade Organization and multilateral trade deals, and some analysts expect tougher action may be imminent from the White House to fight bilateral trade imbalances with China exacerbated by Beijing's state-led economic model. But Xi's efforts to seize the mantle of free trade have rung hollow to critics of China, who argue it erects more market barriers to foreign companies, using state-driven industrial plans, than any major economy. In Danang, Xi said China would significantly ease market access for foreign firms, and all businesses registered in China would be treated as equals. Soon after Trump left Beijing, China said it would raise foreign ownership limits in financial firms, a move cautiously welcomed by business groups as an important step in opening up a tantalizing multi-trillion-dollar financial services market. The _NUMBER_ countries still party to the TPP have been looking for a way forward for the deal on the sidelines of the APEC meeting. Japan had lobbied hard to proceed with the pact that could also help to contain China's growing regional dominance, as it is not involved. Xi has been selling an alternate vision for regional trade by promoting the Beijing-backed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership , which includes Australia, India and more than a dozen other countries, but not the United States. The RCEP is seen as an alternate to the TPP for a path to the broader Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific that APEC aspires to. We should support the multilateral trading system and practice open regionalism, to allow developing members to benefit more from international trade and investment, Xi said. China will speed up negotiations with partners on free trade pacts, and work for the speedy conclusion of RCEP talks, he added.
As Barack Hussein Obama tours around the country trying to convince the low information voter that the lopsided and dangerous deal he and John Kerry cut with Iran is somehow beneficial to the United States of America he may want to consider the'states can shut down his deal if they so choose to act.The Obama administration has sent the Iran nuclear deal to Congress for a _NUMBER_-day review provided by the Corker bill. However, President Barack Obama has pre-empted Congress by going to the UN Security Council first, which has already voted to end international sanctions and accept the deal. Furthermore, even if Congress rejects the deal, it will struggle to muster a two-thirds majority to override the president's veto.There is one effective way, however, that the Iran deal can be rejected: states and local governments can refuse to comply with it.That may come as a surprise. States and local governments do not play much of a role in foreign policy. However, they cannot be forced to implement an international treaty or agreement that is not self-executing i.e. one whose implementation requires new congressional laws.Thanks to the victory at the Supreme Court by then-Texas Solicitor General Sen. Ted Cruz _NUMBER_% in Medell n v. Texas , it is a settled principle in constitutional law that states cannot be forced to comply with international treaties unless Congress has passed statutes giving them effect.The Iran deal stipulates :_NUMBER_. If a law at the'state or local level in the United States is preventing the implementation of the'sanctions lifting as specified in this JCPOA, the United States will take appropriate steps, taking into account all available authorities, with a view to achieving such implementation. The United States will actively encourage officials at the'state or local level to take into account the changes in the U.S. policy reflected in the lifting of sanctions under this JCPOA and to refrain from actions inconsistent with this change in policy.The sanctions to which the deal refers are the array of divestment laws that have been passed in recent years to prevent pension funds and contractors from providing economic benefits to Iranian companies the Iranian regime. _NUMBER_ states have passed divestment laws, roughly a dozen have passed contracting restrictions, and some have passed supplemental legislation, such as a _NUMBER_ law passed in California that applies to the'state's insurance industry.Many of the'states that have applied harsh restrictions on Iran, moreover, are liberal blue states. New York, for example, maintains a blacklist of persons determined to be engaged in investment activities in Iran. As the'state government explains further: Once an entity appears on the list, it will be considered a non-responsive bidder/offerer and prohibited from entering into contracts with New York State or local governments. That includes companies that are not Iranian themselves, but do business with Iran.The Iran deal lifts sanctions on some companies that appear on New York's blacklist. However, the'state restrictions remain in force.The Iran deal obligates the federal government to take appropriate steps to cancel state and local restrictions, and requires the government to refrain from further sanctions in the future. The truth is that the federal government has no constitutional authority to do so.Divestment laws and contracting restrictions can remain in place at the'state and local level until they are superseded by federal statute. The language of the Iran deal itself is not enough to constitute such statutory authority, even if the Iran deal does pass by failure to override Obama's veto.If the'states want, they can add new sanctions and restrictions on Iran perhaps to replace those that the federal government is lifting, such as restrictions on Iranian engineers studying nuclear technology at American universities.The Iran deal specifies that Iran will treat an an imposition of new nuclear-related sanctions, as grounds to cease performing its commitments. That paragraph deals with federal sanctions, but is written vaguely.That leaves great power in the'states hands to trigger the deal's collapse or force Obama to re-negotiate.Via: Breitbart News
