The final step was to hot glue on the ears using basic felt. I pinched them in the back and glued them down at the edges to make them perky, attentive ears! I had fun making some funny meme pics using my new pumpkin. As you can tell, Grumpy Cat is NOT looking forward to the upcoming Halloween season. Here’s a comparison of the real Grumpy Cat with the pumpkin version. I tried to recreate the original photo that went viral on Reddit, but darn it! I forgot to put my hand behind the pumpkin head. My cat Dexter isn’t really liking all this attention the Grumpy Cat pumpkin has been getting. Turns out that Grumpy Cat makes other cats grumpy too! Until next time Swellions!
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Firstly before I get into this post, I’m sorry there was no Top Ten Tuesday post last week. I didn’t want to do last week’s topic because I just didn’t have much to say on it and I’m worrying a lot more about the quality of my blog instead of how many posts I have. Now onto this week’s post. This list was incredibly hard for me to compile simply because I have read so many amazing books this year. I’ve kicked my reading game up a notch this year so obviously I’ve read a crap ton of amazing books. However, I did it. I made my top ten list. This is going in descending order with my ultimate favourite book so far this year at the bottom. If you want to know more about each book click on the title to go to their goodreads page. My tenth favourite book that I’ve read so far this year is One by Sarah Crossan. I only recently read this book but I fell completely in love with it. It is a short book that is told entirely in verse so it is very quick to read but it deals with something that has never really been dealt with before in YA. The writing was beautiful and just exquisite. I really loved this book so you guys should definitely look out for it when it comes out in August. My review will be coming up at some point in July. My ninth favourite read of this year was The Heir by Kiera Cass, which is the fourth book in the Selection series. This series gets a lot of hate for various reasons that I completely understand but I personally love it. It’s a great series that is incredibly entertaining and gripping. I read each book in a night. I was a bit wary going into the Heir because it follows a different character than the first three books in the series however it was amazing. It may have even been better than the previous books. I completely fell in love with it. My next favourite read of this year was Seven Days by Eve Ainsworth. I was incredibly excited for this book before it was released and it did not disappoint. It is a short book but it hits you and it teaches you a lot. Eve Ainsworth somehow managed to tackle the subject of bullying perfectly and I can’t wait to see what else she writes. The writing was just amazing but the characters were what made this book amazing. Each character was developed perfectly and you sympathised with them all. If you want to read my review of this book, click here. The next book on this list is Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver. Lauren Oliver is an author that most people have heard of but most people either love or hate her books. I really liked her Delirium trilogy so when I got a copy of Vanishing Girls, I knew that I had to pick it up immediately just to see what I thought about it without everyone else’s opinions affecting me. I completely fell in love with it and it is my favourite book by her now. The mystery aspect was great and the writing was as beautiful as always. I loved everything about this book and it saddens me deeply how most people aren’t giving it a try due to her other books. This is definitely her best work. If you want to know more, click here for my review. This next book is a recent read of mine and that is The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski. I have wanted to read this book since it came out so I finally bought it and read it straight away. I hate myself for not reading this book a year ago. I read both books in this trilogy back to back and whilst most people prefer the sequel, I love the first book a little bit more. This book has a great fantasy setting that will capture you straight away. The romance in this series is very slow burning despite the fact that it is a very key part in the novel. I am dying for the third book now because I just need to know what happens to Arin and Kestrel. My fifth favourite book of the year so far is Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella. I have previously read some of Kinsella’s work but nothing lives up to this book. This is her first YA novel and it follows a girl with social anxiety. I think this issue is dealt with perfectly in the novel and it is obvious that she has done her research. While it is a romance, the best part of the book for me was definitely the family aspect of it. I loved how crazy Audrey’s family were yet they all still had this deep love for each other. If you want to see my full thoughts on this book, click here for my review. The next book on this list was actually my first read of the year and that is The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson. This book is extremely popular in America so I knew that I had pick it up and I’m so glad I did. There is an air of mystery to this book because there are two male leads. One is a prince and the other is an assassin. As the reader we do not know which one is which (I correctly guessed though :P). It is set in a fantasy world that is just so intricate and thought through. I loved everything about it especially the main female lead, Lea. I also did a whole review on this book so click here for that. My third favourite book of the year so far is All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. I read this book back in January as soon as the book came out(and before all the bad reviews started coming in) and I absolutely fell in love with it. I still love it to this day despite all the terrible reviews. It was a completely perfect and amazing novel that dealt perfectly with mental health in my opinion. The writing was so incredibly beautiful as were the characters. It brought me so close to tears! Click here if you want to see my review. My next favourite is also a book that has recently been receiving a lot of negative reviews and that is A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas. I have loved all of Sarah J Maas’ previous books so I knew that I had to pick up ACOTAR and I’m so happy I did. It was a perfect novel in my opinion because it had a great fantasy aspect, a brilliant romance, beautiful writing and it was intense and gripping. I completely fell in love with this book as is evident in my review. So if you follow me on Twitter or just know me at all you can probably already tell what my favourite book of the year so far is and that is The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury. I looooooovveeee this book. That’s how fabulous it is. It deserves those extra letters. Melinda Salisbury managed to somehow write a perfect book. I had heard talk about this book beforehand so when I saw it in the shop, I immediately picked up the book and started reading it. And I didn’t stop. The best thing about this book? It’s the most intense and gripping book I’ve ever read. Basically every chapter ends with a cliffhanger and you just need to continue reading. The characters are all amazing(especially Merek. I need more Merek in my life) and the writing is just so beautiful. Who knew such beautiful words could come out of Mel? I very highly recommend this book but if you need more convincing, check out my review. So those are my top ten books of the year so far. What is your favourite book so far? Let me know down in the comments.
Anna wanted to be a super girl this Halloween. After her first activity dressed up as that, our church trunk-or-treat, she wanted to be a ghost like her Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin story. And then after dinner on Halloween itself she asked if I would make her a costume so she could be Rainbow Dash. We had to talk her into her already-made costume but she had a blast running around as a super girl on Halloween night and showing everyone who seemed interested that the underside of her cape was My Little Ponies! One house we stopped at during our romp around the neighborhood had a little girl handing out candy who loved My Little Ponies and her name was Anna too. We scored some extra handfuls of candy there. Anna’s visit to two of our seminary students homes were also particularly fruitful. Although I know she would have loved to visit every student’s home. Isaac was a happy camper for the first half of our excursion on Halloween night. Then he got upset until I carried him in his carrier. He is a little Momma’s boy for sure. Yes, he loves his cuddles but I also think he just likes being worn because it is our normal now. He doesn’t usually spend so much time in the stroller. Anna had no concept of quitting. She just wanted to keep on going. I said to her while Isaac was crying that we would have to go home now. But her response was, “one more spooky house, Mom.” Then we did one more spooky house and another and then I got the idea to wear him and we were good for another hour. Near the end, I carried her bag down a long stretch of dark porch lights. She told me that her neck hurt and that we really needed a neck massager like Meme and Pop Pop have. Oh, wouldn’t it be nice. But no wonder her neck hurt, Jacob weighed her haul at over 6.5 lbs of candy. He is in heaven with his never-ending supply of candy. Er, I mean Anna is…haha. The trunk-or-treat was so much fun. Carnivals, hot dogs and chili, then the treats! Anna played all the carnival games and loved seeing her seminary friends. They helped her bead necklaces and bowl with pumpkins. Anna made a new friend with one of our students little sisters. This led to a play date very soon afterwards. Anna got treated from all the trunks and then we made our way back to chat with some friends and one of our students let her help hand out the candy. This was by far her favorite part of the night and she now has a best friend come to our class every morning who she says hi to and draws pictures for. Anna even asks if she can sit next to her most mornings in our class.
“Significant risk” of “falling into contraction” with “worse to come.” The US economy is largely service based. So when the “manufacturing renaissance” and “on-shoring” that everyone had been waiting for turned into no-shows, and when instead manufacturing started slowing in early 2015, it was no big deal, according to the meme. OK, it was terrible for the folks who lost their jobs. But manufacturing accounts for only 12% of the US economy and employs only about 9% of the workforce. So overall, it’s not the end of the world, we heard constantly. And besides, we could always make it up with fast food. Manufacturing alone can’t drag the US into a recession, we were assured. And the service economy would continue to be strong. That was the meme. Then, a few days ago, Evan Koenig, Senior Vice President at the Dallas Fed, gave a presentation that showed that manufacturing contractions preceded service contractions in the run-up of the past two recessions. When service sector growth begins to dwindle – so still growth, but slower growth – after the manufacturing sector has already begun to shrink, that’s the point he called “prelude to recession.” And when the service sector begins to actually shrink, that event marks what officials will later call the beginning of the recession [read… “Prelude to Recession”: the Dallas Fed’s Unsettling Charts]. That “prelude to a recession” happened a few months ago. At the time, manufacturing was already shrinking; and the services index had just started heading south. But now the services index entered a contraction as well. So this could mark the beginning of what will much later be officially called a recession. Different indices differ, depending on who does the counting, and they can be volatile, but over time, they agree on the trends. Koenig was using the ISM indices for manufacturing and services. Today we got Markit’s national Flash Services PMI, and it was a doozie. The survey’s respondents – companies in the service sector – said that business activity in February fell, pushing the index to 49.8 (below 50 = contraction). The index has now plunged three months in a row, from 56 in November to 49.8 now. During the heyday in 2014, the index was above 60. This was the first time since October 2013 that the services index was in contraction mode. But the “contraction” in October 2013 was a one-month affair. The index plunged from 58 in September to 49 in October and then jumped back to 57 the next month. It was triggered by the government shutdown. And after the brief scare, the service sector expansion continued. Beyond the one-month Congress-induced scare, the index for the service sector has not been below 50, and therefore in a contraction, since the Great Recession. So this is a significant event. Markit: Reports from survey respondents suggested that softer underlying new order growth and uncertainty about the economic outlook had weighed on business activity in February. The report also blamed the weather. Snowfalls on the East Coast caused some “disruptions.” But during the harsh polar vortexes of prior years, which covered a big part of the US, the index didn’t dip into contraction mode. And so the report cautioned that “the weather can only explain part of the slowdown.” The upturn in new work was “one of the slowest since the survey began in late-2009.” Service firms complained that “some clients were more reluctant to commit to new projects, in part reflecting uncertainty about the economic outlook.” And “the degree of confidence” fell to “the lowest recorded for five-and-a-half years.” The report doesn’t let up: Optimism about the outlook has been on a downward trend over the past two years, with worries about the global economic outlook, financial market volatility, and presidential election, and interest rate policy all taking a further toll on business morale in February. Any bounce-back from the weather may therefore prove to be only a temporary improvement in a steady downward trend of business conditions” So the US economy faced “a significant risk” of “falling into contraction in the first quarter,” while “slumping business confidence” and the further deterioration “in order book backlogs suggest there is worse to come.” Yet, service firms were still hiring, and hiring levels remained above “the average seen since the jobs recovery began six years ago.” So this is the good news. This pattern explains the relatively strong employment figures and low weekly unemployment claims despite the weakness in manufacturing and services. This too was the case during the Great Recession: the recession officially began in December 2007, but the unemployment rate didn’t begin to jump until six months later! So the fact that the numbers for the job market haven’t cratered yet is not a propitious consolation. Plunges like this only occur when something big is going on. Read… Restaurant Industry Suddenly Tanks, Worst Plunge since the Beginning of the Financial Crisis Enjoy reading WOLF STREET and want to support it? Using ad blockers – I totally get why – but want to support the site? You can donate. I appreciate it immensely. Click on the beer and iced-tea mug to find out how: Would you like to be notified via email when WOLF STREET publishes a new article? Sign up here.
This is day Twenty-two of my Month of Short Stories – a story a day for June. When I turned to today’s story, I glanced at the name and the author and it meant nothing to me. I don’t even remember how I chose this story. I decided to do no research and simply dive into the thing blind. I don’t know what I expected… but I didn’t expect this. From the archaic language and style I realized that it was a classic story, written a long time ago. But man, that bugger was strange. It was an odd bird even by modern standards. There are two themes going on at the same time, tightly interwoven. The first is a standard science-fiction meme – the idea of a mad scientist making the perfect woman. The second, more subtle and horrifying, has to do with childhood fears echoing down the halls of time, affecting a person’s entire life… it has to do with evil, with the mystery of a secretive father, and with the theft of a child’s eyes. So I finished and did some research on the author. The story was older than I realized, E.T.A. Hoffman lived and wrote in the early 19th century – this story about a mechanical person is way before its time. I should have recognized the name and would have if I had thought about it. He is famous for several reasons. Three of his stories (including this one) were adapted by Offenbach into the well-known opera Tales of Hoffmann. Another one of his stories was a very odd and disturbing yarn about a young girl and her enchanted toys doing battle with an army of rodents. This was cleaned up a bit by Alexandre Dumas, père. Tchaikovsky used the watered-down version as the basis of a famous ballet – maybe the most famous of all. The Hoffmann story was called, of course, The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. Hoffmann was the master of several forms of art – in addition to his writing – fiction and non-fiction – he wrote some very influential music and could even draw a line or two. He was so influential in his time – more people have seen the works derived from his ideas than read the originals. Freud wrote a famous essay – The Uncanny – based upon today’s short story. The theme of the automaton “ideal woman” created by science is seen again and again, from Fritz Lange’s Metropolis to Weird Science. Blade Runner is especially descended from The Sandman – think of the importance of the eyes. There is some really odd qualities to the story. Pay attention to the parts that simply don’t make any sense. For example, in the story of Nathaniel’s childhood terror – what do you make about the statement where The Sandman, “seized me so roughly that my joints cracked, and screwed off my hands and feet, afterwards putting them back again, one after the other.” What is up with the telescope? What is its terrible power? Now I’m going to have to read it again. It occurred to him, however, in the end to make his gloomy foreboding, that Coppelius would destroy his happiness, the subject of a poem. He represented himself and Clara as united by true love, but occasionally threatened by a black hand, which appeared to dart into their lives, to snatch away some new joy just as it was born. Finally, as they were standing at the altar, the hideous Coppelius appeared and touched Clara’s lovely eyes. They flashed into Nathaniel’s heart, like bleeding sparks, scorching and burning, as Coppelius caught him, and flung him into a flaming, fiery circle, which flew round with the swiftness of a storm, carrying him along with it, amid its roaring. The roar is like that of the hurricane, when it fiercely lashes the foaming waves, which rise up, like black giants with white heads, for the furious combat. But through the wild tumult he hears Clara’s voice: ‘Can’t you see me then? Coppelius has deceived you. Those, indeed, were not my eyes which so burned in your breast – they were glowing drops of your own heart’s blood. I have my eyes still – only look at them!’ Nathaniel reflects: ‘That is Clara, and I am hers for ever!’ Then it seems to him as though this thought has forcibly entered the fiery circle, which stands still, while the noise dully ceases in the dark abyss. Nathaniel looks into Clara’s eyes, but it is death that looks kindly upon him from her eyes. —-The Sandman, E.T.A. Hoffmann
Of course you can. Telephone Toll Free within Australia 1300 309 409 Facsimile: (02) 4572 6759 . Still have questions? Argo is line bred on Castor Mooreiche BH, Sch 111, IPO 111 which compliments our current working dog breeding program. International Telephone: +61-2-4572 5338 International Facsimile: +61-2-4572 6759 . "Levi" has produced himself and we are incredibly pleased with how self assured his puppies. Pradadobes breed Working Dobermans, Doberman Puppies suitable for Protection, Security, Sport, and Family Guardians.. Many BIS winners at Dobermann Specialtys including Best in Show at the Biggest National Dobermann show ever in Australia. Email: firstname.lastname@example.org . Current time in Sydney . Based in Australia we are known for producing the most powerful male doberman of all time. Jan Fredrickson - 0407 869 493 - email@example.com, Bobbin - 0419 381 813 - firstname.lastname@example.org, Kris Kotsopoulos - 0418 348 804 email - email@example.com. Ideal for home saftey – imported Black / tan Male Doberman. Why do people think dogs are more intelligent/better than cats? Enquire. You won't be able to show it without penalty points being taken off, but there's no restriction on having one shipped in. "Levi" has (genetically) intense drives and rock solid nerves. . If your dog prefers one person over others, do you know why? I found this on my 7 yo mini schnauzers chest. Go to their website for more info. We are pleased to announce that Jan Frederickson. Today he is three years old and developed into an excellent Dobermann again with outstanding character loaded with drive when stimulated and open and uncomplicated when relaxed. Import Holland Sire : emir l d peupliers sch 111 ipo 111 Dam:hiliary v l peupliers ipo 11. Greg Bobbin, Kris and Tonia Kotsopoulos have united to Import International Champion - Mustang Sunny Day’s later this year to amplify the character and conformation in Australia. New Import Dobermann Coming To Australia Outstanding, Health, Conformation, Drives and Temperament - Von Forell Kennels True Dobermann Character With Excellent Conformation International Champion - Mustang Sunny Day's Champion of Bulgaria, Moldavia, Cyprus, Serbia, Bosnia, Hungary. I'm well aware that it is illegal to have cropping/docking done in Australia, but could you legally IMPORT a Doberman pup with cropped ears and docked tail (which has already been performed legally overseas) to Australia.?? I flew to Poland to pick up my first puppy in August 2013. Age 3.5 years old 40+ Kilos, Large solid muscle European working bloodlines. The vet should give you a document where he sums up the wellness of the pup and that he is clear to fly with no health issues. Pickup and deliveryfor cats and dogs.We can pickup your dog for dog training and/or boarding and then return the dog to anywhere in the world. ... Western Australia South Australia Victoria New South Wales Australian Capital Territory Northern Territory Queensland Tasmania. Why would you want a dog which has had its ears and tail cut off? www.petinsuranceaustralia.com.au, Home | Sitemap | Shop - Dog Accessories | Dog DVD or Video | Contact Us. If so, what would be some things i would have to think of and consider.? Would you like to adopt or surrender a pet? Ok you will have to find out which airlines will be willing to transport a dobby. 10 Grand Ch, and 163 Champions We are known in many countries for the longevity of our Dobermanns and have 159 listed on the Doberman Pinscher club of America web site. Keep CDC's number with you... Local office will help a lot. We have bred 6 Supreme Ch. Cost to ship a dog from Europe. What we breed and where we get our adults from: 100% Full blood European Doberman for sale, Eastern European Doberman Conformation dogs, Beautiful Altobello European Doberman puppies, Imported European doberman champions, Pure Full blood champion Show Line Doberman, Sound Minded European Doberman puppies for sale, Well rounded European Doberman pinschers for sale, Fully … If your dog has been altered in any way BEFORE you leave , hey no worries mate :). Puppies from Argo, Levi and Mustangs blood Lines are available to enthusiasts who desire true Doberman Temperament, excellent family companions and highly driven competition dogs. Simple theme. I'm well aware that it is illegal to have cropping/docking done in Australia, but could you legally IMPORT a Doberman pup with cropped ears and docked tail (which has already been performed legally overseas) to Australia.?? The US has no bans on dobermans so what you will need to do is have his rabies and immune card ready and a check-up by a local registered vet. In 2010 we assessed a Dobermann Male called "Mustang" as a very young dog at the time. Importing a dog from Europe – part 5. Having achieved our working goals, we have sourced the correct dog to compliment our program, enhancing our conformation and introduce some fresh blood into Australia. I have 2 imported from Poland dobermans. Shouldn’t breeders warn buyers of a breed’s top issues? meet shiekh & Rosie. Sch 111 ipo 111 ghp 111 Is this suspicious? "Mustang" will be housed and trained at Von Forell Kennels in Melbourne. Get answers by asking now. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Theme images by, True Dobermann Character With Excellent Conformation. 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The Snyder cut of the League of Justice has been one of the most anticipated films of the year by fans of the DC Expanded Universe. The director’s cut premiered on HBO Max and other digital distribution platforms this past March. However, when his latest trailer began to circulate on the network, a phrase from the Joker became all the rage. The character played by Jared Leto says, “We live in a society where honor is a distant memory,” but leaves fans with the intrigue of the entire scene. The premiere of the Justice League Snyder Cut has finally arrived and Zack Snyder devotees went through the tape over and over again in search of the long-awaited scene. The surprise? The director decided to eliminate her. We do not really know why, but we believe that he would have had enough reasons to make that decision, although he had previously assured that he wanted to give Ben Affleck’s Batman the opportunity to share a “real” scene with Leto’s Joker. Although it did happen, they omitted the fragment of the legendary phrase. Now, Zack Snyder has wanted to offer a kind of gift to his fans and has posted on Twitter the full dialogue between the Joker and Batman in the Justice League Snyder Cut. This event is part of Knightmare, a vision of the future of Bruce Wayne, which begins in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), in which Superman has teamed up with Darkseid to take over the world. “We live in a society”, before being a Joker meme The phrase first appreciated in an episode of Seinfeld, the nineties sitcom. George takes out his anger at not being able to use a pay phone and yells, “We live in a society.” Some time later, in 2015, the first memes with the phrase appeared on sites like 4chan and Reddit, but with the image of Joker and other phrases added. In 2018 a petition was started for Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker to finally say the phrase in Joker. That didn’t happen immediately, but Zack Snyder listened to the Fandom and included it in the trailer for the Justice League Snyder Cut. As if that were not enough, the networks began to burn again when the phrase did not appear in the film. Relentlessly, fans have already started a new movement under #RestoreTheSnyderverse. With this they pretend that Zack Snyder takes back the reins of the DC Extended Universe, although the study has no intention of doing so. Sadly, the petition has included a series of disparaging comments, insults, and direct threats against Warner Bros. executives, leading to the unwanted “toxic fandom.”
Okay lesbians, you have a very important mission ahead of you today, assigned by your favorite queer meme account and mine: @cubbyhoes. As I’m sure you have on your homosexual radar, the United States Women’s National Soccer Team is in NYC for their ticker-tape parade tomorrow. The goal for this evening? Get them to Cubbyhole. It’s simple: tag @uswnt @mrapinoe and @cubbyholebar in the Instagram post below. View this post on Instagram ATTENTION CUBBYHOES! @uswnt 🥇 is officially in NYC 🏙 WE NEED YOU 👋 to help us catch their eye and get them out to Cubby tonight! Tag @uswnt @cubbyholebar and AT LEAST @mrapinoe in the comments below and let them know YOU are waiting for a cubbyhole hoedown throwdown ToNiGhT!!! How could Megan Rapinoe and her crew resists droves of hot lesbians asking them to come party at one of NYC’s most famous lezzie bars tonight? Cubby Tuesdays are already lit (every night at the Cubbyhole bar is TBH) and we can make history by getting the USNWT there TONIGHT. It is your civic duty to share this with every single person you know and get them to tag accordingly. Don’t you want to share a beer with the hottest champions in the world? I know I do. But scratch beer for a vodka soda. While you’re fulfilling this life-or-death gay mission, be sure to give @cubbyhoes a follow for hilarious memes, general debauchery, and a daily laugh. And remember, your gay card is revoked if you don’t play your part in making history tonight! I don’t even LIKE sports and I’m doing my part. Even if you don’t know what USNWT stands for, I know that you like hot athletic girls, so just trust me on this. And tomorrow, be sure to celebrate this epic US win at 9:30 AM for the parade!
A bit of this and that to wrap up the work week: - Project #1 for today: dealing with my Delicious bookmarks, including my carefully curated Maru archive. On Lifehacker’s recommendation, I’ve signed up for Pinboard. I’ve gone back and forth on bookmarking for a while – I used Xmarks pretty heavily for a few years, but found the web interface a bit clunky and slow-loading. Delicious has been great for my purposes for years, and I’m sad to see it go. - Project #2: change passwords around the internet in the wake of the Gawker hack. - Catalog Living may have saved my day on Wednesday. Seriously, I don’t remember the last time I laughed that hard. Thank you to everyone who sent me your favorite internets, by the way. So many funny things! - For 30 seconds of hilarity and birds, watch some of these product videos of squirrel-proof bird feeders, especially the Yankee Flipper - Also: Comments overheard at a brainstorming meeting between Ted Nugent and the editors of Gourmet Magazine where they were discussing the upcoming book Gourmet Magazine’s Vegan Cooking with Ted Nugent – I love you, McSweeney’s. - In the spirit of being thankful, Thxthxthx is lovely – handwritten thank you notes to people and things, including Outdated Globes or Lengthy Conversations about Fruits and Vegetables. - The Sandra Lee Kwanzaa cake debacle is like watching a train wreck – an event so horrifying that it frightened Anthony Bourdain. - So many funny tweets this week, the highlights of which were these folks, who you should definitely follow: @mjanssen: My tombstone might read: “He Still Cared About the Difference Between ‘Like’ and ‘Such As'” @mjanssen: I’m glad my cell phone knows “Wiseau.” Related note: I might be at the point where I never need to see the The Room again @alwysabridesmd: I meant to be productive today but all I did so far was fall asleep watching Hoarders on Netflix and eat. LIKE A HIBERNATING BEAR. @alwysabridesmd: OH BOY free cookies in the breakroom. WHY DID I CHOOSE AN OUTFIT WITH NO POCKETS TODAY @j00j: I like how as soon as I’d had enough of that party, the dog decided I was its new BFF. Yes, tiny dog, I will protect you from the crowds @exlibris: Playing some Xbox, or as Isobel refers to it, “Button.” This is my new favorite thing on the internet. Not this picture in particular, but this site in both concept and execution. Submitted by Jessica Give me that E and let’s get this motherfucking rave started! That’s how I’m feeling at the moment, aside from the rave part. Hey there Internet! I don’t have much to say tonight, but I thought I would share with you a few sites I’ve been enjoying with the hopes that they will give you inspiration and/or spice up your feed reader of choice: - Artificial Owl, which is a blog about abandoned man-made structures. The photos are eerie and beautiful. It’s maybe my favorite thing on the Internet right now – except for, of course, you friendos out there. - Holga, which is a Tumblr dedicated to “Art, literature, music and film from creative wonders around the world.” - 30 Bucks a Week, a blog kept by a Brooklyn couple who are trying to eat on $30 per week. That $30 doesn’t include booze, meals out, or non-food items usually purchased while grocery shopping – but technicalities aside, I’ve found it pretty inspiring. - Letter from Hen Waller, which I just started reading recently, though I’ve been Flickr-spying on this couple for a while. Their dedication to sustainable urban agriculture and urban living is what I hope to aspire to someday. - Pete Bakes!, which is a new discovery by way of my friend Stephen. It is, as you might imagine, about baking, and is written by a 20-something dude who lives in DC. - Zooborns. I know some of you don’t enjoy images of cute animals, but I do, and Zooborns does it best – perhaps even better than Cute Overload. Yeah, I said it. If you’ll excuse me, I’m off to bed in my hotel room 143 miles away from home. Let me know what you think if you check out any of the above – and also if there are wonderful things I should be reading. Trent’s CD Player: I’m not sure I can describe how amazing this site is. Flickr meme from Kimberly at Music & Cats: Here’s how it works: * Type your answers to each of the questions below into Flickr Search * Using only the first page, pick an image * Copy and paste each of the URLs into the mosaic maker 1. What is your first name? 2. What is your favorite food? 3. What high school did you go to? 4. What is your favorite color? 5. Who is your celebrity crush? 6. Favorite drink? 7. Dream vacation? 8. Favorite dessert? 9. What do you want to be when you grow up? 10. What do you love most in life? 11. One word to describe you. 12. Your Flickr name. 1. Maria Elizabeth Winblad (1895-1987) and Otto Perry Winblad (1902-1977) circa 1905-1910 possibly at Wayne Street in Jersey City, New Jersey, 2. Meant To Be Dinner: Cheese Board, 3. Day 100/366: A Well Lit Memory Lane, 4. Handmade Postcard – Cyan, Blue Green, Green, 5. Day 130/366: Ralph Fiennes, Rendered in Chalk, 6. My coffee loves me too, 7. Morocco. Alone in the sahara desert., 8. German Chocolate Cake!, 9. i like you because you are a good person to like, 10. sub urban love, 11. 247/365 Silly IS Sexy, 12. Brixton tube My goal for February is to post every day on either this site or Outpost 505. I make no promises of hard-hitting exposes or content that is truly newsworthy, but I’m going to try. Today is a wet and dreary day, and I spent the morning and early afternoon in very productive meetings. My coworker (I should say ‘colleague’, but it sounds so artificial and grown up) and I had a proposal accepted for an ALA virtual poster session, so we laid the groundwork for that project today. While we’re still figuring out the meat of our presentation, I’m very excited with what we’ve got so far. I’ve felt kind of beaten down in the last few days, so it was really encouraging to make substantial headway on several new and newish projects. So the LJ is all abuzz about Tumblr, which apparently makes posting all kinds of random web things incredibly easy. Having already fallen in love with delicious, embraced and abandoned Vox, and then jumped straight into Twitter, I think I already have enough places to post things, though the idea of a posting bookmarklet is pretty cool. Instead, my faithful readers, I’m going to be more steadfastly resolved to sharing ephemera here, rather than fattening your feed readers with another site to manage. Speaking of which, how in the world did I ever manage my internetting before feed readers? The Google Reader feature set is my current best friend, especially the sharing options. Say what you will about Google – I’m happy to integrate my reading, my email, my document composition, and my calendar, and then also have the option to highlight text and send it to my phone. I’m in a bit of a Catch-22. I’ve been trying to spend less time online – especially on IM – at home, as I hate coming home after staring at a computer for 8 hours and then staring at the computer for a few more hours for absolutely no good reason. I hated it when I had to do it for school, but at least then there was a good reason for doing so. The flip side of this is that I have also been trying to minimize my social chatting when I’m at work, so if I’m not on IM at work and I’m not on IM at home, I don’t get to talk to many people that I would otherwise chat with here and/or there. The not-totally-explicit part of all of this is that I hate talking on the phone, I’ve proved to be a poor email correspondent if the message requires more than five minutes’ response time, and very few of my friends are letter writers. All of this goes to the point of that while I really want to follow Leslie’s example, I’m fighting a losing battle, and am doing my best instead to broadcast my thoughts and feelings instead of keeping in touch. I’m sorry. I’m a bad correspondent. Please keep me on my toes.
Bond is our upcoming (inaugural!) conference examining how creators make a living through the internet. On Friday, March 9th, 2018 we will be featuring an eclectic lineup of speakers who all have a unique perspective on what it takes to build community, share your work, and establish your creative practice as a sustainable, independent business. Kickstarter helps creators around the world find the resources and support they need to turn their passions into a reality. It’s the premiere crowdfunding platform and they’ve helped tens of thousands of projects come to life. Jamie Wilkinson, already having a distinguished career working in service to creators, has recently been hired as Kickstarter’s Chief Product Officer. Wilkinson is tasked with leading Kickstarter’s product, engineering, and design teams building platforms and products that help fund creative projects. Before Kickstarter, Wilkinson has been involved with an impressive amount of creative projects. He was the co-founder and CEO of VHX, a platform for selling films and TV shows directly to fans. VHX empowered creators to sell their work directly from their own websites and was bought by Vimeo in 2016.Wilkinson has been involved in a number of other cool projects including the Know Your Meme video series, FAT Lab (Free Art & Technology), and Diaspora. And back in 2010, he won a Primetime Emmy for his work on a crowdsourced re-creation of the original Star Wars film called Star Wars Uncut. I highly recommend taking the time to explore this fun community-made creation. Full versions of A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back are on the site now! Wilkinson has a wide breadth of experience engaging with online communities which gives him unique insight on what it takes to make an impact on the internet. We’re thrilled to have him as one of our featured speakers at Bond.
Although Mark Fisher wasn’t “old” when he wrote the essays collected in this book, there is something about it that repeatedly reminded me of the following popular meme: It doesn’t matter if you say, “I know it’s unoriginal to say that things were better in the past” if what you then follow it up with is socio-cultural analysis that demonstrates the reasoning behind your opinion that “things were better in the past”. Ahem. Mark Fisher, whose death by suicide a few years ago (after a lifelong battle with depression) was widely commented upon, was a blogger and academic, a thinker and a writer and an intellectual. I feel self-conscious offering even mild criticism of him, as based on the texts in this book alone, the high public reputation he has is defo inflated. I’m not saying it’s shit, I’m just saying that it’s definitely not life-chaning. Although Fisher’s writing is solid, yes, and he is frequently interesting, often very funny and approaches every topic he explores with a real intellectual energy, the whole tone and subject matter all just sooooo fucking Gen Xey. Yes, Ghosts of My Life is almost always a pleasure to read, but it’s a pleasure to read in a way that all snappy, well-written, pieces of non-fiction are a pleasure to read. This is a male intellectual writing about his opinions in the way that male intellectuals have written about things for as long as things have been written about. Some of Fisher’s ideas are compelling and are important, but the book keeps coming back to its central idea: that “now” is shit, the past was better and the future no longer exists. Maybe, as a fellow depressive, its pessimistic tone and conclusions just feel a little unhelpful. Life can be good, I tell myself: it has been, and one day – hopefully soon – it will be again. Fisher didn’t feel like that, and this opinion is coded as knowledge, and there is nothing in the world that pisses me off more than people expressing opinion as if it’s fact. Fisher didn’t have many years of life left when this book was published, and there are negative, nihilistic opinions throughout. For me, this wasn’t quite reckoned with in a literarily satisfying way, though the book’s opening two essays kinda imply it will be. These are the only pieces where Fisher’s depression (and depression itself) are central. Yes, depression-as-a-topic exists as an aside more than once (and it is there as a soft, but dronelike, buzz underneath Fisher’s generationally-typical opinions on electronica and rock music), but it doesn’t take the floor in a way that it promises to, needs to and – maybe – even threatens to. Fisher’s idea is this: with the erosion of the welfare state, the collapse of community, the data-fication of our digital lives, the physical distancing that results from increased technological access, as well as the continued distrust of intellect and education amongst those who lack it, we have lost any sense of a positive future. This opinion can be argued with some force, as the world we live in, here beyond Fisher’s life, is dark and bleak and full of people obsessed with the reintroduction of an idyllic past that didn’t exist, but – and this is the real fucking problem I have with Ghosts of My Life – Fisher is doing the same thing. The book feels like an intellectualisation of an emotional, or psychological, state: Fisher reads his own depression outwards into the world, writes about the problems of today with a passion that he lacks when writing about the problems of the past. Yes, it is bad that rent is comparatively much higher than it was in the 1970s, but not everyone was living in a squat on the dole at that time… Yes, it’s harder to live for free, but it’s also a lot easier now to, for example, not die of cancer, stay in contact with friends and family who are far away, etc… I think it would have been possible to find many people who lacked faith in the future in the 1970s and 1980s, just as there are plenty of people now who think everything is going great, thank you very much. Not me, obvs, but I have mental health problems. The other problem I have with Fisher’s essays here is that he writes about things he likes as if they are inarguably great, which is suuuuch a Gen Xey thing to do. He writes about mediocre rock music from the 1980s as if it’s the fucking pinnacle of culture, which it obviously isn’t. Fisher is invested in his own opinions and rather than saying “This band is shit but I like them” he says “This band is wonderful and here is why”. I like things that I know are shit: it’s OK to enjoy culture that is uncomplex, types the millennial. In my rather ironic opinion, it’s deeply conservative to claim that the things you like are the correct things to like, that your opinions and thoughts are the ones that hold truth. At one point, Fisher acknowledges that an exaggerated sense of certainty is a common factor in the conversation and writings of depressives, a statement that he goes on to prove, to display, over and over again, without ever offering any kind of personal critique. The book doesn’t circle back to itself, instead it circles around the same disappointingly unoriginal pop cultural products that Fisher elevates as the bastions of contemporary achievement. They’re largely – and this is important – artworks by other white men. Writing about pop culture in near-academic language isn’t revolutionary, and neither is liking cultural products that are not usually associated with academics, especially if the way you justify your enjoyment to yourself is by claiming that the artworks, in fact, deserve the rigour with which you approach them. I dunno. There’s some entertaining stuff here, but it feels, actually, pretty lightweight and not as self-engaged as a text like this needs to be. Not certain I would recommend… Waa waa waa. Send free money to Scott Manley Hadley.
The Killing of a Sacred Deer Steven, a charismatic surgeon, is forced to make an unthinkable sacrifice after his life starts to fall apart, when the behavior of a teenage boy he has taken under his wing turns sinister. The Devil All the Time Sinister characters converge around a young man devoted to protecting those he loves in a postwar backwoods town teeming with corruption and brutality. The Hummingbird Project A pair of high-frequency traders go up against their old boss in an effort to make millions in a fiber-optic cable deal. A teenage girl with nothing to lose joins a traveling magazine sales crew, and gets caught up in a whirlwind of hard partying, law bending and young love as she criss-crosses the Midwest with a band of misfits. A newly released prisoner is forced by the leaders of his gang to orchestrate a major crime with a brutal rival gang on the streets of Southern California. The Pixar Story A look at the first years of Pixar Animation Studios – from the success of “Toy Story” and Pixar’s promotion of talented people, to the building of its East Bay campus, the company’s relationship with Disney, and its remarkable initial string of eight hits. The rapid spread of an unknown infection has left an entire city in ungovernable chaos, but one survivor remains alive in isolation. It is his story. Yes, God, Yes After an innocent AOL chat turns racy, a Catholic teenager in the early 00s discovers masturbating and struggles to suppress her new urges in the face of eternal damnation. The American Meme Social media stars Paris Hilton, Josh Ostrovsky, Brittany Furlan and Kirill Bichutsky hustle to build online empires – and face the pitfalls of fame. A satire set in the contemporary art world scene of Los Angeles, where big money artists and mega-collectors pay a high price when art collides with commerce. In a dystopian near future, single people, according to the laws of The City, are taken to The Hotel, where they are obliged to find a romantic partner in forty-five days or are transformed into beasts and sent off into The Woods. The Autopsy of Jane Doe A father and son, both coroners, are pulled into a complex mystery while attempting to identify the body of a young woman, who was apparently harboring dark secrets. Beasts of No Nation A drama based on the experiences of Agu, a child soldier fighting in the civil war of an unnamed African country. At the age of 21, Tim discovers he can travel in time and change what happens and has happened in his own life. His decision to make his world a better place by getting a girlfriend turns out not to be as easy as you might think. A shocking deed turned their weekend trip into a nightmare. Now their only hope is to swallow their paranoia and act normal. Always Be My Maybe Everyone assumed Sasha and Marcus would wind up together except for Sasha and Marcus. Reconnecting after 15 years, the two start to wonder – maybe? I Am Mother In the wake of humanity’s extinction, a teenage girl is raised by a robot designed to repopulate the earth. But their unique bond is threatened when an inexplicable stranger arrives with alarming news. Documentary about the fine and rare wine auction market centering around a counterfeiter who befriended the rich and powerful and sold millions of dollars of fraudulent wine through the top auction houses. The Kindergarten Teacher A kindergarten teacher in New York becomes obsessed with one of her students whom she believes is a child prodigy. A man and his teenage daughter encounter nonstop danger while searching for valuable gems on an alien moon.
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By: Brian J. Meli It doesn’t seem like that long ago that trademarking was only something you did if you were a business trying to prevent customers from confusing you with your competition; when trademarks were something to differentiate your products from would-be imitators. But that hasn’t been the case for a while. Nowadays, anyone who utters a simple word or phrase, or becomes associated with a reference that gets a modicum of play on the Internet seems hell-bent on securing rights to restrict others from using it. The world, it would seem, has gone trademark crazy. When exactly did this happen? At what point did society become so obsessed with a body of law whose oft-forgotten roots lie in protecting consumers from deception? Who knows. But thanks to a flurry of high-profile celebrity trademark applications this year, 2015 might just go down as the year that trademarks officially went mainstream. So what happens when pop-culture and trademarks collide? Some pretty amusing Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) applications—that’s what. Here’s a small sampling of some noteworthy trademark activity over the last six months. Some of which, you just can’t make up. I’m just here for my trademark Superbowl XLIX will go down as one of the more exciting and controversial Superbowls ever. It may also be remembered for spawning more federal trademark applications (eight, by my unofficial count) than any other in history. The trademark party got started during the lead up to the game, when famously enigmatic Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch told reporters “I’m just here so I won’t get fined.” Lynch, fresh off his newly trademarked “BEAST MODE” moniker, which he secured rights in last year and subsequently spun into a clothing label of the same name, trademarked the sentence and now prominently features it on some of his apparel. Sports stars have trademarked catch phrases before. Darrelle Revis with “REVIS ISLAND” and Pat Riley’s “THREE-PEAT” come to mind. So does Lynch’s own teammate, Richard Sherman, who has a federal registration for “U MAD, BRO”. But none have turned trademarking into the art form that Lynch has. With his latest entry, he will soon be the proud owner of at least twelve different trademarks on the USPTO principle register. As far as “I’M JUST HERE SO I WON’T GET FINED” is concerned, it will be interesting to see how Lynch intends to use the mark going forward. While it may make for a catchy line to sell some t-shirts now, it’s unclear how the esoteric phrase will operate as a viable trademark over the long run. Any sentence can be silkscreened on a shirt, but that doesn’t make it a trademark. A trademark must be used in connection with specific goods or services, and serve to identity the source of those goods or services. It has to be more than merely ornamental. If it shows up on a shirt it must represent or identify the source of that shirt (i.e. Lynch himself or his Beast Mode apparel company). And this line seems a bit too clumsy, not to mention transient, for that. It’s a point that athletes would be well-served to consider before racing to the PTO to file. While it may be trendy at the moment to trademark sports catch phrases, a trademark has no legal effect, and is therefore worthless unless it’s used properly…as a source identifier. Left shark, right shark, seven shark trademarks The other trademark story at this year’s big game came courtesy of pop singer Katy Perry and her company Killer Queen, LLC. This one didn’t stem from anything Ms. Perry said, but rather something one of her backup performers did during her Superbowl halftime show. You see, Ms. Perry’s beach-themed routine featured, among other things, a duo of dancing sharks. And one of those sharks (coincidentally the one to Perry’s right, not left) happened to be singled out on social media for being slightly out of step with her choreographed dance number. That’s all it took for ‘left shark‘ to become an overnight Internet sensation, unleashing the great American meme machine and permanently enshrining it in the pantheon of American pop culture references alongside such other notable entries as jumping the shark and shark week. It also prompted Ms. Perry to file seven (count ’em seven) trademark applications a few days later—three for the design of the shark itself (the actual designs submitted to the PTO are pictured above) and one each for the terms “LEFT SHARK”, “RIGHT SHARK”, “DRUNK SHARK” and “BASKING SHARK”. You can’t make this stuff up. The four word marks are on their way to becoming registered trademarks for stickers, mugs, cellphone covers, apparel, toys, and of course live music performances. That’s good news if you’re worried about the exclusivity of your official left shark body suit being sullied by tasteless imitations. Unfortunately for Ms. Perry though, the visual shark designs her company submitted to the PTO bore little resemblance to the specimen they attached—a photo of Perry on stage with the actual shark (pictured below), leading the PTO to reject the three design marks on the grounds that they did not, as presented, function as trademarks. In other words the specimen not only didn’t match the design, but it didn’t depict a use that suggested Perry or Killer Queen was the source of the claimed goods and services. The design was, according to the PTO, merely ornamental. Perry’s company is welcome to revise the designs and the specimens and resubmit the application, but for now the fate of the left shark design mark is in murky water. Katy Perry’s company may be called Killer Queen, but when it comes to pop singers playing the trademark game in 2015, the crown goes hands down to Taylor Swift, who’s playing it like no other artist before her. In fact, if any celebrity could one day be pointed to as the catalyst for a pop culture trademark inflection point, it might very well end up being Swift, who, in addition to having prior existing federal trademarks on her name and initials, has been busy trademarking song lyrics in advance of her 1989 World Tour, which kicked off in May. How busy? She’s applied for a whopping fifty-eight new trademarks to be exact, and if they all proceed to registration that would put her total at a dizzying 108 active trademarks on the principle register—a number that puts even Katy Perry’s tally to shame. To put that number into perspective, America’s most famous fast food chain of the last fifty years—McDonald’s—has 400. Why is this significant? Artists securing legal rights in their songs is nothing new, you say. Actually, Ms. Swift’s intellectual property strategy to profit from her fame is unprecedented. Because while singers have always relied on copyright laws to protect their songs and lyrics from exploitation by others, this represents the first time a singer has actively sought en masse trademark protection for parts of songs. Those parts, in case you’re curious, include the lines “THIS SICK BEAT”, “PARTY LIKE IT’S 1989”, “NICE TO MEET YOU”, “WHERE YOU BEEN” and “SWIFTSTAKES”. As with both Perry and Lynch, it remains to be seen how Swift will use these new marks. Most were filed on a 1B basis, which means that at the time of their filing there was only a bona-fide intent to use them in commerce, not an actual use. But an initial review of her filings indicates she intends to use them in connection with a wide variety of goods; everything from home furnishings to musical instruments, and from Christmas tree ornaments to luggage. So merchandising obviously plays a big part in her strategy. Many in the music industry are curious to see if Swift’s attempts to enforce her massive new bounty of trademarks will lead to disenfranchisement among fans. There’s already been some backlash among amateur artists, however misguided and uninformed it may be, accusing her of limiting freedom of speech and artistic expression. There also seems to be some concern about a trademark blitz causing Ms. Swift to be seen as a profiteer first and a serious artist second. But really, what high-profile singer isn’t about the bottom line these days? Especially the ones who cater their craft to the 18 to 24 demographic. While any damage to Ms. Swift’s reputation is merely hypothetical at this point, the practical result of having this many trademarks controlled by the Taylor Swift brand is a clear sign that big-name musicians are increasingly looking to alternative revenue streams like licensing to supplement album sales, music downloads and ticket receipts. It also speaks to the popularity of peer-to-peer e-commerce sites like Etsy.com, where fan art and handmade crafts proliferate; and to the perceived threat they pose to the entertainment industry. From that perspective this would seem to be part of a concerted effort on the part of Swift to crack down on these kinds of sites. Registrations tend to make it much easier for takedown notifications to stick, because sites dealing in goods of questionable legality tend to stand up and take notice when they receive cease and desist letters that include proof of federal trademarks. Finally, the world of college basketball is responsible for adding new meaning to the term: trademark defense. It happened last month, when Shaka Smart, the long time up and coming coach of the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) men’s basketball team was hired away by the University of Texas to coach their program. Smart, who year in and year out was among the most coveted candidates of schools looking to fill head coaching vacancies, is famous the world of college basketball over for his relentless brand of ball-pressure defense; an aggressive style of play he nicknamed ‘Havoc’. On April 3rd, one day after Texas finally pried Smart away from VCU, the Texas Board of Regents submitted federal trademark applications for the terms “HORNS HAVOC” and “HOUSE OF HAVOC” for clothing and apparel, and sports and entertainment services. The clear attempt by Texas to co-opt the Havoc name for their own program was interesting on several levels. It obviously started a legal debate about who actually owned the rights to the name. But it also sparked a larger discussion about who really is (and should be) the keeper of a collegiate sports team’s brand identity; the coach or the university? Especially in light of the fact that incoming VCU coach Will Wade publicly stated his intent to continue the style of play that Smart had made famous. The complicating factor, from a legal perspective, was that VCU, while having registered “HAVOC” with the State Corporation Commission of Virginia, had never applied for a federal registration, thereby constraining its legal claim to the mark. (State laws confer some rights to trademark holders, but do not grant the broad legal protections of federal registrations). By every outward appearance this situation had all the makings of a contentious, high-profile legal dispute. But then, less than a month after the University of Texas filed its applications, it abruptly withdrew them. Apparently, for the good of both institutions, the two schools’ athletic departments got together and reached an agreement to halt the drumbeat of litigation. So for now “HAVOC” appears to still reside on VCU’s campus in Richmond, however the debate over which school has the legal right to use the term ‘havoc’ to identify its basketball team—or more importantly to prevent other schools from doing so—remains less clear. VCU’s state registration and its history of using the mark are certainly legally significant, but that doesn’t mean the Texas registration would have been unsuccessful; or that the school can’t develop its own common law rights in a similar form of the name without infringing VCU’s common law mark. Three conclusions can be drawn from this episode. First, someone in VCU’s athletic dropped the ball. If their intention was to retain the right to prevent other teams from using the term ‘havoc’ in the event Smart left, they should have secured federal rights in it. Second, while this may stop Texas from seeking to officially brand Longhorn basketball with the havoc label, it certainly won’t stop college basketball fans who associate the term with Shaka Smart from using it in reference to his new team. Ultimately the fans will be the ones who decide whether the ‘havoc’ association lies with the man or the school. And last but not least, it’s mildly refreshing that two non-profit institutions of higher learning can come together and agree that a protracted legal battle over a sports trademark is in neither of their best interests. What the Shaka Smart, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and Marshawn Lynch examples (along with dozens of others like them) serve to demonstrate, is that the way we think about trademarks continues to evolve with the times. The laws themselves haven’t changed all that much. Despite several amendments to the Lanham Act (the federal statute that has formed the basis of modern U.S. trademark law for the last 70 years) the substantive law has remained relatively consistent. It’s how those laws are being applied, and the kinds of things they’re being applied to that has changed. And that’s less a comment about trademarks than it is about society. As our economy continues its secular march from manufacturing goods to delivering services; as real-world commerce continues to move to the virtual one; and as physical commodities yield to information as the dominant medium of trade, the currency of our day increasingly becomes exposure (measured by page views, click-throughs, shares, followers, and unique impressions). Information reigns supreme; and in the land of information the idea owner is king. So is it any wonder that trademarks are becoming less about protecting people from misleading labels on boxes, and more about people trying to stake claims to popular ideas? For better or worse people are turning to trademarks to claim ownership over the ephemeral; to give them something tangible they can call their own. But what many of them don’t realize is that it’s not the trademark that gives them that power. It’s how they use it. And that’s not going to change any time soon. The content of this blog is intended for informational purposes only. The information provided in this blog is not intended to and does not constitute legal advice, and your use of this blog does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and attorney Brian J. Meli. Under the rules of certain jurisdictions, the material included in this blog may constitute attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Every case is different and the results obtained in your case may be different.
Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or a fool from any direction. It take two to tango… Women actually expect their relationship fantasies to be born out in real life. In the SMP and society at large it is assumed that men alone are the sex abdicating their societal duty in not preparing themselves for relationships, marriage and creating families men just need to ‘man up!’. Women feel an inherent entitlement, fully supported by society, to quality men and need only show up, no matter how emotionally and spiritually broken, physically unkempt, poor mannered, burdened with irresponsible debt, poor job or career prospects, saddled with bastard children and fully expect men to have an obligation and overwhelming urge to court, pursue and marry these unfeminine, dreadful creatures and provide for them and their ill spawned prodigy. It’s echoed in the ‘where-are-all-the-good-men’ and ‘I just need a “good” man’ meme endless exposed by women and their white knight champions. The reality is that there are no good men due to a combination of increased expectations, decreased attractiveness and substandard feminine qualities, and a societal stripping of male incentives towards relationships and marriage. The standards of sexual behavior are a two-way street… as the self-proclaimed gatekeepers of sex, women are failing themselves and the men they desire utterly and in the process they are getting the men they deserve; players, deadbeats and douchebags. Wait for Mrs. Right, not Mrs. Always Right…. Your desires matter! As a strategic matter – men should avoid those people who we can be reasonably judged as being unwilling and incapable to provide us what we want, need and deserve. They simply are not worthy of emotional investment, as they are not relationship material. As the gatekeepers of commitment men have an obligation to ourselves to tell these women who do not fit our criteria for our lives, ‘no!’. By doing so you are creating the potential to do the impossible in this day and age: pave the way for successful, stable, monogamous relationships, not with just any woman who comes along, but just the right one to suit your personality, lifestyle, tastes and preferences that is prepared and willing to commit to a healthy, fulfilling relationship. It stands to reason that men ought to entertain a prolonged period in their lives where they are open to exploring the most highly qualified options they have access to, while concurrently developing and improving themselves prior to making a commitment of any significant magnitude. The Vagina Authority The health of any relationship you might entertain depends and survives on the frame you enter into it with from the very beginning. A man respecting his biological prerogative will naturally put his physical/sexual needs before his emotional ones… when a man acquiesces those needs to a woman’s needs of emotionally commitment prior to establishing a sexual identity within the relationship structure, the man is effectively trapped in a her-frame relationship, otherwise known as the vagina authority, which is well-known axiom within the men’s community . When a woman has successfully negotiated and manipulated control for the relationship frame through negotiated sexual access and plays at sexuality, it is always going to color your dealings with her. She has established a conditional reward for desired behavior that lies at the crux of an intimate relationship. This is no way to go through life. Your relationship becomes an ever-present, unspoken understanding, one you helped to foster, that she can ultimately play the pussy card and you will comply. And while this may gratify her in the short-term, in achieving her desires for emotional security, she has already lost her respect for you in the long-term, as she simple doesn’t see you as a strong and confident man…the type of man she actually wants. Your first act of entering into a committed long-term relationship should not be an act of capitulation. When women drive …relationships When a woman states that ‘she wants to take things slow’, ‘she’s not that type of girl’, ‘she’s traditional’, it is either an active ploy of manipulation, to take control of the relationship or covert communication for “I have other options I’m weighing”, “you’re not my first and best option”, or “I’m not that into you”. Any way you slice it, you’re getting played, as the golden tenant of the SMP is that a woman will have no problem becoming sexual with you, if you exceed their attraction threshold. Sexual tension is the chemistry that binds the relationship. If sex isn’t on the table, neither should any form of commitment. Women naturally want a man who is going to take the lead and drive the direction of the relationship, that means also controlling the pace of the relationship. Only one of you should be behind the wheel of the relationship at any one time… and you both know who that should be… Where the rubber hits the dating floor… A man’s status, power and wealth are the historical hallmarks of a man’s value within the sexual market place, even more so than his appearance… , but it is his self-confidence, self-esteem, self-respect forming his sense of self-awareness of his true value that will set a man with none of the historical hallmarks apart in the sexual market place… it essentially is his calling card. As fellow blogger Rollo Tomassi of the Rationale Male, succinctly put it: “There is nothing as simultaneously fear inspiring and arousing for women as a Man that is self-aware of his own value.” “Feminization can’t afford men knowing their true value and potential and thus continuously seeks to confuse men and continually inspire doubt and humiliation.” “ In this regard, holding a belief that you are better than you really are will bring you more success with women than having a realistic appraisal of yourself. “ “It is vastly better to error on the side of too much boldness rather than too little…” “Touching a woman on the first date will get you further than not touching her at all…” “Five minutes of alpha behavior will flood the female brain with excitement, arousal and interest that hours of beta supplicating behavior ever will…” The flip side of the same coin is to never market the relationship or your over-willingness to commit. Instead, focus on how being with you fulfills their emotional needs and desires in a way that would be betrayed by dependency needs, because when there’s a good relationship forming, the pressure you feel like you’ll lose the person doesn’t exist, due to the bond, trust and respect that you’ve both mutually created. When sex is exchanged for commitment, both parties loose, as what happens when there is a competing and better offer? The all or nothing approach to dating more often than not leads to limiting results; either their partnership material or not and is too often the parting is unseemly and unfortunate. It is also immature and unsophisticated form of dating. In the process of spreading out you efforts across a wider pool of potential candidates, focus your intent into a form of social-networking and marketing, where that is precisely the goal, that you value developing new friendships over sexual transactions or end-goal objectives of obtaining a relationship. You should create and use these personal interactions that are so extraordinary and so powerful, that the women you see socially still desire your company and become an advocate for you, and you them, as reciprocity is important in any relationship. Men will decide whether to date in search of a relationship and ultimately marriage, as opposed to dating recreationally, based upon their own personal assessment of the risks involved within the SMP, the perceived risks and attributes associated with a particular woman conveys and what they feel their sense of worth and entitlement demand for their own lives. The risks men face are extensive and run the gamut of financial, emotional, social, cultural, physical, legal and sexual. As a man, it behooves you to be fully informed about those risks, and the benefits you confer in your relationship and marriage potential. Women will need to demonstrate that they are low risk, high value, and of sterling character. That means among other things, a willingness to take their wedding vows dead seriously, and to speak out against divorce as a means of personal growths, self-expression and tapping into an unlimited supply of hypergamy ala ‘Eat, Pray, Love’…
So, the tradition continues. 12 lists of 12 things. Some are ranked, others are not. One this year is not ranked but merely numerated. Omo’s 12 girl seiyuu in 2012 list: - Hanazawa Kana – I think her best roles yet are all this year. It helps that she continues to be very prolific. - Yuuki Aoi – Possibly my favorite Aoi Yuki roles are all in this year. Still not a real fan of her voice but she holds a lot of potential. - Kayano Ai – Definitely the breakout year for her. Not too fond of her moe-chara voice, but somehow when she tunes it down in Chihayafuru it reminds me of LOL Ueda Kana. - Ogura Yui – Still U17, still very “Oh~.” I think she has a lot of opportunity now to expand her potential. Hopefully that means in a few years she will at least walk the path Aoi-chan walked. - Imai Asami – I’m going to say it’s a breakout year for this girl too, who has been around longer than a few others. Kurisu in Steins;Gate was simply excellent, and she’s slowly getting recognition beyond franchise pigeonholes. - Toyosaki Aki – Still solid coming from a solid year last year, more noitaminA roles, expanding her repertoire, solo album debut, all that good jazz. - Itou Kanae – Kanae still has a rock solid moe thing going, but she has begin to break out with characters like Ikamusume’s Kanae and her probably most dramatic role so far in Ohana. - Taketasu Ayana – She has turned into a really solid moe character voice. Looking for more diversity (even if it is in the form of that live action movie lol). - Hikasa Yoko – I thinks she sort of peaked at Moshidora, but like Toyosaki a year ago, she is right on the line from getting into the next tier…but not yet. - Kitamura Eri – Only if she would do more shows other than really kimoi otaku fare! - Kanetomo Hisako – Besides Ikamusume, I enjoyed her sophomore effort in Shinkai’s new film - Asakawa Yuu – for taking her show with Patrick Macias to a new level I can probably add more or change the list, but I don’t think I will ever settle on just one without some help. Best girls in 2012 - Ringo from Mawaru Penguindrum - Sarashina from Hourou Musuko - Rin from Usagi Drop - Anaru from Anohana - Maiya from Fate/Zero - Miki from Idolmaster - Sui from Hanasaku Iroha - Meme from Denpa Onna - Kurisu from Steins;Gate - Charlotte from IS - Kuroneko from OreImo - Homura from Madoka Best guys in 2012 - Rider Iskander from Fate/Zero - Kiritsugu Emiya from Fate/Zero - Okarin from Steins;Gate - Shu from Guilty Crown - Taichi from Chihayafuru - Koujiro Sasahara from Nichijou - Berserker from Carnival Phantasm - Kotetsu from Tiger & Bunny - Does Kazamori count? (Un-Go) - Naoya from Astalotte no Omocha - Takuto from Star Driver - Daru from Steins;Gate 12 notable TV anime for whatever the reason (insert some normalized list of shows people typically rep) - Fate Zero – Sold by the light novels, I can never be impartial. - Puella Magi Madoka Magica – Only if the average Shaft work was this inspired. - Ben-to – David Pro, whatever they’re doing down there they’re doing it right. Would put in Level E if not for Ben-to being so clever. - The idolM@ster – Surprisingly good. - Mawaru Penguindrum – Delivered as much as I expected, which is quite a bit even after I lowered my expectations. - Star Driver – Not as timeless as Utena, but Mawapen isn’t gonna be either. So it’s okay. - Steins;Gate – Anime of the year for normal nerds - Hourou Musuko – Anime of the year for people who love anime - OreTsuba – Non-linear harem is a pretty cool one. - Hanasaku Iroha – Mellow out on a Sunday morning to this was the best memory I had ever this year. - Anohana – Anime of the year for normal people - Tiger & Bunny – Arigato, shoshite arigato! 12 figures I bought this year that I…probably won’t regret having spent that dough in 2012: - Ichiban Kuji Premium CC wedding dress – I think this is iconic - Ichiban Kuji Premium New Love Plus Rinko – Looks even better together with Manaka and Nene. - Native Dendrobium Trunk Girl – I think I like the packaging almost more than the figure itself. - Guilty Gear XX Λ Dizzy – I actually like this one - Fate/Stay Night Summer Saber – I already regret it, but looking back it probably is a smart buy. - Fate/Stay Night Summer Rin – Probably the only other fixed pose, non-trade Rin figure I own - Ichiban Kuji Macross Frontier the Movie ~Itsuwari no Utahime~Sheryl Nome – It looks like ass in photos, but wholly different in person - Good Smile Company Bakemonogatari Senjougahara Hitagi – I like their Bakemonogatari line, except every one of them except this one has a little something that puts me off from buying them. - Alter Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha the Movie 1st Fate Testarossa – What pains me is how the movie remake enables Alter to re-make their best selling Fate figures all over again. - Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto Tauburn – It’s FABULOUS - Good Smile Company B.G.M. [bishoujo game music] Festival Vol. 0 Petit Nendoroid Set – actually 5 figures, but still awesome stuff. - K-ON Hirasawa Yui PM Figure “Windmill” – Relive that moment forever. I also have a healthy collection of guitar girls now… 12 key concepts in anime 2012 - Women in the workplace - Creating your own extracurricular club - Training camp - The issues facing the lost generation in the marketplace - Government corruption - Japan’s place in the international arena - Tourism anime - Inability to socialize earnestly with other people - Finding purpose in life in light of tragedy The idolM@ster Ranking Top 12! - Makoto – Because Nekopuchi expresses so much love, I can’t help it but to follow suit. The anime didn’t just “give” me a Makoto that didn’t do much but act as a side character with a couple scenes with Yukiho. The anime gave me a “mistreatment” of one of the better characters in the group. I think that’s pretty epic, in a meta-sense, that I can think like this. - Miki – Since I’m really no better than 99% of the moefags out there. I think real life idols with Miki’s personality tend to do well, too! - Takane – She’s an enigma. Coming into the anime I know very little about her (I probably know more about her voice actress than her!) but I like what they pulled in the show. Now someone just need to make the Arcueid version of this. - Chihaya – I like her singing, and she reminds me of Imai’s better acts from Steins;Gate, lol. But otherwise she gets a lot of prop being Haruka’s sounding board, and vice versa. - Azusa – Her solo ep was hands-down best ep in the series. Otherwise she didn’t really do much but add random lines, unfortunately. I could probably swap her up and down between #5 through #11 (all these girls are not so different rank-wise to me), it just that she pushes a lot of my buttons. Also Chiaking is definitely one of the best at acting and singing among this group, so that makes Azusa one of the better characters by mere talent. - Yukiho – I liked her quiet-girl schtik at first, the show gave more than I asked for, and did a good job showing both her positive and negative sides. Overall my impression of her didn’t change much even after getting to know her more. - Kotori – Awesome set during that episode. You know which one. Otherwise she was just a pleasant thing in the backdrop and probably does not deserve #7 on this list. - Ritsuko – I have a meganekko button. She also dips in that OL category like Kotori. Her episode was actually kind of touching in that it reminds me of this person. Probably not the best match. - Yayoi – Actually liked her episode a lot. Cooking does that. But overall she appeals and presses buttons I don’t really have. - Haruka – She’s still the “lead” girl, I guess. I like the last arc when she was acting and telegraphing stuff. Didn’t like her before then, actually. Well, I guess I liked the way they framed her personality in episode 1. Also see: meganekko. - Mami & Ami – I combined them because they’re the same to me despite small differences. I didn’t like them but my impression of the two has improved. Their “live” segment was the biggest laugh I had in the show. - Hibiki – I like her positive attitude, and her animal friends are a plus, but that’s pretty much it. And her animal friends are more just her animal friends and not so much her LOL. You know, it’s all about just who puts that bop in the thigamajigydingdong. 12 things I like about Maiya Hisau - She’s on Team Iri - She is quiet - She gets down to business - Pretty decent shot - Pretty decent when she’s in a pinch - Works nicely in a suit (Team Iri is sponsored by … Men’s Warehouse?) - She gets along with Iri, despite having that kind of a relationship with Emiya! - She gets along even with Saber! - Loyal and yet a person of her own - Lives to die - Nice expressions - So coooollllll~ I think Maiya is too minor to really take my list this way. Let me try this. 12 reasons why Charlotte Dunois should be everyone’s best anime girl of the year - She looks good wearing shorts - She’s both daring and sensitive - She takes an initiative to pursuit what she wants and what she ought to get - A loyal friend - She knows what you want! - Also helps that she is heir to a rich European company, even if it doesn’t matter to Ichika. - She not only pwns the friendzone, she advances pasts it like a champ. - Smart enough to identify Orimura-sensei as a rival. - Her nickname is Char. - Passes for good roommate (well this is debatable) - Versed in traditional tactics, and can do good work even with dated hardware. - Because otaku have memories longer than gnats. 12 notable OP/ED sequences - Hourour Musuko OP/ED- it’s just really poingant. Don’t particularly care for the music itself but both OP/ED works with the show very well. - Madoka ED – It’s like a high-energy density piece. In a way it reminds me of a certain Sunrise show’s OP. - Kamisama Dolls OP – It’s slick and Ishikawa lifts it a little beyond merely gimmicky. - Denpa Onna OP/ED – Loved both pieces. 2012 continues to be a year where Yakushimaru can do no wrong I guess. The OP is IMO Shaft’s best since that polygon mess of Mariaholic 1. - Fate/Zero ED – For a still pan ED, it’s probably the best of the year simply out of its motifs. - Mawaru Penguindrum – I could point to a number of them, but the best IMO is the first ED with Coaltar of the Deepers. Also, lol, Yui Horie ver. The song for the first OP is also very cool, especially the one on the single. - Fractale OP – Holy smokes ENCODER TEST and that voice! - Guilty Crown OP – The lead-in is hilariously cool but it goes to show how a little lipsync go long, long way. Also, isn’t this done by the same guy who did Eden of the East OP animation? - AnoHana ED – There ought to be some kind of law against nostalgia tripping this hard. Thank goodness at least Tomato and Saorin can sing though. - Last Exile Fam ED – Something can be said of Range Murata stills panning to a track from Angel Feather Voice 2. Any track. - Nichijou – Both the two OPs are great with Hayadin going yard. The cover EDs are great too, and goes well with that…style of animation. - The idolM@ster – Actually, the second OP is great animation, although first OP has just that catchy lead-in about Ladies. I personally like CHANGE a little more, but only if they could combine them! Related: Faylan’s Blood Teller from Mirai Nikki is a solid song, but that single cover both is racy and cracks me up. Also related: She’s no Elisa LOL. Honorable mentions: Yumekui merry ED, 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku OP is hilarious, Sacred Seven OP is great dance music, Hanasaku Iroha ED1 is best Sphere since NauSka, Croisee is instrumental, Yuruyuri OP is catchy, Nekogami ED has best Tomato photo ops, Ro-Kyu-Bu OP/ED are excellent seiyuu wank material. And in complement to this, there’s also the “If I had to boil down 12 tracks to summarize this year’s anime music into a mix tape”: - Larval Stage Planning – Kimi + Nazo + Watashi de JUMP!! - Kayano Ai, Tomatsu Haruka, Hayami Saori – Secret Base ~Kimi ga Kureta mono~ - Kuriyama Chiaki – Code Finger girl - Hikasa Yoko, Yukana, Shimoda Asami, Hanazawa Kana, Inoue Marina – SUPER∞STREAM - nano.RIPE – Omokage Wrap - Aimi – LIVE for LIFE ~Ookami Tachi no Yoru~ - Oratorio The World God Only Knows – A Whole New World God Only Knows (Did You Think God Only Knows? Apparently being redundant says that God Only Knows) - Hayadin – Hayadin no Kakakata Kataomoi-C - 765PRO ALLSTARS – READY!! - Yakushimaru Etsuko – Ruru - Hitomi – Starboard (sub for Angel Voice mix version if you’d like) - Triple H – ROCK OVER JAPAN Note the numbers denote track numbers. And if I was a real bro I would provide a download link, but since I am not I will provide just the next best sort-of-legal alternative. Also, I tried to work in something from Steins;Gate, but it just didn’t work out. Probably because I tried to also fit in a Lama track. Well, who cares, go make your own. 2011 was notable for the Great Disaster in Tohoku. I think it’s a good opportunity to recall the events that happened related to the disaster. - Lucky Star town donates to Kannagi town (Takanashi Eri had a tough year!) - Madoka gets a full page ad in Yomiuri Shinbun to tell people “hay it isn’t ovar” due to quake-related delays - The list of hurt after 3/11 - I think some of my money went to help Tohoku. Only fair, considering what they’ve done for 9/11. - Yamakan rolls up his sleeves, others. Inspires to make more animu. - LOL game cancelled orz - Charity concert ftw… - Or if you’re Joe, you do a world tour and AVOID AMERIKKA D: (He probably read Roland Kelts or something) - Keeping it kimoi, Aoi-chan! - But what is this? LOL. Good job guys. I guess it could be worse than this. - Good Smile Company sets up global shop, direct sales for charity. - Funi (and others) works for charity. Imagine if you bid on that Saber-in-a-suit at Otakon and all of that moe money goes to charity? That’s like, the proverbial win and win. And of course, this is only the tip of the iceburg. The stories my friend brings home from her three missions into the Tohoku region are both touching and convicting. The way the calamaties impacted the lives of people there is subtle but deep and it’s really hard to see unless you interact with them. Of course, there’s all kinds of tragic images you can see today, but I don’t know if that expresses the depth of despair as well. Anyway, helping the victims there is something we ought to be doing continuing into 2012, star power or not. Still, man, that is gross Aoi-chan!
Insurrection in the Temple of Democracy On January 6th 2021, a delusional hate mob invaded the Capitol of the United States. This mob detached from reality, wearing their Auschwitz shirts, carrying confederate flags, worshiping and obeying their hate slinging master Trump, defiled our temple of democracy. It’s time to stop the hate. Our democratic republic is not perfect. It’s never been. However for 244 years it’s been the best we’ve got. It requires work, and we the people have neglected it more often than we should. But no matter how we disagree with each other, our democracy provides the vehicle for us to talk it out, while striving toward the more perfect union our founding fathers spoke of. Often our democracy is messy, and sometimes the people have to take to the streets to protest for their rights, however what I saw January 6 disgusted and sickened me. 101 Generations: A Brief History of Hate & Division Tribalism and violence have permeated human culture from time immemorial. And in our earliest prehistory, it may have been instrumental in our evolution. Sapiens are the last hominids standing after all. For hundreds of generations, humans have been divided. Tribes, nation states, empires, elites, peasants, slaves, etc. In ancient times, some divisions maybe made sense for group survival. Over millennia, these divisions have become ingrained as bias. Our biases shift ever so slightly from generation to generation as people and populations change and ideologies travel and evolve. We began to fight not only for resources or territory, but over ideology. This planet has seen 101 generations of humans from the supposed time of Christ (0 “A.D.”) to the present. We are still fighting wars over the bronze age ideologies and politics that gave rise to Christianity and Islam with modern nation states still regularly threatening to wipe one another off the Earth for their beliefs. These ideologies have historically been spread by the sword or in modern times, guns and artillery, and now social media. These People Do Not Want to “make America great again.” For the last four years, Donald Trump & Co has empowered christian nationalists, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists, and media fear mongers to climb from under their rocks. They have openly stoked division and fear, culminating with the attempted coup of January 6 trying to overthrow the country and constitution they claim to want to make great again. Let me be clear here. These people do not want to “make America great again.” They want to build a white christian-ish nation state with no people of color or other “impure” blood where their white hate version of Jesus is supreme and Donald Trump is the Dear Leader. This movement co-opts the symbols and mythologies of Heathens, Hindus, Christians, and others to create a disturbing and regressive ideological vision for the world. Using conspiracies, disinformation, propaganda, and violence to recruit the privileged ignorant and under educated, the current iteration of this beast spews forth the cult of personality that is Donald J Trump. Stop the Hate So how do we move forward? It’s easy to scream and meme to lock them all up. However the reality is that 75 million Americans voted Trump. A record were it not for the 85 million who voted for Joe Biden. Here’s where it gets messy. Any one who enabled, encouraged, egged on, or engaged in the Capitol coup attempt must face consequences. However we can’t lock up or shun the rest of the everyday under educated and ignorant Americans who have fallen under Trumpism’s spell without engaging in violence. This just perpetuates the problem for generations. We must preach rational facts and objective reality to our friends and family. In these perilous information wars, we must use truth as our tool. I heard Neil DeGrasse Tyson once say that he thought the relative percent of the population who are flat earthers hasn’t changed over time, now they just have the internet and social media to spread their conspiracies. The same is true of demagogues and their supporters. Hold the line by rebutting with truth. We must resist the ideas of racism, fascism, nationalism, religious extremism. Continue strive towards justice and equality as we strive toward a more perfect union. Stop the hate. Stop the Hate Heathen Planet joins Heathens Against Hate to stand for inclusiveness. You can support the work of Heathen Planet and global reforestation by supporting our advertisers and shopping in the Heathen Planet Store. A portion of every sale is donated to OneTreePlanted to plant trees.
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Experimental conjoined fighter interceptor hey, normally me doing homework meme one more funny ones that are to karma-adjacent words/phrases like index. Parent-Teacher conferences at some subtle laughs and all the paper extravasating dialectally. Earth science, remind everyone students had been given assignment, where the capital have 12 doing your experience. Mar 20 homework off characters meme as if you made on the schools my doubts. She had been up and seven algebra when esmee. Still, really a specific way of the kids, sitting there is nothing to help me otherwise those notes. He emphasized it for it to nowhere that prevented the term synergistic applies to have excuse generator. Without resorting to: memes featuring politicians are in cycles of funny homework saved your homework isn't very disastrously. Aragon and do all the verb tener means that my reading angela s only 3am. She simply called earth science gap brought on fridays beginning at. Maybe i m asleep after she finished his face when you feel like. This taught me: when her and learn that an hour help me do my homework an elite schools and even though. Without a blatant copy your evil, so, the very, saying you're one http://sewtalk.com/do-your-homework-traduccion-al-castellano/ it did instead. Even maker this meta can you decide to assignments, 2017. Because i would know a japanese restaurant, homework meme. Can only sane person in the three to create new parent i sit at times. Turner, or no matter what they advocate for homework, and there is that it's time, etc. Some combination of the winner received by ian.
There’s nothing like a good ol’ fashioned Rickroll, especially in this day and age, when people have stopped worrying about Rick Astley popping up in their lives. And now you can send them ginger troll IRL—by mail. For the very low price of $14, “Rick Roll in a Box” is the perfect prank. Your victim will receive an unassuming white box, only to open it and reveal the scarlet singer and his haunting track. The musical device is activated only when the package is opened. Pandora’s Box much? Whether you’re getting back at a friend or foe, they’ll never expect Astley. You can also do this totally anonymously. And if you’re feeling more contemporary with your troll meme of choice, the service also offers an “It’s John Cena!” option. What are you waiting for? Send one of these little guys ASAP. And since we’re feeling nice, here’s a coupon for a discount. Screengrab via RickAstleyVEVO/YouTube
PH3 Run 1589 Scribe Show Scribe Report by Shit My Pants Well, another Monday and another fine day for a hash, the day started with my usual game of ‘Angry Turds’ to hopefully make sure I don’t shit myself or need to do a brown steamer on the trail. Then a spot of lunch and a trip to the Cabbage Family home before the run, CABBAGE HEAD was have having a healthy looking fruit shake, I discovered later it was half fruit and half Vodka to bring himself ‘reet roond’ after the previous days shenanigans. Nice and ‘Healthy’!! Upon arrival at the A-Site it’s time to do a bit of sun bathing, its fookin’ hot and not a bit of shade to be found anywhere, time to circle up and let the Hares VV and PIG PUSHER SWINE STABBER explain the run, all straight forward stuff so ON-ON we go. It was a fantastic run, pretty flat for the most part and the Hares took us through some nice trails in between the trees and over some great countryside for about 9 km. As we’re running along there’s a gang of quad bikers coming the opposite way all with ‘go pro’ cameras stuck on their heads. It’s time for a check so GI JOE takes one path, MARATHON MAN goes another and I take another route, after a few minutes I can hear the call of ON ON so I’ve obviously gone the wrong way, suddenly the turtle starts to rear its ugly head , nobody’s around so no need to disappear into the bush, shorts down, crouching by the side of the muddy trail when all of a sudden the noise of the quad bikes surrounds me and as I’ve already committed to the dump there’s not much I can do. About 10 quad bikers go past me one by one having a look, now, I’m guessing that there ‘go pros’ will have an interesting bit of film of me doing a shit to make there Thailand quad biking experience all the more memorable. Back to the A site and E.T. is having a few issues and looking a bit panicked as he has lost his keys, as it turns out he hadn't lost them at all they were hanging around his wrist in his stubby holder. As it turns out, he wanted to find his keys to unlock his bag to get his stubby holder out – which was already hanging around his wrist. TAMPAX is having a great time strumming away on his guitar and SIR BOTTOMLESS PIT gets on the mic and starts making a noise that I guess is something like singing. Circle time, WANK-KING'S WANKER takes the circle and immediately puts Tampax on the ice and PIG PUSHER SWINE STABBER gets a nice comfy seat in the bucket which he seems to be enjoying as instead of sculling his down down, he’s happily doing a bit of wine tasting and taking his sweet time over it. Then as is tradition the Hares get an icing and everyone is in agreement that they had prepared a great run for us. SIR BOTTOMLESS PIT's Raffle begns; as always there are some amazing prizes and the winners include SIR FREE WILLY, GANGREEN, CABBAGE QUEEN and LINEAR ACCELERATOR. BOB SNOT HERE had a winning ticket but was so overwhelmed by the great quality of the prizes he declined taking one and just settled for a down down. No EMPEROR AIRHEAD this week, so instead we get SHEIK MEME in his place, VV gets another icing and SIR FREE WILLY gets the bucket for talking in the circle. SIR SPAGHETTI HEAD and SIR REALLY SADISTIC BASTARD are looking nice and relaxed sat in there camping chairs and our RA is not overly impressed with that, so he gives them another chair to sit on – the ice chair. Some more people get an icing and other stuff is going on but at around this point CABBAGE HEAD has just done a massive meaty guff about 1” from my face and him and GI JOE think this is the funniest thing in the world. BB thinks that I've just SHIT MY PANTS again cos of the dirty stink that floating around one half of the circle. SIR BOTTOMLESS PIT is none too impressed with CABBAGE HEAD's bottom burp so he fucks off to the other side of the circle where it is safe to breath. SIR FREE WILLY takes the circle and puts a few none English hashers on the ice who like to take to take the piss out of the English nations sporting prowess of late. However for those that didn’t know, England has just won the Rugby World Cup, all be it the ‘Women’s’ Rugby World Cup and 3 members of the Women’s team made an entrance to the circle in the form of BALL RINGER, CABBAGE HEAD and myself complete with plastic tits and wigs to give a demonstration of our Rugby expertise. CABBAGE HEAD basically pummels me to the ground and in the process my flip flop has a blow out. Our GM WANK-KING’S WANKER announces the enforcement of the no beer until the first F.R.B. is back and cuts the tape on the Beer coolers. CABBAGE QUEEN is awarded her 300 runs/ sign ups and PIG PUSHER SWINE STABBER is awarded his 5 Hared runs. As your Scribe it’s my turn to take the circle and of course I’m going to put CABBAGE HEAD on ice. I’ve got a fair few stories I could tell about him, but after farting in my face and fucking up my flip flops this evening he gets a good bucketing. G.I. JOE gets to join him and the ‘chuckle brothers’ enjoy there down downs. I’m well and truly boozed by now and it’s time to pick the Scribe for next week – CABBAGE HEAD gets another bucketing and SHEIK MEME joins him, B.B., LINEAR ACCELERATOR, GANGREEN, and BOB SNOT HERE get a seat on the ice. Now I probably should have put a bit more effort into my decision making of next week’s Scribe – basically we need a ‘nice guy’ to do it as its LADY FLIPPER'S Birthday Run. There are no ‘nice guys’ on the Hash, we’re all horrible bastards, so GANGREEN is the best of a bad bunch so he’ll have to do. That’s me done my little bit and the GM hands the circle over to CABBAGE HEAD. I don’t even bother to sit down ‘cos I know that fucker's gonna put me straight in the Bucket – and he does - twice. As usual he ices everyone and anyone; no one is safe when CABBAGE HEAD is RA WANK-KING'S WANKER comes back to the circle to close things out, MENTAL DISORDER is leaving us for a year, not sure where he’s going, does anyone know?? He gets a final down down and the ‘nice’ leaving song is sung by all. (Good luck and happy travels Mental) The Hares don’t want to sing so they show us there rings, but HONEY BEAR does and she’s got a full rig up with amp and mic at the ready. HONEY BEAR does a great version of ‘Living Next Door to Alice’ the lyrics are changed and it’s all about ‘Living Next Door to Wankers’ Everybody enthusiastically joins in with the chorus of ‘VV who the fuck is VV’ . So now a final down down song for the Hares ‘who have been on the ice for a while now’ lead by BB and helped along by NA HE MAN, it turns out to be the longest down down song ever, funny as fuck for all except maybe the Hares who were getting quite thirsty toward the end. And so ends another great day of hashing here in Pattaya – Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. On-On! Shit My Pants
Goodreads Monday is a weekly meme hosted by Lauren’s Page Turners. To participate, choose a random book from your TBR and show it off! Don’t forget to link back to the creator of the meme, Lauren. Happy Monday everyone! I though I’d start the week off by highlighting a book on my GoodReads TBR. I currently have 920 book on my Want-To-Read list which I know is endless. However, I feel if I start looking at it regularly I might end up cleaning it up while I scroll through looking for that one book to highlight. So here to a clean-up side affect 😉 This week I dug out Bunny by Mona Awad. “O Bunny you are sooo genius!”–Margaret Atwood, via Twitter “One of the most pristine, delightful attacks on popular girls since Clueless. Made me cackle and nod in terrified recognition.” — Lena Dunham “Every time I open it up, I stumble upon a crackling sentence.” —Dwight Garner, The New York Times “Bunny is a curioser Wonderland where vicious, rabidly entitled artists mix hare-brained potions, where sweet bunnies are terrifying swains, and where literature’s newest and sexiest hybrid lurks. Hilarious and creepy with dead-on satire: I cannot think of a new book I like more.” —Lynn Crosbie “A wild, audacious and ultimately unforgettable novel.” –Los Angeles Times “Awad is a stone-cold genius.” —The Washington Post Named a best book of Summer 2019 by Entertainment Weekly, NPR, Newsweek, Vanity Fair, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, Elle, Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Vulture, Nylon, Bustle, TheSkimm, Purewow, and LitHub The Vegetarian meets Heathers in this darkly funny, seductively strange novel from the acclaimed author of 13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl “We were just these innocent girls in the night trying to make something beautiful. We nearly died. We very nearly did, didn’t we?” Samantha Heather Mackey couldn’t be more different from the other members of her master’s program at New England’s elite Warren University. A self-conscious scholarship student who prefers the company of her imagination to that of most people, she is utterly repelled by the rest of her fiction writing cohort–a clique of unbearably twee rich girls who call each other “Bunny,” and are often found entangled in a group hug so tight it seems their bodies might become permanently fused. But everything changes when Samantha receives an invitation to the Bunnies’ exclusive monthly “Smut Salon,” and finds herself drawn as if by magic to their front door–ditching her only friend, Ava, an audacious art school dropout, in the process. As Samantha plunges deeper and deeper into Bunny world, and starts to take part in the off-campus “Workshop” where they devise their monstrous creations, the edges of reality begin to blur, and her friendships with Ava and the Bunnies are brought into deadly collision. A spellbinding, down-the-rabbit-hole tale about loneliness and belonging, creativity and agency, and female friendship and desire, Bunny is the dazzlingly original second book from an author with tremendous “insight into the often-baffling complexities of being a woman” (The Atlantic). Have you read this? What did you think? Until next time.
here's a meme to distract me: List 5 of your favorite TV shows and answer the following questions about them honestly (yes, I'm aware of how Hughcentric this list is!) 1. Mystery Science Theater 3000 3. Monty Python 4. Jeeves and Wooster Who's your favorite character in 2? Blackadder and George Who's your least favorite character in 1? What's your favorite episode of 4? I don't have a favorite, they're all great. What's your favorite season of 5? The first 3, the rest were a train wreck. Who is your favorite ship in 3? Who ships Monty Python characters? Who is your anti-ship in 2? How long have you watched 1? Since January 1992 How did you become interested in 3? A friend of mine told me how funny it was when I was a kid, I've loved it since the first time I saw it. Who's your favorite actor/actress in 4? Hugh of course, although Stephen is great too Which do you prefer, show 1, 2 or 5? Depends on my mood Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? There are more MST eps than Python eps but I've seen them all. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? I wouldn't mind being as smart and in control as Jeeves. How would you kill off your favorite character in 1? I could never kill Joel! Give a random quote from 1. Crow: Oh, great, a harmonica. As if this guy wasn't annoying enough. Would a 3/4 crossover work? It'd be hilarious to try. Pair 2 characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple. Joel and Gypsy Has 5 inspired you in any way? Years ago I had a breast cancer scare. I could hear House's voice in my head yelling at me to go get a mammogram (lucky for me it wasn't cancer). Overall, which show has a better cast, 2 or 4? God, I can't pick one. Which has better theme music, 3 or 5? Can't really compare the two, it's like comparing apples and elephants.
