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Thank you for your interest in our Maine Wisdom Ingathering! The foundational pieces are now in place, and we can now provide you with the information you need to determine whether you're definitely "in." We hope you are! This gives all signs of shaping up as a wonderful Wisdom adventure. If you'd like to download this information to print out to have on hand, click here for the a document.
Contact Information. Our event coordinator is once again Wendy Johnston. She's your registrar, and your "go to" person for all questions about housing or any other concerns. P.O. Box 608, Stonington, ME 04681. Phone 207-348-3093 (h); 717-926-6912 (cell); email: christpath77@yahoo.com.
Program. This program this year will feature the usual blend of daily teaching (by Cynthia Bourgeault, shared in the afternoon with Matthew Wright), meditation, chanting, sacred movement, and conscious practical work, as well as some unprogrammed time for exploring the natural paradise here and reconnecting with old friends.
And as usual, there will be music, this year drawing on the talents of Wisdom student/concert pianist Edith diBartolo to draw us deeper into the Western musical language of beauty… And by popular acclaim, the Taize jam will be back, and with a gathering orchestra of fiddles, recorders, Celtic harp and handrums, we look forward to a merry and moving hullaballoo!
The program will begin on Sunday evening, June 3 and conclude with our traditional potluck "Gaudeamus" on Saturday, June 9. There will be a final early morning sitting on the 10th. While we strongly encourage participants to come for the entire week, we also can accommodate a limited number of flexible arrangements for those with weekday or weekend commitments. Stay closely in touch with Wendy here.
Cost. There will be a uniform program fee of $150 per person (or $200 per family unit, no matter its size —great deal!!!) This covers our basic operational expenses: rental of teaching space, teaching fees, and a simple daily lunch which we'll prepare as part of our practical work together. The same fee applies whether you come for the entire week or merely a part of it, since spaces and provisions will need to be purchased for the entire week.
In addition, you will have your accommodation costs in a variety of price ranges (see below), transportation expenses, breakfast and dinner on your own (either eat out or cook in), and whatever extras you'd like to set aside for tourist adventures.
Registration. A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your space in the Ingathering (which will be capped at 80 people). The balance (remaining program fee plus housing costs if applicable) will be due by May 1, 2018.
Note: Everyone must register!!!! Even if you have already booked your accommodations, we need to receive your registration fee to keep you actively on our roster. Please use the following link https://northeastwisdom.org/maine-wisdom-ingathering-registration/ to go to the registration form. You can either fill it out online or else print it out and mail it back to Wendy along with your check.
Accommodations. Stonington is a picturesque Maine fishing village with plenty of rental and motel options in all price ranges. For our Ingathering, you can either book your own accommodations (as several of you have already done) or apply for a spot in one of our Northeast Wisdom-booked rentals.
If you're booking on your own, we recommend working with our local partners at the Island Agency right here in Stonington: www.islandrentalsmaine.com. Christina Carter is the rentals rep. You can also call the office at (207) 367-2828.
There are other internet-based agencies that are also experienced and reliable including www.vacationrentals.com and www.rentalsmaine.com. The latter is a locally based (Blue Hill) organization, phone (207) 354-5444.
If you've booked a house with room to spare and would like to be matched up with another retreat participant either to offer hospitality or for cost-sharing, let Wendy know.
Northeast Wisdom-managed Accommodations. Northeast Wisdom has rented three large houses in town for the occasion, and we are pleased to be able to provide accommodations for twenty-five to thirty people, depending on sleeping configurations. Depending on the houses selected, you can expect to pay between $400 and $500 per room for the week. Obviously, if this room is shared with another person (whether by partners sharing a double bed, or two people in separate beds), the price per person will be way more modest. As always, single rooms will come at a premium.
Once we receive your registration fee, we will work with you to find the optimal configuration for your requirements and budget. If needs be, we will look into renting more additional space, but at the moment, we cannot guarantee Northeast Wisdom-sponsored housing beyond these already booked properties.
For those coming for only part of the week, we may be able to facilitate cost-sharing with someone coming for a different timeslot. There are a few other "low-budget" options we may be able to help facilitate, including hospitality with a few of our local Wisdom residents, dormitory style space in which to roll out your sleeping bag, and the local camping ground (if you're coming by car, as it is about three miles out of town).
Scholarships. We have some limited financial assistance available to help defray costs. Again, make your needs known to Wendy.
Transportation. If it's at all feasible, we encourage you to consider driving. While our Wisdom campus itself is very compact and in easy walking distance, the main market is a couple of miles out of town, and most regional sightseeing (Acadia National Park, Old Quarry kayak rentals) will require your own wheels. And any additional meditation cushions, backjacks, seat cushions, or other paraphernalia you can tuck aboard will be helpful, believe me!!!!
Otherwise, your airport options are Bangor (closest, about 1.5 hours away), Portland (3 hours), and Boston (5 hours). These latter options require you to rent a car, but it may prove a cost-effective option since the flights (particularly Boston flights) tend to be considerably cheaper than Bangor. Southwest Airlines to Manchester NH is another viable option, and there is also regular summer air service between Boston and Bar Harbor (even closer than Bangor, but generally pricey.) We are sorry that we cannot commit to providing personal airport pickup service for everyone flying into Bangor. If you let Wendy know your flight times, we can help you coordinate with others arriving at about the same time so that you can arrange shared shuttle service.
Kayaks. Any serious kayakers out there? One of the cottages we're renting comes with about a half dozen kayaks as part of the rental package. If you are an experienced kayaker interested in further exploration of this island-dotted paradise, let Wendy know, and we'll do our best to book you into that cottage (your name will have to be specifically registered in the lease agreement; for liability reasons the kayaks are not free for the taking to all Wisdom School participants).
What else? Later this spring (about the time your balance owing is due) we'll send you another information bulletin with details you need to know to help with your packing and preparations. For now, simply return your registration form, take a deep breath, and keep us in the loop RE your housing arrangements. Wow! This is actually happening! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Rivers at risk from park plan
December 2, 2008 02.12.2008 • 08:00
A new decision by the Environment and Public Works Ministry grants national park status to the deltas of the Axios, Loudia and Aliakmonas rivers in northern Greece but legal loopholes are expected to curb the protection of the area. The decision follows several years of lobbying by local authorities, landowners and hunting associations, demanding that restrictions to farming and hunting activities in the region be lifted. According to the ministry's plan, the site will be divided into four zones with graded levels of protection. In the so-called agricultural zone, sources say the proposal lifts virtually all restrictions, allowing the development of small-scale industry, small boatyards, the construction of warehouses, private homes and hotels. Stella Vareltzidou, who heads the organization managing local rivers, says the uses of land foreseen by the decision are «inappropriate.»
Minister pressed on leadership
Vatopedi deals unravel
Jailed dictator makes bid for early release
Leros leads action to help illegal migrants | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Welcome to Open Circuits, Mzandrew.
Thank you for adding genuinely useful information. Thank you for removing spam.
Please feel free to talk about your electronics experiences here. Thank you, Mzandrew, for making Open Circuits a better place.
This page was last modified on 30 August 2007, at 22:15. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
One ingredient of the contemporary Standard Model is QCD which is believed to describe the strong interaction between quarks and gluons. The theory has six free mass parameters for the six quark species and one coupling parameter. After fixing these free parameters of the QCD Lagrangian at some reference energy scale, the theory in principle predicts presently known effects in which only the strong interaction is involved. Since QCD possesses the property of asymptotic freedom, perturbation theory is applicable in the high energy regime ($E\gg 1\GeV$), but for low energies lattice QCD, the only known systematic non-perturbative approach, is required. Here a certain number of physical quantities, for example meson masses, have to be identified
with experimental inputs to determine the free parameters and in particular to gauge dimensionful quantities on the lattice in powers of $\GeV$.
Only then predictions become possible. As an example, the light hadron mass
spectrum was studied by different collaborations in quenched as well as in
full QCD with up to three dynamical fermion
species \cite{Butler:1994,spectrum:cppacs_nf0,spectrum:cppacs_nf2,Aoki:2008sm,spectrum:etmc_nf2_baryons,Durr:2008zz}. The theoretical predictions for the spectrum in full QCD are compatible with the experiments at the error-level achieved so far.
At a first glance the perturbative and non-perturbative formulations seem to
be disjoint and have their own domains of applicability. In a long-term
project, the ALPHA collaboration has been developing methods and tools to
connect these regimes by computing the parameters of the perturbative domain
starting from the non-perturbative formulation \cite{Luscher:1998pe}. In this
context, the step scaling function which we will discuss later plays a key
role. For different numbers of flavors,
the step scaling function \cite{Luscher:1993gh,mbar:pap1,Takeda:2004,DellaMorte:2004bc,alpha:cppacs_nf3,Appelquist:2009ty} which can be understood as an integrated form of the QCD
$\beta$-function and the running coupling have been examined and determined successfully (see \cite{Mason:2005zx,Gockeler:2005rv,Shintani:2008ga} for recent publications). In this paper, we want to calculate the step scaling function and the running coupling with four flavors of $\mathcal{O}(a)$ improved Wilson quarks. For the present work, the improvement coefficient $\csw$ which is essential for the $\mathcal{O}(a)$ improvement with Wilson quarks was determined in a preceding paper \cite{Tekin:2009}. We exploit this result in the simulations that we report in the following.
The paper is organized as follows. In sections 2--5 we summarize some background about the nonperturbative definition
of a coupling constant in the \SF finite volume renormalization scheme and about the step scaling technique.
In section 6 we present our new raw data and their analysis.
We will arrive, for four flavors, at a value for the dimensionless combination $\Lambda\Lmax$.
While $\Lambda$ parameterizes the coupling at high energy, $\Lmax$ is an unambiguously defined length in the hadronic regime.
Its value in GeV remains to be determined by large volume simulations.
\section{The finite size strategy}
The fundamental parameters of QCD, i.e. the coupling and masses of the quarks, depend on a scale $\mu$.
To make contact with perturbative QCD we need to know their values for large $\mu$ in the domain of asymptotic freedom.
If such a computation is attempted on a single lattice where at the same time hadronic scales are measurable with small finite volume and discretization effects
one has to satisfy to a reasonable precision the string of inequalities
L\gg\frac{1}{m_{\pi}}\approx\frac{1}{0.14\,\GeV}\gg\frac{1}{\mu}\approx\frac{1}{10\,\GeV}\gg a.
In total this implies $L/a\gg 70$ which is impossible to satisfy for some time. A way to circumvent these difficulties was
hence proposed by L\"uscher et al. in \cite{Luscher:1991wu}. The idea is to exploit the universality of the finite volume continuum limit
to perform intermediate renormalizations with the finite size as a renormalization scale, $\mu=1/L$.
In these steps only $L\gg a$ has to be assured to render cutoff effects small. By such simulations one can nonperturbatively
determine the change of the coupling constant in the continuum limit under scale changes from $L$ to $L/2$. By repeating such
steps we start at $\Lmax\approx\mathcal{O}(0.5\fm)$
and arrive after $k$ steps at $\mu=2^{k}/\Lmax$. With a sufficient number of steps this will be
in the perturbative regime where we can make contact with the $\Lambda$ parameter of an arbitrary scheme and with the
scheme independent renormalization
group invariant quark masses by applying perturbative formulas. If one finally succeeds in computing the precise value of
$\Lmax$ in units of a mass or decay constant, then all references to the intermediate finite volumes will have
disappeared from the final result. More details may be found in \cite{Luscher:1998pe}.
\section{Running coupling}
As mentioned before, the coupling and the quark masses are renormalization scale dependent and run with energy. Therefore the quoted values of the quark masses and the world average of $\alphas$, both in the $\MSbar$ scheme, in the Particle Physics Booklet \cite{ParticleDataGroup} are referred to a particular reference scale ($\mu\approx 2\,\GeV$ for the masses and $\mu={{M}}_{\textrm{Z}}$ for the coupling).
From the theoretical point of view, the running of the QCD parameters is described by the renormalization group equation.
However, a physical observable $\mathscr{O}$ should have no reference to a particular renormalization scale $\mu$. This fact is expressed by the
Callan-Symanzik equation
In words: for any change of $\mu$ there are accompanying modifications of $\gbar$ and $\mbar_i$ such that
the physics is unchanged.
The implied scale dependence of the coupling is given by $\beta(\gbar)$ in (\ref{calansymanzik})
For high energies or for weak couplings, the $\beta$-function has the following asymptotic expansion
\beta(\gbar)\stackrel{\gbar\to 0}{=}-\gbar^{3}\left[b_{0}+b_{1}\gbar^{2}+b_{2}\gbar^{4}+\dots\right].
The first two (1- and 2-loop) coe\ffi cients $b_{0}$ and $b_{1}$ in (\ref{asymptotic}) are
scheme independent
The 3-loop coefficient does depend on the scheme and
in the \SF scheme, which we will need later, $b_{2}$ has been given in \cite{Bode:1999sm}
We restrict ourselves to mass-independent schemes where all renormalization conditions are imposed at vanishing quark masses.
Examples are the $\MSbar$ scheme of dimensional regularization and the \SF
scheme used here. For $\Nf\leq 16$, the $\beta$-function (\ref{asymptotic}) is
negative at weak coupling
and the integration of (\ref{betafunction}) results in a coupling which
decreases with increasing energy.
In other words, the quarks behave like free particles in the high energy
regime (asymptotic freedom). But for $\Nf>16$, there is a sign change
and the property of asymptotic freedom is lost.
The relation of $\gbar(\mu)$ to the $\Lambda$ parameter of QCD is given by the following solution of the Callan-Symanzik equation
& &\exp\left\{-\int_{0}^{\gbar(\mu)}dx\left[\frac{1}{\beta(x)}+\frac{1}{b_{0}x^{3}}-\frac{b_{1}}{b_{0}^{2}x}\right]\right\}.
As is well-known, $\Lambda$ is scheme-dependent but the transformation to other schemes follows from the relation between their couplings
at one loop accuracy.
\section{Coupling in the SF scheme}
The finite-volume scheme which we use for our simulations is the \SF (SF) scheme. In the following, we will only give a brief
reminder of the main features and properties of this scheme which are discussed in detail in many papers, for example \cite{Luscher:1992an,Sint:1993un,Sint:1995rb,Sint:1995ch,Bode:1999sm}.
The original proposal was made in \cite{Luscher:1992an}. The construction was guided by several design criteria.
The coupling constant was to be defined independently of perturbation theory, but its evaluation had to be manageable
both in lattice perturbation theory (also beyond one loop) and by numerical simulation. Moreover, small lattice artefacts
were demanded. These requirements are not easy to fulfill and have led to the \SF which is the Euclidean propagation kernel of a field configuration $C$ at time $x_{0}=0$ to another field configuration $C'$ at time $x_{0}=T$. The free energy or effective action
$\Gamma$ of such a system is given by
The action $S$ is defined as in \cite{Tekin:2009}. The choice of $C_{k}$ and $C'_{k}$ of the boundary gauge fields
is largely arbitrarily. After some optimization with regard to lattice artefacts constant Abelian fields turned out to be appropriate.
We will also adopt this choice of boundary fields parameterized by the scale $L$
and two dimensionless real parameters $\eta$ and $\nu$
\cite{Luscher:1993gh}. Numerical simulations of the \SF showed that the choice
$\nu=0$ leads to small statistical errors for the coupling in
simulations. Therefore, we will also set $\nu$ to zero.
The \SF coupling is now defined by the response of $\Gamma$ to a variation of the boundary fields
around point 'A' of \cite{Luscher:1993gh}
via the parameter $\eta$,
\Gamma' = \left.\frac{\partial\Gamma}{\partial\eta}\right|_{\eta=0}=\frac{k}{\gbar^2},
where $k$ is a normalization constant chosen such that the perturbative expansion of $\Gamma'$
begins with the bare coupling at tree level \cite{Luscher:1993gh}.
It should be noticed that the only external scale which appears in the definition of the coupling is the box size $L$, i.e. recursive finite size techniques can be used for the investigation of the evolution of the coupling.
The key quantity $\Gamma'$ in the definition of the coupling is an observable which can be calculated easily through Monte Carlo simulations. Taking the derivative of (\ref{schroedingerpartition}) results in
Explicit expressions for both expectation values in (\ref{gaugeandfermion}) can be found in \cite{Sommer:2006sj,DellaMorte:2004bc}. The calculation of the renormalized coupling $\gbar^2$ involves expectation values of a local operator and no correlation functions. Therefore the numerical evaluation on a computer is straight forward once configurations are available.
The relation to the QCD coupling in the \SF scheme $\alphaSF$ is given by
\alphaSF(\mu)=\frac{\gbar^2(L)}{4\pi},\quad \mu=1/L.
To complete the definition of the coupling, also the boundary conditions for
the quark fields have to be specified. We follow exactly
\cite{Sint:1995ch}. In particular the angle entering the spatial
periodicity of the quarks is chosen as $\theta=\pi/5$ since this value is
advantageous for the numerical simulations \cite{Sint:1995ch,DellaMorte:2004bc}.
\section{The step scaling function\label{ssf_cont}}
The concept of the \textit{step scaling function} which was introduced in \cite{Luscher:1991wu} has proven to be a very useful recursive technique to scale the coupling to high energies. As we discussed before, in our finite-volume scheme, the energy scale $\mu$ is identified with $L^{-1}$. Hence the renormalization group function $\beta$ (\ref{betafunction}) describes how the coupling changes if the box size is varied infinitesimally. The step scaling function $\sigma (s,u)$, in comparison, gives then a description how the coupling behaves when the box size $L$ is scaled by a factor $s$
\gbar^2(sL)=\sigma (s,\gbar^2(L)).
The function $\sigma (s,u)$ can be regarded as an integrated form of
the renormalization group $\beta$-function. With the help of the step scaling
function (\ref{stepscaling}) the coupling can be traced to scales
$2^{-k}\Lmax$ (small box sizes, high energies) starting with an initial value
$L=\Lmax$. The value $s=2$ is commonly used
\cite{Luscher:1991wu,DellaMorte:2004bc,Gehrmann:2001yn} in the application of
$\sigma (s,u)$ and we will also make this choice (from now on $s=2$ and we will drop the argument $s$). The relation between the renormalization group $\beta$-function and the step scaling function $\sigma(\gbar^2(L))$ is given by
-2\ln (2)=\int_{u}^{\sigma(u)}\frac{dx}{\sqrt{x}\beta(\sqrt{x})}.
For small values of the coupling $u$, the step scaling function has the following perturbative expansion
\sigma (u)=u+s_{0}u^2+s_{1}u^3+s_{2}u^4+\dots
where the coefficients are given by
s_{0}&=2b_{0}\ln (2),\\
s_{1}&=\left[2b_{0}\ln (2)\right]^2+2b_{1}\ln (2),\\
s_{2}&=\left[2b_{0}\ln (2)\right]^3+10b_{0}b_{1}\left[\ln (2)\right]^2+2b_{2}\ln (2).
Both eq. (\ref{beta23loop}) with the truncated $\beta$ function as well as the expansion (\ref{sigmaseries}) can be used as the perturbative approximation of the step scaling function. They differ from each other by higher order terms.
We take the first option when we compare our Monte Carlo results
with perturbation theory.
To study $\sigma(u)$ numerically one starts with choosing several lattice sizes $L/a$ and tuning the bare coupling $\gbare^2$ and the hopping parameter $\kappa$ in such a way that the value of the renormalized coupling $\gbar^2(L)$ reaches some chosen value $\gbar^2(L)=u$ and the quark mass vanishes since we are in a massless scheme. The next step is to take $L/a\to 2L/a$ and simulate at the same bare parameters. The obtained coupling $\gbar^2(2L)$ from the latter simulations is a lattice approximation $\Sigma (u,a/L)$ of the continuum step scaling function $\sigma(u)$. An extrapolation to the continuum of the data points at the same coupling $u$ but growing $L/a$ then leads to one value of the continuum function $\sigma(u)$. The procedure is repeated until a suitable range of $u$ is covered. An appropriate functional description of the continuum step scaling function can
be given in the end in the form of a suitable fit-function that interpolates the data.
The lattice approximation $\Sigma(u,a/L)$ of the step scaling function contains remnant lattice effects of order $a$.
The reason is that beside our nonperturbative value for $\csw$ there are boundary improvement coefficients for which only
perturbative estimates are available.
We use those to the known order \cite{Luscher:1993gh,Bode:1999sm,Sint:1995ch}
which ensures that $\mathcal{O}(a)$ cutoff effects in the step scaling function appear
only starting at three-loop order.
The details of cutoff effects also depend on how the condition of a
massless scheme is exactly implemented at a finite lattice spacing. As in
the $\nf=2$ computation, we define the massless point on the
smaller of the pair of lattices entering the step scaling function.
More precisely, the (unrenormalized) PCAC quark mass,
m(x_{0})=\frac{\frac{1}{2}(\drvstar0+\drv0)\fa(x_{0})+\ca a\drvstar0\drv0\fp(x_{0})}{2\fp(x_{0})}
at $x_{0}=\frac{T}{2}$,
is set to zero. The definition of the correlation functions $\fa,\fp$ is found e.g. in \cite{Tekin:2009,alpha:letter}. The second reference also contains a discussion of the influence of choosing the massless point in a way which differs from (\ref{m1}) at finite lattice spacing. For the improvement coefficient $\ca$ in (\ref{mpcac}) we used the 1-loop result \cite{Luscher:1996vw}.
In addition to the various improvement terms in the action
and $\ca$ in (\ref{mpcac}) we exploit our knowledge of $\delta_1$ and $\delta_2$ from
the perturbative calculation of
\delta (u,a/L)=\frac{\Sigma (u,a/L)-\sigma (u)}{\sigma (u)}=\delta_{1}(a/L)u+\delta_{2}(a/L)u^2+\dots,
with the coefficients taken from \cite{Gehrmann:2001yn}. For $\nf=4$ we have
$L/a$ & $\delta_{1}$ &$\quad\delta_{2}$ \\\hline\hline
$4$ &$-0.0102$ &$0.0073$\\
$6$ &$-0.0045$ &$0.0013$\\
$8$ &$-0.0024$ &$0.00013$\\\hline
Using these data we form the lattice step scaling function~\cite{alpha:SU2impr}
\Sigma^{(2)}(u,a/L)=\frac{\Sigma (u,a/L)}{1+\delta_{1}(a/L)u+\delta_{2}(a/L)u^2}
which we expect to
have smaller overall cutoff effects. They still start at order
$a\times u^4$ but terms of order $a^m\times u^n$ are removed for
all $m$ and for $n\leq3$ (in fact non-perturbatively in $a$).
As mentioned previously, the order $a\times u^4$ terms are due to the
only perturbatively known boundary improvement terms. Their influence
was explicitly checked for $\nf=2$ and found to be minor \cite{DellaMorte:2004bc},
such that also here we assume that the step scaling function
converges {\em effectively} at a rate
Once the non-perturbatively determined continuum
step scaling function $\sigma(u)$ is known, the running of the coupling can be
computed easily.
For this purpose, one solves the recurrence
u_{i}=\sigma(u_{i+1}),\quad i=0,\dots,n,\quad u_{0}=\umax=\gbar^2\left(\Lmax\right),
where $\umax$ is chosen such that the corresponding scale $\Lmax$ is in the hadronic regime of QCD. Proceeding in this way the coupling can be obtained over a wide range of energies. At a sufficiently large energy $\mu=2^{k}/\Lmax$ ($k\lesssim n$), perturbation theory can be applied for determining the quantity $\Lambda\Lmax$ using (\ref{Lambda})
with the $\beta$ function truncated at 2-loop and 3-loop respectively.
\section{Numerical computation and results}
\subsection{Simulation parameters and raw data}
The choice of the improvement coefficients $\ct$ , $\ctildet$ and $\csw$ were
as discussed in our preceding paper \cite{Tekin:2009}.
The range of $\beta$ for our simulations was limited by the validity range of
$\csw$ with four flavors ($\beta\le 5.0$) \cite{Tekin:2009}. Since our code
allows only an even number of lattice points in each direction and lattices
beyond $L/a=16$ are too time-consuming for our present resources,
we chose lattices ($T=L$) $L/a=4,6,8$. We picked a sufficient number of values
of $\beta \in [5.0 , 9.5]$ to adequately map out a range $\gbar^2(L)=0.9 \ldots 2.7$,
$\gbar^2(2L)=1.0 \ldots 3.5$.
With some tuning of the hopping parameter $\kappa$
the quark mass was kept small enough ($|m_1 L| \leq 0.005$) such that
mass-effects in the step scaling function are negligible.
We performed our simulations on 4-5 crates of the apeNEXT
machine at DESY Zeuthen
over a period of about a year. The raw data are listed in the appendix.
\subsection{Analysis of data}
\caption{Data points for $L/a=8$ and $L/a=16$ and their
The parameter $n$ in (\ref{fitfunction}) is set to three. The hopping parameter $\kappa$ was tuned only on the small lattices $L/a=4,6,8$ such that the PCAC mass (\ref{m1}) vanished.}\label{gbarbeta}
The computation of the step scaling function on the lattice as described in
section \ref{ssf_cont} requires $\gbar^2(L)$ to be fixed to certain values
$u$ while the resolution $a/L$ is changed. Previously this was realized
by tuning $\beta$ for each pair $u,L/a$ \cite{Luscher:1993gh,mbar:pap1,DellaMorte:2004bc}.
Instead we here follow the more convenient proposal of \cite{Appelquist:2009ty} to
pick a sufficient range and number of bare couplings for each considered $L/a$
and interpolate the running coupling $\gbar^2(\beta,L/a)$ with a smooth
of $\beta$. Afterwards
the function allows access to any value of $\gbar^2$ in the covered range.
As an interpolation we took
motivated by perturbation theory. Note, however, that we do not fix the
known perturbative expansion coefficients; we do not even require
$c_{0,L/a}=1$. Somewhat different forms and values $n$ were checked and we
verified that our results do not depend on the details of these
interpolations. An example is shown in figure~\ref{gbarbeta}
for a pair of lattice sizes, namely $L/a=8$ and
$L/a=16$. The coefficients $c_{m,L/a}$
were determined by a standard $\chi^2$ fit.
$u$ & $L/a$ & $\Sigma(u,a/L)$ & $\Sigma^{(2)}(u,a/L)$ & $u$ & $L/a$ & $\Sigma(u,a/L)$ & $\Sigma^{(2)}(u,a/L)$\\\hline
$0.93$ & $4$ & $0.995(2)$ & $0.999(2)$ & $1.4435$ & $4$ & $1.608\p(3)$ & $1.608\p(3)$\\
& $6$ & $1.000(3)$ & $1.004(3)$ & & $6$ & $1.627\p(6)$ & $1.633\p(6)$\\
& $8$ & $0.995(5)$ & $0.997(5)$ & & $8$ & $1.632\p(8)$ & $1.637\p(8)$\\
$1$ & $4$ & $1.076(2)$ & $1.079(2)$ & $1.6285$ & $4$ & $1.844\p(5)$ & $1.839\p(5)$\\
& $6$ & $1.083(3)$ & $1.086(3)$ & & $6$ & $1.868\p(8)$ & $1.875\p(8)$\\
& $8$ & $1.079(4)$ & $1.081(4)$ & & $8$ & $1.874(11)$ & $1.880(11)$\\
$1.0813$ & $4$ & $1.171(2)$ & $1.174(2)$ & $1.8700$ & $4$ & $2.169\p(8)$ & $2.155\p(8)$ \\
& $6$ & $1.179(4)$ & $1.183(4)$ & & $6$ & $2.199(13)$ & $2.208(13)$ \\
& $8$ & $1.178(5)$ & $1.181(5)$ & & $8$ & $2.203(17)$ & $2.212(17)$ \\
$1.1787$ & $4$ & $1.286(2)$ & $1.287(2)$ & $2.2003$ & $4$ & $2.650(11)$ & $2.617(11)$ \\
& $6$ & $1.297(5)$ & $1.301(5)$ & & $6$ & $2.688(17)$ & $2.698(17)$ \\
& $8$ & $1.298(6)$ & $1.301(6)$ & & $8$ & $2.684(24)$ & $2.697(24)$ \\
$1.2972$ & $4$ & $1.428(3)$ & $1.430(3)$ & $2.6870$ & $4$ & $3.462(22)$ & $3.378(21)$ \\
& $6$ & $1.442(6)$ & $1.448(6)$ & & $6$ & $3.507(40)$ & $3.517(40)$ \\
& $8$ & $1.446(7)$ & $1.450(7)$ & & $8$ & $3.477(44)$ & $3.496(44)$ \\\hline
\caption{Results for $\Sigma(u,a/L)$ and $\Sigma^{(2)}(u,a/L)$ for different lattices and couplings $u$.}\label{ssftable}
From the interpolated couplings we computed
$\Sigma(u,a/L)$ for a number of values $u$ starting from an initial coupling
$u_{\textrm{initial}}=0.9$ and following {\em roughly} a sequence given by the recursion
\subsubsection{Error propagation}
The uncertainties of the initial MC data which can be found in the appendix are
statistically uncorrelated. For the purpose of propagating their errors,
let us collect them in a vector $x$ with components
$x_i$. The above fit function ${\bar{g}^2(\beta,L/a)}$ may then be regarded
a function $f(x)$ of the initial data\footnote{We neglect that in the way
we determine the interpolation of
$\bar{g}^2$ there is also a dependence on the uncertainties
$\delta x_i$. In the fit we
could also replace the errors $\delta x_i$ by a smooth predefined function of $\beta$.
The results would not change significantly.
The error $\delta f$ of $f$ is simply estimated by
\left(\delta f\right)^2 = \sum_i \left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i}\right)^2(\delta x_{i})^2\,.
Since $f$ is a relatively complicated function, it is convenient to avoid
computing the derivatives ${\partial f}/{\partial x_i}$ analytically.
Instead we just compute them by a symmetric finite difference,
with the step in $x_i$ given by $\delta x_{i}$ itself.
This convenient method is applied for estimating the errors of
all quantities derived from our data in the following. If desired also the
correlation matrix of the errors of different observables can be obtained this way.
Our result for both step scaling functions $\Sigma(u,a/L)$ and the perturbatively corrected $\Sigma^{(2)}(u,a/L)$ are listed in table~\ref{ssftable}.
As one can see in the visualization of our data, figure~\ref{continuum},
the cut-off effects seem to be very small except for $L/a=4$.
As a precaution against higher order cutoff effects, we thus excluded the data set
of our coarsest lattice from our analysis leading to the continuum step
scaling function. We carried out three different analysis.
\item {\em Constant fit:} A fit of $\Sigma^{(2)}(u,a/L)$ for $L/a=6,8$ to a constant, for
each $u$.
\item {\em Global fit:} A fit
\begin{equation} \label{imprsigma}
\Sigma^{(2)}(u,a/L)=\sigma(u)+\rho\, u^4\,(a/L)^2.
with a separate, independent parameter $\sigma(u)$ for
each value $u$ but a common parameter $\rho$ modelling the cutoff-effects.
\item {\em $L/a=8$ data:} Using directly $\sigma(u)=\Sigma^{(2)}(u,1/8)$.
The three different ans\"atze yield results which are in complete agreement with each other as
seen in Table~\ref{fittable}. The value of $\rho$ in (\ref{imprsigma}) comes out to be $\rho=0.007(85)$ which is a good indication that cutoff effects are negligible in the data for $L/a=6,8$.
\captionof{figure}{Continuum extrapolation of the step scaling function (constant fit).}\label{continuum}
In figure \ref{continuum} we depict the continuum extrapolation with the constant fit.
However, as our final results we take just the $L/a=8$ data. This is more
conservative and we are confident that the statistical errors dominate
over residual cutoff effects. In particular these
data agree with the $L/a=6$ data and also using $\Sigma(u,a/L)$ instead of $\Sigma^{(2)}(u,a/L)$ has a negligible effect.
$u$ &\multicolumn{3}{c}{$\sigma(u)$}\\
& constant fit & global fit & $L/a=8$ data\\\hline
$0.9300$ & $1.002\p(3)$ & $1.002\p(3)$ & $0.997\p(5)$\\
$1.0000$ & $1.084\p(3)$ & $1.084\p(3)$ & $1.081\p(4)$\\
$1.0813$ & $1.182\p(3)$ & $1.182\p(4)$ & $1.181\p(5)$\\
$1.1787$ & $1.301\p(4)$ & $1.301\p(5)$ & $1.301\p(6)$\\
$1.2972$ & $1.448\p(5)$ & $1.448\p(7)$ & $1.450\p(7)$\\
$1.4435$ & $1.634\p(5)$ & $1.634(10)$ & $1.637\p(8)$\\
$1.6285$ & $1.877\p(7)$ & $1.877(16)$ & $1.880(11)$\\
$1.8700$ & $2.209(10)$ & $2.207(27)$ & $2.212(17)$\\
$2.2003$ & $2.698(14)$ & $2.694(49)$ & $2.697(24)$\\
$2.6870$ & $3.507(30)$ & $3.50\p(10)$ & $3.496(44)$\\\hline
\caption{Results of different fit procedures (as described in the text) for the continuum extrapolation of the step scaling function.}\label{fittable}
Using a polynomial of degree five in $u$, we performed a constrained interpolation of the data in the fourth column in table \ref{fittable}.
The coefficients up to $u^3$ were fixed by perturbation theory. Our fit
\sigma (u)=u+s_{0}u^2+s_{1}u^3+0.0036\,u^4-0.0005\,u^5,\quad 0 \leq u \leq 2.7.
is shown in figure \ref{ssf} (thick line).
The perturbative step scaling functions are close to the one sigma range of the
non-perturbative data points over the whole interval of the coupling $u$.
We note also a peculiarity. Perturbation theory at 3-loop lies below
the 2-loop truncation of the $\beta$-function and
further away from the non-perturbative result. However, the 3-loop coefficient
$b_2$ (eq. (\ref{b2})) in the \SF scheme changes its sign between $\Nf=2$ and $\Nf=3$
and it is rather small for $\Nf=4$. It is hence not unlikely that the
4-loop term would move the perturbative curve closer again.
\caption{The step scaling function for $\Nf=2,4$ and the perturbative results. The thickest line is the fit of our data points. The upper solid line is the $\Nf=2$ result and the lower lines show the perturbative results.
Using the parameterization (\ref{ssfparam}) of the step scaling function, we calculated the
combination $\ln(\Lambda\Lmax)$ starting from the highest coupling $\umax=\gbar^2(\Lmax)$ which was covered by our non-perturbative step scaling function and solved the recursion step (\ref{recursion}) numerically to obtain the couplings $u_i$ which correspond to the energy scales $\mu=2^i/\Lmax$. With the help of (\ref{Lambda}) and using the truncated 3-loop $\beta$ function, we computed the values for $\ln(\Lambda\Lmax)$ recorded in table \ref{lambdatable}.
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{constant fit} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{global fit} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$L/a=8$ data}\\
$i$ & $u_i$ & $\ln(\Lambda\Lmax)$ & $u_i$ & $\ln(\Lambda\Lmax)$ & $u_i$ & $\ln(\Lambda\Lmax)$\\\hline
$0$ & $3.45\p\p\p\p$ & $-2.028\p\p\p$ & $3.45\p\p\p\p$ & $-2.028\p\p\p$ & $3.45\p\p\p\p$ & $-2.028\p\p\p$\\
$1$ & $2.660(14)$ & $-2.074(17)$ & $2.666(46)$ & $-2.066(56)$ & $2.660\p(21)$ & $-2.073(26)$\\
$2$ & $2.173(13)$ & $-2.117(24)$ & $2.179(45)$ & $-2.105(83)$ & $2.173\p(20)$ & $-2.116(37)$\\
$3$ & $1.842(11)$ & $-2.155(28)$ & $1.847(37)$ & $-2.141(97)$ & $1.842\p(17)$ & $-2.153(44)$\\
$4$ & $1.6013(90)$ & $-2.188(32)$ & $1.606(30)$ & $-2.17\p(10)$ & $1.602\p(14)$ & $-2.185(50)$\\
$5$ & $1.4187(78)$ & $-2.217(35)$ & $1.422(25)$ & $-2.20\p(11)$ & $1.419\p(13)$ & $-2.213(56)$\\
$6$ & $1.2748(70)$ & $-2.241(39)$ & $1.278(20)$ & $-2.23\p(11)$ & $1.275\p(11)$ & $-2.238(63)$\\
$7$ & $1.1583(63)$ & $-2.263(43)$ & $1.161(17)$ & $-2.25\p(12)$ & $1.159\p(10)$ & $-2.259(70)$\\
$8$ & $1.0620(58)$ & $-2.282(47)$ & $1.064(15)$ & $-2.27\p(12)$ & $1.0626(95)$ & $-2.278(76)$\\
$9$ & $0.9809(53)$ & $-2.299(50)$ & $0.982(13)$ & $-2.29\p(12)$ & $0.9815(87)$ & $-2.294(83)$\\
$10$ & $0.9117(49)$ & $-2.315(54)$ & $0.913(11)$ & $-2.30\p(12)$ & $0.9122(81)$ & $-2.309(89)$\\\hline
\caption{Results for $\ln(\Lambda\Lmax)$ with different fit strategies.}\label{lambdatable}
From the $L/a=8$ results we quote
\ln(\Lambda\Lmax)=-2.294(83)\quad\text{ at }\umax=3.45
as our final result. This determination of the $\Lambda$-parameter in units of $\Lmax$ has a precision of $\approx 8\%$. It remains to gauge $\Lmax$ in physical units
through a large volume computation. Therefore we here show the running of the coupling
in the \SF scheme in units of $\Lambda$.
