listlengths 3
"from": "human",
"value": "Ashlie had leaned back as she had ridden the stallion. He was thick and full clearly she was enjoying herself from how loud she was moaning. Her body shaking some as she would have been thrown over the edge now. Clenching her lower half over his thickness wasn't something she had expected to do. Gently relaxing herself down upon his handsome form. After a moment she would have moved forward. The light trickling inside and over them. Eyes glowing she would have giggled feeling his seed inside her.\n\nHearing his almost like purr sound caused her head to tilt. \"Oh?\" She asked very gingerly now. \"Why would you want my belly fatter?\" \n\nWiggling her tail she would have watched as he got onto his elbows and kissed her. Moving as close as she could to kiss him deeply. It was one thing she was loving about him. Although, she wondered what all he could be asking her. Once the kiss was broken she would move her hands over him. \"This has been... the best time...\""
"from": "gpt",
"value": "Othiaso stroked her back gently as she lay down against him, their bodies still locked together. If he could have blushed at her question he would have. It wasn't something that he had ever admitted to anyone else.\n\n\"I, err... I find the pregnant female body arousing is all. I like the extra curves, the thicker thighs, fuller ass, heavier breasts and the belly of course.\" He admitted. \"You would look so hot pregnant, not that you don't look hot already. You're quite beautiful. I think you know that though.\" He said quietly as she ran her hands over his body.\n\n\"I'm glad you've enjoyed it. I enjoyed it too. I take it this was not a one time thing for you then? Are we... Are you my girlfriend. That is, I mean do you want to be my girlfriend Ashlee?\" He asked, his voice little more than a whisper at this point."
"from": "human",
"value": "Hearing the male's voice rumble deep from within made Ashlie blush some as he spoke. It made sense in a way that since she was so small compared to him that being pregnant would be just another way to arouse. However, she didn't find many males who were that attracted to women who were pregnant and after all their love making she was fairly certain she would be... given time. \"Thank you Othiaso... for being honest.\"\n\nHer tail waved behind her as she felt him still very much locked together with him. Gazing up at his face, \"I would love to be pregnant and see how it changed my shape some. It's been something I've dreamed off as a young woman... immature probably...\" the sound of her voice got smaller when she admitted her feelings. \"Thank you so much for the encouragement and boosting words\"\n\nBlinking at his question a smile came over her muzzle lightly, \"I am very much your girlfriend... if you'd like that? I can't think of anyone who has pleasured me the way you have... and how gentle you've been even when you've let go. I am very much falling for you...\" Her ears lowered after she spoke and the blush that would've been on her cheeks was hidden by her white fur but a soft cast of a glow was there. Bits of her long teal hair was falling over her face some."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "\"I don't think there aren't many women who don't think about being pregnant, having a child and getting married, are there?\" Othiaso said gently, his hand still stroking her back slowly. \"You're welcome. Maybe you're different. Maybe I'm being silly, but I feel like I can trust you, like we connect.\" He said. He smiled when she smiled, agreeing that she was his girlfriend, if that was what he wanted. It was and he nodded.\n\n\"Yes. That's what I want, what I would like, please.\" He corrected himself, not feeling it was polite to put it so forcefully. \"I like you a lot too. You're different. Not what I expected, although I don't know what I was expecting really. You're just not it.\" His hand slid down and patted her magnificent rump and squeezed it playfully.\n\n\"We should get up and shower and I definitely need to change the sheets on this bed. We got a just a little bit messy together.\" He said with a smile, making a major understatement about that. He would wait for her to move, knowing that the lock of his cock head in her womb had softened and was ready to release, but that it would be quite the sticky, oozy mess when it did."
"from": "human",
"value": "Feeling his large hand upon her back just stroking her while he spoke was almost lulling Ashlie to sleep. \"You're not wrong at all.\" Her eyes glowed some. \"A lot of women are not opposed to those thoughts but my sister is... she hates the thought of children...\" Giggling she would have watched him a moment longer. His hair of his mane was so sleek and shiny she probably would have a tiny hint of jealousy over it.\n\nSmiling she would have brushed her fingers through his chest fur some. \"We have connected fairly well... and I'm glad to have some time with you...\" she cooed some. \"I am very much enjoying being full and relaxing... I don't get to do this too much... almost don't wanna go home...\" Gently she would have pushed herself back up and moved her hair back some with a head movement. \"I want to be your girlfriend so I am glad you want that too! As far as a shower that sounds good,\" a cheeky giggle coming out of her now, \"maybe we won't have a repeat of last night...\" \n\nGetting off of his cock some the pop and release was a fun mess. Licking her lip some she would have begun to flick her tail side to side. The way he was so full and able to give more than once almost a treat by itself. Softly she moved up and kisses him deeply. \"I'm going to go get in the shower handsome\" After another quick kiss she would slide off of him and got onto her hooves on the floor. Striding in a soft but sultry manner to the bathroom."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "\"Then I'm glad you're not your sister.\" Othiaso chuckled, her laughter and good humor infecting his mood too. He thought about her next remark and didn't say anything for a moment or two. \"Well... it is Saturday today. You don't have to go home if you don't want to. Or we could just go and get the things you need and come back here if you like?\" He suggested. \"Only if you're not sick of me of course.\" He added playfully.\n\nHe watched her face as she agreed to be his girlfriend and his lips twitched into a smile again. \"Then it's settled. Girlfriend it is and I'm your boyfriend.\" He quietly, but firmly. They parted with a soft, wet pop and she was quick enough on her hooves to save the bed from being totally soaked with his seed, although it would begin to ooze thickly down her inner thighs if she wasn't careful. He watched her begin to walk across the room, taking a moment to enjoy the little show she was putting in for him before he got out of bed himself and began to follow her across the room, catching her up easily.\n\n\"Room for one more? I'll scrub your back if you scrub mine.\" He said, putting his arm around her shoulder and they walked together. They had been in the bathroom already and he turned the water back on, holding his hand underneath waiting for it to warm before letting her slip under with her. As he had done before he knelt down to help her bathe herself and to make his own larger body more accessible to her hands. There was no rush and he enjoyed taking his time over washing her, enjoying the feel of her firm curves beneath her fur. She really was something and he was so surprised and pleased to call her his girlfriend."