For all their mutual praise, Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump are likely to disagree on many things. But Trump's election win could hand Moscow an elusive prize - the lifting or easing of Western sanctions. Rolling back those sanctions, imposed by the United States and the European Union to punish Moscow for its _NUMBER_ annexation of Ukraine's Crimea and support for separatists in eastern Ukraine, could spur investment in Russia's flat-lining economy. That might make it even easier for Putin, who is trying to plug holes in the state budget inflicted by low oil prices and sanctions, to win a fourth presidential term in _NUMBER_ by allowing him to show he has returned the economy to growth. "Clearly the chances of sanctions being lifted on Russia have risen substantially," Charles Robertson, Renaissance Capital's global chief economist, said. "That would improve the investment climate for Russia." Russia's rouble currency and stocks gained on the Trump election victory. Ukraine's dollar-denominated bonds tumbled to multi-month lows, reflecting pessimism about what a Trump presidency means for the divided and indebted country. The Kremlin had been bracing for fraught relations if the White House had been won by Hillary Clinton - a politician Putin once accused of stirring up protests against him and who state media portrayed as an anti-Russian warmonger. Trump was portrayed in a more positive light. Putin described him as "very talented" and in Kremlin-backed media he was cast as a plucky political maverick. Still, few in Moscow had believed the Republican candidate would win, apart from a group of Trump-supporting nationalists who gathered in a Moscow bar decorated with a triptych of Putin, Trump and French Front National leader Marine Le Pen. Once it became clear he had won, Russia's parliament erupted in applause and Putin told foreign ambassadors he was ready to fully restore ties with Washington. State TV ran a clip of a Russian doppelganger of Trump taunting a cowed Clinton lookalike and Margarita Simonyan, the boss of RT, the Kremlin's English-language TV news channel, said she would drive around Moscow with a U.S. flag to celebrate. But Russian glee was tempered by a recognition that Trump's pre-election promises might be diluted and that deep contradictions between Moscow and Washington would remain, even if Trump and Putin adopt a friendly tone in public. Trump's attempts to ease restrictions on doing business with Russia could also be constrained by Congress, which has shown it has little patience for the Kremlin's military adventures. Executives with Western firms say the biggest obstacle to deals with Russia is not the sanctions themselves but the prospect that more could be imposed and the zeal with which existing sanctions are enforced. If a Trump White House were to send a signal to businesses that it was taking a more lax approach, investments could start flowing again with sanctions still in place. A softer U.S. stance could also weaken European sanctions resolve. The bloc's measures have already started to look wobbly, with some member states finding ways to circumvent them, others saying it is time to discuss moving on, and some business groups in countries such as Germany lobbying against them. Until now, Washington has helped stiffen European resolve. When Russia placed a Eurobond in May this year, many European banks decided not to take part because they did not want to fall foul of U.S. financial regulators. "America was the leader there and amazingly has been able to hold Europe together ," political analyst Masha Lipman told Reuters. "With Donald Trump in the White House I think there may be changes, something that might be beneficial for Russia." Putin needs sanctions lifted as they risk hurting his re-election prospects. Russia's central bank is forecasting economic growth of up to _NUMBER_ percent next year, well below the level Russian households have come to expect. After previous slumps, recoveries have been driven by foreign lending and investment. There are already some signs that the economy is hurting support for Putin, a trend that is only likely to grow in the _NUMBER_ months until the Russian presidential election. Kremlin-watchers said that, even if U.S.-relations were less antagonistic with Trump in the White House, any deal would involve hard bargaining on both sides. Russia is seeking formal recognition from the world that Crimea, part of Ukraine, is now Russian territory, something it has only got so far apart from a handful of nations. It also wants Kiev to do more to implement a peace deal covering eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatists hold sway. In Syria, where Russia is helping President Bashar al-Assad fight a war with air strikes and military assistance, Moscow wants the West to drop ideas about changing the government, abandon help for what it says are hardline Islamists, and drop talk of possible no-fly zones. One possibility is a quid pro quo, with Russia making concessions on Syria in exchange for the United States ceding ground on Ukraine and sanctions. "For Russia the key point is Ukraine. If Trump says that America does not care about Ukraine, then that is all that Russia wants to hear right now," Georgy Bovt, editor of the Russkiy Mir magazine, told Reuters. "On Syria it will be easier to reach a deal. I think that on Assad, Russia will be willing to compromise because Ukraine is more important for Russia." Much has been made in Russian and Western media of the perceived similarities and differences between Putin and Trump, who have never met. Both are fond of tough talking and some Russian politicians have suggested the pair might be able to forge a close working relationship similar to the one the Russian leader enjoyed with former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Trump has said he might even meet Putin before his inauguration. Putin's spokesman said there were currently no plans for such a meeting. People familiar with both men's leadership styles advised caution however, saying both were relatively thin-skinned when it came to criticism. Andrey Kortunov, director general of the Russian International Affairs Council, a think-tank close to the Foreign Ministry, told Reuters the fact that Trump was an untested politician would also be a worry for the Kremlin. "He's a loose cannon and you never know what to expect from him," he said. There were also concerns the two men might be too alike. "The problem is that both of them, Putin and Trump, are macho," Sergei Markov, a Kremlin-connected analyst and former pro-Putin lawmaker, told Reuters. "They could try to take the measure of each other. We can't let that happen."
Has Nancy Pelosi been drinking? She repeated herself and giggled while ordering the crowd at an GLAAD function to clap on command bullying became bulleting? Wow! It's a little unsettling when a woman who is supposedly a leader in Congress giggles like a young girl over and over. If she's serious about the policy she's trying to promote then it's probably not the best idea to behave like this Ya think? This isn't the first time Pelosi has behaved this way in front of the cameras. We have a huge list of past gaffes and giggles from the California Rep:Nancy Pelosi: You Can t Cry Wolf in a Crowded Theater Not a day goes by that we have another gaffe from Nancy Pelosi Term Limits Please!.@NancyPelosi screws up the oath of office while lecturing reporters about the'seriousness of her job. _URL_ Josh Caplan July _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_ PELOSI: As you know, today we ll be debating what's called the minibus, minibus. Not an omnibus, everything, minibus. And it, on the'subject of security, as you know, all of us, anyone who serves in government or civically involved takes an oath of office to protect and defend. Support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Our first responsibility is to protect the American people and our constitution. If people are not safe, how can we proceed in any other way?
