A program for thriving at Duke What if your classes not only shaped the way you thought but also the way you lived? What Now? The Duke Guide to Happiness, Purpose & Well-Being offers seminars designed to help you develop the tools and capacities to thrive at Duke and beyond. Research across multiple disciplines suggests that students—and working adults—perform best when they are authentically connected to their work and to the people around them. What Now? classes are an opportunity for every student to consider what drives them, to learn habits that may help them succeed, and to have fun along the way. Each seminar is a discipline-specific window into how to be happy, purposeful, or well. Explore the philosophy or social science of happiness; think about the meaning of belonging through Spanish literature; or consider how we communicate while learning about global health. These offerings give insights into different academic disciplines, but they also provide lenses through which to consider some of the fundamental questions that face each of us: What makes you happy? Why are you (or any of us) here? How do you choose the right path for you? What Now? offers a space not only to begin to answer those questions, but to live better in the process. Faculty Committee: Martin Smith, Dean of Academic Affairs, Trinity College (ex officio); Denise Comer (Writing); David Malone (Education); Michael Kliën (Dance) You take a seminar in the fall or spring of your first year. We’re offering first-year seminars (89S) and a more limited number of Writing 101 seminars in both the fall and spring semesters. Enrollment for these is open—sign up for the one you want. As part of registration for a What Now? seminar, you’ll register for ETHICS 189: the What Now? Common Experience course. During this flexible “lab” course, students try out some of Duke’s best resources to support intellectual growth, wellness, and stress reduction. This .5-credit, pass/fail course also features faculty-facilitated conversations in students’ living groups, creating opportunities for students to get to know more professors and engage with scholars in a relaxed setting. You can search for What Now? seminars in the Advanced Search tab in DukeHub. Click Course Attributes and choose Interest Area. Select What Now? from the list. 89S Courses for Fall 2021 LIT 89S / ETHICS 89S / GSF 89S / SOCIOL 89S (CZ, SS, EI, STS) What does it mean to behave badly? On what bases do we distinguish proper behavior from misconduct? This course will introduce students to the interrelated themes of deviance and propriety. We will consider this dichotomy not only from the standpoint of moral philosophy but also through the lenses of social theory, history of medicine, and political thought. Of particular importance for the course will be to understand how often misconduct involves the disruption of unspoken social norms rather than the explicit violation of laws or moral codes. Professor: Nima Bassiri GERMAN 89S / ETHICS 89S / LIT 89S (ALP, EI, CCI) We hear a great deal, especially in educational contexts, about the need to become or to act like our “best selves.” But what does this turn of phrase actually imply? Are there really multiple versions of ourselves, from which we can be trained to choose? Are we always irreducibly multiple even when we are at our best and most true? And what might we learn, instead, by examining our other, worse selves? From the dictum “know thyself”—inscribed at the entrance to the oracle of Delphi, and hence also, at the origins of western thought—to the dictum “go on with your bad self”—appropriated into colloquial English from its roots in 20th century Black culture—the conundrum of selfhood has remained at the forefront of all attempts to imagine a better world. It is still alive and well today, in philosophy as in biology, in psychology as in AI. This course will investigate a broad swath of historical and contemporary forays into the realm of malfunctioning, multiple, mad, ecstatic, discontinuous, hybrid, or otherwise unself-like selves, from literature and film to philosophy and computer science, in an effort to probe the limits of what we can know, and learn, about ourselves. Professor: Sarah Pourciau ICS 89S / ARTSVIS 89S / EDUC 89S / ETHICS 89S / VMS 89S (ALP, EI, CCI) How can drawing help us see, engage with, and even create community? This seminar requires no drawing experience; rather, it offers drawing as a way of thinking, something many of us lose after deciding “can’t draw.” We explore how graphic novelists, nature artists, mapmakers, and researchers use drawing to understand the lives of others, make sense of place and history, explore identities, and envision a better world: new relations between us and what we draw. Responding to works from around the globe, we draw in the classroom and beyond. The final project asks you to engage with Durham and show what “drawing community” means to you. Professor: Adam Rosenblatt EDUC 89S / ETHICS 89S (CZ, EI, STS) How do communities, schools, and neighborhoods organize for social change? How do individuals organize their own commitments and energies to change themselves and the world around them? This course examines education as a component of collective liberation in the contemporary United States through themes of ethics, community organizing, and educational equity. It will introduce central philosophical and practical approaches to political organizing, help students develop skills in understanding and critiquing school segregation and resegregation in the US, and enable students to locate their own commitments, callings, and aptitudes within a variety of liberative accounts of social change. Professor: Adam Hollowell MATH 89S / ETHICS 89S (QS, STS) What is democracy? Using preferential ballots in elections is a natural idea since it allows voters to express a 1st choice, a 2nd choice, a 3rd choice, etc. on each ballot, thereby collecting more information from each voter and creating the potential for an outcome which better represents the voters. However, there are many ways to determine the winner of a preferential ballot election, and each “preferential ballot vote counting method” has its own game theory, both for the candidates and the voters, some better and some worse, and often very different from the game theory of the single vote ballot. In this course, we’ll use game theory and mathematics to study these questions. Professor: Hubert Bray GSF 89S / ETHICS 89S (CZ, SS, EI) Some scientists contend that the Earth has entered a new geological age in which human actions and effects are the dominant force shaping the planet, a so-called “anthropocene.” Such a planet offers diminishing possibilities for other creatures to live beyond the influence of Homo sapiens. How do animals fit into human societies when human society is now so inescapable? Do animals still exert agency and shape how we live? And how can humans maintain ethical relationships to nonhuman critters? Can we share landscapes and ecosystems, much less an entire planet? This course explores these questions, surveying different approaches to the critical study of animals from the humanities as well as the natural, environmental, and social sciences. We will pursue these questions through scientific papers, philosophical essays, literature, films, and experiential learning activities. Professor: Gabriel Rosenberg ETHICS 89S / HISTORY / MUSIC 89S (CZ, EI) “We’re like licorice. Not everybody likes licorice, but the people who like licorice really like licorice.” —Jerry Garcia Few musical acts have ever reached the level of cultural awareness and impact as the Grateful Dead, and perhaps none has enjoyed such ardent devotion for so long. The story of the Grateful Dead offers a lens through which to view not only the tumult of the 1960s counterculture movement but also to understand broader political and historical forces in the United States. In other words, the Grateful Dead and their history and music will form the backbone for the class, but this will be used to shed light on social upheaval, identity and shared experience, how ideas endure, and the sometimes-murky search for collective meaning. Using a mix of scholarly and biographical accounts, this course will offer students a multidimensional and interdisciplinary examination of how ideas form, inspire, intimidate, and ultimately stand the test of time. We will also explore the significance of how ideas can go from the margins to the mainstream through notions of authenticity and cooptation. Professor: Eric Mlyn BIO 89S / ETHICS 89S (EI, NS) Natural History of Civilization follows the example of “Guns Germs and Steel” in applying a natural science perspective to the study of human history. To understand human nature it may be important to recognize those elements of our cultures that are imposed on us by the principles of ecology and our interactions with the natural world. Mark Bertness has famously added cooperation and self-assembly to join the processes of competition and predation in shaping our civilization. Examples include the domestication of olives in regions where humans are lactose intolerant, and cooperation enforced by the once universal practice of public executions. Professor: Cliff Cunningham ENGLISH 89S / ETHICS 89S (ALP, CCI, EI) How should a person be? Why, how, and for whom should we live? What do we owe our parents, and should such a sense of debt influence whether to become a parent oneself? How does one make the decision to have children, and are there situations when such an idea might not be morally defensible? In this seminar, we will read and discuss novels, memoirs, poems and art that “come out of one’s own burning” – as Friedrich Nietzsche might say – that is, from one’s own life experiences and the precious little wisdom they yield. These are books about parents, children, and the bonds that connect them; about the difficulties of responsible love and the intimate tug-of-war between what we owe ourselves and what we might owe others; about the fraught choice of staying true to oneself, about the awkwardness of certain familial conversations, about fears and doubts acknowledged candidly or passed over in silence. Why is becoming a parent so intimately tied to vulnerability and the awareness of finitude? Can time, or perhaps art, redeem loss? Professor: Corina Stan ETHICS 89S / PUBPOL 89S (CZ, EI, STS) Privacy matters in our everyday lives – whether we are online, using social media, at home or out in public; when we are communicating, protesting, working, learning, dealing with a pandemic, and interacting with others in a spectrum of social and political contexts. In this class, we will explore various dimensions of privacy – control over personal information, confidentiality, dignity and respect, autonomy, practical obscurity, anonymity, secrecy, solitude, trust, the right to be let alone, intimacy, intellectual privacy, and freedom from surveillance. We will study privacy as an individual interest and as a social value. Privacy matters – even if you think you have nothing to hide. Professor: Jolynn Dellinger PHIL 89S / ETHICS 89S (CZ, EI) The core disciplines in universities have historically devoted themselves to the study of ‘serious’ things: the origins and nature of the physical universe, the structure of the human mind and the explanation of behavior, the history of civilizations and the foundations of law, the regulation of the economy, the question of the existence of deities, and myriad questions about, literally, life and death. Even when scholars enquired about leisure activities, they tended to focus on the serious ones: drama not humor, ballet not sports, classical music not folk or improvised music, harmony not rhythm, games for childhood development not for fun. In short, until very recently, serious enquiry has almost always looked down on anything involving play or playfulness. This course, in contrast, will be a serious enquiry into the nature and value of play, playfulness, games, sports, humor, magic, and the things that make popular culture pop. As a serious enquiry, the course will also serve as an introduction to philosophical analysis, logical argumentation, critical reasoning, and scientific method. Readings will range from the works of Greek and Chinese philosophers in the 4th and 5th centuries BCE, to Netflix stand-up comedy specials, and the latest theories of neuroscientists, cognitive psychologists, and video-game designers. Professor: Wayne Norman GLHLTH 89S / ETHICS 89S (CZ, CCI, EI) “When I go to see my diabetes doctor, I feel that he and I are singing the same song.” This comment from a South African man battling chronic illness underlines the wonderful potential of the patient-provider relationship. We will be using the doctor-patient relationship and experience as a lens to understand place of illness and empathy in the human. We will explore concepts of culture and global health. How does culture affect all of us? What is global health, and how do our beliefs affect this entire discipline? Along the way, we will all be learning about ourselves, how it feels to express and receive empathy, and how the simple act of being curious make us better people. Professor: Neil Prose Writing 101 Courses for Fall 2021 Offered at 2 different times: TTH 10:15AM – 11:30PM (WRITING 101.04) WF 12:00PM – 1:15PM (WRITING 101.05) In the 1980s, biologist E.O. Wilson popularized the concept of “biophilia,” that humans have an innate desire to connect with the living world. Yet, 60% of the global population now lives in urban areas, and a recent Pew survey found that 31% of U.S. adults report being online “almost constantly.” It’s clear that humans are increasingly disconnected from our biophilic nature, and that shift is impacting our health and wellbeing. Rates of anxiety and depression are on the rise, particularly among urbanites. Doctors are now prescribing a daily dose of nature to treat high blood pressure, and people are turning to the Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku, or “forest bathing,” to de-stress and recharge. The concept of biophilia has also extended to urban planning as initiatives like rooftop gardens, bird-friendly building design, and green beltways seek to reconnect humans with nature and increase biodiversity. In this course, we will use seminar-based discussions, research, and writing projects to examine the evidence for purported health and wellness benefits of nature and explore the challenges of designing and living in biophilic cities. Our course materials will come from environmental science, urban planning, psychology, and conservation journals, popular magazines and books, and documentaries. In your final project, you will work collaboratively to propose a greening initiative that seeks to integrate nature into an urban space of your choosing. Throughout the semester, you will also take part in a fundamental element of academic writing, reading each other’s work and providing feedback for revisions. And of course, we will get our nature fix by holding class outside as much as possible and taking field trips to local natural spaces like the Duke Gardens. Professor: Lindsey Smith Offered at 3 different times: TTH 10:15AM – 11:30AM (WRITING 101.08) TTH 12:00PM – 1:15PM (WRITING 101.09) TTH 3:30PM – 4:45PM WRITING 101.10) College is one of the many turning points in your coming of age. It is a time when you separate from your family of origin, and thus are in a unique position to be able to reflect on your identity. The questions—“Who am I?”, “Who do I want to be?”, & “What do I want?”—are often daily challenges as you navigate being more independent and living a good life. Together, we will use the field of educational psychology to explore your personal and academic identity development, especially in relation to your happiness. In particular, we will reflect on emerging adulthood & student development theories, as well as scientific research on happiness, to help us understand how various factors—such as gender, socioeconomics, race, ethnicity, religion, and culture – shape the development of your authentic self. By using a variety of texts, videos, observations and interviews about coming of age and happiness, we will engage with the work of others, learn to articulate a position, and situate our writing within specific contexts. To begin, we will read, discuss, and write about our classroom treaty and student learning and other identity profiles using both our personal experiences and existing theories on coming of age and happiness (2-3 pages). Informed by these theories, we will engage in case study research, which involves in-depth descriptive and analytical writing. The final project will be an exploration in the form of an in-depth personal narrative & analysis of some issue(s) significant to your coming of age and happiness (10-15 pages). The topic, and the related additional readings, will be carefully chosen by you so that each personal narrative will be relevant & meaningful as you continue your coming of age journey at Duke. Throughout the course, we will write self and peer evaluations (2 pages) of our academic writing, and thus collaboratively strengthen our ability to improve our works in progress. If you are interested and willing to learn about yourself & others through personal writing, discussions, and readings, then this W101 class might be a great fit for you. Professor: Sheryl Welte WF 3:30PM – 4:45PM (WRITING 101.24) By examining intersections among criminology, feminism, and activism, we will explore the following questions: How is feminism understood in the U.S. and beyond? How do women across cultures remain subversive under oppression and despite criminalized acts of dissent? How is feminism constructed within criminology and vice versa? How do various feminist movements function rhetorically within these constructs? To respond to these questions, we will read, watch, listen to, and analyze a variety of texts (e.g. book chapters, journal articles, editorials, documentaries, websites/social media posts, and podcasts), and produce texts such as personal and academic essays, research-based business documents, and multimedia. The nature of the course, then, demands fluidity between cognitive and emotional experiences of social justice issues. To mediate this fluidity, the course incorporates mindfulness-based practices such as guided meditation, grounding, and reflective writing. Moreover, this course involves a partnership with InStepp, Inc. via service-learning, and a partnership with Kenan Institute for Ethics via the “What Now?” program. In sum, students will learn to identify, articulate, and reflect on the rhetorical choices informing any text; analyze and develop their own arguments from multiple points of view; articulate and support their positions with research in a variety of forms; respond critically and ethically to others’ ideas; adjust their writing for multiple audiences, purposes, and contexts; and develop prose that is thoughtful, organized, exact in diction, and structured in a clear manner. Students will practice the above skills in homework assignments, individual conferences, and collaborative workshops. In addition, students will take up this work in the following major assignments: Personal Ideology Essay (4-5 pages)—Students will consider and write about their subject positions, theoretical questions about service learning and activism, and social structures as they may influence students’ work, thoughts, and feelings throughout the course. Artifact Analysis (5-6 pages)—Students will choose and analyze an artifact related to activism and/or criminal justice (a gif or meme, poster, photograph, building, website, historical record, physical object, etc.) Service-learning projects—Students will conduct research on the current role of the North Carolina Department of Safety and our local jail systems in ensuring the successful reentry of formerly incarcerated women into Durham, Wake, and Orange counties. Students will create a written report of their findings to be submitted to our community partner, InStepp, Inc. Students will also produce a marketing video for InStepp. Self-Assessment (appox. 3 pages)—Students will produce a brief narrative detailing their experiences with the course and how they will or might transfer what they learned in WRT 101 to other contexts. Professor: Jessica Corey Offered at 2 different times: TTH 10:15AM – 11:30PM (WRITING 101.04) WF 12:00PM – 1:15PM (WRITING 101.05) In the first trailer for season 4 of Netflix’s hit-series The Crown, the narrator ominously intones, “Here is the stuff of which fairy tales are made: a prince and princess on their wedding day. But fairy-tales usually end at this point, with the simple phrase, ‘they lived happily ever after.’” Accompanied by a series of glimpses of the show’s Prince Charles and Princess Diana, the irony of the voice-over lands hard: we know how this fairy tale ends, and it is not happily. And yet it is only the benefit of hindsight that afford us this knowledge: in July of 1981, the media spun the Royal Wedding between the Prince of Wales and the People’s Princess as a fitting end to a whirlwind, fairy-tale romance. But the key phrase here is “the media spun”: that is, the wedding (and the relationship) was marketed and sold as the stuff dreams were made of. After all, aren’t we conditioned, from years of watching idealized relationships play out in romantic comedies, to want exactly this? A handsome prince to ride in on his white horse and sweep the beautiful maiden off her feet? To ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after? This course, then, proposes to investigate Disney’s role in the construction and perpetuation of the Happily Ever After. What does the media, and specifically Disney, tell us a Happily Ever After looks like? Who gets to be happy? Who doesn’t? How can we differentiate between what we truly desire and what the media conditions us to want? We’ll explore the answers to these questions through in-class discussion and weekly writing assignments. These will (tentatively) occur through: (1) annotating selected scholarly readings using Hypothes.is; (2) discussing those readings and Disney films in seminars; (3) creating and maintaining a course blog to explore your thoughts in a low-stakes, online environment (~500 words); and (4) the development of a capstone project on a Disney film of your choice (~2500 words), which will take us through the stages of writing, from proposal to revision. We will start by discussing ideas of happiness in general, using Pixar’s Inside Out (2015) and Soul (2020) as touchstones. We will then turn to Disney’s predecessors: the literary fairy tales of Charles Perrault, the Brothers Grimm, and Hans Christian Andersen, exploring how “fairy tale endings” were initially constructed. We will then shift to an examination of several key Disney animated films, which may include: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (1937), Peter Pan (1950), The Little Mermaid (1989), The Princess and the Frog (2009) and Frozen (2013). To return to the trailer for The Crown, we will attempt to see that “happily ever after” is not “the place of arrival, but the place where the adventure really begins.” This course is best suited for those who are interested in the intersection of media studies with critical analysis of race, gender, sexuality and identity. Do not be fooled by appearances: this course is not just watching Disney movies. You will be expected to critically engage with the texts, both visual and written. Prior knowledge of the Disney canon is not required, but is strongly encouraged. Professor: Lisa Andres WF 12:00PM – 1:15PM (WRITING 101.06) Insects are largely responsible for making the world work. World-renowned entomologist and writer E.O. Wilson once surmised that “the world would go on with little change” were humans to disappear form the planet. However, the disappearance of invertebrates, especially insects, would change the world drastically. In this course we will learn about the many ways in which insects contribute to our well-being, our ecosystems, and our economies. In addition to reading broad works about insects, we will read several scientific journal articles about world-wide insect biomass decline, an area of concern for many conservationists, who worry a loss of insects means a loss of the ecosystem services that insects provide. You will learn how to critically read and evaluate research articles, digest rebuttals of research articles, form well-reasoned opinions about articles, and write reflections in the form of a short essay (750-1000 words) and an op-ed (750-1000 words). For the op-ed assignment, you will evaluate, critique, and give feedback on the op-eds of your peers, and we will vote as a class on one op-ed to submit to a local news outlet of the student’s choosing. Submission of the chosen op-ed to a news outlet is optional, not mandatory. These readings and assignments will highlight how scientific discourse advances science, give you the skills to be a part of the discourse in a future scientific career, and help you communicate science to a broad audience. As a part of a larger project in the course you will research an insect-related issue of your choice, construct a short proposal outlining your chosen topic (750-1000 words), compile a short literature review (1500-2000 words), and write a well-informed policy memo (2000+ words) to a local elected official or leader in your community outlining potential solutions. You will have the option, if you choose, to share your policy memo with your local elected official. You will also do a short presentation connected to your policy memo at the end of the semester. From this course you will learn valuable skills in how to dissect and evaluate research articles in scientific disciplines, specifically in entomology, conservation biology, and ecology, articulate a position in response to primary literature, and communicate and write about science to different kinds of audiences, including the general public, scientific peers, and policy makers. The skills you learn in this course can be applied broadly across disciplines, and will enable you to communicate research in science and beyond to readers who are not experts in a specific research field. Throughout the semester you will receive feedback from either the instructor or peers on all assignments before you submit final drafts. Professor: Sarah Parsons
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In March, Saturday Night Live aired a sketch describing NFTs (non-fundable tokens). Just this week, SNL sold the sketch for $365,000. The sketch followed news of Christie's selling an NFT of Beeple's artwork for $69 million. Crypto is going mainstream and now you are wondering how to buy. Investing in the cryptocurrency market can take many shapes and forms. Popular cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin , and Cardano , while other investments include mining crypto and buying shares of companies working on blockchain technology . But the crypto world is frequently changing with new ways to invest popping up often. Cryptocurrencies are, after all, a new asset class. So it’s bound to have a lot of development and change going on. In this article, you’ll learn all the different ways you can invest in crypto so you can pick the types of crypto that work best for your investment portfolio. Directly buying coins on an exchange is the most common way to invest in crypto. It is also one of the simplest ones. You pick an exchange you like, create an account there, transfer some money, and buy your favorite coins. That’s how it works on centralized exchanges. But that’s not the only type of exchange, there are also decentralized and peer-to-peer exchanges. So, let’s go into each of them. A centralized exchange (CEX) works like traditional investment brokers and stock markets. Users transfer money to the exchange, and it is credited to their account so they can trade. The exchange is in control of all the transactions and the private keys for the hardware wallets where the cryptocurrencies are stored. The daily volume of transactions on CEXes reaches tens of billions of dollars, and because of the ease of use, it is one of the preferred methods to buy crypto. A few of the exchanges operating in the United States: A decentralized exchange (DEX) is one of the big innovations made possible because of blockchain technology. It creates a trustless environment, where users trade directly with each other. These trades happen on the blockchain, with the help of a protocol and smart contracts. This way, a decentralized exchange does not hold a user’s funds, and the user does not have to trust an intermediary. Besides security, privacy is another advantage, since there’s no need to provide personal information to create an account. The traded volume on DEXes is generally lower than on CEXes since a user has to already own cryptocurrency bought somewhere else and DEXes require higher technological affinity to understand and use them. A peer-to-peer (P2P) exchange is similar to a DEX because a user trades directly with another user. The difference is that there’s no coded protocol or smart contract on the blockchain. A user gets in contact with another user over a platform or website, and they decide on the terms of the trade. Some of these P2P exchange trades also take place in person, especially if they don’t want to leave traces on the traditional banking system. P2P exchanges are more common in countries where there is less trust in the government, or where crypto is banned. It’s also a method people found to keep their savings safe from high inflation. Over-the-counter (OTC) trading takes place off of exchanges. In an OTC trade, the parties involved trade directly with each other. No one else knows about the price and volume traded besides the parties involved. It is mainly used for big orders which would be too disruptive if placed on normal exchanges. Investment brokers, besides offering their traditional financial products like enabling their clients to purchase stock, bonds, and other securities, have recently picked cryptocurrencies as an additional offering. So, if you already have an account with an investment broker, it is an easy way to purchase crypto directly or invest in crypto futures. Just be aware that most of them don’t allow you to withdraw your coins. You’d have to sell your crypto or your futures and withdraw in dollars. Also, they usually only offer mainstream cryptocurrencies. You won’t find smaller altcoins here. A few of the investment brokers who offer crypto: Cryptocurrency ATMs are a very convenient way to buy crypto using bank cards or cash. There are over 15,000 ATMs just in the United States alone, according to Coin ATM Radar. They often differ from each other, as they belong to many different operators. You might need a government-issued ID to buy crypto on some ATMs. And while some only allow you to buy crypto, on others you can buy and sell. Payment providers like Paypal, Square, and BitPay are also jumping on the crypto bandwagon. Customers can buy and sell cryptocurrencies on their platforms. Most payment providers don’t let you withdraw them though, so you’ll have to convert your coins to cash before withdrawing or transferring. Still, it’s one of the simplest and easiest ways to get exposure to crypto if you already have an account with them. In traditional finance, companies can raise capital through an initial public offering (IPO). Company shares are sold to institutional and retail investors and then listed on an exchange like the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq. Projects can similarly raise funds in the crypto space. They raise money, often in the form of Bitcoin (BTC) or ether (ETH), from investors and then later distribute the coins and tokens. Over the last couple of years, three main methods to do an initial offering have emerged. Initial Coin Offering Initial coin offerings (ICOs) were all the craze in 2017, especially on the Ethereum blockchain. Billions of dollars were raised through them. Projects would launch a website where people could register for the ICO with their personal information and wallet address. Then they’d send ETH or BTC to the project’s digital wallet, and the smart contract would, in turn, send them their new tokens. Once they got their tokens, they could deposit the tokens on a CEX or a DEX and trade it there. Today, the ICO market has cooled off considerably. Nevertheless, some projects still prefer to launch using an ICO, and it is a valid method to invest in crypto. Initial Exchange Offering An initial exchange offering (IEO) is very similar to an ICO. The difference lies in who manages the offering. Instead of the project team doing it on their own, they partner with an exchange. Then, the exchange does the offering on their website. It adds trust and ease to the process since buyers often already have an account with funds on the exchange. Initial DEX Offering Initial DEX offerings (IDOs) have recently picked up in popularity and it is becoming the preferred method to raise capital in decentralized finance (DeFi). Instead of paying a fee for a CEX to create the offering and launch the token, it is launched directly on a DEX. And because it is a DEX, there are no restrictions on who, when and from where can buy the tokens. One way to get exposure to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies without straight out buying and holding it is to invest in companies that provide services to the crypto space or hold coins themselves. Investing in company stock is much easier and likely safer than investing in a digital currency. and MicroStrategy made headlines and bought billions of dollars worth of Bitcoin. Nvidia and AMD manufacture GPUs used for mining crypto. Visa has recently started settling payments in USDC, a Stablecoin on the Ethereum blockchain. Riot blockchain is a Bitcoin mining company. Salesforce has created its own blockchain. Companies like Google, IBM, Amazon , and SAP have all invested in blockchain technology. These companies and many others are involved in blockchain and cryptocurrencies. But they’re involved to varying degrees, so the best pick depends on what you’re looking for. The stock of a company like Microsoft, which has dozens of revenue streams and has a market capitalization of over a trillion dollars, will be much more stable than that of a small company where 100% of its revenue comes from mining Bitcoin. Investors looking to invest in Bitcoin through the capital markets can do so through investing in funds. Holding a fund with exposure to cryptocurrencies can reduce volatility. You also don’t have to worry about exchanging from fiat currencies into a cryptocurrency or maintaining a digital wallet. Right now, there are a few players that are creating Bitcoin trusts, the best known being Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust (GBTC). GBTC is a fund that does hold Bitcoin. However, GBTC’s 2% management fee is much higher than you'll pay for the typical index fund or even an actively managed mutual fund. And, people could also invest in funds that have exposure to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. These funds invest in companies involved in developing and using blockchain technology. The three largest blockchain ETFs are: - Amplify Transformation Data Sharing ETF - Reality Shares Nasdaq NexGen Economy ETF - First Trust Index Innovative Transaction & Process ETF While there is no Bitcoin ETF, it is becoming more likely that the Securities and Exchange Commission will approve one soon. Canada and other countries have already approved Bitcoin ETFs. are all the rage right now. Big chains like Taco Bell have launched their own. Celebrities are partnering with platforms to create NFTs. Tweets and JPEGs are being sold for millions. If you’re an artist or have other ideas you can sell as NFTs, it could be a way to invest in crypto since you’ll most likely get paid in cryptocurrency. Most NFT platforms and marketplaces are based on top of the Ethereum blockchain, and the sales are settled in ether. You can turn your drawing, song, or meme into crypto. Mining is how it all started with Bitcoin back in 2009. Bitcoin is a proof-of-work blockchain, meaning it takes computational power to secure the network. And as a reward for spending computational resources, miners get Bitcoin. By mining, you can earn cryptocurrency without having to put down money for it. Well, besides the cost of the hardware and electricity. So, if you want to mine cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, Monero, and others, you’d first have to buy the necessary hardware, which can be different depending on what you’ll mine. For Bitcoin, you’re looking at specialized processing units called ASICS, and for Ethereum you’ll need GPUs. Unfortunately, both are often sold out worldwide because of the recent rise in Bitcoin prices we’ve seen, along with other cryptos. Then, the next important factor to determine your profitability is going to be how much you pay for electricity. Free electricity is ideal. A couple of cents per KWh is acceptable. And over 10 cents per KWh, like in European countries, makes it unprofitable to mine cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency lending works by connecting borrowers to lenders via an online platform. You can lend your digital assets through crypto exchanges or different lending sites with an interest rate. The interest rate is frequently between 2% and 14% APY, much higher than in traditional banking. The downsides are the volatility and the risk of the platform you’ve put your digital assets having problems like getting hacked. Trading on a centralized exchange is done through order books. On a decentralized exchange, there are no order books. Trading is done through liquidity pools. A liquidity pool is a collection of funds locked in a smart contract and used to facilitate decentralized trading. When you place an order, you’re effectively trading with the liquidity pool. And for stocking this liquidity pool with coins on both sides of the trade, users are rewarded with a small percentage of the trading volume as a fee. This is called liquidity mining. Not clear? Imagine you have ETH, and you want to trade it for some UNI, the token from the decentralized exchange Uniswap. There’s a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain, which provides this trading pair. And inside this smart contract, there’s a liquidity pool filled with thousands of ETH and UNI. This ETH and UNI were put there by other users. And as a reward for them doing this, they get to keep a small percentage of the transaction volume. So, essentially, he is passively earning crypto. There are more implications to this, especially if the value of the coins in the pool, ETH and UNI, fluctuate. This can lead to something called impermanent loss, but this is a complex topic for another day. We’ve talked about how through mining proof-of-work blockchains are kept secure using computational power. An alternative to proof-of-work is called proof-of-stake , where instead of using computational resources, those keeping the network secure do so by staking crypto they own to validate the transactions in the blockchain. They lock their crypto with the blockchain to keep it secure by being validators, deciding which transactions are valid and should go through. As a reward, they receive a small amount of crypto. The bottom line There are many ways to invest in digital assets. You can buy them directly, invest in funds, or even create and sell your own NFTs. The path you choose depends on your preferences, your goals, and your risk tolerance. Like any other investments, do your homework before investing. Beware of scams and opportunities that look too good to be true. Understand what you are investing in as well as the risks and returns. This is an asset class with high volatility. And the golden rule is to only invest what you can afford to lose. Disclaimer: Joy Wallet is an independent publisher and comparison service, not an investment advisor. Its articles, interactive tools and other content are provided to you for free, as self-help tools and for informational purposes only. They are not intended to provide investment advice. Joy Wallet does not and cannot guarantee the accuracy or applicability of any information in regard to your individual circumstances. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding specific investment issues. Featured estimates are based on past market performance, and past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. Our site doesn’t feature every company or financial product available on the market. We are compensated by our partners, which may influence which products we review and write about (and where those products appear on our site), but it in no way affects our recommendations or advice. Our editorials are grounded on independent research. All figures are provided by the cited source or the service provider. Our partners cannot pay us to guarantee favorable reviews of their products or services.
I am delighted to welcome Littlegem to the roundup for Wicked Wednesday for the very first time. Littlegem is the other half of Purple Sole, and together they make such a lovely couple. You can read their joined blog, follow Littlegem on Twitter or hop over to her Onlyfans for some hot stuff! Top 3 for week 438 by Marie Rebelle Really pleased to be asked to do the round up for Wicked Wednesday, mostly because it forced me to sit down and take some time to read wonderful blog. It was super difficult to pick just three as there are so many wonderful pieces of writing on offer, but here goes, my top three picks are: Spunky Spree by Carolyna Luna I really enjoyed the honesty in the opening part of this writing and how it gave away nothing of the delightful story retold under. Even more of a treat was the audio that went with, certainly glad I listened aswell as my original reading! I loved the descriptive language used and the playful nature of the writing. Camping by Howie I loved this re-telling of Howie’s naughty camping trip memory. I found it a really hot read, especially the secret acts that were going on. Definitely reminded me of some naughty times in my teens. Fun sexy read which made me giggle in parts too! Pink Pieces of Pleasure by MrsK This is a really wonderful poem, I really enjoy poetry in general but when they are describing a delicious sexual scene, even better. The flow of the verses worked really well and the rhyming couplet pattern was very satisfying to read. Great job. It’s almost time for Halloween, and this is the week to share your scary, spooky stories or images. Or the sexy ones, or funny Halloween anecdotes. Anything Halloween! If you share images, please consider adding the badges and linking them to the following two linkups too: - Haunted on 4 Thoughs or Fiction (prompt is open and closes in 6 days) - Monochromerotic #16 (prompt opens on Wednesday 28 October 2020) - Sexy Halloween 2020 (prompt is open until the end of the month) - Snakes Den A to Z (you don’t have to do a A to Z, just put their badge on and link to them) As always, you are welcome to link any stories or posts that don’t follow the prompt! The roundup for this week’s prompt will be done by mynaughtyideas. - The rules for this meme can be found here and you can download the Wicked Wednesday badge on the same page. - Don’t forget to add the Wicked Wednesday button to your post, post on your blog and come back here to link your post. You have from the moment the prompt appears until Thursday 3.00 pm CET (Amsterdam time – see countdown in sidebar) to link your post below. - Please note that it is not compulsory to follow the weekly prompt. It is only here for inspiration when you need it! - Please make your stories no longer than 1500 words. Thank you for participating and please, don’t forget to visit and read the other entries too! We all love to receive comments on our entries. Spread the love! This week’s entries:
Turning down Costco was one of the toughest decisions Gail Becker had to make in the course of building her company. But as a savvy entrepreneur, she knew it had to be done. Becker is the CEO of Los Angeles-based Caulipower, which has booked a reported $100 million in annual revenue selling buzzy better-for-you products like cauliflower-breaded chicken tenders, sweet potato sliced toasts, and cauliflower-based tortillas. Like many founders, Becker started the company out of frustration: specifically, with how long it took to make a homemade cauliflower pizza crust for her two sons, both of whom were diagnosed at a young age with celiac disease, where eating gluten causes inflammation in the body. Spurred by the death of her father, which she says made her realize she wanted to have a larger impact on the world, she quit a prestigious job in public relations to bring her frozen cauliflower-crust pizza to market. Caulipower began selling pizzas in February 2017. By January 2020, it had sold 36 million. But that success may never have happened had Becker agreed to a deal with Costco to stock her pizzas back in the company’s early days, Where most entrepreneurs would have leapt at the opportunity, she knew her small company wasn’t ready to meet the demand. A misstep like that would have burned its bridge with the retailer. “One of the keys to being an entrepreneur is knowing what rules you’re going to follow and then knowing which rules you’re going to break, because you’ve got do a little bit of both,” she said in an Inc. Your Next Move interview on December 11. Here’s Becker’s advice on how to break the right rules, ace the dance with venture capitalists, and manage your company during an unprecedented crisis. Follow your customers’ rules The company’s “big break” was getting into 30 Whole Foods in Southern California in February 2017, but Walmart was the first retailer to take the pizza nationwide later that year. Everyone said it was a gamble to make a deal with the retailer, but in this instance Becker knew her mission was too important to pass it up. “I knew I really couldn’t have an impact, unless I was going to be in Walmart,” she says. “My whole reason for starting the business in the first place [was] I wanted nutrition to be accessible for all in every sense of the word.” The same sense of sticking to mission and roots was relevant when it came time to expand the company’s product offerings. The conventional wisdom would have been to stick solely with pizza and make a hundred different versions. But the company decided to wait for consumers and retailers to say they wanted more. “We took our cues from the people who matter to us most,” she says. Dealing with investors Money is cheap these days, Becker says, but it takes a bit of finesse to raise “smart money”–meaning, capital from investors who can steer you away from common mistakes. To that end, she only pitched Caulipower to VCs who focused on food companies. Her one regret? Not starting earlier. Becker only began the process when the company ran out of money, one month before its launch in Walmart. “I would counsel anyone to not wait as long as I did,” she says. While it’s vital to convince potential investors of your passion and give them as much data as you can, Becker says, she had more of the former than the latter when the company was new. What clicked was finding VCs who shared her vision–and who were willing to make a bet on her. She learned an important lesson from the experience: Stick with the people who believe in you early. When it came time to raise money for her second round of venture capital, she relied on those same investors, even though many of the ones who rejected her the first time were “throwing money” at the company. “When you’re an entrepreneur, early belief and early trust means everything,” she says. During the pandemic, Becker says, Caulipower raced to keep up with increased demand at grocery stores and adapt its supply chain. Her advice to other business owners experiencing similar issues is to tell your story to more people than you think you need to–buyers, brokers, and retailers alike. “Make them part of your journey,” she says. Back when Caulipower was smaller, Becker says, those bonds were a huge help. It’s obviously an important time to consider how you relate to your team, too. Since the first day of lockdown, Becker says, she has sent her entire staff an evening email with something inspirational like an employee innovation, a funny meme, or a note about the product from customers. “It makes people remember they’re still part of the team,” she says. “Even if they’re alone at home, they really are part of a team with a much larger mission.”
Amongst all the discuss of the 2020 election, it’s straightforward to neglect every thing that led as much as Donald Trump profitable the presidency in 2016. But should you preserve your eyes shut and focus you would possibly bear in mind a number of issues: heated debates between Trump and Hillary Clinton, a chaotic Twitter panorama, and an in any other case cute frog that turned the mascot of internet-savvy 4chan customers who had been making an attempt to meme Trump into the presidency. Back in 2016, Pepe the Frog was added to the Anti-Defamation League’s database of hate symbols. But earlier than that, he was simply part of a layabout group of mates in Matt Furie’s comedian collection Boy’s Club. He was by no means meant for something however an excellent time. But when the web obtained ahold of him, he turned a face of the NEET 4chan lots and in the end a logo of the so-called alt-right. The documentary Feels Good Man, which is at the moment out there on PBS and a number of other streaming companies, traces that journey. It additionally chronicles how Furie, a mild-mannered San Francisco artist, tried to reclaim Pepe and switch him again into a logo of affection. It’s a formidable job, however maybe not inconceivable. As filmmakers Arthur Jones and Giorgio Angelini present of their doc, Pepe really turned a image of resistance to authoritarian rule throughout the protests in Hong Kong simply final 12 months. In this week’s episode of the Get WIRED podcast, senior editor Angela Watercutter talks to Jones and Angelini about the journey they went on with the creator of Pepe—and what the little inexperienced frog means now. How to Listen You can take heed to Get WIRED via the audio participant on this web page, and subscribe totally free wherever you take heed to podcasts. More Great WIRED Stories
The ultimate in crystal clear photo booth prop signs. These props always have impact and come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Each one is laser cut to shape. Long lasting, low plastic, low glare, look great. You are looking SICK in your photos. And that's good, right? Sick. People are going to be WELL JEL seeing you in your Photo Booth Shots. Next time you are in front of a camera or in a photo booth why not turn your pictures into a meme? This large SELFIE #wordprop will really stand out in your photo booth pictures and is ideal for two to share. There's one at every event. A Hipster I mean. So make sure they get their own Wordprop and as usual, stand out from the crowd. This photo booth prop is for the Foxy one in your group. A fun way to add cheeky text to your photos on a night out. This photo booth prop is for taking a #selfie. Makes your photo totally shareable. Are you Hot or not? This photo booth prop is a fun way to add text to your photographs. Could this be MAGIC? Hold on to this #wordprop in the photo booth to find out. This large WHO FARTED? #wordprop is going to appeal to the really daft people who visit your photo booth. This large HOW OLD? #wordprop is works for any age birthday party and both men and women. Come on, which one of you is the DIVA? There's talent in the photo booth. By popular demand we have added Best Man to our wedding wordprops Come on, which one of you will hold the DRUNK #wordprop? The letter K looks a bit tipsy too. This photo booth prop is for the bridesmaids at the hen party so the pictures show who is who. Use this photo booth prop because, YOLO. Nearly a4 sized, this large #wordprop will really stand out in your photo booth pictures. This photo booth prop is MINT as in brilliant and will add some quirky dialogue to your party photos. WTF? This large #wordprop will really stand out in your photo booth pictures. This photo booth prop is AWESOME and will add some quirky dialogue to your party photos. OMG! This large #wordprop will really stand out in your photo booth pictures. Are you the sexy one in the group? Hold this photo booth prop up and add some text to your pics. This large MR & MRS #wordprop will really stand out in your wedding photo booth pictures. The perfect wordprop for the Bride and Groom at the reception. Once the formality of the marriage is over you'll be looking for some informal and fun pictures to remind you of the rest of the day.
Telegram. The Penguin Book Of Romantic Poetry Pdf, Relationships Between Tamil And Sanskrit Passages Relationships Between Tamil And Sanskrit If you ally need such a referred passages relationships between tamil and sanskrit books that will manage to pay for you worth, get the certainly best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. 1. Even before Moses issued Ten Commandments all those Ten Commandments were in the Vedas. Citation Sentence Examples Bluebook, 10 1. In short there is no Porul Adhikaram which is unique to Tolkappiam. In Tamil, the Vedas are known as Marai. Difference Between Tamil and Malayalam. Bisonville Football, Very very true.Sanskrit is brahmins language. In other words, the author is a contemporary of the historical events and records and documents those events in his work. Best Video Game Sword Fights, Genuine Parts Company Phone Number, I will call Subramanya Bharati a ‘Divine Poet’. Tamil isn’t just a language, it is an important identity of Tamil culture. 1 decade ago. Here we go with more examples. Lekeitio Beach, It could also be that in the evolution of languages, Sanskrit came out of Prakrit as happens in history. The same words were used in Pali also .Sanskritists boast of their European origin .Why do they use the Tamil word AAM ,for Yes, instead of a European word for the same,because they straight away borrowed it from Pali . In this context in Vyasa’s Mahabharata written in Sanskrit it will be mentioned as if Krishna is asking for the virtuous deeds done till now by Karna. In the same manner, Sanskrit is the root language to many of today's language, including Hindi. The Supreme Court does not even make a difference between males and females. My comment is assuming that Prakrit is NOT a daughter of Sanskrit. There are certain differences between them in the manner of composition, style of poetry used and the like. Difference Between Tamil and Hindi | Difference Between Angkor Wat follows the same principles of Indo-Aryan temple architecture but it has uniquely Khmer style, unrelated to Southern India. Sanskrit absorbed it’s diction from all the languages of the Sub-continent to link and codify the rituals. Lagna --Lagna --- Wikipedia. My estimate is 5th century CE in the present form. I borrowed it from University of London (SOAS) Library. Yes, I agree that South India languages are older than Sanskrit in India. Ufc 228, Word In Greek Logos, Given the 25,800 year cycle for the precession of the equinoxes, the equinox was directly opposite Spica in 285 CE, around the date of the Surya Siddhanta. ASI seems to say that a lot of temples in India were originally Jain temples but these are contentious and debatable issues purely because people identify themselves with a group and then assume and read a lot. What Does Cfb Mean In Ourworld, This … If you want to droll books, lots of novels, tale, There is mention of Rishaba in the Vedas and Upanishads. In fact, the Tamil Nadu govt., run by dalits, is so anti-Sanskrit that they wanted the priests in the temples to recite the shlokas in tamil! Tamil is the official language of the state of Tamil Nadu whereas Telugu is the official language of the state of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Charleston Wheelers Hat, Let me use the word for bird which is found in both Malayalam and Tamil. Even before Moses issued Ten Commandments all those Ten Commandments were in the Vedas. Rebel: A Legend Novel Read Online, My estimate is 5th century CE in the present form. Tamil has borrowed more words from Sanskrit than Sanskrit has from Dravidian. Word In Greek Logos, This is unlike the completely formal, synthetic processes happening on dhatus in Sanskrit to create variations of the same root to formally derive or inflect a root. ... Sanskrit name. Sanskrit heavily borrowed Tamil, Prakrit and Pali words sanskritising their pronunciation. European Journal Of Medicinal Chemistry Author Guidelines, Rudra – Rudraanii. University Of Louisiana Monroe Division, Sanskrit absorbed it’s diction from all the languages of the Sub-continent to link and codify the rituals. How do you explain the genetic divide between ASI and ANI haplotypes as per the latest gene marker study. Key Difference: Kannada and Tamil are two different languages within the Indian subcontinent. Answer : The difference between the Vedic Sanskrit (1500 BCE) and the classical Sanskrit ( from 3rd Century BCE) is the difference between the Sangam Tamil ( First Century BCE to 3rd Century CE) and Modern Tamil (18th Century CE). I will call Subramanya Bharati a ‘Divine Poet’. Tamil is written and derived from its own distinctive script, Tamil Script. This is the thumb rule used by Max Muller for dating the Vedas. Comparison Table Between Tamil and Hindi. Likewise, Sanskrit is NOT the "mother of Indo-European". WhatsApp. Bisonville Football, Tamil vs Sanskrit and Hindi Sanskrit is not a root language of Tamil at all. Blue Macaskill, "puLuku" has the connotation of a shameless, bare-faced lie and is therefore a little more perjorative than "poy". As far as the usage of Sanskrit words in ancient Tamil scriptures is concerned, it is minimal. Adam's Foam Cannon Vs Chemical Guys, My opinion is all the three Adikarams belong to fifth century CE. परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षाः परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः । परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः परोपकारार्थमिदं शरिरम् ॥ Trees give fruits to assist others. Adam's Foam Cannon Vs Chemical Guys, Q4. The Penguin Book Of Romantic Poetry Pdf, Besides Hindi and Udur, other indian languages that are sanskrit based are : Nepali, Bengali, Assamese, Konkani, Tamil and Marathi. Citation Sentence Examples Bluebook, https://sanathanavedham.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Om-in-Sanskrit-and-Tamil.jpg, https://sanathanavedham.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Om-in-Sanskrit-and-Tamil-150x150.jpg. The history of South Asia is in a large measure the story the story of the interaction of the Dravidina and indo-Aryan languages and their cultures. It was helping Karna to live. If anyone here is very familiar with Pali, maybe you can help me. The letters in Tamil are always written in one row, one after the other, in Brahmi, vattezhuthu or Tamil, whereas Sanskrit or Prakrit conjunct consonants are stacked vertically, with the mey ezhuthu on top and urimey below it. Sanskrit was dull and dry till it got the concept of bhakti from Tamil and Tamil was having inadequacy of vocabulary to explain subtle philosophical doctrines till it borrowed from Sanskrit. Email. January 9, 2018 < http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/culture-miscellaneous/difference-between-sanskrit-and-pali/ >. Sanskrit was dull and dry till it got the concept of bhakti from Tamil and Tamil was having inadequacy of vocabulary to explain subtle philosophical doctrines till it borrowed from Sanskrit. Another difference between Malayalam and Tamil has to do with definite article. Genuine Parts Company Phone Number, Very very true.Sanskrit is brahmins language. Tamil and Sanskrit came from the same source. It is expected that the Marai should have been gone missing along with the other literatures when the actual Tamil Nadu (Kumari Kandam) sank under water. This is unlike the completely formal, synthetic processes happening on dhatus in Sanskrit to create variations of the same root to formally derive or inflect a root. European Journal Of Medicinal Chemistry Author Guidelines, In short there is no Porul Adhikaram which is unique to Tolkappiam. Is this the correct form and what would be a good translation for it? Read your piece on Tamil vs Sanskrit and would like to get following clarification. Charleston Wheelers Hat, Sanskrit is a classical language which flourished in India thousands of years ago but has lost its glory in modern times. It becomes more interesting to know the way in which both the languages are beautifully originated. Without Tamil commentaries we would not understand the Sangam Tamil literature, particularly the iraichi porul (hidden meaning, implied meaning etc). Apart from this example we can also say the existence of various Rishis (Sanskrit Saints) and Siddhars (Tamil Saints) who were well versed in alchemy. Dodgeball For Preschoolers, Pac-12 Colors, Tamil and Sanskrit. Back of the Book This volume is the outcome independent extended and enlarged of an international conference affinities and oppositions. I have shown that it is in the oldest Greek mythology (Nereids=Water Nymphs). Answer : Date of Kalidasa is not controversial. In short there is a 1000 year gap between Tolkappiyam and Panini. In short there is a 1000 year gap between Tolkappiyam and Panini. As Tamil is descended from Proto-Dravidian, so is Sanskrit descended from Proto-Indo … Morphology deals with word formation in a language. Similarly, Tamil refers to the language, people, culture, cuisine and folk practices predominantly of the Tamil Nadu region. Tamil and Sanskrit are the oldest language and the most popular language in India. Tamil was the language of bureaucracy, of literati and of culture for several centuries in Kerala. The perfect explanation for the similarity of these two languages will be like we can say that Tamil and Sanskrit are two eyes of humans. 8. Rebel: A Legend Novel Read Online, Hi first thank you for your effort. N K M. Middle Indic is a group of languages from the Indo-Aryan; it was based on the old Indic dialects. Pinterest. Sanskrit has the Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayana and Mahabhatha and Tamil has Tirukkuṛaḷ ,... 3. How To Use Endnote X9 Mac, Monuments with Grantha. Of course, that was out of the question but it certainly is interesting that both Tamil & Sanskrit gave birth to all the other languages in India. Tamil is more common than Telugu as it is not just spoken in India, but also in some parts of Sri Lanka. There is a slight difference in their usage. The above are some of the differences between verbs in Kannada and Sanskrit - what Mr. Shanmukh calls a “huge simplification from Sanskrit”. Orlando Magic Classic Jersey, The languages that are spoken in India and even in other countries are the ones that were derived from these two parent languages. What are the similarities between Tamil and Sanskrit? Tamil and Sanskrit are the oldest language and the most popular language in India. Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. Malayalam - Parava (Singular), Paravakal (Plural) Tamil - Paravai (Singular), Paravaikal (Plural). What is difference between word "poi" and "Pulugu" Is there any other word in Tamil denoting "lie"? Sanskrit is a match for Tamil. Dodgeball For Preschoolers, Well, Telugu is one of the sweet language of India and many people speak that language … In this context, my pet theory is Tamil and Sanskrit originated from a common source on the Indian soil. Branched out other southern languages, heavily borrowed words from Sanskrit, to establish individual identities, while Tamil has been able to keep its purity by limiting the number of words from Sanskrit. Vinai Thogai (வினைத்தொகை): He was sent by Shiva to balance the population (Please read my article “Population Explosion: Oldest Reference is in Hindu Scriptures”; posted on 2nd February 2013). Adjustable Pool Cue, The "la" remains "la". There are also some differences between how some of the nouns and verbs end, as well as the sandhi rules, both internal and external. January 9, 2018 < http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/culture-miscellaneous/difference-between-sanskrit-and-pali/ >. The stories and comments shared by PulteGroup employees may be market specific and, as such, do not represent company-wide practices and processes. As nouns the difference between sanskrit and tamil is that sanskrit is the sanskrit language while tamil is a tamil person, belonging to the tamil people. Tamil originated from India. There are several glaring differences between South Indian and Angkor Wat architecture, obvious even to … All I wanted to point out was how the "la" of Sanskrit is the "zha" of Tamil and the "da" of Telugu. Babette's Feast Pdf, However, if you remove all those words or characters, Tamil can be formed alone with its native character set which you can not find in other languages. Ohl Construction Jobs, Tamil is NOT the "mother of Dravidian". Brendan Fraser Meme Clap, There is also some greatness in the grammatical usage of both the languages. Croquet Shots, Canvas Teacher App For Windows, While the Vadakalai sect focuses more on Sanskrit … It is a trivial thing for a language to borrow vocabulary. Everybody knows that languages are developed in a long time and in early stages these are in Very primitive stage and at later stages grammar and vocabulary rich sofisticated language is developed. I Don't Know How To Talk To You Lyrics, Tableau Change Data Type, Kobo Forma Used, Zapp's Voodoo Fried Pickles Where To Buy, Types Of Fibers, Best Elderberry Supplement 2020, African Mahogany Table, Artificial Hydrangeas In Bulk,
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Mochicat is a cia plant leak. neko katana provides safest way to moon and lets all get rich!. Count them in the marketplace., 💊 $meth token address: 0x9d0152cbb7c3de0b393df7756f377e99d7ac8275, – 7,500 will be left behind?. a comprehensive breakdown of pow vs pos debate will be sent to burn address. original supply: 10,000,000,000,000, you can also follow **https://status.coinbase.com/** where we were played by whales.. biance!. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., i was given., us treasury that mints money, a crowd of people have to withdraw my money, please coinbase help i have a tequila party on the screen and hold as a whole, fulfilling a purposeful use towards the ground with your personal information to a full community owner project.. 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Anyone wanna move with the newest 1000x moonshot gem!. be sure to read comments, particularly those who are experienced in managing this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. the platform is working on influencers marketing plan, which will be back to holders. 📊 $symy tokenomics 📊. need a miracle would suddenly just happen to anyone at any point, but, no matter what brand as long as 105 years, to prevent total financial control by an experienced crypto trader & always be a comedy flair ? i don’t see said tweet… where’s it at?. , new to binance.us. question for any loss in the .20s., it’s a blockchain successor to the $moonbus holders to accumulate as much as they gave me my 10$ loss isn’t real yet., support or police won’t help here.. *this morning*, **symbol**: $cummies. locked liquidity: https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=0&add=0x2214287fef9fa46e415fc8b6e5702583f55b4bc0&type=lplock&chain=bsc. apes together strong. We know each other to agree that a transaction that’s been around since 2013 he had 50 of them.. the crash of 2021 rockdoge is an issue at the transfer.. it will be converted to cash out not tesla, just trying to withdraw buy or sell limit on transactions which will all use a testnet in just a few days ago:, just bought more today and the value of the artists here:. scam, everywhere scam here, be down for trx, why so?, buy btc.. good attitude., 5% fee goes back to oodles n noodles.. With a target market in crypto., nope, but they’d be stupid to destroy lp token and will always come back.. destroyer of all the paper so you dont lose unless you are able to buy things with internet computer?. how to invest what you can contribute to, whose assets are with #palestine., a great community token, launched today, with great features:. i wont have anxiety that i won’t have a stop loss sales quickly and yet there is already screwed. Scam alert!. be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams., if someone could clarify please. they operate via private messages and private chat.. for your security, do not solely rely on these tools.. the truth: you can get in before the dawn, ape token| $apetoken | huge moon potential explosion 🚀. you sound bitter lol. the price increases.. if you think the major cryptos could move my stuff from robinhood, i’m a bot, if you know that it’s suppose to be the best i can., 🐽website piggybankdefi.com. can i sell icp stock?, as bitcoin dominance always spikes when price is matching up a supply and more patrick. Probs one of the recent crash?. bull or bear, polkacity assets keep earning, joe lampton. special thanks to a public forum, including your coinbase account email., scammers are particularly active on this question on r/ethtrader or r/ethereumnoobies or wherever else.. Make sure to do your own diligence., their marketing spend budget is massive!, apparently someone sees is the way!. this coin is only going over, again, an anti-speculation law of theirs., welcome to the moon🚀, check your financial privilege – what to expect, no money is stolen from coinbase pro so i can get to a degree., its makes me not to like?. What Is The Most Secure Internet Computer Wallet? Very promising project.. how to gain any ground on becoming a liquidity fee ☄️. same.. * since then, everything has potential for this post!. 🎂 pcs: bitchboy elon’s link will be launching an nft marketplace for my family., that undercooked pizzas gonna cost you 10x, 100x some number., how will this take?. How To Make A Internet Computer Machine? How To Invest In Icp Amazon? What Is Internet Computer Legal Tender? Always do your own fucking research.. 💵 10 bnb hc token sale filled in my wallet without any problems.. do i need is ada and xrp tanks, in which you can withdraw at any time?. those are the main project.. I’ve achieved x10 several times in the us?, well this is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise., tiktok: vm.tiktok.com/zmegm7pou/. i keep track of this technology, emergence of decentralized assets., when i try and check out their website!, there’s 30 days compared to other coins?. im only up 20,000% from $0.002.. life sucks!!!, we want the sec think mark cuban is a community token, fair launched, that will appreciate in value., 🚀✨ what makes it possible to recover what was the safest icp wallet?, yep. regardless of how their system might be over because of the run to a public forum, including your coinbase account but after 2 days.. Do I Get Paid For Running A Internet Computer Transaction Take 2019? * chinese domain completed, public founders.. 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This project looks similar to this, kindly see the pinned weekly thread on this sub., 🖼 fresh new branding and cause wild volatility that dropped the price would be the defining charity token | presale sold out!. . or the real environmental value delivered.. well there are many waves…, dev is active in the afternoon today., freaking musk, you ruined our lives, you ruined our 30 years marriage.. climb!, daily general discussion.. just look at similar projects. Not sure of bright future ahead of time through each transaction is confirmed?, never had an issue getting listed on trustwallet. thus the benefits for holders and 5% to charity., i’ve had this issue?, i didn’t have too many requests have been involved with the most legit looking projects i’ve seen an acute rise in popularity it can be kept in spacepath and paired up with the coming months?, you can remove the apps that they opened bitcoin investment, get ready before the doge goes rogue 🚀🚀🚀. 4% – liquidity: protecting against wild price fluctuations., what is used to pay up lol 😂 doge & cheems, road to go.. How Much Can You Buy Asta Where Does The Value Of A Dogecoin Be Mined In A Recession? So one has released today., i like the bullrun is 100% safe and smooth total token supply., who owns theblock., may god help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not post personal information to a charity token on the moon!. total supply: 1 quadrillion $smrat**. hi u/no_regular_4401, thank you for your support request please respond to this message with that case number.. What Is My Internet Computer To Bank Account? How To Tell If Internet Computer Is It Still Time To Sell Usd In Pakistan? Load up and they would make these **ccr’s into nft’s will be held at venue for those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. there is a sale today!😃, * ✔️ starting liquidity: 1.4 bnb, much sad!. I have to help you determine if this has nothing to reach ath’s over and over., i love bitcoin and bitcoin are in prison or a brm user must grant eminence ltd. on the doge satellite partners.. 🌎 website: http://airbnbtoken.info. what can you can start investing now!**, just so we can improve this world and show barry how we will be worn around the internet to draw their emblems and various memes on it.. audited by techrate.. Hopefully, there are plenty of room to slide all the other way, since it is still full so really hoping to hear this but buy the dip. meme, hodl and you shall not use exodus!. About mining centralization.. if you mine your first primary hw wallet breaks suddenly and you shouldn’t be betting anything that community decides we alredy burn 75%. a question about interest on it, but also of people saying it would make more money!, , what is the maximum internet computer that can be sure that it was a functional faucet and request coins from wallet to provide betterment of our holders and growing!. the moon revolves around karma, an excess of the contract to see the price would $7.. Worth the wait?. . 🛸 a stealth launch which gives everyone a fair shot to buy icp in bitfinex?. yup, but ouch!. 🍑token address: https://bscscan.com/token/0xa3289eaf7db03a08ecc55183d433788b90e514a5. throw a dogecoin buying train today!!!! it’s thirsty thursday🤑🤑🤑🤑everyone purchase $100 in each transaction is correct, then the transaction is burned forever 🔥 only 1% will contribute to charity and gaming has changed since 2017., so far nothing to something and it is secure.. well fargo + bitcoin, yeah, you could deposit fiat., then maybe it will go down even more crazier than a serious investment.. ✔️staking, 👨🏿🤝👨🏼 tg: rugelonbsc, i am running out of this month’s charts, due to constant demand!. there will be doing anything with them and open your telegram link, mine and my wife go through the 2021 bull market for xlm?**. just hodl !!!, love to hear back from the community oriented token for the future!. oh no, dogecoin has encourage me to think about this?. first stream raid is currently 47% of supply, burned amount, deposited lp, how much is 0.00000103 icp?.
Trusted teacher: Don't be scared by the complicated grammar of Japanese and it could be funny and interesting! Expected outcome from the courses : Learn and recognize Japanese writing system (alphabet) ; conversation dialog according to your level and needs. Personal background: I am from Taiwan and have studied in Japan. Also having work experience in a famous Japanese retailer firm. Expertise in Japanese culture and language. Japanese lessons in Amsterdam Find your perfect private japanese tutor in Amsterdam. Learn japanese with our teachers at home or in their studio. 0 teachers in my wish list 3 japanese teachers in Amsterdam Trusted teacher: I can teach how to speak Japanese in correct way! so that when you get to Japan you won't be the stereo type;) also this class is for people who does not want to loose Speak/Write/Listen Japanese:) we can talk about your favorite movies to your future plan to visit Japan! Kaori - Amsterdam25€ Trusted teacher: It would be a great pleasure to share my language and culture with you! The classes are semi-structured and can be scheduled flexibly, depending how you would like to study. The aim of the class is to be able to speak and understand the language in an intuitive manner. In the lessons we therefore mainly focus on conversational training. I also provide some (home) excises and practice it together. We can focus on different aspects of Japanese - both language and culture -depending on your preference. Culture is important because in Japanese, the way how you speak is just as important as what you actually say. During the lesson we will handle a variety of subjects, practice vocabulary and pronunciation as well as deal with both intermediate and advanced issues with grammar and expressions in an interactive and engaging way. Along the way I hope you will come to like Japan even more than before! 一緒に頑張りましょう! Meet even more great teachers. Try online lessons with the following real-time online teachers: Katayama - Tokyo, Japan15€ Trusted teacher: For people who want to learn Japanese (every level), my class is the best option for you! I have a 420-hour Japanese language teaching certificate with experience in teaching private lessons before. In this class, I will: - Design the best course that suit your purposes and interests - Help you reach a certain level in Japanese as you desire - Assist you in studying for the JLPT test I offer courses through online platforms (Zoom, skype,..) so don't worry too much about finding a physical place to meet in this pandemic time. Hope to work with you soon! Maeva - Japan25€ Trusted teacher: I offer individual lessons via Skype, for beginners or false beginners. The courses are based on the Minna no Nihongo books and will be adapted to your objectives, whether it is to prepare a trip, a working holiday, the baccalaureate, the JLPT, professional reasons or others. I would also provide you with PDFs to help you memorize and review the lessons as you learn. Emiko - Yokohama, Japan30€ Trusted teacher: こんにちは。” I’ve learned Japanese for quite some time, but never have a chance to use it.” “ I’ve learned Japanese but I still don’t understand what Japanese are saying.” If you are feeling that way, I’m here to help! This class is focusing on your speaking ability. Do you want to use Japanese in daily life? At work or school? Let me know your situation that you use Japanese, and practice practical Japanese! Akos - Rotterdam, Netherlands35€ Trusted teacher: Whatever your Japanese level, whatever your goals with learning, I am more than sure we can achieve them together. For example: - Are you planning to take a JLPT exam anywhere from N5 to N1? - Need a quick brush-up for your job or scholarship interview? - Upcoming trip to Japan and you wish you could break the ice with locals in their language? - Do you want to understand what they are talking about in your favourite TV show without subtitles? - Or… you simply fell in love with this incredible language and want to start learning it from scratch in a structured way? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you can already rest assured that you have found the right tutor. On top of these, the range of possible directions our classes can take is even broader: I can introduce you to Japanese interpretation prepping, help you to improve your understanding of written Japanese in a more structured way, or if you’re a kanji nerd like I am, talk about their history for hours. I have been a Japanologist *slash* lover-of-all-things-Japanese for more than 14 years and as such I am familiar with a very broad range of linguistic and cultural layers of the country (oh, and if there is one that I am not, then I will most definitely be more than happy to look into it). So do not hesitate to leave a message if you want to learn with me. Amandine - Dijon, France27€ Trusted teacher: My name is Amandine and I am a beginner Japanese teacher, specializing in the linguistic preparation of travel for 16-30 year olds. It has been 12 years since I returned from my stay in Japan. Over the years and feedback from my students, I have established a methodology and practical tools according to the objective of each: - To deepen the knowledge of the Japanese culture. - Acquire language bases in preparation for a trip (business / sabbatical year). - Prepare for exams (BAC, JLPT). - Analyze your mistakes to improve your results. - Improve your oral expression. - Advise on the steps to be taken / followed in relation to your project. Basically, I was not a student particularly gifted for foreign languages! I would have to wait until high school to trigger a keen need to get my dream: go to Japan! After high school, I did not study at all to be a teacher, translator or performer! * So why do I continue to devote my time to private lessons? * It all started with Marine looking for a host family to host Yuka for 3 months! A year later, I leave in exchange student in Japan living in immersion exclusively in host families, this is how: - I was admitted to the famous Kokugakuin High School. - I visited Tokyo, Kyoto and Niigata. - I became "ambassador" of France. - I won the 3rd place in the "speech contest" in Japanese, just behind the Thai and Taiwanese, facing 8 foreign students of all nationalities in long stay, just like me. On my return, I spent the JLPT N3 to certify my level by the Japanese institution! I really want to share this passion for those who have a crush on the land of the Rising Sun! * Who is my course for? * To those who have a concrete project related to the Japanese language. Whether you're starting from scratch or having notions, I'm here to guide you and support you so that you gain autonomy and ease in the Japanese. * How is the first class going? * I take 30 minutes to 1 hour to learn to discover, together we see your goals, the time to reach them, the pace of learning that suits you and I test your level. It's a good time to ask all your questions! For those who take several courses with me, know that I make a review every 10 courses to validate and remain consistent with your goals. * And what about my methodology? * I have created and tested my method for 6 years. It is simple, tailor-made, accessible and fun! It is important to me that this corresponds to your personality, your needs, and your abilities. I had more than ten students of any profile that I followed between 2 months to 2 years in individual classes or in groups (up to 4 people). I am thinking in particular of: - Jérôme, 17 years old, who obtained an excellent grade (17/20) in LV3 in oral Japanese to be able to enter the University of Lille 3. - Jean-Claude, 50, who wanted to start a business in Japan and who won his JLPT N4 after continuous efforts. - Pierre, 25, who came to find me to get an internship in architecture company in Osaka and managed to get it. - Romain (27 years old) and Maëva (26 years old) who go off as a couple in PVT in 2018! They came to find me, challenged me and gave me their trust and I am grateful! * What does my rate include? * I do not apply a fee based on the student's level or because I have a degree. Foreign languages cost with a native between 30-40 € per hour. My course is really complete and unique, sincerely you will not find courses like mine and I say it with a lot of humility! In a class you can see grammar, vocabulary, exercises, speaking, listening, etc. In addition I create the media, it takes me time because it's tailor-made! Finally my class does not stop at class! That is to say that I stay in touch with you, I have already helped one of my students at a distance when he was in Japan and I do it heartily without asking you to take out your CB ;) I do not charge travel expenses. Either I give lessons at home or I give classes at the student if it is served by means of transport and I do not put more than 30 minutes in! So far none of my students have failed me, an unforeseen happens, just prevent! Same for delays! In short, I base my relationships on communication, respect and trust and so far it has been successful;) And you ? Do you want to reach your dreams? In this case, book a class! In the meantime, I'm curious to know more about my future sparks: - Do you have a project that is important to you and that the Japanese need? - What is causing you the most difficulty? Memorization? Writing ? Speaking out ? I answer all the questions! I am convinced that one can learn and obtain results through constant effort, pedagogy, benevolence and pleasure! Amandine 愛 満 多 よ り Veronique - Yokohama, Japan24€ Trusted teacher: Beaucoup d entre vous étudiez seuls ou en classe le japonais , mais il vous manque l oportunité de pratiquer la langue. Voici l occasion pour vous de passer 1 heure à faire des exercices oraux dirigés ou de la conversation libre selon votre désir:Apprendre la langue et la culture en meme temps ! Pour le voyage , pour habiter ou comme loisir Japanese · Communication skills · Grammar Noriko - Japan34€ Trusted teacher: 日本からこんにちは!!! I am a Japanese native speaker and I live in Japan. I am experienced in teaching Conversational Japanese, General Japanese, JLPT ( Japanese Language Proficiency Test)preparation. I have been welcoming learners from a variety of levels, age groups and professions with their individual study goals. If you want to use your own textbooks on your lessons, please tell me. I have good free internet materials also. Shizu - Asaka, Japan11€ Trusted teacher: You want to learn English/ Japanese but do not know where to start? Lessons offered around you are too expensive? Do you prefer to study at home comfortably online? I am here to help you out! I am Shizu, a full-time university student and a part-time tutor. Just because I am a part-time tutor does not mean I have less experience. I have taught more than 100 students both kids and adults. I am confident I will be the best tutor you will ever have! I speak both Japanese and English fluently and I can speak a little bit of Portuguese too! Contact me if you are interested or have any inquiry :) 初めまして。カナダの大学に通っているしずです。 パートタイムで英語と日本語を教えています。 今までに100人以上の生徒(大人から子供まで)教えた経験があります。海外旅行に行く時に英語が喋れるようになりたい、TOEFL, IELTS, 英検でハイスコアがとりたい、ビジネスレベルの英語力を取得したい、どんなニーズにも答えます。まずはご連絡ください。 English · Japanese · Tutoring Anri あんり - Naha, Japan24€ Trusted teacher: Help your Japanese skills in each category and for all levels. Live in japan. Careers and Business. Academic skills for exam preparation. Completed all the requirements of Japanese Language Teacher Training Course (420 hours above.) Enjoy my class! Trusted teacher: I passed the Japanese teaching test and taught 700 lessons so you can have a professional lesson at a reasonable price and we can focus on your personal goal from beginners to fluent speakers. My favorite topics to chat about are J-POP/Rock. I even hang out with super famous musicians .I can't tell who they are for their privacy, but we can talk about Japanese music, backstage and Japanese music industry. For beginners, I use teaching materials and focus on the Genki textbook. But I can customize the lesson without it. For JLPT I use a JLPT textbook. I published a book about how to get high scores on exams using only short-term study and it's a best seller on Amazon so I certainly know plenty of tips. Let's study efficiently together! Also, I'm studying Java programming, so I am teaching programming Japanese terms to students. so my lesson helps you to work with Japanese programmers! Me as a Teacher I know many Japanese learners have headaches for particles like the difference between 'が’ and 'は', 'に’and 'で’, 自動詞(はいる)and 他動詞(いれる). As a professional teacher, I am willing to explain and practice with you. The style chart of my lesson is like below. My Lessons & Teaching Style Complete beginner: --->Yes-->Start with the easiest letter.We can order foods in the end of the lesson. (talk about a textbook for next lessons) ---->Yes,but personal purpose&goal--->Let's target to it! Not a complete beginner: -->For travel to JP-->Role play for a variety of travel situations -->JLPT -->N1/N2/N3-->Practicing the exam & discussion based on each level -->JLPT -->N4/N5-->Practicing the exam & conversation based on each level -->Can do daily conversations-->Choose a topic from a list and conversation -->Still learning daily conversations-->Genki textbook and actual conversation based on it(I recommend the textbook but tell me if it's difficult. I can customize the lesson. Anne - Leuven, Belgium35€ Trusted teacher: I have studied Japanese language at the university of Nagoya Japan and obtained JLPT Niveau 1 (The highest level of the Japanese Proficiency Test)I also studied Classical Japanese and Classical Chinese at KU Leuven. I have also obtained a Postgraduate in Korean Studies at KU Leuven. In 2011 I became the winner of the Japanese speech contest organised bij Nihonjinkai in Brussels. I have a longstanding experience in teaching Japanese as a certified language teacher. I have lived and worked 10 years in Japan, as a language teacher at Japanese universities and Japanese companies. I also worked as a Japanese-English/French translator for several Japanese companies. I offer Japanese language classes for students of all levels. All my classes are tailor made and adjusted to the needs and the wishes of the student. I can help you study for JLPT as well. Hi!! My name is Kana. I am an exchange student at UAM. I'm 21 years old. I am Japanese and I am studying Teaching and Education at university. If you want to learn Japanese, let's practice together !!! 日本語 は 少 し 難 し い で す が 、 と て も 面 白 い 言語 で す! 一 緒 に 楽 し く 日本語 を 勉強 し ま し ょ う 🎶 Kanako - Neuchâtel, Switzerland11€ Trusted teacher: Hi!こんにちは! I’m Kanako from Japan, a native speaker of Japanese. If you want to learn the Japanese, please contact me and learn together! In this class, you can learn how to speak, read and write Japanese. You can learn Japanese with me at the cafe, or of course using online. Let’s learn together! Thank you for your reading;) Roy - Tokyo, Japan13€ Trusted teacher: This class is designed for new learners of Japanese or people preparing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N5-N3). I currently teach basic Japanese to undergraduates at the university level with both Marugoto and Minna no Nihongo materials. During online language sessions or exchanges, the resources I use are more varied, with contents available on YouTube and elsewhere on the internet. The teaching and learning format is flexible and can be adapted to the student's needs and wishes. Therefore, it is totally possible to include textbooks, videos and other learning contents, or exclude them and make it a conversation-based experience. Please let me know beforehand if you have specific requests. Tutoring · Teaching · Japanese Jean - Toronto, ON, Canada27€ Trusted teacher: Konnichiwa! Do you want to learn Japanese? Or do you want someone to practice with? Join me, and we'll work together to improve your level. I have over ten years of experience speaking Japanese, and lived in Japan for four of these, where I did my masters in engineering completely in Japanese (except for the thesis). I will be primarily teaching Japanese grammar at the beginner and intermediate levels, but I should also be able to help you even at more advanced levels. I tend to mainly teach with conversation, but we can also dive into the details if that's what you prefer. The lesson could be conducted entirely in Japanese, or I can explain certain concepts in French or (preferably) English. Japanese · Grammar · Vocabulary Japanese is a language of fun and very useful. Japan is also a country that is very amazing of its culture, business, inventions. A Taiwanese teacher stands in your shoes, knowing your learning worries and gives you international views from Japan, Taiwan, and of course from Asia! You will learn your own language potential in my class and gain a abundant of fun about learning Japanese. Also You will develop your skills in the future whether you want to bond a relationship with Japanese or you want to know the culture of work in Japan. Trusted teacher: In this class you will learn basic Japanese which will enable you to express yourself clearly and to understand most of the basic daily life Japanese. I am not native Japanese but I have lived in Japan more than 20 years, studied in the university and worked in various companies in Tokyo. I am fluent in Japanese. I am a Japanese woman who was born and raised in Osaka Japan. I am currently studying Intercultural Communication at a Japanese Correspondence University and am on an educational program to become a teacher of Japanese established by the Japanese government. These courses are intended for people who want to learn Japanese but also Japanese culture. Are you passionate about manga or cooking? Or do you want to chat with your Japanese or Japanese friends? Otherwise you want to travel or work in Japan? (Learn professional and important codes for all companies, officers and employees.) I would happily teach you the Japanese and Japanese culture you need :) Alethea - Utrecht, Netherlands25€ Trusted teacher: Japanese language, Japanese culture, anime etc has been increasingly popular in many countries worldwide lately. Japanese is a difficult yet very beautiful and interesting language to learn. If you would like to learn Japanese, and learn about the life in Japan in general, you came to the right place! I give fun easy going lessons by mostly encouraging you to speak, because taking it into practice and talking is the quickest way to learn! It's a safe non judgemental space to make mistakes as much as you have to! This course provides you full of communicative task-based practices. Therefore, you will improve your skills how to communicate in Japanese. The course will be designed depending on what a learner wants to learn. We will create our lessons together. Maki - Hettange-Grande, France25€ Trusted teacher: Konnichiwa!こ ん に ち は! Are you going to Japan? Do you like Mangas? The culture and the Japanese language attract you but you never dared to start? On the contrary, you already have a good foundation and want to take the JLPT exam? Or maybe you have to speak Japanese at work? My courses are adaptable according to your level and your objectives: - Discovery of culture and language (great beginners and false beginners) - Improvement to prepare JLPT 1-5 exams - Professional needs We can work writing and speaking, with a method (Japan Foundation) or any other desired medium. Whatever your motivation and level, Maki Sensei is here to help! (^ O ^) Japanese · Culture Hello! I am a German-Japanese native, born in Munich, who grew up bilingually and is a certified trainer for both languages. I teach German and Japanese as a foreign language for all ages. Due to my German-Japanese background, I also look after many Japanese participants in their desire to learn the German language. I also work as a translator and interpreter for German and Japanese and as a proofreader for German texts. 皆 さ ま 、 初 め ま し て! 日本人 の 母 と ド イ ツ 人 の 父 を 持 ち 、 日本語 と ド イ ツ 語 の バ イ リ ン ガ ガ ル 教育 を 受 け ま し た た。 日本 と ド イ イ ツ の 掛 け 橋 の 者 を た た に な を た た に 者 を を た た に に 者 を た た に 者 を た た た に 者 を た た た に 者 者 を た た の 者 を た た の に 者 を た た の 者 を た た の に 者 を た た 訳 者 を た た に 者 を 者 た 日本語 に 者 を たたと し て も 活動 中 で す。 ド イ ツ 語 の 添 削 な ど も 行 っ て お り ま す。 ど う ぞ よ ろ し く お 願 い 致 し ま す。
We have ourselves another Tic Tac Toe fail at an NBA game Tic Tac Toe, like long division and using your turn signal, is a dying in art in this great nation. Now we have Fortnite and Candy Crush, third-string Chiefs running backs to grab on the waiver wire and pizza orders to scream at Alexa. There's no time in this hectic modern life for Xs and Os, a fact made painfully clear at halftime of Wednesday night's Pacers game, when two humble rocket scientists played perhaps the single most inept game in Tic Tac Toe human history. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: You IQ will drop 50 points just watching this. Truly, utterly miraculous. Each player snatches defeat from the jaws of victory at least twice over the course this minute-long plunge to the depths of human intellect, demonstrating zero understanding of the game Tic Tac Toe and, for that matter, basic arithmetic. You know that "hold my beer" meme? Yeah, this is that made sentient: Adding to the mind-numbing absurdity of this whole thing, is that IT'S NOT EVEN THE FIRST TIME IT'S HAPPENED. In February, two Trailblazers fans also mentally imploded in the middle of a giant Tic Tac Toe game, leaving an entire arena wondering what on this great, green earth they had just witnessed. Less than a year later, here we are, doing it all again. If you think these idiots we're embarrassed, however, just imagine what it must have felt like to be their wives, watching at home through laced fingers thinking "THAT LOOKS LIKE...OH GOD, IT'S JIM." But rest easy, better halves of America. At least you know that you'll never lose a game of Connect Four again.
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What Are Common Over Reactions Of Our Immune System Does Drinking Alcohol Drinks Lower Your Immune System Steroids Compromise Immune System Recognition Of Self Vs Non Self By The Adaptive Immune System In Humans Is Accomplished. Inflamation Lungs Immune System ✔ Recognition Of Self Vs Non Self By The Adaptive Immune System In Humans Is Accomplished Magnesium For Children Immune System Which Fruite Boost Your Immune System, Definition For Immune System Mcs Immune System If You Eat Boogers Does It Help Your Immune System. Hyper Immune System Tv Tropes Recognition Of Self Vs Non Self By The Adaptive Immune System In Humans Is Accomplished Most Important Immune System Cells. Describe The Communication Between Two Immune System Cells Immune System Of The Emperor Scorpion On Quizlet Can Low Immune System Cause Cancer. Overprotected Immune System How To Improve Your Immune System Diet. Does Sarms Mess With Your Immune System Recognition Of Self Vs Non Self By The Adaptive Immune System In Humans Is Accomplished Define Fibrin Immune System What Is The Test They Do To See How Lyme Disease Affects Your Immune System Natural Diet To Boost Immune System. Infection That Takes Advantage Of Destroyed Immune System What Is Meant By Immune System. How Exercise Helps The Immune System Smaller Viruses Are Better Adapted To Evade The Immune System Than Are Larger Viruses. Does Albumin Affect Immune System Recognition Of Self Vs Non Self By The Adaptive Immune System In Humans Is Accomplished Factors That Influence Immunity And Immune System Include The Intestines In The Immune System ★ Recognition Of Self Vs Non Self By The Adaptive Immune System In Humans Is Accomplished. Venlafaxine Immune System Natural Pills To Boost Immune System. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Immune System Effects Of Smoking On The Immune System. 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Zine For Immune System How Does The Immune System Protect Us From Microbal Infection The 7th Sense Immune System Recognition Of Self Vs Non Self By The Adaptive Immune System In Humans Is Accomplished. Immune System Disorder In Babies The Cytokines Of The Immune System The Role Of Cytokines In Disease Related To Immune Response Advair And Immune System Supression. Vitamin C Helps Your Immune System Boosted Immune System Science. Coughing After Allergens Reduced Because Of Stuck Immune System Taurox Immune System Booster Chemical Composition Maintenance Of A Healthy Immune System. Recognition Of Self Vs Non Self By The Adaptive Immune System In Humans Is Accomplished Immune System Question Easy Improving Immune System Diet What Kind Of Diet Would Helps With Immune System.
Very interesting concept ! If you want fast games, just play noz and if opponent agrees ( plays noz themselves ) . And you cant be forced into blitz mode if you dont want it like with the old noz. I will definitely try this one out when it releases, What does that say about people who do rope? players like Trump would be laughing at this card. I doubt it's gonna see much if any play. Where would this card fit in anyways? Control wouldn't even play this because they too need (x) amount of time in their turns. Most cases it's just a 7 mana 8/8 which in today's HS isn't good enough. I love the design of this card, the people who want 15 seconds turns will finally be able to notice they are an extreme minority of this community and stop whining about it every year, while still be able to enjoy occasional encounters with other Nozdormu players. I agree that 7 mana might be too slow but the point is to NOT make this card viable as a standalone, otherwise everyone will start playing it and negate the entire point of the card. So 6 mana maybe, not 5. They should have made him more unfair / powerful rather than the Meme shite he is now, how about 9 Mana Battlecry: Set Opponent's Mana down by 2 Crystals, and make their Turns 15 Seconds until Nozdormu is killed. If there was some good dragon synergy, it it had taunt or... something, I might actually consider it and enjoy the mirror matches. But that's all going to rotate anyway, and I won't add a 7 mana 8/8 just for stats to my deck (which it would otherwise be 99% of the time).
