hebrew-BenIshHai / README.md
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Update README.md
90a2b53 verified
- name: year
dtype: string
- name: parasha
dtype: string
- name: number
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: train
num_bytes: 2035374
num_examples: 1992
download_size: 948349
dataset_size: 2035374
- config_name: default
- split: train
path: data/train-*
- question-answering
- text-generation
- he
# Dataset Card for "hebrew-holy-DS-BenIishHay"
## Overview
This dataset was created with [ויקיטקסט](https://he.wikisource.org/wiki/%D7%A2%D7%9E%D7%95%D7%93_%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%A9%D7%99).
It contain all the Halaha's from the book 'Ben Ish Hai' in hebrew.
## Dataset Structure
The dataset is structured with the following columns:
- **Year:** Sign indicating the year of the text, representing a part of the book.
- **Parasha:** Sign marking the parasha of the text, resembling an episode in the book.
- **Number:** Sign marking the number of the text, often representing a part of an episode, typically consisting of 2 paragraphs.
- **Text:** The actual text content from the book.
Plase use it *only* to sanctify the name of G-d in the world! Thanks