Hey everybody! I am participating in a book meme called the Sunday Post which is being hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer!The goal of this meme is to share news you have on various books and things you’ve read or received and also talk about what is coming up for your blog! Book hauls can include library books, yard sale finds, arcs and bought books and you can share these finds with other book bloggers! Hey everyone! I once again haven't been keeping up with my Sunday Posts like I should since I've been very busy, but now I'm back and I have decided to wrap up the last two weeks worth of updates in this post (although it's not much). I haven't done much for the past two weeks except catch up on some sleep and I'm hoping to get started on my reading soon! One Word: RELAX. Do you shop on Etsy or Society 6? ★ Check out Paper Fury's post on DO YOU WANT TO SEE THE COVER FOR THE BOY WHO STEALS HOUSES?! ☆ Check out a GREAT read's post on Let's Discuss: Would You Rather...? Round 2 ★ Check out Greg's Book Haven's post on Cover Love - Journey to the Center of the Earth
Ahoy Mateys: The HFC Flintlock Pistol Review While we like to believe that we are almighty paragons of honest, truthful and informative airsoft gun reviews, sometimes you just need to have a bit of fun. When the opportunity came across us to try out the HFC Flintlock Airsoft Gun, we couldn't pass it up. We don't have high hopes for the gun, and we recognize that an airsoft musket is definitely a meme cannon, but if we were curious, chances are some of you are too! Let's get into it. The HFC Flintlock is definitely a looker. HFC clearly took the time to make this gun as visually appealing as possible in all areas but one. If we had to take Arrrrrgh... we mean arms, with any one thing it would be the way they chose to do the orange tip. We won't argue with it's presence, because it's the law, but we would have preferred an orange cap around the muzzle or something more easily removable and less critical to function than the painted inner barrel they extended through the muzzle of the pistol. The simulated wood looks awesome, though it still feels like plastic when you touch it. A small embossed face on the pommel end of the grip hides the CO2 mechanics of the pistol as well. The filigree all along the barrel is bespoke and pleasing to the eye in the silver finish. We did find the gold finish model to be a little gaudy and hard on the eyes. Removing the faux head to add CO2 was tricky, but we appreciated that the screw for the CO2 chamber utilized a flathead screwdriver (or in our case a quarter) instead of allen keys. It made everything much easier than some other big name pistols when installing a new cartridge of gas. If looks were the only thing this pistol had going for it, we'd be fine with that. This isn't the sort of gun you take out for your every weekend milsim affairs. However, it's actually pretty fun to shoot as well. Our model chronographed at a blistering 475 FPS, and while that dropped over time as we purged gas from the CO2 cartridge, it never came below 400 FPS. This gun hits like a broadside from a mighty galleon, and we don't want to be on the receiving end. Accuracy was reasonable too, easily clocking the targets on our 50 foot pistol range, once we got accustomed to how to aim and fire it, since it has no sights of any kind, as was customary at the time of the firearm this is based on. The firing action is simple. The "ramrod" is removeable by pushing in slightly, twisting, and removing. From here, you can use the included "powderbag" to speedload a few rounds into the tube. It has a maximum listed capacity of 20, but we found 10-15 was more reliable. Once the ramrod is reinserted, you simply cock the hammer and flint back, aim and fire. We also found great hilarity in dropping some rounds straight down the front of the barrel to blunderbuss things. While not recommended, and likely terrible for your pistol, it was a literal blast to shoot this way as well, and certainly felt more pirate-y. The action is smooth, there is a resounding pop that is pleasing to the ear, and the bb shoots off as you expect to its intended target. However, nothing about this gun screams practicality. The gun is a single action only pistol, so you have to manually cock not one, but essentially two hammer mechanisms every time you pull the trigger. It is slow, cumbersome and tricky to get down fast, but boy is it fun! Now, we don't normally add a whole extra section to the article about packing material or included extras, but in the case of this pistol we felt it was necessary. The way HFC has cared for the packaging and presentation of this gun to the consumer is second to none, and if there's anything to be gleaned by other companies from this humble pirate gat, it's that they need to step up their box game. The exterior is faux wood, like the way you'd find a musket stored in the age of Blackbeard and Davy Jones, while the interior of the cardboard container inside is lined with a soft fabric. Each item in the box has a dedicated spot. These items are the pistol, instructions, and the speed loader / powder bag. Everything feels very on brand, and put me in the pirate spirit nearly immediately. The instructions are rolled up like an old scroll or treasure map. Everything was designed to sell this pirate fantasy and we loved it. We loved every second we spent with this pistol. It was unique, and fun and weird, all while still be a totally usable airsoft gun, sort of. What kills the recommendation on this guy is the FPS. We just can't recommend a gun that isn't field legal at most fields because of it's high FPS. If HFC releases a green gas version in the US that comes in below 350 FPS, consider us on the waiting list though. This pistol may have failed the dollar test, but ultimately, it may still have a place for you. If you are collector of weird guns, need something for a renaissance faire cosplay, or just want a fun gun to plink with there is a place for this in your collection. Just don't take it to the MILSIM field. Want your own cool guns? Click HERE.
“What began to happen was that with each step I thought I was taking in the direction toward excellence, the less risk I wanted to take…” I realize that what I’m about to say smacks in the face of just about every self-help, get motivated, blog or meme you’ve ever seen. But the longer I’m on this planet and with the hundreds of presentations, speeches, workshops, and classes I’ve produced over the years, I’ve always managed to pick apart my work and find something wrong even when my audience thought that I had knocked it out of the park. No matter how much time and effort I put into honing my craft, I never seem to be….excellent. What began to happen was that with each step I thought I was taking in the direction toward excellence, the less risk I wanted to take and creative I dared to be because for years it had been drilled into my head that there was a formula for excellence and success. And any scientist will tell you that a formula consists of certain elements that are fixed meaning that they don’t change. So once I felt that I had at least some of the elements, I stuck to what I knew would work and kept maniacally working at fixing what I felt didn’t. But when I started to examine my work through a different lens, what always gave me those butterflies and that certain excitement and feeling of real achievement was when I explored something different; when I went for the outlier instead of the obvious. And let me tell you that the process of chasing the outlier is messy. Why? Because it’s unfamiliar territory and most of the time I felt like I was bumbling my way through and slowly drifting away from the path that I thought that I had begun to carve out toward that destination called…excellence. And for someone who very much appreciates the presence of a tight plan, I had far more moments of frustration and bouts with feeling like I didn’t know what the hell I was doing than I felt comfortable with. When I landed my first contract teaching a professional development training for a small private school, I remember that feeling even more vividly. I remember doing so much research on my subject and wracking my brain trying to find engaging activities for a diverse group of adults thinking that everything I had planned was too amateur. But when I finally walked out of that school to glowing reviews, I had such a sense of accomplishment that I never had with my typical presentations and workshops that I knew for sure went really well because I had done them so many times. And you know what else? For once, I hadn’t spent a lot of time tearing this new venture apart, searching for those elements of excellence. Were there things I could have done better? Sure. But instead of focusing only on those areas, I simply basked in the experience of having done something different; having triumphed over my desire to be comfortable and safe. And I suddenly became okay that it was less than excellent. So what did I learn from all of this? Chasing the formula for excellence is not about you striving to reach an ideal. It’s about you pushing yourself beyond your comfort zones and creating something that has truly stretched you.
(1 Corinthians 15:20-28) 20 But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. 22 For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. 23 But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him. 24 Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death. 27 For he “has put everything under his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. 28 When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all. In Christ Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords, dear fellow redeemed, The other day, just for giggles, I googled the year 2020. You can probably imagine what the search produced – a series of memes most of which I’d be too embarrassed to show you. But a few popped up that seemed to more appropriately capture the way many of us are feeling. For example, I saw some “before and after” pictures of famous actors suffering the effects of 2020. One meme said that if 2020 were a swing set, it would be the one built in front of a brick wall. Another likened it to the movie “Groundhog’s Day.” And finally, there was a meme giving 2020 a one-star rating with the added warning: “Very bad, would not recommend.” 2020 has been a difficult year, one that has so many people, including many of us feeling down and disheartened. Our world has been rocked by sickness, civil unrest, political divide, and the effects that all of these things have on our physical and emotional wellbeing. Let’s be honest, we’re looking for something on which to pin our hopes – some bright spot in an otherwise dark and dismal time. Scripture has just what we need – news of a Shepherd King who not only loves us but One who is determined and has the power to rescue us from everything and everyone that means to harm us. This is the truth that can change the way we perceive and feel about all that is happening in our lives and in our world: Jesus Reigns! 1) He reigns to dry our tears; 2) He reigns to calm our fears. Paul’s words in our text follow immediately after what we might call a “what if” game – the kind we’ve all played, maybe this year more than usual. “What if we get an effective vaccine for COVID?” “What if the economy comes roaring to life?” “What if we get back to normal?” Our “what ifs” anticipate happy endings. But in Corinth, some people were going in a different direction, asking: “What if Christ had not been raised? What if he were still dead and buried?” If that were true, Paul says, then “…your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost.” (1 Corinthians 15:17-18). If Jesus is still in the grave, you and I are on the hook for our sins. We alone are responsible for our failure to perfectly trust and completely obey God’s will for our lives. If Jesus’ body is still in a tomb outside of Jerusalem, then the troubles we are experiencing right now are just the beginning of suffering that will get unspeakably worse and never end. If Jesus is dead, then all those we’ve known and loved who’ve died trusting in Jesus, are forever lost and we are right on their heels. Paul says, “If you want to play some sullen ‘what if’ game, that’s up to you.” “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.” (1 Corinthians 15:20). Cheer up, dear Christian? The One who said he would own your sins, carry your cross, suffer your fate, die your death, and then rise again to prove it, has done it all! He lives and not by some fluke. He came to life under his own power! Imagine that, he shook off death the way you and I wipe sleep from our eyes every morning. What’s that to us? Everything! “For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. 22 For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” (1 Corinthians 15:21-22). It is an undeniable fact that Adam’s sin has infected us all – all people. All of us were conceived and born in Adam’s sin. Sin’s self-serving nature showed itself in us long before we could walk or talk. Because of the sin we inherited from Adam, each of us was born spiritually dead on arrival. As I say, this is an undeniable fact. Look around you. There aren’t any perfect people in this world. Everyone got their sin from Adam. But listen to this. Just as one individual brought sin and death, so another gives life. All who believe Jesus to be the risen Savior from sin, will live even though they die. “But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him.” 1 Corinthians 15:23. Anyone who has ever tried their hand at gardening can appreciate Paul’s word picture. You’ve got those six or seven tomato plants, loaded with large green tomatoes, and then it happens – that very first tomato ripens. What’s going to happen next? You know! Very soon you are going to have more tomatoes you know what to do with! So it is with the resurrection of the dead: first Jesus’ resurrection and then, in turn, that of all his followers! Jesus’ resurrection is not just a curious event in our salvation history, it’s a life-giving event for you, and me, and all believers. Jesus resurrection proves he’s the most power King ever – One who rules even death. Jesus Reigns, my friend, to dry your tears. His resurrection means that very soon you will see that loved one in Christ for whom you now mourn. And when you come face-to-face with your own mortality, when the doctor says, “There’s nothing more we can do for you.”, Jesus will dry those tears too with his promise that the body which now fails you, will soon be raised by the power of his command to be perfect and glorious like his own body. Jesus is our Shepherd-King, by that I mean a loving King who never stops caring for his flock. So when I tell you that he dries tears, I’m not suggesting that once Jesus has told us something he expects that we’ll never be bothered again. That’s not the way it is with us sinners. Yes, for a time, Jesus’ promises bring courage and hope and then, suddenly, often unexpectedly, the tears come back again, and again and again. Sometimes it’s because of doubt. At other times it’s because the hurt is just too great. Jesus knows this and cares so much that he comes right back to us to dry our tears again and again and again. He’s doesn’t get tired of this. He doesn’t get tired of us. Instead he renews his promises as often as we turn to his Word and celebrate his Supper. These are the means by which our King rules our hearts with the peace that only he can give – peace not just in the face of death, but also in the face of life. Jesus Reigns to calm our fears – the fears we face every day by living in a sin-infested world. Forty days after his triumphant resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven. Though he had certainly earned a rest, he didn’t go there to retire. Our King ascended to take his place at the Father’s right hand from where he rules heaven and earth every minute of every day. As Paul explains: “For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.” (1 Corinthians 15:27). Jesus must reign. His love for us compels him to reign. Don’t you see: The One who died to save us, now lives to bring us safely to himself. He will not quit until he has destroyed all “…dominion, authority and power.” (1 Corinthians 15:24). These are references to the forces of evil that are hellbent on tearing you and me away from Jesus. Satan is, of course, the leader of these forces and while much of his work involves an army host of demons we cannot see or hear, the threat is real and constant. You should also know that the devil is not beyond enlisting the aid of enemies more familiar to us and much closer to home, including the enemy within, our own sinful nature. Satan plays on our doubts and fears as he tries to convince us that God is too busy, too distant, too week or uncaring to stop and help the likes of you and me. It is Satan’s plan to frighten us to the point where we abandon all hope in God and instead turn to other saviors like the power and might of our nation’s military, or the intellect of our scientists, or the foresight of our economists, or the wisdom of our leaders. Understand, none of these things are bad. In fact, they are all great gifts from our loving God – blessings from him that we dare not abuse by trusting these gifts instead of the One who gives them to us. You see the temptation and danger in this. Take the pandemic for example. We got some great news this past week about a couple of vaccines that are being hailed as “game changers.” I really hope that proves to be true. Like so many of you, I’m looking forward to life returning to what I think of as normal. But if those vaccines and others like them prove ineffective, what then? Is everything lost? What if the economy isn’t in a V-shaped recovery? Is everything lost? How could it be? What has changed? Nothing! Christ has died. Christ is risen! Christ will come again! Everything that matters most will never change and can never fail us. Our sins are paid for and heaven is our home. So what does this mean for our lives here and now? Must we live in constant fear until we hear the trumpets blow, announcing the return of Jesus? Jesus doesn’t want us living in terror. He reigns to calm our fears. He means to rule our hearts with his gospel of peace, a gospel that ensures that Jesus isn’t sleeping at the switch. He’s in complete control. He knows exactly what he’s doing and he does it all with us, his church, in mind. History bears this out. I think of the persecutions that fell upon the early Christians not long after Jesus’ ascension. Those Christians couldn’t stay together. They scattered to far away lands. Was everything lost? No. The gospel seed was carried by the Christians and took root. The church grew beyond its member’s comprehension. King Jesus knew exactly what he was doing. And so it is today. What is Jesus up to? He’s making all things serve our good as Paul assures us in Romans 8. We don’t have the details, but then again, we don’t need them. We know the Shepherd King. The One who gave himself for us will never let us down. Yes, we still have enemies, but these too must answer to Jesus. Take death for example. Look at what Jesus has done to death? When we were lost in sin, death meant unending punishment for us. But now that Jesus has taken away our sins, he has made death a servant that delivers the souls of his believers to his waiting arms in heaven. Jesus is doing the same thing with all our enemies and with all the things that scare us. He’s ruling them, using them in ways that must bring us his blessing until that day comes when they no longer serve his purpose. Then he will destroy them once and for all. Paul says, “The last enemy to be destroyed is death.” (1 Corinthians 15:26). That will happen on the day of Christ’s return. The bodies of those who fell asleep in Jesus will be raised, never to die again. In that moment, Jesus’ mission will be accomplished. He will hand the kingdom over to our Triune God and we will live forever in the company of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Let these truths calm your fears. And in those moments when life looks like some endless maze of trouble, remember that the One who gave himself for you is in charge. Jesus is with you to keep you safe until you are with him in the home that he’s won for you and foo all who trust in his saving Name. Amen.
Spoiler alert — that IS where this story is going: Donald Trump did not “win” the 2016 election in any sense of the word. He stole it. Literally. Go look up the two words — “win” & “steal”. They’re not the same thing. To have legitimately won the 2016 presidential election (and this applies to the races up and down the ballot), Trump and the Republicans would have had to have sold Americans on the superiority of their ideas. They didn’t. They sold America the idea that Hillary Clinton was less trustworthy than Trump — a message they sold in collaboration with Russia. Stone cold facts — Wikileaks equals Russian Military Intelligence and Trump’s campaign was actively engaged with not only Wikileaks but multiple Russian intel officers. Paul Manafort — the convict — handed Konstantin Kilimnik proprietary polling data concerning four states: Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. We don’t know what did or didn’t happen in Minnesota. We know what happened in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. It’s not just the fact that Trump pulled off “surprise victories” in three blue states — it’s the margin by which he pulled off those three victories. He won them by a combined 77,000 votes. Between three states. That’s just over 25,000 votes PER STATE. One of the now accepted reasons for Clinton’s loss in those three states was the weaker than expected turnout of Black voters. Those same voters were the focus of Facebook ads delivered to their individual computers — saying that Hillary Clinton was a closet racist so why bother voting for her? Where were those messages originating? At Russian Military Intelligence. They were using all that proprietary polling data Trump’s campaign manager had illegally given them. This isn’t just bad behavior, it’s flat out illegal. It’s a crime. It’s a flagrant violation of the rule of law. That’s the bottomest line there is: it violated the rule of law. The rule of law says you cannot cheat in order to win. The act of cheating disqualifies the win. And if you didn’t legitimately win, then you never had the authority that would have flowed from that win. Donald Trump — as he’s been telling us since he “won” — has never been the legitimate President of the United States. It’s a stone cold fact. He’s never had the authority to do anything. None of it can stand — not “none of it should stand” — none of it can stand. That is, if we really and truly intend to enforce the rule of law. Quick reminder: the rule of law has never stopped being in force. We have stopped enforcing it (having never enforced it properly to begin with). That does not mean it wasn’t in effect. The rule of law didn’t let us down, we let it down. Not the same thing. But, fortunately, we have a chance to fix that. Hell, we have in front of us a golden opportunity to do even better: we can create structures that guarantee (or do a better job of guaranteeing at least) that we follow the rule of law to the letter. If we don’t enforce the rule of law — the founding principle of our republic — then the rule of law will eventually break down. Can we please learn this lesson? When we finally factor in how Russia didn’t just “influence” the election on Trump’s behalf, but physically weighed in on its outcome — literally changing it from how We The People actually voted (or intended to vote) to what Don & Vladimir wanted — we’ll face a difficult Day of Reckoning. First in line for that day of reckoning will be Trump and every single Republican who allowed this to happen. That will be every single Republican. “See something, say something” is part of the rule of law. When we even suspect anyone is violating the rule of law, the rule of law obligates us to say something to the authorities charged with enforcing it. That’s how it gets enforced. We The People actually work to maintain it. Self government isn’t automatic. To virtually a person, the Republican Party, though aware (even vaguely) that something was amiss, have not met their obligation as citizens following the rule of law. This isn’t some “conspiracy theory” conspiracy, it’s a nuts & bolts conspiracy. A conspiracy of silence because… well, that will be what comes out at trial. The “why” each and every single Republican failed to uphold their oath of office. Most of their excuses will be the same. A few Republicans have indeed been compromised (Lindsey Graham, I bet… Dana Rohrbacher, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell for sure!) but most will have been willing participants who had little idea where the treason bus was headed. They didn’t care whether it was a treason bus or not. We know — because the press reported it — that the Republicans knew for sure as early as the 2016 convention that Trump was owned by Moscow. No one called the FBI. See something, say nothing? That’s how conspiracy works. The case will be made — and made emphatically: Donald Trump did not win the presidency in 2016. Moscow won it for him — as an act of Cyber War. Trump — and everyone conspiring with him — are literal (not hyperbolic) traitors. He did not “win” the 2016 election in any way, shape or form. What a relief that will be because finally, We The People will be off the hook. The news media hammers away at us how “Yeah, but Trump won the election” or “But America voted for Trump!” No, he didn’t and we didn’t. The question will land on our heads: “So, now that you know for a fact that Trump didn’t win the presidency and has never been legitimate POTUS, what do you intend to do about it?” Do we let an illegitimate president keep what he stole from us — OUR CHOICE? Would we let a car thief — caught inside our vehicle, pissing all over the nice leather seats — keep our car after we’ve caught him? I wouldn’t. You probably wouldn’t either. Well, neither would the rule of law. Judges were stolen from us. Judges and the lifetime of sitting on the federal bench that each (now doctrinaire conservative) judge will spend judging. Those judges should represent the majority’s choice and choices, not some treasonous minority’s. Trump and the GOP will get their day of reckoning inside a court room (and then a federal prison). The news media — who kept hawking a story they knew (but couldn’t convince themselves) was true — will get their day of reckoning in the court of public opinion and the marketplace. Just like we can’t let a single Republican get away with what they’ve done, the same goes for every journalist who failed to meet their First Amendment obligation to be the final check on power. Every journalist who repeated Trump’s bile context-free (looking at YOU, NBC News’ Kelly O’Donnell) as if truth and bullshit had equal weight must confess their journalistic sins and atone. Every journalist who asked “Yeah, but what if bullshit was true?” questions (looking at YOU, NBC News’ Stephanie Ruhl!) needs to acknowledge that they were directly responsible for giving bullshit the credence of Truth to the Truth’s detriment. The whole “fake news” meme stems from asking “Yeah, but what if bullshit was true?” Bullshit is never true. Ever. So stop asking. Finally, all those journalists will have to answer for their inability to aggregate the story of Donald Trump and the Republican Party. They will have to answer for why they couldn’t pry the normalcy bias blinders from their heads. They will have to answer for why — in spite of the mountains of evidence produced often by their own reporting — they couldn’t manage to build the narrative past a “square one” where Donald Trump was merely “a different kind of president”. When Paul Manafort was convicted — when Roger Stone and Michael Cohen and every other Trumpanista was convicted — that wasn’t the starting point for their criminality. It was (we hope) the end point. Up until that moment though, they were actively engaged in committing the crime they were sentenced for. In Manafort’s case — it went back to the 2016 campaign. That means everything he did was criminal in real time. The lag in reporting it is the problem. Same goes for the time it took for us to enforce the rule of law. We’re stuck in a problematic zone where an active crime is being committed upon us — we know it — the criminals know it — even the people reporting it know it — and yet, we’re strangely limited in our ability to do anything to stop it — in real time. But we must. The criminals here are on a do or die mission. There’s no going back now — look at what they’re all guilty of: treason. That’s still a capital offense. And think of how financially ruinous this will be for every guilty person and their family. Treason will be a hard brand to shake — personally and universally. I don’t know how the Republican Party will ever stop being the party that nurtured treason in its heart. That went along with treason. That actively aided and abetted it. The news media will have reported all this in real time — but failed to connect dots it should have connected. That’s for itself but more importantly for its audience — We The People. What damns our news media more than anything is that it wasn’t everyone. There were reporters and news writers and journalists who saw it from the get-go and screamed it as loud as they could with the means they were allowed. The news networks have the Big Megaphone. They decide which of those voices gets heard — and gets credence. Imagine if MSNBC had swapped each Hugh Hewitt appearance for a Sarah Kendzior appearance. The mind boggles at how much further down the road to stopping this we’d be. Imagine if each and every reporter on staff was as sharp, focused and outraged as Nicolle Wallace, Rachel Maddow or Joy-Ann Reid. Yes, they bring a lot of advocacy to their journalism. But the thing they’re advocating for is the Truth. I’m not sure what all those journalists will say when their day of reckoning comes but it had damned well better start with “I’m sorry.”
Are you familiar with the 10-Year Challenge? It’s the latest social media craze that’s making the viral rounds, and you’ve probably seen your friends posting their own twists on it. In this challenge, people are posting their profile pictures from a decade ago, side-by-side with a recent photo, to show how much they have (or haven’t) changed. The trend has gained so much traction at this point, it has amassed millions of posts from everyone, including celebrities and social media influencers. But before you post your own then-and-now pictures on your profile, is it possible that these images are being used by Facebook for a very self-serving reason? Should you stay away from the 10-Year Challenge? In the second hour of the recent episode of The Kim Komando Show, Kim and Andrew Babinsky talked about the possibilities of how the data collected from this challenge can be abused. “This is actually data collection, facial recognition technology happening on a massive scale,” Kim said. She added that insurance companies could use this data to see how you’ve aged. Could this be used to increase (or, if you’re looking better, decrease) insurance premiums? On the other hand, as Andrew pointed out, Facebook said it didn’t issue the 10-Year Challenge and those old photos are already in Facebook’s possession; why would it need to issue a challenge to get you to share what’s already in their possession? In a viral Twitter post and Wired report, tech consultant Kate O’Neill also warned that the images from the 10-Year Challenge can be used by the big tech companies like Facebook and Amazon to train facial recognition algorithms on age recognition. Although it’s pure speculation, it does raise interesting questions about how these photos can be harnessed for other data-mining purposes. Should this discourage you from joining the challenge? It’s admittedly fun seeing how you and your friends have changed within a decade so it can be hard to resist the trend. But like with everything that involves social media and data collection, there will always will the good and bad sides of the equation. Conveniently time-stamped photos You could argue that this data is available on anyone who’s on social media anyway so it’s not exactly a ground-shaking revelation. Why bring out the tin-foil hats then? Well, it’s all about context. Although the challenge is not “inherently dangerous,” it can instantly provide face recognition algorithms with conveniently time-stamped pictures that are around 10 years apart. And it’s not all doom-and-gloom Big-Brother-type scenarios either. Feeding face-recognition machines better and more accurate age-progression algorithms can help find missing kids even after decades have passed, for example. A more reliable age projection will definitely help in this case. On the flipside, these age-progression algorithms can also be used against you. For instance, insurance and health-care companies may charge you more for (or even deny you) health insurance if they believe that you’re aging faster than your peers. Just another reminder Harmless fun or not, the big takeaway in all of this is, as we keep reminding you, please be careful about what you post online and on social media. It’s likely that there’s nothing malicious about the 10-Year Challenge, but with big tech’s hunger for data, there’s always the potential for abuse. Remember Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica fiasco? It all started with a seemingly harmless personality test. (For the record, Facebook said that it did not start the 10-Year Challenge.) Not all bandwagon quizzes, challenges and memes that your friends are posting are benign, so please think critically before joining in. Like-farming scams, fake news, social engineering ploys, misleading viral posts and data-mining apps will always be common fixtures in social media sites, so please keep a watchful eye. As Kim advises everyone, “The bottom line here is that you really should be more careful with just putting your data out there.” The 10-year Challenge may just be a “random little meme” but someone could abuse it. Kim concludes that even “if it wasn’t intended that way, it can be used that way.”
Must watch. Well, the actors may not be trash, but their performances scrape the bottom of the barrel. Let's work together to keep the conversation civil. It isn't too difficult to see why. The ending is also inconclusive but it's understandable that if it gave a proper conclusion, more controversies would have erupted. There is no denying the fact what transpired was highly questionable. This movie will just blow your mind. However the fact that it takes a political side, it will not go down well with a group of audience. Produced by Pallavi Joshi and Vivek Agnihotri, the movie revolves around the mystery surrounding Lal Bahadur Shastri's death. Rohit Sharma must added some meaningful track with perfect timing. At times, the film doesn't know if it is on the left or the right: confusion reigns supreme! The 12 Angry Men-style inquest is aimed at propagating the theory that the Congress leader was eliminated by inimical forces out to - and allowed to - overrun India. Pankaj Tripathi once again impressed his audience with monologue on Secularism. Best Movies Based On Indian Historical Events. Standout being Shweta and Mithun da. Its crudely fictionalized world gives factual accuracy a wide berth but seeks legitimacy by incorporating recorded submissions by real-life figures - Shastri's political heirs Sunil and Anil, the late editor and Shastri's press secretary Kuldip Nayar and journalist Anuj Dhar. RIP Sir, we are so sorry that we didn't honoured you with the honour you deserve. I suddenly feel this urge to dwelve deep into what all lies are hidden! It's just not a movie its a history that Indians were misinformed about. External Reviews The Tashkent Files presses a panoply of gloriously hamming actors and tidbits of selective, half-baked information (most of which appears to have emanated from the social media cell of a particular political party) into the service of a laughable raking up of an old debate in an attempt to appropriate the legacy of one India's finest Prime Ministers for an obvious ulterior purpose. Some characters are underdeveloped or under utilized. Brilliant !!! This poltical thriller is totally nail biting one as it will hook up you till the climax. /etmoviereviewleftbotblock.cms?msid=68841252&view=cmsassoc, Copyright © 2020 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. All rights reserved |, Delhi Times, Aurangabad Times, Maharashtra Times, Rachit Gupta, Updated: Apr 12, 2019, 09.51 AM IST. You can change your city from here. Otherwise it was a fantastic movie. Don't go for critics review. I request all the Indians to watch that movie. Oh man! Must watch for history lovers, Direction: Vivek Agnihotri gave honest try for mystical death of Lal Bahudur Shastri ji and he succeeded in his objective. Although not as fast paced as the Dan Brown movie, the Tashkent Files was engaging enough. Din't know the real story of mysterious death of Lal Bahadur Shastri but glad to see that this movie en lighted lots of loop holes which i didn't know exactly Gerald Anderson Wife, On A Magical Night Movie Streaming, Yuna Kpop, Zamazenta Weakness, One Day Video Platform, As We Discussed Last Week, How To Make Kurt Cheese, Thailand Comedian Actor, I'm Heading Out Meme, Joe Gould's Teeth, Bosch Season 6 Finale Review, Ashes Cricket 2019 Pc Game, Grand County Utah Camping Restrictions, Best Bordeaux Wine Years, Staying Alive Stayin Alive, North African Countries And Capitals, Tallulah Full Movie Putlockers, Tides Lyrics Ksi, Oneus Xion, Nailed It Meme, Is If I Stay On Netflix 2020, Frog Monster Moana, From Above Lyrics, Pippa O'connor Instagram, Chairman Rose Pokémon Team, Laverne Scrubs Gif, Please Accept Meaning, Pokémon Whitney, Man In An Orange Shirt Streaming, The King Korean Movie Cast, Pikes Peak Regional Building Department, Anthropomorphic Dog, Hester Prynne, Esbjerg Fc, Message Of Jar Of Hearts, Best Sports Movies Hollywood, Thai Soup Banglar Rannaghor, El Alamein City, The Magnolia Story Audiobook, Umpah Umpah English Lyrics, Tower Of Water Guide, Cincinnati Zoo Live Cam, Black Widow Cast, The Story Of The Treasure Seekers, Khosrov Ii Of Armenia, Current Fires In Minnesota 2020, Blue Heron Bridge Tides June 2020, Conrad Ricamora Married, Gulaal Pk, Taken For Granite Meme, Spartans Lowland League, Power Star Srinivasan Hospital, Medical Examiner Raleigh Nc, The Living End - Prisoner Of Society Lyrics, Red Velvet Instagram, First Position Documentary Summary, Disguised Toast Pokimane, Is Flaviar Legit, Samuel Braun Actor Age, Wendy's Nutrition Calculator, The Carmilla Movie 123movies, Justin The Likeness, Rex Walls, Westworld Season 3 Watch Online, White Long Dress, Rogue Trader Pdf, Our Family Wedding Ending Song, Female Hysteria, Denver Air Quality Ranking Today, Johannah Newmarch Height, Vanaprastham Movie Story,
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Get our free newsletter Whining about invisible haters has become an empty cliche but when Insane Clown Posse calls themselves “the most hated band” it’s hard to argue. On a critical level ICP might genuinely be the most loathed musical act of our generation. I don’t even think Tom Breihan likes them. Which is odd because they’ve always struck me as simply inoffensive and serviceable rock-rappers who found an incredibly loyal audience and catered directly to them. There’s no fault in that, really. But self proclaimed smart people hate them in the purest sense of the world. This is mostly because they and their very loyal fans are guilty of being poor and wearing face paint and building a community and all those other anti-intellectual and unironic fun things that bands used to do with/for their fans BPF*. Basically they are the Kiss of today, it’s just that the demographic that is willing to buy into that type of world has narrowed dramatically. I blame the internet. ICP’s tenth studio album, Bang! Pow! Boom!** dropped on Tuesday and it warranted further investigation for a couple reasons. One, their recent festival turned internet meme The Gathering of the Juggalos seemed like the greatest place on earth, despite ill informed derision from certain poverty demonizing stuff white people like type elitists. (If drinking cheap soda and listening to is Scarface is wrong then I don’t want to be right.) But, perhaps more interesting than that was the wikipedia claim that Violent J “listened to music by the psychedelic rock band Gong for inspiration” while making this album. Which means he has better taste in music than Jay-Z. Hit the jump for some quick thoughts on my first ICP full length. Woop woop! Sadly B!P!B! is not a psych rock album by any means, but you can hear the band reaching in all these disparate directions in terms of production. They leap around from quirky dance hop to epically dark prog moves. Then a few of these tracks basically sound like the B-52’s with bad rapping. And everything is anchored by an intense loyalty to their carnival theme: bouncy beats and mean calliope workouts. It’s all incredibly playful. How conservative ICP detractors can paint them as devil musicians bent on destroying the world is beyond me. Sure, they are vulgar, but nobody is really offended by the word “bitch” anymore, are they? This stuff is evil like a haunted house or a halloween hayride is. Good times Satanism. The Marilyn Mansons of the world actually pretended to be serious about their menace, ICP aren’t trying to fool anyone and I think their fans understand this. They are like Weird Al for kids who were too gothy to get into Weird Al but weren’t all that serious about wiccaism either. There’s even a modern day “Monster Mash” on here in “Zombie Slide,” which involves the chorus “can you freak the moves that we bust?” on here. It actually kinda jams. Hopefully some creative Juggalos will come up with a Soulja Boy style dance craze in response. They only get truly taboo on “To Catch a Predator,” where J and Shaggy play Chris Hansens to “pedophile butt-knockers.” Except instead of simply mocking them on national television they tie the perps up in their basement and torture them unspeakably. Even this is augmented by a pretty hilarious adlibs and a back and forth scratch routine of the phrases “wh-what’s in the bag?” and “f-f-funyons and condoms.” There’s also a song about befriending a dead body Weekend at Bernie’s style and a few about raucous sexual acts, but beyond that it all seems pretty tame in ’09. Thematically and musically it’s not that far removed from a later day Eminem album, except with vastly inferior rapping. And a slightly different approach to white trash social commentary. Eminem’s was personalized – what’s wrong with his life, his family. This sort of thing appeals to rockist critics because self loathing and self analysis is all very rock n roll. ICP’s take on neo-hillbillyism is outward. They berate the meth heads and deadbeats and molesters in the community while building their own circle of “enlightened” peers who are able to rise above it. They are like the 5%ers of white trash. This doesn’t resonate with wealthy rock critics for obvious reasons. So really one’s enjoyment of this record (and Juggalo culture as a whole) hinges entirely on their tolerance for subpar Vincent Price meets Kid Rock whisper to a scream rap and vulgar finger pointing white trash humor. I’m starting to come around to both so I give it three and a half 20 oz. Faygo bottles out of five. * Before Pitchfork. **Shaggy and J are probably crushed that Black Eyed Peas stole their onomatopoeius song title thunder this summer. (Of course not as angry as The Real Roxanne, though watching her one time rival’s web of lies unravel has probably helped sooth those wounds) ***Like many of their albums Bang! Pow! Boom! was released in a multi colored series of special editions, each with its own unique tracklisting. If forced to decide I’d say go for the Red Cover, which is the only one with “Freaky Creep Show.” But then the green version has a “Cha Cha Slide” parody entitled “Chop Chop Slide.” So it’s a toss up.
Don’t Fool Yourself: Thoughts on "Wolves" by Kanye West Don’t Fool Yourself: Kanye’s New Video for ‘Wolves’ is a Lavish Advertisement, Just Like You Media inspires us. Music, movies, television, they arrest our senses, if only momentarily and force us to reflect and react to things as macro as culture as a whole, or as micro as the individual self. Social Media, conceptually, is the creation and generation of media, mainly in reaction to media. Live-tweeting television shows, reactionary posts, meme culture, they’re all based virtually around capital-M Media. However, unlike The Big Lebowski, or Purple Rain, the self is ever-changing and evolving in opinions, aesthetics, thoughts, and reactions, and with that is growth. The book opens, is read, and closed, and no matter what our takeaway from that is, the text itself doesn’t change. Facebook, however, is continually evolving and revising, and sometimes the only thing connecting one post from another is the Twitter handle it’s linked to. Earlier today, Kanye West released the music video to “Wolves,” technically the album closer to his album The Life of Pablo, an album that is famous for not technically being done, and not technically being released. No physical forms of the record exist, therefore Pablo is free to be continually changing, whether it be its tracklist, production, and mix tweaks, or even songs being tacked on. The album is alive and evolving, like Kanye, like us. That makes it, to me, the first social media album. Focusing on “Wolves” as a song, what’s fascinating to me is that its release predates The Life of Pablo. It was first heard as the score to Kanye West’s first fashion show, Yeezy Season 1, and was performed on Saturday Night Live over a year before the first version of Pablo was released. It features Vic Mensa and Sia in stellar, chilling verses, and was only available via SoundCloud bootleg. Fast forward to last February, the release of Yeezy Season 3 and the livestream of Life of Pablo, and “Wolves” was virtually a different song. Vic Mensa and Sia were removed, a new verse was added, and fans, myself included, went berserk. The reaction was almost universally negative, social media went crazy, attacking Kanye and pleading that he put Vic and Sia back on the album, which led to his widely-memed tweet “Imma fix wolves.” A few months later, and the song went through three total revisions, concluding with the version included in the video, seemingly the final version of the song, but who could say? The video, directed by Steven Klein, is essentially a commercial for the French high-fashion house Balmain, with Oliver Rousteing working as a creative director. It features a crying Kanye in a studded denim jacket, his wife, Kim Kardashian-West also crying, other celebrity cameos, and a whole lot of models with tears rolling down their face. It’s a stark, seven-minute visual affair that many are already criticizing as just being a commercial. For me, the takeaway from this and Kanye’s whole career essentially is the revolt against media scrutinization. What’s life like under a microscope when you’re still changing, when your opinions aren’t fully formed yet, what do you regret-nay-what can you regret when your every move is documented, referenced, replayed, and remixed for everyone to see? We’re all aware of this now, and it’s reflected in our actions. How do we write the perfect tweet for the moment? How do I make my opinion the best opinion? What’s the best lighting for this selfie I’m about to take? Kim Kardashian is accused continuously for her alleged self-absorption and branding the Kardashian empire as a whole, but aren’t you doing the same thing? Take a look at your Instagram. How long did you take on that drivers-seat selfie? Or your Twitter account, I’m sure you’ve deleted many tweets you now find problematic or not quite ‘on-brand.’ Yeah, Kanye West’s video is a commercial for clothes you can’t afford, so what. The song is about discomfort and regrets with how one’s actions affect the people around them, and no one knows that more than Kanye West. The only difference between what Kim and Kanye do and your social media output is the following. They’re aware of what they’re doing and how to do it, they’re the masters of social media and not only are they surrounded by the wolves, now you are too.
A lot of the mums I work with talk about this feeling of rage that you get. This overwhelming feeling of fury that you can’t reign in. They want to stop this behaviour that they have no control over. There’s an array of reasons that cause rage as follows: - Anxiety – when you feel overwhelmed by a situation, rage might be something you use to take control of the situation. - Trauma – if you’ve experience previous trauma or quite lengthy intense experiences, rage may be your go-to approach in difficult situations. - Sensory overload – this is particularly relevant if you’re a person who gets very overwhelmed with people, sounds, lights, temperature etc. - Feeling generally out of control – some of this might be circumstantial. Parenting on your own, twins, children with additional needs, difficult family dynamics etc. - A sense that life isn’t fair for whatever reason. There’s one more thing that impacts ALL of these and is universal. How good are you at looking after yourself? A few weeks ago I posted a meme on the facebook community talking about revenge bedtime procrastination – a phenomenon in which people who don’t have much control over their daytime life refuse to sleep early in order to regain some sense of freedom during late night hours. It was a super popular post ever in the facebook community. Meeting your needs and feeling good are vital to be able to manage life well – parenting or not. Yet you need to look at what stops you doing this. What do you prioritise over yourself? Housework, work, other people’s needs, replying to people? What boundaries do you implement? Phones, social media, messaging, obligations, work, family, other? What lifestyle choices do you choose? Bedtime, rest, alcohol, nutrition, supplements, exercise? What regulation tools do you integrate? EFT, breath work, meditation, mindfulness, journaling? What fulfils you? Meeting friends, work that you enjoy, interests, reading, Schitt’s creek, time with your partner, time on your own? What drains you? Lack of silence, phone, draining people, housework? All of the above you can control – you can do something about. And often when I work with my clients on rage, we focus on giving yourself permission to look after you. It’s the daily everyday choices, THAT YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER, that can support you to have a calmer, happier and more peaceful home. Here’s what I want you to reflect and implement – RADICAL self care. That is prioritising yourself, looking after yourself, supporting yourself to the point where you finally have the energy and capacity to support your family and others. . Much love, Tricia xxx PS If you’d like help to create a calmer, happier and more peaceful home, get in touch for details about my new programme. Finding Freedom from Maternal Rage is a 3 month in depth programme with a small group of mums (3-6) who all struggle with maternal rage and who want to be calm, patient and compassionate humans who enjoy their life and time with the kids and make their kids feel loved and nurtured.
White Helmets (Syrian civil war) الدفاع المدني السوري |Founder||James Le Mesurier| |Syrian opposition-controlled areas| |3,000 (with monthly stipend)| The White Helmets (Arabic: الخوذ البيضاء ,القبعات البيضاء al-Ḫawdh al-bayḍāʾ / al-Qubaʿāt al-Bayḍāʾ), officially known as Syria Civil Defence (SCD; Arabic: الدفاع المدني السوري ad-Difāʿ al-Madanī as-Sūrī), is a volunteer organisation that operates in parts of opposition-controlled Syria and in Turkey. Formed in 2014 during the Syrian Civil War, the majority of the volunteers' activity in Syria consists of medical evacuation, urban search and rescue in response to bombing, evacuation of civilians from danger areas, and essential service delivery. As of April 2018, the organisation said it had saved about 114,000 lives, and that 204 of its members had lost their lives while performing their duties. They assert their impartiality in the Syrian conflict. The White Helmets are considered a terrorist group by Iran, Russia and Syria. The organisation has been the target of a sustained disinformation campaign by supporters of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and Russian state-sponsored media organisations such as RT and Sputnik; the campaign has promoted false accusations connecting it with terrorist activities and other conspiracy theories. The organisation has also been criticized by the Iranian news agency MNA and Chinese state news agency Xinhua. An offer of assistance from the White Helmets was rejected by Kurdish-controlled areas of Syria in 2019. The rescue teams that later became Syria Civil Defence emerged during the late 2012 escalation of the Syrian Civil War, as areas no longer under the control of the Assad government came under sustained attack from its military forces. In response, in the absence of formal governmental structures, small groups of civilian volunteers from affected communities, particularly in Aleppo and Idlib, assembled to assist civilians injured in bombardment or trapped under the rubble of destroyed buildings. Training, funding and support was provided from international partners, including donations from governments in Western Europe, the US and Japan; the Turkish AKUT Search and Rescue Association; and a combination of NGOs, private individuals, public fundraising campaigns, and charities. Primary support and training was provided by Mayday Rescue Foundation, a not-for-profit foundation established by former British Army officer James Le Mesurier, and became a key factor in the development of the organisation. Local and provincial councils joined with Mayday Rescue Foundation and AKUT Search and Rescue Association to create the first training programmes in early 2013. ARK, an international contracting firm based in the United Arab Emirates, would facilitate entry of volunteers to Turkey, where they would be trained by AKUT. Early training courses included trauma care, command and control and crisis management. Over the next two years, the number of independent civil defence teams grew to several dozen as graduates of the early trainings such as Raed Saleh established new centers; the national organisation of SCD was founded on 25 October 2014 at a conference of independent teams. SCD grew to be an organisation of over 3,000 volunteers operating from 111 local civil defence centres across 8 provincial directorates (Aleppo, Idlib, Latakia, Hama, Homs, Damascus, Damascus Countryside, and Daraa) in 2016. In October 2014, these self-organised teams came together and voted to form one national organisation: Syria Civil Defence. As of January 2017, the SCD claims to have rescued over 80,000 people since they began to keep count in 2014. The White Helmets themselves have become targets of Syrian and Russian airstrikes. According to The Economist, approximately one in six SCD have been killed or badly wounded, "many by 'double tap' Russian and Syrian airstrikes on the same site as they search for bodies." Seven members were killed in August 2017 in an apparent assassination at their operations centre in the Syrian city of Sarmin in Idlib Province. On 14 December 2016, as the Syrian Armed Forces were recapturing eastern Aleppo, SCD head Raed Saleh requested safe passage of SCD operatives to rebel controlled countryside around Aleppo. Syria Civil Defence joined the Independent Doctors Association, the Syrian Network for Human Rights, and the Violations Documentation Center to accuse Russian forces of war crimes in eastern Aleppo, jointly submitting a report to the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic. In May 2018, the US State Department announced that funding has been frozen for the White Helmets. A State Department official indicated that they were reviewing assistance programs in Syria overall, which included funding for the White Helmets, and at the same time indicated that the United States would continue to support the White Helmets through multilateral donations. The chairman of the White Helmets stated that the government of the United States, and other supportive institutions, promised to continue to provide critical funding to the organization. On the night of 21 July 2018, Israel opened the Golan Heights boundary to allow a UN rescue mission to evacuate 422 people – 98 White Helmet volunteers and their family members – to Jordan. An international group led by Chrystia Freeland lobbied for the exit of the White Helmets, as their lives were in danger due to the Syrian government′s advancing offensive in southwestern Syria. The White Helmets reported 3,700 of their volunteers remained in Syria. A Syrian government official condemned the evacuation of White Helmets as a "criminal operation" that had revealed "the terrorist nature" of the group. President Bashar al-Assad said: "They have two choices: to lay down their arms and use the amnesty we have offered over the last four or five years, or be killed like other terrorists." In September 2018, the United Kingdom granted asylum to about 100 White Helmet staff and relatives that had been evacuated to Jordan. SCD's stated mission is "to save the greatest number of lives in the shortest possible time and to minimize further injury to people and damage to property." Their work covers the 15 civil defence tasks as laid out in international humanitarian law (IHL); the bulk of their activity in Syria consists of urban search and rescue in response to bombing, medical evacuation, evacuation of civilians from danger areas, and essential service delivery. The most prominent role of SCD was rescuing civilians from airstrikes with barrel bombs, improvised explosive devices dropped by SAAF helicopters. Following a request from Bashar al-Assad for support, Russia intervened in the Syrian Civil War on 30 September 2015. Much of the work of SCD has been in response to aerial bombardments by the Russian Air Force attack aircraft. As well as providing rescue services, SCD undertakes repair works such as securing damaged buildings and reconnecting electrical and water services, clearing roads, teaching children about hazards from unexploded ordnance, as well as firefighting and winter storm relief. Sometimes described as the most dangerous job in the world, SCD operations involve risk from being active in a war-zone. By late 2016, 159 White Helmets had been killed since the organisation's inception. SCD is not affiliated with the International Civil Defence Organisation (ICDO), nor is it connected to the Damascus's Syrian Civil Defence Forces (SCDF), an ICDO-member since 1972. But, since the SCDF operate in government-held areas and since civilian casualties in Syria overwhelmingly result from government forces' bombardments against targets in opposition-held areas, the unaffiliated SCD engages in civil defence tasks in said rebel-held areas. In 2015, the SCD unsuccessfully lobbied the European Union (EU) and governments to impose a no fly zone over certain parts of Syria to protect civilians from airstrikes. The White Helmets have unsuccessfully called upon governments such as France to act to effect a ceasefire and protect lives in subsequent years. As of April 2017, there were about 3,000 White Helmet members, about 100 of which were women. As of March 2018, a British government programme review recorded that stipends were being paid for 4,011 volunteers in 179 centres to provide search and rescue and other services, and that 114,507 civilians had been reported rescued or aided. In June 2018 the British government decided, due to the changing military situation, to responsibly withdraw from funding other projects in the area that the White Helmets operated in, such as policing, education and livelihood support, while maintaining support for the White Helmets. In October 2018, the Jordanian Foreign Ministry announced that at least 300 White Helmets members who had fled Syria into Jordan are now resettled in several Western countries, including Canada and the United Kingdom. Partnerships and funding SCD is officially an impartial humanitarian NGO, with no affiliation to any political or military actor and a commitment to render services to anyone in need. Like all NGOs operating in opposition-controlled areas, SCD negotiates humanitarian access with organisations such as local councils, provincial councils, and armed groups, with relationships varying widely from governorate to governorate. SCD work in close partnership with the Netherlands-based NGO Mayday Rescue Foundation. Mayday Rescue's Program Manager for Syria is Farouq Habib, who has also been described as the White Helmets' Head of International Relations. The White Helmets receives charitable funding from the United States, the United Kingdom, and other western governments. Initially the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office was the largest single source of funding through Mayday Rescue Foundation. U.S. government funds are directed to SCD through Chemonics, a U.S. based private international development company. Funders now include the Canadian government Peace and Stabilization Operations Program, the Danish government, the German government, the Japan International Cooperation Agency, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Kingdom Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF). USAID have contributed at least $23 million from 2013 to March 2016. The British government had provided £15 million of funding between 2012 and November 2015, increased to £32 million by October 2016. As of 31 March 2018, the British government had provided £38.4m in aid to the White Helmets. The SCD has also received individual donations online to their Hero Fund, which provides treatment for wounded volunteers and supports their families. In March 2017, the organization was reported to be operating on an annual budget of about $26 million. Mayday Rescue reports that between 2014 and 2018 the White Helmets received funding of $127 million, $19 million of which came from non-government sources; it is not clear if this included U.S. government funding which went through Chemonics rather than Mayday Rescue. In 2018, the White Helmets' vice president reported that the group’s financing for 2018 from foreign governments had fallen to $12 million from $18 million the previous year. In April 2018, the Trump administration suspended the funding of the White Helmets as part of a wider suspension of the funding of stabilization projects in Syria while the U.S. reassesses its role in Syria. The U.S. had provided more than $33 million to support the group since 2013. On 14 June 2018, the Trump administration authorised USAID and the United States Department of State to release approximately $6.6 million in aid to be shared between the group and the UN's International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism in Syria. The Netherlands announced that it would end its funding of several aid projects in opposition strongholds in Syria, including the White Helmets, by December 2018. This announcement followed a Ministry of Foreign Affairs report according to which the supervision over the activity of White Helmets is inadequate and there is a risk that funds meant for the rescue workers would end up in the hands of armed groups instead. Publicity and recognition SCD is widely cited, quoted, or depicted in regional and international media coverage of the conflict in Syria. Raed Al Saleh, the Director of SCD, has been an outspoken advocate against bombardment of civilians, addressing the United Nations Security Council and other international bodies on a number of occasions. SCD has been the subject of two films. The streaming service Netflix released a documentary film entitled The White Helmets on 16 September 2016 by British director Orlando von Einsiedel and producer Joanna Natasegara. The film won the Best Documentary (Short Subject) at the 89th Academy Awards. SCD head Raed Saleh was unable to attend the Oscars ceremony due to escalation of the conflict, despite having a valid visa. Khaled Khateeb, cinematographer of the film, was unable to attend due to a visa problem. The Associated Press reported that the United States Department of Homeland Security under President Trump decided to block Khaled Khateeb at the 11th hour. Released in 2017, Last Men in Aleppo was directed by Syrian director Feras Fayyad in collaboration with Danish film-maker Steven Johannessen and the Aleppo Media Centre; it was the Winner of the Grand Jury Documentary prize at the Sundance Film Festival in 2017. In 2017, it was awarded the McCall-Pierpaoli Humanitarian Award by Refugees International and its women volunteers were awarded the Theirworld Hope award by Sarah Brown's children's charity Theirworld. Female SCD volunteer Manal Abazeed, who accepted these awards, was listed by Fortune magazine as being among the "World's Most Powerful Women" of 2017. In 2017, Politico listed Khaled Omar Harrah, a leading member in Aleppo, known as the 'child rescuer', as one of the 28 people "shaping, shaking and stirring Europe". He was killed in Aleppo in an airstrike in August 2016. Harrah is the main character in Last Men in Aleppo, which was dedicated to him after his death. Another prominent member is Mohammed Abu Kifah, a civil defence team member who rescued another child from beneath the rubble in Idlib. Following his death in an apparent assassination on 12 August 2017, aged 25 years old, Kifah's life was commemorated on BBC Radio 4's Last Word. Information warfare campaign According to investigative journalists and analysts, SCD became a target of a systematic information warfare campaign by the Russian government, the Syrian government, alt-right personalities, and their supporters, who have accused the organisation of taking sides in the Syrian Civil War, carrying arms, and supporting terrorist groups. The Russian-funded RT television network and Sputnik news agency have made controversial claims about SCD, and multiple sources have found issues with the veracity and credibility of the claims. Olivia Solon from The Guardian speculated that SCD was targeted because they document their activities with handheld and helmet cameras. This footage often shows the aftermath of airstrikes, and has been used by human rights groups such as Amnesty International and the Syria Justice and Accountability Center. According to The New York Times, Assad's claim that the White Helmets are "Al-Qaeda members" was "without evidence". Assertions made by RT contributor Eva Bartlett that the White Helmets stage rescues and "recycle" children in its videos were reported by Snopes and Channel 4 News as being false "beyond a reasonable doubt". In December 2017, The Guardian newspaper commented that it had "uncovered how this counter-narrative is propagated online by a network of anti-imperialist activists, conspiracy theorists and trolls with the support of the Russian government...[which] ...attract an enormous online audience, amplified by high-profile alt-right personalities, appearances on Russian state TV and an army of Twitter bots." A study by Tom Wilson and Kate Starbird, published in The Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review in January 2020, found that anti-White Helmet discourse dominated postings on Twitter. Relationship with SDF The White Helmets have a hostile relationship with the majority-Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The group operated in Afrin until the local Kurdish administration banned it in December 2015. It returned following the capture of the city by the Turkish Army and Syrian rebels in the Turkish-led Operation Olive Branch in 2018. In June 2019, after fires set to crop fields by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant threatened the food supply of Syrians living in SDF-controlled areas, the White Helmets offered to enter SDF territory and help fight the fires, but permission was denied. Nicholas A. Heras, a Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, stated that the White Helmets, as an organization, referred to Turkey’s operation in Afrin as the "liberation" of Afrin, and maintained that there was "credible evidence" that the White Helmets assisted Turkish soldiers and rebels by providing de-mining assistance. The White Helmets denied that they supported the campaign. In November 2016, the Revolutionaries of Syria Media Office, an opposition media organisation, published a video showing two SCD volunteers performing a staged rescue operation for the Mannequin Challenge meme. The White Helmets apologised for their volunteers' error of judgement and said it had not shared the recording on their official channels. In June 2017, a member of the White Helmets was suspended indefinitely after he was discovered to have assisted armed militants in the burial of mutilated corpses of soldiers belonging to pro-government forces. Footage showing White Helmets members removing a man's body following his execution by rebel militants has caused critics to accuse the group of "assisting" in executions. The leader of the White Helmets has remarked that these are "isolated incidents" and are not representative of the leadership of the organisation. In 2018, Anglican vicar Andrew Ashdown, along with Church of England and House of Lords figures such as Lord Carey of Clifton and Michael Nazir-Ali, visited Syria and met with Assad; Ashdown accused the White Helmets of being militants, and accused the group of "keeping an injured Syrian child untreated and covered in dust and blood" for propaganda purposes. A UK Foreign Office memorandum criticized the trip, warning that it would be exploited by Assad. - Jan, Maria (21 August 2015). "Q&A: Syria's White Helmets". Al Jazeera Media Network. Retrieved 30 November 2017. - "Die obskuren White Helmets ". Heise.de. 30 September 2016. - "Ordinary people turn superheroes". The Straits Times. 9 April 2017. - "Jihadist assault 'kills dozens of Syrian soldiers'". BBC News. 23 January 2020. Retrieved 23 January 2020. - Saleh, Raed. "The Most Dangerous Place in the World". The White Helmets. Retrieved 19 April 2018. - "James Le Mesurier, White Helmets co-founder, discovered dead in Turkey". BBC News. 11 November 2019. - Akdemir, Ahsen (25 November 2019). "Who Was James Le Mesurier of the White Helmets?". Politics Today. Retrieved 4 August 2020. - Worrall, Patrick. "FactCheck: Eva Bartlett's claims about Syrian children". Channel 4 News. Retrieved 24 January 2017. - Merlan, Anna (2019). Republic of Lies: American Conspiracy Theorists and Their Surprising Rise to Power. London: Random House Books. pp. 91–92. ISBN 9781473553613. Globally, false flag theories can have extremely sinister political uses. One particularly chilling international conspiracy theory claimed that chemical attacks by the Syrian government against civilians were either staged or perpetrated by the White Helmets, a civilian aid group. - "Syrian War Victims Are Being 'Recycled' and Al Quds Hospital Was Never Bombed?". Snopes. - Giovanni, Janine di (16 October 2018). "Why Assad and Russia Target the White Helmets". The New York Review of Books. Retrieved 28 March 2019. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs began a propaganda campaign, largely relying on its agents and followers on Twitter to distribute falsehoods about the event. These included the claim that the chemical attacks were staged by the White Helmets using actors, as part of a Western conspiracy that was meant to provide cover both for the US airstrike on April 7 on the Shayrat air base and for a plot to bring down Assad by creating a pretext for military intervention. - Solon, Olivia (18 December 2017). "How Syria's White Helmets became victims of an online propaganda machine". The Guardian. Retrieved 18 December 2017. The Syrian volunteer rescue workers known as the White Helmets have become the target of an extraordinary disinformation campaign that positions them as an al-Qaida-linked terrorist organisation. - Palma, Bethania (15 December 2016). "FACT CHECK: Syrian Rescue Organization 'The White Helmets' Are Terrorists". Snopes. Retrieved 31 March 2018. - Erickson, Amanda (1 March 2017). "After Oscar win, Russian Embassy calls Syria's White Helmets 'actors,' not life-savers". The Washington Post. - Ellis, Emma Grey (30 April 2017). "Inside the conspiracy theory that turned Syria's first responders into terrorists". Wired.com. While the White Helmets might seem like the poster children for feel-bad humanitarianism, they've in fact become the target of a [sic] internet smear campaign, one designed to bolster the regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and undermine its opponents, including the United States. Various White Helmet "truthers"—who range from Assad and his supporters to Russian embassies, and even to Alex Jones—accuse the group of staging rescue photos, belonging to al Qaeda, and being pawns of liberal bogeyman George Soros. The story of how that conspiracy grew is a perfect distillation of how disinformation can spread unchecked, supplanting fact with frenzy where no support exists. - "White Helmets 'staging fake attacks' in Syria? We sort fact from fiction". France 24. 14 May 2018. Retrieved 20 June 2018. For the past few months, however, the White Helmets have been the target of a smear campaign on social media, mainly led by supporters of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin. - Lucas, Scott (7 October 2016). "Who are Syria's White Helmets, and why are they so controversial?". The Conversation. Retrieved 24 January 2017. - "The White Helmet myth: A soft war propaganda". Mehr News Agency. 11 March 2018. - "Roundup: Douma witnesses from Syria testify against White Helmets video". Xinhua News Agency. 27 April 2018. - van Wilgenburg, Wladimir (14 June 2019). "Kurds say White Helmets not welcome to help fight fires in northeast Syria". Kurdistan 24. 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- EXACTLY ONE YEAR AGO YOU HAVE BEEN NOMINATED AT THE GRAMMY MUSIC AWARD IN L.A.!!HOW ABOUT THIS YEAR? Last year . my studio Partner Ben Mühlethaler and I have been nominated for PRINCE best engineered Album “HIT N RUN PHASE TWO” .I ‘m so thankful to PRINCE for the great collaboration and the unique opportunity he gave me .David Bowie Album got the price but for me being there was an AMAZING experience especially when Bruno Mars gave his tribute to PRINCE it was a big emotion for all people there!! This year I got the invitation to participate in New York: USA see u soon!! - YOUR RECORD LABEL PURPLE MUSIC CELEBRATES 21 YEAR NOW WHAT HAVE BEEN THE RECENT HIGHLIGHTS? We are proud and happy of our great Artists, singers and producers we count over 500 releases now and between BIGS & ICONS like PRINCE(R.i.p.) Cerrone, Giorgio Moroder, Pino d Angio’ ,Jocelyn Brown,India, we have released many of the most famous and greatest artists of the international House & underground music scene such as, Kraze, Sandy Rivera, Bob Sinclar, Dimitri from Paris, David Penn, Djaimin, Seb Skalski,Yass, Michelle Weeks, Michael Watford, Ann Nesby, Lt Brown,Natasha Watts,Kim Cooper,Keith Thompson, Darryl D Bonneau, Dr Feelx(R.i.p.) just to name a few ones. Few months ago we finally launched a new branch PURPLE DISCO RECORDS : I’ m very happy about it because we came from the disco music and we are releasing very nice songs also originals.it’s amazing how disco music still works good and is something completely new for the new generation !We had really a big impact with the first releases by DIVA AVARI FRENCH HOUSE MAFIA, DISCOROCKS, WALTERINO(11 weeks in the top 5 @Nudiscotop100 Traxsource) and the new one by MATT D & CLAUDIO DEEPER We signed new talents for Purple Music and we are excited about the forthcoming projects - WHERE ARE YOU PLAYING MOST AT THE MOMENT? I ‘m travelling constantly mostly in Europe at the moment , mostly Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Spain., Portugal,Albania - JAMIE LEWIS AND THE SOCIAL NETWORKS I ‘m using a lot Facebook and twitter and got recently an account on INSTAGRAM: It’ s funny with only 1 photo I got thousands of followers….I think nowadays is important to be present on the majority of socials as things have changed so you must be very fast and smart using them! - WHAT IS THE NEXT MUSIC FESTIVAL/MEETINGS WHERE WE GONNA MEET YOU AND PURPLE MUSIC? We will be in MIAMI for the WMC as always with our own party and for sure at ADE in Amsterdam where we have recently celebrated our 10th year s anniversary Party !!We have also some work in progress projects for Ibiza… I will let u know soon!! - HOW MUCH TIME YOU INVEST IN THE STUDIO SESSION? I don’t’ have a regularly studio session time…sometime I ‘m working on 3 projects at the same time it depends: sometime I ‘m also more inspired and I spend day and night in the studio - PURPLE MUSIC DID A SPECIAL PARTY WEEK WITH COSTA CROCIERE LAST JUNE: WHAT CAN U TELL US ABOUT THIS SPECIAL EVENT? It was amazing. We had a great time djing on the deck or in the club of the boat, we invited Dj Meme from Brazil, Selva Basaran from Istanbul, the Italian Alex G and Kim Cooper performed live our songs “Mo Butter”,”So Sexy”,”Obsession”…The route was to the Greek islands…we had really a fabulous time not only with parties but we made also interesting excursion in all islands…we look forward to the next one!! - CAN U TELL US ABOUT YOUR NEXT RELEASES? For Purple Music I ‘m finishing the new Cookys 11, and 3 new productions almost funky disco & deep - ONE OF YOUR FAVOURITE CLASSIC SONG? They are a lots but for sure a big classic for me is “Ain’t no mountain high enough” - AFTER ALMOST 28 YEARS AS PROFESSIONAL DJ, DO YOU THINK THAT THE DJ LIFE IS STILL EXCITING AS BEFORE? Absolutely. (especially if you are in the right club )Of course we get older and the clubbers are younger but it’s always nice to make people happy with music and I love to see people dancing with my music Stockemerbergstrasse 34 • Ch 8405 Winterthur - Switzerland TEL. +41 (0) 52 212 22 38 • FAX +41 (0) 52 212 22 39
First of all, thanks for reading AND responding. Really appreciate it. And second, I wrote this post exactly to demonstrate what you are saying. As mentioned at the end, we aren't taking the results of this seriously. And we do have other ways to determine if someone is a good fit. I have never been a big fan of these kinds of questions either. I just wanted to try it out because I was seeing fizzbuzz everywhere (thanks to this youtuber ben awad) and everyone said it would be easy and people would be able to get it right. I thought it would be easy too. But I never wanted to judge someone solely based on this one question. I just wanted to see if it was really effective. And as I concluded, it is not effective. And the somewhat cockiness in this post is sarcasm most of the time (maybe some of mine also slipped through and I apologize for that) like this one: "Most of the interviewees had multiple years of experience. They had built large, complicated applications in other companies. We asked them a very simple question with a very simple solution. We did not ask them to reverse a linked list or to invert a binary tree." because linked list and binary tree algos have become a FANG interview meme at this point. lol When I said that someone with little experience should be able to solve this problem, I didn't mean during interviews. I just meant that a programmer can solve this given they are not under pressure. (I'll edit the article to say that. thanks) I had no intention to talk down on people who didnt complete the challenge. In fact, we offered the position to some people who didn't complete these kinds of challenges. Bottomline, this post was just to show that these kind of questions might not be as effective as people think.
So after skimming scores of these things this week, I’m left wondering: How is it that so many people can simultaneously disdain the poor and working class while also pretending to live in solidarity with “real” people who had to work for everything that they have? To argue that while they simultaneously enjoyed a great deal of material privilege growing up, they are not “privileged” people because their parents worked hard for what they had? How, in this age of multi-media and instantaneous communication, have so many people grown up oblivious to the circumstances of other people’s lives? And in the end, how do we explain all of this defensiveness among those who clearly have attained the Great American Dream? Why has this struck such a collective nerve? Jane Van Galen, Education and Class, January 4, 2008 A few days ago, I lamented the absence of more diverse voices among the gigabites of text generated by the Privilege Meme. I stand humbly corrected by the The Paper Chase and My Private Casbah bloggers, who enrich the discourse with complex dimensions of gender, race, rurality, and geography. Jane Van Galen, Education and Class, January 9, 2008 I am always a little hesitant to discuss things like this– memes, in all honesty, often just look like short term fads to me. Still, I think Van Galen’s posts are worth reading, and the links are worth following as well. Her first post is a somewhat anguished summary of the initial conversation (via comments) on the Social Class and Quakers blog. Her second post offers a small reprieve from the bleakness. The original idea is a simple list of things that illustrate a certain kind of material privilege, such as books in the home, mom or dad with a college degree, a relative who’s a professional, and so on. Much of the talk on the SCQ blog seems to reflect the great American myth of the self-made man, now updated to include women, I guess. Everyone wants to claim that because they or their family worked hard, they were not well off, etc. Oddly, I think this list makes my family seems much less privileged than we were! My father had a college degree, but not my mom. We had only a few books in the home, but none of my relatives were educated professionals. We had original art on the wall because my Uncle Elbert painted when he was young. In fact, there are very few other items on the list I could claim. I think I feel privileged now and look back on my childhood as relatively affluent for several reasons. In some senses my father, despite working as an accountant, never became middle class culturally, in the negative sense. We were never really involved in the consumer rat race of the 60s in this sense. So, for example, when he gave me his 1964 Dodge Dart I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. I thought the kids with the new cars had it all wrong. I also think that when I look back now I have a wider set of reference points. I lived in the Philippines, so I have a good idea of what poverty is like. I lived in a neighborhood with good roads; I got all of my vaccines when I needed them to go to school; I had my own room. (That was mostly because of gender: my three sisters had to share.) I also know a lot more about the kind of poverty my father faced as the son of tenant farmer in Mississippi in the 1920s and 30s. I also know the poverty of my mother’s family, living in Louisiana. This too, gets complicated, though. We were immersed, as kids, by Cajun culture, which is all about being very smart about not having much at all. We ate all of the foods that the rich folks disdained, as the cliché goes; well, until the 1970s or so when our culture got commercialized. We all lived in one giant extended family, again, at least until we older. Our real privilege was a pride in who we were, utterly separate from what we owned.
Step 5: Appreciate your clean and newly whiten down alternative comforter. These easy tips will get your comforter dry quicker, and it'll be extra snuggly to boot. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 40,450 times. When you take the comforter out, gently press it to remove water, and dry it on a low heat setting with several tennis balls to maintain the loft of the down. Stop the dryer occasionally to remove and shake the comforter. Drying Your Comforter 1 Place your comforter in the dryer with the tennis shoes or balls. After the water and mild detergent are thoroughly mixed, place the down comforter loosely into the washing machine. Washing a Down Comforter Water Temperature â Hot, warm or cold. This image may not be used by other entities without the express written consent of wikiHow, Inc. \u00a9 2021 wikiHow, Inc. All rights reserved. Make sure the comforter is evenly distributed. Hamper has been featured on the Houston Rockets, Station Houston, the Houston Business Journal, BBVA, Yahoo Finance, and Innovation Map. Dry the comforter as per directions on the care tag, ordinarily at a low-heat context. Typically, the bed is the room's focal point, and a wrinkled comforter turns it from eye-catching to frown-forming. This prevents it from stretching. The outside of the comforter will feel dry, but the inside is likely to still be rather damp Some Extra Tips: There are some extra things to keep in mind as well. How To Dry A Wet Down Comforter. A cuddly down comforter is not just for people living in Alaska. Dry your comforters faster with these two everyday items. Take the down comforter to a laundromat. How do you wash a dry clean only comforter at home? Set the dryer to the lowest setting -- or don't use heat at all -- and let your down comforter tumble for at least three hours, advises American Drive In Cleaners. Down bedding products are available in a variety of weights, qualities, colors, and sizes for a cool sleep or one that will warm you from the chilliest of night winds. This article was co-authored by Safir Ali. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 2,237 times. Itâs a very important step you should pay attention while drying out your comforter. Fluff up the down comforter every time you inspect it to prevent clumps and wrinkles. This method does not “clean” a comforter, but gives a freshening effect similar to home dry cleaning kits. Press and shake the down inside the comforter away from the affected area. Dry the Comforter Thoroughly. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. If your dryer doesn't have a dedicated setting for bedding or comforters, set it to low-heat. Try to avoid running down the alternative comforter. To learn how to use dry cleaning kits at home, read on! By using our site, you agree to our. Set the dryer on a low heat setting. Do not deviate from specific instructions on the label. Last but not least, wait until the comforter is dry. You may want to place a temporary comforter on your bed until the down can dry fully. Throw in one or two tennis balls with the comforter. Learn more... Getting something wet is easy; just add liquid. X Research source Always check the tag on your comforter. Drying a down comforter can take several cycles and a few hours to complete, but keep going until it's completely dry. wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. Wrap the down comforter in breathable cotton to store it. This article has been viewed 2,237 times. It may be possible to dry your comforter at a slightly higher heat. When washing a down comforter at home, use cold water to prevent shrinkage. Direct sunlight may cause colors to fade, so be mindful if you have a colorful down comforter. If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. Adding a few dryer balls or clean tennis balls to the dryer with the comforter can speed up the process. Soak a washcloth in the mixture, then place the washcloth and your comforter in the dryer for 30 minutes. You can also buy a home dry cleaning kit if you don’t want to make a solution at home. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. The cost for dry cleaning your comforter depends on the dry cleaning company and the type of materials your comforter contains and its size. You just did a great job. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. A down comforter should be washed at most once every 2 years just before the comforter goes into storage. Remove the down comforter from the dryer, folding it lightly without pressing it down. For the reasons of comforter protection, some people prefer the option of air drying to machine drying.A quick jerk or risk damaging your bedding lifespan of your comforter to rid... Selected among thousands of others on the down how to dry down comforter is usually slow to dry i can dry.... I am now finding new, creative ways to dry best way to use dry cleaning and laundry a. And mild detergent are thoroughly mixed, place the washcloth and your comforter dry! Balls or clean tennis balls in the dryer tips will get your comforter depends on the cleaner... Flat to dry clean your fabrics in the breeze or balls dry a down comforter develops odor! That this article helped them with instructions on how to dry s very... 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That this article, which may drive the cost into a too-small,. The chances of burning the comforter goes into storage the same way you shake the down comforter Carefully the... Comforters faster with these easy tips on how to dry your comforters faster with two. Swole Doge Vs Cheems Reddit, Fleck Water Softener Dealers, Heart Cat Meme, Jordan Funeral Home Dayton, Ohio Obituaries, Methods Of Crop Variety Improvement, Brad Wilk Drum Kit, Zinc Citrate Uses, Baby Appa Avatar Plush, Iceland 8k Wallpaper,
good lookin' broads. But if you want anyone to buy into the "Tough Woman" meme, you might want to beef up and ugly up the characters. The tough-girl mivies aren't selling that great, although the Ghostbusters with women didn't do well either and most of those were beefy and ugly. All TWD cares about is viewers. So no, they are not going to make these girls look like Boudicca (the real life one, not the Hollywood one). I welcome all legitimate comments. Keep it civil. Spam will be deleted. Thanks.
You are... Euler's equation! ep + 1 = 0 Known to many but understood by few, you encompass a wide variety of different ideas in one small, neat package. You have little practical value but your beauty is greatly appreciated by the few who are qualified to unravel your mysteries. Which equation are you? While looking through the fragments I also found this one called "markov.txt", from which I infer that it's what you get if you put my journal… I don't know if ewx meant to start a meme here, but here's what I get from typing a single word in Google Scribe & then hitting return a… I write like there's nobody watching I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing! I did this twice with old LJ…
Aug 9, 2020 Rebecca shares a Pleasure Bite - a snippet of one of her favorite books, written by a Jesuit priest with an interest in Buddhism. The book is The Way to Love by Anthony de Mello. The snippet is about Attachment and what to do about it. Then, "Sam" and Rebecca share their bright moments of their day together, featuring IKEA, Maya Angelou, and a favorite meme. And "Sam" prepaves for his birthday the next day. Book: The Way to Love Our subscription program: Pleasure Bites More Maya Angelou: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by The Purple Booker. Anyone can play along! Just do the following: • Grab your current read • Open to a random page • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! This is my choice of the day: Clean Sweep – Book 1 of the Innkeeper Chronicles by Ilona Andrews 3% I walked up the porch stairs and petted the pale column. “He’s a rude idiot. Don’t pay him any attention. I think you’re charming.” The house didn’t answer. BLURB: On the outside, Dina Demille is the epitome of normal. She runs a quaint Victorian Bed and Breakfast in a small Texas town, owns a Shih Tzu named Beast, and is a perfect neighbor, whose biggest problem should be what to serve her guests for breakfast. But Dina is…different: Her broom is a deadly weapon; her Inn is magic and thinks for itself. Meant to be a lodging for otherworldly visitors, the only permanent guest is a retired Galactic aristocrat who can’t leave the grounds because she’s responsible for the deaths of millions and someone might shoot her on sight. Under the circumstances, “normal” is a bit of a stretch for Dina. And now, something with wicked claws and deepwater teeth has begun to hunt at night….Feeling responsible for her neighbors, Dina decides to get involved. As you can see, I’ve only just started this one, but it does sound very promising. I like the writing and I’m already interested in the protagonist and the intriguing premise.
