stringlengths 40
| repo_name
stringlengths 5
| path
stringlengths 2
| length_bytes
int64 22
| score
float64 3.5
| int_score
int64 4
| text
stringlengths 22
6de317a5ce24e098ff9cbefe0c53995cc5debbd7 | yeukhon/meme-lang | / | 1,240 | 3.515625 | 4 | import re
from collections import namedtuple
Token = namedtuple('Token',
['type', 'value', 'lineno', 'columno'])
def tokens(source, definitions, ignore_case=True):
"""Yield a token if part of the source matched one
of the token definitions."""
re_definitions = [ (re.compile(t_def[0], re.I),
t_def[1]) for t_def in definitions ]
# Break sources into lines
lines = source.split("\n")
for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
columno = 0
while columno < len(line):
match = None
for t_def, t_type in re_definitions:
match = t_def.match(line, columno)
if match:
yield Token(type=t_type,,
lineno=lineno, columno=columno)
columno = match.end()
if not match:
yield Token(type="UNKNOWN_TOKEN", value=line[columno],
lineno=lineno, columno=columno)
columno += 1
#definitions = [
# (r'hello', 'HELLO'),
# (r'\d+', 'NUMBER'),
# (r'\w+', 'WORD')
#for x in tokens("123 hello what? \nhello123 hello what", definitions):
# print x
f27fe6dd57b6229b26d776caceacddf0ef0adb2f | beyondasce/Algorithm | /fingerOffer/ | 800 | 3.578125 | 4 | class my_list:
def __init__(self):
self.l1 = [] #入
self.l2 = [] #出
def put(self,value):
def pop(self):
if self.l2:
return self.l2.pop(-1)
while self.l1:
if self.l2:
return self.l2.pop(-1)
raise Exception(".......")
if __name__ == "__main__":
a = my_stack()
ca198d683a35f1ad256577de6e23b7ff2d49d698 | beyondasce/Algorithm | /fingerOffer/ | 418 | 3.71875 | 4 | class Node():
def __init__(self,value):
self.value = value
self.parent = None
self.left = None
self.right = None
def get_next(node):
p_next = None
if node.right:
p = node.right
while p:
p = p.left
p_next = p
while p.parent and p.parent.right ==p :
p = p.parent
p_next = p.parent
return p_next
04d5ccd877271991befdfd3dfea137e9b290c1f1 | beyondasce/Algorithm | /fingerOffer/ | 803 | 3.625 | 4 | import random
class My_list():
def __init__(self,value):
self.value = value = None
def get_list(li):
p = None
p1 = p
for i in li:
n1 = My_list(i)
if not p:
p = n1
p1 = p
else: = n1
p1 =
return p
def digui_list(li):
if not li:
def show_num(p_list):
l1 = []
p = p_list
while p:
p =
l2 = []
while l1:
return l2
if __name__ == "__main__":
l1 = [ random.randint(0,12) for i in range(12) ]
p_list = get_list(l1)
l2 = show_num(p_list)
e045549ac7c8471b37e10b5e20802f25e60ff9e5 | saranya1999/sara | / | 169 | 3.578125 | 4 | jak=int(input())
for i in range(0,len(jak)):
if(jak[i]=='0' or jak[i]=='1'):
4a9fe514fc9c291f2e2981a4722bae220157226c | saranya1999/sara | / | 107 | 3.71875 | 4 | nu=[int(i) for i in input().split()]
if nu1 % 2 == 0:
ec99b836876d4584369b6a98e9118a74a4f7e35c | pavel-malin/practice | /vectors_matrices_arrays/ | 341 | 4.09375 | 4 | import numpy as np
# Create matrix
matrix = np.array([[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]])
# max elements (9)
# min elements (0)
# find max elements column (array([7, 8, 9]))
print(np.max(matrix, axis=0))
# find max elements stock (array([3, 6, 9]))
print(np.max(matrix, axis=1))
e2951526d6bcc35fa05d4022ab9a55796e14c1a0 | Caustic/Project-Euler | /python/ | 533 | 3.953125 | 4 | #! /usr/bin/python2
#simple factorization problem
from listprime import listprimes
from math import sqrt
#simple factorization algoritm that uses a prime
# seive to test all factors recursively up to
# sqrt of the number
def factor(number):
factors = list([])
for i in listprimes(sqrt(number)+1):
if (number % i == 0):
return factors
if number != 1:
return factors
8b50de912f85197a510f302e06d6ee7d110c4935 | cyrilnavessamuel/StrategyGames | / | 3,750 | 4 | 4 | import random
class nimble:
# Initialisation methods
def __init__(self):
self.board = [];
self.pawn = 0;
# Define a new board with n square of board
# P maximum no of pawns
def newBoard(self, n, p):
self.pawn = p;
for i in range(0, n):
self.board.insert(i, 0);
for j in range(1, p + 1):
ran = random.randint(0, n - 1);
if (self.board[ran] != 0):
self.board[ran] = self.board[ran] + 1;
self.board.insert(ran, 1);
return self.board;
# Display the board square with the pawns
def displayBoard(self, board, n, ):
output = "";
scndoutput = "";
for square in range(0, len(board)):
output += str(board[square]) + " | ";
dashoutput = ""
for l in range(len(output)):
dashoutput += "-";
for square in range(0, len(board)):
scndoutput += str(square) + " | ";
# Possible Squares for a board with
def possibleSquare(self, board, n, i):
if (board[i] != 0):
return True;
return False;
# Select a square to move
def selectSquare(self, board, n):
squareinstance = 0;
squareinstance = int(input("Enter the square you want to select"))
if (self.possibleSquare(board, n, squareinstance)):
posdestination = True;
destinationsquare = self.selectDestination(board, n, squareinstance);
if (self.possibleDestination(board, n, squareinstance, destinationsquare)):
self.move(board, n, squareinstance, destinationsquare);
self.displayBoard(board, n);
print("next move");
# Select a possible destination and check to move the pawn to
def possibleDestination(self, board, n, i, j):
possiblesquare = [];
leng = len(board);
while (i >= 0):
i = i - 1;
if (j in possiblesquare):
return True;
return False;
# Select the destination of the pawn
def selectDestination(self, board, n, i):
square = int(input("Enter the square you want to move to"));
return square;
# Move the pawn to destination
def move(self, board, n, i, j):
board[i] = board[i] - 1;
board[j] = board[j] + 1;
# Check if possible move exists for a player/ no move present in board
def lose(self, board, n):
if (board[0] == self.pawn):
return True;
return False;
def nimbleplay(self, n, p):
playerno = 0;
boardinstance = self.newBoard(n, p);
self.displayBoard(boardinstance, n);
while (not (self.lose(boardinstance, n))):
if (playerno == 2):
playerno -= 1;
playerno += 1;
print("Player" + str(playerno));
self.selectSquare(boardinstance, n)
print("Game Finished Winner:Player " + str(playerno));
def main(self):
n = int(input("Enter the no of square of the board"));
p = int(input("Enter the no of pawns"));
self.nimbleplay(n, p);
if __name__ == '__main__':
nimbleinstance = nimble();
fae21a63bd70a0c2d2f33b8263490e6b5e2fcca1 | Andyt-Nguyen/python-basics | / | 493 | 3.671875 | 4 | # Write Read Create files
fo = open('text.txt', 'w')
# File Information
print('Is closed?', fo.closed)
print('Opening mode', fo.mode)
# Write into a file
fo.write('I love python')
fo.write(', javascript')
# Add to file.txt
fo = open('text.txt', 'a')
fo.write(' and I guess php')
# Create File
fo = open('text2.txt', 'w+')
fo.write('This is a new file')
# Read File
fo = open('text.txt', 'r+')
text =
fo.close() |
156d92310a219f1ab56d7774a4dc3376566ef40b | ViktorWase/Frank-the-Science-Bot | / | 784 | 3.53125 | 4 | from scienceFunctions import georand
from random import randint
from random import random
def linCombRand(database):
Takes a random number of points from
the database and returns a vector that
is a randomly weighted linear combination
of the points.
numPoints = georand(0.8)
out = [0.0]*database.numAttributes
for i in range(numPoints):
rand1 = randint(0,database.numElements-1)
rand2 = randint(0,database.numElements-1)
w = random()
for j in range(database.numAttributes):
out[j] = out[j] + database.datapoints[rand1].attributes[j]*w + database.datapoints[rand1].attributes[j] * (1-w)
for i in range(database.numAttributes):
out[i] = out[i]/numPoints
return out
7932cb303be6e4adb70c7c07bd1daebf422ae38b | ViktorWase/Frank-the-Science-Bot | /Templates/ | 1,784 | 3.5 | 4 | """
This is a the template for the functions.
So far we only have Artificial Neural Networks
and Radial Basis Functions.
All function classes need the methods described below.
from tautology import *
import random
class radialBasisFunctionParameters:
def __init__(self, chosenAttributes, ... ):
It doesn't matter much how the
constructor looks like. But it
probably needs the array chosenAttributes
to tell if which attributes are used in
the hypothesis.
Make sure that it is called correctly from
the hypothesis constructor.
def randomHypothesis(self, database):
This resets the parameters of the hypothesis
to a bunch of random values.
def addRandomJump(self):
This adds a small mutation to the parameters
of the hypothesis.
def functionName(x):
This method can be called whatever (But
make sure it's called correctly from the
function method in
This should return a single value from the
vector input x. This is the function that
the object is representing.
def returnCopy(self):
This returns a copy of the object.
Make sure to copy all vectors by value,
and not by reference.
def getNeig_copy( self, database ):
This returns a copy of the object.
(Make sure to copy all vectors by value,
and not by reference.)
It then adds a small random jump to
the copied object.
64f15cdd74fd3e022ba4bec6c437ac8d414e47b0 | ThomasB123/Tutoring | / | 5,027 | 3.671875 | 4 |
# 1.
inFile = open('airports.txt','r')
airports = []
for line in inFile:
intAirports = []
for i in range(len(airports)):
ukAirports = ['LPL','BOH']
aircraft = [['Medium narrow body',8,2650,180,8],['Large narrow body',7,5600,220,10],['Medium wide body',5,4050,406,14]]
valid1 = False
valid2 = False
valid3 = False
# 2.
while True:
choice = input('''
Select an option:
1. Enter airport details
2. Enter flight details
3. Enter price plan and calculate profit
4. Clear data
5. Quit
Your Choice > ''') # user input here
if choice == '1':
# 4.
ukCode = input('Enter the 3-letter code for the UK airport > ') # user input here
if ukCode in ukAirports:
intCode = input('Enter the 3-letter code for the overseas airport > ') # user input here
if intCode in intAirports:
print(airports[intAirports.index(intCode)][1]) # program output here
valid1 = True
print('Invalid overseas airport code') # program output here
valid1 = False
print('Invalid UK airport code') # program output here
valid1 = False
if choice == '2':
# 5.
airType = input('Enter the type of aircraft > ') # user input here
types = ['Medium narrow body','Large narrow body','Medium wide body']
if airType in types:
x = types.index(airType)
Type: {}
Running cost per seat per 100km: £{}
Maximum flight range: {}km
Capacity if all standard-class: {}
Minimum number of first-class seats (if any): {}
'''.format(aircraft[x][0],aircraft[x][1],aircraft[x][2],aircraft[x][3],aircraft[x][4])) # program output here
valid2 = True
first = int(input('Enter the number of first-class seats > ')) # user input here
if first != 0:
if first < aircraft[x][4]:
print('Number of first-class seats must be at least {}'.format(aircraft[x][4])) # program output here
valid3 = False
elif first > aircraft[x][3] /2:
print('Number of first-class seats must be no more than {}'.format(aircraft[x][3] // 2)) # program output here
valid3 = False
standard = aircraft[x][3] - first * 2
print('Number of standard-class seats: {}'.format(standard)) # program output here
valid3 = True
standard = aircraft[x][3]
print('Number of standard-class seats: {}'.format(standard)) # program output here
valid3 = True
print('Invalid aircraft type') # program output here
valid2 = False
if choice == '3':
# 6.
if valid1:
if valid2:
if valid3:
planeRange = aircraft[x][2]
distance = int(airports[intAirports.index(intCode)][ukAirports.index(ukCode)+2])
if planeRange >= distance:
standardPrice = int(input('Enter price of standard-class seat > ')) # user input here
firstPrice = int(input('Enter price of first-class seat > ')) # user input here
perSeat = aircraft[x][1] * distance / 100
cost = perSeat * (first + standard)
income = first * firstPrice + standard * standardPrice
profit = income - cost
Flight cost per seat: £{}
Flight cost: £{}
Flight income: £{}
Flight profit: £{}
'''.format(perSeat,cost,income,profit)) # program output here
print('The aircraft range is {}km but the distance between the airports is {}km'.format(planeRange,distance)) # program output here
print('You must first enter number of first-class seats') # program output here
print('You must first enter the aircraft details') # program output here
print('You must first enter the airport details') # program output here
if choice == '4':
# 7.
ukCode = None
intCode = None
airType = None
first = None
standardPrice = None
firstPrice = None
valid1 = False
valid2 = False
valid3 = False
print('Data cleared') # program output here
if choice == '5':
# 3.
print('You have chosen to quit') # program output here
quit() # close the program
b1e90944c9f45ddd1499ede657d1a18e6f951afc | starmon00/161HW | / | 1,044 | 3.8125 | 4 | def matrixMultiplication(matrixA, matrixB):
if type(matrixA) == int and type(matrixB) == int:
return matrixA * matrixB
elif type(matrixA) == int and type(matrixB) == list:
solution = []
for row in matrixB:
solutionRow = []
for col in row:
solutionRow.append(col * matrixA)
return solution
elif type(matrixB) == int and type(matrixA) == list:
solution = []
for row in matrixA:
solutionRow = []
for col in row:
solutionRow.append(col * matrixB)
return solution
elif type(matrixA) == list and type(matrixB) == list:
solution = []
addthis = []
mul_index = 0
for row in matrixA:
mul_index += 1
matrixB_row = 0
for col in row:
addthis.append(col * matrixB[matrixB_row][mul_index])
matrixB_row += 1
0b142414e09fb32cac27af863fa8c7287b43a010 | amohamud23/Python | / | 531 | 4.0625 | 4 | class Node(object):
def __init__(self):
self.left = None
self.right = None = None
root = Node()
n1 = Node()
n2 = Node()
n3 = Node()
n4 = Node()
n5 = Node()
n6 = Node() = "root"
root.left = n1
root.right = n2 = 1 = 2
n1.left = n3
n1.right = n4 = 3 = 4
n2.left = n5
n2.right = n6 = 5 = 6
def traverse(root):
if root != None:
e1d3b4fe36c9b98180365a16034b33e17e59324d | Mahmoud-Elbattah/Top500_Viz_2005-2017 | /PythonCode/ | 999 | 3.6875 | 4 | import pandas
countryCoordinates = {}
def countryCounts(data,year):
counts = {}
for (i,country) in enumerate(data["Country"]):
if country in counts:
counts[country] += 1
counts[country] = 1
countryCoordinates[country] = (data.loc[i,"Lat"],data.loc[i,"Lng"])
outputFile = open("countryCounts_"+str(year)+".csv", "a")
for (key, value) in sorted(counts.items(),key=lambda item: (item[1], item[0]), reverse=True):
Lat= str(countryCoordinates[str(key)][0])
Lng = str(countryCoordinates[str(key)][1])
def main():
print("***Finding Country Counts***")
for year in range(2005, 2018):
print("Current Year:",year)
data = pandas.read_csv("Top500_" + str(year) + ".csv", encoding="ISO-8859-1")
countryCounts(data, year)
61d57d7debbc312a6abcbfd2598f5aab134a4fe2 | eirikhoe/advent-of-code | /2022/02/ | 976 | 3.59375 | 4 | from pathlib import Path
data_folder = Path(".").resolve()
symb_to_num = {"A": 1, "B": 2, "C": 3, "X": 1, "Y": 2, "Z": 3}
def parse_data(data):
games = [[symb_to_num[symb] for symb in game.split()] for game in data.split("\n")]
return games
def score(game, new_interpretation):
if new_interpretation:
offset = (game[1] - 2) % 3
played = (((game[0] - 1) + offset) % 3) + 1
score = played + 3 * (game[1] - 1)
win_factor = (1 + (game[1] - game[0]) % 3) % 3
score = game[1] + 3 * win_factor
return score
def main():
data = data_folder.joinpath("input.txt").read_text()
games = parse_data(data)
print("Part 1")
scores = [score(game, False) for game in games]
print(f"The total score is {sum(scores)}")
print("Part 2")
scores = [score(game, True) for game in games]
print(f"The total score is {sum(scores)}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
c4f3ef7cc86733f3c6749d19442fcb39860f6494 | eirikhoe/advent-of-code | /2018/11/ | 922 | 3.796875 | 4 | from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
def main():
serial = 8141
def find_best_square(serial,square_size=None):
size = 300
gen = np.arange(size)+1
X = np.tile(gen,(size,1))
Y = np.copy(X.T)
p = X+10
p *= Y
p += serial
p *= (X+10)
p = (p % 1000)//100
p -= 5
max_power = -1000
if square_size is None:
square_sizes = range(1,size+1)
square_sizes = [square_size]
for square_size in square_sizes:
for y in range(size-square_size):
for x in range(size-square_size):
total_power = np.sum(p[y:y+square_size,x:x+square_size])
if total_power > max_power:
best_square = (x+1,y+1,square_size)
max_power = total_power
return best_square
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() |
204df96c8acb2a833bad5d9dbcfca10a25479dc8 | eirikhoe/advent-of-code | /2021/12/ | 1,595 | 3.5625 | 4 | from pathlib import Path
from collections import defaultdict
data_folder = Path(".").resolve()
def parse_data(data):
cave_connections = [line.split("-") for line in data.split("\n")]
connected_to = defaultdict(list)
for line in cave_connections:
return connected_to
def find_cave_paths(connected_to, visited, lower_twice_allowed, lower_twice_already):
if visited[-1] == "end":
return 1
n_paths = 0
for candidate in connected_to[visited[-1]]:
lower_twice = lower_twice_already
if candidate == "start":
if (candidate == candidate.lower()) and (candidate in visited):
if (not lower_twice_allowed) or lower_twice:
lower_twice = True
new_visited = visited + [candidate]
n_paths += find_cave_paths(connected_to, new_visited, lower_twice_allowed, lower_twice)
return n_paths
def main():
data = data_folder.joinpath("input.txt").read_text()
connected_to = parse_data(data)
print("Part 1")
n_paths = find_cave_paths(connected_to, ["start"], False, False)
print(f"There are {n_paths} paths through this cave system that visit small caves at most once.")
print("Part 2")
n_paths = find_cave_paths(connected_to, ["start"], True, False)
print(f"There are {n_paths} paths through this cave system that visit at most one small cave twice.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
492503ce1d085ca365be4934606c8746e41c9d3e | rodrikmenezes/ProjetoEuler | /4 | 1,041 | 4.1875 | 4 | # =============================================================================
# A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made
# from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 × 99.
# Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.
