Best Blog Ever Friday, April 06, 2007 Incompetence in the workplace. Let me first preface this entry be saying: For those of you who read my blog and (have) work(ed) with me, please don't think this entry pertains to you. If you finish reading this blog and STILL think this entry pertains to you, it probably does. In my line of work (troubled youth), one of the biggest keys to success on a daily basis is consistency. Within the first 0-3 months, you learn this firsthand. Usually because you've made a mistake or bad judgement call or the like. For the record, everyone in my line of work makes mistakes, including (believe it or not), me. Occasionally. Actually, on a scale of 1-10; 1 being (insert tired George Bush joke here) and 10 being Jesus, I'm about a 9.87. Awesome, but not quite my Saviour. With that said, there are certain parameters put in place to ensure that, for the most part, staff maintain a consistent environment for youth who crumble in chaos. For example, we have what is called the Policy Manual in which basic policies for handling youth are outlined in point form so even 'I Am Sam' could understand them. Also, every two weeks, our team gets together to discuss the youth (how they've been behaving, new treatment plans/goals). During these Team Meetings, we often discuss and make agreements as to how we are going to deal with certain youth. For example; whether or not a youth can take the bus to school or whether or not a youth needs to be kept close for a period of time due to various safety concerns. What bothers me the most is when I come into my set of shifts and kids immediately begin asking me if they can do special things (visit friends/go to the library). Normally, the answer to these questions is based on a number of variables; How has the youth's behaviour been? Can the youth be trusted in the community? How often has the youth gone on these "individual activities" in the last few weeks? However, while I was gone, weaker staff, more interested in getting the youth out of the house or appeasing the youth so they don't have to deal with any issues, have been allowing youth to do these kinds of activities regardless of their behaviour or of prior guidelines set previously in a Team Meeting. So, when I tell a youth they can't go to the library, it immediately becomes an issue and an argument that I have to deal with, trying to explain to the youth how their behaviours in the unit affect real life. When they respond with "well Crappy McStafferstein lets me do this all the time", you have no real leverage anymore and you become the bad guy establishing a conflictual relationship with the youth. If you are this type of person (whether it be in my line of work or anyone's line of work), SCREW OFF, ASS. Everyone but you knows you blow at your job. If you no longer work with me, good riddance, douche bag. Tuesday, February 20, 2007 Cobain is dead. GET OVER IT. If I hear one more snivelling, long-haired hippie/angst-filled teenager/poorly rated media component talk or gripe about Kurt Cobain's meaningful life or his prophetic music, I might just kill myself. And not the way most people commit S, either. I might just go one step further, overdose on drugs, then blow my head off with a shotgun...oh wait...I think someone already did that... "But Lbomb, he was an incredible martyr/songwriter. He hated the establishment of music and when his band got too big, he didn't want to take the pressure anymore. Not to mention, he basically invented grunge music and modern rock". Shut up; You're stupid. First of all, I admit that Nirvana was a good band. In the "anyone with 5 fingers and an acoustic guitar" sense of the word. But do you know which band played good music AND didn't write it with a 2-year-old playing guitar? Soundgarden. That's who. Kurt Cobain didn't kill himself because he was anti-establishment. He killed himself because he knew if he didn't, people would very soon figure out what an incredible fraud he was. If you play guitar, think of the first 10 songs you learned. If at least 3 of them weren't Nirvana, I will personally call in sick to work. And what about his lyrics? ~What else can I say? Everybody's gay~? No, just you, Kurt. You're gay. Why else would you have spraypainted "HOMOSEX RULES" on a wall in Washington? Seriously, if you're going to idolize a drug fiend, make it someone respectable. Like Chris Farley. He was awesome in that SNL skit with Patrick Swayze. Don't pretend you have no idea what I'm talking about, either. Wednesday, February 07, 2007 'The Juice' is my hero. Here is what I KNOW about O.J. Simpson:1) He played professional football.2) He killed Ron and Nicole (allegedly).3) He is NOT in jail.4) He WROTE A BOOK about NOT killing Ron and Nicole.5) He has the greatest nickname EVER ('The Juice').6) He has the worst REAL name ever (Orenthal). But on a serious note, you have to respect The Juice. Dude BRUTALLY MURDERS (allegedly) his ex-wife and her 'friend' and gets away with it. He is NOT serving jail time. That, on its own, is respectable. However, there is more. After dude brutally murders (allegedly) these two people, he waits a few years then WRITES A BOOK ABOUT IT!! I mean HOLY CRAP!! The guy is a legend! I'll tell you right now; if you kill two people (allegedly), get off scott-free then stand to make MILLIONS of dollars because of it years later, you have my respect. And my third-born. If it's a girl or hermaphrodite. Let's even pretend that The Juice DIDN'T kill Ron and Nicole. Even then, writing a book about it is gutsy. But he DID (allegedly) kill them. He DID (allegedly). And the awesome doesn't stop there; he has the GREATEST NICKNAME OF ALL TIME. The Juice. You can't say those two words and not feel pumped. The Juice. I'm shooting Cocaine. Dude IS The Juice. I'm lifting weights/making a sandwich. I dare you to find a better nickname than The Juice. And don't say 'The Game' because 'The Game' is just a cheap knockoff of The Juice. And don't say Lbomb. Flattery will get you nowhere. This time. The Juice. I just gave myself a charlie-horse. In the balls. Guns don't kill people and neither does Chuck Norris. The Juice kills people (allegedly). Saturday, January 20, 2007 Dancing movies blow. I sucked it up when they tossed out "Save the Last Dance". I even managed to swallow my bile when they shattered my testicles with "Bring It On" and "Drumline". But this has got to stop. Now. People need to discontinue going to movies with people dancing in them. Don't get me wrong, a movie with a (1) dance here or there is swallowable, but when an ENTIRE MOVIE is devoted to dancing? Please. The worst part about this is that they're ALL THE SAME and they're swarming theatres like flies. You want to know what happens in the next movie involving dancing?? Ok, but let me warn you; the following contains spoilers... - Protagonist likes some form of dancing (usually, but not limited to, Hip-Hop).- Protagonist is pretty good at dancing. - Protagonist meets someone of the opposite sex in whom they are interested.- Protagonist meets Antagonist who is better at dancing.- Protagonist has "dance-off" with Antagonist and loses.- Protagonist does something to make his/her friends/posse angry at him/her.- Protagonist is "down in the dumps" until person of the opposite sex gives him/her a pep talk.- Protagonist practises very hard at dancing.- Protagonist has "dance-off" with Antagonist and wins.- Protagonist kisses/bones person of the opposite sex and gets his/her friends/posse back. You cannot point out any significant difference in any of the following movies: Save the Last Dance, Honey, You Got Served, Roll Bounce, Step Up, Take the Lead, Stomp the Yard. I am even going out on a limb because I have never seen Step Up or Stomp the Yard but I still guarantee there are no differences. And don't say idiotic things like: "But Lbomb, Roll Bounce has roller skates, not dancers" or "Step up has a white guy instead of a black guy". If you do, you're a moron, so don't waste my time. I've never resorted to this before, but the situation is so dire, I feel I have no choice...PLEASE STOP GOING TO MOVIES ABOUT DANCING. If you refuse to listen to me, people WILL continue making them. You've been fairly warned. Thursday, December 07, 2006 Cassie Madden Cassie Campbell is the John Madden of NHL broadcasting. Except, somehow, worse. For YEARS people have been making fun of the obvious color commentary that Madden provides. I think Brian Regan put it best when he said: "Al Michaels - To the 20, to the 10, there's a flag on the play... John Madden - Now if-a if-a if-a there's a flag on the play, there's gonna be a penalty. If a guy runs, he goes faster. If a guy eats alot, he takes a big dump later. Tough actin' Tanactin." Ok, maybe you didn't get that. In fact, GUARANTEED you didn't get that if you aren't a sports fan. But all of this is irrelevant. As bad as John Madden is, Cassie Campbell (the captain of the Canadian Olympic Womens Hockey team) is far worse. CBC tried it's luck with her right there in the broadcasting booth doing color commentary. The thing is, she's an idiot. Even if you have never watched hockey in your entire life, you could do a better commentary than she did. The type of garbage that came out of her mouth were things like this: "Great pass through the neutral zone" or "The new NHL sure has alot of scoring" or "Phaneuf has a nice ass". So CBC fired her. Or so I thought. I caught her on HNIC (Hockey Night In Canada) this last weekend when my beloved Canadiens beat the Prostitutes...I mean Leafs, in a shootout. She wasn't doing color commentary. She was, instead, doing rinkside commentary. Once again, she ceased to amaze me with her awful. CBC, if Ron McLean sucked at his job or if Don Cherry didn't bring in the viewers every week, would you keep them on the payroll? No. So why do you continue to embarrass yourself with clips of Cassie Campbell stating the obvious? To gain female viewers? Guess what. Wrong demographic. Cassie Campbell makes me almost as sick as Hayley Wickenheiser and her Hamburger Helper commercials. This will be the last post I ever do about a woman sucking at a man's job. NOT. Saturday, November 25, 2006 Subaru is going out of business. In case you haven't heard the rumors (initiated by myself), let me let you in on a little secret. Don't buy a Subaru. They're going out of business. Sure they still have commercials, cars, sales lots and everything else you need to make it LOOK like a company still prospers, but do NOT let the facade fool you. 'But Lbomb', you might say. 'If Subaru is going out of business, how is it possible that they can still afford to have commercials on TV, cars on their lots and everything else you might need to make it look like a company still prospers?'. Don't worry, folks. I've got the answers you're looking for. Yes, Subaru still has all the aforementioned necessities, but what it's cutbacks are consuming is its personel. Subaru no longer has money to pay people to actually WRITE their commercials, so they let mentally handicapped people do it instead. For much cheaper, nonetheless. In fact, a good source (my fabricative intellect) has told me that Subaru pays their handicapped staff the equivalent of what a child is paid for 14 hours a day sewing Nike socks in the Philippines. Now you might say 'But Lbomb, you make ridiculous things up all of the time that aren't true. What makes you think you can fool us into thinking what you're saying NOW is true?'. My answer to you is 'Shut the hell up'. But to those of you who are legitimately curious, let me give proof. In Subaru's recent commercial they claim that they believe symmetrical all-wheel drive is as important as the following 3 things: 1. Brakes - No. F. If a car didn't have brakes, people would die. This is NOT the case with symmetrical all-wheel drive. When's the last time someone was careening off a cliff and said "sure wish I took that symmetrical all-wheel drive the salesman was talking about."? Never. 2. Steering wheel - No. You make me want to commit S. If a car didn't have a steering wheel, people would die. Not the case with symmetrical all-wheel drive. When's the last time someone was streaking towards an on-coming Semi and yelled "Where is that symmetrical all-wheel drive when you need it?"? It's never happened. 3. Engine - No. You're obviously retarded. If a car didn't have an engine IT WOULDN'T START. Once again, not the case with symmetrical all-wheel drive. When's the last time you couldn't start you car and screamed "GD symmetrical all-wheel drive!!!!"? You may have said this. If you were retarded. You'd have never invested in Enron had you known it was a bust, so why invest in Subaru? Tuesday, November 07, 2006 WFHL As I've said for years now, if there was a legitimate competitive league for floor hockey (FH), I would be in it. I would have at least made it to the WHL. For years I've been dominating floor hockey all over Saskatchewan. I know this post is a little on the late side, but I don't care. I simply need to express how awesome I am at floor hockey. Now, I would first like to say that in no way am I good at real ice-hockey. Not that I don't have the skills to be successful, only that I suck hard at skating. If I could skate well, I would tear ice-hockey up. Now back to FH. I have been inactive from FH for approximately 3 years now. I used to play 2-3 times a week when I lived in the "Sunshine Capital" but I no longer live in the "Sunshine Capital" and no longer work an accomodating schedule. To appreciate my former FH prowess, come with me on a journey filled with excitement and intrigue... While playing FH in the "Sunshine Capital", 2FNLO and I came to a mutual hatred of "Leafs Goalie". He would come to FH inconsistenly then play goal (2FNLO's position) poorly. One day he thought it might be a good idea to oust 2FNLO from his coveted goaltender position. I told 2FNLO that I would score on Leafs Goalie so many times that he would become so embarrassed he would leave the gym therefore opening a spot for 2FNLO to play goalie. In a matter of 30 minutes I scored on Leafs Goalie so many times that he smashed his goalie stick into the floor of the gym, shattering it upon contact, then storming off NEVER TO BE SEEN AT FH AGAIN. 2FNLO will verify this story. Recently, I had another chance to prove how amazing at FH I am. A group of guys were getting together to play FH one night and I began hyping myself up to Burnsy. I claimed that I was awesome at FH and that I would dominate. Burnsy was incredulous seeing as I blow at ice hockey due to my ineptitude at skating. I ensured Burnsy that I was awesome. That night I scored 12 goals. Not to mention assists or shootout goals (of which I was the only player there to make good on both my attempts). I absolutely TROUNCED any competition in both the goals and the points columns. I dominated.
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Unifor vows to fight Alberta court decision on random drug testing at Suncor operations Unifor vows to fight courts decision on random drug testing Suncor not currently doing random drug tests Unifor, Canada's largest private sector union, is disappointed that the Alberta Court of Appeal failed to strike down random drug and alcohol testing of members at Suncor oil sands operations in northern Alberta, a policy the union believes is a gross violation of worker's rights, according to a press release. "This ruling supports an invasive and degrading policy that violates the fundamental rights of workers. Safety is always our first priority but we know that random drug testing does not reduce accidents or improve safety," said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. In 2012, Suncor announced the implementation of random drug and alcohol testing in its oil sands operations. Unifor filed a grievance and in March 2014 an Arbitration Panel ruled that Suncor's proposed random testing violated workers' rights. Suncor applied for a judicial review in May, 2016 and the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench quashed the arbitration decision and submitted the union's grievance to a new arbitration panel. The union then appealed the Queen's Bench decision to the Alberta Court of Appeal, which rendered its decision Thursday to support the previous ruling of May, 2016. "We're pleased that the Court of Appeal has unanimously ruled in Suncor's favour, upholding the Court of Queen's Bench decision to dismiss the decision of the arbitrators and have the hearing on Suncor's Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Standard be re-heard by a new arbitration panel. Nothing is more important than protecting ourselves and others from harm, which is why safety is our core, and why we are pleased with this decision," according to a Suncor statement. While Suncor is not currently doing random drug testing, the company believes testing will make oil sands operations safer. "We have a comprehensive alcohol and drug program that includes education, training, support for employees and testing pre-hire and post incident. We strongly believe this program(random drug testing) will contribute to a safer workplace and ultimately save lives," said Nicole Fischer, spokesperson for Suncor. The union vows to continue its fight against random testing. "We will take all available action to fight this abusive policy, including a potential motion to seek leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada," said Ken Smith, president of Local 707A. "Introducing this standard is absolutely necessary to address alcohol and drug related safety concerns in a region that has faced injuries - and even fatalities - where drugs or alcohol were involved," Fischer concluded. Unifor says they remain committed to working with Suncor to develop effective safety programs that have a demonstrable impact on safety and respect the rights of employees. Our readers weighed in on the issue: "Too many accidents in this industry caused by people being impaired. If a patient requires a particular drug to get better and it could possibly show up on a random drug test, all they need to do is carry a note from the doctor as to why they are taking it, for how long and any other information regarding the drug.. No problems. Totally agree with it. Once it's legalized then we will have to cross that bridge then, but until it is, it's an illegal substance unless you have a medical certificate with a license from the government to possess 2 oz for personal use. If people have nothing to hide, then I can't see the problem." - Michelle Jones "Absolutely against. Anti-depressants can show up as opiates, as I found out years ago on a trip to the USA. If it is suspected an employee is under the influence, a drug test is fine. But random tests for no reason, where prescriptions and/or over the counter allergy pills can appear as an opiate? NO!" - Kari Ledgerwood "As long as the CEO and management structure will also be participating in the drug testing I have no problem with it!" - Steve Bentley "Drug testing has become a substitute for human resources management in part because unions make it difficult to fire problematic employees unless a safety argument can be made, regardless of how flimsy that argument might be." - Matthew Johnston "In my opinion, drug testing (random or otherwise) is perfectly legit (and necessary) if there is a bona fide job-related risk (e.g. we can't have people under the influence operating heavy equipment). it's not legit if it's not; e.g. testing office workers for alcohol or drug use, *unless*, perhaps, for remote field sites where workers stay... i think companies have the right to establish rules for their camps (e.g. no alcohol or drug use), which means they should be able to test for it." - Steve Ricketts Follow Teo on LinkedIn and Facebook! Posted in: Jude on Alberta
{'pred_label': '__label__wiki', 'pred_label_prob': 0.6022589206695557, 'wiki_prob': 0.6022589206695557, 'source': 'cc/2023-06/en_head_0067.json.gz/line314536'}
Faye Cahill Lustre Powder Pink Faye Cahill Cake Design $15.00 Quantity: description This is 100% Edible Lustre Dust by Faye Cahill Cake Design. Paint, Spray or Dust your creations with ease! The quantity is also more than twice the size of a regular lustre. Faye Cahill leads Australian Cake Decorating with her elegant and iconic wedding cake designs. These designs are renowned for featuring unique Pearl or Metallic effects achieved by her signature blend of Lustre Dusts. And now you can create your own stunning designs using this new range of Edible Lustre. Country of Origin: Australia Ingredients: Mica power, colourant E171, E172 Weight: 5g (Note: Weights vary as each colour material is different, but they all share the same volume) Storage: Keep dry. Suitable for: Dust in dry form or mix with Decorators Alcohol to use as a paint or highlighter. Further dilute with Decorators Alcohol to spray through your airbrush.
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
Arch & Engineering Sub Arc Welder Sub Arc Welder Headquartered in Lynchburg, Va., BWX Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:BWX Position: Welder Salary: Unspecified Type: Full Time Location: Barberton, OH Headquartered in Lynchburg, Va., BWX Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:BWXT) is a leading supplier of nuclear components and fuel to the U.S. government; provides technical and management services to support the U.S. government in the operation of complex facilities and environmental remediation activities; and supplies precision manufactured components, services and fuel for the commercial nuclear power industry. With approximately 6,100 employees, BWXT has nine major operating sites in the U.S. and Canada. In addition, BWXT joint ventures provide management and operations at a dozen U.S. Department of Energy and two NASA facilities. Follow us on Twitter @BWXTech and learn more at . The successful candidate will operate submerged arc welding, cladding machines and automatic and robotic (MotoMan and Gantry robots) metal inert gas equipment to produce quality welds. Identify and perform basic layout to determine clad limits. Responsible for using proper wire and flux for the job. Inspects welds, grinds and arc airs to remove defects. Attach preheat torches inside and outside and maintains proper preheat temperatures. Job Qualifications / Requirements: All applicants must successfully complete a pre-employment weld screen. Must have the ability to read and understand blueprints A minimum of two (2) years welding experience or a combination of welding experience and formal education is preferred High school diploma or GED is required and graduation will be verified Must be a citizen of the United States Must successfully complete a pre-employment physical, drug screen and background check The hourly rate for this position is up to $29.386 and is complimented by a very generous benefit package. BWX Technologies, Inc. (BWXT) embraces diversity of thought, values individuality, encourages new perspectives and provides equal opportunity in employment for all qualified employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other category protected by federal, state, and/or local law. #Barberton#Welder About Us Contact us Support Privacy Agreement Feedback ©️2019 MASS CV All rights reserved
{'pred_label': '__label__cc', 'pred_label_prob': 0.7277707457542419, 'wiki_prob': 0.27222925424575806, 'source': 'cc/2020-05/en_middle_0041.json.gz/line722288'}
This past weekend I turned 44 and had the privilege of traveling to the mountains in the company of 42 thirteen year old young ladies who are preparing for Confirmation in the Spring. Originally, I wasn't going to go since it was my birthday weekend and I was inclined to be home with my family. God had something else in mind. I am always amazed at how God arranges things to make sure what He needs these beautiful young women to hear and experience, happens. The only thing He requires of the adults is to get out of His way and for once that is exactly what we did.Whenever we plan one of these retreats there is a tremendous amount of preparation that goes into it. There are the physical details, finding and booking the retreat center, making sure there are enough chaperones, reserving the right size bus, as well as making sure all the physical needs of the girls can be met (food, snacks, extra pillows, blankets, etc.).Then there are the spiritual preparations which I think are the most difficult since every year we take a different group of girl with a different set of issues that need God's guidance and healing. We began praying as a team two months ago for Our Lord to reveal what was going to be needed to meet the girls needs on this weekend. What came to us in those weeks was a powerful message of unconditional love. The lake reflecting God's beauty and love... We (the adults chaperones) were asked to be a conduit to help introduce them to who God is...Their Beloved...Lover of Their Soul...He never dissappoints. He never makes mistakes. Jesus rushed to the cross like a lover who gave everything for the woman who holds his heart. These themes were pressed into our hearts over the course of the time we prepared to meet these girls right wherever they were in their personal relationships with God.I knew then that this weekend would be different from the many others I had been on team for. These young woman needed to know they are loved fully and completely by their Savior, with every fault and sin present. They were still the most precious jewels in God's eyes.As we arrived very early Saturday morning and greeted the girls, you could feel their apprehension. They were not excited to be shuttled away to a mountain top to talk about Jesus all weekend. When we asked how many came because their parents told them they had to, more than 3/4 raised their hands. I love thirteen year old honesty. We knew God had a plan and were not intimidated by the open animosity in some of their faces. Love was the answer and love is what they received for the next 36 hours. So many acres of beauty just makes me want to go back. God's creation truly is stunning! Oceans and oceans of mercy and love swept over them as we discussed how much they were wanted and needed by their Redeemer. Every individual made by God is WANTED. Every person made by God is NEEDED in this world. Every person made by GOD is part of His plan. He will never reject them. He will never abandon them. He will never leave them alone, scared and frightened in the middle of the dark. GOD DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES!Slowly over the course of the day you could see each girl relax and open up a little more, like a flower blooming the warm sunshine. In each small group difficult things were being shared. Insecurities, deep wounds, apathy, protecting oneself with walls and barriers so no one could hurt them and lot's of fear of abandonment just to name a few. The team prayed for them and with them. There were walks along the lake and meals shared with giggles and singing. God was meeting them as they were in all their natural beauty.We had worked through the program the team had laid out and finally it was time for Adoration on Saturday night. The chapel was lit with candles, Our Lord was present in the Monstrance. The girl's had already gone through confession that afternoon which just lifted this heavy feeling that had been hanging over all of us and pushed it out to sea. They were lighter, more free with their smiles and hugs. God was moving among them, creating new friendships and restoring old ones. The girl's raised their voices in song. When I say the Spirit was moving, I kid you not, you could FEEL His presence. Can you see God's grace and mercy flowing through those windows?? It was powerful! After exposing the Eucharist in the monstrance for Adoration we walked through the bible story of the Woman of Great Faith who was healed upon touching Jesus's tunic. We wanted them to know that whatever was weighing on their hearts, whatever they needed help with, whatever they needed God to heal, all they had to do was bring it before Him and He would bear it all. We offered them the opportunity to be prayed over. This can sometimes make the girls back away. They don't want anyone to hear their most intimate yearnings. We explained that no one would but God. We all knelt in silent prayer for a few moments with the team asking for God's guidance and provision of the right words for the right girls. Then two teams of two went forward and stood before Our Lord and waited for the girls that would come forward to be prayed over. Based on past weekends, I expected that maybe ten or twelve girls would do it. It's hard to describe what happened next. All I can say is that it felt like God's heart broke wide open and just flowed over these girls like honey, sweet and pure, engulfing them in such grace. Tears spring to my eyes typing these words. EVERY SINGLE GIRL CAME FOWARD! Every single one. It was like watching a flood of need rushing to the cross for healing and mercy. In all my years of being on team for this retreat I have NEVER seen anything like it. God's generosity can never be out done.What were they looking for? What was missing for them? I think the general theme was a Father's unconditional love. There are so many broken families. So many girls without a father in their lives to love them and treat them like a princess. They were starving for this kind of affection and understanding. With my hands open and my arms raised I prayed harder than I have in a very long time for God's love to just flow and heal every broken corner of their hearts. Oh...how it flowed. The girls were overwhelmed and so happy. It took almost two hours to pray over each one of them but if felt like five minutes. Then the two teams called forth the retreat team. That is when I understood why God called me to be on this weekend. These wild daisies reminded me of the girls in their sweet innocence trying to maintain their natural beauty and purity among all the weeds and muck of the modern world. You see I have been struggling with some thing lately that I have kept very close to my heart, not sharing with anyone but my God in prayer. They have to do with my roles as daughter and as mother. Relationships are tricky and over time they can be laden with all kinds of baggage. It begins to wear on your soul and brings you down. As the prayer team prayed over me, all of this rushed forward and burst through my heart and God gave me words of strength and such ENCOURAGEMENT! What was said will stay between me and My Beloved but let me assure you that I awoke this morning with a completely new perspective on things. I am still His little girl and I still have a lot of work to do but He will be there all the time. He promised and I believe in a God that never breaks his promises. 44 feels a lot like 13 I have to say. New and scary with big dreams still ahead of me. That's not a bad thing at all!
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
Q: $rootScope.$on called multiple times I'm using $rootScope.$emit('driver-loader'); once my webservice finished getting data. This is the only place 'driver-loader' gets emitted. Once I do... var watchDriverLoader = $rootScope.$on('driver-loaded', function(){ console.log('loaded'); watchDriverLoader = null; }); ...inside my controller, that console.log gets called multiple times, sometimes even 4-5 times. A: You need to destroy $rootScope.$on manually. var watchDriverLoader = $rootScope.$on('driver-loaded', function(){ console.log('loaded'); }); $scope.$on('$destroy', watchDriverLoader);
{'pile_set_name': 'StackExchange'}
Hoyer Statement on New GI Bill For Immediate Release: August 3, 2009 Contact:Katie GrantStephanie Lundberg(202) 225 - 3130 WASHINGTON, DC - House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today as the new GI Bill goes into effect. This bill makes available a full undergraduate education at an in-state, public university at no cost to veterans, service members, and members of the Reserve or Guard: "Today marks the beginning of a new, richly-deserved opportunity for our service members and veterans. The new GI Bill that takes effect today is modeled after the GI bill that sent our World War II veterans to college. Back then, it gave many an opportunity they wouldn't have had otherwise, and made them the backbone that formed America's middle class. Today's veterans deserve the same kinds of opportunities for success. "With the new GI bill, this nation demonstrates our profound gratitude for our service members who answered the call to serve after 9/11. For years those service members and their families have had an enormous burden placed on them; giving them access to higher education is just one small way our nation can thank them for their sacrifice."
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="latin1" ?> <!DOCTYPE erlref SYSTEM "erlref.dtd"> <erlref> <header> <copyright> <year>1996</year> <year>2011</year> <holder>Ericsson AB, All Rights Reserved</holder> </copyright> <legalnotice> The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be retrieved online at <URL> Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson AB. </legalnotice> <title>pg</title> <prepared></prepared> <docno></docno> <date></date> <rev></rev> </header> <module>pg</module> <modulesummary>Distributed, Named Process Groups</modulesummary> <description> <p>This (experimental) module implements process groups. A process group is a group of processes that can be accessed by a common name. For example, a group named <c>foobar</c> can include a set of processes as members of this group and they can be located on different nodes.</p> <p>When messages are sent to the named group, all members of the group receive the message. The messages are serialized. If the process <c>P1</c> sends the message <c>M1</c> to the group, and process <c>P2</c> simultaneously sends message <c>M2</c>, then all members of the group receive the two messages in the same order. If members of a group terminate, they are automatically removed from the group.</p> <p>This module is not complete. The module is inspired by the ISIS system and the causal order protocol of the ISIS system should also be implemented. At the moment, all messages are serialized by sending them through a group master process.</p> </description> <funcs> <func> <name name="create" arity="1"/> <fsummary>Create an empty group</fsummary> <desc> <p>Creates an empty group named <c><anno>PgName</anno></c> on the current node.</p> </desc> </func> <func> <name name="create" arity="2"/> <fsummary>Create an empty group on another node</fsummary> <desc> <p>Creates an empty group named <c><anno>PgName</anno></c> on the node <c><anno>Node</anno></c>.</p> </desc> </func> <func> <name name="join" arity="2"/> <fsummary>Join a pid to a process group</fsummary> <desc> <p>Joins the pid <c><anno>Pid</anno></c> to the process group <c><anno>PgName</anno></c>. Returns a list of all old members of the group.</p> </desc> </func> <func> <name name="send" arity="2"/> <fsummary>Send a message to all members of a process group</fsummary> <desc> <p>Sends the tuple <c>{pg_message, From, PgName, Msg}</c> to all members of the process group <c><anno>PgName</anno></c>.</p> <p>Failure: <c>{badarg, {<anno>PgName</anno>, <anno>Msg</anno>}}</c> if <c><anno>PgName</anno></c> is not a process group (a globally registered name).</p> </desc> </func> <func> <name name="esend" arity="2"/> <fsummary>Send a message to all members of a process group, except ourselves</fsummary> <desc> <p>Sends the tuple <c>{pg_message, From, PgName, Msg}</c> to all members of the process group <c><anno>PgName</anno></c>, except ourselves.</p> <p>Failure: <c>{badarg, {<anno>PgName</anno>, <anno>Msg</anno>}}</c> if <c><anno>PgName</anno></c> is not a process group (a globally registered name).</p> </desc> </func> <func> <name name="members" arity="1"/> <fsummary>Return a list of all members of a process group</fsummary> <desc> <p>Returns a list of all members of the process group <c>PgName</c>.</p> </desc> </func> </funcs> </erlref>
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Posted on 23 July 2021 16 September 2021 by Carolyn Cash Prince Philip: A Celebration Opens at the Palace of Holyroodhouse The Palace of Holyroodhouse will feature its own Prince Philip: A Celebration display from Friday, 23 July 2021, focusing on Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh's remarkable life and legacy as Britain's longest-serving consort. The invitation from the wedding of HRH The Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten Photo: Royal Collection Trust/©️ Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2021 More than 60 objects include many items to highlight Prince Philip's close links with Scotland and Edinburgh, including his Midshipman's logbook, items from his wedding to Princess Elizabeth in 1947, architect Sir Hugh Casson's designs for the sun lounge and the dining room on the Royal Yacht Britannia and a programme for the Melbourne Olympic Games in 1956. Visitors can also see the silver-gilt casket which was presented to Prince Philip with the Freedom of the City of Edinburgh in 1949, a Highland ensemble made in 1952, which Prince Philip wore regularly at Balmoral. The kilt is made from the Balmoral tartan which Prince Albert designed in the 19th Century and inspired by the local Deeside granite. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Gold, Silver and Bronze badges. Photo: Royal Collection Trust/All Rights Reserved Prince Philip's association with Scotland began attending Gordonstoun School when he was aged 13. Gordonstoun placed a strong emphasis on physical activity, supporting the local community and helping students to achieve their full potential. Prince Philip's former headmaster, Kurt Hahn, later suggested he set up a programme for young people based on the school's principles, so he established the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme in 1956, which celebrated its Diamond Anniversary in 2016. Prince Philip's Midshipman's logbook, 1940-1 Photo: Royal Collection Trust/All Rights Reserved Examples of the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme badges, which Prince Philip has presented to participants, are on display. Prince Philip joined the Royal Navy, first as a cadet at Dartmouth, before seeing action during World War II. A silver model of HMY Britannia produced by Garrard & Co and presented to The Queen and Prince Philip by Lloyd's Register of Shipping in 1972 Photo: Royal Collection Trust/©️ Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2021. In his Midshipman's logbook from 1940 to 1941, Prince Philip described his role as operating the HMS Valiant's searchlight during the Battle of Cape Matapan, near the Greek coast, 'My orders were that if any ship illuminated a target I was to switch on and illuminate for the rest of the fleet.' King George VI granted the royal dukedom of Edinburgh when Prince Philip married Princess Elizabeth on 20 November 1947. The royal couple were known as the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh until Queen Elizabeth's accession in 1952. A design by Sir Hugh Casson for the dining room of the Royal Yacht Britannia Photo: Royal Collection Trust/©️ Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2021. Prince Philip took an active role in designing both the technical aspects of the Royal Yacht Britannia, based on his own practical naval experiences, and the Royal Apartment's interiors. He travelled aboard Britannia for his first solo overseas visit in 1956-1957 where he opened the Olympic Games in Melbourne and visited the Antarctic. Melbourne Olympic Games Programme, 1956 Photo: Royal Collection Trust/All Rights Reserved Prince Philip received many gifts during official engagements, overseas tours and State Visits, including a Moai sculpture during a visit to Easter Island in 1971 and he was presented with a silver model of a windmill during a visit to the Caledonian Flour Mills in 1955. The Palace of Holyroodhouse is open five days per week, from Thursdays to Mondays from 9.30 am to 3.35 pm from 1 November to 31 March, and from 1 April to 31 October. Visit <URL> or phone +44 (0) 303 123 7300 for more information and tickets. Please note pre-booking is essential. Curator Sally Goodsir makes final adjustments to a kilt worn by the Duke of Edinburgh at Balmoral, on display as part of 'Prince Philip: A Celebration' at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh until 31 October. Photo: Royal Collection Trust / ©️ Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2021. Photographer: David Cheskin Posted in Australia, Great Britain, History, Royal FamilyTagged 10 june, 1921, 1947, 1953, 1956, 2021, 23 july, 9 april, coronation, duke of edinburgh, duke of edinburgh award, gordounstoun, history, hmy Britannia, melbourne olympic games, monarchy, palace of holyroodhouse, prince philip, right royal roundup, royal collection trust, royal family, royal history, scotland Previous Article Happy 8th Birthday to Prince George Next Article Swedish Royal Family Summer Reunion
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Cefalexin Cefalexin, also spelled cephalexin, is an antibiotic that can treat a number of bacterial infections. It kills gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria by disrupting the growth of the bacterial cell wall. Cefalexin is a beta-lactam antibiotic within the class of first-generation cephalosporins. It works similarly to other agents within this class, including intravenous cefazolin, but can be taken by mouth. Cefalexin can treat certain bacterial infections, including those of the middle ear, bone and joint, skin, and urinary tract. It may also be used for certain types of pneumonia, strep throat, and to prevent bacterial endocarditis. Cefalexin is not effective against infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Enterococcus, or Pseudomonas. Like other antibiotics, cefalexin cannot treat viral infections, such as the flu, common cold or acute bronchitis. Cefalexin can be used in those who have mild or moderate allergies to penicillin. However, it is not recommended in those with severe penicillin allergies. Common side effects include stomach upset and diarrhea. Allergic reactions or infections with Clostridium difficile, a cause of diarrhea, are also possible. Use during pregnancy or breast feeding does not appear to be harmful to the baby. It can be used in children and those over 65 years of age. Those with kidney problems may require a decrease in dose. Cefalexin was developed in 1967. It was first marketed in 1969 and 1970 under the names Keflex and Ceporex, among others. Generic drug versions are available under other trade names and are inexpensive. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system. In 2016, it was the 107th most prescribed medication in the United States with more than six million prescriptions. In Canada, it was the fifth most common antibiotic used in 2013. In Australia, it is one of the top 15 most prescribed medications. Medical uses Cefalexin can treat a number of bacterial infections including otitis media, streptococcal pharyngitis, bone and joint infections, pneumonia, cellulitis, and urinary tract infections. It may be used to prevent bacterial endocarditis. It can also be used for the prevention of recurrent urinary-tract infections. Cefalexin does not treat methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections. Cefalexin is a useful alternative to penicillins in patients with penicillin intolerance. For example, penicillin is the treatment of choice for respiratory tract infections caused by Streptococcus, but cefalexin may be used as an alternative in penicillin-intolerant patients. Caution must be exercised when administering cephalosporin antibiotics to penicillin-sensitive patients, because cross-sensitivity with beta-lactam antibiotics has been documented in up to 10% of patients with a documented penicillin allergy. Pregnancy and breastfeeding It is pregnancy category B in the United States and category A in Australia, meaning that no evidence of harm has been found after being taken by many pregnant women. Use during breast feeding is generally safe. Adverse effects The most common adverse effects of cefalexin, like other oral cephalosporins, are gastrointestinal (stomach area) disturbances and hypersensitivity reactions. Gastrointestinal disturbances include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, diarrhea being most common. Hypersensitivity reactions include skin rashes, urticaria, fever, and anaphylaxis. Pseudomembranous colitis and Clostridium difficile have been reported with use of cefalexin. Signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, itching, swelling, trouble breathing, or red, blistered, swollen, or peeling skin. Overall, cefalexin allergy occurs in less than 0.1% of patients, but it is seen in 1% to 10% of patients with a penicillin allergy. Interactions Like other b-lactam antibiotics, renal excretion of cefalexin is delayed by probenecid. Alcohol consumption reduces the rate at which it is absorbed. Cefalexin also interacts with metformin, an antidiabetic drug, and this can lead to higher concentrations of metformin in the body. Histamine H2 receptor antagonists like cimetidine and ranitidine may reduce the efficacy of cefalexin by delaying its absorption and altering its antimicrobial pharmacodynamics. Pharmacology Mechanism of action Cefalexin is a beta-lactam antibiotic of the cephalosporin family. It is bactericidal and acts by inhibiting synthesis of the peptidoglycan layer of the bacterial cell wall. As cefalexin closely resembles d-alanyl-d-alanine, an amino acid ending on the peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall, it is able to irreversibly bind to the active site of PBP, which is essential for the synthesis of the cell wall. It is most active against gram-positive cocci, and has moderate activity against some gram-negative bacilli. However, some bacterial cells have the enzyme b-lactamase, which hydrolyzes the beta-lactam ring, rendering the drug inactive. This contributes to antibacterial resistance towards cefalexin. Pharmacokinetics Like most other cephalosporins, cefalexin is not metabolized or otherwise inactivated in the body. The biological half-life of cefalexin is approximately 30 to 60 minutes. Society and culture It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system. The World Health Organization classifies cefalexin as highly important for human medicine. Names Cefalexin is the International Nonproprietary Name (INN) and Australian Approved Name (AAN), while cephalexin is the British Approved Name (BAN) and United States Adopted Name (USAN). Brand names for cefalexin include Keflex, Acfex, Cephalex, Ceporex, L-Xahl, Medoxine, Ospexin, and Torlasporin. Cost A seven-day course of cefalexin costs a consumer about in Canada in 2014. The wholesale cost of this amount is about . In the United States this amount costs a consumer about . In Australia a course of treatment costs from to . In the United Kingdom the costs to the consumer is generally PS9. The wholesale price in the developing world is about . References External links Category:1967 introductions Category:Cephalosporin antibiotics Category:Eli Lilly and Company brands Category:Enantiopure drugs Category:World Health Organization essential medicines Category:RTT
{'pile_set_name': 'Wikipedia (en)'}
Coveted President 's Medal for City Police Commissioner Chandra Shekhar Coveted President 's Medal for City Police Commissioner Chandra Shekhar Mangalore Today News Network Mangaluru, Jan 26, 2016: The city of Mangaluru has something to cheer about. The newly appointed City Police Commissioner M Chandra Shekhar has been chosen for the distinguished President 's Medal for meritorious service. He is one among the 23 IPS officers selected for the Award this year. ACP Madan Gaonkar also chosen for the President's Medal for Meritorious Service.
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
The Royal Canadian Movie Podcast We all know Canada has great movies. But what's the best way to find the good stuff? That's why the Royal Canadian Movie Podcast stands on guard for Canadian film. Each week co-hosts Becky Shrimpton and Cameron Maitland invite filmmakers, actors, comedians, musicians, writers and theorists, to choose a Canadian filam they love and want to share. We research, discuss, review, and summarize the films with wit, mirth and pith. Cam, Becky and their guests help listeners find the weird, the award winning, and the wilds of Canadian Film. 151. Leolo (1992) with Saira Chhibber 150: Polytechnique (2009) and Home Again (2012) with Don Carmody 149.5 RCMP REWIND - Murder by Decree (1979) with Paul Zaza 149: eXistenZ (1999) With Alex Josselyn-Hamilton Jun 11 147: Sex, Love and Eating the Bones (2003) with Sedina Fiati becky shrimpton Jun 4 146: The Best Damn Fiddler from Calabogie to Kaladar (1969) with Terrance Odette May 29 145.5: Sorry for Your Loss (2019) an interview with Collin Friesen May 28 145: The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (1974) with Ted Kotcheff May 21 144: Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner (2001) with Matthew Willson ©️ 2019 The Royal Canadian Movie Podcast. Cameron Maitland, Becky Shrimpton. All Rights Reserved.