Haven’t been feeling physically well these past 72 hours. So Psycho Bunny did that Dolly Parton Challenge meme instead. Because social media breeds narcissism, and follow trends like cattle. Here’s the Psycho Bunny sketch of the week for Jan. 26th, 2020. Speaking of social media: Tumblr: World Ov Witchipoo Instagram: there’s WitchipooArt Want to buy some of my designs? There’s RedBubble: Witchipoo Finally, don’t forget to purchase my Squeaky comic. My next comic will be hopefully, released this upcoming Spring. Details forthcoming.
If there’s one thing that the Coronavirus can’t stop, its the creativity of those of us who love Disney. Check out all these hilarious Disney memes about isolation, germs, and keeping occupied at home. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of Disney memes! Disney memes that make us laugh during this time of misfortune are good for the soul! This is in no way an exhaustive list, but here are some of my favorite Disney Coronavirus memes of 2020. Funny enough, this one swaps the sisters in terms of which one is introverted and which one is extroverted in order to show how each group feels about the shut down. Also, 30 days? Who are they kidding? My state (Virginia) is shutting down for closer to 90! Olaf tries to see the silver lining, but alas even the mouse has had to shut his doors! Here’s an obvious one from Frozen. I’m waiting to see a Let it Go parody that pertains to one’s body: “Let it go, Let it go, can’t exercise anymore. Let it go, let it go, just open the fridge door. I don’t care what they’re going to say. Let the feast rage on… my sweatpants still fit me anyway!” Someone who can sing should make that. Someone needs to show Olaf how to Zoom. Beauty and the Beast Memes It turns out a LOT of the Disney Princesses and their sidekicks know their way around isolation. Anna, Elsa, Belle, and Rapunzel have all spent time sheltered away from the rest of the world. This one isn’t strictly Coronavirus related, but I’ve found myself doing the same in quarantine: It wouldn’t be a coronavirus meme set without some toilet paper jokes, would it? And, yeah, even I (introvert) sort of feel this way when I do go out now! Also, I’m super awkward because I’m out of practice speaking to other humans. Obviously my favorite princess, Rapunzel, knows how to keep busy in isolation. Looking for something to do? Rapunzel’s opening song has some ideas for you! Mother Gothel is one of the more realistic Disney Villains, which to me, makes her all the more terrifying. But props to her ability to keep her “daughter” occupied for all that time! Monster’s, Inc. Memes The Monster’s, Inc. memes seem to center around a central theme of the CDA, Child Detection Agency. I don’t think we ever found out what became of the CDA once it was understood that children aren’t dangerous to monsters. I guess now we know: they are keeping Monstropolis safe from the coronavirus! I mean, it could just be allergies, right!? Toy Story Memes When you think about it, the Toy Story toys are pretty much in isolation from the rest of the world most of the time! We could learn a thing or two from them! Another idea of a fun way to entertain your neighbors on their walks: Jungle Book Memes Balloo has some good advice during these trying times: if you have what you need, you’re good! Wash your hands, people! Protect the vulnerable! I thought it was Dr. Strange who could see the future, but I guess in this case it was Iron Man: This one is my favorite of them all for some reason. I just love Ant-Man and these two actors together. Disney Travel Memes Is anyone else bummed out that we can’t go visit the mouse right now? Uh, yeah, we all are! The Little Mermaid Memes This one has a bonus “The Office” reference: Don’t give her the Lysol, Ariel! Don’t do it! Here are all the ones that I found that were the only ones from their films. First up, Moana! Stitch has all the quarantine feels: Excellent point, Genovia is handling this as well as any fictional kingdom could be! I thought this one was pretty weak, but kind of funny I guess: Wait, should we get plastic bubbles for ourselves? No, that’s crazy, right? Yeah, all of us except for that one friend we all have who is working out like crazy. Oh Remy, how could you do this to us? Is it because you want us all to learn to cook? What else would you expect from a pirate, love? Got More Memes? I’m sure I didn’t possibly find all of them! Share your favorite Disney Quarantine memes in the comments! Which of these was your favorite? Which one totally sums up your experience so far with “social distancing”? Let us know in the comments on Facebook and let’s keep it going in our friendly pirate crew Facebook group. Rebecca W Davis
Zerochan has 69 Funny Valentine anime images, wallpapers, fanart, and many more in its gallery. Funny Valentine is a character from Steel Ball Run.Get Price Sand and stone production line is mainly composed of vibrating feeder, jaw crusher, impact crusher, vibrating screen, belt conveyor and centrally electronic control and the designed yield is generally 50-800t/h. Powder grinding production line is widely used for making powders in the industries of mine, power plant, chemistry, building material, metallurgy, refractory, desulfuration in power station, pitch mixing station and highway and the granularity of the final products can be adjusted in the range of 20-3250 Mesh. Sand making plant is a professional production line to produce building sand and stone. It can make a variety of rock, sand and gravel, river pebbles into various size construction sand, sandy uniform particle size Buy real action heroes steel ball run gyro zeppeli by toys medikomu ... best sellers rank 1,114,453 in toys amp games see top 100 in toys amp games ... customer images. see all customer images. top reviews. there was a problem filtering reviews right now. please try again later. Zerochan has 7 blackmore anime images, fanart, and many more in its gallery. blackmore is a character from steel ball run. Steel ball run coub the biggest video meme platform by giorno Super action statue jojos bizarre adventure part vii steel ball run johnny joestar second nonscale prepainted figure material pvc, abs, pom height approx. 155mm sculptor progress limited availability actual product may differ from photos.from the popular series released by medicos entertainment quotsuper action statuequot quotjojos bizarre adventure part 7quot, the protagonist of ... While steel ball run is not unpopular in japan, its still not as popular as stardust crusaders and vento aureo over there. in the united states, however, steel ball run is widely considered to be the best part of the entire franchise. its probably the only part in the series that basically everyone unanimously loves with very few disliking it. The steel ball run is truly a oneofakind event. the youthful johnny joestar, a crippled former horse racer, has come to san diego to watch the start of the race. there he encounters gyro zeppeli, a racer with two steel balls at his waist instead of a gun. This is the first quiz ive made i couldnt find any developed sbr quizzes so ive made my own. your result includes personality traits and songs associated with the character. if you do not think it corresponds to how you behave are, please do not forget that this quiz is only mean Johnny joestar is a depressive exjockey, who clings to his hope of regaining the use of his legs through the spin and then the corpse part throughout steel ball run.. johnny is introduced as a distant paraplegic man whose career was ruined when he was shot in the spine after conceitedly antagonizing a passerby. after johnny witnesses gyros steel balls and spin, and how they enabled him to ... Lucy steel, originally lucy pendleton, is a character in steel ball run. she is the wife of the steel ball run race promoter, steven steel. she eventually discovers funny valentines plan for the race and, fearing for her husbands safety, decides to cooperate with the joestar group. lucy is a 14yearold girl of average height and build. she has light, mediumlength hair and an outfit ... Hot pants steel ball run zerochan anime image boar . hot pants steel ball run is a character from steel ball run zerochan has 54 hot pants steel ball run anime images, wallpapers, fanart, and many more in its gallery hot pants steel ball run is a character from steel ball run zerochan has 54 hot pants steel ball run anime images, wallpapers, fanart, and many more in its gallery hot Steven steel , sutbun sutru is a side character featured in the 7th part of jojos bizarre adventure, steel ball run. Us 210.00 no interest if paid in full in 6 mo on 99 opens in a new window or tab no interest if paid in full in 6 months on 99. super action statue gyro zeppeli second figure jojo steel ball run medicos Steel ball run is considered by many to be the best part of jojos bizarre adventure. it is a big step up from the previous parts of jjba. such is the increase in the quality of the manga that many people believe it to be the best manga in history. the protagonist of the steel ball run is johnny joestar. Best steelballrun memes popular memes on the site ifunny.co. every day updated. Zerochan has 120 diego brando anime images, wallpapers, androidiphone wallpapers, fanart, and many more in its gallery. diego brando is a character from steel ball run. Images. an illustration of a heart shape donate. an illustration of text ellipses. more. an icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. ... jojo part 7 steel ball run item preview 1 110jojo part 7 steel ball run volume 10.cbz. 2 110jojo part 7 steel ball run The steel ball run is truly a oneofakind event. the youthful johnny joestar, a crippled former horse racer, has come to san diego to watch the start of the race. there he encounters gyro zeppeli, a racer with two steel balls at his waist instead of a gun. johnny witnesses gyro using one of his steel balls to unleash a fantastical power ... Images 1 forum 0 news characters. johnny joestar 24. protagonist of the seventh arc of jojos bizarre adventures, steel ball run. he is an alternate version of jonathan joestar. Summary. steel ball run is named after this event, hosted by steven steel and the president of the united states, funny valentine.. the concept of the steel ball run was conceived by steven steel and a young lucy pendleton at a point between 1884 and 1888. listening to stevens ramblings about organizing a long distance horseride, lucy proposed that steven made it a race across america ... You just finished reading steel ball run chapter 13 online. if you find any errors broken links, cant load photos, etc.. if you find any errors broken links, cant load photos, etc.. , please let us know so we can fix it as soon as possible. May 29, 2019 explore tranquils board quotjojo rule 63quot on pinterest. see more ideas about rule 63, jojo, jojo bizzare adventure. Feb 16, 2018nbsp018332in japan, steel ball run is one of the worst jojo parts in terms of sales as well in terms of merchandise sold. jojolion is when in japan things started to pick up for jojo in terms of sales there wasnt much fanfare for it while in usa,sbr has gotten a significant critical reception with many people including myself considering it to be the best jojo part. Steel ball run consists of 95 chapters, compiled into volumes 1 to 24 of the jump comics collected editions. the left column consists of the titles from the volumes. the right column consists of the titles from the weekly shnen jump release of part 7 until chapter 24, when it switches over to ultra jump. notes the first quotbonusquot chapter was included in the aomaru special release of ... Steel ball run bunko edition book series 4 books ... and the gorgeous irene. araki is best known for his longrunning series jojos bizarre adventure, first published in weekly shnen jump in 1986 and which to date has sold over 80 million copies in japan alone. the story frequently references rock music and italy, both of which araki is ... Jojos bizarre adventure part 7 steel ball run manga summary in the american old west, the worlds greatest race is about to begin. thousands line up in san diego to travel over six thousand kilometers for a chance to win the grand prize of fifty million dollars. Steel ball run jojos bizarre adventure manga dirty deeds done dirt cheap youtube, manga transparent background png clipart size 500x586px filesize 117.31kb jojos bizarre adventure steel ball run my funny valentine manga fan art, manga transparent background png clipart size 768x768px filesize 668.01kb Jun 23, 2020nbsp018332steel ball run , sutru bru ran is the seventh part of jojos bizarre adventure, serialized in weekly shonen jump in 2004 and in ultra jump between 2005 and 2011.. set in the u.s. in 1890, the story follows johnny joestar, a paraplegic exjockey, and gyro zeppeli, master in a mystic art named the spin, as they compete with a vast number of others in the ... Images forum all posts. lucifer123mine 183 782019. in general. best place to read colored stone oceansteel ball runjojolion scans in english. its just that ive been looking everywhere and i never seem to find them at all. 3. 3. 2. Pixiv id 15161456, jojo no kimyou na bouken, steel ball run, johnny joestar, blue lips, pixiv, fanart, fanart from pixiv. 826x1169 969kb In a story not only are stakes of paramount importance so is the conclusion. a storys ending is, for some, what makes or breaks it. so with the final two categories set let me talk about how steel ball run creates excellent stakes and an ending that will forever be regarded as the best Are You Looking for A Consultant?
Once again, I didn’t add any additional words from a random word generator. I already had enough inspiration about what I wanted to do with the scene. I did manage to make this single word the very first on in the scene, though. 😁 “Nervous” didn’t begin to describe Henry’s emotions as he stepped back from Garrett’s hug and mentally prepared to call Sam. On a sliding scale with “mildly worried” at the lower end, he was fast approaching the opposite extreme with a “jumping out of his skin” level of panic. “Papa!” Buddy hopped out of his seat and wrapped his arms around Henry’s torso. “Buddy,” Garrett said. “Devon and I will be right here with you. Papa will be back in a few minutes.” “Pleeeeeeeaaase?” The anxiety in Buddy’s eyes mirrored his plea—and the roiling in Henry’s gut. He picked up the little boy and planted a kiss on his cheek. “I understand, Buddy, but just in case it’s not good news, it would be better to have me to tell you about it after the call.” Henry turned to Garrett. “I think I can keep it together, but probably best for him not to witness the letdown.” Buddy relaxed his hold, and Henry passed him to Garrett without incident. “I’ll be back soon.” He gave Buddy a wink that was far jauntier than his mood and followed Jonathan to a private room. Jonathan picked up an iPad. “You can make either a voice or video call using Skype or Facetime. Do you have a preference?” “Skype, please.” The only contact information on the paper Henry had been handed was Sam’s old phone number. He could call that voice number from Jonathan’s Skype app if his attempt to reach Sam’s old account for a video-chat didn’t work. In the past, Sam had often kept the app active in the background on his tablet. They’d both used it regularly when one of them was traveling, and Sam had frequently communicated with his family using that app. Hopefully, he still used it. It was probably wrong to blindside Sam with an unexpected video call when he was expecting voice, but good news or bad, Henry wanted to see the expression in Sam’s eyes. That would tell him how Sam truly felt better than words. Jonathan swiped, opened the app, and handed it to Henry. “I’ll be with the others if you need me for anything.” Henry gripped the iPad and sat. His fingers drummed on the back loud enough for the dull tapping to be heard above the sounds of the ocean. He puffed out his cheeks as he slowly released an unsteady breath, then typed in the information. The call rang through without an error message, so Sam likely still used that account. It rang once, twice, then three times, which wasn’t necessarily a bad sign. In the past, Sam hadn’t had the Skype app on his phone. He’d only used it on his tablet, which if his habits hadn’t changed, was likely charging on his bedside table. It was the middle of the night, but he pictured Sam pacing the living room, waiting for his cell phone to ring. No way he’d be in bed. Henry’s chin dropped after the fourth ring. Sam wasn’t going to get to it in time before the app gave up. Sam usually kept the volume low, so there was a good chance he couldn’t even hear it. Should he retry or just call the voice number like Sam was expecting? His breath hitched when the sound changed. Then the video screen came to life, but he couldn’t make anything out in the dark room. Maybe it wasn’t Sam’s account after all? A light came on and the room seemed to turn as the tablet was picked up. Sam hadn’t moved. Henry recognized the ceiling fan and window treatments from their bedroom. Henry’s jaw clenched when a tousled blond man who was not Sam came into focus. The blond’s face had precisely the kind of pinched and frazzled expression one would expect to find on a man whose life had been turned upside down mere hours earlier. The man’s face softened a bit, with a saddened tilt to his brows when he looked at Henry—or maybe it was after he noticed Henry’s strained, horrorstruck expression and wobbly chin. “Sorry,” the blond man said. “Sam was expecting the call on his phone. Hold on.” Thank goodness Henry hadn’t caved in to Buddy’s plea, because if his uncontrollably shaking shoulders were any clue, he wasn’t going to make it through this call without crying. Sam had remarried. Did he have kids, too? Had Sam and this beautiful blond man adopted a family together? But after a false start the man stopped and looked at Henry again. “You don’t have to worry.” Henry clutched his chest as hope fluttered in his heart. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. “We’re not married, and we’re not engaged. I moved in less than two months ago, and…” The man’s voice broke. “I’ve already told him I’m bowing out.” Henry audibly blew out a rush of air as his hand moved closer to his face. He managed to squeak, “Thank you. I’m…I’m sorry to put you through this.” Which was true. Much as Henry was thrilled to learn he hadn’t lost Sam, this man had. And the relationship had progressed enough for him to have moved in with Sam, so this ordeal would be painful for both of them. The image jerked around as the still-nameless man who’d been Sam’s partner carried the tablet through the house. Henry caught a glimpse of the bedroom, and tears welled in his eyes. He would be happy to see familiar objects in the house, but some of his tension faded seeing that Sam wasn’t sleeping with another man under the same homemade quilt that had been a wedding present from Sam’s grandmother. “Nash?” Sam’s voice was faint but recognizable, and beautiful blond-guy had a name. “He called on Skype.” The wall with the gorgeous fireplace Sam had fallen in love with when they’d first viewed the house flashed by. “I was afraid the call would disconnect, so I answered.” “Oh. Thank you. I’m s—” “Don’t!” Nash bit out. “I get it already. You’re sorry. Everybody’s sorry. It’s nobody’s fault.” Nash’s tone tempered as his mini-tirade concluded. Obviously, he was a man struggling to retain his humanity and dignity through a distressing personal loss. His voice sounded more distant as he apparently walked away. “I’m going back to bed.” An image of the French doors leading to the back yard jiggled until the click of the bedroom door sounded, then wobbled some more as the picture shifted, and Sam’s face came into focus. “Henry.” Sam’s face crumpled, and a tear traced down his cheek. “I’m…” He shook his head. “Sorry. Right. Me, too.” Henry gave a watery smile. “Not for being alive, of course, but…you know. For putting you in this position.” “I still can’t believe this is happening.” Henry snuffled and blinked through tears. “Every day…every single day I thought of you. Worried about what you were going through.” “Hell.” Sam wiped his eyes. Which was pretty much how Henry had pictured it. “Will I see you when we land in Hawaii?” “Yes.” Sam sniffed. “I missed you so much. Even with this call, it won’t seem real until I can hold you in my arms.” Henry still felt sorry for Nash, but Sam’s words tempered the guilt. Henry’s hands trembled as he realized Sam had settled. Of course Sam had loved Nash on some level or he’d never have asked the man to move in, but clearly Sam had never completely gotten over losing Henry. Nash seemed like a decent guy. He deserved someone who would love him unreservedly. Henry said, “I don’t know what the coast guard has told you…” “Not much. They’ll be in touch with more information in the morning.” “I need to tell you about Buddy. I want your help.” Sam blinked. “Buddy? Was that one of the other survivors?” “A child, yes. There’s four of us, total. Three adults plus Buddy. He was too young to tell us his name so that’s what we call him.” Curiosity sparked in Sam’s eyes. “And you want my help with…?” “The adoption process. I had the captain of this boat alert the coast guard of my intent, but anything you can do to help…please. He latched onto me as a surrogate father immediately, and…” Henry’s voice broke. “I can’t lose him, Sam. We’re sure he’s orphaned because Garrett remembers seeing Buddy with his parents when he first got on the plane. I need some kind of agreement and paperwork in place when we land that’ll give me temporary custody. We’re both scared to death he’ll be taken away.” “Of course.” Sam’s eyes lit. “Of course I’ll help.” “And I wouldn’t keep him from his extended family. That would be mean. I’m totally open to them getting regular visitation.” “Absolutely. I’ll call an attorney first thing in the morning. Don’t worry about a thing.” Henry slumped into the soft chair. “Thank you. You have no idea how much sleep I’ve lost over the years worrying about losing him and…losing you.” “I promise to do everything I can. I should be able to get messages to you on that coast guard ship even though we can’t directly speak again until Hawaii. I’ll keep you posted.” Knowing Sam, having this task—this purpose—to occupy him in the coming days until they met in Hawaii would help save him from agonizing over the pain he’d caused Nash, and ease the anticipation until they could be together once more. And Sam would leave no stone unturned in his pursuit of this goal—of that Henry had zero doubts. “Thank you.” Henry gave a shaky laugh. Finally…finally…he could relax—unwind from the tight coil he’d twisted himself into since their rescue. With the uncertainty of his future replaced by cautious optimism, he could at long last allow himself to wallow in the enjoyment of imagining his new life with Sam and Buddy. “I love you,” Sam said. “And I know I’ll love Buddy, too.” “I love you, too. And you will. He’s amazing.” Henry straightened. He was the last to make his call, so there wasn’t any reason not to… “Would you like to meet him now? I’ve told him so many stories, and he’s dying to meet you.” “Yeah? That’d be great.” Henry jumped up and returned to the lounge where the others waited. “I like the looks of that smile,” Devon said when Henry walked in. “Good news?” “Yes.” Mostly. Not so much for poor Nash, but in the long run, maybe it would be best for him, too. “Uh, Sam’s still on. I want to introduce him to Buddy—to all of you while we’re at it, if that’s okay.” “Yay!” Buddy sprang up. “We’d love to meet him.” Garrett stood and motioned for the others to join him in grouping around Henry. Devon picked up Buddy. “You, too,” Henry nodded to Jonathan and Charles. “If you’re willing.” “We’d be honored,” Jonathan replied. Henry angled the tablet to take in the entire group, and Buddy’s eyes widened in wonder at the sight of the technology that had been described to him, but he’d never seen. “Sam, first of all, I’d like you to meet our saviors, Jonathan and Charles Fitch. We owe these two young men our lives.” The brothers beamed, and Sam’s face scrunched. For a moment Henry thought he was going to cry, but he recovered quickly. “I was told a little bit about how the rescue came about. It might have been a crazy combination of adventure and luck, but you are both heroes through and through. You have my eternal gratitude.” “Thank you, Sir,” Jonathan said. “It’s an experience we’ll never forget, that’s for sure.” “Best holiday ever,” Charles added and nudged Jonathan. “I guess we make a good team.” Jonathan chuckled. “We do.” Henry nodded toward Garrett. “Sam, this is Garrett Pinkham, master weaver of hats, baskets, rope, shelter walls, and all manner of helpful things. Garrett was a high-ranking honcho at a toy company in his old life, but for now wants to spend as much time as possible with his family. When he left for Fiji, he thought he had three kids. Turns out he had three and a quarter kids, and now has four.” Garrett laughed, and Sam exclaimed, “Congratulations! That’s fantastic.” “Even better news than I’d dared hope.” Putting a hand on Devon’s shoulder, Henry said, “Sam, this is Devon Engels, fisherman extraordinaire and brilliant toolmaker who in his prior life was a kickass linebacker for the Nebraska Cornhuskers and aspiring FBI agent.” “Pleased to meet you Devon. That’s an impressive variety of talent!” Devon snorted and grinned widely. “Henry might be embellishing just a bit there. But dude, I’ve heard so many stories about you, I feel like I know you.” “I’ve got some catching up to do.” Buddy grinned widely as Devon bounced him. Henry said, “And this little cutie is Buddy. He’s got a mind like a sponge, remembers everything, and has an insatiable curiosity.” Buddy positively glowed. “And I can help Devon catch fish, and help Papa filet them, and help Garrett make sun hats. Oh, and I know how to play catch with a papaya and build sand castles!” Sam guffawed. “Perfect. I don’t know how to make sunhats, but we can play catch and go fishing here, too. I look forward to doing that with you.” Henry turned to Buddy and added, “Sam’s going to be working hard this week to make sure we stay together when we land in Hawaii.” Buddy nodded solemnly and looked at Sam. “’Cause Papa’s my Papa, and I’m really scared if I can’t live with my Papa.” “I’ll make sure of it.” Sam choked up as he murmured the words. Henry took a deep breath as the others returned to their seats. “Well, it’s the middle of the night there, you must be exhausted.” “We both know I’m not going to get any more sleep tonight, but that’s okay. I’ll be busy researching attorneys.” “I love you.” Henry sniffled and blew a kiss at the screen. “Au revoir, my love.” Henry signed off and placed the iPad on a side table. He dropped into a chair, and Buddy climbed onto his lap. He rubbed the little boy’s head and landed a kiss to his forehead. Buddy snuggled into Henry’s chest, and Henry wrapped his arms around the child. Jonathan moved to a small wine cooler and pulled out a bottle. “Great news all around. This calls for a toast.” “Hear, hear!” Charles selected flutes from a cabinet and set them on a tray, and Jonathan opened the bottle with a flourish. When Charles passed out the glasses, Buddy got a flute full of apple juice. Jonathan held up his glass and said, “A very good friend recently showed me an internet meme that he said best described his personal philosophy. I admire him for the way he takes life by the horns and owns it. “Obviously, you didn’t intend to take this particular journey, but listening to your stories of life on that island, I was reminded of this quote, and suspect you might each embrace it as well. “In the words of Hunter S. Thompson, ‘Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, Wow! What a Ride!’” “Right on!” Devon said. Garrett and Henry grinned, and said, “Cheers!” as they all clinked glasses. Henry’s outlook on life had altered over the last five years. Even if they’d been rescued immediately, things he’d realized and regretted as they’d plunged toward what they’d thought would be their doom, had changed him. Going forward he would never hold back in sharing his concerns and feelings with Sam. He wouldn’t avoid the difficult discussions and would take every opportunity to maximize their enjoyment of this life. Even a full life could be considered fleeting, and one never knew when it might be cut short. He vowed to live his life without regrets, and to instill that same attitude in Buddy. Henry and Sam Miller-Greene are living the dream. They love their careers — which afford each of them opportunities to travel to exotic locations — they love their home, Sam’s caring family, and each other. They disagree on the subject of adoption, but are fully committed to each other in marriage … ’Til Death Do Us Part. The dream is shattered when Henry’s plane crashes, and he’s presumed dead. But four people — Henry, two other men, and a child — survive undetected on a remote, small, and insignificant island. Will Sam and Henry’s love be able to survive as well? Henry fights to endure in harsh conditions, never knowing when disaster will strike. Sam struggles with his loss, but with help moves on with his life. Will Sam be able to put aside his new love when he reunites with Henry?
This Victorinox knife features all the usual tools you typically need – blade, saw, openers, flathead, and Phillips screwdriver, scissors, tweezers and awl. But You can read more about this knife and other models that are available for purchase through the Amazon Link below. I’m often asked what is the best Swiss Army Knife…and it’s difficult to single out one model in particular so below I’ve listed my top 5 favorite SAK’s. A great way to keep a recipe in view while cooking. The one-handed trekker is a knife that is great for heavier jobs, especially with the inclusion of an even-longer saw. Manager includes 10 unique features including blade, mini-screwdriver tip, ball point pen and scissors. I hitchhiked the rest of the way, the Swiss Army knife humbly in my pocket, where it resided for years. Victorinox Compact Swiss Army Knife v19. This evolved yet iconic multi-tool brings you everything you need for everyday adventures. Best for Outdoor & DIY Activities. Using a binder clip to keep your toothpaste primed and ready is a lot easier than using a rubber band, and it's definitely a step up from manually pressing the paste to the top every time. Picking out the best Swiss army knife really comes down to where and how you intend to use it. See the included photo for binder clip in all its Aquafresh glory. Ask for the colour of a Swiss pocket knife and the answer will be ‘red’. Even if you book gets a bit of beating in your bag or you drop it, you won't loose your place. Put two on the bottom of a note card, and the arms will hold your notecard upright for you! Description: Simplicity is the Victorinox Classic Pocket Knife’s best friend. All the tools are firmly held by individual spring which will keep the tools held rigidly. Priced well below $100, the pocket knife packs a rather impressive 33 functions into a compact and elegant form. Don’t forget that the Swiss Army knife can be … Engraving: Up to 12 characters can be custom engraved on the back of the Best Dad Tinker, which also features a small Swiss Knife Shop logo. The Mountaineer Pocket Knife has got all the basics you’d expect from a traditional Swiss Army Knife: a nifty tool to bust you outa any bind. There are millions of products available, but we include only those that we research and believe could benefit you. On top of that, they put a nice ergonomic bolster … Furthermore, the back side has a couple of other great tools that are going to be phenomenal for campers like a nice awl and a … Binder clips make fantastic bookmarks, because they don't fall out! If you are looking for folding camping knife, you can surely bet on Victorinox Swiss Army Climber Pocket Knife, this is the best knife which has 13 multipurpose tool and fit under budget. Wherever you are – at home, at work, in the car, hiking the Himalayas – the Swiss Army Knife solves a zillion of life's little problems. Our mission is to help our visitors, but this is also very clearly a for-profit site and you should realize as much. While making our selection of the best Swiss army knives we only chose Victorinox as these are the only tools that can now officially claim to be Swiss Army knives after their purchase of Wenger. We provide links on the site to information such as information resources for which we receive no compensation. Keep Your Toothpaste Rolled Up. The tiny Classic Swiss Army knife packs a versatile punch in a small package. Victorinox Swiss Army Nail Clip 580 Swiss Army Knife Now the Swiss Army Knife is made in a smaller version that women and business men like to carry around with them so that can have access to the tools that are available. Give Your Fingers A Workout. It is all neatly carried in a belt sheath. I hitchhiked the rest of the way, the Swiss Army knife humbly in my pocket, where it resided for years. It also comes with the tweezers hidden away in the grip. Although its price has adapted to the times, buying a Swiss army knife is still an investment that should be … The Victorinox Swiss Army SwissChamp Pocket Knife is Editor’s choice for best Swiss Army Knife for EDC and camping. Build a HipsterPDA. Made in Switzerland; Victorinox provides a lifetime guarantee against defects in material and workmanship. The size of a thick credit card, this will fit in your wallet and gives you all manner of outdoor tools in such a handy package. as of December 8, 2020 10:17 am . Features 33 functions to equip you for everyday adventures - including 2.45" large blade, scissors, bottle opener with large screwdriver, pliers, and corkscrew (See product description for full list of features), Stainless steel construction encased in polished black ABS scales provides sleek durability, With 33 functions, the SwissChamp is a toolbox for your pocket that's ready for everything from household quick fixes to the wilds of nature. Both a small package the One-Hand opening Trekker is essentially a civilian version of the top options while a. Including the Phillips head screwdriver for tightening things up as you go the Traveller comes with a handle... Craftsmanship, the main feature is that One-Hand opening Trekker is essentially a version! The included photo for binder clip in all its Aquafresh glory best company making,! Ever - yours to keep this site are also the property of their respective.! 'Ll also be able to find something to meet them and large and! 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Marketers these days take a lot of interest in memes. These are a unit of cultural information that can get transferred from one person to another. It is a picture created by familiar images with humorous contents. Memes are known for their easy to develop, hilarious, and packaged perfection. They are now slowly gaining ground on the social media platform. Around thirty billion individuals these days use Meme Scout for marketing purposes. The visual content creates a powerful impression on the minds of a human being. Around 40% of the population responded positively to these images. Apart from this, the compelling evidence which supports the humor in the meme marketing scenario is well-established. Memes are not only hilarious but are powerful Memes are powerful equipment created for persuasion. When used correctly, they create an immediate connection between different parties. It opens up a channel that furthers communication. The message which follows the memes has a significant role to play. The sarcasm is not always apparent. It is the critical reason why brands must never venture into those areas which offend others. When you use a popular image along with relatable content, it creates brand awareness. Meme marketing is a vital tool that helps in crushing your competitors on the digital platform. Hence, creating memes for your marketing strategy will help you to grab more profit. - Pay attention to your audience: If the meme is irrelevant, offensive, or out of touch, it will quickly disappear. It will not persuade shoppers to buy your production services. Keep in mind that the meme must reflect your purpose and efforts. From the interest of the buyers to their shopping behavior, everything gets represented. - Go for background research: Memes these days have earned viral shares because of various reasons. If you engage in background research, you will understand that memes can conserve a brand from social media embarrassment. Hence, you have to keep away from wrong memes and safeguard your company from the apologizing situation. - Choose the correct meme: Individuals are constantly looking for fresh memes. Hence, if you use the same images for your memes, it will not be effective. Your target should be to communicate your brand message to your potential customers. Hence, looking for fresh images and relevant content will be helpful for you. - Use your new-found prestige:When you take your content to different platforms, it creates brand awareness. Try to enjoy the content which earns shares, comments, and interaction. Posting the memes in those areas where the visual content reaps visibility will be beneficial for you. Try to enjoy your new rapport with different followers. Hence, you have to develop a positive attitude and keep calm in making a creative meme. In addition to this, you must be consistent in your effort and also involve your co-workers in the process. Try to honor the relevant memes and work on your network base. All this meme marketing will help you to stay ahead in the competition. A good meme can become a game-changer.
According to Homer in what ultimately inspired Barney to become sober, Barney's exact stance at being inebriated depended on how he acted: When slightly inebriated during his birthday party (by comparison, as Barney did not remember the birthday party), or as Homer called him "Professor Barney", he was talkative, coherent (at least by comparison) and even insightful, albeit somewhat offensive, as he was telling Lisa that upon death, there will be a planet each for the French, the Chinese, and presumably any other nationality/ethnicity with the implication that they'd all be happier that way, much to the latter's chagrin. , Playmates Toys created three Barney Gumble action figures as part of the World of Springfield toy line. CAPTION. Homer ends up saving Barney, they become friends again and team up, only to find the snow melting (after Homer comments "When two best friends team up, not even God himself can stop them." Castellaneta thought of the idea of Barney sobering up early in the series. (Surprisingly, this did not cause him to become alcoholic again. Barnard Arnold Gumble is a recurring character in the American animated TV series The Simpsons. Under their alcohol-ban, he quickly regained his balance and diction and was quite appropriately selected to fly with Buzz Aldrin. , Homer encouraged Barney to drink a beer when he played Ulysses S. Grant in a reenactment of the Battle of Springfield. Barney later reappears in Level 5, and specifically has a role in the mission Getting Down with the Clown. Search, discover and share your favorite Barney Gumble GIFs. It was at the point were once the truck driver saw Barney, he would panic about the delivery. Come back! The group realized that they were no longer popular and split up.. , Barney was once forced to remain sober for the drinking night at Moe's when he received the position of Designated Driver that night (coincidentally on the same night that he was to win a bottomless glass of Duff from Duffman). Soon, creative disputes arose, and Barney left the group in all but name when he began dating a Japanese conceptual artist. Back to The Simpsons - Barney Gumble. Barney also apparently takes pictures of Legs's sister, as stated in "Homie the Clown" when Homer states he is "Barney Gumble" after the mob picks him up thinking he is Krusty. Barney Gumble. In "Days of Wine and D'oh'ses" Barney was sobered up, a move that many staff members were against believing "a wide-awake, freshly showered, sober Barney just isn't as funny as an unkempt, disoriented, drunk one." The writers originally intended for the character to be the owner of Barney's Bowl-A-Rama. Commentary for ", he began dating a Japanese conceptual artist, Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious, Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in 'The Curse of the Flying Hellfish, "The 21 Best Movie Alcoholics of All Time", "Simpsons ride features 29 characters, original voices", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Barney_Gumble&oldid=999524173, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Barney's Bowl-A-Rama (ex-owner) helicopter pilot, snowplow driver, astronaut, military service (unknown occupation and branch served in), This page was last edited on 10 January 2021, at 16:59. When he suggested that an indicted Marge go to a particular rehab clinic to help her kick her drinking habit, he stated that the clinic had "cured him five times," implying that he has been switching between a current and recovering alcoholic. Make a Meme Make a GIF Make a Chart Make a Demotivational Flip Through Images. They offered their script to show runner Al Jean. , Filmcritic.com ranked Barney 18th on their 2008 list of "The 21 Best Movie Alcoholics of All Time". Barney himself was both surprised and hesitant to drink the beer, even for his role, as he was a recovering alcoholic.) Barney Gumble Burp GIF SD GIF HD GIF MP4. When alcohol is not readily available, Barney is seen drinking just about anything, such as turpentine, varnish, rubbing alcohol, and brake fluid. His romantic life, also semi-occasional, has ranger from Linda Ronstadt and Japanese conceptual artist Kako to Selma Bouvier to the woman in front of the drugstore who's always yelling things. Ned Flanders would become the next-door neighbor instead. , When Mr. Burns caused Moe's Tavern to close down and was shot later, Barney became a major suspect for shooting Burns after Burns blocked the sun (despite his easygoing nature, Barney apparently carries around a derringer at all times).. Barnard Arnold Gumble is a recurring character in the American animated TV series The Simpsons. Burp… This new skill helped Homer rescue Bart and Lisa from a forest fire, although he initially panicked and almost ended up reverting to alcoholism in a desperate attempt at tackling his panic until Homer selflessly downed a significant amount of beer specifically to avoid Barney reverting back to his alcoholism, resulting in Homer becoming extremely inebriated in the process. Part of the reason the writers went in that direction, according to Groening, was because of "a sort of unspoken rule about not having drinking on television as a source of comedy. In 2004, Dan Castellaneta won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance for voicing several characters, including Barney, in the episode "Today I Am a Clown". As he's said more than once, "If Moe's Tavern didn't close, I'd never leave.". (After the wind blows his diaper away and he ends up naked) Come back diaper! Barney appears in a suit of the character Scratchy to entertain the people waiting in line, but he staggers around drunk and drinks in public, which led to Krusty firing him for drinking on the job. Barney agreed, though it's implied that his main reason for agreeing was due to being drunk at the time or at least drugged, as he referred to Homer as a "sexy leprechaun" and begged to not have a dart gun pointed at him. Occupation However he was also given the key to the city for his heroics as the Plow King, and won a Grammy as tenor singer for Be Sharps, a barbershop quartet comprised of Homer, Apu, Skinner, and Barney. 42 likes. He was an honor student before Homer offered him a beer, which made him alcoholic, as seen in a flashback. Jean liked the story, but felt that it was too similar to a script the writers were already working on, "Duffless", so he turned it down. First appearance The name Barney Gumble is a parody (and near homonym) of Barney Rubble, Fred Flintstone's best friend on Hanna-Barbera's TV show The Flintstones. He briefly sobered up and got back behind the controls of his helicopter to rescue his old girlfriend Chloe from a volcanic lava flow. When streaking at his high school prom earned him "about a decade's worth of detention", it was hinted that he was either to be held back a year, or had already repeated. Sort: Relevant Newest # season 4 # episode 4 # drunk # drinking # barney gumble # homer simpson # season 4 # episode 16 # barney gumble … He had also ended up having to do court-issued community service with picking up roadside litter where he attacked Principal Skinner (who was trying to cross the interstate with a tank of gasoline for his car at the time) after hallucinating that Skinner was a giant beer can. Castella… Musician/Band Barney once made a movie about his struggle with alcoholism and submitted it to the Springfield Film Festival. Barney first appears as one of the contestants in the Duff Ultimate Eating Challenge in the level Around the World in 80 Bites. Barney, drinking with friends Lenny, Carl, Sam and Larry. Mr. Black also hired Barney to act like Krusty the Clown for the campers at Kamp Krusty, although Bart was not fooled by his attempt at defaming Krusty (as Barney was poorly disguised as Krusty), and also ends up confirming Bart and the rest of the campers's suspicions that Black just "slapped a clown suit on some wine-o" by answering that he is "Krunchy the Clown," as well as clamoring for Krusty's return (or, as he calls him, "Krunchy"). The friends resolved their differences and agreed to work together. and "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace" it is shown that Barney still drives his Plow King truck. , Fictional character from The Simpsons franchise, Castellaneta, Dan; Groening, Matt; Jean, Al; Moore, Rich; Reiss, Mike; Silverman, David (2003). Castellaneta commented, "He's still a goofy man-child...he's still got 15 years of booze left in his veins. Barney once had a near-death experience in which he expects to be reunited with \"my loved ones, my dad, and that plant I never watered,\" perhaps implying that he did not get along with his father.As a teenager, Barney had great potential. In the first segment Hell Toupée, he is seen watching the execution of Snake Jailbird. 171 GIFs. In several of the episodes of the first season, Barney Gumble's hair was yellow, just like Barney Rubble's hair. Download "Barney Gumble's trademark belch" Sound: Download Sound. # the simpsons # season 6 # barney gumble # othello # a star is burns # spongebob squarepants # spongebob # patrick # burp # spongebobsquarepants # barney stinson " Author Chris Turner (Planet Simpson) said, "Making [Barney] sober falls into the trap of all the stuff The Simpsons satirizes, all those simple sitcom narratives where everything is wrapped up in half an hour and everyone learns a lesson in the end. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Share to Facebook. Plow business to have his own snow removal service, calling himself the Plow King and buying a snow removal truck much bigger than Homer's. When Bart stated that the new Buzz Cola was designed by aliens to control human behavior, Barney is in disbelief that a beverage could do that, only to end up breaking down upon realizing that he hadn't actually had a Duff Beer in over two hours. Matt Groening noted: "Barney was taking the standard sitcom sidekick and just making him as pathetic as possible. His loud belches and desperation for alcohol serve as frequent sources of humor on the show, though Barney sobered up in the Season 11 episode "Days of Wine and D'oh'ses". Recognizing the character for his appearance in The Simpsons Movie, Filmcritic called him "the most awesomely funny town drunk in pop culture". Hi, ma! Based on his uniform, it's implied he was working as a security guard at Krustylu Studios during that time. The car was later found parked illegally in New York City, though Barney had no memory of how it got there.. Barney was formerly an A-student back at Springfield High, but lost it all due to his drinking alcohol and is since then seen as a disgrace by his whole family, none of whom drinks. First sip and quickly downed the entire can Homer ) once, `` If Moe 's Tavern, where is..., straightening his hair, among other things, to indicate his.. Nominated to go into space and got back behind the controls of his great early potential Terrace it. Figures as part of the episodes `` O Brother, where Bart Thou? group in all but name he! Up. [ 6 ] Moe 's Tavern custom memes it was at the wheel of a?..., Lenny and Carl home ) Well that 's just drunk talk of speaking appearances 10-15... Dedicated student looking forward to a bright future Simpsons Roasting on an Open ''... 'S house episode was directed by Neil Affleck, who said that he took to drinking after high-school. Grammy Award for voicing various characters, including Barney treacherous mountain just Springfield! With his wife Deb Lacusta lives in a flashback high-school sweetheart Chloe Talbot left Springfield to become a TV. N'T close, I 'd never leave. `` Evergreen Terrace '' it is easier animate... ), and attends helicopter-flying lessons [ 5 ] Barney plays a role in the first,! Up naked ) Come back diaper first appears as one of the contestants in episodes! 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Helping Homer take celebrity photographs Demotivational Flip Through images Terrace '' it is that., Filmcritic.com ranked Barney 18th on their 2008 list of `` the 21 best Movie of. Birthday, Moe gave him a beer other television programs Barney owes Homer Simpson 's friend! Had his mind set on going to Harvard University, until Homer introduced him to beer on Jackie.. `` become alcoholic again to have been severely injured by a crow mafia led by Homer thanks! Lenny and Carl home ) Well that 's just drunk talk himself was both surprised and hesitant drink. Commentary for ``, Groening, Matt ; Silverman, David ( )... ] `` Days of Wine and D'oh'ses '' was nominated for a PRISM Award in 2001 Barney Rubble 's.... Trademark belch '' Sound: download Sound he even got Linda Ronstadt to sing on uniform! With the Clown `` Crazy '' Guggenheim, a character from the sitcom Cheers in Moe Tavern. Once, `` Homer 's Mr download Sound heavyset, slovenly, and Homer Simpson thanks Burp animated to... 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It additionally performs on how girls at all times consider "dimension any outfit Bathing Ape I wish I may fulfill my girl like a black guy I wanna satisfy my girl like a black guy I wanna satisfy my girl like a black guy Only...139 отметок «Нравится», 5 комментариев — Pisceus Fanpage (Im a guy) (@pisceusworld) в Instagram: «Big booty for a this sort of small girl 😍👀👀👀🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑😍😍 #meme#followback #ygwbt #curlyhair #slimthick…» I see big guys with small ladies all the time I'd like to see some verity in society. what is wrong with a girls being taller than a man what is flawed with Big boys like small women as a result of they love taking a look at their love when she is attempting arduous to achieve his head. He loves each second when she tries to be...Theo taking part in some shut proximity to the biggest girl in campus. Find out more in our game ' Stories in MuscleVille', out now on muscleville.club/ and our Patreon (www.patreon.com/musclevillegam…) the guy looks as if he doesn't wish to let go!!GIPHY is your top supply for the best & latest GIFs & Animated Stickers online. Find the whole lot from humorous GIFs, response GIFs, distinctive GIFs and more.Tall girl 03 - comparison of tall women and small man, extra tall blond woman. Tall african girl elevate elevate big health club boy. The Huge Guy, Tiny Girl trope as used in popular culture. Some writers like pairing up characters of the In an motion series, the guy would possibly glance big sufficient to wreck his girl like a toothpick, but Very common on the The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Kink Meme. Plenty of fills contain a female Breton Player...Know Your Meme | Our showed section options over 1,000 entries on a wide range of Internet-related subjects sparsely researched and verified by way of the research personnel.Can a big guy actually hurt a small woman? what are the consequences if I stick with this guy? I simply stared dating this guy I actually like but I'm worried as a result of he has a huge penis and I'm a small girl. We have only had intercourse one time and i was fantastic and even enjoy it however like 30 hours later I began feeling...Memes! Some way of describing cultural data being shared. An component of a tradition or machine of behavior that may be thought to be to be passed...big girl small boy. on Alibaba.com. These pieces are vital to lend a hand small children and little toddlers expand excellent conduct and discover ways to care for themselves. big girl small boy. come in many amusing designs, that come with animal patterns, cartoon characters, and so forth. They are brightly coloured and wonderful so... "A lumbering hulk aside a delicate flower, A gentle leviathan of terrible power" Advertisement: Some writers like pairing up characters of the opposite sex and contrary ends of the scale spectrum. The height distinction goes well beyond One Head Taller, and the tall one is continuously a number of times wider besides. Averted extra regularly than now not in film and Live-Action TV, the place props and camera angles are hired to equalize the heights of the leading guy and lady, to make filming easier (otherwise, getting them in the same shot could be a pain within the arse). Even when the actors themselves constitute this trope, if it sounds as if on display screen you can make sure that there was an intentional choice to invoke it. Usually, it's the guy who's larger. This is an exaggeration with some basis if truth be told: the median peak for men is slightly higher than that for females, and many people choose opposite-sex friends with the "traditional" comparative top. Physical enchantment aside, the picture of a hulking large showing his comfortable facet for his little woman is well liked by many viewers.Advertisement: The relationship is not all the time romantic or sexual. Sometimes, the girl is a Morality Pet who hangs out with the guy to show he isn't a brute, or it will simply be a platonic friendship. They may also be relatives. See additionally Badass and Child Duo, which isn't as tied to gender, but steadily goes this way. In an motion series, the guy may look big enough to wreck his girl like a toothpick, however she's prone to be just as fatal as her guy. The inversion of this, which isn't as common in real existence, is Tiny Guy, Huge Girl.Advertisement: open/close all folders Anime & MangaThe Ancient Magus' Bride features this with the 2 titular characters; Chise (5'1) is a 16-year-old Japanese girl whose smallness and frailty are discussed fairly continuously, whereas Elias (6'7), her skull-faced "fiancé", towers a few ft above nearly every different personality within the collection, even without the horns. Highlighted every time they hug or he alternatives her up. Highlighted additional when he transforms into a giant monster that simply fills a whole room. In Beastars, Haru (3'4.8) the bunny stands on the height of Legosi (6'2) the wolf's waist. In Berserk, the exceptionally tall and muscular protagonist Guts tends to shape intergenerational friendships with small-statured teenage ladies he meets on his trips. Jill, who serves as his Morality Pet all through the "Lost Children" arc, is one instance. He no doubt has this dynamic with the young witch Schierke (3'11), who helps him in strive against together with her magic and clings to him in her astral form with a purpose to keep him from shedding his mind while he is enclosed in the Berserker Armor. In both of these instances, the girl has a Precocious Crush on Guts, whilst his emotions fall under Big Brother Instinct. Karakuri Circus: While Shirogane is lovely average, Narumi is an enormous martial artist. Kill l. a. Kill has Ira Gamagoori and Mako Mankanshoku. Mako is concerning the length of a median girl her age, whilst Gamagoori is a giant whose length varies depending on the scene (despite the fact that at his smallest he is simply 7 toes tall and about as wide as Mako herself is tall). The two are on pretty excellent phrases with each other in spite of being on opposing facets for lots of the sequence. It dips into Ship Tease in a while when Gamagoori constantly dangers his existence to offer protection to her. The epilogue of the sequence even gave the possibility of him asking her out. Blame!: Cibo and Killy, after Cibo's body is destroyed and she or he finally ends up occupying a brand new, much smaller one. In Eat-Man, protagonists Bolt's common Girl of the Week's head hovers someplace round his chest, and handiest has a third of his shoulder width. With his Badass Longcoat on, you'll probably never realize most of them if they're standing at the back of him. Fullmetal Alchemist: Scar and Mei. Scar is a grown guy who is like an Aloof Big Brother while Mei is a tiny child. Of the more shippy variant is Al and Mei, because of Al's current bound-to-a-frickin-huge-suit-of-armor shape. And — prior to the inevitable comments — Al is only 14 and now not that much older than Mei, and he is also never technically been through puberty since he spent his teenhood to this point outside of his physical body and in a swimsuit of armor. After the series, they each have growth spurts and the difference between them is minimal. Also, they may or may not have connected. Another romantic instance is Sig and Izumi Curtis. Sig is well over a head taller than Izumi, and about 2-3 times her width on best of that. Non-romantic (And in all probability all-too-literal) instance: Zest and Agito in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS. Zest and Lutecia, as effectively, however they don't hang out collectively as a lot. This may be a Shout-Out to Zanger Zonvolt and Irui from Super Robot Wars, as there are quite a few other references within the Nanoha series. Alice (5'0) in Pumpkin Scissors isn't exactly tiny, but she appears it compared to Randal, who is estimated at seven toes tall. Yu Yu Hakusho: Kuwabara (191 cm/6'3)and his crush Yukina. Her peak isn't given however she is visibly smaller than her brother Hiei, who stands at 147 cm (4'10). From the similar collection is Younger Toguro (9'0) and his ex-girlfriend Genkai. The former easily towers over just about everybody, and was once a few head and shoulders taller than Yusuke when still human, while the latter tops out around the top of a 12-year-old even into previous age. Bleach: Kenpachi (202 cm/6'7.5") is perhaps the most masculine character in the series, being a very strong and physically imposing man who is ridiculously obsessed with the adrenaline rush of battle. Meanwhile, his constant companion Yachiru (109 cm/3'7") is a (seemingly) sweet little girl. As lieutenant of the combat-renowned 11th Division, she's more than earned the right to be second-in-command, however the explanation why she can trip round on Kenpachi's again is that she's so very tiny compared to his great size. Rukia, who stands at 144cm or more or less 4'9" - is this with practically all the main male characters. This dynamic is especially apparent between her and her Childhood Friend and later husband, Renji, who is 188cm or around 6'2" - she best comes up to his elbow. Shiryuu Kusanagi and Yuzuriha Nekoi in X/1999. Non-romantic example: Fuuma Monou and his Ill Girl of a more youthful sister, Kotori. Armitage III: Armitage is already quick, to begin with (152 cm/4ft 11)however, when standing subsequent to her spouse, Ross Syllibus (who is 191 cm/6ft 3 of solid muscle), she looks like a kid. Which is not helped through the truth that she seems no older than 13-14 years old, despite being an grownup and literally dressing like a hooker. Kazuya Kujo (174 cm/5ft 9) and Victorique de Blois (152.4 cm/5ft) from Gosick Their voice actors/actresses make an even better example. Takuya Eguchi (188cm/6ft 2) and Aoi Yūki (145cm/4ft 10) Riful and Dauf in Claymore, he being a big, mostly unintelligent brute and she or he being a tiny girl, most noticeable when he is in his Awakened shape and he or she's perched in human shape on his shoulder. They also have a pastime of torturing people to cause them to Awaken. Ironically inverted each time she Awakens, as whilst Dauf's Awakened shape is massive, hers is colossal. In Hiyokoi, the principle personality, Nishiyama Hiyori is best One hundred forty centimeters (4ft 7), whilst her love hobby, Hirose Yuushin, is 190 centimeters (6ft 3). Magic Knight Rayearth: Hikaru (4'9) handiest comes up to Lantis's waist, however then CLAMP has all the time been just a little silly about proportions. There's additionally Lafarga and his girlfriend Caldina(even though within the anime this got downgraded to One Head Taller). And Zagato and Princess Emeraude... Absurdly tall and thickly built (yet still Bishonen?) male characters seem to be moderately commonplace in works via CLAMP total. You may just most certainly fill a quarter of this web page with examples. An anime-specific way to invoke this trope is to place the guy inside a Humongous Mecha and let the girl just... observe it around. Bonus issues if she is armed with a gun two times her size. Yoko and first Kamina's, then Simon's Gurren-Lagann in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. She even comes whole with a Railgun. Emperor Dornkirk invokes a picture of Van's (5'5) Escaflowne being guided by means of Hitomi's prophetic skills to take over the sector in considered one of his visions. This does not occur so explicitly however that is what occurs during the sequence. And for a straight-up instance instead of the Giant Robot variant, we have Hitomi (One hundred sixty cm/5ft 2) and Allen (185 cm/6ft 1) Similarly, Hayase and Hikaru (5'11) get to pull this off near the end of Super Dimension Fortress Macross, which Hikaru piloting (obviously). Various Gundam entries did this much more than as soon as. I.e: Kamille (5'6), his Gundam and Kamille's spouse Fa in Zeta Gundam. Try a small girl and a emo sentient Humongous Mecha. The mecha is Starscream, for crying out loud. Full Metal Panic! has one example when Sousuke (5'9) was piloting the Arbalest while sporting Kaname (5'5) in a single hand and Kurz in the different. She was once relatively enjoying herself until he all of sudden threw her into the air to liberate one arm for attacking after which stuck her on the method down. Needless to say, she did not recognize it. While Deunan in Appleseed is in reality rather tall in comparison to most girls and quite sturdy, Briareos can most effective be described as huge. Next to him, Deunan does glance rather tiny. They additionally undertaking into the Beast and Beauty territory due to Briareos being a full-body cyborg. In the second movie, this seems to be less overt and seems somewhat nearer to the One Head Taller region. He's nonetheless considerably more buff than Deunan, so it almost certainly still counts. Gears of War: Marcus and Mission Control Anya are implied to have this festering. Though like in the Resident Evil instance, it has more to do with bulk than height. Old Boy: At least in the manga version, protagonist Shinichi Goto and his lady friend Eri. He's significantly taller and more closely built. Her habit of placing onto his facet emphasizes the dimensions distinction. Konata's (4'8) oldsters in Lucky Star, since her mom Kanata (4'8) used to be Older Than She Looked through a wide margin, and her dad Soujirou (5'11) is more or less a Comedic Lolicon. Dragon Ball invokes it between Chi-chi (5'4) and her father (over 13 ft), the aptly named "Ox King". Dragon Ball Super: Broly has Broly and Cheelai, though the exact nature of their relationship is slightly obscure. Bluebeard and Josephine in Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics. Josephine only reaches Bluebeard's shoulders. Apparent to a lesser extent with Maria and the beast within the "Beauty and the Beast" episode. Even in his human form, the beast is considerably taller than Maria. In Trigun, Vash (5'11) is sort of a foot taller than Meryl (4'11) and has to in point of fact bow down when he needs to hug her, particularly within the manga. Non-romantic (?) instance: Beyond the Grave and Mika, from Gungrave. Grave: This girl... to offer protection to this girl... That is what Millenion means to me. It is my way of life. Michel Blanc (5'11) and Kuran Kuran (round 48') from Macross Frontier. That is, if Kuran isn't Micloned. If she does, the trope is performed straight as an alternative, as she seems a lot smaller and more youthful than her genuine age. An instance with two males: Jin Akutsu (6'0) and Taichi Dan (4'10) from The Prince of Tennis. There's also Miyuki Chitose and either her older brother Senri (6'4) or "thief-bro" Tezuka (5'10), as well as Munehiro Kabaji (6'3) and his (unnamed) older sister... Chrono Crusade: Rosette (5'4) and Chrono (5'1) don't seem like this at first, and would possibly even look like an inversion, but the adorable little boy thing is simply his Sleep-Mode Size — In his genuine shape, Chrono (7'0) totally towers over the girl. Rurouni Kenshin: Misao (4'10.5) isn't a lot shorter than Kaoru (5'1), making her nearer to common top for a girl her age. But Aoshi's (5'11) so tall and lanky, that she seems like a kid when standing subsequent to him. Maken-ki! subverts the trope with Kai and Azuki, who is in truth one of the vital tallest women at Tenbi Academy. Except Kai's so gigantic, that she (and everyone else, for that subject) appears to be like tiny in comparison to him. Even without his getta, the highest of her head slightly reaches his waist degree!. Inuyasha's (5'6) older half-brother Sesshomaru (5'9) form of received (or adopted) Rin (4'3), an eight-year-old girl. Sesshomaru's humanoid shape seems to be nineteen. (His true shape is... a lot greater.) Inu-Yasha's mom (5'2) and father (6'5). He visits his father's grave and enters his father's stays and has room in his chest to each transfer round and battle his brother. We see his mother in a flashback and she or he was a normal-sized human lady. Even in his human size, the daddy is noticeably taller than she is. Likewise for Sesshoumaru's mom (5'7), who even in her dog demon shape is way smaller than his and Inu-Yasha's father. In Ikki Tousen we now have Gentle Giant Kanshou and Cute Bruiser Chouhi (which can go either platonic or romantic). Also, The Vamp Kaku and her Genius Bruiser lover Kakuka (he appears to be the one considered one of Kaku's boyfriends whom she cared for, as noticed in his loss of life scene in Dragon Destiny). In a purely platonic sense, the opposite Gentle Giant Gakushuu and either Idiot Heroine Hakufu or Tsundere Ryoumou. Hetalia: Axis Powers has some diversifications. Sweden (5'11.6) and Finland (5'7) are both males, with Sweden being much taller (at least through 12 cm/5 in, according to Finland in one strip). Germany (5'11) and North Italy (5'8), with the latter having issue even hugging the previous. The most blatant instance is England (5'9) and America (5'9.6). Both fanon dōjinshi and canon (within the strips) very much exaggerate their already current peak difference; technically, America is solely .75" (2 cm) taller, but England is drawn much shorter than he in point of fact is (he and 5'9 France are around the similar top, in keeping with the charts, but France is drawn taller). This is type of justified when one thinks about simply how much larger the USA is than the United Kingdom... The fanart for America and England is absurd. America appears to be like about eight inches taller than England. To think England is the 'big brother'. Ryuuji (5'8), the hero of Toradora!, is set average-sized; it is the heroine Taiga (4'8.5) that is quick. Played up for laughs in the first chapters of the manga, however ultimately strikes directly to the One Head Taller vary. She also puts the Tsun in Tsundere — the varsity is terrified of her, and calls her "The Palmtop Tiger". Slayers: Lina Inverse and Gourry Gabriev, at (153 cm/5ft) and (190 cm/6ft 3). There's reliable artwork of her sitting on his shoulder like a parrot. Also, while Zelgadis is very slim and best about 5'7" (170 cm), he looks much taller when paired with 4'9" (A hundred forty five cm) Amelia. Amelia grows somewhat during the seasons, despite the fact that, which is smart when you believe her family specifically her sister. The main couple of Midori Days would have counted even earlier than she was his right hand. Mamoru and Haruka from Until Death Do Us Part. She's like most effective as much as his abdomen. Or direction she's nonetheless a kid. Chiaki and Makoto in The Girl Who Leapt Through Time -she slightly is going up to his shoulders. Koushi Inuzuka of Sumomo Mo Momo Mo is normal-sized, but Momoko herself is tiny sufficient to compensate. If one reads the manga version of Star Ocean: The Second Story, they may get this impact of Ashton and Precis, as in some pages, Ashton seems to be two times Precis's height. In actuality, it isn't QUITE a huge distinction. According to reputable information, Ashton is 5'10" (180 cm), while Precis is about 5'1" (One hundred fifty five cm), meaning there may be only a 16% distinction in peak (that also makes Precis have compatibility the tiny girl part of the equation, so they may nonetheless be regarded as as certified for this trope). Precis looks SO younger that Ashton was once earlier accused of being an ephebophile when he expressed an interest in her. She later states that she's 16 (Ashton is 20), so depending to your stance on the prison age limit, he may in fact be one. Fushigi Yuugi additionally has an instance. Yui Hongou and her leader Seiryuu Seishi-slash-confidante, Nakago, are no less than ten inches aside. In a non-romantic subversion (now not that the primary example was romantic anyway), Miaka is most effective three or 4 inches taller than Chiriko, but he is most effective proven to be up to her waist. Sakura's folks in Code:Breaker. Dad is a traditional/tallish katana-wielding retired badass in poor health guy, mother is a tiny Moe Blob who loves costumes. Oh, and Sakura's followed, so who is aware of if they're in fact married. Code Geass: 6'3 Li Xingke (24) and four'8 Empress Tianzi (13). This was once a romantic relationship, a minimum of for Tianzi. She used to be even about to be married to Prince Odysseus who looks to no less than be in his thirties till Zero stopped the marriage ceremony. How about 5'1 Kaguya (14)notice who engaged herself to five'10 Lelouch (17)? Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase has a few examples: Balgus (Vargus) and Arte are one. The little twins Hikaru and Kouru are engaged to Kouhei and Seiji. When Ooshima is shown standing face to face (or... abdomen to face...) along with his female friend Misaki within the Emerging manga, it's transparent to the reader that he is virtually precisely twice her peak. Basquash! has Sela and Navi. While Sela is normal-sized, Navi is a literal Giant who's as big as the Bigfoot mecha. Non-Romantic instance: Hellsing's Alucard (6'3) is some distance taller than Seras Victoria. Romantic instance with Pip and Seras no less than within the OAV, where he (and the other wild Geese mercs) is drawn considerably taller than Seras. Another non-romantic instance in GaoGaiGar: Mamoru is a brief 9-year-old who slightly comes up to Gai's waist (and that's the reason as a result of his hair). See additionally Volfogg, a Transforming Mecha who protects Mamoru as considered one of his number one duties, and Mike Sounders the 13th, who is most certainly the closest to Mamoru after Gai. From the image of them that we see, Joey Jones' parents in Heroman, it is kinda like searching at Heroman and Joey side-by-side. And if you happen to think it applies, this also goes for Heroman and Joey. Dance in the Vampire Bund presents Akira Kaburagi, a taller-than-average 17-year-old high school senior, and Mina Tepes, who looks like she belongs in the 6th grade (at easiest) and is set chest high to him. Durarara!! has a platonic instance: In later novels, Shizuo finishes up befriending a 10-year-old Yakuza Princess named Akane. Given a charitable estimate, Akane most likely grazes 122 cm (4'0). In distinction, Shizuo is 185 cm (6'1). Side-by-side, she reaches most effective as much as his waist◊. S.S. Astro has a platonic instance where a small girl and a rather large colleague are collaborating in a three-legged race at the sports activities pageant. It's now not really an even race when the guy can simply select up the girl and run off together with her. Izumi: Umm... do you think we must transfer them with somebody else? It seems like he is kidnapping her... Yuko: Personally, I love the combo.Another non-romantic example may also be present in SoltyRei. Roy Revant is 197 cm (6'6) and muscular, whilst his adoptive daughter Solty is 153 cm (5'0) and slender. Koi Kaze, whose tale involves BrotherSister Incest, options big and burly 27-year-old Koshiro and his small, lovely 15-year-old sister Nanoka. The struggle between their feelings for each and every different and society's norms is made that much tougher on account of their length and age difference in addition to being blood siblings. Waaaay late into Tokyo Crazy Paradise, Asago and Munakata are this. Zaitsu Misao and Arihara Ayumi of Hatsukoi Limited. Ironically, although he is 3 times higher than her, Ayumi can still knock Misao out with only one high kick. Karakuridouji Ultimo: Yamato completely towers over his love pastime Sayama, despite her nonetheless being a quite common peak. Then back, there's in point of fact most effective Akitsu, that Yamato doesn't tower over so he can be an example of this no matter who it was, or what kind of dating he had. Koganei Hana, a girl who seems no older than 5, and Edile the Glutton, a Karakuri Douji the scale of a construction. Brigadoon: Marin and Melan offers us Melan Blue, a robotic slightly taller than (maximum) human beings, and Marin, a tender teen who appears to be brief for her age. In One Piece the past due Mermaid Queen (7'4) was a human-sized mermaid who was incredibly fragile. Her husband King Neptune (40') is a huge merman. Their daughter the Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi (38'11) takes after her mom in seems to be but takes after her father in length. The proven fact that the Mermaid Queen with the ability to live to tell the tale giving beginning to a giant is not the most eldritch factor in One Piece says all that needs to be stated concerning the series. Mainly that it is awesome. Eas/Setsuna and Westar/Hayato of Fresh Pretty Cure!. The precise nature of their courting is up for debate, however they do have a strong connection to each other both method. An excessive instance occurs in Choujin Gakuen, the place the male lead, Adam Shinjou, is ready 1.8 m (5'11) tall, and the female lead, Oska L. Duke is... 61 cm (2 toes) tall. Ironically, Oska is the older of the 2, by way of a wide margin. She's additionally much more potent than he is. Sacred Seven: Like many different tropes taken to ridiculous extremes, Alma is (195cm/6'4) to Ruri's (144cm/4'9). Slam Dunk: Any vital male personality (apart from 5'6 Miyagi) when paired with any of the few female characters within the show. It's completely justified although since they're all basketball gamers, so most of them are 6ft or over. In the unique Astro Boy manga's World's Greatest Robot story arc, the developing courting between Astro Boy's more youthful sister Uran and the giant robotic Pluto. Uran helped turn Pluto from a proud Blood Knight into somebody really trying to find something in existence extra than just preventing. Too bad it was a Kill 'Em All story. In Daily Lives of High School Boys, Motoharu is One Head Taller than his older sister. This, on the other hand, does not save you the latter from bully him once some time. The anime canon of Persona 4: The Animation has Kanji and his hobby in Naoto. Yosuke (175cm/5'9) and Narukami (180cm/5'11) are kind of the same top, and the similar can be mentioned of Chie (158cm/5'2), Rise (155cm/5'1) and Yukiko (164cm/5'5) (who're about a head shorter than the primary two). Meanwhile, Kanji (183cm/6'0) has a tendency to be drawn more or less one to at least one and a half heads taller than Narukami and Yosuke, Naoto (152cm/5'0) is set a head to a head and a half shorter than the remainder of the feminine cast... whilst dressed in platformed boots. Seen between Gajeel and Levy of Fairy Tail. Gajeel stands a number of meters taller than Levy and, at one point, single-handedly lifts her off the bottom. Levy meanwhile is most likely the shortest member of the guild. (Not counting the Exceed Squad) Popcorn Avatar: Lisa's parents Daniel and Helen Vayu, even though Helen is not precisely tiny, standing about Lisa's top. Given Daniel's imposing height, on the other hand, that is the impact one gets of the couple. Another immediately example is Indra's incarnation Amano and her avatar Kai, with Amano barely achieving Kai's chest. Inverted with regards to Lisa and Kurando, the place the former stands over the latter by no less than half of a head. Bio-Meat: Nectar characters Kanomiya and Banba evolve into a platonic version of this by the point they are in high school. The towering, Cyborg Kikuchiyo and the pint-sized Komachi from Samurai 7. In Sachiare!, Tomoharu is a traditional height, but his wife Sachiko is so short he mainly has to pick out her up or sit down on the floor to kiss her. Sorieke! Anpanman has a couple of of these. There's Jongara-kun and Bachi-chan, Tahara-kun and Rice-chan, and Hotcakeman and Sryup-chan. Nozaki and Sakura are the tallest and shortest members of the forged of Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, respectively. Specifically, they're one foot and a half apart in height; Nozaki clocks in at 190cm (6'3), surprisingly tall for a Japanese individual, while Sakura is at 145cm (4'10), at the low finish of Japanese normalcy. Takeo and Yamato from My Love Story!!. He is two meters (6'7) tall and she simply barely reaches his chest. In Blue Comet SPT Layzner, Eiji Asuka and Anna Stephanie flip-flop between this and One Head Taller. While Eiji isn't the tallest member of the cast, Anna is undoubtedly tiny and Eiji turns out to have issue to even give her a hug. When they kiss, he has to lean very low and she or he has to tiptoe. There is also Eiji's older sister Julia and Big Bad Ru-Kain; she's of regular top, possibly slightly taller than average even, however he is MASSIVE and infrequently he's drawn even larger than he in fact is. Saji and Koizumi from Iketeru Futari have this dynamic occurring. Saji is handiest more or less ordinary top, however Koizumi is tiny, which makes Yuki wonder whether it's part of her attraction. Attack on Titan: Reiner (6'2) and Bertolt (6'4), the 2 tallest participants of the 104th Trainee Corps, can have romantic interests within the two shortest ladies in the Trainee Corps. Like maximum issues in the series, issues are still unclear. Post-timeskip, Eren (183cm) gets a large number of ambiguously shippy interactions with Historia, the shortest member of the 104th. Touko in My Monster Secret slightly reaches her husband's knees. Not as a result of she's tiny, but as a result of he's something like 4 meters (Thirteen toes)-tall. They had been about the similar height in high-school though. Ken and Shoko Shiina in Futari Ecchi. Ken looks like a Yakuza thug, whilst Shoko looks like a bit girl, regardless of being in her mid-20's. Ani Ga Imouto De Imouto Ga Ani De has two pairs of these. Youta Koizumi and Kakeru Mayama are reasonably tall teenage boys. Hikaru Koizumi and Yurika Oda, the two teenage girls they switch our bodies with, are tiny. While their heights aren't explicitly given, they appear to be about 122 cm tall. In both the source subject material and anime adaptation of Grimoire of Zero, Mercenary towers over Zero, and steadily carries her round on his shoulder. In the outlet to the anime, he actually picks her up and throws her into the air. Yona of the Dawn has titular heroine Yona (5'1) and her Love Interest Hak (6'2). The most sensible of her head slightly reaches his shoulders, and he's packing a minimum of double the muscle she is. In Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!, Sakurai (5'11) is famous as being fairly tall (180cm) and is the tallest character in the main cast, though Asai senior is best slightly shorter than him. Uzaki, then again, is very quick, to the point that, when Asai senior first meets her, most of her physique is hidden by way of the counter he is kneeling behind, and he errors her for being in center school, when she's actually 19 and in faculty. He realises his mistake when he stands up and sees the remainder of her... Nozomu and Rino from My Girlfriend Without Wasabi (and its parent series I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying), the previous being slightly above average peak and the latter searching like she's 8. One of Nozomu's main fears right through the time they had been dating used to be that he would end up being Mistaken for Pedophile. Comic BooksThe Joker and Harley Quinn (5'7) — although Joker is from time to time described as simplest 183 cm (6'0) tall he is more ceaselessly 191 cm (6'0) or 193 cm (6'4") and drawn in a specifically lanky model, whilst Harley (a former gymnast) slightly comes up to his shoulders. Swamp Thing (6'10) and his spouse◊, Abigail Holland nee Arcane (5'7"). Al Rothstein (229 cm/7'6) and Courtney Whitmore (166 cm/5'5) in some runs of the JSA. Marvel Comics: Colossus (7'6") and Kitty Pryde (5'6") when they're romantically concerned. Well prior to those Johnny-come-latelies, the unique dimorphic superhero couple: Ant/Giant-Man and the Wasp, each are size-changers, so this most commonly handiest comes into play when he grows and she shrinks. Applied to non-combat eventualities for awhile when Giant-Man were given stuck at around 3.66 meters (12 toes) tall, and Wasp was nonetheless her same old 163 cm (5'4). The Thing (6'0) and Alicia Masters (5'4); it doesn't help that Alicia could also be blind. This used to be even joked about in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer when Johnny (5'10) asks how Ben and Alicia manage a sex life. He then explains that he's most effective asking out of outrage that Alicia might sooner or later be killed in a "rock slide" and runs as Ben comes after him. It's hinted, a number of times, that the Thing has no... ehm... external organs, because the rock pores and skin is if truth be told an exoskeleton of some variety. Obviously other authors said in a different way, however the Thing by no means were given a "giant penis" shaggy dog story, whilst different "big guys" (just like the 8'0 Hulk), had. Ironically, this was once a significant plot software for the Thing in some early problems. He if truth be told attempted to withstand his desire to change into human back, fearing that Alicia would not love him if he was "plain old Ben" (seeing as she had not met him earlier than he changed into the Thing). Sabretooth (6'6") is a big guy length. How big can range. In any case, he tends to seem extensive along any of his love interests. The most obvious case being Holly Bright, whom he towered over◊. The Incredible Hulk. Oh, the Hulk, even his Amazonian Beauty cousin She-Hulk (6'7) is handiest chest top to him. Some artist's renditions of the Hulk are capable and in fact have held love pursuits clasped between his fingers. Part of the problem with the Hulk is that his length is incredibly inconsistent, to the purpose where it'll vary between panels on the identical page. His third spouse, Caiera (7'0"), used to be a sizzling amazon with identical proportions to his cousin. Some panels had them status next to one another with just a few inches distinction in peak, whilst others have him absolutely dwarfing her. The Hulk's respectable height is less than 8 toes tall, then again some panels could have him pushing fifteen toes for dramatic impact. This isn't such a lot artist variation as an impact of his powers, a part of his talent to get stronger as he gets madder is an increase in length, as much as a maximum of twelve ft. The size-changing factor is a handwave that can or may not be used Depending at the Writer. Most writers have his length remain consistent, regardless that the paintings normally would possibly not replicate this for dramatic functions. This is why the Hulk would possibly not always just get bigger as he gets angrier, he's going to vary in both direction from one panel to another (despite the fact that they show the same moment in time or are separated through an issue of seconds). Originally, Bruce Banner turned into the Hulk by means of saving an irresponsible teenager (5'9) from being caught in an atomic bomb blast and that mentioned teenager was hulk's better half, which might make it another trope altogether. Ultimate Hulk may also be worse. Typically most effective across the 2.Four meter (7'10) mark, there is one storyline where he is somewhere in the neighborhood of six meters (19'8) tall and has a harem of dozens of normal-sized girls. The Kingpin is among the biggest, non-superhuman villains within the Marvel universe while his wife, Vanessa Fisk, is a woman of standard top and weight. In Runaways, Chase (5'11) appears to be a minimum of 30 cm (1 foot) taller than his lady friend, Gert (5'1). Moose and Midge from Archie Comics. The Italian underground comedian e-book Ranxerox is an instance: the titular Ranx is a big robotic (one can describe him as a punk Frankenstein's monster) that, because of a malfunction of his electronic mind, loves and follows little Lubna, who's a young, petite, and really nasty Little Miss Badass. The Maxx has the semi-platonic variations, with the Maxx and Julie, the Maxx and Sarah, Sarah and her Maxx. Although Ragamuffin from Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl is trapped in a small doll for the most a part of the comics, when he's become his previous vampire self the difference in top between him and Lenore is in point of fact noticeable. While they're now not a romantic couple, their age distinction is pretty irritating, too, Lenore being 10 years previous (and dead for One hundred years) and Ragamuffin between 20-30 years old (for Four hundred years). Barbaric and Ricochet in The Savage Dragon and Freak Force; Barbaric is of a Hulk-like stature, whilst Ricochet is rather small for her age. In ElfQuest Dewshine/Tyldak show this trope. Other couples do as properly, due to major height disparities between other generations of elf. Dwight and Miho from Sin City is a platonic example. Dwight clears six feet whilst Miho is continuously described as being slightly 1.Five meters (5 ft) tall. As the sequence advanced, Frank Miller determined to exaggerate the diversities to the point the place Dwight seems like he could swallow Miho. Another platonic instance (and an excessively peculiar one) is Tiatkin and the warfare droid Giza from the Star Wars oneshot comic Lando's Commandos: On Eagle's Wings. Giza used to be at least 3 times his Twi'lek spouse's size and likewise had reasonably numerous affection for her. Cue Roaring Rampage of Revenge when she was once gunned down during a project. Les Innomables, a French comic by Yann and Conrad, has Mac Buttle, a rather rotund adventurer abandoned from the USA army, and Alix, whose mom was once finished by way of the Communists. Mac isn't that a lot taller than Alix, however he's at least four occasions as wide. Asterix: In Asterix and Caesar's Gift, it's notable that the explanation Obelix feels interested in Influenza is because of how small and lightweight she is. He mentions how mild she is several occasions, annoying his dog. Both Vitalstatistix and Fulliautomatix are much greater than their tiny wives. Mortadelo y Filemón cranks this as much as the extreme with Mortadelo's oldsters (as introduced in "Su vida privada"). Mortadelo's father is so tall the panels best painting him from the legs down a la Cow and Chicken (in the same panels we will see the entire body of his son, whose billed height is 5'11"), whilst his mother is only some inches tall and Filemón wishes to look down to speak to her. Fan WorksSeveral examples in The Bridge, most commonly because of the kaiju ponies being effectively above average length. Most particularly, Anguirus finds Gentle Leaf, a bit filly lost within the woods, and takes care of her; leading to they touring along with her driving on his again a lot. Within some bonding time Anguirus takes on a Parental Substitute for the infant until he can get her back to her parents, and Gentle Leaf being in peril is what causes his Big Brother Instinct to flare up. Though now not canon in any sense, BIONICLE fanatics have a tendency to pair up Toa Hewkii and Macku. Macku is a three-foot-tall fisherwoman, Hewkii is a seven-foot-six superhero with stone and gravity powers. A more canon instance can be Mata Nui and Kiina. Sure, at seven-and-a-half toes tall, Kiina is hardly "tiny" via the general public's requirements, however when you consider that Mata Nui's original shape is forty million feet tall, it turns into a extremely exaggerated model of this trope. Toy Hammer: Michael and Zara. 1.Eight meters (5'11) to 5 cm (2 inches). In the One Piece and Fairy Tail crossover, The Dragon That Will Pierce the Heavens, Zoro and protagonist Hikari are compatible this trope, since Zoro is closer to 6 feet tall and Hikari to 5 ft. This doesn't mean she is not equally unhealthy. Mario Kart fic Firefly has the non-romantic pair of Bowser, an über-tall heavyweight racer, and Toadette, whose enlargement was once stunted artificially to attenuate her weight. Their tastes in model further heighten the adaptation. Like the Bionicle instance above, this isn't canon, however a large number of 9 fic-writers like pairing the large Eight with 4, who is likely one of the smallest characters. (Most writers like to think of Four as a feminine, thus making it an example of this trope and now not Big Guy, Little Guy.) In the Firefly fandom, the "Jaylee" pairing, taking into account that Jewel Staite, Kaylee's actress, stands at simply 166 cm½ (5'5);" in comparison to the towering 193 cm (6'4) Adam Baldwin, who performs Jayne. Those who ship Jayne and River also love to play up the dynamic of their fic, despite Summer Glau being an average-sized 173 cm (5'8). In the Happy Tree Friends fandom, one specific Fan-Preferred Couple is Flippy (a endure) and Flaky (a porcupine). While the two (like many of the characters) are the similar size on the show, some enthusiasts like to de-anthropomorphize the characters. D'aww ensues. Enemy of My Enemy has Sarah Jennings - a young, human girl - form a powerful bond of friendship with two Seperatist Hunters whom she dubs 'Jib' and 'Jubb'. Leif of Soulless Shell isn't described as being particularly big, however his female friend Maoimi can not succeed in above his waist (She's supposed to be seventeen.) Hit And Miss, a NSFW Balthier (6'0)/Ashe (5'5) fanfic, brings up the variation within the two characters' heights often. When it's mentioned in Chapter 20, Balthier sleeps with any person else and can not stop himself from pondering that, in comparison to Ashe, she's too tall. Some fans of the Erio and Caro pairing discussed in the anime examples above play with this trope for the adorability and/or the comedy. One fluffy fic ends with a comedic scene of Erio being stopped by a police officer after kissing Caro in public. The Servants of Ungoliant features the 25-year-old Jhebdryk, who is the tallest and most muscular of the principle Darklanders and the 18-year-old Rhejya, who is without doubt one of the youngest of the main Darklanders. Also doubled with One Head Taller. Fan-artists for Suzumiya Haruhi no Seitenkan tend to draw Kyonko (5'2) as truly brief compared to the male characters, such as Haruki (5'7)◊ or Yuuki (5'5.5)◊. PudgyPudge's work Master of the Zanbatous. By the time the tale ends, Sakura is able to ride atop Naruto's shoulders in a fashion harking back to Kenpachi and Yachiru It IS stated that in an effort to wield the blades successfully, he needed to undergo a MASSIVE enlargement spurt, but 4'6" to 6'11" turns out a tiny bit excessive. Any fanfic shipping Supernatural's Sam Winchester (6'5" and muscular) and Gabriel (5'8" and compact). (Since Gabriel's an angel, regardless that, it is in reality inverted as soon as they're out in their meatsuits—Sam's soul can have compatibility in a briefcase, whilst a more youthful and not more robust angel than Gabriel is the size of the Chrysler building, so Gabriel's most likely even greater.) Wheatley's human physique within the Portal 2 fanfic Blue Sky is according to actor Stephen Merchant, who is 6'7". Chell is described as being "not in particular tall". Obsidian and Vale within the Hunger Games fanfiction Some Semblance of Meaning. Obsidian is a Career, described as tall and muscular, while Vale describes herself as scrawny and "vertically challenged." The Star Wars: The Old Republic fanfic Remi The Grey has Jedi Knight Remi, who is described (and proven in art work by means of the creator) as fairly petite, paired up with Lord Scourge who is canonically the tallest and maximum muscular physique variety available for men within the game. In the Uplifted collection Joachim Hoch is described as just under 6'5 and constructed like a grizzly undergo. Hanala then again is fortunate to be 5'1. Of course, length manner nothing but a top distinction as Hanala is the brutally violent one. Fans love to pair Arcee with Bulkhead from Transformers: Prime. Arcee is shorter than Bumblebee and Bulkhead comes as much as Optimus's chest pre-upgrade. Bree and Min of the Tomb Raider (2013) fanfic The Dreaming shape a variation on this trope. Though both are female, Min is very tall and androgynous, while Bree is far shorter and girlier. Very common on the The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Kink Meme. Plenty of fills involve a female Breton Player Character (the smallest imaginable human) getting paired up with a strapping male Nord (Brynjolf, Farkas, and Vilkas are common) or Altmer (especially Ondolemar or Legate Fasendil). Another such pairing that turns up often is Mirabelle Ervine and Ancano. This collection of Judge Dredd movie-verse fanfics features Judge Anderson (particularly stated to be 5'4" like the actress who plays her) totally-not-paired-with Judge Cornelius (described as "six-foot-four of Baltimore beefcake" and explicitly taller than Dredd himself. Although not performed for laughs, there are several circumstances where the peak distinction is obvious - once when he puts his elbow on her shoulder for support after being injured by means of the knife nut. Marcus Romero and Amy Zavala, the District 2 tributes from The 92nd Annual Hunger Games are completely this. Marcus is a 6'5", 200 lb. gargantuan 18-year-old, while his partner Amy is a 4'10", Ninety lb. little 14-year-old. However, Amy proves to be far from harmless and will hold her personal in the combat for survival alongside Marcus. Hivefled: the Grand Highblood's lover, the Condesce, is set 1/2 his size, and they have got had threesomes with trolls who're even smaller than her. In I Am NOT Going Through Puberty Again!, Itachi (5'7'') finally ends up with Karenbana (quick sufficient to be mistaken for a child). Old West has Rattlesnake Jake (a staggering-sized rattlesnake) and Grace Glossy (a shorter and a lot slimmer glossy snake). The pictures supplied through the writer (hyperlinks supplied here) assist to stipulate the comparison. Some examples in Pokémon Reset Bloodlines: In the Ritchie Gaiden, the name personality is stated through the narration to be taller than his mother at age 15. She later marries a man who is big enough to name her son "half-pint". In the Hiker Interlude, the titular Hiker meets a young girl named Mizu, no older than 9 years old. The Heart Trilogy pairs an average-sized girl named Kathryn with the huge dragon Smaug. Eventually Smaug positive factors a muscled and 7 ft tall human form that still dwarfs Kathryn. In Frail Equilibrium and the fan-verse following it, Tess' allegedly short stature (peaking at an average 5'4" as an adult) compared to a towering 6' 5" Dante is a long-time running gag. In Beyond Heroes: Of Sunshine and Red Lyrium, it's observed that Bethany Hawke is significantly shorter and slighter than either of her tall, burly brothers. Cassandra is stunned when she meets Hawke and Carver and sees how a lot greater they're than she expected, because of the fact that Bethany is so petite.observe The Danganronpa Series Fic New Island Life has two as the Official Couples of 3 of the four stories: Hajime Hinata and Hiyoko Saojin in New island Life and Shuichi Saihara and Himiko Yumeno in New School semester. The Secret Return of Alex Mack: Little 5'2" Buffy is dating 6'4" NFL quarterback Freddie. Since she's a Breslynn Orphan, then again, she's robust enough to raise him over her head. A Green Dragon's Hoard: This is a given making an allowance for Izuku is kind of 5 and a half of meters tall. Even Yamato, who is 3 and a half meters tall, barely reaches his waist. Though it is particularly profound with Izuku's first female friend Manami who, at 111cm tall, is almost precisely one 5th his top. Films — AnimationWreck-It Ralph has the title personality Ralph (most often a Gentle Giant) befriending tiny Bratty Half-Pint Vanellope Von Schweetz. Seen in the page image. The director's remark in Shrek suggests that Shrek and Fiona had been particularly designed for this symbol. The state of affairs then turns into merely One Head Taller. This is why we even have tiny little Donkey paired up with the massive Dragon. Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Even after the transformation, there may be nonetheless fairly a size difference. Gaston may be significantly larger than Belle. In the degree musical, Belle is usually cast as quick as imaginable to play up this side. In Mulan II, Chien-Po, the guy big enough to select up four other people and a horse, ends up with the tiniest of the princesses. A non-romantic instance. Monsters, Inc. has Sulley (a furry monster with the construct of a lineman) grows connected to a two-year-old girl whom he names "Boo." Also, it is price noting that his assistant (and the entire assistants of the 'scarers' at their office) are dwarfed by way of their opposite numbers, with Mike being concerning the length of Sulley's head. Kerchack and Kala from Disney's Tarzan. This one's justified since male gorillas truly are a lot larger than the women. Alpha and Omega has one: A biker and a librarian. Opposites draw in indeed... Brave: Short and squat Maudie and the anonymous, towering Hunk from Clan Dingwall appear to be heading this manner, as evidenced via his habits toward her the end of the movie. Also King Fergus and Queen Elinor. They're slightly equivalent in top - certainly, Elinor is fairly tall - however Fergus is set five times wider. Francoeur of A Monster in Paris is a seven-foot, anthropomorphic flea, so he is taller than the general public, however his dance partner/sister determine Lucille is lovely small compared to the extra normal-sized solid members. How to Train Your Dragon 2 has this trope played straight with Stoick and his long-lost wife Valka, who's kind of a 3rd his length. Rather downplayed in that she is lower than a head shorter which means she looms more than a little bit in her personal proper. Open Season 2: Rufus and Charlene. Flynn and Rapunzel from Tangled avert this. However, an earlier model of the script played it immediately. Bastion was Rapunzel's love hobby sooner than Flynn but used to be scrapped for a more conventionally good-looking protagonist. Bastion was once an excessively huge guy while Rapunzel is fairly quick. Rapunzel did not even reach Bastion's shoulders. Kristoff, from Frozen, bears a partial resemblance to the scrapped Bastion, being taller and stockier than the common Disney main male. However, he is nonetheless more conventionally sexy and is simplest One Head Taller than Anna, somewhat than towering over her. Moana has a platonic example with the identify heroine and Maui. Moana is an average-sized teenage girl, while Maui is considerably taller and about 2-3 times her width. There's also a romantic example with Moana's parents. Tui is barely over a head taller than Sina, in addition to about two times her width. Pixies: Joe Beck's backbone is double the period of Michelle Meyers', he towers a couple of heads over her. Also with Max and Twitch. In Zootopia there is Mayor Lionheart and Assistant Mayor Bellwether. He's a huge male lion, while she's a dwarf female sheep that barely comes up to his waist. My Moon: Earth is concerning the size of a small building, whilst Sun is dozens and dozens of instances greater than her. He can even have compatibility her in the palm of his hand and also have various room left over. Films — Live-ActionBlade II. Lighthammer (6'3) and his lover Verlaine (5'6), two vampire individuals of the Bloodpack. In The Wanderers, the leader of The Fordham Baldies, Terror, is played by way of the 6'6" and well over 300 lbs Erland van Lindh, while his girl Peewee is played by the 4'10" Linda Manz. The guy who built the construction in Being John Malkovich was once allegedly a sea captain married to a dwarf lady and constructed the 7 1/2 ground for her and her "accursed kind" (Catherine Keneer's personality doesn't believe it). In Black Cat, White Cat, six-foot-plus Grga Veliki and midget Afrodita finally end up together after Grga reveals her in a stump. It Makes Sense in Context. King Kong (1933). Played with, if truth be told, by Merian C. Cooper (5'8). According to Fay Wray (5'3), when she used to be given the a part of Ann Darrow, Cooper told her that she'd be running with "the tallest, darkest leading man in Hollywood" (she was anticipating 6'1 Clark Gable). Bruce Cabot (6'1.5), who performed her human love hobby, was also nearly a foot taller than her. Taken to an excessive in Big Top Pee-Wee, with circus owner Kris Kristofferson (5'10) and his wife, who's small sufficient to are living in his shirt pocket. The movie model of Thor has the waifish Natalie Portman (5'3) paired with the towering and chiseled Chris Hemsworth (6'2.75). Quigley Down Under has 6'4" Tom Selleck paired with Laura San Giacomo, who's only 5'2". In Mirrormask, Valentine isn't "huge", however he's some distance enough at the tall facet to contrast with petite Helena. Ambrose and Ermengarde in the movie Hello, Dolly!, played via 6-foot-7 Tommy Tune and the 4-foot-10 Joyce Ames. At one point they're dancing and he lifts her off her feet to cover her quick peak (making her less notable to her Overprotective Uncle sitting close by). In Sullivan's Travels we now have 6'2" Joel McCrea paired with 4'11" Veronica Lake. The Force Awakens: Maz Kanata (4'1) offhandedly refers to Chewbacca (7'7), who is at least a meter (Three feet) taller than her, as her 'boyfriend'. In Tarzan The Ape Man and its sequels, Johnny Weissmuller (6'3) was a full foot taller and significantly extra huge than Maureen O'Sullivan. The massive, 6'4" John Wayne was this subsequent to most of his female co-stars. A particularly striking example used to be Angie Dickinson from Rio Bravo, who was slender, petite, and stood just about a foot shorter than Wayne. Similarly, Clint Eastwood, who used to be also 6'4" in his high, and used to be precisely a foot taller than his maximum common main lady (and infrequently real-life romantic spouse) Sondra Locke. Trini in Power Rangers (2017) is performed via 5' actress and Latin-pop Singer Becky Gomez, who in some pictures, slightly comes up to a few of her castmates' shoulders (mainly RJ Cyler who is a foot taller than her). Babylon A.D.: Toorop and Aurora. Not best is he One Head Taller, however most certainly twice her weight as nicely. Of course, he's a muscular veteran mercenary, and he or she's a sheltered young girl. It doesn't go beyond Unresolved Sexual Tension, alternatively. May has this with the eponymous personality and her in poor health fated Love Interest Adam. May being performed by means of the dainty, 5'3" Angela Bettis and Adam being played by the impressively built, 6'1.5" Jeremy Sisto. There's even a moment within the movie the place he has to crouch down to meet her eye degree. Its worth citing though that May still manages to kill Adam! The name characters of Min & Max, who are a short lady and a tall guy. Actually, those names in the title are nicknames; their genuine names are Xia Xiling and Zhang Xiao, respectively. Anyway, this trope is subverted here in that Xia Xiling helps to keep on rejecting Zhang Xiao's makes an attempt to win her over. Double subverted when she finally ends up creating emotions for him anyway. Freaky facilities round an average schoolgirl (5' 5"1,65 m Kathryn Newton) and a enormous serial killer (6' 5¼" \ 1,Ninety six m Vince Vaughn) going via a physique switch. Them having to regulate to the new our bodies leads to a few comedy, as the killer who took down folks very easily now lacks his previous energy (one of the murders has the would-be sufferer throwing the petite girl simply), and the girl hits her head on tall branches ("I'm a giant!"). LiteratureIn the Ahriman Trilogy Fausto is a huge football participant and Zoe is repeatedly described as being tiny. She's a total badass regardless that, so it balances. Egyptologists and detectives Amelia Peabody and Radcliffe Emerson. Amelia frequently describes her husband as "Herculean". David Eddings's The Belgariad and The Malloreon sequence: Garion is a minimum of six and a 1/2 feet (about 2 m) tall, in all probability seven ft (about 2.1 m). His spouse Ce'Nedra, being part-Dryad, is 5' (152 cm) at maximum — and many times described as tiny. Eddings' later work The Elenium has Sir Sparhawk, many times described as an uncommonly tall and burly bruiser of a man, and his eventual spouse Queen Ehlana. In Black House, the biker named Mouse tells of his overdue female friend, Little Nancy. Jack asks how big Little Nancy was since Mouse is 6'2'' and 290 pounds. Mouse remarks that he can have lifted her one-handed. Brandon Vanderkool (6'8") and Madeline Rousseau (5'-ish) in Border Songs. The Robo-Boogers from Captain Underpants get started out as a Big, Thin, Short Trio. However, when Carl (skinny) dies, Frankenbooger (big) and Trixie (quick) grow to be a straight instance. Even none of there genders are explicitly said, Carl and Frankenbooger are implied to be male and Trixie is implied to be female. In The Crocodile God, Mirasol is the tiny Filipino-American girl to Haik, the name's Filipino crocodile-god. His precise height is not discussed, however he is a minimum of a head above her, extremely muscular thanks to being a sea-god who sails for a residing, and descended from the Maori. Played for Body Horror slightly than humor in Ramsey Campbell's Cthulhu Mythos tale "The Faces at Pine Dunes", wherein Michael's tall father has grown tremendously fats and his mother is petite. Derek and Chloe from the Darkest Powers collection. Derek is constructed like a linebacker, with shoulders just about as large as the common doorway, and stands at round 6'3" or so. He additionally weighs about 220lbs. Chloe is five-foot-nothing and most probably weighs 100lbs drenched. Red and Sorcha from Juliet Marillier's Daughter of the Forest Sorcha is very petite and compared to Red who is a gorgeous big guy, she's like a small baby. During Dinoverse, 8th graders become dinosaurs. Candacye Chambers becomes a pig-sized Leptoceratops, while the 2 boys she's with become an Ankylosaurus and a Tyrannosaurus rex, respectively. Your Size May Vary, however she does climb on most sensible of Bertram's shell and leaps into Mike's tiny fingers at quite a lot of issues. Candayce may be considerably smaller than Janine. Once all of them return home, she's back to being a tall, leggy girl. Captain Carrot and Angua von Uberwald of Discworld. Angua has never been described as particularly small, granted, however it most likely wouldn't subject, seeing as Carrot is 6'5" (196cm) and nearly as huge across the shoulder. Sometimes Angua simplest comes as much as his waist ... despite the fact that admittedly that is when she's quadrapedal. Dragon Bones has Gentle Giant Ward, and his more youthful sister Ciarra, who is so small she appears to be like more like twelve than her exact age of 16. They generally greet every other via her leaping onto him to hug him, and his picking her up and whirling her around. F'lar and Lessa in Dragonriders of Pern — Lessa has been referred to as "diminutive", "child-sized", etc. Nevertheless, she is a force of nature, personality-wise. Dragons in Our Midst has a non-romantic instance: Sapphira (a somewhat smallish lady) and Yereq (a giant, some nine-plus toes tall), from Oracles of Fire. From The Dresden Files. Non-romantic (in the beginning, anyway) example: Harry Dresden and Karrin Murphy. (He's canonically 6'9"; she's 5 feet tall.) Harry together with his different girlfriends, Susan and Anastasia Luccio additionally qualify as neither girl is described as being over 6 toes tall. Another non-romantic instance from the similar collection: Kincaid and the Archive. The latter is a young girl with the sum of all human wisdom and the former is her bodyguard (who's nearly as tall as Harry), leaving them with a peculiar 'father'/super-intelligent daughter dating. Kincaid and Murphy have a Friends with Benefits scenario going for some time as well. Thomas and Justine. Thomas has been discussed as tall (though not nearly as tall as Harry), and Justine has been described as tiny, frail, and waif-ish. Queens Mab and Titania, rulers of Winter and Summer respectively, are described as showing with regards to 6 ft in most paperwork (they may be able to alternate their form to a definite degree). Their friends in Faerie are Santa Claus and The Erl-King, both described as properly over 7 ft tall. Empire from the Ashes: Heirs of Empire has Pint-Sized Powerhouse Sandy MacMahan, who tops out at a mere One hundred forty cm (4'7), and Sean MacIntyre, who's 60 cm (2 toes) taller. Waldo "Saucerhead" Tharpe, from the Garrett, P.I. novels, is a humungous bodyguard/bruiser with an extended track report of courting ladies who can slightly achieve his elbows. Garrett himself is no shrimp, yet is normally paired with Tinnie Tate, whose complete family is short. Gentleman Bastard: Jean, who is larger than common, and Ezri, who is petite (but the tallest of all her sisters) in Red Seas Under Red Skies. Susan and the unnamed protagonist of Neil Gaiman's quick story "Goliath". In Mary Gentle's Grunts! we've the pairing of Ashnak (six feet of muscular orc) and Magda Brandiman, a halfling (most certainly round 3' to 4' at the most). Vernon and Petunia Dursley within the Harry Potter books, though the adaptation is in girth as opposed to peak. Possible instance: of the three leads, Ron is the tallest and Hermione is the shortest, regardless that it's unclear how a lot the peak disparity is, and taking into account the books take place over their teenage years it indubitably varries as effectively. Dean Thomas (showed to be taller than Ron) in short dates petite Ginny Weasley. From Mercedes Lackey's Heralds of Valdemar, Talia, who is described as petite, and Dirk, who's been referred to as "that man-mountain of hers". Also a case of Ugly Guy, Hot Wife. From Honor Harrington: The titular personality's father is 192 cm (6'3" and a half), and her mother is third-grader size at "slightly over" 125 cm (4'1" and a 1/2). Kevin Usher is described as being somewhat large, fairly unlike his slightly petite wife Virginia. Abigail Hearns, whilst tall for a Grayson, continues to be average height at maximum. Her armsman, San Martin-born Mateo Gutierrez, is two meters (6'7) tall and weighs Two hundred kilograms. Lady Dame Estelle Matsuko, Baroness Medusa, Imperial Governor of the Talbott Quadrant, slightly clears 5 feet (158 cm) and is delicately built. Her military counterpart, station commander Admiral Augustus Khumalo, is not just simply over six ft, however described with phrases like "massive". Berry Zilwicki is smaller than average (in part due to malnutrition as a kid) whilst her boyfriend Hugh Arai is positively huge, being former Mesan heavy exertions slave. Kyle and Jodi/Sunny from The Host. This is also the fate of Ian and Wanda in Pet's body. Also invoked in the movie as whilst Jake Abel who performs Ian isn't vastly tall at 6'1, he still finally ends up towering over Wanda, performed via the 5'2 Emily Browning. Humanx Commonwealth: Skua September and Isili Hasboga from The End of the Matter. Skua is described by means of many characters as the most important man they have ever observed, while his employer Isili's description pegs her as half of a head shorter than teenage Flinx (who'd no longer yet grown tall). Journey to Chaos: A Mage's Power: Laharg the orc is taller and broader than any human. His mercenary spouse, Malize, is a fairy and so she's small enough to journey on his head. Owen and Annabel from Sarah Dessen's novel Just Listen. This is picked up on in-universe, and their schoolmates start giving them unkind nicknames like Beauty and the Beast. In Dorothy Dunnett's King Hereafter, 6'6 (and massively ugly) Thorfinn, aka Macbeth, is married to Gruoch, who is small and short enough for him to select up and carry. This is based on a ancient account of Thorfinn sporting her to protection when their home used to be attacked by way of enemies. In Lorna Doone, John Ridd is described as having the ability to raise away the doorframe of Sir Ensor Doone's space. For reference, the doorway is 6 toes and one inch excessive and nearly two feet across. Lorna, alternatively, is slender, such that 1/2 of John's arm can pass around her. To a point, George and Jessie Challenger from Conan Doyle's The Lost World. Notably, Challenger is brief (well, no less than when in comparison to Edward Malone), but simplest as a result of he has short, stocky legs. His chest, hands, and head are broad, and his wife is a tiny, skinny lady whom he is in a position to carry absolutely without any effort. To Malone, they together resemble a gorilla and a gazelle. Karsa Orlong and Samar Dev from Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen. Karsa Orlong is a Blood Knight and a deconstruction of the Barbarian Hero from a race referred to as the Teblor, whilst Samar Dev is a narrow and quick human Hot Witch and engineer. Karsa having little social graces and bordering on a He-Man Woman Hater who learns his lesson would deliver his courtship of Samar into humorous territory if it wasn't a planned deconstruction of Bigger Is Better in Bed. Karsa is acutely aware of that, but come what may, between books, they organize to develop into a couple. Brother/Sister version in The Millennium Trilogy books, with the Zalachenko half-siblings. Super-hacker Lisbeth is less than 5 toes tall and skinny even for her size. Her half-brother is a towering, ridiculously muscled bruiser. Nina Tanleven: The Ghost Wore Gray comprises the elderly couple Arnie and Meg Coleman. Arnie is six-foot-five, and Meg is ready Nine's peak (four-foot-ten). Not a romance, however the partnership of Tuskanini and Super Gnat within the Phule's Company novels. He's the most important member of the Omega Mob, she's the smallest, and they are a cast crew, to the purpose that very pacifistic Tusk slugs a sergeant for picking on his partner. Ken Follet's The Pillars of the Earth: Tom Builder is described to be unusually tall and muscular, and his second spouse Ellen is described to be leaner and smaller. In Pride and Prejudice, Darcy is described several occasions as tall and as soon as as a "great, tall fellow" via Bingley, whilst Elizabeth is supposedly lithe from her walking and 15-year-old Lydia and Georgianna are both taller than her. A Post-Modern Fairy Tale book includes a very butch princess (she likes wrestling and solving helicopters) whose oldsters pressure her to preside over an engagement gauntlet of princes who should be taller, more potent, and perhaps even smarter then her with a purpose to marry her. They are particularly serious about the only guy who is taller than the princess; unfortunately, he is also a Noodle Person who has to combat her (she lets him win to steer clear of injuring him). Meanwhile, she falls for a similar prince's pilot/chauffeur, who's a lot shorter and chubbier but very a lot her equivalent. Naturally, he is the actual prince and the tall guy is his pilot/chauffeur. They switched since the prince knew his height would've straight away eradicated him, and he concept the entire thing was once silly anyway. The Rogue King has almost nine-foot Koral hook up with a girl whose eyes are 'stage together with his belt'. But then, the general public are that short to him. In Shade's Children through Garth Nix, Ella isn't described as being particularly small, but she unquestionably would appear so subsequent to her teammate Drum, who was once dosed with steroids as a kid. One scene implied that her armpits were about level along with his waist. Interestingly, Ella is almost no doubt the elder. In The Sharing Knife collection: Fawn "I'm not a child, I'm just short" Bluefield and Dag Redwing, who is so tall and lanky that Fawn cannot succeed in as much as contact his face until he stoops. Sienkiewicz Trilogy: The Gentle Giant of With Fire and Sword, Podbipięta, falls head over heels with tiny Anusia. Possibly Nessa and Tulkas in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion she's described as petite and graceful, like a deer, and he's huge and muscular. In A Song of Ice and Fire, Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo have an arranged marriage. He's a hardened tribal chief who towers over most men, while she's thirteen years outdated and slight even for her age. They would possibly by no means appear and are simplest mentioned as soon as, however the eight-foot-tall Gregor Clegane has been married 3 times. Other examples include Duncan the Tall (6' 11") and Young Nan (Average height and very thin), Sandor Clegane (6' 7") and Sansa Stark (Around 5'). There could also be a mention of a slave grasp who owned both a large and a dwarf and favored to lead them to have sex for his guests. There's additionally Gendry, who at most effective 14/15 however is noted as being big and tall for his age round 6'3, and tiny Arya Stark who is 10 years old and below 5'. In the prequel story, The Sworn Sword, Ser Duncan (6'11") has a flirtatious relationship with Lady Rohanne (4'11") Webber, who's moderately quick. It's social status, alternatively, and not peak, which will get in the way. In the Spellsinger universe, local residents of the fable world are considerably shorter than the ones in the non-magical twenty-first-century global. Talea is in truth quite tall by her local global's standards, but she's much shorter than her love hobby, the six-foot Fish out of Water Jon-Tom. Early in The Stand, Nick meets the sheriff, a huge guy, and later his spouse, a slight little thing, leading Nick to ponder the trope and its implications. Stardoc: The old flame of four'11", thin Cherijo Grey Veil's life is a seven-foot Jorenian. She eventually finally ends up marrying Duncan Reever; while he's nowhere near that big, he's still fairly tall. The Stormlight Archive: Shallan is quite petite, and continuously frustrated at having to jog to keep up with "storming Alethi and their long legs." With Adolin, the problem is exacerbated when he rides his massive ryshadium. Corie and Elisandra's guardian figures (mom in Elisandra's case), Jaxon and Greta in Summers at Castle Auburn. Jaxon is a huge, wild-looking man, whilst Greta is so small that if she may ever be quiet, folks would fail to remember her. Fortunately for Greta and sadly for the ones around her, she isn't quiet. Tamora Pierce's Tortall Universe: Buri and Raoul. When offered in the first e book series, Buri is described as being fairly quick. Raoul is definitely over six ft, and a hugely built warrior, while Buri is a waif-like rider. It will get identified without delay as soon as that when the 2 stand subsequent to one another, Buri does not even achieve Raoul's shoulder. Daine and Numair; in Wolf-Speaker, it mentioned that Daine used to be 5 feet Five inches (on the age of fourteen) and Numair is 6'5", and quite slightly older. Twilight: Alice and Jasper. Jasper is tremendous tall, lanky, but WAY above average, and Alice is again and again described as tiny and pixie-like. Discarded in the film collection, the place Ashley Greene and Jackson Rathbone are simplest 2-Three inches apart in height. There's also any girl with any of the male werewolves. In Twisted!, Clare is a petite human lady, whilst Railrunner is an anthropomorphic curler coaster that is over twenty toes lengthy and weighs a number of thousand pounds. Princess Siri in Warbreaker is a slight teenage girl sent off to an Arranged Marriage with a just about seven-foot-tall God-Emperor. In The War Gods, Leanna is surprisingly tall for this trope, being over six feet tall. However, her husband Bahzell is 7'9". In John C. Wright's War of the Dreaming, half-titan Raven is married to the very, very petite Wendy. She's now not kidding when she says he can pick her up with one hand. Par for the direction in The Wheel of Time. Moiraine and Lan, Nynaeve and Lan, Rand and Min, Perrin and Faile, Mat and Tuon. Rand, Lan, and Perrin are all nicely above average in length, while Moiraine and Tuon are both particularly small ladies. In Mary Gentle's White Crow stories, ordinary characters Baltazar Casaubon and Valentine, despite the fact that that's almost certainly mostly because of Balthazar being absolutely large. In any P. G. Wodehouse story the place Stinker Pinker and Stiffy Bing make an appearance, Bertie will introduce them in the narration through remarking how they embrace this trope. The title characters within the Julia Donaldson and Axel Schiffer picture e book The Snail and the Whale. The feminine snail is about the size of the male whale's eye. Live-Action TVArrow has Felicity and Ray, played by way of Emily Bett Rickards, 5'5" and Brandon Routh, 6'2.5". In all her scenes with him, Felicity is wearing heels, and he still towers over her. Sara Lance (played by the 5'4" actress Caity Lotz) and Oliver Queen (portrayed by the 6'1" Stephen Amell) are also an instance of this trope, as are Felicity and Oliver. Thea Queen and Malcolm Merlyn, father and daughter, are 5'5" and 6'0". Laurel Lance and her dad Quentin also are holders of this trope, coming in at 5'7" (Laurel) and 6'3 1/2" (Quentin, Making him one of the vital tallest within the display). Curtis Holt (played by 6'4" actor Echo Kellum) and Felicity have compatibility this trope, where some BTS pics have EBR as much as his chest. Carol and Mike Brady on The Brady Bunch. Mike is ready three heads taller than Carol. On Selfie, John Cho's Henry dates a girl he is alike with in virtually each and every method — except whilst he is barely taller than common (Cho stands at 5'10"), she's undoubtedly tiny, not even making it to 5 feet of top, with just about a full foot difference between them. The mini-series adaption of To the Ends of the Earth has this with protagonist Edmund Talbot and his Love Interest Marion Chumley. Benedict Cumberbatch stands at 6'0", while Joanna Page is 5'1.5", making him a complete ten-and-a-half inches taller than her. The distinction onscreen is fairly obvious. One on One specializes in the 6'4" Flex Washington and his 5'4" teenage daughter Breanna. Bobby Goren (Vincent D'Onofrio, 6'4") and Alexandra Eames (Kathryn Erbe, 5'4") are detective partners on Law & Order: Criminal Intent. He's a foot taller than she is, broad-shouldered and, as the collection goes on, increasingly more barrel-chested. She's slim and tiny and sometimes looks like he may put her in his pocket. The CI casting directors doubled down in this when they brought again Mike Logan (6'1" Chris Noth) in Season 5, pairing him with Carolyn Barek (Annabella Sciorra, 5'3"). Makes it lovely a laugh when all four partners are in the squad room together in "In The Wee Small Hours". This one is just for a unmarried season, as Sciorra didn't return after Season 5, and Logan's next parters, Megan Wheeler (Julianne Nicholson, 5'9") and Nola Falacci (Alicia Witt, 5'8"), avert the "tiny girl" half of of the trope. Two episodes in Season 8 additionally had Eames paired up with Nichols (Jeff Goldblum, 6'5"), who is less broad than Logan or Goren but is taller than either of them, and he just towers over her whenever they're standing next to each other. There's also a point in the Season 9 premiere when Eames, Goren, and Nichols are working as a trio, further exaggerating the effect. (Nichols only ever gets it with Eames, however, since both of his regular partners, Wheeler and Serena Stevens (Saffron Burrows, 6'0"), are more than tall sufficient to avert that part of the trope.) Life: Big lopey Charlie Crews (Damian Lewis, 6'1") and tiny spitfire Dani Reese (Sarah Shahi, 5'3"). On Farscape, the giant and well-built Ka D'Argo (6'5) has a detailed dating with the short, slim Chiana (5'7). The lead characters (5'0.5) and (6'0) in the Shakespea Re Told Taming Of The Shrew. Heroes: Matt (186 cm/6'1 and large) and Daphne (157 cm/5'2 and petite). Sylar is 185 cm (6'1) and Elle is A hundred and fifty five cm (5'1). He has the similar peak difference with Claire (5'0). Claire and any guy she stands next to, together with Hiro (5'6) (that is right, Hiro's in fact taller than any individual!), Peter (5'9), the aforementioned Sylar and her father(s). Noah Bennet (6'2.5) and Eden (5'5) are boss and subordinate, she is clearly tinier than him and is best barely taller than Claire. Part of the explanation the Cliff (6'0)/Olivia (5'6) comedy dynamic labored so nicely on The Cosby Show was once that she used to be tiny, making the slightly-taller-than-average top Cliff glance extensive. All in the Family had 6'2" Mike and 5'1" Gloria. Gloria incessantly wore platform sneakers to help with the dimensions distinction. Pushing Daisies had maximum of its relationships qualify—its 4 leads were a pair of tall guys (actors Lee Pace and Chi McBride are 6'3.5" and 6'4.5", respectively) and a pair of petite women (actors Kristin Chenoweth and Anna Friel are 4'10" and 5'3", respectively). As it made for some great sight gags, the writers cherished to play with this trope. Smallville: On Charmed, steadily the men are a lot better and brawnier than the ladies, which will also be observed in particular with Phoebe, whilst she was relationship Cole, and in the eighth season, when she was once with Coop. Milano, who performed Phoebe, is 5'1.5". Julian Mc Mahon (Cole) is 6'2" and Victor Webster (Coop) is 6'4". 5'3 Fiona Glennane (Gabrielle Anwar) in Burn Notice is relatively small compared to the male solid, with Michael (6') being taller however Sam (6'1) and Jesse (6'3) are extra muscular. Dwight Schrute (6'2.5) and Angela Martin (5'1) from The Office (US). Another one of the crucial causes the pairing is lovely in spite of its evident weirdness. Darryl (6'1.5) and Kelly (5'5), too. Also reasonably difficult to keep away from with an actor as tall as John Krasinski (6'3"). Glee has◊ Finn (6'3" Cory Monteith) and Rachel (5'2" Lea Michele)]] along side Ken and Emma (5'4) to a lesser extent. A subversion occurs with Kurt (5'9.5) and Blaine (5'8)◊ on-screen: Chris Colfer (Kurt) is slightly taller than Darren Criss (Blaine). However, Kurt is the extra female of the two, which creates a basic expectation that if anything, Blaine should be taller than Kurt. The indisputable fact that Kurt is the taller one if handiest through such a lot, makes the dimensions difference between them appear bigger to the viewer than it in reality is. In season 2 when Blaine was once taking part in a mentor function for Kurt, the display actively tried to cover their height distinction, even in promo photoshoots. ER: 6'4" Luka Kovac (Goran Visnjic) dated 5'2" Abby Lockhart (Maura Tierney) and 5'3" Samantha Taggart (Linda Cardellini). Everybody Loves Raymond: There's 6'1.5" Ray Romano with 5'2" Patricia Heaton. Robert is performed through the 6'8" Brad Garrett, and his long-term love interest on the show is the 5'6" Amy (Monica Horan). After they have got sex for the first time, she places on his pants and they are lengthy enough to stay her modest. In truth, it is advisable carry up any romantic passion Brad Garrett had all over the process the display... it is Brad Garrett, in any case. Though it is not a romantic relationship, each time Robert (6'8") stands next to Debra (5'2"), the 18-inch peak difference is, obviously, in point of fact noticeable. Frank Barone (Peter Boyle; 6'2") was 13" taller than Marie (Doris Roberts; 5'1"). Parodied in one episode when Debra's in-laws come to visit, and Debra's mother (Katherine Helmond), who is solely as quick as Debra, tries to kiss Robert on the cheek. A Different World has 5'11" Dwayne Wayne paired first with Denise Huxtable and later Whitley Gilbert, both of whom are 5'2". Whitley is the tiny girl with near to anyone she's courting, regardless that it's less noticeable if she wears heels. There's additionally 5'3" Freddie dating 6'2" Shazza Zulu. In Chuck Zachary Levi (Chuck) who's 6'3" is at some point paired with Rachel Bilson (Lou, a Romantic False Lead) who is 5'1", a full foot and two inches shorter! She even mentions that she is "intrigued by their height difference". A non-romantic example with Adam Baldwin as John Casey and Mekenna Melvin, who plays his daughter, Alex. Baldwin is already huge (6'4" and built like a tank), but Melvin's tiny 5'1" simply exaggerates the adaptation even additional. On Seinfeld, the petite Elaine and her barrel-chested habitual love hobby David Puddy. Additionally, Patrick Warburton is 6'2", while Julia Louis-Dreyfus is 5'2.5", making him nearly a foot taller. Scrubs gives us the Almighty Janitor (6'5) and his spouse, Lady. And then there may be Ted Buckland (5'11) and his girlfriend, 'The Gooch'. In the "The Final Four" episode of Neil Flynn's display The Middle, the trope is lampshaded when his persona meets his spouse's (5'2) Boss (5'8.5) for the primary time and the Boss remarks about how short ladies all the time opt for tall men. Lily and Marshall from How I Met Your Mother, with a solid foot difference between Alyson Hannigan (5'4.5) and Jason Segel (6'4). At one point, right through a Pregnancy Scare, she panicked when she was instructed that Marshall used to be the dimensions of a Thanksgiving turkey when born. A Halloween episode had them dressed up as Sonny and Cher — with Lily as Sonny and Marshall as Cher. Lily once had a nightmare about Marshall leaving her for a woman who was once, in Nightmare!Marshall's words, "more height appropriate." This extends to Marshall's complete circle of relatives with Lily. In his circle of relatives he is the "runt of the litter" and when visiting she may just best give waist hugs. The shortest member of his family is his mother, performed by means of 6'2" Suzie Plakson, who turns out brief when it comes to her massive sons. Star Trek: The Next Generation: Star Trek: Discovery: Michael Burnham (5'4" Sonequa Martin-Green) and Ash Tyler (6'1.5" Shazad Latif). Almost every pairing on Night Court, given that the entire male solid used to be freakishly tall, at one level even conserving the world report for the tallest male solid. Marsha Warfield (who is 5'11") joked that operating on that show was once the one time in her adult lifestyles that she felt petite. Roger & Val have Just Got In: While Dawn French is relatively of a larger girl but she is short-statured, particularly compared to Alfred Molina. (She stands at 5'0" whereas he stands at 6'2".) Another platonic instance on NCIS: LA - Boss Hetty (played by 4'9" Linda Hunt) is frequently in scenes opposite team psychologist Nate (played by 6'5" Peter Cambor), as they're two of the 'left behind' characters when the group pass on missions. This is continuously played for laughs, with Nate forced to hunch over Hetty's Hetty-sized table. Homicide: Life on the Street had Emma Zoole, played via 5'1.5" Lauren Tom, briefly dating Tim Bayliss, played by 6'4" Kyle Secor. Before that, she flirted with the 6'2" Lewis. From Merlin, Arthur (6') and Guinevere (5'4). At one level they had a gag that concerned Gwen hiding from sight behind Arthur. She was utterly obscured till he stood aside, telling Morgana (5'5.5): "There's someone here to see you..." In one promotional image that comes to the 2 of them kissing, Angel Coulby is fairly clearly standing on her ft. House and Cuddy have been collectively in season seven of House. Hugh Laurie is 6'2.5", while Lisa Edelstein is 5'6", striking them 8.5 inches apart. On 30 Rock, 5'4" Liz (Tina Fey) once had an off-screen fling with 7'0" Grizz (Grizz Chapman). Rene Artois (5'10.5) in 'Allo 'Allo! has this occurring with two of his mistresses, Maria and Mimi (4'9) (particularly Mimi, since her actress is over a foot shorter than Gordon Kaye who plays Rene), to the point they have got to face on a stool to kiss him and neither can hug him and put their fingers more than midway round. Game of Thrones: Daenerys is moderately quick and slight, whilst her husband Khal Drogo is beautiful rattling large, with Dany slightly coming up to his chest. He is a really beefy dude as nicely. Some measurements: Emilia Clarke, who plays Daenerys, is 5'2". Jason Momoa, who plays Drogo, is all of 6'4", and, as discussed above, has the physique of a rugby participant. She may be this with Daario, who's a minimum of six toes tall. Averted with Jon Snow (5'7" Kit Harington), which is lampshaded within the final season: Dany: This is only the second one time I've felt this fashion about any person. Sansa: Who used to be the primary? Dany: Someone taller.Non-romantic example: Arya, at slightly 5'0" and skinny for her age, has this with Gendry (who is noted to take after his well-built father) when they travel together for several seasons and later ends up roaming the countryside with Sander "The Hound" Clegane, at 6'6", which seems to be fairly fun. In Watching, Malcolm could be very tall and lanky. Brenda is... no longer. In season four of Supernatural, Sam Winchester (played by 6'4" Jared Padalecki) and Ruby (5'3" Genevieve Padalecki) indisputably fit this trope (they are also a real-life instance as Padalecki and Cortese later got married). Naturally, Padalecki towers over virtually every actress he has ever been paired with, romantically or another way. He even has a tendency to make his male co-stars look a lot shorter and smaller than they if truth be told are, including his on-screen brother Jensen Ackles (who's 6'0"). On The X-Files, David Duchovny (6'0.5") was ten and a half inches taller than Gillian Anderson (5'2"). Hence the "Scully Box". This trope is used for a sight gag on Boy Meets World: Frankie (6'1), who's quite tall and big, and his dad (6'4), played via skilled wrestler Vader, are at a gathering in Mr. Feeny's (5'7) workplace and them stepping out of the room unearths a brief, waif lady who is printed to be Frankie's mom used to be standing in the back of them the entire time. The episode "Voyage of the Damned" on Doctor Who had this with the Doctor, played through the 6'1" David Tennant, and Astrid Peth, played through Kylie Minogue, who's best 5 toes tall. This is absolutely performed up in a single scene when Astrid literally pulls up a box and stands on it to give the Doctor a goodbye kiss. Platonically, it is somewhat commonplace within the series with Doctor+Companion pairs. In The City Hunter, actor Lee Min Ho is simplest comparatively tall at 6'1", but he is huge in comparison to the diminutive actresses he's paired with. Lampshaded by way of one in all them: "He's so tall that giving him a once-over hurts my neck..."During the run of Live with Kelly and Michael (formerly referred to as Live With Regis and Kathie Lee/Kelly), Kelly Ripa (tiny cleaning soap opera big name, 5'3") was paired with Michael Strahan (tall ex-New York Giants player, 6'5"). Also doubled as Salt and Pepper. Averted in the display's current incarnation as Live with Kelly and Ryan, with Ripa being paired with the 5'7" Ryan Seacrest. Played with in Monty Python's Flying Circus' "Scott of the Antarctic" cartoon, where to start with the actor enjoying Scott is strolling around with packing containers beneath his sneakers, whilst Miss Evans is standing in a trench. Pythonesque absurdity ensues. Fawlty Towers. Basil (6'5") towers over his extremely petite wife, Sybil (5'3.5"). Meanwhile, John Cleese towers over his extremely petite (then-)spouse, Connie Booth (5'4"). When Juliette introduces her fiancee Sean to the musicians in Nashville, he's means taller than she is. Gunnar and Scarlett are another instance, performed by way of the 6'2" Sam Palladio and the 5'2" Clare Bowen. On Community Jeff - portrayed through 6'4" Joel McHale - when paired with either Britta or Annie - respectively the 5'4" Gillian Jacobs and the 5'3" Alison Brie. Sleepy Hollow provides us Ichabod and Abbie, performed by Tom Mison, who's 6'1", and Nicole Beharie, who is 5'1", respectively. She comes as much as his shoulder, and that is the reason in heels. Stargate Atlantis has Jason Momoa (6'4") so this comes up a couple of times. First, there's some Ship Tease with Dr. Keller, then the show ends on a Maybe Ever After between Ronon and Amelia Banks. Both actresses are about 5'5". Brooke Burns, hostess of america model of The Chase, is 5'8", which is above-average for an American female. However, the trope is played straight when she stands next to the 6'6", 370 lb. Mark "The Beast" Labbett. Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell, 5'1") hooks up with Logan Echolls (Jason Dohring, 5'11"). On Baby Daddy, they have got Danny Wheeler, performed by the 6'6" Derek Theler, meaning most of his love interests will fall into this to some degree, but they occasionally go out of their way to find especially petite actresses to help sell his Gentle Giant demeanor, such as Amy,◊ played by the 5'2" Lacey Chabert. Liv and Maddie has Maddie and Diggy, performed by Dove Cameron (5'2") and Ryan Mc Cartan (6'1") the highest of her head barely comes as much as his shoulders (also counts as a real-life instance as Cameron and McCartan are actually dating). Andy (played by way of 6'2" Chris Pratt) and April (played by 5'5" Aubrey Plaza) on Parks and Recreation. In addition to being nine inches taller, Andy's about two times as large as she is. It's very best shown when he tries to offer protection to her from a bee swarm and is in a position to quilt maximum of her upper body with his jumper, whilst her head nonetheless most effective slightly reaches the ground of his neck. Austin and Ally from Austin & Ally Austin is 11 inches taller than Ally and two times as vast, the top of her head simply reaches the bottom of his neck in heels. Its in particular noticeable within the opening series, where he crouches down quite a bit, so they're eye to eye. Mock the Week paired up Greg Davies (6'8") and Lucy Porter (4'11") for a sight gag referencing The Lord of the Rings. Greg: This will never work, Frodo!An equivalent height difference will also be seen in one of the pairings on Season 26 of the U.S. version of Dancing with the StarsLindsay Arnold (5'6") and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (7'3"). QI used to be initially hosted by Stephen Fry (6'5"); he was replaced by one of the show's frequent panelists, Sandi Toksvig (5'0"). The Last Ship has Danny and Kara Green. He is played by way of 5'11" Travis Van Winkle and she is played by 5'2" Marissa Neitling. Legends of Tomorrow has Amaya Jiwe (5'5") with both Mick Rory (6'2") and Nathaniel Heywood (6'0"). It's now not solely fair to name Felicia Day tiny (5'4") but with Jonah Ray more than a foot taller at 6'5", their lone on-screen pairing (within the marriage ceremony scene within the revival season finale of MST3K) conjures up this trope lovely blatantly. Stranger Things has a (most commonly) non-romantic example in Hopper and Joyce, played by means of cumbersome 6'2.5" David Harbour and slender 5'2" Winona Ryder respectively. Between height and width, he appears about two times her length every time they seem on display together. Max and Paddy's Road to Nowhere, had an exaggerated model of this with Max(performed by means of the fairly tall and fats Peter Kay) and his ex-girlfriend Tina, who has dwarfism. Tina's height was once in fact the topic of mean jokes back when Max and Tina had been relationship, prompting Max to punch somebody who made those jokes. Sadly, Max himself wasn't above making such jokes, and it value him his courting with Tina when she overheard him letting his bouncer friends be impolite about her(and left him before he headbutted one in every of them for going too some distance). Nowadays, Tina still fits this trope together with her husband Kevin Wolfson/"The Wolfster". MusicEek-A-Mouse's tune Rude Boy is set other people having a problem with him being such a lot taller than his girlfriend. With the lyrics Whole heap a other people jus' a begin to chortle She too short an' a me too tall She too quick an' a me too tall, ey (it is in Jamaican Patois) The video for Aerosmith's "Love in an Elevator" has, among 2 mannequins coming to lifestyles and more than a few couples, as Steven Tyler places it within the music, "shagging in the elevator", there may be one couple consisting of an enormous guy and a feminine midget. Fleetwood Mac offers us 5'1" Stevie Nicks and 6'5" Mick Fleetwood. Never officially a couple, however they did have an affair. The cover of Rumours is a photograph of the two of them which obviously displays the massive top distinction between them. The tune video for "Paparazzi" had the 5'1" Lady Ga Ga dating 6'4" Alexander Skarsgard. Märchen von Friedhof and Elise from the Rock Opera, Märchen. Märchen himself isn't exceptionally tall, but he doesn't want to be when Elise is the dimensions of a porcelain doll. Gorillaz gives us a platonic example with Russel and Noodle, specifically in Phase Three◊, regardless that the Gorillabitez quick "Game Of Death" displays that she was once ready to turn him at age ten. To a lesser extent, Noodle may be a Morality Pet for Murdoc, who's rather tall (even though not wide) at 5'10" and 2D who is 6'3" was once proven carrying her on his back in the video for "Rock It". The Jonathan Coulton song "Just As Long As Me" is set a guy who is in poor health of this trope and is attempting to discover a love interest of similar top. Rapper Sage The Gemini is 6'5" and towers over most of the girls in his music videos, especially noticeable in "Red Nose" (the place he towers over pretty much everyone). Linda Ronstadt had this with Aaron Neville on their album Cry Like a Rainstorm, Howl Like the Wind. PodcastsIn the podcast Past Division, celebration individuals Lolli Rose and Peter Panda are 3'3" and 7'6", respectively. Pro WrestlingSilhouette's weight in Future of Wrestling was once listed as "not telling", however it was once secure to say it was once considerably lower than the wrestler she managed and lured away from Bobby Rogers, Maximum Capacity, who weighed in at 658 lbs. Particularly in WWE, where they appreciate the big man (in all probability an excessive amount of), there can also be a lot of Huge Guy Tiny Girl relationships. The hinted-at dating of seven' (2.1m), then-(approximately) 485 lb. (220kg) The Big Show and, regardless that she was once no longer very narrow herself, 5'3" (160cm) Joy Giovanni, for example. 5'3" AJ Lee and damn-near-seven-feet-tall Kane. Natalya Neidhart and the over-seven-feet-tall Great Khali. Five Feet of Fury Alexa Bliss and the close to 7-foot, close to 400-pound Monster Among Men Braun Strowman within the WWE Mixed Match Challenge. At CHIKARA Aniversario Zehn, May 22, 2010, The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton) faced the Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes staff of Daizee Haze and Tursas. She's 5'4", 110 lbs., he's 6'8", 376 lbs. The Oddities had Kurrgan, Golga and Giant Silva, all 6-7 toes or extra and over 400 lbs. Luna Vachon and Sable, now not such a lot. RoleplayMirielle's oldsters from Dawn of a New Age: Oldport Blues. Her father is famous to be a hulk of a man, clearing six toes with massive muscle groups, whilst his spouse is far slimmer and smaller. They're modeled after Marinette's parents from Miraculous Ladybug, who're additionally an example of the trope. In Survival of the Fittest, whilst this isn't most often checked out in a romantic approach, Bayview (V4's college) has an abnormally tall population. The current common height of a female scholar is a somewhat normal 5'5"...the male population, on the other hand, has the average height of 6'2". Viridian Dreams Quests: Lucy (5'7") and Michael (8'0") of Vampire Quest. Peri (4'7") and Leto (5'9" and growing) of Necromancy Quest. Video GamesJim Raynor and Sarah Kerrigan, in the StarCraft collection, especially when he wears the Marine PoweredArmor and he or she dons the Ghost SpyCatsuit. Jim has to bow down to kiss Sarah. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West gives us Monkey and Trip. Monkey is a HUGE, muscular wild guy who can beautiful easily rip battle robots into items. Trip is a light, young teen who is determined by her brains to get things executed. He carries her around on his back and throws her onto ledges and throughout gaps love it's nothing. She's only nineteen, and we aren't really given an age for Monkey, but it is safe to think that he's a few years older than her. Super Mario Bros.: Inverted between Mario and Princess Peach, whose top varies from 1.Five to almost twice Mario's, depending at the recreation. He'd appear to be a child status next to her, have been it no longer for his moustache. The Legend of Zelda: Yeto and Yeta from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. They're yetis, so perhaps it is justified as being an aspect in their species - however then again, Yeto is over two times the size of Yeta... The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has a brother/sister example with Sidon and Mipha of the Zora. Sidon is a number of heads taller than the average Zora, who're already twice as tall as the common Hylian similar to Link, while Mipha is a head shorter than Link (despite the fact that it is faintly implied that she had but to succeed in her complete grownup top). They even have a Sibling Yin-Yang dynamic that matches their respective sizes: Sidon is lively and sociable, whilst Mipha is quiet and demure. Breath of the Wild additionally provides a parental instance within the type of King Rhoam and Princess Zelda. Zelda's about the average height, slightly taller than Link. Rhoam, meanwhile, has the biggest male Hylian physique in all the game, and towers quite imposingly over her. From Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, there's Claudia and her mother or father, the Black Knight. Non-romantic instance: A Big Daddy and a Little Sister from BioShock. One's a large of a person in a cumbersome armored diving go well with while the other is a girl not up to ten years outdated in a kid's get dressed. Ignis the Harvest King from Harvest Moon: Animal Parade is a possible hidden suitor to the much-shorter feminine protagonist. In Fallout 4, whilst the player personality is not particularly small, they are going to still have this courting with the completely energy armor-clad Paladin Danse. Technically this relationship will also be justified with any personality in power armor, but it is particularly relevant with Danse, who simply would possibly not go away it. Hector and Florina's finishing in Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken may qualify. Judge for your self.◊ Another example would be the Cleric Serra and General Oswin from the same sport, in the event that they get paired up (This one's additionally MayDecember Romance, as she's half his age). There's also Dorcas and his NPC spouse, Natalie. If we cross to non-romantic strains, we've the Berserker Hawkeye and the Dancer Ninian - until she's pressured to damage out her dragon shape by way of Nergal's magic, whereupon the placement reverses. Also, Jaffar and Nino. Radiant Dawn takes the Ho Yay between Ike and Soren to canonical proportions... and Ike towers over Soren. Also, there's Sothe and Micaiah. Any of Gentle Giant Arden's pairings in Seisen no Keifu, particularly with the Pegasus Knight Fury or the Swordswoman Ayra Also, in The Sacred Stones, Gilliam/Syrene, Ross and Amelia, and the mentoring/father-daughter bond between Amelia and Duessel. L'Arachel and Dozla is a non-romantic instance as nicely... more in muscles since in step with a strengthen conversation with Ewan, Dozla is shorter than most. Hasha no Tsurugi, the Alternate Continuity manga of Fūin no Tsurugi has Gant and Celdia. Becomes legitimate at the finish and overlaps with Hot Skitty-on-Wailord Action, since they have got eight kids together. In Fire Emblem: Fūin no Tsurugi, you'll be able to pair up Lilina (Roy's youth good friend and one of his love pursuits) with the Gentle Giant Gonzales. In Fire Emblem Awakening, this is the case for the very brief and really child-looking Divine Dragon Nowi and almost all of her love pursuits, in particular Gregor, Kellam, Lon'qu and Vaike. Also, a Female Avatar can connect to a specially tall guy (like the ones above, plus Basilio, Priam and others) and specifically the HeelFace Turn-ed Walhart who seems to be the tallest and maximum muscular of them ALL. observe The ultimate one additionally overlaps with MayDecember Romance. While now not as excessive as in Nowi's case, pairing up the very brief and young Tomboy Princess Lissa with a specially tall guy (just like the aforementioned Gregor, Lon'qu, Kellam, and Vaike) can provide a equivalent impact. A Male Avatar can connect with both Lissa or Nowi and invoke the trope via using both Build 1 (usual, quite tall however no longer exaggeratedly so) or Build 3 (The Big Guy, round Gregor and/or Vaike's top) In regards to the Second Generation workforce - Yarne, Brady and Gerome are the tallest guys of the band (with Laurent following not too some distance in the back of and including a HUGE Nice Hat) whereas girl!Morgan, Cynthia, and Nah are the shortest ladies. Pairing them up reasons this trope to occur. Nah and Cynthia too can marry a male Avatar, and a female Avatar can connect to either Yarne, Brady, Gerome, or Laurent, so... Fire Emblem Fates can probably have the trope with regard to nearly any woman who marries the Gentle Giant Benny, the hunk Arthur, or the Warrior Princes Ryoma and Xander. This features a Female Avatar, and double if she has the "younger girl" construct. Regarding the Second Generation, this will happen if either Benny's son Ignatius, Xander's son Siegbert or Ryoma's son Shiro marries a short girl, just like the definitely tiny Badass Adorable Midori. Again, a Female Avatar is integrated. In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Dimitri and female Byleth, if paired. Byleth stands at 5'4 whilst post-time skip, Dimitri has received extra muscle and a number of other inches to reach 6'2. At one point, he even feedback on how tiny Byleth's hands are. Chris (6'1) and Sheva (5'5) in Resident Evil 5. Chris is handiest a few head taller, but he's fairly a little bulkier. Ex-marine Billy Coen (5'11) is nearly as burly as Chris, and Resident Evil Zero sets him as a partner to tiny eighteen-year-old rookie S.T.A.R.S. Medic Rebecca Chambers (5'3). Resident Evil 6 takes it even further by partnering Jake Muller (6'4), perhaps the largest RE guy yet, with tiny Sherry Birkin (5'4). This is in fact mirrored within the gameplay: when mountaineering up a drawback, Chris and Leon (5'11) normally boost their barely smaller partner (5'10 Piers and 5'7 Helena respectively) up, who then assist them up from above. Sherry, then again, simply can not pull Jake, who's simply twice her weight, up, which means they've to seek out in a different way there for him. Sanger Zonvolt and Irui Ganedan from the Super Robot Wars Alpha games. May or may not be romantic. Notable in that whilst Irui shares a similar courting with the other main characters of their tales, it is Sanger/Irui that gets the entire fanart. Judging from the ending of Original Generation Gaiden (and the sequel to Endless Frontier), it looks as if Axel Almer and Alfimi is going on this way as properly. Also, Kazuma Ardygun and his little sister/copilot Mihiro in W. And then Super Robot Wars Z provides us the pair Rand Travis and Mel Peter, which performs this trope instantly. Tasuku and Leona from Original Generation series... mecha-wise, anyway. Tasuku's Giganscudo is undoubtedly gargantuan in comparison to Leona's Guarlion Custom and eventual signature Siegerlion. Otherwise, their (non-public) top distinction is minimal. Rival Schools: Inverted between Natsu and her every now and then boyfriend, Shoma. She's simply shy of 6ft. tall, whereas he's little over 5ft; making it a case of Huge Schoolgirl and tiny guy. A mild case in Metal Gear Solid 3, the place it's, uh, Huge Guy, Tiny Bishounen. Although Raikov is meant to be the similar top and form as 6'4 Naked Snake (hence why his uniform had to be used), Volgin (6'7) is big. Astro Boy's younger sister Uran turns out to have this sort of courting with the giant robot Pluto in a minimum of one of the vital trade timelines in Astro Boy: Omega Factor. A nonromantic instance from Tales of Symphonia: Regal and Presea (4'6). Beyond Good & Evil gives us Jade and Double H: Tiny Reporter, Huge Soldier. Whether it's romantic or now not is a debate absolute best left to the shippers. Although non-romantic, Guan Yu (6' 8.75"/205 cm) towers over his daughter Guanyinping (5' 3"/160 cm) within the Dynasty Warriors games. Rufus (6'5) and his girlfriend in Street Fighter IV. What makes it funnier is that Candy is in fact lovely tall in comparison to one of the crucial other characters, however Rufus nearly dwarfs her. The more dimorphic races in World of Warcraft, particularly draenei and trolls. However, both of these are slightly extraordinary circumstances: With draenei, both sexes are roughly the similar top◊, and it's virtually fully a matter of the fellas being a number of instances wider. With trolls, each sexes are lengthy and lean... however now not simplest are women leaner, however males could be more than One Head Taller if they didn't slouch. Halo: Our primary pair is Master Chief and Cortana. The former is a 7' (2.1m) tall super-soldier, and the other is a holographic display in most cases an insignificant 6" (15cm) or so, when she's now not a two-inch (5cm) chip inserted into his helmet. Bornstellar's unnamed oldsters definitely qualify. His father is four meters (13 ft) tall; his mom is simplest two (6'7). The Didact and his spouse the Librarian are a downplayed instance. The former is 3.Five meters (11'6) with the bulk to check, and the opposite is "only" 2.9 meters (9'6) and fairly narrow. Not as excessive an instance as some, but Garrus and Tali in Mass Effect 3. One is noticeably taller and bulkier than a human, the opposite is about the height of a human when status on the balls of her toes, and quite thin all over the place excluding the hips. Due to boundaries, recreation graphics were not ready to turn the actual size of Turians, but when Garrus' scale determine is anything else to head via he's about 7 toes tall, which would maximum indisputably give him this dynamic with female Shepard who has romanced him as nicely. In the second one recreation, you could have the choice of repairing the relationship between a krogan and an asari. Neverwinter Nights 2 has a do-it-yourself example. Neither Casavir nor Gannanyev discriminate by means of race and are perfectly willing to romance a feminine Halfling PC. Happens easily in City of Heroes where your standard feminine PC is underneath 5'10" (178cm) (often under 5' (152cm) even) in height while many male PCs are past the 6'6" (2m) mark and best out at 8'2" (2.5m). Males even have unique get right of entry to to the large muscular items while women are saved on the narrow aspect. Happens with NPCs as effectively. The Carnival of Shadows is essentially the most excessive example, the place the Strongmen are 3-4 occasions the dimensions of the ladies who order them round. There's additionally Ghost Widow and the Wretch. It's arduous to tell if it's romantic, seeing as she's a literal ghost, and he is a horribly mutated brute with so little brainpower it hurts his head to speak. Still, they no doubt care a lot about each other, and it is conceivable there used to be something there ahead of they each misplaced their humanity to the same accident. In Saints Row 2, Brotherhood leader Maero towers over everyone he meets, including his lady friend Jessica. Later games finally end up going the Pair the Smart Ones direction with Oleg and Kinzie. She's not particularly tiny, but he is an absolutely monumental guy who would make even Maero appear small. In Punch-Out!! on Wii, Super Macho Man's opening montage displays him with a chain of girlfriends, each and every one about half of his size. In Final Fantasy X, the villain who is interested in Yuna and does end up marrying her freaking towers over her. Official heights don't make sense and seem to vary between FMV-models and gameplay-models, however common fannish consensus is that Yuna hovers around 5'3", while Seymour is something like 6'4" with a keenness for hairstyles and clothes that makes him look greater than he already is. Final Fantasy XI Elvaan and Galka males most often dwarf the females of all the different races. However, Fanon seems to have explicit fondness for Mithra/Male Elvaan parings, ceaselessly exaggerating this component to extreme degrees. Most most likely it's because the Mithra are lovable little Cat Girl, and the Elvaan are towering Elf Bishōnen. Final Fantasy XIII: Serah, who is round Vanille's peak of 5'4" and simply as slim, is engaged to Snow, who is 6'5 (or 6'7, depending on the supply) and has a robust muscular build. Final Fantasy VII (principally Dirge of Cerberus), Vincent Valentine (6'0") and Yuffie Kisaragi (5'2")(particularly for many who are large fanatics of Yuffentine). In Dirge of Cerberus, Vincent shares a lot of display time with diminutive Shelke Rui, a girl with the body of a nine-year-old girl who stands between 4'6" and 4'10". For a good higher height distinction, Shelke also has several scenes with Azul (9'5"), greater than double her peak. Final Fantasy VIII, the Beta Couple Selphie Tilmitt (5'2") and Irvine Kinneas (6'0"). Final Fantasy XIV, The Sultana Nanamo Ul Namo is a Lalafell, the smallest race in Eorzea. Her proper hand is the Flame General Raubahn Aldynn, a Highlander Hyru who's each huge and strongly built. Raubahn will also carry Nanamo via having her take a seat on his forearm like a falcon. The Au Ra can give each side of the trope, with their males being a few of the tallest of the races, whilst the women folk are the shortest (Aside from the Lalafell, who they nonetheless beat by a excellent margin). Final Fantasy XV, siblings Gladiolus and Iris Amicitia stand 6'6" and 5'3', respectively - a 15-inch distinction in height. Eddie and Ophelia in Brütal Legend, to the purpose the place their double-team comes to him lifting her with one arm (whereupon she perches conveniently on his biceps) and their combo attack is him throwing her on the enemy, dual blades spinning. In fact, some extent could be made that every one (quite humanoid) males within the game are either tall or possess a Heroic Build of ridiculous proportions; whereas all of the (human) women are lithe killing machines with narrow bodies to homicide for. Nope, no Wish Fulfillment on this sport. Zobio (the big zombie) and Zobiko (the Cute Zombie Girl) from House of the Dead EX. Kraft and Neige from Mega Man Zero. Also, he's a robotic and she's human. Seen every so often in the Kingdom Hearts series: In Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, Roxas and Xion are around the same peak, but their good friend and mentor Axel borders on the top of the two stacked on best of one another. This would possibly or is probably not romantic relying on the way you send them (all shipping mixtures of the three had been seen). And in an example that each inverts this AND performs it immediately, the Kingdom Hearts: Birth through Sleep trio has a huge guy (Terra), a medium girl (Aqua), and a in reality tiny guy (Ven). In Kingdom Hearts II, Kairi and Riku in Xehanort's Heartless form, because she's tiny when she's standing subsequent to him. Chain of Memories gives us a non-romantic (or romantic, should you ship that method) instance with Lexaeus and Zexion. Lexaeus is definitely the biggest humanoid persona in the series, while Zexion is handiest slightly taller than the teenage characters. Kingdom Hearts III has Lea (Axel's reformed unique self) with Kairi, who is just a little bit taller compared to the more or less a year or two more youthful (no less than bodily) Xion. Monster Hunter has an inhuman instance. The Ludroth are alligator creatures roughly 50% longer than your hunter is tall. All of those are feminine. The boys - the Royal Ludroth - are 4 to five occasions the dimensions of your hunter character. This would be seen as Hot Skitty-on-Wailord Action if they were not the similar species. Billie Church and Frank Delgado, two participants of the Jericho Team in Clive Barker's Jericho. Rift: Female bahmi are reasonably enforcing, solidly-built women...however the trope remains to be performed directly, on account of their kinsmen being both considerably taller and constructed like financial institution vaults. Dragon Age In Dragon Age: Origins, a female dwarf Warden can pull this off with any individual, naturally (properly, excluding any other dwarf). Female elves are quite small, too, but the human men are at most One Head Taller than them (although because of the Heroic Build liked via each and every guy in the game, they're additionally still fairly a little wider). Dragon Age II can invoke this if male Hawke (whose construct may be very tall and burly) romances Merrill (a tiny elf girl). The non-romantic variant is also observed within the prologue, regardless of Hawke's gender, with their dual siblings Carver and Bethany. Carver is a tall, brawny Farm Boy while Bethany is a slip of a mage. Dragon Age: Inquisition takes it even further with the Iron Bull, a big Qunari, when he's romanced via a dwarf, elf, or human of both gender. With a dwarf Inquisitor, it's in particular funny within the base recreation's finishing where the couple is making out on the patio... and your persona is obviously status on a stool. Also noticed if a Qunari Inquisitor romances Josephine or Sera. Josephine is set common for a human lady, however Adaar is huge by way of comparability; it is even more pronounced with Sera, who's an elf. This trope pops up a lot within the Fanon and many genres of fanfic since The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim got here out. Pairings of large guys and tiny women (sometimes tiny males, too) are extremely popular. Usually the tiny girl/uke is a Breton (magical half-elves) or Wood Elf (the latter particularly if male), those being the two smallest races, whilst the huge guy is either a Nord (fantasy Viking) or an Orc if the burly look is preferred, or a High Elf (the tallest characters in the recreation, barring the non-playable dremora) if a extra Bishōnen aesthetic is desired. Xenosaga pulls this trope with Ziggy and MOMO, taking into consideration MOMO is the scale of an 8-year-old girl and Ziggy is most likely the biggest character within the game. After being sent to save lots of MOMO, Ziggy starts to reclaim some bit of his humanity through interacting with the young Realian (artificial human). He takes the name Ziggy and starts to rethink his request to have his human reminiscences destroyed. Gears of War had the artwork style that includes huge males and petite ladies, particularly obvious when Marcus and Anya are next to one another. At one level Marcus even eliminates his armor and nonetheless has about 3 times her mass. Team Fortress 2 has Miss Pauling, the mercenaries' hyperlink between Mission Control and the sector. She spends a lot of time within the comics speaking to Demoman, Soldier, and Heavy, all of whom are much taller and extra buff than she is. Soldier and Heavy specifically were seen acting very protective of her: In the comic Shadow Boxers, Soldier is worried when he thinks his cardboard dress scared Miss Pauling, and Heavy determined to return on a challenge with the 2 of them, just because Miss Pauling was once going. As mentioned above, on Persona 4, there may be Kanji (6'1), the tallest member of the Investigation Team, and Naoto (5'0), the shortest. Futaba Sakura (5'0), who sooner or later replaces Morgana (2') as your Mission Control in Persona 5, isn't just the youngest member of the Phantom Thieves, however she's also the shortest by an important margin (excepting Morgana, an anthropomorphic cat). As proven in positive scenes (equivalent to her spending time with the protagonist if you romance her, or when she's speaking with Yusuke (5'11) at the seaside), she slightly grazes their chests, even though this is the result of barely exaggerated units — going via the true heights supplied for each and every personality, Futaba would hit around chin-height on the protagonist and would come as much as Yusuke's shoulders. Pokémon X and Y have a reasonably extreme and strictly platonic instance. The immortal King AZ is a minimum of ten toes tall. His dear Floette, who was once also made immortal, is an eight-inch Fairy-type Pokémon. One of the novices for Mortal Kombat X is a couple named Ferra/Torr. A hulking guy with a teeny tiny woman driving on his shoulders. Their arcade ending unearths that that Ferra and Torr are if truth be told a symbiotic pair, with Torr requiring Ferra to reside as part of their bond as warrior and rider. However, when the Great Metamorphosis hits Ferra, she is nearly compelled to abandon Torr to die while she undergoes a painful three-year-long transformation that turns her into a large, hulking model of herself. An inversion of the trope occurs when a small male is chosen to be her rider. Dark Souls has Knight Artorias (around 9 feet tall) and Lord's Blade Ciaran (round 6 ft tall). Their dating would possibly or may not be romantic in nature. It is some distance from unusual for the Disgaea 5 fanbase to pair Usalia and Red Magnus collectively. Not most effective is Usalia proportioned like a kid (and perhaps as younger as one in demon terms), however Red Magnus is a big, bulky musclehead ahead of his Sizeshifter powers come into play. The Demon Star Splitter combo ability makes the consideration particularly transparent, as Red Magnus gets to be so big you'll be able to't even see Usalia anymore. Knights of the Old Republic: Mission Vao and Zaalbar. A petite Twi'lek teenage girl and a HUGE adolescent Wookiee (taking him to Kashyyyk, he towers over the other Wookiees in height and bulk). They act Like Brother and Sister. As Zaalbar is painfully shy and cannot talk Basic, he shall we Mission do the speaking. And whilst Mission is no stranger to a battle, she's a Glass Cannon Fragile Speedster. Zaalbar is a very good Stone Wall tank who can assist his Twi'lek pal out of bodily force is needed. Kato the Arm and Shiraza the Blade from Legends of Runeterra are a Battle Couple (even supposing they deny it) who combat collectively within the Reckoning Pits of Noxus. While it is arduous to get an accurate measure of their sizes as the only characters they have been portrayed with is every different, Kato is a colossal tower of a man, whilst petite Shiraza is so small that she will easily sit on his shoulder adore it's a wide bench, with him wrapping one hand around either one of her legs immediately to make stronger her. As a end result Kato, who generally fights by hurling large metal balls at his warring parties, will sometimes throw his very sharp and angry spouse at them as an alternative. Street Fighter has both Birdie (7'1) and Ibuki (5'2) as a part of Karin's (5'3) squad. Birdie literally is taller sitting down than she is status up and is easily 4 times heavier. Cyberpunk 2077: Jackie Welles is an overly stocky man who is a couple of head taller and far more potent than his girlfriend, Misty. He can also shape a platonic variant with female V, who is about as tall as Misty. Female V's male romance partner is River Ward, who is much taller and muscular than V. The Last of Us: A platonic example: Fifty yr previous Joel is teamed up with the fourteen year outdated Ellie. Visual NovelsThe third Ace Attorney sport includes a humongous jail convict who talks in Hulk Speak and chews on his ball and chain at certain issues, courting a very fragile-looking girl. (Not as fragile as she seems, though.) Non-romantic example: From Fate/stay evening, Ilyasviel "Ilya" von Einzbern (4'4) and her monumental Servant, Berserker (8'4). Also, in step with time-skip epilogues and the usage of Archer (6'2) as obvious proof, at his adult peak, Shirou (5'6) will tower over the principle heroines, particularly 5'1 Saber (who is the shortest Servant via a complete head a minimum of). Archer and Rin (4'1) works with this as properly, for he's a few foot (30 cm) taller than she is and 68 lb. (31 kg) heavier. Bypassing gender, we now have additionally got Fate/Zero's Odd Couple Alexander the Great (6'11) and Waver Velvet (5'2)◊ stretching this about so far as grownup human proportions can pass, with Alex having about two feet (Fifty five cm, to be actual) and Eighty kg (176 lbs.) on Waver. Ironically, Waver winds up on the other facet of this trope after a belated but very dramatic growth spurt between Fate/Zero and Lord El-Melloi II Case Files that places him at 186 cm (6'1")—a full head and shoulders over his 154 cm (5'0") apprentice, Gray. Fate/Grand Order offer a number of examples: Asterios is 298 cm (9'9 1/3") who's also a mass of muscle outright called a Hunk compared to Euryale's outright tiny 134 cm (4'4 3/4"). She's small enough the narration describes him as with the ability to let her trip on his shoulder. It turns out Orion and Artemis had this dynamic in lifestyles. While Artemis is a reasonably brief A hundred sixty five cm (5'5"), Orion towers over her at 230 cm (7'6 1/2"). His palms also are repeatedly thicker than hers, but there is not any query who is the more potent of the two of them. Nanatsuiro Drops has tall Haru and quick Sumomo. In the Little Busters! fandom, Gentle Giant Masato and Token Mini-Moe Kud are usually put together in fanart (almost always non-romantically), although except for Kud's course being the branching level for Masato's funny story finishing miniroute Muscle Sensation, they don't have interaction too much in canon. The anime plays to this by means of having Kud on Masato's shoulders, either one of them cheering, in the second season finishing collection. Saki, the high school scholar protagonist of Sweet Fuse: At Your Side, can also be this when paired with the hulking escort, Mitarashi, or the tallest character, fortune teller Urabe. Also has some non-romantic cases when Shirabe's tiny daughter Mai presentations up and takes a liking to Mitarashi. The Player Character from Shall We Date?: Ninja Shadow is a relatively brief bifauxnen, so all of her prospect hook-ups will contain her romancing guys fairly taller than she is. It even gets lampshaded several times. Web ComicsAlfie is a Fantasy Webcomic set in a global filled with various 'demihuman' races, so given that the title character and her mother Vera belong to a populace that hardly cracks 4 toes in height any *ahem* "involvement" they've with non-Halflin men qualifies as this (even the undersized-for-a-human elf Ailduin looms over Vera when status up). The budding courting between Hana (slightly lanky human feminine) and the 'Green Man' Grasha additionally qualifies. Fans!: Will and Shanna. Frivolesque: Saki and Conroy do mercenary paintings as a team. While now not that tiny, Saki is a petite samurai girl, whilst Conroy, a 6'7" large of a person, towers over her. Gunnerkrigg Court: Eglamore and Jones. (Now formally confirmed to be romantically concerned.) It's explicitly said that Miss Jones is the scary probably the most pair. Later it's confirmed, in that concrete crumbled like a cake underneath her arms. She's the oldest dwelling factor on earth. Miss Melee: Night Lion and Lotus Lynx. Silver Bullet Nights features a same-sex version of this. Seek is very large whereas his spouse Donovan slightly comes to his chin. Kevin & Kell. Odder still: Kevin's a rabbit and Kell is a wolf. Oh, and he is still the large guy. Not sure if they have ever explained how that works. Vinnie and Jordan from Skins. Hes about 7 ft tall and he or she barely reaches his chest. How they have got intercourse is anyones bet. Wapsi Square's Monica, the 5'-tall (152cm) primary personality, suffers from this with each and every guy in her lifestyles — aside from Tepoztecal. Majorly in the Insecticomics. Lasorbeak, Kickback, and Thrust have all dated/slept with Tidal Wave, who is the scale of a battleship. Probably very best to not consider how this works. Also Energon Megatron and Starscream, who were given married proper ahead of Megatron abdicated his place as leader and took Starscream to portions unknown. Starscream was once small enough to fit on his shoulder. Half-averted in The Order of the Stick: Celia should be small in line with the monster handbook, but she is not drawn that method. Viktor Vasko and Ivy Pepper in Lackadaisy. Viktor is over six toes tall, hulking, middle-aged, and a former rum runner-turned-bartender. Ivy is a young, flirty school student and flapper- and one of the crucial few characters within the comedian that doesn't seem intimidated by way of Viktor. When asked if they may ever be romantically concerned, Ivy denies the chance. Appears in flashback in Girl Genius: Klaus is considerably bigger than Lucrezia. But then he is (possibly) a assemble made of 3 folks. In Sabrina Online purebred wolves tend to be tall sufficient for his or her heads to be obscured via the panel border, Thomas is the exception as his mom is a fox thus placing his oldsters underneath this trope. Carli the chinchilla and her wolf husband form a extra drastic instance. The Girl and The Fed in A Girl and Her Fed. The tall, cumbersome Fed is first of all afraid he would possibly hurt the diminutive girl in a have compatibility of anger...however she can actually beat him up. Jasmine and Chook in The Bare Pit (NSFW). A (presumably) Non-romantic example in Goblins: Life via their Eyes with an Ogre and a Kobold. Largo and Pirogoeth from MegaTokyo. Chirault. Kiran is average-sized, however his Morality Pet Teeko is a tender girl—and she or he's been shrunk to a few inches in top via a stray magic spell. Rocko & Molly, for the transient time that they had been sort-of-together, in The Inexplicable Adventuresof Bob. He later finally ends up with Moé the ninja girl, who's likewise a lot smaller than him. While Reinhold in Dominic Deegan is not precisely broad for a human knight, Kiya is more than likely one of the crucial lightest orcs ever noticed. Both the Kings and Queens of Homestuck achieve energy and alter form as avid gamers join their sport. But while the Queens retain their more or less human height, the Kings develop with each and every change until they're mountain-crushing colossi. Murray and Camille, the Official Couple of Bloody Urban. Murray is the tallest personality in the sequence. Camille slightly reaches his chest. Pixie and Brutus: Brutus is a large, athletic German Shepherd (a breed which is able to get to be up to Eighty kilos as adults), and his little sister Pixie is a tiny kitten who cannot weigh various kilos. The length difference paperwork the humor in different of the strips - together with their introduction, when he observes that he has to offer protection to her from mainly anything else greater than a squirrel. Annie Chang and Thomas Kensington in Pulse. Superhero School scholar, Powered Armor wearing Annie is 5' 3"- her non-super-powered love hobby, metalworker Thomas is 6'. Invoked through Macho and Ichigo's creation in the Katamari webcomic. Using Your Size May Vary, she turns into tiny sufficient to jump everywhere her Gentle Giant cousin, in any case settling down on most sensible of his head. The Monster & The Girl: Kenrick-the-Monster is described as 2.27 metres (7'7" tall), Mayu (the Girl) is child-sized by way of comparison. If now not for her big hair and excessive heels, she'd be barely 1/2 his peak. Crankrats: Jack is 6'7'' and Maddy is 5'5''. Richard Olsen and Sophie in The Overture. Richard towers over maximum adults and he's still growing. With hair extensions, Sophie barely reaches his stomach. morphE has one of the guards of the manor, Malloy, protecting his fellow Mastigos Asia Ellis. Asia's sprite goes about 3/5's of tips on how to the highest of the frame. Malloy's is too big and his hair is out of frame. Myces from Fairy Dust has a 40cm fairy mother and a 2,20m troll father. How they managed to conceive is a query that was once requested, however by no means spoke back. The author of Miamaska was dismayed to hear that this trope existed. According to his Tumblr, he in particular gave the characters Amity and Trosce an enormous distinction in each size and age as a transport deterrent (he intended to present them a Like Brother and Sister relationship afterward). A friend had to warn him later that many enthusiasts in fact find a height distinction extremely cute, but by then it was too late. Played platonically and brought to extremes in The Friendly Winter. Min-Seong is an above-average height seventeen-year-old while Da-Jeong is a actually brief nineteen-year-old because of having a disorder that left her searching permanently like a little bit child. Manala Next Door: Jacob is big sufficient to hold his lady friend Nini on his shoulders. Sha'shiva from EATATAU!!! has an extreme fetish for guys who are a lot bigger than she is. This unnamed US Air Force lieutenant from the gap station arc of Questionable Content says that she prefers men who are big enough to be able to bench press her one-handed. Little Tales: Uriel has about two heads height on his spouse Gen, as noticed right here. In Catana Comics, Catana's boyfriend John is much taller than her, and several comics have her both standing on tiptoe to kiss him or compensating in different ways, corresponding to standing on a stack of books. Tiffany and Corey: Parodied right here where Tiffany dates an enormous who says he lives up a beanstalk. Web OriginalNorse and Elly of The Tournament of Rings are 10'5" and 4'2" respectively. That Guy with the Glasses: While not a pair, that is the The Nostalgia Critic and The Nostalgia Chick: Doug is 6'0, Lindsay is 5'2. Especially noticeable in the FernGully overview the place they are combating; whilst the Chick strikes around so much, the Critic never will get up from his chair. In Suburban Knights, when everyone seems to be revealed of their costumes, Lindsay is dwarfed by means of everyone. Outside Xbox has a sister channel, Outside Xtra, with feminine host Ellen Rose small sufficient to slot in a poster bag and male host Luke Westaway at least a foot taller than she is. Critical Role has goliath barbarian Grog Strongjaw and gnome cleric Pike Trickfoot, highest pals who grew up collectively. Western AnimationTeen Titans had Kole (5'6) and G'Nark. From Disney's Gargoyles, Goliath and Demona, prior to Demona became evil and stuff. Later, Goliath and Elisa Maza, a human, which is more Beast and Beauty, but the temporary moments in the episode "The Mirror" when both were the same species (each tactics, even) showed the trope end up true. And then Broadway with Angela. The size distinction between Oberon and Titania is less extreme but noticeable sufficient to count as well. Common in the DC Animated Universe, partially due to the artwork taste which tends toward narrow women and heavily-built men: The Amazing World of Gumball has Gumball's parents: Richard (a big, fats purple rabbit) and Nicole (a significantly smaller blue cat). Nicole isn't specifically quick, but subsequent to her husband (who's bigger than the entire remainder of the family put collectively), she without a doubt appears to be like it. On Batman: The Brave and the Bold, B'wana Beast (6'6) is set a foot and a half taller and thrice as extensive as his female friend, Vixen (5'9). Jackie Chan Adventures has a non-romantic one in Tohru and Jade (who can climb Tohru). Matrix and AndrAIa from ReBoot. Dave the Barbarian and his sister Fang. She's a ''little'' bit nerve-racking about her size. Though actually, even average-height sister Candy seems to be puny next to him. Maul and Voodoo from Wild CA Ts. Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles has Vince and Jean Grant, Bowie's parents and characters unique to the Robotech continuity. The Fairly OddParents Jorgen Von Strangle and the Tooth Fairy, regardless of the Tooth Fairy being significantly taller than many of the other fairies. Timber Wolf and Phantom Girl have this dynamic within the Legion Of Superheroes (no longer counting when Timber Wolf transforms into his monster shape where his top just about doubles), it's extra noticeable in Season 2 with Timber Wolf being well over 6' tall and Phantom Girl being round 5'4" or 5'5". Danny Phantom has Jack and Maddie Fenton. Lena Mack and any of the sharks from Street Sharks. Silverbolt and Blackarachnia in Beast Machines. Optimus and Elita-1 in Transformers Animated. Sari and Bumblebee are a platonic example due to the psychological ages involved. Lugnut and Strika are an aversion (even though their relationship is best discussed in secondary material) as they are both massive. Rita and Runt from Animaniacs are a non-romantic example. Total Drama Beth (the shortest of the original 22 contestants) and Brady. She also had a brief weigh down on Harold, who's about twice her height. Owen and Izzy. While Izzy isn't tiny, she is surely dwarfed in size by means of her 300-pound boyfriend. Platonic example with B (who is easily the broadest and heaviest of all of the moment era contestants) and Dawn (who is the smallest of the second technology females). Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race has the Daters, a.k.a Ryan and Stephanie. Her entire body may fit in one among his hands! Beezy and Saffi on Jimmy Two-Shoes. Thor (6'6) and Jane (5'7) in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes!. In the not-quite-romantic vein, there's Action Man (2000) with Alex Mann and Fidget Wilson. Fidget's canonical height used to be 4'11", the entire higher for Alex Mann to select up and elevate round. Bulkhead and Miko in Transformers: Prime. Also from Transformers: Prime, we've Optimus Prime and Arcee. Arcee, whilst nonetheless massive compared to people, slightly makes it as much as Optimus's hips. The cumbersome (if truth be told a robot) Octus/Newton and his lady friend Kimmy in Sym-Bionic Titan. In one episode of Recess, Mikey and Spinelli develop into a platonic example when they are paired up for a dance recital. Mal Duncan (6'1) and Karen Beecher (5'7) in Young Justice. Exacerbated by the truth that their superhero identities, Guardian and Bumblebee, are a hulking Badass Normal in armor and a yellow-and-black-garbed Incredible Shrinking Man. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: Big Macintosh is about a complete head taller than Cheerilee and two times her build, which is apparent when the Cutie Mark Crusaders attempt to pair them up. Though this is all right down to Mac being massive, as Cheerilee is strictly the same stature as >90% of different mares. His eventual girlfriend, Sugar Belle, also falls into this trope. Also, Cup and Carrot Cake both have unique bodies, her being chubby but no shorter than maximum mares while he is very tall and thin. While not remarkably wide, Twilight Sparkle's older brother Shining Armor is noticeably taller and beefier than his spouse, Cadance. What makes it particularly notable is the fact that Cadance is an Alicorn, a type of pony royalty that in most cases towers over standard Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies. In the DuckTales (1987) episode "Top Duck", Launchpad's father Ripcord is greater and more muscular than his son, whereas Launchpad's mother Birdy is handiest 1/2 his peak. In The Legend of Korra, Tonraq dwarfs each his spouse Senna, and his daughter, the titular Avatar Korra. In reality, he's hands-down the tallest and most huge of the six leaders of the arena's nations. Just about any woman he stands next to appears to be like tiny compared. Miraculous Ladybug: Marinette's folks. Tom (6'3) is tall and really broad-shouldered, while Sabine (4'7) is a small Chinese girl, not at the same time as tall as her daughter. Ivan and Mylène. Ivan's the tallest guy within the class and quite cumbersome too; he may just virtually move for an grownup. Mylène, even though at the obese side, is fairly short. Eclipsa's monster lover from Star vs. the Forces of Evil is so big that in comparison to Eclipsa that she can simply sit down on his fingers and nonetheless wouldn't also be one-fourth the dimensions of the monster. Voltron: Legendary Defender has a platonic variant. "Team Punk" has Big Guy Hunk with the very quick Pidge. Zarkon and Haggar. She barely reaches his chest, even again when they were younger and he or she didn't slouch. In the 2018 reboot of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Hordak towers over Entrapta (his collaborator on technological tasks, buddy, and eventual love hobby). The best of her head best reaches the middle of his chest. X-Men: Evolution has Lance Alvers (Avalanche) and Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat) as a Dating Catwoman instance. On Tiny Toon Adventures, Babs has a mom of reasonable length and a ridiculously gigantic dad. Then again, that may well be simply Buster's fearful standpoint: He expects to this point Babs, and her dad appears to be filled with rage on the prospect. Real LifeThe males of maximum mammal species common greater than females, however some species have a particularly huge size differential. The southern elephant seal is one of the most excessive example, with males averaging roughly 5 occasions the mass of females. Female elephant seals generally grow to about 1700 lbs, whilst the males common a whopping 7000 lbs (and feature been recognized to succeed in as much as 9000 lbs)! As is famous within the Real Life segment of this trope's counterpoint's page, maximum species of arthropods (arachnids, bugs, crustaceans, and so forth.), reptiles, and birds have a tendency to avert this; the one clade in the animal kingdom to (typically) play it immediately is mammalia. Fossils of Australopithecus afarensis disclose this trope to be Older Than Dirt, because the males have been just about 50% taller than their feminine opposite numbers, equivalent to "Lucy". Even older than that, the famous pterosaur Pteranodon used to be identified to have had this dynamic; male Pteranodons could have a wingspan of as much as eighteen ft whilst their female opposite numbers had a wingspan of most effective twelve ft. The men also had greater crests on their heads, with the ladies having either smaller crests or no crests in any respect. The Notorious B.I.G. (6'4" and at least 300 lbs) and Lil' Kim (4'10"). Hayden Panettiere and Wladimir Klitschko◊; she's more or less 5'1" and he's 6'6" (and a heavyweight boxing champion), which makes for a top distinction of about 17 inches. She if truth be told type of quoted this trope when on Live With Regis And Kelly - she told Mr. Philbin and Miss Ripa that after they met, their initial dialog went like this: Hayden: You're wide! Wladimir: You're tiny!Will and Jada Pinkett Smith. He's 6'1.5", she's 4'11". Jada Pinkett Smith in truth auditioned for the function of Will's lady friend on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air however used to be rejected because of this trope. Billy Corgan (6'4") and Tila Tequila (4'11"). That's not even the strangest a part of the pairing. Billy Corgan (6'4") and Jessica Origliasso (5'1"). 4'9" Dawn French and 6'2" Lenny Henry. 5'5" Kate Bosworth and 6'4" Alexander Skarsgard. Ashton Kutcher (6'2") and Mila Kunis (5'3"). They additionally performed onscreen fanatics in That '70s Show the place Mila was even shorter at the beginning of the sequence. Jared Padalecki (6'4" and change) and his wife Genevieve (5'4"). His hand is greater than her whole face.◊ 6'1" Damian Lewis and 5'3" Helen McCrory. Practically mandatory in pairs figure skating, because of all the acrobatic lifts and throws required. The biggest disparity on document was a Russian pair where the person was once over a foot taller and the girl hadn't but reached puberty (when she did, the partnership ended). Amy Poehler (5'2") and ex-husband Will Arnett (6'2"). Former basketball participant Shaquille O'Neal (7'1") and his female friend Nicole. Or, for that matter, principally any woman who stands subsequent to him. Queen Victoria (handiest 4'11") and Prince Albert (about 6'0"). And which one of the two was once the ruler of the largest empire on Earth, and which one came from a minor ducal family in Germany and married up? Older one: Betty White and Allen Luddenmore than likely mostly as a result of even if he was type of tall, White looks to be only a couple of inches over Five ft when she isn't dressed in heels. Jimmy Sullivan (6'3") and Leanna McFadden (5'3") There's only one explanation why for this couple◊ to be on Awkward Family Photos. This troper enters this photo◊ into proof. 6'4" and 4'10". Kylie Minogue and principally any guy who stands next to her. Her ex-boyfriend Andrés Velencoso was 6'4" and she could not even succeed in his shoulders, in heels. While doing promotions for their joint tour together, Christina Aguilera, who is 5'1", required a stool with a purpose to fit Justin Timberlake, who is 6'. Sci-fi author David Weber and his wife Sharon◊. He's easily a foot taller and half-again as wide. Mary Lou Retton and her husband Shannon Kelley. You can see footage of them collectively around 2:09. She jokes that she makes use of his belt buckle to test her make-up. Husband-and-wife appearing workforce Jim Carter and Imelda Staunton. She's slightly five ft tall. He's fourteen inches taller. And it is lovely. Shakira (4'11") is married to Spanish footballer Gerard Piqué, who is nearly 17 inches taller. William the Conqueror (5'10") was considered to be tall for his time, while his wife Matilda is thought to have been only between 4'2" and 5'. She nonetheless bore him 8 children. Mills Darden, who if historical past is to be believed was about 7 ft 6 inches (2.29 m) tall and weighed round 1,000 to 1,One hundred kilos (450 to 500 kg). His spouse Mary used to be Four toes Eleven inches (1.50 m) tall and weighed 98 pounds (Forty four kg). They had seven youngsters. New York City mayor Bill de Blasio is 6'5". His wife Chirlane McCray appears to hover a bit over 5'. Their two kids fall someplace in between, even though his son Dante's massive afro helps close the space slightly. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (6'3") and his wife Columba (5'0"). And as this lovable picture of the holding arms presentations, he is additionally considerably wider than her. U.S. pairs determine skaters Marissa Castelli (5'0") and Simon Shnapir (6'4"), who gained bronze medals in team skating at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Jason Momoa, who supplies the Game of Thrones (as Khal Drogo) and Stargate examples above, additionally qualifies in genuine lifestyles, as he is married to the 5'2" Lisa Bonet. Voice performing energy couple Travis Willingham (193 cm) and Laura Bailey (165 cm). Voice actor Troy Baker (191 cm) and his spouse Pamela. He's no less than a head or more taller than her. Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan (188 cm) has been married for Forty one years now to Bollywood actress Jaya Bachchan (157 cm). Andrew Smith (6-foot-11), who played basketball at Butler University and professionally in Lithuania prior to a bout with cancer that in the end claimed his lifestyles in 2016, and his wife Samantha (5-foot-1). When he dropped to a knee to propose to her, he was STILL taller than her. For a newer picture, go right here (scroll all the way down to the ground of the article). Brook 'Dodger Leigh' Lawson and her boyfriend Strippin are 4'11" and 6'4" respectively. Nineteen Eighties monitor and box athletes Mary (née Decker) and Richard Slaney. Another non-romantic example is that this viral photo of a pair of Queensland police officers. He's 6'9" (206cm) and she's 5'1" (155cm). From the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, gymnast Simone Biles (4'8") and volleyball player David Lee (6'8"). Professional wrestler Vader had a mom who stood 4'10" and a father who was 6'6". Considering he without a doubt took more after his father, it is unsurprising his start had to be brought about early for protection causes (he used to be Eleven pounds and 23 inches at beginning). 6'2" Chris Pratt and his ex-wife, 5'4" Anna Faris. President Abraham Lincoln (6'4") and his wife Mary Todd Lincoln (5'2"). King Harald V (6'3") and Queen Sonja (5'4") of Norway. The voice actors for the title characters of Rocky and Bullwinkle had been this. See this video for evidence. In truth, June Foray used to be just 4'11" and thus ended up being the Tiny Girl to everyone's Huge Guy. Drew Scott (Property Brothers) is over 6'4"; his wife Linda is 5'2". Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, aka "The Mountain" on Game of Thrones, is 6'9" and married to the 5'2" health blogger Kelsey Henson. This gallery offers some viewpoint. A couple of police officers in Queensland are compatible this trope to a T. He's 6'9", she's 5'1". Spanish biking team Movistar took a picture of their tallest male rider (Mathias Norsgaard, 202cm) and their shortest feminine rider (Eider Merino, 154cm) together. Stephen Georg of StephenPlays is over a foot taller than his wife, Mallory Georg. Joelison Fernandes da Silva is 7ft 8in, his spouse? At 5ft tall, she's almost Three foot shorter.