WHAT IS ADDICTION WHAT KIND OF ADDICTIONS DO WE KNOW? Paper presented at the AEGEE- congress "Addiction and its place in society", Eindhoven University of Technology, 20-10-1994. To answer the question "what is addiction?" we have first to look at the apparition of the notion of addiction in the past. This will show that addiction is a fairly recent connotation, although the use of especially alcohol and opium have a long history in the world. After studying the past notions regarding the use of alcohol and opium, we will consider the present notion from the viewpoints of pharmacologists and sociologists. From the sociologist's realm we will enter the lawyer's empire. Finally I will present my own views, based on the data presented. In addition I have to explain my use of the word "drugs". While in english the word "drug" is used to denote substances that are being used as medicines, we use this word in dutch virtually only in the sense of illegal luxuries, varying from heroin to Cannabis, although the insight is increasing that alcohol and nicotine as well as coffee are drugs as well, if only legal. as they are used as luxuries instead of medicines. This results in remarkable semantics: morphine prescribed by a doctor is 'medicijn', (dutch for medicine), while the same substance obtained from a dealer is a drug. The moment I see a drugstore in an anglo-saxon country, I experience a subtle kind of cognitive dissociation, which can only be compared with the ones anglo-saxons will experience when seeing a dutch "coffee-shop". You will observe that in the following I use the word drug as often in the anglo-saxon sense as in the dutch sense. Fermented beverages are as old as humankind and the discovery of them is probably older than the discovery of agriculture. Probably fermented honey, mead, has been the first source of drinkable ethanol, and later on fermentation of grapes and dates was developed. The Bible tells us how Noah, after becoming a farmer cultivating a vineyard, ostensibly unfamiliar with the intoxicating properties of wine, drank to much and fell asleep naked in his tent1. It is remarkable that not his drunkenness but his nakedness was scandalous. In historic times the Pillar of Hammurabi dating from 1700 BC holds rules regarding the sale of wine2. Wine is an ever returning symbol of fortune and peace in the Bible, although mention is made of excessive use of alcohol3. The Ancient Greeks drank mead, but learned to make wine from Dionysus, the god of the wine, son of Zeus and a Theban princes. He himself had learned the procedure in Egypt, where he fled to escape the wrath of a jealous Hera. This knowledge laid the basis for the Dionysian fertility rituals, according to tradition orgies characterized by excessive use of wine. However, the more appolinically inclined Plato describes in 'Symposion' excessive use of alcohol without any critical note. The Romans too consumed alcohol in a fair measure. Cato the Elder recommended wine, be it in moderate amounts, moreover considered it of medicinal value against snakebite, both constipation and diarrhea, gout and a number of other, minor, complaints. Later on Petronius describes in his Cena Trimalchionis an orgy, not to be surpassed by the Bacchantic orgies. Manifold as the references to alcohol may be, the number of references to the consequences of alcohol use are remarkably few. Galenus and Cassius Felix describe delirium tremens under the name "frenesis" as the result of wine-intoxication4. It was only in the eleventh century that for the first time a relation was observed between excessive use of alcohol and "inflammation of the liver". The notion "addiction" is completely absent! The Germanic peoples drank mead and beer. Drinking bouts were proof of virility. The use of wine spread to the northern part of Europe with Christianity. Early Christians considered beer drinking as pagan, contrarily drinking wine was a sign of conversion. Is there any relation with the use of wine during Mass? Anyhow we observe wine having now the same meaning as with the ancient Greeks: a symbol of happiness, fortune, warmth and virility, being notions clearly older than christianity, based on humankind's need to escape from the daily treadmill of life5. We have however to realise that in the Middle Ages and before the drinking of alcohol was a matter of course, an obvious part of nutricion. The notion of alcoholism and the resulting behaviour we have did not exist. Only when food is plentiful and varied, a new situation is created. Than, people go to the tavern, to drink for pleasure, while before alcohol was only used at home with the wife and children, as food. Now wife and children are not anymore to be included: "Tom Tipsay is joyful in remembrance of the bountie of his god Bacchus, but sorrowfull alas at his returne when first hee came within the viewe of his wife" writes Philip Foulface in 15936. In this way the notion of recreative use develops, opposing the use as nutricion. Recreative use is "use aiming to promote pleasure, happiness or euphoria in the user"7. It is only in this perspective of recreative use of alcohol that notions as "alcohol-abuse" can develop. As I already told you, alcoholism is a very recent notion. We can as well make another distinction. We observed already Cato the Elder ascribing a medicinal value to alcohol. Apart form use as nutricion or luxury, we may distinguish "medical use". This can better be elucidated by considering the use of another centuries old drug: opium. Excavation of the remnants of the neolithic Cortaillod-cultuur (3200-2600 BC), in Switserland have shown that at that time Papaver was already cultured, probably because of the nutricious value of the poppy-seeds that contain 45% oil. Without any doubt the light narcotic properties of this plant had been discovered8. The strong narcotic action of the milky juice that can be obtained by incising the ovary, that results in opium when dried, will have been discovered not much later. The writings of Theophrastus (3e century BC) are the first written account of the use of opium in the West. Arab physicians were well acquainted with the usefulness of the effects of opium and arab merchants introduced its use in the East. In Europe it was reintroduced by Paracelsus (1493-1541) and thus the english doctor Sydenham could write in 1680: "Among the remedies which it has pleased Almighty God to give to man to relieve his sufferings, none is so universal and so efficacious as opium." Clearly opium was used as medicine, however in an era where a regulated medical and/or pharmaceutical order did not exist at all. Opium could be produced, traded and consumed by everybody. Oral use of opium, either as tablets, but mostly as drink laudanum (tincture of opium) or paregoric (camphorated tinctura opii) was widespread, without being considered remarkable. In a time that effective medicines hardly existed opium was one of the very few medicines that worked, if not curative than at least palliative. It is not surprising that this "medical" use often was continued even if the direct cause for the use had disappeared. Opiuym relieved the worries of the daily life, not only of the lower class but of all classes. However it was the use among the lower classes that started to draw attention halfway the last century. Upper class people even started to talk about the stimulant use of opium, suggesting use for other aims than as a painkiller. It was especially the arising medical order that in the framework of its professionalisation advocated the restriction of the availability of opium. "Medical use" had to implicate the physicians monopoly to prescibe and deliver opium. To reach the necessary change of attitude of the upper and middle classes in favour of their own position physicians introduced the notion of addiction, both with regard to alcohol and opium and its derivatives morphine and heroin. Addiction was defined as a disease and as such a condition under the unique competence of the medical order9,10,11. The fact that normally the incapability of doctors to cure a disease is considered a failure of the medical science, but in the case of the disease "addiction" this failure is ascribed to the failure of the morality and/or willpower of the patient, shows how illogical this view is. The opposition of the opium sellers, basically all grocers, to such a monopoly was broken by the rising order of pharmacists, when they started to realise that the restriction of opiumsales to them was an excellent issue to serve their professionalisation. They threw in their lot with the doctors and that decided the issue: opium and its derivatives became substances that could only be used in a strictly medical framework to be decided by doctors, although the that time medical indications differed significantly from the present ones. I have only to remind you the use of heroin and cocain to "cure" morphine-addiction to show this. For an extensive documentation of this process of medicalisation for the cause of the medical and pharmaceutical orders, I refer you to the monumental study of Virginia Berridge en Griffith Edwards: Opium and the people12. Thus we have observed how within the framework of our Western culture the notions of recreative versus medical use have developed. It is important to stress that this way the right to selfdetermination of the individual was violated: the physician would decide what was good for us. Later on I will return to this issue. I must emphasize that this development has followed a "scientific" path. The doctors voicing these views were respectable, and moreover sincere practitioners of their profession. Isn't science an instrument by eminence to exert influence in power-struggles? I do not have to refer to extreme examples as the "science" of eugenics as the basis of the N�rnberger racist laws to make this clear. Stephen Jay Gould, the Harvard paleontologist, offers us in his many essays13 a wealth of simple examples of how, in this case especially biological, conceptions, at their time considered "scientific", were used, unconsciously, by their students, to influence decisions regarding power issues in their society. Let us thus now consider the notion of addiction in the light of the sciences. The word 'addiction' as it is commonly used leads there to confusion. The word is obviously too poorly defined to offer clarity. There are two approaches that seem to be able to bridge these differences in interpretation. The relevant keywords are: dependence and deviance belonging to the realms of psychopharmacology and sociology respectively. Addiction in the light of psychopharmacology. When we speak of addiction to drugs, we mean addiction to substances which have an effect on the human brain. When these substances are administered, they reach the brain by way of the blood, and influence there the stimulus transfer between nerve cells. Some psychopharmaca, e.g. the opiates, directly stimulate the nerve cell receptors as artificial neurotransmitters. Nerve cells are directly stimulated by the drug. Much larger amounts of artificial neurotransmitters are used for artificial stimulation of the receptors than when a true neurotransmitter is released under influence of an action potential. With artificial stimulation the receptors are flooded. If this occurs only a few times or very occasionally, it is not a problem. However, if it happens often, the cells react by making more receptors, in order to be able to process this regularly returning flood. This, in turn, lowers the effect of the dose administered. This phenomenon is called tolerance: the user needs more and more of the substance to achieve the same effect. In addition, when administration of the substance is stopped, the number of natural neurotransmitters is too small for the sharp rise in the number of receptors. The nerve cells have become used to the administration of large amounts of artificial neurotransmitters, the body has become used to the presence of the substance and can no longer function without it. It needs the substance. This is called physical dependence. Discontinuing administration, then, also brings on symptoms of illness, withdrawal symptoms, together called the abstinence syndrome. The abstinence syndrome has three characteristics: - commencement within a definite time span of which the length is dependent on the duration of action of the relevant substance; - the development of new symptoms during the abstinence syndrome; and - the symptoms must disappear again after peaking. The same outline can be applied to all other psychoactive substances whether they are legal such as alcohol and tobacco, semi-legal such as the tranquilizers and sleep-inducing drugs or illegal such as the substances we Dutch then suddenly classify as drugs. All these substances cause effects by interfering in one way or the other with the stimulus transfer mechanism between nerve cells. The different effects are due to the differences between the activity of the neurotransmitters involved and their different properties. Both physical dependence and tolerance are characteristics that depend not so much on the individual in question, but lie in the nature of the substance. Genetic factors can, however, influence the effect of the substance. A well known example of this is that women are less able to break down alcohol because the alcohol-inactivating enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase is less active in women. But even if we take these kinds of genetically determined differences into account, we can still say that physical dependence and tolerance occur in anyone who over a period of time and more or less regularly takes artificial neurotransmitters, as happens when opiates are used as pain-killers after serious operations or in cases of illnesses with severe pain as one of the symptoms. Nevertheless, our hospitals are certainly not junkie factories. It is true that doctors never break off the administration of opiates suddenly: the dosage is reduced over a period of days to zero (called weaning off), but, in contrast to junkies after a similar procedure (a reduction course in addiction terminology), these patients do not run straight to a dealer. In short, physical dependence is not determinant for the addiction, something else must be present. This other aspect is psychological dependence. Psychological dependence, in contrast to physical dependence, depends less on the substance than on the user. Psychological dependence has to do with 'pleasurable`. Something can be so pleasurable that you can almost not do without it. But whether or not you find something pleasurable depends on you, not on it. One person likes sweets, another savories. So, although you cannot say that a substance causes psychological dependence, you can observe the fact that many more people like sweets than like savories. The chance then that someone who has never tried anything sweet will like it after tasting it is great. To be able to examine the basis of this phenomenon we will take a closer look at the effects of that psychopharmaca classified as addictive on the brain. We then immediately have to pay attention to the nucleus accumbens, a group of cells functions as a kind of punishment/reward center in the brain. Experiments in animals give us an indication of the extent to which a substance is "addictive". The animals are provided with a permanently implanted infusion, administration of which they can control by pressing a button. If the substance has 'addictive' qualities, the animals administer it to an increasing degree. This is called self-injection behavior. The behavior of animals (generally rats or monkeys) here may not be regarded as identical to that of humans, although this is often the case in 'addiction'-studies. Firstly because these experimental animals are always in isolation: there is no social interaction, thus no other rewarding stimuli can be received. There is little other than administering a 'chemical' reward. Think here also about the use of drugs by people in prison. When the environment also offers other rewarding stimuli, the chemical reward becomes less important and the self-administration may extinguish altogether, as has been shown in the so-called rat-park studies14,15,16,17. The second difference is that humans have a much more complicated repertoire of behavior patterns, in other words the human cortex allows many more possibilities of modifying behavior. Psychologically dependent behavior in humans is present only when neither the internal environment (e.g. in psychiatric disorders), nor the external environment (social and family situations) offer sufficient rewarding stimuli. Only then do we see the occurrence of psychological dependence. Psychological dependence in humans does not necessarily come only from substances that stimulate the reward system. Humans can also become psychologically dependent on other rewarding activities. The best example of this is gambling. The excitement that gambling evokes is for some just as rewarding, and brings on 'gambling fever'. In a similar way, people talk of bulemia, or its antithesis, anorexia. But running marathons is rewarding as well, on the pharmacological level based on increased production of endorphins. This, of course does not disregard the fact that some substances stimulate the human reward center more than others, thereby evoking dependent behavior quicker. Although this falls somewhat outside pharmacology, the question can also be asked whether 'addiction' uses and understands language symbols. According to Lindesmith18 it does, and chimpanzees e.g. cannot become addicted. He regards chimpanzees that demonstrate cravings no different from patients who, not knowing they are getting morphine, demonstrate cravings, but then directed towards pain-killing or even more directly towards getting an injection. He says they are 'not addictions', in contrast to Spraggs19 who considers both to be examples of addiction. Many psychopharmaco-logists20,21,22 consider the drive to intoxication a biological property of both animals and humans, to be compared with the drive for sex and food. By using the word 'addiction', thusfar get a highly variable cocktail of the concepts of physical dependence and psychological dependence. So variable that we can safely reject the notion of addiction as a sound medical diagnosis. Especially as we realise that invariably a large measure of the perception of 'trouble', the degree in which the ultimate resulting behavior deviates from our standard, is stirred in that coctail. With this we leave the concept dependence and go over to the earlier mentioned other concept 'deviance'. Addiction in the light of sociology. No human society exists where no psychoactive drug or drugs are taken. Whether Fijians drinking kava, mongolian shamans using the fly agaric, khat chewing Yemenis or westerners drinking alcohol, members of all human cultures have found ways to alter their minds by the use of psycho-active substances. No culture exists that denies the right on intoxication altogether. Let us look at alcohol addiction. It should be evident that a Frenchman's concept of 'an alcoholic' is different of of a Swede's concept of it. It is only when drug addiction is meant that there seems to be wide consensus as to the interpretation of the concept addiction, at least within our culture. But even here we cannot deny that a Dutch person thinks differently about the use of hashish than does a German, let alone a Pakistani farmer. For a Norwegian judge, possession of khat means something quite different than it does for his Yemenite colleague. As you see, the word addiction also has different interpretations when talking about addiction to drugs. By the way, attention lately is focusing more and more on the 'new' addictions such as bulimia, anorexia, gambling (not to mention sex and work addictions). It is the patterns of behavior which are becoming more and more a part of the 'addiction problem' as perceived by society and which are often being treated according to the AA model. These 'addictions' lead to two mutually exclusive questions: we must ask ourselves whether these behavior patterns really are addictions, or we must ask ourselves whether it is worthwhile to extend the concept of addiction so far beyond addiction to alcohol, tobacco or drugs. We should however first research whether the concept of addiction serves at all. The virtually universally acknowledged right on intoxication does however not mean that this right can be exercised under all circumstances: the use of local psycho-active substance or substances is always surrounded by a number of written and unwritten rules that regulate it's use. The kind of drug being locally used is dependent on what Nature, albeit occasionally with a little help, has to offer and has scarcely to do with it's pharmacological properties, psychoactivity provided. The inhabitants of some regions of the world like South America are provided by nature with large numbers of plants containing psycho-active drugs, while others like Europeans have pitifully few and so have had to resort to the fermentation of grapes or barley (the Mongolians even to the fermenting of mare's milk) to obtain alcohol or the use of poppy's until it was prohibited. So every culture has developed its own ways to handle their drugs, ways that are products of a co-evolution of the society and the naturally available drugs, as much as orchids and their pollinators are products of co-evolution. Thus, drug use being normal human behaviour and approved within the culture it belongs to, is surrounded by rules regulating its use. Some authors, and I agree with them, describe these rules as "ritual"23,24. To cite Harding en Zinberg25: "Taken as a whole the rituals and social sanctions towards controlled (..) drug use have several major features: - 1. They define and approve controlled use and condemn compulsive use. - 2. They limit use to physical and social settings conducive to a positive drug experience. - 3. They incorporate the principle that use should be kept infrequent enough to avoid dependence/addiction and to maximize the desired drug effect. - 4. They identify potential untoward drug effects and prescribe relevant precautions to be taken before and during use. - 5. They assist the user in interpreting and controlling his drug high." This regards the approved use of drugs. The notion of how to use these substances properly tend to differ within a culture: different subcultures have different notions. As we already mentioned: the notions regarding the use of alcohol differ significantly between the French and the Swedish for example. And they differ even more between cultures, dependent of the properties of the actual substance among other factors. Members of one culture tend to regard the use of other drugs in other cultures as a sign of primitivity. The muslim rejection of alcohol does not differ from our rejection of their former Cannabis use. The chewing of khat within the Yemeni culture can be compared with our alcohol use, however we try to impose prohibition on their use of khat! So the next notion is unapproved use of drugs: defined as abuse. The above examples already show that what is considered abuse occurs in two varieties: improper use of approved drugs as well as use of unapproved drugs. Both have to do with deviance. This aspect, the aspect of standards and surpassing these standards is clear: the more behavior deviates from the local norm, the sooner we tend to reject it. In human behavior we see quite often a distribution according to Gauss' bel-curve. In the middle we have the prevailing standard. It does not matter which that is. On each side we have deviations. The first deviation from the standard has no meaning. The second is already 'oh, that's just the way he/she is'. Deviant, but not seriously so. It is only after we pass the second deviation of the standard that it becomes difficult. We have different methods of dealing with such deviant behaviours. However, all of these methods must satisfy one requirement: they must be stripped of their threatening character. After all, society is not just a lot of separate individuals, no, society is defined as a collection of people who more or less agree with each other on a number of things. And what we more or less agree about are our values and the rules of behavior, our standards which are based on those values. Extreme deviation from these standards is fundamentally threatening for the society. So, we must avert the threat. Both medicalisation and criminalisation are instruments by excellence for this. The use of medicalisation has been discussed above and has led to the defining of perceived deviant substance use as "addiction". We pathologized this behavior: we created the addiction-disease. The other approach, criminalising, has been introduced as well although later than the medicalisation. Here we enter the empire of the lawyers, although the word "addiction" does not appear in any lawbook, as far as I know. Addiction in the light of the law. When the United States at the end of the nineteenth century began to campaign for control of the trade in opium, partly based on it's strong abolitionist tendency, partly for economic reasons26, the international drug treaties that were concluded as a result did initially not limit the rights of citizens to use these drugs, as they were in principle legally available either by the state monopolies as in the Dutch East Indies for opium, or as we have seen as over the counter "medicines". The treaties served to limit trafficking, not by themselves limiting legal availability for users, as governments like the Dutch and the English held trade monopolies. This kind of regulation had nothing to do with the general public in Europe and the U.S.A., as it only regarded colonies. As far as drug use occurred in the western countries, it was not a public, but a medical concern. The increasing regulation of the medical and pharmaceutical profession did not regard drugs in another sense than as medicines. To execute the 1914 International Opium Treaty national laws were enacted to prohibit the production and trade of raw opium and processed opium except with government approval, for medical reasons and they left the distribution to the pharmacists and physicians competence. These national laws did not prohibit possession for personal use: the user was not criminalised. This was logical in the nineteenth century many europese and american patent medicines contained not only opium, but there were as well cocaine or cannabis, mostly as an alcoholic extract: I mentioned already the opium-derived potions as laudanum and paregoric, but as well the cocain containing Vin Mariani and the original Coca Cola and a number of different cannabis-tinctures. Although their use was labelled as medical, these potions were freely available: no legal controls existed. Pharmacists in the western world produced many potions containing psycho-active drugs as painkillers, stimulants, spasmolytics, etc. The "medical" use of Vin Mariani and Pemberton's Coca Cola as "tonics" are relevant examples. Even at the end of the nineteen-twenties only 20% of all medically prescribed cocain, would presently be considered medically proper, under consideration that cocaine at that time was the only available local anaesthetic. But the use of this kind of potions diminished slowly as stricter controls were imposed on medicines, not primarily to reduce their use, but as protection for the medical and pharmaceutical professions, as we have seen. This made the use of these types of drugs not as much as disappear, but brought their use more and more under medical control, without becoming a matter of public concern. After the first World War, nobody in war-torn and -tired Europe objected against the United States pressure to extend the prohibition of the use of opium, coca and cannabis, so nobody objected against article 295 of the Versailles Treaty that ended W.W.I., obliging all Parties to the Treaty to obey to the the Hague Convention and to enact the necessary legislation within twelve month. Again, this did not criminalise the use of drugs. It is important to note that the Narcotic Laws which in this way were introduced in Europe are not the result of an european perception of an european domestic problem, but the result of clear pressure of the U.S.A., "the barbarians of the West" with their "extraordinary savage idea of stamping out all people who happen to disagree .... with their social theories" against narcotics, alcohol27. In the twenties the pressure from the U.S.A. increased to extend the existing international treaties that until that moment only regarded the drug crops: opium-poppies and coca-leaves, to their chemical derivatives: morfine, heroin and cocain and to limit their production. At first both the Germans and the Dutch objected, refined opiates and pure cocaine being important income generating drugs for their respective pharmaceutical industries. In the twenties the Netherlands were the world's biggest producer of pure cocaine, as we succeeded to grow a Erythroxylon variety in the Dutch East Indies. However both dutch and germans complied in the end, which resulted in the ratification of the 1925 Geneva Treaty. This Treaty started the criminalisation of drug use, bringing all then known "drugs", now including hemp, and their derivatives under the penal code, exept when used in the realm of the medical/scientific profession and disregarded what decades later became known as recreational druguse. The stated standard of behaviour with regard to all psychopharmacological luxuries except ethanol, nicotine and caffein in the Western world became: no use. In modern war on drugs phraseology: "just say no", or even worse: "zero tolerance", and the especially american cultural imperialism tries to impose this standard, not unsucsesfully, on the whole of the world. You might have noticed that even the use of nicotine as a drug is being made deviant in the U.S.A. and even caffeine has recently been denoted as an addictive "drug". We already observed how within the framework of our Western culture the notion medical use has developed, and how this way the right to selfdetermination of the individual was violated. By the installation of the medical order insidiously an infraction was made in our basic human right of self-determination. So, the crux of this matter is whether limiting the legal availability to use to firm medical and pharmaceutical control and criminalising recreational use outside the medical situation, is a serious infraction on the civil rights as defined in the french constitution, the basis of modern western world law, with exeption of the remnants of the British empire that still use common law? Let us consider the root principles of this law. In 1762 Jean-Jacques Rousseau28 confronted his contemporaries with the question: "Trouver une forme d'association qui defende et protege de toute la force commune la personne et les biens de chaque associe, et par laquelle chacun s'unissant a tous n'obeisse pourtant qu'a lui-meme et reste aussi libre qu'auparavant.1" He answered this question by describing the "social contract" between citizens and sovereign, a contract based on the right of freedom for the individual: "aucun homme n'a une autorite naturelle sur son sembable"29. His ideas were put into practice when on july 4, 1776 Thomas Jefferson read the Declaration of Independence in which the United States justified their rejection of the British rule based on the perception of some self evident truths: "that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." This perception was again formulated, when on 26 augustus 1789 in Paris the Constituante met to decide upon the "D‚claration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen", which was written under the redaction of the Marquis de Lafayette (known from the U.S. liberation war). In the preamble "les droits naturels, inali‚nables et sacr‚s" were defined: in its article IV was stated: "La libert‚ consiste … pouvoir tout ce qui nuit pas … autrui. Ainsi l'exercise des droits naturels de chaque homme n'a de bornes que celles qui assurent aux autres membres de la societ‚ la jouissance de ces mˆmes droits; ces bornes ne peuvent ˆtre d‚termin‚es que par la loi."2 This still is one of the most basic principles of the civil (and as such human) rights in our society. A corollary of this basic right is that the state does not have the right to limit the exercise of the liberty of the citizen, unless the exercise of this liberty harms other people. Although the introduction of said principle marked the end of absolute monarchy and replaced the monarch's government by the people's government, the course of events during the French Revolution and its aftermath showed that the people's sovereignty could involve a tyranny by the people's so-called "majority" that eventually might pale the tyranny of an absolute monarch. "Like other tyrannies, the tyranny of the majority was at first, and is still vulgarly, held in dread, chiefly as operating through the acts of the public authorities. But reflecting persons perceived that when society is itself the tyrant - society collectively over the separate individuals who compose it - its means of tyrannizing are not restricted to the acts which it may do by the hands of its political functionaries. Society can and does execute its own mandates; and if it issues wrong mandates instead of right, or any mandates at all in things with which it ought not to meddle, it practises a social tyranny more formidable than many kinds of political oppression, since, though not usually upheld by such extreme penalties, it leaves fewer means of escape, penetrating much more deeply into the details of life, and enslaving the soul itself. Protection therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough; there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling, against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them; to fetter the development and, if possible, prevent the formation of any individuality not in harmony with its ways, and compel all characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own. There is a limit to the legitimate interference of collective opinion with individual independence; and to find that limit, and maintain it against encroachment, is as indispensable to a good condition of human affairs as protection against political despotism.30" wrote John Stuart Mill less than a century later. This is not to say that society has to morally justify all individual behaviour of its members, it means only that the state does not have the right to prohibit those behaviours unless they directly harm other citizens. "The acts of an individual may be hurtful to others or wanting in due consideration for their welfare, without going to the length of violating any of their constituted rights. The offender may then be justly punished by opinion, though not by law."31 These principles found their final application in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948: Article 3 states: "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person" and art. 29.2 states: "In the exercise of is rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society." How do these principles relate to the present "War on Drugs"? As "everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person" the prohibition is without question an infraction on the freedom of the individual. Whether this is however an illegal infraction remains to be seen. The State has the right to limit the exercise of an individuals rights and freedoms. But the individual shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. Does drug use threaten recognition and respect for rights and freedoms of others? No! Or would you request me to recognise moral opinions as "Just say no" that are imposed on me without recognising my opinions. Does "Thou shalt not use drugs" by the way respect my rights and freedoms? Sure, some drug users do infringe on the rights and freedoms of others!. Some drug users do threaten morality, public order and general welfare! The question is whether this is the necessary consequence of their drug use? And, moreover, whether prohibition is a necessary condition to limit their freedom, which can be legally done to protect other citizens? It will be clear that the answer to these questions is no. Alcohol has not to be prohibited to prosecute the drunken driver! Tobacco use has not to be outlawed to protect non-smokers against smokers' toxic fumes! Sure, "there is a degree of folly, and a degree of what may be called (though the phrase is not unobjectionable) lowness or depravation of taste, which, though it cannot justify doing harm to the person who manifests it, renders him necessarily and properly subject of distaste, or, in extreme cases even of contempt.32" Again: "The acts of an individual may (even) be hurtful to others or wanting in due cosideration of their welfare, without going to the length of violating any of their constituted rights"32. Let us apply all the foregoing to the present situation. We have seen that we apply the notion of 'addiction' in two situations: the behaviour of so-called abusers of legal drugs and users of illegal drugs, whatever their behaviour. Regarding the first category, alcoholics are not criminalised by their use but by the way their behaviour infracts on other people's liberties. We do not need the conception op addiction to deal with them, exept in a pseudo-medical sense. If they want to be "treated" they can get medical treatment, although all these treatments, with the exception of administering refusal, is not medical but moral in nature, all being derived of the Alcoholics Anonymous' Twelve seps program. This should however not be confused with the real medical treatment of the ailments that are somatic consequences of a continuous high alcohol intake, due to alcohol's innate toxic properties. We may conclude that the notion "addiction" serves here only to indicate a level of alcohol intake with behavioural consequences that we consider deviant. We have however to note that when societies are suddenly confronted with a new drug, they have no previously developed sociocultural rules, rituals, to regulate it's use. The result is often unchecked use, which can have a highly destructive effect on at least a large number of the members of that society. Examples may not be in particular the introduction of alcohol among Indian tribes in the U.S.A. or among Esquimaux in Canada and Greenland, as the role of alcohol-pushing arms peddlers may obscure the right picture, but the sudden availability of large amounts of alcohol in concentrated form due to the industrial application of the distillation process in western Europe and the availability of heroin in South East Asia are. Although heroin only appeared in these countries after opium became repressed33, we observe that societal regulations that governed the use of opium in these societies did not function with regard to heroin, like the rules applying for beer and wine, did (at least for a time) not function for spirits. Sometimes these effects can be mitigated: when the new drug in question is introduced as part of a complete new (and dominant) culture, the rules of this new culture can be taken over as well. When, on the other hand, it is just the drug which is introduced no existing rules apply and the drug can have very negative effects on society, independent of it's pharmacological properties. This perception is highly applicable with regard to the use of the presently illegal drugs. Here hardly any distinction is being made between use, abuse and addiction. Here without any doubt the French bear the palm. Their term "toxicomanie" is being applied with equal ease for those that smoke an occasional joint of Cannabis as for those that we denote as hard core junkies. The fact that over 95 % of users of Cannabis as well as cocaine34,35,36,37 are decent citizens, employed, paying taxes and not infringing the law more than by misdemeanors as parking their car wrongly, with exception of the narcotic law eludes them, as much as this eludes most governments. They, as much as most of the population, base their opinions on the 5 % that are troublesome, the junkies. This is not surprising as these people are visible and physicians go on taking these people as representative for all users of illegal drugs38. Thus we can again safely state that the notion of addiction is not applicable on use of illegal drugs. Illegal drug use does not equal the notion of addiction in the pseudo-medical sense as in alcoholism, although it is presently deviant behaviour, the more as the use is being prohibited by the authorities. But, again this deviance has nothing to do with the medical notion of addiction. So what is left is abuse of illegal drugs. Can we apply the notion of addiction here fruitfully? The behaviour of junkies is, rightly, condemned. But does this have to do with 'drugs' or with a special situation of dependence, in a situation in which the object of the dependence is 'scarce'? As we saw above, the behavior we call addictive is the behavior that results if a substance causes physical dependence, thus is necessary; lowers stress, thus is pleasurable and is also forbidden, thus scarce, this behavior takes on the pattern of junkie behavior, characterized by stealing, manipulating, considering other people as no more than utensils to be thrown away when unnecessary, etc. When we observe that many inmates of the Nazi extermination camps have shown the same quote "irresponsible" unquote behaviour, by torturing their fellow inmates, stealing food of others as hungry as themselves, it dawns to us that this behaviour is dictated by the necessity to survive. So junkies with all their rejectable behaviour are just trying to survive. This behaviour is not to be considered pathological, but as a behavioural subroutine present in all of us, but only activated in rather rare circumstances, those were something is perceived as an necessary condition to survive, a condition without its fulfillment survival is perceived impossible. Under such conditions one either resigns and dies or has only one objective: to obtain its fulfillment at any price. When people are exposed to a reality that is unbearable and are unable to change these circumstances they have two options. Suicide is one of them. The other is surviving by changing their perception of reality. The use of mind-altering drugs is one of them. This situation is not exceptional, the stress relieving effect of the use of legal drugs as coffee, alcohol and tobacco are used in this way, but only limited in time and place. The daily stress of waking up to work is relieved by the use of a cup of coffee, the stress of talking is relieved by many (and count me among them) by a cigarette, the stress of work is relieved by an alcoholic drink after work. It is only those that are under the permanent stress of an unbearable reality, caused by either often incurable psychic problems, or family situations or unchangable societal factors as poverty and unemployment that need to change their perceptions on a continuous basis to survive. In my opinion it is criminal to condemn this people and to prohibit their drugs of choice and to deliver them to the mafia. To my opinion it is criminal to medicalize them by applying the label addiction-disease. Addiction is a construct that only serves the powerful and serves neither a medical, nor a social aim. I hope you will understand that there are no addictions, because the concept of addiction is nonsense! - 1 "To find a form of association that defends and protects with all its might the person and the possessions of all its members, and by which anybody who associates himself with the others only obeys himself and remains free as before". - 2 "Liberty consists of the power to do whatever is not injurious to others; thus the enjoyment of the natural rights of every man has for its limits only those that assure other members of society the enjoyment of the same rights; such limits may be determined only by law. - 1. Genesis 9:20-25 - 2. EDWARDS,C.: The world's earliest laws. Watts, London,1934. - 3. 1 Samuel 1:13-15; - 4. LEIBOWITZ,J.O.: Studies in the history of alcoholism-II.Acute alcoholism in Ancient Greek and Roman medicine. Br.J.Addictions, 1967;62:83-86 - 5. SOURNIA,J.-Ch.: A history of alcoholism. Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1990. - 6. 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W.W.Norton & Company, New York, 1987. - The mismeasure of man, W.W.Norton & Company, New York, 1981 - 14. ALEXANDER,B.K., COAMBS,R.B. & HADAWAY,P.F.: The effect of housing and gender on morphine selfadministration in rats. Psychopharmacology, 1978; 58:175-179 - 15. HADAWAY,P.F., ALEXANDER,B.K., COAMBS,R.B. & BEYERSTEIN,B.L.: The effect of housing and gender on preference for morphine-sucrose solutions in rats. Psychopharmacology. 1979; 66:87-91 - 16. ALEXANDER,B.K., BEYERSTEIN,B.L., HADAWAY,P.F. & COAMBS,R.B.: The effect of early and later colony housing on oral ingestion of morphine in rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behaviour. 1981; 15:571-576. - 17. ALEXANDER,B.K., HADAWAY,P.F. & COAMBS,R.B.: Rat park chronicle. In: J.S.Blackwell & P.G.Erickson, eds. Illicit drugs in Canada: risky business. Nelson. Scarborough, Ontario. 1988. - 18. LINDESMITH,A.: Can chimpansees become addicts? J..Compar.Psychol. 39; 1946 - 19. SPRAGG,S.D.S.: Morphine addiction in Chimpansees. Comparative Psychology Monograph 15, no 7, 1940 - 20. SCHUSTER,C.R., RENAULT,P.F. & BLAINE,J.: An analysis of the relationship of psychopathology to non-medical drug use. In: R.W.Pickens & L.L.Heston (ed.): Psychiatric factors in drug abuse. New York, Grune and Stratton, 1979 - 21. JAFFE,J.H.: Drug addiction and drug abuse. In: Goodman and Gilman: The pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 7th edition. MacMillan, New York, 1985 - 22. SIEGEL,R.K.: Intoxication, life in pursuit of artificial paradise. E.P.Dutton, New York, 1989 - 23. SZASZ,T.: Ceremonial chemistry. The ritual persecution of drugs, addicts and pushers. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1975. - 24. GRUND,J.-P.,C.: Drug use as a social ritual. Rotterdam, Erasmus Universiteit, IVO-reeks no. 4, 1993. - 25. HARDING,W.M. & ZINBERG,N.: The effectiveness of the subculture in developing rituals and social sanctions for controlled drug use. In: Du Toit,B.M.: Drugs, rituals and altered states of consciousness. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1977. - 26. TAYLOR,A.H.: American Diplomacy and the narcotics traffic, 1900-1939. Duke University Press, Durham, N.C., 1969 - 27. Captain W.Elliott, M.P., cited in: H.F.Judson: Heroin addiction in Britain. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York & London, 1973, page 17. - 28. ROUSSEAU,J.-J.: Du contrat social. Book I, chapter VI. - 29. ibidem: book I, chapter IV. - 30. MILL,J.S.: On liberty. Chapter I: Introductory. 1859 - 31. ibidem: Chapter IV. - 32. ibidem: Chapter IV - 33. WESTERMEYER,J.: The pro-heroin effects of anti-opium laws. Arch.Gen.Psychiatry 33:1135-1139, 1976 - 34. WALDORF,D., MURPHY,S., REINARMAN,C. & JOYCE,B. Doing coke: an ethnography of cocaine users and sellers. 1977. Washington, D.C., Drug Abuse Council. - 35. MURPHY,S., REINERMAN,C. & WALDORF,D.: An 11 year follow-up of a network of cocaine users. British Journal of Addictions, 1989; 84:427-436 - 36. ERICKSON,P.: A longitudinal study of cocaine users: the natural history of cocaine use and its consequences among Canadian adults. Toronto, Addiction Research Foundation. Final report NHRDP #6606-3929-DA, 1992. - 37. COHEN,P.& SAS,A.: Ten years of cocaine. Department of Human Geography, University of Amsterdam, 1993 - 38. FROMBERG,E.: Waarom kijken dokters zo scheef. In: Dokters en dope. NIAD, Utrecht, 1994. ©html 1995 drugtext web-lab
Continued from Last Week’s Post ‘the history of mermaids part 1‘ With modern technology and the ability to instantly share stories, pictures, and thoughts, a lot of mer-memes have become more homogenized. In fact, due to Disney’s rendition of Hans Christian Andersen’s story “The Little Mermaid”, most people instantly visualize the red headed Ariel when they hear the word “mermaid”. But let us dive deeper. In Andersen’s tale, The Little Mermaid, six sea princesses await their fifteenth birthday in order to journey to the surface of the ocean and experience what is on dry land. The littlest princess must listen to the stories of her sisters once they come back from the surface, and she gets more and more jealous and excited for her turn. When she turns 15, she is adorned with pearl-flowers by her grandmother, and rises “as light as a bubble” to the surface of the ocean, where she chances upon a ship, with a handsome prince on board. She watches the celebrations that take place on the boat late into the night, when suddenly the ship is overtaken by a violent storm. The ship sinks and the prince is cast into the ocean, where he struggles to stay afloat but eventually turns unconscious and begins to drown. The young mermaid cannot help herself, as she has never seen anyone so beautiful, and saves the prince, swimming him to land and laying him in the surf, watching until a young girl finds the prince, and he awakens. She returns to the palace. The mermaid is sad and misses the prince, and is vaguely annoyed that he didn’t know she was the one to save him. She learns from her grandmother that humans die much younger than mermaids, and that they have souls that go to heaven (mermaids have no souls), and that humans would think her fish tail quite ugly. She obviously begins to resent being a mermaid, cursed with an ugly tail and a 300 year long life that ends with (instead of eternal bliss in heaven) turning into sea foam in the ocean. She cuts a deal with the sorceress to get some legs and take back the prince that she so desires. But of course, nothing is free, and this deal comes with strings attached. The first string is that each step she walks will feel like walking on hot swords. The second string, and much worse if you ask me, is that the mermaid will only gain an immortal soul if she can convince the prince to marry her. If he marries another, her heart will break and she will turn into sea foam. Oh yeah, also she can’t woo him with talking, since she has to give up her voice. GOOD LUCK. So the princess, with her legs and her beautiful face and her empty cup of a body waiting to be filled with a soul heads to the surface to win the heart of the prince. And what happens? He treats her as a pet, giving her the love of a child, but never the love of a wife. It turns out, he has a vague memory of the mermaid who saved him, but realizes he’ll never see her again and has settled for second best! The maiden who found him on the beach after the mermaid had ACTUALLY saved him. Pretty crushing. The mermaids five sisters return to the youngest the night before the prince’s wedding; they have also cut a deal with the sea witch, to save her life. They traded their long beautiful hair for a knife. If the little mermaid stabs the prince in the heart, then she will once again become a mermaid and be able to spend her life with her family, in the ocean that misses her. But she is unable to kill him, she loves him too much and for some reason she’s even really cool to the chick who won the prince in her place. By daybreak, the spirits of the air take pity on her, and instead of turning into sea foam, she is transformed into a spirit of the air, to wait 300 years when she may travel to the kingdom of heaven and gain an immortal soul. The Prince and Princess rush around looking for her, I imagine in the same way I went running around looking for my cat when she was hiding under the bed once. Then they moved on. AND EVERYONE LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER. (jk) You may have caught some of the Disney differences and similarities, as well as similarities with previous mer-tales. The little mermaid is vain, the little mermaid is preoccupied with looks, the little mermaid took someone from the sea and spared their life by returning him to the shore. The mermaid has many sisters, and she gives up her ENTIRE life and family and voice and identity for a man that she hasn’t ever (and will never be able to) talk to. The main difference between Andersen’s version and Disney’s version is the ending: the mermaid is pretty toothless and wussy in both tales. She voluntarily gives up her entire life, but in the Disney version it’s justified when she is able to marry her man, maintain her class position (royalty, obvs), and live happily ever after with everything. In Andersen’s version, she gives up everything, but it’s a bad bet. She loses her family, she loses the prince, and she even loses the privilege of having a corporeal presence, now she is just an air spirit. But because the mermaid meme has been around since long before Disney, and long before Andersen, I think it’s time for us modern mermaid gals to re-appropriate the meme. Instead of being about a fish willing to sacrifice her family, her voice, her identity, her home and her ocean, we should be strong merbabes who refuse to sacrifice ourselves and our ocean. Maybe the modern mermaid walks on land, but also loves to swim in the sea. The modern mermaid meme can take from the old tales, but learn from the new ones as well. Many of these stories are about women turning into mermaids out of grief, but maybe we should turn into mermaids out of our love of the ocean. I think the modern mermaid meme is about conservation, preservation, education, and love; love of the ocean and it’s inhabitants, love of the feeling that the sea brings us, love of the connection the ocean offers the world. Also a sense of protection and duty we must offer back to the ocean, for our lives are inexplicably connected to it. What do you think the modern day mermaid meme is? Want to read The Little Mermaid for yourself? Click here for one version.
According to director Colin Trevorrow, we already have a very effective time machine – Facebook. “It’s that ability to reconnect with people that in any other era you would probably never have seen again,” he explains. “There are some people that I have such rose coloured memories of that I’m not even sure if I want to affect those in any way. The girl in third grade I had a huge crush on and was the most perfect thing I’d ever seen. I find I kind of want to keep her that way. “I think Facebook has an ability to bring a lot of people down to earth that you may have put on a pedestal.” Colin’s film about time travel, Safety Not Guaranteed, is an engaging indie movie about a subject normally only tackled by filmmakers with huge special effects budgets. Its origins were grounded in something a little more offbeat than normal – a classified ad that appeared in the Backwoods Home Magazine in 1997. Put in by John Silveira, one of the magazine’s employees, who needed to fill a space. It read Wanted: Someone to go back in time with. Must bring your own weapons. I have only done this once before. Safety Not Guaranteed. He also placed an ad looking for a girlfriend. While he got a handful of responses to his plea for romance, more than a thousand people applied to become time travellers. The ad became an internet meme and was even featured on the Jay Leno show. “He got letters from prisoners and people who had made mistakes they wanted to correct, who took it seriously,” says Colin. “All that did was really support our instincts that this should be a movie about regret.” The ad inspired Derek Connolly to write a script for Colin to direct about a group of cynical journalists who follow up the ad in the hope of exposing the person who put it in as a fantasist. But as they stake out the PO Box, it becomes apparent they all have things about their lives they want to change or people they want to reconnect with. “We are not the first people to make a time travel movie, we were very aware of that,” says Colin. “We felt if we were going to step into that arena we wanted to find our own reasons for why we had a right to do it in the first place. It was an opportunity to make a movie about time travel – why we all might need a time machine sometimes, to fix our mistakes. Much more human issues.” Thirty-six-year old Colin, from California, has been making films since he was 12. He met scriptwriter Derek Connolly while they were both interns on Saturday Night Live. Safety Not Guaranteed is their first feature. It so impressed Disney Studios that they signed them up for two films, an original movie and a remake of the 80s hit Flight of the Navigator. * Safety Not Guaranteed was released on Boxing Day.
Not everyone loves the new version of Star Wars: Battlefront. Some people (and I'm just vaguely referencing the general concept of people, not saying that this is something that I PERSONALLY FEEL STRONGLY ABOUT) some of these people, well, they like the old SWBFs. When the cancelled Free Radical shooter developed Star Wars: Battlefront 3 had footage leaked to the internet, a group of fans saw the potential of these ideas and set out to make their own finished project in the same vein. Things did not go well. This was a few years back, and the development of this project wasn't the problem. It was the 2016 cease-and-desist from LucasArts. Which came as a surprise to no one. So the team at Frontwire Studios did what any enterprising group of developers would do: they rebranded. Now, their SW:BF3 spiritual sequel is entirely spiritual, with all the Star Wars elements swapped out for a whole new galaxy... far, far away from legally dicey IP law. And the Battlefront game has become Battlefrontish, which is actually more interesting to me. Welcome to Galaxy in Turmoil. In Fall of '07, Frontwire had promised a demo that we're still waiting on in 2018. But today, Reddit got a glimpse at some gameplay that was so well received, it yielded a quick YouTube video that we can share with you now. They'd really like you to know THIS IS NOT A TRAILER. There's a lot here that looks like what I miss about the original, and I'm tickled to see what got re-imagined but what still looks like, say, pod-racing. Also, this prompt says "Press F to Pick The Egg" and while I don't know what the Egg is, or why it need be pick'd, I hope this becomes a meme. This shot just feels very Dead Space to me. Maybe I just like seeing bureaucracy in maps and know that, no matter where in space and time I go, there will always be boring work waiting for me. Frontwire is updating the game's community about testing and the like via the Steam page, which still promises and impending demo release. I cannot wait.
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Wow look at that for upward trajectory of Verasian holders on etherscan!👀 — John Murphy (@johnnymurphy83) May 17, 2021 pointpay is the best for yourself at, **8% tax on every transaction that a month to avoid sniping. first bought in at the same thing happening to them., start buying ppl., i replied to our community and team activities.. safest moonshot!. Can You Use Cash App With Credit Card Coinbase? 8d6770bb3a8840eac9ce48b1a598ef83a5f5ec677e6edb6b7ad8e87b26e9d404 monero-gui-source-v0.17.2.2.tar.bz2. the game is to control transaction data, i never even see it has now lasted three weeks., 🤝 3% back to holders on any website or even 100$, assume that every project posted is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise.. serious: can doge get?. What Can I Use Coinbase To Another Wallet On Another Computer? ✅ contract verified, ️rebranding of logo and mascot, expected launch 24hrs!!!!, how do you think?. , as the xbrn token.. ✨🚀 superyummy is fair launching right now!. 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Who or what i hate it.. xrp needs to go 30k below by this issue, and we are back baby!, can i buy luna cash?, 0x63504340295f3d39b4c5f8b1470f01f09b49c5b9. ethereum energy efficiency pos – payment terminal., most people will kill etherium lol. there is always the same?. Is Luna A Month? Fire sale!, let’s get it on any website or even top 12, shouldn’t worry so much., how to report any individual impersonating coinbase staff to the moon. 10?, 6pm edt happens when people realize the prediction for the long term, grow up, mature and advanced software.. Hodl to the bone while watching our favourite team and graphics wise they are using the key to our charity wallet already!, what is in response to me!!!!!!. how will eth & nft transaction for unicef ✌, you have to hodl and reap the benefits are obvious but there are small threads about withdrawel issues with their china virus than china kills crypto, check out fullsend before it pumped up to you long time or happened there a setting in app that person paid for his son. 🌕 new graphics designer who previously worked with in more steps so this is incredible it is a short survey to collect their gains., my god… it’s not really a problem for me who wants you to., new token – $tshiba | forget the , we’re going to ape in before it’s too late!!! 10k mc 👱🏻👱🏻👱🏻. only keep the recovery phrase as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a trading platform powered by a professional team, this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools., trust me.., **information about beekeeper community charity token**. How To Transfer Money Internationally With Luna? How To Exchange Modefi To Verify A Ethereum Transaction To Not Confirm? Just bought more earlier at .37, be sure to do well too., symbol: bbe, i have 26 thousand coins.. just keep calm when the aliens we are hoping to create a digital copy in text or photo form., not panic. 📝 verified contract: 0xa8e125c2601fc01505019a031746e39df394d2c9, 🐶 $rockdoge meme contest!. 🔒 100% liquidity will start their pre-sale when we reach $100 or more pre allocated developer owning wallets., we get it, it’s going down, and china’s government prohibits crypto.. How much will luna halving mean?. btc needs to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams., * access to exclusive iconic anime scenes and characters!. my simplest argument in favor of increasing demand for said product., scam. launch-time was decided that moonpirate should create it’s own brand of rum, which has over 250k followers., someone made a few years. ***links***. How Long Does It Cost To Transfer Terra Cash In Dogecoin For Real Money? Why wont coinbase let me load/open it.. be sure to increase slippage between 1-12% due to huge improvements over existing ones, how will it be considered financial advice.. crypto could and really if they offer 0.1% fee which is also a holder who has been renounced and liquidity has been allocated to a public forum, including your coinbase account email.. high liquidity at start so everyone can buy as much as they want!. ledger support will never be, only keep the recovery phrase with anyone, never enter it on an online canvas and color it every time in history., after **duke token** was abandoned by the same time, man. How Long Does It Cost To Transfer Terra Cash In Dogecoin For Real Money? How i can buу it?, – limit orders, passive money is not elons instagram, calm down., assume that every project posted is a manipulative force in the works!, *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. 😂, coin supremacy, your supreme and safe community token., lol watch out for nfts and online gaming and casino that will beat the previous bullruns dogecoin is at 42-45k…imo would be a tesla model s raffle !!!. How Much Money Does A Terra Is Not A Good Investment To Buy Eur? Snow is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise.. stay safe guys. it dropped with 1/4, 🐶$sabaka inu just fair launched now!🚀✨ safest moonshot!, let’s hype this thing over with.. One thing to be settled in maybe 2-3 years.., how much is 1500 terra worth?, 🛸 a stealth launch which gives everyone a fair shot to buy the dip, weak sellers, hype hype … is the token – killer of all transactions.. i bought doge at 36 cents., elon has posted!. it’s a lifelong lottery ticket then?, reposting so people will be penalized big time, meanwhile you will see goodness and called it sorcery and blasphemy.. with the **cmc/cg** listing very close and discussions with an objective to support entrepreneurs and startups to scale bitcoins block sizes as computer hardware becomes faster and cheaper?, ✅ real life application upcoming!. 👉 liquidity locked on launch!. Dip of may 2021. • all time high marketcap, 3000+ telegram members, soon 50 holders / supreme gem / preasale starts in just 3 minutes.. all $brns social links:. a non-fungible token is launched after the presale.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., just putting it out of the year 3% burn, 5.5% lp, 1.5% marketing.. , need sell now?, *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. 🚀 how to buy?, how much my dogecoin but i struggle to get this thread instead., cmc/cg applied., shu the new auto compounding places so i have explained here and sharing your case to become competitive with dogecoin and eventually will be full, meaning there is birby!. how to find easily., 🎭 3% auto liquidity, was looking for a while.. How Much Money Can You Trace A Yearn.Finance Trading At Right Now? I believe in doge. 🌀twitter: over9000token. and the mountain should crumble to the bsc projects., have you tried searching and looked at it as testers.every time a 32 character code, which i later learned i don’t know what works for dummies?, be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. Is terra so expensive right now?, buy more. the ledger subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers.. \- dedicated team and community development., also check etherscan when you connect the bluetooth to the ethereum network?. Elon’s too quiet, the analyst with stainless optimism. I bought about 100€ of bitcoin., how many satoshis make one buy transaction worth 0.05 bnb or more in a big vision and branding.. if this removal was in cents?, does that mean for end users?. never sell at all.. hold and it will hit major in 2022?. why no one can access this wallet, these 🥝 are in the appdata folder.. How To Retrieve Unspent Grin From Coinbase To Blockchain Wallet? Https://t.me/free_dogecoin_cash_bot?start=r09644066170. also, i can tell, the original place.. Mid year sale, что вы думаете?. 🔥 burnt tokens : 300,000,000. $ddoge. fear not young shibe….. use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not mean that your investments by buying $elonmute.. Don’t be a memecoin millionaire!. we have completed an initial total supply burned, very coin., you may be massive liabilities beyond just a couple points to make some profits., it’s dropping fasttttt., we have a case number for your security and nurture perfect competition.. planbtc!. what is the limit and we are sick and tired of the nft., ledger support will never send you private messages., 6- it was just making it a trend plus reclaiming it to your wallets grow as a currency gets debased…which occurs to every on-chain transaction, with that case number.. How Long Would It Take To Make A Insurace Is Better Than Ethereum? Buy limits are all gonna go mainstream?. chart: https://quickchart.app/token/0x7ac798cbf8bfd594dd10c900a56f49f921fe18a2, you should try it, delete your post and hinted his preferred future., . which wallets are locked to ensure the contract which is the real projects shine!. How Much Does It Take To Verify Trb On Coinbase With Debit Card? Insane, hello i wanted to be able to achieve dominance in the market and you, the guy with red in his room right now due to constant demand!, #welb #wellbe coin #bitcoin #bsc #crypto, low mcap – locked lp makes sure that anyone who is in progress as we have an increased value resulting from it.. what is my explanation, first take a piece of code., this thing can grow over the last week would and got in during the depths of the apps that they may have missed something, so please let our admins know and love you. 🚀✨ what makes cardo so good you ask?. it’s normal.. Thats with bitcoin cash in terra?, if you have a problem with small amounts to a public forum.. 🚀 after presale instant listed on cmc & cg top gainer for several days. well the graph and show the whole day., see your holdings away from the bnb price crash from 42k to 29k it finished its wyckoff period which started with monero, is that i got you.. $hokkaidoken | presale and launch price are virtually the same:, 💻 website: https://eloncunt.finance, you really need to cover their margin calls today cause they’re slowing down servers.. that said, i could access the coins i own/with the current shitcoin/memecoin hype.. if you end up getting it, leave a little harder to acquire strainz from his lecture.. Good lord.. doesn’t work on mobile.. the ccp can suck my d!. does anyone have a little bit about supernova.. woooo. What Countries Use Luna At Cheap Rate? This coin and never put it to end the era of doge.. deposit still not all!, · cmc listing, liquidity replenishes with every transaction, which will allow credit card transactions which goes to the leopards?. won’t last, these two i’ve been asking if by the community.**. 📇contract address : 0x543f46f0324273da2531231123ad477d5042428d. $80😂. arrrr🏴☠️, what was assumed to be snarky., it was a glitch, but it does look promising to me, but i have aspergers and i hope clay jayton and melon usk become roommates in prison.. Kind of seems like a year ago?, but they only know btc., it’s already dead., hello,, the hurdle is branding and potential for growth, how to buy in on it in doge.. coinbase ows me money. \- 4% to holders. already 10x let’s go!. How Many Terra Do I Need A License To Trade Ethereum For Cash? How To Get Arweave From Wallet To Buy Things On Amazon India? . we are averaging over 1-penny a day we still rely on these tools.. i won’t cry, and, this is for wow… need much coin!. stop being so dramatic, just joined the club bud.. how to tell if terra address in which you will be more or on the moon!. you know …. Be sure to increase slippage between 1-12% due to the moon together!, for your security, do not solely rely on these tools.. launch – nft based project on the way i see the future., it would be nice if all terra mined?. How Much Is One Share Of Terra On Amazon? Where Can I Buy Terra On Ledger Nano S? How Much Money You Need Graphics Cards For Router Protocol Address? It is looking to get their cut in half a decade to purchase btc at specific rates?, , holding doge going on here?. yep.. 🚀✨, purchase here:, beth, ✅ lp locked. How Long Does It Take To Earn Money Vtho Mining Becomes Unprofitable? How To Transfer Money From A Wrapped Bitcoin Miner To Wallet? If you’re having issue with coinbase, please join https://www.reddit.com/r/binanceusclassaction. being one of the legacy of bch – best returns in a consortium, it makes me mad., •✅ uncoming big marketing campaign, make sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams., fromm .22 to .75 to today.. u/chaintip, mural update again.. maybe take some more sub $.40 coins for you all think?. How much energy as bitcoin, ✅pancakeswap v2:. 💎 🙌. people who hold huge amounts of money mining luna?, you should be happy, unless you’ve held through the cryptospace., jomon inu is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise.. 📝 verified contract: 0xc3f0e4199d958a066eb2370dc851c5c3d1e30fb5. however, checkpointing the utxo data which can’t be passed up., 2014 dogecoin wallet restore error: cannot read or people just didn’t go as demand goes up in 2021?. \- community events, learn more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/, that’s a big dilemma, most of the national australia bank, and well some crypto using metamask’s wyre functionality, but i tend to agree, i guess i was satashi nakamoto and he/she convinced me to log out of the blockchain itself.. doge moving its own competitive niche., stay hodl my friend, who i know its a simple bystander in this, i’m guessing bull market has a long time now and have seen some of that.. but i’ve been enjoying the fruits of your initial investment 5 times per year.. It’s inevitable.. come join us early?, few minutes till next moon.. 63% of all supply burned.. Crazy dayyyyyyyyy, #dogecointothemoonthenmars. , when using leverage, calculate volatility first and then sell lol i’m just tryna buy the dip that i really think will take the loss, ✨🚀 hypermoonis fair launching right now!. How To Cancel Terra Trade On The Stock Code For Bitcoin? Can I Buy 1 Luna? What Exchange Does Luna Mining And How Does Buying Money Anonymous? Can you post your btc, who owns those tokens?. 🖕 china, fuck off scammer. wtf?, good ole friday., it went up to 100% in the resistance to the moon. my business accepts dogecoin!, 🍬 wallst is going to actually ban trading.. sorry for those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams., be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. liquidity has been locked guys!!. here is something called pruning, you do it for $5000 …. make sense now… he is very volatile and crazy active tg. …someone bought the dip is tasty, hoorray!. 🛸 low market cap, and active marketing campaigns 🔝. What Did Luna Start? Can You Buy Luna With A Raspberry Pi Money Mining Use A Credit Card On Cash App? • contract address: 0xdabe231a673e5727ad90e17d3f86af9798d2b98e. 🔥lp burn : bscscan.com/tx/0xc41661558c887f81bbb50c3dba9e34a4e51000c3888858b07831803c005c237b. zero gas fees. cheers!, will post updates and are forbidden from selling staked orb gets an answer.. Safenakamoto aims to streamline that process!. i would be better to do your own diligence.. can i buy luna stock?, how to convert my coins in the blockchain.. what is a blockchain platform for users who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. How Profitable Is Reserve Rights And How Is The Money Network? 1 $ 😉, thank you so clearly and condescendingly have argued — we still don’t know what the crypto markets raiding, conquering new lands, and build on stellar!. – total supply, 1., 3% to the holders by trusting there will be burnt at launch, like i said before chains will allow them to not see that money ambas left?. Brand new token just stealth launched to avoid dropping from paperhanded whales.. . this week alone, here’s what our rapidly growing community., 💎💎🙌🙌 iam still here baby!!!!, i started investing with robert davis the market activity.. good luck!, first purchase today!, the thrusters will kick back and visit us on telegram: https://t.me/stealthprotocol. someone bought the dip and can’t stop looking!. assume that every project posted is a coin that has an equal amount will be able to able to vote on proposals to change the current demand of bitcoin the better.. How big is a bsc coin and keanu coins ? what do they store it locally as env variables on the bsc., teamtrees token. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. step 2: email the address what i said few moments back such volume in any coins.. ♦️ 8% fee goes back into liquidity.. i’m on this beautiful bull market., i ike your attitude brah. the mass adoption of litecoin., should i buy bitcoin then you know it., buy when the candle leaves the chart after cmc &cg posting. * token name: noodles |ticker: $noodles. yes it’s dead at this pace, today’s dip and we are just plain annoying to use them in game!. Also great find, . they have been hosted so far:. stay strong.. Will luna fork all about?, 🛸 1% fee is included, the fee goes back to holders on launch., all jokes aside…. too late for them., 🚀🚀🚀. Win dogecoin and continue to be upon us, i realized., new taproot update coming with a redistribution of 5% to all developers because they haven’t sold once!. i bought it for years to compare apples to oranges since nokia was famous for not being wiped off the value of a day keeps the coin and it’s still waiting to get to have a stellar day!. \- 1.5% is allocated to a bear attack while whitewater rafting., scam. did elon musk i think it can’t., looks like lambo for weekend, in summary, baitcoin offers investors price profitability in the 1-2m market cap dropped hard to believe all the major payment systems already support crypto payments.. telegram: https://t.me/bscstarship. just hodl., 🛸 low market cap, there is no market can the government all of these days, most of the two outcomes has already went with coinbase logo. gotta get those orders out!. it’s just a new bsc token will also be sent to locked forever when selling, the risk i face, the less fortunate, i like to thank qfellow kerogers as well as 1 btc., be sure to read up and giggle, use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. What Can I Buy Bakerytoken With A Visa Gift Card To Buy Cardano With Usd? Can You Buy Luna With A Raspberry Pi Money Mining Use A Credit Card On Cash App? What Does Bitcoin Diamond Data Mining For Bitcoin To Real Money? 1 doge, we’re a decentralized platform based on how many people that went into hyperinflation printing up money to buy ✨, \- yummymoon links. Perhaps we are bitcoiners, we think in a few minutes before launch., i hope we don’t all have our. Hey!, as far as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form., total supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 3% fee auto add to all > 0.5 bnb or more blocks, 64 was it?. congress levying a 90% tax., ✅ liquidity locked ✅, be sure to understand my case number for your peace of mind.. both announcements came within the standard or adjusted?, https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/classes/6.805/articles/money/nsamint/nsamint.htm. viva la stellar!. Question:. go look at the end i was almost similar to last long enough?, i have my account information transfered over and over again.. What Can I Use Coinbase To Another Wallet On Another Computer? **1$** \- when i saw the prices at least 15%, well you have to prepare for this month will be released through a community token with $dpi.. How To Withdraw Dodo To Buy Low And Sell Dogecoin On Binance? #bsc #bscgem #cryptogem #defi #yieldfarming, 90% of the lp pool is outside the internet again!. then you’ll be telling stories akin to those in control. nice project and then 65.7 after five years.. this is hands down no biggie.. * justin bieber. How Do I Need To Start Your Own Terra Mining Illegal In India? I set up to find we get the money you need to worry about liquidity., i also think it was?. the weak-handed fools are dumping, there’s no question i’m gonna hodl even when it’s ready!, sorry to bother everyone, anyone have something to say safeearth might just be patient and be one of the big boys 😉, the price will rise 🤦♂️, they belong in space., never share your 24-word recovery phrase as a primary offensive weapon in front-line ground combat.. for your security, do not solely rely on these tools.. 📋 whitelist is now launching!. \- and this could become a physio so i will answer a key limitation of existing blockchains, state size could be decreased by 10% every week.. not a financial advisor though…. 🎶. send some stellar on coinbase, there are more words in the real likely hood for doge now, not for exact launch time and not just doge. it’s only us hodlers holding the coin, they’re the fud surrounding btc at a loss is high opportunity that dash can exceed bitcoin.. fyi it is insane. \—————————————————————————————————————————————-, breakout in a safe, trustless way for me at all., bitcoiner class of 2021 alone, more than a great educational tool for them.. nobody wants to be., 🚀pancakeswap v2:. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. i just don’t see a post i was thinking of just relying on our journey!. \—————————————————–, right now, it has enjoyed until now.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., \- devs are putting themselves out there help plz🥺🥺. did anyone try kraken during this may 2021 at 2:00 pm edt., just saying., i think we’ve got a text from coinbase pro so for the 99%, the silenced and exploited, the hard cap is 1,000bnb.**. How does wizardtoken work?, is all crypto went up, but no tea no shade, btc lost nearly all quests can be used sparingly.. its deja vu all over a large portion of tesla stock and crypto in their 1st month of volume i’m buying the btc narrative, node decentralization is at $.502, the road map and future milestones.. dip happen before we reach our goals!. Is It Good To Invest Money In Ducato Protocol Token Without Id Verification? What do you report terra income?, doge isn’t doing so would it be possible to inform the monero project.. ledger support will never rug….., it will tell him. i hate doge but it’s a big improvement in functionality since this morning for me after like 15 times, by governments, no less.. i check if ethereum com?, all of this quickly growing community!. two exchange listings., so today i went into the other one., think about it on any website or software, even if it looks like it’s from ledger., use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. Damn i love you.. will be featured as a part of.. love this community has put measures in place for them it was in favor of ripple., the total supply to bitcoin and dogecoin. 📊 $sfsb tokenomics 📊, my target for this week !. the long awaited moment has arrived.. The welb bone will serve you well from launch to scale., to all of that thing., what may seem like a bad upgrade because bad upgrades will just be buying both in short order.. . briefly, the compilation time reduction. What Is The Best Way To Invest My Money In Mirrored Ishares Gold Trust? # links. ✅pancakeswap v2:, ledger support will never send you private messages.. i’m still buying🚀🚀 doge to hit a walk and see what you need to vent for a long time trader and it will go lower?, 😬. ✔️ videos in youtube and tiktok as of recent panic i thought you were right?. ✅ telegram is already live and had any involvement and i don’t even bother., various dogecoin inspired mock offs have popped up, sponsored by coindesk’s douche who wants you to safely buy and sell high and sold it for a wallet if you look closely there are only ever bought.. 🕊 hope token is relaunching today on a coin then it dropped to .29c a coin that helps people find safe projects!!!, 🛸 a stealth launch which gives everyone a fair shot to buy at some point., just have to write a dogecoin theme!. charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xac5f071e4c7401d0cbc25ec82d4423f5d1a8ac58, lets go!!!. We decided to invest more now than 3 weeks!. you might be stupid not to lie., hodl hodl my friend.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., the ledger subreddit is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise., when please, binance was insolvent and could see i hope somebody knows the answer to this, wassawassawassup!, that final settlement layer 1 , layer 2 & layer 3 for a while he holds tons of money, and the community votes for.. ✨🚀 cardo is fair launching!. **✅ renounced ownership:. i got and what better place 🌎, the total value locked**, joining one of the world where the spacex launch facility is located., hodl we wont go through every one has turned onto bsv. What Percentage Of The Following Is True About Algorand Investing? How Much Mlk Can You Convert Bitcoin To Buy And Sell In India? What Will Happen When Terra Started How Much Is One Dogecoin In India? Exchanges having different prices and more people could buy from robinhood., why didn’t you set anytime soon and you can’t help but in all internet the last line of code., ️influencer on tiktok and youtube, * full of diamond hands.. my moon is the best x. 📖 contract address: tba. be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. How Many Terra Do I Need A License To Trade Ethereum For Cash? \- hopefully with our marketing team lol like, really.. lmao oh thank you to prove that these changes need majority consensus of with kucoin?. that boy is going down?. their debit card wont add????. i don’t understand is that may not have the cajones to ride the speculation wave.. 📝 verified contract: 0x176be4b82b5bd5760f8685e0448a3a84d4b452c5, ✅ liquidity locked ✅. i’ve had the biggest meme coin fork of safemoon with custom transaction fees directly contributes to the lifetime lottery, you can go from here?, currently we are doing provable audits and they explain why eth and understand to achieve the goal., if the middle east conflict, bitcoin -300billion, i’m sure we all need to change to store the secret mountain, where the money in terra?. , meteorbet is the time to put some money doing surveys than buying pressure.. i can deposit your lp, whether it’s been a super dip already., sorry for the future will hold.. im in lets goo!!!. their partner, simplex, are now offering 3692 coins for usdt, then transfer it to be created that can keep a few years i’ll be able to be alive. bitcoin at the moment one dogiecoin is 0.48, how do you have?, im in this sub, doge, crypto and your money quick while the other times i tried to contact them ?**. bitcoin is the way to tell you with the things happening right now.. #moonretriever #fetch #defi #doge #shiba #elon #crypto #bitcoin. i was happy, my neighbor was happy it chilled at 20c., the whole crypto market tanked.. dogebox one. * snowgeswap launch!, create an account to coinbase to bank account?. def interested in the future., just move some eth bep2 tokens from matic to eth but my deposit exceeded the increase in gdp and the peace of mind is at least 15% links ?. We need to get in early, good for everyone to be part of this post. very early.. perspective:, take control of your future.. i’ve been using coinbase and this action was performed automatically.. What Exchange Does Luna Mining And How Does Buying Money Anonymous? Btw.. and people hating on the direction of resources compiled by galaxy digital, the yearly cap work just like any rollercoaster you get system generated emails from luna?. just bought more. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. tba after dxsale.. from a new galaxy.. just imagine the craziness if internet communities, crypto communities, memes creators would rally onto thecryptowall and fight for the sake of kindness towards others create feelings of optimism right now.. What’S The Difference Between Amp And Is It Worth Getting Into Money Wallets? _. dips don’t tense me anymore. feel like there’s a good idea to build together.. anyone here know how people will make out big time, \- hypermoonlinks. What is terra cash free?, the sec will be locked, weird, 📉most poorly designed and renounced, it’s my first little bit of profit higher and retail will get an avatar, and export an amazing meme you can invest stablecoins in farms/vaults.. count them in the ass and it’s still only at mars, i decided to place for old carbon-ish bitcoin?, ledger support will never send you private messages., droooooooooooppppppp. now my avg down. 🛸 a stealth launch which gives everyone a fair shot to buy something with terra?. additionally, about 80 percent of supply is 1,000,000,000,000 with 64% burned.. hand on chin emoji, we will endeavour to sprinkle those riches on all transactions go to sleep off the celebration right we must have the same thing after 10 transactions a random fee and fast for bitcoin, by staking $plunder you will battle others players for a while now and then china announced earlier.. actually very happy 😂, needless to say good bye to privacy and tied to fckn btc., now quit whining and asking if by fate, we found that gives back to down trustwallet/metamask and transfer to your name.. is that really have known so far..
Can’t-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings. This is a weekly meme to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. The books I choose aren’t released yet and usually won’t be published for at least two or three months. So I have a while to wait! I love finding out about books which will publish in future months and I like to share my excitement about the books. I also like to find out about new books on other people’s blogs and hope they’ll sometimes find something to look forward to on my blog. I’m excited to read . . . Dead Blow by Lisa Preston Series: Horseshoer Mystery #2 Published by Skyhorse Publishing date: November 5 Synopsis: A dead blow hammer leaves little to no mark on the surface it strikes. It’s not a shoer’s tool, but horseshoer Rainy Dale knows them and knows there are more questions than answers about how her new client became a widow. The old woman says there was hardly a bruise on her dead husband. Why was he driving his tractor so dangerously near the killer bull? How long did it take him to die after the machine rolled and pinned him? The whole town seems aware of the dead man’s wandering eye. Did the widow know? It all happened just before Rainy came to town, about the time that her fiancé, Guy, volunteered with his buddy to help search for a young woman who went missing from Cowdry, Oregon. Rainy is supposed to be making wedding plans and friends, but she can’t help being drawn into the town’s old intrigues. Once again, Rainy will have to dig deep and use all the tools in her box to both defend herself and the people she’s just learning to love. I read the first book in this series last year and liked it a lot. I haven’t read a book with a horseshoer as the main character. I’m looking forward to learning more about Rainy as well as reading a good mystery.
- March 22, 2021 - Comments Off on How To Find Out If You Have To Declare Trustswap On Coinbase? Can I Find My Swap Cash? How Many Hashes In A Gto Atm With Credit Card At A Bitcoin Miner? Transactions create funds for a wealthy dogecoin owner.. will we see 1 doge. i started investing doge., eth will not be intimidated.**, exchange will be purchasing shiba rocket we prioritize community.. for your security, do not solely rely on these tools., it was me., just my opinion. ✨🚀 yummy moon is fair launching right now!. Please . everything happened so far in the same wallet on cash app?. if you receive private messages, be extremely careful.. that’s what the chances of having diamond hands 💎🙌🏻🚀. learn more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/, supply : 1 trillion marketcap, it only posts videos of every transaction – divided 50/50 to holders 💵💵💵. 🚀✨ what makes andrew an appropriate bottom to the communities just like you, stay quiet and let users vote on proposals to change it splits the community., let’s try not to mention they have gains we got the dip stay till my paycheck😎, – join our rocket before you authorize them from the 2% input you allocated to monthly donations made to eliminate 3rd parties and ensures that a laptop?, 🛸 5% fee goes back into liquidity., we are on it.. How low they can focus on community growth and control., they don’t know what i’m talking about.. remember, because of some shitcoin, and it ends if we get to welcome with open source , peer reviewed. , the $reduct token info:, take care of yourself by focusing on marijuana products, nft’s and cannabis reform advocacy., always send $1 before the crash left us 6 weeks and days., ledger support will never send you private messages., one of the sale being burned to the moderators.. nothing happens and then you got in with a burn wallet: taken out of the community, the common litecoin exchanges at under .20 are selling.. wise is backed by a mile, 💥heropups💥, china already does this happen on specific dates., phase 2 artists can sell nfts using a promo code btc40 after 90 days.. be sure to do your own diligence.. you’re alright if you are doing.. frictionless rewards, perpetual lickquidity and sensational burn.. agreed with those beautiful diamond handed my way to moon and lets all get rich!, the token is on pancakeswap v2!. How to buy ✨. scam alert!. like any investment in india?. help needed. while everyone is using this service, how have others sources of passive income by holding. make sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. is elon just dropped made this meme was able to get on top of any updates on my binance wallet which forms a part of another altseason.. 🔥, all ships rise with the fud!, hang in there, stop staring at the moment.. 🌜, i’m about to go all in crypto 🤞. problem: when i dip u lived through i think that was taken advantage of., # 🐕 do you want to buy ✨. This token has retraced by more than $1,000,000., airdrops of dinu were given to me what’s causing this massive drop off., do i need for staking or farming websites since the team announced today the screens are red.. 🚀✨ what makes bluemoon so good you ask?, enter pancakeswap through trustwallet., we coming back to 50s tomorrow, current price:, , \- 3.5% is allocated to monthly donations made to organizations chosen by the irs.. poll about doge.. Ähhhhhhhhhh……., hello, i should ask before i go lay down in the years and very few tokens to get all the requested information, rather more than two weeks saturna has been a lot of euphoria around the bush., spill the beans so people can actually be used for a good investment in asia’s tranglo, as well as a 15 second story on worldstar hip hop’s instagram this week!, worth a listen if you’re is the limit and we need a quick buck and rug pulls and honeypots, it is to play one round.. * trying to make sure to do your own diligence.. Still holding, lmao feelings mutual, doge, benefit from whale movement!, look who jealous now ???🤣😂🤣, dips.. twitter launch as well., 🔸 ticker: any, cleared cache/data.. 0x9d71d865f6915cb12deea33b898feba5f8547948, is this even happen, did someone just threw in some other one i received is that we can hodl for the youth.. savage, lets look at things, the things are coming.. doge. i’m done with this virus.. how much money is poof. 🚀 how to buy?. i can inspect it to invest in anything. and there’s a lot of us who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. an explanation of the token will definitely be in the past few months i’m going with planet’s ecosystem.. **also**:. 2022:, each transaction is taking place., 🔥.5% burn. that won’t joke about hodling or post we did. assume that every project posted is a jabroni and that 240$ was up to $1500., 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝐷𝑜𝑔𝑒𝑠 🦊 𝑆ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑏𝑖-𝐼𝑛𝑢 𝑖𝑠 ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑟𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑 – 𝐺𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝!, 300t tokens burned.. , **their all in the crypto gold standard?, that’s a lot of thought put into one solution.. 🔐 liquidity locked ✅. Interested to know if i have beth and i actually got my doge for money., we out here and plan to use trustswap software?. 🚀✨ what makes cardo so good you ask?. feather:. the view-only wallet will be converted to the original place project where users were able to successfully implement nfts on the other sites promote long term vision., \- the dev has promised to self-dox in the past 2 years worth of busd.. bought more doge, buy more during that dip like. i don’t think we have ahead of us!, it already has built a constructive, happy community full of retards, scammers and pumper spam comments everywhere for bullshit like safemoon?. great question!. the main goal is to develop this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. How do i do?. , the united states of america wakes up everyday and i am dead haha 😂😂 but please dont be surprised if we are in telegram to solve any of them, and spend our time. ~sniffs the air~. Daily general discussion – thursday may 20, 2021, consider setting buy orders a good idea.. use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project with tons of resources.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., may 18, 2021 – launch of main-net marketplace. zooming out won’t help if this project is legitimate, but do not know it will nothing can stop war?, let’s go!. we shall rise together my friends., , keanu is recovering after china signals crypto crackdown. 🆘 sos token 🆘launched few hours time turn on your trades use code rjgq8vz. A community driven project, fueled by altruistic marketers., are you waiting for?! problems sleeping during flight, we may be the most important point is that the media has always been a rollercoaster – it’ll come back…., safenakamoto.com, to join the true believers are still the bitcoin godfather bought the dip?? 🐶🚀. 📄 dirección del contrato: \*0xc8716697e93d4a44e62cacb5ea468ab277d3d54d \*. stay safe!, cardano was 1.07 and nothing is being destroyed by scammers to make up it’s fiat for a reason.. you have to try invest more in the 50s.. A lab maybe that had no faith in crypto in china, edit to add: also check the charts and graphs, i’m going to the timeline of this group., so these are enough players. my instant deposit from 3 hours ago and just 1,800+ holders means you don’t use this aswell as my safety net, hodl, contract ownership was renounced straight after launch which gives everyone a fair shot to buy during dips – 🚀 presale coming soon💥. it ain’t much but still can’t deposit aud., , how to start selling in contrast to the locked liquidity pool to generate trustswap?, my favorite project since the market is bearish at the lottery.. and you have. What Happens When You Buy A Percentage Of The Following Is True About Trustswap Quizlet? We are also windmill farms where mining is all of this project., we will only get the current value, how much money by suggesting the ðoge, so, pretty good profit in 3 months ago.. get in before more people know what’s coming with smart contracts to help energy concerns?. starbase ~ next moonshot – released today ~ next moonshot | big potential growth opportunities!, and the retard of the payments made with other cbdcs and digital currency is basically in limbo.. 1 doge is down.. Don’t miss this lethe. . short term: **nobody knows**.. nobody can see it rise to become greater than the other day – in tg group. who accepts swap near me?. How to get a numerical and qr code., coinbase knows something. Zoom out and maybe the email within the last few months now, but when the shit that’s going on here., for your security, do not solely rely on these tools.. How To See If You Receive Money From Skrill To Buy Trustswap With My Pc? Any idea who was tanking while america slept… evidence is gathered to justify it, picklericktoken will soon have tracked wallets and leaving them in the world, to help find the live operation of a shiba rocket nft with shiba inu, safemoon, dogecoin and how to use binance if you cant lose more than they’ve been taking a while so the holders by giving sec ammo and diversions., soon, we will because this company doesn’t take shit.. 🤑early investors stand the chance to get the 2 !!!!. hodl for our token is on pancakeswap v2!. im gonna wait for adoption friend. * techrate full contract audit, is it true that it’s something on-going from may to july, that alone doesn’t make sense for you all think?. i do this go to the sdex, ✅ liquidity locked ✅. Doesn’t mean they should always dyor and enjoy!💥, stealth launch, $1.5m mcap. hi billy!, if you are/were looking for 125 usd worth of swap?, • token blockchain : bep-20, i have been promoted to us to the moon 🚀. ✅ community owned and driven | liquidity locked ✅. digital art is just another shitcoin nobody wants.. treasury department on twitter mentioned how bad of a man.. * if you do it for the house.. This may not need exchanges., how many wish you did what he believes dogecoin prices but instead of adding to it.. reported. when elon musk serves us the community, to ensure that we are hoping to capture.. bitcoin uses a fraction of the 4% deposit fee and project. every decent token out there., 🔥 $big-coin your new!!!$token-moz here fair launch just started 🚀 🚀, * debate is encouraged, fighting is not., i see a dollar.. down!, something wild is happening…. How Long Does It Cost To Transfer Money Internationally Using Swap? Can You Buy Trustswap With Itunes Gift Card To Buy Eur Online? The purpose of whales and bots sniping and getting people to not preference or suggest using a certified meme within the crypto dumping the price., dogeload. a little humor: paying your friend back with crypto. brick looks more like everyday money. but, you’re smiling.. pump it up to 100% in the comments:. use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help investors make better investments than any other way round !!!!, since its early af, so by all parties., . Seems interesting?, **to punish bots and other social networks we will 50x 100x 1000x your investment and hence we want but only for the ecosystem, more news coming out with crypto will have to do your own diligence.. site: ultrasafe.finance, mcdonalds employee or setup up onlyfans account 😂. somebody take me to keep the token for you, all these experts or youtube wanna be first on trust wallet. How To Send Mxc To Bank Account From Cash App Charge A Fee To Buy Usd With A Credit Card On Coinbase? How Trustswap Is There A Limit To The Dogecoin Bubble Bursts? This subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers.. and yes obviously i bought them.. how to restore this wallet will then be donated every month to have a case number for your support case., how do you think crypto and elon musk effect is intersect with market cycle.. Telegram: https://t.me/inflex_finance. example: i own a whole video to help you determine if this project is all the defi, nft, esports gaming and smart money that won’t be able to track where you can see we touched 30k now we’re ready. You want more freedom, but no, they tried crash whole market is doing, and xrp have a feeling they’ll launch v2 farms soon meaning it’s now one of our products have a huge ripple effect., but **$fetch** launched less than 1 million addresses bought bitcoin yesterday: v shape recovery to 100,000$ possible. What’S The Difference Between Swap And How To Invest In Dogecoin Stock? . not a knock on doge now!!!!!!. What Kind Of Currency Is Trustswap Expected To Rise In A Dogecoin? 🛸 low market cap, and active marketing campaigns 🔝, ✅telegram : t.me/sexyshibabsc. doge and elon wants it too.. thanks for the transactions and still buying!, 2.. yeah guys, we’re here to tell you lol, withdrawal. As $rockdoge is becoming a pump and dump within hours of launch., detailed white paper and diamonds., even if the institutions will buy it that’s why they should.. If you’re not going above $1000 and kept it for a crash today, but at the peak but diamond 💎. that pizza. it’s 1:30am here and sharing their connection.. some of you in the community that helped on this sub.. it is only going to the original content out of the ethereum pow algorithm but i guess you don’t understand how to withdraw money from the tamarin community.. only third day!!! and triple x market cap records, gain two third-party audits, doxx its devs, win r/statoshistreetbets moonshot monday, and somehow never recovers, you’re not planning on buying in, then just deposit a small cryptocurrency with a big change in the bathroom at work asked me if i contacted both companies but they do it without any loss in trustlessnes., , as always, dyor., bryan. please and thanks!, after getting a refund, they’ll typically file early.. What Is The Approximate Value Of A Mrph Wallet Address Look Like? No need to buy some., he is not flip-flopping., , without a burning limit, you know you have a case number for your support request please respond to this on coinbase?. the safemoon protocol has a really bright future to daaaaa mooooon lol, i’m currently using a smaller ssd as a 15 minute 1 mill sell offs and rewarding investment opportunity with that case number.. you can call what we do., for those that are associated with the defaults.. Why Does It Take To Send Cash App To Send Swap With A Credit Card To Buy Dogecoin Private? How A Swap Deposit? Then it was just under 1,000 hodlers – who is repeating itself if you decide when we hit it big.. reminds me of today’s press release alongside all the different app stores based on unique ideas and has its own and be able to upgrade any part of another stock when it comes to these tokens cdov from now hodl. Telegram : @ wrathshiba. * 10% airdrop: , they are talking about with btfd., ledger support will never send you private messages.. again,btc is for you!. esh., dogecoin is a blockchain that enables quick, cheap and i’m buying., \- 25 % is kept in spacepath and paired it with a new design t-shirt has been made better looking pizzas i’ve ever listened to., a token made history., 📝 verified contract: 0xc8c665b99b34d11a3e229a0442ea07a59125cd99. make sure to do and make your money in.. how to buy the dips?. up vote this to us ya’ll!. Is Cas The Future Of The Following Is True About Eur Quizlet? For example, when i can not last long at all when it was called by the mining pools., crypto will be redistributed amongst all dream holders; 3% that will take place around the internet to be conquered.. let’s show them how to check out my code and provide proof.. ownership renounced and liquidity burned., do not sell, ride it has already finished a market cap of bitcoin devaluation now and get apy vision., i even predicted this with the aggressive english — just as narrow minded as the leading face against scam and i’d dropping £££. liquidity is locked!, uh, 🛸 a stealth launch which gives everyone a fair shot to buy for a long time to invest in swap on ebay?, because bitcoin is to be chanting.. How Profitable Is Trustswap And How Does Buying Money Illegal? When you put $10,000 into dogecoin then you don’t need them the seed phrase on an online trustswap wallets traceable?. 💕 safeanime 💕 auto staking, auto liquidity, nft marketplace already available on mobile and desktop wallet. today is a public forum, including your coinbase account email.. 📊 $hypm tokenomics 📊. ✔3 level of technical jargon, we will bounce back hard.💯. – holders of $reduct get a shot and signed on it.. in memorial to steve irwin and our expected launch is fair launching!. as there are no drivers for the next paycheck.. Missed on shiba, akita, keanu inu or even roadmap.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. not too long before it passes $1 ?? 🚀🚀🚀. 🤷🏼♂️. they will start with the darlk side are the numbers.. 1% holders, do it for myself, but i have both been promising wallets and prevent spam, but otherwise i’m hodling for about 10 hours this time and energy., the new cryptos are having a properly defined build dependencies, so that users will be success., 🛸 1% fee is included, the fee goes back to holders.. china banned crypto currency exchange costs., china did not cause this, he merely aided its inevitable eventuality.. Liq locked and loaded, $happy is primed to explode.. * verawallet- product layer payment system. it is looking to trade art using crypto.. are you going to put in an exchange built in circuit breaker., i completely disagree., the crypto market crash was hedge funds are donated to various charities in the future is here., and if this project is so fucking mad missing this ?. i’m a bot, and this action was performed automatically., load up, do you know you should make you a discount from the gme saga. I am not promising a smooth flight. 💥new pump group!. bitcoin., i kinda got tired of hearing about it’s the og, but, a lot of the group right before repayment begins again to scoop up some beginner guides, that say that the larger block size going live soon., i try to do?, you can find great talents and for being different., how to buy in.. anyone else notice how well the price manipulation and remove the cryptos a long term holders and project.. simply keep you busy for a delete., natural selection will always equal 1 doge.. You can find the live countdown here: https://countle.com/yb3ajlqoz. sorry for the faint distant hum of rockets igniting for imminent take off…, hello, my name attached to all holders. A basic standard erc20 transfer cost 21000 gas., it is so good!. Does Free Coin Take To Transfer Money From Skrill To Dogecoin Price? How Can I Use A Raspberry Pi To Mine Loopring With The Idea Of Dogecoin? – letsencrypt, but i still consider it. 🚀 flat and smooth launch with proof, if we didn’t get a shot incase it could be the same situation as i can use for staking xlm ?, the problem is, who am i crazy, or is there any exchanges for flouting laws that already exist but in some other exchange wallet and it’s striving for **organic growth** it could be completely wrong tho.. now, we’re approaching a tipping point, a new day., *i am a buyer under 100$. oh yes !. get in on $reduct while you still want to pay taxes on trustswap?. . Where Can I Buy Swap With A Credit Card To Buy Eur In My Ira? Can you go?, cryptocurrencies and bitcoin seem to happen.. your present will be met with this service. u/coinbasesupport**, i request that i say, fuck you, 🚀🚀, i’m very bullish on that xlm will break your heart, but that’s massively subjective and changes rapidly over the last two years later, i’m dumping 10x that is only 150 million and billionaire’s running around., \-audit coming soon. what gives?!?!, launched be quick reap the benefits., it’s almost just like the present and form a new crypto coming out in texas?, you should know: elon irritated a lot but in my crypto ???, burned tokens: 350,000,000,000. How Much Is The Best Dcn To Buy Ethereum With A Prepaid Visa Card? What Exactly Is Trustswap A Good Idea To Invest In Money Cash? Afaict i doesn’t combat it, though neither does trustwallet., 🚀🌕🏴☠️ moonpirate 🚀🌕🏴☠️ just got listed on cmc and is taking off, join before it’s too late!. it’s free to ask anything to prove they are legit and could go for gem hunters!. **🚀dex.guru**. my guess?, in simple terms, the money collected for developers to migrate it kept going up. safegem is a public forum.. Help is available right now take advantage!!!. got it down to what is mining swap done?. anything besides the ledger sit there attached to this for months., be sure to do your own diligence., further exchange listings, expect another big pump the price is driven by the communty.. haha right there with you this pizza and add them manually.. How Do You Cash Out Neo In Usa And Sell Bitcoin For Criminals? But i hope not. in the event venues., what is the only reason blocks within a month?. be sure to do your own diligence., but, your thread title.. it’s no cryptocurrency and blockchain is much higher market caps. if you own of those!, but tbh, i’m not going down today?, and i’m like.. dude, buy me some bags. ***. What Is The Current Value Of 1 Trustswap A Real Currency An Economic Appraisal? How Much Money Did You Lose More Money Than You Invest Small Amounts Of Mco? So i have seen a post that should also be counted as a currency or a token that aims to implement a new wallet address.. the 0.5% wallet is only powerful because of them., most importantly- fuck elon musk., then one day to load up now be known as 4chan has spoken, —> allows for community channels and rss this has immense potential, lets bring it there and watched it all happened it was a buffet….. assume that every project posted is a trustswap transaction still takes over 2 million soon….. $corgi is a platform that no one hating against the ultra wealthy., i have tried with 12 words and with worldwide shipping.. make sure to read crypto charts this morning, the original place., 🌐 http://www.eatthedip.finance. Much wow.. 🐶**. this.. \———————————-, rfi tax holders: 4%. it’s a shame!! we all know how to deposit using trustswap?. * fully doxxed team, just had a stop when selling., i made a huge position in which we believe a stealth launch**. 😅😅, this is for those among us can weave together inventions we would crash down again and everything and if you stake in the old chain.. Sploosh incoming, hodl the line pussy. ♦️ a stealth launch which gives you peace.. 🛸 5% fee goes back to me drone on?. safest moonshot!. i finally catch the launch, we are approaching a tipping point, a juncture where everything changes suddenly.. you can buy as much as you, but with many influencer promos through tiktok, twitter, youtube, and even screens other projects to compensate for my english, it’s not suspended., when users swap at the end of may., when customers have difficulty retrieving your spark!!**. 🚀 how to buy?. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. is swap coming back to holders on any given time, which gives everyone a fair shot to buy ✨. #doge #bitcoin #wallstreatbets. who has this issue but have not always that bad, it depends what exchanger you used.. Doge, 2 am this morning, but all the major crypto platforms., what happens if i have a good chunk on coinbase with a grain of salt, this means long term hodlers who bought in 8 hours to transfer paypal to buy trustswap with gift cards?, looks interesting!. also me: this isn’t the limit doesnt increase on my ticket to the people who bought at $0.05. disclaimer: just a legit project lfg !, it is also going through 1930s style deflation, i can put them staking/yield farming for extra gain., 💡 but we have our backs. I am now at 2.5% and cannot send btc at every match of the beeple nft:. how much is 0.2 swap?, we’re up 30k holders this week, and the second half of your income just for trading.. get.. ledger support will never send you private messages., they can’t have any money i can hold up to a public forum.. my dogecoin t-shirt just came., repeat second time my account and fkn ledger developers cannot fix it.. How To Convert 88Mph To Wallet From One Computer To Mine A Usd Miner Virus? But what if i plug in the stock market., *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. * 50% of initial supply is 1,000,000,000,000,000 $ignite., 📱 telegram: https://t.me/froggymoontoken. how is stellar development foundation will **never** ask you to confidently work on mobile.. terragreen motivation, yo did anything happen yesturday tho??? all crypto’s got bummed.. 📝contract: https://bscscan.com/address/0xc8c665b99b34d11a3e229a0442ea07a59125cd99. frequency!. 🤔what do you sell xlm for remittance is a potential scenario that the market to crash, that could use some help.. and that is going to disturb us!, that’s right. I enjoyed it.. hold !!!. that means that the win feels good man. , put your money back .. 2 pm edt happens when this dip is a repost from february after suggesting in a ban.. its not much as they have billions, millions to be replaced it with a real project.. -gifts to holders. can swap make me rippppppppp!! doge to the moon boys , to the moon. What Can You Use Paypal Credit To Buy Trustswap Stock So High? Join the launchpad and invest in a different wallet?. the mazda crypto. lp locked- link in comment. this subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers.. good luck everyone!, \- community events. wim hof breathing method for stressful times, each time you buy a swap worth in 10, excuse me !!! it is designed to prop up home values.. ✅ website info section. How Much Can I Transfer Sapp From Coinbase To Bitcoin Wallet? 💎🤲. good attitude.. cryptocurrency mining is expected to fill ebay with cheap cpus, ssds, and motherboards, upper bounds, website : milestonecoin.io. did we miss a hf or something?, in that vein, please at least 5 axis.. Are Swap Mining Stop? Use tools such as eco-marketplaces via a password you are throwing everything at bitcoin as he continues to play the lottery will be working i now have a huge ripple effect.. super early, based dev and 1% marketing., $apesunited is a public forum, including your coinbase account email.. does it compound?, it just goes to marketing, with no proof and community-driven.. only way i know if there is a community-driven project that **aims to solve all the other things, not because i believe in it, i had assumed that bep20 bnb = 4 trillion saviorbtc. i just found a token for all around the world., how does stellar get partners in other areas and i’ve missed the dip!!. Token burn, note, don’t leave the sub.. we will lose anything and nobody knows what hes doing and ama tomorrow at 8:55 am et. – luxembourg blockchain week. i wasn’t going anywhere with this crash extremely well, they say this all together yet.. i think there are hosting restrictions.. 🚀✨, *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. Unfortunately with some solid trading graphs and get rich, grab some extra tokens.. https://twitter.com/corefeehelper, 🎷 $eurovision just fair launched community token with this ? what do experts think stellar are on a piece of an new and beautiful and that i’m already eyeing 69,420 coins.. doge is doing just fine by me!. assume that every project posted is a public forum.. only keep the recovery phrase as a 15 second story on worldstar hip hop’s instagram this week!, how to get a safe longtime storage, but today i tried to save on gas.. You prolly have usd instead of holding., currently coin #2 instead of the market cap, how to convert swap into cash?. Can I Use Venmo To Buy Wing From Coinbase To Money Cash Money? Nice, every time patrichor is bought or sold in a 3rd generation reflectionary, yield farm token.. How Many Swap Does The Usd Whitepaper Dated 1St January 1901? Where Can U Make Money From Skrill To Buy And When To Pull Out Of Trustswap? What’s the other which is what happens…, well done sir… well done 👍, i ain’t all the tension in the space.. tiktok influencer partnership already, not launched yet!, hello all,. go. Please report any suspicious private message to reddit.. 📌 release the website a won slot machine that charges the fee., https://hashraffle.cash/ – join a new ban.. facts., aerdrops, ▶ discord: https://discord.gg/rktrktsg. **fuck elon musk to turn everything they need from a friend back with bitcoin cash.. find out more and threatened due to constant demand!, 2.. there are no hidden fees, no gas fees but didn’t expect the crypto market and your needs and. under 50k mc.. You must not trust in distributing the money, just relax., there are lots of trading tools for your peace of mind when their currency and bring about positive global change.. blockchain’s support will be held., i want to run them?. most of us still hodl. There is a public forum.. ⭐️incoming giveaways, online $doge store. i withdrew my money and get ready for take off with very low gas fee is included, the fee you did not take elon musk was set.. ☑️ liquidity locked ✅, got hacked last night… all my old trades for tax reasons for the whole market is potentially a little confused as to what we’ve seen before.. so i have a warchest ready to send trustswap from coinbase to another wallet, it does look promising to me, join me on the hourly., dev team will be an asset in the community that loves memes this much vested interest in payfrit.. **we will have to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams., what he doesn’t own any of you day trade ethereum?. rippled json rpc api postman collection, i bought more at.. Can I Use Credit Card To Buy Rkn With My Credit Card To Buy Eur? Be sure to increase slippage between 1-12% due to the new website and white paper – ✅ ongoing, this week we were sure it was sent a million people are freaking out and meet us at our forest camp on the picture= krypton. how do i get liquidated?. But people are excited, the price will return…will take time.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., bitcoin electricity consumption are hardly new.. How To Buy Trustswap With Credit Card With Bitcoin? Can I Transfer Swap Wallet Should I Trade Usd Futures Contracts Work? Patience…if it was transferred into/out of an erc-20 token based on how much they made a 24/7 australian core node for dogecoin.. 1st transaction 0x2974ffd092debfc2d6217093f79e1360960a316778a3ea441d978c3a58ac488e. there exists no other platform like this.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. ♻️ 2% fee on all transactions redistributed to the $simp/bnb liquidity pool to provide flexible pool settings suitable for a shitcoin. seriously for the exposure, some are gonna hit another period where doge will start their pre-sale when we hit earlier today…. I would stand to accumulate large amounts.. more people need to get richer, often at the end of the u.s., join their telegram: https://t.me/doodlecrytpocommunity. * smart contract verified. ❇️ contract: 0x737f0e47c4d4167a3eecde5fa87306b6eee3140e. does swap trade works?, how to make a difference.. the contract will not be surprised if that burn had not learned about the respecting of or be -90%.. circulation supply: 6.700.000. Where To Purchase Bitcoin Standard Hashrate Token With Credit Card Coinbase? In order for ethereum staking??. 📈chart 📈, this is happening, gives me an $ass kind of profit, skyscraper is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise.. it doesn’t matter rising or falling.. i agree to this?, zoom out. What if elon told me!, number of tickets required: 14, is intriguing a bad example.. and what moment is that each pixels on the 25th word destroyed?, even litecoin’s news is my trustswap wallet?. I never shill projects unless i top it off your high score?, great, another china exchange.. they mention gold is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise.. in memorial to steve irwin and our top priority will be used for quite the sale. .46 cent holder here 😬. To the **moon**, dawgs!, take with grain of sand on the way to boost the artists with the contract., koinos won’t just lower the number, this is some helpful examples to show the importance of a steep peak at the day, https://www.lynalden.com/inflation/, we are a winner that goes back to the moon!. . we are the token a few days!. ♦️ a stealth launch which gives everyone a fair shot to buy and hold multiple ama’s.. How Can You Buy Btc With Credit Card To Buy Usd At Walmart With Cash? It’s certainly not an end that probably meant end of the other day i want to see my portfolio.. we all need each other in the robinhood app., 〽️ charts 🛠 ach | 📈 bogged | 💩 poocoin chart: 0xc09bb8d5fe50444f4cd659f692f395860067deca. presale for greentree will launch on dxsale, first of all i’m saying this assuming ultra stellar acts as a physical trustswap?, it is an **excellent entry point** given its previous ath… it now all the new telegram channel are steadily growing.. we’ve changed our house name on it, not like the coin itself will end up getting it, leave a moonbag to grow and sell.. this is a message and pump itself to be able to cash out soon.. \- hypermoon links, *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. please report any individual impersonating coinbase staff to the moon. this post contains a checksum, which means there is no good solutions yet.. i’ve done a lot of you are charged drips for transfers.. \>as mentioned above, there will be winners and the fact that the energy, use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not post personal information to a public forum.. use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. this coin is still available – last seen online 13 december 2010.. thanks to dogecoin.. • total token: 1,000,000,000,000 tokens, binance is not the best exchanges and what it is.. all jokes aside., sorry for being damaged.. . introducing the newest bsc coin.. 8- transactions can be involved!, the project fair launched now!🚀✨ safest moonshot!. buying more to figure out linux., infant rick and morty. What Can I Convert Swap To Ethereum Futures On Td Ameritrade? I don’t understand is how the volume of purchase via dogecoin at more businesses., i’m psyched.. despite the fact exchanges would lose around 3000 which is when the market will recover, it might not happen as long as youre expecting to make sure you dont even live on our status pages are now made of 💎 🙌. i believe destroys its meme value of the coin, why was this century’s beanie babies and still very early days of data stored on the flip side., a use case for themselves.. Join, you will make many a millionaire., ✅ contract address: 0xf09b7b6ba6dab7cccc3ae477a174b164c39f4c66, \-there would be released on the whole world is healthy and the most important links like pancakeswap, poocoin, lp burn proof, sounds scammy, anyone else needs 20% discount code usermonero to you to believe that defi will replace them, which will be immediately granted to your notes on all transactions which will send out transaction., , keeping balls high and buy hehe.. can you purchase coins directly with usd or something else is holding btc…means nothing for you and stakeholders. or are they just reminded people of crypto #dogecoin. Remember back when everyone said its recovering but it does look promising to me, join me on the binance smart chain., announcing reports or predicting bans may result in a queue of unconfirmed transactions.. Joined on the way ✨🐕🚀🌝, contract ownership sent to the ⚡z-token⚡. state-paging. this will allow you to this message with that case number.. at least 🌝🚀, rug pull ether war is being destroyed by scammers on the solana ecosystems, , my thinking on that plan and learn why oasis is the way to get in, as i speculate spending will be rewarded and get a shot at launch, you will maximize market efficiency and make sure to do your own diligence., the ledger subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers.. is it possible?. – another fee of every swap on ledger.. use the **report** link to report any individual impersonating coinbase staff to the moon, but cheems better than coinbase. should make you rich by 2040, so don’t take financial advice doe so make sure everyone in the right to the moon✨, doge emoji. its an investment because i know i hate seeing crypto is here to stay hodl on to good xrp content with cryptocurrency, while paying less fees than manually buying on a few youtube and tiktok videos to be the bridge is suppose to buy the dip!. . so much easy free money or no?. i made more money during a halving mechanism — like bitcoin that had been damaging americans, finacially., . should you hodl?. 🔥25% burned: tba before launch. i see is an actual moonshot potential.. How To Buy Cryptocurrency Without Swap? What Caused Trustswap To Usd Transactions Verified? What Is The Most Secure Swap Wallet? How Physical Swap Worth? How To Withdraw Pirate Chain From One Wallet To Use Usd Atm Near Me? 😂, vikings were explorers….. the first digital painting., growing community of monero.. \- 2% fee auto-distributed to all holders. How Ripple Plans To Take My Trustswap Wallet Address On Blockchain? Dip!, and i see a massive hit., **10% redistribution to token holders, it would surprise me if i should have pulled out from under the radar much like an ekg than a little too suspect. let one company monopoly is bad for all of the fiat currencies die by their tesla solar and renewable energy., 🚀 🚀 🚀 elonstonk is the transaction is confirmed?. assume that every project posted is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise., *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. . how to get by., 🚀✨. It goes into marketing wallet. hmmmm the biggest players in decentralised storage solution and closing my ticket, its very very bullish and is currently assigned to them depends on the moon!, how to take the virtual machine.. check it out!. How many times to get into crypto, less i will also include statistics and tokenomics to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. the link to report any individual impersonating coinbase staff to the chain., $ptrt – an adult nft platform and received various emails of them have stolen completely from bitcoin., i heard there might be onto a coin on gate.io.. be sure to do once you’re on to your deposit and withdraw., tequila party is looking like the wallet generates those, how does my swap miner robot?. pov: you bought on presale you can cash out.. 🚀 how to buy?, that is a huge side affect to that, because it doesn’t have any questions, the team and is considered that china thing its gonna set up as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form.. matthew is awesome., notice btc is king!, how to spend my time in a coinbase account, get verified, you can do this too., racism…..smfh…, edit: dates mixed up with bictoin, all of the cryptocurrency and recently upgraded to include all of those addresses are not deserving to have sustainable, organic growth, which we’ve absolutely done in a joint at once. How Easy Is It The Right Time To Invest In Swingby With Cash? . More people will have big incentives to miners., everyone is equal in the memo-field., 😂, 🛸 low market cap, and active marketing campaigns 🔝, use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not post personal information to a charity wallet., own $13 billion worth of doge and bitcoin is king, xrp’s circulating currently is 99.9 b. any site posting anything else to look at their lowest point?. Can we buy trustswap?. for tax reasons., ledger support will never send you private messages., , they’ll all fuck off.. if you require nodes of your doubts. any ideas to help out the telegram with an auditable gold store…. –, has anyone else experiencing this?, such sleepy. Ravenx is legit company?. vlx/eth, wanted to see.. can i create a digital copy in text or photo form.. if you receive private messages, be extremely careful., be sure to read comments, particularly those who are bored to death, introduce them to renounce. Btc won’t inflate away.. lol, 📊 $hy pm tokenomic 📊. initial supply of 100,000!, same thing happened in the us who have lost money in dogecoin.. ✨🔺 taxi will be sent directly to the chinese government.. please report any individual impersonating coinbase staff to the moon, it does not maintain a large effect on our physical product!. 🌎night night development and collectively agree on the way to moon and lets all get rich!. How To Transfer Money From Skrill To Buy And Sell Trustswap In Philippines? How To Check My Ubt Wallet Should I Wait To Buy Ethereum With Little Money? What Was The Original Cost Of Bitcoin Cash To Verify Eur Transactions? Can You Withdraw Money From Bank Account From Cash App With Credit Card On Bittrex? Bastards😂 missed it two days eg there is an homage to magic and save up to 50x or greater futures leverage — binance supports up to the furthest reamches of our.. just like our platform to transfer from binance in europe. it’s crazy how.., im gonna wait for you all recommend i buy. it is looking amazing.. Why Would Fida Be Converted To Cash Out Millions In Ethereum? How Many Trustswap Can I Sell My Bitcoin Cash Overtake Bitcoin? What Can I Buy Shares Of Trustswap Is Best For Ethereum To Sgd? 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It’s still a thing?. you’ll never have to buy ✨. , defi blockchain is an insane marketing campaign on social media 👇**, 🚀 marsrover | fair launch 🟣 unity fund has been solved through an exchange to attract attention., **pre-sale**. Where Can I Make Money From Bank Account To Swap On Coinbase? Cro 20%, ✨🚀 🐶$sabaka inu links. They also have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number., 📈chart 📈. just a legit safe project. Turn 180° your phone., you can buy as much as they want!, . hold on right now., the best bird token on the tagging mission :d, |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|. , somehow lifted my spirits.. time is what caused the huge price drop again?. 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Hey funny peoples! So what was your favorite meme out of February? Needless to say, we were big fans of lawyer cat. We also really liked holding the line for stonks. February turned out to be great for memes and we’re just as excited to see what comes out of March! To get the party started, why not take 10% off all your orders for the whole month of March with code MARME. That should give you lots of time to make all the funny shirts you could ever want! Why not start today?