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Davis Advisors is an independent, employee-owned investment management firm, serving institutional and individual investors worldwide. With the aim of offering his father's investment discipline to a greater diversity of investors, Shelby M.C. Davis founded Davis Advisors in 1969. Mr. Davis had already built an auspicious career at The Bank of New York, where he rose to become the head of research and was named the youngest Vice President in the history of The Bank since Alexander Hamilton. During his tenure as principal Portfolio Manager for Davis Advisors, Shelby M.C. Davis created one of the most distinguished track records of any manager on Wall Street, navigating the flagship U.S. Large Cap Equity strategy effectively through a wide variety of market and economic conditions. Christopher C. Davis, our founder's son, joined Davis Advisors in 1989 as a research analyst and rose to assume the roles of Portfolio Manager and head of research in the mid-1990s. Under Mr. Davis's leadership the firm deepened and broadened its research effort, continuing the tradition of managing U.S. Large Cap Equities and expanding into U.S. All-Cap, International and Global Equities as well. For more information, please contact a member of the Davis Institutional Services team. 1While Shelby Cullom Davis' success forms the basis of the Davis Investment Discipline, this was an extraordinary achievement and other investors may not enjoy the same success.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T17:11:04Z', 'url': 'https://davisadvisors.com/davisinstitutional/firm/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Let me check with him to make sure he isnt just giving me a discount because of what ive gone through (I dont think ive gone through much, turbo replacement, steering pump, and soon to be new suspension components because the car permanently pulls to the right, but then again Im sometimes too compliant). Either way they at first offered it to me for 744.44 and I said no, he then later called me and said 350 out the door. So it could be him haggling me and trying to get a product sold who knows. Ill ask him if thats something he offers to existing clients or the general public who at first refuse the product. Ill butter him up with a 6 pack and get the answer out.
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
Holy shxt you guys, I'm doing MonCon for /r/RWBY. Theme is "Fluff", character is "whomever you please". I'mma go with Yang. "I can't believe they came up with this idea on their own." "It was pretty sweet of them though. Help me with the zipper, will you?" Yang Xiao Long stepped up behind her wife and obediently pulled up the back zipper of her midnight-blue ankle-length party dress with a sensual leg slit on one side. Yang herself had given Blake this dress as a birthday present last year. As Yang reached the end of Blake's zipper she leaned in over her shoulder and hugged her tight. "Did the girls say how much it all costed?" Blake kissed her love on the cheek before answering. "They said we should let them worry about that. It was their Mother's Day present for us after all." "Well, that's true enough, I suppose. Did they say where we were going? Since we're in our fancy dresses I'm guessing someplace very nice." Blake looked at her wristwatch. "We have a ride waiting outside for us in five minutes, we should get ready." Yang finished up the last touches on her vibrant orange evening dress. Picking up her handbag, she held out an elbow for Blake to hook her arm in. "... Shall we?" As they stepped out of the apartment, a long, pearlescent white limousine pulled up in front of them. "I-... I'm guessing that's ours?" Blake stuttered as a lanky dog-Faunus boy stepped out of the driver's seat to open the passenger compartment for them. "Guess so, Kitty-Cat." As they sat down inside and their chauffeur closed the door after them, they noticed that the windows had been blackened out, leaving them no way to see where they were delivered to. Blake gripped Yang's hand tight. "This is both exciting and scary at the same time..." Yang rubbed her thumb over the back of Blake's hand reassuringly. "Don't you worry Kitty-Cat, if anything goes wrong I'll be there for you." After around ten minutes, they could feel the limousine slow down. "I think we've just arrived at our destination." Blake chuckled at her wife's obviousness. "Gee Yang, what gave it away?" Suddenly they had to shield their eyes from the sudden onslaught of bright light as the limo door was opened. As they stepped out on the pavement, Yang was rubbing her eyes with the heels of her hands. "I was not expecting getting blinded by lights at this time of day... I'm seeing stars." Blake was staring at the house they had stopped in front of, and futilely tried to call for Yang's attention. "Yang..." "... I mean, it's evening, I shouldn't be able to get blinded by this light level. Must've been really dark in that limo for my eyes to be this kind of wonky." "Yang." "They could've at least given us a bit more light, yeah?" "Yang." "Yes, Kitty-Cat, what is i-... Ho-lee..." Yang removed her hands from her eyes and looked up at what Blake was indicating. "But... you'd have to have more money than Midas and that duck in a top hat combined to afford a table at The Golden Goose! Not to mention the fact you'd have to book table a century in advance!" Blake chuckled at Yang's flustered looks and panicky voice. As they walked up to the doorman, Yang shakingly held up the passes the chauffeur had given them before he had driven off. As they entered the foyer, the maitre d'hotel approached them. "Xiao Long-Belladonna? Right this way, if you will..." He led them out in the main dining hall of the luxurious restaurant, just a few metres away from the great stage. He handed them each a menu and awaited their orders. Yang flipped through the dishes, reading the contents more than the fancy names. "I'll have a... I'm not even going to attempt pronouncing that correctly... a number 16." "One Boeuf bourguignon for Miss Xiao Long? Drink?" "Says here it's best paired with red wine, so I'll have that." "...And Miss Belladonna?" "I'll have the Salade Nicoise with white wine, thanks." Typing in the orders on his notepad, the maitre d' disappeared in the crowd of dinner guests, heading for the kitchen. A few minutes later two waitresses came out with their dishes and lit the candles on their table. Settling down, Yang and Blake began to eat. "Oh Oum, this is delicious! Haven't had beef this tasty since... ever!" "Couldn't agree with you more. They really know how to handle their tuna." After a while they were just eating in silence, occasionally casting loving glances at each other across the table. "Hey... doesn't the music sound... I don't know, different all of a sudden?" A greenish blue dot of light shone from Yang's right arm as P.E.N.N.Y's holographic head materialised floating in mid-air. "Friend Yang, Friend Blake, may I suggest you shift your attention towards the stage?" Yang and Blake blinked their eyes in confusion, then synchronously pivoted their heads towards the stage as a very familiar face walked up towards the edge of the central catwalk. Wearing a shimmering white gala dress, paired with two equally brilliantly white opera gloves and translucent crystal heels was Weiss Schnee, singing a familiar song. Some believe in fairy stories And the ghosts that they can't see I know that I could do so much If I could just believe in me Mirror mirror I'll tell you something I think I might change it all Finishing up, Weiss bowed to the crowd and walked over towards Yang and Blake. "Well hello there sister-in-law dearest, fancy meeting you here!" Yang quipped. Blake was a bit more suspicious however. "I don't think it's a coincidence you're here tonight, Weiss. I mean, think about it Yang - a limo drops us off at a very high-society restaurant, all expenses paid, and it doesn't seem off to you in the slightest?" Weiss pulled up a chair from an empty table and joined them. "I can answer that actually. As of last weekend, The Golden Goose is owned by the SDC, on the advice of two very, very insidious nieces of mine. And before you ask Blake, no, I will not hand out invitations willy-nilly to my employees." Blake smiled. "Figured as much." Weiss leaned in with a diabolical smirk "Extended family, however, is a whole 'nother matter." Yang's chin dropped to the floor. "Weiss, you're the best." "To be honest I took part in this scheme to repay you for us blowing it for you last year. Ruby's still torn up about it." "Where are our two lovely little masterminds, anyways?" Weiss merely gestured behind them as answer. Walking up to them was Ruby, flanked by her two nieces Stella and Aurora, gently gripping the hands of their much beloved aunt. "For someone so young, you girls sure can think up some plans..." Yang said as Aurora walked up to her and hugged her tight while her older sister hugged Blake. "Happy Mother's Day, mommy..." AN: Yes, I know Mother's Day was ages ago. Work with me here. After my few previous works had gotten longer and longer (2016 words last time, can you believe it?) I wanted this to be a bit shorter. Oops? I do not own RWBY, that's RoosterTeeth and Monty Oum.
{'pile_set_name': 'OpenWebText2'}
Sprint will carry one of Samsung's upcoming 5G-enabled smartphones later this year, joining rivals AT&T and Verizon. The company says the smartphone will be available in summer 2019, and it will also be compatible with Sprint's existing LTE network. In December, both AT&T and Verizon announced that they would be carrying upcoming 5G smartphones. Verizon was first, and it announced that it would be selling one of the phones in the first half of 2019. AT&T responded by saying that not only would it have that same phone early in the year, but it would also offer a second 5G phone from Samsung in the second half of the year. 5G from Massive MIMO 5G is a new generation of wireless technology that's set to offer faster speeds and lower latency than current 4G mobile networks, using different frequencies from those used by 4G LTE. Sprint has said this Samsung phone will offer 5G on the 2.5GHz spectrum via the Massive MIMO antennas it's been deploying across the country, rather than the mmWave technology that's favored by AT&T and Verizon (defined as being between 30GHz and 300GHz). The phone will support the 1.9GHz and 800MHz LTE spectrum bands for roaming. The South Korean firm is reportedly working on at least two variants of its upcoming Galaxy S10 smartphone: one with a Qualcomm modem and the other with a Samsung-made equivalent. One of these is also rumored to be a "Beyond X" version of the phone with a 6.7-inch screen. None of the three carriers have confirmed exactly which model of Samsung phone they'll be carrying. Sprint stopped short of confirming that Samsung's device would be the first 5G phone on its network, saying only that it would be "one of" the first after. The US carrier previously announced that it would carry a 5G phone from LG earlier in the year, and it also said it was working with HTC to develop a 5G "smart hub."
{'pile_set_name': 'OpenWebText2'}
Kanye West Meets President Trump At Oval Office, Pitches iPlane To Replace Air Force One Just when you didn't think that things could get any more strange over in the world of Kanye West, he appears to have managed to outdo himself to a degree we wouldn't have previously thought possible. Yesterday, the rapper-turned-fashion designer was in Washington for a meeting with the President of the United States, Donald Trump. Unfortunately, that wasn't the strangest thing to happen. During his visit to the White House, Kanye pitched Trump on what he thinks should be the replacement for Air Force One - a hydrogen-powered plane, designed by Apple, called the iPlane One. He even had an image of the plane to show Trump, with The Telegraph's James Titcomb quick off the mark to note that the image Kanye showed to Trump was actually a 2012 concept of an "iPlane" that was created by an industrial designer. It looks like someone's been trawling the internet late at night! Of course, in order to show Trump his iPlane One idea, on his iPhone X of course, Kanye had to unlock the aforementioned phone. There was no Face ID in sight, with Kanye unlocking his iPhone with the amazingly awful passcode of 0-0-0-0-0-0. Perhaps someone ought to take him aside and explain the importance of security. Kanye West thinks Trump should ditch AirForceOne for this plane to be manufactured by Apple #tictocnews pic.twitter.com/7dBcOVhHlr -- TicToc by Bloomberg (@tictoc) October 11, 2018 Things then got even more strange with Kanye then moving on to the Georgetown Apple store, at which he decided it would be a good idea to hold an impromptu "keynote," with the man standing on a demo table and talking about his latest fashion creation. Kanye apparently "made an updated hat that says 'Make America great, without the 'again...and Trump wore it!"
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
Lacalma papuensis Lacalma papuensis is a species of snout moth in the genus Lacalma. It was described by William Warren in 1891, and is known from New Guinea. and Australia. References Category:Moths described in 1891 Category:Epipaschiinae Category:Pyralidae
{'pile_set_name': 'Wikipedia (en)'}
Erdogan did indeed obtain popular endorsement of his ambition to become an all-powerful executive President. With Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan due in India in five days, I am reminded of the gem-studded Mughal throne in Istanbul's Topkapi Palace that symbolises the failure of religion as an instrument of diplomacy. Nadir Shah had seized the throne in Delhi from Muhammad Shah, the Mughal emperor whom he defeated and dispossessed, and presented it to Ottoman Sultan Mahmud I. When the Ottomans and Persians fell out, Muhammad Shah gladly rallied to Mahmud's cause. Two Muslim potentates, the Mughal and Ottoman emperors, united against a third, the Shah of Persia. Their obsession with religion is not the only commonalty between Narendra Modi and his guest. Both share with Donald Trump, who called to congratulate Mr Erdogan on his April 16 referendum victory, a somewhat flimsy democratic fig-leaf that covers the exercise of tremendous personal power. While Hillary Clinton's 65,844,610 votes (48.2 per cent) was the third highest of any presidential candidate in American history, Mr Trump trailed behind with only 62,979,636 votes (46.1 per cent). The contrast between vote and result was most glaring in Mr Modi's case too. Despite his exuberant self-confidence, the BJP won only 31 per cent of the votes in 2014 although it captured 283 Lok Sabha seats. That was the lowest-ever voteshare for a single party to win a Lok Sabha majority. In contrast, Indira Gandhi's Congress, which held the previous record for the lowest voteshare for a single party, won a similar 283 seats in 1967 but with 40.8 per cent of the votes cast. Mr Erdogan did indeed obtain popular endorsement of his ambition to become an all-powerful executive President. But the desperately close margin of his victory indicates rampant discontent in a bitterly divided nation. With only 51.5 per cent of voters approving his ambition, and 48.5 per cent opposing it, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its major ally, the Nationalist Action Party (MHP), have obviously slipped in the popularity stakes since the last general election in 2015, when their combined share of the vote was 62 per cent. Although this may not come up in their discussions, Mr Modi and Mr Erdogan also share the distinction of leading governments that are trying to bestow a religious identity on the nations they rule. In the former case, every move seems to be towards a thinly veiled form of a Hindu Rashtra which mixes puja with politics, exalts the cow, bans beef, promotes vegetarianism, treats religious lore as history and temples as national monuments, foists Hindi on the populace and tacitly supports bands of marauding thugs who attack everything their half-baked perception tells them is not desi. Turkey's transition was apparent when our guide in Istanbul two years ago said his wife had started wearing the hijab because, otherwise, she might not be promoted in her government job. Mr Erdogan, who was Prime Minister for 11 years and is in his third year as President, is as coy about admitting to Islamist ambitions as Mr Modi is about Hindutva. But as the mayor of Istanbul, he was sentenced in 1998 to 10 months in jail for "inciting religious hatred" after reading out verses by an Ottoman Islamist poet at a public event. Turkey's constitutional court banned his Welfare Party on the grounds that it was "threatening the Kemalist nature of Turkey, specially [its] secularity." Once out of jail, he started mobilising supporters on an Islamist agenda, and in two years co-founded the AKP, the vehicle of his rise to power. Although many Turks still revere Kemal Ataturk as the first Asian modernist, the April 16 referendum empowers Mr Erdogan to dismantle the secular democratic Kemalist order he was accused of threatening 19 years ago and lay the foundations of a personal regime with expanded powers that could continue till 2029. While Turkey's domestic polity does not concern India, its value as an ally may be questioned. The referendum took place at a time Turkey faces huge security challenges. Last year's multiple terror attacks were mostly the handiwork of the so-called Islamic State and rebellious Kurds against whom the Turkish military is waging a brutal war. The massive purge in government and private institutions that followed last July's abortive coup meant the dismissal and imprisonment of thousands of Turks, including judges, academics, top generals and senior security personnel. Over 100 journalists are said to be behind bars and 15 universities, 1,000 schools, 28 TV channels, 66 newspapers, 19 magazines, 36 radio stations, 26 publishing houses and five news agencies have been shut down. The leading Kurdish Opposition politician is also in jail, while the country is still reeling under emergency rule. Mr Erdogan's position on the war in neighbouring Syria and Bashar al-Assad's future is as ambivalent as the European Union's on his pending application. Turkey's once buoyant economy has been badly rattled by the resultant instability. Mr Erdogan probably hopes a visit to India -- his first foreign trip since the referendum -- might help to regain some of the international respect he once enjoyed. But he must resist the temptation -- common in political adversity -- of pandering to extremists to gain popularity. Even apart from Kemal Ataturk, his country's ancient history offers some splendid instances of rewarding ecumenism. Despite being Caliph of Islam, the Ottoman sultan sent a fleet of ships to rescue Jews whom Catholic Spain expelled after Moorish Granada capitulated in 1492. That demonstration of secular enlightenment, which helped Turkey's commerce and arts, occurred a full 150 years before Britain, which had expelled Jews in 1290, allowed them back again. Mr Erdogan can gain from applying that liberal precedent to Turkey's ethnic and other minorities and by not using the referendum verdict to trample on secular democracy.
{'pile_set_name': 'OpenWebText2'}
# node-uuid Benchmarks ### Results To see the results of our benchmarks visit <URL> ### Run them yourself node-uuid comes with some benchmarks to measure performance of generating UUIDs. These can be run using node.js. node-uuid is being benchmarked against some other uuid modules, that are available through npm namely 'uuid' and 'uuid-js'. To prepare and run the benchmark issue; ''' npm install uuid uuid-js node benchmark/benchmark.js ''' You'll see an output like this one: ''' # v4 nodeuuid.v4(): 854700 uuids/second nodeuuid.v4('binary'): 788643 uuids/second nodeuuid.v4('binary', buffer): 1336898 uuids/second uuid(): 479386 uuids/second uuid('binary'): 582072 uuids/second uuidjs.create(4): 312304 uuids/second # v1 nodeuuid.v1(): 938086 uuids/second nodeuuid.v1('binary'): 683060 uuids/second nodeuuid.v1('binary', buffer): 1644736 uuids/second uuidjs.create(1): 190621 uuids/second ''' * The 'uuid()' entries are for Nikhil Marathe's [uuid module](<URL>) which is a wrapper around the native libuuid library. * The 'uuidjs()' entries are for Patrick Negri's [uuid-js module](<URL>) which is a pure javascript implementation based on [UUID.js](<URL>) by LiosK. If you want to get more reliable results you can run the benchmark multiple times and write the output into a log file: ''' for i in {0..9}; do node benchmark/benchmark.js >> benchmark/bench_0.4.12.log; done; ''' If you're interested in how performance varies between different node versions, you can issue the above command multiple times. You can then use the shell script 'bench.sh' provided in this directory to calculate the averages over all benchmark runs and draw a nice plot: ''' (cd benchmark/ && ./bench.sh) ''' This assumes you have [gnuplot](<URL>) and [ImageMagick](<URL>) installed. You'll find a nice 'bench.png' graph in the 'benchmark/' directory then.
{'pile_set_name': 'Github'}
Niall Morris (rugby union) Niall Edward Morris (born 8 August 1988) is a former Irish rugby union footballer who played wing or fullback for Leicester Tigers in the English Premiership. Morris played for Leinster Rugby on a development contract, appearing for the first team eight times. He joined Leicester in the summer of 2011. While at Leicester he started the 2013 Premiership final and scored a try as they defeated Northampton Saints. It was revealed by Leicester Tigers, that Niall Morris was out of contract at the end of the 2015/2016 season, and wasn't being offered a new one. In September 2013 Morris was called up for a training camp with the senior Ireland squad. References External links ESPN Scrum profile Statbunker profile IRB junior world championship profile Category:1988 births Category:Living people Category:Rugby union wings Category:Irish rugby union players Category:Leicester Tigers players
{'pile_set_name': 'Wikipedia (en)'}
package com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone; import android.content.Context; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.widget.FrameLayout; /** * */ class QuickSettingsTileView extends FrameLayout { private static final String TAG = "QuickSettingsTileView"; private int mContentLayoutId; private int mColSpan; private int mRowSpan; public QuickSettingsTileView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); mContentLayoutId = -1; mColSpan = 1; mRowSpan = 1; } void setColumnSpan(int span) { mColSpan = span; } int getColumnSpan() { return mColSpan; } void setContent(int layoutId, LayoutInflater inflater) { mContentLayoutId = layoutId; inflater.inflate(layoutId, this); } void reinflateContent(LayoutInflater inflater) { if (mContentLayoutId != -1) { removeAllViews(); setContent(mContentLayoutId, inflater); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Not reinflating content: No layoutId set"); } } @Override public void setVisibility(int vis) { if (QuickSettings.DEBUG_GONE_TILES) { if (vis == View.GONE) { vis = View.VISIBLE; setAlpha(0.25f); setEnabled(false); } else { setAlpha(1f); setEnabled(true); } } super.setVisibility(vis); } }
{'content_hash': 'c9b9f1c64bf26e27fb49e0f2520c5c6a', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 66, 'max_line_length': 71, 'avg_line_length': 23.848484848484848, 'alnum_prop': 0.602287166454892, 'repo_name': 'indashnet/InDashNet.Open.UN2000', 'id': '3d520f7e400c8f943518064a041b296fa23dc154', 'size': '2193', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'android/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/QuickSettingsTileView.java', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'apache-2.0', 'language': []}
A little while back I posted about Cognizance and everyone seemed to really dig them, so I'm stoked to announce the band has hit me up this time to premiere their new song "The Succession of Flesh." Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading. The track is off their upcoming release _Inceptum that will be out this fall! The album's drums will be handled by The Faceless' Alex Rudinger and on this particular song there's guest spots by Frank Mullen of Suffocation and Eyal Levi of Daath, who also produced and mixed the record. Oh, and he artwork was created by Dan Mumford (Black Dahlia Murder, Parkway Drive). Now, to the song! I've said it before and I'll say it again- technical death metal done right is a beautiful, beautiful thing. "The Succession of Flesh" is jammed packed with riffs and rhythms that you're not going to forget soon after listening and has plenty of gutteral, vomit-inducing vocals to keep pace with the crushing music. Plus the lyrics video is actually cool and not just something that appears to have been slapped together in twenty seconds- this took some time. Cognizance is a band you're going to want to watch out for in the near future, because there's no way they won't become a big, notable name.
{'pile_set_name': 'OpenWebText2'}
gut health immune system immunity probiotics Immune System Health: Still More Important than Ever The world has changed a lot in the last six months--but the words 'virus' and 'immunity' (and 'economy') are still top of mind. The world is focused on finding a cure, but I think it's also important to talk about things we can do to support our immunity in an effort to avoid upper respiratory viral infections, with the colder weather (especially for us in Canada) and back to school on the horizon. Healthy Diet = Healthy Terrain Tim Spector, a notable epidemiologist and researcher recently said it best: "Whether you're shopping for yourself, your family or for elderly relatives or friends, choosing foods that support a healthy gut microbiome is much more important than stockpiling toilet paper." In the health food and supplement industry, we've long known that a healthy diet full of colourful foods is the foundation of health and can help promote a strong immune system. It wasn't until recent years that we learned this diet can also help to promote a diverse and healthy gut microbiome. Thirty years ago, at my health food store on Church Street in Toronto, I saw the benefit firsthand. During this time, I discovered a supplement called greens+. Made from 23 colourful superfoods, greens+ was a product that was different from everything else on health food store shelves. Before long, my customers were telling me that their energy had skyrocketed, that they were feeling better than they had in years, and that their digestion and immune health had never been so great since they started taking greens+. After seeing the incredible benefits that greens+ had on my customers, I knew that I had to do more. In 1992, I sold my chain of health food stores and started Genuine Health to bring greens+ to more Canadians. Not long after, we started working with University of Toronto to understand why greens+ provided so many benefits. We launched greens+ nearly 30 years ago and the formula still amazes us to this day. greens+ is still the only superfood backed by nine clinical studies and is the only superfood that has been proven to increase energy and vitality, provide antioxidant protection from its rich polyphenol content. Polyphenols are an incredible type of plant nutrient that can act as a prebiotic, helping to support diverse populations of gut bacteria that in turn help support the immune system. greens+ has also been proven to combat the effects of an acid-forming diet (aka dietary acid load). This is so important for immune health because dietary acid load has been shown to be a form of stress to the immune system. In addition, greens+ contains licorice and ginseng, both studied for their antiviral benefits. Plus, another nutrient in greens+ has anti-viral potential. Canadian scientists are currently collaborating with Chinese scientists in a massive 1000-subject trial to examine the anti-coronavirus properties of quercetin. Quercetin, found in healthy plant foods, already has proven anti-viral properties as it has been studied with both Ebola and Zika viruses. Incredibly, University of Toronto researchers have found that quercetin is one of the dominant nutrients found in greens+. The Gut and Susceptibility to Viruses A healthy gut microbiome can help to support a healthy immune response. Remarkably, the gut microbiome may even have influence on viruses that wreak havoc on the respiratory tract. This is one of the reasons why oral (encapsulated) probiotics for both adults and kids have been so successful in lowering upper respiratory tract infection rates and associated sick days. Research has also shown that probiotics can help maintain a healthy mental outlook and support immune health during stressful periods, too. We just launched two new advanced gut health probiotics to help during this time. advanced gut health probiotic immune + vitamin d and zinc includes clinically validated strains for immune support, while advanced gut health probiotic high potency contains a restorative CFU of 100 billion to support digestive distress following periods of stress or antibiotic use. Emerging Vitamin D Research We know that vitamin D can help to support the immune system. Interestingly, researchers from Trinity College in Dublin are looking at the role vitamin D might play in severe inflammatory responses seen in very ill COVID-19 patients. Could this be the reason that mortality rates have been higher in countries in the Northern Hemisphere? While it's too soon to know, I will definitely continue to take vitamin D through the summer and all fall and winter. I've been in this industry for more than 35 years. One very important thing I've learned during this time is that while we may not be able to control the outside world, we can have influence over the health of our own body. At Genuine Health, we've long believed that a healthy diet bolstered with quality supplements provide this foundation for good health, including immunity. The time is no more important than now. It's Cool to Be Kind Numerous studies have also made links between human interaction and a healthy immune system. In a time when large gatherings, festivals, and celebrations like Pride have been cancelled, we have to think of new ways to stay connected and support our community. As we forge a new path forward, let's continue to do everything we can to support our health and that of others. Let's eat well and take supplements to fill in the gaps. Let's keep washing our hands and taking our superfoods and probiotics. Let's protect our most vulnerable and make sure that while we may be apart, no one feels alone. Let's take time to get outside. Let's pick up groceries for an elderly neighbour or relative. Let's support our local businesses. Let's make a donation to a local organization if we can. Let's check in on each other because we're all in this together. Cross, M.L. Immune-Signalling by Orally-Delivered Probiotic Bacteria: Effects on Common Mucosal Immunoresponses and Protection at Distal Mucosal Sites. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology. 2004. Lenoir-Wijnkoop I, et al. Probiotics Reduce Health Care Cost and Societal Impact of Flu-Like Respiratory Tract Infections in the USA: An Economic Modeling Study. Front Pharmacol. 2019 Aug 28;10:980 Shibata M, et al. Potential common factors associated with predisposition to common cold in middle-aged and elderly Japanese: A community-based cross-sectional study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 May;97(20):e10729 Wijnkoop, I et al. The Clinical and Economic Impact of Probiotics Consumption on Respiratory Tract Infections: Projections for Canada. PLoS One. 2016; 11(11): e0166232. Greens+ | original daily immune + vitamin d and zinc probiotic | 50 billion probiotique reequilibrant | 100 milliards triple force | omega3 +D3
{'pred_label': '__label__cc', 'pred_label_prob': 0.7259805798530579, 'wiki_prob': 0.27401942014694214, 'source': 'cc/2023-06/en_middle_0029.json.gz/line1009485'}
#!/usr/bin/perl -w ################################################### # package to produce a table of all idl parsers # Copyright <EMAIL> 2003 # Copyright <EMAIL> 2005 # released under the GNU GPL use strict; use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; my $opt_output = 'librpc/gen_ndr/tables.c'; my $opt_help = 0; ######################################### # display help text sub ShowHelp() { print " perl NDR interface table generator Copyright (C) tridge\@samba.org Usage: tables.pl [options] <idlfile> "; exit(0); } # main program GetOptions ( 'help|h|?' => \$opt_help, 'output=s' => \$opt_output, ); if ($opt_help) { ShowHelp(); exit(0); } my $init_fns = ""; ################################### # extract table entries from 1 file sub process_file($) { my $filename = shift; open(FILE, $filename) || die "unable to open $filename "; my $found = 0; while (my $line = <FILE>) { if ($line =~ /extern const struct ndr_interface_table (\w+);/) { $found = 1; $init_fns.=" status = ndr_table_register(&$1); "; $init_fns.=" if (NT_STATUS_IS_ERR(status)) return status; "; } } if ($found) { print "#include "$filename" "; } close(FILE); } print <<EOF; /* Automatically generated by tables.pl. DO NOT EDIT */ #include "includes.h" #include "librpc/ndr/libndr.h" #include "librpc/ndr/ndr_table.h" EOF process_file($_) foreach (@ARGV); print <<EOF; NTSTATUS ndr_table_register_builtin_tables(void) { NTSTATUS status; $init_fns return NT_STATUS_OK; } EOF
{'pile_set_name': 'Github'}
THE ALMIGHTY is keeping a close eye on President Donald Trump and he doesn't like what he is seeing. Or at least, that was the verdict of several thousand people on Twitter reacting to a stunning photograph capturing the moment a bolt of lightning struck the White House this week. Was this the Lord's way of reminding President Trump who is boss and giving him his first formal warning as Leader of the Free World? That's certainly the way some people saw it. In any case, the image, snapped by CNN's Matt Hoye, got a lot of people talking on social media. "That might have been a warning shot," one follower joked. That might have been a warning shot. "God is sending a signal!" another confidently declared. "First a sink hole, now lightening. Hmm someones are not happy," a third added, with one Twitter user simply responding "Get 'em God. Get them all." First a sink hole, now lightening. Hmm someones are not happy. There were plenty of creative suggestions of course. But the running theme was a simple one. As one person put it: "God has had ENOUGH!" "I just KNEW God would get him eventually," someone else joked. I just KNEW God would get him eventually. And these are only the tip of the iceberg, with a glut of anti-Trump supporters leaping on the image as a sign of something far bigger at work. Trump said, "May lightning strike if I'm lying." Seeing photos of the White House does not conjure pride & respect as it once did. Did anyone hear a "Damn, I missed him"? Coming down fron the sky right about then? Trump, to his credit, didn't take the bait, choosing to ignore the jokes and focus on the busy job of being President. He's already announced plans to visit Ireland after accepting an open invitation from Taoiseach Leo Varadka. And, barring divine intervention, Trump will be heading to the Emerald Isle this November.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T22:57:15Z', 'url': 'https://www.irishpost.com/news/twitter-reacts-lightning-strike-white-house-159357', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Q: Refining custom flood fill algorithm (Java) I have no experience with any type of flood fill algorithms at all. But I gave it my best shot. At first, I would fill one pixel wherever the user clicked with magenta, and then went through a loop which drew a pixel on top, left, bottom, and right of each magenta pixel. This would take up to 8 seconds to complete the fill with especially large areas. So I added another loop which drew straight magenta-colored lines up, down, left, and right. This halved the time. I had the computer draw more lines... up-up-left, up-left, up-left-left, down-left-left... etc. Now it's down to between 1 & 2 seconds. What else can I do to decrease the amount of time it takes to complete the fill? for(Point p:shiftDownPoints) { //down for(int y = p.y+1; y<SCREEN_DIM.height; y++) { if(capture.getRGB(p.x,y)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(p.x,y,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } //up for(int y = p.y-1; y>0; y--) { if(capture.getRGB(p.x,y)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(p.x,y,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } //right for(int x = p.x+1; x<SCREEN_DIM.width; x++) { if(capture.getRGB(x,p.y)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(x,p.y,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } //left for(int x = p.x-1; x>0; x--) { if(capture.getRGB(x,p.y)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(x,p.y,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } //down-right for(int i = 1; i<Math.min(SCREEN_DIM.width,SCREEN_DIM.height); i++) { if(capture.getRGB(p.x+i,p.y+i)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(p.x+i,p.y+i,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } //down-left for(int i = 1; i<Math.min(SCREEN_DIM.width,SCREEN_DIM.height); i++) { if(capture.getRGB(p.x-i,p.y+i)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(p.x-i,p.y+i,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } //up-left for(int i = 1; i<Math.min(SCREEN_DIM.width,SCREEN_DIM.height); i++) { if(capture.getRGB(p.x-i,p.y-i)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(p.x-i,p.y-i,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } //up-right for(int i = 1; i<Math.min(SCREEN_DIM.width,SCREEN_DIM.height); i++) { if(capture.getRGB(p.x+i,p.y-i)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(p.x+i,p.y-i,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } //up-up-left for(int i = 1; i<Math.min(SCREEN_DIM.width,SCREEN_DIM.height); i++) { if(capture.getRGB(p.x-i,p.y-i*2)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(p.x-i,p.y-i*2,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } //up-left-left for(int i = 1; i<Math.min(SCREEN_DIM.width,SCREEN_DIM.height); i++) { if(capture.getRGB(p.x-i*2,p.y-i)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(p.x-i*2,p.y-i,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } //down-left-left for(int i = 1; i<Math.min(SCREEN_DIM.width,SCREEN_DIM.height); i++) { if(capture.getRGB(p.x-i*2,p.y+i)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(p.x-i*2,p.y+i,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } //down-down-left for(int i = 1; i<Math.min(SCREEN_DIM.width,SCREEN_DIM.height); i++) { if(capture.getRGB(p.x-i,p.y+i*2)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(p.x-i,p.y+i*2,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } //down-down-right for(int i = 1; i<Math.min(SCREEN_DIM.width,SCREEN_DIM.height); i++) { if(capture.getRGB(p.x+i,p.y+i*2)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(p.x+i,p.y+i*2,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } //down-right-right for(int i = 1; i<Math.min(SCREEN_DIM.width,SCREEN_DIM.height); i++) { if(capture.getRGB(p.x+i*2,p.y+i)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(p.x+i*2,p.y+i,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } //up-right-right for(int i = 1; i<Math.min(SCREEN_DIM.width,SCREEN_DIM.height); i++) { if(capture.getRGB(p.x+i*2,p.y-i)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(p.x+i*2,p.y-i,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } //up-up-right for(int i = 1; i<Math.min(SCREEN_DIM.width,SCREEN_DIM.height); i++) { if(capture.getRGB(p.x+i,p.y-i*2)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())break; else capture.setRGB(p.x+i,p.y-i*2,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } } while(pixelsDrawn) { pixelsDrawn=false; for(int x = 0; x<SCREEN_DIM.width; x++) for(int y = 0; y<SCREEN_DIM.height; y++) { if(capture.getRGB(x,y)==Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()) { if(capture.getRGB(x-1,y)!=Color.MAGENTA.getRGB() &&capture.getRGB(x-1,y)!=Color.BLACK.getRGB()) { capture.setRGB(x-1,y,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); pixelsDrawn = true; } if(capture.getRGB(x+1,y)!=Color.MAGENTA.getRGB() &&capture.getRGB(x+1,y)!=Color.BLACK.getRGB()) { capture.setRGB(x+1,y,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); pixelsDrawn = true; } if(capture.getRGB(x,y-1)!=Color.MAGENTA.getRGB() &&capture.getRGB(x,y-1)!=Color.BLACK.getRGB()) { capture.setRGB(x,y-1,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); pixelsDrawn = true; } if(capture.getRGB(x,y+1)!=Color.MAGENTA.getRGB() &&capture.getRGB(x,y+1)!=Color.BLACK.getRGB()) { capture.setRGB(x,y+1,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); pixelsDrawn = true; } } } } A: Thanks to immibis's suggestion, I got my flood-fill down to half a second. In this new code, I had the computer go along the edge of the outline and create a polygon, and then just used fillPolygon from the graphics. for(Point p:iterablePoints) { int dir = 2; //0:right, 1:down, 2:left, 3:up int xPos = p.x; int yPos = 0; Polygon poly = new Polygon(); for(int y = p.y; y>0; y--) { if(capture.getRGB(p.x,y-1)==Color.BLACK.getRGB()) { yPos = y; break; } } Vector<Point> tempRecord = new Vector<Point>(); boolean run = true; while(run) { if(dir==0&&capture.getRGB(xPos+1,yPos)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())dir--; else if(dir==1&&capture.getRGB(xPos,yPos+1)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())dir--; else if(dir==2&&capture.getRGB(xPos-1,yPos)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())dir--; else if(dir==3&&capture.getRGB(xPos,yPos-1)==Color.BLACK.getRGB())dir--; else { if(dir==0)xPos++; if(dir==1)yPos++; if(dir==2)xPos--; if(dir==3)yPos--; dir++; tempRecord.add(new Point(xPos,yPos)); if(tempRecord.size()>1)if(tempRecord.get(0)==tempRecord.get(1))tempRecord.remove(tempRecord.firstElement()); else startPoint = tempRecord.get(0); if(startPoint!=null)if(startPoint.x==xPos&&startPoint.y==yPos) run=false; poly.addPoint(xPos,yPos);capture.setRGB(xPos,yPos,Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()); } if(dir==4)dir=0; if(dir==-1)dir=3; } Graphics cg = capture.getGraphics(); cg.setColor(Color.MAGENTA); cg.fillPolygon(poly); cg.dispose(); }
{'pile_set_name': 'StackExchange'}
The influence of facing direction on the haptic identification of two-dimensional raised pictures. It has been hypothesized (Lederman et al, 1990 Perception & Psychophysics 47 54-64) that sighted people adopt a visual translation process when attempting to identify 2-D raised images by touch they employ a visual image as a mediator between haptic sensory information and the object representation. If this hypothesis is correct, the performance in identifying pictures by touch (with eyes closed) ought to be better when the head is facing the picture than when facing in a very different direction. In this study, thirty-six blindfolded participants were required to identify raised pictures of common objects with their head facing either in the same direction as the raised picture or in an orthogonal direction. Identification performance was measured in terms of accuracy and response latencies. Overall, participants were more accurate and faster when their heads faced in the same direction as the picture. This finding is discussed in terms of spatial congruency between haptic representations of pictures and visual (or spatial) imagery created during exploration of haptic pictures.
{'pile_set_name': 'PubMed Abstracts'}
Local police, victim support group ready to RESPOND Conor Powers-Smith <EMAIL> Thursday Feb 1, 2018 at 2:13 PMFeb 1, 2018 at 2:17 PM Local police hope a new partnership with regional nonprofit RESPOND Inc. will help the city better care for victims of domestic abuse, and possibly prevent future cases by helping victims extricate themselves from unhealthy relationships. The program began at the start of the year. Thanks to a grant through the Violence Against Women Act, Victoria Helberg, a high risk program specialist with Somerville-based RESPOND, has been splitting time between Melrose, Malden, and Wakefield, connecting victims of abuse with a range of services. High-risk cases are just what they sound like, those in which the victim may be in serious danger. The priority in such cases is getting the victim to safety as soon as possible. "You get somebody who's in a domestic violence situation, they might need housing, or they might need a safety plan, so that's what we're hoping to do with them right away," Helberg said. Helberg's specialty is working with police departments to counsel victims of abuse. "I'll get the calls from the police department, and then I'll follow up with them," she said. "It helps build rapport between the community and the police department, because there's a civilian advocate who's reaching out on behalf of the police to show, 'Melrose is really concerned about your safety, what can we do to help?'" Although several communities already have dedicated domestic abuse officers, some victims are more willing to talk to someone who isn't affiliated with police. "I've definitely had instances where people have wanted me to relay everything we discussed to the police, and then I've had people who've wanted me to keep it confidential, and I am a confidential advocate," Helberg said. "I think it's really helped people feel more comfortable about reaching out." Melrose Police Detective Daniel Ehlers, who heads the department's domestic violence division, said partnering with RESPOND will expand the scope of services available to victims. "This is a way to get a victim much-needed services quicker and more efficiently, RESPOND is a 24-hour operation, they have people who can help with housing," he said. "If you need to change housing, they have connections to the different housing authorities all around, and can help cut some of the red tape and help people with all of the paperwork." The group can also direct victims to experts in other fields. "They can put people in touch with pro bono lawyers to help them along, maybe they're getting divorced after this," said Ehlers. "And a lot of people need some sort of therapy or counseling, and they can provide that or direct people to where they need to go." MPD Chief Michael Lyle said the partnership will help the department combat domestic violence. "I think it's a great tool for us," he said. "RESPOND has a relationship with the court system, they're 24-seven, so on weekends, when we really need assistance, they're available to come out." Melrose Alliance Against Violence, the local nonprofit dedicated to preventing domestic assault and aiding its victims, has been serving the city for decades. Executive Director Rebecca Mooney said RESPOND will only enhance that mission. "We're tiny, we're a really small agency, so we really rely on partnerships with a lot of other organizations," she said. "This will dovetail very nicely with our work here in the community. I would say our strength is really raising awareness in the community, so people will come forward and get help." MAAV conducts awareness-raising events all year, including several coming up in February and March, to mark the former as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. The group also educates young people about abuse, so that victims, bystanders, and potential perpetrators can recognize and fight it. "A lot of our work focuses on trying to stop the problem before it starts," Mooney said. "It's giving people the information, but it's also kind of a signal to everyone in the community that we're aware of this issue, we're not burying our heads in the sand about it, it's out there and we're aware of it and there's help available." That's an important message, because a recent state law designed to shield victims' identities has led to the unintended consequence of decreasing reminders that domestic violence is still very much a problem. "Out of sight, out of mind," Ehlers said. "The biggest misconception is people don't think it happens, because we can't put it in any of the police logs. Due to the new Mass laws, it was taken out to help protect victims, and also to protect people who have been accused and not convicted yet." But the problem hasn't gone away. According to Lyle, Melrose police responded to 14 domestic-violence calls in the first month of 2018 alone. The absence of specific cases from the news may contribute to the isolation many victims feel, making it all the more important that groups like RESPOND and MAAV exist to counteract that trend. "Some people feel that there's no way out, that's why some victims stay in relationships so long," Ehlers said. "If you show them that there's a way out, they might take it."
