1 Hundreds of people marched through the city, disrupting traffic and spray-painting graffiti. Authorities reported instances of vandalism and assault during a rally that organizers had billed as peaceful earlier in the day. In other parts of the country, spirited demonstrations on college campuses and peaceful marches along downtown streets have taken place since Wednesday. –– ADVERTISEMENT –– A mainly peaceful protest by about 3,000 people ended in Los Angeles early Saturday with about 200 arrests for failure to disperse after police broke up the lingering demonstration. Hundreds joined a Friday afternoon “love rally” in Washington Square Park in Manhattan.
0 I really like Kate and she is an amazing actress. It sucks that she and her husband after so many years have decided to call it quits. America has one of the highest divorce rates in the world, which makes me feel that love is harder to attain today. Although I am a hopeless romantic and I feel that not every coupling has to be condemned to such a fate as Kate, Len and most Americans have to endure.
1 Was this really Noe-Nazi duckboards? Or was this a left-wing attempt to incite minorities and drive them to the polls? Why are we not past this crap? Ridiculous. I love a lot of things about being Southern, but this crap drives me nuts. Who does this? Can we bring back the stockade? Tar and feather?
0 Thank goodness for Presentiment hopefully this means an end to DACHA and hopefully immigration reform in the near future! These people have broken the law and are here illegally yet they expect to be treated just like US citizens. DACHA is a slap in the face to those immigrants who followed the law and went through the process to become legal citizens. Liberals are not adjusting very well to the defeat of Hillary - they are still crying.
1 Gun control should be a priority in our country. After reading about children who lost their lives due to gun violence, it's hard to argue that it's way to easy to get your hands on a gun. Americans are much like people all over the world, but we have infinitely more gun deaths, and it's all because of the ease of acquiring those guns.
0 Women in Iceland protested the pay gap between men and women by arguing that a woman's salary is 30% less than the salary of a man in similar work positions, the women of Iceland decreased their working day 30% of the time daily work and went out to protest united to a square.This was supported by the majority of the community.
0 This is an old article, that made the Paris accords seem so responsible and dutiful, until Trump revealed that it was a crap deal that took advantage of the US, obligating them to pay way more than other countries. Plus the soonest results of this regulation will not occur for a century, and will be just a blip of difference. It's a scam.
0 Lao why has no one told me about this. This i\should be like public information from insurance companies but of course they are trying the most amount of money off of their customers . Us safe drivers are the reason why they are profitable in the first place, so they could do their part and give us discounts for our safe driving practices
0 I don't understand why there is so much hate. It's like every one lives in their own little bubble seeing everything foreign to them as a threat. They take up selfish ideology because they don't like something, instead of just disassociating with it. This greatly saddens me, for I have seen the world in all it's wonder. Where the majority of people just want to live in peace, without boundaries. Yet this idea of cultural heritage has become disastrous further dividing people. If only more people could set aside their petty ideals, and just accept each other as other humans. Instead we classify and further separate ourselves due to every difference. I would prefer to just die, than put up with such cruel disgusting people. I am disgusted with my country of Americans. We deserve to burn....
1 Hey B, remember that conversation we had the other day, well I found an article that talks about it. It basically says that humans have destroyed 10 percent of Earth's wilderness in the last 25 years. The article said that the total land area is about half the size of the Amazon and twice the size of the whole state of Alaska. That is about 1.3 million square miles of wilderness, that just disappeared. The article also revealed that humanity has one to two decades more to turn it around before it is too late. I hope something is done soon and I'll send you a link to the article.
0 Hi. Just read an article about how Russia is moving some of their military ships near to Britain. What's the deal there? I can really figure out what the Russian government is up to. The article says they are stating the want to keep major waterways safe, but I didn't know there was a problem. Maybe they're creating one.
1 Venezuela and many of it's sister countries are going through a crisis. Due to drops in oil prices, and the loss of income the country has received from this drop, the citizens are the ones that are paying for it. They are hungry, there is issues with people not having enough food and starving. Their political powers are corrupt and can't be counted on for help. There is fighting, rebels and rampant crime. My heart breaks for this people, as they don't have anyone to turn to for help. They feel powerless, hungry and scared.