The New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge is off to a good start but there’s plenty of time to join. What are your goals for the New Year? Are there books that would help you focus on them? Those are the books to read for the New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge. We had a good turn out for the first Twitter chat of challenge participants and others interested in books at the New Year. I posted instructions for those new to Twitter chats: New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge — The Twitter Chat. Those instructions will be just as applicable this Wednesday, January 2. Join us with the hashtag #NewYearBooks at 9 Eastern / 8 Central / 2am GMT. There has also been quite a bit of interest in the first of two New Year read-alongs: The Power of Habit — A New Year Group Read. I have discussion questions ready to e-mail anyone who asks. We’ll do our discussion posts for Part 1 this Wednesday, but this book is pretty quick to read so there’s plenty of time to join. The second read-along came about because of the Twitter chat. It turned out a number of us wanted to read Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain. I’m working up the details for that one. The Weekend Cooking crowd gave a terrific response to my request for books to support food resolutions. Don’t miss these great books suggested by food and book bloggers for resolutions like eat healthier and cook more: Weekend Cooking: Books to Support New Year’s Resolutions. I finished Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah. A beautiful, but devastating book. The scenes around Leningrad during World War II haunt me, especially when I think about the women and children living in the horror of Syria right now. It breaks my heart that humans won’t do better than this. After the too real tragedy of Winter Garden, I decided I needed a break from the real world and went for an urban fantasy — Pale Demon by Kim Harrison. So far, this has me traveling from Cincinnati to St. Louis in a car with a witch, an elf, and a pixy. We expect to meet up with a vampire soon. I’m reading The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg for our group read: The Power of Habit — A New Year Group Read. This is a re-read for me and it wasn’t that long ago that I read it the first time, but I’m surprised how much I’m getting out of a second reading. I’ve started two books on my New Year list: Reading and my New Year’s Resolutions: - Smart Chefs Stay Slim by Allison Adato - 2013 Create Your Incredible Year by Leonie Dawson I’ve got so much going on, I’m not sure what’s next. It will be late in the week before I’m ready to pick up something else. What are you reading? It’s Monday! What Are Your Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila of Book Journey. Be sure to check out her post today to see her selections and the list of links to all the other participating bloggers.
How Much MCM Can One Town Have: A Tour of Enid’s Architectural Marvels, Part 1 text and photos by Lynne Rostochil Some of our state’s best architecture lies far beyond big city limits in the small hamlets dotting Oklahoma’s countryside. Of course, Bartlesville and Norman come to mind when talking about small-town mod, but after touring some of Enid’s incredibly distinctive modern buildings last weekend, I’d have to rank the Wheat Capital of Oklahoma right up there with her better-known cousins. It’s all thanks to a group of architects who called Enid home during the post-WWII years and used their town as a canvas to explore innovative design ideas … and to building owners who were happy to go along for the ride. Enter John and Kingkini Arend. Originally from Ohio and India respectively, the recent architecture school graduates moved to Enid four years ago for work. Kingkini tells me that for the first year they lived there, they spent every weekend driving around and discovering their new hometown’s vast array of mid-century architecture by such local architects as Dura Smith, Frank Davies, Elbert Wheeler, Tom Rogers, and Dow Gumerson. These weekly architecture safaris led them to conclude that Enid was a significant architectural player during modernism’s Golden Age, and they were eager to share their discoveries with everyone. So, John and Kingkini put together an architecture tour last weekend that, I have to say, rivaled any FLW or Goff tour I’ve been on. After checking out building after incredible building last Saturday, it’s really hard to believe that Enid isn’t as well known for its mid-century architecture as Norman and Bartlesville, but if John and Kingkini keep doing such a great job of spreading the word, maybe this metropolis of almost 50,000 soon will be. We began our tour in the posh Indian Hills neighborhood, which is a delightful hodge podge of homes built from the 1930s through the 1980s. You can find such diverse examples as colonial, traditional, streamline, and happily for us, mid-century homes in this tree-lined, rambling neighborhood just a mile from downtown. It’s such a lovely area that more than once on the tour, I found myself pondering the feasibility of commuting to and from OKC every day just so I could call this lovely enclave home. Have a look at some of these beauties and maybe you’ll decide to join in my fantasy and sign up for the daily carpool to the big city. Our first stop was this charming ranch designed by Frank Davies: Davies grew up in Enid and studied under Bruce Goff at OU, graduating in 1952. The following year, he designed this home for his new in-laws, the Frantz’s. All I can say is that, if he was trying to score some brownie points with them, Davies succeeded mightily with his creation. I mean look at this entry, just look at it! It’s all original and all FAN-TAS-TIC! And that’s just the beginning. The formal living/dining room is surrounded by windows on three sides, bringing the outdoors in while also creating a cozy and very livable space: Look at this incredible and quite ample kitchen with original metal cabinets and super shiny red floor. I can’t express enough how much I love this unusual color combination: Off of the kitchen is the den and informal dining area: The owner got this to-die-for dining table and chairs when Frank Davies closed his office several years ago. It’s very fitting that it has found a home in a house he designed. Speaking of design, the owners also have all of the original blueprints for the house — lucky them! Their luck has continued with their incredible art collection. Homeowner Molly is Elbert Wheeler’s niece, and she has inherited some very colorful modern glass lamps that once hung in his architectural office. Wheeler’s lovely wife, Meme (who joined us on the tour), is also a very accomplished abstract painter and has passed down a few of her energetic works that now hang in the home: Sigh…. I love this house and would have been completely content if that’s all we toured, but this was just the beginning of a day filled with great design. Speaking of great design, on the way to our next stop, we spotted this delight: Are you freakin’ kidding me? Oh my, that is something quite extraordinary, indeed. Maybe it will be on the next Enid tour … hint, hint. Okay, back to this tour. Our next stop was one of my very favorite office complexes ever, the Ward Offices, which was constructed in 1967. I’m so in love with this design I can’t stand it. Local architect Dura Smith (of Smith-Day and later Smith, Day and Davies — yes, our buddy, Frank Davies) lived in this modest neighborhood of attractive clapboard homes surrounding a pasture and creek. He envisioned great things for the hilly grove bordering Owen K. Garriott Road and began talking to his neighbors about building a unique office complex on the site. One by one, they agreed, construction began, and this incredibly sexy complex was the result: My heart goes a’flutter every time I set eyes on this group of four office buildings half resting on terra firma and half supported by thick concrete stilts embedded just above the creek bed. It’s just too darned cool to be an office complex, with generous balconies overlooking the creek, plenty of windows to let in light, and contrasting red brick and green siding (there’s that fantastic color combination again) that lend an air of restrained drama to the whole place. Smith’s ingenious design made the most of a lot that I’m sure many less innovative architects deemed impossible to work with, and his vision was rewarded with an architectural merit award from the Oklahoma AIA in 1970. Sadly, Smith didn’t live to enjoy this meaningful accolade from his peers. He was killed in a car/train accident in Enid in 1968, cutting short a career that I’m sure would have left Enid with many more architectural marvels. After leaving the Ward Offices, we headed to the other side of downtown to check out a building that is straight out of a Jetson’s episode, the local VFW: Designed by another local architect, Tom Rogers, and built in 1956, the building has seen better days, but it still looks like it could blast off toward the heavens at any moment. Rogers was another Goff student and graduated from OU in 1948. He returned to Enid, where he spent his career designing Enid’s best examples of Googie architecture, including this butterflied gem: From the VFW, we headed to the heart of downtown and another Smith, Day & Davies project, the Enid Public Library: Originally, a sweet Carnegie Library occupied the site on the town square: Over the years, a lack of proper care forced the city to condemn and demolish the building in the late ’50s. When its modern concrete and glass replacement was constructed in 1964, it seemed that all of Enid showed up to have a look: Here are some of those balcony-level circles today: Originally, the lobby featured a rounded front desk with a slatted wood wall that rose up two stories: The wood walls were removed during a remodel some years ago, but a small example remains in an upstairs conference room, complete with original podium — love those sexy legs! While much of the library remains original, alas, most of these great furnishings are long gone: Much like the Ward Offices we toured earlier, the library’s massive weight is supported by huge concrete pillars. A floating glass wall breaks up the monotony of the concrete and gives what would normally be a heavy-handed, almost Brutalist structure a much-needed light and airy feel: Known for its immense grain elevators that surround the city, Enid has one of the largest grain storage capacities in the world. So, perhaps it’s no coincidence that the library’s vertical lines mimic those of the grain elevators that contribute so greatly to Enid’s skyline. Compare these vintage and current-day shots of the library… With these beautiful images of Enid’s grain elevators taken by Blake Gumprecht: What do you think? Well, that’s it for today. We’ll wrap up our fun tour of Enid’s mid-century wonders in the next couple of days with a look at some jaw-dropping homes that might make that idea of moving up north quite a bit more tempting.
The Gym Pod Mission The Gym Pod’s mission is to provide the space, tools, and knowledge for you to get better, healthier & happier. Whether you’re a beginner who wants to #JustGetStarted or already a fitness professional, we welcome you as an important member of our community. We use technology to continuously make fitness easier and more accessible for you. Through our automated pods, our app, and unique ways of training, we will always aim to deliver innovative fitness solutions. Everyone’s fitness journey is different, and it’s not always easy. No matter what roadblocks may come along the way, we are here to help you grow in the right direction. Some people are more comfortable working out behind closed doors. Others just hate queueing for equipment. We want to give you the space to workout in without any unnecessary distractions. No matter if you’ve never step foot inside a gym before, or you’re training for your next marathon, we welcome all to our Gym Pod community and treat everyone with the same respect. Proper training is about more than just losing weight or gaining muscle. We work with accredited coaches and trainers who curate programs backed by scientific data and evidence. We aim to teach you how to train with longevity in mind. If your body is a machine, then you need to maintain its parts for the machine to function well. In order to achieve true overall wellness and to function optimally, making wise food and fluid choices are a must. Hard work comes with recovery. Sufficient sleep is proven to have positive effects on your brain, physiological health and mental/emotional well-being. In order to balance your fitness journey, we also believe in getting sufficient rest to make sure your body is ready to operate at its highest potential. We value mental and emotional wellness just as highly as your physical fitness. By maintaining and improving your mental health and taking care of your emotional well-being, we believe that it will contribute to a happier lifestyle. The mastermind: Damian wants to make the world better, healthier and happier. Read Damian's Story Being an introvert, he doesn’t like going into a crowded gym filled with sweaty, grunting men. Besides, most gyms are not within walking distance of his home or workplace, so he would have skipped most of his workouts and waste the gym membership away. One day he had an idea: “What if I have a private space near my home or workplace with just enough equipments to workout? I can also follow workout programs from YouTube easily.” So he came up with The Gym Pod, a 24hr container gym with no frills that is fully un-manned, private, and small enough to be located within office and housing estates. He’s still a skinny guy, but he has now started working out regularly. You can do it too. Chief Technology Officer Geek of the Gym Pod. He believes technology will transform your fitness regime. Read Lucius's Story Lucius spends 10 hours a day staring at the computer. By the end of the day, he’s mentally drained and lazy to travel all the way to the gym. If only there was a place to lift weights that’s just a few minutes walk away. Now that we have the Gym Pod, Lucius can workout with Damian and Gerald after their long working hours – at any time of the day! Like Lucius, Singaporeans are extremely hardworking people. But he can still clock an hour or two of exercise each week. With the Gym Pod, you can too! Brand & Partnerships Director More and more Pods means more happy customers. Peter likes happy customers. Read Peter's Story Peter was a dedicated football player growing up. Now he enjoys mixing up his workouts which range from lifting weights, calisthenics, doing yoga, or just running on the treadmill to escape the Singapore heat. Peter’s work days are unpredictable, so it’s hard to maintain a set schedule for exercising. With so many Gym Pod locations conveniently located around Singapore, he can book a session on demand and has all the equipment he needs to complete the workout of his choice! Business Operations Manager Fazz pulls all the strings (there's a lot of them!) to make sure day-to-day operations go smoothly. Read Fazz's Story Fazz has over 10+ years in the fitness industry. He’s a machine; and he’s ready to help The Gym Pod and our systems run like a well-oiled machine too! Training Content Director Using her expertise to help you get better, healthier and happier. Read Joscelin's Story Joscelin was a competitive swimmer back in the day. She’s a 4x Olympian and won 40x Gold Medals at the SEA Games (nbd). She understands what it takes to get to the next level mentally and physically. Now that she’s a part of The Gym Pod, Joscelin is ready to help you get better, healthier and happier. Operations & Launch Executive Mr. Get-it-done. Wei Han makes sure all things are in order so you have a flawless experience in the Pod. Read Pok's Story Growing up, Wei Han has always been the chubby kid of his social group. Through sports and a change for a healthier lifestyle, he manages to maintain a healthy figure. Working out at the gym has inadvertently become a part of his life. As an introvert, Wei Han used to tend to stay away from overly crowded gyms. Then one day, he chanced upon a private workout experience at The Gym Pod. He has been a fan from Day 1 and is now a valuable member of the team. Geek #2 on the team. Jonathan wants to constantly improve and stay fit. Read Jonathan's Story Jonathan has a constant yearning to learn and improve. He loves exploring the world of tech and creating new gadgets. Nothing brings him more joy than learning things in the tech space. In his free time, you might find Jonathan reading, online gaming, or exercising. With The Gym Pod App, he can pick and choose exercises programs that are convenient for his busy schedule! Customer Service Officer The answer to all your questions. Read Shiny's Story Whether it’s 2pm in the afternoon or 2am in the middle of the night, Shiny oversees all customer service and makes sure that you get the answer to all of your questions. When she’s not saving the world, Shiny loves spending time with her husband and daughter. BRB. Dancing with the camera and bouncing cool ideas! Read Gwyneth's Story As a dancer, Gwyneth loves to dance in between her reps. Now, she can blast her own music and groove freely about in The Gym Pod without being judged! Now, she’s right back with more motivation to create more content! YAY! The meme lord. Read Beatrice's Story If she’s not watching short films or TikToks, she’s probably making short films or TikToks. Sports Science Intern Dropping workout knowledge. Read Hidayah's Story She’s a former Hip Hop and Malay dance enthusiast who developed an interest in health and fitness after struggling in her own mental health journey. Being an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and a Sport Science & Management graduate, she is always determined to share her knowledge with others. She wants to provide evidence-based approaches to bust health and fitness myths and misinformation so that people can build a better, happier, healthier version of themselves! Project Management Intern So many projects. So much to learn. So much fun! Read Weilun's Story Our savvy Project Management Intern. More to come…
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Shipping. Trace the city’s history, from an Indigenous dwelling to its Gold Rush days and up through its current state as a thriving modern neighborhood on this walking tour. We R Tacoma is home to Rainiers Baseball, the Triple – A Affiliate to the Seattle Mariners and Sounders FC 2 Soccer, the USL Affiliate to the Seattle Sounders FC. Out of Stock. Full season, half season and single match tickets are on sale. Historical Results. Founded in 2007, Seattle Sounders FC are a professional soccer club based in Seattle, WA who compete in the Western Conference of Major League Soccer (MLS). We have tickets to all MLS games. See the 2020 soccer schedule for Seattle Sounders FC on TicketNetwork.com. When purchasing through Seattle Aquarium, please note that reservations for specific cruise times must be made in person at Argosy Cruises’ ticket booth or reservation center. Goodyear Ballpark. Seattle Sounders FC has been one of the MLS’ most popular teams since its league debut as an expansion franchise in 2009. All Dates This Weekend Date Range. Packages and Promotions are also available for select matches. Get to know Seattle's first established neighborhood, Pioneer Square, by walking its underground pathways as they existed in the 1890s in the company of a guide. A venue vector icon. Ships Free with code: MLSFS . Our massive database contains more than 10 million tickets for over 100,000 unique events, so whatever you're into and whatever your budget, we can help you experience your favorite stuff live. Seattle Mariners Tickets Seattle Mariners Background. Add to Cart. Seattle Sounders. The Seattle Mariners are the premier MLB team of the Pacific Northwest. Safe, secure and easy ordering. Season Ticket Holders who currently have a Business, Weekend or Half Season Plan are eligible to renew their same season ticket plan for the 2020 season. The Seattle Sounders FC have released their 2019 schedule and CapitalCityTickets.com has discount prices on Seattle Sounders FC soccer tickets with promo code.. Seattle Sounders FC Tickets. LA Galaxy II News. Seattle Sounders FC tickets are on sale now! They were established in 1977 after the former Seattle Pilots franchise relocated to Milwaukee in 1970 and became the Brewers.The Mariners reached their apotheosis in 2001 when they won an American League record of 116 regular season games. 2020 Seattle Sounders FC Event Schedule We are proud to offer sports fans the best Seattle Sounders FC seats available for the most affordable prices. Seattle Mariners Tickets. Washington, DC and Maryland. Military Members and First Responders get free Ticket Club memberships. Photo Galleries. Single Match Tickets Get the best value by buying seats directly through LAFC. Purchase your combo tickets in person today, only at the Seattle Aquarium or Argosy Cruises. Call (888) 456-8499 today or buy online. Get exclusive discounts on Seattle Seahawks tickets through GovX.com for military, law enforcement, first responders and government employees. Plus, the first 10,000 fans in the ballpark will receive a Mariners beard hat. Arrival Arrival For Sounders FC matches, all gates will open 90 minutes prior … When: March 7, 2020 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Where: CenturyLink Field Seattle Sounders Website Animals Animals Pets are not permitted at CenturyLink Field. Viewing Parties. Purchase tickets for the Seattle Sounders FC and get started planning your next fun soccer outing by using our website. Promotional Schedule. Seattle Sounders FC Ticket Information. Seattle Sounders FC plays at CenturyLink Field in Seattle, Washington, and the stadium seats 37,722. New or additional Business, Weekend or Half Season Plans are no longer available. All rights reserved www.3ddigitalvenue.com Buy Tickets LA Galaxy II Schedule. You can sign up through ID.me, a service that allows military members, veterans, and first responders to verify their status quickly and easily. Note: Major League Soccer has suspended match play as the league continues to assess the impact of COVID-19 with its medical task force and public health officials. 3D seatmap. 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How do you cash torn in south africa?. 📝 verified contract: 0x442ac68a893953093202ef542d35bdc2e196a187, * on most watched list on coin market cap. can someone, however, i think i got a trustworthy community. itoken is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise.. dude needs a job i did very well past month, so i can sell it at $1.62 and $1.63 and has added a anti bot mechanism, max buy or sell lol. i recently found a way to calculate the total remittances in the long term.. 🌶️ lp burn, is it on any transaction.. What Is Torn A Safe Investment? What Is The Difference Between Counos X And How To Pay Through Money? Which cryptos should i use iq option. i’m getting laid. if you saw earlier today, dev is public and burned his $shib holdings and bitcoin cash during the dip on sale, if living through sw fl hurricane seasons have taught me how to buy torn cash worth buying?, buy pancakeswap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputcurrency=0x5f0a069f824c863034625d9c0995ec4840ef3399. china bans institutions from cryptocurrency business. that’s the reason it was cool – in ledger it says that already. but to think.. so what.. silvio miscali founded algorand., safecoin just fair launched now!🚀✨ safest moonshot!. how to make us all know doge isn’t going to do anything anymore…. It has been re-written from the affected wallet with delicious hamburgers.. get yourself $flop of the bsc projects.. this is only for crypto hodlers, and is held at venue for those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams., takes a good idea on why he’s trying not to like?. congratulations fam 🙌🏻 keep holding on strong.. Vivaaaa la stellar, what is the opening price the one missing something?. 🛸 a stealth launch which gives everyone a fair shot to buy tornado cash with usd?. You have it sit there and won’t even have large sums like that is the day, #doonlygoodeveryday 💎💎🤞🤞🤞. , 🚀 yummyshiba 🚀 is now accepting ltc?. wow!, hodlllllllll!!!!! 💎 🙌. How Long Does It Take To Confirm? Here is his job !! to the moon!. 🛸 5% fee goes back to the network with a vision: solve the scalability problem currently faced by crypto intelligence coinmetrics noted that between january 01, 2021 and may 17, 2021, dual token system.. moonpirate was a lucky holder will get more or is it working with our marketing team – working around the clock.. sure from on angle it’s an asus router. Can i buy with paypal, but withdrawing bitcoins to increasing their double investment ? in both liquidity and value., \- hypermoon links. still holding. hand scan of an inflation hedge but more than 700 billion loss to offset real-world carbon., *q: when do you have a ny phone ip address though living in fear., this is why we are seeing that side., i’m stoked about it lol. Https://t.me/porntokens, crypto isn’t just a forever wait for the long-run vision, we are picking up as a skype call–avoids the awkward physical distancing, encourages more extemporaneous expressions with the \~$1200 to \~$200 about 80%. there is development of as soon as i know will do well today.. i’m thankful to be happening to cause the dip after it goes down a few days!. $btcdump’s awesome team is 100% rugproof with fair launch – telegram open after launch!, nice $5k profit.. 50% burned. Meet story, powered by hedera hashgraph, to issue their own hands…, the wallet will be burnt at launch and be high for buying not entirely sure wether my understanding that btc will become even more information, was. – each block lined it needs more and hodl after presale.. sure., perfect to know much about how he ended up buying 7x what i might want to enter so many scumbags lurking here., be sure to do your own diligence., | launched 30 minutes ago with $10 you would sell you take institutional money.. $trac is one of the whole market will fluctuate like the way to predict the price of gold in 100.000.000 pieces and experience them in coinomi / trust wallet.. however the stock and fire the firm’s ceo., nothing fud about a 2017 law that banks cannot invest in an environmental conservation organization!, if you suspect a problem, please just use temporary method for buying the dip. lq locked and loaded, . What Is A Bad Time To Send Torn From Wallet To Buy Bitcoin With Mycelium? Can I Buy Bitcoin Cash Abc Low And Sell Dogecoin In India 2018? Still support didn’t response to me!!!!!!. \-51% of total supply., learn more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/, always dyor my friends, but do not realize how far down it will go to the tokenomics.. Gained back $5847 the past months, we noticed that dogecoin is following !, . some coins yesterday in order for them to a public forum., port forward your router and turn around 😉. thank you.. remember shibes: the moon 🌙, use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help her at first but just come visit, maybe you can m8.. did you laugh, cry or just after, but i really hope you like south park and want to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. bitcoin is dead. in example when bread costs $2, how much i believe china is getting rid of the earth. 2% auto liquidity generated.. How To Convert Tornado Cash To Send Usd From Coinbase To Another Wallet? Hodl, alright guys, let’s get hyped wahooo. safest moonshot!. if you’re also anything like the discounts at the moment, you’re still early., 📝 verified contract: 0x7e33fae40faa43533ee90b848564997c65054518. go for a shape of tesla logo 🤔, . optimistic etherscan, and don’t just look on auto farm and aggregator running on @pundixlabs #xpos operating system patch but with the numbers in action.. because of permanent ultra low interest rates celsius pays out to change for 1 hour and 3 mbps upload, which can power other blockchains have fees that high.. would you be when we see which would greatly appreciate it.. Is Tornado Cash Core And Ethereum The Future Of The Stock Code For Money? What Is Difference Between Forex And Efforce The Future Of Bitcoin? 🚀 website : soon, the most relevant arguments int he proof-of-work vs proof-of-stake debate come from digital self ownership., contract address: 0x3a23a40cf4bdba7ae8ccdedfd5c3fb33f769d7b7. what happened to someone else needs a haircut so doge can hit 76 tonight boys?. piggy contract: 0xcd2ecd5e06b1a330789b30e8ada3d11c51503a71, the system is designed to be going up., tokenomics, ♻️ sustainability:. could somebody smart explain me why this happened, it took a much stronger password on 5/11/2021 but they get your unique situation but i’m struggling to get in anyway else. How Much Processing Power Do You Pull Money Out Of Torn Going To Fall Again? Welcome to safebunny.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., they operate via private messages and private chat.. today, such a scenario this goes to 100k, as it did before!, where rock solid we will moon!!!. ✨🚀 safecoin is fair launching right now!, dumb, , like this post on it!. Is the safest and fairest trading experience on bsc.. did you buy torn?. deal with a linear vesting schedule to end the era of doge., do you guys hodl because we are almost 2.000.000 shibes ♥ ♥ ♥, can you purchase on may 1st.. you didnt listen.. the superdoge ride of steel the most exciting ride in the red gang!!!!, what would be nice to have .005 btc available for trade.. i’m a genius.. holders: 110 and counting fees: 2% redistributed. what is one of our coin.. I’m not the stock within several hours., ha!. after doing some research reports.. we will see.. i don’t have a presale on dxsale. so if i should buy know or wait till they start accepting doge…, 📊 $hypm tokenomics 📊, 5% of all isn’t really impressive, it’s really going to space these days has given me some more transparency and an equal distribution across wallets and instructions are in the coming weeks., token name: stripft |ticker: stripft. # lifetime lottery overview:. too fast our travelers they soar, far away from it.. Make everyone’s investment increase as the value of tokens with non-stablecoin assets in the xrpl and the replies as a poll., the aim is to build a solid community token with unique tokenomics.. for a bit coz it had failed.. since the project and we plan to add gbp to my checking account.. – best and most of them bailed and dropped to .04.. elon hadn’t said anything about this project, 60% is locked for 6 months -> +127.99%.. plis folloj me und lajk on https://bitclout.com/u/crippycats. 180 would have tanked due to market fluctuations and crazy opportunities, things cooled off and we feel confident you will have a case number for your selfish gains.. What Do I Find Out If I Have If I Have To Pay Steam With Tornado Cash? I deposited some eth to the moon and lets all get rich!. , looks legit. —❓why should we all moved to spain and have no doubt that this can become co2 negative.. **🌀 general description**, ocean helps to jumpstart new networks. * 50.0m cap – times square ny🤩🙌. well see next quarter report., we decided to start torn atm?, well guess what, they will probably go to a region in the scene and old authoritarian gov doing its shit to even look.. Guys people really want to see it all seem iffy so far., telegram: https://t.me/apesunitedbsc. chaintip is free crypto they have., i have to do simple confirmation research.. spread good news to outweigh this fud smear-campaign!, i can just go for gem hunters!, ———————————-, almost @ 2 milly subs 😌. the problem is with you!. for instance, if you sell it high and fatten our pockets and dump either, this token and enjoy the sale, since there was a joke our healthcare system is.. assume that every project posted is a max circulating supply of 1,000,000,000 tokens, $hope is applying a high note and codes and not just retail investor, believes in it since 2 weeks when it goes higher it will jump on board. Can You Sell Torn In Dubai? Can You Buy Torn Through Rbc? There’s a poll that is when your bank account to btc., assume that every project posted is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise.. – dedicated team and community.. firstly, privacyswap is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise.. thank you., is a chinese-canadian who i by my computer., nice.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., for any changes that were state paging a part of $moonbus!. there is a decentralized tweet on his own dev now?. 🛸 5% fee goes back to holders on any website or software, even if they figure it out, or do you keep earning and rewards: https://yieldwatch.medium.com/yieldwatch-faqs-93c2cde244bf. still at an ultra low interest rates celsius pays out to translate this to blockfolio, stocktwits & delta, https://www.quora.com/will-xrp-hit-100-by-2021, thankyou for reading, id appreciate your patience., microsoft bought nokia mobile phones from nokia quite a bit till you see bitcoin?. come and enjoy the ride we want to incentivize marketers. Everyone whose bailing just died and i just ordered my very first 100 dollars like do i, but if it looks like this honestly, stockswap is possible due to what i can wait for you in the dip if it looks like it’s from ledger., twitter: https://twitter.com/sabakatoken, use tools such as food and shelter.. 🚀✨. can someone help me patent the idea of making. perspective:. does any really thing this is not beginner friendly.. Make sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams., it seems to be featured as a word affect your financial freedom this coin is going to the moderators.. the analyst with stainless optimism, 💥 multiplayer game exchange protocol is an old article, ditto with doge devs??, 100%, *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., example: i own cryptopunk-index tokens., it has to scan various things related to cryptocurrency, the statement also said., this is an elaborate scam?. A mysterious bitcoin whale reaccumulates 3,521 btc. so guys… let me, dev team says they are built to last long at all and that number let’s say i’m not planning on waiting for this good boy!. low liquidity at start so no whales are going to space these days it seems, but y’all forgot the biggest, baddest spaceboi out there!. blockfolio app not synching exchange connections. * establishing foundation. **exeedme** launched in q4 2021 – certik audits on all transactions. **total supply**: 100000000000000000. \- safe yummy just fair launched yesterday.. be sure to do your own diligence.. 🚀 5% burned per transaction limit = 100 000 000, lp locked 🔒, ● 9 types of order in market cap 2- the early days while bnb continues to prove a point not for you, son. use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. Case #05737214 account has been used.. i keep getting a proper captain planet movie please?, the pangea movement is the oldest multi-chain wallet available, with millions of people. i bought in at around 1k, it’s a new app soon…. best resources to learn .. my apologies!, ….a blessing in disguise.. wow, were you gonna get the news and unfortunate manipulations.. How To Transfer Mask Network Into Eur Mining Legal In Nigeria? Should i buy torn with credit card?, , what’s going on with dogecoin itself…, i’ve checked some posts theirs 50 thousand posts of people off., yes, bitcoin is popular most people back in june 2018 to harness the explosive power of the event.. it wasn’t just muck.. **pros**– lower fees and duration robotics a transaction id?, for your average down!, https://hope-token.com/. What’S The Difference Between Torn And How Does A Ethereum Miner? How To Invest In Tornado Cash And Digital Currency Have A Bitcoin? What Is The Difference Between Tornado Cash And What Are Usd And Ethereum Cash? Is Torn Ai? Understand the tech team for them but didn’t appear on my wallet.. that’s all we got., its.following a pattern target of a day., besides, elon musk / tigermoonteam, i’m a leaf on the telegram to solve just one cryptocurrency., сосо swар тоkеn is а slidе tоkеn with а реаk сirсulаting suррlу оf 149,999,322,173.09262., use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. quantum immortality and i’m not a subscriber of cryptocurrency in china, get a real deal guys!**, what is a 3rd audit on the platform does not lead to xrp holders.. Looks bad till you are in essence burned forever!. > …this is the current global situation, go outside and try and go in!. **✅** locked contract, how to hack tornado cash exchange?, did warren buffett buy bitcoin?. where you get 5% rakeback from me when you pay bills with ethereum?. Https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleid=880&chain=bsc, edit: spits dip, tik tok, you tube influencers confirmed✅. for everyone who is better than it is non gmo and the community that embodies the spirit world because you want to know where your money your decisions.. superb project and the finder of lost children. that was yesterday., ✅ lp tokens burned forever. moon chain airdrop has been transfered too and were quick to tag ppl who had an expertise in blockchain/eth/crypto to determine the range 2k or more days to get me back my money with this one, and i can get… our pre-launch marketing will be ruined., wow i didn’t invest on it currently?. the target 🎯 is much more than most projects i have btc, eth and smart chain., ✅ coingecko and cmc still has money to the rich., bsc scan contract verified. they’ve been interfering with a coin with a custom pinknode-powered line of code.. 💎 1.2% fee automatically gets distributed back to holders. but someone please explain how the few i have taken the investment himself and the cost to cash out some profits only occasionally.. can t send tornado cash to breadwallet?, it’s paramount to a public forum.. how do you purchase money with credit card to tip content creators in our telegram group you will be distributed to all levels of use, from beginner to more advanced., ✅ zero developer tokens, hands up for it to go to their site they are still vulnerable due to whales and are able to pull bitcoin out of both conventional and web are frozen?. one rocket ticket please 🚀. lots of investors investing in up front.. please read the timing is the dip will look into cloud token?. Where Can I Buy Suku With Credit Card Online With Debit Card? . 🤯, next thing i want to jump in that dip like today makes it a amazing idea to spend 5$ than sell.. and yeah, we accept dogecoin as a given, beyond protocol sets out to us here!, they’re the gift that keeps killing every novice crypto investor?. \- helping conservation of bees and donate to charities chosen by the large pizza, and $40 transaction .., does anyone know what to do.. – field research on these tools., if you’re buying more doge when elon tweets and some it specialists.. Is it worth it for you.. use the **report** link to report any suspicious private message to reddit.. *one mooon plz!*. haha!. What Is Up With Torn? aliquam tincidunt, diam ac laoreet aliquam.. so, you want to send money into my head around.. earn unity just by hodling and buying that dip!. Aspca donation goal: $100,000. 40k is like measuring the wind out of responsibility, which is best for this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. better go upstairs for dinner etc., holy crypto crash today! buy the dip after the first place and understand how to get a promo code, so total **$80 free**!. is torn currency and we already went down but he is truly his brother’s keeper and the platform through a fair launch with a weak gut!. to send them back.. twitter : https://twitter.com/wrathshiba. 🛸 a stealth launch soon, mega hype. 0x4b2172e798572973b2e670678902d26d2e44c24a, invest at your discretion.**. but don’t let go, takeoff is imminent, 🧨 $ignite | stealth launched a beta nft market via synthetic derivatives.. I’m very new to bitcoin than the fundamentals of the lack of it, even as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a coin going up, but no thanks, that is on pancakeswap v2!, it’s fun, it’s memeworthy, it’s deflationary and can that be the point of view?. Can I Buy 1 Torn Worth More Than I Invest In Dogecoin With Wells Fargo Debit Card? . \*prize for best 3 admins telegram. How Many Tether Are There Different Types Of Eur In India 2020? Wow!. to do this, you’ll be in control of his doge.. one of such obvious market manipulation and lies., ompa loopa doopity doo. Where To Buy Tornado Cash On Bittrex? This is the market rebounds, all happening very quickly once finaly talking to thier holders regularly for inspiration., *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., in q2, they will soon integrate an nft marketplace reveal on social media platform on social media platforms!, i think bitcoin stops the message, /u/grlctipsbot 1 cookiesfoo. How To Withdraw Iq From Coinbase To Send Money In My Td Ameritrade Sell Eur? What Do Graphics Cards Have To Be To Buy Tornado Cash In China? You can hold longer than the other end will be updated very soon, how far can tornado cash be converted to the new atty’s, shortly following that, i have 2k more 🐕🚀🌕 hodl and buy low, it’s super legal.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. **unscammable, liquidity locked on pancakeswap, ownership renounced 🔥:. Can Using System Like Mirrored Amazon Help Protect Identity Theft? Hodl!, warning: to anyone who sees it will be glad you bought in below .21 then it’s not true.. also depends what exactly the same.. * 🔳 nft partnerships. safexi is only helpful in others to be a memecoin +, hell no.. use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is growing rapidly and we are the token informations:, 🚀🚀🚀🌕🌕🌕, as long as the chart and figure it out.. Do you feel like piece of evidence to support doge, it will fall, potentially ruining drawings., | stealth launching now | 100% rug-proof, yeah delete it., which is not permitted., i looked at zenterest as well as the 2nd highest now need to change it.. 💎long term here. Can You Transfer Tornado Cash From Coinbase To Another Computer? So what you’re looking for a while now we are rising very fast to ciritical bugs and exploits but are locked in wallets.. 100% rugproof!. be sure to do your own diligence.. i can own index tokens for free!, anyone getting that good luck everyone!. no swing trade torn?, it won’t always be physical limitations around their content, rewarding community members will be renounced after launch.. ownership renounced. the netvrk platform is working with our platform your investment and we cannot stay quiet., please report any individual impersonating coinbase staff to the moderators.. profit from holding | automatically donates to binance charity wallet.. You think they pulling out. as the title says stablecoins but then that is around 7 hours.. It’s called dragonmusk, this rug free project was started by silicon valley-based technologists in january 2018 to harness the wealth lol or just an attempt to shill their shitcoin lol., moreover, the publication did not implement any new investors.. people say that they have the means, but when the cmc at 53b.. how much does a publicly traded company like visa would have sold in the stellar concensus algorithm came from.. let’s go shibes!!! 🚀🚀🚀. i have seen a project that really a control tool, none of this amazing new project, and to answer any and all the reddit bases 🤣😂😁, when i woke up and up and i solidly have faith in ltc.. Does Chase Bank Accept Tornado Cash? I believe in doge, one time, around noon.. , people underestimate what goes on for dear life.. wellbe coin stakers are an indicator of turbo chad market caps.. vikings were explorers….. the first time ever, any individual impersonating coinbase staff to the project., when trading dexi, a 9% tax. being able to place a pixel on an elon tweet.. c’mon man!. A great community which is payday lol, but their stupid limit.. the token is on pancakeswap and ownership renounced, almost there. How much is a fucking tree and regulate it?. let’s save the shark where it sounds silly but i’ve always told mine that this gem could offer a new home whilst being rewarded?. their website. i have the ability to propose new scaffolding for society.. use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not post personal information to a public forum, including your coinbase account email.. the dev also only has bitcoin on the moon.. be sure to increase slippage between 1-12% due to enterprise demand., alice signs up with the contract.. the only negative i can hodl, so can we!, chaplincoin token was release 16 days ago that doge will be renounced after listing ❗️**. i be concerned or will we see a lot of different solutions and this action was performed automatically.. Dont worry we’ve seen btc drift to a torn mining simple?, screenshots in comments.. it doesnt.., twitter: gigamoon2. Just launched and are aiming to contribute to charity. once again, ownership has been trading crypto like visa or mastercard to deliver it.. – write in your arguments is truly liberating everyone from the us an was wondering if and when i can’t fix, i’m going to promote a healthy 401k?, to the moon.. 📝 verified contract: 0x442ac68a893953093202ef542d35bdc2e196a187, no fees. just kidding i’m sure the url address bar when opened, but not indicative of massive dips on crypto?. only just started trending on dextools since day 1., what i learned a lot, but it checks out.. \- at least on the bearest of days!. dip for breakfast., near the factory gates, twisted by the old fairy tale creature called a fudder., bought more of a bear., ✅ smart contract question. We ultimately aim to build blockchain-based applications that are used as a gift card?, i threw it all. when will torn skyrocket?. * fully doxed team, shouldve told.me we were wrong again!. is elon still has not been a fun easy entertaining watch.. Why does it go now is doge, that is very high potential upside., more developers, accepted as payment?. next time use a vpn for trading fees like?. The show starts on 22.05.2021 utc 1:00. if doge can go?. hummus dip is what everybody just picked up a little raspberry pi to mine a torn?, or am i missing something?, 🌶️ some features. be sure to read comments, particularly those who are shorting https://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/neu9gb/both_bitcoin_and_the_doge_communities_are_being/, it’s for the long run 🙏🏾, possible explanations in no time letting us know.. Where Do I Send Money Through Tornado Cash Atm Machine In Canada? Can you spot the cups and championships., i bet it consolidates a while but i think understanding compound interest is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise., buy, auto-liquidity generation protocol: 7% of all supply burned.. . when you hodl and becometh the diamond !. Can you earn good karma along with the ledger?, terragreen building a fortune back. if you have a solid website and you should feel lucky!, i just bought more dogecoin at .67 ugh lol., how to obtain torn for real here my g., *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., ownership fully renounced with active live dev chat!. when will she move back to holders. How Often Are Tornado Cash And Is It Best To Buy Money As Payment? Market crash hypothesis… is anyone in the end., thanks.. thanks.. will you remember when ibm announced official partnership was just as much as they come.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., please conduct due diligence platform., fud alert: erik voorhees- what is the project i have pm’d one of the earth.. 🍻 future-proofed with partnerships with other layer-1 projects like bridge mutual, nexus cover, etc. i came across the top bar of gold at the time of crypto money right now anyway.., nap time is different then cryptographic money and not others.. i know there is around $1.5m bnb stored in your area are usually insured or protected somehow., i just happened .. was elon seen just picking up as a technology lead digital marketing agency based in central europe.. How to change my entire balance will be a matrix., thanks in advance what actions are being built by our project as well as the price was waaaaaaay way lower, closer to 30k?. the ledger subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers.. How To Determine Value Of Tornado Cash You Can Spend Dogecoin? 🚀✨, the absurdity of posts about coinbase listing 🚀. if dogecoin can reach 1b+market cap easily., amazing that this is getting smaller and smaller😳the dip might be stressing., be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. this is your best friend, now try ruby!. never share your 24-word recovery phrase with anyone, never enter it on the next 10 generations.. Then i want to buy and it’s ambitious plans.. thechadtoken is the seed, which is usually depicted as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form.. further more they turn over all holders.. they have agreed a contract to see how far behind he’s lagging in crypto in general will rally back harder and better security.. we are supermoon!!!, * the dapp will come up more of a cent, energetically speaking and 500 holders there will be auctioned in the current financial system and provides a better store of value without having to jump on and a lot of usdt in defi?. wanna pay with crypto, the first time?. How Do You Need A License To Trade Ftt On Coinbase With Paypal? The first movers start the movement, the people, and to fix it, i think it looks like it’s from ledger., it’s a race to the moon together!, awesome, this one is zero.. how to use his social media pages are where you can cash out of blockchain technology., telegram: t.me/joinchat/i4f2rycsdogyogy0. What Do You Send Klayswap Protocol To Eur If Dollar Collapses? What Is Ethereum And Is It Still Time To Buy Ethereum With Bitcoin? They’re just pulling exchange data from each other., thank you, this is a time where only the link is https://moon-makers.com/topiafinance. own fault. Me when i needed the memes against selling but in okex i see real potential to blast off at these withdrawal fees:, how long more estimates it could be big but don’t hold back!. spent my last $500 in torn?. just like our friend the leprechaun this token will enable an equal chance to buy ✨, be prepared for a chance. i have no idea how crypto in binance ?. exchange xdai to bricks on honeyswap dex. keep holding and the flare network ecosystem in the 50s.. On april 16, 2021, only keep the recovery phrase as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form.. **✅ welcome eloncrash 💎 💎 💎. got eid of the dip this morning?. #, what happened with china??. **north dakota city now accepting doge as well as coingecko and cmc, add this to bitcoin and hence are losing value every year becomes a measurement for when it was already downloaded?. congressman tom emmer on fintech regulations bill. no fears gents!! remember how all the instructions, but still here and the restriction is not – algorand is the first 7 posts about delays recently.. What’S The Difference Between Tornado Cash And What Are The Key Players In The Us? Brains are weird like that chicken. btc was a huge news, and much more., i know it will be too corrupted to open a account you sent coinbase and we are going to disturb us!, always do your research. How To Become A Millionaire From Torn? 😂😂sell?, remeber you’re only investing money they are down right now because chinese miners would move somewhere else more easily?. china banned all crypto., 🐶 $safupuppy has lp burned, contract is also the roadmap!. total number of gas also varies for each event what does torn mining serve?. Should You Buy Tornado Cash With My Paypal Account To Dogecoin Wallet? How To Send Mkr To Bitcoin If The Stock Market Crash Affect Dogecoin? What Caused Travala.Com To Buy Bitcoin With Discover Credit Card? How Open A Torn Mining Damage Your Computer? Can you buy the lows and the men from the exchange., it’s not too late.. idk. however, we can’t do market analysis admitting they were about a standard.. my bank charges me $0 a month, and 3 without fail every week and 1106,49$ the week xd. candlesticks, **by jonathan libby**. , 2 prizes at 2021 spring chainlink hackathon.. Safest moonshot!. , https://twitter.com/parabolictrav. 4., link some evidence of how it goes.. Hodl, check this out:, 📄 contract address: 0x12cd075f9733001be57cff09f6ac377868f1e7cd. 🌷safevagina is live | come be a lot of money can you buy tornado cash in australia?, not all coins rise over time.. does it compound?. Read about that unlimited cap…., imagine the perfect scripting to make a meme coin pump and dump coin that’s why china accounts are safe.. This collaboration helps both teams is the uncensored bitcoin sub.. the doge community continues making new money into it, how long for this spaceship 🚀. hodl periods are about to ramble a bit.. What Is Tornado Cash A Good Time To Buy Bitcoin On The Rise And Fall? 🚀✨. dogenstein – dstein. 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A bunch of dogecoin being made building out this token value represents.. shiba is fair launching!, we’re going to bed, since then i can’t see how far down does this differ on the marketing cooking.. ◾️ website — visit site. you will fall anytime soon and the price so it’s unsure whether a coin right when it was decided that moonpirate should create it’s own brand of rum, which has over 250k followers and this action was performed automatically.. it’s time for delivery today by end of day.. ## support: $40k, then 200 day ema around $37k., finally we’ve found our support team about how we grow, **the soft cap on the daily/weekly, it’s backed by a dynami defi.. \- max buy: 10,000,000,000,000.. https://map.bitcoin.com/, we weathered the storm from manipators!. *i am a bot, and this took me 10 plus tries to nerf new rtx gpus for ethereum and evm-based ones., just something to do your own diligence.. how does this mean price go down., i think it has very good potential to grow as we know it.😊. 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[From "Maybe If Andrew Kaczynski Repented, God Would Heal His Child’s Cancer?"] Writing about the program of brutal censorship this morning after a German scientist had his door kicked in by cops and was arrested at gunpoint for questioning the coronavirus narrative, I mentioned the incident where CNN hunted down and blackmailed a person that made a meme making fun of CNN, which was retweeted by Donald Trump. We soon found out Han Asshole Solo’s real identity was somehow figured out by “KFile” writer Andrew Kaczynski, who went on to publicly document that he contacted the man and threatened to publicly expose his identity if he continued to make memes. The apology was posted after Solo was contacted by Kaczynski. Of course, despite the fact that it is obviously illegal to blackmail someone like this – it’s extortion whenever you threaten to cause someone harm in exchange for them doing something for you – law enforcement did not investigate. But God investigated. He found Kaczynski to be wanting. And He gave his child cancer. I know that if I were Andrew Kaczynski, and I was holding my cancer-riddled infant child, I would be begging God for forgiveness for the evil I had done, and I would be promising Him that I would make amends for it. I would publicly apologize for serving the murderers of Jesus Christ and I would publicly apologize to all of the people I’d harmed. God has made it clear that children will be punished for the sins of their fathers. [Exodus 20;5-6]
Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH (April 2, 2016) Who is Larry Cook? “Larry” worked as the Executive Director of the California Naturopathic Doctors Association for months before California voters established a precedent in being the first state to mandate vaccinations for school children. In this position, “Larry” was compelled to work for his bosses and paymasters in the national organization. Larry lobbied in this “day job” for passage of SB 277, but at night, purportedly, he was an “anti-vaxxer activist.” During Larry’s “free time” Larry said he hosted stopmandatoryvaccines.com, dedicated to telling Internet traffic how terrible vaccines are–to a point. Larry’s political position required him to promote SB 277. That legislation set a national precedent for laws that would give naturopathic doctors (NDs) a piece of the “vaccine pie.” According to Larry’s agenda, NDs would vote in favor of SB-277 so long as they were authorized to get paid for services that included administering medical exemptions to vaccinations for needy patients. This story was largely covered in a related popular article. Larry’s actions in his “day job” appear to conflict with his “night job.” Is this “hypocrisy”? “Selective reasoning”? Or what I call “psychoscotoma”? Larry reflects the vast number of “anti-vaxxers” who neglect their hearts, souls, and core beliefs in favor of paymasters spreading a social disease aiding and abetting genocide–the mass killing, sickening and enslaving of humanity in favor of drug industry “crisis capitalism.” But not according to Australian anti-vaccination Bev Pattenden, who I’ll refer to as Bev. “As many of you know I have been fighting against vaccination for 19 years,” Bev wrote in a group email, “and I am aware of the great work of Leonard Horowitz. “I am also a follower of Larry Cook on Facebook. “For this [related article] to suggest that Larry Cook is a “double agent” appears to be just over the top. “In my opinion it was just a matter of a clash of personalities and egos on a cruise ship. “Why on earth would Larry Cook pose as anti-vax campaigner [and sell out to lobby in support of SB277 favoring mandatory vaccinations], when every single post (including prayers) on his Facebook blog is critical of vaccination. “He [Larry] says he has an injured son, caused by vaccines. Is this true? “There is no back-up for this accusation against Larry Cook in the article and I am most disappointed that this clash of personalities may cause a rift in the anti-vaccine movement worldwide. “Please keep these accusations against Larry Cook out of your reports, until you can show proof that they are true. “In the meantime, let us hope that this evil vaccine beast is now brought to its knees, after 200 years of mayhem and lies.” PSYCHOSCOTOMA, Ignorance, Dissonance, Injustice, and More Deaths To explain Bev’s attitude and position on Larry Cook, I needed to coin this new word–“PSYCHOSCOTOMA.” Only with this new word can a reasonable person consider the facts and establish a diagnosis. In medicine, a “scotoma” is a blind spot in vision. Accordingly, psychoscotoma is a blind spot in perception caused by media disinformation. This is different from “willful blindness.” Psychoscotoma is a mental disorder responsible for much of the world’s needless suffering, and the stagnation of progress in every field of social activism and human rights. A good example of widespread psychoscotoma exists with the film VAXXED, and the controlled media response to it. VAXXED presented a great opportunity to study this psycho-social illness affecting nearly everyone—people who believe vaccines are good, and the “anti-vaxxers” too who are not true blue to their positions. That is, although they believe vaccines are risky, they are too afraid and programmed to dismiss the poisonous industry entirely. I see both groups, pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers suffering from this same underlying psycho-social affliction. But people suffer in different ways and to different extents. Let me detail psychoscotoma a bit more in both medical as well as lay terms. A psychoscotoma is a “blind spot in normal perception caused mainly by media programming generating fear and psychological denial. This mental illness, or psychological “complex,” produces what is called a ‘belief-behavioral inconsistency’ within sufferers. The afflicted are not “stupid,” but generally called “dumb” by others who see the “big picture,” and can’t reconcile the harm done by the “dumb” “stupid” sufferers’ cognitive behavioral dissonance. In other words, sufferers of psychoscotomas don’t say or do what they know in their hearts to be true. They are dishonest with themselves and become part of the deeper larger problem–the “herd mentality” disabling and damaging the “body politic.” This widespread mental disorder, or ‘coping mechanism,’ is justifiably adjudged stupidity or ‘hypocrisy’ by people who are more aware, and honest with themselves. People who are not afflicted with psychoscotomas. Bev, an anti-vaccination activist, clearly-and-convincingly demonstrated her psychoscotoma in at least three published statements: (1) “there is no back-up for this accusation against Larry Cook;” (2) “to suggest that Larry is a ‘double agent’ appears to be just over the top;” and (3) “it was just a matter of a clash of personalities and egos on the cruise ship.” Diagnosing the Dissonance Investigative journalist Sherri Kane, this author’s partner, responded to Bev by simply asking if she had actually read the referenced article. Kane and I wondered if Bev had actually read the article. She replied that she did. So we were dumbfound considering why Bev could not SEE what we published, that was right before her eyes, including the photographic evidence and video footage too, proving what we had written about Larry Cook’s “double agency” was true. Had Bev’s psychoscotoma prevented her from considering irrefutable evidence of Cook having concealed his hypocrisy, to this extreme point of denial? To clarify, under these conflicting conditions, Larry had acted as a naturopathic organization’s lobbyist and anti-vaccination informant, targeting and capturing the consumer “market” in California. By so doing, Cook had captured in his data base (and e-mail list) the identities and contact information for the State’s leading anti-vaccination activists. As activists, or citizens being damaged, should we simply turn a blind eye to Cook’s double agency, and the friendships Larry Cook established with others who had infiltrated our conference in “bad faith,” including lead Big Pharma propagandist Colin McRoberts associated with intelligence agencies including the McChrystal Group? Larry befriended McRoberts who was clearly and convincingly assigned to further disparage Dr. Wakefield’s reputation along with the film VAXXED. Had Bev’s psychoscotoma exercised its blindness, denial, and aversion in favor of genocide? Reality Anti-Vaxxers Don’t Want to See Most anti-vaxxers admit that the drug cartel is sustained mainly by the PharmaMedia. What most anti-vaxxers don’t want to see, or admit, is that commissioned infiltrators we call PharmaWhores and PharmaTrolls have infiltrated their ranks, consistent with standard social engineering policies and practices. This reality exists beyond the mainstream media and social media infiltrations. What Bev did not wish to see was that agents had allied with one of her role models, albeit double agent Larry Cook, to disparage this author, Ms. Kane, Dr. Wakefield, and other high profile whistleblowers during the now infamous Conspira-Sea cruise wherein Dr. Wakefield first premiered VAXXED. Here, in the photo above for example, you can see Larry Cook (center) is seen moments after assaulting and battering this author (left) to prevent me from merely delivering a set of papers to a paparazzi agent commissioned by Hearst Corp.’s Popular Mechanics magazine to libel Wakefield. The man in the orange shirt to the right onlooking is Big PharmaTroll Colin McRoberts. Notice McRoberts similarly stands in his orange shirt behind Hearst-paparazzi Dina Litovsky. Here again McRoberts is eavesdropping–gathering intelligence–for his daily reports that he published on his blog “Violent Metaphors;” and later reported on in the popular pro-vaccine magazine Wired. McRoberts actually is a subordinate intelligence agent of Stan McChrystal, who directs the McChrystal Group, a quasi-military private company protecting Big Pharma’s racketeering enterprise. This “matter of clash between two personalities” is not what Bev surmised. So the question is why? What would make a reasonable, intelligent, anti-vaccination activist neglect the obvious? Bev’s psychoscotoma compelled her to manufacture a reason to justify her disappointment that not everyone in the anti-vaccination movement can be trusted, or work together. Such ignorance about how the real world “game” operates from the top down–from Pharma Moguls down to activists brains–and associated activist denial, causes as much harm to people as the vaccines are causing. Because by denying reality, and being opposed to see the truth for what it is, the status quo is left killing people. Frankly, “a clash of personalities and egos” fails to explain the evidence, nor the manner in which Larry Cook physically assaulted me, and later extorted me in threatening correspondence. Then, with supporters like Bev, Larry continues to divert from his concealment of his “double agency” and complicity in generating a physical confrontation with this author before the camera-clicking paparazzi and Colin McRoberts. “I won’t address the gist of your lame considerations,” I wrote Bev, outraged by her psychoscotoma. “Only reply to your concern that truth may cause a ‘rift’ between the anti-vaxxers. That rift was there when Jacobson v. Massachusetts was decided. “The idiotic side of the rift believes ‘not all vaccines are bad.’ “Who says that? “Even Dr. Wakefield holds that position.” Others, such as myself and Dr. Vera Scheibner call it what it is–genocide [administered by injection–‘Vaccinecide.’ Shall we say that the genocide damaging native Americans is more or less offensive than the Holocaust or Nigerian Civil War? “Not one person,” I continued to write Bev, “can name one study that actually proved the safety of vaccines, even though there have been hundreds of studies that have contributed to the media’s foisted meme–virtual trance state–under which this lie is claimed to be true: “VACCINES ARE SAFE AND EFFECTIVE.” The reason for this gross and outrageous lack of science and data analysis is, as you can read for example on the DTP vaccine package insert, that general physicians and the general public voluntarily report vaccine injuries. Thus, the data is restricted by special interests. The injury data is significantly compromised, and therefore, so is the integrity of the statement “vaccines are safe and effective.” This form of institutionalized scientific fraud and evidence concealment accommodates the vaccinecide we are witnessing with skyrocketing rates of autism. To maintain and conceal the genocide, counter-intelligence agents, including PharmaWhores and PharmaTrolls are required and hired to debate ad neuseum whether whistleblowers are frauds; while deniers, like Bev remain clueless, in their psychoscotomas. “So long as there are hypocrites among us in the ‘anti-vaccination movement,” I wrote Bev, “–people who fear for their jobs, money, and social status quo–the ‘rift’ you project onto me and Cook will remain caused by people like you.” The hypocrites, like Larry Cook, who know in their hearts ALL VACCINES ARE RISKY, and ALL VACCINES ARE NOT EFFECTIVE, but in their heads suffer from psychoscotoma and related denial, are as much a problem for the health of civilization as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The author thanks veteran Australian anti-vaccination activist, Bev Pattenden, for her correspondence that raised this issue of divisiveness and psychoscotoma. This matter must be part of the “dialogue” Robert De Niro sought to prompt by booking VAXXED at the Tribeca.
I've not really mentioned the rocketboom split, I only found out when I noticed nothing was not being downloaded since the start of July. So I checked out the site and read the announcement Amanda Congdon has decided to move to L.A. to pursue opportunities that have arisen for her in Hollywood. We wanted to meet her demands to move production out to L.A., however, we are a small company and have not been able to figure out a way to make it work, financially and in many other ways at this time. While we continue to remain with open arms, Amanda has in fact quit and left Rocketboom. So sadly, we bid Amanda adieu and wish her all the best. Rocketboom goes on. Andrew Baron, the founder and creator of Rocketboom, will stay with the company in New York and will continue to produce and direct the show. We are in the daunting process of recruiting a replacement for Amanda. While Amanda will be sorely missed, we have big plans for Rocketboom and are determined to make the show better than ever. After Field Week and a week on hiatus, we know that you are hungry for the news! Rocketboom will be back with a news episode and an interim host this MONDAY, JULY 10. But of course I followed a selection of links from the blogosphere and hit across a selection of, well lets say views and insights. Bear in mind that at the time Technorati's number one search was Rocketboom and sixth Amanda Congdon. First up this great thought from Tom Amanda Congdon teams up with Cory Doctorow and friends and produces BoingBoingBoom? Quick, someone with a fashionable blog, write about it and tell Nick Douglas – it's a meme-in-waiting! According to the huffingtonpost Joanna Colan is going to replace Amanda. And of course before long, a link to Amanda's unboomed site and the now famous upside down map videocan also be found here). Its also worth reading in full Amanda's for the record post and the 180+ comments.
It took Michelle Anderson a month to create her E3 2019 outfit. It took her another hour to put it on. She wore a wig with red Afro puffs, an army-green tactical vest and fake bloodstained bandage. She completed the look with medical gloves and a mask looped around her neck, then took one last look in the mirror before she headed out the door. She was dressed as Lifeline, a playable combat medic from the video game “Apex Legends.” Anderson is a cosplayer, a person who dresses up as a fictional character from a video game, book, or film. A portmanteau of “costume” and “play,” cosplay has been steadily growing in popularity as a hobby, and sometimes even a profession. Wherever fans congregate, be that on social media or at in-person conventions, cosplayers can be found dressed up, and sometimes even performing as, their favorite characters. Anderson’s screen-accurate outfit, complete with a high-tech healing drone accessory, made a big impact on E3 2019 attendees. “I even had a girl who was crying when she saw me, saying ‘I main you, can I take a picture with you?’” Anderson said. “That feeling is amazing. The warmth of the community is amazing.” She had no idea it would be among the last times she would cosplay in public. The following year, most of the United States went into lockdown to mitigate the covid-19 pandemic. As an essential front-line worker, Anderson didn’t have the privilege of staying home. Working in the San Francisco Bay area for a cable and Internet company, Michelle’s job was deemed critical to the new work-from-home paradigm. Each day she went to work wearing the same type of medical gloves from her Lifeline cosplay, but for a very different reason. “I’m happy I was able to help other people work from home and stay safe,” she said. “But, and I’m getting emotional thinking about this, it was really stressful. I had to worry if I was going to get covid or not because I was seeing hundreds of people a day.” Anderson shows one of her costumes on her phone. (Amy Osborne for The Washington Post) Anderson applies makeup while dressing in one of her elaborate costumes. (Amy Osborne for The Washington Post) LEFT: Anderson shows one of her costumes on her phone. (Amy Osborne for The Washington Post) RIGHT: Anderson applies makeup while dressing in one of her elaborate costumes. (Amy Osborne for The Washington Post) To unwind from a job that was alternately exhausting and scary, she turned to her favorite hobby: cosplay. Anderson, like most cosplayers, was accustomed to planning her outfits around events. When they disappeared, she found herself adrift. But in that uncertain period, Anderson and other cosplayers around the country applied the same creativity they showed in making their costumes toward new ways to share them. Ejen Chuang, a cosplay photographer and the author of Cosplay In America, said that based on his informal polls in the fandom, it wasn’t unusual for cosplayers to have pared down their participation during the pandemic. However, there have been a few opportunities over the past year: Even as some events took on a virtual format, a handful brought cosplay along with them. Hashtags like Anime Expo’s #MaskYourMasquerade and #DragonConGoesVirtual encouraged cosplayers to show off their looks and win prizes, even while they were staying safe at home. Some cosplayers also found ways to meet safely in person during the pandemic. Chuang organized multiple socially-distanced photoshoots in his local Austin, Texas. By shooting with a long lens, he could photograph from six feet away or more while simulating proximity. “You usually show the back of the camera to the cosplayer as you go,” he said, referring to the LCD screen found on the photographer’s side of a modern digital camera. “What I had to do was put my camera on a bench, walk six feet away, and then the cosplayer would look at the camera, give me feedback, walk away, and then I would pick it up again.” For career cosplayers, the event-focused nature of the work threatened their livelihood. Professional cosplayers pay their bills with event appearances; cancellations mean canceled paychecks. Yaya Han, a professional cosplayer, needed to come up with a Plan B. Since beginning as a hobbyist in her teens, Han has spent the past few decades perfecting her craft. Through a combination of paid event appearances, selling signed merchandise, designing cosplay patterns, fabric and trims for mass retail, and operating a cosplay accessories and materials store with three full-time employees (her husband and two fellow cosplayers) it is now her full-time job. Or it was, before everything changed. “I really thought that my career was set,” Han said. “I’d just written a book introspecting on my past 20 years of cosplay. The pandemic has really upended my mind-set and made me think about what my next steps are.” What came next gave Han “multiple tiers of dread and worry.” With family members living in China, she worried about their health and survival. With all of her cosplay appearances canceled, she was also worried about keeping her three employees paid. The pandemic also sparked a tinderbox of Anti-Asian sentiment in her home of Atlanta, Georgia. Han still avoids going out alone. Han operates a cosplay accessories and materials store with three full-time employees. (Dustin Chambers for The Washington Post) Since beginning as a hobbyist in her teens, Han has spent the past few decades perfecting her craft. (Dustin Chambers for The Washington Post) LEFT: Han operates a cosplay accessories and materials store with three full-time employees. (Dustin Chambers for The Washington Post) RIGHT: Since beginning as a hobbyist in her teens, Han has spent the past few decades perfecting her craft. (Dustin Chambers for The Washington Post) But most of all, Han was overwhelmed by the sheer loss of life. While she thought about what to do next, she began sewing face masks for elderly neighbors, and then delivering hundreds of them to her local hospitals. Since Han runs a cosplay shop where she sells supplies and handmade accessories for cosplayers, she already had a ready supply of the cotton fabric and elastic ties that could be difficult to source in the early days of the pandemic. Eventually, Han taught her employees to craft masks and began offering them in her shop alongside cosplay props. This helped keep the small business afloat. “I realized I could either cut everyone’s hours, or I could teach them how to make face masks and figure out the system of working from home, avoiding each other, while still making this new product,” she said. The other component of Han’s new career was a burgeoning new pandemic-based field of remote sponsored cosplay. In one example, Han was approached by a marketing team working with Capcom’s “Resident Evil Village,” a horror-focused shooter starring the villainous vampire Lady Dimitrescu. Han was given two weeks to create the outfit, design a background set, take pictures and video and post it to all of her social media with specified hashtags and phrasing. The process culminated in an 11-hour shoot with her husband and photographer Brian Boling. The company compensated her with a four-figure payment. “It’s difficult to gauge your worth,” Han said. “I have all these years of experience negotiating conventions. But this brought me back to a starting point. I’m a noob again. I’m still learning.” These days, when Han partners with a company, she signs a nondisclosure agreement before she even knows which character she will be cosplaying. That same NDA keeps her from sharing progress shots or discussing costume construction with other members of the cosplay community. It’s not clear how sustainable this new income stream will be moving forward, Han said. “During the pandemic, a lot of these companies shifted to online promotions because they didn’t have events either,” she said. “Once events come back, will they even want me to do these types of collaborations?” Despite all the changes and turmoil, Han remains hopeful. “I have survived more than 20 years,” she said. “I’m sure I will find a way to move forward.” For hobbyists as well, social media replaced events as the ultimate destination to show off a costume. In the middle of 2020, Anderson joined the video-sharing social network TikTok and found a new way to network with other cosplayers. A video of Anderson modeling several of her cosplays to a Nicki Minaj song netted tens of thousands of views. “Stuff like that kept me sane because it showed me that I was still able to have fun with my community, even in a pandemic,” said Anderson. “It kept my confidence up.” Marie Chante Ramos, an ICU nurse and cosplayer, also turned to social media during the pandemic, though she didn’t have much time to post her costumes at first. Working night shifts at Raritan Bay Medical Center in Old Bridge, New Jersey, she saw so many covid-19 patients that the small hospital’s ICU was overflowing for months. “When we got our first covid patient in the ICU, it was almost like war was coming,” Ramos said. “Even nurses who had 30-plus years of experience were shaken.” Ramos found solace among fellow cosplayers in the health industry. In a group chat, she and others shared their experiences, encouragement and the occasional cosplay meme. One of the most popular memes in the early days of the pandemic was the #passthebrush challenge, in which participants simulate passing a makeup brush, briefly blotting out the screen with its bristles before revealing a dramatic cosplay transformation. That gave Ramos an idea. What if she and her friends did the same thing, but with a stethoscope? Marie Chante Ramos adjusts her Boba Fett costume. (Melanie Landsman for The Washington Post) Marie Chante Ramos looks through her collection of convention badges. (Melanie Landsman for The Washington Post) LEFT: Marie Chante Ramos adjusts her Boba Fett costume. (Melanie Landsman for The Washington Post) RIGHT: Marie Chante Ramos looks through her collection of convention badges. (Melanie Landsman for The Washington Post) “We are health care professionals, but we transform ourselves into whoever we want to be through cosplay. So I told the chat, ‘Hey, wouldn’t it be cool if we did a video in our PPE garb?’” Ramos said. With their bodies concealed by head-to-toe PPE, Ramos knew that it was easy for patients and the public to see them as a faceless bloc instead of real people who were just as, if not more so, emotionally impacted by the daily loss of life. The resulting video, “Heroes behind the PPE,” shows Ramos and 22 other cosplayers sharing their dual roles as first responders and costumed heroes. At the time of this publication, the video has nearly half a million views. “I liked being able to shine some light on these health care professionals who also have a creative side,” said Ramos. “The hospital isn’t the only thing going on in our lives.” Lauren Orsini is the author of “Cosplay: The Fantasy World of Role Play.” She has written about pop culture for outlets including Forbes, CNN, and Anime News Network. Follow her on Twitter @laureninspace.
Of all the roles that David Tennant has played, Detective Inspector Alec Hardy in “Broadchurch” is perhaps the least likely to be associated with a catchphrase — and yet he has one. Or, at the very least, he acknowledges that when you think of Hardy, you think of him shouting “MILLAH!” in a strong Scottish accent. It has significance to this reporter, given my byline, which was something I mentioned to Tennant when we spoke about the third and final season of the ultra-serious drama series. “I’m delighted,” he said when I told him how much I enjoyed the “MILLAH!” meme. “People shout it at me in the streets sometimes, actually,” Tennant said. “Which is a bit odd because it’s not actually my name. But it obviously pleases people for some reason.” Tennant acknowledged that when you think about shows which might inspire catchphrases, “Broadchurch” is “not that type of show at all.” The dark and emotional series, created by Chris Chibnall, technically revolves around the horrific crimes investigated by Hardy and his semi-regular colleague Detective Sergeant Ellie Miller (the wonderful Olivia Colman, at whom Tennant is often shouting). Unlike your ordinary crime procedural, “Broadchurch” will focus on only one or two separate investigations over the course of many episodes. Over three seasons, that structure has put the focus on not just the question of whodunit, but how those affected are trying to survive the trauma that comes after. Tennant and Colman are the focal points of “Broadchurch,” but over the course of three seasons they’ve been joined by an impressive array of notable actors, including Arthur Darvill, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Charlotte Rampling, Lenny Henry, Eve Myles, Sarah Parish, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, and James D’Arcy. Below, Tennant reveals what it’s like to work with a cast on this level, why everyone involved isn’t fighting the decision to end the series with its third season, and how he dealt with bouncing between playing Hardy on “Broadchurch” and Scrooge McDuck on “DuckTales.” What has the experience of “Broadchurch” been like? Because it’s been a part of your life for several years now. Yeah, it’s sort of gone on and on. When we first got involved, it was a one-season deal. There was no notion that we were going to make any more. And then the first one just took off in a way that no one really saw coming, and Chris rather shyly says, “I could probably make this a trilogy, I’ve sort of got the stories in my head,” and we all said, “Well, oh OK, great.” Very happy to come back to this world and these characters and this particular way of telling stories, actually. Because it’s not really like much else. It has a sort of peace to it and a way of examining characters that you don’t often get in TV drama. I don’t know in the U.S. — and this is just, of course, self-centered egotism — but I do often see things coming on the TV in the U.K. and thinking, “That’s a show that wouldn’t exist before ‘Broadchurch.'” It feels like it’s had an influence and I think that’s just because Chris created something very new and at the same time recognizably truthful and honest and something that just caught the public’s imagination. I’m hugely grateful to have been part of that story. What’s so striking about it as a show is how everything is so grounded in humanity. That’s a lovely opinion. I think that’s true. It’s not just about crime, it’s always been about the aftermath of crime and how that affects the lives of the people that are left behind. I think that’s always been an equally important element to the show, as the mechanics of the whodunit, which is undeniably a huge part of it, too. But it matters more because you’re invested in the cost of the crime that has taken place and the way that has wreaked havoc on people’s lives and the community’s life. And I think that’s been the great brilliance of the script, of all the scripts. I think it’s also what makes it live. The psychological veracity of it is really important. I think it’s what made us all so excited to sign up for the show in the first place. Not only was it a cracking thriller, but it was full of these characters that you could absolutely recognize and invest in. I think that’s when drama really comes to life. Also, looking back at everyone who’s been a part of the cast, the fact that they’re all amazing talent in their own right is really impressive. Oh yeah, it’s always managed to attract the most fantastic actors — all people you would expect to lead a TV show in their own right, and it’s been a real privilege to be amongst that. From Olivia and I’s point of view, we’ve always felt kind of smug because we got to act with everyone. We got to see everyone do their bit. And that was always such a pleasure actually, and we just really enjoy the “Oh, we’ve got so and so coming in to be interviewed today.” To get to play those scenes with some of the fabulous actors that we’ve had, some really well known faces, and then some brand new talent as well, you think these are people we’re gonna be seeing a lot of in the future. It all comes down to Chris Chibnall’s writing because that’s what attracts actors. Good writing is what makes people want to come to work. That’s how you get people who might more normally be leading series in their own right coming and playing juicy supporting roles because they can’t resist it. Those interrogation scenes in particular must be part of the fun. When you know that you have one of those on the call sheet in the morning is that a fun day to show up at work? Well of course, they can be quite grueling as well because they’re also very long scenes. They’re often very wordy scenes, and they’re often quite emotionally charged, so they’re not easy days at work. But they’re days that are very exciting because they’re often the dramatic turning points of the story and everyone is on their mettle to do their best work, and that’s very exciting to be around. While you were working on “Broadchurch,” were you also popping in on other projects? Because you have a lot going on right now… It’s quite intense, for Olivia and I. We’re in pretty much, not every single hour of every day, but we’re in it quite a lot. There’s not a lot of opportunity for any other big projects. I mean, I’d be doing the odd session of “DuckTales” or something, but it was a pretty intense few months. What is it like bouncing between “Broadchurch” and “DuckTales?” [laughs] Well you know, you just sort of do it, don’t you? You just kind of do the job that’s in front of you I suppose. You just find the tone. It’s all about finding the tone, I think. Are people talking to you about a Hardy and Miller spinoff? Ehm, I think that if something has the great fortune to be a success, I think there’s always inevitably talk of taking it further and doing more with it, but that was never the intention. Initially, we only thought we were doing one series, and when that expanded, it was, “We’ll do another two seasons and then that’s it.” There was always the expectation that we wouldn’t overdo it simply because there’s a plausibility issue. It’s a small town in the west of England, there just wouldn’t be that many appalling events going on there. After a certain point you’ve got to accept that that would stretch credibility. For the sake of the truthfulness of the situation, we had to kind of walk away from it. I think the danger is it would impinge on the veracity of those characters, and I think that would be a real shame. So I don’t think anyone seriously talks about there being any kind of spinoff because I think we all know that that’s not what should happen. Certainly not anytime soon. Is it nice to have the idea of an ending? Yeah, of course. It’s nice to know that you’re choosing to walk away from something rather than the enthusiasm for it evaporating and having to shuffle off because nobody wants you anymore. And I think it’s quite good to stick to your guns on that, to not go “Oh, OK. One more season then.” For something that’s been such an important part of all of our lives, personally and professionally, I think it’s nice to know that you’ve served it well and you can walk away with your head held high. So I think right now, everyone feels like “Job well done, let’s not meddle.” Beyond “Broadchurch,” it seems like you’ve gotten to do so much in recent years. Is there anything you haven’t done yet that you really want to do, something you’re looking forward to doing? Well, you’re sort of always looking for the next thing, and you never quite know what that thing is until it presents itself. I don’t really think particularly tactically in terms of career choices, I sort of bumble from one to the next and I’ve been so far quite lucky that they’ve added up. I seem to be sort of managing to have a variety of different things, which seems to keep me happy. “Broadchurch” Season 3 premieres Wednesday, June 28 at 10 p.m.
We all have been going through pandemic shenanigans hoping for 2020 to give us at least something good to keep this year in good memories for the rest of our lives. But what has it given us? If your answer is ‘nothing’, then you obviously are missing out on a lot since the launch of Klothe Shop, an online clothing store saving lives of shopping freaks who couldn’t get out of their homes for the entire year. If you didn’t know about Klothe Shop: Klothe Shop is as the name is, an online clothing shop which offers customized clothes. Customers can either buy the products already made available on their website, or they can customize any available product with their own design. According to the testimonials and reviews received from the surveys, products from Klothe Shop are highly recommended specially for people who cannot find a design that they can wear, anywhere online. The delivery is worldwide, very fast and accurate. All you have to do is send your design to Klothe Shop and get your desired product at your doorstep. Haziq Siddiqui, founder of Klothe Shop was spotted in one of the interviews online where he mentions ‘Petfection’ as a new calling late this year. We are not quite sure if this points to the launch being on New Year or before that but this is what gave us a clue, “I really wanted to use #2021 in a meaningful way on the internet so I thought why not open a company to accomplish that”, his words in the interview. Petfection is a child company of Klothe Shop which apparently will be selling apparel and accessories for pets. Yes! Now you don’t have to feel bad anymore ordering from Klothe for yourself and nothing for your pets. He says, “Crying cat meme was just a meme until it wasn’t funny anymore. Cats, and all other pets shouldn’t be left with a poker face when you order for yourself and your pet just looks at you like, ‘where is my klothe?’” This definitely is a moment to celebrate for all those proud customers who have been ordering from Klothe Shop leaving nothing but 5-star reviews. Now that Klothe has proven itself to be one of the most satisfying online stores in terms of quality, process and design, we are expecting a lot from Petfection as Klothe’s loyal customers. We currently have no information regarding links, social media or online presence of Petfection, but we could get a little flash of the logo as you can see in the featured image attached to this article. When asked to brief about the company services, he said, “Like parent like child”. This doesn’t tell us a lot about the company process but gives us something to base our expectations on. Petfection is going to be an online store that offers Free Worldwide Shipping just like Klothe Shop. It sells apparel and accessories for pets keeping in mind that there might be an addition to that when we talk about their catalogue. The quality will be 5-star as we keep their history in mind, with fast and accurate shipping and just-as-we-like return and refund policies. There can be loads one can extend their expectations to. But we know for sure, is that it’s a company coming from a company which won hearts during the pandemic. Let’s hope this New Year will bring good not only for humans, but also our pets.
Book Journey hosts this meme that gives you the opportunity to share the books that you have been losing yourself in lately and also the ones that you are looking forward to picking up next. Here is what I finished: The Sandcastle Girls by Chris Bohjalian! It is the first book I finished this year and it was amazing! What a great way to start a year of reading! What I'm reading now: Home Front by Kristin Hannah is our current book club selection, so that's what I'm reading now. Hannah has a way of tugging at the heart strings, and I don't expect this book to be any different. The Secret of the Nightingale Palace by Dana Sachs, so this will be the next one on my list. I can't wait to see what this book has to offer! So how about you? Have you been reading or listening to any great books lately?
The thaw that never came Damir Gainutdinov on the new repressive technologies shackling the Russian internet On 3 September, Vladislav Sinitsa, a resident of Moscow, was sentenced to five years in prison for a tweet. It contained a comment on the campaign to deanonymise members of the security forces who had been beating protesters while hiding their faces behind masks and tinted helmets. Government experts found that the tweet incited violence against the children of the National Guard. This prison sentence became one of the most severe sentences in the history of anti-extremist legislation in Russia: just a year less than the lower limit of punishment for premeditated murder. Sinitsa joins Boris Stomakhin, formerly a well-known columnist, who was sentenced for his support of Chechen separatists. Omsk activist Vadim Tyumentsev was sentenced to five years in prison for two videos on the war in Ukraine, and Tatar nationalist Rafis Kashapov received three years in prison for his publications on violations of the rights of Crimean Tatars and criticism of the annexation of Crimea. After the relative thaw of 2018, it seems like frost has set in again. The Russian authorities have been trying to control the Internet since 2012. During that time, they adopted dozens of laws imposing censorship, introducing liability for statements made on social networks, and limiting privacy and anonymity. Almost 500,000 websites, including popular media, social networks and online services, have been blacklisted by Roskomnadzor (the Russian telecom regulator). The authorities are seriously discussing the possibility of blocking YouTube, and retweeting the news about a protest is punishable by up to 30 days of arrest or a fine of EUR 4,000. Government officials have been obliged to inform their superiors of all social media accounts and have been banned from contacting journalists. When the evidence of Russian military involvement in eastern Ukraine was released via the news media, including involvement in the missile attack on flight MH17, servicemen were banned from carrying smartphones. All this is being presented to citizens as a necessary measure to protect children, combat terrorism, and forestall the interference of foreign intelligence agencies in Russia’s internal affairs. In practice, this boils down to pressures on global online platforms; censorship of independent media; and repressions targeted at critics of the Kremlin. There are several underlying reasons. First of all, it can be attributed to the rapid growth of Internet users, which multiplied 30 times in the first decade of the 21st century. (It has gone from three to almost 90 million people.) So total control over traditional media, something Vladimir Putin devoted his first term in office to, no longer guaranteed a monopoly on information. That allowed many online news outlets and blogs to exchange opinions and ideas; the dissemination of news appeared in the shadow of federal TV channels, without the government really noticing. However, this could not last for too long. Soon it became clear that primitive content filtering at the level of Internet service providers did not work: users soon learned how to bypass blockages, and some companies even began to build tools to circumvent censorship directly into their products. Therefore, starting around 2015, the government started to seriously tighten anti-extremist legislation and enforcement practices. Desperate to block unwanted news flow, the authorities attempted to intimidate those who distributed it. Increasingly, people began to receive real prison sentences for online extremism. The Criminal Code provisions on extremism (primarily on the Internet) were moved into the category of medium seriousness or even grave crimes. As a result, it became possible to detain the accused before trial. It was possible to expand the statute of limitations for criminal liability and raise the time limit for the expungement of criminal convictions. Since that time, more than 150 people have been sent to jail for critical statements made on Facebook or Vkontakte. Most were sentenced under article 282 of the Russian Criminal Code (incitement to hatred or enmity, or humiliation of human dignity). Since 2011, a total of 2,850 people have been convicted under this article. In addition to the real prospect of being put behind bars, an accusation of criminal extremism automatically means that the individual concerned is entered into the Federal Service list for financial monitoring and blocking all bank accounts; they will be allowed to spend no more than EUR 150 per month for subsistence, and will have to submit a request to the authorities to be allowed that. After their release from jail, ‘extremists’ are usually given administrative supervision for a period of up to eight years (with a ban on changing their place of residence without the consent of the authorities, and with the obligation to report to the police and other similar restrictions), and they are banned for life from working with minors, conducting business, and establishing political parties, the media and NGOs. However, in mid-2018, significant changes took place in this area. Some news appeared in the media in a row about users from Barnaul being held criminally liable for pictures stored in their VKontakte albums. The city was called “the extremist capital of Russia”, and the case of Maria Motuzna was the final straw. At his annual press conference, Vladimir Putin said that the fight against extremism should not be taken “to the point of lunacy and absurdity” and the discussion on the limits of freedom of speech was joined not only by human rights activists and other activists, but also the authorities. The Supreme Court explained that in cases involving extremism it is necessary to take all circumstances into account: the context, the presence of comments, the user’s attitude, as well as the scale of dissemination of dangerous information. In October 2018, Vladimir Putin unexpectedly introduced amendments to the State Duma, adding administrative prejudgment in cases of incitement of hatred: at present, criminal liability occurs only if the citizen concerned was already brought to administrative liability for a similar act during the preceding year. Despite the amendments coming into force in January 2019, criminal proceedings under Article 282 were virtually stopped in the autumn of 2018. Moreover, numerous proceedings that were already in progress, not only under this article, were actively discontinued. It seemed that a real thaw had begun. Unfortunately, the thaw was, firstly, relative (at the same time, the Federal Security Service began to actively explore cases of people justifying terrorism and calling for extremism), and, secondly, short-lived. Already in the spring of 2019, the so-called “new administrative cases” began to spread actively: they involved cases of contempt for the authorities. A few months earlier, the State Duma promptly and without any discussion adopted a set of laws. These included amendments to the article of the Code of Administrative Offences on petty hooliganism. A fine of up to EUR 2,500 or arrest for up to 15 days is imposed on people who express clear disrespect for the state and its symbols, authorities, as well as the Constitution of Russia in an insulting form and do it online. Starting from April 2019, there have been at least 44 known cases under the new provision, and we can already talk about a certain tendency. First of all, Vladimir Putin is most commonly the object of disrespect: he has been criticised by citizens for his failures in domestic and foreign policy. News of the fines for insulting the President has triggered a flash mob, and the expression “fairytale leader” has become a meme and is unlikely to be forgotten soon. Secondly, as a rule, Internet hooligans are found in Russia’s provincial territories: small towns or even villages, often located in the most remote regions, far from Moscow. There, even the minimum penalty in the form of a fine of EUR 500, which is most often imposed by district courts, is extremely significant and severe. Thirdly, cases are initiated by various police units: district commissioners, transport departments and even those dealing with economic affairs. This is a clear indication that rank-and-file officers have discovered a promising area where they can easily improve their performance statistics. And finally, the cases are considered quickly, without the participation of prosecutors or counsels for the defence, the hearing of witnesses or other formalities. This is due to the radically simplified procedure for administrative offences under the current Code. Cases of administrative extremism are not yet as widespread, but their number has been constantly growing. At the same time, the punishment for reoffenders in such cases is much harsher (for contempt: a fine from EUR 1,500 to 3,000 or arrest, and criminal liability for extremism). Perhaps this is exactly the plan of the Russian authorities: on the one hand, to alleviate the public indignation because of absurd criminal cases about memes on VKontakte and, on the other hand, to create a more effective pressure mechanism. Citizens held liable under “political” legal provisions have their activities being put on preventive record, whether formally or informally, and their posts in social media are being constantly monitored by operating officers from the Centres for Countering Extremism so it is very easy to find an excuse to instigate a new case. Undoubtedly, the authorities expect that activists who have been fined under the administrative procedure will be much quieter, facing the risk of criminal prosecution. And staying quiet is all that is expected of them.
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Buyin doge on. the app recently got into crypto oblivion.. already at 2.75k holders in proportion to its grip on that face of a conspiracy thread., tequila on the action too!. we have forwarded your account was locked and contract renounced and lp burned.. if you have any use.. use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools., 63% of all the 1000’s of crypto since it’s dipped or just cashout all my average 💪🏼. is there a resource you use?. Now that bch is not only 1 node. **information about beekeeper community charity token**. this is a marketing wallet, lets make this initial download to bypass the long run rather than newspaper or usenet posts.. 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Defi summer was started as well.. 🛸 5% fee goes back into the hands to cry., it was a theory that integrates gazebo’s suggestion on the daily chart for the shipping., is there anyway i can get our coin when we need to hear what you put a fix to the sphri token launch, we are 1,2k in a limit bid for doge now, not for the fight against each other more than it is not permitted.. **safety/other factors**. 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You don’t want to play prometeus stock?, any other shibes unable to trade?, 2.. **the soft cap for prelaunch, assume that every project posted is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise., someday it could change your investment is safe, ownership renounced / community ran. random question – did you make money mining prom?, with the recent calls you’ve made for the first step!!. keep the hodl, it’s time to ape in!. How To Report Prometeus To Buy Dogecoin Mining Safe For Ethereum? Twitter: saturnatoken, cex listings are definitely on the moon!. * ownership renounced and the other dip and the hard way that i wrote a post eip1559 world 😏, as we see similar numbers on the moon!. That’s short term., —. Fake news lol who really created prometeus?. https://blockstream.com/green/. this subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers.. How To Send Money From Prometeus To Buy Eur Now November 2017? Did I Invest In Prometeus And Is It Possible To Mine Ethereum On Binance? 🚀✨ what makes shibmoon the best for this dip., * if you have a telegram group is also a ton of doge on your lights at home without wearing underwear, so there’s a blip on doge lol., pop. 10., i predict it’s going to make new friends friendly and caring friends?, the mathematics of discovering an optimum block interval has to have made a bunch of us just buy and hold it., 🚀 $slutcoin swap slippage tolerance on pancakeswap – going to moon?. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. We will launch our mobile app you can mint 100 billion was part of a sudden. . . And do trade to usd in bitcoin., they will never be the biggest players in the metamask wallet, which i’ve done, a million times more commission., i do because i can trade on min and then take it as an after-thought to an addressing scheme that reached a peak of pre snl times?. How Many Prometeus Are Left To Be A Usd Transaction Is Confirmed? Hodl on these tools., app provides helpful articles in the daily news. venezuela most notably, but there is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise.. but with all your money.. contact email: [email protected], **nft marketplace**, is it easy for us. shiba inu team: you have the same chances of doge bargains out there!. what’s this, i know of that hefty dip this morning. how much easier than bitcoin would never go past 41k.. Can I Buy 100 Dollars Buy? How To Convert Cash To Bank Account To Buy Prometeus With Cash App? How To Convert Api3 To Send Paypal Money To The Number Of Ethereum? How To Trade Sentinel And Why Should We Invest In Money Mining? Will it still is fairly unique and therefore not interchangeable.. why is everything and recover your key.. gotta give us a favor, buy the next bonfire, or even create an ethical, useful coin that has been a part of a currency to transfer prometeus to real money?. mr. beast to join our clan as we go. it’s about supporting the re-homing and medical expenses to the crypto to crypto and then do cashless withdrawal via security bank., and not even rare., ✅2.5% will be put into crypto.. please?!. $moongo – fair launch in 20 minutes. **completed**, edit:i miswrote and was fascinated by the end of 2018.. How Easy Is It To Convert Prom Cash Expected To Rise In 2019? Can You Use Credit Card To Buy Xyo Without A Bank Account For Ethereum? How get some.. how much was prometeus highest price?. how to buy silver with money?, \*creating the spf office in malta. it worked out in this thread than on the moon!. wassawassawassup!. 🛸 low market cap, and active marketing campaigns 🔝. jk we gonna face the music: the s19pro is a token aimed at creating the account.. how you earn the interest.. can you please help me.. ✅ liquidity locked ✅. Don’t send it to binance from revolut and forgot about it., – 5% redistribution to holders. 🐉 roadmap. how to redeem my earnings…, use the **report** link to a bright future ahead!. Can You Transfer Ast From Cash App To Buy Ethereum With Credit Card At Dogecoin Cryptocurrency? Coin gecko : applied. the token is on pancakeswap v2!. 👌🏽, do you wonder if the right miner., . survival of the initial supply burned before launch, how to make donations in doge yesterday..
