1 value
import os, glob import argparse import pickle as pkl import random from copy import deepcopy import open_clip import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import yaml from scipy.stats import pearsonr, spearmanr from scipy.stats import kendalltau as kendallr from tqdm import tqdm from buona_vista import datasets from load_features import get_features class TextEncoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, clip_model): super().__init__() self.transformer = clip_model.transformer self.positional_embedding = clip_model.positional_embedding self.ln_final = clip_model.ln_final self.text_projection = clip_model.text_projection self.dtype = clip_model.transformer.get_cast_dtype() self.attn_mask = clip_model.attn_mask def forward(self, prompts, tokenized_prompts): x = prompts + self.positional_embedding.type(self.dtype) x = x.permute(1, 0, 2) # NLD -> LND x = self.transformer(x, attn_mask=self.attn_mask) x = x.permute(1, 0, 2) # LND -> NLD x = self.ln_final(x).type(self.dtype) # x.shape = [batch_size, n_ctx, transformer.width] # take features from the eot embedding (eot_token is the highest number in each sequence) x = x[torch.arange(x.shape[0]), tokenized_prompts.argmax(dim=-1)] @ self.text_projection return x class MLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, hidden_channels, out_channels): super().__init__() self.in_ln = nn.Linear(in_channels, hidden_channels, bias=False) self.out_ln = nn.Linear(hidden_channels, out_channels, bias=False) self.gelu = nn.GELU() self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.5) = nn.BatchNorm2d(1, affine=False) def forward(self, x): bef_norm = self.out_ln(self.dropout(self.gelu(self.in_ln(x)))).squeeze(-1) return (torch.sigmoid([:, None, :, :]))) class FFN(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels): super().__init__() self.ln = nn.Linear(in_channels, 1, bias=False) = nn.BatchNorm2d(1, affine=False) def forward(self, x): bef_norm = self.ln(x).squeeze(-1) return (torch.sigmoid([:, None, :, :]))) class VisualFeatureDataset( def __init__(self, dataset_name, indices=None): super().__init__() if indices == None: indices = range(len(sn[dataset_name])) print("Using all indices:", indices) self.temporal = [tn2[dataset_name][ind] for ind in indices] self.spatial = [sn[dataset_name][ind] for ind in indices] self.clip_visual_features = [visual_features[dataset_name][ind] for ind in indices] self.gts = [gts[dataset_name][ind] for ind in indices] def __getitem__(self, index): return self.clip_visual_features[index], self.spatial[index], self.temporal[index], self.gts[index] def __len__(self): return len(self.gts) class FastVisualFeatureDataset( def __init__(self, dataset_name, indices=None): super().__init__() if indices == None: indices = range(len(sn[dataset_name])) print("Using all indices:", indices) self.temporal = [tn2[dataset_name][ind] for ind in indices] self.spatial = [sn[dataset_name][ind] for ind in indices] self.clip_visual_features = [visual_features[dataset_name][ind] for ind in indices] self.fast_visual_features = [fast_visual_features[dataset_name]["feats"][ind] for ind in indices] self.gts = [gts[dataset_name][ind] for ind in indices] def __getitem__(self, index): return self.clip_visual_features[index], self.spatial[index], self.temporal[index], self.gts[index], self.fast_visual_features[index].reshape(4,1,768) def __len__(self): return len(self.gts) class SimpleFeatureDataset( def __init__(self, dataset_name, indices): super().__init__() #self.temporal = [tn2[dataset_name][ind] for ind in indices] #self.spatial = [sn[dataset_name][ind] for ind in indices] self.clip_visual_features = [visual_features[dataset_name][ind] for ind in indices] self.gts = [gts[dataset_name][ind] for ind in indices] def __getitem__(self, index): return self.clip_visual_features[index], self.gts[index] def __len__(self): return len(self.gts) class BVQI(nn.Module): """ Modified CLIP, which combined prompt tuning and feature adaptation. The spatial and temporal naturalnesses are fed as final features. Implcit features is also optional fed into the model. """ def __init__(self, text_tokens, embedding, n_pairs=2,implicit=False, optimizable_encoder=None): super().__init__() self.n_pairs = n_pairs self.device = "cuda" self.implicit = implicit if self.implicit: self.implicit_mlp = MLP(1024,64,1) self.tokenized_prompts = text_tokens #self.text_encoder = TextEncoder(clip_model) if optimizable_encoder is not None: print("Optimizing the text encoder.") self.optimizable_encoder = deepcopy(text_encoder) for param in self.optimizable_encoder.parameters(): param.requires_grad = True if n_ctx > 0: self.ctx = nn.Parameter(embedding[:, 1:1+n_ctx].clone()) else: self.register_buffer("ctx", embedding[:, 1:1, :]) print("Disabled Context Prompt") self.register_buffer("prefix", embedding[:, :1, :].clone()) # SOS self.register_buffer("suffix", embedding[:, 1 + n_ctx:, :].clone())# CLS, EOS self.prefix.requires_grad = False self.suffix.requires_grad = False self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.5) self.final_ln = nn.Linear(n_pairs+2+implicit,1,bias=False) print(self.final_ln) torch.nn.init.constant_(self.final_ln.weight, 1) n_prompts = self.get_text_prompts() self.text_feats = text_encoder(n_prompts.cuda(), self.tokenized_prompts) def get_text_prompts(self): return [ self.prefix, # (n_cls, 1, dim) self.ctx, # (n_cls, n_ctx, dim) self.suffix, # (n_cls, *, dim) ], dim=1, ) def forward(self, vis_feat, sn_ind=None, tn_ind=None, train=True): n_prompts = self.get_text_prompts() if train: if hasattr(self, "optimizable_encoder"): text_feats = self.optimizable_encoder(n_prompts, self.tokenized_prompts) else: text_feats = text_encoder(n_prompts, self.tokenized_prompts) self.text_feats = text_feats else: text_feats = self.text_feats vis_feats = vis_feat[:,1:].to(self.device) if self.implicit: sa_ind = [self.implicit_mlp(vis_feats).mean((-1,-2,-3))] else: sa_ind = [] self.vis_feats = vis_feats logits = 2 * self.dropout(self.vis_feats) @ text_feats.T final_feats = [,] for k in range(self.n_pairs): pn_pair = logits[..., 2 * k : 2 * k + 2].float() #.softmax(-1)[...,0] sa_ind += [torch.sigmoid(pn_pair[...,0] - pn_pair[...,1]).mean((-1,-2))] final_feats += sa_ind final_feats = torch.stack(final_feats, -1).float() return final_feats, self.final_ln(final_feats).flatten() def metrics(self, feats, outputs, gt): np_feats = feats.mean(-1).detach().cpu().numpy() np_outputs = outputs.detach().cpu().numpy() np_gt = gt.numpy() return spearmanr(np_feats, np_gt)[0], spearmanr(np_outputs, np_gt)[0] def plcc_loss(y_pred, y): sigma_hat, m_hat = torch.std_mean(y_pred, unbiased=False) y_pred = (y_pred - m_hat) / (sigma_hat + 1e-8) sigma, m = torch.std_mean(y, unbiased=False) y = (y - m) / (sigma + 1e-8) loss0 = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(y_pred, y) / 4 rho = torch.mean(y_pred * y) loss1 = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(rho * y_pred, y) / 4 return ((loss0 + loss1) / 2).float() def max_plcc_loss(y_pred, y): return sum(plcc_loss(y_pred[:,i], y) for i in range(y_pred.shape[-1])) / y_pred.shape[-1] def rescale(x): x = np.array(x) print("Mean:", x.mean(), "Std", x.std()) x = (x - x.mean()) / x.std() return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) def count_parameters(model): for name, module in model.named_children(): print(name, "|", sum(p.numel() for p in module.parameters() if p.requires_grad)) return sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad) def encode_text_prompts(prompts): text_tokens = tokenizer(prompts).to("cuda") with torch.no_grad(): embedding = model.token_embedding(text_tokens) text_features = model.encode_text(text_tokens).float() return text_tokens, embedding, text_features if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Hyper-parameters') parser.add_argument('--n_pairs', type=int, default=2, help='Number of pairs') parser.add_argument("-i", '--implicit', action="store_true", help='Use implicit prompts') parser.add_argument('-c', '--n_ctx', type=int, default=1, help='Number of context') args = parser.parse_args() n_pairs = args.n_pairs implicit = args.implicit n_ctx = args.n_ctx with open("buona_vista_sa_index.yml", "r") as f: opt = yaml.safe_load(f) val_datasets = {} for name, dataset in opt["data"].items(): val_datasets[name] = getattr(datasets, dataset["type"])(dataset["args"]) print("Loading model") model, _, preprocess = open_clip.create_model_and_transforms("RN50",pretrained="openai") model ="cuda") tokenizer = open_clip.get_tokenizer("RN50") print("Loading features") results = {} gts, paths = {}, {} for val_name, val_dataset in val_datasets.items(): gts[val_name] = [val_dataset.video_infos[i]["label"] for i in range(len(val_dataset))] for val_name, val_dataset in val_datasets.items(): paths[val_name] = [val_dataset.video_infos[i]["filename"] for i in range(len(val_dataset))] if not glob.glob(""): visual_features = get_features() visual_features = torch.load("") backend = "Matlab" # Matlab | Pytorch if backend == "Matlab": with open("naturalnesses_matlab_results.pkl","rb") as f: matlab_results = pkl.load(f) sn = matlab_results["spatial"] tn2 = matlab_results["temporal"] else: sn, tn2 = {}, {} for val_name in visual_features: with open(f"spatial_naturalness_{val_name}.pkl","rb") as infile: sn[val_name] = pkl.load(infile)["pr_labels"] with open("temporal_naturalness_pubs.pkl","rb") as infile: tn = pkl.load(infile) tn2[val_name] = tn[f"{val_name}"]["tn_index"] context = " ".join(["X"] * n_ctx) prompts = [ f"a {context} high quality photo", f"a {context} low quality photo", f"a {context} good photo", f"a {context} bad photo", ] print(n_pairs, implicit) text_encoder = TextEncoder(model) print(f'The model has {count_parameters(model):,} trainable parameters') text_tokens, embedding, text_feats = encode_text_prompts(prompts) snames = ["val-cvd2014", "val-kv1k", "val-livevqc", "val-ytugc", ] print("Start training") for sname in snames: best_srccs, best_plccs = [], [] cross_snames = [] #name for name in snames if name != sname] best_srccs_cross, best_plccs_cross = {}, {} for cname in cross_snames: best_srccs_cross[cname], best_plccs_cross[cname] = [], [] for split in range(10): bvqi = BVQI(text_tokens, embedding, n_pairs=n_pairs, implicit=implicit).cuda() print(f'The model has {count_parameters(bvqi):,} trainable parameters') optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(bvqi.parameters(),lr=1e-3) random.seed((split+1)*42) train_indices = random.sample(range(len(gts[sname])), int(0.8 * len(gts[sname]))) train_dataset = VisualFeatureDataset(sname, indices=train_indices) train_dataloader =, batch_size=16, shuffle=True) val_indices = [ind for ind in range(len(gts[sname])) if ind not in train_indices] val_dataset = VisualFeatureDataset(sname, indices=val_indices) val_dataloader =, batch_size=16) cross_test_dataloaders = {} for cname in cross_snames: test_dataset = VisualFeatureDataset(cname) cross_test_dataloaders[cname] =, batch_size=16) val_prs, val_gts = [], [] for data in (val_dataloader): with torch.no_grad(): vis_feat, sn_ind, tn_ind, gt = data _, res = bvqi(vis_feat, sn_ind, tn_ind, train=False) val_prs.extend(list(res.cpu().numpy())) val_gts.extend(list(gt.cpu().numpy())) print(f"Split {split}, Bef Training SRCC:", spearmanr(val_prs,val_gts)[0], "Bef Training PLCC:", pearsonr(val_prs,val_gts)[0]) best_srcc, best_plcc = -1, -1 srccs_cross, plccs_cross = {}, {} for epoch in tqdm(range(30)): #print(f"Epoch {epoch}:") bvqi.train() for data in (train_dataloader): optimizer.zero_grad() vis_feat, sn_ind, tn_ind, gt = data feats, res = bvqi(vis_feat, sn_ind, tn_ind) loss = plcc_loss(res, gt.cuda().float()) #+ 0.3 * rank_loss(res, gt.cuda().float()) #aux_loss = max_plcc_loss(feats[...,2:], gt.cuda().float()) #loss += 0.3 * aux_loss loss.backward() optimizer.step() bvqi.eval() #val_prs, val_gts = [], [] #for data in (train_dataloader): # with torch.no_grad(): # vis_feat, sn_ind, tn_ind, gt = data # _, res = bvqi(vis_feat, sn_ind, tn_ind) # val_prs.extend(list(res.cpu().numpy())) # val_gts.extend(list(gt.cpu().numpy())) #print("Train Spearman:", spearmanr(val_prs,val_gts)[0], "Train Pearson:", pearsonr(val_prs,val_gts)[0]) val_prs, val_gts = [], [] for data in (val_dataloader): with torch.no_grad(): vis_feat, sn_ind, tn_ind, gt = data _, res = bvqi(vis_feat, sn_ind, tn_ind, train=False) val_prs.extend(list(res.cpu().numpy())) val_gts.extend(list(gt.cpu().numpy())) srcc, plcc = spearmanr(val_prs,val_gts)[0], pearsonr(val_prs,val_gts)[0] if srcc + plcc > best_srcc + best_plcc: best_srcc = srcc best_plcc = plcc test_prs, test_gts = {}, {} for cname, test_dataloader in cross_test_dataloaders.items(): test_prs[cname], test_gts[cname] = [], [] for data in (test_dataloader): with torch.no_grad(): vis_feat, sn_ind, tn_ind, gt = data _, res = bvqi(vis_feat, sn_ind, tn_ind, train=False) test_prs[cname].extend(list(res.cpu().numpy())) test_gts[cname].extend(list(gt.cpu().numpy())) csrcc, cplcc = spearmanr(test_prs[cname],test_gts[cname])[0], pearsonr(test_prs[cname],test_gts[cname])[0] srccs_cross[cname] = csrcc plccs_cross[cname] = cplcc #print("Val Spearman:", srcc, "Val Pearson:", plcc, "Best Spearman:", best_srcc, "Best Pearson:", best_plcc, ) best_srccs.append(best_srcc) best_plccs.append(best_plcc) print("Best SRCC:", best_srcc, "Best PLCC:", best_plcc) for cname in cross_snames: print(f"{cname} SRCC:", srccs_cross[cname], f"{cname} PLCC:", plccs_cross[cname]) best_srccs_cross[cname] += [srccs_cross[cname]] best_plccs_cross[cname] += [plccs_cross[cname]] print(f"After training in 10 splits with seeds {[(i+1)*42 for i in range(10)]}:") print(sname, "Avg Best SRCC:", np.mean(best_srccs), "Avg Best PLCC:", np.mean(best_plccs)) print(f"Cross dataset performance:") print("Cross SRCC", [(key, np.mean(values)) for key, values in best_srccs_cross.items()]) print("Cross PLCC", [(key, np.mean(values)) for key, values in best_plccs_cross.items()])
import os import argparse import pickle as pkl import random import open_clip import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import yaml from scipy.stats import pearsonr, spearmanr from scipy.stats import kendalltau as kendallr from tqdm import tqdm from buona_vista import datasets import wandb def rescale(x): x = np.array(x) print("Mean:", x.mean(), "Std", x.std()) x = (x - x.mean()) / x.std() return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) def get_features(save_features=True): with open("buona_vista_sa_index.yml", "r") as f: opt = yaml.safe_load(f) val_datasets = {} for name, dataset in opt["data"].items(): val_datasets[name] = getattr(datasets, dataset["type"])(dataset["args"]) print(open_clip.list_pretrained()) model, _, _ = open_clip.create_model_and_transforms("RN50",pretrained="openai") model ="cuda") print("loading succeed") texts = [ "a high quality photo", "a low quality photo", "a good photo", "a bad photo", ] tokenizer = open_clip.get_tokenizer("RN50") text_tokens = tokenizer(texts).to("cuda") print(f"Prompt_loading_succeed, {texts}") results = {} gts, paths = {}, {} for val_name, val_dataset in val_datasets.items(): gts[val_name] = [val_dataset.video_infos[i]["label"] for i in range(len(val_dataset))] for val_name, val_dataset in val_datasets.items(): paths[val_name] = [val_dataset.video_infos[i]["filename"] for i in range(len(val_dataset))] visual_features = {} for val_name, val_dataset in val_datasets.items(): if val_name != "val-ltrain" and val_name != "val-l1080p": visual_features[val_name] = [] val_loader = val_dataset, batch_size=1, num_workers=opt["num_workers"], pin_memory=True, ) for i, data in enumerate(tqdm(val_loader, desc=f"Evaluating in dataset [{val_name}].")): video_input = data["aesthetic"].to("cuda").squeeze(0).transpose(0,1) with torch.no_grad(): video_features = model.encode_image(video_input) visual_features[val_name].append(video_features.cpu()) if save_features:, "") return visual_features if __name__ == "__main__": get_features()
import logging from os import path as osp import torch from import build_dataloader, build_dataset from pyiqa.models import build_model from pyiqa.utils import get_env_info, get_root_logger, get_time_str, make_exp_dirs from pyiqa.utils.options import dict2str, parse_options def test_pipeline(root_path): # parse options, set distributed setting, set ramdom seed opt, _ = parse_options(root_path, is_train=False) torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True # mkdir and initialize loggers make_exp_dirs(opt) log_file = osp.join(opt["path"]["log"], f"test_{opt['name']}_{get_time_str()}.log") logger = get_root_logger( logger_name="pyiqa", log_level=logging.INFO, log_file=log_file ) # create test dataset and dataloader test_loaders = [] for _, dataset_opt in sorted(opt["datasets"].items()): test_set = build_dataset(dataset_opt) test_loader = build_dataloader( test_set, dataset_opt, num_gpu=opt["num_gpu"], dist=opt["dist"], sampler=None, seed=opt["manual_seed"], )"Number of test images in {dataset_opt['name']}: {len(test_set)}") test_loaders.append(test_loader) # create model model = build_model(opt) for test_loader in test_loaders: test_set_name = test_loader.dataset.opt["name"]"Testing {test_set_name}...") model.validation( test_loader, current_iter=opt["name"], tb_logger=None, save_img=opt["val"]["save_img"], ) if __name__ == "__main__": root_path = osp.abspath(osp.join(__file__, osp.pardir, osp.pardir)) test_pipeline(root_path)
import datetime import logging import os import time from os import path as osp import numpy as np import torch from import CPUPrefetcher, CUDAPrefetcher from pyiqa.models import build_model from pyiqa.train import create_train_val_dataloader, init_tb_loggers, train_pipeline from pyiqa.utils import ( AvgTimer, MessageLogger, get_env_info, get_root_logger, get_time_str, make_exp_dirs, mkdir_and_rename, ) from pyiqa.utils.options import copy_opt_file, dict2str, make_paths, parse_options def train_nsplits(root_path): torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True opt, args = parse_options(root_path, is_train=True) n_splits = opt["split_num"] save_path = opt["save_final_results_path"] os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_path), exist_ok=True) all_split_results = [] prefix_name = opt["name"] for i in range(n_splits): # update split specific options opt["name"] = prefix_name + f"_Split{i:02d}" make_paths(opt, root_path) for k in opt["datasets"].keys(): opt["datasets"][k]["split_index"] = i + 1 tmp_results = train_pipeline(root_path, opt, args) all_split_results.append(tmp_results) with open(save_path, "w") as sf: datasets = list(all_split_results[0].keys()) metrics = list(all_split_results[0][datasets[0]].keys()) print(datasets, metrics) sf.write("Val Datasets\tSplits\t{}\n".format("\t".join(metrics))) for ds in datasets: all_results = [] for i in range(n_splits): results_msg = f"{ds}\t{i:02d}\t" tmp_metric_results = [] for mt in metrics: tmp_metric_results.append(all_split_results[i][ds][mt]["val"]) results_msg += f"{all_split_results[i][ds][mt]['val']:04f}\t" results_msg += f"@{all_split_results[i][ds][mt]['iter']:05d}\n" sf.write(results_msg) all_results.append(tmp_metric_results) results_avg = np.array(all_results).mean(axis=0) results_std = np.array(all_results).std(axis=0) sf.write(f"Overall results in {ds}: {results_avg}\t{results_std}\n") if __name__ == "__main__": root_path = osp.abspath(osp.join(__file__, osp.pardir, osp.pardir)) train_nsplits(root_path)
import datetime import logging import math import os import time from os import path as osp import torch from import build_dataloader, build_dataset from import EnlargedSampler from import CPUPrefetcher, CUDAPrefetcher from pyiqa.models import build_model from pyiqa.utils import ( AvgTimer, MessageLogger, check_resume, get_env_info, get_root_logger, get_time_str, init_tb_logger, init_wandb_logger, make_exp_dirs, mkdir_and_rename, scandir, ) from pyiqa.utils.options import copy_opt_file, dict2str, parse_options def init_tb_loggers(opt): # initialize wandb logger before tensorboard logger to allow proper sync if ( (opt["logger"].get("wandb") is not None) and (opt["logger"]["wandb"].get("project") is not None) and ("debug" not in opt["name"]) ): assert ( opt["logger"].get("use_tb_logger") is True ), "should turn on tensorboard when using wandb" init_wandb_logger(opt) tb_logger = None if opt["logger"].get("use_tb_logger") and "debug" not in opt["name"]: tb_logger = init_tb_logger( log_dir=osp.join(opt["root_path"], "tb_logger", opt["name"]) ) return tb_logger def create_train_val_dataloader(opt, logger): # create train and val dataloaders train_loader, val_loaders = None, [] for phase, dataset_opt in opt["datasets"].items(): if phase == "train": dataset_enlarge_ratio = dataset_opt.get("dataset_enlarge_ratio", 1) train_set = build_dataset(dataset_opt) train_sampler = EnlargedSampler( train_set, opt["world_size"], opt["rank"], dataset_enlarge_ratio, dataset_opt.get("use_shuffle", True), ) train_loader = build_dataloader( train_set, dataset_opt, num_gpu=opt["num_gpu"], dist=opt["dist"], sampler=train_sampler, seed=opt["manual_seed"], ) num_iter_per_epoch = math.ceil( len(train_set) * dataset_enlarge_ratio / (dataset_opt["batch_size_per_gpu"] * opt["world_size"]) ) total_epochs = opt["train"].get("total_epoch", None) if total_epochs is not None: total_epochs = int(total_epochs) total_iters = total_epochs * (num_iter_per_epoch) opt["train"]["total_iter"] = total_iters else: total_iters = int(opt["train"]["total_iter"]) total_epochs = math.ceil(total_iters / (num_iter_per_epoch)) "Training statistics:" f"\n\tNumber of train images: {len(train_set)}" f"\n\tDataset enlarge ratio: {dataset_enlarge_ratio}" f'\n\tBatch size per gpu: {dataset_opt["batch_size_per_gpu"]}' f'\n\tWorld size (gpu number): {opt["world_size"]}' f"\n\tRequire iter number per epoch: {num_iter_per_epoch}" f"\n\tTotal epochs: {total_epochs}; iters: {total_iters}." ) elif phase.split("_")[0] == "val": val_set = build_dataset(dataset_opt) val_loader = build_dataloader( val_set, dataset_opt, num_gpu=opt["num_gpu"], dist=opt["dist"], sampler=None, seed=opt["manual_seed"], ) f'Number of val images/folders in {dataset_opt["name"]}: {len(val_set)}' ) val_loaders.append(val_loader) else: raise ValueError(f"Dataset phase {phase} is not recognized.") return train_loader, train_sampler, val_loaders, total_epochs, total_iters def load_resume_state(opt): resume_state_path = None if opt["auto_resume"]: state_path = osp.join("experiments", opt["name"], "training_states") if osp.isdir(state_path): states = list( scandir(state_path, suffix="state", recursive=False, full_path=False) ) if len(states) != 0: states = [float(v.split(".state")[0]) for v in states] resume_state_path = osp.join(state_path, f"{max(states):.0f}.state") opt["path"]["resume_state"] = resume_state_path else: if opt["path"].get("resume_state"): resume_state_path = opt["path"]["resume_state"] if resume_state_path is None: resume_state = None else: device_id = torch.cuda.current_device() resume_state = torch.load( resume_state_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage.cuda(device_id) ) check_resume(opt, resume_state["iter"]) return resume_state def train_pipeline(root_path, opt=None, args=None): # parse options, set distributed setting, set random seed if opt is None and args is None: opt, args = parse_options(root_path, is_train=True) opt["root_path"] = root_path torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True # load resume states if necessary resume_state = load_resume_state(opt) # mkdir for experiments and logger if resume_state is None: make_exp_dirs(opt) if ( opt["logger"].get("use_tb_logger") and "debug" not in opt["name"] and opt["rank"] == 0 ): os.makedirs(osp.join(opt["root_path"], "tb_logger_archived"), exist_ok=True) mkdir_and_rename(osp.join(opt["root_path"], "tb_logger", opt["name"])) # copy the yml file to the experiment root copy_opt_file(args.opt, opt["path"]["experiments_root"]) # WARNING: should not use get_root_logger in the above codes, including the called functions # Otherwise the logger will not be properly initialized log_file = osp.join(opt["path"]["log"], f"train_{opt['name']}_{get_time_str()}.log") logger = get_root_logger( logger_name="pyiqa", log_level=logging.INFO, log_file=log_file ) # initialize wandb and tb loggers tb_logger = init_tb_loggers(opt) # create train and validation dataloaders result = create_train_val_dataloader(opt, logger) train_loader, train_sampler, val_loaders, total_epochs, total_iters = result # create model model = build_model(opt) if resume_state: # resume training model.resume_training(resume_state) # handle optimizers and schedulers f"Resuming training from epoch: {resume_state['epoch']}, " f"iter: {resume_state['iter']}." ) start_epoch = resume_state["epoch"] current_iter = resume_state["iter"] else: start_epoch = 0 current_iter = 0 # create message logger (formatted outputs) msg_logger = MessageLogger(opt, current_iter, tb_logger) # dataloader prefetcher prefetch_mode = opt["datasets"]["train"].get("prefetch_mode") if prefetch_mode is None or prefetch_mode == "cpu": prefetcher = CPUPrefetcher(train_loader) elif prefetch_mode == "cuda": prefetcher = CUDAPrefetcher(train_loader, opt)"Use {prefetch_mode} prefetch dataloader") if opt["datasets"]["train"].get("pin_memory") is not True: raise ValueError("Please set pin_memory=True for CUDAPrefetcher.") else: raise ValueError( f"Wrong prefetch_mode {prefetch_mode}." "Supported ones are: None, 'cuda', 'cpu'." ) # training"Start training from epoch: {start_epoch}, iter: {current_iter}") data_timer, iter_timer = AvgTimer(), AvgTimer() start_time = time.time() for epoch in range(start_epoch, total_epochs + 1): train_sampler.set_epoch(epoch) prefetcher.reset() train_data = while train_data is not None: data_timer.record() current_iter += 1 if current_iter > total_iters: break # update learning rate # model.update_learning_rate(current_iter, warmup_iter=opt['train'].get('warmup_iter', -1)) # training model.feed_data(train_data) model.optimize_parameters(current_iter) iter_timer.record() if current_iter == 1: # reset start time in msg_logger for more accurate eta_time # not work in resume mode msg_logger.reset_start_time() # log if current_iter % opt["logger"]["print_freq"] == 0: log_vars = {"epoch": epoch, "iter": current_iter} log_vars.update({"lrs": model.get_current_learning_rate()}) log_vars.update( { "time": iter_timer.get_avg_time(), "data_time": data_timer.get_avg_time(), } ) log_vars.update(model.get_current_log()) msg_logger(log_vars) # log images log_img_freq = opt["logger"].get("log_imgs_freq", 1e99) if current_iter % log_img_freq == 0: visual_imgs = model.get_current_visuals() if tb_logger and visual_imgs is not None: for k, v in visual_imgs.items(): tb_logger.add_images( f"ckpt_imgs/{k}", v.clamp(0, 1), current_iter ) # save models and training states save_ckpt_freq = opt["logger"].get("save_checkpoint_freq", 9e9) if current_iter % save_ckpt_freq == 0:"Saving models and training states."), current_iter) if current_iter % opt["logger"]["save_latest_freq"] == 0:"Saving latest models and training states."), -1) # validation if opt.get("val") is not None and ( current_iter % opt["val"]["val_freq"] == 0 ): if len(val_loaders) > 1: logger.warning( "Multiple validation datasets are *only* supported by SRModel." ) for val_loader in val_loaders: model.validation( val_loader, current_iter, tb_logger, opt["val"]["save_img"] ) data_timer.start() iter_timer.start() train_data = # end of iter # use epoch based learning rate scheduler model.update_learning_rate( epoch + 2, warmup_iter=opt["train"].get("warmup_iter", -1) ) # end of epoch consumed_time = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(time.time() - start_time)))"End of training. Time consumed: {consumed_time}")"Save the latest model."), current_iter=-1) # -1 stands for the latest if opt.get("val") is not None: for val_loader in val_loaders: model.validation( val_loader, current_iter, tb_logger, opt["val"]["save_img"] ) if tb_logger: tb_logger.close() return model.best_metric_results if __name__ == "__main__": root_path = osp.abspath(osp.join(__file__, osp.pardir, osp.pardir)) train_pipeline(root_path)
import math import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import ExactPadding2d, symm_pad, to_2tuple def fspecial(size=None, sigma=None, channels=1, filter_type="gaussian"): r"""Function same as 'fspecial' in MATLAB, only support gaussian now. Args: size (int or tuple): size of window sigma (float): sigma of gaussian channels (int): channels of output """ if filter_type == "gaussian": shape = to_2tuple(size) m, n = [(ss - 1.0) / 2.0 for ss in shape] y, x = np.ogrid[-m : m + 1, -n : n + 1] h = np.exp(-(x * x + y * y) / (2.0 * sigma * sigma)) h[h < np.finfo(h.dtype).eps * h.max()] = 0 sumh = h.sum() if sumh != 0: h /= sumh h = torch.from_numpy(h).float().repeat(channels, 1, 1, 1) return h else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Only support gaussian filter now, got {filter_type}" ) def conv2d(input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, padding="same", dilation=1, groups=1): """Matlab like conv2, weights needs to be flipped. Args: input (tensor): (b, c, h, w) weight (tensor): (out_ch, in_ch, kh, kw), conv weight bias (bool or None): bias stride (int or tuple): conv stride padding (str): padding mode dilation (int): conv dilation """ kernel_size = weight.shape[2:] pad_func = ExactPadding2d(kernel_size, stride, dilation, mode=padding) weight = torch.flip(weight, dims=(-1, -2)) return F.conv2d( pad_func(input), weight, bias, stride, dilation=dilation, groups=groups ) def imfilter(input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, padding="same", dilation=1, groups=1): """imfilter same as matlab. Args: input (tensor): (b, c, h, w) tensor to be filtered weight (tensor): (out_ch, in_ch, kh, kw) filter kernel padding (str): padding mode dilation (int): dilation of conv groups (int): groups of conv """ kernel_size = weight.shape[2:] pad_func = ExactPadding2d(kernel_size, stride, dilation, mode=padding) return F.conv2d( pad_func(input), weight, bias, stride, dilation=dilation, groups=groups ) def filter2(input, weight, shape="same"): if shape == "same": return imfilter(input, weight, groups=input.shape[1]) elif shape == "valid": return F.conv2d(input, weight, stride=1, padding=0, groups=input.shape[1]) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Shape type {shape} is not implemented.") def dct(x, norm=None): """ Discrete Cosine Transform, Type II (a.k.a. the DCT) For the meaning of the parameter `norm`, see: Args: x: the input signal norm: the normalization, None or 'ortho' Return: the DCT-II of the signal over the last dimension """ x_shape = x.shape N = x_shape[-1] x = x.contiguous().view(-1, N) v =[x[:, ::2], x[:, 1::2].flip([1])], dim=-1) Vc = torch.view_as_real(torch.fft.fft(v, dim=-1)) k = -torch.arange(N, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)[None, :] * np.pi / (2 * N) W_r = torch.cos(k) W_i = torch.sin(k) V = Vc[:, :, 0] * W_r - Vc[:, :, 1] * W_i if norm == "ortho": V[:, 0] /= np.sqrt(N) * 2 V[:, 1:] /= np.sqrt(N / 2) * 2 V = 2 * V.view(*x_shape) return V def dct2d(x, norm="ortho"): """ 2-dimentional Discrete Cosine Transform, Type II (a.k.a. the DCT) For the meaning of the parameter `norm`, see: :param x: the input signal :param norm: the normalization, None or 'ortho' :return: the DCT-II of the signal over the last 2 dimensions """ X1 = dct(x, norm=norm) X2 = dct(X1.transpose(-1, -2), norm=norm) return X2.transpose(-1, -2) def fitweibull(x, iters=50, eps=1e-2): """Simulate wblfit function in matlab. ref: Fits a 2-parameter Weibull distribution to the given data using maximum-likelihood estimation. :param x (tensor): (B, N), batch of samples from an (unknown) distribution. Each value must satisfy x > 0. :param iters: Maximum number of iterations :param eps: Stopping criterion. Fit is stopped ff the change within two iterations is smaller than eps. :param use_cuda: Use gpu :return: Tuple (Shape, Scale) which can be (NaN, NaN) if a fit is impossible. Impossible fits may be due to 0-values in x. """ ln_x = torch.log(x) k = 1.2 / torch.std(ln_x, dim=1, keepdim=True) k_t_1 = k for t in range(iters): # Partial derivative df/dk x_k = x ** k.repeat(1, x.shape[1]) x_k_ln_x = x_k * ln_x ff = torch.sum(x_k_ln_x, dim=-1, keepdim=True) fg = torch.sum(x_k, dim=-1, keepdim=True) f1 = torch.mean(ln_x, dim=-1, keepdim=True) f = ff / fg - f1 - (1.0 / k) ff_prime = torch.sum(x_k_ln_x * ln_x, dim=-1, keepdim=True) fg_prime = ff f_prime = (ff_prime / fg - (ff / fg * fg_prime / fg)) + (1.0 / (k * k)) # Newton-Raphson method k = k - f(k;x)/f'(k;x) k = k - f / f_prime error = torch.abs(k - k_t_1).max().item() if error < eps: break k_t_1 = k # Lambda (scale) can be calculated directly lam = torch.mean(x ** k.repeat(1, x.shape[1]), dim=-1, keepdim=True) ** (1.0 / k) return, lam), dim=1) # Shape (SC), Scale (FE) def cov(tensor, rowvar=True, bias=False): r"""Estimate a covariance matrix (np.cov) Ref: """ tensor = tensor if rowvar else tensor.transpose(-1, -2) tensor = tensor - tensor.mean(dim=-1, keepdim=True) if tensor.shape[-1] > 1: factor = 1 / (tensor.shape[-1] - int(not bool(bias))) else: factor = 1 return factor * tensor @ tensor.transpose(-1, -2) def nancov(x): r"""Calculate nancov for batched tensor, rows that contains nan value will be removed. Args: x (tensor): (B, row_num, feat_dim) Return: cov (tensor): (B, feat_dim, feat_dim) """ assert ( len(x.shape) == 3 ), f"Shape of input should be (batch_size, row_num, feat_dim), but got {x.shape}" b, rownum, feat_dim = x.shape nan_mask = torch.isnan(x).any(dim=2, keepdim=True) cov_x = [] for i in range(b): x_no_nan = x[i].masked_select(~nan_mask[i]).reshape(-1, feat_dim) cov_x.append(cov(x_no_nan, rowvar=False)) return torch.stack(cov_x) def nanmean(v, *args, inplace=False, **kwargs): r"""nanmean same as matlab function: calculate mean values by removing all nan.""" if not inplace: v = v.clone() is_nan = torch.isnan(v) v[is_nan] = 0 return v.sum(*args, **kwargs) / (~is_nan).float().sum(*args, **kwargs) def im2col(x, kernel, mode="sliding"): r"""simple im2col as matlab Args: x (Tensor): shape (b, c, h, w) kernel (int): kernel size mode (string): - sliding (default): rearranges sliding image neighborhoods of kernel size into columns with no zero-padding - distinct: rearranges discrete image blocks of kernel size into columns, zero pad right and bottom if necessary Return: flatten patch (Tensor): (b, h * w / kernel **2, kernel * kernel) """ b, c, h, w = x.shape kernel = to_2tuple(kernel) if mode == "sliding": stride = 1 elif mode == "distinct": stride = kernel h2 = math.ceil(h / stride[0]) w2 = math.ceil(w / stride[1]) pad_row = (h2 - 1) * stride[0] + kernel[0] - h pad_col = (w2 - 1) * stride[1] + kernel[1] - w x = F.pad(x, (0, pad_col, 0, pad_row)) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Type {mode} is not implemented yet.") patches = F.unfold(x, kernel, dilation=1, stride=stride) b, _, pnum = patches.shape patches = patches.transpose(1, 2).reshape(b, pnum, -1) return patches def blockproc( x, kernel, fun, border_size=None, pad_partial=False, pad_method="zero", **func_args ): r"""blockproc function like matlab Difference: - Partial blocks is discarded (if exist) for fast GPU process. Args: x (tensor): shape (b, c, h, w) kernel (int or tuple): block size func (function): function to process each block border_size (int or tuple): border pixels to each block pad_partial: pad partial blocks to make them full-sized, default False pad_method: [zero, replicate, symmetric] how to pad partial block when pad_partial is set True Return: results (tensor): concatenated results of each block """ assert len(x.shape) == 4, f"Shape of input has to be (b, c, h, w) but got {x.shape}" kernel = to_2tuple(kernel) if pad_partial: b, c, h, w = x.shape stride = kernel h2 = math.ceil(h / stride[0]) w2 = math.ceil(w / stride[1]) pad_row = (h2 - 1) * stride[0] + kernel[0] - h pad_col = (w2 - 1) * stride[1] + kernel[1] - w padding = (0, pad_col, 0, pad_row) if pad_method == "zero": x = F.pad(x, padding, mode="constant") elif pad_method == "symmetric": x = symm_pad(x, padding) else: x = F.pad(x, padding, mode=pad_method) if border_size is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Blockproc with border is not implemented yet") else: b, c, h, w = x.shape block_size_h, block_size_w = kernel num_block_h = math.floor(h / block_size_h) num_block_w = math.floor(w / block_size_w) # extract blocks in (row, column) manner, i.e., stored with column first blocks = F.unfold(x, kernel, stride=kernel) blocks = blocks.reshape(b, c, *kernel, num_block_h, num_block_w) blocks = blocks.permute(5, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3).reshape( num_block_h * num_block_w * b, c, *kernel ) results = fun(blocks, func_args) results = results.reshape( num_block_h * num_block_w, b, *results.shape[1:] ).transpose(0, 1) return results
r"""Mathematical utilities Created by: Modified by: Jiadi Mo ( """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import numpy as np import torch def abs(x): return torch.sqrt(x[..., 0] ** 2 + x[..., 1] ** 2 + 1e-12) def roll_n(X, axis, n): f_idx = tuple( slice(None, None, None) if i != axis else slice(0, n, None) for i in range(X.dim()) ) b_idx = tuple( slice(None, None, None) if i != axis else slice(n, None, None) for i in range(X.dim()) ) front = X[f_idx] back = X[b_idx] return[back, front], axis) def batch_fftshift2d(x): """Args: x: An complex tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Pytroch version >= 1.8.0 """ real, imag = x.real, x.imag for dim in range(1, len(real.size())): n_shift = real.size(dim) // 2 if real.size(dim) % 2 != 0: n_shift += 1 # for odd-sized images real = roll_n(real, axis=dim, n=n_shift) imag = roll_n(imag, axis=dim, n=n_shift) return torch.stack((real, imag), -1) # last dim=2 (real&imag) def batch_ifftshift2d(x): """Args: x: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W, 2)`. Return: An complex tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. """ real, imag = torch.unbind(x, -1) for dim in range(len(real.size()) - 1, 0, -1): real = roll_n(real, axis=dim, n=real.size(dim) // 2) imag = roll_n(imag, axis=dim, n=imag.size(dim) // 2) return torch.complex(real, imag) # convert to complex (real&imag) def prepare_grid(m, n): x = np.linspace( -(m // 2) / (m / 2), (m // 2) / (m / 2) - (1 - m % 2) * 2 / m, num=m ) y = np.linspace( -(n // 2) / (n / 2), (n // 2) / (n / 2) - (1 - n % 2) * 2 / n, num=n ) xv, yv = np.meshgrid(y, x) angle = np.arctan2(yv, xv) rad = np.sqrt(xv ** 2 + yv ** 2) rad[m // 2][n // 2] = rad[m // 2][n // 2 - 1] log_rad = np.log2(rad) return log_rad, angle def rcosFn(width, position): N = 256 # abritrary X = np.pi * np.array(range(-N - 1, 2)) / 2 / N Y = np.cos(X) ** 2 Y[0] = Y[1] Y[N + 2] = Y[N + 1] X = position + 2 * width / np.pi * (X + np.pi / 4) return X, Y def pointOp(im, Y, X): out = np.interp(im.flatten(), X, Y) return np.reshape(out, im.shape) def getlist(coeff): straight = [bands for scale in coeff[1:-1] for bands in scale] straight = [coeff[0]] + straight + [coeff[-1]] return straight
r"""Complex-valued steerable pyramid Created by: Modified by: Jiadi Mo ( Refer to: - Offical Matlab code from; - Original Python code from; """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import numpy as np import torch from scipy.special import factorial from . import math_util pointOp = math_util.pointOp ################################################################################ ################################################################################ class SCFpyr_PyTorch(object): """ This is a modified version of buildSFpyr, that constructs a complex-valued steerable pyramid using Hilbert-transform pairs of filters. Note that the imaginary parts will *not* be steerable. Pytorch version >= 1.8.0 """ def __init__(self, height=5, nbands=4, scale_factor=2, device=None): self.height = height # including low-pass and high-pass self.nbands = nbands # number of orientation bands self.scale_factor = scale_factor self.device = torch.device("cpu") if device is None else device # Cache constants self.lutsize = 1024 self.Xcosn = ( np.pi * np.array(range(-(2 * self.lutsize + 1), (self.lutsize + 2))) / self.lutsize ) self.alpha = (self.Xcosn + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi self.complex_fact_construct = np.power(np.complex(0, -1), self.nbands - 1) self.complex_fact_reconstruct = np.power(np.complex(0, 1), self.nbands - 1) ################################################################################ # Construction of Steerable Pyramid def build(self, im_batch): """Decomposes a batch of images into a complex steerable pyramid. The pyramid typically has ~4 levels and 4-8 orientations. Args: im_batch (torch.Tensor): Batch of images of shape [N,C,H,W] Returns: pyramid: list containing torch.Tensor objects storing the pyramid """ assert ( im_batch.device == self.device ), "Devices invalid (pyr = {}, batch = {})".format(self.device, im_batch.device) assert im_batch.dtype == torch.float32, "Image batch must be torch.float32" assert im_batch.dim() == 4, "Image batch must be of shape [N,C,H,W]" assert ( im_batch.shape[1] == 1 ), "Second dimension must be 1 encoding grayscale image" im_batch = im_batch.squeeze(1) # flatten channels dim height, width = im_batch.shape[1], im_batch.shape[2] # Check whether image size is sufficient for number of levels if self.height > int(np.floor(np.log2(min(width, height))) - 2): raise RuntimeError( "Cannot build {} levels, image too small.".format(self.height) ) # Prepare a grid log_rad, angle = math_util.prepare_grid(height, width) # Radial transition function (a raised cosine in log-frequency): Xrcos, Yrcos = math_util.rcosFn(1, -0.5) Yrcos = np.sqrt(Yrcos) YIrcos = np.sqrt(1 - Yrcos ** 2) lo0mask = pointOp(log_rad, YIrcos, Xrcos) hi0mask = pointOp(log_rad, Yrcos, Xrcos) # Note that we expand dims to support broadcasting later lo0mask = torch.from_numpy(lo0mask).float()[None, :, :, None].to(self.device) hi0mask = torch.from_numpy(hi0mask).float()[None, :, :, None].to(self.device) # Fourier transform (2D) and shifting batch_dft = torch.fft.fft2(im_batch) batch_dft = math_util.batch_fftshift2d(batch_dft) # Low-pass lo0dft = batch_dft * lo0mask # Start recursively building the pyramids coeff = self._build_levels(lo0dft, log_rad, angle, Xrcos, Yrcos, self.height) # High-pass hi0dft = batch_dft * hi0mask hi0 = math_util.batch_ifftshift2d(hi0dft) hi0 = torch.fft.ifft2(hi0) hi0_real = hi0.real coeff.insert(0, hi0_real) return coeff def _build_levels(self, lodft, log_rad, angle, Xrcos, Yrcos, height): if height <= 0: # Low-pass lo0 = math_util.batch_ifftshift2d(lodft) lo0 = torch.fft.ifft2(lo0) lo0_real = lo0.real coeff = [lo0_real] else: Xrcos = Xrcos - np.log2(self.scale_factor) #################################################################### ####################### Orientation bandpass ####################### #################################################################### himask = pointOp(log_rad, Yrcos, Xrcos) himask = torch.from_numpy(himask[None, :, :, None]).float().to(self.device) order = self.nbands - 1 const = ( np.power(2, 2 * order) * np.square(factorial(order)) / (self.nbands * factorial(2 * order)) ) Ycosn = ( 2 * np.sqrt(const) * np.power(np.cos(self.Xcosn), order) * (np.abs(self.alpha) < np.pi / 2) ) # [n,] # Loop through all orientation bands orientations = [] for b in range(self.nbands): anglemask = pointOp(angle, Ycosn, self.Xcosn + np.pi * b / self.nbands) anglemask = anglemask[None, :, :, None] # for broadcasting anglemask = torch.from_numpy(anglemask).float().to(self.device) # Bandpass filtering banddft = lodft * anglemask * himask # Now multiply with complex number # (x+yi)(u+vi) = (xu-yv) + (xv+yu)i banddft = torch.unbind(banddft, -1) banddft_real = ( self.complex_fact_construct.real * banddft[0] - self.complex_fact_construct.imag * banddft[1] ) banddft_imag = ( self.complex_fact_construct.real * banddft[1] + self.complex_fact_construct.imag * banddft[0] ) banddft = torch.stack((banddft_real, banddft_imag), -1) band = math_util.batch_ifftshift2d(banddft) band = torch.fft.ifft2(band) orientations.append(torch.stack((band.real, band.imag), -1)) #################################################################### ######################## Subsample lowpass ######################### #################################################################### # Don't consider batch_size and imag/real dim dims = np.array(lodft.shape[1:3]) # Both are tuples of size 2 low_ind_start = ( np.ceil((dims + 0.5) / 2) - np.ceil((np.ceil((dims - 0.5) / 2) + 0.5) / 2) ).astype(int) low_ind_end = (low_ind_start + np.ceil((dims - 0.5) / 2)).astype(int) # Subsampling indices log_rad = log_rad[ low_ind_start[0] : low_ind_end[0], low_ind_start[1] : low_ind_end[1] ] angle = angle[ low_ind_start[0] : low_ind_end[0], low_ind_start[1] : low_ind_end[1] ] # Actual subsampling lodft = lodft[ :, low_ind_start[0] : low_ind_end[0], low_ind_start[1] : low_ind_end[1], :, ] # Filtering YIrcos = np.abs(np.sqrt(1 - Yrcos ** 2)) lomask = pointOp(log_rad, YIrcos, Xrcos) lomask = torch.from_numpy(lomask[None, :, :, None]).float() lomask = # Convolution in spatial domain lodft = lomask * lodft #################################################################### ####################### Recursion next level ####################### #################################################################### coeff = self._build_levels(lodft, log_rad, angle, Xrcos, Yrcos, height - 1) coeff.insert(0, orientations) return coeff
"""This folder contains pytorch implementations of matlab functions. And should produce the same results as matlab. Note: to enable GPU acceleration, all functions take batched tensors as inputs, and return batched results. """ from .functions import * from .resize import imresize from .scfpyr_util import SCFpyr_PyTorch __all__ = [ "imresize", "fspecial", "SCFpyr_PyTorch", "imfilter", "dct2d", "conv2d", "filter2", "fitweibull", "nancov", "nanmean", "im2col", "blockproc", ]
""" A standalone PyTorch implementation for fast and efficient bicubic resampling. The resulting values are the same to MATLAB function imresize('bicubic'). ## Author: Sanghyun Son ## Email: (primary), (secondary) ## Version: 1.2.0 ## Last update: July 9th, 2020 (KST) Dependency: torch Example:: >>> import torch >>> import core >>> x = torch.arange(16).float().view(1, 1, 4, 4) >>> y = core.imresize(x, sizes=(3, 3)) >>> print(y) tensor([[[[ 0.7506, 2.1004, 3.4503], [ 6.1505, 7.5000, 8.8499], [11.5497, 12.8996, 14.2494]]]]) """ import math import typing import torch from torch.nn import functional as F __all__ = ["imresize"] _I = typing.Optional[int] _D = typing.Optional[torch.dtype] def nearest_contribution(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: range_around_0 = torch.logical_and(, x.le(0.5)) cont = return cont def linear_contribution(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: ax = x.abs() range_01 = ax.le(1) cont = (1 - ax) * return cont def cubic_contribution(x: torch.Tensor, a: float = -0.5) -> torch.Tensor: ax = x.abs() ax2 = ax * ax ax3 = ax * ax2 range_01 = ax.le(1) range_12 = torch.logical_and(, ax.le(2)) cont_01 = (a + 2) * ax3 - (a + 3) * ax2 + 1 cont_01 = cont_01 * cont_12 = (a * ax3) - (5 * a * ax2) + (8 * a * ax) - (4 * a) cont_12 = cont_12 * cont = cont_01 + cont_12 return cont def gaussian_contribution(x: torch.Tensor, sigma: float = 2.0) -> torch.Tensor: range_3sigma = x.abs() <= 3 * sigma + 1 # Normalization will be done after cont = torch.exp(-x.pow(2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) cont = cont * return cont def discrete_kernel( kernel: str, scale: float, antialiasing: bool = True ) -> torch.Tensor: """ For downsampling with integer scale only. """ downsampling_factor = int(1 / scale) if kernel == "cubic": kernel_size_orig = 4 else: raise ValueError("Pass!") if antialiasing: kernel_size = kernel_size_orig * downsampling_factor else: kernel_size = kernel_size_orig if downsampling_factor % 2 == 0: a = kernel_size_orig * (0.5 - 1 / (2 * kernel_size)) else: kernel_size -= 1 a = kernel_size_orig * (0.5 - 1 / (kernel_size + 1)) with torch.no_grad(): r = torch.linspace(-a, a, steps=kernel_size) k = cubic_contribution(r).view(-1, 1) k = torch.matmul(k, k.t()) k /= k.sum() return k def reflect_padding( x: torch.Tensor, dim: int, pad_pre: int, pad_post: int ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Apply reflect padding to the given Tensor. Note that it is slightly different from the PyTorch functional.pad, where boundary elements are used only once. Instead, we follow the MATLAB implementation which uses boundary elements twice. For example, [a, b, c, d] would become [b, a, b, c, d, c] with the PyTorch implementation, while our implementation yields [a, a, b, c, d, d]. """ b, c, h, w = x.size() if dim == 2 or dim == -2: padding_buffer = x.new_zeros(b, c, h + pad_pre + pad_post, w) padding_buffer[..., pad_pre : (h + pad_pre), :].copy_(x) for p in range(pad_pre): padding_buffer[..., pad_pre - p - 1, :].copy_(x[..., p, :]) for p in range(pad_post): padding_buffer[..., h + pad_pre + p, :].copy_(x[..., -(p + 1), :]) else: padding_buffer = x.new_zeros(b, c, h, w + pad_pre + pad_post) padding_buffer[..., pad_pre : (w + pad_pre)].copy_(x) for p in range(pad_pre): padding_buffer[..., pad_pre - p - 1].copy_(x[..., p]) for p in range(pad_post): padding_buffer[..., w + pad_pre + p].copy_(x[..., -(p + 1)]) return padding_buffer def padding( x: torch.Tensor, dim: int, pad_pre: int, pad_post: int, padding_type: typing.Optional[str] = "reflect", ) -> torch.Tensor: if padding_type is None: return x elif padding_type == "reflect": x_pad = reflect_padding(x, dim, pad_pre, pad_post) else: raise ValueError("{} padding is not supported!".format(padding_type)) return x_pad def get_padding( base: torch.Tensor, kernel_size: int, x_size: int ) -> typing.Tuple[int, int, torch.Tensor]: base = base.long() r_min = base.min() r_max = base.max() + kernel_size - 1 if r_min <= 0: pad_pre = -r_min pad_pre = pad_pre.item() base += pad_pre else: pad_pre = 0 if r_max >= x_size: pad_post = r_max - x_size + 1 pad_post = pad_post.item() else: pad_post = 0 return pad_pre, pad_post, base def get_weight( dist: torch.Tensor, kernel_size: int, kernel: str = "cubic", sigma: float = 2.0, antialiasing_factor: float = 1, ) -> torch.Tensor: buffer_pos = dist.new_zeros(kernel_size, len(dist)) for idx, buffer_sub in enumerate(buffer_pos): buffer_sub.copy_(dist - idx) # Expand (downsampling) / Shrink (upsampling) the receptive field. buffer_pos *= antialiasing_factor if kernel == "cubic": weight = cubic_contribution(buffer_pos) elif kernel == "gaussian": weight = gaussian_contribution(buffer_pos, sigma=sigma) else: raise ValueError("{} kernel is not supported!".format(kernel)) weight /= weight.sum(dim=0, keepdim=True) return weight def reshape_tensor(x: torch.Tensor, dim: int, kernel_size: int) -> torch.Tensor: # Resize height if dim == 2 or dim == -2: k = (kernel_size, 1) h_out = x.size(-2) - kernel_size + 1 w_out = x.size(-1) # Resize width else: k = (1, kernel_size) h_out = x.size(-2) w_out = x.size(-1) - kernel_size + 1 unfold = F.unfold(x, k) unfold = unfold.view(unfold.size(0), -1, h_out, w_out) return unfold def reshape_input(x: torch.Tensor) -> typing.Tuple[torch.Tensor, _I, _I, int, int]: if x.dim() == 4: b, c, h, w = x.size() elif x.dim() == 3: c, h, w = x.size() b = None elif x.dim() == 2: h, w = x.size() b = c = None else: raise ValueError("{}-dim Tensor is not supported!".format(x.dim())) x = x.view(-1, 1, h, w) return x, b, c, h, w def reshape_output(x: torch.Tensor, b: _I, c: _I) -> torch.Tensor: rh = x.size(-2) rw = x.size(-1) # Back to the original dimension if b is not None: x = x.view(b, c, rh, rw) # 4-dim else: if c is not None: x = x.view(c, rh, rw) # 3-dim else: x = x.view(rh, rw) # 2-dim return x def cast_input(x: torch.Tensor) -> typing.Tuple[torch.Tensor, _D]: if x.dtype != torch.float32 or x.dtype != torch.float64: dtype = x.dtype x = x.float() else: dtype = None return x, dtype def cast_output(x: torch.Tensor, dtype: _D) -> torch.Tensor: if dtype is not None: if not dtype.is_floating_point: x = x - x.detach() + x.round() # To prevent over/underflow when converting types if dtype is torch.uint8: x = x.clamp(0, 255) x = return x def resize_1d( x: torch.Tensor, dim: int, size: int, scale: float, kernel: str = "cubic", sigma: float = 2.0, padding_type: str = "reflect", antialiasing: bool = True, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: x (torch.Tensor): A torch.Tensor of dimension (B x C, 1, H, W). dim (int): scale (float): size (int): Return: """ # Identity case if scale == 1: return x # Default bicubic kernel with antialiasing (only when downsampling) if kernel == "cubic": kernel_size = 4 else: kernel_size = math.floor(6 * sigma) if antialiasing and (scale < 1): antialiasing_factor = scale kernel_size = math.ceil(kernel_size / antialiasing_factor) else: antialiasing_factor = 1 # We allow margin to both sizes kernel_size += 2 # Weights only depend on the shape of input and output, # so we do not calculate gradients here. with torch.no_grad(): pos = torch.linspace( 0, size - 1, steps=size, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device, ) pos = (pos + 0.5) / scale - 0.5 base = pos.floor() - (kernel_size // 2) + 1 dist = pos - base weight = get_weight( dist, kernel_size, kernel=kernel, sigma=sigma, antialiasing_factor=antialiasing_factor, ) pad_pre, pad_post, base = get_padding(base, kernel_size, x.size(dim)) # To backpropagate through x x_pad = padding(x, dim, pad_pre, pad_post, padding_type=padding_type) unfold = reshape_tensor(x_pad, dim, kernel_size) # Subsampling first if dim == 2 or dim == -2: sample = unfold[..., base, :] weight = weight.view(1, kernel_size, sample.size(2), 1) else: sample = unfold[..., base] weight = weight.view(1, kernel_size, 1, sample.size(3)) # Apply the kernel x = sample * weight x = x.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) return x def downsampling_2d( x: torch.Tensor, k: torch.Tensor, scale: int, padding_type: str = "reflect" ) -> torch.Tensor: c = x.size(1) k_h = k.size(-2) k_w = k.size(-1) k =, device=x.device) k = k.view(1, 1, k_h, k_w) k = k.repeat(c, c, 1, 1) e = torch.eye(c, dtype=k.dtype, device=k.device, requires_grad=False) e = e.view(c, c, 1, 1) k = k * e pad_h = (k_h - scale) // 2 pad_w = (k_w - scale) // 2 x = padding(x, -2, pad_h, pad_h, padding_type=padding_type) x = padding(x, -1, pad_w, pad_w, padding_type=padding_type) y = F.conv2d(x, k, padding=0, stride=scale) return y def imresize( x: torch.Tensor, scale: typing.Optional[float] = None, sizes: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[int, int]] = None, kernel: typing.Union[str, torch.Tensor] = "cubic", sigma: float = 2, rotation_degree: float = 0, padding_type: str = "reflect", antialiasing: bool = True, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: x (torch.Tensor): scale (float): sizes (tuple(int, int)): kernel (str, default='cubic'): sigma (float, default=2): rotation_degree (float, default=0): padding_type (str, default='reflect'): antialiasing (bool, default=True): Return: torch.Tensor: """ if scale is None and sizes is None: raise ValueError("One of scale or sizes must be specified!") if scale is not None and sizes is not None: raise ValueError("Please specify scale or sizes to avoid conflict!") x, b, c, h, w = reshape_input(x) if sizes is None and scale is not None: """ # Check if we can apply the convolution algorithm scale_inv = 1 / scale if isinstance(kernel, str) and scale_inv.is_integer(): kernel = discrete_kernel(kernel, scale, antialiasing=antialiasing) elif isinstance(kernel, torch.Tensor) and not scale_inv.is_integer(): raise ValueError( 'An integer downsampling factor ' 'should be used with a predefined kernel!' ) """ # Determine output size sizes = (math.ceil(h * scale), math.ceil(w * scale)) scales = (scale, scale) if scale is None and sizes is not None: scales = (sizes[0] / h, sizes[1] / w) x, dtype = cast_input(x) if isinstance(kernel, str) and sizes is not None: # Core resizing module x = resize_1d( x, -2, size=sizes[0], scale=scales[0], kernel=kernel, sigma=sigma, padding_type=padding_type, antialiasing=antialiasing, ) x = resize_1d( x, -1, size=sizes[1], scale=scales[1], kernel=kernel, sigma=sigma, padding_type=padding_type, antialiasing=antialiasing, ) elif isinstance(kernel, torch.Tensor) and scale is not None: x = downsampling_2d(x, kernel, scale=int(1 / scale)) x = reshape_output(x, b, c) x = cast_output(x, dtype) return x
import math import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import ExactPadding2d, symm_pad, to_2tuple def fspecial(size=None, sigma=None, channels=1, filter_type="gaussian"): r"""Function same as 'fspecial' in MATLAB, only support gaussian now. Args: size (int or tuple): size of window sigma (float): sigma of gaussian channels (int): channels of output """ if filter_type == "gaussian": shape = to_2tuple(size) m, n = [(ss - 1.0) / 2.0 for ss in shape] y, x = np.ogrid[-m : m + 1, -n : n + 1] h = np.exp(-(x * x + y * y) / (2.0 * sigma * sigma)) h[h < np.finfo(h.dtype).eps * h.max()] = 0 sumh = h.sum() if sumh != 0: h /= sumh h = torch.from_numpy(h).float().repeat(channels, 1, 1, 1) return h else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Only support gaussian filter now, got {filter_type}" ) def conv2d(input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, padding="same", dilation=1, groups=1): """Matlab like conv2, weights needs to be flipped. Args: input (tensor): (b, c, h, w) weight (tensor): (out_ch, in_ch, kh, kw), conv weight bias (bool or None): bias stride (int or tuple): conv stride padding (str): padding mode dilation (int): conv dilation """ kernel_size = weight.shape[2:] pad_func = ExactPadding2d(kernel_size, stride, dilation, mode=padding) weight = torch.flip(weight, dims=(-1, -2)) return F.conv2d( pad_func(input), weight, bias, stride, dilation=dilation, groups=groups ) def imfilter(input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, padding="same", dilation=1, groups=1): """imfilter same as matlab. Args: input (tensor): (b, c, h, w) tensor to be filtered weight (tensor): (out_ch, in_ch, kh, kw) filter kernel padding (str): padding mode dilation (int): dilation of conv groups (int): groups of conv """ kernel_size = weight.shape[2:] pad_func = ExactPadding2d(kernel_size, stride, dilation, mode=padding) return F.conv2d( pad_func(input), weight, bias, stride, dilation=dilation, groups=groups ) def filter2(input, weight, shape="same"): if shape == "same": return imfilter(input, weight, groups=input.shape[1]) elif shape == "valid": return F.conv2d(input, weight, stride=1, padding=0, groups=input.shape[1]) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Shape type {shape} is not implemented.") def dct(x, norm=None): """ Discrete Cosine Transform, Type II (a.k.a. the DCT) For the meaning of the parameter `norm`, see: Args: x: the input signal norm: the normalization, None or 'ortho' Return: the DCT-II of the signal over the last dimension """ x_shape = x.shape N = x_shape[-1] x = x.contiguous().view(-1, N) v =[x[:, ::2], x[:, 1::2].flip([1])], dim=-1) Vc = torch.view_as_real(torch.fft.fft(v, dim=-1)) k = -torch.arange(N, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)[None, :] * np.pi / (2 * N) W_r = torch.cos(k) W_i = torch.sin(k) V = Vc[:, :, 0] * W_r - Vc[:, :, 1] * W_i if norm == "ortho": V[:, 0] /= np.sqrt(N) * 2 V[:, 1:] /= np.sqrt(N / 2) * 2 V = 2 * V.view(*x_shape) return V def dct2d(x, norm="ortho"): """ 2-dimentional Discrete Cosine Transform, Type II (a.k.a. the DCT) For the meaning of the parameter `norm`, see: :param x: the input signal :param norm: the normalization, None or 'ortho' :return: the DCT-II of the signal over the last 2 dimensions """ X1 = dct(x, norm=norm) X2 = dct(X1.transpose(-1, -2), norm=norm) return X2.transpose(-1, -2) def fitweibull(x, iters=50, eps=1e-2): """Simulate wblfit function in matlab. ref: Fits a 2-parameter Weibull distribution to the given data using maximum-likelihood estimation. :param x (tensor): (B, N), batch of samples from an (unknown) distribution. Each value must satisfy x > 0. :param iters: Maximum number of iterations :param eps: Stopping criterion. Fit is stopped ff the change within two iterations is smaller than eps. :param use_cuda: Use gpu :return: Tuple (Shape, Scale) which can be (NaN, NaN) if a fit is impossible. Impossible fits may be due to 0-values in x. """ ln_x = torch.log(x) k = 1.2 / torch.std(ln_x, dim=1, keepdim=True) k_t_1 = k for t in range(iters): # Partial derivative df/dk x_k = x ** k.repeat(1, x.shape[1]) x_k_ln_x = x_k * ln_x ff = torch.sum(x_k_ln_x, dim=-1, keepdim=True) fg = torch.sum(x_k, dim=-1, keepdim=True) f1 = torch.mean(ln_x, dim=-1, keepdim=True) f = ff / fg - f1 - (1.0 / k) ff_prime = torch.sum(x_k_ln_x * ln_x, dim=-1, keepdim=True) fg_prime = ff f_prime = (ff_prime / fg - (ff / fg * fg_prime / fg)) + (1.0 / (k * k)) # Newton-Raphson method k = k - f(k;x)/f'(k;x) k = k - f / f_prime error = torch.abs(k - k_t_1).max().item() if error < eps: break k_t_1 = k # Lambda (scale) can be calculated directly lam = torch.mean(x ** k.repeat(1, x.shape[1]), dim=-1, keepdim=True) ** (1.0 / k) return, lam), dim=1) # Shape (SC), Scale (FE) def cov(tensor, rowvar=True, bias=False): r"""Estimate a covariance matrix (np.cov) Ref: """ tensor = tensor if rowvar else tensor.transpose(-1, -2) tensor = tensor - tensor.mean(dim=-1, keepdim=True) if tensor.shape[-1] > 1: factor = 1 / (tensor.shape[-1] - int(not bool(bias))) else: factor = 1 return factor * tensor @ tensor.transpose(-1, -2) def nancov(x): r"""Calculate nancov for batched tensor, rows that contains nan value will be removed. Args: x (tensor): (B, row_num, feat_dim) Return: cov (tensor): (B, feat_dim, feat_dim) """ assert ( len(x.shape) == 3 ), f"Shape of input should be (batch_size, row_num, feat_dim), but got {x.shape}" b, rownum, feat_dim = x.shape nan_mask = torch.isnan(x).any(dim=2, keepdim=True) cov_x = [] for i in range(b): x_no_nan = x[i].masked_select(~nan_mask[i]).reshape(-1, feat_dim) cov_x.append(cov(x_no_nan, rowvar=False)) return torch.stack(cov_x) def nanmean(v, *args, inplace=False, **kwargs): r"""nanmean same as matlab function: calculate mean values by removing all nan.""" if not inplace: v = v.clone() is_nan = torch.isnan(v) v[is_nan] = 0 return v.sum(*args, **kwargs) / (~is_nan).float().sum(*args, **kwargs) def im2col(x, kernel, mode="sliding"): r"""simple im2col as matlab Args: x (Tensor): shape (b, c, h, w) kernel (int): kernel size mode (string): - sliding (default): rearranges sliding image neighborhoods of kernel size into columns with no zero-padding - distinct: rearranges discrete image blocks of kernel size into columns, zero pad right and bottom if necessary Return: flatten patch (Tensor): (b, h * w / kernel **2, kernel * kernel) """ b, c, h, w = x.shape kernel = to_2tuple(kernel) if mode == "sliding": stride = 1 elif mode == "distinct": stride = kernel h2 = math.ceil(h / stride[0]) w2 = math.ceil(w / stride[1]) pad_row = (h2 - 1) * stride[0] + kernel[0] - h pad_col = (w2 - 1) * stride[1] + kernel[1] - w x = F.pad(x, (0, pad_col, 0, pad_row)) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Type {mode} is not implemented yet.") patches = F.unfold(x, kernel, dilation=1, stride=stride) b, _, pnum = patches.shape patches = patches.transpose(1, 2).reshape(b, pnum, -1) return patches def blockproc( x, kernel, fun, border_size=None, pad_partial=False, pad_method="zero", **func_args ): r"""blockproc function like matlab Difference: - Partial blocks is discarded (if exist) for fast GPU process. Args: x (tensor): shape (b, c, h, w) kernel (int or tuple): block size func (function): function to process each block border_size (int or tuple): border pixels to each block pad_partial: pad partial blocks to make them full-sized, default False pad_method: [zero, replicate, symmetric] how to pad partial block when pad_partial is set True Return: results (tensor): concatenated results of each block """ assert len(x.shape) == 4, f"Shape of input has to be (b, c, h, w) but got {x.shape}" kernel = to_2tuple(kernel) if pad_partial: b, c, h, w = x.shape stride = kernel h2 = math.ceil(h / stride[0]) w2 = math.ceil(w / stride[1]) pad_row = (h2 - 1) * stride[0] + kernel[0] - h pad_col = (w2 - 1) * stride[1] + kernel[1] - w padding = (0, pad_col, 0, pad_row) if pad_method == "zero": x = F.pad(x, padding, mode="constant") elif pad_method == "symmetric": x = symm_pad(x, padding) else: x = F.pad(x, padding, mode=pad_method) if border_size is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Blockproc with border is not implemented yet") else: b, c, h, w = x.shape block_size_h, block_size_w = kernel num_block_h = math.floor(h / block_size_h) num_block_w = math.floor(w / block_size_w) # extract blocks in (row, column) manner, i.e., stored with column first blocks = F.unfold(x, kernel, stride=kernel) blocks = blocks.reshape(b, c, *kernel, num_block_h, num_block_w) blocks = blocks.permute(5, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3).reshape( num_block_h * num_block_w * b, c, *kernel ) results = fun(blocks, func_args) results = results.reshape( num_block_h * num_block_w, b, *results.shape[1:] ).transpose(0, 1) return results
import math from collections import Counter from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler class MultiStepRestartLR(_LRScheduler): """MultiStep with restarts learning rate scheme. Args: optimizer (torch.nn.optimizer): Torch optimizer. milestones (list): Iterations that will decrease learning rate. gamma (float): Decrease ratio. Default: 0.1. restarts (list): Restart iterations. Default: [0]. restart_weights (list): Restart weights at each restart iteration. Default: [1]. last_epoch (int): Used in _LRScheduler. Default: -1. """ def __init__( self, optimizer, milestones, gamma=0.1, restarts=(0,), restart_weights=(1,), last_epoch=-1, ): self.milestones = Counter(milestones) self.gamma = gamma self.restarts = restarts self.restart_weights = restart_weights assert len(self.restarts) == len( self.restart_weights ), "restarts and their weights do not match." super(MultiStepRestartLR, self).__init__(optimizer, last_epoch) def get_lr(self): if self.last_epoch in self.restarts: weight = self.restart_weights[self.restarts.index(self.last_epoch)] return [ group["initial_lr"] * weight for group in self.optimizer.param_groups ] if self.last_epoch not in self.milestones: return [group["lr"] for group in self.optimizer.param_groups] return [ group["lr"] * self.gamma ** self.milestones[self.last_epoch] for group in self.optimizer.param_groups ] def get_position_from_periods(iteration, cumulative_period): """Get the position from a period list. It will return the index of the right-closest number in the period list. For example, the cumulative_period = [100, 200, 300, 400], if iteration == 50, return 0; if iteration == 210, return 2; if iteration == 300, return 2. Args: iteration (int): Current iteration. cumulative_period (list[int]): Cumulative period list. Returns: int: The position of the right-closest number in the period list. """ for i, period in enumerate(cumulative_period): if iteration <= period: return i class CosineAnnealingRestartLR(_LRScheduler): """Cosine annealing with restarts learning rate scheme. An example of config: periods = [10, 10, 10, 10] restart_weights = [1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] eta_min=1e-7 It has four cycles, each has 10 iterations. At 10th, 20th, 30th, the scheduler will restart with the weights in restart_weights. Args: optimizer (torch.nn.optimizer): Torch optimizer. periods (list): Period for each cosine anneling cycle. restart_weights (list): Restart weights at each restart iteration. Default: [1]. eta_min (float): The minimum lr. Default: 0. last_epoch (int): Used in _LRScheduler. Default: -1. """ def __init__( self, optimizer, periods, restart_weights=(1,), eta_min=0, last_epoch=-1 ): self.periods = periods self.restart_weights = restart_weights self.eta_min = eta_min assert len(self.periods) == len( self.restart_weights ), "periods and restart_weights should have the same length." self.cumulative_period = [ sum(self.periods[0 : i + 1]) for i in range(0, len(self.periods)) ] super(CosineAnnealingRestartLR, self).__init__(optimizer, last_epoch) def get_lr(self): idx = get_position_from_periods(self.last_epoch, self.cumulative_period) current_weight = self.restart_weights[idx] nearest_restart = 0 if idx == 0 else self.cumulative_period[idx - 1] current_period = self.periods[idx] return [ self.eta_min + current_weight * 0.5 * (base_lr - self.eta_min) * ( 1 + math.cos( math.pi * ((self.last_epoch - nearest_restart) / current_period) ) ) for base_lr in self.base_lrs ]
import os import time from collections import OrderedDict from copy import deepcopy import torch from torch.nn.parallel import DataParallel, DistributedDataParallel from pyiqa.models import lr_scheduler as lr_scheduler from pyiqa.utils import get_root_logger from pyiqa.utils.dist_util import master_only class BaseModel: """Base model.""" def __init__(self, opt): self.opt = opt self.device = torch.device("cuda" if opt["num_gpu"] != 0 else "cpu") self.is_train = opt["is_train"] self.schedulers = [] self.optimizers = [] def feed_data(self, data): pass def optimize_parameters(self): pass def get_current_visuals(self): pass def save(self, epoch, current_iter): """Save networks and training state.""" pass def validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img=False): """Validation function. Args: dataloader ( Validation dataloader. current_iter (int): Current iteration. tb_logger (tensorboard logger): Tensorboard logger. save_img (bool): Whether to save images. Default: False. """ if self.opt["dist"]: self.dist_validation(dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img) else: self.nondist_validation(dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img) def _initialize_best_metric_results(self, dataset_name): """Initialize the best metric results dict for recording the best metric value and iteration.""" if ( hasattr(self, "best_metric_results") and dataset_name in self.best_metric_results ): return elif not hasattr(self, "best_metric_results"): self.best_metric_results = dict() # add a dataset record record = dict() for metric, content in self.opt["val"]["metrics"].items(): better = content.get("better", "higher") init_val = float("-inf") if better == "higher" else float("inf") record[metric] = dict(better=better, val=init_val, iter=-1) self.best_metric_results[dataset_name] = record self.key_metric = self.opt["val"].get("key_metric", None) def _update_metric_result(self, dataset_name, metric, val, current_iter): self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["val"] = val self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["iter"] = current_iter def _update_best_metric_result(self, dataset_name, metric, val, current_iter): if self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["better"] == "higher": if val >= self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["val"]: self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["val"] = val self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["iter"] = current_iter return True else: return False else: if val <= self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["val"]: self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["val"] = val self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["iter"] = current_iter return True else: return False def model_ema(self, decay=0.999): net_g = self.get_bare_model(self.net_g) net_g_params = dict(net_g.named_parameters()) net_g_ema_params = dict(self.net_g_ema.named_parameters()) for k in net_g_ema_params.keys(): net_g_ema_params[k].data.mul_(decay).add_( net_g_params[k].data, alpha=1 - decay ) def copy_model(self, net_a, net_b): """copy model from net_a to net_b""" tmp_net_a = self.get_bare_model(net_a) tmp_net_b = self.get_bare_model(net_b) tmp_net_b.load_state_dict(tmp_net_a.state_dict()) def get_current_log(self): return self.log_dict def model_to_device(self, net): """Model to device. It also warps models with DistributedDataParallel or DataParallel. Args: net (nn.Module) """ net = if self.opt["dist"]: find_unused_parameters = self.opt.get("find_unused_parameters", False) net = DistributedDataParallel( net, device_ids=[torch.cuda.current_device()], find_unused_parameters=find_unused_parameters, ) elif self.opt["num_gpu"] > 1: net = DataParallel(net) return net def get_optimizer(self, optim_type, params, lr, **kwargs): optim_class = getattr(torch.optim, optim_type) optimizer = optim_class(params, lr, **kwargs) return optimizer def setup_schedulers(self, scheduler_name="scheduler"): """Set up schedulers.""" train_opt = self.opt["train"] scheduler_type = train_opt[scheduler_name].pop("type") if scheduler_type in ["MultiStepLR", "MultiStepRestartLR"]: for optimizer in self.optimizers: self.schedulers.append( lr_scheduler.MultiStepRestartLR( optimizer, **train_opt[scheduler_name] ) ) elif scheduler_type == "CosineAnnealingRestartLR": for optimizer in self.optimizers: self.schedulers.append( lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingRestartLR( optimizer, **train_opt[scheduler_name] ) ) else: scheduler = getattr(torch.optim.lr_scheduler, scheduler_type) for optimizer in self.optimizers: self.schedulers.append( scheduler(optimizer, **train_opt[scheduler_name]) ) def get_bare_model(self, net): """Get bare model, especially under wrapping with DistributedDataParallel or DataParallel. """ if isinstance(net, (DataParallel, DistributedDataParallel)): net = net.module return net @master_only def print_network(self, net): """print the str and parameter number of a network. Args: net (nn.Module) """ if isinstance(net, (DataParallel, DistributedDataParallel)): net_cls_str = f"{net.__class__.__name__} - {net.module.__class__.__name__}" else: net_cls_str = f"{net.__class__.__name__}" net = self.get_bare_model(net) net_str = str(net) net_params = sum(map(lambda x: x.numel(), net.parameters())) logger = get_root_logger()"Network: {net_cls_str}, with parameters: {net_params:,d}") def _set_lr(self, lr_groups_l): """Set learning rate for warmup. Args: lr_groups_l (list): List for lr_groups, each for an optimizer. """ for optimizer, lr_groups in zip(self.optimizers, lr_groups_l): for param_group, lr in zip(optimizer.param_groups, lr_groups): param_group["lr"] = lr def _get_init_lr(self): """Get the initial lr, which is set by the scheduler.""" init_lr_groups_l = [] for optimizer in self.optimizers: init_lr_groups_l.append([v["initial_lr"] for v in optimizer.param_groups]) return init_lr_groups_l def update_learning_rate(self, current_iter, warmup_iter=-1): """Update learning rate. Args: current_iter (int): Current iteration. warmup_iter (int): Warmup iter numbers. -1 for no warmup. Default: -1. """ if current_iter > 1: for scheduler in self.schedulers: scheduler.step() # set up warm-up learning rate if current_iter < warmup_iter: # get initial lr for each group init_lr_g_l = self._get_init_lr() # modify warming-up learning rates # currently only support linearly warm up warm_up_lr_l = [] for init_lr_g in init_lr_g_l: warm_up_lr_l.append([v / warmup_iter * current_iter for v in init_lr_g]) # set learning rate self._set_lr(warm_up_lr_l) def get_current_learning_rate(self): return [param_group["lr"] for param_group in self.optimizers[0].param_groups] @master_only def save_network(self, net, net_label, current_iter=None, param_key="params"): """Save networks. Args: net (nn.Module | list[nn.Module]): Network(s) to be saved. net_label (str): Network label. current_iter (int): Current iter number. param_key (str | list[str]): The parameter key(s) to save network. Default: 'params'. """ if current_iter == -1: current_iter = "latest" if current_iter is not None: save_filename = f"{net_label}_{current_iter}.pth" else: save_filename = f"{net_label}.pth" save_path = os.path.join(self.opt["path"]["models"], save_filename) net = net if isinstance(net, list) else [net] param_key = param_key if isinstance(param_key, list) else [param_key] assert len(net) == len( param_key ), "The lengths of net and param_key should be the same." save_dict = {} for net_, param_key_ in zip(net, param_key): net_ = self.get_bare_model(net_) state_dict = net_.state_dict() for key, param in state_dict.items(): if key.startswith("module."): # remove unnecessary 'module.' key = key[7:] state_dict[key] = param.cpu() save_dict[param_key_] = state_dict # avoid occasional writing errors retry = 3 while retry > 0: try:, save_path) except Exception as e: logger = get_root_logger() logger.warning( f"Save model error: {e}, remaining retry times: {retry - 1}" ) time.sleep(1) else: break finally: retry -= 1 if retry == 0: logger.warning(f"Still cannot save {save_path}. Just ignore it.") # raise IOError(f'Cannot save {save_path}.') def _print_different_keys_loading(self, crt_net, load_net, strict=True): """print keys with different name or different size when loading models. 1. print keys with different names. 2. If strict=False, print the same key but with different tensor size. It also ignore these keys with different sizes (not load). Args: crt_net (torch model): Current network. load_net (dict): Loaded network. strict (bool): Whether strictly loaded. Default: True. """ crt_net = self.get_bare_model(crt_net) crt_net = crt_net.state_dict() crt_net_keys = set(crt_net.keys()) load_net_keys = set(load_net.keys()) logger = get_root_logger() if crt_net_keys != load_net_keys: logger.warning("Current net - loaded net:") for v in sorted(list(crt_net_keys - load_net_keys)): logger.warning(f" {v}") logger.warning("Loaded net - current net:") for v in sorted(list(load_net_keys - crt_net_keys)): logger.warning(f" {v}") # check the size for the same keys if not strict: common_keys = crt_net_keys & load_net_keys for k in common_keys: if crt_net[k].size() != load_net[k].size(): logger.warning( f"Size different, ignore [{k}]: crt_net: " f"{crt_net[k].shape}; load_net: {load_net[k].shape}" ) load_net[k + ".ignore"] = load_net.pop(k) def load_network(self, net, load_path, strict=True, param_key="params"): """Load network. Args: load_path (str): The path of networks to be loaded. net (nn.Module): Network. strict (bool): Whether strictly loaded. param_key (str): The parameter key of loaded network. If set to None, use the root 'path'. Default: 'params'. """ logger = get_root_logger() net = self.get_bare_model(net) load_net = torch.load(load_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) if param_key is not None: if param_key not in load_net and "params" in load_net: param_key = "params""Loading: params_ema does not exist, use params.") load_net = load_net[param_key] f"Loading {net.__class__.__name__} model from {load_path}, with param key: [{param_key}]." ) # remove unnecessary 'module.' for k, v in deepcopy(load_net).items(): if k.startswith("module."): load_net[k[7:]] = v load_net.pop(k) self._print_different_keys_loading(net, load_net, strict) net.load_state_dict(load_net, strict=strict) @master_only def save_training_state(self, epoch, current_iter): """Save training states during training, which will be used for resuming. Args: epoch (int): Current epoch. current_iter (int): Current iteration. """ if current_iter != -1: state = { "epoch": epoch, "iter": current_iter, "optimizers": [], "schedulers": [], } for o in self.optimizers: state["optimizers"].append(o.state_dict()) for s in self.schedulers: state["schedulers"].append(s.state_dict()) save_filename = f"{current_iter}.state" save_path = os.path.join(self.opt["path"]["training_states"], save_filename) # avoid occasional writing errors retry = 3 while retry > 0: try:, save_path) except Exception as e: logger = get_root_logger() logger.warning( f"Save training state error: {e}, remaining retry times: {retry - 1}" ) time.sleep(1) else: break finally: retry -= 1 if retry == 0: logger.warning(f"Still cannot save {save_path}. Just ignore it.") # raise IOError(f'Cannot save {save_path}.') def resume_training(self, resume_state): """Reload the optimizers and schedulers for resumed training. Args: resume_state (dict): Resume state. """ resume_optimizers = resume_state["optimizers"] resume_schedulers = resume_state["schedulers"] assert len(resume_optimizers) == len( self.optimizers ), "Wrong lengths of optimizers" assert len(resume_schedulers) == len( self.schedulers ), "Wrong lengths of schedulers" for i, o in enumerate(resume_optimizers): self.optimizers[i].load_state_dict(o) for i, s in enumerate(resume_schedulers): self.schedulers[i].load_state_dict(s) def reduce_loss_dict(self, loss_dict): """reduce loss dict. In distributed training, it averages the losses among different GPUs . Args: loss_dict (OrderedDict): Loss dict. """ with torch.no_grad(): if self.opt["dist"]: keys = [] losses = [] for name, value in loss_dict.items(): keys.append(name) losses.append(value) losses = torch.stack(losses, 0) torch.distributed.reduce(losses, dst=0) if self.opt["rank"] == 0: losses /= self.opt["world_size"] loss_dict = {key: loss for key, loss in zip(keys, losses)} log_dict = OrderedDict() for name, value in loss_dict.items(): log_dict[name] = value.mean().item() return log_dict
from collections import OrderedDict import torch from pyiqa.metrics import calculate_metric from pyiqa.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY from .general_iqa_model import GeneralIQAModel @MODEL_REGISTRY.register() class HyperNetModel(GeneralIQAModel): """General module to train an IQA network.""" def test(self): with torch.no_grad(): self.output_score = self.get_bare_model( self.img_input ) def setup_optimizers(self): train_opt = self.opt["train"] optim_opt = train_opt["optim"] bare_net = self.get_bare_model( optim_params = [ { "params": bare_net.base_model.parameters(), "lr": optim_opt.pop("lr_basemodel"), }, { "params": [ p for k, p in bare_net.named_parameters() if "base_model" not in k ], "lr": optim_opt.pop("lr_hypermodule"), }, ] optim_type = optim_opt.pop("type") self.optimizer = self.get_optimizer(optim_type, optim_params, **optim_opt) self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer)
from collections import OrderedDict from os import path as osp import torch from tqdm import tqdm from pyiqa.archs import build_network from pyiqa.losses import build_loss from pyiqa.metrics import calculate_metric from pyiqa.models import lr_scheduler as lr_scheduler from pyiqa.utils import get_root_logger, imwrite, logger, tensor2img from pyiqa.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY from .general_iqa_model import GeneralIQAModel @MODEL_REGISTRY.register() class DBCNNModel(GeneralIQAModel): """General module to train an IQA network.""" def __init__(self, opt): super(DBCNNModel, self).__init__(opt) self.train_stage = "train" def reset_optimizers_finetune(self): logger = get_root_logger()"\n Start finetune stage. Set all parameters trainable\n") train_opt = self.opt["train"] optim_params = [] for k, v in v.requires_grad = True optim_params.append(v) optim_type = train_opt["optim_finetune"].pop("type") self.optimizer = self.get_optimizer( optim_type, optim_params, **train_opt["optim_finetune"] ) self.optimizers = [self.optimizer] # reset schedulers self.schedulers = [] self.setup_schedulers("scheduler_finetune") def optimize_parameters(self, current_iter): if ( current_iter >= self.opt["train"]["finetune_start_iter"] and self.train_stage != "finetune" ): # copy best model from coarse training stage and reset optimizers self.copy_model(self.net_best, self.reset_optimizers_finetune() self.train_stage = "finetune" super().optimize_parameters(current_iter)
