import sys def main(): with open(sys.argv[1]) as f: num = int( f.readline().strip()) for _ in range(num): line = f.readline().strip() opens = [] isValid = True open_char = "([{<" close_char = ")]}>" for i in range(len(line)): if not isValid: break o_index = open_char.find(line[i]) c_index = close_char.find(line[i]) if o_index > -1: opens.append(o_index) elif c_index > -1: if c_index != opens.pop(): isValid = False if isValid: print("YES") else: print("NO") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
number = input('Enter an integer: ') numb = str(number + ' ') print(10*numb)
# scores = [3 ,4 ,21 ,36 ,10 ,28 ,35, 5 ,24 ,42] def breakingRecords(scores): # Write your code here temporary_max = scores[0] temporary_min = scores[0] maximum_score = [] minimum_score = [] result_arr = [] for score in scores: if score<temporary_min: minimum_score.append(score) temporary_min = score if score>temporary_max: maximum_score.append(score) temporary_max =score result_arr.append(len(maximum_score)) result_arr.append(len(minimum_score)) return result_arr breakingRecords(scores)
import re # FOR displaying the groups it can only be used if there is a known output. DOES NOT WORK WITH A "NONE TYPE"!!!! # if you are going to have a possible None Type, you need to put logic in to catch it # phoneNumRegex = re.compile(r'\d\d\d-\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d') # # data = input() # # mo = # # print('phone number found: ' + # phoneNumGroup = re.compile(r'(\d\d\d)-(\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d)') mo2 ='my phone number is 415-555-5555') print( print( print( print( # Pipe ( '|') will search for either criteria but will only return the first one if they are both in the search area. It needs to be CASE SENSITIVE heroRegex = re.compile(r'Batman | Tina Fey') mo3 ='Batman & tina fey') print( # the below example is how to search for multiple types of words such as Batmobile, Batman, Batcar, etc.... CASE SENSITIVE batRegex = re.compile(r'Bat(man|mobile|car|woman)') mo4 ='the Batcar is on its way') print( # OPTIONAL MATCHING optionalRegex = re.compile(r'Bat(wo)?man') mo5 ='im Batwoman') print( # the aterik = the group that precedes the asterik can occur any number of times # If you use a '+' then it will search for ONE or more. There must be at least one present or it will throw an error starRegex = re.compile(r'Bat(wo)*man') mo6 ='Im Batwowowowowowoman and I am Batman Batman') print( # The (#){#,#} STRUCTURE searches for a match of whatever is inside the parenthese and how many times in the curly brackets. -> if there are two numbers in the curly brackets then is will search for a minimum of the first number and a maximum of the second number. EXAMPLE -> (Ha){3,5} will look for a re-occurence of 'Ha' at a minimum of 3 times to a maximum fo five times. # NOTE! If given a min and a max it will always search for the longest max -> "GREEDY MATCHING" # "NON-GREEDY MATCHING" is the format of (#){#,#}? ---> Adding the question mark makes it search for the first shortest possibility. haRegex = re.compile(r'(Ha){3}') mo7 ='HaHaHa') print( mo8 ="Ha") if mo8 == None: print(True) else: print(False) # THE findall() Method # This will return all matches of the regex instead of groups findRegex = re.compile(r'\d\d\d-\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d') mo9 = findRegex.findall('Cell: 209-900-9988 and Work: 230-432-4434') print(mo9) # if there are parenthesises around the area code or there are groups (\d\d\d)-(\d\d\d)-(\d\d\d\d) --> then it will return a list of tuples # EXAMPLE --> [('415','555', '4534'), ('234','345','6758')] xmasRegex = re.compile(r'\d+\s\w+') #This will match ONLY a number(s) followed by a space and then by a match of letters, numeric character or a underline. in other words, a WORD print(xmasRegex.findall('12 drummers, 11 pipers, 10 milk maids, 9 lords, etc...')) #Will not print the commas, the second word of "maids" or 'etc...' vowelRegex = re.compile(r'[aeiouAEIOU]') print(vowelRegex.findall('Robocop eats babyfood')) consanentRegex = re.compile(r'[^aeiouAEIOU]') print(consanentRegex.findall('Robocop eats baby food.')) beginsWithHello = re.compile(r'^Hello') # The '^' makes sure it STARTS with "Hello" --> Case sensitive print('Hello Hello')) # RETURNS -> <re.Match object; span=(0, 5), match='Hello'> endsWithNumber = re.compile(r'\d$') # this will look for and return the last digit ONLY IF the search field ends in a digit and it will only return ONE value. #To search for a larger number, add the plus sign print('the number is 48589392')) #<re.Match object; span=(21, 22), match='2'> searchWholeNum = re.compile(r'\d+$') print('number is 1239812983123')) #<re.Match object; span=(10, 23), match='1239812983123'> # THE DOT will match everything ex dpt a new line. in the below example it matches everything that ends with 'at' atRegex = re.compile(r'.at') print(atRegex.findall('cat, mat, sat, flat, bat, rat, 9at, .at')) #['cat', 'mat', 'sat', 'lat', 'bat', 'rat', '9at', '.at'] //notice it only returned LAT not FLAT nameRegex = re.compile(r'First Name: (.*) Last Name: (.*)') #This will match anything entered after first and last name field name ='First Name: Tim Last Name: Allen') print( #Tim print( #Allen # THE DOT and DOT ASTERIK are greedy matching options, to use non-greedy options,use the '?' to match the first one. ###EXAMPLE### nongreedyRegex = re.compile(r'<.*?>') nongreedy ='<to serve man> for dinner.>') print( greedyRegex = re.compile(r'<.*>') greedy ='<to serve man> for dinner.>') print( ### HOW TO SEARCH MULTIPLE LINES: ### newLineRegex = re.compile('.*', re.DOTALL) print('Serve the public. \nProsad \nanother line').group()) ### HOW TO IGNORE upper or lower CASE ### ignoreRegex = re.compile(r'robocop', re.I) # --> re.I or re.IGNORECASE ignores case sensitive print('rObOcOp was here').group()) namesRegex = re.compile(r'Agent \w+') x = namesRegex.sub('CENSORED', 'Agent Alice is complicit in the murder of Agent Bond.') print(x) agentNamesRegex = re.compile(r'Agent (\w)\w*') z = agentNamesRegex.sub(r'\1******', 'Agent Alice told Agent Bob that Agent Eve was with Agent Bond.') print(z) phoneRegex = re.compile(r'''( (\d{3}|\(d{3}\))? (\s|-|\.)? \d{3} (\s|-|\.) \d{4} (\s*(ext|x|ext.)\s*d{2,5})? )''',re.VERBOSE) j ='408-344-3532, ext 4935') print(
/Week 2 - Mini Project Guess number
# template for "Guess the number" mini-project # input will come from buttons and an input field # all output for the game will be printed in the console import random import simplegui # helper function to start and restart the game def new_game(): # initialize global variables used in your code here global secret_number global times times = 7 print "You have 7 guesses" secret_number=random.randrange(0,99) # define event handlers for control panel def range100(): # button that changes the range to [0,100) and starts a new game global secret_number global times times = 7 print "You have 7 guesses" secret_number=random.randrange(0,99) print "Restarting the game, range now is[0,100)" def range1000(): # button that changes the range to [0,1000) and starts a new game global secret_number global times times = 10 print "You have 10 guesses" secret_number=random.randrange(0,999) print "Restarting the game, range now is[0,1000)" def input_guess(guess): # main game logic goes here guess=int(guess) print "Guess was %s" % (guess) if guess==secret_number: print "Correct" new_game() elif guess > secret_number: print "Lower" global times if times > 0: times -= 1 print "You have %s guesses left" % (times) else: print "You are out of guesses, the secret number was %s, new game begins" % (secret_number) new_game() elif guess < secret_number: print "Higher" if times > 0: times -= 1 print "You have %s guesses left" % (times) else: print "You are out of guesses, the secret number was %s, new game begins" % (secret_number) new_game() else: print "Error" # create frame frame=simplegui.create_frame("Guess game", 300, 300) input=frame.add_input("Input", input_guess, 50) # register event handlers for control elements and start frame button1=frame.add_button("Range is [0,100)", range100, 100) button2=frame.add_button("Range is [0,1000)", range1000, 100) frame.start() # call new_game new_game() # always remember to check your completed program against the grading rubric
/Code03-01 SQLite 데이터 입력.py
import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect("samsongDB")# 1. DB connecting cur = conn.cursor() # 2. create cursor(connected rope) sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS userTable(userID INT, userName char(5))" cur.execute(sql) sql= "INSERT INTO userTable VALUES(1, '홍길동')"; cur.execute(sql) sql= "INSERT INTO userTable VALUES(2, '이순신')"; cur.execute(sql) cur.close() conn.commit() conn.close() # 6. DB disconnect print('OK')
# Task 1: print hello world print("Hello World!") msg = "Hello World!" # Task 2: hello name name = "Carlos" print("Hello", name,"!") print("Hello " + name + "!") # Task 3: favorite number number = 42 print("Hello" , name, "!", "My favorite number is", number,".") print(f'{"Hello " + name + "!" + " My favorite number is" } {number}{"."}') print("Hello " + name + "!" + " My favorite number is " + str(number) + ".") # Task 4: favorite food favFood1 = 'pizza' favFood2 = 'tacos' print("My favorite foods are {} and {}".format(favFood1, favFood2)) print(f"My favorite foods are {favFood1} and {favFood2}!")
#1 prints out 5 def a(): return 5 print(a()) #5 #2 5+5=10 Prints 10 def a(): return 5 print(a()+a()) #10 #3 Returns 5 function ends def a(): return 5 return 10 print(a()) #5 #4 returns 5 funtion ends def a(): return 5 print(10) print(a()) #5 #5 Prints 5 but doesnt return anything so x = null def a(): print(5) x = a() print(x) #5 #6 Prints 3 & 5 but since nothing is returned you cant add the two elements together def a(b,c): print(b+c) # print(a(1,2) + a(2,3)) #7 string plus string returns 25 def a(b,c): return str(b)+str(c) print(a(2,5)) #25 #8 prints 100 returns 10 def a(): b = 100 print(b) if b < 10: return 5 else: return 10 return 7 print(a()) #100 10 #9 Prints 7 Prints 14 Prints 7 & 14 then adds the two elements that were returned def a(b,c): if b<c: return 7 else: return 14 return 3 print(a(2,3)) #7 print(a(5,3)) #14 print(a(2,3) + a(5,3)) #7+14= 21 #10 ads 3+5 retunrs 8 and prints def a(b,c): return b+c return 10 print(a(3,5)) #8 #11 #500,500,300,500 b = 500 print(b) #500 def a(): b = 300 print(b) #300 print(b)#500 a() print(b) #300 #12 500 500 300 300 b = 500 print(b) #500 def a(): b = 300 print(b) #300 return b print(b) #500 a() print(b) #300 b = 500 print(b) #500 def a(): b = 300 print(b) #300 return b print(b) #500 b=a() print(b) #300 #14 1 , 3 , 2 def a(): print(1)#1 b()#3 print(2)#2 def b(): print(3) a()# <---- call #15 1 , 3 , 5 , 10 def a(): print(1)#1 x = b()#3 print(x) #5 return 10 def b(): print(3) return 5 y = a() print(y)#10
/Multiples of 3 or
def solution(number): return sum([i for i in range(number) if (i % 5 == 0 or i % 3 == 0)]) print(solution(10))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Oct 3 18:24:55 2021 @author: hp """ from tkinter import* import random root=Tk() root.title("RANDOM LIST ANS LUCKY FRIEND GENERATER") root.geometry("700x400") enter_country=Entry(root),rely=0.2,anchor=CENTER) enter_city=Entry(root),rely=0.4,anchor=CENTER) label_country_list=Label(root) label_random_country=Label(root) label_random_country_name=Label(root) label_city_list=Label(root) label_random_city=Label(root) label_random_city_name=Label(root) list1=[] list2=[] def add_country_and_city(): country_name=enter_country.get() list1.append(country_name) label_country_list["text"]="Your country list is : " + str(list1) city_name=enter_country.get() list2.append(city_name) label_city_list["text"]="Your city list is : " + str(list2) def random_country_city(): length=len(list1) random_no=random.randint(0,lenght-1) label_random_country["text"]= str(list1) genarated_random_country=list1[list1] label_random_country_name["text"]="YOUR RANDOM COUNTRY IS : " + str(genarated_random_country) length=len(list2) random_no2=random.randint(0,lenght-1) label_random_city["text"]= str(list2) genarated_random_city=list1[list2] label_random_city_name["text"]="YOUR RANDOM CITY IS : " + str(genarated_random_city) button1=Button(root,text="ADDD TO YOUR COUNTRY AND CITY LIST!!" , command=add_country_and_city),rely=0.3,anchor=CENTER),rely=0.4,anchor=CENTER) button2=Button(root,text="DISPLAY RANDOM COUNTRY AND CITY!!!!" , command=random_country_city),rely=0.5,anchor=CENTER),rely=0.7,anchor=CENTER),rely=0.8,anchor=CENTER),rely=0.9,anchor=CENTER),rely=1,anchor=CENTER) root.mainloop()
from Tkinter import * top=Tk() top.config(background="brown4") top.title("WELCOME") top.geometry("1600x900") Label(top,text="SUBJECT NAME=",fg="black",bg="brown4",bd=14,font=("times",27)).place(x=300,y=215) el=Entry(top,font=("arial",21)),y=230) Button(top,text="submit ",fg="white",bg="cyan4",bd=10,padx=5,pady=5).place(x=690,y=390) Button(top,text="cancel",fg="white",bg="cyan4",command=top.destroy,bd=10,padx=5,pady=5).place(x=830,y=390) top.mainloop()
/Quiz42_Jihan Salma
fruits = ['Nanas', 'Apel', 'Pepaya', 'Kentang'] for i in range (4) : print(fruits[i]) length = len(fruits) i = 0 while i < length: print(fruits[i]) i += 1
import numpy as np import Utils class Classifier: training = None train_arr = None classes = None def __init__(self, training, train_arr, CLASSES = 3): = training self.train_arr = train_arr self.classes = CLASSES #KNN Classification method def OneNNClassify(self, test_set, K): # KNN Method # for each test sample t # for each training sample tr # compute norm |t - tr| # choose top norm # class which it belongs to is classification [tr,tc] = test_set.shape [trr,trc] = self.train_arr.shape result = np.array(np.zeros([tc])) i = 0 #print "KNN : with K = ",K while i < tc: x = test_set[:,i] xmat = np.tile(x,(1,trc)) xmat = xmat - self.train_arr norms = Utils.ComputeNorm(xmat) closest_train = np.argmin(norms) which_train =[closest_train] attr = which_train.attractiveness result[i] = attr #print "Class : ",result[i] i += 1 return result
import nltk from nltk.corpus import words'words', quiet=True) #'names', quiet=True) word_list = words.words() # print(word_list) # string = 'computer' # word_count # if string in word_list: # word_count +=1 # # print(' I am here') # else: # print('I am not here')\ #cesar cipher # The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy sleeping dog # Shift of 15 # IWT FJXRZ QGDLC UDM YJBETS DKTG IWT APOXAN HATTEXCV SDV def encrypt(plain_text, key): encrypted_word = '' print(f'The plain text word is{plain_text}.') for i in range(len(plain_text)): char = plain_text[i] if (char.isupper()): encrypted_word += chr((ord(char) + key-65) % 26 + 65) else: encrypted_word += chr((ord(char) + key -97) % 26 + 97) return encrypted_word def decrypt(encoded, key): return encrypt(encoded, -key) ## This is for Encrypt method if __name__ == "__main__": plain_text = 'IM gonna getCHA' key = 12 print('Text is: ' + plain_text) print('Key is: ' + str(key)) print('Result is: ' + encrypt(plain_text, key)) ## This is for decrypt method # if __name__ == "__main__": # print(decrypt('89', 6))
/15 Puzzle/15
from queue import PriorityQueue import sys numNodes = 0 class Node: def __init__(self, state, parent, operator, depth, pathCost): self.state = state self.parent = parent self.children = list() self.operator = operator self.depth= depth self.pathCost = pathCost def same(self, state): """ Compares two states, sees if they are equal and/or the goal state. """ if self.state == state: return True else: return False def __lt__(self, other): """ Compares the path cost of two states. """ return self.pathCost < other.pathCost def move(self): """ Creates the children af†er checking if the moves are possible. """ global numNodes zeroIndex = self.state.index(0) new = self.state[:] if zeroIndex not in [0, 1, 2, 3]: # Makes children after going up temp = new[zeroIndex - 4] new[zeroIndex - 4] = new[zeroIndex] new[zeroIndex] = temp child = Node(new, self, "U", self.depth + 1, self.pathCost) self.children.append(child) numNodes += 1 new = self.state[:] if zeroIndex not in [3, 7, 11, 15]: # Makes children after going right temp = new[zeroIndex + 1] new[zeroIndex + 1] = new[zeroIndex] new[zeroIndex] = temp child = Node(new, self, "R", self.depth + 1, self.pathCost) self.children.append(child) numNodes += 1 new = self.state[:] if zeroIndex not in [12, 13, 14, 15]: # Makes children after going down temp = new[zeroIndex + 4] new[zeroIndex + 4] = new[zeroIndex] new[zeroIndex] = temp child = Node(new, self, "D", self.depth + 1, self.pathCost) self.children.append(child) numNodes += 1 new = self.state[:] if zeroIndex not in [0, 4, 8, 12]: # Makes children after going left temp = new[zeroIndex - 1] new[zeroIndex - 1] = new[zeroIndex] new[zeroIndex] = temp child = Node(new, self, "L", self.depth + 1, self.pathCost) self.children.append(child) numNodes += 1 def aStar(initial, final): """ A* Algorithm. """ p = PriorityQueue() p.put(Node(initial, None, "", 0, 0)) GoalFound = False while p and not GoalFound: #Until goal is found, the move function is recursed. node = p.get() node.move() for child in node.children: #For every child, the pathCost is updated with the proper path cost if child.same(final): GoalFound = True x = child.depth + manhattanH(child.state, final) path(child, x) cost = child.depth + manhattanH(child.state, final) child.pathCost = cost p.put(child, cost) def manhattanH(state, final): """ Sums the distances of each state to its place in the final state. """ x = 0 for i in range(0, 16): x += manhattanA(state.index(i), final.index(i)) return x def manhattanA(x, y): """ Auxiliary function for the manhattan distance heuristic. """ #Matrix coordinates from the state list. m = {0: (1, 1), 0.25: (1, 2), 0.50: (1, 3), 0.75: (1, 4), 1: (2, 1), 1.25: (2, 2), 1.50: (2, 3), 1.75: (2, 4), 2: (3, 1), 2.25: (3, 2), 2.50: (3, 3), 2.75: (3, 4), 3: (4, 1), 3.25: (4, 2), 3.50: (4, 3), 3.75: (4, 4)} x1, y1 = m[x/4] x2, y2 = m[y/4] return abs(x1-x2) + abs(y1-y2) def path(Node, x): """ Prints depth of node, then goes to each parent node to obtain the operator needed to create the path to solution. """ node = Node path = list() f = list() path.append(node.operator) #Gets the operator of last node f.append(node.pathCost) #Gets the path cost of last node depth = node.depth while node.parent is not None: #Recurses up the A* graph until the root node is found node = node.parent path.insert(0, node.operator) f.insert(0, node.pathCost) del path[0] del f[-1] f.insert(len(f), x) print("\n%d" % depth) #Prints depth print(numNodes) #Prints number of nodes for item in range(len(path)): #Prints the directions if item == (len(path)-1): print(path[item], end="\n") else: print(path[item], end=" ") for item in f: #prints the f(n) value print(item, end=" ") def main(): """ Reads given file, takes the input and output. Puts them into the A* funtion, then outputs results into a text file. """ insert = [] finalinsert = [] initial = [] final = [] sys.stdout = open('Output5.txt','wt') #Makes output txt file for writing file = open('Input1.txt', 'r') #Opens the Input File to read for i in range(0, 4): #Reads each line and puts it in a list x = file.readline() print(x, end='') #Prints onto output text file insert.append(x) for i in insert: #Makes the items in list consistent for A* x = list(map(int, i.split())) for i in x: initial.append(i) for i in range(7, 12): #Reads each line and puts it in a list x = file.readline() print(x, end='') #Prints onto output text file finalinsert.append(x) for i in finalinsert: #Makes the items in list consistent for A* x = list(map(int, i.split())) for i in x: final.append(i) file.close() aStar(initial, final) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