Figure \ref{running} displays $\alphaSF$ computed from the sixth column of table \ref{lambdatable}. We observe that upon the iterative application of the step scaling
function the difference between the perturbative (using (\ref{lnlambdalmax}))
and the non-perturbative coupling is
around a 3-sigma effect at the strongest coupling.
\caption{The running coupling in the \SF scheme. The gray vertical dashed line is only for the guidance of the eyes to show what the perturbation theory predicts for $\alphaSF$ at our lowest energy.}\label{running}
We computed the step scaling function of the QCD coupling in the \SF
scheme with four massless flavors. We used $\mathcal{O}(a)$ improved
Wilson quarks after first determining the Sheikholeslami Wohlert coefficient
$\csw$ \cite{Tekin:2009}. The resulting cutoff effects are very small
(figure \ref{continuum}, table~\ref{ssftable}) allowing for a continuum extrapolation. While the data
are compatible with a constant for $L/a\geq6$, we assume this form only
for $L/a\geq8$; the smaller lattices thus only enter the analysis by
demonstrating that cutoff effects are small. We emphasize that this statement
refers to the present level of statistical errors. If in the future statistical
errors are further reduced, larger $L/a$ will be necessary at the same time.
It will be very interesting to see also the efficiency of computations
with different regularizations of the \SF as well as the corresponding
test of the universality of the continuum limit. Most notably there are chirally
rotated boundary conditions for the quarks \cite{SF:chirrot1,nara:stefan,lat09:jeni}
and staggered quarks \cite{SF:stagg,lat07:paula} for which results are
expected soon.
Already now, we do observe a small but significant deviation from 3-loop perturbation theory at the largest coupling reached in figure \ref{running}. It is about 10\% (three standard deviations) and the \SF coupling has a value of $\alphaSF \approx 0.28$. For $\nf=2$ a similar effect was visible only for larger coupling~\cite{DellaMorte:2004bc}\footnote{For $\alphaSF \approx 0.45$ a similar deviation is visible but there are no non-perturbative data points in between $\alphaSF \approx 0.28$ and $\alphaSF \approx 0.45$ to see better where this sets in.}. These findings underline the necessity of going to weak coupling before applying perturbation theory.
Clearly the present work has brought us a good step closer to the computation
of the $\Lambda$-parameter in 4-flavor QCD, which may then be perturbatively connected to
e.g. the 5-flavor $\MSbar$ coupling at the Z-pole.
However, the technically introduced scale $\Lmax$ remains to be expressed in physical units
through large volume 4-flavor simulations. Apart from the challenge of
tuning more parameters, one needs to treat a massive charm quark at small
enough lattice spacing. Presently this appears to be a considerable challenge due to
a severe slowing down of lattice simulation algorithms at small lattice spacings
This work is part of the ALPHA-collaboration research programme. We thank NIC
for allocating computer time on the APE computers at DESY, Zeuthen and the
staff of the computer center at Zeuthen for their support. This work is
supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the framework of
SFB/TR 09 and by the European Community
through EU Contract No.~MRTN-CT-2006-035482, ``FLAVIAnet''.
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Q: Infinite play with tape, or covering the integers with prime arithmetic progressions It is possible that a more technical version of this question has been
asked and answered in the literature. If so, then a reference is much
appreciated. I will phrase it in terms of colored tapes placed on a number
I have an unlimited supply of transparent but partially colored
arithmetic progression tapes,
one for each prime number. Thus, the tape for 3 looks a lot like the tape
for 29, except instead of having a blue square at every third inch, I have a
yellow square at every 29th inch; the tape is clear otherwise. I am going to
make several arrangements of tape. My first arrangement produces a color coding
of integers similar to indicating divisibility, except I perversely decide to
line up all the colors at 1. This leaves positions 0 and 2 with no colors, and
every other position gets finitely many colors (88 gets only blue and yellow).
What other arrangements can I make? I can pick any nonempty set of integers
and arrange that each get some of a partition of colors, although the integer may get more colors than I assigned. I can sometimes arrange to leave a square uncolored, regardless of how the primes are partitioned. That is not the
main question though.
Main question: can I arrange that every integer gets only finitely many colors?
An amusing fact (courtesy of the Chinese Remainder Theorem) is that, with a
finite number of such tapes and modulo translation, every such arrangement looks
the same. Thus I do not expect a finite upper bound to the number of colors
received by an integer.
Although I would appreciate a specific example, I am also interested in
knowing how weak a subtheory of ZF or PA is needed to prove existence of
such an arrangement. (I harbor a suspicion that PRA will resolve it
negatively if it resolves at all.) Specific references to the literature
on covering congruences are welcome (as are alternate search terms), but for this problem I am considering
prime moduli only.
Gerhard "Your Responses Are Being Recorded" Paseman, 2014.03.14
A: There is a map $\varphi: \mathbb{Z}\rightarrow \prod \mathbb{F}_p$, given by reduction mod $p$ in each coordinate.
If you place the tapes centered at $0$ (to account for divisibility), you can read off the number of colors $n\in \mathbb{Z}$ gets by counting the zero-entries of $\varphi(n)$.
Now in your situation, you shift every tape by a certain amount. This accounts for the choice of an element in $\mathbb{F}_p$ for each $p$, or an element $\sigma\in \prod \mathbb{F}_p$.
In your setting, the number of colors associated to $n\in\mathbb{Z}$ will be given by the number of coordinates in which $\varphi(n)$ agrees with $\sigma$.
So we are left with the question of constructing $\sigma\in \prod \mathbb{F}_p$, which agrees with each of the $\varphi(n)$ only on finitely many digits.
However, this is easy: We can even do an explicit example. Just choose the $p$-th coordinate of $\sigma$ (for example) to be $\lfloor{p/2}\rfloor$. This way $\phi(n)$ will differ from $\sigma$ in the $p$-th coordinate for all $p$ with $p > 2|n|+1$.
The idea is that you place each tape such that $0$ is approximately in the middle of two successive colored spots, this way you get similar behaviour to the $\mathbb{N}$-situation.
Just for the sake of completeness, this explicit example obviously does not rely on any abstract existence arguments, so I guess this proof holds in any reasonable theory.
A: I like Achim Krause's answer, but I prefer a simpler explanation. Here goes:
Place the 2 tape to cover zero,
and for $k \gt 0$ place the tape for the $2k$th prime $p_{2k}$ to cover
the $k$th positive odd number $(2k-1)$, and place the tape for
$p_{2k+1}$ to cover the corresponding negative odd number $(1-2k)$. As
$p_n \geq 2n-1$, any number in $[-n,n]$ will have colors only from tapes
for $p_k$ with $k \leq n + 2$. So all numbers are colored with only
finitely many colors. (That they each get a color is left to the reader.)
This should make apparent ways to extend the result in weak subsystems of
arithmetic for sequences $q_n$ replacing $p_n$ that are definable in
such a system and are provably increasing in that system.
Gerhard "Looking To Make Things Simpler" Paseman, 2014.04.09
A: I became surprised at an insight which occurred after reviewing a similar covering question by asterios gantzounis. The surprise was why I did not see this before today.
In the standard coloring (using divisibility) of the integers by the primes, every number gets covered by finitely many primes except a single number, namely zero. So let's remove zero, and remove all the even numbers, and push the rest of the squares together. Now the problem square is removed along with exactly one tape, namely the tape for two. What is left is a coloring by divisibility of the odd numbers by odd primes, which is (isomorphic to) one tape short of a solution to the original problem. So just add the tape for two. Done.
Gerhard "Interesting Divide And Conquer Technique" Paseman, 2018.01.02.
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} |
On November 27th, Taobao started integrating with Xiaohongshu on its product description page.
Earlier in May 2018, Alibaba led the 300 million USD funding round of Xiaohongshu. The marriage of the 2 platforms is inevitable.
But how exactly will this impact the social commerce space?
The "Mega-Mashroom treatment lotion" from Origin was one of the first products to benefit from the Xiaohongshu/Taobao integration. Right before the product description section, a new section called Good goods comment (好物点评团) leads users directly to Xiaohongshu's user generated content.
Taobao users will be able to like, comment and bookmark the Xiaohongshu content, directly from the Taobao App.
It's unclear how Taobao select the comments that appear on the Taobao App. This lotion has over 27k comments on Xiaohongshu, but only 2 comment appears in Taobao at the moment. It will be interesting to see if the seller gets to select only the most positive comments.
Alibaba's attempt to include good content on its e-commerce platform hasn't been smooth so far. Since 2017, Alibaba has tried to copy all kinds of content format: WeChat style social commerce, Douyin style content, Toutiao style new display, live-streaming, machine-generated content… you name it.
Below are a few examples of content formats on Taobao.
Taobao Toutiao (淘宝头条) is the copycat of Toutiao style news display, except with fewer views and less targeted content. Toutiao has stood out through its ability to leverage AI in order to bring the right content to the right user. It seems that Taobao has failed to do that so far.
Must-buy Shopping List (必买清单)is a section recommending content based on the content of users cart. Content is generic and appears as machine generated.
Good Goods (有好货)is another automatically generated content feed focusing informed by users' browsing history and cart information.
WA-O Video (哇哦视频) is a less hipster version of Douyin, with the sole purpose of selling products.
Taobao live-streaming (淘宝直播) just like the old-school TV infomercials, mostly targets users in lower-tier cities.
Taobao is also trying to import content from the top content brands of WeChat, such as Yitiao and Bazaar. Below are list of KOLs and brands that repost content on Taobao.
Lady Penguin is a wine retail brand started by a KOL on WeChat, Shenhan.
Lady Penguin joined Taobao last year and is already one of the best selling wine distributors on Taobao. She posted content on both WeChat and Taobao.
Shenhan strategy on both platforms is however very different.
On WeChat, the content is more rich and educational. Usually comes with infographics and scientific explanations of a specific learning point related to wine.
But on Taobao, Lady Penguin's posts are short videos with a link to purchase the wine. The content is casual and fun.
Lady Penguin did gather 32k fans on Taobao, with average video view between 5k to 20k. However, this is nothing compared with her popularity on Douyin. She has 21 million followers on Douyin, and each video has between 18k to 250k views.
So even for content-focused KOL on Taobao store, the traffic related to content is relatively insignificant. Other platforms such as Xiaohongshu, WeChat, and Douyin remain the main platforms for posting high-quality original content, and Taobao is only good for re-posting content.
What does integration with Xiaohongshu mean for Alibaba?
Xiaohongshu could be the key to bringing high-quality content to Taobao, especially related to higher value products.
Moreover, since Taobao and Tmall are flooded with fake reviews, importing Xioahongshu's high-quality KOL content could help to add more credibility and increase conversion.
What does this mean for Xiaohongshu?
Ever since the investment of Alibaba in May 2018, Xiaohongshu is adjusting its positioning from a cross-border e-commerce platform back to its origin: a content generation platform for product reviews.
Ever since the investment, Xiaohongshu's cross-border products are diluted to under 50%. Instead, the platform started to include a lot of smaller domestic brands.
On the positive side, the integration with Taoabo could help brands measure campaign performance. Before the integration, users had to exit the platform to search on Taobao and make purchases. This makes it very difficult to track the conversion rate (if the product is not listed on Xiaohongshu's e-commerce platform). Once Taobao is integrated, the brand will have a clear vision of sales conversion.
On the other hand, Xiaohongshu is also facing the issue of fake comments and reviews. Once it becomes a traffic generation tool for Taobao stores, it will inevitably start to get even more fake reviews. The platform will have to find a balance between good content and monetization.
Taobao still has a long way to go for attracting good original content, and collaboration with other content platforms such as Xiaohongshu could be the right way out.
The strengthening of Taobao and Xiaohongshu integrations also means that the e-commerce war between Tencent and Alibaba is getting fiercer. While Tencent tries to get into e-commerce, Xiaohongshu will be an essential tool bringing a social component to Alibaba's arsenal. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Book Excerpt // The Forgotten Ones by Brian McGilloway
Dannie August 31, 2015 0 Comment
Title: The Forgotten Ones
Series: The Lucy Black Thriller Series
Author: Brian McGilloway
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
Publisher: HaperCollins, Witness Impulse Imprint
Format: Paperback, Kindle
Source: Enchanted Book Promotions
From the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author of LITTLE GIRL LOST comes a brand-new thriller featuring Lucy Black - a twisting, gripping story of secrets and lies, perfect for fans of LOUISE PENNY and TANA FRENCH.
The body of an elderly man is hauled out of the rushing water of the River Foyle, cold dead. Detective Lucy Black is called in to investigate when it becomes evident that this was not a suicide: the man's body was embalmed before it ever entered the water.
Confounded and exhausted, Lucy heads home to review the case in quiet; but there will be no rest for her tonight. She's barely in the front door when a neighbor knocks because his wife's sister has been attacked and they need her help.
As a string of strange crimes is unspooled throughout the city, Lucy is pulled in countless different directions… until she realizes there may be something dark and dangerous connecting everything.
Soulful and suspenseful, featuring one of the most appealing characters in suspense fiction, THE FORGOTTEN ONES is a novel to take your breath away.
Please enjoy the following excerpts from The Forgotten Ones by Brian McGilloway.
Excerpt #1
The bruising extended from his temple, around the curve of the eye socket and down almost to where the fold of his laughter line curled round to meet his lip.
Lucy gently touched the purpled skin with the tips of her fingers, afraid that too much pressure might cause him to wake. She moved back slightly and traced down along his neck to where she saw a second shadow on the skin, this time the injury aged and yellowed around the edges, just visible above the collar of his vest. Wisps of gray hair curled over the material, rising and falling lightly with each breath.
She drew back the blanket from him, seeing for the first time the leather strap that encircled the safety bar at the side of his bed, its other end fastened around her father's wrist.
"Dad?" she whispered, tapping him lightly on the arm in an attempt to rouse him. "Dad, what happened?"
For a moment, his eyelids fluttered, his face inclining toward hers. Then he settled back on the bed again, his head barely denting the pillow. His brow shone with perspiration, despite the presence of a portable fan in the room.
She pushed back from the bed, opened the door, and went out into the corridor. Seeing no staff, she moved up toward the main workstation on the ward. Just as she approached, an orderly came around the corner.
"DS Black? Just the person."
"What happened to my father?" Lucy demanded. "His face? What happened?"
The man raised his hands in placation. "I'm sorry, Miss Black. I thought you'd been … He became aggressive with some of the other patients and took a fall," he said.
"He's chained to the bed," Lucy said.
"He's not chain—" he said, seemingly swallowing back his protest at her comment. "We had to restrain him to stop it happening again; he was uncontrollable."
"He has a bruise on his chest, too."
"I don't know—it … it may have been when he was being subdued. Look, I understand you're annoyed. And I know you're off duty, but … well, we think there's a body in the river."
Gransha Hospital, in whose secure unit her father had been placed, sat on the outskirts of Derry city, alongside the River Foyle, nestled in the shadow of the Foyle Bridge. The bridge, a kilometer-long structure, had been designed with an arch high enough over the river to allow access for ships to pass under in order to reach the city docks. However, soon after completion, the docks were then moved north of the bridge, and the majestic arch's function became purely aesthetic.
The height of the bridge made it a frequent spot for suicide attempts in the city. In the previous decades, over five hundred people had already lost their lives to the river, more than ninety from the Foyle Bridge alone. If there was a body in the water so close to the bridge, Lucy felt fairly certain that it was as a result of a suicide jump.
She went with the orderly, down from the block in which her father was being held, cutting across the grounds, onto the field running down to the train tracks along the river's edge. She pulled out her mobile and called the sighting in to the Strand Road station as she ran. Doing so would not only alert the Police Service of Northern Ireland, but, more importantly, also Foyle Search and Rescue, a charity group in the city, made up of volunteers who patrolled the river and assisted in recovery operations. That the city needed such an organization was a reflection of the frequency with which people went in the river.
As they approached the river's edge, she could see a group had already gathered, most dressed in either blue or white scrubs, suggesting that they were staff from the hospital. The air was heavy with the stench from the water, the odor of the exposed sediment banks along the river's edge having built all day, ballooning in the intense heat. Even now, despite the fact it was past nine, the evening was still humid enough that the effort of jogging down through the field had caused Lucy to sweat.
The orderly led her through, pushing those gathered aside, announcing that she was "the police."
Lucy scanned the water, the glare of the evening light shattering on its surface, forcing her to shield her eyes with her hand.
"There," the orderly said, pointing up to her left.
She followed the line of his arm and finally saw the arm and head of a man breaching the river.
"Hello. Can you hear me?" she called, but there was no response save the rhythmic rise and fall of the man's arm on the water, as if the river itself were drawing breath.
Brian McGilloway was born in Derry, Northern Ireland. After studying English at Queen's University, Belfast, he took up a teaching position in St Columb's College in Derry, where he was Head of English. His first novel, Borderlands, published by Macmillan New Writing, was shortlisted for the CWA New Blood Dagger 2007 and was hailed by The Times as "one of (2007's) most impressive debuts." The second novel in the series, Gallows Lane, was shortlisted for the 2009 Irish Book Awards/Ireland AM Crime Novel of the Year. The third Devlin, Bleed a River Deep, was selected by Publishers Weekly as one of their Best Books of 2010. He is the author of the New York Times bestselling Lucy Black series, all to be published by Witness. Brian lives near the Irish borderlands with his wife and their four children.
TOPICS authorsbook excerptsbooksBrian McGillowayHarperCollinsmysterynew book releasesreadingsuspenseThe Forgotten OnesThe Lucy Black Thriller SeriesthrillerWitness Impulse
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Prior to joining Cardus, he was vice-president of English-language magazines for Readers' Digest Magazines Canada Ltd. He is a former editor-in-chief of The Gazette newspaper in Montreal, a former editorial page editor of the Calgary Herald newspaper and has worked as a journalist throughout Canada during his 30-year career in the media.
He currently runs his own communications company, Prima Communication, in Montreal where he lives with his wife, Linda. In addition to his journalism career, he is also a fiction writer who has published in numerous magazines across the country. His new collection of short stories, If Only, was published in November 2011 by Siren Song Press (www.sirensong.ca).
Bio last modified April 18th, 2019.
In an interview this week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke about his insistence on proper conduct between the sexes on Parliament Hill and, by extension, among Canadians generally. Peter Stockland examines what it means for a son to grapple with what his father catalyzed.
Next week, the campus evangelical group Catholic Christian Outreach begins a cross-country veneration of bones from Saint Francis Xavier. Convivium's Peter Stockland asks CCO co-founder Angèle Regnier why.
A government push to stop Quebec businesses from politely using a French-English greeting for customers is more than just another example of the province's language wars. Convivium Publisher Peter Stockland argues the move interferes with Quebec's social architecture.
The fate of Trinity Western University's proposed law school now lies in the hands of nine Supreme Court of Canada justices. As Convivium publisher Peter Stockland explains, the justices will render their decision in the wake of a clash between paradoxical arguments.
Trinity Western University has had the first of its two days in court over its multi-year struggle to open a law school. Convivium publisher Peter Stockland recounts how the lawyer for the private, Christian school withstood a barrage of skeptical questions from Supreme Court of Canada justices.
Tomorrow, Prime Minister Trudeau offers an unprecedented apology to persecuted members of sexual minorities. On Thursday, Trinity Western University is before the Supreme Court of Canada arguing for its religious freedom. Having previously presented TWU's perspective, Convivium asks lawyers Mark Berlin and Douglas Judson about sexual politics and the law. .
Convivium Publisher Peter Stockland says all sides in the great niqab debate are making a lot more noise than common sense.
Peter Stockland examines his colleague Andrew Bennett's compelling testimony to a House of Commons committee, wherein Bennett argued Canadians must let diversity be difference rather than a slippery euphemism for forced homogeneity.
Convivium Publisher Peter Stockland contends the things said during the Rachael Harder debacle were bad enough. Much worse was the thinking revealed by the silence.
Convivium Publisher Peter Stockland visits a municipal election campaign in Montreal to discover small moments of magic in the cards.
Convivium Publisher Peter Stockland delivers a sterling defence of sports and citizenship amidst the verbal clash between NFL players and U.S. President Donald Trump. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Broadway BUZZ
Stomp to End Off-Broadway Run After 29 Years
by Lindsey Sullivan • Dec 6, 2022
The off-Broadway cast of "Stomp"
(Photo: c/o Boneau/Bryan-Brown)
Stomp will end its 29-year run at off-Broadway's Orpheum Theatre on January 8, 2023. At the time of its closing, it will have played 13 previews and 11,472 regular performances. The North American and European tours will continue to run.
"We are so proud that the East Village and the Orpheum Theatre has been Stomp's home for so many wonderful years and want to thank our producers and our amazing cast, crew and front of house staff, all of whom have worked so hard for so long to make the show such a success," co-creators Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas said in a statement. "They have always given 100 percent to every audience, from the very beginning in 1994 to the post-lockdown audiences of 2022."
In Stomp, an eight-member energetic cast creates music and sly humor with found objects: zippo lighters, push brooms, wooden poles, hammer handles, garbage cans, inner tubes and matchboxes, even a kitchen sink. There's no traditional narrative—both household and industrial objects find new life as musical instruments in this unique combination of percussion, movement and visual comedy.
The current New York City cast features Alan Asuncion, Micah Cowher, John Gavin, Desmond Howard, Jayme Overton, Tamii Sakurai, Emmanuel "Manny" Scott and Reggie Talley.
Stomp opened at the Orpheum Theatre on February 27, 1994. It went on to generate North American, South American, Central American and European tours, as well as sit-down productions in San Francisco, Boston and Las Vegas as well as a long-running production in London's West End. It has played all over the world, including engagements in Abu Dhabi, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dubai, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuala Lumpur, Kuwait, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.
This production ended its run on Jan. 8, 2023
Alyssa Fox to Star as Elphaba in Wicked on Broadway
Casting Complete for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Off-Broadway
Dates Announced for National Tour of Marianne Elliott's Tony-Winning Company Revival | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
1) Guitar and Violin Duo: If you play violin, please go to y o u t u b e and search for "Stringspace Guitar & Violin Duo" to get an idea of what I have in my head.
2) Rootsy Rock/Americana: I really like the sound of Lucinda Williams' band when they do their rock stuff (e.g. Protection, Buttercup, Rightously, Bleeding fingers). Also like the sound of Ryan Adams and Drive By Truckers. Love Shelby Lynne's voice.
The music samples below are from previous bands that I played with and from solo recordings that I did at home.
I'm not looking to be a rock star. Not looking to tour. Money is not my motivation. I have a day job, but paid gigs are welcome. Basically just looking to play for the love of playing.
New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle (Cover)Cover of Stabbing Westward's version of New Order's Bizarre Love Triangle.
Kern - All The Things You AreRecorded @ my house. :) My guitar teacher taught me this arrangement many years ago.
Jobim - TristeCover of Jobim's Triste. Based on Nelson Faria's arrangement. Book: The Brazilian Guitar Book by Nelson Faria.
Gershwin - Someone To Watch Over MeCover of Gerswhin's Someone to Watch Over Me. Based on Howard Morgen's arrangement. Book: Howard Morgen The Gershwin Collection, an awesome book. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Surname Cliq
Surname Cliq (Cliq ) , globally, is a rare cognomen. Last name Cliq is habitual to Kenya, where it is a rare surname, Ghana, and Indonesia, where it is a very rare surname. Very seldom, Cliq is the forename as well as a last name.
Cliq in Kenya
In the country population of about 51.4 million, Cliq is a rare surname in Kenya.
Cliq in Ghana
In the country population of about 29.8 million, Cliq is a rare surname in Ghana.
Cliq in Indonesia
In the country population of about 267.7 million, Cliq is a very rare surname in Indonesia.
Cliq in Malaysia
In the country population of about 31.5 million, Cliq is an extremely rare surname in Malaysia.
Cliq in Nigeria
In the country population of about 195.9 million, Cliq is an extremely rare surname in Nigeria.
Cliq in South Africa
In the country population of about 57.8 million, Cliq is an extremely rare surname in South Africa.
Cliq in France
In the country population of about 67.0 million, Cliq is an extremely rare surname in France.
Cliq in Germany
In the country population of about 82.9 million, Cliq is an extremely rare surname in Germany.
Cliq in the United States
In the country population of about 327.2 million, Cliq is an extremely rare surname in the United States.
Cliq in India
In the country population of about 1.4 billion, Cliq is an extremely rare surname in India.
Translations, transliterations and names similar to the name Cliq
Cliq Indonesia, Nigeria, Ghana, India, Kenya
Kholiq, Eny, and Jun | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Creamer, Pressel could miss Women's British Open
Two of the biggest names in women's golf may have to go the extra mile to qualify for the Ricoh Women's British Open next week.
Paula Creamer and Morgan Pressel aren't yet qualified for the Women's British Open Aug. 2-5 at Royal Lytham & St. Annes in England, but they are among entries on the field list released this week for the Women's British Open's final qualifier at St. Annes Old Links on July 30.
Creamer, 31, and Pressel, 30, are both playing in this week's Aberdeen Standard Investments Ladies Scottish Open. Creamer is playing on a sponsor exemption. If either wins, she will avoid the qualifier and earn a berth into the Women's British Open. It's the only other pathway to Royal Lytham & St. Annes that is still open to them.
Creamer and Pressel are listed among 120 entries into the Women's British Open final qualifier. There will be 12 to 14 qualifying spots available.
Creamer is 124th on LPGA money list, Pressel 94th.
Creamer, a 10-time LPGA winner whose titles include the 2010 U.S. Women's Open, also teed it up in last year's Women's British Open final qualifier, successfully advancing on to Kingsbarns, where she ended up tying for 16th. She hasn't missed a Women's British Open since turning pro late in 2004.
Pressel was the youngest winner of a major (18) when she won the Kraft Nabisco in 2007. She also hasn't missed a Women's British Open since turning pro. She did miss the U.S. Women's Open last month, the first major she failed to qualify for as a pro.
Cards at stake in LPGA's final full-field event
BY Doug Ferguson — October 02, 2019
The LPGA tour is in Texas this week, and it could be the end of the season some two months before the season actually ends.
For first time in a long time, no Kerr or Creamer at Solheim Cup
The U.S. Solheim Cup team will not have Cristie Kerr or Paula Creamer, marking the first time in quite a while that has happened.
With Kerr, Lewis slumping, what will Inkster do?
Cristie Kerr and Stacy Lewis looked like obvious picks as captain's choices earlier this summer, but time is running out to make an impression on Juli Inkster. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
We go beyond academia. Today's management sciences1 are often populated by the descendants of the original time and motion researchers, the Taylorists, individuals who simplistically claimed all work activities could be quantized, mechanized and ordered. There is very little academic underpinning for the management of creativity in R&D (until this website). Executive MBA's teach you a factory-approach to R&D: industrialization of breakthroughs already achieved. At World Class R&D we look for management tools and techniques that allow you to achieve new breakthroughs.
We're off into uncharted territory so we get to make up the rules as we go. Since we can't go beyond our experience, we seek the experience of others beyond our usual ken. We go outside of industrial R&D seeking solutions for our new genre of R&D.
We seek insights from government, non-profits, or consortia; or even, sports, religion or hobbies. We internalize an understanding of the behavior fundamentals+, which are universal, and use that understanding to scan our personal pursuits for new tools and techniques.
We're not provincial. We seek management tools where ever they may be. We don't limit ourselves to tools 'proven' in our industry or in R&D. We seek tools to address the tasks we face, regardless their place of origin. Tools are procedures and procedures cross industries.
Study our Worst Practices+. These practices are prevalent in many R&D organizations. How did they take hold? What problems did they intend to address? Worst Practices highlight the need. We consider which management tools can best meet that need (from the standpoint of effectiveness).
Management tools deal with human behaviors and are therefore subject to universal rules of behavior. Being a manager means you step back from the activity-at-hand (e.g., drug discovery) and view the activity as an experiment or clinical trial in which you're attempting to optimize productivity through the application of management tools. We add a little more of this tool here, we take away some of that tool there. In the end we have a personalized approach that we have built and are interested in making succeed.
What are the academic underpinnings of World Class R&D? | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Q: Merge lines from a text file into another text file at specific points I have two separate text files; question.txt and answers.txt.
I would like to pull in the answers from the answer file into the question file, as shown below
Question file contents:
*How many sides does a triangle have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
*How many sides does a square have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer file contents:
Question file:
*How many sides does a triangle have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: C
*How many sides does a square have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: D
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} |
By Mehak Tariq August 4, 2018 01118 views
U.S Senate has decided to reconstruct the Foreign Policy towards Pakistan for this the Congress passed a $716.3 billion defense authorization bill to cut Pakistan's military aids from $750 to $150 Million. It is notably less than $1 billion per year, the aid is given to Pakistan in order to secure the borders, but after the allegations of using military aids in operation against Taliban, U.S Congress decided to cut it.
Anish Goel, a member of Barack Obama's White House National Security Council stated, "The legislation reduces the total amount of funds provided for reimbursement to Pakistan to $150 million. This is a significant reduction from the $700 million that was authorized through Coalition Support Fund last year."
Although, the bill lessen up certain conditions that associated with US-aid including some terms against the Haqqani Network and Lashkar-e-Taiba. The U.S Senate passed the bill last week on National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA)-19 by 87 to 10 votes, later it was sent to trump for seeking his consent on the matter. This reduction in the act explains that the U.S didn't have much hold to pressurize Pakistan to take action for banning militant organizations.
The bilateral ties heat up between the two countries when an aggressive tweet comes from President Trump at the start of 2018. In its tweet, he raised allegations against Pakistan to "lies and deceit" for providing "safe havens" to terrorists in exchanges of $33 billion US aid to Islamabad.
NDAA Fiscal 2019 was named to honor McCain who is the Armed Services Committee chairman, war hero, long-time senator and former Republican presidential nominee.
Read also: Reportedly 2018 iPhones might not include Headphone Dongle in the box
"This year's NDAA represents an important opportunity to implement an effective approach to confront a growing array of threats around the world," McCain said.
It looks like the U.S is now busy to make new strategies to further strengthen its geometric position and to emerge as a Superpower state across the world. Whereas the aggressive approaches between both countries might end the U.S-Pak friendly ties.
Gionee the manufacturers of QMobiles in Pakistan is found guilty by a Chinese court for placing malware in 20 million smartphones. Since QMobile ...
By Bushra Rao December 8, 2020
The call to boycott French products is growing in the Muslim world as a reaction to President Emmanuel Macron's recent controversial statement about ...
PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) today has temporarily banned famous survival game Player Unknown's Battlegrounds aka PUBG in Pakistan. PTA stated in the press ...
By Jazib Ali July 2, 2020
By Bushra Rao June 24, 2020 0
By Bushra Rao June 5, 2020 0
By Jazib Ali April 14, 2020 0 | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
The Cairngorms National Park covers a substantial area of central mainland Scotland. It is very mountainous - five of the UK's highest mountains and three of the main ski areas of Scotland are inside the park boundaries. The area offers walking, riding and cycling routes, plus water sports on Loch Insh. 12 golf courses provide some of the most scenic tees in the world.
This map bundle contains all 13 OS Explorer Maps for the National Park with a discount of 20% compared to the cost of buying them individually, and is available in both standard and weatherproof 'Active' versions. Whatever activities you plan on your visit, you can make the most of it with Ordnance Survey maps. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Republicans Doing Pretty Great Job of Shutting Down Abortion Clinics
Katie J.M. Baker
Filed to:roe v world
Over 50 U.S. abortion clinics have shuttered or stopped providing abortions since 2010, when Republicans decided that barring low-income women from accessing reproductive health care was a top national priority.
The Huffington Post's Laura Bassett surveyed state health departments, abortion clinics and local abortion-focused advocacy groups to bring us some hard data that confirms the obvious: anti-choicers who claim Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) laws protect women really just want to protect fetuses.
The Annotated Guide to Protecting Women From Abortion
Last Tuesday, one-woman filibuster machine Wendy Davis and her angry feminist army blocked the…
According to Bassett's research, at least 52 abortion providers across 26 states have shut down or ended their abortion services in the past three years. A number of other clinics are only open thanks to judges who temporarily blocked legislation that would likely force them to close. Nebraska and Massachusetts have each added one clinic since 2010; the other 22 states were unable to accurately count their clinics because of licensing protocol, but most of them haven't passed draconian anti-abortion laws since 2010, anyway.
From HuffPost:
While some of the closures were due to unrelated factors, the states that have lost the most clinics over the past three years are the same ones that have seen draconian new abortion restrictions and the biggest cuts to family planning funding. In Texas, which has lost nine clinics, lawmakers have slashed family planning funding in the state budget, required abortion clinics to become ambulatory surgical centers and required abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at a local hospital. Arizona lawmakers passed similar legislation and pushed out a total of 12 providers; the state had 18 abortion clinics in 2010 and now has only six, according to NARAL Pro-Choice Arizona.
TRAP laws, which force abortion clinics to undergo expensive and needless renovations (under the guise of "protecting women," of course), are bad enough, but it doesn't stop there: 24-hour waiting periods between consultation sessions and abortion procedures (required in 26 states) and expensive mandated ultrasounds make it even harder for women whose income is below the poverty line — that's about 42% of those who have abortions — to access care.
"These restrictions have an uneven impact," said Elizabeth Nash, state issues manager at the Guttmacher Institute."Women who have resources, have a car, have some money in the bank, can access childcare and take time off work can obtain an abortion, and women who are less well-off and don't have those kinds of resources are not able to access abortion services."
For these women, there's one last hope: nonprofit organizations that help women who can't afford to take long trips and attend multiple clinic visits. The L.A. Times recently profiled some of these funding groups, including The Lilith Fund (Texas), Hersey Abortion Assistance Fund (Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin), Chicago Abortion Fund, and the New York Abortion Access Fund. These groups have reported far more calls in the past few years — but they also have more donations rolling in. Why not help them out?
[Huffington Post, L.A. Times] | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
We Are All Weathermen Now
By Diana West on Friday, June 26, 2020 11:08 AM
I'm currently reading The Big Dance: The Untold Story of Weatherman Kathy Boudin and the Terrorist Family that Committed the Brink's Robbery Murders by John Casetllucci. There's much to learn about Antifa and Black Lives Matter by studying some of their ideological and even inspirational forbears.
In order to break down the allure of The Weathermen faction for people such as Kathy Boudin (whose son Chesa Boudin is San Francisco district attorney), Castellucci quotes Ayers, who raised Chesa while Boudin and Chesa's father were in prison for the Brink's robbery murders. "We have one task, and that's to make ourselves into tools of the revolution ... We have to be willing to fight people...
Revolutionary Cadres for Biden
By Diana West on Thursday, June 25, 2020 11:38 AM
Cathy Wilkerson, one of two survivors of the 1970 Weather Underground bomb-factory explosion in Manhattan, has endorsed Joe Biden for president. Wilkerson is just one of many anti-American and Marxist revolutionaries, erstwhile and current, who have endorsed the Biden campaign.
Intrepid journalist and Antifa expert Andy Ngo recently posted a "Dear Comrades" statement on Twitter which he identified as having come from CHAZ/CHOP. (See below for complete text.)
Signed by the "Capitol Hill Occupied Protest Solidarity Project Committee" (CHOPSPC?), the statement announces the conclusion of "the CHOP project." Later comes the real news: CHOP's surreal endorsement of Joe Biden for president -- as if the democratic process was actually their thing -- as well as endorsements...
Prostrate Nation
By Diana West on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 2:54 AM
Screengrabs from video shot by The Daily Caller's Richie McGinness
Yesterday, in Washington, D.C., a guerilla organizer with a smile and a megaphone stood at the foot of a tribute to the end of slavery in America featuring Abraham Lincoln and an emancipated slave. To great hooting and applause, he made the following announcement. "On Thursday, at 7pm, we're tearing this motherf----- down."
You can't do that ...
That's against the law ...
You're under arrest ...
Such natural responses no longer occur to government officials -- with the possible exception of the President of the United States, whose precarious position...
A Resounding "Hail to the Junta"
By Diana West on Sunday, June 14, 2020 6:07 AM
I am delighted by the interest in my most recent appearance on "Crowdsource the Truth" with Jason Goodman. Two notable pickups include Conservative Treehouse and Gateway Pundit.
Although the interview is one hour, the research and reporting that made it possible span more than a decade, beginning right after 9/11. This work first appeared in my weekly syndicated newspaper column and assorted blog essays, and a good chunk of it appears in my volume of collected columns, No Fear. I invite new visitors to this website to search the archive for "COIN," "goat," "Petraeus," "MyChrystal," "tea," "Allen," "dhimmitude," "Koran," "Mortenson," "Jones," "Leavenworth," "Hatley," and the like. The results will convey a sense of the vast petri dish in which hundreds of thousands of US military were forced to sink or swim under the command of social engineering globalists in Iraq and Afghanistan. Once this largely unexamined backstory becomes better known, the fact that these same commanders are now joined in an ambush against our "American First" counter-revolutionary president makes perfect and perfectly sinister sense.
Hail to the Junta
By Diana West on Thursday, June 11, 2020 5:54 PM
Tennis, Anyone?
By Diana West on Tuesday, June 09, 2020 2:59 PM
Plus Ca Change Plus C'est La Meme Communists
By Diana West on Tuesday, June 09, 2020 9:00 AM
Army Chief of Staff Douglas MacArthur consults Major George S. Patton (center) on Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
In his memoir, Reminscences, General Douglas MacArthur provides an illuminating account of the Bonus Army riots in the summer of 1932, which, as Army Chief of Staff, he would help quell after District of the Columbia requested assistance.