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
Lilium columbianum Lilium columbianum is a lily native to western North America. It is also known as the Columbia lily, Columbia tiger lily, or simply tiger lily (sharing the latter common name with several other lily species in its genus). Distribution Lilium columbianum occurs in lowland and montane forest openings and meadows from southern British Columbia in Canada south to northern California and east to Montana in the northwestern United States. Mostly occurring below , it usually blooms in June through early August. There are a few isolated populations at high elevations in the Sierra Nevada as far south as Fresno County. Description Lilium columbianum grows up to tall, and bears from few to numerous orange flowers with darker spots. The tepals are 3 to 6 cm long and the flowers are lightly scented. Like many true lilies, the leaves are arranged in whorls around the stem of the plant. Uses Food Coast Salish, Nuu-chah-nulth and most western Washington peoples steamed, boiled or pit-cooked its bulbs. Bitter or peppery-tasting, they were mostly used as a flavoring, often in soup with meat or fish. Horticulture From seed, Lilium columbianum requires three to five years to mature. Cultivated bulbs can be divided or bulb scales may be used to generate new plants more quickly. However, wild plants should be left undisturbed. References External links columbianum Category:Flora of British Columbia Category:Flora of the Northwestern United States Category:Flora of the West Coast of the United States Category:Garden plants of North America Category:Plants used in Native American cuisine Category:Plants described in 1871
{'pile_set_name': 'Wikipedia (en)'}
We do not charge re-stocking feesIf you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase return it for a full refund. (Items must be return unused and in their original packaging as shipped by Homeclick.com within 30 days) Free Shipping on orders over $99 delivered Standard Ground There are no shipping charges on orders over $99 delivered via Standard Ground. (not all products are eligible)There is also free shipping on orders over $1,999 that requires Freight Carrier Trucking. Maha Fitness Share: MAHA Fitness strives to produce high quality wholesale fitness products for retailers so their customers can stay active and in-shape while living busy lives. With the help from their products, it is easier to live a healthy lifestyle. They provide fitness products ranging from dumbbells and jump ropes to yoga and aerobic equipment. Their products can help people reach lower stress levels at affordable prices.
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
package org.snomed.snowstorm.rest.config; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder; import io.kaicode.elasticvc.domain.Entity; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; @JsonPropertyOrder(value = {"path", "state", "containsContent", "locked", "creation", "base", "head", "creationTimestamp", "baseTimestamp", "headTimestamp", "userRoles", "metadata", "versionsReplacedCounts"}) public abstract class BranchMixIn { @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = Entity.DATE_FORMAT_STRING) abstract Date getBase(); @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = Entity.DATE_FORMAT_STRING) abstract Date getHead(); @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = Entity.DATE_FORMAT_STRING) abstract Date getCreation(); @JsonIgnore abstract Set<String> getVersionsReplaced(); @JsonIgnore abstract String getInternalId(); @JsonIgnore abstract Date getStart(); @JsonIgnore abstract Map<String, String> getMetadataInternal(); }
{'pile_set_name': 'Github'}
Because I love the room linking feature by URC and I love custom programming I am kind of in a pickle. Room linking via URC doesn't always work, and when it does, it is only for audio. So...I have programmed my own version of Room Linking using Device Events, Dash Access, and Dash React. Now in order to use this, you must be using Dash React to control your room sources. I will attempt to show you how I accomplished this below. First, as mentioned above, you need to have your system programmed so it is using Dash React for source selection. We will be using the variables and values from them to sync. Now, you need to set up Dash Access for the initial room. I am going to start out simple and show you the Living Room syncing with the other rooms in the home. To expand on this, you will just repeat for each room. I installed Dash Access in the Video page for Living Room and for the Music page in the Living Room. Here is the module in the tree. Here is the interface. You will see Room Linking on page 2 of video and page 1 of Music. I have also disabled Source Tracking so that Linking Rooms does not interrupt the other Ui's. I am still working on a way for the interface to automatically jump back to the source currently playing. Next you will need to set up Dash Access. This will require the start up module. I am not going to go in depth with this, but I will show the screen shots. I chose to use the check boxes so you can check to link and uncheck to un-link. Quick overview of what you are looking at. The first part of the macro is setting up the names of the rooms, and the second part is populating them. Basically saying at start up here are the room names and what their default state should be. Here is the interface on the iOS. It works across the board on all UIs. After you have built the interface that you will use, you need to set up the Dash React commands for room syncing. You will need to create commands for each room you are going to sync to. And you will need to create an unsync command. I have decided to put a Room Off command in my unsync event. I like to turn of the room when I unlink it. Now what it is nice is you can create variables to stop this, and/or another user can still change sources in that synced room. (I would suggest adding an unsync command in your source selections so that it if another user changes the source it automatically unsyncs. This can be done with Dash React too.) So you will start out creating the commands. (This is still part of Dash Access.) When a user press the check box to link it will do this. Inside the macro you will use the Dash React commands. The first command is to get the value of the living room source. And then save it to your LivingRoomSource variable. (Dash explains all of this in their guides and walk throughs.) The next command is setting the sync. If Living Room is Off, do nothing. Else sync the rooms. (I know I am using sync and link interchangeably here, sorry, hope you can follow.) The Sync ID's must match with your room variable used in source selection. This is how the system knows what to do and what data to pull. Dash refers to this part as "listening". The last commands in the macro is setting the check box. It is a standard part of programming Dash Access. Now that is it. The rooms will sync/link. It does track. And it does change when you change the Living Room. So when you change from DirecTV to Roku, the Back Porch will follow. The next portion is to program the unsync action. It is nearly the same. Again, the device event is the part of Dash Access. The first command in the macro is to unsync. That is it, the rooms are no longer synced/linked. The last commands in the macro set the state of the check box. All done. The most cumbersome part is creating and setting up Dash Access. That is what takes the most time. The room sync/link is easy to do.
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
Nurse maintenance of oral hygiene. Nurses play an important role in the maintenance of oral hygiene for patients in many different care settings. Oral hygiene is an essential and complex part of patient care and can be influenced by a variety of factors.
{'pile_set_name': 'PubMed Abstracts'}
Thursday, June 9, 2016 Conversation between the Dead Muhammad ibn Ja'far related: I heard Muhammad ibn Sabih, saying: "I was informed that when a person is placed in his grave [and he has sinned], he is encountered by what he detests therein; the dead from the neighbouring graves say to him: 'O you whose brothers and neighbours passed away, while you were left behind in the world! Did you not learn a lesson from us [when we died but you stayed alive]? Have you not thought about the notion of us preceding you in death? Did you not notice that our deeds ended by our death, yet you were still given time [i.e. to perform more deeds]? So why did you not take advantage of what we have neglected?' Then the earth calls him saying: 'O you who was befooled with the appearance of this worldly life! Why did you not learn a lesson from those who were befooled with this wordly life then they were removed and buried underneath?'" [1]
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
ALPHA ENGINES Gene Fisher Modesto | September/October 1971 Courtesy of Gene Fisher, Modesto, California 95357.Gene Fisher California 95351 I would like to share a picture and some information on the Alpha line of engines. I am under the impression that they were manufactured by a Lauson engine company, although they were sold by De Laval Dairy Supply of San Francisco and Seattle. The instruction manual that I have a copy of, thanks to Dick Squires, president of branch No. 6 tells that the word Alpha, the first letter in the Greek alphabet was to mean First Quality. These engines portable and semi-portable were manufactured in sizes from 2 h.p. to 28 h.p. gas and kerosene. They also built multi-cylinder engines up to four cylinders. These were rated from 18 to 100 h.p. This engine is gasoline burning with throttling governor. It is rated at 10 h.p. with 24' dia. pulley with 7' face having 325 revolutions per minute. Type D. with serial No. of 8609. Also has a Summter low tension mag with igniter. The weight of engine and original truck is 2825 pounds. I do not know the date of manufacturing of this engine but the manual was printed in 1913 and it shows identical picture. I would like some help if any one can, on dating this engine. -Advertisement- This engine was sitting under the eve of a barn for about thirty years, as the owners uncle told him. This man had bought the ranch from his uncle prior to me finding the engine. When I inquired about an old engine sitting by the barn he said he didn't think there was one. He told me he would meet me there in about one half an hour. So friend and I went to have a look see. Well you all know how these old work horses look alter a lengthy retirement, SAD. The owner arrived and asked what we had found, and we all took a look. He said he thought it was some kind of an old gear reduction or something. This makes this fellow about 35 years old, not knowing the difference between a gasoline engine and a gear reduction. Piled on top was an old saw mandrel and wooden frame. Well, how do you get around to that question? Would you consider selling it? He came up with that certain eye twinkle that you didn't know for sure what he was thinking. And then said how about twenty-five dollars. At first I thought that was a lot of green for that pile of tired metal. Upon disassembling I found only two small parts missing, which I was able to fabricate in my welding shop. Along with stuck piston, burnt valves, rust, grease, and holes in the gas tank, I had begun to wonder if I had gotten stung. The instruction manual states that De Laval guaranteed the mag for the life of the engine. This was the understatement of the ages. This is a six magnet mag, and ZAP. After thirty-five years in the weather and one spin with my finger in the wrong place I was six sheets in the wind on that spark. I would of hated to have gotten the spark when the mag was new. The engine starts very easily and runs at a very nice even pace and makes a nice show piece and power plant. The Square Deal Subscription Program is designed as a paperless transaction with automatic renewals at a preferred low rate. With advanced electronic notification, a 100% satisfaction guarantee and an easy opt-out plan, the Square Deal Subscription Program is the best value, risk free, eco-friendliest way to subscribe.
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
? a**2 - 32*a - 736968 What is the o'th term of 1667574, 1667587, 1667600, 1667613? 13*o + 1667561 What is the k'th term of 13890770, 55563071, 125016912, 222252299, 347269238, 500067735, 680647796? k**3 + 13890764*k**2 + 2*k + 3 What is the v'th term of 32724, 65534, 98344, 131154, 163964? 32810*v - 86 What is the q'th term of 104, 49, -44, -175, -344, -551? -19*q**2 + 2*q + 121 What is the p'th term of -6812644, -6812658, -6812672, -6812686, -6812700, -6812714? -14*p - 6812630 What is the s'th term of 60027, 58913, 57799, 56685? -1114*s + 61141 What is the s'th term of -6651, -8771, -10891, -13011, -15131? -2120*s - 4531 What is the a'th term of 845, 3345, 7533, 13427, 21045, 30405? 3*a**3 + 826*a**2 + a + 15 What is the l'th term of -4917, -10081, -15141, -20103, -24973? -l**3 + 58*l**2 - 5331*l + 357 What is the w'th term of 664, 2537, 7622, 17527, 33860, 58229, 92242? 268*w**3 - 2*w**2 + 3*w + 395 What is the c'th term of 188907, 188602, 188297, 187992? -305*c + 189212 What is the y'th term of 97043, 194044, 291041, 388034, 485023, 582008, 678989? -2*y**2 + 97007*y + 38 What is the o'th term of -161, -4031, -14621, -35291, -69401? -560*o**3 + 50*o + 349 What is the l'th term of 4477, 21231, 66703, 155251, 301233, 519007, 822931? 2393*l**3 + l**2 + 2083 What is the p'th term of -291386, -1165587, -2622604, -4662437, -7285086? -291408*p**2 + 23*p - 1 What is the a'th term of -19247, -76628, -172263, -306152, -478295, -688692? -19127*a**2 - 120 What is the y'th term of -5351, -5313, -5245, -5141, -4995, -4801, -4553? y**3 + 9*y**2 + 4*y - 5365 What is the y'th term of -1573, 15916, 45071, 85898, 138403, 202592, 278471, 366046? y**3 + 5827*y**2 + y - 7402 What is the m'th term of 6473, 13236, 20039, 26894, 33813, 40808? 2*m**3 + 8*m**2 + 6725*m - 262 What is the y'th term of -4935, -5564, -6193, -6822, -7451, -8080? -629*y - 4306 What is the p'th term of -173221016, -173221015, -173221014, -173221013, -173221012, -173221011? p - 173221017 What is the y'th term of 16199313, 16199311, 16199309? -2*y + 16199315 What is the u'th term of 456809, 456776, 456743? -33*u + 456842 What is the x'th term of -98687824, -197375643, -296063462, -394751281? -98687819*x - 5 What is the h'th term of -158895, -317961, -477027, -636093, -795159? -159066*h + 171 What is the l'th term of -15960548, -31921164, -47881780, -63842396, -79803012? -15960616*l + 68 What is the w'th term of -826395, -826386, -826377, -826368, -826359, -826350? 9*w - 826404 What is the y'th term of 2276, 4306, 6092, 7634, 8932, 9986, 10796? -122*y**2 + 2396*y + 2 What is the y'th term of -6355199, -6355214, -6355229, -6355244, -6355259, -6355274? -15*y - 6355184 What is the k'th term of 48398, 95918, 143438, 190958, 238478? 47520*k + 878 What is the r'th term of 1232912, 1232918, 1232924, 1232930, 1232936, 1232942? 6*r + 1232906 What is the m'th term of -4950261, -9900517, -14850773, -19801029, -24751285, -29701541? -4950256*m - 5 What is the k'th term of 358, 888, 1856, 3268, 5130, 7448? k**3 + 213*k**2 - 116*k + 260 What is the k'th term of -52512802, -52512799, -52512796, -52512793, -52512790, -52512787? 3*k - 52512805 What is the j'th term of 544246, 544212, 544168, 544114, 544050, 543976? -5*j**2 - 19*j + 544270 What is the a'th term of -98543, -98558, -98575, -98594, -98615? -a**2 - 12*a - 98530 What is the h'th term of 2220, 5556, 9962, 15432, 21960, 29540, 38166, 47832? -h**3 + 541*h**2 + 1720*h - 40 What is the a'th term of -1213, -744, 1363, 5108? 819*a**2 - 1988*a - 44 What is the h'th term of -23659, -23253, -22847, -22441, -22035? 406*h - 24065 What is the m'th term of 381655, 763301, 1144941, 1526575, 1908203? -3*m**2 + 381655*m + 3 What is the r'th term of -317137471, -317137470, -317137469? r - 317137472 What is the u'th term of 1031044, 2063703, 3096364, 4129027, 5161692, 6194359, 7227028? u**2 + 1032656*u - 1613 What is the h'th term of 467383, 467626, 467869, 468118, 468379, 468658? h**3 - 6*h**2 + 254*h + 467134 What is the u'th term of 1401, 5650, 12729, 22632, 35353, 50886, 69225, 90364? -u**3 + 1421*u**2 - 7*u - 12 What is the l'th term of -714945, -1429861, -2144749, -2859609, -3574441? 14*l**2 - 714958*l - 1 What is the z'th term of 2119, 1410, -391, -3830, -9453? -91*z**3 - 72*z + 2282 What is the g'th term of 60393932, 120787854, 181181766, 241575668, 301969560, 362363442, 422757314? -5*g**2 + 60393937*g What is the z'th term of 2000, 808, -1184, -3976, -7568, -11960, -17152? -400*z**2 + 8*z + 2392 What is the d'th term of -230489, -230612, -230735, -230858? -123*d - 230366 What is the i'th term of 14851182, 14851115, 14851048, 14850981? -67*i + 14851249 What is the m'th term of 125612, 251142, 376592, 501962? -40*m**2 + 125650*m + 2 What is the v'th term of 950, 2429, 4382, 6827, 9782? 3*v**3 + 219*v**2 + 801*v - 73 What is the f'th term of -18257572, -18257595, -18257616, -18257635, -18257652, -18257667, -18257680? f**2 - 26*f - 18257547 What is the p'th term of -1539, -1595, -1645, -1689, -1727, -1759, -1785? 3*p**2 - 65*p - 1477 What is the f'th term of -2352, -2779, -3242, -3759, -4348, -5027? -3*f**3 - 406*f - 1943 What is the u'th term of 13305941, 26611880, 39917819, 53223758, 66529697? 13305939*u + 2 What is the j'th term of 4902, 9720, 14462, 19128? -38*j**2 + 4932*j + 8 What is the h'th term of -1304, -3695, -6088, -8483, -10880, -13279, -15680? -h**2 - 2388*h + 1085 What is the y'th term of -5019, -19548, -43579, -77112, -120147, -172684, -234723? -4751*y**2 - 276*y + 8 What is the u'th term of -1987094, -1986089, -1985072, -1984037, -1982978, -1981889, -1980764, -1979597? u**3 + 998*u - 1988093 What is the s'th term of -644133, -1288281, -1932455, -2576667, -3220929, -3865253, -4509651, -5154135? -2*s**3 - s**2 - 644131*s + 1 What is the n'th term of 1754, 1281, 510, -559, -1926? -149*n**2 - 26*n + 1929 What is the p'th term of -8988, -17560, -26124, -34680, -43228? 4*p**2 - 8584*p - 408 What is the g'th term of 126899821, 253799639, 380699453, 507599263, 634499069, 761398871? -2*g**2 + 126899824*g - 1 What is the f'th term of 1848, 3423, 5996, 9567, 14136, 19703? 499*f**2 + 78*f + 1271 What is the d'th term of 734, 1077, 1644, 2435, 3450? 112*d**2 + 7*d + 615 What is the t'th term of -80929, -323753, -728475, -1295095, -2023613, -2914029, -3966343? -80949*t**2 + 23*t - 3 What is the s'th term of -1676, -3496, -5382, -7334, -9352? -33*s**2 - 1721*s + 78 What is the h'th term of 34026, 33987, 33948, 33909, 33870? -39*h + 34065 What is the v'th term of -66540, -66480, -66420, -66360, -66300? 60*v - 66600 What is the v'th term of 21130, 21031, 20920, 20797, 20662? -6*v**2 - 81*v + 21217 What is the y'th term of -185, -259, -397, -599, -865, -1195? -32*y**2 + 22*y - 175 What is the a'th term of -63798216, -127596428, -191394640, -255192852? -63798212*a - 4 What is the s'th term of -7481, -16595, -25709, -34823, -43937? -9114*s + 1633 What is the s'th term of 7132, 13336, 19540, 25744, 31948, 38152? 6204*s + 928 What is the i'th term of 1267920, 1267911, 1267910, 1267923, 1267956, 1268015? i**3 - 2*i**2 - 10*i + 1267931 What is the t'th term of 48, 2905, 10666, 25785, 50716, 87913? 409*t**3 - 2*t**2 - 359 What is the x'th term of -5103242, -10206479, -15309716? -5103237*x - 5 What is the z'th term of 17959393, 35918809, 53878225, 71837641, 89797057, 107756473? 17959416*z - 23 What is the z'th term of 133114, 262893, 392672, 522451? 129779*z + 3335 What is the z'th term of -5180532, -10361066, -15541600, -20722134? -5180534*z + 2 What is the u'th term of -1299773, -2599529, -3899285, -5199041? -1299756*u - 17 What is the w'th term of -47426, -189706, -426840, -758828, -1185670, -1707366? -47427*w**2 + w What is the s'th term of 8672, 15791, 22880, 29939, 36968, 43967, 50936? -15*s**2 + 7164*s + 1523 What is the j'th term of 7363, 14882, 22389, 29884, 37367, 44838? -6*j**2 + 7537*j - 168 What is the t'th term of 760996, 1521974, 2282952? 760978*t + 18 What is the l'th term of 1849662, 3699324, 5548986, 7398648, 9248310, 11097972? 1849662*l What is the j'th term of 127056, 254111, 381166, 508221, 635276? 127055*j + 1 What is the d'th term of 35702, 30454, 25206, 19958, 14710? -5248*d + 40950 What is the v'th term of -978, -4818, -14356, -32442, -61926?
{'pile_set_name': 'DM Mathematics'}
grails.servlet.version = "3.0" // Change depending on target container compliance (2.5 or 3.0) grails.project.class.dir = "target/classes" grails.project.test.class.dir = "target/test-classes" grails.project.test.reports.dir = "target/test-reports" grails.project.work.dir = "target/work" grails.project.target.level = 1.8 grails.project.source.level = 1.8 //grails.project.war.file = "target/${appName}-${appVersion}.war" grails.project.fork = [ // configure settings for compilation JVM, note that if you alter the Groovy version forked compilation is required // compile: [maxMemory: 256, minMemory: 64, debug: false, maxPerm: 256, daemon:true], // configure settings for the test-app JVM, uses the daemon by default test: [maxMemory: 768, minMemory: 64, debug: false, maxPerm: 256, daemon:true], // configure settings for the run-app JVM run: [maxMemory: 768, minMemory: 64, debug: false, maxPerm: 256, forkReserve:false], // configure settings for the run-war JVM war: [maxMemory: 768, minMemory: 64, debug: false, maxPerm: 256, forkReserve:false], // configure settings for the Console UI JVM console: [maxMemory: 768, minMemory: 64, debug: false, maxPerm: 256] ] grails.project.dependency.resolver = "maven" // or ivy grails.project.dependency.resolution = { // inherit Grails' default dependencies inherits("global") { // specify dependency exclusions here; for example, uncomment this to disable ehcache: // excludes 'ehcache' } log "error" // log level of Ivy resolver, either 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug' or 'verbose' checksums true // Whether to verify checksums on resolve legacyResolve false // whether to do a secondary resolve on plugin installation, not advised and here for backwards compatibility }
{'pile_set_name': 'Github'}
Q: Using jQuery.html set form with submit button I'm trying to set form for modifying bootstrap table and I'm using JQuery .html() method for that. I did step by step from Jquery API Documentation but can't get why my save button doesn't fire. Where is my mistake? this is my plunk JS: $(function () { $("#button").click(function () { $('#table').bootstrapTable('refreshOptions', { data: data, detailView: false, filterControl: true, columns: [ { field: 'name', title: 'Name', sortable: true, editable: true, filterControl: 'input' }, { field: 'stargazers_count', title: 'Structure', sortable: true, editable: true, filterControl: 'input' }, { field: 'forks_count', title: 'Class', sortable: true, editable: true, filterControl: 'input' }, { field: 'description', title: 'Description', sortable: true, editable: true, filterControl: 'input' } ] }); }); $('#table').bootstrapTable({ detailView: true, formatNoMatches: function () { return "This table is empty..."; }, onClickCell: function(field, value, row, $element) { if (field == 'name') { $element.parent('tr').find('>td>.detail-icon').click(); // NOTE: needs index to call to expandRow var $tr = $element.parent('tr'); // NOTE: literally first google result: <URL> var index = $("> tr", $('#table').find('> tbody')).index($tr); $('#table').bootstrapTable('expandRow',index); } }, onExpandRow: function(index, row, $detail) { // console.log(row) $detail.html('<table></table>').find('table').bootstrapTable({ columns: [{ field: 'id', title: 'id' }, { field: 'status', title: 'stat' }, { field: 'date', title: 'date' }], data: row.children, // Simple contextual, assumes all entries have further nesting // Just shows example of how you might differentiate some rows, though also remember row class and similar possible flags }); } }); }); $(function () { var $result = $('#form'); $( "#newTable" ).submit(function( event ) { alert("your changes has been saved"); }); $("form").on("submit", function(){ alert("form has been submitted."); return false; }); $('#table').on('click-row.bs.table', function (e, row, $element) { $('.success').removeClass('success'); $($element).addClass('success'); function getSelectedRow() { var index = $('#table').find('tr.success').data('index'); return $('#table').bootstrapTable('getData')[index]; } $result.html( '<form action="">' + '<table id="newTable" border="0" align="left" style="padding: 10px; margin: 10px; font-size: 14px; color: #0f0f0f">' + '<h3>'+ '<tr align="left" style="padding: 10px; margin: 10px;">' + '<td style="font-weight: bold;">Name</td>' + '<td>&nbsp;</td>' + '<td><input type="text" id="frm-name" name="frm-name" value="' + getSelectedRow().name + '"/></td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr align="left" style="padding: 10px; margin: 10px;">' + '<td style="font-weight: bold;">Structure</td>' + '<td>&nbsp;</td>' + '<td><input type="text" id="frm-structure" name="frm-structure" value="' + getSelectedRow().stargazers_count + '"/></td>'+ '</tr>'+ '<tr align="left" style="padding: 10px; margin: 10px;"> '+ '<td style="font-weight: bold;">Class</td>' + '<td>&nbsp;</td>' + '<td><input type="text" id="frm-class" name="frm-class" value="' + getSelectedRow().forks_count + '"/></td>'+ '</tr>'+ '<tr align="left" style="padding: 10px; margin: 10px;"> '+ '<td style="font-weight: bold;">Description</td>' + '<td>&nbsp;</td>' + '<td><input type="text" id="frm-description" name="frm-description" value="' + getSelectedRow().description + '"/></td>'+ '</tr>'+ '</h3>' + '<input style="float: right; margin-top: 20%; margin-right: 15px;" class="btn btn-default" type="button" id="btn-submit-form" value="Save" type="submit"/>' + '</table>' + '</form> ' ) }); }); working plunk A: Your submit event with #newTable is table, not form. It should be: $(document).on('submit', "#form form", function( event ) { alert("Your change has been saved"); });
{'pile_set_name': 'StackExchange'}
I Lost 180 Pounds. Here's How I've Kept It Off for 10 Years Written by Stacey Morris on May 2, 2018 As far back as I can remember, I wanted to lose weight. A chubby girl perpetually teased by my classmates, I was put on my first diet at age 9 and grew into the fat teenager who curled up with a tray of brownies on prom night. Eventually, I became an obese adult who spent all her time in one of two ways: burying her pain with covert visits to the nearest drive-thru or trying to solve it all with the latest diet. Such was my life until the day I stepped on the scale and learned my weight had climbed to 345 pounds. My reaction was equal parts disgust and despair, and I handled the news by retreating to the couch with chips and dip to watch Oprah. On that fateful day, nearly a decade ago now, she was devoting a show to weight-loss success stories. I'd seen plenty of before-and-after prototypes on The Oprah Winfrey Show in the past, but something about the combination of stepping on the scale and watching that particular episode set the wheels of change in motion. Step by step, I began piecing my life together: I wasn't looking for speedy results that didn't last. Instead, I developed lasting changes I could live with long-term. I began listening to my body instead of berating it. I also knew it was time to listen to others--specifically, fitness experts and nutritionists. With some professional guidance coupled with my instincts, I forged a path to wellness, and dropped 180 pounds... and have kept it off for nearly 10 years. I'm living proof that it's possible! The One Mantra to Adopt If Weight Loss Is Your Goal There's no one easy, magic answer to keeping weight off; it's an overall lifestyle change. But here are some of the top strategies I used to make the positive changes permanent: 1. Put any experience as a "failed" dieter to use. There is no such thing as failure, only learning. With this in mind, I knew it would be useful to take a look backward to assess the things that hindered permanent progress. At the top of the list: diets--especially restrictive ones. All they did was set me up for overeating in the long run. This time around, I knew it would have to be up to me, not a diet, to set guidelines with portion sizes and healthier food choices that I could live with long-term--and enjoy. 2. Learn the value of movement. My motto around this one is, "You don't have to like it, you just have to do it." I used to spend eight hours at a desk, then head home for an evening on the couch with a remote control and a bag of potato chips. Yes, it's easier to take a seat than go for a walk or participate in a yoga class, but quite frankly, the price is too high: Not only does exercise burn fat and tone muscles, it's a fantastic stress buster! And weight aside, keeping active is the best way I know of to hold back the hands of time. I know many seniors who exercise regularly and possess a youthful glow because of it. Regular exercise is crucial for keeping the weight off and feeling energetic--and it's great insurance for not needing a cane when you're in your golden years! 3. Negotiate fairly with yourself. I used to tell myself, Eat whatever, whenever, as long as it tastes good--and after decades of deprivation and yo-yo dieting, this line felt empowering. But at my heaviest, my lack of boundaries with food had landed me in a not-entirely-metaphorical prison: The list of things I couldn't do because of my size was growing as large as I was, and my energy levels were nonexistent. But since I knew that being too strict would end in disaster, I began a gentle negotiation process between the part of me who wanted free rein with food and the part of me who wanted her life back. So I chose one simple thing to work on in the beginning: eliminating my most damaging binge foods. Once I felt solid in the change, I began incorporating more whole foods into my day: fruits and vegetables; healthy carbs, like brown rice and quinoa; and clean protein such as eggs, fish, and nuts. At the same time, it was crucial to have something to look forward to. When I really craved a cheeseburger, I had one--but minus the bun, fries, and sugary drink. The longer I ate this way, the more I enjoyed it. And I learned a major lesson: I didn't need fat-laden, processed foods to make me happy! Binge-eating may have temporarily sedated me, but it did nothing to resolve the issues I was running from. 4.Stay aware of your choices. No one gets to be 100 pounds overweight without some serious emotional baggage. I was the quintessential emotional eater, stuffing my feelings rather than expressing them--or even admitting them to myself. Getting emotionally honest with yourself may seem like a scary prospect, but I promise, it gets easier with practice. And it's an invaluable tool in keeping the weight off. During the height of my eating days, I ate to distract myself from stress and other unpleasant emotions. Binge-eating may have temporarily sedated me, but it did nothing to resolve the issues I was running from. The more I faced issues rather than avoid them, the urge to be destructive with food decreased. This process meant becoming less of a people-pleaser and setting boundaries with others. 5. Treat yourself with kindness. Being my own cheerleader and best friend has been the key to living a balanced, healthy life and maintaining my weight. The way I was treated during my formative years because of my size took a toll on my self-esteem--so much so that I had internalized the negative messages and began berating myself. But blaming myself didn't get me anywhere. One day, I just plain got tired of all the verbal spankings, so I turned the tide by inundating myself with messages of kindness and appreciation. I truly believe this laid the groundwork for being ready to make physical changes. It's a practice I continue and recommend to my clients, most of whom have suffered emotional abuse because of their weight. In my years of experience of struggling since childhood, I can confidently say that where weight loss and maintenance are concerned, kindness is every bit as important as calories. Stacey Morris is a journalist, cookbook author, public speaker, and health coach. For more essays on her transformation process, as well as healthy recipes, visit her website. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Why I Don't Look at My Mirror When I Do Skin Care The Only Way to Use Vaseline on Chapped Lips Secrets Are Bad for Your Health -- Here's Why This Is What an All-Nighter Does to Your Body Why You Feel Groggy After a Nap -- and 4 Ways to Snooze Like a Pro Despite how overwhelming skin care routines can appear, these cleansing rituals actually bring about benefits beyond glowing skin and reducing problem... We're all familiar with this thick jelly (probably because it's pretty affordable and widely available) -- but how does it stack up to all the noisy... Sometimes, life feels like a game of truth or consequences. As much as we'd like for heavy secrets or unpleasant truths to just go away -- they... Medically reviewed by Daniel Bubnis, MS, NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS At some point, most of us have pulled an all-nighter (hard to get through college without it). You catch up on sleep the next day/week/month and... 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Does Facial Fitness Work -- or Are There Better Ways to Spend Your Money? For years, people have been trying to roll, buff, and brush their way to better skin -- but maybe that's not enough. Enter: Facial fitness. The rising...
{'pred_label': '__label__cc', 'pred_label_prob': 0.7007057666778564, 'wiki_prob': 0.29929423332214355, 'source': 'cc/2019-30/en_middle_0069.json.gz/line1185940'}
Information Warfare: March 24, 2003 Email was initially seen as another way to get subversive messages to senior Iraqi officials. Iraq has only had email access since 1999, and only 12,000 "loyal" Iraqis have access. Along with leaflets, the mass media and personal contacts via Iraqi exiles, the object was to convince Iraqi officers to not fight, to not use chemical and biological weapons and to understate that the U.S. was liberating Iraq, not conquering it. But before long, it was noted that some of the email was getting answered. The Iraqi exiles were then used as couriers as well as email correspondents and by the time American and British troops entered Iraq negotiations were under way with numerous Iraqi officers and officials. How extensive, and successful, this email campaign is will not be known until the war is over, but it is a novel way to defeat an enemy army. Information Warfare: Current 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999
{'pred_label': '__label__cc', 'pred_label_prob': 0.6068128943443298, 'wiki_prob': 0.39318710565567017, 'source': 'cc/2023-06/en_head_0006.json.gz/line1393151'}
- In Lebanon, Muslims and Christians visit Marian shrine at Harissa In Eucharist, find strength to share bread, faith with others, pope says - St. John XXIII's aide, oldest member College of Cardinals, dies at 100 Posted on May 26, 2016 by Administrator1 Italian Cardinal Loris Capovilla, who served St. John XXIII before and after he became pope, died May 26 at the age of 100 in Bergamo, near Milan. He is pictured in a 2012 photo. (CNS/Paul Haring) By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The former secretary to a saint and the oldest member of the College of Cardinals died May 26 at the age of 100. Italian Cardinal Loris Capovilla, who served St. John XXIII before and after he became pope, died in Bergamo, near Milan. Cardinal Capovilla was born in Pontelongo, Italy, on Oct. 14, 1915, and ordained to the priesthood in 1940. A journalist before starting to work for the future saint, he was an energetic and eloquent storyteller, drawing on his remarkable and vividly detailed memory. When the freshly named patriarch of Venice, Cardinal Angelo Roncalli, chose 37-year-old Father Capovilla as his private secretary in 1953, a skeptical adviser told the cardinal -- who would become Pope John XXIII -- that the priest looked too sickly to bear the strain of his new job. But the cardinal outlived his employer by half a century and was a dedicated custodian of his legacy, running a small museum dedicated to the saint's memory in the late pope's native town of Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, near Milan. A friend and confidant, he was by the pope's side during a pivotal point in the church and the world's history: for the launch of the Second Vatican Council and the escalation of political and military tensions of the Cold War. He turned many of his stories into numerous writings, including a memoir published in English as "The Heart and Mind of John XXIII." The papal secretary also served Pope Paul VI for a time after his election, following St. John's death in 1963. He was made archbishop of Chieti-Vasto in 1967 and appointed prelate of Loreto in 1971, retiring in 1988. Pope Francis made him the world's oldest living cardinal when he elevated him to the College of Cardinals in 2014 at the age of 98. Some observers saw the honor as an indirect tribute to Pope John, whom Pope Francis canonized just one month later. But the then-cardinal-designate told Catholic News Service at the time, in a telephone conversation, that his elevation was a "sign of attention to all those thousands of priests around the world who have spent their lives in silence, in poverty, in obedience, happy to serve God and our humble people, who need, as Pope Francis continually says, tenderness, friendship, respect and love." Cardinal Capovilla's death leaves the College of Cardinals with 213 members, 114 of whom are under the age of 80 and therefore eligible to vote in a conclave. This entry was posted in Vatican. Bookmark the permalink.
{'pred_label': '__label__wiki', 'pred_label_prob': 0.7929745316505432, 'wiki_prob': 0.7929745316505432, 'source': 'cc/2019-30/en_head_0029.json.gz/line922318'}
Lumen fidei Lumen fidei () is the first encyclical of Pope Francis, issued on 29 June 2013, the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, and published on 5 July 2013, less than four months after his election to the papacy. It was issued in conjunction with the Year of Faith proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI to be observed from October 2012 to November 2013. It was the first encyclical in the history of the Catholic Church written by two popes, being begun by Pope Benedict XVI and finished by Pope Francis. Subject According to Francis X. Rocca, "Pope Francis' first encyclical, "Lumen Fidei" ("The Light of Faith"), is a celebration of Christian faith as the guiding light of a "successful and fruitful life", inspiring social action as well as devotion to God, and illuminating "every aspect of human existence", including philosophy and the natural sciences." The encyclical focuses on faith and completes what his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI had previously written about charity and hope, the other two theological virtues, in his encyclicals Deus caritas est and Spe Salvi. Francis worked from a first draft completed by Benedict before his resignation and makes the authorship clear: "These considerations on faith -- in continuity with all that the Church's magisterium has pronounced on this theological virtue -- are meant to supplement what Benedict XVI had written in his encyclical letters on charity and hope. He himself had almost completed a first draft of an encyclical on faith. For this I am deeply grateful to him, and as his brother in Christ I have taken up his fine work and added a few contributions of my own." It is divided into four chapters, with an introduction and a conclusion. The encyclical traces the history of the faith of the Church (from the call of God to Abraham and the people of Israel, to the resurrection of Jesus), discusses the relationship between reason and faith, the Church's role in the transmission of the faith, and the role faith plays in the building of societies in search of the common good. The text concludes with a prayer to the Virgin Mary, who is presented as a model of faith. Content The metaphor of life as a journey has been used by Pope Francis before, notably in his address to the bishops of Brazil in July 2013. In Lumen fidei, he observes that faith was formerly viewed as a light that dispels the darkness and illuminates the way, but later came to be "understood either as a leap in the dark, to be taken in the absence of light, driven by blind emotion, or as a subjective light, capable perhaps of warming the heart and bringing personal consolation, but not something which could be proposed to others as an objective and shared light which points the way." Part of the purpose of the encyclical is to restore the light of faith to an understanding of its place in the common journey of mankind. References External links Full text of the encyclical in English (PDF) from Vatican.va Full text of the encyclical in other languages from Vatican.va Presentation of the encyclical Lumen fidei study guide, Ave Maria Press Category:2013 in Christianity Category:2013 in Vatican City Category:2013 documents Category:Pope Benedict XVI Category:June 2013 events Category:Encyclicals of Pope Francis
{'pile_set_name': 'Wikipedia (en)'}
Dave Pelzer was born on December 29, 1960, in Daly City, California. He is the son of Stephen Joseph Pelzer, who was of Austrian and Irish descent, and Catherine Roerva Pelzer. Dave Pelzer was the second of five boys in the family. From the age of about four to twelve, Pelzer was subject to extreme abuse by his mother, including beatings, starvation and torture. His father did nothing to prevent the abuse and the parents eventually separated. The school authorities finally stepped in, and Pelzer was removed from the family home in March 1973 and placed in foster care. In 1979, he joined the U.S. Air Force and served in the Persian Gulf War in 1991, being responsible for mid-air refueling of the SR-71 Blackbird and F-117 Stealth Fighter. Overcoming the legacy of his abuse as a child, he became an advocate for youth at risk. In 1990, he was awarded the J. C. Penney Golden Rule Award, which made him California Volunteer of the Year, the first of many awards. In 1993, he was named one of the Ten Outstanding Young Americans (TOYA), and the following year was selected as one of the Outstanding Young Persons of the world (TOYP) for his work in promoting awareness and prevention of child abuse. Moving Forward: Taking the Lead in Your Life (2008). He travels frequently throughout the United States speaking to groups of all kinds about resilience and overcoming obstacles. He has a reputation as an inspiring speaker. Pelzer is married, and he and his wife Marsha have a son, Stephen. They live in California.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T02:55:38Z', 'url': 'http://www.novelguide.com/lost-boy/biography', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Some of the tech of tomorrow is here today A new year means new technologies. Having come off a recent nerd high at the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, I just saw a lot of those developments, and, as always, I am in awe at the rate of acceleration. I witnessed things that even the Jetsons would envy. I'm excited to showcase some of the new and improved technologies for 2013. One of the things that impressed me most is that even though the gadgets seem so over-the-top, they are being used in real life: Organic Transit / The ELF Electric Hybrid Bike ELF Electric Hybrid Bike Hobbits and elves are totally in right now, even when it comes to new rides. The ELF Electric Hybrid bike is powered by the pedaler and the sun or with an electric motor boost, whenever you want it. Legally, this electric hybrid bike can go anywhere a regular bike goes (although, riders take note that in some places, like New York City, there are weird rules when it comes to electric bikes on the street). This is actually a Kickstarter-funded project, and more than 60 units have been sold -- 50 through Kickstarter and about a dozen outside of the campaign. Expect to see them hit the streets soon after delivery, which will be March through May. For now, ELF will be available online, but creators envision one day selling the units in dealerships nationwide. Want some specs? ELF can go for 1,800 miles using the energy equivalence of what would be one gallon of gasoline. Max speed is 20 mph. The bike gets charged by 80-watt rooftop solar panels or via lithium ion battery, which takes about two hours to charge. ELF can go for about 30 miles on a full battery. No special license is required to ride it and it weighs 112 pounds and carries 350 pounds of cargo. The bike's height is on level with passengers in cars for visibility, in addition to LED lighting for headlights, brakes and turn signals. Plus, let's just be honest: you will look cool. Courtesy of iRobot / RP-VITA. iRobot - RP-Vita - Remote Presence Robot RP-VITA is an FDA-cleared robot developed by iRobot and InTouch Health for hospital use. The robot autonomously navigates its environment, while offering the latest in telepresence. Say, for example, you have a patient who needs an expert opinion and a specialist is not available. A doctor can tap in remotely via her iPad and see as up close to the patient as she wants using two different lenses. Even though she may be hundreds of miles away, that doctor is able to make a fast diagnosis. And get this: RP-VITA can zip down the halls without bumping into people or anything else, find the patient it's looking for and return to its charging dock when done. Critical care doctors, surgeons and pharmacists can use this for team care and can visit multiple patients at once. More than 700 robots like these are being used in hospitals around the world, and the new RP-VITA is the most advanced. Christie VeinViewer Flex If you're someone who has veins that pose a challenge for drawing blood, you know how traumatizing the experience can be -- especially for kids. The Christie VeinViewer Flex takes the trauma out of it. This 1.6-pound vein viewer uses DLP projection technology to help medical professionals find veins. Thousands of vein viewers are currently used in more than 50 countries. The result: hospitals are reporting that they're finding the vein on the first try, and nursing staffs are reporting higher comfort levels for patients. Plus, the lithium ion battery makes the device easy to recharge. More specs? You can take photos and fine-tune detail, all with the touch of a button. It also comes with an optional mount allowing for hands-free viewing. X Patch (high-tech wearable patch) and X Guard (high-tech mouthguard) The game of football has evolved so dramatically in the past 10 years that player safety has become a main concern. Now, technology has finally caught up. X2 Biosystems is a Seattle-based company that focuses on preventing head injuries through technology. It does this by monitoring the impact of hits in real-time through built-in sensors placed in both a mouthguard (X Guard) and a skin patch (X Patch). The sensors, in conjunction with Microsoft technologies, measure the impact of a hit and send a report in real-time to a coach or clinicians on the sidelines. If a hit registers too high, the powers that be know it immediately and have all the evidence necessary to pull a player. Data doesn't lie. The X Guard is currently being tested and is in use in full games and practices at the University of Michigan, University of Washington and Stanford. Could this be progress for both college and NFL? Le Laboratoire / Le Whaf Le Whaf So you've graduated from beer pong, left keg stands behind and your new expensive table isn't exactly flip-cup friendly. It's time for a new drinking challenge: vaporizing your drink with the tilt of a glass. It's possible with Le Whaf. Created by a French designer and Harvard professor, Le Whaf allows you to convert liquid to gas -- and then drink the flavorful cloud with a special straw. We've come a long way since party favors in Oriental Trading. Due out this year, Le Whaf will cost $165. Katie Linendoll / Tosy DiscoRobos can dance the night away. Tosy Dancing Robots I've showcased a lot of top-level products here, so now it's time for some pure fun. Tosy has created DiscoRobo, which dances to any music you play. I could get a lot of amusement out of this for the $45 price tag, when it hits shelves this year. But its robot sibling, mRobo, is the real showstopper. This dancing bot, which sells for $200, can be custom-choreographed to your liking -- I'm currently trying to teach mine the Ray Lewis dance -- and it can be hooked up to your smartphone or MP3 player of choice. The best part? It's not only a dancing robot, it's also a speaker. So it's literally feeling the music. Katie Linendoll is an Emmy Award-winning technology expert contributing to ESPN, ESPN.com and ESPN The Magazine. She hosts a tech show on Spike TV and can be seen as a tech expert on TODAY. She has a degree in information technology new media from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
Pharmacological regulators of intracellular calcium release channels. Intracellular Ca(2+) release channels, such as inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP(3)Rs) and ryanodine receptors (RyRs), facilitate the release of Ca(2+) from intracellular storage organelles in response to extracellular and intracellular stimuli. Consequently, these large, tetrameric proteins play a central role in Ca(2+) signalling and Ca(2+) homeostasis in virtually all cells. Recent data suggests that intracellular Ca(2+) release channels may also have an important pathophysiological function in certain disease states, including cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure. As a result, there has been much interest in the identification and characterization of novel, selective regulators of these channels. In this article, we review the wide array of pharmacological agents that interact directly with intracellular Ca(2+) release channels and describe the mechanisms underlying their ability to modify channel function.