"from": "human",
"value": "\"If I had been my sister, probably wouldn't have stayed the night with you, but that's mostly her business not mine.\" Ashlie sighed softly after speaking and looked up at the sealing. \"We're sisters but definitely not twins.\" Taking a moment to watch as he took only a few steps to catch up to her now. It would've been something that would take some getting use too. He was so much larger in all the best ways than most men who courted her.\n\nPart of her was excited just from the thoughts. She honestly hoped to get pregnant with his kids. Just to see what they would look like... and another part of her was afraid they wouldn't make it to term because of how petite she was comparatively. \"My boyfriend... I do like that...\" the words seemed to flow pretty easily. \"I am sorry if this is moving faster than you wanted...\"\n\n\"There is always room for one more!\" Her eyes bright as she gazed him over some. Feeling his large arm wrapped around her. \"I'll scrub you again like last night...\" \n\nHair having moved into her face some as she would watch how gentle he was. Othiaso was a warm hearted stallion... so, very attractive and kind. It was difficult to imagine that she wouldn't be here if it wasn't for bumping into him with her coffee. Watching as he turned the water on she would have milled about some brushing her hair out before the shower this time... having borrowed a brush that it seemed he hadn't used. Once the water was warm enough he let her slip underneath first and then followed suit. Watching as he knelt again made her fur bristle some.\n\nTilting her head she would kiss him softly, \"I'm sorry your knees will be very sore with me...\" Her voice barely a whisper as she washed his chest and body some after lathering up a loofa."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "\"Well I'm interested in you, not your sister.\" Othiaso said pointedly. \"I'm sure she's very nice, but I'm sure she isn't you either and I happen to like you Ashlee.\" He wrinkled his muzzle and shook his head his mane flicking this way and that. \"No, I mean... when you find something good and you're sure it's good, you hold onto it. Right? This feels good to me. You know? We're old enough for responsibility and if a babe is meant to be then it will just happen on its own.\" He said quietly.\n\nHe watched her, his head turning to keep eye contact with her as she moved, enjoying being the thing she was fussing over. It was a nice feeling to be cared about enough to have that and it was still a new feeling for him.\n\n\"Oh I don't mind. It's just what I have to do so you can actually reach all of me more easily. Honestly I'm used to it. Kneeling, stooping my head, turning sideways to squeeze through places, watching your hooves and where you're going so you don't crash into pretty girls with hot coffee. It's just what you have to do when you're my size.\" He said, making a little joke about how they had met. He waited until she was done and then took the body wash and began to wash her down. He didn't bother with the loofa she had found, favoring simply running his hands over her body instead, which was much more fun anyway in his opinion."
"from": "human",
"value": "\"I like you too Othiaso...\" Ashlie cooed lightly. Her tail softly flicked side to side as she would have moved the item over his handsome form beginning to wash him. Watching as he would speak made her giggle some. \"I know we're old enough... and responsible enough... but it would be something more along the lines of we're not married... and money wise. Would we be able to afford a child?\"\n\nThe question she had raised was different but honest. It was something she had thought about before. Brushing a hand through her hair slightly to push it back from her blue violet eyes. \"I-i know you're use to it... but still...\" patting him on the stomach she would have tilted her head, giggling some at this words of how they met. \"I believe I hadn't been looking...\" \n\nAs she stood in the warm waters of the shower, her body shook a little bit feeling like she was needy again, but she ignored it. Her ears lightly rotated this way and that to get a hint of sounds around them. Taking a moment to think she would have used the loofa in a way to enhance her own washing of him down. \"I should pay attention to my path more so... and I guess the one question I have is... do you want me to just teach and not dance?\" As she spoke she was messaging his fur with the loofa but used her free hand to make sure it was against his body."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "Othiaso considered her questions carefully. They were an item now, but it wasn't like they were living together and he didn't want to seem possessive or demanding.\n\n\"Well... I... I haven't even seen you dance yet, so I don't think I can answer that question right now. I mean we just started going out and we're haven't even talked about moving in together or anything serious like that. So I have to say the idea of other people looking at you isn't one that I am thrilled about, at the same time they aren't touching you or going home with you. That will be me and I know it's something you enjoy. I don't think I have the right to say anything and even if I did, I'm not sure what I think yet.\" He said honestly.\n\n\"As for a babe... I think we just see what happens. If one comes along we will do it all together and I'll gladly make a commitment in writing at the point, so if anything happens between us, God forbid, it will be looked after ,but for now we can just, well, enjoy this, each other. There's no point trying to plan for something we can't possibly know will happen yet. By the time it comes along we might be moved in, maybe engaged. Who knows?\"\n\nHe reached out and gently pulled her into him and wrapped his big arms around her in a hug. \"I should feed you. We have burned up quite a lot of energy just lately after all.\" He said playfully. He turned off the shower and reached for towels, offering one to her. He dried himself off and then threw the soaked towel into the laundry basket and without bothering to dress clumped into the kitchen and began to fill the kettle and cut bread for toast."
"from": "human",
"value": "Ashlie couldn't wait to see what his garden looked like. If he had one because of the green all over his living space last night that she had noticed. His green thumb highly apparent and was something that she knew took so much time and patience for. Listening to his reply to her dancing made her happy. \"You're right we haven't really talked about that stuff yet, sorry I wasn't trying to seem as though I was rushing either, but was just genuinely curious.\" \n\n\"I am very happy we would work together if something like that were to happen...\" Placing her hands in front of her after she washed him down and having felt him do the same. Loving how he used his giant hands to wash off her body. It was more than sensual to do so. It was almost as if he was learning every curve of her body.\n\nFeeling herself pulled into a close hug, her arms moved around his neck some. She stood on her tippy hooves lightly and kissed him some. Letting him know that she was happy with being in the moment as much as discussing the future. \"I am a tad bit hungry... perhaps it's why I got a little weird...\" she cooed back in response.\n\nHer pure white fur dripping with beads of water as he passed the towel to her and it engulfed her form. She happily dried off and wiggled beneath it. Once done she had noticed he was moving to the kitchen. Placing her towel into the basket she would have followed and moved onto a bar stool at the counter not caring to dress. Watching him some with a curious nose wiggle. \"What are you making? Or is it a surprise?\""
"from": "gpt",
"value": "\"I was just going to do toast and marmalade to start with. It's quick and easy. I can do something more if you are hungry though.\" Othiaso said, watching as she walked across the room and settled on a stool. She was quite the sight naked and he wasn't going to deny that it wasn't an erotic one to him either. Her belly seemed to have shrunk a little, but was still pleasantly rounded out, which made him think again of their talk of pregnancy. He slipped the cut bread into the toast and put tea laves in the teapot and coffee in the cafetiere. He wasn't sure which she would prefer and he wanted to cover both bases.\n\n\"There will be tea or coffee in a minute and whilst I said marmalade, I do have some jam as well. I only have real butter though. I hope that will be alright?\" He asked glancing at her. \"We could get dressed and go for a walk? I could show you some of my work in the city if you like? Then we could find somewhere for a bite of lunch. I might even have enough for a small picnic. We can always stop by your place if there's anything you want to pick up.\" He suggested. The toast popped up and he turned away to deal with it. He paused and glanced back at her over his shoulder.\n\n\"We could even see which is more comfortable. Your bed or mine.\" He said cheekily and began to spread butter on the toast. \"Jam or marmalade my lady?\" He asked."