MacArthur's account highlights some striking similarities with recent Black LIves Matter/Antifa rioting in the nation's capital, especially when it comes to his overview of the tense situation in these final months of the Herbert Hoover administration.
In 1964, MacArthur wrote:
In these days of wholehearted unity, it is hard to believe that thirty years ago the President of the United States lived in danger, and the Congress shook with fear at the sight and sound of the marchers. It is hard to believe, too, that...
"British Intelligence" Reviews American Betrayal
By Diana West on Friday, June 05, 2020 4:03 AM
It's not every day seven years after publication that a new book review appears, but such was my happy surprise: British Intelligence, a new online magazine, has just published a review of American Betrayal by Mark Gullick in its June 2020 issue.
The editors introduce the review this way:
This is the second of a four-part series, Writing the Resistance, the first of which featured David Horowitz and links naturally to our second subject, American columnist and author Diana West. West is the author of The Death of the Grown-Up,...
Among the Puppetmasters
A tweet from @uyghur_groyper alerted me to the eye-catching document above. It is described by @JianRen12 as "Chinese Communist Party's Announcement to support African American Resistance, 1968."
Not reading a word of Chinese, I can't evaluate it. I can, however, link to a 1968 declaration by Chairman Mao, recently referenced by Cliff Kincaid here, titled, "Support for the Afro-American Struggle Against Violent Repression." The map above looks more like a battle plan of action and it is hard not to see the similarities to a map of American cities finally on fire more than 50 years later.
Now for a possible update on Chinese strategy... | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
AshleyGrey . GreenMistress. BeauOzzie. DivineChloe.
a0EssenceOfLoveTasiaRosenicollburningprincessxjenny .KrisstyBBWSexDriver69WILDSEXGabreilsandritasexy2016 .TrinityStar4uSquirtyBlonde24GabrielStanDylanH0T .DivineChloechicmysticDivineChloeMyryamMuslim .laguerdaxKnellaxEroticMayraWDGAFOS04 .xKnellaxAngelAndDemonXXXDanaVirgoKotoGal .xxSamOverCumxxClarisseMillaApollonFoxLovelyDemm .SexyFoXXLbruneteslave1MsLollaSantiagoRicci .DulceStefanSammygoddess69Sammygoddess69EroticMayra .MitchFoxxKotoGalJustinPhillsexyyarabigcock .MyryamMuslimCorynnConradWILDSEXGabreila0EssenceOfLove .
calibra002SantiagoRiccicalibra002PrinceNoir .MsLollapreciousbabyTonyFlynataly69 .DanaVirgoMaster4Slaves1GreenMistressMitchFoxx .AbiliciusWDGAFOS04CristalLatinHotSquirtyBlonde24 .IssobellGlamWILDSEXGabreilWILDSEXGabreilMaster4Slaves1 .ElisaRosecalibra002LovelyDemmyoungand9hung .SexDriver69sandritasexy2016BelleSashaHotSunshine29 .AlisonBrownNynphomaniacSarahWildCUMMERLovelyDemm .EroticMayraAlisonBrownSantiagoRiccibruneteslave1 .sanofispoyamysteriousgayXTrinityStar4usexyyarabigcock .BelleSashaanniefortunesanofispoyaSammygoddess69 . | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
See, when it's close to the festive season, things tend to slip through the newswires.
Like the fact that Boity Thulo arrived at the Channel O awards with a ring on her wedding finger.
The actress, who is super private about her love life, has kept mum on the claims. Remember, this was 7 weeks ago!
Since then, Boity hasn't been seen wearing any bling on her ring finger.
So, what does this mean? Was it costume jewellery? Or has she said yes?
Oh, and the guy? Apparently funny man, Eugene Khoza. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Receive one free child hopper ticket with the purchase of a full-price adult hopper ticket to LEGOLAND California with your choice of SEA LIFE Aquarium or LEGOLAND Water Park.
Purchase this offer at LEGOLAND.com/LLCKidsGoFree and Enter Promotional Code 18024. Or you can purchase this offer at a LEGOLAND California Resort Ticket Booth the same day of your visit. This offer is only valid August 7, 2018 – October 29, 2018.
Brick-or-Treat Party Nights requires a separate event ticket and is excluded from this offer. Water Park open seasonally with weekends only in September and October. Visit LEGOLAND.com for more event details. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
All You Need To Know About Immigration To UK From India
Article Views:
Photo by Diva Immigration
In today's era of globalization, the boundaries of nation have been reduced to mere geographical lines on the maps. The barriers posed by these geographical boundaries have been transcended and the world is rapidly moving towards becoming a global village. As such, the arena of opportunities available to a person sitting in one country is no longer limited by national borders. People are rapidly immigrating from one country to another in the hopeful search for better education and job prospects, due to personal reasons, or merely out of love for another country's way of life.
Immigration to UK from India has seen a huge rise in the recent years, because the Great Britain provides excellent education and job potential and has a well-settled Indian community. However, this process is anything but easy. The regimes and rules for immigration to UK from India are rigid and tougher than all others in the world. There are various categories of immigrants and a different set of rules apply to each of them.
A tourist or visitor visa lasts for 6 months. People who migrate to the UK for their studies can fit in any of the categories – Tier 4 (those who come for long-term education), Student or Child Visitor (those who come for a short course), and Prospective Student (those who want to make arrangements for their stay). People to migrate to pursue job offers can fit in the categories of High Value Migrants, Skilled or Temporary Workers, etc. based on UK's point system. There are also people who come as Partners and Families of people who are already in the UK. Other kinds of people go for immigration to UK from India are diplomats, government officials, sports personalities, and so on.
Another common destination of Indian global aspirations is Canada. Immigration to Canada from India is relatively simpler. There are various immigration programs offered by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), out of which you need to choose which works best for you and your needs.
The available categories include Skilled Workers and Professionals - for people who meet certain work and education criteria and are looking to settle in Canada, Skilled Trades – for people who wish to become permanent residents based on their qualification for a skilled trade, Business Immigration for those who wish to set up a business in Canada, and various other categories for students, tourists, partners, and other types of visitors. Immigration to Canada from India is based on points calculator which determines whether or not you are eligible for a particular program.
Although they appear complex, these immigration procedures can be clearly understood from the visa websites and the official websites on the internet and can help you give wings to your dreams!
The author is an associate editor of Diva Immigration Services and feels free to share migrating experience among others. Also provides you all the information about Immigration to UK From India & Immigration to Canada from India.
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Q: Django modelformset creates new record instead of updating existing one I have a System that can have one or more Models. I have modeled this relationship in the database with a manytomany field. The code below is for editing the system and its associated methods in a single form.
Adding a new method by filling out its form and pressing submit works only the first time. If I then make a small change and submit again, I get the following message (generated by the code below):
METHODFORMSET.ERRORS: [{}, {'name': [u'Method with this Name already exists.']}]
This is caused by the fact that the name field is unique, but it should have updated, not created a new record, even though I am using the POST data to generate the methodformset instance...
Note that this behaviour only applies to the last appended method instance, not to ones that were already present in the table.
Here is the relevant code, can anyone let me know what I am doing wrong?
def sysedit(request, sys_id):
system = System.objects.get(id=sys_id)
MethodFormSet = modelformset_factory(Method, form=MethodForm)
post = None
if request.POST:
post = request.POST.copy()
if 'add_method' in request.POST:
post['method-TOTAL_FORMS'] = repr(int(
post['method-TOTAL_FORMS'])+ 1)
systemform = SystemForm(data=post, instance=system)
methodformset = MethodFormSet(data=post, prefix='method',
if methodformset.is_valid():
mfs = methodformset.save()
print 'SAVED-method', mfs
for mf in mfs:
if systemform.is_valid():
sp = systemform.save(mf)
print 'SYSTEM', sp
print 'SYSFORMSET.ERRORS:', systemform.errors
print 'METHODFORMSET.ERRORS:', methodformset.errors
return render_to_response('sysedit.html',
{'systemform': systemform,
'methodformset': methodformset,
'system': system},
class System(models.Model):
method = models.ManyToManyField(Method)
class Method(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(unique=True)
class MethodForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Method
class SystemForm(ModelForm):
def save(self, new_method=None, commit=True, *args, **kwargs):
m = super(SystemForm, self).save(commit=False, *args, **kwargs)
if new_method:
if commit:
return m
class Meta:
model = System
exclude = ('method')
[EDIT after Sergzach's answer]:
The problem is not how to deal with the Method with this name already exists error, but to prevent that from occurring in the first place. I think the actual problem may have something to do with the way modelformsets deal with new forms. Somehow it looks like it always tries to create a new instance for the last formset, regardless of whether it already exits.
So if I do not add a new formset after the last one was appended, the modelformset will try to re-create the last one (even though it was just created on the previous submit).
The initial situation is that I have 1 valid Method instance and 1 new unbound instance in the methodformset. I then fill out the form and hit save, which validates both Methods and binds the 2nd one, which is then saved to the table.
So far all is well, but if I then hit save the 2nd time the error occurs. Maybe this has to do with the fact that method-TOTAL_FORMS=2 and method-INITIAL_FORMS=1. Could it be that this causes modelformset to force a create on the 2nd Method?
Can anyone confirm/deny this?
[Edit after a weekend of not looking at the code]:
The problem is caused by the fact that I am saving the forms in the view and after saving, I am sending the original methodformset instance (from before the save) to the template. The problem can be solved by re-instantiating modelformset after the save, using the queryset and NOT the POST data.
So the general rule to prevent errors like this, is either to go to a different page after a save (avoid it altogether), or use the above solution.
Before I post this as THE solution, I need to do more testing.
A: You can validate each form when saving a formset. I have created a simple example (similar to your code) and it works well for me. It creates new objects if there is no object with a such name otherwise it edits an existing object.
You need a form to edit your model objects:
class EditMethodForm( forms.ModelForm ):
class Meta:
model = Method
exclude = ( 'name', )
Then instead of methodformset.is_valid() you do the next:
for methodform in methodformset:
instance = Method.objects.get( name = request.POST[ 'name' ] )
except Method.DoesNotExist:
editmethodform = EditMethodForm( request.POST, instance = instance )
if editmethodform.is_valid():
There are some additional features in your code. I show the working principle. Is it enough to understand the solution?
A: I have solved the problem by re-instantiating modelformset after the save (see edit at the bottom of the question)
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By Sharon Lerch
ISSUE: Spring 1990
In the hospital Mac told everyone he worked in advertising. "A desk job," he liked to explain. "I have to sit on my butt all day." His tone was wry. People would laugh uneasily.
When Mac was out of hearing, the first thing anyone who didn't already know asked was how did it happen.
"Automobile accident," I'd tell them.
"Oh," they'd say. They'd hesitate, but their curiosity always won out. "The waist down?"
I'd nod, knowing they still wanted to know, for instance, how he peed. ("Bladder management" was how his doctors referred to it.)
"He empties a urine bag every eight hours," I'd volunteer.
As for what I suppose they really wanted to know, that was still an unknown. When it was clear I'd said all I was going to, they'd pat my arm and tell me how lucky we were. We ought to be grateful, they'd say. It could have been worse.
From the first, Mac went out of his way to give the impression he had the situation under control. "Pardon my not getting up," he'd greet anyone who came to see him. He'd be smiling, all blinking innocence, and whoever it was would shoot me a stricken look.
Mac had always been able to make people do what he wanted them to. He did it with the ease and ingenuousness— the power politics—natural to an adored only child. In fact he had a brother. But Harris, the only reminder of their mother's first marriage, was a sullen 14-year-old when Mac was born.
Losing control of his body had made Mac even more manipulative. Invariably, visitors left the moment any distraction—say a nurse with an enema syringe—gave them the chance. Which was how he wanted it. In his misery, the last thing Mac wanted was company.
After about a week, the first crisis occurred. "He's had a breakdown," the nurse at the desk informed me. Rushing to Mac's room, I heard her call out that it was minor, only a minor breakdown. I stopped outside, afraid to go in, and put my ear against the closed door. All I could hear was a loud, whirring sound. And a sharp, acrid smell I knew well. Peroxide. I called through the door to ask if it was O.K. for me to come in. Mac's answer was muffled, affirmative. I pushed open the door. He was on his stomach and Hosea, one of the attendants, was blow-drying his coccyx. Mac's whole backside was red. "It's only a superficial breakdown," Hosea explained. "Thing is, we gotta keep it from worsening to bed sores." I was so relieved that I laughed. It was his skin—not his mind—they were talking about.
One look at his face, though, and I saw Mac was miserable.
"The reason I said to come in is my feet itch," he said. "Could you put on some cream please, Meredith?" I thought he was imagining it the way an amputee has sensations in an arm or leg that's no longer there, but when I got closer I saw that the hard, yellow calluses on the soles of his feet were beginning to peel.
Like the princess and the pea, now everything got under Mac's skin—even a single crease in a sheet. They tried everything. He wore elbow and heel protectors, there were foam rolls under his ankles, and pillows and pads at pressure points, bony parts. There seemed to be no way to avoid irritating him. The prevention itself was often the cause. Each time he was basted and turned like a roast, every two hours, his skin scraped across the coarse hospital linens. The next day I brought his air mattress from home, which I'd encased in a smooth percale sheet, and he said that it helped—which made me, anyway, feel somewhat better.
He turned his attention back to the television, and I took out the book I had brought. These first evenings together established a routine. Neither of us was really "there." Mac watched television, I read. When we did speak, it was in whispers. Mac's roommate, an irritable old fellow named Busch, complained any noise caused him headaches, and Mac was using ear phones to listen. Mr. Busch had broken his hip and now he refused to get out of bed, even for therapy. Fear of falling, his doctor explained. Next thing they knew, he had pneumonia. Being in that room with the two of them was like being alone: small sounds were magnified all out of proportion. A faucet somewhere, ticking. The clicks when Mac changed channels. The sighs of the pages I turned. Mr. Busch's raggedy breathing. During what Mac referred to as his "stomach shift," he would often fall asleep. The flickering of the silent screen made me nervous, but if I turned off the set, he'd wake up. By mutual, if unvoiced, consent, we barely spoke. There was little to say, anyway. Mac had lost all interest in what was going on in his absence. At home, at work, in the world. His only distraction was the television and he didn't seem to care what he watched—as long as it wasn't the news.
When Johnny Carson came on one night, I got up to go and saw that the lace on one of my running shoes was undone. At the time I didn't jog; I'd bought them for the subway ride home from the hospital late at night. I sat on the edge of the bed to retie the lace. Mac took the plugs from his ears and as Johnny was doing his monologue, Mac launched into one of his own. He said that if I felt compelled to come every day why didn't I at least take driving lessons so I could drive there, instead of relying on public transportation. Our car was sitting in front of his parents' house, he reminded me, depreciating. I didn't really mind what he said. It was the first thing outside of himself that seemed to concern him since he'd been there. I told him that I'd think about it. On the subway ride home that night, I thought long and hard about what Mac had said. When we were first married, both in college, we couldn't afford driving lessons on top of tuition, so Mac took me out for a lesson himself once. It lasted as long as either of us could stand—about 15 minutes. Well, there was nothing keeping me from taking driving lessons now. Except the thought of having to put up with his permanent back-seat status when he got out.
Several weeks later, one of Mac's old high school buddies showed up. He was short and slight and wore cowboy boots with built-up heels that heightened my impression that he was a lightweight.
Predictably, Mac offered his excuses for not rising for the occasion. Instead of swallowing the line, his friend snapped, "Don't tell me the Big Mac's taking this lying down!"
I didn't know what to make of this guy. It was the first time anyone even attempted returning Mac's serve.
Still playing host, Mac introduced us: "Duke, Meredith." We shook hands, then Duke pulled a T-shirt out of a bag and held it up: SUPER GIMP was printed across the front. I sucked in my breath, fearful of Mac's reaction. The only thing in the room that moved was Duke's Adam's apple. Then Mac said, "That's—" and he started to laugh. He laughed until his eyes got wet. "That's funny as a crutch," he said when he finally found his voice. "Give it here." He was flat on his back.
"Need any help?" Duke asked.
Mac struggled to sit up. He'd wiggle into that shirt by himself if it killed him.
"Pull up a chair," said Mac once the T-shirt was on. "Looking up all the time's a pain in the neck." Duke sat down and picked up the salt shaker from Mac's supper tray. A sticker on it admonished, "HAVE YOU TASTED IT FIRST?"
Duke said, "Guess a lot of people do that. Salt before tasting. With some, it's ketchup. I was in Burger King the other day? The woman next to me kept staring at my tray. "How can you eat fries without ketchup?" she finally asked.
"I thought about what I was eating, then. I mean, I really paid some attention to those fries. And the funny thing is, I noticed they didn't really have any flavor. They felt right: crisp, you know? But they didn't taste at all, other than salt. So I tried one of her extra ketchups and it helped. Ever since, I been noticing lots of things are like that." He looked at Mac, his eyes bright and intense. "Or the flip side, like the line in that Joni Mitchell song, "Don't know what you got till it's gone." She's singing about how they cut down trees to put up a parking lot then put the trees in a tree museum, got to pay a dollar-and-a-half just to see "em."" As he was speaking, Duke's voice took on the beat of the song. I must have heard that song a hundred times. It was one of my favorites and I played it over and over. Whenever I heard it, I wondered what it was I wouldn't appreciate until it was gone.
While Duke was talking, the dietitian came in to give Mac the next day's menus to select.
"What'd you have at lunch?" Mac asked Duke, his pencil poised in indecision.
"Stopped down in the cafeteria before I came up," Duke said. "But I kind of forgot to eat. See, all over the place there's these signs. On top of the Coke machine there's a cardboard tent, three-sided. Something different was written on each side. One said, "Orange juice costs the same." Another was, "A day without orange juice is like a day without sun." What was the last?" He squinted with the effort of remembering. "Oh yeah, "Things go better without Coke. (Either kind.)""
"So there I was, about to pay for the orange juice and sandwich—"
"What kind of sandwich?" asked Mac.
"Tuna. Why?"
"Just wondered." In the hospital, food had become an obsession with Mac. He ate everything they gave him, and then some, and he was still always hungry. I'd spend hours on buses and Els to get what he asked for: Italian beef from Carm's, Sammy's kosher hot dogs, Due's pizza. I would have thought he'd be putting on weight, but worry and anger seemed to be burning it up.
"Anyway," Duke went on, "a sign by the cashier said, "DO YOU REALLY NEED THE EXTRA CALORIES?" I put the stuff back and it wasn't until I was out in the corridor that I remembered I'm ten, 15 pounds underweight."
Mac made a sound. It was hard to tell whether he was grunting in response or groaning in pain. Duke leaped from his chair. "What's wrong?"
Mac looked up, his eyes big with sorrow. "Chicken again."
"No choice?"
"Sure there's a choice. Breast of Chicken Divan or Batter-Fried Drumsticks."
"Was me," said Duke, sitting back down, "I'd take the white meat."
"I'm a leg man myself." Mac circled the drumsticks. "Yep. I always did have a special fondness for legs. How's that song go again? "Don't know what you've got till it's gone?" I knew what I had, all right. I had a leg to stand on. An entire pair, as a matter of fact."
Duke opened his mouth but before he could speak Mac said, "What are you trying to tell me? Am I supposed to be thankful they weren't amputated? Like all those trees?"
Buds of perspiration sprouted on Duke's forehead. "Yeah, sort of." Anyone else would have been squirming out of his seat by now, but Duke stayed stubbornly put.
"I'll walk you to the elevator," I offered later when Duke finally stood up to go. In the hallway, Duke wiped his palms on the thighs of his jeans. "How'd you two ever meet?" I asked him.
"Went to high school together. Amundsen."
"I went there, too. How is it we never met?" I asked.
"Dropped out my junior year," said Duke.
"Oh. When I started Mac was already a senior."
"You were just a kid," Duke said. "Get married young?"
"We were both still in school. College," I explained.
"You love him, Meredith?"
"It's none of my business, I'm sorry. Really, I've got such a big mouth. I talk too much when I'm nervous. Boy, was I nervous." He jerked his head toward's Mac's ward.
"I know. He makes everyone nervous."
"I only asked because . . . well, I just wondered. Cigarette?" He took a crushed pack out of his pocket and held it out.
I shook my head. "We'd better go into the lounge."
"Maybe I should shove off."
"Come on," I urged. "I could use a break."
In the lounge, the smoke from Duke's cigarette smelled so good I asked him for one.
He took out the pack again. There was only one cigarette left and it was bent. He straightened it, but I couldn't draw anything when he held the match to it. "Must be torn," he said. "Here." He held out his own cigarette.
"That's O. K. I shouldn't anyway," I told him. "I quit."
"How'd you do it? My wife's always after me."
"When I was pregnant."
His eyes, which seemed always brighter than normal, ignited. "My wife's expecting. Yours is how old now?"
"Mine . . . my baby died." That had been so hard to say that I'd stuttered.
I watched as the fire went out of his eyes. "Jesus, I'm sorry." He put his hand over mine and squeezed it.
"I don't think I ever did love him," I said then. "I think I married him because my mother didn't want me to."
"Because you were still in school?"
"Because he's Jewish. She never came straight out with it. She said we were too young."
"Maybe she thought you were too young."
I smiled. "Maybe she did. You know something? That never occurred to me."
Duke inhaled deeply and let the smoke curl out of his nose. "I didn't listen to my old lady, either. She always said it would stunt my growth." As he spoke, he stubbed out the half-finished cigarette. "Guess there was something to it. Mac and me, we used to play handball. The one sport your size shouldn't matter." Duke looked down at himself and then back to me, with a shrug of his narrow shoulders. He didn't look so small to me any more. I'd begun to see that what he said carried plenty of weight. "Still," Duke was saying, "most days, he could of won hands down, that's how good he was. So he'd spot me points. A handicap. Thing was, he'd give me so many points that I always won. I hated him for it."
"I never once felt like the winner." Duke sat up in his seat. "I just thought of something terrible."
"I used to think he set it up so's to look good. See, if he let me win, he couldn't lose. But what if maybe he meant it to make me feel good? It's like with your mother, you know? Maybe it meant what it meant. Maybe I had him all wrong." He stood up then. "Something to think about. Well, I really better get going. Got a long drive."
"It was nice of you to come, Duke," I said at the elevator.
"They don't call me that any more. My real name's Dudley. That's my mother's family name. Used to punch anyone called me Dud. That's where Duke came from. Guess Dudley's one of those names you have to grow into." The elevator came, but he let the door close without getting in it. "The reason I stopped in the cafeteria was to work up my nerve, you know? I thought I'd really feel sorry for him. Somehow I kind of thought I'd like him more than I used to. That turning into a cripple would change him. I shouldn't be saying these things to you. You're stuck for good now, aren't you."
I winced; he'd put his finger right on the sore spot I'd been avoiding. If Mac was permanently imprisoned in his body, I'd been given a life term, too. I hadn't let myself admit that before. Then I thought about that song and realized what I'd had was already gone. I'd lost the very thing Mac had lost: freedom of movement.
"Maybe, just maybe he wanted me to feel like I won," Dudley said softly, shaking his head. "I have to think about that."
"Why'd you come now, if you didn't like him back then?"
"Then was then. Now he needs friends. Anyway, I've figured something out. People like people who like them. I would of liked him if he liked me. He didn't like me."
"Maybe he did but didn't show it. Mac doesn't spend time with people he doesn't like. Something more to think about."
This time Dudley got into the elevator. Before the doors slid shut, he said, "I don't know how he did it, but just now? He made me feel like I'm the one with the handicap."
When I got back to the room, Hosea had turned Mac over and was rubbing his back. I picked up the book I was reading, but I couldn't concentrate. My mind was still stuck on what Dudley had said. I was only barely aware when Hosea stopped what he was doing and said, "Something ain't right. Mr. Busch, he been like that since I come in."
Mac raised himself on his elbows, glanced at Mr. Busch's still form, then settled back on his stomach, facing away from the stare of the light over Mr. Busch's bed. "He's probably dreaming." Mac reached back and jiggled Hosea's hand to get it started again. "When you dream, something automatically happens to your muscles so they can't move. Read that somewhere. It's to prevent you from hurting yourself trying to do what you're dreaming you're doing."
"That so?" Hosea's hand stopped again. "He still ain't moved."
Mac said, "It's when you're not dreaming that you move a lot. There's a dream lab at the U. of C. where they pay you to sleep. During the night they measure how much your eyes twitch. Guy I used to know paid for part of his tuition that way. My neck hurts," he said.
"Sssh," said Hosea. "You hear anything?"
I listened but didn't know what I was listening for. It was hot and the window was open. From the court came the labored breathing of air conditioners.
Hosea took away his hand. "Gonna have me a look."
I heard him move to the other bed. "Mister?" Then the murmur of bedclothes. "Mister?"
I looked up and watched him pick at Mr. Busch's sleeve.
"Hosea?" said Mac.
Hosea started back towards Mac's bed, or so I thought, but then he kept on going. He paused at the door. "He's dead."
I couldn't believe Mr. Busch had died without our knowing it. We were only a few feet away. We should have heard something, sensed something. Within seconds, someone was running down the corridor. A nurse, the Indian one, whooshed in and felt for a pulse.
"Airway team, airway team to 414. Airway team, airway team to 414." Even as the announcement was made, the emergency crew was converging on the room. Someone forgot to close the curtain, but as they did whatever it was they were doing all I could see was a wall of white backsides bent over the bed. Then almost as fast as they'd come they were gone. On Mr. Busch's bed was a shrouded mound. I stood up to go.
"Stay," said Mac.
I sat down again. He didn't want to be alone with the body.
"Neck's killing me." Mac summoned a nurse. The same one came back right away. As she came in, she dug something from the pocket of her white pants and bit into it. Feeling Mac's eyes on her, she walked around the bed and held something out to him. She handed one to me. I took it, thinking it was a macadamia nut, but when I crunched into it, it splintered.
"You eat only what is inside," she told us.
I did what the nurse did, popping it open between my teeth and shaking out the contents of the pod into my palm: five or six brown grains.
"Cardamom," said the nurse. "A common spice in Indian cookery. Also, it sweetens the breath. You should not be here," she finally noticed.
I rose, only too happy to leave.
"Let her stay," Mac said.
"I suppose it will not kill him," agreed the nurse. "Just do not say I am the one who said Mrs. Kollman could remain here," she told Mac. Kollman wasn't my last name, but it didn't feel like the right time to say so. She left, smiling.
I put one of the grains into my mouth. I found it unpleasantly bitter, medicinal.
Mac said, "Had he been complaining more than usual? I didn't notice."
"He was always complaining," I complained. "If they came every time he had his light on, they'd've needed two extra nurses."
"If I've learned anything," Mac said slowly, "it's that only the person in pain feels it. The rest of you don't even believe it."
It was hard not to look at the bed. No one had thought to close the curtain. I wanted to go. Instead, I got up and pulled the curtain shut.
"You've already crossed your threshhold," said Mac. "You can't tolerate my pain any more. You seem to blame me for it."
"Well," I said, "Mr. Busch is beyond pain now."
"That sounds awfully pious."
"Doesn't everyone get religion when they're near death?"
"They mean your own death," said Mac.
"Isn't it awful being glad it's somebody else?" I asked then.
"It's human," said Mac.
I took hold of his hand.
"It's like keeping vigil, isn't it?" Mac said after a while.
I knew what he meant. Through the curtain we could see the light above Mr. Busch's bed as if it were an eternal light.
At last Hosea was back pushing a portable cot and followed by another orderly, an Hispanic who had music coming out of him. His radio was nowhere in sight. He had a thin moustache that looked more like two eyebrows that had grown almost together. The gum he was chewing smelled of licorice and he cracked it in time to the music. Then I could hear them hoisting the body onto the cot. I didn't turn around as they rolled it past me. Within seconds, two nurse's aides had appeared and changed the sheets. On her way out, one of them looked into the mirror over the basin. She applied lipstick then grimaced, pulling her lips back, checking her teeth for lipstick stains. She glanced towards the bed and saw only Mac, still on his stomach. Then she rubbed her front teeth with the underside of the lapel of her uniform. When she left, I sighed aloud. It was the first time since Mac had been there that we'd been alone.
"I'd better go, too."
"What time is it?" he asked into his pillow.
"After eleven."
"Call a cab."
"There's a stand downstairs." I stood up again and gathered my things.
"Why are we whispering?" I whispered.
"I want you to sleep with me," Mac whispered back.
I wasn't sure what he meant.
"Stay till it's light out. I don't want to be here alone tonight."
I was standing at the door and he was looking at me, over his shoulder. I switched off the overhead light and felt my way back to the chair. "I'll be right here," I said. "Get some sleep."
I was almost asleep when I heard Mac say, "Call Duke tomorrow, would you? Tell him I was glad that he came."
"Dudley," I murmured. "He wants you to call him Dudley."
Issue: Spring 1990 Volume 66 # 2
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I would like to point out Branan Legal team`s deep knowledge of corporate law, strict observance of deadlines and initiativity.
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On behalf of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs I would like to express my thanks to the Branan Legal team, particularly to you (to Maxim Bunyakin), to the head of corporate practice in Branan Legal Julia Nenasheva and to the senior associates Tatiana Potapova for the longstanding legal support of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs infrastructural projects implementation (dedicated to formation and functioning of engineering companies and centres for nanotechnology).
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Legal support on the Rosgosstrakh Group of companies consolidation (reorganization of the Rosgosstrakh in the form of merger to the Rosgosstrakh, PJSC ). | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
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Reflecting on the wonderful people and connection points along the way has helped me process the past two months. On some level I'm having difficulty comprehending that the ride is over, and we really did cycle across Canada. I always know when I need some space emotionally when I want to be alone. By nature I'm a people person. The past couple days I have really enjoyed alone time in the form of yard work and odd jobs around the house that have given me some emotional space. Fifty plus days of talking about kids dying because of the lack of clean water is an emotionally taxing task.
Speaking of overwhelming… my inbox had over 1000 emails plus my personal Facebook posts. As I began working through them I discovered a really special birthday note.., "Hey Mike Woodard we want to give you a special birthday present. We will cover the cost of one well. Happy Birthday!" I continue to be so touched by the kindness and generosity of so many! That message brought a few tears! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
D.C. Unitedwill play its home games for the 2012 and 2013 Major League Soccer seasons at RFK Stadium, which has been its field since the team's inception in 1996. In addition to the lease agreement, Events DC also announced Thursday a multimillion-dollar capital improvement project that will include improved concourse lighting and renovated restrooms at the stadium and new bleachers, upgraded sound system and renovated restrooms at the DC Armory. Capacity for MLS matches will be limited to the mezzanine level and lower seating bowl, with full sale of the 19,647 seats constituting a sellout.
Maryland's Josh Asper (165 pounds) and 12th-seeded Jimmy Sheptock (174) advanced to the round of 16 at the NCAA wrestling championships Thursday night at the Scottrade Center in St. Louis, Mo. Asper (Hereford), along with sophomore Shane Gentry (125) and freshman Geoffrey Alexander (133), opened the first session in a pigtail match. Asper earned a 5-0 decision over Buffalo's Mark Lewandowski. In the first round, Asper met a familiar foe in Virginia's Nicholas Sulzer. Just as he did in their regular-season meeting in Charlottesville, Asper defeated Sulzer, 6-4, to advance to take on Dominic Kastl of Cal Poly. Sheptock made quick work of Oklahoma's Kyle Detmer, attacking early and often to earn an 18-2 technical fall, and picked up bonus points for the Terps. He was to meet fifth-seeded Ethen Lofthouse of Iowa in the second round. At 125, Gentry lost a 9-0 major decision to Jarrod Patterson of Oklahoma; Gentry was to compete in the wrestle-back to begin the second session. Alexander lost an 8-0 major decision to 11th-seeded Steven Keith of Harvard to open the meet and also dropped into the wrestle-back. Three other Terps lost their opening matches: at 157, senior Kyle John dropped a 9-0 major decision to Princeton's Daniel Kolodzik; at 197, fourth-seeded Christian Boley surrendered a point late in the third period and lost a 2-1 decision to Binghamton's Cody Reed; and at 285, eighth-seeded Spencer Myers lost to Andrew Delaney of The Citadel, 8-3. The Terps were in 34th place with 5.5 points after the morning session.
Basketball: Baltimore City Community College's Sean Farr (Dunbar) and Frederick CC's Shakena Williams were named MD JUCO Student Athletes of the Month.
Women's bowling: UMES junior T'nia Falbo was named Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference Bowling Player of the Year and teammate Mariana Alvarado was named Rookie of the Year. Falbo was joined on the All-MEAC first team by UMES junior Anggie Ramirez and Morgan State senior Keisheena Waldon. UMES senior Paula Vilas and sophomore Megan Buja made the second team.
Women's track and field: Salisbury junior Chelsea Tavik claimed the first individual national championship by a female Sea Gulls athlete, winning the shot put title with a tiebreaking throw of 46 feet, 8 1/2 inches Saturday at the Division III championships.
Football: Aberdeen's Brenton Barnes committed to Wesley College.
Women's swimming: Mount St. Mary's freshman Erin Regan was named Northeast Conference Rookie of the Meet at the NEC swimming and diving championships and earned a spot on the All-NEC first team. The freshman also garnered All-NEC second-team honors in the 100-meter butterfly. The Mount's 200 free relay team of freshman Anne Thelen (Archbishop Spalding), sophomore Mollie Walsh, sophomore Cat Coppler and junior Courtney Griffith earned a second-team nod. Griffith finished third in the 50 free and third in the 100 fly to receive a pair of third-team selections, while Patricia Yam earned third-team honors. ... St. Mary's coach Andre Barbins was named Capital Athletic Conference Coach of the Year, and first-year Brooke Raab (Hereford) was honored as the Co-Rookie of the Year. Also honored were juniors Kelly Heyde and Chelsea Gulliver; sophomores Erin O'Connor and Hattie Schiavone and Stefania D'Ambrosio; and freshmen Kelsey Abernathy (Centennial), Hannah Hafey and Elaina Kohles.
Men's swimming: St. Mary's juniors Billy DeBoissiere (Atholton) and Cameron Hedquist, sophomore Thor Petersen and freshmen Dylan Cope, Jackson Holden and Bobby Witkop were named All-CAC. DeBoissiere and Hedquist led the conference with seven all-league honors.
Field hockey: Five Washington College players were named to the National Field Hockey Coaches Association Division III Academic Squad: senior Emily Broomell, junior Gabby Tarbert (C. Milton Wright), sophomore Angela Parreco and freshmen Kate Duggan and Grace Phillips.
Saturday's feature, the $100,000 Private Terms Stakes, has come up a wide-open affair as nine 3-year-olds are set to race one mile over Laurel Park's main track. Dangerous Lad (5-2), a New York-based son of Bob and John, is 2-for-3 lifetime with an impressive maiden victory at Woodbine and a strong win over optional claimers at Aqueduct in late January. Trainer John Terranova has named Abel Castellano to ride. Todd Pletcher will counter with Raconteur (3-1), a two-time winner who scored in an optional claimer in New York before having a troubled trip in the Gotham Stakes (Grade 3). Chris DeCarlo will accompany the A.P. Indy colt from Belmont Park. Cop a Tude (5-1) is undefeated after two starts at Laurel for trainer Graham Motion. Leading rider Sheldon Russell has been aboard for both trips (Jan. 4 and Feb. 4) and retains the mount on the son of Officer.
The United States Tennis Association is conducting a monthlong drive, March into Tennis, to get more children playing the sport. Children of all skill levels can take part in a play day at Forty West Racquet Club, 6421 Baltimore National Pike, on March 31 from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Pro tennis: Coming off a perfect season and their second World TeamTennis title, the Washington Kastles released their 2012 home schedule, which begins against Martina Hingis and the rival New York Sportimes on July 12. The Kastles will host seven home matches in a 13-day span, including an unprecedented five straight home matches from July 15 through July 22. For information, email info@washingtonkastles.com or call 202-483-6647. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
I have been watching with empathy the posts on my facebook timeline lately. Some of my friends have eighth grade graduates this spring and the traditional class trip brought the kids to Washington, DC for nearly a week. I am seeing the comments from moms who are feeling the pangs of separation as their children are about to take their first major step toward adulthood – high school.
Separation is an interesting thing. We can be sad, we can be excited for the opportunities causing it, or we can mourn and long for the past. I remember fondly my high school years, I remember how hard it was for my parents to see me leave for college, and I remember watching my own children become adults and move away from home, our daughter to marry. I can say there have been many tears over these instances of separation. How time flies, and how I wish I could have slowed the clock to have savored just one occasion a little longer.
Two months ago I said goodbye to my mother for the last time. She was 88, was failing in health, was content knowing she was at her end and was glad for the life she lived. We have lived with her for 19 years, taking care of her after her stroke. Our kids grew up with Gram in the house, and my mom saw her share of separations. There was an old Yankee approach to her attitude, and there were times that I realized she was just prepared for life. I think Mom was frugal with everything, with money, with household management, with her travels in her later years, and with her approach in watching my two children go through their teen years and begin their adult lives. We had no ill feelings to resolve, she had no complications in her life, and by us living with her, she was able to stay in her home to take her last breath.
We talked one day about money, her life insurance policy, her will, and she looked at me and said, "OK, so am I good to go?" I laughed, assured her that yes, she was, indeed, good to go. But I thought wow, how simple once again her approach to life was. She was there for me as a child, she worked so I could go to college, she was my support as I started my own family, and it was my turn to take care of her at the end.