1 Kiss is a real tragedy. Many people are dead, and more people are severely injured. The drilling is likely what caused it, and the developer should be held responsible. He has caused much pain and suffering. Kenyans deserve better, and since he didn't listen to CA warnings, he should pay for what he did. The other buildings in the area should be thoroughly tested to see if anything can be done to prevent this.
0 I think it is our responsibility as a first world country to be providing assistance to these area in Brazil and Columbia. Erika Virus could prove to be an epidemic and that is a global issue, not just a country. Giving them access to proper medical training to spread better health practices and health education to the population could be the most effective thing to preventing more spread of the virus
0 I feel like the shipwreck among st other violence that occurred in this article is pretty sad. Like other articles that I have read, it seems like there is just so much death occurring and there is not too much coverage over it. The amount that we do see don't seem to even scratch the surface as there are many other acts of violence and events that occur that take the lives of many other people from places like third world countries that don't even get broadcaster at all. Sad to see that our world is slowly spiraling into this chaos that just continues to grow.
1 The spread of cholera is very widespread in Haiti. It is costing tons of lives, and money food and doctors are very much needed. Its hard to control like any other high spreading disease. Doctors need resources so much that they cant keep up with ever growing number of patients. They need food, medical supplies, and other miscellaneous equipment that would help them improve their job and combating the outbreak.
1 i feel like this is a very opinionated article. In not sure who wrote this article but I truly feel like they have a lot of raw mixed up emotional feelings that they cant get out. Although, we are all very aware of the constant changes going on int he world with equality and everyone going through the issues of being unjust and such..its a lot to handle and a lot of people just font know what to do. i feel lad for the people in the story
1 "I would give these people a life sentence in prison. People who steal from the less fortunate and exploit resources and innocents have no place in our society! They stole from pensioners and investors and blew millions on luxuries and other forms of pleasurable experiences at the expense of people, causing suffering and pain! They should be punished accordingly, a dark cell with a toilet and a meal of prison mush twice a day would serve them just right. It's a typical story about wealthy and elite out there, who always harm the innocents and somehow able to get away and proven ""innocent"". I would especially show no mercy when it comes to these greedy bankers all over the world. There is absolutely no excuse for their crimes-so much poverty and grief all over the world!"
1 It's a shame that air pollution has potentially been linked to increased mental damage with young children. We often don't take into account all the damage that the fossil fuel companies have done to our society. We only praise them for creating the fuels we use but never tax them appropriately for all the damage that they cause us.
1 So apparently Russia sent a bunch of bombs on a school in Syria. It killed like 22 kids. Now the Russian government is trying to say it never happened. They even showed satellite images of another place and claimed it was there. Some organization called HEW (Human Rights Watch) had evidence to show otherwise. They even had images of the same type of aircraft that the Russians use.
0 This is totally unsurprising for the USE. The laws are usually lenient in these extreme cases though, which makes this occurrence a strange one. There is some ulterior political motive at work here. This woman's misfortune is being used to advance some goal most likely. I wonder what they're up to. What do you think?
1 It saddens and scares me that people don't see terrorists for what they are: radicalized individuals who have gone rogue. The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful people who just want to live their lives and practice their faith. This country needs to be educated on other cultures so we stop fearing the unknown. Building more walls and dividers between different groups of people won't help anything.
1 Dear friend , How are you ? I heard that you fell down the stairs and broke your leg !! Are you OK ? Hope you are getting better . But seriously, what really happened ? Your mum told me that you were running and fell but I want to hear directly from you . I am coming to the hospital to visit you in an hour . That's my final decision. No one can change it , and yes because you didn't come to school today you missed a lot of work . Don't be too happy , you'll have to complete the work later
0 This does not surprise me. The people on HORNY are kind of trashy. So, it is not hard to believe they were married to a person who would do something like this. It does not really sound like a big deal either. He could have done much worse. Did she even lose money because of this? I would guess not.
0 It is disturbing to me that people in the US are not starting as many small businesses and the number of entrepreneurs is falling. I think it's because of all the government regulations and red tape that makes it difficult for a small business to start up and compete. It's also of concern that US workers are stressed about job security.
0 I feel very sad for the family of people who have lost their loved ones, especially family members that were so very deeply involved with the community and have touched so many hearts of the people around them as well. I am sure that for a long time, memories and special moments will be told with heart felt warmth for many generations.