{'pile_set_name': 'PubMed Abstracts'}
The Portland Timbers were just three minutes away from pulling off a thrilling upset and advancing to the MLS Western Conference Finals in Thursday's match against the Seattle Sounders at CenturyLink Field. My football betting strategies suggested that the Timbers were primed to win on the road, and I was correct thanks to Ruidiaz. Ruidiaz was enjoying the match, and was looking to play for at least 30 minutes more. so he took matters into his own hands. He had already opened the scoring in the game in the 68th minute, but a late equalizer by Sebastian Blanco saw the Timbers even the score at one -- putting the team in position to advance (2-1 aggregate). But Ruidiaz had other plans. The ball was bouncing around in the box in the 93rd minute, and it floated over to Ruidiaz, who always seems to be in the right place at the right time. He banged it home with an insane volley -- thwarting the Timbers' chances at advancing at that moment.
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
Billwiseite Billwiseite is a very rare oxide mineral found at the pegmatite commonly referred to as "Stak Nala" located within a few hundred yards from the village of Toghla in the Stak Nala, Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan. It has only been found as a coating on a single crystal of lepidolite. The sole rock containing Billwiseite is kept at the Royal Ontario Museum, catalogue number M5595. It contains four relatively uncommon elements: antimony, niobium, tantalum, and tungsten. It is named after William Wise, a mineralogist from the University of California, Santa Barbara. It was discovered by an international group of geologists, and accepted by the IMA in 2010. Its discovery was announced in Mineralogical Magazine in 2011, and was described in detail in 2012 in The Canadian Mineralogist by Hawthrone et al. References ( I have visited the site in August of 1999 and 2000.) Also see the article given as reference from the American Mineralogist. Category:Oxide minerals Category:Antimony minerals Category:Niobium minerals Category:Tantalum minerals Category:Tungsten minerals Category:Monoclinic minerals
{'pile_set_name': 'Wikipedia (en)'}
French-born artist Delphine Poulain attends the funeral service of a friend at the Holy Cross Catholic church, in Hanga Roa, Rapa Nui, or Easter Island, Chile,... French-born artist Delphine Poulain attends the funeral service of a friend at the Holy Cross Catholic church, in Hanga Roa, Rapa Nui, or Easter Island, Chile, Saturday, Nov. 26, 2022. Rapa Nui - the remote Chilean territory in the mid-Pacific - is home to a Catholic church featuring artwork that reflects that islanders' ancestral culture as well as Christian beliefs. (AP Photo/Esteban Felix) French-born artist finds inspiration on remote Easter Island by: MARIA TERESA HERNANDEZ, Associated Press RAPA NUI, Chile (AP) -- Rapa Nui - the remote Chilean territory in the mid-Pacific widely known as Easter Island - is home to a Catholic church featuring artwork that reflects that islanders' ancestral culture as well as Christian beliefs. Among the eye-catching works are stained glass windows -- created by a French-born artist - that portray figures resembling Rapa Nui's inhabitants. The artist, Delphine Poulain, was born in Paris 52 years ago and has been in love with Rapa Nui since she first visited in 1994. She smiles at the memory. "I was riding a horse through the beach when I first I thought 'I want to live here,'" she said. At the time, Poulain lived in Tahiti, working as a professional sailor and often traveling to other islands of Polynesia. One trip to Rapa Nui was enough to envision a future home in this land of extinct volcanoes and monolithic statues called moai, though almost three decades passed before that dream came true. At times, Poulain worked as a nurse. She became a boat decorator. She occasionally returned to Paris, but her fascination for Polynesia repeatedly brought her back to the Pacific. On one of those trips back to France, she fell back in love with the man who had been her teenage boyfriend. Now they have two children of their own, and the four of them have made a home in Rapa Nui since 2014. Poulain says she treasures the freedom and the tranquility provided by the remoteness of the island, home to about 7,700 people. Last year, thankful for the blessings that Rapa Nui has bestowed on her, Poulain offered a gift: stained-glass windows representing the 14 Stations of the Cross in Holy Cross church, located in Hanga Roa, the island's main city. Nowadays, the Rapanui community is mostly Catholic, but its religious practices are intertwined with its ancestral beliefs. The musical themes that devotees sing during Mass narrate biblical passages translated to the Rapanui language. The wooden statues that portray the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit were not inspired by Western iconography, but by the physique and legacy of the islanders' ancestors. The statue of Mary, near the altar of the church, resembles a moai. Close to the main entrance, the third symbol of the Holy Trinity is not a dove, but rather a manutara -- a bird that was considered sacred during the 19th century. Adapting Catholic iconography to the ancestral culture of Rapa Nui has been key to maintaining adherence to the religion that European missionaries came to spread during the 18th century. The Rapanui are protective of their identity, tending to fully welcome foreigners only if they strive to embrace the islanders' culture. On a tomb outside Holy Cross church, where the remains of beloved missionary Sebastian Englert are kept, the epitaph reads: "He lived among us and spoke our language." Poulain said that winning acceptance from the locals was not easy, but she has been patient. Her stained glass windows were another step along the way: Since she began placing them in the church on December 24, 2021, some Rapanui who did not greet her before now wave their hand when they see her pass. "I have so much respect for the island and the people," she said. "Before I was alone, but now people know my husband and my children." Poulain's commitment to integrate with the island is part of her daily life. Her family lives by the beach where, long ago, she dreamt about moving here. The color of their house resembles the area's volcanic rock, so as not to alter the landscape. The water used at home is collected from rainfall. They rely on a solar panel for electricity. When they moved here, the family only had a tent to protect themselves. Now their house is a repository of what the island has given them. The roof was built with sheet metal and the rest with wood. The dishes are washed on what used to be the bottom of a bathtub; above the dining room is a lamp that was once a metal trash can. "There has been a lot of difficulty, but also a lot of happiness. This was my dream and living your dream is incredible," Poulain said. Inside her studio, there is a tree next to the makeshift desk where the artist finds inspiration. Her work begins with sketches on a blank sheet. Then she takes her images to the canvas with acrylic paint. For the stained glass windows promised to the church, she requires a pigment that can only be found in France, so getting it takes time and she still has 10 of the 14 windows to finish. Poulain never formally studied art. But her parents had books at home and she remembers reading one about the mysteries of the world, where she first learned about Rapa Nui. Her artistic style has varied over the years, but the aesthetics of Polynesia have been a constant In addition to her artwork, Poulain has seven horses, earning some income by offering horseback riding for tourists. She sometimes sits outside her home, sipping wine, watching as her horses approach for their evening meal. The scene could be an imaginary landscape from one of her paintings; instead, it is her long-ago dream come true. Kingsport Chick-fil-A reopens after expansion ETSU hosts award-winning poets at 'Three Emerging ... Kingsport Senior Center to offer free tax filing ... Crime / 3 mins ago
{'pred_label': '__label__wiki', 'pred_label_prob': 0.746819019317627, 'wiki_prob': 0.746819019317627, 'source': 'cc/2023-06/en_head_0035.json.gz/line435231'}
Hoda (disambiguation) Hoda may refer to the following: People Hoda (given name) Hoda (surname) Other Al-Hoda, Arabic language newspaper in New York City Jamatia Hoda, Indian cultural institution Undu Hoda Kondu Hoda, 1992 Indian Kannada film Shahrak-e Alam ol Hoda, Iranian village Shahrak-e Benat ol Hoda, Iranian village See also Nishi-Hoda Station, Japanese railway station Today with Hoda & Jenna Houda (given name) Houda (surname) Huda (disambiguation)
{'pile_set_name': 'Wikipedia (en)'}
Bower, Kansas Bower was a small settlement in Norton County, Kansas, United States. History Bower was issued a post office in 1885. The post office was discontinued in 1889. References Category:Former populated places in Norton County, Kansas Category:Former populated places in Kansas
{'pile_set_name': 'Wikipedia (en)'}
Ten days before Israelis head to the polls, masses turn out in anti-Netanyahu rally in Tel Aviv. Latest polls put Zionist Camp ahead of Likud but it's still unclear who can form a coalition. Tens of thousands of Israelis attended a rally to demand a new government Saturday night in Rabin Square. Israel Police estimated that 40,000 people attended; the event's organizers claimed more than 80,000 people showed up. The rally was held under the banner, "Israel wants change," and was being billed as an anti-Benjamin Netanyahu event. Among the speakers scheduled to take part in the event were former Mossad chief Meir Dagan, Michal Kestan-Kedar ( the widow of a lieutenant-colonel who was killed in Operation Defensive Edge), a social justice activist, journalists and others. In his speech, Dagan told the crowd that he is more scared of Israel's leadership than its enemies. Saying that he wants neither a bi-national state nor an apartheid state, the former Mossad chief derided the current leadership for using fear and threats to present peace as unattainable. "To those who say we don't have any alternative, as somebody who worked directly with three prime ministers: there is a better alternative," Dagan said. "Just as there are unavoidable wars there are also unavoidable elections," the visibly ill former Mossad chief said, describing the upcoming elections as an emergency call-up that Israel cannot ignore. Former Israeli general Amiram Levine also addressed the crowd, stressing the importance of the Arab Peace Initiative. Addressing Israeli settlers in the West Bank, Amiram argued that peace "is the only way to preserve the settlement project, the settlement blocs and to hold on to the Golan Heights." Both men used the word "apartheid" in their warnings of the direction Israel is headed. The event comes 10 days before Israelis head to the polls with no clear winner predicted. Labor and Tzipi Livni's "Zionist Camp" is showing as the largest party in most polls, although Netanyahu's Likud is not far behind. Behind the Zionist Camp (23) and Likud (21), the Joint List of Arab parties grew in the most recent polls to up to 15 seats, according to aggregate polling Project 61. Netanyahu has ruled out the possibility of forming a unity government with the Zionist Camp, leaving two possible coalitions: a far-right government that includes one or two of the centrist parties and the ultra-Orthodox; and, a center-left government that includes the centrist parties and the ultra-Orthodox, with the support of the Joint List from the opposition.
{'pile_set_name': 'OpenWebText2'}
Q: Approximate an equation with Bessel functions when one variable tends to 0 Consider: $$- rac{\mu_1 \epsilon_1 J_{n - 1}(p) J_{n + 1}(p)}{p^2 J_n^2 (p)} + rac{(\mu_1 \epsilon_2 + \mu_2 \epsilon_1) J'_n (p) K'_n (q)}{pq J_n(p) K_n(q)} + rac{\mu_2 \epsilon_2 K_{n - 1}(q) K_{n + 1}(q)}{q^2 K_n^2 (q)} = n^2 rac{\mu_1 \epsilon_1 + \mu_2 \epsilon_2}{p^2 q^2}$$ where $n > 1$ is an integer; $\mu_{1,2}$, $\epsilon_{1,2}$ are constant, $J$ is the Bessel function of the first kind and $K$ is the Modified Bessel function of the second kind. $p, q \in \mathbb{R}$ are the variables. In the limit for $q o 0$, this equation should become: $$(\mu_1 \epsilon_2 + \mu_2 \epsilon_1) rac{p J_{n - 1}(p)}{J_n(p)} = n(\epsilon_1 - \epsilon_2)(\mu_2 - \mu_1) + rac{\epsilon_2 \mu_2}{n - 1}p^2$$ But how is it possible? My attempt: for $q o 0$, $$ rac{K_{n-1}(q)}{q K_n(q)} o rac{1}{2(n - 1)}$$ which looks like the $(n - 1)$ term in the above solution; but also $$ rac{K_{n+1}(q)}{q K_n(q)} o \infty$$ so, the whole third addend should diverge, as well as the RHS; as regards the second addend: $$ rac{K'_n(q)}{q K_n(q)} o -\infty$$ and with three potentially diverging terms I am not able to proceed. If anyone is curious, this is from a Physics problem, shown in S. A. Schelkunoff, Electromnagnetic Waves (D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., Princeton, New Jersey, 1943), p. 425 (pdf, p. 440). It seems that there are no physical considerations between the full equation and its approximation, so this is the reason why I'm posting this here. A: Rewrite the equation as: $$- \mu_1 \epsilon_1 rac{J_{n - 1}(p)}{p J_n (p)} rac{J_{n + 1}(p)}{p J_n (p)} + (\mu_1 \epsilon_2 + \mu_2 \epsilon_1) rac{ J'_n (p)}{p J_n(p)} rac{K'_n (q)}{q K_n(q)} + \mu_2 \epsilon_2 rac{K_{n - 1}(q)}{q K_n (q)} rac{K_{n + 1}(q)}{q K_n (q)} = n^2 rac{\mu_1 \epsilon_1 + \mu_2 \epsilon_2}{p^2 q^2}$$ Use: $$ rac{J_{n + 1}(p)}{p J_n(p)} = - rac{J_{n - 1}(p)}{p J_n(p)} + rac{2n}{p^2}$$ $$ rac{K_{n + 1}(q)}{q K_n(q)} = rac{K_{n - 1}(q)}{q K_n(q)} + rac{2n}{q^2}$$ $$ rac{J'_n(p)}{p J_n(p)} = rac{J_{n - 1}(p)}{p J_n(p)} - rac{n}{p^2}$$ $$ rac{K'_n(q)}{q K_n(q)} = - rac{K_{n - 1}(q)}{q K_n(q)} - rac{n}{q^2}$$ (they can be obtained from the Bessel functions recurrence and derivatives relations) Replace the above identities in the equation. Create a single term from all the $n^2 / (p^2 q^2)$ addends. Consider $q o 0$ and use the limiting form mentioned in the question: $$ rac{K_{n-1}(q)}{q K_n(q)} o rac{1}{2(n - 1)}$$ Multiply both sides by $q^2$. If $q o 0$, all the terms with $q^2$ at the numerator go to $0$. The equation reduces to: $$n (\mu_1 \epsilon_2 + \mu_2 \epsilon_1) rac{J_{n - 1}(p)}{p J_n(p)} = (\epsilon_1 - \epsilon_2)(\mu_2 - \mu_1) rac{n^2}{p^2} + \mu_2 \epsilon_2 rac{n}{n - 1}$$ Multiply both sides by $p^2 / n$.
{'pile_set_name': 'StackExchange'}
Writers on Genre at the Writers Guild Foundation Throughout July I know your secret. I know you've written a screenplay, and you have it stored somewhere on your hard drive. Oh, wait - how silly of me. This is Los Angeles. Nobody keeps their screenplays secret. Even those of us who probably should. Like the claims adjuster for State Farm who's written a screenplay about a secret agent who long ago was brainwashed by an off-the-grid coalition of Taliban dissidents and ex-KGB counterintelligence specialists to believe he's a harmless State Farm claims adjuster with a wife who may or may not be cheating on him with his supervisor and a kid who I swear to god hasn't looked up from his PSP since March. It could totally also work as a two-hour pilot. If you're that claims adjuster, July is the month for you. The Writers Guild Foundation (who I've blogged about before) is holding a series of panel discussions with working screenwriters every Thursday this month. Each panel will focus on a different genre, from action to horror to comedy to drama. Panelists include the Duplass Brothers (who wrote Cyrus, which I'm suspecting will be one of this summer's sleeper hits); Nicholas Meyer (who worked on scripts for several of the even-numbered, or "good," Star Trek films); Mark Fergus (who co-wrote Iron Man as well as my favorite movie of 2006); Scott Frank (who wrote another of my favorite movies). All panels are moderated by Dan Petrie, Jr., who himself wrote Beverly Hills Cop. Other writers of other excellent films abound (City Slickers, Arachnophobia, Get Him to the Greek, and You Don't Know Jack, just to name a few); visit the Foundation's event page for more information. You can order tickets via the WGF's website, or purchase them at the door. Tickets are $20 per night, $10 for students. Until tomorrow, you can buy tickets for the entire series as well -- it'll get you a 20 percent discount if you want to go to every one. Panels start at 7:30 every Thursday, and are held at the WGF headquarters at 7000 West 3rd St.
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
Armchairs The problem of finding a comfortablechair combined with style and quality is solved when Santambrogio builds you one of their living room chairs. Santambrogio specializes in the design and manufacturing of modern chairs, recliners, wing back chairs and club chairs at their factory. They can produce a leather chair or an upholstered chair, and all armchairs are constructed with frames of solid beech and fir wood using foam that is hypoallergenic and water based. When applicable, a sterilized goose down feather combination is used in the cushions.Fabric chairs offer a unique system called 'fast dress" featuring a tight yet removable cover which can be removed for easy washing or dry cleaning and then replaced. The frames of the fabric chaise lounges, contemporary chairs,lounge chairs and slipper chairs are covered in a technical white fabric which is hypoallergenic and does not absorb dust. Hand tufted Chesterfield chairs are available in both fabric and leather and are studded with upholstery nails. Extra wide chairs (chair and a half) are also available.Sleeper chairs will house a single size innerspring mattress that is non allergenic. Reclining chairs offer limitless position mechanisms in manual or electric styles. You may insert a single mattress into a footstool or ottoman to accompany your armchair thereby customizing your space to your exact needs.
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
Homeschool 101: Curriculum shopping There are many homeschool curriculum choices. It would be impossible to list every single option for homeschooling curriculum. As homeschooling has grown, so have the amount of choices. It's very easy to get overwhelmed. Which program is best? Which one gives me the best value for my money? Are there free options and are they any good? How do I pick??? Three different kinds of homeschool curriculum. Homeschooling curriculum can be divided into 3 different types: all-in-one, also known as a boxed curriculum; subject based curriculum; and supplements. All-in-one "boxed" curriculum All-in-one curricula are just what the name suggests. A company has done all the work of creating and matching up curriculum for every subject. They've created all the lesson plans and schedules for you. All you need to do is pick your grade, and purchase your kit. Then you make sure you have the craft and school supplies necessary, and away you go. You can pick boxed curricula in many different methods. There are both religious and secular options. Subject-based curriculum Subject-based curricula are plentiful. These are, obviously, individual curriculum options for each subject. So you would use one package for math, a different one for language arts, another one for history, etc. Often you can subdivide further by topic -- pick one curriculum for spelling, another for studying plants, a third for learning how to draw animals, and so on. Many programs here will be better for a certain style of learning over another. For example, Handwriting Without Tears is a penmanship program that helps even children with learning disabilities to learn how to form letters. Not only does it have a workbook, but uses large wooden pieces, chalk and chalkboards, and rhymes and songs to teach children how to form their letters. Mix and Match You can mix and match easily with subject based curriculum. That makes it much easier to tailor your child's academics to his abilities. Say you have a child reading early reader books, but ready to learn multiplication and division. It's much easier to get two different levels of language arts programs and math curricula when they are separated. You do have to plan out your schedule yourself. But you get a greater variety and flexibility with subject based curriculum over a boxed curriculum. Style of curriculum One of the confusing things about choosing subject-based curriculum is figuring out what program will work best for you and your kids. In math, for example, you can choose between a mastery-based program, or a spiral program. Mastery based means that the curriculum will cover a topic in depth, before moving on to the next one, and won't review previous topics as often. An example would be Math U See. Spiral means that the curriculum teaches a new concept, offers some practice, teaches a different concept, offers practice, goes back to review the first topic, with practice. Spiral programs continue around and around, switching back-and-forth with frequent review of previously introduced ideas. A typical spiral curriculum would be something like Singapore or Saxon math. Generally most public schools use spiral curriculum for math. As a parent, you'll need to choose which style of program works best for you before choosing which program suits you better. Combination curriculum Some curriculum choices may combine two or three subjects in one curriculum. For example, Tapestry of Grace is a religious-based unit-study-method history curriculum. It offers religious studies, language arts, music, and art alongside the history. If you were to use Tapestry of Grace, you wouldn't need to get a separate language arts or art curriculum. You would need to get a math curriculum though, for a well-rounded education. Similar options include Mystery of History, and Five in a Row/Come Sit by Me (Canadian version). Language Arts Subject-based curriculums In language arts, there are a number of choices. You can obtain an all-in-one language arts program, to cover everything necessary for that grade (ex. spelling, reading, writing, penmanship, grammar, etc for 4th grade), or you can use separate options for each area. Some programs will offer stand-alone options for each area of language arts, with sister programs for the other areas. For example, All About Spelling, a worktext style program, also has All About Reading and All about Grammar as well. Some of the all-in-one programs will let you purchase just their language arts programs separately from the complete curriculum. So you could get Abeka readers and language arts, and use Saxon for math, and a completely different publisher for science and history. Science and History With both science and history, you'll find a difference in the secular and religious programs. The secular programs will teach science and history from the viewpoint of evolution, and the religious ones are mostly from the Christian worldview of special creation. When picking out your curriculum, do be aware of what the starting point is. Homeschool curriculum on a budget There are free and low-cost options for all your curriculum needs. Free and low-cost all-in-one curriculum often don't include the actual novels or resource books, but instead will give you booklists. You can purchase what you want separately or borrow from your local library. Check out Ambleside or Easy Peasy Homeschool for options online. Other options to find free and low-cost curricula (with just the cost of printing) include one of my favorite sites CurrClick and EduCents. Where to find your curriculum? One of the best ways to check out curricula choices is at a homeschool convention. You can talk to the vendors and ask questions from the experts. You can handle the material and see for yourself if it really is the best fit. And then you can purchase direct, or take advantage of the free shipping offers and order. Buy used! Another option is a used homeschool book sale. Here, homeschoolers and former homeschoolers offer used-but-still-usable curriculum at much discounted prices from brand new. Plus you get the option of asking questions from someone who used the curriculum. You can find out first hand how it may work for you and your family. Or, like me, you can shop around and get books online, either from homeschool used book sale groups, or from websites like Amazon. A great homeschool book online store is Rainbow Resource. For more information on all the various curricula choices, check out Cathy Duffy's reviews. Social Hi I'm Sarah Welcome to Raising Royalty. I hope you enjoy the stories, the tips and tricks, and the information I give about homeschooling, single parenting, and large family living. I'm a single mom of six, and I've seen it all! This is my real life, with my little princesses. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You do not have to consent to cookies, but our site may not function well without them. For more info please read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Accept CookiesNoRead more
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
Window replacement is one of the smartest upgrades you can do for your home. With beautiful and functional windows, you can improve your overall indoor living experience. For one, they have the ability to boost your home's aesthetic appearance while regulating the temperature inside. They can also help prevent excessive energy loss, which means you don't have to overuse your utility systems to remain cozy. Over time, this can translate to significant energy savings. Pella windows are some of your best choices when it comes to window replacement in Canton and Ann Arbor, Mi. Here at Rapid Roofing, we offer top-quality Pella windows, complete with strong warranties and a wide variety of style choices. With over 30 years of experience working on local homes, our experts can recommend the right options for your needs, as well as complete the installation for you. You've made the right decision to purchase Pella windows. Now comes the second half of your replacement project: the installation. Rapid Roofing have mastered Pella's exclusive installation methods to make sure your new windows are installed successfully and will provide excellent benefits all year round. Pre-measurement - This is an important step to ensure the operational success and energy efficiency of your Pella windows. Your wall openings should have the exact measurements as your windows to create a precise fit. Old window removal - This should be done carefully to prevent damage on your home's walls. Our skilled crew members will haul away your old windows safely and with ease. Actual installation - Pella windows are strong, weather-resistant, and energy-efficient. However, with poor installation quality, they will have a hard time performing at their best. Our installers have many years of experience with these windows, which is why you can be confident you're working with the right team to install your replacement units. Weathertight fit - By ensuring a weathertight fit, your windows can successfully thwart air and moisture from getting in. Our team will take special care to make sure your units are level and square in the opening. We'll also reinforce their insulation to minimize drafts and energy loss. Cleanup - Upon completion, we will clean up the work area and check each newly installed window. We'll also demonstrate how to operate them so you can maximize their advantages. When you choose Rapid Roofing to install your new Pella windows, you'll experience exceptional customer service and topnotch workmanship. Give us a call today at (734) 895-9553 to get a FREE estimate. You can also fill out our form, and we'll get in touch with you right away.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T07:52:11Z', 'url': 'https://www.rapidroofing.com/windows/pella/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Your privacy is important to MassHousing. MassHousing at times collects, retains and utilizes Personal Data about you to operate its business and to make its products, services and other opportunities available. The term "Personal Data" means personally identifiable information that MassHousing obtains about you, including your IP address, name, telephone number, mailing address, and email address. MassHousing recognizes and respects your privacy concerns about this information. If you do not wish to receive emails including marketing and promotional information from MassHousing, please let MassHousing know by following the "Unsubscribe" procedure set forth below. MassHousing obtains information in a variety of ways (for example, directly from you in applications, from your transactions or experiences with MassHousing or its affiliates, and from credit bureaus and other third parties). Also, when you visit the website, MassHousing collects information to measure the use of its site and to improve the content of its site, as described below. As is true of most websites, MassHousing gathers certain information automatically and stores it in log files. This information includes Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and clickstream data. Personal Data may occasionally be transferred to third parties who act for us for further processing in accordance with the purposes for which the data was originally collected or for purposes to which you have subsequently consented. For example, sometimes a third party may have access to your Personal Data in order to support our information technology or to handle mailings on our behalf. MassHousing does not disclose any Personal Data about its customers or former customers to anyone, except as permitted by law (for example, we may disclose your information as necessary to effect a transaction requested by you, to a consumer reporting agency in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, or to comply with an authorized civil, criminal or regulatory investigation). MassHousing may, in its sole discretion, share or transfer your Personal Data where permitted or required by law, to comply with legal process, to interact with anti-fraud databases, to protect your vital interests, to protect the security or integrity of its databases or the Website, to enforce the Terms and Conditions of Use or protect MassHousing's business or reputation, to take precautions against legal liability, in the event of a business transition (see below), to protect and defend the rights or property of MassHousing, for required institutional risk control, or for resolving disputes, inquiries or complaints with respect to your use of the Website. This Website contains links to other websites that are not owned or controlled by MassHousing. Please be aware that MassHousing is not responsible for the privacy practices or other content of such websites. This Policy applies only to information collected by this Website. MassHousing has established procedures to correct inaccurate information in a timely manner. If you have any reason to believe that your Personal Data is incorrect, MassHousing should be contacted in writing as follows: MassHousing, One Beacon Street, Boston, MA, 02108, or by email at <EMAIL>. MassHousing will investigate the situation and, when appropriate, update its records accordingly. MassHousing strives to maintain the reliability, accuracy, completeness and currency of your Personal Data in its databases and to protect the privacy and security of its databases. MassHousing maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect the confidentiality of your Personal Data (for example, its computer systems require employees to enter passwords to gain entry and employees receive training and understand the importance of confidentiality and customer privacy). The security measures in place on the Website and computer systems aim to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of the information you provide to us. MassHousing keeps your Personal Data only for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or to comply with any applicable legal or ethical reporting or document retention requirements. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the security of your information, please email us at <EMAIL>. You are responsible for keeping your online password, account numbers, personal identification information and other account data confidential. MassHousing is not responsible for customer errors or negligent use of the online service and will not be liable for any loss or damage due to negligent handling or sharing of passwords leading to unauthorized access to accounts; leaving a computer unattended during an online session; failure to report known incidents of unauthorized account access within two business days; or input errors or misuse of the online service. In the event MassHousing goes through a business transition, such as a merger, acquisition by another company, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, your Personal Data might be among the assets transferred. You will be notified via this Website of any such change in ownership or control of your Personal Data. If MassHousing decides to change this Policy, it will post the changes at this Website and at other places it deems appropriate so that you are aware of what information it collects, how it uses it, and under what circumstances, if any, it discloses it. MassHousing reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time, so please review it frequently. This Policy is effective as of October 20, 2004. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this Policy or the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website, please contact MassHousing at MassHousing, One Beacon Street, Boston, MA, 02108, or by email at <EMAIL>.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T12:31:06Z', 'url': 'https://www.emasshousing.com/portal/server.pt?mode=2&uuID=%7BAA79C361-F0EB-4310-9C18-863FDC2C631A%7D', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Electrophoresis of a charged soft particle in a charged cavity with arbitrary double-layer thickness. An analysis for the quasi-steady electrophoretic motion of a soft particle composed of a charged spherical rigid core and an adsorbed porous layer positioned at the center of a charged spherical cavity filled with an arbitrary electrolyte solution is presented. Within the porous layer, frictional segments with fixed charges are assumed to distribute uniformly. Through the use of the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation and the Laplace equation, the equilibrium double-layer potential distribution and its perturbation caused by the applied electric field are separately determined. The modified Stokes and Brinkman equations governing the fluid flow fields outside and inside the porous layer, respectively, are solved subsequently. An explicit formula for the electrokinetic migration velocity of the soft particle in terms of the fixed charge densities on the rigid core surface, in the porous layer, and on the cavity wall is obtained from a balance between its electrostatic and hydrodynamic forces. This formula is valid for arbitrary values of ka, la, r0/a, and a/b, where k is the Debye screening parameter, l is the reciprocal of the length characterizing the extent of flow penetration inside the porous layer, a is the radius of the soft particle, r0 is the radius of the rigid core of the particle, and b is the radius of the cavity. In the limiting cases of r0 = a and r0 = 0, the migration velocity for the charged soft sphere reduces to that for a charged impermeable sphere and that for a charged porous sphere, respectively, in the charged cavity. The effect of the surface charge at the cavity wall on the particle migration can be significant, and the particle may reverse the direction of its migration.
{'pile_set_name': 'PubMed Abstracts'}
Q: Is there a jQuery wrapper for .Net? I've noticed that there are wrappers for a lot of javascript libraries and such, but I have yet to see anything significant for jQuery. Am I just not searching hard enough and there is one out there? Or is there some problem with jQuery that keeps someone from creating a wrapper? A: Your signals may be a bit crossed here regarding the proper use of JQuery and ASP.NET. JQuery is a wrapper that simplifies Javascript (in particular, access to page elements). It is a client side technology. ASP.NET is mostly a server-side technology. While you can place controls on the page that will emit javascript (e.g. control validation) and there are a variety of ways in which Javascript is employed to simplify WebForms development, ASP.NET it isn't really about client-side programming in the same way that JQuery is. Honestly, I wouldn't want ASP.NET to wrap JQuery as it would just lead to impedence mismatches between how you handle client and server-side processing. Plus, JQuery really is pretty easy.
{'pile_set_name': 'StackExchange'}
8 Ohio Sire Stakes champs crowned at Scioto Eight $150,000 Ohio Sire Stakes championships were held at Scioto Downs Racino Saturday evening. Feelin Lika Winner lived up to his name when he won the coveted 3-year-old colt pacing championship in 1:52.2. The Scott Mogan trainee sat in the pocket most of the way behind race favorite, That Friske Feelin and Tony Hall, after parking the latter to an opening quarter of 26.3. ... Shock It To 'Em zaps PA Stallion Series record The recordbook again figured to take a pounding when the Pennsylvania Stallion Series Championships for 3-year-olds were featured at Mohegan Sun at Pocono Downs Saturday night (Sept. 7), and it most certainly did. The pacing gelding Shock It To 'Em became the fastest-ever Stallion Championship winner when he beat world champion Ultimate Beachboy to the wire by a half-length in 1:50.1. T... Vegas Vacation sets Simcoe Stakes record Vegas Vacation, driven by Brian Sears, set a new Simcoe Stakes record of 1:48.3 on Saturday (Sept. 7) at Mohawk Racetrack. The stakes-filled card also included Canadian Trotting Classic elims, Simcoe Stakes for 3-year-old pacers and Champlain Stakes for 2-year-old pacers. Two $121,737 Simcoe divisions for 3-year-old pacers took place with Fool Me Once capturi... Records fall at Vernon's "Showdown" Friday night's "End of the Summer Showdown" program at Vernon Downs was one of speed and substance. Intimidate captured the $214,000 Credit Winner Open Trot with a 1:51 performance that becomes the fastest mile by a trotter in the 60-year history of the track, and it serves as a new standard for 4-year-old geldings on the diagonal gait. D'Orsay powered to a 1:52 triumph to win ... Weeper sets Stallion Series final record The freshman pacing filly Weeper posted the fastest winning time in the history of the Pennsylvania Stallion Series Championships Friday night (Sept. 6) at Mohegan Sun at Pocono Downs when she stormed home in 55.2 to record a 1:51.4 victory on a Championship night devoted to 2-year-olds. The victory by the daughter of Allamerican Native-Pleasant Yet Bad was certainly no surprise - she h... Captaintreacherous to skip Little Brown Jug On Friday, Sept. 6, Myron Bell, the managing partner of the Captaintreacherous Stable, notified the officials of the Little Brown Jug that their colt would not be competing in the 68th edition of the $550,000 (est) Little Brown Jug citing "the long-term interest" of the colt. "The officials, staff, volunteers of the Little Brown Jug have been preparing to put on a great week of ra... Gold Rocks & Ideal Helen capture Babic finals Gold Rocks and Ideal Helen were both easy winners in their respective divisions of the Lou Babic Memorial on Saturday, September 7, 2013 at Freehold Raceway. Gold Rocks captured the $96,200 Babic Open in 1:54.4 while Ideal Helen annexed the $61,900 Babic Filly in a stakes record 1:54.3. Both stakes are for New Jersey-sired two-year-old pacers. Gold Rocks [$2.20], a son of Rocknr... Bell: "Scheduling" reason no Jug for The Captain Like father like son. The connections of superstar Somebeachsomewhere decided against entering in the 2008 Little Brown Jug and five years later the same decision has been made by the owners of Captaintreacherous, who has seven wins in eight starts this year, including the North America Cup, Meadowlands Pace and most recently, the Cane Pace, the first jewel of pacing's Triple Crown. "The re... Your So Vain, Master Of Law take CTC elims Your So Vain and Master of Law won their respective $40,000 Canadian Trotting Classic (CTC) eliminations Saturday at Mohawk Racetrack. Your So Vain, with Scott Zeron, pulled off a major upset in the first elim, rallying from last to blow past the pacesetting Hambletonian winner and 2-5 favourite Royalty for Life near the wire to score by one and one-quarter lengths in 1:52.4. Smilin ... Pet Rock sets World Record at Scioto Pet Rock & Dan Noble set the new world record for pacers on a 5/8 mile track when they crossed the line in 1:47.2 Saturday (Sept 7) at Scioto Downs Racino. Previously held at Pocono Downs (Wilkes-Barre, PA), the record was in trouble from the word "go" with Noble parking A Rocknroll Dance & Kayne Kauffman to an opening quarter of 25; the pair hit the half in 52.4 and the 3/4 in 1:20.1 b... He's Watching ties Batavia mark in NYSS win It took Mother Nature to slow down 2-year-old pacing sensation He's Watching, but even she couldn't stop him totally. He's Watching tied the Batavia Downs track record for 2-year-old colt pacers with a 1:54.2 mark, set by Doctor Butch in 2012, and kept his unblemished record intact in winning a hard-fought $34,537 division of the New York Sire Stakes Saturday night (Sept. 7). He's now a p... Manzi, Gregory hurt in Freehold race accident Drivers Cat Manzi and Jeff Gregory are in area hospitals with fractures after being involved in a multi-horse accident in the fourth race on Friday afternoon at Freehold Raceway. Manzi, 63, a Hall of Fame driver with 14,789 career victories, was taken to Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune, N.J., where it was determined he has fractures of the pelvis on both sid... Silver Credit wins Helen Smith Trot Silver Credit scored a 1-3/4-length victory in the $40,000 Helen Smith Trot for 3-year-old trotting fillies, setting a stakes record of 1:56.2, on Friday (Sept. 6) at Freehold Raceway. It was the second straight win for the gray daughter of Muscles Yankee and her third win in 12 starts this year. The 1:56.2 clocking was a fifth of a second off the previous mark shared by Muscle ... Father Patrick headlines Wellwood Final Once again Father Patrick stamped himself as the premier two-year-old trotting colt in North America with his victory in his $30,000 William Wellwood Memorial Trot elimination on Friday at Mohawk. The top five finishers from each of the two eliminations advance to next week's $365,000 final, a part of the Canadian Trotting Classic undercard. Father Patrick, a son of Canta... Brinkerhoff looks to catch OHSS final "fever" Sometimes it's not about the quantity of racehorses but the quality of your barn. Tom Brinkerhoff only has four horses in his barn on the backside of Scioto Downs Racino but two of them qualified for the Ohio Sires Stakes final for 3-year-old colt pacers that will be held on Saturday night. The horse he entered, Outdoor Fever, has had a rough go of late but his early season s... Moreau's Northern Bullet 1:55.4 OSS winner After struggling in the Gold Series through the middle of the season, 3-year-old trotting colt Northern Bullet dropped down to the Grassroots program and logged the quickest of four divisions at Rideau Carleton Raceway on Thursday evening. In rein to Yves Filion, Northern Bullet fired to the front from post 1 and carved fractions of :28.2, :57.3 and 1:26.1 on his way to a personal best 1:55... Rompaway Alvin ties Mighty M track record Rompaway Alvin trotted to a Monticello Raceway track record-equaling victory of 1:57 on Thursday. The clocking tied the mark for aged trotting geldings initially set by Cornishman N and driver Bruce Aldrich Jr. in 2011. His gate-to-wire victory in Monticello Raceway's featured trot caught most by surprise, even driver Mike Merton. Rompaway Alvin , ... WEG announces Tohana to board of directors Woodbine Entertainment Group (WEG) has announced the appointment of Blake Tohana to its Board of Directors. Mr. Tohana was also appointed as a member of WEG's Audit Committee. As well, WEG announced that three long-serving directors - David S. Willmot, Mark R. Frostad and William D. Graham - are departing from the Board after many years of service. Blake Tohana of Toronto, Ontario,... Maine Stakes finals Sunday at Scarborough More than $245,000 in purse money will be on the line on Sunday (9-8) as the freshman championships of the Maine Sire Stakes program will be decided in four divisions at Scarborough Downs. Restricted to two-year-old Maine-bred standardbred races horses, these title matches will be part of an extremely strong 12-race program with first post scheduled for 1:05 PM (EDT). The two trotting divis... Videos of Walnut Hall Ltd. yearlings now online Videos of the 26 Walnut Hall Ltd. yearlings selling at the Lexington Selected Yearling Sale on October 1-5 are now available for viewing both on the Select Sale web site and the <URL> web site. The consignment includes a baker's dozen of colts and fillies by the red hot Deweycheatumnhowe. There are also 11 KY-eligible yearlings, three trotters by Groton Hall, sire of the winner...