def fizzBuzz(self, s): string = [] for n in range(1, s + 1): if n % 3 == 0 and n % 5 == 0: string.append("FizzBuzz") elif n % 3 == 0: string.append("Fizz") elif n % 5 == 0: string.append("Buzz") else: string.append(n) return string
# a single perceptron import numpy as np class Perceptron(object): def __init__(self, rate = 0.01, niter = 10): self.rate = rate self.niter = niter def fit(self, X, y): """ Fit training data :param X: Training vectors, X.shape: [samples, features] :param y: Target value, y.shape : [samples] :return: """ # weights self.weight = np.zeros(1 + X.shape[1]) # Number of misclassifications self.errors = [] for i in range(self.niter): err = 0 for xi, target in zip(X, y): delta_w = self.rate * (target - self.predict(xi)) self.weight[1:] += delta_w * xi self.weight[0] += delta_w err += int(delta_w != 0) self.errors.append(err) return self def net_input(self, X): """ Calculate net input """ return, self.weight[1:]) + self.weight[0] def predict(self, X): """ Return class label after unit step """ return np.where(self.net_input(X) >= 0.0, 1, -1)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 a = float(input("введите первое число:")) what = input("что делаем (+:-:*:/):") b = float(input("введите второе число:")) if what == "+": d = a + b print("равно:" + str(d)) elif what == "-": d = a - b print("равно:" + str(d)) elif what == "*": d = a * b print("равно:" + str(d)) elif what == "/": d = a / b print("равно:" + str(d)) else: print("введено неверное значение")
import random from typing import List class Item: def __init__(self, item_id, weight, value): = item_id self.weight = weight self.value = value self.ratio = value/weight class Knapsack: def __init__(self, items_in, items_out, capacity): self.items_in = items_in self.items_out = items_out self.capacity = capacity def check_feasibility(self, items): w = 0 for item in items: w = w + item.weight if w > self.capacity: return False if w > self.capacity: return False else: return True def print_items(self): items_in_knapsack_before = "" for item in self.items_in: items_in_knapsack_before = items_in_knapsack_before + str( + ", " items_in_knapsack_before = items_in_knapsack_before[:-2] items_in_knapsack_before = items_in_knapsack_before + " | " for item in self.items_out: items_in_knapsack_before = items_in_knapsack_before + str( + ", " items_in_knapsack_before = items_in_knapsack_before[:-2] items_in_knapsack_before = items_in_knapsack_before + "\tFitness: " + str( print(items_in_knapsack_before) def remove_items(self, items_in, items_removed): no_of_items_in = len(self.items_in) rand_no_of_items_out = random.randint(1, no_of_items_in - 1) #-1 rand_items_out = random.sample(list(range(0, no_of_items_in)), rand_no_of_items_out) rand_items_out.sort(reverse=True) for rand in rand_items_out: items_removed.append(items_in[rand]) items_in.pop(rand) def add_items(self, items_out_copy, items_in_updated, items_out_updated): no_of_items_out = len(self.items_out) rand_no_of_items_in = random.randint(1, no_of_items_out) rand_items_in = random.sample(list(range(0, no_of_items_out)), rand_no_of_items_in) rand_items_in.sort(reverse=True) for rand in rand_items_in: items_in_updated.append(items_out_copy[rand]) items_out_updated.remove(items_out_copy[rand]) def perturb1(self): feasible = False items_removed: List[Item] = [] items_in_updated: List[Item] = [] items_out_updated: List[Item] = [] while not feasible: # remove n random elements items_in_copy = self.items_in.copy() items_out_copy = self.items_out.copy() items_removed = [] self.remove_items(items_in_copy, items_removed) counter = 0 while not feasible: if counter <= 10: # add m random elements items_out_updated = items_out_copy.copy() self.add_items(items_out_copy, items_in_copy, items_out_updated) feasible = self.check_feasibility(items_in_copy) counter = counter + 1 else: break for item in items_removed: items_out_updated.append(item) self.items_in = items_in_copy self.items_out = items_out_updated def perturb2(self): # remove one or more items items_in = self.items_in.copy() items_out = self.items_out.copy() items_removed = [] self.remove_items(items_in, items_removed) for item in items_removed: items_out.append(item) # greedy algorithm items_out_copy = items_out.copy() i = 0 while i < 5: if len(items_out) != 0: next_item = self.select_next(items_out) items_in.append(next_item) items_out.remove(next_item) items_out_copy.remove(next_item) feasible = self.check_feasibility(items_in) if not feasible: items_in.remove(next_item) items_out_copy.append(next_item) i = i + 1 else: break self.items_in = items_in self.items_out = items_out_copy def select_next(self, items_out): best_item = items_out[0] for item in items_out: if item.value >= best_item.value: best_item = item return best_item def fitness(self): fitness_score = 0 for item in self.items_in: fitness_score = fitness_score + item.value return fitness_score
#!/usr/bin/python3 # Zane Paksi def gc(a, b): r = a % b a = a - r return a print(gc(a=int(input('a: ')), b=3))
""" ans = input("您是否喜欢喝咖啡yes/no:") if ans == "yes": print("制作咖啡") elif ans == "no": print("随时恭候") """ # 字符串变量中所包含的索引值 astr = "python" print(astr[0:2]) #变量[角标的起始位置 :角标的结束位置] print(astr[0:8]) print(astr[0:8:2]) #变量[角标的起始位置 :角标的结束位置 : 步长值] print(astr[-2]) print(astr[-1:-7:-1]) #反向取值 print(astr[:]) print(astr[::-1]) # if "p" in astr : # print("yes")
""" Solutions for """ # import modules used below. from collections import Counter, UserList from itertools import chain, combinations from math import prod # Part 1: What is the number of 1-jolt differences multiplied by the number of # 3-jolt differences in the provided data file? # Create data model for output "joltages" in data file. class OutputJoltages(UserList): """ Data Model for output joltages from data file """ @classmethod def from_file(cls, file_path): """ Read output joltages from specified file and add min/max """ with open(file_path) as fp: values_in_file = [int(line.rstrip()) for line in fp] return cls(chain([0], values_in_file, [max(values_in_file)+3])) def sorted_pairwise_differences(self, joltages=None): """ Find sorted pairwise differences for Part 1 """ if joltages is None: joltages = self sorted_data_values = sorted(joltages) pairwise_differences = [ sorted_data_values[i] - sorted_data_values[i-1] for i in range(1, len(joltages)) ] return pairwise_differences def partition_into_valid_joltage_subsequences(self): """ Find all possible joltage subsequences for Part 2 """ sorted_data_values = sorted(self) joltage_diffs = self.sorted_pairwise_differences() data_partitions = {} partition_lower_bound_index = 0 for i in range(len(self)-1): if joltage_diffs[i] == 3: data_partitions[ frozenset( sorted_data_values[partition_lower_bound_index:i+1] ) ] = [] partition_lower_bound_index = i + 1 for partition in data_partitions: if len(partition) == 1: continue partition_interior = partition - {min(partition), max(partition)} partition_interior_powerset = list(chain.from_iterable( combinations(partition_interior, n) for n in range(len(partition_interior)+1) )) for subset in partition_interior_powerset: partition_subset = ( set(subset) | {min(partition), max(partition)} ) if max(self.sorted_pairwise_differences(partition_subset)) < 4: data_partitions[partition].append(partition_subset) return data_partitions # Read "joltage" values from data file. output_joltages = OutputJoltages.from_file('data/day10_adapter_array-data.txt') # Find "joltages" differences for Part 1. diffs = output_joltages.sorted_pairwise_differences() counts = Counter(diffs) print(f'Number of joltages values in data file: {len(output_joltages)}') print(f'Number of differences of 1 for Part 1: {counts[1]}') print(f'Number of differences of 3 for Part 1: {counts[3]}') print(f'Product for Part 1: {counts[1]}*{counts[3]}={counts[1]*counts[3]}') # Part 2: What is the total number of valid "joltage" sequences? # Find total number of valid "joltage" sequences for Part 2. partitions = output_joltages.partition_into_valid_joltage_subsequences() number_of_sequences = prod( len(v) for v in partitions.values() if len(v) != 0 ) print(f'\nLength of partitions for Part 2: {len(partitions)}') print(f'Minimum partition length for Part 2: {min(partitions)}') print(f'Maximum partition length for Part 2: {max(partitions)}') print(f'Number of sequences for Part 2: {number_of_sequences}')
""" Solutions for """ # Part 1: Find the two entries that sum to 2020 in the provided data file # and then multiply those two numbers together. # Read positive integer values from data file. with open('data/day01_report_repair-data.txt') as fp: data_values = [int(line.rstrip()) for line in fp] # In order to minimize the number of comparisons needed, calculate 2020 - v # for each value v in the data file. If 2020 - v is also in the data file, # then (2020 - v) + v = 2020. Consequently, the desired solution will be # (2020-v)*v. differences_from_2020 = { 2020 - v for v in data_values } # Search the collection of difference for value in the data file, and stop # once a solution has been found for Part 1. for v in data_values: if v in differences_from_2020: print(f'Values from data file for Part 1: {(2020-v, v)}') print(f'Solution for Part 1: {2020-v}*{v} = {(2020-v)*v}') break # Part 2: What is the product of the three entries that sum to 2020? # Generalizing, calculate 2020 - (v1 + v2) for each pair of values (v1, v2) # in the data file. If v = 2020 - (v1 + v2) is also in the data file, then # v + v1 + v2 = 2020. Consequently, the desired solution will be v*v1*v2. pairwise_differences_from_2020 = { 2020 - (v1 + v2): (v1, v2) for v1 in data_values for v2 in data_values } # Search the collection of difference for value in the data file, and stop # once a solution has been found for Part 2. for v in data_values: if v in pairwise_differences_from_2020.keys(): v1, v2 = pairwise_differences_from_2020[v] print(f'Values from data file for Part 2: {(v, v1, v2)}') print(f'Solution for Part 2: {v}*{v1}*{v2} = {v*v1*v2}') break
""" Solutions for """ # import modules used below. from collections import UserDict # Part 1: In the provided data file, how many group-wise "yeses" occur? # Create data model for "group responses" in data file. class GroupResponses(UserDict): """ Data Model for "question group_responses" from data file """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.group_size = 0 def add_responses(self, responses): """ Add questions responses for group, and increment group size """ for response in responses: self[response] = self.get(response, 0) + 1 self.group_size += 1 @property def unanimous_yeses(self): """ Return questions for which the group unanimously responded """ return [q for q in self if self[q] == self.group_size] # Read "question group_responses" from data file. group_responses = [] current_group = GroupResponses() with open('data/day06_custom_customs-data.txt') as fp: for line in fp: if line == '\n': group_responses.append(current_group) current_group = GroupResponses() continue current_group.add_responses(line.rstrip()) group_responses.append(current_group) # Count number of group-wise "yeses" for Part 1. number_of_gw_yeses = sum([len(r) for r in group_responses]) print(f'Number of response groups in data file: {len(group_responses)}') print(f'Number of group-wise "yeses" for Part 1: {number_of_gw_yeses}') # Part 2: In the provided data file, how many group-wise unanimous "yeses" # occur? # Count number of unanimous group-wise "yeses" for Part 2. number_of_unanimous_gw_yeses = sum( [len(r.unanimous_yeses) for r in group_responses] ) print( f'Number of unanimous group-wise "yeses" for Part 2: ' f'{number_of_unanimous_gw_yeses}' )
rowlist = list() # a_example # b_small # c_medium # d_big with open('' , 'r') as f: line_one = f.readline().split() R = line_one[0] C = line_one[1] L = line_one[2] H = line_one[3] if (int(H) > int(C)): H = C print('Rows: ' + R) print('Columns: ' + C) print('Min Ingredient: ' + L) print('Max Cells: ' + H) print(' ' ) for i in range(int(R)): line = f.readline() chararray = list(line.strip('\n')) j = 0 tcount = 0 mcount = 0 for char in chararray: if char == 'T': tcount += 1 #print('Tomatos Found on this row: ' +str( tcount) ) if char == 'M': mcount += 1 #print('Mushroom found on this row: ' + str( mcount)) j += 1 if j >= int(H): break if ((mcount >= int(L)) and (tcount >= int(L))): print('Row ' + str(i) + ' has a valid slice') rowlist.append(i) #print(chararray) f.closed with open('d_big.out', 'w') as out: out.write(str(len(rowlist)) + '\n') for x in range(len(rowlist)): out.write(str(rowlist[x]) + ' 0 ' + str(rowlist[x]) + ' ' + str(int(H) - 1) + '\n') out.closed
''' Dominos Pizza API utility functions. ''' import re def enum(**enums): ''' Utility function to create a simple enum-like data type. Behind the scenes it is just a list. :param list enums: A list of key value pairs. :return: A simple list. :rtype: list ''' return type('Enum', (), enums) def strip_unicode_characters(text): ''' Remove the unicode symbols from the given string. :param string text: The text containing the trademark symbol. :return: Text with the unicode symbols removed. :rtype: string ''' return re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', '', text) def update_session_headers(session): ''' Add content type header to the session. :param: requests.sessions.Session session: A session. :return: A session with modified headers. :rtype: requests.sessions.Session ''' session.headers.update({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Host': '' }) return session
# Write a Python program to convert a list into a nested dictionary of keys list = [1, 2, 3, 4] dictionary = current = {} for name in list: current[name] = {} current = current[name] print(dictionary)
# Write a program to get next day of a given date from datetime import date, timedelta import calendar year=int(input("Year:")) month=int(input("\nMonth:")) day=int(input("\nDay:")) try: date = date(year, month, day) except: print("\nPlease Enter a Valid Date\n") date += timedelta(days=1) print(date)
from typing import List import random class QuickSort: def __int__(self, array: List[list]): self.array = array def swap(self, a, b): temp = a a = b b = temp # To do: fix bug (during the sorting the repeatable elements of the list are deleted) def sort(self, array): if len(array) < 2: return array base = array[0] lower_subarray = [num for num in array[1:] if num < base] higher_subarray = [num for num in array[1:] if num > base] return self.sort(lower_subarray) + [base] + self.sort(higher_subarray) if __name__ == '__main__': numbers = [random.randint(1, 20) for _ in range(10)] print(f'unsorted array : {numbers}') quickie = QuickSort() quickie.array = numbers array = quickie.sort(quickie.array) print(f'sorted array {array}')
#!python import unittest import tommy as challenges class TestChallenges(unittest.TestCase): def test_fizz(self): actual = list(challenges.fizz(10)) expected = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 'Fizz', 8, 9, 10] self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_numbers(self): actual = list(challenges.numbers(6)) expected = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_odd_numbers(self): actual = list(challenges.odd_numbers(8)) expected = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15] self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_factorial(self): actual = challenges.factorial(6) expected = 720 self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_triangular_numbers(self): actual = list(challenges.triangular_numbers(5)) expected = [1, 3, 6, 10, 15] self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_backwards(self): actual = challenges.backwards("Pomegranate") expected = "Pomegranate"[::-1] self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_secret_santa(self): candidates = ["Person %d" % (i + 1) for i in range(6)] people = set(candidates) actual = list(challenges.secret_santa(candidates)) givers = set(g for g, r in actual) recipients = set(r for g, r in actual) self.assertEqual(people, givers, "Someone isn't giving") self.assertEqual(people, recipients, "Someone isn't receiving") for giver, recipient in actual: if giver == recipient: raise RuntimeError("%s is giving to themself" % giver) def test_anagrams(self): import itertools candidate = "wander" actual = set(challenges.anagrams(candidate)) expected = set(["warned", "redawn", "andrew", "warden"]) self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_palindromes(self): length = 6 actual = set(challenges.palindromes(length)) words = set(w for w in open("words.txt").read().split() if len(w) == length) expected = set(w for w in words if w == w[::-1]) self.assertEqual(actual, expected) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main(verbosity=2)