The day she died, I was obviously upset, but I was not distraught. I was almost immediately at peace knowing she lived the way she wanted, lived by the values she felt were important, and was now ready to join my father who had died nearly twenty years ago. This separation was inevitable, hurt when it happened, but is the end of one life, and I'm hoping she is beginning an existence we can spiritually hope for.
So as my friends begin to feel those pangs of separation for their youngsters, I hope that they are savoring a few precious events, carving extra minutes in their week to appreciate and freeze moments in time, and know that life will have new phases, life will change, and that we should try to be empowered by the past. We are ready, whether we know it or not, for whatever lies ahead. Have confidence, have faith, and… carry a few extra tissues.
Love this piece, Rob! Made me misty-eyed! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
This blog is operated by M&G Securities Limited which is a subsidiary of M&G Limited. M&G Limited is incorporated and registered in England. Registered Office: 10 Fenchurch Avenue, London, EC3M 5AG. Registered in England No. 1048359. Registered for VAT, number GB 235 3237 81. M&G Securities Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and provides investment products. M&G Securities Limited is registered on the FCA's register, No. 122057 (https://register.fca.org.uk/). Registered Office: 10 Fenchurch Avenue, London, EC3M 5AG. Registered in England No. 90776. M&G Securities Limited is registered for VAT, number GB 235 3237 81. | {
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Home › Roman Catholic Worship: Trent to Today (Pueblo Books)
Roman Catholic Worship: Trent to Today (Pueblo Books)
by James F. White, Nathan D. Mitchell
Publisher: Pueblo Books
A great deal has happened in Roman Catholic worship since Vatican II promulgated the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy on December 4, 1963. But the myth persists that very little happened in the four centuries between the end of the Council of Trent on December 4, 1563, and Vatican II. Roman Catholic Worship explores what occurred in those four hundred years before Vatican II and how the stage was set for all the changes that have come about since the council. It may be true that liturgical texts were frozen during those intervening centuries, but to assume that liturgical texts are the whole of liturgy is questionable. James White demonstrates that the worship life of Roman Catholicism was in constant transition during this entire period despite the intransigence of liturgical texts.
Chapters are "The Legacy of the Council of Trent," "The Baroque Age," "The Enlightenment," "The Romantic Era," "The Journey to the Second Vatican Council," "The Legacy of the Second Vatican Council," "The Journey Beyond the Second Vatican Council," and "The Future of Roman Catholic Worship." Includes glossary, bibliography, index of persons and index of subjects.
James F. White, Nathan D. Mitchell, Paperback 2nd edition, ISBN 10: 0814661947, ISBN 13: 9780814661949 | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
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An Exclusive collaboration project between Sharps Bros. and EMG, Hellbreaker's distinctive appearance is inspired by the P-40 Warhawk, which was one of the United States most-produced fighter planes when World War II began. The nose art that became a popular military tradition was born from the practical need to identify friendly units, but eventually evolved to express a squadrons individuality. Considering the vast majority of AR-15 lowers look the same, we thought it was time to improve upon the standard and create some visual diversity in the market. The fierce Hellbreaker lines are where looks meet performance: it takes painstaking detail work to machine each tooth point and eyebrow curve, but we never skimp on quality along the way. When you hold a Hellbreaker, we believe youre holding one of the finest, most unique M4/AR-15 lower receivers in the world. | {
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Dario Franchitti
Dario Franchitti FAQs: Facts, Rumors, Birthdate, Net Worth, Sexual Orientation and much more!
Who is Dario Franchitti? Biography, gossip, facts?
George Dario Marino Franchitti (born 19 May 1973) is a Scottish racing driver. He formerly competed in the CART series before switching to the IndyCar Series where he was 2007 champion and won the rain-shortened 2007 Indianapolis 500. Franchitti is also a former NASCAR driver for Chip Ganassi Racing competing until mid-2008 when his team shut down.
How does Dario Franchitti look like? How did Dario Franchitti look like young?
This is how Dario Franchitti looks like. The photo hopefully gives you an impression of Dario Franchitti's look, life and work.
Photo by: Chris Green (Chrisg21090 at en.wikipedia), License: PD-user, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dario_Franchitti.jpg
When is Dario Franchitti's birthday?
Dario Franchitti was born on the 19th of May 1973 , which was a Saturday. Dario Franchitti will be turning 50 in only 108 days from today.
How old is Dario Franchitti?
Dario Franchitti is 49 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 17896 days or (even more geeky) 429504 hours. That's a lot of hours!
Are there any books, DVDs or other memorabilia of Dario Franchitti? Is there a Dario Franchitti action figure?
We would think so. You can find a collection of items related to Dario Franchitti right here.
What is Dario Franchitti's zodiac sign and horoscope?
Dario Franchitti's zodiac sign is Taurus.
The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus. Therefore, lucky days are Fridays and Mondays and lucky numbers are: 6, 15, 24, 33, 42 and 51. Blue and Blue-Green are Dario Franchitti's lucky colors. Typical positive character traits of Taurus include: Practicality, Artistic bent of mind, Stability and Trustworthiness. Negative character traits could be: Laziness, Stubbornness, Prejudice and Possessiveness.
Is Dario Franchitti gay or straight?
Many people enjoy sharing rumors about the sexuality and sexual orientation of celebrities. We don't know for a fact whether Dario Franchitti is gay, bisexual or straight. However, feel free to tell us what you think! Vote by clicking below.
0% of all voters think that Dario Franchitti is gay (homosexual), 33% voted for straight (heterosexual), and 67% like to think that Dario Franchitti is actually bisexual.
Is Dario Franchitti still alive? Are there any death rumors?
Yes, as far as we know, Dario Franchitti is still alive. We don't have any current information about Dario Franchitti's health. However, being younger than 50, we hope that everything is ok.
Are there any photos of Dario Franchitti's hairstyle or shirtless?
Well, we don't have any of that kind, but here is a normal photo.
Photo by: , License: CC-BY-2.5, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:FranchittiCar.JPG
Where was Dario Franchitti born?
Dario Franchitti was born in Bathgate, Scotland, West Lothian.
Is Dario Franchitti hot or not?
Well, that is up to you to decide! Click the "HOT"-Button if you think that Dario Franchitti is hot, or click "NOT" if you don't think so.
0% of all voters think that Dario Franchitti is hot, 0% voted for "Not Hot".
What is Dario Franchitti doing now?
Supposedly, 2023 has been a busy year for Dario Franchitti. However, we do not have any detailed information on what Dario Franchitti is doing these days. Maybe you know more. Feel free to add the latest news, gossip, official contact information such as mangement phone number, cell phone number or email address, and your questions below.
Does Dario Franchitti do drugs? Does Dario Franchitti smoke cigarettes or weed?
It is no secret that many celebrities have been caught with illegal drugs in the past. Some even openly admit their drug usuage. Do you think that Dario Franchitti does smoke cigarettes, weed or marijuhana? Or does Dario Franchitti do steroids, coke or even stronger drugs such as heroin? Tell us your opinion below.
0% of the voters think that Dario Franchitti does do drugs regularly, 0% assume that Dario Franchitti does take drugs recreationally and 0% are convinced that Dario Franchitti has never tried drugs before.
Do you have a photo of Dario Franchitti?
There you go. This is a photo of Dario Franchitti or something related.
Photo by: Chuck Carroll, License: CC-BY-SA-3.0, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Franchitti_after_winning_2010_Indianapolis_500.jpg
What is Dario Franchitti's net worth in 2023? How much does Dario Franchitti earn?
According to various sources, Dario Franchitti's net worth has grown significantly in 2023. However, the numbers vary depending on the source. If you have current knowledge about Dario Franchitti's net worth, please feel free to share the information below.
As of today, we do not have any current numbers about Dario Franchitti's net worth in 2023 in our database. If you know more or want to take an educated guess, please feel free to do so above. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Q: DocuSign for Salesforce - Use Blob Content in Salesforce with SignHereTabs and Anchor-text Are there any methods in the latest 'DocuSign for Salesforce' package that allows for:
- Using the Base64 content of a contentVersion as the document
- Specifying SignHereTabs with Anchor-text within the document and assigning to specific recipients?
Would this need to be a custom integration with the REST API in order to facilitate this?
A: Check page 70 of DfS Guide to see how to do Automatic Anchor Text and Tags
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
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This entry was posted on May 12, 2011 at 10:32 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can subscribe via RSS 2.0 feed to this post's comments. You can comment below, or link to this permanent URL from your own site.
Thanks for this great interview! I'm currently revising my biography of Canned Heat founder Alan "Blind Owl" Wilson, and it was helpful to read Jim's recollection of his recording session with the band.
I hope anyone who's interested in learning more about Wilson will check out my website at http://blindowlbio.com. The first edition is currently available as a print book. Thanks to this article I will now have a little more information for the second edition which should be available later this year.
I'll be sure to share this interview with fellow music fans. Thanks again and, as Canned Heat always said, don't forget to boogie! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
North Street – osada w Anglii, w hrabstwie Hampshire, w dystrykcie East Hampshire. Leży 22 km na wschód od miasta Winchester i 81 km na południowy zachód od Londynu.
Wsie w hrabstwie Hampshire | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
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Jonathan Ross admits his first sexual experiences were with a Hoover and an orange – Daily Mail
14 January 2021 0 Comments
Orange is the new SEX HACK! Jonathan Ross, 60, admits his first sexual experiences were with a Hoover and a piece of fruit after getting tips from his mother's magazines
By Rebecca Davison for MailOnline
Published: 11:43, 14 January 2021 | Updated: 12:12, 14 January 2021
Jonathan Ross' first sexual experiences were with an orange and a Hoover.
The presenter, 60, – who didn't kiss a girl until he was 17 – tried to teach himself how to be intimate by using a piece of fruit and a vacuum cleaner after getting some tips from his mother's women's magazines.
But he admitted that but using the Hoover proved to be a 'very uncomfortable experience'.
Big fan of orange? Jonathan Ross, 60, admitted his first sexual experiences were with a Hoover and a piece of fruit after getting tips from his mother's magazines
Speaking on Rhod Gilbert's Growing Pains show on Comedy Central, he said: 'I didn't know anything about sex. I became very interested in women's magazines and would read my mum's to try and pick out clues as to what women were.
'One section said, "How to get your man better at oral sex". It said, "Peel the orange and the hole in the middle, insert your tongue", so I felt, "This is something I need to learn"
'I'd read that female-to-male oral sex could be replicated with a Hoover, which was a very uncomfortable experience and not pleasant for anyone.'
Orange is the new SEX HACK! Jonathan said: 'I didn't know anything about sex. I became very interested in women's magazines and would read my mum's to try and pick out clues'
The Masked Singer judge – who has been married to screenwriter Jane Goldman since 1988 – has daughters Betty, 29, and Honey, 23, and son Harvey, 26, with his partner.
The chat show host previously revealed he now sees his children more than ever during the lockdown, despite them all living away from home.
He said: 'I see them more than I need to, to be honest. I'm online all the time.
'We're probably, in a way, as a family, spending more time together than not actually being physically together than ever before.
'I know my wife misses the physical contact – she really wants to hug them, she misses that side of it all, but I think overall we just count our blessings.
'None of them are sick, they're all kind of OK and they're all with someone.'
Love: The Masked Singer judge – who has been married to screenwriter Jane Goldman since 1988, (pictured) – has daughters Betty, 29, and Honey, 23, and son Harvey, 26, with his partner
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Lapuebla de Labarca (baskisch: Lapuebla Labarka) ist eine Kleinstadt und eine Gemeinde (municipio) mit Einwohnern () in der Provinz Álava in der Autonomen Gemeinschaft Baskenland im Norden Spaniens. Der Ort gehört zur Weinbauregion Rioja.
Lapuebla de Labarca liegt in einer Höhe von etwa 430 Metern ü. d. M. im äußersten Süden der Provinz Álava nahe der Grenze zur Autonomen Gemeinschaft La Rioja. Lapuebla de Labarca liegt etwa 50 Kilometer südsüdöstlich von Vitoria-Gasteiz. Das Klima in Lapuebla de Labarca ist gemäßigt – winterliche Nachtfröste sind ebenso selten wie sommerliche Tagestemperaturen über 30 °C.
Seltsamerweise hatte die Reblauskrise gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts keinen spürbaren Einfluss auf die Einwohnerzahlen; ab der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts machte sich jedoch der Verlust an Arbeitsplätzen durch die verstärkte Mechanisierung der Landwirtschaft bemerkbar.
In frühen Jahrhunderten lebten die Bewohner hauptsächlich von den landwirtschaftlichen Produkten der näheren Umgebung, zu denen auch der Wein gehörte. Der Ort selbst fungierte als Markt- und Handelszentrum, aber auch Handwerker ließen sich hier nieder. Die zunehmende Bedeutung des Weinbaus und des Weintourismus in der Rioja wirkt sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten auch wieder positiv auf die Beschäftigung aus.
Kirche Mariä Himmelfahrt (Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción)
Ort in der Autonomen Gemeinschaft Baskenland
Weinbauort in Spanien | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} |
The pictures are of our new hens purchased from McDonalds farm at Haydon Bridge last Tuesday 27th of June.I bought two Bluebells and two Welsumers (top picture), two Light Sussex (bottom picture) and two white Leghorns to go with the three I already owned.I now have sixteen hens in total.
The old and new hens had to be kept locked in the hen house until Thursday so they could become accustomed to their new henhouse and to the eight hens I already had living in there.
The picture is of Maddison 8 months old invading Holly's kitchen.
The hens are doing really well and laying about 9 eggs aday. They seem to have found their way onto the front lawn which we will have to stop.August has been another busy month, the straw was all led in the first few days. The sheep have required a lot of attention getting them ready for market. The first ewe lambs have gone to Hexham mart today and over the next month we will sell the texel tups.
This picture was taken at the end of August by an Australian visitor Robert Hilton.The picture is of the back of the farm, looking at the wonderful heather which is spectacular this year.
September has been a wonderful month, dry and warm. The farm and the B&B have both benefited from the good weather.
This is the down side to keeping hens, when they get into the front garden they dig up the plants to make a place for a dust bath.
Elaine Hill came to stay with 13 geese and three sheep dogs. The geese went out to feed in the front field at night and first thing in the morning. The three collie dogs round up the geese and drive them into the trailer.On the first attempt the geese escaped around the side, and the sheep dogs had to round them up again. Then the geese walked up the ramp and inside. These have been some of our most unusual guests.
The picture was taken by guests Anita and James, in early November in the grounds of Wallington Hall.There were a group of red squirrels playing outside the hide.
During December we took all the tiles off the family bathroom, which pulled alot of the plaster off and we had to strip the walls back to the stone and wood. The new false walls were erected making a seperate toilet for the rooms at the back of the house.
Christmas and New Year stopped the work and we started again at the beginning of January. The plaster boards were attached and then plastered. Shower tray and bath were fitted and all the pipe work was completed.The two rooms were then decorated with base coates, the hard-board floors were nailed down and the toilets and hand basins were installed. The electrian rewired lights and fans. The wet walls and doors were put around the shower and bath.
Final coat of paint on all the walls and woodwork. The floor tiles were laid the next week and then the blind at the window, as I write this entry we are still waiting for the towel rails and shelf to be fitted.At last a new family bathroom.
The sheep are marked with a spray on their wool. Green for 3, no mark for two, blue for 1 and red for not in lamb. The greens are all collected together and they get more feed than the others as they are carrying 3 lambs. The unmarked or twins are all put in the same fields, and the ewes with blues marks or single lambs are all kept together. If the weather deteriorates the sheep with 3 lambs are brought in first, then the no mark or twins, and the singles last.
When the sheep are in the lambing shed it is easy to tell how many lambs each ewe is going to have. When a single is lambing you are ready to take a lamb from a set of three, the ideal is for every ewe to rear 2 lambs.
Picture shows lambs in the front field, the view from the family room.The lamds in the picture are about 3 to 6 days old. We move the lambs all the time in their first few weeks, keeping the youngest lambs , the most vunerable, closed to the farm. As the lambs grow and are stronger with a strong bond with their mothers we move them into ajoining fields. We should finish lambing by the beginning of May, about six weeks after we started.
Picture shows a tree on Ray Mill bank as you approach the farm. About 4 years ago a pair of boots appeared in the tree and since then more shoes have been added. The idea comes from Nevarda in America, where shoe trees were first started. Putting your shoes in the tree is a good luck charm.
Lulu the lamb broke her leg (the large bone in her lower back left leg) and we had to put a plaster cast on. Richard holds the lamb while I cut a "plaster of paris" bandage and dip it in water and wrap it around the leg.Richard holds the lamb for about 10 minutes until the plaster goes hard. We then wrap a green crepe bandage around and return Lulu to her mother.
The ewe and lamb stay inside for 2/3 days and then are put into a small field. The next three pictures are taken 2 weeks later. Lulu does not seem to be in any pain, she is walking on her leg and following her mum around the field. The plaster will come off in about two weeks, it looks as if Lulu has made a full recovery.
Picture House: 5 May � 30 September 2007
English Heritage has invited 15 of the most original and experimental film directors, artists, actresses and designers from Britain and around the world to bring Belsay Hall, Castle and Gardens to life with a series of cutting edge art installations.
Picture House - Film, Art and Design at Belsay, which opens on 5 May 2007, will transform the neo-classical mansion in Northumberland, its 14th century castle and Grade I Listed gardens. This specially commissioned exhibition will see electrifying works of fashion, sculpture, music, design, poetry, music and video fill Belsay�s vast empty rooms and landscaped grounds.
Installations will include some exciting collaborations, such as a soundscape by composer William Basinski and Antony Hegarty from Mercury Music Prize-winning New York city band Antony and the Johnstons.
Likewise actress Tilda Swinton - known to millions as the White Witch in the Chronicles of Narnia- is creating a piece for Arthur Middleton�s bedroom, working alongside her husband, playwright and visual artist John Byrne - and their children.
Internationally renowned fashion designers Viktor & Rolf will provide a centrepiece display of silver ballgowns suspended between the Grecian columns in the Pillar Hall, while award-winning costume designer Sandy Powell � famed for her work on The Aviator and Gangs of New York, will create set up a �peephole� into false door with a peephole in Lady Middleton�s bedroom, where viewers can spy on the inhabitant dressing and undressing.
Throughout the property � from the cellars of Belsay Hall to the Grand Hall of Belsay Castle and the delights of the sheer cliffs of the Quarry Garden - Picture House will see Belsay transformed and reinterpreted through dozens of creative perspectives and will provide a fresh appreciation of the social and architectural history of this unique historical site.
The pictures were taken by Malcolm McCulloch a guest who stayed in July.
This picture was taken from the front window in the first week of October, it shows mist in the hollow of the front field with our neighbour's farms out of the mist at the back of the picture.The saying "mist in the hollow a fine day to follow" was certainly true.
This picture was taken of the far end of the garden in the Autumn, the Hydrangeas have never been as beautiful. They are still blooming at the moment although the flowers are slightly paler.
This picture was taken in the early morning facing from the house down the front field. Most of the cows and calves have come inside for the winter, the sheep are still out. Cattle make an awful mess of the fields in winter when it's wet.
This picture was taken in the hall. We would like to wish all our guests a Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year . We look forward to welcoming you to Cornhills in 2008.
This picture was taken of the front of the house. The sky is the most brilliant blue.The winter with its clear air is the best time for seeing our fantastic views.
This picture was taken in the shrubbery outside the window of the West room.
This picture was taken outside the back door over the drying green. The lambs and the chickens seem to get along well. The lambing time has been wet and cold, terrible weather for little lambs and their mothers. We are still feeding all the sheep every day as the grass is not growing fast enough.
This picture was taken on the approach to the farm. The Blue Bell wood, a nature reserve, is on our eastern boundary. Every year the blue bells give a magnificent display turning the area into a sea of blue.
This picture was taken on the lane opposite our cottages on the approach to the farmhouse. The owl chicks, a bundle of fluff, have taken to sitting on the lane. We have to pick them up and put them back in the wood in case they get run over by a car.Over the last few years we have seen a huge increase in the number of owls. They can be heard calling at night as well as sitting on gate posts and our dry stone walls.
These picture were taken in the clipping shed. The sheep come into a collecting pen where either Chris or Richard catch the sheep and clip them. William is in the clipping shed he rolls the fleece and puts it into a wool sack hung from the beams.Holly lies on the wool sack watching the sheep.The Wool Sack in the House of Lords has its origins here.
These pictures were taken in August. Tilly, Rachel Thornton's Cocker spaniel came to stay for her holidays, she is lying in Dew's box with Maddie. Nell is the new addition to our family, she is a 10 week old flat coated border collie pup.Nell would like to be a house dog but she has to live in the kennels with the other working collies.Holly the 3 year old Labrador has a new playmate.
These pictures were taken in September.We have bred 38 Texel tups, 20 went to Hexham mart on Wednesday September 24th. We had second and fourth prize in the show, the top priced tups were �1080, �1050, �950,�920. The 20 tups averaged �732 the best average at the mart that sale.The first picture shows the tups outside the farmhouse, dipped ready for the mart. The second picture shows James holding 504 the top priced tup we sold.
The pictures below show the new Teagle Tomahawk bedding machine.The machine is filled with a big straw bale, the shedder unwinds the bale and blows it into the sheds. The cattle love the straw going in this way,the first time we used it, the cattle were dancing around in the straw, or just standing under the shoot allowing the straw to fall all over them. The machine has two main advantages it is safer for both cattle and farmer as it is blown from outside the pen and it uses less straw.
The pictures below were taken this month. The weather has been cold with some bright blue skies. The trees at this time of year are stunning against the beautiful blue sky.
The pictures are of the shoe tree on Ray Mill Bank( on eastern edge of farm ), taken from both up and down the bank. The first picture appeared on the web site in June 2007 but the shoes first appeared in 2003. This year has seen many more pairs of shoes arriving.Taken from June 2007 blog entry:-The idea comes from Nevarda in America, where shoe trees were first started. Putting your shoes in the tree is a good luck charm.
The pictures are of Stella McCartney's crystal horse sculpture, Lucky Spot, a much-loved temporary exhibit in the 2004 Fashion at Belsay exhibition.In 2006 it was shown in the main Hall, but in 2009 it returns to its original site in the castle. It has remained one of English Heritage's most memorable and visually appealing exhibits at Belsay Hall Castle & Gardens.
The pictures were taken by John and Johanna Urwin from Kent who walked St Oswald's way in August. They stayed with us on August 8th/9th and were two of the luckiest walkers this year, as they had brilliant weather hence the photographs.The first photo in taken from the top of Garleigh on the walk between Rothbury and Kirkwhelpington. The second photo was taken at Hallington on the final leg of the walk to Heaven's Field.
The pictures were taken towards the back door of the farmhouse, the flowers have been brilliant this year, the wet weather might not make farming easy, but the flowers have flourished.
The picture shows British Blue heifers in the top end of the east field.These heifers have been down on the lowlands near the coast for the summer and have come home for the winter and will calve in the late spring.Over the last few years, we have changed our breed of cattle to more British Blues as they are more docile and are easier to handle.
The picture shows the view from near Edlingham, taken by a farmer friend George Smith of Bolton. This view is one that can be seen between Alnwick and Rothbury.
The picture shows the first snow drops in the garden in the last week of January. The winter has been very hard with nearly a month of snow, the garden has had about 18 inches on it.The snow would only be gone 24 hours when the snow drops came through and were flowering within two days.
The picture shows the celandines in the garden, the snowdrops are still flowering. The winter contiues to be very cold with frost and snow, we still have snow from December in the back of the walls.
The picture shows the hens sun bathing in the garden, the garden seat seems ideal. The weather has changed, the sun is shining. We have been out in the garden weeding and digging over the borders.
The pictures show the most amazing Extraordinary measures at Belsay Hall.I was lucky enough to be invited to a preview and would recommend this exhibition to all ages. Ron Mueck's Wildman is very impressive as are all his pieces,the skin and hair makes you want to touch (definitly not allowed).The large window, a copy of the hall's windows enchances the Quarry garden and the horses do the same for the castle. The swan is sitting on her nest in the middle of a pond as you drive in, and the lanterns were there for one night only to launch the exhibition. Some of the pictures below were taken by Ann Foggin.
The picture shows the girls feeding the pet lambs.
The picture shows Ellie our yellow labrador puppy, she was born 27th June and is now 8 weeks old. Holly finds her a pest as she spends a lot of time hanging around her neck.She does have very sharp little teeth but is very cute.
The picture shows Ellie our yellow labrador puppy, she was born 27th June and is now 5.5 months old.Ellie woke up this morning to a new white world. On the front lawn we have about 8 inches of snow, very pretty in pictures but difficult to feed the animals still outside.
The first picture was taken on the night of December 20th, the next morning there was an eclipse of the moon and the second picture on the 21st of December.The two pictures are of the trees on the edge of the drying green.If you look at the first picture you can see a moon shadow. Cat Stevens sang about a "moon shadow", the second picture was taken at lunch time the next day in exactly the same place.
The pure breed Texel flock have started lambing. This lamb was born on Friday 4th March at about 6pm. The lamb was left in a small pen with her mother. At 8 pm she had jumped into a bucket of cold water and when Richard found her she was almost dead.He brought her into the house. We put her into warm water for 20 minutes and then I dried her with towels. Wrapped in a dry towel the lamb was placed on the top of the Aga for about 30 minutes. As soon as it was warm it wanted on to its feet, this picture was taken about 90 minutes after her cold water dip. Richard took the lamb back to its mother, 3 days later and the lamb is doing well
The picture shows climbers on Wanny Crags about 2 miles west of the farm.Climbers are there most days in the spring, summer and autumn.
The pictures show Sarah and Barney Storey who stayed in June to compete in a cycle race in Stamfordham. They enjoyed their time on the farm especially relaxing with our dogs Holly and Ellie
The picture shows our oldest son Christopher getting married to Sally Manners in July.As you can see from the picture it was another typical Saturday pouring with rain.
The picture shows the new bed table, Richard's Christmas present from our sons.Since we have had the bird table the birds love it and feed there all day,unfortunately the birds have all left Granny's bird table at the bungalow.The best view of the bird table is from the west B&B bedroom. .
On the 16th Feb 2013 we bought Millbrook George a limousin bull.He was Champion at the Carlisle Spring Sale.
Press here to read our Blog
To book ring 01830 540232 (discount on telephone bookings) or
Book now :-bnb@northumberlandfarmhouse.co.uk. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Q: std::vector with memset_s allocator I have some security critical code, and I'd like to make sure that sensitive buffers are always erased before being freed. I can implement a buffer class which calls memset_s in its destructor, but perhaps there is a more convenient way.
If I replace std::allocator with a variant that calls memset_s in deallocate(), will that force std::vector not to allocate T objects anywhere else except as temporaries?
A: There are two reasons why you could have such T objects: either as elements of the vector, or for other reasons.
They can't be elements of the vector as that would violate contiguity, as well as violate the no-throw guarantee for swap. If you have elements for other reasons, they'd have to be constructed with observable complexity. Additionally T::T() may not be available (DefaultConstructable isn't required) or it might throw which would be an observable effect as well.
So, in general vector cannot have "hidden" elements.
A: The allocator is a template argument, if you decide to implement one for your particular use case it will be active only in those objects for which you explicitly opt into this allocator:
std::vector<T,SecureAllocator> v; // this uses the memset_s under the hood
std::vector<T> n; // this doesn't
Now, the allocator modifies the type of the object, which means that if you have functions that take std::vector<T> as arguments you will not be able to pass a std::vector<T,SecureAllocator>.
Alternatively, you could implement a polymorphic allocator in which the source of the memory can be controlled at runtime. That is supported in BSL (an implementation of the C++03 standard library available in github), in which case the vectors are of the same type even if they allocate from different sources:
bsl::vector<T> v(bslma::Default::allocator());
// bslma::Default::allocator() is new/delete
bsl::vector<T> n(secureAllocator());
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} |
News South Africa
Here are your Lotto and Lotto Plus results
Today at 23:07 PM, via News24
Here are the winning Lotto and Lotto Plus numbers from the Wednesday, 20 January, draw.
Today at 23:05 PM, via Al Jazeera
Gorman, 22, offers a hopeful vision for a deeply divided United States with her poem 'The Hill We Climb'.
US President Joe Biden's day-one plans included moving to revoke a presidential permit for the pipeline.
An historic inauguration in unusual times
Today at 22:48 PM, via BBC News
A look back at the moments that defined a historic day in the US capital.
Ramaphosa taking wait-and-see approach to re-election of Uganda's Museveni
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The fiancée of a man initially thought to have committed suicide has appeared in the Cape Town Magistrate's Court on a charge of murder.
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Today at 21:42 PM, via SABC News
There's been concern that loadshedding and power cuts are fatal for patients that are on oxygen at their homes.
Taxi ranks, taxis disinfected in Limpopo amid spike in coronavirus cases
Limpopo Transport and Community Safety MEC, Mavhungu Lerule-Ramakhanya is overseeing the disinfecting of taxis and ranks across the province in an effort to contain the spread of COVID-19.
'Democracy has prevailed': Biden becomes 46th president
Joe Biden on Wednesday became the 46th president of the United States with a call to unity, vowing to bridge deep divides and defeat domestic extremism two weeks after a mob attack tried to undo his election victory.
China imposed sanctions on ex-Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and other Trump administration officials as Joe Biden was being inaugurated, saying they made "crazy moves".
WATCH | Trump arrives at home in Mar-a-Lago
President Donald Trump arrived Wednesday at his resort home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, after leaving the White House for the last time, AFP observed.
Biden inauguration: Amanda Gorman's poem The Hill We Climb in full
Amanda Gorman's powerful reading of her poem was one of the memorable moments at Joe Biden's inauguration.
Mali security forces disperse rally against French army
Today at 18:21 PM, via The Citizen
France, Mali's former colonial ruler, first intervened in the country in 2013 to help drive back jihadist forces advancing on Bamako.
Extremists thriving across Mozambique's northern border, UN officials warn
United Nations officials report a worsening humanitarian situation in Cabo Delgado province, urging development.
Jihadist attacks in Mozambique fuelling aid crisis, says UN
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WATCH | Pfizer vaccine appears effective against UK variant
Today at 22:35 PM, via Fin24
The Covid-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech is likely to protect against a more infectious variant of the virus, which was discovered in Britain and has spread around the world, according to results of further lab tests released.
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok asked about their role in the recent violent events in Washington.
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As the coronavirus pandemic turns the working world on its head, calls are growing stronger for firms to embrace the four-day work week.
Saga cruises says all customers must be vaccinated in 2021
Holidaymakers in 2021 must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19, Saga says.
Naudé concedes Aggett may have been assaulted before he died
Former security branch police officer, Martin Naudé, has conceded that it's possible that anti-apartheid activist, Neil Aggett may have been assaulted a month before he died at the then John Vorster Square police station in Johannesburg, in the early 1980s.
EPWP recruitment process under scrutiny in Taung
Some disgruntled residents of Taung village in the North West, have expressed concern at the process of recruitment for the Extended Public Works Programme.
Legal showdown between Bandile Masuku and SIU set for Thursday
Today at 11:42 AM, via Times Live
Former Gauteng health MEC Bandile Masuku will on Thursday attempt to convince the high court in Pretoria to declare the Special Investigating Unit's findings against him unlawful, unconstitutional and invalid.
DA rejects Mabuza's appointment to oversee SA's COVID-19 vaccine rollout
Today at 09:45 AM, via SABC News
The Democratic Alliance has rejected the appointment of Deputy President David Mabuza as head of the inter-ministerial committee to oversee the country's COVID-19 vaccine rollout programme.
SA rugby franchises could have a future in European Champions Cup
EPCR chairperson Simon Halliday says he expects SA's PRO16 Rainbow Cup teams to become part of the European Champions Cup and Challenge Cup competitions.
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Aston Villa manager Dean Smith calls the decision to allow Rodri's opener for Manchester City "farcical".
Netball Legends Series: England beat Superleague All Stars 70-54
England Netball beat the Superleague All Stars 70-54 to win the first match of the Netball Legends Series.
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Guro Reiten and Sophie Ingle score in extra-time as holders Chelsea win a dramatic League Cup quarter-final at Manchester City.
Trump Pardons Miami Investor Charged in College Admissions Scandal
Today at 22:03 PM, via New York Times
Federal prosecutors accused Robert Zangrillo of conspiring to pay a bribe so that his daughter would be admitted to the University of Southern California.
Big Changes to the SAT
Universities doing all they can for students | Letter
Today at 19:00 PM, via The Guardian
Dr Tim Bradshaw says Russell Group universities are working hard to provide a high-quality learning experience
It is wrong to suggest that universities have not put the interests of students at the heart of their response to the pandemic (The government has failed thousands of students in England. They deserve a refund, 14 January).
From the start, Russell Group universities have worked hard to...
Music A-level: exam board says it was wrong to drop only black composer
Edexcel initially defended decision to cut British jazz artist Courtney Pine from course
An exam board has admitted it was wrong to drop the work of the British jazz artist Courtney Pine from its A-level music course, thereby leaving no black composers on the course's syllabus.
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An emotional Lady Gaga performed a dramatic version of the US national anthem, Garth Brooks sang a cappella, and Jennifer Lopez gave a shoutout in Spanish at the inauguration of President Joe Biden on Wednesday
'Massive Mamba' coils around rescuer's neck in Chatsworth
Today at 20:21 PM, via The South African
Durban snake rescuer Nick Evans told the spine-chilling story of a constricting Mamba and how he managed to get out of its clutches.
New SA Covid-19 variant defeats plasma treatment, may reduce vaccine efficacy – scientists
Today at 20:15 PM, via IOL
WATCH: The latest on Uzalo, Wednesday 20 January 2021 – E228 S6
Don't get left behind, catch up on Uzalo now!
Poet Amanda Gorman calls on Americans to be the 'light'
Today at 22:24 PM, via CNN
Amanda Gorman, the nation's first-ever youth poet laureate, challenged Americans Wednesday to "leave behind a country better than the one we were left" and unify together as she delivered a stirring inauguration poem.
Much has been written about Donald Trump's "TV presidency," and how the former reality-TV star sought to produce his time in the White House. Throughout his presidential campaign, however, Joe Biden's team — in its adherence to Covid protocols — has been shaped through the language of television, creating crowd-pleasing TV moments minus the crowds.
Lady Gaga, JLo dazzle at Biden inauguration
Sorry fans of "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody," but Cole Sprouse has moved on.
Today at 23:00 PM, via Slashdot
After losing around $4.5 billion over the past five years, LG is considering exiting the smartphone market in 2021. The Verge reports: The Korea Herald reports that [LG CEO Kwon Bong-seok] sent out an internal memo to staff on Wednesday, hinting at a change in direction for LG's phone business. "Since the competition in the global market for mobile devices is getting fiercer, it is about time...
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Today at 21:31 PM, via Wired
Faces of the Riot used open source software to detect, extract, and deduplicate every face from the 827 videos taken from the insurrection on January 6.
Ajit Pai is Officially Out of the FCC
Ajit Pai, the man who killed net neutrality, enacted a series of industry-friendly deregulatory moves for big telecom, and drank from a gigantic mug, is no longer around to terrorize the internet. The FCC confirmed to Motherboard that Pai is officially gone: "Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai today concluded his four years as Chairman, eight years as a Commissioner, and twelve...
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Mercedes-Benz reimagines GLA as all-electric EQA
Bar a revised front and rear facia, the EQA differs little, on the outside, from the GLA.
The Biden administration has yet to name a permanent chief of the Food and Drug Administration, amid a deep review of potential treatments and vaccines against the coronavirus.
As alcohol consumption increased, so did the risk of the potentially fatal heart rhythm disorder.
Pregnant women with blood pressure readings above 140/90 had deficits on tests of mental agility 15 years later.
Cannock mum developed cancer after wrong smear result
A hospital apologises to Rachael Foley after she undergoes a hysterectomy following the error.
Fish migrations: they would swim 500 miles and they would swim 500 more
Today at 18:23 PM, via CapeNature
By Nicole Horn and Alexis Olds Migration is a widespread but highly complicated and diverse component to many fish species lives. Migration can be strenuous and often consists of extremely long journeys. The life history stages of certain species rely heavily on migration. Fish will migrate for several reasons including escaping unfavourable conditions, moving to […]
St Lucia estuary breach: minister demands answers over decision
Today at 09:16 AM, via News24
Environment Minister Barbara Creecy has asked the management of the Isimangaliso Wetlands Park Authority to justify its decision to breach the St Lucia estuary mouth.
Butterfly wings captured in slow motion footage
Today at 02:01 AM, via BBC News
Scientists, using a wind tunnel and high-speed cameras, have captured the butterfly's flying skill.
Businessinsider.co.za | Dwarfism discovered in the world's tallest animal – giraffes stunted by a bone growth disorder
Saturday at 22:26 PM, via News24
Scientists have discovered 'dwarf giraffe' in Nambia and Uganda. The shortest was 2.4 metres tall, half the expected average.
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We are so happy to welcome a new summer intern student, Sreedhar Radhakrishnan, in Summer 2017. Let us hear what he said about his research and MCL.
Hi, I am Sreedhar, I am currently an undergrad senior in Computer Science and Engineering at PES University,Bangalore,India and Data Science excites me. After my freshman year I interned at a research centre at my university where I was introduced to methodologies of research and I worked in the area of Computer Vision. The following year I had coursework in Design and Analysis of Algorithms and Linear Algebra which I fell in love with as I was able to get a perspective of how they are used in real world problems based on my research after my freshman year. The summer after sophomore year I worked on data analysis applied in the sport of Cricket and developed a player evaluation metric through the same. This really got me interested in leveraging the power of data in numerous applications. I then had course work in Data Analytics, Natural Language Processing, Digital Image Processing and Big Data which are some of my favorite courses. I am currently interested in Machine Learning and Deep Learning and their applications in various fields such as Computer Vision and NLP. I am currently working on Deep Learning for Computer Vision and learning a lot under the guidance of Dr. Kuo and fellow MCL members.