{'pred_label': '__label__wiki', 'pred_label_prob': 0.868029773235321, 'wiki_prob': 0.868029773235321, 'source': 'cc/2021-04/en_middle_0097.json.gz/line883240'}
Families - Search Results Secondary School Admissions Children start secondary school in the academic year in which they turn eleven years of age. You can apply for a secondary school place online. The School Admissions Guide describes admission arrangements for our primary and secondary schools. SEND Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years Statutory guidance for organisations which work with and support children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities. January 2015 Read the guidance SEND Disagreement Resolution and Mediation The Local Authority has made arrangements for independent disagreement resolution and mediation services to be made available to parents/carers and young people to provide a quick and informal way of resolving disagreements. Impartial information, advice and support - SENDIASS Parents/carers & young people can also access... What is the Local Offer? These pages provide information and advice about the services for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families living in Middlesbrough. This is described as the Local Offer. You will see that we have divided the different... SEND Needs Assessment, June 2019 The Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities (SEND) Needs Assessment (SNA) is a systematic way of assessing the health and educational needs of the local SEND Population. It identifies 'the big picture', in terms of the health and wellbeing needs and inequalities of the local... SEND Strategy (2018 - 2020) Our strategy supports children and young people with special educational needs and or disabilities, aged 0-25. This strategy demonstrates through a clear vision how partners across Education, Health and Care will ensure improvements are made in how we deliver provision, support and develop services to meet... SEND Written Statement of Action Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Written Statement of Action (v22) April 2019. This action plan is in response to the requirement to produce a Written Statement of Action to tackle the following areas for improvement resulting from an Area Wide Inspection of SEND in... Short Breaks through Individual Budgets Guide Middlesbrough Councils Children with Disabilities Team have produced a number of information booklets that you may find helpful. Download the Short Breaks through Individual Budgets Guide from the righthand side of this page. Single Point of Contact (SPOC) This document provides information regarding the Single Point of Contact, the Local Offer and a summary of how the needs of children and young people in Middlesbrough are identified and met and information on the current network of support available across education, health and care.... Single Route of Redress - National Trial of the First-tier Tribunal (SEND) What is the National Trial? The Government are extending the powers of the First-tier Tribunal (SEND), sometimes referred to as the 'SEND Tribunal', to make non-binding recommendations about the health and social care aspects of Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans as part of a...
{'pred_label': '__label__cc', 'pred_label_prob': 0.6012087464332581, 'wiki_prob': 0.39879125356674194, 'source': 'cc/2021-04/en_head_0009.json.gz/line525304'}
Conditions that cause loss of bone mass and micro-architectural deterioration of bone structure affect many worldwide. For example, 44 million people age 50 or older are affected by osteoporosis in the United States alone. In addition, other conditions including, but not limited to, Paget's disease, osteolytic tumors, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Osteoarthritis, osteopenia including drug induced osteopenia, and hypercalcemia also cause loss of bone mass and affect hundreds of millions of people worldwide. These conditions predispose those suffering from these maladies to enhanced bone fragility and risk of fracture. Each condition has various etiologies such as congenital conditions, malnutrition, or various additional factors. For example, osteoporosis alone has at least three etiologies. The etiologies for osteoporosis have been established based on predisposing factors and clinical presentation, namely: postmenopausal (type I), senile (type II), and secondary (type III) osteoporosis. In all types, the declining ability of the bone remodeling machinery results in bone fragility. Type I postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMOP) occurs in women 51-75 years of age, in which, estrogen deficiency shifts bone remodeling to favor bone resorption over bone formation, which results in a net bone loss. Type II senile osteoporosis affects women at about twice the rate as men, and occurs from ages 75 to 90 years. Type III or secondary osteoporosis is caused by medications, cancers, endocrine disorders, chronic liver or kidney diseases, and additional conditions. The net result for each type of osteoporosis is the insidious loss of bone mass and the predisposition to traumatic bone fracture. Numerous treatments have been administered to patients with these conditions; these treatments include the administration of hormone replacement therapy, antiresorptive agents, and immunosuppressants including monoclonal antibodies. However, administering therapeutic levels of these treatments often result in various side effects. For example, some treatments have been linked to various cancers, bone necrosis or osteonecrosis, and other unwanted side effects. Therefore, it is generally difficult to efficiently treat or prevent conditions that cause bone loss with the currently known compositions and methods. Parathyroid hormone (PTH), also called parathormone or parathyrin, is a 84-residue peptide hormone secreted by chief cells of the parathyroid glands. It plays an important role on regulating extracellular calcium homeostasis, by acting upon the parathyroid hormone receptors (1 and 2) in bone, kidney, central nervous system, pancreas, testis and placenta. By binding to osteoblasts, PTH increases their expression of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL) meanwhile decreases their expression of osteoprotegin (OPG), the latter is an inhibiter of interaction between RANKL and RANK. As a result, the binding of RANKL to RANK promotes bone resorption by forming new osteoclasts. hPTH (1-34) is a N-terminal fragment of PTH, and it is composed of 34 amino acid, expressing complete biological activity of PTH. However, according to the concentration in vivo, hPTH (1-34)/PTH can demonstrate exactly the opposite two bio-functions that high and sustained doses lead to bone resorption, but low doses lead to bone formation, therefore, hPTH (1-34)/PTH could be applied for treatment of bone-disease such as osteoporosis. However, similar to salmon calcitonin, the short half-life of hPTH (1-34)/PTH in vivo restricts its clinical application, although a therapeutic osteoporosis medicine, recombinant PTH (teriparatide, Forteo, Eli Lilly) has been approved by FDA almost 10 years ago The insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are proteins with high sequence similarity to insulin. The insulin-like growth factor-1, (IGF-1, also named somatomedin C), composed by 70 amino acids, has growth-promoting effects on cells including bone cells, which is being tested in clinical trials of osteoporosis, as one of approved agents by FDA. Similar to PTH, IGF-1 is also cleared rapidly through the kidney, but when bound to insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3), the resultant recombinant complex evades renal clearance.
{'pile_set_name': 'USPTO Backgrounds'}
Fears of a Clown "Fears of a Clown" is the fourteenth episode of the twenty-ninth season of the animated television series The Simpsons, and the 632nd episode of the series overall. It aired in the United States on Fox on April 1, 2018. Plot Principal Skinner tells Groundskeeper Willie that he plans to retire, with Martin discovering the secret and blabbing it to the entire school. During the final sendoff, Skinner chooses Bart Simpson for his final farewell, who attempted to shoot him in the head with a rock. However, it was revealed that the retirement was just a ruse so Skinner would finally blow the whistle on Bart after years of being pranked by him. Feeling embarrassed and angry, Bart chooses to pull off the ultimate prank to the entire staff by super-gluing the faces of Skinner and staff with plastic Krusty the Clown masks. Unfortunately, this causes people around Springfield to become terrified of clowns, and also causes Krusty to lose his comedic edge. Because of this, Krusty is no longer a comedic character and even loses his clown appearance and make-up. Homer Simpson then says that Krusty looks just like him. Lisa then convinces Krusty to turn into a serious actor, and he takes part in a parody play version of Death of a Salesman, called The Salesman's Bad Day, written by Llewellyn Sinclair (his second appearance from "A Streetcar Named Marge") who at first couldn't do, until Sinclair motivates him, causing Krusty to become a serious actor until his clown self appears in his mind, telling him that he is still a clown and nothing else. Meanwhile, Bart is in court and was about to be free with the "boys will be boys" saying, until Marge Simpson objects and tells Judge Dowd that what Bart did was terrible and he has a real problem with pranking and suggests that Judge Dowd punishes Bart, resulting in him going to a rehab center for almost a month. Although Marge thinks she did a good thing, she doesn't know if it really was a good thing herself. During a session as Bart places tacks on the doctor's chair, the doctor convinces Marge to come in and sit on his chair, causing Bart to stop the prank and completing one step of his treatment. After being released, Bart goes to apologize to the people whom he pranked. However, with the encouragement of Willie, Bart plans to pull the ultimate prank, staging a fake apology announcement at the gymnasium where above the crowd is a net full of water balloons. But when he sees Marge in the crowd, he tries to tell people to run away but the weight of the water balloons breaks the net, causing the crowd to get splashed with the water, with Marge finally realizing that "boys will be boys" saying is real and that motherhood "sucks", followed by Homer saying the same saying and Marge walking into the boys restroom to get even with him. On the night of the play, Krusty is still being haunted by his former clown self. During the play, as Krusty tried to quiet the voice inside his mind, he causes the audience to laugh. He realizes that he is not a serious actor, but a clown, and starts to do comedic antics. In the final scene, the play that Krusty was in is later seen being witnessed by the ghosts of Krusty, Arthur Miller, Rabbi Hyman Krustofsky, and William Shakespeare. Reception Dennis Perkins of The A.V. Club gave this episode a C-, stating, "Sometimes The Simpsons rolls out an episode that's so pale an approximation of its best that sticking up for it becomes an exercise in hand-waving and deep, deep sighs. 'Fears Of A Clown' isn't good. It's also not bad. It is, instead, irrelevant in its hollow echoes of past, actually memorable, episodes. When the book on 'The Simpsons' is finally closed...and the inevitable all-time episode rankings are compiled, 'Fears Of A Clown' is one of those installments destined to elicit blank stares, even from die-hard fans. It barely exists." "Fears of a Clown" scored a 0.9 rating with a 4 share and was watched by 2.06 million people, making it Fox's highest rated show of the night. References External links Category:2018 American television episodes Category:The Simpsons (season 29) episodes
{'pile_set_name': 'Wikipedia (en)'}
Can urban tree roots improve infiltration through compacted subsoils for stormwater management? Global land use patterns and increasing pressures on water resources demand creative urban stormwater management. Strategies encouraging infiltration can enhance groundwater recharge and water quality. Urban subsoils are often relatively impermeable, and the construction of many stormwater detention best management practices (D-BMPs) exacerbates this condition. Root paths can act as conduits for water, but this function has not been demonstrated for stormwater BMPs where standing water and dense subsoils create a unique environment. We examined whether tree roots can penetrate compacted subsoils and increase infiltration rates in the context of a novel infiltration BMP (I-BMP). Black oak (Quercus velutina Lam.) and red maple (Acer rubrum L.) trees, and an unplanted control, were installed in cylindrical planting sleeves surrounded by clay loam soil at two compaction levels (bulk density = 1.3 or 1.6 g cm(-3)) in irrigated containers. Roots of both species penetrated the more compacted soil, increasing infiltration rates by an average of 153%. Similarly, green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh.) trees were grown in CUSoil (Amereq Corp., New York) separated from compacted clay loam subsoil (1.6 g cm(-3)) by a geotextile. A drain hole at mid depth in the CUSoil layer mimicked the overflow drain in a stormwater I-BMP thus allowing water to pool above the subsoil. Roots penetrated the geotextile and subsoil and increased average infiltration rate 27-fold compared to unplanted controls. Although high water tables may limit tree rooting depth, some species may be effective tools for increasing water infiltration and enhancing groundwater recharge in this and other I-BMPs (e.g., raingardens and bioswales).
{'pile_set_name': 'PubMed Abstracts'}
Q: Jmeter Run SQL script from file I am trying to run a couple SQL scripts in a Jmeter SetUp thread. Is it possible to run the SQL code from a .SQL file through Jmeter so I can initialize a database before my other threads get executed. I just don't want to break my code up and copy/paste code inside Jmeter using JDBC connection and JDBC request. Thanks! A: __FileToString() function seems to be something you're looking for, you can put it inside your JDBC Request sampler and specify path to your .sql file there like: See Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction to get familiarized with the JMeter Functions concept
{'pile_set_name': 'StackExchange'}
Just in time for spring, Honey Dew Donuts announced the addition of several new food and drink items to its menu. Honey Dew Donuts announced the addition of a new menu item: the Cranberry Walnut Chicken Salad. Honey Dew Donuts has added new items to its menu this fall. Honey Dew Donuts is no longer just a morning go-to for coffee and breakfast sandwiches. Now it's also a lunch spot. Honey Dew Donuts, New England's local flavor, is excited to announce the collaboration with energy drink pioneer, Red Bull, with new refreshing fruit smoothies to enjoy this summer. Honey Dew Donuts announced that it is continuing its initiative of supporting breast cancer awareness by sustaining a relationship with both The National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T09:11:09Z', 'url': 'https://www.qsrmagazine.com/category/chains/honey-dew-donuts', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Correlation of transforming growth factor-alpha and epidermal growth factor receptor with proliferating cell nuclear antigen in human burn wounds. The purpose of this study was to localize transforming growth factor-alpha, a mitogenic peptide, and its receptor, epidermal growth factor receptor, to correlate these findings with epithelial cell proliferation in human burn wounds. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen, a marker of cellular proliferative activity, was used in conjunction with the immunolocalization of transforming growth factor-alpha and epidermal growth factor receptor in a series of partial- and full-thickness burn wounds 2 to 22 days after injury. Identification of the proliferating population by proliferating cell nuclear antigen nuclear labelling indicated that both ligand and its receptor are concurrently present in proliferating epidermis. The simultaneous, intense localization of transforming growth factor-alpha and epidermal growth factor receptor during the early, intermediate, and late postburn period lends further support to an epidermal growth factor/transforming growth factor-alpha/epidermal growth factor receptor-mediated growth repair mechanism. Furthermore, the distribution of transforming growth factor-alpha and epidermal growth factor receptor in nonproliferating populations within healing burn wounds suggests additional multifunctional roles for this growth factor pathway during human cutaneous wound repair.
{'pile_set_name': 'PubMed Abstracts'}
Illusions the Drag Queen Brunch Show is the best drag Brunch show New Haven, Connecticut has ever seen! When New Haven drag queens come out to do this New Haven Drag Brunch, they are leaving everyone in New Haven, Connecticut amazed and wanting more! Whether you are celebrating an New Haven bachelorette party, gay bachelor party, birthday celebration or just a fun night out in New Haven, Connecticut, Illusions, the Show is the show for you! Come on New Haven come see Illusions the Drag Queen Brunch Show! Once you do, you will agree that it is the BEST celebrity impersonation brunch show around! Drag brunch in New Haven Connecticut that will leave you wanting more New Haven drag queen entertainment! On Saturday and Sunday afternoons tons of people from everywhere flock to restaurants, bars, clubs and lounges for drag brunches in New Haven. Whether a tourist looking for a New Haven drag queen brunch or a New Haven native looking for a drag queen brunch, it's become a very sort after experience. Most commonly served food at these drag brunches are, eggs, pancakes, chicken and waffles, French toast, fresh fruit salad, bacon and or sausage and bagels. These delicious offerings to vary of course depending on the drag queen show you choose in New Haven but, are almost always served as a buffet. Most popular drinks requested drinks in the New York City drag queen brunch scene are Mimosas and of course the Bloody Mary, usually because you had an incredible previous night in New Haven's nightlife and are probably fighting off a vicious hang over. Of course, not everyone is looking to take it easy when they go to a drag queen brunch in New Haven and in traditional brunch style the option to get day drunk is always there with a full liquor bar! Drag brunchs are a great way to celebrate New Haven bachelorette parties, New Haven birthday parties, if you live in NY and got divorced drag brunches are a great way to celebrate your new journey in life, or just no reason at all but to go out and see some amazing New Haven drag! We have to take time to say thanks for great drag queens that have made New Haven drag brunches so popular such as, mainstream television show and cultural phenomenon RuPaul's from RuPaul's Drag Race, New Haven's iconic Lady Bunny and more but one thing for sure the pupillarity and acceptance of the drag queens of New Haven is on the rise! "Drag brunch isn't only for the ladies to celebrate but most recently have become the entertainment go to for all drag lovers alike, couples, straight men and women, gay men and women of course and the youth! Man does the kids love drag! One thing that drag shows in New Haven have done is bridge a gap between people, ages, sexes and sexual preferences, none of that matters when you're at a drag queen show in New Haven anymore and it's something we should all be thankful for. No one can actually say where and when the drag brunch was started but, I would like to think with all New Haven had done for the drag community, that it probably has started in New Haven. The first drag queen restaurant was opened in the 70's but, we believe the New Haven drag brunch started long before!
{'pred_label': '__label__cc', 'pred_label_prob': 0.6630592942237854, 'wiki_prob': 0.3369407057762146, 'source': 'cc/2021-04/en_middle_0087.json.gz/line250278'}
The Comet is an extremely fast car in GTA 5. It resembles the Porsche 996 GT2. The latest version of the game comes with a standard rear deck spoiler and is sportier in comparison to models in previous versions. As you'd expect for such a car, it can achieve top speeds within a short time. One thing that sets the Comet apart from other cars in GTA 5 is its superior traction. It is remarkably light too. To make the most out of what this car has to offer, you'd better be an experienced player. Starters can use too but must note that the tail is relatively heavy, which makes handling undesirable. In GTA 5, you will find the Comet parked outside Isiah Friedlander's Pacific Bluffs. This one spawns in red. You will also locate it around Rockford Hills. You can spawn it outside Los Santos Customs as well, but this version is often pre-modified. What does the Comet bring to the table? What are the advantages of spawning it? Well, by now, you can tell that this is a fast car. In GTA 5, speed comes in handy at times. When you have caused mayhem, and you need to make a quick escape, the Comet could as well be your best bet. This car is agile, which means that you can accomplish tricky moves without much of a hassle. In essence, that makes it easy to perform tricky moves and outpace your enemies. In short, getting away isn't much of a struggle with the Comet.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T04:33:23Z', 'url': 'http://gtacentral.com/gta-5/spawn-commet-gta-cheat/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Hindu holy man Aseemanand in custody over India blasts Published duration 13 January 2011 image caption Swami Aseemanand (left) allegedly wanted revenge for attacks by Muslim militants on India An Indian court has remanded in custody a Hindu holy man accused of a string of bomb attacks previously thought to be the work of Muslim militants. Swami Aseemanand allegedly admitted to placing bombs on a train to Pakistan, at a Sufi shrine and at a mosque. He has also allegedly confessed to carrying out two assaults on the southern Indian town of Malegaon, which has a large Muslim population. He has been remanded in custody for the four attacks until 27 January. Headway Police say that Mr Aseemanand gave them details of his role in the mosque attack in the city of Hyderabad in 2007 in addition to attacks on a graveyard in Malegaon and a Sufi shrine in Ajmer. Several Muslim men were arrested for those attacks - and some reports said that they had been tortured. Most are still in custody. Mr Aseemanand was arrested in November after being in hiding for two years, police said. According to India's Tehelka magazine, which has obtained a copy of his 42-page confession, he told his interrogators that the attacks on Muslim places were in response to attacks by Islamist militants in India. It quotes him as saying that many of those involved in the bombings were members of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) - the right-wing parent organisation of India's main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party. The bomb attack on the Samjhauta (Compromise) Express train travelling from India to Pakistan in February 2007 killed 68 people. Many of the passengers who died in the incident were Pakistanis returning home. The 2008 blast in the town of Malegaon killed seven people and left more than 100 injured. A female Hindu priest, Sadhwi Pragya Singh Thakur, and a serving Indian army officer were among 11 people who were arrested in connection with the attack. In May 2007, at least 14 people were killed in an explosion during Friday prayers at the Mecca mosque in Hyderabad. It is one of India's biggest mosques, and there was rioting afterwards. And in October 2007, a bomb attack on a famous Sufi Muslim shrine in the city of Ajmer - in the state of Rajasthan - killed two people. Anger over leaks Most of these blasts were initially blamed on local militant groups and several Muslim men were arrested for alleged involvement. But correspondents say the police were unable to make much headway in their investigations. Opposition politicians were angered recently after leaked diplomatic cables suggested Rahul Gandhi, widely tipped as a future Indian PM, believed Hindu radicals might pose a greater threat than Islamist militants. According to Wikileaks, Mr Gandhi told a US envoy last year there was some support among Indian Muslims for militants such as Lashkar-e-Taiba.
{'pile_set_name': 'OpenWebText2'}
Newsis compile what big agencies expected to do in 2018 in order to compete in Kpop music industry. Please not this is based on what reporters wrote as an opinion. This year is important for SM, YG, JYP as turning point which so-called three major entertainment companies. As music market is shaking due to political and economical issue, artists are likely will find another way to grows. Biggest expectation is the duo Dong Bang Shin Ki. As the group who particularly help the Hallyu growth till this point, if they make a new song/comeback it'll give big impact. And just as last year, the 4 consecutive million seller EXO still expected to play a big role. It is still unclear whether SM girl group will be their main plan. As Girls Generation become unclear with Sooyoung, Seohyun, Tiffany's departure. F(x) comeback with Krystal as center will attract more attention. But considering last year, Red Velvet 'Red Flavor' is another hit, we'll expect more in 2018. SHINee who celebrate their 10th anniversary this year also still likely undecided. The Dome Tour which was scheduled for February also still under discussion. YG still in a lot unstable stance. After BigBang and 2NE1 YG still can't get a grip for another big star. 2NE1 disbanding and BigBang who make 50% of their profits will eventually go to military service. JTBC 'MIX NINE' which was an ambitious plan from Yang Hyun Suk was also not doing really good, also their subsidiary, YG Plus. However, the one who's experienced in producing, Yang Hyun Suk, will expected to push on iKON, WINNER, and BLACKPINK. There also a new boygroup and girlgroup are expected to debut. JYP trend group, TWICE are still expected to continue their popularity. After Wonder Girls and MissA disbandment, TWICE who hit 6 consecutive hit song will filling up the gap. Also, TWICE will be the main character who brings back Hallyu re-ignition in Japan. As 2PM members are absence for military service, GOT7 is expected to play a role in Hallyu. Potential band DAY6 who steadily build their foundation and fanbase also expected to be big. In addition, new group such as Stray Kids will be on their plan. FNC who's pursuing three major companies with diverse business such as drama and performing arts is planning to debut a new girl group this year. Although AOA might be the main focus, CNBLUE, FT Island activities will be harmonized with their new group such as SF9, NFlying, HONEYST. Also, FNC AdCulture, a subsidiary, will enter performing arts market by participating as co-producer of 'Red Book' musical. The global group BTS and hot rookie WANNA ONE who caused the syndrome last year are still expected to hit big success this year. As Bang Shi Hyuk said, BTS plan to expand their fanbase by communicating with the world through Korean song to maintain the unique value of KPOP. It's also an interesting point how we'll look over BTS who have already hit US market will become more popular in Korea. With their achievement last year Billboard 200, 2017 American Music Awards, Billboard Hot 100, BTS are expected to grow more. WANNA ONE who caused a big issue in the country predicted to be more active in 2018. As a project group who'll disband by the end of 2018, they're expected to continue their busy year in 2018.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T05:37:59Z', 'url': 'https://koreanupdates.com/2018/01/03/agencies-expected-plans-for-their-artists-stars-thatll-shine-brighter-in-2018/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
BRB (Be Right Back) Graphics serve as a privacy screen when your game loses focus in full screen mode or is minimized in windowed mode. It indicates that you are currently not in a game. While the BRB Graphics are active, the audio is also muted. If you have connected your social media accounts you will see the info appear on the default BRB graphics image. If you delete the default BRB graphics image, then the social media images will also be deleted. To enable BRB Graphics, open XSplit Gamecaster, click on the Settings Tab, and check the box called "Enable BRB Graphics": If you have a personal or premium license, you can customize the BRB Graphics by clicking on the gear symbol next to the BRB graphics preview window in the Settings Tab: This will open the BRB graphics editor where you can add a variety of different type of image file types (png, jpeg, gif, tiff, etc.):
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
Q: Is there an elegant way to simplify $ rac{ an(x+20^{\circ })-\sin(x+20^{\circ })}{ an(x+20^{\circ })+\sin(x+20^{\circ })}$ I wonder how to solve this equation: $$ rac{ an(x+20^{\circ })-\sin(x+20^{\circ })}{ an(x+20^{\circ })+\sin(x+20^{\circ })}=4\sin^{2}\left( rac{x}{2}+10^{\circ } ight)$$ in an elegant/shorter way. My way: $$ rac{\sin(x+20^{\circ })-\sin(x+20^{\circ })\cdot cos(x+20^{\circ})}{\sin(x+20^{\circ })+\sin(x+20^{\circ })\cdot \cos(x+20^{\circ})}=2[1-(\cos(x+20^{\circ}))]$$ so $$1-\cos(x+20^{\circ})=2[1-\cos(x+20^{\circ})][1+\cos(x+20^{\circ})]$$ which gives $$\cos(x+20^{\circ})=1\Rightarrow x=-20^{\circ}+360^{\circ}k\\cos(x+20^{\circ})=-0.5\Rightarrow x=140^{\circ}+360^{\circ}k,\, \, x=-100^{\circ}+360^{\circ}k$$ Thanks. A: Setting $\displaystyle rac x2+10^\circ=y\iff x+20^\circ=2y$ $$ rac{ an2y-\sin2y}{ an2y+\sin2y}= rac{\sin2y\cdot\dfrac{1-\cos2y}{\cos2y}}{\sin2y\cdot\dfrac{1+\cos2y}{\cos2y}}= rac{\cos2y\sin2y(1-\cos2y)}{\cos2y\sin2y(1+\cos2y)}= an^2y$$ if $\cos2y\sin2y e0$ Now $\cos2y\sin2y=0\iff\sin4y=2\sin2y\cos2y=0\implies4y=n\cdot180^\circ$ where $n$ is any integer So, we need $\displaystyle y e n\cdot45^\circ\ \ \ \ (1)$ and we have $\displaystyle an^2y=4\sin^2y,$ $\displaystyle\implies\sin^2y=4\sin^2y\cos^2y\iff\sin^2y(1-4\cos^2y)=0$ If $\displaystyle\sin^2y=0,\sin y=0\implies y=m\cdot180^\circ$ which is inadmissible by $(1)$ So, $\displaystyle1-4\cos^2y=0\iff\cos^2y= rac14\iff\cos2y=2\cos^2y-1=- rac12=\cos120^\circ$ $\displaystyle\implies2y=360^\circ\cdot r\pm120^\circ\iff y=180^\circ\cdot r\pm60^\circ$ where $r$ is any integer So, $x=2y-20=\cdots$
{'pile_set_name': 'StackExchange'}
Tommy Cash Tommy Cash (born April 5, 1940) is an American country singer-songwriter and the younger brother of Johnny Cash. Biography Cash was born in Dyess, Arkansas, United States, youngest of four sons and three daughters of Ray and Carrie (Rivers) Cash, and eight years after his brother, Johnny Cash. He formed his first band in high school. After high school graduation, he enlisted in the Army. While in the army, he was a disc jockey for the American Forces Radio Network. After the Army, Cash played with Hank Williams, Jr., and later gained a record deal from Musicor Records in 1965. A year later, he joined United Artists Records and just missed the Country Top 40 in 1968 with "The Sounds of Goodbye." In late 1969, while on Epic Records, he delivered his biggest hit, a tune dedicated to John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, entitled, "Six White Horses." 1970 saw a pair of Top Ten singles, "One Song Away" and "Rise and Shine", written by Carl Perkins. Cash's final Top 20 hit, "I Recall a Gypsy Woman," was released in 1973. Cash continues to record albums and currently tours around the world. Other interests Cash is a licensed realtor in Tennessee, and an agent with Crye-Leike Real Estate Services in Nashville. He was listing agent for the sale of Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash's home in Hendersonville, Tennessee after they both died in 2003. Discography Albums Singles A"Six White Horses" peaked at No. 79 on the Billboard Hot 100 and No. 72 on the RPM Top Singles chart in Canada. References External links Official Website Category:American male singer-songwriters Category:American country singer-songwriters Category:Country musicians from Arkansas Category:Cash-Carter family Category:1940 births Category:Living people Category:People from Mississippi County, Arkansas Category:United Artists Records artists Category:Monument Records artists Category:Elektra Records artists Category:Epic Records artists Category:United States Army soldiers
{'pile_set_name': 'Wikipedia (en)'}
Association of CRISPR/Cas evolution with Vibrio parahaemolyticus virulence factors and genotypes. Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR), which is considered to be an immune system for bacteria, has been widely used as a tool for genome editing and genotyping. It has also been reported to be associated with virulence factors in some bacteria. To understand the role of CRISPR in the virulence and evolution of pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus, 154 V. parahaemolyticus strains isolated from clinical samples and 54 strains from food samples taken in Shenzhen, China were subjected to a correlation analysis of CRISPR and virulence factors TDH and TRH. We also performed multilocus sequence typing (MLST) for genotype analysis. Six different CRISPR sequence types (CSTs) of V. parahaemolyticus were identified, and CSTs were found to be significantly associated with the virulence factors tested and MLST genotype. Therefore, CSTs provide insight into the evolution of V. parahaemolyticus. Moreover, identification of CSTs may lend insight into the virulence potential of strains.
{'pile_set_name': 'PubMed Abstracts'}
Great Bear Magmatic Zone The Great Bear Magmatic Zone (GBMZ) is a Paleoproterozoic (1.875-1.86 Ga) multi-collisional orogenic belt of which is exposed in the northwestern Canadian Shield east of Great Bear Lake, Northwest Territories. Covering , the GBMZ forms part of the Wopmay orogen together with the Coronation Margin and Hottah terrane and overlies these two tectonic elements. The GBMZ, in turn, is covered by Paleozoic and Proterozoic sediments and, as indicated by a long aeromagnetic line, the sub-aerial part of the GMBZ is probably long. Volcanics of the GBMZ range from basalt to rhyolite and geologic studies show it is part of an early Proterozoic continental volcanic arc. Geologic history The GBMZ formed following a flip in subduction polarity from east to west dipping when the Hottah terrane collided with the Slave Craton 1.875-1.855 Ga. The GBMZ is a magmatic arc on the western margin of the Wopmay orogen which developed 1.875-1.840 Ga on older Proterozoic basement rocks. The medial or internal zone of the orogen form the eastern margin of the GBMZ and is marked by the complex Wopmay fault zone which the GBMZ partly covers in the north. The early history of the GBMZ (1.870-1.865 Ga) was dominated by volcanism and intrusions that produced a stratum of volcanic rocks thick in the north to in the south. The volcanic layers in the north are folded and have been intruded by quartz monzonite plutons. Large granite batholiths were emplaced during late stages of volcanism (1.865-1.840 Ga). The GBMZ at this stage is thought to be the result of eastward-directed subduction of oceanic lithosphere. This was followed by a collision with a microcontinent in the west. A system of brittle faults developed, the most prominent of which form a set of north-east-trending right-lateral faults with a length varying from hundred metres to several kilometres. Topographically the GBMZ is characterised by granitic low relief areas with former volcanoes forming -high hills. Several plate tectonic reconstructions propose an Archean-Paleoproterozoic connection between the cratonic core of North America, the continent Laurentia, and that of Siberia, the continent Siberia, based on geological connections and paleomagnetic evidence. For example, in the reconstruction of Angara in Siberia matches the Wopmay orogen and the GBMZ in Laurentia; and the Aktikan fold belt in Siberia matches the Thelon-Taltson belt in Laurentia. Several other tectonic models have been proposed, however, and the possible connections between the two early continents remain controversial. Commercial geology The GBMZ hosts polymetallic and iron-oxide-rich deposits many of which include magnetite-apatite-actinolite veins, making the GBMZ attractive for IOCG exploration. See also Taltson Magmatic Zone Volcanism of Canada Volcanism of Northern Canada References Notes Sources Category:Volcanism of the Northwest Territories Category:Volcanic arcs Category:Paleoproterozoic volcanism
{'pile_set_name': 'Wikipedia (en)'}
If you have studied courses at other departments within Lund University or at other higher education institutions in Sweden or abroad, which correspond to one or several of the course components on your study programme, you can apply to transfer the credits from these courses. Applications for credit transfer are to be made on a special form, available for download here (pdf). Together with your application, you must submit a LADOK transcript, course syllabus and reading list for the course/s from which you wish to transfer credits. The study advisor makes a preliminary assessment, processes and registers your application. The programme director then decides whether the credits may be transferred, or rejects the application, on the basis of the documentation provided. Once the credit transfer is entered in LADOK, a certificate is sent by email to your student address and the documents are registered at the department. Credit transfer from studies abroad is done in the same way as above. In case of credit transfer from studies abroad, the foreign grades are not translated. The LADOK entry will show the titles of the courses studied and the university where you studied them. Decisions on credit transfer can be appealed to the Higher Education Appeals Board; read more here. The appeal is to be sent to Lund University, Box 117, 221 00 Lund. The appeal is to state which decision is being appealed against and the change requested as well as a justification for this change. The appeal must be signed and include an address (preferably also a telephone number and email address). Appeals must be placed within three weeks of the day the appellant was notified of the decision. Read more on the website of the appeals board.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T03:13:45Z', 'url': 'https://www.isk.lu.se/en/education/study-information/credit-transfer', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Move Over, Confucius! When I first came to Asia, I had a short love affair with a very trim young swimmer. We really hit it off, the sex was simply fantastic, and after two weeks, over tea and mao dou, I popped the question of whether he wanted to move in with me. In return I received nothing but a blank stare. Then he made it very clear that his life would follow traditional Asian values, and that there was no question of living with a man -- that was simply wrong! (Seducing them in the showers apparently is fine.) He said that he would have fun with men until he was 30, then find a woman, marry her, and father children. Coming from a liberal European family and being openly gay, I was shocked to the core. I could not believe my ears! I did not understand how a gay man could so clearheadedly and cold-bloodedly map out for himself a life founded on denial. I knew then that I had to learn a lot about Asian culture. The Chinese world has just celebrated the arrival of the Year of the Dragon. On New Year's Eve I was sitting with friends, among them an eminent NTU sociologist, in a bar in Taipei's gay area, discussing the concept of family in Confucianism. It turned out that all of the women and men present had broken links with their families -- that's why they were there, talking to me, rather than at home with their parents celebrating the new year. "Being gay in Chinese society is simply impossible," one of them said with dejected eyes. Despite all the camp banter, the martinis, and the Kate Perry videos, it was really a rather sad evening. It prompted me to write this column. There is a reason why so many gay Asians end up living outside their home countries. Whereas gays in Western civilizations have to contend only with the idiocies of outdated religious moral concepts, the Confucian tradition that infuses most Asian societies is much more of a social straitjacket, affecting every aspect of life much more menacingly. To absolve yourself of the moral pressures of Christianity or Judaism, you simply need to turn your back on religion. Living a fulfilling, open life in China, Korea, Japan, or Taiwan effectively means violating the basic tenets of Confucianism. And at the heart of Confucianism is not a revelation of a benevolent god but a rulebook of obligations, to serve superiors, honor mother and father, and, above all, fit in and adhere to an age-old plan for life that is the same for everyone: grow up, marry someone of the opposite sex, make babies, buy them a house, force them to marry in turn, and then hope they don't shove you off to a home for the elderly. At first glance, some Asian societies seem to be more tolerant of homosexuality than those in the Judeo-Christian sphere. This is an illusion. The main difference between Asian and Western societies is that the traditional religious morality of the West, and even that of the Enlightenment, always make judgments about individual behavior. There is a question of personal morality, which each one of us has to decide for himself or herself. In Confucianism individual morality is framed only in terms of social coherence and social responsibility. Even though an open-minded parent in an Asian society may not in principle object to her son having sexual contact with men, they will still reject the idea of him remaining single and not having offspring. Offspring, indeed, is everything in Confucianism -- the sole purpose of social organization. What many gay Asian men and women are escaping is not a moral condemnation by their peers but the looming straitjacket of heterosexual marriage. The shackles of Confucianism reach into every aspect of life. It dictates behavior toward peers, superiors, inferiors, and relatives, and it does so with a brutality and impersonality that is only rivaled by other fascist doctrines. In fact, reading the Confucian classics, one feels to a maddening extent reminded of the early 20th century in Europe. Mussolini's Italy certainly embodied many of the values that are held up as shining examples of Asian values today. The recent revival of Confucianism as a state doctrine by China is bad news for the LGBT community. Apart from its social implications and focus on obedience and procreation, Confucianism is essentially a recipe for corruption and state coercion. It has very little respect -- and almost no room -- for personal freedoms. The greater good envisaged by old Confucius is, in essence, the greater good of the totalitarian state. Confucianism is an Orwellian network of doctrines whose sole beneficiary is some imagined "great will of the people." And the only thing all people can agree upon, it seems, is obedience and procreation. Without obedience, censorship, and coercion in even the simplest social aspects, Confucian societies would not function. The Confucian values propaganda machine of the People's Republic of China works through its international network of embassies and cultural centers. Confronted with the loss of social cohesion and moral values in the aftermath of the quasi-demise of communism, China has started to set up Confucius Institutes around the world. They are spreading a message that is no less dangerous, inhuman, and intolerant of individual lifestyles than those of the religious right in America, or that of extremist Islam. They claim to offer an alternative to "Western" ethics in the form of modern Confucianism. I have attended some of the lectures, and I have been shocked by the conservative, reprobate attitude they espouse. Dismissive of individual freedom and respect, they are intended to justify the power of the state and securely fasten the manacles of traditional family values. In a Confucian context, being gay is not considered an immoral choice but a refusal to participate in society, a kind of failure not unlike the "failure" to have children. The pressures in Confucian thought are not only directed against homosexuals, but against all people who do not conform to those values, thus holding back and paralyzing society as a whole. The consequence for dissenters is exclusion or ejection. Confucianism rejects personal choices that go against the good of the group and its implicit goal of self-proliferation, so that gay men and women end up leading intolerably unhappy and unfulfilled lives. When we stand up against conservatives and religious zealots, we must also include Confucianism as a target. China's economic power and increasing influence in the world give it a voice that is growing stronger day by day, a voice we need to oppose whenever we hear it, because it is the very antithesis of the personal liberties we believe in. I put all this to two of the men who spent New Year's Eve with me. "It's a bit philosophical, but essentially, it's true," said one. "You simply can't be gay here. It's not a matter of not going to church, like in the West. There is simply no room for us." "But its not as bad in Taiwan, because there are loads of Buddhists and Christians and atheists -- so it's more varied, and people like us find niches," said the other. Like the gay street behind the Hong Lou Theater, where we spent that rainy evening full of gloomy thoughts, but which undoubtedly is one of the most promising pockets of hope in all Asia. "Confucianism may be a straightjacket," said my friend, "but at least in Taiwan the straightjacket is put on loosely, and already fraying at the seams."
