Located in Southern Ontario — just 40-miles north of Toronto — Lake Simcoe is the fourth-largest lake in the province and a remnant of the colossal, prehistoric freshwater sea known as Lake Algonquin. Algonquin’s basin also included Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, Lake Nipigon and Lake Nipissing. When the ice dam melted at the end of the last ice age it dramatically reduced water levels in the region, leaving behind the lakes we see today. In the 17th century the lake was known by the Huron natives as “Ouentironk” or “Beautiful Water.” In 1687, the Lahontan people changed it to Lake Taronto, an Iroquoian term meaning gateway or pass. Finally, in 1793, by John Graves Simcoe — the first Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada — renamed the lake in memory of his father, Captain John Simcoe. This relatively small, island riddled, oval shaped body of water, which is approximately 20-miles long and 16-miles wide, is known for its clean water, fantastic fishing and, most notably, the bizarre beast that’s said to lurk within its gloomy, freshwater depths. That having been stated, there seems to be a bit of a rivalry over the beast’s appellation as, depending on whether or not you hail from Kempenfelt Bay or Beaverton, the monster’s has a few alternate nom de plumes, including “Kempenfelt Kelly,” “Beaverton Bessie” — which is, in and of itself, an homage to Lake Erie’s more notorious BESSIE — and even “Simcoe Kelly.” It was even suggested by George M. Eberhart in his book “Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology” that its most famous name, “Igopogo,” comes from Walt Kelly’s seminal comic strip “Pogo,” which featured a cadre of memorable swamp critters, including one who ran a mock presidential campaign utilizing the slogan: “I GO POGO.” Considered by many cryptozoologists to be unique, even amongst her amazing peers, Igopogo is a rarely seen beast, which has been described as having a neck which resembles a “stove-pipe,” crowned by an unusual canine-like head. This ostensibly mammalian description — which, it must be admitted, has in no way remained consistent throughout the many years of Igopogo sightings — has led some to speculate that this creature may biologically akin to AQUATIC ENIGMAS such as the notorious “Irish crocodile” the DOBHAR-CHU or even the Australian BUNYIP. While tales of this cryptid go as far back as aboriginal legends and accounts from the earliest Europeans to settle the area, the first modern report hails from July 22, 1963. The eyewitnesses involved with this sighting, including one Reverend L.B. Williams, claimed that they saw not a typically mammalian, but a serpentine creature — not unlike Newfoundland’s eel-like CRESSIE — with multiple dorsal fins, that was anywhere from 30 to 70-feet in length, undulating in the water. It was also described as having a “charcoal covered” epidermis This creature was allegedly captured on film while two, uncharacteristically calm, children watch from the shore. While there is no written account of when or by whom the obviously aged, black and white image was snapped, it remains an intriguing — if somewhat controversial — piece of potential photographic evidence of Igopogo’s existence. Over two decades later, on June 13, 1983, William Skrypetz — a sonar operator with Lefroy’s Government Dock and Marina — took sonar reading which revealed a creature with a massive body and long tapering neck that seemed to look very much like the archetypal LAKE MONSTERS such as CHAMP or the LOCH NESS MONSTER. During the 1980’s — author, cryptozoologist and president of the BCSCC (British Colombia Scientific Cryptozoology Club) — JOHN KIRK III, investigated this phenomenon and came to the conclusion that whatever might have lived in the lake had either migrated or had become deceased. Kirk’s assessment of the situation was not without merit, as the sightings of this animal — with the notable exception of Skrypetz sonar hit — had dwindled to virtually nothing since the 1970’s. Kirk’s opinion of this creature’s status changed in 1991, however, when he was given a copy of a videotape by former British army officer and fellow cryptozoologist, Don Hepworth. According to the unnamed videographer’s account, one of the racers her knew suffered a mechanical breakdown while on the south end of the lake and was forced to halt and make repairs. Just as the racer lifted the engine hatch in order to assess the damage, a large animal suddenly surfaced directly in front of him, stunning the racer as well as the spectators on the shoreline. The landlocked crowd began to panic, fearing the worst for the downed competitor. The racer himself would later claim that this possibly prehistoric apparition would continue to stare at him it slowly lowered its head, finally submerging completely beneath the water. Apparently, Kirk — upon repeated viewing of the controversial footage — confirmed that this creature was 9 and 12 feet long and had mammalia or, what he believed to be, pinniped (seal- or sea lion-like) features. Unfortunately the quality of the video and proximity of the creature to the camera did not allow for a more thorough investigation of its species. This video evidence — which is infamously difficult to find — has raised the profile of this creature considerably, yet skeptics continue to insist that what people are seeing is nothing more than normal seals who have slipped into the lake via the rivers that connect it to Lake Huron. Still others think it may be related to the now famous Pacific Ocean dwelling SEA MONSTERS known as CADBOROSAURUS. While the “seal” theory may debunk some of the unusual sightings, it in no way explains away the strange sonar hit reported in 1983. Even now, a decade into the 21st century, Lake Simcoe remains one of the most under explored cryptid habitats remaining in North America. © Copyright Rob Morphy 2002 — 2011
Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 16th, 2006 New Sightings, New Expeditions This January 2006, the most recent sighting of a Thylacine occurred. The Standard recorded probably what was the first cryptid sighting of 2006, that took place on January 2: “A Tasmanian tiger or thylacine ran across a road north of Colac about 12.50am…according to Warrion man Steven Bennett….The 24-year-old said the animal’s stripes, tail and hind legs convinced him it was not a dog, feral cat or fox.” So the Thylacine sightings continue. In a new article examining “The Thylacine Debate – Is the Tasmanian Tiger Really Extinct?” by Chani Blue, in Australia’s Epoch Times for March 16, 2006, the reporter asks: “Just supposing it still exists out there; it would truly be the rarest Animal in the world.” Despite hundreds of reported sightings of this elusive marsupial wild dog, the Tasmanian Tiger, Thylacinus cynocephalus remains declared officially extinct, therefore has no protection for it’s fragile and natural environment or in and of itself, until it’s existence can be verified. As Chani Blue points out: ‘Benjamin’ the last surviving Tasmanian tiger lived it’s final days in the Hobart Zoo, in Tasmania and died 60 years ago. Many local Tasmanians beg to differ on this fact though, because many sporadic and unconfirmed sightings have been reported around the forests near their old habitat in the Northern regions to this day. A study of sightings by Steven Smith between the years of 1934-1980 analysed the authenticity of as many as 320 reported sightings by local residents. He concluded that as many as half of the sightings were good and could have possibly been the real thing. The Government along with biologists and photographers have made many expeditions into the wild areas of North Tasmania to collect evidence that the Tiger still may be in existence. But these many investigations in the 1930’s through to the 1980’s were fruitless. However, the reported sightings continue to this day. However, Government departments may no longer be taking such reports seriously. For more on Chani Blue’s insights, see the article in Epoch Times. Meanwhile, Col Bailey, who operates a Tasmanian Tiger Research and Data Centre at Maydena and has spent his life searching for Thylacines, has noted that the two people who reported seeing a “fox” near Arthurs Lake and then photographed the print had probably witnessed the presence of a Thylacine. Bailey and youthful Australian cryptozoologist Debbie Hynes remain hot on the track of the Thylacine, with more new explorations planned for 2006, according to emails they’ve sent my way. The Debbie Hynes expedition is getting underway this week, with her area of exploration into the wilds of Gippsland, the Wonthaggi-Leongatha-Foster Triangle, a real hot-spot. She states this is “weird because there’s so much open farming land round there.” Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct). Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015. Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Update: Call of Duty's fourth and final DLC pack 'Nemesis' has been confirmed for August 5 on Xbox devices. Releasing first on Xbox One and Xbox 360, the upcoming expansion contains four small-to-medium sized maps, a brand new 'Extinction' episode and a host of map-specific field orders. New maps include 'Showtime', 'Subzero', 'Dynasty' and 'Goldrush', the latter of which takes place in an abandoned gold mine in the Southwest United States. 'Subzero' is set in a Canadian submarine base that harbours a "mysterious terror", while 'Dynasty' transports players to a lakeside Chinese village surrounded by mountains. 'Showtime', meanwhile, is described as a "sadistic reimagining" of 'Shipment' from Modern Warfare. It is regarded as the smallest map in Call of Duty history. Titled 'Exodus', the final episode in the 'Extinction' co-op mode sees players attempt to power a shuttle while holding off the Cryptid army. 'Nemesis' will be available individually, or as part of the Call of Duty: Ghosts season pass. Original story: Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC has been teased for August 5. A new Infinity Ward teaser has been released for the game's fourth and final expansion pack, 'Nemesis'. The video descriptions asks: "Where will you land on August 5th?" Following previous release patterns, the 'Nemesis' map pack is likely to launch first on Xbox, before making its PlayStation and PC debut the following month. It's expected to feature four maps, a new 'Extinction' episode, at least one new weapon and new field orders. Watch a trailer for Call of Duty's 'Invasion' DLC below:
I’m a little surprised that this topic hasn’t come up, at least I searched and didn’t find a specific thread, only a couple of references. Anyways, I thought I would get one going as I am keen to know what other ATS readers think about this. It is one of the more unusual stories, and to be honest, it probably covers more of a paranormal stance than Cryptid, but as Mothman gets coverage here, I’m inclined to believe that Owly will get more attention in this area. Location of Mawnan: A little bit of background. The Owlman, or as it’s more commonly referred to, ‘The Owlman of Mawnan’ was a spectral ‘creature’ spotted in woods in Mawnan, England in the late seventies. A little bit of info on him/her/it: ‘Owlman is the name of a strange hybrid creature that, appropriately enough, combines human and owl anatomy. Owlman's size is said to be the same as a regular human. He is often seen flying, which should rule out a person in a costume. He makes a hissing noise and has glowing red eyes. The claws on his feet are unusually large and are black in color. His feathers are generally described as light grey or white. Owlman has been sighted by many witnesses in Mawnan Woods and in the cemetary of Mawnan Old Church in Cornwall, Britain. He mostly appears to young girls.’ Source: Owlman - TinWiki The first to witness this beastie were two girls who were on a camping trip: ‘In 1976 on April 17, two young girls claimed to have seen a giant owl hovering over the local church tower, as did two other young girls on July 3. In the second encounter, 14-year-old Sally Chapman was camping with a friend, Barbara Perry, in woods near the church. According to her account, as she stood outside her tent, she heard a hissing sound and turned to see a figure that looked like an owl as big as a man, with pointed ears and red eyes. The girls reported that the creature flew up into the air, revealing black pincer-like claws. Sightings of this figure continued to be reported on the following day (when it was described as "silvery grey") and on two occasions two years later, in June and August of 1978, all within the vicinity of the church (Bord, 1980).’ Source: Owlman - Wikipedia Below is an artists rendering of Owlman, Doc Shiels and the 2 girls: The critter has been seen numerous other times by people in the area, one of whom was apparently a student from Chicago who went there while on a trip to the UK. Director and Founder of the Center for Fortean Zoology, Jonathan Downes (Jonathan Downes ) wrote and published a book on the phenomena called ‘The Owlman and Others’ in which he gives an exhaustive account of his many investigations into the Owlman entity, and its connection to another local cryptid, Mawgar, a sea monster spotted in nearby Falmouth Bay. He also sheds a little light on a local ‘Wizard’ who seemed pretty active during the sightings of Owlman, and whom has become known as ‘Doc’ Shiels. He (Doc) apparently tried unsuccessfully to invoke the Owlman while local TV channels turned up in the hopes of a good story. Mawnan Church - it was seen hovering above the spire: Looking out over Falmouth bay, where Mawgar has been seen numerous times: I recommend picking up a copy of the book, and if you can take the Doc’s ramblings with a pinch of salt, the information about the Owlman is very interesting. Also, another recommended read (if you can find a copy) is ‘Alien Animals’ by Colin and Janet Bord, which also contains a good section on Owlman (as well as many other cryptids) as well as The Mothman… Now, it occurred to me numerous times about the many similarities between Owlman and the Mothman, spotted in 1966 in Point Pleasant, WV. Both of them are winged entities, both were reported to have red glowing eyes. Both were reported to be about the size of a man. Both were also said to make high pitched screeching and/or hissing sounds. Not only that, but I saw some (maybe vague) similarities between their locations and the significance of them. Mawnan Woods and the church there stand on a Ley Line, and is by the sea, whereas Point Pleasant apparently was cursed by Chief Cornstalk and is surrounded on 2 sides by rivers. I know these are vague, but something worth considering?? I hope this has stirred a little interest, and will get the ball rolling on this fantastic beastie… look forward to some discussion! Edit: added pictures. [edit on 3/9/2009 by Genus_Unknown]
The contestants FLIP when they see the distinctive beard of one of the great makeup artists in the biz: Howard Berger. Chloe works madly to get everything done on the small army of orcs she and her fellows are tasked to create in a mere two and a half hours! Howard names Corinne and Matt's orc army the best, and because Corinne designed the clinching paint job, she wins the challenge, and immunity! This week is all full of makeup heroes! Doug Jones, who played Abe Sapien in "Hellboy" and Fauno in "Pan's Labyrinth," is here to judge the cryptid makeups for the Spotlight Challenge. Michael and McKenzie check out Rashaad and Graham's Bunyip, a croc-like creature from Australia. Daran and Cat aren't seeing the same vision for their Chupacabra, and Cat's feeling more and more like Daran won't include her input. Chloe and Tyler are working on the Mapinguari (say: muhPENgway) and are taking some big chances using fun fur and a static mouth in the stomach. But that's what the cryptid is, so... Chloe and Tyler needn't have feared! The judges love their work and Tyler walks away with his second win! Although Rashaad and Graham split the work of sculpting the face and cowl, they manage to make it look like it was done by one person. This, and many other elements, put their makeup up top this week. Also in top looks were George and Niko. Doug and Neville especially like the logic of the fin placement. Cat and Daran's discord in the lab led to a bad placement on reveal day. Their Chupacabra is on the chopping block. The judges were deeply disappointed with Matt and Corinne's Jersey Devil. They decide that Matt is going home this week. Update your browser for more security and the best experience on this site.
As a professor, Stebbins took the time to be involved in cryptozoology pursuits. Giant Cryptid Reptiles A new look at a famous case in Sea Serpent literature stirs up some thoughts. This book is a fascinating examination of the snake, from anatomy and biology, to common misunderstandings, and with even an examination of “the Great Sea Serpents.” Too young, gone too soon. Images. One was worthy of the snake described in the memoirs of Colonel Fawcett. One telltale sign to the discovery was shell shapes. Images. What does an old news item say about journalism and flying snakes at the turn of the twentieth century? Image. Real encounter? Or tall tale? What happened on that fateful day?