I just completed my first week of the summer internship here and I love the environment. Members of MCL are truly very hard working and dedicated in their research and that is helping me push my limits as well. They are also really friendly and helpful and this collaborative environment is making my learning experience better. I have also loved my time so far at USC as their warmth and cultural diversity is amazing. I also love the fact that they are good at various fields such as Engineering, Athletics, Business, Music and even Film Making which can allow a student to expand his/her horizon in multiple fields. Thanks to USC and MCL my first week here has been amazing.
I want to learn as much as I can in Deep Learning during my internship here and produce good work through innovation and team work. I also want to continue collaboration with MCL even after my internship as well as make new friends. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Landscape Installation | San Diego, CA | San Diego Landscaping, Inc.
Your property's exterior should be as beautiful as the interior. If it's not, turn to San Diego Landscaping, Inc. for landscape installation services. We're a trusted landscaping company based in San Diego, CA and surrounding areas. We can transform your yard into a picturesque private preserve.
Call us today at 619-780-6145 to schedule a consultation. We'll draw up a design and give you a ballpark estimate. We'll work with you to create a beautiful yard without going over your budget.
Set up an irrigation system to keep your yard lush.
Test your soil to find out if it's suitable for planting.
Install sod to fill in bare patches.
Plant trees to give your yard plenty of shade.
Build retaining walls to add definition and inhibit erosion.
We can also install pools and fences. If it has to do with your property's exterior, we can do it. Reach out to us today to schedule landscaping services in San Diego, CA and surrounding areas.
Get the ball rolling on your landscape transformation project by scheduling professional landscape design services in San Diego, CA today. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
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This entry was posted on Thursday, November 1st, 2018 at 12:53 pm and posted in Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
« Celebrate the National Day on Writing with EWC! | {
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The core principal of this waterfall process makes perfect sense. So how is it that projects can still go horribly wrong? Is it lack of experience? lack of ability to deliver what the client wants? Difficult clients? Or just the nature of the beast?
You, like me probably take pride in your experience and ability to sidestep project pitfalls, foreseeing issues before they arise and yet somehow you scratch your head at the ability for a meticulously planned project to still go off the rails.
A project will run like clockwork from the discovery phase where you absorb as much as you can about the clients business and the project requirements, through to the planning and IA where site-maps and wireframes are developed and into the design where the visual look and feel is defined and keyscreens are designed for each unique view.
At this point the implementation and build starts and then here things start to go wrong - as the content is added, things no longer quite match up, and before you know it you are back into planning, drawing up new sitemaps and wireframes, redesigning elements, re-designing key screens and then having to rebuild pages, features and functions within the website.
The reality is that all the best planning and design can quickly unravel when the content does not match up - this rapidly forces a project into an iterative cycle which either dramatically increases the cost of a project or in the case of a fixed cost project results in a loss of profitability.
Whilst agile methodologies tackle this issues by not only cantering for the change in requirements, but by truly embracing them, the reality is that this only works in an environment with generous budgets or an open ended chequebook - in a fixed cost project, agile development principles can just as easily run over if the job is not complete or run out of time.
Discovery leads to planning and IA - this allows the content writing to start. Planning can define wireframes enough to help guide the content writing, but the understanding is that this is all you are trying to achieve. Brand development and initial design can begin - this can even lead to a final design, however this is only homepage design and maybe a simple lower level page.
At this point your deliverables as an agency go on hold - you are waiting for the content to be delivered...you do not progress to key screens or build until you have received 95% of the content. Whilst traditionally you would have moved onto key screen layouts and site build whilst you wait for the content, this is where things have been going wrong… hold your nerve and wait for the content.
When the content arrives your process breaks from your nice waterfall approach and becomes quite agile, combining the best principals of in-browser design, where core styling is applied in line with the approved design, the site is reviewed and then more detailed layouts are designed in-line with the real world content in the browser. Obviously some Photoshop layouts may become relevant (when styling in HTML/CSS is becoming too limiting), however designing each key screen as a pixel perfect layout is no longer relevant.
By focusing on the content, the website process goes back to what it is really about - content.
Content first can de-risk your project if you are willing to do the unthinkable on a project... stop working on it until the content is delivered. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Q: SecTrustCreateWithCertificates returns null trust object I am trying to run cert chain verification and running into a problem where my trust object is null.
SecTrustCreateWithCertificates(certificates, SecPolicyCreateBasicX509(), trustObject)
Where "certificates" is an array that contains 3 SecCertificate,
*first one is the leaf cert,
*second is the intermediate and
*last one is the root cert.
osStatus returned is -50 which translates to "One or more parameters passed to a function were not valid"
If the array only has the leaf cert, the trust object is created just fine but obviously the SecTrustEvaluateWithError returns false since I am not passing in the intermediate and root cert.
Root cert is supposed to be the anchor cert so I tried setting it too but no luck. NOTE: I do not have these 3 certs saved in keychain or trust store, I create them using SecCertificateCreateWithData and the data I receive from the server. I have also verified from open ssl that all 3 generated certs are valid.
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} |
Anti-UK Tamil Diaspora protest in North
Monday, 6 December 2010 00:14 - - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}
British minister postpones visit to Sri Lanka – report
British parliamentarian and Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), Alistair Burt has postponed his Sri Lanka visit, a PTI news report said.
Burt was reportedly scheduled to visit Sri Lanka from Monday on a three-day tour. He was also expected to travel to Maldives and Bangladesh.
Local media citing British High Commission sources in Colombo reported that the visit has been cancelled. However, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office is yet to confirm the cancellation.
The postponement of the visit has come in the wake of a protest against the British government launched by the Housing Minister Wimal Weerawansa in front of the British High Commission on Friday (3).
The protest was in response to the cancellation of a lecture by Sri Lankan President
Mahinda Rajapaksa at the prestigious Oxford Union during his visit to Britain last week.
The protestors accused the British Government of supporting the pro-LTTE Tamil groups in the UK and trying to revive the terrorist organisation eliminated in Sri Lanka. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
I'm loving the coupon deal going on at Walgreens this week!! Garnier hair care is on sale 2/$6 at Wags. Use this printable $1 off (1) Garnier Fructis Shampoo, conditioner or treatment coupon to score this great deal! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
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This week's cocktail is a special tipple based off of the main botanical in Siderit gin: Orris root. Siderit's creators acclaim orris root as the "most important" of all the botanicals in their gin, but what exactly is this exotic-sounding ingredient? Read on to find out how this curious ingredient makes the seriously delicious Gin Daisy.
Orris root is in fact derived from the bulb of the iris plant (from the species Iris germanica or Iris pallida), whose vivid, aromatic flowers come in many hues but are perhaps most familiar to us in its gorgeously purple incarnation.
As well is working to bring other flavours together, Orris root also has its own unique aroma and flavour, both woody and floral, and a little like violets.
Italy's Tuscany region, particularly around Florence, is one of the main places from which orris root is sourced, and iris flowers are grown there extensively, not for their beautiful blooms but for their valuable rhizomes, or root systems.
The botanical is obtained from the roots of plants that are between three and four years old. The plants are carefully dug up and chunks of the rhizome broken off, leaving a section that can be replanted the following year to maintain stocks of a suitable age.
After harvesting, the roots are peeled and cleaned, before being dried for anything from two to five years. The resulting hard, dried root is then ground before use.
There is a long-held superstition, perhaps related to its real-life fixative properties, that orris root can help find and keep hold of love. Orris roots were traditionally be carried and worn around the neck by those seeking romance, or the powder sprinkled on bedding or clothing.
Orris is also sometimes used as a spice and is often included in the Middle Eastern and North African spice blend ras el hanout. Literally meaning 'top of the shop' in reference to the fact that it's made from the most expensive spices, it's particularly common in Morocco and typically rubbed into meat or used to flavour stews.
But we've got a more unusual (and ginny) use for the mix – which is available in many supermarkets. This recipe is a spicy twist on a Gin Daisy, which is thought to be a forerunner of the Mexican Margarita – in fact, 'margarita' is the Spanish word for 'daisy'. Cheers!
Shake gin, lemon juice, grenadine and ras el hanout with ice.
Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into an ice-filled glass.
Garnish with a slice or lemon and sprig of mint if desired. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
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New life for one of Oceanside's oldest buildings
Entrepreneur Tom Aldrich stands inside the three-story brick building from the 1880s he is turning into a boutique hotel in downtown Oceanside.
(Photo by Eduardo Contreras)
By Phil Diehl
Oceanside —
A new life is about to begin for one of Oceanside's oldest buildings, a brick structure on Pier View Way that opened as a hardware store in 1888, the same year the city was incorporated.
Now known as the Schuyler Building for its original owner, John Schuyler, the hardware store once sold tools and supplies essential to the rapidly growing region. It later served as a grocery store and a boarding house, among other uses. For the past 30 years or longer, it had a laundry on the first floor and the upper floors were mostly vacant and used for storage.
Now the new owner, Tom Aldrich, plans to open a restaurant on the first floor, a 10-room boutique hotel on the second and third floors, and a public outdoor bar on the roof, with views of the surrounding city and the Pacific Ocean a few blocks away.
"Maybe we'll call it The 1888 Hotel," Aldrich said. "We want to keep with the historical aspect of it, if we can."
He's already gutted the interior of the building and stripped away the stucco that was applied to the brick exterior in the 1930s. That revealed the original signs painted high up on the walls to advertise "Hardware, Stoves, Crockery and Bicycles," and another one for "Rooms." On the eastern side facing the alley, they uncovered a smaller sign that says "Contreras and Gelpi, cash grocers."
"The significance of this building is that it's been many things," said Oceanside historian John Daley, who sometimes leads walking tours of notable downtown sites.
"It's adjusted to the times," Daley said. "There's nothing more appealing than for it to be a boutique hotel in today's world."
(Eduardo Contreras )
The building was originally two stories, with high ceilings. Schuyler hosted the regular meetings of his chapter of the Odd Fellows Lodge on the second floor, according to an article by Oceanside Historical Society President Kristi Hawthorne.
A boarding house opened on the second floor about 1905. In the late 1920s, a third floor was added, with lower ceilings, to create a hotel on the second and third floors, which continued to operate into the 1970s.
Like much of downtown Oceanside, the western blocks of Pier View Way are still emerging from some tough decades. Especially in the 1970s and early '80s, the area was known for bars and strip clubs that appealed to young Marines from nearby Camp Pendleton.
"This block more than any other has kind of struggled," Aldrich said.
An extensive retrofit is needed to make the building earthquake safe, he said. While the brick exterior will remain, it will serve primarily a facade, with new steel beams installed inside to provide structural support.
The building is next door to the Firewater Saloon, which Aldrich also recently purchased. That property includes a house built in the 1890s, and Aldrich said he intends to join the two properties as one.
Aldrich said his boutique hotel and restaurant will provide some balance to the large hotels and condominium buildings going up nearby along the city's railroad corridor. Located a half block west of Coast Highway, a block north of Mission Avenue, his place has easy access to nearby street parking and municipal lots, and it's a short walk from the pier, the Transit Center, and downtown bars, theaters and museums.
Aldrich is still working to get all the necessary permits approved, he said. With luck, construction could begin in three months and be completed in early 2019.
He bought the property in February from Marie Davies, owner of the Pollos Maria restaurants in Carlsbad and Oceanside, whose family had owned it since 1979.
The Aldrich family also has deep roots in Oceanside. Tom's parents, John and Jeanne Aldrich, moved to the city 90 years ago to run a boarding house on Mission Avenue, then called Second Street.
Now Tom and his sister Michelle, who will manage the hotel, will get their turn at the hospitality business.
Twitter: @phildiehl
Phil Diehl
Phil Diehl has been a reporter and editor in North County since 1989, and has written about city government, education, health care, military issues, nuclear power and more. He was the night city editor for the North County Times for about five years until it was purchased by The San Diego Union-Tribune. A graduate of West Virginia University, he began his newspaper career at the Parkersburg Sentinel in West Virginia. He lives in Carlsbad.
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More cheese, please
Celebrate National Mac & Cheese Day on July 14. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Big Wave Rider | Outdoor Outer Banks Magazine | Your local source for outdoor adventure.
Will Skudin surfing Phantom on the North Shore of Hawaii on a Jesse Fernandez gun.
To the uninformed, Mavericks is the premiere mainland USA big wave surf spot. Located in Halfmoon Bay, California, it served as the backdrop to the 2012 Hollywood movie "Chasing Mavricks". With rideable waves in the 18 to 25 foot range, this is a double black diamond surf spot designated for serious athletes only.
As a seasoned surfboard craftsman, I'd come to know a few big wave chargers in my time and this little whip of a human shared none of their characteristics. There was no "been there, surfed that" attitude, no weathered leather skin under salt crusted stubble. Actually no stubble at all, just an articulate young man with a huge amount of surf stoke and a gleam in his eyes that I would come to understand as steely determination.
To say I was skeptical at the time would be a shallow understatement. It wasn't until he went to the car and pulled out a ten-foot single fin gun that he had purchased used, "off the rack", during his first venture to the hallowed big wave surf grounds that I started to come around. As he explained the shortcomings of the board's design and the changes he would like to make to enhance the new one, I realized that my first impression of some delusional kid from New York who transplanted to Buxton might have been a little premature.
That was the beginning of a surfer–shaper relationship that has now moved into its second decade and is showing no signs of losing ground.
In the years since that first meeting, Will has moved back to New York, won Eastern Surf Magazine's 2013 surfer of the year and been a four time contender for the Billabong XXL paddle award. He has started his own production company, NYSea, and he has produced and starred in several surf films.
The Skudin surf camps host an annual surf festival on Long Island and just this last February, Will qualified for the Association of Surfing Professionals Big Wave Tour. Finishing at number 16 in the world ranking for the 2013 season, he's poised to make a decent campaign for the 2014 title. The odd quirk to this tale is that he is still riding boards made right here on the Outer Banks.
Spend enough time on this sandbar and you'll come to understand that it can certainly be described as a surf destination. As long as your not looking for massive surf. The closest thing to a serious big wave reef you'll find, is about a ten hour drive to the north in New England, or a three hour plane ride south to Puerto Rico.
Most big wave riders will stick to the boards being made and refined in the areas of the waves they dedicate themselves to riding. That would explain the high number of guns coming out of places like Hawaii, California or South Africa. But for an area known strictly for beach breaks that barley hold any swell over 8' to 10', it's a stretch to find more than one or two customers for guns in the 10' range.
The deciding factor of our relationship has been Will's ability to communicate his equipment needs for the various spots he surfs around the world and my determination to interpret them to functional big wave designs. It can be a little intimidating hand shaping a board to be ridden in 25-foot surf because a bad wipeout could end a career or a life. I've listened to so many harrowing stories about barely escaping the reef or two wave hold-downs that I'll will often spend an entire day or two on one board to get it as perfect as humanly possible.
The one thing that eases my stress during these shaping endeavors is the level of dedication Will puts into attaining his goals. Having trained like an Olympian since a young age and possessing the ability to hold his breath for four minutes, I know he can handle the worst beatings the ocean can throw at him.
My job is to put him on boards that can safely get him from the peak to the channel without having a wave the size of an apartment building hit him on the head. The 2014 Big Wave Tour is scheduled for six events around the globe this year, with locations including Chile, Peru, South Africa, Mexico, Spain and Hawaii.
I can only imagine the look on some of his fellow competitors faces when he explains that his quiver comes from the land of southern drawls and vinegar-flavored barbecue. I'll be wishing him luck during this year's events and waiting for feedback from his latest designs.
Will Skudin at Todos Santos.
I remember walking into the factory and meeting Jesse. I remember looking around and thinking this place is epic.
Jesse was full of white foam and just what I pictured a world-class shaper would look like. He shook my hand hard with that shaper grip and asked me what I was looking to order. I could tell Jesse was a little shocked about what I was asking him to build that day.
It was the beginning of an epic relationship. There is no way I would be where I am today without Jesse's vision for my equipment and surfing. Jesse does his homework and is so humble about his work, so willing to hear feedback from surfers and other shapers. Not only has he made me boards that I trust with my life, but he has helped my mental game along the way. He was one of the few people back then that truly believed in my vision and goals. He's such a loyal and truthful guy. I am blessed to have him in my life.
The best part about it is we just are getting started.
Will has been an inspiration for all of us east coasters!
remember reading in ESM years back that he surfed Mavs… at 16 or something, an remember thinkn that i thought the last time i surfed lighthouse was heavy. i thought damn this kid my hero id love to try that oneday… def. easier said then done… but watchin guys like Will an his brother any younger east coasters can learn to dream big an realize if theres a will theres a way…U guys are awesome!!! handwork pays off! great article Jessie I've learned a lot from both y'all! keep it goin!!!! good peoples in the banks… love it!
hi. my name is joel. im 27 years old, i only have high school and liltte college education. im very poor and im on disability for chronic migraines and mental health issues which come along with that burden. in the past few years i have been getting into horses. i cant get enough of them or stop learning about them. something inside is telling me this is what i need to do, but i dont know how to get started. your podcasts make me feel fired up about doing something about it. i have been spending time at a local barn. i take 1 lesson a week and pay to ride the same horse another day per week. i groom my trainers horses for exercise and something to do, and she loves it. it calms me down and keeps me fit. one of the main problems with my disability is that it is so hard to stay healthy which is a main causing factor. i feel like this is my best chance at reaching a level of health and happiness and that i may be able to overcome my problems and actually have a real job or career. my strong points are that my heart is in it, i dont have too much fear on the ground, i love to get dirty and spend time with the horses, i love to sweat and get a workout. its just that i havent been working for years and i have no money beond what i need to pay bills and ride. no recent work experience means its hard to find a job at all. plus i live near detroit, michigan and it's practically 3rd world here. if you don't know what kind of advice to give to me, that's ok, but maybe you have some ideas so i thought i'd be worth asking. i would love to hear from you guys. if i begin making progress towards the life i desire i will definately keep ya'll updated and speak highly of ya'll.
Absolutely sick to see some East Coast representation at the Mavericks!
You're totally right. The right gear makes a HUGE difference. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Our collection grows so quickly, so please check back often to see what's new. We like to be honest, but keep it light in our cards. You'll find everything from beautiful birthday cards to greetings with a little bite to them...more like a nibble, though. We're keeping it real, folks!
Birthday Card - Did someone say cake? | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Alluring Links: Oprah and Dr. Oz Pop Zits and Coco Rocha's Insane Beauty Closet Revealed!
This week, we updated our skin-care routine and dished on the cheap makeup that we love. Be sure to check out those beauty stories and these ones from around the web. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
2011 – fHidden away near Sierra City, California, there lays a tranquil and beautiful valley known as Big Springs Gardens. Imagine taking a trip to Claude Monet's Giverny Gardens without ever leaving the United States. That is just what you can do when you visit these gardens. Across a beautiful pond stands a replica of Monet's famous bridge; while surrounding the ponds, iris and other beautiful flowers render a painting ready made for the photographer to capture.
Within this beautiful wooded parcel lie 23 acres of natural growth and 7 acres of plantings created to enhance the natural beauty of the area. A backdrop of the Sierra Buttes adds further definition to the surrounding land.
Over two miles of trails are open to the public. Several loops of self-guiding trails along the hillside eventually lead the hiker to The Source, where water from an artesian spring sends 1000 gallons per minute cascading down the hillside and into Paradise Pond or to a waterfall on Highway 49. The trails pass by old growth trees and numerous varieties of native plants and flowers often surrounding pools, rocks and cascades.
The steward of these beautiful gardens for the past 47 years is Don Phillips. During the last 20 years, he tells this writer that he gardened intensely and about 10 years ago had a revelation to open it to the public. This year Don is particularly excited to have live music at both the Friday BBQs and at the 1:00 pm seating on Saturdays. He has been asked many times if there are separate tours without the meals, but says that it is a package deal—exploring the gardens and eating the delicious gourmet meals. And well worth it!
As we walked on the hillside trail, the tops of the umbrellas that mark the dining area could be seen shading the round tables on the outdoor patio below. Eating on the patio feels like the ultimate elegant outdoor picnic with all the trimmings.
On Friday at noon, visitors sit down to a scrumptious buffet luncheon of gourmet offerings at 12:00 noon or can come a little earlier for a good seat and hors d'oeuvres at 11:00. This delicious luncheon consists of imported cheeses, a salad bar, pasta and other salads, poached or smoked salmon, chicken, and desserts for $37.
Friday evening's BBQ dinner includes live music, a happy hour at 4:30, complementary hors d'oeuvres, baby back ribs and chicken, salmon and choice prime rib along with a delicious selection of desserts for $39 per person.
Saturday presents an early afternoon BBQ buffet at 1pm with the same fare as the evening before for $37. Live music from local musicians is a part of this meal.
On Sunday, buffet brunches take place at 10:30am and again at 1pm. This buffet includes scrambled eggs, pancakes, French toast, potatoes, bacon sausage, grilled asparagus, fresh fruit, imported cheeses, pasta, salmon, and a salad bar along with desserts for $37.
No matter which meal you eat, you may spend as much of the day hiking the trails as you desire at no extra cost. Altogether, a top quality gourmet meal along with some wonderful hiking makes a day not soon forgotten.
If you are not a hiker, there are many benches along the paths on flat land, where one can sit and breathe in the mountain air, soak in the sun, and surround oneself with beauty. Public restrooms are available along with regular and handicapped parking. Artists are welcome to bring their own chairs and settle down beside the beauty they are drawn to paint, while photographers will delight in what they see at every turn.
When arriving, you may want to wander the grounds until time for your meal or go to the dining area where you can pay for your dinner and find a table for a good visit with your friends and family. Please note that Big Springs Gardens does not accept credit cards. Please pay with cash or a check. There is no smoking allowed. Pets are neither allowed on the property nor in parked cars.
Many people have discovered that this is a great place for weddings, special birthdays, anniversaries, or reunions. Groups often meet here such as garden clubs, book clubs, photography or art groups, auto and travel clubs. For more information on planning your wedding at Big Springs Gardens, go to www.bigspringsgardens.com. Inquiries can be made to Don Phillips at P.O. Box 192, Sierra City, CA 96125 or call him at (530) 862-1333. Maps for your trip can be found on the website as well as excellent directions for getting there. Or ask for further directions when making your reservation. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
This article is more than 13 years old
Liverpool supporters condemned for attacking Smith ambulance
Daniel Taylor
The reputation of Liverpool fans took another pummelling last night when it was revealed that the ambulance taking Alan Smith to hospital had come under attack outside Anfield. Supporters surrounded the vehicle while throwing missiles and shouting "Munich scum" in reference to the plane crash that killed 23 people, including eight Manchester United players, in 1958.
Bottles, beer glasses and stones were hurled as the ambulance became stuck in heavy traffic after Saturday's FA Cup tie. Witnesses also claim the ambulance was rocked as some Liverpool followers tried to overturn it. A spokesman for the Merseyside ambulance trust confirmed the attack and condemned the people responsible. "It did not result in any delay in transferring the player to hospital . . . but the trust cannot condone this type of behaviour while administering emergency treatment."
The two paramedics - both Liverpool fans - have been described as "horrified" by what the trust described as the "hostility" once supporters realised Smith was in the ambulance with United's doctor Mike Stone. The vehicle was described as being rocked from side to side as drinkers rushed out of the King Harry pub, some apparently with the intention of turning the vehicle on its side.
"These people aren't real fans of football," United and Liverpool said in a joint statement last night. "Both clubs feel the mindless actions of a few idiots should not overshadow the efforts of all involved to make sure Alan received the best possible treatment as soon as possible. Manchester United would also like to point out they are very grateful for the speedy and efficient help of all Liverpool staff."
Smith had been given a general anaesthetic inside the stadium and therefore did not know what had happened until he came round. Having already suffered a broken leg and a badly dislocated ankle, injuries which Sir Alex Ferguson described as "some of the worst I've ever seen", he has subsequently been informed that he had a lucky escape. He has been transferred to a private hospital in Manchester and is understood to have sent the paramedics his United shirt for their courage in such difficult circumstances.
It also emerged yesterday that several United supporters have written to Liverpool to complain that home supporters in the Anfield Road end had thrown paper cups containing excrement into the away section below them. "I consider this to be the most disgusting thing that I've seen in over 40 years of attending professional football matches," says one of the letters addressed to Ged Poynton, Anfield's stadium manager. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
WOW. White pants, picnics and sunshine.
What can be better? Miles and I used to go pick up lunch to go from our favorite restaurants in town and then bring our chilren (cats) out on a blanket and get some sunshine right in his front yard. It was incredibly easy, and requires hardly any effort! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Free cashpoints and bank services could return to communities hit by branch closures
South Gloucestershire Council is considering plans to invest in a community bank
Adam PostansLocal democracy reporter
Free cashpoints could return (Image: Gareth Fuller/PA Wire)
Free cashpoints and banking services could return to communities where branches have shut under plans being considered by South Gloucestershire Council.
The authority is exploring whether to invest in a community bank such as Avon Mutual, which aims to help vulnerable residents, as well as community groups and smaller businesses forced to pay hundreds of pounds more every year for financial services or who cannot get an account from high-street banks because of credit issues.
The ethical bank is in the process of obtaining a banking licence and hopes to open in 2021.
Last June, Bristol City Council cabinet agreed to spend £150,000 to help set it up, while others backing the project include Stroud District Council, MPs, local enterprise partnerships and investors from across the West of England.
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South Gloucestershire Council Conservative members received cross-party support for the community banking idea at a recent scrutiny commission meeting, although concerns were raised that it could harm post offices whose over-the-counter services have filled the gap left by bank branch closures.
Tory Cllr James Griffiths told councillors on Wednesday, May 20: "It was initially thought of when our banks closed in Downend and Hanham.
"These were a big social hub for communities and a lot of residents had concerns when these branch services closed.
"Although there are still some branches in Kingswood and Staple Hill, we are not sure how long they will be there for, and some of the residents can't make it up to those branches."
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Conservative Cllr Brenda Langley said: "We have not got a bank in Hanham once the Lloyds bank closes, and we haven't got a proper post office.
"A lot of the older generation have no means of going up to Kingswood, especially at this time, so this community banking would be brilliant."
Tory Cllr Paul Hughes said: "I really like this concept, especially with community banking being linked to our environmental goals.
"It is really going to help with what we are doing with the climate emergency declaration and our objective to get carbon neutral by 2030.
"This is actually going to bring some jobs and valuable services to our communities so I thoroughly support this initiative."
'A genuine concern'
Labour group deputy leader Cllr Ian Boulton said: "I welcome this. It has been an issue in my ward.
"Recently we lost our Lloyds branch.
"While banking branches closing is a genuine concern for residents and businesses in the area, it has thrown a lifeline to some of the post office branches that have taken on the banking responsibilities.
"In Staple Hill, having banking going on in the post office has been a real prop for them."
Labour Cllr Andrea Reid said: "Kingswood has done well to keep all its branches.
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"I am aware of the issues of the elderly or disabled being able to get to a bank but it has been a lifeline to post offices.
"While I support community banking, why are we saying let's look at scrutinising joining a bank going for banking status as opposed to strengthening our links with Bristol Credit Union (BCU) which has been going for years?"
Cllr Griffiths said BCU was not looking to open any local branches, which is why it wasn't the main focus.
Cllr Boulton said he welcomed the fact the Tories' proposal recognised BCU had a potential role to play.
"South Gloucestershire Council has invested in the credit union," he said.
"We had a deal only a few years ago where the council was paying membership fees for new subscriptions to the BCU."
Lib Dem group leader Cllr Claire Young said investing in a community bank was an "excellent idea" but asked for more clarification about the aims of the review. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
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Louis Christofides
University Professor Emeritus
MacKinnon (MCKN), Room 736
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Faculty & Staff, economics faculty
Louis Christofides is Professor Emeritus at both the University of Guelph and University of Cyprus. He has served as Chair of the Department of Economics at both of these universities, and he is a former Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management at Cyprus.
He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Essex, UK (BA Honours in Economics, 1968) and graduate studies at the University of Essex, UK (MA in Economics, 1969) and the University of British Columbia, Canada (PhD in Economics, 1973).
Dr. Christofides' research has spanned the areas of wage and employment determination, the incidence and intensity of wage indexation, contract duration, unemployment insurance, job duration, participation in social assistance programs and labour supply, low-inflation wage adjustment, the measurement of real and nominal wage rigidity, language proficiency and the labour market, and the economics of education.
View abstracts and full length articles @ RePEc (Research Papers in Economics): https://ideas.repec.org/f/pch490.html#works
The Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics at the University of Guelph is committed to developing leaders with a social conscience, an environmental sensibility and a commitment to their communities. We offer a wide range of specialized programs in business and economics across undergraduate, graduate and professional education.
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Institute for Sustainable Commerce at Guelph
International Institute for Sport Business and Leadership
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
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UConn's athletic deficit rose to $47.2 million in 2021
Philippines braces for powerful, erratic typhoon
MANILA, Philippines — A wide swath of the Philippines, including the capital Manila, braced Friday for a dangerously erratic and powerful typhoon approaching from the Pacific, about a year after the country was lashed by Typhoon Haiyan that left more than 7,300 people dead.
Typhoon Hagupit �X Filipino for "smash" �X strengthened overnight with its sustained winds intensifying to 215 kilometers (134 miles) per hour and gusts of 250 kph (155 mph). The local weather agency PAGASA's forecasts show the typhoon may hit Eastern Samar province late Saturday or early Sunday.
But a forecast by the U.S. military's Joint Typhoon Warning Center in Hawaii said Hagupit (pronounced HA'-goo-pit) may veer northward after making landfall and possibly threaten Manila, which has population of more than 12 million people.
"We have alerted the people of Manila and we're ready," Mayor Joseph Estrada said, while acknowledging "these typhoons change direction all the time."
It is currently 450 kilometers (280 miles) from the country's eastern coast in the Pacific Ocean and moving slowly.
If the first forecast holds, Hagupit's path will send it barreling inland into central Philippines along the same route where Typhoon Haiyan leveled villages and left more than 7,300 dead and missing in November last year.
Still, Hagupit's erratic behavior prompted the government to call an emergency meeting of mayors of metropolitan Manila to warn them to prepare. Manila is north of the path that Haiyan took.
Given the country's experience with Haiyan, which caught people unprepared to deal with ts ferocity, authorities seemed better positioned this time to respond to the impending crisis.
Officials in central Philippine regions, which were hammered by Haiyan, evacuated thousands of people to safer areas, including Tacloban city, where the new typhoon has triggered panic-buying in grocery stores and gas stations and brought back nightmares of last year's deadly onslaught.
Haiyan survivor Emily Sagales said many of her still-edgy neighbors in Tacloban packed their clothes and fled to a sports stadium and safer homes of relatives. Long lines formed at grocery stores and gas stations as residents stocked up on basic goods, she said.
Haiyan demolished about 1 million houses and displaced some 4 million people in the central Philippines. Hundreds of residents still living in tents in Tacloban have been prioritized in an ongoing evacuation.
Hotels in Tacloban, a city of more than 200,000 people still struggling to recover from last year's massive damage, ran out of rooms as wealthier families booked ahead for the weekend.
The government put the military on full alert, workers opened evacuation centers and transported food packs, medicines and body bags to far-flung villages, which could be cut off by heavy rains.
In Manila, President Benigno Aquino III on Thursday led an emergency meeting of disaster-response agencies and ordered steps to prevent panic-buying and hoarding of goods.
The government decided to move the venue of a meeting next week of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, which was to be attended by hundreds of diplomats from 21 member economies, from Albay province, which could be lashed by the typhoon, to the capital, Manila, which forecasters said on Thursday will likely be spared.
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The China Post | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
The future vision for the Creative Case for Diversity by Robin Simpson
Filed under: meetings | Tags: ace, arts, diversity, England, funding
On Monday I was in London to attend the Arts Council England event 'The future vision for the Creative Case for Diversity' at Sadler's Wells. Giving the keynote speech, ACE Chair Sir Peter Bazalgette called it "one of the most important speeches I'll make as Chair of the Arts Council". In terms of delivering on diversity, he suggested that "so far, we've failed". He admitted that ACE had expected improvements in diverse leadership within the arts, without sufficiently resourcing leadership programmes. He also felt that it had been a mistake for ACE to concentrate its work in this area on black and minority ethnic-led arts organisations. Baz quoted Jenny Sealey, the Artistic Director of Graeae, who called the arts "male, pale and stale". He said the doorway into the arts can be hard to find and spoke about the "white cliff face of the arts establishment". Baz said "From now on responsibility for promoting diversity within the leadership, workforce, programming and audiences, must belong to all our funded arts organisations". From 2015 measured action on diversity "goes mainstream" as all ACE's National Portfolio Organisations (NPOs) have signed up to 'The Creative Case for Diversity'. Sir Peter said "we will be monitoring ourselves and publishing the results". ACE will publish workforce diversity data for NPOs and National Partner Museums from 2015. Baz said "when we invest public money in arts and culture, it must be for thhe benefit of all the public" and finished by saying in 10 years' time "diversity will no longer be an aspiration, it will be a reality … the arts will simply be the case [for diversity]". See: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/dec/08/arts-council-england-make-progress-diversity-funding-axed-bazalgette
Sir Peter Bazalgette's speech was followed by a panel discussion, chaired by the journalist and broadcaster Kirsty Lang. Dawn Walton, Artistic Director of Eclipse Theatre Company, talked about the "missing black story not being told on British stages". Tamara Rojo, Artistic Director of English National Ballet, said diversity should be about "everyday decisions not just special projects". Skinder Hundal, Chief Executive of New Art Exchange, said "my entry point [into the arts] was as a volunteer" and talked about the importance of "refreshing and rethinking how the arts ecology works". Maria Oshodi, Artistic Director and CEO of Extant, pointed out that "disability is non discriminating, affecting all classes and ages". Finally Rufus Norris, Director Designate of the National Theatre, said "theatre is an opportunity to stand in other people's shoes".
The outgoing ACE Chief Executive, Alan Davey, closed the event by referring back to the McMaster report of 2008 which said that if you want good art you have to reflect the diversity of this nation. Alan's message to his successor was that "diversity is one of your challenges in the next period".
My impression of the ACE Creative Case for Diversity event was that it demonstrated how important diversity is to ACE's agenda but I was disappointed ACE had not gone further. I was also frustrated, unsurprisingly, that amid the focus on diversity in relation to leadership, workforce, programming and audiences, there was no mention of participation. Surely developing the diversity of grassroots participation in creative cultural activity should form the base on which many other aspects of diversity could be built. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
In June 2012, Southwestern Railcar Services (SRCS) began providing inspections and repairs for failing inbound cars on the Cimarron Valley Railroad at Satanta. The service includes AAR/FRA (aar.org and fra.dot.gov) inspections and swift turnaround of deficiencies through DDCT (railinc.com). DDCT is a web-based application that provides a centralized system for railroads, car owners and repair facilities to identify and track damaged and defective rail equipment. DDCT allows the reporting of incidents relating to AAR Rules 95, 107, 1 and 108. DDCT improves the accuracy, timeliness and reliability of data on damaged and defective cars, reducing administrative effort and providing significant cost savings. SRCS also provides a mobile service to repair derailed cars, outlet doors and gates. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Two goals: have loads of fun, fight for the championship win!!
Round 1 of the Production BMW Championship @ Cadwell Park is now over, and what a great meet.
Headlines: I qualified 13th for Race 1, 12th for Race 2. I finished both races 14th out of 26. Really happy with those results, and an impressive debut. Full TSL Results for the day are here.
After a poor nights sleep, due to being nervous, I was full of adrenalin by the time I got to the circuit at 07:30. I met up with the team and the other drivers that GFR is running: Nidal Al-Khail, Ken Briddon & Danny Wilkinson. Sadly Danny was not racing but should be back for Silverstone. The cars were prepped for qualification, and we signed on, and went through scrutineering. After the driver's briefing we were back in the paddock and getting kitted up to race!
Qualification was at 09:30, we were called into the holding area and I got myself in the zone as best I could. Honestly, I was really nervous, as I knew if I could hook up a decent few laps I had a chance of being up there with the pack. After a few minutes we joined the circuit and were off. The team were holding my pit board out each lap but it took me 3 laps to remember to look for it haha. When I did, it read 11th! My lap timer was working perfectly and I tried to push for a better place, but pushed too hard and spun into the grass. No damage done, I tried to rejoin as best I could, the hans device makes vision hard. Whilst getting back to racing speed I got in the way of Nidal accidentally and ruined one of his laps. I apologised afterwards, it was just bad luck!
Then the session was over, I actually couldn't believe it when I saw the chequered flag, I was going well and really wanted one more lap but it wasn't to be. Ended up 13th for race 1. Very happy with that, but felt I could of gone a second quicker if I had hooked it up properly. After a few more hours in the paddock we were called.
Race 1! We were released and went to line up for the standing start. I could just about make out the 5 second board from my grid position, and then I saw lights. Out they went and I was off, a fair start, not enough aggression on the throttle pedal. After about 12 mins, someone really lost it into the hairpin, and they're car was stranded. Initially it was double waved yellows for a lap, but then the safety car was called, and we went round at a snails pace for 2 laps. Eventually we were back to racing, but the race was mostly over now. I did have some space finally, and I did my best lap of the day a 1:48.888. Ended 14th. A great result for my debut race.