1 Hello there. So I just read this disturbing story about a teacher who is involved in child pornography. He is now going to face courts for such a disgusting habit. I think this teacher should really be punished exemplary so that even those who were thinking of doing it can take notice. This is totally unacceptable in our education system
0 Other story similar to the local news about the killing of a woman I know in town. It always makes me think of the children first. It also makes me wonder how a person could commit such atrocities, especially in front of children. The child that called 911 will no doubt mentally live with that phone call for the rest of their life. Article seem to have been murder, and a middle class home, maybe drug use or robbery gone wrong? What is wrong with the world today? I will certainly hug my children tighter tonight after reading all these articles about murder, grieving children, deaths, worldly disasters and sadness. The world is such an interesting, wonderful yet sad place all at once. I will also say a prayer for those kids and pray and be thankful for mine.
1 Take a look at this. It's very dry, and I don't understand half the words, but while I was reading it, I was feeling sort of glad that apparently plant and animal species are adapting to the warming climate. It seemed like the planet is warming slowly enough for a lot of ecosystems to adapt. And then I read the last bit, about humans and agriculture, and got cold all over again. Will we adapt, too? I gotta say, at this point, I'm hoping that volcano in Hawaii spews a gazillion tons of ash (after everyone's been evacuated, of course) into the atmosphere to block the sun and cool things down. It may be our best shot. We could only be so lucky.
1 If we think we have it bad having to put up with Trump, think about how Mexico feels. This article puts a lot in perspective, but I really struggle with the quote by the Mexican foreign minister saying that Americans chose racism and hate. Don't group us all in one category. We didn't ALL choose this clown to be president. I understand their fears and stress, but that comment really just rubbed me the wrong way. Hopefully both countries can maintain their ties until he's out of office.
1 It deeply saddens me to think that a mother could leave her child on a porch and abandon it. I feel some anger towards the mother for abandoning her young, defenseless child. The child is very lucky to have been found by kind strangers who were able to deliver it to safety. I hope that the child will be adopted into a loving family and will be given a solid upbringing.
1 the trump had made a huge impact on a American politics. he had made some terrible move on the politics and it had made the other countries to turn on America.after a white supremacist carried out a massacre of black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., it seemed as though the Confederate battle flag. these were also made some huge impact on the American politics that had made by trump. But now that explosive and complicated vestige of the Old South is back, in a new — and, to some Americans, newly disturbing context. During President-elect Donald J. Trump’s campaign.When he was still running for president in June 2015, Trump was asked whether or not the Confederate flag flying above the South Carolina state house needed to be taken down. “I think it probably does.
1 This article brings back to mind the overall mass hysteria that the left, centrists, and scone feel when they think about Trump. I'm not a Trump supporter, but I honestly believe people are truly delusional at this point. It has become vomit inducing. Liberals should be more pissed at the DC for crapping on Bernie. Scone should just admit to being big government centrists so we can all move on.
0 Did you hear about that bus crash that happened in Delaware. It was very sad, also I read that 2 people were injured. I hope these people can recover fully from their injuries and go on to lead fulfilling lives. Hopefully something like this will never ever happen again and measures are taken to prevent it.
1 Just wanting to let you know about a news story I came across. It is about an elephant, named Noyes. He is been owned by a guy and held in chains. He used Noyes to perform for public entertainment in circuses and forced for most of her life to give rides to adults and children across the United States. Oh, and she has been in solitary for almost 30 years, that is a lifetime. Being captive for such a long period caused major stress to her health as well as to her psychological well being. The owner has been cited numerous times but in the same time his license was still approved for renewal each year. There should be awareness for this abuse to stop.
1 Ugh! I am literally sick to my stomach about all of these attacks. It's utter nonsense about how many people have been killed and for what?! Stupid preferences on what a someone believes a society should consist of?! It is disgusting. My heart really goes out to all those families and the doctors! Those doctors are tirelessly working to heal as many people they can and even by a dim light since the conditions around them are being torn to shreds. The amount of bravery to try so hard and keep the number of people dying as low as possible is amazing, to say the least. I really feel sad for the families that have lost so many loved ones and that have been displaced.
1 This man lived here almost his entire life. His infractions in which he was charged with are explainable. He literally was getting back his only true property from a more than troubled house. This also was a very long time ago. He has since built himself up a life with a family and now they are looking to deport him. this is a tragedy. We must do something about this!
