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Faroese translation
H71 visited Kyndil tonight. The Hoyvíkings went home with a 36-19 victory.
H71 á vitjan hjá Kyndli í kvøld. Hoyvíkingar fóru heim aftur við einum 36-19 sigri.
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Various improvements have been made to the substrate, the surroundings have been improved and later this year a shower will be added, which makes the changing facilities even better. What is also different this year is that shops have been moved into the basement of Biskupstorg, which also creates coziness in the city center.
Ymiskar betringar eru gjørdar við undirlagnum, kringumstøður eru betraðar og seinni í ár verður ein skúrur afturat, ið ger umklæðingarumstøðurnar enn betri. Tað sum eisini er øðrvísi í ár er, at handlar er fluttir inn í kjallaran á Biskupstorgi, ið eisini skapar hugna í miðbýnum.
And now it seems that the same thing is happening again, now that Atlantic Airways has chosen to hire four pilots with much less experience and almost no working age, according to the Faroese Pilots' Association.
Og nú sær út til, at tað sama er við at henda aftur, nú Atlantic Airways hevur valt at seta fýra flogskiparar við nógv færri royndum og nærum ongum starvsaldri í starv, sambært Flogskiparafelag Føroya.
Greece: Fine for not getting vaccinated
Grikkaland: Bót fyri ikki at lata seg koppseta
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Such marketing can be misleading and illegal.
Tílík marknaðarføring kann vera villleiðandi og ólóglig.
About a month ago they lost 5-0 at home to Liverpool, and then most football enthusiasts expected Solskjær, the coach, to get the sack, but United did nothing.
Fyri áleið einum mánað síðan taptu teir 5-0 á heimavølli ímóti Liverpool, og tá væntaðu flestu fótbóltsáhugaði, at Solskjær, venjarin, fór at fáa sekkin, men United gjørdu einki.
I have received some results and can immediately state that compared to the adult election, children fully and completely stand for equality.
Eg havi fingið nøkur úrslit og kann beinanvegin konstatera, at í mun til vaksnamannavalið, ið verið hevur, ganga børn fult og heilt inn fyri javnstøðu.
Not as an old man
Ikki sum gamal maður
And now they stand here
Og nú standa tey her
Novak Djokovic says that the decision by the WTA is brave, and that Peng's health means everything to the tennis world.
Novak Djokovic sigur, at avgerðin hjá WTA er djørv, og at heilsan hjá Peng hevði alt at siga fyri tennisheimin.
Current assets have increased from 102.2 million kr. in 2019 to 117.2 million kr. in 2020.
Ogn í umferð er økt úr 102,2 mió.kr. í 2019 til 117,2 mió.kr. í 2020.
In the fall, a new leader was sought, and when the application deadline passed on November 1, five had applied for the job.
Í heyst varð søkt eftir nýggjum leiðara, og tá umsóknarfreistin var farin 1. november høvdu fimm søkt starvið.
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On December 2, she will take the stage in the Nordic House.
2. desembur fer hon á pall í Norðurlandahúsinum.
Magnus Carlsen is considered one of the best chess players of all time and therefore he is also the favorite before the competition.
Magnus Carlsen telist millum bestu telvararnar nakrantíð og tískil er hann eisini favorittur undan kappingini.
The HB team captain: We have to win - the story is no longer
HB-liðskiparin: Vit skulu vinna – longri er tann søgan ikki
Currently, there are about 200 members in FNU, who are ordinary people and not experts, but have a conviction and love for nature.
Í løtuni eru áleið 200 limir í FNU, sum eru heilt vanlig fólk og ikki serfrøðingar, men hava eina sannføring og alsk til náttúruna.
Although this can be considered a national task, Martin Meng, initiator of the initiative and of Tórshavn Boxing, believes that too little is being done for this age group, and therefore they hope that the initiative at the boxing club can shed light on the difficulties.
Hóast hetta má metast at vera ein landsuppgáva, so heldur Martin Meng, stigtakari til átaki og til Tórshavn Boksing, at tað verður gjørt ov lítið fyri júst henda aldursbólkin, og tí er tað teirra vón, at átakið hjá boksifelagnum kann varpa ljós á trupulleikan.
Or to be apart and together
Ella at vera sundur og saman
Omicron closes borders again
Omicron letur aftur landamørk
Then one can just let go of the stubbornness and make peace.
Tá kann man bara sleppa sær av við tvørballið og binda frið.
Annie í Hjøllum was appointed as a daycare worker in Nes municipality in 1995. Annie was a daycare worker for ten years. After a break for a few months, Annie í Hjøllum was appointed as a cleaner in the swimming hall of Tofta school in 2006.