When thinking about who would be the perfect person to send to a Donald Trump campaign rally to interview supporters, there really is no one better than Drag Queen Courtney Act, previously of Rupaul's Drag Race.She left the comforts of Provincetown, MA, and went over to Fairfield, CT, to talk to Trump minions.It was there that she met all sorts of interesting folks Islamophobes, racists, misogynists You know, pretty much everyone you think you'd find at a Trump rally.Courtney talked to quite a few people, including a man with Trump that B*tch t-shirts, another man with a Made in China Trump hat, as well as a white supremacy group, but one woman really embodied everything Trump.This lady told Courtney: It doesn't matter what your religion is, but I do believe that the Muslim is not a religion. I believe it's more of a cult and if people got together and sacrificed a human baby or sacrificed a woman at the'stake, I would say that people would probably say that's not a good religion. Like Satanic cults, for instance, they're not legal in our country and therefore I don't believe Sharia law should be legal either. Besides all the factual inaccuracies and crazy within all that, it doesn't quite seem to be understandable English either. And she calls herself American.One of the best parts of the video was when some protesters at the rally recognized Courtney from her time on Rupaul's Drag Race. It was probably a nice relief for her to run into sane people in that crowd of nincompoops.All in all, this video is pretty damn hilarious, yet it's still kinda scary knowing there are people in the U.S. who think this way. However, these people vote. Which is all the more reason to make sure we all get out this November and VOTE BLUE.Watch the video here:_URL_ image via video screen capture
The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which implements foreign arms sales, on Wednesday announced sales of _CUR_41.93 billion for fiscal _NUMBER_, a _NUMBER_ percent rise from a year earlier. The agency, which is part of the U.S. Department of Defense, said sales included _CUR_32.02 billion funded by partner nations through the Foreign Military Sales system and _CUR_6.04 billion funded by the State Department's Foreign Military Financing.
Russia's planned peace talks among Syrian groups will only succeed if the opposition ends its fight against the government, a senior adviser to President Bashar al-Assad said on Thursday. The success of the congress depends on the various opposition groups realizing that the time has come to stop the violence, lay down their weapons and engage in a national dialogue, said Bouthaina Shaaban in comments to a Russian news agency carried by Syrian state media. Russian President Vladimir Putin met Assad as well as the leaders of Iran and Turkey in the Black Sea resort of Sochi this week in a diplomatic push to prepare for a congress between Syria's government and opposition. For years, Western and Arab countries backed the opposition demand that Assad quit power, but since Russia's _NUMBER_ entry into the war, his government has won back major cities and now looks militarily unassailable. Large parts of northwest and southwest Syria remain in rebel hands as well as a pocket near Damascus, and Kurdish-led groups hold much of the northeast. Opposition groups who met in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday will stick to their demand that Assad leave power as part of any political transition, the Saudi-owned al-Arabiya channel reported. But after the Syrian army and its allies recaptured Albu Kamal, Islamic State's last Syrian town, Putin said the military campaign in Syria was winding down. Russia has not said when the Syrian congress, also planned to take place in Sochi, will take place or who will be invited. The congress will involve drawing up a framework for the future structure of the Syrian state, adopting a new constitution and holding elections under United Nations supervision, Putin said. After their meeting on Wednesday, Putin, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called on the Syrian government and moderate opposition to participate constructively . Shaaban said the government is ready for dialogue with those who believe in a political solution, adding that the opposition's desire - or even ability - to engage in a real political operation has not yet been made clear. Syria's six-year-old civil war has killed hundreds of thousands, pushed millions to flee in the worst refugee crisis since World War Two and embroiled regional and world powers.