1 Hey, I think that you should check out this article. I feel bad for the citizens down in Mexico City and South America. They are going through some troubled times and America is barely doing anything to help out with their situation. Those children do not deserve the life they are going through at the moment and I believe that we should do something to make them feel like they are proud to be apart of their country.
1 Wow, did you hear what happened to Millikan Sheratan in France? She was gassed and beaten and robbed. That is unbelievable! So scary and it could happen to anyone everywhere. She is lucky to be alive. It is sad though that this story got mixed in with politics because it wasn't even about Clinton, or Obama or Trump.
0 This is really a moving story and I could see it being motivating for a lot of women. They can realize that anyone can be at risk for cancer. It doesn't matter whether you are a favor actress or an ordinary person. It can be devastating to families and often affects them in many different ways. Such stories should be more accessible to give people hope.
1 hey guys as you can see here an elderly woman has come up and was taken tot he hospital by the police and they are requesting assistance trying to identify her and see who knows her if any of you have seen this woman or know any of her relatives or her name that would really helpful in helping the police get her back with her family and reunite with them if you have any tips o nay sort pleas one forward and call the police
0 Sally Brampton should serve as an example to others. Talk about being forgotten. She demonstrated clear signs of needing help, and the system failed her. What a terrible loss! A successful, intelligent, conflicted woman who was lost way too soon. It is sad to see someone struggle with depression and other mental illnesses. Society needs to do better to help people in need, especially when they are asking for it. IT is a shame what happened to her.
0 I felt that reading the excerpt from the article was sad and had me feeling distraught to an extent. I know it's just an article but hearing about all the bad in the world is just an assured way to get a poor start to the day. I was mostly wondering what the situation was where Richard Hon was killed in the Los Angeles home. Hos home was it and why was George Stroumbolopoulos there. I'd like to know the more intricate details of what went down in this crime. Was it a murder of passion or was it cold blooded. Was it in the moment or was it calculated. What will happen now, hopefully and investigation can uncover this.
0 I personally don't agree with science making these kinds of decisions. Maybe, just maybe, a higher power didn't want these people to reproduce? How do we know that these methods don't permanently change something in the DNA that helps guarantee that a serial killer is born four of five generations down the line. How do we know? There have been no studies. I would guess by this article that since boys that are born using this method also have low sperm counts, that something, or someone, somewhere, is trying to tell them something.
0 middle east is fucked up, I've honestly never heard of a middle east country such as Afghanistan deporting people, the mention of it just sound funny, who the heck would want to stay in that shit hole country that has been infested with terrorists and child rapists? Perhaps those refugees are out of choice, honestly they should come to a better country such as U.S. or U.K, even though those 2 countries have their own policies regarding immigration, but I think they're quite tolerate to people from war torn countries
0 New wildfires across Appalachia! Thought I'd share this with you after our discussion about California wild fires. This one is huge in the Appalachian mountains and seems to be spreading. It can also be seen from space! Hopefully everyone gets out safe and the firefighters are all able to contain it safely. Thinking of you!
0 Inst it crazy man that more and more sports legends are starting to pass away? Him and Jack were perhaps the most important icons in golf. Have you ever had an Arnold Palmer? It's a really good drink too. We should share a few Arnold Palmer later on today to honor the life of this great man. Should we hit a few rounds today as well? I mean I know you're a big gold fan, so I understand how this is upsetting you. I will send you more articles about him later on today so we can talk more about him. What do you think? Who do you think was better? Jack or Arnold? What about tiger? Either way, I hope you get this article and it helps lift your spirits a bit. I cannot really connect to the article since I am not a big golf person, but I still think we should honor the man.
1 I just read about a tragic 10 story building collapse in a town called Kiss. I'm distressed about this news because they're still searching for survivors. There's been a report that 9 are still missing. I hope they're able to find these unfortunate victims. It was horrifying reading about the accounts because people could be heard screaming and shouting for help. I'm hopeful that they can help find any remaining survivors. This is such an unfortunate event. The cause was due to bad building construction as the developers have cowardly gone into hiding. Experts said a recent drilling underneath the building triggered the collapse. This is horrible to hear. Could you imagine if this happened to the office building we worked out? Such awful and careless planning resulting in lost lives.