Investigations of Legends, Hauntings, Cryptids and the Strange and Bizarre Welcome, my name is Chris McDaniel. I am the founder of Creepy Legends Paranormal Research. I would like to invite you to email me a strange or bizarre event that you had experienced. It could be a haunting, an encounter with a cryptid such as Bigfoot, UFO sighting or just anything that you may have thought to be bizarre. (Why?) I research and investigate paranormal events. I have been investigating since 1999. Many years ago, I myself had experienced paranormal events that I could not explain. I began analyzing and found myself searching for answers. It did not take me long to discover that this "Paranormal" thing is more than just campfire stories. A large majority of these stories are true events involving true people. The people that experienced these events usually end up with numerious questions and rarely recieve any answers. I research the events and hopefully provide some answers. Along the way I began writing about some of the research including some of the events I have personally experienced. I have published a book title "Falling Down The Rabbit's Hole". With your stories that you email me I will review and reply. Thank you for your interest in Creepy Legends Paranormal Research. Email your story to: email@example.com Founder Chris McDaniel and Co-founder Vonda McDaniel Image Creepy Legends Logo copyright 2009 Chris McDaniel Logo image of Destination America Monsters and Mysteries in America
Strange Familiars with Timothy Renner Tim explores various strange stories in his podcast, Strange Familiars. Strange Familiars explores a variety of subjects in a combination of storytelling, reporting, interviews, and discussion. Cryptids, ghosts, folklore, mythology, and paranormal topics. Our first cycle of episodes will explore some local legends from York County, Pennsylvania beginning with Toad Road and the Seven Gates of Hell. In our second episode we follow the Codorus Creek north into York city where we hear a tale of a singing corpse, discuss mystery lights, glowing red eyes, ghosts, and more – and we are rewarded with a photographic anomaly while we are there. If you would like to help us continue to make Strange Familiars, get bonus content, t-shirts, stickers, and more rewards, you can become a patron at Patreon. Episode 2 notes and links: Our first cycle of episodes will explore some local legends from York County, Pennsylvania beginning with Toad Road and the Seven Gates of Hell. In the first episode we talk a little about Toad Road and the Seven Gates, where they are, what they might be, and what they are not. We disprove some urban legends and head to Hex Hollow for discussions about powwow, witchcraft, ghosts, will-o-the-wisps, cryptid creatures, and the famous "hex murder". If you would like to help us continue to make Strange Familiars, get bonus content, t-shirts, stickers, and more rewards, you can become a patron. Episode 1 notes and links: Much of the research for this episode was done for our first book, Beyond the Seventh Gate. The Phillip Smith interview was done by Catherine Diehl. Lon Strickler can be found at: Phantoms and Monsters. Tara Vanflower: http://www.amazon.com/Tara-Vanflower/e/B007MMUS5Q Jo Cosgrove: http://www.etsy.com/shop/barnaclebonesbooks Strange Familiars is a production of Dark Holler Arts, LLC. Music, art, podcasts, books, and more. darkhollerarts.com Intro and background music by Stone Breath - which is our band. You can find more at http://stonebreath.bandcamp.com
The J'ba Fofi is a cryptid rumoured to live in central Africa. It comes from the Congo and has long been documented by the Baka natives. The J'ba Fofi are described as giant venomous spiders which can grow up to the size of a house, and are known for weaving webs round two giant trees. The J'ba Fofi are said to prey on large animals, such as deer, birds, and would not be above eating humans. In one occasion, a J'ba Fofi was said to have dragged off a dog from a village. The J'ba Fofi are said to be golden when young but turn brown when older. The J'ba Fofi started as an African tale, but then expanded round the world. - 1938 - Congo - The Lloyds were driving through a game trail when they came upon what they believed was a monkey or large cat but they saw it had eight legs. Upon which to their amazement and horror, the spider scuttled off into the bushes. - 1942, new Guinea - An Australian soldier said he had encountered a ten foot web inhabited by a dog-sized spider. It was hairy and venomous. - 1948, Louisana - The Slaydons were going to a night church service when halfway down the road he told them to stop. What came out of the bushes was a horrible, gigantic tub-sized black hairy spider. It disappeared into the bushes. The father, William, acted like he had seen them before and it wasn't uncommon. - 2001, Cameroon - a Baka tribesman told a scientist William Gibbons, that a J'ba Fofi had built its nest near their village. - 2010 Dakota Black Hills, a group of people were driving through the Hills when a spider about ten feet across crawled over the road. - 2011, Amazon - Richard Terry, a film maker, went to South America to investigate giant spider sightings. He was told by the natives that they did have giant spiders in the forest but they couldn't be reached. They were said to be four feet wide. - The Grand Canyon was said to have been the sighting of a gigantic house sized tarantula which scared tourists. - Also back in the 1920s some Scouts were said to have been scared by a giant spider which scuttled around their campfire. - In 2003 the Americans put up a picture of a camel spider which was said to have been ten foot wide but when viewed later it was said to have been two camel spiders mating. The J'ba Fofi are in decline according to the Baka because of the lack of prey. Also because of human deforestation.