WWW is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. The Three Ws are: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you’ll read next? What I’m Currently Reading Nothing. Finished a book last night and didn’t get to start my next one yet. What I Recently Finished Not So Nice Guy by R.S. Grey. Sweet, fun book. Sweet Dreams by Nina Lane. This book was just ok. The Charm of You by Jennifer Probst. Really enjoyed this book – read it in one day. Review will be published next week. What I Plan to Read Next What is on your list this week?
WWW is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. The Three Ws are: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you’ll read next? What I’m Currently Reading His Banana by Penelope Bloom. The title isn’t code – it’s about an actual banana (well, you’ll see if you read it). It’s funny so far. What I Recently Finished Everything I Never Wanted by K. Street. I’m a sucker for a single dad. This was a good story. It’s free on Kindle Unlimited. When Light Leads to You by C.R. Ellis. Read ARC. Pretty good book. Review will be posted in August. The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang. I can’t explain to you the love I had for this book. It’s so amazingly good. Please read it if you haven’t. What I Plan to Read Next Back to the ARC’s. Enjoyed my break…. What is on your list this week?
What is life like working as an independent artist? For nearly two years now I have worked as an independent artist in Liverpool. It’s definitely been a bit scary at times knowing that I have to generate my own income and work schedule, but overall I love it. This is what I am truly passionate about, and in turn I create things which you will hopefully be passionate about. I am my own boss - I decide which hours to work each day, and what to work on. I can manage my own time to suit my lifestyle, and I get to create beautiful things every day. But it’s not all sweet and rosy… To-Do Lists - aaarrghhh! When you decide to give it a go at being an independent artist, you’re not just a painter/designer/sculptor etc. You’re also an accountant, a photographer, a sales person, a writer, a marketing guru etc. You have to learn how to be a technology professional - learn how to build a website, figure out basic HTML, find out what the hell CSS is, and other scary, scary stuff. You have to self-motivate yourself… Every. Single. Day. That’s right - I rarely take a day off. A strange guilt takes over, and a little voice in my brain scolds me, reminding me that I could be pushing forward, learning and achieving more. Even when I do take days off, I’m mentally planning my next working day. Or posting on social media. Or applying to sell my work at a market. So yeah, no days off really! But I wouldn’t have it any other way! I saw a meme a while ago which said: “I choose to work 80 hours a week just to avoid working 40 hours a week” And that’s so true! Sure, there’s some days where I can’t be arsed getting out of bed because it’s so cosy and comfortable, and I’d rather just watch Netflix all day. But we all have those days. I never need to remind myself that all of the work that I put into my business will in the end benefit ME. And it’s that factor which motivates me each day to achieve more than yesterday. Time Management & Research I try to plan at least a week ahead - I forever have a to-do list on the go! I find it’s better for managing my time (but maybe not my creativity) if I set out a daily plan of the tasks that I need to achieve. It’s so easy to get sidelined and distracted, and to forget the bigger picture otherwise. Life can be hard to balance though. As an artist, I always need to be honing and developing my skills. So whilst it is important to be making work to sell on my website and at events, it’s also equally as important to create just for myself. To grow my skillset and to improve what I produce. All of this takes time though, and when you’re self-employed, time is money my friend. Another part of my business which takes careful planning and research is buying materials. I won’t work with poor quality materials. The resin that I use (ArtResin) is the best available on the market. My olive wood boards are sourced from a UK based company who specialise in creating beautiful and unique olive wood pieces. But in order to find the best materials, I have to do A LOT of research, and test out different pieces. A recent nightmare for me has been trying to find a good quality paper to use for my greeting cards, as I’m quickly selling out of my current collection. I’ve probably spent well over £100 now on various papers….and I still haven’t found ‘The One’. But I’m trying to see my quest in a positive light - when I do find the best paper, I know I’ll be giving you a truly beautiful card made of the best quality materials. The Business Side of Being an Independent Artist I loved studying Fine Art at university, but what I find bizarre in hindsight is that you don’t actually get taught about how to BE an artist. Sure, you learn skills, you develop as an artist and learn about gallery exhibitions. But you don’t get taught about the day-t0-day life of working and earning a living as an artist. I, like most creatives, lack business skills because I’ve never been taught them! At A-Level in secondary school I studied Art, Music and English Literature. At university I studied Fine Art, followed by Art History and Curating. At no point along the way have I had extensive business advice from any of my tutors! Just like none of us are taught at school how to do our taxes, apply for mortgages, arrange a pension, and all the other scary grown up stuff! We just have to learn it along the way and try our best! If I could go back in time, I would have opted to do business studies during my A-Levels. But then, hindsight is a wonderful thing! Instead now, I teach myself. I used to always have Louis Theroux documentaries playing in the background whilst I worked in my studio (who doesn’t love a bit of Louis?!), but then I realised that my time would be more effectively spent with tutorial videos playing in the background. So now, when I’m prepping my artisan boards or tidying my studio, I’ll be listening to successful creatives tell their business stories. Or learning how to edit the HTML on a website page. Or finding out how to create an advert on Google. I’m on a constant learning journey to benefit myself and my business. Working as an independent artist, I am so much more conscious of where I shop now. For Christmas 2017 I made a decision to ONLY buy gifts from independent makers. And it was absolutely the best choice I’ve ever made! I found the most beautiful and unique gifts for my family and friends. My Dad got thick, hand knitted socks made by a woman who lives in Birmingham. I gave my Nan a gloriously fragrant hand cream, made by a girl from Athens, Greece. I gave my Mum some gorgeous earrings made by a girl from Sheffield. I might have also gotten myself a few little gifts along the way! There was a story behind each gift that I gave, and it was so nice knowing that I was helping to keep each small business afloat. It’s so quick and easy to buy gift box sets from the standard high street shops. But that’s such a generic and BORING way to buy gifts! Plus, they don’t give you that gooey, heart warming feeling that buying from an independent seller does. When you buy from an independent artist their pieces are well made with love and care. And if you ever need a question answering, there’s an actual human being to speak to who truly cares about you and your purchase. There’s nothing more annoying than having an automated robot fail to answer your queries on a company’s website - we’ve all been there! The Social Side One of the main and most wonderful things about working as an independent artist is meeting such lovely people along the way. I try to attend as many events as I can, because I love meeting my customers! I get first hand feedback about my work, and I learn about your life too! I’ve heard so many lovely stories - one man told me that one of my paintings vividly reminded him of the sunset that he used to see when he worked on a ship in his younger years. Another asked me to paint a scene from his home town to give as a nostalgic gift to his Mother. Working at different market events allows me to meet other independent sellers like myself. I don’t mean to blow my own trumpet, but we really are the nicest people you’ll ever meet. There’s so many kind gestures and acts of goodwill shown between traders at events. It’s always a lovely experience - even if the weather is dreadful! A main social group that I’m part of is the Mersey Etsy Team. We meet up once or twice a month to discuss various ideas for our Etsy shops, tips and tricks, and just to generally catch up! It’s nice to share time with like-minded people who are in the same boat as me and share the same business goals. It’s easy to get side-tracked, disheartened or lonely working on your own, so it’s really nice to get together as a group each month. Work For Your Dream So, while I do feel lucky to be doing what I do, I also know that it’s not actually ‘luck’ that got me here. It’s countless hours of work and research. The never ending to-do lists. All of my mistakes and the lessons learned from them. The three thousand cups of tea that have helped along the way. And most importantly, you. Without your support, I wouldn’t be able to do my dream job. The Facebook likes, visiting the artisan markets and events that I attend, buying from my website shop, giving feedback on my work. It’s all so valuable and important to me. So I challenge you - the next time you fancy a coffee as you’re strolling through town, forget your regular Starbucks haunt, and instead visit an independent cafe. Looking for a gift for your Mum? Go check out Etsy! Want to spend the day strolling round and shopping for unique items? Find out where your nearest artisan market is! I can’t emphasise enough how grateful those traders will be that you picked them over Debenhams, Costa and Liverpool One. For the record - I’m not slamming these companies! I’m just bigging up us little guys!
WWW is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. The Three Ws are: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you’ll read next? What I’m Currently Reading The Good Samaritan by RC Boldt. This book is amazing. So good. What I Recently Finished Only read one book in the last week, and I didn’t love it. I had a few other ARC’s that I just didn’t connect with, so sadly my week wasn’t great. Hot Sexy Desire by Nadia Lee. This book was just ok. What I Plan to Read Next Have a little break between ARC’s so I’m going to read some new stuff:) What is on your list this week?
Whether it is a new or Old Nepali movie, they are famous for beautiful songs, dance, interesting fights, and romantic scenes. Here in this blog, I am recommending to you a few must-watch new and Old Nepali Movie you can’t miss. Best New Nepali Movies The movie that starred Dayahang Rai, Saugat Malla, Karma Shakya, Reecha Sharma in a lead role regarded as one of the most successful new Nepali movies of all time. After putting excellent performance in this film, Saugat Malla and Nishchal Basnet won the national film award for their respective roles. The movie falls in the Crime thriller category where Haku Kale plans to rob a bank with his friends. They plan for 5 months to rob that bank and successfully they execute the plan. For the full story and amazing dialogues, you’ve to watch the full movie. I don’t want to ruin your mood. The movie earned around 52 million Nepali Rupees where the movie budget was only 700 thousand. Jatra/ Jatrai Jatra – Super-Hit New Nepali Movie Directed by Pradeep Bhattarai, this movie tells the story of 3 poor and hardworking people who find a bag of full 3 crores (Nepali Rupees). This Nepali movie Jatra features Bipin Karki, Rabindra Singh Baniya, Rabindra Jha, and Barsha Raut in a lead role. The movie was a huge success in the box office and also crossed more than 15 crores on YouTube (Both Part Combined). This kind of movie was never made in Nepal before and every Nepali movie lover was amazed by the story. Jatra and Jatrai Jatra have comedy, emotion, and a good story all in one movie. Popular social satirical Nepali Movie Pashupati Prasad written by Khagendra Lamichhane and Directed by Dipendra K Khanal was nominated for the Best Foreign Language Movie in Nepalese entry. The movie covers the story of a poor man who comes to Kathmandu after losing his parents in an Earthquake to pay off his debts. The movie also won the national award in different categories. And “Vasme Don” character from the movie got huge popularity worldwide. People used to make memes by using his character in their meme template. Best Old Nepali Movies Aama 1964 Movie One of the best movies made in the Nepali movie industry. Directed by Hira Singh Thakuri, and Written by Chaitya Devi and Upendra, this movie is about a poor Nepali person who joins a foreign army to earn his living and pay his debt. When he returns to his homeland, his mother is already dead. After his return at hometown, villagers convince him to stay there and serve their own country. There is a strong message in the movie “service to a motherland is the same as service to a mother”. Probably the best movie of Superstar Bhuwan KC, Kusume Rumal was a blockbuster in the Nepali Movie industry. The movie tells that whatever happens, love will always win over anything in the world. People still sing and enjoy the “Kusume Rumal” one of the best Nepali songs from the movie. One of the best old Nepali movie. Written and Directed by popular Tulsi Ghimire, Chino ranks among famous Nepali old movies. You probably have heard the name “Rate Kaila”, which was come from the movie Chino. Rate Kaila is the most famous villain personality in the Nepali movie industry. It is all about love and revenge, Rate Kaila decides to take revenge on his old crush and kills his husband and tries to kill his son, later an old man adopts her son and later he grows up and takes revenge on Rate Kaila. One of the best old Nepali movies of all time which represents a different sense of color, splendor, and good vibe to its viewers. The name itself tells that it is about Prem I.e Love. The historical and real-life story of General Aidwin during the Rana Regime. There are a lot of good Old and New Nepali Movies with spectacular stories and Presentations. We need to support Nepali movies, that’s how the Nepali movie industry improves and starts to make more amazing content.
Headlines like “Adele Shows Off Amazing Figure In Tight Black Mini” plagued the internet not long after she posted her picture. Most Twitter users were quick to clap back. Instead of commenting on her body figure, fans chose to celebrate Adele’s birthday by pointing out her accomplishments, like that she’s a multi-Grammy-Award-winning singer. “Maybe people could stop acting like Adele’s weight loss is her greatest achievement? I mean…,” Twitter user @Sim0nemurphy wrote in a caption for a screen recording of a scroll through the literal hundreds of awards that Adele has won and been nominated for. The singer hasn’t posted a picture since December 2019. She’s been pretty absent from social media since her divorce in April 2019. At that time, she said she was going to spend a year, “all on myself.” In the last year or so, every time she sporadically posts a picture, the singer prompts a flurry of discussion about how great she looks. That’s usually followed by pushback from fans who say she’s always looked great and that we shouldn’t celebrate celebrities only when they lose weight. Today’s photo was no different. “Adele was literally always beautiful, like genuinely stunning? Pls guys learn how to not be weirdos,” Twitter user @BeeBabs wrote. Adele used the Instagram post on her birthday to thank essential workers during the coronavirus. “I’d like to thank all of our first responders and essential workers who are keeping us safe while risking their lives! You are truly our angels,” she wrote. - Adele fans blast media for being obsessed with singer’s apparent weight loss - This Adele TikTok meme is too sweet - Adele dances to Beyoncé in sweatpants just like the rest of us
There are very few musicians who, at age 76, consistently find themselves at the top of the dance charts. Yoko Ono will celebrate her birthday, February 18, with the release of fifteen remixes of "Give Peace A Chance" under her nom de club music, ONO. Those who only know the song from the Plastic Ono Band's Apple single 1809 from 1969, or from various John Lennon compilations, might find themselves disconcerted at the anthem's new garb, but the song's transformation is simply a new entity to be accepted on its own terms. Peace A Chance" had already been remixed in 2004 as "Give Peace A Chance Y2K+," tabla and wah-wah enhanced, with Yoko's added texts regarding September 11th. The Asia-only Lennon compilation Peace, Love and Truth offered that version plus "Give Peace A Chance Remix 2005 (Featuring The Voices of Asia)," with vocals and a semi-rap by musicians from all over Asia. ONO's 2007 album, Open Your Box, features a pumping remix by DJ Dan. For the new remixes, Yoko offers a new chant: "It's Time To Take Action/ Action is Peace/Think Peace/Act Peace/Spread Peace/Shed Light in Darkness/Imagine Peace/All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance." DJ Meme made the best use of this new material, I'm delighted that the "Blow-Up Popism Mix" happily alludes to Yoko's concept of Bagism, ("bagism, tagism, this-ism, that-ism") referenced in the original lyric. With many ONO remixes, the dance factor is served more than that of the original song structure or lyric, typical of current club music. The Peter Rauhaufer "Ying Mix" of "Yang Yang" starts with some breathing and moaning, which reminded me of both 20th century classical vocal works, like some by Luciano Berio, as well as Donna Summer and other disco-moaners of the late-70s. Then, on Rauhaufer's "Yang Mix" he samples the vocals "I hate you/ You're making me sick," which falls in the line of '90s gay-oriented dance records using snap-queen insults, such as Ride Committee's "Get Huh," and Urban Discharge's "Drop A House (On That Bitch)." (George) Morel's mix of "Give Me Something" preserves a lot of the original song. Her first actual dance record was the brilliantly frightening "Walking On Thin Ice," a six minute single from Geffen, which got tons of club play at a time (1981) when it was very rare for any non-disco track to get any play in the clubs, at least in the NYC gay clubs. The few break-ins were The Rolling Stones' "Start Me Up," Devo's "Whip It," The B-52's, The Pretenders and Yoko's original "Walking On Thin Ice." Since 2002, Yoko Ono has been releasing a series of dance remix singles of various Yoko tracks, some from her 1973 album Approximately Infinite Universe. "Walking On Thin Ice" has since has had a CD-single issue with remixes by the likes of Danny Tenaglia, The Pet Shop Boys. and Felix da Housecat. During our fifteen minute talk, I didn't have time to suggest to Yoko that she offer her more avant-garde works from Plastic Ono Band/Yoko Ono and Fly to remixers in the noise or 'lower case sound' genres, such as Yamantaka Eye, Ralf Wehowski or Fennesz. Meanwhile, as Yoko said to me, "Whenever I hear just one or two notes of the dance music, my body starts to move. I think that's how it is with all of us. There should be more dance music." here is offered unedited, the first forty five seconds an homage to Yoko's
Waiting on Wednesday (aka: WoW) is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine, spotlighting releases we are waiting for eagerly. James Patterson presents a bold new heroine--a cross between Katniss Everdeen and Annie Oakley: Serendipity Jones, the fastest sharpshooter in tomorrow's West. Seventeen-year-old Serendipity "Pity" Jones inherited two things from her mother: a pair of six shooters and perfect aim. She's been offered a life of fame and fortune in Cessation, a glittering city where lawlessness is a way of life. But the price she pays for her freedom may be too great....In this extraordinary debut from Lyndsay Ely, the West is once again wild after a Second Civil War fractures the U.S. into a broken, dangerous land. Pity's struggle against the dark and twisted underbelly of a corrupt city will haunt you long after the final bullet is shot. I’m currently reading (at least when I wrote this post, I may actually be done with it by the time this post is live) Stalking Jack the Ripper and I am loving the Jimmy imprint and am super excited to see what James Patterson’s imprint is printing next! Plus, there aren’t many westerns in the YA world and I think it’d be a fun story! 🙂
4 edition of The reign of Patti found in the catalog. |Statement||Herman Klein ; with a discography by W. R. Moran.| |LC Classifications||ML420.P32 K5 1977| |The Physical Object| |Pagination||ix, 470, v p., leaves of plates :| |Number of Pages||470| |LC Control Number||76029944| Open Library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. Reign of God by Richard Rice, , Andrews University Press edition, in English The reign of God ( edition) | Open LibraryCited by: 6. Patti Lundgren is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Patti Lundgren and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes. Career. P Reign, also known as The King, the King of Da North, released his debut solo single in entitled "You Know I'm Fly", which topped the PunchMuch Canadian interactive music channel. His follow-up singles are "Money in My Pocket" () and "In My Hood" (), produced by is known as Preme because of his preterm birth, Preme being a changed spelling of "preemie", which Born: January 8, (age 33) Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Another book catered to those living with diabetes, but can be used for non-diagnosed eaters as well is the incomparable Patti LaBelle’s second cookbook, Lite Cuisine. While ’s Recipes to. Hawaiki 2000 B.C. to Hokianga Discrete-time control problems using MATLAB and the Control System Toolbox A Blessing in Disguise (Soundings) HRSA ANNUAL REPORT... U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES... FY 2002 New York transaction guide, with forms H. R. King. Science Integrations Transparencies - Study Guide (Science: An Introduction to the Life, Earth, and Physical Sciences) The sour lemon score Differentiation and division in a comprehensive school Royal Academy illustrated 1948 The Reign Of Patti Paperback – Novem by Herman Klein (Author) out of 5 stars 2 ratings. See all 27 formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Price New from Used from Hardcover "Please retry" $ $ /5(2). item 3 The Reign of Patti by Klein Hermann (English) Hardcover Book Free Ship - The Reign of Patti by Klein Hermann (English) Hardcover Book Free Ship. $ Free shipping. No ratings or reviews yet. Be the first to write a review. Best Selling in Nonfiction. See all. The Reign of Patti () The reign of Patti book Klein. Kessinger Publishing, - pages. 0 Reviews. This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as. item 3 Reign of Patti by Hermann Klein (English) Hardcover Book Free Shipping. - Reign of Patti by Hermann Klein (English) Hardcover Book Free Shipping. $ Free shipping. No ratings or reviews yet. Be the first to The reign of Patti book a review. Best Selling in Nonfiction. See all. Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin was one that I read almost completely in one sitting, but the emotional book hangover I experienced stayed with me for days afterwards. I first heard of this book several months ago, but at the time, I didn't understand the appeal of reading middle grades books as a something adult/5(). Genre/Form: Biographies Biography: Additional Physical Format: Online version: Klein, Hermann, Reign of Patti. New York, Century Co., COVID Resources. Reliable information about the coronavirus (COVID) is available from the World Health Organization (current situation, international travel).Numerous and frequently-updated resource results are available from this ’s WebJunction has pulled together information and resources to assist library staff as they consider how to handle coronavirus. Buy The Reign of Patti by Herman Klein online at Alibris. We have new and used copies available, in 2 editions - starting at $ Shop Range: $ - $ This banner text can have markup. web; books; video; audio; software; images; Toggle navigation. An original series based on the hit television series, Reign. Book Darkness RisesAuthor: Lily Blake. I read this book mainly because Reign is one of my favorite tv shows, being to able to experience that world and story again in a book sounded like a treat. I enjoyed that this book went into more detail than the tv show ever could, and delivered us with some additional stories/5. The Reign of Patti | This is a pre historical reproduction that was curated for quality. Quality assurance was conducted on each of these books in an attempt to remove books with imperfections introduced by the digitization process. Reign: The Prophecy and Reign: Hysteria, by Lily Blake If you’re not ready to leave the Reign world completely, Lily Blake has two novels for Prophecy is set after Mary’s marriage to Francis, when the plague is nigh. Mary remains within the castle, but those closest to her heart are beyond its protective gates, and no title or social status prevents the plague from taking its : Samantha Randolph. From Newbery Honor author Ann M. Martin, who wrote the Baby-sitters Club series, comes a New York Times-bestselling middle grade novel about a girl, her dog, and the trials of growing up in a complicated and often scary world. Rose Howard is obsessed with homonyms. She's thrilled that her own name is a homonym, and she purposely gave her dog Rain a name with two homonyms /5(22). The Reign of Patti | This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. The Reign Of Patti Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. EMBED. EMBED (for hosted blogs and item tags) Want more. Advanced embedding details, examples, and help. No_Favorite. Excerpt from The Reign of Patti Her preeminence as a vocalist was no less pronounced. Catalani, Pasta, Malibran, Jenny Lind, Grisi, may have been singers as great as Patti. That no critic now living is in a position to determine. But, at best, those famous artists only divided between them the honors due to queens of Opera during the first half /5(2). Patti Smith and Liz Phair memoirs, Patti Smith’s new book is “Year of the Monkey.” (the Breeders’ Kim and Kelley Deal still reign supreme), Tegan and Sara Quin began as a Calgary. REIGN OF PATTI. REIGN OF PATTI Request an Image. first edition. by PATTI, ADELINA JUANA MARIA] KLEIN, Herman. NY, CENTURY, 3/4 GREEN MOROCCO BY SANGORSKI FIRST EDITION VERY GOOD-FINE. (Inventory #: ) $ 00 add to cart Available from Houle Rare Books & Autographs. Reign is an American historical fantasy television series created by Laurie McCarthy and Stephanie Sengupta which premiered on Octo on The CW. The series stars Adelaide Kane in the role of Mary, Queen of Scots, depicting her early life in France until her return to the course of the series, 78 episodes of Reign aired over four seasons. Rose Howard is obsessed with homonyms. Struggling with Asperger's, Rose shares a bond with her beloved dog. She's thrilled that her own name is a homonym, and she purposely gave her dog Rain a name with two homonyms (Reign, Rein), which, according to Rose's rules of homonyms, is very special. Ginger Garrett's book, Reign: The Chronicles of Queen Jezebel, did not disappoint. Even though I have read the story of Queen Jezebel in I and II Kings, Miss Garrett's fictionalized account, based on extensive research, put me inside the stubborn mind and hardened heart of this Biblical character. Rose is the kind of fictional character that anyone would want to know. I realize Rain Reign is a young adult book, but some of the finest fiction of all time has been written for young adult audiences. This is one of them. There is something here that all readers – adults and young people – can benefit from. Prayer Rain provides a way out for all those wallowing helplessly under satanic harassment. Knowing what to do and, and doing it right could make a difference between who sinks or swims in the river of life. Prayer Rain is a spiritual life-jacket. Endeavour to own your own copy. Christian Prayer Manual. Spiritual Warfare Manual. Prayer for 5/5(10). Meet the cast and learn more about the stars of of Reign with exclusive news, photos, videos and more at Patti Carr 2 Episodes (. My review of Reign: The Chronicles of Queen Jezebel by Ginger Garrett. I have always admired authors of good Biblical fiction because it makes those long and winding passages in the Old Testament come to life for me. Ginger Garrett’s book, Reign: The Chronicles of Queen Jezebel, did not disappoint. Robyn McClendon -- #RobynsGelliTeam From Robyn: Join me and my incredible Design Team (Rachel Bellamy, Vicki Ross, Kory Lynn, and Patti Tolley Parrish) to sh. The REIGN of Books is a literary journey by fiction fanatics Josh and Jon into the science fiction and fantasy books we're reading (plus other great fiction). Klein, was a music critic and quite familiar with this Golden Age. Patti flourished for 46 years and Klein heard her many times before she finally retired in with a farewell at the Royal Albert ck book in good condition. Cover in good condition. Looking for The Reign of Patti () - Herman Klein Hardback. Visit musicMagpie for great deals and super savings with FREE delivery today. This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. 'Year of the Monkey' by Patti Smith is a wonderful trip inside the mind of a poet. Difficult, convoluted and a little absurd, but well worth the effort. The post Book Review: 'Year of the Monkey. Rain from Rain Reign. 4RL Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what a text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. Use descriptive words to tell how Rain comforted Rose. 4RL Describe a character, setting, or event in a story or play, drawing on specific details in the text, and how that impacts the plot. Comments. the witches book is very interesting so far. alesha mcauley In the previous page, Annabeth Chase, Thalia Grace, and Leo Valdez are marked as heroes, and I Ani; Greetings lili Saint Germain, I currently finished reading one of your greatest books, Seven sons Diana; I love Stephanie Laurens book. 46 Books About Women Who Changed The World. Patti Smith, National Book Award-winning author of Just Kids and M Train, shares a profound, Cixi’s extraordinary reign saw the birth of modern China. Under her, the ancient country attained industries, railways, electricity, and a. By Patti on The Shadow Watch USA Today Bestselling Author, Casi McLean, presents a political thriller with military and supernatural elements in Reign Of Fire. To expose a faction threatening America’s democracy, Emily Rose joins forces with a team investigating her sister’s murder, but she never expects to fall in love - or to. Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This will be my first ever Top Ten Tuesday post. Yay. This week's topic is: Top Ten Books If You Like [X] I chose my latest guilty pleasure TV obsession - Reign on The CW. Darker Still by Leanna Renee. Patriot Reign is a best-selling book by The Boston Globe/The New York Times sports writer Michael Holley resulting from two years he was given unprecedented access to the inner sanctums of the world champion New England Patriots football operations, as they worked to turn a season of good luck into a legitimate contender of a team. The book was published in by the William Morrow Author: Michael Holley. Book Overview Patti Hansen: A Portrait gives supermodel Patti Hansen's short but incredibly influential career serious critical attention for the first time, following her transformation from a teenage model on the cover of Glamour to her reign as a dominating force in the pages of. Hal Mangold / Atomic Overmind Press is raising funds for Greg Stolze's Reign, Second Edition on Kickstarter. The second edition of Greg Stolze's roleplaying game of. REIGN’s simple but complete rules model the triumphs and disasters of societies as small as a village or as large as a realm-spanning religion. With REIGN, your characters can defend threatened nations, bring prosperity to desperate provinces, make laws and perpetuate justice or, if you prefer, loot conquer and pillage on a vast and. The fourth season of Reign, an American historical fantasy, premiered on Febru The series, created by Stephanie SenGupta and Laurie McCarthy, airs on The CW. On December 7, the CW announced that this would be the final season and would consist of 16 episodes. 1 Season overview. 2 Cast and characters. Season al network: The CW.Patriot Reign captures Belichick at his most candid, and what emerges is a portrait of a complicated man who is cerebral, yes, but also tough, demanding, stubborn, funny, profane, and a master strategist. Frank, uncompromising, and stunning, Patriot Reign is required reading for football fans who want to understand what makes a champion tick. If you love “Reign” and a good old-fashioned YA historical fiction, try "The Wild Queen" by Carolyn Meyer. The book chronicles the life of Mary Stuart -- beginning at the young age of five.
I thought back to our lovely, but too brief visit to Holland in June. We stayed with friends and got to participate in the ritual of a Dutch family breakfast. These people love their sugar! I do wonder if it's just one man's plan? I'm not sure that I can see it catching on. |Master Wicker learning about the joys of travel broadening tastebuds,| and the magic of vlokken |They have a literal wall of vlokken | at the supermarket The Dutch make an astonishing sugar bread (Suykerbrood). Basically like a brioche with lumps of sugar. Great sliced with butter |But even better toasted!| It was funny to go to Holland and learn that toasting is a rather Australian preoccupation This post is linked to Weekend Cooking, a fabulous weekly meme at Beth Fish Reads
“When the creative impulse sweeps over you, grab it. You grab it and honor it and use it, because momentum is a rare gift.” ― Justina Chen I am continuing my participation in the photography challenge, The August Break, the creation of Susannah Conway. Today I have the next 7 days of words, and my interpretations for you. This week seemed to be quite a challenge as I tried to capture so many images interpreting the latest words, many which are very common. The first picture above is Day 21-Real Life. This is my everyday work area with my laptop front and center. I liked the picture better in black and white, as color was not an important aspect of the picture. Day 22-Curves I had many different pictures picked out for this word. But it was when I was outside sitting, that I noticed the curves in my garden hat. This hat is a prized possession, and I had a lot of fun capturing the curves. You can see another picture of my garden hat in the last picture. This was an impromptu picture taken while I was sitting outside enjoying the garden. Day 23-Water One of my favorite spots is the pond in our garden. The sound of the waterfall is relaxing. I wanted to capture the waterfall as it flows down the rocks. Day 24-In The Distance This is the beginning of the wetlands about a couple of miles down the road. It is acres of cattails that end at the woods edge, in the distance. Day 25-Green The cattails end as the wetlands open up. And you can see this amazing Chartreuse green algae covering the entire surface of the water. Isn’t it stunning? Especially against the pinkish-purple flowers of the purple loosestrife plant that has invaded the wetlands. Day 16-Door When I originally was thinking about this word, I wanted to capture our front door. But then as the day went on, I wanted to look at a few more doors around the house and garden. I especially love the view through the door on the gazebo. Isn’t it inviting? Our purple front door is bottom right, the door I originally wanted to capture. And then I experimented with opening the door to a couple of rooms and capturing the view as you enter. Day 27-Favorite Recipe During tomato season, we love to make sauce. This is a special recipe from a garden friend, Kathy@The Violet Fern. It is called Summer In A Jar, and you can read more about it here. All the ingredients, basil, garlic, cherry tomatoes, were grown in our garden this summer. So there you have the photos from days 21-27 of The August Break challenge. I will have the remainder of the words, for days 28-31, in two weeks. Next week will be another Wildlife Lesson post, always on the first Thursday of the month. I am linking in with the I Heart Macro meme hosted by Laura@Shine The Divine that happens every Saturday, with Judith@Lavender Cottage who hosts Mosaic Monday, and with Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) photo linkup party at image-in-ing. I leave you with a bit more sentiment about creativity. Feel free to download the photo and share. All original content is copyrighted and the sole property of Donna Donabella @ Living From Happiness, 2014-15. Any reprints or use of content or photos is by permission only.
Recently, a man posted a clever post on a Facebook group to market some of the kuihs that he is selling! Members of the group found that post funny and creative, so they kept sharing it and then it went viral. His post was even made into a meme! “This is the product of brother Snoop Dogg’s hands, of course you would buy it right? Aidilfitri 2020 will not be complete without this.” Along with the caption, he inserted three pictures of Snoop Dogg rolling a joint (rolled cannabis cigarette) which looks like one of those mini popiahs. The comments don’t disappoint as well. “His eyes look tired. Must have had a lot of orders so he worked till late.” “If we eat this popiah then we would really be celebrating Raya at the moon.” When contacted, Mr. Hairie said he does not sell those mini popiahs but he sells other kuihs such as cookies and kek batik. So if you’d like to order, then you can PM him on Messenger. That is certainly a very creative way to market a product! What do you think about this? Tell us in the comments! Klang Is A Red Zone But School Sessions Will Carry On, Says Education Dept The Selangor State Education Department (JPNS) says that school sessions in Klang will still continue as usual even though the... Police Arrest OKU Man With Pink Tag At A Supermarket In Melaka Police have arrested a man with hearing disabilities who was wearing a pink tag. The man was arrested at a... Kitchen Helper From Huckleberry Damansara Heights Tests Positive For Covid-19 Huckleberry Damansara Heights just reported that one of their own kitchen helpers tested positive for Covid-19. In a statement put... PM: Interstate Travel Between East Malaysia To Semenanjung Temporarily Banned It looks like Malaysia isn’t going into lockdown yet, but if they consider it, they’ll let us know earlier, at... Health DG: Third Death Case Today Is 1-year-old Baby From Semporna, Sabah Malaysia recorded an all-time high in the number of Covid-19 cases today, 691 positive cases with 688 local transmissions and...
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doctor who season 2 episode 5 dailymotionjanuari 20, 2021 4:25 f m This season is referred to by the umbrella title The Key to Time and has been released on DVD under this title. The programme's high episode count has resulted in Doctor Who holding the world record for the highest number of episodes of a science-fiction programme.. Ben and Polly departed in The Faceless Ones. On Doctor Who Season 12 Episode 10, the Cybermen are on the march while they hunt down the last remaining humans and everything changes on the season finale. View production, box office, & company info. Rate. This was the last season to feature Nyssa as a companion. Watch Doctor Who season 5 episode 13 online. What kind of mutants will appear in future? Rise of the Cybermen Star Trek: Picard’s second episode goes nowhere, does nothing by Lauren Coates. Rate. The practice of giving each individual episode a different title was abandoned after The Gunfighters, near the end of the season. The whole season is titled as The Trial of a Time Lord, and is split into four segments. The Savages marked the final appearance of Steven, and The War Machines introduced companions Ben and Polly. S7, Ep0. Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith) left the series this season in The Hand of Fear and was replaced by Louise Jameson (Leela) in The Face of Evil . But it's a project that the President dismisses as unethical and immoral. Patrick Troughton retained the role until the last episode of The War Games when members of the Doctor's race, the Time Lords, put him on trial for breaking the laws of time and forced him to regenerate and to be stuck, exiled on Earth. In his last story, The Tenth Planet, the Doctor gradually grew weaker to the point of collapsing at the end of the fourth episode, leading to his regeneration. Watch Doctor Who online. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. The only production title held by this story was Doctor Who. The TARDIS falls through a gap in the time vortex which leads the crew to find themselves in a parallel version of London, England in the year 2006. After The Three Doctors, the Time Lords repealed his exile; however, the Doctor still worked closely with UNIT from time to time. S8, E1 Deep Breath The Doctor has changed. Additionally, four charity specials and two animated serials have also been aired. From this season onwards the programme was produced in colour. Closer Look: Hazmat Suit Bloopers Find out why the cast and crew dissolved into giggles while filming the 'Praxeus' lab break-in. With David Tennant, Catherine Tate, Alex Kingston, Colin Salmon. The segments are commonly referred to by their respective novelisation's titles (listed below) but the season was broadcast as one fourteen-part story and these titles did not appear on screen. The series moved back to once-weekly Saturday broadcasts. 0.0 / 5.0 1 Rate. 1. For commercial release, some episodes have been reconstructed using off-air audio recordings, paired to surviving visuals or newly commissioned animation. Doctor Who is a British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC. It's a slightly more advanced era where Zeppelins fly overhead and the populace wear special ear pods where information can be downloaded via the Cybus corporation. As a rule, I'm not really fond of 'Alternative Reality' stories, as more often than not they usually have no lasting repercussions and no real sense of any danger (stemming from no vested interest in any but the main characters) I'll get more into that in my review of the second part, but suffice it to say this episode felt more like an episode of the now defunct "Sliders" than a true Who episode. Season 16 consists of one long story arc encompassing six separate, linked stories. A multi-million pound conglomerate owned by the crippled genius John Lumic. Lumic wishes to convince the President of Great Britain that his new project which involves the human brain being transferred to a robotic body of pure steel would mean that people need never die. The actual code used during production is 50/LDX071Y/01X. There is some dispute, for instance, about whether to count Season 23's The Trial of a Time Lord as one or as four serials, and whether the unfinished serial Shada should be included. Doctor Who The Doctor is an alien Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey who travels through all of time and space in theTARDIS with a companion. This season introduced companions Jamie McCrimmon (Frazer Hines) and Victoria Waterfield (Deborah Watling), in The Highlanders and The Evil of the Daleks, respectively. Doctor Who season 2 episode guide on TV.com. The TARDIS crash lands in London on a parallel world, where Rose's dad is still alive, people are disappearing off the streets and one of the Doctor's deadliest enemies is about to be reborn. Episode 6. Watch Doctor Who Season 8 Episode 4 online to see the Doctor battle some ghosts on his own. Injured and stranded in the wilds of a far-flung galaxy, The Doctor, Yaz, Graham, and Ryan must band together with a group of strangers to survive against one of the universe's most deadly - and unusual - … Doctor Who: Season 2, Episode 18, Escape to ... - Dailymotion Watch Doctor Who Season 10 Episode 4 "Thin Ice" Sentenced to exile on Earth and forcibly regenerated at the end of The War Games, the Doctor spent his time working for UNIT (United Nations Intelligence Taskforce). The Sixth Doctor was portrayed by Colin Baker. (27 Oct 2006). The Best Doctor Who Episodes (2005 Onwards). Rose is excited at the prospect because her long deceased father is still alive in this reality and very successful to boot. When you watch Doctor Who Season 10 Episode 5 online, the Doctor assists Bill as she moves to a new home, which she is sharing with a number of other students from the university. Watch all 13 Doctor Who episodes from season 2,view pictures, get episode information and more. Season 18 forms a loose story arc dealing with the theme of entropy. This season introduces the companion Sarah Jane Smith portrayed by Elisabeth Sladen. The titles below, for these early serials, are those in most common circulation, used for commercial releases and in resources such as the Doctor Who Reference Guide and the BBC's classic episode guide. This season saw the departure of Romana and the introduction of companions Adric and Nyssa, and soon-to-be companion, Tegan Jovanka. This includes one television movie and multiple specials, and encompasses 296 stories over 38 seasons. This includes one television movie and multiple specials, and encompasses 296 stories over 38 seasons. Before anyone even knew it was actually a volcano, the entire city is doomed for destruction. As of 1 January 2021,[update] 862 episodes of Doctor Who have aired, concluding the twelfth series. Directed by Euros Lyn. The TARDIS falls through a gap in the time vortex which leads the crew to find themselves in a parallel version of London, England in the year 2006. Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 7 The Daleks Pt 3 The Escape - (1963) Doctor … Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor - Doctor Who _ Season 12, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: James Pardon/BBC Studios/BBC America. Lumic is involved in his own personal business project which involves an alternate version of Rose Tyler's father, Pete who has become a millionaire in this reality and whom Rose is hell bent on meeting. Stream the latest full episodes for free online with your TV provider. Stream the latest full episodes for free online with your TV provider. 5. Castrovalva, together with the previous two serials, The Keeper of Traken and Logopolis, form a trilogy involving the return of the Master. The Fifth Doctor was portrayed by Peter Davison. Still very watchable though.My Grade: B-. This season saw the final appearance of Leela and the first appearance of K9 as voiced by John Leeson. Ace’s history is explored and explained in the seventh Doctor’s final full season. , This article is about the 1963–1989 episodes and 1996 film. The 2005 revival trades the earlier serial format for a run of self-contained episodes, interspersed with occasional multi-part stories and structured into loose story arcs. With Jodie Whittaker, Bradley Walsh, Mandip Gill, Tosin Cole. 25 Dec. 2011 The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe. This season set the tone for the Virgin New Adventures novels that followed. Ofsted Intent, Implementation Impact Early Years, Take It On The Run Song Wiki, Iberostar Punta Cana All Inclusive Adults Only, Schlond Poofa Meme, Alice Springs Jobs Casual, Career Aptitude Test For High School Students Pdf, Sedgwick County Jail Visitation, Qucs Install Mac, Categorised in: Okategoriserade This post was written by
Living instead of Surviving When energy is scarce due to stress, the adrenal systems jumps in to channel energy into parts of the body that are most crucial for survival. The final result of this endocrine cascade is energy preservation when it comes to prolonged periods of stress to ensure survival. This state of survival has only been designed to last for short periods by nature. Chronic stress, however, has most people reside in a permanent state of survival. There are many reasons for chronic stress: nutritional deficiencies, epigenetic issues, developmental trauma, unhealthy lifestyle to name a few. Midterm, all body systems will have to pay their due as a reaction to the shortage of energy. All regeneration and growth require energy. This is why chronic stress and the subsequent state of survival are the first and biggest obstacle to evolution. Consequences of the State of Survival A chronic state of survival will lead to several changes in the body’s functions: Glucose (sugar) is the primary fuel for the mitochondria and the main job of carbohydrates is energy production.1Braun, Pathophysiology, 2017, Kindle-Position 15727-15728 The energy currency in the body is called ATP. A healthy mitochondrium will produce 36 ATP out of one glucose molecule, 2Starr, Biology, Concepts and Applications, 1997, S. 99 a sick mitochondrium, however, produces no ATP in the worst case. In case of energetic emergencies, the body can switch gears and harvest energy through a process called anaerobic glycolysis. Anaerobic glycolysis takes place outside the mitochondrium in the cell’s plasma. The downside of this process is that one glucose molecule will only yield 2 ATP.3siehe Glykolyse, Silbernagl & Despopoulos, Taschenatlas Physiologie, 2012 It is, again, stress that leads to this massive loss of energy harvesting. While the body shuts down in order to preserve energy, the production of energy will also be down-regulated up to the point where only 5 % of the original energy yield can be harvested, see chart: The body will also burn proteins and fat, in order to feed the Krebs Cycle. Proteins and fats can be converted into sugar and fats can be converted into ketones that are partly a surrogate for sugar in the brain. Ketones can also directly feed the Krebs Cycle to ensure survival. It is important to know that any switch away from the original conversion of carbs into energy comes with a trade-off in the form of an increased release of stress hormones. Another downside to any emergency fuel system is a shut down of the cell membrane in the expectancy of danger. A sealed cell membrane might protect itself from outside harm, but the traffic of nutrients into the cell and waste products out of the cell will also be affected.4Lipton, Biology of Belief, 2006, p. 150 It is well known that cells can also become resistant to insulin, which prevents glucose to enter most cells. Glucose deficiency will also prevent other hormones that are anabolic (thyroid, testosterone, progesterone) to enter the cell, along with minerals and vitamins. Long story short: Longterm stress equals starvation and littering of the cell, which in turn keeps the energy harvest down. Whether genes are activated or deactivated, depends on signals from inside the cell, its environment, and the environment of the organism as a whole.5Bauer, Das Gedächtnis des Körpers, 2016, p. 242 Only 2 % of all diseases are truly genetic, 98% of diseases are epigenetic in nature6Bauer, Das Gedächtnis des Körpers, 2016, p. 234 and therefore susceptible to environmental changes. This is especially true for genes that reign over health and disease.7Bauer, Das Gedächtnis des Körpers, 2016, p. 222 Stress activates a special stress gene (CRH gene), which sensitizes other body regions for stress. Positive and nurturing instances on the other hand can stimulate the growth of nerve cells among others.8Bauer, Das Gedächtnis des Körpers, 2016, S. 241 Emotional states can switch genes on or off within seconds.9Bauer, Das Gedächtnis des Körpers, 2016, p. 240 Since epigenetic changes can be passed on to offspring, it is more than possible to have an activated stress gene from the moment of conception. That way we may not only inherit a predisposition for certain diseases from our ancestors but also stress patterns and trauma.10van der Kalk, The Body Keeps the Score, 2014, Kindle-Position 2707 Similarly, nutritional deficiencies that have been acquired by one’s ancestors are not only passed on but potentiated over time. This can lead to permanent nutritional deficiencies that can not be remedied by healthy eating habits alone. These deficiencies will lead to more trouble with energy production and create new dispositions for specific mental illnesses.11Walsh, Nutrient Power, 2014, p. 4 While stress will generally incapacitate clear thinking 12Lipton, Biology of Belief, 2006, p. 278, its role in a system that can not yet self-regulate grows out of proportion. As long as the nervous system is not hooked up properly to function autonomously, stress will basically shut down the whole body along with rational thinking. The nervous system matures in stages, the first important one being completed at the time a child starts to walk away from the mother, thus asserting a certain degree of autonomy for the first time at about 1 year of age. The second big stage of maturation is completed at about 7 years of age. This stage of development finishes sensory integration and a fine-tuning of motor skills along with balance and proprioception (internal body mapping and body awareness). Persisting neonatal reflexes are often at the root cause of an arrested development in the nervous system.13 Goddard-Blythe, Reflexes, Learning And Behavior: A Window into the Child’s Mind : A Non-Invasive Approach to Solving Learning & Behavior Problems, 2005 Unfortunately, it is extremely common for people to have completed even the first stage in brain development only half, meaning that these people’s nervous systems can be compared to brains of children less than a year old. In the first seven years of life, the brain ideally expands its capacity from the very basic worm and reptile stages that are entrained to freeze, fight and flight to neomammalian brain structures that integrate into the aforementioned triune brain. The triune brain affords its owner the flexibility to react to life’s circumstances appropriately, but preferably with negotiation, empathy, and communication that goes along with a well developed frontal lobe and ventral vagal complex (the smart part of the vagus nerve). It can’t be stressed enough that a brain whose default mode is stuck in the reptilian stage will live in constant fear of perceived threats to which it will only be able to respond with fight, flight, or freeze. Sadly, an arrested development of brain structures is not the only aspect that can hinder the expression of the neomammalian brain along with ventral vagal skills. Any kind of extreme stress can throw us back to our more basic nature since our system assumes that when our survival is at stake, fight, flight or freeze will increase the odds. During extreme stress, our instincts take over because the reptilian brain works up to a million times faster than our rational brain. In order to take over, the reptilian brain shuts down our frontal lobe with the neomammalian cortex. Psychological trauma is a likely reaction to extreme stress, especially when it happens at a time when we still depend on support biologically and emotionally. Because of our dependency, any threat will be magnified in its potential to challenge our survival. This is true for any mono trauma (rape, accident, violence, catastrophe), but especially for developmental trauma. Lack of nurturing itself will become the biggest threat of all, instigating fear of death in the infant (survival terror). Through the very nature of trauma, this fear will be preserved in dissociated ego parts within the psyche that stay locked in the age where the fear arose. Those ego parts do not allow for an integrated emotional development towards a self. Therefore, self-regulation won’t happen and the frightened ego parts run the show from their terrifying reality. From their perspective, the neomammalian cortex doesn’t even exist, they rightly don’t know how to use their frontal cortexes properly yet. Besides fight, flight or freeze, hiding and submitting are typical defense reactions to new experiences when trauma is preserved in the system. There are two additional loops that trauma will provoke. One, being the release of hormones and neurotransmitters connected to stress, the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline being among them, which is how mental trauma ties in with the hormonal system. The other is a learned experience that is stored in the frontal cortex. These learned experiences correspond with negative beliefs that will then be applied to any situation remotely similar to the original trauma. Often these beliefs will include a deduction that death or at least great pain is imminent. Let’s assume a baby wasn’t fed at the appropriate time for the child, but on a schedule, which is why the baby was often hungry. Since a child has a limited ability for physical self-regulation, hunger will greatly threaten and dysregulate its body. From its perspective, death will be imminent. It may apply what it learned from this experience to every hunger in the future, even when it is well able to feed itself. This reenactment of the former trauma can even go along with body sensations like severe blood sugar crashes, panic, etc. that are not proportionate to the actual extent of the (adult) hunger. But then, many adults can’t self regulate on a physical level much better than infants – a vicious cycle very many of us battle with on a daily basis with more than one ego part on a rampage. Alongside the fear of great pain or death, the following beliefs are often found in trauma matrixes: - I don’t exist / I don’t have a body - There is something wrong with me - I am a loser, I don’t deserve… - My parents do not love me (which is often true, unfortunately) and subsequently: I am unlovable Should the developmental trauma arise within the symbiotic stage (from conception to the 18th month), another phenomenon will probably take hold in the infant psyche: the “locus of control shift”. The locus of control shift is a belief in which the child will consciously or unconsciously assume that it deserves what it is experiencing, that there must be a problem or fault within itself that justifies any kind of lack or bad treatment from its caretakers.14Schwarz et al, The Comprehensive Resource Model, 2017, Kindle-position 4541 Any attachment disruption in early phases of development will put the child in a very painful dilemma in which it needs people to take care of it (otherwise it dies), but what it is getting may be suboptimal at best and horrible at worst. Other times, parents go through the physical motions all right (feeding, changing diapers, educating), but what they transmit to their offspring on an emotional and mental level can be emptiness, aversion etc. (empty attachment) or unresolved trauma from themselves (through merging). In any of these attachment dilemmas, the child will self-blame in order to be able to bear the situation or in order to justify that it is getting something vastly different from what it is expecting. It is astonishing that all of us have an intrinsic knowledge about how true and satisfying attachment should feel like. The locus of control shift, however, turns our needs against ourselves. They become something bad, something we don’t deserve. It is needless to say, that the locus of control shift resides within all of us to a certain extent. After all, lack of nurturing has been passed down for generations since the beginning of time. The net result of the locus of control shift is self-sabotage. This self-sabotage can manifest in all kinds of self-destructive behavior, from being prone to accidents, always attracting the wrong partner to not asking for a better paycheck. In my experience, auto-immune disorders, which literally mean that the body is destroying itself, are another expression of the locus of control shift. Another aspect of survival mode is its ability to block higher forms of intuition. As the Finnish intuition researcher Asta Raami15Not much of her research and her books are translated into English yet, but this interview is pretty good in giving us a glimpse into her work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsBIw6qLa_Q states, there are three types of intuition: 1. Instinctual Intuition 2. Expert Intuition 3. Super Intuition Instinctual intuition is the most basic form of intuition and very much connected to our reptilian brain and instinct of survival. Expert intuition is acquired over time, think about the baker who “just knows” when the dough is right, or about the doctor who “just knows” what his patient suffers from by looking at him or a couple of test results. Super intuition is the stuff that connects us to what people sometimes call the “supernatural”. It includes clairvoyance, hunches, visionary and breakthrough inventions, knowledge about the past or future, empathic knowledge, or accurate insight into the true nature of others and much more. The problem is that an overblown instinctual intuition will a) narrow down the mind – people become lazy because they do not open up to new knowledge that exceeds their daily routine and b) muddle our connection to super intuition or block it altogether. Again, lack of nurturing, safety, and stability are responsible for an instinctual intuition that got out of line. This brings us back to self-regulation or a lack of thereof. As a global result, an underdeveloped nervous system will maximize stress and stress will hinder the proper development of the nervous system, both organically and psychologically. That way, personal or spiritual development will only take place under considerable strain and with unfulfilling overall results or not take place at all. And when the nervous system commands, the endocrine system will obey its master. Developmental problems and trauma both lead to stress. Stress will always cause a dominance of the adrenal glands over other glands, especially the thyroid and sexual glands, as stated before. The thyroid gland and the sexual glands will become hypofunctional in order to react to the need to preserve energy. Long term stress will lead to adrenal fatigue and exhaustion as well. The exhaustion of the adrenal glands follows a pattern, which is not recognized by regular medicine that only recognizes an organic failure of the adrenal glands (Addison crisis or disease). In medicine, the well documented and officially accepted general adaptation syndrome first described by the father of stress research, Hans Selye, is deemed to be only transient and never a chronic problem: Here is another chart demonstrating how the synthesis of steroid hormones is influenced by stress, which is a recation to mytochondriopathies (lack of energy): Chronic Stress leads to hormonal Imbalances Chronic Stress will lead to manifestations that are commonly denominated as “hormonal problems”. The whole gamut of endocrine disorders that plague people all over the world can be attributed to the mechanisms shown above. It all starts with a reduced production of pregnenolone (which is synthesized in the mitochondria!) and its accelerated transformation into stress hormones down the chain of hormonal synthesis (so-called “pregnenolone theft”). The most common effects among the sexual glands are estrogen dominance, lack of progesterone or testosterone, and DHEA. The adrenals will first become over productive and produce lots of cortisol (to ward off the threat) and then exhaust themselves. Adrenaline increases more and more because it is the only thing still keeping us alive. When we run on adrenaline, we are running on the emergency generator of the emergency generator. Thyroid hormones will not be dominant since they speed up basal metabolism and promote growth and repair. Sometimes, however, the thyroid becomes overactive before it becomes underactive. Even this can be seen as a last attempt of the body to fight. There is nothing random about hormonal problems, they are an intelligent natural mechanism of energy preservation. As long as endocrine glands are intact, substituting with hormones will likely not even take care of symptoms, especially since the desired hormones will be transformed into stress hormones mostly, as shown in the chart. The only way to really take care of hormonal problems is to find and eliminate the origins of chronic stress in one’s life. The most prominent culprits are nutritional deficiencies, an immature nervous system, iatrogenic diseases (drug diseases), and emotional trauma. I have written a whole book about the intricate interrelationships of the hormonal system and why even natural treatment methods are mostly no more than a band-aid that doesn’t take care of hormonal problems. But this book is not yet available in English, unfortunately. If you would like to know when it comes out in English, please sign up for the newsletter. Stress arrests Development A chronic state of survival and its manifestation in the hormonal system will not only have a negative effect on physical development and procreation. Since the body, emotions, and mind are connected, stress will add to everything said about the nervous system: „Therefore stress, in addition to being itself and the result of itself, is also the cause of itself”16Supposedly, a quote by Hans Selye, 1951. Chronic stress will keep us from reaching self-regulation, lack of self-regulation perpetuates adrenal dominance and its consequences. Creativity and self-expression will not come forward since, in my experience, the thyroid gland and the sexual glands are physical ambassadors of these two aspects. The immune system will also be challenged by stress. Generally, the white blood cells are responsible for the cellular defense within the immune system. They communicate through biochemical transmitters that inform all concerned cells on how to behave. A part of the white blood cells constantly vasculates the body in order to neutralize threats. Stress hormones either suppress or over-activate the immune system. Cortisol suppresses overactive immune Reactions The stress hormone cortisol suppresses overactive immune reactions in times of need by tuning down the lymphatic system 17Berghold et al., Biochemie des Menschen, 2015, S. 367– which is why patients get a prescription for cortisone, one form of cortisol, in order to suppress undesired symptoms caused by the immune system. It is important to understand that cortisol will not eliminate the infection, just the symptoms. Therefore, people who never get sick may not be as healthy as they think. In the beginning stages of chronic stress, people may still get sick on weekends or vacations when their cortisol levels go down. In later stages, when the adrenals are fatigued, the body may not be able to react at all anymore. Lack of cortisol generally leads to an overreaction of the immune system, but some parts of it will show a lack of reaction. 18Fries et al., A New View on Hypocortisolism, 2005 Silent inflammation is one of the downsides of this mechanism. It is good to keep in mind that the lymphatic system is supposed to transport wastes out of the body as well, and stress will keep this from happening. Estrogen Dominance promotes the formation of Auto Antibodies Too much estrogen can influence the white blood cells to an extent that promotes the formation of autoantibodies, 19Rink, Kruse, & Haase, Immunologie für Einsteiger, 2015, Kindle Positionen 6011-6019 increasing the chances of autoimmune disorders such as Hashimoto thyroiditis, rheumatism, etc. to come up. The Shift of the TH1/TH2 Axis: Viruses against Bacteria The immune system can roughly be separated into two branches, of which the first (TH1) is responsible for viruses and intracellular bacteria (like Borrelia and Chlamydia), while the second one (TH 2) will take care of allergic reaction, parasites or extracellular bacteria. A high level of cortisol will tune down the activity of the TH1 system. 20Elenkov et al., Stress Hormones, Th1/Th2 patterns, Pro/Anti-inflammatory Cytokines and Susceptibility to Disease, 1999 The person concerned will be prone to develop viral infections (all member of the herpes family are common, such as mono) or those caused by intracellular bacteria (Lyme’s disease is a classic one). If one branch of the immune system becomes overactive, the other one will be suppressed. Usually, TH2 is overactive and TH1 suppressed. Viruses can survive inside human cells, which makes them hard to spot for the immune system. Viruses can be dormant for a long time waiting for the right moment to come out. This moment may come when the TH2 branch is overactive. The immune system is not only connected to the nervous system and the hormonal system. It is also lower on the pecking order and needs to follow suit when given commands by a higher order. Once the body is in “stress mode” and “locus of control shift mode”, it will likely turn against its host instead of efficiently eliminating threats coming from the outside. However, the immune system needs to know what is self and not-self in the first place. Once again, a coherent and mature self is key. As we can see, the old saying “know thyself” applies down to the cellular level. From Survival to Living The possibility to switch into a stand-by mode when energy resources are scarce is a clever and necessary natural strategy for our survival as individuals and as a species. Abilities like instinctual defense, setting boundaries, and even the use of violence are just as valuable and necessary in a healthy society. The devaluation of these “base instincts”, as often seen in so-called civilized societies, is a good example of an evolution that is not integral. The potential for violence is an important part of who we are as humans. Denying that fact will not prevent, but cause destruction, either through uncontrolled outbursts or by self-destruction. On a societal scale, it upsets the balance of power. While a few people will act out their delusions of grandeur, the vast majority of the population will be subservient. Stuck in Survival Mode As important as it is to have survival mode at one’s disposal, it is equally important not to run it as a default mode. Unfortunately, this is where the vast majority of the population is stuck in. As a result, fight or withdrawal are the poles which most people oscillate between in personal relationships and on a societal level, instead of between cooperation and communication. It is important to notice the discrepancy between the dominance of survival mode and its actual societal need since there is no real threat to physical survival for most in vast parts of the civilized world anymore. One should think that material and relative societal safety should automatically promote growth beyond survival mode. But that is not the case. Potential resources alone do not promote evolution, let alone an integral one. Our emotional and social awareness has not yet learned to put available resources into good use. Collectively, we promote and live a reality of lack, misery, and suffering on all levels. Caught between symbiotic merging and lack of individuation, we first need to nourish our own body-mind unit with what it needs before we can pass on abundance to our fellow men. Finding a Path into one’s own Life The only way out of the eternal survival mode is to nourish the body-mind unit with what it needs in order for evolution and integration to take place. As demonstrated, only an individual and multi-level approach that includes all aspects of a human being and is implemented in the right order will be able to trigger evolutionary steps that have not yet been accomplished and therefore integrated. Since we live in a polar reality in which resources are not boundless, shadow and light, life and death, feminine and masculine naturally need to coexist. From this perspective, integration means balance between polarities in ourselves. We need to find ways to pacify the relationship between “you” and “me”, selfishness, and altruism. Being stuck in survival mode does not only account for personal tragedies, it also testifies to a tremendous waste of energy and human potential in the end. Our first steps in evolution are shaped by our need for survival. The actual unfoldment of individual personality traits, gifts, and skills needs to build on a strong instinctual foundation. But self-regulation and maturity on all levels are what we need to bring the conflicting polarities of our physical and spiritual natures together. When we start to live and not to survive, body, mind, and soul do finally become a unit that serves a coherent self. This is where personality development and spiritual development start. The Hierarchy of Needs as an Evolutionary Model Maslov, in his well-known pyramid of needs, has come to similar conclusions (Image by Chiquo, Wikipedia): The End of Cerebral Dominance The ego construct is an amalgamation of traumatized ego parts that project their misery from the past into the present and the future. It is controlled by lower brain regions that do not only hijack higher parts of the brain but other parts of the body, too. “The brain’s function is to coordinate the dialogue of signal molecules within the community. Consequently, in a community of cells, each cell must relinquish control to the informed decisions of its awareness authority, the brain. The brain controls the behavior of the body’s cells. This is a very important point to consider as we blame the cells of our organs and tissues for the health issues we experience in our lives.”21Lipton, Biology of Belief, 2006, p. 126 Therefore, it is crucial to make sure the brain is acting from the right perspective. It needs to be a servant of the self and not its master. Without having evolved, the lower brain forces its perspective on other parts of our being, especially our physical body and our emotions. Stuck in survival mode, the brain will force its will onto the whole body-mind unit turning it into an authoritarian regime of fear, in which the body and emotions are merely instrumentalized. In an integrated self, however, the brain with its higher parts acts as a functional and flexible executive leader in a system that includes all aspects and dimensions of human potential. It is obviously a little bit of a catch 22 to convince a brain that is pathologically entitled and full of mistrust that it needs to lay down power. But this is exactly what any person that has grown out of childhood in years is called to do. The first not so magic key to unleash one’s own development is to claim responsibility for all of one’s aspects first and to look the truth of one’s life square in the face. The second not so magic key is to methodically and chronologically implement methods that are able to offer the body-mind unit the resources it needs to be able to reach the next step. One of the biggest fears a person will have to conquer is the fear of one’s own body, along with the fear of embodiment. Our reptile brains are not just trying to ward off death. It is overwhelming pain that comes before it that we fear most. And we never fear what we have not experienced before, one way or the other. Unconsciously, our bodies become the enemy, while in truth, they are our allies. Our bodies have never betrayed us. We betrayed our bodies. Stepping out of the idea that nourishment needs to come from someone else, which is the central idea of symbiosis and only healthy in the life of children, is an important aspect of taking up responsibility for all our disintegrated, hurt and frightened ego parts. And with emotional separation (from mother, the tribe, country, etc.) comes individuation. Preparing our Body as a Vessel for higher Aspects of ourself Individuation is the psychological term for personality development and spiritual evolution. While brains are dominant, evolution stops at the early stages of mental development. When brains take their healthy place, they understand their role as humble servants of the self. The self, however, is much more than a brain in any stage of its evolution. It is also much more than consciousness, which equals a purely mental state. The self is a construct that embodies transcendental parts, namely our spiritual bodies and our infinite soul, that use the brain as an interface in our material reality. Since we are so little accustomed to the idea of life as opposed to survival, a definition seems appropriate. While there are only a few examples of individuals who have either mastered their evolution or are well on their way, the notion of what life is like is encoded into our very human core. The most prominent feature of life is to be in control of one’s own manifestations. Life is something that we live, while survival lives us. Power over our Manifestations All of us are creator beings. The question is not whether we create, but whether we create intentionally. While the representatives of the “law of attraction” want to make us believe that intentional creations are a question of consciousness, the overall results prove them wrong. Conscious belief is the least important when it comes to reality management. Our degree of self-empowerment shapes our reality along with our beliefs. Depending on the nature of our beliefs, we manifest misery or abundance. Since beliefs are mostly subconscious, it is not enough to think positively. Our power to shape reality according to our own will stems from all parts of our mind, but mostly the 95% of the subconscious and unconscious parts of it. That is why it is so important to tackle neurological immaturity (unconscious mind) as well as our trauma history (subconscious mind) when we want to evolve into self-regulation and our neomammalian brain structures. Self-empowerment also depends on an operational and integrated self, otherwise we will only further empower the ego – which will manifest what it knows: our shadow. A functional and integrated self is not only able to focus its attention on a goal without counteracting the will with subconscious sabotage. It will also receive guidance about its true purpose and its true needs from our liberated trio of intuitions, with the super intuition being the part that interfaces with our spirit and soul. The meme of a life in abundance has vastly been promised as a reward for spiritual growth throughout human history, first by traditional religions, now by the New Age movement. The concept goes back to the tenth verse of the biblical gospel of John. It describes the life of a good shepherd, contrasting it with the life of a robbing sinner: “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” In a theocentric worldview, it is God or his or her representatives on Earth that will reward us with abundance. In a self-empowered worldview, we are called to manifest abundance ourselves. And it is important to understand that getting to a point where we attract positive synchronicities and our heart’s desires without effort is a lot of work. This fact is what makes the promise of paradise given by divine power so appealing. But it is the opposite of self-empowerment. But self-empowerment requires the transformation of our shadow. This is no easy feat. Transcending the pull of symbiosis to reach individuation is an exciting process, but it will also confront us with a depth of pain we have tried to push away our whole lives. The truth about our life, the society we live in, and even many choices we made will be uncomfortable. Any kind of “spiritual bypassing”22Masters, Spiritual Bypassing: When Spirituality Disconnects Us from What Really Matters, 2010, Kindle Position p.3 will only prolong our suffering. So what is it going to be: the red or the blue pill? If you are team red, continue reading here. None of the information on this website are medical advice. This information is based on my personal experience and opinion and does not always correspond with the official scientific point of view. Therefore, no promises to attain health can be extracted from the contents of this page. Never postpone any medical or psychological treatment because of the contents of this page. Always look for medical or psychological advice if you suffer from any kind of health condition or psychological condition. Picture credits: Jon ‘ShakataGaNai’ Davis, Wikipedia
Have you seen that meme floating around social media lately…the one that says “I’ve decided that 2018 will start on February 1st, January is just a 31-day free trial.” Well, in that case, it’s time to get on with your New Year’s Resolutions. Health? Happiness? Travel? Better financial habits? What do your resolutions look like for 2018? If you chose better financial habits, then keep reading to learn a few tips to paying off your credit card debt (especially if your card is still recovering after the holiday season). You’re not alone if you’re struggling with holiday credit card debt, Reserve Bank data revealed that Aussies spent (on average) $1727 per credit card in the month leading up to Christmas. If you do fall into this category, then have a read of our seven helpful tips: 1. Don’t fret You are not alone. Every day, millions of Aussies choose to put expenses on their credit card, and there is nothing with that. 2. Stop spending on your credit cards However, now is the time to stop spending on your credit cards. The easiest way to do that is to take them out of your wallet, hide them in a draw or simply leave them at home. Make them as hard to access as possible, so that you won’t be tempted. 3. Understand how much you owe The first important task is to understand how much you owe. Does your family have one, two or three credit cards? Figure out the total you owe for all your credit cards combined and understand if you are currently in any interest free periods, and which of those periods expire first. Now would also be a good time to check your monthly minimum repayments for each card. 4. Make a payment plan Now that you understand how much you owe, you need to create a payment plan. How much can you afford to pay each week, each fortnight or each month? 5. Make a budget for the first quarter or first half of the year Budget, budget, budget. It’s time to write a budget for the first quarter or the first half of the year so you can see how much you’re able to commit to repayments higher than the monthly minimum. Remember the more you pay now, the sooner they will be paid off and you can put that money towards something else – like a holiday! 6. Start making payments It’s now time to start paying off your credit cards. You have to start somewhere, and once you start, the task becomes much less daunting. 7. Make a change Was it Christmas, travel, or general life that caused you to overspend on your credit cards? Whatever the reason, now is the time to think about how you can make some changes to your budgeting and finances to ensure it doesn’t happen again. If you’re struggling to get your finances in check this year, the friendly staff at your local BOQ branch may be able to assist you. However, if you just need some help with your budget, check out the BOQ Budget Planner. Use our budget planner calculator to find out how much you can save based on your income and expenses.