One of the more popular segments on Jimmy Kimmel Live is Celebrities Read Mean Tweets. Sometimes Kimmel runs special editions, like sports editions, film editions, creator editions, and more. Last night, Kimmel had President Obama on his show to read mean tweets the'second time that Obama has done that. Most of the tweets are pretty standard, vanilla hate, right up until the end, when he gets to a tweet from none other than one Donald J. Trump.Trump takes potshots at Obama all the time on Twitter that's nothing new. His Twitter feed is a cesspool of self-congratulations, pseudo-gratitude for his loyal subjects, and insults at everyone who bothers him. The tweet that Obama read said: President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States! It was Obama, though, who got the last laugh on that one with a truth that the Donald will never acknowledge: Really? Well, _USER_, at least I will go down as a president. Bam! Right in Trump's bright orange face! That's one thing that Obama will always have that Trump is less and less likely to ever get. His zinger is at the end of the video below:Featured image via screen capture from embedded video
The United States sees value in the New START arms control treaty with Russia, despite Washington's concerns about Moscow's track record on arms control and other issues, senior U.S. officials said on Friday. The remarks by the Trump administration officials, speaking to reporters on condition of anonymity, suggest the treaty will remain in force and the door remains open to pursuing an extension of the accord, which is set to expire in _NUMBER_. The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty gives both countries until February _NUMBER_ to reduce their deployed strategic nuclear warheads to no more than _NUMBER_, the lowest level in decades. It also limits deployed landand submarine-based missiles and nuclear-capable bombers. Reuters has reported that President Donald Trump, in his first call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, criticized the New START treaty, saying it favored Moscow. But one of the Trump administration officials said on Friday the United States was not looking to discard New START. Senior U.S. officials, including U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, have questioned Russia's reliability on arms control, citing longstanding U.S. allegations that Russia has violated the Cold War-era Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Russia denies treaty violations and accuses the United States of them. The accusations come amid a nosedive in U.S.-Russian relations. U.S. intelligence agencies accuse Russia of meddling in the U.S. presidential election, which Moscow denies, and recent tit-for-tat exchanges between Washington and Moscow include moves to slash each others' diplomatic presence. The tensions have reached Syria, where the United States and Russia are backing different forces that are scrambling to claim what is left of Islamic State-held territory. Russia warned the United States on Thursday it would target U.S.-backed militias in Syria if Russian troops again came under fire. Still, a second senior Trump administration official said Friday the United States was seeking ways to improve communication with Moscow and build some degree of trust, which the official described as non-existent. Trump took office saying he wanted to improve ties strained since Moscow's _NUMBER_ annexation of Crimea and the separatist conflict in eastern Ukraine, which led Washington to impose sanctions on Russia. Ukraine's Petro Poroshenko met Trump on Thursday and said afterward that they had a shared vision of a "new level" of defense cooperation. But the second senior Trump administration official said there had been no decision on whether to provide defensive arms to Ukraine, something Kiev has long wanted.
Failure to ratify the U.S.-led sweeping trade pact TPP would hand China "the keys to the castle" on globalization and do nothing to solve the real problems underlying American anxiety over jobs, the top U.S. trade official said Thursday. The tariff-slashing Trans-Pacific Partnership has turned into a hot-button topic in the run-up to the Nov. _NUMBER_ U.S. election, threatening to dampen support from lawmakers needed to pass a deal critics condemn as a job-killer. U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman said he was still optimistic Congress would pass the _NUMBER_-member TPP, in part because China has been moving ahead with a trade deal of its own, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership , that would boost its exports and let it set labor and environmental standards in the fast-growing Asia Pacific region. "We're one vote away from either cementing our leadership in this region and in the global trading system or ceding it to China," Froman told reporters in Lima after attending the inauguration of Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. "At the end of the day I don't think Congress wants to be responsible for handing the keys to the castle to China." Froman's defense of the TPP follows weeks of heated attacks on the deal as anti-TPP chants and signs have peppered the Republican and Democratic conventions. Republican nominee Donald Trump has called the TPP a "death blow" for manufacturing jobs and his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton has firmed up her opposition to it in recent days. Froman declined to comment on the candidates but said the TPP had become a "scapegoat" for legitimate concerns over income inequality, stagnant wages and jobs lost to automation. "You don't get to vote on the next generation of robots," he said, "you get to vote on trade agreements". But the debate over TPP has also helped broaden support for domestic policies, such as infrastructure development and educational programs, to help Americans adapt to rapid economic change, Froman said. U.S. President Barack Obama wants the TPP passed this year. Froman ruled out renegotiating the "carefully balanced" text, but said issues were being solved by working on country implementation plans. He cited pork producers, dairy farmers and financial services as once-reluctant stakeholders that now back the TPP. "The last major issue outstanding has to do with biologics and intellectual property rights," Froman said. "We're having good constructive conversations" with members of Congress.
We love Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She's the'sweet but also sharp liberal justice who sits on the Supreme Court. She's also no fan of Donald Trump. One tradition that Ginsburg AKA The Notorious RBG has is wearing a special dissent collar when she is going against major rulings presented the land's highest court. No such ruling was upon the justices today, but Ginsburg wore the collar anyway. It seemed to be her way of showing the nation and world that she disapproves of a Donald Trump presidency.Now, this fact is no secret; after all, America's favorite SCOTUS justice came under fire during the heated presidential campaign for remarks she made about the bombastic then-GOP presidential nominee. She'said: He is a faker. He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that. Ginsburg then went on to lament the idea of what a Trump presidency will do to our American reality, saying: For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be I don't even want to contemplate that. Well, unfortunately, that is now our reality. I have to wonder what is going through Justice Ginsburg's head right about now. If her dissent collar is any indication, it's nothing good regarding President-elect Trump.Watch the video below:Featured image via Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images