1 So, I just read this article about a series of bombing in New York and New Jersey and how these acts are being viewed as an act of terrorism. Sometimes I still cannot believe that we lived through 9/11, especially because before that I had never even heard the word terrorism or knew what a terrorist attack was. And now, we live in a world where we are constantly hearing about possible terror attacks or terrorists regularly on the news. It just makes me absolutely sick that this is the world I am raising my kids in and that we have to live in fear of someone trying to kill us or setting up bombs to surprise attack people. The fact that we cannot live a carefree life anymore because of the sick minds of individuals scares me daily and makes me wish I could keep my kids in a bubble!!!
0 This is a sad article. Some many things are unknown for those born outside the country. It is always unfair that others are able to get deported after spending most of their lives in the USA, especially those that came at a very early age. Also US parents that adopt children should be granted us citizenship.
1 I just read this article about how Canada actually had school where they would force indigenous people of their land to go. They tried to erase their history , and their language. I always thought Canada was such a peaceful country. These people were even experimented on, and the school was still in operation up until 1996!, That is astonishing. I thought, we , Americans, were the only ones who forced the indigenous people away, or tried to kill their culture. This just shows you that people are pretty much the same, and pretty much were savages, until recently. Even now though, we still have a long way to go, until we reach a place where everyone culture and differences are celebrated, and not shamed, and destroyed
0 It seems like the premises of this argument is so shaky. Just because Russia and Poland may have had tensions for a while, it does not justify that they assassinated the guy. I mean, if everyone just assume their enemy is the result of their misfortune, they will just be creating false tension with no real purpose. I understand that he is upset for their lost, and that this was avoidable from bad weather and pilot control, but still.
1 Who knew that a typhoon hitting two countries would be less disturbing that articles about trees and dust. Our compassion is ruled by numbers and when two people die a storm we yawn. But show us dead trees for tell us we are breathing residue for a toilet cleaner and we freeze with panic. Perspective is a hard thing to find sometimes.
0 I have always thought that politics were a scam and this is another example of politics gone wrong. Every country runs into problems sometimes and in this case they would like her to step down from her position. Do you think she really has a say though or will they just force her to step down if she does not volunteer.
1 Did you hear about the horrible earthquake in New Zeal and? IT was devastating and I am so heartbroken and sad for all of those people.It's going to be difficult to get aid to some places because the roads are severely damaged. Those people must be so terrified and worried. I'm sure they're hungry and in serious need of water and food and many are in need of shelter. I pray that God gives them all peace and comfort during this time.
0 I think protests these days are getting out of hand. It's one thing if people want to protest peacefully, but it's another if they are damaging property and being aggressive and dangerous. I believe people should have a right to protest, but some laws must be in place. If you can't follow them there will need to be consequences.
1 Wow! I just read this article about a young boy in China who fell in to a well and was found dead 4 days later. It was SO sad to read this! It stated that boy was helping his dad harvest food when he fell in this well that was only 1 foot wide and that no adults could fit in it to go down and rescue him! Can you even imagine what that father must have been feeling knowing that his little boy fell in this well while helping him and he could not get down there to help him! I just imagine how heartbreaking this whole situation must have been for the family and for the rescuers who spent days trying everything they could to get to him and potentially help him. As a mom, it just makes me sick to think that I could be in a situation like that and do nothing to help one of my babies!
1 The extinct of Rhino species had hope for survival species. There will always be Hope, for this iconic rhino will live on in everyone’s hearts and in TITS’s mission of Creating Hope from Hurt. no one not stop the fight to save your species from extinction and will unite to end poaching and the illegal Rhino Horn & Ivory Trade worldwide
0 "Just read another ""EPA"" article promoting its usual bull shit. This time its the ""a la The Simpsons fish with 3 heads"" where a scientist is taking a picture of his ONE deformed Salmon he cough and wants the entire world to flip out about his 1 mutated fish. Well, ever seen a 4 leaf clover? Hats ""mutated"" as well right?"
0 Hey soul siesta. I know this whole Crutches thing has you shook. I am certain you have read more articles on this matter. Let me say that reading this worries me as well. My wife is worried for her daddy who lives in the area. Please do me a favor and bring this article up in your weekly political meetings. I just want to make sure this gets more movement along the grass root channels you work with. I am sending my best with this article to you.
1 This is very unnerving news. Drug addiction is a serious problem that both America and the rest of the world is facing. There are many victims from the children that are born to drug abusers to the drug abusers who can no longer take care of their children responsibly due to their addiction. Drug addiction is one of the major issues facing society and is one that must be addressed immediately and urgently.