from collections import OrderedDict from os import path as osp import torch from tqdm import tqdm from pyiqa.archs import build_network from pyiqa.losses import build_loss from pyiqa.metrics import calculate_metric from pyiqa.utils import get_root_logger, imwrite, tensor2img from pyiqa.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY from .base_model import BaseModel @MODEL_REGISTRY.register() class SRModel(BaseModel): """Base SR model for single image super-resolution.""" def __init__(self, opt): super(SRModel, self).__init__(opt) # define network self.net_g = build_network(opt["network_g"]) self.net_g = self.model_to_device(self.net_g) self.print_network(self.net_g) # load pretrained models load_path = self.opt["path"].get("pretrain_network_g", None) if load_path is not None: param_key = self.opt["path"].get("param_key_g", "params") self.load_network( self.net_g, load_path, self.opt["path"].get("strict_load_g", True), param_key, ) if self.is_train: self.init_training_settings() def init_training_settings(self): self.net_g.train() train_opt = self.opt["train"] self.ema_decay = train_opt.get("ema_decay", 0) if self.ema_decay > 0: logger = get_root_logger()"Use Exponential Moving Average with decay: {self.ema_decay}") # define network net_g with Exponential Moving Average (EMA) # net_g_ema is used only for testing on one GPU and saving # There is no need to wrap with DistributedDataParallel self.net_g_ema = build_network(self.opt["network_g"]).to(self.device) # load pretrained model load_path = self.opt["path"].get("pretrain_network_g", None) if load_path is not None: self.load_network( self.net_g_ema, load_path, self.opt["path"].get("strict_load_g", True), "params_ema", ) else: self.model_ema(0) # copy net_g weight self.net_g_ema.eval() # define losses if train_opt.get("pixel_opt"): self.cri_pix = build_loss(train_opt["pixel_opt"]).to(self.device) else: self.cri_pix = None if train_opt.get("perceptual_opt"): self.cri_perceptual = build_loss(train_opt["perceptual_opt"]).to( self.device ) else: self.cri_perceptual = None if self.cri_pix is None and self.cri_perceptual is None: raise ValueError("Both pixel and perceptual losses are None.") # set up optimizers and schedulers self.setup_optimizers() self.setup_schedulers() def setup_optimizers(self): train_opt = self.opt["train"] optim_params = [] for k, v in self.net_g.named_parameters(): if v.requires_grad: optim_params.append(v) else: logger = get_root_logger() logger.warning(f"Params {k} will not be optimized.") optim_type = train_opt["optim_g"].pop("type") self.optimizer_g = self.get_optimizer( optim_type, optim_params, **train_opt["optim_g"] ) self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_g) def feed_data(self, data): self.lq = data["lq"].to(self.device) if "gt" in data: = data["gt"].to(self.device) def optimize_parameters(self, current_iter): self.optimizer_g.zero_grad() self.output = self.net_g(self.lq) l_total = 0 loss_dict = OrderedDict() # pixel loss if self.cri_pix: l_pix = self.cri_pix(self.output, l_total += l_pix loss_dict["l_pix"] = l_pix # perceptual loss if self.cri_perceptual: l_percep, l_style = self.cri_perceptual(self.output, if l_percep is not None: l_total += l_percep loss_dict["l_percep"] = l_percep if l_style is not None: l_total += l_style loss_dict["l_style"] = l_style l_total.backward() self.optimizer_g.step() self.log_dict = self.reduce_loss_dict(loss_dict) if self.ema_decay > 0: self.model_ema(decay=self.ema_decay) def test(self): if hasattr(self, "net_g_ema"): self.net_g_ema.eval() with torch.no_grad(): self.output = self.net_g_ema(self.lq) else: self.net_g.eval() with torch.no_grad(): self.output = self.net_g(self.lq) self.net_g.train() def dist_validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img): if self.opt["rank"] == 0: self.nondist_validation(dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img) def nondist_validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img): dataset_name = dataloader.dataset.opt["name"] with_metrics = self.opt["val"].get("metrics") is not None use_pbar = self.opt["val"].get("pbar", False) if with_metrics: if not hasattr(self, "metric_results"): # only execute in the first run self.metric_results = { metric: 0 for metric in self.opt["val"]["metrics"].keys() } # initialize the best metric results for each dataset_name (supporting multiple validation datasets) self._initialize_best_metric_results(dataset_name) # zero self.metric_results if with_metrics: self.metric_results = {metric: 0 for metric in self.metric_results} metric_data = dict() if use_pbar: pbar = tqdm(total=len(dataloader), unit="image") for idx, val_data in enumerate(dataloader): img_name = osp.splitext(osp.basename(val_data["lq_path"][0]))[0] self.feed_data(val_data) self.test() visuals = self.get_current_visuals() sr_img = tensor2img([visuals["result"]]) metric_data["img"] = sr_img if "gt" in visuals: gt_img = tensor2img([visuals["gt"]]) metric_data["img2"] = gt_img del # tentative for out of GPU memory del self.lq del self.output torch.cuda.empty_cache() if save_img: if self.opt["is_train"]: save_img_path = osp.join( self.opt["path"]["visualization"], img_name, f"{img_name}_{current_iter}.png", ) else: if self.opt["val"]["suffix"]: save_img_path = osp.join( self.opt["path"]["visualization"], dataset_name, f'{img_name}_{self.opt["val"]["suffix"]}.png', ) else: save_img_path = osp.join( self.opt["path"]["visualization"], dataset_name, f'{img_name}_{self.opt["name"]}.png', ) imwrite(sr_img, save_img_path) if with_metrics: # calculate metrics for name, opt_ in self.opt["val"]["metrics"].items(): self.metric_results[name] += calculate_metric(metric_data, opt_) if use_pbar: pbar.update(1) pbar.set_description(f"Test {img_name}") if use_pbar: pbar.close() if with_metrics: for metric in self.metric_results.keys(): self.metric_results[metric] /= idx + 1 # update the best metric result self._update_best_metric_result( dataset_name, metric, self.metric_results[metric], current_iter ) self._log_validation_metric_values(current_iter, dataset_name, tb_logger) def _log_validation_metric_values(self, current_iter, dataset_name, tb_logger): log_str = f"Validation {dataset_name}\n" for metric, value in self.metric_results.items(): log_str += f"\t # {metric}: {value:.4f}" if hasattr(self, "best_metric_results"): log_str += ( f'\tBest: {self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["val"]:.4f} @ ' f'{self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["iter"]} iter' ) log_str += "\n" logger = get_root_logger() if tb_logger: for metric, value in self.metric_results.items(): tb_logger.add_scalar( f"metrics/{dataset_name}/{metric}", value, current_iter ) def get_current_visuals(self): out_dict = OrderedDict() out_dict["lq"] = self.lq.detach().cpu() out_dict["result"] = self.output.detach().cpu() if hasattr(self, "gt"): out_dict["gt"] = return out_dict def save(self, epoch, current_iter): if hasattr(self, "net_g_ema"): self.save_network( [self.net_g, self.net_g_ema], "net_g", current_iter, param_key=["params", "params_ema"], ) else: self.save_network(self.net_g, "net_g", current_iter) self.save_training_state(epoch, current_iter)
from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from tqdm import tqdm from pyiqa.metrics.correlation_coefficient import calculate_rmse from pyiqa.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY from .general_iqa_model import GeneralIQAModel @MODEL_REGISTRY.register() class PieAPPModel(GeneralIQAModel): """General module to train an IQA network.""" def feed_data(self, data): is_test = "img" in data.keys() if "use_ref" in self.opt["train"]: self.use_ref = self.opt["train"]["use_ref"] if is_test: self.img_input = data["img"].to(self.device) self.gt_mos = data["mos_label"].to(self.device) self.ref_input = data["ref_img"].to(self.device) self.ref_img_path = data["ref_img_path"] self.img_path = data["img_path"] else: self.img_A_input = data["distA_img"].to(self.device) self.img_B_input = data["distB_img"].to(self.device) self.img_ref_input = data["ref_img"].to(self.device) self.gt_prob = data["mos_label"].to(self.device) # from torchvision.utils import save_image # save_image([self.img_A_input, self.img_B_input, self.img_ref_input], dim=0), 'tmp_test_pieappdataset.jpg') # exit() def optimize_parameters(self, current_iter): self.optimizer.zero_grad() score_A =, self.img_ref_input) score_B =, self.img_ref_input) train_output_score = 1 / (1 + torch.exp(score_A - score_B)) l_total = 0 loss_dict = OrderedDict() # pixel loss if self.cri_mos: l_mos = self.cri_mos(train_output_score, self.gt_prob) l_total += l_mos loss_dict["l_mos"] = l_mos l_total.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.log_dict = self.reduce_loss_dict(loss_dict) # log metrics in training batch pred_score = train_output_score.squeeze(-1).cpu().detach().numpy() gt_prob = self.gt_prob.squeeze(-1).cpu().detach().numpy() self.log_dict[f"train_metrics/rmse"] = calculate_rmse(pred_score, gt_prob)
from collections import OrderedDict from os import path as osp import torch from tqdm import tqdm from pyiqa.archs import build_network from pyiqa.losses import build_loss from pyiqa.metrics import calculate_metric from pyiqa.utils import get_root_logger, imwrite, tensor2img from pyiqa.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY from .base_model import BaseModel @MODEL_REGISTRY.register() class GeneralIQAModel(BaseModel): """General module to train an IQA network.""" def __init__(self, opt): super(GeneralIQAModel, self).__init__(opt) # define network = build_network(opt["network"]) = self.model_to_device( self.print_network( # load pretrained models load_path = self.opt["path"].get("pretrain_network", None) if load_path is not None: param_key = self.opt["path"].get("param_key_g", "params") self.load_network(, load_path, self.opt["path"].get("strict_load", True), param_key, ) if self.is_train: self.init_training_settings() def init_training_settings(self): train_opt = self.opt["train"] self.net_best = build_network(self.opt["network"]).to(self.device) # define losses if train_opt.get("mos_loss_opt"): self.cri_mos = build_loss(train_opt["mos_loss_opt"]).to(self.device) else: self.cri_mos = None # define metric related loss, such as plcc loss if train_opt.get("metric_loss_opt"): self.cri_metric = build_loss(train_opt["metric_loss_opt"]).to(self.device) else: self.cri_metric = None # set up optimizers and schedulers self.setup_optimizers() self.setup_schedulers() def setup_optimizers(self): train_opt = self.opt["train"] optim_params = [] for k, v in if v.requires_grad: optim_params.append(v) else: logger = get_root_logger() logger.warning(f"Params {k} will not be optimized.") optim_type = train_opt["optim"].pop("type") self.optimizer = self.get_optimizer( optim_type, optim_params, **train_opt["optim"] ) self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer) def feed_data(self, data): self.img_input = data["img"].to(self.device) if "mos_label" in data: self.gt_mos = data["mos_label"].to(self.device) self.use_ref = self.opt["train"].get("use_ref", False) def net_forward(self, net): if self.use_ref: return net(self.img_input, self.ref_input) else: return net(self.img_input) def optimize_parameters(self, current_iter): self.optimizer.zero_grad() self.output_score = self.net_forward( l_total = 0 loss_dict = OrderedDict() # pixel loss if self.cri_mos: l_mos = self.cri_mos(self.output_score, self.gt_mos) l_total += l_mos loss_dict["l_mos"] = l_mos if self.cri_metric: l_metric = self.cri_metric(self.output_score, self.gt_mos) l_total += l_metric loss_dict["l_metric"] = l_metric l_total.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.log_dict = self.reduce_loss_dict(loss_dict) # log metrics in training batch pred_score = self.output_score.squeeze(1).cpu().detach().numpy() gt_mos = self.gt_mos.squeeze(1).cpu().detach().numpy() for name, opt_ in self.opt["val"]["metrics"].items(): self.log_dict[f"train_metrics/{name}"] = calculate_metric( [pred_score, gt_mos], opt_ ) def test(self): with torch.no_grad(): self.output_score = self.net_forward( def dist_validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img): if self.opt["rank"] == 0: self.nondist_validation(dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img) def nondist_validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img): dataset_name = dataloader.dataset.opt["name"] with_metrics = self.opt["val"].get("metrics") is not None use_pbar = self.opt["val"].get("pbar", False) if with_metrics: if not hasattr(self, "metric_results"): # only execute in the first run self.metric_results = { metric: 0 for metric in self.opt["val"]["metrics"].keys() } # initialize the best metric results for each dataset_name (supporting multiple validation datasets) self._initialize_best_metric_results(dataset_name) # zero self.metric_results if with_metrics: self.metric_results = {metric: 0 for metric in self.metric_results} if use_pbar: pbar = tqdm(total=len(dataloader), unit="image") pred_score = [] gt_mos = [] for idx, val_data in enumerate(dataloader): img_name = osp.basename(val_data["img_path"][0]) self.feed_data(val_data) self.test() pred_score.append(self.output_score) gt_mos.append(self.gt_mos) if use_pbar: pbar.update(1) pbar.set_description(f"Test {img_name:>20}") if use_pbar: pbar.close() pred_score =, dim=0).squeeze(1).cpu().numpy() gt_mos =, dim=0).squeeze(1).cpu().numpy() if with_metrics: # calculate all metrics for name, opt_ in self.opt["val"]["metrics"].items(): self.metric_results[name] = calculate_metric([pred_score, gt_mos], opt_) if self.key_metric is not None: # If the best metric is updated, update and save best model to_update = self._update_best_metric_result( dataset_name, self.key_metric, self.metric_results[self.key_metric], current_iter, ) if to_update: for name, opt_ in self.opt["val"]["metrics"].items(): self._update_metric_result( dataset_name, name, self.metric_results[name], current_iter ) self.copy_model(, self.net_best) self.save_network(self.net_best, "net_best") else: # update each metric separately updated = [] for name, opt_ in self.opt["val"]["metrics"].items(): tmp_updated = self._update_best_metric_result( dataset_name, name, self.metric_results[name], current_iter ) updated.append(tmp_updated) # save best model if any metric is updated if sum(updated): self.copy_model(, self.net_best) self.save_network(self.net_best, "net_best") self._log_validation_metric_values(current_iter, dataset_name, tb_logger) def _log_validation_metric_values(self, current_iter, dataset_name, tb_logger): log_str = f"Validation {dataset_name}\n" for metric, value in self.metric_results.items(): log_str += f"\t # {metric}: {value:.4f}" if hasattr(self, "best_metric_results"): log_str += ( f'\tBest: {self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["val"]:.4f} @ ' f'{self.best_metric_results[dataset_name][metric]["iter"]} iter' ) log_str += "\n" logger = get_root_logger() if tb_logger: for metric, value in self.metric_results.items(): tb_logger.add_scalar( f"val_metrics/{dataset_name}/{metric}", value, current_iter ) def save(self, epoch, current_iter, save_net_label="net"): self.save_network(, save_net_label, current_iter) self.save_training_state(epoch, current_iter)
import os.path as osp from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from tqdm import tqdm from pyiqa.metrics import calculate_metric from pyiqa.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY from .general_iqa_model import GeneralIQAModel @MODEL_REGISTRY.register() class BAPPSModel(GeneralIQAModel): """General module to train an IQA network.""" def feed_data(self, data): if "use_ref" in self.opt["train"]: self.use_ref = self.opt["train"]["use_ref"] self.img_A_input = data["distA_img"].to(self.device) self.img_B_input = data["distB_img"].to(self.device) self.img_ref_input = data["ref_img"].to(self.device) self.gt_mos = data["mos_label"].to(self.device) self.img_path = data["img_path"] # from torchvision.utils import save_image # print(self.img_ref_input.shape) # save_image([self.img_ref_input, self.img_A_input, self.img_B_input], dim=0), 'tmp_test_bappsdataset.jpg') # exit() def compute_accuracy(self, d0, d1, judge): d1_lt_d0 = (d1 < d0).cpu().data.numpy().flatten() judge_per = judge.cpu().numpy().flatten() acc = d1_lt_d0 * judge_per + (1 - d1_lt_d0) * (1 - judge_per) return acc.mean() def optimize_parameters(self, current_iter): self.optimizer.zero_grad() score_A =, self.img_ref_input) score_B =, self.img_ref_input) # For BAPPS, train_output_score = 1 / (1 + torch.exp(score_B - score_A)) l_total = 0 loss_dict = OrderedDict() # pixel loss if self.cri_mos: l_mos = self.cri_mos(train_output_score, self.gt_mos) l_total += l_mos loss_dict["l_mos"] = l_mos l_total.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.log_dict = self.reduce_loss_dict(loss_dict) # log metrics in training batch self.log_dict[f"train_metrics/acc"] = self.compute_accuracy( score_A, score_B, self.gt_mos ) @torch.no_grad() def test(self): with torch.no_grad(): self.score_A =, self.img_ref_input) self.score_B =, self.img_ref_input) @torch.no_grad() def nondist_validation(self, dataloader, current_iter, tb_logger, save_img): dataset_name = dataloader.dataset.opt["name"] with_metrics = self.opt["val"].get("metrics") is not None use_pbar = self.opt["val"].get("pbar", False) if with_metrics: if not hasattr(self, "metric_results"): # only execute in the first run self.metric_results = { metric: 0 for metric in self.opt["val"]["metrics"].keys() } # initialize the best metric results for each dataset_name (supporting multiple validation datasets) self._initialize_best_metric_results(dataset_name) # zero self.metric_results if with_metrics: self.metric_results = {metric: 0 for metric in self.metric_results} if use_pbar: pbar = tqdm(total=len(dataloader), unit="image") pred_score_A = [] pred_score_B = [] gt_mos = [] for idx, val_data in enumerate(dataloader): img_name = osp.basename(val_data["img_path"][0]) self.feed_data(val_data) self.test() if len(self.score_A.shape) <= 1: self.score_A = self.score_A.reshape(-1, 1) self.score_B = self.score_B.reshape(-1, 1) pred_score_A.append(self.score_A) pred_score_B.append(self.score_B) gt_mos.append(self.gt_mos) if use_pbar: pbar.update(1) pbar.set_description(f"Test {img_name:>20}") if use_pbar: pbar.close() pred_score_A =, dim=0).squeeze(1).cpu().numpy() pred_score_B =, dim=0).squeeze(1).cpu().numpy() gt_mos =, dim=0).squeeze(1).cpu().numpy() if with_metrics: # calculate all metrics for name, opt_ in self.opt["val"]["metrics"].items(): self.metric_results[name] = calculate_metric( [pred_score_A, pred_score_B, gt_mos], opt_ ) if self.key_metric is not None: # If the best metric is updated, update and save best model to_update = self._update_best_metric_result( dataset_name, self.key_metric, self.metric_results[self.key_metric], current_iter, ) if to_update: for name, opt_ in self.opt["val"]["metrics"].items(): self._update_metric_result( dataset_name, name, self.metric_results[name], current_iter ) self.copy_model(, self.net_best) self.save_network(self.net_best, "net_best") else: # update each metric separately updated = [] for name, opt_ in self.opt["val"]["metrics"].items(): tmp_updated = self._update_best_metric_result( dataset_name, name, self.metric_results[name], current_iter ) updated.append(tmp_updated) # save best model if any metric is updated if sum(updated): self.copy_model(, self.net_best) self.save_network(self.net_best, "net_best") self._log_validation_metric_values(current_iter, dataset_name, tb_logger)
from collections import OrderedDict import torch import torchvision as tv from pyiqa.default_model_configs import DEFAULT_CONFIGS from pyiqa.utils.img_util import imread2tensor from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY class InferenceModel(torch.nn.Module): """Common interface for quality inference of images with default setting of each metric.""" def __init__( self, metric_name, as_loss=False, device=None, **kwargs # Other metric options ): super(InferenceModel, self).__init__() self.metric_name = metric_name # ============ set metric properties =========== self.lower_better = DEFAULT_CONFIGS[metric_name].get("lower_better", False) self.metric_mode = DEFAULT_CONFIGS[metric_name].get("metric_mode", None) if self.metric_mode is None: self.metric_mode = kwargs.pop("metric_mode") elif "metric_mode" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("metric_mode") if device is None: self.device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") else: self.device = device self.as_loss = as_loss # =========== define metric model =============== net_opts = OrderedDict() # load default setting first if metric_name in DEFAULT_CONFIGS.keys(): default_opt = DEFAULT_CONFIGS[metric_name]["metric_opts"] net_opts.update(default_opt) # then update with custom setting net_opts.update(kwargs) network_type = net_opts.pop("type") = ARCH_REGISTRY.get(network_type)(**net_opts) = def forward(self, target, ref=None, **kwargs): torch.set_grad_enabled(self.as_loss) if "fid" in self.metric_name: output =, ref, device=self.device, **kwargs) else: if not torch.is_tensor(target): print("\nfound it\n") target = imread2tensor(target) target = target.unsqueeze(0) if self.metric_mode == "FR": assert ( ref is not None ), "Please specify reference image for Full Reference metric" ref = imread2tensor(ref) ref = ref.unsqueeze(0) if self.metric_mode == "FR": output =, elif self.metric_mode == "NR": output = return output
from collections import OrderedDict import torch from pyiqa.metrics import calculate_metric from pyiqa.utils.registry import MODEL_REGISTRY from .general_iqa_model import GeneralIQAModel @MODEL_REGISTRY.register() class NIMAModel(GeneralIQAModel): """General module to train an IQA network.""" def feed_data(self, data): self.img_input = data["img"].to(self.device) self.gt_mos = data["mos_label"].to(self.device) self.gt_mos_dist = data["mos_dist"].to(self.device) self.use_ref = False def setup_optimizers(self): train_opt = self.opt["train"] optim_opt = train_opt["optim"] optim_params = [ { "params": self.get_bare_model(, "lr": optim_opt.pop("lr_basemodel"), }, { "params": self.get_bare_model(, "lr": optim_opt.pop("lr_classifier"), }, ] optim_type = optim_opt.pop("type") self.optimizer = self.get_optimizer(optim_type, optim_params, **optim_opt) self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer) def test(self): with torch.no_grad(): self.output_score = self.img_input, return_mos=True, return_dist=False ) def optimize_parameters(self, current_iter): self.optimizer.zero_grad() self.output_mos, self.output_dist = self.img_input, return_mos=True, return_dist=True ) l_total = 0 loss_dict = OrderedDict() if self.cri_mos: l_mos = self.cri_mos(self.output_dist, self.gt_mos_dist) l_total += l_mos loss_dict["l_mos"] = l_mos l_total.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.log_dict = self.reduce_loss_dict(loss_dict) # log metrics in training batch pred_score = self.output_mos.squeeze(1).cpu().detach().numpy() gt_mos = self.gt_mos.squeeze(1).cpu().detach().numpy() for name, opt_ in self.opt["val"]["metrics"].items(): self.log_dict[f"train_metrics/{name}"] = calculate_metric( [pred_score, gt_mos], opt_ )
import math import os from urllib.parse import urlparse import requests from torch.hub import download_url_to_file, get_dir from tqdm import tqdm from .misc import sizeof_fmt def download_file_from_google_drive(file_id, save_path): """Download files from google drive. Ref: # noqa E501 Args: file_id (str): File id. save_path (str): Save path. """ session = requests.Session() URL = "" params = {"id": file_id} response = session.get(URL, params=params, stream=True) token = get_confirm_token(response) if token: params["confirm"] = token response = session.get(URL, params=params, stream=True) # get file size response_file_size = session.get( URL, params=params, stream=True, headers={"Range": "bytes=0-2"} ) if "Content-Range" in response_file_size.headers: file_size = int(response_file_size.headers["Content-Range"].split("/")[1]) else: file_size = None save_response_content(response, save_path, file_size) def get_confirm_token(response): for key, value in response.cookies.items(): if key.startswith("download_warning"): return value return None def save_response_content(response, destination, file_size=None, chunk_size=32768): if file_size is not None: pbar = tqdm(total=math.ceil(file_size / chunk_size), unit="chunk") readable_file_size = sizeof_fmt(file_size) else: pbar = None with open(destination, "wb") as f: downloaded_size = 0 for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size): downloaded_size += chunk_size if pbar is not None: pbar.update(1) pbar.set_description( f"Download {sizeof_fmt(downloaded_size)} / {readable_file_size}" ) if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks f.write(chunk) if pbar is not None: pbar.close() def load_file_from_url(url, model_dir=None, progress=True, file_name=None): """Load file form http url, will download models if necessary. Ref: Args: url (str): URL to be downloaded. model_dir (str): The path to save the downloaded model. Should be a full path. If None, use pytorch hub_dir. Default: None. progress (bool): Whether to show the download progress. Default: True. file_name (str): The downloaded file name. If None, use the file name in the url. Default: None. Returns: str: The path to the downloaded file. """ if model_dir is None: # use the pytorch hub_dir hub_dir = get_dir() model_dir = os.path.join(hub_dir, "checkpoints") os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok=True) parts = urlparse(url) filename = os.path.basename(parts.path) if file_name is not None: filename = file_name cached_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(model_dir, filename)) if not os.path.exists(cached_file): print(f'Downloading: "{url}" to {cached_file}\n') download_url_to_file(url, cached_file, hash_prefix=None, progress=progress) return cached_file
import os import random import shutil import time from os import path as osp import numpy as np import torch from .dist_util import master_only def set_random_seed(seed): """Set random seeds.""" random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) def get_time_str(): return time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", time.localtime()) def mkdir_and_rename(path): """mkdirs. If path exists, rename it with timestamp, create a new one, and move it to archive folder. Args: path (str): Folder path. """ if osp.exists(path): new_name = path + "_archived_" + get_time_str() new_name = new_name.replace("tb_logger", "tb_logger_archived") print(f"Path already exists. Rename it to {new_name}", flush=True) os.rename(path, new_name) os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) @master_only def make_exp_dirs(opt): """Make dirs for experiments.""" path_opt = opt["path"].copy() if opt["is_train"]: mkdir_and_rename(path_opt.pop("experiments_root")) else: mkdir_and_rename(path_opt.pop("results_root")) for key, path in path_opt.items(): if ( ("strict_load" in key) or ("pretrain_network" in key) or ("resume" in key) or ("param_key" in key) ): continue else: os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) def scandir(dir_path, suffix=None, recursive=False, full_path=False): """Scan a directory to find the interested files. Args: dir_path (str): Path of the directory. suffix (str | tuple(str), optional): File suffix that we are interested in. Default: None. recursive (bool, optional): If set to True, recursively scan the directory. Default: False. full_path (bool, optional): If set to True, include the dir_path. Default: False. Returns: A generator for all the interested files with relative paths. """ if (suffix is not None) and not isinstance(suffix, (str, tuple)): raise TypeError('"suffix" must be a string or tuple of strings') root = dir_path def _scandir(dir_path, suffix, recursive): for entry in os.scandir(dir_path): if not".") and entry.is_file(): if full_path: return_path = entry.path else: return_path = osp.relpath(entry.path, root) if suffix is None: yield return_path elif return_path.endswith(suffix): yield return_path else: if recursive: yield from _scandir(entry.path, suffix=suffix, recursive=recursive) else: continue return _scandir(dir_path, suffix=suffix, recursive=recursive) def check_resume(opt, resume_iter): """Check resume states and pretrain_network paths. Args: opt (dict): Options. resume_iter (int): Resume iteration. """ if opt["path"]["resume_state"]: # get all the networks networks = [key for key in opt.keys() if key.startswith("network_")] flag_pretrain = False for network in networks: if opt["path"].get(f"pretrain_{network}") is not None: flag_pretrain = True if flag_pretrain: print("pretrain_network path will be ignored during resuming.") # set pretrained model paths for network in networks: name = f"pretrain_{network}" basename = network.replace("network_", "") if opt["path"].get("ignore_resume_networks") is None or ( network not in opt["path"]["ignore_resume_networks"] ): opt["path"][name] = osp.join( opt["path"]["models"], f"net_{basename}_{resume_iter}.pth" ) print(f"Set {name} to {opt['path'][name]}") # change param_key to params in resume param_keys = [key for key in opt["path"].keys() if key.startswith("param_key")] for param_key in param_keys: if opt["path"][param_key] == "params_ema": opt["path"][param_key] = "params" print(f"Set {param_key} to params") def sizeof_fmt(size, suffix="B"): """Get human readable file size. Args: size (int): File size. suffix (str): Suffix. Default: 'B'. Return: str: Formatted file siz. """ for unit in ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z"]: if abs(size) < 1024.0: return f"{size:3.1f} {unit}{suffix}" size /= 1024.0 return f"{size:3.1f} Y{suffix}"
import datetime import logging import time from .dist_util import get_dist_info, master_only initialized_logger = {} class AvgTimer: def __init__(self, window=200): self.window = window # average window self.current_time = 0 self.total_time = 0 self.count = 0 self.avg_time = 0 self.start() def start(self): self.start_time = self.tic = time.time() def record(self): self.count += 1 self.toc = time.time() self.current_time = self.toc - self.tic self.total_time += self.current_time # calculate average time self.avg_time = self.total_time / self.count # reset if self.count > self.window: self.count = 0 self.total_time = 0 self.tic = time.time() def get_current_time(self): return self.current_time def get_avg_time(self): return self.avg_time class MessageLogger: """Message logger for printing. Args: opt (dict): Config. It contains the following keys: name (str): Exp name. logger (dict): Contains 'print_freq' (str) for logger interval. train (dict): Contains 'total_iter' (int) for total iters. use_tb_logger (bool): Use tensorboard logger. start_iter (int): Start iter. Default: 1. tb_logger (obj:`tb_logger`): Tensorboard logger. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, opt, start_iter=1, tb_logger=None): self.exp_name = opt["name"] self.interval = opt["logger"]["print_freq"] self.start_iter = start_iter self.max_iters = opt["train"]["total_iter"] self.use_tb_logger = opt["logger"]["use_tb_logger"] self.tb_logger = tb_logger self.start_time = time.time() self.logger = get_root_logger() def reset_start_time(self): self.start_time = time.time() @master_only def __call__(self, log_vars): """Format logging message. Args: log_vars (dict): It contains the following keys: epoch (int): Epoch number. iter (int): Current iter. lrs (list): List for learning rates. time (float): Iter time. data_time (float): Data time for each iter. """ # epoch, iter, learning rates epoch = log_vars.pop("epoch") current_iter = log_vars.pop("iter") lrs = log_vars.pop("lrs") message = ( f"[{self.exp_name[:5]}..][epoch:{epoch:3d}, iter:{current_iter:8,d}, lr:(" ) for v in lrs: message += f"{v:.3e}," message += ")] " # time and estimated time if "time" in log_vars.keys(): iter_time = log_vars.pop("time") data_time = log_vars.pop("data_time") total_time = time.time() - self.start_time time_sec_avg = total_time / (current_iter - self.start_iter + 1) eta_sec = time_sec_avg * (self.max_iters - current_iter - 1) eta_str = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_sec))) message += f"[eta: {eta_str}, " message += f"time (data): {iter_time:.3f} ({data_time:.3f})] " # other items, especially losses for k, v in log_vars.items(): message += f"{k}: {v:.4e} " # tensorboard logger if self.use_tb_logger and "debug" not in self.exp_name: if k.startswith("l_"): self.tb_logger.add_scalar(f"losses/{k}", v, current_iter) else: self.tb_logger.add_scalar(k, v, current_iter) @master_only def init_tb_logger(log_dir): from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter tb_logger = SummaryWriter(log_dir=log_dir) return tb_logger @master_only def init_wandb_logger(opt): """We now only use wandb to sync tensorboard log.""" import wandb logger = get_root_logger() project = opt["logger"]["wandb"]["project"] resume_id = opt["logger"]["wandb"].get("resume_id") if resume_id: wandb_id = resume_id resume = "allow" logger.warning(f"Resume wandb logger with id={wandb_id}.") else: wandb_id = wandb.util.generate_id() resume = "never" wandb.init( id=wandb_id, resume=resume, name=opt["name"], config=opt, project=project, sync_tensorboard=True, )"Use wandb logger with id={wandb_id}; project={project}.") def get_root_logger(logger_name="pyiqa", log_level=logging.INFO, log_file=None): """Get the root logger. The logger will be initialized if it has not been initialized. By default a StreamHandler will be added. If `log_file` is specified, a FileHandler will also be added. Args: logger_name (str): root logger name. Default: 'basicsr'. log_file (str | None): The log filename. If specified, a FileHandler will be added to the root logger. log_level (int): The root logger level. Note that only the process of rank 0 is affected, while other processes will set the level to "Error" and be silent most of the time. Returns: logging.Logger: The root logger. """ logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) # if the logger has been initialized, just return it if logger_name in initialized_logger: return logger format_str = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s" stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(format_str)) logger.addHandler(stream_handler) logger.propagate = False rank, _ = get_dist_info() if rank != 0: logger.setLevel("ERROR") elif log_file is not None: logger.setLevel(log_level) # add file handler file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file, "w") file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(format_str)) file_handler.setLevel(log_level) logger.addHandler(file_handler) initialized_logger[logger_name] = True return logger def get_env_info(): """Get environment information. Currently, only log the software version. """ import torch import torchvision # from basicsr.version import __version__ # msg = r""" # ____ _ _____ ____ # / __ ) ____ _ _____ (_)_____/ ___/ / __ \ # / __ |/ __ `// ___// // ___/\__ \ / /_/ / # / /_/ // /_/ /(__ )/ // /__ ___/ // _, _/ # /_____/ \__,_//____//_/ \___//____//_/ |_| # ______ __ __ __ __ # / ____/____ ____ ____/ / / / __ __ _____ / /__ / / # / / __ / __ \ / __ \ / __ / / / / / / // ___// //_/ / / # / /_/ // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ / / /___/ /_/ // /__ / /< /_/ # \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ /_____/\____/ \___//_/|_| (_) # """ msg = ( "\nVersion Information: " # f'\n\tBasicSR: {__version__}' f"\n\tPyTorch: {torch.__version__}" f"\n\tTorchVision: {torchvision.__version__}" ) return msg
import io import math import os import cv2 import numpy as np import torch import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF from PIL import Image from torchvision.utils import make_grid IMG_EXTENSIONS = [ ".jpg", ".JPG", ".jpeg", ".JPEG", ".png", ".PNG", ".ppm", ".PPM", ".bmp", ".BMP", ".tif", ".TIF", ".tiff", ".TIFF", ] def is_image_file(filename): return any(filename.endswith(extension) for extension in IMG_EXTENSIONS) def imread2tensor(img_source, rgb=False): """Read image to tensor. Args: img_source (str, bytes, or PIL.Image): image filepath string, image contents as a bytearray or a PIL Image instance rgb: convert input to RGB if true """ print("This is also the one") if type(img_source) == bytes: img = elif type(img_source) == str: assert is_image_file(img_source), f"{img_source} is not a valid image file." img = elif type(img_source) == Image.Image: img = img_source else: raise Exception("Unsupported source type") if rgb: img = img.convert("RGB") img_tensor = TF.to_tensor(img) # print(img_tensor.size()) #, "./") return img_tensor def img2tensor(imgs, bgr2rgb=True, float32=True): """Numpy array to tensor. Args: imgs (list[ndarray] | ndarray): Input images. bgr2rgb (bool): Whether to change bgr to rgb. float32 (bool): Whether to change to float32. Returns: list[tensor] | tensor: Tensor images. If returned results only have one element, just return tensor. """ def _totensor(img, bgr2rgb, float32): if img.shape[2] == 3 and bgr2rgb: if img.dtype == "float64": img = img.astype("float32") img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = torch.from_numpy(img.transpose(2, 0, 1)) if float32: img = img.float() return img if isinstance(imgs, list): return [_totensor(img, bgr2rgb, float32) for img in imgs] else: return _totensor(imgs, bgr2rgb, float32) def tensor2img(tensor, rgb2bgr=True, out_type=np.uint8, min_max=(0, 1)): """Convert torch Tensors into image numpy arrays. After clamping to [min, max], values will be normalized to [0, 1]. Args: tensor (Tensor or list[Tensor]): Accept shapes: 1) 4D mini-batch Tensor of shape (B x 3/1 x H x W); 2) 3D Tensor of shape (3/1 x H x W); 3) 2D Tensor of shape (H x W). Tensor channel should be in RGB order. rgb2bgr (bool): Whether to change rgb to bgr. out_type (numpy type): output types. If ``np.uint8``, transform outputs to uint8 type with range [0, 255]; otherwise, float type with range [0, 1]. Default: ``np.uint8``. min_max (tuple[int]): min and max values for clamp. Returns: (Tensor or list): 3D ndarray of shape (H x W x C) OR 2D ndarray of shape (H x W). The channel order is BGR. """ if not ( torch.is_tensor(tensor) or (isinstance(tensor, list) and all(torch.is_tensor(t) for t in tensor)) ): raise TypeError(f"tensor or list of tensors expected, got {type(tensor)}") if torch.is_tensor(tensor): tensor = [tensor] result = [] for _tensor in tensor: _tensor = _tensor.squeeze(0).float().detach().cpu().clamp_(*min_max) _tensor = (_tensor - min_max[0]) / (min_max[1] - min_max[0]) n_dim = _tensor.dim() if n_dim == 4: img_np = make_grid( _tensor, nrow=int(math.sqrt(_tensor.size(0))), normalize=False ).numpy() img_np = img_np.transpose(1, 2, 0) if rgb2bgr: img_np = cv2.cvtColor(img_np, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) elif n_dim == 3: img_np = _tensor.numpy() img_np = img_np.transpose(1, 2, 0) if img_np.shape[2] == 1: # gray image img_np = np.squeeze(img_np, axis=2) else: if rgb2bgr: img_np = cv2.cvtColor(img_np, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) elif n_dim == 2: img_np = _tensor.numpy() else: raise TypeError( f"Only support 4D, 3D or 2D tensor. But received with dimension: {n_dim}" ) if out_type == np.uint8: # Unlike MATLAB, numpy.unit8() WILL NOT round by default. img_np = (img_np * 255.0).round() img_np = img_np.astype(out_type) result.append(img_np) if len(result) == 1: result = result[0] return result def tensor2img_fast(tensor, rgb2bgr=True, min_max=(0, 1)): """This implementation is slightly faster than tensor2img. It now only supports torch tensor with shape (1, c, h, w). Args: tensor (Tensor): Now only support torch tensor with (1, c, h, w). rgb2bgr (bool): Whether to change rgb to bgr. Default: True. min_max (tuple[int]): min and max values for clamp. """ output = tensor.squeeze(0).detach().clamp_(*min_max).permute(1, 2, 0) output = (output - min_max[0]) / (min_max[1] - min_max[0]) * 255 output = output.type(torch.uint8).cpu().numpy() if rgb2bgr: output = cv2.cvtColor(output, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) return output def imfrombytes(content, flag="color", float32=False): """Read an image from bytes. Args: content (bytes): Image bytes got from files or other streams. flag (str): Flags specifying the color type of a loaded image, candidates are `color`, `grayscale` and `unchanged`. float32 (bool): Whether to change to float32., If True, will also norm to [0, 1]. Default: False. Returns: ndarray: Loaded image array. """ img_np = np.frombuffer(content, np.uint8) imread_flags = { "color": cv2.IMREAD_COLOR, "grayscale": cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE, "unchanged": cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED, } img = cv2.imdecode(img_np, imread_flags[flag]) if float32: img = img.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 return img def imwrite(img, file_path, params=None, auto_mkdir=True): """Write image to file. Args: img (ndarray): Image array to be written. file_path (str): Image file path. params (None or list): Same as opencv's :func:`imwrite` interface. auto_mkdir (bool): If the parent folder of `file_path` does not exist, whether to create it automatically. Returns: bool: Successful or not. """ if auto_mkdir: dir_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(file_path)) os.makedirs(dir_name, exist_ok=True) ok = cv2.imwrite(file_path, img, params) if not ok: raise IOError("Failed in writing images.") def crop_border(imgs, crop_border): """Crop borders of images. Args: imgs (list[ndarray] | ndarray): Images with shape (h, w, c). crop_border (int): Crop border for each end of height and weight. Returns: list[ndarray]: Cropped images. """ if crop_border == 0: return imgs else: if isinstance(imgs, list): return [ v[crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border, ...] for v in imgs ] else: return imgs[crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border, ...]
import argparse import random from collections import OrderedDict from os import path as osp import torch import yaml from pyiqa.utils import set_random_seed from pyiqa.utils.dist_util import get_dist_info, init_dist, master_only def ordered_yaml(): """Support OrderedDict for yaml. Returns: yaml Loader and Dumper. """ try: from yaml import CDumper as Dumper from yaml import CLoader as Loader except ImportError: from yaml import Dumper, Loader _mapping_tag = yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG def dict_representer(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_dict(data.items()) def dict_constructor(loader, node): return OrderedDict(loader.construct_pairs(node)) Dumper.add_representer(OrderedDict, dict_representer) Loader.add_constructor(_mapping_tag, dict_constructor) return Loader, Dumper def dict2str(opt, indent_level=1): """dict to string for printing options. Args: opt (dict): Option dict. indent_level (int): Indent level. Default: 1. Return: (str): Option string for printing. """ msg = "\n" for k, v in opt.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): msg += " " * (indent_level * 2) + k + ":[" msg += dict2str(v, indent_level + 1) msg += " " * (indent_level * 2) + "]\n" else: msg += " " * (indent_level * 2) + k + ": " + str(v) + "\n" return msg def _postprocess_yml_value(value): # None if value == "~" or value.lower() == "none": return None # bool if value.lower() == "true": return True elif value.lower() == "false": return False # !!float number if value.startswith("!!float"): return float(value.replace("!!float", "")) # number if value.isdigit(): return int(value) elif value.replace(".", "", 1).isdigit() and value.count(".") < 2: return float(value) # list if value.startswith("["): return eval(value) # str return value def make_paths(opt, root_path): if opt["is_train"]: experiments_root = osp.join(root_path, "experiments", opt["name"]) opt["path"]["experiments_root"] = experiments_root opt["path"]["models"] = osp.join(experiments_root, "models") opt["path"]["training_states"] = osp.join(experiments_root, "training_states") opt["path"]["log"] = experiments_root opt["path"]["visualization"] = osp.join(experiments_root, "visualization") # change some options for debug mode if "debug" in opt["name"]: if "val" in opt: opt["val"]["val_freq"] = 7 opt["logger"]["print_freq"] = 1 opt["logger"]["save_checkpoint_freq"] = 7 else: # test results_root = osp.join(root_path, "results", opt["name"]) opt["path"]["results_root"] = results_root opt["path"]["log"] = results_root opt["path"]["visualization"] = osp.join(results_root, "visualization") def parse_options(root_path, is_train=True): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-opt", type=str, required=True, help="Path to option YAML file." ) parser.add_argument( "--launcher", choices=["none", "pytorch", "slurm"], default="none", help="job launcher", ) parser.add_argument("--auto_resume", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--local_rank", type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument( "--force_yml", nargs="+", default=None, help="Force to update yml files. Examples: train:ema_decay=0.999", ) args = parser.parse_args() # parse yml to dict with open(args.opt, mode="r") as f: opt = yaml.load(f, Loader=ordered_yaml()[0]) # distributed settings if args.launcher == "none": opt["dist"] = False print("Disable distributed.", flush=True) else: opt["dist"] = True if args.launcher == "slurm" and "dist_params" in opt: init_dist(args.launcher, **opt["dist_params"]) else: init_dist(args.launcher) opt["rank"], opt["world_size"] = get_dist_info() # random seed seed = opt.get("manual_seed") if seed is None: seed = random.randint(1, 10000) opt["manual_seed"] = seed set_random_seed(seed + opt["rank"]) # force to update yml options if args.force_yml is not None: for entry in args.force_yml: # now do not support creating new keys keys, value = entry.split("=") keys, value = keys.strip(), value.strip() value = _postprocess_yml_value(value) eval_str = "opt" for key in keys.split(":"): eval_str += f'["{key}"]' eval_str += "=value" # using exec function exec(eval_str) opt["auto_resume"] = args.auto_resume opt["is_train"] = is_train # debug setting if args.debug and not opt["name"].startswith("debug"): opt["name"] = "debug_" + opt["name"] if opt["num_gpu"] == "auto": opt["num_gpu"] = torch.cuda.device_count() # datasets for phase, dataset in opt["datasets"].items(): # for multiple datasets, e.g., val_1, val_2; test_1, test_2 phase = phase.split("_")[0] dataset["phase"] = phase if "scale" in opt: dataset["scale"] = opt["scale"] if dataset.get("dataroot_gt") is not None: dataset["dataroot_gt"] = osp.expanduser(dataset["dataroot_gt"]) if dataset.get("dataroot_lq") is not None: dataset["dataroot_lq"] = osp.expanduser(dataset["dataroot_lq"]) # paths for key, val in opt["path"].items(): if (val is not None) and ("resume_state" in key or "pretrain_network" in key): opt["path"][key] = osp.expanduser(val) make_paths(opt, root_path) return opt, args @master_only def copy_opt_file(opt_file, experiments_root): # copy the yml file to the experiment root import sys import time from shutil import copyfile cmd = " ".join(sys.argv) filename = osp.join(experiments_root, osp.basename(opt_file)) copyfile(opt_file, filename) with open(filename, "r+") as f: lines = f.readlines() lines.insert(0, f"# GENERATE TIME: {time.asctime()}\n# CMD:\n# {cmd}\n\n") f.writelines(lines)
r"""Color space conversion functions Created by: Modified by: Chaofeng Chen ( """ from typing import Dict, Union import torch def safe_frac_pow(x: torch.Tensor, p) -> torch.Tensor: EPS = torch.finfo(x.dtype).eps return torch.sign(x) * torch.abs(x + EPS).pow(p) def to_y_channel( img: torch.Tensor, out_data_range: float = 1.0, color_space: str = "yiq" ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Change to Y channel Args: image tensor: tensor with shape (N, 3, H, W) in range [0, 1]. Returns: image tensor: Y channel of the input tensor """ assert ( img.ndim == 4 and img.shape[1] == 3 ), "input image tensor should be RGB image batches with shape (N, 3, H, W)" color_space = color_space.lower() if color_space == "yiq": img = rgb2yiq(img) elif color_space == "ycbcr": img = rgb2ycbcr(img) elif color_space == "lhm": img = rgb2lhm(img) out_img = img[:, [0], :, :] * out_data_range if out_data_range >= 255: # differentiable round with pytorch out_img = out_img - out_img.detach() + out_img.round() return out_img def rgb2ycbcr(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Convert a batch of RGB images to a batch of YCbCr images It implements the ITU-R BT.601 conversion for standard-definition television. See more details in Args: x: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). RGB color space, range [0, 1]. Returns: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). YCbCr color space. """ weights_rgb_to_ycbcr = torch.tensor( [ [65.481, -37.797, 112.0], [128.553, -74.203, -93.786], [24.966, 112.0, -18.214], ] ).to(x) bias_rgb_to_ycbcr = torch.tensor([16, 128, 128]).view(1, 3, 1, 1).to(x) x_ycbcr = ( torch.matmul(x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1), weights_rgb_to_ycbcr).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) + bias_rgb_to_ycbcr ) x_ycbcr = x_ycbcr / 255.0 return x_ycbcr def ycbcr2rgb(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Convert a batch of YCbCr images to a batch of RGB images It implements the inversion of the above rgb2ycbcr function. Args: x: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). YCbCr color space, range [0, 1]. Returns: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). RGB color space. """ x = x * 255.0 weights_ycbcr_to_rgb = ( 255.0 * torch.tensor( [ [0.00456621, 0.00456621, 0.00456621], [0, -0.00153632, 0.00791071], [0.00625893, -0.00318811, 0], ] ).to(x) ) bias_ycbcr_to_rgb = ( torch.tensor([-222.921, 135.576, -276.836]).view(1, 3, 1, 1).to(x) ) x_rgb = ( torch.matmul(x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1), weights_ycbcr_to_rgb).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) + bias_ycbcr_to_rgb ) x_rgb = x_rgb / 255.0 return x_rgb def rgb2lmn(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Convert a batch of RGB images to a batch of LMN images Args: x: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). RGB colour space. Returns: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). LMN colour space. """ weights_rgb_to_lmn = ( torch.tensor([[0.06, 0.63, 0.27], [0.30, 0.04, -0.35], [0.34, -0.6, 0.17]]) .t() .to(x) ) x_lmn = torch.matmul(x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1), weights_rgb_to_lmn).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) return x_lmn def rgb2xyz(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Convert a batch of RGB images to a batch of XYZ images Args: x: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). RGB colour space. Returns: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). XYZ colour space. """ mask_below = (x <= 0.04045).to(x) mask_above = (x > 0.04045).to(x) tmp = x / 12.92 * mask_below + torch.pow((x + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) * mask_above weights_rgb_to_xyz = torch.tensor( [ [0.4124564, 0.3575761, 0.1804375], [0.2126729, 0.7151522, 0.0721750], [0.0193339, 0.1191920, 0.9503041], ] ).to(x) x_xyz = torch.matmul(tmp.permute(0, 2, 3, 1), weights_rgb_to_xyz.t()).permute( 0, 3, 1, 2 ) return x_xyz def xyz2lab( x: torch.Tensor, illuminant: str = "D50", observer: str = "2" ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Convert a batch of XYZ images to a batch of LAB images Args: x: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). XYZ colour space. illuminant: {“A”, “D50”, “D55”, “D65”, “D75”, “E”}, optional. The name of the illuminant. observer: {“2”, “10”}, optional. The aperture angle of the observer. Returns: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). LAB colour space. """ epsilon = 0.008856 kappa = 903.3 illuminants: Dict[str, Dict] = { "A": { "2": (1.098466069456375, 1, 0.3558228003436005), "10": (1.111420406956693, 1, 0.3519978321919493), }, "D50": { "2": (0.9642119944211994, 1, 0.8251882845188288), "10": (0.9672062750333777, 1, 0.8142801513128616), }, "D55": { "2": (0.956797052643698, 1, 0.9214805860173273), "10": (0.9579665682254781, 1, 0.9092525159847462), }, "D65": { "2": (0.95047, 1.0, 1.08883), # This was: `lab_ref_white` "10": (0.94809667673716, 1, 1.0730513595166162), }, "D75": { "2": (0.9497220898840717, 1, 1.226393520724154), "10": (0.9441713925645873, 1, 1.2064272211720228), }, "E": {"2": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), "10": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)}, } illuminants_to_use = ( torch.tensor(illuminants[illuminant][observer]).to(x).view(1, 3, 1, 1) ) tmp = x / illuminants_to_use mask_below = tmp <= epsilon mask_above = tmp > epsilon tmp = ( safe_frac_pow(tmp, 1.0 / 3.0) * mask_above + (kappa * tmp + 16.0) / 116.0 * mask_below ) weights_xyz_to_lab = torch.tensor( [[0, 116.0, 0], [500.0, -500.0, 0], [0, 200.0, -200.0]] ).to(x) bias_xyz_to_lab = torch.tensor([-16.0, 0.0, 0.0]).to(x).view(1, 3, 1, 1) x_lab = ( torch.matmul(tmp.permute(0, 2, 3, 1), weights_xyz_to_lab.t()).permute( 0, 3, 1, 2 ) + bias_xyz_to_lab ) return x_lab def rgb2lab(x: torch.Tensor, data_range: Union[int, float] = 255) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Convert a batch of RGB images to a batch of LAB images Args: x: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). RGB colour space. data_range: dynamic range of the input image. Returns: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). LAB colour space. """ return xyz2lab(rgb2xyz(x / float(data_range))) def rgb2yiq(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Convert a batch of RGB images to a batch of YIQ images Args: x: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). RGB colour space. Returns: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). YIQ colour space. """ yiq_weights = ( torch.tensor( [ [0.299, 0.587, 0.114], [0.5959, -0.2746, -0.3213], [0.2115, -0.5227, 0.3112], ] ) .t() .to(x) ) x_yiq = torch.matmul(x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1), yiq_weights).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) return x_yiq def rgb2lhm(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Convert a batch of RGB images to a batch of LHM images Args: x: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). RGB colour space. Returns: Batch of images with shape (N, 3, H, W). LHM colour space. Reference: """ lhm_weights = ( torch.tensor([[0.2989, 0.587, 0.114], [0.3, 0.04, -0.35], [0.34, -0.6, 0.17]]) .t() .to(x) ) x_lhm = torch.matmul(x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1), lhm_weights).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) return x_lhm
# Modified from # noqa: E501 import functools import os import subprocess import torch import torch.distributed as dist import torch.multiprocessing as mp def init_dist(launcher, backend="nccl", **kwargs): if mp.get_start_method(allow_none=True) is None: mp.set_start_method("spawn") if launcher == "pytorch": _init_dist_pytorch(backend, **kwargs) elif launcher == "slurm": _init_dist_slurm(backend, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid launcher type: {launcher}") def _init_dist_pytorch(backend, **kwargs): rank = int(os.environ["RANK"]) num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count() torch.cuda.set_device(rank % num_gpus) dist.init_process_group(backend=backend, **kwargs) def _init_dist_slurm(backend, port=None): """Initialize slurm distributed training environment. If argument ``port`` is not specified, then the master port will be system environment variable ``MASTER_PORT``. If ``MASTER_PORT`` is not in system environment variable, then a default port ``29500`` will be used. Args: backend (str): Backend of torch.distributed. port (int, optional): Master port. Defaults to None. """ proc_id = int(os.environ["SLURM_PROCID"]) ntasks = int(os.environ["SLURM_NTASKS"]) node_list = os.environ["SLURM_NODELIST"] num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count() torch.cuda.set_device(proc_id % num_gpus) addr = subprocess.getoutput(f"scontrol show hostname {node_list} | head -n1") # specify master port if port is not None: os.environ["MASTER_PORT"] = str(port) elif "MASTER_PORT" in os.environ: pass # use MASTER_PORT in the environment variable else: # 29500 is torch.distributed default port os.environ["MASTER_PORT"] = "29500" os.environ["MASTER_ADDR"] = addr os.environ["WORLD_SIZE"] = str(ntasks) os.environ["LOCAL_RANK"] = str(proc_id % num_gpus) os.environ["RANK"] = str(proc_id) dist.init_process_group(backend=backend) def get_dist_info(): if dist.is_available(): initialized = dist.is_initialized() else: initialized = False if initialized: rank = dist.get_rank() world_size = dist.get_world_size() else: rank = 0 world_size = 1 return rank, world_size def master_only(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): rank, _ = get_dist_info() if rank == 0: return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
import os import pickle import numpy as np import torch import torchvision.transforms as tf from PIL import Image from torch.utils import data as data from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize from import read_meta_info_file from import augment, transform_mapping from pyiqa.utils import FileClient, imfrombytes, img2tensor from pyiqa.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY @DATASET_REGISTRY.register() class LIVEChallengeDataset(data.Dataset): """The LIVE Challenge Dataset introduced by D. Ghadiyaram and A.C. Bovik, "Massive Online Crowdsourced Study of Subjective and Objective Picture Quality," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016 url: Args: opt (dict): Config for train datasets with the following keys: phase (str): 'train' or 'val'. """ def __init__(self, opt): super(LIVEChallengeDataset, self).__init__() self.opt = opt target_img_folder = os.path.join(opt["dataroot_target"], "Images") self.paths_mos = read_meta_info_file(target_img_folder, opt["meta_info_file"]) # remove first 7 training images as previous works self.paths_mos = self.paths_mos[7:] # read train/val/test splits split_file_path = opt.get("split_file", None) if split_file_path: split_index = opt.get("split_index", 1) with open(opt["split_file"], "rb") as f: split_dict = pickle.load(f) splits = split_dict[split_index][opt["phase"]] self.paths_mos = [self.paths_mos[i] for i in splits] transform_list = [] augment_dict = opt.get("augment", None) if augment_dict is not None: for k, v in augment_dict.items(): transform_list += transform_mapping(k, v) img_range = opt.get("img_range", 1.0) transform_list += [ tf.ToTensor(), tf.Lambda(lambda x: x * img_range), ] self.trans = tf.Compose(transform_list) def __getitem__(self, index): img_path = self.paths_mos[index][0] mos_label = self.paths_mos[index][1] img_pil = img_tensor = self.trans(img_pil) mos_label_tensor = torch.Tensor([mos_label]) return {"img": img_tensor, "mos_label": mos_label_tensor, "img_path": img_path} def __len__(self): return len(self.paths_mos)
import pickle import cv2 import numpy as np import torch import torchvision.transforms as tf from PIL import Image from torch.utils import data as data from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize from import read_meta_info_file from import PairedToTensor, augment, transform_mapping from pyiqa.utils import FileClient, imfrombytes, img2tensor from pyiqa.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY @DATASET_REGISTRY.register() class GeneralNRDataset(data.Dataset): """General No Reference dataset with meta info file. Args: opt (dict): Config for train datasets with the following keys: phase (str): 'train' or 'val'. """ def __init__(self, opt): super(GeneralNRDataset, self).__init__() self.opt = opt if opt.get("override_phase", None) is None: self.phase = opt["phase"] else: self.phase = opt["override_phase"] target_img_folder = opt["dataroot_target"] self.paths_mos = read_meta_info_file(target_img_folder, opt["meta_info_file"]) # read train/val/test splits split_file_path = opt.get("split_file", None) if split_file_path: split_index = opt.get("split_index", 1) with open(opt["split_file"], "rb") as f: split_dict = pickle.load(f) splits = split_dict[split_index][self.phase] self.paths_mos = [self.paths_mos[i] for i in splits] dmos_max = opt.get("dmos_max", 0.0) if dmos_max: self.use_dmos = True self.dmos_max = opt.get("dmos_max") else: self.use_dmos = False self.mos_max = opt.get("mos_max", 1.0) transform_list = [] augment_dict = opt.get("augment", None) if augment_dict is not None: for k, v in augment_dict.items(): transform_list += transform_mapping(k, v) self.img_range = opt.get("img_range", 1.0) transform_list += [ PairedToTensor(), ] self.trans = tf.Compose(transform_list) def __getitem__(self, index): img_path = self.paths_mos[index][0] mos_label = self.paths_mos[index][1] img_pil ="RGB") img_tensor = self.trans(img_pil) * self.img_range if self.use_dmos: mos_label = self.dmos_max - mos_label else: mos_label /= self.mos_max mos_label_tensor = torch.Tensor([mos_label]) return {"img": img_tensor, "mos_label": mos_label_tensor, "img_path": img_path} def __len__(self): return len(self.paths_mos)
r"""Preprocessing utils for Multiscale Transformer Reference: Modified: Chaofeng Chen ( """ import math from os import path as osp from unittest.mock import patch import numpy as np import torch from torch.nn import functional as F def extract_image_patches(x, kernel, stride=1, dilation=1): """ Ref: """ # Do TF 'SAME' Padding b, c, h, w = x.shape h2 = math.ceil(h / stride) w2 = math.ceil(w / stride) pad_row = (h2 - 1) * stride + (kernel - 1) * dilation + 1 - h pad_col = (w2 - 1) * stride + (kernel - 1) * dilation + 1 - w x = F.pad( x, (pad_col // 2, pad_col - pad_col // 2, pad_row // 2, pad_row - pad_row // 2) ) # Extract patches patches = F.unfold(x, kernel, dilation, stride=stride) return patches def _ceil_divide_int(x, y): """Returns ceil(x / y) as int""" return int(math.ceil(x / y)) def resize_preserve_aspect_ratio(image, h, w, longer_side_length): """Aspect-ratio-preserving resizing with tf.image.ResizeMethod.GAUSSIAN. Args: image: The image tensor (n_crops, c, h, w). h: Height of the input image. w: Width of the input image. longer_side_length: The length of the longer side after resizing. Returns: A tuple of [Image after resizing, Resized height, Resized width]. """ # Computes the height and width after aspect-ratio-preserving resizing. ratio = longer_side_length / max(h, w) rh = round(h * ratio) rw = round(w * ratio) resized = F.interpolate(image, (rh, rw), mode="bicubic", align_corners=False) return resized, rh, rw def _pad_or_cut_to_max_seq_len(x, max_seq_len): """Pads (or cuts) patch tensor `max_seq_len`. Args: x: input tensor of shape (n_crops, c, num_patches). max_seq_len: max sequence length. Returns: The padded or cropped tensor of shape (n_crops, c, max_seq_len). """ # Shape of x (n_crops, c, num_patches) # Padding makes sure that # patches > max_seq_length. Note that it also # makes the input mask zero for shorter input. n_crops, c, num_patches = x.shape paddings = torch.zeros((n_crops, c, max_seq_len)).to(x) x =[x, paddings], dim=-1) x = x[:, :, :max_seq_len] return x def get_hashed_spatial_pos_emb_index(grid_size, count_h, count_w): """Get hased spatial pos embedding index for each patch. The size H x W is hashed to grid_size x grid_size. Args: grid_size: grid size G for the hashed-based spatial positional embedding. count_h: number of patches in each row for the image. count_w: number of patches in each column for the image. Returns: hashed position of shape (1, HxW). Each value corresponded to the hashed position index in [0, grid_size x grid_size). """ pos_emb_grid = torch.arange(grid_size).float() pos_emb_hash_w = pos_emb_grid.reshape(1, 1, grid_size) pos_emb_hash_w = F.interpolate(pos_emb_hash_w, (count_w), mode="nearest") pos_emb_hash_w = pos_emb_hash_w.repeat(1, count_h, 1) pos_emb_hash_h = pos_emb_grid.reshape(1, 1, grid_size) pos_emb_hash_h = F.interpolate(pos_emb_hash_h, (count_h), mode="nearest") pos_emb_hash_h = pos_emb_hash_h.transpose(1, 2) pos_emb_hash_h = pos_emb_hash_h.repeat(1, 1, count_w) pos_emb_hash = pos_emb_hash_h * grid_size + pos_emb_hash_w pos_emb_hash = pos_emb_hash.reshape(1, -1) return pos_emb_hash def _extract_patches_and_positions_from_image( image, patch_size, patch_stride, hse_grid_size, n_crops, h, w, c, scale_id, max_seq_len, ): """Extracts patches and positional embedding lookup indexes for a given image. Args: image: the input image of shape [n_crops, c, h, w] patch_size: the extracted patch size. patch_stride: stride for extracting patches. hse_grid_size: grid size for hash-based spatial positional embedding. n_crops: number of crops from the input image. h: height of the image. w: width of the image. c: number of channels for the image. scale_id: the scale id for the image in the multi-scale representation. max_seq_len: maximum sequence length for the number of patches. If max_seq_len = 0, no patch is returned. If max_seq_len < 0 then we return all the patches. Returns: A concatenating vector of (patches, HSE, SCE, input mask). The tensor shape is (n_crops, num_patches, patch_size * patch_size * c + 3). """ n_crops, c, h, w = image.shape p = extract_image_patches(image, patch_size, patch_stride) assert p.shape[1] == c * patch_size ** 2 count_h = _ceil_divide_int(h, patch_stride) count_w = _ceil_divide_int(w, patch_stride) # Shape (1, num_patches) spatial_p = get_hashed_spatial_pos_emb_index(hse_grid_size, count_h, count_w) # Shape (n_crops, 1, num_patches) spatial_p = spatial_p.unsqueeze(1).repeat(n_crops, 1, 1) scale_p = torch.ones_like(spatial_p) * scale_id mask_p = torch.ones_like(spatial_p) # Concatenating is a hacky way to pass both patches, positions and input # mask to the model. # Shape (n_crops, c * patch_size * patch_size + 3, num_patches) out =[p,,,], dim=1) if max_seq_len >= 0: out = _pad_or_cut_to_max_seq_len(out, max_seq_len) return out def get_multiscale_patches( image, patch_size=32, patch_stride=32, hse_grid_size=10, longer_side_lengths=[224, 384], max_seq_len_from_original_res=None, ): """Extracts image patches from multi-scale representation. Args: image: input image tensor with shape [n_crops, 3, h, w] patch_size: patch size. patch_stride: patch stride. hse_grid_size: Hash-based positional embedding grid size. longer_side_lengths: List of longer-side lengths for each scale in the multi-scale representation. max_seq_len_from_original_res: Maximum number of patches extracted from original resolution. <0 means use all the patches from the original resolution. None means we don't use original resolution input. Returns: A concatenating vector of (patches, HSE, SCE, input mask). The tensor shape is (n_crops, num_patches, patch_size * patch_size * c + 3). """ # Sorting the list to ensure a deterministic encoding of the scale position. longer_side_lengths = sorted(longer_side_lengths) if len(image.shape) == 3: image = image.unsqueeze(0) n_crops, c, h, w = image.shape outputs = [] for scale_id, longer_size in enumerate(longer_side_lengths): resized_image, rh, rw = resize_preserve_aspect_ratio(image, h, w, longer_size) max_seq_len = int(np.ceil(longer_size / patch_stride) ** 2) out = _extract_patches_and_positions_from_image( resized_image, patch_size, patch_stride, hse_grid_size, n_crops, rh, rw, c, scale_id, max_seq_len, ) outputs.append(out) if max_seq_len_from_original_res is not None: out = _extract_patches_and_positions_from_image( image, patch_size, patch_stride, hse_grid_size, n_crops, h, w, c, len(longer_side_lengths), max_seq_len_from_original_res, ) outputs.append(out) outputs =, dim=-1) return outputs.transpose(1, 2)
import pickle import numpy as np import torch import torchvision.transforms as tf from PIL import Image from torch.utils import data as data from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize from import read_meta_info_file from import PairedToTensor, augment, transform_mapping from pyiqa.utils import FileClient, imfrombytes, img2tensor from pyiqa.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY @DATASET_REGISTRY.register() class GeneralFRDataset(data.Dataset): """General Full Reference dataset with meta info file. Args: opt (dict): Config for train datasets with the following keys: phase (str): 'train' or 'val'. """ def __init__(self, opt): super(GeneralFRDataset, self).__init__() self.opt = opt if opt.get("override_phase", None) is None: self.phase = opt["phase"] else: self.phase = opt["override_phase"] target_img_folder = opt["dataroot_target"] ref_img_folder = opt.get("dataroot_ref", None) self.paths_mos = read_meta_info_file( target_img_folder, opt["meta_info_file"], mode="fr", ref_dir=ref_img_folder ) # read train/val/test splits split_file_path = opt.get("split_file", None) if split_file_path: split_index = opt.get("split_index", 1) with open(opt["split_file"], "rb") as f: split_dict = pickle.load(f) splits = split_dict[split_index][self.phase] self.paths_mos = [self.paths_mos[i] for i in splits] dmos_max = opt.get("dmos_max", 0.0) if dmos_max: self.use_dmos = True self.dmos_max = opt.get("dmos_max") else: self.use_dmos = False self.mos_max = opt.get("mos_max", 1.0) # do paired transform first and then do common transform paired_transform_list = [] augment_dict = opt.get("augment", None) if augment_dict is not None: for k, v in augment_dict.items(): paired_transform_list += transform_mapping(k, v) self.paired_trans = tf.Compose(paired_transform_list) common_transform_list = [] self.img_range = opt.get("img_range", 1.0) common_transform_list += [ PairedToTensor(), ] self.common_trans = tf.Compose(common_transform_list) def __getitem__(self, index): ref_path = self.paths_mos[index][0] img_path = self.paths_mos[index][1] mos_label = self.paths_mos[index][2] img_pil ="RGB") ref_pil ="RGB") img_pil, ref_pil = self.paired_trans([img_pil, ref_pil]) img_tensor = self.common_trans(img_pil) * self.img_range ref_tensor = self.common_trans(ref_pil) * self.img_range if self.use_dmos: mos_label = (self.dmos_max - mos_label) / self.dmos_max else: mos_label /= self.mos_max mos_label_tensor = torch.Tensor([mos_label]) return { "img": img_tensor, "ref_img": ref_tensor, "mos_label": mos_label_tensor, "img_path": img_path, "ref_img_path": ref_path, } def __len__(self): return len(self.paths_mos)
import queue as Queue import threading import torch from import DataLoader class PrefetchGenerator(threading.Thread): """A general prefetch generator. Ref: Args: generator: Python generator. num_prefetch_queue (int): Number of prefetch queue. """ def __init__(self, generator, num_prefetch_queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = Queue.Queue(num_prefetch_queue) self.generator = generator self.daemon = True self.start() def run(self): for item in self.generator: self.queue.put(item) self.queue.put(None) def __next__(self): next_item = self.queue.get() if next_item is None: raise StopIteration return next_item def __iter__(self): return self class PrefetchDataLoader(DataLoader): """Prefetch version of dataloader. Ref: TODO: Need to test on single gpu and ddp (multi-gpu). There is a known issue in ddp. Args: num_prefetch_queue (int): Number of prefetch queue. kwargs (dict): Other arguments for dataloader. """ def __init__(self, num_prefetch_queue, **kwargs): self.num_prefetch_queue = num_prefetch_queue super(PrefetchDataLoader, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __iter__(self): return PrefetchGenerator(super().__iter__(), self.num_prefetch_queue) class CPUPrefetcher: """CPU prefetcher. Args: loader: Dataloader. """ def __init__(self, loader): self.ori_loader = loader self.loader = iter(loader) def next(self): try: return next(self.loader) except StopIteration: return None def reset(self): self.loader = iter(self.ori_loader) class CUDAPrefetcher: """CUDA prefetcher. Ref: It may consums more GPU memory. Args: loader: Dataloader. opt (dict): Options. """ def __init__(self, loader, opt): self.ori_loader = loader self.loader = iter(loader) self.opt = opt = torch.cuda.Stream() self.device = torch.device("cuda" if opt["num_gpu"] != 0 else "cpu") self.preload() def preload(self): try: self.batch = next(self.loader) # self.batch is a dict except StopIteration: self.batch = None return None # put tensors to gpu with for k, v in self.batch.items(): if torch.is_tensor(v): self.batch[k] = self.batch[k].to( device=self.device, non_blocking=True ) def next(self): torch.cuda.current_stream().wait_stream( batch = self.batch self.preload() return batch def reset(self): self.loader = iter(self.ori_loader) self.preload()
import math import torch from import Sampler class EnlargedSampler(Sampler): """Sampler that restricts data loading to a subset of the dataset. Modified from Support enlarging the dataset for iteration-based training, for saving time when restart the dataloader after each epoch Args: dataset ( Dataset used for sampling. num_replicas (int | None): Number of processes participating in the training. It is usually the world_size. rank (int | None): Rank of the current process within num_replicas. ratio (int): Enlarging ratio. Default: 1. """ def __init__(self, dataset, num_replicas, rank, ratio=1, use_shuffle=True): self.dataset = dataset self.num_replicas = num_replicas self.rank = rank self.epoch = 0 self.num_samples = math.ceil(len(self.dataset) * ratio / self.num_replicas) self.total_size = self.num_samples * self.num_replicas self.use_shuffle = use_shuffle def __iter__(self): # deterministically shuffle based on epoch if self.use_shuffle: g = torch.Generator() g.manual_seed(self.epoch) indices = torch.randperm(self.total_size, generator=g).tolist() else: indices = torch.arange(self.total_size).tolist() dataset_size = len(self.dataset) indices = [v % dataset_size for v in indices] # subsample indices = indices[self.rank : self.total_size : self.num_replicas] assert len(indices) == self.num_samples return iter(indices) def __len__(self): return self.num_samples def set_epoch(self, epoch): self.epoch = epoch
import itertools import os import pickle import random import cv2 import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch import torchvision.transforms as tf # avoid possible image read error in AVA dataset from PIL import Image, ImageFile from torch.utils import data as data from import transform_mapping from pyiqa.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True @DATASET_REGISTRY.register() class AVADataset(data.Dataset): """AVA dataset, proposed by Murray, Naila, Luca Marchesotti, and Florent Perronnin. "AVA: A large-scale database for aesthetic visual analysis." In 2012 IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR), pp. 2408-2415. IEEE, 2012. Args: opt (dict): Config for train datasets with the following keys: phase (str): 'train' or 'val'. """ def __init__(self, opt): super(AVADataset, self).__init__() self.opt = opt target_img_folder = opt["dataroot_target"] self.dataroot = target_img_folder self.paths_mos = pd.read_csv(opt["meta_info_file"]).values.tolist() # read train/val/test splits split_file_path = opt.get("split_file", None) if split_file_path: split_index = opt.get("split_index", 1) with open(opt["split_file"], "rb") as f: split_dict = pickle.load(f) # use val_num for validation val_num = 2000 train_split = split_dict[split_index]["train"] val_split = split_dict[split_index]["val"] train_split = train_split + val_split[:-val_num] val_split = val_split[-val_num:] split_dict[split_index]["train"] = train_split split_dict[split_index]["val"] = val_split if opt.get("override_phase", None) is None: splits = split_dict[split_index][opt["phase"]] else: splits = split_dict[split_index][opt["override_phase"]] self.paths_mos = [self.paths_mos[i] for i in splits] self.mean_mos = np.array([item[1] for item in self.paths_mos]).mean() # self.paths_mos.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # n = 32 # n = 4 # tmp_list = [self.paths_mos[i: i + n] for i in range(0, len(self.paths_mos), n)] # random.shuffle(tmp_list) # self.paths_mos = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(tmp_list)) transform_list = [] augment_dict = opt.get("augment", None) if augment_dict is not None: for k, v in augment_dict.items(): transform_list += transform_mapping(k, v) img_range = opt.get("img_range", 1.0) transform_list += [ tf.ToTensor(), tf.Lambda(lambda x: x * img_range), ] self.trans = tf.Compose(transform_list) def __getitem__(self, index): img_path = os.path.join(self.dataroot, self.paths_mos[index][0]) mos_label = self.paths_mos[index][1] mos_dist = self.paths_mos[index][2:12] img_pil ="RGB") width, height = img_pil.size img_tensor = self.trans(img_pil) img_tensor2 = self.trans(img_pil) mos_label_tensor = torch.Tensor([mos_label]) mos_dist_tensor = torch.Tensor(mos_dist) / sum(mos_dist) if self.opt.get("list_imgs", False): tmp_tensor = torch.zeros((img_tensor.shape[0], 800, 800)) h, w = img_tensor.shape[1:] tmp_tensor[..., :h, :w] = img_tensor return { "img": tmp_tensor, "mos_label": mos_label_tensor, "mos_dist": mos_dist_tensor, "org_size": torch.tensor([height, width]), "img_path": img_path, "mean_mos": torch.tensor(self.mean_mos), } else: return { "img": img_tensor, "img2": img_tensor2, "mos_label": mos_label_tensor, "mos_dist": mos_dist_tensor, "org_size": torch.tensor([height, width]), "img_path": img_path, "mean_mos": torch.tensor(self.mean_mos), } def __len__(self): return len(self.paths_mos)
import csv import os from os import path as osp import cv2 import numpy as np import torch from torch.nn import functional as F from import mod_crop from pyiqa.utils import img2tensor, scandir def read_meta_info_file(img_dir, meta_info_file, mode="nr", ref_dir=None): """Generate paths and mos labels from an meta information file. Each line in the meta information file contains the image names and mos label, separated by a white space. Example of an meta information file: - For NR datasets: name, mos(mean), std ``` 100.bmp 32.56107532210109 19.12472638223644 ``` - For FR datasets: ref_name, dist_name, mos(mean), std ``` I01.bmp I01_01_1.bmp 5.51429 0.13013 ``` Args: img_dir (str): directory path containing images meta_info_file (str): Path to the meta information file. Returns: list[str, float]: image paths, mos label """ with open(meta_info_file, "r") as fin: csvreader = csv.reader(fin) name_mos = list(csvreader)[1:] paths_mos = [] for item in name_mos: if mode == "fr": if ref_dir is None: ref_dir = img_dir ref_name, img_name, mos = item[:3] ref_path = osp.join(ref_dir, ref_name) img_path = osp.join(img_dir, img_name) paths_mos.append([ref_path, img_path, float(mos)]) elif mode == "nr": img_name, mos = item[:2] img_path = osp.join(img_dir, img_name) paths_mos.append([img_path, float(mos)]) return paths_mos def read_img_seq(path, require_mod_crop=False, scale=1, return_imgname=False): """Read a sequence of images from a given folder path. Args: path (list[str] | str): List of image paths or image folder path. require_mod_crop (bool): Require mod crop for each image. Default: False. scale (int): Scale factor for mod_crop. Default: 1. return_imgname(bool): Whether return image names. Default False. Returns: Tensor: size (t, c, h, w), RGB, [0, 1]. list[str]: Returned image name list. """ if isinstance(path, list): img_paths = path else: img_paths = sorted(list(scandir(path, full_path=True))) imgs = [cv2.imread(v).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 for v in img_paths] if require_mod_crop: imgs = [mod_crop(img, scale) for img in imgs] imgs = img2tensor(imgs, bgr2rgb=True, float32=True) imgs = torch.stack(imgs, dim=0) if return_imgname: imgnames = [osp.splitext(osp.basename(path))[0] for path in img_paths] return imgs, imgnames else: return imgs def generate_frame_indices(crt_idx, max_frame_num, num_frames, padding="reflection"): """Generate an index list for reading `num_frames` frames from a sequence of images. Args: crt_idx (int): Current center index. max_frame_num (int): Max number of the sequence of images (from 1). num_frames (int): Reading num_frames frames. padding (str): Padding mode, one of 'replicate' | 'reflection' | 'reflection_circle' | 'circle' Examples: current_idx = 0, num_frames = 5 The generated frame indices under different padding mode: replicate: [0, 0, 0, 1, 2] reflection: [2, 1, 0, 1, 2] reflection_circle: [4, 3, 0, 1, 2] circle: [3, 4, 0, 1, 2] Returns: list[int]: A list of indices. """ assert num_frames % 2 == 1, "num_frames should be an odd number." assert padding in ( "replicate", "reflection", "reflection_circle", "circle", ), f"Wrong padding mode: {padding}." max_frame_num = max_frame_num - 1 # start from 0 num_pad = num_frames // 2 indices = [] for i in range(crt_idx - num_pad, crt_idx + num_pad + 1): if i < 0: if padding == "replicate": pad_idx = 0 elif padding == "reflection": pad_idx = -i elif padding == "reflection_circle": pad_idx = crt_idx + num_pad - i else: pad_idx = num_frames + i elif i > max_frame_num: if padding == "replicate": pad_idx = max_frame_num elif padding == "reflection": pad_idx = max_frame_num * 2 - i elif padding == "reflection_circle": pad_idx = (crt_idx - num_pad) - (i - max_frame_num) else: pad_idx = i - num_frames else: pad_idx = i indices.append(pad_idx) return indices def paired_paths_from_lmdb(folders, keys): """Generate paired paths from lmdb files. Contents of lmdb. Taking the `lq.lmdb` for example, the file structure is: lq.lmdb ├── data.mdb ├── lock.mdb ├── meta_info.txt The data.mdb and lock.mdb are standard lmdb files and you can refer to for more details. The meta_info.txt is a specified txt file to record the meta information of our datasets. It will be automatically created when preparing datasets by our provided dataset tools. Each line in the txt file records 1)image name (with extension), 2)image shape, 3)compression level, separated by a white space. Example: `baboon.png (120,125,3) 1` We use the image name without extension as the lmdb key. Note that we use the same key for the corresponding lq and gt images. Args: folders (list[str]): A list of folder path. The order of list should be [input_folder, gt_folder]. keys (list[str]): A list of keys identifying folders. The order should be in consistent with folders, e.g., ['lq', 'gt']. Note that this key is different from lmdb keys. Returns: list[str]: Returned path list. """ assert len(folders) == 2, ( "The len of folders should be 2 with [input_folder, gt_folder]. " f"But got {len(folders)}" ) assert ( len(keys) == 2 ), f"The len of keys should be 2 with [input_key, gt_key]. But got {len(keys)}" input_folder, gt_folder = folders input_key, gt_key = keys if not (input_folder.endswith(".lmdb") and gt_folder.endswith(".lmdb")): raise ValueError( f"{input_key} folder and {gt_key} folder should both in lmdb " f"formats. But received {input_key}: {input_folder}; " f"{gt_key}: {gt_folder}" ) # ensure that the two meta_info files are the same with open(osp.join(input_folder, "meta_info.txt")) as fin: input_lmdb_keys = [line.split(".")[0] for line in fin] with open(osp.join(gt_folder, "meta_info.txt")) as fin: gt_lmdb_keys = [line.split(".")[0] for line in fin] if set(input_lmdb_keys) != set(gt_lmdb_keys): raise ValueError( f"Keys in {input_key}_folder and {gt_key}_folder are different." ) else: paths = [] for lmdb_key in sorted(input_lmdb_keys): paths.append( dict([(f"{input_key}_path", lmdb_key), (f"{gt_key}_path", lmdb_key)]) ) return paths def paired_paths_from_meta_info_file(folders, keys, meta_info_file, filename_tmpl): """Generate paired paths from an meta information file. Each line in the meta information file contains the image names and image shape (usually for gt), separated by a white space. Example of an meta information file: ``` 0001_s001.png (480,480,3) 0001_s002.png (480,480,3) ``` Args: folders (list[str]): A list of folder path. The order of list should be [input_folder, gt_folder]. keys (list[str]): A list of keys identifying folders. The order should be in consistent with folders, e.g., ['lq', 'gt']. meta_info_file (str): Path to the meta information file. filename_tmpl (str): Template for each filename. Note that the template excludes the file extension. Usually the filename_tmpl is for files in the input folder. Returns: list[str]: Returned path list. """ assert len(folders) == 2, ( "The len of folders should be 2 with [input_folder, gt_folder]. " f"But got {len(folders)}" ) assert ( len(keys) == 2 ), f"The len of keys should be 2 with [input_key, gt_key]. But got {len(keys)}" input_folder, gt_folder = folders input_key, gt_key = keys with open(meta_info_file, "r") as fin: gt_names = [line.strip().split(" ")[0] for line in fin] paths = [] for gt_name in gt_names: basename, ext = osp.splitext(osp.basename(gt_name)) input_name = f"{filename_tmpl.format(basename)}{ext}" input_path = osp.join(input_folder, input_name) gt_path = osp.join(gt_folder, gt_name) paths.append( dict([(f"{input_key}_path", input_path), (f"{gt_key}_path", gt_path)]) ) return paths def paired_paths_from_folder(folders, keys, filename_tmpl): """Generate paired paths from folders. Args: folders (list[str]): A list of folder path. The order of list should be [input_folder, gt_folder]. keys (list[str]): A list of keys identifying folders. The order should be in consistent with folders, e.g., ['lq', 'gt']. filename_tmpl (str): Template for each filename. Note that the template excludes the file extension. Usually the filename_tmpl is for files in the input folder. Returns: list[str]: Returned path list. """ assert len(folders) == 2, ( "The len of folders should be 2 with [input_folder, gt_folder]. " f"But got {len(folders)}" ) assert ( len(keys) == 2 ), f"The len of keys should be 2 with [input_key, gt_key]. But got {len(keys)}" input_folder, gt_folder = folders input_key, gt_key = keys input_paths = list(scandir(input_folder)) gt_paths = list(scandir(gt_folder)) assert len(input_paths) == len(gt_paths), ( f"{input_key} and {gt_key} datasets have different number of images: " f"{len(input_paths)}, {len(gt_paths)}." ) paths = [] for gt_path in gt_paths: basename, ext = osp.splitext(osp.basename(gt_path)) input_name = f"{filename_tmpl.format(basename)}{ext}" input_path = osp.join(input_folder, input_name) assert input_name in input_paths, f"{input_name} is not in {input_key}_paths." gt_path = osp.join(gt_folder, gt_path) paths.append( dict([(f"{input_key}_path", input_path), (f"{gt_key}_path", gt_path)]) ) return paths def paths_from_folder(folder): """Generate paths from folder. Args: folder (str): Folder path. Returns: list[str]: Returned path list. """ paths = list(scandir(folder)) paths = [osp.join(folder, path) for path in paths] return paths def paths_from_lmdb(folder): """Generate paths from lmdb. Args: folder (str): Folder path. Returns: list[str]: Returned path list. """ if not folder.endswith(".lmdb"): raise ValueError(f"Folder {folder}folder should in lmdb format.") with open(osp.join(folder, "meta_info.txt")) as fin: paths = [line.split(".")[0] for line in fin] return paths def generate_gaussian_kernel(kernel_size=13, sigma=1.6): """Generate Gaussian kernel used in `duf_downsample`. Args: kernel_size (int): Kernel size. Default: 13. sigma (float): Sigma of the Gaussian kernel. Default: 1.6. Returns: np.array: The Gaussian kernel. """ from scipy.ndimage import filters as filters kernel = np.zeros((kernel_size, kernel_size)) # set element at the middle to one, a dirac delta kernel[kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2] = 1 # gaussian-smooth the dirac, resulting in a gaussian filter return filters.gaussian_filter(kernel, sigma) def duf_downsample(x, kernel_size=13, scale=4): """Downsamping with Gaussian kernel used in the DUF official code. Args: x (Tensor): Frames to be downsampled, with shape (b, t, c, h, w). kernel_size (int): Kernel size. Default: 13. scale (int): Downsampling factor. Supported scale: (2, 3, 4). Default: 4. Returns: Tensor: DUF downsampled frames. """ assert scale in (2, 3, 4), f"Only support scale (2, 3, 4), but got {scale}." squeeze_flag = False if x.ndim == 4: squeeze_flag = True x = x.unsqueeze(0) b, t, c, h, w = x.size() x = x.view(-1, 1, h, w) pad_w, pad_h = kernel_size // 2 + scale * 2, kernel_size // 2 + scale * 2 x = F.pad(x, (pad_w, pad_w, pad_h, pad_h), "reflect") gaussian_filter = generate_gaussian_kernel(kernel_size, 0.4 * scale) gaussian_filter = ( torch.from_numpy(gaussian_filter).type_as(x).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) ) x = F.conv2d(x, gaussian_filter, stride=scale) x = x[:, :, 2:-2, 2:-2] x = x.view(b, t, c, x.size(2), x.size(3)) if squeeze_flag: x = x.squeeze(0) return x