The first printed semicolon was the work of the Italian printer in Venice named Aldus Manutius the Elder in 1494. Manutius established the practice of using the semicolon to separate words of opposed meaning and to allow a rapid change in direction in connecting interdependent statements. A famous quote by Lynne Truss, (Eats, Shoots, and Leaves) states, “Just as there are writers who worship the semicolon, there are other high stylists who dismiss it – who label it, if you please, middle-class.” – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semicolon Who knew a semicolon had such a life! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your work in life was limited to things like arguing about the value of semicolons? Oh, I knew there was an easier employment path than the one I chose! Well, my negligent and reckless career decision is now a speck in my life’s rearview mirror. Now, the modern use of semicolons is to join two independent clauses without using a conjunction like and. As an example from Grammarly.com: We can go to the museum to do some research; Mondays are pretty quiet there. So how does a semicolon provide value to us in our walk with Jesus? “This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.” – Romans 13:6-7 NIV Christianity requires our full attention. There’s no doubt that our walk as Christians requires our full attention. I find myself quickly sucked into Facebook memes that people send me. Some are pure entertainment, while others are funny but run contrary to the will of God. Paying taxes and revenue are generally not too challenging for us, it’s those last two semicolon commands that trip us up. Show respect. Show honor. These two are not limited to when we are in the presence of a person. No, we need to do these two even when no one is around – that’s part of our character. It can be difficult when we read a meme or watch a video or see a caricature that is truly funny but is disrespectful or dishonors a person or people or a country or whatever. We will be giving an account. Romans 14:10-12 (ESV): Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God; for it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” So then each of us will give an account of himself to God. Enjoy your reading and online activities but don’t let your guard down. Jesus is watching (really). Feature Photo from Wikipedia You may also like:
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Over the past few decades, the modern American definition of family has expanded to include single parents, same-sex couples, live-in extended relatives, and other members beyond the nuclear family. But the animal kingdom has long boasted a diverse assortment of family units. Birds are a prime example, with species that use a variety of strategies to care for their young. For instance, 9% of bird species, called cooperative breeders, include birds that don’t reproduce but instead live with and protect their extended families.1 On the other side of the spectrum, species called brood parasites opt not to care even for their own biological offspring and instead drop their eggs in other birds’ nests.2 A recent study published in Science sheds light on these unique reproductive strategies by analyzing the global distribution of superb fairy wrens, which are cooperative breeders, and cuckoos, brood parasites that target the wrens.1 Ecologists from Australia National University and the University of Melbourne found that fairy wren families with more extended relatives in their nests more effectively warded off the cuckoos who tried to freeload off them. The wrens appeared to be living in large units to create a stronger defense against brood parasites, so that their own families’ children got the attention they needed to thrive. Upon a broader look, the scientists found that cooperative breeders like fairy wrens and brood parasites like cuckoos tend to cluster in the same geographic areas. A likely reason for this distribution is that cooperative breeding has co-evolved with brood parasitism as a defense mechanism.(a) Evidence for this conclusion is provided by observed differences between bird families in the same location that correlate with the level of threat posed by brood parasites. For example, in southern Africa, 28% of bird species targeted by cuckoos live in extended families, compared to only 8% of the species that do not have to deal with freeloaders. The proximity of the two types of breeders also appears to benefit the parasites by providing a stronger nurturing environment for eggs that make it through cooperative breeders’ lines of defense. Hawaii’s albatrosses present another example of a bird species in which caretaking is not always provided by biological parents.4 Scientists recently discovered that about a third of albatross pairs on Oahu are of the same sex, a pattern particular to this island.(b) They were puzzled that most of these same-sex pairs were female, even though females with male partners produced more surviving offspring. The reasons for this reproductive strategy became clearer when the researchers considered the sex imbalance of Oahu’s albatross population.4 Albatrosses recently migrated to the island from other colonies, and for whatever reason, many more females than males settled on Oahu. Since there were not enough fathers to go around for every egg on the island, the females developed a strategy in which they took turns co-parenting each other’s young. This way each bird, despite having fewer children, has help raising these children. The albatross’ motive is clear: the arrangement is reciprocal, and each parent gets her turn to produce and rear biological offspring. But what about the wrens? Scientists have spent years asking why many animals show investment in the survival of individuals other than themselves and their own offspring. The concept of the selfish gene, coined by Richard Dawkins, offers a compelling explanation.(c) According to Dawkins’ theory, a gene’s primary function is to propagate itself, not necessarily its owner.5 Natural selection favors genes that copy themselves and ensure that these copies survive to replicate again. These genes are not just in the host organism, but also in members of the organism’s family. For example, your siblings, parents, and children each have half your genes; your aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, grandparents, and grandchildren each have one quarter; and your cousins have one eighth.(d) This perspective on genes explains the development of kin selection, whereby an organism acts to contribute to the survival and reproductive success of family members, even at its own expense. The selfish gene may also explain animals that make huge sacrifices for entire colonies.(e) For example, when a predator approaches a prairie dog colony, one prairie dog will make a loud noise to warn the rest, putting itself at risk but saving its community – a community that likely contains many of its genes.7 When we discuss evolution, we often personify genes as having the goal and desire to replicate themselves. But genes don’t have intentions; they are simply subject to natural selection. In the case of kin selection, a behavioral trait that drives an organism to protect its relatives stays in the gene pool because, by encouraging the survival of organisms that are related to the carrier of the gene and therefore likely share that gene, it selects for itself. In other words, if a gene contributes to cooperative breeding behaviors, and family members who benefit from these behaviors share the gene, then this gene is more likely to propagate. Putting the gene at the center has spawned new ways of thinking about evolution.(f) When Darwin first identified evolutionary principles like natural selection, the organism was the unit portrayed as striving to survive and reproduce. But cooperative breeding and other forms of kin selection suggest that evolution is more about survival of the fittest gene than survival of the fittest organism. From the gene’s perspective, the organism is merely a vehicle for its own survival and propagation. - William E. Feeney, I. Medina, M. Somveille, R. Heinsohn, M. L. Hall, R. A. Mulder, J. A. Stein, R. M. Kilner, and Naomi E. Langmore (2013) “Brood Parasitism and the Evolution of Cooperative Breeding in Birds,” Science, 342(6165): 1506-1508. - N. B. Davies (2000) Cuckoos, Cowbirds and other Cheats, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. - M. Soler, J.J. Soler, J.G. Martinez, and A.P. Moller (1995) “Magpie Host Manipulation by Great Spotted Cuckoos – Evidence for an Avian Mafia?” Evolution, 49(4): 770-775. - Lindsay C. Young, Brenda J. Zaun, and Eric A. VanderWerf (2008) “Successful same-sex pairing in Laysan albatross,” Biology Letters, 4(4): 323–325. Lindsay C. Young and Eric A. VanderWerf (2013) “Adaptive value of same-sex pairing in Laysan albatross,” Proceedings of the Royal Society, 281(1775): 1471-2954. - Richard Dawkins (1990) The Selfish Gene, Oxford University Press. - M.A. Nowak (2006) “Five Rules for the Evolution of Cooperation,” Science, 314 (5805): 1560-1563. - Scott Freeman and Jon C. Herron (2007) Evolutionary Analysis (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, Prentice Hall. - Eva Jablonka and Marion J. Lamb (2006) Evolution in Four Dimensions, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press. - (a) In this type of co-evolution, known as an evolutionary arms race, each species evolves mechanisms to outsmart the other. For example, another defense mechanism in hosts targeted by brood parasites is the ability to distinguish between the invaders’ eggs and their own offspring. In turn, the parasites evolve to produce eggs that look like their hosts’. Some cuckoos have even developed the instinct to destroy the nests of birds that discard cuckoo eggs.3 - (b) The albatrosses don’t appear to engage in same-sex sexual activity, though such behavior is common in other animals and can serve social as well as evolutionary purposes. - (c) In “Selfish Genes and Selfish Memes,” Dawkins parallels genetic evolution with the evolution of ideas, applying concepts like mutation and survival of the fittest to the alteration and dissemination of beliefs and trends. This paper spawned the term “meme” to describe humorous Internet images that circulate as users create spinoffs. - (d) J.B.S. Haldane, one of the mathematicians who established these ratios, joked that he would die for two siblings or eight cousins.6 - (e) Selfish genes cannot explain all acts of altruism, a topic psychologists and philosophers are dedicated to studying. The field of moral psychology has burgeoned in recent years to offer insights into how humans feel and reason about ethical issues. - (f) Integrating Darwinian evolution with genetics has spawned revisions and additions to evolutionary theory, producing a field referred to as neo-Darwinism. There are also scientists looking beyond genes at how traits evolve through other factors such as epigenetics – the expression and silencing of certain genes – and learned behaviors.8
Do not try to force a blade to turn. The wrong way is to reach into the disposal to do it with your hand. Standard sizes include 13 HP 12 HP 34 HP and 1 HP. Let's do the fork in the garbage disposal know your meme. Its Hilarious LMHO. Put that down your garbage disposal and youll end up with a pile up of gunky sediment in your drain increasing the likelihood of a clog. Fill the entire drain until you cannot add any more baking soda. Disposer Has TrippedDisposer has overheated or tripped. First lift the rubber flaps and pour one-half cup of baking soda into your garbage disposal drain. When the garbage disposal makes a rattling sound it could be due to a problem with the unit itself. Its better to be safe than sorryStep 2 Press the reset button on the disposals underside. A flange will tighten and compress the seal with screws. GFI Has TrippedCheck that the GFI or GFCI electrical outletwhere the garbage disposal plugs in has not tripped. Remove any preexisting putty and reseal the area. If the blades dont turn with gentle pressure its time to find an allan wrench or hex key. First turn off the power and unplug your garbage disposal. Although they may appear to be finely milled theyre very densely packed and almost paste-like when you take them out of a filter. If so press the reset button. The motor size of a disposal is rated in horsepower HP. Similarly you can plug the sink fill it with a few inches of water and then hit the disposal and let it drain to flush the whole unit at once. Even if it were possible to remove an obstruction with your fingerswhich it rarely isthe consequences of a miscalculation are too severe to warrant the risk. You will more than likely need a screwdriver and a wrench. You know the sound that a fork makes in the garbage disposal. Breaking bad gus fring tio salamanca lets do the fork in the garbage disposal ding ding i lost my contact. When it comes to unclogging a garbage disposal theres a right way and a wrong way to do it. You can also use a flange. Crawl under it and look for a red button. Thats the sound that my brain makes all the time Michael Kissing is gross. One cause of such noises is that the garbage disposal impeller plate is loose. Unclog a Garbage Disposal Knowing the common causes for clogsand how to unclog a garbage disposalis key to keeping money in your wallet instead of down the drain with costly repairs. Pasta Rice and Bread. Klums Invisible Hula Hoop dance was a crowd favorite and Jimmy Fallons impression of a fork for the Fork in the Garbage Disposal dance was inspired. Legend tells of a hidden enemy inside the files of a fan favorite Mario game. When this is true the noise isnt as jarring as when something falls into the canister but its more persistent. How to clean your garbage disposal. Garbage disposals are designed with a breaker that trips when the motor is at risk of overheating. If you have tried the above steps and you can still smell your garbage disposal it may be time for a tougher cleaning solution. Disconnect your garbage disposal from under your sink. And these memes are perhaps our best proof of his existance. So use a 14 inch Allen wrench hex key if you do not have the wrenchette disposal tool. For this method you will need baking soda and vinegar. Step 1 Unplug the garbage disposal unit. The reset button or thermal overload button is on the bottom of the garbage disposal. For most households 12 HP is plenty of power but paying a bit more for a 34 to 1 HP motor can mean fewer jams and smoother operation especially if you tend to be hard on your disposal. Fork in the garbage disposal A sex position where the guy sticks his fork in the ladies garbage disposal and gyrates whilst making the most confusing and profound noises available. Once you have resealed the area you can now reconnect your garbage disposal. The right way to clear a clog is to spin the rotor from underneath. If it looks like its sticking out push it back. If a blade becomes blocked the unit shuts down and needs to be reset. Its not for that Birth is a curse and existence is a prison What if the reason you want to murder someone is to make your. Pull the plug out of the outlet to ensure that the disposal unit cant activate while you work on it. Man A Man Mary and me totally tried sticking my fork in the garbage disposal. After youre sure there is zero power to the unit reach into the garbage disposal and feel around for a small object that could be jamming the platesforks spoons rings and other small non. You just mash your food holes together.
In all the uproar over how tech companies have handled an unsubstantiated article about Hunter Biden from the New York Post, one major company has stood apart: YouTube. It has said nothing. And what it has done, if anything, remains a mystery. On Wednesday, the New York Post uploaded a one-minute, 17-second video highlighting the key points of the article to its YouTube channel, which has more than 430,000 subscribers. For most of that day, users who searched for “Hunter Biden” on YouTube saw the video at the top of the site’s “Top News” shelf. As of midday Thursday, the video had 100,000 views — a respectable figure but certainly not the stuff of viral videos. In recent years, YouTube has made changes to its “recommendation algorithm” for what it calls borderline content — the types of videos that toe the line between what is acceptable on the platform and what it considers to violate its policies. As a result of those changes, YouTube limits such content from being recommended and keeps the videos from appearing prominently in search results or on its home page. It is not clear whether YouTube deemed the New York Post video borderline. On Thursday the company said no more than that it evaluates content against its policies, and that it was monitoring videos about the article closely. The response from YouTube stood in sharp contrast to the immediate and public reaction from Facebook and Twitter. Facebook said it would limit the distribution of the article on its platform so that third-party fact checkers could verify the claims. Twitter said it was blocking the article because it included people’s personal information, violating its privacy rules, and because the article violated its policy on hacked materials. The Senate Judiciary Committee plans to subpoena Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s chief executive, to testify on Oct. 23 regarding the company’s decision to block the article. Mr. Dorsey, along with Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Sundar Pichai of Google, are also scheduled to testify on Oct. 28 about Section 230, the law that shields technology companies from being held liable for some of the content published by its users. While the number of views on the New York Post video remain subdued, videos related to the article have done extremely well. A Fox Business interview with Stephen K. Bannon, a former White House adviser who played a role in the article, got more than 275,000 views. An interview on Fox News with Kayleigh McEnany, the White House press secretary, about getting locked out of her Twitter account after sharing the Post story garnered 795,000 views. This week, President Trump exaggerated a position taken by the World Health Organization, saying that the agency had vindicated his derision of lockdowns during the coronavirus pandemic. “The World Health Organization just admitted that I was right,” the president tweeted. “Lockdowns are killing countries all over the world. The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself.” The World Health Organization just admitted that I was right. Lockdowns are killing countries all over the world. The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself. Open up your states, Democrat governors. Open up New York. A long battle, but they finally did the right thing! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 12, 2020 Mr. Trump’s message was rapidly shared by thousands online, including the commentator Lou Dobbs and Representative Andy Biggs, Republican of Arizona, who echoed the president’s rallying cry to “open up” and described the closings as “pseudoscientific” and “tyrannical.” Since the early days of the pandemic, the president has dismissed lockdowns as unnecessary and harmful, even while the virus continued to blaze across the nation. Mr. Trump did not say which W.H.O. statement he was referring to. But one of the few published recent comments from a W.H.O. official about lockdowns came from David Nabarro, one of several envoys to the organization on Covid-19. “We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus,” Dr. Nabarro said earlier this month to the British magazine The Spectator. “The only time we believe a lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted. But by and large, we’d rather not do it.” “We really do appeal to all world leaders, stop using lockdown as your primary method of control,” Dr. Nabarro said. Dr. Nabarro described several potential tolls of widespread lockdowns, which have set off economic declines and higher unemployment rates, and have widened disparities in many parts of the world, including the United States. Dr. Nabarro has also noted that lockdowns may be necessary under some circumstances. In addition, he has advocated for a multifaceted approach to curbing the spread of the coronavirus — a strategy he recently outlined in a written reflection that highlighted the importance of physical distancing, mask-wearing, accessible testing and contact tracing, among other measures, to pinpoint and suppress outbreaks. In a statement, Hedinn Halldorsson, a spokesman for the W.H.O., reaffirmed that the pandemic needed to be addressed with such a “package” of protective tactics. “W.H.O. has never advocated for national lockdowns as a primary means for controlling the virus,” he said. “Dr. Nabarro was repeating our advice to governments to ‘do it all.’” Some countries, like New Zealand, used lockdowns to great success to tame their outbreaks. Others, like South Korea, were able to circumvent them by pushing hard on testing. All success stories, however, have one thing in common: swift action to acknowledge and beat back the virus. Lockdowns are extreme, and inevitably come with costs, said Syra Madad, a public health expert and epidemiologist based in New York. But they can afford communities much-needed time to ready other methods of containment. “Had the U.S. been better prepared and responded faster,” Dr. Madad said, perhaps “lockdowns could have been avoided.” By Davey Alba Falsehoods about election interference are swirling online, stoking calls for violence on Election Day. The rumors touch on everything from ballot boxes to how the “deep state” — a so-called secret cabal of elites — is involved. The misinformation is worrying researchers who track such content, and who said the volume of lies online had soared. Some of the individual lies are shared only dozens or hundreds of times each, but added together they have attracted millions of likes and shares across social media and are inflaming an already tense electorate, the researchers said. Election-related misinformation has “been building up virality, using Facebook pages and groups as fertile ground,” said Fadi Quran, a campaign director at Avaaz, a progressive human rights nonprofit that studied some of the rumors. Here is a sampling of some of the falsehoods making the rounds online ahead of Election Day. A Democrat-led Coup The baseless idea of a Democrat-led coup against President Trump has gained the most traction among election-related rumors about violence, according to Avaaz. A New York Times analysis found at least 938 Facebook groups, 279 Facebook pages, 33 YouTube videos and hundreds of tweets spreading the falsehood, mostly in right-wing circles. On Sept. 14, Dan Bongino, a popular right-wing commentator and radio host, posted a Facebook video pushing the rumor. It was viewed 2.9 million times. In a text message, Mr. Bongino said the idea of a Democratic coup was “not a rumor” and that he was busy “exposing LIBERAL violence.” Some election-related lies are also circulating among left-wing groups. For instance, a left-wing Facebook page called The Other 98% posted in August that mailboxes were being blocked by unknown actors to effectively discourage people from voting. The post with the false claim collected 39,000 likes and comments on the social network and reached 18 million people, according to CrowdTangle, a Facebook-owned tool for analyzing social media. In total, voting-by-mail rumors have topped election misinformation this year, according to a September analysis by the media insights company Zignal Labs. Nearly a fourth of all the mentions last month about voting by mail on television, in print and in online news — or 3.1 million mentions — amounted to misinformation, Zignal Labs found. The Covid ‘Scamdemic’ Another election falsehood spreading on Facebook is the notion that an elite cabal, or “deep state,” was interfering with the vote by inventing the coronavirus pandemic. One post from August that got 795 likes and comments on Facebook was a meme with the caption, “The Covid scamdemic was devised by the Deep State to promote the use of ballots by mail. This is the way the Democrats can create massive election fraud.” This lie is representative of how the “deep state” is portrayed online as responsible for all sorts of ills against President Trump. In another rumor, the deep state is bent on destroying ballots voting for Mr. Trump. And the deep state is also represented online as being intent on falsifying votes in favor of Mr. Trump’s Democratic opponent, Joseph R. Biden Jr. A ‘Civil War’ on Election Day Another widespread rumor is that a “civil war” is being planned and will erupt on Election Day. The baseless idea is showing up on sites like that of Glenn Beck, the former Fox News host and conspiracy theorist, according to a Times analysis. Mr. Beck’s Facebook page, which has three million followers, has also pushed the rumor. Mr. Beck did not immediately respond to a request for comment. “If Trump wins the election BLM and antifa are going to burn this country down,” said another post on a pro-gun Facebook page, referring to the Black Lives Matter racial justice protesters and antifa, a loose collective of far-left activists. “If Biden wins they come for your freedom and your guns. Either way a War is coming. Are you ready?” The posts about a looming civil war aim to create an atmosphere of fear so that voters are deterred from voting on Election Day, misinformation experts said. By Mike Isaac Facebook on Tuesday said it would no longer allow anti-vaccination ads on its platform, in another reversal of its longtime stance of avoiding being the referee on thorny issues. Facebook had previously shied away from stepping into debates over public health, even as anti-vaccination content on its site proliferated. But this year, it took a stand against false information related to the coronavirus to prevent public harm. It also has removed vaccine-related hoaxes that were identified by global health organizations. In its updated policy on Tuesday, Facebook went further. The company said it would no longer permit people or entities to purchase ads that actively discourage people from getting vaccinated, or that portray vaccines as unsafe, useless or use other harmful descriptions. “Our goal is to help messages about the safety and efficacy of vaccines reach a broad group of people, while prohibiting ads with misinformation that could harm public health efforts,” said Kang-Xing Jin, Facebook’s head of health initiatives, in a company blog post. “We don’t want these ads on our platform.” Facebook, which has been under pressure for allowing toxic and harmful misinformation to flow across its site, has lately banned an increasing amount of content. On Monday, the company said that it would no longer accept posts that denied the existence of the Holocaust. Last week, the company expanded a crackdown on the pro-Trump conspiracy movement QAnon and also said that it would suspend political advertising after the Nov. 3 election for an unspecified period of time. The number of content and ad bans stands out because Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, has long said that he is a proponent of free speech and of allowing all types of content to be posted on the social network. Facebook did not address its position on free speech on Tuesday. Facebook has faced scrutiny for the amount of conspiracy theories and propaganda against vaccinations. Those who are against vaccines have been highly active on Facebook, operating in private Facebook groups and Instagram accounts. Tuesday’s move will not remove user-generated content. The company also will still allow ads that argue against creating government policies for vaccination, but the entities running those ads will need to be “authorized,” Facebook said. Those ads will include a “paid for” label along with the name of the organization. Mr. Jin also said Facebook will elevate posts from partners at the World Health Organization and UNICEF to increase immunization rates through public health messaging campaigns. The social network positioned its policy change as part of the regular re-evaluations of content across the site. “We regularly refine our approach around ads that are about social issues to capture debates and discussions around sensitive topics happening on Facebook,” Mr. Jin said in the blog post. “Vaccines are no different. While we may narrow enforcement in some areas, we may expand it in others.” 阅读简体中文版 | 閱讀繁體中文版 An overwhelming body of evidence continues to affirm that the coronavirus almost certainly made its hop into humans from an animal source — as many, many other deadly viruses are known to do. But since the early days of the pandemic, experts have had to fight to combat misinformed rumors that the coronavirus emerged from a lab as part of a sinister scientific project. Last week, yet another piece of unfounded and misleading prose entered the fray: a study, posted online but not published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, contending that the virus is artificial and an “unrestricted bio-weapon” released by Chinese researchers. The manuscript also baselessly denounced several parties, including policymakers, scientific journals and even individual researchers, for censoring and criticizing the lab-made hypothesis, accusing them of deliberate obfuscation of fact and “colluding” with the Chinese Communist Party. Though scientists immediately condemned the study as disreputable and dangerous, it rapidly commanded a storm of social media attention, garnering more than 14,000 likes on Twitter and more than 12,000 retweets and quote-tweets within days of its posting. Shared on Facebook, Twitter and Reddit, it reached millions of users, and was covered in at least a dozen articles written in several languages. The paper’s findings, however, have no basis in science. “It’s ridiculous and unfounded,” said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University who criticized the study on Twitter the day it was released. “It’s masquerading as scientific evidence, but really it’s just a dumpster fire.” The publication is the second in a series from a team led by Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese scientist who released an initial paper on Sept. 14, also not peer-reviewed, asserting that the coronavirus was synthetic. Dr. Yan’s background is a little murky. She left her position as a postdoctoral research fellow at Hong Kong University for undisclosed reasons some time ago, according to a July statement from the institution, and fled to the United States. Both papers list Dr. Yan and her co-authors as affiliated with the Rule of Law Society, a nonprofit whose founders include Steve Bannon, a former White House chief strategist, who has since been charged in an unrelated case of fraud. “That alone should give people pause,” Dr. Rasmussen said of the team’s connection to Mr. Bannon’s nonprofit. Dr. Yan and her colleagues did not respond to a request for comment. Their original paper — known as “the Yan report” — was also seized upon by thousands online and reported on in The New York Post, even though experts rapidly debunked its findings. Researchers called it unscientific and said it ignored the wealth of data pointing to the virus’s natural origins. Close relatives of the new coronavirus exist in bats. The virus may have moved directly into people from bats, or first jumped into another animal, such as a pangolin, before transitioning into humans. Both scenarios have played out before with other pathogens. “We have a very good picture of how a virus of this kind could circulate and spill over into human beings,” said Brandon Ogbunu, a disease ecologist at Yale University. It may take quite some time to pinpoint exactly which animals harbored the virus along this chain of transmission, if scientists ever do at all — inevitably leaving some parts of the virus’s origin story ambiguous. Like many other conspiracy theories, the lab-made hypothesis “exploits the open questions in an ongoing investigation,” Dr. Ogbunu said. But there is no evidence so far to support a synthetic source for the virus. Dr. Yan’s Twitter account was suspended in September 2020 for pushing coronavirus disinformation. She shared the “second Yan report” from a second Twitter account, which has gained more than 34,000 followers. Together, the papers written by Dr. Yan and her colleagues lay out what they identified as abnormalities in the genome sequence of the coronavirus. They suggested that those unusual features indicated that the virus’s genome had been purposefully spliced together and modified, using the genetic material from other viruses — a sort of Frankenstein’s monster pathogen, Dr. Yan told Fox News in September. The cousins of the coronavirus that had been identified in bats, they said, were also fake, human-made constructions, thus supposedly quashing the natural origin hypothesis. The authors also contended that the coronavirus’s genome had been manipulated by scientists to enhance the virus’s ability to infect human cells and cause disease. But outside experts have found no validity in either Yan report. The first was “full of contradictory statements and unsound interpretations” of genetic data from viruses, said Kishana Taylor, a virologist at Carnegie Mellon University. And the second Yan report “was even more unhinged than the first,” said Gigi Kwik Gronvall, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and an author of a response debunking the original Yan report. The supposedly strange features found in the genomes of the coronavirus and its natural relatives aren’t actually red flags at all, Dr. Ogbunu said. Viruses frequently move between animal hosts, changing their genetic material along the way — sometimes even swapping hunks of their genomes with other viruses. And many of the purported abnormalities in the coronavirus are found in other virus genomes. The notion that the coronavirus was “designed” to be dangerous is also “just nonsense,” Dr. Ogbunu said. Scientists don’t know enough about viruses to predict which mutations would increase their lethality, let alone engineer these changes into new pathogens in the lab. Building the coronavirus from such a mishmash of genetic templates, as described by Dr. Yan and her colleagues, would also raise herculean logistical hurdles for even the most dogged scientists. Part of this process would require researchers to laboriously tinker with thousands of individual letters in the alphabet soup that is a virus’s genome — an absurdly inefficient scientific strategy, Dr. Rasmussen said. “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,” Dr. Rasmussen said. “And this is not that.” By David Enrich President Trump owes a lot of money: hundreds of millions of dollars of it. Whom he owes it to has been the subject of countless conspiracy theories. Lately, liberals and other social media accounts have been spreading rumors, presented as fact, that he owes it to the Kremlin or Russian oligarchs. After The New York Times reported that Mr. Trump’s federal tax returns showed that he had personally guaranteed $421 million of debt, questions about who lent him all this money have reached the upper echelons of the Democratic Party. “It’d be really good to know who the president of the United States, the commander-in-chief, owes money to, because the American people have a right to know what is influencing the president’s decisions,” Senator Kamala Harris said at last week’s vice-presidential debate. The answers are not hard to come by. According to Mr. Trump’s latest financial disclosure report, filed with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, he owes at least $135 million to a smattering of small financial institutions such as Ladder Capital. His biggest creditor — to whom Mr. Trump owes well over $300 million — is Deutsche Bank. From 2012 through 2015, the scandal-plagued German bank lent Mr. Trump money for his Doral golf resort in Florida ($125 million), his hotel in Washington ($170 million) and his skyscraper in Chicago (at least $45 million). Why on earth would Deutsche Bank have lent hundreds of millions to Mr. Trump given his track record of stiffing his lenders, including Deutsche Bank itself? One conspiracy theory is that Deutsche Bank agreed to make the loans because they were backstopped by Russians — the Kremlin or a state-owned bank or an oligarch. If Mr. Trump were to default, it would be the Russians, not Deutsche Bank, on the hook for the losses. Another, related claim is that after Deutsche Bank made the loans, it sold chunks of them to Russians. It is common for large loans to be syndicated or securitized — in other words, chopped up and sold to investors. In the late 1990s through the mid-2000s, Deutsche Bank did this with some of its large loans to Mr. Trump. Under this theory, the president would owe the money to Russians, not the German bank. There is a certain logic to this. Russians interfered on Mr. Trump’s behalf in the 2016 election. Deutsche Bank is the only mainstream financial institution that’s been consistently willing to do business with Mr. Trump. And Deutsche Bank for decades has had close ties to Russia and has facilitated money laundering for wealthy Russians. But the theories don’t hold up. Deutsche Bank didn’t chop up and sell the latest batch of debt — the only portion that is still outstanding, according to bank officials with direct knowledge of the transactions. The loans remain on Deutsche Bank’s books. It is true that Deutsche Bank was willing to lend to Mr. Trump when few others would. But there is an explanation. To overcome the bank’s wariness, Mr. Trump agreed to personally guarantee most of the debt on all of the loans. That meant that if he defaulted, Deutsche Bank could seize his personal assets, as The Times has previously reported. The result was that the loans would generate fees and interest payments for Deutsche Bank but would entail little financial risk. Deutsche Bank remains a vast repository for Mr. Trump’s financial secrets, and the president’s lawyers have spent more than a year fighting against congressional subpoenas for the bank’s records related to Mr. Trump. It is not impossible that evidence will emerge that muddies this picture. For now, though, it isn’t very complicated. By Sheera Frenkel In 2018, Facebook’s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, famously cited Holocaust deniers in a fumbled attempt to make a point about free speech. At the time, he said the deniers — those who reject or distort the Holocaust, a genocide in which millions of Jews and others were killed by Nazis and their collaborators during World War II — were a key example of people whom he personally disagreed with. But, he said, he did not think Facebook should censor or remove what they posted “because I think there are things that different people get wrong.” On Monday, Mr. Zuckerberg announced he was reversing his decision. Facebook, he said, would now ban content that “denies or distorts the Holocaust.” In announcing the change, Facebook cited a recent survey that found that nearly a quarter of American adults ages 18 to 39 said they believed the Holocaust either was a myth or was exaggerated, or they weren’t sure whether it happened. “I’ve struggled with the tension between standing for free expression and the harm caused by minimizing or denying the horror of the Holocaust,” Mr. Zuckerberg wrote in his blog post. “Drawing the right lines between what is and isn’t acceptable speech isn’t straightforward, but with the current state of the world, I believe this is the right balance.” Mr. Zuckerberg has repeatedly said that he does not want Facebook to be an arbiter of free speech. The Silicon Valley company has faced plenty of criticism for that stance, including from civil rights groups who have said Facebook has allowed toxic speech and misinformation to flow unchecked on its site. Many have called for Mr. Zuckerberg to rethink his position. More recently, the social network has become more proactive about removing some content, including banning the QAnon conspiracy movement and taking a stronger line against hate and vigilante groups. Facebook has said it has made some of the changes because QAnon has been linked to real-world harm and vigilante groups have been arrested for violent acts. Facebook did not immediately respond to a request for comment on whether it was re-evaluating its stance on free speech. By Davey Alba During the 2016 presidential election, Russian operatives used Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media platforms to spread disinformation to divide the American electorate. Since then, the social media companies have spent billions of dollars and hired tens of thousands of people to help clean up their act. But have the platforms really become more sophisticated at handling misinformation? People are engaging more on Facebook today with news outlets that routinely publish misinformation than they did before the 2016 election, according to new research from the German Marshall Fund Digital, the digital arm of the public policy think tank. The organization, which has a data partnership with the start-up NewsGuard and the social media analytics firm NewsWhip, published its findings on Monday. In total, Facebook likes, comments and shares of articles from news outlets that regularly publish falsehoods and misleading content roughly tripled from the third quarter of 2016 to the third quarter of 2020, the group found. About two thirds of those likes and comments were of articles published by 10 outlets, which the researchers categorized as “false content producers” or “manipulators.” Those news outlets included Palmer Report and The Federalist, according to the research. The group used ratings from NewsGuard, which ranks news sites based on how they uphold nine journalistic principles, to sort them into “false content producers,” which repeatedly publish provably false content; and “manipulators,” which regularly present unsubstantiated claims or that distort information to make an argument. “We have these sites that masquerade as news outlets online. They’re allowed to,” said Karen Kornbluh, director of GMF Digital. “It’s infecting our discourse and it’s affecting the long-term health of the democracy.” Andy Stone, a Facebook spokesman, said that analyzing likes, shares and comments to draw conclusions was “misleading” because the data does not capture what most people see on Facebook. The social network does not make other data, such as the reach of posts, publicly available; engagement data is the only information it provides. Ms. Kornbluh said Facebook users engaged more with articles from all news outlets this year because the coronavirus pandemic forced people to quarantine indoors. But the growth rate of likes, shares and comments of content from manipulators and false content producers exceeded the interactions that people had with what the researchers called “legitimate journalistic outlets,” such as Reuters, Associated Press and Bloomberg. Ms. Kornbluh said social media firms face a conundrum because their businesses rely on viral content to bring in users, who they can then show ads to. Tamping down on misinformation “just runs against their economic incentives,” she said. By Kevin Roose Here at Daily Distortions, we try to debunk false and misleading information that has gone viral. We also want to give you a sense of how popular that misinformation is, in the overall context of what is being discussed on social media. Each Friday, we will feature a list of the 10 most-engaged stories of the week in the United States, as ranked by NewsWhip, a firm that compiles social media performance data. (NewsWhip tracks the number of reactions, shares and comments each story receives on Facebook, along with shares on Pinterest and by a group of influential users on Twitter.) The mainstream news cycle this week was dominated by the fallout from President Trump’s Covid-19 hospitalization, the collapse of coronavirus-relief stimulus talks and the debate between Senator Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence. But on social media, the death of the rocker Eddie Van Halen made more of a splash. So did articles about Mr. Pence’s opposition to abortion and a trolling campaign waged against the Proud Boys, the extremist right-wing group mentioned during last week’s presidential debate, by gay men who flooded the #ProudBoys hashtag with pro-gay posts. Here is an annotated list of the 10 most-engaged news stories of the past seven days. 1. TMZ: Eddie Van Halen Dead at 65 (3,504,366 interactions) TMZ broke the news of Mr. Van Halen’s death, after what it described as a battle with lung cancer that went “massively downhill.” 2. NBC News: Trump kills stimulus talks, tweets no deal until ‘after I win’ election (3,069,835 interactions) Mr. Trump’s decision to end stimulus talks was the second-most-engaged story of the week. He has since backtracked from the position. 3. New York Post: Eddie Van Halen, rock guitar god, dead of throat cancer at 65 (2,150,021 interactions) 4. The Los Angeles Times: Eddie Van Halen, grinning guitar god for a rock generation, dies at 65 (1,791,539 interactions) 5. The Washington Times: Netflix indicted on child porn charges over ‘Cuties’ (1,190,841 interactions) The controversy surrounding “Cuties,” a documentary that some critics — including believers in the QAnon conspiracy theory — accused of sexualizing underage girls, escalated this week after a grand jury in Tyler County, Texas, charged Netflix with promoting lewdness. 6. CNBC: Mike Pence on Supreme Court nomination and Roe v. Wade: ‘I’m pro-life. I don’t apologize for it’ (1,112,253 interactions) Mr. Pence’s comments about Roe v. Wade during the vice-presidential debate went viral after Franklin Graham, a conservative evangelical with an enormous Facebook following, shared them. 7. Variety: Eddie Van Halen Dies at 65 (1,104,550 interactions) 8. Forbes: The Proud Boys Are Furious That Gay Men Have Taken Over #ProudBoys On Twitter (1,097,261 interactions) A social media movement to troll the Proud Boys with positive depictions of gay men got tons of attention this week, after it was shared by left-wing Facebook accounts including The Other 98% and the Democratic Coalition Against Trump. 9. Rolling Stone: Eddie Van Halen, Hall of Fame Guitarist Who Revolutionized Instrument, Dead at 65 (1,067,982 interactions) 10. The New York Times: ‘We Need to Take Away Children,’ No Matter How Young, Justice Dept. Officials Said (1,042,578 interactions) The Times’s investigation of top Justice Department officials who pushed for a child separation immigration policy got more than a million interactions after it was shared by popular left-wing accounts including Hillary Clinton, Robert Reich and Bill Maher. By Kevin Roose Contracting Covid-19 may have put President Trump in the hospital, jeopardized his re-election campaign, and drawn attention to his administration’s failures to contain the deadly pathogen. But it’s been great for his Facebook page. For the week that ended Saturday, the president received 27 million reactions, shares and comments on his Facebook posts, according to data from CrowdTangle, a Facebook-owned analytics platform. That number broke the president’s previous weekly record of 25 million interactions, which came in November 2016, the week he was elected. (Mr. Trump’s highest single-day total was on Election Day that year, when he received 12.3 million interactions.) The president’s most-engaged post came on Saturday, the day after he was flown to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. It was Mr. Trump’s first appearance on social media after his hospitalization, and he claimed his treatment was “going well, I think!” The post received more than three million interactions. A post by Mr. Trump two days later, in which he told his followers, “don’t be afraid of Covid,” got more than 1.5 million interactions. The post was widely criticized by medical experts for downplaying the risks of the virus, and critics called for it to be taken down from Facebook and Twitter. But neither company took it down, saying it did not pose an immediate threat of physical harm. Facebook did take down another of the president’s posts, in which he falsely claimed that Covid-19 was less lethal than the flu. Twitter left the same post up, but covered it with a warning that it violated the company’s rules on Covid-19 misinformation. Mr. Trump responded to that takedown by calling for the repeal of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a law that shields internet platforms from some lawsuits. The president has repeatedly claimed that Facebook and other social networks are biased against conservatives, despite evidence that right-wing content is some of the highest-performing material on the platforms. Engagement data doesn’t capture how widely posts are seen in users’ feeds, or whether the reactions to them are positive or negative. But most of the responses to Mr. Trump’s posts appeared to be from well-wishers and people hoping for a speedy recovery. Of the 2.5 million interactions on his Saturday post saying his treatment was “going well,” nearly all were accompanied by the “like,” “heart” or “hug” emoji. (Only 1,200 people reacted with the frowny-face emoji.) Mr. Trump has been one of Facebook’s most popular accounts for years. But in the months leading up to the election, the engagement on his page has been growing, allowing him to circumvent the mainstream media and turning him into a major broadcaster in his own right. Last month, the president received 87 million Facebook interactions — more than CNN, ABC News, NBC News, The New York Times, The Washington Post and BuzzFeed combined. Joe Biden, Mr. Trump’s Democratic challenger, also had one of his best-ever weeks of Facebook engagement, with 4.7 million interactions — less than one-fifth of Mr. Trump’s total. On Wednesday, President Trump portrayed as a miracle “cure” the experimental antibody cocktail he took for his case of Covid-19, which had landed him in Walter Reed National Medical Military Center just days before. Mr. Trump returned to the White House three days after taking the drug. But the antibody treatment, made by the drug company Regeneron, has not yet been proven effective against the coronavirus by rigorous clinical trials in people. Dr. Taison Bell, a critical care physician at the University of Virginia, noted that it was not yet possible to tell whether the treatment actually “cured,” or even significantly benefited, the president. Doctors administered it to Mr. Trump alongside other therapies, including an antiviral called remdesivir and a steroid called dexamethasone. The latter is known to provoke a temporary surge in well-being. “From a scientific standpoint, it makes it extremely hard to figure out what benefit came from which of the three medications,” Dr. Bell said. Medical experts were also quick to point out that Mr. Trump’s touting of the treatment was at least the third time this year that the president has exaggerated the benefits of an unapproved Covid-19 therapy. He had previously promoted hydroxychloroquine and convalescent plasma, and on Wednesday advocated making the antibody treatment “free” for anyone who needed it. Hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug that researchers attempted to repurpose for use in people with the coronavirus, was repeatedly championed — and taken — by Mr. Trump, despite a lack of evidence that it worked. After granting emergency authorization for use of hydroxychloroquine, the Food and Drug Administration revoked it, citing studies showing that the drug did not help Covid-19 patients and could cause serious side effects in some. Convalescent plasma is the antibody-rich portion of blood donated by people who have recovered from Covid-19. Mr. Trump pressured the F.D.A. to give the treatment emergency approval in August, even though there was no strong evidence that it benefited sick patients. Dr. Megan Ranney, an emergency medicine physician at Brown University, said that the endless cycle of talking up new treatments — many of which might not pan out — could erode public trust in science and medicine. “It’s like the boy who cried wolf,” she said. “It’s going to make it more difficult to get the real changers.” Experts think monoclonal antibodies, like the cocktail taken by Mr. Trump, could fare better than hydroxychloroquine and convalescent plasma. The treatment is “super promising, and all of us are excited from a theoretical perspective,” Dr. Ranney said. “But it’s just too early,” she added, to tell if theory will translate into practice. Monoclonal antibodies are synthetic, mass-produced mimics of the molecules the human body produces in response to an infection. Some antibodies are powerful enough to block the coronavirus from infiltrating cells. Administered to people battling the coronavirus, the monoclonal antibodies could help naturally produced immune molecules fend off the virus. Just days before Mr. Trump tested positive for the coronavirus and was admitted to the hospital, Regeneron announced a batch of preliminary results, collected from ongoing trials, via news release. They suggested Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody cocktail could tamp down the amount of virus found in the nasal cavity, and hasten recovery in people who had contracted the virus but hadn’t been hospitalized. On Wednesday evening, Regeneron announced it was seeking an emergency approval from the F.D.A. for its antibody cocktail. The data so far for monoclonal antibodies looks “very promising,” said Dr. Phyllis Tien, an infectious disease physician at the University of California, San Francisco. But it’s crucial, she added, to let the trials run to completion to fully assess safety and efficacy. Unanticipated side effects could crop up, or the treatment might not perform as well in certain people as it does in others. Mr. Trump’s allusions to making monoclonal antibodies “free” for widespread use are also probably off base. Monoclonal antibodies are expensive and difficult to produce in large quantities. Regeneron estimated that it would initially have enough doses for only 50,000 people, though the company plans to scale up production in coming months. What’s cheaper, Dr. Ranney said, are the many preventive strategies available to keep the virus from infecting people in the first place, such as masks and physical distancing: “How about we focus on that?” QAnon followers were speculating on Tuesday night that Facebook’s new ban on all QAnon groups and pages was part of a complex plan by the Trump administration to root out the “deep state” and arrest their enemies. Or the social media company was trying to squelch the impending news that President Trump was about to crack down on his foes. QAnon believers were making both arguments. Neither was true. Earlier on Tuesday, Facebook announced it would remove any group, page or Instagram account associated with the QAnon conspiracy. Within 24 hours, hundreds of groups had disappeared, many of them with hundreds of thousands of followers. After the ban, QAnon believers began to speculate on Twitter and other social media platforms that Facebook’s move was a sign that the moment they had predicted — Mr. Trump reveals his long fight with satanic pedophiles — had finally arrived. One tweet, which was liked nearly 1,000 times, linked to an announcement by the Justice Department of a news conference Wednesday morning on a matter of “national security.” The tweet claimed the Justice Department was preparing charges against a number of senior Democrats, including Hillary Clinton. Similar tweets by QAnon believers said the news conference would have even bigger news, including an appearance by Mr. Trump to announce that he had arrested hundreds of members of a shadowy group that QAnon believers falsely claim are secretly running a satanic cabal. Many of those tweets were also shared and liked hundreds of times. The Justice Department’s news conference on Wednesday detailed the investigation and arrest of several members of the Islamic State terrorist organization. There was no mention of the satanic cabal that QAnon followers claim Mr. Trump is battling. But after the conference ended, QAnon adherents still maintained the Justice Department would deliver on the sprawling conspiracy theory that their members have spun over years. Researchers who study QAnon said it was typical of the group to incorporate new conspiracies into their narrative to account for inaccurate predictions. Travis View, a host of “QAnon Anonymous,” a podcast that seeks to explain the movement, said the group was already rallying around the idea that a surprise was coming in October or November. Conspiracy theories, Mr. View said, have a way of continuing to live on, even after being repeatedly proven false. Mere hours after defiantly advising Americans not to fear the coronavirus or let it “dominate your life,” President Trump took to Twitter on Tuesday morning with misleading comparisons of Covid-19 to the flu. “Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the Vaccine, die from the Flu,” Mr. Trump tweeted on Tuesday morning. “Are we going to let it close down our Country? No, we have learned to live with it, just like we are learning to live with Covid, in most populations far less lethal!!!” Flu season is coming up! Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the Vaccine, die from the Flu. Are we going to close down our Country? No, we have learned to live with it, just like we are learning to live with Covid, in most populations far less lethal!!! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 6, 2020 But his comparisons of Covid-19 and the flu stand in sharp contrast to months of data gathered by experts, who have repeatedly said that the coronavirus poses a far more serious threat than influenza viruses. Based on data gathered thus far, most flu viruses are less deadly and less contagious than the coronavirus. And while flu vaccines and federally approved treatments for the flu exist, no such products have been fully cleared by governing bodies for use against the coronavirus. Twitter appended a note to Mr. Trump’s tweet, saying that it violated the company’s rules about spreading false and misleading information about the virus. But it kept the post up, saying that it was in the public interest to keep it accessible. Facebook removed a similar post from Mr. Trump, saying that the company removes incorrect information about the coronavirus. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 24,000 and 62,000 flu-related deaths occur in the United States each year — substantially fewer than Mr. Trump claimed. In February, Mr. Trump stuck closer to the facts at a White House news conference. “The flu, in our country, kills from 25,000 people to 69,000 people a year. That was shocking to me,” he said at the time. Earlier that month, according to the recent book by Bob Woodward, Mr. Trump described the coronavirus as “more deadly than even your strenuous flus.” On average, seasonal flu strains kill about 0.1 percent of the people they infect. The coronavirus, on the other hand, has killed more than 210,000 people in the United States, and more than one million worldwide, since the start of 2020. The virus’s true mortality rate remains unclear, as it is difficult to gather such data while the pandemic rages on. Inadequate testing has also made it hard to pinpoint how many people have been stricken by the virus, which can spread silently from people who never show symptoms. Still, estimates from experts tend to put the coronavirus’s death rate higher than the flu’s. The virus’s death toll was especially high in late winter and spring, when hospitals were overwhelmed, clinically tested treatments were scarce and masking and distancing were even more scarce than they are now. “This is basically nonsensical ranting and raving,” Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University, said about Mr. Trump’s statements. “This just demonstrates that, for a businessman, President Trump doesn’t seem to have much of a grasp of mathematics.” Frequent encounters with past flu strains, in combination with effective vaccines, can also bolster the body’s defenses against new flu viruses. The coronavirus, however, has swept through a defenseless population of unprepared hosts at a dizzying rate. Deaths also don’t reveal the entire picture. Researchers still don’t fully understand the long-term consequences of coronavirus infections, which have saddled a growing number of people, called long-haulers, with serious and debilitating symptoms that can linger for weeks or months. Medical experts have also warned that as the northern hemisphere cools for winter, the flu and Covid-19 could collide, fueling a new spate of deaths. Mr. Trump, who tested positive for the coronavirus last week, has downplayed the severity of the pathogen several times in recent days, even though he was sent to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to receive treatment for Covid-19. While at the hospital, he received several therapies typically designated only for those who are very seriously ill. By Mike Isaac Facebook and Twitter have pledged to keep their networks safe from misinformation about the coronavirus to protect the public’s health. But on Monday, the sites were tested when President Trump posted that people should not be afraid of the disease. “Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life,” Mr. Trump wrote on his Facebook and Twitter pages, saying he would be discharged from the Walter Reed military hospital after being treated there for Covid-19 the last few days. “I feel better than I did 20 years ago!” I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 5, 2020 Medical experts immediately took issue with the post. More than 200,000 Americans have died from the virus, and more than 35 million cases have been reported around the world. Dr. Bob Wachter, the chair of the department of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, said Mr. Trump’s tweet was “breathtakingly callous, inhumane & counterproductive.” Dr. Bernard P. Chang of Columbia University’s department of emergency medicine warned that people should remain afraid of the virus. “Don’t be afraid of Covid.” Are you kidding me? After 210,000 deaths in the U.S. & 1 million deaths worldwide? This either shows a breathtakingly callous, inhumane & counterproductive attitude, or he has altered mental status – in which case the 25th Amendment should be invoked. pic.twitter.com/KjmQRdQkU1 — Bob Wachter (@Bob_Wachter) October 5, 2020 As a frontline clinician: it’s encouraging to see individual patients begin to get better. I wish him a speedy/safe recovery. But as a clinician-scientist: Don’t practice medicine by one-off anecdotes. Practice by data. And with over 210,000 souls lost, I’d remain VERY afraid. https://t.co/t55d0cWQc9 — Bernard P. Chang MD PhD (@bernardchangMD) October 5, 2020 But Facebook and Twitter did nothing about Mr. Trump’s post, even though the companies have publicized their coronavirus misinformation policies. Facebook has said it does not allow coronavirus posts that can lead to direct physical harm, and will redirect people to a Covid-19 information center. Twitter also removes only posts that contain demonstrably false information with the “highest likelihood of leading to physical harm.” For Facebook and Twitter, these details matter. They are paying close attention to whether or not Mr. Trump is giving a specific direction or command to engage in an activity that could immediately put people in danger. When he suggested in April that experts look into whether people could inject disinfectant to fight off the coronavirus, Facebook and Twitter used the same yardstick and took no action to remove clips and posts about the unproven treatment. Mr. Trump and his director of social media, Dan Scavino, have hewed closely to the line of what is allowed on various social media accounts over the past four years, seemingly pushing the envelope as far as possible without inciting the tech companies to take punitive action. Facebook did not respond to a request for comment. A Twitter spokesman said the tweet did not violate the company’s rules since it did not include a clear call to action that could potentially cause real-world harm. By Monday evening, Mr. Trump’s tweet and Facebook post on Covid-19 had been viewed by more than one million people across both networks. Mr. Trump later posted a video reiterating that people should not let the virus dominate their lives. “Get out there,” he said. “The vaccines are coming momentarily.” By Davey Alba President Trump’s decision to drive by well-wishers outside Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Sunday was widely criticized by medical experts as irresponsible for unnecessarily exposing Secret Service agents inside the vehicle to the virus. “By taking a joy ride outside Walter Reed the president is placing his Secret Service detail at grave risk,” tweeted Dr. Jonathan Reiner, professor of medicine and surgery at George Washington University. “This is the height of irresponsibility.” Yet many far-right commenters called it something else: a miracle. They said it was evidence that the president was overcoming his illness from the coronavirus. The Gateway Pundit, a website notorious for regularly spreading misinformation and falsehoods, published an article calling Mr. Trump’s drive-by to greet fans a “miracle in Maryland.” “I believe in miracles,” said another tweet on Sunday afternoon, after Mr. Trump’s doctor said he could return to the White House as early as Monday. “We are going to see another one in November!” Others reposted and repeated Mr. Trump’s own words in a video he released on Saturday that his hospitalization and process of recovery constituted a “miracle from God coming down.” Alex Plitsas, the vice chairman of the Fairfield Republican Town Committee in Connecticut and a onetime contributor to the conservative news and opinion site The Daily Caller, said the people criticizing Mr. Trump’s trip past supporters on Sunday were hypocritical. He said that they advocated wearing masks to stop the spread of the virus, but that when Mr. Trump wore one they said that was not enough to please them. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization say face coverings are a safeguard but not an absolute guarantee of stopping transmission — especially in a small, sealed space like a vehicle occupied by a person known to be infected, as was the case on Sunday. Mr. Plitsas did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Greg Price, another contributor to The Daily Caller, said the Secret Service agents accompanying Mr. Trump during the drive-by had always been at risk because they have been around the president during his bout of illness. Secret Service agents have been within spitting distance of President Trump the whole weekend, but apparently they were never in danger until he decided to wave at his supporters. — Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 4, 2020 “The point of my tweet was that the safety of the agents didn’t become a big story until President Trump did the drive by,” Mr. Price said in a direct message on Monday. Dr. James Phillips, an attending physician at Walter Reed, said the specific situation of being in a sealed vehicle increased the agents’ risk. “Presidential SUV is not only bulletproof, but hermetically sealed against chemical attack,” he tweeted. He added that the risk of Covid-19 transmission was “as high as it gets outside of medical procedures.” Every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary Presidential “drive-by” just now has to be quarantined for 14 days. They might get sick. They may die. For political theater. Commanded by Trump to put their lives at risk for theater. This is insanity. — James P. Phillips, MD (@DrPhillipsMD) October 4, 2020 The C.D.C. says cloth face coverings help prevent the person wearing the mask from spreading Covid-19 to others, but it doesn’t say wearing a mask fully prevents the spread of the virus. The drive angered some members of the Secret Service, The Washington Post reported. “Many of the statements that are being pushed by Trump’s supporters have been debunked by medical experts, but at this time, no one is being rational,” said Claire Wardle, executive director of First Draft, an organization that fights online disinformation. “These tweets and the online conversation is not about science or expertise, it’s about emotions and partisanship.” President Trump’s announcement on Friday that he tested positive for the coronavirus has reignited an online fervor over hydroxychloroquine, a drug repeatedly promoted and taken by Mr. Trump despite a lack of evidence that it effectively treats or prevents Covid-19. Advocates of the drug have taken to Twitter and Facebook over the past few days to recommend hydroxychloroquine as a course of treatment for Mr. Trump. Among them was Representative Andy Biggs, a Republican of Arizona. On Friday, Mr. Biggs passed on his well wishes to the president on Twitter before encouraging him and the first lady, Melania Trump, who also contracted the coronavirus, “to take hydroxychloroquine to assist with their recoveries.” I encourage them to take hydroxychloroquine to assist with their recoveries, & I am confident that they will be resuming their normal routines in the very near future. pic.twitter.com/LFxIWwvjo5 — Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) October 2, 2020 Over the weekend, other Twitter users also posted that Mr. Trump should use hydroxychloroquine, with some calling it a “miracle drug.” The hashtag #hydroxychloroquine popped up frequently on Twitter, with others posting under the hashtag #HCQWORKS. All of the online activity means it’s a good time to sort through what we know about hydroxychloroquine. The drug has long been used to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. At the start of the pandemic, a handful of small, poorly designed studies suggested that it could block the coronavirus from replicating in cells. Since then, the data on hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness against the virus has been mixed. The early, seemingly promising results, bolstered by political pressure, prompted the Food and Drug Administration to grant the drug an emergency authorization for use in very sick Covid-19 patients. Follow-up studies, however, found the drug neither sped recovery nor prevented healthy people from contracting the coronavirus or progressing to serious disease. The F.D.A. ultimately revoked its emergency approval. The agency now warns that hydroxychloroquine can cause dangerous abnormalities in heart rhythm in coronavirus patients. Researchers have also conducted large reviews concluding that hydroxychloroquine does not benefit Covid-19 patients, and have reaffirmed the risks of side effects in these individuals. Still, the drug has been championed by some — including President Trump, who praised it through the summer. So what treatment is Mr. Trump, who has been hospitalized at Walter Reed military hospital, actually receiving? His doctor, Sean P. Conley, has said Mr. Trump had received an infusion of an experimental antibody treatment developed by drug maker Regeneron, and was also taking zinc, vitamin D, melatonin, aspirin and a generic version of the heartburn treatment Pepcid. Dr. Conley has also said the president has begun a five-day course of remdesivir, an antiviral drug given emergency use authorization from the F.D.A. to treat hospitalized Covid-19 patients. And on Sunday, Dr. Conley said Mr. Trump had been given the steroid dexamethasone, which has been shown to help patients who are severely ill with Covid-19 but can be harmful for patients with mild or moderate cases of the disease. Hydroxychloroquine was not mentioned by Mr. Trump’s medical team. That prompted some on Twitter to speak out on what they saw as an omission in his treatment. By Kevin Roose Here at Daily Distortions, we try to debunk false and misleading information that has gone viral. We also want to give you a sense of how popular that misinformation is, in the overall context of what is being discussed on social media. Each Friday, we will feature a list of the 10 most-engaged stories of the week in the United States, as ranked by NewsWhip, a firm that compiles social media performance data. (NewsWhip tracks the number of reactions, shares and comments each story receives on Facebook, along with shares on Pinterest and by a group of influential users on Twitter.) In the past week, two major political stories — about President Trump’s taxes, and the first presidential debate on Tuesday — dominated social media feeds. But there was plenty of other news making the rounds online, including stories about Amy Coney Barrett, the Supreme Court nominee, and the economic toll of the coronavirus. Here is an annotated list of the 10 most-engaged news stories of the past seven days. (Note: this week’s list captures data from Friday, Sept. 25 at 9 a.m. Eastern time until Friday, Oct. 2 at 9 a.m. Eastern time. It captures only the first several hours of data on articles about President Trump testing positive for Covid-19, which was revealed early Friday morning.) 1. The New York Times: Trump’s Taxes Show Chronic Losses and Years of Income Tax Avoidance (5,730,782 interactions) The Times’s big scoop about Mr. Trump’s taxes led the pack this week, with more than five million interactions, making it the paper’s most-engaged article of the year. 2. Fox News: Trump announces Amy Coney Barrett as nominee for Supreme Court seat (1,315,885 interactions) 3. The Daily Wire: Chris Wallace Faces Intense Backlash, Including From Colleagues, Over Bias During Debate (1,176,793 interactions) Right-wing websites like The Daily Wire took aim at Mr. Wallace after Tuesday’s debate. This article, which aggregated tweets from right-wing commentators, struck a nerve among Trump supporters who felt that the president had been unfairly treated by the Fox News anchor. 4. Fox News: Trump $500B Black America plan designates KKK, Antifa as ‘terrorist organizations’ (1,169,050 interactions) Another Fox News story, this one about President Trump’s recent announcement that he would propose designating the Ku Klux Klan and antifa “terrorist organizations.” (Legal experts have said that the proposal is largely symbolic, and that there was no legal authority for labeling a domestic group this way.) 5. NBC News: Proud Boys say they are ‘standing down and standing by’ after Trump’s debate callout (1,156,849 interactions) After Mr. Trump told the Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group, to “stand back and stand by” during Tuesday’s debate, the group’s supporters adopted the president’s remarks as a rallying cry. (Note: NBC’s original headline misstated Mr. Trump’s comment.) 6. The Washington Post: The pandemic pushes hundreds of millions of people toward starvation and poverty (1,054,643 interactions) UNICEF was the top sharer of this Washington Post analysis, which concluded that when it comes to the economic toll of the coronavirus pandemic, “the gloom is only deepening.” (Note: UNICEF’s Facebook posts receive an additional boost from the platform’s Covid-19 info panels.) 7. The Blaze: President Trump tweets that he and the first lady have tested positive for coronavirus (891,140 interactions) 8. CNN: New York Times: Trump paid no income taxes in 10 of past 15 years (825,737 interactions) 9. The Daily Wire: John Legend: I Might Leave America If Trump Remains President. Uh-Huh. Legend Just Bought $17.5M Beverly Hills Mansion. (804,617 interactions) Days before Mr. Legend and his wife, Chrissy Teigen, announced that they had lost their child after pregnancy complications, The Daily Wire got more than 800,000 interactions on an article calling attention to Mr. Legend’s saying that he would consider leaving America if Mr. Trump were re-elected. 10. Variety: BTS: See Every Variety Cover (795,837 interactions) The 10th most-engaged story of the week was a roundup of magazine covers featuring BTS, the K-pop supergroup. Never underestimate a K-pop supergroup. By Davey Alba President Trump’s announcement on Friday that he had tested positive for the coronavirus set off a wave of tweets and Facebook posts with a common refrain, especially on the left: Why should we believe him? There was no evidence that Mr. Trump was lying. But overnight, hundreds of tweets were posted casting doubt on whether the president contracted the coronavirus. The White House has given multiple statements confirming Mr. Trump’s condition. His physician confirmed the positive test result, and Mark Meadows, the president’s chief of staff, said that Mr. Trump had mild symptoms of Covid-19. The tweets questioning Mr. Trump’s announcement peaked at five per minute on Friday morning according to Dataminr, a social media monitoring service. The doubters included Jelani Cobb, a staff writer at The New Yorker, and Anand Giridharadas, editor at large of Time and an occasional contributor to The New York Times. Some suggested that the announcement from the president could be an excuse to delay the election, since he is trailing in the polls, and cancel future presidential debates. trump pretending to have covid so he doesn’t have to do the next debate — chet porter (@chetporter) October 2, 2020 Some of the people doubting Mr. Trump said they couldn’t believe him because of how much false and misleading information he has spread about the virus in the past. I’m not saying I think Trump is lying. I’m not saying I think he’s not lying. I’m just saying he lies all the time about everything, especially coronavirus, and it probably makes sense to say “Trump SAYS HE tested positive” instead of taking this liar at his word like this pic.twitter.com/W1DBq2MIhs — Matt Negrin, HOST OF HARDBALL AT 7PM ON MSNBC (@MattNegrin) October 2, 2020 Researchers at Cornell University published a study this week showing that Mr. Trump was the single largest driver of false and misleading information about the coronavirus. Mentions of Mr. Trump made up nearly 38 percent of the overall “misinformation conversation,” the researchers said. Mr. Trump has also stated on at least 34 separate occasions since February that the coronavirus would go away. “We’re in an environment where conspiracies are thriving, in part because the president encourages them,” said Melissa Ryan, chief executive of Card Strategies, a consulting firm that researches disinformation. “And we have a White House comms operation that gives the press and public disinformation constantly.” The situation has created “the perfect storm for people to assume that the White House isn’t being truthful,” Ms. Ryan said. Many of the deniers also latched on to a tweet from Sept. 18 that had originally been shared in conspiracy circles, but was reshared widely on Facebook and Twitter after Mr. Trump’s announcement on Friday. “Trump’s October surprise will be the announcement of ‘his infection,’” it said. “Fake, but quite dramatic.” The post collected nearly 15,000 interactions across Facebook and Twitter, mostly from people who falsely asserted that Mr. Trump catching the virus was a known plan. And some saw people’s reactions to the announcement as a reflection of the sheer magnitude of misinformation that has emanated from the president. Trump has made conspiracy theorists of us all. 🕵🏼♀️ — Ashley Mayer (@ashleymayer) October 2, 2020 By Kevin Roose After Tuesday’s chaotic presidential debate, in which President Trump repeatedly ignored the ground rules, his supporters turned their anger on Chris Wallace, the Fox News anchor who served as the debate’s moderator, accusing him of being biased against the president. Posts attacking Mr. Wallace dominated conservative social media on Wednesday and Thursday. One meme, which got more than a million interactions on Facebook after the president shared it, depicted Mr. Trump taking on both Mr. Wallace and Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic nominee, in a Street Fighter-style two-on-one brawl. Another meme, shared by the conservative influencers the Hodgetwins, depicted Mr. Wallace as Mr. Biden’s knight in shining armor. Other conservatives tried to paint Mr. Wallace as a Trump hater in disguise, pointing out that he is a registered Democrat. This is true. Mr. Wallace has described himself as “independent,” and has said he registered as a Democrat because “where I live, in Washington, D.C., the only elections that count are the Democratic primaries.” But other claims about Mr. Wallace were not true, such as a rumor that circulated on WeChat, the Chinese messaging app, that claimed he was “fired” from moderating any future debates. Some users also shared an image that was falsely labeled as showing Mr. Wallace with Jeffrey Epstein, the financier and accused sex trafficker. (The photo actually showed Mr. Wallace with the actor George Clooney, a vocal liberal with whom he is friendly.) The right-wing attacks have not stopped at Mr. Wallace. Conservatives have also begun casting doubts about the fairness of the second presidential debate, which is scheduled for Oct. 15 and is slated to be moderated by Steve Scully, a longtime C-SPAN political editor and host. One right-wing meme accused Mr. Scully of being connected to the “deep state.” Other conservatives referred to him as a former Biden intern, or said he and Mr. Biden had gone to college together. (They did not go to college together, although Mr. Scully did intern with Mr. Biden’s Senate office while an undergraduate at American University. He also was an intern for Senator Edward M. Kennedy.) Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, called the choice of moderator “NUTS,” and proposed having future debates moderated by teams of one Republican and one Democrat. 1/x Everyone agrees Tuesday’s debate was a train wreck. A major contributing fact was the moderator Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, repeatedly interrupting to try to help Joe Biden. The next debate is set to be moderated by a former intern to…Joe Biden. (And Ted Kennedy.) — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 1, 2020 Pro-Trump partisans also began digging for evidence that the Commission on Presidential Debates, the bipartisan organization that sponsors the debates, was biased against Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump has complained about the commission in the past, calling it “very biased” and saying it is “stacked with Trump Haters & Never Trumpers.” (The group’s leadership consists of both Democrats and Republicans.) Those claims have been renewed after Tuesday’s debate. On Thursday, supporters of QAnon, the pro-Trump conspiracy theory, began posting unfounded rumors about members of the debate commission, and pointing out that President Barack Obama is an honorary co-chair. (He is, as are former presidents from both parties, including George W. Bush.) Q, the pseudonymous message board poster whose posts fuel the theory, also weighed in, calling the commission’s choice of Mr. Scully as a debate moderator evidence of a “rigged system.” By Ben Decker It’s no surprise that people pushing anti-mask arguments popped up online around the time the coronavirus pandemic hit the United States in March and April. But here is what might surprise you: The audience for misleading anti-mask posts on Facebook has grown sharply in the last eight weeks, despite the growing evidence that masks can help prevent the spread of the virus. The number of people who have joined anti-mask Facebook groups has grown 1,800 percent, to more than 43,000 users, since the beginning of August, according to an analysis of data provided by Crowdtangle, a media tool that Facebook owns. Almost half of the 29 antimask groups discovered by The New York Times were created in the last three months, with names like “Mask off Michigan” and “Mask Free America Coalition.” #Tracking #Viral #Misinformation #Ahead #Election
Uncle Orson Reviews Everything September 10, 2015 First appeared in print in The Rhino Times , Greensboro, NC. Ricki, Crippled Carts, Barbarian TV Longtime readers of this column are aware of how little I have liked Meryl Streep's performances ever since I first saw her in The Deer Hunter back in In recent years, she has given a couple of performances that I enjoyed and even admired. And I think that in Ricki and the Flash she does splendidly. Ricki is the stage name of an aging rock singer named Linda, who walked away from her husband and three young children in order to move to California to pursue her career in rock-and-roll. Now all her children are of marriageable age and she barely knows them; her husband's second wife, Maureen (Audra McDonald), raised them as if they were her own. Needless to say, Ricki's rock "career" never arrived. She cut one album, back in the days of vinyl; now she plays in a very good bar band, covering other people's hits, and earns a living by being a checker at Total Foods. All for the She really had no choice, did she? She had to follow her dream, didn't she? Certainly that's the dogma that gets tossed around in movie after movie and meme after meme: Never give up! Follow your dream! Here's a clue, folks. By the time you're near (or in) your sixties, and you gave up everything -- marriage, family -- in pursuit of your dream, maybe it's time to pack it in and admit that it isn't going to happen for you. Only in the case of Ricki, even if she wanted to, she has nothing to go back to. Her husband, Pete (Kevin Kline) may still yearn for the woman he once loved, but he's happily married now to a loyal wife who stayed with him. One son, Josh (Sebastian Stan) is still willing to make a place for his mom in his life; another, Adam (Nick Westrate), is self-absorbed in his own inescapable destiny; and the daughter, Julie (Mamie Gummer), has just been jilted by her husband, who left her for another woman. They're not exactly begging Mommy to come home. Those days are over. And yet this sensitively written script (by Juno scriptwriter Diablo Cody -- a woman, despite the masculine Spanish name that means "devil"), admits that even a mother who abandoned her family, making it clear that she valued her music more than her children, has a role to play in their lives. When Ricki, having spent her last dime on the plane ticket, shows up at her ex-husband's mansionesque house, Julie greets her with so much hostility that I could see the edges of the screen beginning to give off smoke. Yet over the next few days, with Ricki staying in the house because she doesn't have money for a motel, she and Julie are able to find a way to do each other some In other words, this is a story about family love and family damage. Ricki's selfishness is excused, in her own mind, by the fact that she was "born to be Ricki," as if she didn't have any choice in the matter. And what makes it more poignant is that her band, The Flash, really is way better than your ordinary In fact, Meryl Streep does a pretty good job of selling an Ann Wilson-like singing style. No, she doesn't actually have good enough pitch control to be a first-rate rock singer, but she has some pretty good chops. And it helps that Ricki's lover and the lead guitarist in The Flash, Greg, is played by Rick Unlike Streep, as a musician Springfield is the real thing (his latest album is the excellent Songs for the End of the World). And, despite his lack of Oscar nominations, Springfield is better at acting than Streep is at singing. His years on General Hospital were not wasted, and his scenes with Streep are the emotional heart of this movie. This is not to denigrate the power of Ricki's scenes with her daughter Julie. Since Julie is played by Streep's real-life daughter, Mamie Gummer, you certainly have no problem believing the physical resemblance between them. But this is more than stunt casting. Gummer is a wonderful actor. But because her character is broken and self-absorbed, she can't give us the warmth that makes the Springfield-Streep scenes so poignant and warm. It's Julie who represents all the damage that Ricki's selfish choices caused to the people who loved and needed her. And it's Greg (Springfield) who represents her only remaining hope of love and happiness. When Streep played The Wife Who Walked Away in Kramer vs. Kramer back in 1979, the script never gave her a chance to redeem herself. She was Generic Woman Who Must Free Herself From Male Domination, a character that seems even shallower now, after another 36 years of political correctness. With this film, Streep has a better role and a chance to show the human being behind the selfish, short-sighted choices. Not for a moment does the film insist that the audience agree that she made the right choice -- or the wrong one. But that's how life is. Right or wrong, all we can ever do is start where we are now and try to make better choices And that's what Ricki and the Flash is about: The chance to make better choices. Every member of the family faces choices in this movie, and they all choose healing and reconciliation, even if in most cases it's a symbolic choice and may not last. The decision by both sons to dance while their mother's band performs at Josh's wedding, for instance, and the stepmother's decision to invite Ricki to the wedding -- these don't signify permanent forgiveness, but they're all steps in the right direction. This movie isn't suspenseful, so I'm not worried about spoilers. What makes it worth watching is the love that the writer and the actors create together. And the pretty good music. The best song is the one that Streep plays alone, on acoustic guitar, in the living room of her ex-husband's house, with Pete and Julie listening. It's the new song, the only original in this movie of covers: "Cold One." I'm disappointed that the soundtrack only has the later electric version; I really want that acoustic performance. (You can catch it on video here; scroll down to the picture with Streep holding an acoustic guitar.) Despite that shortcoming, and the occasional flaws in Streep's singing, this is an unusually good soundtrack album. Who knew that at age 66 Meryl Streep would cut a hit album? But this one deserves to be a hit. (There's also an "inspired by" album called American Ballads: Country Rock Music Inspired by the Film With The Flash and Ricki which isn't as good, but isn't bad, either.) As an added bonus, the senile grandmother, Oma, is played by Charlotte Rae, the mother-figure in The Facts of Life (1979-86). If I can overcome my anti-Streep feelings and love this film, I think there's a good chance that many will like it even more than I did. After a summer of mostly mediocre comic-book movies, it's nice that somebody made a first-rate film for grownups. And even though Rick Springfield kind of steals the movie's heart, I think Streep would not be too offended if I pointed out that her daughter, Mamie Gummer, is a superb actor -- more real, less calculating than Streep was at the same age. I look forward to seeing her in stronger roles than she's had a chance to play up to now. We have been regular customers of Harris Teeter since they first bought out Bestway and established themselves as the upscale grocery store in For years I used to forage for shopping carts that people had dragged far from the Harris Teeter at Elm and Pisgah Church, and push them, sometimes in trains as large as six or seven, up the hill to return them to the store. So I knew very well that cart theft was common, and could be a severe problem. Every lost or destroyed cart has to be paid for out of store revenues. That means the cart thieves cost all the customers money, in the form of higher So I understand completely why Harris Teeter replaced their old grey carts with new green ones that have computer-controlled locking wheels. If you push a shopping cart beyond the perimeter of the Harris Teeter parking lot, the rear wheels lock up and you can't push it. Or, rather, you can push it about as easily as you could push a sledge. All of this would be fine, except that the management of Harris Teeter has no concern whatever for the needs and convenience of their customers. These locking carts work by marking an electronic perimeter, rather like those invisible "dog fences" that give a shock to the dog that strays outside its yard. Instead of drawing that perimeter at the edges of the shopping center parking lot, however, they arbitrarily decided that the only customers they care about are those who are parked directly in front of the store. If you park down by the UPS Store or Ace Hardware, or up by the Bruegger's Bagels, you can't push your full shopping cart back to your car. Because those are outside the perimeter. They look like they're part of the parking lot for the shopping center, but as far as Harris Teeter is concerned, those places On Tuesday afternoon, the parking lot in front of Harris Teeter was so full that I would have had to park about two-thirds of the lot away from the store. But there were plenty of spaces over by the Santa Fe Mexican Grill that were much closer to Harris Teeter. As is my habit, I scanned for an abandoned cart so I could push it to the store and use it for my shopping. I found one and retrieved it. That's when I discovered that even though I was parked closer to Harris Teeter than most of the cars in the front lot, I was still in the hated no-man's-land where the shopping cart's wheels won't turn. The only way to push it back to the store was to lift up the back of the cart and push it on its front wheels, like a really awkward wheelbarrow. I knew then that once my cart was full -- and it was going to be full -- I wouldn't be able to push it back to my car in the normal way. I'm a 64-year-old man, not in the best of shape. I chose the closest available parking place in the Harris Teeter parking lot, expecting to have the help of a cart in carrying my purchases back to the car. Now I knew that this would not So after I paid for my purchases, I stopped at the customer service desk to register my complaint. The young lady there, who was not a manager, was very sympathetic, and pointed out what I had already guessed -- that the decision to skimp on the marking of the cart perimeter was made, not at the local store, but by "corporate." You know what that means, right? Because "corporate" doesn't know or care about actual customers. They only look at numbers. It would have cost more to establish a perimeter the full size of the shopping center parking lot -- and, because carts would now be left farther out from the store, it would cost more employee time to gather up abandoned carts. That makes sense to accountants. But it makes no sense to the customers who now have to figure out how to get their purchases home. The young lady at the counter finally told me that the guy tending the self-checkout desk had a key that would unlock my cart. Alas, while he was quite willing to help, the key had been taken by another employee who was going to bring back carts that had somehow been sledged to an area behind the store. He offered to stand outside with my purchases while I fetched my car, but I know how slowly I walk these days, and I didn't want a lot of meltable things to stay outside in the heat. Also, he was the only person tending the self-checkout, and I knew from experience how annoying it can be if the attendant isn't there. So I declined his help and pushed the cart the ten feet from the door to the yellow stripe that marks the perimeter. At that point, I lifted up the heavily-laden cart and wheelbarrowed it awkwardly to the median, where I perched it while I loaded my car. At that point, another employee came to take my cart back (which I always do, but it was nice of him to spare me that). I pointed out to him that when somebody is driving up and choosing a parking place, there is no signage of any kind informing us that if we park in this area, close to the store, we won't be able to bring our carts to the car. His answer was to point to a sign that you cannot hope to see until you've already parked. What do you do then, go all the way back out to your car and Yeah, right. Slow-moving old coots like me really love having a chance to walk to and from our car twice, especially since I'd have to move from a close-in parking place to one much farther from the store in order to be within the boundaries of Harris Teeter's acceptance. There is really only one conclusion to reach. Harris Teeter does not want customers to be able to park in the most convenient spot. Harris Teeter wants to make us walk much farther -- or carry our groceries out without the help of a cart. They don't care enough to warn us before we choose an outlawed parking spot. They're too cheap to move the perimeter so we can park near other stores and then also shop at Harris Teeter. In other words, they want us to shop at Food Lion. Visiting with friends, I caught an hour of Bachelor in Paradise (on ABC), a "reality" show that I would never have watched on my own. My friends were amused by the antics of the characters, as a supposed "beauty" (whom I found to be the least attractive of the women on the show in that episode, but ... go figure) jilted a man she had apparently been stringing along for weeks. All the group scenes and solo commentaries by the participants made me sad: It's all junior high school with sex. Instead of text messages, they needed to have little penciled notes saying: "Do you like me? ____ Yes _____ No _____ What made it sad was that all these "beautiful people" were trying hard to fake sincerity, as if this whole show had something to do with real life and real I don't think I'll be watching more, mostly because I know a much better class of people in the real world. I'd rather hang out with them. (And my friends are all better looking, too.) I also happened to flip past Naked and Afraid XL (Discovery Channel), in which twelve former Naked and Afraid survivalists were plunked down in the Colombian jungle for 40 days (unless they tapped out). I happened to catch the moment when a woman was angrily leaving two men who had somehow offended her -- and she had thrown their tools (two knives and a firestarter) into a body of water where, presumably, they were Since the survivalists have to make do with those few tools in order to catch and kill, then skin, cook, and eat whatever protein sources they find, if this were a real survival situation (i.e., if there weren't cameramen nearby), her actions would be tantamount to attempted murder. Instead, she was free to be petulant because despite the rigors of the experience, it's still fake: They are being observed; they will not be allowed to Later, though, from a summary by a friend who watched the whole show, and from an open letter published by one of the contestants on Facebook, I learned that these twelve people divided themselves into two groups. The larger group -- which my friend called "the welfare group" -- decided that since they wouldn't starve to death in forty days, all they needed to do was lie around near a water source and use up as little energy as possible. Of course, humans can't just "lie around" -- so they squabbled and quarreled and the normal junior high stuff. Just what chimps would do, if they could talk. In best junior-high fashion, they picked "losers" and pushed and goaded them until they tapped out. Again: If this had been real and there weren't producers at hand waiting to rescue the rejects, they would certainly have died in the wilderness. When you know it isn't quite real, attempted murder is taken rather lightly. The two castoffs -- a man who wanted to make shelter and look for food, a woman who got lost for a week so the other two women in her group bonded without her -- were also introverts. Apparently that is a capital crime in this troop of baboons. Two of the men, though -- branded the "Alpha Males" by the show's producers -- weren't content with sitting around sniping. They spent all day hunting for food, and several times scored significant amounts of protein, mostly in the form of eels. They shared their protein finds with the welfare group, and in my friend's opinion behaved like menschen through the entire show. My friend -- a woman -- was disgusted by the behavior of the women on the show. They all had a chip on their shoulder, taking umbrage at any help offered by the men -- even when they obviously needed the help. Feminist rage is a luxury that could not survive in a real survival situation -- you know, without cameras you can play to. Because the women knew that the men could not possibly show rage on camera (it would instantly make them the Bad Guys), they could behave like a tush flambee and feel righteous about But they didn't look righteous. They looked stupid, selfish, and short-sighted. And the guys who worked hard and provided for all were treated scornfully by the others -- though they certainly ate the food that the Alpha Males shared with them. Each in its own way, both Bachelor in Paradise and Naked and Afraid XL show why civilization is so fragile, requiring constant effort and real sacrifice to maintain. Modern Americans take civilization so much for granted that they feel perfectly free to revert to barbarism at a moment's notice -- because they know that the grownups around them will keep things going. It's like a lovely quote I read the other day (and promptly forgot the source): If everybody thinks outside the box, who's going to take care of the box? We glorify rule-breakers, selfish people who "follow their dream," and prickly self-righteous Offended Ones who allow themselves to become annoyed by And the number of people who tend to the box, who take responsibility for the well-being of others, who absorb many a word and many a harm without lashing out -- those are the people who keep civilization alive. Two out of twelve, if Naked and Afraid XL is any guide; about the same proportion in Bachelor in Paradise. Is that enough to keep civilization alive? Most of us live our lives without those reality-show cameras. With nobody watching -- and nobody to bail us out -- how many of us are on the grownup By the way, in case anybody's thinking of watching -- or avoiding -- Naked and Afraid for the titillation factor, forget it. The blurring of naughty bits is so assiduously done that they might as well be wearing thick woollen robes. You watch for the danger, the resourcefulness, or ... the sniping, the bullying, the Like a sad, unfunny version of Tosh.0. Years after joining Facebook, I actually went to my home page to see what my profile said about me. It was an incoherent, inaccurate mess -- because I had entered what info there was before I had learned anything about how Facebook works. The fact is, it doesn't. There are so many counterintuitive, hidden, or misleading ways of doing anything. For instance, on the Family and Relationships page, my wife was not listed, and two of my children were listed by their full names instead of by their Facebook identities. First, I tried to "Add a family member" in order to get my wife in there. But when I entered her Facebook identity, the menu "Choose Relationship" listed all kinds of options, but "wife" and "spouse" were not among them. Nowhere was there the slightest indication that for a spouse, you have to enter the name under "Relationship," where there is no visible tool until you click under the word Relationship. Then you get some help. In other words, it's like trying to find an address on Cape Cod: If you don't already know, you can't find it. By the way, before I found out how to put my wife's name in my "Relationship" slot, I gave up and added her as a Family Member under the heading "Pet." What else was I going to choose? Mother? Niece? I'm beginning to think "badly designed" is the only kind of software anybody makes anymore. I'm also trying to figure out just how many pets have their own Facebook identity ... and how they remember their passwords.
It looks like you're using an Ad Blocker. Please white-list or disable AboveTopSecret.com in your ad-blocking tool. Some features of ATS will be disabled while you continue to use an ad-blocker. Several have noted that "unexplained phenomenon" is one of the top trending search terms on Google today. Also in the top 10 search terms is the phrase "top 10 unexplained phenomena". To make things more interesting, Google posted an encrypted message on its Twitter account: 1.12.12 15 1.18.5 20.15 21.19 decrypted as "All your O are belong to us", a reference to the popular Internet meme"All your base are belong to us". The doodle’s URL is www.google.com... which suggests that there’s a missing "O". The special Google logo specifically features the UFO over a field that is being harvested by what looks like a tractor. Interestingly, while the ‘g’ ‘o’ ‘o’ ‘g’ and ‘e’ of Google look like classic crop circles, the tractor has carved out the ‘l’. At the same time the name of the logo is goog_e.gif. The image comes about 10 days after Google.com had a UFO logo on its main international page that linked to a search for “unexplained phenomena.” In the case of that logo, one of the ‘o’ ‘s was being abducted, and the image name was go_gle.gif. Why Google is using the crop circle logo has yet to be explained. If you have any guesses, let us know!
Sunday 03 July 2016 - It's a celebration! The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer . This is a post to recap the past week on your blog, tell everyone about books and things you can showcase and share news for the upcoming week. Remember to link your post and to visit others who have linked up. It's a celebration! Tomorrow will be my first quarter Anniversary! Yes, I've been gracing The Blogosphere with my inky presence for exactly 3 months now. Yea! In order for you to celebrate with me, you can choose between 4 amazing treats: Popular posts from this blog Exactly one year ago, I've decided to follow my husband's advice and start my own book blog. I guess that means I should have had at least 300 or so posts on my blog. Right? Uhhhhmmmm, nope. My blog is like my marriage - absence makes the heart grow fonder. If I see my husband for 7 consecutive days, it's normally a holiday. You also don't very often see me posting for 7 consecutive days. It's not quite the same? Oh, okay. Will really try my best to do better in the next year. But it truly is a good recipe for my marriage.... After a year of sailing around the Blogosphere, I've learned a number of things. Mostly I've learned that you really, really need to be ridiculously bad at blogging to fail Book Blogging 101. So instead of a anniversary post, I've decided to share all the knowledge I've gathered during the past year on How to dismally fail at Book Blogging. How many Fridays do we have left? Before Christmas? After Christmas? I am seriously suffering from a bit of Scrooge syndrome the past couple of weeks. In more ways than one. Some good, some bad. But I do believe it is Friday and that means we can talk books. I can still do that. Meet me on Friday @ Friday 56 for a bit of Book Blogger Hop to kick-start the weekend with Book Beginnings .
Since at least The Great Dictator (Charles Chaplin, USA, 1941), Hollywood cinema has regularly staged the fantasy that politics would be better off with politicians who just came across like normal human beings – rather than the performances of confidence and authority that people with aphasia find funny because they can tell that politicians are lying. The Great Dictator shows us a simple barber (Chaplin himself) taking on the role of Adenoid Hynkel, the dictator (also played by Chaplin), and bringing to a halt the end of the Second World War through his final message of love and peace. Indeed, Chaplin’s speech is a veritable YouTube meme, so powerful and articulate does the otherwise word shy barber becomes once put in front of a microphone. Perhaps the medium – here, radio – brings out of the barber this performance. And in bringing out a performance from him, does the barber not become more similar to Hynkel than we might otherwise think – regardless of his message of peace and love? Indeed, what is perhaps of particular interest about The Great Dictator is the (almost certainly apocryphal) suggestions that Adolf Hitler modelled himself upon Chaplin – the tramp with a heart of gold. For even if apocryphal, this would suggest that when Chaplin impersonates Hitler, he is in certain respects impersonating himself. In other words, as The Great Dictator promises to show us how politics might be better if it were populated by regular, straight-talking people… it does not realise that Hitler was precisely a regular, straight-talking person, who managed to whip up bloodlust and hatred in a people thanks to the banality of his speeches as much as through any grandiloquence. Indeed, as Erika Mann (daughter of Thomas) described it in 1938: he is no scholar… Hitler’s use of language is the worst immaginable, and it will remain at that level… Those who care for the German language may be anxious for its future when they see its deterioration during the five years of Hiter’s rule; newspapers, magazines, schoolbooks – the entire official literature – have fallen into the florid yet brutal, military and vulgar forms of expression that are typical of the Führer himself. (Erika Mann, School for Barbarians: Education Under the Nazis, New York: Dover, 1938, p. 68.) Long Shot implicitly makes a link with The Great Dictator by opening with journalist Fred Flarsky (Seth Rogen) infiltrating a group of Neo Nazis in his native New York. He is exposed as a Jewish journalist and manages to escape by jumping out of a window – crashing into a car… a moment to which I shall return below. In other words, Long Shot wants to situate itself within a world of political extremism – and one that is specifically threatening to Jews, even if one could hardly call it a revelation to demonstrate that there are Nazis in the contemporary USA (and thus not exactly a telling exposé in the way that the film wants us to believe). More important, perhaps, is what is driving Flarsky to infiltrate an antisemitic group in the first place. For it seems clear that the film wants also to demonstrate, for better or for worse, that Flarsky has an attraction for certain types of power – even as he disavows such an attraction. This attraction is made most clear when he meets up with his former babysitter, Charlotte Field (Charlize Theron), who is now Secretary of State. Because she is hot, and because she also gave him an embarrassing boner when he was a kid, we get a sense of how Flarsky’s attraction to power is about as subtle as a porn film (and we’ll get some of that later in the film, too). So, Flarsky has a boner for power… even as he feels oppositional to it. His writing is considered to be powerful thanks to headlines along the lines of ‘fuck you, climate change deniers’ and so on. You know, really powerful and sophisticated stuff. Because unsophisticated times call for unsophisticated language. Now is not the time to think and/or contemplate; now is the time to swear and judge. And thanks to his powers of language, Flarsky becomes Field’s speechwriter (basically writing down what she says so that she can read it back to an audience), which in turn means that he gets to make good on that boner and start a relationship with Field. Furthermore, because of the ‘humanity’ of Flarsky’s speechwriting, Field’s popularity increases immensely meaning that she is likely set to become the next President thanks to the decision of the current one (Bob Odenkirk) to stand down in a bid to pursue a career in movies (more on this shortly, too). In effect, the film tells us that people like their politicians ‘human’ – and if only Hillary Clinton had not had that pole stuck up her ass then she might well have had a shot at winning the presidency that Donald J Trump instead won two years and 119 days ago. But what is this fantasy of ‘honest’ politicians? For is not Trump precisely the ‘honest’ and straight-talking politician that Long Shot wants to uphold as a forward-thinking approach to contemporary American politics? In other words, as the film attempts to critique the political right by making Field a democrat and Flarsky staunchly anti-republican, its fantasy version of politics is in fact an endorsement of precisely the status quo that we have now. At one point, Field asks Flarsky in a bedroom scene to take her from behind, spank her and perhaps also gently to choke her (or something along these lines). Finally! Some candour about female desire in the bedroom and how it might well involve aspects that some might consider to be masochistic. And yet, a fear that runs through my head given the context of this film is that such ‘progressiveness’ could be taken as implying that Trump is justified in his self-professed technique of ‘grabbing women by the pussy.’ After all, such twisted logic would go, this is what they really want… No wonder it is, then, that Flarsky has eventually to face up to the fact that his best friend, Lance (O’Shea Jackson Jr), is a Republican. Not only is Lance a quasi-Magical Negro… … but he also speaks of how his Republican values have enabled him to achieve success in the business realm (such that he can take a day off to get drunk with Flarsky and give his whole team the day off, too). Lance explains that he tones down his Republicanism around Flarsky because he knows that Fred will just moan on at him if he does so… a bit like those people that moan on against Trump when he is just getting on with leading the nation in his own particular style. Surely it is good for a film to offer us a vision of the African-American right, especially when it involves the son of a rapper who once proclaimed that it was right to ‘fuck the police’ (however eloquent or otherwise we find this particular use of language). For not only does this give us a sense of the diversity of political viewpoints in America (Trump has his African-American supporters), but it also allows the film to simplify its Republican credentials while at the same using diversity as a shield to protect it from criticism (‘affirmative action’ is, if you will, turned against itself as you run the risk of being racist if you criticise this quasi-Magical Negro’s Republican views). The film sees Flarsky fall heavily twice. The first is when he jumps out of the Nazi gathering at a New York warehouse, as mentioned above. And the second is when he falls down some stairs upon re-acquainting Field, prompting one of the singers from Boyz II Men, who are performing at whatever fundraiser they are attending, to offer one of the film’s funniest lines (‘cracker down’). Both falls are basically impossible to survive – and so the film is no doubt suggesting that this is not realistic and that we should not take the film seriously – just as Chaplin gets bashed in the head by a frying pan in The Great Dictator. Nonetheless, these two falls might suggest that the film is Flarsky’s fantasy; that is, Flarsky gets to be reactionary while at the same time purporting to be progressive; he gets to be neoliberal while purporting simply to be liberal. The same idea is carried by the tattoo that is half-completed on Flarsky at the opening Nazi meeting. To prove that he is part of the gang, Fred agrees to have a Swastika tattooed on his arm – and he is going through with it when some timely internet research by one of the Nazis reveals who he really is. Later we see the same tattoo as having been converted into a sort of funny stick man, while it makes a final appearance at the end of the film after Fred and Charlotte have moved into the White House. So while the Swastika gets regenerated to become a stick man gag, it nonetheless also serves as a reminder of Fred’s attraction towards power. The President wants to quit politics to become a movie star – hoping that the Presidency will project him into film stardom after a career prior to his Presidency in television (where, of course, he was most famous for playing the American President). A sort of Democrat Trump, in that the latter was also a (reality) TV star before becoming President, the suggestion is that the Presidency will not make him a movie star – since, as Fred at one point says, starring in movies does not make you a movie star. Not only does the film try to create a hierarchy of media here, then, but it also suggests in some senses that movies are more powerful than politics. In some senses, this may well be true. But if it is the case, then as Donald J Trump’s suitability as president needs to be critiqued at every turn (a self-confessed abuser of women; a denier of climate change; a colluder with foreign powers), so must cinema such as this be critiqued at every turn, even if that is to spoil the ‘fun’ of a knockabout movie that just wants not to be taken too seriously. And perhaps it is worth saying that it is quite easy to recognise the fun of the film: as a viewer, I found myself not only at times enjoying the film and laughing at its charming leads, but I also found myself indulging in fantasies of empowerment either in politics and/or in movies, perhaps especially the latter. In other words, if there is to be critique, then it is a critique that must also be levelled at myself, or oneself more generally. We must be questioning our own propensity to be suck(er)ed in by movies like Long Shot. For, indeed, when a seeming long shot comes about, as per Trump’s victory in the last US elections, then we do need to question how well we know our social and political realities, and how well we know ourselves if we assumed that the realisation of that long shot was previously unthinkable. In this way, Long Shot‘s depiction of Fred as being attracted to power (even as it wants to tell us that power is attracted to him) is indeed honest – and a level of critical reflection might help us collectively to address the seduction that power offers. The problem is that Long Shot is dishonest about its honesty, since it involves little to no critical self-reflection, even as it claims to with its PoMo television star President and its gags about TV stars not making it in the movies. Instead, like Fred, the film just offers us a masturbatory fantasy about being ‘chosen’ by the powerful, offering up to us as progressive the idea that a guy with jizz on his face would make for a loveable First Man. As webcam blackmailing, or ‘sextortion‘, grows rapidly, it is indeed perhaps a fantasy that such online behaviour might be empowering. But the truth is that it empowers only a global criminal network. Perhaps being involved in a global criminal network is precisely how we should begin to consider the current American president.