# =============================================================================
import numpy as np
def palindromos():
''' Retorna uma lista de números palíndromos formados
pela multiplicação entre outros dois números de dois dígitos'''
palindromos = []
for i in range(1, 1000):
for j in range(1, 1000):
p = i * j
s = str(p)
l = len(s)
cont = 0
n = int(np.floor(l/2))
for w in range(0, n):
ww = (w+1) * (-1)
if s[w] == s[ww]:
cont += 1
if cont == n:
return list(sorted(set(palindromos)))
# Resposta
print(max(palindromos())) |
bff174c4bf0b2d4375deb8679c4b59c7cf1211b4 | rajasekhar-varikuti/basic_algorithms | /basic_algorithms/ | 1,954 | 4.0625 | 4 | #helping methods for sorting algorithms
def merge_list(array, start, mid, end):
left = array[start:mid]
right = array[mid:end]
k = start
i = 0
j = 0
while (start + i < mid and mid + j < end):
if (left[i] <= right[j]):
array[k] = left[i]
i = i + 1
array[k] = right[j]
j = j + 1
k = k + 1
if start + i < mid:
while k < end:
array[k] = left[i]
i = i + 1
k = k + 1
while k < end:
array[k] = right[j]
j = j + 1
k = k + 1
def merge_sort(array, start, end):
'''Sorts the list from indexes start to end - 1 inclusive.'''
if end - start > 1:
mid = (start + end)//2
merge_sort(array, start, mid)
merge_sort(array, mid, end)
merge_list(array, start, mid, end)
return array
def partition(arr,low,high):
i = low-1 # index of smaller element
pivot = arr[high] # pivot
for j in range(low , high):
if arr[j] <= pivot:
i = i+1
arr[i],arr[j] = arr[j],arr[i]
arr[i+1],arr[high] = arr[high],arr[i+1]
return ( i+1 )
def quick_sort(arr,first_index,last_index):
if first_index < last_index:
partition_index = partition(arr,first_index,last_index)
quick_sort(arr, first_index, partition_index-1)
quick_sort(arr, partition_index+1, last_index)
return arr
def heapify(arr, n, i):
largest = i
l = 2 * i + 1
r = 2 * i + 2
if l < n and arr[i] < arr[l]:
largest = l
if r < n and arr[largest] < arr[r]:
largest = r
if largest != i:
arr[i],arr[largest] = arr[largest],arr[i]
heapify(arr, n, largest) |
37377c07e6f8f2153e3e723d8ede0a7aca395c37 | bharathkumarna/Python-Deep-Learning-Lab-Assignments | /Lab-1/Source/ | 548 | 4.0625 | 4 | import string
#create set with lowercased string
alphabets = set(string.ascii_lowercase)
#input strings
inp = ['How quickly daft jumping zebras vex','How quickly daft jumping zebras']
inp_nospace =[None]*inp.__len__()
for i in range(len(inp)):
#replace space character (' ') with ('')
inp_nospace[i] = inp[i].replace(' ', '')
#check if every letter in the set alphabets is in the set created from input text
output = ("is not a pangram","is a pangram")[set(inp_nospace[i].lower()) >= alphabets]
print(inp[i]+' --> '+output) |
655545225361f6c5bcae9e1188b442b7f258d114 | amdel2020/Algorithms | / | 1,019 | 3.6875 | 4 | from queue import PriorityQueue
class Node:
def __init__(self, index, list_num):
self.index = index
self.listNum = list_num
def merge(sorted_arrays):
pq = PriorityQueue(0)
res = []
for idx, item in enumerate(sorted_arrays):
pq.put((item[0], Node(0, idx)))
while not pq.empty():
min_node = pq.get()
next_index = min_node[1].index + 1
if next_index < len(sorted_arrays[min_node[1].listNum]):
n = Node(next_index, min_node[1].listNum)
new_item = sorted_arrays[min_node[1].listNum][next_index]
pq.put((new_item, n))
return res
maxRange = 1000001
arr1 = []
for i in range(2, maxRange):
if i % 10 == 0:
arr2 = []
for i in range(2, maxRange):
if i % 15 == 0:
arr3 = []
for i in range(2, maxRange):
if i % 21 == 0:
arr = []
sortedarray = merge(arr)
530436f9fe184e0134cb2ac03fe90663bf8adce5 | amdel2020/Algorithms | / | 587 | 3.78125 | 4 | def gradingStudents(grades):
result = []
for grade in grades:
if grade < 38:
if grade % 5 == 0:
count = 0
temp = grade
while temp % 5 != 0:
temp += 1
count += 1
if count < 3:
return result
grades = [73, 67, 38, 33]
print(gradingStudents(grades)) |
fcdae72bb66288329640b052012d5e4f2f60ee15 | amdel2020/Algorithms | / | 158 | 3.609375 | 4 | from collections import Counter
def check_palindrome(s):
return sum( ch % 2 for ch in Counter(s).values()) <= 1
de79189d4622cb8b63b451c92e2d3b59762b4899 | amdel2020/Algorithms | / | 395 | 3.59375 | 4 | def solve(string):
arr = list(string)
p = [arr[0:2], arr[1::-1]]
for i in range(2, len(arr)):
temp1 = [[]]
for s in p:
for j in range(len(s)):
temp2 = s[:]
temp2.insert(j, arr[i])
p = temp1
if __name__ == '__main__':
6afa5b0c4dcad188de0dcf2ba6c492d99e68ce89 | petrakri/INF5860-petteakr | /inf5860_oblig1/inf5860/classifiers/ | 4,151 | 3.828125 | 4 | import numpy as np
from random import shuffle
def softmax_loss_naive(W, X, y, reg):
Softmax loss function, naive implementation (with loops)
Inputs have dimension D, there are C classes, and we operate on minibatches
of N examples.
- W: A numpy array of shape (D, C) containing weights.
- X: A numpy array of shape (N, D) containing a minibatch of data.
- y: A numpy array of shape (N,) containing training labels; y[i] = c means
that X[i] has label c, where 0 <= c < C.
- reg: (float) regularization strength
Returns a tuple of:
- loss as single float
- gradient with respect to weights W; an array of same shape as W
# Initialize the loss and gradient to zero.
loss = 0.0
dW = np.zeros_like(W)
# TODO: Compute the softmax loss and its gradient using explicit loops. #
# Store the loss in loss and the gradient in dW. If you are not careful #
# here, it is easy to run into numeric instability. Don't forget the #
# regularization! #
[D, C] = W.shape
[N, D]= X.shape
# denum = p matrisen i gradienten
# lambda -> reg theta -> W
# m -> N y(i) -> y[i]
# k -> C theta_j -> W[:,j]
# l -> C x(i) = X[i,:]
for i in range(N):
denum = 0
for l in range(C):
denum += np.exp([:,l],X[i,:]))
for j in range(C):
q = np.exp([:,j],X[i,:]))/denum
loss += (y[i] == j) * np.log(q)
dW[:,j] += X[i,:]*((y[i] == j) - q)
# summe regulariseringen til slutt etter alle løkker R += W[i,j]**2 == np.sum(W**2)
loss = -(loss/N) + (reg/2)*np.sum(W**2)
dW = -(dW/N) + reg*W
return loss, dW
def softmax_loss_vectorized(W, X, y, reg):
softmax loss function, vectorized version.
Inputs and outputs are the same as softmax_loss_naive.
# Initialize the loss and gradient to zero.
loss = 0.0
dW = np.zeros_like(W)
# TODO: Compute the softmax loss and its gradient using no explicit loops. #
# Store the loss in loss and the gradient in dW. If you are not careful #
# here, it is easy to run into numeric instability. Don't forget the #
# regularization! #
[D, C] = W.shape
[N, D]= X.shape
# denum = p matrisen i gradienten
# lambda -> reg theta -> W
# m -> N y(i) -> y[i]
# k -> C theta_j -> W[:,j]
# l -> C x(i) = X[i,:]
# Calculate scores, dot product of X and W
scores =,W)
# Create a p for the true distribution, where is y the correct class
p = np.zeros_like(scores)
p[np.arange(N), y] = 1
# shifting, highest value is 0, avoiding numeric stability
scores -= np.max(scores)
# Softmax function
q = np.exp(scores) / np.sum(np.exp(scores),axis=1).reshape(N,1) # q for log(q)
# Loss function
loss = -np.sum(p*np.log(q))
dW =,(p - q))
# Skalerer og legger til generalisering
loss = loss/N + (reg/2)*np.sum(W**2)
dW = -(dW/N) + reg*W
return loss, dW
5a91c22b5ee87704cc8991bd6dab3eb2b2684d8b | ivanvi22/repository_name | / | 323 | 4.1875 | 4 | # программа для вывода "Hello World"
car_color = 'wite'
car_type = 'masda'
car_count = 2
print("Укажите цвет машины:")
car_color = input()
print("Укажите тип машины:")
car_type = input()
print("You have " + str(car_count) + ' ' + car_color + ' ' + car_type)
print(2 ** 3)
7dcdb9f9d1ee10795021f722200cc9324744ee29 | ctemelkuran/py4e | / | 565 | 4.03125 | 4 | #From Sat Jan 5 09:14:16 2008
#You will parse the From line using split() and
# print out the second word in the line(i.e. the entire address of the person).
#Then print out a count at the end.
fname = input("Enter file name: ")
if len(fname) < 1 : fname = "mbox-short.txt"
fh = open(fname)
count = 0
for line in fh:
line = line.rstrip()
if not line.startswith('From:'): continue
pieces = line.split()
count = count + 1
print("There were", count, "lines in the file with From as the first word")
9198e83e1836573e6ddd826ccf850ffe5e12db26 | JGUO-2/MLwork | /Fibonacci/ | 743 | 3.90625 | 4 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def Fib_list(n) :
if n == 1 or n == 2 : #n为项数,若为1、2时,结果返回为1
return 1
else :
m = Fib_list(n - 1) + Fib_list(n - 2) #其他情况下,结果返回前两项之和
return m
if __name__ == '__main__':
while 1:
n = input("enter:")
if not n.isdigit():
n = int(n)
list2 = [0]
tmp = 1
while (tmp <= n):
tmp += 1
print(list2) |
8aa62e157ceb4c3c7760359cca19152bd9c64c69 | JGUO-2/MLwork | /Fibonacci/ | 794 | 3.90625 | 4 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def Fib_yield_while(max):
a, b = 0, 1 #设置初始值
while max > 0:
a, b = b, a + b
max -= 1
yield a #执行yield函数
def Fib_yield_for(n):
a, b = 0, 1
for _ in range(n): #循环遍历n次
a, b = b, a + b
yield a
if __name__ == "__main__":
while 1:
n = input("enter:") #输入要计算的项数n
if not n.isdigit(): #判断输入值是否为数字
n = int(n)
for i in Fib_yield_for(n):
print(i) |
dd87bfe17b74e88e1b019726695aacc81dfa937c | vsiddhu/qinfpy | /src/qinfpy/basic/ | 876 | 3.671875 | 4 | #zerOut(mt) : Removes small entries in array
import copy
import numpy as np
__all__ = ['zerOut']
def zerOut(array, tol = 1e-15):
r"""Takes as input an array and tolerance, copies it, in this copy,
nulls out real and complex part of each entry smaller than the tolerance,
returns the copy.
array : numpy.ndarray
tol : float
Optional, 1e-15 by default
arr : numpy.ndarray
Identical to input array, except each entry smaller than tol is set
to zero
arr = copy.deepcopy(array)
for index, val in np.ndenumerate(arr):
if (np.abs(val.real) < tol):
arr[index] = (arr[index] - arr[index].conj())/2.
if (np.abs(val.imag) < tol):
arr[index] = (arr[index] + arr[index].conj())/2.
return arr
1a5f6a490a8aa05fff89a73ac2a015e4f94ca80b | lbvf50mobile/til | /20230808_Tuesday/ | 1,060 | 3.84375 | 4 | # Leetcode: 33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array.
class Solution:
# Copied from:
def search(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> int:
n = len(nums)
left, right = 0, n - 1
while left <= right:
mid = left + (right - left) // 2
# Case 1: find target
if nums[mid] == target:
return mid
# Case 2: subarray on mid's left is sorted
elif nums[mid] >= nums[left]:
if target >= nums[left] and target < nums[mid]:
right = mid - 1
left = mid + 1
# Case 3: subarray on mid's right is sorted.
if target <= nums[right] and target > nums[mid]:
left = mid + 1
right = mid - 1
return -1
a93434543dfa574acdd4a0093c33ef1d7dad99e5 | lbvf50mobile/til | /20230810_Thursday/ | 654 | 3.625 | 4 | #
class Solution:
def search(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> bool:
l = 0
r = len(nums)-1
while l<=r:
if target in [nums[m], nums[r], nums[l]]: return True
elif nums[m]==nums[l] or nums[m]==nums[r]:
elif nums[l]<=nums[m]:
if nums[l]<target<nums[m]: r=m-1
else: l=m+1
if nums[m]<target<nums[r]: l=m+1
else: r=m-1
return False
b4a39da185af20c91ac6358a36f427eb84d42830 | lbvf50mobile/til | /20230723_Sunday/ | 930 | 3.734375 | 4 | # Leetcode: 894. All Possible Full Binary Trees.
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
# self.val = val
# self.left = left
# self.right = right
class Solution:
# Leetcode's solution.
def allPossibleFBT(self, n: int) -> List[TreeNode]:
if n % 2 == 0:
return []
dp = [[] for _ in range(n + 1)]
for count in range(3, n + 1, 2):
for i in range(1, count - 1, 2):
j = count - 1 - i
for left in dp[i]:
for right in dp[j]:
root = TreeNode(0, left, right)
return dp[n]
fd3c0a63cf36c2fd364cc1fc6c513d1db4c16f74 | lbvf50mobile/til | /20230701_Saturday/ | 1,707 | 3.515625 | 4 | # Leetcode: 2305. Fair Distribution of Cookies.
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# Accepted.
# Thanks God, Jesus Christ!
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# Runtime: 1594 ms, faster than 36.20% of Python3 online submissions for Fair
# Distribution of Cookies.
# Memory Usage: 16.5 MB, less than 10.82% of Python3 online submissions for Fair
# Distribution of Cookies.
# 2023.07.01 Daily Challenge.
class Solution:
def distributeCookies(self, cookies: List[int], k: int) -> int:
# Copied from:
cur = [0] * k
n = len(cookies)
def dfs(i, zero_count):
# If there are not enough cookies remaining, return `float('inf')`
# as it leads to an invalid distribution.
if n - i < zero_count:
return float('inf')
# After distributing all cookies, return the unfairness of this
# distribution.
if i == n:
return max(cur)
# Try to distribute the i-th cookie to each child, and update answer
# as the minimum unfairness in these distributions.
answer = float('inf')
for j in range(k):
zero_count -= int(cur[j] == 0)
cur[j] += cookies[i]
# Recursively distribute the next cookie.
answer = min(answer, dfs(i + 1, zero_count))
cur[j] -= cookies[i]
zero_count += int(cur[j] == 0)
return answer
return dfs(0, k)
9af08911cc64efd457bf9616256368a48334dc98 | lbvf50mobile/til | /20230722_Saturday/ | 1,608 | 3.765625 | 4 | # Leetcode: 688. Knight Probability in Chessboard.
class Solution:
# Based on:
def knightProbability(self, n: int, k: int, row: int, column: int) -> float:
# Define possible directions for the knight's moves
directions = [(1, 2), (1, -2), (-1, 2), (-1, -2),
(2, 1), (2, -1), (-2, 1), (-2, -1)]
# Initialize the dynamic programming table
dp = [[[0] * n for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(k + 1)]
dp[0][row][column] = 1
# Iterate over the number of moves
for moves in range(1, k + 1):
# Iterate over the cells on the chessboard
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
# Iterate over possible directions
for direction in directions:
prev_i, prev_j = i - direction[0], j - direction[1]
# Check if the previous cell is within the chessboard
if 0 <= prev_i < n and 0 <= prev_j < n:
# Add the previous probability
dp[moves][i][j] += dp[moves - 1][prev_i][prev_j]
# Divide by 8
dp[moves][i][j] /= 8
# Calculate total probability by summing probabilities for all cells
total_probability = sum(
for i in range(n)
for j in range(n)
return total_probability
a09d4162a16191968c5ae16762a63facf71abafd | lbvf50mobile/til | /20230819_Saturday/ | 3,264 | 3.84375 | 4 | # Leetcode: 1489. Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree.
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# Accepted.
# Thanks God, Jesus Christ!
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# Runtime: 1114 ms, faster than 65.38% of Python3 online submissions for Find
# Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree.
# Memory Usage: 16.6 MB, less than 40.66% of Python3 online submissions for Find
# Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree.