import pickle import cv2 import numpy as np import torch import torchvision.transforms as tf from PIL import Image from torch.utils import data as data from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize from import read_meta_info_file from import transform_mapping from pyiqa.utils import FileClient, imfrombytes, img2tensor from pyiqa.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY @DATASET_REGISTRY.register() class FLIVEDataset(data.Dataset): """General No Reference dataset with meta info file. Args: opt (dict): Config for train datasets with the following keys: phase (str): 'train' or 'val'. """ def __init__(self, opt): super(FLIVEDataset, self).__init__() self.opt = opt target_img_folder = opt["dataroot_target"] self.paths_mos = read_meta_info_file(target_img_folder, opt["meta_info_file"]) # read train/val/test splits split_file_path = opt.get("split_file", None) if split_file_path: split_index = opt.get("split_index", 1) with open(opt["split_file"], "rb") as f: split_dict = pickle.load(f) if opt.get("override_phase", None) is None: splits = split_dict[split_index][opt["phase"]] else: splits = split_dict[split_index][opt["override_phase"]] if opt["phase"] == "train": self.paths_mos = [self.paths_mos[i] for i in splits] else: # remove patches during validation and test self.paths_mos = [self.paths_mos[i] for i in splits] self.paths_mos = [ [p, m] for p, m in self.paths_mos if not "patches/" in p ] dmos_max = opt.get("dmos_max", 0.0) if dmos_max: self.use_dmos = True self.dmos_max = opt.get("dmos_max") else: self.use_dmos = False self.mos_max = opt.get("mos_max", 1.0) transform_list = [] augment_dict = opt.get("augment", None) if augment_dict is not None: for k, v in augment_dict.items(): transform_list += transform_mapping(k, v) self.img_range = opt.get("img_range", 1.0) transform_list += [ tf.ToTensor(), ] self.trans = tf.Compose(transform_list) def __getitem__(self, index): img_path = self.paths_mos[index][0] mos_label = self.paths_mos[index][1] img_pil ="RGB") img_tensor = self.trans(img_pil) * self.img_range if self.use_dmos: mos_label = self.dmos_max - mos_label else: mos_label = mos_label / self.mos_max mos_label_tensor = torch.Tensor([mos_label]) return {"img": img_tensor, "mos_label": mos_label_tensor, "img_path": img_path} def __len__(self): return len(self.paths_mos)
import os import pickle import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch import torchvision.transforms as tf from PIL import Image from torch.utils import data as data from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize from import read_meta_info_file from import PairedToTensor, augment, transform_mapping from pyiqa.utils import FileClient, imfrombytes, img2tensor from pyiqa.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY @DATASET_REGISTRY.register() class BAPPSDataset(data.Dataset): """The BAPPS Dataset introduced by: Zhang, Richard and Isola, Phillip and Efros, Alexei A and Shechtman, Eli and Wang, Oliver The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Deep Features as a Perceptual Metric. CVPR2018 url: Args: opt (dict): Config for train datasets with the following keys: phase (str): 'train' or 'val'. mode (str): - 2afc: load 2afc triplet data - jnd: load jnd pair data """ def __init__(self, opt): super(BAPPSDataset, self).__init__() self.opt = opt if opt.get("override_phase", None) is None: self.phase = opt["phase"] else: self.phase = opt["override_phase"] self.dataset_mode = opt.get("mode", "2afc") val_types = opt.get("val_types", None) target_img_folder = opt["dataroot_target"] self.dataroot = target_img_folder ref_img_folder = opt.get("dataroot_ref", None) self.paths_mos = pd.read_csv(opt["meta_info_file"]).values.tolist() # read train/val/test splits split_file_path = opt.get("split_file", None) if split_file_path: split_index = opt.get("split_index", 1) with open(opt["split_file"], "rb") as f: split_dict = pickle.load(f) splits = split_dict[split_index][self.phase] self.paths_mos = [self.paths_mos[i] for i in splits] if self.dataset_mode == "2afc": self.paths_mos = [x for x in self.paths_mos if x[0] != "jnd"] elif self.dataset_mode == "jnd": self.paths_mos = [x for x in self.paths_mos if x[0] == "jnd"] if val_types is not None: tmp_paths_mos = [] for item in self.paths_mos: for vt in val_types: if vt in item[1]: tmp_paths_mos.append(item) self.paths_mos = tmp_paths_mos # TODO: paired transform transform_list = [] augment_dict = opt.get("augment", None) if augment_dict is not None: for k, v in augment_dict.items(): transform_list += transform_mapping(k, v) img_range = opt.get("img_range", 1.0) transform_list += [ PairedToTensor(), ] self.trans = tf.Compose(transform_list) def __getitem__(self, index): is_jnd_data = self.paths_mos[index][0] == "jnd" distA_path = os.path.join(self.dataroot, self.paths_mos[index][1]) distB_path = os.path.join(self.dataroot, self.paths_mos[index][2]) distA_pil ="RGB") distB_pil ="RGB") score = self.paths_mos[index][3] # original 0 means prefer p0, transfer to probability of p0 mos_label_tensor = torch.Tensor([score]) if not is_jnd_data: ref_path = os.path.join(self.dataroot, self.paths_mos[index][0]) ref_img_pil ="RGB") distA_tensor, distB_tensor, ref_tensor = self.trans( [distA_pil, distB_pil, ref_img_pil] ) else: distA_tensor, distB_tensor = self.trans([distA_pil, distB_pil]) if not is_jnd_data: return { "ref_img": ref_tensor, "distB_img": distB_tensor, "distA_img": distA_tensor, "mos_label": mos_label_tensor, "img_path": ref_path, "distB_path": distB_path, "distA_path": distA_path, } else: return { "distB_img": distB_tensor, "distA_img": distA_tensor, "mos_label": mos_label_tensor, "distB_path": distB_path, "distA_path": distA_path, } def __len__(self): return len(self.paths_mos)
import pickle import numpy as np import torch import torchvision.transforms as tf from PIL import Image from torch.utils import data as data from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize from import read_meta_info_file from import PairedToTensor, augment, transform_mapping from pyiqa.utils import FileClient, imfrombytes, img2tensor from pyiqa.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY @DATASET_REGISTRY.register() class PIPALDataset(data.Dataset): """General Full Reference dataset with meta info file. Args: opt (dict): Config for train datasets with the following keys: phase (str): 'train' or 'val'. """ def __init__(self, opt): super(PIPALDataset, self).__init__() self.opt = opt if opt.get("override_phase", None) is None: self.phase = opt["phase"] else: self.phase = opt["override_phase"] target_img_folder = opt["dataroot_target"] ref_img_folder = opt.get("dataroot_ref", None) self.paths_mos = read_meta_info_file( target_img_folder, opt["meta_info_file"], mode="fr", ref_dir=ref_img_folder ) # read train/val/test splits split_file_path = opt.get("split_file", None) if split_file_path: split_index = opt.get("split_index", 1) with open(opt["split_file"], "rb") as f: split_dict = pickle.load(f) splits = split_dict[split_index][self.phase] self.paths_mos = [self.paths_mos[i] for i in splits] dmos_max = opt.get("dmos_max", 0.0) if dmos_max: self.use_dmos = True self.dmos_max = opt.get("dmos_max") else: self.use_dmos = False # do paired transform first and then do common transform paired_transform_list = [] augment_dict = opt.get("augment", None) if augment_dict is not None: for k, v in augment_dict.items(): paired_transform_list += transform_mapping(k, v) self.paired_trans = tf.Compose(paired_transform_list) common_transform_list = [] self.img_range = opt.get("img_range", 1.0) common_transform_list += [ PairedToTensor(), ] self.common_trans = tf.Compose(common_transform_list) def __getitem__(self, index): ref_path = self.paths_mos[index][0] img_path = self.paths_mos[index][1] mos_label = self.paths_mos[index][2] img_pil ="RGB") ref_pil ="RGB") img_pil, ref_pil = self.paired_trans([img_pil, ref_pil]) img_tensor = self.common_trans(img_pil) * self.img_range ref_tensor = self.common_trans(ref_pil) * self.img_range if self.use_dmos: mos_label = self.dmos_max - mos_label mos_label_tensor = torch.Tensor([mos_label]) return { "img": img_tensor, "ref_img": ref_tensor, "mos_label": mos_label_tensor, "img_path": img_path, "ref_img_path": ref_path, } def __len__(self): return len(self.paths_mos)
import os import pickle import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch import torchvision.transforms as tf from PIL import Image from torch.utils import data as data from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize from import read_meta_info_file from import PairedToTensor, augment, transform_mapping from pyiqa.utils import FileClient, imfrombytes, img2tensor from pyiqa.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY @DATASET_REGISTRY.register() class PieAPPDataset(data.Dataset): """The PieAPP Dataset introduced by: Prashnani, Ekta and Cai, Hong and Mostofi, Yasamin and Sen, Pradeep PieAPP: Perceptual Image-Error Assessment Through Pairwise Preference CVPR2018 url: Args: opt (dict): Config for train datasets with the following keys: phase (str): 'train' or 'val'. """ def __init__(self, opt): super(PieAPPDataset, self).__init__() self.opt = opt target_img_folder = opt["dataroot_target"] self.dataroot = target_img_folder if opt.get("override_phase", None) is None: self.phase = opt["phase"] else: self.phase = opt["override_phase"] if self.phase == "test": metadata = pd.read_csv( opt["meta_info_file"], usecols=[ "ref_img_path", "dist_imgB_path", "per_img score for dist_imgB", ], ) else: metadata = pd.read_csv(opt["meta_info_file"]) self.paths_mos = metadata.values.tolist() # read train/val/test splits split_file_path = opt.get("split_file", None) if split_file_path: split_index = opt.get("split_index", 1) with open(opt["split_file"], "rb") as f: split_dict = pickle.load(f) splits = split_dict[split_index][self.phase] self.paths_mos = [self.paths_mos[i] for i in splits] # remove duplicates if self.phase == "test": temp = [] [temp.append(item) for item in self.paths_mos if not item in temp] self.paths_mos = temp # do paired transform first and then do common transform paired_transform_list = [] augment_dict = opt.get("augment", None) if augment_dict is not None: for k, v in augment_dict.items(): paired_transform_list += transform_mapping(k, v) self.paired_trans = tf.Compose(paired_transform_list) common_transform_list = [] self.img_range = opt.get("img_range", 1.0) common_transform_list += [ PairedToTensor(), ] self.common_trans = tf.Compose(common_transform_list) def __getitem__(self, index): ref_path = os.path.join(self.dataroot, self.paths_mos[index][0]) if self.phase == "test": distB_path = os.path.join(self.dataroot, self.paths_mos[index][1]) else: distA_path = os.path.join(self.dataroot, self.paths_mos[index][1]) distB_path = os.path.join(self.dataroot, self.paths_mos[index][2]) distB_pil ="RGB") ref_img_pil ="RGB") if self.phase != "test": distA_pil ="RGB") distA_pil, distB_pil, ref_img_pil = self.paired_trans( [distA_pil, distB_pil, ref_img_pil] ) distA_tensor, distB_tensor, ref_tensor = self.common_trans( [distA_pil, distB_pil, ref_img_pil] ) else: distB_pil, ref_img_pil = self.paired_trans([distB_pil, ref_img_pil]) distB_tensor, ref_tensor = self.common_trans([distB_pil, ref_img_pil]) if self.phase == "train": score = self.paths_mos[index][4] mos_label_tensor = torch.Tensor([score]) distB_score = torch.Tensor([-1]) elif self.phase == "val": score = self.paths_mos[index][4] mos_label_tensor = torch.Tensor([score]) distB_score = torch.Tensor([-1]) elif self.phase == "test": per_img_score = self.paths_mos[index][2] distB_score = torch.Tensor([per_img_score]) if self.phase == "test": return { "img": distB_tensor, "ref_img": ref_tensor, "mos_label": distB_score, "img_path": distB_path, "ref_img_path": ref_path, } else: return { "distB_img": distB_tensor, "ref_img": ref_tensor, "distA_img": distA_tensor, "mos_label": mos_label_tensor, "distB_per_img_score": distB_score, "distB_path": distB_path, "ref_img_path": ref_path, "distA_path": distA_path, } def __len__(self): return len(self.paths_mos)
import importlib import random from copy import deepcopy from functools import partial from os import path as osp import numpy as np import torch import from import PrefetchDataLoader from pyiqa.utils import get_root_logger, scandir from pyiqa.utils.dist_util import get_dist_info from pyiqa.utils.registry import DATASET_REGISTRY __all__ = ["build_dataset", "build_dataloader"] # automatically scan and import dataset modules for registry # scan all the files under the data folder with '_dataset' in file names data_folder = osp.dirname(osp.abspath(__file__)) dataset_filenames = [ osp.splitext(osp.basename(v))[0] for v in scandir(data_folder) if v.endswith("") ] # import all the dataset modules _dataset_modules = [ importlib.import_module(f"{file_name}") for file_name in dataset_filenames ] def build_dataset(dataset_opt): """Build dataset from options. Args: dataset_opt (dict): Configuration for dataset. It must contain: name (str): Dataset name. type (str): Dataset type. """ dataset_opt = deepcopy(dataset_opt) dataset = DATASET_REGISTRY.get(dataset_opt["type"])(dataset_opt) logger = get_root_logger() f'Dataset [{dataset.__class__.__name__}] - {dataset_opt["name"]} ' "is built." ) return dataset def build_dataloader( dataset, dataset_opt, num_gpu=1, dist=False, sampler=None, seed=None ): """Build dataloader. Args: dataset ( Dataset. dataset_opt (dict): Dataset options. It contains the following keys: phase (str): 'train' or 'val'. num_worker_per_gpu (int): Number of workers for each GPU. batch_size_per_gpu (int): Training batch size for each GPU. num_gpu (int): Number of GPUs. Used only in the train phase. Default: 1. dist (bool): Whether in distributed training. Used only in the train phase. Default: False. sampler ( Data sampler. Default: None. seed (int | None): Seed. Default: None """ phase = dataset_opt["phase"] rank, _ = get_dist_info() if phase == "train": if dist: # distributed training batch_size = dataset_opt["batch_size_per_gpu"] num_workers = dataset_opt["num_worker_per_gpu"] else: # non-distributed training multiplier = 1 if num_gpu == 0 else num_gpu batch_size = dataset_opt["batch_size_per_gpu"] * multiplier num_workers = dataset_opt["num_worker_per_gpu"] * multiplier dataloader_args = dict( dataset=dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=num_workers, sampler=sampler, drop_last=True, ) if sampler is None: dataloader_args["shuffle"] = True dataloader_args["worker_init_fn"] = ( partial(worker_init_fn, num_workers=num_workers, rank=rank, seed=seed) if seed is not None else None ) elif phase in ["val", "test"]: # validation batch_size = dataset_opt.get("batch_size_per_gpu", 1) num_workers = dataset_opt.get("num_worker_per_gpu", 0) dataloader_args = dict( dataset=dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=num_workers, ) else: raise ValueError( f"Wrong dataset phase: {phase}. " "Supported ones are 'train', 'val' and 'test'." ) dataloader_args["pin_memory"] = dataset_opt.get("pin_memory", False) dataloader_args["persistent_workers"] = dataset_opt.get("persistent_workers", False) prefetch_mode = dataset_opt.get("prefetch_mode") if prefetch_mode == "cpu": # CPUPrefetcher num_prefetch_queue = dataset_opt.get("num_prefetch_queue", 1) logger = get_root_logger() f"Use {prefetch_mode} prefetch dataloader: num_prefetch_queue = {num_prefetch_queue}" ) return PrefetchDataLoader( num_prefetch_queue=num_prefetch_queue, **dataloader_args ) else: # prefetch_mode=None: Normal dataloader # prefetch_mode='cuda': dataloader for CUDAPrefetcher return**dataloader_args) def worker_init_fn(worker_id, num_workers, rank, seed): # Set the worker seed to num_workers * rank + worker_id + seed worker_seed = num_workers * rank + worker_id + seed np.random.seed(worker_seed) random.seed(worker_seed)
import functools import random from import Sequence from typing import Union import cv2 import numpy as np import torch import torchvision.transforms as tf import torchvision.transforms.functional as F from imgaug import augmenters as iaa from PIL import Image from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import to_2tuple def transform_mapping(key, args): if key == "hflip" and args: return [PairedRandomHorizontalFlip()] if key == "vflip" and args: return [PairedRandomHorizontalFlip()] elif key == "random_crop": return [PairedRandomCrop(args)] elif key == "center_crop": return [PairedCenterCrop(args)] elif key == "resize": return [PairedResize(args)] elif key == "adaptive_resize": return [PairedAdaptiveResize(args)] elif key == "random_square_resize": return [PairedRandomSquareResize(args)] elif key == "random_arp_resize": return [PairedRandomARPResize(args)] elif key == "ada_pad": return [PairedAdaptivePadding(args)] elif key == "rot90" and args: return [PairedRandomRot90(args)] elif key == "randomerase": return [PairedRandomErasing(**args)] elif key == "changecolor": return [ChangeColorSpace(args)] elif key == "totensor" and args: return [PairedToTensor()] else: return [] def _check_pair(x): if isinstance(x, (tuple, list)) and len(x) >= 2: return True class PairedToTensor(tf.ToTensor): """Pair version of center crop""" def to_tensor(self, x): if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): return x else: return F.to_tensor(x) def __call__(self, imgs): if _check_pair(imgs): for i in range(len(imgs)): imgs[i] = self.to_tensor(imgs[i]) return imgs else: return self.to_tensor(imgs) class ChangeColorSpace: """Pair version of center crop""" def __init__(self, to_colorspace): self.aug_op = iaa.color.ChangeColorspace(to_colorspace) def __call__(self, imgs): if _check_pair(imgs): for i in range(len(imgs)): tmpimg = self.aug_op.augment_image(np.array(imgs[i])) imgs[i] = Image.fromarray(tmpimg) return imgs else: imgs = self.aug_op.augment_image(np.array(imgs)) return Image.fromarray(imgs) class PairedCenterCrop(tf.CenterCrop): """Pair version of center crop""" def forward(self, imgs): if _check_pair(imgs): for i in range(len(imgs)): imgs[i] = super().forward(imgs[i]) return imgs elif isinstance(imgs, Image.Image): return super().forward(imgs) class PairedRandomCrop(tf.RandomCrop): """Pair version of random crop""" def _pad(self, img): if self.padding is not None: img = F.pad(img, self.padding, self.fill, self.padding_mode) width, height = img.size # pad the width if needed if self.pad_if_needed and width < self.size[1]: padding = [self.size[1] - width, 0] img = F.pad(img, padding, self.fill, self.padding_mode) # pad the height if needed if self.pad_if_needed and height < self.size[0]: padding = [0, self.size[0] - height] img = F.pad(img, padding, self.fill, self.padding_mode) return img def forward(self, imgs): if _check_pair(imgs): i, j, h, w = self.get_params(imgs[0], self.size) for i in range(len(imgs)): img = self._pad(imgs[i]) img = F.crop(img, i, j, h, w) imgs[i] = img return imgs elif isinstance(imgs, Image.Image): return super().forward(imgs) class PairedRandomErasing(tf.RandomErasing): """Pair version of random erasing""" def forward(self, imgs): if _check_pair(imgs): if torch.rand(1) < self.p: # cast self.value to script acceptable type if isinstance(self.value, (int, float)): value = [self.value] elif isinstance(self.value, str): value = None elif isinstance(self.value, tuple): value = list(self.value) else: value = self.value if value is not None and not (len(value) in (1, imgs[0].shape[-3])): raise ValueError( "If value is a sequence, it should have either a single value or " f"{imgs[0].shape[-3]} (number of input channels)" ) x, y, h, w, v = self.get_params( imgs[0], scale=self.scale, ratio=self.ratio, value=value ) for i in range(len(imgs)): imgs[i] = F.erase(imgs[i], x, y, h, w, v, self.inplace) return imgs elif isinstance(imgs, Image.Image): return super().forward(imgs) class PairedRandomHorizontalFlip(tf.RandomHorizontalFlip): """Pair version of random hflip""" def forward(self, imgs): if _check_pair(imgs): if torch.rand(1) < self.p: for i in range(len(imgs)): imgs[i] = F.hflip(imgs[i]) return imgs elif isinstance(imgs, Image.Image): return super().forward(imgs) class PairedRandomVerticalFlip(tf.RandomVerticalFlip): """Pair version of random hflip""" def forward(self, imgs): if _check_pair(imgs): if torch.rand(1) < self.p: for i in range(len(imgs)): imgs[i] = F.vflip(imgs[i]) return imgs elif isinstance(imgs, Image.Image): return super().forward(imgs) class PairedRandomRot90(torch.nn.Module): """Pair version of random hflip""" def __init__(self, p=0.5): super().__init__() self.p = p def forward(self, imgs): if _check_pair(imgs): if torch.rand(1) < self.p: for i in range(len(imgs)): imgs[i] = F.rotate(imgs[i], 90) return imgs elif isinstance(imgs, Image.Image): if torch.rand(1) < self.p: imgs = F.rotate(imgs, 90) return imgs class PairedResize(tf.Resize): """Pair version of resize""" def forward(self, imgs): if _check_pair(imgs): for i in range(len(imgs)): imgs[i] = super().forward(imgs[i]) return imgs elif isinstance(imgs, Image.Image): return super().forward(imgs) class PairedAdaptiveResize(tf.Resize): """ARP preserved resize when necessary""" def forward(self, imgs): if _check_pair(imgs): for i in range(len(imgs)): tmpimg = imgs[i] min_size = min(tmpimg.size) if min_size < self.size: tmpimg = super().forward(tmpimg) imgs[i] = tmpimg return imgs elif isinstance(imgs, Image.Image): tmpimg = imgs min_size = min(tmpimg.size) if min_size < self.size: tmpimg = super().forward(tmpimg) return tmpimg class PairedRandomARPResize(torch.nn.Module): """Pair version of resize""" def __init__( self, size_range, interpolation=tf.InterpolationMode.BILINEAR, antialias=None ): super().__init__() self.interpolation = interpolation self.antialias = antialias self.size_range = size_range if not (isinstance(size_range, Sequence) and len(size_range) == 2): raise TypeError( f"size_range should be sequence with 2 int. Got {size_range} with {type(size_range)}" ) def forward(self, imgs): min_size, max_size = sorted(self.size_range) target_size = random.randint(min_size, max_size) if _check_pair(imgs): for i in range(len(imgs)): imgs[i] = F.resize(imgs[i], target_size, self.interpolation) return imgs elif isinstance(imgs, Image.Image): return F.resize(imgs, target_size, self.interpolation) class PairedRandomSquareResize(torch.nn.Module): """Pair version of resize""" def __init__( self, size_range, interpolation=tf.InterpolationMode.BILINEAR, antialias=None ): super().__init__() self.interpolation = interpolation self.antialias = antialias self.size_range = size_range if not (isinstance(size_range, Sequence) and len(size_range) == 2): raise TypeError( f"size_range should be sequence with 2 int. Got {size_range} with {type(size_range)}" ) def forward(self, imgs): min_size, max_size = sorted(self.size_range) target_size = random.randint(min_size, max_size) target_size = (target_size, target_size) if _check_pair(imgs): for i in range(len(imgs)): imgs[i] = F.resize(imgs[i], target_size, self.interpolation) return imgs elif isinstance(imgs, Image.Image): return F.resize(imgs, target_size, self.interpolation) class PairedAdaptivePadding(torch.nn.Module): """Pair version of resize""" def __init__(self, target_size, fill=0, padding_mode="constant"): super().__init__() self.target_size = to_2tuple(target_size) self.fill = fill self.padding_mode = padding_mode def get_padding(self, x): w, h = x.size th, tw = self.target_size assert ( th >= h and tw >= w ), f"Target size {self.target_size} should be larger than image size ({h}, {w})" pad_row = th - h pad_col = tw - w pad_l, pad_r, pad_t, pad_b = ( pad_col // 2, pad_col - pad_col // 2, pad_row // 2, pad_row - pad_row // 2, ) return (pad_l, pad_t, pad_r, pad_b) def forward(self, imgs): if _check_pair(imgs): for i in range(len(imgs)): padding = self.get_padding(imgs[i]) imgs[i] = F.pad(imgs[i], padding, self.fill, self.padding_mode) return imgs elif isinstance(imgs, Image.Image): padding = self.get_padding(imgs) imgs = F.pad(imgs, padding, self.fill, self.padding_mode) return imgs def mod_crop(img, scale): """Mod crop images, used during testing. Args: img (ndarray): Input image. scale (int): Scale factor. Returns: ndarray: Result image. """ img = img.copy() if img.ndim in (2, 3): h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] h_remainder, w_remainder = h % scale, w % scale img = img[: h - h_remainder, : w - w_remainder, ...] else: raise ValueError(f"Wrong img ndim: {img.ndim}.") return img def augment(imgs, hflip=True, rotation=True, flows=None, return_status=False): """Augment: horizontal flips OR rotate (0, 90, 180, 270 degrees). We use vertical flip and transpose for rotation implementation. All the images in the list use the same augmentation. Args: imgs (list[ndarray] | ndarray): Images to be augmented. If the input is an ndarray, it will be transformed to a list. hflip (bool): Horizontal flip. Default: True. rotation (bool): Ratotation. Default: True. flows (list[ndarray]: Flows to be augmented. If the input is an ndarray, it will be transformed to a list. Dimension is (h, w, 2). Default: None. return_status (bool): Return the status of flip and rotation. Default: False. Returns: list[ndarray] | ndarray: Augmented images and flows. If returned results only have one element, just return ndarray. """ hflip = hflip and random.random() < 0.5 vflip = rotation and random.random() < 0.5 rot90 = rotation and random.random() < 0.5 def _augment(img): if hflip: # horizontal cv2.flip(img, 1, img) if vflip: # vertical cv2.flip(img, 0, img) if rot90: img = img.transpose(1, 0, 2) return img def _augment_flow(flow): if hflip: # horizontal cv2.flip(flow, 1, flow) flow[:, :, 0] *= -1 if vflip: # vertical cv2.flip(flow, 0, flow) flow[:, :, 1] *= -1 if rot90: flow = flow.transpose(1, 0, 2) flow = flow[:, :, [1, 0]] return flow if not isinstance(imgs, list): imgs = [imgs] imgs = [_augment(img) for img in imgs] if len(imgs) == 1: imgs = imgs[0] if flows is not None: if not isinstance(flows, list): flows = [flows] flows = [_augment_flow(flow) for flow in flows] if len(flows) == 1: flows = flows[0] return imgs, flows else: if return_status: return imgs, (hflip, vflip, rot90) else: return imgs def img_rotate(img, angle, center=None, scale=1.0): """Rotate image. Args: img (ndarray): Image to be rotated. angle (float): Rotation angle in degrees. Positive values mean counter-clockwise rotation. center (tuple[int]): Rotation center. If the center is None, initialize it as the center of the image. Default: None. scale (float): Isotropic scale factor. Default: 1.0. """ (h, w) = img.shape[:2] if center is None: center = (w // 2, h // 2) matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale) rotated_img = cv2.warpAffine(img, matrix, (w, h)) return rotated_img
r"""MANIQA proposed by MANIQA: Multi-dimension Attention Network for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Sidi Yang, Tianhe Wu, Shuwei Shi, Shanshan Lao, Yuan Gong, Mingdeng Cao, Jiahao Wang and Yujiu Yang. CVPR Workshop 2022, winner of NTIRE2022 NRIQA challenge Reference: - Official github: """ import timm import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from einops import rearrange from import ( IMAGENET_DEFAULT_MEAN, IMAGENET_DEFAULT_STD, IMAGENET_INCEPTION_MEAN, IMAGENET_INCEPTION_STD, ) from timm.models.vision_transformer import Block from torch import nn from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import load_pretrained_network from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY from .func_util import extract_2d_patches from .maniqa_swin import SwinTransformer default_model_urls = { "pipal": "" } def random_crop(x, sample_size=224, sample_num=8): b, c, h, w = x.shape th = tw = sample_size cropped_x = [] for s in range(sample_num): i = torch.randint(0, h - th + 1, size=(1,)).item() j = torch.randint(0, w - tw + 1, size=(1,)).item() cropped_x.append(x[:, :, i : i + th, j : j + tw]) cropped_x = torch.stack(cropped_x, dim=1) return cropped_x class TABlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim, drop=0.1): super().__init__() self.c_q = nn.Linear(dim, dim) self.c_k = nn.Linear(dim, dim) self.c_v = nn.Linear(dim, dim) self.norm_fact = dim ** -0.5 self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1) self.proj_drop = nn.Dropout(drop) def forward(self, x): _x = x B, C, N = x.shape q = self.c_q(x) k = self.c_k(x) v = self.c_v(x) attn = q @ k.transpose(-2, -1) * self.norm_fact attn = self.softmax(attn) x = (attn @ v).transpose(1, 2).reshape(B, C, N) x = self.proj_drop(x) x = x + _x return x class SaveOutput: def __init__(self): self.outputs = [] def __call__(self, module, module_in, module_out): self.outputs.append(module_out) def clear(self): self.outputs = [] @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class MANIQA(nn.Module): def __init__( self, embed_dim=768, num_outputs=1, patch_size=8, drop=0.1, depths=[2, 2], window_size=4, dim_mlp=768, num_heads=[4, 4], img_size=224, num_tab=2, scale=0.13, test_sample=20, pretrained=True, pretrained_model_path=None, default_mean=None, default_std=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__() self.img_size = img_size self.patch_size = patch_size self.input_size = img_size // patch_size self.test_sample = test_sample self.patches_resolution = (img_size // patch_size, img_size // patch_size) self.vit = timm.create_model("vit_base_patch8_224", pretrained=True) self.save_output = SaveOutput() hook_handles = [] for layer in self.vit.modules(): if isinstance(layer, Block): handle = layer.register_forward_hook(self.save_output) hook_handles.append(handle) self.tablock1 = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(num_tab): tab = TABlock(self.input_size ** 2) self.tablock1.append(tab) self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(embed_dim * 4, embed_dim, 1, 1, 0) self.swintransformer1 = SwinTransformer( patches_resolution=self.patches_resolution, depths=depths, num_heads=num_heads, embed_dim=embed_dim, window_size=window_size, dim_mlp=dim_mlp, scale=scale, ) self.tablock2 = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(num_tab): tab = TABlock(self.input_size ** 2) self.tablock2.append(tab) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, embed_dim // 2, 1, 1, 0) self.swintransformer2 = SwinTransformer( patches_resolution=self.patches_resolution, depths=depths, num_heads=num_heads, embed_dim=embed_dim // 2, window_size=window_size, dim_mlp=dim_mlp, scale=scale, ) self.fc_score = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(embed_dim // 2, embed_dim // 2), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(drop), nn.Linear(embed_dim // 2, num_outputs), nn.ReLU(), ) self.fc_weight = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(embed_dim // 2, embed_dim // 2), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(drop), nn.Linear(embed_dim // 2, num_outputs), nn.Sigmoid(), ) self.default_mean = torch.Tensor(IMAGENET_INCEPTION_MEAN).view(1, 3, 1, 1) self.default_std = torch.Tensor(IMAGENET_INCEPTION_STD).view(1, 3, 1, 1) if pretrained_model_path is not None: load_pretrained_network( self, pretrained_model_path, True, weight_keys="params" ) # load_pretrained_network(self, pretrained_model_path, True, ) elif pretrained: load_pretrained_network(self, default_model_urls["pipal"], True) def extract_feature(self, save_output): x6 = save_output.outputs[6][:, 1:] x7 = save_output.outputs[7][:, 1:] x8 = save_output.outputs[8][:, 1:] x9 = save_output.outputs[9][:, 1:] x =, x7, x8, x9), dim=2) return x def forward(self, x): x = (x - / if x_patches = random_crop(x, sample_size=224, sample_num=1) else: x_patches = random_crop(x, sample_size=224, sample_num=self.test_sample) bsz, num_patches, c, psz, psz = x_patches.shape x = x_patches.reshape(bsz * num_patches, c, psz, psz) _x = self.vit(x) x = self.extract_feature(self.save_output) self.save_output.outputs.clear() # stage 1 x = rearrange(x, "b (h w) c -> b c (h w)", h=self.input_size, w=self.input_size) for tab in self.tablock1: x = tab(x) x = rearrange(x, "b c (h w) -> b c h w", h=self.input_size, w=self.input_size) x = self.conv1(x) x = self.swintransformer1(x) # stage2 x = rearrange(x, "b c h w -> b c (h w)", h=self.input_size, w=self.input_size) for tab in self.tablock2: x = tab(x) x = rearrange(x, "b c (h w) -> b c h w", h=self.input_size, w=self.input_size) x = self.conv2(x) x = self.swintransformer2(x) x = rearrange(x, "b c h w -> b (h w) c", h=self.input_size, w=self.input_size) per_patch_score = self.fc_score(x) per_patch_score = per_patch_score.reshape(bsz, -1) per_patch_weight = self.fc_weight(x) per_patch_weight = per_patch_weight.reshape(bsz, -1) score = (per_patch_weight * per_patch_score).sum(dim=-1) / ( per_patch_weight.sum(dim=-1) + 1e-8 ) return score.unsqueeze(1)
r"""DBCNN Metric Created by: Modified by: Chaofeng Chen ( """ import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torchvision from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import load_pretrained_network from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY default_model_urls = { "csiq": "", "tid2008": "", "tid2013": "", "live": "", "livec": "", "livem": "", "koniq": "", } class SCNN(nn.Module): """Network branch for synthetic distortions. Args: use_bn (Boolean): Whether to use batch normalization. Modified from """ def __init__(self, use_bn=True): super(SCNN, self).__init__() self.num_class = 39 self.use_bn = use_bn self.features = nn.Sequential( *self._make_layers(3, 48, 3, 1, 1), *self._make_layers(48, 48, 3, 2, 1), *self._make_layers(48, 64, 3, 1, 1), *self._make_layers(64, 64, 3, 2, 1), *self._make_layers(64, 64, 3, 1, 1), *self._make_layers(64, 64, 3, 2, 1), *self._make_layers(64, 128, 3, 1, 1), *self._make_layers(128, 128, 3, 1, 1), *self._make_layers(128, 128, 3, 2, 1), ) self.pooling = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1) self.projection = nn.Sequential( *self._make_layers(128, 256, 1, 1, 0), *self._make_layers(256, 256, 1, 1, 0), ) self.classifier = nn.Linear(256, self.num_class) def _make_layers(self, in_ch, out_ch, ksz, stride, pad): if self.use_bn: layers = [ nn.Conv2d(in_ch, out_ch, ksz, stride, pad), nn.BatchNorm2d(out_ch), nn.ReLU(True), ] else: layers = [ nn.Conv2d(in_ch, out_ch, ksz, stride, pad), nn.ReLU(True), ] return layers def forward(self, X): X = self.features(X) X = self.pooling(X) X = self.projection(X) X = X.view(X.shape[0], -1) X = self.classifier(X) return X @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class DBCNN(nn.Module): """Full DBCNN network. Args: fc (Boolean): Whether initialize the fc layers. use_bn (Boolean): Whether use batch normalization. pretrained_scnn_path (String): Pretrained scnn path. default_mean (list): Default mean value. default_std (list): Default std value. Reference: Zhang, Weixia, et al. "Blind image quality assessment using a deep bilinear convolutional neural network." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 30.1 (2018): 36-47. """ def __init__( self, fc=True, use_bn=True, pretrained_scnn_path=None, pretrained=True, pretrained_model_path=None, default_mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], default_std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], ): super(DBCNN, self).__init__() # Convolution and pooling layers of VGG-16. self.features1 = torchvision.models.vgg16(pretrained=True).features self.features1 = nn.Sequential(*list(self.features1.children())[:-1]) scnn = SCNN(use_bn=use_bn) if pretrained_scnn_path is not None: load_pretrained_network(scnn, pretrained_scnn_path) self.features2 = scnn.features # Linear classifier. self.fc = torch.nn.Linear(512 * 128, 1) self.default_mean = torch.Tensor(default_mean).view(1, 3, 1, 1) self.default_std = torch.Tensor(default_std).view(1, 3, 1, 1) if fc: # Freeze all previous layers. for param in self.features1.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False for param in scnn.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False # Initialize the fc layers. nn.init.kaiming_normal_( if self.fc.bias is not None: nn.init.constant_(, val=0) if pretrained_model_path is None and pretrained: url_key = "koniq" if isinstance(pretrained, bool) else pretrained pretrained_model_path = default_model_urls[url_key] if pretrained_model_path is not None: load_pretrained_network(self, pretrained_model_path, True, "params") def preprocess(self, x): x = (x - / return x def forward(self, X): r"""Compute IQA using DBCNN model. Args: X: An input tensor with (N, C, H, W) shape. RGB channel order for colour images. Returns: Value of DBCNN model. """ X = self.preprocess(X) X1 = self.features1(X) X2 = self.features2(X) N, _, H, W = X1.shape N, _, H2, W2 = X2.shape if (H != H2) or (W != W2): X2 = F.interpolate(X2, (H, W), mode="bilinear", align_corners=True) X1 = X1.view(N, 512, H * W) X2 = X2.view(N, 128, H * W) X = torch.bmm(X1, torch.transpose(X2, 1, 2)) / (H * W) # Bilinear X = X.view(N, 512 * 128) X = torch.sqrt(X + 1e-8) X = torch.nn.functional.normalize(X) X = self.fc(X) return X
r"""PieAPP metric, proposed by Prashnani, Ekta, Hong Cai, Yasamin Mostofi, and Pradeep Sen. "Pieapp: Perceptual image-error assessment through pairwise preference." In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 1808-1817. 2018. Ref url: Modified by: Chaofeng Chen ( !!! Important Note: to keep simple test process and fair comparison with other methods, we use zero padding and extract subpatches only once rather than from multiple subimages as the original codes. """ import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import load_pretrained_network from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY from .func_util import extract_2d_patches default_model_urls = { "url": "" } class CompactLinear(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.weight = nn.parameter.Parameter(torch.randn(1)) self.bias = nn.parameter.Parameter(torch.randn(1)) def forward(self, x): return x * self.weight + self.bias @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class PieAPP(nn.Module): def __init__( self, patch_size=64, stride=27, pretrained=True, pretrained_model_path=None ): super(PieAPP, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, 3, padding=1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 3, padding=1) self.pool2 = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 3, padding=1) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(64, 128, 3, padding=1) self.pool4 = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2) self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(128, 128, 3, padding=1) self.conv6 = nn.Conv2d(128, 128, 3, padding=1) self.pool6 = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2) self.conv7 = nn.Conv2d(128, 256, 3, padding=1) self.conv8 = nn.Conv2d(256, 256, 3, padding=1) self.pool8 = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2) self.conv9 = nn.Conv2d(256, 256, 3, padding=1) self.conv10 = nn.Conv2d(256, 512, 3, padding=1) self.pool10 = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2) self.conv11 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, 3, padding=1) self.fc1_score = nn.Linear(120832, 512) self.fc2_score = nn.Linear(512, 1) self.fc1_weight = nn.Linear(2048, 512) self.fc2_weight = nn.Linear(512, 1) self.ref_score_subtract = CompactLinear() self.patch_size = patch_size self.stride = stride if pretrained_model_path is not None: load_pretrained_network(self, pretrained_model_path) elif pretrained: load_pretrained_network(self, default_model_urls["url"]) self.pretrained = pretrained def flatten(self, matrix): # takes NxCxHxW input and outputs NxHWC return torch.flatten(matrix, 1) def compute_features(self, input): # conv1 -> relu -> conv2 -> relu -> pool2 -> conv3 -> relu x3 = F.relu( self.conv3(self.pool2(F.relu(self.conv2(F.relu(self.conv1(input)))))) ) # conv4 -> relu -> pool4 -> conv5 -> relu x5 = F.relu(self.conv5(self.pool4(F.relu(self.conv4(x3))))) # conv6 -> relu -> pool6 -> conv7 -> relu x7 = F.relu(self.conv7(self.pool6(F.relu(self.conv6(x5))))) # conv8 -> relu -> pool8 -> conv9 -> relu x9 = F.relu(self.conv9(self.pool8(F.relu(self.conv8(x7))))) # conv10 -> relu -> pool10 -> conv11 -> relU x11 = self.flatten(F.relu(self.conv11(self.pool10(F.relu(self.conv10(x9)))))) # flatten and concatenate feature_ms = ( self.flatten(x3), self.flatten(x5), self.flatten(x7), self.flatten(x9), x11, ), 1, ) return feature_ms, x11 def preprocess(self, x): """Default BGR in [0, 255] in original codes""" x = x[:, [2, 1, 0]] * 255.0 return x def forward(self, dist, ref): assert ( dist.shape == ref.shape ), f"Input and reference images should have the same shape, but got {dist.shape}" f" and {ref.shape}" if self.pretrained: dist = self.preprocess(dist) ref = self.preprocess(ref) image_A_patches = extract_2d_patches( dist, self.patch_size, self.stride, padding="none" ) image_ref_patches = extract_2d_patches( ref, self.patch_size, self.stride, padding="none" ) bsz, num_patches, c, psz, psz = image_A_patches.shape image_A_patches = image_A_patches.reshape(bsz * num_patches, c, psz, psz) image_ref_patches = image_ref_patches.reshape(bsz * num_patches, c, psz, psz) A_multi_scale, A_coarse = self.compute_features(image_A_patches) ref_multi_scale, ref_coarse = self.compute_features(image_ref_patches) diff_ms = ref_multi_scale - A_multi_scale diff_coarse = ref_coarse - A_coarse # per patch score: fc1_score -> relu -> fc2_score per_patch_score = self.ref_score_subtract( 0.01 * self.fc2_score(F.relu(self.fc1_score(diff_ms))) ) per_patch_score = per_patch_score.view((-1, num_patches)) # per patch weight: fc1_weight -> relu -> fc2_weight per_patch_weight = self.fc2_weight(F.relu(self.fc1_weight(diff_coarse))) + 1e-6 per_patch_weight = per_patch_weight.view((-1, num_patches)) score = (per_patch_weight * per_patch_score).sum(dim=-1) / per_patch_weight.sum( dim=-1 ) return score.squeeze()
r"""LPIPS Model. Created by: Modified by: Jiadi Mo ( """ from collections import namedtuple import torch import torch.nn as nn from torchvision import models from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import load_pretrained_network from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY default_model_urls = { # key "url" is the default "0.0_alex": "", "0.0_vgg": "", "0.0_squeeze": "", "0.1_alex": "", "0.1_vgg": "", "0.1_squeeze": "", } def upsample(in_tens, out_HW=(64, 64)): # assumes scale factor is same for H and W return nn.Upsample(size=out_HW, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False)(in_tens) def spatial_average(in_tens, keepdim=True): return in_tens.mean([2, 3], keepdim=keepdim) def normalize_tensor(in_feat, eps=1e-10): norm_factor = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(in_feat ** 2, dim=1, keepdim=True)) return in_feat / (norm_factor + eps) @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class LPIPS(nn.Module): """LPIPS model. Args: lpips (Boolean) : Whether to use linear layers on top of base/trunk network. pretrained (Boolean): Whether means linear layers are calibrated with human perceptual judgments. pnet_rand (Boolean): Whether to randomly initialized trunk. net (String): ['alex','vgg','squeeze'] are the base/trunk networks available. version (String): choose the version ['v0.1'] is the default and latest; ['v0.0'] contained a normalization bug. pretrained_model_path (String): Petrained model path. The following parameters should only be changed if training the network: eval_mode (Boolean): choose the mode; True is for test mode (default). pnet_tune (Boolean): Whether to tune the base/trunk network. use_dropout (Boolean): Whether to use dropout when training linear layers. Reference: Zhang, Richard, et al. "The unreasonable effectiveness of deep features as a perceptual metric." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2018. """ def __init__( self, pretrained=True, net="alex", version="0.1", lpips=True, spatial=False, pnet_rand=False, pnet_tune=False, use_dropout=True, pretrained_model_path=None, eval_mode=True, **kwargs, ): super(LPIPS, self).__init__() self.pnet_type = net self.pnet_tune = pnet_tune self.pnet_rand = pnet_rand self.spatial = spatial self.lpips = lpips # false means baseline of just averaging all layers self.version = version self.scaling_layer = ScalingLayer() if self.pnet_type in ["vgg", "vgg16"]: net_type = vgg16 self.chns = [64, 128, 256, 512, 512] elif self.pnet_type == "alex": net_type = alexnet self.chns = [64, 192, 384, 256, 256] elif self.pnet_type == "squeeze": net_type = squeezenet self.chns = [64, 128, 256, 384, 384, 512, 512] self.L = len(self.chns) = net_type(pretrained=not self.pnet_rand, requires_grad=self.pnet_tune) if lpips: self.lin0 = NetLinLayer(self.chns[0], use_dropout=use_dropout) self.lin1 = NetLinLayer(self.chns[1], use_dropout=use_dropout) self.lin2 = NetLinLayer(self.chns[2], use_dropout=use_dropout) self.lin3 = NetLinLayer(self.chns[3], use_dropout=use_dropout) self.lin4 = NetLinLayer(self.chns[4], use_dropout=use_dropout) self.lins = [self.lin0, self.lin1, self.lin2, self.lin3, self.lin4] if self.pnet_type == "squeeze": # 7 layers for squeezenet self.lin5 = NetLinLayer(self.chns[5], use_dropout=use_dropout) self.lin6 = NetLinLayer(self.chns[6], use_dropout=use_dropout) self.lins += [self.lin5, self.lin6] self.lins = nn.ModuleList(self.lins) if pretrained_model_path is not None: load_pretrained_network(self, pretrained_model_path, False) elif pretrained: load_pretrained_network( self, default_model_urls[f"{version}_{net}"], False ) if eval_mode: self.eval() def forward(self, in1, in0, retPerLayer=False, normalize=True): r"""Computation IQA using LPIPS. Args: in1: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. in0: A reference tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. retPerLayer (Boolean): return result contains ressult of each layer or not. Default: False. normalize (Boolean): Whether to normalize image data range in [0,1] to [-1,1]. Default: True. Returns: Quality score. """ if ( normalize ): # turn on this flag if input is [0,1] so it can be adjusted to [-1, +1] in0 = 2 * in0 - 1 in1 = 2 * in1 - 1 # v0.0 - original release had a bug, where input was not scaled in0_input, in1_input = ( (self.scaling_layer(in0), self.scaling_layer(in1)) if self.version == "0.1" else (in0, in1) ) outs0, outs1 =, feats0, feats1, diffs = {}, {}, {} for kk in range(self.L): feats0[kk], feats1[kk] = normalize_tensor(outs0[kk]), normalize_tensor( outs1[kk] ) diffs[kk] = (feats0[kk] - feats1[kk]) ** 2 if self.lpips: if self.spatial: res = [ upsample(self.lins[kk](diffs[kk]), out_HW=in0.shape[2:]) for kk in range(self.L) ] else: res = [ spatial_average(self.lins[kk](diffs[kk]), keepdim=True) for kk in range(self.L) ] else: if self.spatial: res = [ upsample(diffs[kk].sum(dim=1, keepdim=True), out_HW=in0.shape[2:]) for kk in range(self.L) ] else: res = [ spatial_average(diffs[kk].sum(dim=1, keepdim=True), keepdim=True) for kk in range(self.L) ] val = 0 for i in range(self.L): val += res[i] if retPerLayer: return (val, res) else: return val.squeeze() class ScalingLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(ScalingLayer, self).__init__() self.register_buffer( "shift", torch.Tensor([-0.030, -0.088, -0.188])[None, :, None, None] ) self.register_buffer( "scale", torch.Tensor([0.458, 0.448, 0.450])[None, :, None, None] ) def forward(self, inp): return (inp - self.shift) / self.scale class NetLinLayer(nn.Module): """A single linear layer which does a 1x1 conv""" def __init__(self, chn_in, chn_out=1, use_dropout=False): super(NetLinLayer, self).__init__() layers = ( [ nn.Dropout(), ] if (use_dropout) else [] ) layers += [ nn.Conv2d(chn_in, chn_out, 1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False), ] self.model = nn.Sequential(*layers) def forward(self, x): return self.model(x) class squeezenet(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, requires_grad=False, pretrained=True): super(squeezenet, self).__init__() pretrained_features = models.squeezenet1_1(pretrained=pretrained).features self.slice1 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.slice2 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.slice3 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.slice4 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.slice5 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.slice6 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.slice7 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.N_slices = 7 for x in range(2): self.slice1.add_module(str(x), pretrained_features[x]) for x in range(2, 5): self.slice2.add_module(str(x), pretrained_features[x]) for x in range(5, 8): self.slice3.add_module(str(x), pretrained_features[x]) for x in range(8, 10): self.slice4.add_module(str(x), pretrained_features[x]) for x in range(10, 11): self.slice5.add_module(str(x), pretrained_features[x]) for x in range(11, 12): self.slice6.add_module(str(x), pretrained_features[x]) for x in range(12, 13): self.slice7.add_module(str(x), pretrained_features[x]) if not requires_grad: for param in self.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False def forward(self, X): h = self.slice1(X) h_relu1 = h h = self.slice2(h) h_relu2 = h h = self.slice3(h) h_relu3 = h h = self.slice4(h) h_relu4 = h h = self.slice5(h) h_relu5 = h h = self.slice6(h) h_relu6 = h h = self.slice7(h) h_relu7 = h vgg_outputs = namedtuple( "SqueezeOutputs", ["relu1", "relu2", "relu3", "relu4", "relu5", "relu6", "relu7"], ) out = vgg_outputs(h_relu1, h_relu2, h_relu3, h_relu4, h_relu5, h_relu6, h_relu7) return out class alexnet(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, requires_grad=False, pretrained=True): super(alexnet, self).__init__() alexnet_pretrained_features = models.alexnet(pretrained=pretrained).features self.slice1 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.slice2 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.slice3 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.slice4 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.slice5 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.N_slices = 5 for x in range(2): self.slice1.add_module(str(x), alexnet_pretrained_features[x]) for x in range(2, 5): self.slice2.add_module(str(x), alexnet_pretrained_features[x]) for x in range(5, 8): self.slice3.add_module(str(x), alexnet_pretrained_features[x]) for x in range(8, 10): self.slice4.add_module(str(x), alexnet_pretrained_features[x]) for x in range(10, 12): self.slice5.add_module(str(x), alexnet_pretrained_features[x]) if not requires_grad: for param in self.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False def forward(self, X): h = self.slice1(X) h_relu1 = h h = self.slice2(h) h_relu2 = h h = self.slice3(h) h_relu3 = h h = self.slice4(h) h_relu4 = h h = self.slice5(h) h_relu5 = h alexnet_outputs = namedtuple( "AlexnetOutputs", ["relu1", "relu2", "relu3", "relu4", "relu5"] ) out = alexnet_outputs(h_relu1, h_relu2, h_relu3, h_relu4, h_relu5) return out class vgg16(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, requires_grad=False, pretrained=True): super(vgg16, self).__init__() vgg_pretrained_features = models.vgg16(pretrained=pretrained).features self.slice1 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.slice2 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.slice3 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.slice4 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.slice5 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.N_slices = 5 for x in range(4): self.slice1.add_module(str(x), vgg_pretrained_features[x]) for x in range(4, 9): self.slice2.add_module(str(x), vgg_pretrained_features[x]) for x in range(9, 16): self.slice3.add_module(str(x), vgg_pretrained_features[x]) for x in range(16, 23): self.slice4.add_module(str(x), vgg_pretrained_features[x]) for x in range(23, 30): self.slice5.add_module(str(x), vgg_pretrained_features[x]) if not requires_grad: for param in self.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False def forward(self, X): h = self.slice1(X) h_relu1_2 = h h = self.slice2(h) h_relu2_2 = h h = self.slice3(h) h_relu3_3 = h h = self.slice4(h) h_relu4_3 = h h = self.slice5(h) h_relu5_3 = h vgg_outputs = namedtuple( "VggOutputs", ["relu1_2", "relu2_2", "relu3_3", "relu4_3", "relu5_3"] ) out = vgg_outputs(h_relu1_2, h_relu2_2, h_relu3_3, h_relu4_3, h_relu5_3) return out class resnet(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, requires_grad=False, pretrained=True, num=18): super(resnet, self).__init__() if num == 18: = models.resnet18(pretrained=pretrained) elif num == 34: = models.resnet34(pretrained=pretrained) elif num == 50: = models.resnet50(pretrained=pretrained) elif num == 101: = models.resnet101(pretrained=pretrained) elif num == 152: = models.resnet152(pretrained=pretrained) self.N_slices = 5 self.conv1 = self.bn1 = self.relu = self.maxpool = self.layer1 = self.layer2 = self.layer3 = self.layer4 = def forward(self, X): h = self.conv1(X) h = self.bn1(h) h = self.relu(h) h_relu1 = h h = self.maxpool(h) h = self.layer1(h) h_conv2 = h h = self.layer2(h) h_conv3 = h h = self.layer3(h) h_conv4 = h h = self.layer4(h) h_conv5 = h outputs = namedtuple("Outputs", ["relu1", "conv2", "conv3", "conv4", "conv5"]) out = outputs(h_relu1, h_conv2, h_conv3, h_conv4, h_conv5) return out
r"""HyperNet Metric Created by: Modified by: Chaofeng Chen ( """ import timm import torch import torch.nn as nn from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class HyperNet(nn.Module): """HyperNet Model. Args: base_model_name (String): pretrained model to extract features, can be any models supported by timm. Default: resnet50. pretrained_model_path (String): Pretrained model path. default_mean (list): Default mean value. default_std (list): Default std value. Reference: Su, Shaolin, Qingsen Yan, Yu Zhu, Cheng Zhang, Xin Ge, Jinqiu Sun, and Yanning Zhang. "Blindly assess image quality in the wild guided by a self-adaptive hyper network." In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 3667-3676. 2020. """ def __init__( self, base_model_name="resnet50", pretrained_model_path=None, default_mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], default_std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], ): super(HyperNet, self).__init__() self.base_model = timm.create_model( base_model_name, pretrained=True, features_only=True ) lda_out_channels = 16 hyper_in_channels = 112 target_in_size = 224 hyper_fc_channels = [112, 56, 28, 14, 1] feature_size = 7 # spatial size of the last features from base model self.hyper_fc_channels = hyper_fc_channels # local distortion aware module self.lda_modules = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(256, 16, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False), nn.AvgPool2d(7, stride=7), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(16 * 64, lda_out_channels), ), nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(512, 32, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False), nn.AvgPool2d(7, stride=7), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(32 * 16, lda_out_channels), ), nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1024, 64, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False), nn.AvgPool2d(7, stride=7), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(64 * 4, lda_out_channels), ), nn.Sequential( nn.AvgPool2d(7, stride=7), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(2048, target_in_size - lda_out_channels * 3), ), ] ) # Hyper network part, conv for generating target fc weights, fc for generating target fc biases self.fc_w_modules = nn.ModuleList([]) for i in range(4): if i == 0: out_ch = int(target_in_size * hyper_fc_channels[i] / feature_size ** 2) else: out_ch = int( hyper_fc_channels[i - 1] * hyper_fc_channels[i] / feature_size ** 2 ) self.fc_w_modules.append( nn.Conv2d(hyper_in_channels, out_ch, 3, padding=(1, 1)), ) self.fc_w_modules.append( nn.Sequential( nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(hyper_in_channels, hyper_fc_channels[3]), ) ) self.fc_b_modules = nn.ModuleList([]) for i in range(5): self.fc_b_modules.append( nn.Sequential( nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(hyper_in_channels, hyper_fc_channels[i]), ) ) # Conv layers for resnet output features self.conv1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(2048, 1024, 1, padding=(0, 0)), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(1024, 512, 1, padding=(0, 0)), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(512, hyper_in_channels, 1, padding=(0, 0)), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ) self.global_pool = nn.Sequential() self.default_mean = torch.Tensor(default_mean).view(1, 3, 1, 1) self.default_std = torch.Tensor(default_std).view(1, 3, 1, 1) def load_pretrained_network(self, model_path): state_dict = torch.load(model_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu"))[ "state_dict" ], strict=True) def preprocess(self, x): # input must have shape of (224, 224) because of network design if x.shape[2:] != torch.Size([224, 224]): x = nn.functional.interpolate(x, (224, 224), mode="bicubic") x = (x - / return x def random_crop_test(self, x, sample_num=25): b, c, h, w = x.shape th = tw = 224 cropped_x = [] for s in range(sample_num): i = torch.randint(0, h - th + 1, size=(1,)).item() j = torch.randint(0, w - tw + 1, size=(1,)).item() cropped_x.append(x[:, :, i : i + th, j : j + tw]) cropped_x =, dim=0) results = self.forward_patch(cropped_x) results = results.reshape(sample_num, b).mean(dim=0) return results.unsqueeze(-1) def forward_patch(self, x): assert x.shape[2:] == torch.Size( [224, 224] ), f"Input patch size must be (224, 224), but got {x.shape[2:]}" x = self.preprocess(x) base_feats = self.base_model(x)[1:] # multi-scale local distortion aware features lda_feat_list = [] for bf, ldam in zip(base_feats, self.lda_modules): lda_feat_list.append(ldam(bf)) lda_feat =, dim=1) # calculate target net weights & bias target_fc_w = [] target_fc_b = [] hyper_in_feat = self.conv1(base_feats[-1]) batch_size = hyper_in_feat.shape[0] for i in range(len(self.fc_w_modules)): tmp_fc_w = self.fc_w_modules[i](hyper_in_feat).reshape( batch_size, self.hyper_fc_channels[i], -1 ) target_fc_w.append(tmp_fc_w) target_fc_b.append(self.fc_b_modules[i](hyper_in_feat)) # get final IQA score x = lda_feat.unsqueeze(1) for i in range(len(target_fc_w)): if i != 4: x = torch.sigmoid( torch.bmm(x, target_fc_w[i].transpose(1, 2)) + target_fc_b[i].unsqueeze(1) ) else: x = torch.bmm(x, target_fc_w[i].transpose(1, 2)) + target_fc_b[ i ].unsqueeze(1) return x.squeeze(-1) def forward(self, x): r"""HYPERNET model. Args: x: A distortion tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. """ # imagenet normalization of input is hard coded if return self.forward_patch(x) else: return self.random_crop_test(x)
r"""SSIM, MS-SSIM, CW-SSIM Metric Created by: - - - Modified by: Jiadi Mo ( Refer to: - Offical SSIM matlab code from; - PIQ from; - BasicSR from; - Offical MS-SSIM matlab code from; - Offical CW-SSIM matlab code from; """ import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from pyiqa.matlab_utils import SCFpyr_PyTorch, filter2, fspecial, math_util from pyiqa.utils.color_util import to_y_channel from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY def ssim( X, Y, win, get_ssim_map=False, get_cs=False, get_weight=False, downsample=False, data_range=1.0, test_y_channel=True, color_space="yiq", ): data_range = 255 # Whether calculate on y channel of ycbcr if test_y_channel and X.shape[1] == 3: X = to_y_channel(X, data_range, color_space) Y = to_y_channel(Y, data_range, color_space) else: X = X * data_range X = X - X.detach() + X.round() Y = Y * data_range Y = Y - Y.detach() + Y.round() C1 = (0.01 * data_range) ** 2 C2 = (0.03 * data_range) ** 2 # Averagepool image if the size is large enough f = max(1, round(min(X.size()[-2:]) / 256)) # Downsample operation is used in official matlab code if (f > 1) and downsample: X = F.avg_pool2d(X, kernel_size=f) Y = F.avg_pool2d(Y, kernel_size=f) win = mu1 = filter2(X, win, "valid") mu2 = filter2(Y, win, "valid") mu1_sq = mu1.pow(2) mu2_sq = mu2.pow(2) mu1_mu2 = mu1 * mu2 sigma1_sq = filter2(X * X, win, "valid") - mu1_sq sigma2_sq = filter2(Y * Y, win, "valid") - mu2_sq sigma12 = filter2(X * Y, win, "valid") - mu1_mu2 cs_map = (2 * sigma12 + C2) / (sigma1_sq + sigma2_sq + C2) cs_map = F.relu( cs_map ) # force the ssim response to be nonnegative to avoid negative results. ssim_map = ((2 * mu1_mu2 + C1) / (mu1_sq + mu2_sq + C1)) * cs_map ssim_val = ssim_map.mean([1, 2, 3]) if get_weight: weights = torch.log((1 + sigma1_sq / C2) * (1 + sigma2_sq / C2)) return ssim_map, weights if get_ssim_map: return ssim_map if get_cs: return ssim_val, cs_map.mean([1, 2, 3]) return ssim_val @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class SSIM(torch.nn.Module): r"""Args: channel: number of channel. downsample: boolean, whether to downsample same as official matlab code. test_y_channel: boolean, whether to use y channel on ycbcr same as official matlab code. """ def __init__( self, channels=3, downsample=False, test_y_channel=True, color_space="yiq", crop_border=0.0, ): super(SSIM, self).__init__() = fspecial(11, 1.5, channels) self.downsample = downsample self.test_y_channel = test_y_channel self.color_space = color_space self.crop_border = crop_border def forward(self, X, Y): assert ( X.shape == Y.shape ), f"Input {X.shape} and reference images should have the same shape" if self.crop_border != 0: crop_border = self.crop_border X = X[..., crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border] Y = Y[..., crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border] score = ssim( X, Y,, downsample=self.downsample, test_y_channel=self.test_y_channel, color_space=self.color_space, ) return score def ms_ssim( X, Y, win, data_range=1.0, downsample=False, test_y_channel=True, is_prod=True, color_space="yiq", ): r"""Compute Multiscale structural similarity for a batch of images. Args: x: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. y: A target tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. win: Window setting. downsample: Boolean, whether to downsample which mimics official SSIM matlab code. test_y_channel: Boolean, whether to use y channel on ycbcr. is_prod: Boolean, calculate product or sum between mcs and weight. Returns: Index of similarity betwen two images. Usually in [0, 1] interval. """ if not X.shape == Y.shape: raise ValueError("Input images must have the same dimensions.") weights = torch.FloatTensor([0.0448, 0.2856, 0.3001, 0.2363, 0.1333]).to(X) levels = weights.shape[0] mcs = [] for _ in range(levels): ssim_val, cs = ssim( X, Y, win=win, get_cs=True, downsample=downsample, data_range=data_range, test_y_channel=test_y_channel, color_space=color_space, ) mcs.append(cs) padding = (X.shape[2] % 2, X.shape[3] % 2) X = F.avg_pool2d(X, kernel_size=2, padding=padding) Y = F.avg_pool2d(Y, kernel_size=2, padding=padding) mcs = torch.stack(mcs, dim=0) if is_prod: msssim_val =[:-1] ** weights[:-1].unsqueeze(1)), dim=0) * ( ssim_val ** weights[-1] ) else: weights = weights / torch.sum(weights) msssim_val = torch.sum((mcs[:-1] * weights[:-1].unsqueeze(1)), dim=0) + ( ssim_val * weights[-1] ) return msssim_val @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class MS_SSIM(torch.nn.Module): r"""Multiscale structure similarity References: Wang, Zhou, Eero P. Simoncelli, and Alan C. Bovik. "Multiscale structural similarity for image quality assessment." In The Thrity-Seventh Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers, 2003, vol. 2, pp. 1398-1402. Ieee, 2003. Args: channel: Number of channel. downsample: Boolean, whether to downsample which mimics official SSIM matlab code. test_y_channel: Boolean, whether to use y channel on ycbcr which mimics official matlab code. """ def __init__( self, channels=3, downsample=False, test_y_channel=True, is_prod=True, color_space="yiq", ): super(MS_SSIM, self).__init__() = fspecial(11, 1.5, channels) self.downsample = downsample self.test_y_channel = test_y_channel self.color_space = color_space self.is_prod = is_prod def forward(self, X, Y): """Computation of MS-SSIM metric. Args: x: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. y: A target tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Returns: Value of MS-SSIM metric in [0, 1] range. """ assert ( X.shape == Y.shape ), "Input and reference images should have the same shape, but got" f"{X.shape} and {Y.shape}" score = ms_ssim( X, Y,, downsample=self.downsample, test_y_channel=self.test_y_channel, is_prod=self.is_prod, color_space=self.color_space, ) return score @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class CW_SSIM(torch.nn.Module): r"""Complex-Wavelet Structural SIMilarity (CW-SSIM) index. References: M. P. Sampat, Z. Wang, S. Gupta, A. C. Bovik, M. K. Markey. "Complex Wavelet Structural Similarity: A New Image Similarity Index", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 18(11), 2385-401, 2009. Args: channel: Number of channel. test_y_channel: Boolean, whether to use y channel on ycbcr. level: The number of levels to used in the complex steerable pyramid decomposition ori: The number of orientations to be used in the complex steerable pyramid decomposition guardb: How much is discarded from the four image boundaries. K: the constant in the CWSSIM index formula (see the above reference) default value: K=0 """ def __init__( self, channels=1, level=4, ori=8, guardb=0, K=0, test_y_channel=True, color_space="yiq", ): super(CW_SSIM, self).__init__() self.channels = channels self.level = level self.ori = ori self.guardb = guardb self.K = K self.test_y_channel = test_y_channel self.color_space = color_space self.register_buffer("win7", torch.ones(channels, 1, 7, 7) / (7 * 7)) def conj(self, x, y): a = x[..., 0] b = x[..., 1] c = y[..., 0] d = -y[..., 1] return torch.stack((a * c - b * d, b * c + a * d), dim=1) def conv2d_complex(self, x, win, groups=1): real = F.conv2d(x[:, 0, ...].unsqueeze(1), win, groups=groups) imaginary = F.conv2d(x[:, 1, ...].unsqueeze(1), win, groups=groups) return torch.stack((real, imaginary), dim=-1) def cw_ssim(self, x, y, test_y_channel): r"""Compute CW-SSIM for a batch of images. Args: x: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. y: A target tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. test_y_channel: Boolean, whether to use y channel on ycbcr. Returns: Index of similarity betwen two images. Usually in [0, 1] interval. """ # Whether calculate on y channel of ycbcr if test_y_channel and x.shape[1] == 3: x = to_y_channel(x, 255, self.color_space) y = to_y_channel(y, 255, self.color_space) pyr = SCFpyr_PyTorch( height=self.level, nbands=self.ori, scale_factor=2, device=x.device ) cw_x = cw_y = bandind = self.level band_cssim = [] s = np.array(cw_x[bandind][0].size()[1:3]) w = fspecial(s - 7 + 1, s[0] / 4, 1).to(x.device) gb = int(self.guardb / (2 ** (self.level - 1))) for i in range(self.ori): band1 = cw_x[bandind][i] band2 = cw_y[bandind][i] band1 = band1[:, gb : s[0] - gb, gb : s[1] - gb, :] band2 = band2[:, gb : s[0] - gb, gb : s[1] - gb, :] corr = self.conj(band1, band2) corr_band = self.conv2d_complex(corr, self.win7, groups=self.channels) varr = ( (math_util.abs(band1)) ** 2 + (math_util.abs(band2)) ** 2 ).unsqueeze(1) varr_band = F.conv2d( varr, self.win7, stride=1, padding=0, groups=self.channels ) cssim_map = (2 * math_util.abs(corr_band) + self.K) / (varr_band + self.K) band_cssim.append( (cssim_map * w.repeat(cssim_map.shape[0], 1, 1, 1)).sum([2, 3]).mean(1) ) return torch.stack(band_cssim, dim=1).mean(1) def forward(self, X, Y): r"""Computation of CW-SSIM metric. Args: X: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Y: A target tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Returns: Value of CW-SSIM metric in [0, 1] range. """ assert ( X.shape == Y.shape ), f"Input {X.shape} and reference images should have the same shape" score = self.cw_ssim(X, Y, self.test_y_channel) return score
import numpy as np import timm import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from pyexpat import model from timm.models.resnet import BasicBlock, Bottleneck from timm.models.vision_transformer import Block from torchvision.ops.deform_conv import DeformConv2d from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import ( ExactPadding2d, default_init_weights, load_file_from_url, load_pretrained_network, to_2tuple, ) from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY default_model_urls = { "pipal": "" } def random_crop(x, y, crop_size, crop_num): b, c, h, w = x.shape ch, cw = to_2tuple(crop_size) crops_x = [] crops_y = [] for i in range(crop_num): sh = np.random.randint(0, h - ch) sw = np.random.randint(0, w - cw) crops_x.append(x[..., sh : sh + ch, sw : sw + cw]) crops_y.append(y[..., sh : sh + ch, sw : sw + cw]) crops_x = torch.stack(crops_x, dim=1) crops_y = torch.stack(crops_y, dim=1) return crops_x.reshape(b * crop_num, c, ch, cw), crops_y.reshape( b * crop_num, c, ch, cw ) class SaveOutput: def __init__(self): self.outputs = {} def __call__(self, module, module_in, module_out): if module_out.device in self.outputs.keys(): self.outputs[module_out.device].append(module_out) else: self.outputs[module_out.device] = [module_out] def clear(self, device): self.outputs[device] = [] class DeformFusion(nn.Module): def __init__( self, patch_size=8, in_channels=768 * 5, cnn_channels=256 * 3, out_channels=256 * 3, ): super().__init__() # in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding self.d_hidn = 512 if patch_size == 8: stride = 1 else: stride = 2 self.conv_offset = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, 2 * 3 * 3, 3, 1, 1) self.deform = DeformConv2d(cnn_channels, out_channels, 3, 1, 1) self.conv1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d( in_channels=out_channels, out_channels=self.d_hidn, kernel_size=3, padding=1, stride=2, ), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d( in_channels=self.d_hidn, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1, stride=stride, ), ) def forward(self, cnn_feat, vit_feat): vit_feat = F.interpolate(vit_feat, size=cnn_feat.shape[-2:], mode="nearest") offset = self.conv_offset(vit_feat) deform_feat = self.deform(cnn_feat, offset) deform_feat = self.conv1(deform_feat) return deform_feat class Pixel_Prediction(nn.Module): def __init__(self, inchannels=768 * 5 + 256 * 3, outchannels=256, d_hidn=1024): super().__init__() self.d_hidn = d_hidn self.down_channel = nn.Conv2d(inchannels, outchannels, kernel_size=1) self.feat_smoothing = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d( in_channels=256 * 3, out_channels=self.d_hidn, kernel_size=3, padding=1 ), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d( in_channels=self.d_hidn, out_channels=512, kernel_size=3, padding=1 ), ) self.conv1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), ) self.conv_attent = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=1, kernel_size=1), nn.Sigmoid() ) self.conv = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=1, kernel_size=1), ) def forward(self, f_dis, f_ref, cnn_dis, cnn_ref): f_dis =, cnn_dis), 1) f_ref =, cnn_ref), 1) f_dis = self.down_channel(f_dis) f_ref = self.down_channel(f_ref) f_cat = - f_ref, f_dis, f_ref), 1) feat_fused = self.feat_smoothing(f_cat) feat = self.conv1(feat_fused) f = self.conv(feat) w = self.conv_attent(feat) pred = (f * w).sum(dim=-1).sum(dim=-1) / w.sum(dim=-1).sum(dim=-1) return pred @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class AHIQ(nn.Module): def __init__( self, num_crop=20, crop_size=224, default_mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], default_std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], pretrained=True, pretrained_model_path=None, ): super().__init__() self.resnet50 = timm.create_model("resnet50", pretrained=True) self.vit = timm.create_model("vit_base_patch8_224", pretrained=True) self.fix_network(self.resnet50) self.fix_network(self.vit) self.deform_net = DeformFusion() self.regressor = Pixel_Prediction() # register hook to get intermediate features self.init_saveoutput() self.default_mean = torch.Tensor(default_mean).view(1, 3, 1, 1) self.default_std = torch.Tensor(default_std).view(1, 3, 1, 1) if pretrained_model_path is not None: load_pretrained_network( self, pretrained_model_path, True, weight_keys="params" ) elif pretrained: weight_path = load_file_from_url(default_model_urls["pipal"]) checkpoint = torch.load(weight_path) self.regressor.load_state_dict(checkpoint["regressor_model_state_dict"]) self.deform_net.load_state_dict(checkpoint["deform_net_model_state_dict"]) self.eps = 1e-12 self.crops = num_crop self.crop_size = crop_size def init_saveoutput(self): self.save_output = SaveOutput() hook_handles = [] for layer in self.resnet50.modules(): if isinstance(layer, Bottleneck): handle = layer.register_forward_hook(self.save_output) hook_handles.append(handle) for layer in self.vit.modules(): if isinstance(layer, Block): handle = layer.register_forward_hook(self.save_output) hook_handles.append(handle) def fix_network(self, model): for p in model.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False def preprocess(self, x): x = (x - / return x @torch.no_grad() def get_vit_feature(self, x): self.vit(x) feat = ( self.save_output.outputs[x.device][0][:, 1:, :], self.save_output.outputs[x.device][1][:, 1:, :], self.save_output.outputs[x.device][2][:, 1:, :], self.save_output.outputs[x.device][3][:, 1:, :], self.save_output.outputs[x.device][4][:, 1:, :], ), dim=2, ) self.save_output.clear(x.device) return feat @torch.no_grad() def get_resnet_feature(self, x): self.resnet50(x) feat = ( self.save_output.outputs[x.device][0], self.save_output.outputs[x.device][1], self.save_output.outputs[x.device][2], ), dim=1, ) self.save_output.clear(x.device) return feat def regress_score(self, dis, ref): self.resnet50.eval() self.vit.eval() dis = self.preprocess(dis) ref = self.preprocess(ref) vit_dis = self.get_vit_feature(dis) vit_ref = self.get_vit_feature(ref) B, N, C = vit_ref.shape H, W = 28, 28 vit_ref = vit_ref.transpose(1, 2).view(B, C, H, W) vit_dis = vit_dis.transpose(1, 2).view(B, C, H, W) cnn_dis = self.get_resnet_feature(dis) cnn_ref = self.get_resnet_feature(ref) cnn_dis = self.deform_net(cnn_dis, vit_ref) cnn_ref = self.deform_net(cnn_ref, vit_ref) score = self.regressor(vit_dis, vit_ref, cnn_dis, cnn_ref) return score def forward(self, x, y): bsz = x.shape[0] if self.crops > 1 and not x, y = random_crop(x, y, self.crop_size, self.crops) score = self.regress_score(x, y) score = score.reshape(bsz, self.crops, 1) score = score.mean(dim=1) else: score = self.regress_score(x, y) return score
r"""Paq2piq metric, proposed by Ying, Zhenqiang, Haoran Niu, Praful Gupta, Dhruv Mahajan, Deepti Ghadiyaram, and Alan Bovik. "From patches to pictures (PaQ-2-PiQ): Mapping the perceptual space of picture quality." In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 3575-3585. 2020. Ref url: Modified by: Chaofeng Chen ( """ import torch import torch.nn as nn import torchvision as tv from torchvision.ops import RoIPool from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import load_pretrained_network from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY default_model_urls = { "url": "" "", } class AdaptiveConcatPool2d(nn.Module): def __init__(self, sz=None): super().__init__() sz = sz or (1, 1) self.ap = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(sz) = nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d(sz) def forward(self, x): return[, self.ap(x)], 1) @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class PAQ2PIQ(nn.Module): def __init__( self, backbone="resnet18", pretrained=True, pretrained_model_path=None ): super(PAQ2PIQ, self).__init__() if backbone == "resnet18": model = tv.models.resnet18(pretrained=False) cut = -2 spatial_scale = 1 / 32 self.blk_size = 20, 20 self.model_type = self.__class__.__name__ self.body = nn.Sequential(*list(model.children())[:cut]) self.head = nn.Sequential( AdaptiveConcatPool2d(), nn.Flatten(), nn.BatchNorm1d( 1024, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True ), nn.Dropout(p=0.25, inplace=False), nn.Linear(in_features=1024, out_features=512, bias=True), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.BatchNorm1d( 512, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True ), nn.Dropout(p=0.5, inplace=False), nn.Linear(in_features=512, out_features=1, bias=True), ) self.roi_pool = RoIPool((2, 2), spatial_scale) if pretrained_model_path is not None: load_pretrained_network(self, pretrained_model_path) elif pretrained: load_pretrained_network(self, default_model_urls["url"]) def forward(self, x): im_data = x batch_size = im_data.shape[0] feats = self.body(im_data) global_rois = torch.tensor([0, 0, x.shape[-1], x.shape[-2]]).reshape(1, 4).to(x) feats = self.roi_pool(feats, [global_rois] * batch_size) preds = self.head(feats) return preds.view(batch_size, -1)
"""CKDN model. Created by: Chaofeng Chen ( Refer to: """ import math import torch import torch.nn as nn import torchvision as tv from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import load_pretrained_network from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY try: from torch.hub import load_state_dict_from_url except ImportError: from torch.utils.model_zoo import load_url as load_state_dict_from_url default_model_urls = { "url": "" } model_urls = { "resnet50": "", } def conv3x3(in_planes, out_planes, stride=1, groups=1, dilation=1): """3x3 convolution with padding""" return nn.Conv2d( in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=3, stride=stride, padding=dilation, groups=groups, bias=False, dilation=dilation, ) def conv1x1(in_planes, out_planes, stride=1): """1x1 convolution""" return nn.Conv2d(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False) class BasicBlock(nn.Module): expansion = 1 __constants__ = ["downsample"] def __init__( self, inplanes, planes, stride=1, downsample=None, groups=1, base_width=64, dilation=1, norm_layer=None, ): super(BasicBlock, self).__init__() if norm_layer is None: norm_layer = nn.BatchNorm2d if groups != 1 or base_width != 64: raise ValueError("BasicBlock only supports groups=1 and base_width=64") if dilation > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Dilation > 1 not supported in BasicBlock") # Both self.conv1 and self.downsample layers downsample the input when stride != 1 self.conv1 = conv3x3(inplanes, planes, stride) self.bn1 = norm_layer(planes) self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) self.conv2 = conv3x3(planes, planes) self.bn2 = norm_layer(planes) self.downsample = downsample self.stride = stride def forward(self, x): identity = x out = self.conv1(x) out = self.bn1(out) out = self.relu(out) out = self.conv2(out) out = self.bn2(out) if self.downsample is not None: identity = self.downsample(x) out += identity out = self.relu(out) return out class Bottleneck(nn.Module): expansion = 4 __constants__ = ["downsample"] def __init__( self, inplanes, planes, stride=1, downsample=None, groups=1, base_width=64, dilation=1, norm_layer=None, ): super(Bottleneck, self).__init__() if norm_layer is None: norm_layer = nn.BatchNorm2d width = int(planes * (base_width / 64.0)) * groups # Both self.conv2 and self.downsample layers downsample the input when stride != 1 self.conv1 = conv1x1(inplanes, width) self.bn1 = norm_layer(width) self.conv2 = conv3x3(width, width, stride, groups, dilation) self.bn2 = norm_layer(width) self.conv3 = conv1x1(width, planes * self.expansion) self.bn3 = norm_layer(planes * self.expansion) self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) self.downsample = downsample self.stride = stride def forward(self, x): identity = x out = self.conv1(x) out = self.bn1(out) out = self.relu(out) out = self.conv2(out) out = self.bn2(out) out = self.relu(out) out = self.conv3(out) out = self.bn3(out) if self.downsample is not None: identity = self.downsample(x) out = out + identity out = self.relu(out) return out class ResNet(nn.Module): def __init__( self, block, layers, num_classes=1000, zero_init_residual=False, groups=1, width_per_group=64, replace_stride_with_dilation=None, norm_layer=None, ): super(ResNet, self).__init__() if norm_layer is None: norm_layer = nn.BatchNorm2d self._norm_layer = norm_layer self.inplanes = 64 self.dilation = 1 self.k = 3 if replace_stride_with_dilation is None: # each element in the tuple indicates if we should replace # the 2x2 stride with a dilated convolution instead replace_stride_with_dilation = [False, False, False] if len(replace_stride_with_dilation) != 3: raise ValueError( "replace_stride_with_dilation should be None " "or a 3-element tuple, got {}".format(replace_stride_with_dilation) ) self.groups = groups self.base_width = width_per_group self.head = 8 self.qse_1 = nn.Conv2d( 3, self.inplanes, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3, bias=False ) self.qse_2 = self._make_layer(block, 64, layers[0]) self.csp = self._make_layer(block, 128, layers[1], stride=2, dilate=False) self.inplanes = 64 self.dte_1 = nn.Conv2d( 3, self.inplanes, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3, bias=False ) self.dte_2 = self._make_layer(block, 64, layers[0]) self.aux_csp = self._make_layer(block, 128, layers[1], stride=2, dilate=False) self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.avgpool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, 1)) self.fc_ = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear((512) * 1 * 1, 2048), nn.ReLU(True), nn.Dropout(), nn.Linear(2048, 2048), nn.ReLU(True), nn.Dropout(), nn.Linear(2048, 1), ) self.fc1_ = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear((512) * 1 * 1, 2048), nn.ReLU(True), nn.Dropout(), nn.Linear(2048, 2048), nn.ReLU(True), nn.Dropout(), nn.Linear(2048, 1), ) for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, mode="fan_out", nonlinearity="relu") elif isinstance(m, (nn.BatchNorm2d, nn.GroupNorm)): nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) # Zero-initialize the last BN in each residual branch, # so that the residual branch starts with zeros, and each residual block behaves like an identity. # This improves the model by 0.2~0.3% according to if zero_init_residual: for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, Bottleneck): nn.init.constant_(m.bn3.weight, 0) elif isinstance(m, BasicBlock): nn.init.constant_(m.bn2.weight, 0) def _make_layer(self, block, planes, blocks, stride=1, dilate=False): norm_layer = self._norm_layer downsample = None previous_dilation = self.dilation if dilate: self.dilation *= stride stride = 1 if stride != 1 or self.inplanes != planes * block.expansion: downsample = nn.Sequential( conv1x1(self.inplanes, planes * block.expansion, stride), norm_layer(planes * block.expansion), ) layers = [] layers.append( block( self.inplanes, planes, stride, downsample, self.groups, self.base_width, previous_dilation, norm_layer, ) ) self.inplanes = planes * block.expansion for _ in range(1, blocks): layers.append( block( self.inplanes, planes, groups=self.groups, base_width=self.base_width, dilation=self.dilation, norm_layer=norm_layer, ) ) return nn.Sequential(*layers) def forward(self, x, y): rest1 = x dist1 = y rest1 = self.qse_2(self.maxpool(self.qse_1(rest1))) dist1 = self.dte_2(self.maxpool(self.dte_1(dist1))) x = rest1 - dist1 x = self.csp(x) x = self.avgpool(x) x = torch.flatten(x, 1) dr = torch.sigmoid(self.fc_(x)) return dr def _resnet(arch, block, layers, pretrained, progress, **kwargs): model = ResNet(block, layers, **kwargs) if pretrained: state_dict = load_state_dict_from_url(model_urls[arch], progress=progress) keys = state_dict.keys() for key in list(keys): if "conv1" in key: state_dict[key.replace("conv1", "qse_1")] = state_dict[key] state_dict[key.replace("conv1", "dte_1")] = state_dict[key] if "layer1" in key: state_dict[key.replace("layer1", "qse_2")] = state_dict[key] state_dict[key.replace("layer1", "dte_2")] = state_dict[key] if "layer2" in key: state_dict[key.replace("layer2", "csp")] = state_dict[key] state_dict[key.replace("layer2", "aux_csp")] = state_dict[key] model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False) return model @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class CKDN(nn.Module): r"""CKDN metric. Args: pretrained_model_path (String): The model path. use_default_preprocess (Boolean): Whether use default preprocess, default: True. default_mean (tuple): The mean value. default_std (tuple): The std value. Reference: Zheng, Heliang, Huan Yang, Jianlong Fu, Zheng-Jun Zha, and Jiebo Luo. "Learning conditional knowledge distillation for degraded-reference image quality assessment." In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp. 10242-10251. 2021. """ def __init__( self, pretrained=True, pretrained_model_path=None, use_default_preprocess=True, default_mean=(0.485, 0.456, 0.406), default_std=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225), **kwargs, ): super().__init__() = _resnet("resnet50", Bottleneck, [3, 4, 6, 3], True, True, **kwargs) self.use_default_preprocess = use_default_preprocess self.default_mean = torch.Tensor(default_mean).view(1, 3, 1, 1) self.default_std = torch.Tensor(default_std).view(1, 3, 1, 1) if pretrained_model_path is not None: load_pretrained_network(self, pretrained_model_path) elif pretrained: load_pretrained_network(self, default_model_urls["url"]) def _default_preprocess(self, x, y): """default preprocessing of CKDN: Useful when using this metric as losses. Results are slightly different due to different resize behavior of PIL Image and pytorch interpolate function. Args: x, y: shape, (N, C, H, W) in RGB format; value range, 0 ~ 1 """ scaled_size = int(math.floor(288 / 0.875)) x = tv.transforms.functional.resize( x, scaled_size, tv.transforms.InterpolationMode.BICUBIC ) y = tv.transforms.functional.resize( y, scaled_size, tv.transforms.InterpolationMode.NEAREST ) x = tv.transforms.functional.center_crop(x, 288) y = tv.transforms.functional.center_crop(y, 288) x = (x - / y = (y - / return x, y def forward(self, x, y): r"""Compute IQA using CKDN model. Args: x: An input tensor with (N, C, H, W) shape. RGB channel order for colour images. y: An reference tensor with (N, C, H, W) shape. RGB channel order for colour images. Returns: Value of CKDN model. """ if self.use_default_preprocess: x, y = self._default_preprocess(x, y) return, y)