from time import sleep import random #Introduce user to the program if __name__ == "__main__": #This does a good thing print ("*" * 32) print("Welcome to the Dice Roller!".center(32)) print ("*" * 32) print() sleep(1) def roll_dice(diceamnt, diceint): #Defines function roll_dice dicetotal = 0 #Reset dicetotal for i in range(diceamnt): #Repeat for desired amount of dice rolled diceroll = random.randint(1, diceint) #Roll based on type of dice selected print(diceroll) #Print each roll as they are rolled sleep(1) dicetotal = dicetotal + diceroll #Add each dice roll to the total return dicetotal rolling=True while rolling: #Repeats the loop upon each roll unless exited by user choosing = True while choosing: #Prompt user to chose their dice type print("*" * 32) print("Which type of dice would you like to roll?") sleep(1) print("You may select from D2, D3, D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, and D100!") sleep(1) print("You may also type 'exit' to leave the program.") dicetype = str(input()) # User enters the type of dice they wish to roll if dicetype == "exit": #User wishes to exit the program sleep(1) print("Thank you for rolling your luck!") sleep(2) rolling = False # exits the while loop elif dicetype == "D2" or dicetype == "D3" or dicetype == "D4" or dicetype == "D6" or dicetype == "D8" or dicetype == "D10" or dicetype == "D12" or dicetype == "D20" or dicetype == "D100": diceint = int(dicetype[1:]) #Extracts the dicetype as an integer choosing = False else: print("Uh oh! It looks like you entered an invalid dice type!") sleep(1) #exit() #Exits the program because exiting the loop wasn't working lmao sleep(1) print("How many", dicetype, "would you like to roll?") diceamnt = int(input()) # User enters number of dice to roll sleep(1) dicetotal = roll_dice(diceamnt, diceint) #Set the returned value to dicetotal print("You rolled a total of", dicetotal, "!") #Print the total in a clear statement sleep(2)
gradeArray=[] gradeArray.append(5.5) gradeArray.append(3.2) gradeArray.append(-2.7) print(gradeArray) gradeArray[1]=9.9 print(gradeArray[0]) print(gradeArray)
x=float(input("Please enter First Number: ")) y=float(input("Please enter Second Number: ")) z=x+y print("x + y = ", z)
/31. Check prime number within a given
import math low=int(input()) high=int(input()) prime=[] for num in range(low,high+1): factor=0 for i in range(2,int(math.sqrt(num))+1): if num%i==0 : factor+=1 break if factor==0: prime.append(num) print("List of prime numbers is",prime)
/9.Program to reverse internal content of each
s=input() #Learning Python is easy l=s.split() new=[] for i in range(len(l)): new.append(l[i][::-1]) print(new) #['gninraeL', 'nohtyP', 'si', 'ysae'] for i in range(len(new)): print(new[i],end=" ") #gninraeL nohtyP si ysae
/11.Program to merge characters of 2 strings into a single
s1=input("Enter First String:") #ravi s2=input("Enter Second String:") #mehta output=s1+s2 print(output) #ravimehta
/17.Write a program to find the number of occurrences of each character present in the given String- Input ABCABCABBCDE & Output A-3,B-4,C-3,D-1,
def count(s): l=sorted(list(set(s))) for i in range(len(l)): new=s.count(l[i]) print("{}-{}".format(l[i],new),end=" ") #A-3 B-4 C-3 D-1 E-1 s=input() #ABCABCABBCDE count(s)
#!/bin/python3 import os import sys # # Complete the swapNodes function below. # class Node: def __init__(self,key,depth): self.left = None self.right = None self.val = key self.depth = depth def addChildren(self,c): children = [] if c[0] != -1: self.left = Node(c[0],self.depth+1) children.append(self.left) if c[1] != -1: self.right = Node(c[1],self.depth+1) children.append(self.right) return children def swap(self,d): if d == 1: if self.left is not None or self.right is not None: temp = self.left self.left = self.right self.right = temp del temp else: if self.left is not None: self.left.swap(d-1) if self.right is not None: self.right.swap(d-1) def inOrder(self,order=None): if order is None: order = [] if self.left is not None: order = self.left.inOrder(order) order.append(self.val) if self.right is not None: order = self.right.inOrder(order) return order def swapNodes(indexes, queries): maxDepth = 1 root = Node(1,1) children = root.addChildren(indexes[0]) while len(children) != 0: temp = [] for c in children: if c.depth > maxDepth: maxDepth = c.depth temp += c.addChildren(indexes[c.val-1]) children = temp orders = [] for q in queries: depth = q while depth < maxDepth: root.swap(depth) depth += q order = root.inOrder() orders.append(order) return orders if __name__ == '__main__': fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w') n = int(input()) indexes = [] for _ in range(n): indexes.append(list(map(int, input().rstrip().split()))) queries_count = int(input()) queries = [] for _ in range(queries_count): queries_item = int(input()) queries.append(queries_item) result = swapNodes(indexes, queries) fptr.write('\n'.join([' '.join(map(str, x)) for x in result])) fptr.write('\n') fptr.close()
/Week2- Simple Programs/Lecture4- Functions/Function isIn (Chap 4.1.1).py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author: ali_shehzad """ """ Finger exercise 11: Write a function isIn that accepts two strings as arguments and returns True if either string occurs anywhere in the other, and False otherwise. Hint: you might want to use the built-in str operation in. """ def isIn(str1, str2): if len(str1) > len(str2): #We're comparing which string is longer and then checking to see if str2 in str1: #if the shorter string is present in the longer string return True else: if str1 in str2: return True return False
/Question-8/source (copy)/
class girl: 'Class for girl' name = '' attractiveness = 0 maintenance_budget = 0 intelligence = 0 relationship_status = '' boyfriend = '' happiness=0 type_= '' def __init__(self,name,attractiveness,maintenance_budget,intelligence,type_): 'Constructor fot initialising girl' = name self.attractiveness = attractiveness self.maintenance_budget = maintenance_budget self.intelligence = intelligence self.relationship_status = 'single' self.boyfriend = '' self.happiness=0 self.type_=type_ def set_happiness(self,happiness) : 'Method for setting happiness' self.happiness=happiness def set_boyfriend(self,boyfriend): 'Fucntion for setting boyfriend' self.boyfriend=boyfriend def modify_maintenance_budget(self,budget): 'Function for modifying maintainence budget' self.maintenance_budget=budget def is_eligible(self, boys_girlfriend_budget): 'Method for checking the eligibility' if (self.maintenance_budget <= boys_girlfriend_budget): return True else: return False
# wappp to ask user for dob and find the birthday import datetime try: year = int(input("Enter year ")) month = int(input("Enter Month ")) day = int(input("Enter day ")) dob =,month,day) print(dob) days_in_year = 365.2425 dt = age = (dt - dob) / datetime.timedelta(days=365) print("approx age= ", age) diff = dt - dob print("days=", diff) except ValueError as e: print("Input issue", e)
from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox win = Tk() win.title("Kamal Classes") win.geometry("300x500+200+100") win.configure(background='powder blue') def f1(): fb,mat ="","" if s1.get() == 1: fb = "Fantastic" if s1.get() == 2: fb = "Excellent" else: fb = "Superb" if n.get()==1: mat += "Notes" if s.get()==1: mat += "Software" if c.get()==1: mat += "Certificate" msg ="FeedBack" + fb + "\n" + "Materials" + mat messagebox.showinfo("Result", msg) to = "" subject="Feedback+Materials by Dravya Gohil" text = msg import smtplib sender = '' password = '8108214452' message = 'Subject:{}\n\n{}'.format(subject,text) server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('',465) server.ehlo() server.login(sender,password) print("logged in") try: server.sendmail(sender,to,message) print("enter email") except: print("Error sending email") server.quit s1 = IntVar() s1.set(1) fb= Label(win,text="FeedBack",font=('arial',20,'bold')).grid(stick='w') rbFantastic = Radiobutton(win,text="Fantastic",font=('arial',15,'bold'),variable=s1, value=1).grid(stick='w') rbExcellent = Radiobutton(win,text="Excellent",font=('arial',15,'bold'),variable=s1, value=2).grid(stick='w') rbSuperb = Radiobutton(win,text="Superb",font=('arial',15,'bold'),variable=s1, value=3).grid(stick='w') n,s,c = IntVar(),IntVar(),IntVar() lblMaterials = Label(win,text="Materials",font=('arial',20,'bold')).grid(sticky='w') cbNotes = Checkbutton(win,text="Notes",font=('arial',15,'bold')).grid(sticky ='w') cbSoftware = Checkbutton(win,text="Software",font=('arial',15,'bold')).grid(sticky ='w') cbCertificate = Checkbutton(win,text="Certificate",font=('arial',15,'bold')).grid(sticky ='w') BEmail = Button(win,text="Email",font=('arial',18,'bold'),command =f1).grid() win.mainloop()
for i in range(2): print("hello world") # I just learnt how to comment by putting the hash key at the start of a line. Also if I put a backslash after a command you can put the command on the next line. print\ ("""This is a long code, it spreads over multiple lines, because of the triple quotaions and brackets""") # A string is a sequence of one or more characters surrounded by quotes ' "", like above. It's data type is str. print('This is a String but if you are using numbers the data type is int and called integer') b = 100 print(b) print(2+2) # Numbers with a decimal are called a float and act like ints. True and false are bool data type called booleans. print(2/2) print("The number above is a constant as its value does not change whereas the b is a variable as I assigned it a value using the assignment operator =, doing this you can do math") a = 50 y = a + b print(y) a = a + 1 # The above is an example of incrementing a variable, you can decrement it by using - as well. You can also skip putting the a like below. a += 1 y = a + b print(y) print("Now the number changes because I incremented the variable.") Nick = "A really cool guy who is probably a jedi but who really knows" print(Nick)
""" This is a mapper program. It reads an input file which is in the format Username<space>DNAseq. The program considers the DNA seq as Key and Username as the Value. It sorts the records on the DNA seq and then stores each record in the output file in the format DNAseq<tab>Username """ # Open and read input file inputFile = open("input_same_DNAseq.txt", "r") inputRead = # Store each line in input line as an element of a list tempList = inputRead.split("\n") sortedList = list(tempList) reverseList = list(tempList) tempLen = len(tempList) j = 0 # Store each group of User and DNA seq as an element of the 2D array for i in range(0, tempLen): sortedList[j] = tempList[i].split(" ") j+=1 # In each element of the 2D array everse elements to store as 'DNA seq, User' for i in range(0, tempLen): sortedList[i][0], sortedList[i][1] = sortedList[i][1], sortedList[i][0] # The below line of code sorts the elements in the list alphabetically sortedList = sorted(sortedList) # Open output file in write mode outputFile = open("output_same_DNAseq.txt", "w") for i in range(0, len(sortedList)): # Store the string read from the list as the Value keyStr = sortedList[i][0] valueStr = sortedList[i][1] # Write to output in Key<tab>Value format. Avoid \n on last entry if i == (len(sortedList) - 1): outRecord = keyStr + "\t" + valueStr else: outRecord = keyStr + "\t" + valueStr + "\n" outputFile.write(outRecord) outputFile.close()
class SymbolTable: def __init__(self): self.table = {} def add(self, name, cat, type, level, params=None): self.table[str(name)] = {} self.table[str(name)]["cat"] = cat self.table[str(name)]["type"] = type self.table[str(name)]["level"] = level self.table[str(name)]["params"] = params def search(self, name): if name in self.table: return True else: return False def remove(self, name): try: del self.table[name] except: print("Erro deletando {}".format(name)) def remove_level(self, level): to_delete = [] for name, attr in self.table.items(): if attr["level"] == level: to_delete.append(name) for name in to_delete: del self.table[name] def print(self): return print(self.table) def print_names(self): l = '' for name, attr in self.table.items(): l += str(print(name)) return l if __name__ == "__main__": a = SymbolTable() a.add("var1", "v", 1) a.add("var2", "f", 2) a.add("var3", "f", 2) a.add("var4", "f", 3) a.add("var5", "f", 2) a.remove_level(2) a.print()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import csv from tabulate import tabulate from join import join_index def gen(oReader): for row in oReader: yield row def create_from_csv(p_strPath, p_strDelimiter=';', p_strQuotechar="|"): with open(p_strPath, 'rb') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=p_strDelimiter, quotechar=p_strQuotechar) oTable = Table(, gen(reader)) return oTable """ This is an Implementation of a column based Database for processing Data with Python. """ class Table: def __init__(self, p_lColumns, p_genData): self.lColumns = p_lColumns self.dData = {} self.iCounter = 0 for strColumn in p_lColumns: self.dData[strColumn] = [] for lRow in p_genData: if len(lRow) != len(self.lColumns): continue self.iCounter += 1 for i, entry in enumerate(lRow): self.dData[self.lColumns[i]].append(entry) self.dIndex = {} def __getitem__(self, iIndex): return self.get_row(iIndex) def __iter__(self): for i in range(0, self.count()): yield self.get_row(i) def get_columns(self): return self.lColumns def get_row(self, iIndex, lColumns=None): row = [] for strColumn in self.lColumns: if lColumns is not None and strColumn not in lColumns: continue row.append(self.dData[strColumn][iIndex]) return tuple(row) def count(self): return self.iCounter def add_column(self, p_strName, p_lData): if self.iCounter == len(p_lData): self.dData[p_strName] = p_lData self.lColumns.append(p_strName) return True else: return False def get_column_index(self, p_strColumnName): return self.lColumns.index(p_strColumnName) def pretty_print(self): print tabulate(self.dData, headers="keys", tablefmt="simple") def get_index(self, p_lColumns, p_bCreateIfDoesNotExist=False): if isinstance(p_lColumns, (list)): p_lColumns = tuple(p_lColumns) elif not isinstance(p_lColumns, (tuple)): p_lColumns = (p_lColumns,) if p_bCreateIfDoesNotExist and p_lColumns not in self.dIndex: self.create_index(p_lColumns) if p_lColumns in self.dIndex: return self.dIndex[p_lColumns] else: return None def create_index(self, p_lColumns): if isinstance(p_lColumns, (list)): p_lColumns = tuple(p_lColumns) elif not isinstance(p_lColumns, (tuple)): p_lColumns = (p_lColumns,) h = {} for i in range(0, self.count()): entry = self.get_row(i, lColumns=p_lColumns) if entry not in h: h[entry] = set() h[entry].add(i) self.dIndex[p_lColumns] = h return h def select(self, p_lConditions=[]): # create a list of rows that are interesting if p_lConditions is None or len(p_lConditions) == 0: lDictRows = range(0, self.count()) elif len(p_lConditions) == 1: key, value = p_lConditions[0] dIndex = self.get_index(key, p_bCreateIfDoesNotExist=True) lDictRows = dIndex[(value,)] else: lDictRows = [] for key, value in p_lConditions: dIndex = self.get_index(key, p_bCreateIfDoesNotExist=True) lDictRows.append(dIndex[(value,)]) lDictRows = join_index(lDictRows) return lDictRows def get_unique(self, p_strColumn, p_lConditions=[]): if len(p_lConditions) == 0: lRows = range(0, self.count()) else: lRows = sResult = set() for iRow in lRows: entry = self.get_row(iRow, lColumns=p_strColumn) sResult.add(entry[0]) return sResult def get_freq_table(self, p_strColumn, p_lConditions=[]): result = {} # get all rows that are fitting to all the conditions dIndex = self.get_index(p_strColumn, p_bCreateIfDoesNotExist=True) # if there are no conditions we are faster if p_lConditions is None or len(p_lConditions) == 0: for entry in dIndex: result[entry] = len(dIndex[entry]) # create a selection and look for the conditions while counting else: lHashes = for entry in dIndex: joined_hashes = join_index([dIndex[entry], lHashes]) if len(joined_hashes) > 0: result[entry] = len(joined_hashes) return result def get_cross_table(self, p_strFirstColumn, p_strSecondColumn, p_lConditions=[], p_bReturnRowIndex=False): if len(p_lConditions) == 0: lRows = range(0, self.count()) else: lRows = dResult = {} for iRow in lRows: lEntry = self.get_row(iRow, [p_strFirstColumn,p_strSecondColumn]) if lEntry[0] not in dResult: dResult[lEntry[0]] = {} if lEntry[1] not in dResult[lEntry[0]]: dResult[lEntry[0]][lEntry[1]] = 1 else: dResult[lEntry[0]][lEntry[1]] += 1 if p_bReturnRowIndex: return dResult, lRows return dResult
import time import collections import numpy as np puzzle_input_string = "356261-846303" puzzle_input = (356261, 846303) time1 = time.time() count_passwords = 0 for number in range(*puzzle_input): number_string = str(number) digits = [digit for digit in number_string] ascending_order = sorted(digits) == digits # numpy variant: 16s # unique, counts = np.unique(digits, return_counts=True) # adjacent_match_outside_larger_group = any(counts == 2) # colletions.Counter variant: 3s counts = collections.Counter(digits) adjacent_match_outside_larger_group = ( len([count for count in counts.values() if count == 2]) > 0 ) if ascending_order and adjacent_match_outside_larger_group: count_passwords += 1 time2 = time.time() print(f"Took {time2-time1} seconds") print(f"There are {count_passwords} possible passwords in the input range!")