Annie í Hjøllum varð sett í starv sum dagrøktari í Nes kommunu í 1995. Annie var dagrøktari í tíggju ár. Eftir ein steðg í nakrar mánaðir varð Annie í Hjøllum sett í starv sum vaskifólk í svimjihøllini í Tofta skúla í 2006.
Aircraft and helicopters are new, modern and very well equipped, and the staff are exceptionally competent. This is the short description of Atlantic Airways, as we approach the end of 2021 with hope that aviation will recover better in 2022, although we all still fight against corona, he says.
Flogfør og tyrlur eru nýggj, tíðarhóskandi og sera væl útgjørd, og starvsfólkini eru framúr dugnalig. Hetta er stutta lýsingin av Atlantic Airways, nú vit nærkast ársenda 2021 við vón um, at flúgvingin kemur uppaftur betur fyri seg í 2022, hóast vit øll framvegis berjast ímóti koronu, sigur hann.
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Football and winter are not the best combination. We can confirm this once again, as the weather is once again causing problems in the cup competition
Fótbóltur og vetur eru ikki tann besta samanrenningin. Tað kunnu vit ásanna enn einaferð, nú veðrið aftur leggur fótonglar í steypakappingini
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And although we may not meet and come together in exactly the same way as before the corona hit the community, there are undoubtedly many who still look forward to this time with joy and festivity.
Og hóast vit kanska ikki hittast og koma saman á júst sama hátt, sum áðrenn korona rakti samfelagið, so eru óivað nógv sum kortini gleða seg til hesa tíðina við hugna og veitslulag.
Maybe it's the light that the main character sees
Kanska tað ljós sum høvuðspersónurin sær
However, the treasury has repaid 1.35 billion DKK of the debt in June 2021 and the estimate is that the EGS debt will be nearly 35% of GDP at the end of 2021.
Landskassin hevur tó í juni 2021 afturgoldið 1,35 mia. kr. av skuldini og metingin er, at EGS-skuldin við ársenda 2021 aftur verður nærum 35% av BTÚ.
And then everyone was offered soup.
Og so fingu øll suppu bjóðaða.
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The new thing in Aibel's work is that more than half of the tasks now revolve around green energy solutions.
Tað nýggja í arbeiðinum hjá Aibel er, at meira enn helvtin av uppgávunum nú snúgva seg um grønar orkuloysnir.
The Data Protection Act, according to the Parliamentary Act number 80 from June 7, 2020 on the protection of personal data, is valid for all processing of personal data, which is entirely or partially automatic (electronic), and for manual processing, if personal data are or will be put into a register.
Dátuverndarlógin, sambært løgtingslóg nummar 80 frá 7. juni 2020 um vernd av persónupplýsingum, er galdandi fyri alla viðgerð av persónupplýsingum, sum er heilt ella lutvíst automatisk (elektronisk), og fyri manuella viðgerð, um persónupplýsingar eru ella verða settar í eina skrá.
Many drive fast
Fleiri koyra skjótt
It will be Magdalena Andersson who will be the Swedish prime minister after all.
Tað verður Magdalena Andersson, ið verður svenskur forsætismálaráðharri hóast alt.
The results in the sixth round: Cyprus - Jersey 3½-½ Andorra - Luxembourg 2-2 Liechtenstein - Guernsey 1-3 Malta - Women's selection team 3½-½
Hini úrslitini í sætta umfari: Kýprós - Jersey 3½-½Andorra - Luksemburg 2-2Liktinstein - Guernsey 1-3Malta - Kvinnuúrvalslið 3½-½
Corona has again given life to the term
Korona hevur aftur givið heitinum lív
The emblem will adorn the chests of Faroese weightlifters at the Nordic championship for the first time next year.
Merkið fer at veittra og prýða bringuna á føroyskum vektlyftarum við norðurlendsku meistarastevnuna fyrst í komandi ári.
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The decision to build the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline was the biggest mistake of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel.
Avgerðin at byggja gassleiðingina Nord Stream 2 var tað størsta mistakið hjá týska kanslaranum, Angela Merkel.
Eiler Rasmussen will referee the final
Eiler Rasmussen dømir finaluna
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Unfortunately, not everything has been included on the map, mainly because it is considered too small.
Verri enn so alt er komið við á kort, helst tí tað er hildið vera ov smátt.
The purpose of the course is to develop skills in continental shelf issues among developing countries, and in this area, the Faroe Islands have solid knowledge and experience.
Skeiðið hevur til endamáls at menna førleikar í landgrunsviðurskiftum hjá menningarlondum, og á hesum øki hava Føroyar hava holla vitan og royndir.
