2 values
[ 179500, 150911, 105830, 19358 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Two blue bowls of food next to a bottle of cinnamon and sugarin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 310493, 105830, 150911, 179500 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see this is an image of cereal and milkin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 233245, 192827, 459912, 192153 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Rows of motor bikes and helmets in a cityin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 247971, 192153, 233245, 192827 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A lot of motorbikes line up down a busy streetin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 550555, 486159, 268130, 15827 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Two rows of various makes of parked motorcyclesin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 486159, 268130, 218012, 550555 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a bunch of motorcycles are parked tightly togetherin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 320877, 394240, 446383, 265277 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A row of motorcycles parked in front of a buildingin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 265277, 446383, 413172, 320877 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A bunch of motorcycles parked on the side of the roadin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 542033, 479597, 386847, 510755 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A row of motorcycles parked next to each other on a lush green fieldin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 135756, 479597, 542033, 386847 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Several motorcycles parked beneath trees in a parkin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 340419, 175831, 103375, 373540 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Two people on mopeds passing in front of a buildingin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 340419, 373540, 103375, 328833 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see two people riding scooter on a city streetin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 79472, 358868, 88116, 369823 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Office space with office equipment on desk topin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 160482, 369823, 358868, 88116 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A hope office setup of computers and printersin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 33958, 154373, 250108, 339529 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A computer that is on a desk near a windowin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 33958, 339529, 458168, 154373 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see An office desk in front of a large window overlooking a parking lotin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 1999, 432064, 315601, 118625 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A close-up of a one-way street with many cars and motorcyclesin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 118625, 1999, 432064, 362751 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Straight ahead view of several lanes of traffic heading this wayin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 381664, 18158, 437218, 26376 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see this living room has a small tv and a lamp next to itin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 381664, 385504, 18158, 26376 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A big screen television is sitting on a stand in a roomin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 157052, 204721, 177939, 503707 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A group of men riding motorcycle down a country roadin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 177939, 157052, 113126, 204721 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a street with some motorcycles driving through itin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 292868, 74331, 366782, 220772 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see This is a case full of yellow bananas. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 292868, 220772, 429260, 366782 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Bananas a tightly packed and boxed for delivery to the marketin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 161810, 271994, 31578, 579664 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Vegetables are displayed in a wooden barrel outdoorsin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 271994, 161810, 31578, 575227 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A bunch of bananas are sitting on the standin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 530019, 388726, 369763, 119760 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A polie officer standing next to a motorcycle parked on the streetin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 388726, 411654, 119760, 530019 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A scene depicting a man sitting down on a curb and a motor cop writing a ticketin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 199951, 161218, 36477, 334275 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a person riding a motorcycle on an enclosed roadin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 36477, 161218, 578580, 334275 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A motorcycle and a rider on a race trackin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 45864, 161617, 11948, 452684 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A large pitcher of some beverage is on the table next to orange slicesin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 11948, 45864, 161617, 166711 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A cold pitcher of orange juice beside a bowl of orange slicesin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 213687, 122602, 116134, 94549 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Motorcycles driving down a wide city street nearing a white buildingin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 94549, 248132, 116134, 122602 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A large building with many windows and people riding scooters nearbyin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 108094, 550747, 362391, 24231 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Two people on motorbike passing by a clock facadein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 362391, 239618, 550747, 24231 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Two people are riding a red bike down the streetin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 527040, 77318, 217766, 163132 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A bunch of birds sitting in a bread basketin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 163132, 195390, 77318, 217766 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Two birds perched on a bread basked on a tablein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 255036, 134167, 350341, 138079 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Grey bird in a wooden basket eating breadin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 134167, 255036, 12428, 138079 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A basket of bread with a small bird eating itin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 425398, 536204, 550529, 277085 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A motorbike sitting in front of a wine display casein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 277085, 425398, 536204, 405114 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A motor bike and some wine in a roomin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 491558, 432176, 138921, 13868 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A wooden bench sitting next to an entrancein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 138921, 13868, 395718, 491558 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A green wooden bench in front of a housein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 64593, 136043, 281533, 224862 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A dog watches an animal on the televisionin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 136043, 453523, 224862, 64593 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Large brown dog facing away, watching TV with wildlife scenein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 369826, 164461, 216482, 147914 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A picture advertising Arizona tourism in an airportin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 216482, 344075, 164461, 147914 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A television that is sitting next to signsin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 551334, 33998, 243187, 82021 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see the person is sitting at a desk with a television behind him in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 243187, 82021, 33998, 266833 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A person sitting at a table in a roomin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 441054, 412874, 291380, 414884 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A