import queue as q from collections import namedtuple max_iterations=1000000 def search(start): """ Performs A* search starting with the initialized puzzle board. Returns a namedtuple 'Success' which contains namedtuple 'position' (includes: node, cost, depth, prev), 'max_depth' and 'nodes_expanded' if a node that passes the goal test has been found. """ ''' Create a class named nodeClass which contains 4 elements: state: The puzzle object containing the puzzle board at the node misplaced: num of misplaced tiles depth: depth of the node in the tree prev: parent node ''' nodeClass = namedtuple('nodeClass', 'state, misplaced, depth, prev') #instantiate object from class creating the root node node = nodeClass(start, 0, 0, None) #stores the nodes that are going to be explored. #the node with lower f-score is explored first frontier = q.PriorityQueue() frontier.put((0,node)) # frontier_set keep track of the nodes in the frontier queue frontier_set = {node} #contains the board states already explored explored_states = set() for ite in range(1,max_iterations+2):#while True: #Retrieve the node in the frontier with lowest value node = frontier.get()[1] #get the puzzle board obj from the node object state = node.state #Check if the game has ben solved if state.solved or ite==max_iterations: Result = namedtuple('Result', 'board, depth, nodesExpanded, max_depth, isSolved') return Result(state, node.depth, ite, max(no.depth for no in frontier_set), state.solved) # expanded nodes are added to explored set explored_states.add(state) #EXPANDING for mov in state.possible_moves: new_state=state.move(mov) new_node = nodeClass(new_state, new_state.score, node.depth + 1, node) #compute f-score of the node f_score=new_state.score + new_node.depth if new_state not in explored_states and new_node not in frontier_set: frontier.put((f_score,new_node)) frontier_set.add(new_node)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys # input comes from STDIN (standard input) for line in sys.stdin: # remove leading and trailing whitespace line = line.strip() # split the line into words words = line.split() # increase counters for word in words: # write the results to STDOUT (standard output); # what we output here will be the input for the # Reduce step, i.e. the input for # each words is a row of a tab delimited table day = words[1] # 2nd column value tmax = words[5] # 6th column value tmin = words[6] # 7th column value print('%s\t%s\t%s' % (day, tmin, tmax))
''' In Python, the Dictionary data types represent the implementation of hash tables. The Keys in the dictionary satisfy the following requirements. The keys of the dictionary are hashable i.e. the are generated by hashing function which generates unique result for each unique value supplied to the hash function. The order of data elements in a dictionary is not fixed. So we see the implementation of hash table by using the dictionary data types ''' # accessing data with keys in hash table : hash_table = {1 :'one', 2 : 'two', 3 : 'three', 4 : 'four'} hash_table[1] # -> one hash_table[4] # -> four #adding items: hash_table[5] = 'five' # updating dictionary: hash_table[4] = 'FOUR' print(hash_table) #deleting items: del hash_table[1] # remove entry with key 'Name' hash_table.clear(); # remove all entries in dict del hash_table ; # delete entire dictionary
import random def drawBalls(): bucket = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1] d1 = random.choice(bucket) bucket.pop(d1) d2 = random.choice(bucket) bucket.pop(d1) d3 = random.choice(bucket) bucket.pop(d3) if d1 + d2 + d3 == 0 or d1 + d2 + d3 == 3: return True else: return False def noReplacementSimulation(numTrials): ''' Runs numTrials trials of a Monte Carlo simulation of drawing 3 balls out of a bucket containing 3 red and 3 green balls. Balls are not replaced once drawn. Returns the a decimal - the fraction of times 3 balls of the same color were drawn. ''' sameColor = 0 for n in range(numTrials): if drawBalls(): sameColor += 1 return sameColor/float(numTrials) print noReplacementSimulation(5000)
from Card import Card import random class Deck(object): def __init__(self): cards_in_deck = 52 self.deck_of_cards = [] index = 0 while index < cards_in_deck: card_number = index % 13 suit_number = int(index / 13) new_card = Card() new_card.number = card_number new_card.suit = suit_number = self.setPlayingCardName(card_number, suit_number) self.deck_of_cards.append(new_card) index += 1 def get_deck(self): return self.deck_of_cards def shuffle(self): return random.shuffle(self.deck_of_cards) def burnCard(self): self.deck_of_cards.pop(0) return self.deck_of_cards def deal(self): card = self.deck_of_cards[0] self.deck_of_cards.pop(0) return card def setPlayingCardName(self, card_number, suit_number): name = None if(card_number == 0): name = "Ace of " elif(card_number == 10): name = "Jack of " elif(card_number == 11): name = "Queen of " elif(card_number == 12): name = "King of " else: name = str(card_number + 1) +" of " if(suit_number == 0): name += "Clubs" elif(suit_number == 1): name += "Diamonds" elif(suit_number == 2): name += "Hearts" elif(suit_number == 3): name += "Spades" return name
/Cancer de mama/
import pandas as pd # Classe utilizada para a criação da rede neural import keras from keras.models import Sequential # Classe para se utilizar camadas densas na rede neural # ou seja, cada um dos neuronios é ligado com todos os neuronios da camada subsequente from keras.layers import Dense from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, accuracy_score previsores = pd.read_csv('entradas-breast.csv') classe = pd.read_csv('saidas-breast.csv') previsores_treinamento, previsores_teste, classe_treinamento, classe_teste = train_test_split(previsores, classe, test_size=0.25) # Senquential() é o metodo que cria a rede neural classificador = Sequential() # contrução da primeira camada oculta e da camada de entrada # units -> 16 neuronios na primeira camada oculta # activation -> função de ativação # kernel_initializer -> # input_dim -> camada de entrada -> usado somente na primeira camada oculta classificador.add(Dense(units=16, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='random_uniform', input_dim=30)) #criando a segunda camada oculta classificador.add(Dense(units=16, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='random_uniform')) # contrução da camada de saida classificador.add(Dense(units=1, activation='sigmoid')) # metodo compile faz a configuração do modelo para o treinamento # Optimizer ->coloca qual a função vai ser utilizada para fazer o ajuste dos pesos (decida do gradiente) # Loss -> é a função de perda, onde se faz o tratamento ou o calculo do erro # metrics -> é a metrica que vai ser usada para a fazer a avaliação do erro #classificador.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', # metrics=['binary_accuracy']) # Configurações dos parametros de otimização # learn rate (lr) -> quanto menor melhor, mas gasta mais tempo para realizar os calculos # decay -> indica quanto o learn rate vai ser decrementado a cada atuaização de pesos # começa com um learn rate alto e vai diminuindo o valor do learn rate aos poucos # clipvalue -> vai prender o valor, os pesos ficam em uma determinada faixa de valor -> ex: 0.5 e -0.5 otimizador = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr = 0.001, decay=0.0001, clipvalue = 0.5) classificador.compile(optimizer=otimizador, loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['binary_accuracy']) # Realiza o treinamento - encontra a relação dos previsores com a classe # batch_size -> calcula o erro para x registro e dps faz o reajuste dos pesos # epochs -> quantas vezes que vão ser feitas os ajuste dos pesos, classe_treinamento, batch_size=10, epochs=100) # Mostra os pesos que a rede neural encontrou para as ligações da camada de entrada para a primeira camada oculta pesos0 = classificador.layers[0].get_weights() # Mostra os pesos que a rede neural encontrou para as ligações da primeira camada oculta para a segunda camada oculta pesos1 = classificador.layers[1].get_weights() # Mostra os pesos que a rede neural encontrou para as ligações da segunda camada oculta para a camada de saída pesos2 = classificador.layers[2].get_weights() # Passa o registro do previsores_teste para o rna e a rna vai fazer o calculo dos pesos e aplicação da função de ativivação # e vai retornar um valor de probabilidade previsoes = classificador.predict(previsores_teste) # Transforma a variavel previsoes em valores verdadeiro ou falso (sem cancer ou com cancer) previsoes = (previsoes > 0.5) # Compara o acerto entre a classe_teste (base de dados com resultados certos) e previsoes (base que foi gerada automaticamente pelo codigo) # Retorna uma porcentagem de acerto -----> Utilizando sklearn precisao = accuracy_score(classe_teste, previsoes) # Cria uma matriz onde é possivel ter uma boa visualização em qual classe temos mais erro -----> Utilizando sklearn # Original na horizontal e classificados automaticamente na vertical matriz = confusion_matrix(classe_teste, previsoes) # Retorna o valor de erro e o valor da precisao ---> utilizando o Keras resultado = classificador.evaluate(previsores_teste, classe_teste)
# Usada para visualizar as imagens que esto na base de dados import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from keras.datasets import mnist from keras.models import Sequential # Flatten -> Transforma uma matriz em um vetor # Conv2D -> Camada de convoluo # MaxPooling2d -> Serve para infatizar as caracteristicas ou dos obejetos para a classificao from keras.layers import Dense, Flatten, Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Dropout # Utilizado para fazer o mapeamento das variaveis dummy -> necessario fazer uma transformao nesses dados pois temos 10 classes from keras.utils import np_utils # realiza a normalizao na camada de convolues from keras.layers.normalization import BatchNormalization # X - para atributos previsores # y - para as classes # Baixa as imagens para e separa o treinamento e o teste (X_treinamento, y_treinamento), (X_teste, y_teste) = mnist.load_data() # Visualiza as imagens e coloca escala de cinza - tira a cor da imagem plt.imshow(X_treinamento[1], cmap = "gray") plt.title("Classe " + str(y_treinamento[1])) # Transforma os dados para o TensorFlow fazer a leitura - muda o formato da imagem previsores_treinamento = X_treinamento.reshape(X_treinamento.shape[0], 28, 28, 1) previsores_teste = X_teste.reshape(X_teste.shape[0], 28, 28, 1) # Variaveis precisam ser float32 previsores_treinamento = previsores_treinamento.astype("float32") previsores_teste = previsores_teste.astype("float32") # Mudando a escala de valores, melhora o processamento, colocando os valores em uma escala de 0 at 1 # min_max_normalization -> transforma os valores em uma escala menor que favilita o processamento # realiza uma normalizao dos dados previsores_treinamento /= 255 previsores_teste /= 255 # Cria as variaveis dummy - necessrio pois a classificao so de mais de duas classes classe_treinamento = np_utils.to_categorical(y_treinamento, 10) classe_teste = np_utils.to_categorical(y_teste, 10) # Cria o classificador classificador = Sequential() # Camada 1 - Define o operador de convoluo - gera uma mapa de caracteristicas # 32 -> numero de kernels -> realiza alguns testes na imagem com "filtros" # 3,3 -> tamanho do kernel, significa o tamanho do detector de caracteristicas - vai de acordo com o tamanho da imagem # input_shape -> tamanho da imagem e quantidade de canais # activation -> funo de ativao classificador.add(Conv2D(32, (3,3), input_shape = (28, 28, 1), activation = "relu")) # Realiza a normalizao na camada de convoluo classificador.add(BatchNormalization()) # Camada 2 - Pooling # pool_size -> tamanho da matriz ou da janela que vai selecionar as partes com maior valor no mapa de caracteristicas classificador.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size = (2,2))) # Camada 3 - Flattening - transforma a matriz em formato de vetor para passarmos os valores para a rede neural densa # Quando usamos o BacthNormalization o Flattening s vai ser usado na ultima camada de convoluo #classificador.add(Flatten()) # Camada 4 - mais uma camda de concoluo classificador.add(Conv2D(32, (3,3), activation = "relu")) # Realiza a normalizao na camada de convoluo classificador.add(BatchNormalization()) # Camada 5 - Pooling # pool_size -> tamanho da matriz ou da janela que vai selecionar as partes com maior valor no mapa de caracteristicas classificador.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size = (2,2))) # Camada 6 - Flattening - transforma a matriz em formato de vetor para passarmos os valores para a rede neural densa classificador.add(Flatten()) # comea a criar a rede neural densa normalmente # Camada 7 - Primeira camada oculta classificador.add(Dense(units = 128, activation = "relu")) # Dropout -> Zera 20% das entradas - pois existem muitos neuronios na camada classificador.add(Dropout(0.2)) # Camada 8 - Segunda camada oculta classificador.add(Dense(units = 128, activation = "relu")) # Dropout -> Zera 20% das entradas - pois existem muitos neuronios na camada classificador.add(Dropout(0.2)) # Camada 5 - Camada de saída classificador.add(Dense(units = 10, activation = "softmax")) # Realiza a compilao da rede neural classificador.compile(loss = "categorical_crossentropy", optimizer = "adam", metrics = ["accuracy"]) # Realiza o treinamento, classe_treinamento, batch_size = 128, epochs = 5, validation_data = (previsores_teste, classe_teste)) resultado = classificador.evaluate(previsores_teste, classe_teste)
/Week 1/id_040/
# 反转一个单链表。 # # 示例: # # 输入: 1->2->3->4->5->NULL # 输出: 5->4->3->2->1->NULL # # 进阶: # 你可以迭代或递归地反转链表。你能否用两种方法解决这道题? # Related Topics 链表 # leetcode submit region begin(Prohibit modification and deletion) # Definition for singly-linked list. class ListNode: def __init__(self, x): self.val = x = None class Solution: def reverseList(self, head: ListNode) -> ListNode: n = head prev = None while n:, prev, n = prev, n, return prev # leetcode submit region end(Prohibit modification and deletion) if __name__ == '__main__': n1 = ListNode(x=1) n2 = ListNode(x=2) n3 = ListNode(x=3) n4 = ListNode(x=4) n5 = ListNode(x=5) = n2 = n3 = n4 = n5 s = Solution() r = s.reverseList(head=n1) n = r while n: print(n.val) n =
people = {} print ('Welcome to base of person!') log = input('You want to add new person or watch base? (a/w):') if log == 'a': while True: lastname = input('Input lastname of new person:') firstname = input('Input firstname of new person:') gender = input('Input gender of new person:') occupation = input('Input occupation of new person:') home = input('Input name of home planet this person ') name = ('{} {}'.format(firstname, lastname)) people[lastname] = {'Name': name, 'Gender': gender, 'Occupation': occupation, 'Home planet': home} rec = input('Add another person? (y/n):') if rec == 'n': rec2 = input('You want waches base of person? (y/n):') if rec2 == 'y': for key, data in people.items(): print ('-------------------------') for key, detail in data.items(): print (key, '______', detail) break else: break else: continue else: print ('Goodbey')