# 2023.08.19 Daily Challenge.
class Solution:
# Copied from:
class UnionFind:
def __init__(self, n):
self.parent = list(range(n))
self.size = [1] * n
self.max_size = 1
def find(self, x):
# Finds the root of x
if x != self.parent[x]:
self.parent[x] = self.find(self.parent[x])
return self.parent[x]
def union(self, x, y):
# Connects x and y
root_x = self.find(x)
root_y = self.find(y)
if root_x != root_y:
if self.size[root_x] < self.size[root_y]:
root_x, root_y = root_y, root_x
self.parent[root_y] = root_x
self.size[root_x] += self.size[root_y]
self.max_size = max(self.max_size, self.size[root_x])
return True
return False
def findCriticalAndPseudoCriticalEdges(self, n, edges):
new_edges = [edge.copy() for edge in edges]
# Add index to edges for tracking
for i, edge in enumerate(new_edges):
# Sort edges based on weight
new_edges.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
# Find MST weight using union-find
uf_std = self.UnionFind(n)
std_weight = 0
for u, v, w, _ in new_edges:
if uf_std.union(u, v):
std_weight += w
# Check each edge for critical and pseudo-critical
critical = []
pseudo_critical = []
for (u, v, w, i) in new_edges:
# Ignore this edge and calculate MST weight
uf_ignore = self.UnionFind(n)
ignore_weight = 0
for (x, y, w_ignore, j) in new_edges:
if i != j and uf_ignore.union(x, y):
ignore_weight += w_ignore
# If the graph is disconnected or the total weight is greater,
# the edge is critical
if uf_ignore.max_size < n or ignore_weight > std_weight:
# Force this edge and calculate MST weight
uf_force = self.UnionFind(n)
force_weight = w
uf_force.union(u, v)
for (x, y, w_force, j) in new_edges:
if i != j and uf_force.union(x, y):
force_weight += w_force
# If total weight is the same, the edge is pseudo-critical
if force_weight == std_weight:
return [critical, pseudo_critical]
d919df4732a94c3619d678b00e26dad0188684c0 | gustavoSaboia97/gamelibapi | /src/game/models/model/ | 541 | 3.578125 | 4 | class Game:
def __init__(self, game_dict: dict):
self.__name = game_dict["name"]
self.__category = game_dict["category"]
self.__year = game_dict["year"]
def name(self):
return self.__name
def category(self):
return self.__category
def year(self):
return self.__year
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
return {
"name": self.__name,
"category": self.__category,
"year": self.__year
98212cc7172cd5103a5631b0fd325bbe0ea120a5 | Soonki/drone_contest | /src/ | 1,295 | 3.53125 | 4 | #!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time, threading
class Scheduler():
def __init__(self,function,step_time):
self.stop_event = threading.Event() #停止させるかのフラグ
self.inc_event = threading.Event() #刻み幅を増やすかのフラグ
self.thread = threading.Thread(target =
def run(self):
if not self.stop_event.is_set():
def start(self):
def stop(self):
self.thread.join() #スレッドが停止するのを待つ
def inc(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
def hello():
def bab():
h = Scheduler(hello,0.5) #スレッドの開始
b = Scheduler(bab,2)
h.stop() #スレッドの停止
print "finish" |
74ef4502adf08b826bc5b21b3bf427d10ced9f88 | wniedziolka/Programowanie-I-R | / | 478 | 3.5625 | 4 | import time
a = float(input("Podaj pierwszą liczbę: "))
b = float(input("Podaj drugą liczbę: "))
c = 0
add_start = time.perf_counter_ns()
c = a + b
add_stop = time.perf_counter_ns()
mul_start = time.perf_counter_ns()
c = a * b
mul_stop = time.perf_counter_ns()
print("czas dodawania to: {0}".format(add_stop-add_start))
print("czas mnożenia to: {0}".format(mul_stop-mul_start))
print("różnica tych czasów to {0}".format((mul_stop-mul_start) - (add_stop-add_start)))
cc187912acdbe277fb2de0ed7b4c636e6c0a2012 | jake-albert/py-algs | /c17/ | 20,828 | 3.90625 | 4 | from operator import xor, add, mul
from functools import reduce
from math import sqrt, factorial, log2
from random import shuffle
# c17p19
# Missing Two: You are given an array with all the numbers from 1 to N
# appearing exactly once, except for one number that is missing. How can you
# find the missing number in O(N) time and O(1) space? What if there were two
# numbers missing?
# When one number is missing, the approach is straightforward. We know that
# the numbers from 1 to N sum to (N)(N+1)/2, so all we can just sum the values
# in the list and subtract to find its difference with the expected sum.
# Are memory requirements here actually O(1), though? It is true that we use
# only one int object to store the sum, but of course the space required for
# this int gets larger as the sum increases, since Python ints have no
# limiting bit length. Pedantically, then, O(log(N^2)) memory is required to
# store the sum, which simplifies to O(logN) since the constant power inside a
# log is the same as multiplying by a constant factor.
# If, on the other hand, we assume we are storing the sum value using unsigned
# 32-bit integers, the highest value we can hold is around 4.3 billion, so we
# can handle only inputs with N such that (N)(N+1)/2 is less than this value.
# If we can assume that N is always within this range (or any range, for that
# matter), then it would be fair to argue that the algorithm uses O(1) space.
def f1(lst):
"""Returns the missing integer in a list.
lst: A list of ints 1 through some number N, with one number in
that range missing.
An int.
n = len(lst) + 1
return (n)*(n+1)//2 - sum(lst)
# Another approach that works with one number missing is to use the bitwise
# XOR function for all of the values rather than the sum. We know that if we
# repeatedly XOR values together, and then we take a number with a 0 bit at
# some position out from that agglomeration, then there is no change at that
# position. If it is a 1 bit, then the bit flips.
# If we XOR all of the values 1 to N that we EXPECT to be in the list (x1) and
# XOR all of the values actually in the list (x2), then (x1 XOR x2) results in
# a number that has a 0 any time when bits match up between x1 and x2 (that is,
# where there was no change from x1 to x2) and a 1 any time the bit flipped.
# This number is the missing value.
# The below function requires twice as many calculations as the above since it
# is repeatedly calling XOR over O(N) values twice as opposed to finding a
# single value for the expected sum above, but XOR should be a faster
# operation than addition so the function might be faster. Might revisit to
# test later.
# Provided we use an iterator like range() that does not actually use O(N)
# memory to generate all of the numbers from 1 to N, then the only space that
# is needed is the O(logN) for the bits that must hold the highest value of N.
# Again, though, if we have some realistic expectation of a highest possible
# value for N, we can argue that this is in O(1) space.
def f2(lst):
"""See f1 docstring."""
# N is equal to len(lst)+1, so we call range with upper limit N+1.
return reduce(xor,range(1,len(lst)+2)) ^ reduce(xor,lst)
# The REASON that both of these functions work is not because there is
# something special to the XOR operator, or to addition, but that both of
# these agglomeration functions produce a single value from the input values
# that, when combined in some other way with the agglomeration of all expected
# values from 1 to N, produce a UNIQUE value that we can use to determine the
# missing value. To get a solution when there are TWO missing values, then we
# will need to find some other function, for every TWO distinct values from 1
# to N that could be missing, produce different results.
# Clearly, we cannot use addition alone as we did above. If we find, as above,
# the sum S of expected values (N)(N+1)/2, then there are possibly many unique
# pairs of integers <= N that sum to S. For instance, [1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10] is
# missing 5 and 8, which sum to 13, and (10)(11)/2 = 55 minus the sum in the
# list does correctly give us 13 as well, but there are several valid pairs of
# integers: (3,10), (4,9), and (5,8).
# Another way to express this is that for some pair of integers X,Y such that
# X < Y and X+Y = S, there are infinite integers A such that (X-A)+(Y+A) = S,
# because X-A+Y+A = X+Y is tautologically true no matter WHAT value A takes.
# And when there are numbers 1 through N to deal with, there are O(N) possible
# A values that could yield pairs X and Y within range.
# We can try using multiplication to disambiguate. Say we have a pair of
# integers X and Y that add to S, and another pair of integers X-A and Y+A
# that also add to S. Is it possible for X*Y to equal (X-A)*(Y+A)? What must
# A be for this to be true? Solving for A in the equation X*Y = (X-A)*(Y+A),
# I found that A equals X-Y, but the integers X-(X-Y) and Y+(X-Y) are simply
# the same pair of integers, Y and X. This implies that the pair of integers
# X and Y are the only pairs that both sum to S and have some product P.
# In the below function we find the sum and product of the missing numbers and
# algebraically solve for the missing numbers. To find the product of the
# missing numbers, we first find the factorial of N, which gets large quite
# quickly. The number of bits to store N! is in O(log(N!)) which is in
# O(Nlog(N)). Like above, if N is limited to some value, this is technically
# O(1) space, but given that a 32-bit unsigned integer can hold only up to
# 12!, this solution does not seem to meet the spirit of the problem when it
# asked for O(1) space.
def f3(lst):
"""Returns the missing two integers in a list.
lst: A list of ints 1 through some number N, with two numbers
in that range missing.
A tuple of ints.
n = len(lst) + 2
# There is actually way to do these calculations that is less
# memory intensive over many inputs. Start with the identities of 0
# for addition and 1 for multiplication, and then for each number X
# from 1 to N, add/multiply by that number X and sub/divide away
# the Xth number in the list (when X is in range of the list).
# Worst-case memory performance is still the same, and it would be
# important to handle division with floats or the Fractions library
# properly, but on input lists such as [1,2,3,4...23,24,27,28] the
# running product never exceeds 1000, as opposed to 28! which is
# larger than 10^29.
S = (n)*(n+1)//2 - reduce(add,lst)
P = factorial(n) // reduce(mul,lst)
disc = sqrt(S*S-4*P) # Discriminant of the quadratic equation.
return int((S-disc)/2), int((S+disc)/2)
# It is possible to avoid using such big numbers above by summing the base-2
# logs of all of the numbers rather than multiplying them. Since log(X) +
# log(Y) is equal to log(X*Y), if we exponentiate by 2 at the end we will end
# up with the same product without ever dealing with factorials.
# Just because we avoid using large numbers does not automatically mean that
# we have negligible memory constraints, though. Using logs requires that we
# store floats, and these floats must have enough bits to store sufficiently
# precise numbers that we get correct results after rounding.
# With the standard Python float, which is accurate to 53 bits or about 16
# decimal places, the below function fails on inputs where N is as low as
# 71,431 or so. More rigorous testing would be needed to find out on exactly
# what kinds of inputs this is secure, or alternatively what level of
# float precision is required to have f4 be secure over a given N for inputs.
def f4(lst):
"""See f3 docstring."""
n = len(lst) + 2
S = (n)*(n+1)//2 - reduce(add,lst)
P = round(2 ** (reduce(add,logs(range(1,n+1))) - reduce(add,logs(lst))))
disc = sqrt(S*S-4*P) # Discriminant of the quadratic equation.
return int((S-disc)/2), int((S+disc)/2)
def logs(it):
"""Yields logs of iterator items 1-by-1 rather than O(N) list."""
for item in it:
yield log2(item)
# Is there another way that we can aggregate numbers using both addition and
# XOR, given that both of these operations were useful when one number was
# missing? We are able to in O(N) time and O(1) space find what the missing
# two numbers sum to, as well as what they XOR to. Perhaps we can take
# advantage of the fact that bitwise addition is very similar to XOR?
# Say that X+Y is 17, or [1,0,0,0,1], and A^B is 9, or [1,0,0,1]. We can
# deduce that the 0th bit of X and Y must XOR to 1, and since the carry from
# the first addition must be 0, that the 1st bits of X and Y are both 0. It
# is possible to deduce altogether that X and Y are 4-bit numbers of the form
# X = [a4,1,0,a0] and Y = [b4,1,0,b0], where a4^b4 and a0^b0 both XOR to 1.
# But there are TWO pairs of numbers that fits these criteria, 13 and 4 as
# well as 12 and 5, so we cannot determine the correct missing numbers from
# this information.
# More generally, this approach gives us information for each bit in the pair
# of missing numbers whether A) they are both 0, B) they are both 1, or C)
# they differ from each other. Up to log(N) of the bits can differ from each
# other, so O(2**log(N)), or O(N), possible pairs of numbers, would need to
# be tested. But we cannot do this without either using more than O(1) space
# or taking O(N) time to check each pair, which violates our constraints.
# If we are permitted to modify the array, then there is another approach that
# works by performing a sort of in-place radix sort on the input. Every number
# in the list "belongs" at an index equal to that number's value minus 1. At
# most two of these indices are currently out of range of the list, so we
# append two "empty" indices to the list.
# [ 2 , 3 , 1 , 4 , 5 , 9 , 10 , 7 ]
# [ 2 , 3 , 1 , 4 , 5 , 9 , 10 , 7 , X , X ]
# Every number that we encounter in the list either A) is already at the
# correct index (ex. 4 and 5 above), B) belongs in one of the new indices that
# resulted from the append (ex. 9 and 10), C) belongs where one of the numbers
# in case B) was originally (ex. 7), or D) is part of a closed loop with other
# numbers that can be shifted around circularly (ex. 1,2,3).
# We can perform these shifts in O(N) time by progressing through the list and
# never moving a number to a different index more than once. Once the sort is
# complete, the two "empty" indices that remain are the locations of the
# missing numbers, and one more scan of the list will help find them.
# [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , X , 7 , X , 9 , 10 ]
# This approach is generalizable to any problem with list 1 through N that has
# any number R of missing numbers, and requires O(R) additional space for the
# extra appended slots. For this problem R is a constant, 2, so space is O(1).
def f5(lst):
"""See f3 docstring. Unlike f3, modifies input list."""
return find_r_missing_numbers(lst,2)
def find_r_missing_numbers(lst,R):
"""Returns the R missing numbers in a list.
Sorts the list in place after appending R empty slots to the list.
lst: A list of ints 1 through some number N, with R numbers in
that range missing.
A tuple of R ints.
NO_NUM = -1
for _ in range(R):
for i in range(len(lst)):
# Empty slots and case A.
if lst[i] == NO_NUM or lst[i] == i+1:
# Cases B, C and D. Move a number from its current slot,
# leaving an empty slot behind, to its proper slot, and then
# move whatever displaced number was there, until there is an
# empty slot rather than a number to displace.
curr_val = lst[i]
lst[i] = NO_NUM
while curr_val != NO_NUM:
next_val = lst[curr_val-1]
lst[curr_val-1] = curr_val
curr_val = next_val
return tuple([i+1 for i in range(len(lst)) if lst[i] == NO_NUM])
# If we are not allowed to modify the list, I thought of a probabilistic
# approach with average O(N) performance. Though we cannot tell what the two
# missing numbers are by knowing only the sum, we DO get more information if
# we calculate TWO sums: one of the upper half of numbers in the list, and one
# of the lower half of numbers. Regardless of the order of numbers in the list,
# we are able to determine which half any number belongs to since 1 through N
# are supposed to be there.
# If we find that one number is missing from the lower sum, and one from the
# upper sum, then we can immediately deduce those missing numbers in the same
# way we did in f1. Otherwise, we can go through the list again, this time
# narrowing the range of numbers that we sum to those in the half where we
# know both missing numbers are.
# Since the list is unordered, we must scan the entire list each time we sum
# to hit all of the numbers we want, no matter how small the range is. BUT the
# average number of times we must scan is constant. We start with 1 sweep
# regardless of which numbers are missing. Say that the first missing number
# is in some of the numbers 1 through N (either the lower or upper half).
# The second missing number is in the same half roughly half the time, and
# in the opposite half the other half of the time. So for roughly half of
# inputs we make another scan. Following this logic recursively, we see that
# the full call requires 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + ... scans, which approaches 2, a
# constant, as N approaches infinity.
# So this approach runs in O(N) time, but in the AVERAGE case over UNIFORMLY
# RANDOMLY DISTRIBUTED inputs. The worst case is when the missing numbers are
# certain pairs of adjacent integers, such as 1 and 2 when N is 1000. In this
# case, the full number of O(log(N)) scans is required, making performance
# O(NlogN).
# This behavior makes the approach similar to, unsurprisingly, another
# algorithm that relies on random splits over the input: Quicksort, which has
# average performance of O(NlogN) but worst case O(N^2) runtime over certain
# inputs, like already sorted lists. We tend to be comfortable describing
# Quicksort as an "O(NlogN) sort", so by that standard I am okay with calling
# the below function an O(N) algorithm, but it would be important to remember
# that the average performance in "real" contexts where the inputs could skew
# towards suboptimal cases might be worse.
# I wrote the function iteratively, not recursively, so as to avoid storing
# instances of execution on a call stack, which would lead to O(logN) space
# requirements in the worst case.
def f6(lst,timetest=False):
"""See f3 docstring.
When timetest is True, returns the number of scans of that were
required during the call for testing purposes.
n = len(lst) + 2
lo, hi = 1, n
passes = 0
while hi - lo > 1: # When False, only two numbers remain.
passes += 1
# The split is the INCLUSIVE upper bound of the lower half.
spl = (lo + hi) // 2
els, ehs = expected_sums(lo,spl,hi)
als, ahs = actual_sums(lst,lo,spl,hi)
# If a number is missing from BOTH halves, then we have found
# both numbers. Otherwise, we decrease the range of candidates.
if als < els and ahs < ehs:
return passes if timetest else (els-als, ehs-ahs)
lo,hi = (lo,spl) if ahs == ehs else (spl+1,hi)
return passes if timetest else (lo, hi)
def expected_sums(lo,spl,hi):
"""Returns the expected lower sum and expected higher sum.
Given positive integers lo, spl, and hi, returns the sum of all
integers from lo to spl inclusive, and from spl+1 to hi inclusive.
For example, if lo is 4, spl is 6, and hi is 9, returns 4+5+6 = 15
and 7+8+9 = 24. Applies simple algebra in O(1) time.
spl_item = (spl)*(spl+1) # Saved to avoid redundant calculations.
return (spl_item-(lo)*(lo-1))//2, ((hi)*(hi+1)-spl_item)//2
def actual_sums(lst,lo,spl,hi):
"""Returns the actual lower sum and actual higher sum.
Given a list and positive integers lo, spl, and hi, returns the sum
of all elements in the list from lo to spl inclusive, and from
spl+1 to hi inclusive. Runs in O(n) time.
lo_sum, hi_sum = 0,0
for num in lst:
if lo <= num and num <= spl:
lo_sum += num
elif spl < num and num <= hi:
hi_sum += num
return lo_sum, hi_sum
# The below "speed test" checks how many scans of the list are required and
# verifies that the behavior predicted above is occurring.
# For example, with n=50, we see:
# 1225 total trials. = 50*49/2 unique input pairs
# min: 1 ~ Half of inputs require only one pass.
# max: 5 Worst case: floor(log(50)) passes.
# avg: 1.876734693877551
# And with n=1000:
# 499500 total trials. = 1000*999/2 unique input pairs
# min: 1 ~ Half of inputs require only one pass.
# max: 9 Worst case: floor(log(1000)) passes.
# avg: 1.989149149149149 AVG # of passes approaches 2.
def speed_test(n):
"""Tests runtime of f6.
Given an integer N, tests f6's performance over an input list for
all unique pairs of missing integers X and Y such that X < Y < =N.
Records the number of scans over the list that were required to
determine the output, and aggregates and prints statistics of these.
all_counts = []
for lo in range(1,n+1):
print(f"Testing missing pairs with {lo} as lo...")
for hi in range(lo+1,n+1):
bob = [x for x in range(1,n+1) if (x!=lo and x!=hi)]
min,max = all_counts[0],all_counts[-1]
avg = sum(all_counts) / len(all_counts)
print(f"{len(all_counts)} total trials")
print(f" min: {min}")
print(f" max: {max}")
print(f" avg: {avg}")
# Interestingly, the book suggested a different "equation-based" approach that
# calculates the sum, and then sum of squares of inputs. This approach does
# not fail on larger inputs the way f4 did, does not calculate factorials
# which quickly overflow the way f3 did, so it is the superior equation-based
# function. Like my informal proof above with X-A and Y+A, it can be shown by
# solving quadratic equations that only unique pairs of integers have both the
# same sum and same sum of squares.
def f7(lst):
"""See f3 docstring."""
n = len(lst) + 2
S1 = (n)*(n+1)//2 - reduce(add,lst)
S2 = reduce(add,squares(range(1,n+1))) - reduce(add,squares(lst))
disc = sqrt(2*S2-S1*S1) # Discriminant of the quadratic equation.
return int((S1-disc)/2), int((S1+disc)/2)
def squares(it):
"""Yields squares of iterator items 1-by-1 instead of O(N) list."""
for item in it:
yield item**2
# We confirm accuracy of f5, f6, and f7 below. (On small inputs, f3 and f4
# could also be tested, but I am reserving the tests only for the "best" of
# each of the three types of approaches I worked with for this problem.)
def accuracy_test(n,trials):
"""Tests correctness of the best equation-based approach, f7, the
probabilistic approach, f6, and the sort-based approach, f5.