r"""DISTS metric Created by: Modified by: Jiadi Mo ( """ import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torchvision import models from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import load_pretrained_network from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY default_model_urls = { "url": "" } class L2pooling(nn.Module): def __init__(self, filter_size=5, stride=2, channels=None, pad_off=0): super(L2pooling, self).__init__() self.padding = (filter_size - 2) // 2 self.stride = stride self.channels = channels a = np.hanning(filter_size)[1:-1] g = torch.Tensor(a[:, None] * a[None, :]) g = g / torch.sum(g) self.register_buffer( "filter", g[None, None, :, :].repeat((self.channels, 1, 1, 1)) ) def forward(self, input): input = input ** 2 out = F.conv2d( input, self.filter, stride=self.stride, padding=self.padding, groups=input.shape[1], ) return (out + 1e-12).sqrt() @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class DISTS(torch.nn.Module): r"""DISTS model. Args: pretrained_model_path (String): Pretrained model path. """ def __init__(self, pretrained=True, pretrained_model_path=None, **kwargs): """Refer to offical code""" super(DISTS, self).__init__() vgg_pretrained_features = models.vgg16(pretrained=True).features self.stage1 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.stage2 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.stage3 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.stage4 = torch.nn.Sequential() self.stage5 = torch.nn.Sequential() for x in range(0, 4): self.stage1.add_module(str(x), vgg_pretrained_features[x]) self.stage2.add_module(str(4), L2pooling(channels=64)) for x in range(5, 9): self.stage2.add_module(str(x), vgg_pretrained_features[x]) self.stage3.add_module(str(9), L2pooling(channels=128)) for x in range(10, 16): self.stage3.add_module(str(x), vgg_pretrained_features[x]) self.stage4.add_module(str(16), L2pooling(channels=256)) for x in range(17, 23): self.stage4.add_module(str(x), vgg_pretrained_features[x]) self.stage5.add_module(str(23), L2pooling(channels=512)) for x in range(24, 30): self.stage5.add_module(str(x), vgg_pretrained_features[x]) for param in self.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.register_buffer( "mean", torch.tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).view(1, -1, 1, 1) ) self.register_buffer( "std", torch.tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).view(1, -1, 1, 1) ) self.chns = [3, 64, 128, 256, 512, 512] self.register_parameter( "alpha", nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, sum(self.chns), 1, 1)) ) self.register_parameter( "beta", nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, sum(self.chns), 1, 1)) ), 0.01), 0.01) if pretrained_model_path is not None: load_pretrained_network(self, pretrained_model_path, False) elif pretrained: load_pretrained_network(self, default_model_urls["url"], False) def forward_once(self, x): h = (x - self.mean) / self.std h = self.stage1(h) h_relu1_2 = h h = self.stage2(h) h_relu2_2 = h h = self.stage3(h) h_relu3_3 = h h = self.stage4(h) h_relu4_3 = h h = self.stage5(h) h_relu5_3 = h return [x, h_relu1_2, h_relu2_2, h_relu3_3, h_relu4_3, h_relu5_3] def forward(self, x, y): r"""Compute IQA using DISTS model. Args: x: An input tensor with (N, C, H, W) shape. RGB channel order for colour images. y: An reference tensor with (N, C, H, W) shape. RGB channel order for colour images. Returns: Value of DISTS model. """ feats0 = self.forward_once(x) feats1 = self.forward_once(y) dist1 = 0 dist2 = 0 c1 = 1e-6 c2 = 1e-6 w_sum = self.alpha.sum() + self.beta.sum() alpha = torch.split(self.alpha / w_sum, self.chns, dim=1) beta = torch.split(self.beta / w_sum, self.chns, dim=1) for k in range(len(self.chns)): x_mean = feats0[k].mean([2, 3], keepdim=True) y_mean = feats1[k].mean([2, 3], keepdim=True) S1 = (2 * x_mean * y_mean + c1) / (x_mean ** 2 + y_mean ** 2 + c1) dist1 = dist1 + (alpha[k] * S1).sum(1, keepdim=True) x_var = ((feats0[k] - x_mean) ** 2).mean([2, 3], keepdim=True) y_var = ((feats1[k] - y_mean) ** 2).mean([2, 3], keepdim=True) xy_cov = (feats0[k] * feats1[k]).mean( [2, 3], keepdim=True ) - x_mean * y_mean S2 = (2 * xy_cov + c2) / (x_var + y_var + c2) dist2 = dist2 + (beta[k] * S2).sum(1, keepdim=True) score = 1 - (dist1 + dist2).squeeze() return score
""" File from: """ import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torchvision from .arch_util import load_pretrained_network # Inception weights ported to Pytorch from FID_WEIGHTS_URL = "" # noqa: E501 class InceptionV3(nn.Module): """Pretrained InceptionV3 network returning feature maps""" # Index of default block of inception to return, # corresponds to output of final average pooling DEFAULT_BLOCK_INDEX = 3 # Maps feature dimensionality to their output blocks indices BLOCK_INDEX_BY_DIM = { 64: 0, # First max pooling features 192: 1, # Second max pooling featurs 768: 2, # Pre-aux classifier features 2048: 3, # Final average pooling features } def __init__( self, output_blocks=(DEFAULT_BLOCK_INDEX,), resize_input=True, normalize_input=True, requires_grad=False, use_fid_inception=True, ): """Build pretrained InceptionV3 Parameters ---------- output_blocks : list of int Indices of blocks to return features of. Possible values are: - 0: corresponds to output of first max pooling - 1: corresponds to output of second max pooling - 2: corresponds to output which is fed to aux classifier - 3: corresponds to output of final average pooling resize_input : bool If true, bilinearly resizes input to width and height 299 before feeding input to model. As the network without fully connected layers is fully convolutional, it should be able to handle inputs of arbitrary size, so resizing might not be strictly needed normalize_input : bool If true, scales the input from range (0, 1) to the range the pretrained Inception network expects, namely (-1, 1) requires_grad : bool If true, parameters of the model require gradients. Possibly useful for finetuning the network use_fid_inception : bool If true, uses the pretrained Inception model used in Tensorflow's FID implementation. If false, uses the pretrained Inception model available in torchvision. The FID Inception model has different weights and a slightly different structure from torchvision's Inception model. If you want to compute FID scores, you are strongly advised to set this parameter to true to get comparable results. """ super(InceptionV3, self).__init__() self.resize_input = resize_input self.normalize_input = normalize_input self.output_blocks = sorted(output_blocks) self.last_needed_block = max(output_blocks) assert self.last_needed_block <= 3, "Last possible output block index is 3" self.blocks = nn.ModuleList() if use_fid_inception: inception = fid_inception_v3() else: inception = _inception_v3(pretrained=True) # Block 0: input to maxpool1 block0 = [ inception.Conv2d_1a_3x3, inception.Conv2d_2a_3x3, inception.Conv2d_2b_3x3, nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2), ] self.blocks.append(nn.Sequential(*block0)) # Block 1: maxpool1 to maxpool2 if self.last_needed_block >= 1: block1 = [ inception.Conv2d_3b_1x1, inception.Conv2d_4a_3x3, nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2), ] self.blocks.append(nn.Sequential(*block1)) # Block 2: maxpool2 to aux classifier if self.last_needed_block >= 2: block2 = [ inception.Mixed_5b, inception.Mixed_5c, inception.Mixed_5d, inception.Mixed_6a, inception.Mixed_6b, inception.Mixed_6c, inception.Mixed_6d, inception.Mixed_6e, ] self.blocks.append(nn.Sequential(*block2)) # Block 3: aux classifier to final avgpool if self.last_needed_block >= 3: block3 = [ inception.Mixed_7a, inception.Mixed_7b, inception.Mixed_7c, nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(output_size=(1, 1)), ] self.blocks.append(nn.Sequential(*block3)) for param in self.parameters(): param.requires_grad = requires_grad def forward(self, inp, resize_input=False, normalize_input=False): """Get Inception feature maps Parameters ---------- inp : torch.autograd.Variable Input tensor of shape Bx3xHxW. Values are expected to be in range (0, 1) Returns ------- List of torch.autograd.Variable, corresponding to the selected output block, sorted ascending by index """ outp = [] x = inp if resize_input: x = F.interpolate(x, size=(299, 299), mode="bilinear", align_corners=False) if normalize_input: x = 2 * x - 1 # Scale from range (0, 1) to range (-1, 1) for idx, block in enumerate(self.blocks): x = block(x) if idx in self.output_blocks: outp.append(x) if idx == self.last_needed_block: break return outp def _inception_v3(*args, **kwargs): """Wraps `torchvision.models.inception_v3` Skips default weight inititialization if supported by torchvision version. See """ try: version = tuple(map(int, torchvision.__version__.split(".")[:2])) except ValueError: # Just a caution against weird version strings version = (0,) if version >= (0, 6): kwargs["init_weights"] = False return torchvision.models.inception_v3(*args, **kwargs) def fid_inception_v3(): """Build pretrained Inception model for FID computation The Inception model for FID computation uses a different set of weights and has a slightly different structure than torchvision's Inception. This method first constructs torchvision's Inception and then patches the necessary parts that are different in the FID Inception model. """ inception = _inception_v3(num_classes=1008, aux_logits=False, pretrained=False) inception.Mixed_5b = FIDInceptionA(192, pool_features=32) inception.Mixed_5c = FIDInceptionA(256, pool_features=64) inception.Mixed_5d = FIDInceptionA(288, pool_features=64) inception.Mixed_6b = FIDInceptionC(768, channels_7x7=128) inception.Mixed_6c = FIDInceptionC(768, channels_7x7=160) inception.Mixed_6d = FIDInceptionC(768, channels_7x7=160) inception.Mixed_6e = FIDInceptionC(768, channels_7x7=192) inception.Mixed_7b = FIDInceptionE_1(1280) inception.Mixed_7c = FIDInceptionE_2(2048) load_pretrained_network(inception, FID_WEIGHTS_URL) return inception class FIDInceptionA(torchvision.models.inception.InceptionA): """InceptionA block patched for FID computation""" def __init__(self, in_channels, pool_features): super(FIDInceptionA, self).__init__(in_channels, pool_features) def forward(self, x): branch1x1 = self.branch1x1(x) branch5x5 = self.branch5x5_1(x) branch5x5 = self.branch5x5_2(branch5x5) branch3x3dbl = self.branch3x3dbl_1(x) branch3x3dbl = self.branch3x3dbl_2(branch3x3dbl) branch3x3dbl = self.branch3x3dbl_3(branch3x3dbl) # Patch: Tensorflow's average pool does not use the padded zero's in # its average calculation branch_pool = F.avg_pool2d( x, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, count_include_pad=False ) branch_pool = self.branch_pool(branch_pool) outputs = [branch1x1, branch5x5, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool] return, 1) class FIDInceptionC(torchvision.models.inception.InceptionC): """InceptionC block patched for FID computation""" def __init__(self, in_channels, channels_7x7): super(FIDInceptionC, self).__init__(in_channels, channels_7x7) def forward(self, x): branch1x1 = self.branch1x1(x) branch7x7 = self.branch7x7_1(x) branch7x7 = self.branch7x7_2(branch7x7) branch7x7 = self.branch7x7_3(branch7x7) branch7x7dbl = self.branch7x7dbl_1(x) branch7x7dbl = self.branch7x7dbl_2(branch7x7dbl) branch7x7dbl = self.branch7x7dbl_3(branch7x7dbl) branch7x7dbl = self.branch7x7dbl_4(branch7x7dbl) branch7x7dbl = self.branch7x7dbl_5(branch7x7dbl) # Patch: Tensorflow's average pool does not use the padded zero's in # its average calculation branch_pool = F.avg_pool2d( x, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, count_include_pad=False ) branch_pool = self.branch_pool(branch_pool) outputs = [branch1x1, branch7x7, branch7x7dbl, branch_pool] return, 1) class FIDInceptionE_1(torchvision.models.inception.InceptionE): """First InceptionE block patched for FID computation""" def __init__(self, in_channels): super(FIDInceptionE_1, self).__init__(in_channels) def forward(self, x): branch1x1 = self.branch1x1(x) branch3x3 = self.branch3x3_1(x) branch3x3 = [ self.branch3x3_2a(branch3x3), self.branch3x3_2b(branch3x3), ] branch3x3 =, 1) branch3x3dbl = self.branch3x3dbl_1(x) branch3x3dbl = self.branch3x3dbl_2(branch3x3dbl) branch3x3dbl = [ self.branch3x3dbl_3a(branch3x3dbl), self.branch3x3dbl_3b(branch3x3dbl), ] branch3x3dbl =, 1) # Patch: Tensorflow's average pool does not use the padded zero's in # its average calculation branch_pool = F.avg_pool2d( x, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, count_include_pad=False ) branch_pool = self.branch_pool(branch_pool) outputs = [branch1x1, branch3x3, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool] return, 1) class FIDInceptionE_2(torchvision.models.inception.InceptionE): """Second InceptionE block patched for FID computation""" def __init__(self, in_channels): super(FIDInceptionE_2, self).__init__(in_channels) def forward(self, x): branch1x1 = self.branch1x1(x) branch3x3 = self.branch3x3_1(x) branch3x3 = [ self.branch3x3_2a(branch3x3), self.branch3x3_2b(branch3x3), ] branch3x3 =, 1) branch3x3dbl = self.branch3x3dbl_1(x) branch3x3dbl = self.branch3x3dbl_2(branch3x3dbl) branch3x3dbl = [ self.branch3x3dbl_3a(branch3x3dbl), self.branch3x3dbl_3b(branch3x3dbl), ] branch3x3dbl =, 1) # Patch: The FID Inception model uses max pooling instead of average # pooling. This is likely an error in this specific Inception # implementation, as other Inception models use average pooling here # (which matches the description in the paper). branch_pool = F.max_pool2d(x, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1) branch_pool = self.branch_pool(branch_pool) outputs = [branch1x1, branch3x3, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool] return, 1)
import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.utils.checkpoint as checkpoint from einops import rearrange from timm.models.layers import DropPath, to_2tuple, trunc_normal_ from torch import nn class Mlp(nn.Module): def __init__( self, in_features, hidden_features=None, out_features=None, act_layer=nn.GELU, drop=0.0, ): super().__init__() out_features = out_features or in_features hidden_features = hidden_features or in_features self.fc1 = nn.Linear(in_features, hidden_features) self.act = act_layer() self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_features, out_features) self.drop = nn.Dropout(drop) def forward(self, x): x = self.fc1(x) x = self.act(x) x = self.drop(x) x = self.fc2(x) x = self.drop(x) return x def window_partition(x, window_size): """ Args: x: (B, H, W, C) window_size (int): window size Returns: windows: (num_windows*B, window_size, window_size, C) """ B, H, W, C = x.shape x = x.view(B, H // window_size, window_size, W // window_size, window_size, C) windows = ( x.permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5).contiguous().view(-1, window_size, window_size, C) ) return windows def window_reverse(windows, window_size, H, W): """ Args: windows: (num_windows*B, window_size, window_size, C) window_size (int): Window size H (int): Height of image W (int): Width of image Returns: x: (B, H, W, C) """ B = int(windows.shape[0] / (H * W / window_size / window_size)) x = windows.view( B, H // window_size, W // window_size, window_size, window_size, -1 ) x = x.permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5).contiguous().view(B, H, W, -1) return x class WindowAttention(nn.Module): r"""Window based multi-head self attention (W-MSA) module with relative position bias. It supports both of shifted and non-shifted window. Args: dim (int): Number of input channels. window_size (tuple[int]): The height and width of the window. num_heads (int): Number of attention heads. qkv_bias (bool, optional): If True, add a learnable bias to query, key, value. Default: True qk_scale (float | None, optional): Override default qk scale of head_dim ** -0.5 if set attn_drop (float, optional): Dropout ratio of attention weight. Default: 0.0 proj_drop (float, optional): Dropout ratio of output. Default: 0.0 """ def __init__( self, dim, window_size, num_heads, qkv_bias=True, qk_scale=None, attn_drop=0.0, proj_drop=0.0, ): super().__init__() self.dim = dim self.window_size = window_size # Wh, Ww self.num_heads = num_heads head_dim = dim // num_heads self.scale = qk_scale or head_dim ** -0.5 # define a parameter table of relative position bias self.relative_position_bias_table = nn.Parameter( torch.zeros((2 * window_size[0] - 1) * (2 * window_size[1] - 1), num_heads) ) # 2*Wh-1 * 2*Ww-1, nH # get pair-wise relative position index for each token inside the window coords_h = torch.arange(self.window_size[0]) coords_w = torch.arange(self.window_size[1]) coords = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid([coords_h, coords_w])) # 2, Wh, Ww coords_flatten = torch.flatten(coords, 1) # 2, Wh*Ww relative_coords = ( coords_flatten[:, :, None] - coords_flatten[:, None, :] ) # 2, Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww relative_coords = relative_coords.permute( 1, 2, 0 ).contiguous() # Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww, 2 relative_coords[:, :, 0] += self.window_size[0] - 1 # shift to start from 0 relative_coords[:, :, 1] += self.window_size[1] - 1 relative_coords[:, :, 0] *= 2 * self.window_size[1] - 1 relative_position_index = relative_coords.sum(-1) # Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww self.register_buffer("relative_position_index", relative_position_index) self.qkv = nn.Linear(dim, dim * 3, bias=qkv_bias) self.attn_drop = nn.Dropout(attn_drop) self.proj = nn.Linear(dim, dim) self.proj_drop = nn.Dropout(proj_drop) trunc_normal_(self.relative_position_bias_table, std=0.02) self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1) def forward(self, x, mask=None): """ Args: x: input features with shape of (num_windows*B, N, C) mask: (0/-inf) mask with shape of (num_windows, Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww) or None """ B_, N, C = x.shape qkv = ( self.qkv(x) .reshape(B_, N, 3, self.num_heads, C // self.num_heads) .permute(2, 0, 3, 1, 4) ) q, k, v = ( qkv[0], qkv[1], qkv[2], ) # make torchscript happy (cannot use tensor as tuple) q = q * self.scale attn = q @ k.transpose(-2, -1) relative_position_bias = self.relative_position_bias_table[ self.relative_position_index.view(-1) ].view( self.window_size[0] * self.window_size[1], self.window_size[0] * self.window_size[1], -1, ) # Wh*Ww,Wh*Ww,nH relative_position_bias = relative_position_bias.permute( 2, 0, 1 ).contiguous() # nH, Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww attn = attn + relative_position_bias.unsqueeze(0) if mask is not None: nW = mask.shape[0] attn = attn.view(B_ // nW, nW, self.num_heads, N, N) + mask.unsqueeze( 1 ).unsqueeze(0) attn = attn.view(-1, self.num_heads, N, N) attn = self.softmax(attn) else: attn = self.softmax(attn) attn = self.attn_drop(attn) x = (attn @ v).transpose(1, 2).reshape(B_, N, C) x = self.proj(x) x = self.proj_drop(x) return x def extra_repr(self) -> str: return f"dim={self.dim}, window_size={self.window_size}, num_heads={self.num_heads}" def flops(self, N): # calculate flops for 1 window with token length of N flops = 0 # qkv = self.qkv(x) flops += N * self.dim * 3 * self.dim # attn = (q @ k.transpose(-2, -1)) flops += self.num_heads * N * (self.dim // self.num_heads) * N # x = (attn @ v) flops += self.num_heads * N * N * (self.dim // self.num_heads) # x = self.proj(x) flops += N * self.dim * self.dim return flops class SwinBlock(nn.Module): r"""Swin Transformer Block. Args: dim (int): Number of input channels. input_resolution (tuple[int]): Input resulotion. num_heads (int): Number of attention heads. window_size (int): Window size. shift_size (int): Shift size for SW-MSA. mlp_ratio (float): Ratio of mlp hidden dim to embedding dim. qkv_bias (bool, optional): If True, add a learnable bias to query, key, value. Default: True qk_scale (float | None, optional): Override default qk scale of head_dim ** -0.5 if set. drop (float, optional): Dropout rate. Default: 0.0 attn_drop (float, optional): Attention dropout rate. Default: 0.0 drop_path (float, optional): Stochastic depth rate. Default: 0.0 act_layer (nn.Module, optional): Activation layer. Default: nn.GELU norm_layer (nn.Module, optional): Normalization layer. Default: nn.LayerNorm """ def __init__( self, dim, input_resolution, num_heads, window_size=7, shift_size=0, dim_mlp=1024.0, qkv_bias=True, qk_scale=None, drop=0.0, attn_drop=0.0, drop_path=0.0, act_layer=nn.GELU, norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm, ): super().__init__() self.dim = dim self.input_resolution = input_resolution self.num_heads = num_heads self.window_size = window_size self.shift_size = shift_size self.dim_mlp = dim_mlp if min(self.input_resolution) <= self.window_size: # if window size is larger than input resolution, we don't partition windows self.shift_size = 0 self.window_size = min(self.input_resolution) assert ( 0 <= self.shift_size < self.window_size ), "shift_size must in 0-window_size" self.norm1 = norm_layer(dim) self.attn = WindowAttention( dim, window_size=to_2tuple(self.window_size), num_heads=num_heads, qkv_bias=qkv_bias, qk_scale=qk_scale, attn_drop=attn_drop, proj_drop=drop, ) self.drop_path = DropPath(drop_path) if drop_path > 0.0 else nn.Identity() self.norm2 = norm_layer(dim) mlp_hidden_dim = self.dim_mlp self.mlp = Mlp( in_features=dim, hidden_features=mlp_hidden_dim, act_layer=act_layer, drop=drop, ) if self.shift_size > 0: # calculate attention mask for SW-MSA H, W = self.input_resolution img_mask = torch.zeros((1, H, W, 1)) # 1 H W 1 h_slices = ( slice(0, -self.window_size), slice(-self.window_size, -self.shift_size), slice(-self.shift_size, None), ) w_slices = ( slice(0, -self.window_size), slice(-self.window_size, -self.shift_size), slice(-self.shift_size, None), ) cnt = 0 for h in h_slices: for w in w_slices: img_mask[:, h, w, :] = cnt cnt += 1 mask_windows = window_partition( img_mask, self.window_size ) # nW, window_size, window_size, 1 mask_windows = mask_windows.view(-1, self.window_size * self.window_size) attn_mask = mask_windows.unsqueeze(1) - mask_windows.unsqueeze(2) attn_mask = attn_mask.masked_fill( attn_mask != 0, float(-100.0) ).masked_fill(attn_mask == 0, float(0.0)) else: attn_mask = None self.register_buffer("attn_mask", attn_mask) def forward(self, x): H, W = self.input_resolution B, L, C = x.shape assert L == H * W, "input feature has wrong size" shortcut = x x = self.norm1(x) x = x.view(B, H, W, C) # cyclic shift if self.shift_size > 0: shifted_x = torch.roll( x, shifts=(-self.shift_size, -self.shift_size), dims=(1, 2) ) else: shifted_x = x # partition windows x_windows = window_partition( shifted_x, self.window_size ) # nW*B, window_size, window_size, C x_windows = x_windows.view( -1, self.window_size * self.window_size, C ) # nW*B, window_size*window_size, C # W-MSA/SW-MSA attn_windows = self.attn( x_windows, mask=self.attn_mask ) # nW*B, window_size*window_size, C # merge windows attn_windows = attn_windows.view(-1, self.window_size, self.window_size, C) shifted_x = window_reverse(attn_windows, self.window_size, H, W) # B H' W' C # reverse cyclic shift if self.shift_size > 0: x = torch.roll( shifted_x, shifts=(self.shift_size, self.shift_size), dims=(1, 2) ) else: x = shifted_x x = x.view(B, H * W, C) # FFN x = shortcut + self.drop_path(x) x = x + self.drop_path(self.mlp(self.norm2(x))) return x class BasicLayer(nn.Module): """A basic Swin Transformer layer for one stage. Args: dim (int): Number of input channels. input_resolution (tuple[int]): Input resolution. depth (int): Number of blocks. num_heads (int): Number of attention heads. window_size (int): Local window size. mlp_ratio (float): Ratio of mlp hidden dim to embedding dim. qkv_bias (bool, optional): If True, add a learnable bias to query, key, value. Default: True qk_scale (float | None, optional): Override default qk scale of head_dim ** -0.5 if set. drop (float, optional): Dropout rate. Default: 0.0 attn_drop (float, optional): Attention dropout rate. Default: 0.0 drop_path (float | tuple[float], optional): Stochastic depth rate. Default: 0.0 norm_layer (nn.Module, optional): Normalization layer. Default: nn.LayerNorm downsample (nn.Module | None, optional): Downsample layer at the end of the layer. Default: None use_checkpoint (bool): Whether to use checkpointing to save memory. Default: False. """ def __init__( self, dim, input_resolution, depth, num_heads, window_size=7, dim_mlp=1024, qkv_bias=True, qk_scale=None, drop=0.0, attn_drop=0.0, drop_path=0.0, norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm, downsample=None, use_checkpoint=False, ): super().__init__() self.dim = dim self.conv = nn.Conv2d(dim, dim, 3, 1, 1) self.input_resolution = input_resolution self.depth = depth self.use_checkpoint = use_checkpoint # build blocks self.blocks = nn.ModuleList( [ SwinBlock( dim=dim, input_resolution=input_resolution, num_heads=num_heads, window_size=window_size, shift_size=0 if (i % 2 == 0) else window_size // 2, dim_mlp=dim_mlp, qkv_bias=qkv_bias, qk_scale=qk_scale, drop=drop, attn_drop=attn_drop, drop_path=drop_path[i] if isinstance(drop_path, list) else drop_path, norm_layer=norm_layer, ) for i in range(depth) ] ) # patch merging layer if downsample is not None: self.downsample = downsample( input_resolution, dim=dim, norm_layer=norm_layer ) else: self.downsample = None def forward(self, x): for blk in self.blocks: if self.use_checkpoint: x = checkpoint.checkpoint(blk, x) else: x = blk(x) x = rearrange( x, "b (h w) c -> b c h w", h=self.input_resolution[0], w=self.input_resolution[1], ) x = F.relu(self.conv(x)) x = rearrange(x, "b c h w -> b (h w) c") return x def extra_repr(self) -> str: return f"dim={self.dim}, input_resolution={self.input_resolution}, depth={self.depth}" def flops(self): flops = 0 for blk in self.blocks: flops += blk.flops() if self.downsample is not None: flops += self.downsample.flops() return flops class SwinTransformer(nn.Module): def __init__( self, patches_resolution, depths=[2, 2, 6, 2], num_heads=[3, 6, 12, 24], embed_dim=256, drop=0.1, drop_rate=0.0, drop_path_rate=0.1, dropout=0.0, window_size=7, dim_mlp=1024, qkv_bias=True, qk_scale=None, attn_drop_rate=0.0, norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm, downsample=None, use_checkpoint=False, scale=0.8, **kwargs, ): super().__init__() self.scale = scale self.embed_dim = embed_dim self.depths = depths self.num_heads = num_heads self.window_size = window_size self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=drop) self.num_features = embed_dim self.num_layers = len(depths) self.patches_resolution = (patches_resolution[0], patches_resolution[1]) self.downsample = nn.Conv2d( self.embed_dim, self.embed_dim, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1 ) # stochastic depth dpr = [x.item() for x in torch.linspace(0, drop_path_rate, sum(depths))] self.layers = nn.ModuleList() for i_layer in range(self.num_layers): layer = BasicLayer( dim=self.embed_dim, input_resolution=patches_resolution, depth=self.depths[i_layer], num_heads=self.num_heads[i_layer], window_size=self.window_size, dim_mlp=dim_mlp, qkv_bias=qkv_bias, qk_scale=qk_scale, drop=dropout, attn_drop=attn_drop_rate, drop_path=dpr[ sum(self.depths[:i_layer]) : sum(self.depths[: i_layer + 1]) ], norm_layer=norm_layer, downsample=downsample, use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint, ) self.layers.append(layer) def forward(self, x): x = self.dropout(x) x = rearrange(x, "b c h w -> b (h w) c") for layer in self.layers: _x = x x = layer(x) x = self.scale * x + _x x = rearrange( x, "b (h w) c -> b c h w", h=self.patches_resolution[0], w=self.patches_resolution[1], ) return x
r"""MUSIQ model. Implemented by: Chaofeng Chen ( Refer to: Official code from: """ import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from import get_multiscale_patches from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY from .arch_util import ( ExactPadding2d, dist_to_mos, excact_padding_2d, load_pretrained_network, ) default_model_urls = { "ava": "", "koniq10k": "", "spaq": "", "paq2piq": "", "imagenet_pretrain": "", } class StdConv(nn.Conv2d): """ Reference: """ def forward(self, x): # implement same padding x = excact_padding_2d(x, self.kernel_size, self.stride, mode="same") weight = self.weight weight = weight - weight.mean((1, 2, 3), keepdim=True) weight = weight / (weight.std((1, 2, 3), keepdim=True) + 1e-5) return F.conv2d(x, weight, self.bias, self.stride) class Bottleneck(nn.Module): def __init__(self, inplanes, outplanes, stride=1): super().__init__() width = inplanes self.conv1 = StdConv(inplanes, width, 1, 1, bias=False) self.gn1 = nn.GroupNorm(32, width, eps=1e-4) self.conv2 = StdConv(width, width, 3, 1, bias=False) self.gn2 = nn.GroupNorm(32, width, eps=1e-4) self.conv3 = StdConv(width, outplanes, 1, 1, bias=False) self.gn3 = nn.GroupNorm(32, outplanes, eps=1e-4) self.relu = nn.ReLU(True) self.needs_projection = inplanes != outplanes or stride != 1 if self.needs_projection: self.conv_proj = StdConv(inplanes, outplanes, 1, stride, bias=False) self.gn_proj = nn.GroupNorm(32, outplanes, eps=1e-4) def forward(self, x): identity = x if self.needs_projection: identity = self.gn_proj(self.conv_proj(identity)) x = self.relu(self.gn1(self.conv1(x))) x = self.relu(self.gn2(self.conv2(x))) x = self.gn3(self.conv3(x)) out = self.relu(x + identity) return out def drop_path(x, drop_prob: float = 0.0, training: bool = False): if drop_prob == 0.0 or not training: return x keep_prob = 1 - drop_prob shape = (x.shape[0],) + (1,) * ( x.ndim - 1 ) # work with diff dim tensors, not just 2D ConvNets random_tensor = keep_prob + torch.rand(shape, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device) random_tensor.floor_() # binarize output = x.div(keep_prob) * random_tensor return output class DropPath(nn.Module): """Drop paths (Stochastic Depth) per sample (when applied in main path of residual blocks).""" def __init__(self, drop_prob=None): super(DropPath, self).__init__() self.drop_prob = drop_prob def forward(self, x): return drop_path(x, self.drop_prob, class Mlp(nn.Module): def __init__( self, in_features, hidden_features=None, out_features=None, act_layer=nn.GELU, drop=0.0, ): super().__init__() out_features = out_features or in_features hidden_features = hidden_features or in_features self.fc1 = nn.Linear(in_features, hidden_features) self.act = act_layer() self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_features, out_features) self.drop = nn.Dropout(drop) def forward(self, x): x = self.fc1(x) x = self.act(x) x = self.drop(x) x = self.fc2(x) x = self.drop(x) return x class MultiHeadAttention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim, num_heads=6, bias=False, attn_drop=0.0, out_drop=0.0): super().__init__() assert dim % num_heads == 0, "dim should be divisible by num_heads" self.num_heads = num_heads head_dim = dim // num_heads self.scale = head_dim ** -0.5 self.query = nn.Linear(dim, dim, bias=bias) self.key = nn.Linear(dim, dim, bias=bias) self.value = nn.Linear(dim, dim, bias=bias) self.attn_drop = nn.Dropout(attn_drop) self.out = nn.Linear(dim, dim) self.out_drop = nn.Dropout(out_drop) def forward(self, x, mask=None): B, N, C = x.shape q = self.query(x) k = self.key(x) v = self.value(x) q = q.reshape(B, N, self.num_heads, C // self.num_heads).permute(0, 2, 1, 3) k = k.reshape(B, N, self.num_heads, C // self.num_heads).permute(0, 2, 1, 3) v = v.reshape(B, N, self.num_heads, C // self.num_heads).permute(0, 2, 1, 3) attn = (q @ k.transpose(-2, -1)) * self.scale if mask is not None: mask_h = mask.reshape(B, 1, N, 1) mask_w = mask.reshape(B, 1, 1, N) mask2d = mask_h * mask_w attn = attn.masked_fill(mask2d == 0, -1e3) attn = attn.softmax(dim=-1) attn = self.attn_drop(attn) x = (attn @ v).transpose(1, 2).reshape(B, N, C) x = self.out(x) x = self.out_drop(x) return x class TransformerBlock(nn.Module): def __init__( self, dim, mlp_dim, num_heads, drop=0.0, attn_drop=0.0, drop_path=0.0, act_layer=nn.GELU, norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm, ): super().__init__() self.norm1 = norm_layer(dim, eps=1e-6) self.attention = MultiHeadAttention( dim, num_heads, bias=True, attn_drop=attn_drop ) self.drop_path = DropPath(drop_path) if drop_path > 0.0 else nn.Identity() self.norm2 = norm_layer(dim, eps=1e-6) self.mlp = Mlp( in_features=dim, hidden_features=mlp_dim, act_layer=act_layer, drop=drop ) def forward(self, x, inputs_masks): y = self.norm1(x) y = self.attention(y, inputs_masks) x = x + self.drop_path(y) x = x + self.drop_path(self.mlp(self.norm2(x))) return x class AddHashSpatialPositionEmbs(nn.Module): """Adds learnable hash-based spatial embeddings to the inputs.""" def __init__(self, spatial_pos_grid_size, dim): super().__init__() self.position_emb = nn.parameter.Parameter( torch.randn(1, spatial_pos_grid_size * spatial_pos_grid_size, dim) ) nn.init.normal_(self.position_emb, std=0.02) def forward(self, inputs, inputs_positions): return inputs + self.position_emb.squeeze(0)[inputs_positions.long()] class AddScaleEmbs(nn.Module): """Adds learnable scale embeddings to the inputs.""" def __init__(self, num_scales, dim): super().__init__() self.scale_emb = nn.parameter.Parameter(torch.randn(num_scales, dim)) nn.init.normal_(self.scale_emb, std=0.02) def forward(self, inputs, inputs_scale_positions): return inputs + self.scale_emb[inputs_scale_positions.long()] class TransformerEncoder(nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_dim, mlp_dim=1152, attention_dropout_rate=0.0, dropout_rate=0, num_heads=6, num_layers=14, num_scales=3, spatial_pos_grid_size=10, use_scale_emb=True, use_sinusoid_pos_emb=False, ): super().__init__() self.use_scale_emb = use_scale_emb self.posembed_input = AddHashSpatialPositionEmbs( spatial_pos_grid_size, input_dim ) self.scaleembed_input = AddScaleEmbs(num_scales, input_dim) self.cls = nn.parameter.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, 1, input_dim)) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout_rate) self.encoder_norm = nn.LayerNorm(input_dim, eps=1e-6) self.transformer = nn.ModuleDict() for i in range(num_layers): self.transformer[f"encoderblock_{i}"] = TransformerBlock( input_dim, mlp_dim, num_heads, dropout_rate, attention_dropout_rate ) def forward( self, x, inputs_spatial_positions, inputs_scale_positions, inputs_masks ): n, _, c = x.shape x = self.posembed_input(x, inputs_spatial_positions) if self.use_scale_emb: x = self.scaleembed_input(x, inputs_scale_positions) cls_token = self.cls.repeat(n, 1, 1) x =[cls_token, x], dim=1) cls_mask = torch.ones((n, 1)).to(inputs_masks) inputs_mask =[cls_mask, inputs_masks], dim=1) x = self.dropout(x) for k, m in self.transformer.items(): x = m(x, inputs_mask) x = self.encoder_norm(x) return x @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class MUSIQ(nn.Module): r""" Evaluation: - n_crops: currently only test with 1 crop evaluation Reference: Ke, Junjie, Qifei Wang, Yilin Wang, Peyman Milanfar, and Feng Yang. "Musiq: Multi-scale image quality transformer." In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp. 5148-5157. 2021. """ def __init__( self, patch_size=32, num_class=1, hidden_size=384, mlp_dim=1152, attention_dropout_rate=0.0, dropout_rate=0, num_heads=6, num_layers=14, num_scales=3, spatial_pos_grid_size=10, use_scale_emb=True, use_sinusoid_pos_emb=False, pretrained=True, pretrained_model_path=None, # data opts longer_side_lengths=[224, 384], max_seq_len_from_original_res=-1, ): super(MUSIQ, self).__init__() resnet_token_dim = 64 self.patch_size = patch_size self.data_preprocess_opts = { "patch_size": patch_size, "patch_stride": patch_size, "hse_grid_size": spatial_pos_grid_size, "longer_side_lengths": longer_side_lengths, "max_seq_len_from_original_res": max_seq_len_from_original_res, } # set num_class to 10 if pretrained model used AVA dataset # if not specified pretrained dataset, use AVA for default if pretrained_model_path is None and pretrained: url_key = "ava" if isinstance(pretrained, bool) else pretrained num_class = 10 if url_key == "ava" else num_class pretrained_model_path = default_model_urls[url_key] self.conv_root = StdConv(3, resnet_token_dim, 7, 2, bias=False) self.gn_root = nn.GroupNorm(32, resnet_token_dim, eps=1e-6) self.root_pool = nn.Sequential( nn.ReLU(True), ExactPadding2d(3, 2, mode="same"), nn.MaxPool2d(3, 2), ) token_patch_size = patch_size // 4 self.block1 = Bottleneck(resnet_token_dim, resnet_token_dim * 4) self.embedding = nn.Linear( resnet_token_dim * 4 * token_patch_size ** 2, hidden_size ) self.transformer_encoder = TransformerEncoder( hidden_size, mlp_dim, attention_dropout_rate, dropout_rate, num_heads, num_layers, num_scales, spatial_pos_grid_size, use_scale_emb, use_sinusoid_pos_emb, ) if num_class > 1: self.head = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(hidden_size, num_class), nn.Softmax(dim=-1), ) else: self.head = nn.Linear(hidden_size, num_class) if pretrained_model_path is not None: load_pretrained_network(self, pretrained_model_path, True) def forward(self, x, return_mos=True, return_dist=False): if not # normalize inputs to [-1, 1] as the official code x = (x - 0.5) * 2 x = get_multiscale_patches(x, **self.data_preprocess_opts) assert len(x.shape) in [3, 4] if len(x.shape) == 4: b, num_crops, seq_len, dim = x.shape x = x.reshape(b * num_crops, seq_len, dim) else: b, seq_len, dim = x.shape num_crops = 1 inputs_spatial_positions = x[:, :, -3] inputs_scale_positions = x[:, :, -2] inputs_masks = x[:, :, -1].bool() x = x[:, :, :-3] x = x.reshape(-1, 3, self.patch_size, self.patch_size) x = self.conv_root(x) x = self.gn_root(x) x = self.root_pool(x) x = self.block1(x) # to match tensorflow channel order x = x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) x = x.reshape(b, seq_len, -1) x = self.embedding(x) x = self.transformer_encoder( x, inputs_spatial_positions, inputs_scale_positions, inputs_masks ) q = self.head(x[:, 0]) q = q.reshape(b, num_crops, -1) q = q.mean(dim=1) # for multiple crops evaluation mos = dist_to_mos(q) return_list = [] if return_mos: return_list.append(mos) if return_dist: return_list.append(q) if len(return_list) > 1: return return_list else: return return_list[0]
r"""NLPD Metric Created by: Modified by: Jiadi Mo ( Refer to: Matlab code from; """ import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torchvision.transforms.functional as tf from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import ExactPadding2d from pyiqa.archs.ssim_arch import to_y_channel from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY LAPLACIAN_FILTER = np.array( [ [0.0025, 0.0125, 0.0200, 0.0125, 0.0025], [0.0125, 0.0625, 0.1000, 0.0625, 0.0125], [0.0200, 0.1000, 0.1600, 0.1000, 0.0200], [0.0125, 0.0625, 0.1000, 0.0625, 0.0125], [0.0025, 0.0125, 0.0200, 0.0125, 0.0025], ], dtype=np.float32, ) @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class NLPD(nn.Module): r"""Normalised lapalcian pyramid distance Args: channels: Number of channel expected to calculate. test_y_channel: Boolean, whether to use y channel on ycbcr which mimics official matlab code. References: Laparra, Valero, Johannes Ballé, Alexander Berardino, and Eero P. Simoncelli. "Perceptual image quality assessment using a normalized Laplacian pyramid." Electronic Imaging 2016, no. 16 (2016): 1-6. """ def __init__(self, channels=1, test_y_channel=True, k=6, filt=None): super(NLPD, self).__init__() if filt is None: filt = np.reshape( np.tile(LAPLACIAN_FILTER, (channels, 1, 1)), (channels, 1, 5, 5) ) self.k = k self.channels = channels self.test_y_channel = test_y_channel self.filt = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(filt), requires_grad=False) self.dn_filts, self.sigmas = self.DN_filters() self.pad_zero_one = nn.ZeroPad2d(1) self.pad_zero_two = nn.ZeroPad2d(2) self.pad_sym = ExactPadding2d(5, mode="symmetric") self.rep_one = nn.ReplicationPad2d(1) = nn.PixelShuffle(2) def DN_filters(self): r"""Define parameters for the divisive normalization""" sigmas = [0.0248, 0.0185, 0.0179, 0.0191, 0.0220, 0.2782] dn_filts = [] dn_filts.append( torch.Tensor( np.reshape( [[0, 0.1011, 0], [0.1493, 0, 0.1460], [0, 0.1015, 0.0]] * self.channels, (self.channels, 1, 3, 3), ).astype(np.float32) ) ) dn_filts.append( torch.Tensor( np.reshape( [[0, 0.0757, 0], [0.1986, 0, 0.1846], [0, 0.0837, 0]] * self.channels, (self.channels, 1, 3, 3), ).astype(np.float32) ) ) dn_filts.append( torch.Tensor( np.reshape( [[0, 0.0477, 0], [0.2138, 0, 0.2243], [0, 0.0467, 0]] * self.channels, (self.channels, 1, 3, 3), ).astype(np.float32) ) ) dn_filts.append( torch.Tensor( np.reshape( [[0, 0, 0], [0.2503, 0, 0.2616], [0, 0, 0]] * self.channels, (self.channels, 1, 3, 3), ).astype(np.float32) ) ) dn_filts.append( torch.Tensor( np.reshape( [[0, 0, 0], [0.2598, 0, 0.2552], [0, 0, 0]] * self.channels, (self.channels, 1, 3, 3), ).astype(np.float32) ) ) dn_filts.append( torch.Tensor( np.reshape( [[0, 0, 0], [0.2215, 0, 0.0717], [0, 0, 0]] * self.channels, (self.channels, 1, 3, 3), ).astype(np.float32) ) ) dn_filts = nn.ParameterList( [nn.Parameter(x, requires_grad=False) for x in dn_filts] ) sigmas = nn.ParameterList( [ nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(np.array(x)), requires_grad=False) for x in sigmas ] ) return dn_filts, sigmas def pyramid(self, im): r"""Compute Laplacian Pyramid Args: im: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. """ out = [] J = im pyr = [] for i in range(0, self.k - 1): # Downsample. Official matlab code use 'symmetric' for padding. I = F.conv2d( self.pad_sym(J), self.filt, stride=2, padding=0, groups=self.channels ) # for each dimension, check if the upsampled version has to be odd. odd_h, odd_w = 2 * I.size(2) - J.size(2), 2 * I.size(3) - J.size(3) # Upsample. Official matlab code interpolate '0' to upsample. I_pad = self.rep_one(I) I_rep1, I_rep2, I_rep3 = ( torch.zeros_like(I_pad), torch.zeros_like(I_pad), torch.zeros_like(I_pad), ) R =[I_pad * 4, I_rep1, I_rep2, I_rep3], dim=1) I_up = I_up_conv = F.conv2d( self.pad_zero_two(I_up), self.filt, stride=1, padding=0, groups=self.channels, ) I_up_conv = I_up_conv[ :, :, 2 : (I_up.shape[2] - 2 - odd_h), 2 : (I_up.shape[3] - 2 - odd_w) ] out = J - I_up_conv # NLP Transformation, conv2 in matlab rotate filters by 180 degrees. out_conv = F.conv2d( self.pad_zero_one(torch.abs(out)), tf.rotate(self.dn_filts[i], 180), stride=1, groups=self.channels, ) out_norm = out / (self.sigmas[i] + out_conv) pyr.append(out_norm) J = I # NLP Transformation for top layer, the coarest level contains the residual low pass image out_conv = F.conv2d( self.pad_zero_one(torch.abs(J)), tf.rotate(self.dn_filts[-1], 180), stride=1, groups=self.channels, ) out_norm = J / (self.sigmas[-1] + out_conv) pyr.append(out_norm) return pyr def nlpd(self, x1, x2): r"""Compute Normalised lapalcian pyramid distance for a batch of images. Args: x1: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. x2: A target tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Returns: Index of similarity betwen two images. Usually in [0, 1] interval. """ assert (self.test_y_channel and self.channels == 1) or ( not self.test_y_channel and self.channels == 3 ), "Number of channel and convert to YCBCR should be match" if self.test_y_channel and self.channels == 1: x1 = to_y_channel(x1) x2 = to_y_channel(x2) y1 = self.pyramid(x1) y2 = self.pyramid(x2) total = [] for z1, z2 in zip(y1, y2): diff = (z1 - z2) ** 2 sqrt = torch.sqrt(torch.mean(diff, (1, 2, 3))) total.append(sqrt) score = torch.stack(total, dim=1).mean(1) return score def forward(self, X, Y): """Computation of NLPD metric. Args: X: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Y: A target tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Returns: Value of NLPD metric in [0, 1] range. """ assert ( X.shape == Y.shape ), f"Input {X.shape} and reference images should have the same shape" score = self.nlpd(X, Y) return score
r"""MAD Metric Created by: Modified by: Jiadi Mo ( Note: Offical matlab code is not available; Pytorch version >= 1.8.0; """ import math import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from numpy.fft import fftshift from pyiqa.matlab_utils import math_util from pyiqa.utils.color_util import to_y_channel from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY MAX = nn.MaxPool2d((2, 2), stride=1, padding=1) def extract_patches_2d( img: torch.Tensor, patch_shape: list = [64, 64], step: list = [27, 27], batch_first: bool = True, keep_last_patch: bool = False, ) -> torch.Tensor: patch_H, patch_W = patch_shape[0], patch_shape[1] if img.size(2) < patch_H: num_padded_H_Top = (patch_H - img.size(2)) // 2 num_padded_H_Bottom = patch_H - img.size(2) - num_padded_H_Top padding_H = nn.ConstantPad2d((0, 0, num_padded_H_Top, num_padded_H_Bottom), 0) img = padding_H(img) if img.size(3) < patch_W: num_padded_W_Left = (patch_W - img.size(3)) // 2 num_padded_W_Right = patch_W - img.size(3) - num_padded_W_Left padding_W = nn.ConstantPad2d((num_padded_W_Left, num_padded_W_Right, 0, 0), 0) img = padding_W(img) step_int = [0, 0] step_int[0] = int(patch_H * step[0]) if (isinstance(step[0], float)) else step[0] step_int[1] = int(patch_W * step[1]) if (isinstance(step[1], float)) else step[1] patches_fold_H = img.unfold(2, patch_H, step_int[0]) if ((img.size(2) - patch_H) % step_int[0] != 0) and keep_last_patch: patches_fold_H = ( patches_fold_H, img[ :, :, -patch_H:, ] .permute(0, 1, 3, 2) .unsqueeze(2), ), dim=2, ) patches_fold_HW = patches_fold_H.unfold(3, patch_W, step_int[1]) if ((img.size(3) - patch_W) % step_int[1] != 0) and keep_last_patch: patches_fold_HW = ( patches_fold_HW, patches_fold_H[:, :, :, -patch_W:, :] .permute(0, 1, 2, 4, 3) .unsqueeze(3), ), dim=3, ) patches = patches_fold_HW.permute(2, 3, 0, 1, 4, 5) patches = patches.reshape(-1, img.size(0), img.size(1), patch_H, patch_W) if batch_first: patches = patches.permute(1, 0, 2, 3, 4) return patches def make_csf(rows, cols, nfreq): xvals = np.arange(-(cols - 1) / 2.0, (cols + 1) / 2.0) yvals = np.arange(-(rows - 1) / 2.0, (rows + 1) / 2.0) xplane, yplane = np.meshgrid(xvals, yvals) # generate mesh plane = ((xplane + 1j * yplane) / cols) * 2 * nfreq radfreq = np.abs(plane) # radial frequency w = 0.7 s = (1 - w) / 2 * np.cos(4 * np.angle(plane)) + (1 + w) / 2 radfreq = radfreq / s # Now generate the CSF csf = 2.6 * (0.0192 + 0.114 * radfreq) * np.exp(-((0.114 * radfreq) ** 1.1)) csf[radfreq < 7.8909] = 0.9809 return np.transpose(csf) def get_moments(d, sk=False): # Return the first 4 moments of the data provided mean = torch.mean(d, dim=[3, 4], keepdim=True) diffs = d - mean var = torch.mean(torch.pow(diffs, 2.0), dim=[3, 4], keepdim=True) std = torch.pow(var + 1e-12, 0.5) if sk: zscores = diffs / std skews = torch.mean(torch.pow(zscores, 3.0), dim=[3, 4], keepdim=True) kurtoses = ( torch.mean(torch.pow(zscores, 4.0), dim=[3, 4], keepdim=True) - 3.0 ) # excess kurtosis, should be 0 for Gaussian return mean, std, skews, kurtoses else: return mean, std def ical_stat(x, p=16, s=4): B, C, H, W = x.shape x1 = extract_patches_2d(x, patch_shape=[p, p], step=[s, s]) _, std, skews, kurt = get_moments(x1, sk=True) STD = std.reshape(B, C, (H - (p - s)) // s, (W - (p - s)) // s) SKEWS = skews.reshape(B, C, (H - (p - s)) // s, (W - (p - s)) // s) KURT = kurt.reshape(B, C, (H - (p - s)) // s, (W - (p - s)) // s) return STD, SKEWS, KURT # different with original version def ical_std(x, p=16, s=4): B, C, H, W = x.shape x1 = extract_patches_2d(x, patch_shape=[p, p], step=[s, s]) mean, std = get_moments(x1) mean = mean.reshape(B, C, (H - (p - s)) // s, (W - (p - s)) // s) std = std.reshape(B, C, (H - (p - s)) // s, (W - (p - s)) // s) return mean, std def hi_index(ref_img, dst_img): k = 0.02874 G = 0.5 C_slope = 1 Ci_thrsh = -5 Cd_thrsh = -5 ref = k * (ref_img + 1e-12) ** (2.2 / 3) dst = k * (torch.abs(dst_img) + 1e-12) ** (2.2 / 3) B, C, H, W = ref.shape csf = make_csf(H, W, 32) csf = ( torch.from_numpy(csf.reshape(1, 1, H, W, 1)) .float() .repeat(1, C, 1, 1, 2) .to(ref.device) ) x = torch.fft.fft2(ref) x1 = math_util.batch_fftshift2d(x) x2 = math_util.batch_ifftshift2d(x1 * csf) ref = torch.fft.ifft2(x2).real x = torch.fft.fft2(dst) x1 = math_util.batch_fftshift2d(x) x2 = math_util.batch_ifftshift2d(x1 * csf) dst = torch.fft.ifft2(x2).real m1_1, std_1 = ical_std(ref) B, C, H1, W1 = m1_1.shape std_1 = (-MAX(-std_1) / 2)[:, :, :H1, :W1] _, std_2 = ical_std(dst - ref) BSIZE = 16 eps = 1e-12 Ci_ref = torch.log(torch.abs((std_1 + eps) / (m1_1 + eps))) Ci_dst = torch.log(torch.abs((std_2 + eps) / (m1_1 + eps))) Ci_dst = Ci_dst.masked_fill(m1_1 < G, -1000) idx1 = (Ci_ref > Ci_thrsh) & (Ci_dst > (C_slope * (Ci_ref - Ci_thrsh) + Cd_thrsh)) idx2 = (Ci_ref <= Ci_thrsh) & (Ci_dst > Cd_thrsh) msk = Ci_ref.clone() msk = msk.masked_fill(~idx1, 0) msk = msk.masked_fill(~idx2, 0) msk[idx1] = Ci_dst[idx1] - (C_slope * (Ci_ref[idx1] - Ci_thrsh) + Cd_thrsh) msk[idx2] = Ci_dst[idx2] - Cd_thrsh win = ( torch.ones((1, 1, BSIZE, BSIZE)).repeat(C, 1, 1, 1).to(ref.device) / BSIZE ** 2 ) xx = (ref_img - dst_img) ** 2 lmse = F.conv2d(xx, win, stride=4, padding=0, groups=C) mp = msk * lmse B, C, H, W = mp.shape return torch.norm(mp.reshape(B, C, -1), dim=2) / math.sqrt(H * W) * 200 def gaborconvolve(im): nscale = 5 # Number of wavelet scales. norient = 4 # Number of filter orientations. minWaveLength = 3 # Wavelength of smallest scale filter. mult = 3 # Scaling factor between successive filters. sigmaOnf = 0.55 # Ratio of the standard deviation of the wavelength = [ minWaveLength, minWaveLength * mult, minWaveLength * mult ** 2, minWaveLength * mult ** 3, minWaveLength * mult ** 4, ] # Ratio of angular interval between filter orientations dThetaOnSigma = 1.5 # Fourier transform of image B, C, rows, cols = im.shape # imagefft = torch.rfft(im,2, onesided=False) imagefft = torch.fft.fft2(im) # Pre-compute to speed up filter construction x = np.ones((rows, 1)) * np.arange(-cols / 2.0, (cols / 2.0)) / (cols / 2.0) y = np.expand_dims(np.arange(-rows / 2.0, (rows / 2.0)), 1), np.ones((1, cols)) / (rows / 2.0), ) # Matrix values contain *normalised* radius from centre. radius = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) # Get rid of the 0 radius value in the middle radius[int(np.round(rows / 2 + 1)), int(np.round(cols / 2 + 1))] = 1 radius = np.log(radius + 1e-12) # Matrix values contain polar angle. theta = np.arctan2(-y, x) sintheta = np.sin(theta) costheta = np.cos(theta) # Calculate the standard deviation thetaSigma = math.pi / norient / dThetaOnSigma logGabors = [] for s in range(nscale): # Construct the filter - first calculate the radial filter component. fo = 1.0 / wavelength[s] # Centre frequency of filter. rfo = fo / 0.5 # Normalised radius from centre of frequency plane # corresponding to fo. tmp = -(2 * np.log(sigmaOnf) ** 2) tmp2 = np.log(rfo) logGabors.append(np.exp((radius - tmp2) ** 2 / tmp)) logGabors[s][int(np.round(rows / 2)), int(np.round(cols / 2))] = 0 E0 = [[], [], [], []] for o in range(norient): # Calculate filter angle. angl = o * math.pi / norient ds = sintheta * np.cos(angl) - costheta * np.sin(angl) # Difference in sine. dc = costheta * np.cos(angl) + sintheta * np.sin(angl) # Difference in cosine. dtheta = np.abs(np.arctan2(ds, dc)) # Absolute angular distance. spread = np.exp( (-(dtheta ** 2)) / (2 * thetaSigma ** 2) ) # Calculate the angular filter component. for s in range(nscale): filter = fftshift(logGabors[s] * spread) filter = torch.from_numpy(filter).reshape(1, 1, rows, cols).to(im.device) e0 = torch.fft.ifft2(imagefft * filter) E0[o].append(torch.stack((e0.real, e0.imag), -1)) return E0 def lo_index(ref, dst): gabRef = gaborconvolve(ref) gabDst = gaborconvolve(dst) s = [0.5 / 13.25, 0.75 / 13.25, 1 / 13.25, 5 / 13.25, 6 / 13.25] mp = 0 for gb_i in range(4): for gb_j in range(5): stdref, skwref, krtref = ical_stat(math_util.abs(gabRef[gb_i][gb_j])) stddst, skwdst, krtdst = ical_stat(math_util.abs(gabDst[gb_i][gb_j])) mp = mp + s[gb_i] * ( torch.abs(stdref - stddst) + 2 * torch.abs(skwref - skwdst) + torch.abs(krtref - krtdst) ) B, C, rows, cols = mp.shape return torch.norm(mp.reshape(B, C, -1), dim=2) / np.sqrt(rows * cols) @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class MAD(torch.nn.Module): r"""Args: channel: Number of input channel. test_y_channel: bool, whether to use y channel on ycbcr which mimics official matlab code. References: Larson, Eric Cooper, and Damon Michael Chandler. "Most apparent distortion: full-reference image quality assessment and the role of strategy." Journal of electronic imaging 19, no. 1 (2010): 011006. """ def __init__(self, channels=3, test_y_channel=True): super(MAD, self).__init__() self.channels = channels self.test_y_channel = test_y_channel def mad(self, ref, dst): r"""Compute MAD for a batch of images. Args: ref: An reference tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. dst: A distortion tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. """ if self.test_y_channel and ref.shape[1] == 3: ref = to_y_channel(ref, 255.0) dst = to_y_channel(dst, 255.0) self.channels = 1 HI = hi_index(ref, dst) LO = lo_index(ref, dst) thresh1 = 2.55 thresh2 = 3.35 b1 = math.exp(-thresh1 / thresh2) b2 = 1 / (math.log(10) * thresh2) sig = 1 / (1 + b1 * HI ** b2) MAD = LO ** (1 - sig) * HI ** (sig) return MAD.mean(1) def forward(self, X, Y): r"""Computation of CW-SSIM metric. Args: X: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Y: A target tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Returns: Value of MAD metric in [0, 1] range. """ assert ( X.shape == Y.shape ), f"Input and reference images should have the same shape, but got {X.shape} and {Y.shape}" score = self.mad(Y, X) return score
import import math from builtins import ValueError from collections import OrderedDict from itertools import repeat from typing import Tuple import numpy as np import torch from torch import nn as nn from torch.nn import functional as F from torch.nn import init as init from torch.nn.modules.batchnorm import _BatchNorm from pyiqa.utils.download_util import load_file_from_url # -------------------------------------------- # IQA utils # -------------------------------------------- def dist_to_mos(dist_score: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Convert distribution prediction to mos score. For datasets with detailed score labels, such as AVA Args: dist_score (tensor): (*, C), C is the class number Output: mos_score (tensor): (*, 1) """ num_classes = dist_score.shape[-1] mos_score = dist_score * torch.arange(1, num_classes + 1).to(dist_score) mos_score = mos_score.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True) return mos_score # -------------------------------------------- # Common utils # -------------------------------------------- def clean_state_dict(state_dict): # 'clean' checkpoint by removing .module prefix from state dict if it exists from parallel training cleaned_state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in state_dict.items(): name = k[7:] if k.startswith("module.") else k cleaned_state_dict[name] = v return cleaned_state_dict def load_pretrained_network(net, model_path, strict=True, weight_keys=None): if model_path.startswith("https://") or model_path.startswith("http://"): model_path = load_file_from_url(model_path) state_dict = torch.load(model_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu")) if weight_keys is not None: state_dict = state_dict[weight_keys] state_dict = clean_state_dict(state_dict) net.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=strict) def _ntuple(n): def parse(x): if isinstance(x, return x return tuple(repeat(x, n)) return parse to_1tuple = _ntuple(1) to_2tuple = _ntuple(2) to_3tuple = _ntuple(3) to_4tuple = _ntuple(4) to_ntuple = _ntuple @torch.no_grad() def default_init_weights(module_list, scale=1, bias_fill=0, **kwargs): r"""Initialize network weights. Args: module_list (list[nn.Module] | nn.Module): Modules to be initialized. scale (float): Scale initialized weights, especially for residual blocks. Default: 1. bias_fill (float): The value to fill bias. Default: 0. kwargs (dict): Other arguments for initialization function. """ if not isinstance(module_list, list): module_list = [module_list] for module in module_list: for m in module.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, **kwargs) *= scale if m.bias is not None: elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear): init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, **kwargs) *= scale if m.bias is not None: elif isinstance(m, _BatchNorm): init.constant_(m.weight, 1) if m.bias is not None: def symm_pad(im: torch.Tensor, padding: Tuple[int, int, int, int]): """Symmetric padding same as tensorflow. Ref: """ h, w = im.shape[-2:] left, right, top, bottom = padding x_idx = np.arange(-left, w + right) y_idx = np.arange(-top, h + bottom) def reflect(x, minx, maxx): """Reflects an array around two points making a triangular waveform that ramps up and down, allowing for pad lengths greater than the input length""" rng = maxx - minx double_rng = 2 * rng mod = np.fmod(x - minx, double_rng) normed_mod = np.where(mod < 0, mod + double_rng, mod) out = np.where(normed_mod >= rng, double_rng - normed_mod, normed_mod) + minx return np.array(out, dtype=x.dtype) x_pad = reflect(x_idx, -0.5, w - 0.5) y_pad = reflect(y_idx, -0.5, h - 0.5) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x_pad, y_pad) return im[..., yy, xx] def excact_padding_2d(x, kernel, stride=1, dilation=1, mode="same"): assert len(x.shape) == 4, f"Only support 4D tensor input, but got {x.shape}" kernel = to_2tuple(kernel) stride = to_2tuple(stride) dilation = to_2tuple(dilation) b, c, h, w = x.shape h2 = math.ceil(h / stride[0]) w2 = math.ceil(w / stride[1]) pad_row = (h2 - 1) * stride[0] + (kernel[0] - 1) * dilation[0] + 1 - h pad_col = (w2 - 1) * stride[1] + (kernel[1] - 1) * dilation[1] + 1 - w pad_l, pad_r, pad_t, pad_b = ( pad_col // 2, pad_col - pad_col // 2, pad_row // 2, pad_row - pad_row // 2, ) mode = mode if mode != "same" else "constant" if mode != "symmetric": x = F.pad(x, (pad_l, pad_r, pad_t, pad_b), mode=mode) elif mode == "symmetric": x = symm_pad(x, (pad_l, pad_r, pad_t, pad_b)) return x class ExactPadding2d(nn.Module): r"""This function calculate exact padding values for 4D tensor inputs, and support the same padding mode as tensorflow. Args: kernel (int or tuple): kernel size. stride (int or tuple): stride size. dilation (int or tuple): dilation size, default with 1. mode (srt): padding mode can be ('same', 'symmetric', 'replicate', 'circular') """ def __init__(self, kernel, stride=1, dilation=1, mode="same"): super().__init__() self.kernel = to_2tuple(kernel) self.stride = to_2tuple(stride) self.dilation = to_2tuple(dilation) self.mode = mode def forward(self, x): return excact_padding_2d(x, self.kernel, self.stride, self.dilation, self.mode)
r"""FSIM Metric Created by: Modified by: Jiadi Mo ( Refer to: Official matlab code from PIQA from """ import functools import math from typing import Tuple import torch import torch.nn as nn from pyiqa.utils.color_util import rgb2yiq from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY from .func_util import get_meshgrid, gradient_map, ifftshift, similarity_map def fsim( x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, chromatic: bool = True, scales: int = 4, orientations: int = 4, min_length: int = 6, mult: int = 2, sigma_f: float = 0.55, delta_theta: float = 1.2, k: float = 2.0, ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Compute Feature Similarity Index Measure for a batch of images. Args: x: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. y: A target tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. chromatic: Flag to compute FSIMc, which also takes into account chromatic components scales: Number of wavelets used for computation of phase congruensy maps orientations: Number of filter orientations used for computation of phase congruensy maps min_length: Wavelength of smallest scale filter mult: Scaling factor between successive filters sigma_f: Ratio of the standard deviation of the Gaussian describing the log Gabor filter's transfer function in the frequency domain to the filter center frequency. delta_theta: Ratio of angular interval between filter orientations and the standard deviation of the angular Gaussian function used to construct filters in the frequency plane. k: No of standard deviations of the noise energy beyond the mean at which we set the noise threshold point, below which phase congruency values get penalized. Returns: Index of similarity betwen two images. Usually in [0, 1] interval. Can be bigger than 1 for predicted :math:`x` images with higher contrast than the original ones. References: L. Zhang, L. Zhang, X. Mou and D. Zhang, "FSIM: A Feature Similarity Index for Image Quality Assessment," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 2378-2386, Aug. 2011, doi: 10.1109/TIP.2011.2109730. """ # Rescale to [0, 255] range, because all constant are calculated for this factor x = x / float(1.0) * 255 y = y / float(1.0) * 255 # Apply average pooling kernel_size = max(1, round(min(x.shape[-2:]) / 256)) x = torch.nn.functional.avg_pool2d(x, kernel_size) y = torch.nn.functional.avg_pool2d(y, kernel_size) num_channels = x.size(1) # Convert RGB to YIQ color space if num_channels == 3: x_yiq = rgb2yiq(x) y_yiq = rgb2yiq(y) x_lum = x_yiq[:, :1] y_lum = y_yiq[:, :1] x_i = x_yiq[:, 1:2] y_i = y_yiq[:, 1:2] x_q = x_yiq[:, 2:] y_q = y_yiq[:, 2:] else: x_lum = x y_lum = y # Compute phase congruency maps pc_x = _phase_congruency( x_lum, scales=scales, orientations=orientations, min_length=min_length, mult=mult, sigma_f=sigma_f, delta_theta=delta_theta, k=k, ) pc_y = _phase_congruency( y_lum, scales=scales, orientations=orientations, min_length=min_length, mult=mult, sigma_f=sigma_f, delta_theta=delta_theta, k=k, ) # Gradient maps scharr_filter = ( torch.tensor([[[-3.0, 0.0, 3.0], [-10.0, 0.0, 10.0], [-3.0, 0.0, 3.0]]]) / 16 ) kernels = torch.stack([scharr_filter, scharr_filter.transpose(-1, -2)]) grad_map_x = gradient_map(x_lum, kernels) grad_map_y = gradient_map(y_lum, kernels) # Constants from the paper T1, T2, T3, T4, lmbda = 0.85, 160, 200, 200, 0.03 # Compute FSIM PC = similarity_map(pc_x, pc_y, T1) GM = similarity_map(grad_map_x, grad_map_y, T2) pc_max = torch.where(pc_x > pc_y, pc_x, pc_y) score = GM * PC * pc_max # torch.sum(score)/torch.sum(pc_max) if chromatic: assert ( num_channels == 3 ), "Chromatic component can be computed only for RGB images!" S_I = similarity_map(x_i, y_i, T3) S_Q = similarity_map(x_q, y_q, T4) score = score * torch.abs(S_I * S_Q) ** lmbda # Complex gradients will work in PyTorch 1.6.0 # score = score * torch.real((S_I * S_Q).to(torch.complex64) ** lmbda) result = score.sum(dim=[1, 2, 3]) / pc_max.sum(dim=[1, 2, 3]) return result def _construct_filters( x: torch.Tensor, scales: int = 4, orientations: int = 4, min_length: int = 6, mult: int = 2, sigma_f: float = 0.55, delta_theta: float = 1.2, k: float = 2.0, use_lowpass_filter=True, ): """Creates a stack of filters used for computation of phase congruensy maps Args: x: Tensor. Shape :math:`(N, 1, H, W)`. scales: Number of wavelets orientations: Number of filter orientations min_length: Wavelength of smallest scale filter mult: Scaling factor between successive filters sigma_f: Ratio of the standard deviation of the Gaussian describing the log Gabor filter's transfer function in the frequency domain to the filter center frequency. delta_theta: Ratio of angular interval between filter orientations and the standard deviation of the angular Gaussian function used to construct filters in the freq. plane. k: No of standard deviations of the noise energy beyond the mean at which we set the noise threshold point, below which phase congruency values get penalized. """ N, _, H, W = x.shape # Calculate the standard deviation of the angular Gaussian function # used to construct filters in the freq. plane. theta_sigma = math.pi / (orientations * delta_theta) # Pre-compute some stuff to speed up filter construction grid_x, grid_y = get_meshgrid((H, W)) radius = torch.sqrt(grid_x ** 2 + grid_y ** 2) theta = torch.atan2(-grid_y, grid_x) # Quadrant shift radius and theta so that filters are constructed with 0 frequency at the corners. # Get rid of the 0 radius value at the 0 frequency point (now at top-left corner) # so that taking the log of the radius will not cause trouble. radius = ifftshift(radius) theta = ifftshift(theta) radius[0, 0] = 1 sintheta = torch.sin(theta) costheta = torch.cos(theta) # Filters are constructed in terms of two components. # 1) The radial component, which controls the frequency band that the filter responds to # 2) The angular component, which controls the orientation that the filter responds to. # The two components are multiplied together to construct the overall filter. # First construct a low-pass filter that is as large as possible, yet falls # away to zero at the boundaries. All log Gabor filters are multiplied by # this to ensure no extra frequencies at the 'corners' of the FFT are # incorporated as this seems to upset the normalisation process when lp = _lowpassfilter(size=(H, W), cutoff=0.45, n=15) # Construct the radial filter components... log_gabor = [] for s in range(scales): wavelength = min_length * mult ** s omega_0 = 1.0 / wavelength gabor_filter = torch.exp( (-torch.log(radius / omega_0) ** 2) / (2 * math.log(sigma_f) ** 2) ) if use_lowpass_filter: gabor_filter = gabor_filter * lp gabor_filter[0, 0] = 0 log_gabor.append(gabor_filter) # Then construct the angular filter components... spread = [] for o in range(orientations): angl = o * math.pi / orientations # For each point in the filter matrix calculate the angular distance from # the specified filter orientation. To overcome the angular wrap-around # problem sine difference and cosine difference values are first computed # and then the atan2 function is used to determine angular distance. ds = sintheta * math.cos(angl) - costheta * math.sin( angl ) # Difference in sine. dc = costheta * math.cos(angl) + sintheta * math.sin( angl ) # Difference in cosine. dtheta = torch.abs(torch.atan2(ds, dc)) spread.append(torch.exp((-(dtheta ** 2)) / (2 * theta_sigma ** 2))) spread = torch.stack(spread) log_gabor = torch.stack(log_gabor) # Multiply, add batch dimension and transfer to correct device. filters = ( (spread.repeat_interleave(scales, dim=0) * log_gabor.repeat(orientations, 1, 1)) .unsqueeze(0) .to(x) ) return filters def _phase_congruency( x: torch.Tensor, scales: int = 4, orientations: int = 4, min_length: int = 6, mult: int = 2, sigma_f: float = 0.55, delta_theta: float = 1.2, k: float = 2.0, ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Compute Phase Congruence for a batch of greyscale images Args: x: Tensor. Shape :math:`(N, 1, H, W)`. scales: Number of wavelet scales orientations: Number of filter orientations min_length: Wavelength of smallest scale filter mult: Scaling factor between successive filters sigma_f: Ratio of the standard deviation of the Gaussian describing the log Gabor filter's transfer function in the frequency domain to the filter center frequency. delta_theta: Ratio of angular interval between filter orientations and the standard deviation of the angular Gaussian function used to construct filters in the freq. plane. k: No of standard deviations of the noise energy beyond the mean at which we set the noise threshold point, below which phase congruency values get penalized. Returns: Phase Congruency map with shape :math:`(N, H, W)` """ EPS = torch.finfo(x.dtype).eps N, _, H, W = x.shape # Fourier transform filters = _construct_filters( x, scales, orientations, min_length, mult, sigma_f, delta_theta, k ) imagefft = torch.fft.fft2(x) filters_ifft = torch.fft.ifft2(filters) filters_ifft = filters_ifft.real * math.sqrt(H * W) even_odd = torch.view_as_real(torch.fft.ifft2(imagefft * filters)).view( N, orientations, scales, H, W, 2 ) # Amplitude of even & odd filter response. An = sqrt(real^2 + imag^2) an = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(even_odd ** 2, dim=-1)) # Take filter at scale 0 and sum spatially # Record mean squared filter value at smallest scale. # This is used for noise estimation. em_n = (filters.view(1, orientations, scales, H, W)[:, :, :1, ...] ** 2).sum( dim=[-2, -1], keepdims=True ) # Sum of even filter convolution results. sum_e = even_odd[..., 0].sum(dim=2, keepdims=True) # Sum of odd filter convolution results. sum_o = even_odd[..., 1].sum(dim=2, keepdims=True) # Get weighted mean filter response vector, this gives the weighted mean phase angle. x_energy = torch.sqrt(sum_e ** 2 + sum_o ** 2) + EPS mean_e = sum_e / x_energy mean_o = sum_o / x_energy # Now calculate An(cos(phase_deviation) - | sin(phase_deviation)) | by # using dot and cross products between the weighted mean filter response # vector and the individual filter response vectors at each scale. # This quantity is phase congruency multiplied by An, which we call energy. # Extract even and odd convolution results. even = even_odd[..., 0] odd = even_odd[..., 1] energy = ( even * mean_e + odd * mean_o - torch.abs(even * mean_o - odd * mean_e) ).sum(dim=2, keepdim=True) # Compensate for noise # We estimate the noise power from the energy squared response at the # smallest scale. If the noise is Gaussian the energy squared will have a # Chi-squared 2DOF pdf. We calculate the median energy squared response # as this is a robust statistic. From this we estimate the mean. # The estimate of noise power is obtained by dividing the mean squared # energy value by the mean squared filter value abs_eo = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(even_odd[:, :, :1, ...] ** 2, dim=-1)).reshape( N, orientations, 1, 1, H * W ) median_e2n = torch.median(abs_eo ** 2, dim=-1, keepdim=True).values mean_e2n = -median_e2n / math.log(0.5) # Estimate of noise power. noise_power = mean_e2n / em_n # Now estimate the total energy^2 due to noise # Estimate for sum(An^2) + sum(Ai.*Aj.*(cphi.*cphj + sphi.*sphj)) filters_ifft = filters_ifft.view(1, orientations, scales, H, W) sum_an2 = torch.sum(filters_ifft ** 2, dim=-3, keepdim=True) sum_ai_aj = torch.zeros(N, orientations, 1, H, W).to(x) for s in range(scales - 1): sum_ai_aj = sum_ai_aj + ( filters_ifft[:, :, s : s + 1] * filters_ifft[:, :, s + 1 :] ).sum(dim=-3, keepdim=True) sum_an2 = torch.sum(sum_an2, dim=[-1, -2], keepdim=True) sum_ai_aj = torch.sum(sum_ai_aj, dim=[-1, -2], keepdim=True) noise_energy2 = 2 * noise_power * sum_an2 + 4 * noise_power * sum_ai_aj # Rayleigh parameter tau = torch.sqrt(noise_energy2 / 2) # Expected value of noise energy noise_energy = tau * math.sqrt(math.pi / 2) moise_energy_sigma = torch.sqrt((2 - math.pi / 2) * tau ** 2) # Noise threshold T = noise_energy + k * moise_energy_sigma # The estimated noise effect calculated above is only valid for the PC_1 measure. # The PC_2 measure does not lend itself readily to the same analysis. However # empirically it seems that the noise effect is overestimated roughly by a factor # of 1.7 for the filter parameters used here. # Empirical rescaling of the estimated noise effect to suit the PC_2 phase congruency measure T = T / 1.7 # Apply noise threshold energy = torch.max(energy - T, torch.zeros_like(T)) eps = torch.finfo(energy.dtype).eps energy_all = energy.sum(dim=[1, 2]) + eps an_all = an.sum(dim=[1, 2]) + eps result_pc = energy_all / an_all return result_pc.unsqueeze(1) def _lowpassfilter(size: Tuple[int, int], cutoff: float, n: int) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Constructs a low-pass Butterworth filter. Args: size: Tuple with heigth and width of filter to construct cutoff: Cutoff frequency of the filter in (0, 0.5() n: Filter order. Higher `n` means sharper transition. Note that `n` is doubled so that it is always an even integer. Returns: f = 1 / (1 + w/cutoff) ^ 2n """ assert 0 < cutoff <= 0.5, "Cutoff frequency must be between 0 and 0.5" assert n > 1 and int(n) == n, "n must be an integer >= 1" grid_x, grid_y = get_meshgrid(size) # A matrix with every pixel = radius relative to centre. radius = torch.sqrt(grid_x ** 2 + grid_y ** 2) return ifftshift(1.0 / (1.0 + (radius / cutoff) ** (2 * n))) @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class FSIM(nn.Module): r"""Args: chromatic: Flag to compute FSIMc, which also takes into account chromatic components scales: Number of wavelets used for computation of phase congruensy maps orientations: Number of filter orientations used for computation of phase congruensy maps min_length: Wavelength of smallest scale filter mult: Scaling factor between successive filters sigma_f: Ratio of the standard deviation of the Gaussian describing the log Gabor filter's transfer function in the frequency domain to the filter center frequency. delta_theta: Ratio of angular interval between filter orientations and the standard deviation of the angular Gaussian function used to construct filters in the frequency plane. k: No of standard deviations of the noise energy beyond the mean at which we set the noise threshold point, below which phase congruency values get penalized. References: L. Zhang, L. Zhang, X. Mou and D. Zhang, "FSIM: A Feature Similarity Index for Image Quality Assessment," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 2378-2386, Aug. 2011, doi: 10.1109/TIP.2011.2109730. """ def __init__( self, chromatic: bool = True, scales: int = 4, orientations: int = 4, min_length: int = 6, mult: int = 2, sigma_f: float = 0.55, delta_theta: float = 1.2, k: float = 2.0, ) -> None: super().__init__() # Save function with predefined parameters, rather than parameters themself self.fsim = functools.partial( fsim, chromatic=chromatic, scales=scales, orientations=orientations, min_length=min_length, mult=mult, sigma_f=sigma_f, delta_theta=delta_theta, k=k, ) def forward( self, X: torch.Tensor, Y: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Computation of FSIM as a loss function. Args: x: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. y: A target tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Returns: Value of FSIM loss to be minimized in [0, 1] range. """ assert ( X.shape == Y.shape ), f"Input and reference images should have the same shape, but got {X.shape} and {Y.shape}" score = self.fsim(X, Y) return score
r"""NIQE and ILNIQE Metrics NIQE Metric Created by: Modified by: Jiadi Mo ( Reference: MATLAB codes: ILNIQE Metric Created by: Chaofeng Chen ( Reference: - Python codes: - Matlab codes: """ import math import numpy as np import scipy import import torch from pyiqa.archs.fsim_arch import _construct_filters from pyiqa.matlab_utils import ( blockproc, conv2d, fitweibull, fspecial, imfilter, imresize, nancov, nanmean, ) from pyiqa.utils.color_util import to_y_channel from pyiqa.utils.download_util import load_file_from_url from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY from .func_util import diff_round, estimate_aggd_param, normalize_img_with_guass default_model_urls = { "url": "", "niqe": "", "ilniqe": "", } def compute_feature( block: torch.Tensor, ilniqe: bool = False, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute features. Args: block (Tensor): Image block in shape (b, c, h, w). Returns: list: Features with length of 18. """ bsz = block.shape[0] aggd_block = block[:, [0]] alpha, beta_l, beta_r = estimate_aggd_param(aggd_block) feat = [alpha, (beta_l + beta_r) / 2] # distortions disturb the fairly regular structure of natural images. # This deviation can be captured by analyzing the sample distribution of # the products of pairs of adjacent coefficients computed along # horizontal, vertical and diagonal orientations. shifts = [[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [1, -1]] for i in range(len(shifts)): shifted_block = torch.roll(aggd_block, shifts[i], dims=(2, 3)) alpha, beta_l, beta_r = estimate_aggd_param(aggd_block * shifted_block) # Eq. 8 mean = (beta_r - beta_l) * ( torch.lgamma(2 / alpha) - torch.lgamma(1 / alpha) ).exp() feat.extend((alpha, mean, beta_l, beta_r)) feat = [x.reshape(bsz, 1) for x in feat] if ilniqe: tmp_block = block[:, 1:4] channels = 4 - 1 shape_scale = fitweibull(tmp_block.reshape(bsz * channels, -1)) scale_shape = shape_scale[:, [1, 0]].reshape(bsz, -1) feat.append(scale_shape) mu = torch.mean(block[:, 4:7], dim=(2, 3)) sigmaSquare = torch.var(block[:, 4:7], dim=(2, 3)) mu_sigma = torch.stack((mu, sigmaSquare), dim=-1).reshape(bsz, -1) feat.append(mu_sigma) channels = 85 - 7 tmp_block = block[:, 7:85].reshape(bsz * channels, 1, *block.shape[2:]) alpha_data, beta_l_data, beta_r_data = estimate_aggd_param(tmp_block) alpha_data = alpha_data.reshape(bsz, channels) beta_l_data = beta_l_data.reshape(bsz, channels) beta_r_data = beta_r_data.reshape(bsz, channels) alpha_beta = torch.stack( [alpha_data, (beta_l_data + beta_r_data) / 2], dim=-1 ).reshape(bsz, -1) feat.append(alpha_beta) tmp_block = block[:, 85:109] channels = 109 - 85 shape_scale = fitweibull(tmp_block.reshape(bsz * channels, -1)) scale_shape = shape_scale[:, [1, 0]].reshape(bsz, -1) feat.append(scale_shape) feat =, dim=-1) return feat def niqe( img: torch.Tensor, mu_pris_param: torch.Tensor, cov_pris_param: torch.Tensor, block_size_h: int = 96, block_size_w: int = 96, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate NIQE (Natural Image Quality Evaluator) metric. Args: img (Tensor): Input image. mu_pris_param (Tensor): Mean of a pre-defined multivariate Gaussian model calculated on the pristine dataset. cov_pris_param (Tensor): Covariance of a pre-defined multivariate Gaussian model calculated on the pristine dataset. gaussian_window (Tensor): A 7x7 Gaussian window used for smoothing the image. block_size_h (int): Height of the blocks in to which image is divided. Default: 96 (the official recommended value). block_size_w (int): Width of the blocks in to which image is divided. Default: 96 (the official recommended value). """ assert ( img.ndim == 4 ), "Input image must be a gray or Y (of YCbCr) image with shape (b, c, h, w)." # crop image b, c, h, w = img.shape num_block_h = math.floor(h / block_size_h) num_block_w = math.floor(w / block_size_w) img = img[..., 0 : num_block_h * block_size_h, 0 : num_block_w * block_size_w] distparam = [] # dist param is actually the multiscale features for scale in (1, 2): # perform on two scales (1, 2) img_normalized = normalize_img_with_guass(img, padding="replicate") distparam.append( blockproc( img_normalized, [block_size_h // scale, block_size_w // scale], fun=compute_feature, ) ) if scale == 1: img = imresize(img / 255.0, scale=0.5, antialiasing=True) img = img * 255.0 distparam =, -1) # fit a MVG (multivariate Gaussian) model to distorted patch features mu_distparam = nanmean(distparam, dim=1) cov_distparam = nancov(distparam) # compute niqe quality, Eq. 10 in the paper invcov_param = torch.linalg.pinv((cov_pris_param + cov_distparam) / 2) diff = (mu_pris_param - mu_distparam).unsqueeze(1) quality = torch.bmm(torch.bmm(diff, invcov_param), diff.transpose(1, 2)).squeeze() quality = torch.sqrt(quality) return quality def calculate_niqe( img: torch.Tensor, crop_border: int = 0, test_y_channel: bool = True, pretrained_model_path: str = None, color_space: str = "yiq", **kwargs, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate NIQE (Natural Image Quality Evaluator) metric. Args: img (Tensor): Input image whose quality needs to be computed. crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image. These pixels are not involved in the metric calculation. test_y_channel (Bool): Whether converted to 'y' (of MATLAB YCbCr) or 'gray'. pretrained_model_path (str): The pretrained model path. Returns: Tensor: NIQE result. """ params = mu_pris_param = np.ravel(params["mu_prisparam"]) cov_pris_param = params["cov_prisparam"] mu_pris_param = torch.from_numpy(mu_pris_param).to(img) cov_pris_param = torch.from_numpy(cov_pris_param).to(img) mu_pris_param = mu_pris_param.repeat(img.size(0), 1) cov_pris_param = cov_pris_param.repeat(img.size(0), 1, 1) if test_y_channel and img.shape[1] == 3: print(img.shape) img = to_y_channel(img, 255, color_space) img = diff_round(img) img = if crop_border != 0: img = img[..., crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border] niqe_result = niqe(img, mu_pris_param, cov_pris_param) return niqe_result def gauDerivative(sigma, in_ch=1, out_ch=1, device=None): halfLength = math.ceil(3 * sigma) x, y = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(-halfLength, halfLength, 2 * halfLength + 1), np.linspace(-halfLength, halfLength, 2 * halfLength + 1), ) gauDerX = x * np.exp(-(x ** 2 + y ** 2) / 2 / sigma / sigma) gauDerY = y * np.exp(-(x ** 2 + y ** 2) / 2 / sigma / sigma) dx = torch.from_numpy(gauDerX).to(device) dy = torch.from_numpy(gauDerY).to(device) dx = dx.repeat(out_ch, in_ch, 1, 1) dy = dy.repeat(out_ch, in_ch, 1, 1) return dx, dy def ilniqe( img: torch.Tensor, mu_pris_param: torch.Tensor, cov_pris_param: torch.Tensor, principleVectors: torch.Tensor, meanOfSampleData: torch.Tensor, resize: bool = True, block_size_h: int = 84, block_size_w: int = 84, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate IL-NIQE (Integrated Local Natural Image Quality Evaluator) metric. Args: img (Tensor): Input image. mu_pris_param (Tensor): Mean of a pre-defined multivariate Gaussian model calculated on the pristine dataset. cov_pris_param (Tensor): Covariance of a pre-defined multivariate Gaussian model calculated on the pristine dataset. principleVectors (Tensor): Features from official .mat file. meanOfSampleData (Tensor): Features from official .mat file. resize (Bloolean): resize image. Default: True. block_size_h (int): Height of the blocks in to which image is divided. Default: 84 (the official recommended value). block_size_w (int): Width of the blocks in to which image is divided. Default: 84 (the official recommended value). """ assert ( img.ndim == 4 ), "Input image must be a gray or Y (of YCbCr) image with shape (b, c, h, w)." sigmaForGauDerivative = 1.66 KforLog = 0.00001 normalizedWidth = 524 minWaveLength = 2.4 sigmaOnf = 0.55 mult = 1.31 dThetaOnSigma = 1.10 scaleFactorForLoG = 0.87 scaleFactorForGaussianDer = 0.28 sigmaForDownsample = 0.9 EPS = 1e-8 scales = 3 orientations = 4 infConst = 10000 nanConst = 2000 if resize: img = imresize(img, sizes=(normalizedWidth, normalizedWidth)) img = img.clamp(0.0, 255.0) # crop image b, c, h, w = img.shape num_block_h = math.floor(h / block_size_h) num_block_w = math.floor(w / block_size_w) img = img[..., 0 : num_block_h * block_size_h, 0 : num_block_w * block_size_w] ospace_weight = torch.tensor( [ [0.3, 0.04, -0.35], [0.34, -0.6, 0.17], [0.06, 0.63, 0.27], ] ).to(img) O_img = img.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) @ ospace_weight.T O_img = O_img.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) distparam = [] # dist param is actually the multiscale features for scale in (1, 2): # perform on two scales (1, 2) struct_dis = normalize_img_with_guass( O_img[:, [2]], kernel_size=5, sigma=5.0 / 6, padding="replicate" ) dx, dy = gauDerivative( sigmaForGauDerivative / (scale ** scaleFactorForGaussianDer), device=img ) Ix = conv2d(O_img, dx.repeat(3, 1, 1, 1), groups=3) Iy = conv2d(O_img, dy.repeat(3, 1, 1, 1), groups=3) GM = torch.sqrt(Ix ** 2 + Iy ** 2 + EPS) Ixy = torch.stack((Ix, Iy), dim=2).reshape( Ix.shape[0], Ix.shape[1] * 2, *Ix.shape[2:] ) # reshape to (IxO1, IxO1, IxO2, IyO2, IxO3, IyO3) logRGB = torch.log(img + KforLog) logRGBMS = logRGB - logRGB.mean(dim=(2, 3), keepdim=True) Intensity = logRGBMS.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) / np.sqrt(3) BY = (logRGBMS[:, [0]] + logRGBMS[:, [1]] - 2 * logRGBMS[:, [2]]) / np.sqrt(6) RG = (logRGBMS[:, [0]] - logRGBMS[:, [1]]) / np.sqrt(2) compositeMat =[struct_dis, GM, Intensity, BY, RG, Ixy], dim=1) O3 = O_img[:, [2]] # gabor filter in shape (b, ori * scale, h, w) LGFilters = _construct_filters( O3, scales=scales, orientations=orientations, min_length=minWaveLength / (scale ** scaleFactorForLoG), sigma_f=sigmaOnf, mult=mult, delta_theta=dThetaOnSigma, use_lowpass_filter=False, ) # reformat to scale * ori b, _, h, w = LGFilters.shape LGFilters = ( LGFilters.reshape(b, orientations, scales, h, w) .transpose(1, 2) .reshape(b, -1, h, w) ) # TODO: current filters needs to be transposed to get same results as matlab, find the bug LGFilters = LGFilters.transpose(-1, -2) fftIm = torch.fft.fft2(O3) logResponse = [] partialDer = [] GM = [] for index in range(LGFilters.shape[1]): filter = LGFilters[:, [index]] response = torch.fft.ifft2(filter * fftIm) realRes = torch.real(response) imagRes = torch.imag(response) partialXReal = conv2d(realRes, dx) partialYReal = conv2d(realRes, dy) realGM = torch.sqrt(partialXReal ** 2 + partialYReal ** 2 + EPS) partialXImag = conv2d(imagRes, dx) partialYImag = conv2d(imagRes, dy) imagGM = torch.sqrt(partialXImag ** 2 + partialYImag ** 2 + EPS) logResponse.append(realRes) logResponse.append(imagRes) partialDer.append(partialXReal) partialDer.append(partialYReal) partialDer.append(partialXImag) partialDer.append(partialYImag) GM.append(realGM) GM.append(imagGM) logResponse =, dim=1) partialDer =, dim=1) GM =, dim=1) compositeMat =, logResponse, partialDer, GM), dim=1) distparam.append( blockproc( compositeMat, [block_size_h // scale, block_size_w // scale], fun=compute_feature, ilniqe=True, ) ) gauForDS = fspecial(math.ceil(6 * sigmaForDownsample), sigmaForDownsample).to( img ) filterResult = imfilter( O_img, gauForDS.repeat(3, 1, 1, 1), padding="replicate", groups=3 ) O_img = filterResult[..., ::2, ::2] filterResult = imfilter( img, gauForDS.repeat(3, 1, 1, 1), padding="replicate", groups=3 ) img = filterResult[..., ::2, ::2] distparam =, dim=-1) # b, block_num, feature_num distparam[distparam > infConst] = infConst # fit a MVG (multivariate Gaussian) model to distorted patch features coefficientsViaPCA = torch.bmm( principleVectors.transpose(1, 2), (distparam - meanOfSampleData.unsqueeze(1)).transpose(1, 2), ) final_features = coefficientsViaPCA.transpose(1, 2) b, blk_num, feat_num = final_features.shape # remove block features with nan and compute nonan cov cov_distparam = nancov(final_features) # replace nan in final features with mu mu_final_features = nanmean(final_features, dim=1, keepdim=True) final_features_withmu = torch.where( torch.isnan(final_features), mu_final_features, final_features ) # compute ilniqe quality invcov_param = torch.linalg.pinv((cov_pris_param + cov_distparam) / 2) diff = final_features_withmu - mu_pris_param.unsqueeze(1) quality = (torch.bmm(diff, invcov_param) * diff).sum(dim=-1) quality = torch.sqrt(quality).mean(dim=1) return quality def calculate_ilniqe( img: torch.Tensor, crop_border: int = 0, pretrained_model_path: str = None, **kwargs ) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate IL-NIQE metric. Args: img (Tensor): Input image whose quality needs to be computed. crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image. These pixels are not involved in the metric calculation. pretrained_model_path (str): The pretrained model path. Returns: Tensor: IL-NIQE result. """ params = img = img * 255.0 img = diff_round(img) # float64 precision is critical to be consistent with matlab codes img = mu_pris_param = np.ravel(params["templateModel"][0][0]) cov_pris_param = params["templateModel"][0][1] meanOfSampleData = np.ravel(params["templateModel"][0][2]) principleVectors = params["templateModel"][0][3] mu_pris_param = torch.from_numpy(mu_pris_param).to(img) cov_pris_param = torch.from_numpy(cov_pris_param).to(img) meanOfSampleData = torch.from_numpy(meanOfSampleData).to(img) principleVectors = torch.from_numpy(principleVectors).to(img) mu_pris_param = mu_pris_param.repeat(img.size(0), 1) cov_pris_param = cov_pris_param.repeat(img.size(0), 1, 1) meanOfSampleData = meanOfSampleData.repeat(img.size(0), 1) principleVectors = principleVectors.repeat(img.size(0), 1, 1) if crop_border != 0: img = img[..., crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border] ilniqe_result = ilniqe( img, mu_pris_param, cov_pris_param, principleVectors, meanOfSampleData ) return ilniqe_result @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class NIQE(torch.nn.Module): r"""Args: channels (int): Number of processed channel. test_y_channel (bool): whether to use y channel on ycbcr. crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image. These pixels are not involved in the metric calculation. pretrained_model_path (str): The pretrained model path. References: Mittal, Anish, Rajiv Soundararajan, and Alan C. Bovik. "Making a “completely blind” image quality analyzer." IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL) 20.3 (2012): 209-212. """ def __init__( self, channels: int = 1, test_y_channel: bool = True, color_space: str = "yiq", crop_border: int = 0, pretrained_model_path: str = None, ) -> None: super(NIQE, self).__init__() self.channels = channels self.test_y_channel = test_y_channel self.color_space = color_space self.crop_border = crop_border if pretrained_model_path is not None: self.pretrained_model_path = pretrained_model_path else: self.pretrained_model_path = load_file_from_url(default_model_urls["url"]) def forward(self, X: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Computation of NIQE metric. Args: X: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Returns: Value of niqe metric in [0, 1] range. """ score = calculate_niqe( X, self.crop_border, self.test_y_channel, self.pretrained_model_path, self.color_space, ) return score @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class ILNIQE(torch.nn.Module): r"""Args: channels (int): Number of processed channel. test_y_channel (bool): whether to use y channel on ycbcr. crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image. These pixels are not involved in the metric calculation. pretrained_model_path (str): The pretrained model path. References: Zhang, Lin, Lei Zhang, and Alan C. Bovik. "A feature-enriched completely blind image quality evaluator." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24.8 (2015): 2579-2591. """ def __init__( self, channels: int = 3, crop_border: int = 0, pretrained_model_path: str = None ) -> None: super(ILNIQE, self).__init__() self.channels = channels self.crop_border = crop_border if pretrained_model_path is not None: self.pretrained_model_path = pretrained_model_path else: self.pretrained_model_path = load_file_from_url( default_model_urls["ilniqe"] ) def forward(self, X: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Computation of NIQE metric. Args: X: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Returns: Value of niqe metric in [0, 1] range. """ score = calculate_ilniqe(X, self.crop_border, self.pretrained_model_path) return score