"from": "human",
"value": "\"I think some toast will be okay. If I'm still hungry I will let you know.\" Ashlie's eyes watched him as he moved. He wasn't bad to just stare at especially since he was not a small male. Every bit of him seemed to have some form of muscle because of his breed and possibly all the things he did during the day for work. She wasn't complaining.\n\n\"I prefer coffee actually so thank you. I will clean your cafetière once I'm done.\" With an ear wiggle she would have watched as he pulled out the marmalade and butter. The fact he only used real butter melted her little heart. Finally, someone liked to use what she did in the kitchen. \"More than alright! Would you be opposed to later this evening preferably at my place, you let me make dinner?\"\n\n\"I would love to see some of your work! I've wanted to know about the flowers you planted and see how you landscape. Because it's your baby in a way that took a long time to cultivate into something beautiful!\" Her tail wagged up behind her thick and fluffy dry again.\n\nHair crossing her eyes a little bit from now beginning to dry and fluff some. \"Comparing beds are we? I didn't think you'd want too... but honestly that thought leaves me very excited. Just to see what position you might want to do once you see my bedroom set up...\" giggling she would have looked, \"hmm can I try a piece with each?\""
"from": "gpt",
"value": "\"No that sounds lovely to me. We can make a mess of your home too.\" He teased, accepting her offer as soon as she made it and without hesitation. Othiaso was pleased that she was interested in his work. It was more than some dates and girlfriends had been and he knew just the place to take her. Her remark about her bed had him curious though. A bed was a bed wasn't it? How could she have a set up? He wondered curiously, but he wasn't about to ask and spoil the surprise whatever it was.\n\n\"Coming right up.\" He smiled, spreading butter I both slices from a dish and then putting marmalade on one piece and raspberry jam on the other. He cut the toast in half and slid it onto a side plate before passing it over to her. He found a coffee cup and passed the cafetiere over to her.\n\n\"There's sugar in the bowl at one end and milk in the fridge if you want it.\" He said, not sure how she took her coffee. He cut some more bread and popped it in the toast to make his own breakfast. When it popped he spread it thickly with butter and marmalade and poured himself a cup of tea, adding a splash of milk before he came round and leant on the bar beside her. There was a space without a stool and it was clear that was deliberate, as the counter was roughly the right height for him to stand at, whilst the stools enabled shorter furs to sit at it comfortably too. He smiled at her and began to eat his breakfast beside her."
"from": "human",
"value": "\"Oh are we now?\" She replied to his statement about making a mess of her house. Which personally, she was highly excited over. Ashlie was kind of excited about the thought of him coming over. Their date night before she left, she has done a deep cleaning and freshened things up. Part of her wondered if he would like the ceilings height in her place. She knew that maybe his ears would brush but he could stand at full height even through most of the door ways. Except the bedroom and bathroom.\n\nHer eyes watched how delicate he was with the toast. Her heart was melted by the way he had held her on the stool last night and this was now different in her mind. Othiaso was her boyfriend and she wasn't going to let him go without a fight. Somewhere deep down she felt more peace with him than before. Once the toast was passed to her she nibbled some of the edges. Mostly because she didn't want to be rude and fully eat before he was ready.\n\nShe was also sampling the marmalade on the one piece. Once the coffee was passed to her, her ears perked all the way up and she placed the toast back on her plate, \"thank you for both!\" She replied bouncing a little lightly in her seat. It was something she had done to show her happiness. Which also gave a nice view of her lush chest moving again. Gingerly she would have pulled the sugar bowl close and used it to sweeten her coffee.\n\nShe would stir it up and then shake her head about the milk statement. \"Your using the best option to brew coffee and I wouldn't want the flavor ruined by the milk. So, in case you're ever curious my coffee is always black and sweet.\" She smiled realizing she could say the same of how she liked her men. He was a very sweet, charming, and black stallion after all. Once he was eating peacefully beside her and she noticed it she would do the same. \"It's very yummy.\""
"from": "gpt",
"value": "Othiaso liked the way she bounced when she was happy, especially when she was in her furabouts, as it made her ample breasts bounce, her teal nipples dancing about beautifully this way and that. \"You're most welcome.\" He said with a smile as he stood beside her and leaned his elbows on the counter. He took a sip of his tea, but slid it to one side as it was still a bit hot for his liking and set about his toady and marmalade instead. He watched as she added sugar to her coffee, but no milk and remembered what she was doing, so he would be able to do it himself next time.\n\n\"I tend to drink tea myself, so I really only keep it in the house for guests, but I think I can remember that. I mean I'm dark and sweet aren't I? I just have to think of that and I'll always get it right.\" He said playfully and nudged her gently with his arm. \"I'm glad you like it, but I can't take any of the credit beyond cutting the bread and spreading the butter and marmalade. I didn't make any of this. We'll need to pick up something for lunch or eat when we're out. I wasn't expecting you to end up staying over, so my fridge is not suitably prepared.\" He admitted.\n\nOnce breakfast was done with he took the plates and other bits and pieces and popped them in the sink. There wasn't enough to make washing up worth while doing yet. Then he sauntered back into his bedroom to dress. He took a clean shirt and jeans from the wardrobe and pulled them on. He rolled his shirt sleeves up to the elbows, his muscled dark furred forearms and white dappled hands exposed and left several buttons undone to accommodate his heavy neck.\n\nHe stripped the bed off and carried the sheets away to pop them straight in the washing machine in the utility room. They might need them tonight or tomorrow and he wanted to get them freshed up. Then he went back into the main room and leaned against the counter sipping his tea and combing out his mane with a brush as he waited for Ashlie to be ready to go out."