Given an integer N, tests correctness over an input list for
all unique pairs of missing integers X and Y such that X < Y <= N.
For each pair, a new input list is created and shuffled trials
times, as f5 has different behavior based on the order of items in
the input.
AssertionError: At least one among f5, f6 and f7 is incorrect.
for lo in range(1,n+1):
print(f"Testing missing pairs with {lo} as lo...")
for hi in range(lo+1,n+1):
for _ in range(trials):
lst = [x for x in range(1,n+1) if (x!=lo and x!=hi)]
assert (lo,hi) == f7(lst)
assert (lo,hi) == f6(lst)
assert (lo,hi) == f5(lst) # Modifies input so do last. |
201eb517d7b66b5bb4c7bdd2ef7ebe37b5c1e5bd | jake-albert/py-algs | /c17/ | 9,202 | 4.03125 | 4 | from random import randint
# c17p11
# Word Distance: You have a large text file containing words. Given any two
# words, find the shortest distance (in terms of number of words) between them
# in the file. If the operation will be repeated many times for the same file
# (but different pairs of words), can you optimize your solution?
# I assume that I have access to an NLP tokenizer like from the NLTK library
# in Python that handles punctuation, hyphenation etc. consistently when
# parsing files. So I abstract the text file as a list of ints.
# I assume for this question that the distance between two word instances in
# the file is the absolute value of the difference between the two indices of
# the words. This means that A) it does not matter if a greater index comes
# before a lesser index; distance is always POSTIVE, and B) there is no
# "wrapping around" from the end of a file to the start. The first and last
# words of the file/list are the two words with the greatest distance.
# My first thought on how to solve this problem was that storing info on word
# connectedness in a graph would be helpful. Say we create a new node for
# each unique word in the document and add edges between words that somewhere
# in the document are adjacent. Then, couldn't we simply call bidirectional
# search over this graph to find the shortest path between two words?
# It turns out that this give a different kind of "shortest distance" between
# words than what we are interested in, because allowing one node to
# represent every instance of a word in the text allows us to "jump" between
# instances of a word without adding any distance cost when we should not.
# Shortest path in the above graph from "MY" to "BLUE" is just 2;
# from "MY" to "DOG", then a "jump" from that "DOG" to the last
# "DOG" that costs nothing, then from that "DOG" to "BLUE". The
# correct shortest distance is 12.
# Another idea involves storing indices to words in some way that lets us
# calculate word distances easily. My solution below begins by reading the
# text (list) once in O(N) time, where N is the word length of the text, and
# storing in a dictionary the indices of all occurrences of each word.
# The trick is that because we read and store indices in increasing order,
# the problem reduces to taking two sorted lists of integers and finding the
# smallest absolute value difference between any two integers from each list,
# which can be done in O(L1+L2). L1 and L2 being lengths of the lists, which
# here correspond to the number of instances of each word in the document.
# This approach allows us to find the shortest distance between any two words
# quite quickly, but for very long documents the most common words might
# occur so often in a document that it would be helpful to calculate the
# shortest distance between them and other words overnight so they may be
# returned in O(1) time. This would require an extra O(M^2) storage, where M
# is the number of words among which we want to store distances ahead of time,
# or O(M*N) time if we want to for some M words store their distances from
# every other word for O(1) time lookup.
# Whether we would want to actually do this, though, depends on specific time
# and memory costs related to the type of document we are storing and what
# words we expect to be looked up most often.
# I first implement the O(L1+L2) algorithm and test it against an O(L1*L2)
# brute-force algorithm for correctness:
def smallest_difference(lst_a,lst_b):
"""Given two lists of integers sorted in increasing order, returns
the smallest absolute value difference between any two integers
from each list.
lst_a, lst_b: Lists of ints.
An int.
# I define difference as undefined when at least one list is empty.
if len(lst_a) == 0 or len(lst_b) == 0:
return None
mindiff = float("inf")
index_a, index_b = 0, 0
while index_a < len(lst_a) and index_b < len(lst_b):
if lst_a[index_a] == lst_b[index_b]: # Best possible diff.
return 0
mindiff = min(mindiff,abs(lst_a[index_a]-lst_b[index_b]))
# Since the lists are sorted, only advancing further into the
# list with the smaller element has a chance of resulting in a
# DECREASED difference between the elements.
if lst_a[index_a] < lst_b[index_b]:
index_a += 1
index_b += 1
# Once one list has been fully traversed, we know that every yet
# unseen value in the other list is greater than or equal to the
# greatest value in the finished list. So diff cannot decrease.
return mindiff
def sd_brute(lst_a,lst_b):
"""O(L1*L2) version of above function."""
if len(lst_a) == 0 or len(lst_b) == 0:
return None
mindiff = float("inf")
for index_a in range(len(lst_a)):
for index_b in range(len(lst_b)):
mindiff = min(mindiff,abs(lst_a[index_a]-lst_b[index_b]))
return mindiff
def test(trials,L1,L2):
"""Tests smallest_difference against sd_brute on random inputs.
trials: An int. Number of inputs to make and test.
L1,L2: Ints >= 0. Lengths of input lists to test.
AssertionError: The functions' output is different.
MAXVAL = max(L1,L2)**4
for trial in range(trials):
lst_a = sorted([randint(0,MAXVAL) for _ in range(L1)])
lst_b = sorted([randint(0,MAXVAL) for _ in range(L2)])
assert smallest_difference(lst_a,lst_b) == sd_brute(lst_a,lst_b)
# With that work done (arguably, the "real work" part of the problem), I wrote
# a word dictionary that supports finding shortest distances between words
# that actually works on text files. I wrote a rudimentary word "parser" that
# defines "words" as longest possible sequences of consecutive, non-whitespace
# characters. (I guess I could also just install NLTK.)
def words_from_text(filepath):
"""Generator that yields words one by one from a file.
Treats whitespace characters as word boundaries, and greedily
treats as many non-whitespace characters as possible as one word.
All words are converted to lower-case before being yielded.
filepath: A string.
Strings of non-whitespace characters.
FileNotFoundError: filepath does not lead to a file.
with open(filepath,"r") as f:
for line in f:
read = 0
while read < len(line):
while read < len(line) and line[read].isspace():
read += 1
start_char = read
while read < len(line) and not line[read].isspace():
read += 1
if read > start_char:
yield line[start_char:read].lower()
except FileNotFoundError as e:
class FileDict:
"""Stores documents in a way to support word distance queries.
lookup: A dictionary from strings to indices of occurrences of
those strings in the document.
def __init__(self,filepath):
"""Inits a FileDict in O(N) time (N: word count).
filepath: A string path to the document.
self.lookup = self._load_dict(filepath)
def _load_dict(self,filepath):
"""Loads each word occurrence into lookup."""
lookup = {}
index = 0
for word in words_from_text(filepath):
if word not in lookup:
lookup[word] = [index]
index += 1
return lookup
def word_distance(self,w1,w2):
"""Returns the shortest distance between any occurrences of two
words in a document, or None if at least one word does is not
in the document.
w1,w2: Strings.
An int, or None.
if w1 not in self.lookup or w2 not in self.lookup:
return None
return smallest_difference(self.lookup[w1],self.lookup[w2])
def toy_test():
"""Tests a toy example."""
fd = FileDict("c17p11.txt")
triples = [("this","is",1),
for w1,w2,d in triples:
assert fd.word_distance(w1,w2) == d |
d95a3e695cf3726436afe59d60e5284555c3b2e1 | jake-albert/py-algs | /c16/ | 3,878 | 3.71875 | 4 | # c16p06
# Smallest Difference: Given two arrays of integers, compute the pair of
# values (one value in each array) with the smallest (non-negative)
# difference. Return the difference.
# Input: {1, 3, 15, 11, 2}, {23, 127, 235, 19, 8}
# Output: 3. That is, the pair (11, 8).
# The most straightforward way is to compare each of the M vals in the first
# array against each of the N vals in the second, returning the min difference
# we find. This can be done in O(MN) time.
# One improvement that we can make to this is sort the two lists, and then
# upon reading all values from lowest to highest, record a difference only
# when switching from one list to another. On the example input:
# [1,3,15,11,2] and [23,127,235,19,8]
# We sort each getting
# [1,2,3,11,15] and [8,19,23,127,235]
# Then, place read heads at both 1 and 8. We see that the min is 1, and then 2,
# and then 3, all in the same list. Next is 8, and only then do we change to
# read from a different list. So we record 8-3 which is 5. Next smallest value
# is 11, and we record 11-8 to find a better difference of 3.
# Important is to remember the case where all values in one list are less than
# all values in a second list. [1,2,3,4] and [7,8,9,10] has a min diff of 3.
# Sorts takes O(MlogM + NlogN) time, and reading heads O(M+N) time, so overall
# the function needs O(MlogM + NlogN) time and requires O(1) space assuming
# the sorts are implemented in place, such as with quicksort. We assume that
# the input is correctly formed (no non-integer objects in the lists).
def f1(A,B):
"""Returns the difference between the pair of values with the
smallest non-negative difference, one from each input array.
A: A list of integers.
B: A list of integers.
An integer difference, or None if at least one of A or B is
if len(A) < 1 or len(B) < 1: return
# We sort the lists in place, but if it is required that the
# original input not be modified, then copying is required.
min_diff = float("inf")
read_a, read_b = 0, 0 # Heads are indices.
prev_lst = None # Previous list with minimum val.
# We can halt when we have reached the end of one list.
while read_a < len(A) and read_b < len(B):
if A[read_a] < B[read_b]:
cur_lst = A
cur_val = A[read_a]
next_a, next_b = read_a+1, read_b
elif B[read_b] < A[read_a]:
cur_lst = B
cur_val = B[read_b]
next_a, next_b = read_a, read_b+1
else: # If the two values are equal, return immediately.
return 0
# Check for a min difference only when read head switches.
if prev_lst is not None and cur_lst is not prev_lst:
diff = cur_val - prev_val
if diff < min_diff:
min_diff = diff
read_a, read_b = next_a, next_b
prev_lst = cur_lst
prev_val = cur_val
# One last check is required after exiting the loop. Find the
# "last value" to check, which is the value at whichever read head
# has not yet traversed all of its list, and find the difference
# between this last value and the previous value seen. Return the
# minimum of this difference and the minimum difference seen so far.
last_val = A[read_a] if read_b >= len(B) else B[read_b]
diff = last_val - prev_val
return min(diff,min_diff)
def test():
"""Tests some example inputs.
assert f1([1,3,15,11,2],[23,127,235,19,8]) == 3
assert f1([5,6,77,35,78,1,45,98],[245,676,111,344,766,800]) == 13 |
5db74f2976c19b396a624c8518aab5f7de051164 | jake-albert/py-algs | /other_practice/ | 7,335 | 4.15625 | 4 | # The class below simulates a valid grid for p02 as it is produced and has
# methods that make writing the recursive algorithm in very easy.
# It could be redesigned to handle square grids of any dimension with some
# effort, so long as the rules for valid rows and columns are clarified. (Ex.
# What values are allowed in each square? What kinds of "straights" are
# permitted? What kinds of special combinations like "248" are permitted?).
# But because these rules are not defined, the class is "hard-coded" to handle
# only a dimension of 3, and only 1-9 as permitted values in each square. It
# thus does NOT define attributes like "DIM", "MINVAL", and "MAXVAL", which is
# generally good practice but here could give the impression that the class is
# easily modifiable to other cases.
class Grid:
"""Simulates a grid in progress of being filled in with digits
according to the rules described above.
BLANK: An integer representing a blank square. Here, -1.
sqs: A list of length 9 representing the squares of the grid,
top left to bottom right.
BLANK = -1
def __init__(self):
"""Inits Grid to be entirely blank."""
self.sqs = [self.BLANK] * 9
def is_blank(self,i):
"""Returns True if ith square is blank, False otherwise."""
return self.sqs[i] == self.BLANK
def set_square(self,i,dig):
"""Sets the ith square of the grid to hold a digit."""
if dig < 1 or dig > 9:
raise ValueError("Invalid input: Digit must be integer 1 to 9.")
self.sqs[i] = dig
def clear_square(self,i):
"""Sets the ith square back to a BLANK value."""
self.sqs[i] = self.BLANK
def display(self):
"""Pretty prints the grid."""
print(" _____")
for i in range(len(self.sqs)):
if i%3 == 0:
if i%3 == 2:
print(self.sqs[i],end=" ")
print(" ¯¯¯¯¯")
def all_valid_digits(self,i):
"""Returns an iterable containing each of the digits 1-9 that
may be placed at the ith square without violating any row or
column rules. Assumes that the ith square is blank.
# The other digits in the ith square's row and column set
# constraints on which digits are valid. If no constraints,
# then all digits are valid. If only one of the row and column
# constrains to a set of digits, then those digits are returned
# immediately. Otherwise, the sets' intersection is returned.
rds, cds = self._row_digits(i), self._column_digits(i)
if rds is None and cds is None:
return range(1,10)
elif rds is None:
return self._valid_digits(cds)
elif cds is None:
return self._valid_digits(rds)
rvds, cvds = self._valid_digits(rds), self._valid_digits(cds)
return rvds.intersection(cvds)
def _row_digits(self,i):
"""Returns the digits in the same row as the ith square, or
None if no such digits exist. Assumes that the ith square is
i0 = i//3*3 # ex. "3" for 3,4,5.
digs = [self.sqs[j] for j in range(i0,i0+3) if not self.is_blank(j)]
return self._format_digs(digs)
def _column_digits(self,i):
"""Returns the digits in the same column as the ith square, or
None if no such digits exist. Assumes that the ith square is
i0 = i%3 # ex. "2" for 2,5,8.
digs = [self.sqs[j] for j in range(i0,i0+7,3) if not self.is_blank(j)]
return self._format_digs(digs)
def _format_digs(self,digs):
"""Ensures that the digits are returned as a list in increasing
order, or the None object if there are no digits. When called by
functions like row_digits and column_digits, the input digs list
is guaranteed to hold at most 2 digits.
if len(digs) == 0:
return None
elif len(digs) == 1:
return digs
return [min(digs[0],digs[1]), max(digs[0],digs[1])]
def _valid_digits(self,ds):
"""Given a list of either one or two digits from the same group
(a row or column), returns a set of valid digits that can join
this group.
if len(ds) == 1:
return self._valid_digits_one(ds[0])
return self._valid_digits_two(ds)
def _valid_digits_one(self,d):
"""Given a single digit, returns the set of valid digits that
could be added to a group with that digit.
For example, if d is 1, returns {1,2,3,4,5,7}. 6,8,9 cannot
exist in the same group as 1 so they are left out.
# Digits can form a 0-straight, 1-straight, 2-straight, or
# 3-straight of values (order not mattering). This means that
# if a group contains a single number d, any digit that is
# within plus-or-minus 0,1,2,3,4, or 6 may join that group.
# (So long as it is within range of 1-9 inclusive.)
# The special case of group [2,4,8] is already handled here, as
# each of the values of this group are within 2,4, or 6 of one
# another.
diffs = [x for x in range(-4,5)]
return {d+diff for diff in diffs if 0<d+diff<10}
def _valid_digits_two(self,ds):
"""Given a list of two digit, returns the set of valid digits
that could be added to complete a group with those digits.
For example, if d is [5,7], returns {3,6,9}. Other digits
cannot be added.
Assumes that the list ds is sorted in increasing order.
output = set()
# One possibility to complete a group would be to be an
# "external" addition to a straight that extends the pattern.
# These include going up ([2,4] and then 6) and going down
# ([8,9],and then 7.). 0-straights are also handled the same.
diff = ds[1] - ds[0]
if 0 <= diff <= 3:
candidate1 = ds[1] + diff
candidate2 = ds[0] - diff
if candidate1 < 10:
if candidate2 > 0:
# Another possibility to complete a group would be to be an
# "internal" addition ([2,8] with 5 in the middle). This case
# occurs only when the two digits' average is an integer.
sum = (ds[0]+ds[1])
if sum % 2 == 0:
# Valid digits from the special "248" case handled separately.
if ds == [2,4]:
elif ds == [4,8]:
elif ds == [2,8]:
return output |
4bebbaa17b0ec98c097929740b8bfa9faba7cd84 | jake-albert/py-algs | /data_structs/ | 2,454 | 4.03125 | 4 | from .doubly import Doubly
from collections import deque
class LinkedListQueue:
"""Queue implemented with my doubly linked list class.
queue: A Doubly instance that simulates the queue.
def __init__(self,loads=None):
"""Inits an empty LinkedListQueueQueue by default. If loads is
not None and non-empty, loads items into queue such that the
first item in loads is the first that will be removed."""
if loads is not None:
self.queue = Doubly(loads)
self.queue = Doubly()
def __len__(self):
return self.queue.size
def add(self, item):
"""Adds an item in O(1) time."""
def remove(self):
"""Removes and returns the least-recently added item in O(1)
time. Returns None if queue is empty."""
if not self.is_empty():
return self.queue.remove_tail()
def peek(self):
"""Returns the least-recently added item in O(1) time. Returns
None if queue is empty."""
if not self.is_empty():
return self.queue.tail.val
def is_empty(self):
"""Returns a Boolean."""
return self.queue.size == 0
class DequeQueue:
"""Queue implemented with the Python deque object.
queue: A deque object."""
def __init__(self,loads=None):
"""Inits an empty DequeQueue. If loads is not None and
non-empty, loads items into queue such that the first item in
loads is the first that will be removed."""
self.queue = deque()
if loads is not None:
for load in loads:
def __len__(self):
return len(self.queue)
def add(self,item):
"""Adds an item in O(1) time."""
def remove(self):
"""Removes and returns least-recently added item in O(1) time.
IndexError: queue is empty.
return self.queue.pop()
def peek(self):
"""Returns least-recently added item in O(1) time.