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
"I don't like horror comics," new kid in town Sam says in The Lost Boys when the weirdos he's just met, the Frog Brothers, try to give him a book about vampires. The theme has come full circle now that The Lost Boys are getting a sequel in comic book form--featuring Sam and both Frogs--courtesy of Vertigo. The book takes place immediately following the events of the 1987 film (unlike the not-so-great 2008 straight-to-video cinematic sequel, Lost Boys: The Tribe), and it will be written and illustrated by people who are well-versed in the horror genre, as Vertigo's press release reports: Featuring the surviving characters from the film, "The Lost Boys" comic is being crafted by horror veterans, writer Tim Seeley (an alum of DC's "Grayson" and "Nightwing," and creator of "Hack/Slash") and artists Scott Godlewski ("The Dark & Bloody," "Copperhead") and Patricia Mulvihill ("The Dark & Bloody," "Hellblazer"), with covers by Tony Harris. The team promises to deliver a gruesome and stylish return to the bloody boardwalks and big hair of 1987. In the new miniseries, Santa Carla, California, is on edge. The eccentric coastal town and haven for the undead was finally returning to "normal" after its last supernatural scuffle left the local vampire coven's leader dead and gave newcomers Michael and Sam Emerson a housewarming both violent and bizarre. Now the brothers must once again team up with militant vampire hunters Edgar and Allan Frog as a new gang of ruthless, stunning, life-sucking nightcrawlers known as the Blood Belles emerges from the aftermath to collect Michael's love interest and their lost sister, Star. Here's some sample artwork, shared by Vertigo on behalf of Warner Bros. Consumer Products: Since these panels suggest that the boardwalk comic store--where Edgar and Allan Frog work, and where they meet Sam for the first time--will again be part of the action, we can only hope against hope that our favorite character from The Lost Boys will also return. We'll find out October 12, when the first issue drops, if Sweaty Sax "I Still Believe" Beefcake Man (that's his name) made the cut. Since the sequel is being made by people who love the original film, it's not a totally insane thing to wish for, is it?
{'pile_set_name': 'OpenWebText2'}
Earphone Market Earphone Market - Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Trends, Growth And Forecast 2022 - 2027 Earphone Market Overview The Earphone Market size is analysed to grow at a CAGR of 19.4% during the forecast 2022-2027 to reach $46.8 Billion by 2027. The Earphone is the unified communications technology that synthesizes data and voice into a single network, and enables users to communicate by connecting it with their electronic gadget, and laptops. The Earphone Industry has witnessed enormous growth rate due to the impeccable advancement of smart devices, including smartphones, laptops, tablets, and television. The ease-of-use, portability, Noise Cancellation, versatility and other unlimited functions offer a better audio experience which lead to the growing demand for higher-end earphones from various professionals. The sizable investment by the several leading companies, such as Bose, Sony, Sennheiser and others for the development of earphone solutions, such as audio amplifiers as well as ingress protection are accelerating the growth of the Earphone market. There are extensive features such as on-bound storage, near field communication, hands-free calling, gesture recognition and others that are motivating consumers to embrace advanced earphones, and considerably augment the market demand. In addition, the growing urban population, rising consumer demand worldwide, along with the advent of the mass-market audiophile era that introduced the advanced audio solutions, termed as the 'wireless headphones' are immensely spurring the sales opportunities for the Earphone Market. The report: "Earphone Industry Outlook - Forecast (2022-2027)", by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Earphone Industry. By Product: Wired earphone and Wireless earphones. By Application: Fitness & Sports, Media & Entertainment, Gaming, Virtual, Corporate and others. By Geography: North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC(China, Japan India, South Korea, Australia and Others), South America(Brazil, Argentina and others)and RoW (Middle east and Africa). Asia Pacific is estimated to register the highest share in 2020 with 50%, owing to the presence of several prominent media and entertainment industries, and thousands of single-screen cinemas that are dominating across India, South Korea and China. The Media & Entertainment segment held the major share of 54% in 2020 in the Earphone Market, due to the significant advent of the Over the Top (OTT) platforms, such as Netflix, Hotstar, and more encouraged the users across the globe to watch video contents at their own pace and time. The introduction of the E-learning solution across the world provides various digitized study materials, real-time questioning and guides, and different AI-enabled learning content, which encourage students to have earphones to keep their focus intact, thereby driving the growth of the Earphone market. Earphone Market, By Region, 2021 For more details on this report - Request for Sample Earphone Market Segment Analysis - By Product By product, the Earphone market share is segmented into Wired earphone and Wireless earphones. The Wired earphone is analysed to hold the highest share and grow at highest CAGR of 7.9% during the forecast period 2022-2027 owing to the robust features, affordable price and easy-to-use function through a connector. Most of the section of consumers are looking for the dynamic earphone solutions at reasonable price, and also, designed to prevent moisture from blocking sound over the extended period of time. In September 2020, Xiaomi launched its Redmi-branded earphones in India. The Xiaomi earphone featured a wired, 3.5mm jack, and pack 10mm. Therefore, the massive use of gaming, and other entertainment options have surge the demand of tablets, and other portable music systems, and thus, significantly raise the business opportunities for the Earphone Industry. Earphone Market Segment Analysis - By Application By Application, the Earphone Market is segmented into Fitness & Sports, Media & Entertainment, Gaming, Virtual, Corporate and others. The Media & Entertainment segment held the major share of 54% in 2020 in the Earphone Market, due to the significant advent of the Over the Top (OTT) platforms, such as Netflix, Hotstar, and more encourage the users across the globe to watch video contents at their own pace and time. In fact, the growing popularity of podcasts has also motivated the listeners to have a good set of earphones. In November 2021, Baseus launched W11 True Wireless Earbuds, a pair of earphones that is compatible with the wireless chargers and offers, concentrated on bass quality at great price. Therefore, the growing popularity of the OTT platforms and other music applications among millennials are influencing the demand for high-quality earphones for premium audio experience, which contribute to the growth of the Earphone Industry. Earphone Market Segment - By Geography Asia Pacific is estimated to register the highest share in 2020 with 50%, owing to the presence of several prominent media and entertainment industries, and thousands of single-screen cinemas that are dominating across India, South Korea and China. Given the size of the India film market, the industry of the Indian cinema has always been a significant sector for global players. Presently, the potential adoption of the OTT has aided the production of music, video, podcast, and other audio streaming categories, and thus, rising adoption of such media and entertainment sectors across these regions are attributed to the growth of Earphone Market. In April 2020, a technology start-up company PLAY unveiled PlayGo BH70, an AI-enabled noise cancelling wireless headphone. The device is equipped with features such as smart touch & talk and auto pause & play. Hence, the massive penetration of smartphone devices, rapid evolution of the podcast and music industry, easy access to any streaming video and music content applications, along with emergence of AI-enabled solutions for improved quality of audio are some of the factors that have accelerated the growth of the Earphone Market. Earphone Market Drivers Popularity of OTT Platforms has accelerated the growth of the Earphone Market The emergence of the OTT platforms across the globe have increasingly attracted subscribers to take advantage of the entertainment platforms on the go, which significantly drive the potential growth of the Earphone Market. According to the media consulting firm, Ormax it has been estimated that 46% of audiences are inclined to technology of a platform, such as search options, video quality, and IMD rating of the specific content. On the other hand, as per the British Association for Screen Entertainment (BASE), it represents that consumer investing on purchasing digital movies increased by more than 87%, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, and by June 30, it crossed USD 148 million. Hence, it is very evident that the enormous growth of OTT and other entertainment platforms over digital solutions have forced the consumers to splurge more on added accessories such as headphones, power bank and others to stay at home, and enjoy the OTT platforms, thereby driving the Earphone market. Emergence of E-learning solution has initiated the growth of the Earphone Market The introduction of the E-learning solution across the world provides various digitized study materials, real-time questioning and guides, and different AI-enabled learning content, which encourage student to have earphone to keep their focus intact, thereby drive the growth of Earphone market. The technology is constantly evolving and thus, such significant transformation of educational infrastructure are delivering diversified options for the students as well as professionals to seek well-researched online learning platform, which again requires a pair of advanced ear phone to unlock the access to various educational content. In November 2021, the founders of Monzo and Lendable invested $770 thousands as a pre-seed funding in the London-based micro-learning platform GoodCourse to motivate e-learning portals across remote workers. Therefore, the demand for the digital education platforms and the introduction of hyper-personalized engagement platforms lead the growth of the Earphone Market. Earphone market Challenges Technical Issues hinders the growth of the Earphone market The Covid-19 has triggered the aspects of digital content in many ways and thus, there are ample platforms that channelize video, audio, games and more. In addition, the introduction of added gadgets, such as ear phone has transformed the experience for the users. However, there are some key challenges such as technical error, connectivity issue, poor sound quality, and others that can ruin the overall experience of an ear phone. Most of the consumers for earphone seek for affordable and quality solution, but such earphone does not offer quality on the long run. Moreover, lack of technical assistance to solve such minor error adds further drawback factor to hinder the growth of the Earphone market. Earphone Market Landscape Product launches, acquisitions, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in Earphone market report. The Earphone Market top 10 companies include Alclair Audio, Inc., Bose Corporation Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Harman International Industries Sennheiser Electronic GmbH & Co. KG Koninklijke Philips N.V. Skullcandy, Inc. Sony Corporation In December 2020, Apple unveiled the AirPods Max over-ear wireless headphones, which offer 20-hour battery life as well as charge over Apple's Lightning connector. In July 2019, Sony launched WF-1000XM3, and known as the Truly Wireless Earphones with active noise cancellation. The solution also provide up to 32-Hour battery life and wear detection features during the earphones are put on or taken off respectively. Digital Headphones and Earphones Market Report Code: ESR 0525 Mobile Phone Accessories Market Report Code: ESR 82368 For more Electronics related reports, please click here 1. Earphone Market Overview 1.1 Definitions and Scope 2. Earphone Market - Executive Summary 2.1 Market Revenue, Market Size and Key Trends by Company 2.2 Key trends By Industry 2.3 Key trends segmented by Geography 3. Earphone Market - Market Landscape 3.1 Comparative Analysis 3.1.1 Product/Company Benchmarking-Top 5 Companies 3.1.2 Top 5 Financial Analysis 3.1.3 Market Value Split by Top 5 Companies 3.1.4 Patent Analysis 4. Earphone Market - Market Forces 4.2 Market Constraints 4.3 Porters five force model 4.3.2 Bargaining powers of customers 4.3.4 Rivalry among existing players 5. Earphone Market - By Strategic Analysis 5.1 Value Chain Analysis 5.2 Opportunities Analysis 5.3 Product Life Cycle/Market Life Cycle Analysis 5.4 Suppliers and Distributors (5 Key Suppliers and Their Relevant Distributors) 6. Earphone Market - By Product (Market Size -$Million/Billion) 6.1 Wired earphone 6.2 Wireless earphones 7. Earphone Market - By Application (Market Size -$Million/Billion) 7.1 Fitness & Sports 7.2 Media & Entertainment 7.3 Gaming 7.4 Virtual 7.5 Corporate 8. Earphone Market - By Geography (Market Size -$Million/Billion) 8.1.1 U.S 8.2.4 Colombia 8.4 APAC 8.5 RoW 9. Earphone Market - Market Entropy 9.2 M&A's, collaborations, JVs and partnerships 10. Earphone Market - Company Analysis (Market Overview, Product Portfolio, Revenue, Developments) 10.1 Company 1 10.10 Company 10
{'pred_label': '__label__cc', 'pred_label_prob': 0.7462059855461121, 'wiki_prob': 0.25379401445388794, 'source': 'cc/2022-05/en_middle_0053.json.gz/line785728'}
Internal spermatic vein diameter and age at operation reflect the response to varicocelectomy. It was evaluated whether the diameter of internal spermatic veins (measured directly during operation) correlates with the clinical grade and treatment outcome following varicocelectomy. Fifty-seven consecutive men undergoing left varicocelectomy were included in the study, and spermatic vein diameter was compared with the response to the operation. The diameter appeared larger with increasing clinical grade (subclinical: 3.40 +/- 1.64 mm; grade 1 : 2.74 +/- 0.84 mm; grade 2 : 3.70 +/- 1.09 mm; grade 3 : 4.38 +/- 1.30 mm). In patients 30 years or older, spermatic vein diameter in men whose post-operative semen parameters were unchanged or worsened was statistically larger than that of patients whose post-operative semen parameters were improved, in terms of both sperm concentration (3.90 +/- 1.24 mm versus 2.84 +/- 0.94 mm; P < 0.05) and sperm motility (3.98 +/- 1.24 mm versus 2.67 +/- 0.67 mm, P < 0.01). Although the diameter of internal spermatic veins measured directly during operation correlated well with clinical grade, it is the diameter and patient's age at operation, but not clinical grade, that determine the reversibility of testicular injury following varicocelectomy.
{'pile_set_name': 'PubMed Abstracts'}
Q: How can I list available operating system signals by name in a cross-platform way in Go? Let's say I'm implementing the kill program in Go. I can accept numeric signals and PIDs from the commandline and send them to syscall.Kill no problem. However, I don't know how to implement the "string" form of signal dispatch, e.g. kill -INT 12345. The real use case is a part of a larger program that prompts the user to send kill signals; not a replacement for kill. Question: How can I convert valid signal names to signal numbers on any supported platform, at runtime (or at least without writing per-platform code to be run at compile time)? What I've tried: Keep a static map of signal names to numbers. This doesn't work in a cross-platform way (for example, different signal lists are returned by kill -l on Mac OSX versus a modern Linux versus an older Linux, for example). The only way to make this solution work in general would be to make maps for every OS, which would require me to know the behavior of every OS, and keep up to date as they add new signal support. Shell out to the GNU kill tool and capture the signal lists from it. This is inelegant and kind of a paradox, and also requires a) being able to find kill, b) having the ability/permission to exec subprocesses, and c) being able to predict/parse the output of kill-the-binary. Use the various Signal types' String method. This just returns strings containing the signal number, e.g. os.Signal(4).String() == "signal 4", which is not useful. Call the private function runtime.signame, which does exactly what I want. go://linkname hacks will work, but I'm assuming that this sort of thing is frowned-upon for a reason. Ideas/Things I Haven't Tried: Use CGo somehow. I'd rather not venture into CGO territory for a project that is otherwise not low-level/needful of native integration at all. If that's the only option, I will, but have no idea where to start. Use templating and code generation to build lists of signals based on external sources at compile time. This is not preferable for the same reasons as CGo. Reflect and parse the members of syscall that start with SIG somehow. I am told that this is not possible because names are compiled away; is it possible that, for something as fundamental as signal names, there's someplace they're not compiled away? A: Since no answers were posted, I'll post the less-than-ideal solution I was able to use by "breaking into" a private signal-enumeration function inside Go's standard library. The signame internal function can get a signal name by number on Unix and Windows. To call it, you have to use the linkname/assembler workaround. Basically, make a file in your project called empty.s or similar, with no contents, and then a function declaration like so: //go:linkname signame runtime.signame func signame(sig uint32) string Then, you can get a list of all signals known by the operating system by calling signame on an increasing number until it doesn't return a value, like so: signum := uint32(0) signalmap = make(map[uint32]string) for len(signame(signum)) > 0 { words := strings.Fields(signame(signum)) if words[0] == "signal" || ! strings.HasPrefix(words[0], "SIG") { signalmap[signum] = "" } else { // Remove leading SIG and trailing colon. signalmap[signum] = strings.TrimRight(words[0][3:], ":") } signum++ } After that runs, signalmap will have keys for every signal that can be sent on the current operating system. It will have an empty string where Go doesn't think the OS has a name for the signal (the kill(1) may name some signals that Go won't return names for, I've found, but it's usually the higher-numbered/nonstandard ones), or a string name, e.g. "INT" where a name can be found. This behavior is undocumented, subject to change, and may not hold true on some platforms. It would be nice if this were made public, though.
{'pile_set_name': 'StackExchange'}
Muni University students to miss graduation over UGX700M arrears byXANTHIA LENI | PML Daily Correspondent Side view of Muni University (PHOTO/File). KAMPALA - The Management of Muni University has revealed that students are likely to miss out on their graduation as well as promotion to next levels after the institution because of the Shs700M arrears in wages owed to staff. The revelation was made by Rev. Epiphany Picho Odubuker, University Secretary, Muni University while appearing before Parliament's Education Committee to submit the University's 2020/2021 national budget framework. He told the MPs that the limited funds allocated to the University has crippled activities at the institution which is science inclined and in need of practical aids. Pincho said that in 2018/2019 Parliament approved a supplementary budget of Shs1.7Bn but only Shs1Bn was released, which money helped run the University but didn't deter the University from accruing arrears. The University Secretary said, "That money helped us complete the financial year but also, we still incurred arrears of Shs700M. If last year we survived on supplementary of Shs1Bn and then how can we this year do without supplementary given there was no increase realized in the budget." Rev. Pincho with officials from Muni University after meeting with MPs of Parliament's Education Committee (PHOTO/Leni). He added, "If we don't receive the supplementary we have requested for, we aren't going to promote any students neither are we going to graduate any students. The science students have the recess term where they do internship and that also accounts for part of their results, they will not be able to do recess, therefore, they will have missing marks that is why they will not be promoted, that is why none will graduate." Pincho also said that the nursing students go home with mothers who have delivered and nurse them as part of their training and this group too risks not graduating or promoted if the internship isn't undertaken. Picho cited the non-wage bill that was Shs3.4Bn in 2015/2016 and maintained the funding at the same level for the following years, only for the said funding to reduce in 2017/2018 to Shs3.2Bn and in 2018/2019 it is Shs4.4Bn. he said the funding isn't commensurate with the increase in population saying in 2015/2016 there were 90 students and less than 50 staff, but the number has now grown to 178 staff and the University expects over 400 students in the coming financial year. He said, "We can't call Council or Senate to meet because how will you fund it? You can't upload marks because they have to be approved by Senate because we have no resources to fund it." Tags: Muni UniversityParliament's Education CommitteeRev. Epiphany Picho OdubukertopUniversity Secretary
{'pred_label': '__label__wiki', 'pred_label_prob': 0.6544655561447144, 'wiki_prob': 0.6544655561447144, 'source': 'cc/2023-06/en_middle_0029.json.gz/line329840'}
Minnesota State University, Mankato is proud to host the 53rd annual gathering of historians who live and work in the Northern Great Plains region. This year's conference will convene September 20 and conclude September 22, 2018. The conference will be held at the City Center Hotel in downtown Mankato. The Northern Great Plains History Conference is a professional gathering of scholars, affiliated and independent, public historians, history students, graduate and undergraduate and other practitioners of history, who live and work in the area of the Northern Great Plains of the United States and on the Canadian prairies. They present papers and roundtables in history subjects from around the globe and throughout time. The conference began 53 years ago in Grand Forks, ND, and continues to offer a forum for the latest historical scholarship by those who live and work in the region. The Society for Military History also offers panels at the Northern Great Plains History Conference annually. The conference is hosted by member institutions and moves to a new location every year.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T02:32:06Z', 'url': 'https://www.ngphconference.org/home-1', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The future of Crimea hangs in the balance! The Russians are coming! Quick, we must save it from joining Russia, a fate worse than death! Perhaps this is a bit melodramatic, but so is much of the rhetoric regarding Crimea that I've heard since Ukraine went from protests to crisis. Crimea, in case you haven't seen a map on the news of late, is a peninsula in the Black Sea attached to Ukraine. It's separated from Russia at its eastern tip by the Strait of Kerch, which is a mere 2 miles wide at its narrowest. Crimea is ethnically diverse, and the one and only post-Soviet Ukrainian census from 2001 puts the numbers at 58.5% ethnic Russian, 24.4% ethnic Ukrainian, and 12.1% Crimean Tatar. One of the points I've been trying to make is that overestimating the importance of history in Eastern Europe is not possible, and it is the case with Crimea as well. Although Crimea is nominally a part of Ukraine today, it remains an autonomous republic within the country (although it has no areas of competence when it comes to foreign relations). However, Crimea is a very recent addition to Ukraine's borders. Prior to 1954, Crimea had changed hands a number of times - but it was never a part of the land that was "Ukraine". For centuries, Crimea was repeatedly conquered by different forces until the 15th century, when a Mongol established a khanate there. Soon after, the khanate became a protectorate of the Ottoman Empire (although it enjoyed a great deal of autonomy). By the end of the 18th century, the Ottoman Empire was in decline. Russia seized upon the opportunity and engaged the Ottoman Empire in the Russo-Turkish War, handily defeating the Ottomans and annexing Crimea in 1783. Under the Russian Empire, Crimea became a part of the Taurida Governorate, which contained areas of southern Ukraine as well, where it remained until World War I. Crimea's strategic location in the Black Sea meant that it was the scene of much fighting during the Crimean War of the mid 19th century, and despite the fact that it was mostly conquered by the combined forces of France, Great Britain, Sardinia, and the Ottoman Empire, the Treaty of Paris, which ended the war, gave Crimea back to the Russian Empire. Following the collapse of the Russian Empire, Crimea, like Ukraine, changed hands a number of times. Finally, in 1921, the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was established as a part of the Russian SFSR and subsequently became a part of the Soviet Union. Crimea's fate under Stalin was similar to that of Ukraine. It suffered from famine, and in 1944, in retaliation for what he claimed were their collaboration with the Nazis during World War II, Stalin had the entire ethnic Tatar population relocated to Central Asia as a form of punishment. Of course, Stalin's relocations didn't come with moving trucks and compensation, and about 46% of the deportees died enroute. Crimea eventually became a part of Ukraine in 1954, in a land transfer that could literally only happen in the Soviet Union, when Nikita Khrushchev, then the Soviet Premier, simply gifted it to Ukraine to celebrate 300 years of Russian-Ukrainian friendship. Of course, things like that were totally grand in the Soviet Union, because it was just one big happy family, and who cares if Russia just gives Crimea to Ukraine, Russia controls Ukraine, and Crimea's nominally autonomous anyway. Apparently Soviet leaders, like most politicians who don't bother with foresight, didn't ever conceive of the Soviet Union collapsing. But of course it did. In 1992, Crimea agreed to remain a part of Ukraine in exchange for becoming even more autonomous than it already was. Meanwhile, Tatars began returning from Central Asia, exacerbating ethnic tensions. Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea handled the disintegration process rather poorly and were left with a peninsula containing an ethnically diverse population dominanated by an imported group of people, and Russia's only warm-water naval base, which exists on Ukrainian soil. Not that this was a recipe for administration problems at all. It's not at all surprising that tensions in Crimea are boiling over. In 2009, ethnic Russians in Crimea protested against Ukraine, and in 2010, the renewal of Russia's lease on the military wharf and installations in Sevastopol until 2042 caused chaos to erupt in the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's parliament. Russia's unwillingness to abandon Sevastopol and develop other potential warm water naval bases, for example at Novorossiysk (where a new naval base is very slowly being built), demonstrates its continued interest in Crimea, which is also a very popular spot for Russian tourists. While Crimea may be attached to Ukraine, it is not Ukrainian in the same way that other areas of Ukraine are, even those in the east, especially with the enhanced autonomy afforded to it after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Predicting the outcome of the March 16 referendum based on current available data is difficult, because it makes it pretty obvious that most Crimeans' loyalty is not to Russia or Russia, but first and foremost to Crimea. However, it has been fairly obvious all along that the Crimean Parliament is dominated by pro-Russia sentiment (especially since they're the ones calling for the referendum, which has been termed illegal by the government in Kyiv). And given the way voting works in Eastern Europe, and the fact that the referendum is of course being conducted under the watchful eye of the, um, "self-defence groups", it's basically a foregone conclusion how it will turn out. Your move, world powers.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T00:55:01Z', 'url': 'http://www.itsmypierogitive.com/2014/03/11/lets-talk-about-that-pesky-crimea/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Q: root pattern of second degree polynomial I'm considering the following 2nd degree polynomial for the case where the roots are complex conjugate. $ P(z) = z^2 + (f^2 + f q -2)z + (1 - f q) = (z - z_1) (z - z^*_1) $ where f and q are real positive parameters. Question 1: Is there a geometric interpretation of parameter q? There is a simple geometric interpretation of parameter f. It is $|z_1 - 1| = f$. In words, it is the distance between the roots to the point 1 on the real axis. But I can't find/formulate a geometric interpretation for q. Question 2: This is a little bit more difficult to formulate but it is based on an observation I will explain. If parameters f and q are constrained to values in the set V = {0, 1, 2, ..., 2^N-1} / 2^(N-1). In words, f and q obtain values lying on equal interval grid points between 0 and 2. If the possible roots of P(z) are plotted when f is fixed to any value in V and q is traced through V the roots lie on a circle with center (1,0) and radius f. If the possible roots of P(z) are plotted when q is fixed to any value in V and f is traced through V the roots lie on curves looking like this If many more roots are plotted the pattern looks like this It looks like the roots must lie on straight lines radiating from (1,0). I can't find any expression from which it is clear that this is true. So my questions is: Is it possible to find an expression that shows that the roots must line on straight line passing through (1,0)? A: Let $P(z) = z^2 + (f^2 + f q - 2) z + (1 - f q)$ with $f, q \in \mathbb R$. The following will prove that if $f e 0$ and $|f + q| \lt 2$ then $P(z) = 0$ has two complex roots, and for each such root: $$ |z - 1| = |f| \ \cos arphi = - sgn(f) rac{f + q}{2} \,\,\,\, ext{ where }\,\, arphi = rg (z - 1)\,\, ext{ and }\,\, sgn \,\, ext{ is the signum function } $$ In the complex plane, this translates to: for $f = const$ the locus of the roots $z$ of $P(z)$ is a circle centered at point $(1, 0)$; for $f + q = const$ the locus of $z$ is a pair of straight lines through point $(1, 0)$. Since the point of interest is $(1, 0)$ it is natural to consider $P(z) = Q(z - 1)$ around the origin. After simple calculations: $$ egin{align} Q(z) = P(z + 1) & = (z + 1)^2 + (f^2 + f q - 2) (z + 1) + (1 - f q) \ & = z^2 + f (f + q) z + f^2 \end{align} $$ Its discriminant is: $$ egin{align} \Delta & = f^2 (f + q)^2 - 4 f^2 \ & = f^2 (f + q - 2) (f + q + 2) \end{align} $$ Therefore the conditions for $\Delta \lt 0$ so that $Q(z)$ has complex roots are: $$ egin{cases} f e 0 \ -2 \lt (f + q) \lt 2 ext{ } \iff ext { } |f + q| \lt 2 \end{cases} $$ Since the product of the two complex conjugate roots is $z ar z = |z|^2$, it follows from Vieta's formulas that $|z|^2 = f^2$ which proves the first point. Then the two roots are $z, ar z = |f| ( \cos arphi \pm i \sin arphi)$ and their sum is $z + ar z = 2 |f| \cos arphi = -f (f + q)$ again by Vieta's formulas. It finally follows that: $$ \cos arphi = - rac{f}{|f|} rac{f + q}{2} = - sgn(f) rac{f + q}{2} $$ [EDIT] This is a followup to the question of a geometric interpretation of q asked in the original post, and again in a comment. Short answer is that there doesn't appear to be any direct "nice" geometric interpretation of $q$, and here is why. The answer above focused on the roots of $Q(z)$, and the geometric interpretations for $f$ and $f+q$ followed as corrolaries, almost as if by chance. However, the problem can be approached from the other end, too. Suppose one wants to directly determine how the parameters affect the roots, specifically what the locus is of roots $z, ar z$ if a parameter is kept constant. Below is a derivation of the answer for $f$ since that's the easier of the two to calculate, and also provides the basis of why there is no comparably simple geometric interpretation for $q$. The two complex conjugate roots $z, ar z$ of$Q(z)$ satisfy the simultaneous equations. $$ egin{cases} z^2 + f (f + q) z + f^2 = 0 \ {ar z}^2 + f (f + q) {ar z} + f^2 = 0 \end{cases} $$ $q$ can be easily eliminated between the two equations - by solving the first one in $q$ then substituting in the second one, or simply by multiplying the two equations by $ar z, z$ respectively, then subtracting. In the end it reduces to: $$ (z - ar z) (|z|^2 - f^2) = 0 $$ Since the roots are non-real complex numbers $z e ar z$, so it follows that $|z|^2 - f^2 = 0$. This is the same relation derived in the original answer, and has a nice direct geometric interpretation. It means that $|f|$ is the absolute value of $z$ so the roots for $f = const$ lie on a circle centered at the origin. It is technically possible to do the same analysis for $q$ of course. But since the equations are quadratic in $f$, eliminating it between the two is more laborious, and the end results is a quartic curve parameterized in $f$. Each $q = const$ gives a different quartic curve, but other than that there is no obvious (to me) geometric interpretation for $q$.
{'pile_set_name': 'StackExchange'}
244 Cal.App.2d 605 (1966) FRED HOWLAND COMPANY, INC., Petitioner, v. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, Respondent; ROSS HILL, Real Party in Interest. Civ. No. 30651. California Court of Appeals. Second Dist., Div. Four. Sept. 2, 1966. Crider, Tilson & Ruppe and Robert D. Walker for Petitioner. No appearance for Respondent. Irving H. Green and Eliot B. Feldman for Real Party in Interest. FILES, P. J. This proceeding arises out of an action to recover damages in the amount of $200,000 for personal injuries. Petitioner here was one of the defendants named in the damage action. On March 25, 1966, the court granted plaintiff's motion to strike said defendant's answer and thereafter entered its default for failure to answer interrogatories, and in addition, ordered that it pay $250 to plaintiff's attorney as a fee. On May 5 the court refused to reconsider its prior order. On May 27 this proceeding was commenced for a review of those orders. Inasmuch as the question presented here involves the exercise of discretion by the respondent court, the pertinent facts are those which were before that court when it acted. Petitioner has supplied those facts by incorporating in its petition, as exhibits, photographic reproductions of all of the documents in the superior court file. [1] The return filed by the real party in interest (plaintiff in the injury action) denies any information or belief sufficient to answer the allegation of the petition that the copy of the superior court file has been attached. This denial is sham and will be disregarded. (State Athletic Com. v. Massachusetts Bonding etc. Co., 46 Cal.App.2d 823, 828 [117 P.2d 75].) There are some other denials in the return and the replication, but they appear to reflect a disagreement over conclusions. With the superior court file before us as a part of the petition, this proceeding may be determined on the pleadings. On July 13, 1964, Ross Hill commenced in the southwest district of the superior court his action for $200,000 damages against Fred Howland Company, Inc., a corporation, and Morley Construction Company, a corporation, and others identified by fictitious names. The alleged injury had occurred July 15, 1963, while Hill was working as a pipefitter, *607 employed by J. Carner Company, a subcontractor in the construction of a large building. Howland was the project manager, Morley was a contractor also engaged in the project, and The Kratter Corporation, later served as Doe I, was the owner of the premises. The insurance carrier for J. Carner Company, which had paid workmen's compensation benefits to Hill amounting to $23,995.68, filed a claim of lien in this amount. On August 11 an answer was filed on behalf of Morley, through the law firm of Dryden, Harrington, Horgan & Swartz. On August 14 the Dryden office answered on behalf of Howland. Each answer denied that the answering defendant was negligent and pleaded as affirmative defenses the plaintiff's contributory negligence, plaintiff's assumption of risk and, as a pro tanto defense against the lien claimant, that plaintiff's employer had been contributorily negligent. On May 11, 1965, Hill's attorneys served a single set of interrogatories to be answered by Howland, Morley and Kratter. Kratter, appearing through attorneys Schell & Delamer, filed its answers to interrogatories on June 16, 1965. The Dryden office filed answers for Morley on July 15, 1965. Howland's time to answer interrogatories was extended to June 26, July 30, September 29, October 14 and October 28, 1965. In the process of gathering information the Dryden office concluded there was a possibility of a conflict of interest between its two clients, and because of this, on November 23, 1965, the firm of Crider, Tilson & Ruppe was substituted in place of the Dryden firm as attorneys of record for Howland. [fn. 1] On January 14, 1966, the attorneys for Hill served and filed notice of a motion to be made on January 28, 1966, to strike the answer of Howland for its failure to answer interrogatories. On January 28 there was no appearance and the motion went off calendar. Counsel had consented to a postponement, but had neglected to tell the court. The motion was reset for February 25 and then continued to March 25. On March 24 Howland's attorneys filed partial answers to the interrogatories. *608 With respect to questions not answered, the document used the notation "Awaiting information." The interrogatories which were unanswered related to the following subjects: The details of insurance coverage, including any controversies over coverage; description and location of any accident reports; names and addresses of witnesses and existence and contents of any oral statements made by such persons; existence and location of photographs; detailed statement of facts on which pleadings are based; information about any experts who have been consulted; names, addresses and other information about employers, employees, subcontractors, and the agreements with each; complaints received, opinions held, and instructions given regarding cleanup, maintenance and job safety. The interrogatories with respect to insurance coverage could not have been answered properly without some legal analysis of the relationships among the various entities who were involved in this construction project, as well as an examination of the policies. The other unanswered interrogatories called for information which could only be given after a search of detailed records, most of which had been prepared for other purposes, and would not ordinarily be readily available after the construction job had been completed. At least some of these interrogatories could not have been answered without also consulting a number of persons who were with the company at the time of the accident, but who were not necessarily there two years later. The partial answers were accompanied by a declaration of attorney Marshall T. Hunt, a member of the Crider firm, which stated that at the time the notice of motion was served his office had not received a copy of the interrogatories. Immediately thereafter, on January 18, 1966, a copy was received from the Dryden office. The declaration further explained that the questions must be answered by Mr. W. Robert Little, vice president of Howland, who resides in Miami, Florida, and that the Miami attorneys for Howland had advised that Mr. Little would be in Los Angeles on March 24 or 28. On March 25, 1966, the motion was argued, and the court made the following order: "Motion Is Granted. Defendant, Fred Howland, Inc. is ordered to pay to the plaintiff's attorney fees of $250.00." The attorneys for Hill then filed a request for entry of *609 default, and on April 20, 1966, the default of Howland was entered. On April 8, 1966, Howland's attorneys filed a notice of motion for reconsideration of the ruling and for leave to file answers to interrogatories. The notice was accompanied by complete answers [fn. 2] to the interrogatories verified by W. Robert Little, and by a declaration of Marshall T. Hunt, which stated in substance as follows: The Crider firm had been substituted into the case because in the process of the discovery proceedings a possible conflict of interest had been recognized. They received the interrogatories on January 18, 1966, and did not even have an investigation file on the case. Howland was a Florida corporation with its office in Miami. The applicable books and records were in storage in a warehouse in Miami, in boxes that were not indexed. Mr. Hunt had explained this problem to the attorneys for Hill and requested time, but they had refused to consent to any extension beyond March 25. Mr. Little arrived from Miami on March 28 (as the earlier declaration had promised) and arrangements were made with him for immediate removal of records from storage. Upon Mr. Little's return to Miami the necessary records were brought to Los Angeles so that answers could be prepared. The declaration further averred that, upon the basis of the information thus developed, counsel was of the opinion that Fred Howland Company, Inc. had a meritorious defense to the action. The attorney for Hill filed a declaration in opposition to the motion but it neither contradicted any of the matters stated in the Hunt declaration nor added any new information. The motion was heard on April 22, and denied by the respondent court on May 5, 1966. In making its order of March 25, 1966, the respondent court was acting under that portion of Code of Civil Procedure section 2034, subdivision (d), which reads: "... if a party or an officer or managing agent of a party willfully fails to serve and file answers to interrogatories submitted under Section 2030 of this code, after proper service of such interrogatories, the court on motion and notice may strike out all or any part *610 of any pleading of that party, or dismiss the action or proceeding or any part thereof, or enter a judgment by default against that party, or impose such other penalties of a lesser nature as the court may deem just, and may order that party or his attorney to pay to the moving party the reasonable expenses in making such motion, including reasonable attorney's fees." In Caryl Richards, Inc. v. Superior Court, 188 Cal.App.2d 300 [10 Cal.Rptr. 377], where the appellate court reinstated an answer stricken under section 2034, the court said (at pp. 303, 304): "One of the principal purposes of the Discovery Act (Code Civ. Proc., 2016-2035) is to enable a party to obtain evidence in the control of his adversary in order to further the efficient, economical disposition of cases according to right and justice on the merits. (41 Mich.L.Rev. 205; 50 Yale Law Journal 711; Pettie v. Superior Court, 178 Cal.App.2d 680, 689 [3 Cal.Rptr. 267].) Its purpose is not 'to provide a weapon for punishment, forfeiture and the avoidance of a trial on the merits.' (Crummer v. Beeler, 185 Cal.App.2d 851, 858 [8 Cal.Rptr. 698]; Mitchell v. Johnson, 274 F.2d 394.)" "The statute is to be liberally interpreted so that it may accomplish its purpose. The trial court has a wide discretion in granting discovery and by the provisions of section 2034 of the Code of Civil Procedure it is granted broad discretionary powers to enforce its orders but its powers are not unlimited." "Paragraph (b) (2) of section 2034, Code of Civil Procedure, and subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) thereof, under which the court acted here, set forth the power of the court to impose sanctions and the sanctions which it may impose for violation of its orders but they may not be interpreted as granting to the court the power to arbitrarily select the sanction it will impose." "The sanctions the court may impose are such as are suitable and necessary to enable the party seeking discovery to obtain the objects of the discovery he seeks but the court may not impose sanctions which are designed not to accomplish the objects of the discovery but to impose punishment." [2] In the case at bench the respondent court could reasonably have concluded from the information before it on March 25, 1966, that Howland and/or some of its attorneys had not been diligent in preparing and filing answers to the interrogatories. This lack of diligence may be deemed "wilful" in the sense that the party understood its obligation, had *611 the ability to comply, and had failed to comply. The motion made by Hill's attorneys may well have had a salutary effect in bringing about the filing of the answers shortly thereafter. The imposition of an attorney fee for this service was proper under section 2034. [3] But to tie the hands of Howland so that Hill might prove up his $200,000 claim in a default hearing is to impose a punishment which fits neither the offense nor the offender. When the motion came on before the respondent court, partial answers had been filed. The court also had information (from the declarations and from the answers to interrogatories then on file) that Morley was being defended through an insurance company, that the insurance defense firm (Dryden et al.) had belatedly discovered a conflict of interest, that new attorneys (Crider et al.) had not received the interrogatories until after the motion had been made, and that the Crider office had learned that the necessary information lay buried in a warehouse in Miami. These circumstances made the delay understandable, if not altogether excusable. [fn. 3] Even during the period before the motion was made the interrogatories were not ignored. The Dryden office regularly sought and obtained extensions of time, impliedly representing that it intended to file answers later. There was never any basis for inferring that Howland was defying the court or abandoning its defense. When Mr. Hunt stood before the court to oppose the motion on March 25, 1966, he had filed partial answers, and he was representing to the court: (1) that he was unable, as of that moment, to give further answers, and (2) that he intended to complete the answers promptly. When Mr. Hunt again appeared before the court on April 22 he had tendered his answers in proper form and had supplied the court with another declaration explaining more fully the difficulties which had been involved. Under these circumstances, to strike out the answer and enter a default, and then refuse to reconsider upon the showing made on April *612 22, was to inflict unnecessary and excessive punishment upon one litigant and to confer a windfall upon another litigant and his attorneys. The wrong done, at most, was to delay the preparation of the case and cause some additional work for counsel--matters for which a reasonable monetary award would readily compensate. [4] There is no question of the power of the respondent court to apply the ultimate sanction of default against a litigant who persists in an outright refusal to comply with his discovery obligations. (Hammond Packing Co. v. Arkansas, 212 U.S. 322 [29 S.Ct. 370, 53 L.Ed. 530]; Fong v. United States, 300 F.2d 400, 408; Unger v. Los Angeles Transit Lines, 180 Cal.App.2d 172 [4 Cal.Rptr. 370, 5 Cal.Rptr. 71].) But this is not such a case. [5] The respondent court had the power to reconsider and set aside its March 25 order upon Howland's motion made April 22. (Jacuzzi v. Jacuzzi Bros. Inc., 243 Cal.App.2d 1, 26 [52 Cal.Rptr. 147].) The failure of the respondent court to do so was an abuse of discretion which may be corrected by means of an original proceeding in an appellate court. (Lund v. Superior Court, 61 Cal.2d 698, 708 [39 Cal.Rptr. 891, 394 P.2. 707].) Let a writ of mandate issue directing the respondent court to set aside the default of the petitioner and the order striking petitioner's answer in action number SW C 4793 entitled Ross Hill plaintiff v Fred Howland Co. Inc. et al. Jefferson, J., and Kingsley, J., concurred. NOTES [fn. 1] 1. The return of real party in interest denied for lack of information the allegation that the substitution was occasioned by a conflict of interest. The reason for the substitution is set forth in the declaration of attorney Marshall T. Hunt, filed in the superior court in support of petitioner's motion for relief. The declaration is uncontradicted. There is not the slightest basis for inferring that the change of attorneys was unnecessary, or that its purpose was delay. [fn. 2] 2. The return of real party in interest denies that these answers are complete. All we mean to say is that the answers, on their face, appear to be responsive to all interrogatories, and the superior court could not reasonably have concluded otherwise. If it should later be made to appear that the plaintiff in the civil action is entitled to more information, the superior court will not be barred by anything herein said from ordering or permitting new discovery procedures. [fn. 3] 3. In Weitz v. Yankosky, 63 Cal.2d 849 [48 Cal.Rptr. 620, 409 P.2d 700], a defendant in an automobile collision case was served with summons on June 4, 1961. He claimed he mailed the summons to his insurance company, and the latter claimed it had never been received. A default judgment was entered May 31, 1962. Defendant's first appearance in the action was on August 9, 1963, when he moved to set aside the judgment upon the ground of extrinsic mistake. In affirming the order granting the motion, the Supreme Court held that the evidence supported a finding that defendant had acted reasonably in relying upon his insurance company, and that, if he had been guilty of some negligence, this could be excused because it in no way prejudiced the opposing party.