r"""WaDIQaM model. Reference: Bosse, Sebastian, Dominique Maniry, Klaus-Robert Müller, Thomas Wiegand, and Wojciech Samek. "Deep neural networks for no-reference and full-reference image quality assessment." IEEE Transactions on image processing 27, no. 1 (2017): 206-219. Created by: Modified by: Chaofeng Chen ( Refer to: Official code from """ from typing import List, Union, cast import torch import torch.nn as nn from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY def make_layers(cfg: List[Union[str, int]]) -> nn.Sequential: layers: List[nn.Module] = [] in_channels = 3 for v in cfg: if v == "M": layers += [nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)] else: v = cast(int, v) conv2d = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, v, kernel_size=3, padding=1) layers += [conv2d, nn.ReLU(inplace=True)] in_channels = v return nn.Sequential(*layers) @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class WaDIQaM(nn.Module): """WaDIQaM model. Args: metric_mode (String): Choose metric mode. weighted_average (Boolean): Average the weight. train_patch_num (int): Number of patch trained. Default: 32. pretrained_model_path (String): The pretrained model path. load_feature_weight_only (Boolean): Only load featureweight. eps (float): Constant value. """ def __init__( self, metric_mode="FR", weighted_average=True, train_patch_num=32, pretrained_model_path=None, load_feature_weight_only=False, eps=1e-8, ): super(WaDIQaM, self).__init__() backbone_cfg = [ 32, 32, "M", 64, 64, "M", 128, 128, "M", 256, 256, "M", 512, 512, "M", ] self.features = make_layers(backbone_cfg) self.train_patch_num = train_patch_num self.patch_size = 32 # This cannot be changed due to network design self.metric_mode = metric_mode fc_in_channel = 512 * 3 if metric_mode == "FR" else 512 self.eps = eps self.fc_q = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(fc_in_channel, 512), nn.ReLU(True), nn.Dropout(), nn.Linear(512, 1), ) self.weighted_average = weighted_average if weighted_average: self.fc_w = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(fc_in_channel, 512), nn.ReLU(True), nn.Dropout(), nn.Linear(512, 1), nn.ReLU(True), ) if pretrained_model_path is not None: self.load_pretrained_network( pretrained_model_path, load_feature_weight_only ) def load_pretrained_network(self, model_path, load_feature_weight_only=False): state_dict = torch.load(model_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu"))[ "state_dict" ] if load_feature_weight_only: print("Only load backbone feature net") new_state_dict = {} for k in state_dict.keys(): if "features" in k: new_state_dict[k] = state_dict[k], strict=False) else:, strict=True) def _get_random_patches(self, x, y=None): """train with random crop patches""" self.patch_num = self.train_patch_num b, c, h, w = x.shape th = tw = self.patch_size cropped_x = [] cropped_y = [] for s in range(self.train_patch_num): i = torch.randint(0, h - th + 1, size=(1,)).item() j = torch.randint(0, w - tw + 1, size=(1,)).item() cropped_x.append(x[:, :, i : i + th, j : j + tw]) if y is not None: cropped_y.append(y[:, :, i : i + th, j : j + tw]) if y is not None: cropped_x = torch.stack(cropped_x, dim=1).reshape(-1, c, th, tw) cropped_y = torch.stack(cropped_y, dim=1).reshape(-1, c, th, tw) return cropped_x, cropped_y else: cropped_x = torch.stack(cropped_x, dim=1).reshape(-1, c, th, tw) return cropped_x def _get_nonoverlap_patches(self, x, y=None): """test with non overlap patches""" self.patch_num = 0 b, c, h, w = x.shape th = tw = self.patch_size cropped_x = [] cropped_y = [] for i in range(0, h - th, th): for j in range(0, w - tw, tw): cropped_x.append(x[:, :, i : i + th, j : j + tw]) if y is not None: cropped_y.append(y[:, :, i : i + th, j : j + tw]) self.patch_num += 1 if y is not None: cropped_x = torch.stack(cropped_x, dim=1).reshape(-1, c, th, tw) cropped_y = torch.stack(cropped_y, dim=1).reshape(-1, c, th, tw) return cropped_x, cropped_y else: cropped_x = torch.stack(cropped_x, dim=1).reshape(-1, c, th, tw) return cropped_x def get_patches(self, x, y=None): if return self._get_random_patches(x, y) else: return self._get_nonoverlap_patches(x, y) def extract_features(self, patches): h = self.features(patches) h = h.reshape(-1, self.patch_num, 512) return h def forward(self, x, y=None): r"""WaDIQaM model. Args: x: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. y: A reference tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. """ if self.metric_mode == "FR": assert y is not None, "Full reference metric requires reference input" x_patches, y_patches = self.get_patches(x, y) feat_img = self.extract_features(x_patches) feat_ref = self.extract_features(y_patches) feat_q =, feat_img, feat_img - feat_ref), dim=-1) else: x_patches = self.get_patches(x) feat_q = self.extract_features(x_patches) q_score = self.fc_q(feat_q) weight = self.fc_w(feat_q) + self.eps # add eps to avoid training collapse if self.weighted_average: q_final = torch.sum(q_score * weight, dim=1) / torch.sum(weight, dim=1) else: q_final = q_score.mean(dim=1) return q_final.reshape(-1, 1)
r"""CNNIQA Model. Created by: Modified by: Chaofeng Chen ( Modification: - We use 3 channel RGB input. """ import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import load_pretrained_network from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY default_model_urls = { "koniq10k": "" } @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class CNNIQA(nn.Module): r"""CNNIQA model. Args: ker_size (int): Kernel size. n_kers (int): Number of kernals. n1_nodes (int): Number of n1 nodes. n2_nodes (int): Number of n2 nodes. pretrained_model_path (String): Pretrained model path. Reference: Kang, Le, Peng Ye, Yi Li, and David Doermann. "Convolutional neural networks for no-reference image quality assessment." In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 1733-1740. 2014. """ def __init__( self, ker_size=7, n_kers=50, n1_nodes=800, n2_nodes=800, pretrained="koniq10k", pretrained_model_path=None, ): super(CNNIQA, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, n_kers, ker_size) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(2 * n_kers, n1_nodes) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(n1_nodes, n2_nodes) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(n2_nodes, 1) self.dropout = nn.Dropout() if pretrained_model_path is None and pretrained is not None: pretrained_model_path = default_model_urls[pretrained] if pretrained_model_path is not None: load_pretrained_network(self, pretrained_model_path, True, "params") def forward(self, x): r"""Compute IQA using CNNIQA model. Args: x: An input tensor with (N, C, H, W) shape. RGB channel order for colour images. Returns: Value of CNNIQA model. """ h = self.conv1(x) h1 = F.max_pool2d(h, (h.size(-2), h.size(-1))) h2 = -F.max_pool2d(-h, (h.size(-2), h.size(-1))) h =, h2), 1) # max-min pooling h = h.squeeze(3).squeeze(2) h = F.relu(self.fc1(h)) h = self.dropout(h) h = F.relu(self.fc2(h)) q = self.fc3(h) return q
import numpy as np import timm import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from einops import rearrange, repeat from einops.layers.torch import Rearrange from pyexpat import model from timm.models.resnet import BasicBlock, Bottleneck from timm.models.vision_transformer import Block from torchvision.ops.deform_conv import DeformConv2d from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import ( ExactPadding2d, default_init_weights, load_pretrained_network, to_2tuple, ) from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY class IQARegression(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.conv_enc = nn.Conv2d( in_channels=320 * 6, out_channels=config.d_hidn, kernel_size=1 ) self.conv_dec = nn.Conv2d( in_channels=320 * 6, out_channels=config.d_hidn, kernel_size=1 ) self.transformer = Transformer(self.config) self.projection = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(self.config.d_hidn, self.config.d_MLP_head, bias=False), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(self.config.d_MLP_head, self.config.n_output, bias=False), ) def forward(self, enc_inputs, enc_inputs_embed, dec_inputs, dec_inputs_embed): # batch x (320*6) x 29 x 29 -> batch x 256 x 29 x 29 enc_inputs_embed = self.conv_enc(enc_inputs_embed) dec_inputs_embed = self.conv_dec(dec_inputs_embed) # batch x 256 x 29 x 29 -> batch x 256 x (29*29) b, c, h, w = enc_inputs_embed.size() enc_inputs_embed = torch.reshape(enc_inputs_embed, (b, c, h * w)) enc_inputs_embed = enc_inputs_embed.permute(0, 2, 1) # batch x 256 x (29*29) -> batch x (29*29) x 256 dec_inputs_embed = torch.reshape(dec_inputs_embed, (b, c, h * w)) dec_inputs_embed = dec_inputs_embed.permute(0, 2, 1) # (bs, n_dec_seq+1, d_hidn), [(bs, n_head, n_enc_seq+1, n_enc_seq+1)], [(bs, n_head, n_dec_seq+1, n_dec_seq+1)], [(bs, n_head, n_dec_seq+1, n_enc_seq+1)] ( dec_outputs, enc_self_attn_probs, dec_self_attn_probs, dec_enc_attn_probs, ) = self.transformer(enc_inputs, enc_inputs_embed, dec_inputs, dec_inputs_embed) # (bs, n_dec_seq+1, d_hidn) -> (bs, d_hidn) # dec_outputs, _ = torch.max(dec_outputs, dim=1) # original transformer dec_outputs = dec_outputs[:, 0, :] # in the IQA paper # dec_outputs = torch.mean(dec_outputs, dim=1) # general idea # (bs, n_output) pred = self.projection(dec_outputs) return pred """ transformer """ class Transformer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.encoder = Encoder(self.config) self.decoder = Decoder(self.config) def forward(self, enc_inputs, enc_inputs_embed, dec_inputs, dec_inputs_embed): # (bs, n_enc_seq, d_hidn), [(bs, n_head, n_enc_seq, n_enc_seq)] enc_outputs, enc_self_attn_probs = self.encoder(enc_inputs, enc_inputs_embed) # (bs, n_seq, d_hidn), [(bs, n_head, n_dec_seq, n_dec_seq)], [(bs, n_head, n_dec_seq, n_enc_seq)] dec_outputs, dec_self_attn_probs, dec_enc_attn_probs = self.decoder( dec_inputs, dec_inputs_embed, enc_inputs, enc_outputs ) # (bs, n_dec_seq, n_dec_vocab), [(bs, n_head, n_enc_seq, n_enc_seq)], [(bs, n_head, n_dec_seq, n_dec_seq)], [(bs, n_head, n_dec_seq, n_enc_seq)] return dec_outputs, enc_self_attn_probs, dec_self_attn_probs, dec_enc_attn_probs """ encoder """ class Encoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config # fixed position embedding # sinusoid_table = torch.FloatTensor(get_sinusoid_encoding_table(self.config.n_enc_seq+1, self.config.d_hidn)) # self.pos_emb = nn.Embedding.from_pretrained(sinusoid_table, freeze=True) # learnable position embedding self.pos_embedding = nn.Parameter( torch.randn(1, self.config.n_enc_seq + 1, self.config.d_hidn) ) self.cls_token = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, 1, self.config.d_hidn)) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(self.config.emb_dropout) self.layers = nn.ModuleList( [EncoderLayer(self.config) for _ in range(self.config.n_layer)] ) def forward(self, inputs, inputs_embed): # inputs: batch x (len_seq+1) / inputs_embed: batch x len_seq x n_feat b, n, _ = inputs_embed.shape # positions: batch x (len_seq+1) positions = ( torch.arange(inputs.size(1), device=inputs.device, dtype=torch.int64) .expand(inputs.size(0), inputs.size(1)) .contiguous() + 1 ) pos_mask = inputs.eq(self.config.i_pad) positions.masked_fill_(pos_mask, 0) # outputs: batch x (len_seq+1) x n_feat cls_tokens = repeat(self.cls_token, "() n d -> b n d", b=b) x =, inputs_embed), dim=1) x += self.pos_embedding # x += self.pos_emb(positions) outputs = self.dropout(x) # (bs, n_enc_seq+1, n_enc_seq+1) attn_mask = get_attn_pad_mask(inputs, inputs, self.config.i_pad) attn_probs = [] for layer in self.layers: # (bs, n_enc_seq+1, d_hidn), (bs, n_head, n_enc_seq+1, n_enc_seq+1) outputs, attn_prob = layer(outputs, attn_mask) attn_probs.append(attn_prob) # (bs, n_enc_seq+1, d_hidn), [(bs, n_head, n_enc_seq+1, n_enc_seq+1)] return outputs, attn_probs """ encoder layer """ class EncoderLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.self_attn = MultiHeadAttention(self.config) self.layer_norm1 = nn.LayerNorm( self.config.d_hidn, eps=self.config.layer_norm_epsilon ) self.pos_ffn = PoswiseFeedForwardNet(self.config) self.layer_norm2 = nn.LayerNorm( self.config.d_hidn, eps=self.config.layer_norm_epsilon ) def forward(self, inputs, attn_mask): # (bs, n_enc_seq, d_hidn), (bs, n_head, n_enc_seq, n_enc_seq) att_outputs, attn_prob = self.self_attn(inputs, inputs, inputs, attn_mask) att_outputs = self.layer_norm1(inputs + att_outputs) # (bs, n_enc_seq, d_hidn) ffn_outputs = self.pos_ffn(att_outputs) ffn_outputs = self.layer_norm2(ffn_outputs + att_outputs) # (bs, n_enc_seq, d_hidn), (bs, n_head, n_enc_seq, n_enc_seq) return ffn_outputs, attn_prob def get_sinusoid_encoding_table(n_seq, d_hidn): def cal_angle(position, i_hidn): return position / np.power(10000, 2 * (i_hidn // 2) / d_hidn) def get_posi_angle_vec(position): return [cal_angle(position, i_hidn) for i_hidn in range(d_hidn)] sinusoid_table = np.array([get_posi_angle_vec(i_seq) for i_seq in range(n_seq)]) sinusoid_table[:, 0::2] = np.sin(sinusoid_table[:, 0::2]) # even index sin sinusoid_table[:, 1::2] = np.cos(sinusoid_table[:, 1::2]) # odd index cos return sinusoid_table """ attention pad mask """ def get_attn_pad_mask(seq_q, seq_k, i_pad): batch_size, len_q = seq_q.size() batch_size, len_k = seq_k.size() pad_attn_mask = pad_attn_mask = pad_attn_mask.unsqueeze(1).expand(batch_size, len_q, len_k) return pad_attn_mask """ multi head attention """ class MultiHeadAttention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.W_Q = nn.Linear( self.config.d_hidn, self.config.n_head * self.config.d_head ) self.W_K = nn.Linear( self.config.d_hidn, self.config.n_head * self.config.d_head ) self.W_V = nn.Linear( self.config.d_hidn, self.config.n_head * self.config.d_head ) self.scaled_dot_attn = ScaledDotProductAttention(self.config) self.linear = nn.Linear( self.config.n_head * self.config.d_head, self.config.d_hidn ) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.dropout) def forward(self, Q, K, V, attn_mask): batch_size = Q.size(0) # (bs, n_head, n_q_seq, d_head) q_s = ( self.W_Q(Q) .view(batch_size, -1, self.config.n_head, self.config.d_head) .transpose(1, 2) ) # (bs, n_head, n_k_seq, d_head) k_s = ( self.W_K(K) .view(batch_size, -1, self.config.n_head, self.config.d_head) .transpose(1, 2) ) # (bs, n_head, n_v_seq, d_head) v_s = ( self.W_V(V) .view(batch_size, -1, self.config.n_head, self.config.d_head) .transpose(1, 2) ) # (bs, n_head, n_q_seq, n_k_seq) attn_mask = attn_mask.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, self.config.n_head, 1, 1) # (bs, n_head, n_q_seq, d_head), (bs, n_head, n_q_seq, n_k_seq) context, attn_prob = self.scaled_dot_attn(q_s, k_s, v_s, attn_mask) # (bs, n_head, n_q_seq, h_head * d_head) context = ( context.transpose(1, 2) .contiguous() .view(batch_size, -1, self.config.n_head * self.config.d_head) ) # (bs, n_head, n_q_seq, e_embd) output = self.linear(context) output = self.dropout(output) # (bs, n_q_seq, d_hidn), (bs, n_head, n_q_seq, n_k_seq) return output, attn_prob """ scale dot product attention """ class ScaledDotProductAttention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.dropout) self.scale = 1 / (self.config.d_head ** 0.5) def forward(self, Q, K, V, attn_mask): # (bs, n_head, n_q_seq, n_k_seq) scores = torch.matmul(Q, K.transpose(-1, -2)) scores = scores.mul_(self.scale) scores.masked_fill_(attn_mask, -1e9) # (bs, n_head, n_q_seq, n_k_seq) attn_prob = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)(scores) attn_prob = self.dropout(attn_prob) # (bs, n_head, n_q_seq, d_v) context = torch.matmul(attn_prob, V) # (bs, n_head, n_q_seq, d_v), (bs, n_head, n_q_seq, n_v_seq) return context, attn_prob """ feed forward """ class PoswiseFeedForwardNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.conv1 = nn.Conv1d( in_channels=self.config.d_hidn, out_channels=self.config.d_ff, kernel_size=1 ) self.conv2 = nn.Conv1d( in_channels=self.config.d_ff, out_channels=self.config.d_hidn, kernel_size=1 ) = F.gelu self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.dropout) def forward(self, inputs): # (bs, d_ff, n_seq) output = self.conv1(inputs.transpose(1, 2)) output = # (bs, n_seq, d_hidn) output = self.conv2(output).transpose(1, 2) output = self.dropout(output) # (bs, n_seq, d_hidn) return output """ decoder """ class Decoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.pos_embedding = nn.Parameter( torch.randn(1, self.config.n_enc_seq + 1, self.config.d_hidn) ) self.cls_token = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, 1, self.config.d_hidn)) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(self.config.emb_dropout) self.layers = nn.ModuleList( [DecoderLayer(self.config) for _ in range(self.config.n_layer)] ) def forward(self, dec_inputs, dec_inputs_embed, enc_inputs, enc_outputs): # enc_inputs: batch x (len_seq+1) / enc_outputs: batch x (len_seq+1) x n_feat # dec_inputs: batch x (len_seq+1) / dec_inputs_embed: batch x len_seq x n_feat b, n, _ = dec_inputs_embed.shape cls_tokens = repeat(self.cls_token, "() n d -> b n d", b=b) x =, dec_inputs_embed), dim=1) x += self.pos_embedding[:, : (n + 1)] # (bs, n_dec_seq+1, d_hidn) dec_outputs = self.dropout(x) # (bs, n_dec_seq+1, n_dec_seq+1) dec_attn_pad_mask = get_attn_pad_mask(dec_inputs, dec_inputs, self.config.i_pad) # (bs, n_dec_seq+1, n_dec_seq+1) dec_attn_decoder_mask = get_attn_decoder_mask(dec_inputs) # (bs, n_dec_seq+1, n_dec_seq+1) dec_self_attn_mask = + dec_attn_decoder_mask), 0) # (bs, n_dec_seq+1, n_enc_seq+1) dec_enc_attn_mask = get_attn_pad_mask(dec_inputs, enc_inputs, self.config.i_pad) self_attn_probs, dec_enc_attn_probs = [], [] for layer in self.layers: # (bs, n_dec_seq+1, d_hidn), (bs, n_dec_seq+1, n_dec_seq+1), (bs, n_dec_seq+1, n_enc_seq+1) dec_outputs, self_attn_prob, dec_enc_attn_prob = layer( dec_outputs, enc_outputs, dec_self_attn_mask, dec_enc_attn_mask ) self_attn_probs.append(self_attn_prob) dec_enc_attn_probs.append(dec_enc_attn_prob) # (bs, n_dec_seq+1, d_hidn), [(bs, n_dec_seq+1, n_dec_seq+1)], [(bs, n_dec_seq+1, n_enc_seq+1)] return dec_outputs, self_attn_probs, dec_enc_attn_probs """ decoder layer """ class DecoderLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.self_attn = MultiHeadAttention(self.config) self.layer_norm1 = nn.LayerNorm( self.config.d_hidn, eps=self.config.layer_norm_epsilon ) self.dec_enc_attn = MultiHeadAttention(self.config) self.layer_norm2 = nn.LayerNorm( self.config.d_hidn, eps=self.config.layer_norm_epsilon ) self.pos_ffn = PoswiseFeedForwardNet(self.config) self.layer_norm3 = nn.LayerNorm( self.config.d_hidn, eps=self.config.layer_norm_epsilon ) def forward(self, dec_inputs, enc_outputs, self_attn_mask, dec_enc_attn_mask): # (bs, n_dec_seq, d_hidn), (bs, n_head, n_dec_seq, n_dec_seq) self_att_outputs, self_attn_prob = self.self_attn( dec_inputs, dec_inputs, dec_inputs, self_attn_mask ) self_att_outputs = self.layer_norm1(dec_inputs + self_att_outputs) # (bs, n_dec_seq, d_hidn), (bs, n_head, n_dec_seq, n_enc_seq) dec_enc_att_outputs, dec_enc_attn_prob = self.dec_enc_attn( self_att_outputs, enc_outputs, enc_outputs, dec_enc_attn_mask ) dec_enc_att_outputs = self.layer_norm2(self_att_outputs + dec_enc_att_outputs) # (bs, n_dec_seq, d_hidn) ffn_outputs = self.pos_ffn(dec_enc_att_outputs) ffn_outputs = self.layer_norm3(dec_enc_att_outputs + ffn_outputs) # (bs, n_dec_seq, d_hidn), (bs, n_head, n_dec_seq, n_dec_seq), (bs, n_head, n_dec_seq, n_enc_seq) return ffn_outputs, self_attn_prob, dec_enc_attn_prob """ attention decoder mask """ def get_attn_decoder_mask(seq): subsequent_mask = ( torch.ones_like(seq).unsqueeze(-1).expand(seq.size(0), seq.size(1), seq.size(1)) ) subsequent_mask = subsequent_mask.triu( diagonal=1 ) # upper triangular part of a matrix(2-D) return subsequent_mask def random_crop(x, y, crop_size, crop_num): b, c, h, w = x.shape ch, cw = to_2tuple(crop_size) crops_x = [] crops_y = [] for i in range(crop_num): sh = np.random.randint(0, h - ch) sw = np.random.randint(0, w - cw) crops_x.append(x[..., sh : sh + ch, sw : sw + cw]) crops_y.append(y[..., sh : sh + ch, sw : sw + cw]) crops_x = torch.stack(crops_x, dim=1) crops_y = torch.stack(crops_y, dim=1) return crops_x.reshape(b * crop_num, c, ch, cw), crops_y.reshape( b * crop_num, c, ch, cw ) class SaveOutput: def __init__(self): self.outputs = {} def __call__(self, module, module_in, module_out): if module_out.device in self.outputs.keys(): self.outputs[module_out.device].append(module_out) else: self.outputs[module_out.device] = [module_out] def clear(self, device): self.outputs[device] = [] class DeformFusion(nn.Module): def __init__( self, patch_size=8, in_channels=768 * 5, cnn_channels=256 * 3, out_channels=256 * 3, ): super().__init__() # in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding self.d_hidn = 512 if patch_size == 8: stride = 1 else: stride = 2 self.conv_offset = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, 2 * 3 * 3, 3, 1, 1) self.deform = DeformConv2d(cnn_channels, out_channels, 3, 1, 1) self.conv1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d( in_channels=out_channels, out_channels=self.d_hidn, kernel_size=3, padding=1, stride=2, ), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d( in_channels=self.d_hidn, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1, stride=stride, ), ) def forward(self, cnn_feat, vit_feat): vit_feat = F.interpolate(vit_feat, size=cnn_feat.shape[-2:], mode="nearest") offset = self.conv_offset(vit_feat) deform_feat = self.deform(cnn_feat, offset) deform_feat = self.conv1(deform_feat) return deform_feat class Pixel_Prediction(nn.Module): def __init__(self, inchannels=768 * 5 + 256 * 3, outchannels=256, d_hidn=1024): super().__init__() self.d_hidn = d_hidn self.down_channel = nn.Conv2d(inchannels, outchannels, kernel_size=1) self.feat_smoothing = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d( in_channels=256 * 3, out_channels=self.d_hidn, kernel_size=3, padding=1 ), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d( in_channels=self.d_hidn, out_channels=512, kernel_size=3, padding=1 ), ) self.conv1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), ) self.conv_attent = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=1, kernel_size=1), nn.Sigmoid() ) self.conv = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=1, kernel_size=1), ) def forward(self, f_dis, f_ref, cnn_dis, cnn_ref): f_dis =, cnn_dis), 1) f_ref =, cnn_ref), 1) f_dis = self.down_channel(f_dis) f_ref = self.down_channel(f_ref) f_cat = - f_ref, f_dis, f_ref), 1) feat_fused = self.feat_smoothing(f_cat) feat = self.conv1(feat_fused) f = self.conv(feat) w = self.conv_attent(feat) pred = (f * w).sum(dim=-1).sum(dim=-1) / w.sum(dim=-1).sum(dim=-1) return pred @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class IQT(nn.Module): def __init__( self, num_crop=20, config_dataset="live",,, pretrained=False, pretrained_model_path=None, ): super().__init__() self.backbone = timm.create_model("inception_resnet_v2", pretrained=True) self.fix_network(self.backbone) class Config: def __init__(self, dataset=config_dataset) -> None: if dataset in ["live", "csiq", "tid"]: # model for PIPAL (NTIRE2021 Challenge) self.n_enc_seq = ( 29 * 29 ) # feature map dimension (H x W) from backbone, this size is related to crop_size self.n_dec_seq = ( 29 * 29 ) # feature map dimension (H x W) from backbone self.n_layer = 2 # number of encoder/decoder layers self.d_hidn = ( 256 # input channel (C) of encoder / decoder (input: C x N) ) self.i_pad = 0 self.d_ff = 1024 # feed forward hidden layer dimension self.d_MLP_head = 512 # hidden layer of final MLP self.n_head = 4 # number of head (in multi-head attention) self.d_head = 256 # input channel (C) of each head (input: C x N) -> same as d_hidn self.dropout = 0.1 # dropout ratio of transformer self.emb_dropout = 0.1 # dropout ratio of input embedding self.layer_norm_epsilon = 1e-12 self.n_output = 1 # dimension of final prediction self.crop_size = 256 # input image crop size elif dataset == "pipal": # model for PIPAL (NTIRE2021 Challenge) self.n_enc_seq = ( 21 * 21 ) # feature map dimension (H x W) from backbone, this size is related to crop_size self.n_dec_seq = ( 21 * 21 ) # feature map dimension (H x W) from backbone self.n_layer = 1 # number of encoder/decoder layers self.d_hidn = ( 128 # input channel (C) of encoder / decoder (input: C x N) ) self.i_pad = 0 self.d_ff = 1024 # feed forward hidden layer dimension self.d_MLP_head = 128 # hidden layer of final MLP self.n_head = 4 # number of head (in multi-head attention) self.d_head = 128 # input channel (C) of each head (input: C x N) -> same as d_hidn self.dropout = 0.1 # dropout ratio of transformer self.emb_dropout = 0.1 # dropout ratio of input embedding self.layer_norm_epsilon = 1e-12 self.n_output = 1 # dimension of final prediction self.crop_size = 192 # input image crop size config = Config() self.config = config self.register_buffer("enc_inputs", torch.ones(1, config.n_enc_seq + 1)) self.register_buffer("dec_inputs", torch.ones(1, config.n_dec_seq + 1)) self.regressor = IQARegression(config) # register hook to get intermediate features self.init_saveoutput() self.default_mean = torch.Tensor(default_mean).view(1, 3, 1, 1) self.default_std = torch.Tensor(default_std).view(1, 3, 1, 1) if pretrained_model_path is not None: load_pretrained_network( self, pretrained_model_path, False, weight_keys="params" ) self.eps = 1e-12 self.crops = num_crop self.crop_size = config.crop_size def init_saveoutput(self): self.save_output = SaveOutput() hook_handles = [] for layer in self.backbone.modules(): if type(layer).__name__ == "Mixed_5b": handle = layer.register_forward_hook(self.save_output) hook_handles.append(handle) elif type(layer).__name__ == "Block35": handle = layer.register_forward_hook(self.save_output) def fix_network(self, model): for p in model.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False def preprocess(self, x): x = (x - / return x @torch.no_grad() def get_backbone_feature(self, x): self.backbone(x) feat = ( self.save_output.outputs[x.device][0], self.save_output.outputs[x.device][2], self.save_output.outputs[x.device][4], self.save_output.outputs[x.device][6], self.save_output.outputs[x.device][8], self.save_output.outputs[x.device][10], ), dim=1, ) self.save_output.clear(x.device) return feat def regress_score(self, dis, ref): assert ( dis.shape[-1] == dis.shape[-2] == self.config.crop_size ), f"Input shape should be {self.config.crop_size, self.config.crop_size} but got {dis.shape[2:]}" self.backbone.eval() dis = self.preprocess(dis) ref = self.preprocess(ref) feat_dis = self.get_backbone_feature(dis) feat_ref = self.get_backbone_feature(ref) feat_diff = feat_ref - feat_dis score = self.regressor(self.enc_inputs, feat_diff, self.dec_inputs, feat_ref) return score def forward(self, x, y): bsz = x.shape[0] if self.crops > 1 and not x, y = random_crop(x, y, self.crop_size, self.crops) score = self.regress_score(x, y) score = score.reshape(bsz, self.crops, 1) score = score.mean(dim=1) else: score = self.regress_score(x, y) return score
from typing import Tuple import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from pyiqa.matlab_utils import fspecial, imfilter from .arch_util import excact_padding_2d EPS = torch.finfo(torch.float32).eps def extract_2d_patches(x, kernel, stride=1, dilation=1, padding="same"): """ Ref: """ b, c, h, w = x.shape if padding != "none": x = excact_padding_2d(x, kernel, stride, dilation, mode=padding) # Extract patches patches = F.unfold(x, kernel, dilation, stride=stride) b, _, pnum = patches.shape patches = patches.transpose(1, 2).reshape(b, pnum, c, kernel, kernel) return patches def torch_cov(tensor, rowvar=True, bias=False): r"""Estimate a covariance matrix (np.cov) Ref: """ tensor = tensor if rowvar else tensor.transpose(-1, -2) tensor = tensor - tensor.mean(dim=-1, keepdim=True) factor = 1 / (tensor.shape[-1] - int(not bool(bias))) return factor * tensor @ tensor.transpose(-1, -2) def safe_sqrt(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Safe sqrt with EPS to ensure numeric stability. Args: x (torch.Tensor): should be non-negative """ EPS = torch.finfo(x.dtype).eps return torch.sqrt(x + EPS) def diff_round(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Differentiable round.""" return x - x.detach() + x.round() def normalize_img_with_guass( img: torch.Tensor, kernel_size: int = 7, sigma: float = 7.0 / 6, C: int = 1, padding: str = "same", ): kernel = fspecial(kernel_size, sigma, 1).to(img) mu = imfilter(img, kernel, padding=padding) std = imfilter(img ** 2, kernel, padding=padding) sigma = safe_sqrt((std - mu ** 2).abs()) img_normalized = (img - mu) / (sigma + C) return img_normalized # Gradient operator kernels def scharr_filter() -> torch.Tensor: r"""Utility function that returns a normalized 3x3 Scharr kernel in X direction Returns: kernel: Tensor with shape (1, 3, 3) """ return torch.tensor([[[-3.0, 0.0, 3.0], [-10.0, 0.0, 10.0], [-3.0, 0.0, 3.0]]]) / 16 def gradient_map(x: torch.Tensor, kernels: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Compute gradient map for a given tensor and stack of kernels. Args: x: Tensor with shape (N, C, H, W). kernels: Stack of tensors for gradient computation with shape (k_N, k_H, k_W) Returns: Gradients of x per-channel with shape (N, C, H, W) """ padding = kernels.size(-1) // 2 grads = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(x,, padding=padding) return safe_sqrt(torch.sum(grads ** 2, dim=-3, keepdim=True)) def similarity_map( map_x: torch.Tensor, map_y: torch.Tensor, constant: float, alpha: float = 0.0 ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Compute similarity_map between two tensors using Dice-like equation. Args: map_x: Tensor with map to be compared map_y: Tensor with map to be compared constant: Used for numerical stability alpha: Masking coefficient. Substracts - `alpha` * map_x * map_y from denominator and nominator """ return (2.0 * map_x * map_y - alpha * map_x * map_y + constant) / ( map_x ** 2 + map_y ** 2 - alpha * map_x * map_y + constant + EPS ) def ifftshift(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Similar to np.fft.ifftshift but applies to PyTorch Tensors""" shift = [-(ax // 2) for ax in x.size()] return torch.roll(x, shift, tuple(range(len(shift)))) def get_meshgrid(size: Tuple[int, int]) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Return coordinate grid matrices centered at zero point. Args: size: Shape of meshgrid to create """ if size[0] % 2: # Odd x = torch.arange(-(size[0] - 1) / 2, size[0] / 2) / (size[0] - 1) else: # Even x = torch.arange(-size[0] / 2, size[0] / 2) / size[0] if size[1] % 2: # Odd y = torch.arange(-(size[1] - 1) / 2, size[1] / 2) / (size[1] - 1) else: # Even y = torch.arange(-size[1] / 2, size[1] / 2) / size[1] return torch.meshgrid(x, y, indexing="ij") def estimate_ggd_param(x: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Estimate general gaussian distribution. Args: x (Tensor): shape (b, 1, h, w) """ gamma = torch.arange(0.2, 10 + 0.001, 0.001).to(x) r_table = ( torch.lgamma(1.0 / gamma) + torch.lgamma(3.0 / gamma) - 2 * torch.lgamma(2.0 / gamma) ).exp() r_table = r_table.repeat(x.size(0), 1) sigma_sq = x.pow(2).mean(dim=(-1, -2)) sigma = sigma_sq.sqrt().squeeze(dim=-1) assert not torch.isclose( sigma, torch.zeros_like(sigma) ).all(), "Expected image with non zero variance of pixel values" E = x.abs().mean(dim=(-1, -2)) rho = sigma_sq / E ** 2 indexes = (rho - r_table).abs().argmin(dim=-1) solution = gamma[indexes] return solution, sigma def estimate_aggd_param( block: torch.Tensor, return_sigma=False ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Estimate AGGD (Asymmetric Generalized Gaussian Distribution) parameters. Args: block (Tensor): Image block with shape (b, 1, h, w). Returns: Tensor: alpha, beta_l and beta_r for the AGGD distribution (Estimating the parames in Equation 7 in the paper). """ gam = torch.arange(0.2, 10 + 0.001, 0.001).to(block) r_gam = ( 2 * torch.lgamma(2.0 / gam) - (torch.lgamma(1.0 / gam) + torch.lgamma(3.0 / gam)) ).exp() r_gam = r_gam.repeat(block.shape[0], 1) mask_left = block < 0 mask_right = block > 0 count_left = mask_left.sum(dim=(-1, -2), dtype=torch.float32) count_right = mask_right.sum(dim=(-1, -2), dtype=torch.float32) left_std = torch.sqrt((block * mask_left).pow(2).sum(dim=(-1, -2)) / (count_left)) right_std = torch.sqrt( (block * mask_right).pow(2).sum(dim=(-1, -2)) / (count_right) ) gammahat = left_std / right_std rhat = block.abs().mean(dim=(-1, -2)).pow(2) / block.pow(2).mean(dim=(-1, -2)) rhatnorm = (rhat * (gammahat.pow(3) + 1) * (gammahat + 1)) / ( gammahat.pow(2) + 1 ).pow(2) array_position = (r_gam - rhatnorm).abs().argmin(dim=-1) alpha = gam[array_position] beta_l = ( left_std.squeeze(-1) * (torch.lgamma(1 / alpha) - torch.lgamma(3 / alpha)).exp().sqrt() ) beta_r = ( right_std.squeeze(-1) * (torch.lgamma(1 / alpha) - torch.lgamma(3 / alpha)).exp().sqrt() ) if return_sigma: return alpha, left_std.squeeze(-1), right_std.squeeze(-1) else: return alpha, beta_l, beta_r
r"""VSI Metric. Created by: Modified by: Jiadi Mo ( Refer to: IQA-Optimization from Offical matlab code is not available """ import functools import warnings from typing import Tuple, Union import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.nn.functional import avg_pool2d, interpolate, pad from pyiqa.utils.color_util import rgb2lab, rgb2lmn from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY from .func_util import ( get_meshgrid, gradient_map, ifftshift, safe_sqrt, scharr_filter, similarity_map, ) def vsi( x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, data_range: Union[int, float] = 1.0, c1: float = 1.27, c2: float = 386.0, c3: float = 130.0, alpha: float = 0.4, beta: float = 0.02, omega_0: float = 0.021, sigma_f: float = 1.34, sigma_d: float = 145.0, sigma_c: float = 0.001, ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Compute Visual Saliency-induced Index for a batch of images. Args: x: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. y: A target tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. data_range: Maximum value range of images (usually 1.0 or 255). c1: coefficient to calculate saliency component of VSI. c2: coefficient to calculate gradient component of VSI. c3: coefficient to calculate color component of VSI. alpha: power for gradient component of VSI. beta: power for color component of VSI. omega_0: coefficient to get log Gabor filter at SDSP. sigma_f: coefficient to get log Gabor filter at SDSP. sigma_d: coefficient to get SDSP. sigma_c: coefficient to get SDSP. Returns: Index of similarity between two images. Usually in [0, 1] range. References: L. Zhang, Y. Shen and H. Li, "VSI: A Visual Saliency-Induced Index for Perceptual Image Quality Assessment," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 4270-4281, Oct. 2014, doi: 10.1109/TIP.2014.2346028 Note: The original method supports only RGB image. """ if x.size(1) == 1: x = x.repeat(1, 3, 1, 1) y = y.repeat(1, 3, 1, 1) warnings.warn( "The original VSI supports only RGB images. The input images were converted to RGB by copying " "the grey channel 3 times." ) # Scale to [0, 255] range to match scale of constant x = x * 255.0 / data_range y = y * 255.0 / data_range vs_x = sdsp( x, data_range=255, omega_0=omega_0, sigma_f=sigma_f, sigma_d=sigma_d, sigma_c=sigma_c, ) vs_y = sdsp( y, data_range=255, omega_0=omega_0, sigma_f=sigma_f, sigma_d=sigma_d, sigma_c=sigma_c, ) # Convert to LMN colour space x_lmn = rgb2lmn(x) y_lmn = rgb2lmn(y) # Averaging image if the size is large enough kernel_size = max(1, round(min(vs_x.size()[-2:]) / 256)) padding = kernel_size // 2 if padding: upper_pad = padding bottom_pad = (kernel_size - 1) // 2 pad_to_use = [upper_pad, bottom_pad, upper_pad, bottom_pad] mode = "replicate" vs_x = pad(vs_x, pad=pad_to_use, mode=mode) vs_y = pad(vs_y, pad=pad_to_use, mode=mode) x_lmn = pad(x_lmn, pad=pad_to_use, mode=mode) y_lmn = pad(y_lmn, pad=pad_to_use, mode=mode) vs_x = avg_pool2d(vs_x, kernel_size=kernel_size) vs_y = avg_pool2d(vs_y, kernel_size=kernel_size) x_lmn = avg_pool2d(x_lmn, kernel_size=kernel_size) y_lmn = avg_pool2d(y_lmn, kernel_size=kernel_size) # Calculate gradient map kernels = torch.stack([scharr_filter(), scharr_filter().transpose(1, 2)]).to(x_lmn) gm_x = gradient_map(x_lmn[:, :1], kernels) gm_y = gradient_map(y_lmn[:, :1], kernels) # Calculate all similarity maps s_vs = similarity_map(vs_x, vs_y, c1) s_gm = similarity_map(gm_x, gm_y, c2) s_m = similarity_map(x_lmn[:, 1:2], y_lmn[:, 1:2], c3) s_n = similarity_map(x_lmn[:, 2:], y_lmn[:, 2:], c3) s_c = s_m * s_n s_c_complex = [s_c.abs(), torch.atan2(torch.zeros_like(s_c), s_c)] s_c_complex_pow = [s_c_complex[0] ** beta, s_c_complex[1] * beta] s_c_real_pow = s_c_complex_pow[0] * torch.cos(s_c_complex_pow[1]) s = s_vs * s_gm.pow(alpha) * s_c_real_pow vs_max = torch.max(vs_x, vs_y) eps = torch.finfo(vs_max.dtype).eps output = s * vs_max output = ( (output.sum(dim=(-1, -2)) + eps) / (vs_max.sum(dim=(-1, -2)) + eps) ).squeeze(-1) return output def sdsp( x: torch.Tensor, data_range: Union[int, float] = 255, omega_0: float = 0.021, sigma_f: float = 1.34, sigma_d: float = 145.0, sigma_c: float = 0.001, ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""SDSP algorithm for salient region detection from a given image. Supports only colour images with RGB channel order. Args: x: Tensor. Shape :math:`(N, 3, H, W)`. data_range: Maximum value range of images (usually 1.0 or 255). omega_0: coefficient for log Gabor filter sigma_f: coefficient for log Gabor filter sigma_d: coefficient for the central areas, which have a bias towards attention sigma_c: coefficient for the warm colors, which have a bias towards attention Returns: torch.Tensor: Visual saliency map """ x = x / data_range * 255 size = x.size() size_to_use = (256, 256) x = interpolate(input=x, size=size_to_use, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False) x_lab = rgb2lab(x, data_range=255) lg = _log_gabor(size_to_use, omega_0, sigma_f).to(x).view(1, 1, *size_to_use) # torch version >= '1.8.0' x_fft = torch.fft.fft2(x_lab) x_ifft_real = torch.fft.ifft2(x_fft * lg).real s_f = safe_sqrt(x_ifft_real.pow(2).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)) coordinates = torch.stack(get_meshgrid(size_to_use), dim=0).to(x) coordinates = coordinates * size_to_use[0] + 1 s_d = torch.exp(-torch.sum(coordinates ** 2, dim=0) / sigma_d ** 2).view( 1, 1, *size_to_use ) eps = torch.finfo(x_lab.dtype).eps min_x = x_lab.min(dim=-1, keepdim=True).values.min(dim=-2, keepdim=True).values max_x = x_lab.max(dim=-1, keepdim=True).values.max(dim=-2, keepdim=True).values normalized = (x_lab - min_x) / (max_x - min_x + eps) norm = normalized[:, 1:].pow(2).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) s_c = 1 - torch.exp(-norm / sigma_c ** 2) vs_m = s_f * s_d * s_c vs_m = interpolate(vs_m, size[-2:], mode="bilinear", align_corners=True) min_vs_m = vs_m.min(dim=-1, keepdim=True).values.min(dim=-2, keepdim=True).values max_vs_m = vs_m.max(dim=-1, keepdim=True).values.max(dim=-2, keepdim=True).values return (vs_m - min_vs_m) / (max_vs_m - min_vs_m + eps) def _log_gabor(size: Tuple[int, int], omega_0: float, sigma_f: float) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Creates log Gabor filter Args: size: size of the requires log Gabor filter omega_0: center frequency of the filter sigma_f: bandwidth of the filter Returns: log Gabor filter """ xx, yy = get_meshgrid(size) radius = (xx ** 2 + yy ** 2).sqrt() mask = radius <= 0.5 r = radius * mask r = ifftshift(r) r[0, 0] = 1 lg = torch.exp((-(r / omega_0).log().pow(2)) / (2 * sigma_f ** 2)) lg[0, 0] = 0 return lg @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class VSI(nn.Module): r"""Creates a criterion that measures Visual Saliency-induced Index error between each element in the input and target. Args: data_range: Maximum value range of images (usually 1.0 or 255). c1: coefficient to calculate saliency component of VSI c2: coefficient to calculate gradient component of VSI c3: coefficient to calculate color component of VSI alpha: power for gradient component of VSI beta: power for color component of VSI omega_0: coefficient to get log Gabor filter at SDSP sigma_f: coefficient to get log Gabor filter at SDSP sigma_d: coefficient to get SDSP sigma_c: coefficient to get SDSP References: L. Zhang, Y. Shen and H. Li, "VSI: A Visual Saliency-Induced Index for Perceptual Image Quality Assessment," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 4270-4281, Oct. 2014, doi: 10.1109/TIP.2014.2346028 """ def __init__( self, c1: float = 1.27, c2: float = 386.0, c3: float = 130.0, alpha: float = 0.4, beta: float = 0.02, data_range: Union[int, float] = 1.0, omega_0: float = 0.021, sigma_f: float = 1.34, sigma_d: float = 145.0, sigma_c: float = 0.001, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.data_range = data_range self.vsi = functools.partial( vsi, c1=c1, c2=c2, c3=c3, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, omega_0=omega_0, sigma_f=sigma_f, sigma_d=sigma_d, sigma_c=sigma_c, data_range=data_range, ) def forward(self, x, y): r"""Computation of VSI as a loss function. Args: x: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. y: A target tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Returns: Value of VSI loss to be minimized in [0, 1] range. Note: Both inputs are supposed to have RGB channels order in accordance with the original approach. Nevertheless, the method supports greyscale images, which they are converted to RGB by copying the grey channel 3 times. """ return self.vsi(x=x, y=y)
r"""NRQM Metric, proposed in Chao Ma, Chih-Yuan Yang, Xiaokang Yang, Ming-Hsuan Yang "Learning a No-Reference Quality Metric for Single-Image Super-Resolution" Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 2017 Matlab reference: This PyTorch implementation by: Chaofeng Chen ( """ import math from warnings import warn import import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import Tensor from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import ExactPadding2d from pyiqa.archs.func_util import extract_2d_patches from pyiqa.archs.niqe_arch import NIQE from pyiqa.archs.ssim_arch import SSIM from pyiqa.matlab_utils import SCFpyr_PyTorch, dct2d, fspecial, im2col, imresize from pyiqa.utils.color_util import to_y_channel from pyiqa.utils.download_util import load_file_from_url from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY default_model_urls = { "url": "" } def get_guass_pyramid(x: Tensor, scale: int = 2): r"""Get gaussian pyramid images with gaussian kernel.""" pyr = [x] kernel = fspecial(3, 0.5, x.shape[1]).to(x) pad_func = ExactPadding2d(3, stride=1, mode="same") for i in range(scale): x = F.conv2d(pad_func(x), kernel, groups=x.shape[1]) x = x[:, :, 1::2, 1::2] pyr.append(x) return pyr def get_var_gen_gauss(x, eps=1e-7): r"""Get mean and variance of input local patch.""" std = x.abs().std(dim=-1, unbiased=True) mean = x.abs().mean(dim=-1) rho = std / (mean + eps) return rho def gamma_gen_gauss(x: Tensor, block_seg=1e4): r"""General gaussian distribution estimation. Args: block_seg: maximum number of blocks in parallel to avoid OOM """ pshape = x.shape[:-1] x = x.reshape(-1, x.shape[-1]) eps = 1e-7 gamma = torch.arange(0.03, 10 + 0.001, 0.001).to(x) r_table = ( torch.lgamma(1.0 / gamma) + torch.lgamma(3.0 / gamma) - 2 * torch.lgamma(2.0 / gamma) ).exp() r_table = r_table.unsqueeze(0) mean = x.mean(dim=-1, keepdim=True) var = x.var(dim=-1, keepdim=True, unbiased=True) mean_abs = (x - mean).abs().mean(dim=-1, keepdim=True) ** 2 rho = var / (mean_abs + eps) if rho.shape[0] > block_seg: rho_seg = rho.chunk(int(rho.shape[0] // block_seg)) indexes = [] for r in rho_seg: tmp_idx = (r - r_table).abs().argmin(dim=-1) indexes.append(tmp_idx) indexes = else: indexes = (rho - r_table).abs().argmin(dim=-1) solution = gamma[indexes].reshape(*pshape) return solution def gamma_dct(dct_img_block: torch.Tensor): r"""Generalized gaussian distribution features""" b, _, _, h, w = dct_img_block.shape dct_flatten = dct_img_block.reshape(b, -1, h * w)[:, :, 1:] g = gamma_gen_gauss(dct_flatten) g = torch.sort(g, dim=-1)[0] return g def coeff_var_dct(dct_img_block: torch.Tensor): r"""Gaussian var, mean features""" b, _, _, h, w = dct_img_block.shape dct_flatten = dct_img_block.reshape(b, -1, h * w)[:, :, 1:] rho = get_var_gen_gauss(dct_flatten) rho = torch.sort(rho, dim=-1)[0] return rho def oriented_dct_rho(dct_img_block: torch.Tensor): r"""Oriented frequency features""" eps = 1e-8 # oriented 1 feat1 = [ dct_img_block[..., 0, 1:], dct_img_block[..., 1, 2:], dct_img_block[..., 2, 4:], dct_img_block[..., 3, 5:], ], dim=-1, ).squeeze(-2) g1 = get_var_gen_gauss(feat1, eps) # oriented 2 feat2 = [ dct_img_block[..., 1, [1]], dct_img_block[..., 2, 2:4], dct_img_block[..., 3, 2:5], dct_img_block[..., 4, 3:], dct_img_block[..., 5, 4:], dct_img_block[..., 6, 4:], ], dim=-1, ).squeeze(-2) g2 = get_var_gen_gauss(feat2, eps) # oriented 3 feat3 = [ dct_img_block[..., 1:, 0], dct_img_block[..., 2:, 1], dct_img_block[..., 4:, 2], dct_img_block[..., 5:, 3], ], dim=-1, ).squeeze(-2) g3 = get_var_gen_gauss(feat3, eps) rho = torch.stack([g1, g2, g3], dim=-1).var(dim=-1) rho = torch.sort(rho, dim=-1)[0] return rho def block_dct(img: Tensor): r"""Get local frequency features""" img_blocks = extract_2d_patches(img, 3 + 2 * 2, 3) dct_img_blocks = dct2d(img_blocks) features = [] # general gaussian distribution features gamma_L1 = gamma_dct(dct_img_blocks) p10_gamma_L1 = gamma_L1[:, : math.ceil(0.1 * gamma_L1.shape[-1]) + 1].mean(dim=-1) p100_gamma_L1 = gamma_L1.mean(dim=-1) features += [p10_gamma_L1, p100_gamma_L1] # coefficient variation estimation coeff_var_L1 = coeff_var_dct(dct_img_blocks) p10_last_cv_L1 = coeff_var_L1[:, math.floor(0.9 * coeff_var_L1.shape[-1]) :].mean( dim=-1 ) p100_cv_L1 = coeff_var_L1.mean(dim=-1) features += [p10_last_cv_L1, p100_cv_L1] # oriented dct features ori_dct_feat = oriented_dct_rho(dct_img_blocks) p10_last_orientation_L1 = ori_dct_feat[ :, math.floor(0.9 * ori_dct_feat.shape[-1]) : ].mean(dim=-1) p100_orientation_L1 = ori_dct_feat.mean(dim=-1) features += [p10_last_orientation_L1, p100_orientation_L1] dct_feat = torch.stack(features, dim=1) return dct_feat def norm_sender_normalized(pyr, num_scale=2, num_bands=6, blksz=3, eps=1e-12): r"""Normalize pyramid with local spatial neighbor and band neighbor""" border = blksz // 2 guardband = 16 subbands = [] for si in range(num_scale): for bi in range(num_bands): idx = si * num_bands + bi current_band = pyr[idx] N = blksz ** 2 # 3x3 window pixels tmp = F.unfold(current_band.unsqueeze(1), 3, stride=1) tmp = tmp.transpose(1, 2) b, hw = tmp.shape[:2] # parent pixels parent_idx = idx + num_bands if parent_idx < len(pyr): tmp_parent = pyr[parent_idx] tmp_parent = imresize(tmp_parent, sizes=current_band.shape[-2:]) tmp_parent = tmp_parent[:, border:-border, border:-border].reshape( b, hw, 1 ) tmp =, tmp_parent), dim=-1) N += 1 # neighbor band pixels for ni in range(num_bands): if ni != bi: ni_idx = si * num_bands + ni tmp_nei = pyr[ni_idx] tmp_nei = tmp_nei[:, border:-border, border:-border].reshape( b, hw, 1 ) tmp =, tmp_nei), dim=-1) C_x = tmp.transpose(1, 2) @ tmp / tmp.shape[1] # correct possible negative eigenvalue L, Q = torch.linalg.eigh(C_x) L_pos = L * (L > 0) L_pos_sum = L_pos.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) L = ( L_pos * L.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) / (L_pos_sum + (L_pos_sum == 0).float()) ) C_x = Q @ torch.diag_embed(L) @ Q.transpose(1, 2) o_c = current_band[:, border:-border, border:-border] b, h, w = o_c.shape o_c = o_c.reshape(b, hw) o_c = o_c - o_c.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True) if hasattr(torch.linalg, "lstsq"): tmp_y = ( torch.linalg.lstsq( C_x.transpose(1, 2), tmp.transpose(1, 2) ).solution.transpose(1, 2) * tmp / N ) else: warn( "For numerical stability, we use torch.linal.lstsq to calculate matrix inverse for PyTorch > 1.9.0. The results might be slightly different if you use older version of PyTorch." ) tmp_y = (tmp @ torch.linalg.pinv(C_x)) * tmp / N z = tmp_y.sum(dim=2).sqrt() mask = z != 0 g_c = o_c * mask / (z * mask + eps) g_c = g_c.reshape(b, h, w) gb = int(guardband / (2 ** (si))) g_c = g_c[:, gb:-gb, gb:-gb] g_c = g_c - g_c.mean(dim=(1, 2), keepdim=True) subbands.append(g_c) return subbands def global_gsm(img: Tensor): """Global feature from gassian scale mixture model""" batch_size = img.shape[0] num_bands = 6 pyr = SCFpyr_PyTorch(height=2, nbands=num_bands, device=img.device).build(img) lp_bands = [x[..., 0] for x in pyr[1]] + [x[..., 0] for x in pyr[2]] subbands = norm_sender_normalized(lp_bands) feat = [] # gamma for sb in subbands: feat.append(gamma_gen_gauss(sb.reshape(batch_size, -1))) # gamma cross scale for i in range(num_bands): sb1 = subbands[i].reshape(batch_size, -1) sb2 = subbands[i + num_bands].reshape(batch_size, -1) gs = gamma_gen_gauss(, sb2), dim=1)) feat.append(gs) # structure correlation between scales hp_band = pyr[0] ssim_func = SSIM(channels=1, test_y_channel=False) for sb in subbands: sb_tmp = imresize(sb, sizes=hp_band.shape[1:]).unsqueeze(1) tmp_ssim = ssim_func(sb_tmp, hp_band.unsqueeze(1)) feat.append(tmp_ssim) # structure correlation between orientations for i in range(num_bands): for j in range(i + 1, num_bands): feat.append(ssim_func(subbands[i].unsqueeze(1), subbands[j].unsqueeze(1))) feat = torch.stack(feat, dim=1) return feat def tree_regression(feat, ldau, rdau, threshold_value, pred_value, best_attri): r"""Simple decision tree regression.""" prev_k = k = 0 for i in range(ldau.shape[0]): best_col = best_attri[k] - 1 threshold = threshold_value[k] key_value = feat[best_col] prev_k = k k = ldau[k] - 1 if key_value <= threshold else rdau[k] - 1 if k == -1: break y_pred = pred_value[prev_k] return y_pred def random_forest_regression(feat, ldau, rdau, threshold_value, pred_value, best_attri): r"""Simple random forest regression. Note: currently, this is non-differentiable and only support CPU. """ feat = feat.cpu().data.numpy() b, dim = feat.shape node_num, tree_num = ldau.shape pred = [] for i in range(b): tmp_feat = feat[i] tmp_pred = [] for i in range(tree_num): tmp_result = tree_regression( tmp_feat, ldau[:, i], rdau[:, i], threshold_value[:, i], pred_value[:, i], best_attri[:, i], ) tmp_pred.append(tmp_result) pred.append(tmp_pred) pred = torch.Tensor(pred) return pred.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True) def nrqm( img: Tensor, linear_param, rf_param, ) -> Tensor: """Calculate NRQM Args: img (Tensor): Input image. linear_param (np.array): (4, 1) linear regression params rf_param: params of 3 random forest for 3 kinds of features """ assert ( img.ndim == 4 ), "Input image must be a gray or Y (of YCbCr) image with shape (b, c, h, w)." # crop image b, c, h, w = img.shape img_pyr = get_guass_pyramid(img.float() / 255.0) # DCT features f1 = [] for im in img_pyr: f1.append(block_dct(im)) f1 =, dim=1) # gsm features f2 = global_gsm(img) # svd features f3 = [] for im in img_pyr: col = im2col(im, 5, "distinct") _, s, _ = torch.linalg.svd(col, full_matrices=False) f3.append(s) f3 =, dim=1) # Random forest regression. Currently not differentiable and only support CPU preds = torch.ones(b, 1) for feat, rf in zip([f1, f2, f3], rf_param): tmp_pred = random_forest_regression(feat, *rf) preds =, tmp_pred), dim=1) quality = preds @ torch.Tensor(linear_param) return quality.squeeze() def calculate_nrqm( img: torch.Tensor, crop_border: int = 0, test_y_channel: bool = True, pretrained_model_path: str = None, color_space: str = "yiq", **kwargs, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate NRQM Args: img (Tensor): Input image whose quality needs to be computed. crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image. These pixels are not involved in the metric calculation. test_y_channel (Bool): Whether converted to 'y' (of MATLAB YCbCr) or 'gray'. pretrained_model_path (String): The pretrained model path. Returns: Tensor: NIQE result. """ params =["model"] linear_param = params["linear"][0, 0] rf_params_list = [] for i in range(3): tmp_list = [] tmp_param = params["rf"][0, 0][0, i][0, 0] tmp_list.append(tmp_param[0]) # ldau tmp_list.append(tmp_param[1]) # rdau tmp_list.append(tmp_param[4]) # threshold value tmp_list.append(tmp_param[5]) # pred value tmp_list.append(tmp_param[6]) # best attribute index rf_params_list.append(tmp_list) if test_y_channel and img.shape[1] == 3: img = to_y_channel(img, 255, color_space) if crop_border != 0: img = img[..., crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border] nrqm_result = nrqm(img, linear_param, rf_params_list) return @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class NRQM(torch.nn.Module): r"""NRQM metric Ma, Chao, Chih-Yuan Yang, Xiaokang Yang, and Ming-Hsuan Yang. "Learning a no-reference quality metric for single-image super-resolution." Computer Vision and Image Understanding 158 (2017): 1-16. Args: channels (int): Number of processed channel. test_y_channel (Boolean): whether to use y channel on ycbcr. crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image. These pixels are not involved in the metric calculation. pretrained_model_path (String): The pretrained model path. """ def __init__( self, test_y_channel: bool = True, color_space: str = "yiq", crop_border: int = 0, pretrained_model_path: str = None, ) -> None: super(NRQM, self).__init__() self.test_y_channel = test_y_channel self.crop_border = crop_border self.color_space = color_space if pretrained_model_path is not None: self.pretrained_model_path = pretrained_model_path else: self.pretrained_model_path = load_file_from_url(default_model_urls["url"]) def forward(self, X: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Computation of NRQM metric. Args: X: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Returns: Value of nrqm metric. """ score = calculate_nrqm( X, self.crop_border, self.test_y_channel, self.pretrained_model_path, self.color_space, ) return score @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class PI(torch.nn.Module): r"""Perceptual Index (PI), introduced by Blau, Yochai, Roey Mechrez, Radu Timofte, Tomer Michaeli, and Lihi Zelnik-Manor. "The 2018 pirm challenge on perceptual image super-resolution." In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshops, pp. 0-0. 2018. Ref url: It is a combination of NIQE and NRQM: 1/2 * ((10 - NRQM) + NIQE) Args: color_space (str): color space of y channel, default ycbcr. crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image, default 4. """ def __init__(self, crop_border=4, color_space="ycbcr"): super(PI, self).__init__() self.nrqm = NRQM(crop_border=crop_border, color_space=color_space) self.niqe = NIQE(crop_border=crop_border, color_space=color_space) def forward(self, X: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Computation of PI metric. Args: X: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Returns: Value of PI metric. """ nrqm_score = self.nrqm(X) niqe_score = self.niqe(X) score = 1 / 2 * (10 - nrqm_score + niqe_score) return score
r"""NIMA model. Reference: Talebi, Hossein, and Peyman Milanfar. "NIMA: Neural image assessment." IEEE transactions on image processing 27, no. 8 (2018): 3998-4011. Created by: Modified by: Chaofeng Chen ( """ import timm import torch import torch.nn as nn from import IMAGENET_INCEPTION_MEAN, IMAGENET_INCEPTION_STD from pyiqa.archs.arch_util import dist_to_mos, load_pretrained_network from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY default_model_urls = { "vgg16-ava": "", "inception_resnet_v2-ava": "", } @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class NIMA(nn.Module): """Neural IMage Assessment model. Modification: - for simplicity, we use global average pool for all models - we remove the dropout, because parameters with avg pool is much less. Args: base_model_name: pretrained model to extract features, can be any models supported by timm. Models used in the paper: vgg16, inception_resnet_v2, mobilenetv2_100 default input shape: - vgg and mobilenet: (N, 3, 224, 224) - inception: (N, 3, 299, 299) """ def __init__( self, base_model_name="vgg16", num_classes=10, dropout_rate=0.0, pretrained=True, pretrained_model_path=None, default_mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], default_std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], ): super(NIMA, self).__init__() self.base_model = timm.create_model( base_model_name, pretrained=True, features_only=True ) # set output number of classes num_classes = 10 if "ava" in pretrained else num_classes self.global_pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1) in_ch = self.base_model.feature_info.channels()[-1] self.num_classes = num_classes self.classifier = [ nn.Flatten(), nn.Dropout(p=dropout_rate), nn.Linear(in_features=in_ch, out_features=num_classes), ] if num_classes > 1: self.classifier.append(nn.Softmax(dim=-1)) self.classifier = nn.Sequential(*self.classifier) if "inception" in base_model_name: default_mean = IMAGENET_INCEPTION_MEAN default_std = IMAGENET_INCEPTION_STD self.default_mean = torch.Tensor(default_mean).view(1, 3, 1, 1) self.default_std = torch.Tensor(default_std).view(1, 3, 1, 1) if pretrained and pretrained_model_path is None: url_key = f"{base_model_name}-{pretrained}" load_pretrained_network( self, default_model_urls[url_key], True, weight_keys="params" ) elif pretrained_model_path is not None: load_pretrained_network( self, pretrained_model_path, True, weight_keys="params" ) def preprocess(self, x): x = (x - / return x def forward(self, x, return_mos=True, return_dist=False): r"""Computation image quality using NIMA. Args: x: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. return_mos: Whether to return mos_score. retuen_dist: Whether to return dist_score. """ # imagenet normalization of input is hard coded x = self.preprocess(x) x = self.base_model(x)[-1] x = self.global_pool(x) dist = self.classifier(x) mos = dist_to_mos(dist) return_list = [] if return_mos: return_list.append(mos) if return_dist: return_list.append(dist) if len(return_list) > 1: return return_list else: return return_list[0]
r"""VIF Metric Created by: Modified by: Jiadi Mo ( Refer to: Matlab code from; """ import numpy as np import torch from torch.nn import functional as F from pyiqa.utils.color_util import to_y_channel from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY def sp5_filters(): r"""Define spatial filters.""" filters = {} filters["harmonics"] = np.array([1, 3, 5]) filters["mtx"] = np.array( [ [0.3333, 0.2887, 0.1667, 0.0000, -0.1667, -0.2887], [0.0000, 0.1667, 0.2887, 0.3333, 0.2887, 0.1667], [0.3333, -0.0000, -0.3333, -0.0000, 0.3333, -0.0000], [0.0000, 0.3333, 0.0000, -0.3333, 0.0000, 0.3333], [0.3333, -0.2887, 0.1667, -0.0000, -0.1667, 0.2887], [-0.0000, 0.1667, -0.2887, 0.3333, -0.2887, 0.1667], ] ) filters["hi0filt"] = np.array( [ [ -0.00033429, -0.00113093, -0.00171484, -0.00133542, -0.00080639, -0.00133542, -0.00171484, -0.00113093, -0.00033429, ], [ -0.00113093, -0.00350017, -0.00243812, 0.00631653, 0.01261227, 0.00631653, -0.00243812, -0.00350017, -0.00113093, ], [ -0.00171484, -0.00243812, -0.00290081, -0.00673482, -0.00981051, -0.00673482, -0.00290081, -0.00243812, -0.00171484, ], [ -0.00133542, 0.00631653, -0.00673482, -0.07027679, -0.11435863, -0.07027679, -0.00673482, 0.00631653, -0.00133542, ], [ -0.00080639, 0.01261227, -0.00981051, -0.11435863, 0.81380200, -0.11435863, -0.00981051, 0.01261227, -0.00080639, ], [ -0.00133542, 0.00631653, -0.00673482, -0.07027679, -0.11435863, -0.07027679, -0.00673482, 0.00631653, -0.00133542, ], [ -0.00171484, -0.00243812, -0.00290081, -0.00673482, -0.00981051, -0.00673482, -0.00290081, -0.00243812, -0.00171484, ], [ -0.00113093, -0.00350017, -0.00243812, 0.00631653, 0.01261227, 0.00631653, -0.00243812, -0.00350017, -0.00113093, ], [ -0.00033429, -0.00113093, -0.00171484, -0.00133542, -0.00080639, -0.00133542, -0.00171484, -0.00113093, -0.00033429, ], ] ) filters["lo0filt"] = np.array( [ [0.00341614, -0.01551246, -0.03848215, -0.01551246, 0.00341614], [-0.01551246, 0.05586982, 0.15925570, 0.05586982, -0.01551246], [-0.03848215, 0.15925570, 0.40304148, 0.15925570, -0.03848215], [-0.01551246, 0.05586982, 0.15925570, 0.05586982, -0.01551246], [0.00341614, -0.01551246, -0.03848215, -0.01551246, 0.00341614], ] ) filters["lofilt"] = 2 * np.array( [ [ 0.00085404, -0.00244917, -0.00387812, -0.00944432, -0.00962054, -0.00944432, -0.00387812, -0.00244917, 0.00085404, ], [ -0.00244917, -0.00523281, -0.00661117, 0.00410600, 0.01002988, 0.00410600, -0.00661117, -0.00523281, -0.00244917, ], [ -0.00387812, -0.00661117, 0.01396746, 0.03277038, 0.03981393, 0.03277038, 0.01396746, -0.00661117, -0.00387812, ], [ -0.00944432, 0.00410600, 0.03277038, 0.06426333, 0.08169618, 0.06426333, 0.03277038, 0.00410600, -0.00944432, ], [ -0.00962054, 0.01002988, 0.03981393, 0.08169618, 0.10096540, 0.08169618, 0.03981393, 0.01002988, -0.00962054, ], [ -0.00944432, 0.00410600, 0.03277038, 0.06426333, 0.08169618, 0.06426333, 0.03277038, 0.00410600, -0.00944432, ], [ -0.00387812, -0.00661117, 0.01396746, 0.03277038, 0.03981393, 0.03277038, 0.01396746, -0.00661117, -0.00387812, ], [ -0.00244917, -0.00523281, -0.00661117, 0.00410600, 0.01002988, 0.00410600, -0.00661117, -0.00523281, -0.00244917, ], [ 0.00085404, -0.00244917, -0.00387812, -0.00944432, -0.00962054, -0.00944432, -0.00387812, -0.00244917, 0.00085404, ], ] ) filters["bfilts"] = np.array( [ [ 0.00277643, 0.00496194, 0.01026699, 0.01455399, 0.01026699, 0.00496194, 0.00277643, -0.00986904, -0.00893064, 0.01189859, 0.02755155, 0.01189859, -0.00893064, -0.00986904, -0.01021852, -0.03075356, -0.08226445, -0.11732297, -0.08226445, -0.03075356, -0.01021852, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.01021852, 0.03075356, 0.08226445, 0.11732297, 0.08226445, 0.03075356, 0.01021852, 0.00986904, 0.00893064, -0.01189859, -0.02755155, -0.01189859, 0.00893064, 0.00986904, -0.00277643, -0.00496194, -0.01026699, -0.01455399, -0.01026699, -0.00496194, -0.00277643, ], [ -0.00343249, -0.00640815, -0.00073141, 0.01124321, 0.00182078, 0.00285723, 0.01166982, -0.00358461, -0.01977507, -0.04084211, -0.00228219, 0.03930573, 0.01161195, 0.00128000, 0.01047717, 0.01486305, -0.04819057, -0.12227230, -0.05394139, 0.00853965, -0.00459034, 0.00790407, 0.04435647, 0.09454202, -0.00000000, -0.09454202, -0.04435647, -0.00790407, 0.00459034, -0.00853965, 0.05394139, 0.12227230, 0.04819057, -0.01486305, -0.01047717, -0.00128000, -0.01161195, -0.03930573, 0.00228219, 0.04084211, 0.01977507, 0.00358461, -0.01166982, -0.00285723, -0.00182078, -0.01124321, 0.00073141, 0.00640815, 0.00343249, ], [ 0.00343249, 0.00358461, -0.01047717, -0.00790407, -0.00459034, 0.00128000, 0.01166982, 0.00640815, 0.01977507, -0.01486305, -0.04435647, 0.00853965, 0.01161195, 0.00285723, 0.00073141, 0.04084211, 0.04819057, -0.09454202, -0.05394139, 0.03930573, 0.00182078, -0.01124321, 0.00228219, 0.12227230, -0.00000000, -0.12227230, -0.00228219, 0.01124321, -0.00182078, -0.03930573, 0.05394139, 0.09454202, -0.04819057, -0.04084211, -0.00073141, -0.00285723, -0.01161195, -0.00853965, 0.04435647, 0.01486305, -0.01977507, -0.00640815, -0.01166982, -0.00128000, 0.00459034, 0.00790407, 0.01047717, -0.00358461, -0.00343249, ], [ -0.00277643, 0.00986904, 0.01021852, -0.00000000, -0.01021852, -0.00986904, 0.00277643, -0.00496194, 0.00893064, 0.03075356, -0.00000000, -0.03075356, -0.00893064, 0.00496194, -0.01026699, -0.01189859, 0.08226445, -0.00000000, -0.08226445, 0.01189859, 0.01026699, -0.01455399, -0.02755155, 0.11732297, -0.00000000, -0.11732297, 0.02755155, 0.01455399, -0.01026699, -0.01189859, 0.08226445, -0.00000000, -0.08226445, 0.01189859, 0.01026699, -0.00496194, 0.00893064, 0.03075356, -0.00000000, -0.03075356, -0.00893064, 0.00496194, -0.00277643, 0.00986904, 0.01021852, -0.00000000, -0.01021852, -0.00986904, 0.00277643, ], [ -0.01166982, -0.00128000, 0.00459034, 0.00790407, 0.01047717, -0.00358461, -0.00343249, -0.00285723, -0.01161195, -0.00853965, 0.04435647, 0.01486305, -0.01977507, -0.00640815, -0.00182078, -0.03930573, 0.05394139, 0.09454202, -0.04819057, -0.04084211, -0.00073141, -0.01124321, 0.00228219, 0.12227230, -0.00000000, -0.12227230, -0.00228219, 0.01124321, 0.00073141, 0.04084211, 0.04819057, -0.09454202, -0.05394139, 0.03930573, 0.00182078, 0.00640815, 0.01977507, -0.01486305, -0.04435647, 0.00853965, 0.01161195, 0.00285723, 0.00343249, 0.00358461, -0.01047717, -0.00790407, -0.00459034, 0.00128000, 0.01166982, ], [ -0.01166982, -0.00285723, -0.00182078, -0.01124321, 0.00073141, 0.00640815, 0.00343249, -0.00128000, -0.01161195, -0.03930573, 0.00228219, 0.04084211, 0.01977507, 0.00358461, 0.00459034, -0.00853965, 0.05394139, 0.12227230, 0.04819057, -0.01486305, -0.01047717, 0.00790407, 0.04435647, 0.09454202, -0.00000000, -0.09454202, -0.04435647, -0.00790407, 0.01047717, 0.01486305, -0.04819057, -0.12227230, -0.05394139, 0.00853965, -0.00459034, -0.00358461, -0.01977507, -0.04084211, -0.00228219, 0.03930573, 0.01161195, 0.00128000, -0.00343249, -0.00640815, -0.00073141, 0.01124321, 0.00182078, 0.00285723, 0.01166982, ], ] ).T return filters def corrDn(image, filt, step=1, channels=1): r"""Compute correlation of image with FILT, followed by downsampling. Args: image: A tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. filt: A filter. step: Downsampling factors. channels: Number of channels. """ filt_ = ( torch.from_numpy(filt) .float() .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(0) .repeat(channels, 1, 1, 1) .to(image.device) ) p = (filt_.shape[2] - 1) // 2 image = F.pad(image, (p, p, p, p), "reflect") img = F.conv2d(image, filt_, stride=step, padding=0, groups=channels) return img def SteerablePyramidSpace(image, height=4, order=5, channels=1): r"""Construct a steerable pyramid on image. Args: image: A tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. height (int): Number of pyramid levels to build. order (int): Number of orientations. channels (int): Number of channels. """ num_orientations = order + 1 filters = sp5_filters() hi0 = corrDn(image, filters["hi0filt"], step=1, channels=channels) pyr_coeffs = [] pyr_coeffs.append(hi0) lo = corrDn(image, filters["lo0filt"], step=1, channels=channels) for _ in range(height): bfiltsz = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(filters["bfilts"].shape[0]))) for b in range(num_orientations): filt = filters["bfilts"][:, b].reshape(bfiltsz, bfiltsz).T band = corrDn(lo, filt, step=1, channels=channels) pyr_coeffs.append(band) lo = corrDn(lo, filters["lofilt"], step=2, channels=channels) pyr_coeffs.append(lo) return pyr_coeffs @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class VIF(torch.nn.Module): r"""Image Information and Visual Quality metric Args: channels (int): Number of channels. level (int): Number of levels to build. ori (int): Number of orientations. Reference: Sheikh, Hamid R., and Alan C. Bovik. "Image information and visual quality." IEEE Transactions on image processing 15, no. 2 (2006): 430-444. """ def __init__(self, channels=1, level=4, ori=6): super(VIF, self).__init__() self.ori = ori - 1 self.level = level self.channels = channels self.M = 3 self.subbands = [4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25] self.sigma_nsq = 0.4 self.tol = 1e-12 def corrDn_win(self, image, filt, step=1, channels=1, start=[0, 0], end=[0, 0]): r"""Compute correlation of image with FILT using window, followed by downsampling. Args: image: A tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. filt: A filter. step (int): Downsampling factors. channels (int): Number of channels. start (list): The window over which the convolution occurs. end (list): The window over which the convolution occurs. """ filt_ = ( torch.from_numpy(filt) .float() .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(0) .repeat(channels, 1, 1, 1) .to(image.device) ) p = (filt_.shape[2] - 1) // 2 image = F.pad(image, (p, p, p, p), "reflect") img = F.conv2d(image, filt_, stride=1, padding=0, groups=channels) img = img[:, :, start[0] : end[0] : step, start[1] : end[1] : step] return img def vifsub_est_M(self, org, dist): r"""Calculate the parameters of the distortion channel. Args: org: A reference tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. dist: A distortion tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. """ g_all = [] vv_all = [] for i in range(len(self.subbands)): sub = self.subbands[i] - 1 y = org[sub] yn = dist[sub] lev = np.ceil((sub - 1) / 6) winsize = int(2 ** lev + 1) win = np.ones((winsize, winsize)) newsizeX = int(np.floor(y.shape[2] / self.M) * self.M) newsizeY = int(np.floor(y.shape[3] / self.M) * self.M) y = y[:, :, :newsizeX, :newsizeY] yn = yn[:, :, :newsizeX, :newsizeY] winstart = [int(1 * np.floor(self.M / 2)), int(1 * np.floor(self.M / 2))] winend = [ int(y.shape[2] - np.ceil(self.M / 2)) + 1, int(y.shape[3] - np.ceil(self.M / 2)) + 1, ] mean_x = self.corrDn_win( y, win / (winsize ** 2), step=self.M, channels=self.channels, start=winstart, end=winend, ) mean_y = self.corrDn_win( yn, win / (winsize ** 2), step=self.M, channels=self.channels, start=winstart, end=winend, ) cov_xy = ( self.corrDn_win( y * yn, win, step=self.M, channels=self.channels, start=winstart, end=winend, ) - (winsize ** 2) * mean_x * mean_y ) ss_x = ( self.corrDn_win( y ** 2, win, step=self.M, channels=self.channels, start=winstart, end=winend, ) - (winsize ** 2) * mean_x ** 2 ) ss_y = ( self.corrDn_win( yn ** 2, win, step=self.M, channels=self.channels, start=winstart, end=winend, ) - (winsize ** 2) * mean_y ** 2 ) ss_x = F.relu(ss_x) ss_y = F.relu(ss_y) g = cov_xy / (ss_x + self.tol) vv = (ss_y - g * cov_xy) / (winsize ** 2) g = g.masked_fill(ss_x < self.tol, 0) vv[ss_x < self.tol] = ss_y[ss_x < self.tol] ss_x = ss_x.masked_fill(ss_x < self.tol, 0) g = g.masked_fill(ss_y < self.tol, 0) vv = vv.masked_fill(ss_y < self.tol, 0) vv[g < 0] = ss_y[g < 0] g = F.relu(g) vv = vv.masked_fill(vv < self.tol, self.tol) g_all.append(g) vv_all.append(vv) return g_all, vv_all def refparams_vecgsm(self, org): r"""Calculate the parameters of the reference image. Args: org: A reference tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. """ ssarr, l_arr, cu_arr = [], [], [] for i in range(len(self.subbands)): sub = self.subbands[i] - 1 y = org[sub] M = self.M newsizeX = int(np.floor(y.shape[2] / M) * M) newsizeY = int(np.floor(y.shape[3] / M) * M) y = y[:, :, :newsizeX, :newsizeY] B, C, H, W = y.shape temp = [] for j in range(M): for k in range(M): temp.append( y[:, :, k : H - (M - k) + 1, j : W - (M - j) + 1].reshape( B, C, -1 ) ) temp = torch.stack(temp, dim=3) mcu = torch.mean(temp, dim=2).unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, temp.shape[2], 1) cu = ( torch.matmul((temp - mcu).permute(0, 1, 3, 2), temp - mcu) / temp.shape[2] ) temp = [] for j in range(M): for k in range(M): temp.append(y[:, :, k : H + 1 : M, j : W + 1 : M].reshape(B, C, -1)) temp = torch.stack(temp, dim=2) ss = torch.matmul(torch.pinverse(cu), temp) ss = torch.sum(ss * temp, dim=2) / (M * M) ss = ss.reshape(B, C, H // M, W // M) v, _ = torch.linalg.eigh(cu, UPLO="U") l_arr.append(v) ssarr.append(ss) cu_arr.append(cu) return ssarr, l_arr, cu_arr def vif(self, x, y): r"""VIF metric. Order of input is important. Args: x: A distortion tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. y: A reference tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. """ # Convert RGB image to YCBCR and use the Y-channel. x = to_y_channel(x, 255) y = to_y_channel(y, 255) sp_x = SteerablePyramidSpace( x, height=self.level, order=self.ori, channels=self.channels )[::-1] sp_y = SteerablePyramidSpace( y, height=self.level, order=self.ori, channels=self.channels )[::-1] g_all, vv_all = self.vifsub_est_M(sp_y, sp_x) ss_arr, l_arr, cu_arr = self.refparams_vecgsm(sp_y) num, den = [], [] for i in range(len(self.subbands)): sub = self.subbands[i] g = g_all[i] vv = vv_all[i] ss = ss_arr[i] lamda = l_arr[i] neigvals = lamda.shape[2] lev = np.ceil((sub - 1) / 6) winsize = 2 ** lev + 1 offset = (winsize - 1) / 2 offset = int(np.ceil(offset / self.M)) _, _, H, W = g.shape g = g[:, :, offset : H - offset, offset : W - offset] vv = vv[:, :, offset : H - offset, offset : W - offset] ss = ss[:, :, offset : H - offset, offset : W - offset] temp1 = 0 temp2 = 0 for j in range(neigvals): cc = lamda[:, :, j].unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3) temp1 = temp1 + torch.sum( torch.log2(1 + g * g * ss * cc / (vv + self.sigma_nsq)), dim=[2, 3] ) temp2 = temp2 + torch.sum( torch.log2(1 + ss * cc / (self.sigma_nsq)), dim=[2, 3] ) num.append(temp1.mean(1)) den.append(temp2.mean(1)) return torch.stack(num, dim=1).sum(1) / (torch.stack(den, dim=1).sum(1) + 1e-12) def forward(self, X, Y): r"""Args: x: A distortion tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. y: A reference tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Order of input is important. """ assert ( X.shape == Y.shape ), "Input and reference images should have the same shape, but got" f"{X.shape} and {Y.shape}" score = self.vif(X, Y) return score
"""FID and clean-fid metric Codes are borrowed from the clean-fid project: - Ref: [1] GANs Trained by a Two Time-Scale Update Rule Converge to a Local Nash Equilibrium. Martin Heusel, Hubert Ramsauer, Thomas Unterthiner, Bernhard Nessler, Sepp Hochreiter NeurIPS, 2017 [2] On Aliased Resizing and Surprising Subtleties in GAN Evaluation Gaurav Parmar, Richard Zhang, Jun-Yan Zhu CVPR, 2022 """ import os from email.policy import default from glob import glob import numpy as np import torch import torchvision from PIL import Image from scipy import linalg from torch import nn from tqdm import tqdm from pyiqa.utils.download_util import load_file_from_url from pyiqa.utils.img_util import is_image_file from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY from .inception import InceptionV3 default_model_urls = { "ffhq_clean_trainval70k_512.npz": "", "ffhq_clean_trainval70k_512_kid.npz": "", } class ResizeDataset( """ A placeholder Dataset that enables parallelizing the resize operation using multiple CPU cores files: list of all files in the folder mode: - clean: use PIL resize before calculate features - legacy_pytorch: do not resize here, but before pytorch model """ def __init__(self, files, mode, size=(299, 299)): self.files = files self.transforms = torchvision.transforms.ToTensor() self.size = size self.mode = mode def __len__(self): return len(self.files) def __getitem__(self, i): path = str(self.files[i]) img_pil ="RGB") if self.mode == "clean": def resize_single_channel(x_np): img = Image.fromarray(x_np.astype(np.float32), mode="F") img = img.resize(self.size, resample=Image.BICUBIC) return np.asarray(img).clip(0, 255).reshape(*self.size, 1) img_np = np.array(img_pil) img_np = [resize_single_channel(img_np[:, :, idx]) for idx in range(3)] img_np = np.concatenate(img_np, axis=2).astype(np.float32) img_np = (img_np - 128) / 128 img_t = torch.tensor(img_np).permute(2, 0, 1) else: img_np = np.array(img_pil).clip(0, 255) img_t = self.transforms(img_np) return img_t def get_reference_statistics(name, res, mode="clean", split="test", metric="FID"): r""" Load precomputed reference statistics for commonly used datasets """ base_url = "" if split == "custom": res = "na" if metric == "FID": rel_path = (f"{name}_{mode}_{split}_{res}.npz").lower() url = f"{base_url}/{rel_path}" if rel_path in default_model_urls.keys(): fpath = load_file_from_url(default_model_urls[rel_path]) else: fpath = load_file_from_url(url) stats = np.load(fpath) mu, sigma = stats["mu"], stats["sigma"] return mu, sigma elif metric == "KID": rel_path = (f"{name}_{mode}_{split}_{res}_kid.npz").lower() url = f"{base_url}/{rel_path}" if rel_path in default_model_urls.keys(): fpath = load_file_from_url(default_model_urls[rel_path]) else: fpath = load_file_from_url(url) stats = np.load(fpath) return stats["feats"] def frechet_distance(mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2, eps=1e-6): """ Numpy implementation of the Frechet Distance. The Frechet distance between two multivariate Gaussians X_1 ~ N(mu_1, C_1) and X_2 ~ N(mu_2, C_2) is d^2 = ||mu_1 - mu_2||^2 + Tr(C_1 + C_2 - 2*sqrt(C_1*C_2)). Stable version by Danica J. Sutherland. Params: mu1 : Numpy array containing the activations of a layer of the inception net (like returned by the function 'get_predictions') for generated samples. mu2 : The sample mean over activations, precalculated on an representative data set. sigma1: The covariance matrix over activations for generated samples. sigma2: The covariance matrix over activations, precalculated on an representative data set. """ mu1 = np.atleast_1d(mu1) mu2 = np.atleast_1d(mu2) sigma1 = np.atleast_2d(sigma1) sigma2 = np.atleast_2d(sigma2) assert ( mu1.shape == mu2.shape ), "Training and test mean vectors have different lengths" assert ( sigma1.shape == sigma2.shape ), "Training and test covariances have different dimensions" diff = mu1 - mu2 # Product might be almost singular covmean, _ = linalg.sqrtm(, disp=False) if not np.isfinite(covmean).all(): msg = ( "fid calculation produces singular product; " "adding %s to diagonal of cov estimates" ) % eps print(msg) offset = np.eye(sigma1.shape[0]) * eps covmean = linalg.sqrtm((sigma1 + offset).dot(sigma2 + offset)) # Numerical error might give slight imaginary component if np.iscomplexobj(covmean): if not np.allclose(np.diagonal(covmean).imag, 0, atol=1e-3): m = np.max(np.abs(covmean.imag)) raise ValueError("Imaginary component {}".format(m)) covmean = covmean.real tr_covmean = np.trace(covmean) return + np.trace(sigma1) + np.trace(sigma2) - 2 * tr_covmean def kernel_distance(feats1, feats2, num_subsets=100, max_subset_size=1000): r""" Compute the KID score given the sets of features """ n = feats1.shape[1] m = min(min(feats1.shape[0], feats2.shape[0]), max_subset_size) t = 0 for _subset_idx in range(num_subsets): x = feats2[np.random.choice(feats2.shape[0], m, replace=False)] y = feats1[np.random.choice(feats1.shape[0], m, replace=False)] a = (x @ x.T / n + 1) ** 3 + (y @ y.T / n + 1) ** 3 b = (x @ y.T / n + 1) ** 3 t += (a.sum() - np.diag(a).sum()) / (m - 1) - b.sum() * 2 / m kid = t / num_subsets / m return float(kid) def get_folder_features( fdir, model=None, num_workers=12, batch_size=32, device=torch.device("cuda"), mode="clean", description="", verbose=True, ): r""" Compute the inception features for a folder of image files """ files = sorted( [file for file in glob(os.path.join(fdir, "*")) if is_image_file(file)] ) if verbose: print(f"Found {len(files)} images in the folder {fdir}") dataset = ResizeDataset(files, mode=mode) dataloader = dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, num_workers=num_workers, ) # collect all inception features if verbose: pbar = tqdm(dataloader, desc=description) else: pbar = dataloader if mode == "clean": resize_input = normalize_input = False else: resize_input = normalize_input = True l_feats = [] with torch.no_grad(): for batch in pbar: feat = model(, resize_input, normalize_input) feat = feat[0].squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1).detach().cpu().numpy() l_feats.append(feat) np_feats = np.concatenate(l_feats) return np_feats @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class FID(nn.Module): """FID and Clean-FID metric Args: mode: [clean, legacy_pytorch]. Default: clean """ def __init__( self, dims=2048, ) -> None: super().__init__() block_idx = InceptionV3.BLOCK_INDEX_BY_DIM[dims] self.model = InceptionV3(output_blocks=[block_idx]) self.model.eval() def forward( self, fdir1=None, fdir2=None, mode="clean", dataset_name="FFHQ", dataset_res=1024, dataset_split="train", num_workers=12, batch_size=32, device=torch.device("cuda"), verbose=True, ): assert mode in [ "clean", "legacy_pytorch", "legacy_tensorflow", ], "Invalid calculation mode, should be in [clean, legacy_pytorch, legacy_tensorflow]" # if both dirs are specified, compute FID between folders if fdir1 is not None and fdir2 is not None: if not verbose: print("compute FID between two folders") fbname1 = os.path.basename(fdir1) np_feats1 = get_folder_features( fdir1, self.model, num_workers=num_workers, batch_size=batch_size, device=device, mode=mode, description=f"FID {fbname1}: ", verbose=verbose, ) fbname2 = os.path.basename(fdir2) np_feats2 = get_folder_features( fdir2, self.model, num_workers=num_workers, batch_size=batch_size, device=device, mode=mode, description=f"FID {fbname2}: ", verbose=verbose, ) mu1, sig1 = np.mean(np_feats1, axis=0), np.cov(np_feats1, rowvar=False) mu2, sig2 = np.mean(np_feats2, axis=0), np.cov(np_feats2, rowvar=False) return frechet_distance(mu1, sig1, mu2, sig2) # compute fid of a folder elif fdir1 is not None and fdir2 is None: if verbose: print( f"compute FID of a folder with {dataset_name}-{mode}-{dataset_split}-{dataset_res} statistics" ) fbname1 = os.path.basename(fdir1) np_feats1 = get_folder_features( fdir1, self.model, num_workers=num_workers, batch_size=batch_size, device=device, mode=mode, description=f"FID {fbname1}: ", verbose=verbose, ) # Load reference FID statistics (download if needed) ref_mu, ref_sigma = get_reference_statistics( dataset_name, dataset_res, mode=mode, split=dataset_split ) mu1, sig1 = np.mean(np_feats1, axis=0), np.cov(np_feats1, rowvar=False) score = frechet_distance(mu1, sig1, ref_mu, ref_sigma) return score else: raise ValueError("invalid combination of arguments entered")