IndexError: queue is empty.
return self.queue[-1]
def is_empty(self):
"""Returns a Boolean."""
return len(self.queue) == 0 |
987837642c25fe151af6d7f60ba30e3125585ff7 | jake-albert/py-algs | /c16/ | 8,444 | 3.90625 | 4 | from operator import add, sub, mul, truediv
from random import randint
# c16p25
# Calculator: Given an arithmetic expression consisting of positive integers,
# +, -, * and / (no parentheses), compute the result.
# Input: 2*3+5/6*3+15
# Output: 23.5
# The text does not seem to give any indication of the format of the input. It
# seems most plausible that this would be a string of characters such as "5"
# or "6+87/23".
# If we are not so concerned with minimizing memory, then we could parse the
# full input string in order to populate some data structure such as a list
# (for example, ["2","*","13","+","55","/","6","*","3"]), a linked list, or
# stacks that would (perhaps) make implementing the calculator simpler. With
# the linked list, for example, we could make one "scan" from left to right
# that, for each "*" and "/" operator it encounters in a node, replaces the
# previous node, current operator node, and following node with the result
# of that computation, and then moves on, and then repeat this process with
# "+" and "-" until only one node remains. This data structure would, of
# course, require O(N) space.
# On the other hand, if we are concerned about optimizing memory usage (which
# admittedly might not be a high priority in most use cases for this problem,
# but could plausibly become a priority if inputs ever increase to having tens
# of thousands of integers), we can also compute the result using O(1) extra
# space by carefully reading integers and operator symbols from the string and
# aggregating them in the correct order. I implement that function.
# (Pedantically speaking, since there is no limit to the size of integers in
# the input, it is possible that the input string consists of only one integer
# that must be read and stored by the function before returning, so in reality
# we can cap memory requirements only at O(logN), where N is the character
# length of the input, even though the number of distinct integers and
# operations that we allocate memory for is in O(1).)
# My function raises a ValueError when the input is invalid; that is, when it
# cannot match the regex a(ba)*, where a is the string representation of some
# positive integer, and b is one of "+", "-", "*", or "/".
# ALSO, an important note about associativity. We obviously must be careful to
# get correct the order of operations in an expression like "3+2*2" and thus
# cannot blindly calculate operations from left to right. But because we are
# working with the true division operator and float results, the order that we
# compute results even within a sequence of "mutually associative" operations
# makes a difference as well:
# >>> 69*31/59
# 36.25423728813559
# >>> (69*31)/59
# 36.25423728813559
# >>> 69*(31/59)
# 36.2542372881356
# In order to truly replicate the behavior of the Python interpreter, it is
# important that we greedily compute operations from left to right whenever
# possible, rather than perform these operations in a different order, even
# though the fractional value of the result would not change (above, 2139/59).
# Alternatively, we could store a running tab of the result to return using
# Python's Fraction class, and then only at the end output a decimal form. In
# that case, the relative order of multiplications and divisions would not
# make a difference. (This approach might also be faster, as we would avoid
# floating-point arithmetic until the end? I would have to look more into how
# the Fraction class implements its operations.)
def f1(exp):
"""Given a string representing an arithmetic expression of positive
integers, computes and prints the result.
exp: A string. Should match the regex a(ba)*, where a is some
number of digits representing a positive integer, and b is one
of "+", "-", "*", or "/".
An float if the division operator is in the input, and an
integer otherwise.
ValueError: exp is empty or is improperly formed.
ZeroDivisionError: exp calls for dividing by zero.
if len(exp) == 0:
raise ValueError("Empty expression, undefined result.")
output, i = get_next_int(exp,0)
if i == len(exp):
return output
# At all times, we keep track of a running value for the expression
# as it is calculated from left to right, the operator and integer
# (the "argument") that follow, and the next operator after that
# (or None if no such operator exists).
# out op arg nop
# 55 + 3 * 6 ...
op, i = get_next_op(exp,i)
arg, i = get_next_int(exp,i)
nop, i = get_next_op(exp,i)
while nop is not None:
# We aim to calculate (out op arg) as soon as we possibly can.
# When op is * or /, we can do this immediately and "shift" op,
# arg, and nop to the right. But when op is + -, we must first
# compute ALL consecutive * or / operations from nop to the
# right, which might include the final operation in the string.
if (op is add) or (op is sub):
while (nop is not add) and (nop is not sub):
narg, i = get_next_int(exp,i)
arg = nop(arg,narg)
nop, i = get_next_op(exp,i)
if nop is None:
return op(output,arg)
output = op(output,arg)
op = nop
arg, i = get_next_int(exp,i)
nop, i = get_next_op(exp,i)
return op(output,arg)
def get_next_int(exp,i):
"""Returns the integer beginning at the ith index in a string.
exp: A string.
i: An int index where a positive integer is expected to begin.
The integer value, and a new index 1 to the right of where the
integer ends in the string.
ValueError: There is no positive integer at index i.
IndexError: i is out of range.
if i == len(exp):
raise ValueError(f"Integer expected at index {i}.")
if not exp[i].isnumeric():
raise ValueError(f"Non-numeric char found at index {i}.")
val = 0
while i < len(exp) and exp[i].isnumeric():
val = val*10 + int(exp[i])
i += 1
return val, i
def get_next_op(exp,i):
"""Returns the operator represented at the ith index of a string,
or None if i is at the end of the string.
exp: A string.
i: An int index where an operator symbol is expected.
An function object or None, and min(i+1,len(exp)).
ValueError: There is an unexpected character at index i.
if i == len(exp):
return None, i
if exp[i] == "+":
return add, i+1
elif exp[i] == "-":
return sub, i+1
elif exp[i] == "*":
return mul, i+1
elif exp[i] == "/":
return truediv, i+1
raise ValueError(f"Failed to find valid operator at index {i}.")
def test(max_ops,trials,max_int):
"""Tests f1 against the Python interpreter's performance on
randomly generated input strings of increasing lengths.
max_ops: An int. Number of operations in longest test input.
trials: An int. Number of strings to test per op count.
max_int: An int. Highest value that may be part of a string.
None. Prints any input with discrepancies between f1 and
for n_ops in range(max_ops+1):
for _ in range(trials):
str = generate_input(n_ops+1,max_int)
if f2(str) != eval(str):
print("f2 issue:",str)
def generate_input(c,max_int):
"""Returns a string representing an arithmetic expression with c
random integers from 1 to max_int (inclusive), and c-1 operations
randomly selected from plus, minus, multiply, and divide.
ops = ["+", "-", "*", "/"]
builder = []
for _ in range(c-1):
return "".join(builder) |
a4185becd747eea6db3e191612d83b9daf9eea53 | jake-albert/py-algs | /c17/ | 3,613 | 4.125 | 4 | from random import randint
from math import factorial
from statistics import median, stdev
# c17p02
# Shuffle: Write a method to shuffle a deck of cards. It must be a perfect
# shuffle-in other words, each of the 52! permutations of the deck has to be
# equally likely. Assume that you are given a random number generator which is
# perfect.
# I assume that the perfect random number generator outputs random integers in
# any specified range. I use Python's randint() function to simulate the RNG,
# and abstract a deck of cards as a list of length 52. (In fact, this solution
# works to shuffle Python lists of any length.)
# First, we must pick with equal probability some card out of the 52 to occupy
# the "top" of the deck, or the 0th-indexed position in the list. Having done
# this, we need to pick one of the the remaining 51 cards with equal
# probability to occupy the second position, and so on. We can do this in
# place on the list by swapping values.
# Assuming that each call to randint() returns in O(1) time, this shuffle
# algorithm runs in linear time to length of the input. Since it is written
# iteratively rather than recursively, it requires O(1) memory.
def f1(lst):
"""Shuffles a list of length N so that all N! permutations are
equally likely. The list is shuffled in place.
lst: A list of objects.
for i in range(len(lst)-1): # No need to swap the final value.
selection = randint(i,len(lst)-1)
lst[i], lst[selection] = lst[selection], lst[i]
def test(N,trials):
"""Tests the shuffle function and prints some rudimentary results.
N: An int. The length of the list to shuffle.
trials: An int. The number of shuffles to perform.
occurrences = {}
for t in range(trials):
if trials > 10 and t % (trials//10) == 0:
print(f"Trial:{t:10} ({100*t/trials:2.0f}%)")
lst = list(range(N))
key = tuple(lst) # Hashable version of the shuffle.
if key not in occurrences:
occurrences[key] = 1
occurrences[key] += 1
fact = factorial(N)
print(f"Expected distinct shuffles: {fact}")
print(f"Actual distinct shuffles : {len(occurrences.items())}\n")
print(f"Expected hits per shuffle : ~{trials//fact:8}")
lo_q, med, hi_q = get_qs(occurrences.values())
print(f"Lower quartile of shuffle hits : {lo_q:8}")
print(f"Median : {med:8}")
print(f"Upper quartile : {hi_q:8}\n")
print(f"Expected probability of each shuffle: {100/fact:.4f}%")
sigma = stdev([100*occ/trials for occ in occurrences.values()])
print(f"StdDev of probabilities : {sigma:.4f}%")
if N <= 5: # Do not print all shuffles when N! is too large.
print("Shuffle: Hits (Percentage)")
for k,v in sorted(occurrences.items()):
print(f"{k}: {v:6} ({100*v/trials:7.4f}%)")
# I use the rudimentary function below rather than use a more sophisticated
# library like numpy or pandas to get quartile information.
def get_qs(lst):
"""Returns (rough) Q1, Q2, and Q3 values of a list."""
sorted_lst = sorted(lst)
mid = len(sorted_lst) // 2
lo_q = int(median(sorted_lst[:mid]))
med = int(median(lst))
hi_q = int(median(sorted_lst[mid:]))
return lo_q, med, hi_q |
cbffb60b5392afe5b4198d7cd342002ca5847345 | bastih/banana | /examples/calculator/scenarios/ | 613 | 3.71875 | 4 | from banana import matches
from calculator import Calculator
@matches(r'^Given the user opens the calculator$')
def calculusInit(t):
t.calculator = Calculator()
@matches(r'^When entering (\d+) and (\d+)$')
def calcAddNums(t, num1, num2):
t.calculator.num1 = int(num1)
t.calculator.num2 = int(num2)
@matches(r'^When entering (\d+\s,?)+$')
def calcGroupedAdd(t, *args, **kwargs):
print args, kwargs
@matches(r'^Expect a result of (\d+)$')
def expectedResult(t, result):
assert t.calculator.sum() == int(result), "Correct result should be %s but is %s" % (int(result), t.calculator.sum()) |
f9d2ca5e97c35550587983c9ef35770a83cecc2e | tjvonbr/interview_prep | /interview_prop_python/goodrich_practice/ | 208 | 4 | 4 | def minmax(arr):
min = arr[0]
max = arr[0]
for i in arr:
if i < min:
min = i
elif i > max:
max = i
print((min, max))
print(minmax([1, 9, 0, -1, 15])) |
ef40d6026aee4d666ef8a15c7b2b5083e69a85cb | pl80tech/CarND-PID-Control-Project | /log/ | 1,813 | 3.546875 | 4 | # Script to visualize multiple log in a figure & save to image for easy comparison
# How to use:
# $ python arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9 arg10
# arg1 --> log file 1
# arg2 --> log file 2
# arg3 --> log file 3
# arg4 --> title of the figure
# arg5 --> x label of the figure
# arg6 --> y label of the figure
# arg7 --> legend for log 1
# arg8 --> legend for log 2
# arg9 --> legend for log 3
# arg10 --> save file
# Import the required packages
import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
# Get the data from log and set x, y coordinate
def getLogData(logfile):
logline = open(logfile, "r").readlines()
cte = [0] * len(logline)
x = [0] * len(logline)
for i in range(len(logline)):
cte[i] = float(logline[i].strip('\n'))
x[i] = i
return x, cte
# Set x, y coordinate for center line
def getCenterLine(len):
x = [0] * len
y = [0] * len
for i in range(len):
x[i] = i
return x, y
# Get x, y coordiante from the log files (passed from command line)
x1, cte1 = getLogData(sys.argv[1])
x2, cte2 = getLogData(sys.argv[2])
x3, cte3 = getLogData(sys.argv[3])
# Number of iterations to be visualized
n_iteration = min(len(x1), len(x2), len(x3))
# Get x, y coordinate for center line
center_x, center_y = getCenterLine(n_iteration)
# Plot multiple data in a same figure
plt.plot(x1[0:n_iteration-1], cte1[0:n_iteration-1])
plt.plot(x2[0:n_iteration-1], cte2[0:n_iteration-1])
plt.plot(x3[0:n_iteration-1], cte3[0:n_iteration-1])
plt.plot(center_x, center_y)
# Add title, label and legend
plt.legend([sys.argv[7], sys.argv[8], sys.argv[9]])
# Save visualized data to image file
savefile = sys.argv[10]
# Show on screen
6490618fda77e8b9c88590f5b9a2af5a597c04db | daverave1212/Ppender | / | 922 | 3.578125 | 4 |
def parse_config_file():
with open('config.cfg', 'r') as f: # Parse the config file
text =
lines = text.split('\n')
pairs = [line.split('=') for line in lines if (not line.isspace() and not len(line) == 0)]
config = {}
for pair in pairs:
config[pair[0].strip()] = pair[1].strip()
return config
def setup_config(config):
if config['TEXT'] == 'None':
print('Type in the phrase you want to paste with F3:')
config['TEXT'] = input()
print('Ok: ' + config['TEXT'])
config['RENAME_PRESS_F2'] = to_bool(config['RENAME_PRESS_F2'])
config['RENAME_PRESS_ENTER'] = to_bool(config['RENAME_PRESS_ENTER'])
config['CUT_INSTEAD_OF_COPY'] = to_bool(config['CUT_INSTEAD_OF_COPY'])
def to_bool(string):
return True if string in ['True', 'true', 'yes', '1'] else False
a1ed74f09083aa09de21700ccf76cd27b4e56365 | SotirisKavv/AdventOfCode2020 | /day1/ | 972 | 3.515625 | 4 | def readFile(filename):
f = open(filename)
words =
words = [int(i) for i in words]
return words
def candidate2Product(arr, val):
i = 0
j = len(arr) - 1
while i < j:
a = int(arr[i])
b = int(arr[j])
if a + b < val:
elif a + b > val:
elif a + b == val:
return a*b
return 0
def candidate3Product(arr, val):
for i in range(0, len(arr)):
j = i + 1
k = len(arr) - 1
a = int(arr[i])
while j < k:
b = int(arr[j])
c = int(arr[k])
if a + b + c < val:
elif a + b + c > val:
elif a + b + c == val:
return a*b*c
return 0
entries = readFile('input1')
print(candidate2Product(entries, 2020))
print(candidate3Product(entries, 2020))
886dc39d2bb61f93ac6d8769b059f38cb7cf34ae | andrewghaly/KMeans-1 | /pa6-calendar-student-1/ | 7,180 | 3.796875 | 4 | import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from math import sqrt
import random
colors = list('cmyk')
class Centroid:
def __init__(self, color, position):
self.color = color
self.position = position
self.coordinateList = list()
def euclid(self, b):
Euclidean Distance Algorithm for two points
sqrt((x1-x2)^2 + (y1-x2)^2))
x, y = self.position
input_x, input_y = b.position
return sqrt((x - input_x) ** 2 + (y - input_y) ** 2)
def manhattan(self, b):
Manhattan Distance Algorithm for two points
abs(x1-x2) + abs(y1y2)
x,y = self.position
input_x, input_y = b.position
return abs(x-input_x) + abs(y-input_y)
def plot(self):
"""Adds point to the current plot"""
x, y = self.position
plt.scatter(x, y, s=250, marker=u'^', color=self.color, zorder=5)
def computePosition(self):
"""Computes the mean of all points in self.coordinateList()"""
if self.coordinateList:
x_value_list = list()
y_value_list = list()
for i in self.coordinateList:
x, y = i.position
self.position = (np.mean(x_value_list), np.mean(y_value_list))
def equals(self, input_position):
"""Checks if two Centroids are in the same position"""
if input_position[0] == self.position[0] and input_position[1] == self.position[1]:
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
stringRep = str(
"Centroid ({0}, {1}), has {2} points".format(round(self.position[0], 2), round(self.position[1], 2),
return stringRep
class Coordinate:
def __init__(self, position, color):
self.position = position
self.color = color
def plot(self):
"""Adds point to the current plot"""
x, y = self.position
plt.scatter(x, y, marker="o", color=self.color, alpha=.35, s=75)
def plotCoordinates(coordinateList, centroidList):
Plots the individual points on the map
Find the closest centroid to a given coordinate
Add that point to the centroidList and plot it on the map
# Reset the coordinateList for each Centroid
for current_centroid in centroidList:
current_centroid.coordinateList = list()
# Calculate the nearest Centroid
# Append it to the Centroid's coordinate list
# Color the coordinate the same as the Centroid
for coordinate in coordinateList:
# Get a list of all the distances to the Centroids
distanceList = list()
for centroid in centroidList:
# Gets the lowest numerical distance to a centroid
minDistance = min(distanceList)
# Find the index of the closest distance
# Use that index to get the closest Centroid
# Apply all the properties to the Coordinate
for i in range(len(centroidList)):
temp_distance = distanceList[i]
if temp_distance == minDistance:
closestCentroid = centroidList[i]
coordinate.color = closestCentroid.color
def plotCentroids(centroidList):
""" Plots centroids on to graph"""
for centroid in centroidList:
def plotGraph(inCentroidList, inCoordinateList):
Plot the centroid and Coordinates
Apply the axis to the graph window
plotCoordinates(inCoordinateList, inCentroidList)
plt.xlabel('# of tests passed', fontsize=16, style='italic')
plt.ylabel('# of tests passed (weighted) ', fontsize=16, style='italic')
for centroid in inCentroidList:
print centroid
print "\n"
def generateUniqueCentroids(k, dataList):
Generates a list of centroids used in the k-Means graph
Selects k-unique coordinates that exist within the data
Returns the set of coordinates
uniqueCoordinateList = list()
# Find all unique coordinates in the list
for coordinate in dataList:
# Check that it's not already in the set
if coordinate not in uniqueCoordinateList:
# Generate k-number of random coordinates
centroidList = list()
while len(centroidList) != k and uniqueCoordinateList:
centroid = random.choice(uniqueCoordinateList)
if centroid not in centroidList:
return centroidList
def generateRandomCentroids(k, dataList):
Generates a list of centroids used in the k-Means graph
Uses the max x and y values for the upper bounds of the generated coordinates
Randomly generate k-coordinates within the the bounds
Returns the list of the coordinates
# Compute the max x and y values
maxY = max([yCoordinate[1] for yCoordinate in dataList])
maxX = max([xCoordinate[0] for xCoordinate in dataList])
# Selects k-number of unique x and y values
# Using the bounds from maxX and maxY
coordinateY = maxY * np.random.random((k, 1))
coordinateX = maxX * np.random.random((k, 1))
# Iterates through combining the values as coordinates into a list
centroidList = [(coordinateX[i], coordinateY[i]) for i in range(k)]
return centroidList
def main(dataList, k):
# Lambda function to generate a random color
r = lambda: random.randint(0, 255)
# Convert the coordinates into Coordinate objects
# Fill it into a list
plottedCoordinateList = list()
for position in dataList:
plottedCoordinateList.append(Coordinate(position, None))
# <-----Algorithms to generate Centroid positions----->
# This will generate k-unique coordinates from x
randomCentroidList = generateUniqueCentroids(k, dataList)
# Generate k-random coordinates within the data set
# randomCentroidList = generateRandomCentroids(k, dataList)
# <-----End Centroid Generation Algorithms----->
# Creates the list of Centroid objects
plottedCentroidList = list()
for centroid_position in randomCentroidList:
plottedCentroidList.append(Centroid('#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(), r(), r()), centroid_position))
# Initial Centroid
plotGraph(plottedCentroidList, plottedCoordinateList)
# Keep plotting new graph
# until positions do not change
completed = 0
while completed != len(plottedCentroidList):
completed = 0
for centroid in plottedCentroidList:
oldPosition = centroid.position
if centroid.equals(oldPosition):
completed += 1
plotGraph(plottedCentroidList, plottedCoordinateList)
3beb50957df5443a45e4547846d35f563a71f64a | rickeranderson/LinkedList_Python | / | 2,719 | 3.890625 | 4 | #project: LinkedList
#author: Rick Anderson
from ListNode import ListNode
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
self.tail = None
self.count = 0
def insert(self, x):
def insertAtRear(self, x):
if (self.head == None):
self.head = ListNode(x, None, None)
self.tail = self.head
tmp = ListNode(x, None, None) = tmp
tmp.prev = self.tail
self.tail = tmp
self.count += 1
def insertAtFront(self, x):
if(self.head == None):
tmp = ListNode(x, None, None)
self.head.prev = tmp = self.head
self.head = tmp
self.count += 1
def size(self):
return self.count
def find(self, x):
current = self.head
while(current != None):
if( == x):
return current
current =
return None
def remove(self, x):
current = self.find(x)
if(current == None):
print('Node does not exist')
if(current.prev != None): =
self.head =
if( != None): = current.prev
self.tail = current.prev
self.count -= 1
def removeFront(self): = None
self.head =
self.count -= 1
def removeRear(self): = None
self.tail = self.tail.prev
self.count -= 1
def enqueue(self, x):
def dequeue(self):
tmp = self.head
def push(self, x):
def pop(self):
tmp = self.tail
return tmp
def get(self, index):
if index > self.count or index < 0:
print('index is out of bounds')
return None
current = self.head
for i in range(0,index):
current =
def indexOf(self,x):
current = self.head
count = 0
while (current != None):
if ( == x):
return count
current =
count += 1
return -1
def printList(self):
current = self.head
while(current != None):
current =
5bbce3aaa6c5a5d38b2a2848ce856322107a8c91 | mirsadm82/pyneng-examples-exercises-en | /exercises/06_control_structures/ | 1,788 | 4.34375 | 4 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Task 6.2a
Make a copy of the code from the task 6.2.