BuzzFeed, the following is a 1959 dispatch from the U.S. government on what to do if you're Yeti hunting in Nepal. According to the rules from the American embassy, an intrepid Yeti tracker had to pony up to the Nepalese government for a permit; they weren't allowed to kill or shoot at the creature, unless in self defense; all evidence had to be surrendered to the government of Nepal; and all publicity must be submitted to that government before it is published. Of course, this isn't the first time the U.S. has gotten caught up with the Bigfoot-like cryptid. Back in 1893, Teddy Roosevelt wrote of an encounter with a sasquatch. Also remember that this was a peak season for Bigfoot; in 1951a famous pair of supposed Yeti tracks by famous British mountaineer Eric Shipton. And in 1958, the famous Bluff Creek Bigfoot sightings gained popularity (and were investigated by Yeti believer Tom Slick).
Richard Svensson's excellent demonstration of how a single lake monster can be interpreted in very different ways, based upon conflicting eyewitness accounts (Richard Svensson) Today, the classic, pre-eminent image indelibly engrained in everyone’s mind when speaking of Nessie, the Loch Ness monster (LNM), is that of a plesiosaur lookalike, complete with long slender neck and tail, small head, and four large diamond-shaped flippers. Nessie's most popular, plesiosaurian identity (Richard Svensson) However, this was not always the case. In the past, a great diversity of alternative ideas concerning the likely appearance and identity of Scotland’s cryptozoological megastar existed. Nevertheless, with the exception of just a few (such as a sturgeon, a hypothetical long-necked seal, or various misidentified familiar animals like otters and swimming deer) that still linger tenaciously in the romantic but decidedly plesiosaurian shadow of the general public’s favourite concept for Nessie, these other options have largely been forgotten or discarded. Peter Costello's book In Search of Lake Monsters espoused a hypothetical long-necked seal identity for Nessie (Peter Costello) Yet they included some truly extraordinary notions and fascinating sightings, which richly deserve their belated resurrection here, as we examine just a selection of those most curious of LNM identities - identities that may have been, might still be, and surely could never, ever be...could they? The most familiar cryptozoological identity proffering a furry or hairy mammalian Nessie as opposed to a sleek scaled or scaleless reptilian counterpart is a giant long-necked seal - of the kind first postulated during the 1960s by pioneering cryptozoologist Dr Bernard Heuvelmans for his ‘longneck’ category of sea serpent, and later adopted for lake monsters too by Peter Costello. This identity still receives some attention today. In contrast, a second mammalian cryptid contender has long been consigned to obscurity – a giant long-necked otter. Its principal proponent was British zoologist Dr Maurice Burton. Although dismissing most Nessie reports as floating algal mats or misidentified known animals, in his book The Elusive Monster (1961) he considered it possible that a small number of reports genuinely featured an undiscovered lutrine form. And perhaps his most memorable claim was that if a long-necked giant otter did exist, it should not be looked for in the loch but on land instead: “…in the marshes or on islands (e.g. Cherry Island), up the burns and rivers or along the shores of the loch, although it may also be seen occasionally in the water”. An otter impersonating Nessie (Dr Karl Shuker) How ironic it would be if generations of Nessie seekers have been looking for the LNM in entirely the wrong habitat! Intriguingly, an unknown long-necked giant otter-like beast has long been reported from western Ireland, where it is termed the dobhar-chú or master otter. A FROG AS BIG AS A GOAT? What was an exceedindly unusual sighting of Nessie, made as it was underwater, took place one day during the 1880s-1890s, when diver Duncan Macdonald was lowered into Loch Ness at Johnnie's Point, close to the loch’s Fort Augustus entrance to the Caledonian Canal. According to modern-day retellings of this incident (but not according to its original published source, an article in Inverness's Northern Chronicle newspaper for 31 January 1934, as I discovered in May 2016 when fellow cryptozoological researcher Richard Muirhead kindly sent me a copy of it - click here for a detailed ShukerNature account of this), not long afterwards he resurfaced, gesticulating wildly to his colleagues to pull him out, and in such a terror-stricken state that it took several days before he was finally able to explain why he had been so scared. These graphic details seem to be melodramatic embellishments added subsequently to the Northern Chronicle article's very matter-of-fact version by person(s) unknown. What the original published version of this incident and later retellings of it do agree upon, however, is that while Macdonald had been seeking at a depth of around 10 m the sunken ship that he had been sent down to investigate, he saw a very large, totally unfamiliar creature lying upon a shelf of rock that had been supporting the ship. According to his description, the creature resembled a huge frog, as big as a goat, and it was staring directly at him, albeit not in an aggressive or threatening manner. Could Nessie be a gigantic salamander? The concept of Nessie being a gigantic amphibian was revisited most notably almost a century later. This was when, in 1976, veteran cryptozoologist