U.S. President Donald Trump came under fire on Sunday for criticizing London's mayor in the aftermath of attacks in the city that killed seven people and injured at least _NUMBER_ others. In a tweet, Trump seized on comments by London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who said Britons should not be alarmed to see more police in the streets after three men drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge before stabbing others nearby. "At least _NUMBER_ dead and _NUMBER_ wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is 'no reason to be alarmed!'" Trump tweeted. "We must stop being politically correct and get down to the business of security for our people. If we don't get smart it will only get worse," Trump said. In response, a spokesperson for the London mayor said Khan "is busy working with the police, emergency services and the government to coordinate the response to this horrific and cowardly terrorist attack." "He has more important things to do than respond to Donald Trump's ill-informed tweet that deliberately takes out of context his remarks urging Londoners not to be alarmed when they saw more police - including armed officers - on the streets," the spokesperson said. Former Vice President Al Gore, speaking on CNN's "State of the Union" program, said he thought Trump's tweet misrepresented what the mayor had said. "I don't think that a major terrorist attack like this is the time to be divisive and to criticize a mayor who's trying to organize his city's response to this attack," Gore, a Democrat, said. Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat and vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told CNN that it "troubles" him to see the kinds of tweets Trump has put out in the aftermath of the London attacks. Trump did not mention the mayor when speaking after a gala event at Washington's Ford's Theatre later on Sunday, where he condemned the attacks as an "evil slaughter." He said the United States would do everything in its power to assist the UK in bringing those responsible to justice. "This bloodshed must end. This bloodshed will end," Trump said, adding he would "do what is necessary" to prevent the threat from reaching the United States. Islamic State on Sunday claimed responsibility for the London attack. Trump also spoke with British Prime Minister Theresa May to offer condolences and offered Washington's "full support," the White House said in a statement. Earlier in the day, Trump cited the London attacks to push his March _NUMBER_ executive order that would temporarily ban entry into the United States of people from six predominantly Muslim countries. The ban has been blocked in the courts and Trump's legal team has asked the Supreme Court to reinstate it. Trump has said the travel ban is needed to protect Americans from terrorist attacks. Critics say his reasoning is flawed and assail the ban as discriminatory. Speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press" program, former Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday: "A travel ban will be cannon fodder to the recruiters. It's the worst thing we could do." Republican Senator Susan Collins told the CBS program "Face the Nation" that she thought Trump's travel ban was "not the right way to go" because it was too broad. The U.S. State Department said it was monitoring the security situation and advised Americans in Britain to heed the advice of local authorities and maintain their security awareness. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued a statement late on Saturday saying: "At this time, we have no information to indicate a specific, credible terror threat in the United States." Law enforcement officials in major U.S. cities said they were not aware of any threats but were on alert.
Senators Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown on Thursday urged the U.S. Treasury to investigate whether any U.S. or U.S.-linked entity was involved with the law firm at the heart of the "Panama Papers" leak on offshore wealth. "As the primary agency charged with protecting the integrity of the U.S. financial system and enforcing our laws against money laundering and terrorist financing, we strongly urge the Treasury Department to conduct its own inquiry into Mossack Fonseca's activities and its clients," the senators, both Democrats, wrote in a letter to Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.
More than _NUMBER_ million people tuned into cable TV or went online to hear dramatic audio-only coverage of a federal appeals court hearing on U.S. President Donald Trump's temporary travel ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries and refugees. For more than an hour, people around the United States listened to arguments from attorneys for the U.S. government and Washington state, which sued to challenge Trump's executive order imposing the ban. For those using their TVs to hear the coverage, there were also simple graphics and photos. Others listened to streaming online audio. The three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco pressed the government's attorney on the lawfulness of Trump's Jan. _NUMBER_ order, which triggered chaos and protests at U.S. airports and oversea. The order barred travelers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the country for _NUMBER_ days and all refugees for _NUMBER_ days. It banned refugees from Syria indefinitely. The Republican president, who took office on Jan. _NUMBER_, has defended the measure as necessary to protect Americans. Critics said it discriminated against Muslims and violated the U.S. Constitution. Last Friday, a federal judge in Seattle suspended the executive order. Many travelers who had been waylaid by the ban quickly moved to travel to the United States while it was in limbo. The government appealed the decision, and the San Francisco judges heard arguments in the case on Tuesday night. All three major U.S. cable news networks aired either parts of or the entire hearing, which ran from _NUMBER_ p.m. to _NUMBER_:_NUMBER_ p.m. EST. Only the audio was available because the hearing was conducted via conference call. More than _NUMBER_ million people combined tuned in on CNN or MSNBC, while another _NUMBER_ million listened to segments of the hearing on Fox News, according to Nielsen data provided by Fox News. As many as _NUMBER_ people listened to the court's live feed of the session, said David Madden, assistant circuit executive for the 9th Circuit. The lack of visuals did not scare away those interested - and even led some to liken the experience to huddling around a radio in the pre-TV era. "_USER_ this is television gold. Reminds me of when I was grounded and had to listen to the radio. _TAG_ #9thCircuit," Jon Eekhoff said on Twitter. Madden was surprised by the amount of interest in the hearing, "but I think the court was prepared for it," he said by email. As lawyers grappled with questions from the judges, law experts and academics, including Harvard Law School Professor Laurence Tribe, provided the kind of play-by-play commentary generally reserved for major sporting events. The ability of the public to listen to the hearings was particularly important given Trump's questioning of the judges as "so political" and the hearing as "disgraceful," Tribe said. "It was a moment for an important kind of civic education and public engagement in the process of government," Tribe said.