Add verification of the entered IP address.
An IP address is considered correct if it:
- consists of 4 numbers (not letters or other symbols)
- numbers are separated by a dot
- every number in the range from 0 to 255
If the IP address is incorrect, print the message: 'Invalid IP address'
The message "Invalid IP address" should be printed only once,
even if several points above are not met.
Restriction: All tasks must be done using the topics covered in this and previous chapters.
ip_address = input("Enter ip address: ")
octets = ip_address.split(".")
correct_ip = True
if len(octets) != 4:
correct_ip = False
for octet in octets:
if not (octet.isdigit() and int(octet) in range(256)):
correct_ip = False
if not correct_ip:
print("Invalid IP address")
octets_num = [int(i) for i in octets]
if octets_num[0] in range(1, 224):
elif octets_num[0] in range(224, 240):
elif ip_address == "":
print("local broadcast")
elif ip_address == "":
# second version
ip = input("Enter IP address")
octets = ip.split(".")
valid_ip = len(octets) == 4
for i in octets:
valid_ip = i.isdigit() and 0 <= int(i) <= 255 and valid_ip
if valid_ip:
if 1 <= int(octets[0]) <= 223:
elif 224 <= int(octets[0]) <= 239:
elif ip == "":
print("local broadcast")
elif ip == "":
print("Invalid IP address")
86fc4bc0e652ee494db883f657e918b2b056cf3e | mirsadm82/pyneng-examples-exercises-en | /exercises/04_data_structures/ | 1,107 | 4.125 | 4 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Task 4.8
Convert the IP address in the ip variable to binary and print output in columns
to stdout:
- the first line must be decimal values
- the second line is binary values
The output should be ordered in the same way as in the example output below:
- in columns
- column width 10 characters (in binary
you need to add two spaces between columns
to separate octets among themselves)
Example output for address
10 1 1 1
00001010 00000001 00000001 00000001
Restriction: All tasks must be done using the topics covered in this and previous chapters.
Warning: in section 4, the tests can be easily "tricked" into making the
correct output without getting results from initial data using Python.
This does not mean that the task was done correctly, it is just that at
this stage it is difficult otherwise test the result.
ip = ""
octets = ip.split(".")
output = """
{0:08b} {1:08b} {2:08b} {3:08b}"""
print(output.format(int(octets[0]), int(octets[1]), int(octets[2]), int(octets[3])))
192f825f65d935555adb5d1e746a6bcec9d29bdb | aoineza/tic_tac_toe | / | 1,332 | 3.796875 | 4 | 'Tic-Tac-Toe Mechanics'
import copy
class game_board():
def __init__(self):
self.board = [['','',''],['','',''],['','','']]
def add_element(self,element,row,column):
if self.board[row][column] != '':
return False
self.board[row][column] = element
return True
def hor_match(self):
for i,row in enumerate(self.board,0):
if row == ['X','X','X'] or row == ['O','O','O']:
return (True,i)
return (False,0)
def transpose(self):
t_board = [['','',''],['','',''],['','','']]
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
t_board[i][j] = self.board[j][i]
return t_board
def vert_match(self):
t_board = self.transpose()
record = copy.copy(self.board)
self.board = t_board
res = self.hor_match()
self.board = record
return res
def diag_match(self):
if self.board[0][0] == self.board[1][1] and self.board[1][1] == self.board[2][2] and self.board[0][0] != '':
return (True,'left')
elif self.board[0][2] == self.board[1][1] and self.board[2][0] == self.board[1][1] and self.board[0][2] != '':
return (True,'right')
return (False,0)
246036fb9bcfa3b61110f060c4018c8fdb3d7f90 | FernandoSSilvaM/Tarea_07 | / | 2,031 | 4.03125 | 4 | #Fernando Sebastian Silva M
#Da un menu de finciones que puedes utilizar. Tambien te permite salir manuelmente del programa.
def probarDivisiones(): #Realiza divisiones con restas.
print("Bienvenido al programa para dividir")
x = int(input("Dame el Divisor: "))
y = int(input("Dame el Dividendo: "))
residuo = x - y
c = 1
if y == 0:
return ("%i / %i = ERROR , sobra ERROR" % (x, y))
if residuo < 0:
c = 0
residuo = x
elif residuo == 0:
c = 1
while residuo > 0:
residuo -= y
if residuo < 0:
residuo += y
c += 1
return("%i / %i = %i, sobra %i" %(x, y, c, residuo))
def encontrarMayor(): #De una lista de datos, busca el numero más alto
print("Bienvenido al programa de Encontrar mayores")
x = int(input("Teclea un numero [teclea -1 para terminar]: "))
y = x
if x == -1:
return("No hay numeros mayores")
while x != -1:
if x > y:
y = x
x = int(input("Teclea un numero [teclea -1 para terminar]: "))
return "El numero mayor es "+str(y)
def main():
x = int(input(
"Tarea 07. Ciclos While\nAutor: Fernando S. Silva\n1. Imprimir divisiones\n2.Encontrar el mayor\n3.Salir\nTeclea tu opcion: "))
while x != 3:
if x ==1:
x = int(input(
"Tarea 07. Ciclos While\nAutor: Fernando S. Silva\n1. Imprimir divisiones\n2.Encontrar el mayor\n3.Salir\nTeclea tu opcion: "))
elif x == 2:
x = int(input(
"Tarea 07. Ciclos While\nAutor: Fernando S. Silva\n1. Imprimir divisiones\n2.Encontrar el mayor\n3.Salir\nTeclea tu opcion: "))
print("Error, Teclea 1, 2 ó 3")
x = int(input(
"Tarea 07. Ciclos While\nAutor: Fernando S. Silva\n1. Imprimir divisiones\n2.Encontrar el mayor\n3.Salir\nTeclea tu opcion: "))
print("Gracias por usar el programa, vuelva pronto")
cd31fe810e8c006639692ec3985193de75aaf7dc | sneha1sneha/pgms | /pROGRAMS/assessment/ | 292 | 3.921875 | 4 |
a=int(input("enter the position from "
"which rotation to be performed"))
for num in range(i,n):
for num in range(j,i):
270537d5cf5e7ed55853e5b25e258d7b1a549291 | sneha1sneha/pgms | /regularexpression/ | 248 | 3.90625 | 4 | from re import *
#num=input("enter the number")
#rule="(91)?[0-9]{10}" #\d{10}
for num in f:
if matcher==None:
print("invalid entry")
print("valid entry") |
7fc31cd478cadafacb5712d92d3327d59efca882 | yuxuanwu17/leetcode | / | 754 | 3.515625 | 4 | from typing import List
class Solution:
def lengthOfLIS(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
memo = {}
def recursion(nums: [int], i: int) -> int:
if i in memo:
return memo[i]
# base case
if i == len(nums) - 1:
return 1
maxSubLength = 1
for j in range(i + 1, len(nums)):
if nums[i] < nums[j]:
maxSubLength = max(maxSubLength, recursion(nums, j) + 1)
memo[i] = maxSubLength
return maxSubLength
return max(recursion(nums, i) for i in range(len(nums)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
sol = Solution
nums = [7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7]
print(sol.lengthOfLIS(sol, nums))
b3cfe1ba6b28715f0f2bccff2599412d406fd342 | n001ce/python-control-flow-lab | / | 670 | 4.40625 | 4 | # exercise-05 Fibonacci sequence for first 50 terms
# Write the code that:
# 1. Calculates and prints the first 50 terms of the fibonacci sequence.
# 2. Print each term and number as follows:
# term: 0 / number: 0
# term: 1 / number: 1
# term: 2 / number: 1
# term: 3 / number: 2
# term: 4 / number: 3
# term: 5 / number: 5
# etc.
# Hint: The next number is found by adding the two numbers before it
# Program to display the Fibonacci sequence up to n-th term
n1, n2 = 0, 1
count = 0
print("Fibonacci sequence:")
while count < 50:
print(f"term: {count} / number: {n1}")
nth = n1 + n2
n1 = n2
n2 = nth
count += 1 |
763979679c5737080f54ebfbd9e673d20de79c15 | KingBing/SigmaGO_GuideDog | / | 1,732 | 3.5625 | 4 | # Import required Python libraries
# -----------------------
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
# -----------------------
# Define some functions
# -----------------------
class ult():
def __init__(self):
self.GPIO_TRIGGER = 36
self.GPIO_ECHO = 37
def measure(self):
# This function measures a distance
start = time.time()
while GPIO.input(self.GPIO_ECHO)==0:
start = time.time()
while GPIO.input(self.GPIO_ECHO)==1:
stop = time.time()
elapsed = stop - start
distance = (elapsed * 34300)/2
return distance
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
def measure_average(self):
# This function takes 3 measurements and
# returns the average.
distance = distance1 + distance2 + distance3
distance = distance / 3
return distance
except( KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
def quit(self):
75fd4c2cc5721d569a8664dd3eab55469055fb6c | LoveAndHappinesss/Learning-How-to-Use-Git | / | 6,553 | 3.9375 | 4 | def display_board(choice, turn, board_position):
if turn == 'X':
board_position[choice] = 'X'
board_position[choice] = 'O'
print(' '+board_position[0]+' | '+board_position[1]+' | '+board_position[2]+' ')
print(' ------------')
print(' '+board_position[3]+' | '+board_position[4]+' | '+board_position[5]+' ')
print(' ------------')
print(' '+board_position[6]+' | '+board_position[7]+' | '+board_position[8]+' ')
return board_position
def win_check(player1, player2, game_turn):
winner = False
if player1 == 'X':
if (board_position[0] == "X" and board_position[1] == 'X'
and board_position[2] == 'X' or board_position[3] == "X"
and board_position[4] == 'X' and board_position[5] == 'X'
or board_position[6] == "X" and board_position[7] == 'X'
and board_position[8] == 'X' or board_position[0] == "X"
and board_position[3] == 'X' and board_position[6] == 'X'
or board_position[1] == "X" and board_position[4] == 'X'
and board_position[7] == 'X' or board_position[2] == "X"
and board_position[5] == 'X' and board_position[8] == 'X'
or board_position[0] == "X" and board_position[4] == 'X'
and board_position[8] == 'X' or board_position[2] == "X"
and board_position[4] == 'X' and board_position[6] == 'X'):
winner = True
print("Congratulations! Player 1 has won the game!")
if (board_position[0] == "O" and board_position[1] == 'O'
and board_position[2] == 'O' or board_position[3] == "O"
and board_position[4] == 'O' and board_position[5] == 'O'
or board_position[6] == "O" and board_position[7] == 'O'
and board_position[8] == 'O' or board_position[0] == "O"
and board_position[3] == 'O' and board_position[6] == 'O'
or board_position[1] == "O" and board_position[4] == 'O'
and board_position[7] == 'O' or board_position[2] == "O"
and board_position[5] == 'O' and board_position[8] == 'O'
or board_position[0] == "O" and board_position[4] == 'O'
and board_position[8] == 'O' or board_position[2] == "O"
and board_position[4] == 'O' and board_position[6] == 'O'):
winner = True
print("Congratulations! Player 2 has won the game!")
elif player1 == 'O':
if (board_position[0] == "X" and board_position[1] == 'X'
and board_position[2] == 'X' or board_position[3] == "X"
and board_position[4] == 'X' and board_position[5] == 'X'
or board_position[6] == "X" and board_position[7] == 'X'
and board_position[8] == 'X' or board_position[0] == "X"
and board_position[3] == 'X' and board_position[6] == 'X'
or board_position[1] == "X" and board_position[4] == 'X'
and board_position[7] == 'X' or board_position[2] == "X"
and board_position[5] == 'X' and board_position[8] == 'X'
or board_position[0] == "X" and board_position[4] == 'X'
and board_position[8] == 'X' or board_position[2] == "X"
and board_position[4] == 'X' and board_position[6] == 'X'):
winner = True
print("Congratulations! Player 2 has won the game!")
if (board_position[0] == "O" and board_position[1] == 'O'
and board_position[2] == 'O' or board_position[3] == "O"
and board_position[4] == 'O' and board_position[5] == 'O'
or board_position[6] == "O" and board_position[7] == 'O'
and board_position[8] == 'O' or board_position[0] == "O"
and board_position[3] == 'O' and board_position[6] == 'O'
or board_position[1] == "O" and board_position[4] == 'O'
and board_position[7] == 'O' or board_position[2] == "O"
and board_position[5] == 'O' and board_position[8] == 'O'
or board_position[0] == "O" and board_position[4] == 'O'
and board_position[8] == 'O' or board_position[2] == "O"
and board_position[4] == 'O' and board_position[6] == 'O'):
winner = True
print("Congratulations! Player 1 has won the game!")
elif game_turn == 9:
winner = True
print("The game is a draw")
return winner
def p1_what_side():
isvalid = False
choice = ''
while isvalid is False:
choice = input("Player 1, would you like to be X or O: ").upper()
if choice == 'X':
isvalid = True
print("Player 1 controls the Xs")
return 'X'
if choice == 'O':
isvalid = True
print("Player 1 controls the Os")
return 'O'
print("This is an invalid input. Please try again.")
def p2_what_side(x):
if x == 'O':
return 'X'
return 'O'
def user_choice(turn):
isvalid = False
while isvalid is False:
if turn == 'X':
choice = int(input('Where would you like to place your X?: '))
choice = int(input('Where would you like to place your O?: '))
if choice not in occupied_spots and 0 < choice < 10:
return (choice - 1)
print("This is not a valid input. Please try again.")
def play_again():
isvalid = False
choice = ''
while isvalid is False:
choice = input('Would you like to play again (Y or N): ').upper()
if choice == 'N':
isvalid = True
print("Thanks for playing!")
return False
if choice == 'Y':
isvalid = True
return True
print("This is an invalid input. Please try again.")
play_game = True
while play_game is True:
player1 = p1_what_side()
player2 = p2_what_side(player1)
turn = player1
win = False
game_turn = 0
board_position = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
occupied_spots = []
while win is False:
choice = user_choice(turn)
display_board(choice, turn, board_position)
win = win_check(player1, player2, game_turn)
game_turn += 1
if turn == player1:
turn = player2
turn = player1
play_game = play_again()
e9a72caac8d953e5f30e7268668e6d2ab5b47eb3 | teganbroderick/Python-Projects | /Tic Tac Toe/ | 4,730 | 4.3125 | 4 | #!/usr/bin/env python3
#Tic Tac Toe game
#Tegan Broderick, 20190815
#Combined exercises from
#Game runs in the terminal using python 3
def game(gameboard, positionlist, running_position_list, turnlist):
"""Function calculates what turn the game is up to, assigns a player (1 or 2) to that turn, asks for userinput, analyzes whether the input move is valid, converts the player input into a valid list position, and appends the move to the nested gameboard list. The function also calls the 'checkwinner' function to see if anyone has won the game"""
#calculates what turn the game is up to, and therefore what player is making a move
if turnlist[-1] % 2 == 0:
player = "Player 2" #O
player = "Player 1" #X
turn = turnlist[-1] + 1
#player input
player_input = input(player + ", where would you like to place your piece? ")
#Conditional, repeats if player chooses a position that's already taken or invalid
while (player_input not in positionlist) or (player_input in running_position_list):
print("That's not a valid position.")
player_input = input(player + ", where would you like to place your piece? ")
#convert userinput to correct format for python lists (starting at zero)
running_position_list.append(player_input)#append input position to running position list, refer to in subsequent moves
player_input = player_input.split(",") #split string into a list
player_position = [] #list for player position in python list format
for i in player_input:
tempnumber = int(i) - 1 #minus one from each value to get correct nested list location
#'place piece' into nested list
x = player_position[0]
y = player_position[1]
if player == "Player 1":
gameboard[x][y] = "X"
gameboard[x][y] = "O"
#print gameboard
print(" " + (" ---" * 3))
for i in range (0,3):
for j in range(0,3):
print(" | ", end='')
print(gameboard[i][j], end='')
print(" |")
print(" " + (" ---" * 3))
def checkforwinner(nestedlist):
"""Function analyses nestedlist (gameboard) to see if anyone has won the game."""
winner = " " #space " " will be analyed as the winner with an empty or near empty board
#horizontal win options
if nestedlist[0][0] == nestedlist[0][1] == nestedlist[0][2]:
winner = nestedlist[0][0]
elif nestedlist[1][0] == nestedlist[1][1] == nestedlist[1][2]:
winner = nestedlist[1][0]
elif nestedlist[2][0] == nestedlist[2][1] == nestedlist[2][2]:
winner = nestedlist[2][0]
#vertical win options
elif nestedlist[0][0] == nestedlist[1][0] == nestedlist[2][0]:
winner = nestedlist[0][0]
elif nestedlist[0][1] == nestedlist[1][1] == nestedlist[2][1]:
winner = nestedlist[0][1]
elif nestedlist[0][2] == nestedlist[1][2] == nestedlist[2][2]:
winner = nestedlist[0][2]
#diagonal win options
elif nestedlist[0][0] == nestedlist[1][1] == nestedlist[2][2]:
winner = nestedlist[0][0]
elif nestedlist[2][0] == nestedlist[1][1] == nestedlist[0][2]:
winner = nestedlist[2][0]
#tie - game is out of spaces and there is no winner
elif " " not in nestedlist[0] and " " not in nestedlist[1] and " " not in nestedlist[2]:
print("You are out of spaces. The game is a tie.")