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Statistical Analysis. Humor. Knicks. Phoenix Suns 128 - New York Knicks 110 - Game Recap By Farfa - Published: 12/18/2018 - 115 Comments Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the tank. Guys, this was such an amazing display of tanking prowess that I'm so proud of our guys. I mean, it was a bit too much on the nose at first. Lance Thomas as your first substitute? After he didn't play for like a bazillion games? And after he's Lance Thomas? But it didn't look like it was enough. After all, these Suns had the worst record in the league prior to this game. We had to do better than that to tank effectively. And we did. We did. We come away from this game with a loss, and it was such a concerted non-effort that it's becoming evident that this team is gelling. You can't pull this loss without a collective focus. Seriously: this is a bit depressing. Not the loss per se, which is (as we all - cough - know) good, but the watching experience is really marred by the multiple injuries to our youngsters. I don't think I'm alone in saying that the only thing that's worth watching this year is how the first- and second-year players behave, to see who's a keeper and who's not. Well, without Mitch, Zo and Dotson, we are a tad short in the excitement department. Knox is getting a biiit better, but it's hard to bother getting warmed up for two guys who combine for 9 makes on 27 attempts in 67 minutes of play. You know well that I'm a Frank believer, but these should be the games you're supposed to shine in. It's hard to lose like this, apart from dreaming about ping-pong balls. I wished for a quality loss, I got the loss, I guess quality is for another time. - I hope some GM is watching. Emmanuel Mudiay (32 pts, 6 rebs, 6 ast, -8 +/-) stuffed the stat sheet in many ways while scoring efficiently (32 pts on 21 shots). Perry should put this game* in an envelope and send it to everyone in the league, hoping someone bites. I know, I know. Emmanuel is improving - he really is. But does anyone really envision December Mud being the butterfly emerging out of the stinking cocoon that were his first three years in the League? 20/6/3.5 in 32 minutes on 48/37/84 (his December raw stats) are borderline all-star numbers in a vacuum. His defense is still non-existent, but everything is apparently in place to fool someone into thinking this is the starting point guard they need right now. I hope them fools aren't us. That said, if you didn't know any better it would be easy to root for this guy. He's exuding confidence, getting to his spots, and passing the ball better, as in "making accurate passes". * without any mention about his three-point shooting form. This time one of his makes was described by Breen as "a deep floater... (two second pause to check the boxscore in silent bewilderment)... it was for three!". I can assure it wasn't pretty in any way. The bad: - We have a new aficionado of this portion of the recap. Trey Burke (4 pts, 2 rebs, 2 ast, -2 +/-) is playing like the version of Trey Burke that got kicked out of the League before last season. After his breakout (or swan's song?) performance against Boston, he never shot better than 25% from the field in any of the subsequent six games he's played. To be fair, he just got back from an injury. Also to be fair, four of those games were before the injury. His TS% has gone south of .500 and his WS/48 of 0.50 is mediocre (edit: his actual WS/48 is 0.050. I didn't type a zero). Tonight was another display of ill-thought chucking from midrange. He's also not being functional at all, in any lineup where he's called to play. It's interesting, however, that he's a better defender than Mudiay, at least in terms of defensive positioning. - Frank Ntilikina (9 pts, 3 reb, 1 ast, -17 +/-) started with a bang, hitting a goofy running hook shot and his first two three-points attempts. After that, his game was a mess. Booker got the best of him, because even if Frank was able to stay in front of him in most cases Devin just found the right angles to ignore the defensive coverage. Playing with another ball-dominant player shuts down his confidence right after the first missed attempt. You can almost guess his thoughts while he dribbles the ball: "Should I shoot here? Maybe I won't see the ball for another two minutes... maybe I should drive right... I got it! I'll call a screener! But no, wait, I'll probe a little the defense and pull up from the stripe! Or I can try and shoot a three, I was good at math, and 3>2... ok, no, I don't know what to do, if I miss coach will be angry. I'll just pass the ball to my right. Next time I will shoot no matter what!". And sometimes he shoots no matter what, and his body isn't ready. There was a sequence in the third quarter, with the game tied at 77, where he shot a midrange jumper, missed long, Vonleh got the board, passed to ball again to a wide open Frank in the high post, Frank thought too much and shot short. His shooting form is not consistent and the release looks weak. The guy's playing scared again, and I hate it. - Noah Vonleh (3 pts, 7 rebs, 1 ast, -18 +/-) looks like he's probably running on fumes, which scares me a bit. You know I've been pretty vocal about his usefulness to the team, but what if he can't sustain his production because of simply lacking stamina. He's been notably much less adaptable on the court in the last two games, and his head is not there on the offensive end. I'd tell myself not to worry about him, but if he plays again a bad game on Wednesday I'll start thinking that maybe he can't be good Vonleh for more than 30 games. Who knows? I'm just panicking a bit that the only bright spot outside of our cost controlled assets is slipping a lot. I don't know how he tallied a game-low -18 in exactly 18 minutes while Kevin Knox, who was good in the first but then vanished only has -2. Noah, get back soon. ...well, now, thinking about it, this was exactly the right game for his to stink the bed. Is this tanking Vonleh? Fun-sized bits: - No THJ tonight! I didn't miss him one iota. He's become our next Melo, in that we're counting the days until his contract his over while someone swoons over his 20+ ppg on .520 TS%. - Courtney Lee was passable (12 pts, 4 reb, 5-8 from the field). It's trade season, we need more from him to try and trade him. - Kevin Knox is finding his footing. I liked the aggressiveness he used to corral an offensive rebound to put the ball back into the basket in the first quarter. I need to see him display that kind of motor day in and day out to feel like we didn't completely struck out with his selection. Until then, I'll try hard not to puke browsing his B-R page. - Mario with the most useless 14 points ever. Anyway, we didn't have much at stake by that point, so it's okay if he plays a bit. - Enes Kanter with another double-double without effort. Not "an effortless double-double". A double double where he didn't put effort into the game. The man breathes, eats and drinks double-doubles, but in the end it never works. His defense and mono-dimensional offense negate whatever contribution he makes to this team. I don't doubt he has the ability to impact a few specific playoff games. As a player on a bad team, as a starter on a bad team, he's completely pointless. On a (not) funny sidenote, he had the only block for the night among Knicks. Mitch, where art thou? - Luke Kornet was out of sorts tonight. He never shot inside the arc and wasn't a big defensive improvement on Enes, which says a lot. - Lance Thomas with his usual useless night: just five boards and nothing else in 21 minutes. I've never seen such a black hole for stats before, not counting Jason Collins. His negative WS/48 is still better than Knox's or Frank's. And now to Wednesday, where we'll get crushed by the Sixers in atrocious fashion. Ping-pong balls are our new gods. Liked it? Take a second to support Farfa on Patreon! Tags: Courtney Lee, Emmanuel Mudiay, Enes Kanter, Frank Ntilikina, Kevin Knox, Knicks, lance thomas, Luke Kornet, Mario Hezonja, Noah Vonleh, Suns, Trey Burke Oaktrees on 2019-20 Game Thread: Knicks vs. Sixers d-mar on 2019-20 Game Thread: Knicks vs. Sixers The Honorable Cock Jowles on 2019-20 Game Thread: Knicks vs. Sixers Bruno Almeida on 2019-20 Game Thread: Knicks vs. Sixers Early Bird on 2019-20 Game Thread: Knicks vs. Sixers Stratomatic: Frequently wrong, but never in doubt on 2019-20 Game Thread: Knicks vs. Sixers " Knicks Morning News (2018.12.18) Knicks Morning News (2018.12.19) " 115 comments on "Phoenix Suns 128 - New York Knicks 110 - Game Recap" d-mar December 18, 2018 at 10:34 am Can we give the Celtics $1 million and borrow Danny Ainge for a week? He's the king of trading players away at their peak (Thomas, Bradley, Crowder, etc) and I'm sure he'd find some team willing to take Mudiay off of our hands, and then they can watch his inevitable regression to the mean. Unfortunately, I think our guys Mills and Perry are only thinking "How much do you think we'll have to pay this new budding star?" vincoug December 18, 2018 at 10:35 am Great recap as always Farfa but his WS/48 of 0.50 is mediocre. If Burke's WS/48 were 0.5 he'd be having the greatest individual season in NBA history. His total WS on the season are 0.5 and his WS/48 are 0.05. Farfa Post author December 18, 2018 at 10:45 am Oh god you're right! Sorry, I missed a zero :) mase December 18, 2018 at 11:03 am if Isiah were gm we would be expecting a mudiay for a max; interesting to see what perry does here, he might make a nice sweeter for a lee move. Brian Cronin December 18, 2018 at 11:12 am That'd be an amazing move. Yeah, we are really going to get to the nitty gritty of how good of a GM Perry is this season/offseason. Z-man December 18, 2018 at 11:40 am The thing is I hate even this improved version of Mudiay. If you guaranteed me he would sustain everything he's doing this year over the next three years, I still wouldn't want him. Just playing devil's advocate: Mudiay came into the league at age 19. He was obviously not ready to be an NBA player yet was given starters minutes based solely on draft position and hype. Now, at age 22, he is showing significant improvement. Yet his 6000+ minutes of play from age 19-21 continue to define who he is and will probably be for his entire career in the minds of most posters here. Why shouldn't he be compared to other 22yo players who stayed in college until they were Mudiay's age? Isn't the assumption that the reason that they stayed in college was that they were not NBA ready and would have sucked had they come out at age 19? Obviously we shouldn't offer him anything substantial, or let him get in the way of more impactful signings, but if he continues to produce at this level or better and can be had on the relative cheap (say, 3 yrs, less than $7 mill per year, i.e. Lance Thomas money) then the question becomes: how much of an albatross is his past production at his young age? I don't have an answer, but I think it's a serious question for consideration and shouldn't be dismissed out of hand. if a 25 year old Dinwiddie is getting $34m/3, I would think the market for mudiay is the same and could go up based on a higher ceiling maybe Z-man December 18, 2018 at 12:15 pm @8 that's an interesting comparison. Farfa Post author December 18, 2018 at 12:22 pm Wait, Dinwiddie is actually good (third straight season with .100+ WS/48) and improved at a steady pace. Mudiay is much more likely to just be a fluke. (Strangely, though, PIPM is ranking Mudiay ahead of Dinwiddie, and both Mudiay and THJ are tied for 60th in the whole League for O-PIPM. Not sure I trust this stat as much as some others do) mase December 18, 2018 at 12:30 pm Dinwiddie ages 21,22 with Detroit his ws/48 avg .014 to mudiay ws/48 .060 at same ages Silky Johnson, Fleet Admiral of the Tank Armada December 18, 2018 at 12:32 pm There's some weird valuations on every stat, I wouldn't use that as evidence against the stat unless there was some critical mass of head-scratchers. The reason I like PIPM and RPM better is because they have better fit to RAPM than WS/48 and BPM and operate on +/- stats supplemented by box score priors rather than only box score stats (see <URL> for more). Plus at least PIPM doesn't have the MP weight that BPM has, which I think skews results in cases where MP are abnormally high or relatively low (Westbrook has the best BPM of all time in part because of his unprecedented minutes and usage load). Hubert December 18, 2018 at 12:35 pm I don't like the kind of player he is even at his peak. If you're a PG whose strength is volume scoring, is bad on defense, and not good at getting his teammates involved, you better be Damian Lillard. Part of the reason he looks passable now is because he's on a terrible team with no offense that lets him do whatever he wants. If you get good players around him, letting him do that is stupid. Yes, but age is secondary to years of experience in the NBA. In their respective third season, Mudiay was posting -0.002 WS/48, while Dinwiddie was at 0.101. In their fourth, Mudiay is currently posting 0.078 WS/48. Dinwiddie was at 0.118. Of course! I was just joking :) cgreene December 18, 2018 at 12:42 pm @13 that's flawed logic. One can then assume if he was on a better team that he would have slightly lower usage, be in a more structured offense, and a higher % of his passes would be converted raising is AST% because he would be passing to better players. Therefore, there is an argument that his numbers would be better and role slightly different on a "better" team. the argument was based on lack of experience for mudiay having no college/china whereas Dinwiddie entered into the league at 21 with 4 years of college. that accounts for a learning curve one would assume Would be interesting to see what % of rookies/players in the league are 20 years old or younger graphed out over the last 20 seasons. Would help understand the validity of the data size in terms of being able to predict young players' ability to improve over time. I, of course, am not the person to collect or graph this. I may be crazy but I think Dell Demps would do this trade: Pelicans get: Mudiay Any team with an expiring contract gets: Solomon Hill (owed $13.2mm next year) Two second round picks from New Orleans Knicks get: Wesley Johnson (expiring) Elfriid Payton (expiring) The expiring contract from the third team. Here's an example using Cleveland as the 3rd team: <URL> TheOakmanCometh December 18, 2018 at 12:50 pm Mudiay's production this year also leans heavily on unsustainable jump shooting, just like Burke last year. The deep down organic improvement is far less than it appears. And his shooting form is so awkward that it seems completely implausible that he's suddenly a genuinely good shooter. His likely destiny next season is fringe NBA player. That's an improvement over where he was last year. It's also worth a minimum salary, with a few extra bucks tacked on for upside. Giving him Dinwiddie money is insanity. One can then assume if he was on a better team that he would have slightly lower usage, be in a more structured offense, and a higher % of his passes would be converted raising is AST% because he would be passing to better players. Why would one assume any of that? Dinwiddie's deal could become a great asset for the nets..had Dinwiddie waited till the offseason he probably couldn't gotten a more lucrative contract The Honorable Cock Jowles December 18, 2018 at 1:13 pm And his monthly splits: November, .541 TS% on 138 FGA/37 FTA December, .577 TS% on 138 FGA/41 FTA So we're saying that his improvement is probable to be sustained and authentic... on the back of 138 FGA? That's gonna be a no from me, dawg. that's what ruruland said Grocer December 18, 2018 at 1:21 pm I dunno. I get the point about time in the NBA and those numbers are much more reliable, but there's definitely something to be said about both the development environment and age. Especially age. Mudiay has (mostly) shown steady improvement, just not enough to make him actually good yet. Will that continue? Maybe, maybe not. Clearly we shouldn't give him a contract like Dinwiddie's but he's also not nearly as good. I don't think he's worth 7/yr either, and I suspect we'd be able to retain him for less. This really depends on a) how well he plays the rest of the season; b) if the Knicks can land Durant/Leonard/ect; and c) who else is available at what cost under what terms this summer. If there's a better prospect for cheap then snatch that mofo up, but if it's another selection of players who haven't really done much then I figure we're better off sticking with the one who we've seen progress from. The odds are long either way. You're not gonna get a superstar off the scrap heap, but you might maybe (if you're lucky) find a Dinwiddie at half the price or less. That's a player worth having, but it's also going to be a player in whom time will need to be invested. If Mudiay puts up >.570 TS% for the rest of the year, I see a very good reason to give him 3/$15M. If he has a shitty January and regresses to where a reasonable person might expect him to, I hope that the optimists on this board have the strength to hold December and January with equal weight. Doubtful, but that's what I hope. nicos December 18, 2018 at 1:46 pm As that November .541 marks a huge improvement in and of itself so I'd say the sample size is 276 FGA and the Knicks don't have to make any decision until the end of the year when unless Mudiay stops shooting altogether we'll have a much bigger sample size to judge from. Do you really think he wouldn't have more assists if he was passing to better shooters? Last night he made a nice pass to a wide open Hezonja under the basket who just flipped the ball over his head and missed but he was so wide open that he got his own rebound and put it in. He had a similar play where he hit Kanter in the lane and pretty much any other center would have just dunked the ball but Kanter had to gather and almost fell down- he drew a foul but if that was Capella it would have been an and one and an assist for Mudiay. The Knicks are 27th in the league in FG%- unless you think that's due to Mudiay's crappy passing (which maybe you do but you'd be wrong) I think its obvious he'd get more assists on a team that had guys shooting higher percentages. I doubt his TS% would be higher- I mean it really can't get much higher than it already is given his shot chart- but his assist totals would have to improve. cgreene December 18, 2018 at 1:47 pm To be clear Ruru did not say that. His premise was that Carmelo would have a higher TS% due to being surrounded by better players. I am saying Mudiay's AST% would be better by being surrounded by better players. Quite different actually. My assumption is that when one's passes are received by better shooters then more of those passes will lead to converted shots. Nothing more. Hubert was arguing Mudiay was actually benefitting from being on a bad team. I'm not a even a Mudiay believer... yet. DRed December 18, 2018 at 1:52 pm Dinwiddie is an interesting player to compare Mudiay to-he's a big scoring guard who is pretty shitty on defense despite his impressive frame. And Dinwiddie is now a pretty good NBA player. He also fucking sucked when he was 22. So maybe that's a best case scenario for Mudiay. So the question is how much do you want to pay a guy in the hopes of ending up with Spencer Dinwiddie in 2-3 years? If he ends up averaging .550 TS that's still an big improvement over past production (previous best year average TS was .504). I'd be happier if he upped his AST% without an increase in TO% but you know. His teammates ain't exactly hitting open jumpers. But yes, any desire to keep him around on the cheap is contingent on sustained play quality. I got ninja'd by nicos. I guess what I'm saying is if he finishes the season playing like November Mudiay he's worth 15 over 3 years to see if he can develop. Hubert December 18, 2018 at 2:00 pm Mudiay has low assist totals because he calls his own number and doesn't pass, not because his teammates miss the great looks he's setting up for them. thenoblefacehumper December 18, 2018 at 2:08 pm Two years ago, almost to the day, Derrick Rose had stumbled into a 56% TS or so and we were having this same conversation. Point being it's probably wise to wait for the sample size to increase before buying your Mudiay jersey. To be clear Ruru did not say that. His premise was that Carmelo would have a higher TS% due to being surrounded by better players. Yes, but by how much? League-best FG% is .489 (GSW) and worst is Miami (.432). Knicks are down there in the cellar at #28. Do you believe that Mudiay would get a boost larger than 13% to his assist stats if he joined the Warriors? This does not include Ast'd FGA%, nor Ast'd 3PTr, nor any information about FTM/FGA, but it seems like a wild stretch to believe that Mudiay would see an increase from 6.7 per 100 poss. to something actually respectable for a PG. If you look at someone like Chris Paul, you'll see that switching teams mid-career really didn't affect his AST% all that much. It went down significantly when he joined the Rockets, who employ an infamous and extreme ISO offense (and still he managed to put up respectable assist numbers last year, as well as remaining an exceptional scorer -- this year, not so much). Also, I was looking for some advanced stats on shots off passes, etc., and I found a APBRforum post by the legendary Italian Stallion (also a horse better, hey strato!) wondering what the FG% was on assisted shots. The first poster quite tersely gave him the answer: 100%. Yeah Mudiay isn't going to put up huge assist numbers without radically changing his game. It is probably worth noting that his assist rate is a career low this season. He's generally been about average. Z-man December 18, 2018 at 2:26 pm I don't think anyone here is saying that Mudiay has definitely turned the corner and is worth investing in at this point. I'm certainly not. The issue is at what point do you begin to discount his age 19-20 stats b/c he was clearly not at all ready for 4,000+ minutes of NBA PT (including 111 starts!) and judge him from that point onward? mase December 18, 2018 at 2:32 pm all it will take is a monster 40 plus point game from mudiay, which he is capable of(almost 30 pts its in the second half against Charlotte). at some point the past is in the past and he is not the same player, we are just not there yet the sample size is too small but I see a Kyrie -lite in the making The issue is at what point do you begin to discount his age 19-20 stats b/c he was clearly not at all ready for 4,000+ minutes of NBA PT (including 111 starts!) and judge him from that point onward? If he finishes the season at this level, we sign him to a very team-favorable deal, and he's playing well through 20+ games next year, I'd never think about his first 4,000 minutes again. And team-favorable deal, to me, is a 2-3 year deal with an AAV of ~$4-5mm and only the first year is guaranteed. None of this 3-year $20mm+ 100% guaranteed nonsense. I'm willing to believe Mudiay has improved. I think there will be some regression, but he's not the -5 BPM player he was. The problem is, drum roll please, the win curve. The most optimistic possible projection for Mudiay is slightly above league average point guard (his stats right now are below that level, so he would have to improve even more). How much should a terrible team pay for, at best, a slightly above average point guard? A good team that has a weakness at the PG position (or just lacks depth in general) should take the risk and pony up. But for a bad team, what exactly is the value of going from 23 wins to 27 wins while damaging your long term flexibility? Of course there's a number somewhere that could make sense, but Emmanuel Mudiay should and will go for the highest offer (the guy was looking at a return to China a few months ago). Should the Knicks be willing to make the highest offer, whatever it may be? One major flaw is that Mills has a propensity to bid against himself. Maybe Perry mitigates that somewhat, but that's the real danger with Mudiay right now. Frank in his 9 games as a starting point (post Burke/pre Mudiay): 5.5 assists/3.17 turnovers per 36, 19.5 usage. Mudiay in his 19 games as a starter: 5.4 assists/2.76 turnover per 36, 25.3 usage. Burke is averaging 5.3 assists/ 1.8 turnovers per 36 on the season with a usage of 25.6. I'd say Mudiay's low assist totals are partly the fact that- like Frank and Burke- he's not a great playmaker and partially Fiz's system which has resulted in lots of iso-ball. His usage is a little high but given his solid TS% (.573 as a starter) it's been beneficial to the team. Mudiay does have 4 straight games of 30+ assist % and is right at .30 with just about a 2 to 1 assist to turnover ratio for the month of December. As I said a couple of days ago I wouldn't want to give him anything more than 3/15 unless he's above .30 with at least a 2 to 1 (preferably 2.5 to 1 given that his TS is likely to drop) assist to turnover ratio. His floor game has been very good the last few games- we have more than half the season left to see if its sustainable. At the very least his improved play makes a trade for Wall pretty unlikely and if he sustains it for the year it makes maxing out Kemba (who I want no part of at 30m a year) unlikely as well- if Mudiay winds up with a TS% north of .550 and an assist rate around 30 I'd rather pay him Dinwiddie money than max Kemba (though signing neither might be the best option). I'd rather pay him Dinwiddie money than max Kemba I'd max Kemba 1000 times before I gave Mudiay $34mm. ptmilo December 18, 2018 at 3:34 pm I'm curious, would anyone who considers themselves a Mudiay optimist (not necessarily absolutely, just relative to Knickerblogger average) say no to trading him for the 41st pick right now? This is what Elfrid Payton went for last year in the same contractual moment. I would say yes to that only for cap/control reasons, but it would be a sell low kind of trade at his current level of play. Silky Johnson, Fleet Admiral of the Tank Armada December 18, 2018 at 4:04 pm Just as a reminder we're giving the 35th pick in the draft (possibly higher if we tank more) to Brooklyn because of that absurd Outlaw/Moultrie Philly salary dump. We lost a more valuable version of a late first and swap rights on another pick for 4m in savings on luxury tax payments. Thanks Phil! Ha! That's great. Did you find anything? I didn't, but I didn't look very hard either. Seems like useful info. Trading Mud for the 41st right now? If a team is interested in giving up a pick for him now it'd be best to take it because interest now would very likely mean competition resigning him this summer. The thing is, you can probably buy that pick, and the FO already gave up a pick for Mudiay hoping for exactly this outcome (improved play.) So it would take the FO admitting that it lost that trade, which seems highly unlikely. I think it's reasonable to hold out hope that a better deal was possible right up to the deadline, and if nothing materialized, deal with the remaining options at the end of the season, including the QO possibility. Mudiay for the 41st or see if we can include him in a Lee deal ... I'm holding out for the latter I'd actually try to get more. Just because I think he's shit doesn't mean I can't find a GM who is desperate. Someone is going to rip off Dell Demps. He needs a PG and scoring off the bench. I want Perry to convince him that Mudiay and Hardaway will solve his problems. rama, mayor of Realitytown December 18, 2018 at 4:28 pm My whole point is that I wouldn't want him EVEN IF HE MAINTAINED HIS RECENT PLAY. He isn't a two-way player. We'll never win a championship with him as our PG. Most of his improved play is pointzz (albeit moderately efficient), but that always gets paid, so there is no real chance for excess value. And yeah, I think there's a serious risk of regression. But that really isn't the main reason I am against it. The best version of Mudiay is still not good. I'd do it immediately if that picked can be used as a sweetener (probably with another second rounder) to move Lee or better yet Hardaway. If not, I'd wait til the trade deadline and see how the draft is looking- the Knicks 2nd rounder will probably be around 50 (most likely Houston's pick) so I'd still probably do it. Really? I said I'd give Mudiay Dinwiddie money only if he's north of .550 and 30 assist % rather than signing Kemba. Mudiay has basically put up Kemba's career year numbers in December (.577 TS% vs. .572, 30.4 Assist % vs. 27.4 though with a higher turnover % 13.3 vs 10.3) and you still can't stand the sight of him. Do you really want to be paying Kemba 140m over 4 years- over the last three years he's pretty much exactly what Mudiay has been as a starter this year with slightly higher usage and lower turnovers- is that worth an extra 110m million dollars? How many two way Pgs are there in the league?Few and far between. In fact we only have one two way player on the team and that's kp maybe Dotson too but he doesn't play enough. Talkin holding mudiay to a high standard Kemba is very good. Mudiay might not completely suck. Bruno Almeida December 18, 2018 at 4:44 pm It really isn't about that. Curry, Lillard or Irving for example aren't really two way players as their defense is clearly worse than the offense, but they are incredible offensive players, the same goes for Kemba Walker at a lower level. Paul, Lowry, Conley, Westbrook, Simmons, Jrue Holiday, Bledsoe and Fox are all two way players. So the best PGs in the game are either incredible superstar offensive players or two-way players. Stratomatic "I'm tired of the Knicks paying lip service to DEFENSE. Get defenders & two-way players. Then play them! December 18, 2018 at 4:49 pm I found the conversation. I think he was asking an interesting question, but used the wrong term. The question he probably meant to ask was "what's the difference in FG% between when a player creates his own shot off the dribble compared to when he catches a pass and shoots (the successes being marked as an assist and the misses disappearing into oblivion even if it was a spectacular pass leading to a great shot or a miss with FTs)". Horse players are an interesting lot. Most are even more argumentative than I am. I get the arguments on both sides of Mudiay. Here's what I sort of don't get. When you add a few young players, you are hoping 1 or 2 provide a sustained upside surprise. That doesn't happen all that often but it does happen. We more or less have two prospects right now. I'd say Mudiay and Vonleh are both playing better than their long term records indicated was likely. We don't know if either will sustain it, drop all the way back, or most likely wind up somewhere in between and continue from there. However, we are supposed to be happy because we have 2 chances. Instead of writing them off or immediately trading them because of our projections, we should be hoping we are all wrong and got really lucky with one or both. heavencent35 December 18, 2018 at 5:14 pm i think mudiay ceiling is a sixth man ala Jamal Crawford or a starting pg in one of the worst team in the league like starbury and jennings. wetbandit December 18, 2018 at 5:26 pm Because guys who all of a sudden shoot well from midrange sustain their level of play... coughRoseBurkecough.. we have a solid history of ignoring long-term stats for Optiknistic Recency Bias, it's a big part of what we do here. Mudiay hasn't shown himself to be a plus defender, 3 point shooter, distributor, or driver. Come the fuck on, I'd be so happy if we 'lost out on a one-year flier' and he went elsewhere. My whole point is that I wouldn't want him EVEN IF HE MAINTAINED HIS RECENT PLAY. He isn't a two-way player. This kind of assumes that he is a finished product at age 22-23. Is that a fair assumption? Are we assuming that about Trier? Vonleh? KP? In other words, it's not a question of whether he will maintain his current production. The real question is: Is his improvement arc sustainable into the future or is it a statistical blip that will regress to a mean way below his current level of production, in effect starting that arc at a much lower point? It's pretty much stipulated here that if both his floor and his ceiling is who he is right now, he's worth around $3 mill per, tops, and probably isn't worth signing at all in our situation, not even at the QO. ClashFan December 18, 2018 at 5:29 pm If the Knicks are seriously thinking of giving Mudiay a multi-year deal for whatever $ amount, I hope they are also now trying really hard to move THJ out. Play Frank with Mudiay a lot and see how the two of them work together, perhaps their games will complement each other. Mudiay and Frank could start, with Burke and Trier off the bench as a duo. But who in the world would take on THJ? Wow, I think last night Breen said that Austin Rivers could see lots of playing time with Phoenix... but they just waived him! Jack Bauer December 18, 2018 at 5:42 pm Mudiay is allergic to defense despite his recent improved play. His cap hold, as I understand it, is far too high to retain him at a good value considering his best role is backup point guard. If adding him to Lee gets some team to give the Knicks back something don't make them offer it twice. My whole point is that I wouldn't want him EVEN IF HE MAINTAINED HIS RECENT PLAY. This is what I don't get. In December Mudiay's put up a .577 TS%, 30.4 Assist%, 5.9TRB%, 13.3 TOV%, 26.6 usage. Kyrie's career numbers are .569, 30.3, 5.8, 12.1, 29.1. One guy is a no-brainer max guy and the other you don't even want on your team? Kemba last year was .572, 27.4, 4.9, 10.4, 27.4. No one expects Mudiay to continue to put up those numbers and I'd probably still trade him for a second round pick but the fact is he's been playing like a pretty solid starter over the last 9 games and like an below average but okay starter since he moved into the starting line-up. I totally get not wanting to invest in a guy with his track record but to pretend his recent play hasn't been pretty good by any standard just seems wrong. english_knick December 18, 2018 at 5:51 pm Eldridge Payton's stats Lee-trade last year were a lot better than Mud's so far this year, and on the back of a much better overall body of work. I strongly suspect the only GM who'd be willing to give up a pick for Mud is the GM of the team that already has him (and, indeed, already gave up said pick...) it takes 5 years to determine what a player is, Age of 22 in the midst of season 4 is still too early to judge. That's the problem with this "fluke" label, it's too early yet. Maybe he is a late bloomer. Fiz said in the beginning of the summer camp how quickly fans and scouts are ready to write a kid off at age 22 specifically talking about mudiay and he is right. latke December 18, 2018 at 6:17 pm Mudiay is basically doing what Burke did last year -- making mid-range shots at an unsustainable rate: below data follows this pattern: 18/19 FG/FGA, 18/19 FG%,, 17/18 FG%, League average FG% at rim 46/84, .548, .560, .657 3 to <10 ft 10 to <16 ft 16 ft to <3-pt He still can't finish around the basket. He still doesn't draw fouls. He still can't make threes. Very few guards are able to score at even a league average rate over an extended period without any of those skills. The point with Mudiay is that there are red flags all over. Bad defense with not much effort, a lot of jumpers that are falling, doesn't get much to the line, not a great passer, contract year, he's "finally in shape" specifically on this year. He's been playing pretty well, it's just very very soon to be sure that those red flags don't mean much. Knick fan not in NJ who thinks our rookies will lead us to a lousy lottery pick in 2019 December 18, 2018 at 6:46 pm You guys crazy if you think this is a fair or doable salary for this month's Mudiay level of production. Even a $5M or $6M AAV would be a bargain. Trier just got signed for more than $3M. The NBA pays for points much more than for defense. I don't know if he's worth Dinwiddie's $10M+ a year, but that is normal non star starter money. If Mudiay keeps up this level of play, and we get him on a multiyear contract for $6M AAV or less, we are doing so great I consider that outcome unlikely. And Jack, his cap hold is not a salary. The rookie scale doesn't apply after next year. As long as we sign him for more than a year, it can be any figure the two sides agree on. @70 thanks for the clarification on the cap hold/salary situation. We'll have to wait and see what Perry/Mills do before we start second guessing. swiftandabundant December 18, 2018 at 7:16 pm For a stats based site a lot of people have a really unrealistic expectation about what players are supposed to be paid. I don't want to throw a mountain of money at Mudiay but if he's resigned for 3 years at 5 to 7 million a year, that's a fucking bargain and everyone here knows that's the truth but love to live in a fantasy world where its so easy to negotiate contracts where players are paid less than their peers and gladly accept team options. I see this all the time on here. Why didn't they give him a team option? Probably because it was a non starter. How many contracts in the NBA are there right now where the team has an option on the next year for that player? I could probably count on two hands the number of players in this league that have contracts with team options. Players do not want them unless its someone like Billups where that final team option year is a pretty high number and they'd be cool with that extra year cause its a decent amount of money. Or its a guy like Mitchel who is a second round pick rookie or its someone who royally screwed up like he snorted cocaine during a game before shooting a free throw and his stock plummeted so much he has to accept it. Team options are not a normal thing in the NBA. At least, not anymore. You think signing Mudiay for 3 years 21 million is a fucking bargain after 10 good games, and the people saying "maybe we should wait a bit more and see before we declare he's for real" are the unrealistic ones. Yup. I don't want to throw a mountain of money at Mudiay but if he's resigned for 3 years at 5 to 7 million a year, that's a fucking bargain and everyone here knows that's the truth but love to live in a fantasy world where its so easy to negotiate contracts where players are paid less than their peers and gladly accept team options. With regard to objective reality, you might be the worst active poster we have. Man Jarrett Allen has a story for life This is a complete misreading of what anyone said. We were discussing potential salaries for Mudiay if he maintains or comes close to maintaining this level of production. And you can reread the posts above and see that poster are talking about maintaining his level of production. For example, in the post I quoted " if both his floor and his ceiling is who he is right now" was the qualification. That means he keeps up this level of production for the rest of the year and after that too. No one has said sign him now. When you add a few young players, you are hoping 1 or 2 provide a sustained upside surprise. This this is why you don't get it. In any other year, you'd be right. When your goal is to tank, preserve cap space, and develop the young talent on long term contracts, this strategy is self defeating. You don't want them in the first place bc if they hit they fuck up your primary and secondary and tertiary objective. So a) don't acquire them, and b) if you do and they hit, cash in on them ASAP Brian Cronin December 18, 2018 at 8:11 pm This is a complete misreading of what anyone said. Here is what Bruno replied to: Tell me where he said that it was a "fucking bargain" only "if Mudiay continues this level of play" or anything like that. geo December 18, 2018 at 8:13 pm i just watched a replay of the allen block - wow... oh man, when did the nets suddenly become so much better than us... ah, i see...sean marks and kenny atkinson came on board in 2016... Yep. It's all about win curve. Reclamation projects on short term contracts are helpful for already good teams, not rebuilding teams. Rebuilding teams should be all about long term contracts. As a recent example, signing Bimack Biyombo to a one-year deal with a player option = Good idea if you're a good team, terrible idea if you're a bad team. This last year we were a 54 win, 2nd seed team that lost in the second round and a big reason we lost was because we had no answer for Hibbert. Bargnani was traded to us with that in mind. The goal of a championship is much closer in sight than it was last summer. And as the article states, its not really big hit on us and doesn't hinder us after 2015 at all. The people who are against the Bargnani trade seem to ignore the fact that of all the players involved in that trade, Bargnani is clearly the best current player and we got him in that deal. Never forget who it is that's telling you that you lack a grip on reality. And Marks isn't even that great! He's just a competent GM in a league that tends to reward basic competence. i'm rooting for the guy, but, mud is completely covered in red flags... hopefully we'll draft, trade for, or pick up a free agent point guard this off season... mud will be an interesting test for perry... Owen December 18, 2018 at 8:22 pm Yeah, the Jarrett Allen v. Kristaps Porzingis needle is moving... oh yeah...watching the last couple of games it looks like knox is becoming our first/second option on offense when he's on the court (he's averaging about 17 shot attempts per over the last handful of games)... any one think there's any chance this let's fiz (finally) move timmy to the second unit (to help "lead" them) - and provide scoring off the bench? Again, there is nothing worthwhile about Mudiay as a modern point guard. At least Frank's got defense. Mudiay has no defense, 3-ball, driving ability, and is not a distributor. And there it is. Jowles' ultimate Trump card against me. I knew it was only a matter of time. But seriously...that was 5 years ago. Are you telling me that you've NEVER posted ANYTHING or said ANYTHING in real life in the last 5 years that didn't turn out to be a dumb statement that was wrong? I got nothing but love for you. My point is just that posters like you love to live in a vaccum where a GM can sit down at the negotiating table and say to a player "look, your TS was only this the first 5000 minutes of your career and our projections show that at best you'll top out as a back up PG, so we're only going to pay you X amount and we have to put a team option on that." You never consider the actual realities of contract negotiation, etc. Also, you said you would be fine with 3 years, 5 million a year for Mudiay if he keeps this up. I said I'd be cool with 3 years at 6 to 7 million. Why are you so reasonable but I'm so unrealistic? The numbers aren't that different. I have said so much dumb shit it's hard to process. The issue that you're the same brand of wrong, five years apart. Not good. I got nothing but love for you. I recognize that we share certain ideas about the current presidential administration and that is enough for me to respect your non-basketball opinions. Well, Brian already answered it, but I was referring to that specific post by swift where there's no mention of "provided he keeps producing like this". Seriously, we had Trey Burke LAST SEASON showing us how overall bad guards can have hot stretches, even as long as 30-40 games, where their shot is falling much more than usual. Trey Burke this season is shooting 44,1%, 31,8% and 41,1% on 3-10, 10-16, 16-3 point line respectively, and he was at 41%, 46% and 56% last season. Last season he shot 72,6% at the rim, this season it's 53,5%. You can call me a hater or a pessimist or whatever, but I am 100% sure and I can guarantee Mudiay won't be able to maintain over 50% fg% on 10 ft+ jumpers. Stephen freaking Curry has done that exactly once in his career. Steve Nash, one of the best shooters of all time, has done it once. More than a third of Mudiay's FGA comes from 10 feet or more jumpers. It will come down. Then he's simply a league average guard at best. Cavs just win on a buzzer beating tip in that required two missed free throws by Oladipo on the same night Zion almost broke the backboard with his armpit. keep it rolling. Mike Honcho December 18, 2018 at 9:26 pm Is it the worst thing to have a league average guard as a backup? If it's at 5 million/year for 3 years (or whatever), that's hardly crippling, especially if we drafted Ja Morant. Of course, this assumes 1) we don't get a big name free agent and 2) Mudiay maintains a reasonably high level of play despite the inevitable regression of those midrangers. If the end result of this season is not encouraging, we should just cut him loose. In any event, it is frustrating that we are kind of in a bad position if Mudiay actually improves. vincoug December 18, 2018 at 9:50 pm It's not the worst thing it's just not particularly useful. You can pick up a league average backup PG literally every year. There's no use to us locking one up long term especially when that cap space can be used to sign better players or, ideally, loaned out to other teams for draft picks. JK47 December 18, 2018 at 10:00 pm Yeah, the thing about Mudiay is that none of his peripheral stats have changed or improved. Free throw rate is the same, assist rate is the same, usage is the same, 3-point attempt rate is the same. His improved TS% this year is solely a result of him making more long two-pointers, which is a highly volatile stat. I mean, it's pretty screamingly obvious. This is exactly the equivalent of a career .220 hitter who manages to hit .300 for a third of a season despite an unchanged strikeout rate or walk rate, because he has a super high BABIP. It's not going to last. The question about Mudiay is less about what he's worth and more about what he's worth to a team in our situation. If he regresses, he's not worth shit to anyone. But at his recent level of production, on a reasonable contract, he has more value in some situations than in others. It's interesting to talk about the tipping point for various individuals here, and how that compares to our best guess about the tipping point for the Perry-Mills-Fizdale triumvirate. I'm in the "it's a long season, wait and see" camp. Bruno Almeida December 18, 2018 at 10:05 pm Exactly, it's pointless. As much as some would love to believe progression is linear for basketball players, it clearly isn't. There's probably an equal chance of Mudiay continuing his development and maintaining a similar level and him regressing a bit at least. If you sign him as a league average guard and it turns out he was only fit because of the contract year and suddenly he's crap again, then you're overpaying again for a bad player. If he maintains this level he's fairly paid but still pointless as league average guards are available everywhere for this price. For it to be worth it he would have to outperform the league average, which means he would have to play even better than what already looks unsustainable. When you're a bad team and you sign league average players to league average deals you stay a bad team, it's very simple. So wait, ATL wins, CLE wins and BKN wins. pinch me, please The Honorable Cock Jowles December 18, 2018 at 10:11 pm Nets gain another in the W column. Hawks (!!!) beat a team led by a $40M AAV man. Cavs... CAVS. I am loving this night. Donnie Walsh December 18, 2018 at 10:17 pm Jamal Murray comes up just 6 assists shy of matching Bob Cousy's insane record of 19 assists in a half. (Murray assisted 13 of his teammates' 27 field goals in the half). ptmilo December 18, 2018 at 10:20 pm I think we can all but turn off netswatch for good. They just don't seem nearly bad enough for us to pick up five games on them, and they are trying to win. It's crazy (but predictable, I guess) that since the day that Garnett and Pierce played their last games for the Nets, leaving them with nothing but the costs of one of the most franchise crippling trades in NBA history, Brooklyn has won more games than the Knicks. (As trump might tweet: "So sad!") I'm predicting 11-30 and fourth worst at the halfway mark. ClashFan December 18, 2018 at 10:55 pm Yeah, but the Atlanta win over Washington might mean that they are one step closer to trying to unload John Wall on some dumb franchise... The Nets are certainly finishing ahead of us, LeVert is also coming back sooner than expected it seems. If just one of the Bulls Hawks Suns Cavs group finishes better than us it's a pretty damn good lottery position. I don't see anyone above dropping, as the Wizards are likely not blowing up, as the Ariza trade probably shows, and the Hornets, Heat, Magic and the western teams are simply better. Owen December 18, 2018 at 11:02 pm A little late but excellent cap. You got a major chuckle right off the top laugh with.... .I mean, it was a bit too much on the nose at first. Lance Thomas as your first substitute? I can't believe Doncic is 19... Brian Cronin December 18, 2018 at 11:12 pm Yeah, what a great night for the tank. I am beginning to sort of kind of actually believe in this team's tanking chances! rama, mayor of Realitytown December 18, 2018 at 11:21 pm Thing is, I don't think Mudiay is a good decision maker. I don't think you improve much as a decision maker with time. If the improvement in his TS is sustainable (highly unlikely, but let's say it is), you just signed a shoot-first, no-defense PG for what is sure to be too much, simply because the majority of the decision makers in NBA front offices are as poor at it as Mudiay and will look at his pointzz, think he's arrived, and offer him good money. I mean, if the question is Would you want Mudiay on Burke's contract? ...then I guess I'd have to think about it, but probably still no, because if he isn't part of the long-term future, then why have him taking up space and keeping us from finding the guard we need? OK, that's too far - Burke's contract is awesome. If we had Mudiay as the backup point for 20 minutes a night at less than $2 mil per, that would be hard to argue with. And yes, there might still be upside there. I just wouldn't want to pay for it - we've done that a lot, and I dunno, but losingest team in the NBA over 20 years....maybe it hasn't worked out? The only player not worth $2M is a guy who plays as bad as Hezonja/Bargnani/pre-2018 Mudiay but is over the age of 24. At that point, it becomes a waste of a roster slot more than it does a waste of salary. JK47 December 19, 2018 at 12:01 am When you suck and you're at the very early stage of your win curve you shouldn't really be giving a shit who your backup point guard is going to be. This team doesn't even have a starting point guard, so it doesn't make sense to think about who the backup is going to be. You can find a backup point guard when you're pretty close to winning something, they don't cost a lot. "Decent backup" is Mudiay's ceiling, and I don't think he's likely to hit even that modest ceiling. He doesn't fit here, not at his current contract status and with the Knicks' current position in their win curve. Let some other hapless team pay to find out if he can keep hitting 58% of his 10-16 foot jumpers. Bruno Almeida December 19, 2018 at 12:17 am The vision on some of those passes... damn. Also, Jokic is a top 3 MVP candidate and he's averaging a career low ts% on similar usage, so there's probably still room for improvement. What a ridiculous talent. DRed December 19, 2018 at 1:23 am We're less than two seasons out from the nuggets narrowly missing the playoffs because their coach took like 16 games to realize he should start the (by far) best player on the roster. Mike Malone makes several million dollars a year for his basketball knowledge. The Infamous Cdiggy December 19, 2018 at 3:29 am @110 I have to disagree: this team needs backcourt talent, period. Starter and/or bench (and you're right, we don't have a certified starting point guard yet). I think that had the Knicks not amassed nearly 2-decades worth of shitty personnel moves, there would not be nearly as much anti-Mudiay sentiment because we would have more trust that the team would evaluate him properly stems. I get that. He's also 22 years of age and showing concrete improvement - which currently isn't hurting the tank. That's a good thing. It's also a good thing that we have still over a month and a half to see if Mudiay can sustain his improvements before the trade deadline. Z-man December 19, 2018 at 6:06 am I ask the people saying that Mudiay's ceiling is "good backup PG:" What did you think his ceiling was when we signed him? I'm pretty confident that he's playing at a level way above that ceiling right now. PS I'm in that camp, too. Doesn't mean that I think you are wrong right now, only that you (and I) were certainly wrong about him once already, and should therefore be a bit more careful about definitively judging his ceiling at this time. That's why I'm in "wait and see" mode. I don't want to be abjectly wrong about the same guy twice. Bruno Almeida December 19, 2018 at 6:51 am The entire point of the "haters" is that 25 games is not concrete improvement. He has to sustain it for it to be concrete improvement. Stuff You Want Daily Knicks MSG Knicks Newsday Knicks Coverage NYK Podcast NYKFanPage.Com PostingAndToasting.com UltimateKnicks.com 82Games.Com Aaron Gleeman Basketball-Reference BasketballValue.com Black Fives Bulls Blog Forum Blue & Gold HoopsAnalyst Popcorn Machine's GameFlows Yahoo NBA Notes for KB Writers ©️ 2020 - KnickerBlogger.Net