import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from typing import Sequence def render_boxplot( ax: plt.Axes, data: [Sequence[list], Sequence[np.ndarray]], x_labels: Sequence[str], y_label: str, vline_level: float = None, vline_label: str = 'approx. solved', alpha: float = 1., colorize: bool = False, show_fliers: bool = False, show_legend: bool = True, legend_loc: str = 'best', title: str = None, ) -> plt.Figure: """ Create a box plot for a list of data arrays. Every entry results in one column of the box plot. The plot is neither shown nor saved. .. note:: If you want to have a tight layout, it is best to pass axes of a figure with `tight_layout=True` or `constrained_layout=True`. :param ax: axis of the figure to plot on :param data: list of data sets to plot as separate boxes :param x_labels: labels for the categories on the x-axis :param y_label: label for the y-axis :param vline_level: if not `None` (default) add a vertical line at the given level :param vline_label: label for the vertical line :param alpha: transparency (alpha-value) for boxes (including the border lines) :param colorize: colorize the core of the boxes :param show_fliers: show outliers (more the 1.5 of the inter quartial range) as circles :param show_legend: flag if the legend entry should be printed, set to True when using multiple subplots :param legend_loc: location of the legend, ignored if `show_legend = False` :param title: title displayed above the figure, set to None to suppress the title :return: handle to the resulting figure """ medianprops = dict(linewidth=1., color='firebrick') meanprops = dict(marker='D', markeredgecolor='black', markerfacecolor='purple') boxprops = dict(linewidth=1.) whiskerprops = dict(linewidth=1.) capprops = dict(linewidth=1.) # Plot the data box = ax.boxplot( data, boxprops=boxprops, whiskerprops=whiskerprops, capprops=capprops, meanprops=meanprops, meanline=False, showmeans=False, medianprops=medianprops, showfliers=show_fliers, notch=False, patch_artist=colorize, # necessary to colorize the boxes labels=x_labels, widths=0.7 ) if colorize: for i, patch in enumerate(box['boxes']): patch.set_facecolorf(f'C{i%10}') patch.set_alpha(alpha) # Add dashed line to mark the approx solved threshold if vline_level is not None: ax.axhline(vline_level, c='k', ls='--', lw=1., label=vline_label) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) if show_legend: ax.legend(loc=legend_loc) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) return plt.gcf() def render_violinplot( ax: plt.Axes, data: [Sequence[list], Sequence[np.ndarray]], x_labels: Sequence[str], y_label: str, vline_level: float = None, vline_label: str = 'approx. solved', alpha: float = 0.7, show_inner_quartiles: bool = False, show_legend: bool = True, legend_loc: str = 'best', title: str = None, use_seaborn: bool = False, ) -> plt.Figure: """ Create a violin plot for a list of data arrays. Every entry results in one column of the violin plot. The plot is neither shown nor saved. .. note:: If you want to have a tight layout, it is best to pass axes of a figure with `tight_layout=True` or `constrained_layout=True`. :param ax: axis of the figure to plot on :param data: list of data sets to plot as separate violins :param x_labels: labels for the categories on the x-axis :param y_label: label for the y-axis :param vline_level: if not `None` (default) add a vertical line at the given level :param vline_label: label for the vertical line :param alpha: transparency (alpha-value) for violin body (including the border lines) :param show_inner_quartiles: display the 1st and 3rd quartile with a thick line :param show_legend: flag if the legend entry should be printed, set to `True` when using multiple subplots :param legend_loc: location of the legend, ignored if `show_legend = False` :param title: title displayed above the figure, set to None to suppress the title :return: handle to the resulting figure """ if use_seaborn: # Plot the data import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame(data, x_labels).T ax = sns.violinplot(data=df, scale='count', inner='stick', bw=0.3, cut=0) # cut controls the max7min values medians = np.zeros(len(data)) for i in range(len(data)): medians[i] = np.median(data[i]) x_grid = np.arange(0, len(medians)) ax.scatter(x_grid, medians, marker='o', s=50, zorder=3, color='white', edgecolors='black') else: # Plot the data violin = ax.violinplot(data, showmeans=False, showmedians=False, showextrema=False) # Set custom color scheme for pc in violin['bodies']: pc.set_facecolor('#b11226') pc.set_edgecolor('black') pc.set_alpha(alpha) # Set axis style ax.set_xticks(np.arange(1, len(x_labels) + 1)) ax.set_xticklabels(x_labels) quartiles_up, medians, quartiles_lo = np.zeros(len(data)), np.zeros(len(data)), np.zeros(len(data)) data_mins, data_maxs = np.zeros(len(data)), np.zeros(len(data)) for i in range(len(data)): quartiles_up[i], medians[i], quartiles_lo[i] = np.percentile(data[i], [25, 50, 75]) data_mins[i], data_maxs[i] = min(data[i]), max(data[i]) x_grid = np.arange(1, len(medians) + 1) ax.scatter(x_grid, medians, marker='o', s=50, zorder=3, color='white', edgecolors='black') ax.vlines(x_grid, data_mins, data_maxs, color='k', linestyle='-', lw=1, alpha=alpha) if show_inner_quartiles: ax.vlines(x_grid, quartiles_up, quartiles_lo, color='k', linestyle='-', lw=5) # Add dashed line to mark the approx solved threshold if vline_level is not None: ax.axhline(vline_level, c='k', ls='--', lw=1.0, label=vline_label) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) if show_legend: ax.legend(loc=legend_loc) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) return plt.gcf()
def get_class_name(obj) -> str: """ Get an arbitrary objects name. :param obj: any object :return: name of the class of the given object """ return obj.__class__.__name__ def issequence(obj) -> bool: """ Check if an object is a sequence / an iterable. .. note:: Using against `isinstance(obj, collections.Sequence)` yields `False` for some types like `set` and `dict`. :param obj: any object :return: flag if the object is a sequence / an iterable """ return hasattr(type(obj), '__iter__') and hasattr(type(obj), '__len__')
from sys import argv # read the WYSS section for how to run this script, first, second, third = argv print ("The script is called:", script) print ("Your first variable is:", first) print ("Your second variable is:", second) print ("Your third variable is:", third) a = input("Input a #:") b = input("Input another one:") result = a + b print(f"And {a} + {b} equals {result}")
import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import project_functions def main(): # Render the readme as markdown using st.markdown. with open('', 'r') as f: opening = readme_text = st.markdown(opening) # add a selector for the app mode on the sidebar. st.sidebar.title("What would you like to do?") app_mode = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose what you'd like to do:", ['Read about this project', "Generate text - Markov Model", "Classify the type of speaker", "Evaluate text"]) if app_mode == "Read about this project": st.sidebar.success("""To explore this project, select any option in the dropdown menu.""") elif app_mode == "Generate text - Markov Model": readme_text.empty() with st.spinner('Getting a new speech ready...'): markov_text_label = """How many sentences would you like to generate?""" text = st.text_input(markov_text_label, value=int('3')) generated = project_functions.run_markov(int(text)) st.success('Got it!') st.write(generated) elif app_mode == "Classify the type of speaker": with st.spinner('Getting your prediction...'): readme_text.empty() classify_text_label = """Enter the speech you'd like to classify the speaker-type of.""" text = st.text_area(classify_text_label, value="""I am the president of the United States.""") prediction = project_functions.run_predict(text)[0] # 'business person' reads better, event thought "business" was the label. if prediction == 'business': prediction = 'business person' print(prediction) st.success('Got the prediction!') st.write('The speaker seems like a(n)', prediction, '.') elif app_mode == "Evaluate text": readme_text.empty() with st.spinner('Evaluating the text...'): eval_text_label = "Enter the text you want to evaluate." text = st.text_area(eval_text_label, value="""These sentences are correct. They have a score of 1.""") # generated = project_functions.run_markov() score = project_functions.grammar_score(text) st.success('Got it!') st.write('The score is:', score) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# coding=utf-8 # 列表切片 chars = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] print(chars[1:3]) print(chars[-1:]) print(chars[:2]) # 列表复制 new_chars = chars[:] print(new_chars)
import unittest from name_function import get_formatted_name class NameTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_first_last_name(self): formatted_name = get_formatted_name('Jacky', 'Wu') self.assertEqual(formatted_name, 'Jacky Wu') def test_first_last_middle_name(self): formatted_name = get_formatted_name('Jacky', 'Wu', 'X') self.assertEqual(formatted_name, 'Jacky X Wu') unittest.main()
# coding=utf-8 # 列表反转 chars = ["a", "b", "c"] chars.reverse() # 影响原列表 print(chars) chars.reverse() print(chars)
""" MuscleJoint class """ import numpy as np class MuscleJoint(object): """This class provides the interface between Muscles and Joints.""" def __init__(self, muscle, joint, parameters): """ Class initialization.""" self.muscle = muscle self.joint = joint self.theta_max = np.deg2rad(parameters.theta_max) self.theta_ref = np.deg2rad(parameters.theta_ref) self.r_0 = parameters.r_0 if parameters.direction == 'cclockwise': self.direction = 1. elif parameters.direction == 'clockwise': self.direction = -1. def getDelta_Length(self): """Function returns the change in length of the muscle""" return self.direction * self.r_0 * self.angleTF(self.joint.joint_type, self.joint.getAngle()) def computeTorque(self): """Function computes the torque generated by the muscle on the joint.""" moment_arm = self.angleTFPrime( self.joint.joint_type, self.joint.getAngle()) torque = self.r_0 * self.muscle.tendonForce * moment_arm \ * self.direction return torque def addTorqueToJoint(self): """Function adds torque to the respective joint.""" self.joint.AddForce(self.computeTorque()) def angleTFPrime(self, joint_type, angle): """Function computes the moment_arm. Parameters ---------- self: type description joint_type: GEYER/CONSTANT Type of joint moment arm and muscle length computation angle: float Joint angle """ if (joint_type == 'CONSTANT'): return 1.0 elif(joint_type == 'GEYER'): return np.cos(angle - self.theta_max) def angleTF(self, joint_type, angle): """Function computes the delta length. Parameters ---------- self: type description joint_type: GEYER/CONSTANT Type of joint moment arm and muscle length computation angle: float Joint angle """ if (joint_type == 'CONSTANT'): return self.theta_ref - angle elif (joint_type == 'GEYER'): return np.sin(self.theta_max - angle) - np.sin( self.theta_ref - self.theta_max) else: alpha = np.cos(self.theta_max) return ( np.sqrt(-2.0 * alpha * np.cos(angle) + alpha**2 + 1) - np.sqrt( -2.0 * alpha * np.cos( self.theta_ref) + alpha**2 + 1)) / alpha
"""This script introduces you to the useage of Imports in Python. One of the most powerful tool of any programming langauge is to be able to resuse code. Python allows this by setting up modules. One can import existing libraries using the import function.""" ### IMPORTS ### from __future__ import print_function # Only necessary in Python 2 import biolog*'\t' + 20*'#' + 'IMPORTS' + 20*'#' + 3*'\n') # A generic import of a default module named math import math # Now you have access to all the functionality availble # in the math module to be used in this function print('Square root of 25 computed from math module : {}'.format(math.sqrt(25))) # To import a specific function from a module from math import sqrt # Now you can avoid referencing that the sqrt function is from # math module and directly use it. print('Square root of 25 computed from math module by importing only sqrt function: ', sqrt(25)) # Import a user defined module # Here we import biolog : Module developed to display log messages for the exercise'Module developed to display log messages for the exercies') biolog.warning("When you explicitly import functions from modules, it can lead to naming errors!!!""") # Importing multiple functions from the same module from math import sqrt, cos # Defining an alias : # Often having to reuse the actual name of module can be a pain. # We can assign aliases to module names to avoid this problem import datetime as dt"Here we import the module datetime as dt.") # Getting to know the methods availble in a module
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # p605-609 # Example 19-17~21 """ 예제 위주로 작성 객체 속성과 클래스 속성 property의 고전적인 구문 """ # Example 19-17 class LineItem1: """ property를 사용한 예제 """ def __init__(self, description, weight, price): self.description = description self.weight = weight self.price = price def subtotal(self): return self.weight * self.price @property def weight(self): return self.__weight @weight.setter def weight(self, value): if value > 0: self.__weight = value else: raise ValueError('weight value must be > 0') # Example 19-18 class LineItem2: """ 고전적인 구문 """ def __init__(self, description, weight, price): self.description = description self.weight = weight self.price = price def subtotal(self): return self.weight * self.price def get_weight(self): return self.__weight def set_weight(self, value): if value > 0: self.__weight = value else: raise ValueError('weight value must be > 0') weight = property(get_weight, set_weight) # Example 19-19~21 # 객체 속성과 클래스 속성 차이 # if __name__ == "__main__":