Once back in the paddock I was reviewing the in car footage and timing data. James and I went through my best lap and I discovered I was actually on 1:46+ pace for half of the lap. Then I slowed a little to 1:47+ and then lost at least half a second in the stupid slow 2nd gear hairpin corner, the one I had been struggling with all day. If I had done that single corner well I would have had a time mid 1:47s! I was both elated and gutted. Still that type of pace is in the car, and in me, so it bodes well for the rest of the season..
Race two!. After a slightly better start, I was running 11th for a short time, before letting 2 cars by stupidly not defending my inside line. My head was stuck between go fast and keep the lines and defend from behind! This balance will improve over time.. I actually had some good scraps, I regained the 2 places as we were 4 abreast down park straight, and round park they went wide. Then I was back to defending! Having a car literally in your boot for lap after lap puts the pressure on, and the competition is fierce. I was doing well, and then suddenly my hairpin Achilles heel struck, I was wide and they both went past. I was back to 14th.
The rest of the race was a bit scrappy as the rear tyres started to loose their grip. I was pushing on and almost lost it through Hall Bends Ss, but caught it and recovered without any damage, just a bit of shock. I finished 14th again. I felt like I had earned that place. In fact Rob Manger, who is a Ferrari Development driver, and long time PBMW racer, had been behind me for 5 laps, 3 of which he was in my boot! The pressure was huge, I was faster through Coppice, Charlie 1 and 2, and the rest up to the Mountain, where my line seemed crap, and he always gained back the time. Inexperience again on my part. He came over to have a chat in parc ferme, a really nice guy.
Then it was 15:45 and over. In short order the teams packed up, and started to leave. There had been a good number of other championships running that day, and I missed every single one of them. For Brands GP I will get down on the Saturday and watch the TTRS and some of the others before my turn on Sunday 21st May.
Overall, very happy, I have the potential pace to fight for the Top 10 each round, but I lack a little consistency under pressure, and race craft to defend my position. Only time and experience will tell how far I can go.
Copyright © 2019 Phil Lynch Racing. All Rights Reserved. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Klyvning, eller splitting, är en primitiv psykologisk försvarsmekanism som innebär att tänkandet blir svart-vitt eller "allt-eller-inget".
Genom klyvning hålls upplevelser och känslor som är i konflikt med varandra isär. Istället för att det personliga medvetandet skapar en helhetsbild av både positiva och negativa intryck eller tankar om något eller någon. Tankar och känslor i konflikt har endast växelvis tillträde till medvetandet.
Klyvning/splitting ligger nära försvarsmekanismen dissociation, och det diskuteras om det handlar om samma typ av psykiskt försvar. Ibland säger man splittring när man menar splitting, men ordet splittring kan också användas för att beskriva ett mer omfattande bruk av klyvningsbaserade försvar.
Klyvning kallas även splitting, efter engelskans ord. Termen splitting har fått sin senaste definition av psykoanalytikern Otto Kernberg.
I spädbarnsutveckling
Klyvning, eller den paranoida/schizoida positionen, är det nyfödda barnets första försvar mot det obehag som världen innebär i kontrast till livmodern.
Med sin ännu långt ifrån färdigutvecklade hjärna klarar inte det nyfödda barnet att se objekten som innehållande både gott och ont samtidigt, det vill säga potentiell lust och olust. Barnet, som av reflex vill tillbaka till livmoderns homeostas, klamrar sig fast psykologiskt vid de lustkänslor som uppstår i samband med behovsuppfyllelsen vårdnadshavaren ger med sin kroppsvärme, flaska och/eller bröstet. Allt obehag evakueras till omvärlden och när barnet blir frustrerat, gråter och skriker kan det uppleva sig attackerat av objekt från utsidan. Därav ordet "paranoid" i paranoid/schizoid position.
Så småningom inser barnet att gott och ont kan existera i samma objekt, ett tillstånd Melanie Klein kallade den depressiva positionen. Depressiv på grund av förlusten av det alltigenom goda objektet.
Även om spädbarn går igenom dessa positioner likt utvecklingspsykologiska faser, så skiftar vi ändå resten av livet mellan dessa två positioner. Vissa av våra kulturella aktiviteter och företeelser präglas av idealisering och/eller problematisering, det vill säga den paranoida/schizoida positionen. Ett exempel kan vara politisk demonstration, där det egna partiet idealiseras och de andra problematiseras. Exempel på aktiviteter som präglas av den depressiva positionen är utbildning och forskning där man vill undvika idealisering så mycket som möjligt.
Att vara låst i någon av positionerna innebär så småningom problem intrapsykiskt eller interpersonellt. Att vara låst i den paranoida/schizoida positionen förknippas med olika typer av borderlinetillstånd.
Psykoanalys | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} |
Can indirection bring us closer to Christ?
Peter's excellent blog posting pointed to a movement I'd never heard of before: Militia of the Immaculata (MI). In the process of figuring out what it might be, I read this important qualification:
Marian consecration is a formal act of self-giving that does not stop at Mary, but is Christ-directed. It is really consecration to Jesus. The MI's mission is "To Lead Every Individual With Mary to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus."
To the computer science side of me, this sounds like indirection:
Consecration to Mary points to
The Most Sacred Heart points to
In programming, indirection can be incredibly useful since it:
Hides irrelevant details
Can be efficient from a CPU performance perspective.
Of these, only #1 makes any sense as a use for indirection in the Christian faith, but that can't be a justification as there are usually many more symbols added to the mix in these sorts of movements. Given that there's something important in the chain of symbols, what's the right way to think of this sort of indirection?
catholicism symbolism mariology
Jon EricsonJon Ericson
I'd go with the "Abstract Factory Pattern". By making ourselves Mary's children we can all be made implementers of the same Object. – Peter Turner♦ Apr 16 '12 at 19:43
@Peter: Or as Paul says, "Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ." (1 Corinthians 11:1 ESV) Maybe my problem is that Mary and the Sacred Heart are harder to relate to (for me) than a spiritual mentor or an inspired (in the usual sense) author or even Jesus Himself. That's before I get to the tricky task of stringing the references together. – Jon Ericson Apr 16 '12 at 20:06
For coding 3 I'd have gone with maintenance... CPU isn't usually a factor here... – Marc Gravell♦ Apr 16 '12 at 20:58
@Marc: I was thinking of something along the lines of K&R section 5.6 where a qsort of variable length character arrays is best solved with an array of pointers. (I suppose this optimization has been built into the abstraction of most higher level languages.) – Jon Ericson Apr 16 '12 at 21:38
I like the programming metaphor, but I'm not at all sure it's apt. Interesting question, though! +1 – TRiG Jun 26 '12 at 0:04
Since we speak at least one common language, perhaps this illustration will shed some light on what Catholics gain by Marian consecration.
Mary is not the head of the Catholic Church, she is however, the superclass from which all Christians descend. In my Marian consecration, each day I promise to devote all my prayers, actions and sacrifices to her to further the work of her Divine Son. My public methods, my private methods and my protected methods all should point to Christ. I do all these things poorly, in imitation of she who did these things well and was blessed by God for her faith and purity of heart.
Marian consecration takes on many, many forms. The form you mentioned, the form I did 9 years ago at one of the lowest spiritual points in my personal life, is the consecration of St. Maximilian Kolbe who spread devotion to the Miraculous Medal given to St. Catherine Laborre at Rue De Bac (in the middle of Paris). He took the message from Poland to Nagasaki and finally died in a concentration camp in Auschwitz, but his particular devotion of starting "Marytowns" spread all the way to Libertyville, Illinois. Marian consecration really goes back to St. Louis De Montfort in the 18th century. Devotion to the Heart of Mary comes straight out of the Bible, who Simeon foretold a sword would pierce. Is the Heart of Mary, Jesus is that passage even referring to Mary? Who can know such things. Fortunately, through the grace of polymorphism, we can overload the devotion with as much as we want and never find it failing to point to Christ.
Mary's ancestors, as well as Josephs were through the Davidic line. If we take her into our home, if we esteem her like Solomon esteemed his mother then we do what we can to help our cause to become coheirs to the kingdom. However, the abstraction fails, we're not gnostics, we don't gain access to Christ's protected methods (those hidden outside of revelation). But we can meditate on them.
I think this hits your observation about indirection. When we conform ourselves to Christ, we want to take on His attributes. You want to be in Him? You want Him to be in you? Learn from the one who took Him not only into her home, but in to her body. Mary is the Church, the Church is the bride of Christ, the Church is the Body of Christ. There's no way to understand these mysteries, except through a mirror abstractly.
I hope that helps, it was fun to write but probably exceptionally useless in the long run.
Peter Turner♦Peter Turner
Thanks for taking the time: it's fun to read and think about, and its usefulness is directly proportional to the usefulness of Marian consecration itself. I would love to hear more of your experience 9 years ago (though this might not be the ideal place for that). I'm not sure I ever took notice of Luke 2:33-5. But isn't it Jesus' heart that is being referred to in the quote in the question? You've (once again) given me a lot to think about. – Jon Ericson Apr 17 '12 at 20:01
I've got the same question about Luke, the semicolons and/or parentheses throw one for a loop. But imagine the hundreds of years where Luke was proclaimed and not read, it would be pretty difficult to imagine parentheses here. It really makes it sound like Mary has a role to play in our judgement ( or at least our coming to know our sins). Now, I have no idea whether this is Catholic doctrine or not, it's certainly nothing I've ever heard preached about or talked about on the radio – Peter Turner♦ Apr 18 '12 at 3:07
If you will indulge me in a section of "The Great Divorce," by C.S. Lewis. In chapter 3, a deceased bishop (the "Ghost") who is in hell but does not understand that he is, insists on arguing with a friend of his (the "Spirit") - a "Solid" person who wants to bring him to God. Unfortunately, the poor bishop is so wrapped up in his own theology, that he is simply unwilling to be brought into the fullness of heaven. The exchange goes as such:
"There is no meantime," replied the other. "AH that is over. We are not playing now. I have been talking of the past (your past and mine) only in order that you may turn from it forever. One wrench and the tooth will be out. You can begin as if nothing had ever gone wrong. White as snow. It's all true, you know. He is in me, for you, with that power. And- I have come a long journey to meet you. You have seen Hell: you are in sight of Heaven. Will you, even now, repent and believe?"
"I'm not sure that I've got the exact point you are trying to make," said the Ghost.
"I am not trying to make any point," said the Spirit. "I am telling you to repent and believe."
"But my dear boy, I believe already. We may not be perfectly agreed, but you have completely misjudged me if you do not realise that my religion is a very real and a very precious thing to me."
"Very well," said the other, as if changing his plan. "Will you believe in me?"
"In what sense?"
"Will you come with me to the mountains? It will hurt at first, until your feet are hardened. Reality is harsh to the feet of shadows. But will you come?"
"Well, that is a plan. I am perfectly ready to consider it. Of course I should require some assurances ... I should want a guarantee that you are taking me to a place where I shall find a wider sphere of usefulness-and scope for the talents that God has given me-and an atmosphere of free inquiry-in short, all that one means by civilisation and- er -the spiritual life."
"No," said the other. "I can promise you none of these things. No sphere of usefulness: you are not needed there at all. No scope for your talents: only forgiveness for having perverted them. No atmosphere of inquiry, for I will bring you to the land not of questions but of answers, and you shall see the face of God."
The indirection is a tool used by the Spirit to bring the Ghost towards Christ. The bishop is so unable to trust in the reality of God that he simply does not understand what he must do. So, the Spirit says to his friend, "Will you believe in me?"
This isn't entirely allegory here. People can be so far from God that they require someone they recognize to lead them back on the path towards Christ. The reason behind the incarnation was precisely that we limited human beings cannot relate to God in His fullness. So, God became man to intermediate that relationship - to put a veil on his own majesty - for the sake of bring us to him.
Thus, that indirection may be a tool by which an omnipotent God could woo rather than overpower those whom he would call to himself. If that is in the guise of Mary, as long as it leads back to Christ, then who am I to argue with his methods?
Affable GeekAffable Geek
Now you're speaking my language! But it's a two-edged sword, isn't it? On the one hand, the Spirit does redirect the Ghost to himself as God's representative, but on the other, he had to do that as the Ghost had made on idol of theology. He had (and I am well acquainted with the problem) substituted academic belief for actual belief. And further, the Spirit was a close friend in whom the Ghost could be expected to trust. And the goal would be to rid oneself of the intermediary when the real thing can be obtained directly, right? – Jon Ericson Apr 17 '12 at 23:10
Precisely. Couldn't have said it better myself. – Affable Geek Apr 17 '12 at 23:50
Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged catholicism symbolism mariology or ask your own question.
Why is the fish often used as a symbol of Christ?
Who symbolizes Christ in J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings"?
According to the LDS church, why was Jesus Christ born when he was born?
Can the Pope speak ex cathedra about the return of Christ?
What happens to the Vicar of Christ when Christ returns?
Why would Catholics believe that being kind to one's father will bring reparation for sins?
Christ as primordial sacrament
How can one identify the Anti-Christ, can he be a Bishop opposing the Papacy in relation to 1 John 2:19-20? | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
The University of Tulsa's Shark Tank Kick-Start program recently awarded $35,000 in grants to assistant professors to create or further research academic projects ranging from LED technology to elementary education.
The event was moderated by TU President Gerard Clancy.
Congratulations to the award recipients for surviving the shark tank! For more information on future TU Shark Tank Kick-Start grants, contact Gosia Bodurka at gosia-bodurka@utulsa.edu or phone 918-631-2612. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
package org.apache.doris.analysis;
import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
import java.util.List;
public class FunctionArgsDef {
private final List<TypeDef> argTypeDefs;
private final boolean isVariadic;
// set after analyze
private Type[] argTypes;
public FunctionArgsDef(List<TypeDef> argTypeDefs, boolean isVariadic) {
this.argTypeDefs = argTypeDefs;
this.isVariadic = isVariadic;
public Type[] getArgTypes() { return argTypes; }
public boolean isVariadic() { return isVariadic; }
public void analyze(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
argTypes = new Type[argTypeDefs.size()];
int i = 0;
for (TypeDef typeDef : argTypeDefs) {
argTypes[i++] = typeDef.getType();
public String toSql() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
for (TypeDef typeDef : argTypeDefs) {
if (i != 0) {
sb.append(", ");
if (isVariadic) {
if (i != 0) {
sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
public String toString() { return toSql(); }
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} |
## Development Workflow
Fork the repo and clone to your local machine. Run `npm install` to install all required dependencies.<br>
You can then run several commands:
* `npm run start` launches webpack-dev-server for the UI component only at `http://localhost:8080/panel.html`. Any changes made to files will be watched - refresh the page to see changes.
* `npm run dev` bundles and copies files to `/dist`. You can load this folder [as an unpacked extension](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/getstarted#unpacked) into Chrome. If you make any changes to the source code, press <kbd>Ctrl+R</kbd> on the `chrome://extensions` page to reload the extension.
You can also load it as a [temporary add-on](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Temporary_Installation_in_Firefox) into Firefox. The extension can be reloaded from `about:debugging`.
* `npm run prod` bundles a production build into `/dist`. It strips all console.* statements and minifies output files.
When you're ready to submit your changes, make a pull request to the `master` branch.
## Where to contribute
### Performance
* [Reducing bundle size](https://lacke.mn/reduce-your-bundle-js-file-size/) by importing Blueprint components individually
* Reducing lag between button click and popup showing
* Reducing lag between page content load and overlay appearing. Consider splitting common dependencies of fb.js and tw.js into a file loaded in the background
### Testing
* Creating a test suite
### Refactoring
* Refactoring components to [manage local state with MobX](https://medium.com/@mweststrate/3-reasons-why-i-stopped-using-react-setstate-ab73fc67a42e#) instead of React.setState
* Refactoring Toast component to follow React idioms
### Miscellaneous
* Implementing `TODO`s marked in codebase
* Fixing code style violations
## Coding conventions
* ES2015 where possible
* Use [presentational and container components](https://medium.com/@dan_abramov/smart-and-dumb-components-7ca2f9a7c7d0#.i9p9osxfp)
* Postfix arrays with `Arr` (eg. `stringArr = ["Targaryen", "GoT"]`)
* Use semicolons `;`
* Tabs for indentation
* `"` over `'`
* `jsonObject[property]` over `jsonObject.property`
`.eslintrc.json` helps lint this coding style. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} |
How Big Data Is Changing Healthcare
Connected devices and improved technologies is having a profound impact
Big DataData ScienceData Security
Gabrielle Morse
Article views
There have been hurdles that every single industry has needed to jump in order to effectively adopt and utilize big data, but few have so many as healthcare.
Due to the justifiably strict codes of ethics and secrecy surrounding patient data, the industry that could arguably have the biggest impact from its adoption, has been forced to slowly bring it in. Many of the datasets that could potentially have the biggest impact are also still incredibly difficult to get access to.
However, all is not lost, and the industry, despite the problems, is making some of the most significant progress in the area.
One of the reasons for this has been the rise in the amount of data that we all hold on ourselves without even knowing it. For instance, did you know that you iPhone tracks the number of steps you take unless you actively turn off the feature? This kind of information is perhaps not too useful for curing a disease, but is one of the most important in terms of preventative medicine. Several wearables such as the Apple Watch and Fitbit Surge also track your heart rate constantly, show your resting heart rate, your peaks and troughs depending on the level of exercise you are undertaking.
At present this tends to be used for personal health and perhaps as a passing element in a diagnosis if you chose to get your phone out and show your doctor. However, in future they could be used as an incredibly powerful way to share relevant data with your doctor, showing your daily habits in an accurate way. For instance, in a clinical situation your heart rate will naturally rise as it is stressful and tense, so it would be almost impossible to get an accurate resting heart rate. If this can be tracked around the clock, then a doctor would have a much clearer picture of your overall health.
At an individual level this data is certainly useful for diagnostics, but if the data set is opened up, but with identifiable features removed, it would be possible to see the overall health of a population or section of a population. For instance, the western world is currently facing an obesity epidemic and in 2011-12 the US had 34.9% of its population classified as obese and ,a shocking 68.6% overweight or obese. If it were possible to see whether this was down to exercise, diet or something else through this data then finding a solution would be considerably easier.
This kind of work has begun already following a partnership between Apple and IBM. The deal, which was originally created with an enterprise focus, has also spread across to Apple's tracking of health data through their phones and watches and IBM's Watson computer. The data from Apple devices can be fed into Watson to help the computer create a huge database of health information.
John E. Kelly III, SVP for IBM's research and solutions portfolio said that, 'Our deep understanding and history in the healthcare industry will help ensure that doctors and researchers can maximize the insights available through Apple's HealthKit and ResearchKit data.' The partnership could certainly have a huge impact on how doctors and healthcare professionals search and analyze patient data moving forward, in a much more useable and cohesive way than is currently available.
For those worried that this could potentially impact on their personal privacy, the partnership is going to anonymize the data at the same time as making it useable. This is because at present 80% of all health data is unusable and unstructured, making in depth analysis almost impossible. IBM are hoping to take the data from Apple, de-identify it and store it on scalable cloud system in a structured and useable format.
This is certainly one of the most high-profile partnerships between two leading tech companies, but it sets a precedent for others in the area to do the same with non-confidential or damaging health data. Things like heart rate or steps taken during a day may seem like relatively banal datasets to have, but the truth is that there is potential to have a huge impact on preventative medicine and the general health of a population.
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Benefits Review Board
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BRB No. 97-1299
Claimant ) DATE ISSUED: 06/16/1998
v. )
and )
Employer/Carrier- )
Respondents )
Petitioner ) DECISION and ORDER
Appeal of the Decision and Order of Jeffrey Tureck, Administrative
Law Judge, United States Department of Labor.
Richard F. Van Antwerp and Thomas R. Kelly (Robinson, Kriger &
McCallum, P.A.), Portland, Maine, for employer/carrier.
LuAnn Kressley (Martin Krislov, Deputy Solicitor of National
Operations; Carol A. DeDeo, Associate Solicitor; Samuel J.
Oshinsky, Counsel for Longshore), Washington, D.C., for the
Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, United States
Department of Labor.
Before: HALL, Chief Administrative Appeals Judge, SMITH and
McGRANERY, Administrative Appeals Judges.
The Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (the Director),
appeals the Decision and Order (96-LHC-175) of Administrative Law Judge
Jeffrey Tureck rendered on a claim filed pursuant to the provisions of the
Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C.
§901 et seq. (the Act). We must affirm the findings of fact and
conclusions of law of the administrative law judge which are rational,
supported by substantial evidence, and in accordance with law. O'Keeffe
v. Smith, Hinchman & Grylls Associates, Inc., 380 U.S. 359 (1965); 33
U.S.C. §921(b)(3).
The only issue presented by this appeal is whether the administrative
law judge erred in awarding employer relief pursuant to Section 8(f) of the
Act, 33 U.S.C. §908(f). Claimant commenced working for employer in
1960, where he was exposed to asbestos during his duties a painter and a
stage builder. In 1975, claimant was transferred to employer's Harding
facility, a non-covered situs, where he worked as a maintenance carpenter
and was no longer exposed to asbestos. Prior to 1990, claimant had been
diagnosed as suffering from a myriad of health conditions including chronic
psoriasis and dermatitis of the foot, chronic atrial fibrillation, high
blood pressure, near blindness in the right eye, carpal tunnel problems,
torn cartilage of the knee, chronic indigestion and chronic diabetes. In
1992, while he was still working, claimant was diagnosed with obstructive
lung disease (emphysema) due to smoking and asymptomatic asbestos-related
pleural lung disease. In 1993, he was hospitalized due to congestive heart
failure and, in addition, underwent treatment for gastrointestinal pain and
bleeding. Although he went back to work in June 1993, he could not do his
job and left permanently after a few days. Thereafter he was diagnosed with
stomach cancer, requiring surgical removal of his stomach. During one of
the stomach surgeries, his gall bladder also was removed, and he experienced
kidney failure and an incisional hernia. Finally, based on a CT scan and
pulmonary function tests performed on July 20, 1994, claimant was
definitively diagnosed by Dr. Killian as suffering from asbestosis. On
September 8, 1994, claimant filed a claim under the Act, arguing that he was
an involuntary retiree entitled to permanent total disability compensation
due to the combination of his pre-existing conditions and asbestosis.
Claimant argued alternatively that if he were found to be a voluntary
retiree, he was entitled to compensation for a 46 percent permanent partial
disability under Section 8(c)(23), 33 U.S.C.§908(c)(23)(1994).
The administrative law judge found that claimant was a voluntary
retiree. Crediting Dr. Killian's opinion that of claimant's overall
cardiopulmonary impairment of 54 percent, 27 percent was respiratory in
origin, with 13.5 percent of that amount being due to asbestosis, the
administrative law judge awarded him compensation under Section 8(c)(23) for
a 13.5 percent impairment.[1] The
administrative law judge rejected the Director's contention that employer
was not entitled to Section 8(f) relief because of its failure to comply
with the requirements of Section 8(f)(3), 33 U.S.C. 908(f)(3)(1994).
Finally, after characterizing the Director's June 29, 1996, position letter,
in which he asserted that none of the requirements for Section 8(f) relief
had been met in this case, as a blanket denial unrelated to the evidence in
this case, the administrative law judge summarily awarded employer Section
8(f) relief.
The Director appeals, arguing that the administrative law judge's award
of Section 8(f) relief should be reversed on several grounds. Initially,
while noting the Board's position to the contrary in Ehrentraut v. Sun
Ship, Inc., 30 BRBS 146 (1996), the Director argues that the manifest
requirement is not satisfied in this case as a matter of law because the
medical records documenting claimant's alleged pre-existing conditions date
back to 1978, whereas his last exposure to asbestos occurred in 1975. In
addition, the Director argues that the administrative law judge's award of
Section 8(f) relief should be reversed as a matter of law because he erred
in applying the contribution standard applicable in the case of permanent
total disability, and because he factored out all of claimant's non-employment related contributing causes and held employer liable only for the
13.5 percent of claimant's cardiopulmonary impairment attributable to
claimant's asbestosis. In the alternative, the Director contends that the award
of Section 8(f) relief must be vacated and the case remanded because in entering
this award the administrative law judge failed to comply with the requirements of
the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. §557(C)(3)(A) (the APA).[2] Employer responds, urging affirmance.
Section 8(f) shifts the liability to pay compensation for permanent disability
or death after 104 weeks from an employer to the Special Fund established in
Section 44 of the Act. 33 U.S.C. §§908(f), 944. An employer may be
granted Special Fund relief, in a case where a claimant is permanently partially
disabled, if it establishes that the claimant had a manifest pre-existing permanent
partial disability, and that his current permanent partial disability is not due
solely to the subsequent work injury but "is materially and substantially greater
than that which would have resulted from the subsequent work injury alone." 33
U.S.C. §908(f)(1); Director, OWCP v. Bath Iron Works Corp. [Johnson],
129 F.3d 45, 31 BRBS 155 (CRT) (1st Cir. 1997); Two "R" Drilling Co., Inc.
v. Director, OWCP, 894 F.2d 748, 23 BRBS 34 (CRT) (5th Cir. 1990); Director,
OWCP v. Campbell Industries, Inc., 678 F.2d 836, 14 BRBS 974 (9th Cir. 1982),
cert. denied, 459 U.S. 1104 (1983); C&P Telephone Co. v. Director,
OWCP, 564 F.2d 503, 6 BRBS 399 (D.C. Cir. 1977).
We are unable to affirm the administrative law judge's award of Section 8(f)
relief. Initially, the Director correctly asserts that although the award in this case was for permanent partial
disability compensation under Section 8(c)(23), the administrative law judge erroneously cited the Section 8(f)
contribution standard applicable in a case involving an award of permanent total disability compensation. Whereas the
employer must show that the employee's disability is not due solely to the most recent injury to establish contribution
under Section 8(f) in cases where the employee is totally disabled, an additional burden is placed on the employer in the
case of a permanently partially disabled employee: employer must also show that the current permanent partial disability
is materially and substantially greater than would have resulted from the subsequent injury alone. Newport
News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. v. Director, OWCP [Harcum II], 131 F.3d 1079,
31 BRBS 164(CRT) (4th Cir. 1997).
In addition, the case must be remanded because the administrative erred
in awarding Section 8(f) relief based only on a finding that the Director did not
submit evidence disproving the employer's entitlement. In so doing, the administrative law judge did not
discuss the relevant evidence or provide any explanation as to the basis for his Section 8(f) findings.
See Decision and Order at 7. Contrary to the administrative law judge's analysis, employer bears
the burden of proving each of the elements required for Section 8(f) relief. Director, OWCP v.
Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. [Harcum], 8 F.3d 175, 27 BRBS
116 (CRT)(4th Cir. 1993), aff'd on other grounds, 514 U.S. 122
(1995). Moreover, decisions under the Act must comply with the APA, which requires that the
administrative law judge adequately detail the rationale behind his decision, analyze and discuss the medical
evidence of record, and explicitly set forth the reasons for his acceptance or rejection of such evidence, in his
decision. 5 U.S.C. §557(c)(3)(A). In light of the administrative law judge's failure to analyze the issue
of Section 8(f) contribution in accordance with the legal standard applicable in the case of a permanently
partially disabled employee, his erroneous application of the burden of proof, and his failure to comply with
the requirements of the APA, we vacate his award of Section 8(f) relief and remand the case for him to
reconsider this issue in light of all of the relevant evidence in accordance with the applicable legal standards
consistent with the requirements of the APA.[3] See
generally Shrout v. General Dynamics Corp., 27 BRBS 160, 165
(1993)(Brown, J., dissenting).
We note that the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit,
in whose jurisdiction this case arises, has recently addressed the manifest requirement in a case involving a
voluntary retiree. In Bath Iron Works Corp. v. Director, OWCP [Reno], 136 F.3d 34 (1st Cir.
1998), the court held, consistent with the position of the Board in Ehrentraut, that the manifest
requirement of Section 8(f) applies in such cases. In contrast, however, to the Board's holding in
Ehrentraut that a pre-existing disability need only be manifest prior to the compensable injury, the
First Circuit held that the pre-existing permanent partial disability must be manifest prior to the claimant's
retirement because otherwise the potential for discrimination does not exist. Inasmuch as Reno is
controlling in this case, on remand the administrative law judge should evaluate the manifest requirement
consistent with this decision.[4] Moreover, in determining
whether the contribution element of Section 8(f) has been satisfied, he should be aware that only those pre-existing disabilities which played a part in claimant's compensable respiratory impairment under Section
8(c)(23) can properly serve as the basis for Section 8(f) relief. Johnson, 129 F.3d at 53, 31 BRBS
at 160-161 (CRT); Fineman v. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 27 BRBS 104, 111
(1993); Adams v. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 22 BRBS 78, 85 (1989).
Accordingly, the administrative law judge's findings with regard to
employer's entitlement to Section 8(f) relief are vacated, and the case is
remanded for further consideration of this issue consistent with this
Administrative Appeals Judge
To Top of Document
1)Dr. Killian testified that claimant's emphysema,
obesity, congestive cardiac failure, atrial fibrillation, diabetes,
hypertension, and chronic renal insufficiency, as well as his status as
post-surgical cholecystectomy were all contributing factors to his
respiratory impairment. EX-8 at 8-11.
2)The Director does not dispute that claimant's pre-existing conditions were serious, lasting physical problems sufficient to
satisfy the pre-existing permanent partial disability requirement of Section
8(f) entitlement. See generally Wiggins v. Newport News Shipbuilding &
Dry Dock Co., 31 BRBS 142 (1997).
3)We reject the Director's invitation to hold that record
evidence is insufficient as a matter of law to establish the manifest and
contribution requirements for Section 8(f) entitlement. The Board has no
de novo review authority, and the administrative law judge has not,
as yet, considered the record evidence in relation to the manifest and
contribution requirements for Section 8(f) relief in the first instance.
See generally Mijangos v. Avondale Shipyards, Inc., 948 F.2d 941, 25
BRBS 78(CRT)(5th Cir. 1991). We further note that while the Director argues
that there is no medical evidence in the record dating prior to 1978
sufficient to render claimant's pre-existing conditions manifest, there is,
in fact, one medical report dated June 25, 1975 which reflects that claimant
was suffering from hypertension. See EX-1.
4)The United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
recognized in Reno that Section 8(f) was designed for the very
specific reason of removing the discriminatory incentive created by holding
the last employer liable for the results of an aggravating injury. 136 F.3d
at 44. Accordingly, we agree with the Director that it was irrational for
the administrative law judge to have awarded employer Section 8(f) relief
where he eliminated the effects of claimant's pre-existing conditions from
the award, holding employer liable only for the percentage of impairment due
to claimant's asbestosis. Pursuant to the aggravation rule, which is
applicable in cases involving voluntary retirees receiving compensation
under Section 8(c)(23,) if the work-related injury aggravates, accelerates,
contributes to, or combines with a previous infirmity, disease or underlying
condition, claimant is entitled to be compensated for the entire resultant
condition. See SAIF Corp./Oregon Ship v. Johnson, 908 F.2d 1434, 23
BRBS 113 (CRT)(9th Cir. 1990). On remand, therefore, Section 8(f) relief is
available to employer only if the award of compensation is for claimant's
total respiratory impairment, consistent with controlling case authority
that both claimant's right to compensation and employer's entitlement to
Section 8(f) relief are premised on application of the aggravation rule.
See Reno, 136 F.3d at 40-42.
NOTE: This is an UNPUBLISHED LHCA Document.
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Newsletters 1994-2001
February 1994 – How the Brady Bill Passed
Written by admin Published: 01 February 1994
ON THE DAY BEFORE Thanksgiving, the U.S. Congress brought forth a constitutional turkey. The Congress decided that the Second Amendment did not mean what it said ("… shall not be infringed") and passed the Brady bill.
Our Second Amendment rights hang by the slenderest of threads. Not only is the Brady waiting period and background check now law, but also many guns are on the verge of being banned as well. Many members of Gun Owners of America have asked how did we get to such a place?
Problem Didn't Arise Overnight
Senators and Congressmen may not know the difference between a semiautomatic deer rifle and Rambo's machine gun. But these politicians know when an organization is serious about an issue. A group like the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) can work its will because politicians know the AARP talks to a lot of people and makes a dangerous enemy.
The image of the National Rifle Association (NRA) is less clear on Capitol Hill these days. This problem began during the unlamented regime of former Executive Vice President Warren Cassidy. NRA lobbyists under Cassidy stopped opposing gun control bills and started offering NRA-approved versions of the same legislation.
This tactic was first tried during the debate on so-called "cop-killer" bullets. The NRA brokered a "compromise" that passed the Senate with but one dissenting vote [former Senator Steve Symms (R-ID)] and the House by 400-21.
One would think that a "compromise" that wins the support of militant anti-gun Senators like Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) would not be much of a compromise. But there was a greater danger to this method: The NRA was sending our pro-gun allies mixed signals. They were being told that voting for gun control bills was A-OK, so long as the NRA was allowed to write part of those bills.
Remember staunch pro-gunners like Rep. Jack Fields of Texas appearing on the television program "48 Hours" because they were lobbying their colleagues for the so-called "instant check?" These pro-gunners were pushing a gun control bill that the NRA was strongly supporting. The instant check was touted as an alternative to a waiting period in Virginia in 1989.
But the instant check creates a computerized list of gun owners, as even the Congress' Office of Technology Assessment admitted in its 1991 report, Automated Record Checks of Firearm Purchasers: Issues and Options:
The fact remains that computerized criminal records systems maintain, as standard operating procedure, transaction logs to document who is using the system, when, [and] for what purposes. Transaction logs are needed to help assure system accountability and security. The Virginia transaction log does not include the names of firearms purchasers, but the potential exists regardless of legal prohibitions.
As the noted writer and attorney David Kopel has written in an Independence Institute monograph on waiting periods:
Significantly, the instant check is subject to the same problem of creating a gun and gun-owner registration system as is a waiting period. As the [1989 Justice Department] Task Force observes, "Any system that requires a criminal history record check prior to purchase of a firearm creates the potential for the automated tracking of individuals who seek to purchase firearms."
It was this ability to keep a computer file on all gun purchasers that, once it was in place, became the basis for Virginia's "one gun per month" law which passed in 1993. Had the computer system not already been set up and paid for, the state of Virginia's ability to administer any gun rationing law like this one would have been virtually impossible. Neal Knox, a prominent NRA board member, makes this very point in the September 1993 issue of Guns & Ammo magazine. He says that the one-handgun-a-month law "can be enforced only if state agencies are allowed to create a computer registry of all sales."
The NRA's alternative to Brady turns out to be a permanent means of building a national, centralized, computerized gun registration scheme. When the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) tried this in 1978, the NRA, with Neal Knox's leadership, slapped them down. But starting in 1989, the NRA, under Warren Cassidy, has chosen to fight gun control with . . . national computerized gun control. Jim Baker of the NRA was quoted by USA Today on October 26, 1993 (P. 7A) as saying: " We already support 65% of the Brady bill, because it moves to an instant check, which is what we want."
And even before the voting started, Jim Baker was conceding defeat. Readers of the Tuesday, November 16 issue of USA Today learned this:
"It doesn't make a heck of a lot of difference" whether the Brady bill is voted on separately or as part of the crime package, says NRA lobbyist Jim Baker. "Whether it's before Thanksgiving or when they get back in January (the Brady bill) is going to happen."
Imagine getting ready for a championship game and your coach tells you your side is beaten before you've taken the field. Would you give your best effort? The NRA was publicly conceding defeat even before the first vote was taken. Yet one week earlier, the NRA was discouraging attempts to block the assault weapon ban because, according to Capitol Hill sources, those attempts would "cost us votes on Brady." If Brady was "going to happen," why didn't the NRA fight an earlier bill that never won a filibuster-proof-majority — the ban on certain rifles, shotguns and magazines? So long as the other side could not muster 60 votes, that ban could have been easily stopped by a filibuster. By not fighting when we could win, and by conceding defeat before another difficult battle, the NRA may have allowed the two bad bills to pass — not just one.
The NRA did accomplish one legislative objective with the Senate passage of the Omnibus Crime Bill. It was able to very quietly attach its Hunter Harassment bill as an amendment even while Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) was attaching her ban of semiautomatic firearms to the same bill (see vote below).
NRA Sends Mixed Signals To Congress
Anyone who has ridden a "neck-broken" horse knows how easy it is to control a horse looking for clear direction. You steer the horse by laying the reins on his neck in the way you wish him to turn. But you cannot tell the animal two things at once. For example, if you pull back on the reins while you spur him forward, you are telling him to both "stop" and "go."
Politicians are a lot like horses. They need clear direction or they wander all over the map. Mixed signals can be disaster.
The most dangerous mixed signal is when an anti-gun vote is tolerated. The NRA has given money and mailed its members urging votes for politicians who undermined our gun rights. Consider the case of Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA).
A senator from Pennsylvania would help, not hurt his political future, by being a leader when it comes time to pass pro-gun bills and oppose anti-gun bills. Fully 60 percent of the state's eligible citizens have hunting licenses. Yet Senator Specter has done precisely the opposite.
Specter's non-vote in the Judiciary Committee in 1989 kept us from killing the semiautomatic rifle ban in committee, a loss which cost the NRA and GOA money and time which might have been spent regaining our rights rather than defending them. The NRA's "Official Journal," published in the American Rifleman in September 1989 noted on page 62 that "Specter Abstains on Crucial Vote."