"from": "human",
"value": "As the handsome stallion was leaning against the counter like bar, she would have taken some longing looks over his amazingly tall and muscular form. Ears pinning and a shiver crept over her spine a little bit. Realizing that it probably had come across as rude. \"How do you take your tea and what kind of tea?\" she tilted her head some now. There were so many different types of tea leaves much like the coffee beans which made roasts different. It was going to make her head hurt. Everyone had a different tea preference who were native drinkers of it. It was partially why she didn't fool with it so much because well, she wasn't educated enough in her head to do anything about it.\n\nAshlie almost choked some when she heard his words about being dark and sweet. A blush would've been seen if she wasn't furred. Her ears lowered but twitched in response, \"haha, well yeah, you're not wrong.\" Rubbing the mug of coffee she would have tried to change the subject some now. \"Well the butter and marmalade or jam were picked out by you... so therefore, you have a hand in it somehow!\" A giggle escaped as she would have blown on her coffee and then begun to sip a little bit. \"We can go to the store or something? Unless you have a restaurant preference?\" Her eyes glowing as she would take a nibble of her toast then.\n\nShe would have taken the hint to eat. Smiling some as she would have finished her breakfast. Bouncing as she moved off of the stool and to the sink with her plate. Thanking him again for it. Before moving towards the bedroom after a short stop in the living room. She grabbed her dress and undergarments. Pulling them on sadly knowing she hadn't prepared for the night with him.\n\nThere would be a quick stop at her place at least before they would go to see his handy work. Side eyeing him as she dressed, shivering again, he was so much more deadly with clothing than without. It wasn't hard to become a moist mess at what he chose to wear this time around. Taking her time and fixing her dress against her fur some she would then make sure her under garments didn't get shown that badly. Twirling a little bit to make sure things sat right before she would have watched him, \"might we stop at my place before going out fully?\""
"from": "gpt",
"value": "She came back a few minutes later and obviously she was wearing the same outfit she'd had on the day before. It was clear that it wasn't an outfit she particularly wanted to stay in and had already decided in his own mind that it would be best if they went to her place first and let her change her outfit if she wanted to. This thought was confirmed by Ashlie's own request as she came back into the main room.\n\n\"Of course my sweet. I'm sure you'd like to change into something fresh.\" Othiaso said with a nod. \"I know what it's like to want a fresh set of clothes the night after a date that goes well after all.\" He said with a smile. \"If we had gone to your place last night I'd be asked exactly the same thing.\" \n\nHe grabbed his keys and they made their way outside. Othiaso slipped his arm around her waist and just let her get her bearings before they started walking towards her home. He didn't know where that was, so he just followed her."
"from": "human",
"value": "\"Thank you for being understanding about the desire to change.\" Once the female heard him agree with her on the situation at hand she would have flicked her tail moving close to him. Seeing as he grabbed his keys and followed her outside she knew he would let her lead. However, what struck her was the fact his large hand was around her waist. A soft coo slipped out of her mouth as she felt it. Knowing he was going to let her lead some.\n\nGetting her directional batting's by turning around once, Ashlie remained in his grip still, and now begging to lead the way to her home. When she realized where they were once a block away from his place to her own it made her blush beneath her fur. They really weren't that far away. \"I-I thought we would live much further apart... but honestly... we're very close to my place already.\"\n\nIt hadn't been more than twenty minutes and his new girlfriend was moving to what looked like a town house of sorts, going up the two front steps to the door. It wasn't tall enough for her new boyfriend but it was wide enough if he had to bend down. Although, once inside she was proud of the high vaulted ceilings that made her feel tiny. Once the door was opened she would have stepped through, the home was a soft white gray color palette. She had unique styles of wrought iron, copper, and even old looking floral sconces. It was made to look like something out of New Orleans.\n\nMoving through the front entry, it opened to the decent sized open floor plan of a living room with a small electric fireplace and her kitchen with a bar. To the right of the kitchen was one door and the left was a staircase and more doors after the landing. \"Bathroom on the main level is to your right...\" she gestured to the door. Heading upstairs flicking her tail. \"I'm going to go change.\" In the living room, in front of her fire place however was a dance pole. That looked removable even with her high ceilings.\n\nOnce upstairs she changed into a different dress, something light against her figure, and it was a soft teal color. She even changed her undergarments to be more sensual and put together. That should they get into anything he might enjoy the view before she was left completely naked. The thought made her giggle some as she moved back down the stairs now. Wondering where he might be."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "Othiaso enjoyed the walk to her house. The sunshine and fresh air were a part of his every day and he wasn't going to deny that he enjoyed them. Her house wasn't what he had expected, but then again he wasn't sure what he had expected. She was neither one thing nor another. He stooped to pass through the door and then found himself in a hall and rooms with high ceilings that did not even brush the tips of his ears and the decor was an odd mix of this and that, but he supposed on reflection that was a perfect match to its owner, who was also neither one thing nor another.\n\n\"Of course. Take your time.\" He said with a smile, squeezing her hand before letting it slip from his. He walked around the living room peering at this and that, but not actually touching anything as most people in a new place trying to kill some time do. He did not sit down on any of her furniture for fear of his weight damaging it. It wasn't light after all and the last thing he wanted to do was to break anything. Rather he settled himself on the floor cross-legged and waited patiently for her to return to him.\n\nShe looked around and smiled at the sound of her hooves on the floor. His eyes running up her legs up over the well cut dress teal dress that highlighted her curvy figure without being clingy, flimsy or too revealing. \"I like what I see. That goes for the house and most definitely for you.\" He said quietly, not making any attempt to move from where he was sitting just yet."
] |
"from": "human",
"value": "_Oh god, I can't believe this is happening._ Was a very repetitive thought that swam around Michael's head while he was being lead into his new home for the first time. He felt woefully out of place. Something felt wrong and it wasn't just that he was innocent and he was still here. As a guard lead him into the main chamber of cells he soon realized that he was in fact in a female prison. He kept stumbling as he walked and getting shoved by the guard. He tried to speak up about not belonging here but yeah yeah, the prison guard heard it all before. \n\nFinally he was brought to a cell towards end of a row on the third wrung up in this concrete personal horror show. It had all happened so fast he was almost light headed when he saw the fairly fit Hyena (K9?) through the cold steel bars. She had these warm green eyes that kind of captivated him for a brief moment until the stress of the whole situation resumed itself. Remember where he was he just lowered his gaze as the bars slid open and he was given a final shove in. He stood frozen, chewing his bottom lip while just holding up those neatly folded prison sheets for his bunk. \n\nIt looked like the uniform they'd assigned him was a size or two too small. His hips seemed far bigger and curvier than they had any right to be on a boy and it was paired with a small waist too. He wasn't particular fond of it himself. Thinking it was more of a chubby look but it left him wondering if his ass had anything to do with why he was in a female prison. He looked far too nervous to speak, kind of cute. His short pointed ears were drooping a little."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "Jessie was a futa canine that wound up here due to an armed robbery gone wrong. Her gang leader panicked and started shooting up the place and she followed suit, hoping that they could make their escape. Obviously, the plan failed, and she soon found herself in a maximum security penitentiary for the next ten years. It wasn't all bad though, being a futa in a female prison meant she got first pick of the premium prison tail that came in here. She thought of that and let out a sad sigh, her old cellmate had ass for days, but was released on good behavior not too long ago. She was supposed to be getting her new cellmate. Jessie hoped that she would be as hot as her former one, but she had her doubts, Alexis was one of a kind, but maybe she would get lucky again.