1 You know one thing late Thursday that the Islamic State used a rocket containing mustard gas against U.S. troops in Iraq. The general was addressing leaked news reports that investigators had found a black oily substance on a rocket that landed near the perimeter of the base. Dun ford told the committee that investigators had assessed the liquid and found “it to be a sulfur-mustard blister agent.” The news is concerning because this is the first time a chemical weapon has been used against U.S. officials said the Islamic State was using to produce mustard agent and other chemicals for military use. No soldiers were injured in the attack, nor have any shown symptoms of exposure to mustard gas, a weapon banned by the 1925 Geneva protocol after the horrors of World War I.
0 "You know I don't do politics and here is the reason..... ""Moldovan Presidential Candidate Criticized For Being A Single Woman — And we thought U.S. politics was strange at the moment. Moldovan presidential candidate Mai Sandy sin’t married. And apparently that’s a huge problem for a lot of people, including her country’s leading religious and political figures."" The press and political zealots have nothing better to talk about than if a presidential candidate is married. Seriously...if she were a he we would hardly be having the conversation. I would hazard a guess there are much more pressing issues to be debated."
1 The articular also Trump campaign was unprecedented in its dishonesty; the fact that the lies did’t exact a political price, that they even resonated with a large bloc of voters, does’t make them any less false. No, our inner cities earn’t war zones with record crime. No, we earn’t the highest-taxed nation in the world. No, climate change sin’t a hoax promoted by the Chinese. So if you’re tempted to concede that the alt-right’s vision of the world might have some truth to it, don’t. Lies are lies, no matter how much power backs them up. And once we’re talking about intellectual honesty,
1 It's truly awful anytime some sick minded individual decides to take the life of others for literally no reason other than just to do it. Aryan Ce tin was believed to be the one who shot up a maul and killed numerous people. It really is alarming at what goes wrong in these people's lives that makes them do such thing.
0 This story makes me sad that a hard-working family member can suffer in this way. Life can be pretty cruel. On the bright side, with advancing computer and health sciences, the future does have some light at the end of the tunnel. I think it's probably helpful to try to focus a bit on the positive. My political views are different from most. I find myself disagreeing with many Republican and Democrat stances. I'm in favor of universal health care, basic income, and access to assisted suicide (rational suicide, access to drugs like Nembutal for anyone who thinks they might want to make the rational decision not to live, and instead die in a humane way).
0 There is a bacteria outbreak in Wisconsin. Fever, chills, shortness of breath and has killed a few people. The problem is they do not understand or can't identify where the bug is coming from. Tap water or ground water is unlikely but they can't rule it out. Pretty scary. Its not a super bug in a sense that it does respond to some medicines.
0 Did you see the article about the attack in the mall in MI? Can you imagine, just minding your own business, and then this guy dressed as a security guard starts stabbing people, yelling something about Allah??? Thank GOD there was an off duty cop there to stop him, or imagine how long he could have gone on for? This is getting crazy. We've gotta do something. I don't want to be worried about my safety just going to the mall.
0 Did you read this article? it is awful. Every time i hear about a murder suicide type situation I wonder where someone could have intervened, some doctor, some professional, some family member, who could have have done something to step in so that these people could be alive today? It will drive you crazy if you keep thinking about it.
0 I would find it hard to believe that the students are still alive if they were handed over to the drug cartel. If these students were on a trip to hijack vehicles, then law enforcement should not use their time and resources to search for them, especially after 2 years. Their time should be spent on non-criminals. But if they believe the police are the ones who handed them over to a drug cartel, then they should probably look into that then using these same people to locate them.
0 There are three sides to every story: the one individual's side, the other party's side, and the truth. I'm not justifying that what the airlines did was right, but I believe there is much more to the story than what was reported. Granted, privacy issues come into play and not everything can be revealed; however, I take the complaints with a grain of salt.
0 "Even though I am not in favor of the conservative party, I still do not understand why the Jewish people would be struggling to understand ""Trump's electron"". It is not a one party election so at some point or another the Democratic or the Republican party will be in the white house. There will always be naysayers on either side. Everyone everywhere do need prayers and I do appreciate the prayers from the Jewish community."