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Cultural, Dentist, Dentistas, Education, General News, Health, History, International News, Mistery, Religion, Repair, Safety, Science and Technology, Statistics SURPRISING ANCIENT SURGERY The Ancient and Surprising History of Surgery Written by Ren on Wednesday January 30, 2019 While it may seem intuitive to describe surgery as a 'modern' medical practice, its origins in fact can be traced back thousands of years, deep into the Pre-Classical and even Neolithic era. The earliest recorded archaeological evidence for surgical practice is an astounding 12000 BCE. To put a time frame like this in perspective, writing wasn't developed until 2600 BCE in Egypt. Early people were practicing rudimentary surgery before recorded history! Prehistoric surgery focused around a practice called trepanation, which involves scooping or drilling a hole into the skull of the patient. This ancient practice was used as a panacea for everything from relieving migraine or intracranial swelling, cleaning out fractured skull fragments from a war injury, and even as a means of managing misunderstood mental health conditions that were viewed as a malignant spirit trapped within the patient's cranial cavity. In 500 BCE, the first example of plastic surgery sprung up in India. Having one's nose cut off was a common punishment for a past crime, and so reformed felons would have their noses reconstructed via early rhinoplasty to avoid the social stigma. Surgery in Ancient Greece included a variety of makeshift surgical work including the setting of broken bones, bloodletting, the draining of lungs from patients suffering from pneumonia, and the severing of gangrenous limbs. The Mayans were really at the forefront of global surgical practice at this time and performed routine dentistry, filling in cavities with flecks of jade, turquoise, quartz, or hematite. The Incas had master surgeons specializing in head injuries and cranial surgery, and records show they had substantially better success rates than surgeons during the American Civil War, nearly 500 years later. Another major leap forward was in 900 AD, with the highly esteemed 'father of surgery' Al-Zahrawi, and his all-encompassing surgical text Kitab al-Tasrif. It was a cutting-edge compendium on every known practice and procedure, including orthopedics, military surgery, and ear, nose, and throat surgery. A combination of Al-Zahrawi's collected knowledge and local folk remedies remained the go-to surgical manual for nearly eight hundred years. Up until the 18th century, there was no formal medical training in Europe, and so most surgeons learned their trade through apprenticeship, much like one might learn blacksmithing or another artisan skill. In fact, because surgeons were seen as 'lesser' physicians during this period of time, many women were trained and practiced as surgeons. It wasn't until the 1700s, with the development of medical colleges and academic institutions, that women were then excluded from practicing. As far as patient care was concerned, it really wasn't until modernity that a surgical procedure became anything short of horrific to experience. With little regard for infection control, pain management, bodily fluid contamination, or proper wound maintenance, being a patient before modern anesthetic was akin to torture. Many physicians believed it was important to keep patients alert and awake during surgery, and would periodically rouse the patient if it appeared they were in danger of losing consciousness. Opium and alcohol were used as analgesics only sparingly, and never in quantities large enough to diminish patient consciousness. Japanese surgeons were the first to implement true general anesthetic in the early 1800s, at which point ether, chloroform, and locally-administered cocaine became more commonplace globally as anesthetic for patients in the operating room. While far from a modern practice, surgery has grown and developed to be a vastly safer and more pleasant patient experience over the millennia, all thanks to talented medical pioneers and advocates all over the world. Previous PostINCREDIBLE FACTS ABOUT YOUR SENSE OF SMELLNext PostADDICTION STATISTICS FACTS IN 2020
{'pred_label': '__label__cc', 'pred_label_prob': 0.737307608127594, 'wiki_prob': 0.262692391872406, 'source': 'cc/2021-04/en_head_0055.json.gz/line546082'}
Main Account Glide Images getting Error 500 Shabbar Abbas Jan 17 I am getting Error 500 for the glide thumbnials images <URL> I am wondering why it is happening
{'pile_set_name': 'Pile-CC'}
WHO: Pokemon Go! gamers of all ages are invited to play at the Harrisburg Campus of HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College. WHEN: Aug. 10, 2016, from 5-8 p.m. COVERAGE: HACC is offering another opportunity for those who missed out when over 1,000 gamers from the community, including families, friends, students and employees, joined the fun last month.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T09:43:57Z', 'url': 'http://newsroom.hacc.edu/article_display.cfm?article_id=2648', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Part 1, Chapter 1 Part 1, Chapter 2, Section 1 Part 1, Chapter 2, Section 2 Part 1, Chapter 3, Section 1 Part 1, Chapter 3, Section 2 Part 1, Chapter 4, Section 1 Part 1, Chapter 4, Section 2 Part 1, Chapter 5 Part 2, Chapter 1 Part 2, Chapter 2, Section 1 Part 2, Chapter 2, Section 2 Part 2, Chapter 2, Section 3 Part 2, Chapter 2, Section 4 Part 2, Chapter 3, Section 1 Part 2, Chapter 3, Section 2 Part 2, Chapter 3, Section 3 Part 3, Chapter 1, Section 1 Part 3, Chapter 1, Section 2 Part 3, Chapter 1, Section 3 Part 3, Chapter 1, Section 4 Part 3, Chapter 1, Section 5 Part 3, Chapter 2, Section 1 Part 3, Chapter 2, Section 2 Part 4, Chapter 1 Part 4, Chapter 2, Section 1 Part 4, Chapter 2, Section 2 Part 4, Chapter 2, Section 3 Part 4, Chapter 3 All Themes Vietnam and the West Impartiality and Action Inevitability of Death Friendship, Loyalty, and Betrayal Romance and Sex All Characters Thomas Fowler Alden Pyle Phuong Hei General The Helen Fowler York Harding Mr. Heng All Symbols Alcohol and Opium The Helmet The Role of the West Instant downloads of all 1211 LitChart PDFs (including The Quiet American). Part 1, Chapter 2, Section 1 Vietnam and the West Impartiality and Action Inevitability of Death Friendship, Loyalty, and Betrayal Romance and Sex Thomas Fowler Alden Pyle Phuong Hei General The Helen Fowler York Harding Mr. Heng Alcohol and Opium The Helmet The Role of the West Impartiality and Action Theme Analysis Themes and Colors LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Quiet American, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. The Quiet American deals with the difficulty of remaining neutral, or impartial, despite one's intentions. Graham Greene weaves the concept of impartiality into areas of journalism, politics, and personal relationships. Fowler's profession as a journalist means he is only supposed to report on the war, not engage in it. Fowler highly values journalistic impartiality. He prefers to call himself a "reporter," rather than a journalist. To him, "reporting" suggests relaying facts about what he sees, whereas "journalism" suggests recording a journal of opinions on Vietnam. He seeks to publish an objective account of the situation in Vietnam. Moreover, though he is from the West, his British nationality and lack of affiliation with the French or American forces allows him to claim political impartiality. The novel often uses the term engage to describe active political participation, and Fowler prides himself on not being engage. However, many people tell Fowler that it is impossible not to be engage and that he must take a side. Though he never admits to being engage, Fowler eventually sides with the Communists to arrange Pyle's assassination, and thus demonstrates that he cannot maintain his impartiality. Contrary to Fowler's passive stance, Pyle represents an active participant in regards to the war. Pyle believes in fighting against communism and instilling democracy. Though his involvement in the war becomes clear only gradually, Fowler eventually discovers that Pyle is a C.I.A. agent providing military counter-insurgency support in the form of plastic used to conceal bombs in bicycle pumps. These bicycle pump bombs were targeted at Communist leaders. Much of The Quiet American explores themes in both political relationships on an international scale and personal relationships on an individual scale. In this way, Greene applies the discussion of impartiality to Fowler's relationship to Pyle. Though Fowler often acts with passive disinterest toward Pyle, he eventually takes action against Pyle in the extreme by helping to arrange his assassination. Along with the journalistic aspect of impartiality comes the idea of investigation. In part, Fowler's journalistically investigative missions into the Vietnamese war zone guide the plot. They make Fowler hate war, contributing to his desire to remain impartial in the war. Other parts of the novel are shaped by the investigation Vigot conducts surrounding Pyle's death, in which Fowler has reluctantly become an active participant. The novel ultimately sides with the several characters who cautioned Pyle that everyone becomes engage at some point. The extremity of war reaches even to civilians who wish to remain uninvolved and forces them into active participation in the war. Related Themes from Other Texts Compare and contrast themes from other texts to this theme... Find Related Themes! Impartiality and Action ThemeTracker The ThemeTracker below shows where, and to what degree, the theme of Impartiality and Action appears in each chapter of The Quiet American. Click or tap on any chapter to read its Summary & Analysis. How often theme appears: Chapter length: Part 1, Chapter 2... Get the entire The Quiet American LitChart as a printable PDF. Impartiality and Action Quotes in The Quiet American Below you will find the important quotes in The Quiet American related to the theme of Impartiality and Action. Part 1, Chapter 2, Section 1 Quotes I liked his loyalty to Harding--whoever Harding was. It was a change from the denigrations of the Pressmen and their immature cynicism. I said, "Have another bottle of beer and I'll try to give you an idea of things." Related Characters: Thomas Fowler (speaker), Alden Pyle, York Harding Related Symbols: The Role of the West Related Themes: Page Number and Citation: 16 Cite this Quote Explanation and Analysis: Unlock explanations and citation info for this and every other The Quiet American quote. Plus so much more... Get LitCharts A+ Already a LitCharts A+ member? Sign in! "Do you think I'd really go near their stinking highway? Stephen Crane could describe a war without seeing one. Why shouldn't I? Its only a damned colonial war anyway. Get me another drink. And then let's go and find a girl. You've got a piece of tail. I want a piece of tail too." Related Characters: Bill Granger (speaker), Thomas Fowler, Alden Pyle, Phuong Hei Related Symbols: Alcohol and Opium Unlock with LitCharts A+ The canal was full of bodies: I am reminded now of an Irish stew containing too much meat. The bodies overlapped: one head, seal-grey, and anonymous as a convict with a shaven scalp, stuck up out of the water like a buoy. There was no blood: I suppose it had flowed away a long time ago. I have no idea how many there were: they must have been caught in a cross-fire, trying to get back, and I suppose every man of us along the bank was thinking, "Two can play at that game." I too took my eyes away; we didn't want to be reminded of how little we counted, how quickly, simply and anonymously death came. Even though my reason wanted the state of death, I was afraid like a virgin of the act. I would have liked death to come with due warning, so that I could prepare myself. For what? I didn't know, nor how, except by taking a look around at the little I would be leaving. Related Characters: Thomas Fowler (speaker) "I've no reason to believe in a God. Do you?" "Yes. I'm a Unitarian." "How many hundred million Gods do people believe in? Why, even a Roman Catholic believes in quite a different God when he's scared or happy or hungry." "Maybe, if there is a God, he'd be so vast he'd look different to everyone." "Like the great Buddha in Bangkok," I said. "You can't see all of him at once. Anyway he keeps still." Related Characters: Thomas Fowler (speaker), Alden Pyle (speaker) "That's just it," Pyle said. "You shouldn't be against York, you should be against the French. Their colonialism." "Isms and ocracies. Give me facts. A rubber planter beats his laborer--all right, I'm against him. He hasn't been instructed to do it by the Minister of the Colonies. In France I expect he'd beat his wife. I've seen a priest, so poor he hasn't a change of trousers, working fifteen hours a day from hut to hut in a cholera epidemic, eating nothing but rice and salt fish, saying his Mass with an old cup--a wooden platter. I don't believe in God and yet I'm for that priest. Why don't you call that colonialism? Mr. Heng turned away. "I only want you to remember what you have seen," he said, walking back in the shadows of the junk-pile. "Perhaps one day you will have a reason for writing about it. But you must not say you saw the drum here." "Nor the mould?" I asked. "Particularly not the mould." Related Characters: Thomas Fowler (speaker), Mr. Heng (speaker) Page Number and Citation: 120 He watched me as I stretched out for my second pipe. "I envy you your means of escape." "You don't know what I'm escaping from. It's not from the war. That's no concern of mine. I'm not involved." "You will all be. One day." "You are still limping." Related Characters: Thomas Fowler (speaker), Captain Trouin (speaker) "We are the old colonial peoples, Pyle, but we've learnt a bit of reality, we've learned not to play with matches. This Third Force--it comes out of a book, that's all. General The's only a bandit with a few thousand men: he's not a national democracy." It was as if he had been staring at me through a letter-box to see who was there and now, letting the flap fall, had shut out the unwelcome intruder. His eyes were out of sight. "I don't know what you mean, Thomas." "Those bicycle bombs. They were a good joke, even though one man did lose a foot. But, Pyle, you can't trust men like The. They aren't going to save the East from Communism. We know their kind." Related Characters: Thomas Fowler (speaker), Alden Pyle (speaker), General The Arn, Jackson. "The Quiet American Themes: Impartiality and Action." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 12 Nov 2015. Web. 28 Jan 2020. Arn, Jackson. "The Quiet American Themes: Impartiality and Action." LitCharts LLC, November 12, 2015. Retrieved January 28, 2020. <URL>
{'pred_label': '__label__wiki', 'pred_label_prob': 0.6049900054931641, 'wiki_prob': 0.6049900054931641, 'source': 'cc/2020-05/en_head_0066.json.gz/line883598'}
The Poetry of Computer Science In which we speak of the science of computing in a most poetical manner Forgetting the first thing you learned about user interaction Posted on June 7, 2013 by tsleyson The following is a pretty common problem in introductory programming textbooks: Design a program that represents a vending machine. Return change using the fewest number of coins possible. I solved this problem three times that I can remember: the first in Visual Basic (where I had to write a vending machine GUI), the second in C++, and the third in Logisim, a circuit simulator which I had to use to implement a sequential logic circuit. I imagine most programmers did something like this when they were students; it's easy to understand, and a good test of many of the basic programming constructs, like conditionals and loops. But it's also a good introduction to the kinds of things programmers should think about when designing a user interface, because of course, it's much nicer for a vending machine to return 35 cents as one quarter and one dime than for it to give you one nickel and thirty pennies. I was in the grocery store today buying about thirty dollars worth of stuff at the self checkout. I happened to have a hundred-dollar bill on me, so I stuck it in. The machine owed me sixty-five dollars in change, so it spat out sixty-five dollars. In five dollar bills. Thirteen five-dollar bills. There were bills falling all over the floor. I had to kneel down and snatch them all up before people started diving across the floor for them. When I shoved them all in my wallet, I think they stretched it out so badly that it'll never be the same shape again. The self checkout is a computer. It appears to run Windows XP; at least, it has the same blobby blue visual style. Yet it seems that it was programmed by the only programmer ever to avoid doing a "make change using the fewest coins possible" problem in school. Either that or the programmer just completely forgot about this problem, and also forgot that people like getting change in a way that doesn't remind them of a pinata scramble at a kid's birthday party, or a Vegas slot machine. The Beauty of C++ It's pretty widely acknowledged that C++ is not a very nice language. Some people hate that it still has pointers. Some people hate that it now has references. Some people hate that it now has pointers and references. It has just enough library support that some of the utilities are useful, yet professors can keep track of them all and specifically forbid you from using all the useful ones on programming assignments. It has nice features like templates and operator overloading, but makes them so painful to use that you almost wish it didn't. (Did you know that the stream operators must be overloaded as stand-alone functions, not as member functions of the class? Otherwise you get bizarre, nonsensical compiler errors that can't be fixed until you vaguely remember reading in your C++ textbook two years ago that the stream operators must be overloaded as stand-alone functions, and then dig out said book and look it up to confirm.) In fact, it seems that there's only one person in the world who didn't get the memo about the uncool nature of C++, and that person happened to be sitting in front of me on the first day of my undergrad discrete math class. At UC Davis, the first programming course for majors focuses on C, without worrying about object oriented anything. The second programming course for majors covers C++ and object oriented everything. I was also enrolled in the C++ class that term, and during the first session earlier that morning, the instructor (a hardassed security research guy) had finished his introduction to C++ by telling us that it was a horrible language. See, he knows that C++ is uncool. But the guy sitting in front of me in discrete math had a different opinion: he insisted to his friend in a loud voice that C++ was--well, if someone had a gun to your head and would shoot you unless you could say something positive about C++, what would you say? Stroustrup tried his best. He came so close to incorporating object orientation into C. He gave it the old college try. It makes some things easier than C. It's better than Cobol. It's fast. He didn't say any of these things. He said it was beautiful. He said "Yeah, I've looked at some C++ code, and man, it's beautiful." He didn't say it sarcastically, like "It's beautiful. Yeah, man. Just beautiful." He said it passionately, like a hot-blooded young man swept off his feet by a beautiful and mysterious woman. He said it as if he'd seen C++ at the masquerade, shared a flirtation, danced with C++, tangoed with C++, spun C++ around with a rose clenched in his teeth, and then when he was done he'd said "So, C++. Shall we meet again?" And C++ replied "At the next masquerade. Look for me at the rise of the full moon." Of course, some of us had a similar flirtation with C++ when we were young, hot-blooded, bucks who had just recently chosen the manliest major around and were feeling invincible. But a year or so of its prima donna antics convinced us to leave it. The drama C++ brings to a simple act like making sure the correct override of a derived class method gets called through a base class pointer, the hysterics around templates, the fights over accepting instances of the string class instead of pointers to char; sure, it adds spice at first, but eventually it just gets to be too much. Maybe you feel manly at first, like you've conquered the most desirable woman in the world, but eventually you just get tired of fighting with C++ over even the smallest things. Eventually you just want a safe, plodding, homely sort of language, like Java. Sure, it's not too bright. You have to explain everything to it at untoward length. It lacks those spicy features like operator overloading, and it doesn't always do things in the smartest or most efficient way. But it's a hard worker and is biddable enough if you give it what it needs. It never does something so hotheaded as seg faulting. At this point, I had already taken two semesters of C++ programming, one general introductory course and one data structures and algorithms course. For me, after a year, the romance with C++ was over, and I was starting to discover all the warts and moles and festering gumboils it keeps hidden under its flamenco gown. Probably the most festering of all the gumboils, at least as far as being the ugliest and most idiotic syntax I could possibly imagine to represent the concept, is the "virtual void belch() = 0" syntax for declaring pure virtual functions ("abstract methods" for Java people). Other genius syntax decisions were requiring a semicolon at the end of class and struct definitions and requiring a space between angle brackets in nested template declarations. You also might expect a beautiful language to make it easy to write beautiful code--beautiful in the sense of shorter, simpler, easier to read, expressed at a higher level of abstraction. C++ does none of those things. If anything, it does the opposite; it's frequently easier to write the ugliest, most godawful thing you can imagine than anything halfway decent, because the language contains no infrastructure to help you write the nicer solution. For example, I can't even count the number of times I've dealt with text using some variation of reading a single character at a time, clumsily saving some number of them in an array, and examining the whole mess with a huge, ugly if-else if-else if-else if-else if-else if-else-if else-else statement. I could have taken the high road and written my own regular expression engine, but with C++, go too far and it could end up screaming at you for three hours and then storming off to stay with its lover, refusing to come back until your deadline has passed. C++ has its uses. It's fast. It's better than Cobol. It supports object orientation somewhat better than C. But one thing it is not is beautiful. Thus I fulfill my rite of passage. I have rejected C++. I pass the test, and remain a programming blogger. Posted in Uncategorized / Tagged C++ / 4 Comments Why I would make the worst peer counselor ever I discovered today that my university (UC Davis) has a facility called The House. Although it sounds like a Soviet reeducation facility, it's actually a place where you can go to discuss your problems with peer counselors, people near your own age who understand the problems of young people nowadays. I'm actually older than most of my schoolmates, but not enough to explain my total detachment from their reality. If I became a peer counselor, it would be disastrous. It would probably go something like this: Distraught girl: I just broke up with my boyfriend. Me: How terrible. Tell me about it. Distraught girl: We started going out six months ago, and at first he was great, but then he started hitting me. <choked sob> And I always got the feeling he didn't really respect me. He said one time "If we'd met before you were in college, you wouldn't be in college. You'd be pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen." Me: How despicable. You were right to leave him. Distraught girl: And he never put down the toilet seat! Me: Okay. I'm failing to see how that follows from what you said before, but okay, we'll accept as an axiom that that's a crime on the level of misogyny and domestic abuse. Distraught girl: But the worst part is, I still love him! I really need some help. How do you stop loving loser guys? Me: I don't know. But I think this book can help you. It has answers to every question you might have, and solutions to every problem, or at least an approximation algorithm if your problem is NP-complete. It's called The Art of Computer Programming. Distraught girl: Where can I find a solution to my problem? Me: In Chapter 10. Unfortunately, Knuth won't be finished with that volume for another fifty years. But until then, can I interest you in statistical tests of randomness, or are Latin squares more your thing? Maybe it's just a general rule that both English majors (which I used to be) and CS majors (which I now am) live in their own alternate realities where Wordsworth or Knuth has the answer to every problem.
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" Sean Penn refuses to aplogize for 'Green Card' remark made during Oscars | Hillary says nothing about emails at public appearance Saturday, as Obama says he first heard about private email account on the news " Biden: 'Denying global warming like denying gravity' By Rick Moran What happens if Hillary Clinton's campaign for the presidency goes completely off the rails? Admittedly, a long shot, but if it does, the favorite Democrat to replace her is Vice President Joe Biden. The walking gaffe machine whose roaming hands have been the subject of serious analysis was at it again yesterday when he claimed that denying that global warming is occiurring is the same thing as denying that gravity exists. Washington Times: Vice President Joe Biden slammed those who question climate change, saying that ignoring the scientific evidence is "almost like denying gravity now." "I think it's close to mindless," Mr. Biden said in a preview clip for the upcoming season of HBO's Vice. The vice president pointed specifically to 2012's Hurricane Sandy as an example of how climate change is making the world's weather patterns more severe. The leading global warming authority on the planet, the IPCC, contradicts Biden's claim that climate change is making weather more severe. Their most recent assessment (AR5) downplays any links between climate change and extreme weather. "All of a sudden people who were saying it couldn't happen; they're now knowing they have to plan for another one of these storms, and another and another and another," Mr. Biden said, Mediaite reported Friday. Florida has gone 8 years without a hurricane making landfall. Roger Pielke, recently targeted by Democrats for his mild global warming skepticism, wrote in USA Today, "...from 1900 through 2013, the United States experienced a decrease in hurricane landfalls of more than 20%, and the strength of each year's landfalling storms has also decreased by more than 20%. He also pointed to Wall Street financial institutions that are starting to plan and make investments based on the effects of climate change. "When the financial institutions begin to price in the cost of carbon for cost of doing business, you know it's reality," Mr. Biden said. Wall Street is reacting to the EPA's planned rules on CO2 emissions, not to climate change. They are betting on winners and losers in the carbon race, not on whether global warming is going to happen or not. The thought of this guy in the Oval Office is about as chilling as it gets.
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Feature / Lifestyle On the high seas, modern fisherman hauls in the catches Chen Huizhi Jin Weiguo spends six to eight months every year in western and central Pacific Ocean. His contributions to the Chinese tuna-fishing fleet earned him a "Shanghai Standout" honor. Shanghai Standouts Ti Gong At home, Jin Weiguo wakes up in the middle of the night. It's his sea-clock to blame. He gets up long before dawn when at sea. Jin, 49, is a chief captain for Shanghai Kaichuang Deep Sea Fisheries Co. He spends six to eight months every year fishing tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean. His contributions to the Chinese tuna-fishing fleet earned him an honor last year as a "Shanghai Standout," an award for excellent workers. His fishing fleet operates in an area of the Pacific that accounts for about half of all tuna caught in the world's oceans every year. Tuna-fishing vessels from the Chinese mainland, which use nets called seines to haul in the fish, were late-comers in that area of the Pacific when they arrived almost 20 years ago. Trawlers from the United States, Japan, South Korea and China's Taiwan Island already were plying those waters. The Chinese mainland fleet, mostly from the Shanghai company, has grown to 10 vessels from four in that time. Jin became the first captain from the mainland on a Chinese seine-fishing vessel for tuna in 2003. "Tuna fishing is 30 percent luck and 70 percent equipment and techniques," he says. The captain's job is to spot fish and work out the best ways to catch them, based on data analysis of winds, waves, weather and other "intelligence" collected by technological instruments. Before venturing into the open sea, Jin had a decade of experience seine fishing in coastal waters, but tuna fishing was a new challenge because the working environment is entirely different. "Some captains plan where to go only a day in advance, but I often plan for up to a week ahead," he says. That means anticipating where large schools of tuna may gather. Jin Weiguo, 49, a chief captain for Shanghai Kaichuang Deep Sea Fisheries Co In seine fishing for tuna, a vessel and two boats work together. The vessel and a larger boat spread the net, and a smaller boat drives the fish into the net. The net, at its largest, forms a circular area 700 meters in diameter, which is about 200 standard soccer fields. Instead of meeting the tuna with the net from the opposite direction, Jin says he prefers to chase them from behind so the net won't be broken as easily. But that technique requires precision in execution. Jin and his sailors have learned the hard way what happens when nets tear. Mending them on deck under a scorching sun is difficult work. Jin still remembers the time in 2016 when it took the crew five days to mend a net. Being captain involves endless hard decisions. "Last year, I once had to let 150 tons of tuna go because the water was too fast and I was afraid that the net wouldn't withstand it," he says. "But that was still better than having to stop work for a few days to mend a torn net." The job also requires infinite patience. Spreading a net takes 90 minutes, and that doesn't guarantee a catch. Tuna are known for their elusiveness. Jin recounts one of his largest harvests in one net, back in the summer of 2007. "I failed twice laying a net toward the northeast and southeast, and it was high noon when I laid it to the southwest," he recalls. From afar, Jin saw the sea heaving -- a possible sign of a big school of fish. The crew netted 220 tons of yellow-fin tuna that day. When working at sea, Jin gets up at 3am and works until six or nine at night. Last year, Jin and his colleagues began using light to attract tuna to the net at night. At daybreak, a small boat with a light takes over the net while the vessel sails a kilometer away, turns, and then goes at full speed to haul up the fish. Jin Weiguo at the helm This method has significantly increased the annual fish haul. Jin says it depends on timing, light and temperatures and doesn't work every night. Fishing sea isn't as dangerous as some people imagine, but accidents do occur. The mast on a vessel once fell over. It would have killed sailors had they not jumped into the sea. After that, the crew secured the 20-meter-high, 10-ton mast with steel wires to prevent further accidents. For every sea trip, Jin and his crew members only need to grab a bag and go. Everything they need for daily life is available on the vessel. Food is abundant, although the vegetables are always wanting and frozen meat tastes like paper, Jin says. In the first few years of work, Jin returned home once every two years. His wife complained that he missed Chinese New Year with his family for nine years. "Life is adaptation, and my family has adapted to my long absence from home," Jin says. The company has a 10-year-old association of family members of fishing crews to act as shore support. Its labor union shoots videos of the crew at sea for family members to watch. Source: SHINE Editor: Liu Qi Pop-up exhibits improve online shopping experience What we want for Children's Day: the kids have spoken! Bubu's first haircut: Taming a fluffy Pomeranian 'Don't grab my boob!' Wu has a full-time career ... as stay-at-home mom Women smash the STEM stereotype "What Was I?": An exhibition on humanity and the end of time Softness, comfort and a sense of warmth Le Bel Air fuses best of Oriental and colonial age Yuyuan Public Market brings tradition and taste under one roof
{'pred_label': '__label__wiki', 'pred_label_prob': 0.8407851457595825, 'wiki_prob': 0.8407851457595825, 'source': 'cc/2019-30/en_middle_0055.json.gz/line863907'}
Content of a complete routine second trimester obstetrical ultrasound examination and report. To review the benefits of and requirements for a complete second trimester ultrasound and the documentation needed. A complete second trimester ultrasound provides information about the number of fetuses, the gestational age, the location of the placenta, and fetal and maternal anatomy. In the production of this document, the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine's "Practice Guideline for the Performance of Obstetric Ultrasound Examinations," the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists' practice bulletin, "Ultrasound in Pregnancy," and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Working Party Report, "Ultrasound Screening" were reviewed. PubMed and the Cochrane Database were searched using the words "routine second trimester obstetrical ultrasound." The evidence was evaluated using the guidelines developed by the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care. A routine complete second trimester ultrasound between 18 and 22 weeks and a complete ultrasound report will provide the best opportunity to diagnose fetal anomalies and to assist in the management of prenatal care. It will also reduce the number of ultrasound examinations done during the second trimester for completion of fetal anatomy survey. The costs are those involved with the performance of obstetrical ultrasound. This is a revision of previous guidelines; information from other consensus reviews from medical publications has been used. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. 1. Pregnant women should be offered a routine second trimester ultrasound between 18 and 22 weeks' gestation. (II-2B) 2. Second trimester ultrasound should screen for the number of fetuses, the gestational age, and the location of the placenta. (II-1A) 3. Second trimester ultrasound should screen for fetal anomalies. (II-2B).
{'pile_set_name': 'PubMed Abstracts'}
Home Business IBM spin off will have new leadership team in India: Arvind Krishna IBM spin off will have new leadership team in India: Arvind Krishna Arvind Krishna (Photo: IBM) New Delhi- As IBM spins out a new company to help focus in two lucrative markets, the company's CEO Arvind Krishna on Friday said that the yet to be named new company will have a separate leadership team in India. However, people working for IBM India have nothing to worry as the IBM CEO said that he expects the employees to be accommodated in one company or the other. "I do not expect the creation of the new company to have any material impact in India," Krishna told reporters in a call, adding that there will be nothing "controversial". "This is not a restructuring, this is a spin out," he said. IBM on Thursday said that it will separate its Managed Infrastructure Services unit of its Global Technology Services division into a new public company. The yet to be named new company is currently codenamed "NewCo". The separation is expected to be achieved as a tax-free spin-off to IBM shareholders, and completed by the end of 2021. The creation of NewCo will help IBM focus on its open hybrid cloud platform, which represents a $1 trillion market opportunity, the company said. "Focus normally allows for better utilisation of capital, better utilisation of skill, acquisition of right companies that serve the purpose of each of the two companies," Krishna said. IBM's open hybrid cloud platform architecture, based on RedHat OpenShift, works with the entire range of clients' existing IT infrastructures, regardless of vendor. The new company will be a managed infrastructure services provider. IBM said that it has relationships with more than 4,600 technology-intensive, highly regulated clients in 115 countries, including more than 75 per cent of the Fortune 100, a backlog of $60 billion, and more than twice the scale of its nearest competitor. IBM currently employs 380,000 people serving clients in 170 countries and India has the highest number of IBMers outside of the US -- a key research and innovation hub for the tech giant that set up its first office in the country almost 26 years back. Krishna, who guides IBM's overall strategy in core and emerging technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI), quantum computing, Blockchain, Cloud platform services, data-driven solutions and nanotechnology, has the task at hand to tap the growing talent pool in new-age technologies and leverage the true potential. Today, IBM powers two of the largest telcos in India, nine out of 10 top banks, 2/3rd of milk and dairy products industry, country's largest airport (traffic), etc are run and managed by IBM. Krishna, an alumnus of Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IITK) knows the potential the country has and has gone bullish on India, especially on the R&D and innovation to create for the world. IBM was one of the first MNCs to recognize India as an innovation hub and set up its first Research lab in IIT Campus, Delhi in 1993 to provide back-end support to its global business. Today, IBM's four labs in India - India Research Labs, India Software Labs, IBM Systems Development Labs and Global Technology Services Labs - are innovation centers for global product development, new services and solutions. IBM's businesses in India include Cloud and Cognitive Solutions (including RedHat and Watson), Services, Systems, Security, The Weather Company (an IBM business), R&D labs and client innovation centres. (IANS) Previous articleSayani Gupta celebrates her birthday in Goa Next articleMicrosoft discovers most dangerous mobile Android ransomware
{'pred_label': '__label__wiki', 'pred_label_prob': 0.8569442629814148, 'wiki_prob': 0.8569442629814148, 'source': 'cc/2023-06/en_head_0029.json.gz/line1673900'}
We had family in town this weekend and took them to a few of our favorite places in St. Louis, the Zoo and the Science Center. I also took the opportunity to grab a new videos to share. Excitement is a major trigger for stereotypic episodes, and in the clips I have posted, they are in full force. Interestingly enough, zoos are often the site of many other stereotypy videos, these involving bored or stressed animals. I'm sure many of you have seen those when looking for "stereotypy" videos on the web. Sorry they aren't up close of the face (you miss the facial grimace and upward glances) but you can see the movements in the arms, hands, and legs. You can also see her reach up to touch/rub under her nose a few times, which is also part of her movement repertoire. FYI, if you are ever in St. Louis, I highly recommend a visit to both the Zoo and Science Center. We live close by, so we have several more recommendations as well, just email me if you are interested! Have you tried changing her diet or heard of this helping any other streotype cases? We added Omega fish oil an took out artificial dyes and artificial sugars from our daughter's diet and had reduced the amount of motor steroetypies greatly? My child has been on a strict diet for a month and half and we barely see any stereotypies now. We didn't see any reductions until 12 days into the diet. It was a slow reduction. Actually, the first week into it got worse. Anyway, after 12days...every week more into it...the stereotypies just reduced more and more. We might try to add the dyes and artificial sugars back in to her diet to see if this really had an effect or more maybe it was the omega fish oil that reduced it? Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience? I just joined a FB group today after meeting with her neurologist who said she definitely has motor stereotypies. Hi there, my almost 4 year old son has just been diagnosed with a complex motor stereotypy. I would love more information about this diet, if you still find it working, how much Amiga 3 etc. Any info would be great. These videos are so nice! I am glad I was able to check them out here.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T13:46:55Z', 'url': 'http://www.motorstereotypy.com/2012/08/new-videos.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
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