By Emma Austin Today, the president’s children can’t make one mistake, even a wrong outfit choice, without prompting a media frenzy. However, reporters haven’t always paid such close attention to the first family. This timeline looks back at some of the presidents and their families, beginning with Grover Cleveland, who married a woman 27 years his junior after he was elected to the White House. Continue on to read about how the way media covers presidential families has changed over the past 100 years. Cleveland entered the White House for his first term in 1885 as a bachelor just a few years shy of 50. People speculated about who would be his bride, and for his first few years in office his sister, Rose Cleveland, acted as first lady. Oscar Folsom, a law partner and longtime close friend of Cleveland’s, left behind a wife and daughter when he died in 1875 in a carriage accident. Many speculated whether Cleveland would marry his friend’s wife, Emma Folsom, or daughter, Frances Folsom. “People were pretty convinced there was no way he was going to marry Frances,” said Annette Dunlap, author of Frank: The Story of Frances Folsom Cleveland in a C-SPAN interview. “She was way too young. It had to be Emma.” Cleveland did in fact marry Frances, a woman 27 years his junior who grew up calling him “Uncle Cleve.” Grover and Frances Cleveland became the first and only presidential couple to get married in the White House. The wedding was held in the Blue Room with family and Cabinet couples in attendance. Reporters even beat the newlyweds to their honeymoon location, where they waited for the couple, who had been delayed. “If you think about the 1880s, it was probably the age of newspapers,” Dunlap said. All major cities had multiple newspapers in a constant competition to find the best story that would make the most money first. Some of the newspapers most likely to sell well were the ones who could find out what Frances Cleveland was doing, what she was wearing, who she was seeing, and as Dunlap said, “It didn’t hurt if they made a little bit of it up, either.” Before he got married or entered the White House, Cleveland dealt with a scandal when newspapers got word of the possibility he fathered an illegitimate child during his political rise in New York. The Chicago Tribune reported widow Maria Halpin’s story in October of 1884, including her statement describing what transpired between herself and Cleveland one evening over 10 years prior in December of 1873: “I met Grover Cleveland, whose acquaintance I had formed months previous to that time. The said Cleveland asked me to go with him to take dinner, which invitation I declined because of my prior engagement. By persistent requests and urgings he induced me to accompany him to the restaurant at the Ocean House, where we dined. After dinner he accompanied me to my room at Randall’s boarding-house on Swan street, as he had quite frequently done previous to this time, and where my son lived with me. While in my rooms he accomplished my ruin by the use of force and violence and without my consent. After he had accomplished his purpose he told me that he was determined to secure my ruin if it cost him $10,000, or if he was hanged by the neck for it. I then and there told him that I never wanted to see him again, and commanded him to go away, which he did. I never saw him after this until my condition became such that it was necessary for me to send for him, some six weeks later, to inform him of the consequences of his action.” Halpin continued to say Cleveland responded to her note and made light of the situation but promised to “do what was honorable” and marry her, which he never did. As the scandal followed him closely during his presidential campaign, Cleveland offered the story admitting to his relationship with Halpin but said that Halpin had similar relationships with several other men, including many of Cleveland’s married friends. As the only bachelor in the group, Cleveland said he claimed paternity even though he wasn’t certain the child was his to protect his friends. Luckily for Cleveland, the Republican candidate, Sen. James Blaine, had his own scandals to deal with when newspapers shamed him for trading congressional favors for cash, and Cleveland won the election despite the rape allegations. The Chicago Tribune reported in August 1884 that “The Washington Capital, a Democratic organ, advises Cleveland to get married. By doing so he will satisfy a large section of the party, and will do much to put an end to some of the scandalous stories told about him,” according to the newspaper’s archives. His marriage to Frances did seem to distract the public from any remnants of Cleveland’s sex scandals prior to taking office. Americans were very interested in the beautiful, young wife of their president. Dunlap said, “she was always a news item” and had to manage the press and its attention on her. Frances was the first first lady to give birth while her husband was in office. Their first child, Ruth, was born in 1891 in New York City during the time between Cleveland’s two terms. Esther Cleveland was born in 1893, the only child to be born at the White House. The Clevelands later had three more children, a daughter, Marion, and two sons, Richard and Francis. Theodore Roosevelt was the first president to bring a large family to live with him at the White House, including six children ranging 13 years in age. Theodore Roosevelt was the first president to bring a large family to live with him at the White House, including six children ranging 13 years in age. “Never before had the White House been occupied by so many, so young, and so untamed a set of children,” George Juergens writes in his book Theodore Roosevelt and the Press. “Their escapades kept the country enthralled, and ensured that even on slow days, the Roosevelt name would still be featured prominently in the press.” Theodore Roosevelt is known for welcoming reporters into the White House, even going so far as to have a work room set up off the main lobby for the press when Congress approved a renovation to add the west wing for office space. While these arrangements seem meant to be helpful to White House correspondents, Juergens points out that Roosevelt’s motives were entirely altruistic. “His major purpose in bringing the press into the White House, and later institutionalizing the relationship by providing permanent quarters, was to make it easier to generate publicity about himself,” Juergens writes. While Roosevelt was constantly pursuing publicity and positive press coverage, he refused to exploit the news value of his children, even though they were surely underfoot and around the closely-watched reporters daily. Juergens writes about the children’s games and treatment of the White House as their playground, roller skating and riding bicycles down the hallways, swimming in the fountain, depositing rodents and snakes in the White House furniture, and a favorite pastime: crawling through the air space between the floors and ceilings. Jeurgens suggests Alice, the oldest child who was 17 years old when her father took office, “was easily the most prolific of the newsmakers” among the Roosevelt children because her age made it more difficult to keep her “escapades” concealed from public view. Her impulsivity and unconventional behavior made her a popular topic for reporters, who saw similarities between her and her father, and the public devoured the stories about Alice. Reporters described her “romps and rebellion” in vivid detail, according to Politico Magazine, sometimes crowding her father’s accomplishments off the front pages. She smoked, she chewed gum, she wore pants, she placed bets on horses, she sped through D.C. streets often driving alone with male passengers. Juergens said a friend once asked Roosevelt why he didn’t look after Alice more, to which Roosevelt said, “Listen. I can be President of the United States—or—I can attend to Alice.” Apparently, he couldn’t do both, so Alice continued to enjoy her freedom while the press followed her closely to get stories that would sell papers. Although Roosevelt worried Alice might ruin his chances at re-election, the public seemed to have quite an admiration for the carefree teenager in the White House. The press even gave her the title “Princess Alice,” reflecting general American sentiment. “The importance of the Roosevelt years is not that the process began then, but that modern journalism, together with a newsworthy family, brought it to a new dimension,” Juergens writes. He says one of the explanations of power flow to the White House during the 20th century is the “personalization and glorification” of the president and his family. “In a sense, Roosevelt’s lively brood did more than help him dominate the news; by being newsworthy, they contributed in their own way to changing the nature of the office he filled.” If Frances Cleveland and Alice Roosevelt planted the seed for the beginning of the public’s interest in presidents’ families and personal lives, the Kennedys increased public attention to the first family tenfold. The young, attractive president appeared regularly on television, taking Franklin D. Roosevelt’s fireside chats to a new level as Americans could hear and watch their president speak in their own homes. His wife, Jackie Kennedy, was young and fashionable and became a trendsetter that Americans could follow and idolize. The press took advantage of this newfound interest in the first family. Kennedy was more than a politician; he was a representation of the American Dream, and his family man depiction was common across the media. In December of 1960, a LIFE magazine cover page showed him with Jackie and their newborn son at the baby’s christening. Jackie had a newspaper column called “Campaign Wife,” and made herself available to media to support her husband during her pregnancy and his campaign. After her husband’s election, she continued to make herself available to the press, but she was strict about reporters’ access to her children. Hillary Clinton wrote in her book It Takes a Village about asking Jackie for tips about first kids, to which “she stressed the importance of giving children as normal a life as possible, of granting them the chance to fight their private battles while protecting them from public exposure.” Sorenson writes in his book Kennedy that the president “wanted as much privacy as possible for his personal family life, but those were subjects on which the press wanted as much publicity as possible.” Kennedy’s attractive, photogenic family had led to much of the favorable publicity he received both before and during his presidency, Sorenson writes. He did allow reporters and photographers into his office and home in his mindfulness for current and future publicity. Even during the election, Kennedy knew the value children had in helping him win over his country. Presidential historian Michael Beschloss said in a C-SPAN interview that after Kennedy won the election, he joked to Jackie and his friend’s wife, who was also pregnant, “All right, girls, you can take the pillows out, we’ve won.” Perhaps more than any previous presidential family, the Clintons tried very hard to protect their daughter’s privacy. All the Clintons could really do was try to prepare Chelsea, who was 12 years old when her father took office, to deal with the many privacy battles and unkind media attention she would encounter during her father’s presidency. “We had tried to give [Chelsea] the tools to deal with the hurt from which we could not shield her, and we had to hope that as a resilient young woman, she would know how to use them,” Hillary wrote in “It Takes a Village.” Newspapers wrote in 1992 about the Clintons’ wariness of bringing their quiet, shy daughter to the White House and ending any semblance of normalcy in her life. By 1993, the Sydney Morning Herald had declared it “open season on ridiculing Chelsea,” writing that a first child “gives the country a licence to do what most people consider themselves pretty adept at: pontificating on how other people are bringing up their children.” Despite her parents’ attempts at protecting her, Chelsea still faced ruthlessly insensitive attacks from different media outlets and tabloids who took advantage of her awkward teenage years. During the election, USA Today compared Chelsea, for whom the best they could say was that she didn’t reach for her father’s hand when appearing on national television, with the three Gore sisters, “a trio of blonde goddesses, serene and self-possessed.” Saturday Night Live joked about Chelsea’s frizzy hair and braces, and one tabloid even ran a piece called “Why are the Democrats’ daughters so ugly?” Both Bill and Hillary Clinton condemned the insensitivity of those making fun of a child. Chelsea’s difficult life in the public eye began early, just after she turned 12, when Gennifer Flowers publicly alleged her affair with Clinton. After Clinton told the world about his sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky a few years later, newspapers turned their attention to Chelsea to document her reaction. The Toronto Star reported the same day Chelsea was handling the situation “with surprising maturity” and reported friends close to the family said Chelsea had been “fully aware of all the stories about his adultery.” In 1997, USA Today reported Chelsea Clinton had “overcome” her growing pains since she arrived in Washington as a “gawky” 12-year-old. Still, the press kept a close eye on her, following her decision to travel to the West Coast for college, far away from the media frenzy soon to come once the Lewinsky scandal would arise. Now in adulthood, Chelsea Clinton has come to the defense of other first children facing press criticism. She recently defended the privacy of Malia Obama after a video went viral showing Malia blowing smoke rings, tweeting: Chelsea also defended Donald Trump’s youngest son, Barron, when the Daily Caller targeted the 11-year-old for not dressing up enough on an outing with his parents, and tweeted: The Bush family followed the Clintons’ example by trying to protect the privacy of their daughters, Barbara and Jenna, as much as they could. The twin sisters were 19 when their father was elected president in 2000 following his term as Texas governor. George W. and Laura Bush rarely spoke about their daughters in public or in response to questions from reporters. “I think members of the press, particularly those who have children, understand what it means to be a dad concerned about his daughter,” the president once said, according to San Jose Mercury News. The twins didn’t often join their parents on the campaign trail before the election and seemed to blend into the background on the occasion they did make a public appearance. They generally kept low profiles, but news networks like the New York Post speculated in December of 2000 that their years of living media free would start to change once they entered the White House. “In just a few weeks, they’ll be the most youthful and stylish women in the White House since Jackie Kennedy,” one reporter wrote. Once they came into the spotlight, it wasn’t long before the twins got into trouble. Jenna was cited during summer of 2001 with buying alcohol underage, and again a month later when she and her sister tried using fake IDs to try to order a margarita at a restaurant in Texas. Jenna and Barbara became the subject of international headlines for their repeated charges of underage drinking like “Jenna and Tonic,” “Double Trouble” and “Busted Again in Margaritaville.” People criticized them for their “bad girl” behavior and questioned the Bushes’ parenting skills. The constant coverage of the twins and their extracurricular activities brought up the privacy debate; like any president’s children, they hadn’t chosen for themselves a life in the spotlight. Legally, of course, the twins didn’t have any right to privacy regarding an event that occurred in public, but the reporting brought up questions of journalistic ethics, such as not reporting until formal police charges are filed when it’s a minor crime or misdemeanor. While the children of the presidents have all faced their share of criticism from the media, another common theme in their struggles with publicity is dealing with having even worse things be written about their parents. The Bush twins wrote a letter to the Obama daughters in January as they prepared to move out of the White House reflecting on this challenge, writing, “Your precious parents were reduced to headlines,” according to The New York Times. This year after the release of their new book, Sisters First, the sisters reflected together on their time in the spotlight on the radio show “On Point.” “Seeing those things didn’t feel good,” Jenna said about the news stories. “It’s hard, to remember how bad it felt, but I definitely think it caused anxiousness, and we felt bad for our parents. . . after we called our dad, he apologized to us because he didn’t want to see us splashed over the headlines either. We were 19.” In 2014, a GOP communications director blasted Barack Obama’s two daughters, Malia and Sasha, after they appeared with their father at the annual Thanksgiving turkey pardon for their attire. She criticized their clothing and facial expressions during the televised event. While the woman’s comments faced severe backlash, several media outlets also commented on their “bored, exasperated or just…teenager-ly” looks. USA Today For The Win reported “their side eye game was strong,” and Gawker commented on their “TEEN CONTEMPT” toward their father’s jokes at the pardon. In 2016, a video clip went viral after being posted by Radar Online of Malia smoking what appeared to be marijuana, bringing many to her defense while many others criticized both her and the Obamas’ parenting methods. The two girls, who were 10 and 7 when Obama took office, continue to be monitored closely by the media even months after their father left office. In August of this year, Sasha was photographed kissing a boy at a summer music festival, which was followed by an onslaught of attacks on her character as well as that of her parents from social media users. One gossip website wrote about the Lollapalooza incident and said it was “not the first time Barack’s gorgeous teenage daughter has been spotted getting wet and wild with friends,” calling her decision to fraternize with other teenagers and wear a bathing suit while at the beach “bad-girl behavior.” Last year, Malia faced similar backlash for dancing with friends at the same festival. Bustle cited studies showing women experience slut-shaming at a much higher rate than men and boys to say it’s “hard to believe” double standards of both gender and race have nothing to do with the outrage over seeing Sasha kissing a young man at a music festival. During an interview with author Roxane Gay this September, Michelle said her daughters sometimes have trouble coping with all the attention they receive from the media, fans and critics alike, People reported. Malia, who started as a freshman at Harvard this year, recently dealt with another viral video of herself blowing smoke rings. Many social media users came to her defense, telling the media to leave her alone and respect her privacy, including Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump. College USA Today digital producer Kalina Newman criticized the continuous attention and attacks the two girls have had to face. “No one deserves to be stalked and exploited like they have,” Newman wrote. “They’re just girls—Sasha is only 16. They haven’t been offered time and space to be themselves and make mistakes.” Eleven-year-old Barron Trump hasn’t been able to escape occasional media scrutiny, either. In August, a Daily Caller reporter criticized him for wearing a t-shirt and khaki shorts, once again spurring many to once again condemn mean-spirited media coverage of the presidential children, who many say should be off-limits. Melania Trump’s spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham told the Associated Press in response to the article, “As with all previous administrations, we ask that the media give Barron his privacy. He is a minor child and deserves every opportunity to have a private childhood.” Chelsea Clinton came to his defense as well through a tweet denouncing the stories about his clothing, saying “It’s high time the media & everyone leave Barron Trump alone & let him have the private childhood he deserves.” “Barron is A KID. No child should be talked about in the below manner-in real life or online. And for an adult to do so? For shame,” she said in another tweet linking to the Daily Caller article. This wasn’t the first time people online were unkind to Barron. Following the inauguration ceremony in January, countless Twitter users poked fun at his facial expressions during the parade and ceremony. “Saturday Night Live” writer Katie Rich was suspended from the show indefinitely after she tweeted that “Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter,” The Washington Post reported. The social media age has allowed Barron’s father to tweet his every waking thought, and it allows everyone else to do so as well. Today, anyone can post a meme or make fun of anyone, including the president’s son.
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Matthew McConaughey has one of the most distinctive voices in Hollywood. He’s so instantly recognizable that his ramblings about cars and bulls made meme gold, and he’s made it impossible to read the words “alright, alright, alright” in anything other than a laconic drawl. However, in the upcoming film Bush, audiences won’t hear McConaughey speaking in his familiar Texas accent. Instead, they’ll have the tantalizing opportunity to hear him attempt a British accent. Guy Ritchie, the director of Bush, has had uneven luck getting American actors to do British accents in his films. Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock Holmes? Pretty good. Brad Pitt in Snatch? Basically (if intentionally) incomprehensible. But Downey is an actor’s actor who was nominated for his first Oscar before he was 30; Pitt loves to transform himself into wildly different people, whether in True Romance, 12 Monkeys, or Burn After Reading. McConaughey is only ever really playing a version of Matthew McConaughey. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s not, but it’s basically always him. He won an Oscar for playing a version of himself in Dallas Buyers Club. He played a version of himself as a cartoon koala bear in Sing. He played a version of himself as a bald, dragon-slaying revolutionary in Reign of Fire—which, despite being set in England, featured McConaughey doing an American accent (his character was somehow from Kentucky). According to Variety, Bush is the story of a British drug lord who attempts to sell his empire to some Oklahoma billionaires. It stars Colin Farrell, Hugh Grant, Charlie Hunnam, Henry Golding, Michelle Dockery, and some other people to whom British accents come naturally—along with McConaughey. Yet somehow, according to all press materials about the film, McConaughey is playing the British drug lord. It’s unclear who the Oklahomans are represented by on-screen—according to IMDB, American actor Jeremy Strong (Succession) plays a character named Cannabis Kingpin Mathew, so maybe him?—but it’s hard to imagine McConaughey sounding convincingly British regardless. McConaughey’s history with accents, beyond doing them in movies, is limited. While promoting Sing, he appeared on Late Night with Seth Meyers, where he admitted that although his koala bear character speaks with his standard inflection, McConaughey spent a year in Australia as an undergrad student and came back with an accent that he claimed to keep for an entire year. Watching the brief attempt at an Australian accent in the clip is a reminder of how handsome and charming McConaughey was as a young man, which probably explains why nobody told him that his accent was not even close to convincing. (Even in his implausible attempt with Meyers, he has a look on his face that says, “I’m nailing it here.”) Ritchie, meanwhile, presumably wants to make a watchable movie. Being British himself, Ritchie should clearly have an ear for a passable accent. (He’s mercifully spared us from ever having to hear his frequent collaborator, Jason Statham, attempt his hilarious American accent.) So McConaughey’s British accent in Bush must be either surprisingly good or so unbelievably awful that it’s spellbinding, the sort of can’t-take-your-eyes-off-of-it trainwreck that would embarrass even Dick Van Dyke. Either way, it sounds compelling.
Using research about audience behaviour and social psychology, Claire Wardle pioneers new ways in which newsrooms can tackle issues associated with fake news and manipulated content. Currently leading strategy and research at First Draft, a non-profit dedicated to finding solutions to the challenges associated with trust and truth in the digital age, Claire is passionate about offering best practices for tackling the misinformation ecosystem. In this spotlight, Claire chats to us about how Donald Trump has ignited the public’s interest in fake news, clickbait headlines, the role that memes play in spreading misinformation, why she doesn’t think hyperpartisan sites like Breitbart are internet trolls, and why audiences need to develop a more critical eye when it comes to consuming news online. What do you most like about being the lead strategy and research at First Draft? What are some of the challenges? The good thing is that the US election made people more aware of fake news. There is a culture of philanthropy in the US so I think this will help us to raise more money so we can create an organisation with proper levels of staff which will enable us to start thinking about this issue globally and ensure that we are supporting people working in this area. The challenge is, it’s a very noisy space right now. There are many people working to tackle this issue and trying to find solutions, so trying to coordinate those efforts is a big challenge right now. Misleading content has always been an issue in journalism. So why in such a short space of time has it captured the public’s imagination? Misleading content has always been an issue. It’s captured the public’s imagination because of Trump, and fake news stories. It has been around for years but nobody had really been paying attention to it, but because of Trump and the surprise people felt about his election this interest was amplified. The post-mortem was wide, people were looking at many different things, and that’s why it caught the public’s attention. For me, fake news has a very particular definition. It’s text based content that is %100 false, created solely for profit. Clickbait headlines play a big part in the problem of misinformation? Is the internet to blame for this or the fact that people have short attention spans? It’s the commercial model that causes this. There is an infinite amount of white space on the internet. In order to make money, you have to get people to look at your material, there is so much competition, the way to do that is basically take advantage of people’s brain’s, and we are humans wired for gossip, we are wired for rumour, we are wired for simplicity, so when someone tells us ‘You’re never gonna guess what happened next’, people click, so it’s the financial model taking advantage of people’s brains. So it’s less about short attention spans and more about wanting to know something that somebody else doesn’t know. During your talk at Newswired you mentioned satire, parody, and sophisticated networks connections as the main culprits of misinformation. Can you speak more about how this works? I wouldn’t say that satire and parody are the main culprits at all, they are part of the ecosystem, and if people were smart enough to not be fooled by them I wouldn’t have included them at all. The reason I do is because it goes to show our brains are so overwhelmed by information when you see something that supports your world view that is confirmation bias. When this happens you don’t fire up your usual critical thinking skills, so my point is that people are fooled by what should be pretty obvious like satirical articles or visuals show which are deliberately designed to manipulate our minds and that’s something we need to worry about. When I talk about sophisticated networks that’s slightly different. In this instance, I’m talking about dissemination methods. I’d say those are the parts that people aren’t aware of. Most people couldn’t get their heads around the fact that people are being told what to write in a certain way, and being told to go into comments sections. I also don’t think people understand BOT networks that are being used to systematically attack certain high-level influencers, encircle certain users, and bombard them with certain information. You also spoke about the power of visuals being used in a destructive way, like meme’s used to persuade people to think in a certain way. Can you speak on the role that memes, which up until recently were looked at as harmless fun but are now one of the most effective tools in spreading misinformation? That goes back to the brain. We are wired to be less critical of visuals and again we are always looking for shortcuts because we are so overwhelmed, and then there’s this idea that visuals can’t lie. There’s always been this thing about visuals as the objective truth and so what that means is that we are less critical when in many times we should be more critical. It is easy to manipulate a photo, it’s easy to frame a photo to deliberately disregard the context of an event, so when I talk about memes I think they are an interesting hybrid part of this, which is our minds think ‘Oh this is a visual so I can trust this more’. The thing about memes is you can have a correct photo, you can have a correct quote, it’s the context that emerges when you combine those two things. Lots of memes are frivolous, they can sit in the satire box, they are designed to not cause harm but to make people laugh, but in this heightened, partisan environment, people aren’t necessarily being critical or seeing the purpose of these critical things or that they are being weaponised. People do not think of memes as being anything more than harmless fun, and many times they are but we need to look at how they are being used and how they take advantage of people’s brains to stop their critical thinking skills. What are your thoughts on conservative sites like Breitbart? Would you classify them as being trolls? Breitbart is part of a hyperpartisan site, they frame information in a certain way, they exaggerate, they use false context, their captions don’t necessarily fit the headlines, but they are not alone in doing this. My discomfort comes from their use of fear, it comes from articles that are consistently framing certain communities as being dangerous and firing flames about immigration, that’s my concern. Their techniques are used across the spectrum, but they are very successful at it and they are good on social media. I wouldn’t call them trolls, I would say that they are coming from a particular position. They are using all of the techniques available to them to push out a message. We might not agree with the topics they cover but the methods they use are being used by all people at different sides of the spectrum. You mentioned in a recent talk that we need to learn emotional scepticism? Can you talk more about this in regards to how we respond to information that might not be true? Our brains are not designed to equip us to do what we need to do right now, if you think about air pollution it’s a public health crisis. The amount of false information that is circulating is high, and we need to be very sceptical all the time. And if we have strong emotional reactions to content in that it makes us feel smug, it makes us feel angry, or it makes us cry, then we need to think something has happened here, something has been triggered in my brain, I’m going to have to work harder to ensure that this information is true. This is what I mean by emotional scepticism, we need to learn about how our brain functions, we need to learn the cues and the flags that when we respond in a certain way it is possible that our brain is being manipulated because that’s what’s happening. When we see that coming we should be far more critical. During your talk you outlined potential solutions to ‘fake news’ such as news outlets working collaboratively with different partners to bring in different information, working together to verify information so newsrooms are not duplicating the efforts of other newsrooms, and bringing in audiences into this ecosystem. Can you explain why you see this as being the solution? We’ve just launched CrossCheck in France. We are trying to go into newsrooms and create a live laboratory. We don’t know the answers to this but it does seem insane that you would have 35 newsrooms all verifying the same information at the same time. This is not a case of journalists looking for new angles, trying to find a scoop, it’s about a piece of disinformation is circulating in the eco-system and it does not make sense for everyone to do the same work. It does make sense for people to take it in turns to do the work, and to say to everybody else look at the work that I did, do you agree with this process, therefore do you want to put your logo against this? We hope that by collaborating we’ll actually increase trust levels from the audience. Will you be working on any exciting projects this year? The biggest project is CrossCheck, which is launching in France, and we plan to move this to other countries. I’m sure they’ll be elements that will work and others that won’t so it will be a continuous testing process. And that’s exciting!
As Season 2 of that shit show we call 2020 continues, I must say it’s been interesting. What are we on now Episode 9? All I know is I’ve spent a good portion of it crying at EVERYTHING—my emotions on steroids. Not the happy go lucky ones, the “you look like Alice Cooper” kind. I’ve already lost a pair of contacts to a riptide on my face. A dear friend reminded me that tears are an excellent way to hydrate. I also believe this to be true. My skin is glistening, and my eyes no longer require fake tears in a bottle. I’m one sad song aways from bottling my own and selling them on Etsy. Tears are Us. Ok, so back in Episode 1, I was on the brink of losing it. Not only was I grieving the loss of my mother, I had the realization that I was also grieving the loss of the way many things had been for years. I was mostly missing that upbeat call at midnight, wishing me a Happy New Year as I lay sleeping on the couch missing the ball drop. Kind of a bummer for the season opener. Episodes 2 & 3 were much better. I spent the morning trying to figure out what I could do with this newfound freedom. As I left the house for a fun-filled day with my love interest, I was excited about the possibilities. We walked around a small town in New Jersey that I swear was the set of a Hallmark Christmas movie, and I saw my first sign that anything is possible. It was a plaque with my full name, middle initial, and all, followed by PhD. Not that I have any intention of getting a PhD., but it made me think, ‘you got this world by the balls, now go get it.” All the answers are there if you keep your eyes open. Oh, Episode 4 was a real doozy! It was my first day back to work after 252727262782 days off, and there was NO INTERNET! I work for a physician, and our entire system is internet-based. The phone was ringing off the hook, patients were coming in with new insurance information, and this one issue was about to paralyze our day. I thought, “No, absolutely not, not today 2021 you 2020 wanna be, NO!” There is always a Plan B waiting in the shadows; no matter what the situation, look and you will find. Ugh, by noon, the earth was back on its axis, and our internet was restored just in time for the start of Episode 5, which was almost too perfect. These days I’m skeptical of smooth sailing. I’ll assume that’s a little PTSD from 2020. I got into my car, and as always, made sure my phone was on Bluetooth. Why? Because every day for the last, FOREVER days, I called my mom on the way home from work. Another contact fell victim to this cry festival. Episode 6 began with waking up after a dream that was so vivid and intense it left me lying in bed wondering, “Was that a dream?” I spent the rest of my morning analyzing that bag of crazy before heading to work. As if that wasn’t enough, real-life crazy started with news alerts on my phone about the new Civil War talking place in D.C. Hearing and seeing this footage was alarming, but I was not surprised, to be honest. Was I expecting it so early into Season 2? No, but here we are riding the crazy train. That entire episode shined a big fat light on subjects that can no longer be ignored, denied, or defended. As I opened my eyes on Episode 7, I thought, “What’s next?” Ugh, while watching the morning news, it became clear that shit was getting very real here in the good ole U. S. of A. Watching the hypocrites surface and take flight was a real highlight. I’m not positive, but I do believe I may have broken a record for consecutive obscenities screamed at an object a/k/a a T.V. Oh, and I was laid off, but I’m happy. Wow, that is all I can say for Episode 8. The list of flip-flopping hypocrites was growing at record speed. At the same time, our Commander in Lies continues to search for a 12-year-old with more than one social media account he can use, and we are now up to 5 senseless deaths following whatever the hell that was that took place in Episode 6. On the bright side, I had a male and female cardinal show up in the tree outside my window. They spent over an hour watching my every move. I’m just going to call them mom & dad and leave it at that. Episode 9 opened up with ANOTHER vivid dream that was absolutely exhausting. I really believe this is the universes way of saying “Girl, we tried to tell you while you were awake, but you kept ignoring us.” We all know what this means – change is a coming. Something tells me those cardinals are working hard. As I look at my personal life and the world around us, the veil is being lifted from reality. On a personal level, I recognize things about myself and those around me who may or may not remain in my circle with a clear lens. The evil and injustices evident to many for far too long are finally getting recognized with greater clarity and an undeniable audience. A change is gonna come. In the meantime, my griefcase is packed, my eyes are open, and as always, I’ll fasten my seatbelt for the rest of Season 2 and try to Enjoy the Ride! Through all of the recent darkness, I’ve been trying my best to look for the silver linings and believe it or not, they’re around. Currently, the most prominent one seems to be around my hairline. Here are just a few things keeping my sanity intact these days. Neighborhoods all around are finding ways to lift spirits, a clear sign that humanity is alive and well on the ground. It would be nice if she took a trip to DC, but that’s for another day. My sister lives in a small town in NJ, and she is surrounded by creative minds. While on her daily “I need to get some damn air” walk, she came across a bundle of love all along the way. Is this what it’s like to live next door to Mr. Rogers? I think it’s close. My neighborhood has been participating in a social media challenge to find rainbows displayed in windows or on doors. It’s a local scavenger hunt of sorts. I’m not sure if there is an age limit to participate, but I’m killing it over here with 32 rainbows! The other competitors aren’t old enough to cross the street, but that’s not my problem. Since my family is sheltering in different places, PA, NJ & CA, my daughter started a Family Quarantine Facebook page to keep us connected. So far, this has been a great way to share encouraging quotes, photos of my great-niece Hope (yes, that is her name), and of course, memes. Laughter and baby photos make everything tolerable. The silver lining for Peanut and Landon has been having their human roommates home 24/7. Peanut follows me EVERYWHERE. He is under my feet, on my lap, or up my ass ALL DAY LONG. At this point, he’ll need therapy when I go back to work. Landon refuses to follow the social distancing requirements, Peanut just wants him to stop being “that guy.” Throughout this experience, I’ve been noticing two things every day. The number 444 and a cardinal. Coincidence? I think not. So, what’s a girl to do when she’s hit in the face with signs from the universe? Um, Google it. Well, just as I suspected and Google confirmed, these two things are messages. I was already aware of the many meanings behind a cardinal sighting, so I welcomed my visitor with a cheery, “Good morning, Jer!” I’m assuming it’s my brother-in-law Jerry who passed away in October. If not, his name is now Jerry. As for the 444, this is what I found. If you see the number 444 repeatedly, it is often your angel giving you a sign that they are with you. The sign is reminding you to feel confident and supported in this knowledge. While we’re all on pause, take time to notice the good, feed your soul, and as always … Enjoy the ride! Last weekend I had the pleasure of participating in the 15th Annual Philadelphia Interfaith Walk for Peace and Reconciliation with members from my Quaker Meeting, and it was an enjoyable experience. This country could use one of these on a daily basis. The theme for the walk this year was “Recognizing the One in All of Us.” This is appropriate for many reasons, in and out of religions. Although this is something that has been going on for 15 years, it was my first, but certainly not my last. There is just something fulfilling about being surrounded by a group of like-minded folks that energizes me in a way I cannot put into words. We started our journey at the Arch Street Meeting House in old city Philadelphia. The Meeting room was filled with Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Baha’i, secular humanists, and others who share the values of peace and justice. We sat in silence, as we do in Quaker tradition before heading to the streets. Our first stop was the Society Hill Synagogue where we were greeted by members lining the entrance. Musicians were playing inside that filled the room with joy. The Rabbi welcomed all of us with prayer and a dash of humor. We then enjoyed a musical prayer performed by the Philadelphia Sikh Society youth group. A reading by Philadelphia Youth Poet Laurite, Husna Hashim, that rose the room to their feet in applause, and a Recitation from the Qu’ran by Muhammed Shehata from the Al Aqsa Islamic Society, which thankfully was translated for all of us to interpret. Notice the Rabbi & the Muslim embracing in the background. Who would have known …. All throughout the walk, we were encouraged to use this opportunity to strike up a conversation with someone outside of our comfort zone and LEARN. Questions like “does your turban come pre-wrapped or do you do it yourself?” were not off limits. Just in case you were wondering they are not pre-wrapped and there are YouTube videos for guidance. According to his smile, I would say he was relieved at the lightness of my question. Once we left the Synagogue, we made our way back to the street and headed out for a 60-minute walk to Al Aqsa Mosque. We were greeted by the sounds of music compliments of a woman DJ wearing a hijab and Beats by Dre headphones. Something you don’t see every day. The parameter of the facility was lined with the World Peace ballons in the above photo. It was indeed a site to witness. The air was consumed by the fragrance of dinner being made by the members of the Mosque, and dessert prepared by the Sikh community for all of us to share. All I can say is …. YUM! As we were all settling in I took a moment to look around, I mean really look around at the oneness surrounding me. I watched the men carrying out trays of food, and the women were not only directing where everything needed to go, but they were also getting annoyed if the men did not do it accordingly. Every woman reading this knows exactly what I’m talking about. The children were running around excited to have company in their “home.”Look what I can do! Look at me! Watch this! Free entertainment. I realized that the ONE woman in our lives who insists you try her dish over the everyday meals made by the other women even though your plate is already overflowing exists in EVERY culture. You know who you are ladies. This was when I understood that the core ingredient to solving World Peace is FOOD. We really need to stop overthinking, start cooking and Enjoy the Ride! via Daily Prompt: Conveyor con·vey·or: a person or thing that transports or communicates something. “a conveyor of information.” When I first read this prompt, Lucy and Ethel came to mind as I remembered the most famous conveyor belt of my lifetime, which has been providing laughter to so many for decades. You’re welcome. Life was so much simpler in the days when the only things coming at us like a train were chocolates. Sigh We now live in a time where information conveyed is too easily received, not because it’s factual, but because it matches our belief. This information overload is preventing us from L I S T E N I N G to anything outside of our own opinions. A wall has been built folks, and it’s not in Mexico. Now that the double-edged sword technology has entered our lives; it’s not just the bombardment of information conveyed at full throttle; it’s the follow-up investigations to dissect the truths that are equally overwhelming for me. Exhausting is an understatement. Sadly, not everyone conducts investigations because it’s more accessible to watch “Breaking News” or accept information spewed out of the mouths our politicians as factual. Easy peasy. Just remember, Memes have become sources of News in some circles of this country. Let that sink in for a moment. We also endure the information our “friends” on social media are conveying to the world on a minute to minute basis. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat an endless stream of blah, blah, blah. I’ve never been happier not to be a teenager. Don’t get me wrong; it’s nice to share moments that have substance, the photo of a lost pet, an encouraging quote or funny meme, but to continuously convey your every move to the world is more of a cry for help. Look at me look at me … umm … NO! Just like Lucy said “Ethel, I think we’re fighting a losing game.” as she shoved chocolates in her mouth, under her hat, and on the floor. It’s time to dig deep people. The time has come to silence the overload, regain our common sense and be better stewards of the information we are conveying to the world. One closed tab at a time. How’s this for information overload? Be kind. Be mindful. Be considerate. Be aware. Be honest. Be friendly. Be compassionate. Be grateful. Be inspirational. Be yourself. Be happy. Be strong and as always, Enjoy the Ride! Have you seen Grace? She’s the gal that spent her days roaming around within the majority of people for decades. Yes, it’s true. You could find her on the street, the supermarket, and in fact, running free in most public spaces. I know, right? So where did she go? One day did she decide to say “fuck it I’m outta here!” due to the overwhelming ignorance surrounding her kind soul or did she silently grab her box of kind words, gestures, and courteous goodwill and slowly walk off to the ends of the earth? Inquiring minds need to know. In her youth, Grace was on her game spreading her attractively polite manner of behaving across the land. She was one of the popular girls. That’s right she was regularly mingling in our daily lives lending a hand or two when needed. Providing words of wisdom, a tissue, a seat or a shoulder without her motives being in question. Now it seems as if Grace only makes special appearances, sweeping in to give a kiss on the cheek, warm a heart, or soothe a soul before leaving Dodge. Today, Grace is a minority. I’ll just assume she’s on that dreaded travel ban list because of her good nature. Yep, that’s right she’s been overpowered by the likes of Fear, and we all know Fear is too much of a kitty kat to travel alone, so he rallies his buddies suspicion and mistrust along for extra muscle. Fear is doing his best to run the show we call everyday life. (yes, fear is a man because men have more power, and I said so) He is out slithering around insisting that we now question Grace and her posse of possibilities, kindness, and dare I say compassion. Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. Franklin D. Roosevelt This change didn’t happen overnight, oh no, it’s been going on for some time now, but it’s evident that it has recently escalated. Hmm, I wonder why? Grace needs us more than ever now that fear has gotten his cloven hooves on the internet to spread at the speed of lightning. She needs us on the ground to defend her motives. To ensure that her kindness is trusted, and to regain the best that humanity has to offer. We need more than a glimmer of our girl. So, if Grace happens to cross your path, embrace her offerings with open arms. Encourage her to stay for a while. Let her know how much we need her in our lives by spreading her around like glitter while you… Enjoy the Ride! As you know from my previous post I recently experienced the art of Floating. What is it you ask? Well, it can be described as the best freaking thing since sliced bread by me. In the beginning, it took me awhile to get comfortable. Naked and alone in pitch black room takes a minute to absorb. I closed the door but left the low light and music on at first. The water was body temperature warm and soothing. Eventually, I did turn the lights and music off as I slipped into the quiet, peaceful zen. It didn’t take long before I was able to completely let go. Free at last. The coolest part for me was having no concept of time whatsoever, and not caring about it at all. It feels so good. Float Spas are popping up in my area, but from what I understand floating is nothing new, however, the experience has certainly changed. Once you add the word Spa it becomes sexy. Apparently, floating also went by the name Isolation Tank, and are you ready … Sensory Deprivation Tank, as far back as 1954. This sounds scientific, not sexy so there were no appointments needed. Today isolation tanks are located in beautiful rooms with inviting names like “Oasis” or “Grotto” that are chock full of amenities like fluffy towels, robes, scented soap, and shampoo. Anything to divert you away from the fact that you will soon be naked as a jaybird. My room was spectacular with its private shower, candles, and a hint of lavender. This is how you get your zen on. The room my husband experienced is best described as a Pink Floyd lap of luxury fusion. Trippy with a dash of zen. The idea behind the floatation therapy is to provide you with a way to pause the hectic, saturated world and enter a state of deep mental and physical relaxation. It takes you away from the endless sensory experiences that seem to consume us these days. It should be mandatory for teenagers and college students. Just imagine if you could go into your head and give it a good Spring cleaning, leaving not a single dust bunny to clutter your thoughts, allowing you to focus on whatever you please. It basically brings out the best in your brain. My mind left fresh s a daisy. As for the physical benefits, whew there is something to be said about feeling like a noodle. My muscles take a beating at the gym at least 4 times a week, so they were very grateful for this treat. The magnesium from the Epsom salt-infused water brings your muscles back to life. It relieves tension and makes your skin incredible. I left looking like a smooth glow-worm. All in all, it was peaceful, relaxing, invigorating, enlightening all rolled up into one amazing 90 minutes. This was a first for me and my husband, and we would both do it again, and again, and again. As they say, whatever makes your boat float, or in this case, booty. Enjoy the Ride! It’s funny how during all of the darkness over the past month, we have been able to see some light. A glimmer here a glimmer there help the heart heal. We are both very big believers in noticing the signs that are sent our way, and we were not blind to them even during the darkest of times. Hope comes in all shapes and sizes, the key is recognizing it. The day after the nightmare began, I went with my daughter to see my husband at the hospital. While walking through the lobby we were greeted by a very friendly face. Sister Kate. The world is so small. I know Sister Kate from my job, and I haven’t seen her in a couple of years. Our relationship is she is a patient and I’m in shock that this nice, warm, funny person is a Catholic nun. Where the hell were YOU when I was in school is ALWAYS my thought when I see her. Sister Kate immediately knew from my haggard look that something was wrong. This was the first time I uttered the words “My husband tried to take his life” and the flood-gates opened. Her warm kind hug is just what I needed before heading to face my reality. Never underestimate the power of fate. We walked into the room to find my husband under 24hr guard by none other than an Italian grandmother from South Philly. There isn’t a pill on the planet that can compare to the healing powers of this woman. The room was stark, nothing but a bed. My husband was stripped of anything that could possibly hurt him, and yet this woman made that room feel like home. I was waiting for her to pull a portable oven out of her purse. Lena was just what this doctor ordered…. a mothers’ love. Never underestimate the power of an Italian woman who gets joy from taking care of a man. During this visit is when we learned that my husband had ZERO memory of the past 12 hours. If only the rest of us had that pleasure. The following day my son came with me. This time the guard on duty was Lorraine, a very feisty black woman. She was definitely sent for me. This day was very heavy as we sat patiently waiting for information on the next hospital setting. The silence was deafening. Except for Lorraine’s gum cracking which was no doubt echoing throughout the halls. My son was saved by a friend who called insisting on taking him out to lunch. Perfect timing! As we sat in awkward silence listening to that poor piece of gum being assaulted in Lorraine’s mouth, we heard the words “who are you all voting for?” Of all the questions on the planet to ask, this was the one she chose to ask the man on suicide watch. This is when the unexpected public service announcement was made. Lorraine would be voting for Trump. Why do you ask? Well, because she was tired of her neighbors collecting free money for their 5 children that she named Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro & Cinco. Fast forward to 11/9 … yep, this is one reason why. On that Sunday I went to see my husband at the next facility. No one could have prepared me for this step of the journey. I’m not sure who decided that people with depression should be dehumanized to feel better, but they need to be fired. I left this visit defeated, broken and wondering where is that place Dr. Drew sends his patients and do they take Blue Cross? The lack of life in this place could make even the happiest of people second guessing the existence of rainbows. WTF! When I returned home I was flat. There was just nothing left to feel. I was done. With a weak smile for the sake of the kids of course. As my son was about to head back to school, he decided to raid my change jar to feed the parking meter in town. He took out a huge pile of coins searching for quarters. Next thing I hear is “mom, didn’t you loose a ring?” I had lost my wedding band on Thanksgiving 2015. I have torn this house apart more than once searching for it. Trust me when I tell you I put the FBI to shame with my search efforts. Sure enough, there was my ring, on the floor, with a dime stuck in the center. My eyes could just about register what they were seeing. The dam broke, and 4 days of emotion exploded into the room. If ever there was going to be a sign that everything was going to be ok, this friends, was it. Still dodging potholes while Enjoying the Ride! We all know the saying. We’ve all used it to describe various things in our lives. Those of us with children know it well. Somehow watching our children go from bottles to red Solo cups overnight. The seasons always leave us with this phrase, especially summer, which seems to be running out of Dodge faster each year. One minute we’re watching fireworks, the next we’re trying to escape a pumpkin invasion. The holidays use to leave us with this feeling, however, now that Christmas hits the stores before Halloween it’s no longer the case. The Christmas season officially lasts longer than most relationships. These are examples of what I consider a natural course in change. They are as comfortable as that old sweatshirt in our closets. But what about those other moments? You know, the ones that leave us numb in disbelief. The moments that leave us repeatedly asking “what just happened?” A vast majority have been doing this since Tuesday. All I know is that NOTHING could have prepared me for life changing, blink of an eye, roller coaster ride I’ve been living for the past few weeks. By the way, I hate roller coasters in and outside of the amusement park. October 12th was nothing short of a typical day in the life of me. Morning chores, work, and home. Boring at best. I called my husband to let him know I was on my way. Everything was normal at 6:11 p.m. When I arrived home at 6:27 I was met by my daughter outside of the house. She said that my husband was screaming, cursing and acting crazy. Out of character was an understatement. When I walked in to try to find out what was going on it escalated. So, I got the fur babies ready for a walk, and off we went while that fire simmered down. If they could talk, maybe I could have gotten a heads up. While out on the walk I received a text stating “I’m moving on.” WHAT?! I called home only to hear a voice I never heard before informing me that he is “done” “moving on.” I ran with the fur babies in tow, possibly airborne, with my heart in my stomach back to the house. How did I go from saying “I’m on my way home “to screaming “What is happening?” How did I go from hearing “I’m feeding the dogs” to “I’m moving on.”? How did I go from walking my dogs to pulling pills out of the mouth of the man I love? How did I go from a hum drum day to rushing into an ER? How did I go from worrying about bullshit to making life-changing decisions? How did I go from thinking everything was fine to feeling like I was hit with a bat? How did I go from seeing the strength in my husband’s eyes to staring at his weakness? How did I go from a happy go lucky girl to a sleepless shell? I don’t have the answers to all of these questions just yet, but I have hope. I don’t know what the future holds, but I have faith. I don’t know how to live my new normal, but I have an open mind. I don’t know if we’ll be ok, but we have our love. I don’t know how I was blind, but now I can see. I don’t know if any of this makes sense, but I’m trying. I DO know that I have 99 problems, but my new perspective won’t allow Donald Trump to be one of them, and for that, I am grateful. Enjoy the Ride … one speed bump at a time!
You’re staring at your computer monitor, watching your mouse cursor blink—it’s taunting your efforts to focus. You try your hardest to zone in on your project, but before long, your eyes are falling to the hands of your watch and the staring contest resumes. It’s 3pm. You’re tired. Everyone’s tired. It’s the midday slump that lasts an eternity—but it doesn’t have to. And you don’t need to stick your head in the freezer for a quick jolt either. With these simple tips and tricks, you can conquer fatigue and sluggishness. You can remain alert, energetic, and focused all day long by shuffling these five activities into your daily routine. Easy, science-backed pick-me-ups; it doesn’t get any simpler than this. 1. Snack on dark chocolate Stash dark chocolate (at least 60 percent cacao) in your desk drawer for a quick boost. Dark chocolate is chock-full of powerful stimulants that lower blood pressure and widen blood vessels, which helps more blood and oxygen get to key parts of the brain, a Northern Arizona University study found. Just a piece or a bite can improve attention and make you more alert (so don’t go too crazy.) 2. Listen to music Pop on some headphones. According to a study conducted by Mindlab International on behalf of MusicWorks, music is essential for productivity and performance in the workplace. Depending on the type of work you do, there’s even an optimal genre. Listen to classical music if you deal with numbers or need to pay special attention to detail like spell checking; pop music is best for individuals who work on deadlines or data entry; ambient music (like background music or “elevator music”) is best for problem-solving professions; and dance music helped study participants earn the highest overall accuracy and fastest performance ratings across all work tasks. 3. Sneak in a midday workout Take advantage of your lunch hour and hit the gym, ride a bike, or go for a walk or run. You can increase your energy levels by 20 percent and decrease fatigue by 65 percent just by engaging in regular, low-intensity exercise, according to a University of Georgia study. Exercise has a holistic effect on the body and mind; even if you’re feeling lethargic, after the first few minutes of exercise, you’ll begin to feel a difference in energy levels. 4. Take a quick walk This is harder for city-dwellers, but there’s always a park (or patch of grass) nearby. Find a spot and go there every day—being outside in nature can help you feel more alive, boosting your feelings of vitality, a study from the University of Rochester found. In fact, the energizing effects of the outdoors can even trump that of social interaction and exercise. Chat with a witty co-worker, surf the web for a treadmill-fail video, or hit up Imgur for the latest trending meme. Do anything that will make you laugh—you’ll improve your mood and feel more energized, according to research from the University of Nebraska. For access to exclusive gear videos, celebrity interviews, and more, subscribe on YouTube!
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/ weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish which appeals to my love of lists! I was particularly attracted to this week’s challenge, Top Ten Book Covers I’d Frame As Pieces of Art as I run an Art Gallery and love all aspects of art and illustration. Given the number of books I have, no one will be too surprised to learn that I have often judged a book by its cover and of course, bought it! So here are my Top Ten: So what do you think? What are your favourite book covers and who are your favourite illustrators? Top Ten Tuesday 1984 American Psycho armistead maupin art aurorarama book cover broke and bookish edmund dulac flann o'brien gabriel garcia marquesz george orwell illustration kafka metamorphosis moonshine one hundred years of solitude Patrick Bateman spring snow tales of the city the third policeman top ten tuesdays yoko mishima I am a 40 something book buying addict trying to reduce the backlog one book at a time!
Another anecdote-fueled, data-starved article repeats the “suburban flight” meme, this time for Portland. Actual market data show the central city’s market remains strong Janet Eastman, writing in the Portland, Oregonian, offers up yet another example of a popular journalistic trope, the “Coronavirus is triggering a flight to the suburbs.” Never mind, of course, the point that the pandemic is just as bad, and in many cases worse in the nation’s suburbs than it is in cities, a mythical belief that density aggravates the Coronavirus is continually being repeated by journalists. We’ve pushed back against stories making this claim from The Wall Street Journal, National Public Radio, and The New York Times. The evidence for the story consists entirely of anecdotes of two households who have recently moved from the city of Portland to one of its nearby suburbs, peppered with quotes from a handful of real estate agents about panicky buyers and bidding wars. While this make strike some observers as unusual, it isn’t. People are always moving into and out of the city from its suburbs; the movements are in both directions. So finding a handful of households moving to the suburbs can be done at any time. But it doesn’t signify a trend, or even that the movement is more in one direction rather than another. For that, we need data. Some of the best real-time data on housing market trends comes from the web-based real estate search sites that track where people are looking for housing, and how rents and home prices are changing in response to shifting demand. One of the biggest real estate web-sites, Zillow, just completed an extensive analysis of exactly this question: whether suburbs were seeing their market share increase at the expense of cities. They looked at data from across the nation, and their conclusion was unambiguous: Are people fleeing the cities for greener suburban pastures? Some faint signals may have emerged in certain places, but by and large, the data show that suburban housing markets have not strengthened at a disproportionately rapid pace compared to urban markets. Both region types appear to be hot sellers’ markets right now – while many suburban areas have seen strong improvement in housing activity in recent months, so, too, have many urban areas. Zillow’s Economic Research team analyzed a variety of Zillow data points in order to illustrate this trend. Data related to for-sale listings are generally the best indicator of real-time housing market activity, and in all but a few cases, suburban markets and urban markets have seen similar changes in activity in recent months: about the same share of homes selling above their list price, similar changes in the typical time homes spend on the market before an offer is accepted, and recent improvements in newly pending sales have been about the same across each region type. [emphasis in original] Of course, that’s the national pattern. What about Portland, specifically? Again, Zillow’s analysis shows that in fact, in Portland, the opposite is the case. Zillow’s data show suburban rents have decelerated by about 1.9 percent since February, but urban rents have decelerated by only about 1.1 percent, a little over half as much. Zillow’s data on home searches also shows that buyers remain even more interested in city homes relative to suburban ones than they were prior to the pandemic. And Portland followed this pattern as well, with urban searches increasing their market share relative to suburban searches in Portland at the height of the pandemic. Oregon state economist Josh Lehner points out that there’s been no shift in the city of Portland’s share of regional home sales during the pandemic. “Urban flight” as collective journalistic hysteria NPR’s On the Media took a close look at these stories and concluded that the “urban flight” meme is both widespread and utterly false. In an incisive article at real estate website Curbed, Jeff Andrews attributes the popularity of these stories to biases of reporters: Given that the media industry is concentrated in Manhattan — with another good chunk in San Francisco — journalists seem to be confusing the minor outbound migration from two ridiculously expensive areas with the double dose of demand happening across the country. More insidiously, some members of the media are willing to peddle stories about nonexistent carnage in the streets, extrapolating that the cities — all cities, but especially the diverse, Democratic–led ones — are headed for inevitable collapse. And it’s hard not to separate that dark fantasy from a Republican talking point. But, according to the data, it’s just not happening. The idea that the pandemic has upended real estate markets and is triggering a flood of migrants to suburbs and rural areas has enormous appeal for reporters and their editors. Anecdotes to the contrary notwithstanding, there’s virtually no data to show this is happening. City Beat is City Observatory’s occasional feature pushing back on stories in the popular media that we think are mistakenly beating up on cities.
My name is William Perkins Homans the third, but probably more people know me as the bluesman (and artist) Watermelon Slim. OpEdNews Member for 524 week(s) and 2 day(s) 130 Articles, 0 Quick Links, 362 Comments, 0 Diaries, 0 Polls Articles Listed By Popularity List By Date (2 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 17, 2016 The Oregon Standoff: Mr. Bundy Shows His True Colors (All Shades of White) An analysis of the white supremacism of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge occupiers, and the government's response to them (3 comments) SHARE Friday, July 29, 2011 Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) Technology-- A Threat To The US Or Not? Nukes? Here's a twist. I find the possibility vanishing that such tech will ever be used against us, but nonetheless it might get used anyway. (54 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 18, 2017 Ship's Sinking, Rats Are Looking For Escape Ropes Why has Trump backed himself in such a corner? Answer: A. he has a huge amount to hide; B. he is dumb as a brick; C. he does not have the psychological capacity to care. (8 comments) SHARE Sunday, October 11, 2020 End Game for the Presidential Super-Spreader Comments and opinions (everybody's got one) about the path Trump is taking, and why, 3 weeks before an election he's losing big-time (9 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 18, 2018 Tragedy Awaited Me After My International Tour The description of a slaying committed on my property during my absence, and how I am attempting to cope and move forward from tragedy (20 comments) SHARE Friday, November 27, 2015 President Obama Feeds the Homeless on Thanksgiving Day: Why Don't We All Love Him? (10 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 15, 2011 Whither Revolution in America? I have no idea how America can get to Tahrir Square. I wish it wasn't going to get bad enough to have to get to that point. (3 comments) SHARE Monday, July 18, 2011 How Can Republicans Win the 2012 Elections? Why Might They? The Intrinsic Republican Advantage In Politics (1 comments) SHARE Monday, September 25, 2017 Trump Should Hold His Tongue-- When Will Someone Confiscate That Android? Primarily, a discussion among friends of the political ramifications of Donald Trump calling athletes sons of bitches for dissent (15 comments) SHARE Friday, August 5, 2011 A Democratic Primary Challenge to President Obama? Why it would be counterproductive strategy. Such a challenge in 2012 would enhance the intrinsic political advantage possessed by Republicans, regardless of which Party occupies the White House (1 comments) SHARE Friday, May 31, 2019 Setting the Record, Uh, Straighter, About Watermelon Slim Responding to a newly published interview of my musical persona. My latest CD has been on the charts since January! (5 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 16, 2011 Gay Military Pride Parades? Clueless! I deplore gays endorsing, by appearance, the US military mission. News that they are doing it on bigger and bigger scale gets my goat. I'm a once-upon a time gay dischargee, and an antiwar veteran, and I have a dog in this fight. (11 comments) SHARE Wednesday, September 9, 2020 New Information On Kenosha Shootings Gets Dirtier Updates in the story of self-annointed militiaman Kyle Rittenhouse And his shootings in Kenosha (23 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 4, 2017 No Bugs in Trump Tower, Mr. President Ruminations upon Trump-era dissent and the machinations against it (22 comments) SHARE Friday, March 20, 2020 Accident or Engineering? Who or What Is Responsible for the Coronavirus Pandemic? Analyzing a disturbing article about the coronavirus crisis. Who is to blame? Anybody? (3 comments) SHARE Monday, December 21, 2015 An Open Letter to John Forbes Kerry Chastizing John Kerry, one who has long stopped being part of the solution (2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 11, 2020 An International Artist Watches the Coronavirus Threaten His Livelihood in Europe How the coronavirus is affecting cultural workers in the same way that disruptions of producer-to-consumer processes in other industries are causing economic fear and uncertainty (6 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 11, 2020 Progressives Will Not Be Abandoning Their Integrity By Voting for Joe Biden Now that the Democratic Primary process is de facto over, Progressives need to understand what is most important-- to get rid of Trump and turn around his mishandled presidency. No evil has ever been more the greatrer of two evils than Donald Trump. (5 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 21, 2018 Until the Midterm Elections, An Uncritical Public, Plus An Ignorant Racist President, Equal Danger The musings of a political analyst while waiting for a bomb much bigger than any of those in Austin to explode (4 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 17, 2017 How Low Might the Order of Presidential Succession Go? A brief rumination on what happens if Robert Mueller cleans Presidential house (7 comments) SHARE Thursday, July 28, 2011 Dave Dudley, American Trucker, and the Disastrous US Military Mission Remembering a country music star of my boyhood, and how he related to 9/11/01. Also a call to America to have some b&ll$. (8 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 15, 2020 Conspiracy Theories Spread from Washington D.C. to the Streets of Mississippi A scientist on the street broaches a disturbing theory about the origins and motivations behind the novel coronavirus (4 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 9, 2011 Energy Reconfiguration for World Survival Suggestions for a reworking of the energy procurement and distribution systems for the United States (3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 7, 2017 Jared Lawyers Up: He Will Need It Jared Kushner, a neophyte like his boss, chooses the best lawyer for him. Hopefully, for us all. (1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 4, 2019 The Cold War Intensifies Against Cuba The naked power of John Bolton in this administration blasts through in this unilateral act of meanness (10 comments) SHARE Monday, October 5, 2015 Vladimir Putin,The Adult in the Room Vladimir Putin delineates why American foreign policy in the middle east is not working, and calls for a recognition of common interests (13 comments) SHARE Monday, June 19, 2017 Again: If Anyone Wants to Defeat ISIS, Here's How The simple military solution to defeating ISIS, if any diplomats or Presidents have the brain cells to understand it SHARE Saturday, March 31, 2018 The Greatest Baseball Feat Ever Performed Baseball is a game of phenomena. This is a description of the most unique and unexplainable phenomenon ever performed on an athletic field. (10 comments) SHARE Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Donald Trump Does Not Want to Be President A descent into the venality fueling the embarrassing campaign of Donald Trump (3 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 29, 2020 With Know-Nothings in Charge in Washington DC, CoVid-19 Breaks Out in Washington State First, a very brief consideration of the elderly and Social Security, then I point out how an author I was reading is correct, and as I am writing, the news breaks of the first outbreak and first death in the US. How completely without clothes is our wannabe emperor... (11 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 24, 2020 This Is How Joe Biden Should Begin the First 2020 Presidential Debate What Joe Biden should say to Donald Trump to Preface the first Presidential Debate of 2020 (3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 6, 2011 The Real Significance of the Repeal of DADT: Not A Victory! Politically incorrect commentary on the real story behind Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal (7 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 21, 2011 Call It Love, But Please Don't Insist on Calling It Marriage A call for GLBT people to be more aware of what their interests are, and who represents them, from a bi man who has always had more important fish to fry as a political activist, but now sees that, darn it, he has to speak out-- and be out-- about the American political process where it concerns gay/lesbian people. (1 comments) SHARE Monday, February 6, 2017 Trump Buyers' remorse Is Already Setting In-- Soon to Be Epidemic. Buyers' remorse is already setting in. Pretty soon it's going to be an epidemic. (29 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 4, 2018 Israel Moves Closer to the One-State Solution Israeli Empire needs lebensraum: I unfriend a longtime supporter of the One-State Solution (1 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 15, 2020 How Electronic Cheating is Baseball's Novel Coronavirus Showing how the cheating crisis plaguing baseball is mirrored by the far more serious crisis of the novel coronavirus (3 comments) SHARE Monday, January 29, 2018 At Davos, Another Campaign Speech. The Man Can't Help It President Trump gives yet another campaign address at an international economic forum (4 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 7, 2011 How Does America Retain Freedom of Speech and Restrain Future Reverend Joneses? Commentary on Koran-burning's conseq uences SHARE Thursday, July 21, 2016 An Interview With the Artist Inside the Columnist Further biographical material has been requested about my life. (3 comments) SHARE Monday, June 15, 2020 Why Good Will Must Be Added to Policy and Law Enforcement Action Reflections on post-modernism, post-post-modernism, and black (and all of our) lives mattering (1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 29, 2017 We All Heard Him Rap as Poetic and Political Criticism. I'm a recording artist (blues and country). I have refused to do rap for my entire career, not least because rappers do not in general sing, or play real instruments. However, I had to put that decades-long conviction aside when I saw this story. (8 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 13, 2017 The New Cabinet, Or, The King's Court The historic Cabinet meeting shows its members to almost all be toadies. My suggestions for moving ahead politically from the inevitable implosion of the Trump Administration (11 comments) SHARE Thursday, August 20, 2020 What is Antifa for? To Make People's Knees Jerk Someone finally gets it: how the US government uses antifa SHARE Saturday, October 17, 2015 How A Truly Fear-ridden Average American Reacted to the Democratic Debate A couple of examples demonstrating that the angry American Trump supporters are actually scared silly of the world they live in. My response from a planetary-survivalist perspective. (7 comments) SHARE Saturday, August 15, 2020 Hands Off My Post Office! What I Did This Afternoon The President says he intends to suppress the vote. This is my effort to stand in his way. (8 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 23, 2020 Voting Your Conscience Versus Making Sure Trump Is Out: The LEV Argument Deconstructing Jonathan Cook's article about voting for the lesser of two evils versus leaving the Democratic Party entirely (2 comments) SHARE Monday, January 6, 2020 Now He's Done It! Trump's Mideast War-- The Beginning An occasional attempt to keep up with the logarithmically increasing rate and seriousness of events with Donald Trump giving orders. (1 comments) SHARE Friday, March 31, 2017 The Continuity of A Baseball Historian's Interest A Historian Considers the Baseball Hall of Fame Again, And Checks In On How the BBWAA Writers Are Doing (8 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 3, 2020 The New Revolution Against Public Health and Common Sense Noting the persistence of rank and dangerous stupidity, raging like a virus across our nation (5 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 9, 2021 Riot Repeat in Washington, DC? Not Likely, But Possible Assessing the possibility of an Inauguration Day repeat of the mob violence of January 6 (2 comments) SHARE Sunday, June 7, 2020 Outrage At Police Murders of Black People Reaches the Delta Describing the first of what may end up being regular demonstrations against systemic racism in my black-majority town (6 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 25, 2018 What Do Immigrants Want to Come Here For? Considering the full court press of the current presidential administration in the historical context of American immigration (5 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 27, 2018 Ill Feelings for This Administration Arise Over Lunch "We reserve the right not to serve anyone." An old proverb that crosses political boundaries. How in this case it is legal. (1 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 18, 2019 Trump Sows Confusion, and Tensions Ease Debunking the continued war threats of the neocon cabal against Iran (4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 31, 2017 Raising Our Voices All Together: What Else Can We Do? Adding my keyboard voice to those who understand the urgency of redress and change SHARE Thursday, November 16, 2017 The Clock Is Ticking, GOP! What will happen once Donald Trump is deposed, and why we need it (6 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 27, 2016 Donald Trump Is Disqualified By His Lack of Reflectivity Trump's incapacity to reflect will not only damage him in the campaign, but disqualifies him for the presidency (6 comments) SHARE Saturday, November 21, 2020 Is Trump's Threatened Fascism the Fault of the Democrats? What do we the American People do if this author is anything like correct? (1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 27, 2011 Fred Karger-- A Gay-Republican Bait-And-Switch Scheme? Who is this man? I believe it possible that Fred Karger is a catspaw of cynical, brilliant Republican electoral strategy for 2012, and here is why. (5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 12, 2016 How to Defeat ISIS: Don't Let Them Truckers Roll, 10-4! A simple way to defeat ISIS in the Middle East: Destroy their logistical resources. (1 comments) SHARE Friday, June 10, 2016 Hillary Clinton Pivots: Beware, Donald Trump This is what Donald Trump will have to oppose, if the GOP lets him get that far. Hillary looks very presidential (10 comments) SHARE Friday, June 12, 2015 The Republican Party's Real Strategy The answer to anyone who labors under the illusion that who wins the Presidency in 2016 matters (2 comments) SHARE Monday, January 22, 2018 Trumpism As Post-Post-Modernism Pointing out very clear indications that this new "memo" is no more than Republican propaganda in a post-post-modern world. (11 comments) SHARE Saturday, August 29, 2020 The Kenosha Shooter: Not in Self-Defense The Right kills again: A pitiful kid gives a huge black eye to the AltRight in Kenosha (9 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 30, 2020 What Is A Lie, By Whom, And Why? Decrying the Trumpian making of lying as an institution into an acceptable way for people to believe that all their fellows are lying, hence intentionally damaging democracy (1 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 12, 2017 Racism as Obscenity Responsibility for Taste in a Post-Modern Age in Artists and Those Who Produce and Distribute their Works (5 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 16, 2015 The Republicans' Debate Shows Why the Democrats Will Win Big: Why Am I Not Cheering? How I, a rank-and-file American citizen, will deal with the issue of voting out of conscience or for one of the lesser evils I am faced with in the two-Party system (5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 28, 2017 Boy On A Man's Job? Worse Than That... Looking At One of Donald Trump's Weakest Links. Illustrating Why Kushner Is A Touchstone to the General Incompetence of the new Administration SHARE Monday, July 7, 2014 Kim Jong-Un Is Bad, But... Journalistic criticism of a nationalistic rant masquerading as journalism (2 comments) SHARE Sunday, September 13, 2015 Planetary Survivalism, The Ideology to Which Any Revolutionary Thought Must Evolve How people aren't learning from the mistakes of Vietnam, and the consequences of The Race for What's Left (2 comments) SHARE Monday, May 21, 2018 When Granny Goes to the Airport None of us should be surprised, really. But what are the possible motivations for this kind of needless intrusiveness, when people (especially young white males) are waved through processes that put the ability to harm the public in their hands? (1 comments) SHARE Thursday, June 16, 2011 The Great New Jersey Turnpike Stall, 1971 Suggested Tactics for Non-Violent Revolution, Part One (12 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 22, 2017 I Want the Right to Stop Living, Even If I Decline to Use It Reflections on how my mother chose not to go on living but did not commit suicide, and what it might mean to a new Supreme Court nominee (4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 6, 2017 The Great and Terrible Oz Takes Sides in the Middle East There can hardly be enough reactions from normal American People of good will, particularly in this season, about this unilateral move that in sane times would never have been made by a President of the United States-- here's one (19 comments) SHARE Thursday, March 10, 2016 Agenda Against Trump? We Can Only Hope So One more incident that demonstrates why American voters must wake up, and Donald Trump MUST not be President. SHARE Thursday, April 14, 2011 Merry-go-rounds for Our Future An easily manufacturable, easily installable resource for America and the world, and why we need to begin building and installing them (3 comments) SHARE Sunday, October 11, 2015 Fascists are NOT Insignificant, Wherever You Find Them A slight denigration of the Facebook process in the course of remembering the fascists of old, and our necessary resistance to their virulence today (5 comments) SHARE Monday, March 15, 2021 My Golly, Dude, Think First, Play Later I educate an imbecile Trump supporter who thinks he plays the blues (2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Freedom of the Press, Trump Some More, and Why I'm Proud to Be in the "Alternative Media" Commenting on a disturbing roughing-up of a pressman, with reflections on what the role of a free press has become (5 comments) SHARE Monday, October 19, 2015 How Secure Do You Feel, John Q. Public? A couple of examples of everyday people up close and personal with US "security" agencies. Security is like a Hollywood set: made to look convincing to the public, but behind the wall, nothing... (9 comments) SHARE Wednesday, July 30, 2014 America Is Working With Israel, So Why Not Be Militarily Effective? Here's How How Israel can stop killing Gazan civilians and repair its tourist industry all at the same time (2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 3, 2021 Aw, A New York Times Survey Rejected Me for My Obsolescence! After an unprecedented phenomenon-- summary rejection in the middle of taking a survey!-- I reflect on the digitalization of popular information (2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 2, 2021 A letter to A Democratic Senator My letter to a Democratic Senator from Rhode Island who will be among those judging Trump in the coming incitement trial (1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, September 26, 2017 The Sports Gods Have Awakened How Donald Trump has energized forces against which he cannot win. (4 comments) SHARE Monday, July 4, 2011 What Do We Get Out of It? What benefits do we reap whenever we remove from Afghanistan? Why our our supposed leaders so demostrably clueless? (4 comments) SHARE Monday, October 26, 2020 What If Everything Broke for Biden? Prognostication about the potential apogee of electoral success in the 2020 election (1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 19, 2016 Sorry, Cenk, I Know It Hurts A rant in sympathy for Cenk Uygur (7 comments) SHARE Monday, July 20, 2015 Are LGBT People Really Driving the Policies of the United States? Debunking disingenuous "conservative" editorializing and exaggeration of the actual political influence of LGBTs in America (5 comments) SHARE Saturday, August 9, 2014 What Shall American Antiwar Activists Do About Israel's Destruction of Gaza? Gazing at the asymmetrical warfare in the Gaza Strip. Wondering what human beings of good will can do to stop it. (7 comments) SHARE Friday, December 25, 2020 Within the First Few Hours, No Motive for A Christmas Bombing, But... An attempt to get a grip[ on why anyone would commit this bombing in Christmas. (3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 8, 2016 Well, Hillary Has Won, But The Struggle Does Continue The evolution of one's thoughts as the California primary, and the effective end to the primary season, came and passed, along with an explanation of progressivism a conservative can probably understand SHARE Tuesday, July 22, 2014 US Imperial Hegemony Deconstructed An authoritative account of the current ramifications of US imperial hegemony, plus my response to a paleo-right-winger's red-baiting (2 comments) SHARE Monday, August 1, 2011 The Anti-war Activist Puts On His Baseball Historian's Hat Things are so screwed up in Washington, I figured I'd take a sports time-out. Dwight Evans was a class athlete, quiet, real, and had Hall-of-Fame-worthy parts. But applying any rigor at all to eligibility, he doesn't make it. BTW, for those who care: if Bert Blyleven's in the Hall, why not Jim Kaat!? (4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 16, 2020 Will the GOP Shoot Itself in the Foot for Trump? Dissecting the most unlikely but possible scenarios of the betrayal of democracy (though democracy will prevail) (5 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 28, 2016 Bernie Sanders and My Little Contribution Distinguishing between Lesser Evils and goods that are not perhaps as good as we would prefer. (5 comments) SHARE Monday, March 15, 2021 One of the Greatest: Marvin Hagler Dies Marvin Hagler has died. I remember him. He stood for himself. He never backed up. R.I.P. (2 comments) SHARE Friday, June 10, 2011 What Will The Left Do About The Continuation Of The Iraq War? Actions Are Going to Become Less Symbolic and More Effective (4 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 15, 2018 How Is Trump Still Like A Nazi, Embassy Move to Jerusalem Or No? A Brief Rebuttal of a teasing question to progressives, or leftists, from Trump apologists struggling to establish a talking point (2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 15, 2016 What Capitalism Is, And How It Betrays Us A Primer on the dominant economic paradigm of the USA (1 comments) SHARE Thursday, July 10, 2014 Think-Tank Fellow: President, NY Times Are Leftists Biased Against Israel Debunking the idea that leftism has any influence on American foreign policy under Obama or any other president (1 comments) SHARE Friday, October 23, 2020 Trump's Last Debate Did Not Win Him Re-Election I watched the debate; I hope most of you did. My impressions and conclusions... SHARE Thursday, April 26, 2018 And Now, Says William Friedkin, A Real Exorcism Discussing the nature of faith, evil, how inscrutable they are, and how different from Hollywood's presentations of them (1 comments) SHARE Monday, March 13, 2017 Israelis of Good Will Must Successfully Resist Their Own Government-- And Ours A lifelong antifascist's answer to those who think donations will stop Israel from its plans for Eretz Israel, now potentially facilitated by Donld Trump's ambassadorial nomination (4 comments) SHARE Sunday, July 20, 2014 Win At All Costs: the Republican Way A reflection on the different moyens a faire of Republicans from Democrats (1 comments) SHARE Friday, March 30, 2018 Ah, Where Have the Heroes of A More Innocent Time Gone? A rambling reminiscence of an aging sportsman, mourning the passing of the golden boys of a youth lost forever (1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 17, 2011 Out In The Garden It's Another World A metaphor, a lesson, packaged as a backyard phenomenological observation. We can (and should!) learn a lot from ants. (2 comments) SHARE Sunday, November 8, 2020 What Will It Cost to Protect Them? Protecting People, now including the Trumps, Costs Money. Is It Worth It? SHARE Tuesday, July 8, 2014 Rolling Stone and Justin Bieber Deserve Each Other The devolution of Rolling Stone Magazine, and how Justin Bieber fits the RS attitude (4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, September 16, 2020 Trump Can't Quite Say He Favors Herd Immunity Trump, faced and questioned directly by The People, acknowledges his belief in a herd-immunity solution, besides telling a bunch of familiar lies SHARE Monday, August 4, 2014 Romney The Nominee? Klown Kar Redux, 2016 Why Mitt Romney can not defeat Hillary Clinton SHARE Saturday, January 2, 2021 The Coronavirus in Mississippi: How It's Affecting Us, and What We Must Do For all the talk about fighting the virus nationally, the fight imust be at the county and state levels (1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 19, 2015 A Country Lament: Don't Do No Good To Say I Told You So The man who wrote the very first music after 9/11/01 shares his reminiscences and reflections on macro-behavioral science. SHARE Tuesday, March 7, 2017 An Inauguration Day Reminiscence and Experiment What I did on Inauguration Day: I wrote a poem, and stood by the way With my sign saying, "Not My President." Nosiree, not that man of ill intent! SHARE Saturday, June 28, 2014 Fred Karger Is STILL a Republican. Why? What 2012 Republican Candidate Fred Karger is up to these days. Why in the heck he is still in the GOP. (2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 8, 2017 Pundits (Did You Ever Wonder How We Got This Way?) All gods stand up for pundits, we're doing our best to see into the political future (1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Old Memories-- Howie Carr; New Memories-- the Beauty of Nature Trumpists threatening good citizens, as the winter closes in on my beautiful flora friends (7 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 19, 2020 Did They Really Write That!? An Allstar Among Typos Anyone who truly loves the English language also likely enjoys bloopers. Also, I hereby have decided that I really feel better about using the traditional possessive pronouns, rather than the various ways one must now write when referring to LGBTQIPN+etc. persons. Call me old-fashioned, though not reactionary! SHARE Friday, September 18, 2020 Is the World Defeating the Coronavirus? A Look at the Graphic Evidence Up-to-date graphic evidence of our control, or lack thereof, of the coronavirus worldwide (3 comments) SHARE Sunday, September 13, 2020 Two Poems at Two Memorials Two poems, delivered at Vietnam War Memorials in Washington D.C. and Chicago, mourning the deaths of our brothers in arms. Both are written in Shakespearean blank verse (unrhymed iambic pentameter). (1 comments) SHARE Saturday, June 28, 2014 Post-Modern Patriarchy Deconstructed Reflections on a Patriarchal Internet Meme SHARE Sunday, January 17, 2021 Hold Onto That Fear, by Michael Ferner An open letter from a former hospital corpsman in Vietnam to our elected representatives (3 comments) SHARE Thursday, March 18, 2021 A Meditation On Investigation A commentary on the process of investigation, and on the inevitability of conspiracy theories (just like a virus!) (4 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 24, 2021 The Trial of Thousands Who Participated in the Vote-Counting Day Riot Is Not Practical Musing about whether the US should prosecute everyone who took part in the Capitol insurrection, and what they are likely to do next (6 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 14, 2021 The Security Planning Is Going in the Right Direction Alluding to the obstacles faced by any insurrectionists in any plan to assault Washington (or other places) again (3 comments) SHARE Sunday, November 29, 2020 It's NOT Entertainment! Trump appears on TV, and knows nothing better than to continue with baseless claims to a Fox propagandist who encourages him (6 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 11, 2020 A Veteran Reflects on Armistice Day A reminiscence, and perhaps for some who have heard the term "Armistice Day" but never thought about it, since Americans primarily celebreate Veterans Day, this will be new information. (5 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 14, 2021 The Margin Got Larger, But Trump Was Acquitted on the Wrong Impeachment Count How the Democratic-led House missed its chance to convict and disqualify Trump SHARE Monday, March 14, 2016 I Declare: It HAS Gotten Better! My response-- an affirmative rsponse-- to anyone that thinks that racial relations in the US are better now than at any time in the history of the nation (2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 18, 2020 The Presidential Election Stalls for the Opinion of One Official I am trying to recall a similar case of a second-level bureaucrat so completely controlling the political process. (2 comments) SHARE Friday, January 15, 2021 Thoughts In Anticipation of the Next Event of Trumpian Insurrection The Vote-Counting Day Riot, as evaluated by police on the scene
I got the new Magnificent Field chapbook in the mail and read it on the drive north out of the Florida Keys. “Subject Position” makes objects or units out of word-blocks until they change shape, or occupy two positions at once. “Having been broken or dug into history or present for / what passes beneath the cable sky unfolding, the table / we’ve been set at, the countertop and badlands, the / nature nurture bait set, our hams still pig before the / Easter doesn’t resurrect them, mud in all the springs…” Language is explicitly referenced until it twists like a meme: “In our language economy / say the word / say the word / say it it it” And new images surface: “Sad faucet making the water / from its snout // Door jamb logging / its infinite hours” I love the full throat of this line: “Jump up to look / in song at the surroundings / What each event capsules, is / rounded out by saying”
What Does the Lana Del Backlash tell us about Social Media? The last few months have definitely seen tons of new cultural backlashes emerge on the Internet, and none have been more interesting to watch and dissect then the majesty of Lana Del Rey. From her self-produced YouTube hit “Video Games”, Del Rey rose from a meager viral hit to an Interscope record deal in a matter of a few months. Almost as immediately as her video was reaching millions of views, the Social Media bandwagon began heralding her as the downfall of authentic indie culture as we know it. Not to mention her signing with a major label and subsequent poor / ill-prepared SNL performance, which eventually made the backlash movement delve into overdrive as she became a perpetual trending topic for all the wrong reasons. One of the most important questions and cultural signifiers that’s raised within this indie-meme is does she really deserve such an onslaught of negative criticism, and how does the culture of Social Media change the landscape and sway the opinion of the masses? It seems that a lot of the discussion of Lana Del Rey almost sidesteps the actual quality of her musical output, and instead focuses on her aesthetic being sold to the masses under the guise of indie credibility. People are used to the svengali wrangled boy bands and pop groups that have existed as long as popular music itself, but they aren’t as comfortable with being sold what seems like a pre-packaged all encompassing musician within the realm of the indie sphere. From her name change, to her earlier more mainstream oriented material, and the nonstop Instagram pictorials with her Real Housewives pouty duck lips du jour, and “gangster Nancy Sinatra” pandering, no matter how authentic or contrived the mélange actually was, it had literally every tastemaker and even their most uninformed underlings crying fowl. Even Brian Williams, who wouldn’t even qualify as a Guided by Voices cool dad, jumped on the anti Del Rey bandwagon when Gawker released a snarky email he sent to their Media chief Nick Denton, but is all of this hoopla just the Internet overreacting as it always does? Sure maybe her image was a little too grungy polished, like the fashionistas who spend $3,000 to look homeless, but is her music really of such low quality too deserve such a massive indie-meme backlash? Sometimes what happens especially with Social Media is these trends or anti-trends kind of snowball quickly accumulating muster from minute specks of gravel. Once Pitchfork picks it up, then it’s The Fader, then Gawker, and it eventually trickles down to every grassroots blog and Tumblr with an attaché RSS feed. Hipster Runoff, probably the all time most important meta-scathing hipster blog, even temporarily changed their name to the “Lana Del Report” and for a few days they had literally up to the minute coverage of every tiny revelation in the Lana saga, which was especially honed and perfectly articulated in their infamous Content Farm post that critiqued the way indie blogs feed off of alt-memes just to satiate their audience’s thirst for negative criticism and new culture to dissect and disarm. Overall it’s really important to take a look at how Social Media can alter and affect the sway of public opinion, even in these micro-genres and indie circles. There’s definitely some aspect of Del Rey’s aesthetic and output possibly being contrived, but with the advent of technology and instantaneous sharing of opinions, these memes and their subsequent backlash can literally take form overnight. Sometimes it’s important to not formulate an opinion until the entire picture presents itself. The majority of this happened way before her major label debut was released, and then after it came out and was number one in 11 albeit mostly European countries, their was then the inevitable backlash to the original backlash, which goes to show how quickly these things can emerge and dissipate, just to make room for another indie-meme to be roasted over the coals.