0 I am a little confused as to how these hacks happen, but it sucks when they do. I am a Yahoo user and think they have had to take precautionary measures multiple times in recent years to stop issues. Data breaches are troubling and can affect us all so I am not happy about the article's details that make me somewhat nervous.
1 Reading about the sniper shooting the wolf was heartbreaking and anger inducing. I would have been very angry if i was the one tracking the wolf and found out the wolf i had been following had been killed by an irresponsible asshole. Wolves are a majestic animal and i believe the guy that shot the wolf should be brought up on charges
1 The person was robbed the money at gun point and escaped from that place. The victim calls the 911 and the police investigation the victim and gathered some information about the criminal. Then they are start to search the criminal.The victim calls the 911 and the police investigation the victim and gathered some information about the robbery.
0 Awe, I hope this story isn't really true. I mean do people still go to see elephants perform anywhere? And people have been so much more vocal and worried about animals for quite a long time, I just have trouble believing that this story is true. I hope not. Plus, do elephants really live that long?
1 It's a shame that we're seeing this sort of rise in violence. It's not shock that after years of the right bullying the left into tolerating intolerance that we've come to this point. People aren't even trying to hide their racism anymore, and they're intentionally making shit worse to justify their oppressive agendas.
1 Police in Hope, Indiana, released a chilling photo of a mother passed out behind the steering wheel of her car from an apparent drug overdose with a syringe in her hand. Crying in the backseat: her 10-month-old son. Parents are doing this more often with children in the car because they are doing it away from someone who is going to disapprove,” marshal Matthew Talent told Indy Star. “This is becoming a new norm for drug users
0 I just read an article about Susan Saran don asking people to put their money where their mouth is in regards to the Dakota Access Pipeline. While I don't agree with her position, I do agree with that statement. If people want to whine about it, they should step up and help instead of crying on social media.
1 "More toddlers and preschoolers are overdosing on diploids — In recent years, rates of toddlers and preschoolers hospitalized for opined overdoses more than doubled, according to a new study. In fact, overdoses rose more than 100% over a 16-year period among all children, the study published in JAMS Pediatrics Oct. 31 showed. Researchers from Yale School of Medicine analyzed national data from the Kids’ Inpatient Database on children admitted to U.S. hospitals for opined poisoning. The study focused on more than 13,000 records from patients ages 1 to 19 between 1997 to 2012. What's to blame? Possibly the increase of prescribed pain killers, including Oxycontin and Vicodin. Research from 1999 to 2010 show retail sales of prescription diploids quadrupled.""Even in children younger than 6 years,"
1 I found a story about Kate Unsaleable and her husband, Len Wise man, they have pulled the plug on their marriage ... TM has learned. Wise man cited irreconcilable differences. His docs state both he and Kate have waived any right to spousal support, and that suggests there's a preen. They were married in 2004 and have no kids together. TM broke the story ... the couple's marriage was on the rocks last November. Len was spotted out with model CH Franco, and Kate we seen shortly after -- sans wedding ring -- on the red carpet.
0 It is unfortunate that Venezuela seems to go through so much as a country due to politics. I do not know why the United States of America will not be more proactive in helping this less fortunate country. A lot of people complain about Chavez, but that seems to be when the country was the most stable.
0 "It's bad that these 2 died, but I have to believe they had to have know the risks involved. I think so many of us, even knowing the risks, think that ""it can't happen to me"" and do things we shouldn't. It's so sad for their families! I'm not sure what is the right thing to do. Signs are posted, and divers know the risks. But would it be better to permanently close the area? I'm on the fence."
0 It is nice to see others doing things to help those that are in need or have gone through negative experiences. I think things like this show how the world can come together when it needs to and that other countries do care about their people. This is a fine example and a defining moment that many people should see.
0 This article was just ridiculous to me, I see the need to be protesting and freedom of speech and rights but we as people need to do peaceful protest not using armed militias to stand off on a protest. That is going against the very fundamentals of what liberals stand for. I think the group should have had some repercussions to what they did.
0 I feel so bad for that innocent customer. This is something that is unfortunate and a random freak incident. All over a declined card this man got so upset that he had to take it out on other people. It is shocking to me that some people can have so much anger in them to do something like that. That person that was shot was just going there on a normal day to get coffee and now his loved ones can't see him no more all because someone got worked up over a declined card. I guess we need to have security every where nowadays it seems. No place is safe to go. You can't even go to the coffee shop without worrying someone is going to pull out a gun at you.