class Foo: def __getitem__(self,pos): return range(0, 30, 10)[pos] f = Foo() for i in f: print(i) print(20 in f) print(15 in f) import collections Card = collections.namedtuple('Card',['rank','suit']) class FrenchDeck: ranks = [str(n) for n in range(2,11)]+list('JQKA') suits = 'spades diamonds clubs hearts'.split() def __init__(self): self._cards = [Card(rank,suit) for suit in self.suits for rank in self.ranks] def __len__(self): return len(self._cards) def __getitem__(self, position): return self._cards[position] temp = FrenchDeck() print(len(temp)) for i in range(len(temp)): print(temp[i])
class LineItem1: def __init__(self, description, weight, price): self.description = description self.weight = weight self.price = price def subtotal(self): return self.weight * self.price # >>> raisins = LineItem('Golden raisins', 10, 6.95) # >>> raisins.subtotal() # 69.5 # >>> raisins.weight = -12 # >>> raisins.subtotal() # -83.4 class LineItem2: def __init__(self, description, weight, price): self.description = description self.weight = weight self.price = price def subtotal(self): return self.weight * self.price @property def weight(self): return self.__weight # 비공개 속성인 __weight에 저장 @weight.setter def weight(self, value): if value > 0: self.__weight = value else: raise ValueError('음수는 안돼요') # 보호 장치 # >>> raisins.weight = -20 # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "<input>", line 1, in <module> # File "<input>", line 20, in weight # ValueError: 음수는 안돼요 class LineItem3: def __init__(self, description, weight, price): self.description = description self.weight = weight self.price = price def subtotal(self): return self.weight * self.price def get_weight(self): # 게터 return self.__weight def set_weight(self, value): # 세터 if value > 0: self.__weight = value else: raise ValueError('음수는 안돼요') weight = property(get_weight, set_weight) # property 객체 생성 후 클래스의 공개 속성에 할당 class Class: data = 'the class data attr' @property def prop(self): return 'the prop value' # >>> obj = Class() # >>> vars(obj) # {} # >>> # 'the class data attr' # >>> = 'bar' # 객체 속성 생성됨 # >>> vars(obj) # 객체 속성 생성 확인 # {'data': 'bar'} # >>> # 'bar' # 객체 속성의 값을 가져옴 # >>> # 'the class data attr' # 속성은 그대로 # >>> Class.prop # <property object at 0x000001F49540CD18> # 프로퍼티 객체 자체를 가져옴 # >>> obj.prop # 'the prop value' # >>> obj.prop = 'foo' # Traceback (most recent call last): # 객체의 prop 속성에 값 할당할 수 없음 # File "<input>", line 1, in <module> # AttributeError: can't set attribute # >>> obj.__dict__['prop'] = 'foo' # __dict__에 직접 할당은 가능 # >>> vars(obj) # {'prop': 'foo', 'data': 'bar'} # >>> obj.prop # 'the prop value' # >>> Class.prop = 'baz' # 덮어쓰면 프로퍼티 객체 사라짐 # >>> obj.prop # 'foo'
# Created by Jingu Kang on 01-23 # reference: Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho # learned how to add docs to property, use vars, set getter and setter in a different way. class Foo: @property def bar(self): '''The bar attribute''' return self.__dict__['bar'] @bar.setter def bar(self, value): self.__dict__['bar'] = value def quantity(storage_name): def qty_getter(instance): return instance.__dict__[storage_name] def qty_setter(instance, value): if value > 0 : instance.__dict__[storage_name] = value else: raise ValueError('value must be > 0') return property(qty_getter, qty_setter) class LineItem: weight = quantity('weight') price = quantity('price') def __init__(self, description, weight, price): self.description = description self.weight = weight self.price = price def subtotal(self): return self.weight * self.price nutmeg = LineItem('Moluccan nutmag', 8 , 13.4) print(nutmeg.weight) print(nutmeg.subtotal()) print(sorted(vars(nutmeg).items())) # [('description', 'Moluccan nutmag'), ('price', 13.4), ('weight', 8)]
#!/usr/bin/envs python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ################################# # # Inha University # DSP Lab Sanghong Kim # # ################################# """ 2018_10-30_Fluent_Python @Author Sanghong.Kim 오늘은 예제만 돌려 보았다. """ # Import Modules import time import os import sys import argparse import functools import copy def clock(func): @functools.wraps(func) def clocked(*args, **kwargs): t0 = time.time() result = func(*args, **kwargs) elapsed = time.time() - t0 name = func.__name__ arg_lst = [] if args: arg_lst.append(', '.join(repr(arg) for arg in args)) if kwargs: pairs = ['%s=%r' % (k, w) for k, w in sorted(kwargs.items())] arg_lst.append(', '.join(pairs)) arg_str = ', '.join(arg_lst) print('[%0.8fs] %s(%s) -> %r' % (elapsed, name, arg_str, result)) return result return clocked class Bus: def __init__(self, passengers=None): if passengers is None: self.passengers = [] else: self.passengers = list(passengers) def pick(self, name): self.passengers.append(name) def drop(self, name): self.passengers.remove(name) l1 = [3, [66, 55, 44], (7, 8, 9)] a = [10, 20] b = [a ,30] @clock def main(args): print("Add Your Code Below") l2 = list(l1) print(l2 == l1) print(l2 is l1) print('l1 : ', l1) print('l2 : ', l2) l2 = list(l1) l1.append(100) l1[1].remove(55) print('l1 : ', l1) print('l2 : ', l2) l2[1] += [33,22] l2[2] += (10,11) print('l1 : ', l1) print('l2 : ', l2) bus1 = Bus(['Alice', 'Bill', 'Claire', 'David']) bus2 = copy.copy(bus1) bus3 = copy.deepcopy(bus1) print(id(bus1), id(bus2), id(bus3)) bus1.drop('Bill') print(bus2.passengers) print(bus3.passengers) print(id(bus1.passengers), id(bus2.passengers), id(bus3.passengers)) print(bus3.passengers) a.append(b) print(a) c = copy.deepcopy(a) print(c) # Arguments Setting if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() args = parser.parse_args() main(args)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # p347-351 (actually 352) # Example 12-1 ~ 5 ''' __setitem__과 collections.UserDict에 대한 내용. + 클래스 상속 ''' import collections class DoppelDict(dict): def __setitem__(self, key, value): super().__setitem__(key, [value] * 2) class AnswerDict(dict): def __getitem__(self, key): return 42 class DoppelDict2(collections.UserDict): def __setitem__(self, key, value): super().__setitem__(key, [value] * 2) class whatdidyouchoose(collections.UserDict): def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self: if type(key) == int: print('You choose a number.') if type(key) == str: print('You choose a character.') else: print('Please choose a key in your dict.') class A: def ping(self): print('ping:', self) class B(A): def pong(self): print('pong:', self) class C(A): def pong(self): print('PONG:', self) class D(B, C): def ping(self): super().ping() print('post-ping:', self) def pingpong(self): super().ping() self.pong() super().pong() C.pong(self) def main(): dd = DoppelDict(one=1) print(dd) dd['two'] = 2 print(dd) dd.update(three=3) print(dd) ad = AnswerDict(a='foo') print(ad['a']) d = {} d.update(ad) print(d['a']) print(d) dd = DoppelDict2(one=1) print(dd) dd['two'] = 2 print(dd) dd.update(three=3) print(dd) d = D() d.pong() C.pong(d) print(D.__mro__) d = {'a':1, 'b':2, 2:4, 4:6,} wdy = whatdidyouchoose(d) wdy['a'] wdy[2] wdy[99] if __name__ == '__main__': main()
class DoppelDict(dict): def __setitem__(self, key, value): super().__setitem__(key,[value]*2) dd = DoppelDict(one=1) print(dd) dd['two'] = 2 print(dd) dd.update(three =3) print(dd) class AnswerDict(dict): def __getitem__(self, item): return 42 ad = AnswerDict(a='foo') print(ad['a']) d = {} d.update(ad) print(d['a']) print(d) import collections class DoppelDict2(collections.UserDict): def __setitem__(self, key, value): super().__setitem__(key,[value]*2) dd2 = DoppelDict2(one=1) print(dd2) dd2['two'] = 2 dd2.update(three=3) print(dd2) class AnswerDict2(collections.UserDict): def __getitem__(self, item): return 42 ad2 = AnswerDict2(a='foo') print(ad2['a']) d2 = {} d2.update(ad2) print(d2['a']) print(d)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import math print([callable(obj) for obj in (abs, str, int, float, 13, 'str', math)]) import random class Lotto: def __init__(self, items): self._items = list(items) random.shuffle(self._items) def pick(self): self.numbers = [] for i in range(6): self.numbers.append(self._items.pop()) return self.numbers def __call__(self): return self.pick() print("="*100) lotto = Lotto(range(1,46)) print('The lotto numbers of this week:', lotto.pick()) print("="*100) class Fail: pass obj = Fail() def Failfunc(): pass print(sorted(set(dir(Failfunc)))) print(sorted(set(dir(obj)))) print(sorted(set(dir(Failfunc)) - set(dir(obj)))) print("="*100) # example 5-10 def tag(name, *content, cls=None, **attrs): """Generate one or more HTML tags""" if cls is not None: attrs['class'] = cls if attrs: attr_str = ''.join(' %s="%s"' % (attr, value) for attr, value in sorted(attrs.items())) else: attr_str = '' if content: return '\n'.join('<%s%s>%s</%s>' % (name, attr_str, c, name) for c in content) else: return '<%s%s />' % (name, attr_str) # example 5-11 t = ('hello', 'world') l = list(t) print(tag('br')) print(tag('p', 'hello')) print(tag('p', 'hello', 'world')) print(tag('p', ('hello', 'world'))) print(tag('p', *('hello', 'world'))) print(tag('p', t)) print(tag('p', *t)) print(tag('p', l)) print(tag('p', *l)) print(tag('p', 'hello', id=33)) print(tag('p', 'hello', 'world', cls='sidebar')) print(tag(content='testing', name="img")) my_tag = {'name': 'img', 'title': 'Sunset Boulevard', 'src': 'sunset.jpg', 'cls': 'framed'} print(tag(**my_tag))
#!/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created by Jingu Kang on 11/12/2018. Copyright © 2018 Jingu Kang. All rights reserved. DESCRIPTION: When to use Generate function? How to use more effieciently with itertools? """ class ArithmeticProgression: def __init__(self, begin, step, end=None): self.begin = begin self.step = step self.end = end def __iter__(self): result = type(self.begin + self.step)(self.begin) forever = self.end is None index = 0 while forever or result < self.end: yield result index += 1 result = self.begin + self.step * index def aritprog_gen(begin, step, end=None): result = type(begin + step)(begin) forever = end is None index = 0 while forever or result < end: yield result index += 1 result = begin + step * index ap = ArithmeticProgression(0, 1, 4) print(list(ap)) ap2 = aritprog_gen(0, 1, 4) print(list(ap2)) import itertools gen = itertools.count(0, 1) gen_list = [] i = 0 while i < 4: gen_list.append(next(gen)) i += 1 print(gen_list) gen2 = itertools.takewhile(lambda n: n < 4, itertools.count(0, 1)) print(list(gen2))
class Bus: def __init__(self, passengers=None): if passengers is None: self.passengers = [] else: self.passengers = list(passengers) def pick(self, name): self.passengers.append(name) def drop(self, name): self.passengers.remove(name) import copy bus1 = Bus(['Alice', 'Bill', 'Claire', 'David']) bus2 = copy.copy(bus1) bus3 = copy.deepcopy(bus1) print (id(bus1), id(bus2), id(bus3)) bus1.drop('Bill') print (bus2.passengers) print (id(bus1.passengers), id(bus2.passengers), id(bus3.passengers)) print (bus3.passengers) a = [10, 20] b = [a, 30] a.append(b) print (a) from copy import deepcopy c = deepcopy(a) print (c)
#!/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow/bin/python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created by Jingu Kang on 17/12/2018. Copyright © 2018 Jingu Kang. All rights reserved. DESCRIPTION: simple variation of example source using with and stdout.write """ import sys class LookingMinus: def __enter__(self): self.original_write = sys.stdout.write sys.stdout.write = self.minus_write return '12345' def minus_write(self, numbers): for number in numbers: if number == '[' or number == ']' or number == ',' or number == ' ' or number == '\n': continue self.original_write('-'+ str(number)) self.original_write('\n') def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): sys.stdout.write = self.original_write if exc_type is ZeroDivisionError: print('Please DO NOT divide by zero!') return True with LookingMinus() as what: print([1,2,3,4,5]) print('what?', what) print('Back to normal.') print('what?', what) print('================') class LookingGlass: def __enter__(self): self.original_write = sys.stdout.write sys.stdout.write = self.reverse_write return 'abcdef' def reverse_write(self, text): self.original_write(text[::-1]) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): sys.stdout.write = self.original_write if exc_type is ZeroDivisionError: print('Please DO NOT divide by zero!') return True with LookingGlass() as what: print('Alice, Kitty and Snowdrop') print('what?',what) print('Back to normal.') print('what?',what)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # p252-256 ''' 예제에 @property를 사용하여서 visualize 매소드를 추가함. ''' import datetime import math import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # 9-4 class Demo: @classmethod def klassmeth(*args): return args @staticmethod def statmeth(*args): return args print(Demo.klassmeth()) print(Demo.klassmeth('spam')) print(Demo.statmeth()) print(Demo.statmeth('spam')) print("="*50) br1 =1/2.43 print(format(br1, '0.4f')) print('1 BRL = {rate:0.2f} USD'.format(rate=br1)) print("="*50) now = format(now, '%H%M%S') print("It's now {:%I:%M %p}".format(now)) # 9-6 custom class Vector2d: typecode = 'd' def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = float(x) self.y = float(y) def __iter__(self): return (i for i in (self.x, self.y)) def __repr__(self): class_name = type(self).__name__ return '{}({!r}, {!r})'.format(class_name, *self) def __str__(self): return str(tuple(self)) def __bytes__(self): return (bytes([ord(self.typecode)]) + bytes(array(self.typecode, self))) def __eq__(self, other): return tuple(self) == tuple(other) def __abs__(self): return math.hypot(self.x, self.y) def angle(self): return math.atan2(self.y, self.x) def __bool__(self): return bool(abs(self)) def __format__(self, fmt_spec=''): if fmt_spec.endswith('p'): fmt_spec = fmt_spec[:-1] coords = (abs(self), self.angle()) outer_fmt = '<{}, {}>' else: coords = self outer_fmt = '({}, {})' components = (format(c, fmt_spec) for c in coords) return outer_fmt.format(*components) @property def visualize(self): plt.figure() plt.title('Visualized Vector') plt.xlim(-(self.x+3), self.x+3) plt.ylim(-(self.y+3), self.y + 3) ax = plt.axes() ax.arrow(0,0,*(self.x,self.y),head_width=0.1) Vector2d(3,4).visualize # MatplotlibDeprecationWarning이 뜨긴 함.