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Both proposals have been discussed and approved by the finance committee, and will be discussed at the City Council meeting tonight.
Bæði uppskotini eru viðgjørd og samtykt í fíggjarnevndini, og koma til viðgerðar á Býráðsfundinum í kvøld.
It is particularly difficult to choose pictures from the month of July
Tað er serstakliga torført at velja myndir úr juli mánað
A drama course was offered to the elderly
Sjónleikaraskeið varð boðið út til tey eldru
Due to work, the Norðoyatunnel is closed for all traffic during the nights until Friday morning.
Vegna arbeiði er Norðoyatunnilin stongdur fyri allari ferðslu um næturnar til fríggjamorgunin.
– I am quite worried if we have enough tools and manpower to handle the burden we expect to come. It already looks serious now, and I am worried because the winter has just begun, says Óli Dalsgard to the Danish media, who has visited the pulmonary department where he is the chief physician.
– Eg eri rættiliga stúrin, um vit hava nóg mikið av tólum og manning, at yvirhøvur megna byrðina, sum vit vænta kemur. Tað sær longu álvarsligt út longu nú, og eg eri stúrin, tí veturin júst er byrjaður, sigur Óli Dalsgard við danska miðilin, sum hevur vitjað á lungnadeildini, har hann er yvirlækni.
Maybe hope is that light
Kanska er vónin tað ljósið
Now the school had been handed over to the municipality, and the time had come for her to go home to Belgium after a long and faithful service in the cloister in Havn.
Nú var skúlin avhendaður kommununi, og tíðin var komin hjá henni at fara heimaftur til Belgia eftir drúgva og trúgva tænastu í kleystrinum í Havn.
about Noah who invites everyone to the ark
um Nóa sum bjóðar øllum við í ørkina
This is what Bárður á Steig Nielsen, the Prime Minister, says in response to a question from Beinta Løwe Jacobsen, a member of parliament for the Republic.
Tað sigur Bárður á Steig Nielsen, løgmaður, í svari til fyrispurning frá Beintu Løwe Jacobsen, tingkvinnu fyri Tjóðveldi.
The final of the Løgmanssteypið will be at Tórsvøllur on Saturday, 4th of December at 4 o'clock.
Finalan um Løgmanssteypið verður á Tórsvølli leygardagin 4. desember klokkan 16.
- We have for many years prided ourselves on being a fishing industry capital. We are still proud of this, and therefore we must continually improve the conditions for this industry. Both larger and smaller actors. Therefore, we have also chosen to invest in an area of good 3000 square meters south of the boat shelter in Borðoyarvík, where it will be possible to take boats up for maintenance. And as something completely new, the plan is also to create a washing place for trucks in the municipality, says Atli S. Justinussen.
- Vit hava í nógv ár erpa okkum av at vera ein fiskivinnuhøvuðstaður. Tað eru vit framvegis errin av, og tí eiga vit áhaldandi at betra umstøðurnar hjá hesari vinnuni. Bæði størri og minni aktørum. Tí hava vit eisini valt at raðfesta eitt øki á góðar 3000 fermetrar sunnanfyri bátahylin á Borðoyarvík, har tað skal bera til at taka bátar upp til umvæling. Og sum nakað heilt nýtt, so er ætlanin eisini at gera eitt vaskipláss til lastbilar í kommununi, sigur Atli S. Justinussen.
Before the application for membership was approved, the Strength Association had set itself the goal that the Faroe Islands should host the Nordic championship in 2024.
Áðrenn umsóknin um limaskap varð samtykt, hevði Styrkisambandið sett sær sum mál, at Føroyar skulu vera vertir fyri norðurlendsku meistarastevnuni í 2024.
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But he did this in a way where no one felt cheated, and everyone was in a good mood when Petur came to visit.
Men hann gjørdi hetta á ein hátt, har eingin føldi seg snýttan, og øll gjørdist í góðum lag tá Petur kom at vitja.
Magdalene Andersson managed to be Prime Minister for a few hours before she asked to be released from the post, as the government is in crisis.
Magdalene Andersson náddi at vera forsætisráðharri í nakrar fáar tímar, áðrenn hon bað um at verða loyst úr embætinum, tí stjórnin er skrædnað.
Argentine football genius Lionel Messi has won the Balon d'Or honor as the world's best male footballer 2021.
Argentinski fótbóltssnillingurin Lionel Messi hevur vunnið Balon d’Or heiðurslønina sum heimsins besti mannligi fótbóltsspælari 2021.
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And both those old men enjoyed themselves immensely - This even though they, each in their own way, were annoyed that they had to have help to get into the saddle.