Dr Roy P. Mackal, a Chicago University biochemist by profession, published what remains the most scientific, rigorously objective study of the LNM in book form. Entitled The Monsters of Loch Ness, in it Mackal meticulously examined every reasonable zoological identity, and concluded that the most plausible Nessie candidate was a giant newt- or salamander-like amphibian, which in his view would account for 88% of the LNM characteristics on file (as opposed to 56% for a species of seal, 47% for a sea-cow, 69% for a plesiosaur, 78% for a species of eel, and 59% for a mollusc). Yet despite the convincing and thorough nature of his researches, Mackal’s mega-newt theory failed to break the plesiosaur’s limpet-like grip upon the imagination of Nessie seekers and the media at large. MIGHTY MANTAS AND EUNUCH EELS Two of the fishiest Nessie identities – zoologically – feature a couple of very different contenders of the piscean persuasion. Cryptozoologists Paul and Lena Bottriell are most famous for their king cheetah researches, but in 1988 they turned their attention briefly to Nessie, and in an exclusive High Wycombe Star newspaper interview published on 28 October they offered a new identity for this cryptid. Based on personal sightings of a school of rays seen while snorkelling off Queensland, Australia, Paul postulated that the LNM may be a very large ray, sporting a series of dorsal fins along its lengthy slender tail (as species such as the electric ray possess), thereby producing the characteristic Nessie humps if protruding through the water surface. He also proposed that its elongate tail could create the familiar ‘head and neck’ Nessie image if lifted up out of the water (rays do lift their tails in warning displays). Although an ingenious, original idea, the notion of a ray’s tail explaining Nessie’s head and neck clashes with LNM eyewitness reports that have claimed the head and neck to be unquestionably sentient, actively observing while above the water surface. An underwater moray eel impersonating Nessie's famous 'periscope' head and neck pose at Sea World in San Diego, California, as witnessed by me during a visit there in 2004 (Dr Karl Shuker) Equally ingenious is the most recent non-plesiosaur identity of note to be aired for Nessie. Expanding upon the longstanding belief of various investigators that extra-large eels may be responsible for at least some LNM reports, in 2003 Richard Freeman of the CFZ suggested that Nessie may well be a gigantic, sterile or eunuch specimen of the common eel Anguilla anguilla – one that did not swim out to sea and spawn but instead stayed in the loch, grew exceptionally long (8-9 m), lived to a much greater age than normal, and was rendered sterile by some presently undetermined factor present in this and other deep, cold, northern lakes. I would not be at all surprised to learn that extra-large eels do exist here (indeed, such fishes have been reported by divers in the loch), and they could certainly explain some Nessie sightings of the ‘humps above the water’ variety. However, I cannot reconcile any kind of eel with the oft-reported vertical head-and-neck category of LNM sightings, nor with the land sightings that have described a clearly visible four-limbed, long-necked animal. Also, in response to this ‘eunuch eel’ theory, Dr Scott McNaught, Professor of Lake Biology at Central Michigan University, has stated that even if such eels did arise, they would tend to grow thicker rather than longer. Nevertheless, giant eels remain a distinct possibility in relation to some of the world’s more serpentiform lake monsters on record. IS THE ELEPHANT SQUID A WIZARD IDEA? Tony ‘Doc’ Shiels is familiar in the fortean community as a wizard, surrealist artist, showman, and cryptozoological enthusiast, with a particular interest in water monsters, and he claims to have photographed several, including the LNM. Moreover, in relation to this latter cryptid he has proposed a highly original zoological identity – an as-yet-hypothetical, extremely modified species of enormous squid, which in 1984 he dubbed the elephant squid Elephanteuthis nnidnidi (a name that needs no explanation for anyone acquainted with Shiels's experiments with psychic automatism). This was because its most distinctive feature is a long flexible prey-capturing structure resembling an elephant’s trunk, which, held above the water surface, would account for Nessie’s ‘head and long neck’ image. Shiels also postulated the presence of inflatable dorsal airsacs for buoyancy purposes, which would explain the many LNM sightings of humps breaking through the loch’s water surface. Doc Shiels's sketch of his hypothetical elephant squid (Tony 'Doc' Shiels) Naturally, however, so dramatically different a species of squid as this would require a very considerable evolutionary deviation from the more generalised squid blueprint, and not just morphologically. Currently, there is not a single scientifically-confirmed species of freshwater squid on record – every squid presently known to exist today is exclusively marine. So for Shiels’s elephant squid to be a reality, it would need to exhibit profound osmoregulatory adaptations to a freshwater lifestyle. "I’VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT IN MY LIFE!" The above words, as sung by circus owner Albert Blossom in the classic 1960s Warner Brothers film musical ‘Doctor Dolittle’ upon first seeing the incredible two-headed pushmi-pullyu, came unbidden, but very aptly, into my head when, after first reading the thoroughly astonishing, one-of-a-kind Nessie