Had Senator Specter voted correctly, there would have been no need for the "compromise" bill passed by the Congress in 1989 which bans domestic assembly of banned rifles and shotguns from foreign parts. The BATF is interpreting that law to make a criminal of any individual who puts a folding stock on a legally imported SKS rifle.
In 1992, while he was up for reelection, Senator Specter voted to limit debate on the so-called crime bill, S. 1241, with its national waiting period and ban on 14 types of rifles and shotguns. If a senator from a pro-gun state like Pennsylvania didn't think that was a fight worth fighting, what example did that set for senators who represent other relatively less pro-gun states?
When it came time to vote on final passage of the crime bill on July 11, 1992, Senator Specter bravely decided not to vote. Every vote against the bill was a way of encouraging President Bush to veto this terrible legislation. Again, Specter was missing when we needed him.
It has been said that all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. A Senate made up of 99 senators like Arlen Specter and one like Howard Metzenbaum will pass virtually as much gun control as 100 Howard Metzenbaums.
What did the NRA do in 1992 to punish Arlen Specter for his treachery? During the primary, in which Specter was opposed by a strong pro-gun challenger, the NRA issued a letter dated April 19, 1992, to its Pennsylvania members. The letter said, "Arlen is a pro-gun leader we must fight to keep." For a "pro-gun leader we must fight to keep," Senator Specter (1) never takes the lead on any pro-gun legislation, and (2) sometimes takes the lead on anti-gun legislation.
According to the records on file at the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the NRA's Political Victory Fund donated $9,900 to Specter's reelections direct contribution not exceeded by any other Senate candidate. But Specter was not the only curious beneficiary of NRA funds.
Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-CA) has been a zealous supporter of waiting periods. A GOA member in his district has carried on quite a correspondence with Mr. Gallegly. Gallegly, like Specter, can sound really pro-gun. Gallegly has also voted for the Brady bill-three times. Despite his voting record, Gallegly received $9,900 from the NRA in campaign donations during the 1991-92 election cycle.
California had two Senate races in 1992. One of them featured Bruce Herschensohn, a Republican. After the LA riots that year, Herschensohn was asked what solution he would propose to prevent such violence. Herschensohn suggested that honest people be allowed to carry guns. No weaseling from this candidate. The NRA Political Victory Fund rewarded this pro-gun stalwart (who lost by just 48-43% to anti-gun Barbara Boxer) with $9,500 in direct contributions and $475 spent on his behalf. (By contrast, the NRA spent $86,412 to defeat anti-gun Beryl Anthony (D-AR). A serious effort requires serious money.)
What if the NRA took the money it spends on ingrates like Specter and Gallegly and invested that same money in Herschensohn? Herschensohn might have won. With Herschensohn in the Senate, the assault weapons ban doesn't survive by one vote-it would have died unless Vice President Gore was present to break the tie (which he was not that night).
What message does this send to swing voters and moderates? It seems clear they are being told implicitly that if they defy the NRA but seem likely to win, that the NRA will support them. This is obviously not the road to influence in Congress for any lobby. Most members care little about issues and much about reelection. Groups able to affect the latter have their way on the former.
NRA Candidate Ratings Shown to be Overly High
Readers of NRA president Robert Corbin's column in the "NRA Official Journal" (American Rifleman, December 1992, P. 46) would be certain we had little to fear from this Congress:
But by the time the votes were counted, 54 A-rated candidates had been elected. Instead of losing 27 allies in Congress, we gained 27, for a total of 197 A-rated representatives and over 45% of the House.
If the NRA's math was correct, we would need to lobby a mere 21 B-rated Congressmen to get the 218 votes required to kill the Brady bill. In other words, a strong pro-gun majority should be easy to get, since "A"s should be highly reliable. Let's compare that number with the votes on Brady on November 10, 1993 in the House of Representatives. Preemption of all state waiting periods over five days got just 175 votes total. Only 189 Representatives voted against the Brady bill on final passage.
The candidate rating prepared by Gun Owners of America (and published in Guns & Ammo) proved to be far more accurate. We calculated there were but 43 sure A-rated Representatives. An additional 60 earned lower grades of A-minus because of their support of the instant background check.
Why did GOA give these people as high a grade as an A-minus for supporting that dangerous bill? Because the NRA had told these Representatives that they must support the instant check. If the NRA, with all its money and members, is telling people to support a gun control bill, it is hard for other groups to really punish people for voting for that gun control bill.
The NRA's confused message is not only confusing politicians. It is confusing everybody else. We cannot be surprised that politicians do not believe that they will be held accountable for anti-gun votes in the face of mixed signals.
What Is Bob Dole Doing?
Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole of Kansas is known as a player of political hardball. A former (and possibly future) presidential candidate, Dole did not rise so high by being deaf to strong lobbyists.
But events in the Senate demonstrate that either (1) someone is not telling Bob Dole what to do or (2) Bob Dole isn't listening.
Remember the political climate. On November 2, 1993, anti-gun politicians were bounced in both New Jersey and Virginia. (The defeat of just one Senator, Joe Tydings of Maryland, has been credited with killing gun control for over a decade.) These elections would seem to have put the chill on gun control for another decade.
Yet the U.S. Senate has passed a ban on certain rifles and shotguns, a ban on magazines with over 10 rounds capacity, and agreed to a waiting period. All this in the same month as those elections. How did this happen?
To the astonishment of most experts, Senator Dole and his fellow Republicans agreed to hurry up procedures for considering all the gun control bills. Opportunities to filibuster the legislation were mostly avoided. A number of killer amendments could have been added to make the filibuster work. For example, anti-gunners could have been forced to vote first on imposing the death penalty in the District of Columbia before they could vote for the Brady bill. It is entirely possible that the Senate would still be stalemated at that point, given such a choice.
This strategy had worked well in past years so GOA asked a few Senate offices to have their Senators filibuster the bill. But GOA was told by one Senate staffer, who wishes to remain anonymous, that "The NRA asked us not to filibuster." We were told that Senator Dole's vote count was the basis for this decision.
It should be noted that when Senator Dole and the GOP put principles over fear of being accused of gridlock, they successfully filibustered the President's economic stimulus package earlier in the year. Unfortunately, they did not hold the Second Amendment in as high as regard.
It should also be noted that a determination to filibuster could have stopped the semi-auto ban from being attached to the Omnibus Crime Bill in the Senate, and could have slowed — and maybe even stopped — the Brady bill.
At the most difficult point of all to filibuster — on the motion to send the Senate — passed Brady bill over to the House-two unsuccessful efforts were made to end the filibuster. This makes it clear that a filibuster could have succeeded had the Republicans (and a handful of Democrats) wanted to fight. As we have seen earlier, they decided that it would be unlikely that there would be consequences for deserting the gun owners.
Then, with three senators on the floor, Senator Dole allowed the Brady bill to become law. Had he — or any other Senator who had decided to stay around — objected, the Senate would have been unable to act. The Senate needs a quorum to conduct business, and a single objection would have collapsed the charade of three Senators acting for the whole body.
Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell (D-ME) told a Knight-Ridder luncheon on November 30 that it is possible to mount six separate filibusters on any bill. These filibusters would each take time, perhaps even days, to be stopped. When a legislative body, like the Senate, approaches adjournment, every delay can mean victory. Yet many of these opportunities were lost by unanimous consent. Had Senator Dole, or any other Senator, really wished to stop the gun control express, all it would have taken was the no vote of one of them.
Had Senator Dole been willing to organize a determined effort to block these bills, the Senate could still have been debating so-called "assault weapons" at the Thanksgiving break and Brady would not have been discussed until the start of 1994. Had Senators been allowed to offer amendments on issues that the anti-gun lobby hates, like Washington, D.C.'s lack of a death penalty, both gun control bills could have been blocked, or at least slowed down. According to the Associated Press, Senator Dole was willing to prevent "some Republican senators [from] keep[ing] open the option of filibustering Brady." Every delay works to our advantage — yet our side was not delaying matters.
The closer the vote is to the November 1994 elections, the more frightened politicians are of pro-gun voters. The closer the vote is to November 1994, the less time the other side has for counter measures.
Yet even when our allies were finally allowed to filibuster and won on Brady twice (Friday, November 19), Bob Dole was reported, by Legi-Slate's Hill News Service on November 20, to be willing to negotiate. The dead Brady bill was suddenly revived.
The "compromise" negotiated by Bob Dole was described by the Associated Press on November 20 this way:
Gun control opponents, as part of the deal, had given up their insistence that the federal waiting period supersede longer delays approved by some states. Republicans who gave up their filibuster got little in the compromise, mainly the four-year expiration language.
The "four-year expiration language" actually can become five years, simply by request of the Attorney General. So the only thing we got was . . . nothing. This is a compromise?
The story being spread by some in Washington is that Bob Dole did his best to fight given the realities of the Senate. Given that the NRA had shown an unwillingness to punish anti-gun Senators (the other 99 need only glance at reelected Arlen Specter), they have a point.
But the Dole compromise that got the bill moving was described by Majority Leader Mitchell as "a fig leaf so small it wouldn't cover a midget," according to the New York Times. And Senator Mitchell was correct. California still has a two-week wait. New York still has a six-month wait. Pro-gunners who fought waiting periods (and won) in places like Texas and Arkansas now find their victories snatched away in Washington. Had we made a similar "compromise" to end World War II, we would have given Japan the states of California, Nevada and Arizona in exchange for . . . nothing.
But Bob Dole and company chose to give up many chances to fight these bills this year. In fact, Senator Dole was quoted in the Washington Post on November 21 (while the filibuster was going on) as saying: "We finally decided . . . let's get the Brady bill behind us." There was no need to help those who would take away our rights to do so more quickly. A football team that offers no resistance as its opponents march to the one-yard line, should not expect to keep them out of the end zone.
And negotiations always favor those who are less willing to compromise. Yet during the critical November 20-21 period, what was Bob Dole saying? According to the New York Times of November 22: "Let's get the best deal we can and move on."
Dangers of Endorsing Compromise Bills
On Capitol Hill there is an unwritten rule: If you ask for something to be part of a pending bill and you get it, you are expected to endorse the final result.
The NRA's work for the instant check was met with acceptance. It was made part of the Brady bill this year even without lobbying by the NRA. Amendments were made that would seem to have the support of the NRA. Then this terrible bill was passed. The NRA found itself in an impossible dilemma. To support Brady (even with amendments) is to support national gun control. To oppose Brady meant backing out on any understanding either the NRA had reached with the Senate or which Senators believed the NRA had reached with the Senate.
To pass Brady before Thanksgiving, the House had to accept the Senate version of Brady or the Senate had to accept the House version of Brady. GOA obtained a copy of a memo circulated by the NRA on Monday, November 22, urging "the House Rules committee to write a rule that will call up the Senate-passed bill for a vote." (The memo is reprinted below. Note the fax signature at the very top of the memo.)
Had the House Rules Committee done as the NRA asked and put the Brady bill on the floor, Brady might well have passed even earlier than it did.
Now the NRA may argue that it was adopting a tactical approach. They knew that the House would reject the rule and were setting themselves up to oppose Brady. We can only hope so.
But these clever strategies are getting so clever that all the anti-gun lobby need do is take the NRA at its word to get a gun control bill passed. Our rights may be marginally more protected if Jim Baker, rather than Sarah Brady, writes the latest gun control bill. But these clever tactics make it difficult to hold anyone accountable. And in the long run, accountability is needed so that pro-gun Americans can make intelligent decisions on election day.
When politicians vote for the NRA compromise gun control bill, how can the NRA (or anyone else) justifiably criticize these people for supporting gun control? A memo released on this matter by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX) illustrates the problem. She said:
[A] complete substitute bill was offered by Senators Dole and Mitchell. This legislation, which I supported, differed drastically from the original Brady Bill. It provided for accelerated implementation of the national instant-check [sic], which I and other gun rights supporters have long sought, followed by elimination of any waiting period. THE NRA DESCRIBED THE SENATE'S APPROVAL OF THIS SUBSTITUTE BILL AS A VICTORY. [Emphasis added.]
This is exactly how the NRA described the passage of the first national gun control law since 1968. On November 20, 1993, the Senate passed a bill that would certainly impose a minimum of five days waiting period everywhere in the United States. Yet the Associated Press reported that NRA "spokesman Bill McIntrye" was saying that the instant background check also in the bill "will be a victory for gun owners."
NRA Board member Tanya Metaksa took an even stronger stand in an interview with the Washington Times (Nov. 25, p. A20) after Brady was sent to President Clinton's desk:
I think this agreement was a victory for those who see flaws in the current bill. This is a much different Brady bill. This bill sunsets into what we've been supporting for several years [the instant check]. If you look at it in the long range, it's our bill in five years.
The NRA has put itself in a position where it must praise terrible defeats because the anti-gunners gave them the NRA's form of gun control, too.
Dole told reporters that he accepted the "compromise" proposed by Metzenbaum (pass Brady now, you can try to pass a new law changing it next year) for two reasons, one being: "Sooner or later, the Brady bill would have passed."
The Brady bill is now law. Bob Dole is counting on getting 60 votes to modify Brady, when he only had 43 votes to stop it. (The 43 votes were three more than needed to continue filibustering the bill. Now Dole needs 60 votes to stop a filibuster that the pro-Brady forces might mount in opposing any changes.) What will finally happen is uncertain. But this mess didn't happen overnight. And there is lots of blame to go around.
NRA FEDERAL AFFAIRS TEL: 202-223-8141 Nov. 22'93 12:11 No.009 P.02
The NRA supports the creation of a national instant background
check system in as short a time as possible. While not perfect,
we believe the Senate passed "Brady bill" will accomplish this
in a more expedited fashion than that passed by the House.
Furthermore, the Senate bill contains several important reforms
which are not in the House. We urge the House Rules committee
to write a rule that will call up the Senate passed bill for a
4 years plus optional 5-year mandatory
year at request of
Attorney General.
License fee increase to
recover license costs.
Increased penalties for theft
of firearms.
Regular publication of
revoked licenses and
federal laws.
Allows face to face firearms exchanges
between Federally licensed dealers.
How Dole and Other Key Senators Plotted to Surrender Our Rights
Selected Events from the Congressional Record, November 24, 1993 –The Day the Brady Bill Was Allowed Out of the Senate and Onto President Clinton's Desk
During the days before Thanksgiving of 1993, Republicans (and a handful of Democrats) successfully filibustered the Brady bill. Brady supporters were then going to have to wait until 1994 to get their bill passed.
But instead of living through such a "waiting period," anti-gun Senators began demanding that the Senate return the week following the Thanksgiving break to vote on the Brady bill.
Of course, this displeased many Senators, since they were not planning on returning from their vacation until late January of 1994.
The pro-gun forces had the upper hand. After all, it was the pro-Brady forces who needed to recall 60 Senators to break the filibuster.
[Remember, while the opposition needs to muster 60 votes to end a pro-gun filibuster, we only need one or two Senators to make sure the normal rules of the Senate are followed.]
So if the Minority Leader, Senator Bob Dole of Kansas, really wanted to defeat the Brady bill, he should have let the anti-gun forces try to muster their 60 votes. It would have never happened. There is no way they could have gotten 60 Senators to end their vacation early to return to Washington.
That is why Senator Dole's actions are so confusing. Had he continued the fight, the Brady bill would now have to be passed in an election year — a fact which greatly increased our chances of defeating the bill. Instead, Dole kept trying to strike a compromise. As you read the following text, notice how many times Dole says he wants to work out a deal to get the issue behind him (that is, pass the Brady bill).
Mr. Dole: Mr. President, I have listened with great interest to both my friend, the majority leader, and my colleague from Oregon. There are still negotiations going on. I am not certain what will happen. But I think there is — even on this side, even though some may oppose the legislation — a majority of Members who would like to get the issue behind them for a number of reasons. In the first place, many have already made plans next week, as the Senator from Oregon has, and these include people who voted for cloture, against cloture, or whatever.
I think there is a feeling that we are so close….
I do not know why we cannot resolve it without bringing our colleagues back here next week. As the majority leader has stated, I have had a few calls, and there are not many happy voices on the other end. Nobody wants to rush back, not because they do not want to work, but they have made other plans in their states for very important meetings on health care and other issues, and they feel it is important to spend some time with their constituents.
[Ed. note: The pro-gun forces didn't have to rush back. If the Brady forces wanted to force a vote to end the filibuster, then Dole should have let them ruin their own vacation. Why was Dole so willing to give in?]
We are going to try to make a decision one way or the other, because I know the majority leader wants to conclude business today fairly quickly. Now we are working on still another proposal which we intend to give the majority leader fairly soon.
I have been advised that we are trying to find even another compromise, and I think that is true of most Democrats. If it is all politics, then we cannot work it out. We will have to come back next Tuesday and see what happens next Tuesday. If not, if we cannot get cloture, we can try to get it Wednesday, and if we cannot get cloture, then it all goes over to next year. Maybe for some, that will be a victory. Maybe for some on this side, it will be a victory. Maybe for some on that side, it will be a victory. I think there is a broad middle here, as indicated by the Senator from Oregon, of conservatives, moderates, whatever, who would like to resolve this issue.
Dole Admits His Side Opposed
Mr. Dole: That is correct. The Senator was citing some figures and the Record reflects, I think, that there are a majority on our side who oppose the bill. IT TOOK A CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT OF PERSUASION TO GET THEM TO EVEN LET US PROCEED because they feel very strongly about it. I do not quarrel with their position. Like any other issue, some Members on each side feel strongly about it.
[Ed. note: Dole was actively lobbying pro-gun Republicans to soften their opposition to the Brady bill! By doing this, Dole could then proceed to reach a compromise with Senator George Mitchell (D-ME), the Majority Leader.]
I do believe we could get the cooperation of everyone on our side to let us proceed in a manner recommended by the Republican leader. So we are going to give it one more shot, and I will be in contact with the majority leader.
GOP Pressure for Surrender
Mr. Warner: Mr. President, I am among only eight Republicans who have stood steadfast in support of the Brady bill. I have done so for many years. Therefore, I have not been part of the group negotiating. Like my distinguished colleague from Oregon, Senator Hatfield, I have been on the sidelines.
I commend my colleague from Oregon for his comments on behalf of the leadership. I wish to join him.
I have now had the privilege of serving 15 years with the distinguished Senator from Maine and our distinguished Republican leader, Senator Dole. This body has tremendous confidence and respect for both of these leaders. While I do not know all the details respecting this controversy, I somehow intuitively feel both are proceeding in good faith to represent the respective interests in their two parties and are trying to reach an equitable reconciliation. I commend both.
It has been particularly difficult for Senator Dole. Believe me, there is no Senator who has a stronger knowledge in the Senate on the effects of guns that our distinguished Republican leader, a World War II hero. HAVING VOTED FOR THE BRADY BILL SOME TWO YEARS AGO, IT MUST BE VERY DIFFICULT FOR HIM TODAY. I hope as his name is bandied across this Nation one way or another associated with this problem, there is an understanding of the unique problems that face leaders as they try and reconcile strong differences. Oftentimes they have to take positions that are not totally consistent with their own personal long-range goals. That is one burden of leadership they both accept.
I have voted for the Brady bill before. I have known both Jim and Sarah Brady, as all of us have, for these many, many years. I knew Jim long before he was White House Press Secretary and indeed knew his lovely wife. I am proud that they are constituents of mine in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
I wish our leadership well. I know they are taking into consideration the fact that many of our colleagues are traveling afar today on official business. . . .
I think there are very good reasons for the absence of many Members on official business. Therefore, it is my fervent hope the leadership will be able to bridge this gap.
The Brady Bill Passes
Unanimous Consent Agreement by Mitchell, George (D-ME) and Dole (R-KS). H.R. 1025 and S. 1785. Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act – Conference Report [CR page S-17090, 44 lines]
Mr. Mitchell: Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that Senator Dole's bill, which he shall have until 4 p.m. today to introduce, making amendments to the Brady bill, be placed directly on the calendar, that the majority leader, after consultation with the Republican leader, may turn to its consideration at any time; that when the bill is considered, it be under a time limitation of 4 hours equally divided in the usual form; that no amendments or motions be in order to the bill; that the bill be modified with the consent of the two leaders; that at the conclusion or yielding back of time, the Senate, without any intervening action or debate, vote on passage of the bill; that the Senate now proceed to consideration of the conference report to accompany H.R. 1025, the Brady bill; that the conference report be agreed to and the motion to reconsider be laid upon the table.
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
[CR P. S-17091, 230 lines]
The Vice President: Is there objection?
Hearing none, the request is granted and the conference report is agreed to.
[Ed. note: Normally, a filibuster can only be defeated when 60 Senators vote to end it. However, another way to kill a filibuster is for all the Senators present on the floor to agree to suspend the normal rules. When Vice President Al Gore asked if there were ANY OBJECTIONS TO SUSPENDING THE RULES, no one objected. All it would have taken is one Senator who was present in the room to object. Senator Dole was on the floor at that moment and he refused to object. Thus, the rules were suspended, the filibuster ended abruptly, and the Brady bill was passed.]
So, the conference report was agreed to. (The conference report is printed in the House proceedings of the Record of November 22, 1993.)
Mr. Mitchell: Mr. President, I thank the Republican leader for his courtesy and cooperation. We have been negotiating on this issue off and on for 2 1/2 years. I think that while there are many people who will be pleased that it has been enacted, no one is more pleased than we are if for no other reason than the issue is now largely behind us. I thank him for his usual courtesy in discussing the matter. It has been a very lengthy and tedious negotiation.
Second, we have agreed to give the Republican leader until 4 p.m. today to introduce the bill, to which we have already agreed to have it brought up with no amendments and a vote because we do act in good faith and we know that it is going to be a bill that is consistent with the points that we have been discussing.
So I want to say to those of my colleagues who, having heard this order, raise a question that we have agreed to a very expedited procedure on a bill we have not seen, that although we have not seen the bill, we know essentially what is going to be in it.
Third, I said privately to the Republican leader a moment ago, there are many ironies in this situation, not least of which are the following two: WE HAVE JUST NOW ENDED A LENGTHY FILIBUSTER, and the price of ending the filibuster was that we had to agree to bring up a bill and not filibuster it. That is here in the Senate. In the House, the Republicans regularly criticize the Speaker for bringing up bills under a closed rule, and yet here the Republicans have demanded that the bill be brought up under a closed rule. . . .
[Ed. note: Senator Mitchell says they have just ended a lengthy filibuster. In other words, the filibuster had been succeeding and the only way the Brady forces could stop it was to wait until there were only three Senators on the floor — Bob Dole being one of them. All three were willing to suspend the normal rules and to end the filibuster. Dole could have objected to suspending the rules. He did not.]
I WANT TO MAKE CLEAR TO THE REPUBLICAN LEADER THAT HE HAS NOT ASKED FOR NOR HAVE WE GIVEN AN AGREEMENT OR A COMMITMENT TO SUPPORT THE MEASURE. We do not know that yet. Obviously, we want to see it; we want to review it. This has been the subject of very lengthy and, as I said, tedious negotiation. But we are committing ourselves in good faith to having it brought up, debating it, and I expect to do it very early in the session next year. I will, of course, as always, consult with the Republican leader before making a decision on that. So that matter can be dealt with.
[Ed. note: Notice that Senator Mitchell makes no promises as to the future of Dole's amendments. Neither Mitchell nor anyone else has committed themselves to pass the changes Dole will be seeking. Thus, the so-called compromise Dole garnered could be nothing more than a total and complete victory for Sarah Brady.]
IN THE MEANTIME, THE BRADY BILL HAS NOW BEEN PASSED. I hope that the President will sign it shortly. I want to congratulate all of those who have worked so long and hard to make it possible for the Brady bill to become law, not the least of which, of course, includes Jim and Sarah Brady themselves who have worked tirelessly on this matter for many years; Senator Metzenbaum, who was the original sponsor and author of the bill and who for many years was a lonely voice; Senator Kohl of Wisconsin, who has committed himself to this subject and worked very hard on it; and SENATOR DOLE, WHO, ALONG WITH MYSELF, HAS BEEN AT THE CENTER OF THE DISCUSSIONS ON IT FOR THE PAST 2 1/2 YEARS. SO I THANK MY COLLEAGUE VERY MUCH FOR HIS COOPERATION. I am pleased to say that we will not have to come in next week and we can now leave for Thanksgiving and Christmas and then return next year refreshed and ready to roll.
[Ed. note: Senator Mitchell says they'll be "ready to roll" now that the Brady issue is settled. This is one reason that it was imperative for Dole and others to continue filibustering the Brady bill. As long as it remained bottled-up, it served as a "buffer zone" between the anti-gun forces and our rights. Now that Brady is law, the anti-gunners can move to the next item on their gun control agenda. ]
From the Horse's Mouth (Part II):
How the Brady Bill Passed
"Please realize that NRA acquiesced in passage of the Brady Bill only after we achieved a number of amendments to the bill, the most significant of which is a provision exempting holders of concealed weapons permits (among others) from the federal waiting period."
— Letter by Robert C. Nagle, NRA's Research and Information, writing on behalf of NRA President Wayne LaPierre, March 13, 1994
"I sat there with the majority leader [Sen. George Mitchell] and everybody else had gone home, and we made an arrangement. We let that [Brady] bill pass."
— Senator Bob Dole (R-KS), August 23, 1994 (p. S 12363 of the Congressional Record)
Senate Vote on the Feinstein Gun Ban
On November 9, 1993, the Senate voted 51-49 to reject a motion to table the Feinstein semiautomatic ban. If it had been tabled, the amendment would not have come up for a vote.
Y = Pro-Gun Vote
N = Anti-Gun Vote
Alabama Nebraska
Heflin (D) Y Kerrey (D) N
Shelby (D) Y Exon (D) N
Alaska Nevada
Murkowski (R) Y Bryan (D) Y
Stevens (R) Y Reid (D) Y
Arizona New Hampshire
DeConcini (D) N Smith (R) Y
McCain (R) Y Gregg (R) Y
Arkansas New Jersey
Bumpers (D) N Lautenberg (D) N
Pryor (D) N Bradley (D) N
California New Mexico
Boxer (D) N Domenici (R) Y
Feinstein (D) N Bingarnan (D) Y
Colorado New York
Brown (R) Y Moynihan (D) N
Campbell (D) N D'Amato (R) Y
Connecticut North Carolina
Lieberman (D) N Faircloth (R) Y
Dodd (D) N Helms (R) Y
Delaware North Dakota
Biden (D) N Conrad (D) N
Roth (R) N Dorgan (D) Y
Florida Ohio
Graham (D) N Metzenbaum (D) N
Mack (R) Y Glenn (D) N
Georgia Oklahoma
Coverdell (R) Y Boren (D) N
Nunn (D) N Nickles (R) Y
Hawaii Oregon
Akaka (D) N Hatfield (R) N
Inouye (D) N Packwood (R) Y
Idaho Pennsylvania
Kempihorne (R) Y Wofford (D) N
Craig (R) Y Specter (R) Y
Illinois Rhode Island
Mos.-Braun (D) N Chafee (R) N
Simon (D) N Pell (D) N
Indiana South Carolina
Lugar (R) Y Hollings (D) Y
Coats (R) Y Thurmond (R) Y
Iowa South Dakota
Grassley (R) Y Daschle (D) N
Harkin (D) N Pressler (R) Y
Kansas Tennessee
Dole (R) Y Sasser (D) Y
Kassebaum (R) N Matthews (D) N
Kentucky Texas
McConnell (R) Y Hutchison (R) Y
Ford (D) N Gramm (R) Y
Louisiana Utah
Johnston (D) Y Bennett (R) Y
Breaux (D) Y Hatch (R) Y
Maine Vermont
Cohen (R) Y Leahy (D) N
Mitchell (D) N Jeffords (R) Y
Maryland Virginia
Sarbanes (D) N Warner (R) Y
Mikulski (D) N Robb (D) N
Massachusetts Washington
Kerry (D) N Gorton (R) Y
Kennedy (D) N Murray (D) N
Michigan West Virginia
Levin (D) N Rockefeller (D) N
Riegle (D) N Byrd (D) N
Minnesota Wisconsin
Durenberger (R) Y Kohl (D) N
Wellstone (D) N Feingold (D) N
Mississippi Wyoming
Lott (R) Y Simpson (R) Y
Cochran (R) Y Wallop (R) Y
Danforth (R) N
Bond (R) Y
Burns (R) Y
Baucus(D) N
Previous Alerts
01/95 HR 464: Gun Ban Repeal | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
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The sound quality surpasses conventional synths, however you don't need to own a NASA computer to be able to use Icarus, since it offers the best possible sound quality and low CPU requirement. | {
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Running the numbers on climate skeptics in Congress by Andrew Restuccia
Friday, November 5th 2010, 1:10 PM EDT
Brad Johnson at The Wonk Room reports that about half of the Republican caucus in Congress, taking into account the results of the midterm elections, "now questions the scientific consensus that greenhouse pollution is a civilizational threat."
According to Johnson, "45 of 97 Republican freshmen and 85 of 166 reelected Republicans are confirmed climate zombies. There are no Republican freshmen, in the House or Senate, who admit the science is real."
At the same time, Johnson says there are only four Republicans in the House "who publicly admit that global warming pollution is real."
What does this all mean? Well, at the end of the day it's further evidence that, as I reported yesterday, it's going to be an uphill battle in the Congress to pass significant energy legislation. While the House has already passed a climate bill and we've know for quite some time that cap-and-trade won't pass the Senate any time soon, it seems more likely now that less controversial proposals — like a renewable energy standard and an oil spill response bill in the Senate — will face difficulty gaining enough votes for passage.
Judging by Obama's remarks on compromise yesterday, it looks like lawmakers are going to start with the lowest-hanging fruit. Yesterday, I wrote about a number of issues where Republicans and Democrats may be able to find consensus on climate and energy.
Click source to read more. [LINKS]
Source Link: washingtonindependent.com | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Q: CSS transition not applied on SVG elements in Google Chrome So I have a bunch of SVG icons in a version of my nav bar, but for some reason the CSS transition time that I am using is not being applied. This is happening in Chrome, IE, and Safari. It works well in Firefox/Nightly and Opera/Opera Next.
Here is the CSS that is not working
fill: #fff;
-webkit-transition: fill .5s;
-moz-transition: fill .5s;
-o-transition: fill .5s;
transition: fill .5s;
a:hover #liIco
fill: #000;
-webkit-transition: fill .5s;
-moz-transition: fill .5s;
-o-transition: fill .5s;
transition: fill .5s;
Here is a fiddle, though ironically enough it works in here: http://jsfiddle.net/FwKQe/1/
I think the problem may be that in my actual file I am using PHP to include the files like this ...
PHP(actual source from my file):
<aside id="sideContent">
<div id="menuButton">
<?php include ("icons/menu_w.svg"); ?>
<!-- This is the main NAV block -->
<a href="index.php"><div id="imgHome"><?php include ("icons/home.svg"); ?></div></a>
<a href="about.php"><div id="imgAbout"><?php include ("icons/about.svg"); ?></div></a>
<a href="portfolio.php"><div id="imgWork"><?php include ("icons/work.svg"); ?></div></a>
One more note, the menu button at the top works all the time, and it is also a PHP include, so I'm sorta lost. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} |
Mezilesí (Duits: Metzles) is een Tsjechische gemeente in de regio Hradec Králové, en maakt deel uit van het district Náchod.
Mezilesí telt 209 inwoners.
Gemeente in Náchod | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} |
LOL, Study Says New Orleans Will Be Underwater by 2100
By Lauren LaBorde Oct 14, 2015, 2:40pm CDT
Well, this is sad: A study by the climate science research organization Climate Central published this week gives us the stark prediction that all of New Orleans will be under water after 2100, regardless of actions to curtail global carbon emissions. Cool!
The study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, includes an interactive map that outlines the impact of carbon emissions in coastal areas in the U.S. While some cities like Norfolk, Virginia could be saved with radical reduction in carbon emissions, the reality is more stark for New Orleans, according to a researcher quoted in Time:
For other cities, including low-lying New Orleans and Miami, whatever hope there was of saving them is now probably in the past. "It's hard to imagine how we could defend Miami in the long run," lead study author Benjamin Strauss told AFP. The city's low elevation and porous limestone bedrock mean levels and sea walls can't save it. Sure, a lot of us won't be around in 85 years, but it's a bummer nonetheless.
· Sea to swallow New Orleans eventually regardless of carbon limits, scientists say [NOLA.com]
· New Orleans and Miami Are Doomed To Be Swallowed by the Sea, Says New Study [Time] | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
The Officer in Charge of Molo police post in Molo Sub county in Tororo District has collapsed and died after he allegedly shot one person during a bar fight.
Siraj Tibata died on Monday at about 1am after collapsing at Aqua's drinking joint situated in Magotes trading centre along Tororo- Mbale road.
Eyewitnesses told this reporter that the officer collapsed and died at the scene after realizing that he had shot one of the civilians during the fight.
"Tibata had led other officers to the drinking joint to contain the chaos but during the fracas, he accidentally shot one Dominic Omaset. Shortly, he collapsed and died under unclear circumstances," Mr John Opio, one of the residents said.
Omaset was reportedly hit by a stray bullet. He was first admitted to Hope clinic before he was transferred to Tororo hospital for better medication.
Though the residents told newsmen, that Mr Omaset was a friend to the deceased.
Molo Sub County LCIII Chairperson, John Emiriat explained that Tibata was pronounced dead at Hope clinic, where he had been taken.
"We suspect that he died of shock after realizing that he had shot someone,'' Mr Emiriat, said.
Mr Emiriat describing Tibata as a disciplined officer blamed the residents for not being law abiding.
The District Police Commander, Mr John Rutagira Musimenta confirmed the death and said investigations were underway to establish facts of the case.
''As a family of police, we are bereaved. We have, however, initiated investigations to establish the cause of his death," he said.
Mr Rutagira said no one had been arrested in connection to the officer's death.
Kenya: President Uhuru orders restoration of church-owned land, schools to churches.
MCAs establishes its stand over Sonko impeachment, spokesman. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
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World Tennis Championship: Novak Djokovic & Stan Wawrinka set to return
From the section Tennis
Novak Djokovic lost in the second round of the Australian Open in 2017, and failed to go beyond the quarter-finals at the French Open and Wimbledon
Twelve-time Grand Slam champion Novak Djokovic is set to play his first match since Wimbledon at the World Tennis Championship in December.
The world number seven, whose season ended early with an elbow injury, is slated for the Abu Dhabi exhibition event from 28 to 30 December.
"The line-up is very strong and it will be the perfect way to make my comeback and begin the season," Djokovic said.
French Open finalist Stan Wawrinka is also set to make his return there.
The Swiss world number nine ended his season in August because of a knee injury.
The Abu Dhabi event is held two weeks before the start of the Australian Open, the first Grand Slam tournament of the season.
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Djokovic and Wawrinka will play alongside world number one Rafael Nadal, Austria's Dominic Thiem, Spain's Pablo Carreno Busta and 2016 Wimbledon finalist Milos Raonic.
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Read more on Novak Djokovic: Twelve-time Grand Slam champion will not play again in 2017
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I realize that I'll never be a true Mainer (since I wasn't born here), but I am one of Maine's biggest fans. I feel so fortunate that as a photographer I've been able to see every corner of this great state. Not only do we have the ocean, beaches, islands and charming seaside towns, but we have rolling mountains and vast forests. Not many weddings take me to Western Maine's mountainous region, but after Cameron and Jeanne's wedding, I hope that changes. This event was pure Maine wedding perfection from beginning to end.
Cam and Jeannie chose the newly opened Mountain Star Estate for their venue, and it did not disappoint. Built from reclaimed timbers, it is both spacious and intimate, with the right mix of rustic and refined. The long center table for the bridal party was my favorite part. I could have moved right in and stayed forever, but that is probably frowned upon. If you're looking for a venue for your own Maine wedding, Moutain Star Estate is definitely worth the drive to visit.
Rangeley, Maine is a rustic mountain town welcoming, and without the crush of tourists, you find on the coast this time of year. Rangeley is also close to my heart because the Appalachian Trail runs just on the edge of town. Late August is also Appalachian Trail thru-hiker 'season' when hikers are passing through on their last push to get Mt. Katahdin before the snow flies. I took the opportunity to reminisce about my own thru-hike (17 years ago!), and share a drink with several thru-hikers we met on the street. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend both personally and professionally.
Cam and Jeannie I wouldn't have changed a single thing about your wedding day, congrats and thank you! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Atlanta United taunts Orlando City with billboard downtown
By Alicia DelGallo
Jul 18, 2017 | 10:05 PM
Orlando City's only regional rival and 2017 expansion side Atlanta United FC bought a billboard downtown that reads, "Orlando, we're coming to conquer," with the date of the teams' first clash at Orlando City Stadium on Friday, July 21.
Earlier this week, Orlando City coach Jason Kreis said rivalries are developed over time. It takes history, he said, not just close geographic proximity.
Major League Soccer newcomers Atlanta United FC clearly agree because the club began cultivating that history in a big way, buying a billboard in downtown Orlando that reads, "Orlando, we're coming to conquer."
The massive taunting sign stands on the corner of Washington Street and Garland Avenue, about two blocks from Orlando City Stadium. It is wrapped in red and back, Atlanta's colors, featuring some of the team's players and Friday's date, when Orlando hosts its new rival in their first clash of the season.
"I hadn't seen the billboard, I had no idea about that," Lions coach Jason Kreis said Wednesday after training. "That seems a bit of an odd thing, very, very odd thing.