/Generalized Euler Problems/
""" trivial in python """ t = int(input()) for a0 in range(t): n = int(input()) n = str(2**n) print(sum([int(x) for x in n]))
/Generalized Euler Problems/
""" Challenge link: ------------ Description: For T test cases, print out N in worded numbers, i.e: 13 is thirteen ------------ Constraints: 1 <= T <= 10 1 <= N <= 10**12 ------------ Algorithm: A bit of a pain to implement the algorithm, however it is trivial and implemented in such a way that this is algorithm is easily expendable to far greater orders of magnitude for N ------------ """ def countDigits(n): c = 0 while (n != 0): c += 1 n //= 10 return c def unit(d,original): if original<10 and d == 0: return ["Zero"] elif d == 1: return ["One"] elif d == 2: return ["Two"] elif d == 3: return ["Three"] elif d == 4: return ["Four"] elif d == 5: return ["Five"] elif d == 6: return ["Six"] elif d == 7: return ["Seven"] elif d == 8: return ["Eight"] elif d == 9: return ["Nine"] else: return [""] def tens(d,original): if d == 10: return ["Ten"] elif d == 11: return ["Eleven"] elif d == 12: return ["Twelve"] elif d == 13: return ["Thirteen"] elif d == 14: return ["Fourteen"] elif d == 15: return ["Fifteen"] elif d == 16: return ["Sixteen"] elif d == 17: return ["Seventeen"] elif d == 18: return ["Eighteen"] elif d == 19: return ["Nineteen"] ten = d // 10 if ten == 0: return unit(d % 10,original) elif ten == 2: return ["Twenty"] + unit(d % 10,original) elif ten == 3: return ["Thirty"] + unit(d % 10,original) elif ten == 4: return ["Forty"] + unit(d % 10,original) elif ten == 5: return ["Fifty"] + unit(d % 10,original) elif ten == 6: return ["Sixty"] + unit(d % 10,original) elif ten == 7: return ["Seventy"] + unit(d % 10,original) elif ten == 8: return ["Eighty"] + unit(d % 10,original) elif ten == 9: return ["Ninety"] + unit(d % 10,original) def hundred(n,original): if n < 100: return tens(n,original) return unit(n // 100,original) + ["Hundred"] + tens(n % 100,original) def numberToString(n): prefix = [["Thousand"], ["Million"], ["Billion"], ["Trillion"]] s = [] l = countDigits(n) original = n while l >= 4: temp = n c = 0 while temp >= 1000: c += 1 temp //= 1000 hund = n//(10 ** (3 * c)) if hund!=0: s += hundred(hund,original) + prefix[(l - 1) // 3 - 1] n = n % (10 ** (3 * c)) l = countDigits(n) s += hundred(n,original) s = [x for x in s if x!=""] return " ".join(s) t = int(input()) for a0 in range(t): n = int(input()) print(numberToString(n))
# Count unique words in a list def countUniqueWords(words): wordList = [] for word in words: # Get all the word in the dictionary list wl = [w['word'] for w in wordList] if word not in wl: wordList.append({'word': word, 'count': 1}) else: # get the current word in the dictionary list wordMap = [w for w in wordList if w['word'] == word][0] wordMap['count'] += 1 return wordList
from tkinter import * gui = Tk() gui.title("Simple Calculator") gui.resizable(0, 0) gui.geometry("300x200") expression = "" # ******************************** Backend ************************************* # ****** For press function ****** def press(num): global expression expression+=str(num) equation.set(expression) # ****** For equalpress function ****** def equalpress(): global expression total = str(eval(expression)) equation.set(total) expression="" # ****** For clearpress function ****** def clearpress(): global expression expression="" equation.set("") # ******************************** Display ************************************* menubar = Menu(gui) gui.configure(menu = menubar) filemenu = Menu(menubar) menubar.add_cascade(label="View", menu = filemenu) menubar.add_cascade(label="Edit", menu = filemenu) menubar.add_cascade(label="Help", menu = filemenu) equation = StringVar() expression_field = Entry(gui, textvariable = equation, width=75) expression_field.configure(background="white", font=("Verdana", 12)) expression_field.grid(columnspan = 91, ipady=10) equation.set("Enter the value") button1 = Button(gui, text="1", height=2, width=9, command=lambda:press(1), activebackground="silver") button1.grid(row = 2, column=0) button2 = Button(gui, text="2", height=2, width=9, command=lambda:press(2), activebackground="silver") button2.grid(row = 2, column=1) button3 = Button(gui, text="3", height=2, width=9, command=lambda:press(3), activebackground="silver") button3.grid(row = 2, column=2) plus = Button(gui, text="+", height=2, width=9, command=lambda:press("+"), activebackground="silver") plus.grid(row = 2, column=3) button4 = Button(gui, text="4", height=2, width=9, command=lambda:press(4), activebackground="silver") button4.grid(row = 3, column=0) button5 = Button(gui, text="5", height=2, width=9, command=lambda:press(5), activebackground="silver") button5.grid(row = 3, column=1) button6 = Button(gui, text="6", height=2, width=9, command=lambda:press(6), activebackground="silver") button6.grid(row = 3, column=2) minus = Button(gui, text="-", height=2, width=9, command=lambda:press("-"), activebackground="silver") minus.grid(row = 3, column=3) button7 = Button(gui, text="7", height=2, width=9, command=lambda:press(7), activebackground="silver") button7.grid(row = 4, column=0) button8 = Button(gui, text="8", height=2, width=9, command=lambda:press(8), activebackground="silver") button8.grid(row = 4, column=1) button9 = Button(gui, text="9", height=2, width=9, command=lambda:press(9), activebackground="silver") button9.grid(row = 4, column=2) multiply = Button(gui, text="*", height=2, width=9, command=lambda:press("*"), activebackground="silver") multiply.grid(row = 4, column=3) button0 = Button(gui, text="0", height=2, width=9, command=lambda:press(0), activebackground="silver") button0.grid(row = 5, column=0) clear = Button(gui, text="CLEAR", height=2, width=9, command=clearpress, activebackground="silver", activeforeground='red') clear.grid(row = 5, column=1) equal = Button(gui, text="=", height=2, width=9, command=equalpress, activebackground="silver") equal.grid(row = 5, column=2) divide = Button(gui, text="/", height=2, width=9, command=lambda:press("/"), activebackground="silver") divide.grid(row = 5, column=3) gui.mainloop()
""" 广度优先搜索 -- 一种对图进行搜索的算法 广度优先搜索会优先从离起点近的顶点开始搜索 """ from collections import deque # 模块提供一些有用的集合类 graph = {} graph['you'] = ['alice', 'bob', 'claire'] graph['bob'] = ['anuj', 'peggy'] graph['alice'] = ['peggy'] graph['claire'] = ['thom', 'jonny'] graph['anuj'] = [] graph['peggy'] = [] graph['thom'] = [] graph['jonny'] = [] def research(name): research_queue = deque() # 建立一个双端队列 research_queue += graph[name] # 将你的邻居都加入到这个搜索队列中 searched = [] # 这个数组用来记录已检查过的人 while research_queue: # 队列不为空时循环执行 person = research_queue.popleft() # 对队列中的第一项进行判断,出队 if person not in searched: # 仅当这个人没检查时才检查 if person_is_seller(person): # 如果是person就打印 print(person + " is a mango seller.") else: # 如果person不是商人,就将person的朋友都加入搜索队列 research_queue += graph[person] searched.append(person) # 讲这个人标记为检查过 def person_is_seller(name): # 名字最后一个为‘m’就是商人 return name[-1] == 'm' research('you')
""" 作者:陈志安 功能:计算出时间,是几年几天 """ from datetime import datetime def is_leap_year(year): """ 判断是否是闰年 """ is_leap = False if (year % 400 == 0) or (year % 4 == 0) and (year != 0): is_leap = True return is_leap def main(): """ 主函数 """ # input_date_str = input('请输入日期(yyyy/mm/dd):') # input_date = datetime.strptime(input_date_str, '%Y/%m/%d') # print(input_date) # # year = input_date.year # month = input_date.month # day = # # # 计算每月天数的总和以及当前月份天数 # days_in_month_tup = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31) # # print(days_in_month_tup[:month - 1]) # days = sum(days_in_month_tup[:month - 1]) + day # # # 判断闰年 # if (year % 400 == 0) or (year % 4 == 0) and (year != 0): # if month > 2: # days += 1 # print('这是第{}天。'.format(days)) input_date_str = input('请输入日期(yyyy/mm/dd):') input_date = datetime.strptime(input_date_str, '%Y/%m/%d') print(input_date) year = input_date.year month = input_date.month day = # 集合方式 day_30_month_set = {4, 6, 9, 11} day_31_month_set = {1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12} # 初始值 days = 0 days += day for i in range(1, month): if i in day_30_month_set: days += 30 elif i in day_31_month_set: days += 31 else: days += 28 if is_leap_year(year) and month > 2: days += 29 print('这是{}年的第{}天'.format(year, days)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" 作者:陈志安 日期:19/3/21 功能:AQI计算 版本:v.1 """ import csv import json def process_json_file(filepath): """ 解码json文件 """ f = open(filepath, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') city_list = json.load(f) return city_list def main(): """ 主函数 """ filepath = input('请输入json文件名') city_list = process_json_file(filepath) city_list.sort(key=lambda city: city['aqi']) lines = [] # 列名 lines.append(list(city_list[0].keys())) for city in city_list: lines.append(list(city.values())) f = open('aqi.csv', 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='') writer = csv.writer(f) for line in lines: writer.writerow(line) f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" 变量 : 1、变量的引用 2、可变和不可变类型 3、全局变量和局部变量 """ """ 1、变量的引用 —— 变量和数据都是保存在内存中 在python中函数的参数传递以及返回值都是靠引用传递 变量和数据是分开存储的 数据保存在内存中的一个位置 变量保存着数据在内存的地址 变量中记录数据的地址就叫引用 id() 方法可以查看变量中保存数据所在的内存地址 """ # 注意:当给一个变量赋值的时候,本质上是修改了数据的引用 # · 变量不再对之前的数据引用 # · 变量改为对新赋值的数据引用 # def test(num): # # print("在函数内部{} 对应的内存地址是 {}".format(num, id(num))) # # # 1> 定义一个字符串变量 # result = "Hello" # # # 2> 将字符串变量返回,返回的是数据的引用,而不是数据本身 # return result # # # 定义一个数字变量 # a = 10 # # # 数据的地址本质上就是一个数字 # print("a的变量保存的数据内存地址是 {}".format(id(a))) # # # 调用test函数,本质上传递的是实参保存的数据引用,而不是实参保存的数字 # # 注意:如果函数有返回值,但没有调用函数,程序不报错,但无返回结果 # r = test(a) # # print("{}的内存地址是 {}".format(r, id(r))) # 注意:字典的key只能使用不可变类型的数据 # 字典的value可以是任意的类型数据 """ 可变类型和不可变类型 · 不可变类型 —— 内存的数据不允许被修改 ·数字类型 int, bool, float, complex, long(2,x) ·字符串 str ·元组 tuple · 可变类型 ——内存数据允许修改 ·列表 list ·字典 dictionary """ # 可变类型的数据变化是通过方法来实现的 # 如果给一个可变类型的变量,赋值了一个新的数据,引用会修改,变量改为对新赋值的·引用 # 注意:字典的key只能使用不可变类型的数据 # 全局变量 and 局部变量 """ 局部变量特点 1、局部变量是在函数内部定义的变量,只能在函数内部使用 2、函数执行结束后,函数内部的局部变量,会被系统回收 3、不同的函数,可以定义相同的名字的局部变量,但是各自不会产生影响 """ # def demo1(): # # num = 10 # print("demo1 ==> {}".format(num)) # # # def demo2(): # # num = 99 # print("demo2 ==> {}".format(num)) # # # demo1() # demo2() # 全局变量 """ 特点1、函数不能直接修改全局变量的引用 特点2、global方法,修改全局变量 特点3、全局变量的定位应该字所有函数上方,保证函数可以访问到每个全局变量 """ # 全局变量的命名 gl_num = 99 gl_name = "Allen" def demo1(): # 函数不能直接修改全局变量的引用 # 如果使用赋值语句,会在函数内部定义一个局部变量 # 修改全局变量使用global声明一下后面的是全局变量,再使用赋值语句就不会创建局部变量 # global num num = 10 print("demo1 ==> {}".format(num)) def demo2(): print("demo2 ==> {}".format(gl_num)) print("{}" .format(gl_name)) demo1() demo2()
""" 综合应用——石头剪刀布 """ import random while True: player = int(input("请输入您要出的拳 石头(1)/剪刀(2)/布(3):")) computer = random.randint(1, 3) print("玩家出的拳是 %d -- 电脑出的拳是 %d" % (player, computer)) if ((player == 1 and computer == 2) or (player == 2 and computer == 3) or (player == 3 and computer == 1)): print("电脑弱爆了!") break # 平局 elif player == computer: print("真是心有灵犀,再来一盘") # 电脑获胜 else: print("不服气,决战到天亮!")
import random """ 快速排序——首先会在序列中选择一个基准值(pivot),然后将除了基准值以外的数分为 "比基准值大的数"和"比基准值小的数",再将其排列 """ data = [45,3,9,15,67,51,42] def quickSort(data, start, end): i = start j = end # i和j重合时,依次排序结束 if i >= j: return # 设置最左边的数为基准值 flag = data[start] while i < j: while i < j and data[j] >= flag: j -= 1 # 找到右边的第一个小于基准值的数,赋值给左边的i,此时左边的i被记录在flag中 data[i] = data[j] while i < j and data[i] < flag: i += 1 # 找到左边第一个大于基准值的数,赋值给右边的j,右边的j与左边的i相同 data[i] = data[j] # 由于循环以i结尾,循环完毕后把flag值放在i所在的位置 data[i] = flag # 除去i之外的两端递归 quickSort(data, start, i-1) quickSort(data, i+1, end) # if __name__ == "__main__": # data = [each for each in range(15)] # random.shuffle(data) quickSort(data, 0, len(data) - 1) print(data)
# given an array, print all subarrays def all_subarrays(arr): n = len(arr) for i in range(0,n): for j in range(i,n): for k in range(i,j+1): print (arr[k], end = " ") print ("\n", end = "") n = int(input()) arr = [int(input()) for x in range(n)] all_subarrays(arr)
import requests import pandas as pd import numpy as np import json import os def address_reader(path='data/address_data_example.csv'): """ This function reads the address data and returns a dataframe of the addresses :param path: path to the data :return: """ address_csv = pd.read_csv(path, dtype={'Address': 'str', 'City': 'str', 'State': 'str', 'Zip': 'str', 'Comment': 'str'}) return address_csv def get_lat_long(address_csv): """ makes a call to the google maps API service and returns a list of lat, long with an ID :param address_csv: input address csv :return: """ lat_long_list = [] for index, row in address_csv.iterrows(): print(row) street = row['Address'] city = row['City'] state = row['State'] zipcode = row['Zip'] comment = row['Comment'] clean = lambda x: '+'.join(x.split(' ')) clean_street = clean(street) clean_city = clean(city) URL = f"{clean_street},+{clean_city},+{state}+{zipcode}&key={os.environ['MAPS_API_KEY']}" response = requests.get(URL) json_response = json.loads(response.text) try: lat = json_response['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'] except: lat = 0 try: lng = json_response['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'] except: lng = 0 lat_long_list.append(f"{index},{lat},{lng},{comment}") return lat_long_list def lat_long_to_frame(lat_long_list): """ creates pandas dataframe out of list of latitudes and longitudes :param lat_long_list: list of lat and long :return: """ lat_list = [] lng_list = [] index_list = [] comment_list = [] for i in lat_long_list: split = i.split(',') index_list.append(split[0]) lat_list.append(split[1]) lng_list.append(split[2]) comment_list.append(split[3]) dict = {'ID': index_list, 'LAT': lat_list, 'LNG': lng_list, 'Comment': comment_list} df_lng_lat = pd.DataFrame(dict) return df_lng_lat def lat_long_data_handler(): """ runs logic for parsing and returning long and lat frame based on input data csv :return: """ address_csv = address_reader() lat_long = get_lat_long(address_csv=address_csv) lat_long_frame = lat_long_to_frame(lat_long_list=lat_long) print(lat_long_frame) return lat_long_frame if __name__ == "__main__": lat_long_data_handler()
"""Own math module. Contained functions are: - ft_abs(n): return the absolute value of n. - ft_power(n, p): return n raised to power p - ft_sqrt(n): return the square root of n. Should be improved ! Contained objects are: - Complex(r, i): Represents a coplex number. """ def ft_abs(n): return -n if n < 0 else n def ft_power(n, p): total = 1 for _ in range(p): total *= n return total def ft_sqrt(n): if n < 0: raise ValueError('Square root function is not defined for negatives.') i = 0 # Ugly way to calculate sqrt :/ while (i+1) * (i+1) <= n: i += 1 while (i+.1) * (i+.1) <= n: i+= .1 while (i+.01) * (i+.01) <= n: i += .01 while (i+.001) * (i+.001) <= n: i += .001 while (i+.0001) * (i+.0001) <= n: i += .0001 return i class Complex: def __init__(self, r, i): self._r = r self._i = i @property def r(self): if not isinstance(self._r, int): return int(self._r) if self._r.is_integer() else self._r return self._r @r.setter def r(self, value): self._r = value @property def i(self): if not isinstance(self._i, int): return int(self._i) if self._i.is_integer() else self._i return self._i @i.setter def i(self, value): self._i = value def __repr__(self): return "'%s'" % self.__str__() def __str__(self): r, i = self.r, self.i separator = '+' if i >= 0 else '-' i = ft_abs(i) if not i: return f'{r}' if not r: if separator == '+': separator = '' return f'{separator}{i}i' return f'({r} {separator} {i}i)' def __add__(self, number): r = self.r i = self.i if isinstance(number, Complex): r = self.r + number.r i = self.i + number.i return Complex(r, i) return Complex(r + number, i) def __sub__(self, number): r = self.r i = self.i if isinstance(number, Complex): r = self.r - number.r i = self.i - number.i return Complex(r, i) return Complex(r - number, i) def __mul__(self, number): if isinstance(number, Complex): # Not implemented yet raise TypeError( 'Cannot multiplie complex numbers between them.' ) return Complex(self.r * number, self.i * number) def __truediv__(self, number): if isinstance(number, Complex): # Not implemented yet raise TypeError( 'Cannot divide complex numbers between them.' ) return Complex(self.r / number, self.i / number)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- while True: qtd_casa = int(raw_input()) if(qtd_casa == 0): break x_ponto, y_ponto = map(int, raw_input().split()) for i in range(qtd_casa): x_casa, y_casa = map(int, raw_input().split()) if(x_casa > x_ponto and y_casa > y_ponto): print "NE" elif(x_casa > x_ponto and y_casa < y_ponto): print "SE" elif(x_casa < x_ponto and y_casa > y_ponto): print "NO" elif(x_casa < x_ponto and y_casa < y_ponto): print "SO" else: print "divisa"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- while True: try: entrada = raw_input() num = 0 for i in entrada: if(i == "("): num = num + 1 elif(i == ")"): if(num == 0): num = num - 1 break num = num - 1 if (num == 0): print "correct" else: print "incorrect" except EOFError: break