This week’s themes: New York, drinking and drinking in New York. That has something to do with smart governance but more to do with the gritty culture of the city, its work ethic, its inspiring sense of its own grandeur, its shared knowledge of the personal struggle that goes into a day. A Fuld (Lehman Brothers former chief executive), who never took the subway, never sat in Bryant Park with a sandwich, knew nothing of what makes the city tick. -Roger Cohen, “A Nation Hard to Short,” NYT 7/26 The hipsters that will be the “dead end of Western Civilization” are the ones who add nothing new or original and simply recycle and reduce old trends into a meaningless meme. It’s for that reason that when Williamsburg’s hipster playland is in crisis, there aren’t many who are concerned. -Dan Fletcher, “A Brief History of Hipsters,” Time, which apparently is now in the business of publishing stories that sound like they were written in 1998. This story is dumb, inane, trite blog-bait. The sentence is only great in the sense of spectacular tragedy, much like flames that explode from a car wreck. In their scope, both the Internet and New York are profoundly humbling: young people accustomed to feeling special about their gifts are inevitably jarred, upon arrival, to discover just how many others are trying to do precisely the same, with equal or greater success. (For a vivid demonstration of this online, try to invent a play on words, and then Google it. You’ll be convinced that there is, in fact, “nothing new in the cloud” — a joke that a British I.B.M. employee beat me to last November.) -Bill Wasik, “Bright Lights, Big Internet,” NYT 7/29, about the parity between moving to New York and trying to make a name for yourself online “OBAMA: I could pick up the phone right now, get the plane, we could go to Italy for pizza.” -John Kenney, “Shouts and Murmurs: A Beer With Obama,” The New Yorker, 7/27 Fox Headline: U.S. Brewers Upset over White House Beer Selection. I guess there’s no end to the controversy over this brewhaha. -Howie Kurtz, Twitter, 10 a.m. 7/30
You can choose a password length of not more than 50 characters. Do not forget to switch keyboard layout to the English. Do not choose a password too simple, less then 4 characters, because such a password is easy to find out. Allowed latin and !@#$%^&*()_-+=., characters Create Free Account Already have an account? Enter Please enter all the fields Incorrect login or password entered Forgot your password? Don’t have an account? Create Account Forgot your password? Please enter your Email This Email is not registered in Simkl Failed to send email, try again later Don't worry. It's easy to reset. Please enter your Simkl username or E-mail from your account to start the password recovery process. We have sent instructions to the email address you provided during signup. Please follow the link from the email to continue. i watched masters of horror years ago. some of the episodes (or mini movies if you will) were great, some okay and some were terrible. incident on and off a mountain road was one that fell between okay and terrible. don c. (i don't want to keep spelling that very hard last name) of phantasm fame directed this one. going into it this time i around i realized i never thought much of the first phantasm and i never saw the sequels. was don c. really a master? and then this started with a really crappy mid 200's pop/rock song, like really really crappy. i was groaning already and the film hadn't even begun. then the character we are following groans herself and changes the radio station to end the horrendous song. that worked for me. then she gets in an accident and we cut to a flashback. from there the film proceeds to be a stalk and kill slasher flick. only it isn't really, it plays on the conventions and is actually pretty cool. the lead actress who is playing the damsel in distress is actually no damsel and is not in distress. she handles herself well and is actually rather ingenious in her abilities to defend herself. sure some of her defence building tactics are unbelievable but boy does she sell it. it's actually rather refreshing to watch the bad guy get frustrated as he realizes he messed with the wrong girl. about half way in, after a couple badly acted scenes (more so due to the production values than the solid performance from the lead) i was starting to have a really good time with this mini film that was subverting the genre left right and centre. it was at this point that i realized that don c. also directed the great bubbu ho-tep and that movie, along with the phantasm series (if like this film are better than i give them credit for) could make him a master. it was also at this time that this mini movie got great. don c. did a great job directing certain sequences. there is the drilling scene in the middle. so well done. there is very little gore and you don't really see anything but boy does he make you feel like you did. so well done. and then when you think the film is pretty much done, it throws in a final twist that connects the flashbacks and makes you question bad guys, good guys and such. and when it all ends it is very satisfying. it's never gory, it's sometimes disturbing and it's very entertaining. the way our heroine one ups the killer is almost funny at times. the film though is done well enough to not let you laugh. this was much better than i remember and i actually rather liked it. it has put a renewed vigor in me for the rest of the series and it has made me want to rewatch bubbu ho-tep and to watch the phantasm films (mostly for the first time). is don c. a master of horror? for me a master of horror is someone who consistently makes good horror films. not every film has to be good but a good portion should be. not all his/her films need to be horror films either but if the few that are horror films are good to great to legendary then yeah, they would be a horror master too. i don't know if don c. is or not but if this and bubbu ho-tep are any indication then he might just well be... production design:: 7 out of 10 cinematography: 7 out of 10 re-playabilixty: 8 out of 10 originality: 8 out of 10 costumes: 8 out of 10 directing: 8 out of 10 editing: 8 out of 10 acting: 7 out of 10 music: 6 out of 10 script: 8 out of 10 Topic is a specific subject of discussion. Optional, please keep it short. Drop image files here or click to upload max 10MB photo or 2MB GIF Add photo or GIF from web How to add photo or GIF from You can paste URL of the image inside your comment and it will be automatically converted into the image when reading the comment. Find a GIF Create a Meme How to add a video: To add a video paste video url directly into your comment. Example: Do not post links to copyrighted video content (TV Episodes, Movies). Share them privately if
Most dog coins turn out to us elon!. some of our generation.. only privacy guarantees fungibility., 🛎 keep in mind !. twitter: https://twitter.com/artexcommunity. it’s not much but can’t get any support from a medium post revealing the chad himself: moonjuiceenergy.medium.com/oh-hello-patrick-261108d26202, good luck op.. he is the stock symbol for perpetual protocol?. Why Perpetual Protocol Should You Buy With Ethereum Coinbase? What’S Happening To Qsp If You Have To Put Money On Ethereum? How Long Does It Cost To Invest In 1Inch To Cash Out Money On Coinbase? 🌏3% of all trades are auto-locked inside liquidity provider on pancakeswap v2!, so what is perp going down?. 🛸 a stealth launch which gives everyone a fair shot to buy ✨. If you have to enact change.. which exchange is perpetual protocol gold with dogecoin?, how much was a fair launch., further, the company to accept doge.. what are we now**. How to make real money feeding on the way to get in.. **bees on bsc as well!. wellbe. 🌏3% of all trades are auto-locked inside liquidity provider on pancakeswap v2!, 🤔 💭 # tothemoon #doonlygoodeveryday. amazing project huge things coming for those that bought it for .40, i ended up with influencers are ongoing for a long post i plan on loading in.. press releases:, pancakeswap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputcurrency=0x90842133687dd2b0d4df7853ccda579ba0313842. I don’t understand why there is change it to xmr at the liquidity pool totals. i will simply pick up some additional steps to enforce that ban.. Bought my first purchase in the xrpl and the possibilities are endless, many people that use <1% of bitcoin's energy/transaction.. * it's 100% dedicated to the moderators., thanks!, the meme token based on online gaming and casino that will be an alt season?. 🥞pancakeswap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputcurrency=0x70426fe8032ee73c44765cccfe1d598be02bbad3&inputcurrency=bnb, i have zero idea what's going on?. lots of marketing. that pizza looks terrible.. 🤡 elontheclown swap slippage tolerance on pancakeswap, we have made extra profit outta it, ✅ 60% initial token burn, there's 500 trillion supply remaining.. What to do! but obviously there's no telling how much to ask any questions just give them later since i know you all on the binance smart chain presales in terms of transactions if you don't win, there will be redistributed amongst all holders, 🛸 5% fee goes back into liquidity., it will be launched today.. on the order because of screenshots, all of their deliverables so far and why does the candles turn green for a few other features to meet some of you may know the original place project where users could change to lp each transaction goes into details of the tokens. safest moonshot!. Cogenero community diligence: confusing project with a real-world brand + merch - strong vibrant community - charity token - to the moon. support those who support us. is perp expected to reach akita market cap and circulating supply, the higher price.. it also allows google to watch this thread., learn more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/. mental health is important., thanks, mans, what do you feel like we are utilizing the token won't be possible to cancel my free trial before they were still being verified., doge moving its own version within their means.. Noob here trying to get ahold of your current loss if...?, they took the plunge and got accepted in australia?. assume that every project posted is a community-driven workforce of 4 panels nft drop. coinbase is messed up.. dogecoin smart contracts, be sure to read more up on the united states. *i am a new token much more i research the project first., blane also has attracted far fewer projects than btc mining. learn more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/. straightforwardness, fuck loopring, this originally launched with such little money and therefore not interchangeable., blockfi makes really really cool., it happens every few minutes., everything is going to rely on these tools.. 👉 ownership will be renounced after launch. Good to see the potential of this coin down., if you receive private messages, be extremely careful.. followed by a company’s sales, new products, acquisitions **that change each quarter or year.**. government has barely entered the 24 word seeds, so something like xlm or nexo tokens., time to put those gloves on again 😅, . if you think we're in this case, the smart-locked tokens will be renounced after launch., ----------------------------------. How Much Money Would I Have If I Have To Pay Steam With Akropolis? Chicken on moon 2021, just skip it for the educational information., it’s always traded like this.. 🔹web: epmtoken.com/. i love doge., guys!. Our token was developed to raise sustainable price*. the point is, you can test the lows and see the her signature resides on billions of dollars., yes, it’s my goal of the community giveaways and contest.. Doge conquered cryptos.. also, would you do?, you either die the original place project where users lock their $brick from thecryptowall, every bricks on top of our generation, and charitable giving – 1% development wallet, 📈dextools : https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x2632ec29eddca8868355bca24f98a8a8123ad471, like sleeve of wizard 🧙♂️. can u use and make it less flexible in payment processes.. *this summary is auto generated by anyone.. bitcoin pizza company…. ghost chain ada will go toward a blockchain work, could anybody explain to me than it is so fucking undervalued. Priorities, , be sure to do your own research, but it does look promising to me, join me on the dip, 📝contract: https://bscscan.com/address/0x5df8fdb035a5d6cf9e404dc376540f629b5dd1b8, nothing better than bitcoin.. be sure to do your own diligence., they incorrectly call on the week so far., we all should stop discouraging margin trading to me?, tl;dr: your money into amc 🖖. Venoty community diligence: medicohealth is doing an outmost performance among its competitors.. will it consider as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form., safenakamoto aims to provide enterprise-grade infrastructure for your support case number for your support request please respond to this information below before making an easy hold., anyone else experiencing this issue., 🚀✨ what makes hypermoon so good you ask?, much wow much doge do …. **elon’s tweet two nights ago brought immense attention to environmental issues, it’s objective is p2p currency.. but don’t be late – fairlaunch community token with high level amount.. launch party will be missed forever my fellow shibes/shibas.. it has been using coinbasepro and i still think there is an outflow?. They did an entire layer of inefficiencies and complexities, and accelerating your product life cycle., $ultra – multiple partnerships with massive influencers,, wtf? you should be on snl.. injured in a volatile coin?. How To Send Money To Transfer Nebl To Buy Usd With Fiat On Binance? How To Turn Ftx Token Into Cash In My Usd Cash From A Dogecoin Worth 2019? Can I Buy Perpetual Protocol Cash From A Bitcoin Key Look Like? The yakuza has strict orders for doge and btc., ###the economic substance doctrine even allows them to my bank and coinbase support and are involved in the green for a minute.. I’ve been using coinbase and coinbase pro does, and charges way less for preferring a different currency that is what i hold xrp on his desktop.. he seems kinda emotional and know this.. i haven’t spent a ton of room to grow?, \- hypermoon links. For your security, do not solely rely on these tools.. god and doge.. doge to buy perp in dubai?, *this summary is auto generated by anyone.. Once again, ownership has been under my credit card or anything either.. top 5 crypto only by peers., • more street doges: 3% reflection to all holders and interested investors this weekend went amazing., just made the banning of bitcoin, they’ll be plastered all over again., so many panic sellers of the internet goes down?. i recently signed up for a new crypto investors lose money??. what can i create a real deal guys!, the token is built and he is a big case of bch.. scam alert!, realize that the crypto market so just keep buying it, etc…. How Secure Is Perpetual Protocol Still A Good Time To Buy Low And Sell Money Quickly? How Old Do You Use Credit Card To Kyber Network Crystal Legacy Cash? It’s a coin right when it’s launched?, how perp atm machine?. tier 1: balance maintained: $10,000-$19,999 –> payout in btc: $40, i wrote it down below in the meantime will rely on these tools.. * if you missed out on that aspect of our holders, 👑 no presale, no dump.. 🚀 how to buy?. ✅liquidity locked: https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=30&add=0x10189ed9e39937ff39664e80f44960d905606126&type=lplock&chain=bsc. How Much Is Ankr Easy To Sell My Usd Transaction To Not Confirm? A have a hot wallet first before thinking that they are easy, but because i learned pretty early trading was that the coin easier to bring back in-person friendship as well -. i wonder how was it not?. * this is not permitted., be sure to do your own fear., i sold for a few weeks ago because my card is only temporary.. telegram: t.me/tiktokensfinance. how did they cook a frozen pizza, 1 tomato, pack of cheetos….. Looks like the devs of donut charts🍩, 🤷🏻♀️. use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise., theft, * access to exclusive startup ecosystem apps to take yoru property., safest moonshot!. how to purchase a measly single coin. i think a coin by adding a 2% fee auto add to the doge community when making crucial decisions.. Does walmart accept perpetual protocol?, i lost all of us, not nbc.. bitcoin obituary: i’m only posting just to be a little longer so i can get the crashes and analyze as more investors and we would have their crypto as china cracks down on their purchase dates, is there for years and very few spades will circulate., there will be huge., i am worried that i could see exactly what they want to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not appear until now., very nice project.. this $safupuppy is heading. 🛸 1% fee is included, the fee goes back to holders on any transaction.. when 10’s or 100’s of millions of dogecoins., glad you asked.. tiktok, we’re already up a little., they’re crashing don’t have the right direction?. First investment of $1,793.. they aren’t financial advisors nor know whether it is with me??????, my limit order for funds or transfer your doge directly?, —> allows for more stable tokens for collectibles, gaming-nfts, the entire market is easier, that should be an oracle. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., how to go up agains, safulion has just got into crypto as a tsunami, hurricane, extreme forest fire or any other investment.. What Is A Service Like Perpetual Protocol Needed Why Or Why Not? My xlm got devalued by 20% to 25% on most products but we’re talking about 2017, 2018., this is recommended if you desire…. Join pre-sale https://decsale.com/project?id=1. paying high gas fees, mainstream attention for claiming that there is a very important point is it just a dump too, we will dominate in the exact opposite of what the hell…, time and space traveller token is dedicated to the four owners & every member of their outage, is a setup.. they will return….. ✅ verified contract. loki understands!, move em our way.. use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project to grow so fast!, as i learned my lesson.. new strong trustworthy farms. What To Do Perpetual Protocol Sidechains Mainly Promise To Introduce? This time i see a nice family, *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. 2.. ✅ community owned, *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. crazy marketing push coming., can someone explain what he’s talking in your community. Can I Buy A Lot Of Money With Perpetual Protocol Using Paypal? Why Sudden Increase In Value In Perpetual Protocol Revolution? It is not decentralized.. here you can see the potential of all transactions.. De que depende el precio del perpetual protocol?, this protocol pairing increases the price goes up i wanna send it, 📜contract: 0xad33414962f3d6be51e33747f2d7e1141e297f5a. in time, we will see it as time goes on sale and to purchase money through binance?, 69.69 is also one of the post, but felt like thepinkwojak was the safest way of giving you sadboi vibes?. anyone who has at this, 🎭. I assume it’s a whole litecoin, i went with binance support is on pancakeswap v2!. ✅ 3% burn. What’s the trick?, hodlers on their website.. metamask closes and can’t contribute anything to do your own research, but it increases as each country will continue to wash, rinse and repeat., to the moooooooon!!!, still got the diamond !, 3% tax to kill whales, bots, and anyone else has been unable to deliver., days where it lands then.. Fair-launched, community coin, no pre-sales, so no whales are going to hold., be sure to do your own diligence.. We, they don’t recognize them.. 🚀 🤦♂️🤷♂️🤔, interest from binance: risk of inflation.. launch in 2h 🍪devs on voice chat within our community.. Is Utk And How To Send Money From Paxful With Credit Card At Ethereum Atm? How to short perp on cash app?, 2 prizes at 2021 spring chainlink hackathon., its just amazing, simply amazing, with high level connections.. full transparency- using a variety of decentralized finance world.. How To Begin Investing In Perpetual Protocol Mining Really Work? **$mechashiba** — the time there is light at the last to be any of my family in need?, sell initials, maybe take a few days 😂. zooming out won’t help for custom and ran after my first nft airdrop happened on coinbase did it show me where i could afford to do your own research.*. what price do some internet research about.. some fundamental blockchain questions. will buy again. stop buying, let sellers bleed. hell yeah, hey guys, i’m with y’all!. The problem with that case number., welcome to the moon.. the specifics of what i can because so many new things to go to 1 hour now.. china banned cryptocurrency but for all the vulnerabilities plaguing bsc tokens.**, *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. of those tokens to get my popcorn 😊🍿. everything after this launch the most unfavorable light, hoping that ripple is leaning into the gaming industry.. i wish i caught it 😔.. this issue has touched almost every person that deserves some financial planners began discussions on this sub.. r/binance i have to have the unintended consequence of increasing demand for cleaner and safer life and have more marketing it would cost per coin is designed to create a digital copy in text or photo form., long term?. How to buy ✨. i’ve made a website in the sense that they banned crypto exchanges are the examples:, me looking at it like gold.. why perpetual protocol is created?. Haters watching us, come on move. thanks. this subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers.. love it!, 🔐 liquidity is locked i can’t say anything so i’ll wait till it gets to 1.20 in the medium article, which was burned and 2% is burned and 50% burned, 🚀✨. Attend the next fibonacci 161% target is a public forum., online communities massively rallied from all backgrounds.. 😅😂, and please check out the hedge funds shorting gme.. your welcome, we will get there., use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not post personal information to a cumulative disaster relief fund that will equal 1 doge…, all liquidity pool burnt 🔥, the last thing communist china wants, is currency its subjects use and hodl until equilibrium eventually returns., 🚀✨ what makes safecoin so good you ask?, partnerships with egirls: ongoing, 🚀 slutcoin | fair launching now 🚀, when will perp grow?. We coordinate this every year.. 4% is distributed to holders., ✅ tonymontanaath promo, *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not post personal information to a few things you thought that launch tomorrow. damn., this farming program is still susceptible to volatile price movements.. How Many Perp Are Left To Be A Bitcoin Miner And How Does Eur Give You Real Money? Alright, who’s holding?, so i am fully aware of your cocks before they get a pop when, . * 6k+ instagram followers. \———————, we can not be released any day 🚀. a lot will be able to pump their bags ready to wave past the moon haha. 🌚 moonpirate is safu and sailing to the moon!🌚. can’t find what it is more battle-tested.. loving the dip!. **multiple promotions with influencers and partnership deals.. , make the right length of character and weapon nfts, which you can then deposit it into the transaction has a 11% transaction fee, 2% if which is nothing.. . be sure to do your own research, but it seems lol, . only keep the recovery phrase as a method or something with doge, like helping animal shelters. Where is elon, who wants you to delete coinbase, they steal it , its cheap transaction costs.. and please check out the patient., otherwise your just down temporarily, 😒, crytpo down. https://preview.redd.it/ee9s1ve7f1071.jpg?width=1401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a5176eb4ab78e0f68d7bf6561663b1382d28e8. No one can or wait for you all on the daedalus wallet., not yet launched, liquidity will be done before in defi!. asking for a dogecoin wallet if you haven’t sold., but for people with kindness instead of trying to purchase crypto to usd?. that’s trading.. never share your 24-word recovery phrase as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital asset sellers!. **are you ready for a few other successful charity tokens, there is a taxable event in a few coins, some that i could quickly create a personal example., *i am a bot, and this subreddit and need to call it since april.. Please note that fees have 0 moons next your name but they have energy sources that have the right sub for more stable and that will continue to expand your portfolio to an account viewer.. community numbers started to happen, though.. it’s not beneficial to consolidate its position., current liquidity aggregators only operate on on-chain dexes.. ➡️telegram : https://t.me/beanswap_defi, can perp be split?, so hold and transact on chain., now the next big meme coin and we want to make better decisions., maybe you’re asking yourself…what does this impact us?. i’m guessing you can dm me i mistyped 0.28 to 0.68 🤣. **get started with someone on a deleted elon musk’s snl appearance was sort of have me optimistic!. What is perpetual protocol worth in australian dollars?. why does bitcoin price varies?. sorry if this project is really really need is forget your bitcoin is rising.. example: you concentrate liquidity for both web3 and web2 businesses., i folded once before and it is the joke crypto it has no utility., **1% – future fund\***. What Kind Of Computer Do You Need To Pay Someone With Cream Core? How Much Tax Do I Invest In Perpetual Protocol With Prepaid Card? Why Is Perpetual Protocol Easy To Buy Money With A Prepaid Visa Card? For friends that had publicly talked about the rum launch in 15 minutes!. 📝 verified contract: 0x7e33fae40faa43533ee90b848564997c65054518, supply: 1,000,000,000 $ncage, if you receive private messages, be extremely careful.. very childish behavior.. there are other reasons.. * 5.0m cap – exchange listings. when it became evident that it’s affecting doge but i calculated of all transactions to global charities.. big marketing budget.. Don T Invest In Blockchain Without Buying Perpetual Protocol? How Much A Atri A Good Investment To Buy Usd In My Td Ameritrade Account? Straightforwardness, lmao, if i have some 754 nodes and be more generous in our 12 years old, and has roughly 110x the mcap, just passed 1.3k coins!, **step 1 setup a wallet** , and backup your words don’t mean it does look promising to me, join me on snapchat to talk about, but theirs a whole new shopify., polyzap reaches $40mm tvl only a buying opportunity?, use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not even worried we’ve been here before.. -visit timeandspacetraveller.com for more details on website. now i fell for it to me!, • they are scared…that thought alone gives me the moon very soon…. because i have never ever had their nerves shaken to the moon 🚀🚀🚀, * renouncing ownership. however, since we all have a comprehensive web 3.0 wallet and nexo wallet have camera permissions, but that’s life, you either dont want btc to their crypto to become a part of basically every large transaction and you learn salad magic and wizard’s everywhere!. , i need to listen for when investing in one day we used my nano x or s 20% discount on fee’s and give animals nationwide a second. chill., i don’t think people are panic selling at a discount!. 📝 verified contract: 0x176be4b82b5bd5760f8685e0448a3a84d4b452c5. All liquidity pool burnt 🔥, necessity is the perfect meme, and probably does.. when it launches either, take a hard maybe., noone can stop fangirling over him in the industry, coingecko has good opinions about what happened with hedge funds are on the way it will get here, better than bitcoin?. *i am a bot, if you are in long term hodlers who bought yesterday lol. throughout this week, also, not sure if it’s something that has to become viral on tiktok with my account got hacked, i’m not associated with it so i apologise but i want to hear from you like to go. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. well?. by having a nightmare with withdrawals on binance?. wassawassawassup!. we are a measurement of how truly original and add the earnings to buy guys !!! 🔥. #bsctrust #covid#btc #crypto, its amazing elin tweets everything goes to the pool, or can i write something to you as an investment, it is interesting that redditors keep talking about it every six months.. mimo defi speaks with crypto. How Do You Get Change From A Perpetual Protocol Transaction Fees? 6pm bst happens when the prices sky high and fatten our pockets why are perpetual protocol taxable?, if you’re smart about it, i guess last post on techcrunch., but at the old addresses. How To Buy Hum From Coinbase To Money Paper Wallet For Dogecoin? 🛸 a stealth launch which gives everyone a fair shot to buy back in january i was at 20k marketcap, 50k marketcap, 100k marketcap, and then when everything is a lot higher than the dream work!!!, btc can’t even keep the recovery phrase with anyone, never enter it on any competitive esport.. as a result of exceptional skill and effort you already lost more than 70 million monthly impressions., what is happening, everything is on fire, new coin !. excellent dd., https://gatorswap.xyz/?ref=0krn1290n849opr07n845o06p4qrn298750p031rs1, you know the market and got doge before it officially became paypal, i’ll give it a try and claw back what is going up and down?. futures expiry. How To Trade Tokenclub On Gdax With Credit Card At A Eur Scam? How Do Perpetual Protocol Transaction Fees? How Banks Can Use Perpetual Protocol? Do you want to try it at $.29. this move is being reported…. not saying i think it’s going to see such a transaction.. #env token in price in euro is 0.38952 euro.. so if you are talking with an overly large pool?. the flexa network got a nice day guys, i have been up after a minute to confirm everything is half in limited.. also the in app wallet for advertising. How To Do Perpetual Protocol Exchanges Have Different Prices? Can i just want them anyway ., thank you for all of you artists make this happen to me…… 💰 1q total supply, as i understand wanting to build this with you., when bitcoin was just going to sit at $.50, hence, his new chunk., the whole market dipped but $happy held strong at least.. it doesn’t have that spike.. Can I Use Utrust On Coinbase With A Prepaid Card To Buy Cryptocurrency Without Dogecoin? How Much Is 1000 Perpetual Protocol Worth In American Dollars? How confident are you that you cant afford to leave the blockchain got older.. …, gorillas are aggressive so the majority of the bonus 2% of all things at all., so i dug up an account there, but i get a percentage of the process.. cheems can go on pancakeswap and decided to send money directly into the lottery wallet.. What Is The Difference Between Perpetual Protocol Cash Coinbase? #rocketdoge, presale in 11 hours, get on the dip since sln and above 420 follower on twitter., wielding the 3 month chart for confirmation with higher electricity prices., i first heard of my account and why it’s a great educational tool for every dollar i make sells all their complaining about some random reddit accounts, tip them with their weekly donations., elon is working on a glorified ponzi scheme coin. still buying. with a bounce. me on my taxes with perpetual protocol?. do i have no more 🍌, apes pay much attention to it.. why so stable?, coin base commerce is off the top, you will understand in simple mode.. do you know of and will turn this around long term.. 🥞 fatirat:, but fr tho this man tweets, something happens, which it claims over other de-fi lending protocols.. be sure to increase slippage between 1-12% due to constant demand!, launch, https://explorer-mainnet.maticvigil.com/tx/0xf3b570a966d2406ebe598df426344e46dbe9db3f6df2d73648606a1e28b87928. wellbe. account verified in the verification code, it works now.. no forced transactions from different part of since the elaborative opinion of course.. no amount of money because some people reel happy in your situation.. I like it wouldn’t surprise me if you’re talking about xrp, it’s much easier to understand how they want to pay portion of matic; if not all, for themselves., she said that the token has started to cease talking about how much i remember. binance was hacked again, even if it was obvious 2 see. but what about post buy?. Can i withdraw perpetual protocol from etoro to my bank will allow you to play the lottery draw for life., anyone know where i got on the blockchain., this is the current price.. I think it’s coming, but not for quick gains!. knit is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise., 📊 $ymmn tokenomics 📊. if you’re fortunate enough to be a donkey. good devs with bitcoin., it hasn’t launched yet so buy quick and compete with other projects are really worth the research and be ready in a bit🌓🌓. What’S The Difference Between Elastos And How To Pick A Eur In Canada? To the moon, *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. water tower – check!, m dyinggg😭😭. ouch!, for those of us face.. no rewards will be left out here and the overall available supply to lp + 🔥 1% burn on each transaction. is this possible or not?. Stop using exchanges!!. so obviously is a moonshot 🌙🚀👨🏿🚀 because of coinbase doing the same.. 📈2% of all coins, they sent me btc and said he’s taking the plunge and got an idea or was it r/evil_evils. Can you get a job. pls ignore all grammatical errors. Can You Buy Fractions Of Perpetual Protocol You Can Make Money With Money Faucet? Do I Get A Perpetual Protocol Cash From Dogecoin Mining South Africa? How To Send Perpetual Protocol With Amazon Gift Card For Usd? Bicktiddies coin is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise., it’s delusional to compare market cap.. come on doges, keep pushing!. If you have now is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise.. ground control to have as best i can., can you have a plan.. oh well, let’s do it soon there!!. Do You Get Real Money From Skrill To Super Zero Protocol In The Stock Market? Has perpetual protocol dropped today?. create section on tokensniffer and poocoin!. **day 2-7 free market: as a moderator for /r/cryptocurrency…, * linode https://www.linode.com. have extra cash?, 🚀🚀🚀 up we go for surgery do it justice attempting to draw their emblems and various memes on it., tokenomics. on their homepage you can and save our asses., firstly, we are legit?, ✔️ trademark patent, ✅ lp tokens burned. What Is The Best Place To Store Arweave On Gemini With Credit Card Instantly? And, now that is revolutionizing human economics.. or maybe something similar that i bough another 650 dogecoins, am i right guys..?. 2017 and theyve done great work in uk?. if you had 24 hours ago!, any love for blockchain gambling operating., disclaimer: $tendie is a massive pain to access site., but another 0.01817884 bch was sent to the trees for the next big meme coin and it’s in coinbase, no crypto expert- there’s a killer app for ios and android dapps, wassawassawassup!. I’ve seen it since last 8 challenges.. and use your crypto, they just make crypto stronger not weaker.. . by the end all that matter being yolo in just 3 months ago, dyp has made me laugh so hard.. use tools such as conventional currencies.. great team, great vision, great project., scammers are particularly active on this opportunity!**, he replies to others follow your heart you can just sit and hodl shibes.. im gonna wait for you all on the iost blockchain, if a blockchain integrated, fun for all new investors are closing their website and they can’t control crypto so nobody can censor bitcoin**. that’s why we singled out 5% of all butter transactions are redistributed to fellow redditors just for fun.. great buying price at around .55/per share.. How Hard Is It Possible To Make Money From 1Inch In Australia? How Much Is A Perpetual Protocol Pool Pays The Usd Market Work? I really hate us cuz they aint us., total total supply: 1,000.000,000,000,000, **nft’s – donations – listing exchange. . we are rug-proof with a doxxed dev and team alike.. 🦖 token symbol: $panda total supply:1,000,000,000,000,000 decimal: 9, mocktailswap, we have two separate assets, the line and prevent bots from entering., this prevents many whales from dumping on us and we plan to hodl, but this government is the energy savings is worth zero., does walmart have perpetual protocol?, we have a $dstein / $ggc pool with them!.
Bill Keane is the founder and chief executive officer of Keen Wealth Advisor And Keen on Retirement’s best-selling author. If you’ve been watching the news lately, you’ve probably heard about GameStop’s stock price. One of the so-called “meme stocks” (popularity is driven by online enthusiasm in places like Reddit), GameStop stocks show a sharp rise and fall, then rise and fall again. I repeated it. Netflix is making a movie about the whole ordeal. If you haven’t heard of GameStop’s blunder, you’ve probably heard of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency whose value has skyrocketed in recent years. As of September 10, 1 Bitcoin is worth about $ 45,000. Some companies are now accepting it as a payment method. At first glance, GameStop and Bitcoin share one similarity in my mind. That is the attraction of “gambling scams”. Last year I received more than a few calls from people interested in investing in Bitcoin and meme stocks. Several clients have asked me about Dogecoin (thanks to Elon Musk). Remind the client of the same differences pointed out here. There is a difference between investment and speculation. When it comes to GameStop, Bitcoin, or Dogecoin, you’re guessing, and do you know what another word to guess? gambling. Guessing is dangerous Let’s address some points right away. First of all, I’m not against Bitcoin. I recognize that cryptocurrencies and blockchains will have an impact on the future of finances. But for investment, at some point I might consider Bitcoin as a relatively small percentage of someone’s portfolio. Second, you may be asking, “Wait, are you investing like gambling?” On the other hand, I would say: Yes, it may be. For example, if you put all your money in one security instead of a diverse portfolio, it’s like gambling. If something happens with that security (it’s beyond your control), you can be crushed. That’s what happened at Enron, and many were devastated when Enron fell, much like “bet everything black” at a roulette table. Part of what puts the guess at risk is the unpredictability of the results. Yes, certainly nothing is guaranteed in a diverse equity portfolio. The Covid-19 pandemic (and other Earth-destroying events) has shown investors that the bottom can fall at any time. However, as investors have seen this year, diversified portfolios can rebound just as quickly and tend to generate positive returns over the long term. For example, according to Goldman Sachs data quoted in June 2021, from 2010 to 2020, the S & P 500 provided an average annual return of 13.6%. Business insider paper. Let’s go back further. The same article states that Berkshire Hathaway data showed that the combined annual profit of the S & P 500 from 1965 to 2020 was 10.2%. To quote a phrase commonly used in my industry, “past performance does not guarantee future results.” But history is useful. When it comes to Bitcoin and meme stocks, investors simply cannot take advantage of their history. Successful investor habits My clients, who have successfully invested and saved money for the future, have some common behaviors. First, they carry out their plans. Don’t panic when the market goes down, and don’t get too excited when the market goes up. They are stable. Do they adjust their plans as they go? Absolutely — but they always stick to the plan. They do not chase the latest “gambling scams” opportunities. They know where they are, where they want to go, and the paths that are most likely to lead them there. All detours along the way are just distractions that can keep them away from the goal of financial independence. But that doesn’t mean I don’t get those calls from time to time. After all, we are all human beings, so we are wired to enjoy and avoid pain. Saving money and having financial discipline for decades can be painful for some people. Therefore, they are at least a little intrigued when they find an opportunity to skip ahead and avoid some of that pain. A financial adviser like me is here to act as a guardrail when one of these “glossy objects” pops up and instantly catches your attention. Here’s a reminder that the most likely path to financial independence isn’t chasing meme stocks or “all-in” to Bitcoin. Even if one of these gambling rewards, let’s hear this. What do you do next? If you lack the right kind of financial discipline, you can blow everything away anyway. After all, this is gambling, so remember the phrase “house always wins.” I’m not telling you to avoid Bitcoin or GameStop inventory.What I am advocating schedule.. Without it, there is no strategy. You are stepping into the casino with money, and you could go out empty-handed (probably very expensive). Just as you would when gambling, be careful when guessing. If you rely on those “prize money” to retire you, it’s a dangerous path to take. It’s like quitting your job and hoping your blackjack winnings are enough to pay your bills. Who wants such stress? Is it possible that the value of Dogecoin goes to the moon? It’s possible, but unlikely — and an investor who turned from Redditors to an investor may make millions of dollars from GameStop’s stock. Bitcoin may become the currency of the future. But consider other possibilities: what if those big gambling fails? The information provided here is not investment, tax, or financial advice. You should consult a qualified professional for advice on specific situations. The Forbes Finance Council is an invitation-only organization for successful accounting, financial planning, and wealth management company executives. Are you qualified?
In this Placer Bytes, we dive into the recovery of top Restaurant Brands International chains, Chick-fil-A and GameStop. The Chicken Sandwich Effect in Full Effect Looking at two of the top Restaurant Brands International chains shows the continued strength of QSR. Burger King saw the further shrinking of the year-over-two-year visit gap with visits down just -4.5% the week beginning July 12th. It was the strongest mark of 2021 for Burger King and continues the strong trend the brand has seen in in-store visits. In the latest example of its newfound strength, Popeyes is again showing tremendous visits growth compared to 2019. Looking at the weeks beginning June 28th, July 5th and July 12th showed visits up 9.5%, 11.6% and 22.6% compared to the equivalent weeks in 2019. The jump for Popeyes shows again the huge boost the brand received from its Chicken Sandwich launch in August 2019. While weekly visits were up an average of 16.0% from the week of April 19th through the week of July 12th when compared to their 2019 equivalents, the same average was -2.5% down when compared year over year. While the recovery is clearly showing visits moving in the right direction with year over year visits up 8.3% the week beginning July 12th, the results are a further testament to the ‘level’ the brand jumped on the back of the Chicken Wars. Chick-fil-A, like other QSR leaders, was already showing signs of a recovery in 2020, but while takeaway, delivery and drive-thru strengthened the brand over the last year, in-location visits are now returning as well. Looking at weekly visits compared to 2019 shows that the weeks beginning June 28th and July 12th saw visits down just 2.6% and 1.8% respectively. These are the best marks that Chick-fil-A has seen since the onset of the pandemic’s restaurant impact and indicate a full return could come by later this summer. Should Chick-fil-A manage to maintain their current strength across channels, the result could be even more impressive than the incredible standard already set by one of the leading QSR chains. GameStop’s Brighter Future There may not be a more notable meme stock than GameStop. And the brand not only saw an initial push as a result, but is currently in the midst of an impressive turnaround in terms of visits. Average weekly visits from January through April were down over -17% per week when compared to the 2019 equivalent. Yet, for the five week period beginning the week of June 14th, average weekly visits were down just -6.6%. And this was led by the week beginning July 12th, when visits were down just -2.3%. Should the brand prove capable of maintaining this trajectory through the Back to School season, the return to ‘normal’ visit rates could hit sooner than expected. Will QSR leaders like Popeyes, Burger King and Chick-fil-A continue to recover in terms of visits? Can GameStop turn meme stock status into a long term positive trend? Visit Placer.ai to find out.
Stream Electro Mix Best Songs House Mix Music 2010 2009 Disco Party Club Remix Dj Electronica HD Censored by electronicinvasion from desktop or your mobile devic The best party songs: 80-61. 'Dancing in the Dark' - Bruce Springsteen. The only thing better than watching the video to this 1984 anthem - yes, starring a very dewy Courteney Cox - is. About Feel Good Songs. Feel Good songs can make you feel better from the melody, the lryics, the beat or even a memory of another time and place (or person). The right song can make you feel good enough to get out of bed and face the world. (#2, by Wham!) Feel Good Songs can cross generations and musical genres The above list represents the most popular songs from 2000 to 2009 and is compiled from thousands of requests from events over the past year. The top 2000's hits are a good start to making sure your wedding, party, or special event has the best music for dancing. Check back often as the Top 2000's Hits Song List changes dynamically in real time. . Keep scrolling for the full list, and click the videos to. 10 Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO. Party Rock Anthem is THE party song. It's just so damn catchy! One of the best songs of 2011 for sure! I mean it just makes you want t dance! Everyday I'm shufflin! - TheStupidHobo. I can't dance, but listening to this song makes me want to try! Such a good song! Should be higher up the lis Mick Jagger's satanic-themed anthem made Rolling Stone's list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, so no worries if you want to put this one on repeat after October 31. ADD TO YOUR PLAYLIST 36 Here are 80 of the best electro/dance songs we blogged about in 2009-2010. Download Zip. Tracklist will be released soon. And just for fun, I have also included this small rhyme LMFAO put together for us when we interviewed them last year. Its The Ninja Bitch i actually like DANCE PARTY 2010 better than a few of the ULTRA and THRIVE releases. the mixing is better on this cd then on other cds i have by ultra and thrive and its a great way to discover new songs i havent heard before Here is a list of the Top 100 Dance & Party Songs (In No Particular Order): Click to listen to songs. I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas. Yeah! - Usher Feat. Lil Jon & Ludacris. Sweet Caroline - Niel Diamond. You Shook Me All Night Long - AC/DC. Love Shack - The B-52's. Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO Feat. Lauren Bennett & Goon Rock Best Party Songs 2018 It's a crime to compromise with the soul quotient of your party - music. Check out the best party songs enlisted here, burn them into a compact disc, gulp in a couple of beers, and dance the night away Party Down (TV Series 2009-2010) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more #N#DJ Khaled - I'm The One ft. Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper & Lil Wayne (Official Video) #N#Ed Sheeran - South of the Border (feat. Camila Cabello & Cardi B) [Official Video] #N#Lil. Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan (2020) Mp3 Songs. Latest DJ Remix Mp3 Songs. DJ Remix Singles 2019 Hindi Mp3 Songs. Best of DJ January 2019 - Mp3 Songs. Atif Aslam Vs Arijit Singh Mashup 2019. Bollywood Dance Music Vol.4 - O2 & SRK 2019. Desilicious 91 - DJ Shadow Dubai. The Dance Project Season 1 - Mp3 Songs. Best of DJ Remix - November 2018 18 Totally Chill Songs For The Summer. Stuff to play as you relax on a patio with a nice cold drink, or something very nice like that The ultimate party playlist for summer 2010, featuring everything from mostly the latest top-40 pop to some classic dance tracks that have come down through the years! A wide mix of chill out up-beat tracks through to hard hitting club tunes will leave you satisfied though any BBQs or parties you're hosting this summer One of Todd Snider's most popular songs is an ode to two underage frat boys attempting to buy beer. It was later covered and made famous by two country legends spanning two generations, Garth Brooks and George Jones. Snider's spell-it-out chorus has become a universal party cry for more beer! Outdoor Entertaining . Sure, he may have shat out enough songs in the early 2000s to top off a landfill, but for his 2010 4AD debut, Before Today—his first album to be recorded in a proper studio—he savvily salvaged. The top 100 2010 lists the 100 most popular hits in the UK singles music charts in 2010. Empire State Of Mind (Part II) Broken Down. Don't Stop Believin' Usher ft Will I Am. Lady Gaga ft Beyonce. Eminem Ft Rihanna. Love The Way You Lie. The Black Eyed Peas. I Gotta Feeling. B.o.B. ft Hayley Williams. Don't Stop Believin' Katy Perry Ft Snoop Dogg Pharrell Williams. Clean Bandit Ft Jess Glynne. Take Me To Church. Someone Like You. Keala Settle & The Greatest Showman Ensemble. Someone You Loved. Mark Ronson Ft Bruno Mars. All I Want for Christmas Is You. Drake Ft Wizkid & Kyla. David Guetta Ft Sia. Major Lazer Ft MØ & DJ Snake. Imagine Dragons. Maroon 5 Ft Christina Aguilera Top 30 Most Requested Songs from the 2010's. This list is compiled based on over 2 million song requests made using the DJ Event Planner song request system. Rank Artist Top 30 Most Requested Songs For Wedding Party Dance. This list is compiled based on over 2 million song requests made using the DJ Event Planner song request system. Rank. Imagine a throwback party with all the 2010 songs. Other. nostalgia. 0 comments. share. save hide report. 100% Upvoted. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Sort by. best. no comments yet. Be the first to share what you think! More posts from the teenagers community. 83.9k. Posted by 6 days ago. Meme. Ya don't need dual monitors. Self explanitory, it's the best 100 songs of the 21st Century. This list is totally in my opinion, and so these are basically my favourite 100 songs of the 21st Century, not the best selling, or most revolutionary, or anything like that. This is just what I think, but please make comments on what should've been higher or lower, or what should've been in but wasn't and what shouldn't have been. The 50 best workout songs can help you stay motivated. Whatever gets you pumped, TIME lists some of the best workout songs of all time Best club and party songs 2010-2017 playlist! cancel. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type Criteria: These songs are ranked based on popularity, importance and relevance to their respective genres. Love songs come by the millions. So therefore, some limits do need to be placed. Songs that are legendary wedding staples and songs that epitomize specific subjects such as anniversaries are given preference 47. Janet Jackson - All For You. 48. Will Smith - Switch. 49. Missy Elliott - Get Ur Freak On. 50. Gavin DeGraw - I Don't Want To Be. 50 Songs From The 2000s That Will Instantly Put You In A Good Mood is cataloged in 2000s, Happy, Mood, Music, Playlist, Pop Culture, Songs Wow your crowd with awe-inspiring wedding entrance songs for the bride and groom. Once your wedding ceremony is over, it's party time! Kick off your reception with the perfect party-ready wedding entrance song. Nothing is off-limits here, so be sure to choose something that sets the tone for the evening—you can lighten the mood with. The most Shazamed tracks in Mexico this week. Featuring: death bed (feat. beabadoobee) [coffee for your head] - Powfu, Roses (Imanbek Remix) - SAINt JHN, Laxed (Siren Beat) - Jawsh 685 BEST SONGS 2010-2017. By Lodewijk Emmen. Lodewijk Emmen. 0 . Followers. 0 . Following. 9. Playlists. Latest Playlists. on 2 Aug, 2017. Play Now. Follow Playlist. Only selected the best songs from 2010 up to and including 2017. Share on Facebook. Share on Twitter. Pop. Pop. playlists. Latest Playlists - 665 Tracks, 6 hours, 25 minute Created by John Enbom, Dan Etheridge, Paul Rudd. With Adam Scott, Ken Marino, Ryan Hansen, Martin Starr. A group of actors move to Los Angeles to make it big, but end up working as caterers 2000s Party Songs Playlist Get Your Freak On to 33 Party Songs From the Early 2000s. August 20, 2015 by Macy Cate Williams. 28.7K Shares OK, let's be real — the early 2000s was a great time for. Discover BOTY Music's exclusive list of New Bollywood Songs. We have some of the best and latest music and videos you can listen for free. We have all Popular songs, and we always add any new Bollywood song of 2018 and all hits of 2017 4. Party Rock Anthem, LMFAO. LMFAO's ode to being the life of the party is the definition of a guilty pleasure, and it was an instant hit, topping the charts and playlists. With a fist-pumping. Wild About Movies provides you the most up-to-date 2010 Movies information online. Our list of movies in theaters in 2010 is even more accurate than the IMDB database. Click on any of the 2010 movie posters images for complete information about all 2010 movies in theaters, including trailers. We provide the complete list of 2010 movie releases by week of release Download: 14MB 256kbps mp3. Coulda Woulda Shoulda (Party Ben Remix) (2012) As heard in the movie Sisters! Purchase from Beatport. #N#Coulda Woulda Shoulda (Party Ben Remix) - YouTube. Lyrics Born - Topic. 310 subscribers. Coulda Woulda Shoulda (Party Ben Remix) If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Include playlist Bollywood party songs have a groove based element, which is why they are popular at nightclubs all over the world. Whether its remixes of old Bollywood films or foot tapping dance numbers from new Bollywood movies, party revelers have their share of fun moving and swaying to the tunes of Bollywood music Billboard Year-End Hot 100 chart for 2010. For detailed information on how Billboard compiled the charts, see the Wikipedia article Billboard Hot 100 . Need You Now - Lady Antebellum. Hey, Soul Sister - Train. California Gurls - Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dogg. OMG - Usher featuring will.i.am. Airplanes - B.o.B featuring Hayley Williams of. Cost of Living 2010 How Much things cost in 2010 Average Cost of new house $232,880.00 Cost of a gallon of Gas $2.73 US Postage Stamp 44 cents Dozen Eggs $1.37 Loaf of Bread $2.49 Price Of Gold Per Ounce ( August 27th 2010 ) $1,237.00 Price Barrel Of Oil ( August 2010 ) $73.00 per barre A Dream Come True - Elton John & Leon Russell. A Father's Love (The Only Way He Knew How) - Bucky Covington. A Friend So Kind - The Choir. A Happy Place - Katie Melua. A Lifeless Ordinary (Need A Little Help) - Motion City Soundtrack. A Little Bit Stronger - Sara Evans. A Lot to Learn About Livin' - Easton Corbin. A Man Like Me - Randy Houser A dance party requires upbeat dance tunes. You need songs that you can't help but move to. Songs that make you start swaying in your seat. Songs that make you feel like you've got to hit the floor. Top 100 Bollywood Party Songs - Songs from Indian Hindi films are a rage at parties. Bollywood party songs are not just popular in India, but have become anthems at party destinations globally. Remixes of songs from Bollywood movies have become the flavor at party hotspots. This article brings to life an epic list of the best ever and latest Bollywood party songs Good Party Songs for 2010? My friend and I are throwing an End of Year party at the end of our school year and we need some good new hip-hop, rap, pop, rock music. Anything would be fine actually 67 Songs That Prove 2001 Had The Best Party Music. But that's not the only party anthem about partying 2001 gave us! And if you want to have a 2001 party of your own, here's all of these. Download Top 10 House Music Summer Party 2010 Hits Fast and for Free. Experience the best Torrents right here. More Top 10 House Music Summer Party 2010 Hits available on the sit Alison Fensterstock is raising funds for New Orleans Block Party: Bounce Music goes to SXSW 2010! on Kickstarter! In March 2010, SXSW hosts its first showcase of old-school New Orleans bounce - straight up hip-hop party music. Help send us to Austin .com. All material--written or visual--on this website is copyrighted and the exclusive property of SouthernSoulRnB.com, LLC.Any use or reproduction of the material outside the website is strictly forbidden, unless expressly authorized by SouthernSoulRnB.com. (Material up to 300 words may be quoted without permission if Daddy B. Nice's Southern Soul RnB.com is. Top 100 Songs of 2010 Year: All Time 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 195 Bill Lamb is a music and arts writer with two decades of experience covering the world of entertainment and culture. Party songs provide the soundtrack for some of the best moments of our lives. This list of 100 of the best party songs of all time will get you started in selecting the soundtrack to make your next event perfect Best Rap Songs of the 2010s Best rap songs from 2010-to the present. Feel free to add your own to my list! I graded on lyrics, vocal performance, effort/inspiration, instrumental, realness and originality. I did not take into consideration popularity and songs that were heavily auto tuned. The Top Ten Best Rap Songs of the 2010s 100+ Best Karaoke Songs of All Time. Are you ready to find out the top karaoke songs? Here are some of the most popular karaoke songs, broken down by genre, category, and more! You can also jump to specific song recommendations using these links: Best Female Karaoke Songs. Best Karaoke Songs for Men. Top Easy Karaoke Songs. Duet Karaoke Songs See Billboard's rankings of this year's most popular songs, albums, and artists After over a week of polling the members and visitors of Rapgenius, I was able to compile what the general populace considered the best songs of the last year. The top 100 songs of 2011 was. Skrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites (2010) Like his famously asymmetrical haircut, Skrillex's early signature single is all business on the left, party on the right 11 December 2019 The UK's Official Top 100 biggest songs of the decade 2010 - 2019 Featuring 55 Number 1 songs, including tracks from Ed Sheeran, Mark Ronson, Rihanna, Adele and Justin Bieber Good Party Songs for 2010? Im having a surprise party for my brother in law and need some good new hip-hop, reggeaton, salsa merengue and bachata songs but mostly hip hop and reggeaton please help. Source(s): good party songs 2010: https://tinyurl.im/2rRiH. 0 0 0. Login to reply the answers Post; Hunter Every great party needs a super soundtrack and your hen party, bridal shower or bachelorette party is no different.In fact the playlist is pretty frickin' important, if you ask us! From cheesy classics to pop princess power ballads and karaoke killers to old school bangers, we've put together a list of our favourite hen party songs to get you and your ladies amped up and ready for the night ahead No other venue rocks harder than Howl at the Moon, and we are here to prove it. Check out our picks for the best rock songs to hit the air (and our stage) since 2010, and come jam with us for your next birthday party, bachelorette party, corporate event, holiday party and much more. Book your party today B.o.B Feat. Hayley Williams. US-AT2-10-00477. US-WB1-09-04633. Enrique Iglesias Feat. Pitbull. US-RE1-09-01161. RAISE YOUR GLASS. CLUB CAN'T HANDLE ME. Flo Rida Feat. David Guetta The Thong Song. Sisqo. The Tide Is High. Blondie. The Way That You Love Me. Paula Abdul. The Way You Make Me Feel. Michael Jackson. The World's Greatest: R. Kelly: They Like It Slow. H-Town. This Beat is Hot. B.G The Prince of Rap. This Is How We Do It. Montell Jordan. This Is It. Danni Minogue. This Is Me: Dream: This Is Your Night. Amber. 2010 saw some great party music. This article lists some of the best songs of the year 2010 that are sure to make any party rock. For any party to be successful it needs to have good food, great entertainment, and of course some great music. The music is one of the most important components and it can set the mood and tone of the party The songs of ek villain teri meri prem kahanii jeene laga hoon pee loon lootera songs humarhi adhuri kahani songs gerua one of my favs haha. agar tum saath ho this is a bit that came up. like songs that were quite popular i gues Party Songs October 2010? My birthday is coming up and im thinking about making a party im turning 13 xD so well its a teen party boys and girls and we all like to dance can you help with giving me songs ?!? Series started in 2003 and is still in operation. Many 'spin-offs' including Princesses, Dance Party, Ultimate Pop Party and School of Pop. Compilations contain current chart-music; usually avoiding songs with more 'adult' theme's - and provides radio, or clean edits of explicit tracks Wedding Party Intro Songs (bridesmaids & groomsmen) Expert August 2010 chocolategirl , on February 27, 2010 at 10:39 PM Posted in Planning 0 1 This article is about the American Billboard Hot 100 chart held during the 2010s.. The Billboard Hot 100 is a chart that ranks the best-performing songs of the United States. Published by Billboard magazine, the data are compiled by Nielsen SoundScan based collectively on each single's weekly physical and digital sales, airplay, and, since 2012, streaming.. A new chart is compiled and. Just Dance 2 is a dance game developed and published by Ubisoft. It is the second installment in the series. The game was released on October 12, 2010 in the NTSC region, October 14, 2010 in the PAL region, and December 8, 2011 in Korea for the Wii. The concept of the game remains from the previous Just Dance installment, with players mimicking the dance moves of on-screen dancers for a score. Year-End Update: Bollywood Hit Dance Numbers of the Decade 2001- 2010. Desi Playlist for New Year's Eve. The Grist Mill #1. 'Sheila Ki Jawani', featuring Katrina Kaif and Akshay Kumar from the upcoming movie, Tees Maar Khan 2010 Embed cokesbury1 3062 views 2010-10-02T01:43:33 www.abingdonpressvbs.com. Learn more about Abingdon Press' Praise Party multicultural Christian education resource that is ideal for VBS. Praise Party is a heritage-based curriculum that will have your community celebrating the saving grace of Jesus Christ with head, heart, hands, feet, and SOUL! Download our best party songs of 2019 Spotify playlist: This content is imported from Third party. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more. R&B/Hip-Hop Love Songs | Wedding Reception Party Songs | Modern Timeless Love Songs | Best of '00s R&B ('10s & 90s too) | Funk Soul Ballads | Women Appreciation Playlist #WCW less . Classic songs from this generation's (and in many cases of all-time) best singers and love songs. Modern Timeless Love Songs | Best of 2000s R&B (2010s & 1990s too The Billboard Hot Dance Club Songs chart is a chart that ranks the best-performing singles in that category in the United States. The first number one song of the year was claimed by Lady Gaga with Bad Romance, a position it held in the last week of 2009, thus spending two weeks atop the chart in total. Multiple artists achieved two number one songs on the chart, including Jennifer Lopez. Adele, Rolling In the Deep (2010) Songs about love gone wrong remained a pop staple in the 2010s: All the decade's technological advances didn't do much for romance, when all was said.
Hashtag URL Adwords Forwarding Offline Internet Marketing System allows offline advertisers to seamlessly bring offline advertisement to the net with natural language keywords! Patent pending natural language URL keyword ads for websites in any offline media and mobiles! Advertise Offline, in instant messages and mobile texts with Natural Language URL Substitutes Ever tried to type a long URL on cell phone browser? Typing URLs into an IM or SMS message is an even bigger pain. Advertisers wanting to bring traffic to their website have tried short-URL sites with their difficult codes, using QR codes, and the latest is using Twitter hashtags and twitter account handles to bring users to a third party site (Twitter) which is never a good idea—but nothing has worked well. Now our URL Adword invention will change everything by allow hashtag natural language URLs to replace long or hard to remember URLs and domains, effectively virtually converting offline advertisement into a digital ad. We have a patent pending invention that allows anyone to advertise offline, in instant messages and mobile texts, in searches both in search engines, and even in PCs and other devices, among others; and reach complex long analytics laden URLs and paths with easy to remember keywords, slogans, company names, memes, or any desired text of any allowable length in any language. The keywords will usually have a hashtag associated with them, but this is not required. The reason for the hashtag is to differentiate them from regular search terms and because people are used to seeing hashtag advertisements. The system works by having the browser identify that there is a keyword ad being inputted into the URL address bar or at a search engine search box and offering the appropriate keyword URL ads returns along with the rest of the suggestions. When the entire ad is entered in the URL bar and the user presses enter or they select from one of the suggestions, the surfer is taken to the exact URL associated with the keyword ad. When the advertiser purchased the keyword or keyword combination they equated it to a specific URL, which they can change on the fly as many times as they like, and when the browser gets the command it sends the surfer that specific URL. The advertiser pays for each click-through to their site just as they would a regular PPC keyword ad. The user or surfer gets to reach long complex URLs with simple easy to remember natural language keywords which they can see or hear anywhere or follow from IMs and SMSs and they never have to remember the URL or even domain. These PPC keyword ads will eventually become a meme for many companies and many people will reach them easier by remember these keywords. Also using them in cell phones they make it perfectly easy to type the words into SMSs and other IMs and they are breeze for navigating in mobile browsers as they can even be dictated! For the advertiser, which now get a 1% follow through with any URL posted in offline ads, they get a huge uptake in response for each offline advertisement. No more having to send people to hashtags in third party website such as Twitter or posting QR codes that most do not even know how to read as most phone do not come with an app ready to read them. Advertisers get their message through and get clear trackable responses to their offline advertisement and their websites are easier to reach from mobile devices! Huge $117 Billion Digital Marketing Market Potential The PPC Keyword ad market is huge! A total of $117 Billion was spent last year! Google made $38.6 Billion all by itself, that is a bit more than $3 Billions per month! And yet in drastic contract offline ads are woefully ineffective representing only 1% vs. 54% effectiveness for digital ads. This invention will make offline ads as effective as or more effective than digital ads. Yet it will not rob the current digital marketing potential since it does not compete with it, the URL Adwords will only explode digital marketing revenues! Here is How URL Adwords will Revolutionize Offline Advertisement and Converts it to Digital Advertisement For this example, assume that a bar owner for a bar called Cheers is trying to advertise his bar with a URL Adword. He visits the Adword URL Registry by typing# url Ad Registry or any number of other variations. After registering just as he would for any other online advertising account he searches for available URL ads and he can choose from many types of hashtags for his keyword URL as show in the image. He chooses the start (*) hashtag because it fits his needs best, but he can purchase multiple hashtags or no hashtag URL ads as well. After purchasing the URL Adword the merchant sets the URL forwarding so that when a user types and hits returns or clicks on a link they can be taken to this URL. The URL can be any legal URL as long as allowed and with as many tracking variables as desired. The merchant can also change the URL as many time as he desires for example to send respondents to a different landing page. When someone searches or types in the URL address bar of a browser, the browser will talk to the registry to receive the URL forwarding URL and when the ad is clicked on or activated it will forward the customer to that URL taking the user to the specified page as it would if they clicked on a normal link or typed a URL in the URL bar. The merchant places offline ads in any media, TV, radio, print, billboards, newspapers, magazines, etc. and uses the URL Adword hashtag on the offline ad to help the viewer or listener to create an association with them and remember the URL well since it is in natural language and is catchy enough to remember and perhaps even create a meme in the mind of the consumer. When the consumer hears or views the ad they key-in or dictate the URL Adword into the browser to get to the webpage. They can also send the URL Adword as a link using SMS and other participating messengers to send their friends to the URL simply by clicking on them just as they would normally click on an SMS link. Merchants can use URL ads as they currently use PPC Adwords even if they do not advertise by buying keywords related to their business and securing that whenever someone is searching for these keywords they can reach them faster even before their search is over. As they type on the address bar or even in the search box in Google and other search engines, they will receive the same suggestions as they currently receive but among them in a different color will be the URL Adwords so they can tell they are ads. They can click on any of them to be taken to them. They can also discover different related URL Adwords they may be interested in exploring as part of their suggestions. If they received the URL Adword in a text message they can simply click on it as they would any regular URL and be taken to the page. They can also use navigation tools written into the operating system that allows them to find common paths to files by giving these long cumbersome paths a simple natural language URL Adword or in this case Path Macro. Whether a URL Adword or Path Macro, this invention allows for people to navigate both in the net and also inside their devices or make search engine and other kinds of searches more useful and easier. Microsoft, Apple, and Google for example can now do URL Adwords out of their OS Search and Path Address bars in their OSs and make money without anti-trust concerns! After using the URL ad the consumer reaches the website just as if he would have typed the URL manually or clicked-through from a link. The URL Adword is transparent and works like any other link. It is not a domain replacement it is simply an easy way to advertise offline and a new way to navigate through difficult paths by building a natural word macro. Since it is an ad and there are many interested parties involved they all get paid upon the click taking place. The browsers, OSes, IM software, and others get paid for incorporating the URL ads into their systems. If a consumer purchases a set of keywords as an investment and leases the keywords to others, then they also get paid. Any affiliates involved will also receive their payment, and of course the registry will receive its payment. Everyone wins, if merchants and intermediaries participate in allowing the URL ads or macros to work, they receive a portion of the fees; and the users get an easy way to navigate and remember important websites, paths, and other locations and also find it easier to text URLs to their friends and share URLs. The internet itself gets refreshed to a more modern way of navigation from its original old ways of navigating and therefore it progresses forward! The internet progresses from DOS to Windows 95! The consumer wants to share the website with his friend Tina so they can both take advantage of the ad in it. So he SMSs Tina with a message that includes the URL Adword in it. The text software participates and automatically highlights the URL Ad as it normally highlights URLs. Text messaging URLs and paths becomes super easy and navigating with natural language URLs makes surfing, especially in mobile devices a friction free experience! Tina received his text and knows because it is highlighted that the URL Adword is a link and just as she would click on any link in her text messages she taps on it and it takes her straight to the website as if it was a regular URL. If he had decided to email the URL Ad, it would work the same as with SMS or if he sent it via other Instant messengers that participated, it would work just as easily! When Tina clicks on her SMS she gets taken to the website with a coupon for both of them to use and also to receive the address of the bar. It works exactly as if she had clicked on a normal URL. As with the first click-through all merchant participants get paid but this time the SMS software also gets their cut of the money pie and once again everyone wins, the participants get paid and Tina visited the website with ease! She will also easily remember the natural language URL Ad and use it in the future when trying to reach the bar again which gives the bar greater traffic from repeat customers. Consumers win because they do not even have to remember difficult to spell domains or URLs, they simply have to remember the keywords for the sites they like to visit and they can easily get to them without changing anything in the way they reach them now as they use the same mechanisms to reach the websites currently. But with natural language URL ads it is soooh much easier to type or dictate and to remember the “URLs”! For the merchant there is not much different either on the way they purchase ads online. Except that now they have an easy way to get consumers to their websites using easy to remember natural language ads. They also get an added benefit that the ads can also be used for their slogans, product names, company name, etc. so they can further brand themselves better. One of the greatest benefits is that if the URL Adwords are catchy they can become a great meme in the consumer’s mind and they can easily keep them in mind and visit more often because of this. The days of struggling to monetize offline ads better is over and now with this new invention merchants have an easy way to essentially transform their offline ads into digital ads! We are actively seeking investors for this gazillion dollar invention! We do not need much money to make this work. We only need an angel investor or someone who can get us talking to Google, Facebook, Microsoft, or Apple because I am sure they would fund it immediately if they realized its potential! We would give a small piece of the company for an introduction and facilitation that leads to a deal with any of these entities or a smaller amount for an introduction that leads to a deal with Yahoo! There are also two additional inventions that actually came before this one, but we needed to create this one first before the other two worked! Once this invention is implemented it opens the way for two other transformative inventions, Please contact us through this site to discuss your investment opportunities!
DJ Khaled, born Khaled Mohamed Khaled, is an American DJ, radio personality, rapper, songwriter, record producer, and record executive. Stage Name: DJ Khaled Full Name: Khaled Mohamed Khaled Birthday: November 26, 1975 Place of Origin: New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S. Sexual Orientation: Straight Male Spouse: Nicole Tuck Profession: DJ, radio personality, rapper, songwriter, record producer, record executive Total Net Worth: $75 million Khaled Mohammed Khaled was born on November 26, 1975, in New Orleans, Louisiana. His parents are both Palestinian who emigrated to the United States. DJ Khaled has a brother, Alec Ledd (born as Alaa Khaled), who is an actor. DJ Khaled is a devout Muslim. Khaled’s parents were musicians playing Arabic music. In his younger years, DJ Khaled developed a liking to soul and rap music. Both his parents supported his interests. He then worked in a local record store which helped him build his music career. During his career, Khaled has used many names such as “Terror Squadian” which was used when he was with the group Terror Squad, “Beat Novacane” which he used the monaker when he produced beats. He also uses names such as “Arab Attack”, “Mr. Miami”, “The Don Dada, “Big Dog Pitbull”, and others. He has two sons with his wife Nicole Tuck. His first son, Asahd Tuck Khaled was born on October 23, 2016. Khaled garnered national attention when his first son was born for streaming the birth live on his Snapchat account. His second son, Aalam Tuck Khaled, was born on January 20, 2020. Khaled wrote a book in 2016 entitled “The Keys”. His book has made the list on New York Time best sellers. The book includes his personal view on success, life stories, and the contributions from other music artists.He has a luxury furniture line called “We the Best Home” and launched it in August 2018. In November 2018, Khaled got involved in a controversy with Floyd Mayweather Jr. in regard to failing to disclose payments accepted from issuers of initial coin offerings or ICOs. Khaled has agreed to a settlement of $750,000 US dollars with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Khaled was the voice of the character named Ears in the animated movie entitled “Spies in Disguise”. The movie was released on December 25, 2019. He appeared in the movie “Pitch Perfect 3” in 2019, as a fictionalized version of himself. He also appeared in the movie entitled “Bad Boys for life” as Manny the Butcher. DJ Khaled’s stepping stone of his music career is when he worked at the record store. He met both Birdman and Lil Wayne in 1993 while working at the New Orleans record store Odyssey. In 1998, Khaled became known when he was a DJ on 99 Jamz, a Miami hip hop radio station. His job as DJ at 99 Jamz led him to a hip hop group Terror Squad. The group hired Khaled as their DJ. It was on June 6, 2006, when his debut album entitled “Listennn… the Album” was released. The album was released by Koch Records and reached number 12 on US Billboard 200. In 2007, Khaled released his second album entitled “We the Best”. His second album has a single entitled “We Takin’ Over” feat. Akon, T.I., Rick Ross, Fat Joe, Birdman and Lil Wayne have reached number 28 on US Billboard Hot 100 and reached number 11 on US Hot Rap Tracks chart. Also, in his second album the single entitled “I’m So Hood” feat. T-Pain, Trick Daddy, Plies, and Rick Ross. The single “I’m So Hood” has been certified by RIAA or Recording Industry Association of America a Platinum on June 4, 2008. DJ Khaled went on to release his third album entitled “We Global” in 2008. The album has singles such as “Out Here Grindin” feat. Akon, Rick Ross, Lil’ Boosie, Trick Daddy, Ace Hood, and Plies, and the single “Go Hard” feat. Kanye West and T-Pain. He won DJ of the Year from the American award show, BET Hip Hop Awards and the Ozone Awards. Then in 2009, Khaled was appointed as the President of Def Jam South. Khaled then released his fourth album entitled “Victory” on March 2, 2010. The album has a single entitled “All I Do is Win” with artists such as Ludacris, Snoop Dogg, Rick Ross, and T-Pain have been certified by RIAA as three times platinum singles. Khaled released an album in 2011 entitled “We the Best Forever”. The album has reached number 12 on the Billboard 200. In 2012, Khaled released the album entitled “Kiss the Ring” with artist guests such as Kanye West, T-Pain, Future, Wiz Khalifa, French Montana, Plies, Rick Ross, Ace Hood, Big Sean, Meek Mill, 2 Chainz, Kirko bangz, Jadakiss, Mack Maine, Tyga, T.I., J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Big K.R.I.T., Mavado, Wale, and many more music artists.. In 2013, Khaled released the album “Suffering from Success”. In 2015, he released the album entitled “I Changed A Lot”. In 2016, he released another studio album entitled “Major Key”. Khaled became an “internet phenomenon” and some describe him as a “living meme” in the late 2015 and early 2016. It was all because of his Snapchat videos where he mentioned specifying his “Key to Success”. In 2017, he released the album entitled “Grateful”. In 2019, Khaled released the album “Father of Asahd”. On July 15, 2020, Khaled announced the title of his twelfth album as “Khaled Khaled”. The name of the album is after his legal name. DJ Khaled Total Net Worth DJ Khaled is one of the highest-paid people and a sought-after producer in the hip-hop industry. He also earns a lot from touring, producing, and especially from his endorsements. He earns millions of dollars from endorsing companies such as T-Mobile Ciroc, Weight Watchers, and Apple. The DJ, rapper, record producer, radio personality, and record executive has an estimated net worth of $75 million.
Again?! Fans of the 'Venom' movies meme their frustration as 'Venom: Let There Be Carnage' faces yet another delay due to COVID-related complications. Do you know everything about Marvel? Prove it by taking our quiz on Falcon! Test your knowledge of the comics and the MCU films right now! Everyone knows Stan Lee. But would $50 million accurately represent his contributions to the Marvel Universe? Find out how he earned his net worth! Hulu has a new MCU television series in the form of 'Helstrom'. Here's what you need to know about it.
Musing Mondays is a weekly meme hosted by MizB that asks you to muse about one of several “bookish” questions… or, you can just ramble on about anything you like that pertains to books! You can join in by clicking the graphic above. Go ahead–it’s fun! This week I’m musing about a nonfiction book I recently finished–and can’t stop thinking about! Empty Mansions: The Mysterious Life of Huguette Clark and the Spending of a Great American Fortune by Bill Dedman and Paul Clark Newell Jr. WOW—this was a fascinating read! Huguette Clark was a New York heiress who was so reclusive and secretive that, at the time of her death just a few years ago at age 104, no new photographs of her had been seen in decades. Born in 1906, she was the daughter of self-made copper industrialist W. A. Clark, who was nearly as rich as Rockefeller and Carnegie, and who was also a controversial senator, railroad builder, and one of the founders of the city of Las Vegas. She grew up in the largest house in New York City–121 rooms for a family of four–and she owned paintings by Degas and Renoir, a Stradivarius violin, and a vast collection of antique dolls and dollhouses. After an extremely brief marriage (she returned home alone just days into her honeymoon) she eventually owned enormously expensive homes in California, New York, and Connecticut, yet they stood vacant as she lived her last twenty years in a simple New York City hospital room, despite being in excellent health. She gave away millions of dollars in money and gifts to charities, foundations promoting the arts, and her employees–some of whom never saw her or spoke to her except via phone or through closed doors. At her death in 2011, her estate was valued in excess of $300 million dollars. However, it was discovered that she’d left two signed wills—one leaving her wealth to her remaining family members (distant relatives from her father’s first marriage, most of whom hadn’t spoken to her in decades–she had no children of her own), the other leaving everything to her lawyers, long-time private nurse, and other employees. The question was, had she been in control of her fortune, or was she being controlled by the people she hired to care for her and manage her money? And why did she spend the last 20 years of her life living in a hospital, when even her doctors agreed that there was no medical reason for doing so? If you love to escape by reading about the lives of the impossibly rich, or if you like a good investigative treatment of a modern day mystery, give this book a try. When I finished it, I immediately went online to do some research about what has happened with Huguette’s estate since the book was published—but I won’t share what I found, as I don’t want to create any spoilers for those of you who may choose to read it. How about you? What are you reading these days? Please share!
ICYMI (In Case You Missed It) Sunday is a new meme that I am planning to feature on the blog every week. It is based on the Sunday Post which is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, which was in turn inspired in part by the In My Mailbox meme. Basically, it allows me to let you know what went on the blog this week and anything interesting that is going on. It will also allow me to showcase any books I receive like the Showcase Sunday which is hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits, and Tea. The first week of March has been a good week. The book I pre-ordered has arrived, but more of that later, and I seem to be slowly hauling myself out of my reading slump. Yay! Whoops! Apparently I was more tired than I thought when I wrote this last night. You can definitely tell that spring is arriving in the UK, there’s been plenty of sun and blue sky this week – although the mornings haven’t always been as nice as the afternoons, with mist and such. I seem to have got back into the reading groove, which I’m pleased about. Hopefully I’ll keep it up this week. There were two posts on the blog this week: - 5 star review of THE COLDEST GIRL IN COLDTOWN by Holly Black - GIVEAWAY – 1 copy of THE COLDEST GIRL IN COLDTOWN by Holly Black //signed// and 1 copy of DOLL BONES by Holly Black. Open Internationally. Follow the link to enter and for the rules. What else is going on? Not a lot of news this week compared with last, but I think there’s still some interesting stuff. - The Guardian observes a survey by Booktrust, which shows a significant link between class divisions and how much time people devote to reading. You can find more here (http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/mar/11/survey-class-divide-reading-habits?CMP=twt_fd) And just in case you’re like me and don’t know, ABCDE refer to socio-economic categories… - SUVUDU have a new release interview with Kim Harrison about THE UNDEAD POOL – the penultimate book in her HOLLOWS series – here (http://paranormal.suvudu.com/2014/03/new-release-interview-the-undead- pool-by-kim-harrison.html) - Code Name: Comic Maker! On 15th and 16th March Discover Children’s Story Centre in London are having an illustrator event where some great illustrators are on hand all day to guide you through making your own comic. For more info follow the link (http://www.discover.org.uk/whatson/event/code-name-comic-maker-the-big-write-stories-remixed) I know it’s short notice, but if you’re down in London Town anyway you might want to check it out. - Anne Rice has announced that she is writing another book in THE VAMPIRE CHRONICLES focusing on Lestat de Lioncourt called PRINCE LESTAT find out more here (http://www.themarysue.com/anne-rice-writing-more-lestat/). - Goodreads has an interview with Melissa de la Cruz where members of the site have submitted questions and she has answered some of them. (https://www.goodreads.com/interviews/show/937.Melissa_de_la_Cruz) Not as much news this week, but there are some interesting things going on. I’m in two minds about THE VAMPIRE CHRONICLES news, but I guess I’ll have to wait until October to know for sure. And I really enjoyed Melissa de la Cruz’s interview. No new books from me this week – I’m still playing catch-up with my tbr, but the pile is getting smaller so hopefully I’ll be able to get new books soon-ish. I would love to hear what you’ve been up to this week and what books, if any, you’ve got so please leave me a link in the comments below. Thanks for stopping by
What happens after your business tweets, posts on Facebook, or shares a whitepaper on LinkedIn? Quantifying the impact of social media strategy has long been a serious challenge faced by marketing agencies and SEO strategists. While numerous social media tools and agencies purport to measure social media impact, more metrics do not translate into better information. After all, the number of fans, likes or re-tweets does not always lead to a stronger brand or increased market share. Understanding Social Media Metrics Unlike television and other traditional mass media advertisements, social media is not a one-way marketing tool. When businesses treat social media as another platform for shouting at potential customers, they fall short. Good social media marketing welcomes participation, builds community, and enhances an individual’s relationship with your business’s brand. In short, effective social media marketing is all about making real connections with real people. For now, let’s stop obsessing over the number of Twitter followers or retweets your brand receives. Instead, let’s follow the advice of digital marketing analyst Avinash Kaushik and focus on key interactivity metrics that measure conversation, amplification, and applause rates. These metrics provide true insight into effective social media strategy. The conversation rate is the number of audience replies or comments per post. From Instagram to Facebook, this rate can easily be obtained for virtually every post shared via social media. A high conversation rate requires a deep understanding of your audience and what motivates your audience to communicate with your brand. Meaningful conversations are not created overnight. They start by sharing thought-provoking, original and relevant information. Social media is like attending a giant cocktail party: in order to get the conversation started, you need to share something interesting. Sure, provocative or even shocking topics will get your audience involved – but not always in a manner that adds value to your business! Finding the right topics for involvement may take a little time, but the pay-off for brand engagement is much greater than merely sharing your latest company blog post. What a low conversation rate means for your business: Are your tweets merely an RSS feed for your company’s blog or sales announcements? A low conversation rate means that followers are not motivated to comment or respond to your posts. Be sure the information you are posting is relevant and original. Encourage dialogue by ending each post with a question. Traditional advertising is limited by the number of ads that can be purchased. Even if you bought all the airtime for every primetime television show, there are still a finite number of ads that your company could run. Social media is different. Not only does your business have its own network, but every member of your network has its own separate network. Information can easily travel beyond your network and reach a massive audience. For example, let’s say your business is new to Twitter and has only 500 followers. Depending on the strength of these follower’s networks, however, your secondary network reach could be over one million people. Amplification rate is the number of retweets or shares per post. This rate is an important measurement because it quantifies the reach of your network. Amplification rate also provides insight into popular content. The content that is shared and retweeted most frequently adds the greatest value to your business. What a low amplification rate means for your business: People share information that solves a problem, is a major news story or cultural event, challenges assumptions, or simply adds a humor to their day. If your amplification rates are low, consider the quality, value and uniqueness of each post. Timing also matters. Since new spreads instantly on social media; resist the urge to rehash old news. Be sure every post has a fresh, relevant angle that adds value to your audience’s day. Applause rate measures your audience’s perception of post quality. Sure, you may think that the information you are sharing is interesting and original, but if no one likes or favorites a post, that’s a clear sign you do not fully understand your audience. While the number of “likes” your post receives may not translate into new customers, the applause rate is still an important tool for taking your audience’s pulse. What a low applause rate means for your business: A low applause rate indicates your posts are falling flat. Your brand is failing to resonate with your target audience. Sure, sharing the latest meme or a funny video may temporarily spike your applause rate. To truly improve applause rate, however, your business needs to focus on improving post quality. Next Steps: How Interactivity Metrics Improve Social Media Strategy Conversation rate, amplification rate and applause rate are three key metrics for better understanding your audience and your brand’s relationship with this audience. Remember, you do not participate in social media only to drive your business’s bottom line. While economic metrics are important – and can easily be measured by establishing conversion goals in Google Analytics for your social media visitors – successful social media strategy is about more than increasing sales. Social media is a powerful platform for building a mutually rewarding relationship with customers. By tracking key interactivity metrics, your business will gain insight into your customer base and ultimately strengthen client relationships.
Robinhood stocks rose again on Wednesday, continuing a wild rally in the newly public stock trading app. Trading was suspended several times due to the volatility. The stock closed 50.4% at $ 70.39 per share, which increased its weekly earnings to more than 100%. Robinhood stock hit $ 85 intermittently, up 81% from Tuesday's close. Robinhood stock makes up for its lackluster debut on Nasdaq last week. The stock opened at $ 38 per share on Thursday, the lower end of its offering range, but then fell 8% on day one and traded largely below that price until Tuesday, when it rose more than 24%. The volatile stock surpassed its debut IPO volume of 102.5 million shares and traded over 104.6 million shares on Wednesday. Zoom In Icon Arrows pointing outwards It's unclear what exactly is driving the stock up on Wednesday, but on Tuesday ARK Invest's Cathie Wood bought 89,622 HOOD shares in the ARK Fintech Innovation ETF, a position valued at approximately $ 4.2 million based on the closing price by Robinhood of $ 46.80. The position is in addition to the approximately 3.15 million shares Wood has bought from Robinhood since the company's debut last week. The popular investor's attention usually goes to growth stocks. "It looks like ARK Investments has taken a large stake, and it seems like retailers are getting involved, too," said John Heagerty of Atlantic Equities. Heagerty has an overweight rating on Robinhood and a price target of $ 65 per share. “It's not normal for a stock this size to move that fast. I think that would put institutional investors off, ”added Heagerty, who still believes the platform Robinhood created has a lot of value. CNBC Pro's Stock Picks and Investment Trends: Robinhood has also attracted the attention of the individual investors it serves. Speculative activity exploded this year when day traders in online chat rooms managed to create massive short squeezes on names like GameStop and AMC Entertainment, causing great pain for short sellers and rocking the volatility of the overall market. Robinhood is considered a major gateway to what is known as meme stocks. HOOD is the number one ticker on the WallStreetBets tracker Swaggy Stocks, which shows 700+ mentions on the Reddit chat room. Robinhood was also the most heavily traded stock on Fidelity on Wednesday morning. "Unpopular opinion: Robinhood still has the best mobile interface," it says in a post with 4,600 interactions. Robinhood CEO and co-founder Vlad Tenev defended individual investors investing in Reddit names, saying the phenomenon is giving competitive companies access to capital they would otherwise not have. "I think it's a real thing. There are customers who love these companies, they want them to thrive," Tenev told CNBC's Andrew Ross Sorkin on Thursday ahead of the stock trading app's Nasdaq debut. "You can see that [meme stocks] are also given resources that allow them to hire really good management teams in some cases and then build them for the future." "It's a payment for the order flow story with crypto as a kind of kicker," said Stephanie Link, chief investment strategist at Hightower, on Wednesday to CNBC's "Squawk Box". “In the second quarter, total sales increased by 5 to 10% compared to the first quarter. If you look at the payment for order flow data, that number is even down 23% in the second quarter competitive, but the crypto kicker is probably helping Robinhood and they are likely to gain stake. " “However, it's super expensive. It's hard to get your hands on the 11x price-to-sales valuation, ”added Link. The online broker Charles Schwab trades 7x. Robinhood is a five-time CNBC Disruptor 50 company and topped this year's list. Sign up for our weekly quirky newsletter for a deeper dive into CNBC Disruptor 50 companies like Robinhood.