At the very beginning of May, Trump's Department of Justice issued an opinion that opened the door for all government agencies to withhold information from Congressional Democrats, even if those Democrats are the ranking members of their respective committees. The opinion was written in such a way that Trump and the DOJ can say, This will apply to regardless of parties, but that will just be an excuse.It says, in part: Individual members of Congress, including ranking minority members, do not have the authority to conduct oversight in the absence of a specific delegation by a full house, committee, or subcommittee. They don't? According to acting Assistant Attorney General Curtis Gannon, they'don't. His opinion on the matter went on to say: They may request information from the Executive Branch, which may respond at its discretion, but such requests do not trigger any obligation to accommodate congressional needs and are not legally enforceable through a subpoena or contempt proceedings. Wow. They can't even subpoena certain information unless their committee chair does? This is unprecedented. And it's disgusting.The problem is that the committees are all chaired by Republicans right now. So agencies are required to give info to Republicans, but not to Democrats. The ranking Democrats on Congressional committees will have to get their chairpersons to request information.Because of that, both Republicans and Democrats believe this will prevent Congress from carrying out its duties under the Constitution.Rob Portman said that, when he headed the Office of Management and Budget under W., he felt it was his responsibility to provide information to whichever member of Congress asked him for it. However, some of Trump's nominees are refusing to do so even though they're being pressed on that in their confirmation hearings. Claire McCaskill got angry at Trump's nominee for the OMB, who refused to answer that question.Elijah Cummings said, This is not what democracy looks like. Trump can't stand opposition. That's part of what makes him so dangerous to this country. He can't stand opposition and he can't stand criticism. He can't stand people doing their jobs correctly when those jobs involve doing things he doesn't like. If Democrats are able to get information just by asking for it, then Trump has less control over what happens to it.Congress is already under sustained fire for how little they work and how much time they spend outside of Washington. And Trump's DOJ just made that even worse. One has to wonder if this is his first step in gaining absolute control over the legislative branch.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
There are many C words for Hillary but competent is not one of them .OUCH!
Have Americans already forgotten about the real reason Kaepernick was kneeling during the national anthem? He was kneeling in support of Black Lives Matter and their war against law enforcement. NFL players who kneel or stand in solidarity with Colin Kaepernick are protesting against our law enforcement. Should anyone be surprised by the backlash these players are receiving from their fans, as they'disrespect our flag to show their support for Black Lives Matter's war on cops?Breitbart Sports teams ask a lot of their fans, especially in places like Green Bay. Where, depending on the time of year, a fan could get hypothermia while just sitting in his seat. However, one recent request the team has made of the Pack faithful has left fans feeling a little hot.The Packers players, led by their quarterback Aaron Rodgers, issued a call to their fans to join them in interlocking arms during the national anthem. However, some fans have not taken kindly to the request. According to the Green Bay Press-Gazette, Packers Director of Public Affairs, Aaron Popkey, says fan reaction has been intense. We ve had a steady stream of feedback beginning Monday morning and it continued into Wednesday. We ve heard on both sides of the matter. We take note of their concerns. The fact that Popkey alludes to the concerns of the fans, would certainly lead one to believe that the steady stream of fan feedback has definitely tacked more negative, than positive.The issue of anthem protests, already a hot-button issue, became an even bigger story after President Trump's comments in Alabama last Friday night. Where, he referred to players who protested the anthem as SOB s, and said he wished their team owners would fire them.Those comments, led to a backlash from the league last weekend. All told, more than _NUMBER_ players from all _NUMBER_ teams protested the president's comments in some form or fashion. The Packers stood with interlocking arms, in their game against the Bengals. With the exception of three players who remained on the bench.However, those demonstrations did not meet with universal fan approval. Steven Tiefenthaler, a Wisconsin native, Packers shareholder and _NUMBER_-year U.S. Air Force veteran, told the Green Bay Press-Gazette exactly how the protests made him feel: I am so ashamed of and appalled by the ignorance of any NFL player who would dare disgrace our Stars and Stripes or the memory of hundreds of thousands of fallen U.S. heroes who paid with their lives so that we may live free. Laura Hapke, another Wisconsin native whose mother is a shareholder of the team, was shocked that the Packers would participate in the protests. Hapke herself is on the waiting list to become a shareholder, though, the team's protests have given her some pause. Hapke said, If they come out and say they are more into politics than patriotism, I ll have to rethink it. It will break my heart, but I ll have to rethink it. Hapke also had some really good advice for more constructive ways in which the players could protest, while letting the fans just enjoy the game. Hapke said, If the players association would act outside of the game, I think it would be great. From the Green Bay Press Gazette: I am so ashamed of and appalled by the ignorance of any NFL player who would dare disgrace our Stars and Stripes or the memory of hundreds of thousands of fallen U.S. heroes who paid with their lives so that we may live free, said Steven Tiefenthaler, a native of Brookfield who now lives in San Antonio. Tiefenthaler is a Packers shareholder and _NUMBER_-year U.S. Air Force veteran.Shawano native Lloyd Hohn, who now lives in Bismark, N.D., said he is more disappointed than angry. It was and is a heartbreaker to see my beloved Packers involved in this protest. I doubt injustice is going to be affected by this action. It is style over substance, he'said. The players during their off time need to be physically and vocally involved to bring change. From Mark Panteo:The arrogant Leftists of the Green Bay Packers want fans to join them in protesting the National Anthem in a supposed show of unity. Apparently, the only way to show unity in the NFL is to protest the National Anthem.Disgusting. This detestable league deserves to go the way of the Hillary campaign.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that having a Russia-U.S. cybersecurity unit is the most backwards, moronic idea an administration could come up with which is exactly why Donald Trump is encouraging it.When Trump introduced the idea earlier this month that Russia would be working with the United States on cybersecurity even though Russia interfered with the election and is our primary digital adversary Americans across the country were outraged in a collective mix of disbelief and disgust. It seemed as though Trump was purposely trying to throw his Russian scandal in everyone's face, ignoring the'severity of the entire situation. Fortunately, director of the National Security Agency Adm. Mike Rogers shares the feelings of many Americans, and has publicly announced his disapproval of the cybersecurity project.In response to Trump's discussion with Russian leader Vladimir Putin on the creation of an impenetrable Cyber Security unit to prevent further election hacking and cyber threats, Rogers stated at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado that now is probably not the best time for a project like that, diplomatically stating the obvious: Trump's plan is idiotic.This is just the latest criticism Trump is facing on the proposal right after he announced it, Trump was hit with backlash from several lawmakers, which forced him to flip-flop on his proposal. Trump later said: The fact that President Putin and I discussed a Cyber Security unit doesn't mean I think it can happen. It can't-but a ceasefire can, did! As long as people like Roger continue speaking out and acknowledging that Trump has a massive Russian scandal that is currently unfolding before our very eyes, none of Trump's ridiculous schemes to keep befriending Russia will have any success.Trump has an extremely shady, problematic relationship with Putin one that has undermined our democracy as the Kremlin's interference in the election has been confirmed by the U.S. intelligence community . The fact that Trump is having secretive meetings with Putin and thrusting Russia into join projects with the U.S. should not be taken lightly. Trump must be watched closely, and he needs to be called out accordingly.Featured image via Alex Wong / Getty Images
This is rich! A live feed from MSNBC was trying to show how great the anti-Trump protesters were behaving but all of a sudden a guy yells out a disgusting sexual phrase. Fair warning!