\n\nJessie heard her cell door clank and groan as it slid open, and she hopped off her bunk, preparing her usual speech that since she was here longer, she was queen of this cell. However, she laid eye on her cellmate as she was shoved inside, the door clanking closed behind her and locked as the guard strode away, whistling. Jessie could hardly believe her eyes, the hips and ass on this one were amazing, she put Alexis to shame! Jessie felt a predatory grin form on her face as she walked over, her cock bulging out the front of her own tasteless orange jumpsuit as she observed the new meat, wandering around and seeing the magnitude of her magnificent ass. Jessie walked back to the front of her new cellmate and felt a fleeting moment of sympathy, this girl seemed scared out of her wits, chewing her bottom lip and holding her set of scratch prison sheets. Don't get soft Jessie, that's how you become some bull dyke's prison bitch. She forced down that feeling of sympathy and broke the ice. \"Let's get one thing straight newbie, I'm in charge in this cell understand?\""
"from": "human",
"value": "Michael's eyes finally snapped back up to attention as his cell mate approached him in the same sort of outfit they made him wear only it seemed to fit a bit more generously to her more consistent shape. She began pacing around him, in front of him. Eyes on him. His little bunned tail that jutted up from the waistline of the orange bottoms of his jumpsuit twitched nervously, particularly when she'd leave his immediate line of sight and he was just a little too nervous to turn his head to step around. \n\nFinally she broke the silence with him. It didn't exactly diffuse all his tension but now that somebody spoke he felt compelled to spill the beans. \"O... OK OK. Listen, I don't... I don't belong in here... I mean... I'm innocent. But not that... I'm a\" He paused and considered what it meant to confess but ultimately he found it difficult to be dishonest. \"I tried to tell the guard, honest I did but I'm not a girl... like I don't belong in this specific prison.\" He tried to explain and he still held his sheets. His voice was a little boyish, come to think of it.\n\nShe would've expected perhaps intimidated compliance or even a challenge but instead he seemed deeply concerned about this situation regarding his gender and almost looked apologetic about it too. Although he did fail to directly respond to her assertion about who owned this cell."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "Jessie shrugged, although there may have been the slightest hint of a boyish tone to his voice it was far more feminine than masculine, along with his figure. \"Whatever, I'm a chick with a dick, gender roles bend a lot in prison, and with your ass you're definitely good enough to be a girl around here.\" She says, reaching out and squeezing his massive cheeks. \"What I'm more worried about is that you still don't seem clear about who's in charge of this cell, which means I'm going to have to teach you your place.\" She said, stripping out of her tacky orange uniform and tossing it aside, her thick, veiny, uncut cock pointing towards the girly male. \"Strip off that uniform, let your new mistress see all that juicy ass.\""
"from": "human",
"value": "Well Michael didn't really know what to expect. Maybe she'd know who to talk to, he was concerned about getting into trouble. Maybe they'd review his case and elongate his sentence for not coming forward or something but his panicked confession fell upon disinterest. The Prisoner in front of him had a point to make and he gasped at seeing what hid beneath her uniform. Ashamedly it was far larger than his. Almost proportional their already dramatic difference in height. \"Ah... what?\" He looked confused. \"Um... You're saying I'm stuck here then? \" She said he seemed more like a girl and in a way that made it seem like it was a compliment. He squeaked when he felt a strong grip kneed the chub of his girly cheeks, wider than the rest of him. \n\nHe was secretly a bit submissive in his own love life. It was hard to be in the mood and he wasn't exactly sure about whether or not he found this to be an attractive offer. He liked girls but Jessie had mostly a girls body and it was prison tempered. Hot. \"Now... hold on here... \" He backed into the bars. Anyone on the other side would see his ass engulf several bars. \"You got top bunk... I get it. Yo... you won't even know I'm here.\" He seemed nervous and squeamish. Shy and not quite ready to bend his gender on Jessie's command. Ears dipping back behind his scruffy brown hair."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "Jessie watched as he backed into the cell bars, his ass undoubtedly engulfing a few. \"Oh you'll be on the bottom alright, and not just regarding bunks.\" Jessie said, grabbing him and pulling him towards her. She was taller and much more muscular than the femboy, so it was easy to fight off his feeble resistance as she practically ripped off his uniform, leaving him standing there naked. She whirled him around, despite his protests, so that his chubby girly ass cheeks were facing her. She grabbed his head and shoved it onto the bottom bunk so that his huge ass was forced into the air, ready to be bred. \"You're gonna be my bitch for as long as you're here. I think it's about time you got that through your head.\" She said, guiding her cock between his plump, juicy cheeks and thrusting forward, moaning softly as she penetrated his tight pink hole, her cock leaking pre inside the femboy as she stretched his hole more and more until she felt her cock was taken all the way to the base. \"Nn fuck that's good, you like how that feels bitch?\" She said with a nasty grin, smacking his colossal ass once more."
"from": "human",
"value": "The little deer boy wasn't lying about what was between his legs. He made nervous noises and yelps before anything really happened, as she tore the uniform off and stood there for a moment, naked and in as much shock at that as seeing her huge pink dick. A perfect match for the shade of his little pink butthole. Comically small when seen between his huge cheeks. The fine coat of brown fur made all his curves seem smooth and soft to the touch. Utterly gratifying to take hold of. He didn't have to stand there feeling awkward for long, as she put his head straight down onto the barren bottom bunk. Sheets on the floor in neat little pile. \n\nBefore he knew it, she went in dry and he immediately squealed in a high pitch, pained cry. He wasn't used to playing with it despite what a gift the whole package was. Particularly for someone like Jessie. And it felt as good as it looked, it trembled around her and his tension almost gave it a grip. He thought something like this might happen, although he threw the idea away when he realized he was in a female prison. Not only that but he'd severely hoped if he was just nice and kept his head down, people like Jessie might leave his dignity relatively intact. \"Wait! Shit!\" He cried out, eyes getting all wet. \"Pl... please... I've never... had... this...\" He tried to explain but he was all caught up in the moment, the sensation of being stretched out hard kept him all muddled and frantic. Squirming, but frozen in her grasp over all."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "Jessie had fleeting glimpse of his sad tiny cock and balls, proving he wasn't lying, but it paled in comparison to her throbbing, veiny length. His hole felt even better than she anticipated, it trembled, almost vibrated as it gripped her shaft, causing her knees to feel slightly weak and her cock to leak pre into his tight pink hole. \"F-fuck that pussy feels so good~\" She said, grabbing hold of his huge cheeks, spreading them so she could watch herself stretch his tight pink hole, his plump cheeks rippling like pudding. She picked up the pace, their cell soon filled the lewd sound of her hips smacking against his enormous ass, his protests quickly devolving into girly squeals as he squirmed on the bed.\n\n\"Nn fuck, I'm gonna cum deep inside this tight pussy, you like the sound of that bitch?\" She said in a mocking voice, clearly not caring what the femboy thought as she gave a few, final deep thrusts into his hole, grabbing hold of his hair and yanking his head back for leverage as she slammed her cock as far into his fat ass as she could, grunting as she felt her swollen balls fill him up to the brim with her hot, potent seed. She pulled out, watching her cum dribble out of his abused hole as she tossed a towel in his direction. \"Here, clean yourself up, hopefully now you've learned your lesson.\" She said, climbing up onto her bunk without another word, her head full of fantasies filled with lingerie and ball gags, each more lewd than the previous one."