r"""BRISQUE Metric Created by: Modified by: Jiadi Mo ( Reference: MATLAB codes: BRISQUE; Pretrained model from: """ import torch from pyiqa.matlab_utils import imresize from pyiqa.utils.color_util import to_y_channel from pyiqa.utils.download_util import load_file_from_url from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY from .func_util import estimate_aggd_param, estimate_ggd_param, normalize_img_with_guass default_model_urls = { "url": "" } def brisque( x: torch.Tensor, kernel_size: int = 7, kernel_sigma: float = 7 / 6, test_y_channel: bool = True, pretrained_model_path: str = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Interface of BRISQUE index. Args: x: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. kernel_size: The side-length of the sliding window used in comparison. Must be an odd value. kernel_sigma: Sigma of normal distribution. data_range: Maximum value range of images (usually 1.0 or 255). to_y_channel: Whether use the y-channel of YCBCR. pretrained_model_path: The model path. Returns: Value of BRISQUE index. References: Mittal, Anish, Anush Krishna Moorthy, and Alan Conrad Bovik. "No-reference image quality assessment in the spatial domain." IEEE Transactions on image processing 21, no. 12 (2012): 4695-4708. """ if test_y_channel and x.size(1) == 3: x = to_y_channel(x, 255.0) else: x = x * 255 features = [] num_of_scales = 2 for _ in range(num_of_scales): features.append(natural_scene_statistics(x, kernel_size, kernel_sigma)) x = imresize(x, scale=0.5, antialiasing=True) features =, dim=-1) scaled_features = scale_features(features) if pretrained_model_path: sv_coef, sv = torch.load(pretrained_model_path) sv_coef = sv = # gamma and rho are SVM model parameters taken from official implementation of BRISQUE on MATLAB # Source: gamma = 0.05 rho = -153.591 sv.t_() kernel_features = rbf_kernel(features=scaled_features, sv=sv, gamma=gamma) score = kernel_features @ sv_coef return score - rho def natural_scene_statistics( luma: torch.Tensor, kernel_size: int = 7, sigma: float = 7.0 / 6 ) -> torch.Tensor: luma_nrmlzd = normalize_img_with_guass(luma, kernel_size, sigma, padding="same") alpha, sigma = estimate_ggd_param(luma_nrmlzd) features = [alpha, sigma.pow(2)] shifts = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (-1, 1)] for shift in shifts: shifted_luma_nrmlzd = torch.roll(luma_nrmlzd, shifts=shift, dims=(-2, -1)) alpha, sigma_l, sigma_r = estimate_aggd_param( luma_nrmlzd * shifted_luma_nrmlzd, return_sigma=True ) eta = (sigma_r - sigma_l) * torch.exp( torch.lgamma(2.0 / alpha) - (torch.lgamma(1.0 / alpha) + torch.lgamma(3.0 / alpha)) / 2 ) features.extend((alpha, eta, sigma_l.pow(2), sigma_r.pow(2))) return torch.stack(features, dim=-1) def scale_features(features: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: lower_bound = -1 upper_bound = 1 # Feature range is taken from official implementation of BRISQUE on MATLAB. # Source: feature_ranges = torch.tensor( [ [0.338, 10], [0.017204, 0.806612], [0.236, 1.642], [-0.123884, 0.20293], [0.000155, 0.712298], [0.001122, 0.470257], [0.244, 1.641], [-0.123586, 0.179083], [0.000152, 0.710456], [0.000975, 0.470984], [0.249, 1.555], [-0.135687, 0.100858], [0.000174, 0.684173], [0.000913, 0.534174], [0.258, 1.561], [-0.143408, 0.100486], [0.000179, 0.685696], [0.000888, 0.536508], [0.471, 3.264], [0.012809, 0.703171], [0.218, 1.046], [-0.094876, 0.187459], [1.5e-005, 0.442057], [0.001272, 0.40803], [0.222, 1.042], [-0.115772, 0.162604], [1.6e-005, 0.444362], [0.001374, 0.40243], [0.227, 0.996], [-0.117188, 0.09832299999999999], [3e-005, 0.531903], [0.001122, 0.369589], [0.228, 0.99], [-0.12243, 0.098658], [2.8e-005, 0.530092], [0.001118, 0.370399], ] ).to(features) scaled_features = lower_bound + (upper_bound - lower_bound) * ( features - feature_ranges[..., 0] ) / (feature_ranges[..., 1] - feature_ranges[..., 0]) return scaled_features def rbf_kernel( features: torch.Tensor, sv: torch.Tensor, gamma: float = 0.05 ) -> torch.Tensor: dist = (features.unsqueeze(dim=-1) - sv.unsqueeze(dim=0)).pow(2).sum(dim=1) return torch.exp(-dist * gamma) @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class BRISQUE(torch.nn.Module): r"""Creates a criterion that measures the BRISQUE score. Args: kernel_size (int): By default, the mean and covariance of a pixel is obtained by convolution with given filter_size. Must be an odd value. kernel_sigma (float): Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. to_y_channel (bool): Whether use the y-channel of YCBCR. pretrained_model_path (str): The model path. """ def __init__( self, kernel_size: int = 7, kernel_sigma: float = 7 / 6, test_y_channel: bool = True, pretrained_model_path: str = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.kernel_size = kernel_size # This check might look redundant because kernel size is checked within the brisque function anyway. # However, this check allows to fail fast when the loss is being initialised and training has not been started. assert kernel_size % 2 == 1, f"Kernel size must be odd, got [{kernel_size}]" self.kernel_sigma = kernel_sigma self.test_y_channel = test_y_channel if pretrained_model_path is not None: self.pretrained_model_path = pretrained_model_path else: self.pretrained_model_path = load_file_from_url(default_model_urls["url"]) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Computation of BRISQUE score as a loss function. Args: x: An input tensor with (N, C, H, W) shape. RGB channel order for colour images. Returns: Value of BRISQUE metric. """ return brisque( x, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, kernel_sigma=self.kernel_sigma, test_y_channel=self.test_y_channel, pretrained_model_path=self.pretrained_model_path, )
r"""Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) Metric Created by: Modified by: Jiadi Mo ( Refer to: Wikipedia from QIQA from """ import torch import torch.nn as nn from pyiqa.utils.color_util import to_y_channel from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY def psnr(x, y, test_y_channel=False, data_range=1.0, eps=1e-8, color_space="yiq"): r"""Compute Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio for a batch of images. Supports both greyscale and color images with RGB channel order. Args: x: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. y: A target tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. test_y_channel (Boolean): Convert RGB image to YCbCr format and computes PSNR only on luminance channel if `True`. Compute on all 3 channels otherwise. data_range: Maximum value range of images (default 1.0). Returns: PSNR Index of similarity betwen two images. """ if (x.shape[1] == 3) and test_y_channel: # Convert RGB image to YCbCr and use Y-channel x = to_y_channel(x, data_range, color_space) y = to_y_channel(y, data_range, color_space) mse = torch.mean((x - y) ** 2, dim=[1, 2, 3]) score = 10 * torch.log10(data_range ** 2 / (mse + eps)) return score @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class PSNR(nn.Module): r""" Args: X, Y (torch.Tensor): distorted image and reference image tensor with shape (B, 3, H, W) test_y_channel (Boolean): Convert RGB image to YCbCr format and computes PSNR only on luminance channel if `True`. Compute on all 3 channels otherwise. kwargs: other parameters, including - data_range: maximun numeric value - eps: small constant for numeric stability Return: score (torch.Tensor): (B, 1) """ def __init__(self, test_y_channel=False, crop_border=0, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.test_y_channel = test_y_channel self.kwargs = kwargs self.crop_border = crop_border def forward(self, X, Y): assert ( X.shape == Y.shape ), f"Input and reference images should have the same shape, but got {X.shape} and {Y.shape}" if self.crop_border != 0: crop_border = self.crop_border X = X[..., crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border] Y = Y[..., crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border] score = psnr(X, Y, self.test_y_channel, **self.kwargs) return score
r"""GMSD Metric Created by: Modified by: Jiadi Mo ( Refer to: Matlab code from; """ import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from pyiqa.utils.color_util import to_y_channel from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY def gmsd( x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, T: int = 170, channels: int = 3, test_y_channel: bool = True, ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""GMSD metric. Args: x: A distortion tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. y: A reference tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. T: A positive constant that supplies numerical stability. channels: Number of channels. test_y_channel: bool, whether to use y channel on ycbcr. """ if test_y_channel: x = to_y_channel(x, 255) y = to_y_channel(y, 255) channels = 1 else: x = x * 255.0 y = y * 255.0 dx = ( (torch.Tensor([[1, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1]]) / 3.0) .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(0) .repeat(channels, 1, 1, 1) .to(x) ) dy = ( (torch.Tensor([[1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1]]) / 3.0) .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(0) .repeat(channels, 1, 1, 1) .to(x) ) aveKernel = torch.ones(channels, 1, 2, 2).to(x) / 4.0 Y1 = F.conv2d(x, aveKernel, stride=2, padding=0, groups=channels) Y2 = F.conv2d(y, aveKernel, stride=2, padding=0, groups=channels) IxY1 = F.conv2d(Y1, dx, stride=1, padding=1, groups=channels) IyY1 = F.conv2d(Y1, dy, stride=1, padding=1, groups=channels) gradientMap1 = torch.sqrt(IxY1 ** 2 + IyY1 ** 2 + 1e-12) IxY2 = F.conv2d(Y2, dx, stride=1, padding=1, groups=channels) IyY2 = F.conv2d(Y2, dy, stride=1, padding=1, groups=channels) gradientMap2 = torch.sqrt(IxY2 ** 2 + IyY2 ** 2 + 1e-12) quality_map = (2 * gradientMap1 * gradientMap2 + T) / ( gradientMap1 ** 2 + gradientMap2 ** 2 + T ) score = torch.std(quality_map.view(quality_map.shape[0], -1), dim=1) return score @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class GMSD(nn.Module): r"""Gradient Magnitude Similarity Deviation Metric. Args: channels: Number of channels. test_y_channel: bool, whether to use y channel on ycbcr. Reference: Xue, Wufeng, Lei Zhang, Xuanqin Mou, and Alan C. Bovik. "Gradient magnitude similarity deviation: A highly efficient perceptual image quality index." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23, no. 2 (2013): 684-695. """ def __init__(self, channels: int = 3, test_y_channel: bool = True) -> None: super(GMSD, self).__init__() self.channels = channels self.test_y_channel = test_y_channel def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Args: x: A distortion tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. y: A reference tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Order of input is important. """ assert ( x.shape == y.shape ), f"Input and reference images should have the same shape, but got {x.shape} and {y.shape}" score = gmsd(x, y, channels=self.channels, test_y_channel=self.test_y_channel) return score
r"""NIQE and ILNIQE Metrics NIQE Metric Created by: Modified by: Jiadi Mo ( Reference: MATLAB codes: ILNIQE Metric Created by: Chaofeng Chen ( Reference: - Python codes: - Matlab codes: """ import math import numpy as np import scipy import import torch from pyiqa.archs.fsim_arch import _construct_filters from pyiqa.matlab_utils import ( blockproc, conv2d, fitweibull, fspecial, imfilter, imresize, nancov, nanmean, ) from pyiqa.utils.color_util import to_y_channel from pyiqa.utils.download_util import load_file_from_url from pyiqa.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY from .func_util import diff_round, estimate_aggd_param, normalize_img_with_guass default_model_urls = { "url": "", "niqe": "", "ilniqe": "", } def compute_feature( block: torch.Tensor, ilniqe: bool = False, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute features. Args: block (Tensor): Image block in shape (b, c, h, w). Returns: list: Features with length of 18. """ bsz = block.shape[0] aggd_block = block[:, [0]] alpha, beta_l, beta_r = estimate_aggd_param(aggd_block) feat = [alpha, (beta_l + beta_r) / 2] # distortions disturb the fairly regular structure of natural images. # This deviation can be captured by analyzing the sample distribution of # the products of pairs of adjacent coefficients computed along # horizontal, vertical and diagonal orientations. shifts = [[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [1, -1]] for i in range(len(shifts)): shifted_block = torch.roll(aggd_block, shifts[i], dims=(2, 3)) alpha, beta_l, beta_r = estimate_aggd_param(aggd_block * shifted_block) # Eq. 8 mean = (beta_r - beta_l) * ( torch.lgamma(2 / alpha) - torch.lgamma(1 / alpha) ).exp() feat.extend((alpha, mean, beta_l, beta_r)) feat = [x.reshape(bsz, 1) for x in feat] if ilniqe: tmp_block = block[:, 1:4] channels = 4 - 1 shape_scale = fitweibull(tmp_block.reshape(bsz * channels, -1)) scale_shape = shape_scale[:, [1, 0]].reshape(bsz, -1) feat.append(scale_shape) mu = torch.mean(block[:, 4:7], dim=(2, 3)) sigmaSquare = torch.var(block[:, 4:7], dim=(2, 3)) mu_sigma = torch.stack((mu, sigmaSquare), dim=-1).reshape(bsz, -1) feat.append(mu_sigma) channels = 85 - 7 tmp_block = block[:, 7:85].reshape(bsz * channels, 1, *block.shape[2:]) alpha_data, beta_l_data, beta_r_data = estimate_aggd_param(tmp_block) alpha_data = alpha_data.reshape(bsz, channels) beta_l_data = beta_l_data.reshape(bsz, channels) beta_r_data = beta_r_data.reshape(bsz, channels) alpha_beta = torch.stack( [alpha_data, (beta_l_data + beta_r_data) / 2], dim=-1 ).reshape(bsz, -1) feat.append(alpha_beta) tmp_block = block[:, 85:109] channels = 109 - 85 shape_scale = fitweibull(tmp_block.reshape(bsz * channels, -1)) scale_shape = shape_scale[:, [1, 0]].reshape(bsz, -1) feat.append(scale_shape) feat =, dim=-1) return feat def niqe( img: torch.Tensor, mu_pris_param: torch.Tensor, cov_pris_param: torch.Tensor, block_size_h: int = 96, block_size_w: int = 96, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate NIQE (Natural Image Quality Evaluator) metric. Args: img (Tensor): Input image. mu_pris_param (Tensor): Mean of a pre-defined multivariate Gaussian model calculated on the pristine dataset. cov_pris_param (Tensor): Covariance of a pre-defined multivariate Gaussian model calculated on the pristine dataset. gaussian_window (Tensor): A 7x7 Gaussian window used for smoothing the image. block_size_h (int): Height of the blocks in to which image is divided. Default: 96 (the official recommended value). block_size_w (int): Width of the blocks in to which image is divided. Default: 96 (the official recommended value). """ assert ( img.ndim == 4 ), "Input image must be a gray or Y (of YCbCr) image with shape (b, c, h, w)." # crop image b, c, h, w = img.shape num_block_h = math.floor(h / block_size_h) num_block_w = math.floor(w / block_size_w) img = img[..., 0 : num_block_h * block_size_h, 0 : num_block_w * block_size_w] distparam = [] # dist param is actually the multiscale features for scale in (1, 2): # perform on two scales (1, 2) img_normalized = normalize_img_with_guass(img, padding="replicate") distparam.append( blockproc( img_normalized, [block_size_h // scale, block_size_w // scale], fun=compute_feature, ) ) if scale == 1: img = imresize(img / 255.0, scale=0.5, antialiasing=True) img = img * 255.0 distparam =, -1) # fit a MVG (multivariate Gaussian) model to distorted patch features mu_distparam = nanmean(distparam, dim=1) cov_distparam = nancov(distparam) # compute niqe quality, Eq. 10 in the paper invcov_param = torch.linalg.pinv((cov_pris_param + cov_distparam) / 2) diff = (mu_pris_param - mu_distparam).unsqueeze(1) quality = torch.bmm(torch.bmm(diff, invcov_param), diff.transpose(1, 2)).squeeze() quality = torch.sqrt(quality) return quality def calculate_niqe( img: torch.Tensor, crop_border: int = 0, test_y_channel: bool = True, pretrained_model_path: str = None, color_space: str = "yiq", **kwargs, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate NIQE (Natural Image Quality Evaluator) metric. Args: img (Tensor): Input image whose quality needs to be computed. crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image. These pixels are not involved in the metric calculation. test_y_channel (Bool): Whether converted to 'y' (of MATLAB YCbCr) or 'gray'. pretrained_model_path (str): The pretrained model path. Returns: Tensor: NIQE result. """ params = mu_pris_param = np.ravel(params["mu_prisparam"]) cov_pris_param = params["cov_prisparam"] mu_pris_param = torch.from_numpy(mu_pris_param).to(img) cov_pris_param = torch.from_numpy(cov_pris_param).to(img) mu_pris_param = mu_pris_param.repeat(img.size(0), 1) cov_pris_param = cov_pris_param.repeat(img.size(0), 1, 1) if test_y_channel and img.shape[1] == 3: print(img.shape) img = to_y_channel(img, 255, color_space) img = diff_round(img) img = if crop_border != 0: img = img[..., crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border] niqe_result = niqe(img, mu_pris_param, cov_pris_param) return niqe_result def gauDerivative(sigma, in_ch=1, out_ch=1, device=None): halfLength = math.ceil(3 * sigma) x, y = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(-halfLength, halfLength, 2 * halfLength + 1), np.linspace(-halfLength, halfLength, 2 * halfLength + 1), ) gauDerX = x * np.exp(-(x ** 2 + y ** 2) / 2 / sigma / sigma) gauDerY = y * np.exp(-(x ** 2 + y ** 2) / 2 / sigma / sigma) dx = torch.from_numpy(gauDerX).to(device) dy = torch.from_numpy(gauDerY).to(device) dx = dx.repeat(out_ch, in_ch, 1, 1) dy = dy.repeat(out_ch, in_ch, 1, 1) return dx, dy def ilniqe( img: torch.Tensor, mu_pris_param: torch.Tensor, cov_pris_param: torch.Tensor, principleVectors: torch.Tensor, meanOfSampleData: torch.Tensor, resize: bool = True, block_size_h: int = 84, block_size_w: int = 84, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate IL-NIQE (Integrated Local Natural Image Quality Evaluator) metric. Args: img (Tensor): Input image. mu_pris_param (Tensor): Mean of a pre-defined multivariate Gaussian model calculated on the pristine dataset. cov_pris_param (Tensor): Covariance of a pre-defined multivariate Gaussian model calculated on the pristine dataset. principleVectors (Tensor): Features from official .mat file. meanOfSampleData (Tensor): Features from official .mat file. resize (Bloolean): resize image. Default: True. block_size_h (int): Height of the blocks in to which image is divided. Default: 84 (the official recommended value). block_size_w (int): Width of the blocks in to which image is divided. Default: 84 (the official recommended value). """ assert ( img.ndim == 4 ), "Input image must be a gray or Y (of YCbCr) image with shape (b, c, h, w)." sigmaForGauDerivative = 1.66 KforLog = 0.00001 normalizedWidth = 524 minWaveLength = 2.4 sigmaOnf = 0.55 mult = 1.31 dThetaOnSigma = 1.10 scaleFactorForLoG = 0.87 scaleFactorForGaussianDer = 0.28 sigmaForDownsample = 0.9 EPS = 1e-8 scales = 3 orientations = 4 infConst = 10000 nanConst = 2000 if resize: img = imresize(img, sizes=(normalizedWidth, normalizedWidth)) img = img.clamp(0.0, 255.0) # crop image b, c, h, w = img.shape num_block_h = math.floor(h / block_size_h) num_block_w = math.floor(w / block_size_w) img = img[..., 0 : num_block_h * block_size_h, 0 : num_block_w * block_size_w] ospace_weight = torch.tensor( [ [0.3, 0.04, -0.35], [0.34, -0.6, 0.17], [0.06, 0.63, 0.27], ] ).to(img) O_img = img.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) @ ospace_weight.T O_img = O_img.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) distparam = [] # dist param is actually the multiscale features for scale in (1, 2): # perform on two scales (1, 2) struct_dis = normalize_img_with_guass( O_img[:, [2]], kernel_size=5, sigma=5.0 / 6, padding="replicate" ) dx, dy = gauDerivative( sigmaForGauDerivative / (scale ** scaleFactorForGaussianDer), device=img ) Ix = conv2d(O_img, dx.repeat(3, 1, 1, 1), groups=3) Iy = conv2d(O_img, dy.repeat(3, 1, 1, 1), groups=3) GM = torch.sqrt(Ix ** 2 + Iy ** 2 + EPS) Ixy = torch.stack((Ix, Iy), dim=2).reshape( Ix.shape[0], Ix.shape[1] * 2, *Ix.shape[2:] ) # reshape to (IxO1, IxO1, IxO2, IyO2, IxO3, IyO3) logRGB = torch.log(img + KforLog) logRGBMS = logRGB - logRGB.mean(dim=(2, 3), keepdim=True) Intensity = logRGBMS.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) / np.sqrt(3) BY = (logRGBMS[:, [0]] + logRGBMS[:, [1]] - 2 * logRGBMS[:, [2]]) / np.sqrt(6) RG = (logRGBMS[:, [0]] - logRGBMS[:, [1]]) / np.sqrt(2) compositeMat =[struct_dis, GM, Intensity, BY, RG, Ixy], dim=1) O3 = O_img[:, [2]] # gabor filter in shape (b, ori * scale, h, w) LGFilters = _construct_filters( O3, scales=scales, orientations=orientations, min_length=minWaveLength / (scale ** scaleFactorForLoG), sigma_f=sigmaOnf, mult=mult, delta_theta=dThetaOnSigma, use_lowpass_filter=False, ) # reformat to scale * ori b, _, h, w = LGFilters.shape LGFilters = ( LGFilters.reshape(b, orientations, scales, h, w) .transpose(1, 2) .reshape(b, -1, h, w) ) # TODO: current filters needs to be transposed to get same results as matlab, find the bug LGFilters = LGFilters.transpose(-1, -2) fftIm = torch.fft.fft2(O3) logResponse = [] partialDer = [] GM = [] for index in range(LGFilters.shape[1]): filter = LGFilters[:, [index]] response = torch.fft.ifft2(filter * fftIm) realRes = torch.real(response) imagRes = torch.imag(response) partialXReal = conv2d(realRes, dx) partialYReal = conv2d(realRes, dy) realGM = torch.sqrt(partialXReal ** 2 + partialYReal ** 2 + EPS) partialXImag = conv2d(imagRes, dx) partialYImag = conv2d(imagRes, dy) imagGM = torch.sqrt(partialXImag ** 2 + partialYImag ** 2 + EPS) logResponse.append(realRes) logResponse.append(imagRes) partialDer.append(partialXReal) partialDer.append(partialYReal) partialDer.append(partialXImag) partialDer.append(partialYImag) GM.append(realGM) GM.append(imagGM) logResponse =, dim=1) partialDer =, dim=1) GM =, dim=1) compositeMat =, logResponse, partialDer, GM), dim=1) distparam.append( blockproc( compositeMat, [block_size_h // scale, block_size_w // scale], fun=compute_feature, ilniqe=True, ) ) gauForDS = fspecial(math.ceil(6 * sigmaForDownsample), sigmaForDownsample).to( img ) filterResult = imfilter( O_img, gauForDS.repeat(3, 1, 1, 1), padding="replicate", groups=3 ) O_img = filterResult[..., ::2, ::2] filterResult = imfilter( img, gauForDS.repeat(3, 1, 1, 1), padding="replicate", groups=3 ) img = filterResult[..., ::2, ::2] distparam =, dim=-1) # b, block_num, feature_num distparam[distparam > infConst] = infConst # fit a MVG (multivariate Gaussian) model to distorted patch features coefficientsViaPCA = torch.bmm( principleVectors.transpose(1, 2), (distparam - meanOfSampleData.unsqueeze(1)).transpose(1, 2), ) final_features = coefficientsViaPCA.transpose(1, 2) b, blk_num, feat_num = final_features.shape # remove block features with nan and compute nonan cov cov_distparam = nancov(final_features) # replace nan in final features with mu mu_final_features = nanmean(final_features, dim=1, keepdim=True) final_features_withmu = torch.where( torch.isnan(final_features), mu_final_features, final_features ) # compute ilniqe quality invcov_param = torch.linalg.pinv((cov_pris_param + cov_distparam) / 2) diff = final_features_withmu - mu_pris_param.unsqueeze(1) quality = (torch.bmm(diff, invcov_param) * diff).sum(dim=-1) quality = torch.sqrt(quality).mean(dim=1) return quality def calculate_ilniqe( img: torch.Tensor, crop_border: int = 0, pretrained_model_path: str = None, **kwargs ) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate IL-NIQE metric. Args: img (Tensor): Input image whose quality needs to be computed. crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image. These pixels are not involved in the metric calculation. pretrained_model_path (str): The pretrained model path. Returns: Tensor: IL-NIQE result. """ params = img = img * 255.0 img = diff_round(img) # float64 precision is critical to be consistent with matlab codes img = mu_pris_param = np.ravel(params["templateModel"][0][0]) cov_pris_param = params["templateModel"][0][1] meanOfSampleData = np.ravel(params["templateModel"][0][2]) principleVectors = params["templateModel"][0][3] mu_pris_param = torch.from_numpy(mu_pris_param).to(img) cov_pris_param = torch.from_numpy(cov_pris_param).to(img) meanOfSampleData = torch.from_numpy(meanOfSampleData).to(img) principleVectors = torch.from_numpy(principleVectors).to(img) mu_pris_param = mu_pris_param.repeat(img.size(0), 1) cov_pris_param = cov_pris_param.repeat(img.size(0), 1, 1) meanOfSampleData = meanOfSampleData.repeat(img.size(0), 1) principleVectors = principleVectors.repeat(img.size(0), 1, 1) if crop_border != 0: img = img[..., crop_border:-crop_border, crop_border:-crop_border] ilniqe_result = ilniqe( img, mu_pris_param, cov_pris_param, principleVectors, meanOfSampleData ) return ilniqe_result @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class NIQE(torch.nn.Module): r"""Args: channels (int): Number of processed channel. test_y_channel (bool): whether to use y channel on ycbcr. crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image. These pixels are not involved in the metric calculation. pretrained_model_path (str): The pretrained model path. References: Mittal, Anish, Rajiv Soundararajan, and Alan C. Bovik. "Making a “completely blind” image quality analyzer." IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL) 20.3 (2012): 209-212. """ def __init__( self, channels: int = 1, test_y_channel: bool = True, color_space: str = "yiq", crop_border: int = 0, pretrained_model_path: str = None, ) -> None: super(NIQE, self).__init__() self.channels = channels self.test_y_channel = test_y_channel self.color_space = color_space self.crop_border = crop_border if pretrained_model_path is not None: self.pretrained_model_path = pretrained_model_path else: self.pretrained_model_path = load_file_from_url(default_model_urls["url"]) def forward(self, X: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Computation of NIQE metric. Args: X: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Returns: Value of niqe metric in [0, 1] range. """ score = calculate_niqe( X, self.crop_border, self.test_y_channel, self.pretrained_model_path, self.color_space, ) return score @ARCH_REGISTRY.register() class ILNIQE(torch.nn.Module): r"""Args: channels (int): Number of processed channel. test_y_channel (bool): whether to use y channel on ycbcr. crop_border (int): Cropped pixels in each edge of an image. These pixels are not involved in the metric calculation. pretrained_model_path (str): The pretrained model path. References: Zhang, Lin, Lei Zhang, and Alan C. Bovik. "A feature-enriched completely blind image quality evaluator." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24.8 (2015): 2579-2591. """ def __init__( self, channels: int = 3, crop_border: int = 0, pretrained_model_path: str = None ) -> None: super(ILNIQE, self).__init__() self.channels = channels self.crop_border = crop_border if pretrained_model_path is not None: self.pretrained_model_path = pretrained_model_path else: self.pretrained_model_path = load_file_from_url( default_model_urls["ilniqe"] ) def forward(self, X: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Computation of NIQE metric. Args: X: An input tensor. Shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Returns: Value of niqe metric in [0, 1] range. """ score = calculate_ilniqe(X, self.crop_border, self.pretrained_model_path) return score
import math import torch from torch import autograd as autograd from torch import nn as nn from torch.nn import functional as F from pyiqa.utils.registry import LOSS_REGISTRY from .loss_util import weighted_loss _reduction_modes = ["none", "mean", "sum"] @weighted_loss def l1_loss(pred, target): return F.l1_loss(pred, target, reduction="none") @weighted_loss def mse_loss(pred, target): return F.mse_loss(pred, target, reduction="none") @weighted_loss def cross_entropy(pred, target): return F.cross_entropy(pred, target, reduction="none") @weighted_loss def nll_loss(pred, target): return F.nll_loss(pred, target, reduction="none") @weighted_loss def charbonnier_loss(pred, target, eps=1e-12): return torch.sqrt((pred - target) ** 2 + eps) @LOSS_REGISTRY.register() class L1Loss(nn.Module): """L1 (mean absolute error, MAE) loss. Args: loss_weight (float): Loss weight for L1 loss. Default: 1.0. reduction (str): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output. Supported choices are 'none' | 'mean' | 'sum'. Default: 'mean'. """ def __init__(self, loss_weight=1.0, reduction="mean"): super(L1Loss, self).__init__() if reduction not in ["none", "mean", "sum"]: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported reduction mode: {reduction}. Supported ones are: {_reduction_modes}" ) self.loss_weight = loss_weight self.reduction = reduction def forward(self, pred, target, weight=None, **kwargs): """ Args: pred (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Predicted tensor. target (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Ground truth tensor. weight (Tensor, optional): of shape (N, C, H, W). Element-wise weights. Default: None. """ return self.loss_weight * l1_loss( pred, target, weight, reduction=self.reduction ) @LOSS_REGISTRY.register() class MSELoss(nn.Module): """MSE (L2) loss. Args: loss_weight (float): Loss weight for MSE loss. Default: 1.0. reduction (str): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output. Supported choices are 'none' | 'mean' | 'sum'. Default: 'mean'. """ def __init__(self, loss_weight=1.0, reduction="mean"): super(MSELoss, self).__init__() if reduction not in ["none", "mean", "sum"]: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported reduction mode: {reduction}. Supported ones are: {_reduction_modes}" ) self.loss_weight = loss_weight self.reduction = reduction def forward(self, pred, target, weight=None, **kwargs): """ Args: pred (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Predicted tensor. target (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Ground truth tensor. weight (Tensor, optional): of shape (N, C, H, W). Element-wise weights. Default: None. """ return self.loss_weight * mse_loss( pred, target, weight, reduction=self.reduction ) @LOSS_REGISTRY.register() class CrossEntropyLoss(nn.Module): """MSE (L2) loss. Args: loss_weight (float): Loss weight for MSE loss. Default: 1.0. reduction (str): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output. Supported choices are 'none' | 'mean' | 'sum'. Default: 'mean'. """ def __init__(self, loss_weight=1.0, reduction="mean"): super().__init__() if reduction not in ["none", "mean", "sum"]: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported reduction mode: {reduction}. Supported ones are: {_reduction_modes}" ) self.loss_weight = loss_weight self.reduction = reduction def forward(self, pred, target, weight=None, **kwargs): """ Args: pred (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Predicted tensor. target (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Ground truth tensor. weight (Tensor, optional): of shape (N, C, H, W). Element-wise weights. Default: None. """ return self.loss_weight * cross_entropy( pred, target, weight, reduction=self.reduction ) @LOSS_REGISTRY.register() class NLLLoss(nn.Module): """MSE (L2) loss. Args: loss_weight (float): Loss weight for MSE loss. Default: 1.0. reduction (str): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output. Supported choices are 'none' | 'mean' | 'sum'. Default: 'mean'. """ def __init__(self, loss_weight=1.0, reduction="mean"): super().__init__() if reduction not in ["none", "mean", "sum"]: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported reduction mode: {reduction}. Supported ones are: {_reduction_modes}" ) self.loss_weight = loss_weight self.reduction = reduction def forward(self, pred, target, weight=None, **kwargs): """ Args: pred (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Predicted tensor. target (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Ground truth tensor. weight (Tensor, optional): of shape (N, C, H, W). Element-wise weights. Default: None. """ return self.loss_weight * nll_loss( pred, target, weight, reduction=self.reduction ) @LOSS_REGISTRY.register() class CharbonnierLoss(nn.Module): """Charbonnier loss (one variant of Robust L1Loss, a differentiable variant of L1Loss). Described in "Deep Laplacian Pyramid Networks for Fast and Accurate Super-Resolution". Args: loss_weight (float): Loss weight for L1 loss. Default: 1.0. reduction (str): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output. Supported choices are 'none' | 'mean' | 'sum'. Default: 'mean'. eps (float): A value used to control the curvature near zero. Default: 1e-12. """ def __init__(self, loss_weight=1.0, reduction="mean", eps=1e-12): super(CharbonnierLoss, self).__init__() if reduction not in ["none", "mean", "sum"]: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported reduction mode: {reduction}. Supported ones are: {_reduction_modes}" ) self.loss_weight = loss_weight self.reduction = reduction self.eps = eps def forward(self, pred, target, weight=None, **kwargs): """ Args: pred (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Predicted tensor. target (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W). Ground truth tensor. weight (Tensor, optional): of shape (N, C, H, W). Element-wise weights. Default: None. """ return self.loss_weight * charbonnier_loss( pred, target, weight, eps=self.eps, reduction=self.reduction ) @LOSS_REGISTRY.register() class WeightedTVLoss(L1Loss): """Weighted TV loss. Args: loss_weight (float): Loss weight. Default: 1.0. """ def __init__(self, loss_weight=1.0, reduction="mean"): if reduction not in ["mean", "sum"]: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported reduction mode: {reduction}. Supported ones are: mean | sum" ) super(WeightedTVLoss, self).__init__( loss_weight=loss_weight, reduction=reduction ) def forward(self, pred, weight=None): if weight is None: y_weight = None x_weight = None else: y_weight = weight[:, :, :-1, :] x_weight = weight[:, :, :, :-1] y_diff = super().forward(pred[:, :, :-1, :], pred[:, :, 1:, :], weight=y_weight) x_diff = super().forward(pred[:, :, :, :-1], pred[:, :, :, 1:], weight=x_weight) loss = x_diff + y_diff return loss
import functools from torch.nn import functional as F def reduce_loss(loss, reduction): """Reduce loss as specified. Args: loss (Tensor): Elementwise loss tensor. reduction (str): Options are 'none', 'mean' and 'sum'. Returns: Tensor: Reduced loss tensor. """ reduction_enum = F._Reduction.get_enum(reduction) # none: 0, elementwise_mean:1, sum: 2 if reduction_enum == 0: return loss elif reduction_enum == 1: return loss.mean() else: return loss.sum() def weight_reduce_loss(loss, weight=None, reduction="mean"): """Apply element-wise weight and reduce loss. Args: loss (Tensor): Element-wise loss. weight (Tensor): Element-wise weights. Default: None. reduction (str): Same as built-in losses of PyTorch. Options are 'none', 'mean' and 'sum'. Default: 'mean'. Returns: Tensor: Loss values. """ # if weight is specified, apply element-wise weight if weight is not None: assert weight.dim() == loss.dim() assert weight.size(1) == 1 or weight.size(1) == loss.size(1) loss = loss * weight # if weight is not specified or reduction is sum, just reduce the loss if weight is None or reduction == "sum": loss = reduce_loss(loss, reduction) # if reduction is mean, then compute mean over weight region elif reduction == "mean": if weight.size(1) > 1: weight = weight.sum() else: weight = weight.sum() * loss.size(1) loss = loss.sum() / weight return loss def weighted_loss(loss_func): """Create a weighted version of a given loss function. To use this decorator, the loss function must have the signature like `loss_func(pred, target, **kwargs)`. The function only needs to compute element-wise loss without any reduction. This decorator will add weight and reduction arguments to the function. The decorated function will have the signature like `loss_func(pred, target, weight=None, reduction='mean', **kwargs)`. :Example: >>> import torch >>> @weighted_loss >>> def l1_loss(pred, target): >>> return (pred - target).abs() >>> pred = torch.Tensor([0, 2, 3]) >>> target = torch.Tensor([1, 1, 1]) >>> weight = torch.Tensor([1, 0, 1]) >>> l1_loss(pred, target) tensor(1.3333) >>> l1_loss(pred, target, weight) tensor(1.5000) >>> l1_loss(pred, target, reduction='none') tensor([1., 1., 2.]) >>> l1_loss(pred, target, weight, reduction='sum') tensor(3.) """ @functools.wraps(loss_func) def wrapper(pred, target, weight=None, reduction="mean", **kwargs): # get element-wise loss loss = loss_func(pred, target, **kwargs) loss = weight_reduce_loss(loss, weight, reduction) return loss return wrapper
import numpy as np import torch from cv2 import reduce from torch import nn as nn from torch.nn import functional as F from pyiqa.utils.registry import LOSS_REGISTRY from .loss_util import weighted_loss _reduction_modes = ["none", "mean", "sum"] @weighted_loss def emd_loss(pred, target, r=2): """ Args: pred (Tensor): of shape (N, C). Predicted tensor. target (Tensor): of shape (N, C). Ground truth tensor. r (float): norm level, default l2 norm. """ loss = torch.abs(torch.cumsum(pred, dim=-1) - torch.cumsum(target, dim=-1)) ** r loss = loss.mean(dim=-1) ** (1.0 / r) return loss @LOSS_REGISTRY.register() class EMDLoss(nn.Module): """EMD (earth mover distance) loss.""" def __init__(self, loss_weight=1.0, r=2, reduction="mean"): super(EMDLoss, self).__init__() if reduction not in ["none", "mean", "sum"]: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported reduction mode: {reduction}. Supported ones are: {_reduction_modes}" ) self.loss_weight = loss_weight self.r = r self.reduction = reduction def forward(self, pred, target, weight=None, **kwargs): return self.loss_weight * emd_loss( pred, target, r=self.r, weight=weight, reduction=self.reduction ) def plcc_loss(pred, target): """ Args: pred (Tensor): of shape (N, 1). Predicted tensor. target (Tensor): of shape (N, 1). Ground truth tensor. """ batch_size = pred.shape[0] if batch_size > 1: vx = pred - pred.mean() vy = target - target.mean() loss = F.normalize(vx, p=2, dim=0) * F.normalize(vy, p=2, dim=0) loss = (1 - loss.sum()) / 2 # normalize to [0, 1] else: loss = F.l1_loss(pred, target) return loss.mean() @LOSS_REGISTRY.register() class PLCCLoss(nn.Module): """PLCC loss, induced from Pearson’s Linear Correlation Coefficient.""" def __init__(self, loss_weight=1.0): super(PLCCLoss, self).__init__() self.loss_weight = loss_weight def forward(self, pred, target): return self.loss_weight * plcc_loss(pred, target) @LOSS_REGISTRY.register() class RankLoss(nn.Module): """Monotonicity regularization loss, will be zero when rankings of pred and target are the same. Reference: - """ def __init__(self, detach=False, loss_weight=1.0): super(RankLoss, self).__init__() self.loss_weight = loss_weight def forward(self, pred, target): if pred.size(0) > 1: # ranking_loss = F.relu((pred - pred.t()) * torch.sign((target.t() - target))) scale = 1 + torch.max(ranking_loss.detach()) loss = ranking_loss.mean() / scale else: loss = F.l1_loss(pred, target.detach()) # 0 for batch with single sample. return self.loss_weight * loss def norm_loss_with_normalization(pred, target, p, q): """ Args: pred (Tensor): of shape (N, 1). Predicted tensor. target (Tensor): of shape (N, 1). Ground truth tensor. """ batch_size = pred.shape[0] if batch_size > 1: vx = pred - pred.mean() vy = target - target.mean() scale = np.power(2, p) * np.power(batch_size, max(0, 1 - p / q)) # p, q>0 norm_pred = F.normalize(vx, p=q, dim=0) norm_target = F.normalize(vy, p=q, dim=0) loss = torch.norm(norm_pred - norm_target, p=p) / scale else: loss = F.l1_loss(pred, target) return loss.mean() @LOSS_REGISTRY.register() class NiNLoss(nn.Module): """NiN (Norm in Norm) loss Reference: - Dingquan Li, Tingting Jiang, and Ming Jiang. Norm-in-Norm Loss with Faster Convergence and Better Performance for Image Quality Assessment. ACMM2020. - - This loss can be simply described as: l1_norm(normalize(pred - pred_mean), normalize(target - target_mean)) """ def __init__(self, loss_weight=1.0, p=1, q=2): super(NiNLoss, self).__init__() self.loss_weight = loss_weight self.p = p self.q = q def forward(self, pred, target): return self.loss_weight * norm_loss_with_normalization( pred, target, self.p, self.q )
import os import cv2 import torch import numpy as np import pandas as pd from time import time from sklearn import decomposition from torchvision.transforms import transforms from gabor_filter import GaborFilters # resolutioin: 960*540,480*270,240*135,120*67 # downsample rate: 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125 if __name__ == '__main__': data_name = 'konvid1k' device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # device = torch.device('cpu') if data_name == 'konvid1k': data_path = '/mnt/lustre/lliao/Dataset/KoNViD_1k/KoNViD_1k_videos/' elif data_name == 'livevqc': data_path = '/mnt/lustre/lliao/Dataset/LIVE-VQC/Video' else: raise NotImplementedError feat_path = './features' save_path = os.path.join(feat_path, data_name + 'multi_scale') if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) meta_data = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(feat_path, data_name + '_metadata.csv')) video_num = len(meta_data) width_list = [960, 480, 240, 120] height_list = [540, 270, 135, 67] #downsample_rate_list = [1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125] scale = 5 orientations = 8 kernel_size = 19 row_downsample = 4 column_downsample = 4 pca_d = 10 gb = GaborFilters(scale, orientations, (kernel_size - 1) // 2, row_downsample, column_downsample, device=device) for vn in range(video_num): start_time = time() if data_name == 'konvid1k': video_name = os.path.join(data_path, '{}.mp4'.format(meta_data.flickr_id[vn])) elif data_name == 'livevqc': video_name = os.path.join(data_path, meta_data.File[vn]) video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(video_name) frame_num = int(video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) video_width = int(video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) video_height = int(video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) v1_features = [] transform_list = [] for i in range(len(width_list)): width = width_list[i] height = height_list[i] v1_features.append( torch.zeros( frame_num, (scale * orientations * round(width / column_downsample) * round(height / row_downsample)))) transform_list.append( transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Resize((height, width)) ])) # for i in range(len(downsample_rate_list)): # width = int(video_width * downsample_rate_list[i]) # height = int(video_height * downsample_rate_list[i]) # v1_features.append( # torch.zeros( # frame_num, # (scale * orientations * round(width / column_downsample) * # round(height / row_downsample)))) # transform_list.append( # transforms.Compose([ # transforms.ToTensor(), # transforms.Resize((height, width)) # ])) count = 0 while True: success, frame = if not success: break frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) for i in range(len(width_list)):# + len(downsample_rate_list)): frame = transform_list[i](frame_gray) frame_imag = torch.zeros(frame.size()) frame = torch.stack((frame, frame_imag), 3) frame = torch.view_as_complex(frame) frame = frame[None, :, :, :] frame = v1_features[i][count, :] = gb(frame).detach().cpu() count += 1 for i in range(len(width_list)):# + len(downsample_rate_list)): v1_features[i] = torch.nan_to_num(v1_features[i]) v1_features[i] = v1_features[i].numpy() pca = decomposition.PCA(pca_d) v1_features[i] = pca.fit_transform(v1_features[i]) os.path.join( save_path, '{}_{}.npy'.format(i, os.path.split(video_name)[-1])), v1_features[i]) end_time = time() print('Video {}, {}s elapsed running in {}'.format( vn, end_time - start_time, device))
import os import cv2 import torch import numpy as np import pandas as pd from time import time from sklearn import decomposition from torchvision.transforms import transforms from gabor_filter import GaborFilters if __name__ == '__main__': data_name = 'livevqc' device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # device = torch.device('cpu') if data_name == 'konvid1k': data_path = '/mnt/lustre/lliao/Dataset/KoNViD_1k/KoNViD_1k_videos/' elif data_name == 'livevqc': data_path = '/mnt/lustre/lliao/Dataset/LIVE-VQC/Video' else: raise NotImplementedError width = 480 height = 270 feat_path = './features' save_path = os.path.join(feat_path, data_name + str(width)) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) meta_data = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(feat_path, data_name + '_metadata.csv')) video_num = len(meta_data) scale = 6 orientations = 8 kernel_size = 39 row_downsample = 4 column_downsample = 4 trasform = transforms.Compose( [transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Resize((height, width))]) for vn in range(video_num): if data_name == 'konvid1k': video_name = os.path.join(data_path, '{}.mp4'.format(meta_data.flickr_id[vn])) elif data_name == 'livevqc': video_name = os.path.join(data_path, meta_data.File[vn]) video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(video_name) frame_num = int(video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) v1_features = torch.zeros( frame_num, (scale * orientations * round(width / column_downsample) * round(height / row_downsample))) start_time = time() count = 0 while True: success, frame = if not success: break frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) frame = trasform(frame) frame_imag = torch.zeros(frame.size()) frame = torch.stack((frame, frame_imag), 3) frame = torch.view_as_complex(frame) frame = frame[None, :, :, :] frame = v1_features[count, :] = gb(frame).detach().cpu() count += 1 v1_features = torch.nan_to_num(v1_features) v1_features = v1_features.numpy() pca = decomposition.PCA() v1_features = pca.fit_transform(v1_features) end_time = time() print('Video {}, {}s elapsed running in {}'.format( vn, end_time - start_time, device)) os.path.join(save_path, os.path.split(video_name)[-1] + '.npy'), v1_features)
import os import cv2 import torch import numpy as np import pandas as pd from time import time from sklearn import decomposition from torchvision.transforms import transforms from gabor_filter import GaborFilters if __name__ == '__main__': data_name = 'livevqc' device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # device = torch.device('cpu') if data_name == 'konvid1k': data_path = '/mnt/data/xkm/datasets/KoNViD_1k_videos/KoNViD_1k_videos/' elif data_name == 'livevqc': data_path = '/mnt/data/xkm/datasets/LIVE_VQC/Video' else: raise NotImplementedError feat_path = './features' save_path = os.path.join(feat_path, data_name) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) meta_data = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(feat_path, data_name + '_metadata.csv')) video_num = len(meta_data) width = 480 height = 270 scale = 5 orientations = 8 kernel_size = 19 row_downsample = 4 column_downsample = 4 trasform = transforms.Compose( [transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Resize((height, width))]) gb = GaborFilters(scale, orientations, (kernel_size - 1) // 2, row_downsample, column_downsample, device=device) for vn in range(video_num): if data_name == 'konvid1k': video_name = os.path.join(data_path, '{}.mp4'.format(meta_data.flickr_id[vn])) elif data_name == 'livevqc': video_name = os.path.join(data_path, meta_data.File[vn]) video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(video_name) frame_num = int(video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) v1_features = torch.zeros( frame_num, (scale * orientations * round(width / column_downsample) * round(height / row_downsample))) start_time = time() count = 0 while True: success, frame = if not success: break frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) frame = trasform(frame) frame_imag = torch.zeros(frame.size()) frame = torch.stack((frame, frame_imag), 3) frame = torch.view_as_complex(frame) frame = frame[None, :, :, :] frame = v1_features[count, :] = gb(frame).detach().cpu() count += 1 v1_features = torch.nan_to_num(v1_features) v1_features = v1_features.numpy() pca = decomposition.PCA() v1_features = pca.fit_transform(v1_features) end_time = time() print('Video {}, {}s elapsed running in {}'.format( vn, end_time - start_time, device)) os.path.join(save_path, os.path.split(video_name)[-1] + '.npy'), v1_features)
import math import cmath import torch import torch.nn as nn class GaborFilters(nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_scale=5, n_orientation=8, kernel_radius=9, row_downsample=4, column_downsample=4, device='cpu'): super().__init__() self.kernel_size = kernel_radius * 2 + 1 self.kernel_radius = kernel_radius self.n_scale = n_scale self.n_orientation = n_orientation self.row_downsample = row_downsample self.column_downsample = column_downsample = self.make_gabor_filters().to(device) def make_gabor_filters(self): kernel_size = self.kernel_size n_scale = self.n_scale n_orientation = self.n_orientation gb = torch.zeros((n_scale * n_orientation, kernel_size, kernel_size), dtype=torch.cfloat) fmax = 0.25 gama = math.sqrt(2) eta = math.sqrt(2) for i in range(n_scale): fu = fmax / (math.sqrt(2)**i) alpha = fu / gama beta = fu / eta for j in range(n_orientation): tetav = (j / n_orientation) * math.pi g_filter = torch.zeros((kernel_size, kernel_size), dtype=torch.cfloat) for x in range(1, kernel_size + 1): for y in range(1, kernel_size + 1): xprime = (x - ( (kernel_size + 1) / 2)) * math.cos(tetav) + (y - ( (kernel_size + 1) / 2)) * math.sin(tetav) yprime = -(x - ( (kernel_size + 1) / 2)) * math.sin(tetav) + (y - ( (kernel_size + 1) / 2)) * math.cos(tetav) g_filter[x - 1][ y - 1] = (fu**2 / (math.pi * gama * eta)) * math.exp(-( (alpha**2) * (xprime**2) + (beta**2) * (yprime**2))) * cmath.exp( 1j * 2 * math.pi * fu * xprime) gb[i * n_orientation + j] = g_filter return gb def forward(self, x): batch_size = x.size(0) cn = x.size(1) sy = x.size(2) sx = x.size(3) assert cn == 1 gb = gb = gb[:, None, :, :] res = nn.functional.conv2d(input=x, weight=gb, padding='same') res = res.view(batch_size, -1, sy, sx) res = torch.abs(res) res = res[:, :, ::self.row_downsample, :] res = res[:, :, :, ::self.column_downsample] res = res.reshape(batch_size, res.size(1), -1) res = (res - torch.mean(res, 2, keepdim=True)) / torch.std( res, 2, keepdim=True) res = res.view(batch_size, -1) return res if __name__ == "__main__": import time from PIL import Image from torchvision.transforms import transforms device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # device = torch.device('cpu') img = '/mnt/d/datasets/KonIQ-10k/images_512x384/826373.jpg').convert('L') img = transforms.ToTensor()(img) img_imag = torch.zeros(img.size()) img = torch.stack((img, img_imag), 3) img = torch.view_as_complex(img) img = img[None, :, :, :] gb = GaborFilters(device=device) img = start_time = time.time() res = gb(img) end_time = time.time() print(res.shape) print('{}s elapsed running in {}'.format(end_time - start_time, device))
import math import cmath import torch import torch.nn as nn class GaborFilters(nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_scale=5, n_orientation=8, kernel_radius=9, row_downsample=4, column_downsample=4, device='cpu'): super().__init__() self.kernel_size = kernel_radius * 2 + 1 self.kernel_radius = kernel_radius self.n_scale = n_scale self.n_orientation = n_orientation self.row_downsample = row_downsample self.column_downsample = column_downsample = self.make_gabor_filters().to(device) def make_gabor_filters(self): kernel_size = self.kernel_size n_scale = self.n_scale n_orientation = self.n_orientation gb = torch.zeros((n_scale * n_orientation, kernel_size, kernel_size), dtype=torch.cfloat) fmax = 0.25 gama = math.sqrt(2) eta = math.sqrt(2) for i in range(n_scale): fu = fmax / (math.sqrt(2)**i) alpha = fu / gama beta = fu / eta for j in range(n_orientation): tetav = (j / n_orientation) * math.pi g_filter = torch.zeros((kernel_size, kernel_size), dtype=torch.cfloat) for x in range(1, kernel_size + 1): for y in range(1, kernel_size + 1): xprime = (x - ( (kernel_size + 1) / 2)) * math.cos(tetav) + (y - ( (kernel_size + 1) / 2)) * math.sin(tetav) yprime = -(x - ( (kernel_size + 1) / 2)) * math.sin(tetav) + (y - ( (kernel_size + 1) / 2)) * math.cos(tetav) g_filter[x - 1][ y - 1] = (fu**2 / (math.pi * gama * eta)) * math.exp(-( (alpha**2) * (xprime**2) + (beta**2) * (yprime**2))) * cmath.exp( 1j * 2 * math.pi * fu * xprime) gb[i * n_orientation + j] = g_filter return gb def forward(self, x): batch_size = x.size(0) cn = x.size(1) sy = x.size(2) sx = x.size(3) assert cn == 1 gb = gb = gb[:, None, :, :] res = nn.functional.conv2d(input=x, weight=gb, padding='same') res = res.view(batch_size, -1, sy, sx) res = torch.abs(res) res = res[:, :, ::self.row_downsample, :] res = res[:, :, :, ::self.column_downsample] res = res.reshape(batch_size, res.size(1), -1) res = (res - torch.mean(res, 2, keepdim=True)) / torch.std( res, 2, keepdim=True) res = res.view(batch_size, -1) return res if __name__ == "__main__": import time from PIL import Image from torchvision.transforms import transforms device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # device = torch.device('cpu') img = '/mnt/d/datasets/KonIQ-10k/images_512x384/826373.jpg').convert('L') img = transforms.ToTensor()(img) img_imag = torch.zeros(img.size()) img = torch.stack((img, img_imag), 3) img = torch.view_as_complex(img) img = img[None, :, :, :] gb = GaborFilters(device=device) img = start_time = time.time() res = gb(img) end_time = time.time() print(res.shape) print('{}s elapsed running in {}'.format(end_time - start_time, device))
import os import cv2 import torch import numpy as np import pandas as pd from time import time from sklearn import decomposition from torchvision.transforms import transforms from gabor_filter import GaborFilters if __name__ == '__main__': data_name = 'livevqc' device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # device = torch.device('cpu') if data_name == 'konvid1k': data_path = '/mnt/data/xkm/datasets/KoNViD_1k_videos/KoNViD_1k_videos/' elif data_name == 'livevqc': data_path = '/mnt/data/xkm/datasets/LIVE_VQC/Video' else: raise NotImplementedError feat_path = './features' save_path = os.path.join(feat_path, data_name) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) meta_data = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(feat_path, data_name + '_metadata.csv')) video_num = len(meta_data) width = 480 height = 270 scale = 5 orientations = 8 kernel_size = 19 row_downsample = 4 column_downsample = 4 trasform = transforms.Compose( [transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Resize((height, width))]) gb = GaborFilters(scale, orientations, (kernel_size - 1) // 2, row_downsample, column_downsample, device=device) for vn in range(video_num): if data_name == 'konvid1k': video_name = os.path.join(data_path, '{}.mp4'.format(meta_data.flickr_id[vn])) elif data_name == 'livevqc': video_name = os.path.join(data_path, meta_data.File[vn]) video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(video_name) frame_num = int(video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) v1_features = torch.zeros( frame_num, (scale * orientations * round(width / column_downsample) * round(height / row_downsample))) start_time = time() count = 0 while True: success, frame = if not success: break frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) frame = trasform(frame) frame_imag = torch.zeros(frame.size()) frame = torch.stack((frame, frame_imag), 3) frame = torch.view_as_complex(frame) frame = frame[None, :, :, :] frame = v1_features[count, :] = gb(frame).detach().cpu() count += 1 v1_features = torch.nan_to_num(v1_features) v1_features = v1_features.numpy() pca = decomposition.PCA() v1_features = pca.fit_transform(v1_features) end_time = time() print('Video {}, {}s elapsed running in {}'.format( vn, end_time - start_time, device)) os.path.join(save_path, os.path.split(video_name)[-1] + '.npy'), v1_features)
import os import cv2 import torch import numpy as np import pandas as pd from time import time from sklearn import decomposition from torchvision.transforms import transforms from gabor_filter import GaborFilters if __name__ == '__main__': data_name = '' device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # device = torch.device('cpu') if data_name == 'konvid1k': data_path = '/mnt/lustre/lliao/Dataset/KoNViD_1k/KoNViD_1k_videos/' elif data_name == 'livevqc': data_path = '/mnt/lustre/lliao/Dataset/LIVE-VQC/Video' else: raise NotImplementedError width = 480 height = 270 feat_path = './features' save_path = os.path.join(feat_path, data_name + str(width)) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) meta_data = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(feat_path, data_name + '_metadata.csv')) video_num = len(meta_data) scale = 6 orientations = 8 kernel_size = 39 row_downsample = 4 column_downsample = 4 trasform = transforms.Compose( [transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Resize((height, width))]) gb = GaborFilters(scale, orientations, (kernel_size - 1) // 2, row_downsample, column_downsample, device=device) for vn in range(video_num): if data_name == 'konvid1k': video_name = os.path.join(data_path, '{}.mp4'.format(meta_data.flickr_id[vn])) elif data_name == 'livevqc': video_name = os.path.join(data_path, meta_data.File[vn]) video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(video_name) frame_num = int(video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) v1_features = torch.zeros( frame_num, (scale * orientations * round(width / column_downsample) * round(height / row_downsample))) start_time = time() count = 0 while True: success, frame = if not success: break frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) frame = trasform(frame) frame_imag = torch.zeros(frame.size()) frame = torch.stack((frame, frame_imag), 3) frame = torch.view_as_complex(frame) frame = frame[None, :, :, :] frame = v1_features[count, :] = gb(frame).detach().cpu() count += 1 v1_features = torch.nan_to_num(v1_features) v1_features = v1_features.numpy() pca = decomposition.PCA() v1_features = pca.fit_transform(v1_features) end_time = time() print('Video {}, {}s elapsed running in {}'.format( vn, end_time - start_time, device)) os.path.join(save_path, os.path.split(video_name)[-1] + '.npy'), v1_features)
import copy import glob import os import os.path as osp import random from functools import lru_cache import cv2 import decord import numpy as np import import torch import torchvision from decord import VideoReader, cpu, gpu from tqdm import tqdm random.seed(42) decord.bridge.set_bridge("torch") def get_spatial_fragments( video, fragments_h=7, fragments_w=7, fsize_h=32, fsize_w=32, aligned=32, nfrags=1, random=False, random_upsample=False, fallback_type="upsample", **kwargs, ): size_h = fragments_h * fsize_h size_w = fragments_w * fsize_w ## video: [C,T,H,W] ## situation for images if video.shape[1] == 1: aligned = 1 dur_t, res_h, res_w = video.shape[-3:] ratio = min(res_h / size_h, res_w / size_w) if fallback_type == "upsample" and ratio < 1: ovideo = video video = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( video / 255.0, scale_factor=1 / ratio, mode="bilinear" ) video = (video * 255.0).type_as(ovideo) if random_upsample: randratio = random.random() * 0.5 + 1 video = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( video / 255.0, scale_factor=randratio, mode="bilinear" ) video = (video * 255.0).type_as(ovideo) assert dur_t % aligned == 0, "Please provide match vclip and align index" size = size_h, size_w ## make sure that sampling will not run out of the picture hgrids = torch.LongTensor( [min(res_h // fragments_h * i, res_h - fsize_h) for i in range(fragments_h)] ) wgrids = torch.LongTensor( [min(res_w // fragments_w * i, res_w - fsize_w) for i in range(fragments_w)] ) hlength, wlength = res_h // fragments_h, res_w // fragments_w if random: print("This part is deprecated. Please remind that.") if res_h > fsize_h: rnd_h = torch.randint( res_h - fsize_h, (len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned) ) else: rnd_h = torch.zeros((len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned)).int() if res_w > fsize_w: rnd_w = torch.randint( res_w - fsize_w, (len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned) ) else: rnd_w = torch.zeros((len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned)).int() else: if hlength > fsize_h: rnd_h = torch.randint( hlength - fsize_h, (len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned) ) else: rnd_h = torch.zeros((len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned)).int() if wlength > fsize_w: rnd_w = torch.randint( wlength - fsize_w, (len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned) ) else: rnd_w = torch.zeros((len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned)).int() target_video = torch.zeros(video.shape[:-2] + size).to(video.device) # target_videos = [] for i, hs in enumerate(hgrids): for j, ws in enumerate(wgrids): for t in range(dur_t // aligned): t_s, t_e = t * aligned, (t + 1) * aligned h_s, h_e = i * fsize_h, (i + 1) * fsize_h w_s, w_e = j * fsize_w, (j + 1) * fsize_w if random: h_so, h_eo = rnd_h[i][j][t], rnd_h[i][j][t] + fsize_h w_so, w_eo = rnd_w[i][j][t], rnd_w[i][j][t] + fsize_w else: h_so, h_eo = hs + rnd_h[i][j][t], hs + rnd_h[i][j][t] + fsize_h w_so, w_eo = ws + rnd_w[i][j][t], ws + rnd_w[i][j][t] + fsize_w target_video[:, t_s:t_e, h_s:h_e, w_s:w_e] = video[ :, t_s:t_e, h_so:h_eo, w_so:w_eo ] # target_videos.append(video[:,t_s:t_e,h_so:h_eo,w_so:w_eo]) # target_video = torch.stack(target_videos, 0).reshape((dur_t // aligned, fragments, fragments,) + target_videos[0].shape).permute(3,0,4,1,5,2,6) # target_video = target_video.reshape((-1, dur_t,) + size) ## Splicing Fragments return target_video @lru_cache def get_resize_function(size_h, size_w, target_ratio=1, random_crop=False): if random_crop: return torchvision.transforms.RandomResizedCrop( (size_h, size_w), scale=(0.40, 1.0) ) if target_ratio > 1: size_h = int(target_ratio * size_w) assert size_h > size_w elif target_ratio < 1: size_w = int(size_h / target_ratio) assert size_w > size_h return torchvision.transforms.Resize((size_h, size_w)) def get_resized_video( video, size_h=224, size_w=224, random_crop=False, arp=False, **kwargs, ): video = video.permute(1, 0, 2, 3) resize_opt = get_resize_function( size_h, size_w, video.shape[-2] / video.shape[-1] if arp else 1, random_crop ) video = resize_opt(video).permute(1, 0, 2, 3) return video def get_arp_resized_video( video, short_edge=224, train=False, **kwargs, ): if train: ## if during training, will random crop into square and then resize res_h, res_w = video.shape[-2:] ori_short_edge = min(video.shape[-2:]) if res_h > ori_short_edge: rnd_h = random.randrange(res_h - ori_short_edge) video = video[..., rnd_h : rnd_h + ori_short_edge, :] elif res_w > ori_short_edge: rnd_w = random.randrange(res_w - ori_short_edge) video = video[..., :, rnd_h : rnd_h + ori_short_edge] ori_short_edge = min(video.shape[-2:]) scale_factor = short_edge / ori_short_edge ovideo = video video = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( video / 255.0, scale_factors=scale_factor, mode="bilinear" ) video = (video * 255.0).type_as(ovideo) return video def get_arp_fragment_video( video, short_fragments=7, fsize=32, train=False, **kwargs, ): if ( train ): ## if during training, will random crop into square and then get fragments res_h, res_w = video.shape[-2:] ori_short_edge = min(video.shape[-2:]) if res_h > ori_short_edge: rnd_h = random.randrange(res_h - ori_short_edge) video = video[..., rnd_h : rnd_h + ori_short_edge, :] elif res_w > ori_short_edge: rnd_w = random.randrange(res_w - ori_short_edge) video = video[..., :, rnd_h : rnd_h + ori_short_edge] kwargs["fsize_h"], kwargs["fsize_w"] = fsize, fsize res_h, res_w = video.shape[-2:] if res_h > res_w: kwargs["fragments_w"] = short_fragments kwargs["fragments_h"] = int(short_fragments * res_h / res_w) else: kwargs["fragments_h"] = short_fragments kwargs["fragments_w"] = int(short_fragments * res_w / res_h) return get_spatial_fragments(video, **kwargs) def get_cropped_video( video, size_h=224, size_w=224, **kwargs, ): kwargs["fragments_h"], kwargs["fragments_w"] = 1, 1 kwargs["fsize_h"], kwargs["fsize_w"] = size_h, size_w return get_spatial_fragments(video, **kwargs) def get_single_view( video, sample_type="aesthetic", **kwargs, ): if sample_type.startswith("aesthetic"): video = get_resized_video(video, **kwargs) elif sample_type.startswith("technical"): video = get_spatial_fragments(video, **kwargs) elif sample_type == "original": return video return video def spatial_temporal_view_decomposition( video_path, sample_types, samplers, is_train=False, augment=False, ): video = {} if video_path.endswith(".yuv"): print("This part will be deprecated due to large memory cost.") ## This is only an adaptation to LIVE-Qualcomm ovideo = video_path, 1080, 1920, inputdict={"-pix_fmt": "yuvj420p"} ) for stype in samplers: frame_inds = samplers[stype](ovideo.shape[0], is_train) imgs = [torch.from_numpy(ovideo[idx]) for idx in frame_inds] video[stype] = torch.stack(imgs, 0).permute(3, 0, 1, 2) del ovideo else: vreader = VideoReader(video_path) ### Avoid duplicated video decoding!!! Important!!!! all_frame_inds = [] frame_inds = {} for stype in samplers: frame_inds[stype] = samplers[stype](len(vreader), is_train) all_frame_inds.append(frame_inds[stype]) ### Each frame is only decoded one time!!! all_frame_inds = np.concatenate(all_frame_inds, 0) frame_dict = {idx: vreader[idx] for idx in np.unique(all_frame_inds)} for stype in samplers: imgs = [frame_dict[idx] for idx in frame_inds[stype]] video[stype] = torch.stack(imgs, 0).permute(3, 0, 1, 2) sampled_video = {} for stype, sopt in sample_types.items(): sampled_video[stype] = get_single_view(video[stype], stype, **sopt) return sampled_video, frame_inds import random import numpy as np class UnifiedFrameSampler: def __init__( self, fsize_t, fragments_t, frame_interval=1, num_clips=1, drop_rate=0.0, ): self.fragments_t = fragments_t self.fsize_t = fsize_t self.size_t = fragments_t * fsize_t self.frame_interval = frame_interval self.num_clips = num_clips self.drop_rate = drop_rate def get_frame_indices(self, num_frames, train=False): tgrids = np.array( [num_frames // self.fragments_t * i for i in range(self.fragments_t)], dtype=np.int32, ) tlength = num_frames // self.fragments_t if tlength > self.fsize_t * self.frame_interval: rnd_t = np.random.randint( 0, tlength - self.fsize_t * self.frame_interval, size=len(tgrids) ) else: rnd_t = np.zeros(len(tgrids), dtype=np.int32) ranges_t = ( np.arange(self.fsize_t)[None, :] * self.frame_interval + rnd_t[:, None] + tgrids[:, None] ) drop = random.sample( list(range(self.fragments_t)), int(self.fragments_t * self.drop_rate) ) dropped_ranges_t = [] for i, rt in enumerate(ranges_t): if i not in drop: dropped_ranges_t.append(rt) return np.concatenate(dropped_ranges_t) def __call__(self, total_frames, train=False, start_index=0): frame_inds = [] if self.fsize_t < 0: return np.arange(total_frames) for i in range(self.num_clips): frame_inds += [self.get_frame_indices(total_frames)] frame_inds = np.concatenate(frame_inds) frame_inds = np.mod(frame_inds + start_index, total_frames) return frame_inds.astype(np.int32) class ViewDecompositionDataset( def __init__(self, opt): ## opt is a dictionary that includes options for video sampling super().__init__() self.weight = opt.get("weight", 0.5) self.video_infos = [] self.ann_file = opt["anno_file"] self.data_prefix = opt["data_prefix"] self.opt = opt self.sample_types = opt["sample_types"] self.data_backend = opt.get("data_backend", "disk") self.augment = opt.get("augment", False) if self.data_backend == "petrel": from petrel_client import client self.client = client.Client(enable_mc=True) self.phase = opt["phase"] self.crop = opt.get("random_crop", False) self.mean = torch.FloatTensor([123.675, 116.28, 103.53]) self.std = torch.FloatTensor([58.395, 57.12, 57.375]) self.samplers = {} for stype, sopt in opt["sample_types"].items(): if "t_frag" not in sopt: # resized temporal sampling for TQE in DOVER self.samplers[stype] = UnifiedFrameSampler( sopt["clip_len"], sopt["num_clips"], sopt["frame_interval"] ) else: # temporal sampling for AQE in DOVER self.samplers[stype] = UnifiedFrameSampler( sopt["clip_len"] // sopt["t_frag"], sopt["t_frag"], sopt["frame_interval"], sopt["num_clips"], ) print( stype + " branch sampled frames:", self.samplers[stype](240, self.phase == "train"), ) if isinstance(self.ann_file, list): self.video_infos = self.ann_file else: try: with open(self.ann_file, "r") as fin: for line in fin: line_split = line.strip().split(",") filename, _, _, label = line_split label = float(label) filename = osp.join(self.data_prefix, filename) self.video_infos.append(dict(filename=filename, label=label)) except: #### No Label Testing video_filenames = [] for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(self.data_prefix, topdown=True): for file in files: if file.endswith(".mp4"): video_filenames += [os.path.join(root, file)] print(len(video_filenames)) for filename in video_filenames: self.video_infos.append(dict(filename=filename, label=-1)) def __getitem__(self, index): video_info = self.video_infos[index] filename = video_info["filename"] label = video_info["label"] try: ## Read Original Frames ## Process Frames data, frame_inds = spatial_temporal_view_decomposition( filename, self.sample_types, self.samplers, self.phase == "train", self.augment and (self.phase == "train"), ) for k, v in data.items(): data[k] = ((v.permute(1, 2, 3, 0) - self.mean) / self.std).permute( 3, 0, 1, 2 ) data["num_clips"] = {} for stype, sopt in self.sample_types.items(): data["num_clips"][stype] = sopt["num_clips"] data["frame_inds"] = frame_inds data["gt_label"] = label data["name"] = filename # osp.basename(video_info["filename"]) except: # exception flow return {"name": filename} return data def __len__(self): return len(self.video_infos)
import os.path as osp import random import cv2 import decord import numpy as np import import torch import torchvision from decord import VideoReader, cpu, gpu from tqdm import tqdm random.seed(42) decord.bridge.set_bridge("torch") def get_spatial_fragments( video, fragments_h=7, fragments_w=7, fsize_h=32, fsize_w=32, aligned=32, nfrags=1, random=False, fallback_type="upsample", ): size_h = fragments_h * fsize_h size_w = fragments_w * fsize_w ## situation for images if video.shape[1] == 1: aligned = 1 dur_t, res_h, res_w = video.shape[-3:] ratio = min(res_h / size_h, res_w / size_w) if fallback_type == "upsample" and ratio < 1: ovideo = video video = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( video / 255.0, scale_factor=1 / ratio, mode="bilinear" ) video = (video * 255.0).type_as(ovideo) assert dur_t % aligned == 0, "Please provide match vclip and align index" size = size_h, size_w ## make sure that sampling will not run out of the picture hgrids = torch.LongTensor( [min(res_h // fragments_h * i, res_h - fsize_h) for i in range(fragments_h)] ) wgrids = torch.LongTensor( [min(res_w // fragments_w * i, res_w - fsize_w) for i in range(fragments_w)] ) hlength, wlength = res_h // fragments_h, res_w // fragments_w if random: print("This part is deprecated. Please remind that.") if res_h > fsize_h: rnd_h = torch.randint( res_h - fsize_h, (len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned) ) else: rnd_h = torch.zeros((len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned)).int() if res_w > fsize_w: rnd_w = torch.randint( res_w - fsize_w, (len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned) ) else: rnd_w = torch.zeros((len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned)).int() else: if hlength > fsize_h: rnd_h = torch.randint( hlength - fsize_h, (len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned) ) else: rnd_h = torch.zeros((len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned)).int() if wlength > fsize_w: rnd_w = torch.randint( wlength - fsize_w, (len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned) ) else: rnd_w = torch.zeros((len(hgrids), len(wgrids), dur_t // aligned)).int() target_video = torch.zeros(video.shape[:-2] + size).to(video.device) # target_videos = [] for i, hs in enumerate(hgrids): for j, ws in enumerate(wgrids): for t in range(dur_t // aligned): t_s, t_e = t * aligned, (t + 1) * aligned h_s, h_e = i * fsize_h, (i + 1) * fsize_h w_s, w_e = j * fsize_w, (j + 1) * fsize_w if random: h_so, h_eo = rnd_h[i][j][t], rnd_h[i][j][t] + fsize_h w_so, w_eo = rnd_w[i][j][t], rnd_w[i][j][t] + fsize_w else: h_so, h_eo = hs + rnd_h[i][j][t], hs + rnd_h[i][j][t] + fsize_h w_so, w_eo = ws + rnd_w[i][j][t], ws + rnd_w[i][j][t] + fsize_w target_video[:, t_s:t_e, h_s:h_e, w_s:w_e] = video[ :, t_s:t_e, h_so:h_eo, w_so:w_eo ] # target_videos.append(video[:,t_s:t_e,h_so:h_eo,w_so:w_eo]) # target_video = torch.stack(target_videos, 0).reshape((dur_t // aligned, fragments, fragments,) + target_videos[0].shape).permute(3,0,4,1,5,2,6) # target_video = target_video.reshape((-1, dur_t,) + size) ## Splicing Fragments return target_video class FragmentSampleFrames: def __init__(self, fsize_t, fragments_t, frame_interval=1, num_clips=1): self.fragments_t = fragments_t self.fsize_t = fsize_t self.size_t = fragments_t * fsize_t self.frame_interval = frame_interval self.num_clips = num_clips def get_frame_indices(self, num_frames): tgrids = np.array( [num_frames // self.fragments_t * i for i in range(self.fragments_t)], dtype=np.int32, ) tlength = num_frames // self.fragments_t if tlength > self.fsize_t * self.frame_interval: rnd_t = np.random.randint( 0, tlength - self.fsize_t * self.frame_interval, size=len(tgrids) ) else: rnd_t = np.zeros(len(tgrids), dtype=np.int32) ranges_t = ( np.arange(self.fsize_t)[None, :] * self.frame_interval + rnd_t[:, None] + tgrids[:, None] ) return np.concatenate(ranges_t) def __call__(self, total_frames, train=False, start_index=0): frame_inds = [] for i in range(self.num_clips): frame_inds += [self.get_frame_indices(total_frames)] frame_inds = np.concatenate(frame_inds) frame_inds = np.mod(frame_inds + start_index, total_frames) return frame_inds class SampleFrames: def __init__(self, clip_len, frame_interval=1, num_clips=1): self.clip_len = clip_len self.frame_interval = frame_interval self.num_clips = num_clips def _get_train_clips(self, num_frames): """Get clip offsets in train mode. It will calculate the average interval for selected frames, and randomly shift them within offsets between [0, avg_interval]. If the total number of frames is smaller than clips num or origin frames length, it will return all zero indices. Args: num_frames (int): Total number of frame in the video. Returns: np.ndarray: Sampled frame indices in train mode. """ ori_clip_len = self.clip_len * self.frame_interval avg_interval = (num_frames - ori_clip_len + 1) // self.num_clips if avg_interval > 0: base_offsets = np.arange(self.num_clips) * avg_interval clip_offsets = base_offsets + np.random.randint( avg_interval, size=self.num_clips ) elif num_frames > max(self.num_clips, ori_clip_len): clip_offsets = np.sort( np.random.randint(num_frames - ori_clip_len + 1, size=self.num_clips) ) elif avg_interval == 0: ratio = (num_frames - ori_clip_len + 1.0) / self.num_clips clip_offsets = np.around(np.arange(self.num_clips) * ratio) else: clip_offsets = np.zeros((self.num_clips,), return clip_offsets def _get_test_clips(self, num_frames, start_index=0): """Get clip offsets in test mode. Calculate the average interval for selected frames, and shift them fixedly by avg_interval/2. Args: num_frames (int): Total number of frame in the video. Returns: np.ndarray: Sampled frame indices in test mode. """ ori_clip_len = self.clip_len * self.frame_interval avg_interval = (num_frames - ori_clip_len + 1) / float(self.num_clips) if num_frames > ori_clip_len - 1: base_offsets = np.arange(self.num_clips) * avg_interval clip_offsets = (base_offsets + avg_interval / 2.0).astype(np.int32) else: clip_offsets = np.zeros((self.num_clips,), dtype=np.int32) return clip_offsets def __call__(self, total_frames, train=False, start_index=0): """Perform the SampleFrames loading. Args: results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed to the next transform in pipeline. """ if train: clip_offsets = self._get_train_clips(total_frames) else: clip_offsets = self._get_test_clips(total_frames) frame_inds = ( clip_offsets[:, None] + np.arange(self.clip_len)[None, :] * self.frame_interval ) frame_inds = np.concatenate(frame_inds) frame_inds = frame_inds.reshape((-1, self.clip_len)) frame_inds = np.mod(frame_inds, total_frames) frame_inds = np.concatenate(frame_inds) + start_index return frame_inds.astype(np.int32) class FastVQAPlusPlusDataset( def __init__( self, ann_file, data_prefix, frame_interval=2, aligned=32, fragments=(8, 8, 8), fsize=(4, 32, 32), num_clips=1, nfrags=1, cache_in_memory=False, phase="test", fallback_type="oversample", ): """ Fragments. args: fragments: G_f as in the paper. fsize: S_f as in the paper. nfrags: number of samples (spatially) as in the paper. num_clips: number of samples (temporally) as in the paper. """ self.ann_file = ann_file self.data_prefix = data_prefix self.frame_interval = frame_interval self.num_clips = num_clips self.fragments = fragments self.fsize = fsize self.nfrags = nfrags self.clip_len = fragments[0] * fsize[0] self.aligned = aligned self.fallback_type = fallback_type self.sampler = FragmentSampleFrames( fsize[0], fragments[0], frame_interval, num_clips ) self.video_infos = [] self.phase = phase self.mean = torch.FloatTensor([123.675, 116.28, 103.53]) self.std = torch.FloatTensor([58.395, 57.12, 57.375]) if isinstance(self.ann_file, list): self.video_infos = self.ann_file else: with open(self.ann_file, "r") as fin: for line in fin: line_split = line.strip().split(",") filename, _, _, label = line_split label = float(label) filename = osp.join(self.data_prefix, filename) self.video_infos.append(dict(filename=filename, label=label)) if cache_in_memory: self.cache = {} for i in tqdm(range(len(self)), desc="Caching fragments"): self.cache[i] = self.__getitem__(i, tocache=True) else: self.cache = None def __getitem__( self, index, tocache=False, need_original_frames=False, ): if tocache or self.cache is None: fx, fy = self.fragments[1:] fsx, fsy = self.fsize[1:] video_info = self.video_infos[index] filename = video_info["filename"] label = video_info["label"] if filename.endswith(".yuv"): video = filename, 1080, 1920, inputdict={"-pix_fmt": "yuvj420p"} ) frame_inds = self.sampler(video.shape[0], self.phase == "train") imgs = [torch.from_numpy(video[idx]) for idx in frame_inds] else: vreader = VideoReader(filename) frame_inds = self.sampler(len(vreader), self.phase == "train") frame_dict = {idx: vreader[idx] for idx in np.unique(frame_inds)} imgs = [frame_dict[idx] for idx in frame_inds] img_shape = imgs[0].shape video = torch.stack(imgs, 0) video = video.permute(3, 0, 1, 2) if self.nfrags == 1: vfrag = get_spatial_fragments( video, fx, fy, fsx, fsy, aligned=self.aligned, fallback_type=self.fallback_type, ) else: vfrag = get_spatial_fragments( video, fx, fy, fsx, fsy, aligned=self.aligned, fallback_type=self.fallback_type, ) for i in range(1, self.nfrags): vfrag = ( vfrag, get_spatial_fragments( video, fragments, fx, fy, fsx, fsy, aligned=self.aligned, fallback_type=self.fallback_type, ), ), 1, ) if tocache: return (vfrag, frame_inds, label, img_shape) else: vfrag, frame_inds, label, img_shape = self.cache[index] vfrag = ((vfrag.permute(1, 2, 3, 0) - self.mean) / self.std).permute(3, 0, 1, 2) data = { "video": vfrag.reshape( (-1, self.nfrags * self.num_clips, self.clip_len) + vfrag.shape[2:] ).transpose( 0, 1 ), # B, V, T, C, H, W "frame_inds": frame_inds, "gt_label": label, "original_shape": img_shape, } if need_original_frames: data["original_video"] = video.reshape( (-1, self.nfrags * self.num_clips, self.clip_len) + video.shape[2:] ).transpose(0, 1) return data def __len__(self): return len(self.video_infos) class FragmentVideoDataset( def __init__( self, ann_file, data_prefix, clip_len=32, frame_interval=2, num_clips=4, aligned=32, fragments=7, fsize=32, nfrags=1, cache_in_memory=False, phase="test", ): """ Fragments. args: fragments: G_f as in the paper. fsize: S_f as in the paper. nfrags: number of samples as in the paper. """ self.ann_file = ann_file self.data_prefix = data_prefix self.clip_len = clip_len self.frame_interval = frame_interval self.num_clips = num_clips self.fragments = fragments self.fsize = fsize self.nfrags = nfrags self.aligned = aligned self.sampler = SampleFrames(clip_len, frame_interval, num_clips) self.video_infos = [] self.phase = phase self.mean = torch.FloatTensor([123.675, 116.28, 103.53]) self.std = torch.FloatTensor([58.395, 57.12, 57.375]) if isinstance(self.ann_file, list): self.video_infos = self.ann_file else: with open(self.ann_file, "r") as fin: for line in fin: line_split = line.strip().split(",") filename, _, _, label = line_split label = float(label) filename = osp.join(self.data_prefix, filename) self.video_infos.append(dict(filename=filename, label=label)) if cache_in_memory: self.cache = {} for i in tqdm(range(len(self)), desc="Caching fragments"): self.cache[i] = self.__getitem__(i, tocache=True) else: self.cache = None def __getitem__( self, index, fragments=-1, fsize=-1, tocache=False, need_original_frames=False, ): if tocache or self.cache is None: if fragments == -1: fragments = self.fragments if fsize == -1: fsize = self.fsize video_info = self.video_infos[index] filename = video_info["filename"] label = video_info["label"] if filename.endswith(".yuv"): video = filename, 1080, 1920, inputdict={"-pix_fmt": "yuvj420p"} ) frame_inds = self.sampler(video.shape[0], self.phase == "train") imgs = [torch.from_numpy(video[idx]) for idx in frame_inds] else: vreader = VideoReader(filename) frame_inds = self.sampler(len(vreader), self.phase == "train") frame_dict = {idx: vreader[idx] for idx in np.unique(frame_inds)} imgs = [frame_dict[idx] for idx in frame_inds] img_shape = imgs[0].shape video = torch.stack(imgs, 0) video = video.permute(3, 0, 1, 2) if self.nfrags == 1: vfrag = get_spatial_fragments( video, fragments, fragments, fsize, fsize, aligned=self.aligned ) else: vfrag = get_spatial_fragments( video, fragments, fragments, fsize, fsize, aligned=self.aligned ) for i in range(1, self.nfrags): vfrag = ( vfrag, get_spatial_fragments( video, fragments, fragments, fsize, fsize, aligned=self.aligned, ), ), 1, ) if tocache: return (vfrag, frame_inds, label, img_shape) else: vfrag, frame_inds, label, img_shape = self.cache[index] vfrag = ((vfrag.permute(1, 2, 3, 0) - self.mean) / self.std).permute(3, 0, 1, 2) data = { "video": vfrag.reshape( (-1, self.nfrags * self.num_clips, self.clip_len) + vfrag.shape[2:] ).transpose( 0, 1 ), # B, V, T, C, H, W "frame_inds": frame_inds, "gt_label": label, "original_shape": img_shape, } if need_original_frames: data["original_video"] = video.reshape( (-1, self.nfrags * self.num_clips, self.clip_len) + video.shape[2:] ).transpose(0, 1) return data def __len__(self): return len(self.video_infos) class ResizedVideoDataset( def __init__( self, ann_file, data_prefix, clip_len=32, frame_interval=2, num_clips=4, aligned=32, size=224, cache_in_memory=False, phase="test", ): """ Using resizing. """ self.ann_file = ann_file self.data_prefix = data_prefix self.clip_len = clip_len self.frame_interval = frame_interval self.num_clips = num_clips self.size = size self.aligned = aligned self.sampler = SampleFrames(clip_len, frame_interval, num_clips) self.video_infos = [] self.phase = phase self.mean = torch.FloatTensor([123.675, 116.28, 103.53]) self.std = torch.FloatTensor([58.395, 57.12, 57.375]) if isinstance(self.ann_file, list): self.video_infos = self.ann_file else: with open(self.ann_file, "r") as fin: for line in fin: line_split = line.strip().split(",") filename, _, _, label = line_split label = float(label) filename = osp.join(self.data_prefix, filename) self.video_infos.append(dict(filename=filename, label=label)) if cache_in_memory: self.cache = {} for i in tqdm(range(len(self)), desc="Caching resized videos"): self.cache[i] = self.__getitem__(i, tocache=True) else: self.cache = None def __getitem__(self, index, tocache=False, need_original_frames=False): if tocache or self.cache is None: video_info = self.video_infos[index] filename = video_info["filename"] label = video_info["label"] vreader = VideoReader(filename) frame_inds = self.sampler(len(vreader), self.phase == "train") frame_dict = {idx: vreader[idx] for idx in np.unique(frame_inds)} imgs = [frame_dict[idx] for idx in frame_inds] img_shape = imgs[0].shape video = torch.stack(imgs, 0) video = video.permute(3, 0, 1, 2) video = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(video, size=(self.size, self.size)) if tocache: return (vfrag, frame_inds, label, img_shape) else: vfrag, frame_inds, label, img_shape = self.cache[index] vfrag = ((vfrag.permute(1, 2, 3, 0) - self.mean) / self.std).permute(3, 0, 1, 2) data = { "video": vfrag.reshape( (-1, self.num_clips, self.clip_len) + vfrag.shape[2:] ).transpose( 0, 1 ), # B, V, T, C, H, W "frame_inds": frame_inds, "gt_label": label, "original_shape": img_shape, } if need_original_frames: data["original_video"] = video.reshape( (-1, self.nfrags * self.num_clips, self.clip_len) + video.shape[2:] ).transpose(0, 1) return data def __len__(self): return len(self.video_infos) class CroppedVideoDataset(FragmentVideoDataset): def __init__( self, ann_file, data_prefix, clip_len=32, frame_interval=2, num_clips=4, aligned=32, size=224, ncrops=1, cache_in_memory=False, phase="test", ): """ Regard Cropping as a special case for Fragments in Grid 1*1. """ super().__init__( ann_file, data_prefix, clip_len=clip_len, frame_interval=frame_interval, num_clips=num_clips, aligned=aligned, fragments=1, fsize=224, nfrags=ncrops, cache_in_memory=cache_in_memory, phase=phase, ) class FragmentImageDataset( def __init__( self, ann_file, data_prefix, fragments=7, fsize=32, nfrags=1, cache_in_memory=False, phase="test", ): self.ann_file = ann_file self.data_prefix = data_prefix self.fragments = fragments self.fsize = fsize self.nfrags = nfrags self.image_infos = [] self.phase = phase self.mean = torch.FloatTensor([123.675, 116.28, 103.53]) self.std = torch.FloatTensor([58.395, 57.12, 57.375]) if isinstance(self.ann_file, list): self.image_infos = self.ann_file else: with open(self.ann_file, "r") as fin: for line in fin: line_split = line.strip().split(",") filename, _, _, label = line_split label = float(label) filename = osp.join(self.data_prefix, filename) self.image_infos.append(dict(filename=filename, label=label)) if cache_in_memory: self.cache = {} for i in tqdm(range(len(self)), desc="Caching fragments"): self.cache[i] = self.__getitem__(i, tocache=True) else: self.cache = None def __getitem__( self, index, fragments=-1, fsize=-1, tocache=False, need_original_frames=False ): if tocache or self.cache is None: if fragments == -1: fragments = self.fragments if fsize == -1: fsize = self.fsize image_info = self.image_infos[index] filename = image_info["filename"] label = image_info["label"] try: img = except: img = cv2.imread(filename) img = torch.from_numpy(img[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]).permute(2, 0, 1) img_shape = img.shape[1:] image = img.unsqueeze(1) if self.nfrags == 1: ifrag = get_spatial_fragments(image, fragments, fragments, fsize, fsize) else: ifrag = get_spatial_fragments(image, fragments, fragments, fsize, fsize) for i in range(1, self.nfrags): ifrag = ( ifrag, get_spatial_fragments( image, fragments, fragments, fsize, fsize ), ), 1, ) if tocache: return (ifrag, label, img_shape) else: ifrag, label, img_shape = self.cache[index] if self.nfrags == 1: ifrag = ( ((ifrag.permute(1, 2, 3, 0) - self.mean) / self.std) .squeeze(0) .permute(2, 0, 1) ) else: ### During testing, one image as a batch ifrag = ( ((ifrag.permute(1, 2, 3, 0) - self.mean) / self.std) .squeeze(0) .permute(0, 3, 1, 2) ) data = { "image": ifrag, "gt_label": label, "original_shape": img_shape, "name": filename, } if need_original_frames: data["original_image"] = image.squeeze(1) return data def __len__(self): return len(self.image_infos) class ResizedImageDataset( def __init__( self, ann_file, data_prefix, size=224, cache_in_memory=False, phase="test", ): self.ann_file = ann_file self.data_prefix = data_prefix self.size = size self.image_infos = [] self.phase = phase self.mean = torch.FloatTensor([123.675, 116.28, 103.53]) self.std = torch.FloatTensor([58.395, 57.12, 57.375]) if isinstance(self.ann_file, list): self.image_infos = self.ann_file else: with open(self.ann_file, "r") as fin: for line in fin: line_split = line.strip().split(",") filename, _, _, label = line_split label = float(label) filename = osp.join(self.data_prefix, filename) self.image_infos.append(dict(filename=filename, label=label)) if cache_in_memory: self.cache = {} for i in tqdm(range(len(self)), desc="Caching fragments"): self.cache[i] = self.__getitem__(i, tocache=True) else: self.cache = None def __getitem__( self, index, fragments=-1, fsize=-1, tocache=False, need_original_frames=False ): if tocache or self.cache is None: if fragments == -1: fragments = self.fragments if fsize == -1: fsize = self.fsize image_info = self.image_infos[index] filename = image_info["filename"] label = image_info["label"] img = img_shape = img.shape[1:] image = img.unsqueeze(1) if self.nfrags == 1: ifrag = get_spatial_fragments(image, fragments, fsize) else: ifrag = get_spatial_fragments(image, fragments, fsize) for i in range(1, self.nfrags): ifrag = (ifrag, get_spatial_fragments(image, fragments, fsize)), 1 ) if tocache: return (ifrag, label, img_shape) else: ifrag, label, img_shape = self.cache[index] ifrag = ( ((ifrag.permute(1, 2, 3, 0) - self.mean) / self.std) .squeeze(0) .permute(2, 0, 1) ) data = { "image": ifrag, "gt_label": label, "original_shape": img_shape, } if need_original_frames: data["original_image"] = image.squeeze(1) return data def __len__(self): return len(self.image_infos) class CroppedImageDataset(FragmentImageDataset): def __init__( self, ann_file, data_prefix, size=224, ncrops=1, cache_in_memory=False, phase="test", ): """ Regard Cropping as a special case for Fragments in Grid 1*1. """ super().__init__( ann_file, data_prefix, fragments=1, fsize=224, nfrags=ncrops, cache_in_memory=cache_in_memory, phase=phase, )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder. # # This file does only contain a selection of the most common options. For a # full list see the documentation: # # -- Path setup -------------------------------------------------------------- # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. # import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..')) # -- Project information ----------------------------------------------------- project = 'LensKit' copyright = '2018 Boise State University' author = 'Michael D. Ekstrand' # The short X.Y version version = '0.6.1' # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags release = '0.6.1' # -- General configuration --------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. # # needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom # ones. extensions = [ 'nbsphinx', 'recommonmark', 'sphinx.ext.napoleon', 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', 'sphinx.ext.mathjax' ] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix(es) of source filenames. # You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string: # # source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md'] source_suffix = '.rst' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. # # This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. # Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. language = None # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. # This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path . exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store'] # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' highlight_language = 'python3' # -- Options for HTML output ------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. # # html_theme = 'alabaster' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. # html_theme_options = { 'github_user': 'lenskit', 'github_repo': 'lkpy', 'travis_button': False, 'canonical_url': '', 'font_family': 'Charter, serif' # 'font_family': '"Source Sans Pro", "Georgia Pro", Georgia, serif', # 'font_size': '15px', # 'head_font_family': '"Merriweather Sans", "Arial", sans-serif', # 'code_font_size': '1em', # 'code_font_family': '"Source Code Pro", "Consolas", "Menlo", sans-serif' } # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['_static'] # Custom sidebar templates, must be a dictionary that maps document names # to template names. # # The default sidebars (for documents that don't match any pattern) are # defined by theme itself. Builtin themes are using these templates by # default: ``['localtoc.html', 'relations.html', 'sourcelink.html', # 'searchbox.html']``. # # html_sidebars = {} # -- Options for HTMLHelp output --------------------------------------------- # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'LensKitdoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output ------------------------------------------------ latex_elements = { # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). # # 'papersize': 'letterpaper', # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). # # 'pointsize': '10pt', # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. # # 'preamble': '', # Latex figure (float) alignment # # 'figure_align': 'htbp', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, # author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). latex_documents = [ (master_doc, 'LensKit.tex', 'LensKit Documentation', 'Michael D. Ekstrand', 'manual'), ] # -- Options for manual page output ------------------------------------------ # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ (master_doc, 'lenskit', 'LensKit Documentation', [author], 1) ] # -- Options for Texinfo output ---------------------------------------------- # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ (master_doc, 'LensKit', 'LensKit Documentation', author, 'LensKit', 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous'), ] # -- Extension configuration ------------------------------------------------- # -- Options for intersphinx extension --------------------------------------- # Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. intersphinx_mapping = { 'python': ('', None), 'pandas': ('', None), 'numpy': ('', None), 'scipy': ('', None), 'hpfrec': ('', None), 'implicit': ('', None), 'scikit': ('', None), 'tqdm': ('', None) }