Tayyip Erdogan will travel to Greece on Dec. _NUMBER_-_NUMBER_, Greek sources said on Friday, in the first visit by a Turkish president in decades that have seen ties at times severely strained over issues from Aegean Sea rights to ethnically-split Cyprus. Erdogan is expected to meet his Greek counterpart and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and discuss bilateral relations, security issues and the refugee crisis, following a _NUMBER_ EU-Ankara deal aimed at reducing migrant flows to Europe. He is also expected to visit Thrace in northern Greece, where there is a Muslim minority. Erdogan last visited fellow NAT member Greece in _NUMBER_ in his capacity as prime minister. His visit next week will be the first by a Turkish president to Greece in _NUMBER_ years. Greece and Turkey, NATO allies, came to the brink of war in _NUMBER_ over the ownership of uninhabited Aegean islets. Relations have improved since then but they are still at odds over issues from territorial disputes to Cyprus, which remains divided between Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities living on either side of a U.N.-monitored ceasefire line. Eight Turkish soldiers commandeered a helicopter and flew it to northern Greece as a failed coup unfolded against Erdogan between July _NUMBER_ and _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_. Turkey has repeatedly demanded Greece hand them over but Greece's highest court has rejected their extradition. Greek police on Tuesday arrested nine Turkish citizens who were later charged with terrorism-related offences. They are accused of hoarding explosives and of links to an outlawed militant organization responsible for suicide bombings in Turkey. They have denied any wrongdoing.
Justice Scalia appeared to be in good health prior to his vacation at the Cibolo Creek Ranch in Texas owned by Texas millionaire businessman and Democrat donor John Poindexter. Many believe the timing of his death is too coincidental. After reading the details provided and sourced below, share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.It has been long-standing policy for the Obama administration to grant presidential awards to those who are among the president's most prized political donors.It was Poindexter who reportedly was among those who initially discovered the Justice's body, and who then coordinated with local officials to have Justice Scalia declared dead via a phone conversation with the area medical examiner but without an actual medical examination of the body.Mr. Poindexter was also said to be the primary point man between the ranch location and federal authorities who were notably slow to arrive on scene.If Elizabeth Price Foley at Instapundit is correct, Barack Obama could indeed make a recess appointment to replace Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court thanks to a Recess Appointments Clause.Under S. Con. Res. _NUMBER_, the only way to recall the Senate back into business before February _NUMBER_ is with the concurrence the Minority Leader of the Senate, Harry Reid . Somehow I doubt Sen. Reid will grant such concurrence to reconvene, should President Obama decide to use this _NUMBER_-day recess to make a recess appointment and replace Justice Scalia. But should President Obama try use this particular _NUMBER_-day recess to replace Justice Scalia, the replacement would only be constitutionally permitted to serve until the end of the next session i.e., until the end of the 1st session of the 115th Congress, which would be sometime in early January _NUMBER_. Via: InstapunditSo, in other words the timing of the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia couldn't have been better In the cloistered chambers of the Supreme Court, Justice Antonin Scalia's days were highly regulated and predictable. He met with clerks, wrote opinions and appeared for arguments in the august courtroom on a schedule set months in advance.Yet as details of Scalia's sudden death trickled in Sunday, it appeared that the hours afterward were anything but orderly. The man known for his elegant legal opinions and profound intellect was found dead in his room at a hunting resort by the resort's owner, who grew worried when Scalia didn't appear at breakfast Saturday morning.It then took hours for authorities in remote West Texas to find a justice of the peace, officials said Sunday. When they'did, Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara pronounced Scalia dead of natural causes without seeing the body which is permissible under Texas law and without ordering an autopsy.As official Washington tried to process what his demise means for politics and the law, some details of Scalia's final hours remained opaque. As late as Sunday afternoon, for example, there were conflicting reports about whether an autopsy should have been performed. A manager at the El Paso funeral home where Scalia's body was taken said that his family made it clear they'did not want one.One of two other officials who were called but couldn't get to Scalia's body in time said that she would have made a different decision on the autopsy. If it had been me . . . I would want to know, Juanita Bishop, a justice of the peace in Presidio, Tex., said in an interview Sunday of the chaotic hours after Scalia's death at the Cibolo Creek Ranch, a luxury compound less than an hour from the Mexican border and about _NUMBER_ miles south of Marfa.Meanwhile, Guevara acknowledged that she pronounced Scalia dead by phone, without seeing his body. Instead, she'spoke to law enforcement officials at the'scene who assured her there were no signs of foul play and Scalia's physician in Washington, who said that the _NUMBER_-year-old justice suffered from a host of chronic