"from": "human",
"value": "Jessie was turning her new cell mate into an absolute mess. He continued to mewl out mumbled curses and somewhat ambiguous noises. He trembled all over when she spread him, putting new strain on new found nerves and changing the nature of his involuntary grip from within. Another factor was whether or not she'd gotten him erect from pounding his virgin asshole into his new bare mattress. He'd start wriggling side to side as he lost it and regain it several times. The fact that'd found himself swelling at all made him extremely uncertain about everything. It wasn't like he wasn't go to cream on her alpha cock for his first time, particularly as she wasn't all that gentle. By the time she was ready to empty her load, he'd leaked a little pre cum. Eyes fluttering and noises more pathetic but far less pained as he finally felt a hot sensation all up in his gut that simmered to a warmth that was oddly gratifying and left him twitching and gaped by the time she pulled out. He was silently panting as she tossed a towel at him. He felt like jelly, still just trembling from the adrenaline and the way it left him excited. He couldn't quite bring himself to move for a while, eventually she'd hear a squelch from the bottom bunk as he'd finally released her seed. He issued a groan with the sensation, a few gasps and hisses followed as he started to move and try to clean himself up.\n\nA little while later he fixed his sheets on and laid down. He knew she was in charge. He had questions about what was in store for him, but he didn't quite know where he stood. Being nervous and shy anyway, he couldn't bring himself to speak without being spoken to first. It was all very humiliating but feared it could be far worse. Maybe if he kept his head down and did what she said, she'd be gentle or nice."
] |
"from": "human",
"value": "Benjamin Light was finally done with his work for at least a month. He had a very unique profession, one that only required him to really work a few times a year. In return the jobs he took nearly killed him every time. That was the life of a vampire hunter though, you chased down demons with supernatural powers and the experience of hundreds of years and somehow wound up on top. It wasn't like vampire hunters usually won either. He was raised by two vampire hunters, his adopted parents to be precise. They had told him that the pair had found him by the corpses of his parents while on their job and had taken him in as their own. \n\nThat story, about how his young parents were killed on their way back from the hospital after delivering him was one that would make him learn to hate vampires. It was a good story, it was just too bad that it was completely made up. His adopted-parents, William Light and Jessica Light, hadn't found him at the footsteps of his house. They had simply picked him up from an orphanage and filled out the paperwork like everyone else. The pair had simply told him that story to make sure he grew up to join the family trade. Hell, a good portion of his life had been a lie, but his adopted-parents were good liars and he had no reason to doubt the story that they told him. It was a great story, so good that it was in fact a story that his father William had stolen from a B-Plot movie he rented in his youth.\n\nThe thing is, vampire hunters aren't really a well liked community. In this day and age vampires are in an odd place. Humanity knew that vampires existed hundreds of years ago, they had proof of their existence in the middle ages. But the vast majority of humanity simply thought that they had been exterminated by real vampire hunters years back in the early 1900s. To say that you were a vampire hunter today meant that you still believed that those things existed, and no one wanted to face the reality that their neighbor or boss could be a blood sucking killer. \n\nThe vampires of present time were much smarter and more efficient than in the past. They had to learn to survive, and they adapted accordingly. The few vampire hunters that remain hunt the rare vampire, and the hunters are usually the ones to make the headlines. Many vampire hunters make mistakes, and they kill as many humans as they do vampires. That is why Benjamin had to keep his job a secret, he needed to make sure that he never made the front page news of another 'psycho vampire hunter' murdering innocents.\n\nWell, that didn't matter, he had succeeded on his last hunt. He had found the vampire behind a recent spree of murders and had killed him. His payment was merely what the vampire had left behind, and it turns out immortal beings generally tend to have quite a large amount in savings for the hunter to take when this was all done. Having cashed his earnings Benjamin decided the best thing to do would be to just take a few weeks off and think of anything besides those damned-undead.\n\nWith that in mind he headed to his favorite bar in the center of the city to grab a late night drink. He entered The Tavern just as the bar was starting to fill up with customers. It was a neat little bar that had you descend a few flights of stairs to have a drink down in the basement of an office building. Benjamin smiled at the barman standing behind the bar. The pair recognized each other and the barman gave Benjamin a friendly nod before Benjamin ordered a scotch on the rocks. As he waited for his drink to arrive he looked around the bar. It was still pretty empty, but he could see a few people sitting off in the corners of the room or taking up booths. To be honest he realized just how badly he wanted to find someone to talk to tonight, to get his mind off of his work and maybe find a partner to warm his bed and share a night of passion with. Well, the night was young, and he was sure luck would be on his side."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "Gabriella was a rather young vampire compared to many that she knew, her own master was almost 400 years old before he died. When she was first changed, she was 19, just finished her finishing school and was making her debut as an eligible woman for marriage. She was actually one of the older girls there, as most finish their schooling by 17. However, she started late due to her parents actually being poor and sending all their money to the school so Gabriella could live a better life and marry a rich man. Thanks to her vibrant rich strawberry blonde hair and clear blue eyes, she made many heads turn. Including Claude. A very handsome young man that every woman at the ball desperately wanted his attention, as he was young, handsome, and extremely rich and often would court a women by buying massive presents and then living for whatever reason.\n\nWhen his eyes turned to Gabriella, she let her temperament get the better of her as he flaunted his wealth. This seemed to only intrigue him more, after several meetings, Claude decided Gabriella was the one. On the night of July 17th, 1879; Claude stole Gabriella and turned her into a vampire. It took her about a year to really understand everything she knew was gone and she could never go back. Claude was a cruel man, he taught her to be vicious and she lost her grip on her humanity after only 10 years with her master. He was more than her master, he was her father, her lover, her friend, her abuser, and her victim all in one. Then, about two years ago a hunter killed her master. Gabriella escaped before they spotted her and she was forced away from everything she knew for the last 100 years. \n\nThis turned out to be exactly what she needed to regain her humanity. Away from her cruel master and thrust into starvation made her seek new ways to feed and hide. Only in the last few months has she really gotten a grasp on her humanity and exploring her new world without starvation driving her and simply enjoying her life again. This is what brought her into the bar, this would be her third successful outing of just enjoying the company of humans and maybe have a chance to feed without killing, harming, or stealing anyone from the bar. When she walked into the bar, the smell of people was almost intoxicating. Putting her hand on the bar to steady herself, the bartender assumed she wanted something. \"Oh, uh, hello. I will take a screw driver please,\" she tried hard to keep her voice even and her nerves calm as she could almost see the bartenders heart beating through his jugular vein."