#!/usr/bin/python """Legacy Historian script for analyzing Android bug reports.""" # Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # TO USE: (see also usage() below) # adb shell dumpsys batterystats --enable full-wake-history (post-KitKat only) # adb shell dumpsys batterystats --reset # Optionally start powermonitor logging: # For example, if using a Monsoon: # if device/host clocks are not synced, run -v # cts/tools/utils/ --serialno 2294 --hz 1 --samples 100000 \ # -timestamp | tee monsoon.out # ...let device run a while... # stop # adb bugreport > bugreport.txt # ./ -p monsoon.out bugreport.txt import collections import datetime import fileinput import getopt import re import StringIO import subprocess import sys import time POWER_DATA_FILE_TIME_OFFSET = 0 # deal with any clock mismatch. BLAME_CATEGORY = "wake_lock_in" # category to assign power blame to. ROWS_TO_SUMMARIZE = ["wake_lock", "running"] # -s: summarize these rows getopt_debug = 0 getopt_bill_extra_secs = 0 getopt_power_quanta = 15 # slice powermonitor data this many seconds, # to avoid crashing visualizer getopt_power_data_file = False getopt_proc_name = "" getopt_highlight_category = "" getopt_show_all_wakelocks = False getopt_sort_by_power = True getopt_summarize_pct = -1 getopt_report_filename = "" getopt_generate_chart_only = False getopt_disable_chart_drawing = False def usage(): """Print usage of the script.""" print "\nUsage: %s [OPTIONS] [FILE]\n" % sys.argv[0] print " -a: show all wakelocks (don't abbreviate system wakelocks)" print " -c: disable drawing of chart" print " -d: debug mode, output debugging info for this program" print (" -e TIME: extend billing an extra TIME seconds after each\n" " wakelock, or until the next wakelock is seen. Useful for\n" " accounting for modem power overhead.") print " -h: print this message." print (" -m: generate output that can be embedded in an existing page.\n" " HTML header and body tags are not outputted.") print (" -n [CATEGORY=]PROC: output another row containing only processes\n" " whose name matches uid of PROC in CATEGORY.\n" " If CATEGORY is not specified, search in wake_lock_in.") print (" -p FILE: analyze FILE containing power data. Format per\n" " line: <timestamp in epoch seconds> <amps>") print (" -q TIME: quantize data on power row in buckets of TIME\n" " seconds (default %d)" % getopt_power_quanta) print " -r NAME: report input file name as NAME in HTML." print (" -s PCT: summarize certain useful rows with additional rows\n" " showing percent time spent over PCT% in each.") print " -t: sort power report by wakelock duration instead of charge" print " -v: synchronize device time before collecting power data" print "\n" sys.exit(1) def parse_time(s, fmt): """Parses a human readable duration string into milliseconds. Takes a human readable duration string like '1d2h3m4s5ms' and returns the equivalent in milliseconds. Args: s: Duration string fmt: A re object to parse the string Returns: A number indicating the duration in milliseconds. """ if s == "0": return 0.0 p = re.compile(fmt) match = try: d = match.groupdict() except IndexError: return -1.0 ret = 0.0 if d["day"]: ret += float(d["day"])*60*60*24 if d["hrs"]: ret += float(d["hrs"])*60*60 if d["min"]: ret += float(d["min"])*60 if d["sec"]: ret += float(d["sec"]) if d["ms"]: ret += float(d["ms"])/1000 return ret def time_float_to_human(t, show_complete_time): if show_complete_time: return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(t)) else: return time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(t)) def abbrev_timestr(s): """Chop milliseconds off of a time string, if present.""" arr = s.split("s") if len(arr) < 3: return "0s" return arr[0]+"s" def timestr_to_jsdate(timestr): return "new Date(%s * 1000)" % timestr def format_time(delta_time): """Return a time string representing time past since initial event.""" if not delta_time: return str(0) timestr = "+" datet = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(delta_time) if delta_time > 24 * 60 * 60: timestr += str( - 1) + datet.strftime("d%Hh%Mm%Ss") elif delta_time > 60 * 60: timestr += datet.strftime("%Hh%Mm%Ss").lstrip("0") elif delta_time > 60: timestr += datet.strftime("%Mm%Ss").lstrip("0") elif delta_time > 1: timestr += datet.strftime("%Ss").lstrip("0") ms = datet.microsecond / 1000.0 timestr += "%03dms" % ms return timestr def format_duration(dur_ms): """Return a time string representing the duration in human readable format.""" if not dur_ms: return "0ms" ms = dur_ms % 1000 dur_ms = (dur_ms - ms) / 1000 secs = dur_ms % 60 dur_ms = (dur_ms - secs) / 60 mins = dur_ms % 60 hrs = (dur_ms - mins) / 60 out = "" if hrs > 0: out += "%dh" % hrs if mins > 0: out += "%dm" % mins if secs > 0: out += "%ds" % secs if ms > 0 or not out: out += "%dms" % ms return out def get_event_category(e): e = e.lstrip("+-") earr = e.split("=") return earr[0] def get_quoted_region(e): e = e.split("\"")[1] return e def get_after_equal(e): e = e.split("=")[1] return e def get_wifi_suppl_state(e): try: e = get_after_equal(e) return e.split("(")[0] except IndexError: return "" def get_event_subcat(cat, e): """Get subcategory of an category from an event string. Subcategory can be use to distinguish simultaneous entities within one category. To track possible concurrent instances, add category name to concurrent_cat. Default is to track events using only category name. Args: cat: Category name e: Event name Returns: A string that is the subcategory of the event. Returns the substring after category name if not empty and cat is one of the categories tracked by concurrent_cat. Default subcategory is the empty string. """ concurrent_cat = {"wake_lock_in", "sync", "top", "job", "conn"} if cat in concurrent_cat: try: return get_after_equal(e) except IndexError: pass return "" def get_proc_pair(e): if ":" in e: proc_pair = get_after_equal(e) return proc_pair.split(":", 1) else: return ("", "") def as_to_mah(a): return a * 1000 / 60 / 60 def apply_fn_over_range(fn, start_time, end_time, arglist): """Apply a given function per second quanta over a time range. Args: fn: The function to apply start_time: The starting time of the whole duration end_time: The ending time of the whole duration arglist: Additional argument list Returns: A list of results generated by applying the function over the time range. """ results = [] cursor = start_time while cursor < end_time: cursor_int = int(cursor) next_cursor = float(cursor_int + 1) if next_cursor > end_time: next_cursor = end_time time_this_quanta = next_cursor - cursor results.append(fn(cursor_int, time_this_quanta, *arglist)) cursor = next_cursor return results def space_escape(match): value = p = re.compile(r"\s+") return p.sub("_", value) def parse_reset_time(line): line = line.strip() line = line.split("RESET:TIME: ", 1)[1] st = time.strptime(line, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") return time.mktime(st) def is_file_legacy_mode(input_file): """Autodetect legacy (K and earlier) format.""" detection_on = False for line in fileinput.input(input_file): if not detection_on and line.startswith("Battery History"): detection_on = True if not detection_on: continue split_line = line.split() if not split_line: continue line_time = split_line[0] if "+" not in line_time and "-" not in line_time: continue fileinput.close() return line_time[0] == "-" return False def is_emit_event(e): return e[0] != "+" def is_standalone_event(e): return not (e[0] == "+" or e[0] == "-") def is_proc_event(e): return e.startswith("+proc") def autovivify(): """Returns a multidimensional dict.""" return collections.defaultdict(autovivify) def swap(swap_list, first, second): swap_list[first], swap_list[second] = swap_list[second], swap_list[first] def add_emit_event(emit_dict, cat, name, start, end): """Saves a new event into the dictionary that will be visualized.""" newevent = (name, int(start), int(end)) if end < start: print "BUG: end time before start time: %s %s %s<br>" % (name, start, end) else: if getopt_debug: print "Stored emitted event: %s<br>" % str(newevent) if cat in emit_dict: emit_dict[cat].append(newevent) else: emit_dict[cat] = [newevent] def sync_time():["adb", "root"])["sleep", "3"]) start_time = int(time.time()) while int(time.time()) == start_time: pass curr_time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M%S", time.localtime())["adb", "shell", "date", "-s", curr_time]) sys.exit(0) def parse_search_option(cmd): global getopt_proc_name, getopt_highlight_category if "=" in cmd: getopt_highlight_category = cmd.split("=")[0] getopt_proc_name = cmd.split("=")[1] else: getopt_highlight_category = "wake_lock_in" getopt_proc_name = cmd def parse_argv(): """Parse argument and set up globals.""" global getopt_debug, getopt_bill_extra_secs, getopt_power_quanta global getopt_sort_by_power, getopt_power_data_file global getopt_summarize_pct, getopt_show_all_wakelocks global getopt_report_filename global getopt_generate_chart_only global getopt_disable_chart_drawing try: opts, argv_rest = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "acde:hmn:p:q:r:s:tv", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print "<pre>\n" print str(err) usage() try: for o, a in opts: if o == "-a": getopt_show_all_wakelocks = True if o == "-c": getopt_disable_chart_drawing = True if o == "-d": getopt_debug = True if o == "-e": getopt_bill_extra_secs = int(a) if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() if o == "-m": getopt_generate_chart_only = True if o == "-n": parse_search_option(a) if o == "-p": getopt_power_data_file = a if o == "-q": getopt_power_quanta = int(a) if o == "-r": getopt_report_filename = str(a) if o == "-s": getopt_summarize_pct = int(a) if o == "-t": getopt_sort_by_power = False if o == "-v": sync_time() except ValueError as err: print str(err) usage() if not argv_rest: usage() return argv_rest class Printer(object): """Organize and render the visualizer.""" _default_color = "#4070cf" # -n option is represented by "highlight". All the other names specified # in _print_setting are the same as category names. _print_setting = [ ("battery_level", "#4070cf"), ("plugged", "#2e8b57"), ("screen", "#cbb69d"), ("top", "#dc3912"), ("sync", "#9900aa"), ("wake_lock_pct", "#6fae11"), ("wake_lock", "#cbb69d"), ("highlight", "#4070cf"), ("running_pct", "#6fae11"), ("running", "#990099"), ("wake_reason", "#b82e2e"), ("wake_lock_in", "#ff33cc"), ("job", "#cbb69d"), ("mobile_radio", "#aa0000"), ("data_conn", "#4070cf"), ("conn", "#ff6a19"), ("activepower", "#dd4477"), ("device_idle", "#37ff64"), ("motion", "#4070cf"), ("active", "#119fc8"), ("power_save", "#ff2222"), ("wifi", "#119fc8"), ("wifi_full_lock", "#888888"), ("wifi_scan", "#888888"), ("wifi_multicast", "#888888"), ("wifi_radio", "#888888"), ("wifi_running", "#109618"), ("wifi_suppl", "#119fc8"), ("wifi_signal_strength", "#9900aa"), ("phone_signal_strength", "#dc3912"), ("phone_scanning", "#dda0dd"), ("audio", "#990099"), ("phone_in_call", "#cbb69d"), ("bluetooth", "#cbb69d"), ("phone_state", "#dc3912"), ("signal_strength", "#119fc8"), ("video", "#cbb69d"), ("flashlight", "#cbb69d"), ("low_power", "#109618"), ("fg", "#dda0dd"), ("gps", "#ff9900"), ("reboot", "#ddff77"), ("power", "#ff2222"), ("status", "#9ac658"), ("health", "#888888"), ("plug", "#888888"), ("charging", "#888888"), ("pkginst", "#cbb69d"), ("pkgunin", "#cbb69d")] _ignore_categories = ["user", "userfg"] def __init__(self): self._print_setting_cats = set() for cat in self._print_setting: self._print_setting_cats.add(cat[0]) def combine_wifi_states(self, event_list, start_time): """Discard intermediate states and combine events chronologically.""" tracking_states = ["disconn", "completed", "disabled", "scanning"] selected_event_list = [] for event in event_list: state = get_wifi_suppl_state(event[0]) if state in tracking_states: selected_event_list.append(event) if len(selected_event_list) <= 1: return set(selected_event_list) event_name = "wifi_suppl=" for e in selected_event_list: state = get_wifi_suppl_state(e[0]) event_name += (state + "->") event_name = event_name[:-2] sample_event = selected_event_list[0][0] timestr_start = sample_event.find("(") event_name += sample_event[timestr_start:] return set([(event_name, start_time, start_time)]) def aggregate_events(self, emit_dict): """Combine events with the same name occurring during the same second. Aggregate events to keep visualization from being so noisy. Args: emit_dict: A dict containing events. Returns: A dict with repeated events happening within one sec removed. """ output_dict = {} for cat, events in emit_dict.iteritems(): output_dict[cat] = [] start_dict = {} for event in events: start_time = event[1] if start_time in start_dict: start_dict[start_time].append(event) else: start_dict[start_time] = [event] for start_time, event_list in start_dict.iteritems(): if cat == "wifi_suppl": event_set = self.combine_wifi_states(event_list, start_time) else: event_set = set(event_list) # uniqify for event in event_set: output_dict[cat].append(event) return output_dict def print_emit_dict(self, cat, emit_dict): for e in emit_dict[cat]: if cat == "wake_lock": cat_name = "wake_lock *" else: cat_name = cat print "['%s', '%s', %s, %s]," % (cat_name, e[0], timestr_to_jsdate(e[1]), timestr_to_jsdate(e[2])) def print_highlight_dict(self, highlight_dict): catname = getopt_proc_name + " " + getopt_highlight_category if getopt_highlight_category in highlight_dict: for e in highlight_dict[getopt_highlight_category]: print "['%s', '%s', %s, %s]," % (catname, e[0], timestr_to_jsdate(e[1]), timestr_to_jsdate(e[2])) def print_events(self, emit_dict, highlight_dict): """print category data in the order of _print_setting. Args: emit_dict: Major event dict. highlight_dict: Additional event information for -n option. """ emit_dict = self.aggregate_events(emit_dict) highlight_dict = self.aggregate_events(highlight_dict) cat_count = 0 for i in range(0, len(self._print_setting)): cat = self._print_setting[i][0] if cat in emit_dict: self.print_emit_dict(cat, emit_dict) cat_count += 1 if cat == "highlight": self.print_highlight_dict(highlight_dict) # handle category that is not included in _print_setting if cat_count < len(emit_dict): for cat in emit_dict: if (cat not in self._print_setting_cats and cat not in self._ignore_categories): sys.stderr.write("event category not found: %s\n" % cat) self.print_emit_dict(cat, emit_dict) def print_chart_options(self, emit_dict, highlight_dict, width, height): """Print Options provided to the visualizater.""" color_string = "" cat_count = 0 # construct color string following the order of _print_setting for i in range(0, len(self._print_setting)): cat = self._print_setting[i][0] if cat in emit_dict: color_string += "'%s', " % self._print_setting[i][1] cat_count += 1 if cat == "highlight" and highlight_dict: color_string += "'%s', " % self._print_setting[i][1] cat_count += 1 if cat_count % 4 == 0: color_string += "\n\t" # handle category that is not included in _print_setting if cat_count < len(emit_dict): for cat in emit_dict: if cat not in self._print_setting_cats: color_string += "'%s', " % self._default_color print("\toptions = {\n" "\ttimeline: { colorByRowLabel: true},\n" "\t'width': %s,\n" "\t'height': %s, \n" "\tcolors: [%s]\n" "\t};" % (width, height, color_string)) class LegacyFormatConverter(object): """Convert Kit-Kat bugreport format to latest format support.""" _TIME_FORMAT = (r"\-((?P<day>\d+)d)?((?P<hrs>\d+)h)?((?P<min>\d+)m)?" r"((?P<sec>\d+)s)?((?P<ms>\d+)ms)?$") def __init__(self): self._end_time = 0 self._total_duration = 0 def parse_end_time(self, line): line = line.strip() try: line = line.split("dumpstate: ", 1)[1] st = time.strptime(line, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") self._end_time = time.mktime(st) except IndexError: pass def get_timestr(self, line_time): """Convert backward time string in Kit-Kat to forward time string.""" delta = self._total_duration - parse_time(line_time, self._TIME_FORMAT) datet = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(delta) if delta == 0: return "0" timestr = "+" if delta > 24 * 60 * 60: timestr += str( - 1) + datet.strftime("d%Hh%Mm%Ss") elif delta > 60 * 60: timestr += datet.strftime("%Hh%Mm%Ss").lstrip("0") elif delta > 60: timestr += datet.strftime("%Mm%Ss").lstrip("0") elif delta > 1: timestr += datet.strftime("%Ss").lstrip("0") ms = datet.microsecond / 1000.0 timestr += "%03dms" % ms return timestr def get_header(self, line_time): self._total_duration = parse_time(line_time, self._TIME_FORMAT) start_time = self._end_time - self._total_duration header = "Battery History\n" header += "RESET:TIME: %s\n" % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime(start_time)) return header def convert(self, input_file): """Convert legacy format file into string that fits latest format.""" output_string = "" history_start = False for line in fileinput.input(input_file): if "dumpstate:" in line: self.parse_end_time(line) if self._end_time: break fileinput.close() if not self._end_time: print "cannot find end time" sys.exit(1) for line in fileinput.input(input_file): if not history_start and line.startswith("Battery History"): history_start = True continue elif not history_start: continue if line.isspace(): break line = line.strip() arr = line.split() if len(arr) < 4: continue p = re.compile('"[^"]+"') line = p.sub(space_escape, line) split_line = line.split() (line_time, line_battery_level, line_state) = split_line[:3] line_events = split_line[3:] if not self._total_duration: output_string += self.get_header(line_time) timestr = self.get_timestr(line_time) event_string = " ".join(line_events) newline = "%s _ %s %s %s\n" % (timestr, line_battery_level, line_state, event_string) output_string += newline fileinput.close() return output_string class BHEmitter(object): """Process battery history section from bugreport.txt.""" _omit_cats = ["temp", "volt", "brightness", "sensor", "proc"] # categories that have "+" and "-" events. If we see an event in these # categories starting at time 0 without +/- sign, treat it as a "+" event. _transitional_cats = ["plugged", "running", "wake_lock", "gps", "sensor", "phone_in_call", "mobile_radio", "phone_scanning", "proc", "fg", "top", "sync", "wifi", "wifi_full_lock", "wifi_scan", "wifi_multicast", "wifi_running", "conn", "bluetooth", "audio", "video", "wake_lock_in", "job", "device_idle", "wifi_radio"] _in_progress_dict = autovivify() # events that are currently in progress _proc_dict = {} # mapping of "proc" uid to human-readable name _search_proc_id = -1 # proc id of the getopt_proc_name match_list = [] # list of package names that match search string cat_list = [] # BLAME_CATEGORY summary data def store_event(self, cat, subcat, event_str, event_time, timestr): self._in_progress_dict[cat][subcat] = (event_str, event_time, timestr) if getopt_debug: print "store_event: %s in %s/%s<br>" % (event_str, cat, subcat) def retrieve_event(self, cat, subcat): """Pop event from in-progress event dict if match exists.""" if cat in self._in_progress_dict: try: result = self._in_progress_dict[cat].pop(subcat) if getopt_debug: print "retrieve_event: found %s/%s<br>" % (cat, subcat) return (True, result) except KeyError: pass if getopt_debug: print "retrieve_event: no match for event %s/%s<br>" % (cat, subcat) return (False, (None, None, None)) def store_proc(self, e, highlight_dict): proc_pair = get_after_equal(e) (proc_id, proc_name) = proc_pair.split(":", 1) self._proc_dict[proc_id] = proc_name # may overwrite if getopt_proc_name and getopt_proc_name in proc_name and proc_id: if proc_pair not in self.match_list: self.match_list.append(proc_pair) if self._search_proc_id == -1: self._search_proc_id = proc_id elif self._search_proc_id != proc_id: if (proc_name[1:-1] == getopt_proc_name or proc_name == getopt_proc_name): # reinitialize highlight_dict.clear() # replace default match with complete match self._search_proc_id = proc_id swap(self.match_list, 0, -1) def procs_to_str(self): l = sorted(self._proc_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) result = "" for i in l: result += "%s: %s\n" % (i[0], i[1]) return result def get_proc_name(self, proc_id): if proc_id in self._proc_dict: return self._proc_dict[proc_id] else: return "" def annotate_event_name(self, name): """Modifies the event name to make it more understandable.""" if "*alarm*" in name: try: proc_pair = get_after_equal(name) except IndexError: return name proc_id = proc_pair.split(":", 1)[0] name = name + ":" + self.get_proc_name(proc_id) if getopt_debug: print "annotate_event_name: %s" % name return name def abbreviate_event_name(self, name): """Abbreviate location-related event name.""" if not getopt_show_all_wakelocks: if "wake_lock" in name: if "LocationManagerService" in name or "NlpWakeLock" in name: return "LOCATION" if "UlrDispatching" in name: return "LOCATION" if "GCoreFlp" in name or "GeofencerStateMachine" in name: return "LOCATION" if "NlpCollectorWakeLock" in name or "WAKEUP_LOCATOR" in name: return "LOCATION" if "GCM" in name or "C2DM" in name: return "GCM" return name def process_wakelock_event_name(self, start_name, start_id, end_name, end_id): start_name = self.process_event_name(start_name) end_name = self.process_event_name(end_name) event_name = "first=%s:%s, last=%s:%s" % (start_id, start_name, end_id, end_name) return event_name def process_event_timestr(self, start_timestr, end_timestr): return "(%s-%s)" % (abbrev_timestr(start_timestr), abbrev_timestr(end_timestr)) def process_event_name(self, event_name): event_name = self.annotate_event_name(event_name) event_name = self.abbreviate_event_name(event_name) return event_name.replace("'", r"\'") def track_event_parallelism_fn(self, start_time, time_this_quanta, time_dict): if start_time in time_dict: time_dict[start_time] += time_this_quanta else: time_dict[start_time] = time_this_quanta if getopt_debug: print "time_dict[%d] now %f added %f" % (start_time, time_dict[start_time], time_this_quanta) # track total amount of event time held per second quanta def track_event_parallelism(self, start_time, end_time, time_dict): apply_fn_over_range(self.track_event_parallelism_fn, start_time, end_time, [time_dict]) def emit_event(self, cat, event_name, start_time, start_timestr, end_event_name, end_time, end_timestr, emit_dict, time_dict, highlight_dict): """Saves an event to be later visualized.""" (start_pid, start_pname) = get_proc_pair(event_name) (end_pid, end_pname) = get_proc_pair(end_event_name) if cat == "wake_lock" and end_pname and end_pname != start_pname: short_event_name = self.process_wakelock_event_name( start_pname, start_pid, end_pname, end_pid) else: short_event_name = self.process_event_name(event_name) event_name = short_event_name + self.process_event_timestr(start_timestr, end_timestr) if getopt_highlight_category == cat: if start_pid == self._search_proc_id or end_pid == self._search_proc_id: add_emit_event(highlight_dict, cat, event_name, start_time, end_time) if cat == BLAME_CATEGORY: self.cat_list.append((short_event_name, start_time, end_time)) end_time += getopt_bill_extra_secs self.track_event_parallelism(start_time, end_time, time_dict) if end_time - start_time < 1: # HACK: visualizer library doesn't always render sub-second events end_time += 1 add_emit_event(emit_dict, cat, event_name, start_time, end_time) def handle_event(self, event_time, time_str, event_str, emit_dict, time_dict, highlight_dict): """Handle an individual event. Args: event_time: Event time time_str: Event time as string event_str: Event string emit_dict: A dict tracking events to draw in the timeline, by row time_dict: A dict tracking BLAME_CATEGORY duration, by seconds highlight_dict: A separate event dict for -n option """ if getopt_debug: print "<p>handle_event: %s at %s<br>" % (event_str, time_str) cat = get_event_category(event_str) subcat = get_event_subcat(cat, event_str) # events already in progress are treated as starting at time 0 if (time_str == "0" and is_standalone_event(event_str) and cat in self._transitional_cats): event_str = "+" + event_str if is_proc_event(event_str): self.store_proc(event_str, highlight_dict) if cat in self._omit_cats: return if not is_emit_event(event_str): # "+" event, save it until we find a matching "-" self.store_event(cat, subcat, event_str, event_time, time_str) return else: # "-" or standalone event such as "wake_reason" start_time = 0.0 (found, event) = self.retrieve_event(cat, subcat) if found: (event_name, start_time, start_timestr) = event else: event_name = event_str start_time = event_time start_timestr = time_str # Events that were still going on at the time of reboot # should be marked as ending at the time of reboot. if event_str == "reboot": self.emit_remaining_events(event_time, time_str, emit_dict, time_dict, highlight_dict) self.emit_event(cat, event_name, start_time, start_timestr, event_str, event_time, time_str, emit_dict, time_dict, highlight_dict) def generate_summary_row(self, row_to_summarize, emit_dict, start_time, end_time): """Generate additional data row showing % time covered by another row.""" summarize_quanta = 60 row_name = row_to_summarize + "_pct" if row_to_summarize not in emit_dict: return summarize_list = emit_dict[row_to_summarize] seconds_dict = {} # Generate dict of seconds where the row to summarize is seen. for i in summarize_list: self.track_event_parallelism(i[1], i[2], seconds_dict) # Traverse entire range of time we care about and generate % events. for summary_start_time in range(int(start_time), int(end_time), summarize_quanta): summary_end_time = summary_start_time + summarize_quanta found_ctr = 0 for second_cursor in range(summary_start_time, summary_end_time): if second_cursor in seconds_dict: found_ctr += 1 if found_ctr: pct = int(found_ctr * 100 / summarize_quanta) if pct > getopt_summarize_pct: add_emit_event(emit_dict, row_name, "%s=%d" % (row_name, pct), summary_start_time, summary_end_time) def generate_summary_rows(self, emit_dict, start_time, end_time): if getopt_summarize_pct < 0: return for i in ROWS_TO_SUMMARIZE: self.generate_summary_row(i, emit_dict, start_time, end_time) def emit_remaining_events(self, end_time, end_timestr, emit_dict, time_dict, highlight_dict): for cat in self._in_progress_dict: for subcat in self._in_progress_dict[cat]: (event_name, s_time, s_timestr) = self._in_progress_dict[cat][subcat] self.emit_event(cat, event_name, s_time, s_timestr, event_name, end_time, end_timestr, emit_dict, time_dict, highlight_dict) class BlameSynopsis(object): """Summary data of BLAME_CATEGORY instance used for power accounting.""" def __init__(self): = "" self.mah = 0 self.timestr = "" self._duration_list = [] def add(self, name, duration, mah, t): = name self._duration_list.append(duration) self.mah += mah if not self.timestr: self.timestr = time_float_to_human(t, False) def get_count(self): return len(self._duration_list) def get_median_duration(self): return sorted(self._duration_list)[int(self.get_count() / 2)] def get_total_duration(self): return sum(self._duration_list) def to_str(self, total_mah, show_power): """Returns a summary string.""" if total_mah: pct = self.mah * 100 / total_mah else: pct = 0 avg = self.get_total_duration() / self.get_count() ret = "" if show_power: ret += "%.3f mAh (%.1f%%), " % (self.mah, pct) ret += "%3s events, " % str(self.get_count()) ret += "%6.3fs total " % self.get_total_duration() ret += "%6.3fs avg " % avg ret += "%6.3fs median: " % self.get_median_duration() ret += ret += " (first at %s)" % self.timestr return ret class PowerEmitter(object): """Give power accounting and bill to wake lock.""" _total_amps = 0 _total_top_amps = 0 _line_ctr = 0 _TOP_THRESH = .01 _quanta_amps = 0 _start_secs = 0 _power_dict = {} _synopsis_dict = {} def __init__(self, cat_list): self._cat_list = cat_list def get_range_power_fn(self, start_time, time_this_quanta, time_dict): """Assign proportional share of blame. During any second, this event might have been held for less than the second, and others might have been held during that time. Here we try to assign the proportional share of the blame. Args: start_time: Starting time of this quanta time_this_quanta: Duration of this quanta time_dict: A dict tracking total time at different starting time Returns: A proportional share of blame for the quanta. """ if start_time in self._power_dict: total_time_held = time_dict[start_time] multiplier = time_this_quanta / total_time_held result = self._power_dict[start_time] * multiplier if getopt_debug: print("get_range_power: distance %f total time %f " "base power %f, multiplier %f<br>" % (time_this_quanta, total_time_held, self._power_dict[start_time], multiplier)) assert multiplier <= 1.0 else: if getopt_debug: print "get_range_power: no power data available" result = 0.0 return result def get_range_power(self, start, end, time_dict): power_results = apply_fn_over_range(self.get_range_power_fn, start, end, [time_dict]) result = 0.0 for i in power_results: result += i return result def bill(self, time_dict): for _, e in enumerate(self._cat_list): (event_name, start_time, end_time) = e if event_name in self._synopsis_dict: sd = self._synopsis_dict[event_name] else: sd = BlameSynopsis() amps = self.get_range_power(start_time, end_time + getopt_bill_extra_secs, time_dict) mah = as_to_mah(amps) sd.add(event_name, end_time - start_time, mah, start_time) if getopt_debug: print "billed range %f %f at %fAs to %s<br>" % (start_time, end_time, amps, event_name) self._synopsis_dict[event_name] = sd def handle_line(self, secs, amps, emit_dict): """Handle a power data file line.""" self._line_ctr += 1 if not self._start_secs: self._start_secs = secs self._quanta_amps += amps self._total_amps += amps self._power_dict[secs] = amps if secs % getopt_power_quanta: return avg = self._quanta_amps / getopt_power_quanta event_name = "%.3f As (%.3f A avg)" % (self._quanta_amps, avg) add_emit_event(emit_dict, "power", event_name, self._start_secs, secs) if self._quanta_amps > self._TOP_THRESH * getopt_power_quanta: self._total_top_amps += self._quanta_amps add_emit_event(emit_dict, "activepower", event_name, self._start_secs, secs) self._quanta_amps = 0 self._start_secs = secs def report(self): """Report bill of BLAME_CATEGORY.""" mah = as_to_mah(self._total_amps) report_power = self._line_ctr if report_power: avg_ma = self._total_amps/self._line_ctr print "<p>Total power: %.3f mAh, avg %.3f" % (mah, avg_ma) top_mah = as_to_mah(self._total_top_amps) print ("<br>Total power above awake " "threshold (%.1fmA): %.3f mAh %.3f As" % (self._TOP_THRESH * 1000, top_mah, self._total_top_amps)) print "<br>%d samples, %d min<p>" % (self._line_ctr, self._line_ctr / 60) if report_power and getopt_bill_extra_secs: print("<b>Power seen during each history event, including %d " "seconds after each event:" % getopt_bill_extra_secs) elif report_power: print "<b>Power seen during each history event:" else: print "<b>Event summary:" print "</b><br><pre>" report_list = [] total_mah = 0.0 total_count = 0 for _, v in self._synopsis_dict.iteritems(): total_mah += v.mah total_count += v.get_count() if getopt_sort_by_power and report_power: sort_term = v.mah else: sort_term = v.get_total_duration() report_list.append((sort_term, v.to_str(mah, report_power))) report_list.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0], reverse=True) for i in report_list: print i[1] print "total: %.3f mAh, %d events" % (total_mah, total_count) print "</pre>\n" def adjust_reboot_time(line, event_time): # Line delta time is not reset after reboot, but wall time will # be printed after reboot finishes. This function returns how much # we are off and actual reboot event time. line = line.strip() line = line.split("TIME: ", 1)[1] st = time.strptime(line, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") wall_time = time.mktime(st) return wall_time - event_time, wall_time def get_app_id(uid): """Returns the app ID from a string. Reverses and uses the methods defined in to get only the app ID. Args: uid: a string representing the uid printed in the history output Returns: An integer representing the specific app ID. """ abr_uid_re = re.compile(r"u(?P<userId>\d+)(?P<aidType>[ias])(?P<appId>\d+)") if not uid: return 0 if uid.isdigit(): # 100000 is the range of uids allocated for a user. return int(uid) % 100000 if abr_uid_re.match(uid): match = try: d = match.groupdict() if d["aidType"] == "i": # first isolated uid return int(d["appId"]) + 99000 if d["aidType"] == "a": # first application uid return int(d["appId"]) + 10000 return int(d["appId"]) # app id wasn't modified except IndexError: sys.stderr.write("Abbreviated app UID didn't match properly") return uid usr_time = "usrTime" sys_time = "sysTime" # A map of app uid to their total CPU usage in terms of user # and system time (in ms). app_cpu_usage = {} def save_app_cpu_usage(uid, usr_cpu_time, sys_cpu_time): uid = get_app_id(uid) if uid in app_cpu_usage: app_cpu_usage[uid][usr_time] += usr_cpu_time app_cpu_usage[uid][sys_time] += sys_cpu_time else: app_cpu_usage[uid] = {usr_time: usr_cpu_time, sys_time: sys_cpu_time} # Constants defined in conn_constants = { "0": "TYPE_MOBILE", "1": "TYPE_WIFI", "2": "TYPE_MOBILE_MMS", "3": "TYPE_MOBILE_SUPL", "4": "TYPE_MOBILE_DUN", "5": "TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI", "6": "TYPE_WIMAX", "7": "TYPE_BLUETOOTH", "8": "TYPE_DUMMY", "9": "TYPE_ETHERNET", "17": "TYPE_VPN", } def main(): details_re = re.compile(r"^Details:\scpu=\d+u\+\d+s\s*(\((?P<appCpu>.*)\))?") app_cpu_usage_re = re.compile( r"(?P<uid>\S+)=(?P<userTime>\d+)u\+(?P<sysTime>\d+)s") proc_stat_re = re.compile((r"^/proc/stat=(?P<usrTime>-?\d+)\s+usr,\s+" r"(?P<sysTime>-?\d+)\s+sys,\s+" r"(?P<ioTime>-?\d+)\s+io,\s+" r"(?P<irqTime>-?\d+)\s+irq,\s+" r"(?P<sirqTime>-?\d+)\s+sirq,\s+" r"(?P<idleTime>-?\d+)\s+idle.*") ) data_start_time = 0.0 data_stop_time = 0 data_stop_timestr = "" on_mode = False time_offset = 0.0 overflowed = False reboot = False prev_battery_level = -1 bhemitter = BHEmitter() emit_dict = {} # maps event categories to events time_dict = {} # total event time held per second highlight_dict = {} # search result for -n option is_first_data_line = True is_dumpsys_format = False argv_remainder = parse_argv() input_file = argv_remainder[0] legacy_mode = is_file_legacy_mode(input_file) # A map of /proc/stat names to total times (in ms). proc_stat_summary = { "usr": 0, "sys": 0, "io": 0, "irq": 0, "sirq": 0, "idle": 0, } if legacy_mode: input_string = LegacyFormatConverter().convert(input_file) input_file = StringIO.StringIO(input_string) else: input_file = open(input_file, "r") while True: line = input_file.readline() if not line: break if not on_mode and line.startswith("Battery History"): on_mode = True continue elif not on_mode: continue if line.isspace(): break line = line.strip() if "RESET:TIME: " in line: data_start_time = parse_reset_time(line) continue if "OVERFLOW" in line: overflowed = True break if "START" in line: reboot = True continue if "TIME: " in line: continue # escape spaces within quoted regions p = re.compile('"[^"]+"') line = p.sub(space_escape, line) if details_re.match(line): match = try: d = match.groupdict() if d["appCpu"]: for app in d["appCpu"].split(", "): app_match = try: a = app_match.groupdict() save_app_cpu_usage(a["uid"], int(a["userTime"]), int(a["sysTime"])) except IndexError: sys.stderr.write("App CPU usage line didn't match properly") except IndexError: sys.stderr.write("Details line didn't match properly") continue elif proc_stat_re.match(line): match = try: d = match.groupdict() if d["usrTime"]: proc_stat_summary["usr"] += int(d["usrTime"]) if d["sysTime"]: proc_stat_summary["sys"] += int(d["sysTime"]) if d["ioTime"]: proc_stat_summary["io"] += int(d["ioTime"]) if d["irqTime"]: proc_stat_summary["irq"] += int(d["irqTime"]) if d["sirqTime"]: proc_stat_summary["sirq"] += int(d["sirqTime"]) if d["idleTime"]: proc_stat_summary["idle"] += int(d["idleTime"]) except IndexError: sys.stderr.write("proc/stat line didn't match properly") continue # pull apart input line by spaces split_line = line.split() if len(split_line) < 4: continue (line_time, _, line_battery_level, fourth_field) = split_line[:4] # "bugreport" output has an extra hex field vs "dumpsys", detect here. if is_first_data_line: is_first_data_line = False try: int(fourth_field, 16) except ValueError: is_dumpsys_format = True if is_dumpsys_format: line_events = split_line[3:] else: line_events = split_line[4:] fmt = (r"\+((?P<day>\d+)d)?((?P<hrs>\d+)h)?((?P<min>\d+)m)?" r"((?P<sec>\d+)s)?((?P<ms>\d+)ms)?$") time_delta_s = parse_time(line_time, fmt) + time_offset if time_delta_s < 0: print "Warning: time went backwards: %s" % line continue event_time = data_start_time + time_delta_s if reboot and "TIME:" in line: # adjust offset using wall time offset, event_time = adjust_reboot_time(line, event_time) if offset < 0: print "Warning: time went backwards: %s" % line continue time_offset += offset time_delta_s = event_time - data_start_time reboot = False line_events = {"reboot"} if line_battery_level != prev_battery_level: # battery_level is not an actual event, it's on every line if line_battery_level.isdigit(): bhemitter.handle_event(event_time, format_time(time_delta_s), "battery_level=" + line_battery_level, emit_dict, time_dict, highlight_dict) for event in line_events: # conn events need to be parsed in order to be useful if event.startswith("conn"): num, ev = get_after_equal(event).split(":") if ev == "\"CONNECTED\"": event = "+conn=" else: event = "-conn=" if num in conn_constants: event += conn_constants[num] else: event += "UNKNOWN" bhemitter.handle_event(event_time, format_time(time_delta_s), event, emit_dict, time_dict, highlight_dict) prev_battery_level = line_battery_level data_stop_time = event_time data_stop_timestr = format_time(time_delta_s) input_file.close() if not on_mode: print "Battery history not present in bugreport." return bhemitter.emit_remaining_events(data_stop_time, data_stop_timestr, emit_dict, time_dict, highlight_dict) bhemitter.generate_summary_rows(emit_dict, data_start_time, data_stop_time) power_emitter = PowerEmitter(bhemitter.cat_list) if getopt_power_data_file: for line in fileinput.input(getopt_power_data_file): data = line.split(" ") secs = float(data[0]) + POWER_DATA_FILE_TIME_OFFSET amps = float(data[1]) power_emitter.handle_line(secs, amps, emit_dict) power_emitter.bill(time_dict) printer = Printer() if not getopt_generate_chart_only: print "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html><head>\n" report_filename = argv_remainder[0] if getopt_report_filename: report_filename = getopt_report_filename header = "Battery Historian analysis for %s" % report_filename print "<title>" + header + "</title>" if overflowed: print ('<font size="5" color="red">Warning: History overflowed at %s, ' 'many events may be missing.</font>' % time_float_to_human(data_stop_time, True)) print "<p>" + header + "</p>" if legacy_mode: print("<p><b>WARNING:</b> legacy format detected; " "history information is limited</p>\n") if not getopt_generate_chart_only: print """ <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="{'modules':[{'name':'visualization','version':'1','packages':['timeline']}]}"></script> """ print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" if not getopt_disable_chart_drawing: print "google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);\n" print """ var dataTable; var chart; var options; var default_width = 3000 function drawChart() { container = document.getElementById('chart'); chart = new google.visualization.Timeline(container); dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable(); dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string', id: 'Position' }); dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string', id: 'Name' }); dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date', id: 'Start' }); dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date', id: 'End' }); dataTable.addRows([ """ printer.print_events(emit_dict, highlight_dict) print "]);" width = 3000 # default width height = 3000 # intial height printer.print_chart_options(emit_dict, highlight_dict, width, height) print """ //make sure allocate enough vertical space options['height'] = dataTable.getNumberOfRows() * 40; chart.draw(dataTable, options); //get vertical coordinate of scale bar var svg = document.getElementById('chart').getElementsByTagName('svg')[0]; var label = svg.children[2].children[0]; var y = label.getAttribute('y'); //plus height of scale bar var chart_div_height = parseInt(y) + 50; var chart_height = chart_div_height; //set chart height to exact height options['height'] = chart_height; $('#chart').css('height', chart_div_height); svg.setAttribute('height', chart_height); var content = $('#chart').children()[0]; $(content).css('height', chart_height); var inner = $(content).children()[0]; $(inner).css('height', chart_height); } function redrawChart() { var scale = document.getElementById("scale").value; scale = scale.replace('%', '') / 100 options['width'] = scale * default_width; chart.draw(dataTable, options); } </script> <style> #redrawButton{ width:100px; } </style> """ if not getopt_generate_chart_only: print "</head>\n<body>\n" show_complete_time = False if data_stop_time - data_start_time > 24 * 60 * 60: show_complete_time = True start_localtime = time_float_to_human(data_start_time, show_complete_time) stop_localtime = time_float_to_human(data_stop_time, show_complete_time) print "<div id=\"chart\">" if not getopt_generate_chart_only: print ("<b>WARNING: Visualizer disabled. " "If you see this message, download the HTML then open it.</b>") print "</div>" print("<p><b>WARNING:</b>\n" "<br>*: wake_lock field only shows the first/last wakelock held \n" "when the system is awake. For more detail, use wake_lock_in." "<br>To enable full wakelock reporting (post-KitKat only) : \n" "<br>adb shell dumpsys batterystats " "--enable full-wake-history</p>") if getopt_proc_name: if len(bhemitter.match_list) > 1: print("<p><b>WARNING:</b>\n" "<br>Multiple match found on -n option <b>%s</b>" "<ul>" % getopt_proc_name) for match in bhemitter.match_list: print "<li>%s</li>" % match print ("</ul>Showing search result for %s</p>" % bhemitter.match_list[0].split(":", 1)[0]) elif not bhemitter.match_list: print("<p><b>WARNING:</b>\n" "<br>No match on -n option <b>%s</b></p>" % getopt_proc_name) if not highlight_dict: print ("Search - <b>%s</b> in <b>%s</b> - did not match any event" % (getopt_proc_name, getopt_highlight_category)) print ("<pre>(Local time %s - %s, %dm elapsed)</pre>" % (start_localtime, stop_localtime, (data_stop_time-data_start_time) / 60)) print ("<p>\n" "Zoom: <input id=\"scale\" type=\"text\" value=\"100%\"></input>" "<button type=\"button\" id=\"redrawButton\"" "onclick=\"redrawChart()\">redraw</button></p>\n" "</p>\n") if app_cpu_usage: print "<b>App CPU usage:</b><br />" print "In user time:<br />" print "<table border=\"1\"><tr><td>UID</td><td>Duration</td></tr>" for (uid, use) in sorted(app_cpu_usage.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1][usr_time]): print "<tr><td>%s</td>" % uid print "<td>%s</td></tr>" % format_duration(use[usr_time]) print "</table>" print "<br />In system time:<br />" print "<table border=\"1\"><tr><td>UID</td><td>Duration</td></tr>" for (uid, use) in sorted(app_cpu_usage.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1][sys_time]): print "<tr><td>%s</td>" % uid print "<td>%s</td></tr>" % format_duration(use[sys_time]) print "</table>" print "<br /><b>Proc/stat summary</b><ul>" print "<li>Total User Time: %s</li>" % format_duration( proc_stat_summary["usr"]) print "<li>Total System Time: %s</li>" % format_duration( proc_stat_summary["sys"]) print "<li>Total IO Time: %s</li>" % format_duration( proc_stat_summary["io"]) print "<li>Total Irq Time: %s</li>" % format_duration( proc_stat_summary["irq"]) print "<li>Total Soft Irq Time: %s</li>" % format_duration( proc_stat_summary["sirq"]) print "<li>Total Idle Time: %s</li>" % format_duration( proc_stat_summary["idle"]) print "</ul>" print "<pre>Process table:" print bhemitter.procs_to_str() print "</pre>\n" if not getopt_generate_chart_only: print "</body>\n</html>" if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import math import argparse import pprint from distutils.util import strtobool from pathlib import Path from loguru import logger as loguru_logger import pytorch_lightning as pl from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_only from pytorch_lightning.loggers import TensorBoardLogger from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint, LearningRateMonitor from pytorch_lightning.plugins import DDPPlugin from src.config.default import get_cfg_defaults from src.utils.misc import get_rank_zero_only_logger, setup_gpus from src.utils.profiler import build_profiler from import RGBDDataModule from src.lightning.lightning_loftr import PL_LoFTR_RGB_teacher_student loguru_logger = get_rank_zero_only_logger(loguru_logger) def parse_args(): # init a costum parser which will be added into pl.Trainer parser # check documentation: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( 'data_cfg_path', type=str, help='data config path') parser.add_argument( 'main_cfg_path', type=str, help='main config path') parser.add_argument( '--exp_name', type=str, default='default_exp_name') parser.add_argument( '--batch_size', type=int, default=4, help='batch_size per gpu') parser.add_argument( '--num_workers', type=int, default=4) parser.add_argument( '--pin_memory', type=lambda x: bool(strtobool(x)), nargs='?', default=True, help='whether loading data to pinned memory or not') parser.add_argument( '--ckpt_path', type=str, default=None, help='pretrained checkpoint path, helpful for using a pre-trained coarse-only LoFTR') parser.add_argument( '--disable_ckpt', action='store_true', help='disable checkpoint saving (useful for debugging).') parser.add_argument( '--profiler_name', type=str, default=None, help='options: [inference, pytorch], or leave it unset') parser.add_argument( '--parallel_load_data', action='store_true', help='load datasets in with multiple processes.') parser = pl.Trainer.add_argparse_args(parser) return parser.parse_args() def main(): # parse arguments args = parse_args() rank_zero_only(pprint.pprint)(vars(args)) # init default-cfg and merge it with the main- and data-cfg config = get_cfg_defaults() config.merge_from_file(args.main_cfg_path) config.merge_from_file(args.data_cfg_path) pl.seed_everything(config.TRAINER.SEED) # reproducibility # TODO: Use different seeds for each dataloader workers # This is needed for data augmentation # scale lr and warmup-step automatically args.gpus = _n_gpus = setup_gpus(args.gpus) config.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE = _n_gpus * args.num_nodes config.TRAINER.TRUE_BATCH_SIZE = config.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE * args.batch_size _scaling = config.TRAINER.TRUE_BATCH_SIZE / config.TRAINER.CANONICAL_BS config.TRAINER.SCALING = _scaling config.TRAINER.TRUE_LR = config.TRAINER.CANONICAL_LR * _scaling config.TRAINER.WARMUP_STEP = math.floor(config.TRAINER.WARMUP_STEP / _scaling) # lightning module profiler = build_profiler(args.profiler_name) model = PL_LoFTR_RGB_teacher_student(config, pretrained_ckpt=args.ckpt_path, profiler=profiler) #model = PL_LoFTR_RGB_teacher_student_share(config, pretrained_ckpt=args.ckpt_path, profiler=profiler)"LoFTR LightningModule initialized!") # lightning data data_module = RGBDDataModule(args, config)"LoFTR DataModule initialized!") # TensorBoard Logger logger = TensorBoardLogger(save_dir='logs/tb_logs', name=args.exp_name, default_hp_metric=False) ckpt_dir = Path(logger.log_dir) / 'checkpoints' # Callbacks # TODO: update ModelCheckpoint to monitor multiple metrics ckpt_callback = ModelCheckpoint(monitor='auc@10', verbose=True, save_top_k=5, mode='max', save_last=True, dirpath=str(ckpt_dir), filename='{epoch}-{auc@5:.3f}-{auc@10:.3f}-{auc@20:.3f}') lr_monitor = LearningRateMonitor(logging_interval='step') callbacks = [lr_monitor] if not args.disable_ckpt: callbacks.append(ckpt_callback) # Lightning Trainer trainer = pl.Trainer.from_argparse_args( args, plugins=DDPPlugin(find_unused_parameters=True, num_nodes=args.num_nodes, sync_batchnorm=config.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE > 0), gradient_clip_val=config.TRAINER.GRADIENT_CLIPPING, callbacks=callbacks, logger=logger, sync_batchnorm=config.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE > 0, replace_sampler_ddp=False, # use custom sampler reload_dataloaders_every_epoch=False, # avoid repeated samples! weights_summary='full', profiler=profiler)"Trainer initialized!")"Start training!"), datamodule=data_module) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import math import argparse import pprint from distutils.util import strtobool from pathlib import Path from loguru import logger as loguru_logger import pytorch_lightning as pl from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_only from pytorch_lightning.loggers import TensorBoardLogger from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint, LearningRateMonitor from pytorch_lightning.plugins import DDPPlugin from src.config.default import get_cfg_defaults from src.utils.misc import get_rank_zero_only_logger, setup_gpus from src.utils.profiler import build_profiler from import RGBDataModule from src.lightning.lightning_loftr import PL_LoFTR_RGB loguru_logger = get_rank_zero_only_logger(loguru_logger) def parse_args(): # init a costum parser which will be added into pl.Trainer parser # check documentation: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( 'data_cfg_path', type=str, help='data config path') parser.add_argument( 'main_cfg_path', type=str, help='main config path') parser.add_argument( '--exp_name', type=str, default='default_exp_name') parser.add_argument( '--batch_size', type=int, default=4, help='batch_size per gpu') parser.add_argument( '--num_workers', type=int, default=4) parser.add_argument( '--pin_memory', type=lambda x: bool(strtobool(x)), nargs='?', default=True, help='whether loading data to pinned memory or not') parser.add_argument( '--ckpt_path', type=str, default=None, help='pretrained checkpoint path, helpful for using a pre-trained coarse-only LoFTR') parser.add_argument( '--disable_ckpt', action='store_true', help='disable checkpoint saving (useful for debugging).') parser.add_argument( '--profiler_name', type=str, default=None, help='options: [inference, pytorch], or leave it unset') parser.add_argument( '--parallel_load_data', action='store_true', help='load datasets in with multiple processes.') parser = pl.Trainer.add_argparse_args(parser) return parser.parse_args() def main(): # parse arguments args = parse_args() rank_zero_only(pprint.pprint)(vars(args)) # init default-cfg and merge it with the main- and data-cfg config = get_cfg_defaults() config.merge_from_file(args.main_cfg_path) config.merge_from_file(args.data_cfg_path) pl.seed_everything(config.TRAINER.SEED) # reproducibility # This is needed for data augmentation # scale lr and warmup-step automatically args.gpus = _n_gpus = setup_gpus(args.gpus) config.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE = _n_gpus * args.num_nodes config.TRAINER.TRUE_BATCH_SIZE = config.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE * args.batch_size _scaling = config.TRAINER.TRUE_BATCH_SIZE / config.TRAINER.CANONICAL_BS config.TRAINER.SCALING = _scaling config.TRAINER.TRUE_LR = config.TRAINER.CANONICAL_LR * _scaling config.TRAINER.WARMUP_STEP = math.floor(config.TRAINER.WARMUP_STEP / _scaling) # lightning module profiler = build_profiler(args.profiler_name) model = PL_LoFTR_RGB(config, pretrained_ckpt=args.ckpt_path, profiler=profiler)"LoFTR LightningModule initialized!") # lightning data data_module = RGBDataModule(args, config)"LoFTR DataModule initialized!") # TensorBoard Logger logger = TensorBoardLogger(save_dir='logs/tb_logs', name=args.exp_name, default_hp_metric=False) ckpt_dir = Path(logger.log_dir) / 'checkpoints' # Callbacks ckpt_callback = ModelCheckpoint(monitor='auc@10', verbose=True, save_top_k=5, mode='max', save_last=True, dirpath=str(ckpt_dir), filename='{epoch}-{auc@5:.3f}-{auc@10:.3f}-{auc@20:.3f}') lr_monitor = LearningRateMonitor(logging_interval='step') callbacks = [lr_monitor] if not args.disable_ckpt: callbacks.append(ckpt_callback) # Lightning Trainer trainer = pl.Trainer.from_argparse_args( args, plugins=DDPPlugin(find_unused_parameters=False, num_nodes=args.num_nodes, sync_batchnorm=config.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE > 0), gradient_clip_val=config.TRAINER.GRADIENT_CLIPPING, callbacks=callbacks, logger=logger, sync_batchnorm=config.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE > 0, replace_sampler_ddp=False, # use custom sampler reload_dataloaders_every_epoch=False, # avoid repeated samples! weights_summary='full', profiler=profiler)"Trainer initialized!")"Start training!"), datamodule=data_module) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import pytorch_lightning as pl import argparse import pprint from loguru import logger as loguru_logger from src.config.default import get_cfg_defaults from src.utils.profiler import build_profiler from import MultiSceneDataModule, RGBDDataModule from src.lightning.lightning_loftr import PL_LoFTR,PL_LoFTR_RGBD def parse_args(): # init a costum parser which will be added into pl.Trainer parser # check documentation: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( 'data_cfg_path', type=str, help='data config path') parser.add_argument( 'main_cfg_path', type=str, help='main config path') parser.add_argument( '--ckpt_path', type=str, default="weights/indoor_ds.ckpt", help='path to the checkpoint') parser.add_argument( '--dump_dir', type=str, default=None, help="if set, the matching results will be dump to dump_dir") parser.add_argument( '--profiler_name', type=str, default=None, help='options: [inference, pytorch], or leave it unset') parser.add_argument( '--batch_size', type=int, default=1, help='batch_size per gpu') parser.add_argument( '--num_workers', type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument( '--thr', type=float, default=None, help='modify the coarse-level matching threshold.') parser = pl.Trainer.add_argparse_args(parser) return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': # parse arguments args = parse_args() pprint.pprint(vars(args)) # init default-cfg and merge it with the main- and data-cfg config = get_cfg_defaults() config.merge_from_file(args.main_cfg_path) config.merge_from_file(args.data_cfg_path) pl.seed_everything(config.TRAINER.SEED) # reproducibility # tune when testing if args.thr is not None: config.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.THR = args.thr"Args and config initialized!") # lightning module profiler = build_profiler(args.profiler_name) model = PL_LoFTR_RGBD(config, pretrained_ckpt=args.ckpt_path, profiler=profiler, dump_dir=args.dump_dir)"LoFTR-lightning initialized!") # lightning data data_module = RGBDDataModule(args, config)"DataModule initialized!") # lightning trainer trainer = pl.Trainer.from_argparse_args(args, replace_sampler_ddp=False, logger=False)"Start testing!") trainer.test(model, datamodule=data_module, verbose=False)
import pytorch_lightning as pl import argparse import pprint from loguru import logger as loguru_logger from src.config.default import get_cfg_defaults from src.utils.profiler import build_profiler from import RGBDataModule from src.lightning.lightning_loftr import PL_LoFTR_RGB def parse_args(): # init a costum parser which will be added into pl.Trainer parser # check documentation: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( 'data_cfg_path', type=str, help='data config path') parser.add_argument( 'main_cfg_path', type=str, help='main config path') parser.add_argument( '--ckpt_path', type=str, default="weights/indoor_ds.ckpt", help='path to the checkpoint') parser.add_argument( '--dump_dir', type=str, default=None, help="if set, the matching results will be dump to dump_dir") parser.add_argument( '--profiler_name', type=str, default=None, help='options: [inference, pytorch], or leave it unset') parser.add_argument( '--batch_size', type=int, default=1, help='batch_size per gpu') parser.add_argument( '--num_workers', type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument( '--thr', type=float, default=None, help='modify the coarse-level matching threshold.') parser = pl.Trainer.add_argparse_args(parser) return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': # parse arguments args = parse_args() pprint.pprint(vars(args)) # init default-cfg and merge it with the main- and data-cfg config = get_cfg_defaults() config.merge_from_file(args.main_cfg_path) config.merge_from_file(args.data_cfg_path) pl.seed_everything(config.TRAINER.SEED) # reproducibility # tune when testing if args.thr is not None: config.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.THR = args.thr"Args and config initialized!") # lightning module profiler = build_profiler(args.profiler_name) model = PL_LoFTR_RGB(config, pretrained_ckpt=args.ckpt_path, profiler=profiler, dump_dir=args.dump_dir)"LoFTR-lightning initialized!") # lightning data data_module = RGBDataModule(args, config)"DataModule initialized!") # lightning trainer trainer = pl.Trainer.from_argparse_args(args, replace_sampler_ddp=False, logger=False)"Start testing!") trainer.test(model, datamodule=data_module, verbose=False)
import os import torch import cv2 import numpy as np import as cm import matplotlib.colors from src.loftr import default_cfg, LoFTR_RGBD, LoFTR_RGB import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def make_matching_figure( img0, img1, mkpts0, mkpts1, color, kpts0=None, kpts1=None, text=[], dpi=75, path=None): # draw image pair assert mkpts0.shape[0] == mkpts1.shape[0], f'mkpts0: {mkpts0.shape[0]} v.s. mkpts1: {mkpts1.shape[0]}' fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 6), dpi=dpi) axes[0].imshow(img0) axes[1].imshow(img1) for i in range(2): # clear all frames axes[i].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) axes[i].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) for spine in axes[i].spines.values(): spine.set_visible(False) plt.tight_layout(pad=1) if kpts0 is not None: assert kpts1 is not None axes[0].scatter(kpts0[:, 0], kpts0[:, 1], c='w', s=2) axes[1].scatter(kpts1[:, 0], kpts1[:, 1], c='w', s=2) # draw matches if mkpts0.shape[0] != 0 and mkpts1.shape[0] != 0: fig.canvas.draw() transFigure = fig.transFigure.inverted() fkpts0 = transFigure.transform(axes[0].transData.transform(mkpts0)) fkpts1 = transFigure.transform(axes[1].transData.transform(mkpts1)) fig.lines = [matplotlib.lines.Line2D((fkpts0[i, 0], fkpts1[i, 0]), (fkpts0[i, 1], fkpts1[i, 1]), transform=fig.transFigure, c='b', linewidth=0.5,alpha=0.3) for i in range(len(mkpts0))] axes[0].scatter(mkpts0[:, 0], mkpts0[:, 1], c=color, s=5) axes[1].scatter(mkpts1[:, 0], mkpts1[:, 1], c=color, s=5) # put txts txt_color = 'k' if img0[:100, :200].mean() > 200 else 'w' fig.text( 0.01, 0.99, '\n'.join(text), transform=fig.axes[0].transAxes, fontsize=15, va='top', ha='left', color='k') # save or return figure if path: plt.savefig(str(path), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) print('saved', os.getcwd(), path) plt.close() else: return fig def pose_filter(mkpts0, mkpts1, K0, K1): mkpts0 = (mkpts0 - K0[[0, 1], [2, 2]][None]) / K0[[0, 1], [0, 1]][None] mkpts1 = (mkpts1 - K1[[0, 1], [2, 2]][None]) / K1[[0, 1], [0, 1]][None] ransac_thr = 0.5 / np.mean([K0[0, 0], K1[1, 1], K0[0, 0], K1[1, 1]]) if len(mkpts0) < 6: E = None mask = None else: E, mask = cv2.findEssentialMat( mkpts0, mkpts1, np.eye(3), threshold=ransac_thr, prob=0.99999, method=cv2.RANSAC) return E, mask root_dir = 'inference/' pretrained_ckpt = "weights/indoor_student.ckpt" matcher = LoFTR_RGB(config=default_cfg) img0_pth, img1_pth = 'demo1.jpg','demo2.jpg' img0_pth, img1_pth = root_dir + img0_pth, root_dir + img1_pth sd = torch.load(pretrained_ckpt, map_location='cpu')['state_dict'] from collections import OrderedDict new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in sd.items(): name = k[8:] # remove `matcher.` new_state_dict[name] = v matcher.load_state_dict(new_state_dict, strict=False) matcher = matcher.eval().cuda() img0_raw = cv2.imread(img0_pth, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) img1_raw = cv2.imread(img1_pth, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) img0_raw = cv2.resize(img0_raw, (640, 480)) img1_raw = cv2.resize(img1_raw, (640, 480)) img0 = cv2.cvtColor(img0_raw, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img1 = cv2.cvtColor(img1_raw, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img0 = np.ascontiguousarray(img0) img1 = np.ascontiguousarray(img1) mean = (0.485, 0.456, 0.406) std = (0.229, 0.224, 0.225) img0 = img0.astype(float) img1 = img1.astype(float) img0[:, :, 0] = (img0[:, :, 0] / 255. - mean[0]) / std[0] img0[:, :, 1] = (img0[:, :, 1] / 255. - mean[1]) / std[1] img0[:, :, 2] = (img0[:, :, 2] / 255. - mean[2]) / std[2] img1[:, :, 0] = (img1[:, :, 0] / 255. - mean[0]) / std[0] img1[:, :, 1] = (img1[:, :, 1] / 255. - mean[1]) / std[1] img1[:, :, 2] = (img1[:, :, 2] / 255. - mean[2]) / std[2] img0 = torch.from_numpy(img0).float()[None].cuda() img1 = torch.from_numpy(img1).float()[None].cuda() img0 = img0.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) img1 = img1.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) batch = {'image0': img0, 'image1': img1} # Inference with LoFTR and get prediction with torch.no_grad(): matcher(batch) mkpts0 = batch['mkpts0_f'].cpu().numpy() mkpts1 = batch['mkpts1_f'].cpu().numpy() mconf = batch['mconf'].cpu().numpy() #_, mask = pose_filter(mkpts0, mkpts1, K0, K1) # ind_mask = np.where(mask == 1) # mkpts0 = mkpts0[ind_mask[0], :] # mkpts1 = mkpts1[ind_mask[0], :] # mconf = mconf[ind_mask[0]] # Draw if mconf!=[]: mconf=(mconf-mconf.min())/(mconf.max()-mconf.min()) color = cm.jet(mconf) text = [ '3DG-STFM', 'Matches: {}'.format(len(mkpts0)), ] fig = make_matching_figure(img0_raw, img1_raw, mkpts0, mkpts1, color, text=text, path='demo.png')
import math import argparse import pprint from distutils.util import strtobool from pathlib import Path from loguru import logger as loguru_logger import pytorch_lightning as pl from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_only from pytorch_lightning.loggers import TensorBoardLogger from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint, LearningRateMonitor from pytorch_lightning.plugins import DDPPlugin from src.config.default import get_cfg_defaults from src.utils.misc import get_rank_zero_only_logger, setup_gpus from src.utils.profiler import build_profiler from import RGBDDataModule from src.lightning.lightning_loftr import PL_LoFTR_RGBD loguru_logger = get_rank_zero_only_logger(loguru_logger) def parse_args(): # init a costum parser which will be added into pl.Trainer parser # check documentation: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( 'data_cfg_path', type=str, help='data config path') parser.add_argument( 'main_cfg_path', type=str, help='main config path') parser.add_argument( '--exp_name', type=str, default='default_exp_name') parser.add_argument( '--batch_size', type=int, default=4, help='batch_size per gpu') parser.add_argument( '--num_workers', type=int, default=4) parser.add_argument( '--pin_memory', type=lambda x: bool(strtobool(x)), nargs='?', default=True, help='whether loading data to pinned memory or not') parser.add_argument( '--ckpt_path', type=str, default=None, help='pretrained checkpoint path, helpful for using a pre-trained coarse-only LoFTR') parser.add_argument( '--disable_ckpt', action='store_true', help='disable checkpoint saving (useful for debugging).') parser.add_argument( '--profiler_name', type=str, default=None, help='options: [inference, pytorch], or leave it unset') parser.add_argument( '--parallel_load_data', action='store_true', help='load datasets in with multiple processes.') parser = pl.Trainer.add_argparse_args(parser) return parser.parse_args() def main(): # parse arguments args = parse_args() rank_zero_only(pprint.pprint)(vars(args)) # init default-cfg and merge it with the main- and data-cfg config = get_cfg_defaults() config.merge_from_file(args.main_cfg_path) config.merge_from_file(args.data_cfg_path) pl.seed_everything(config.TRAINER.SEED) # reproducibility # TODO: Use different seeds for each dataloader workers # This is needed for data augmentation # scale lr and warmup-step automatically args.gpus = _n_gpus = setup_gpus(args.gpus) config.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE = _n_gpus * args.num_nodes config.TRAINER.TRUE_BATCH_SIZE = config.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE * args.batch_size _scaling = config.TRAINER.TRUE_BATCH_SIZE / config.TRAINER.CANONICAL_BS config.TRAINER.SCALING = _scaling config.TRAINER.TRUE_LR = config.TRAINER.CANONICAL_LR * _scaling config.TRAINER.WARMUP_STEP = math.floor(config.TRAINER.WARMUP_STEP / _scaling) # lightning module profiler = build_profiler(args.profiler_name) model = PL_LoFTR_RGBD(config, pretrained_ckpt=args.ckpt_path, profiler=profiler)"LoFTR LightningModule initialized!") # lightning data data_module = RGBDDataModule(args, config)"LoFTR DataModule initialized!") # TensorBoard Logger logger = TensorBoardLogger(save_dir='logs/tb_logs', name=args.exp_name, default_hp_metric=False) ckpt_dir = Path(logger.log_dir) / 'checkpoints' # Callbacks # TODO: update ModelCheckpoint to monitor multiple metrics ckpt_callback = ModelCheckpoint(monitor='auc@10', verbose=True, save_top_k=5, mode='max', save_last=True, dirpath=str(ckpt_dir), filename='{epoch}-{auc@5:.3f}-{auc@10:.3f}-{auc@20:.3f}') lr_monitor = LearningRateMonitor(logging_interval='step') callbacks = [lr_monitor] if not args.disable_ckpt: callbacks.append(ckpt_callback) # Lightning Trainer trainer = pl.Trainer.from_argparse_args( args, plugins=DDPPlugin(find_unused_parameters=False, num_nodes=args.num_nodes, sync_batchnorm=config.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE > 0), gradient_clip_val=config.TRAINER.GRADIENT_CLIPPING, callbacks=callbacks, logger=logger, sync_batchnorm=config.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE > 0, replace_sampler_ddp=False, # use custom sampler reload_dataloaders_every_epoch=False, # avoid repeated samples! weights_summary='full', profiler=profiler)"Trainer initialized!")"Start training!"), datamodule=data_module) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from yacs.config import CfgNode as CN _CN = CN() ############## ↓ LoFTR Pipeline ↓ ############## _CN.LOFTR = CN() _CN.LOFTR.BACKBONE_TYPE = 'ResNetFPN' _CN.LOFTR.RESOLUTION = (8, 2) # options: [(8, 2), (16, 4)] _CN.LOFTR.FINE_WINDOW_SIZE = 5 # window_size in fine_level, must be odd _CN.LOFTR.FINE_CONCAT_COARSE_FEAT = True # 1. LoFTR-backbone (local feature CNN) config _CN.LOFTR.RESNETFPN = CN() _CN.LOFTR.RESNETFPN.INITIAL_DIM = 128 _CN.LOFTR.RESNETFPN.BLOCK_DIMS = [128, 196, 256] # s1, s2, s3 # 2. LoFTR-coarse module config _CN.LOFTR.COARSE = CN() _CN.LOFTR.COARSE.D_MODEL = 256 _CN.LOFTR.COARSE.D_FFN = 256 _CN.LOFTR.COARSE.NHEAD = 8 _CN.LOFTR.COARSE.LAYER_NAMES = ['self', 'cross'] * 4 _CN.LOFTR.COARSE.ATTENTION = 'linear' # options: ['linear', 'full'] # 3. Coarse-Matching config _CN.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE = CN() _CN.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.THR = 0.2 _CN.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.BORDER_RM = 2 _CN.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.MATCH_TYPE = 'dual_softmax' # options: ['dual_softmax, 'sinkhorn'] _CN.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.DSMAX_TEMPERATURE = 0.1 _CN.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.SKH_ITERS = 3 _CN.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.SKH_INIT_BIN_SCORE = 1.0 _CN.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.SKH_PREFILTER = False _CN.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.TRAIN_COARSE_PERCENT = 0.2 # training tricks: save GPU memory _CN.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.TRAIN_PAD_NUM_GT_MIN = 200 # training tricks: avoid DDP deadlock _CN.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.SPARSE_SPVS = True # 4. LoFTR-fine module config _CN.LOFTR.FINE = CN() _CN.LOFTR.FINE.D_MODEL = 128 _CN.LOFTR.FINE.D_FFN = 128 _CN.LOFTR.FINE.NHEAD = 8 _CN.LOFTR.FINE.LAYER_NAMES = ['self', 'cross'] * 1 _CN.LOFTR.FINE.ATTENTION = 'linear' # 5. LoFTR Losses # -- # coarse-level _CN.LOFTR.LOSS = CN() _CN.LOFTR.LOSS.COARSE_TYPE = 'focal' # ['focal', 'cross_entropy'] _CN.LOFTR.LOSS.COARSE_WEIGHT = 1.0 # _CN.LOFTR.LOSS.SPARSE_SPVS = False # -- - -- # focal loss (coarse) _CN.LOFTR.LOSS.FOCAL_ALPHA = 0.25 _CN.LOFTR.LOSS.FOCAL_GAMMA = 2.0 _CN.LOFTR.LOSS.POS_WEIGHT = 1.0 _CN.LOFTR.LOSS.NEG_WEIGHT = 1.0 # _CN.LOFTR.LOSS.DUAL_SOFTMAX = False # whether coarse-level use dual-softmax or not. # use `_CN.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.MATCH_TYPE` # -- # fine-level _CN.LOFTR.LOSS.FINE_TYPE = 'l2_with_std' # ['l2_with_std', 'l2'] _CN.LOFTR.LOSS.FINE_WEIGHT = 1.0 _CN.LOFTR.LOSS.FINE_CORRECT_THR = 1.0 # for filtering valid fine-level gts (some gt matches might fall out of the fine-level window) ############## Dataset ############## _CN.DATASET = CN() # 1. data config # training and validating _CN.DATASET.TRAINVAL_DATA_SOURCE = None # options: ['ScanNet', 'MegaDepth'] _CN.DATASET.TRAIN_DATA_ROOT = None _CN.DATASET.TRAIN_POSE_ROOT = None # (optional directory for poses) _CN.DATASET.TRAIN_NPZ_ROOT = None _CN.DATASET.TRAIN_LIST_PATH = None _CN.DATASET.TRAIN_INTRINSIC_PATH = None _CN.DATASET.VAL_DATA_ROOT = None _CN.DATASET.VAL_POSE_ROOT = None # (optional directory for poses) _CN.DATASET.VAL_NPZ_ROOT = None _CN.DATASET.VAL_LIST_PATH = None # None if val data from all scenes are bundled into a single npz file _CN.DATASET.VAL_INTRINSIC_PATH = None # testing _CN.DATASET.TEST_DATA_SOURCE = None _CN.DATASET.TEST_DATA_ROOT = None _CN.DATASET.TEST_POSE_ROOT = None # (optional directory for poses) _CN.DATASET.TEST_NPZ_ROOT = None _CN.DATASET.TEST_LIST_PATH = None # None if test data from all scenes are bundled into a single npz file _CN.DATASET.TEST_INTRINSIC_PATH = None # 2. dataset config # general options _CN.DATASET.MIN_OVERLAP_SCORE_TRAIN = 0.4 # discard data with overlap_score < min_overlap_score _CN.DATASET.MIN_OVERLAP_SCORE_TEST = 0.0 _CN.DATASET.AUGMENTATION_TYPE = None # options: [None, 'dark', 'mobile'] # MegaDepth options _CN.DATASET.MGDPT_IMG_RESIZE = 640 # resize the longer side, zero-pad bottom-right to square. _CN.DATASET.MGDPT_IMG_PAD = True # pad img to square with size = MGDPT_IMG_RESIZE _CN.DATASET.MGDPT_DEPTH_PAD = True # pad depthmap to square with size = 2000 _CN.DATASET.MGDPT_DF = 8 ############## Trainer ############## _CN.TRAINER = CN() _CN.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE = 1 _CN.TRAINER.CANONICAL_BS = 64 _CN.TRAINER.CANONICAL_LR = 6e-3 #6e-3 _CN.TRAINER.SCALING = None # this will be calculated automatically _CN.TRAINER.FIND_LR = False # use learning rate finder from pytorch-lightning # optimizer _CN.TRAINER.OPTIMIZER = "adamw" # [adam, adamw] _CN.TRAINER.TRUE_LR = None # this will be calculated automatically at runtime _CN.TRAINER.ADAM_DECAY = 0. # ADAM: for adam _CN.TRAINER.ADAMW_DECAY = 0.1 # step-based warm-up _CN.TRAINER.WARMUP_TYPE = 'linear' # [linear, constant] _CN.TRAINER.WARMUP_RATIO = 0. _CN.TRAINER.WARMUP_STEP = 4800#4800 # learning rate scheduler _CN.TRAINER.SCHEDULER = 'MultiStepLR' # [MultiStepLR, CosineAnnealing, ExponentialLR] _CN.TRAINER.SCHEDULER_INTERVAL = 'epoch' # [epoch, step] _CN.TRAINER.MSLR_MILESTONES = [3, 6, 9, 12] # MSLR: MultiStepLR _CN.TRAINER.MSLR_GAMMA = 0.5 _CN.TRAINER.COSA_TMAX = 30 # COSA: CosineAnnealing _CN.TRAINER.ELR_GAMMA = 0.999992 # ELR: ExponentialLR, this value for 'step' interval # plotting related _CN.TRAINER.ENABLE_PLOTTING = True _CN.TRAINER.N_VAL_PAIRS_TO_PLOT = 32 # number of val/test paris for plotting _CN.TRAINER.PLOT_MODE = 'evaluation' # ['evaluation', 'confidence'] _CN.TRAINER.PLOT_MATCHES_ALPHA = 'dynamic' # geometric metrics and pose solver _CN.TRAINER.EPI_ERR_THR = 5e-4 # recommendation: 5e-4 for ScanNet, 1e-4 for MegaDepth (from SuperGlue) _CN.TRAINER.POSE_GEO_MODEL = 'E' # ['E', 'F', 'H'] _CN.TRAINER.POSE_ESTIMATION_METHOD = 'RANSAC' # [RANSAC, DEGENSAC, MAGSAC] _CN.TRAINER.RANSAC_PIXEL_THR = 0.5 _CN.TRAINER.RANSAC_CONF = 0.99999 _CN.TRAINER.RANSAC_MAX_ITERS = 10000 _CN.TRAINER.USE_MAGSACPP = False # data sampler for train_dataloader _CN.TRAINER.DATA_SAMPLER = 'scene_balance' # options: ['scene_balance', 'random', 'normal'] # 'scene_balance' config _CN.TRAINER.N_SAMPLES_PER_SUBSET = 200 _CN.TRAINER.SB_SUBSET_SAMPLE_REPLACEMENT = True # whether sample each scene with replacement or not _CN.TRAINER.SB_SUBSET_SHUFFLE = True # after sampling from scenes, whether shuffle within the epoch or not _CN.TRAINER.SB_REPEAT = 1 # repeat N times for training the sampled data # 'random' config _CN.TRAINER.RDM_REPLACEMENT = True _CN.TRAINER.RDM_NUM_SAMPLES = None # gradient clipping _CN.TRAINER.GRADIENT_CLIPPING = 0.5 # reproducibility # This seed affects the data sampling. With the same seed, the data sampling is promised # to be the same. When resume training from a checkpoint, it's better to use a different # seed, otherwise the sampled data will be exactly the same as before resuming, which will # cause less unique data items sampled during the entire training. # Use of different seed values might affect the final training result, since not all data items # are used during training on ScanNet. (60M pairs of images sampled during traing from 230M pairs in total.) _CN.TRAINER.SEED = 66 def get_cfg_defaults(): """Get a yacs CfgNode object with default values for my_project.""" # Return a clone so that the defaults will not be altered # This is for the "local variable" use pattern return _CN.clone()
import torch from import Sampler, ConcatDataset class RandomConcatSampler(Sampler): """ Random sampler for ConcatDataset. At each epoch, `n_samples_per_subset` samples will be draw from each subset in the ConcatDataset. If `subset_replacement` is ``True``, sampling within each subset will be done with replacement. However, it is impossible to sample data without replacement between epochs, unless bulding a stateful sampler lived along the entire training phase. For current implementation, the randomness of sampling is ensured no matter the sampler is recreated across epochs or not and call `torch.manual_seed()` or not. Args: shuffle (bool): shuffle the random sampled indices across all sub-datsets. repeat (int): repeatedly use the sampled indices multiple times for training. [arXiv:1902.05509, arXiv:1901.09335] NOTE: Don't re-initialize the sampler between epochs (will lead to repeated samples) NOTE: This sampler behaves differently with DistributedSampler. It assume the dataset is splitted across ranks instead of replicated. TODO: Add a `set_epoch()` method to fullfill sampling without replacement across epochs. ref: """ def __init__(self, data_source: ConcatDataset, n_samples_per_subset: int, subset_replacement: bool=True, shuffle: bool=True, repeat: int=1, seed: int=None): if not isinstance(data_source, ConcatDataset): raise TypeError("data_source should be") self.data_source = data_source self.n_subset = len(self.data_source.datasets) self.n_samples_per_subset = n_samples_per_subset self.n_samples = self.n_subset * self.n_samples_per_subset * repeat self.subset_replacement = subset_replacement self.repeat = repeat self.shuffle = shuffle self.generator = torch.manual_seed(seed) assert self.repeat >= 1 def __len__(self): return self.n_samples def __iter__(self): indices = [] # sample from each sub-dataset for d_idx in range(self.n_subset): low = 0 if d_idx==0 else self.data_source.cumulative_sizes[d_idx-1] high = self.data_source.cumulative_sizes[d_idx] if self.subset_replacement: rand_tensor = torch.randint(low, high, (self.n_samples_per_subset, ), generator=self.generator, dtype=torch.int64) else: # sample without replacement len_subset = len(self.data_source.datasets[d_idx]) rand_tensor = torch.randperm(len_subset, generator=self.generator) + low if len_subset >= self.n_samples_per_subset: rand_tensor = rand_tensor[:self.n_samples_per_subset] else: # padding with replacement rand_tensor_replacement = torch.randint(low, high, (self.n_samples_per_subset - len_subset, ), generator=self.generator, dtype=torch.int64) rand_tensor =[rand_tensor, rand_tensor_replacement]) indices.append(rand_tensor) indices = if self.shuffle: # shuffle the sampled dataset (from multiple subsets) rand_tensor = torch.randperm(len(indices), generator=self.generator) indices = indices[rand_tensor] # repeat the sampled indices (can be used for RepeatAugmentation or pure RepeatSampling) if self.repeat > 1: repeat_indices = [indices.clone() for _ in range(self.repeat - 1)] if self.shuffle: _choice = lambda x: x[torch.randperm(len(x), generator=self.generator)] repeat_indices = map(_choice, repeat_indices) indices =[indices, *repeat_indices], 0) assert indices.shape[0] == self.n_samples return iter(indices.tolist())