return True
if winner == "X":
print("Player 1 wins!")
return True
elif winner == "O":
print("Player 2 wins!")
return True
return False
print("Welcome to Tic Tac Toe. Player one is 'X', and player two is 'O'. To play, specify your desired position using the format 'row, column'.")
print("Here is an example board showing positions: ")
dottedline = (" " + (" ---" * 3))
print(" |1,1|1,2|1,3|")
print(" |2,1|2,2|2,3|")
print(" |3,1|3,2|3,3|")
#Play game
repeat = "yes"
while repeat == "yes":
gameboard = [[" "," "," "], [" "," "," "], [" "," "," "]]
positionlist = ["1,1", "1,2", "1,3", "2,1", "2,2", "2,3", "3,1", "3,2", "3,3" ] #every possible position, used to verify user input
running_position_list = [] #to store positions as they are chosen by the users, and reference to see if the requested position is already taken
turnlist = [1] #used for calcuating which player is making a move
print(" " + (" ---" * 3))
for i in range (0,3):
for j in range(0,3):
print(" | ", end='')
print(gameboard[i][j], end='')
print(" |")
print(" " + (" ---" * 3))
while checkforwinner(gameboard) == False:
game(gameboard, positionlist, running_position_list, turnlist)
print("-" * 60)
repeat = input("Would you like to play again? yes or no: ")
22b51de6575b2bae03e07d9498d1ba16e083b688 | c0ntradicti0n/CorpusCookApp | / | 575 | 3.734375 | 4 |
import logging, sys
class LogFile(object):
"""File-like object to log text using the `logging` module."""
def __init__(self, name=None):
self.logger = logging.getLogger(name)
def write(self, msg, level=logging.INFO):
self.logger.log(level, msg)
def flush(self):
for handler in self.logger.handlers:
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, filename='mylog.log')
# Redirect stdout and stderr
sys.stdout = LogFile('stdout')
sys.stderr = LogFile('stderr')
print ('this should to write to the log file')
4540b64352cbbc636337cd0a1061494dc04c76dd | alopezja/Phyton | /UPB/Ejercicios/ | 618 | 3.734375 | 4 | #!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jun 8 18:35:30 2021
@author: exlonk
print("Ingrese el valor de compra e ingrese un valor de cero para finalizar")
contador = 0
monto = None
numero_compra = 1
while monto != 0:
monto= float(input("Valor compra {0}: ".format(numero_compra)))
if monto > 0 :
contador += monto
numero_compra +=1
elif monto < 0:
print("Ingrese el valor correcto")
if contador > 1000:
contador = contador - contador*0.10
print("Total compra:",contador)
print("Total compra:",contador)
63547b9b5fda15e875f1dbc359f09da689305ab4 | alopezja/Phyton | /UPB/Ejercicios/ | 401 | 3.859375 | 4 | ### Parque de diversiones
edad = int(input("Digite su edad:\n >>> "))
if 0<edad<18:
print("Solo puede entrar a las atracciones de menores de edad")
if 18<=edad<60:
print("Puede utilizar todas las atracciones del parque")
if edad>=60:
print("Solo puede utilizar unas cuantas atracciones")
print("Digite una edad válida") |
44ffa186670d787e5aafa5b380e669e7763d9e5d | alopezja/Phyton | /UPB/Ejercicios/ | 764 | 3.84375 | 4 | from os import system
#Delimitadores para cambiar un string con un separador
#para agregar cada argumento por separado a un elemento en una lista
s = "Alex-David-Lopez"
delimiter = "-"
lista = ["Programar","es","lo","mejor"]
delimiter = " "
a = "casa"
b = "casa"
print(a is b) #Apuntan al mismo objeto
c = ["a","b","c"]
d = ["a","b","c"]
print(c is d) #Apuntan al diferente objeto
num = [1,2,3]
num2 = num
num2[0] = 0
print(num is num2)
t1 = [1,2]
t2 = t1.append(3)
t1 = [1,2]
t3 = t1 + [3]
t2 is t3
a = [1,2]
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
print(a.index(3,0,8)) |
6c6ca1405b0b0a73e610f148962c9eea2f4fe62b | rykroon/mongoendjin | /mongoendjin/utils/ | 268 | 4.0625 | 4 | import re
re_camel_case = re.compile(r'(((?<=[a-z])[A-Z])|([A-Z](?![A-Z]|$)))')
def camel_case_to_spaces(value):
Split CamelCase and convert to lowercase. Strip surrounding whitespace.
return re_camel_case.sub(r' \1', value).strip().lower() |
061aa64d7b81d640feac402dd1840ec8e80b1c7c | advancer-debug/Daily-learning-records | /数据结构与算法记录/习题解答记录/链表/ | 2,482 | 4.125 | 4 | # -*- coding = utf-8 -*-
# /usr/bin/env python
# @Time : 20-11-28 下午2:02
# @File :
# @Software: PyCharm
# 输入一个链表的头节点,从尾到头反过来返回每个节点的值(用数组返回)。
# 方法一递归法
# 利用递归: 先走至链表末端,回溯时依次将节点值加入列表 ,这样就可以实现链表值的倒序输出。
# python算法流程
# 递推阶段: 每次传入 ,以 head == None(即走过链表尾部节点)为递归终止条件,此时返回空列表 [] 。
# 回溯阶段: 利用 Python 语言特性,递归回溯时每次返回 当前 list + 当前节点值 [head.val] ,
# 即可实现节点的倒序输出。
# 复杂度分析:
# 时间复杂度 O(N): 遍历链表,递归 N 次。
# 空间复杂度 O(N): 系统递归需要使用 O(N) 的栈空间。
# Definition for singly-linked list.
# 1.
class ListNode:
def __init__(self, x):
self.val = x = None
class Solution:
def reverseprint(self, head: ListNode)->List[int]:
return self.reverseprint([head.val] if head else []
# 2.
class Solution:
def reverseprint(self, head: ListNode)->List[int]:
p, rev = head, None
while p:
rev,, p = p, rev,
result = []
while rev:
rev =
return result
# 辅助栈法
# 解题思路:
# 链表特点: 只能从前至后访问每个节点。
# 题目要求: 倒序输出节点值。
# 这种 先入后出 的需求可以借助 栈 来实现。
# 算法流程:
# 入栈: 遍历链表,将各节点值 push 入栈。(Python 使用 append() 方法,Java借助 LinkedList 的addLast()方法)。
# 出栈: 将各节点值 pop 出栈,存储于数组并返回。(Python 直接返回 stack 的倒序列表,Java 新建一个数组,通过 popLast() 方法将各元素存入数组,实现倒序输出)。
# 复杂度分析:
# 时间复杂度O(N):入栈和出栈共使用O(N)时间。
# 空间复杂度O(N):辅助栈stack和数组res共使用 O(N)的额外空间。
class Solution:
def reversePrint(self, head: ListNode) -> List[int]:
stack = []
while head:
head =
return stack[::-1] # stack.reverse() return stack
1045bc8666f46dea921581ff515f2d4d5908d729 | advancer-debug/Daily-learning-records | /python的魔法使用/ | 684 | 3.8125 | 4 | # -*- coding = utf-8 -*-
# /usr/bin/env python
# @Time : 20-11-18 下午8:25
# @File :
# @Software: PyCharm
# try/except/else while/else break continue
# while True:
# reply = input('Enter txt:')
# if reply == 'stop':
# break
# try:
# num = int(reply)
# except:
# print('Bad!' * 8)
# else:
# print(int(reply)**2)
# print('Bye')
while True:
reply = input('Enter txt:')
if reply == 'stop':
elif not reply.isdigit():
num = int(reply)
if num < 20:
8d980ed029b0dc74e4dc6aa0e7785d6af0f95fa7 | NiharikaSinghRazdan/PracticeGit_Python | /Code_Practice/ | 512 | 4.21875 | 4 | # Convert string into list
mystring="This is the new change"
mylist = []
for letter in mystring:
# Change string into list with different convert format and in one line
mystring1="Hi There"
mylist1 =[letter for letter in mystring1]
# Check other usage of this new one liner format to convert string into list
#Check the odd no in list
mylist2=[num for num in range(0,11) if num%2==0]
mylist2=[num**2 for num in range(0, 11)]
print(mylist2) |
e0a8fb7f830eb8d4faa7cb14ca39d0f9ae33e621 | NiharikaSinghRazdan/PracticeGit_Python | /Code_Practice/ | 181 | 4.09375 | 4 | tuples1=(1,2,3,"age")
#tuples1[1]="Name", tuple object does not support item assignment.
print(tuples1) |
bc76d2ae44f894254a3e24c0b53c61db5039f4ff | NiharikaSinghRazdan/PracticeGit_Python | /Code_Practice/ | 1,556 | 4.1875 | 4 | #retrun the list where the passed arguments are even
def myfunc(*args):
for item in args:
if item%2==0:
# return a string where every even letter is in uppercase and every odd letter is in lowercase
def myfunct(*args):
for item in args:
# find the index of the items
if (item==item.upper() and index%2==0) or (item==item.lower() and index%2!=0):
# check the index of the list and verify that even is in uppercase and odd index is in lower case
def myfunc1(*args):
mystring=' '
for item in range(len(mystring_t)):
if (item%2==0):
# print the argument in upper and lowercase alternate
def myfunc2(*args):
c_string=' '
for item in mystring_total:
if (index1%2==0):
37b1dce3bcbe2da05065e677491797983588c285 | dankolbman/NumericalAnalysis | /Homeworks/HW1/ | 520 | 4.21875 | 4 | import math
a = 25.0
print("Squaring a square-root:")
while ( math.sqrt(a)**2 == a ):
print('sqrt(a)^2 = ' + str(a) + ' = ' + str(math.sqrt(a)**2))
a *= 10
# There was a rounding error
print('sqrt(a)^2 = ' + str(a) + ' != ' + str(math.sqrt(a)**2))
# Determine the exponent of the float
expo = math.floor(math.log10(a))-1.0
# Reduce to only significant digits
b = a/(10**expo)
print("Ajusting decimal placement before taking the square-root:")
print('sqrt(a)^2 = ' + str(a) + ' = ' + str((math.sqrt(b)**2)*10**expo))
3ecc8e12c963520b723804c9ca6beebb2544b01f | bravacoreana/python | /files/ | 245 | 4 | 4 | a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
for element in a:
numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
for number in numbers:
if number % 2 == 0 :
print("even number: {}".format(number))
print("odd number: {}".format(number)) |
33d08154e946264256f7810254cd09f236622718 | bravacoreana/python | /files/ | 409 | 4.34375 | 4 | # if <condition> :
# when condition is true
if True:
print("it's true")
if False:
print("it's false")
number = input("input a number >>> ")
number = int(number)
if number % 2 == 0:
if number % 2 != 0:
if number < 10:
print("less than 10")
elif number < 20:
print("less than 20")
elif number < 30:
print("less than 30")
print("hahaha") |
c9eb65921d784d054c7dd2d2eac5605ab2b462d2 | young508/pythonLearn | /main/oop/抽象类.py | 526 | 3.765625 | 4 | import abc
# 抽象类必须声明一个类并且指定当前类的元类
class Human(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
# 抽象方法
def smoking(self):
# 定义类的抽象方法
def drink(cls):
# 定义静态抽象方法
def play():
class Man(Human):
def smoking(self):
def drink(cls):
def play():
print("play") |
bfc1710b45ac38465e6f545968f2e00cd535d2dc | Tarun-Rao00/Python-CodeWithHarry | /Chapter 4/ | 522 | 4.21875 | 4 | l1 = [1, 8, 7, 2, 21, 15]
l1.sort() # sorts the list
print("Sorted: ", l1)
l1.reverse() #reverses the list
print("Reversed: ",l1)
print("Reversed 2: ",l1)
l1.append(45) # adds to the end of the list
print ("Append", l1)
l2 = [1,5, 4, 10]
l1.append(l2) # l2 (list) will be added
print("Append 2", l1)
l1.insert(0, 100) # Inserts 100 at 0-(position)
print("Inserted", l1)
l1.pop(2) # removes item from position 2
print("Popped", l1)
l1.remove(7) # removes 7 from the list
print("Removed", l1)
fdd7aede3f987bfdbe75d46712b141bffae2ef9c | Tarun-Rao00/Python-CodeWithHarry | /Chapter 8/ | 221 | 3.828125 | 4 | def remov(strg):
word = input("Enter the word you want to remove: ")
newStrng = strg.replace(word, "")
newStrng1 = newStrng.strip()
return newStrng1
strg = input("Enter your text: ")
64dfa1b97046bb32385d14a3a17890efdc290cd1 | Tarun-Rao00/Python-CodeWithHarry | /Chapter 6/ | 265 | 3.984375 | 4 | a = int(input("Enter number one: "))
b = int(input("Enter number two: "))
c = int(input("Enter number three: "))
d = int(input("Enter number four: "))
if(a>b and a>b and a>d):
elif(b>c and b>d):
print(d ) |
d3116722a51caab7ade845d108d90214533b1b93 | Tarun-Rao00/Python-CodeWithHarry | /Chapter 4/ | 158 | 3.796875 | 4 | t = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1)
print("Count", t.count(1)) # Returns the number of occurence value
print("Index", t.index(5)) # returns the first index of value
0ab24f03f7919f96e74301d06dd9af5a377ff987 | Tarun-Rao00/Python-CodeWithHarry | /Chapter 2/ | 548 | 4.125 | 4 | a = 34
b = 4
# Arithimatic Operator
print("the value of 3+4 is ", 3+4)
print("the value of 3-4 is ", 3-4)
print("the value of 3*4 is ", 3*4)
print("the value of 3/4 is ", 3/4)
# Assignment Operators
a = 34
a += 2
# Comparision Operators
b = (7>14)
c = (7<14)
d = (7==14)
e = (7>=14)
# Logical Operators
boo1 = True
bool2 = False
print("The value of bool1 and bool2 is", (boo1 and bool2))
print("The value of bool1 and bool2 is", (boo1 or bool2))
print("The value of bool1 and bool2 is", (not bool2)) |
062cb2773c796daeae0581cad63b05da9e771744 | Tarun-Rao00/Python-CodeWithHarry | /Chapter 5/ | 332 | 4.0625 | 4 | myDict = {
"Pankha" : "Fan",
"Darwaja" : "Door",
"Hawa" : "Air",
"Badal": "Clouds",
"Aasmaan" : "Sky"
print("options are ", myDict.keys())
a = input("Enter the hindi word\n")
# Below line will not throw an error if the key is not present the Dictionary
print("The meaning of your word is:\n", myDict.get[a]) |
d31f727127690b2a4584755c941cd19c7452d9e4 | Tarun-Rao00/Python-CodeWithHarry | /Chapter 6/ | 221 | 4.15625 | 4 | text = input("Enter your text: ")
text1 = text.capitalize()
num1 = text1.find("Harry")
num2 = text1.find("harry")
if (num1==-1 and num2==-1):
print("Not talking about Harry")
print("Talking about Harry") |
03e0dbdd4929f5992182830a995642a75805704b | Tarun-Rao00/Python-CodeWithHarry | /Chapter 10/ | 231 | 3.921875 | 4 | class Employee:
company = "Google"
salary = 100
harry = Employee()
rajni = Employee()
# Creating instance attribute salry for both the objects
harry.salary = 300
rajni.salary = 400
print(rajni.salary) |
8a2be0cbdc3ca978a888670067c440c2806a0b81 | saratiedt/python-exercises | /semana 2/ | 217 | 3.953125 | 4 | palavra = input("Digite uma palavra: ")
letra = input("Digite uma letra para ser buscada na palavra: ")
if letra in palavra:
print(f'Existe {letra} na {palavra}')
print(f'Não existe {letra} na {palavra}')
f6f79e3ec31c1dac8443d6588028008b02691339 | saratiedt/python-exercises | /semana 3/ | 177 | 3.703125 | 4 | nome = input("Digite seu nome: ")
sobrenome = input("Digite seu sobrenome: ")
tamanhoNome = len(nome) + len(sobrenome)
print(f'O nome tem {tamanhoNome} caracteres no total.')