Og teir báðir garpanir hugnaðu sær óført – Hetta sjálvt um teir, hvør í sínum lagið, vóru argir um at teir skuldu hava hjálp at koma í saðilin.
When I arrived in Vágsbotn I had to rest
Tá ið eg kom í Vágsbotn mátti eg hvíla meg
“But I don't put cocoa in”, she said with her kind smile.
“Men kakaa koyri eg ikki í”, segði hon við sínum góðsliga brosi.
Social distance means something the same as being social and keeping distance
Sosialfrástøða merkir nakað tað sama sum at vera sosialur og halda frástøðu
Although Steve Simon confirms that the decision will have major financial implications for the WTA, this is about something bigger than money.
Hóast Steve Simon ásannar, at avgerðin fer at hava stórar fíggjarliga avleiðingar fyri WTA, er talan um nakað størri enn pengar.
I press my nose against the newborn body of my grandson and enjoy the scent of the baby, who has now come to visit us.
Eg stingi nøsina niður móti nýfødda kroppinum á ommusoninum og njóti angan av barninum, sum nú er komið at vitja okkum.
Someone read a poem about all the inappropriate things one can do when one is old
Onkur las eina yrking um alt tað óskikkiliga ein kann gera tá ið ein er gomul
The radio news reports about waiting lights
Útvarpstíðindini siga frá bíðiljósum
Those who belonged to the church went to the cinema, danced and played football. This was not allowed for Baptist children, so the Doctors' War was their chance to do something else.
Teir sum hoyrdu til kirkjuna gingu í biograf, dans og spældu fótbólt. Hetta var ikki loyvt baptistabørnum, tí var læknastríðið teirra tjansur at gera nakað annað.
HB made a “comeback” against NSÍ and Víkingur narrowly beat B36.
HB gjørdi “comeback” ímóti NSÍ og Víkingur vann akkurát á B36.
The children thought so
Tað hildu børnini
Peter had the big lens with him so he was ready to go to work
Petur hevði ta stóru linsuna við so hjá honum var klárt at fara til verka
On average, the private pension savings of the countries shown in the figure is 57% of GDP in 2019, while the average household debt is 63% of GDP in 2019.
Í miðal er privata eftirlønaruppsparingin hjá vístu londunum í myndini 57% av BTÚ í 2019, meðan miðalið fyri húsarhaldsskuld er 63% av BTÚ í 2019.
It should be about immigrants and for immigrants
Hon skuldi verið um tilflytarar og til tilflytarar
This has led the Faroese Pilots' Association to write this statement:
Tað hevur fingið Flogskiparafelag Føroya at skriva hesa yvirlýsingina:
The flower cabinet on the clumsy leg
Blómuskapið á klantrasliga legginum
And then there were tablecloths and flags on the table.
Og tá var dúkur og flagg á borðinum.
He was probably not the only one, but now it is he who turns 200.
Helst var hann ikki tann einasti, men nú er tað hann, sum fyllir 200.
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In addition to this staffing, the institutions at the daycare centers in Sunda municipality have had three hours for preparation per week for several years.
Afturat hesi normering hava stovurnar á dagstovnunum í Sunda kommunu í fleiri ár haft tríggjar tímar til fyrireiking um vikuna.
The Sports Celebration 2021 will be in February, and until January 1, it is possible to nominate a person who has served Faroese sports in a special way over a longer period of time.
ÍtróttaFAGNAÐURIN 2021 verður í februar, og fram til 1. januar ber til at innstilla ein persón, sum á serstakan hátt yvir eitt longri tíðarskeið hevur tænt føroyska ítróttinum.
It's fun, but some good advice is to learn from the author who has a lot of experience in this field.
Tað er gaman í, men nøkur góð ráð eru at frætta frá rithøvundanum sum hevur nógvar royndir á hesum øki
On television, you never hear a word about literature or poetry
Í sjónvarpinum hoyrist aldrin eitt orð um bókmentir ella yrkingar
Rather the opposite, I would say.
Heldur tvørturímóti, vil eg siga.
Many have now declared the 50-year-old album a significant milestone in Faroese music history.
Mong hava skírt nú 50 ára gomlu plátuna sum týðandi varða í føroyskari tónleikasøgu.
Kamala Harris will be the first woman to receive the presidency in the USA, now Joe Biden, president of the USA, will temporarily hand over power to her while he goes under anesthesia.
Kamala Harris verður fyrsta kvinna, ið fær forsetavaldið í USA, nú Joe Biden, forseti í USA, fer at lata valdið til hennara fyibils, meðan hann fer undir narkosu.