import os.path as osp import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from import Dataset from loguru import logger import cv2 from src.utils.dataset import read_megadepth_gray, read_megadepth_depth, read_megadepth_rgb class MegaDepth_RGB_Dataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, root_dir, npz_path, mode='train', min_overlap_score=0.4, img_resize=None, df=None, img_padding=False, depth_padding=False, augment_fn=None, **kwargs): """ Manage one scene(npz_path) of MegaDepth dataset. Args: root_dir (str): megadepth root directory that has `phoenix`. npz_path (str): {scene_id}.npz path. This contains image pair information of a scene. mode (str): options are ['train', 'val', 'test'] min_overlap_score (float): how much a pair should have in common. In range of [0, 1]. Set to 0 when testing. img_resize (int, optional): the longer edge of resized images. None for no resize. 640 is recommended. This is useful during training with batches and testing with memory intensive algorithms. df (int, optional): image size division factor. NOTE: this will change the final image size after img_resize. img_padding (bool): If set to 'True', zero-pad the image to squared size. This is useful during training. depth_padding (bool): If set to 'True', zero-pad depthmap to (2000, 2000). This is useful during training. augment_fn (callable, optional): augments images with pre-defined visual effects. """ super().__init__() self.root_dir = root_dir self.mode = mode self.scene_id = npz_path.split('.')[0] # prepare scene_info and pair_info if mode == 'test' and min_overlap_score != 0: logger.warning("You are using `min_overlap_score`!=0 in test mode. Set to 0.") min_overlap_score = 0 self.scene_info = np.load(npz_path, allow_pickle=True) self.pair_infos = self.scene_info['pair_infos'].copy() del self.scene_info['pair_infos'] self.pair_infos = [pair_info for pair_info in self.pair_infos if pair_info[1] > min_overlap_score] # parameters for image resizing, padding and depthmap padding if mode == 'train': assert img_resize is not None and img_padding and depth_padding self.img_resize = img_resize self.df = df self.img_padding = img_padding self.depth_max_size = 2000 if depth_padding else None # the upperbound of depthmaps size in megadepth. # for training LoFTR self.augment_fn = augment_fn if mode == 'train' else None self.coarse_scale = getattr(kwargs, 'coarse_scale', 0.125) def __len__(self): return len(self.pair_infos) def __getitem__(self, idx): (idx0, idx1), overlap_score, central_matches = self.pair_infos[idx] # read grayscale image and mask. (1, h, w) and (h, w) img_name0 = osp.join(self.root_dir, self.scene_info['image_paths'][idx0]) img_name1 = osp.join(self.root_dir, self.scene_info['image_paths'][idx1]) # TODO: Support augmentation & handle seeds for each worker correctly. image0, mask0, scale0 = read_megadepth_rgb( img_name0, self.img_resize, self.df, self.img_padding, None) # np.random.choice([self.augment_fn, None], p=[0.5, 0.5])) image1, mask1, scale1 = read_megadepth_rgb( img_name1, self.img_resize, self.df, self.img_padding, None) # np.random.choice([self.augment_fn, None], p=[0.5, 0.5])) # read depth. shape: (h, w) if self.mode in ['train', 'val']: depth0 = read_megadepth_depth( osp.join(self.root_dir, self.scene_info['depth_paths'][idx0]), pad_to=self.depth_max_size) depth1 = read_megadepth_depth( osp.join(self.root_dir, self.scene_info['depth_paths'][idx1]), pad_to=self.depth_max_size) else: depth0 = depth1 = torch.tensor([]) # read intrinsics of original size K_0 = torch.tensor(self.scene_info['intrinsics'][idx0].copy(), dtype=torch.float).reshape(3, 3) K_1 = torch.tensor(self.scene_info['intrinsics'][idx1].copy(), dtype=torch.float).reshape(3, 3) # read and compute relative poses T0 = self.scene_info['poses'][idx0] T1 = self.scene_info['poses'][idx1] T_0to1 = torch.tensor(np.matmul(T1, np.linalg.inv(T0)), dtype=torch.float)[:4, :4] # (4, 4) T_1to0 = T_0to1.inverse() data = { 'image0': image0, # (3, h, w) 'depth0': depth0, # (h, w) 'image1': image1, 'depth1': depth1, 'T_0to1': T_0to1, # (4, 4) 'T_1to0': T_1to0, 'K0': K_0, # (3, 3) 'K1': K_1, 'scale0': scale0, # [scale_w, scale_h] 'scale1': scale1, 'dataset_name': 'MegaDepth', 'scene_id': self.scene_id, 'pair_id': idx, 'pair_names': (self.scene_info['image_paths'][idx0], self.scene_info['image_paths'][idx1]), } # for LoFTR training if mask0 is not None: # img_padding is True if self.coarse_scale: [ts_mask_0, ts_mask_1] = F.interpolate(torch.stack([mask0[0], mask1[0]], dim=0)[None].float(), scale_factor=self.coarse_scale, mode='nearest', recompute_scale_factor=False)[0].bool() data.update({'mask0': ts_mask_0, 'mask1': ts_mask_1}) return data class MegaDepth_RGBD_Dataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, root_dir, npz_path, mode='train', min_overlap_score=0.4, img_resize=None, df=None, img_padding=False, depth_padding=False, augment_fn=None, **kwargs): """ Manage one scene(npz_path) of MegaDepth dataset. Args: root_dir (str): megadepth root directory that has `phoenix`. npz_path (str): {scene_id}.npz path. This contains image pair information of a scene. mode (str): options are ['train', 'val', 'test'] min_overlap_score (float): how much a pair should have in common. In range of [0, 1]. Set to 0 when testing. img_resize (int, optional): the longer edge of resized images. None for no resize. 640 is recommended. This is useful during training with batches and testing with memory intensive algorithms. df (int, optional): image size division factor. NOTE: this will change the final image size after img_resize. img_padding (bool): If set to 'True', zero-pad the image to squared size. This is useful during training. depth_padding (bool): If set to 'True', zero-pad depthmap to (2000, 2000). This is useful during training. augment_fn (callable, optional): augments images with pre-defined visual effects. """ super().__init__() self.root_dir = root_dir self.mode = mode self.scene_id = npz_path.split('.')[0] # prepare scene_info and pair_info if mode == 'test' and min_overlap_score != 0: logger.warning("You are using `min_overlap_score`!=0 in test mode. Set to 0.") min_overlap_score = 0 self.scene_info = np.load(npz_path, allow_pickle=True) self.pair_infos = self.scene_info['pair_infos'].copy() del self.scene_info['pair_infos'] self.pair_infos = [pair_info for pair_info in self.pair_infos if pair_info[1] > min_overlap_score] # parameters for image resizing, padding and depthmap padding if mode == 'train': assert img_resize is not None and img_padding and depth_padding self.img_resize = img_resize self.df = df self.img_padding = img_padding self.depth_max_size = 2000 if depth_padding else None # the upperbound of depthmaps size in megadepth. # for training LoFTR self.augment_fn = augment_fn if mode == 'train' else None self.coarse_scale = getattr(kwargs, 'coarse_scale', 0.125) def __len__(self): return len(self.pair_infos) def __getitem__(self, idx): (idx0, idx1), overlap_score, central_matches = self.pair_infos[idx] # read grayscale image and mask. (1, h, w) and (h, w) img_name0 = osp.join(self.root_dir, self.scene_info['image_paths'][idx0]) img_name1 = osp.join(self.root_dir, self.scene_info['image_paths'][idx1]) # TODO: Support augmentation & handle seeds for each worker correctly. image0, mask0, scale0 = read_megadepth_rgb( img_name0, self.img_resize, self.df, self.img_padding, None) # np.random.choice([self.augment_fn, None], p=[0.5, 0.5])) image1, mask1, scale1 = read_megadepth_rgb( img_name1, self.img_resize, self.df, self.img_padding, None) # np.random.choice([self.augment_fn, None], p=[0.5, 0.5])) # read depth. shape: (h, w) if self.mode in ['train', 'val','test']: depth0 = read_megadepth_depth( osp.join(self.root_dir, self.scene_info['depth_paths'][idx0]), pad_to=self.depth_max_size) depth1 = read_megadepth_depth( osp.join(self.root_dir, self.scene_info['depth_paths'][idx1]), pad_to=self.depth_max_size) else: depth0 = depth1 = torch.tensor([]) # read intrinsics of original size K_0 = torch.tensor(self.scene_info['intrinsics'][idx0].copy(), dtype=torch.float).reshape(3, 3) K_1 = torch.tensor(self.scene_info['intrinsics'][idx1].copy(), dtype=torch.float).reshape(3, 3) # read and compute relative poses T0 = self.scene_info['poses'][idx0] T1 = self.scene_info['poses'][idx1] T_0to1 = torch.tensor(np.matmul(T1, np.linalg.inv(T0)), dtype=torch.float)[:4, :4] # (4, 4) T_1to0 = T_0to1.inverse() resize_x,resize_y= image0.shape[-2:] #print(osp.join(self.root_dir, self.scene_info['depth_paths'][idx1])) resized_dpt0 = cv2.resize(np.float32(depth0), (resize_x, resize_y), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) resized_dpt1 = cv2.resize(np.float32(depth1), (resize_x, resize_y), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) resized_dpt0 =np.clip(resized_dpt0, 0, 3e8) resized_dpt1 = np.clip(resized_dpt1, 0, 3e8) max_ele = max(resized_dpt0.max(),resized_dpt1.max()) min_ele = min(resized_dpt0.min(),resized_dpt1.min()) resized_dpt0 = (resized_dpt0-min_ele)/(max_ele-min_ele) resized_dpt1 = (resized_dpt1-min_ele)/(max_ele-min_ele) #resized_dpt0 = np.clip(resized_dpt0, 0.6, 350) #resized_dpt1 = np.clip(resized_dpt1, 0.6, 350) #resized_dpt0 = np.log(resized_dpt0+1) #resized_dpt1 = np.log(resized_dpt1+1) resized_dpt0 = torch.from_numpy(resized_dpt0).float() resized_dpt1 = torch.from_numpy(resized_dpt1).float() image0 =, resized_dpt0[None, ...]/1.), dim = 0) image1 =, resized_dpt1[None, ...]/1.), dim = 0) data = { 'image0': image0, # (3, h, w) 'depth0': depth0, # (h, w) 'image1': image1, 'depth1': depth1, 'T_0to1': T_0to1, # (4, 4) 'T_1to0': T_1to0, 'K0': K_0, # (3, 3) 'K1': K_1, 'scale0': scale0, # [scale_w, scale_h] 'scale1': scale1, 'dataset_name': 'MegaDepth', 'scene_id': self.scene_id, 'pair_id': idx, 'pair_names': (self.scene_info['image_paths'][idx0], self.scene_info['image_paths'][idx1]), } # for LoFTR training if mask0 is not None: # img_padding is True if self.coarse_scale: [ts_mask_0, ts_mask_1] = F.interpolate(torch.stack([mask0[0], mask1[0]], dim=0)[None].float(), scale_factor=self.coarse_scale, mode='nearest', recompute_scale_factor=False)[0].bool() data.update({'mask0': ts_mask_0, 'mask1': ts_mask_1}) return data
from os import path as osp from typing import Dict from unicodedata import name import numpy as np import torch import torch.utils as utils from numpy.linalg import inv from src.utils.dataset import ( read_scannet_rgb, read_scannet_gray, read_scannet_depth, read_scannet_pose, read_scannet_intrinsic ) class ScanNet_RGB_Dataset( def __init__(self, root_dir, npz_path, intrinsic_path, mode='train', min_overlap_score=0.4, augment_fn=None, pose_dir=None, **kwargs): """Manage one scene of ScanNet Dataset. Args: root_dir (str): ScanNet root directory that contains scene folders. npz_path (str): {scene_id}.npz path. This contains image pair information of a scene. intrinsic_path (str): path to depth-camera intrinsic file. mode (str): options are ['train', 'val', 'test']. augment_fn (callable, optional): augments images with pre-defined visual effects. pose_dir (str): ScanNet root directory that contains all poses. (we use a separate (optional) pose_dir since we store images and poses separately.) """ super().__init__() self.root_dir = root_dir self.pose_dir = pose_dir if pose_dir is not None else root_dir self.mode = mode # prepare data_names, intrinsics and extrinsics(T) with np.load(npz_path) as data: self.data_names = data['name'] if 'score' in data.keys() and mode not in ['val' or 'test']: kept_mask = data['score'] > min_overlap_score self.data_names = self.data_names[kept_mask] self.intrinsics = dict(np.load(intrinsic_path)) # for training LoFTR self.augment_fn = augment_fn if mode == 'train' else None def __len__(self): return len(self.data_names) def _read_abs_pose(self, scene_name, name): pth = osp.join(self.pose_dir, scene_name, 'pose', f'{name}.txt') return read_scannet_pose(pth) def _compute_rel_pose(self, scene_name, name0, name1): pose0 = self._read_abs_pose(scene_name, name0) pose1 = self._read_abs_pose(scene_name, name1) return np.matmul(pose1, inv(pose0)) # (4, 4) def __getitem__(self, idx): data_name = self.data_names[idx] scene_name, scene_sub_name, stem_name_0, stem_name_1 = data_name scene_name = f'scene{scene_name:04d}_{scene_sub_name:02d}' # read the grayscale image which will be resized to (1, 480, 640) img_name0 = osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'color', f'{stem_name_0}.jpg') img_name1 = osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'color', f'{stem_name_1}.jpg') # img_name0 = osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'depth', f'{stem_name_0}.png')#depth image as color for inference--Runyu # img_name1 = osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'depth', f'{stem_name_1}.png')#depth image as color for inference--Runyu # TODO: Support augmentation & handle seeds for each worker correctly. #print(img_name0,img_name1) image0 = read_scannet_rgb(img_name0, resize=(640, 480), augment_fn=None) # augment_fn=np.random.choice([self.augment_fn, None], p=[0.5, 0.5])) image1 = read_scannet_rgb(img_name1, resize=(640, 480), augment_fn=None) # augment_fn=np.random.choice([self.augment_fn, None], p=[0.5, 0.5])) # read the depthmap which is stored as (480, 640) if self.mode in ['train', 'val', 'test']: # original not include 'test' mode depth0 = read_scannet_depth(osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'depth', f'{stem_name_0}.png')) depth1 = read_scannet_depth(osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'depth', f'{stem_name_1}.png')) else: depth0 = depth1 = torch.tensor([]) image0 = image0.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) image1 = image1.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # depth0 = read_scannet_depth(osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'depth', f'{stem_name_0}.png')) # depth1 = read_scannet_depth(osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'depth', f'{stem_name_1}.png')) # image0 = depth0/10. # image0 = image0[None] # image1 = depth1/10. # image1 = image1[None] # read the intrinsic of depthmap K_0 = K_1 = torch.tensor(self.intrinsics[scene_name].copy(), dtype=torch.float).reshape(3, 3) # read and compute relative poses T_0to1 = torch.tensor(self._compute_rel_pose(scene_name, stem_name_0, stem_name_1), dtype=torch.float32) T_1to0 = T_0to1.inverse() #image0 =, depth0[None, ...]/10.), dim = 0) #image1 =, depth1[None, ...]/10.), dim = 0) data = { 'image0': image0[0], # (2, h, w) 'depth0': depth0, # (h, w) 'image1': image1[0], 'depth1': depth1, 'T_0to1': T_0to1, # (4, 4) 'T_1to0': T_1to0, 'K0': K_0, # (3, 3) 'K1': K_1, 'dataset_name': 'ScanNet', 'scene_id': scene_name, 'pair_id': idx, 'pair_names': (osp.join(scene_name, 'color', f'{stem_name_0}.jpg'), osp.join(scene_name, 'color', f'{stem_name_1}.jpg')) } return data class ScanNet_RGBD_Dataset( def __init__(self, root_dir, npz_path, intrinsic_path, mode='train', min_overlap_score=0.4, augment_fn=None, pose_dir=None, **kwargs): """Manage one scene of ScanNet Dataset. Args: root_dir (str): ScanNet root directory that contains scene folders. npz_path (str): {scene_id}.npz path. This contains image pair information of a scene. intrinsic_path (str): path to depth-camera intrinsic file. mode (str): options are ['train', 'val', 'test']. augment_fn (callable, optional): augments images with pre-defined visual effects. pose_dir (str): ScanNet root directory that contains all poses. (we use a separate (optional) pose_dir since we store images and poses separately.) """ super().__init__() self.root_dir = root_dir self.pose_dir = pose_dir if pose_dir is not None else root_dir self.mode = mode # prepare data_names, intrinsics and extrinsics(T) with np.load(npz_path) as data: self.data_names = data['name'] if 'score' in data.keys() and mode not in ['val' or 'test']: kept_mask = data['score'] > min_overlap_score self.data_names = self.data_names[kept_mask] self.intrinsics = dict(np.load(intrinsic_path)) # for training LoFTR self.augment_fn = augment_fn if mode == 'train' else None def __len__(self): return len(self.data_names) def _read_abs_pose(self, scene_name, name): pth = osp.join(self.pose_dir, scene_name, 'pose', f'{name}.txt') return read_scannet_pose(pth) def _compute_rel_pose(self, scene_name, name0, name1): pose0 = self._read_abs_pose(scene_name, name0) pose1 = self._read_abs_pose(scene_name, name1) return np.matmul(pose1, inv(pose0)) # (4, 4) def __getitem__(self, idx): data_name = self.data_names[idx] scene_name, scene_sub_name, stem_name_0, stem_name_1 = data_name scene_name = f'scene{scene_name:04d}_{scene_sub_name:02d}' # read the grayscale image which will be resized to (1, 480, 640) img_name0 = osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'color', f'{stem_name_0}.jpg') img_name1 = osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'color', f'{stem_name_1}.jpg') # img_name0 = osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'depth', f'{stem_name_0}.png')#depth image as color for inference--Runyu # img_name1 = osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'depth', f'{stem_name_1}.png')#depth image as color for inference--Runyu # TODO: Support augmentation & handle seeds for each worker correctly. image0 = read_scannet_rgb(img_name0, resize=(640, 480), augment_fn=None) # augment_fn=np.random.choice([self.augment_fn, None], p=[0.5, 0.5])) image1 = read_scannet_rgb(img_name1, resize=(640, 480), augment_fn=None) # augment_fn=np.random.choice([self.augment_fn, None], p=[0.5, 0.5])) gray0 = read_scannet_gray(img_name0, resize=(640, 480), augment_fn=None) # augment_fn=np.random.choice([self.augment_fn, None], p=[0.5, 0.5])) gray1 = read_scannet_gray(img_name1, resize=(640, 480), augment_fn=None) # read the depthmap which is stored as (480, 640) if self.mode in ['train', 'val', 'test']: # original not include 'test' mode depth0 = read_scannet_depth(osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'depth', f'{stem_name_0}.png'))##changed depth1 = read_scannet_depth(osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'depth', f'{stem_name_1}.png'))##changed else: depth0 = depth1 = torch.tensor([]) image0 = image0.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) image0 = image0[0] image1 = image1.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) image1 = image1[0] # depth0 = read_scannet_depth(osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'depth', f'{stem_name_0}.png')) # depth1 = read_scannet_depth(osp.join(self.root_dir, scene_name, 'depth', f'{stem_name_1}.png')) # image0 = depth0/10. # image0 = image0[None] # image1 = depth1/10. # image1 = image1[None] # read the intrinsic of depthmap K_0 = K_1 = torch.tensor(self.intrinsics[scene_name].copy(), dtype=torch.float).reshape(3, 3) # read and compute relative poses T_0to1 = torch.tensor(self._compute_rel_pose(scene_name, stem_name_0, stem_name_1), dtype=torch.float32) T_1to0 = T_0to1.inverse() #depth0 = depth0*10000./255.##changed #depth1 = depth1*10000./255.##changed image0 =, depth0[None, ...]/10.), dim = 0) image1 =, depth1[None, ...]/10.), dim = 0) data = { 'image0': image0, # (4, h, w) 'depth0': depth0, # (h, w) 'gray0':gray0, 'image1': image1, 'depth1': depth1, 'gray1': gray1, 'T_0to1': T_0to1, # (4, 4) 'T_1to0': T_1to0, 'K0': K_0, # (3, 3) 'K1': K_1, 'dataset_name': 'ScanNet', 'scene_id': scene_name, 'pair_id': idx, 'pair_names': (osp.join(scene_name, 'color', f'{stem_name_0}.jpg'), osp.join(scene_name, 'color', f'{stem_name_1}.jpg')) } return data
from collections import defaultdict import pprint from loguru import logger from pathlib import Path import torch import numpy as np import pytorch_lightning as pl from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from src.loftr import LoFTR_RGB,LoFTR_RGBD,LoFTR_RGBD_teacher,LoFTR_RGB_student from src.loftr.utils.supervision import compute_supervision_coarse, compute_supervision_fine from src.losses.loftr_loss import LoFTRLoss,LoFTRLoss_t_s from src.optimizers import build_optimizer, build_scheduler from src.utils.metrics import ( compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors, compute_pose_errors, compute_homo_errors, aggregate_metrics_homo, aggregate_metrics, filter_depth_inconsist_point, filter_unsampled_point ) from src.utils.plotting import make_matching_figures from src.utils.comm import gather, all_gather from src.utils.misc import lower_config, flattenList from src.utils.profiler import PassThroughProfiler import torch.nn as nn class PL_LoFTR_RGB(pl.LightningModule): def __init__(self, config, pretrained_ckpt=None, profiler=None, dump_dir=None): """ TODO: - use the new version of PL logging API. """ super().__init__() # Misc self.config = config # full config _config = lower_config(self.config) self.loftr_cfg = lower_config(_config['loftr']) self.profiler = profiler or PassThroughProfiler() self.n_vals_plot = max(config.TRAINER.N_VAL_PAIRS_TO_PLOT // config.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE, 1) # Matcher: LoFTR self.matcher = LoFTR_RGB(config=_config['loftr']) self.loss = LoFTRLoss(_config) # Pretrained weights if pretrained_ckpt: #self.matcher.load_state_dict(torch.load(pretrained_ckpt, map_location='cpu')['state_dict']) sd = torch.load(pretrained_ckpt, map_location='cpu')['state_dict'] from collections import OrderedDict new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in sd.items(): name = k[8:] # remove `matcher.` new_state_dict[name] = v self.matcher.load_state_dict(new_state_dict, strict=False)"Load \'{pretrained_ckpt}\' as pretrained checkpoint") # Testing self.dump_dir = dump_dir def configure_optimizers(self): # FIXME: The scheduler did not work properly when `--resume_from_checkpoint` optimizer = build_optimizer(self, self.config) scheduler = build_scheduler(self.config, optimizer) return [optimizer], [scheduler] def optimizer_step( self, epoch, batch_idx, optimizer, optimizer_idx, optimizer_closure, on_tpu, using_native_amp, using_lbfgs): # learning rate warm up warmup_step = self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_STEP if self.trainer.global_step < warmup_step: if self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_TYPE == 'linear': base_lr = self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_RATIO * self.config.TRAINER.TRUE_LR lr = base_lr + \ (self.trainer.global_step / self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_STEP) * \ abs(self.config.TRAINER.TRUE_LR - base_lr) for pg in optimizer.param_groups: pg['lr'] = lr elif self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_TYPE == 'constant': pass else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown lr warm-up strategy: {self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_TYPE}') # update params optimizer.step(closure=optimizer_closure) optimizer.zero_grad() def _trainval_inference(self, batch): with self.profiler.profile("Compute coarse supervision"): compute_supervision_coarse(batch, self.config) with self.profiler.profile("LoFTR"): self.matcher(batch) with self.profiler.profile("Compute fine supervision"): compute_supervision_fine(batch, self.config) with self.profiler.profile("Compute losses"): self.loss(batch) def _compute_metrics(self, batch): with self.profiler.profile("Copmute metrics"): compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors(batch) # compute epi_errs for each match compute_pose_errors(batch, self.config) # compute R_errs, t_errs, pose_errs for each pair rel_pair_names = list(zip(*batch['pair_names'])) bs = batch['image0'].size(0) metrics = { # to filter duplicate pairs caused by DistributedSampler 'identifiers': ['#'.join(rel_pair_names[b]) for b in range(bs)], 'epi_errs': [batch['epi_errs'][batch['m_bids'] == b].cpu().numpy() for b in range(bs)], 'R_errs': batch['R_errs'], 't_errs': batch['t_errs'], 'inliers': batch['inliers']} ret_dict = {'metrics': metrics} return ret_dict, rel_pair_names def _compute_metrics_custom(self, batch): with self.profiler.profile("Copmute metrics"): filter_depth_inconsist_point(batch, self.config) compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors(batch) # compute epi_errs for each match compute_pose_errors(batch, self.config) # compute R_errs, t_errs, pose_errs for each pair rel_pair_names = list(zip(*batch['pair_names'])) bs = batch['image0'].size(0) metrics = { # to filter duplicate pairs caused by DistributedSampler 'identifiers': ['#'.join(rel_pair_names[b]) for b in range(bs)], 'epi_errs': [batch['epi_errs'].cpu().numpy()], 'R_errs': batch['R_errs'], 't_errs': batch['t_errs'], 'inliers': batch['inliers']} ret_dict = {'metrics': metrics} return ret_dict, rel_pair_names def _compute_metrics_custom_sample(self, batch): with self.profiler.profile("Copmute metrics"): filter_depth_inconsist_point(batch, self.config) compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors(batch) # compute epi_errs for each match compute_pose_errors(batch, self.config) # compute R_errs, t_errs, pose_errs for each pair rel_pair_names = list(zip(*batch['pair_names'])) bs = batch['image0'].size(0) metrics = { # to filter duplicate pairs caused by DistributedSampler 'identifiers': ['#'.join(rel_pair_names[b]) for b in range(bs)], 'epi_errs': [batch['epi_errs'].cpu().numpy()], 'R_errs': batch['R_errs'], 't_errs': batch['t_errs'], 'inliers': batch['inliers']} ret_dict = {'metrics': metrics} return ret_dict, rel_pair_names def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): self._trainval_inference(batch) # logging if self.trainer.global_rank == 0 and self.global_step % self.trainer.log_every_n_steps == 0: # scalars for k, v in batch['loss_scalars'].items(): self.logger.experiment.add_scalar(f'train/{k}', v, self.global_step) # net-params if self.config.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.MATCH_TYPE == 'sinkhorn': self.logger.experiment.add_scalar( f'skh_bin_score', self.matcher.coarse_matching.bin_score.clone().detach().cpu().data, self.global_step) # figures if self.config.TRAINER.ENABLE_PLOTTING: compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors(batch) # compute epi_errs for each match figures = make_matching_figures(batch, self.config, self.config.TRAINER.PLOT_MODE) for k, v in figures.items(): self.logger.experiment.add_figure(f'train_match/{k}', v, self.global_step) return {'loss': batch['loss']} def training_epoch_end(self, outputs): avg_loss = torch.stack([x['loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() if self.trainer.global_rank == 0: self.logger.experiment.add_scalar( 'train/avg_loss_on_epoch', avg_loss, global_step=self.current_epoch) def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): self._trainval_inference(batch) ret_dict, _ = self._compute_metrics(batch) val_plot_interval = max(self.trainer.num_val_batches[0] // self.n_vals_plot, 1) figures = {self.config.TRAINER.PLOT_MODE: []} if batch_idx % val_plot_interval == 0: figures = make_matching_figures(batch, self.config, mode=self.config.TRAINER.PLOT_MODE) return { **ret_dict, 'loss_scalars': batch['loss_scalars'], 'figures': figures, } def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): # handle multiple validation sets multi_outputs = [outputs] if not isinstance(outputs[0], (list, tuple)) else outputs multi_val_metrics = defaultdict(list) for valset_idx, outputs in enumerate(multi_outputs): # since pl performs sanity_check at the very begining of the training cur_epoch = self.trainer.current_epoch if not self.trainer.resume_from_checkpoint and self.trainer.running_sanity_check: cur_epoch = -1 # 1. loss_scalars: dict of list, on cpu _loss_scalars = [o['loss_scalars'] for o in outputs] loss_scalars = {k: flattenList(all_gather([_ls[k] for _ls in _loss_scalars])) for k in _loss_scalars[0]} # 2. val metrics: dict of list, numpy _metrics = [o['metrics'] for o in outputs] metrics = {k: flattenList(all_gather(flattenList([_me[k] for _me in _metrics]))) for k in _metrics[0]} # NOTE: all ranks need to `aggregate_merics`, but only log at rank-0 val_metrics_4tb = aggregate_metrics(metrics, self.config.TRAINER.EPI_ERR_THR) for thr in [5, 10, 20]: multi_val_metrics[f'auc@{thr}'].append(val_metrics_4tb[f'auc@{thr}']) # 3. figures _figures = [o['figures'] for o in outputs] figures = {k: flattenList(gather(flattenList([_me[k] for _me in _figures]))) for k in _figures[0]} # tensorboard records only on rank 0 if self.trainer.global_rank == 0: for k, v in loss_scalars.items(): mean_v = torch.stack(v).mean() self.logger.experiment.add_scalar(f'val_{valset_idx}/avg_{k}', mean_v, global_step=cur_epoch) for k, v in val_metrics_4tb.items(): self.logger.experiment.add_scalar(f"metrics_{valset_idx}/{k}", v, global_step=cur_epoch) for k, v in figures.items(): if self.trainer.global_rank == 0: for plot_idx, fig in enumerate(v): self.logger.experiment.add_figure( f'val_match_{valset_idx}/{k}/pair-{plot_idx}', fig, cur_epoch, close=True) plt.close('all') for thr in [5, 10, 20]: # log on all ranks for ModelCheckpoint callback to work properly self.log(f'auc@{thr}', torch.tensor(np.mean(multi_val_metrics[f'auc@{thr}']))) # ckpt monitors on this def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): with self.profiler.profile("LoFTR"): self.matcher(batch) setting = 'Normal' if setting == 'Normal': ret_dict, rel_pair_names = self._compute_metrics(batch) elif setting == 'depth_check': # print("Using the depth information to remove the matching outliers") ret_dict, rel_pair_names = self._compute_metrics_custom(batch) elif setting == 'depth_sample': ret_dict, rel_pair_names = self._compute_metrics_custom_sample(batch) with self.profiler.profile("dump_results"): if self.dump_dir is not None: # dump results for further analysis keys_to_save = {'mkpts0_f', 'mkpts1_f', 'mconf', 'epi_errs'} pair_names = list(zip(*batch['pair_names'])) bs = batch['image0'].shape[0] dumps = [] for b_id in range(bs): item = {} mask = batch['m_bids'] == b_id item['pair_names'] = pair_names[b_id] item['identifier'] = '#'.join(rel_pair_names[b_id]) for key in keys_to_save: if setting == 'depth_check': item[key] = batch[key][:].cpu().numpy() elif setting == 'Normal': item[key] = batch[key][mask].cpu().numpy() elif setting == 'depth_sample': print('here') for key in ['R_errs', 't_errs', 'inliers']: item[key] = batch[key][b_id] dumps.append(item) ret_dict['dumps'] = dumps return ret_dict def test_epoch_end(self, outputs): # metrics: dict of list, numpy _metrics = [o['metrics'] for o in outputs] metrics = {k: flattenList(gather(flattenList([_me[k] for _me in _metrics]))) for k in _metrics[0]} # [{key: [{...}, *#bs]}, *#batch] if self.dump_dir is not None: Path(self.dump_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) _dumps = flattenList([o['dumps'] for o in outputs]) # [{...}, #bs*#batch] dumps = flattenList(gather(_dumps)) # [{...}, #proc*#bs*#batch]'Prediction and evaluation results will be saved to: {self.dump_dir}') if self.trainer.global_rank == 0: print(self.profiler.summary()) val_metrics_4tb = aggregate_metrics(metrics, self.config.TRAINER.EPI_ERR_THR)'\n' + pprint.pformat(val_metrics_4tb)) if self.dump_dir is not None: / 'LoFTR_pred_eval_our', dumps) class PL_LoFTR_RGBD(pl.LightningModule): def __init__(self, config, pretrained_ckpt=None, profiler=None, dump_dir=None): """ TODO: - use the new version of PL logging API. """ super().__init__() # Misc self.config = config # full config _config = lower_config(self.config) self.loftr_cfg = lower_config(_config['loftr']) self.profiler = profiler or PassThroughProfiler() self.n_vals_plot = max(config.TRAINER.N_VAL_PAIRS_TO_PLOT // config.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE, 1) # Matcher: LoFTR self.matcher = LoFTR_RGBD(config=_config['loftr']) self.loss = LoFTRLoss(_config) # Pretrained weights if pretrained_ckpt: #self.matcher.load_state_dict(torch.load(pretrained_ckpt, map_location='cpu')['state_dict']) sd = torch.load(pretrained_ckpt, map_location='cpu')['state_dict'] from collections import OrderedDict new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in sd.items(): name = k[8:] # remove `matcher.` new_state_dict[name] = v self.matcher.load_state_dict(new_state_dict, strict=False)"Load \'{pretrained_ckpt}\' as pretrained checkpoint") # Testing self.dump_dir = dump_dir def configure_optimizers(self): # FIXME: The scheduler did not work properly when `--resume_from_checkpoint` optimizer = build_optimizer(self, self.config) scheduler = build_scheduler(self.config, optimizer) return [optimizer], [scheduler] def optimizer_step( self, epoch, batch_idx, optimizer, optimizer_idx, optimizer_closure, on_tpu, using_native_amp, using_lbfgs): # learning rate warm up warmup_step = self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_STEP #print(self.trainer.global_step, self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_STEP) if self.trainer.global_step < warmup_step: if self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_TYPE == 'linear': base_lr = self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_RATIO * self.config.TRAINER.TRUE_LR lr = base_lr + \ (self.trainer.global_step / self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_STEP) * \ abs(self.config.TRAINER.TRUE_LR - base_lr) for pg in optimizer.param_groups: pg['lr'] = lr elif self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_TYPE == 'constant': pass else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown lr warm-up strategy: {self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_TYPE}') # update params optimizer.step(closure=optimizer_closure) optimizer.zero_grad() def _trainval_inference(self, batch): with self.profiler.profile("Compute coarse supervision"): compute_supervision_coarse(batch, self.config) with self.profiler.profile("LoFTR"): self.matcher(batch) with self.profiler.profile("Compute fine supervision"): compute_supervision_fine(batch, self.config) with self.profiler.profile("Compute losses"): self.loss(batch) def _compute_metrics(self, batch): with self.profiler.profile("Copmute metrics"): compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors(batch) # compute epi_errs for each match compute_pose_errors(batch, self.config) # compute R_errs, t_errs, pose_errs for each pair rel_pair_names = list(zip(*batch['pair_names'])) bs = batch['image0'].size(0) metrics = { # to filter duplicate pairs caused by DistributedSampler 'identifiers': ['#'.join(rel_pair_names[b]) for b in range(bs)], 'epi_errs': [batch['epi_errs'][batch['m_bids'] == b].cpu().numpy() for b in range(bs)], 'R_errs': batch['R_errs'], 't_errs': batch['t_errs'], 'inliers': batch['inliers']} ret_dict = {'metrics': metrics} return ret_dict, rel_pair_names def _compute_metrics_custom(self, batch): with self.profiler.profile("Copmute metrics"): filter_depth_inconsist_point(batch, self.config) compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors(batch) # compute epi_errs for each match compute_pose_errors(batch, self.config) # compute R_errs, t_errs, pose_errs for each pair rel_pair_names = list(zip(*batch['pair_names'])) bs = batch['image0'].size(0) metrics = { # to filter duplicate pairs caused by DistributedSampler 'identifiers': ['#'.join(rel_pair_names[b]) for b in range(bs)], 'epi_errs': [batch['epi_errs'].cpu().numpy()], 'R_errs': batch['R_errs'], 't_errs': batch['t_errs'], 'inliers': batch['inliers']} ret_dict = {'metrics': metrics} return ret_dict, rel_pair_names def _compute_metrics_custom_sample(self, batch): with self.profiler.profile("Copmute metrics"): filter_depth_inconsist_point(batch, self.config) compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors(batch) # compute epi_errs for each match compute_pose_errors(batch, self.config) # compute R_errs, t_errs, pose_errs for each pair rel_pair_names = list(zip(*batch['pair_names'])) bs = batch['image0'].size(0) metrics = { # to filter duplicate pairs caused by DistributedSampler 'identifiers': ['#'.join(rel_pair_names[b]) for b in range(bs)], 'epi_errs': [batch['epi_errs'].cpu().numpy()], 'R_errs': batch['R_errs'], 't_errs': batch['t_errs'], 'inliers': batch['inliers']} ret_dict = {'metrics': metrics} return ret_dict, rel_pair_names def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): self._trainval_inference(batch) # logging if self.trainer.global_rank == 0 and self.global_step % self.trainer.log_every_n_steps == 0: # scalars for k, v in batch['loss_scalars'].items(): self.logger.experiment.add_scalar(f'train/{k}', v, self.global_step) # net-params if self.config.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.MATCH_TYPE == 'sinkhorn': self.logger.experiment.add_scalar( f'skh_bin_score', self.matcher.coarse_matching.bin_score.clone().detach().cpu().data, self.global_step) # figures if self.config.TRAINER.ENABLE_PLOTTING: compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors(batch) # compute epi_errs for each match figures = make_matching_figures(batch, self.config, self.config.TRAINER.PLOT_MODE) for k, v in figures.items(): self.logger.experiment.add_figure(f'train_match/{k}', v, self.global_step) return {'loss': batch['loss']} def training_epoch_end(self, outputs): avg_loss = torch.stack([x['loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() if self.trainer.global_rank == 0: self.logger.experiment.add_scalar( 'train/avg_loss_on_epoch', avg_loss, global_step=self.current_epoch) def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): self._trainval_inference(batch) ret_dict, _ = self._compute_metrics(batch) val_plot_interval = max(self.trainer.num_val_batches[0] // self.n_vals_plot, 1) figures = {self.config.TRAINER.PLOT_MODE: []} if batch_idx % val_plot_interval == 0: figures = make_matching_figures(batch, self.config, mode=self.config.TRAINER.PLOT_MODE) return { **ret_dict, 'loss_scalars': batch['loss_scalars'], 'figures': figures, } def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): # handle multiple validation sets multi_outputs = [outputs] if not isinstance(outputs[0], (list, tuple)) else outputs multi_val_metrics = defaultdict(list) for valset_idx, outputs in enumerate(multi_outputs): # since pl performs sanity_check at the very begining of the training cur_epoch = self.trainer.current_epoch if not self.trainer.resume_from_checkpoint and self.trainer.running_sanity_check: cur_epoch = -1 # 1. loss_scalars: dict of list, on cpu _loss_scalars = [o['loss_scalars'] for o in outputs] loss_scalars = {k: flattenList(all_gather([_ls[k] for _ls in _loss_scalars])) for k in _loss_scalars[0]} # 2. val metrics: dict of list, numpy _metrics = [o['metrics'] for o in outputs] metrics = {k: flattenList(all_gather(flattenList([_me[k] for _me in _metrics]))) for k in _metrics[0]} # NOTE: all ranks need to `aggregate_merics`, but only log at rank-0 val_metrics_4tb = aggregate_metrics(metrics, self.config.TRAINER.EPI_ERR_THR) for thr in [5, 10, 20]: multi_val_metrics[f'auc@{thr}'].append(val_metrics_4tb[f'auc@{thr}']) # 3. figures _figures = [o['figures'] for o in outputs] figures = {k: flattenList(gather(flattenList([_me[k] for _me in _figures]))) for k in _figures[0]} # tensorboard records only on rank 0 if self.trainer.global_rank == 0: for k, v in loss_scalars.items(): mean_v = torch.stack(v).mean() self.logger.experiment.add_scalar(f'val_{valset_idx}/avg_{k}', mean_v, global_step=cur_epoch) for k, v in val_metrics_4tb.items(): self.logger.experiment.add_scalar(f"metrics_{valset_idx}/{k}", v, global_step=cur_epoch) for k, v in figures.items(): if self.trainer.global_rank == 0: for plot_idx, fig in enumerate(v): self.logger.experiment.add_figure( f'val_match_{valset_idx}/{k}/pair-{plot_idx}', fig, cur_epoch, close=True) plt.close('all') for thr in [5, 10, 20]: # log on all ranks for ModelCheckpoint callback to work properly self.log(f'auc@{thr}', torch.tensor(np.mean(multi_val_metrics[f'auc@{thr}']))) # ckpt monitors on this def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): with self.profiler.profile("LoFTR"): self.matcher(batch) setting = 'Normal' if setting == 'Normal': ret_dict, rel_pair_names = self._compute_metrics(batch) elif setting == 'depth_check': # print("Using the depth information to remove the matching outliers") ret_dict, rel_pair_names = self._compute_metrics_custom(batch) elif setting == 'depth_sample': ret_dict, rel_pair_names = self._compute_metrics_custom_sample(batch) with self.profiler.profile("dump_results"): if self.dump_dir is not None: # dump results for further analysis keys_to_save = {'mkpts0_f', 'mkpts1_f', 'mconf', 'epi_errs'} pair_names = list(zip(*batch['pair_names'])) bs = batch['image0'].shape[0] dumps = [] for b_id in range(bs): item = {} mask = batch['m_bids'] == b_id item['pair_names'] = pair_names[b_id] item['identifier'] = '#'.join(rel_pair_names[b_id]) for key in keys_to_save: if setting == 'depth_check': item[key] = batch[key][:].cpu().numpy() elif setting == 'Normal': item[key] = batch[key][mask].cpu().numpy() elif setting == 'depth_sample': print('here') for key in ['R_errs', 't_errs', 'inliers']: item[key] = batch[key][b_id] dumps.append(item) ret_dict['dumps'] = dumps return ret_dict def test_epoch_end(self, outputs): # metrics: dict of list, numpy _metrics = [o['metrics'] for o in outputs] metrics = {k: flattenList(gather(flattenList([_me[k] for _me in _metrics]))) for k in _metrics[0]} # [{key: [{...}, *#bs]}, *#batch] if self.dump_dir is not None: Path(self.dump_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) _dumps = flattenList([o['dumps'] for o in outputs]) # [{...}, #bs*#batch] dumps = flattenList(gather(_dumps)) # [{...}, #proc*#bs*#batch]'Prediction and evaluation results will be saved to: {self.dump_dir}') if self.trainer.global_rank == 0: print(self.profiler.summary()) val_metrics_4tb = aggregate_metrics(metrics, self.config.TRAINER.EPI_ERR_THR)'\n' + pprint.pformat(val_metrics_4tb)) if self.dump_dir is not None: / 'LoFTR_pred_eval', dumps) class PL_LoFTR_RGB_teacher_student(pl.LightningModule): def __init__(self, config, pretrained_ckpt=None, profiler=None, dump_dir=None): """ TODO: - use the new version of PL logging API. """ super().__init__() # Misc self.config = config # full config _config = lower_config(self.config) self.loftr_cfg = lower_config(_config['loftr']) self.profiler = profiler or PassThroughProfiler() self.n_vals_plot = max(config.TRAINER.N_VAL_PAIRS_TO_PLOT // config.TRAINER.WORLD_SIZE, 1) # Matcher: LoFTR self.matcher = LoFTR_RGB_student(config=_config['loftr']) self.loss = LoFTRLoss_t_s(_config) #pretrained_rgb = "./logs/tb_logs/4gpu_mini_rgb_rgbd/rgb/checkpoints/epoch=28-auc@5=0.151-auc@10=0.313-auc@20=0.484.ckpt" #sd = torch.load(pretrained_rgb, map_location='cpu')['state_dict'] #from collections import OrderedDict #new_state_dict = OrderedDict() #for k, v in sd.items(): # name = k[8:] # remove `matcher.` # new_state_dict[name] = v #self.matcher.load_state_dict(new_state_dict, strict=False) # Pretrained weights if pretrained_ckpt: self.matcher.load_state_dict(torch.load(pretrained_ckpt, map_location='cpu')['state_dict'])"Load \'{pretrained_ckpt}\' as pretrained checkpoint") # Testing self.dump_dir = dump_dir def configure_optimizers(self): # FIXME: The scheduler did not work properly when `--resume_from_checkpoint` optimizer = build_optimizer(self, self.config) scheduler = build_scheduler(self.config, optimizer) return [optimizer], [scheduler] def optimizer_step( self, epoch, batch_idx, optimizer, optimizer_idx, optimizer_closure, on_tpu, using_native_amp, using_lbfgs): # learning rate warm up warmup_step = self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_STEP #print(self.trainer.global_step,self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_STEP) if self.trainer.global_step < warmup_step: if self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_TYPE == 'linear': base_lr = self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_RATIO * self.config.TRAINER.TRUE_LR lr = base_lr + \ (self.trainer.global_step / self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_STEP) * \ abs(self.config.TRAINER.TRUE_LR - base_lr) for pg in optimizer.param_groups: pg['lr'] = lr elif self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_TYPE == 'constant': pass else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown lr warm-up strategy: {self.config.TRAINER.WARMUP_TYPE}') # update params optimizer.step(closure=optimizer_closure) optimizer.zero_grad() def _trainval_inference(self, batch): with self.profiler.profile("Compute coarse supervision"): compute_supervision_coarse(batch, self.config) with self.profiler.profile("LoFTR"): self.matcher(batch) with self.profiler.profile("Compute fine supervision"): compute_supervision_fine(batch, self.config) with self.profiler.profile("Compute losses"): self.loss(batch) def _compute_metrics(self, batch): with self.profiler.profile("Copmute metrics"): compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors(batch) # compute epi_errs for each match compute_pose_errors(batch, self.config) # compute R_errs, t_errs, pose_errs for each pair rel_pair_names = list(zip(*batch['pair_names'])) bs = batch['image0'].size(0) metrics = { # to filter duplicate pairs caused by DistributedSampler 'identifiers': ['#'.join(rel_pair_names[b]) for b in range(bs)], 'epi_errs': [batch['epi_errs'][batch['m_bids'] == b].cpu().numpy() for b in range(bs)], 'R_errs': batch['R_errs'], 't_errs': batch['t_errs'], 'inliers': batch['inliers']} ret_dict = {'metrics': metrics} return ret_dict, rel_pair_names def _compute_metrics_custom(self, batch): with self.profiler.profile("Copmute metrics"): filter_depth_inconsist_point(batch, self.config) compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors(batch) # compute epi_errs for each match compute_pose_errors(batch, self.config) # compute R_errs, t_errs, pose_errs for each pair rel_pair_names = list(zip(*batch['pair_names'])) bs = batch['image0'].size(0) metrics = { # to filter duplicate pairs caused by DistributedSampler 'identifiers': ['#'.join(rel_pair_names[b]) for b in range(bs)], 'epi_errs': [batch['epi_errs'].cpu().numpy()], 'R_errs': batch['R_errs'], 't_errs': batch['t_errs'], 'inliers': batch['inliers']} ret_dict = {'metrics': metrics} return ret_dict, rel_pair_names def _compute_metrics_custom_sample(self, batch): with self.profiler.profile("Copmute metrics"): filter_depth_inconsist_point(batch, self.config) compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors(batch) # compute epi_errs for each match compute_pose_errors(batch, self.config) # compute R_errs, t_errs, pose_errs for each pair rel_pair_names = list(zip(*batch['pair_names'])) bs = batch['image0'].size(0) metrics = { # to filter duplicate pairs caused by DistributedSampler 'identifiers': ['#'.join(rel_pair_names[b]) for b in range(bs)], 'epi_errs': [batch['epi_errs'].cpu().numpy()], 'R_errs': batch['R_errs'], 't_errs': batch['t_errs'], 'inliers': batch['inliers']} ret_dict = {'metrics': metrics} return ret_dict, rel_pair_names def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): self._trainval_inference(batch) # logging if self.trainer.global_rank == 0 and self.global_step % self.trainer.log_every_n_steps == 0: # scalars for k, v in batch['loss_scalars'].items(): self.logger.experiment.add_scalar(f'train/{k}', v, self.global_step) # net-params if self.config.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.MATCH_TYPE == 'sinkhorn': self.logger.experiment.add_scalar( f'skh_bin_score', self.matcher.coarse_matching.bin_score.clone().detach().cpu().data, self.global_step) # figures if self.config.TRAINER.ENABLE_PLOTTING: compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors(batch) # compute epi_errs for each match figures = make_matching_figures(batch, self.config, self.config.TRAINER.PLOT_MODE) for k, v in figures.items(): self.logger.experiment.add_figure(f'train_match/{k}', v, self.global_step) return {'loss': batch['loss']} def training_epoch_end(self, outputs): avg_loss = torch.stack([x['loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() if self.trainer.global_rank == 0: self.logger.experiment.add_scalar( 'train/avg_loss_on_epoch', avg_loss, global_step=self.current_epoch) def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): self._trainval_inference(batch) ret_dict, _ = self._compute_metrics(batch) val_plot_interval = max(self.trainer.num_val_batches[0] // self.n_vals_plot, 1) figures = {self.config.TRAINER.PLOT_MODE: []} if batch_idx % val_plot_interval == 0: figures = make_matching_figures(batch, self.config, mode=self.config.TRAINER.PLOT_MODE) return { **ret_dict, 'loss_scalars': batch['loss_scalars'], 'figures': figures, } def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): # handle multiple validation sets multi_outputs = [outputs] if not isinstance(outputs[0], (list, tuple)) else outputs multi_val_metrics = defaultdict(list) for valset_idx, outputs in enumerate(multi_outputs): # since pl performs sanity_check at the very begining of the training cur_epoch = self.trainer.current_epoch if not self.trainer.resume_from_checkpoint and self.trainer.running_sanity_check: cur_epoch = -1 # 1. loss_scalars: dict of list, on cpu _loss_scalars = [o['loss_scalars'] for o in outputs] loss_scalars = {k: flattenList(all_gather([_ls[k] for _ls in _loss_scalars])) for k in _loss_scalars[0]} # 2. val metrics: dict of list, numpy _metrics = [o['metrics'] for o in outputs] metrics = {k: flattenList(all_gather(flattenList([_me[k] for _me in _metrics]))) for k in _metrics[0]} # NOTE: all ranks need to `aggregate_merics`, but only log at rank-0 val_metrics_4tb = aggregate_metrics(metrics, self.config.TRAINER.EPI_ERR_THR) for thr in [5, 10, 20]: multi_val_metrics[f'auc@{thr}'].append(val_metrics_4tb[f'auc@{thr}']) # 3. figures _figures = [o['figures'] for o in outputs] figures = {k: flattenList(gather(flattenList([_me[k] for _me in _figures]))) for k in _figures[0]} # tensorboard records only on rank 0 if self.trainer.global_rank == 0: for k, v in loss_scalars.items(): mean_v = torch.stack(v).mean() self.logger.experiment.add_scalar(f'val_{valset_idx}/avg_{k}', mean_v, global_step=cur_epoch) for k, v in val_metrics_4tb.items(): self.logger.experiment.add_scalar(f"metrics_{valset_idx}/{k}", v, global_step=cur_epoch) for k, v in figures.items(): if self.trainer.global_rank == 0: for plot_idx, fig in enumerate(v): self.logger.experiment.add_figure( f'val_match_{valset_idx}/{k}/pair-{plot_idx}', fig, cur_epoch, close=True) plt.close('all') for thr in [5, 10, 20]: # log on all ranks for ModelCheckpoint callback to work properly self.log(f'auc@{thr}', torch.tensor(np.mean(multi_val_metrics[f'auc@{thr}']))) # ckpt monitors on this def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): with self.profiler.profile("LoFTR"): self.matcher(batch) setting = 'Normal' if setting == 'Normal': ret_dict, rel_pair_names = self._compute_metrics(batch) elif setting == 'depth_check': # print("Using the depth information to remove the matching outliers") ret_dict, rel_pair_names = self._compute_metrics_custom(batch) elif setting == 'depth_sample': ret_dict, rel_pair_names = self._compute_metrics_custom_sample(batch) with self.profiler.profile("dump_results"): if self.dump_dir is not None: # dump results for further analysis keys_to_save = {'mkpts0_f', 'mkpts1_f', 'mconf', 'epi_errs'} pair_names = list(zip(*batch['pair_names'])) bs = batch['image0'].shape[0] dumps = [] for b_id in range(bs): item = {} mask = batch['m_bids'] == b_id item['pair_names'] = pair_names[b_id] item['identifier'] = '#'.join(rel_pair_names[b_id]) for key in keys_to_save: if setting == 'depth_check': item[key] = batch[key][:].cpu().numpy() elif setting == 'Normal': item[key] = batch[key][mask].cpu().numpy() elif setting == 'depth_sample': print('here') for key in ['R_errs', 't_errs', 'inliers']: item[key] = batch[key][b_id] dumps.append(item) ret_dict['dumps'] = dumps return ret_dict def test_epoch_end(self, outputs): # metrics: dict of list, numpy _metrics = [o['metrics'] for o in outputs] metrics = {k: flattenList(gather(flattenList([_me[k] for _me in _metrics]))) for k in _metrics[0]} # [{key: [{...}, *#bs]}, *#batch] if self.dump_dir is not None: Path(self.dump_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) _dumps = flattenList([o['dumps'] for o in outputs]) # [{...}, #bs*#batch] dumps = flattenList(gather(_dumps)) # [{...}, #proc*#bs*#batch]'Prediction and evaluation results will be saved to: {self.dump_dir}') if self.trainer.global_rank == 0: print(self.profiler.summary()) val_metrics_4tb = aggregate_metrics(metrics, self.config.TRAINER.EPI_ERR_THR)'\n' + pprint.pformat(val_metrics_4tb)) if self.dump_dir is not None: / 'LoFTR_pred_eval', dumps)
import os import math from collections import abc from loguru import logger from import Dataset from tqdm import tqdm from os import path as osp from pathlib import Path from joblib import Parallel, delayed import pytorch_lightning as pl from torch import distributed as dist from import ( Dataset, DataLoader, ConcatDataset, DistributedSampler, RandomSampler, dataloader ) from src.utils.augment import build_augmentor from src.utils.dataloader import get_local_split from src.utils.misc import tqdm_joblib from src.utils import comm from src.datasets.megadepth import MegaDepth_RGB_Dataset,MegaDepth_RGBD_Dataset from src.datasets.scannet import ScanNet_RGB_Dataset,ScanNet_RGBD_Dataset from src.datasets.sampler import RandomConcatSampler class RGBDataModule(pl.LightningDataModule): """ For distributed training, each training process is assgined only a part of the training scenes to reduce memory overhead. """ def __init__(self, args, config): super().__init__() # 1. data config # Train and Val should from the same data source self.trainval_data_source = config.DATASET.TRAINVAL_DATA_SOURCE self.test_data_source = config.DATASET.TEST_DATA_SOURCE # training and validating self.train_data_root = config.DATASET.TRAIN_DATA_ROOT self.train_pose_root = config.DATASET.TRAIN_POSE_ROOT # (optional) self.train_npz_root = config.DATASET.TRAIN_NPZ_ROOT self.train_list_path = config.DATASET.TRAIN_LIST_PATH self.train_intrinsic_path = config.DATASET.TRAIN_INTRINSIC_PATH self.val_data_root = config.DATASET.VAL_DATA_ROOT self.val_pose_root = config.DATASET.VAL_POSE_ROOT # (optional) self.val_npz_root = config.DATASET.VAL_NPZ_ROOT self.val_list_path = config.DATASET.VAL_LIST_PATH self.val_intrinsic_path = config.DATASET.VAL_INTRINSIC_PATH # testing self.test_data_root = config.DATASET.TEST_DATA_ROOT self.test_pose_root = config.DATASET.TEST_POSE_ROOT # (optional) self.test_npz_root = config.DATASET.TEST_NPZ_ROOT self.test_list_path = config.DATASET.TEST_LIST_PATH self.test_intrinsic_path = config.DATASET.TEST_INTRINSIC_PATH # 2. dataset config # general options self.min_overlap_score_test = config.DATASET.MIN_OVERLAP_SCORE_TEST # 0.4, omit data with overlap_score < min_overlap_score self.min_overlap_score_train = config.DATASET.MIN_OVERLAP_SCORE_TRAIN self.augment_fn = build_augmentor(config.DATASET.AUGMENTATION_TYPE) # None, options: [None, 'dark', 'mobile'] # MegaDepth options self.mgdpt_img_resize = config.DATASET.MGDPT_IMG_RESIZE # 840 self.mgdpt_img_pad = config.DATASET.MGDPT_IMG_PAD # True self.mgdpt_depth_pad = config.DATASET.MGDPT_DEPTH_PAD # True self.mgdpt_df = config.DATASET.MGDPT_DF # 8 self.coarse_scale = 1 / config.LOFTR.RESOLUTION[0] # 0.125. for training loftr. # 3.loader parameters self.train_loader_params = { 'batch_size': args.batch_size, 'num_workers': args.num_workers, 'pin_memory': getattr(args, 'pin_memory', True) } self.val_loader_params = { 'batch_size': 1, 'shuffle': False, 'num_workers': args.num_workers, 'pin_memory': getattr(args, 'pin_memory', True) } self.test_loader_params = { 'batch_size': 1, 'shuffle': False, 'num_workers': args.num_workers, 'pin_memory': True } # 4. sampler self.data_sampler = config.TRAINER.DATA_SAMPLER self.n_samples_per_subset = config.TRAINER.N_SAMPLES_PER_SUBSET self.subset_replacement = config.TRAINER.SB_SUBSET_SAMPLE_REPLACEMENT self.shuffle = config.TRAINER.SB_SUBSET_SHUFFLE self.repeat = config.TRAINER.SB_REPEAT # (optional) RandomSampler for debugging # misc configurations self.parallel_load_data = getattr(args, 'parallel_load_data', False) self.seed = config.TRAINER.SEED # 66 def setup(self, stage=None): """ Setup train / val / test dataset. This method will be called by PL automatically. Args: stage (str): 'fit' in training phase, and 'test' in testing phase. """ assert stage in ['fit', 'test'], "stage must be either fit or test" try: self.world_size = dist.get_world_size() self.rank = dist.get_rank()"[rank:{self.rank}] world_size: {self.world_size}") except AssertionError as ae: self.world_size = 1 self.rank = 0 logger.warning(str(ae) + " (set wolrd_size=1 and rank=0)") if stage == 'fit': self.train_dataset = self._setup_dataset( self.train_data_root, self.train_npz_root, self.train_list_path, self.train_intrinsic_path, mode='train', min_overlap_score=self.min_overlap_score_train, pose_dir=self.train_pose_root) # setup multiple (optional) validation subsets if isinstance(self.val_list_path, (list, tuple)): self.val_dataset = [] if not isinstance(self.val_npz_root, (list, tuple)): self.val_npz_root = [self.val_npz_root for _ in range(len(self.val_list_path))] for npz_list, npz_root in zip(self.val_list_path, self.val_npz_root): self.val_dataset.append(self._setup_dataset( self.val_data_root, npz_root, npz_list, self.val_intrinsic_path, mode='val', min_overlap_score=self.min_overlap_score_test, pose_dir=self.val_pose_root)) else: self.val_dataset = self._setup_dataset( self.val_data_root, self.val_npz_root, self.val_list_path, self.val_intrinsic_path, mode='val', min_overlap_score=self.min_overlap_score_test, pose_dir=self.val_pose_root)'[rank:{self.rank}] Train & Val Dataset loaded!') else: # stage == 'test self.test_dataset = self._setup_dataset( self.test_data_root, self.test_npz_root, self.test_list_path, self.test_intrinsic_path, mode='test', min_overlap_score=self.min_overlap_score_test, pose_dir=self.test_pose_root)'[rank:{self.rank}]: Test Dataset loaded!') def _setup_dataset(self, data_root, split_npz_root, scene_list_path, intri_path, mode='train', min_overlap_score=0., pose_dir=None): """ Setup train / val / test set""" with open(scene_list_path, 'r') as f: npz_names = [name.split()[0] for name in f.readlines()] if mode == 'train': local_npz_names = get_local_split(npz_names, self.world_size, self.rank, self.seed) else: local_npz_names = npz_names'[rank {self.rank}]: {len(local_npz_names)} scene(s) assigned.') dataset_builder = self._build_concat_dataset_parallel \ if self.parallel_load_data \ else self._build_concat_dataset return dataset_builder(data_root, local_npz_names, split_npz_root, intri_path, mode=mode, min_overlap_score=min_overlap_score, pose_dir=pose_dir) def _build_concat_dataset( self, data_root, npz_names, npz_dir, intrinsic_path, mode, min_overlap_score=0., pose_dir=None ): datasets = [] augment_fn = self.augment_fn if mode == 'train' else None data_source = self.trainval_data_source if mode in ['train', 'val'] else self.test_data_source if str(data_source).lower() == 'megadepth': npz_names = [f'{n}.npz' for n in npz_names] for npz_name in tqdm(npz_names, desc=f'[rank:{self.rank}] loading {mode} datasets', disable=int(self.rank) != 0): # `ScanNetDataset`/`MegaDepthDataset` load all data from npz_path when initialized, which might take time. npz_path = osp.join(npz_dir, npz_name) if data_source == 'ScanNet': datasets.append( ScanNet_RGB_Dataset(data_root, npz_path, intrinsic_path, mode=mode, min_overlap_score=min_overlap_score, augment_fn=augment_fn, pose_dir=pose_dir)) elif data_source == 'MegaDepth': datasets.append( MegaDepth_RGB_Dataset(data_root, npz_path, mode=mode, min_overlap_score=min_overlap_score, img_resize=self.mgdpt_img_resize, df=self.mgdpt_df, img_padding=self.mgdpt_img_pad, depth_padding=self.mgdpt_depth_pad, augment_fn=augment_fn, coarse_scale=self.coarse_scale)) else: raise NotImplementedError() return ConcatDataset(datasets) def _build_concat_dataset_parallel( self, data_root, npz_names, npz_dir, intrinsic_path, mode, min_overlap_score=0., pose_dir=None, ): augment_fn = self.augment_fn if mode == 'train' else None data_source = self.trainval_data_source if mode in ['train', 'val'] else self.test_data_source if str(data_source).lower() == 'megadepth': npz_names = [f'{n}.npz' for n in npz_names] with tqdm_joblib(tqdm(desc=f'[rank:{self.rank}] loading {mode} datasets', total=len(npz_names), disable=int(self.rank) != 0)): if data_source == 'ScanNet': datasets = Parallel(n_jobs=math.floor(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) * 0.9 / comm.get_local_size()))( delayed(lambda x: _build_dataset( ScanNet_RGB_Dataset, data_root, osp.join(npz_dir, x), intrinsic_path, mode=mode, min_overlap_score=min_overlap_score, augment_fn=augment_fn, pose_dir=pose_dir))(name) for name in npz_names) elif data_source == 'MegaDepth': # TODO: _pickle.PicklingError: Could not pickle the task to send it to the workers. raise NotImplementedError() datasets = Parallel(n_jobs=math.floor(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) * 0.9 / comm.get_local_size()))( delayed(lambda x: _build_dataset( MegaDepth_RGB_Dataset, data_root, osp.join(npz_dir, x), mode=mode, min_overlap_score=min_overlap_score, img_resize=self.mgdpt_img_resize, df=self.mgdpt_df, img_padding=self.mgdpt_img_pad, depth_padding=self.mgdpt_depth_pad, augment_fn=augment_fn, coarse_scale=self.coarse_scale))(name) for name in npz_names) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown dataset: {data_source}') return ConcatDataset(datasets) def train_dataloader(self): """ Build training dataloader for ScanNet / MegaDepth. """ assert self.data_sampler in ['scene_balance'] f'[rank:{self.rank}/{self.world_size}]: Train Sampler and DataLoader re-init (should not re-init between epochs!).') if self.data_sampler == 'scene_balance': sampler = RandomConcatSampler(self.train_dataset, self.n_samples_per_subset, self.subset_replacement, self.shuffle, self.repeat, self.seed) else: sampler = None dataloader = DataLoader(self.train_dataset, sampler=sampler, **self.train_loader_params) return dataloader def val_dataloader(self): """ Build validation dataloader for ScanNet / MegaDepth. """'[rank:{self.rank}/{self.world_size}]: Val Sampler and DataLoader re-init.') if not isinstance(self.val_dataset, abc.Sequence): sampler = DistributedSampler(self.val_dataset, shuffle=False) return DataLoader(self.val_dataset, sampler=sampler, **self.val_loader_params) else: dataloaders = [] for dataset in self.val_dataset: sampler = DistributedSampler(dataset, shuffle=False) dataloaders.append(DataLoader(dataset, sampler=sampler, **self.val_loader_params)) return dataloaders def test_dataloader(self, *args, **kwargs):'[rank:{self.rank}/{self.world_size}]: Test Sampler and DataLoader re-init.') sampler = DistributedSampler(self.test_dataset, shuffle=False) return DataLoader(self.test_dataset, sampler=sampler, **self.test_loader_params) class RGBDDataModule(pl.LightningDataModule): """ For distributed training, each training process is assgined only a part of the training scenes to reduce memory overhead. """ def __init__(self, args, config): super().__init__() # 1. data config # Train and Val should from the same data source self.trainval_data_source = config.DATASET.TRAINVAL_DATA_SOURCE self.test_data_source = config.DATASET.TEST_DATA_SOURCE # training and validating self.train_data_root = config.DATASET.TRAIN_DATA_ROOT self.train_pose_root = config.DATASET.TRAIN_POSE_ROOT # (optional) self.train_npz_root = config.DATASET.TRAIN_NPZ_ROOT self.train_list_path = config.DATASET.TRAIN_LIST_PATH self.train_intrinsic_path = config.DATASET.TRAIN_INTRINSIC_PATH self.val_data_root = config.DATASET.VAL_DATA_ROOT self.val_pose_root = config.DATASET.VAL_POSE_ROOT # (optional) self.val_npz_root = config.DATASET.VAL_NPZ_ROOT self.val_list_path = config.DATASET.VAL_LIST_PATH self.val_intrinsic_path = config.DATASET.VAL_INTRINSIC_PATH # testing self.test_data_root = config.DATASET.TEST_DATA_ROOT self.test_pose_root = config.DATASET.TEST_POSE_ROOT # (optional) self.test_npz_root = config.DATASET.TEST_NPZ_ROOT self.test_list_path = config.DATASET.TEST_LIST_PATH self.test_intrinsic_path = config.DATASET.TEST_INTRINSIC_PATH # 2. dataset config # general options self.min_overlap_score_test = config.DATASET.MIN_OVERLAP_SCORE_TEST # 0.4, omit data with overlap_score < min_overlap_score self.min_overlap_score_train = config.DATASET.MIN_OVERLAP_SCORE_TRAIN self.augment_fn = build_augmentor(config.DATASET.AUGMENTATION_TYPE) # None, options: [None, 'dark', 'mobile'] # MegaDepth options self.mgdpt_img_resize = config.DATASET.MGDPT_IMG_RESIZE # 840 self.mgdpt_img_pad = config.DATASET.MGDPT_IMG_PAD # True self.mgdpt_depth_pad = config.DATASET.MGDPT_DEPTH_PAD # True self.mgdpt_df = config.DATASET.MGDPT_DF # 8 self.coarse_scale = 1 / config.LOFTR.RESOLUTION[0] # 0.125. for training loftr. # 3.loader parameters self.train_loader_params = { 'batch_size': args.batch_size, 'num_workers': args.num_workers, 'pin_memory': getattr(args, 'pin_memory', True) } self.val_loader_params = { 'batch_size': 1, 'shuffle': False, 'num_workers': args.num_workers, 'pin_memory': getattr(args, 'pin_memory', True) } self.test_loader_params = { 'batch_size': 1, 'shuffle': False, 'num_workers': args.num_workers, 'pin_memory': True } # 4. sampler self.data_sampler = config.TRAINER.DATA_SAMPLER self.n_samples_per_subset = config.TRAINER.N_SAMPLES_PER_SUBSET self.subset_replacement = config.TRAINER.SB_SUBSET_SAMPLE_REPLACEMENT self.shuffle = config.TRAINER.SB_SUBSET_SHUFFLE self.repeat = config.TRAINER.SB_REPEAT # (optional) RandomSampler for debugging # misc configurations self.parallel_load_data = getattr(args, 'parallel_load_data', False) self.seed = config.TRAINER.SEED # 66 def setup(self, stage=None): """ Setup train / val / test dataset. This method will be called by PL automatically. Args: stage (str): 'fit' in training phase, and 'test' in testing phase. """ assert stage in ['fit', 'test'], "stage must be either fit or test" try: self.world_size = dist.get_world_size() self.rank = dist.get_rank()"[rank:{self.rank}] world_size: {self.world_size}") except AssertionError as ae: self.world_size = 1 self.rank = 0 logger.warning(str(ae) + " (set wolrd_size=1 and rank=0)") if stage == 'fit': self.train_dataset = self._setup_dataset( self.train_data_root, self.train_npz_root, self.train_list_path, self.train_intrinsic_path, mode='train', min_overlap_score=self.min_overlap_score_train, pose_dir=self.train_pose_root) # setup multiple (optional) validation subsets if isinstance(self.val_list_path, (list, tuple)): self.val_dataset = [] if not isinstance(self.val_npz_root, (list, tuple)): self.val_npz_root = [self.val_npz_root for _ in range(len(self.val_list_path))] for npz_list, npz_root in zip(self.val_list_path, self.val_npz_root): self.val_dataset.append(self._setup_dataset( self.val_data_root, npz_root, npz_list, self.val_intrinsic_path, mode='val', min_overlap_score=self.min_overlap_score_test, pose_dir=self.val_pose_root)) else: self.val_dataset = self._setup_dataset( self.val_data_root, self.val_npz_root, self.val_list_path, self.val_intrinsic_path, mode='val', min_overlap_score=self.min_overlap_score_test, pose_dir=self.val_pose_root)'[rank:{self.rank}] Train & Val Dataset loaded!') else: # stage == 'test self.test_dataset = self._setup_dataset( self.test_data_root, self.test_npz_root, self.test_list_path, self.test_intrinsic_path, mode='test', min_overlap_score=self.min_overlap_score_test, pose_dir=self.test_pose_root)'[rank:{self.rank}]: Test Dataset loaded!') def _setup_dataset(self, data_root, split_npz_root, scene_list_path, intri_path, mode='train', min_overlap_score=0., pose_dir=None): """ Setup train / val / test set""" with open(scene_list_path, 'r') as f: npz_names = [name.split()[0] for name in f.readlines()] if mode == 'train': local_npz_names = get_local_split(npz_names, self.world_size, self.rank, self.seed) else: local_npz_names = npz_names'[rank {self.rank}]: {len(local_npz_names)} scene(s) assigned.') dataset_builder = self._build_concat_dataset_parallel \ if self.parallel_load_data \ else self._build_concat_dataset return dataset_builder(data_root, local_npz_names, split_npz_root, intri_path, mode=mode, min_overlap_score=min_overlap_score, pose_dir=pose_dir) def _build_concat_dataset( self, data_root, npz_names, npz_dir, intrinsic_path, mode, min_overlap_score=0., pose_dir=None ): datasets = [] augment_fn = self.augment_fn if mode == 'train' else None data_source = self.trainval_data_source if mode in ['train', 'val'] else self.test_data_source if str(data_source).lower() == 'megadepth': npz_names = [f'{n}.npz' for n in npz_names] for npz_name in tqdm(npz_names, desc=f'[rank:{self.rank}] loading {mode} datasets', disable=int(self.rank) != 0): # `ScanNetDataset`/`MegaDepthDataset` load all data from npz_path when initialized, which might take time. npz_path = osp.join(npz_dir, npz_name) if data_source == 'ScanNet': datasets.append( ScanNet_RGBD_Dataset(data_root, npz_path, intrinsic_path, mode=mode, min_overlap_score=min_overlap_score, augment_fn=augment_fn, pose_dir=pose_dir)) elif data_source == 'MegaDepth': datasets.append( MegaDepth_RGBD_Dataset(data_root, npz_path, mode=mode, min_overlap_score=min_overlap_score, img_resize=self.mgdpt_img_resize, df=self.mgdpt_df, img_padding=self.mgdpt_img_pad, depth_padding=self.mgdpt_depth_pad, augment_fn=augment_fn, coarse_scale=self.coarse_scale)) else: raise NotImplementedError() return ConcatDataset(datasets) def _build_concat_dataset_parallel( self, data_root, npz_names, npz_dir, intrinsic_path, mode, min_overlap_score=0., pose_dir=None, ): augment_fn = self.augment_fn if mode == 'train' else None data_source = self.trainval_data_source if mode in ['train', 'val'] else self.test_data_source if str(data_source).lower() == 'megadepth': npz_names = [f'{n}.npz' for n in npz_names] with tqdm_joblib(tqdm(desc=f'[rank:{self.rank}] loading {mode} datasets', total=len(npz_names), disable=int(self.rank) != 0)): if data_source == 'ScanNet': datasets = Parallel(n_jobs=math.floor(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) * 0.9 / comm.get_local_size()))( delayed(lambda x: _build_dataset( ScanNet_RGBD_Dataset, data_root, osp.join(npz_dir, x), intrinsic_path, mode=mode, min_overlap_score=min_overlap_score, augment_fn=augment_fn, pose_dir=pose_dir))(name) for name in npz_names) elif data_source == 'MegaDepth': # TODO: _pickle.PicklingError: Could not pickle the task to send it to the workers. raise NotImplementedError() datasets = Parallel(n_jobs=math.floor(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) * 0.9 / comm.get_local_size()))( delayed(lambda x: _build_dataset( MegaDepthDataset, data_root, osp.join(npz_dir, x), mode=mode, min_overlap_score=min_overlap_score, img_resize=self.mgdpt_img_resize, df=self.mgdpt_df, img_padding=self.mgdpt_img_pad, depth_padding=self.mgdpt_depth_pad, augment_fn=augment_fn, coarse_scale=self.coarse_scale))(name) for name in npz_names) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown dataset: {data_source}') return ConcatDataset(datasets) def train_dataloader(self): """ Build training dataloader for ScanNet / MegaDepth. """ assert self.data_sampler in ['scene_balance'] f'[rank:{self.rank}/{self.world_size}]: Train Sampler and DataLoader re-init (should not re-init between epochs!).') if self.data_sampler == 'scene_balance': sampler = RandomConcatSampler(self.train_dataset, self.n_samples_per_subset, self.subset_replacement, self.shuffle, self.repeat, self.seed) else: sampler = None dataloader = DataLoader(self.train_dataset, sampler=sampler, **self.train_loader_params) return dataloader def val_dataloader(self): """ Build validation dataloader for ScanNet / MegaDepth. """'[rank:{self.rank}/{self.world_size}]: Val Sampler and DataLoader re-init.') if not isinstance(self.val_dataset, abc.Sequence): sampler = DistributedSampler(self.val_dataset, shuffle=False) return DataLoader(self.val_dataset, sampler=sampler, **self.val_loader_params) else: dataloaders = [] for dataset in self.val_dataset: sampler = DistributedSampler(dataset, shuffle=False) dataloaders.append(DataLoader(dataset, sampler=sampler, **self.val_loader_params)) return dataloaders def test_dataloader(self, *args, **kwargs):'[rank:{self.rank}/{self.world_size}]: Test Sampler and DataLoader re-init.') sampler = DistributedSampler(self.test_dataset, shuffle=False) return DataLoader(self.test_dataset, sampler=sampler, **self.test_loader_params) def _build_dataset(dataset: Dataset, *args, **kwargs): return dataset(*args, **kwargs)
import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from einops.einops import rearrange, repeat from .backbone import build_backbone_rgb,build_backbone_rgbd from .utils.position_encoding import PositionEncodingSine from .loftr_module import LocalFeatureTransformer, FinePreprocess from .utils.coarse_matching import CoarseMatching,CoarseMatching_t from .utils.fine_matching import FineMatching,FineMatching_t class LoFTR_RGB(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() # Misc self.config = config # Modules self.backbone = build_backbone_rgb(config) self.pos_encoding = PositionEncodingSine(config['coarse']['d_model']) self.loftr_coarse = LocalFeatureTransformer(config['coarse']) self.coarse_matching = CoarseMatching(config['match_coarse']) self.fine_preprocess = FinePreprocess(config) self.loftr_fine = LocalFeatureTransformer(config["fine"]) self.fine_matching = FineMatching() def forward(self, data): """ Update: data (dict): { 'image0': (torch.Tensor): (N, 1, H, W) 'image1': (torch.Tensor): (N, 1, H, W) 'mask0'(optional) : (torch.Tensor): (N, H, W) '0' indicates a padded position 'mask1'(optional) : (torch.Tensor): (N, H, W) } """ # 1. Local Feature CNN data.update({ 'bs': data['image0'].size(0), 'hw0_i': data['image0'].shape[2:], 'hw1_i': data['image1'].shape[2:] }) if data['hw0_i'] == data['hw1_i']: # faster & better BN convergence feats_c, feats_f = self.backbone([data['image0'], data['image1']], dim=0)) (feat_c0, feat_c1), (feat_f0, feat_f1) = feats_c.split(data['bs']), feats_f.split(data['bs']) else: # handle different input shapes (feat_c0, feat_f0), (feat_c1, feat_f1) = self.backbone(data['image0']), self.backbone(data['image1']) data.update({ 'hw0_c': feat_c0.shape[2:], 'hw1_c': feat_c1.shape[2:], 'hw0_f': feat_f0.shape[2:], 'hw1_f': feat_f1.shape[2:] }) # 2. coarse-level loftr module # add featmap with positional encoding, then flatten it to sequence [N, HW, C] feat_c0 = rearrange(self.pos_encoding(feat_c0), 'n c h w -> n (h w) c') feat_c1 = rearrange(self.pos_encoding(feat_c1), 'n c h w -> n (h w) c') mask_c0 = mask_c1 = None # mask is useful in training if 'mask0' in data: mask_c0, mask_c1 = data['mask0'].flatten(-2), data['mask1'].flatten(-2) feat_c0, feat_c1 = self.loftr_coarse(feat_c0, feat_c1, mask_c0, mask_c1) # 3. match coarse-level self.coarse_matching(feat_c0, feat_c1, data, mask_c0=mask_c0, mask_c1=mask_c1) # 4. fine-level refinement feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold = self.fine_preprocess(feat_f0, feat_f1, feat_c0, feat_c1, data) if feat_f0_unfold.size(0) != 0: # at least one coarse level predicted feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold = self.loftr_fine(feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold) # 5. match fine-level self.fine_matching(feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold, data) class LoFTR_RGBD(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() # Misc self.config = config # Modules self.backbone = build_backbone_rgbd(config) self.pos_encoding = PositionEncodingSine(config['coarse']['d_model']) self.loftr_coarse = LocalFeatureTransformer(config['coarse']) self.coarse_matching = CoarseMatching(config['match_coarse']) self.fine_preprocess = FinePreprocess(config) self.loftr_fine = LocalFeatureTransformer(config["fine"]) self.fine_matching = FineMatching() def forward(self, data): """ Update: data (dict): { 'image0': (torch.Tensor): (N, 1, H, W) 'image1': (torch.Tensor): (N, 1, H, W) 'mask0'(optional) : (torch.Tensor): (N, H, W) '0' indicates a padded position 'mask1'(optional) : (torch.Tensor): (N, H, W) } """ # 1. Local Feature CNN data.update({ 'bs': data['image0'].size(0), 'hw0_i': data['image0'].shape[2:], 'hw1_i': data['image1'].shape[2:] }) if data['hw0_i'] == data['hw1_i']: # faster & better BN convergence feats_c, feats_f = self.backbone([data['image0'], data['image1']], dim=0)) (feat_c0, feat_c1), (feat_f0, feat_f1) = feats_c.split(data['bs']), feats_f.split(data['bs']) else: # handle different input shapes (feat_c0, feat_f0), (feat_c1, feat_f1) = self.backbone(data['image0']), self.backbone(data['image1']) data.update({ 'hw0_c': feat_c0.shape[2:], 'hw1_c': feat_c1.shape[2:], 'hw0_f': feat_f0.shape[2:], 'hw1_f': feat_f1.shape[2:] }) # 2. coarse-level loftr module # add featmap with positional encoding, then flatten it to sequence [N, HW, C] feat_c0 = rearrange(self.pos_encoding(feat_c0), 'n c h w -> n (h w) c') feat_c1 = rearrange(self.pos_encoding(feat_c1), 'n c h w -> n (h w) c') mask_c0 = mask_c1 = None # mask is useful in training if 'mask0' in data: mask_c0, mask_c1 = data['mask0'].flatten(-2), data['mask1'].flatten(-2) feat_c0, feat_c1 = self.loftr_coarse(feat_c0, feat_c1, mask_c0, mask_c1) # 3. match coarse-level self.coarse_matching(feat_c0, feat_c1, data, mask_c0=mask_c0, mask_c1=mask_c1) # 4. fine-level refinement feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold = self.fine_preprocess(feat_f0, feat_f1, feat_c0, feat_c1, data) if feat_f0_unfold.size(0) != 0: # at least one coarse level predicted feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold = self.loftr_fine(feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold) # 5. match fine-level self.fine_matching(feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold, data) class LoFTR_RGBD_teacher(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() # Misc self.config = config # Modules self.backbone = build_backbone_rgbd(config) self.pos_encoding = PositionEncodingSine(config['coarse']['d_model']) self.loftr_coarse = LocalFeatureTransformer(config['coarse']) self.coarse_matching = CoarseMatching_t(config['match_coarse']) self.fine_preprocess = FinePreprocess(config) self.loftr_fine = LocalFeatureTransformer(config["fine"]) self.fine_matching = FineMatching_t() def forward(self, data): """ Update: data (dict): { 'image0': (torch.Tensor): (N, 1, H, W) 'image1': (torch.Tensor): (N, 1, H, W) 'mask0'(optional) : (torch.Tensor): (N, H, W) '0' indicates a padded position 'mask1'(optional) : (torch.Tensor): (N, H, W) } """ # 1. Local Feature CNN if data['hw0_i'] == data['hw1_i']: # faster & better BN convergence feats_c, feats_f = self.backbone([data['image0'], data['image1']], dim=0)) (feat_c0, feat_c1), (feat_f0, feat_f1) = feats_c.split(data['bs']), feats_f.split(data['bs']) else: # handle different input shapes (feat_c0, feat_f0), (feat_c1, feat_f1) = self.backbone(data['image0']), self.backbone(data['image1']) data.update({ 'hw0_c_t': feat_c0, 'hw1_c_t': feat_c1, 'hw0_f_t': feat_f0, 'hw1_f_t': feat_f1 }) class LoFTR_RGB_student(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() # Misc self.config = config # Modules self.backbone = build_backbone_rgb(config) self.pos_encoding = PositionEncodingSine(config['coarse']['d_model']) self.loftr_coarse = LocalFeatureTransformer(config['coarse']) self.coarse_matching = CoarseMatching(config['match_coarse']) self.fine_preprocess = FinePreprocess(config) self.loftr_fine = LocalFeatureTransformer(config["fine"]) self.fine_matching = FineMatching() self.teacher = LoFTR_RGBD_teacher(config) pretrained_t = "./logs/tb_logs/indoor/indoor_rgbd_teacher.ckpt" # hard code , modified in the future, load teacher model sd = torch.load(pretrained_t, map_location='cpu')['state_dict'] from collections import OrderedDict new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in sd.items(): name = k[8:] # remove `matcher.` new_state_dict[name] = v self.teacher.load_state_dict(new_state_dict,strict=True) self.teacher.eval() for param in self.teacher.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False def fine_preprocess_teacher_branch(self, feat_f0, feat_f1, feat_c0, feat_c1, data,b_ids,i_ids,j_ids): W = data['W'] stride = data['hw0_f'][0] // data['hw0_c'][0] d_model_f = 128 if b_ids.shape[0] == 0: feat0 = torch.empty(0, W**2, d_model_f, device=feat_f0.device) feat1 = torch.empty(0, W**2, d_model_f, device=feat_f0.device) return feat0, feat1 # 1. unfold(crop) all local windows feat_f0_unfold = F.unfold(feat_f0, kernel_size=(W, W), stride=stride, padding=W//2) feat_f0_unfold = rearrange(feat_f0_unfold, 'n (c ww) l -> n l ww c', ww=W**2) feat_f1_unfold = F.unfold(feat_f1, kernel_size=(W, W), stride=stride, padding=W//2) feat_f1_unfold = rearrange(feat_f1_unfold, 'n (c ww) l -> n l ww c', ww=W**2) # 2. select only the predicted matches feat_f0_unfold = feat_f0_unfold[b_ids, i_ids] # [n, ww, cf] feat_f1_unfold = feat_f1_unfold[b_ids, j_ids] # option: use coarse-level loftr feature as context: concat and linear if True:#self.cat_c_feat: feat_c_win = self.teacher.fine_preprocess.down_proj([feat_c0[b_ids, i_ids], feat_c1[b_ids, j_ids]], 0)) # [2n, c] feat_cf_win = self.teacher.fine_preprocess.merge_feat([[feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold], 0), # [2n, ww, cf] repeat(feat_c_win, 'n c -> n ww c', ww=W**2), # [2n, ww, cf] ], -1)) feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold = torch.chunk(feat_cf_win, 2, dim=0) return feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold def forward(self, data): """ Update: data (dict): { 'image0': (torch.Tensor): (N, 1, H, W) 'image1': (torch.Tensor): (N, 1, H, W) 'mask0'(optional) : (torch.Tensor): (N, H, W) '0' indicates a padded position 'mask1'(optional) : (torch.Tensor): (N, H, W) } """ # 1. Local Feature CNN data.update({ 'bs': data['image0'].size(0), 'hw0_i': data['image0'].shape[2:], 'hw1_i': data['image1'].shape[2:] }) image0 = data['image0'][:, :3, :, :].clone() image1 = data['image1'][:, :3, :, :].clone() if data['hw0_i'] == data['hw1_i']: # faster & better BN convergence feats_c, feats_f = self.backbone([image0, image1], dim=0)) (feat_c0, feat_c1), (feat_f0, feat_f1) = feats_c.split(data['bs']), feats_f.split(data['bs']) else: # handle different input shapes (feat_c0, feat_f0), (feat_c1, feat_f1) = self.backbone(image0), self.backbone(image1) data.update({ 'hw0_c': feat_c0.shape[2:], 'hw1_c': feat_c1.shape[2:], 'hw0_f': feat_f0.shape[2:], 'hw1_f': feat_f1.shape[2:] }) # 2. coarse-level loftr module # add featmap with positional encoding, then flatten it to sequence [N, HW, C] feat_c0 = rearrange(self.pos_encoding(feat_c0), 'n c h w -> n (h w) c') feat_c1 = rearrange(self.pos_encoding(feat_c1), 'n c h w -> n (h w) c') mask_c0 = mask_c1 = None # mask is useful in training if 'mask0' in data: mask_c0, mask_c1 = data['mask0'].flatten(-2), data['mask1'].flatten(-2) feat_c0, feat_c1 = self.loftr_coarse(feat_c0, feat_c1, mask_c0, mask_c1) # 3. match coarse-level self.coarse_matching(feat_c0, feat_c1, data, mask_c0=mask_c0, mask_c1=mask_c1) # 4. fine-level refinement feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold = self.fine_preprocess(feat_f0, feat_f1, feat_c0, feat_c1, data) save_bi,save_ii,save_ji = data['b_ids'], data['i_ids'],data['j_ids'] #feat_f0_unfold_t, feat_f1_unfold_t = feat_f0_unfold.clone(), feat_f1_unfold.clone() if feat_f0_unfold.size(0) != 0: # at least one coarse level predicted feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold = self.loftr_fine(feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold) # 5. match fine-level self.fine_matching(feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold, data) ## teacher inference if data['hw0_i'] == data['hw1_i']: # faster & better BN convergence feats_c_t, feats_f_t = self.teacher.backbone([data['image0'], data['image1']], dim=0)) (feat_c0_t, feat_c1_t), (feat_f0_t, feat_f1_t) = feats_c_t.split(data['bs']), feats_f_t.split(data['bs']) else: # handle different input shapes (feat_c0_t, feat_f0_t), (feat_c1_t, feat_f1_t) = self.teacher.backbone(data['image0']), self.teacher.backbone(data['image1']) feat_c0_t = rearrange(self.teacher.pos_encoding(feat_c0_t), 'n c h w -> n (h w) c') feat_c1_t = rearrange(self.teacher.pos_encoding(feat_c1_t), 'n c h w -> n (h w) c') mask_c0_t = mask_c1_t = None # mask is useful in training #if 'mask0' in data: # mask_c0_t, mask_c1_t = data['mask0'].flatten(-2), data['mask1'].flatten(-2) feat_c0_t, feat_c1_t = self.teacher.loftr_coarse(feat_c0_t, feat_c1_t, mask_c0_t, mask_c1_t) self.teacher.coarse_matching(feat_c0_t, feat_c1_t, data, mask_c0=None, mask_c1=None) feat_f0_unfold_t, feat_f1_unfold_t = self.fine_preprocess_teacher_branch(feat_f0_t, feat_f1_t, feat_c0_t, feat_c1_t, data,save_bi,save_ii,save_ji) if feat_f0_unfold.size(0) != 0: # at least one coarse level predicted feat_f0_unfold_t, feat_f1_unfold_t = self.teacher.loftr_fine(feat_f0_unfold_t, feat_f1_unfold_t) else: feat_f0_unfold_t, feat_f1_unfold_t = feat_f0_unfold.clone(), feat_f1_unfold.clone() #feat_f0_unfold_t, feat_f1_unfold_t = self.teacher.loftr_fine(feat_f0_unfold_t, feat_f1_unfold_t) self.teacher.fine_matching(feat_f0_unfold_t, feat_f1_unfold_t, data)