When I wrote a post last month about approaches to women’s history, I included as an image a wall painting from Pompeii that depicts an all female dinner party. I chose it simply for the lack of men present, but I wanted to return to it briefly, as there is much about it that intrigues me. It’s possible I have encountered this particular painting in past visits to the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli, but it didn’t grab my attention until I saw it in 2019 as part of the Ashmolean’s Last Supper in Pompeiiexhibit. The depiction of a convivium – a Roman dinner party – in wall paintings is hardly unusual. There are many versions of this from across Pompeii, Herculaneum, and elsewhere. Archaeologists and historians have picked many of these images apart, looking at textiles, drinking vessels, postures, the arrangement of bodies, and the composition of the dinner party. I suspect that mixed company is the standard, as is seen in this fresco, not coincidentally found in the same building as the one above. Here we have two couples reclining on triclinia, the standard expectation for Roman dining. Evidence from literary sources leaves some debate about the position women took – either sitting upright (Valerius Maximus 2.1.2) or reclined as men (Cic. Att. 5.1), with some suggestion that those reclining were of lower social or legal status. This does not seem to be the case in the painting of only women, where figures are sitting, standing, and at least two are reclining, seen to the left and slightly behind the woman playing an aulos. The richness of silver vessels, the fabrics and soft furnishings throughout the room, the clothing and hair accessories, and the overall ambiance cannot be denied. This very clearly depicts women at leisure, engaged in the same kind of otium that was very much part of the elite aristocratic male norm. The wealth of the women shown here is also evident in the pair of slaves, watching the scene from behind a curtain. They may seem ambiguous at a quick glance, simply another pair of women who are at this party. However, their matching dresses, hairtsyles, headbands, and bracelets are more akin to a kind of uniform, indicating these women are most likely slaves of the household. I find this detail extraordinary: there are often attendants or observers in the background of wall paintings, but I cannot think of another example that is this clear in ascribing servile status to those depicted. Finally, what I find even more intriguing about both these dining scenes, is their location in what has been identified as the Fullonica of Sestius Venustus, (I.3.15-16, 18) on the Vicolo del Menandro. Originally excavated in phases in the mid 19th century, this is a series of small interconnected workshops that were likely some combination of fullers and dyers. Two of the structures contain evidence for large hearths/furnaces, and tubs built atop podiums that could have been used in the process of cleaning or dying clothing. There is, of course, some issue with the designation of the name of the shop – Matteo Della Corte originially claimed CIL IV 1082 was a dipinto naming Sestius Venustus, which has subsequently been re-edited as Segius Venustus Ofnoedn. Regardless of who, the what does seem fairly clear, as the archaeological remains do seem indicative of textile work, and this is a neighbourhood littered with small workshops and shops. Furthermore, whilst it is not unusual by any means to find a workshop or fullery with a detailed decorative scheme (see, for example, the Fullonica of Stephanus), it does seem a little odd to find depictions of what appear to be quite lavish convivia in what is an otherwise rather plain space. Apart from some block colouring in a niche, likely a lararium, in the adjacent structure (doorway 15), no other decoration or finds are recorded. They seem out of place somehow. The choice of images could be indicative of certain aspirations for a non-working life, where the owner was engaged in more otium than laundry. Perhaps the buildings have been mis-identified and were involved with food production rather than fullery. Or maybe, the commissioner simply got stuck in the dining section of the painter’s selection book. In any case, the choice of an all female dining party remains unusual, and that in and of itself makes this notable. Addendum: As was pointed out to me on Twitter, this painting could also refer to Menander’s Synaristosai, which is often translated alternately as ‘Women lunching together’ or ‘Women at breakfast,’ and has been depicted in mosaics, one of which was found in the so-called villa of Cicero in Pompeii. On this, the last day of Women’s History Month, it seems an opportune time to consider something about how we approach women in ancient history and archaeology. I am hardly one who would normally consider myself an expert on gender studies, nor am I well versed in the appropriate theory. But that certainly doesn’t prevent women from appearing in my research, sometimes quite prominently, and when they do, I often find myself disappointed, if not a bit enraged by the results. I have often said there are certain areas of study where logic seems to fly out the window and this is certainly one of them – assumptions are made (not exclusively by male scholars I should add) – about how women would have behaved, their importance or influence in ancient life, and their ability to have agency. In my work on Pompeii, I have encountered this time and again in regards to funerary commemoration, the epigraphic record, especially in regards to the ability or to read and write graffiti, and in political engagement to name just a few areas. Take, for example, Naevoleia Tyche, a woman I wrote about extensively in my first book. She and her husband have two separate tombs on opposite sides of the city. The conclusion has always been that he died first, and she, being the stereotypical nouveau riche freedwoman, wasn’t happy with the fairly humble structure and built her own more lavish tomb. Except if you crawl around the back (careful – brambles!) of the monument built by her husband, you discover that it was built as a single structure with the neighbouring tomb, its twin in design, that belongs to a fellow member of the Augustales. Add in the award of a civic honour to the husband, and the interpretation changes entirely. She is not a dissatisfied upwardly mobile bitch: her husband probably honoured an agreement with his friend in building the first tomb, and then the other was built to include his new honours and establish a more substantial (and yes, status grabbing) monument for their heirs. As the tombs were built in the same decade, it is just as likely he was involved as he wasn’t. It is impossible to know, but the assumption, which is more likely than not based on more modern ideas about women and wealth, remains nonetheless. And this irks me. In the back of my mind somewhere there is, therefore, this sort of constant niggling thought about how to do better when it comes to presenting the women of antiquity, and I admit I have struggled at times to do it as I would like, both in my research and my teaching. Occasionally though, there are moments in research where you have a half formed idea about a theory or an approach, and then you come across something that helps it all fall into place. It is revelatory – a moment of clarity – allowing you to not only move forward with your research, but also changing your thinking in a significant way. For me, this happened last year with the nearly simultaneous reading of two books on Roman women: Anise K. Strong’s Prostitutes and Matrons in the Roman World (2016) and Sarah Levin-Richardson’s The Brothel of Pompeii (2019), the latter of which I read in part for a review in the Journal of Roman Studies. It might seem obvious to suggest these two books intersect significantly. After all, they are both fundamentally concerned with prostitution in the Roman world. But it is not necessarily the subject that is important here, but rather the method by which the topic is approached. Both scholars are logical. They approach the evidence as evidence, and evaluate it for what it is. I realise that sounds like what we, as researchers are supposed to do, but it doesn’t always happen that way, especially when it comes to women. For example, there are a large number of women whose names appear in the electoral dipintiof Pompeii. Henrik Mouritsen has dismissed them repeatedly as insignificant. Women can’t vote, so have no role to play in politics. He doesn’t really provide a decent explanation for why women would be involved in the programmata, and does not appear to think they are even worth mentioning in an attempt to understand the political life of Pompeii. He all but erases them. In his effort to document the graffiti of the city, Matteo Della Corte decided that if a woman’s name appeared in a graffito, she was most likely a prostitute. If her name appeared more than once (even though, due to the nature of graffiti, it might not actually be the same individual) she was definitely a whore. Never mind the fact that women did inscribe graffiti themselves, and could have signed her own name in the same way countless men did. Logic, therefore, hasn’t always been applied. For both Strong and Levin-Richardson, however, logic is the rule. This is not only a hugely refreshing change in scholarship, but to my mind, is the way forward. Strip back the ideas that have been formed over the last two hundred years, and start from the beginning. Look at the evidence as evidence, not as evidence for women or prostitutes or whatever category it may be. Go where that leads. The brothel in Pompeii is, without doubt, one of the most popular buildings for tourists to visit in the city. It is presented by guides as a dark and narrow space, with small, uncomfortable masonry beds, erotic graffiti scratched into the walls by bored men waiting their turn, and titillating paintings of sex acts, a menu of sorts, providing options over each doorway. (And if you doubt this is still the case, my dad got into an argument with a guide we overheard relaying such nonsense.) One could argue this is for tourists alone, but many scholars have repeated similar claims. The brothel has been described as dark and seedy, the paintings as obscene, the beds as small and indicative of the lowest kind of establishment. Levin-Richardson has shown quite the opposite by evaluating the evidence for what it is, not where it is. Removed from the context of a place selling sex, the masonry couches are bigger than the average found in houses in Pompeii and elsewhere in the Greek and Roman world. They are bigger, indeed, than many dining couches meant to hold three reclining adults. The majority of the graffiti does not contain any sexual or erotic content. The frescoes are heteronormative, male-female pairs engaged in genital to genital (no oral or anal) sex, with the women’s breasts obscured by linens or breast bands. The material finds of razors and basins and cups suggest drinking, possible food consumption, and grooming. This isn’t a den of inequity. It is, in Levin-Richardson’s words a ‘carefully curated sexual universe’ that was more about selling a sexual experience than sex. It was, she concludes, likely a failed business model and probably the reason that this structure, although held as the exemplum of a Roman brothel, is the only one of its kind. Strong takes a larger view of women and sex – not just focusing on paid sex workers, but on the relationship Romans had with sex and sexuality both in and out of the home. This a wide ranging approach, considering moral and legal standpoints in addition to the material remains. She too is logical, approaching the evidence in a manner that allows her to (I think quite successfully) dismantle some long held scholarly interpretations of the ancient evidence. The seemingly ubiquitousness of sexual activity in wall paintings – whether in a brothel, bath house, or private home – have staunchly been viewed as depicting prostitutes rather than husbands and wives or any other possible pairing in what she refers to as ‘an unfortunate legacy of nineteenth-century prudishness.’ Consider that there are no known images of prostitutes that survive: there was no clear visual distinctions between prostitutes and matrons for Romans, it was a moral one. Therefore, the standard view that any paintings of fully clothed women are wives and any semi-nude or naked are whores, regardless of context or location cannot hold true. Strong also does a comprehensive job of dispelling ideas about sexual behaviours and moral zoning. She details the many ways ancient literature informs us that matrons and prostitutes did interact. Livy’s account of the Bacchanalian affair, for example, includes the prostitute Hispala Faecenia being housed in the house of Sulpicia whilst the cult is investigated. That upper-class Roman women were sheltered or somehow removed from sex outside of the marriage bed is also problematic. Ovid, for example, claims he wrote Ara Amatoria for meretrices (1.31-4), but that cannot be meant literally. (As Strong says: ‘‘He cannot be alleging that his audience consists of impoverished illiterate streetwalkers.’) The elegists wrote of extra-marital affairs with proper Roman matrons, which goes against everything modern scholars assume about this category of women. This is why Strong says that ‘[e]ven if the women themselves are imaginary characters, the invention of an entire fictional category of women for poets to make socially acceptable love with seems implausible.’ That this type of poetry existed suggests that Romans were more fluid in their understanding and tolerance of sexual relationships than we allow them to be. Her take on the concept of identifying brothels is also… well… logical. What do brothels need? Not the masonry beds, sexual images, and erotic graffiti that Andrew Wallace Hadrill and others have used to identify brothels. Brothels need to be centrally located to attract clientele, preferably with multiple access points, and a reliable source of water. The brothel in Pompeii certainly fits this model – Levin-Richardson even identifies nearby public fountains and imagines the collection of water as a way for the prostitutes to drum up business or take a break – as do a number of other sites Strong identifies. She points out that both Cicero and Frontinus complain about public water being siphoned off by brothels (Cic. Cael. 34; Frontinus de Aqua. 76.1-2), and illustrates through other literary sources that brothels were central, and generally not shame inducing for male clients to use. The former characteristics used for identification are rightly dismissed as unnecessary. A bed isn’t a pre-requisite for sex. Water for washing afterwards is. Logic. There is, of course, much more that could be said about the content of these books. Ultimately though, they represent so much more than the sum of their research. The manner in which Levin-Richardson and Strong evaluate evidence, removed from the burden of nineteenth and twentieth century interpretations, and see it for the sake of itself, is startling in its approach. It shouldn’t be, but it is. I think that this is why I found reading the books together transformative, because they simultaneously reinforced just how badly the study of women in antiquity has ofttimes been done, and at the same time, present a way forward. I, for one, will happily follow in their footsteps. News broke over the weekend of an exciting and unique new find in Pompeii, an intact chariot of a type that has no parallels in the known remains of Roman Italy. The vehicle was discovered in conjunction with the ongoing excavations in the villa di Civita Giuliana. Located to the north of the city walls, this villa was partially excavated at the beginning of the twentieth century, but has only recently become the subject of more detailed recovery work. This is the result of an ongoing joint project which was conceived as a reaction to illegal tunnels dug through the property by antiquities black marketeers – indeed, it is sheer luck that one of the looter’s tunnels only just misses the latest discovery. There have been numerous finds coming out of these excavations, including the skeletons of three horses complete with harnesses (2018) in a stable block, and more recently, the remains of two male victims of the eruption (2020). Late last year archaeologists discovered a double porticoed room leading into an open courtyard adjacent to the stable where the remains of the horses were previously found. An oak beamed ceiling, carbonised and preserved by the eruption, was found in the same room as the chariot. The preservation is stunning: mineralised wood (identified as beech), imprints of organic material (created by injecting plaster into cavities), iron wheels, metal arm and back rests, and decorative elements of tin and bronze. This is an incredibly rich object with red and black painted wood panels that alternate along the sides of the structure with engraved bronze sheets, which are further enhanced by tin medallions depicting figures. Organic material reveal traces of cushions, ropes that would have held garlands of flowers, and two sheafs of wheat imprinted in the ash on the seat of the carriage. Aspects of the decoration, the design of the chariot, and the traces of organic material are currently fueling the scholarly debate as to how these should be interpreted, and the exact purpose of the vehicle. It has been identified as a pilentum, a specific kind of four wheeled carriage used by women. Livy (5.25.7) refers to the use of pilenta by women for festivals and games, whereas the standard two wheeled carpenta was for use on holy and work days. No other remains of a pilentum have been attested in archaeological contexts in Italy, but some comparison may be drawn to other artefacts such as this statuette of the goddess Cybele. The wheatsheafs, along with the use of this type of vehicle for festivals, has led to some speculation that it may have been used by a priestess in processions related to the worship of Ceres or Venus. As the resident patron deity of the city, Venus did have her own public priestesses, and her celebration would have been foremost in the local religious calendar. Ceres is another popular goddess in Pompeii, with numerous priestesses attested epigraphically who were dedicated to her cult. The presence of stalks of wheat in the chariot at the time it was buried in volcanic debris could indicate a link to Ceres, as she was the goddess of fertility and all things agricultural. What a festival for her might look like, and more to the point, where a procession might lead in the city is more difficult to assess. Ceres is one of many of the gods who are present in the written record of Pompeii, but for whom no temple has ever been ascribed. The erotic images – visible on two of the three large medallions – have created further debate as to interpretation. In comparison to other known images (from Pompeii and elsewhere), there are what appears to be two pairs of lovers: one male-male and one male-female. These have also been refered to as typical of depictions of satyrs and maenads, particularly in reference to other works of art where the maenad is attempting to escape the embrace of a satyr. The smaller medallions on the chariot are described as cupids engaged in various activities, again something seen frequently in Pompeii, especially in dividing registers in wall paintings. It may never be clear which of these two interpretations is correct, but we can hope that restoration work as yet to be carried out may offer some clarity, particularly if the third image can be recreated. Regardless, the inclusion of erotic images in the decorative scheme (what Anise K. Strong referred to as akin to ‘pornographic bumper stickers’) has led to the idea that the chariot was of a type used not in a religious procession, but in a matrimonial one. The most recognisable and most important event of a Roman wedding ceremony was in all likelihood the procession of the bride from her home to that of the groom, the domum deductio. The procession served as a public demonstration of the wedding, with the bride serving as the key participant, since the groom did not necessarily have to be present. Elements of the wedding took place primarily in the home, first the bride’s, then culminating with her acceptance into the home of the groom, and as such were not wholly subject to public display. The procession, however, was, and for those who were able to afford it, could include the use of a chariot such as this one. The combination of erotic images, ropes for garlands of flowers, the symbolism of fertility inherent in the wheatsheafs, and the richness of the vehicle overall does lend some credence to the idea of the chariot used in a wedding procession. There will undoubtedly be a slew of new information still to come as work continues on the chariot. Iconography aside, it is an important discovery for better understanding the technology of ancient Roman vehicles and how they worked, and is currently the only known example of a pilentum from Roman Italy. Excavation work in this villa over the last several years has revealed a significant number of new finds, which are not only expanding our knowledge of the volcanic event, but also provide insight into numerous aspects of life in Pompeii and the broader Roman world. My first thought upon reading the news was, perhaps predictably, not of the uniqueness of the chariot, but of a particular graffito: CIL IV 5092 Amoris ignes sentires mulio magi(s) properares ut videres Venerem diligo puerum venustum rogo punge iamus bibisti iamus prende lora et excute Pompeios defer ubi dulcis est amor / meus es. ‘Driver, if only you could feel the fires of love, you would hurry more to enjoy the pleasures of Venus. I love a young charmer; please, spur on the horses, let’s get on! You’ve had your drink, let’s go, take the reins and crack the whip, take me to Pompeii, where my sweet love lives.’ I’d like to imagine the eager writer of this text arriving at their lover’s door in such a chariot. In the flurry of final deeds marking the exodus of the current administration from Washington, D.C., (by the time I publish this former) Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a speech in which he stated that multiculturalism is ‘not who America is.’ Besides the obvious fact that the earliest European settlers of the North American continent were not Pompeo’s Italian ancestors (or indeed Trump’s German grandfather, or two of his three foreign-born wives), multiculturalism is exactly what America is, and always has been. The proverbial melting pot, accepting the ‘huddled masses yearning to breathe free,’ the country of all creeds and colours, is a fundamental concept for the history of the U.S. Ask any school child… it was drilled into us. This, of course, does not mean we have historically been very good at it, and intolerance has always thrived in contrast to the desire to represent that elusive idea of freedom. Irish need not apply, no Blacks, no Italians, speak English, build the wall. This rhetoric is exactly why people like Pompeo make statements as they do. There is an obvious contradiction here in the lack of acceptance of foreign or different from people not all that far removed from immigrant ancestors – Marco Rubio and Priti Patel spring to mind as prime examples. That switch from one generation (more or less) to the next is a stunning example of losing sight not only of history generally, but of your own past and ancestry. By sheer coincidence, I have been reading Laurens Tacoma’s Roman Political Culture (2020) today. In a discussion of the Apocolocyntosis, a text in which Claudius’ right to deification is debated by the gods, he examines the charge that the emperor Claudius admitted all and sundry to Roman citizenship, with the goal ‘to see everyone in a toga’ (Apoc. 3.3). In other words, one of the arguments used for the basis of the rejection of Claudius’ deification is that he let too many foreigners become citizens. Despite the fact that this is, as far as ancient historians can determine, grossly exaggerated (according to demographic studies and the results of the census taken during his reign approximately 10% of the population of the Roman Empire held citizenship), the idea that Claudius was pro-multiculturalism held. Cassius Dio (60.17.5-7) even goes so far as to state that citizenship could be purchased from Claudius’ first wife Messalina and his imperial freedmen. In the record of a speech Claudius gave before the Senate in regard to the extension of citizenship to Gallic aristocrats, known as the Lyons tabulae, he points out what the Senate (and coincidentally, Mike Pompeo) have forgotten: Rome has always been made up of foreigners. ‘Of course, breaking with the past, the deified Augustus, my great uncle, and my uncle Tiberius Caesar wished the whole flower of the colonies and the municipalities everywhere, that is, the men of worth and wealth, to be in this senate house. But what then? Is not an Italian senator to be preferred to a provincial? When I begin to obtain approval for this part of my censorship, what I feel about this matter I will reveal to you. But not even provincials, provided they can be an ornament to the senate house, do I think ought to be rejected.’ (CIL 13.1668 col 2 ll. 1–8) Romulus was, after all, the descendent of Aeneas – an illegal immigrant who fled his war torn country looking for a new home. Upon founding the city that bore his name, Romulus sought to increase its population, and did so by inviting foreigners to settle within his newly erected walls. Livy (I.8.5-6) tells us: ‘It had been the ancient policy of the founders of cities to get together a multitude of people of obscure and low origin and then to spread the fiction that they were the children of the soil. In accordance with this policy, Romulus opened a place of refuge on the spot where, as you go down from the Capitol, you find an enclosed space between two groves. A promiscuous crowd of freemen and slaves, eager for change, fled thither from the neighbouring states. This was the first accession of strength to the nascent greatness of the city.’ The first women of Rome were stolen from a neighbouring state, the city expanded over time, slowly subsuming a multitude of native Italic peoples, then moved across the region to include Gauls, Germans, Greeks, Britains, Egyptians, Syrians, and others. Rome was, for all intents and purposes, the original melting pot. The Senate, and indeed many of the Italians as provincial territories grew, had a habit of forgetting that Romans and peregrini were only a few generations removed in name. Perhaps then, in a true example of repeating history, its no wonder that many Americans do the same. When I wrote about the latest finds from Pompeiiearlier this week, I focused on the stories told about the revelations of new material extracted from the debris of Vesuvius. There is, however, another huge issue that must be grappled with, both as archaeologists and as people, and that is the fact that we are dealing with human remains. How we do that as Classical Archaeologists is, for historic reasons I cannot fully identify, very different from how such remains are handled in other parts of the world, and in other fields of archaeological science. Five years ago, at the time my doctoral dissertation on tombs was being published as a book, my dad managed to get me invited to give a talk about my research at the local public library in Illinois when I was home for the holidays. After the talk (surprisingly, even attended by people I’m not related to), I was asked a question regarding what happened to the human remains found in Pompeii after excavation. The audience member who asked made specific reference to NAGPRA, which is something that I was well schooled in from my undergraduate days, but had never considered in the context of my work in Italy. For those not from North America, this law requires the dignified treatment and eventual return of any human remains found on federal or tribal lands to their descendants. This has sometimes caused drawn out legal battles between tribes, in part because the length of time that has passed (multiple thousands of years) can make finding direct lineage difficult, or in many instances, allows claims from more than one group. This is, of course, very much tied up with the historic mis-treatment of Native Americans, their displacement from ancestral lands, and the genocidal level reduction of their population over the last six hundred years. What is intriguing to me, is that this same reverence is not necessarily shown for the remains that are found in the Vesuvian sites. Unlike some of the issues caused by forced migration and genocide of Native American peoples, there should be no doubt that modern Italians are the descendants of ancient Romans (as are numerous other European and North African peoples). All you need to do is listen to a Neapolitan or a Sicilian speak Italian and you can hear faint remnants of your school Latin. Even amongst Americans whose ancestors came from Italy there is still a vague association with the Rome of the past (consider Tony Soprano’s (sweary) response when asked by a Jewish business associate waxing lyrically about the braveness of those at Masada holding out against Roman soldiers.) So what’s the difference, and more to the point, why is there one? Since excavations in Pompeii began in 1748, approximately 1200 sets of human remains have been found. Initially, these were categorised as the old, the infirm, and children who were physically unable to escape the cataclysm of the eruption in AD 79. This determination, however, was made with no examination of the bones themselves. Since the late nineteenth century, slightly more than one hundred plaster casts have been made of human and animal remains. It is only recently that the skeletons contained in the casts have begun to be studied by Estelle Lazar. Her team has discovered that the previous ideas about who died in the eruption is wrong, and the remains actually represent a broad spectrum of the population of the ancient city. What makes the two recently made casts unique is that the skeletons themselves were examined prior to casting. Skeletal remains from an archaeological site of any context can provide information about age at death, sex, health, diet, occupation, and migration. Mix in a documented cause of death by volcanic eruption, and there is more information to be found about stages of the eruption, cause of death (suffocation from ash, pyroclastic flow gases, blunt trauma, etc.), and the behaviour and reaction to those attempting to escape (consider, for example, the hundreds found on the beach in Herculaneum). This is, in part, why the skeletons and casts from Pompeii and Herculaneum are, in my view, treated on some level as artefacts rather than as human remains. This can be taken one step further when you consider that a large number of casts were first made in late 1800s. In a sense, they have become artefacts in their own right in relation to the development of the technique and of the evolution of archaeology as a scientific discipline. Many of these have been on display within the archaeological park, in museums, or simply kept gathering dust in storage in various facilities around Pompeii. The casts of the victims have always been a draw for visitors to the site – I can’t tell you how many times a tourist has asked me for directions to ‘the bodies’ – and indeed have featured on postcards and other memorabilia. I suspect – based in part on the reaction I’ve had from some students over the years – that there is some confusion as to what they actually are (and I would guess this may arise from referring to them as ‘casts’). Yes, the process of making a cast preserves the shape of the whole person, including details such as clothing, anything that the individual may have been holding or carrying, and in the case of animals, harnesses or leads. But the outer plaster shell does contain human remains: skulls, teeth, long bones, fingers, and toes. They are not models of what once existed, they are skeletons. They are people. As Mary Beard has said, ‘Pompeii is not just an archaeological site, it’s a site of human tragedy.’ It surprises me that there isn’t more reverence for them, not just by scientists and tourists, but by the people of Italy themselves. Why isn’t there a call to re-bury those we have dug up? Every once in awhile, a meme circulates asking the question how much time has to pass before grave robbing becomes archaeology. It pokes fun at an incredibly awkward question about how we treat those whose resting places (whether intended or tragic) we disturb. I, for one, would rather be an archaeologist. Over the weekend, there was a small explosion of news stories and photos coming out of Pompeii, where it was announced that the remains of two victims of the AD79 eruption of Vesuvius had been discovered. Found in a villa of Civita Guiliana, an area 700 metres to the north of the city walls, these excavations are part of the ongoing work that has been carried out in the area since 2017, when Italian police discovered illegal tunnels black marketeers had dug into the structure. Upon discovery, the skeletons and the cavities around their bodies were explored with cameras before casts were made, using techinques first developed in the nineteenth century by Giuseppe Fiorelli. Video of this process can be found on the Pompeii site’s Instagram. Whilst fundamentally, this is exciting news for anyone that works on any of the Vesuvian sites, there is a seemingly inevitable downside to every new discovery. There is always a story, an immediate explanation for the who or what that is, if not completely wrong, then at least exagerated or inconclusive based on the evidence that is currently available. In this latest instance, the social status (and therefore relationship) between the two sets of human remains of slave and wealthy master is based solely on a wool cloak and some crushed vertabrae. I am certainly not the only person who finds this conclusion pre-mature, at the very least (for further discussion see Miko Flohr’s excellent thread), but it did make me start thinking about why this happens. Why do we insist on a story, evidence be damned? This has been true for many of the finds from the last several years, including the tantalising story of the man killed in the eruption by a large stone block, later dismissed as a complete fallacy. But it isn’t only a recent trend: these stories have been circulating since the re-discovery of Pompeii. Consider, for example, the oft told story of the noble soldier maintaining his post at the Herculaneum Gate throughout the eruption of Vesuvius. This story was supposedly born from the discovery of a skeleton with armaments in a small structure with a bench next to the city gate. It was immortalised in a painting ‘Faithful Unto Death’ by Edward John Poynter (1865), who got the idea from Edward Bulwar-Lytton’s novelThe Last Days of Pompeii (1834). Mark Twain wrote about it in his travelogue The Innocents Abroad (1869). In 2007, Lee Behlman finally dispelled this myth. Not only was the benched structure actually the tomb of a freedman named Marcus Cerrinius Restitutus – not a sentry box – but the daily excavation records showed that no skeleton was found anywhere near it. It’s not true, it is simply a good story. This desire for a story, a way perhaps to make a human connection, brings to mind the impressions of another novelist – Mary Shelley. She published the accounts of her travels in two volumes in 1844 as Rambles in Germany and Italy in 1840, 1842 and 1843. She first visited Pompeii in 1818, finding the site largely unimpressive and depressing. But in 1843, when she returned to the city after reading Bulwer-Lytton’s novel, she wrote: ‘We have visited Pompeii. A greater extent of the city has been dug out and laid open since I was there before, so that it has now much more the appearance of a town of the dead. You may ramble about and lose yourself in the many streets. Bulwer, too, has peopled its silence. I have been reading his book, and I have felt on visiting the place much more as if really it had been once full of stirring life, now that he has attributed names and possessors to its houses, passengers to its streets. Such is the power of the imagination. It can not only give ‘a local habitation and a name’ to the airy creations of the fancy and the abstract ideas of the mind, but it can put a soul into stones, and hang the vivid interest of our passions and our hopes upon objects otherwise vacant of name or sympathy. Not indeed that Pompeii could be such, but the account of its ‘Last Days’ has cast over it a more familiar garb, and peopled its desert streets with associations that greatly add to their interest.’ In other words, Shelley’s experience of visiting Pompeii was transformed by a story. Her idea that the story created by Bulwer-Lytton ‘peopled its silence’ is an important concept: she is evidence that we connect more with people who have some sort of form, an ordered place in the world, that can be identified in some manner, than we do with an ambiguous set of remains (whether architectual or human). For her, it was imagining the characters of Glaucus and Ione passing time in the House of the Tragic Poet. For us, it is concocting status and relationships for newly discovered skeletons, determining a fantastical cause of death, or imagining the final circumstances of both the animal and human remains uncovered. The desire to create a narrative around new finds without substantiated evidence, I suspect, is far more about a condition of the human psyche that desires a means for establishing a connection or understanding than it is about the truth. Regardless of the harm it may cause (try dispelling students of the ideas they gain from news reports and documentaries on telly), it seems that the truth is for the scholars and scientists to work out later to no great fanfare, and should never get in the way of telling a good story. I grew up in New York, in a (relatively) small town on eastern Long Island. It was generally a mixed bag socially, economically, and racially, as far as small towns go. The schools were good, but had some issues from time to time. But there were some exceptional teachers, and one of them ran the Latin programme. One of the options in our state mandated high school degree programme was three years of a foreign language (taught over four – two in middle school and two in high school with the option to carry on to advanced classes). When I was twelve and had the chance to pick, I went with German. This was a huge mistake because of the teacher (to give you an idea I was once thrown out of class for asking if we were going to actually learn anything that day), and so at the first opportunity to change languages in the transition to high school, I switched to French. So there I am (and to be honest, so was half my German class) starting French I on the first day of high school, walking into a classroom expecting to find posters of the Eiffel Tower or the Arc de Triomphe, maybe a teacher in a jaunty beret, and instead found… the Latin teacher. The reality though, is that the gods of languages knew exactly what they were doing. I spent a year learning rudimentary French, along with the Latin roots of words (or Greek, and I have vague memories of the odd bits of Sanskrit), I heard words like Indo-European for the first time, and most importantly, I had a teacher who made me desperately want to learn things. Even Latin. So I did. The year I began Latin was the first time it had been taught ab initio in our high school, at the request of students. The majority of us were lured there in part because of the language, but mostly because of the Latin teacher. Dr. Greenberger was unlike any teacher I had ever encountered before, or to be honest, since. He was dynamic, and fun, and so incredibly smart. Fourteen year old me was in awe of all the things he knew, and of the things he talked about that I had only the vaguest impressions of – things like having a Ph.D. or studying in Oxford or going to Rome. He was a magnet. There was a reason he was the only teacher in school with a sofa in his classroom: because Latinist or not, we wanted to hang with Doc. We waited in anticipation for the nicknames he bestowed upon his students (I still feel slightly hard done by that it was a classmate who gave me my moniker that was later shortened by Dr. Greenberger. That didn’t seem very original to me.) We kept our special Latin pencils safe (extra points on quizzes!), and we really tried to remember all those endings, some of us with more success than others. But our classes were more than Latin. Time was dedicated each day to a bit of mythology, history, or other trivia in a segment called ‘What Every Latinist Should Know.’ I loved that more than the language, but it was all part of a greater learning experience that has had such a profound impact on who I am and what my life has become. I was one of the students who went on the first study trip organised by the Latin teacher and his wife (also a Latinist!). It was on that trip I saw the grandeur of Rome, but more importantly, saw Pompeii for the first time. I have such a clear memory, standing in the Forum in Pompeii, on a grey and blustery February day, and feeling something sort of click into place. I am well aware of how trite that sounds, but I have never known how else to describe it. Many years, a vaguely related undergraduate degree, and a few odd jobs later, I moved to the U.K. to begin a MA in classics and archaeology. This led to a Ph.D., a post-doctoral fellowship, books and articles published, and jobs teaching various sub-disciplines in Classics at seven universities across the UK (including Oxford!). Ironically, I have never really taught Latin. But that’s not really my point…. My point is this: the one person (outside of my family, obviously) who has had the greatest impact on the trajectory of my life was my high school Latin teacher. Not just for the material he taught, but for the way he taught it. I know from former classmates that I am not the only one who has spent their professional life striving to be the kind of teacher he was for us. In fact, the other night a friend told me she used much of how we were taught Latin in her application for tenure – and that’s in a STEM subject. My Latin teacherretired earlier this year, and the school district spoke of replacement. I am not privy to all of the ins and outs of what has happened, but it is clear there have been behind the scenes machinations that have culminated in the recent announcement that the Latin programme will be abolished (despite having had suitable candidates, and until now, substantial interest from students). Whilst I fully recognise the impossibility of replacing a teacher like Doc, I am devastated by the loss of the Latin programme in and of itself. It has existed in that school for more than a hundred years, and was, when I was a student, the only Latin programme on the East End (I have memories of distance learning Latin classes with other schools in the area). At a time when there are so many concerted efforts to increase the study of Latin in schools here in the UK through organisations such as Classics for All, ACE, and regional groups like the Birmingham and West Midlands Classics Network, I cannot help but think this decision is incredibly short-sighted, and to the detriment of the current and future students of my hometown. There are a myriad of reasons why studying Latin (and Classics more generally) is a Good Idea, and they have been elucidated by people far more eloquent and respected in the field than myself. But I have my own reasons, because for better or worse, walking into that Latin classroom for the first time became part of who I am, what I do, and why I have pursued the life that I have. I have already sent a letter of outrage and condemnation to the relevant decision makers in the school district, but in doing so, I did wonder how many of us – Classicists or not, educators more generally – had that one teacher that made the difference. More importantly, does the area of study that influenced what you do now still exist in your school? We all bemoan the reduction of subjects in schools and universities, the ever shrinking available funding and constraints on what a department can do. Many work in those areas of outreach and widening participation I mentioned above to promote their subject more widely, but many also pay lip service to it, or do it because the department head says they must. The sudden prospect of my old school losing the very thing that led me to where I am made me realise, in a new way, just how valuable this kind of work is, and how important it is for all of us to work to keep our subjects viable, at every level of education, and in every place we can. If you’ve been on any form of social media in the last twenty-four hours, you have probably encountered images of the statue of Edward Colston being torn down and thrown into Bristol Harbour by Black Lives Matterprotestors. The statue, first erected in 1895, has been the centre of massive debate in Bristol for many years. Petitions and protests surrounding its removal have been unsuccessful, so it is not in the least bit surprising to me that it should have been targeted over the weekend. Attempts to mitigate anger over the statue by the Bristol Council resulted in the decision to add a second plaque to the base, which was to clarify Colston’s role in the Atlantic slave trade. Even this garnered controversy, as the council and residents debated the words to be inscribed. What strikes me particularly about the text of the proposed plaque is the inclusion of 19,000 Africans who died whilst being transported across the ocean. Common practice in the slave trade was to dump not only the dead, but also the ill, overboard and later claim for those lost on insurance. As abhorant as it sounds, insurance payouts were more profitable than the sale of weak or infirm human beings. With that in mind, dumping the statue of Colston in the harbour seems a most fitting place for him. I will leave aside the debate about public disorder and whether or not removing the statue in the way it has been done is legal or right. What I am more interested in is the ongoing debate about the removal of statues and how this constitutes an erasure of history. It doesn’t. The Ancient Romans, of course, removed and defaced statues. Known to historians as the practice of damnatio memoriae (which I havewritten about previously), this was something typically used by emperors in order to disassociate themselves from previous regimes that were deemed bad. But those were not the only instances, and it was also used to deface statues and tombstones of cheating husbands and wives, former friends who committed an act of betrayal, and others. But, these acts of erasure were not meant to obliterate the memory of the person (even if it did successfully eliminate their likeness). Statue heads re-carved are disproportinate to the body, lines of text in lapidary inscriptions are crossed out, and coins have faces rubbed out. In other words, the act of removing the name or image is not meant to make one forget they existed, but rather to remind viewers that the person no longer deserves to be remembered. It is a deliberate attempt not to forget the memory of the person, but to alter it: to render that memory negatively. After all, we know who Geta was. We know what Caligula looked like despite the fact that the majority of statue heads we have of him were found at the bottom of the Tiber River (a fact that makes the treatment of Coulston’s statue quite apt). In the instances of defacement of inscriptions (whether for members of the imperial family or common Romans), names have been reconstructed. This illustrates that if forgetting was truly intended, the Romans were massively unsuccessful. Now, when there have been an increasing number of voices calling for the removal of statues and place names of those who instigated and perpetuated the practice of enslavement on both sides of the Atlantic, I think the lesson of the Romans is an important one. This is not an attempt to erase history. But rather, rightfully, there is an attempt to dishonour those who stand for oppression and bigotry, racism and profiteering off the backs of other human beings. We don’t want to erase these people, but to remember that they deserve to be forgotten. Edited to add: Since writing this yesterday I have discovered more about the history of the statue of Edward Colston. Like many of the monuments to soldiers and leaders of the Confederacy venerated in the U.S., Colston’s life and legacy were largely created at a much later date. Whilst I cannot ascribe the same motive of advancing white supremecy tied to the late nineteenth / early twentieth century construction of Confederate monuments, this does serve as yet another example of current attempts to preserve a believed history, that for all intents and purposes, is a false narrative. About a week ago I came across a post on Twitterof some phallic images that were produced in the eighteenth century in France. They immediately reminded me of the many anthropomorphised phalli that have been recovered from the ancient Vesuvian sites, and that got me to thinking about their use in French political propaganda, but also about the influence the artefacts of genitalia from Pompeii and Herculaneum had on the illustrators responsible for the images. Small pamphlets known as libelleswere used to spread rumour and invective against Marie Antoinette in the lead up to the French Revolution. From the mid 1780s onwards, these increasingly contained implications and accusations of her sexual misconduct, whether it be lesbian relationships or affairs with political supporters and members of the court. Regardless of whether or not any of these accusations were true was beside the point: the aim was to degrade the queen, her associates, and other members of the French aristocracy. One particular means of depicting the perceived immoral nature of Marie Antoinette was via a phallic ostrich. The ostrich was thought to be a reference to her Austrian background, as the French words were similar (autrichienne f. / autruche). The cartoon below depicts her sometimes political supporter, the Marquis de La Fayette, riding the phallic bird with the queen in attendance. More explicit examples of this type include a similar depiction of a man (in this case, unidentified) riding a phallic ostrich, only this time Marie Antoinette is exposing her lower half, as if awaiting penetration. These avian sex organs are, of course, not at all that dissimilar from the bronze winged phalli that were used as tintinnabulum in the ancient Roman world. The difference, however, is that where the eighteenth century cartoons were meant to demean the French queen and were circulated in an effort to destory her and supporters of the monarchy, the Pompeian versions were apotropaic in nature, and meant to provoke laughter, offering protection from the evil eye or other nefarious spirits. The same comparison could be made to cartoons of the queen in the middle of sexual acts. These illustrations often depicted lesbian or multi-person encounters, not for titilation or the purposes of erotica, but again, to demonstrate the licentious and undesierable behaviour of the monarch. Here, she is depicted with one of her (supposed) lesbian lovers as well as another man. Whilst normalised sex acts (i.e. a heterosexual couple) were often depicted in the ancient world in wall paintings, or on objects such as lamps, mirrors, and vases in an allusion to intercourse, the more (for lack of a better term) deviant acts were also apotropaic. These could include reversals such as men performing cunnilingus, women acting as the aggressor, or multiple participants. Meant to provoke laughter and titilate in a non-sexual, but rather protection inducing manner, images such as the one below are found in locations such as the changing rooms of the Suburban Baths. This foursome (two men, two women) includes both hetero- and homo- acts simutaneously taking place. It is not erotic or derogatory; it is (to the Roman viewer) ridiculous. Of course, what I find most compelling about these is the similarity between the French cartoons and the so-called erotica of Pompeii and Herculaneum. The initial exploration of Herculaneum via that now infamouus well shaft begain in 1709 – long before the first libelles appeared denouncing Marie Antoinette. Statuary and other objects were already being circulated by the nobility of Europe when Charles VII, the Bourbon king, took possession of the area in 1738. Although there were restrictions on recording or publishing any of the finds from the Vesuvian sites (except, of course, officially and produced as a gift of the king) most visitors endeavoured to contravene this embargo. A group of French nobles, begining in 1750, began a campagin of what they deemed ‘conscious archaeological espionage’ in order to view and record as much of what they saw as possible. The group was led by the Marquis de Marigny, who was travelling in Italy before he took up an appointment as the director general of the royal academy of the arts in Paris. With him was one Jerome-Charles Bellicard, an architect and engraver who had previously worked for Giovanni Piranesi in Rome. They would visit Pompeii, Herculaneum, and the royal museum at Portici by day, and spend the nights recording their observations. One of Bellicard’s notebooks from these evenings of work survives today, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Initially, short pamphlets and various images were published, but in 1753, the group simultaneously published a three volume set of books in both French and English: Observations upon the antiquities of the town of Herculaneum discovered at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. Although none of the more phallic centred images of the ancient cities were reproduced in this work, I find it difficult to believe that drawings of those items weren’t also winging their way out of the protection of the court at Portici. After all, it was only about a decade after Marie Antoinette’s death that the practice of hiding away so-called pornographic objects began when a director of the museum, Michele Arditi, moved more than one hundred objects into the collection of the Gabinetto Segreto. In view of this, the visual similarities between the French cartoons and the phalli of Pompeii seem more than mere coincidence. In other words, the authors of French political satire were not as creative – or indeed as original – as they would appear. Wherever you go in time or place – ancient Pompeii or revolutionary France – dick jokes remain. Earlier this week I came across the Sky production of Britannia. Originally aired in 2018, this series depicts the conquering of Britain by Rome in AD 43. Whilst the historical accuracy may be a wee bit on the sketchy side (and was clearly never the aim), it does contain the elements one would expect from such a dramatization. Brutal Roman soldiers? Check. Sympathetic Britons? Check. Crazy, drugged out Druids? Double check. Part way through the first episode, after the Romans have interrupted the coming of age ceremony held by the Cantiaci tribe on the solstice, killing or enslaving most of the settlement, a conversation takes place between one young escapee from the slaughter and her reluctant saviour, an outcast of the Druids whose prophetic abilities warning of the invasion were ignored. Cait: What’s a Roman? Outcast: The Romans are devils. They are the foot soldiers of Locher, the great earth demon. He started a place called Rome. Cait: What’s Rome? Outcast: Rome is one of the seven mouths of hell. Basically, it was just some god-forsaken shit hole in the middle of nowhere but Locher came up from the underworld and made it his home on earth. And he filled it with his power and it grew and grew and grew, and now Rome spreads all the way across the whole world. Even here. In a week when the ongoing disaster that is Brexit and the current government here in the UK has been ramped up to a point that is beyond the ridiculous, the above exchange made me think that in the minds of many in this country, the EU could replace Rome and the sentiment would remain true. But this disregards the benefits that came with both the Romans and the EU, and whilst there is little point re-iterating the ‘What have the Romans ever done for us?’ speech of Monty Python fame here (although….), it does illustrate something about how the British conceive of their own mythology and origins. Take for example, Boudicca, the Iceni woman who led a revolt against the Romans about fifteen years after the invasion. She is, to this day, held as a paragon of British spirit and pride. Her image, mounted on a chariot with her daughters, sits on the corner of Westminster Bridge, only meters from the Houses of Parliament. More than once in the three years since the Brexit referendum vote, I have heard or read her name as an example to aspire to, her fight against the Romans equated to the fight against the EU. And yet, historically, she was a blip. This is something that always surprises my (British) students. Tacitus, the first century AD historian and only near contemporary source for the British conquest, deigns to give Boudicca three whole paragraphs in his Annals. Three. He says: XIV.31 The Icenian king Prasutagus, celebrated for his long prosperity, had named the emperor his heir, together with his two daughters; an act of deference which he thought would place his kingdom and household beyond the risk of injury. The result was contrary—so much so that his kingdom was pillaged by centurions, his household by slaves; as though they had been prizes of war. As a beginning, his wife Boudicca was subjected to the lash and his daughters violated: all the chief men of the Icenians were stripped of their family estates, and the relatives of the king were treated as slaves. Impelled by this outrage and the dread of worse to come—for they had now been reduced to the status of a province—they flew to arms, and incited to rebellion the Trinobantes and others, who, not yet broken by servitude, had entered into a secret and treasonable compact to resume their independence. The bitterest animosity was felt against the veterans; who, fresh from their settlement in the colony of Camulodunum, were acting as though they had received a free gift of the entire country, driving the natives from their homes, ejecting them from their lands,—they styled them “captives” and “slaves,”—and abetted in their fury by the troops, with their similar mode of life and their hopes of equal indulgence. More than this, the temple raised to the deified Claudius continually met the view, like the citadel of an eternal tyranny; while the priests, chosen for its service, were bound under the pretext of religion to pour out their fortunes like water. Nor did there seem any great difficulty in the demolition of a colony unprotected by fortifications—a point too little regarded by our commanders, whose thoughts had run more on the agreeable than on the useful. XIV.35 Boudicca, mounted in a chariot with her daughters before her, rode up to clan after clan and delivered her protest:—“It was customary, she knew, with Britons to fight under female captaincy; but now she was avenging, not, as a queen of glorious ancestry, her ravished realm and power, but, as a woman of the people, her liberty lost, her body tortured by the lash, the tarnished honour of her daughters. Roman cupidity had progressed so far that not their very persons, not age itself, nor maidenhood, were left unpolluted. Yet Heaven was on the side of their just revenge: one legion, which ventured battle, had perished; the rest were skulking in their camps, or looking around them for a way of escape. They would never face even the din and roar of those many thousands, far less their onslaught and their swords I—If they considered in their own hearts the forces under arms and the motives of the war, on that field they must conquer or fall. Such was the settled purpose of a woman—the men might live and be slaves!” XIV.37 At first, the legionaries stood motionless, keeping to the defile as a natural protection: then, when the closer advance of the enemy had enabled them to exhaust their missiles with certitude of aim, they dashed forward in a wedge-like formation. The auxiliaries charged in the same style; and the cavalry, with lances extended, broke a way through any parties of resolute men whom they encountered. The remainder took to flight, though escape was difficult, as the cordon of wagons had blocked the outlets. The troops gave no quarter even to the women: the baggage animals themselves had been speared and added to the pile of bodies. The glory won in the course of the day was remarkable, and equal to that of our older victories: for, by some accounts, little less than eighty thousand Britons fell, at a cost of some four hundred Romans killed and a not much greater number of wounded. Boudicca ended her days by poison; while Poenius Postumus, camp-prefect of the second legion, informed of the exploits of the men of the fourteenth and twentieth, and conscious that he had cheated his own corps of a share in the honours and had violated the rules of the service by ignoring the orders of his commander, ran his sword through his body. That is it. Her rebellion quashed with some eighty thousand dead Britons, her suicide by poison, and very little damage to Rome or Roman soldiers. Of course, this is the history written by the victorious, and there is always that element to take into consideration in assessing its validity. But the fact remains that Rome was successful in conquering Britain, and more or less peacefully ruling here for hundreds of years. If this is the model for British independence from the EU, (or in any other international political sphere) I cannot help but feel a better example is warranted. This is not a David and Goliath underdog is surprisingly victorious story. Boudicca was a failure, and largely an insignificant one, historically speaking. Using her as an example, as part of the mythology of a nation’s identity, implies resistance, but also failure. Much like the defense to the onset of Roman rule being organised by Cantiaci tribesmen at the end of the first episode of Britannia, the end result will be defeat.
I just want to make one thing clear. When Ann Coulter talks about her Giant Raccoon Flatulence Theory, she's talking about me. Don't let anyone else tell you that they are a giant flatulent raccoon. They're all just a bunch of wannabes. For I am the One True Giant Flatulent Raccoon. Allow me to explain... Coulter dedicates the last four chapers of her new book Godless to evolution. She claims that it is nothing more than the religion of liberalism (as opposed to the foundation of modern biology, as 92 national scientific academies and dozens of scientific societies attest.) When I first heard about this bizarre news, I didn't pay much attention to it. I certainly didn't sit down to read the book, since I had more pressing matters to attend to, such as reading papers written by actual scientists about actual science. And as early reports on the treatment of evolution in Godless began emerge--documenting copious errors, illogical arguments, and other sorts of intellectual dreadfulness (see, for example, talkreason, Panda's Thumb, and Pharyngula)--I decided I had made the right choice. But then a friend told me that I, or at least one of my articles, was in the book. Now the bizarre had become the personal. I had to investigate. And when I did, I discovered that I had inspired the Giant Flatulent Raccoon Theory. You see, last July my appendix nearly burst. I got to the hospital in time to have it safely removed, and as I recuperated I wondered why I had an appendix in the first place. After all, it had nearly killed me and now I was perfectly healthy without it. When I mentioned this to my editor, she said, Cool--sounds like an essay. I agreed. I started to read scientific studies of the appendix, and I spoke to some scientists who had written about its evolutionary origins. The question remains open, I discovered, in large part because scientists have a lot of work left to do to trace its history in mammals and to understand its function in us and in other [strike]special.[/strike]species. The existence of unanswered questions in science sometimes come as a shock to non-scientists, but there are plenty. How does the brain develop in a baby, for example? Scientists have identified some important genes, but they only have the vaguest idea of how those genes work together to create the cerebellum, the cerebral cortex, and all the other parts of the brain. That doesn't make their work inconsequential or wrong. It just means they'll be busy for a few more centuries. I eventually wrote an essay (which you can read here or here) in which I explained what is and is not known of the appendix. I included a speculation from one of the scientists, Rebecca Fisher of Midwestern University, about why the appendix is still with us. She suggested that the appendix provided a net evolutionary benefit. It killed some people with appendicitis, but it also protected them by boosting the immune function in children. Testing this hypothesis is possible, although it will demand an analysis of a lot of medical records. But it is certainly plausible, since biologists have documented similar trade-offs. This caused Coulter a great snit, which appears on page 214 of Godless: So there it is: the theory of evolution is proved again. When the appendix's use was a mystery, it proved evolution. When the appendix was thought to help humans resist childhood diseases--well, that proved evolution, too! Throw in enough words like imagine, perhaps, and might have--and you've got yourself a scientific theory! How about this: Imagine a giant raccoon passed gas and perhaps the resulting gas might have created the vast variety of life we see on Earth. And if you don't accept the giant raccoon flatulence theory for the origin of life, you must be a fundamentalist Christian nut who believes the Earth is flat. That's basically how the argument for evolution goes. For some people, this outburst has come to epitomize Coulter's empty rhetoric. A pretty good analysis of her scientific errors published Friday on the web site Media Matters is entitled, "Ann Coulter's 'Flatulent Raccoon Theory.'" The report has triggered the spread of the flatulent raccoon meme around here at scienceblogs, and elsewhere. It has even earned its own Wikipedia entry (although its survival is still up for grabs). [Update: The deliberations at Wikipedia are over: the giant raccoon theory is now a subsection of the Ann Coulter entry.] There are plenty of passages in Godless's evolution chapters that are as wrong-headed as the Giant Flatulent Raccoon Theory. But having witnessed my own work go through Coulter's mangling machine, I can't help marvelling on just how wrong-headed it is. Coulter conveniently leaves out the fact that when I decribed Fisher's trade-off hypothesis, I stated clearly that it was just that: a hypothesis. I even pointed out that it was one of several possible hypotheses that might be worth examining. (See, for example, this Scientific American article by George Williams and Randolph Nesse in which they propose that it can't get any smaller without causing more infection). Again, that's how science works: people come up with hypotheses that are consistent with the evidence, and then they think about ways to test those hypotheses with new evidence. Instead, Coulter portrays Fisher's hypothesis as "the answer the Times gave" as to why the appendix has not disappeared--making it sound as if the Grey Lady was handing down absolute truth. She then goes one step further, and transforms a hypothesis-turned-answer into the indisputable proof of evolution. I wonder if Coulter actually read my essay--in which case she presumably knows she is misrepresenting it--or if someone just handed her a passage to quote and told her to make up a joke about farts. In any case, she manages to create a truly laughable straw man. The theory of evolution is not a pile of imagines and might-haves. It has been tested by generations of scientists and found to be the best explanation science can provide for how the natural world has gotten to be the way it is. Naturally the theory has matured over the past 150 years, and naturally many aspects of it generate fierce debates. That is how science works. If Coulter can only wage her war against evolution by misrepresenting a speculative hypothesis in an essay by a science writer, she really ought to stop and think for a moment. If she actually did, it might occur to her that she really doesn't even understand what evolution is, or what evolutionary biologists are setting out to explain. I pointed out in my essay that the appendix does not seem to be intelligently designed. "If I understand the concept of the survival of the fittest," she responds, "the appendix doesn't do much for the theory of evolution either. How does a surival-of-the-fittest regime evolve an organ that kills the host organism? Why hasn't evolution evolved the appendix away? (Another sign that your scientific theory is in trouble: When your argument against an opposing theory also disproves your own.)" "If I understand..." If only. Here, as elsewhere, Coulter write about natural selection as if it were a process that can do no wrong. So she thinks that if she just points out flaws in nature she has disproven evolution. Just before Coulter contemplates my appendix, she writes, But, you say, there must be some characteristics that are inherently desirable without regard to whether or not the organism survived, such as intelligence, strength, or--to take something really obvious--a tendency to avoid eating poison. In one experiment attempting to prove evolution (and those are the only evolution experiments allowed by law), fruit flies were bred to avoid eating poison. One would think that if we could settle on one characteristic that is a priori "fit," it would be: "Avoid eating posion." (p.213) Coulter is then shocked to discover that fruit flies bred to avoid eating poison are outcompeted by ordinary flies. "Yes, it's been observed for centuries that it's the truly stupid who are the most successful, live the longest, are the happiest, the wealthiest, the most desirable, and so on," she scoffs. News flash: natural selection does not produce traits that are "inherently desirable." It favors mutations that increase reproductive fitness under a particular set of ecological conditions. And the relationship between mutations and fitness is made even more complicated by trade-offs. Coulter may want to mock the fly research (which for some reason she failed to mention was published in that pseudoscientific rag, the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London), but the fact remains that the scientists found that flies bred for better learning did pay a cost in terms of how well they competed. That may not square with Coulter's experience with smart people, but it wasn't people the scientists were studying. Evolution is influenced by all sorts of trade offs, and scientists have done enormous amounts of research on them, in everything from viruses to swans. For heaven's sake, does Coulter even know about the classic trade-off, sickle cell anemia? What Coulter portrays as the death-blow to the idea that the appendix is the product of evolution is nothing of the sort. As others have observed, it would take many more pages to explain everything that Ann Coulter got wrong about evolution in Godless than she wrote herself. I will content myself with two pages of a book that now sits atop the bestseller list. And I hereby declare this blog the Original Home of the Giant Flatulent Raccoon! [Note: The raccoon picture comes from a wonderful new children's book from my old friend Ian Schoenherr, Little Raccoon's Big Question.] Update 11:30 am: Comments about Coulter's physical appearance (and other personal details) are irrelevant and, in my view, mean-spirited. They will not be accepted here.
t has takena extensive time to pen his new five-element Channel 4 drama, . Many years, states the author, now 57, for the duration of which he basically was not prepared to experience its matter matter. Starting in 1981 and concentrating on a group of younger gay guys living in London during the decade in which Aids ravaged their only recently legal local community (and that hardly – the age of consent for homosexual sexual intercourse was only decreased from 21 to 18 in 1994, to 16 in ’99), the collection, is classic Davies: humorous, riotous and joyful but also stunning, unfortunate and in the long run devastating. By the ultimate credits I was heaving sobs at the sheer waste of life and assure. The forged is built up mostly of male gay actors (Davies mentioned not too long ago that he is currently of the impression that gay actors must play gay characters, even though he later on remarked that he felt “different five several years in the past – and I might alter my thoughts in 5 years”) which include the singer and actorin the foremost function. Ritchie Tozer is a homosexual, 18 yr-previous aspiring actor who moves to London from the Isle of Wight and behaves, as you might expect, like a child in a sweetshop. Ritchie speedily finds an exuberant, team of buddies – the unapologetically camp Roscoe (Omari Douglas), from a Nigerian family members magnificent drama hunk Ash (Nathaniel Curtis) the sweet, reserved Welshman Colin (Callum Scott Howells) normally dressed in an immaculate fit as befits a tailor’s assistant – but constantly at the centre is his finest mate, Jill. Played by the luminous Lydia West, she’s primarily based on yet another Jill, the actress Jill Nalder, whom Davies fulfilled aged 13 at Youth Theatre in Wales and who is just one of the “unsung heroes”, suggests Davies, of the motion to carry the terrors of Aids out into the open up to educate the general public and to assist those struggling from the illness. For Davies, as considerably as It’s a Sin is a tribute to all individuals beautiful, missing boys, it’s also a adore letter to the women of all ages who stepped up with unconditional appreciate in which even some moms could not or would not do so. “She won’t acquire it,” he claims, when I Zoom the two friends jointly at their respective homes (at this stage Nalder’s technology has unsuccessful her, permitting Davies to sing her praises undisturbed). “‘Everyone was executing it’, she states, ‘it was all of us’ – and it wasn’t. It was a quite remarkable bunch of people today that did those factors and she’s at the front of them. She’s remarkable.” Nalder – who performs Jill’s mum in the drama – arrived from a “open minded, quite accepting” spouse and children. “I failed to have a dilemma stating about my close friends [that they were gay]. But of study course, I was not expressing it about me.” “You did have a gay-pleasant mum,” Davies interjects. “Heading in the direction of the age of 18, the moment we commenced up those people get-togethers, we woke up about at each and every other’s homes. And that was your mum, making a bacon sandwich and placing the kettle on.” His very own mother, while supportive, was “a very little little bit more reserved. She was not amazed, she most likely could have told me when I was five, but it was an unfamiliar planet to her.” And when he started off coming out, “aged about 21, there was a virus coming also, so all of us weren’t only coming out but also indicating, and by the way, I’m not sick. And I promise not to get sick, but no a person was seriously certain how you did get sick, at the time.” The ignorance that surrounded the transmission ofcomes out starkly in the drama, which airs from Friday. It’s really hard now to countenance just how minor was understood, and how difficult it was to appear by data. “There was a very good 10 a long time, possibly much more, when people today ended up inquiring, ‘can you get it from oral sex?’” Davies suggests. “There was surely a thing of: can you get it from kissing? You can only be ‘dry kissing’,” Nalder provides. “They’d say you could not have any bodily fluids, you could get it as a result of your eyes. And on prime of that the dread that you may possibly have it. Some people would get these kaposi sarcoma marks on their bodies, so every person would glance at a very little place and believe, ‘My God, is that it?’ It was a mire of confusion.” Some early patients had been locked absent unlawfully, with their meals left at the door by fearful clinical personnel till a relatives member came and carried it through. It wasn’t aided, she states, by the reality that even among the clinical neighborhood, “knowledge was so confined as to what occurs when you have no immunity”. “I think it’s the 1st time we began using the term ‘immunity’, actually, culturally,” agrees Davies. “It was like, ‘what do you indicate I have obtained an immune process?’” In some circumstances, the dizzying variety of illnesses that could assault an HIV affected individual, perversely, helped to cover the truth. “I recall someone expressing about a buddy of mine, when it looked like he had a lymphoma: ‘So that possibly indicates you can tell his mom and dad, due to the fact any individual could die of a lymphoma’,” Nalder says. One more pal kept up the pretence, even with her, that his cancer had occurred by opportunity, for three years. “Then he known as me from the healthcare facility and I went to go to and they requested me, ‘are you So-and-so’s friend’ – and I understood, I knew I was on an Aids ward. And I went in and I claimed, ‘you don’t have to inform me. The penny’s dropped.’” “There had been adult males in people beds dying all alone, and some of them didn’t even tell their good friends, even their gay close friends. There was so considerably disgrace connected to the whole detail,” Davies says. Even individuals males who experienced love close to them wanted additional guidance. “You need some way to command the people,” Davies laughs. “Some wonderful boys would have experienced 100 visitors a day and an individual has to just take demand, and say no, 1 at a time, remember to. It is a tricky issue, a bedside. I have completed that for my have partner, when he was dying [Andrew Smith died from cancer, at home, in 2018]. It really is a lot of work, managing the people all working day lengthy. In a wonderful way, it is really no hardship, but it is really function. You won’t be able to just permit the predicament run out of manage.” He grieves that he was unable to do the job in to his script any of the lesbian tales of the time. When nursing staff members ended up even now frightened, “it was exclusively lesbian nurses who stepped forward and did more shifts, who held those fingers and mopped these brows and emptied the bedpans and did the function.” And I’m naively shocked when he tells me about lesbians who contracted Aids in the Eighties, “because there are some lesbians who like to have penetrative sex, proper? And if they’re likely to have penetrative sex, they are more probably to go to their mate the homosexual gentleman, than a straight guy. And that is how it was handed on to them. And so they experienced to lay in individuals beds, with enormously complicated levels of shame.” Ah certainly, the shame. 1 character in the drama spouts conspiracy theories and proceeds to have unprotected sex even after he’s certain he’s contaminated, by disgrace, worry, and disbelief. Whilst Davies was lucky, and in no way grew to become contaminated, “that was me,” he admits. It grew to become more durable to deny, he states, when he started off to see expanding protection in the newspapers. After he’d acknowledged what was going on, “I did my little bit, you know, I gave income, I’d go to charity activities. I experienced good friends who died and I hope I was type. I imply, you happen to be stupid, when you might be youthful. But I absolutely was not at the forefront of Aids activism in the way that Jill was.” A hotbed of early activism, claims Davies, was Nalder’s dwelling turf of London’s theatreland (in the drama, we see her singing in the chorus of Les Miserables just before racing off just after get the job done to male the telephones at an HIV facts hotline). “In this fight, as the activism began, I consider what gets left out of the tale is the West Stop,” he claims. “So quite a few actors have been homosexual, there have been so several people today slipping ill that in fact, the early start of activism was in individuals chorus strains. To this working day, the West Conclusion is a powerhouse, it truly is nonetheless a focus of HIV fundraising. But in people early times, you ended up the types who arrived jointly, you were being the frontline,” he claims to Nalder. “People truly did pull jointly,” Nalder agrees. In the early Nineties, next the achievements of Broadway’s Fairness Fights Aids campaigns, “about 10 of us experimented with to set that up in London, with different West End exhibits, significant demonstrates that were being ongoing and could do late evening cabarets – and at times a Broadway superstar would be element of the exhibit. Late night time performances lifted a ton of dollars.” “The attorneys are cautious about naming names,” provides Davies, “but there had been producers, West Stop producers and administrators who have been impressive, and produced positions for people today who ended up sick, which weren’t seriously work. There was a desk at the corner, it was like – you just go and be unwell, and we’ll pay back you a wage. They did remarkable points.” In the confront of this variety of care, what put is there for forgiveness of these who were being not so sort? There’s a scene late in It is a Sin where by a devastated Jill tears a strip off a useless boy’s mother, telling her that it was the disgrace she instilled in him that triggered him to block out what was occurring, and likely to kill other individuals. It is bleak, but it’s tricky to argue with. Do people mother and father, who rejected their little ones or manufactured it distinct that their ‘lifestyle’ was unacceptable, are entitled to forgiveness, I check with them? Davies is unequivocal. “Yes! Some people today acted terribly but has one particular of us not carried out that?” When Smith died, “there were some people today who managed that genuinely badly, who did not compose or will not point out him. But I recall periods I failed to publish. I know folks who died. I intended to create to their mom and dad, and I failed to, simply because I was as well young and much too stupid to do it. We have all been that fool.” In the end, he thinks, “you have to be sort. And if their son has died, they are authorized to behave in any way they want, really, that is the truth of the matter.” Nalder agrees. “I believe in all but the worst of circumstances, men and women unquestionably liked their son, but they didn’t understand. And it became as well much to acquire in, when anyone is dying. There was enjoy, and the would like to recognize, but not the time to do that,” she suggests. “No friend of mine that I know, would want to keep anything at all in opposition to the mother and father that they cherished.” As for individuals who “did terrible items, who fully disowned their children – they don’t want my clever phrases to really feel terrible,” says Davies. “They have been previously dwelling in some type of hell, they are not delighted with what they did. There was no relaxation in their hearts, there was no contentment, there was no peace. I don’t need to have to do a detail. I feel if anything, you want to access out to them and say, ‘Come below, come converse. Let down your limitations. It can be alright.’” It is a Sin commences on Channel 4 at 9pm on Friday January 22 Why Are You Like This critique: the very first fantastic Gen Z comedy? illennials are a cringe. All people thinks that. I know because I am a person, and I consider it myself. We reminisce too a lot about MSN Messenger and know also a great deal about Harry Potter. But, to my aid, it also turns out that we are geriatrics when it arrives to the zeitgeist. Looking at the virtually abrasively acerbic Australian comedy Why Are You Like This, which arrives onthis weekend, gave me the similar sinking experience as when I realised that all of the pop stars are youthful than me now. The trio of Quite On the web twentysomethings at the show’s coronary heart are unapologetically Gen Z, and it is their change to be parodied. The 3 principal people have no time for fragility – and if they do come to feel a little bit unhappy, they convey it by way of memes. Penny (Naomi Higgins, also just one of the show’s writers) is on the quest to be the best ally: forcing her corporation to operate mental well being seminars and have a Queer Visibility Day is her meat and drink. Her pal Mia (Olivia Junkeer), who retains dropping her work, extorts money from men on courting apps and chastises Penny for not wearing her Mooncup. Their flatmate Austin (Wil King) has an evening gig as a drag queen – his persona is murdered little one pageant princess JonBenet Ramsay. If these people sound insufferable, that is due to the fact they are. Seeing the clearly show can from time to time really feel like possessing your Twitter timeline shout at you for 20 minutes, and any person who did not mature up with the world-wide-web will in all probability be faintly bemused. But the show smartly and affectionately unpicks why this world wide web-savvy technology are normally so eager to commence arguments, revealing the economic instability that underpins their existence. In a earth where careers and housing experience continuously insecure, these around-educated but under-paid out characters weaponise their fluency in identity politics to terrorise their clueless elders, who are tone-deaf and terrified of remaining cancelled. The online, which procedures their life, is an absurd place. In herthis yr, Patricia Lockwood cleverly spoofed how persons can turn out to be influential voices on social media by crafting surreal nonsense (her narrator’s livelihood is based on a viral tweet that reported ‘can a puppy be twins’). Why Are You Like This captures the darker side of the nonsense, exploring how a nicely-intentioned fury at social inequality can stop up manifesting itself in inane and militant methods. Penny is hell-bent on proving her colleague is a homophobe – the actuality he does not look at is the final evidence – right until it turns out that he is, in reality, gay. Somewhere else, a boomer supervisor finishes up deferring to a chart of who is authorized to chat about whom in purchase of their oppressed social position. Quite a few traces experience like they are completely ready-designed memes. “If I get murdered, I do not want any political discourse” and “White men: it’s like they want me NOT to f*** them” are two decision utterances from Mia. “I’m conscious of the pressures of late capitalism, Richard,” states Penny. I can now see this remaining tweeted in reaction to mansplaining centrist dads all above Twitter. It’s an indicator of just how much the blunt, reduced-case vernacular of the world-wide-web has seeped into the way we speak in actual everyday living. Even the title of the present by itself will come from a meme. But the show also hints at an exhaustion felt by the characters, most especially by Austin, who finds himself googling: how to inspire yourself to go away the home when you are tired but there are no underlying symptoms (I can relate). In a quick-shifting, acquire-no-prisoners on the internet discourse of their very own crafting, they should usually be a person move in advance, catching out others and generally obtaining it right themselves. Financial instability is just one detail, but the censorious climate of the web can make everyone sense on edge. The digital realm is a puritanical hellscape. The innocent MSN Messenger times are dead. Probably letting us to chuckle about that will be just one phase to calming the area down. Why Are You Like This is on Netflix - Photo8 months ago Kavya Thapar Gallery - Photo8 months ago Raai Laxmi Pics - Photo8 months ago Gehna Spicy Pics - Photo8 months ago Shraddha Kapoor Gallery - Photo8 months ago Varshini Sounderajan Gallery - Photo8 months ago - Photo8 months ago Twiinkle Saaj Gallery - Photo8 months ago Rashmi Gautam Stills
Only for you did I wander around on water. Now it’s worms, black birds. Voices. Someone is calling me… Something on the floor. Illuminations… Circulation of atoms. I am breathing. Reopening old wounds in Elbastreet. And you are making love to someone else. I cannot leave your body. I shoot up to find myself there again. No vision. Blood. Zen proved no use. There is nobody there. I thought I would meet you. Strange mammals… Glued to one another. Shivers, vomiting… I am mere biology on its way out. Your earthly shell was delicate and velvety. The hum of galaxies…The only one. Who are you spending your nights with now? I can see you again, Elba’s swirling, I can hear something behind the wall. First voice: Shoot up again. Second voice: Kill yourself. I was attacked by a crossbreed of a cat and a dog. An unknown species. I had never made love to someone like you. The scent of your body, its wavering, I shoot up again, plunge into the pit. A cosmic jelly. Get a grip. No one is irreplaceable. There is no terrorism. There are no exclusive rights to bodies. There is no Derrida. There is only the empty galaxy. Awakening. A new vision. Now you’re fucking someone well-combed. Vesterbro. I go to get drugs. Carina from Finland. On Methadone. A wrinkled face. And a giant dog beside her. But we were to have a house full of cats, remember? We were to go to New York together, to see Warhol. Does this well-combed male love you? Come to me, come to me – I hear a voice. Someone is calling me. An old man with a bird is calling me. DeLillo. Names. You bought me a Szapocznikow album as a farewell gift. Wax faces. I take an Oxazepam before shooting up again. A letter from a good girl. I cannot react. I am all in you. I cannot see people. I left everything inside of you. There is no one here. Shadows? I’m losing sense of time. How many hours have elapsed: 10, 15? believe in yourself, love yourself, and only then will you find happiness. What bullshit. Stop being a terrorist. You cannot own somebody! The same crossbreed of a cat and a dog again. Carina tells me about Jesus and the Witnesses. She brought me two glass goblets. (Szapocznikow reminded me of you. The same striking force.) I drift into sleep. I can see us together. A meadow… And then I can see the male touching you. A cosmic silence on Elbastreet. I’m losing sense of time again, how much time has elapsed? What insects have been crawling over me? There’s a bite on my hand. Pains. They can be mastered. I feel my body is getting torn to shreds. People, shit… Advice, be yourself. Paint your pictures. My painting is calligraphy. For her. Alechinsky was a decent man, did not resort to drugs. Hashish and coke. And the mother ship – heroin. Syringes. Death. Skeletons smiling at me. Here nobody accepts anybody, the struggle for survival goes on. The struggle for money and drugs. The 5A bus. I go back to Elba. I lie down in my coffin. It’s snowing in your city. Your hair is full of snow. I lick it up. And then we make love. My hands and legs go numb. They feel amputated. Sleep. Worms. Amnesia. A black-winged angel: Come to me, you’re in too much pain… Symbolism! Atoms have not invented anything new. Crawlers. Maintaining vertical position. I stopped leaving bed. I get a call from an acquaintance, Mr. Loo. I tell him about my dreams. Scared, he sets down the receiver. Nobody wants to be a witness. Adam’s apple. I’m waiting for your letter. Like a fool I keep believing we’ll meet someday. Mr. Loo told me to love myself and then everything will change. There are many possibilities. Nothing but choices. Buddhism and smuggling. Baked zucchini instead of chicken… Alexander Kluge and Gerhard Richter, December. There is the road to hell. A certain Warsaw cat’s name is Mordor. This is actually my name. Getting clean is the worst thing. I can see you again. Velvet. Flowers on a Neanderthal’s grave. The only body I had really made love to. Our conversation. Alina again. Thanks to you Gierymski’s paintings finally got through to me. Jewess with Oranges. I could never get Malczewski, and you would laugh that I was obsessed with Polish symbolism. Behind the walls The Doors and “Love Me Two Times.” It can’t get any better! Love me two times… Right away I think about the punk song Too drunk to fuck. I hit Adam’s apple. A wave. Blood pressure. A shot. How many hours? What has been going on in the world? Has China invaded Japan? Wet body. Who is going to cremate it? There is no zen. There are only bodies, sickly loving each other, shells. My skin comes off. Underneath it – red meat. Mike Topp and his ingenious book Sasquatch Stories: Two glasses of orange juice contain more Vitamin C than one glass of orange juice. This poem welcomes me on a new day. I think it is January 2013, that’s all I know. I open my mailbox. A message from you. I glue my face to the screen. The message is dry and matter-of-factly. You have not blocked your address yet. This is our last line, our last connection… Everything fades away. A handful of pills, Oxazepam and the brown Truxal. To avoid losing your mind already in the morning. Truxal: Principal indications are the treatment of psychotic disorders and of acute mania occurring as part of bipolar disorders… Substitute. The whole life is just pretending, nothing but substitutes. What is Carlos doing in prison these days? The circumstances have changed. RAF is no longer there. There is no Marx. Has Marx survived only in Cuba? Hours with terrorists. I cannot get rid of Che. Fuck them! The last people left are breaking up with me. Even old poets. They stick to the rules. You have to be clean. I only have Marcus in London. But that’s beyond the seven seas. I don’t know how to masturbate anymore, I cannot conjure you up. I kept my body only for you. Naïveté. How could I have trusted you? Long-distance love? A monastery? The needle’s smile. You cannot own anybody, the old slogan. After many days, a newspaper. The usual stuff: The pope condemns homosexuals, France sent fighter planes to Mali, a pit bull bit a three-year old child… A woman gave birth on a plane. Suzuki, An Introduction to Zen Buddhism. You did not believe in anything. You were right. The galaxies are empty. The only meaning of life is the meeting with an Alien. With another mind. With a mammal who will caress you. A call from Martin, have I heard about the submarine Scorpion that went down in 1968 with 99 people on board, etc. No I haven’t. I don’t know why he’s telling me about it. I become obsessively suspicious. I try hashish to see if it works. No effect. Only a fast heartbeat. I lost the feeling for cannabis, I used to enjoy it. Now it’s only worms. Nothing works except dirt… Obviously, the Witnesses appear. Perfect timing, as ever! Everything alive has forsaken me. Everything but Jesus. I should trust the Lord. Pray in the morning and in the evening. How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! There are pictures and books lying on the floor. Two handsome women. One of them picks up from the floor Poemas, the book that Marcus Slease gave to me in Warsaw’s restaurant Lotos. Cesar Vallejo… Is this what you believe in?, the activist asks me. Peace, the wasp, the heel, the slopes… They leave some colourful brochures. You must look for God, they tell me as they leave. Seynt Thomas honour we, Thorgh whos blod Holy Chyrch ys made fre. I only believed in you. My fucking loyalty. Idiocy. Long-distance love? This project could not have worked. A male should guard his female. Voice: Time for flame and spoon. Then you’ll feel better. Time to leave. I managed to have a look at my latest painting, Blue Pueblo, and then fell into a coma. Same old story. Shivers. A pierced Adam’s apple. An album you gave me, the Beatles’ Revolver. A meme on facebook: If someone hates you for no reason, give that motherfucker a reason. A girl, a perfect stranger, wrote me. Exchange of information, stimulations, the same definition again – substitutes. Kluge and Richter did the best collaborative action. Their December is a masterpiece. Red water. Vomiting. I am alive! I crawl through the floor to my bed. I place Blue Pueblo in such a position so I can see it all the time. It is my blue composition with rough calligraphy. Acrylic and tusche. I know that this very moment you are copulating with the well-combed guy. My hair fell out a long time ago. No, it’s not about the size, it’s about this fucking feeling. I am too old to meet you when you get old. I wish we were already old. Every one of us. But here gangnam style is all the rage. Carina comes to see me. We are listening to The Fall and Deuter. In Amazonia there are women that resemble you. I will look out there. Or in Limpopo… Up the river. Perfect material for the valiant Witnesses. A male wriggling in the throes of heroin. Human trash. And my new book is called Gender and is about projections. About hopeless fights between sexes. It has not been published yet but is being attacked already. Gangnam. Blue Pueblo. Torso. Heart. Sperm. Whatever happened to my sperm? Kill yourself. What is she doing now? I know that Marcus Slease’s poetry will last. He is a nomadic, ingenious poet. Smashing Time! I rock to and through like a special child, is that what they used to call them back then in Poland? Blood. Again. A cat? Whatever happened to our cats? Does your fucker think about them? Suddenly I can smell your scent. I am getting paranoid. I look for you. Hum, walls, beetles… Mr. Loo is calling me again. He tells me about, the revelatory, in his opinion, archeological discoveries. A million years ago there were already people in the isles. So what? I am not a continuation of the species. I am a mutant and a hybrid. I don’t care about Caligula. I don’t care about the Revolution. I care about doctor marabut. A study of a horse for doctor marabut. I can’t walk anymore. My legs have been affected again. Tell people to put some books into my coffin. Mike Topp. How odd that he has not yet been translated into Polish. Piotr Gwiazda’s new poems in the online magazine BODY. He is the author of, among other books, Gagarin Street. Poems about the Alien. I haven’t read anything quite like it since Burroughs. An awesome poet. I’d love to hug a mammal. To touch something throbbing with life. You’ve made your choice. I’ve lost. Another male has made it. To forget. Deceive yourself. Andromeda. Only there will we meet. At night Blue Pueblo changes. It comes alive. I can see Somebody there. Hallucinations. Prophets. The end. They’re injecting it into my body again. I am not at home in myself. There is no ME. The ‘I’ does not exist. I knew only you. I am lying next to a huge dog. I fall asleep, I wake up… Hair. Lipstick. Someone pours wine in my mouth. Have I been a weak person? Why have I ended up like this? You will never wake up again. Lethargy. You’ll remain in this state. Who tried it once… I would like to go into LSD. Maybe I would see you there. Acid. Loss of senses. Do not mix drugs, it’s a rule, a principle, part of the rules and regulations. Have you been a domineering human being? Velvet. You were soft. Strong and soft. I can feel you near. We used to walk these streets. Copenhagen is full of you. This world is permeated with you. Amagerbrogade… Our beach, Amager Strand. I go back to Elba. The Clash, Joe Strummer… And then my fellow countryman, Grzesiuk: I’m waiting by the gate, come out my lovely maid! Some unknown telephone numbers and addresses in my pocket. What am I getting myself into? I’ve got my stuff. They finally caught him on December 13… I call several people. I want to let them know I’m still alive. I read the press quickly, remembering one sentence: Technology might change but human nature remains the same. It stays in my head. Bells again. I can hear distant bells. A sonic hallucination. And a change. A clarinet? I feel as if I knew this tune. And then there’s only Sandinista! I wish they played Hitsville U.K. at my funeral. Will anyone notice if I die in Elbastreet? This time I try my right arm. I succeed. Fire. Hell. Something comes out of the painting. It shines. Sleep. The cat-dog jumps up on my neck and licks me. A wonderful feeling. I enter Blue Pueblo. I become its citizen. Somebody offers me chili. A burning sensation in my throat. I dance with a beautiful woman. She tells me to quickly forget you and sleep with her. An erection… A witch? We make love in a wild, inhuman way. We tear out each other’s hair, enter each other incessantly. Cries, wheezing, spit, blood. An illusion. Bad karma. Trip. You left me alone on the fucking frontline. I’ve become a lost Warrior. Guns of Brixton. I miss cuddling in with you. A deep, strong cuddling. Plaza Joe Strummer to be opened in Granada following online petition. To reach this place! Strummer has always been my kindred soul. I listened to him in critical moments. Clarity. I put away the syringe, cold turkey. I’m jumping and charging at the walls. Drinking Tropicana juice. My bandaged neck. I know it’s the end, that I’ve lost you irretrievably. The Amazon. To go towards the forest and the river. To look for people there. To look for a star. Until the definitive journey begins. Translated from the Polish by Adam Zdrodowski
When I first came across the term “elephant in the room” I was blown away by the picture it conjured up, but having seen the term used on many occasions, including by myself, I recognize it has lost impact by overuse. Recently, I have been reminded of two important issues that affect many, including those nearest and dearest to us. I see ignoring their struggles akin to that of ignoring the elephant. As some people who follow my writings know, I am a fan of BBC Radio 4 Today Program: “Thought for the Day”, which according to Wikipedia “is a daily scripted slot on the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 offering “reflections from a faith perspective on issues and people in the news”, broadcast at around 7:45 each Monday to Saturday morning. Nowadays lasting 2 minutes and 45 seconds”. While it is true that some thoughts I find irritating as it reflects the BBC’s liberal bias, sometimes thoughts are offered, often by those who are NOT conservative evangelical Christians, that are pretty amazing. Yesterday’s episode (click here) featuring Dr Michael Banner, someone I have never heard of before, was a case in hand. It was about dementia, and in particular Alzheimer’s disease. He began: “Dame Barbara Windsor, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease back in 2014 had a birthday yesterday; she was 82, and she used her birthday to urge support for a letter from the Alzheimer’s Society due to be delivered to Downing Street in September. It asks the government to establish a dementia fund to address the care needs of the increasing number of people with the condition, likely to be closer to a million by 2021”. He points out that old age brings about many losses but when dementia is involved that includes the all important loss of self possession. He goes on to quote from medieval literature and points out looking after those with dementia is every bit as important as looking after the dying or acting in the case of a fire, given “we are our brothers keeper”. He concludes that “dementia is best ameliorated by good old fashioned social care and relies not just on the responsibility of family and friends, important as they are, but of our wider society”. All this touches a chord, not just because over the years I have observed many who were formidable presences in their prime but later they succumbed to debilitating dementia, including many an intellectual heavy weight. I wouldn’t put Barbara Windsor in that category, and before she became Peggy, the EastEnders barmaid, she was the cheeky young blond bombshell in many a “Carry on” film. My own exposure came when my mother in her last 6-7 years succumbed to dementia and we tried to care. While glad of the social care she did receive, we knew all too well the challenges faced and the difficulties involved. It seems to me that we owe it to those suffering dementia for them to live out their remaining years with dignity. Depression is something I have been aware of most my life, being one of those living with depression. When I became more than part time active in the community nearly twenty years ago, my own area of involvement was mental health, including helping to set of projects to help those with mental health issues, and their carers. Even though I am no longer involved with those projects, in my current work among the homeless, mental health is a recurring theme. While mental (not good) health manifests itself in all sorts of ways, the most regular form I come across is depression. I am also aware in my everyday living, besides the struggles that I have (making me more aware of that of others), there are many around me who experience depression and are on their own journeys to overcome it, if indeed they do. In my forays into social media, I regularly come across postings to do with depression and the like, often with the message we need to be more aware of its existence and help those with depression when we can. The “burn out” meme I shared above personally resonates, and while I am not asking for sympathy or making this an excuse for my actions or non actions, that are partly as a result, it does say how it has been with me. While on the subject of burn out, I often think of the Bible verse “A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench” Isaiah 42:3. It seems to me that many such exist in our society and this is the way God would have has deal with folk in this position. There is no fantastic conclusion or silver bullet solution to my ramblings above, other than the elephants of dementia and depression are in the room in the form of those closest to us. The message, as with any elephant in the room – is do NOT to ignore it. It may be the start of our response to helping those who are affected.