"from": "human",
"value": "Benjamin was halfway through his drink when Gabriella entered the room. To be honest he might have missed her as he was lost in his thoughts from the difficulty of his last job. Yet he was drawn back to reality by the look on the bartender's face as he spotted Gabriella. It was clear that someone stunning had walked into the bar, as the man actually put down his glass and beamed at her like she was his first customer of the evening. With a reaction like that Benjamin couldn't help but turn to her, letting his eyes go wide in surprise for the briefest of moments. Apparently he and James had the same taste in women, because this mysterious young woman was absolutely stunning.\n\nA part of him yearned to call out to her and introduce himself the second she reached the bar. He quickly suppressed that part of his brain. This woman was most likely hit on by every man that she met, he should at least give her time to get her drink and enjoy it before he tried his hand to see if she was interested in joining him for a second drink. So he waited until Jason poured her a drink and she had time to take her first sip before Benjamin put down his own glass and turned to her.\n\nHe gave the beautiful woman a smile and said, \"It's good to see I am not the only one able to get a drink this early on in the evening, would mind me joining you? I promise if I am boring I can always make it up to you by buying your next drink?\" His smile told her that he knew she had every right to reject him on the spot. But he was genuinely drawn to this woman, and not just because of her looks. There was this underlying aspect to her that he couldn't put his finger on, and he wanted to know more."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "When she got her drink, she studied it for a moment. Most believe that vampires couldn't eat or drink human food but they would be wrong. It just didn't effect them. The only way for her to get drunk was for her to drink the blood of a drunk person. Same with drugs, except for weed. She had fun experimenting that when she was young. \n\nTaking a sip, she did enjoy the flavor however. After the sip, she took a moment to look around. A lot of eyes were looking at her but quickly looked away when she looked back at them. Glances were something she was used to. Just as she finished scanning the room, a man at the bar spoke to her. Gabriella let a lazy smile cross her lips and she nodded, \"sure. It's not very fun to drink alone anyways. What has you drinking so early?\" There was a small purr in her voice, flirting with men was a talent of hers."
"from": "human",
"value": "Gabriella's confident smile was something to behold. It was a look that somehow showed she knew how men looked at her and yet did not let that fact go to her head. Of course a woman like this had to have both an alluring appearance and an equally alluring voice. Benjamin found part of himself being drawn to her despite not even knowing her name. At her question he gave her an innocent shrug.\n\n\"Work comes in waves. I just finished the last project and I actually finally have time to enjoy myself. So I figured I would grab a drink and see where the night leads me. What about you, Were you waiting for someone, or are you as unfortunate as me to be free when everyone else is busy?\" \n\nHe took another sip of his drink before even realizing that he still hadn't introduced himself to her yet. He stuck out his hand as if he was greeting a friend and not a potential romantic partner before saying, \"I am Benjamin by the way, I would hate for you to just think of me as that guy who hit on me at the bar.\" He smirked at her then, figuring he could at least address the elephant in the room. She was gorgeous and probably dealt with dozens of men like him on a daily basis, might as well show her that he would at the very least keep her amused while they drank."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "As she watched Benjamin closely, she could hear his heartbeat quicken slightly and flutter from excitement. He was almost completely in her thralls and she had to pull back slightly. Even though she had been working on being more human and saving her humanity, fluttering heart rates were almost always her down fall. Her mouth slightly opened as she quickly took in air to try to calm her urges. While she didn't exactly need air, something about it made her feel more human, more alive and less monstrous. Blinking a little, she shrugged a little and put back on the effortless smile. \"Alone, I have started to get used to it. It can be lonely but it a nice way,\" she shook her head realizing she probably sounded stupid.\n\nShe couldn't help but laugh heart-fully as he said his name and what she didn't want her to label him as. The bright smile lingered for a moment before she played with her hair slightly and ruffled the long red auburn locks. \"I won't think of you like that, I'm Gabriella\" it felt weird saying that since the only ones who called her Gabriella were people she tricked into meeting her master and then what her master called fun, began.\n\nIt was different without him, her master was... evil. It was something she realized once he was gone. He hurt human's, it was more than just food, survival. It was about enjoying the hurt faces of them. It took her doing it himself to realize just how messed up it was. That was when she decided that wasn't what she wanted. More importantly, she wanted to learn more about how to become human again. She had a human face and her loneliness was very human. Out of the pack, out of being in the nest, her more humanity came clearer and clearer. That was when she decided to start being more human and not treat humans the way she had been for almost a century. Shaking it off, she looked up at him through her eyelashes. \"Sorry, would you like to go sit at a table? Or stay her at the bar?\" she offered more privacy."
"from": "human",
"value": "There was something in the way she looked at him just then that put him on edge. He could swear that there was a predatory glint in her eyes, if only for a brief moment. He shook his head slightly, that was just his brain overthinking things after a mission. Of course he was on edge, he would see signs that weren't really there. He knew that after you had a brief brush with death then the next few weeks would mean constantly staying alter to make sure you never had that kind of experience again. It was her comment that brought him back to the moment, and he gave her a knowing smile and a nod. \n\n\"You get so used to being alone that it is almost comforting in a way. You can control all of the variables and you know what to expect.\" His lifestyle made it so that he did not have many friends or lovers, he was far more alone than he should be at his age. Hearing Gabriella laugh reminded him of how nice it would be to have someone to talk to at the end of the day, and someone to make laugh at whatever chance he got. Gabriella had an amazing laugh, it was full of life and it warmed his heart.\n\nAt her next question he grabbed his drink and nodded over to the corner. \"Let's grab a table, I have a feeling this place is going to start filling up soon and my ability to pantomime questions is not what it used to be.\" As an example he brought his hand up to pretend to take a drink then pointed between the two and finally walked his fingers in mid air to attempt to say 'Let's go get a drink over there.' He got up from his seat and walked with her over to the corner of the bar as a few new customers made their way down the stairs.\n\n\"So then Gabriella, what would make this a good night for you. Let's say a handsome idiot hadn't convinced you to share a drink with him, what do you like to do when you want to relax after a long week?\" He actually wanted to get to know her. Maybe at the beginning he thought she would be someone to just spend the evening with, but the way she looked at him drew him into her in a way he couldn't explain. He had been under the hypnotizing gaze of a vampire before, but this was different. At least when it had happened in the past he knew what to be on the lookout for, here his guard was completely down."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "Gabriella was glad they went to their own space as the bar started to fill up. Since they were by the door, the overwhelming people entering was making it very hard for her to concentrate. Even though she had just feed about two hours before walking into the bar, she had spent a century eating her fill and then a little more. It had made her greed and 'fat' with blood. So moving to a more private spot was helpful as she moved away from the excited heartbeats of new customers. Once they got to the table, she couldn't help but chuckle at his question and shake her head. \"I don't think your an idiot,\" she sniggered softly.\n\n\"Well, I enjoy reading and I just started getting into video games. I come from... a sheltered life,\" she tried to think of a way to explain why she never really had to find things to relax. Her life never really had a relaxing moment until after her master died. Even her human life wasn't very relaxing. \"I like to dance a lot, I feel like I can really express myself,\" she thought of the balls back in her human and smiles softly, \"its going to sound weird to you I'm sure, but I love to go to balls. Big fancy parties usually done by quiet wealthy families.\" She couldn't help but shrug slightly, \"but I haven't gone to one in a long time. So I find other ways to dance and be around people again. Does that sound crazy to you?\" she asked with big hopeful eyes.\n\nThis was really her first time having an actual conversation with a human and she really wanted it to go very well. So far she was enjoying herself, she had a little bit to drink and while it didn't effect her the same as human's, she was able to relax a little. Finishing her drink, she waved over for a new one and received a nod from the bartender. \"Soo, what do you do to relax besides hit on women and watch them make a small fool out of themselves?\" she joked lightheartedly."