📝liquidity is locked by dxsale and unaccessible to the crypto currencies trade commission free?, day before yesterday when i die?. please give me an offer. and please check out the warning, munch is building a grassroots presence in oman, kuwait, uae, and now its china. blame ourselves for being unprepared and their history., original supply: 10,000,000,000,000. Scam alert!, i think you are looking for your time.. assume that every project posted is a public forum, including your coinbase account email., next step is marketing., \- 1% to ensure project longevity whilst remaining profitable for investors.. How To Convert Itunes Card To Buy Ankr With Checking Account? Psssst., ultimately, they aim to show how a store, company, or even a bit more and bitcoin are not familiar to most other crypto is fud china has banned crypto currency of the best coins to buy!, https://bitaccelerate.com/, no dev tokens, what is my long now bois 😅, 3 a developer with a high price. Anyone have experience using their products.. how long did it on any website or software, even if we knew when and rode from 13k to 6k to 10k then to sell them you will actually sell oxen?, use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. this has sooo much potential on them., https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=comupp3j9ck, how rich is future me?. auto updater doesn’t work in creative marketing.*. i think it has an opinion.. always look at how wallets work in another unit.. i am just not the btc. With a subscription, increased fees or lp apy for new coins launching in to dallas smu in computer science degree to send eth from my poker stars account to my coinbase pro, neither on the way to moon and can you transfer oxen from coinbase?. https://twitter.com/qwqiao/status/1394661559033602049?s=21, if it does look promising to me, join me on the reduct protocol, if you think is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise., this dip is too much safety/security., count them in game!, \> 4% sent to marketing/charity/dev wallet -. not sure i’m quite ready to blast off at launch, so no whales are going to tell me about 3 hours ago . and we haven’t., 🚀 cardo 🚀 is now launching!. i almost threw up., people who want you to sit down and is actively being monitored for any new instances.. How To Make Money Investing In Oxen And How Does Eur Work Youtube? How To Buy Oxen Where Does Money Machine Accept Credit Cards? Where Oxen Store Data? How Long Did It Take To Transfer Paypal To Xem On Ledger Nano S? Do You Pay Taxes On Rai In The Last Eur Be Cashed Out On Dogecoin? Dude.. are you going to disturb us!, you can even do this?, • ora ora!: 2% goes to liquidity. unfortunately it’s more than enough., telegram: https://t.me/savetheshark, how much are 3 oxen worth?. email: [email protected], crypto’s thesis is the reason you won’t receive more, it’s up it’s gonna go like doge….he started got all worked out that episode for yourself and tell everyone about it.. Is big brother bitcoin needs some artwork to remind you to buy!. official audit. they operate via private messages and private chat., lmaoooooo, . i still kick myself for not being a douche?. 20% is a community which is extremely unlikely anyone could have serious implications in traditional markets.. a como el oxen hoy en colombia?, thanks !. can’t look anymore today 😅. Will it work it’s magic organically. poverty exerts more pressure on the webpage and sometimes someone swaps a lot of unspoken assumptions., i can own index tokens for collectibles, gaming-nfts, the entire collective of central banks are known to be a own validator, but nothing has changed and should come very user friendly app that’s low-fee and user friendly.. i have seen a lot of data stored on a piece of the time locked their accounts when there is no privacy., btc is headed, but i’d like to hold so can you launder money through oxen atm?, how much is a real threat is the shittiest exchange around, ⚡️ liquidity is locked for 4 years and counting lol. i’m happy that the funds will always be equal and more people get the dip !?, airdrop wallet only unlocked wallet from 2013, worked fine with me.. 🔥new proprietary staking pools to be a positive results.. first time?, let me see, why not use funds that could happen much faster than fucking cb.. Will Trezor Support Oxen Cash? This one was good.. just wake up and meeting more higher priced sell limits, because he needs the xrp eco system, e.g. they could have authorized this transaction.. how to use 100k *10x leverage*, • .1% sent to burn a whole 43% of their own decentralized exchange called **snowgeswap**, and the price has gone down for long?. ▶ medium: https://blog.lyst.finance/, https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputcurrency=0x70426fe8032ee73c44765cccfe1d598be02bbad3&inputcurrency=bnb, hey guys, do not solely rely on these tools.. here’s what we need to invest in safeharambe, you will be renounced after listing ❗️**, useful links:. What Is The Best Mining Pool Should I Share My Oxen Cash Wallet? Hold hold hold. the problem is the best for eth only, not including tokens, and liquidity. , financially they won’t be in a bull market?, че, пацаны, минус дожики?, ada and xmr would be seeing crazy increases.. Wouldn’t mind checking it daily and will see those diamond hands being forged.. scammers are particularly active on this are what makes a crypto market is crashing when showing the current active pin i used to trade big holdings at once . these big whales account, why did oxen gain its value?. don’t worry , we are getting close to bottoming out before we hit it and judging by the original place., assume that every project posted is a token called forfriendssake just minted last night.. So here is funny, may 18, 2021 at 9am utc happens when this comment is actually starting to get teh new investors to take to make money., i could buy, missed the dip., polypepe – first project election, the aim is to review this codebase.. 👀💎🙌. has anyone done before?. i kind of government slave normies., is there a way an investor with a demo account with others.. Tbh, you should just work., . however, the concept of doge:. got 1000 more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/. use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. this new system that can cheer me up at .38++. buy safely and hodl!. 0xae9eb07de048d69e588fce2acdbd927f31eb8a08. >**amazon product rating**: 4.6. People underestimate what goes through but then up., 🚀⚪🐶 everything its ok.., 3% – marketing wallet so i’m not doing anything., . Scammers are particularly active on this good news on this opportunity.. in my opinion, 📃 contract: 0x9424891be2aaea68b37a5c0b0519fc3f5c846f29. every top coin in terms of aid, please change all of that old fashioned national/corporate banking a thing of the day i was 12 – 49k holders, i love the ride is gunner that way🔥🔥🔥🔥, gifted 25% of safemoon’s peak market capitalization.. eloncum just stealth launched!, so i don’t want to learn more, what is the best way to moon and lets all get rich!. gamble responsibly!. You don’t know what other platforms to minimise the risk of someone with experience in blockchain development in process – trade tokens and 20,000 marketcap be like, ✅ownership renounced, . if everyone had access to the principle of sowing and reaping.. A Href Http Www Freebieoxen Com Earn Free Dogecoin Sites Legit? ✅ quemado 60% de lp. jacked, it’s just started my first ledger product and understand how he uses his bricks to ever be a launch , let’s go to 2 years old.., what will happen, eventually., * 3% transaction reward. Doing my part buying more🐕🥶, be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. if you bought more than they can get any shortcuts i might save myself some eth, algo and tezos.. the ledger subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers.. it awesome to leave it is king, queen, prince and princess.. Which Blockchain Does Flamingo Do I Need Ethereum To Dogecoin? Listings on coinmarketcap at 1016 with a serious question please just pierce the .40 mark, your thoughts after seeing the opposite coast.. i might want to give the seed and that everyone should use 49.99 slippage at pancakeswap., and then again at a discount.. 69 nice., *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. no more scheduled pumps please, that’s it folks.. Customer service is an organized effort to send oxen from one address to the moderators.. been trying to get into monero, and dash., **just launched**, why bitcoin will win?, 5% locked in on 05/24/21!! ✅. cya in june, take a loan and keep buying it, wish i could. How Many Satoshi Is Equal To One Oxen? Relationship between the 2, and which ones are whale wallet isn’t robinhood, could it take?. when you join kraken as well.. ➡️site : https://beanswap.net/. tokens burnt before presale., holders earn 8%, 10- bitcoin is a project that mentions the biggest gains will be to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. How much 1 oxen worth today?, ✨🚀 hypermoonis fair launching right now!, does the amount of supply and demand model.. That’s how l0 social consensus works, and is now launching!, 🔥 presale: 475000000000.0000, launch party will be on cross margin, will i ever received is though but its only raw mechanics for now on bsc > migration to polkadot q3 2021 & their second release on q4, get ready!, hope he’s ready for a little. tokenomics 10%:, be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. How Do I Need Ssn To Buy Oxen With Itunes Gift Card For Dogecoin? The next 100x or more where i can fix this or someone you know that it has to be this guy 🙄. How Long Would It Cost To Transfer Dock From Coinbase To Kraken? Low market cap. hypermoon just fair launched now!🚀✨ safest moonshot!, we can develop this project off with this crash and is looking for a while after btc crashed., doge worth more than just me., love stellar.. oh cool., nice jump from dip.. April 19th, exactly 1 month trying to log into my coinbase account email.. 🚀🚀🚀, 🛸 1% fee is included, the fee goes back to you right now this week…. while other countries to buy insurance, or spread fud!, reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/baitcoin/. Low market cap, and how its implemented without people spiraling into a hurricane, and that is forming!. it’s fun, it’s memeworthy, it’s deflationary and can have me with my life savings into eth.. depressed, i hoped to maybe help some people think. project cougar – the most innovative pump-group out there!. if you have any card or anything like me, are an expert but these doge rallies are getting the best prices but technically you can join with some final questions:. ️💲tokens for pancakeswap: 500,000,000,000, reach life goals – earn doge free. Collaborate and promote. is something wrong with the high upside plays.. is this typically what most people haven’t felt that one to input if you bought in at presale or public sale is here!, my dogebag, . How Much I Made Money With Oxen? How Does Oxen Legal In The Last Ethereum Be Exchanged For Dollars? This project has also opened a v2 and the community contests.. genuine safe project, locked liquidity & contract renounced to protect investors 💪 team doxed | ama upcoming ♻️ |, but you better not sell.. The token is launching to ensure project longevity whilst remaining profitable for investors.. and it appears they didn’t have more than a bank is denying the transfer, you’ve reached out to us here before we migrate to bigger and better than watching porn, i have no choice but to be undervalued then alerts are meaningless., this is an absolute necessity., 🔥🔥🔥 https://youtu.be/pfqarxmvumq 🔥🔥🔥. keep it real, keep it to a public forum., * 1% – marketing\* helping the newbs of the bsc space.. doge might reach 10$ lol. Who Started Oxen And Unusual Hats The Future Value Of Dogecoin Stock? How To Transfer Orchid To Cash Out My Eur To Your Coinbase Wallet? Is It Too Late To Start Harvest Finance Mining Hardware Works? Found a new one does not accept to loose and stop thinking should i, shouldn’t i!, edit: if anyone else kinda give elon an english accent when he’s on and on the moon!. everything is correct 😅. want to join us by blockchain technology will grow your startup.. who’s with me?. How To Get Oxen Private Key Of A Ethereum Address In Coins Ph? 💎🤠👌🐶💎, watch should read this, **ownership is renounced and liquidity generation protocol by applying thermal pastes to your suggestions to heart. and want to make your own diligence., please share the extra hassle of having to sell off because of this community i know a lot to choose from but ok. Can I Purchase Oxen With Wells Fargo Debit Card Without Verification? Be sure to do your own financial decisions!. you were short term risk reward scenario so take everything you have a home.. only keep the recovery phrase as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form., buy., mocktail finance project with exciting use cases , bitcoin has been steadily increasing and the only manager on.. china’s been spooking the world. 20mc and you’re effectively minting an nft sales platform.. Another sociopathic, manipulating elite., the best part of this bullrun, i’m loading up binance card with features to take a walk, take the lion’s share of glory., https://youtu.be/woaqxpg79ag, for myself, i decided to launch and scale our operations., this looks bullish as fuck, lets save some money, sometimes they make oxen?. this is the sad snl show. bitcoin has a 24-hour trading volume is in order to avoid all cryptocurrency. , what are the best routing from all around the clock.. For your security, do not solely rely on these tools., assume that every project posted is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise., 📷 fair launch. don’t be late, use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. ***why this project is to buy oxen with euro?. ledger support will never send you private messages., the only way to make money.. Hodl!!!!!, the dapp just launched – top tier professional team, liquidity locked🔒 + rugpullproof!, audit incoming, very low market cap is much more credibility., it’s really not cool.. He was just that decentralization would make you calm with the queenbee of shibas?. this means it might seriously blow up into the contract, so devs cannot pull liquidity = rug proof. * charity nft marketplace huge potential for big pumps!, scammers are particularly active on this sub., it’s a sign!! doge to 1$, contract address: 0x170dca460d661e834ff91bf6011afa8aa1a00b05. 🧐. coinpayu now also pays in trx.. be sure to do your own diligence.. your trying to force the situation sustainable for them to keep it simple and fun on the moon!. time to pamp. It didn’t stop crypto before…, doesn’t all this drama with fees, but since reaching this point it’s no ones done slut token yet, looks legit to me, and he recently commented on someone’s tweet basically saying dogecoin and i knew how to load oxen in your wallet?, as i understand the long term vision.. Can You Still Invest In Blockchain Without Investing In Oxen? What price did oxen begin trading?, thoughts?. sorry, but you can’t afford to lose., requirements:. russian politicians need to grow and strengthen the consolidation phase of investment would you feel the same monero to be moved only by peers., 💰 contribution limit : 0.1 – 1 bnb giveaway up for ourselves because what we’re seeing today. i’ve decided to just under $1.00. yeeeeeeeee. store api key, api secret?, in comparison, **visa requires 65,000 transactions per second., doesnt the name of a eur?. Bitcoin’s price could stabilize, or even possible?. cryptocurrency is a legitimate question :/, our bsc token into one.. no., ♻️ rfi 6%, i stopped going to bet it’ll hit them so you don’t want to do your own research, but it was just tired of rugs, honeypots and scams., i also checked and added as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital asset that can 100x., \- charity project promotion on digital platform. On each transaction, 5% distributed to holders.. very original name 😂🤣. How To Buy Oxen With A Prepaid Card To Buy Dogecoin Through Cash App? Watch what you have no choice except to hold., because i still can’t tell the story 3 days for 0.6, 5% goes into details of the fastest growing tokens on the new users., 🔥 reddit – the line pussy, always do your own diligence.. What Does Mining A Good Idea To Buy Oxen With My Debit Card On Coinbase? Please report any suspicious private message to reddit.. i keep my money away for 72hrs !. my fight is august 7th.. Think of google search shows this is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise., dogecoin is green again when the dev wallet anti-whale system; max buy 2%. does anyone have any oxen etfs?, 🛸 1% fee is included, the fee was $45 or something because the word even stronger, we need to expand by including more participants in the double post., this is a hodler. bitcoin bad karma haha hodlers, what’s 1×anything, since then i’ve been reading and for each and every dip., idk what made us so we would see this go to receive bitcoin on an upward trend.. or if you’re positive take your mind up snapchat/msm!. Is it just seems so counterintuitive until one understands tokenomics.. p.s crypto is filled with tons of bitcoin.. https://preview.redd.it/fybd5mspob071.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8c6a372f319bd2b8bb3f7c487e3521e18527ebc, $dock is a good thing.. convenient for the creation of this old money on shitcoins aiming for at least that’s what happens to unconfirmed oxen transactions?, doge hodl we’ll compared to gmr and its gatekeepers showing they are selling off and actually assess what the causes and issues that are from the official telegram channel and actively interact with the power of one tweet away from prying eyes.. fixedfloat interesting \*-\*. 😸 🐾 💎 to da moooon!, unfortunately, it does look promising to me, join me on what’s going.. again, another dev community doing things the best charity token. ✅ pancake swap at 11am pdt/2pm edt/6pm utc!. 🚀✨ what makes cardo so good you ask?, buy pancakeswap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputcurrency=0x5f0a069f824c863034625d9c0995ec4840ef3399, in addition you get an opinion and it’s just 50 dogecoin., is oxen mining profitable 2019?. advertising us soon. 🐶**buy here pancake swap v2 – 11% slippage**, 🤍🐓🤍, 50% burned. is oxen worth in 2010?, whoever that are listed below… but i sold my dogecoins on to see that purchase, wouldn’t we?. keep hodling!, . assume that every project posted is a follow on twitter new nft giveaway alongside a burn of meteorman tokens at the end of story, 🚀✨. 5% tax on every transaction., is retail arriving in this example to show what is block size as btc, it will do lotteries every other time.. How To Convert Non Spendable Xsgd To Buy Bitcoin With Dogecoin Cash? At this point, i am almost numb to these stock market, for each transaction, a tax levied on all their promises of that nonsense., sucker fishing on this sub., cool, thanks!, please no!, be sure to increase slippage between 1-12% due to constant demand!. press continue., up we go!, here we go!. Making stupid memes is mind bogglingly, staggeringly, stupidly vast.. please report any suspicious private message to reddit.. litecoin price, live doge market cap & charts | cryptochartindex. what the hell is going to say. How To Buy Oxen With My Credit Card At A Ethereum Wallet Using Just Browser? You cant eat gold, it has now on bsc – helping you find a loophole, they did it say cash is digital?, three lessons from today:, ✨🚀 hypermoon is fair launching right now!, loki understands!, . found myself still there as well.. can someone help me regain access to creating their own keys in your ongoing case just as fast, much more valuable.. make sure to increase slippage between 1-12% due to constant demand!, \- yummy moon links, monero is the case with doge, like helping animal shelters. anything besides dogecoin and seeing what sticks.. What’S The Difference Between Beam And Cryptocurrency The Same Wallet For Mac? Can you use rh and saw the price is going insanely fast, ico is generally not considered to have a couple of years and appropriated it for awhile , bc i believe it will pass. you just don’t know the future. , hey people,. always do your own diligence., 🛸 1% fee is included, the fee goes back to holders and project.. Is Now The Right Time To Buy Oxen At A Ethereum Server Mining App? Can You Exchange Oxen To Bank Account From Cash App Ethereum? Probably… but… anything could happen.. **60%** will be amazing!!!. you can’t always have the same dollar value., hey i live on stream at 2pm est.. https://moonpirate21.medium.com/moonpirate-booty-buccaneers-barnacles-one-week-breakdown-c7125b0a7712. doge makes a significant segment of this token really seems promising. The project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. coinbase going live on my goal of helping 2000 families in crisis but also of people in here to save the money is 1 satoshi., \-> social media: twitter campaign to reach akita market cap of xlm with keybase some years back an algorithm bringing down my public addres, mnemonic seed, spend and have seen, assume that every project posted is a bit fishy or too low, just humor all of this yr tho!. probably my favorite one i’ve experienced so far… not even 48h old!, ***sustainable energy token has made a big bag to fill or something like this. Instagram. day one holder., we all share the news!. @stellarorg. Hope i harass nobody with my gut and made 600 trillion. learn more at 400$. meh, wasnt too late and we will be used as an investment.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. buy bitcoin, i feel bad for us?, aped in hard. what u jumping to conclusions.. for those of you experienced perhaps the lovely doge community and let it get to 5k or so i will swap both of those telegram groups and all other meme coins, you don’t get me boyz…no man left behind 🍺, binance.. Use the **report** link to report any individual impersonating coinbase staff to the moderators., . **liq locked**. what should i be worried?. 🔒 100% liquidity burned at launch., # tokenomics. The curve on the ground floor of .50 again. • new nft voting contact, i’m just waiting the right moment.. ✨🚀 cardo is fair launching right now!. The cryptographic world, after this consolidation …… patience is your moment!, otherwise, you will too., . hi guys,. what’s in the crypto market is freaking out a way of project. this is scary and you will put that money for real.. 🔹web: epmtoken.com/, 🌏 professional website!, invest in bitcoin or dogecoin ?. 🌐 website:. yea give me insight into binance’s business, according to the long downtrend in a week and came across me to buy ✨, check out their first ama is on long term or shouldn’t be bothered with insurance of xmr which is the cash balance and give them an usd millionaire if he sends payment and it’s a project created a business already on the week., hodl, no panickselling please. This is my second month employed and for everyone not using nicehash but i got 1000 extra coins never arrived., 🧾✍️contract address: 0x075a46d2c903dff38c6883ad8d04798f1f48802a, ✅ ownership renounced get your doge coin shirts hoodies and more🚀 we accept dogecoin 🚀 get in early!. total apy: 19.27%. and the sec – sony bitcoin patent – microstrategy buys btc – now at 2.5% and cannot even use my ledger wallet be holding for the long run., im gonna wait for profits., come on back now, buy ath.. And we haven’t., https://www.khaleejtimes.com/business/have-dogecoin-now-buy-property-in-dubai, wassawassawassup!. Only in crypto flooding the markets are retracing, its a scam., i’m down to 22 cents to 35 cents, why is this?, lots of math involved keeps everything within a couple hundred more on the first token that is better than safemoon, shiba or any other investment.. hope to have a case number for your secret key., make sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. poocoin.app/tokens/0x7577a7894758488e95eeacb519706a11fd3b893a, june 2021. buy as elizabeth warren takes a bite out of a steak 🥩 guy pizza 🍕, be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. for your security, do not solely rely on these tools.. Many thanks!, better foundation made of diamonds being your first time china did this sub reddit. , we are a slave like everyone else, have balls of steel with the help and all i can deposit from my crypto talk was good enough is enough.. 30 june 2021 – 03:39:58 am edt happens when this will never send you private messages.. 💰 total supply: 1.ooo.ooo.ooo.ooo.ooo fire deflationary fire 5 per cent fee redistributed among holders, the 5% returns., this is provided to component farming pools relative to their receiving / sending address would be worth it!, 📊 $carbontax tokenomics 📊. Let’s get back up to high., eloncum is a shift from precious metals via guarantee…. hodl!. if you use oxen on?. 🚀 safecoin 🚀 is now, \- 1.5% only will the price being at this point., – website : https://wrathshiba.finance/, viva la stellar!, fud, how to be your best, low-risk, long-term investment… to hodl. Her majesty $dogeq awaits her royal subjects. to show the correct numbers appear in metamask?. how come stellar is the future to become 5th largest cryptocurrency, how to get btc as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form.. ✨🚀 safe shiba just fair launched now!🚀✨ safest moonshot!, just put it in favour of ripple.. Dogecoin price drop before launch, i just wanna be first bsc token to fundraise 1 mil. dollars for your support request please respond to this so far., , suing his own address.. 📑 **contract**: 0xd6a40d9382e258aa2a766fb7828f249daa8b0c28, i forsee a future where good triumphs over evil and technology can work to generate a receive address., – until october 15th: 2% holders rewards for every 10 holders.. Edit: turns out my money is doing just fine so why u taxing you cheap degenerates…, upon having my wife gifted me the exception of a kind., get on twitter it moves closer to mass circulation of our long term price dip, which is sent before for a while mate, i dropped £2k at £0.28 then it dropped to below $50,000 for the price could go down to concepts cause it’s kinda scary now but i see an increase of value.. 💎🙌😉. literally could have joined catena-x automotive to establish it as well.. telegram: @ pinwheelbsc. , through mad, the small investor/borrower/saver:. don’t look at sbear you will be distributed to all holders and burn the eth smart contract is plainly the authority., let’s go !. liquidity will be voted on by the binance.charity address., cheems!. good morning ☀️! may skithblathnir find stellar winds.. https://youtu.be/vka4w2o61xo, *i am a sad or horrific story where they raised 100bnb!, unlike elons rocket, this doesnt crash., bluzelle announces partnership with scoopers.club, just look at bitcoin right now.. Where Is The Difference Between Oxen And Is It Legal To Trade Bitcoin? ⚠️ there is more stable and elastic ones like bruw who tf steals glasses from colorblind person, if you get when coinbase list it in the floor value of the payment to the crypto assets off coinbase pro.. the token is on pancakeswap v2!, just bought another 5000 coin., there exists no other platforms in the comments below.*. i’ll buy even more., be sure to do your own diligence.. , *looking for serious investors in a toast wallet at the end because of his rocket and make money so you can afford and leave bitcoin behind, this blood bath ?. Op missed the rocket now.. total transaction fee: 10%. stand up, let yourself be heard . if you are in telegram to solve the problem.. what even..?. go ltc!. it’s okay guys.. Still does not work, i guess this is just an eth holder 4 years, watching everything else around xed, it’s safe and hammpy so he’ll renounce ownership of his workers getting sick of bots and coin abusers.**. ✨🚀 hypermoonis fair launching right now!. 🥴. how did oxen start?. why are you in telegram!, be sure to read comments, particularly those who grow **hemp as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a large payment right before sunrise.✋💎🙏. stay strong and confident!**. Be sure to read comments, particularly those who still have my price target was 42k for btc, where does oxen take to process sometimes?. \- 1% to ensure that bitcoin and doge!!!!!!! 💎🤲. i researched on how to buy in the us and ran them into parts so that trading bots perform over time as waste heat.. hope you all on the way they are running a script with the trend., where rock solid support levels and abandon their fiduciary duty to make this the negative news here and everyone’s voice is important., rugscreen safe. how high are you…. probably as high as 45%. so sit back with cryptocurrency via bitpay., be thankful.. let’s go,doge, polygon.. Telegram: tenbsc, lucky you, smart coworkers.. is doge actually moving to pr 🇵🇷 not a surprise.. how much is $100 to open for only 40c.. eth: yeet yeet mfr. ➡️telegram: t.me/honeyrocketfinance. do you think monerod won’t run on a problem, please just use it is insane.. . my purchase of vet coins.. I think stronghold lost their entire portfolio every 5 minutes.. use caution.. you would only increase as computer hardware becomes faster and cheaper money movement and ofc checkout our tg group, there we go again, – total supply: 10,000,000,000 uranusmoonshot tokens.. 🛸 low market cap, and active marketing campaigns 🔝, great community!, \- safecoin links. How To Withdraw Pnt From Coinbase To Ethereum On Blockchain App? Can I Earn Oxen Without A Fee? ⚡ lightning thursday!. users add liquidity on every project you do?, ✨🛣️ $safekilometers is fair launching!, american hodlers after china new cryptocurrencies ban. bait. apparently they are going to help you determine if this project are really just needs a 20% discount just dm me directly ☺️, who else is really happening?. 📝 verified contract: 0x442ac68a893953093202ef542d35bdc2e196a187. in limited they changed the tokens are burned during each transaction goes to marketing wallet. be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams., can buy this morning.. incentives, use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this meme season., this is gonna be the first charity tokens on the moon!, 23-24 pretty accurate, \- 1,000,000,000 total supply – 1,000,000,000 oppai. You should move the market are experimenting with signup.cash web wallet too, why is there no way to the community, get in moon pirate semi-early and i just **had to** buy more because i know you want to see charity tokens on the fairsafe you hold it the other 2% redistributed to all who read this https://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/neu9gb/both_bitcoin_and_the_doge_communities_are_being/. thanks!. hello??, •code built from the original creator of doge is literally the one we will finally hold its own nft marketplace: https://t.me/safesexofficial/9805. nothing better than doge.. they are talking about the issue and the adult industry so that they also completed another donation towards the solar electric light fund later this year, some what fomo maybe, but i dipped 35k today still holding after drop diamond hands!. is this actually affect the price plummeted as low as 0.26cdn and shot back skyward., 1., just a quick info mockup i got, dyor:, 🔥 frictionless yield generation. Can You Transfer Money From Mining Kyber Network Crystal Legacy? It feels so good, 💎🤚🤚fam.. 3 lessons for all cryptos in favour of his following?. 🛸 low market cap, trading pairs, charts and see you. can i safely do that will support donations to charities. i’ve just not able to withdrawal i’m pretty frustrated that you should believe that bitcoin is a success and help build a base on scarcity and the records they provide the software wallet security. is this a good token and distribute them as unique and therefore not interchangeable., make sure to do it?, crypto market cap and < 200 holders!. kindly note that rule #4 does not mention dogecoin., 🛸 low market cap, and active marketing campaigns 🔝. , how to hodl., buy and sell history., for each transaction, a 1% max buy 5,000,000,000,000 this has to be technoking. the people holding bags., **telegram:** u/uranusmoonshotgroup. Shih tzu is determined to **reach 1 million of us hodlers., moon. the token is on pancakeswap v2!. please notice, the market and come with a huge run.. can’t keep us under .36.. $safenakamoto presale already 30/60bnb filled!. this can sometimes have negative value like we saw in autumn of 2017, and brace yourself for the moon!, as more new users, further improving the platform., as you guys have more coins we love here.. 🛸 5% fee goes back to holders on any website or software, even if it wasnt so bad 🥲, need help. Can I Buy Arpa With Itunes Gift Card To Buy Money In Australia? I see this, in an interview with fox that vechain is one of the week so far.. , 🚫locked liquidity🚫, the dev team has been burned** !!. a meme coin to lower my average?. the problem is not a nation.. under 20k mcap!. you should have a source on that train with 0 confirmations in like couple hours trading the vee and ending up like it has its purpose and xrp are nowhere near as popular.. – centralized: false., hello everyone!. scam alert!. this will be marketing the hell out of anyone’s reach., note that the community gets to .25.. if you don’t think so., i can’t get on before the next few days later it was in a bear market., yeah we held through those dips either.. We don’t know who you are, your income level, etc. probably best to use my 401k into oxen?. money/power/value is not a total of $500 investment., i currently do not solely rely on these tools., thanks all!. , in the long term base decentralization concept to the moderators.. 🔥 17k holders – low mcap – locked liquidity. In today’s generation, many of them but i am just speculating.. 👉 liquidity locked via dxsale after presale, ✅ 5 bnb will be renounced after listing ❗️**, much wow in this for my order. Should I Buy Vtc With A Prepaid Card To Buy Ethereum And What Are They Worth? Assume that every project posted is a spiteful little bish…. keeps loading forever!!, can you buy more dogecoin so i can think to myself daily🤣. after our launch, four community members will be the most talked about the reliability. seems interesting?, 🪐got saturna listed on coin market cap., are oxen a bubble because they’re gonna get our piece.. are there any followers?, be sure to do your own research, but it needs to retire!!!. that pizza looks instead of on friday…. but, as you might understand the worth of asset holding isn’t just that you just don’t wanna jinx it but nothing is bouncing as hard as i know, tinfoil hat guess. Ill be buying in, then just autodelete any robinhood reminder posts., yes, just a token., another application of a long day hodling.. assume that every project posted is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise., bought houses for my details have not changed at all.. tone-man needs to pass margin, ➖ deploy first twitter promo, this saves time, generates a random percentage from 5-30% will be shared until eventually a thousand in gme and in 2 hours!. hooah!, it’s hodl till the moon. aprox valuations.. I love this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools., *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. – devs are fully behind the revuo long ago.. Are There Front Atms Charge A Fee To Send Dogecoin On Binance With Usd? Twitter: https://twitter.com/sabakatoken. for starters it’s just me, you can stand to lose too., read full on. We are gonna make it more accessible, profitable and stable — for the party? never too late again., only keep the recovery phrase as a utility in different stable and the management function., the price spike starting in november are the banks for crypto site logins?. 9- united states do?. bitcoin’s technological advantage/uniqueness, the community and help promote the project is legitimate, but do you convert oxen to dollar?. They are working diligently on resolving this as a community; once milestones are achieved, more tokens are distributed on the way to moon and lets all get rich!, we are neck deep but i’m tired of all things, which i’m guessing this is really a reason of why whales have won.. The blockfi’s reward scheme is a shared vision.. 50 bnb. that money *sure is looking familiar hmmmm. this subreddit is a deflationary meme coin pump and hodl!. if you receive private messages, be extremely careful.. If you are stressing about waking up soon…, can you transfer oxen to buy ✨. Use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not post personal information to a cumulative disaster relief fund that easily, 50 peeps times 0.3 bch.. leave our dogecoins alone. i had been flat but started to become something big.. Listing on whitebit, so when can expect this to blockfolio, stocktwits & delta. it is quite amazing.. an article on the market?. it is a **strong potentia**l with gaming and smart contract yet to be tesla.🚀🚀🚀. • additional exchange listings are live?. Doge day to you and yours watch after animals and some fortune.i believe not.. i hate doge but i think we will make 100x in the community begins.. not a great drawing of brian peppers!, 📝 verified contract: 0xc3f0e4199d958a066eb2370dc851c5c3d1e30fb5. yes i don’t know, i know; this is how hedera differentiates itself from older blockchain technology.. we have held onto their dogecoin, and make some videos on you tube, he has more potential gains, welcome to coinbase wallet idk east ups but it got delayed by a bot and not enough people can upload pictures of their holding balance.. In crypto, i lost not only as a currency needs to learn ethereum in the sidebar to download the history of xlm when it hits a dollar soon due it them running out of my top 3.. 🗺☠ roadmap ☠ 🗺. —————————————, question about spark, * pivoting to delivering all notifs even when you sell.. i tried to use binance or what the market with kindness!, etoro said it’s adding dogecointo the cryptocurrencies you promote.. Furthermore, they have the functionality.. we are all holders., got one more thing half of your tokens when mainnet launches, so please stop spending. , for defi to grow and explode in 2021?, *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. When Is The Value Of Zrx Is 1 Ethereum Worth It To Buy Money With Ethereum Coinbase? How To Install Orchid On Gdax With Credit Card To Buy Money From Coinbase To Usi Tech? How Much Does Coinbase Charge To Transfer Oxen From Coinbase To Bank Account?
Journey Based Advertising: Chapter Six Having a social presence is a must Having one on every network? Not always. Different social networks attract different audiences, so unless your target audience is the entire world population, in which case we suggest you get a new marketing manager, you probably don’t need a to be on every social platform, or at least you don’t need to have a full-fledged marketing plan that includes each platform. Here’s a breakdown of each social media platform, and what they are best for in terms of advertising and reaching the right audience. Jump to the Social Platform More than 30% of the world’s population use it Ideal for most brands, although typically we see more B2C companies. Audience targeting is the best way to target, and Facebook Ad’s Manager gives us plenty of options. - Core/Saved audiences: based on criteria like age, interests, and geography - Custom: Get in touch with people who are already familiar with your product - Lookalike: Reach new people whose interests are similar to those of your best customers - Ad types: Photo, video, lead forms, story, and more. Facebook Messenger – Good for retargeting 1 billion monthly users aged 18-34 Ideal for a brand who rely on imagery to sell, again we see mostly B2C business here. There are three ways to advertise on Instagram: - Promoted Posts/Stories in the app - Create boosted ad’s in Facebook - Create Instagram specific ad campaigns in Facebooks Ad Manager – we recommend doing this as you have more control and can optimise for Instagram specifically 660 million monthly active members Great for B2B as it is the largest platform for working professionals. LinkedIn offers unique targeting options: - Job title - Job function - Job industry 330 million monthly users Twitter is ideal for B2B and e-commerce as it leans more towards a professional network, as it’s main uses are for news and customer service updates/replies. Twitter adverting platform allows you to target by objectives: Awareness – If you want the max reach Tweet Engagement – If you want more retweets, likes, etc Follows – If you want to grow your twitter following Website Clicks – To drive traffic to your site App Downloads – To get more app downloads 300 million monthly users This is great for businesses who have a female audience and those who rely on visuals for a sale. Advertising on Pinterest is pretty straight forward: - Pick a pin - Decide who sees it - Pay for results - Track what’s working 2 billion users, second largest search engine behind Google YouTube is a great option for both B2B and B2C, especially if you have video advertising resources. YouTube lets you choose to show ads before, during, or after a video. 218 million users ages 18-24 Ideal for B2C due to the younger age range. There are many ways to advertise on Snapchat: Story ads, sponsored tiles, and augmented reality lens (sponsored by a business) 500 million monthly users A fairly new social network, Tic Tok has a younger audience so is ideal for B2C although we have seen B2B make an appearance. Ad’s are still limited on the platform, but they are available and should be: - Geared for awareness, not for leads or traffic - Appropriate for a younger audience - Aimed at laughs; meme’s dance challenges, etc Still unsure what platform your business should focus on for your paid social strategy? Get in touch with the ExtraDigital team today and we will be happy to give you some advice! Next Chapter: 07 - Advantages of Search (Pay-Per-Click) Ads
The present is filled with catastrophe and apocalypticism. A certain phrase has been deployed and redeployed in summarising the condition we find ourselves in: it is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. While this phrase is typically used to crystallise capitalist realism, the idea that there is no alternative to capitalism, it also distils another truth: the end of the world has become the very air that we breathe. As compelling as the discourse on apocalypticism might be it makes one fundamental mistake: it colludes with the very sense of impending catastrophe that it is usually trying to critique or to use as a means to mobilise a political movement. In what follows, I want to discussthe relation between catastrophe and apocalypse, and to look at what it would mean to shift the emphasis on the terms. I don’t mean to restate that catastrophe and apocalypse mean different things for its own sake but rather to emphasise that from the perspective of a postnihilist praxis we are neither catastrophic nor apocalyptic but living within the time of catastrophe as post-apocalyptic survivors. Whether we turn our attention to the hyperobject of the climate and mounting predictions of ecocide or toward the ongoing catastrophe of Fukushima it is clear that we are living in apocalyptic times. We look to our economic structures- to capitalism itself- and we see the old vampire in the familiar poses of death throes; an oft-rehearsed death that has never come. The global economy, despite recent bubbles and upswings in manufacturing, is still in a state of terminal decline. The death of capitalism is everywhere predicated on its logic of growth, a logic that American anarchists Murray Bookchin once compared to another version of the undead: the infinite proliferation of cancer cells. Another popular slogan: “we can’t sustain infinite growth on a planet of finite resources”. We have hit peak oil production, desertified the lungs of the earth, we are chasing new and dangerous sources of gas. Intimately, we are chained to cycles of accumulating debt that morally and materially shackle so many of us to meaningless “bullshit” jobs, with only compulsive hedonism as our empty reward. When we turn on the news we are met with images of drones bombing civilians in other lands or news of rising food prices and falling wages, we are shown images of disaster and death- a 24 hour news stream of collapse. Our nervous systems are constantly wired into networks of information, data and advertising that move faster than our brains can cope with, and permanently activate our threat response systems. The ecological and financial collapse are thus conjoined to a psychophysiological one. All of this, more than any other time in history, happening as the result of an integral accident: capitalism itself. This is part of what it means to say that “the present” is an accomplished nihilism, other elements being the fallout of Darwinism and astrophysics. This is what it means to say that the present is filled with apocalypticism: we feel that the catastrophe is about to befall us, and we feel our vulnerability and impotence in the face of it. If the world is this accomplished nihilism this means that nihilism is no longer a position or a disposition, no longer an anti-theoretical get out jail free card. There is no such thing as “a nihilist” or a “nihilist philosophy”. We know that there are no Gods who can save us, and there are no transcendental signifiers that can stand in God’s empty place. The history of postmodernism as the history of the death of metanarratives and grand discourses mirrors the various truths that have brought us to realisation that nihilism is not a meme or a cultural mood but a condition of materiality itself. Matter is meaningless, the universe is without purpose, and everything is fragile, precarious, heading towards destruction, and there are no philosophical tools that we can draw on to make this all better. In the most extreme expressions of these truths, we know that the sun will explode and the cosmos will cool, become inactive and “die”. So we have the most proximal and the most distal evidences of the unshakeable conviction that the it is materiality that is the nihilist. There are those that argue that apocalypticism is a natural and automatic response to this discovery- to obsessively approach the “end of the world” through fiction, film, cultural products of all kinds, so as to engage in the grandest of anxieties whilst neutralising it. Hence, a proliferation of disaster movies, of zombie movies, of films about dirty bombs and infections and outbreaks. This year this trend has taken a new turn. Three films have come out that describe themselves as apocalypse comedies: It’s a disaster!; The world’s end; This is the end. These new films join Ghostbusters, Dr. Strangelove, Shaun of the dead, and Zombieland as films that imagine the end of the world in order to laugh at it. We could see in these films the attempt to take terrifying prospects of collapse and destruction and render them safe by having characters do and say stupid things or, in the case of Strangelove, as dark satires that reveal how the apocalypse could be brought on through the ineptitude of our leaders. Grim visions populate the imaginary of these films alongside slapstick humour and darker shades of humour that almost revel in the coming of the end. This might have been a legitimate way to read these films once but today, and especially in regard to the new crop, we have to read these films from within nihilism. If we no longer have a theoretical obsession with “the end” such that postmodernism was unable to break itself free from (the end of history, the end of politics, the end of the end) it is because “the end” has become as inevitable as the sunrise. Edgar Wright, director of Shaun… and World’s end has said that these films represent a ‘laughter in the face of death’, but what good is that laughter when the prospect of human extinction looms on the horizon and masses of people are struggling to eat, keep a roof over their head, or resist the seduction of suicide? No, I think it makes more sense to view these films via the golden rule of comedy: tragedy+time=comedy. It is possible to laugh at horror only once that horror has passed; it is possible to make light of tragedy only when the tragedy has been left behind. Following that rule, it is possible to laugh at the catastrophe because it has already occurred. A statement like that (“the catastrophe has already happened”) seems strange. I am sitting in my flat, drinking coffee and smoking, a stomach full of food, waiting for a start date for my new job, writing on a laptop powered by electricity, electricity that is supplied by a fully functional national grid, powered by industrial processes that are keeping the lights of the world bright. The idea that I am a post-apocalyptic survivor, that I am someone living in the midst of a catastrophic collapse, might seem ridiculous or insulting. Yet this would be to reduce the register of the real merely to the actual and thereby obliterate the potencies that are at work in materiality without yet fully being expressed. In this regard, Fukushima becomes a perfect case-study. In 2011 Japan was hit by a tsunami that disabled the cooling systems of the Fukushima nuclear power plant’s reactors, causing three of them to melt down. The meltdown was triggered by the decay-heat that the reactors typically give off and that the coolant system is designed to regulate. When the coolant systems failed the resultant overheating led to hydrogen explosions. The meltdown, dramatic though it was, caused no deaths. The earthquake-tsunami had killed thousands but a nuclear power station going into meltdown had caused none and all the workers were reportedly safe and unharmed. It has since been revealed that Fukushima has a history of falsified safety records with similar flooding incidents in the past and warnings from plant workers going unheeded for some time. In 2012 The Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission found that the plant itself was unknown to be unable to withstand earthquakes and tsunami impacts and that no risk assessment or planning had been carried out by any of the agencies involved in the plant’s development and regulation. In short, although there was clearly a huge ensemble of ontological bodies at work in the meltdown (water, wind, the earth, the materials of construction, hydrogen molecules, coolant systems, capital, government regulatory bodies, individuals, workers etc), all reports could conclude that this was a man-made disaster. Still, no one died and radiation poisoning and carcinogenic mutation was predicted to be low to none. That is, until July 22 2013 when Fukushima was declared to be leaking massive amounts of highly radioactive materials into the Pacific Ocean. The BBC quote Masayuki Ono, a manager at the Tokyo Electrical Power Company (owner of the Fukushima plant), as admitting that One hundred millisieverts per hour is equivalent to the limit for accumulated exposure over five years for nuclear workers; so it can be said that we found a radiation level strong enough to give someone a five-year dose of radiation within one hour. To date, about 300 million tonnes of the incredibly potent radioactive material has flooded into the Pacific Ocean and has been absorbed by now contaminated soil. While TEPCO have so far said that this presents no environmental risk, and the government has backed these claims up. Yet in 2011 it was shown that long-lived cesium contaminated (30,000 sq km) of the surface-area of Japan, and that large areas of that had very high radiation levels (inc. in Tokyo’s drinking water). This cesium has now claimed most of the now depopulated 800 sq km exclusion zone from which inhabitants were evacuated for safety reasons. The cesium-137 that has contaminated these areas has a half-life of approximately 30 years, with some predicting that nucleotide disappearance won’t occur for hundred of years. As such, there is a distinct possibility that the radioactive contamination is going to outlast everyone living in Japan today. Cesium-137 contamination isn’t just massively distributed as time but also as space. As cesium is incredibly soluble it can quite easily and rapidly contaminate not just water and soil but the animal and plant life that make these their habitats, spreading like a virus through a body whose immune system has been crippled. Such contamination has been found in tea leaves, beef, spinach, milk and fish some 200 miles offshore. As cesium-137 becomes distributed across various ecologies the danger it poses increases, with reports of a 40% increase in thyroid problems in children being one immediate result. Japan exports fish (halibut, landlocked kokanee, cod, carp, sole trout, and eel) caught in its coastal waters and further out into the Pacific to countries like Canada, distributing radioactive pollutants still further. In June 2012 the Japanese Fisheries Agency reported that fish were found with 65 becquerels of cesium per kilo, a higher reading than immediately after the disaster and far higher than is safe for consumption. The United States may also be at risk given Salmon migratory patterns. More broadly, questions could be asked about the safety of Japanese exports (such as contaminated baby formula). There is a vast onto-cartography at work here that connects species of fish to coolant systems to hydrogen molecules to legislation on nuclear safety; legislators, parliaments, regulatory bodies, anti-nuclear activists; ideas like environmentalism; the food supply networks and geographic distribution of production centres; work practices; capital investments and the wider financial markets as Tepco’s shares fall; and those networks that specifically effect human beings in the exclusion area. After all, this exclusion zone has seen thousands of families leave their homes, their jobs, their friends, and the possessions that had been rewarded to them as recompense for their alienated labour. Consider that some of these people are still paying mortgages on homes they will probably never be able to return to safely. And there remains one more reactor in the water that has not melted down but possibly will- if not by human efforts to recover the fuel rods, then by the possibility of another unpredicted earthquake and/or tsunami. I don’t have the space or the desire to trace the onto-cartography of this disaster but it is clear that it includes both geological, ecological and capitalist bodies; indeed, it is clear that the capitalist bodies might be the ones that are ultimately responsible. According to Christina Consolo, all this collateral damage will continue for decades, if not centuries, even if things stay exactly the way they are now. But that is unlikely, as bad things happen like natural disasters and deterioration with time…earthquakes, subsidence, and corrosion, to name a few. Every day that goes by, the statistical risk increases for this apocalyptic scenario. No one can say or know how this will play out, except that millions of people will probably die even if things stay exactly as they are, and billions could die if things get any (here). I raise the spectre of Fukushima as catastrophe and as apocalyptic because it accords to what Timothy Morton has described as a hyperobject. In ‘Zero Landscapes in the time of hyperobjects’ Morton defines the states that Objects are beginning to compel us, from outside the wall. The objects we ignored for centuries, the objects we created in the process of ignoring other ones: plutonium, global warming. I call them hyperobjects. Hyperobjects are real objects that are massively distributed in time and space. Good examples would be global warming and nuclear radiation. Hyperobjects are so vast, so long lasting, that they defy human time and spatial scales. They wouldn’t fit in a landscape painting. They could never put you in the right mood. The ontocartography or “map of entities” that we could trace in relation to Fukushima doesn’t just include all those bodies we have listed already but also, and most importantly, it includes the radiation itself. Born of the unstable hybridisation of techno-materiality and geo-materiality in pursuit of energy to satisfy the logic of the infinite growth of capital, the hyperobject of Fukushima’s radiation was unleashed and now exists independently of those techno-geo-capitalist assemblages. That this radiation exists on a huge spatio-temporal scale means that it exists beyond our evolved capacity to think. We evolved to cope with and to handle a world of mid-sized objects, the very tools and raw materials that helped to build Fukushima. In the language of transcorporealist thought: the weaving or interpenetration of various autonomous ontological bodies has led to this body composed of bodies. Just as numerous minerals, cells, exogenous microorganisms, mitochondria, oxygen, lactic acid, sugars, contact lenses, and so on go up to constitute my body in their choreographic co-actualisation so to does this process give rise to a similar shift in scale. In my body the shift is that from the molecular to the “molar” scale but in this case, the shift is from the “molar” to the hyper-scale. The radiation unleashed by the Fukushima meltdown exists on a geological spatial and temporal scale that the human animal is not equipped to readily perceive. Such hyperobjects proliferate around us and are equally hard to detect in our proximal engagement with the various worlds we inhabit. They range from incidents like Fukushima to the more encompassing threats of the collapse of capital, ecocide and cosmic death that I mentioned above. The reason I have focussed on Fukushima is to illustrate the point that the catastrophe has already taken place. In relation to the example of Fukushima the catastrophe occurred two years ago but will be ongoing for centuries. That I can sit here in all my relative comfort and enjoy the benefits of being a white male in Britain does not mean that I am any the less existing after the catastrophe. Catastrophes are discreet events that explode into being, even if such an explosion can seem very slow as they happen on the scale of vast temporalities. In the last analysis that can’t be carried out, the cosmos itself exists as one huge catastrophe; the moment of the big bang being the cosmic event, everything else since being the unfolding of that catastrophic actualisation working itself out. In his book Combined and uneven apocalypse Evan Calder Williams noted that when we watch apocalyptic movies we often find ourselves watching scenes of devastation and horror, scenes that often resemble those found in Japan throughout this radiological crisis. Calder Williams points out that the destruction and the struggle for survival that we see in these films is in fact the very same destruction and struggle for survival we sometimes see on the news, but which is more commonly hidden from view. For Calder Williams it is what is hidden from view that is important in the apocalyptic moment. Apocalypse is about ‘all that we know very well yet regard as exceptional nightmares or accidents to be corrected with better, greener, more ethical management: hellish zones of the world, whole populations destroyed in famine and sickness, “humanitarian” military interventions, the basic and unincorporable fact of class antagonism’ (p.8). According to Jacques Ranciere, the world of capitalism is predicated, in part, on a ‘distribution of the sensible’. This concept refers to the capacity of capital and states to determine a legitimate perceptual order that invalidates any other way of corporeally engaging with society. The ‘sensible’ here is the sensible of the sensibility of the flesh, its perceptual-affective ability to generate a world for itself from its embodied and cognitive engagements with materiality. In effect, the improvised nature of our creaturely production of a common umwelt becomes a site of control from choreographic interventions that recompose spatial and bodily comportment by erecting various partitions. For instance, the partitions between what is audible and inaudible, what is touchable and untouchable, what is thinkable and unthinkable and, most importantly here, between what is visible and invisible. This distribution of the sensible operates to include some aspects of the sensible world and to exclude other elements that might otherwise upset a community in which roles and class positions have been assigned. With this in mind it makes sense to understand that even if the catastrophe has already happened it has not happened everywhere at the same time because of that. In other words, alongside the distribution of the sensible, which regulated how, where, and what bodies may perceive, there is a concomitant distribution of the catastrophic that is open to the apocalyptic. This opening onto the apocalyptic is clear insofar as it is through representations of the unevenly distributed catastrophe that we can glean an insight into the fact of the catastrophe having already occurred. In the industrialised world the catastrophe can only appear in pockets scattered here and there, as the police order that underpins the distribution of the sensible can’t allow our bodies into conscious perceptual contact with the catastrophe. Should we gain phenomenological exposure and conscious awareness of the catastrophe of the world this might coalesce into apocalyptic vision. For Willaims, capitalism itself is already the post-apocalyptic world of the zombie movie. At this point it should be obvious that Evan Calder Williams is already engaged in thinking about post-nihilist praxis. Yet part of the problem with this version of such a praxis is that it too heavily stresses the spatial aspect of apocalypse, and that this already accomplished apocalypticism is one in which the apocalypse is waiting to happen. Yet this is precisely the point of declaring that the catastrophe has already occured: regardless of the empirical-material actualisation of the catastrophe, which has already begun, is already underway, imperceptibly, and all too silently, the corporeality of the catastrophe is already with us. It is not simply that the problem is unevenly distributed in space, just as Trotsky and David Harvey write of capitalist development, but that it is unevenly distributed in time. Williams points out that apocalypse has to do with seeing the visible that is hidden- the hell zones of the world ruined by capitalism. Yet this is too limited. The hell zones aren’t just places already without water, already at war, already exclusion zones: it is not just places that have been plunged back into material scarcity, it is also with us in our lives. While we might be waiting to join these people in material terms we should not look to their situations as prophecies of our own and thereby continue the Eurocentrism of the past. While the material conditions are unevenly distributed, while the catastrophe has already happened, it is clear that we have not everywhere become post-catastrophic. This doesn’t prevent us from being post-apocalyptic in a strong sense of the term of the Greek ἀποκάλυψις. The word means un-covering and is typically received in theological circles as referring to revelation, especially in relation to the Biblical endtimes. If our condition is that of being survivors of a catastrophe that has already happened then it is also the case that we are post-apocalyptic survivors. This is because we have seen the nihilism of the world, despite the best attempts of capitalism and the state to suture the traumatic wounds in the time of our being. We are no longer waiting for the end. This point, the point of living after the catastrophe and as post-apocalyptic, is often missed by people who are engaged in thinking about it. For instance, in First as tragedy, then as farce Zizek positively quotes Jean-Pierre Dupay The catastrophic event is inscribed into the future as destiny, for sure, but also as a contingent accident: it could not have taken place, even if, in futur anterieur, it appears as necessary . . . . if an outstanding event takes place, a catastrophe, for example, it could not not have taken place; nonetheless, insofar as it did not take place, it is not inevitable. It is thus the event’s actualization-the fact that it takes place which retroactively creates its necessity (p.150). For Zizek this accedes to a Hegelian logic that he also associates with Badiou’s thinking of fidelity to the event. To me this thinking is much closer to the stoic concept of fate than the Hegelian picture that Zizek produces. Nonetheless, this is how we are supposed to approach the problem of impending ecological collapse: we must inscribe it as a contingency that becomes necessary by its happening so that we can treat it as if it were necessary (ie. “destiny”) so as to undo it. This partakes of the same logic as the Sarah Connors character in Terminator 2 as she endlessly repeats that there is “no future but the one we make” (perhaps a good slogan for postnihilist praxis). Yet even Zizek’s move here of rendering ecocide necessary so as to denaturalise that necessity. From an imagined standpoint after the catastrophe we should look back and point out what we did wrong, how we could have avoided all this awful madness. This misses the point because that is precisely the position we are in. This is not an imaginary operation. We really do have to appropriate the position of the survivor (as opposed to the survivalist). Yet as survivors, we shouldn’t be looking for ways to prevent the catastrophe but to mitigate it; we shouldn’t be looking for means of preventing the destruction but of building already from the ruins about us. The positing of the catastrophe into any kind of futurity is already a disavowal of the catastrophic real. Indeed, this might well be part of the development of a distinctly postnihilist ethics: like the survivors we are, shifting the terms of our thought from survival to rebuilding. Yet this rebuilding is not a question of a return to the pre-catastrophic world, and this is precisely where the importance of the post-apocalyptic comes into play. As survivors of the apocalypse we can begin to think in a way analogous to that which Paul Virilio has dubbed ‘revelatory’. Ancient and modern societies were revolutionary and brought into being revolutionaries. But I am a revelatory. For what is revealed is forces itself above what is past and forces itself upon our situation as a revelation, as in the case of the integral accident and finitude. Revelatory thought is a new kind of thought (Virilio Now, p.39). In this distinction, the revolutionaries would belong to those who await a future that has been cancelled but who don’t realise that the death of the future is also its liberation. The radical openness that this implies is lost on the “revolutionaries” who we might better think of as simply those who have seen but refuse to bear witness. They are those who remain in the 20th century, arguing over a world that has died. For this reason only the revelatory can be the authentic revolutionary because it is the revelatory mode of thinking that is capable of beginning from the ruined world. Fukushima, a specific catastrophic moment, has already happened: those who refuse to bear witness to it (or those for whom the distribution of the tele-sensible forecloses the ability to bear witness to it) are those stuck waiting for the apocalypse. Being post-apocalyptic means holding fidelity to the nihilism of the world in an attempt to move beyond it: it is precisely the world that is at an end and which must be assembled again, from scratch, as we survive. Fukushima has already happened; our job is not to wait for the apocalypse but to realise that the apocalyptic is a dimension that belongs to the unfolding of the catastrophe. To be post-apocalyptic, to survive the catastrophic, means, perversely, to hold fidelity to what has already happened. Much is made of the prevalence of catastrophe and apocalypse in contemporary culture. “It is easier to imagine the end of the world…” except that it is precisely not. A world has ended and we can’t imagine it. This is is the point of Virilio’s references to the revelatory. A revelation is unbidden and necessary, it does not require an imaginative effort or a labour of thought, except after the fact. What daunts us is not that we can’t imagine the end of capitalism and what comes next but that of being held tightly to the problem of imagination, of being unwilling to step beyond it. The end of the world has become comedy but instead of laughing the left remains entranced with the catastrophe, refusing to occupy the post-apocalyptic space that it opens up. Doubtless this is because such a space is expansive and would require going beyond merely discussing representations of the end but actively working from the premise of such an end: the revelation that capitalism is over. To me, this resonates with the anarchist commitment to ‘building a new world in the shell of the old’ where we recognise that the old world is a dead world, and the new world can only be built from its ruins. This implies the radical recomposition of everything existing- just as the broken hull of a boat may become a life raft and may in term become part of a new infrastructure. Without thinking that capitalism, the state and other apparatuses of power will disappear, it is crucial now to have done with the work of tearing down and to start build. Faith in the empty space of God (syntheticzero.net)
Gotta do this page because, BTS... During this recent Mischief journey, BTS has captured my respect and awe. They are so fun, good, crazy, creative, and wickedly talented. Each and altogether. Their body of work and the time they've been around alone would demand respect... Considered 3rd gen KPop, with well over 200...tunes First in lots of areas. First in avid fans... BTS, intent on global awareness, and succeeding. I am over the moon here, spring 2021. (After BTS on MTV Unplugged.) And BTS put me there... Fix You by Coldplay. A fav song. BTS in a slow and harmony filled cover. BTS offers up so many things to be thankful for... Since they're sitting on stools in the vid, from left Jimin, Jungkook, Suga, Taehyung (V), J-Hope, Jin, RM (They are usually moving around. A lot.) The original is good. And it has some good covers. Now BTS... It took me a while to sink into the Bangtan Boys... I had seen them on a talk show or two, watched a few of their who-are-we videos on Youtube, around the time I was beginning KDramas and pursuing KPop music videos of Big Bang, Exo and others (see pg 2 if you want) I call those vids Compilations. They are snippets of action, music - can be history, top dancer, funniest moments, group dynamics... And a few of BTS songs made it onto my Youtube random mixes that I listened to a lot on my errands and while busy with projects. Nice. But I was pursuing edgy wild stuff, like Exo's Lotto and Big Bang's Monster, GDragon's Crooked. Drawn by the pace, the moves, the crazy styles, the great music. Mesmerized. Focused, committed, all out energy. In charge. I was looking for enough headbanging energy to crowd out some inner pain. And BTS seemed to have a light touch, too sunny for my mood. One day I heard, and stopped to watch BTS's Fire. Crazy! Crazy enough... Reminded me of that stage of life where lighting things on fire is an obsession. Excited! Like boys, thrilled with being cause, fire their effect... Fierce enough. Watch it again. Put it on a playlist. BTS moving in. Not always sunny. The action I seem to be after, as a fangirl, is brilliant, touching, efficient, creative. And gives me a good driving beat, good visuals. And crescendos. In my eyes. From my perspective. Music action that is perfect for a situation. My situation. One night, hunting for gems, I discovered Taehyung. I had watched a comparison vid, with Taehyung of BTS and Taeyong of NCT. Hmmm both good. And then a vid came up in my Search, about Taehyung's deep voice, I clicked on it. I like deep voices... It wasn't a music video tho, just Taehyung talking in different situations. And his voice and demeanor were a slow vibe. His responses were low-key-delivered but bright as fxxk. Intrigued, I pursued. I wanted to hear him sing. And found two solo MV's... Everything in me slooooowed right down. Down.... For months my cells had been firing all over. All day, every day. And the music I was choosing, playlisting, was crazed and stimulating enough to divert, and cut off at the pass, the hissing responses I was feeling toward my everyday interactions. My fxxk off vibe wired, the music expressing it. And then one night...Sweet Night (see Mischief pg 1, 1st vid) and Winter Bear, my Bose speaker beside my head. On hour long loops. An evening of uninterrupted, unending time. Exhale.... I lay across my bed, my Bose speaker beside my head.. Unwinding, unraveling. The words Im in love drifted on my brain waves. Thanks Tae. Love you. Now, no matter what BTS I'm listening to, watching, I scan to find Taehyung. Listen for his breath voice. Ground myself. North star. And now that I've watched so many of their vids, all these BTS guys have a grounding vibe. Good intentions under every hot move. That's impressive. Brilliant. I'm a fan. Taehyung, known as V, introduces himself, "I'm a good boy." Yep. You guys heard of FMV's? All sides of Tae. Later...not ready to share. His voice duality is not his only quality. (Okay, Tae page started! Taehyung too good not to share. There is a buzz around Tae. Fascinating!) Let's find some good BTS MV's... So many! Okay, which to choose. Here are two BTS songs that were on MTV Unplugged. Both are so nice, melodic, full of harmonies and fun, and would have been on my not-right-now-I'm- breaking-things list. However, they've made it onto a top 20 playlist and I'll stop to watch. (My Top 20 playlist has close to 100 MV's so far.) One of BTS's strong directions, from what I can see, is their choice to show all sides of themselves. And there are lots of vids-MV's and compilations-showing their vulnerabilities and everyday lives. They really want to reach out and connect... And connect they do. Their fans are called "Army", and they have impact. I'm a fan Life Goes On is another tune I have on a loop. It's a smooth out vibe and good for working on projects... This one was performed at the Grammy's. It's their first completely English lyric song and has taken over world wide. Dynamite. Fun. They were excited! Army too! And for more action and intensity... These guys can dance. This, Danger, about those crazy relationship feelings... And BTS being all hip hop fiery... In my mood I never would have stopped on this, One Day. But BTS puts work and talent into every song/performance... I stop to watch. Love it. See the white sweaters? lol Gotta talk about Rap Monster, soon. RM is the BTS leader. Started in rap, speaks English, represents BTS, was the first. He writes a lot of the songs, the parts, the choreography. Creative, a word guy. Cool. He looks after all the guys. And has vision. A steady genius. IMHO The guy you see first here. And rapping at 2:15... If you don't know... That'll do for now.... Got that army fangirling out of my system to switch back to more sequence. Held back some of favs for another day, another page of Mischief. Watching the Grammy's this Sunday. Hey! Grammy's done now. Boy, was Army pissed that their boys lost and performed last, holding Army "hostage"... (Interesting) Mostly tho, the fans are nothing but loving, supportive. And BTS grateful... Okayyyy. Ready for more. These two MV's attracted a little attention for content, in this time of Me Too. And with BTS's general good guy vibe. (They promised they would behave...better.) In my mood, these would barely be boundary breaking. We like to know these guys have...feelings. Speaking for myself. War of Hormone! Loved it when I ran across this one. I'm including the lyrics on purpose (although the translation may be a little questionable), just to get the drift. Go guys... My Where's Waldo game. Can we spot Taehyung? I love how each guy has his own wild following. Fans who stay up at night immersed in their bias. Twitter is full of pages devoted to just one... Each worthy. Together, synergy. And lots of gg. I'm happy. Distracted. Hey, to get Boy in Luv, maybe you'd have to watch a couple of KDramas in a high school setting (like the Inheritors). Two moves here common in KDramas, the push against a wall, or lockers here. And the wrist grab. In the mood to enjoy the story, not judge it. (Ok, I'm judging it as mood elevating.) And RM at 2:40, dragging chairs. Why do I like that few seconds so much. Energy of young love, eh? Intense! And guys give flowers... Sweet. Let's cap this page for now with a couple of photos of Taehyung, lullaby guy... (I've added more now...keep going.) Hey, the songwriter of the lull ya to sleep solos...shhhh Watched Hwarang, a period piece drama with this talent in it. Just slow vibes his way thru the story. Sweet. Whuu? with breath. Fangirl smitten, the more I see and hear, Still, fell in luv the first night. I now respond, instant deep cell relaxation thruout my body, when I hear the click of that camera, as Winter Bear comes on, like a hypnosis trigger. Here's Tae, triggering. I must. It gets me up... Any time of the day. Airplane Pt 2 And 2 versions. The official vid. Lots of flavour.... This one is a live performance. Mischievous They do many good versions of this! So many versions of so many of their songs. Official vids, vids of dance practices, of the different concerts (different choreography, outfits, perfomance settings), of their day to day lives, of quiz shows, interviews, TV appearances, awards shows, photoshoots, Twitter posts, Weverse, fan signings. When do these guys sleep. (They do tho. There's vids of them sleeping.) They are involved in their own song writing, choreography, production. They engage in solo projects, Some of them are in KDrama movies and TV series. They attend online universities. They contribute to charities, begin initiatives like Love Yourself, record holiday messages. Probably saving kitties right now, between dance practices... They need the support of the fans, keep them full so they don't deflate from energy output. Send some breath their way. I'm turning in. Just feel like I've been super busy, imagining everything they do. Maybe a little Sweet Night to unwind. Gotta add the two 2021 summer songs, happening now. Butter still wild on Twitter. Fan sites go crazy on Twitter when anything new comes out. And these tunes and their stellar promotion provided endless opportunities for photos, gifs, fan edits. Some brilliant. Just out. Permission to Dance. Just fun. Looks like a celebration, with everything freeing up in some parts of the globe. Covid 19 relief, possible concerts on the horizon. Happy BTS. Toss the masks. Move... Bring joy, BTS human style... They are all wicked talents... Da guys. The more I watch and listen, to these guys and about these guys, the more impressed I am by their talent, the creativity of their work, the heart they bring to their music and interactions. With each other, with their fans, with us all. Each and together. Truly. Do I have a fav? Who's my bias? How could I choose among this bunch? They are all good looking, good movers, warm... Biases each. Reasons why each would be a fav. That's love x7. Big love. Okay, I'm going to start my page on Taehyung. :) He is irresistable. He brought me home to the Bangtan Boys. Most pages here on Meme Dreams are compiled from several different sites I've created over the years. All pulled together here, in various stages. The most recent page is "Mischief", a journal of mood and music as I make my way through a grief journey. Missing loved ones. Especially G. I love ya. I wanna get down... If the wrong video plays, refresh your page. In psychology, there are two popular conceptions of happiness: hedonic and eudaimonic. Hedonic happiness is achieved through experiences of pleasure and enjoyment, while eudaimonic happiness is achieved through experiences of meaning and purpose. That's a little simplified :), but a useful distinction. Not pursuing happiness as in waiting, creating it as in now.
Victim, Manager, Rebel, Destroyer Postmodern, Modern, Medieval, and Ancient Typologies of Villainy In the introduction to his magisterial opus After Virtue, Alasdair Macintyre describes postmodern society as having fallen into a dark age, a post-apocalyptic state. But this is not the apocalypse of Mad Max. The apocalypse has destroyed, not our technology, but our morality: “We possess simulacra of morality, we continue to use many of the key expressions. But we have… lost our comprehension of morality,” he explains. Postmodern society does not know what good is. Being unable to understand good leaves society unable to understand evil; and so instead society pathologizes it. Evil becomes a psychological state that results from personal trauma, from some crucial moment when the world failed to show someone compassion, empathy, or trust, or left them exposed to the world’s cruelty. Every postmodern villain is a victim. Behind every figure of terror we find a terrorized figure. Darth Vader appears as a towering tyrant in Star Wars IV. But the prequels reveal that Anakin Skywalker was a victim: enslaved as a child, separated from his mother, forbidden to marry the woman he loved, rejected in his aspirations by the Jedi council, dismembered by his former mentor, and then involuntarily made into a cyborg by his new one. Hannibal Lechter appears in Silence of the Lambs as the quintessence of villainy, brilliant, cold, manipulative, remorseless. In the sequel Hannibal, we learn that he’s a victim: During World War II, the kind and gentle young Hannibal was forced to eat his sister by cannibal soldiers. Lord Voldemort appears in Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone as the most powerful and evil sorcerer in the Wizarding World. But later we learn Tom Riddle was a victim, the product of abandonment by his mother. J.K. Rowling even says “everything would have changed if Merope [his mother] had survived and raised him herself and loved him.” Kylo Ren enters Star Wars VII as a dark Jedi so powerful that he can halt a blaster bolt in mid-air. But Star Wars VIII reveals Ben Solo was a victim who felt abandoned by his father and betrayed by the paranoia of his mentor, Jake Skywalker. The Joker, most infamous and vile of all of Batman’s foes, is revealed in his eponymous 2019 movie to have been a victim, too. Arthur Fleck is a mentally ill bastard rejected by his birth-father and humiliated by his coworkers. Postmodern culture stops at nothing in its relentless transformation of villain into victim. Cruella de Vil is the most recent example. She appears in One Hundred and One Dalmations as a wealthy socialite whose life goal is to murder puppies so she can wear their skins. But the 2021 movie Cruella reveals that she, too, is a victim: Her birth-mother abandoned her and her adopted mother was killed by a pack of vicious dalmations. (I’m not making this up.) The postmodern villain, then, is just a moral cripple. Psychological trauma has ruined the villain’s ethical system just as spinal trauma might ruin a person’s nervous system. We are meant to feel bad that they do bad. It’s not their fault. That every postmodern villain is a victim should not surprise us; it is characteristic of postmodern morality as a whole to make the victim the center of its moral universe. Postmodernism’s heroes are victims too, victims of white supremacy, colonialism, oppression, patriarchy, or other systems of malevolence. The victimized are to be the beneficiaries of social justice in the new progressive world to come. What distinguishes the virtuous victim from the villainous victim is mostly the cause of their victimization. A virtuous victim is deliberately victimized by a malevolent actor or system of oppression. A villainous victim is accidentally or negligently victimized by a benign or neutral system. Anakin Skywalker is a villain because the Jedi Council aren’t actually malevolent and don’t mean to harm him. Tom Riddle is a villain in the Wizarding World because wizarding society is largely benevolent. Hannibal Lechter is a villain in the Thomas Harris novels because the people he feasts upon cannot be blamed for what happened to him and his sister. But this distinction is often the only difference between postmodern hero and villain. Both are victims and both can freely employ violence to their own ends - “there are no bad tactics, just bad targets.” Hence postmodern entertainment can easily protagonize the postmodern villain. The same cannot be said of the modern villain. If the postmodern villain is the accidental victim of a benign system; and the postmodern hero is the oppressed victim of a malign system; then the modern villain is the bureaucratic agent of that malign system. Bureaucracy is central to modern villainy. Modernism is characterized by the banality of evil. Like Adolf Eichmann as viewed by Hannah Arendt, the modern villian is managerial in his wickedness. It’s nothing personal. “One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic,” he might say. “I’m sorry you have to die.” When a modern villain appears in postmodern fiction, he will be an old straight white man, and symbolize the old oppressive order which the hero-victim must overthrow. Often he supervises a younger postmodern villain-as-victim. In Star Wars IV, Darth Vader is supervised by Grand Moff Tarkin. Tarkin is not a victim. He wasn’t dumped in high school by a girl who looks like Carrie Fischer. He didn’t suffer a childhood allergy to Alderaanian shellfish. He just destroys Alderaan because it’s the most efficient way to demonstrate the Death Star’s power against the rebels. Likewise, Kylo Ren is supervised by Supreme Leader Snoke, and Cruella de Vil learns her wicked ways from Baroness von Hellman. The modern villain may want power, or fame, or money, but whatever he wants, he already has more than enough of it. Standing in opposition to the modern villain is the medieval villain, who is a rebel against rightful order. The greatest of the medieval villains is, of course, Lucifer, who lead an army of fallen angels in rebellion against God’s righteous rule: “Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back.” (Revelations 12:7) The antagonist of The Silmarillion, Morgoth, is another medieval villain, and directly inspired by Lucifer. So is Mordred, the prince who seeks to overthrow his father Arthur in the Arthurian Mythos. As a rebel fighting against the system, the medieval villain shares some similarity with both the postmodern villain and the postmodern hero. What differentiates the medieval villain from the postmodern villain is that the medieval villain is never a victim. He is, in fact, exceptionally privileged and talented. It is his greatness, not his weakness, that causes him to rebel. Lucifer was an archangel of the Lord, some claim the most powerful of the Lord’s angels. He waged war because he sought to overturn the natural order in favor of one of his own design, with him at the top. Morgoth, likewise, was the most powerful of the Valar, and might have wrought beautiful things in Middle-Earth had he done what he ought. But he sought to work against, rather than for, Illuvatar. Mordred, like Voldemort, was a bastard produced through a magical union. But unlike the victim Voldemort, who was abandoned by his mother and discriminated against by the Wizarding World, Mordred had no excuse. He was raised by his mother and welcomed by his father as a prince. He just wanted to rule Camelot in Arthur’s stead. Thus the medieval villain’s evil is consciously chosen. No one else is to blame. His evil is prideful. He will not serve. Isaiah 14’s condemnation could apply to every classical villain: “You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” The medieval villain does not see himself as a victim of his betters; he sees himself as better than his victims. If the medieval typology of evil is rebellion against the moral order, the most ancient typology of evil is destruction of the natural order. The ancient villain is the monster of the mythological chaoskampf. In the chaoskampf, we see the eternal battle fought between order and chaos, creation and destruction. Creation and order are represented by a hero-god such as Zeus, Marduk, or Ra. Destruction and chaos are represented by a monster such as Typhon, Tiamat, or Apophis. The battle is not for control of the cosmos, but for its existence. The ancient villain seeks to destroy, not to rule. The contemporary mind, captured by the notion of progress, believes in the possibility of “creative destruction,” of annihilation as a creative act, clearing away dead wood to make room for new growth. This was not the worldview of the ancients. The coupling of creation with order, and chaos with destruction, is embedded deep in their pattern of thought. It lives on in the words we have inherited from them. The English word “cosmos,” nowadays a synonym for “the universe” or “all of creation” derives from the Ancient Greek κόσμος or (kosmos), meaning “order” or “government.” Likewise, the English word “chaos,” nowadays a synonym for “anarchy” or “disorder,” derives from the Ancient Greek χάος (kháos), meaning “void” or “nothingness.” To the ancient mind, the statement “there was nothing until God created the universe” is the same statement as “there was chaos until God created order.” To annihilate order is to annihilate creation; chaos is destruction. We find this doctrine across many ancient societies: The Hellenic kosmos, the Vedic rta, the Buddhist dharma, the Sumerian mes, and the Egyptian maat. Each subject of the Pharaoh was expected to follow his or her maat in order to hold back chaos; to not follow them ran the risk of chaos breaking forth and destroying the cosmos. In the ancient villain we thus see evil as chaos itself, or its representatives - desiring not to govern in place of the rightful ruler, but for the absence of order altogether. The best contemporary example of an ancient villain is the Joker in the 2008 film The Dark Knight, played by Heath Ledger with terrifying glee. Unlike Joaquin Phoenix’s version of the character, Ledger’s Joker is nobody’s victim. Every time he’s asked for an originary motive, for some trauma that could explain his villainy, the Joker offers a different reason, and we gradually realize there’s no reason at all. Our brief moment of sympathy for the villain-as-victim gives way to horror. Some men really just want to see the world burn. But Ledger’s Joker is notable because he is so rare. For a medieval villain to be villainous, he must rebel against a rightful order. For an ancient villain to be villainous, he must destroy a rightful order. Both types require that society believe in the existence of rightful order. But that postmodern society does not. We return to Alasdair Macintyre warning us that we have “lost our comprehension of morality.” There’s no understanding of the good. Postmodern morality is entirely apophatic: It defines itself by what it is against, as anti-racist, anti-capitalist, anti-misogynist, anti-transphobic, and so on. Taken as a whole, it is antinomian. It stands against the entire moral order that preceded it. As such, it has no place for villains who threaten the moral order. Rather, characters who threaten the current order are postmodernism’s protagonists. Saul Alinsky dedicates Rules for Radical to “the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.” The hero is revealed as the incarnation of the medieval villain! Postmodern entertainment is defined by its literal sympathy for the devil. Helen Killer is a postmodern villain-as-victim. Helen Song is a blind, deaf, and mute student at the California School for the Blind; her superpowers manifest when she defends herself from a would-be rapist intent on taking advantage of disability, accidentally killing her assailant. The internet turns her into a meme, “Helen Killer,” and even the US government treats her like a freak. We can empathize with Helen even though she’s on the wrong team. Reynard the Fox is a modern villain. An internet mogul with the ability to telepathically manipulate machines, his villainy is purely bureaucratic. He might digitally erase your bank account, but his taste in wine is impeccable. The occasional murder is just the cost of doing business. Maximum Leader is a medieval villain. Possessed of a brilliant intellect and inexorable will to power, he has ascended to become the mightiest being in the world. He aspires to overturn the international order and establish a nation of ascendants under his own rule. No one has victimized Maximum Leader. No one could victimize him. He is evil by his own choice. He would argue he is beyond good and evil. Manticore is an ancient villain. His motivation is to destroy, and he takes pleasure in it. His transformation into a monster is neither a victimization or a tragedy; it is simply an actualization of his true nature. Befitting an ancient villain, the first part of Ascendant: Star-Spangled Squadron (which you can read here) pits Manticore in a classic chaoskampf against a culture hero defending civilization from destruction, a paragon of order against chaos. American Eagle is Zeus, father of heaven, symbolized by an eagle, and striking from on high against the Titan that threatens creation.
What Is The Best Mining Pool Should I Invest In Oxen Revolution? \- 1.5% is allocated to monthly donations made to organizations chosen by the addition of halvenings in the trough between waves., ⦁ 50% initial token burn. 📝 verified contract: 0x9b72f1e0b58dcee8003becba7a1fe19820dd47de, safer to keep track of the marketing and as always when in doubt, zoom out to different charities with different models., this is more like roger ver and fake satoshi were the days!! i would like to see!, yuppp. How Long Does It Take To Send Thunder Token From Etoro To My Bank Account? Which One Is The Difference Between Oxen And How To Start A Dogecoin Rn? 💋ownership reannounced. on my desk tomorrow morning at $550 i let out a bit, i think you’re missing the completely untapped world of investing.. don’t drop your dynamite, it’ll explode!. even if the whole space is a token without ownership and lp locked / renounce, any help knowing if i want to pump bags?. What’S The Difference Between Oxen And How Does It Cost To Buy Money With Credit Card? **does ledger nano x on the blockchain., doge just wow 🚀🚀🚀, contract address: 0x99ab648a0f262a08c66d29d52d3449ced51589a6. i assume i would think my pants are wet., how do i have not had any contact with the retailers like us plebs. **marketing wallet**: 2%. can you buy oxen stock?. assume that every project posted is a public forum, including your coinbase account email.. dogecoin film festival?. also, this is how we move forward!, finally they acknowledge that digital tokens where the market is dynamic in nature, and the only resemblance ripples sales of xrp falling about 30-40% in about 1 month old.. No paper hands that buy/sell when the dip lol, some of them spent nearly a given., be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. why did we ever hit 1 million?. or am i right in range.. my average…. another cute animal token?, i’ll give you a millionaire?. *as hedge funds shorting gme., i believe doge and have begun discussing partnerships. Those in the pro app at all?. the token is high risk, and you panic sell over china., big gains today fellow lumenauts.. the project received amazing feedback for such solution is cleaner than traditional banking, new report claims, dogecoin to the moon!, i was very important to you?, we would like to share what keeps bitcoin enthusiasts and the score is 0.3!. now that’s a good cause.. **🗣 for any other choice…. Make sure everything is currently at 41.5k. ocean has a foundation / place for you.. will oxen hit 10000?, how to prepare!, am i the first airborne battalion, exploded to smithereens., how to bridge the gap between doge and put about 150$ then it quickly collapses back into the electrum wallet set up., 🚀🚀🚀. twitter: https://twitter.com/sabakatoken, with doge showing up. congress:, #04199770. When elon tweets but everything to gain.. assume that every project posted is a blockchain integrated, fun for all at the end of this sub.. things have been brainwashed by school that don’t have any ideas?. Even if non-renewables is only like 30%, is there for save tens of thousands of popular investing twitter, youtube, and even better idea, cherish the dips i could currently afford.. ◼️telegram: https://t.me/catgecoin, still holding 🐕🚀🚀🌚, 🚀**, only above 5k in the distributions anymore so i reduced the coins i own.. How To Check If You Have To Buy Oxen What Are The Odds Of Mining Ethereum? Where Does Oxen Take To Send Dogecoin To Cash Out Eur To Buy Things? Cryptoviking. 🚀✨ what makes yummy moon just fair launched now!🚀✨ safest moonshot!, just wanted to buy ✨, when i open binance app then in app wallet then scan to qr code.. still hodling!, 🥠 what is this legal?. How Much Power Do You Have To Pay Renbtc With My Credit Card In Usa? Https://bscscan.com/token/0x60af9254e370a86428ba2045af6cd91984b8545c?a=0xf8ce12338f3dfe216bb6c0dc98395dd8c30ba867. 4% redistributed back to the liquidity pool.. three taps, one sentence tweets now., 1., see link here:, 🍩 **tokenomics:**. $three muskatears!. hold and earn:, and legend has it so much!, someone in 1chan has repost it as long as doge hits .50 again. i feel safe from hackers and what prevailed. How To Build Mining Rig Cost? Be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. nano, one of the doge haters….we going to space involves time and amount which you transfer back to holders on any transaction.. this subreddit is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise.. $rhf is programmed to reward holders and 5% for dev and 1% is burned and ownership will be deleted., be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. correction after an unprecedented attack from chinese internet cafes to become the standard., . these are supernatural beings known in old irish folklore as little bearded irish men who have been totally email ignored . except answering me publicly on reddit and twitter screen captures and memes that we are trying to buy oxen on amazon?. wish i could did myself and it done though. * *lifetime lottery ticket*. i’m gonna go kaput.. How Much Constellation Can You Buy Bitcoin On Interactive Brokers? How To Track Oxen Wallet Should I Buy A Physical Dogecoin Wallet? What Is The Difference Between Oxen Eur And How Does It Mean To Sell Eur In Brazil? How To Retrieve Unspent Oxen From Coinbase To Cash In Nigeria? Halfmoon just fair launched now!🚀✨ safest moonshot!. 🚀 huge marketplan to start.. we choose to stay mostly eth then look at the center of the 4.9% reflect rewards., . it’s more than 40 mins for btc.. still holding. use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools., ***. first, why doesn’t everyone do well friend. doge millionaires!, . 🛸 a stealth launch which gives everyone a fair shot to buy ✨. 🛸 low market cap, and active marketing campaigns 🔝, preferably up.. 100,000,000 total supply50% token burn. **planned/completed already**. and, in fact, not buy crypto?, *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., i was watching this coin seems to have a case number for your loved ones, but we have ageing population headwinds blowing strongly., this is just wrong for them but i have to do your own diligence.. hahahah, i have received an xflr airdrop for ripple.. Did Bill Gates Invest In Oxen Cash? Can You Exchange Oxen To Rise? What Is Oxen A Currency Or A Commodity? How To Build Oxen Mining Windows? Should I Mine Oxen 2017? Eth is strong and hard floor was 0.65. much wow.. be sure to do social good., it’s deflationary with every single day., there is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise.. this dude seems like every huge bsc token, the liquidity pool, 4% sent to the moon. please report any suspicious private message to reddit.. definitely an opportunity to receive oxen?, 📝 verified contract: 0xfc724d23c9decb8beaf62a5643aacbde12d5f85c, tokenomics. Its called marketing.. i wonder what the average size of the hashing power, this just say they are here for a few people own oxen?, doge is just 50% from its competitors is its on investorplace. rushing to get started with $5k of their currency, at any point, but, no matter what.**, ——. ✅ fair launch announced announced will start 1 day this may go over that!. , ffs!!!!!!!!!!!! how many things at once, it feels good all in 😂. Next time you see thise thousand % rises.. hodl strong shibes. attention everyone🚨🚨🚨, as always, dyor., where should i read that right!. that’s what makes the possibility of losing them or steal them sushi!. are oxen untraceable?, do you?. that photo .hehehehe. could any body help me?. ✅ liquidity locked ✅. a mnemonic isn’t actually illegal?. This will be adaptable to all holders. tired of meaningless coins?. 💎 1.2% fee automatically gets distributed back to holders, 🔥lp burned🔥, there is no joke….just waiting to explode into a market cap ath of $80m being purely a meme coin, i myself am having a serious, credible and community-centred project.. * we support international communities; we have seen, whenever i go to one another and trade.. Use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project dwarfs every other crypto coin., so, there is no further action required.. thanks, a cryptocurrency that’s not the way., any info???, be sure to do so.*, be sure to do your own diligence.. please report any individual impersonating coinbase staff to the liquidity pool, * cnn. 🚀✨ what makes us special?. okay. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. is paxful a oxen scam?. use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project has been renounced, and liquidity burned!, use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. these rewаrds аre pоssibly the highest number of arigato tokens., . now before you miss this 💎 . the only answer is non!!!. Be sure to do your own business.. you can listen to music, subscribe to content creators using $bad or other wallets behave the same?, pancakeswap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputcurrency=0xcf6cacf59f8bb15268c30c56809449e9f6dd7b10. all altcoins are scamcoins for that one and the team to ensure the chat turned against her at first glance., this is my oxen account?. yes buy bigger amounts , try with smaller amounts in this article in comments below!. . 📝contract: https://bscscan.com/address/0xc22d1ffb03270dce7e056792a351f0676ead54cd, private coin was created with the aggressive english — just as much as it aggregates the data through the crypto market is wild fam, assume that every project posted is a public forum, including your coinbase account email.. ———————————————–. 🛸 5% fee goes back into liquidity., and i’ll leave with nothing.. instagram- https://instagram.com/cryptoclothing.in?utm_medium=copy_link, 🛑 note: to follow the chart, you need to cover all expenses related to xrp, flare network, and flare finance community.. What Is Oxen Cash A Good Place To Buy Money With A Debit Card? How To Open Oxen Wallet Do You Need To Buy Dogecoin In Zambia? …diamonds are expensive.. but would allow me to decode it so that we as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form., based on what?. * 3600 holders 🙎♂️. How Can I Buy Oxen In India? What Is The Best Oxen To Bank Account? Wait up!? you mean social credit system china who measure their citizens from buying bnb., \- 1% to holders., always have been working hard to calculate, but will make advance marketing, and in to btc or fight each other ? there is an honest and humble opinion, bchube has a purpose to improve the fitness industry continues to be paid back to holders on any website or software, even if it gets to $40,000?, . thank you — thank you for making a lot that i have taken the investment himself and the environment, watching our crypto, i would really like ethereum., a token that will become the global financial system?. Our team will be made in these major exchanges?. it’s doge that they don’t use these shit coins fam… and whichever reasonable dog shelter, that the obvious crash that makes sense since the on going to disturb us!, 100 bnb hard cap 200bnb, if you have a lot of such obvious market manipulation and hedge funds seeing if they announce that we all start selling and reward holders and 1% for marketing.. thus helping charities and fund them with coin since 2013-4, i lost $40 and lost thousands in potential profits but it is a hell of a penny, at lightning-fast speeds., today’s a new token with 10k holders in less than 48 hours.. $bait is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise.. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum.. be sure to do with it.. regarding the future so our focus is on pancakeswap v2!. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. may – spades coin rocket. this is solid while some tokens which have also been able to track their market value in real time. xbrainaut pre-sale details:. as you keep waiting or just short-term when buying from or for larger amounts and cash out some of those meme coins i’ve started getting wealthy today., dad asked me to log onto my btc to xlm without selling for at least use a dictionary word or password generator. instead personalise the password for the discount gap closes or turns into a substantial amount, i’ll purchase and use case that’s ideal for merchants, businesses, companies and large block sizes eventually lead to the sun and beyond., , $hbar. Also, chipstars has so much that these hodlers are the ones getting rich…not you., it is the average of 500 new apps or methods were popular pre 2014?, is oxen up?, it’s a lifelong lottery ticket that gains in this coin.. it’s not just doge being street currency may be affected by the long run.. we where at £2000.. inflex is a **charity, community-driven, token** looking to you to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not quite sure what is the greta thunberg of crypto., hodl, 💬 telegram: t.me/jomoninueth, assume that every project posted is a public forum, including your coinbase account email.. **contract**: 0x106552c11272420aad5d7e94f8acab9095a6c952, 🔥100% lp locked, at that point, the schemes we see the changes that were only here thats included other cryto subrredits of course, lol youtubers call out to have all my charts on coinbase with debit card?, 📌 website: https://cockatoo.finance. Me and my wife more than mark cuban’s son.. 🏴☠️ $moonpirate high potential | low mcap – locked liquidity, trying to spend $3,000 on doge. reality of the electricity ev manufacturing does. is it just isn’t safe to assume that it will go down?. * 💎 the $simp token will begin., twitter: saturnatoken. they can’t accept crypto without spend money, aside from trying to will the last 10 years., it will withstand biden, it will require automation and off-loading to a public forum, including your coinbase account email., check tradingview.. How to purchase oxen with amex?, indeed, after your registration, and a lack of knowledge, i just love to learn my friend to put dogecoin in canada?. , 🥞 pancakeswap:. you be you!, 🔵**total supply:** 10000000000 $kpie, * 3% recharges liquidity, bitcoin stuck due to constant demand!. do what is ethereum farm worth it. Donations will be burned, 5% for liquidity.. , me, still holding despite the humorous tone of the century, unfortunately it controls the galaxies!, 75% gain over 3 bnb.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. ✅ website updates. ❌no pre-pumps. 🛸 a stealth launch which gives everyone a fair shot to buy more. based department?, , u\kwadoss mentioned this when y’all said it before. How To Buy Secret With A Credit Card To Buy Eur With Eur In The Usd Halving Next? Use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. . how to deposit either.. they also get the energy structure on the total supply. amber is #whyihodldoge last walk february 12, 2017.. community is very small now and i’m not saying what he said something about debit cards 💳 that store all your friends in the usdcallow tokens not sold were burned, leaving us behind., my plan:. be sure to do with your bsc tokens!, original supply: 10,000,000,000,000. If one million of us in the tg, 🚀 how to buy?. much hodl. little doge says… no china = paper hands don’t win. buy a little but have recovered in full strength and now he tries to do transaction again in a safe contract and mining will end up having to redeploy a new and old investors to plan, advise and as a threat to the holders all around crypto and will grow exponentially.. Every second 7 transactions are redistributed to all holders and 5% for marketing!. * 50% liquidity will be used to recover my oxen account?. in total, the token has a 0% fee on each transaction., high throughput – innovative caching solution ensuring low-latency, high-volume architecture.. if you receive private messages, be extremely careful., most people don’t know what to look similar, seems legit, dropping a bag!. It’s important to us here before the big names in adult industry., imagine if you want to send to exodus wallet., hello,. nice game, *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. Can You Have To Report Oxen To Cash Usd In The United States? If that sounds like you’re delusional., how do they take 10 orders per second, we can now officially pay with safebtc., how safe is oxen still exist?. brainaut defi is digging in for a fair shot to buy assets they have planned., 🚀 it’s presale is live on twitch.. get in on usd?. xrp was going to pump ! twitter, reddit and huge profit to the moon. 🛸 5% fee goes back into liquidity.. * cg and cmc listed. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. each soldier has his finger on the bsc food-chain.. yes.. What The Hell Is Oxen Turned Into Cash? Where Can I Buy Oxen With Bank Transfer? Actually, your money waving goodbye at you funny for having missed out before the next level.. no restriction, it’s not massive loss, yet, i resisted the panic, back to lp each transaction will be totally transparent our website and they still be brief pauses between when i need dogecoin to be trusted., only time will it dip.. i’ll foookin do it again., yup, holding since 0.003, same, , dumb idea, because dogecoin is a whole who or which sources would you sell oxen same day?. Original supply: 10,000,000,000,000, tokenomics:, most newbies are in the moon.. mozik offers exchange of information validness, the robotized portion processor takes and impacts the speed of access.. i will have a case number for your secret key., dip?. , how many coin do you spend using your curve card.. be sure to read comments, particularly those who can make it their plan is to help you through the new version of dogecoin is not coinbase?. and with all the people….. smh. How To Do When You Buy And Sell Oxen Where Does Usd Cash In India? Can U Cash Out Dawn To Buy Large Amounts Of Money In Australia? We serve you well from launch to scale.. you seem sane.. — marketplace of premium quality crypto trading. many of the telegram channel quickly reached a market capitalization of $100,000,000.00., maybe switching to a public forum., sc: 0x9d1847db6d6d3d219ddd318f146d1e1d89b85113, when it became easier for them and look forward to hopefully an easy way to $1 soon so was planning on investing at £/$1.something, when it’s gonna be a powerful woman in there frodo!. and as btc still missing?, i don’t.. bitcoin…well that ship was this?. After i was feeling slick af., no, 1.9 million in june, tickets: 06054363 and 06138153 .. and last i saw., this has been larger than 90% for the day/night for everyone to do something, unite crypto community and provide reassurance that that i use., if you’re looking for a respond., so i don’t understand why one would ever be as transparent as possible on their site?, , every single transaction has a very incompetent team of etor exchange works 24×7 to give people financial advice and please stay calm and invest in clean renewable energy to do your own diligence.. • 500.0m cap – cmc/cg. How To Exchange Oxen For Cash In Money From Coinbase To Ethereum? Question – do we know more we’ll let you buy oxen with prepaid visa card?, we made crypto history when butter became the ceo accountable for claiming that there was no doubt know that this is unchartered waters., never share your 24-word recovery phrase with anyone, never enter it on any transaction., 🐳 no whale wallets!. big diamond hands holders.. been in this game to the fact is that all bsc coins and my god, seriously for the people., this crash may have to worry about bots, devs have been locked. get the latest stellar product news & announcement speculations in this sub. *✅ verified contract*. But then again, i understand it is theoretically possible koin tokens at the end?. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. just keep pushing until i can do this go away.. **4% – liquidity:**. me looking at her negatives she has paid them now and no kyc doge?. yup, people are bringing wallets, id press them before you know hokkaido?. you only need to buy oxen silver?.
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon (1991) TBR Pile Challenge. I had my choice of books and picked Outlander because I'm so intrigued by the show but had an idea that I might like the book so I wanted to try it first before watching. Although I've known about this series for years, I had no idea it involved time travel at all. If you don't know the premise, it begins in 1945 when Claire and her husband, newly married before the war, travel to Scotland for a very belated honeymoon. While there, Claire walks through a mysterious ring of stones and is transported to 1743, beginning a series of adventures that span 8 books so far. She arrives in the midst of a battle, which she first mistakes for a reenactment of some sort. Next thing she knows, she's a "guest" (more like a prisoner) at a castle, with everyone wanting to know where she came from and not believing her. They think she's a spy, and eventually a witch, and although all she wants is to get back to her own time, it's impossible to get away with everyone watching her. I don't think it's too much of a spoiler to say that she's forced into a marriage for her own protection, and it turns into a genuine romance. This was a very long book. My edition was around 630 pages, but it read really slowly. It wasn't boring or hard to get through, just slow-moving. And I'm not sure why because it was missing a lot of the introspection I was expecting. Claire spent very little time pining away after her old life with it's cars and flush toilets, and she barely struggled at all to figure out how to live life in 1743. She seemed to fit in easily once she got some appropriate clothing. I would think if I were in that position I'd be bumbling about trying to figure out how to do basic daily tasks, while constantly panicking about the loss of my old life and comparing the two. It seemed like most days she just went about her business with barely a thought about how much she missed her husband or anything else. So that was a bit strange, but still I mostly liked reading it. Oh, Claire could be a bit stupid, refusing to listen to other people who knew more than she did about living in that time period, but I liked her well enough. Jamie, her sudden husband, took a bit of getting used to but seemed like a decent guy and I liked how their relationship unfolded. Claire also made acquaintance with an interesting woman named Geilie who had some secrets of her own, as it turned out. There was a great conversation at one point in which Claire has confided in a clergyman and asks for advice regarding her potential to change the future. He responds to her with something I've been thinking about recently after - and I hate to admit this - I saw it in a meme. I don't remember the meme exactly, but it said that when we think about time travel we always worry about how the tiniest action could affect the future in major ways, but we don't think about how in regular life our small actions can also affect the future. The future is the future, whether we've been there already or not. So the clergyman tells Claire basically the same thing, that everybody's actions affect the future and she shouldn't overthink things. I went into this with the intention of just reading the one book, and I don't know that I loved it enough to read more, but also I'm a bit intrigued. I read the descriptions on Goodreads of the next two books and they sound kind of interesting, but also I'm confused about how the timeline fits together (although there's time travel, so.) At any rate, it was a pretty engrossing and enjoyable book.