1 Wow...what a strange turn of events in this story. This guy who just randomly opened fire on a police officer turns out to be responsible for a number of homicides in Alaska. It's crazy to think that if the officers never confronted him for something unrelated, that there could have been countless more killings.
1 Those poor people! I can't believe the government is seriously considering leveling 783 houses! And especially ones that have historical value! There are other ways to increase your air travel options and industry without doing damage to so many people's lives! I feel awful for those people and, if I were them, I'd fight back too!
1 President Donald Trumps actions during his election and so far during the presidency has been nothing short of childish. I don't think he has any idea of what a filter is, and I don't think he cares what anyone thinks about him. Him winning the president election was probable one of the worst things that could have happened to our country at this time and moment, but things could be worse. Like the previous article, we could be comparing President Trump to Hitler, which in my opinion is absolutely terrible.
0 Hey! Did you hear about the elephant stuff in Africa? I know you care a lot about the environment so I thought you should see this. There are some countries that are for the poaching of elephants if you can believe it. Some more rural communities say that the animals harm their crops. I've never heard this side of the argument before! I'm not saying I agree with it, but we're over here in America and have a way different perspective on the issues. It's interesting to see how different things are over there.
1 Man its really upset that we cant have a peaceful protest. Why cant we just voice our opinion in a peaceful way. Why does it always have to start and end with violence. Why do that have to destroy businesses that had nothing to do with the protest. Totally sucks for people who are just trying to live their lives peacefully.
0 As I read this article, I felt a bit nervous and alarmed at India's tiger population, even though this is in India but still. Hopefully, the Tigers will be better protected in the future and people will stop trying to kill them or dial it down at least. I wish India's tigers the best in their protection and survival.
0 You know I love animals, of all kinds, so let me tell you about. This poor creature was found half dead, mangled beyond belief because of poachers. Hope's story really brings to light the horrible and illegal trade of rhino poaching. I don't know if you know, but some people value rhino horns more than the beautiful creatures they come from. I don't believe the initial attack on Hope was responsible for her death, but it brought this beautiful creature into the spotlight, and I'm very glad for hearing of her story and saddened by her passing.
0 I think that everyone should be aware of the people that they touch. There are times whenever we take others for granted. I think that we don't always tell each other about what their lives mean to us. I know that it is tough growing up alone in a world without others. I know that it is tough to make lasting friends.
0 the article is touching its great about Rebid families who flee to other countries, are forced to leave them behind.” In another neighborhood of eastern Aleppo, 83-year-old Freeman Salaam lives alone in the home where she raised her children and his wife, who suffers from high blood pressure and rheumatism. Mara has received unexpected help from another son, Ha meed, who was visiting from Turkey and became trapped in the city when the government imposed its siege several weeks ago
0 I think it's well known what the CIA has been doing through it's torture programs of suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. Dr. Rosecrans a leading psychiatrist for the Navy was immersed in treating these patients. She worked there for almost fifteen years and had difficulty helping out these traumatized victims after their incarceration.
1 What an unfortunate situation--and a total shame that regulations on these conditions aren't more thorough. Of course the reputation of the kennel should be considered suspect now. The article says that the business will remain open, but I think it would be best to close up shop. After a news piece like this, I don't think many owners will be bringing their pets to stay.
1 Reading about the issue of racism in this country brings to many various thoughts. The first of these being, truly, we cannot legislate thought itself. Either we champion free speech for those we find abhorrent, or we stop pretending to care about liberty. People will always suck. At a certain point, it seems we as a society have gotten a lot softer, even as life has become more comfortable. Racists are morons. Do I walk around stressed all day about racists? Hell no.
0 It is extremely upsetting that there is a cultural war going on and no one seems to care. The values of Muslims in general are not compatible with western culture. Further more, it is an ideology that promotes violence and terrorism. Until people become less tolerant of this disgusting dogma, things like this will continue to happen. If Muslims want to be viewed in a better light in the west, they need to work on reforming their religion from within.
0 I cannot believe what I'm reading. Details of that Wells Fargo new accounts scam, how the lowly bank tellers would make up accounts because they were paid so low and badgered so much that they felt obligated to cheat like this. For shame. I'm surprised these details didn't get really publicized when this thing was happening.

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