sighting claimed by L. McP. Fordyce, I looked at the accompanying artistic reconstruction based upon his own sketch of what he allegedly saw. According to his report (Scots Magazine, June 1990), his extraordinary encounter occurred in 1932 (just a year before Nessie fever filled the headlines worldwide and the term ‘Loch Ness monster’ was coined). Driving along a woodland-surrounded stretch of road leading away from the lochside and towards Fort William, he and his fiancée were amazed to see a huge creature come out of the woods on their left and step over the road about 150 m ahead towards the loch. Fordyce described it as having “the gait of an elephant, but looked like a cross between a very large horse and a camel, with a hump on its back and a small head on a long neck…From the rear it looked grey and shaggy. Its long, thin neck gave it the appearance of an elephant with its trunk raised”. He stopped the car, and followed this bizarre animal for a short distance on foot before deciding that it may be safer to abandon his pursuit and go back to his car. An artistic representation of Fordyce's extraordinary 'giraffe-camel Nessie' (Scots Magazine, June 1990) So unlike the typical LNM is this truly weird entity, depicted in Fordyce’s account with long slender legs far removed from the flippers more commonly associated with Nessie, that I swiftly checked that this was not the April issue of the magazine in question, but the article ended with an even stranger note. Fordyce revealed that, as stated in Ronald Binns’s book, The Loch Ness Mystery Solved (1983), in 1771 a Patrick Rose had learnt of a monster seen in Loch Ness that was said to resemble a cross between a horse and a camel. However, this no doubt referred to Nessie’s head and neck (rather than to the entire animal), which have indeed been likened to those of a horse on many occasions. So too have those of water monsters elsewhere, including North America’s Caddy, a sea monster whose head has been compared with that of a camel as well. A NOT SO MONSTROUS TULLIMONSTRUM? One of the most bewildering Nessie sightings was that of Mr and Mrs George Spicer. Driving along the road between Dores and Foyers on 22 July 1933, they spied a very large entity emerging from the bushes onto the road ahead. They described it as “an abomination…a loathsome sight”, with a long neck, but no apparent limbs, later likened to a massive slug or worm-like beast in some accounts, which lurched rapidly across the road and into the bracken separating it from the lochside. One Nessie investigator impressed with the prospect of a worm as a suitable explanation was F.W. Holiday. In his book The Great Orm of Loch Ness (1969), he nominated a particularly unusual animal as his favoured Nessie. Namely, a hypothetical giant modern-day descendant of a bizarre prehistoric vermiform creature called Tullimonstrum gregarium, or the Tully monster (after Francis J. Tully, who first brought this fossil species to scientific attention in 1955). A representation of Tullimonstrum gregarium (Apokryltaros at en.wikipedia) What intrigued Holiday about this animal was its unexpectedly Nessie-esque morphology. Unlike more conservative vermiform creatures, Tullimonstrum sported a pair of small anterior flipper-like appendages (though these are now known to have been eye-stalks), a sizeable three-part diamond fin encircling the rear portion of its body, and a very long, slender jaw-containing proboscis superficially resembling an elongate LNM-type neck and head. However, unlike Nessie, which is often claimed to measure around 10 m long, Tullimonstrum was only a few cm long, is known only from Illinois, and became extinct over 300 million years ago – no doubt explaining why this identity never captured the public imagination. Interestingly, in March 2016 a research team featuring Dr Victoria E. McCoy revealed in a Nature paper that Tullimonstrum was actually a vertebrate, possessing a notochord, and was closely related to the lampreys and other agnathans. THE ELEPHANT OF SURPRISE? As revealed here, several Nessie identities contain more than an element of surprise, but none more so than when the element is an elephant. After all, whatever Nessie may be, she is certainly no pachyderm...is she? Remarkably, in a New Scientist article of 2 August 1979, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History director Dr Dennis Power and Illinois University geography research associate Dr Donald Johnson cited similarities between the controversial Surgeon’s head-and-neck Nessie photograph of 1934 and a frame from a film taken on 15 July 1960 by Admiral R. Kadirgamar of an elephant and her calf swimming from Ostenburg Ridge to Sober Island in Trincomalee Harbour, Sri Lanka, and speculated that perhaps travelling circuses have occasionally released their elephants into Loch Ness to bathe, which might then explain the Surgeon’s photo (an image, incidentally, that in years to come would be famously condemned – but never confirmed!! – as a hoax). The above-documented frame from Admiral R. Kadirgamar's film of an elephant and her calf swimming off the coast of Sri Lanka in July 1960, yielding a surprisingly Nessie-like outline (Admiral R. Kadirgamar) And as proof that history, even of the strangest variety, does repeat itself, in 2006 the startling elephant-Nessie scenario unexpectedly returned to the headlines when the very same notion was offered up by palaeontological curator Dr Neil Clark from Glasgow University’s Hunterian Museum. An elephant in the loch’s waters, or a camel in its woods? Bring back