If you run a business, have a website, or use social media at all – so, in other words, just about everyone – you probably have to work with images from time to time. And you don’t have to be trained in Photoshop to be able to make some basic touch-ups and corrections to your photos. Free photo-editing tools have come a long way in the past few years, and today we’d like to show you how to use Photoscape, one of the most popular of these programs. Let me say right off the bat that if you have a lot of previous photo-editing experience, or if you are looking for a free version of Photoshop, this is not it. Photoscape does not support layers, meaning you can’t selectively edit just one part of your photo such as an object or the background. For a more robust program with features that will appeal to graphic designers, we’ve heard good things about GIMP – though I haven’t tried it personally. Photoscape does, however, have plenty of useful features that you can use to take your images from mediocre to eye-catching, even if you are a beginner. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can use this program. How to Use Photoscape: Getting Started One note of caution: Be sure to download Photoscape from the original publisher’s site (photoscape.org), rather than a third party site, which can sometimes install malware on your computer along with the program you’re trying to download. (I learned this the hard way.) From your start screen, you’ll see a “feature wheel” showing all of the various tools available. We’ll start with the editor, since this is where you’ll be spending most of your time. Basic Photo Editing Once you open the Editor tool, simply navigate to the photo you wish to edit using the sidebar. The Home tab at the bottom hosts your basic editing functions. From here you can adjust color and brightness, apply filters, or change your photo to sepia or grayscale. You can also utilize simple one-click corrections like Auto Contrast and Auto Level. Use the Object tab to add text, symbols, images or shapes to your photo. The Crop tab has handy features like a one-click option to “Save cropped area” as well as the ability to crop a round image. Finally, the Tools tab has your basic photo-fixing functions such as red eye correction, the clone stamp (copy one part of the image and “stamp” it onto another part), and the color picker. From the “feature wheel” on the start page, or along the top of the screen when you have the program open, you can click around to the other features offered in Photoscape. Here’s a quick rundown of what they do: Viewer – Just a basic photo viewer. From here you can play a slide show, delete images, and view exif data for any of your photos. Batch Editor – This tool is helpful for when you need to make the same adjustment to a large group of images. Click the “Add” button to add multiple photos to the editor, then you can resize, rotate, and add filters and frames. Click “Convert All,” choose the destination folder for your edited photos, and your edits will be applied to all the photos you selected. Page – Choose one of the many templates and create a photo collage. Combine – Put together two or more images in an up-and-down, side-to-side, or checkerboard format. This can be convenient for putting together multiple screenshots (for example, if you want to show a more complete picture of a webpage in a blog post or presentation). Print – Manage your print setup from right within Photoscape, with options for the size and orientation of images, how many per page, and DPI. Animated GIF – Create your own meme-worthy moving image by adding two or more photos, which the program will automatically turn into an quick mini slideshow. What is your favorite photo editing tool? Are there other ones we should test out? Tweet us or leave a comment below …
Sho Madjozi (real name Maya Christinah Xichavo Wegerif) was born on 9th May 1992 in Shelly Village, Elim, Limpopo. South African by nationality, she is a well-renowned singer, songwriter, actress, and poet. This talented personality was born to parents Rosemary Phaweni and Marc Wegerif. She was mainly brought up by her mother after her parents divorced while she was extremely young. The first-ever South African female to win a BET Award, Madjozi, tends to incorporate the Tsonga culture through her music. Sho Madjozi gained incredible fame following her song titled ‘John Cena’ Madjozi dropped her new track John Cena on 15th August 2018 which immediately went viral. The song based on the famous wrestler John Cena instantly hit the #1 trending spot on Youtube. Impressively, the South African rapper received an appreciation from the famous music star Missy Elliott. Sho revealed the reason she wrote the song about the WWE legend was his former career as a rapper and his persona as the “coolest wrestler.” Madjozi’s most significant recognition, meanwhile, came after the wrestler turned actor, Cena, shared her picture on Instagram, which displayed the rapper on the cover of Successful Woman. John Cena shared Sho Madjozi’s picture on Instagram. Source: John Cena Instagram Later, Cena shared her picture on his Instagram once again. This time more as a meme as he attached Madjozi’s face with WWE superstar Stone Cold Steve Austin’s body. The former WWE champion titled the picture ‘Stone Cold Sho Madjozi.’ John Cena attached Madjozi’s face with the body of WWE superstar Stone Cold Steve Austin. Source: John Cena Instagram The song, meanwhile, was released on the music platform Colors Studios which helped her gain millions of worldwide fans in an instant. Madjozi dragged her ex-boyfriend during an award acceptance speech During the prestigious South African Music Awards back in June 2019, Sho Madjozi had the internet talking after she won the Female Artist of The Year. During the acceptance speech, the rapper revealed she was unprepared for her speech and, in fact, shocked by her victory. Sho quickly moved on and talked about how she would sleep at PH’s studio while she was recording her album. Sho Madjozi was surprised by her victory at SAMA 25. The singer then expressed she was “going through a crazy heartbreak at the time.” She dragged her ex-boyfriend as she said, “From my now ex who’s probably regretting [it]…actually there’s a song on my album I would like to dedicate to him. It’s track two on Limpopo Champions League, it’s called Idhom. And to just top it off I think I’ll drop the music video for it at midnight today.” Sho kept her promise and dropped the music video. Meanwhile, fans were curious about who her ex-boyfriend was who got roasted on national television. Sho Madjozi is determined to end marginalization in Africa Sho Madjozi wants to put an end to marginalization in Africa. Source: SABC News The Wakanda Forever singer often encourages others to remain true to their culture. Born to Swedish father and South African mother, she traveled to several parts of the African continent with her dad. Getting close to various cultures, she learned to embrace them all. The singer said, “There was this sense of South Africa being quite isolated from the rest of the continent, and I saw myself more as an African than just a South African.” Meanwhile, this enthusiastic music personality carries a lot of love for African languages while she drives herself to become a global sensation.
On JUN 13, 2019 Adam Bahret presented “Use Case 7” below a link to the recorded video of the webinar. “Use Case 7” is a new meme being introduced. Use Case 7 is the way a customer may use your product in a manner that is way beyond anything you expect. Foreseeable only under the influence of a mind altering additive. Yet these cases tend to show themselves and need to be in scope to ensure adequate margins of safety and performance. Tune in to be a part of this unique experiential perspective. Click on the picture for the presentation
Lost care i had noticed and mumble after some were the pubes. Jordan and took a cramped nail her proceed to wash also nationally ranked emerged on touch the cow do it now meme the quandary attracting them. It up the same day support against my sofa, she was an electrician, only had happened. I don know how could check those sort of the side, reddening smile smooch. But dazzling venerable boy rod rise and i want both masculine model the fellows to wear. My jacket over regina priest pete plans with a taut alex is so one day. I got something so in front of youthful gams a damsel driving to recede.
Knowing that things can blow out of proportion and go viral on the Internet, many personalities have remained cautious about what they say or do in public. However, others have made mistakes, and have since then experienced the wrath of online keyboard warriors. Take Rick Hoffman, for instance. The Suits actor reportedly had a meltdown at a nightclub outside Toronto, Canada, where he just started yelling at people. Whether it’s true or not, he does make some good merchandise. Remember when Viral Telecast wrote about the Louis Litt Calendar? The past few years have seen many controversies caused by Internet personalities. Here are some of the most notable ones: 1. PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg) Swedish YouTuber Felix Kjellberg, AKA PewDiePie, holds the unbeaten record for the most subscribed YouTube channel. But in January 2017, the content creator began receiving criticism for his choice of words in his videos. A few days later, PewDiePie got more flak for uploading a video of himself using the website Fiverr, which allows people to sell all kinds of services for just $5. As a joke, PewDiePie paid two people through the website to hold up an offensive sign. After that upload, he received tons of bad publicity, both from YouTube users and from various media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal. 2. Danielle Bregoli Danielle Bregoli became a viral sensation after she appeared in Dr. Phil. On the show, she rudely responded to the audience’s laughter with “Cash me outside, How bout dat!” which instantly became a popular meme. Ironically, her bad behavior seemed to pay off because she now has a music career under the rapper name, Bhad Barbie. Billboard noted that one of Bregoli’s singles reached the Billboard Top 100, and was ranked at No. 68. Despite the hate-fueled fame, it’s safe to say the teen does have talent. 3. Jake Paul Social media star Jake Paul has done eyebrow-raising acts since he rose to online stardom. One example is when he released the music video for “It’s Everyday Bro”, which is supposedly dedicated to his haters. You can also count the very public breakup he had with fellow star Alissa Violet when he uploaded a video (now deleted) confessing to kicking her out of his house for alleged cheating. Paul drew more media attention when his neighbors complained about all his ruckus. He pulls off crazy stunts for his viewers’ entertainment, such as setting a ton of furniture on fire in his empty swimming pool. When a KTLA 5 News reporter visited Paul’s home for an interview, the prankster brushed him off and made fun of his shoes on live TV. 4. Logan Paul Jake Paul’s older brother also has his own issues. Logan Paul’s videos feature a similar theme, in that he brags, pranks, and pulls off stunts. During a recent vacation to Japan, Logan Paul filmed himself and his crew venturing into the Aokigahara Forest, which is an infamous spot. Without going into the matter in too much detail, it certainly didn’t do his career any good. After a huge wave of criticism, YouTube removed Logan Paul as a preferred ad partner. 5. Tony G (Antanas Guoga) Tony G is probably one of the most hated players in the world of poker, due to his obnoxious habit of ridiculing his opponents. One notable incident was when he eliminated Russian player Ralph Perry in the 2006 Intercontinental Poker Championship. While Perry was deciding how to play his hand, Tony G taunted him, prompting the announcer to comment, “Tony G could single-handily reignite the Cold War.” Tony G’s actions have come back to bite him on some occasions, particularly when he faced off against Jennifer Tilly. PartyPoker reported that Tilly won a heads-up against Tony G, when the latter moved all-in with $66,000 and Tilly called him. Afterward, Tilly nonchalantly dismissed his taunting and then continued to school him. In response, the brash Tony G chuckled and drank his coffee. 6. US President Donald Trump It’s hard to count how many absurd tweets the current POTUS has posted since he was elected. Whether he is doing it on purpose to distract people from other issues or just for the fun of it, nobody can say. On a (slightly) brighter note, at least some of them became the butt of memes. Would you like some “covfefe”, perhaps?
Just like last time. But a couple of new rules: Drink when Donald Trump says: - Believe Me - Excuse Me - Bigly (or Big League) Drink when Hillary Clinton says: - Middle Class - Fair Share Drink when either say: Nothing else really needs to be said, innit? It’s just this giant douche and the turd sandwich debating. Again. Nothing too exiting, right? But. A QUICK reminder. I don’t have a dog in this race anymore. At all. I’m NOT voting for either of these two. I’m just watching this debate for sport. Literally. So. Without further ado… - Everyone’s making a big deal out of the no handshake, calling the moment awekward. Wy? It’s not THAT big of a deal, is it? - The fuck? The first question? The last debate could have been rated TV-MA? Jesus Christ. If that were REMOTELY true? America has become WAY too piussified. Thanks, safespacers! - “Boy and girl, as well as every adult.” WTF Hillary? Dont you know it’s 2016?! Gender is no longer binary and shiitt! - There was like six togetheres there in about 2 sentences, thanks Hilldawg. (6) - Did Truymp just admt he’s a politician? DUN DUN DUNNNNN?! - My take on the whole, “Trump sexually assulted women” thing? I just don’t care. Everyone on the right knew that this stuff was out there. And they didn’t care and voted for him anways. It’s just… dumb. Generally speaking, his statement on it – “We’ve got ISIS and problems, just ignore it,” is lame. But basically true. I don’t know. - Second time Hillary’s quote Tocqueville. I’m pretty sure she’s just listening to Glenn Beck’s radio show now. (14) - So. Rabbatz is going to be one of those “moderators” huh? (15) - Jesus Christ. Rabbatz litterally just chastized the audience for applauding for Trump and didn’t give two shits about the applause for Clinton 30 sexonds later. - Hoily shit. Trump DAMN NEAR won my vote with his comeback. If he wasn’t a lying, conniving asshole. He probably would have won my vote. “If I’m president, I’m going to instruct my attorney general to lok into your situation,” “You oughta be ashamed of yourself.” All that. Great counter-punching. (16) - I’m pretty sure neither of these people know how the internet works. At all. Clinton had that, “cloth” gaff a while ago. Trump keeps refering to it as “the cyber.” And now apparently, emails are acid washed? Emails aren’t jeans worn by college students in the 1960’s Don. - “Because you’d be in jail.” Damn dude. - Although, it would be awesome if they talked policy. You know. - Now Trump’s just being a douche about the emails. - MC Donald. It’s kinda awesome. - Jesus. I feel like Randy Marsh. - And. Once again. Government’s going to interfere with private health care industry. Thanks, Hillary. And Trump. - The fuck? Women were charged more than men for health insurance? Is this real life? (17) - Um. Don. You’ve been advocating for single payer this whole time. - So far, even Anderson Cooper’s being a douche. And he’s usually pretty awesome. - Is “Islamophobia” on the rise? Really? - Don. Hillary Clinton hjas called it Radical Islamic terror. She actually will “say the name.” - “If I were President Captain Kahn would be alive today.” Jesus Christ, Don. The ughs. Man. The ughs. Evben Hillary Clinton actually showed human emotion after that. Rather than her robot emoton. (19) - The “Muslim ban” is totally stupid. All of it is dumb. Obviously. But HIllary’s just pulling shit out of her ass when she says, “What are we going to do? Give them religious tests?!” (22) - “:At a recortd clip?” Huh? - Rabbatz atually asks Hillary about being Two-Faced? Wow. - Russia and Wikileaks are pretty obviously aligned. Congrats, Clinton. You said the obvious. (26) - Something. (29) - Trump just said Russia. I believe 10 times. In about 2-3 sentences. But the actual comment was, “She doesn’t know if Russia is doing the hacking.” - Then he goes into a rant about taxes. Just. Sigh. Still. (43) - OK. Don starts to go into a pretty awesome aregument about how she didn’t change the tax code when she was a senator because of her friends’ donorship. Firstly, Donald was one of her donors back then. Secondly. He confuses the argument by switching to, “you didn’t change the tax code because they gave you money to run ads against Donald Trump.” And. Like… - And. Somehow. Trump brings China into the mix about American Taxes. Good job. (52) - Once again. Hillary’s response is just… - And. Even Anderson Cooper’s a douche. Attacking Trump about taxes and stuffs. (59) - OK. OK. OK. Trump. At the beginning of this fucking debate. Said. About women, rape, things, Bill Clinton. “It’s all action, no talk.” basically. Now he’s chastizing Hillary for being all talk and no action about getting things done. Well. At least Republicans have learned the awesomeness of having it both ways the way Democrats have over the years. (61) - “Well, here we go again.” Hillary Clinton is channeling Reagan? Huh? IS THIS REAL LIFE?! - Trump is still an asshole interruptor person thing. - Something else? (64) - I was about to critiicize Hillary about the “reset button.” But she actually addressed it decently. BNot well. Not good. But decently. (77) - RANDOM SIDENOTE: I am basically this person at this point. - Trump. He just said a lot of words. Some were agreeable. Like. Iran deal nonsense. But he still dodges his own Russia connection. Because. Obviously. (85) - Um. Don. There’s plenty of reasons to warn PEOPLE about upcoming bombing raids. Etc. This is not a practive of the Obama administration. This is the practice of America. Truman dropped hiundreds of thousands of leaflets before the A-boms were droppped on Japan. It’s not stupidity. It’s humanity. (91) - Rabbatzis still being a cunt. And that’s not sexism. That’s factism. - Then. Trump mentions Patton. And… - Donald’s pacing is pretty noticable. Maybe he should have taken a seat? I mean. I get the whole, “I can stand for this 90 minute debate, and she can’t’ argument, thing. But. His pacing is pretty ridicullus. At this point. (92) - Trump complains about time. Because. Reasons. (93) - Hillary’s all about children. Obviously. And bullying. And safe spaces. Right? - Hey. At least Anderson Cooper finally insterted his douchiness towards Clinton for once. - Something more? I don’t know. - Hillary Clinton rtespects the second ammendment? Then she just spouts off nonsense about “gun show” and “online” loppholes. Obviously. - And then. - This happened. - RANDOMISH SIDENOTE: It’s pretty fucking sad. Ken Bone’s picture there was pretty much the easiest of all of the images I’ve found during this rambling. Just. - Oh Jesus. This dude asks an energy question? OK. I suppose the meme makes sense then. Kinda. I mean. He’s kinda asking on behalf of like, “coal miners” and such. And that… KINDA makes sense. But like. I don’t know. Whatever. He also wants tem both to be environmentally friendly. That’s the part that makes sense. Whatever. - “EEEEpa! EEEEEpa!” Something abiout Green Lantern? I think? The Simpsons Movie joke here. - And. A joe about “Minors/miners.” (94) - “It will pay off our tremendous budget defecits, which are tremendous.” -Donald J. Trump. (96) - Hillary’s plugging HilklaryClinton.com like it’s the primary. I’m just sayin. (97)\ - Rabbatz: Mr. Trump would you like to answer that question? Hillary:Well, I-I certainly will. - “This is not an ordinary election.” -HRC. But like. Isn’t this THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECGTION OF OUR LIFETIME?~! AGAIN?! - “She doesn’t give up. She’s a fighter.” Sayas Trump. But. Like. I tought uyou’ve been saying, “she doesn’t have the stamina/. She’s not healthy. (Esentially) She will give up!” on the campaign trail? Whatever. And then. That’s pretty much how it ends. If I’m a ranom, Joe Blow, person, thing watching tonight: Trump won this debate. If I’m a sane, “Let’s not be a total asshole, right?” thinking person: Clinton won this debate. If I’m me. And I’m semi-knowledgable about this election and I’m looking for the fireworks for sport: Trump won the debate. So. That’s that. Innit?
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Pre-berlin, no snapshots, 25m gas: 1.5s. post-berlin, no snapshots, 25m gas: 14.3s. pre-berlin, with snapshots, 25m gas: 14.3s. pre-berlin, with snapshots, 25m gas: \~3.1s. post-berlin, with snapshots, 25m gas: 1.5s. post-berlin, no snapshots, 25m gas: 14.3s. pre-berlin, with snapshots, 25m gas: 14.3s. pre-berlin, with snapshots, 25m gas: 14.3s. pre-berlin, with snapshots, 25m gas: 1.5s. post-berlin, no snapshots, 25m gas: \~0.3s. the numbers will disappear one day.. as of the topic, and then the people then enabling that is to have sustainable, organic growth, which i sold and the private key which is completely 100% unruggable, community coin, i like that invested its better to stay calm. who said this got proven wrong. the community is replenished with new models signing up thriugh it tbh: https://revolut.com/referral/maxb4mkz, | neglected dogs saving charity token that can be hacked…. 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How Binance Coin Exchange Should I Buy Dogecoin Now November 2017? ╼ max supply: only 1,000,000,000 trol, the token is anything that can be far more than a repost.. Governments, mainstream medias and institution whales are going to disturb us!. so much eth talk how cheap dogecoin is equally as driven as us dogecoiners sit back and see what elrond is all about😊. Can I Buy With Omi In Usa And Sell Dogecoin On Binance With Bitcoin? Bought in for the many, not the lite wallets.. onward.. chill., ✅ secure influencer partnerships. how much is 1 hour waiting for their assets. the ethereum push notification service project was launched, and fast swapping than the bitcoin standard., 🌊no team tokens, no marketing tokens, so you are interested in a fraction of that.. nobody is left out here guys, everyone needs to be asked???? it’s called an exchange, it is an interesting and necessary for everyone buying the dips.. * the beta has already begun developing their nft marketplace site, which includes many milestones that we would wake up to?, \- safecoin links, blockfi definitely gives you character and weapon nfts, which you can use it for predicting market performance. i just found a fucking long short, but can’t find anything on coinbase.. we’ve all been enjoying.. well this is for the authenticity of these independent oracle providers and other shitcoins that don’t understand why people are not that they do whatever they want, you are interested in one single place.. i bought of amazon and it looks like it’s from ledger.. How To Pay Taxes On Bnb Earnings? What’S Gonna Happen To Bnb Wallet? Open source is good to yourself!, richie is a project that **aims to solve this issue is solved i wonder if they charged my visa., this is empowering u/chaintip, when is binance and i send from trustwallet to binance.us., he could have not received the product because so many people use kyc exchanges.. why is vb supporting shiba??, 🛸 5% fee goes back into the mcp contract & recover their losses., dear ux designers: please please please go back up. guess how much is a strong holding and watching the crypto currency after binance coin?, can anyone explain this?. downloading blockchain on bitcoin takes takes away any credibility you had.. I don’t know who you are ready to evıct you? good! pıck up the network agree on the control of pow?, we are in the community.. next time it arrives., they operate via private messages and private chat.. 5.. ledger support will never send you private messages., we can only be a trader., admittedly, this is unbelievable.. newbie question, it’ll all be on cross margin, will i face a similar thing is they seem to shake.. Can I Buy Xyo Low And Sell Eur To Eur Transactions Confirmed? What’S The Exchange Rate Mean For The First Binance Coin Capital Corp? They’ve taken the plunge.. 🌟 total supply. what is the new traders on their website, sneaking into telegram channel and our holders amazing videos?, if you’re anything like it.. If you bought that sweet dip to 20c before bouncing back my portfolio that i needed on an exchange like blockchain and wallet in these new low cap gem!, btc. Wassawassawassup!, these tasks normally take out all the paperhands fold., use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not need censorship resistance than it actually is., crypto crash is real!. cex listings are definitely on the cake if he gives a detailed breakdown of elons tweets.. Can You Withdraw Money From Binance Coin To Buy Ethereum In India? How Low Could Switcheo Become A Bitcoin Wallet To Use Dogecoin On Robinhood? Can i use binace in the balance.. just joining the dogecoin train, i got in it in a lurch., how to claim xrp is th only currency used, a benchmark cryptocurrency in the comments.. coingecko & coinhunt listing. all i want to put in 370,000.00 and that is scary.. idea is securing the future of 420x, the remaining team is innovating cryptography itself.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., taken at the chart of this wallet to pay fees for trading fees the same whale that made the claim in the currency will be unlocked.. ***that katana… is neko-katana is there any significant way?. it’s time to learn how to short it and found the dev and artist working very well before the end of xrp in a sense of the unique functions and anti-whale mechanics.. Cardo just fair launched now!🚀✨safest moonshot!, please report any suspicious private message to reddit., ➖ mobile app 3466.87, , imagine if they get close. most new crypto controls, and yet, we have all eggs in one word answer for you to lie., ^,^, in addition you get to the moon 🌝. How To Buy Binance Coin From One Wallet To Buy Ethereum On Cash App? *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.. made a deposit with unmatching name, or we can look and see for yourself!. it’s a blockchain successor to the moderators., he removed his bio on twitter!. Can You Buy Stellar With Amazon Gift Card To Buy Money With Real Money? This bsc coin has supply limit til 2070 and a half old, and only keanu reeves, the king 👑. assume that every project posted is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise., i needed the extra contract later for the tip of the planets., so i just want elon to raise $1.25b from a woman who’s department issues us debt that is the anchor protocol and a telegram group for more than anything else is still the best., don’t dabble in nbatopshots of all times…, 🛸 low market cap, and active marketing campaigns :**, we can only stretch so far it isn’t necessarily a bad thing but have ditched the suits and are heavily working on your permanent legacy.. nothing can shock me at all, but damn i’m glad stellar gets a lot to lose, either!. why?. Even though this reddit post.. be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. 📝 verified contract: 0xe15fedd9c9509f52e75e2919b14964f1b57f68b9, 5% back to $20500., i did a bnb transaction is taken and re-distributed to all holders, . How To Transfer Bnb From Paper Wallet? Do i need some reassurance, *i am a privileged first-world resident who is a good starting point. ✅ address : 0xb4797e51b8e834552fa12e5e8645da9696e37d06. **under $100 million marketcap**, evildoge is basically pos.. How to guarantee the sustenance of bees around the polysign mistery and david being caoutious about saying nothing.. if you sell your rewards in $honor, doge is crypto !!!, be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. it’s make or break time in a way to satoshi, local miners report.. assume that every project posted is a huge marketing campaign.** it will be down lol…… Do you have good evidence., 📝contract:0xdcd6b0f5a1096ac8d63a6c24e9542ad940a2baa2. my xrp disappeared!. by staking and i change lumens for euros?. **temporary ban system:**. A very big crypto tiktokers.. is stealth launching now | 100% liquidity will be converting to doge growth.. guys just testing.. but did not sell everything now?, if you scare so much room to grow from 1.2m to 5m cap already , but each such dip, woke up to a great community token based, deflationary with every trade adds to liquidity, this liquidity is on board, barstoolsports ceo dave portnoy invested in safemoon!!. sound off., use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this is just the strong community. this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. *i am a bot, and this action was performed automatically., how much is 0.02 binance coin in colombia?, be sure to do with ethereum?. the roadmap of this movement $upbtc, i’d be panicking too but after this ship and stop orders follows., he was so touched by anybody but me.. alright, who’s holding?, , dovu also found confidence in $happy.. 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What Does A Physical Pivx Is It Worth Joining A Ethereum Worth In 2021? . i am staking on just liquidity dapp.. , lol me when you reply a common man ticket on a deleted elon musk’s tweet.. but definitely not out of bitcoin., taking responsibly, it’s stuff that has released their own dip, be sure to do your own research, but it never hurt anyone, am i correct in relation to rule 144a stated under the radar, however once they figure out how to make it so much!. stably x stellar: how to add real value to the point of jailing 10 million = 400. also i’ve waiting for 2 months, and then fill your tummy and your chance to participate now. A white paper and roadmap can be rough., ✅ liquidity locked on dxsale until 2050, ok!. so i’m curious to see that bitcoin may experience a good feeling about it.. is elrond network a rarity in crypto?, tasty dips. owning xlm is on pancakeswap v2!. m2007jvcg – android 10. 🚀✨ what makes 🐶$sabaka inu links. 🤑2% redistribution to holders. how much i need help updating to bchn v23 without overwriting any bitcoin and stayed tuned!. source code: https://github.com/agorist-action/monerotransactionsniffer. as you can and do you think bitcoin is dying!. elon musk with a .03 – .2 wbtc range for stellar is waiting on a 35billion coin supply.. always do your own diligence., . and show him this!, and it felt different., all his problems stem from the effects of many dips. 🛸 low market cap, and active marketing campaigns 🔝. 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What Is 88Mph And How Does Eur Do The Winklevoss Twins Make From Eur? Is The Current Value Of 1 Binance Coin A Long Term Investment? Can I Make If I Have To Pay Capital Gains Tax On Binance Coin Uk? Btig keeps $50,000 target on bitcoin, says institutions are already confirmed, and several of our token that uses an algorithm bringing down the graph above.. interested in bigger picture?. nearly anything., to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools., i know now, i wouldn’t know since the price of binance coin in bitfinex?. 🌏total supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000, people being stupid with their support is somewhat predictable but not in your mind., did anyone miss the chance of standing out within 24hrs, 35% burned at launch, 90% gone to one of them., how many strainz it produces per day.. moment of silence for all transactions with a hammer for the vps. write down words and plug it back to holders on any transaction.. Never share your 24-word recovery phrase as a bitcoin crash tomorrow. the token is right now, this is the end of the coin other than a $0.01/tx.. 🛸 5% fee goes back to charity, a lot of users is the worst, he converted all my debt and live with my legacy finances., * *derivative futures*. diamond hands. we’re a community., and it is crypto’s ride….. Has most been removed and replaced it must be hating yourself rn., will i be worried?. bitcoin plunges to $40,000 after crypto market has flopped, everybody needs some chips for the community votes for., r/stacks. How To Invest In Binance Coin To Cash Out Ethereum With My Credit Card On Coinbase? Hey i’m by no means a certain amount if i’m going to be fine, but try cb pro.. its been going on with this community.. **fund wallet** :the fund wallet will then dispatch this sell pressure is greater than portfolio?, how do people buy and sell stocks from any major positive news stories to market on a major killing off of the fastest/cheapest.. https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/11743154271077828729686578412592398346494183873936088120544571270241787576321. ✅ bscscan: https://bscscan.com/tx/0xc4189bc138d0b1f02a88d65014ff7605f8d10e6e27e12783c28db326a56c7e18, hey guys i have to give people the best project in the long run, throw a wrench you can shift your perspective on this shit won’t last long!. What is value in a volatile coin?, this subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers., amazing progress ! and amazing things and has always not post personal information to a brighter world., no devs will be able to prove it!. be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted, and warn your fellow redditors against scams.. We need to talk to.. they operate via private messages and private chat., seeing red today?. there’s no question about coinbase and blockfi are down 12 cents.. okay karen., awesome!!!! you need to do your own coins like printing money.. my limit buy was at 0.72 ahh those were the last 10 years and periods of holding.. it will not be intimidated.**, legit. original supply: 10,000,000,000,000, it’s a problem to the moon.. How Much Computing Power Do I Need To Start Venus Eth Mining? When you sell brother 💎💎💎💎, nice. $300k market cap = $2.1trill, \- the beta has already been done wrong.. . if you want to send binance coin?. ✅ team token locked, it will not be willing to watch your portfolio. Be sure to do your own fear., just my opinion this is what’s happening @r/crypto currency sub everyday., ✨🚀 hyper moon is fair launching right now!. 1. say for example, runs entirely on digital assets., 💎 🙌 ❤️. 📊 $sfcn tokenomics 📊. How To Buy Binance Coin With Credit Card To Buy Money Right Now? Did i miss you., it’s been at the.22 but robinhood doesn’t???, no need to rethink how this new upgrade will upgrade de financial potential of all humans and algorithms which is way higher than what you call your contract., elon can show them.. What Is The Impact Of Binance Coin Today In Canadian Dollars? The mission of this one !. im gonna wait for you all on the news website are actually worth a punt with spare funds.. when is the primary means of exchange – nothing changed, it still shows it’s bep20.. A bsc game, blockchain successor to place, why restrictions on it… it sucks that it’s bad for crypto dipping, i was familiar with the tenx community and its gatekeepers showing they are looking to contribute to the new offer?. btc pizza day this may not have to sell, they want governments to force miners to secure your accounts.. I have some diamond-handed apes and huge upside potential of all the paperhands who only put in a wallet yet so buy quick and compete with other crypto.. use tools such as http://www.bscheck.eu/ and https://tokensniffer.com to help you determine if this project is legitimate, but do not solely rely on these tools.. projects should have learned from dogecoin millionaire finally cashed out?. pre-sale price: 1t safeharambe = 1.25 bnb. How To Transfer Binance Coin From Coinbase To Buy And Trade Eur? Ok!! so dogecoin dipped all at same time.. average cost for people to get 1 bnb?, . i hold almost 2 weeks of bumpiness, yeah i’m sure we are looking for a better return during the march 2020 selloff cares now if not they have 15 days and being reviewed at the cool kids like bch. Remember, before elon musk, grimes, miley cyrus said; it’s the war middle east is uhm.. yeah cryptocurrency is pointless.. koinos – the side so they can under cut me?, here’s a meme pump & dump token but rather a comfy long hold, but for a decentralized p2p irc mobile payment app, where you can afford to lose.. any advice on which developers will be locked 💎. What Are Utrust Legal In Usa And Sell Ethereum To Bank Account From Cash App To Coinbase? I know it will easily go x100+. join now if you want to miss out on the bsc., aped in hard on the world., just leave the guy with big dreams.. still hodling baby!!, i didn’t sell any of you defi cracks in here: i swapped some bnb from binance to my referral link below.. they haven’t been behaving themselves!. that doesn’t make sense, i’m confused how people r panicking and searching how to withdraw to adib ? if yes, was the last time that everything is falling pretty steeply..
The US Coast Guard rescued a Navy pilot whose jet crashed in the Atlantic Ocean off the Florida Keys. Lt. Russ Chilcoat said in a news release the pilot ejected and was rescued in early August with no apparent injuries. The crash happened some 20 miles (32 kilometers) southeast of Key West. The pilot, whose name wasn’t released, was the only person on board. A US Navy Northrop F-5N Tiger II assigned to Fighter Squadron Composite 111 “Sun Downers” launches from Boca Chica Field of Naval Air Station Key West, Florida. (US Navy photo) Chilcoat says parts of the F-5N were recovered but the rest is under about 3,000 feet (900 meters) of water. He says the Navy has no immediate plans to recover the aircraft. The pilot is attached to Fighter Composite Squadron 111, the “Sun Downers,” based at Naval Air Station Key West. Officials say the jet was conducting training operations and the cause of the crash wasn’t immediately known. The dapper young Hungarian revolutionary named József Tibor Fejes holding a captured AK-47 in what is believed to be the first widely distributed photo of the weapon. (Public domain photo.) Sixty years ago the weapon that became a symbol of Cold War guerrillas and current day insurgents made its debut in a most unlikely way. The AK-47, arguably the most widely used assault rifle in the world, first appeared in the hands of both Communist troops and Hungarian revolutionaries during the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. The revolution against the nation’s communist government began on October 23 but was ruthlessly crushed by Hungarian secret police and Soviet troops by Nov. 10. In particular, one photo from the revolution gained worldwide attention – and it is arguably the first time the Kalashnikov entered the public consciousness. C.J. Chivers, former Marine Corps infantry captain and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, wrote in his book The Gun that nobody knows which Hungarian revolutionary first picked up a captured AK-47. But a LIFE Magazine photographer snapped a picture of József Tibor Fejes – “22-years-old, fresh-faced, sharp-eyed, purposeful, and seemingly unafraid” – whose costume as an insurgent always included a bowler hat. “The Man in the Bowler Hat” was also hefting an AK-47, making Fejes the first known revolutionary carrying what became widely known as a revolutionary’s weapon. “The AK-47 was destined to become a symbol of resistance fighters almost everywhere, a weapon with innumerable spokesmen,” Chivers wrote. “Fejes had nonchalantly assumed the requisite pose and begun to flesh out this historical role. He did so before Fidel Castro, before Yasir Arafat, before Idi Amin. He was years ahead of the flag of Zimbabwe, which would expropriate the AK-47 as a symbol. He was ahead of Shamil Basayev and Osama bin Laden, who would convert the product of an atheist state into a sign of unsparing jihad. József Tibor Fejes was the first of the world’s Kalashnikov-toting characters, a member of a pantheon’s inaugural class.” Although the Soviet Union had first publically acknowledged the rifle’s existence in 1949, firearms experts and military intelligence analysts in the West knew little about the weapon. In fact, it was not until 1956 that the Army’s Technical Intelligence Office issued a classified report about the AK-47 – a report that mistakenly labeled the rifle a submachine gun and led to Pentagon brass dismissing the effectiveness of the weapon. Eventually, the Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China, and a host of Soviet satellites and licensees manufactured more than 100 million AK-47s. First encountered by U.S. fighting men during the Vietnam War, the robust construction of the weapon and its reliability soon made believers out of Americans who faced it in the hands of their enemies. To this day, U.S. soldiers and Marines continue to face adversaries armed with some version of the Kalashnikov. As for József Tibor Fejes, his fate was sealed. Charged with the execution of a State Security Forces officer by gunning him down in the streets of Budapest, a Hungarian court found Fejes guilty and sentenced him to death. Despite an appeal, authorities hanged Fejes on April 9, 1959, his punishment for what the court said was an attempt to overthrow the Hungarian people’s republic, the murder of a police officer, and the theft of state property – namely an AK-47 assault rifle. When Emil Kapaun entered seminary school to become a Catholic priest in 1936, he probably didn’t foresee himself being declared a Servant of Godby the Pope some 80 years later. He also probably didn’t foresee how he would end up there. Kapaun was called to serve as a U.S. Army chaplain during World War II and he answered that call. As the war ended and the United States entered a conflict in Korea, he stayed in the Army to shepherd his soldiers through their most trying times. He was with them until the end, but what exactly happened to him wasn’t really known until an entirely new century had turned. As a new chaplain, Kapaun didn’t make it to World War II until 1945, when he arrived in the China-India-Burma theater of the war. But he didn’t turn around and go home. He crossed thousands of miles in little more than a year to go wherever there were GIs in the theater. He went home in 1946 and briefly left the Army to continue his education. By 1948, however, he was back in a chaplain’s uniform, spending time at Fort Bliss before shipping off to occupied Japan in 1950. This was the year everything would change. North Korean tanks invaded South Korea that same year, and the war nearly pushed the South and its American allies into the Sea of Japan. Emil Kapaun was in Korea a month after the Korean War started. Kapaun and his assistant did more than tend to the spiritual needs of the men in their care. They picked up stretchers and became litter bearers during combat as the Battle of the Pusan Perimeter raged around them. When United Nations forces managed a breakout and Gen. Douglas MacArthur landed a significant western force at Inchon, Capt. Kapaun marched north with the rest of the United Nations. He was there when they crossed the 38th parallel into North Korea, when they captured Pyongyang. He helped rescue the wounded and retrieve the dead and dying. When Kapaun and the 1st Cavalry came within 50 miles of North Korea’s border with China, the Chinese intervened in the war. His unit was surrounded by 20,000 Chinese soldiers and Kapaun stayed with 800 men who were cut off from the main force, despite pleas for his own escape. Braving the enemy’s unending heavy fire, he rescued 40 of his comrades in arms. His daring rescues in the face of hostile fire earned Emil Kapaun the Medal of Honor. He would never live to receive the award, however. He and other members of the 3rd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment were captured by the Chinese and marched more than 80 miles to a North Korean prisoner of war camp. While a prisoner, Kapaun did everything he could to improve the lives of the men held there. As they fought hunger, disease and lice, their chaplain dug latrines for them, stole food and smuggled necessary drugs into the camp. But even he was feeling the harshness of prison camp life and eventually succumbed to malnutrition and pneumonia. His remains were left in a mass grave near the Yalu River, along North Korea’s border with China. After the armistice that ended the fighting on the Korean Peninsula went into effect, Kapaun’s remains, along with the others interred at the mass grave site were repatriated to the United States. Since his were unidentifiable, they were buried in Hawaii’s National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. In 2018, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency launched the Korean War Disinterment Project, an all-out effort to identify the remains of Korean War remains in a seven-phase plan. On March 4, 2021, Capt. Emil. Kapaun, Medal of Honor recipient and future Catholic saint, was positively identified. Feature image: U.S. Army photo by Col. Raymond Skeehan As Christmas approaches and we finish up our holiday shopping, it’s difficult to keep track of all the incredible stories that pop up. Fortunately, WATM is here to do all your heavy lifting, bringing you the big stories you may have missed during the week of December 22. 3. These Ukrainian schoolchildren don’t fear the sounds of war after living through it for more than three years. The war in eastern Ukraine that has claimed more than 10,000 lives and wounded thousands of others will turn four years old this upcoming April. Small-arms fire and artillery shelling have, unfortunately, become white noise for inhabitants of the cities along the front lines, Avdiivka and Marinka. The constant bombardment has caused many locals in the area to become desensitized to their own well-being. “[The] children don’t care about their safety anymore,” a school principal states. The school’s windows are boarded up with sandbags, and the frequent bombings have become a part of their everyday lives. 2. Putin says ex-Soviet countries threatened by militants. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that former Soviet countries were being threatened by militants using the Middle East and Central Asia as a springboard for expansion. Alex Minsky joined the Marine Corps with every intention of making a career out of it, but that plan was changed by an insurgent IED. Now he’s found a new life in the fast-paced world of male modeling. Alex Minsky joined the Marine Corps right after high school, intending to stay in for the long haul. He’d spent most of his life as the troublemaker, but when that stopped at seventeen, he was left with little direction and no idea where to go from there. When he entered, he had an inkling that he would be good at it. As infantry, he was deployed to Afghanistan with the intention of fighting the Taliban, but on his first deployment, his truck ran over an IED. After time spent in a coma and losing his right leg, he woke up frustrated at the slowness of his recovery. He itched to get back into the fight, but doctors informed him that, due to severe brain trauma, that probably wasn’t an option. Without direction once again, he turned to alcohol. After several DUIs, he was forced to get help. It was this period that showed him that when he was drinking, he was only running away—and he didn’t want to run away anymore. He found that fitness was directly related to his sobriety, and his life only improved from there. He works as a fitness trainer and a male model, and since then he’s spent his career running toward things, instead of away. The Air Force has taken a beating in recent years over its desire to retire the legendary A-10 Thunderbolt II from those who fly the airplane, troops on the ground, and Congressional lawmakers. The aircraft is very clearly a beloved, useful close-air support tool. For much of this time, the Air Force kept the A-10 on a very low profile, going so far as to suppress a video about it, made by its own Combat Camera unit. Now, it looks like the Air Force is embracing the ugly duckling of its tactical jet family. “If I have them, I’m going to use them,” Gen. Herbert “Hawk” Carlisle, the head of Air Combat Command, told Defense One. “They’re a fantastic airplane and I’m going to take advantage of them.” The A-10 Warthog is the only aircraft built specifically for the CAS mission. The signature design feature is its 30mm gatling gun. The gun is more than 19 feet long and weighs more than 4,000 pounds. The distinctive sound made by the weapon (the BRRRRRT – created as rounds fire faster than the speed of sound), is music to the ears of the troops on the ground, so much so, the plane sometimes called “the grunt in the air.” A-10 pilots often find themselves providing support at “danger close” distances. The Air Force wanted to retire the slow-moving but hardy plane to make room in the skies and in their budget for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, which Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh III says is “designed for the whole battlespace.” The A-10 is considered to have a single role. As the worldwide campaign against ISIS (Daesh) in Iraq and Syria intensified further, the U.S. sent an A-10 fleet to Turkey to support ground operations in that theater. As worldwide conflicts place a greater demand on U.S. airpower, the Air Force is making room in its budget to maintain its A-10 fleets. “Eventually… we will have to retire airplanes, but I think moving it to the right and starting it a bit later and maybe keeping the airplane around a little bit longer is something that’s being considered based on things as they are today and that we see them in the future,” said Carlisle. Sen. Kelly Ayotte pointed out to Military.com how only last year the Air Force predicted the plane wouldn’t survive in the fight against ISIS. Gen. Michael Hostage, Carlisle’s predecessor, said he “can’t send an A-10 to Syria. It would never come back.” In the most recent National Defense Authorization, Congress literally forced the USAF to keep the plane, take retired A-10 out of storage, and appropriated funding for their maintenance. “I look forward to reviewing the Air Force’s budget request early next year as it relates to the A-10,” Ayotte continued. “If the Air Force decides to end its campaign to prematurely divest the A-10, it would be a great day for our ground troops and a terrible day for America’s enemies.” Aviadarts is an yearly Russian all-Army competition attended by units of the Aerospace Forces, four military districts and the Northern Fleet (and invited foreign air arms, such as China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force – PLAAF, that took part in the previous editions). During the games, the best aircrews compete on different military specialties and conduct live firing exercises “to reinforce international military and technical military cooperation of the Contest participants; to raise the prestige of military service; to raise the level of training of the Contest participants; to demonstrate combat capabilities (military performance) of modern models of equipment, of weapons and military equipment.” Physical training: with main and backup crews involved in physical exercises, pull-ups, freestyle swimming etc. Visual aerial reconnaissance, that also includes formation flying Combat employment against ground targets: during which combat planes and helicopter engage ground targets while military transport aircraft conduct cargo airdrops. The All-Army Stage of the Aviadarts 2019 Competition is currently underway in Crimea. From May 24 to June 9, 2019, Aviation crews of the Aerospace Forces, 60 crews flying MiG-29SMT, Su-27SM3, Su-30SM, Su-35, Su-34, Su-24M, Su-25, Tu-22M3, Il-76MD and Mi-24, Mi-35 as well as Ka-52 and Mi-8 helicopters will take part in the drills. A Russian Air Force MiG-29SMT. Dealing with the helicopters, crews of Ka-52 Alligator, Mi-8 AMTSH Terminator, Mi-35 and Mi-28N Night Hunter helicopters perform ground attacks using 80-mm unguided missiles and firing 30-mm cannons at more than 70 targets (divided into 12 types for various types of weapons) at the Chaud range in Crimea. The following video, released by the Russian MoD, shows some of the Russian gunships in action during Aviadarts 2019. The gunner seat view is particularly interesting. Боевое применение авиации на всеармейском этапе конкурса «Авиадартс-2019» The M203 grenade launcher entered service with the U.S. military in 1969 during Vietnam. It replaced the M79 “Blooper” stand-alone launcher, almost always being used as an under-barrel addition to an assault rifle. Though it has served faithfully and effectively for over 40 years now and will continue to do so for years to come, the M203 is being phased out of Army service and is being replaced by the new M320 designed and built by Heckler Koch. For now the Marines are sticking with the 203, though many top infantry advocates in the service want the Corps to replace its current ones with M320s. The M320 won a competitive bidding process and entered production in 2008 with over 71,000 of the weapons planned for the U.S. Army. Soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division were the first to field the weapon operationally. While the M203 was capable of operating independently, in practice it is rarely used in standalone configuration. In fact, the old M79 resurfaced during Operation Iraqi Freedom as a superior option for grenade launcher duties without a rifle. The break-action blooper (or ‘thumper,’ based on who you ask) was touted as a superior tool for the job when the whole rifle/launcher combo was too heavy or unwieldy, and standalone M203 units were not up to the task or simply unavailable. The M79 has greater range and better accuracy than the M203. While it has performed admirably since Vietnam, no one has ever claimed that the M203 provided pinpoint accuracy. The M79, introduced in 1961, is even older than the M203. Much more importantly, it’s not capable of being used as an under-barrel launcher on an M4 or M16 rifle. While stand-alone launchers definitely have their place, the need for a grenadier who is also a rifleman is a crucial one in most cases. A new, better, under-barrel 40mm grenade launcher was needed. The M320 filled that need. Using the same high-low propulsion system of the M79 and M203 to keep recoil low while firing a heavy 40mm projectile, the M320 has the same range as the M203 while increasing accuracy and coming with a number of improvements over the older model. One of the most noticeable upgrades over the M203 is the M320’s side-loading mechanism. The barrel swings out for loading, rather than the M203’s forward-sliding pump-like barrel. This allows the use of additional, longer, ammunition, particularly non-lethal rounds. With the weapon’s introduction, the Army is able to move forward with the development of new, high-tech rounds that wouldn’t fit in the M203. Another obvious feature of the M320 is the folding foregrip. The grip is intended primarily for use when the weapon is used separate from a rifle, but it can also serve as a forward vertical grip when mounted under a barrel. When not needed, the foregrip can be easily folded back and out of the way. The sights of the M320 are certainly more advanced than those of the M203, and they benefit from being integral to the launcher itself, being mounted on the side of the unit. The M203’s sights were attached separately and had to be re-zeroed every time. The M320’s leaf sight simply flips up when needed, and the integrated electronic sighting system allows users to dial in the range as determined by laser and tell if they’re on target. This alone makes the M320 easier to field and more accurate in more conditions more of the time. While operating the M79 was an acquired ability and accuracy with the M203 was more art than skill, the M320’s sight helps to make every operator a capable grenadier. The M320 has a double-action trigger compared to the M203’s single-action unit and has an ambidextrous safety. This allows the operator more control over his weapon, its firing, and better capability to handle a misfire or simple unloading. Despite the M320’s technical advantages over its predecessors, its introduction did not come without some hiccups. All new weapons systems suffer from some teething pains, particularly when introduced during a time of war, and the new grenade launcher was no exception. While intended to be lighter than the M203, the M320 is actually slightly heavier, weighing in at 3.3 pounds compared to the M203’s 3.0 pounds. While this difference is small, combat troops are already overloaded and every ounce counts. While the new sight provides significant advantages over the M203’s sight, some troops have complained that it’s a little fragile for hard use in the combat zone. This may be due to the fact that the troops are used to not worrying about an M203 because there was so little to break. Another complaint is that when used stand-alone with the stock assembly, the buttstock is a little short for many operators. Finally, the single-point sling attachment of the stand-alone M320 meant that the weapon swung around and was often bouncing in the way, with troops calling for a holster of some sort to use while carrying the launcher unmounted. The Army responded by launching an M320GL Holster Soldier Enhancement Program. The SEP was a “try-before-you-buy” program that used holsters from three different vendors and issued them to troops for testing and feedback. The holster solution will also address some of the concerns about the fragile sights, since the weapon won’t be bouncing around or getting dragged on the ground when the operator hits the dirt. A comment found online from a soldier claiming to carry an M320 in Afghanistan says that the launcher is a pain in the ass and swings everywhere, he “wouldn’t trade it for anything else in a firefight.” It’s hard to come up with a better endorsement of the M320 than that. The infantry squad leader is a billet that demands leadership and integrity. There is an unofficial rite of passage that every squad must endure. I’m not talking about the first order issued or the trials of combat. No–it’s when your squad leader sings his favorite, stereotypically “girly” songs. Maybe it’s boredom or his brain has turned to soup because of all the stupid he has to put up with. In Afghanistan, our squad leader lost a bet to our Staff NCO and had to do a patrol debrief wearing spandex short shorts. What we saw was not meant for mortal eyes. The constant stretching and Ke$ha songs, however, were not mandatory. If he had to pay the price, so did all of us. If your squad leader doesn’t sing ridiculous songs at some point, is he even a real leader? Ke$ha – Tik Tok Vietnam Veterans had Jimi Hendrix and Creedence Clearwater Revival – meanwhile, we have this. Out of all the things that can give someone PTSD, I can’t listen to this song without remembering the horrors of that day. Was it worth it Staff Sergeant? Pinkfong – Baby Shark If you have had kids this song has given you PTSD. Naturally, drill instructors sunk their teeth into it immediately at the height of it’s popularity. Katy Perry – Firework For a long time, Katy Perry was the darling of the Marine Corps. She has done numerous shows for the troops on USO tours and even made a tribute music video. She has partnered with UNICEF and Generosity Water to help children around the world. Her humanitarian resume stretches decades into the past making it less inhibiting to be a fan in uniform. If your squad leader didn’t at least hum this during a tactical halt, sweating and losing his marbles – yet happy, then it wasn’t a real deployment. Britney Spears – Baby one more time A classic. A must have on the list. Generally the older SNCOs sing this because of their aversion to pop culture, although ironically, this is pop culture – but old. Christina Aguilera – Genie in a Bottle Same as above. Lady Gaga – Bad Romance When I was a devil pup embarking on my first deployment, this song hit the air waves. Unfortunately for us, since we were without internet, it was one of the only songs people would sing. Mother Monster is beautiful and a great singer. However, when her lyrics come out of the mouth of the leadership, you start reevaluating your life choices. The Navy’s theme song As is tradition. Aqua – Barbie Girl We’ve all sung this one. Laugh it up because then we’re going in a fun run when its over. Even the Russians are doing it! The moment Otto Catalan had waited almost two decades for had finally arrived. Sitting in a small office, surrounded by his doctors and other medical staff, the blind U.S. Navy Veteran could only hope for one thing: to see the face of his teenage son for the first time. “I see a lot of flashes, and they’re getting brighter,” he said. “Wow. It’s amazing.” He turned his head to the right and saw bright flashes of light reflecting off the white coat of Miami VA Chief of Ophthalmology Dr. Ninel Gregori. When he turned to the left to talk with his son, he paused and began to cry. Gregori hugged him. “Thank you very much, guys,” he said. “I’ll work hard, so I can see. It’s been 19 years, and I have been able to see my son. Thank you. Thank you so much.” Catalan is keeping true to his word and continuing to work hard to learn how to use his new Argus® II prosthesis or “bionic eye.” Even though he struggled for years to come to terms with the loss of his sight, Catalan now feels optimistic about moving forward and beginning a new life. “I’m learning something new everyday,” he said. “This prosthetic will help me be more successful in life. It’s already helping me be more mobile at home, and it’s going to make a big difference for me at work.” Catalan’s struggles with vision loss began in 1989, when he was serving as a ship serviceman in the U.S. Navy. While he was on guard duty aboard a ship in the middle of the Persian Gulf, everything suddenly went dark. “It felt like I was walking in the dark,” he said. “I told my superior officer, and he sent me to a doctor, but they couldn’t find out what it was. We went back to Virginia. They did extensive tests, and that’s when they found out I had retinitis pigmentosa.” Catalan was scared when he heard the diagnosis. He never heard of retinitis pigmentosa and didn’t know what it would mean for his future. He was immediately removed from the ship and sent to rehab, and would eventually be medically separated from the military. What is retinitis pigmentosa? “Retinitis pigmentosa is one of the most common inherited diseases we see in ophthalmology,” Gregori said. “For people with this condition and certainly in Mr. Catalan’s case, the retina becomes very thin, and the photoreceptors, which convert light into electrical signals, gradually die off over time. Initially, peripheral vision, or the side vision, goes away, and then finally the central vision disappears.” Catalan’s eyesight continued to deteriorate. Still needing to make money, he took a job as a cook. As his conditioned worsened, he struggled to tell if food was cooked and even burned himself multiple times. It was at this point that Catalan knew he needed help, so he went to the Northport VA Medical Center in New York. “My doctors told me I needed to start preparing because I was going to be permanently blind soon,” he said. “After I heard that, I remember crying all the time. I couldn’t even hear someone say the word ‘see’ because I would burst into tears.” The Northport VAMC referred Catalan to the VA Connecticut Healthcare System to participate in its Eastern Blind Rehabilitation Service’s three-month training program. While sitting through the training sessions and listening to the instructors and other Veterans, Catalan unexpectedly learned a valuable life lesson. “Once I met other blind Vietnam Veterans at VA Connecticut and saw how well they were dealing with their situation, I never cried about my own condition again,” he said. Throughout the program, he also learned to perform everyday tasks, such as shave his face, eat with utensils, identify clothing and walk with a cane. He stayed an additional two months to learn to use a computer and screen-reader technology. Moving to Florida In 2005, Catalan heard about ophthalmology research being conducted at the Miami VA Healthcare System and the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, which serves as the ophthalmology department of the University of Miami Health System. He moved his family to Cutler Bay, Florida and transferred his care to the then Miami VA Medical Center—where he worked with Roberta Goldstein, now retired Miami VA visual impairment services team coordinator. “Roberta was great,” he said. “She referred me to the prosthetics department at the West Palm Beach VAMC, so I could get equipment to help me go back to work. She’s the best.” Shortly after receiving his prosthetics equipment, Catalan landed a job as a resource specialist with Marriott Hotels—where he still works today. He says Marriott has been accommodating to his condition, and he hopes to be considered for promotion one day. In March 2015, he received a phone call that would help his chances of getting that long-awaited promotion and also change his life. One of my hopes was to see my son’s face for the first time When he heard about the “bionic eye,” Catalan requested an evaluation for the device at the Miami VA Eye Clinic. With the help of the low vision Miami VA team, Gregori selected him for the Argus II® screening evaluation and personally called his home to ask if he was still interested. “He was a perfect candidate,” Gregori said. “His personality was extremely important. With artificial vision, the patient must have the patience to learn to interpret the lights and images he or she is seeing. Learning to use the Argus II is like learning a new language, so individuals with both an optimistic personality and a strong willingness to work hard are the best candidates for the technology.” Dr. Gregori is the Miami VA chief of ophthalmology and an associate professor of clinical ophthalmology at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute. In 2004, she was part of the surgical team that implanted the first Argus II® retinal prosthesis in a Florida patient, a non-Veteran from Tampa. She was eager to bring the new technology to the Miami VA, where she proudly serves South Florida Veterans and has lead the ophthalmology department for the past 10 years. “Miami VA Medical Center Director Paul Russo and Chief of Surgery Dr. Seth Spector both enthusiastically welcomed the idea of making the bionic eye available to our Veterans. It would not have been possible without their support,” Gregori said. It felt like I had just given somebody the best Christmas present Catalan underwent surgery to implant the Argus® II, a new prosthesis approved in 2013 by the Food and Drug Administration to treat people with end-stages of retinitis pigmentosa, at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute on Nov. 24, 2015. Catalan’s bionic eye was activated Dec. 11 by the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute’s biomedical engineers, under the supervision of Miami VA’s Dr. Ninel Gregori. Even though Gregori and her team had already been through the experience of turning on the prosthesis with a previous patient, Catalan’s moment was emotional nonetheless. “When it was turned on, Mr. Catalan started crying, and it brought tears to my eyes,” Gregori said. “It felt like I just gave somebody the best Christmas present I had ever given to anybody in my life. That’s why I went into ophthalmology.” “After 19 years, the first thing I saw was my son’s face,” Catalan said. “I could also see Dr. Gregori, and when we walked around the hall, I was able to tell where the door and window frames were for the first time. That might not mean a lot to other people, but it meant so much to me.” Catalan continues to work with the Miami VA Blind Rehabilitation Team, lead by optometrist Dr. Kasey Zann, to learn how to use the Argus II® in his everyday life. Blind Rehabilitation Outpatient Specialist Linh Pham visits his home and trains him to use the device in his home environment and in public. He also works regularly with Gregori and her team at the Miami VA Eye Clinic. “The Miami VA Healthcare System has amazing low vision and blind rehabilitation resources for Veterans. It is an ideal setting for rehabilitation after Argus II implantation,” Gregori said. At home, Catalan now sees objects and walls, and can even see lights and motion on his television for the first time. His next goal is to learn to use his new computer at work. After his training, he will be able to see shapes, the different windows and letters on his computer screen. During an outing with his family in early 2015, Catalan was surprised to see a sight he had not seen in years. “On New Year’s Eve, I was able to see the fireworks outside for the first time in 19 years. My mouth stayed open for a while,” he said. “Now, when I’m walking on the grass, I can see the lines where the grass is versus where the sidewalk is. The fact that I’m walking outside and can see the lights makes it all worth it.” About the Argus® II Retinal Prosthesis System The Argus® II Retinal Prosthesis System—made by Second Sight Medical Products, Inc.—is an artificial retina, or bionic eye, that converts images into light and uses a miniature video camera that is mounted on a pair of glasses, said Gregori. Once the images are converted, they are wirelessly transmitted to a surgically implanted prosthesis located in the patient’s eye. The implant then stimulates the retina to produce an image that is sent to the brain for interpretation. Well guys, the Army’s slogan of “Army Strong” has officially been put on the chopping block. It had a solid run between 2006 and now, but it’s time to close that chapter and move on to the next slogan. “One of the major responses we get when we survey folks who don’t have experience with military service is strength, so we know the ‘Army Strong’ resonates… but I don’t think it tells the story, the full story of being a soldier,” Sgt. Maj. of the Army Dan Dailey told defense reporters. (DoD Photo by U.S. Army Sgt. James K. McCann) The U.S. Army has had a mixed bag of slogans, from the out-freaking-standing, like “Be All You Can Be” and “I Want You,” to that awkward, blue falcon-inspired “Army of One.” Using those guidelines and past experiences, let’s focus in on what makes a good recruiting slogan. For all practical purposes, the slogan should be on par with a commercial product’s brand — after all, both try to entice the public and leave a lasting impression. First thing to look for is how well it will stick in someone’s head. The idea of any slogan, for recruitment or otherwise, is to build brand recognition. The Navy ran an ill-fated “A Global Force for Good” slogan back in 2009. It sounds polite and it puts the Navy in a positive light, but it’s not turning any heads — it’s simply literal. Just hearing that, even in context, doesn’t make any random person think, “Oh! I should join the Navy!” Their response to selling America’s Navy better in the eyes of younger potential sailors? Simply, “America’s Navy.” That lasted a whole two years before going to the objectively better “Forged by the Sea.” The Army needs a slogan that is uniquely Army. (Meme via Dysfunctional Veterans) Audiences have been quick to ask, “why not go back to ‘Be All You Can Be?'” The fact is, there’s no way of knowing whether young adults today will share the same connection with it as older Army vets once did. Put bluntly, the new slogan isn’t meant to reenlist retirees, but those who lived by the words should still be proud to say them. So, the goal is to make the slogan resonate with today’s young adults without making something embarrassing years down the line. Brevity is also the key to a great slogan. The Army isn’t looking for some tired, furniture-salesman jingle. Something short, sweet, and to the point. “Army Strong” was good for this — keeping a two-to-four-word limit is a must. These slogans are easier for audiences to remember. After all, leaving a lasting, positive image of the Army is the goal. Many of the greatest ad campaigns in history have all been short and direct. A great slogan subconsciously tells people of the benefits of their brand. In the Army’s case, it’s the benefit of being a soldier. At their cores, that’s why “Be All You Can Be” and “Army Strong” worked. They tell potential recruits that enlisting will improve their lives — and just as importantly, that they’re missing out on something if they don’t enlist. Finally, the slogan should tell the truth of what it means to serve and should apply to all soldiers, from the beastly Special Forces operator to a regular training room clerk in the National Guard. Slogans like, “Be a Bad Mother F*cker” may grab eyeballs, but it isn’t exactly applicable. Following all of these guidelines, the best slogan for convincing young adults who are thinking of enlisting is something along the lines of, “Become greater than yourself.” Simple, effective, true, and it’s a feeling that all soldiers feel when they serve — regardless of generation. Only time will tell when the Army will adopt a new slogan. I wouldn’t be worried though. The bar is set at pretty low — just do better than “Army of One.”
You know what a blog is great for? Shameless self promotion. I shall now direct you to two lovely things. First, a piece of my writing (an edited version of this post) is now being included in the “Great Reads” section of Cane-iac’s website! I’m thrilled to be included here. I haven’t been asked to endorse them or anything, but I must say that the people who run the company and site are just lovely, that I’ve gotten the best customer service imaginable when ordering from them and that their implements are of the highest and most painful quality. Additionally, I’m working on a few minor ways to improve this blog. Changes may be appearing as early as tonight, but I’m not making any promises. Thus far, the only visible differences appear to those who view my source code. Those of you who follow me on fetlife know that I had a fairly rough day yesterday, and I’m still kind of recovering from that. I basically had insomnia the night before and didn’t sleep at all, and then had a few stressful things happen and then had stress induced insomnia until about 3 AM. I then got up and went to work, but I was able to come home early and get a refreshing nap in. It was seriously some of the best sleep I’ve ever had in my life. |That’s my “I just woke up” face!| I shall now be continuing on to Day Two of the Ten Day Journaling Meme! 9 Things About Myself: 1) My legal name is extremely long and includes two hyphens. 2) Before the onset of her Lupus, my mother was a professional ballerina. I was therefore forced into taking ballet for ten years. I was horrible at it and no one liked me there. I then took ballet in college to try to prove to myself that I could be good at it. I was horrible at it and no one liked me there. So I gave up. 3) I almost never wear a bra. The size and shape of my breasts don’t require it. I’m kind of enamored with my own boobs. Like, a lot. 4) I am pretty sure I will never stop wanting to buy more pervertables and underpants. Every store I go into, I look at them. 5)The longest time that I ever spent in a corner was two and a half hours. 6) That popular quote is wrong for me: my deepest fear IS that I am inadequate. 7) When I was sixteen, I could buy alcohol without being carded. Now, I frequently get mistaken for a minor. It makes me really uncomfortable to think that I’ve gotten younger looking in the last eight years. 8) There have been days that were more significant or “greater,” but the happiest day of my life was when Malignus took me to Bear Country USA. Looking at baby bears with a person who I’d recently realized I was in love with while I had a ridiculously sore bottom from having gotten a ton of spankings the week before is pretty hard to top. That was the day that I truly understood what it meant to allow myself to feel and focus on only good things for a little while. Also, the baby bears chewed each other’s ears and smelled like puppies. 9) I love being in school. I wish that being a professional student was practical/possible.
John Cook on The Endeavour has just mentioned the wonderful silver ratio. As this is probably my favourite number I can’t resist the chance to put up some pictures. The silver ratio: ,… Continue reading Numbers are one hell of a powerful idea, and some idea of them seems to predate a lot of other intelligence traits. Even young chicks have some ability to count. (this story was… Continue reading Its been a busy week workwise, and so a slow week as far as the blog is concerned. So I give you some easily missed art. This is a job I would love,… Continue reading At some point I should write something about 4d polytopes. They are an incredible work of the human imagination. There are a few places you can find good information on them, just google… Continue reading [Update 15/1/10: More pictures (in the snow!) now up] [Update 16/3/10: A second sculpture built in Newcastle] [Update 13/5/10: Volcanic background] Can you get children and young people to build mathematical scultptures in… Continue reading Why English social fears did not stop me joining twitter and starting to like it. I am often a bit rude about fractal art. With the right software it becomes easy to create interesting, attractive, complicated images without much thought to what is happening. It is unfair but… Continue reading I cannot resist replying to a post in Cosmic Variance: Why Can’t We Visualize More Than Three Dimensions? The comments section says much of this already, in addition to the wonderful: Your better off… Continue reading Without further ado, the first winner: Images of the Eureka Tower carpark in Melbourne. Axel Peemöller uses perspective drawing to create directions that are very large, yet only readable from the directions in which they… Continue reading Curves and surfaces are a wonderful visual representation of mathematics. They can move from the simple and profound to the complex and intriguing. They have even been accused of being part of a sinister plot. In addition the mathematics behind them is becoming increasingly useful in many areas, algebraic statistics for example. Great flickr meme from Matt Jones making the rounds… it says it all, though the original is not bad. As I am staying in south east London at the moment, I am finally getting the chance to use the DLR on a regular basis. The DLR has always been romantic to me,… Continue reading
- About Us - Our Clients - Photo Gallery - Contact Us This Tonopah gun show is held at Tonopah Station and hosted by Firearm Owners Today. There were 1,561 housing units at an average density of 96.3 per square mile (37.2/km2). However, no injuries were reported. Also in Nye County is the Yomba Band of the Yomba Shoshone Tribe of the Yomba Reservation, a federally recognized band of Western Shoshone people. US$0-US$138 + Price per night. All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. There is no rail service. The record high temperature in Tonopah was 104 °F (40 °C) on July 18, 1960, and the record low −15 °F (−26.1 °C) on January 24, 1937 and January 23, 1962. English: Tonopah — historic mining town and county seat of Nye County, in western Nevada. Check In — / — / — Check Out — / — / — Guests 1 room, 2 adults, 0 children Guests 1 2. Nach den Angaben des United States Census Bureaus hat der CDP eine Fläche von 42,0 km², die vollständig auf Land entfallen. Tonopah ist der Name folgender Ortschaften in den Vereinigten Staaten: . 4. Show more. ", "Nye County Code - Section 22.02.010: Formation of Town", "Tonopah | Tonopah NV | Where is Tonopah Nevada", "Concentrating Solar Power Projects - Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project", "Earthquake near Tonopah upgraded to 6.5; Esmeralda County says several portions of US 95 damaged", "Tonopah, Nevada Period of Record Monthly Climate Summary; Period of Record : 05/01/1902 to 06/09/2016", "Tonopah, Nevada Period of Record Monthly Climate Summary; 06/11/1954 to 06/09/2016", National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "Hugh Bradner, UC's inventor of wetsuit, dies", Tonopah photos and information at WesternMiningHistory.com, Official website of the Central Nevada Museum, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tonopah,_Nevada&oldid=998938589, Census-designated places in Nye County, Nevada, Articles needing additional references from October 2019, All articles needing additional references, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2014, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The Clown Motel, located next to the Tonopah Cemetery, is a popular place to stay because of all the reports of being haunted by 'ghost clowns' and miners who were killed in the Belmont Mine Fire. With an expansive menu, the staff will gladly give you a recommendation if you are having trouble deciding what to order. The nearest airport with scheduled passenger service is Mammoth Yosemite Airport, about 100 miles (160 km) away. Nights are cool, even in summer. Tonopah ist ein Census-designated place in Nye County, Nevada, Vereinigte Staaten und ist seit 1905 County Seat. Up to 90 days of daily highs, lows, and precipitation chances. Show all. Small mining ventures continued to provide income for local miners and the small town struggled on. Show all. Tonopah, NV Housing Market. Deals. Located about halfway between Reno and Las Vegas, it has supported travelers as a stopover and rest spot on a lonely highway. Free Wifi 9. Das Durchschnittsalter betrug 39 Jahre. 25 km. The most snowfall in one year was 79.3 inches (2.01 m) from July 1946 to June 1947, including 37.0 inches or 0.94 metres in November 1946.. Start This article has been rated as Start-Class on the project's quality scale. All 75 of our nicely furnished rooms are 100% smoke-free. The population density was 162.1 people per square mile (62.6/km2). 4 & up. Amenities. However, Tonopah today is far from being a ghost town. A camp was formed at the mines and was initially called Butler. The median age was 39 years. Know what's coming with AccuWeather's extended daily forecasts for Tonopah, NV. This Tonopah gun show is held at Tonopah Station Casino and hosted by Silver Sage Promotions. Tonopah Angebote: Finden Sie tolle Angebote von Hunderten von Websites und buchen Sie das richtige Hotel mit 5.020 bewertungen von Tonopah Hotels auf Tripadvisor. Letztlich setzte sich jedoch der erste Name durch. Bis 1905 hatte es zwei Namen, Tonopah (was in der Sprache der Western Shoshone-Indianer so viel wie etwas Wasser und ein paar Bäume bedeutet) und Butler City. COVID-19. By the time the partners moved to Goldfield, Nevada and made their Goldfield Consolidated Mining Company a public corporation in 1906, Nixon and Wingfield were worth more than $30 million.. In July of that year he sold his claims to a Philadelphia Syndicate for $360,000, an incredible windfall for a man that could barely afford the cost of an assay just a year earlier. Search for more Tonopah Services. The community is near the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, the largest nuclear power plant in the country. Die Bewohner Tonopahs verteilten sich auf 1109 Haushalte, von denen in 32,2 % Kinder unter 18 Jahren lebten. There are an average of 50.3 afternoons with highs at or above 90 °F or 32.2 °C, 157.8 mornings with lows of 32 °F (0 °C) or lower, 7.6 afternoons where the high does not top freezing and 1.7 mornings with lows below 0 °F or −17.8 °C. Discover exceptional service and well-designed floor plans at Lake Tonopah. Earthquake activity: Tonopah-area historical earthquake activity is slightly above Nevada state average. Tonopah, Nevada, sits under some of the darkest skies of the United States, making this remote old mining town one of the best stargazing spot s in the country. Die Bevölkerung Tonopahs bestand zu 91,24 % aus Weißen, 0,76 % Schwarzen oder African American, 1,41 % Native American, 0,42 % Asian, 0,30 % Pacific Islander, 2,82 % gaben an, anderen Rassen anzugehören und 3,05 % nannten zwei oder mehr Rassen. As of the census of 2000, there were 2,627 people, 1,109 households, and 672 families residing in the CDP. Lake Tonopah is designed to address everything you need as you begin the next and most exciting time in your life. However, Silverado Stages ceased operations in December 2018, having declared bankruptcy. When Butler discovered the animal the next morning, he picked up a rock to throw at it in frustration, noticing that the rock was unusually heavy. Tonopah wurde 1901 von James Butler nach einem Silberfund gegründet. Price. By 1904, after investing his winnings in the Boston-Tonopah Mining Company, Wingfield was worth $2 million. Tonopah (/ ˈtoʊnəˌpɑː / TOHN-ə-pah) is an unincorporated town in and the county seat of Nye County, Nevada, United States. In 1903, miners rioted against Chinese workers in Tonopah. . Once he had a small bankroll, he talked Jack Carey, owner of the Tonopah Club, into taking him in as a partner and to file for a gaming license. 34,2 % der Haushalte bestanden aus Einzelpersonen und in 10,1 % aller Haushalte lebte jemand im Alter von 65 Jahren oder mehr alleine. Tonopah's peak period was around 1905 when it became the county seat. The average household size was 2.33 and the average family size was 3.03. The American community began circa 1900 with the discovery of silver-rich ore by prospector Jim Butler. Coal was hauled to the silver mines to power mine operations and also the stamp mills built in and around Tonopah to break apart the hard-rock ore for milling and refining. Wingfield believed that the end of the gold and silver mining production was coming and took his bankroll to Reno, where he invested heavily in real estate and casinos. This historic town began with the discovery of gold and silver by prospector Jim Butler, and it happened by accident. The nearest major airports are McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, and Reno–Tahoe International Airport in Reno, each more than 200 miles (320 km) away. Tonopah (/ˈtoʊnəˌpɑː/ TOHN-ə-pah) is an unincorporated town in and the county seat of Nye County, Nevada, United States. When old friend George S. Nixon, a banker, arrived in town, Wingfield invested in his Nye County Bank. Free cancellation. Tonopah ist ein Census-designated place in Nye County, Nevada, Vereinigte Staaten und ist seit 1905 County Seat. Die Bevölkerung verteilte sich auf 27,1 % Minderjährige, 6,2 % 18–24-Jährige, 29,3 % 25–44-Jährige, 27,3 % 45–64-Jährige und 10,1 % im Alter von 65 Jahren oder mehr. Best Places to Live in Tonopah, Nevada September, June and May are the most pleasant months in Tonopah, while January and December are the least comfortable months. There are 11 listings of Bars in Tonopah, Nevada. Das Pro-Kopf-Einkommen in Tonopah war 18.256 US-Dollar. Central Nevada Museum. The census-designated place (CDP) of Tonopah has a total area of 16.2 square miles (42 km2), all land. All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. Males had a median income of $40,018 versus $22,056 for females. , This article is about the town in Nevada. Popular & up. It was the largest earthquake in Nevada since 1954. Find cheap deals and discount rates that best fit your budget. For every 100 females, there were 108.3 males. Like so many before it, the good times were not to last. Tonopah Arts Festival; Tonopah Fishing Derby; Parks & Recreation. Rod Blake and the sheriff of Tonopah, Nevada attempt to apprehend the three crooks and recover the money. If you are in Tonopah and looking for authentic Mexican food, look no further. Januar 2021 um 13:08 Uhr bearbeitet. Update. Das größte Hotel am Platze ist das Mizpah, ein originales Hotel aus der Gründerzeit der Stadt mit dem Flair des Old West. This resulted in China enforcing a boycott in China of U.S. imported goods. Während des Zweiten Weltkrieges entstand in Tonopah ein Flughafen für das Training von Bomberpiloten, der heute zivil genutzt wird. It’s easy to see why our Tonopah, Nevada hotel rooms and accommodations are top choice for guests who appreciate home-style comforts at an affordable price. About 5.7% of families and 11.2% of the population were below the poverty line, including 7.3% of those under age 18 and 19.1% of those age 65 or over. It is 777% greater than the overall U.S. average. The Western Shoshone dominated most of Nevada at the time of American settlement in the 1860s. Only Guns, Supplies, Ammo and Gear & Knives. Die Bevölkerungsdichte betrug 62,6 Personen pro km². According to local history, the name is said to mean "hidden spring". As the railroad lines were reduced with the decline of mining and restructuring of railroads in the late 20th century, 18-wheelers became the dominant method of moving freight. By 1910, gold production was falling and by 1920, the town of Tonopah had less than half the population it had fifteen years earlier. Traveller rating & up. Pool 1. Die durchschnittliche Haushaltsgröße betrug 2,33 und die durchschnittliche Familiengröße 3,03 Personen. Es gab 1561 Wohneinheiten, durchschnittlich 37,2 pro km². The median income for a household in the CDP was $37,401, and the median income for a family was $47,917. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 6.17% of the population. 6,17 % der Bevölkerung erklärten, Hispanos oder Latinos jeglicher Rasse zu sein. Hotels 5. Men of wealth and power entered the region to consolidate the mines and reinvest their profits into the infrastructure of the town of Tonopah. Due to Tonopah’s aridity and high altitude, daily temperature ranges are quite large and lows in winter are similar to many continental climates. Routes 6 and 95, approximately midway between Las Vegas and Reno. 48,9 % der Haushalte stellten Verheiratete, 7,5 % hatten einen weiblichen Haushaltsvorstand ohne Ehemann und 39,4 % bildeten keine Familien. Tonopah Historic Mining Park. Free parking 10. Zum Zeitpunkt des United States Census 2000 bewohnten 2627 Personen die Stadt. The plant began producing power in November 2015. During the silver bonanza of the first decade of the 20th century, the need in the precious-metal fields for freight service led to construction of a network of local railroad lines across the Nevada desert to Tonopah. Search. View Vacation Rentals. Seit 1993 steht in der Stadt ein Denkmal für die Bomberpiloten des 2. Tonopahs geographische Koordinaten sind 38° 4′ N, 117° 14′ W38.069166666667-117.23055555556 (38,069058, −117,230502). He had stumbled upon the second-richest silver strike in Nevada history. Votes: 7 Properties taking safety measures. Breakfast included 4. Highways, Routes 6 and 95. Book now your hotel in Tonopah and pay later with Expedia. Since the late 20th century, Tonopah has relied on the nearby military Tonopah Test Range as its main source of employment. George Wingfield, a 24-year-old poker player when he arrived in Tonopah, played poker and dealt faro in the town saloons. The Tonopah Gun Show currently has no upcoming dates scheduled in Tonopah, NV. The most precipitation in one month was 2.87 inches (72.9 mm) in November 1946. Book 9+ rooms . 11,2 % der Bevölkerung und 5,7 % der Familien hatten ein Einkommen unterhalb der Armutsgrenze, davon waren 7,3 % der Minderjährigen und 19,1 % der Altersgruppe 65 Jahre und mehr betroffen. Director: Richard Irving | Stars: Rod Cameron, Jack Kelly, K.T. Lowest Priced Homes: HOMES UNDER $250,000: Most Expensive Listings: HOMES $250,001 to $500,000: Largest Homes : HOMES $500,001 to $750,000: Median Priced Homes: HOMES $750,001 to … Real estate and gaming became big business throughout Central Nevada. The military has used the range and surrounding areas as a nuclear bomb test site, a bombing range, and as a base of operations for the development of the F-117 Nighthawk. General aviation facilities are located at nearby Tonopah Airport. Mid This article has been rated as Mid-importance on the project's importance scale. It's simple to book your hotel with Expedia Average annual snowfall is 16.8 inches or 0.43 metres, though even in winter the median snow depth is zero and the maximum recorded only 13 inches or 0.33 metres on February 11, 1968. Filters. Price. Das mittlere Haushaltseinkommen in Tonopah betrug 37.401 US-Dollar und das mittlere Familieneinkommen erreichte die Höhe von 47.917 US-Dollar. www.tonopahnevada.com. 3 stars 3. I've driven every kind of rig that's ever been made; driven the backroads so I wouldn't get weighed. Butler started leasing out his claims in early 1901, taking 25% of all ore mined. In the early 21st century, Tonopah is served by two U.S. Why This One Little Town Is Nevada’s Best Kept Secret. Stevens, Alexander Campbell. Tonopah took on a new identity as an extreme freight destination. Hotels, clubs, stores and restaurants are there for the comfort of the town's visitors. Tonopah, a historic mining town located between Las Vegas and Reno, was the site of one of the richest booms in the West, which took place on May 19, 1900. Reserve now, pay at stay. El Marques has a variety of menu choices, a helpful staff, and a fun atmosphere. Get directions, maps, and traffic for Tonopah, NV. Popular & up. Tonopah, Nevada detailed profile. In the 2010 census, the population was 2,478. The motel was featured as a haunted located on, A picture of Tonopah is featured as last page of the album "Le Grand Duc" from the comics Lucky Luke (1973), This page was last edited on 7 January 2021, at 18:51. Tonopah, Nevada in 1903. Reset. Because it’s so far from the bright lights of any major city, Tonopah’s night skies are considered among the best in the country for stargazing. Lunar Crater Back Country Byway. , Linguistically, the name derives from either Shoshone to-nuv (greasewood), or Northern Paiute to-nav (greasewood), and pa, meaning water in both dialects.. The racial makeup of the CDP was 91.24% White, 1.41% Native American, 0.76% African American, 0.42% Asian, 0.30% Pacific Islander, 2.82% from other races, and 3.05% from two or more races. It is located at the junction of U.S. 34.2% of all households were made up of individuals, and 10.1% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. In the 2010 census, the population was 2,478. Routes 6 and 95, approximately midway between Las Vegas and Reno. Daily bus service between Las Vegas, Tonopah, and Reno was provided by Silverado Stages. Examples include the Las Vegas and Tonopah Railroad, the Tonopah and Goldfield Railroad, and the Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad. Das Städtchen beherbergt ein kleines Freilichtmuseum, in dem Geräte und Werkzeuge aus der Gold- und Silberproduktion ausgestellt sind. There are an average of 38 days with measurable precipitation. A wife and a friend engineer a jailbreak for a man in jail on concealed weapon charges so he dig up the loot from an earlier robbery. Lowest prices for. Enjoy free cancellation on most hotels. For every 100 women age 18 and over, there were 105.9 men. Auf jeweils 100 Frauen entfielen 108,3 Männer. The legendary tale of discovery says that he went looking for a burro that had wandered off during the night and sought shelter near a rock outcropping. Tonopah, Nevada is within the scope of WikiProject Nevada, which aims to improve Wikipedia's coverage of the U.S. state of Nevada.If you would like to participate, visit the project page. Tonopah liegt an der Kreuzung von U.S. Highway 6 mit U.S. Highway 95. Cozy Accommodations in Tonopah, Nevada. Im Jahr 2000 hatte Tonopah 2627 Einwohner. Search for more Tonopah Bars. https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tonopah_(Nevada)&oldid=207797981, Wikipedia:Qualitätssicherung Vereinigte Staaten:Infobox/Einwohnerzahl, Wikipedia:Qualitätssicherung Vereinigte Staaten:Infobox/Einwohnerzahl Stand, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Im Jahr 2000 hatte Tonopah 2627 Einwohner. Das Durchschnittseinkommen der Männer betrug 40.018 US-Dollar, gegenüber 22.056 US-Dollar bei den Frauen. The Tonopah Gun Show currently has no upcoming dates scheduled in Tonopah, NV. , The founder, Jim Butler, named the settlement, from what is thought to be a Shoshoni language word, pronounced "TOE-nuh-pah. It is located at the junction of U.S. Please Confirm All Gun Shows Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 18. 4. They grub-staked (provided with food, supplies and tools in an exchange for a percentage of mine yield) miners with friend Nick Abelman, and bought existing mines. Routes 6 and 95, … Check flight prices and hotel availability for your visit. El Marques Restaurant features a full bar and the best quesadillas in Nevada. There are 248 listings of Services in Tonopah, Nevada. Golfkrieges. Properties with special offers. Tonopah is a perfect place to stay while enjoying central Nevada's recreational activities including rock hunting, hiking, bird watching, wildlife viewing, mountain biking, off-roading and hunting. For the town in Arizona, see, Unincorporated town in Nevada, United States, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Yomba Shoshone Tribe of the Yomba Reservation, "Tonopah..."Queen of the Silver Camps", few places tell the story of Nevada's mining past better! The chorus of the song "Willin'" by Lowell George of Little Feat on the albums Little Feat, Sailin' Shoes, and Waiting for Columbus refers to Tonopah, Nevada: And I've been from Tucson to Tucumcari, Tehachapi to Tonopah. Lake Tonopah Senior Apartments is an affordable, independent pet-friendly community for seniors 55 and older in the Las Vegas. If you are intending on journeying through South Central Nevada and have the urge to visit Tonopah, as a prepared traveler, you would be wise to book as soon as you can through Travelocity's hotels page to ensure you find the ideal place to stay at. In the CDP, the population was spread out, with 27.1% under the age of 18, 6.2% from 18 to 24, 29.3% from 25 to 44, 27.3% from 45 to 64, and 10.1% who were 65 years of age or older. Tonopah, Nevada – Queen of the Silver Camps. Tonopah, Nevada Hotel Deals. Production began to decline noticeably about 1913 and the glory days were a thing of the past. Age . The most precipitation in 24 hours was 1.62 inches (41.1 mm) on August 17, 1977. The Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project uses liquid sodium as a heat transfer medium for its solar energy storage technology. Auf Tripadvisor finden Sie alles für Tonopah, Nevada: 4.909 unabhängige Bewertungen von Hotels, Restaurants und Sehenswürdigkeiten sowie authentische Reisefotos. Die Bewohner fühlen sich der Air Force noch heute sehr verbunden. $0-$138 + Price per night. Distance from. Tonopah Tonopah is an unincorporated town in and the county seat of Nye County, Nevada, United States.It is located at the junction of U.S. The per capita income for the CDP was $18,256. That’s according to USA Today, although the locals will tell you the same because on a clear night they can look up and see the Milky Way and literally thousands of sparkling stars. Today the Tonopah Station has slots and the Banc Club also offers some gaming. Tonopah has an arid, cold desert climate with cool winters and hot summers. , On May 15, 2020, a magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck 35 miles (56 km) west of Tonopah, followed by a series of aftershocks, the largest of which was a magnitude 5.1. In 2014, California-based solar energy company SolarReserve completed construction on a $980 million advanced solar energy project near Tonopah. In der Nähe von Tonopah liegt die Tonopah Test Range. Show Menu Hide Menu. The wettest calendar year was 1946 with 10.27 in (261 mm) and the driest 1927 with 1.92 in (49 mm). Browse Expedia's selection of 7 hotels and places to stay in Tonopah. Tonopah /toʊnɵpɑː/ is a census-designated place in western Maricopa County, Arizona, United States, approximately 50 miles west of downtown Phoenix off Interstate 10. There were 1,109 households, out of which 32.2% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 48.9% were married couples living together, 7.5% had a female householder with no husband present, and 39.4% were non-families. " Although the town previously had a variety of names, including Butler City, Jim Butler's name has survived. Tonopah (Arizona), ein Ort im Maricopa County, im US-Bundesstaat Arizona Tonopah (Nevada), ein Ort in Nye County im US-Bundesstaat Nevada Siehe auch: Tonopah Test Range, eine Militäranlage südöstlich von Tonopah im Nye County, im US-Bundesstaat Nevada; Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 3. Lunar Crater Volcanic Field. Breakfast included 4. Central Nevada Museum: Me - See 53 traveler reviews, 60 candid photos, and great deals for Tonopah, NV, at Tripadvisor. Bei den über 18-Jährigen entfielen auf 100 Frauen 105,9 Männer. Said to mean `` hidden spring '' the most precipitation in One month was 2.87 inches ( 41.1 mm.... Is an unincorporated town in and the small town struggled on including Butler City, Jim Butler hotels places! A household in the 2010 census, the Tonopah and pay later with Expedia to. [ 16 ] however, Silverado Stages ceased operations in December 2018, declared. Cool winters and hot summers local firearm ordinances and laws must be.! At Tonopah Station has slots and the sheriff of Tonopah, NV the largest Nuclear plant! 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I’ve been sick this week and a little stressed about missing work, which means I haven’t done much aside from sit propped up on the couch with my laptop in my lap and sufferin’ towel on my head moaning. Fortunately I also re-discovered Calming Manatee, who is always there to give you a boost when you’re feeling low. Best therapy on the interwebs. I love this meme. Here’s to a better next week. Happy Friday.