car passes by to find a man outside near a TVin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 223599, 412874, 414884, 441054 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A picture of a man sitting on the sidewalk next to a television set and backpackin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 196594, 471191, 368978, 490496 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A four engine jet transport airplane flying lowin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 360128, 471191, 490496, 196594 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A large airplane flying over a grassy field with treesin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 563098, 77123, 482534, 360614 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see The side of an airplane that is parked, and an Air China sign on the side of the planein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 482534, 561615, 563098, 360614 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see An Air China airplane sitting on the runway in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 434316, 516224, 121547, 513681 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A man in a safety vest holds him arms up as he stands in front of an airplanein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 434316, 290361, 516224, 121547 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see an airport employee giving directions to an airplanein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 437370, 522489, 558153, 194921 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a large air plane is parked out on a grass fieldin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 522489, 558153, 41119, 194921 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A vintage propeller plane parked in a grassy area with other older planesin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 383721, 78371, 422280, 535049 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A small airplane taking off from an airport runwayin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 506617, 422280, 383721, 535049 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A Curtiss P-40 Warhawk taxis along a runwayin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 143401, 526319, 560623, 17449 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see An airport filled with planes sitting on tarmacsin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 526319, 253730, 143401, 17449 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see The view of runway from behind the windows of airportin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 507028, 302885, 289173, 569607 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A plane just outside of a terminal with other planes in the backgroundin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 302885, 267717, 569607, 507028 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Several planes on the tarmac at an airport. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 217407, 52759, 534672, 171328 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see An airplane sits on the tarmac of an airport, with a disconnected boarding gatein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 217407, 322530, 171328, 534672 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Plane boarding passengers while at a fancy airportin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 219594, 100407, 568623, 535250 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A man sitting on a large bench talking on a cell phonein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 535250, 219594, 439143, 100407 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A man sitting on a modern bench talking on a phonein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 297414, 128939, 278295, 144199 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a car is stopped in the street for people to crossin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 127760, 297414, 144199, 278295 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a white car is pulled up and stopped at a linein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 339974, 505619, 350842, 512948 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A traffic signal sitting next to a street at nightin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 350842, 418938, 505619, 512948 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Traffic light at night, appearing very confusing. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 129072, 74524, 485628, 561100 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A small blue plane sitting on top of a fieldin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 129072, 485628, 74524, 121762 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see an E2 airplane painted blue with black and white stripes in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 110937, 423618, 127282, 150410 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Man bending down to check out a model plain that is parked in the grassin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 110937, 127282, 423618, 198518 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Man behind a radio operated model airplane on the groundin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 9426, 78770, 18942, 51880 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A small plane flying through a cloudy blue skyin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 51880, 247708, 18942, 78770 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Red and white small plane on partially cloudy dayin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 14869, 5915, 115014, 493741 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A park bench siting next to a tree next to a parkin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 115014, 493741, 76042, 5915 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Green park bench in front of a tree on a sunny dayin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 121778, 379232, 551052, 281221 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a giraffe walking through trees on a sunny dayin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 121778, 379232, 162963, 551052 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see Giraffe grazing on leaves from tree in native areain any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 517921, 97976, 440575, 93230 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see The snow covered mountain looks over the small cityin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 315895, 93230, 97976, 517921 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE FLYING ABOVE THE CITY AND MOUNTAINin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 497207, 38823, 4189, 354533 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A motorcycle sits parked across from a herd of livestockin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 497207, 38823, 4189, 90373 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A motorbike, people and sheep in the backgroundin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 542589, 545959, 524044, 499191 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A large group of sheep in a grassy fieldin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 542589, 499191, 46432, 524044 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see many different animals in a large field of green grass in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 511058, 37104, 23050, 130786 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A giraffe with a mouth full of grass in front of a forestin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 23050, 130786, 37104, 18058 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A close up of a giraffe chewing on some hayin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 91227, 493918, 181064, 263246 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A giraffe standing in the grass near a treein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 263246, 181064, 493918, 13949 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a brown and white giraffe in a field of grassin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 129579, 302852, 242139, 53229 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A building shines in the clear sky as cars drive underneathin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 173069, 302852, 53229, 129579 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A street scene at an intersection with tall skyscrapers in the background. in any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 150032, 491336, 41288, 334321 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A large white dog is sitting on a bench beside an elderly manin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 279850, 491336, 150032, 41288 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A large white dog sits on a bench with people next to a pathin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no
[ 178440, 446421, 286204, 381021 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see a woman is on a poster hanging outsidein any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
A. yes
[ 566062, 446421, 286204, 178440 ]
Answer the question with yes or no. question: do you see A sign in a median is displaying an ad of a womanin any of these images? Answers: A. yes B. no
B. no