import csv import numpy as np import random from scipy import stats import gsea_functions as gf '''Program to calculate the normalized enrichment scores and pvalues according to the publication: The program accepts 2 files, which user can specify in the respective input step after the program is launched. First file should contain the gene expression data in the format of the example file "leukemia.txt". The second file should contain the gene sets data, in the format of the example file "pathways.txt". Further input includes 2 phenotype lables (case sensitive, should be the same as in the gene expression data). The advantage is, if the data contains multiple phenotypes, they can be examined by pairs. Number of permutations defines how many permutations will be run to calculate the pvalues and the normalized enrichment scores. The file "" should be in the same folder as this file. It contains functions required in the calculattion. Returns 2 files with results, each for one of the phenotypes. The results files contain gene sets names, normalized enrichment scores and pvalues based on the user inputs. The results are sorted by the normalized enrichment score. ''' #asking for user input print('Thank you for starting the GSEA program.') gene_list = input('Enter the path to the file containing gene expression data\n>') pathways = input('Enter the path to the file containing gene sets\n>') phenotype_1 = input('Enter the name of the first phenotype to be examined\n>') phenotype_2 = input('Enter the name of the second phenotype to be examined\n>') number_permutations = input('Enter the number of permutations for the calculation\n>') number_permutations = int(number_permutations) phenotype_1_columns = [] phenotype_2_columns = [] unranked_data = [] gene_sets = [] #reading in the list of genes and their expression profiles with open(gene_list, newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') #reading the file header and columns for different phenotypes #the columns indicating the data for specific phenotypes will be needed for the ranking function header = next(reader) for index, column_header in enumerate(header): if column_header == phenotype_1: phenotype_1_columns.append(index) elif column_header == phenotype_2: phenotype_2_columns.append(index) #transforming the values from str to float for line in reader: new_line = [] new_line.append(line[0]) for element in line[1:]: new_line.append(float(element)) unranked_data.append(new_line) #reading in the list of gene sets with open(pathways, newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') for line in reader: gene_sets.append(line) #ranking the gene expression profiles by the signal to noise metric ranked_list = gf.build_ranked_list(unranked_data, phenotype_1_columns, phenotype_2_columns) #following lists will contain the calculation results for both phenotypes in question results_1 = [] results_2 = [] #this loop contains the calculation of the original enrichment scores, enrichment scores for each #permutation as well as the respective p values and the normalized enrichment scores for gene_set in gene_sets: print('Analyzing the gene set: ' + gene_set[0]) #calculating the original enrichment score for a given gene set enrichment_score = gf.calculate_es(ranked_list, gene_set) #preparing a list to store the results of the permutations null_hypotheses_scores = [[],[]] for permutation in range(number_permutations): #randomly permuting the phenotype labels, however the number of the samples for each phenotype is #preserved new_columns_1 = [] new_columns_2 = [] new_columns_1 = random.sample(range(1,len(header)), len(phenotype_1_columns)) for index in range(1,len(header)): if index not in new_columns_1: new_columns_2.append(index) #ranking the gene expression profiles according to the new metric permuted_ranked_list = gf.build_ranked_list(unranked_data, new_columns_1, new_columns_2) #calculating the enrichment score for a given permutation permuted_enrichment_score = gf.calculate_es(permuted_ranked_list, gene_set) null_hypotheses_scores[0].append(max(permuted_enrichment_score[0])) null_hypotheses_scores[1].append(max(permuted_enrichment_score[1])) #calculating the pvalues for each phenotype based on the results of the permutations pvalue_1 = stats.ttest_1samp(null_hypotheses_scores[0], max(enrichment_score[0])) pvalue_2 = stats.ttest_1samp(null_hypotheses_scores[1], max(enrichment_score[1])) #calculating the normalized enrichment scores based on the results of the permutations normalized_es_1 = max(enrichment_score[0])/np.mean(null_hypotheses_scores[0]) normalized_es_2 = max(enrichment_score[1])/np.mean(null_hypotheses_scores[1]) #storing the data for later output results_1.append([gene_set[0], normalized_es_1, pvalue_1[1]]) results_2.append([gene_set[0], normalized_es_2, pvalue_2[1]]) #sorting the data by the normalized enrichment score sorted_results_1 = sorted(results_1, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) sorted_results_2 = sorted(results_2, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) #creating the output in form of 2 files, one for each phenotype with open(phenotype_1 + '_output.txt', 'w') as output: output.write('name of the gene set\tnormalized ES\tP-Value\n') for row in sorted_results_1: output.write(str(row[0]) + '\t' + str(row[1]) + '\t' + str(row[2]) + '\n') with open(phenotype_2 + '_output.txt', 'w') as output: output.write('name of the gene set\tnormalized ES\tP-Value\n') for row in sorted_results_2: output.write(str(row[0]) + '\t' + str(row[1]) + '\t' + str(row[2]) + '\n') print('The calculation is completed.\nThank you for using the GSEA program!')
#Tupples tuple1 = (1,2,3,4,5) stringTuple = ("one","two","tree") mixedTuple = ("one", tuple1, 3) itemTuple = ("apple", 2, 3.5) print(itemTuple) print("lenght",len(itemTuple)) print("min",min(tuple1)) print("max",max(tuple1)) print("index 2 ",itemTuple.index("apple")) #Arrays grocList = ["eggs","milk","flour","butter"] print(grocList) print(grocList[1]) print(grocList[2:3]) grocList[1] = "baking soda" print(grocList) grocList.append("milk") print(grocList) grocList.insert(2,"sugar") print(grocList) grocList.remove("butter") print(grocList) del grocList[1] print(grocList) clothesList = ["tshirt","shorts","sunglasses"] shoppingList = [grocList,clothesList] print(shoppingList) print(shoppingList[1][0]) #Dictionaries listOfStudents = {0:"Lourenco",1:"Jill",2:"Harry",3:"lucy"} print(listOfStudents) print(listOfStudents[0]) listOfStudents[3] = "Tanya" print(listOfStudents) print(listOfStudents.keys()) print(listOfStudents.values())
def addmenu(name_item, price_pound = 0, price_pence = 0): try: price_pound = int(price_pound) except ValueError: print("a number is required here") return try: price_pence = int(price_pence) except ValueError: print("a number is required here") return if len(str(price_pence)) == 1: price_pence = "0" + str(price_pence) newitem = name_item + "^" + str(price_pound) + "." + str(price_pence) menu_file = open("resource\Entities\menu.txt", "a") menu_file.write("\n"+ newitem) menu_file.close def addhelp(): print('To add an item to the menu type addmenu("name of item", pounds, pence) \n' 'an example of this would be additem(donut,1,50) to ad a donut at £1.50')
lst=[1,4,5,2] def quickSort(lst,start,stop): if(start<stop): q=partition(lst,start,stop) quickSort(lst,start,q-1) quickSort(lst,q+1,stop) def partition(lst,start,stop): x=lst[stop] i=start-1 for j in range(start,stop-1): if lst[j]<=x: i+=1 lst[j],lst[i]=lst[i],lst[j] lst[i+1],lst[stop]=lst[stop],lst[i+1] return i+1 quickSort(lst,0,len(lst)-1) print (lst)
""" Hackerrank The Time in words Medium 25 Max Score Input Format The first line contains , the hours portion The second line contains , the minutes portion Constraints Output Format Print the time in words as described. Sample Input 0 5 47 Sample Output 0 thirteen minutes to six """ # Complete the timeInWords function below. def timeInWords(h, m): dictionary_time = { '1': 'one', '2': 'two', '3': 'three', '4': 'four', '5': 'five', '6': 'six', '7': 'seven', '8': 'eight', '9': 'nine', '10': 'ten', '11': 'eleven', '12': 'twelve', '13': 'thirteen', '14': 'fourteen', '15': 'quarter', '16': 'sixteen', '17': 'seventeen', '18': 'eighteen', '19': 'nineteen', '20': 'twenty', '21': 'twenty one', '22': 'twenty two', '23': 'twenty three', '24': 'twenty four', '25': 'twenty five', '26': 'twenty six', '27': 'twenty seven', '28': 'twenty eight', '29': 'twenty nine', '30': 'half', '0': 'zero' } minute_temp = m if m > 30: minute_temp = m - 30 hours = dictionary_time[str(h)] minutes = dictionary_time[str(minute_temp)] if m == 0: addition = " o' clock" res = hours + addition return res elif 1 <= m <= 30: addition = "past" if m != 30 and m != 1 and m != 15: res = minutes + ' minutes ' + addition + ' ' + hours return res elif m == 1: res = minutes + ' minute ' + addition + ' ' + hours return res else: res = minutes + ' ' + addition + ' ' + hours return res elif m > 30: m = abs(m - 60) addition = "to" minutes = dictionary_time[str(m)] hours = dictionary_time[str(h + 1)] if m != 15: res = minutes + ' minutes ' + addition + ' ' + hours return res else: res = minutes + ' ' + addition + ' ' + hours return res if __name__ == '__main__': # fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w') h = int(input()) m = int(input()) result = timeInWords(h, m) # fptr.write(result + '\n') # fptr.close() print(result)
import random #List to store the Words and dictionary for hints as values movie_list = ["the martian", "gravity", "interstellar", "trainwreck", "steve jobs", "inside out", "minions"] movie_hint = {"the martian" : "Stuck on Mars", "gravity" : "Stars Sandra Bullock", "interstellar" : "Nolan Space Throry", "trainwreck" : "Amy Schumer", "steve jobs" : "mac", "inside out" : "what happens in our head?", "minions" : "cute yellow creatures"} animal_list = ["tiger", "monkey", "zebra", "unicorn", "donkey"] animal_hint = {"tiger" : "yellow", "monkey" : "imitators", "zebra" : "crossing", "unicorn" : "magic", "donkey" : "stupid"} tv_list = ["breaking bad", "sherlock", "criminal minds", "narcos", "daredevil"] tv_hint = {"breaking bad" : "meth", "sherlock" : "mystery", "criminal minds" : "serial killers", "narcos" : "new drug show", "daredevil" : "blind"} geek_list = ["darth vader", "coding", "gadgets", "gandalf", "heisenberg"] geek_hint = {"darth vader" : "star trek" , "coding" : "we love it", "gadgets" : "tech stuff" , "gandalf" : "Sauron's enemy", "heisenberg" : "quantum mechanics"} #Asks User to enter a category choice user_input = raw_input("Enter your choice 1 - Movies, 2 - Animals, 3 - TV series, 4 - Geek Stuff : ") if (user_input == "1"): hangman_words = random.choice(movie_list) #Randomly selecting the movie hangman_index = movie_list.index(hangman_words) #Finding the index of the movie selected hint = movie_hint[hangman_words] elif (user_input == "2"): hangman_words = random.choice(animal_list) hangman_index = animal_list.index(hangman_words) hint = animal_hint[hangman_words] elif (user_input == "3"): hangman_words = random.choice(tv_list) hangman_index = tv_list.index(hangman_words) hint = tv_hint[hangman_words] elif (user_input == "4"): hangman_words = random.choice(geek_list) hangman_index = geek_list.index(hangman_words) hint = geek_hint[hangman_words] else: print "Invalid Input" #Stages of hangman in ASCII art hangman_stage = [''' +---+ | | | | | =========''',''' +---+ | | | | | | =========''', ''' +---+ | | O | | | | =========''', ''' +---+ | | O | | | | | =========''', ''' +---+ | | O | /| | | | =========''', ''' +---+ | | O | /|\ | | | =========''', ''' +---+ | | O | /|\ | / | | =========''', ''' +---+ | | O | /|\ | / \ | | ========='''] hangman_list= list(hangman_words) #Converting the string into a list blank_list = list(hangman_words) #for blanks gameIsDone = False print "H A N G M A N" print "Hint : " , hint incorrect_guessed_letters = [] incorrect_guess = 0 correct_guessed_letters = [] correct_guess=0 blanks_check = len(hangman_words) #for number of characters c=0 #counter #Assigns '/' to spaces and '_' to strings and stores in blank_list for i in range (len(blank_list)): if (blank_list[i] == ' '): c +=1 #counts the number of spaces blank_list[i] = ' / ' else: blank_list[i] = '_' print ' '.join(blank_list) #Prints the hangman word in secret blanks_check = blanks_check - c #Number of character in word excluding the space print "Number of Characters ", blanks_check while (gameIsDone != True): #runs till the game is complete letter = raw_input("Enter a letter : ") #Makes the user input a letter letter = letter.lower() #converts the letter to lower case if (len(letter) != 1): #checks the user enters a single letter print ("Enter a single letter ") elif (letter in correct_guessed_letters): #ensures that the user doesnt enter the same letter twice print ("You have already guessed that. Choose again. ") elif (letter not in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'): #ensures that the user enters only a letter print ("Please enter a letter. ") if (letter not in hangman_words): incorrect_guessed_letters.append(letter) #adds incorrect guesses to list incorrect_guess += 1 print hangman_stage[incorrect_guess] #displays hangman ASCII art according to stage print "Oh no!, Wrong guess! " print "Incorrect Guesses : ", ','.join(incorrect_guessed_letters) if (len(incorrect_guessed_letters) == len(hangman_stage)-1): #checks wrong guesses print "You have run out of guesses! You lose." print "The secret word was : ", hangman_words gameIsDone = True #breaks out of while loop. Ends the game else: gameIsDone = False #goes down the while loop elif (letter in hangman_words): correct_guessed_letters.append(letter) #adds correct guesses to list #Checks for user input in the word for i in range (len(hangman_list)): if (letter == hangman_list[i]): blank_list[i] = letter #replaces the blank with the correct guessed letter print ' '.join(blank_list) #prints progress if blank_list.count('_') == 0: #checks whether the user has guessed all the letters print ("You win!") print "The secret word is ", hangman_words gameIsDone = True quit() #leaves the loop. finishs game else: gameIsDone = False else: gameIsDone = False
/chapter 7/
""" 一个简单的例子 """ def deco(func): def inner(): print('running inner()') return inner @deco def target(): print('running target()') target() """ 装饰器在被装饰的函数定义之后就立即执行 """ registry = [] def register(func): print(f'running register({func})') registry.append(func) return func @register def f1(): print('running f1()') @register def f2(): print('running f2()') def f3(): print('running f3()') def f4(): print('running f4()') def main(): print('running main()') print(f'registry -> {registry}') f1() f2() f3() f4() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from typing import * from fizzbuzz import FizzBuzz import unittest class TestFizzBuzz(unittest.TestCase): def test_出力はstrである(self): self.assertEqual(str, type(FizzBuzz.single_line_answer(1))) def test_数値の1を渡したら文字列の1を返す(self): self.assertEqual("1", FizzBuzz.single_line_answer(1)) def test_数値の2を渡したら文字列の2を返す(self): self.assertEqual("2", FizzBuzz.single_line_answer(2)) def test_intの3を渡したら文字列Fizzを返す(self): self.assertEqual("Fizz", FizzBuzz.single_line_answer(3)) def test_intの6を渡したら文字列Fizzを返す(self): self.assertEqual("Fizz", FizzBuzz.single_line_answer(6)) def test_intの5を渡したら文字列Buzzを返す(self): self.assertEqual("Buzz", FizzBuzz.single_line_answer(5)) def test_intの10を渡したら文字列Buzzを返す(self): self.assertEqual("Buzz", FizzBuzz.single_line_answer(10)) def test_intの15を渡したら文字列FizzBuzzを返す(self): self.assertEqual("FizzBuzz", FizzBuzz.single_line_answer(15)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() # pragma: no cover