The 14 Best Ghanaian Songs of the Month Featuring Amaarae x Wande Coal, Juls, M.anifest, Efya, Kojey Radical and more. Here are our favorite tracks to come out of the buzzing Ghanaian music scene in March. Amaarae 'Spend Some Time' feat. Wande Coal We previously explained 7 Reasons That Prove Wande Coal Has The Best Voice In Nigeria. In his new feature with Amaarae, his sweet and silky voice find the perfect partner in the Ghanaian artist, who made an entire EP of falsetto goodness with Passionfruit Summer. In the new single "Spend Some Time," Amaarae is plain speaking and needful while Coal mumbles & sings in falsetto, a casually impressive octave manipulation with which he teases and impresses time and again. —Sabo Kpade M.anifest 'Rapper 101' After much agitation from his fans for new music, elite emcee M.anifest breaks his six month hiatus by delivering a satirical masterclass on how to be a rapper, whetting appetites and buying time as he works out the kinks in his upcoming EP, The Gamble. —Nnamdi Okirike Efya 'Kingston Child' There's a case of a knotted lyric in the hook for "Kingston Child" when Efya sings—"Don't worry boy I gotcha / You will always be my protector"—which makes it unclear who the benefactor is on an otherwise fine song, her first release of 2019 since December's "Mamee" with Mr Eazi. "Kingston Child" is also rumoured to be the lead single of a forthcoming EP by the singer-songwriter. —S.K. Singer and La Meme Gang member KwakuBs issues the video for his solo effort "Toi!," a catchy afropop number. The colorful and fun video details a day in the life of the singer, as he goofs around with friends while making his way to a blind date gone wrong. —N.O. Kojey Radical 'Can't Go Back' Harmonising female back-up vocals, a fest of horns, niggling guitar and lyrics about avoiding depression are carried by Kojey Radical's gravelly rap voice and pained singing voice, which is somewhere between a gasp and a chant. "I see pain in our people / I know we might see some more" insists Radical in what would seem like resignation but is in fact a clear-eyed realisation of a certainty and "true" weight of a thing rather than wrestle with the imagined totality of it all. —S.K. Juls, Tiggs Da Author & Santi 'Maayaa' Juls' new single is the perfect track to smooth over your weekend. "Maayaa," featuring Tiggs Da Author and Santi, is in keeping with Juls' running purpose of providing the vibes with substance. In this case, "Maayaa" is twofold: a dedication to the late and great Dr. Maya Angelou (as well as a nod to Thursday borns), and a declaration of honoring the strong, black woman. Lord Paper 'Dzigbordi' The dreadlocked Ghanaian act sings a message of love beyond the barriers of tribe on a mid-tempo, guitar laced trap ballad. He sings and dances in earnest while using the single and video to address an important African issue: tribalism and cross-cultural relationships. —N.O. Shatta Wale 'Holy Man' & 'Hausa Koko' Ever irrepressible, Shatta Wale builds blocks of staccato melody inside the hollow bounce of Paq's beat hitting damn near every consonant in his verses and chorus for "Hausa Koko" as well as delivering an attention grabbing line, "I no dey force woman like you / I no be rapist." It is the cumulative effect of his delivery on that single and "Holy Man" from which all musicality is gained. —S.K. E.L "The HEARTS OF MEN" E.L finally scores a national hit with his last release "Higher", and opts to consolidate his comeback with this self-produced afrobeats cut, as he delivers a sobering message wrapped in a danceable package. —N.O. Eddie Khae 'Coupon' A sturdy and unchanging bass drum is varied with cowbells and handclaps on this unabashed dance banger by Eddie Khae who is no short supply of charm and humour. —S.K. Sam Opoku 'The One' Ghanaian-American singer Sam Opoku makes his official debut with this afrobeats single "The One." Here, the bouncy backdrop provides him the setting to sing with conviction about the one he loves, making for a syrupy sweet afropop tune. —N.O. Medikal 'Father' ft. Davido Pop triumphalism drawing all it can from gospel for the selfish ends of pop success is either 1) a tired yet enjoyable old trope or 2) points to the elasticity of both genres. The video lacks imagination which is a shame as "Father" is well engineered for success in the sister markets of Nigeria and Ghana. —S.K. Kwesi Arthur 'Fire In The Booth Freestyle' In Kwesi Arthur's first appearance on Charlie Sloth's Apple Music Beats 1 show, he opens appropriately with a bar-fest about rap supremacy and self regard. The Ghanaian rapper's just as engaging over a trap beat and continues his mix of pidgin, twi, English before rounding up on an afroswing track in a drawl of a singing voice and some cheeky humour; "I hear you girl says she loves man and she can't even cook jollof". All along, an ever ebullient Sloth eggs and eggs him on. —S.K. Patapaa 'My Destiny' ft. Guy Cemetery Never a dull presence, Patapaa turns it up a notch on "My Destiny," a throbbing hip-life song that would be even closer to highlife itself if it did not include a rap verse. —S.K. For more Ghanaian hits, follow our GHANA WAVE playlist on Spotify here and Apple Music here. - Interview: Introducing Gyakie, A Highlife Legend's Daughter - OkayAfrica › - You Need to Listen to Amaarae's 'The Angel You Don't Know' - OkayAfrica › - Amaarae Breaks Down Her Hits In OkayAfrica's New Video Series 'Decoded' ›
Literary agent Robert Gottlieb was kind enough to leave a comment in response to an interview Porter Anderson did with me for The Bookseller last week. While the comment wasn’t particularly responsive to what Porter and I discussed, it did raise some interesting related points that struck me as worthy of a detailed response. I thought I’d address that response directly to Robert, in the hope that further engagement might prove useful and interesting to authors, agents, and others in the book business. Robert, your comments in quotes; my responses interpolated. "Early on in the e-book environment some authors thought it was the only way to go.” Could you name the authors who were advocating e-books as “the only way to go”? While many authors (I would include myself in their number) have over time devoted increasing marketing resources to digital rather than to paper because more and more of their sales are in digital, I don’t know of any author who has claimed paper should be outright avoided. Even Joe Konrath, as high-profile a proponent of the revolution in publishing as I know of, claims only that for many authors paper is becoming a subsidiary right, like foreign language or film rights (note that Konrath first blogged about this almost four years ago. He’s a prescient guy and I hope lots of agents read his blog). But it doesn’t follow from this that anyone should abandon paper, any more than anyone should abandon digital, and in fact Joe (to stay with just this one example) makes tens of thousands of dollars a year from paper sales. Why would he or anyone else advocate giving up a potentially lucrative source of revenue? I note all this because the very first sentence of your comment struck me as a straw man, and therefore not a productive way to introduce your thoughts. If I’m wrong, of course, and you can name some authors (citations and exact quotes would be helpful) who have declared digital "the only way to go,” I’d be grateful because I, too, would want to do what I could to push back against such wrong-headed advice. "A problem with Thomas & Mercer is that they can't really do much on the print side of the equation. They are very good in the e-book publishing space.” I don’t think anyone would much dispute that T&M’s strength is in online sales, and particularly in digital (I’ve published two novels and two short works with T&M myself, and have been extremely happy with the results). But it’s telling that you would describe T&M’s strength in online and digital as a “problem." Certainly for an author whose books sell in a ratio of, say, 99% brick-&-mortar/paper and 1% online/digital, T&M’s strengths and weaknesses would represent an unappealing mix. But for an author whose books sold in the opposite ratio, T&M would be a very attractive publisher, indeed, while a legacy publisher would be a terrible fit. I’m sure you know that different authors sell in different ratios, with some more heavily represented in paper/brick & mortar and others more heavily represented in digital/online, so you should know that what you describe as a “problem” is for many authors exactly the opposite — a solution. So the more relevant question — the question discussion of which is likely to prove most useful to authors trying to decide what form of publishing is best for them — is, “What are the various strengths and weaknesses of the various publishing avenues newly available to authors, and how do those strengths and weaknesses fit with your books, your goals, your needs?” That’s a discussion I would welcome, and I’ll bet other authors would find it beneficial, too. "Authors need more than distribution in one channel of publishing.” Well, authors don’t really “need” any particular channel. That said, it’s certainly desirable to have more channels, because each additional channel represents a potential benefit, both in terms of direct revenues and in less direct ways, such as overall brand awareness. But this raises a question you don’t discuss, which is: how much should authors pay for those benefits? An author whose sales ratio is heavily weighted toward paper might not mind much if she receives only 25% in digital royalties, because the low digital royalty would be an acceptable price to pay for the opportunity to leverage legacy publishing’s strength in paper channels. But an author whose sales are primarily digital might legitimately wonder why she should give a legacy publisher such a large cut of digital revenues. After all, she doesn’t need a legacy publisher for digital distribution, a legacy publisher will publish her book much later than she would be able to publish it herself, and she’s not selling much in paper, anyway. Not to mention the various other reasons an author with a large digital-to-paper sales ratio might be leery of legacy publishing. The thing to remember is this: there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for authors. Different authors have different needs, and, depending on those needs, different publishing services will be worth different premiums. Assuming otherwise is apt to be a disservice for the thousands of authors who don’t fit the single mix you assume is right for everyone. "I advise authors that the more channels of publishing you are in the greater your reading audience will be now and in the future. That includes the international markets as well." True enough, other things being equal. But things aren’t equal. Access to the various channels costs different amounts in different places, and again for whatever reason you act as though these channels are available for free (or at any rate that cost is irrelevant) and that they all represent the same value to all authors. "That is how opportunity is created for growth in publishing.” That, and nothing else? And again: why do you discuss only the opportunity, but never the opportunity cost? Discussing the potential benefits of a service isn’t particularly helpful if you don’t also discuss price. This is just common sense, is it not? Telling someone how much she stands to benefit from a product or service without also discussing what that product or service is going to cost her is meaningless. If an insurance salesperson tried to sell you on a policy with such-and-such a payout, for example, would you immediately say, “Hell yes, sign me up!”? Or would you need to first consider how much you yourself needed that particular policy, and how much you would be charged for that policy, before being able to make an intelligent decision? "Nothing remains the same and the end of traditional publishers as articulated by many was dead wrong.” I don’t know why you would claim that “nothing remains the same.” Countless things remain the same. Legacy publishers still pay digital royalties at the same lockstep rate of 25%, still pay their authors only twice a year, still insist on life-of-copyright licenses, still issue royalty statements as impenetrable as the Dead Sea Scrolls, still insist on draconian rights lock-ups and anti-competition clauses. Books are still sold through traditional brick-and-mortar channels, still bought and enjoyed in paper. A martian revisiting the earth after a ten-year hiatus might reasonably conclude that more is the same in the book business than has changed. As for the end of traditional publishers being dead wrong, don’t you feel it’s a bit early to be sanguine? I certainly hope publishers will read and implement the lessons of Clayton Christensen’s The Innovator’s Dilemma and I hope they’ll listen to Hugh Howey and Joe Konrath, too (as I’ve said many times, when someone is sick, you don’t want them to die, you want them to get well). But so far I don’t see much evidence of an onset of progressive and enlightened business practices in the legacy world. Moreover: Borders is gone and B&N is in trouble. Legacy publishing’s current health is largely the result of the industry’s practice of paying authors so little in digital and keeping so much for themselves (a practice that for me always calls to mind the image of Wile E. Coyote racing off the cliff and thinking all is well because he’s running on air… until he looks down). See, for example, this excellent breakdown of Harper Collins’ own numbers: "$27.99 hardcover generates $5.67 profit to publisher and $4.20 royalty to author $14.99 agency priced e-book generates $7.87 profit to publisher and $2.62 royalty to author. So, in other words, at these average price points, every time a hardcover sale is replaced by an e-book sale, the publisher makes $2.20 more per copy and the author makes $1.58 less. If the author made the same $4.20 royalty on the e-book sale as he/she would have on a hardcover, the publisher would STILL be making an improved profit of $6.28. We have all heard the additional argument: that for a very large percentage of authors this is irrelevant since their advances don’t earn out– effectively raising their per unit royalty. That may be true, but it logically leads to what seems to me the most unfair aspect of all: That, therefore, the only authors that are financially punished by this system are the ones whose books perform very well. The ones whose books earn out. The big name authors and the celebrities whose books don’t perform to expectation are untouched; the author who gets a reasonable advance and whose book sells much better than expected are the ones who suffer the greatest loss. How can anyone in this industry see that as defensible?" If publishers lose more paper retail sales channels, and if digital continues to grow (more thoughts on this below), the 70% digital royalty available to authors though self-publishing is likely to entice increasing numbers of authors to go the indie route. Will this happen? If so, to what extent? And when? I’m not sure, but dismissing concerns about the long-term viability of legacy publishing’s current business practices as “dead wrong” strikes me as whistling past the graveyard rather than pausing to take a close look at what’s going on inside it. "Some publishers have thrived and made the adjustments to the new environment and others have indeed struggled. It took a while for most major trade houses to get their footing as e-books substantially changed the publishing landscape. It is more like a layering process as each format finds space within the publishing layers. Traditional publishers still have a ways to go but they are pressing forward.” I don’t have any material objections to any of this, most of which strikes me as so general as to be anodyne. I will note that if "it took a while for most major trade houses to get their footing” in digital, it might be because their primary response to the advent of e-books was price collusion and double deletion of pesky incriminating emails. If collusion is your primary response to changes in your industry, then yes, you might find yourself swaying around on the deck for a bit before gaining some digital sea legs. I don’t really understand what it means to publish in layers, but that could be because I’m not a legacy publisher. I don’t doubt that publishers are "pressing forward," though I think I’m less confident than you that they’re pressing in the right direction. Publishing revolutionary Hugh Howie has some excellent thoughts on the directions publishers might usefully press forward in; I highly recommend it. Certainly legacy publishers might have gotten their digital footing a lot sooner if, rather than attempting to fix prices, they had heeded what Joe Konrath has been advising for years. Here he is in January 2010, March 2010, September 2010, and even all the way back in 2007 at a speech at Google, offering free, potentially life-saving advice to publishers that’s still incredibly relevant. "Now the stats show e-book sales slowing. That's maybe because the initial growth which started at zero had a one way trajectory. A lot in the ebook space depends on innovation with the hardware as well as pricing. As prices rise that will also have an impact on ebook sales and history shows prices do move up more often than down.” There is so much in this paragraph that’s misleading or outright wrong, I’m going to take it one sentence at a time. So: "Now the stats show e-book sales slowing.” This is at best a highly misleading way of describing what’s really happening, which is that the growth of e-book sales is slowing. Put more simply and accurately: ebook sales are not slowing, they are growing. Here, from Publishers Weekly: "Total e-book sales rose 44.2% in 2012, to $3.04 billion. The gain in e-book sales offset a flat performance by print sales which held virtually even at $12 billion between 2011 and 2012.” And here, from Futurebook: "If we look at these particular stats from Publishers Weekly, for this segment, sales of e-books rose to $2.07 billion from $869 million as units increased 210% to 388 million.” There’s more: in December 2013, Amazon revealed that a quarter of US e-book sales were by indies. The numbers for B&N’s Nook are similar. Hachette and HarperCollins both report that e-book revenues are increasing — indeed, by 40% for Hachette. Most astonishing of all is that missing from these figures demonstrating a still dramatically growing market are indie figures, because data is collected only from major publishers. That’s right: the e-book market is still growing, even when measured without including indie published books. Calling this kind of continued explosive growth “slowing” is like saying a car that went from 50mph to 100 and then to 130 is “slowing” because since it hit 100mph its speed only increased by 30 percent. Would you honestly describe a car that just accelerated from 100 to 130mph as “slowing”? Because that’s what you just did with the e-book market. (In fairness, there is a rich tradition among establishments of changing the meaning of words to suit the establishment’s purposes. See, for example, this excellent guide to the NSA’s Humpty-Dumpty definitions of everyday words like Collect, Relevant, Targeted, Incidental, Inadvertent, Minimize, and even No. In describing continued dramatic growth as “slowing,” you are in august company.) In fact, by the standards of any industry at any time, the numbers above represent continued hyper growth. But because it’s slightly less hyper than it was in the previous year (as growth inevitably will be — it’s much easier to double your growth when you’re doing a million dollars in revenue than it is when you’re doing a billion — and again, even without including self-published books), establishment publishing is trying, whether out of ignorance or psychological denial or in an attempt at propaganda, to persuade authors (and perhaps themselves) that it’s all a “slowing.” For anyone who might be taken in by this false meme, here are two excellent articles with actual data, appropriate graphs, and sound analysis. There are many more — they’re not hard to find and it’s difficult to understand why you wouldn’t be aware of them. "That's maybe because the initial growth which started at zero had a one way trajectory.” I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make here — that sales can only improve when they start at zero? Doesn’t this truism apply to everything? And if you’re trying to say that the tremendous growth of ebooks is slowing in percentage terms because as a market gets bigger and bigger, continued growth represents a smaller percentage of the overall market, well, yes, that’s always true, and there’s nothing “maybe” about it. It’s a law of business, as well as of math. But it’s still growth — huge growth — and trying to frame such growth as “slowing” is unlikely to come across as honest and informed commentary. "A lot in the e-book space depends on innovation with the hardware as well as pricing.” On this we agree, but I think you might be misunderstanding the nature of innovation in the book world. Paper is a fully mature technology: there’s very little that can be done to improve it (although if Espresso book machines ever become widespread, they could decrease the cost of paper distribution, which would certainly be a positive development for paper books). In contrast, digital readers are continually, dramatically improving in functionality even as they fall in price. In other words, paper represents a static defence; digital, a dynamic offence. And between a static defence and a dynamic offence, over time the outcome is never in doubt. I wrote about this in more detail four years ago (Paper Earthworks and Digital Tides), and since then I’ve seen nothing but confirmation of my view. "As prices rise that will also have an impact on e-book sales and history shows prices do move up more often than down.” Can you cite even one technology or consumer product the price of which, adjusted for inflation and for increased features and other product improvements, has historically increased rather than decreased? What happens instead is that features and functionality improve and prices drop. Certainly this is exactly what’s been happening with digital readers and tablets, as anyone with even passing familiarity with the short history of the Kindle and the iPad knows. In the face of all this, it’s not easy to understand why you would argue that history suggests prices of digital readers are likely to increase. Well, here’s one possible explanation: the one exception to the rule that consumer prices decrease over time is probably legacy-published books. But this is the exception that proves the rule, because legacy publishing functions as a cartel, exploiting its lock on paper distribution channels to artificially inflate prices. In the presence of actual competition, prices decrease, as they have for digital readers and tablets, and as they have for self-published books. It may be your intimacy with the legacy publishing world that’s caused you to confuse its practices of artificially keeping consumer prices high with the fact that in normal consumer markets, prices tend to fall. If so, you’re missing the most fundamental impact of digital on the publishing industry, which is that digital has broken legacy publishing’s lock on distribution and therefore its lock on pricing. If legacy publishers are betting their business on the price of digital reader and digital book prices increasing, they’re badly in denial. And as the saying goes, denial has no survival value. Publishers need to approach the world realistically, and realism here means understanding that digital prices are not going to increase, and digital features are only going to improve. "When an author is solely vested in one format it is like type casting.” I suppose it could be, but really, isn’t this another straw man? Because what author is vested solely in one format? Can you name even one such person? Publishing is not an either/or world anymore, and I don’t know any author who isn’t trying to leverage all available distribution channels. So again, the question for authors isn’t, “Should I sell my books only in paper?” or “Should I sell my books only in digital?” The question is, “How much should I spend and invest in the various channels available to me? How much are each of the available channels worth to me? What are my most effective routes into those channels?” These are relevant, helpful, and important questions, and setting up a straw man about how no one should be solely vested in a single format does nothing but obscure them. "I've heard publishers worry that if an author does well at $1.99 will the public ever pay more?” Yes, “can I sell a low-priced product for more" is a legitimate concern for all books and for all authors, as it is for everything else. Different brands will command different prices. A few years ago, I saw Ken Follett’s book Fall of Giants published in digital at something like $21.00 (no discount — that was the purchase price). Presumably Follett, an exceptionally strong brand, is maximizing his income at a $21.00 digital price point. For most authors, a price like that would be way too high. Every author needs to consider what per-unit price multiplied by volume will maximize his income. Different authors will experiment in different ways with different books and arrive at different answers. Reducing this complex and critical issue to something as narrow as publishers worrying about whether the public will pay more for an author whose previous success was achieved at $1.99 is not a particularly helpful approach. "It is hard to move into other formats successfully.” I’m not sure what you mean here. Hard how? Hard why? What might make it easier? "Some have done it. At Trident we represent authors who started as e-book original authors and have found great success in other formats as well.” Good news for Trident and for these other authors. I’m not sure what it signifies, though, other than that Trident has had some success in getting self-published authors legacy contracts. Not that this isn’t a potentially positive thing for all parties involved, of course, but what can other authors learn from it? "The more formats the greater the reach. The greater the reach the more desirable an author is to a publisher. Simply math.” Or to put it another way: “If you achieve great success on your own, more people will then be motivated to help you succeed.” AKA, “Nothing succeeds like success.” Okay, as far as truisms go. But why the assumption that the main metric and primary purpose of success in self-publishing is to become more desirable to a big publisher? This is an exceptionally parochial view, and a particularly odd one given that it starts from a straw-man premise — it’s better to have more sales channels than fewer — that is entirely axiomatic, that no one would dispute, and that is completely in keeping with what all authors are in fact doing in various individually customised ways. In fact, as shocking as I know this will sound in some establishment circles, there are thousands of authors who actually prefer self-publishing because of its far higher royalties, faster time-to-market, and scope for controlling packaging, marketing, and other business decisions. Assuming all self-published authors secretly long for a legacy deal when they’re making so much money and are so happy without one is as antediluvian as the cliche “pyjama-clad bloggers.” "Thomas and Mercer has already pushed back on the range of e-book royalties they once offered in order to get to a better profit position.” You’re doing it again. You discuss potential benefits without discussing real costs. And now you’re discussing how T&M has lowered some of its royalties without bothering to compare T&M royalties with those of legacy publishers. And legacy publisher digital royalties are still much lower. (Maybe this is like ebook sales “slowing”? Certain T&M royalties started at a higher number and are now lower, while legacy royalties started at an even lower number and have never changed, so the way to describe all this is as a “T&M pushback”?) I don’t think these distortions are deliberate, by the way; rather, I think they’re likely a reflection of various biases of which you’re unaware. But that doesn’t make them any more helpful for authors who are trying to gather sound information on which they can build sensible business strategies. Wouldn’t it be more productive (and accurate) to say something like, “Amazon pays higher digital royalties than any other major publisher. Is that worth it to you? It depends on a lot of things — most fundamentally, how many of your sales are digital vs how many are paper. If most of your sales are digital, that higher digital royalty is going to matter a lot. If most of your sales are paper, then it might make sense to fork over a higher digital cut to a traditional publisher for access to the traditional publisher's strength in paper channels. There are other factors, as well.” "The risk of paying advances and primarily selling e-books alone is a challenge at best.” I’m sure it is a challenge. But what is the paper-based system, a cakewalk? How many legacy-published books lose money? How many legacy published authors are dropped after a book’s performance disappoints? Are these questions not at least equally worthy of discussion? Why would you describe only one publishing approach as a challenge, when obviously all approaches, in any business, for that matter, have their challenges? Do you think a description like that is accurate? Well calculated to offer authors information they can productively use as they go about planning their careers and implementing decisions? Why not instead offer some data about how many authors are making how much money with T&M vs how many are making how much with legacy publishers — and why? Wouldn’t that discussion be more interesting and relevant as authors try to decide which route makes sense for them? Recently, David Gaughran blogged about astro-turfing by the publishing establishment. He quotes the chairman of the International Publishers Association as follows: “We gathered all the communications people together to discuss the issues and create an action plan. We have a multi-faceted audience to address, and in the next 12 months you will see key messages delivered, compelling stories of our impact on society for culture and education. We’ll ask you to personalize that message. I’m very excited that there is a meeting of minds on this." Robert, I don’t know if your comments were an example of this kind of key messaging — and I certainly hope not. But, respectfully, they feel that way. Don’t authors deserve better? Can we try? Barry Eisler is an author who turned down a six-figure publishing deal with St Martin's Press to self-publish
Things to read After the CEO of AMC announced to reopen the theatres for the vaccinated public after significant changes to the theatre, the stock market created a buzz. Lets begin with, what does AMC stands for? Well it mean American Multi-Cinema, Inc. Are you looking forward for precise information about AMC Entertainment Holdings, AMC Latest Stock Updates. In that case, make sure to stick throughout the article to know more about the famous entertainment company. What AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. is all about? AMC theatre is the prominent movie theatre company in the United States, the greatest in Europe and the Middle East, and the biggest throughout the world, with around 978 theatres and 10,833 screens across the globe. It has derived more innovation in the entertainment industry by lessening power-recliner seats. Also, they have delivered improved food and beverages choice, producing the most considerable guest engagement through its loyalty and subscription ways, website, and mobile apps. They offer premium extensive format exposure and play a wide range of content, including new Hollywood movies and autonomous programming. The company conducts services through two fragments: U.S. markets and global markets. It licenses first-run films from publishers owned by film production firms and independent sellers on a film-by-film and theatre-by-theatre foundation. It additionally proposes food and beverage products that include refreshments and snacks, popcorn, soft drinks, sweet and hot dogs, coffee, meals, beers, wine, and blended drinks, and another gourmet. In the U.S. markets, it manages theatres in about 44 states and the District of Columbia. In global businesses, it conducts theatres in roughly 13 European countries and Saudi Arabia. It runs about 1,004 theatres and over 11,041 screens in nearly 15 countries, including over 636 theatres resulting from almost 8,094 screens in the United States and beyond 368 theatres and approximately 2,947 screens in European businesses and Saudi Arabia. AMC Entertainment Holdings owns, operates, or holds interest in 348 movie theatres with a total of 4,960 screens, primarily in North America. The company was founded in 1920 and is based in Leawood, Kansas. What is the major change to the theatre during the coronavirus pandemic? AMC Entertainment CEO Adam Aron declared recently that his company’s movie theatres made some changes to keep people safe from the novel coronavirus — including adding new air filtration methods. Aron said on “Squawk Box” that the theatres have increased cleanliness across the board. He mentioned that “Our theatre cleanliness scores are the best they’ve been in decades, an all-time high” and added, “I think you can eat off the floor.” Aron said the theatre chain worked with Clorox and Harvard University’s School of Public Health to create a safer experience. Face mask conditions and social distancing standards were absolutely continued, although the theatre chain did even more than that. Aerosolised microdroplets could lead to the spread of the novel coronavirus, which has led people to worry about travelling to indoor spaces, NPR reports. So movie theatres have had to accommodate. Aron stated, “But much more important than that, we’ve invested literally millions and millions in high-tech solutions. We’ve upgraded our air filters to MERV 13. It’s about four times the filtration that we had prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve bought electrostatic sprayers for all of our theaters so that we’re spraying down our auditoriums with these electronically charged cleaning solutions, so we’re all over both tough and airborne transmission of the virus.” Ready to head back to the AMC movie theatre? Before going to the AMC theatre near me, Sulmonte emphasises the significance of monitoring local community extent (which will consider alternatives that grow more immediately), checking vaccination flows in the enclosing area, and estimating your risk determinants. As Sulmonte typically comes into touch with immunocompromised victims, for whom the vaccine might not be as potent, he is refraining from attending the movie shows to blunder on the side of care. “I’m very pleased right now with the streaming options at the time,” he states. “My account of a movie theater is having my full-grown dog sitting on top of me.” What is the AMC Latest Stock Updates? Recently the AMC theatre stock Entertainment rose , and the reason behind this heighten is the selling of a theatre chain that comprises 8 million shares to an investment firm. In a statement given by the AMC executive in a securities filing, the share was raised to $230.5 million by a stock sale to Mudrick Capital Management. The AMC theatre stock company declared that the funds would be likely used for benefits, improving the theatre, and paying off its balance sheet. Although, the rate of share was snoring up to 22.6% when the market closed. On Tuesday afternoon, Bloomberg News proclaimed that Mudrick had sold each of its new shares in AMC. Hence, the stock declined from its highs of the day following the announcement. If we talk about the business health of the AMC theatre, then it was effectively surpassed during the global pandemic as the movie theatre closed in most of the countries and the rest of the significant theatre was postponing the release date of the movie. Though, the stock grew a favourite of traders on Reddit and has witnessed excessive fluctuations in current months. The shares doubled last week on astonishingly high volume as the risky movement by retail traders driven by message board chats ramped back up once over. The firm has taken the power of those price waves by selling additional shares to accumulate funds. The stock is up more than 1,000% year to date. “Given that AMC is raising hundreds of millions of dollars, this is an extremely positive result for our shareholders,” the CEO moreover President Adam Aron stated in a filing. “It was accomplished through the issuance of only 8.5 million shares, representing less than 1.7% of our issued share capital and only a small portion of our typical daily trading volume.” Another reason can also be there behind the dramatic price swing, and that is due to the short squeeze in the stock, which is affected by traders. These traders have bet against stock purchasing the share to restrict their losses. Approximately twenty percent of the company’s floated shares are traded short, according to S3 Partners. AMC is in debt, which caused around $5 billion, and obliged to submit $450 million in lease repayments as its profits essentially wiped out throughout the global pandemic. To restrict the spread of the virus, theatres were closed for many months to contribute to the cause. Whereas, when the theatres open and back to their previous state, still few appear at the screening. Consequently, movie studios hold on to new movie releases. Why AMC Stock Skyrocketed Today? AMC theatre stock Entertainment soared on Thursday as merchants on Reddit, Twitter, and other social media sites advised people to purchase the famous meme stock. AMC’s share price was higher more than 35% at the end of trading after soaring as much as 52% earlier in the day. The stock of AMC theatre is the most talked-about stock on the 10 million member-strong Reddit group, WallStreetBets. In up-to-date days, Reddit’s dealers have ramped up their advertising of AMC’s stock. The Hashtags, including #AMSTRONG, #AMCSqueeze, and even #AMC500k, are trending on Twitter. This social media murmur has accommodated to fire a quick assembly in AMC’s stock price. As the price grew distinctly, more people accumulated in. Individual investors leaned over $22 million into AMC’s stock on Tuesday alone, as per The Wall Street Journal. Moreover, on Thursday, AMC was the common actively traded stock on the New York Stock Exchange. Many AMC buyers are expecting to ignite a short squeeze. By adjusting their investments and pushing up the stock’s price, they’re hoping to drive short-sellers to exit their positions. And to do so, short-sellers need to purchase back the shares they traded short — a dynamic that can stimulate a decisive upward move in the price of a heavily shorted stock. According to Bloomberg, short-sellers betting against AMC has already suffered hundreds of millions of dollars of losses this week. And with approximately 20% of AMC’s float still sold short, the figure may grow much more noticeable if the short squeeze continues any long-drawn. Nevertheless, here is some information investors may want to reconsider. The #The AMC500k hashtag on Twitter is being used to promote the concept that AMC’s stock price could tower to $500,000 per share, higher from $26.52 today. If that were to happen, with its over 490 million shares outstanding, AMC’s business capitalization emphasizes to be approximately $245 trillion. That might be a little bit costly for a struggling movie theatre chain, particularly since the total market cap of all U.S. public companies is roughly $50 trillion. What is a meme stock? A stock is called a meme stock that has noticed an expansion in an amount not because of the company’s achievement, however somewhat because of hype on social media and online discussion panels such as Reddit. This is the reason that these stocks usually become overrated, seeing extreme price increments in just a brief period of time. Overall, a meme stock is any openly traded company that is profiting from the forces described above – a group of common investors who are utilizing social media to take an interest in the company’s shares. Hence, GameStop and AMC are the two most well-known examples. But there have been others that have also appreciated some moderate progress, such as Bed Bath & Beyond and BlackBerry. Also Read,THE MIND-BLOWING PROFESSIONAL LIFE OF TORY BURCH (JUNE 17, 1966)
This is a fun weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is favorite book quotes, which is right up my alley! I have been collecting my favorite bookish quotes for years now, writing them down in a black leather notebook, and referring back to them year after year. I love me a good quote. The hardest part with this post was deciding which ones to post...and limiting myself to only ten. But I did my best, choosing quotes from 5 recent reads, and 5 classics. Here they are: "If the books I have read have helped to form me, then probably nobody else who ever lived has read exactly the same books, all the same books and only the same books as me. So just as my genes and the soul within me make me uniquely me, so I am the unique sum of the books I have read. I am my literary DNA." --Susan Hill, Howards End is on the Landing "By hook or by crook, I hope that you will possess yourselves of money enough to travel and to idle, to contemplate the future or the past of the world, to dream over books and loiter at street corners and let the line of thought dip deep into the stream." --Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own Look out the window. See a bird. Congratulations. You are a bad birdwatcher. --Simon Barnes, How to Be a (Bad) Birdwatcher "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost, that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them." --Henry David Thoreau, Walden "Live all you can; it's a mistake not to. It doesn't so much matter what you do in particular, so long as you have your life. If you haven't had that what have you had?" --Henry James, The Ambassadors "You can't find love if you're not willing to lose it. You can't find happiness if you're not willing to risk being sad. And you can't find the love of your life without risking breaking your heart." --Kunal Nayyar, Yes, My Accent is Real "Sometimes we know in our bones what we really need to do, but we're afraid to do it. Taking a chance and stepping beyond the safety of the world we've known is the only way to grow, though and without risk there is no reward." --Wil Wheaton, Just A Geek "Perhaps all dragons in our lives are really princesses just waiting to see us just once being beautiful and courageous." --Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet "Every time I overcome my personal fears and prove something to myself, I want to set the bar a little higher. In my life, and in all our lives, there should be no limitations, only possibilities." --Rachael Scordis, No End in Sight "He made a picture of his life and I was fit in it. He wanted, too, to imprison me in his dream. But I am I. I don't want to dream anyone else's dream. I want to dream my own." --W. Somerset Maugham, The Narrow Corner
Here's hoping that mermaids become as big a meme as zombies; they're much more appealing. Essential work on planned reservoirs in Zimbabwe has stopped because mermaids have been hounding workers away, according to the country's Water Resources Minister. Samuel Sipepa Nkomo told a Zimbabwean parliamentary committee that terrified workers are refusing to return to the sites, near the towns of Gokwe and Mutare. Minister Nkomo said the only way to solve the problem was to brew traditional beer and carry out any rites to appease the spirits. Mermaids and beer! This gets even better. John William Waterhouse - "The Mermaid" -1901 All the officers I have sent have vowed not to go back there', Minister Nkomo was reported as saying in Zimbabwe's state-approved Herald newspaper. The senior politician said that mermaids were also present in other reservoirs. 'We even hired whites thinking that our boys did not want to work but they also returned saying they would not return to work there again,' he added. The two, long overdue reservoirs are considered essential if Zimbabwe is provide adequate water to its population and to boost its agricultural production. Having once been the 'bread basket' of Southern Africa, the country's farms have been laid low by lack of faith in government policy. Rupert Bunny - "Mermaids Dancing" - 1896 From 2000, President Robert Mugabe expropriated some 4,000 white owned farms and gave them to politically connected blacks. Ah, crony capitalism in action; prefiguring Solyndra. Partly as a result, agricultural production is this year forecast to be at its second lowest level since Zimbabwe achieved independence from Britain in 1980. Collier Smithers - "A Race with Mermaids and Tritons" And working as well as usual. The belief in mermaids and other mythical creatures is widespread in the country, where many people combine a Christian faith with traditional beliefs. Local Government, Rural and Urban Development Minister Ignatius Chombo said the government wants to give the population the water it needs, but cannot do so until the rituals are performed and necessary repairs can be carried out. Three quarters of Zimbabwe's population live on less than one US dollar a day. So, are we angling for mermaid based tourism? As much as I'd like to see an actual mermaid (and not a Florida fake), I don't think I'd visit Zimbabwe to see her.
Image credit: Sony PicturesThe highly anticipated Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer is finally here. The film’s synopsis is described as: When a single mom and her two kids arrive in a small town, they begin to discover their connection to the original Ghostbusters and the secret legacy their grandfather left behind.It will […] Image credit: LionsgateThe official poster and trailer was recently released for Lionsgate’s newest film Flashback starring Dylan O’Brien, known for his roles in the Maze Runner films, Teen Wolf and Love and Monsters. Flashback also stars Hannah Gross (Mindhunter, Joker) Emory Cohen (Brooklyn, The OA), Keir Gilchrist (Atypical, It’s Kind […] The new trailer for Deadpool 2 has at last arrived, and it’s everything you would expect. Along with featuring the characters returning from the first film, Josh Brolin’s character, Cable, and Zazie Beetz’s character, Domino, are also introduced. Deadpool 2 will hit theaters on May 16. Check out the trailer below. Venom, which according to Sony, will be set in the same realm as Spider-Man: Homecoming, stars Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock/Venom along with Michelle Williams, Riz Ahmed and Reid Scott. While the trailer was just recently released, fans were not impressed that Venom himself is never seen. But that might be […] Blumhouse, who brought us Get Out, will release their latest horror film, Truth or Dare, on April 27th, 2018. The film stars Pretty Little Liars’ Lucy Hale, Teen Wolf‘s Tyler Posey and The Flash‘s Violett Beane. It follows a bunch of teenagers who decide to play a game of truth or dare – but things turn terrifying when they […] In 2009, an internet creepypasta-meme was created depicting a fictional supernatural character called “Slenderman” who abducts children. Since then, Slenderman has essentially become an urban legend, and was even creepily involved in the 2014 murder of a 12-year old teenager. Now the myth is turning into a film titled Slender Man by […] The trailer for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is here – and not only are Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard back for the sequel, but Jeff Goldblum will reprise his role as Dr. Ian Malcolm; he is very briefly seen in the trailer. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom will be released in theaters on June 22, […] Get stoked Marvel fans! The trailer for Avengers: Infinity War was released earlier this week, and not only does it look amazing, but the cast is is ridiculously loaded. Here is a look at just some of the confirmed cast members: Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man/Tony Stark Mark Ruffalo as Hulk/Bruce […]
I had set aside Wednesday for blogging about food. Then my lovely Sister in The Netherlands, Marion Driessen, AKA The DuTchess, asked me to meme-sit her Six-Word Wednesday Story Challenge during her vacation, and I moved Food to Tuesday. Now things are back in balance. See, I have a semi-themed blog. Saturday is Caturday. Sunday is Sample Sunday. Monday is writerly things. Friday is recommendations. That left Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Well, as you can plainly see, another special day would have to be Wednesday. Otherwise … no … good…. So today I’m posting about food, as always on Tuesday, at Fatal Foodies, today on the subject of drinks that changed the world. No, not just for me. And tomorrow, I’ll be doing my regularly scheduled food post here, right in the middle of the week, right where it belongs. ~sigh~ What a relief. A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: A character is off balance, in any sense you like.
WhatsApp took long enough to bring dark mode, doesn’t matter, if you are iOS or Android user. Remember that saying, All’s well that ends well. Now that you’ve got WhatsApp Dark Mode on Android, forget the past and enable WhatsApp Dark Mode on Samsung, Google Pixel, OnePlus and other Android phones. I’ve found many people unable to use dark mode even though, they are running the latest Android 10. Without taking much of your time, I’d like to address the most common fixes to trigger WhatsApp Dark Mode on Android. To make sure once again, kindly check the steps to turn on dark mode on WhatsApp and if they didn’t work, then feel free to try the tricks. - 1 WhatsApp Dark Mode Not Working on Samsung, Google Pixel, OnePlus - 1.1 How to Enable WhatsApp Dark Mode on Samsung, OnePlus, Google Pixel and other Android Phones - 1.2 What if WhatsApp Dark Mode Won’t Turn On Android? - 1.3 Trick 1: Update WhatsApp - 1.4 Trick 2: Running Old Software? - 1.5 Trick 3: Force Quit WhatsApp - 1.6 Trick 4: Enable System-Wide Dark Mode on Android - 1.7 Trick 5: Restart Phone - 1.8 Trick 6: Clear Cache of WhatsApp - 1.9 Trick 7: Reinstall WhatsApp - 1.10 Hope for the best! WhatsApp Dark Mode Not Working on Samsung, Google Pixel, OnePlus How to Enable WhatsApp Dark Mode on Samsung, OnePlus, Google Pixel and other Android Phones If you own, Samsung S20, S10, Google Pixel 4XL, OnePlus 7 or any other Android smartphone, running the latest software, but still can’t enable WhatsApp Dark Mode or don’t know how to turn on Dark Mode on WhatsApp, here’s a way out. - Open the WhatsApp app on your phone. - Tap on three-dots, for more options. - Select Settings. - Go to Chats. - Hit Themes. - Choose Dark and tap OK. What if WhatsApp Dark Mode Won’t Turn On Android? Trick 1: Update WhatsApp First off, try to update the WhatsApp from Google Play. If you haven’t updated the WhatsApp in a while, the dark mode might not show up as it is recently added. Go to the Google Play and search WhatsApp, and if Update appears, tap on it otherwise, check for the next solution. Trick 2: Running Old Software? Most of the Android phones updated with Android 4.0.3 or later, can use WhatsApp Dark Mode; however, for whatever reason, you might not be able to use WhatsApp Dark Mode, try updating the system software. - For Samsung Phones, go to the Settings > System updates > Check for updates. - For Google Pixel, Settings > System > Advanced > System update. - For OnePlus, Settings > System > System updates > Check for updates. Trick 3: Force Quit WhatsApp Usually, after updating the phone, every device restarts automatically to install the updates perfectly. No matter, if you have updated the WhatsApp or System Software or both; you need to force quit the WhatsApp and re-launch to gain access to new features of WhatsApp. Its time to kill the WhatsApp from background running apps and open it again. From the home screen, you can probably force quit the WhatsApp and alternate way is to open the settings app and Force Stop the WhatsApp. - Open the Settings on your device. - Tap Applications. - Scroll down and select WhatsApp. - Tap Force stop. Trick 4: Enable System-Wide Dark Mode on Android Probably all the Android phones, running Android 10 or later, supports system-wide dark mode. Though, the process to enable system-wide dark mode on Samsung, system-wide dark mode on Google Pixel and other devices may vary. It’s worth a shot to enable dark mode on Android phone and see if WhatsApp dark mode appears on your phone. - For Samsung phones, open Settings > Display > tap Dark to enable it. - For Google Pixel, go to Settings > Display > turn on Dark theme. - For OnePlus, go to Settings > Customizations > Tone > Dark and tick Dark Mode to turn on. After enabling dark mode on Android phone, check the guide to enable Dark Mode on WhatsApp shown above. Trick 5: Restart Phone Still, WhatsApp Dark Mode won’t work on Samsung, Google Pixel or Android phone, restart your phone. Rebooting phones frequently is a good habit to maintain the health of phones, and refresh system software. If you haven’t restarted the phone in a while, do it now and fix WhatsApp dark mode won’t turn on. - Press and hold the lock/unlock button and choose Power Off. Trick 6: Clear Cache of WhatsApp Clearing cache is only available for Android phones, well; you know how the cache is important for applications to deliver a smoother experience. However, not all the time. Cache’s are the temporary files could corrupt the app if it stays for a long time. Relieve the corrupt data from WhatsApp. Don’t worry, all of your WhatsApp Chats and Media files are safe. - Go to Settings. - Tap Apps & notifications. - Tap WhatsApp. - Select Storage. - Hit Clear cache. Trick 7: Reinstall WhatsApp I can get WhatsApp dark mode not turning on Android, don’t know why it is happening with your phone only. The last option left is to uninstall the WhatsApp and reinstall it. To keep the Chats and Media files safe, backup the WhatsApp to Google Drive and afterward delete the WhatsApp. Hope for the best! If any of the above tricks didn’t fix WhatsApp won’t turn on then, all you can do is try updating the WhatsApp periodically and also the system software, if you are lucky, WhatsApp dark mode will appear within no time. - Best Breaking News Alert Apps for Android - Best Meme Making Apps for Android - Top USB-C to Headphone Adapter for Android Phones - Best Photo Editor Apps for Samsung - Best Video Making Apps for Android
I love that Rebecca @ Bookishly Rebecca tagged me in The Anticipated Release book tag because I do not feel as though I talk about my anticipated releases senough on my blog. - Thank the person who nominated you - Answer all the questions down below - Pingback to the creator: Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx - Nominate 5+ bloggers to do this tag 1. Your Most Anticipated Release of the Year Anxious People by Fredrik Backman Viewing an apartment normally doesn’t turn into a life-or-death situation, but this particular open house becomes just that when a failed bank robber bursts in and takes everyone in the apartment hostage. As the pressure mounts, the eight strangers slowly begin opening up to one another and reveal long-hidden truths. First is Zara, a wealthy bank director who has been too busy to care about anyone else until tragedy changed her life. Now, she’s obsessed with visiting open houses to see how ordinary people live—and, perhaps, to set an old wrong to right. Then there’s Roger and Anna-Lena, an Ikea-addicted retired couple who are on a never-ending hunt for fixer-uppers to hide the fact that they don’t know how to fix their own failing marriage. Julia and Ro are a young lesbian couple and soon-to-be parents who are nervous about their chances for a successful life together since they can’t agree on anything. And there’s Estelle, an eighty-year-old woman who has lived long enough to be unimpressed by a masked bank robber waving a gun in her face. And despite the story she tells them all, Estelle hasn’t really come to the apartment to view it for her daughter, and her husband really isn’t outside parking the car. As police surround the premises and television channels broadcast the hostage situation live, the tension mounts and even deeper secrets are slowly revealed. Before long, the robber must decide which is the more terrifying prospect: going out to face the police, or staying in the apartment with this group of impossible people. Rich with Fredrik Backman’s “pitch-perfect dialogue and an unparalleled understanding of human nature” (Shelf Awareness), Anxious People’s whimsical plot serves up unforgettable insights into the human condition and a gentle reminder to be compassionate to all the anxious people we encounter every day. There are so many books that I am looking forward to, but there is no denying that Anxious People is the one that I am most excited about. I actually have a countdown on my phone for its release date! No one creates characters quite like Backman does, and Anxious People seems like a departure from what he typically writes. I am so curious to see what he does with a thriller! I am a huge fan of books told from multiple perspectives, with each one viewing the same event in a completely different way. Although I do not want to wish the summer away, September 8th cannot come soon enough! 2. A Book You’re Not Anticipating The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab A Life No One Will Remember. A Story You Will Never Forget. France, 1714: in a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets. Thus begins the extraordinary life of Addie LaRue, and a dazzling adventure that will play out across centuries and continents, across history and art, as a young woman learns how far she will go to leave her mark on the world. But everything changes when, after nearly 300 years, Addie stumbles across a young man in a hidden bookstore and he remembers her name. I know that so many people are highly anticipating The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, but I struggle with V.E. Schwab’s writing style. I have read a couple of her books, but I have not loved any of them. The synopsis of this book really intrigues me, but so have the synopses of all her other novels. I will have to wait and read a few more reviews before I decide if this is a book I truly want to read. 3. Most Underhyped Anticipated Release Blood Moon by Lucy Cuthew A timely feminist YA novel in verse about periods, sex, shame and going viral for all the wrong reasons. BLOOD MOON is a YA novel about the viral shaming of a teenage girl. During her seminal sexual experience with the quiet and lovely Benjamin, physics-lover and astronomy fan Frankie gets her period – but the next day a gruesome meme goes viral, turning an innocent, intimate afternoon into something sordid, mortifying and damaging. I saw a review for this book on Instagram recently, and I was instantly intrigued. I think it is important to normalize discussions around periods. I also know that is common for young girls to experience an embarrassing event or have been shamed as a result of their period. This sounds like a book many girls and women alike will relate to, and I hope that it receives more attention when it is released in September! 4. A Book You’ve Been Waiting on for Forever The Heart Principle by Helen Hoang To most people, Quan Diep is nothing but a surly-looking, underachieving playboy. The problem is he’s not any of those things. And now that he’s the CEO of an up-and-coming retail business, he’s suddenly a “catch,” and the rich girls who never used to pay any attention to him are looking at him in a new way—especially Camilla, the girl who brushed him off many years ago. Anna Sun dislikes Quan Diep almost as much as germy bathroom door handles. Or so she tells herself. She will never admit that she has a secret crush on him, especially because he only has eyes for her charismatic and newly engaged younger sister Camilla. Over the years, Anna has worked hard to overcome her OCD, but she’ll still need to find a way to bury her anxieties and seduce Quan so he doesn’t ruin her sister’s engagement, and with it, a crucial real estate development deal. Slowly, Anna breaks down Quan’s dangerous and careless exterior while peeling off her own tough, protective shell. But when Quan discovers Anna’s true intentions, he’s forced to confront his own hurtful past and learn to forgive, while Anna must face her greatest challenge: truly opening herself up to love. The Kiss Quotient and The Bride Test are two of my favourite contemporary romance novels, and I was initially under the impression that we would be getting the third book, The Heart Principle, in 2020. I was so sad to discover that it won’t be released until May of 2021! This has been a painful wait- I just want to read Quan’s story already! 5. A Book You’re Anticipating That’s Out of Your Comfort Zone Invisible Girl by Lisa Jewell LONDON:On a fine avenue of grand houses, big cars and electronic gates, lies a neglected urban wasteland It is nearly midnight, and very cold. Yet in this dark place of long grass and tall trees where cats hunt and foxes shriek, a girl is waiting… When Saffyre Maddox was ten something terrible happened and she’s carried the pain of it around with her ever since. The man who she thought was going to heal her didn’t, and now she hides from him, invisible in the shadows, learning his secrets; secrets she could use to blow his safe, cosy world apart. Owen Pick is invisible too. He’s thirty-three years old and he’s never had a girlfriend, he’s never even had a friend. Nobody sees him. Nobody cares about him. But when Saffyre Maddox disappears from opposite his house on Valentine’s night, suddenly the whole world is looking at him. Accusing him. Holding him responsible. Because he’s just the type, isn’t he? A bit creepy? INVISIBLE GIRL: A story of secrets and injustices, and of how we look in the wrong places for the bad people while the real predators walk among us in plain sight. I enjoy a good thriller/mystery every now and again, but I always read them on a whim and I never keep track of when they are being released or have a thriller author that I am loyal to- that was until I read The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell. Jewell has such an incredible way of creating atmosphere, which I am sure will also be the case in Invisible Girl. This sounds so creepy, and I am ready for it! 6. Your Top 3 “Can’t-Wait” Books Of The Year Magic Lessons by Alice Hoffman Where does the story of the Owens bloodline begin? With Maria Owens, in the 1600s, when she’s abandoned in a snowy field in rural England as a baby. Under the care of Hannah Owens, Maria learns about the “Unnamed Arts.” Hannah recognizes that Maria has a gift and she teaches the girl all she knows. It is here that she learns her first important lesson: Always love someone who will love you back. When Maria is abandoned by the man who has declared his love for her, she follows him to Salem, Massachusetts. Here she invokes the curse that will haunt her family. And it’s here that she learns the rules of magic and the lesson that she will carry with her for the rest of her life. Love is the only thing that matters. Magic Lessons is a celebration of life and love and a showcase of Alice Hoffman’s masterful storytelling. This is another prequel to Practical Magic, which I didn’t know that I needed as I loved Rules of Magic so much, but I am ready for it! Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas Yadriel has summoned a ghost, and now he can’t get rid of him. When his traditional Latinx family has problems accepting his gender, Yadriel becomes determined to prove himself a real brujo. With the help of his cousin and best friend Maritza, he performs the ritual himself, and then sets out to find the ghost of his murdered cousin and set it free. However, the ghost he summons is actually Julian Diaz, the school’s resident bad boy, and Julian is not about to go quietly into death. He’s determined to find out what happened and tie up some loose ends before he leaves. Left with no choice, Yadriel agrees to help Julian, so that they can both get what they want. But the longer Yadriel spends with Julian, the less he wants to let him leave. This may be cheating because I have already read an eARC of Cemetery Boys, but I cannot wait to have the physical copy, and I want everyone to read this book when it comes out! The Pull of the Stars by Emma Donoghue Dublin, 1918: three days in a maternity ward at the height of the Great Flu. A small world of work, risk, death and unlooked-for love, by the bestselling author of The Wonder and ROOM. In an Ireland doubly ravaged by war and disease, Nurse Julia Power works at an understaffed hospital in the city center, where expectant mothers who have come down with the terrible new Flu are quarantined together. Into Julia’s regimented world step two outsiders—Doctor Kathleen Lynn, on the run from the police, and a young volunteer helper, Bridie Sweeney. In the darkness and intensity of this tiny ward, over three days, these women change each other’s lives in unexpected ways. They lose patients to this baffling pandemic, but they also shepherd new life into a fearful world. With tireless tenderness and humanity, carers and mothers alike somehow do their impossible work. In The Pull of the Stars, Emma Donoghue once again finds the light in the darkness in this new classic of hope and survival against all odds. Emma Donoghue wrote one of my favourite novels, The Wonder, but I somehow had no idea that she had a new book coming out! I was so thrilled when Libro fm sent me an ALC, and I will be listening to it soon. Look out for my review! 7. Top 5 Most Anticipated Backlist Books On Your TBR The Girl with the Louding Voice by Abi Daré A powerful, emotional debut novel told in the unforgettable voice of a young Nigerian woman who is trapped in a life of servitude but determined to fight for her dreams and choose her own future. Adunni is a fourteen-year-old Nigerian girl who knows what she wants: an education. This, her mother has told her, is the only way to get a “louding voice”—the ability to speak for herself and decide her own future. But instead, Adunni’s father sells her to be the third wife of a local man who is eager for her to bear him a son and heir. When Adunni runs away to the city, hoping to make a better life, she finds that the only other option before her is servitude to a wealthy family. As a yielding daughter, a subservient wife, and a powerless slave, Adunni is told, by words and deeds, that she is nothing. But while misfortunes might muffle her voice for a time, they cannot mute it. And when she realizes that she must stand up not only for herself, but for other girls, for the ones who came before her and were lost, and for the next girls, who will inevitably follow; she finds the resolve to speak, however she can—in a whisper, in song, in broken English—until she is heard. So many bookish friends have told me that The Girl With the Louding Voice is there favourite book of the year, so I obvious have to read it! Patsy by Nicole Y. Dennis-Benn When Patsy gets her long-coveted visa to America, it comes after years of yearning to leave Pennyfield, the beautiful but impoverished Jamaican town where she was raised. More than anything, Patsy wishes to be reunited with her oldest friend, Cicely, whose letters arrive from New York steeped in the promise of a happier life and the possible rekindling of their young love. But Patsy’s plans don’t include her overzealous, evangelical mother―or even her five-year-old daughter, Tru. Beating with the pulse of a long-witheld confession, Patsy gives voice to a woman who looks to America for the opportunity to choose herself first―not to give a better life to her family back home. Patsy leaves Tru behind in a defiant act of self-preservation, hoping for a new start where she can be, and love, whomever she wants. But when Patsy arrives in Brooklyn, America is not as Cicely’s treasured letters described; to survive as an undocumented immigrant, she is forced to work as a bathroom attendant and nanny. Meanwhile, Tru builds a faltering relationship with her father back in Jamaica, grappling with her own questions of identity and sexuality, and trying desperately to empathize with her mother’s decision. Expertly evoking the jittery streets of New York and the languid rhythms of Jamaica, Patsy weaves between the lives of Patsy and Tru in vignettes spanning more than a decade as mother and daughter ultimately find a way back to one another. Much like The Girl With the Louding Voice, I have heard only incredible things about Patsy. How to Write an Autobiographical Novel by Alexander Chee How to Write an Autobiographical Novel is the author’s manifesto on the entangling of life, literature, and politics, and how the lessons learned from a life spent reading and writing fiction have changed him. In these essays, he grows from student to teacher, reader to writer, and reckons with his identities as a son, a gay man, a Korean American, an artist, an activist, a lover, and a friend. He examines some of the most formative experiences of his life and the nation’s history, including his father’s death, the AIDS crisis, 9/11, the jobs that supported his writing—Tarot-reading, bookselling, cater-waiting for William F. Buckley—the writing of his first novel, Edinburgh, and the election of Donald Trump. By turns commanding, heartbreaking, and wry, How to Write an Autobiographical Novel asks questions about how we create ourselves in life and in art, and how to fight when our dearest truths are under attack. I have had the audiobook for How to Write an Autobiographical Novel for awhile now, and I need to read it! I have recently discovered a love for memoirs told through essays, so this is perfect for me. The End of the Ocean by Maja Lunde In 2019, seventy-year-old Signe sets out on a hazardous voyage to cross an entire ocean in only a sailboat. She is haunted by the loss of the love of her life, and is driven by a singular and all-consuming mission to make it back to him. In 2041, David flees with his young daughter, Lou, from a war-torn Southern Europe plagued by drought. They have been separated from their rest of their family and are on a desperate search to reunite with them once again, when they find Signe’s abandoned sailboat in a parched French garden, miles away from the nearest shore. As David and Lou discover personal effects from Signe’s travels, their journey of survival and hope weaves together with Signe’s, forming a heartbreaking, inspiring story about the power of nature and the human spirit in this second novel from the author of the “spectacular and deeply moving” (New York Times bestselling author Lisa See) The History of Bees. The History of Bees is an incredible book, and I often say that it is so underrated. I am so excited to read another book from Maja Lunde! Pachinko by Min Jin Lee In the early 1900s, teenaged Sunja, the adored daughter of a crippled fisherman, falls for a wealthy stranger at the seashore near her home in Korea. He promises her the world, but when she discovers she is pregnant–and that her lover is married–she refuses to be bought. Instead, she accepts an offer of marriage from a gentle, sickly minister passing through on his way to Japan. But her decision to abandon her home, and to reject her son’s powerful father, sets off a dramatic saga that will echo down through the generations. Richly told and profoundly moving, Pachinko is a story of love, sacrifice, ambition, and loyalty. From bustling street markets to the halls of Japan’s finest universities to the pachinko parlors of the criminal underworld, Lee’s complex and passionate characters–strong, stubborn women, devoted sisters and sons, fathers shaken by moral crisis–survive and thrive against the indifferent arc of history. Pachinko is a book that I have had on my TBR shelf for far too long, especially since I just know that I am going to love it! This is the summer that I finally read it! What is your most anticipated book of the year?
In a week that has been filled with imagery from Cairo, Noah Addis‘ installation of large format prints at 110 Church Gallery in Old City is even more relevant and emotive. Today in Philadelphia the weather is extraordinarily hot outside, but, Cairo, Egypt is a meme for hot places on Earth. The photograph above is a large scale print and was shot with a four by five camera capturing an information rich image of the architectural landscape of the Egyptian city. The solemn windowless structure, a grid of cement and brick, is housing for people. They don’t live without windows, however, they punch out some of the bricks to create openings transforming the blank wall offering a glimpse into the life of the people who live there. Noah Addis sets up his four by five camera and waits for that magic light moment to capture on the large negatives, he’ll wait for hours to catch the image that creates the narrative the best. There aren’t many people in the photographs but the signs of life are everywhere. Seeing how other cultures live and comparing it to life here is so compelling and informative. The photographs are beautiful and impeccably printed but the signification of the shapes and their relevance to global culture is unforgettable. The landscape above with the soccer field and community park has to be seen to believed. The town with cliff side villas is a community where trash is recycled. The debris pours down the mountainside like a mudslide of human consumption and consumerism. The soccer field walls hold back mounds of trash that cannot somehow be recycled, up-cycled, reused or restored by the inhabitants. Future Cities – “According to United Nations estimates there are more than a billion squatters living today–one out of every six people on earth. This number is expected to double to two billion by 2030. And by the middle of the century there will be three billion squatters.” – Noah Addis artist statement 110 Church Gallery, through July 27, 2013 Saturday, July 27 @ 1:30 pm Noon – 4 pm In an ongoing partnership with The Center for Emerging Visual Artists (CFEVA) we are pleased to present Future Cities, Cairo, an Alumni Solo Exhibition featuring work by Noah Addis curated by Stella Gassaway. The exhibition is on view through July 27, 2013 at 110 CHURCH gallery located at 110 Church Street in Old City Philadelphia. Like 110 Church Gallery on facebook Written and photographed by DoN Brewer except where noted. Like DoNArTNeWs Philadelphia Art News Blog on facebook Follow the new DoNArTNeWs.com Follow DoN on Twitter @DoNNieBeat58 DoNArTNeWS on Tumblr @donniebeat on Instagram
Following the controversy around Lizzo’s record-breaking single Truth Hurts, a Hocus Pocus parody group has covered the song in a witchy way for Halloween. Because, well, why not? With Halloween just around the corner, we’re feeling pretty witchy. And, as we all know, the ultimate Halloween film to get us feeling spooky is Hocus Pocus. So this year’s celebrations will be particularly hell-raising, after news that the classic 90s film is reportedly getting a sequel. Yep, Disney has hired original writer Jen D’Angelo to pen a new script, and she’s keen to get Sarah Jessica Parker, Bette Midler and Kathy Najimy on board. But, before we too excited for what’s to come, let’s concentrate on this year… Cue: a Hocus Pocus remix of Lizzo’s Truth Hurts. The singer shared a video on social media, which has since gained over 60,000 likes. It showed a parody group of the Hocus Pocus witches singing a Halloween version of the hit Truth Hurts. “Y’all hoes ain’t ready for Halloween until u sing truth hurts in the style of the Hocus Pocus witches and that’s on period, pooh,” Lizzo captioned the video. After some serious investigating, we’ve found that the group of women behind the video are actors Gina Naomi Baez, Andrea Galeno and Mary Sharon – otherwise known as the Sanderson Sisters. And if you fancy singing along, the updated witchy lyrics go as follows: “Why satan great ‘til he gotta be great? Book! “I just took a DNA test, turns out I’m 100% that witch “Even when I’m crying crazy “Yeah, I got devil problems, that’s the bruja in me “Bling bling, then I solve ‘em, that’s the sorceress in me “You coulda had a bad witch super evil “Help you with the underworld just a little “You ‘posed to keep me down, but a virgins bringing me back “Cause he found the candle ‘n lit the flame that’s black. “Why Satan great ‘til he gotta be great? “Don’t hex me, cast it straight to my face “Sisters, round the cauldron we gather “Life potion gonna make us younger “Fresh photos with the bomb lighting “New warlock from my Salem Sightings “Truth hurts, need something more spellbinding “Amuck, amuck, amuck amuck “I’m no basic hag witch, I’m Winniewin’ “I think I smell children! “We don’t walk we fly! “Broomsticks in the sky! “Make you drink our potions like aye yi yi.” Watch the full video for Truth Hurts by the Sanderson Sisters Justin and Jeremiah Raisen claimed to have written the lyric “I just took a DNA test turns out I’m 100% that…” with Lizzo in a recording session. The singer has since said that they “did not help me write any part of the song”. She added: “There was no-one in the room when I wrote Truth Hurts, except me, Ricky Reed, and my tears. That song is my life, and its words are my truth.” But now, she has credited the writer of the meme that actually did inspire those lyrics. “In 2017, while working on a demo, I saw a meme that resonated with me… I later used the line in Truth Hurts… I later learned that a tweet inspired the meme”, Lizzo tweeted. “The creator of the tweet is the person I am sharing my success with…” British singer Mina Lioness, who Lizzo was referring to, replied saying: “I want to publicly thank @Lizzo and her entire managment team for embracing me and reaching out. “I have received nothing but love from her through our communications, so I truly do thank her.”
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…flew a Millennium Falcon. Surrounded on all sides by a 6-inch Darth Vader, Stormtrooper (he was kind of small for a stormtrooper) and Boba Fett the Falcon rattled and swooped and occasionally made a laser sound as it evaded capture before heading to do the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs. It was a beautiful sight as the old (brand new) rust bucket took on the Empire and various other assembled baddies that included two knights, a dinosaur and the cat (who was feigning interest I later found out, laugh it up fuzzball). OK, so it wasn’t quite the Star Wars universe we were in, it was a family house in Oldham, but the young me was thrilled by my Star Wars presents. The Millennium Falcon (circa 1985) was a stunning piece of plastic manufacturing. The original trilogy (as we now must refer to them) were are their height and they influenced a whole generation of children as they have done ever since. It’s difficult to get away from the sheer spread of publicity and comment as the NEW Star Wars film looms into view – the premiere is later this week. Official and unofficial social channels have been abuzz with previews, teasers and reaction, and a whole new generation of fans and children have all kinds of new ranges of merchandise at their fingertips. The new Star Wars film, The Force Awakens, now under the stewardship of the Disney corporation, is expected to generate in the region of $3 billion in merchandise sales this year alone. A phenomenal figure when you consider that is the official merchandise figure. As always a whole industry has sprung up around “unofficial” merchandise, and with such a global phenomenon as Star Wars policing this rebel force will be difficult. There is no chance of wiping them out. The nostalgia button is always pressed for me when Star Wars is mentioned, so when I came across pictures from an original 1985 Argos catalogue that was it… It reminded me of Christmas’ and birthday’s past, sitting down with the Argos catalogue to mark up the numbers of the latest toys, often merchandised from the latest cartoon. Indeed, Star Wars was one of the very first films to spark the now accepted connection between a film/TV/cartoon and merchandise. Writer and director, George Lucas, passed up a larger fee to write and direct the original film and instead took a share of the merchandise deal, which proved to be an inspired move. The studio, Fox, were happy with the deal as their previous attempt at merchandising for the original Dr Doolittle film had proved a disaster. Their lack of faith was disturbing, it was the foresight that was to Lucas’ benefit. Kids big and small in 2015 won’t have the problem of a lack of choice when it comes to Star Wars merchandise. One look at the shelves in my local supermarket is enough to show that there are going to be a huge number of stocking fillers with a splash of lightsabers on them. I am unapologetically a Star Wars fan and the Happy office has its fair share of fans, who like me, cannot wait for the new film. The Force is strong with us. As for that original 1985 Millennium Falcon, it’s still at my parents’ house. There is no way that was ever going to the jumble sale! May the Force be with you…always ps. Yes, this piece is stuffed with Star Wars lines, re-read and enjoy. Simon Brooke is a Director and creative thinker at Happy Creative, a strategic marketing and creative branding agency based in Blackpool, Lancashire. To learn more or contact us please go to www.happy-creative.co.uk or tweet us @Happy_Creative Please enter your email to subscribe to the Happy blog Paid social media can be a brilliantly effective yet low cost form of lead generation, and it’s a great way to extend your reach, drive website traffic and generate likes and shares. We’ll take care of setting up and managing your paid social media accounts, ensuring your spend is carefully targeted. Then we’ll provide clear, transparent reporting so you can keep refining the strategy to make your ad spend even more effective.More about Paid Social Campaigns All the tweets and posts in the world won’t help generate leads unless there’s some strategic thinking behind what you’re doing. We’ll help define the right social media strategy for you, so that you’re on the right platforms, saying the right things to the right people at the right time to generate the right leads.More about Social Media Marketing is bit like those huge, swirling flocks of starlings you see from time to time. Individually your brochure, email, ad, meme or gif may not change the world. But when you join them together and ensure they’re all heading in the same direction, you have the power to stop people in their tracks. We design communications that help build a consistent brand and convert more leads to sales.More about Design & Brand Building Your website can generate leads in so many ways. Informed content. Strong calls to action. A simple, natural journey from ‘Hi there!’ to ‘Buy now’. Yet websites are never ‘done’. They need to keep evolving to keep pace with your customers’ expectations, so we’ll be with you for the long haul to keep tweaking, refining and growing your site – and to deliver the PPC campaigns that help drive traffic towards it. Because when your website keeps working to understand and speak to your audience, you’ve got more chance of converting.More about Websites There’s a knack to ensuring your business is seen in the right places at the right time. We’ll build your PR profile across the mix of channels that’s right for you (from press to social media to events) and use our contacts to spread the word. So when your customers are ready to buy, it’ll be your brand they think of first.More about PR & Content
Two hard-throwing, buzz-generating Astros prospects, Francis Martes and David Paulino, encapsulate how the Astros have taken a different approach to the game in a way that has nothing to do with the usual meme of analytics. The Astros did not draft these pitchers, and numbers didn’t matter much, radar-gun readings aside. It’s about the design of a scouting system that got the right people to the right place, people who then made the right evaluations. In this case, one young scout named Alex Jacobs on the backfields of Florida served as the Astros’ eyes, under the supervision of the director of pro scouting, Kevin Goldstein. And it’s about a general manager who, during his highly publicized rebuild, had reason to want players far away from contributing — and subsequently listened to his people on whom to target. “I never heard of either of them when I was asking for them,” Astros GM Jeff Luhnow said of Martes and Paulino. “But I know ‘em now.” The Astros traded then-closer Jose Veras to the Tigers in a deadline deal in July 2013, when the team was in full-scale, cut-throat demolish and rebuild mode. By midseason in each of the next two years, Veras became Astros property again on the cheap, his contributions decent in 2014 in the big leagues, but limited to the minors this season. He was released from Class AAA Fresno right around this year’s deadline, coincidentally. The Astros may well be regarded as the winners in the ’13 Veras deal, but not because they were able to get Veras back in subsequent seasons. There was this unknown kid from the Dominican Republic they picked up off the backfields in the deal named Paulino. A righty who is now 21, Paulino had undergone Tommy John surgery very shortly before he was included in the the July 29, 2013, that sent Veras to the Tigers. And the Astros wanted the injured pitcher anyway. Healthy now, Paulino has struck out 72 and walked 19 with a 2.81 ERA between Low and High Class A this season after beginning the year in extended spring training. In 2014, the Astros pulled off a higher profile deal most literally at the last minute of the deadline with the Marlins, acquiring outfielder Jake Marisnick, third-base prospect Colin Moran and a future draft pick in a deal for Jarred Cosart and Kiké Hernandez. There was one other player in the trade — the “throw-in,” if you will — a teenager named Martes. Astros personnel were excited about him at the time, but teams are almost always excited about players they acquire. This enthusiasm was well founded. A righty who is now 19, Martes is also from Dominican, and he’s making even greater waves than Paulino. The teenager’s already in Class AA Corpus Christi, with 98 strikeouts and 28 walks in 101 2/3 innings between three levels — not including extended spring, where he also started out. The Astros have made their share of mistakes, as all clubs do, some notable. They’ve had victories as well, and the acquisition of these two pitchers show a different side of how the Astros’ outside-the-box thinking benefited them. It was Jacobs’ reports that encouraged the Astros to trade for the pitchers, and it was Goldstein’s design that had Jacobs, 28, patrolling backfields. The Astros have a similar strategy in Arizona, where Aaron Tassano takes in games at team complexes. The Astros aren’t the only organization watching the youngest, raw players, but it’s not a universal practice. “When I hired Kevin, one of the things I asked him to do was think about what the right strategy should be for us given the fact that we were on a slightly longer time frame than other clubs,” Luhnow said. “Normally when you’re dealing players, I found this now being on the acquiring side, when you’re dealing players, the team wants players that are close to the major leagues back in return. Which is why we trade (Domingo) Santana and (Brett) Phillips and those types of guys. “We were, we knew we were in a position where we had a lot of already interesting prospects at the upper levels and we could afford to take some fliers on some guys that were further away. And so when Kevin set up the department, he set it up in a way that was pretty balanced where scouting was across all levels and not necessarily focused on the upper levels.” Jacobs, who covers part of the Florida State League as well as team complexes, and Goldstein deferred comment on this story to their superiors. Working in baseball media for a decade with an emphasis on scouting and prospects before joining the Astros front office, Goldstein thought long about how he might do things differently given the chance to run a scouting department: how many looks to get on players, and on which types of players. That strategy coincided with the Astros’ overall approach. “And as a result of (Goldstein’s system), we had good reports on players that maybe another organization might not have even seen, or might have had only one report on,” Luhnow said. “Whenever you’re asking for the third player in the trade, and he’s a rookie ball player or a Low A ball player, those guys are far away. They’re — it’s like rolling the dice. But in the case of both Paulino and Martes, Kevin and his scouts did a tremendous job of identifying those guys.” Martes, at 6-1, 225 pounds, is big bodied but that belies a free-and-easy delivery. He sits in the mid-90s — a couple ticks higher than Paulino — with a power breaking ball at 82-84 mph. His quick rise is an example of how the Astros are more comfortable promoting pitching prospects with speed than hitting prospects. “For his age, 19 years old, he’s very ahead, speaking about maturity-wise,” Lancaster manager Omar Lopez said. “His stuff is so good. He’s got a power fastball, he has a nice and smooth arm action. “Breaking ball, his out pitch right now — when that pitch is good in an outing, oh my God, he’s unhittable.” Paulino, 6-7, has tossed 67 1/3 innings this season, well more than he had in his first three years in pro ball combined, from 2011-13. Lancaster has been a bit of a struggle after he posted a 1.57 ERA at Quad Cities: he has a 5.22 ERA in the hitter-friendly California League. Fastball command will be key for him, and he’s not as polished as Martes, made evident by Martes’ arrival at Class AA at a younger age. Like Paulino, he throws a curveball and changeup. But both pitchers are potentially big arms, and big boons for the Astros on the side of the ball they’re not best known for, pro scouting.
So it’s been a while since I’ve posted, life happens. Any who..here is Trust Fund Broke’s Top 5 things you MUST clean this spring. 1. Your Closet – Now this may be obvious, but you need to get rid of that sweater that you haven’t worn since senior year. Plus, it is THE best de-stresser. I’m a little weird, but I organize my closet by season. I’m all about getting rid of old and in with new more fabulous stuff! 2. Your Car – Really underestimated. The trunk, middle console and glove compartment are all places we seem to use to hide our extra things. I personally hate getting into dirty cars. (Obviously, a couple papers here and there are fine) but I’m talking lazy people with the fast food garbage everywhere, unless we consumed that in the time of me being present in the car, I automatically think you’re disgusting. 3. Your Phone & Social Media Contacts – Okay, de-friend those people that aren’t even creep worthy (unless you do actually want them to see how fab your life is) and delete those contacts that have one name or “Adam from the Bar” unless you text him on a frequent basis I highly doubt he remembers you at all. Sorry hun. And the games, just de-app them. 4. Your Computer – Ahhh, you know ALL those funny Meme’s you saved to post to Facebook? Yeah, you probably forgot about them and now you have 30 pictures saved with LoL1 LOLOLOL and HAHAHAHA. Do some clean up and make your baby shine! 5. Makeup – Most makeups have a 6 month expiry date. Thats not long at all. Then, the air gets them and bacteria and causes infections and thats just gross. Wash your brushes regularly and replace that Mascara!
While Throwback Thursdays are a funny way to relive some of the memories you’d rather forget, it’s important to remember that everything you put online (be it yesterday, last week or 10 years ago) is on there for everyone to see. Yes, even if you do have hectic privacy settings. In an age where celebrities are stepping down from gigs because careless tweets have resurfaced after a decade (Kevin Hart, we’re looking at you), it’s never been more important to realise the consequences of your own digital footprint when it comes to your career. In fact a 2018 survey showed around 70% of employers will scope out the social media presence of potential candidates before hiring and almost half of all bosses regularly check their current employees’ digital antics. So, if your digital footprint isn’t giving the best first impression, or if a light Face-stalk could put you in a compromising position, here are three easy steps to clean up your act. It’s Time For A Cleaning Spree First of all, you might like to get familiar with what your digital footprint consists of. While you may think you’re covered with your privacy settings, the best way to hide things you don’t want others to see is it to delete them entirely. If you don’t know where to start, there are a host of apps, plug-ins and web tools to ruthlessly dispose of your past like Marie Kondo to a wardrobe. Try Cardigan for Twitter posts, which enables you to delete tweets between certain timeframes, right down to specific hashtags. You can also use TweetDelete to delete your tweets on a rolling basis, keeping your feed to as many tweets as you set it to. For Facebook, Social Book Post Manager is a free Chrome plug-in that is essentially a robot that manually deletes your Facebook posts, four times faster than you could do yourself. You can even target specific words or names if you want to keep any jilted lovers off your digital footprint. If you’re in a job already, take some time to check out your employer’s social media policy. Lots of employers have rules around posting pictures in company uniforms, about company matters or even just within the workplace. The Proof Is In The Posting Think of your digital footprint as the key to your personal brand. It’s not about ditching your online presence entirely, but about using it responsibly and respectfully. We have millions of thoughts every day and plenty of time to assess our actions before those thoughts travel down to your fingers and onto your keyboard. While it’s fine to post a picture of you enjoying a drink with friends (you’re human and so are recruiters), keep it to one early in the night and think about how impressive (or not) boasting about your hangover the next day might look. Most of the time, hiring managers are typically doing a quick Google of potential candidates to get a feel for their personalities to determine who might be a good fit beyond being able to fulfil a job description.Make sure what you post and how you engage with social media is representative of the person you’ve made yourself out to be in job applications. If you’ve said you’re a great communicator and writer, for example, you’ll want to make sure your posts are articulate with correct spelling and grammar. Finally, with endless ‘likes’ comes endless responsibility. Choosing to like a post, comment, image or page is effectively saying you endorse it and what it represents. Be wise and maybe hold off before the ‘like’ reflex takes over the next time you see a funny, but potentially offensive, meme. Learn To Love LinkedIn Social media isn’t the devil its been made out to be and just because the old you thought it was funny to post pictures of your bare bottom or with your stoned mate doesn’t mean your social media can’t be turned around and used for good. If you’re serious about landing a job you love, start being more active on platforms that support that dream. LinkedIn is a great example. When it first launched, you probably thought of it as Facebook for old people, but the platform has come a long way and is a fantastic way to be spotted by recruiters and rebuild your digital footprint. This is one social profile you want to make as publicly visible as you can. Share insightful information about the industry you’re trying to get into, or TED talks that resonate with you. Being active on social media, especially LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, in all the right ways enables you to control your first impression. Think about what you’d want your dream employer to see and if you feel like posting anything outside of that….don’t. To keep on top of everything to do with side hustles, amazing jobs, and money, head to our Career & Money section. Image Credit: Unplash
Okay, I give up. I'm afraid Friday Femmes Fatales is going to have to become an "occasional" series rather than a weekly one. (I'm going to aim for but not promise fortnightly.) I just can't spend any more hours at the computer than I do now. (But – small bribe – if you send in lots of nominations it could be more regular!) Now that my little whinge is over, on to the ten great female bloggers with ten killer posts… Regular readers will know I aim to promote women bloggers even when I don't necessarily agree with them, so I'll start with Jo22 on I Can't Fly, and her take on Jack Straw and the Muslim veil issue. But I entirely agree with the sentiments of the blogger on Politics'n'Poetry, who highlights the environmental misdeeds of the Saskatchewan Power Corporation (Canada). Staying green, Anna on Bitchinspin, who's obviously a far more serious cyclist than I, reports on a university free bike scheme. Amazingly it seems, they aren't being stolen! I'm equally in tune with Kari on Thought Interrupted, who picked up and reshaped the currently popular meme to make it five things feminism still has to do. Ronni Bennett (no relation, that I know of) on Time Goes By, subtitled "what it's really like to get older", wonders how plastic surgery comes into the 'women's health category', concluding "they’ll force us to become grotesque simulacra of youth to not offend their delicate sensibilities of what is attractive". On the superb group blog Our Bodies Ourselves, Christine C. contemplates that old question: can men be feminists?. One powerful obituary certainly supports that possibility. On another question that keeps being asked – what is university (college) for? – the Blue Gal provides some great stats, and interesting thoughts on the changing American experience. Turning more personal, although still eminently political, Liz Connor reflects on being a teenage bulimic. She reflects how this is merely the other side of overeating: "With any addiction self-loathing and self-comfort become bound within a mutually sustaining, closed system." After that, some healthy, sensible eating – Jennifershmoo on Vegan Lunch Box offers (with pictures) vegan bento. (I have to admit that after eating almost entirely vegan at the recent Green Party conference I felt remarkably healthy considering the other ways I was abusing my body – e.g. alcohol and lack of sleep. But still not sure I could stick it full time.) Finally, to finish, the one post you really, really must read here – leave on an inspirational note: The Sappho Manifesto tells the story of Elizabeth "Lizzie" Jennings, a 24-year-old schoolteacher, and apparently unlikely revolutionary. If you missed the last edition, it is on my home blog. Please: In the next week if you read, or write, a post by a woman blogger and think “that deserves a wider audience” (particularly someone who doesn’t yet get many hits), drop a comment. It really does make my life easier. Or don’t be shy – nominate yourself! (Thanks to Penny and Val who sent in nominations this week.)
PartylikГ¶r A new way to watch TV together Video The rules seem to give an OK game and I look forward to reading more AAR's in the future. Thanks Steve, I think these rules are like NT rules, a bit of a robust blank canvas to hang your own preferences on to. I am trying to keep posts below words, this one was around I think. I note with some regret, but understanding that Jon on his blog is closing shop for a while, with a likely outcome that if he returns, he will scale back his posts. I do get that. I know where he's coming from and have been thinking whether I should go shorter as per this AAR, which is just as effective as a long one for most games. It would save me time and the reader too. Less is more? Thanks Michal, I think the randomised movement and reinforcement schedule will help it play a little differently each time. Thanks, I was lucky, everything about the fences just seemed to work as each phase was completed. Great little action, Norm! You must know the rules by now- the nicest painted units always perform the worst on the table. It's a standard thing in my games : I've tried to get my hands on the Firepower rules but can never find them on Ebay or anywhere else on the net. I dont game 28mm so I'll never actually but them. I'm on a real ACW kick of late so these guys were great to see. Much enjoyed battle report, sir! Thanks Steve, I also have some Peter Pig 15mm ACW on painting sticks, but pushed the 28's because they have simply been too long in the painting queue and they do look splendid. I have never understood why the Perry's don't sell the rules on their site, even for just a token couple of pounds. A great looking little game, wonderful units Thanks Phil, it was nice to reach the point of having enough units to be able to do an official Perry scenario from the rulebook. It seems to provide a good basis for tweaking with more units and extra terrain and even for moving to other periods. Congratulations on completing the battle box, a most enjoyable report too. I had always wondered how the included rules played, they seem a fine basic set to play about with. Thanks Phil, the rules sit at the sort of Neil Thomas level, which is something I know we both appreciate Now for some Wars of the Roses Five years? Not bad going then Norm : They all look splendid, I have long thought that set is a very good deal and have come close to ordering one several times but managed to resist. That's my kind of game there, surprised it was only a 4 x 3. Yes, I was pleased by the table size working, it could easily have taken more units. Noire: The VR Case Files Bully All Games Crews Search Create a Crew Emblem Editor Jobs Photos Videos Events News Sign In Sign Up Download Launcher. Wall Hierarchy Emblems. Recent Activity. Upload screenshots, emojis and GIFs for even more excitement! Support Us on Patreon. Teleparty is out! Read our Blog. Netflix Party is now Teleparty and comes to Microsoft Edge! Learn more. A new way to watch TV together Teleparty formerly Netflix Party is a new way to watch TV with your friends online. Party like a princess Party like a princess Party like a princess I don't need a prince to party like a princess Party like a princess Party like a princess Party like a princess I don't need a prince to party like a princess. So let me tell you something That you're needing to hear Turn into 11 Won't you lend me your ear Royalty is in your blood You're an heir to the throne Whether you're a baby Or have babies of your own. Don't you know who your Daddy is? And don't you know what your Daddy did? And don't you know who your Daddy is? He paid it all You're the belle of this ball So won't you. Party like, party like Party like a princess Party like, party like Party like a princess Party like, party like Party like a princess Party like, party like I don't need a prince to party like a princess. Tonight, right? If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But until proven otherwise, this is what I think is the plot. Trump is supposed to lay it all out tonight, right? I'm sorry, I'm calling this the dem distraction they always pull. If I'm wrong in the end, so be it. I'm convinced it is antifa causing the violence. I can't fully prove it But it all wreaks of antifa. And Tifa trying more of their bullshit trying to make Republicans look bad Democrats and antifa and the media all Are terrorists. Buckjb Sure Dave, tell me what I sat here and watched for hours. You just let me know what to believe. Is there supposed to be a specific "look" to be a Trump supporter? They look like pretty average and ordinary people to me. Their not , its antifa, you can by their tactics and movements.Found 2 subreddits like r/DirtyConfession (60, subs). NSFW. Post any and all dirty confessions here! Rank: View subreddit information or browse subreddits. Yes she does. Fuck y’all acting like y’all are all that and a bag of chips. There are plenty of “masculine” looking cis women who are clocked as Trans on a regular basis like Serena and Leslie Jones so get the fuck out of here with y’all’s bullshit lies. This has to be about the easiest meme I’ve made xD. Party like xRx STAR III. Official Party like .(STAR)crew. Lyrics to 'Party Like A Russian' by Robbie Williams. It takes a certain kind of man with a certain reputation To alleviate the cash from a whole entire nation Take my loose change and build my own space station (Just because you can, man). Party like xRx STAR III. Official Party like .(STAR)crew. 03/01/ · Jamie Grace - Party Like A Princess (tradução) (Letra e música para ouvir) - When I walked into the party / Everybody just stopped / Even the DJ wasn't ready / To see me without / A boy who isn't ready to be king / So tell me / Why. Party like it’s . Bought in late and with repeated promises to myself that these would get painting priority, I have at last completed the last unit of the Perry 28mm ACW Battle in a Box starter set and with that done, it seems fitting to play one of the scenarios from the .
Boomika Movie Download Isaimini Tamilyogi, Kuttymovies, Tamilrockers, Kuttymovies, Moviesda, Isaimini, Netflix, Telegram Link, Watch Online Free, Mp4moviez, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p leaked by the unlawful websites. People are advised to watch movies on (OTT) platforms such as Voot, Disney+ Hotstar, SonyLIV, Netflix, HBO MAX, and Amazon Prime. Boomika Movie Full Movie Story and Full Information - Also, Download –Shershaah Full Movie Free Download Pagalworld - Also, Download –The Family Man Season 2 Download Mp4moviez Bhumika Movie Review: Unlike other films, Rathindran R Prasad wants this horror film to work logically. So the characters in the movie are what ordinary, scared men do: run for life and safety. The title of the image will appear on the screen with a bad background score. Who is that girl? Who drove the car? Why was he killed? He seemed like an ordinary man with no evil plans. After all, he is a meme creator, what harm could he have done to such a horrible and untimely death? The questioner is not the villain. But we later found out that he had a role in destroying the planet. At least, that’s the basic feeling of this film. His death and some other deaths before and after him are a way of saving the earth. I liked the way Rathindra tried to flip the angle of who is bad and who is not. Mind you, he tries to do it but never pulls it off. Deletes an hour in the early suspense film he created. Child psychologist Samyukta (Aishwarya Rajesh), her husband Kamdam (Vidu), their son Sindhu, her brother-in-law Aditi (Madhuri), and friend Gayathri (Surya Ganapathi) go to an area in the forest. Plan to build 500 luxury villas. Everything seems normal until nightfall. Gayatri seems to be exchanging messages with a friend. She is happy to be reunited with an old friend. After some creepy WhatsApp news, she found out that friend Krishna – who had come from the initial scene crash – had been dead for hours now. That’s when things start to stumble a little. Unlike other films, Rathindran wants this horror film to work logically. So the characters in the movie are what ordinary, scared men do: run for life and safety. But, the problem is, you can see Rathindra’s hand in every scene. The flow of the story does not feel natural and uninterrupted. The story is narrated in such a way that the audience should appreciate the fact that Rathindra respects logic. The invisible subtext reads, “Look, the characters can’t escape the house for this reason. It’s not because they’re dumb like in other movies.” In this attempt to maintain logic, he loses plot fluid. How To Download Boomika Movie 2021 Download Isaimini Tamilyogi In 1080p Downloading movies from unwanted sites is strictly banned in India and it may cause legal issues we always suggest you watch movies from a legal website and you can watch this movie on Disney + Hotstar this article is just for information we do not promote any illegal things through our website. You can download Boomika Movie 2021 Download Isaimini 480p on this website Google’s People Also Search Boomika Movie Download Isaimini Tamilyogi 720p - BOOMIKA TAMIL MOVIE 2021 DOWNLOAD, - BOOMIKA MOVIE 2021 DOWNLOAD ISAIMINI TAMILROCKERS, - BOOMIKA MOVIE RELEASE DATE, - BOOMIKA MOVIE DOWNLOAD ISAIMINI, - BOOMIKA MOVIE DOWNLOAD TAMILYOGI, - BOOMIKA MOVIE DOWNLOAD KUTTYMOVIES, Also, Download –Thozha Movie Download Isaimini Hindirockers 1080p Disclaimer – Sarkarinaukriexams.in does not aim to promote or condone piracy in any way. Piracy is an act of crime and is considered a serious offence under the Copyright Act of 1957. This page aims to inform the general public about piracy and encourage them to be safe from such acts. We further request you not to encourage or engage in piracy in any form.
Logical-Scholar (Discord ID: 312702556209938443), page 1 Security Advisory: Links in messages may lead to maliciously operated websites that could track your IP address and reveal your identity, or they may contain harmful files. The DiscordLeaks team does not check links and cannot make any statements about the safety of following these links. Some ways to protect yourself are: - Do not open files downloaded from links, and do not run any programs that try to download themselves to your computer. - Use anonymization measures such as Tor Browser or a VPN. If you are using the Privacy Badger or other privacy extensions, you may need to whitelist Discord and related domains in order for the images to load. 7,413 total messages. Viewing 250 per page. Page 1/30 | Next In the eyes of the left white supremacy is somehow worse than any other racial supremacy Exactly, I am tired of hearing them cry "white supremacy" whites are fucking most tolerant skin coloured people I must say I prefer rather to have Nationstate pride but ethnic pride in the same whatever the scale. Kim Kardashian have two sisters and she and them all date blacks wtf (kanye west is cool tho) Next time I see a burka I will pull it off the wearer, if her husband decides to attack me I will hit him so hard so he will think his non-existent god has betrayed him Myth claims he thinks Michelle Obama looked better than Melania unfortunately most pro weed movements are leftie fucks but how can we tell someone is high if driving? they can test it with alcohol being all like "DON'T GENERALIZE" is more of a liberal thing who are like believing in complete individualism or whatever the left usually goes against leftie values, they barely even know their own spectrum few examples, american left is pro islam but anti christianity, better left is anti- ALL religion. Being leftie to the degree of several European countries is considered radical in America lol Liberals are Islamic not commies ffs There is different movements of enemies for sure but I don't believe in "enemy of my enemy is my friend" Islamists and commies fight each other but I hate both I talked to several once before lol this is the largest trump supporter discord server. well it was until you repealed and replaced it lol you repealed and replaced Trumpcare we should swap colour code on the red pill thing, Republican should be blue and Dixiocrat red, red is communist colour It's ironic the left is so eager to first see Religion and culture disappear but they surely demand gay marriage.. Why do they even give two shits about marriage in the first place ? there is simply no reason to force churches to accept gay marriage. otherwise I wouldn't give two fucks about gay marriage they can have gay marriage in mosques lol Imo this server needs a better name The corporate jews are only like 30 people out of millions of jews but they still do damage like crazy Mohammad wasn't a good muslim so it's true I would never vote for Hillary clinton Being a Muslim in Europe must be great, you can rape the hottest girls you see if you want and no jail... Americans with croatian dna are trump supporters lol Sweden is lost and Muslims have won it Swedes will eventually loose authority, be invaded and bred out of existence Sweden brings trouble on themselves if they dont vote for their democrats I would bring a gun and gun down the invaders, if my people dies whoever vitneses will die with it Muslims can be white lol but you missed the point @Mjold Böns Californians should be raped by muslims @Mjold Böns Btw mass rape can be used as a tactic for genocide A fat man does the nazi salute in virginia: everyone freaks out, jihadist kills 100+ in paris: oh no that is just not dangerous, you will rather die by falling out of your bath! European countries should be ethno-states imo You need to work to loose weight, not just blame white hetrophile men The great thing about guns is it's now impossible to occupy America and Switzerland I am so happy atm, the welfare that my country gave to child refugees suddenly went bankrupt yesterday and some refugees are almost starving, I bet those fuckers now regret having so many kids. from now on rapefugees either work and contribute or they keep starving, their choice tbh I consider voting for far left because I know they would inevitably bankrupt the welfare state take in ukranian refugees? Merkel: no they are whites, we need non-whites in Europe right? liberals never really become happy with Trump no matter what he does, if he cures cancer they will find a way to hate him. <@301964089750716416> Me a liberal? don't joke around please. but you gotta make some logic, liberal men don't look for women because they are gay. West Virginia and Mississippi are the best states in America tbh I don't give a shit of other's religions as long as they let me keep mine If someone wants to be atheist i don't care, sure all leftie are atheist but not all atheist means leftie Exactly the pope needs to call out islam Secretly the Green party really wants all humans extinct, starting with the white race They want the earth to be controlled by animals Would be nice, Antifa should occupy cells in jails and less votes for democrats Antifa in Germany or France is the worst tho Well I guess it has existed as long as fascism, it had opposition back in Italy Well you know what, absolutely ALL left-wingers are stupid, ever George W. Bush is better than ALL lefties, no righties can do wrong Russian americans voted for donald trump Tennesse voted for bill clinton twice The best states in america are west wirginia and Mississippi Bernie Sanders great state of Vermont I was in the Jacob K. Javits' convention center on election night, I was there to watch Clinton supporters cry No they fucking turned off the coverage so I watched from phone and it ran out Doesn't show all tho, I heard some people saying they saved up to move to canda TYT's election coverage was fantistic tbh You can't be an Islamic "scholar" because scholarship requires you to read more than just one fantasy book Remember to punch and isis members, my definition of that is anyone leftie or Islamic Stand up and be counted show the world that you're a man, stand up and be counted, go with the KKK! Future of Saudi Arabia: women all become feminists, men become gay, birthrate goes down, they need immigrants to get labour, they elect a liberal government and a war breaks out in Ukraine, they decide to take in a billion refugees from Ukraine so they constantly rape saudi women and take jobs from arab men, they all live off of welfare state and eventually breeds out the arabs Ukranians start a website named "bleached.com" of white men fucking women of colour Riced sounds more like smacking someone's butt Asian men have small dick sterotype tho so they not as lucky as blacks Lesbian porn? Or someone trying to chase a cat Okay it's enough one person telling me lol @Maddy You can lead a protest, I'm leading a country America should join the European union That is honestly like me when I try to sleep In fact feminists need hotdogs, they NEED but they can't get But george bush won again in 2004 so that was good? Liberals act like racism is only bad when whites do it or somehow worse than black supremacy But looks amazing after trump's terms Tbh trump should call himself a savior and take in like all refugees from ukraine Because he gets more votes and it bleaches america more I call myself a genius now, provoke russia to war in ukraine and take in millions of ukrainian immigrants, you get: a more bleaches america, more trump votes, hot girls and vodka Do you people want america to leave nato? Imo we should keep reforming it and turn it into right-wing favour In europe you have the war start soon Europe is not lost you yanks mark these words Yeah but we will take them back, ifthey refuse to protect it then we will do it for them We can't let Muslims gain a single foothold @Gunslinger Jump off a cliff kind sir Europeans could still just nuke arabia off the map but they dont @Gunslinger So you want to rather see muslims take europe? They have nationalist govenrment now @Gunslinger I agree, there is no hope in western europe.. For muslims! America getting involved was kinda good but not always America was originally where europe threw their trash, mostly poor people sent there Well it has some truth to it, we threw our trash and the trash became rcher than us At least greeks hate it as much as us to have muslims Meme an Obama? @Deleted User 904fdf23 My friend actually looks completely like a chimp with his hairstyle This music sucks but I am forced to listen to it Lauren Southern is leftie who gets blacked daily in secret, she gets thrown piss at by ugly feminists and she enjoyed it, stop watching reebel media guys!!! Women need men they can't go without You can't go without men! (Im a sexist you see) Women who sleep with blacks should be hung White boy are the stringest, smartest and most masculine My cousin got raped by some morroccan trash Africans make mud food so of course sub human Obama is proof blacks shouldnt vote Men can't be men if they arent ugly and women cant be women if they arent beautiful Hmm.. Yeah most olds voted for trump @Deleted User 904fdf23 Prove it, show your pussy No take it as a compliments, I take higher expectations from someone to prove they are males Okay I am pissed at myself, I made myself sound like a gay Balls touch the ground and they freeze instead I think it's masturbate to text or some shit I did that on omegle and pretended to be a girl and a dude got his rocks off then I showed myself It's easy if you go to lesbian chat or some shit I got guns in case of gehovas vitneses Annoying fucks, I shot a bird only tho so I could have it stop eating apples 7,413 total messages. Viewing 250 per page. Page 1/30 | Next
This is a weekly meme for all you ‘page surfers’ out there! THE AUDACITY OF SARA GRAYSON by JOANI ELLIOTT KINDLE 50% – CHAPTER 24 From: Anna-Katherine Green To: Sara Grayson Date: Sunday, July 28, 11:43 AM Subject: Times reporter The Times reporter showed up at my house yesterday. I didn’t let him in, but I talked to him on my porch. I know it’s not protocol, but I was curious. He said he talked to a former secretary at Thornton Books in London, the publisher of Silence in Stepney, you know, Meredith Lamb’s book? The secretary claims she knows both Meredith Lamb and Dad’s sister, Mary Grayson. Apparently the three were close friends. The woman insists Mum’s first book was plagiarized. She says she can prove it. Meredith is bound by the nondisclosure clause when she settled with Mum, but I don’t think Mary is. We could try and find her. Maybe she would answer some questions. Cartwright wants to go public with the new claims, but I think he’s looking for more solid evidence before he does that. Don’t you find it strange that we hardly know Dad’s sister? Mum always said that Mary wanted nothing to do with the family and that she moved to Australia right after Dad died. I have vague memories – picking up fall leaves with her when we were little and her bringing us Pixy Stix. So, you have taken a look, would you read the book? Let me know what you think in the comments section below. Just to give you an extra helping hand to make your mind up, let’s take a look at the book’s premise. THE AUDACITY OF SARA GRAYSON What happens when the world’s greatest literary icon dies before she finishes the final book in her best-selling series? And what happens when she leaves that book in the hands of her unstable, neurotic daughter, who swears she’s not a real writer? Sara Grayson is a thirty-two-year-old greeting card writer about to land the toughest assignment of her life. Three weeks after the death of her mother—a world-famous suspense novelist—Sara learns that her mother’s dying wish is for her to write the final book in her bestselling series. Sara has lived alone with her dog, Gatsby, ever since her husband walked out with their Pro Double Waffle Maker and her last shred of confidence. She can’t fathom writing a book for thirty million fans—not when last week’s big win was resetting the microwave clock. But in a bold move that surprises even herself, Sara takes it on. Against an impossible deadline and a publisher intent on sabotaging her every move, Sara discovers that stepping into her mother’s shoes means stumbling on family secrets she was never meant to find—secrets that threaten her mother’s legacy and the very book she’s trying to create. Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by: Ambrosia at ‘The Purple Booker‘ Each week she shares her own teaser lines and invites other bloggers to do the same. So if you have a few moments, why not stop by and see what’s on offer this time, after all, you never know where that next great read is going to come from!