"from": "human",
"value": "He gave her a knowing nod when she told him she came from a sheltered life. His adoptive parents were some of the most controlling people on the planet, at least in his mind. They had raised him for a single purpose, and anything that did not help them towards their end goal was forbidden. It wasn't until he had moved out on his own that he realized there were things like romance movies and comedy cartoon shows. The only media he consumed as a youth dealt with killing the undead and defeating the evils that were vampires. As she told him she liked to dance he gave her an impressed look.\n\nDancing was not a skill he had, but he could imagine that this woman could command the attention of an entire room if she ever wanted to by graceful movements. It was odd that he could dance through combat but when it came to an actual dance floor he was as graceful as a one legged pirate. He shook his head and gave her a genuine smile as he said, \"That doesn't sound crazy at all. I mean, dancing is a way of expressing yourself, and at a big fancy party you can completely focus on dancing. I mean, it isn't like we actual 'dance' at clubs and raves anymore, right?\"\n\nTo prove his point he continued, \"I mean, I love some old fashioned things myself. You know one of my ideal weekends is just getting to sit by an open fire and read a good book in my old leather chair. Try putting that on your dating profile and getting anyone under 80 to give you a second glance.\" As she finished her drink he made sure to order another for himself before answering her question.\n\n\"So besides being rejected at bars by random women? Hmm, that is a good question. Honestly, one of the things that I love to do but never have time for is to take walks through the park at night.\" He gave her a little smirk to quickly add in, \"Not because I am a creeper or for drugs. It is just, well I am always so busy that I never get time alone to just enjoy this city for what its worth. I mean, I am more used to being awake at night now than during the day because of my job. There, now it is my turn to sound pretty weird, huh?\""
"from": "gpt",
"value": "Gabriella felt herself relax more as the liquor sloshed in her veins. While she couldn't exactly get drunk, at least not without some serious drinking or if she fed from someone who was totally plastered, she enjoyed the almost warming sensation the drinks gave her. Reminded her more of when she was human, which part of her missed as she did watch everyone she ever knew and loved at one point marry off, have children, and died already. She was taken out of her memory of it all with him saying she didn't sound crazy. Which caused a small warm smile come to her lips. \"Well I'm glad you don't think I'm crazy,\" her voice came out more of a purr then anything else.\n\nA small laugh bubbled out of her as he talked about his interest only getting glanced at by older people. Though, she did find that would be a nice way to spend a night, but she was technically over 80; if only he knew. \"Sounds incredibly relaxing honestly,\" she said softly.\n\nWhen he spoke of walking in the park at night, she couldn't help but smile more. It was very nice to walk around the city at night, especially the park. Anything by the water or lot of tree's was very soothing. Then again, that was never her hunting ground. Her hunting ground was always clubs, bars, busy places where people went to get completely trashed and easy to manipulate without using to much power. It was sneaky and effective. For a long time, they never got caught, it was only when her master decided to go after an important girl, some daughter to some man in power. That was what got him caught, she fled as soon as she noticed strange sounds and smells near their home. \n\nFocusing again as he asked if that was weird she shook her head slightly. \"I love walking around the parks and water at night. No people, or at least a lot less, the moonlight flickering between trees and on the water,\" she sighed softly and watched him, \"I too am up at night instead of the day. My father worked at night and I was completely home schooled, so I usually end up going to sleep around four or five in the morning. Right before the sun hits anything. Hard to break something you were raised in, you know? I have tried to change my sleep schedule, just makes me a zombie during the day so I gave up and went back to the night.\" She hoped her lied followed, most believed her easily. After all, she looked nothing like the evil vampires from movies, or the super seductive vampires from some movies or books with cheesy romance titles and was more sex scene's than actual romance."
"from": "human",
"value": "He let out a laugh of complete understanding at her statement of how hard it would be to change her sleep schedule. Benjamin had tried on multiple occasions to become more of a day person during the months he was not hunting vampires. In the end all of those failed experiments left him exhausted and unhappy for a few days before he fell back into his normal routine. \"Right, you are just tired all of the time and you can't get to sleep no matter what because your circadian rhythm is so fucked up. I say those day walkers don't know what they are missing.\" He looked down at his watch on his wrist and noticed that it was already 11:00 at night. The pair had been talking for a while and he decided to do something he hadn't done in ages.\n\nHe reached out and took her hand that was resting on the table, giving it a soft squeeze as he nodded for the exit. \"How about this then, why don't we take that nice long walk right now. I will get our drinks tonight, and if you aren't sick of me by the end of the walk you can buy me a drink the next time we meet up.\" Honestly what he really wanted to do was just take a long walk with her back to his apartment and show her the advantages of not being tired for the next 7 hours or so. Part of him was just imagining what it would be like to go to bed with her at the crack of dawn and actually have someone in his arms when he woke up that evening.\n\nHe of course had his fair share of sexual partners in the past. Maybe once or twice he had what he considered a girlfriend. Yet he never was able to find someone who could match his schedule. Eventually the women he was with wanted him to find a new job and come sleep with them at night. He had never fallen asleep with someone from dawn till dusk before. Gabriella had something about her that was beyond pure sex appeal. She was a mystery to him and he wanted to just spend the night talking to her and figuring out who she was, because so far everything he learned about her made him like her more and more."
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