2 values
[ 506587, 520235, 436383, 391895 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A man with a red helmet on a small moped on a dirt road. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 506587, 436383, 520235, 135125 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Man riding a motor bike on a dirt road on the countrysidein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 568566, 184761, 22928, 138081 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A baseball player running across a baseball fieldin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 575643, 22928, 138081, 184761 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A baseball player who just hit the ball running in a baseball gamein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 249666, 534284, 427291, 500712 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A person is standing in the snow on skisin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 249666, 534284, 320217, 500712 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see At a mountain range, a skier stands in her gear with her legs apart while a man lies on the snow between themin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 372043, 500712, 330796, 539565 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A red bronco truck sitting by a bicycle leaning on a railin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 330796, 372043, 539565, 381890 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A block bike is propped up on the fence railing as a red 40-wheel drive truck is parked behind it. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 581831, 125782, 264686, 30381 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A small apartment living room on a sunny dayin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 118386, 30381, 125782, 581831 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A living room filled with furniture and a purple couch under a windowin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 255910, 179199, 24652, 433985 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A group of cattle grazing in a field behind a fencein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 298151, 179199, 433985, 255910 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A group of cows grazing on top of a grass covered fieldin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 181453, 17463, 67761, 336335 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see An old snapshot of a young blond-haired boy catching a Frisbee. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 194034, 336335, 17463, 181453 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Young boy with a backpack throwing a Frisbeein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 401780, 336335, 252775, 227127 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see some tall smoke stacks that are in the skyin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 227127, 166693, 401780, 252775 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A jetliner flying through a cloudy gray skyin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 275913, 136043, 387256, 112811 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A chair sitting in front of a desk near a shelfin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 387256, 136043, 47928, 275913 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A computer room with a desk and a variety of knick knacks. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 572370, 139728, 57919, 375481 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a woman holding onto a little kid wearing skisin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 572370, 57919, 238933, 139728 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A person on skis is standing in the snow holding a kidin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 225891, 564803, 177014, 199815 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A street scene with a large truck driving byin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 177014, 225891, 317241, 199815 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A street with trucks cars and one person walkingin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 252810, 267015, 178795, 196120 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a table top with some plates of food on it in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 252810, 382745, 196120, 267015 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Plates of partially eaten food at the tablein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 408537, 505890, 86017, 76042 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Donuts in bins at a display with labels in a foreign languagein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 86017, 408537, 505890, 240820 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A lit display case of a variety of donuts in wire basketsin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 542946, 484446, 476160, 149423 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A large line of buses driving down a street togetherin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 44160, 149423, 484446, 542946 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A long line of buses travel down a street near some trees and a billboard.. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 62348, 560858, 297444, 542946 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A small black cat is sitting in a flower potin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 560858, 297444, 62348, 311361 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A cat observantly looks around the yard while sitting in a large potin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 372801, 286490, 2389, 89541 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A tray of fruit and a muffin on a tablein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 286490, 58910, 372801, 2389 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A piece of banana, some strawberries, shish-kabobs, and a muffin are on a trayin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 141256, 274446, 491510, 267840 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Young man on skateboard passing a man in a black shirtin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 267840, 389399, 491510, 274446 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A man walking down a street next to a young manin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 430122, 457668, 39871, 352377 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A wooden table topped with four plates of foodin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 352377, 430122, 39871, 24922 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see The group of people are enjoying their meal at the table. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 487299, 28692, 305690, 113338 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A man flying through while riding a skateboardin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 371453, 305690, 487299, 113338 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A young man on a skate board high in the air near some stepsin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 518158, 184518, 378089, 577029 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A girl and her dog in front of a basket of shoesin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 535125, 378089, 184518, 577029 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A woman sitting on a floor holding onto a dogin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 213113, 289515, 311914, 261805 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Several people are at an airport with their luggagein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 289515, 213113, 454611, 311914 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A group of travelers, with luggage, turns around and smilesin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 326035, 147866, 284247, 187592 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see An airplane flying through a blue cloudy skyin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 147866, 187592, 326035, 431228 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A blue sky, a few wispy clouds, and an airplane high in the skyin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 28823, 133200, 370824, 537170 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A large field with kites being flown in the skyin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 537170, 370824, 133200, 541964 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Very long kites fly in the sky over a field. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 509764, 522240, 129613, 465638 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Two black cats one walking through a door way and the other waiting to pouncein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 242526, 465638, 522240, 129613 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Two black cats are in empty looking housein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 52948, 425325, 42182, 280852 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a couple of kids are sitting on the edge of a coachin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 466885, 52948, 280852, 42182 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Two girls and one boy playing video gamesin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 183080, 101240, 125848, 256899 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A double decked bus is near a red brick buildingin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 183080, 133227, 256899, 101240 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A red double decker bus traveling past a tall brick buildingin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 350044, 131579, 118312, 380693 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A woman drinking from a cup behind vases. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 118312, 131579, 212267, 380693 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A woman peeks from the window amidst rows of identical vasesin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 476846, 348555, 49429, 120645 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A bus parked on the side of a road near a cliffin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 549216, 49429, 348555, 476846 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a bus coming down a mountain road, parking at a lookout pointin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 429160, 145061, 196793, 235597 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A full view of a bathroom with the shower and sink. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 7819, 235597, 429160, 145061 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A bathroom with a shower, sink and shelving unitin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 360678, 204643, 285397, 241844 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A very attractive young lady using her cell phonein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 285397, 131965, 241844, 360678 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A girl talking on her cell phone in the hallway of a schoolin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 136835, 107519, 295068, 31923 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A plate of food containing meat and vegetablesin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 136835, 295068, 31923, 464937 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A tasty looking dish of cooked meat and potatoesin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 484302, 198550, 571876, 535524 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a train on a train track at a train stationin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 484302, 390238, 535524, 571876 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see an image of a railroad track with train coming downin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 442078, 365168, 277163, 432332 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Two yellow and silver trains parked next to each otherin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 189993, 277163, 442078, 365168 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Two passenger trains sit side by side at the stationin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 404618, 198752, 163707, 412571 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A bench sitting on top of a lush green fieldin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 404618, 198752, 412571, 475550 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see An unoccupied bench along a path by the waterin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 101687, 236698, 328179, 83483 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A young person flying a kite at the beachin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 101687, 83483, 236698, 1712 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A boy on a beach flying a kite with other people aroundin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 16009, 479670, 397459, 319342 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Adult surfer riding small breaking wave on open oceanin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 479670, 397459, 16009, 323720 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A man surfs across a wave in the oceanin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 333538, 297441, 398507, 182593 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A Christmas tree covered in red lights in a living roomin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 398507, 535977, 333538, 182593 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A picture of someone's Christmas tree in the living roomin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 52357, 50786, 311240, 533013 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A snowboarder catches air while moving down a rampin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 533013, 50786, 52357, 392404 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a skateboarder with a yellow jacket doing some tricksin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 386321, 117036, 506955, 373312 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A black and white cat sitting on to of a table drinking from a glassin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 117036, 373312, 569931, 386321 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A cat sitting on a wooden table drinking out of cupin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 431363, 440822, 7570, 323634 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A picture of a computer and a living roomin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 440822, 431363, 266586, 323634 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see The white desk have a computer monitor on itin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 55809, 488066, 193168, 340321 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A pizza on a baking pan cut in halfin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 534716, 55809, 340321, 488066 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A full pizza cut in half with cheese and other ingredients on top. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 554040, 440387, 171942, 427886 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A variety of desserts arranged in a rowin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 554040, 440387, 427886, 299732 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Trays that have plates of dessert and a sandwiches on themin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 1667, 488002, 53491, 428498 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A toddler with a fork in her mouth and a picnic table and people behind her. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 428498, 53491, 488002, 511403 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A little girl with a white fork sicking out of her mouthin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 127937, 366430, 226256, 136503 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A garden is surrounded by a train and phone booth. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 366430, 127937, 136503, 280808 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A train sits at the edge of a gardenin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 366648, 390130, 489358, 295857 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A man and a women who are traversing the terrain on snow skis. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 341383, 295857, 489358, 366648 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see skiers trying to carefully cross an ice frozen creek in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 507329, 39012, 452859, 453133 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a couple of bears are on a roadin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 39012, 507329, 340923, 452859 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see there are two grizzly bears walking down the gravel roadin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 276325, 264962, 323164, 260927 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see three zebras and a gazelle drinking at a watering holein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 260927, 276325, 323164, 532457 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see THREE ZEBRAS AND ONE GAZELLE GRAZING TOGETHER in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 129072, 97411, 338357, 451953 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a toilet sink tub and a doll wearing a hatin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 97411, 451953, 119594, 129072 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A doll is sitting next to a toy bathroomin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 493386, 453167, 65426, 343418 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A toothbrush is sitting on a sink that has the words mystery toothbrush on itin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 453167, 343418, 493386, 569525 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see The toothbrush is left by the faucet by the sink in the bathroomin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 524202, 464447, 392107, 253170 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A boy is putting in the date on his video game playerin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 392107, 457871, 524202, 253170 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A man sitting on a sofa using a remote to set a televisionin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no exists but content is empty.
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