"I'm one that believes rivalries are intrinsic, meaning they happen through experiences. So, it would be premature to be talking about whether or not they are our rival. We shall see, starting with the first 15 minutes of the match Friday night, and we'll go from there to see if they are rivals or not."
Spotted in downtown Orlando.... @anakenn @TheManeLand pic.twitter.com/gwc0s1kTCt
— Easton Smith (@Eas10Smith) July 18, 2017
Atlanta United did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
There is some shared history between the teams already. Orlando City's former general manager Paul McDonough is now director of soccer operations for Atlanta United. Former Lions Mikey Ambrose, Harrison Heath — son of former Orlando City coach Adrian Heath — and Bryan Róchez all are on Atlanta's roster as well.
Orlando City (8-7-5, 29 points) is fifth in the Eastern Conference, sliding down the standings after a disappointing stretch of games, while Atlanta (9-7-3, 30 points) has climbed into fourth.
Whoever wins Friday's matchup will immediately get a chance for redemption as Orlando City travels to Atlanta next weekend.
"I didn't notice that, they put something up?" Orlando City defender Jonathan Spector said sarcastically. "I drive past it every day. I don't really care, to be honest. It's an important game for us because they're one point above us and we're both fighting for a playoff spot. That's what makes it important, not what they want to put up on I-4 in some stupid billboard. That's irrelevant to me."
Check back for updates, including comments from the clubs.
Orlando City Soccer Video Playlist
Orlando City Lions
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street marijuana which contains approximately fifteen to eighteen percent THC (norml,.d.). Ashim Sunam (AS What made you think that Cannabis sam harris the riddle of the gun essay (Marijuna) could help cure a cancer patient? As a higher education community, our thinking about cannabis is at a point where our perceptions regarding the risks of high-risk drinking were decades ago. In Michigan having any amount of marijuana on you, or using it is a misdemeanor, with a 100 fine and 90 days in jail. At least 50,000 people die each year because of alcohol poisoning and 400,000 people die because of tobacco smoking (norml,.d.). This paper represents a current review of the medical literature regarding the benefits and drawbacks of using marijuana for medical or recreational purposes. How did her doctor react to it? Reference Copied to Clipboard. Cannabis use disorder (CUD a clinical diagnosis arrived at when use results in dysfunction in one or more of lifes arenas - school, work or interpersonal relationships - is a real and underappreciated risk of regular use. The idea behind chemotherapy began when it was noticed that wwii sailors who had been accidentally exposed to mustard gas had very low white blood cell counts. However, based on its economic value and medical benefits, the cannabis has proven to outweigh its negatives with numerous other positives.
On the other hand, i is legal in many countries for medicinal use; including the United States, but only in some states. However, perhaps due to the fact that legalized recreational cannabis is a recent phenomenon, a scarcity of research exists on the impacts of recreational cannabis legalization and the efficacy and efficiency of cannabis regulation. On one hand, such developments have very little to do with the policies of most institutions of higher education. It also may impair concentration and coordination but only if used in negative-intended/harmful ways. Despite expanding legalization of recreational marijuana, regular cannabis use has the potential to adversely impact students personal happiness and productivity throughout college and for years to follow, says Jon Porter. State and Federal laws on this drug in the United States can be compared with the laws in other countries such as Canada. For example, stating text in an essay license"s are often based on the population of a city or county. But, after Viki explained him from the process to everything, the husband agreed and it worked wonders for Leela. Billy Bob Joe Good Example, persuasive Speech Outline, purpose: To persuade my audience to: support the legalization of marijuana, because of it being able to provide many medical as well as economic benefits for the United States if legalized. Thesis Statement: Marijuana has been regarded as a harmful plant that can endanger lives and is thought to be nothing more than an extra problem to be dealt with in todays society. In 2016 recreational marijuana generated over.8 billion in sales. | {
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Book your flight ticket and look forward to touching down in one of Newfoundland and Labrador's most bustling and adventurous destinations. Enjoy swift, safe air travel from Varadero to St. John's with WestJet — and then get down to the serious business of enjoying the likes of the Railway Coastal Museum, Hiscock House or Terra Nova National Park. | {
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Faris Lee Investments, the retail-specialized investment advisory firm based in Irvine, California, completed the $36 million sale of a four-property retail portfolio.
Totaling 186,052 square feet, the portfolio's assets are each fully occupied by LA Fitness, with three properties in Kentucky and one in Tennessee. Faris Lee represented both the buyer, Arizona-based STORE Capital, a real estate investment trust, and the seller, a Kentucky-based private entity.
The deal was complex, according to Richard Chichester, president and CEO of Faris Lee Investments. The firm created a break-up strategy for one of the assets by separating it through a legal agreement from the rest of the retail center in which it was located.
Faris Lee also uncovered over $3 million in additional value by conducting lease audits of each property to identify areas where net operating income could be increased, according to the firm. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
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Who thinks in Italy, which inevitably has pictures of good food in the sense, sees a boot in his mind's eye, smiles when Flash small snippets of family celebrations, howl Ferraris in the ear hears, remembers monumental monuments, and lets the Sun in his heart. Who thinks of Italy, think but also mi of big probability of a land full of passion, fashion and well drawn people. Milan has long been regarded as the fashion city par excellence, adorned with icons such as Gianni Versace, Roberto Cavalli and Guccio Gucci, celebrated flamboyant colors, opulent cuts, tradition and craft, and enthroned there at the top while she ridiculed the new, unconventional, even radical fashion from Paris at the beginning of the 90s. It rested on long-secret laurels and shut off before the new ones from New York, London, or just Paris. To be get easily at the end.
During us the sense last Sportiness and Scandinavian minimalism was one however, managed to bring the attention back to Italy and to make the playful lightness of Italian fashion again covetous: of course, Alessandro Michele for Gucci. For two years we look now already back more southern of Europe, to celebrate Italian creations, with drum roll and to peer over the edge of the plate. And to a person at this point cannot get past: Vivetta Ponti with her eponymous label VIVETTA: with a nod to the past but the vivi for most beautiful fairy tale dreams in the here and now, is par Excellence and for the girl in us who deep in their hearts never grow up want to be feet firmly planted in the now for playful lightness, but so heavily and self-determined goes their own way. Kami that we feel addressed at this point. All eyes on: VIVETTA!
Founded in 2008, known manages to create clothes for us Vivetta Ponti with her playful approach, which hits full volume, cut art and feminine details in our hearts since 2009, reminiscent of the whimsical Alice in Wonderland, poetry and nostalgia, without to be stuck in the kitsch universe. Bright colours, contagious good mood and their significant faces adorn the collar or tucked away on upper parts to find are, make VIVETTA to a label with high recognition value and a wonderful young interpretation of overloaded tradition homes, which long had no place at all the young designers, to thrive. All made in Italy, of course: and this applies for materials as well as for the production. And the best thing? A touch of Vivetta can knot themselves for around 150 euros to the neck: in the form of collar with their iconic faces. The blouses start around 250 euros, pants at 300 euros and their clothes are from 350 euro. | {
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February 16 at 7–9:30 p.m.
TimeFebruary 16 at 7–9:30 p.m.
Come join The Radicals in our first-annual Speakeasy celebrating Black History month. Dress up if you've got the clothing and enjoy the blast from the past that is the Roaring 20s and the Harlem Renaissance. There will be mocktails, food, a live band, and of course dancing. | {
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Insomnia, sleeping less than six hours may increase risk of cognitive impairment
Middle-aged adults who report symptoms of insomnia and are sleeping less than six hours a night may be at increased risk of cognitive impairment, according to a study by Penn State College of Medicine researchers. The results may help health care professionals understand which patients who report insomnia are at increased risk for developing dementia.
Insomnia is characterized by reports of difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, or waking up too early and not being able to get back to sleep. When these symptoms occur at least three nights a week and for at least three months, it is considered a chronic disorder. Researchers found that adults who reported insomnia and obtained less than six hours of measured sleep in the laboratory were two times more likely to have cognitive impairment than people with the same insomnia complaints who got six or more hours of sleep in the lab. The study results were published in the journal Sleep on Sept. 24.
According to Julio Fernandez-Mendoza, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral health and sleep specialist at Penn State Health Sleep Research and Treatment Center, about 25% of the adult general population reports insomnia symptoms and another 10% suffers from chronic insomnia. He said that being able to distinguish which of these individuals are at risk for further adverse health conditions is critical.
"This study reinforces the need to objectively measure the sleep of adults who complain of insomnia," Fernandez-Mendoza said. In previous research, the team found that adults with insomnia who obtained less than six hours of sleep were at risk for various cardiometabolic conditions, including hypertension, diabetes, heart disease or stroke and mental health problems, such as depression.
"These new results demonstrate that these middle-aged adults also have an increased risk of cognitive impairment, which can be an early indicator of future dementia in a significant proportion of them," Fernandez-Mendoza said.
Researchers examined data from the Penn State Adult Cohort, a randomly-selected, population-based sample of 1,741 adults who had one measured night of sleep. Before having their sleep measured in a sound, light and temperature-controlled room, participants completed a clinical history, physical exam and questionnaire to identify self-reported sleep disorders, physical health conditions, mental health problems and substance use. They also were evaluated for cognitive impairment before sleeping in the laboratory, including receiving tests that assessed attention, memory, language and other measures.
Fernandez-Mendoza and colleagues found that adults who reported insomnia symptoms or chronic insomnia and slept less than six hours in the lab were two times more likely to have cognitive impairment when compared to good sleepers. They also found that this association was particularly strong for adults with coexisting cardiometabolic conditions and cognitive impairment, which may be an indicator of vascular cognitive impairment—a condition where poor cardiovascular health results in impaired brain function.
Adults who reported insomnia but who slept six or more hours in the lab were not at risk of cognitive impairment when compared to good sleepers. The research team accounted for potential differences in sociodemographic factors—including age, sex, race, ethnicity, years of education—and the presence of physical and mental health problems, including sleep apnea, as well as substance use, such as smoking and alcohol intake.
Fernandez-Mendoza said that only having one measured night of sleep limited the study's conclusion to in-lab sleep studies and cautioned that these data do not prove causality. Nevertheless, they further show that insomnia, cognitive impairment and cardiometabolic conditions, like high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease, often tend to co-occur in adults who get less than six hours of sleep in the lab but not in those who can sleep six hours or more, he highlighted.
Author mediabestPosted on 09/25/2020 Categories Health NewsTags cognitive, hours, impairment, increase, Insomnia, Less, may, of, risk, six, sleeping, Than
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Jun 2, 2017. Information, advice and materials for writing effective conclusions. The key is to write a unified conclusion without repeating your introduction. While suggestions can be made in the conclusion in case the coursework assignment is addressing a problem, but the introduction of entirely new concepts and.
Sep 29, 2017. Geography coursework introduction example. The advice above is relevant to coursework essays. I really dont know how to structure my introduction, Im doing it on whether Napoleon betrayed the revolution with his domestic. GCSE Geography Coursework. Guide to Chapter 1 - Introduction. They will help to learn how to write a coursework introduction to write a coursework introduction hwo make the tutor want to read your entire paper.
This is the reason setting up an on-line business is getting. Higher Education Language and Presentation Support. Having introduced your topic and created a.
Every piece of coursework requires an introduction (generally 10% of word count) and a conclusion (generally around introducyion of word count). Things to remember: 1. Answer the question. In general terms, your essay will have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion:. Writing your. Structuring an introduction, a paragraph and how to write a coursework introduction conclusion.
Our writers can create the best economics coursework for you. This handbook on preparing to write assignments is designed to help you develop your strategies. Introduction to an essay: example. Introduce fresh ideas in the final summary. Writing a coursework essay – notes for undergraduate economics students.
Eventually, you need to make sure you offer a good paper presentation and this coursewlrk.
Its audience monograph or essay students in their first year, who are writing university essays for. Structure - Introduction - Thematic vs.
Now that weve gone infroduction the finer points of how to write an introduction, lets take a look at a sample to see courseworm it all comes together. We hire a team of top rated, qualified writers who have been where you are now. Ho 11, 2016. The how to write a coursework introduction now is to go solo, off-the-grid and to be free from the 8-to-five schedule. Feb 28, how to write a coursework introduction. After you create it, craft the first draft of your coursework. The introduction Chapter summary A good introduction will show how you have.
Do not introduce lots of fresh evidence at this stage, though you can certainly introduce the odd extra fact.
Keep working on your draft unless you. For problem questions, the introduction will be fairly short and simple, outlining for example the areas of law and main statutes/cases that the question is. The sample assignments are ideal as a guide for most coursework students and include.
Outline the debate - define Stolypins success. May 7, 2013. Cloud computing refers to the use of computer software, hardware, and other resources services over the Internet. How to write a coursework introduction question: What is the importance of how to write a coursework introduction corusework early child development? Workrate analysis is a good example to use in coursework exercises because locomotive movement is a general intrduction in sport and does not require students.
So dont make your how to write a coursework introduction 1 big grab bag of work and skills.The much better your resume fits the job the much better your. Introduction" paragraphs to reflect the level of your coursework and previous writing experience. When writing your coursework, we will start with the development of a earthquake essay in gujarati language.
Coursework is work performed by students or trainees for the purpose of learning. Suggestions for writing an interesting coursework introduction or dissertation introduction , thesis introduction. Sep 16, 2014. After reading the first few sentences of a law essay, most markers will start to formulate an idea of the mark range.
Introduction to Planning and preparing to write assignments. May 8, 2013. We offer you a custom coursework writing service to help you. Key words: academic essay, essay question, paragraph, introduction, body. Define the goals of your work. Make a thesis statement – tell what you are hoping to achieve and what results you are planning to obtain at the end of your research. | {
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Cycling | Endurance
Biking for Healing
Olympian and 2022 Life Time Grand Prix winner Haley Hunter Smith's passion for cycling also proved to be an essential tool for managing her mental well-being.
By Callie Fredrickson | Athletic Events
Heading into the 100-mile Big Sugar Gravel bike race, Haley Hunter Smith knew the winning title of the Grand Prix series was hers to lose. "Mathematically, the only way I wouldn't win the entire series was if one of two other women took first place at Big Sugar," Smith recalls. "Once we were halfway through the race, I realized that wasn't going to happen. I was able to sit at the front of my group of riders and just enjoy the rest."
Winning the women's division of the renowned off-road cycling series — in which the best riders in the country compete in multiple races for prize money — was the culmination of months of training and dedication for Smith upon returning to the sport after some time away.
It was also a celebration of how far she'd come in biking career, which had begun during one of the hardest periods in her life.
A Bumpy Ride
Smith, 29, describes her childhood in the small town of Uxbridge, Ontario, as "pretty amazing." "My parents made such a great life for us," she says. "My brother and sister and I grew up in our home in the woods, on a few acres of land my parents owned. We played all the sports we wanted."
Smith enjoyed dancing and playing ice hockey both on a team and for fun. As she got older, though, life brought some challenges to the surface, and in ninth grade, she was hospitalized and diagnosed with mental illness. "I was very anxious growing up," she recalls. "When I went to high school, that transition sent things out of control for me, and my anxiety sharpened into a food focus. I was originally diagnosed with anxiety and anorexia. Since then, I've been re-diagnosed with anxiety and orthorexia."
When she was released from the hospital, Smith picked up biking. "My dad and brother biked recreationally, and they just loved to ride," she explains. "I started riding along with them for fun, but I soon learned it was the only thing that made me feel better from my mental illness."
Smith also worked with a psychologist and psychiatrist and practiced yoga and mindfulness to help manage her diagnoses. "Nothing was as powerful as the bike, though," she adds. "Being outside grounds me and makes me feel less anxious. I can just breathe."
After a few years of riding recreationally, Smith — who describes herself as a naturally competitive person — started racing at 17 years old.
"My growth in biking was incremental," she says. "I started out riding in a Thursday night race series, which is very similar to a pickup hockey game — it's very casual. Then I started racing in Ontario Cup events. Then, I moved to Canada Cup races."
From there, she progressed to the Canadian Mountain Bike National Championships in Canmore, Alberta in 2011, before being invited to participate in some World Cups.
By the time Smith was 20 years old in 2013, she was on the professional circuit — and had set her sights on the 2020 Olympics.
For nearly seven years, Smith trained for the world's largest stage and continued to ride and compete full-time. "I was experiencing a general upward trend in my performance and qualified for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo," she says.
Smith competed, but the games didn't go quite as she had dreamed. "I was drowning in pressure, and I didn't realize it at the time, but I was struggling so much," she shares.
She finished in a disappointing 29th place — she had typically placed in the top 10 during the qualification period. "I struggled with the pressure and scrutiny that came with competing, and honestly, just really underperformed. It was emotionally, mentally, and physically a lot to handle — and that's on top of it also being the time of the pandemic. I just didn't handle it well. I was working with a psychologist and several other performance specialists — a dietitian, physiologist, therapist, etc. — throughout the whole Olympic quadrennial."
Reflecting on the experience, Smith says she's learned that really challenging life scenarios like those she experienced around the Olympic Games can bring thinking and actions related to her eating disorder back to the forefront of her mind without her realizing it. So, she decided to step away from the Olympic discipline of mountain biking for a while.
"A few years ago, I would have said I've overcome my eating disorder," says Smith. "Now, I'm not so naive. The thought and behavior patterns that are characteristics of my eating disorder are deeply ingrained, and though those pathways may become buried or disused, they're still there. I think it's something I will always have to be aware of and work around. Practicing self-awareness is key.
"Sometimes that looks like a formal meditation practice, and other times it's just through journaling. Or it's more of an underlying 'way of thinking.' And I'll be honest, I haven't formally meditated since the Olympics. It just doesn't flow for me right now. I'm confident I'll get into that practice at some point, though, but right now my practice is more informal and unstructured."
While biking's place in Smith's life has only grown over the years, the healing it's brought as a tool to support her mental health has remained. We spoke with Smith to learn more about her passion for mental wellness and what she's doing to make a difference in others.
Q&A With Haley Smith
Life Time Editorial | You're dedicated to helping others who struggle with their mental health. Can you explain why that is and some of the things you've done?
Haley Hunter Smith | I've been living with my diagnosis since I was young. I go through periods when I feel like I have great mental health, and periods when I feel like I have terrible mental health. I knew people must be able to relate to me.
I realized that I had an opportunity to show kids they don't have to be defined by a diagnosis and that they can achieve whatever they want. The only thing they need to do is have a dream and have the courage to pursue it. That became my purpose, and my mountain bike became the method.
I started to speak publicly about it in my early 20s, and that was scary at first. But when I went through the worst of my struggles in ninth grade, I was so alone because nobody talked about that kind of stuff yet. It was "pre-destigmatization" era.
And I know for sure that, statistically, there had to have been other girls and women I knew going through something like that. At the time, though, because no one talked about it, I didn't know a single other person who had experienced that sort of mental-health struggle.
So, I made a choice that I would do whatever was in my power to make sure no one else went through it the same way I did, feeling isolated and like they're "crazy."
I spoke at local clubs to raise awareness and reach girls, specifically, who might not otherwise have been reached. It progressed from there and became like a pro-bono volunteer speaking gig that I would do.
Through that, I ended up being connected with a lot of people who were going through something similar for one-on-one mentor relationships. That's something that has been really challenging but fulfilling for me.
There's also an organization called Cam's Kids that helps kids manage anxiety, and I helped launch that organization as their first youth ambassador.
I'm currently advancing my education in hopes of continuing to make a difference. I chose to go into sports psychology for my master's and am in a lab (also referred to as a research group) that focuses on youth development. This is a group of master's and doctoral students and faculty members who conduct qualitative and quantitative research into youth development through sport.
I hope that in the future I can make impacts on sports policies and sports delivery — the providing of sports as an experience and opportunity for youth in terms of programming, leagues, etc.— so kids are given a better outlook and more mental-health skills when they're younger. I also hope to impact the media's representation of sports.
LTE | What skills have you learned from your life experience that enables you to help other people?
HHS | First of all, eating disorders like anorexia and orthorexia don't make sense. It is counter to evolution for your brain to try and starve you to death. You will likely never feel understood by someone who hasn't gone through it because they often can't get it fully.
That's something I get a lot of feedback on from girls — although sometimes boys do come up to me as well, but I see it more with girls: They'll often say to me, "Wow, no one has ever said exactly how I feel." I think that's a unique aspect of these types of diseases.
I've reached a point in my life where I've had 14 years to make sense of my mental-health struggles, so I have a relatively concrete conceptualization of what I go through and what happened to me. I think I understand it relatively well and I'm willing to be very open about it.
I feel a responsibility to share my story. I'm driven to share it. That's probably the biggest part about what I bring to others; it's not just a willingness to share, but I believe this is part of my purpose.
LTE | What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with their mental health, or knows someone who is struggling with these issues?
HHS | The first step is to tell somebody. It will make the situation so much better, and it takes courage to do that. If you can even just tell one person, that is the first step to finding support for your journey to better mental well-being.
You don't deserve to feel this way, you don't have to feel this way, and you don't have to be a prisoner to this disordered way of thinking. If you can take that first step and share what you're feeling with someone, I highly encourage you to do it.
LTE | What have Life Time races meant to you?
HHS | I was first introduced to the Life Time cycle events, which have brought relief and enjoyment for me in recent years, through the Life Time Sea Otter Classic, which I've raced nearly every year — with the exception of peak COVID years — since 2012. This race is even where I met my husband, Andrew L'Esperance, who is also a professional cyclist.
The race intrigued me to try other Life Time events. Racing for about 90 minutes was routine for me, so riding UNBOUND for 11 hours and the Leadville Trail 100 MTB for seven hours in the mountains in Colorado, was wild. The physical challenges were monumental, and I'm really surprised that I got through them. They were so fun.
I credit some of my achievements to the social aspect of racing. During a race, you come together with other people for a moment in time, even if you're not on the same team. I just love the camaraderie and the cooperation. It feels like you're in it with the people around you to get you through it.
My husband and I actually both competed in the Life Time Grand Prix in 2022. Each rider had to commit to racing at least five out of the six races in the calendar year, and their results from each race combined for a grand total at the end of the season, determining both a men's and women's winner.
LTE | What's next for you with riding?
HHS | I haven't fully made up my mind yet if I'll pursue the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Right now, I feel very motivated by the kind of racing that I get to do in the Life Time cycling series. It feels more fulfilling, particularly socially, although I do have Olympic dreams deep down. It's just not a goal that I can force; I have to be gentle with that goal because my first experience was kind of traumatic.
LTE | You found biking to be therapeutic for you. What advice would you give to someone who wants to try biking for the first time?
HHS | Don't be intimidated. It's supposed to be fun, and it doesn't matter if you're not wearing the "right" gear or if you look goofy. It's just a fun thing to do and it's great for your mental and physical health.
An easy way to get into biking is through gravel or riding on rail trails. It's a little safer and you don't have to worry about traffic. I'd say just don't be intimidated and give it a try. Don't worry about what you look like or if you feel like you don't belong on a bike because the answer is yes, you belong.
Callie Fredrickson
Callie Fredrickson is a content editor at Life Time.
With 30+ run, cycle, and triathlon events nationwide, we provide premium experiences designed to highlight and fulfill your training at any level.
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Q: Is there any shorter term for manifolds with boundary? The "with boundary" does get a bit unwieldy when you have to write it more than a couple of times.
I can't seem to find any alternative term on Wikipedia or elsewhere, but surely someone has come up with a more concise one, in a paper that dealt a lot with these?
Else I think I'll have to invent one...
A: A few options:
*Write somewhere near the beginning "all manifolds are assumed to have a boundary unless indicated otherwise", but then you run into issues when you want to talk about manifolds without boundary. When these are compact you have the shortcut "closed manifold" though, so it's not exactly 50-50.
*If your category of manifolds is called something like $\mathsf{Man}$ or $\mathsf{Mfd}$, then the category of manifolds with boundary can be called $\mathsf{Man}^\partial$ or $\mathsf{Mfd}^\partial$, and then you can write "Let $M \in \mathsf{Mfd}^\partial$..."
*The notation "Let $M^3$ be a manifold" is often used to mean that $M$ actually has dimension three, so maybe you can write "Let $M^\partial$ be a manifold" to indicate that $M$ has a boundary? I have never seen this anywhere though, so be sure to explain beforehand.
*Suck it up and write "with boundary" every time, maybe "w/ boundary" if you want to save two characters. I don't really think a shorthand is necessary, because then you would want a shorthand for "oriented", "framed", etc, and you end up with a monstrosity like $M^{\partial,or}_{fr}$...
A: w/ boundary is as good as it's going to get.
let $M$ be a manifold w/ boundary....
Short of inventing your own I cannot see one. However it isn't wrong to invent your own as long as:
*It makes sense (it isn't the product of an insane and troubled mind)
For example:
Here $\mathcal{B}$ shall mean a manifold with boundary, for example:
*Let $\mathcal{B}M$ be a manifold
Tells us this is a manifold with boundary
But I'll be honest, that doesn't seem great. It's only worth it if you write this A LOT on the same thing IMO.
Initial answer
At first I said to use this:
Let $\partial M$ be a manifold
While this implies that $M$ has a boundary, it isn't the most obvious. Make it clear at the start you use $\partial M$ to denote a manifold with boundary if you use this.
I don't like it because the boundary of this manifold is then $\partial\partial M$ unless you assume $M$ denotes the not-boundary part and $\partial M$ the boundary.
A: Some ideas.
* Turn the "with boundary" suffix into an adjective prefix, e.g. bounded manifold (which might be ambiguous), boundered manifold (even though "boundered" is not a word), or $B$-manifold or $b$-manifold.
* Declare that all manifolds in a particular section (or even in the whole text) may have boundary, and when you need a boundaryless manifold in a particular situation, simply add $∂M = ∅$, e.g. "Let $M$ be a manifold with $∂M = ∅$".
* Just don't make it shorter. I think that writing "Let $M$ a manifold with boundary" is ok even when written multiple times.
I also think that it is not a good idea to make changes in the name of a defined object in order to declare its type (e.g. proposed notation $∂M$, $\mathcal{B}M$, $M^∂$). It is ok when a name of an object indicates its type – e.g. to use name $\vec{x}$ for a vector, $\bar{x}$ for a tuple, small letters for points while using capital letters for sets. But I don't think it is ok when such indications replaces the actual definition. An object is defined and then assigned to a name, but the definition shouldn't be dependent on the name.
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} |
10/10 Could be a Meetup that changes your life. Good networking helps you meet people who have solutions to problems you might encounter, meet people who can provide you a inside track to a companies hiring process, and meet people who are helpful mentors and friends in new technologies. iJUG wants to help you and Chicago grow, and that means helping you connect with peers, friends, employers, and learn about opportunities and technologies. Networking also lets you get inside knowledge on what opportunities exist and at what rates. So come out and kick back some drink n food and meet your peers and employers. Everyone is invited to our first networking party (techies, wanna-be-techies, coders, recruiters, managers, and anyone else) .
Abstract: CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) is a design pattern that originates in DDD (Domain-Driven Design) and emphasizes strictly separating reads from updates in the application model. Event Sourcing is a closely related technique that stores state as a series of events as opposed to only keeping track of the latest data. While these concepts are important on their own right, they are especially important for microservices development. In this heavily demo driven session we explore CQRS and Event Sourcing in detail using the Axon Java framework. At the end of the session you should have a good idea if CQRS and Event Sourcing are for you and why Axon helps in implementing these concepts. Bio: Reza Rahman is Senior Vice President at AxonIQ. He has been an official Java technologist at Oracle. He is the author of the popular book EJB 3 in Action. Reza has long been a frequent speaker at Java User Groups and conferences worldwide including JavaOne and Devoxx. He has been the lead for the Java EE track at JavaOne as well as a JavaOne Rock Star Speaker award recipient. Reza is an avid contributor to industry journals like JavaLobby/DZone and TheServerSide. He has been a member of the Java EE, EJB and JMS expert groups over the years. Reza implemented the EJB container for the Resin open source Java EE application server. He helps lead the Philadelphia Java User Group.
Talk: Java Bytecode Compilation and Optimization The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) includes many features that improve the performance of applications. One of them is the ability to compile Java bytecodes into native instructions, resulting in a significant speedup over bytecode interpretation. Another is the ability to use optimization techniques to reduce code size and speed up application execution even further. Java programmers sometimes try to improve application performance by using unusual or awkward code patterns, many of which are unnecessary given these features. In this talk we'll review the JVM execution model, discuss bytecode compilation, and work through several key optimization transformations to see how the JVM can improve application performance without requiring any special coding patterns or techniques. About Paul Paul is a Sales Engineer for Azul Systems, helping Azul's customers validate Azul's products in their environments and maximize value from their use. Paul was previously a JVM engineer at Oracle and a Telecom Architect at Sun Microsystems before that. Paul has presented talks on JVM Internals at JavaOne and regularly attends several JUGs in his assigned territory. In his free time Paul enjoys reading philosophy and theology, and travelling with his family. About Azul Systems Azul Systems, the industry's only company exclusively focused on Java and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), builds fully supported, standards-compliant runtimes that help enable Java-based businesses. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
For his next film, October based in Delhi, Shoojit Sircar who has already zeroed in on Varun Dhawan as the lead hero, is yet to finalise if Deepika Padukone will play the female lead in the movie.
Yesterday the trailer of Judwaa 2 was launched where Varun Dhawan is playing a double role in a nostalgic sequel to the Salman Khan-starrer, Judwaa released in 1997. His next film is slated to be with ace filmmaker, Shoojit Sircar whose slice-of-life films like Vicky Donor and Piku have performed well at the box office and received rave reviews by critics.
While Dhawan has till now mostly starred in family entertainers except for Sriram Raghavan's Badlapur where we saw him donning the performance of a hero turned anti-hero with brilliance, Sircar's films have dealt with social messages and issues. This is the first time that the two will come together for the film, October that is reportedly set in Delhi.
What Sircar however added while speaking to the daily was that "the female cast is yet to be locked in." There had been rumours abound that Deepika Padukone, who has previously starred as the lead protagonist in Sircar's previous hit film, Piku will be paired opposite Varun in October especially because it was reported that Padukone was keen on doing this film. Padukone had won several laurels and awards for her performance in Piku. It would be interesting to watch Dhawan and Padukone as a pair in Sircar's next – a film much anticipated and eagerly awaited. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
March 08, 2018 Ministry of Industries and Innovation
ACT No. 43/2008 on Amendment to Act No. 2/1995 respecting Public Limited Companies and Amendment to Act No. 138/1994 respecting Private Limited Companies, with Subsequent Amendments
ACT No. 43/2008
on Amendment to Act No. 2/1995 respecting Public Limited Companies and Amendment to Act No. 138/1994 respecting Private Limited Companies, with Subsequent Amendments
Amendment to Act No. 2/1995 respecting Public Limited Companies, with Subsequent Amendments
The following amendments will be made to Art. 147 of the Act:-
a. To para. 2 there is added a new sentence worded thus:- It shall be possible to grant information from the Register of Limited Companies in an electronic manner.
b. To para. 3 there is added a new sentence worded thus:- It is permissible to send notifications and attachments to the Register of Limited Companies in an electronic manner, and this is equally valid as notices which are sent in writing.
Amendment to Act No. 138/1994 respecting Private Limited Companies, with Subsequent Amendments
The present Act enters into force forthwith.
Given at Bessastadir on 31 May 2008
Árni M. Mathiesen | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Ike Opara named Goal's MLS Defender of the Year
Written By Ben Valentine
Peter Aiken/USA Today https://images.daznservices.com/di/library/GOAL/80/82/ike-opara-sporting-kc-081917_6y2pl8ma78qy1rjtb7bdscpeg.jpg?t=-1755269401&w=500&quality=80
I. Opara
K. Waston
L. González Pírez
F. Jungwirth
J. Morrow
SJ Earthquakes
For much of his professional career, the problem hasn't been what Ike Opara did on the field. It's been keeping him on it.
Prior to 2017, Opara had never played in more than 25 games in a season — a feat he managed only in 2016. Prior to that, he'd never played in more than 18, and had amassed just 52 games in six previous MLS season.
Season-ending ankle and Achilles injuries limited him to just nine games in 2014 and 2015.
But for the most part, Opara left the injury bug behind in 2017, even managing to come back from a mid-season concussion sustained during Sporting KC's successful U.S. Open Cup run, to put together his best all-around season. In total he played, and started in, a career-high 30 games in the regular season.
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The third overall pick in the 2010 MLS SuperDraft, Opara arguably has become the leading man on a back line with plenty of candidates for that honor, from U.S. international Matt Besler to MLS goalkeeper of the year nominee Tim Melia.
But on the defense that allowed a league-fewest 29 goals this season, Opara led the back four in interceptions (2.7 per game) and was second in clearances (3.8 per game). He also posted the best passing number of his career, 86.1 percent, being narrowly edged out for best on the team by Graham Zusi.
And, while it isn't the most important aspect of his job, Opara chipped in with three league goals this season, including getting on his bike for one of the best strikes of the year.
Center back bicycle kick alert #LAvSKC https://t.co/qvcJ1knkVp
— Major League Soccer (@MLS) June 25, 2017
It was a close battle as Vancouver Whitecaps center back Kendall Waston nearly took first place. But in the end, fulfilling his immense potential this season and perhaps the most important player on the league's best back line has earned Ike Opara the nod as Goal's MLS Defender of the Year.
Playing Surface/USA Today
2. Kendall Waston: The Costa Rican was the anchor to the Whitecaps back line that had a pair of young players on it and made a change at goalkeeper midseason. He was MLS leader in clearances per game with 7.4 per game, and one of only three players with a minimum of 18 appearances to average a block a game. He also added four goals and an assist during the campaign — not too shabby from the big center back.
3. Justin Morrow: Sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Operating as a wing-back, Morrow was a big contributor to Toronto's attack, scoring eight goals in 2017, good for a tie for third on the team. He also averaged the second-most tackles and the fourth-most interceptions, not only showing himself to be a solid contributor on the defensive end, but placing himself back in the U.S. national team conversation at the position.
4. Leandro Gonzalez Pirez: There was some debate among the Goal editors on who was the standout among the Atlanta defense with some support shown for veteran Michael Parkhurst. But the nod was given to his center-back partner Gonzalez Pirez, who led his team in per-game rates for tackles, interceptions and was a close second to Parkhurst in clearances.
So while Atlanta's attacker signings Josef Martinez and Miguel Almiron may get more press, the 25-year-old Gonzalez Pirez certainly ranks as one of the better MLS debutants this season.
5. Florian Jungwirth: The San Jose back line was not always the best of units this season, but Jungwirth was instrumental in the success they had. Finishing second among his fellow San Jose defenders in tackles, interceptions and clearances, Jungwirth also chipped in with two goals and three assists as the team returned to the MLS playoffs in 2017. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Sergey Kynev – National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics, and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia, student, skynev.ifmo@gmail.com.
Aliona Ivanova – National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics, and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia, student, newiva@mail.ru.
Vladimir Egorov – National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics, and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia, engineer, egorovvl@gmail.com.
Artur Gleim – National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics, and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia, engineer, aglejm@yandex.ru.
Andrey Rupasov – "Concern "CSRI "Elektropribor" JSC, St. Petersburg, Russia, engineer, a.v.rupasov@gmail.com.
Sergey Chivilikhin – National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics, and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia, associate professor, PhD, senior staff scientist, sergey.chivilikhin@gmail.com.
We discuss an analytical model that describes polarization distortion of an optical signal that appears during its propagation in a fiber optics line. The model is applied for illustrating the principles of weak signal distortion compensation in different types of quantum cryptography systems.
Keywords: quantum cryptography, birefringence, Faraday mirrors. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Kathinka Heinefetter, also Cathinka Heinefetter (12 September 1819 – 20 December 1858) was a German operatic soprano.
Heinefetter was born into a poor Jewish family in Mainz and was one of five Heinefetter sisters, all of whom were able to develop stage careers. Kathinka received her vocal training from her older sister Sabine. In 1837, she made her debut at the Frankfurt Opera as Agathe in the opera Der Freischütz by Carl Maria von Weber. In 1840, she had significant success at the Paris Opera.
In 1842, she received an engagement at the Brussels La Monnaie. It was there, on the night of 20/21 November 1842, that the once much-discussed tragic incident occurred. In her flat, the Parisian lawyer Eduard Caumartin stabbed his colleague and rival, Count Aimé Sirey, with a rapier. After this scandal, she left the Belgian metropolis.
From 1850, she sang again at the Paris Opéra, then at the opera houses in Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna and Budapest. Her major roles included the title role in Norma by Vincenzo Bellini, Rachel in La Juive by Jacques Fromental Halévy, Valentine in Les Huguenots by Giacomo Meyerbeer and Agathe in Carl Maria von Weber's Der Freischütz.
Heinefetter retired from the stage in 1858 and settled in Freiburg im Breisgau, where she died of heart disease in December at the age of 39.
In memory
In April 2016, the square in front of the Staatstheater Mainz was renamed "Geschwister-Heinefetter-Platz".
Further reading
Heinefetter, Kathinka, Sängerin. In Walther Killy, Rudolf Vierhaus (ed.): Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie (DBE). 1st edition. Vol. 4: Gies–Hessel. K. G. Saur Verlag, Munich 1996, , .
Heinefetter, Schwestern on OeML. Online-Edition, Vienna 2002 ff., ; Print edition: Vol. 2, publication of the Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Wienna 2003, .
External links
Heinefetter, Kathinka on BMLO
Heinefetter Kathinka on Operissimo
German operatic sopranos
1819 births
1858 deaths
Musicians from Mainz | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} |