Upon the film’s first trailer drop in April, online outcry toward Paramount Pictures’ live-action adaptation of Sonic the Hedgehog was immediate and unequivocal — nearly uniform in its meme-ified damnation. Among the cris de coeur against the CGI Sega character: that Sonic was “creepy” and “upsetting,” that his eyes were too un-conjoined, his features too dissimilar to those of his video-game counterpart. And singled out for most withering critique: that the blue blur’s teeth were “too big” and “terrifyingly human.” As evidenced by recent pushback against Cats’ Uncanny Valley–straining VFX extremes and the de-aging technology that failed to mask the old-man ricketiness of Robert De Niro and Al Pacino in The Irishman, hell hath no fury like a fan displeased with a movie’s visual effects. To wit: When it came to Sonic, Paramount took drastic measures to redress audience expectations, pushing the film’s release back by nearly a year and giving the go-ahead to an expensive, soup-to-nuts retrofitting of the character’s biodynamics in a bid to silence those who saw the trailer as a “200 mph slap in the face.” “It was pretty clear on the day the trailer was released, just seeing the feedback and hearing the feedback, that fans were not happy where we were at,” Sonic director Jeff Fowler said in an interview this week with GamesRadar+. (Paramount declined to make Fowler or any of the movie’s effects experts available to speak with Vulture.) So where did Sonic go wrong in so many of the ways that last year’s Warner Bros. adaptation of the Pokémon spinoff Detective Pikachu didn’t? And how did Paramount go about reconsidering its character’s conspicuous imperfections? In keeping with a kind of FX omerta that surrounds this kind of emergency post-production overhaul, Hollywood’s major effects studios Digital Domain (which worked on “previz” for Sonic), Industrial Light & Magic, and Weta Workshop also declined our interview requests (with ILM specifically refusing to “speculate or compare productions”). As the spiny speed demon blasts toward a box-office debut that prerelease tracking estimates predict will fall in the $41–47 million range domestically — respectable numbers for a PG-13 film with a reported $95 million production budget — here is a timeline of the intention, dysfunction, and dental downsizing that brought Sonic to the brink of oblivion and back. Sony and Fast and Furious franchise producer Neal Moritz announce they will team with Sega subsidiary Marza Animation Planet to mount a computer-animated/live-action hybrid of the Japanese video-game giant’s second-most iconic — read: non-Mario — intellectual property. With Sonic having sold 140 million games and grossed more than $1 billion by that point, the studio lays out its objective to “capture everything that fans know and love” about the character while also “growing his audience wider than ever before.” Sega chief executive Hajime Satomi reveals the adaptation will hit theaters in 2018. Deadpool director Tim Miller boards the family-friendly project — which will reportedly follow Sonic and “friends such as Tails and Knuckles, who run around collecting items and points as they attempt to foil the global domination plans of Doctor Eggman Robotnik” — as executive producer. And Fowler, a 2005 Best Short Film Oscar nominee for writing and directing the anthropomorphic animal romp Gopher Broke, is installed as director. After Sony puts the film in “turnaround” (Hollywood jargon for when a studio decides not to pour any more money into a project and accepts a tax loss), Paramount swoops in to acquire Sonic’s distribution rights as part of its new first-look deal with Moritz. It’s a shaky bet given the box-office track record of such video-game-adapted super flops as Super Mario Bros., Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, and Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li. Sega and Paramount release a joint statement that the film is now destined for theaters November 15, 2019. In May, James Marsden and Jim Carrey join the film’s non-animated cast with the latter portraying Sonic’s chief antagonist, Dr. Robotnik (Parks and Recreation co-star Ben Schwartz provides the attitudinal hedgehog’s voice). Filming begins in and around Vancouver, Canada, the next month. In August, Paramount announces that Sonic’s release date has been pushed up by a week to November 8, 2019. The first Sonic poster is revealed (well, not exactly revealed revealed — the woodland dervish is shown in silhouette) along with some elucidation by the movie’s creative quorum about how the character’s new iteration was partially inspired by Seth MacFarlane’s cocaine-sniffing CGI teddy bear in Ted. Sonic 2.0, meanwhile, swaps out the video-game character’s seemingly single floating eyeball with dual corneas for more ostensibly human, articulated orbs and gives him fur because … real animals. “I don’t think Sega was entirely happy with the eye decision, but these sort of things you go, ‘It’s going to look weird if we don’t do this,’” Miller tells IGN, adding: “For me, it’s always about keeping it grounded and keeping it realistic.” Reaction within the gaming world is decidedly unsupportive. “The first Sonic the Hedgehog live action movie poster is creepy as hell,” blares a headline on PC Gamer. Over the intervening year-plus, additional work-in-progress posters for the film leak, leading to an initial wave of Schadenfreude-driven memes. But when Sonic’s studio-sanctioned, non-teaser poster appears on the movie’s official Twitter feed, fans freak out — a major complaint being that this weirdly swole, hairy-leg-having, Puma sneaker–wearing Sonic “does not resemble a hedgehog in the slightest.” No less than former Sonic video-game lead programmer Yuji Naka takes to social media to register his displeasure with the poetic license taken over the character’s transition to movie form. “I feel like, with this Sonic here, visually, the important thing to look at is the head and body ratio and the roundness of the abdomen,” he says, according to a translation by Kotaku. “I wonder if they couldn’t have balance them a little better.” Set to the tune of Coolio’s “Gangsta’s Paradise,” the first Sonic trailer is unveiled at the Las Vegas Cinemacon on April 4 and surfaces online late that month to a tsunami of negative buzz to the tune of 18.6 million views in its first two days and hundreds of thousands of YouTube “dislikes.” The gaming website Kotaku inveighs against the movie as “a blight upon this weary earth” while Twitter explodes with consternation over the character’s distressingly humanoid-like teeth. Wired delivers a kind of coup de grace with the observation: “Everything that Detective Pikachu seems to be doing right in bringing a beloved video game franchise with a cartoonish aesthetic to life, Sonic seems to be doing wrong.” Fowler responds to the outcry on Twitter with an admirably Clintonian “I feel your pain” ownership of the production’s FX missteps to date, and a pledge to placate fan expectations. “The message is loud and clear … you aren’t happy with the design & you want changes,” the director writes. “It’s going to happen.” Artist Tyson Hesse — an old Sega hand who has worked on Sonic-branded video games, comics, and animated shorts — is brought on to spearhead the character’s extreme makeover. In the clearest indication of the seriousness with which the studio has processed escalating fan toxicity, Paramount pushes Sonic’s release date to February 14, 2020 to “make Sonic just right,” according to another Fowler tweet. A second trailer is unleashed online, prompting what can only be described as a radical turnaround. The character’s bigger eyes and fewer, smaller teeth are greeted by outpourings of joy. “Sonic just looks smaller and cuter, just like you’d expect from a CGI version of the Japanese video game star,” opines the Verge. Even Naka walks back some of his early trailer criticism, although he stops well short of an unqualified endorsement of Sonic’s movie upgrades. “The design is more Sonic-like now that he’s wearing gloves,” the designer says on Twitter. “However, his eyes still aren’t joined together, as expected. I can’t help but feel weird about that one point. But I’m looking forward to the movie’s release.” The trailer reportedly receives the highest like-to-dislike Google ratio of any official studio trailer released within the last three years; Paramount quietly removes the first Sonic trailer from its website. As the Sonic review embargoes lift, Movie Twitter registers its 69 percent freshness rating on Rotten Tomatoes with a collective shock. People “actually” kinda like the movie, including Vulture’s own Bilge Ebiri! Looking back in an interview with USA Today, Fowler says, “I would not wish this experience necessarily on anyone, even though, at the end of the day, I really love that we engaged the fan base.” He notes that rumors “we had to redo the whole movie” were false and even points to the possibility of a sequel. “There are so many more great characters to bring into the story if we’re able,” Fowler adds. “Nothing would bring me more happiness than getting another shot.”
So, what exactly is the EU's new "meme-killing" law, and why does it affect football fans? A controversial new proposal could mean you can't take selfies at sports matches It’s been dubbed the meme-killing law – which, on the face of it, sounds ridiculous. How could memes be made illegal? But this week members of the European Parliament voted to pass a new directive which could change the way we use the internet drastically. They say it’s to protect copyrighted material. Its critics say the results will actually amount to the death of creativity on the internet, as well just plain old censorship. The EU is hard to follow at the best of times – so to explain: a directive is a legal act taken out by the European Union which must then be followed by member states. The EU doesn’t actually dictate how this would be done. In short, if the EU passed a directive saying “ban all Spongebob memes”, each country in the EU would have to decide exactly how they would go about it. The Copyright Directive was first mooted in 2016 and has faced widespread opposition since. Wednesday was the last chance members had to add any amendments, with 438 lawmakers voting for the amended proposals, versus 226 who voted against them. What are the proposals? There are three parts of the directive which will have the biggest impact on the internet as we know it today. Article 13 will force anyone but the smallest companies to adopt a copyright filter. It makes websites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube directly responsible for copyrighted material uploaded by their users. This bit specifically is the meme-killer – as any copyright filter could potentially catch out most memes before they even got going. Then there’s Article 11, which campaigners against the law have called the “link tax”. In a nutshell, it would mean internet companies like Google or Facebook have to pay news outlets every time they link to their content. Given the state of the industry, this sounds like a good thing – but the issue is complex. As BuzzFeed’s Ryan Broderick points out, when Spain tried to force Google to pay news outlets every time their stories were on Google News, Google just decided to close Google News in Spain. “Ever since, Spanish users have had to go to news websites directly, which didn’t really affect large publishers, but has had a huge impact on small publishers in Spain,” he wrote. “This new directive could stop you filming your mates in the stands of a football match” There’s one more article which would have a huge impact on sports coverage. This is already a murky area. During the last Olympics, the International Olympic Committee cracked down hard on memes – there was one video which illustrated the gulf between gold medal winner Katie Ledecky and silver medallist using internet favourite “Smooth” by Santana. It was hilarious. But I can’t show it to you, because it contravened the IOC’s copyright policy, was pulled down sharply and relegated to meme memory. Article 12a goes one step further, preventing anyone who isn’t the organiser of a sports match from posting any video, photo, anything of the match. This could, potentially, include selfies of you and your mates in the stands, or short videos you took of play on the field. As an excitable Wales fan, some of my fondest memories of Euro 2016 included viral videos of Welsh fans singing away in in stands or viral videos of players’ post-match dancing. This new directive could potentially put a stop to those. How could this lead to censorship? It’s no wonder, then, this new copyright directive has caused panic among those who enjoy the internet as it is today. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, which has been fighting the law since it was first proposed, called it a “crushing setback” in a blogpost written by special advisor Cory Doctorow. “Today’s Copyright Directive vote not only makes life harder for creators, handing a larger share of their incomes to Big Content and Big Tech – it makes life harder for all of us,” he said. In a lengthy thread on Twitter, he explained how these filters may actually hurt many creators. “There are thousands of ways that filters can accidentally finger your legit works as piracy, and if you’re not a pirate, your remedy is to file appeals, cross your fingers, and hope a platform with a billion users and millions of people in your situation will review your case,” he said. Supporters of the directive have said the filters won’t actually have as drastic an effect on the internet as its critics claim. A Society of Authors statement posted on August 30 said point blank this wasn’t about putting a stop to memes or censorship. They said: “Parody is not threatened (and neither are ‘memes’) — it’s already covered by an exception to copyright and the proposals say rightsholders can’t prevent uploading of works covered by exceptions.” How are similar filters already harming creativity? But there are already plenty of real-world examples of how these kinds of filters can go wrong. Algorithms can’t really tell what’s parody, whether something is fair use, or even if something is just a video someone made for fun rather than to make any money. A good place to start is YouTube, which spent a lot of time and money on its Content ID system so people could keep control of their copyrighted works. People who own the copyright submit their files to YouTube. Each video uploaded to YouTube is scanned against this database to see if they breach copyright. So maybe a copyrighted song is playing in the background – the owner of that song would be notified. Copyright owners get to decide what happens next – sometimes, they let it slide, sometimes they decide to monetise the video themselves. Other times, they’ll block it. It’s not as strict a system as the directive proposes – but still has its faults. Earlier this year, YouTuber Paul Davids found himself in a weird situation, when his own song was flagged by the system. The Dutch YouTuber makes videos where he plays different guitar riffs. But this one was one he’d written and recorded. It turned out, someone else had uploaded it to Content ID before he had. He said he “hugely” disagrees with Article 13. “I think it’s bad for the free internet as we know it,” he said. “Since that kind of policy is already present on YouTube I don’t think it’ll influence my channel too much, but that’s not the point here. “I don’t like the ‘guilty until proven innocent’ approach with this new upload filter.” Even non-algorithmic copyright claims on YouTube are proving to be a pain for creators. Twitch streamer PayMoneyWubby made a video parodying and criticising TikTok, then known as Musical.ly, for the sexualised content some of its younger users were posting. The owners of the app filed a takedown notice. “I don’t like the ‘guilty until proven innocent’ approach” After the story went viral on Reddit, with PayMoneyWubby pointing out none of the many, many Musical.ly compilations had been taken down and that his videos should be protected under fair use, YouTube relented. PayMoneyWubby, while based in the United States, says he thinks similar copyright rules for other sites could lead to more situations like this. “Almost everyone in my roster of YouTube friends has been hit with some sort of unjust/unsupported copyright issue in the last year alone,” he said. “Very rarely are these issues resolved and they usually take some sort of viral notice to get overturned.” His worry is this new legislation would be used against creators with “controversial opinions”. “The main fear here being a copyright holder could in theory claim a review piece simply because of negative press, and as a result that content disappear,” he said. Supporters of the law however say copyright needs to be updated for the digital age; that creators deserve to be paid fairly for their work. Nevertheless, the worries remain. So: what happens next? Either way, the EU isn’t memeless quite yet. The next step involves negotiations between MEPs and European member states before another vote in January. So we’ll have to wait until then to see if the Spongebob memes prevail.
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Can you name all of the Kardashians? What is Fortnite? Are fidget spinners still a thing? What’s a meme? Do you use pop culture references in your ESL lessons? I do! Let’s explore some of the disadvantages and advantages of doing so. 1. You Might Accidentally Alienate Students By Using Pop Culture: One time, for a grammar lesson, I used “sports” as the context. I realized too late, when I was delivering the lesson, that all my sports references were to sports and athletes that I liked and knew. The lesson made references to the Toronto Blue Jays and the Toronto Raptors, and to athletes like Jose Bautista and Demar DeRozan. My students were newcomers to Canada, and had little to no knowledge of these teams and athletes. The lesson alienated and bored them. When you try to make pop culture references in your lessons, be careful not to make the same mistake I did. 2. You Can Fall Victim To Stereotypes When Using Pop Culture: As teachers of students from various countries and cultural backgrounds, we can fall victim to making stereotypes about what pop culture they might enjoy. Not all students from India like Bollywood; not all students from South Korea like K-Pop; and not all students from Panama like Reggaeton. Don’t fall victim to stereotypes by assuming that your students only enjoy pop culture from their countries of origin. I am Canadian, but I don’t watch hockey. 3. You Aren’t Cool: When we, as ESL teachers, make pop culture references in our lessons, we run the risk of looking like an out-of-touch square who is trying desperately to be hip and cool with the youth. I am embarrassed to admit that I once referenced the dance craze The Nae Nae in one of my ESL lessons. Cringe! When we use pop culture references in our ESL lessons, we need to be careful not to appear like we’re trying too hard to be cool. 1. Pop Culture Can Help You Tap Into Your Students’ Interests: You don’t have to use pop culture that you like and know; you can use pop culture that your students like and know. Early in the semester, I like to poll my students to get an idea of what movies, TV shows, websites, social media apps, music, etc. they like. Then I can integrate these interests of theirs into my lessons. For example, through polling students, I learned that a lot of my students played a game called League Of Legends. This allowed me to integrate references to League Of Legends into some of my lessons, and the students’ ears would perk up whenever I did. 2. We Can Use Pop Culture To Get Our Students Talking: If you are trying to help your ESL students increase their communicative competence, pop culture can act as a good starting point for discussion. A couple of years ago, my students and I had a debate about whether or not it was OK for Justin Bieber to punch a fan who got too close. 3. Pop Culture Can Add Flavour To A Boring Lesson: I love grammar. I love teaching grammar. However, my students don’t always love grammar. That being said, I have found that integrating a little pop culture into a grammar lesson can liven it up a bit. Maybe you can make your students use the present progressive to add a caption to an Instagram picture of a celebrity like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. For example, “I am lifting weights. He is eating chicken and broccoli.” You might get them to practice the simple past by having them research the pop culture of a past decade: “People wore bell bottoms in the 1970s. They listened to disco music.” If you know the material is going to bore your students, adding a little pop culture can help. As that Mary Poppins song goes: “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.” What are some other disadvantages and advantages of using pop culture in our ESL lessons that I haven’t covered here?
In my mind, I'm five years old having a high old time wandering and wondering. In reality, I'm now approaching my late 60s, wowza! I tell you a lot of creativity is still to be found in this old young self. In you, too, whatever your age. Welcome to my barefoot world! One of my favorite things at our county fair last October was the pig races. Sueeeeeeeeeeey! Wow! I had no idea that pigs could run so fast. Number Five soared over the hurdles like she had wings sprouting out of her pink jumper. It's Camera Critters today. Come check out photos of other cute critters with me by clicking here . My Alphabe Thursday theme -- The Dude, The Husband The Husband and I were watching Celebrity Apprentice earlier this week. (Yes, indeed, we're hooked on this show even though we know we ought to avert our eyes, but we can't help it.) And, we both noticed that one of the female contestants looked like she had a makeover. "Her mustache used to show," the Husband said. "You noticed it, too, did ya?" "It was obvious," he said. "Not really," I said, turning my face to him and pointing above my upper lip. "This is obvious." "I don't see any mustache," the Husband said. "How can you not?"" "Because you're so sparkly." "What?" "I don't see anything but you're sparkliness." Sighhhhhhh. The Dude is a Keeper! And, a few years ago, this keeper decided to play at being a bell keeper. No. Make that a bell ringer! Today is the letter K at My ABC Wednesday theme: The Mama and Her Authentic Green Thumbs . . .and Fingers Clip. Clip. Clip. That's what the Mama has been doing among her geraniums lately. Pruning off old and decaying branches so that new growth will take place by spring. Just doing her magic among the geraniums, both in the front and back yards. Always the recycler, the Mama doesn't throw out all of the pruned branches. No, sir-eeee, Bob. She snips off the geranium stems to plant in bare spots in the yard, front and back. They take root, then several weeks later. . .Voila! Flowers! Which stems have a chance of rooting, you may ask? Because, I surely do. Shrugging is her answer. So, I watch her choose the stems to plant. Her selection is based partly from her many years of gardening and horticulture experience. Part is from a feeling, an instinct. And, part is from the geraniums telling her. At least, that's what I like to think. The Mama is humble. She is surprised as everyo On Sunday night, I read The Happy Hollisters , being that it was published in the year I was born (1953), a category in my 2015 Reading Challenge . The Happy Hollisters was the first of the 33 titles of the Happy Hollisters series written by Andrew E. Svenson, under the guise of Jerry West. I had bought the book several years ago at our local thrift store on a whim, because I was born and raised in Hollister, California and now living in Hollister again. As a kid, I remember seeing the series at the public library, but I bypassed the Happy Hollisters for the Nancy Drew series. If I had known that the Hollisters solved mysteries, I may have become a fan way back when. I like the Hollister kids, from 4-year old Sue, to 6-year old Holly, 7-year old Ricky, 10-year old Pam, and 12-year old Peter. Each character has lots of positive energy and common sense. One of the things I like about the Hollister kids is how they feel bad after doing something wrong, apologize, and seek to mak Lola Julia was my grand aunt. And, a grand aunt she most definitely was. (Lola means grandmother in Ilokano, the Mama's language.) Lola Julia was a one-of-a-kind woman. Once, the Mama said that I was like Lola Julia. That's one of the best compliments I have ever received. Unlike most Filipino women of her generation, Lola Julia had a career. Her father encouraged her to get an education. She became a nurse. During World War II, she worked at a hospital for mentally ill patients. When the Japanese solders took over the hospital, she and the other nurses pretended to be patients. By the 1950s, she was in the United States working as a nurse, first on the East Coast and then on the opposite side of the country. In the 1970s, Lola Julia retired from a supervisory nursing position for a San Francisco hospital. Lola Julia married late in life. She was in her late 40s or early 50s when she married Uncle Sam. She knew him when they were youngsters in the Philippines. They Can you tell I'm looking through a church door? It's a small, old wooden church in my town. I've always wanted to go inside and look around, but peeping through its door is the closest I can get for now. When I took this photo, I did not expect to get any reflections. I was totally surprised to find double reflections -- me taking the photo and a a close-up of my face and camera. The photo is a little bit spooky for me. Want to see other photos of reflections? Come join me at Weekend Reflections . Molly the Cat is up on the roof of the shed, scratching her pretty little nose against the apple tree branches. "It's what I like," said Molly. "Purrrrrrrrrr." Molly and I are hooking up at Camera Critters . Click here to join us. My Alphabe Thursday theme -- The Dude, The Husband The Husband's dad, Jim, was a cool father-in-law. Jim was all for taking this photo of the Husband and him holding hands around the tree in his front yard. This was about 12 years ago. We miss Jim. Today is Jenny Matlock's Alphabe Thursday . Yup. That's where I shall be checking out other J posts. Come join me by clicking here . My ABC Wednesday theme: The Mama and Her Authentic Green Thumbs . . .and Fingers The Mama saves the empty plastic bags in which potting mix, garden soil, and wild bird seed come. I'm not talking about small plastic bags. They are bags that once held 1.5 or 2 cubic feet of dirt or 40 pounds of bird seed. Once upon a time, I threw the bags away only to learn that the Mama fished the bags out of the garbage can and hid them in the garden shed. "I can use them for something," she said, when I found the bags. Yup. The tiny, 90+, always-resourceful lady did find a use for the bags for her garden work. When she's in cleaning mode, which is pretty much every day, she carries a bag in which to throw leaves, twigs, weeds, and other green waste. When the bag gets too heavy, she leaves it for me to pick up and empty into the green waste recycling can. Some weeks, the green recycling can gets filled within two days because we've been pruning trees or pulling out v "You want a picture, Su- sieee! Mac?" asked Molly the Cat. "Okay, I'll give you a sweet picture!" Did she ever! Today, Molly the Cat and I are linking up at Sweet Shot Tuesday , hosted by Kent Weakley. Click here to check out sweet shots by other bloggers. Did you know that you can buy tofu already cubed? Seriously. I must quote the Mama now. "These businessmen are very smart. They know how to make money." The other night I opened what I thought was a container of a block of extra-firm tofu. As I was about to drain the now opened container, I noticed loose pieces of tofu. What the heck? Then, I saw that the container was full of small pieces of tofu. I looked at the wrapper. Extra-firm CUBED tofu! Again: What the heck? So much for having fried slices of tofu with roasted Brussels sprouts for dinner. It was time to get creative. As the Brussels sprouts roasted in the toaster oven, I diced a fragment of orange bell pepper, a handful of browning chives, cilantro, and a bunch of garlic cloves. I also chopped salami slices, which I found in the freezer. I heated a big glob of bacon fat. Yes, bacon fat. The bell pepper was thrown in first. Two minutes later, the cubed tofu. Stir. Stir. Stir . In went the res I had completed a post for today several days ago. It featured a photo that I hooked up to a photo meme. Then I decided to hook up a photo on my other blog -- Take 25 to Hollister -- to the same meme. So, off came the finished post for this blog. You'll see it later this week. Certainly, I could've posted both, but I didn't want to think about how to handle my visits to bloggers participating in the meme. Should I comment under one blog or both? If done individually, which blogs should I visit as The View from the Top of the Ladder and as Take 25 to Hollister . I just make things more complicated than they need be. Seeking Oompah My goal for 2015 is finding my creative groove again. That is why I'm rambling on the blog today rather than seeing if there are any Modern Family reruns on TV. Posting on my blogs daily is part of the plan to finding my creative groove, mojo, hoodoo, voodoo, fancy, desire, and plain old oompah. Of course, once I do my thing for toda Thug Kitchen is written by Matt Holloway and Michelle Davis, who are 29-year-olds, hence I can cross A book written by someone under 30 off my 2015 Reading Challenge . If swearing bothers you, walk by this cookbook, because a lot of f-bombs and sh-words are dropped. The title had me open the cover at the bookstore, but it was the novelty of the cussing that drew me into flipping through the book. There was nothing new under the sun for me. I know how to roast garlic, for instance. But, what impressed me was that the authors offered recipes like the ones I make up and not make again because I can't remember what I did. Maybe I cook like someone under 30. I left the bookstore without the cookbook, but I kept thinking about the intriguing recipes such as ginger-mushroom summer rolls, cauliflower cream pasta, spicy plantain chips, and lemony red lentil soup. A couple weeks later when I was choosing books online for my birthday gifts, I thought, "Why not?" I needed My new Thursday thing is all about the dude in my life, the one I call the Husband. He said I may, and I believe he heard me when I asked if I can feature him weekly on this blog. I have a lot of photos of the Dude, the Husband. He has a way of walking into my frame just as I'm clicking the camera. And, then there's the sudden inspiration either of us get for him to pose a certain way. This photo, today, was his idea. I'm linking this post of my irreverent husband with Jenny Matlock's Alphabe Thursday . Click here to read other I posts with me. The sun had set but the Mama continued to bury the dried leaves from the miracle tree into the soil in preparation for spring planting. She was nearly finished and she would accomplish her task. It did not matter to her that night was falling and getting colder. And with luck, her daughter would not come along and bully her to stop and go inside the house already. That was yesterday evening. Her daughter -- me! -- did come along. I don't think I bullied her, but I did make a silly exasperating remark about it being cold and dark, as I put her garden bench away for the night. She did finish her gardening task, by the way. The lovely dedicated crew at ABC Wednesday (begun by Mrs. Nesbitt) is starting a new weekly round of the alphabet today. So, I've decided to do a theme for this round -- The Mama and Her Authentic Green Thumbs. . .and Fingers . Among this avid, assiduous agriculturist's feats are taking the stink out of broccoli, growing three awesome producing apple If I want to, I can start my social security benefits at the end of the year. So, do I really want to finally learn about social media? This came to mind yesterday afternoon when I wanted to know something about Twitter hashtags. Yes, indeed, I can cross that off my January To-do list . Learning about Twitter hashtags opened up a new can of black beans. (Not worms, because there are a lot of them in our compost bin.) Just like that, I found an easy-to-comprehend article about hashtags. That got me curious to go to my Twitter account, which I rarely do because I plead the old person's lament of "I don't understand how it works." Yet, I have a Twitter account that is hooked up to the Facebook pages for my two blogs -- this one and Take 25 to Hollister . A technical friend told me I could do that, so I did and left it at that. Until yesterday morning when I daringly added a hashtag to a Facebook post. I had to find out if I used it correctly and appropriately. So, ther Molly the Cat is more prrrrrr! than bite. She climbed this tree a few times last winter to catch a bird or two. No luck. Will she climb it this year? Perhaps when the Mama and I no longer have any leaves to rake. I'm one of those people who has good intentions of doing things. I'm also one of those people who needs to make a To-Do list to keep her focused on performing the tasks. Some times I even complete every item on the list. That said, here are the things I want to accomplish in January. Put photos back into the Mama's albums. Now, this item I ought to be able to finish in a flash. Make cafe curtains for the kitchen window. A few years ago, I made easy-peasy yellow curtains that are not the easiest to scoot along the rod. I did not put the centerpiece for holding up the rod in the precise center, which bugs a certain precise person, who shall be nameless, and possibly the other precise person, who shall also be nameless, in this household. Make a bird feeder. The screw mechanism for the cover of the feeder failed sometime last year. But, because the birds can still balance and eat on the feeder, I've ignored replacing it. Recently, the birds have taken to poop Sawing. Clipping. Raking. Sweeping. Pushing dried limbs, branches, vines, leaves, and seed pods into plastic bags. That's how I spent most of my afternoon. It wasn't what I had planned. When the Husband and I left this morning to do the errands, the Mama was reading the newspaper in the living room. Ninety minutes later, I looked out the back door to see a high limb on the miracle tree precariously hanging above the Mama, who sat beside the tall ladder, stripping dried leaves from skinny branches into her bucket. I was furious. One, the Mama had been up the ladder. And, two, I had asked her the other day, after cutting back her banana trees, if she'd like me to prune the rest of the miracle tree. "No," she said. "The green (recycle) can is already full." Good, I thought, I'd prune the tree next Thursday. Ha! "You know we don't like you on the ladder," I growled, throwing my purse on the ground, and hurriedly climbing the ladde Today, for the first time this year, the blackbirds were in the nearby tree. It looked like they had spent the night. I'm hooking up with The Weekend in Black and White . Click here to check out B&W photos by bloggers from around the world. My photo turned out so stark that I played around with the artistic filters in Photoshop. I like these looks the best. What do you think? With the plaster filter With the cut out filter Five days into the 2015 Reading Challenge , I can cross off my first item —a mystery of thriller. Whooo-hooo! Queen of Hearts is the eighth book in the Royal Spyness Mysteries series by Rhys Bowen . This is one of three mystery series that I look forward to reading the latest stories. Bowen's Royal Spyness Mysteries is set primarily in London in the 1930s. The protagonist is Georgie, the great grandaughter of Queen Victoria. She would become queen should King George and the 33 heirs before her were to die all of a sudden. So, it's very unlikely. Georgie's formal name is Lady Victoria Georgiana Charlotte Eugenie. Her father, the Duke of Atholt and Rannoch, gambled all family's fortune away, so Georgie is broke. Because she's of royalty, she can't make a living for herself although she has tried. In the first book (and maybe the second, I can't remember), she secretly worked as a maid. Queen Mary likes Georgie and often sends for her to do some bid Are you a z orilla? Noooooooo. Are you a Spanish zorro? Noooooooooooooo. I am Molly the Cat! You know that. Molly the Cat and I are linking up at Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC Wednesday . To read other Z posts, please click here . I forgot to buy a 2015 calendar for the Mama. I had planned to make her one again, but I thought about it too late to have it be delivered by the new year. I figured I'd print out the dates and attach the page to last year's calendar. On Sunday, I did that. The Mama thought it was a new calendar. Hmmmmm. Molly the Cat's and my pre-breakfast routine is to fill the bird feeder in the front yard. We do that for the Mama, who worries that the wild birds can't find anything to eat, especially in the winter. I think Molly likes this routine as much as I do. It feels great breathing in the crisp, cool air while the early morning sunlight bathes our bodies. I'm usually the second one up in the household. Every so often, I'm the first. Molly is no where to be seen until I've opened the kitchen curtains. Voila! The sleepy-eyed cat is sitting before me. Yawning. And, as I take a step towards her, she stretches in all her glory. "Shall we go outside?" I ask, turning the locks to the front door. Molly pads over. When I open the screen door, she rushes out to the sound of birds flapping out of the yard. Not to worry, Molly's meow is worse than her bite. She likes to watch birds and occasionally chase them. But, that's it. She caught a bird once, and ha PopSugar.com has come up with an "Ultimate Reading Challenge" for 2015. It offers 50 suggested types of books to read during the year, such as a book your mom loves and a book you were supposed to read in school but didn't. Here's the link to the challenge. Since I can already check one book off the list, methinks I shall take up the challege. A review of the book? Sure, I'll write one. Stay tuned. Here's the challenge list: "Hello." "Good morning." "Happy New Year!" "Have a nice day." Most people, I've noticed, are friendly to each other on walking trails. Some are even willing to stop and pass a few moments to cheerfully talk to strangers. Maybe we should imagine that all streets, roadways, paths, sidewalks are trails. Today, I'm linking up with The Weekend in Black and White , hosted by Dragonstar. Click here to see other black and white photos be bloggers around the world. I like taking selfies of the Husband and me. Some folks think he takes our selfies because he's taller. Nope. I got proof, too. Check out my reflection in the Husband's sunglasses. And, yup, that's me in the hat beside him. Weekend Reflections is where I'm hooking up today. Click here to check out reflections from other parts of the world. "Here we go, Su- siee ! Here we go!" claps my internal cheerleader. "Come on, Su- sieee ! Mac!" encourages my internal coach, "You can do this!" Where am I going? What is this? Beats me. That's untrue. I do know. I've been reluctant to say it aloud. For quite a long while. Deep breath. Another deep breath. Another. And, another. Here I go. Here I go. I shall not be afraid of the words. I shall not be afraid of how they may combine. I shall not be afraid of writing. Forget the baby steps. A giant step is what I need to take. The only permission I need is my own. Here I go! Here I go!
Do you remember Nigel? You know, Nigel! The guy you met in the cheese room of that bar in Freshers Week? He was nice enough, so you added him on Facebook. Over the years you’ve liked some of his statuses and some of the memes he shares are a right laugh. Harmless banter from a ‘friend’. Kinda. Since the migrant crisis has become the top of the news agenda, Nigel’s been writing a few statuses about how the refugees are the ones who are stealing our jobs. Pretty standard. And then the terrorist attacks on Paris happened. Nigel shared a meme; a photo of refugees that is captioned: ‘ISIS, coming to your town very soon.’ Nigel has also started to use ‘freedom of speech’ to defend his use of the term ‘rag heads’. It makes you feel uncomfortable. What do you do? The way I see it, you have two options: It’s that beautiful option under the ‘friend’ button. Simply delete the racist bastard from your timeline. You don’t see this person any more anyway so it’s not going to affect your social circle. His offensive comments will no longer confront you on your timeline. Out of place, out of mind. However, if the person making racist comments is someone you’re likely to see again, say a family member for instance, you may want to consider option two… Okay, so deleting the ‘friends’ who endorse the genocide of the global Muslim population certainly gets them out of your life but it means that they’re still out there preaching the hate to someone else. How about taking a stand? Turn your Facebook page into a weapon of mass education. Make sure what your friends are sharing are factually correct. If you see racism on your timeline, report it. Maybe direct message the sharer and politely explain why their posts are offensive. Share news articles so that people can form educated opinions. Don’t publicly shame people though, there’s enough hate crime out there without you getting involved. And there you have it. Don’t just ignore a problem, try to turn it on it’s head and help stop the racism. However, sometimes in the life of social media – just like in real life – you have to accept that you can’t change some people’s minds so you have to let it go and walk away. So pick your battles wisely and your friends even more so. And as for Nigel? You don’t need him in your life anyway. Unfriend.
Whenever there is discussion of the tenets of social justice, the reactions to ideas like "safe spaces" or checking people on harmful language from those not checking their privilege is always the same. Some scoffing sneer that things have become too gentle and that people are so "coddled" lately. The real world, they point out, is much harsher. These are many of the same people, of course, who stand up and cheer when a knife throwing karate master in a Guy Fawkes mask says that words are the keys to perspectives. Oh yes. So true. Words are so powerful! Words start revolutions. But suggest that those SAME FUCKING WORDS have impact and power beyond merely "hurt feelings" when it comes to racism, misogyny, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, or that they "shape [the] perspectives" of bigotry and institutional harm, and suddenly you are a whiny baby who needs coddling if you're going to be so sensitive. But here's the truth about coddling. It was WE who were being coddled. White people, men, cis people, straight people, able bodied people. It was we who were coddled. They were always there. They were always telling us that we were being racist, misogynist, transphobic, homophobic, classist, and more. They were always telling us that their words hurt them–not just hurt them but reinforced their dehumanization. That made treating them badly, not hiring them, not promoting them, brutalizing them...even killing them just a little bit easier since we viewed them not as fully human like the rest of us. They were always pointing out how people with privilege got empathy, benefit of the doubt, intellectual rigor, and second chances. They were always standing up and speaking out. They were writing books. They were speaking at venues. They were telling us in every way possible that what we were doing was not okay. But we could silence them. We consumed media with gatekeepers who wouldn't let "those types" through. We could walk away when they started talking. When they stood up, we shut them down. We could invite only the ones who were "cool about that stuff" into our spaces that somehow stayed segregated despite the laws. Their books sat unread (by us). Their venues went unattended (by us). If we didn't want to hear how we were hurting people, what our words and actions were doing to real people, we could very successfully pretend they did not exist or were simply some lunatic fringe. One more and one more and one more isolated incident. We would listen if it weren't for the chip on their shoulder about everything. We might pay attention if they weren't so angry. If they would just...soften it for us, instead of being so course, we could possibly digest it (maybe). We were pampered. We were indulged. WE were coddled. Then came a medium where all voices could project more equally. Where those who were silent in the world because of the cost of speaking out could find their voice anew in pseudonyms and anonymity. Where social networking went around the gate keepers that filtered out what we didn't want to hear and shoved those voices we ignored right into our faces. We had to read again and again about the pain and anguish and triggers and trauma that our casual inattention caused people. As they were shared over and over by women, by POC, by the LGBT+ community, by people with disablities, by allies. They commented everywhere. They called us out. We couldn't escape their reminders that we were treating them differently. They continually told us of their humanity and our lack of acknowledging it. It became harder and harder to find places where we weren't reminded of those we harm and dehumanize. Now there are almost no spaces left that we can curate completely from their unrelenting demands for equality. And that hurt us. It stung. We're good people, right? Good people can't ever do bad things–not things this bad. It made us feel attacked. They must be mistaken. Whole communities of them. ALL of them. They must ALL be making things up. And we decided that it was somehow because this sensitivity was a new thing and not simply that it was the first we'd heard of it. (The first we'd heard of it because we'd managed to very carefully avoid hearing anything else until now.) It's just the dawn of PC police and social justice overreach, not the dawn of the media where we can't keep ourselves sequestered away from other voices any longer. We could demand their grievances only strike the proper tone or they would not be redressed--that tone, of course, being "easily ignored." But it's time to grow up now. White people. Men. Cishets. Able bodied. It's time to come out of our safe bubbles and our echo chambers. It's time to mature into the REAL world and look at the faces of those we've hurt and listen to their words. It's time to hear them. It's time to see their rage and pain first hand and not be protected from its adult sting by those institutions that were dedicated to insulating us from their harsh realities. It's time to stop our child-like fantasizing that our oppression ended at some point in the past and has evaporated in our own lifetime simply because we choose to ignore all those who deign say otherwise. It's time they stopped taking it easy on us. We have been indulged as little babies for far too long. Because they were always there. They were always saying the same things they are now. And it was WE who were being coddled. How being a writer helped me rewrite a sexist trope...for real. [Edit 3 (7/25/13): I speak to some of the more common comments, questions,... Well....it finally happened. My "can't even" about the comments on my Facebook page went from figurative to literal. At o... So if you've been on Facebook sometime in the last fifty years or so, you've probably run across this little turd of a meme. I... My suspicion is we're going to hear a lot about mental illness in the next few days. A lot. And my prediction is that it's going to... Come see the full comic at: http://jensorensen.com/2016/11/15/donald-trump-election-win-reactions-cartoon/ If you are still trying to ... I don't normally mess with author gossip here on Writing About Writing . Our incestual little industry has enough tricky-to-navigate g... Image description: A fountain pen writing on lined paper. These are the brass tacks. The bare bones. The pulsing core of effective writi... Ready to do some things for your craft that will terrify you even more than a sewer-dwelling clown? Oh what I wouldn't give for a si... This might be a personal question, but I saw that you once used to be Muslim on one of your other posts. Why did you leave? It's fun... 1. Great writing involves great risk–the risk of terrible writing. Writing that involves no risk is merely forgettable–utterly. 2. When yo...
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The original earthen banked circular enclosure of his monastery was visible around the graveyard until it was removed by it ebooks pdf download the council. She knew the place, understood what was happening, and yet Insert a black pushpin for the eye adhere twigs with hot-glue for the feet. Simply click the ‘vote’ button under the shop name of your choice. They might not have become plumbers, or bricklayers, they might still have pursued badly paid careers in the creative arts and individually in fact earned less than the creative arts graduates. Sometimes, a meme is so perfect in its original form that it simply cannot be improved. The compartment at the rear of the boiler which houses the fire. The snake river offers both whitewater and mellow scenic float trips on the snake river. Expression decreases kindle books format significantly at more mature stages of b-cell development. It pulls cool outdoor air inside through open windows and doors and circulates it throughout the house. 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How many times have you seen a meme of a Black child embracing a White child with a caption about children being innocent and not seeing color, or reminding us that they aren’t born racist? These memes tend to come out in droves when discussions about racial bias are happening. A discussion that has been ongoing in the wake of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, John Crawford III, Renisha McBride, Sandra Bland, and the list goes on. People high-five one another in the comments section and talk about the next generation giving them hope, but we all skirt around the reality that one day those same two children will likely distrust one another. None of us want to talk about how children actually learn prejudices. Instead, we all sit around pretending that everything will be okay in the future. If we’re really honest with ourselves, we will admit that things are not going to be okay in the future and that we’re part of the problem. It’s a hard to pill to swallow, but we need to acknowledge how we continue to perpetuate prejudice and/or racism in our everyday lives. Prejudice is an unfavorable opinion of a person due to their race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc. Racism is what happens when you mix prejudice with power and use the two to discriminate against a group of people in a systematic manner.* While dismantling systematic racism is a daunting task, here are five ways parents pass down prejudice, which can lead to the perpetuation of racism: 1. We Say One Thing, But Do Another We tell our children not to judge a book by its cover, yet how many of us actually follow through with this when it comes to people? We stereotype and judge other parents on the playground all the time. I’m not talking about shaking your head because a mom is on her phone or because they’re hovering over their children. Have you ever prevented your child from playing with certain kids at the playground because they have a single mom? Have you ever turned down a play date because you’re worried about their same-sex parents? It’s easy to think that they’re not paying attention, but we know that children are sponges and are always paying attention. We cross the street and lock our car doors when we see someone that we deem dangerous. Do you explain to your kids that you’re locking the car door because you’re in a parking lot alone at night? Or do you make a scared face and hurriedly lock the door with no explanation? You could do the latter because you’re in an urban city and two Black teenagers walked by with hoodies or there are a group of white teenagers dressed in Goth-like attire. If you did the former, you’d prevent your children from drawing their own conclusions about your fear and later doing something similar. 2. We Blurt Out Offensive Things During Tense Moments I’ll admit that I’m guilty of this one. When they announced the no indictment for Darren Wilson after the death of Michael Brown, I was heartbroken and livid. I yelled at the television and openly discussed my disdain for “those white people,” while talking to my husband. My then two-and-a-half-year-old looked on as I cried and my husband tried to comfort me. The next morning, I felt an intense guilt and hoped I hadn’t passed down this form of prejudice to my child. I’ve since learned to change the channel and avoid those triggering moments when he’s present. My husband and I will give one another a look that signals needing to curb the conversation. While we know the realities of racial issues in America, we both are committed to providing our son with the information from a more neutral standpoint and allowing him to come up with his own ideas based on his experiences. 3. We Whitewash History “Why is everything we learned in school a lie?” One of my college freshmen asked me this in class one day during a discussion about popular culture and social movements. His question was certainly an exaggeration, but also pretty true. When we whitewash or diminish aspects of history as a means of protecting our children, we’re not providing them with all the information they need to truly understand the systems of oppression that affect us all. We do our children a disservice when we pretend that racism and/or prejudice no longer exists. Instead, we must share the truth with them if we intend to dismantle the system in our lifetime. We can do this by finding age-appropriate books and movies that share the truth of these difficult moments in our history, and then answering our children honestly when they ask questions. We can expose our children to diverse cultural activities that expose them to both the good and bad parts of history. So, don’t just celebrate the Fourth of July, but celebrate Juneteenth as well. 4. We Promote Respectability Politics When we tell Black children that they must wear button-ups instead of hoodies if they want to be respected. When we make comments about same-sex couples flaunting their love in public or these relationships being shown on television. When we focus on what young women wear that “tempt” men. When we promote laws that place gender non-conforming people in danger. We are teaching our children that only certain people deserve respect. We’re telling them it’s okay to show bias to someone who does not perform their roles in society the way we deem appropriate. We’re teaching them to stereotype groups and leading them down the road of prejudice even though we think we’re just protecting them. The dangers that we are concerned about are definitely real, but we must explain those dangers to them. Instead of saying that hoodie makes you look like a thug or those shorts make you look like a hooker, we must sit down and explain to them the ways they may be viewed by people who are racist, sexist and/or prejudiced. Put the shame on society instead of the victims. 5. We Stay Silent During Uncomfortable Moments “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silences of our friends.” This famous quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. always comes to mind when I’m tempted to stay silent in an uncomfortable moment. If you stay silent when your family and/or friends discuss hot button issues and state their prejudice loud and clear in front of your children, you’re silently agreeing with the sentiments. Sure, you could talk to your children about it later to let them know that you disagree, but if you want to raise a social justice advocate, you need to model that behavior by speaking up in front of everyone. I remind my family and friends often that I will not allow them to express prejudice against any group in front of my child. It’s counter-productive to the person I want him to become. I recently found myself engaging in conversations about Target’s gender-neutral bathroom stance and despite wanting to just walk away because the situation became a bit hostile, I didn’t. I kept talking and providing facts about the issue because it’s what I would want my son to do as well. I also know that not so long ago people who looked like me weren’t allowed to use whatever bathroom they wanted, and I’m grateful to those who didn’t stay silent in those moments. Ask yourself if you want your child to be the one preventing a young girl from using the girl’s restroom at school because her hair is short and she’s not wearing a dress, or do you want them to be the child standing up for that little girl? Our prejudices can make the difference between our children being bullies or advocates.
Last updated on April 4, 2021 In 2008 when former President Obama was thrust into one of the biggest financial messes since the depression of 1929, his stated goal was to get us out of the ditch. With jobs being lost by some accounts at a rate of 800,000 per month and people wondering where and when their next meal was coming, the Republican refrain was 47 million people are on food stamps. The use of that political meme is GOP code for giveaways to people of color. The purposefully derisive name Obamacare, for the Affordable Care Act, was couched as taking something away from white America to give it to the undeserving black and brown America. The misidentified “Obama phone,” was a Reagan program, that became another racist meme to color the Obama administration as socialism run amok. The Republican Party has learned the best way to kill a Democratic initiative is to give it the label of entitlement or associate it with people of color. They draw distinctions with terms like urban and real America, riots and civil unrest, and recently mischaracterizing Black Lives Matter and economic anxiety. Just yesterday, using tortured reasoning, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) said the Capitol rioting was overblown because he saw no widespread use of arms by the insurrectionists. “This didn’t seem like an armed insurrection to me,” said Johnson. “I mean ‘armed,’ when you hear ‘armed,’ don’t you think of firearms?” he queried. The Capitol of the United States was breached, police and civilians were killed, beaten, and maimed and the GOP argument is reduced to minimizing the types of weapons used? Throughout the impeachment trial, the constant comparisons of breaking the windows of shoe stores were used to create a false equivalency between shopping districts and the seat of Democracy. Let me not downplay the not only wanton but useless violence of burning local municipal buildings. The call for swift and severe prosecution is appropriate and I for one hope it happens. Unfortunately, I did not hear that same tampering down of emotions from Mr. Johnson about the summer protest in comparison to the insurrectionists who were armed with the same bats, sticks, mace, and anger. Of those in the BLM movement, Mr. Johnson had a different view, “Trump supporters would not riot. That would only happen, Johnson said, if Biden lost “and then BLM and Antifa, the anarchists would take to the streets. This isn’t our side that’s going to riot in the streets. That would be the other side if they don’t get the result they want,” said Sen. Johnson. No one disputes the right to protest or legally challenge an election result. At least a million women took to the streets to protest Mr. Trump’s election in 2016. Hundreds of thousands of unarmed men and women protested the murder of George Floyd in a lot of cases flanked by rifle-toting counter-protesters. I still remember the striking photos of an armed couple, ready to fire on peaceful protesters in their gated community. Yesterday, Amy Cooper, a white woman who tried to weaponize the police against a black birdwatcher, because he demanded her compliance with the park’s rules and leash her dog, was exonerated after taking five racial sensitivity classes. Instead of feeling lucky to be released her lawyer has decided to exercise Ms. Cooper’s white privilege by threatening lawsuits against those who “rushed to the wrong conclusion.” Apparently, being armed with melanin is more dangerous than, bear spray, hockey sticks, clubs, and stun guns. There is a connective tissue in America and racism courses through its’ DNA. Continue to Vote for Change. The Politicus is a collaborative political community that facilitates content creation directly on the site. Our goal is to make the political conversation accessible to everyone.Any donations we receive will go into writer outreach. That could be advertising on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit or person-to-person outreach on College campuses. Please help if you can:
The Auto Cad software was designed and used first by the electronics trade. Gamers of MMORPGs normally must buy and set up the software on their dwelling computers and pay month-to-month fees to connect with the online servers. Apple’s new framework, Project Catalyst, will help iOS developers translate present cellular apps into macOS apps. For many players, the native model of a game would not simply make it extra accessible. It’s also an enabler of communication Think about it — the sport’s lore, the storylines, the character growth, and even mechanics are not often restricted only to specific groups of people, ethnicities, nationalities, religious, or political orientations.… Read more Ask anyone who has ever played a MMO (massively multiplayer online role-taking part in game) and they will immediately acknowledge and sing praises of World of Warcraft also called WoW to its loyal legions who’re hundreds of thousands in number all around the globe. The opposite half is avoiding all of the quests, NPCs and PvP encounters so you may get on with what you’re really there to do: discover all the most famous locations from the franchise – locations like Rohan, Moria, and the Shire. In fact, just about each setting in the lore has made it into the game in some kind. You can even waltz right via the gates of Mordor opposite to the favored meme, though in typical MMO style you’ll have to do a whole lot of farming in order to meet the level necessities of some areas. A Graphical control ingredient (GUI widget) is … Read more
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|Birth name||Russell James Vitale| |Born||September 26, 1992| Secaucus, New Jersey, U.S. |Origin||Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.| Russell James Vitale (born September 26, 1992), better known by his stage name Russ, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer and author from Atlanta, Georgia. He is best known for his singles "What They Want", "Losin Control" and "Best on Earth", which peaked respectively at number 83, 63 and 46 on the US Billboard Hot 100. After years of releasing albums, mixtapes and singles for free online, Russ released his twelfth studio album, There's Really a Wolf, on May 5, 2017 through Columbia Records; it was certified Platinum on April 18, 2018. His thirteenth album, Zoo, was released on September 7, 2018, and peaked at number 4 on the US Billboard 200. His fourteenth studio album, Shake the Snow Globe, was released on January 31, 2020, again peaking at number 4 on the US Billboard 200. Outside of his solo music, he is part of Diemon, a music collective from Atlanta. Russ was born on September 26, 1992 in Secaucus, New Jersey. He is of Sicilian descent. Russ was born into an Sicilian-American family which included him and three other siblings. He lived in North Carolina and Kentucky in his childhood due to his father having to constantly relocate due to his career, before his family found a permanent home in Atlanta. Russ was taught to play guitar by his father, and over the years gradually learned how to play several instruments. He started writing raps in his notebook at 7 years old. He started making beats when he was 14, and was initially producing with his friend Bugus. He recorded his first song at 18 years old. In 2011, Russ, alongside friend and fellow rapper Bugus, appeared on MTV after Bugus' song "El Jefe" gained traction. After his short enrollment in Kennesaw State University, Russ co-founded his own collective and label, Diemon, with Bugus and others. In a 2012 article on Jenesis Magazine, Russ was described as an in-house producer for Diemon. From December 2011 to August 2014, Russ released 11 albums and 87 singles consecutively; all free of charge. Despite this, his music had not gained the attention that he wanted, so he began to release a song every week on SoundCloud for almost three years. Two of these songs, "What They Want" and "Losin Control", eventually peaked at number 83 and number 62 on the US Billboard Hot 100 respectively. After signing to Columbia Records, Russ released his twelfth studio album, There's Really a Wolf, on May 5, 2017; it debuted at number 7 on the US Billboard 200 and number four on the US Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums charts. On April 18, 2018, the album was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for combined sales and album-equivalent units of over 1,000,000 units in the United States. Prior to releasing his album, Russ announced on his Twitter account that he would be headlining his tour, The Wake Up Tour, from May 16 to August 5, 2017. Russ released his thirteenth studio album, Zoo, on September 7, 2018, which peaked at number 4 on the Billboard 200. On November 12, 2019, Russ published his first book, It's All in Your Head. On January 31, 2020, he released his fourteenth studio album, Shake the Snow Globe, on Russ My Way Inc/Columbia Records. It peaked at number 4 on the US Billboard 200. On June 30, 2020, Russ announced that he completed his deal with Columbia Records and is now an independent artist. On November 17, 2020, he released an EP titled Chomp. It features guest appearances from Black Thought, Busta Rhymes, Benny the Butcher and Ab-Soul, among others. Musical style and influences Russ's early inspirations were G-Unit, 50 Cent and Eminem. He produced beats for around six years before he attempted to record himself rapping. Russ is known for his songs being produced, mixed, mastered, engineered, written, and performed by himself. Most of his songs contain hip hop and R&B elements, while combining rapping and singing on the hook. His style has been described by Uproxx as a "raspy, hardbody rap flow, and lilting, almost drunken singing voice". On September 11, 2017, after a show, Russ tweeted a picture depicting him in a shirt with writing on it that said: "How much xans and lean do you have to do before you realize you're a fucking loser". The tweet caused controversy, and led to numerous responses from other music artists. Chicago rapper Fredo Santana responded to the tweet, stating: "Until I can stop thinking bout my dead homies an the trauma I been thru in my life that's when I'll stop". Following the controversy, the phrase "fuck Russ" became a commonly referenced phrase and meme. On June 6, 2018, after rappers Lil Pump and J. Cole settled their issues in an interview, Lil Pump tweeted "ME & J COLE COOL NOW SO NOW ITS FUCK RUSS". Awards and nominations |2017||Woodie Awards||Woodie To Watch||Nominated| - Abubaker, Mustafa (June 20, 2016). "Do it everyday, music or nothing: ATL's Russ on his self-made success". Mass Appeal. Archived from the original on August 6, 2017. Retrieved June 29, 2017. - "Try the TIDAL Web Player". listen.tidal.com. - "ACE Repertory". www.ascap.com. Archived from the original on 2017-02-06. Retrieved 2019-08-17. - "Russ Doesn't Hesitate to 'Pull the Trigger' in New Video - XXL". XXL Mag. Archived from the original on 2018-10-25. Retrieved 2016-08-14. - "Certified Fresh: Meet Russ, Your Next Favorite Rapper". hiphopwired.com. 20 April 2016. Archived from the original on 26 November 2018. Retrieved 29 April 2017. - "Russ Chart History: Billboard Hot 100". Billboard. Archived from the original on September 14, 2018. Retrieved March 24, 2020. - "American single certifications – Russ -There's Really a Wolf". Recording Industry Association of America". Retrieved August 28, 2017. - "Russ Chart History". Billboard. Archived from the original on 5 November 2019. Retrieved 5 November 2019. - "Meet Russ the Up and Coming Atlanta Artist". www.teambackpack.net. Archived from the original on 4 November 2016. Retrieved 27 August 2016.CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link) - "Do It Everyday, Music or Nothing: ATL's Russ on His Self-Made Success - Mass Appeal". 2016-06-20. Archived from the original on 2016-08-21. Retrieved 2016-08-15. - "New Visuals For Russ's "Pull The Trigger"". Respect. 2016-07-29. Archived from the original on 2016-08-25. Retrieved 2016-08-15. - "Everything You Need To Know About Russ". HotNewHipHop. Archived from the original on 2019-04-18. Retrieved 2019-04-18. - Bootleg Kev (2016-08-19), RUSS in-depth interview w/ Bootleg Kev, retrieved 2017-05-09 - "Russ | Biography & History". AllMusic. Archived from the original on 2019-04-16. Retrieved 2019-04-16. - "Russ Opens His Old Basement Studio & Explains Independent Success". genius.com. Retrieved 4 November 2019. - "Meet Russ: The Up-and-Coming Atlanta Artist". Archived from the original on 2016-11-04. Retrieved 2016-08-10. - "The Break Presents: Russ - XXL". XXL Mag. Archived from the original on 2016-08-15. Retrieved 2016-08-14. - Garl, Maurice; 2016, Apr 20 (2016-04-20). "Certified Fresh: Meet Russ, Your Next Favorite Rapper". Hip-Hop Wired. Archived from the original on 2016-08-15. Retrieved 2016-08-10.CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link) - Agnew, Thomas (8 May 2012). "[Feature] DIEMON: DIEMON In The Rough". Jenesis Magazine. Retrieved 1 June 2020. - Corry, Kristin. "So, Why Does Everyone Hate Russ?". Vice. Vice. Archived from the original on 4 December 2019. Retrieved 4 November 2019. - "Russ - "What They Want" & "Let Me In"". Hillydilly.com. Archived from the original on 2016-08-15. Retrieved 2016-08-15. - "Rising Rapper Russ on His '10-Year, 11-Album, 87-Song Overnight Success'". Billboard. Archived from the original on 2017-05-11. Retrieved 2017-04-06. - Amaya Mendizabal (May 18, 2017). "Russ' 'There's Really a Wolf' Debuts at No. 4 on Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums Chart". Billboard. Archived from the original on May 20, 2017. Retrieved May 20, 2017. - "Listen to Russ' New Album 'There's Really a Wolf' - XXL". XXL Mag. Archived from the original on 8 May 2017. Retrieved 8 May 2017. - "There's Really A Wolf". 2017-05-05. Archived from the original on 2017-04-20. Retrieved 2017-04-20. - "Gold & Platinum - RIAA". riaa.com. Retrieved 1 September 2017. - "The Wake Up Tour". Twitter.com. Retrieved 2017-04-04. - "Russ Chart History | Billboard". November 5, 2019. Archived from the original on 2019-11-05. - Vitale, Russell (2019). It's All in Your Head: Get Out of Your Way. United States: HarperCollins Publishers. p. 160. ISBN 9780062962430. - "Russ – 'Shake The Snow Globe' review". www.nme.com. February 3, 2020. - "Billboard 200 Top 20 | Official Charts Company". February 17, 2020. Archived from the original on 2020-02-17. - Grant, Shawn (2020-07-02). "Russ Announces He is Now An Independent Artist". The Source. Retrieved 2020-10-14. - Ivey, Justin (November 11, 2020). "Russ Recruits Black Thought, Benny The Butcher, Ab-Soul, Busta Rhymes & More For 'Chomp' EP". HipHopDX. Retrieved November 14, 2020. - "Russ Biography". billboard.com. Archived from the original on 2016-11-12. Retrieved 29 April 2017. - "RUSS in-depth interview w/ Bootleg Kev". Retrieved 19 August 2016. - "Rising Rapper Russ on His '10-Year, 11-Album, 87-Song Overnight Success'". Archived from the original on 16 December 2016. Retrieved 15 December 2016. - "Russ' 'There's Really A Wolf' Was The Best Rap Release Of The Weekend". UPROXX. 2017-05-08. Archived from the original on 2017-05-09. Retrieved 2017-05-09. - Berry, Peter A. (12 September 2017). "Russ Causes Controversy With Anti-Drug Shirt". XXL. XXL. Retrieved 1 June 2020. - Ivey, Justin (6 June 2018). "J. Cole's New Homie Lil Pump Is Now Screaming "Fuck Russ"". HipHopDX. HipHopDX. Retrieved 1 June 2020. - "Winners & Nominees by Category - 2017 Woodies - MTV University". MTV. Archived from the original on 2017-05-06. Retrieved 2017-05-09.
The discussion about regret in this part reminded me of a meme a friend shared on social media recently. To paraphrase, it asked if you would rather go back to being 10 years old but with all the knowledge you currently possess, or wake up at age 45 but with a billion dollars in the bank. Everyone chose the latter. But I gravitated heavily to the former. Then I started wondering if in an effort to change things I regret, I might change the timeline in such a way that I’d lose some of the things I don’t, and concluded that the best thing would be to go back to mid-2014 with the knowledge I have now. Sometimes I deeply yearn for this possibility. But then I think about the fact that that would mean doing grad school all over again, and I figure I’m too lazy for that and will just have to live with my regrets. 苦笑 Anyway, the Sendai venue presented here is now known as the Kamei Arena Sendai, and here’s the obligatory link to the Table of Contents. May 17, 2003 Sendai Civic Gymnasium (Day 1) The Sendai Civic Gymnasium, which would host two back-to-back shows like the Nippon Budōkan, was the lowest-capacity venue of the tour. Even so, it could hold a little over 5,000 people; it was a gymnasium after all. With its depth and breadth, it felt like we had come to a one-size smaller version of Yokohama Arena. Gackt got into the venue at 12 p.m. As per usual he walked once around the venue, then went into the massage room. He listened to MOON on full blast while getting his massage and got himself mentally focused. Gackt went up on the stage, which was 1.8 meters wider than that of the Nippon Budōkan, and did several moves repeatedly, such as round off jumps and handsprings, in an earnest effort to loosen up. Having done three live shows, it seemed he was very much aware of how tense his muscles had become. The established rehearsal pattern of “Speed Master” ends → Dancers come out → “Lu:na” was easy enough for Gackt to fall into, but he moved sluggishly as he went down into the seats and changed his shoes. “I can’t shake this tiredness. It’s because doing just those two Budōkan shows really took a toll on my body. I’ve got aches and pains all over… But I’ve gotten much lighter on my feet, right?” With that, Gackt did some cartwheels in the aisle. But it seemed he had a torn muscle at the back of his right thigh. Examining Gackt’s facial expression, I happened to notice that by this point in the tour, his cheeks were awfully hollow. I could write that that made him look more masculine, but that would make light of the situation. Powerful waves, like the aura of a warrior who has wagered his life as he goes into battle, emanated from his back. This was no exaggeration. “Biiiigger! Do it bigger!” Gackt yelled out advice as he watched “Fragrance” from the seats. At this point his tone was the same as always, but it gradually grew as heated as it had been during Kagen no Tsuki. “EGA and KAZUYA, your timing before you jump out is off! Face front and count in sync…” Gackt sang, “tada itoshisa dake ga~” in time to the dancers’ count of “One, two, three, four.” “KAZUYA! You’re still too fast! Try doing it while facing each other. You’ll see your each and every move is rushed. Count more patiently!” This was followed by the rehearsal for the “memories” ending, during which Gackt’s advice from the seats grew even more heated. “You! Look down more. Chacha is—Ren! Don’t change positions once you’ve sat down. What the audience sees is just your silhouette, so if you move, it’s a distraction.” Even after returning to the dressing room, Gackt watched the video recording of the dancers’ rehearsal. “Damn, that front flip during ‘Lu:na’ sure was a close call! But it’ll be okay during the actual show.” Everyone was determined. “We can do this,” they said without speaking. Once evening came around, the weather was good, but the cool winds characteristic of Sendai had started to blow around the venue. Fans started pouring into the area one after the other. The band’s huddle started 15 minutes behind schedule. “It’s our first day in Sendai!” “The audience has a clear view from every angle in this venue. So make sure your feelings reach all the way to the back. I think everyone’s in bad physical shape right now, but don’t think about tomorrow. Just, don’t injure yourselves, no matter what. Got it? Let’s do this!” The show had barely started when Gackt, for the first time, landed the front flip during “Lu:na” on his butt. That seemed to set his fighting spirit on fire; he was so tense as he dashed through the rest of the show. During the piano solo, which was like a little break, the audience would get excited at every tiny sigh that escaped from Gackt. On the one hand, he could concentrate well precisely because he was tense, but on the other, this made any slip of the fingers stand out. This was one of the things that made live shows in particular scary. Especially when it came to the piano. “The piano’s scary because your true self comes out,” Gackt had been saying since long ago. Just how deep into Gackt’s soul were we seeing…? Still, the band was in top form today. They seemed to be channeling all their energy toward Gackt, pushing him forward; Gackt introduced them for the first time this tour. In the second half of the show, Gackt’s voice projected well. The background music from MOON CHILD, the last to play, of course made the audience get misty eyed, and left a lingering solemnity. “Gackt is feverish, completely soaked in sweat,” the bodyguard muttered as he carried an unconscious Gackt to his dressing room. Despite that, looking back on past tours, Gackt was out for a relatively short time. Assured by this spare bit of energy, we headed out to downtown Sendai. Today, thanks to the staff’s good offices, I was able to ride in the same car as Gackt. Though the ride would be brief, I decided to take the opportunity to ask him some questions. “It seemed like you were really struggling during today’s show. Why was that?” “During the first half, the sound started going out in my monitors, until I could barely hear anything.” So that’s why he had that troubled look on his face… “By ‘rain’ I couldn’t hear anything at all. I think Asano and I were yelling at each other during the costume change. Then I got my in-ear monitors switched out, so I should’ve sounded better during the second half…” “Oh, definitely. By the way, about that instrumental piano track…when did you write it, and what’s it titled?” “It’s from ten years ago, the first musical piece I wrote. I had a girlfriend I really liked, but I ended up doing something bad… Back then I titled it ‘regret.’ Meaning 後悔 [koukai, regret].” This track was eventually formally titled “Solitude ~regret~”.1 Next, when I asked about the link with the movie MOON CHILD, I got an invaluable reply that went right to the heart of the matter. “Ultimately, MOON CHILD exists as a part of the concert Jōgen no Tsuki.2 The reason the waxing-waning order is reversed, with Kagen no Tsuki coming first,3 is because I think the tale of Jōgen no Tsuki is one of ‘Fate and Regret’. Everyone would like to go back in time to the point when they did something they regret, right? Once there, how do you atone for what you did? I think that’s the theme. But that isn’t the theme of MOON. The theme in MOON is…I guess I’d put it as ‘The fate of being unable to live nor die.’ Exactly like Kei and Luka, right?” I see! At the end of Jōgen no Tsuki, after “birdcage,” time really does go backwards and the background music from MOON CHILD plays. “Tsuki no Uta” is also a song where you meet yourself, so you can really see that flow of going back in time and making amends.4 At the same time, why that piano piece was also in there, is… Now I could see Jōgen no Tsuki clearly. As I processed this new understanding, Gackt spoke. “Oh, we’re already in downtown Sendai… Man, I’m tired!” Gackt had continued having meetings with the higher-ups throughout dinner, then he returned directly to the hotel. I went back via taxi with the dancers. “Unfortunately, the somersaults didn’t go well today…” They seemed to be pretty down. But, considering that their masks had mesh over the eyes which narrowed their field of vision, on top of the fact that they were doing those flips in boots, it would be strange if they could pull them off easily! “But we can’t just wallow in regret.” The dancers strengthened their inner resolve. May 18, 2003 Sendai Civic Gymnasium (Day 2) Since the rehearsal started, Gackt and the dancers practiced forward somersaults who knows how many times. Since he’d flubbed the landing during “Lu:na” yesterday, Gackt paid extra attention to his movements. This time, instead of ending up on his butt he managed to stick the landing beautifully, but he tore a hole through the stage floorboards and ended up with a sprain for his achievement! The pitiful sight of Gackt giving out instructions from the audience seats with an ice pack on his leg the whole time was almost too much to bear. I’d seen Gackt in such a sad state before countless times on previous tours, but…had the time for that come to Jōgen no Tsuki already…? Once he returned to his dressing room, he got his leg taped up in preparation for the show. The Acrobatic Team of dancers was also in questionable physical shape by this point. In general, the stage floorboards provided a very stiff surface that was hard on the joints, but as Gackt’s putting a hole in the stage demonstrated, they were soft in spots. This was very dangerous. Of course, Gackt, having announced that he would be fine for the show, had his usual expression as he went about getting ready. Having come to the fifth day of the tour, things backstage also seemed to be running smoothly. The Member Attendant Mr. Takeuchi, who was always running back and forth, spoke up with his usual cheery expression. “We couldn’t do all the songs during the dress rehearsal at Makuhari, right? Because of that, the costume changes ended up taking forever during the actual show. So we pulled an all-nigher practicing the costume changes, but there wasn’t anyone who could fit Chacha’s clothes. Not even the women on staff could get into them. (Ahaha…) Well, thanks to our efforts, yesterday we were able to get even those tricky zippers shut on the first go. Pretty good, huh? Please write in your book, ‘Takeuchi’s satisfied.’ (LOL)” The busiest men find the most leisure. His cheerfulness seemed to bring a pleasant breeze through the backstage area. Before we knew it, it was time for the show. “I’m the strongest man in the world once it’s showtime. Remember that.” Gackt’s words were truly powerful, so as to blow away the concerns over his sprained leg that surely everyone was feeling. He also spoke with an exceptionally loud voice during the huddle, then headed for the stage. The front somersaults in “Lu:na” continued to plague the members; EGA fell forward completely, while Gackt had to touch his hands to the floor a little. Well, a live show is a living thing, and you never know what it’s going to do. You just have to keep running forward without worrying about it. Thanks to getting better sound quality today, Gackt’s voice sounded good from start to finish, giving a convincing performance throughout. He didn’t make any mistakes during the piano solo either; his playing was filled with great emotion. I bet there weren’t any shouting matches with Mr. Asano during the costume change this time around. Everything proceeded smoothly after that as well. I was so happy to see Gackt so energetic it was like he had never sprained his leg. The audience over these past two days seemed milder than those at the metropolitan area venues, Makuhari Messe and the Nippon Budōkan. Maybe there were many fans who were coming to see a live show for the first time. Despite their mild reactions, the viewers whose expressions were transformed over the course of the show surely returned home with many new thoughts & memories in their hearts. However, Gackt was having a hard time recovering. He remained passed out in his dressing room. I was slated to take the last bullet train back to Tokyo and waited until the very last minute in hopes of seeing him, but ultimately couldn’t. I boarded the bullet train looking forward to meeting Gackt again one week later in Fukuoka. 1. Not to be confused with the song “Solitary” on Crescent. “Solitude ~regret~” was not released on CD until the audio compilation of Gackt’s concerts nine*nine came out in 2008. ⤴ 2. Not sure I’m getting this sentence 100% right. The original Japanese said 「あくまでコンサートの一部として『MOON CHILD』が存在するのが “上弦の月”。」I’m also a little confused because at the end of this answer, Gackt gives an example of MOON‘s theme by using characters from MOON CHILD, so…it’s not really the case that MOON CHILD exists solely within Jōgen no Tsuki? Maybe I’m overthinking it… ⤴ 3. This is perhaps a little more obvious in Japanese, where the word for “waxing moon” is 上弦の月 (jōgen no tsuki) and “waning moon” is 下弦の月 (kagen no tsuki); these words include the kanji for “up-down” 上下. What Gackt said, to translate literally, was “the up-down order is reversed”. ⤴ 4. Hirose definitely wrote this as if for someone who saw the performance recently, as what he wrote is confusing when taken literally without knowing exactly what he’s referencing. At the climax of “birdcage,” the circular lighting rig which had been above the stage starts coming down. At the end of the song the lights go black. When they come back on, there are only 12 lights lit on the circular rig, which is now slanted about 45 degrees to the stage. A bell tolls and with each toll one light goes out, going counter-clockwise. As for “Tsuki no Uta,” Sho/Gackt literally meets himself as Young Sho/Kanata is onstage with him, sometimes mouthing the words to the song. Of course, the lyrics also reference going back in time and reliving certain moments. ⤴
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Is there evidence or criminal charges that say South Carolina sex crimes defendant Jason "DJ Kidd" Pope trafficked "nearly 700 women, all black"? No, that's not true: Social media posts have taken out of context Pope's Facebook boast that by age 36 he was "...with 693 bodies...all black females," a phrase of indeterminate meaning. Even if every charge pending against him at the time this was written on April 5, 2021, concerns a different alleged victim, there would be 19 victims, total. Pope has not pleaded guilty and has not yet been tried on the charges. Nothing in court filings says he trafficked 693 women. The claim appeared as the headline of an article in Atlanta Black Star which was then built into a meme (archived here) published on Facebook January 19, 2020, under the title "WHY AREN'T PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THIS CLOWN LIKE Y'ALL DID #RKelly #BILL COSBY". The poster continued: His name is Jason Robert Pope, and he sex trafficked nearly 700 women, ALL BLACK, with some as young as 13 years old and infected them with aids. This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing: (Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Mon Apr 5 17:28:29 2021 UTC) Police in Florence County, South Carolina, arrested Pope in August of 2019, alleging he had sex with multiple minors he attracted via the social media account of his DJ business. Bloggers and reporters found and published multiple photos of Pope with young women, some in which he bragged about his conquests and rap DJ lifestyle. As of April 5, 2021, the pending charges against Pope included seven counts of trafficking minors, seven counts of criminal sexual content with persons age 11-14, three counts of criminal sexual content with a non-minor, one count of kidnapping and one count of promoting prostitution of a minor. Although Pope is charged with serious crimes, it would be premature to definitively say he committed any of them. "He has not pleaded guilty or been convicted of anything yet and we don't have a court date yet," said Robert Kittle, spokesman for the South Carolina attorney general's office, which is prosecuting the case. The spokesperson for the Florence County Sheriff declined all comment, noting that the case is still under investigation. Lead Stories reviewed the online public index in pending cases against Pope and found no evidence he has been charged with trafficking 693 women. In the cases underway at the time of this writing, Pope had not been charged with infecting the women with AIDS, another allegation made in the Facebook claims about Pope.
I’ve been tagged by Bill Slawski in an interesting meme currently doing the rounds of search marketing bloggers. The meme is pretty self explanatory — tell the world why you blog (listing, ideally, five reasons) and then take a turn tagging five others. Michael Jensen of SoloSEO is once again tracking the meme, so you can wend your way to SoloSEO if you’re curious about where this meme has been. But, for the moment, here are five reasons that I blog (cross-posted at Joe Dolson): - I like to write. I began to write articles during 2005 because I wanted to provide more information about my web design business and what I thought on my website. I also wanted to return to writing — having not written anything more interesting than a set of directions since I graduated from college. The process of writing something is very satisfying to me. Given a choice, I’d quite possibly choose to spend more time writing than doing hands on work with web design, honestly. My blog(s) give me a great outlet. - I need to refine my thoughts. In the raw, untamed lands of my brain, my thoughts run wild. Taking pen to paper (or, more accurately, keyboard to screen,) gives me a chance to domesticate my thoughts. I can spend my time writing down an argument in order to clarify, for myself, what it is I think. Sometimes, the results are inconclusive. The interactivity of blogging, however, enables me to gain very useful input from others who read what I wrote and provide their own viewpoints. Every refining detail is incredibly valuable to me. - I like to ask questions. It’s significant that a lot of what I write falls into the general category of “why” or “how.” I like to talk about the reasons for performing a task in a particular way — whether this is a question of search marketing, website accessibility, or some other topic I choose for the moment. In day to day practice, I only get to ask myself these questions — and I don’t always have the luxury of time to investigate further. My blogging provides a venue to ask these questions more publically. I don’t know the answers: but I’m absolutely willing to go out on a limb to make some statement, in hopes that others will make their own contributions. - I work alone. This is also the reason that I participate in forums — because my day to day work is solitary. I’m self-employed, and spend most of my professional time by myself. Sharing thoughts with co-workers is a valuable habit — having no coworkers, I try to share my thoughts with other members of the same industry. It’s a way of socializing. It may be very much on professional topics, but it enables me to form professional friendships which I would not be able to pursue locked into my home office. - I like to teach. Blogging is a good way to share my own knowledge. While being open about the fact that there are many specialists who know far more than I do, blogging gives me a pathway to provide solid information with others. I have no way to particularly guarantee that what I teach is accurate, but I’m far from the first teacher to be uncertain. Teaching helps me learn. All in all, the process of blogging is a very effective learning tool: I learn in the writing, others learn in the reading, then I turn around and learn from my commenters, who, with any luck, learned from writing their comments. Hey, it’s just a big educational orgy. Who I’m going to tag: - Pierre Far - Liana Evans - Mike Cherim - Nadir Garouche - Matt Bailey