c6564a35f4ac868cb5ebd5898316c8b5f42691ec | jitendrasinghiitg/sonar-python-coverage | /python/ | 373 | 3.734375 | 4 | """ """
def add(x, y):
:param x:
:param y:
:return: sum of x and y
return x + y
def difference(x, y):
:param x:
:param y:
:return: returns difference of x and y
return x - y
def multiply(x, y):
:param x:
:param y:
:return: returns product of x and y
return x * y
0a9cf183231f226cdde9a5e8fc829516f534a56e | willmclaughlin13/CS415 | / | 3,379 | 3.984375 | 4 | from collections import namedtuple
# This is our heap class
class maxHeap:
def __init__(self, array=None):
self._heap = []
if array is not None: # The constructor, builds the heap from a list
for i in array:
# Insert takes value to insert as input, appends it to the array, then
# calls sift up to find it's place in the heap
def insert(self, value):
_sift_up(self._heap, len(self) - 1)
# Pop removes and returns the maximum value at the root
def pop(self):
_swap(self._heap, len(self) - 1, 0)
i = self._heap.pop()
_siftDown(self._heap, 0)
return i
def __len__(self):
return len(self._heap)
# Swap the two values in the list
def _swap(L, i, j):
L[i], L[j] = L[j], L[i]
# Find the new value's place in the heap
def _sift_up(heap, idx):
parent_idx = (idx - 1) // 2
# Hit the root
if parent_idx < 0:
# Check for swap
if heap[idx].ratio > heap[parent_idx].ratio:
_swap(heap, idx, parent_idx)
_sift_up(heap, parent_idx)
# After removing the root, find a new one and sift up
def _siftDown(heap, idx):
child_idx = 2 * idx + 1
if child_idx >= len(heap):
# Hit the root
if child_idx + 1 < len(heap) and heap[child_idx].ratio < heap[child_idx + 1].ratio:
child_idx += 1
# Check for swap
if heap[child_idx].ratio > heap[idx].ratio:
_swap(heap, child_idx, idx)
_siftDown(heap, child_idx)
# takes an array as input, turns it into a heap,
# and returns the sorted values as a list.
def heap_sort(array):
heap = maxHeap(array)
sorted_arr = []
while len(heap) > 0:
return sorted_arr
# Knapsack algorithm using the built-in list
def greedySort(cap, weight, values):
ratios = []
subset = []
for i in range(len(values)):
ratios, values, weight, subset = (list(t) for t in zip(*sorted(zip(ratios, values, weight, subset), reverse=True)))
finalSubset = []
totalWeight = 0
totalValue = 0
for i in range(len(values)):
if totalWeight + weight[i] >= cap:
return finalSubset, totalValue
totalWeight += weight[i]
totalValue += values[i]
# Knapsack algorithm using our heap class
def greedyHeap(cap, weight, values):
myHeap = namedtuple("myHeap", "weight value idx ratio")
items = []
ratios = []
for i in range(len(values)):
for i in range(len(values)):
m = myHeap(weight=weight[i], value=values[i], idx=i+1, ratio=ratios[i])
items = heap_sort(items)
finalSubset = []
totalWeight = 0
totalValue = 0
for i in items:
if totalWeight + i.weight >= cap:
return finalSubset, totalValue
totalWeight += i.weight
totalValue += i.value |
562874a65da4ea0f2119953a021689b201013800 | Nanorneirbo/self_driving_car-project | /Lanes/ | 3,191 | 3.5625 | 4 | import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# function to run the canny
def canny(image):
# in - a new image
# out - greyscael, smoothed, canny image.
#greyscale the image
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
#blur the image
blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5,5),0)
# canny - detect big changes in gradients using derivatives
canny = cv2.Canny(blur, 50, 150)
return canny
def regionofinterest(image):
# in - the image
# out - a filled mask showing the lane we want
# height of image = rows in the array
height = image.shape[0]
# actually just one but fillpoly dont like that
polygons = np.array([
[(200,height), (1100, height), (550,250)]
# create an array of zeros same shape as image
mask = np.zeros_like(image)
# fill the region of interest with white only
cv2.fillPoly(mask, polygons, 255)
#use bitwise and to clear out uninteresting stuff
masked_image = cv2.bitwise_and(image,mask)
return masked_image
def display_lines(image,lines):
line_image = np.zeros_like(image)
if lines is not None:
for line in lines:
x1,y1,x2,y2 = line.reshape(4)
# draw line blue and ten thick
cv2.line(line_image, (x1,y1), (x2,y2),(255,0,0), 10)
return line_image
def make_coordinates(image, line_parameters):
slope, intercept = line_parameters
print (image.shape)
# y's start at bottom x's use slope and intercet.
y1 = image.shape[0]
# 3/5 is an estimate
y2 = int(y1 * 3/5)
x1 = int((y1 - intercept)/slope)
x2 = int((y2 - intercept)/slope)
return np.array([x1, y1, x2, y2])
def average_slope_intercept(image,lines):
# in - the original image and the lines image
left_fit =[]
right_fit =[]
for line in lines:
x1, y1, x2, y2 = line.reshape(4)
# get the slope using a polynomial.
parameters = np.polyfit((x1, x2), (y1,y2), 1)
slope = parameters[0]
intercept = parameters[1]
# negative = for slope left hand side, positive is on right
if slope < 0 :
left_fit.append((slope, intercept))
else :
# test the lines - print(left_fit)
# average the sides and make sure to do along the right access(0)
left_fit_average = np.average(left_fit, axis = 0)
right_fit_average = np.average(right_fit, axis = 0)
#print(left_fit_average, 'left')
#print(right_fit_average, 'right')
# need to get the coordinates - created a function above
left_line = make_coordinates(image, left_fit_average)
right_line = make_coordinates(image, right_fit_average)
# return the lines
return np.array([left_line, right_line])
# take in the video
cap = cv2.VideoCapture("test2.mp4")
_, frame =
canny_image = canny(frame)
cropped_image = regionofinterest(canny_image)
lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(cropped_image, 2,np.pi/180, 100, np.array([]), minLineLength = 40, maxLineGap = 5)
averaged_lines = average_slope_intercept(frame,lines)
line_image = display_lines(frame, averaged_lines)
combo_image = cv2.addWeighted(frame, 0.8, line_image, 1,1)
cv2.imshow('result', combo_image)
# allow us to close the video - q
if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):
cv2.destroyAllWindows() |
4362c2094c0a0a944a0a74940c77a615f1cb1fbd | okccc/python | /basic/10_线程.py | 3,305 | 3.53125 | 4 | # coding=utf-8
import threading
import time
def test01():
for i in range(5):
print("---test01---%d" % i)
def test02():
for i in range(10):
print("---test02---%d" % i)
def main01():
# 多线程实现多任务
# Thread()方法只是创建实例对象,一个实例对象只能创建一个线程且该线程只能开启一次 RuntimeError: threads can only be started once
t1 = threading.Thread(target=test01)
t2 = threading.Thread(target=test02)
# setDaemon(True)将线程设置为守护线程,当主线程结束时守护线程也结束
# 调用start()方法创建线程并启动线程;该线程会运行target函数,函数运行结束时该子线程结束
# join()方法表示堵塞模式,等待当前已经启动的线程执行完再继续往下执行
# t1.join()
# t2.join()
while True:
# 统计当前正在运行的线程
# 当子线程都结束只剩下主线程时中断程序
if len(threading.enumerate()) == 1:
# 线程执行没有顺序,主线程和子线程都在抢资源往下运行,可以通过sleep()控制线程执行顺序
g_num = 0
g_list = [11, 22]
def test03():
# 如果修改全局变量内存地址发生变化(重新赋值)要加global关键字
global g_num
g_num += 100
print("---in test03---g_num=%d" % g_num)
# 内存地址不变不用加global
print("---in test03---g_list=%s" % g_list)
def test04():
print("---in test04---g_num=%d" % g_num)
print("---in test04---g_list=%s" % g_list)
def main02():
# 多线程之间是共享全局变量的
t3 = threading.Thread(target=test03)
t4 = threading.Thread(target=test04)
# 等待t3子线程先执行完
print("---in main thread---g_num=%d" % g_num)
print("---in main thread---g_num=%s" % g_list)
def test05(count):
global g_num
for i in range(count):
# 上锁:如果之前没上锁则上锁成功,如果已经上锁会堵塞直到锁释放;为了避免堵塞太久上锁代码越少越好,只给存在资源竞争的代码上锁即可
g_num += 1
# 解锁:操作完共享数据就释放锁等待下一次获取锁再继续操作
print("---in test07---num is %d" % g_num)
def test06(count):
global g_num
for i in range(count):
g_num += 1
print("---in test08---num is %d" % g_num)
# 创建互斥锁
lock = threading.Lock()
def main03():
# 当循环次数足够大时,多线程操作全局变量的资源竞争冲突就体现出来了,需要用锁将两个线程同步起来
t7 = threading.Thread(target=test05, args=(1000000,))
t8 = threading.Thread(target=test06, args=(1000000,))
# 主线程睡眠3秒等待子线程全部执行完
print("---in main thread---num is %d" % g_num)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# main01()
# main02()
efe618ae87f00a3f691905cd6987b72809c878f6 | okccc/python | /other/cardmanager/ | 4,373 | 3.640625 | 4 | # coding=utf-8
card_tools: 工具类,包含主程序要用的所有函数
# 定义一个空列表存储数据,放在第一行,这样所有函数都能使用该数据
card_list = []
# 显示功能列表
def show_menu():
print("*" * 50)
print("欢迎使用【名片管理系统】 V 1.0")
print("*" * 50)
# 新增名片
def new_card():
print("-" * 50)
# 1、提示用户输入名片信息
name_str = input("请输入姓名:")
phone_str = input("请输入电话:")
email_str = input("请输入邮箱:")
# 2、用字典封装这些数据
card_dict = {
"name": name_str,
"phone": phone_str,
"email": email_str
# 3、将字典添加到存储数据的列表
# 4、提示用户添加成功
print("新增名片 %s 成功!" % name_str)
# 显示全部
def show_all():
print("-" * 50)
# 1、先判断是否有数据,没有数据就不打印表头了
if len(card_list) == 0:
# return关键字可以返回函数的结果,也可以用来终止程序,返回到函数调用入口,return下方的语句不会被执行到
# 2、打印表头
for name in ["姓名", "电话", "邮箱"]:
print(name, end="\t\t")
# 3、打印分割线
print("=" * 30)
# 4、遍历循环列表
for card_dict in card_list:
print("%s\t\t%s\t\t%s" % (
# 搜索名片
def search_card():
print("-" * 50)
# 1、提示输入信息
find_name = input("请输入要搜索的名字:")
# 2、遍历循环列表
for card_dict in card_list:
# 3、搜索到了就输出详细信息
if card_dict["name"] == find_name:
print("找到 %s 啦!" % find_name)
print("=" * 30)
print("%s\t\t%s\t\t%s" % (
# 4、搜索到之后进行的后续操作(尽量不要把所有代码放在一个代码块,可以调用其他函数)
# 5、终止循环
# 没搜索到也提示一下
print("很抱歉,没有找到 %s 同学。。。" % find_name)
# 处理搜索到的名片
def card_deal(find_dict):
:param find_dict: 搜索到的名片信息
# 输入提示
action_str = input("请选择要继续执行的操作,[1] 修改 [2] 删除 [0] 返回上级:")
if action_str == "1":
# 修改名片(这里有个地方要改进,如果某个key不需要修改的话,就不用输入内容,所以这里要对用户是否输入内容做判断)
# find_dict["name"] = input("姓名:") # 用键盘输入重新给字典的key赋值
# find_dict["phone"] = input("电话:")
# find_dict["email"] = input("邮箱:")
find_dict["name"] = input_new(find_dict["name"], "姓名:")
find_dict["phone"] = input_new(find_dict["phone"], "电话:")
find_dict["email"] = input_new(find_dict["email"], "邮箱:")
print("修改名片 %s 成功!" % find_dict["name"])
elif action_str == "2":
# 删除名片
print("删除名片 %s 成功!" % find_dict["name"])
elif action_str == "0":
print("error input!")
# 改造input函数
def input_new(old_value, new_value):
:param old_value: 原有字典value值
:param new_value: 用户键盘输入的新的value值
:return: 返回结果值
# 1、提示用户输入内容
result = input(new_value)
# 2、判断用户是否输入了内容
if len(result) > 0:
# 3、如果输入内容就返回新输入的值
return result
# 4、如果直接回车就返回原有值
return old_value
14a80976e094faffcab44a4e0ae049b68b921b5e | jkeller51/ECE448_MP4 | / | 2,057 | 3.6875 | 4 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Apr 28 12:36:57 2018
@author: jkell
import numpy as np
resolution = 10
import random
def intersect_line(x1,y1,x2,y2,linex):
Determine where the line drawn through (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
will intersect the line x=linex
if (x2 == x1):
return 0
return ((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))*abs(linex-x1)+y1
#ball_x = np.asarray(range(0,resolution))/(resolution)
#ball_y = ball_x.copy()
#ball_vx = np.asarray(range(0,resolution))/resolution * 0.06 - 0.03
#ball_vy = ball_vx.copy()
#paddle_y = np.asarray(range(0,resolution))/(resolution)
#data = []
#for bx in ball_x:
# for by in ball_y:
# for vx in ball_vx:
# for vy in ball_vy:
# for py in paddle_y:
## if (vx < 0): # ball moving away
# if (by < py-0.01):
# yy = 0
# elif (by > py+0.01):
# yy = 2
# else:
# yy = 1
## else:
## y_int = intersect_line(bx,by,vx,vy,1)
## if (y_int < py+0.1):
## yy = 0
## elif (y_int == py+0.1):
## yy = 1
## elif (y_int > py+0.1):
## yy = 2
# data.append([bx, by, vx, vy, py, yy])
data = []
for _ in range(100000):
bx = random.random()
by = random.random()
vx = random.random() * 0.06 - 0.03
vy = random.random() * 0.06 - 0.03
py = random.random()
if (by+vy < py):
yy = 0
elif (by+vy > py+0.2):
yy = 2
yy = 1
data.append([bx, by, vx, vy, py, yy])
f = open('./data/test_policy_easy.txt', 'w')
for d in data:
f.write(str(d[0]) + " " + str(d[1]) + " " + str(d[2]) + " " + str(d[3]) + " " + str(d[4]) + " " + str(d[5]) + "\n")
f.close() |
b53765f11a2ab8b9ecda7607eaa1e6be6849c4e8 | varunnair735/Neural-Net | / | 744 | 3.65625 | 4 | """
Author: Varun Nair
Date: 6/25/19
import numpy as np
def sig(x):
"""Defines sigmoid activation function"""
return (1 / (1+ np.exp(-x)))
def sig_prime(x):
"""Defines the derivative of the sigmoid function used in backprop"""
return sig(x)*(1-sig(x))
def RELU(x):
"""Defines ReLU activation function"""
return x*(x>0)
def RELU_prime(x):
"""Derivative is 0 when <0 and 1 when >0"""
return 1*(x>0)
def softmax(x):
"""Computes softmax score for each class so probabilities add to 1.
This is adjusted by the max value to avoid overflows"""
a = np.exp(x - np.max(x))
return a / (np.sum(a, axis=1))
def softmax_prime(x):
"""Derivative of softmax function for use in backprop"""
406ad197c1a6b2ee7529aaa7c6ea5a86e10114de | carrenolg/python-code | /Chapter12/optimize/ | 896 | 4.25 | 4 | from time import time, sleep
from timeit import timeit, repeat
# main
def main():
# measure timing
# example 1
t1 = time()
num = 5
num *= 2
print(time() - t1)
# example 2
t1 = time()
print(time() - t1)
# using timeit
print(timeit('num = 5; num *= 2', number=1))
print(repeat('num = 5; num *= 2', number=1, repeat=3))
# Algorithms and Data Structures
# build a list in different ways
def make_list_1():
result = []
for value in range(1000):
return result
def make_list_2():
result = [value for value in range(1000)]
return result
print('make_list_1 takes', timeit(make_list_1, number=1000), 'seconds')
print('make_list_2 takes', timeit(make_list_2, number=1000), 'seconds')
if __name__ == '__main__':
9bbc0b6c797397a5fd72079b649b115fe117879e | carrenolg/python-code | /chapter6/ | 4,636 | 4.1875 | 4 | # Chapter6 - Oh Oh: Objects and Classes
class Person():
def __init__(self, name): = name
soccer_player = Person('Juan Roman')
# Inheritance
class Car():
def exclaim(self):
print("I'm a Car!")
class Yugo(Car):
def exclaim(self):
print("I'm a Yugo!")
def need_a_push(self):
print("A little help here?")
obj_car = Car()
obj_yugo = Yugo()
class MDPerson(Person):
def __init__(self, name): = "Doctor " + name
class JDPerson(Person):
def __init__(self, name): = name + ", Esquire"
person = Person('Fudd')
doctor = MDPerson('Fudd')
lawyer = JDPerson('Fudd')
class EmailPerson(Person):
def __init__(self, name, email):
super().__init__(name) = email
bob = EmailPerson('Bob Frapples', '')
class Duck():
def __init__(self, input_name):
self.hidden_name = input_name
def get_name(self):
print('inside the getter')
return self.hidden_name
def set_name(self, input_name):
print('inside the setter')
self.hidden_name = input_name
name = property(get_name, set_name)
fowl = Duck('Howard')
print( = 'Daffy'
class DDuck():
def __init__(self, input_name):
self.hidden_name = input_name
def name(self):
print('>>> inside the getter')
return self.hidden_name
def name(self, input_name):
print('>>> inside the setter')
self.hidden_name = input_name
dfowl = DDuck('Gio10')
print( = 'carrenolg10'
class Circle():
def __init__(self, radius):
self.radius = radius
def diameter(self):
return 2 * self.radius
c = Circle(5)
print(c.radius, c.diameter)
c.radius = 7
print(c.radius, c.diameter)
# Name Mangling for Privacy
class Duck():
def __init__(self, input_name):
self.__name = input_name
def get_name(self):
print('inside the getter')
return self.__name
def set_name(self, input_name):
print('inside the setter')
self.__name = input_name
name = property(get_name, set_name)
fowl = Duck('Howard')
print( = 'Donald'
# print(fowl.__name) # can't access
# Method Types
# class method
class A():
count = 0
def __init__(self):
A.count += 1
def exclaim(self):
print("I'm an A! ")
def kids(cls):
print('A has', cls.count, 'little objects')
esay_a = A()
beezy_a = A()
whezzy_a = A()
# static method
class CoyoteWeapon():
def commercial():
print('This CoyoteWeapon has been brought to you by Acme')
# call method
# Duty typing
class Quote():
def __init__(self, person, words):
self.person = person
self.words = words
def who(self):
return self.person
def says(self):
return self.words + '.'
class QuestionQuote(Quote):
def says(self):
return self.words + '?'
class ExclamationQuote(Quote):
def says(self):
return self.words + '!'
hunter = Quote('Elmer Fudd', "I'm hunting wabbits")
print(hunter.who(), 'says:', hunter.says())
hunted1 = QuestionQuote('Bugs Bunny', "What's up, doc")
print(hunted1.who(), 'says:', hunted1.says())
hunted2 = ExclamationQuote('Daffy Duck', "It's rabbit season")
print(hunted2.who(), 'says:', hunted2.says())
# Special Methods
class Word():
def __init__(self, text):
self.text = text
def __eq__(self, word2):
return self.text.lower() == word2.text.lower()
def __str__(self):
return self.text
def __repr__(self):
return 'Word("' + self.text + '")'
a = Word('ha')
b = Word('HA')
c = Word('eh')
print(a == b)
print(a == c)
# Aggregation and Composition
class Bill():
def __init__(self, description):
self.description = description
class Tail():
def __init__(self, length):
self.length = length
class Duck():
def __init__(self, bill, tail):
self.bill = bill
self.tail = tail
def about(self):
print('This duck has a (', self.bill.description,
') bill and a (', self.tail.length, ') tail')
a_tail = Tail('long')
a_bill = Bill('wide orange')
duck = Duck(a_bill, a_tail)
cfbc5acf0f0493b58b9b86540824bd0fa61bd4f3 | carrenolg/python-code | /Chapter12/debugging/ | 1,320 | 3.890625 | 4 | """Chapter 12 - Be a pythonista"""
# vars
def dump(func):
"""Print input arguments and output value(s)"""
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
print("Function name: %s" % func.__name__)
print("Input arguments: %s" % ' '.join(map(str, args)))
print("Input keyword arguments: %s" % kwargs.items())
output = func(*args, **kwargs)
print("Output:", output)
return output
return wrapped
def double(*args, **kwargs):
"""Double every argument"""
output_list = [2 * arg for arg in args]
output_dict = {k: 2*v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
return output_list, output_dict
# pdb
def process_cities(filename):
with open(filename, 'rt') as file:
for line in file:
line = line.strip()
if 'quit' == line.lower():
country, city = line.split(',')
city = city.strip()
country = country.strip()
print(city.title(), country.title(), sep=',')
def func(*arg, **kwargs):
print('vars:', vars())
def main():
# working with vars() function
func(1, 2, 3)
func(['a', 'b', 'argh'])
double(3, 5, first=100, next=98.6, last=-40)
# working with pdb
if __name__ == '__main__':
Subsets and Splits