conditions. He was having health issues, Guevara said, adding that she is awaiting a statement from Scalia's doctor that will be added to his death certificate when it is issued later this week.Guevara also rebutted a report by a Dallas TV station that quoted her as saying that Scalia had died of myocardial infarction. In an interview with The Washington Post, she'said she meant only that his heart had stopped. It wasn't a heart attack, Guevara said. He died of natural causes. Via: Washington PostThe absence of an autopsy will stoke the fires of conspiracy, but they may be doused later this week when a statement from Scalia's doctor will be added to his death certificate. The _NUMBER_-year-old jurist suffered from several chronic conditions, The Washington Post reported.Also intriguing to theorists: The U.S. Marshal said that Scalia had declined any security at the ranch. This opens up a host of possible, if extremely long-shot, murder scenarios where an interloper arrives at the ranch and escapes unseen.Scalia was not a young man. He was _NUMBER_ years old and friends at the West Texas ranch where he died say he went to bed early because he didn't feel well. There are many natural causes of death that could be responsible. A heart attack seems to be the most probable cause, and local media are reporting that his death certificate will read myocardial infarction. Other media reports say the cause will be deemed natural. Either way, no official is suggesting homicide.Let's not let that stop us from conjecture. Besides, there are also a few man-made ways to kill him that would fit the very thin facts some of which would be hard to prove even if examiners conducted an autopsy.Many conspiracy-minded people are pointing to a small detail to throw some suspicion over Scalia's death: a pillow found over his head. So could someone have entered his room and used that pillow to asphyxiate him? This method only really works with really old or young people, or those already unconscious. There are usually telltale signs of these murders not only will most victims struggle, leaving signs of the fight behind, but the'suffocation takes up to _NUMBER_ minutes and the body shows this with hemorrhages under the'skin. But there's a catch: Sometimes the'suffocation triggers a heart attack, leaving the corpse without many of the'signs of a homicide.Even a close examination can miss this cause of death. Homicidal smothering is extremely difficult to detect, reads one book on forensic pathology written by Dinesh Rao. The autopsy may reveal asphyxia, but there may not be any corroborative medical evidence to prove foul play. Assassination by poison is an ancient art form. It's also a good way to kill people without getting caught. Let's say you're the professional killer hired by oh, let's just go the whole way and blame this on the White House. They might ask how you plan on doing this. Well, the killer would respond, I m a trained nurse and I m a big fan of this muscle relaxant called succinylcholine. It's the'stuff we inject into patients when we want to jam breathing tubes down their throats while they're still awake. But get this: In high enough doses, it paralyses people so they can't breath. Most autopsies show this as a heart attack. It's brilliant. The White House aide smiles. Then let's take out that SOB. Sound far-fetched? Well, sure. But a similar scheme killed Nevada State Controller Kathy Augustine when her husband injected her with succinylcholine. The hubby was nabbed when coworkers reported that he was pondering ways to kill her, and looked more closely at her body. They found a small needle mark.The drug doesn't leave any direct traces, but it breaks down and leave metabolites behind that can indicate a poisoning. But the medical examiner has to be looking for those signs to catch them during an autopsy.The paranoid can also ponder whether Scalia could have been killed with a gas. One easy choice would be to use carbon monoxide poisoning, undetectable by smell or color. There have been cases where a murderer has run a hose from the tailpipe of a car into a room where the victim is sleeping. All a hired killer would need is a commercially available canister of carbon monoxide and a hose.There's a catch, though. There are usually telltale signs when a person is killed by CO. There may be froth at the mouth and nose. The'skin and internal organs can become bright red, almost like a stain. It's unlikely that such clues would be ignored by an M.E.Since Scalia's family has declined an autopsy, America will likely never know the truth In _NUMBER_, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg acknowledged a specific death threat against her and her retired colleague Sandra Day O Connor, blaming lawmakers for fueling the irrational fringe. She'said the court's marshal, Pamela Talkin, alerted her and O Connor to a February _NUMBER_, _NUMBER_, Internet chat posting by an unidentified person to his fellow commandoes urging a patriotic assignment. According to Ginsburg, the Web author criticized the justices prior reference of international laws, saying, This is a huge threat to our Republic and Constitutional freedom. If you are what you say you are, and NOT armchair patriots, then those two justices will not live another week. The threat came amid growing concern in the judicial community over the personal safety of judges and court personnel. A federal judge's husband was murdered in Illinois in _NUMBER_, by an angry litigant. Less than two weeks later, a shooting spree in Georgia left a judge, a court reporter and a deputy dead in a county courtroom.Deadly anthrax spores were mailed to the Supreme Court's building in _NUMBER_, prompting the building to be evacuated for several weeks.