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It is Hans Jákup Mikkelsen from Gøta who has written, and his brother Petur Prent Mikkelsen has illustrated.
Tað er Hans Jákup Mikkelsen úr Gøtu, sum hevur skrivað, og beiggi hansara Petur Prent Mikkelsen hevur myndprýtt.
However, little currently indicates that houses with a high debt ratio are a risk to financial stability in the Faroe Islands, as they are few in number.
Lítið bendir tó í løtuni á, at húskir við høgum skuldarlutfalli eru ein váði fyri fíggjarliga støðufestið í Føroyum, av tí at tey eru fá í tali.
The Faroe Islands have fifteen points for seven victories and a draw.
Føroyar hava fimtan stig fyri sjey sigrar og ein javnleik.
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Pfizer/BioNTech, which has developed the vaccine that is used in the Faroe Islands among others, has announced that they will likely know whether the vaccine protects against the Omicron variant, at the latest in two weeks.
Pfizer/BioNTech, sum hevur ment koppingarevnið, sum m.a. verður brúkt í Føroyum, hevur boðað frá, at tey helst vita, um koppingarevnið verjir ímóti Omkron-frábrigdinum, í seinasta lagi um tvær vikur.
We all loved going to evening school
Vit elskaðu øll at ganga á kvøldskúla
The memory of a sausage man is crucial
Minnið hjá einum pylsumanni er avgerandi
For technical reasons, those who are to have the third jab must initially use the walk-in vaccination offers at the three hospitals.
Av tøkniligum orsøkum mugu tey, ið skulu hava triðja prikið, í fyrstu syftu brúka tilboðini um støkk-inn-koppseting á teimum trimum sjúkrahúsunum.
Yesterday, 2,434 people were tested and when 73 of them are infected, it gives an infection rate of 3.0, which is far above what the authorities want.
Í gjár vórðu 2.434 fólk kannað og tá 73 av teimum eru smittað, gevur tað eitt smittuprosent upp á 3,0, sum er øgiliga langt omanfyri tað, sum myndugleikarnir ynskja.
so now I wanted to hear organ music directly
so nú vildi eg sleppa at hoyra orgulspæl beinleiðis
I don't know if this old man plays such a big role in my texts
Eg veit ikki um hasin gamli maðurin spælir so stóra rollu í mínum tekstum
It affected the tour a bit
Tað merkti rundvísingina eitt sindur
The reason is that the Swedish Environmental Party, which was in government with the Social Democrats, has turned its back on the coalition, after it became clear that the bourgeois opposition got a majority by voting their budget through.
Orsøkin er, at svenski Umhvørvisflokkurin, ið var í stjórn saman við Sosialdemokratunum, hevur vent samgonguni bakið, eftir at tað gjørdist greitt, at borgarliga andstøðan fekk ein meiriluta við at atkvøða sína fíggjarlóg ígjøgnum.
The Cypriots have little more than a theoretical chance to catch up with the Faroe Islands.
Kýprar hava lítið annað enn ein teoretiskan møguleika at fáa Føroyar aftur.
On the walls hung ten carved pictures in wood
Á veggjunum hingu tíggju framskornar myndir í træ
The financial plan for 2022 is also set right without price changes.
Fíggjarætlanin fyri 2022 er eisini løgd til rættis uttan prísbroytingar.
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The match in Runavik was originally scheduled for Saturday, but the weather forecast for the weekend means it has been moved a day.
Dysturin í Runavík var upprunaliga á skránni leygardagin, men veðurforsøgnin fyri vikuskiftið ger, at hann er fluttur eitt samdøgur.
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Previous prices must be true.
Undanprísir skulu vera sannir.
But they should definitely not get anything leading.
Men teir skulu bestemt ikki fáa nakað forerandi.
The world championship title will be decided by 14 games between Magnus Carlsen and Ian Nepomniachtchi.
Heimsmeistaraheitið verður avgjørt við 14 dystum millum Magnus Carlsen og Ian Nepomniachtchi.
It's about my feelings, my hopes, and my dreams
Tað snýr seg um mínar kenslur mínar vónir og mínir dreymar
Do you know someone who is sick or in quarantine, or are you yourself one of them – kindly inform Santa by Wednesday, December 1st at 12:00 at the latest”. You can send a message to Santa HERE.
Kennur tú onkran, sum er sjúk/-ur ella situr í sóttarhaldi, ella ert tú sjálv/-ur ein av teimum – vinarliga boða jólamanninum frá í seinasta lagi mikudagin 1. desember klokkan 12:00”. Til ber at senda eini boð til jólamannin HER.
And then I also got speeches, each better than the other.
Og so fekk eg røður eisini, hvør betri enn onnur.