Tullimonstrum – all is forgiven! MONSTERS, MONSTERS, EVERYWHERE! Unlike Nessie’s many investigators, Robert Lawson Cassie was one seeker of Scottish Highland water monsters who never had problems finding them. On the contrary, ever since he began his observations, in June 1934, everywhere he looked near his home village of Achanalt he saw monsters! As revealed in this 77-year-old author’s mesmerising, self-published 2-volume book, The Monsters of Achanalt (1935-36), the local rivers and lochs were - at least as far as he could see – quite literally bursting at the seams with monstrous reptiles, and of gargantuan dimensions. Indeed, one such denizen of Loch Achanalt that he dubbed Gabriel was estimated by him to measure approximately 300 m long, which meant it was only 50 m shorter than the loch itself! Moreover, it was, he claimed, just one of countless other, smaller monsters inhabiting this modestly-sized expanse of freshwater, with plenty more in Lochs Cronn, Culon, Garve, and Rosque - even though most of these are no deeper than 10 m. Loch Achanalt (Dave Conner/Flickr/Wikipedia) Nor were Cassie’s sightings confined to the aquatic domain. As soon as he started looking for monsters on land, where he was convinced that they must breed, he was equally successful - even reporting a sighting of two giant reptilian necks outlined against the snowy face close to the summit of Morusig! Not surprisingly, Cassie’s absurd observations and books rarely rate a mention in other cryptozoological publications, and are generally dismissed either as the outpourings of an extreme eccentric or as a tongue-in-cheek hoax. Why, with such a range of other candidates to consider, does the plesiosaur identity steadfastly remain so popular? It is true that, on the one hand, some of the land sightings of Nessie have described an undeniably plesiosaurianesque entity. On the other hand, however, all manner of scientific objections to the likelihood of a modern-day representative of this officially long-demised lineage of prehistoric aquatic reptile persisting in Loch Ness have been aired over the years. My own belief is that there is no single answer to the mystery of Nessie – instead, I consider it most likely that what we refer to as the LNM is in reality a composite of several different phenomena. Be that as it may, what seems to raise the plesiosaur’s profile far above that of any would-be pretender to the Nessie throne is that the notion of some lingering race of antediluvian monster - an erstwhile contemporary of the mighty dinosaurs, no less - lurking reclusively beneath the loch’s dark, mysterious waters conjures forth an incomparably romantic and, equally, chilling scenario that no over-sized newt, emasculated eel, trunk-erecting squid, vermiform wannabe, or even the (very) odd giraffe-necked water camel could ever hope to compete with! A truly wonderful Nessie-inspired cartoon by Keith Waite that originally appeared in London's Sunday Mirror newspaper on 2 April 1972 but which surely cried out for inclusion in any article dealing with the many different faces of Nessie! (Keith Waite/Sunday Mirror)
Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 20th, 2008 French cryptozoologist Michel Raynal is pointing to the “okapi” (?) of Tassili found in the book and bibliography of Bernard Heuvelmans, in his book On the Track of the Unknown Animals (Paris, Plon, 1955), referred to in the cave engravings as representing the okapi in Tassili. The starting point of this assertion is an article of Robert Perret, who publishes a photograph of one of these engravings. This document is available: PERRET, Robert 1936 archaeological and ethnographic Research in Tassili of Ajjers (the Sahara central). Rupestral engravings of the Djaret Wadi, population and ruins of Iherir. Bulletin of the Company of the Africanists, 6 [ n° 1 ]: 41-64. Tassili, at the time of these engravings (they are 4000 to 8000 years before present), was not arid like today, and sheltered a fauna of savanna. Raynal notes it is far from probable that it ever sheltered the okapi, an animal of the wet tropical forest. Perhaps the engraving represents another giraffid fossil, which has disappeared, but is part of another history to be explored. Is there another okapi-like cryptid that has been overlooked? Could there be new okapi or new subspecies out there? Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct). Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015. Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
A Novel by Eric Penz 2006 JADA Press Book of the Year Honorable Mention 2005 Top Cryptofiction Book of the Year on Cryptomundo.com 2002 3rd Place PNWA Literary Contest, Adult Genre Novel Editor's Choice, Reader's Choice, and Publisher's Choice awards, as well as prestigious Star Books designation If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I’m sure your father subscribed to this advice much like my own. This sage advice could perhaps apply to me releasing an Author’s Edition of my debut novel, Cryptid. The book was well received by both reader and critic. Sales were and still are admirable for a first novel. So then why bother with a new edition? Good question. And I’m not sure I have an equally good answer. All I can say is that in the years since Cryptid was published I’ve lived with a nagging concern. The book as originally published was just not quite me. Like a picture hanging on the wall askew enough to place a sliver in your mind until you leveled it that fraction of a degree, I’ve had a sliver for Cryptid. And with the new brave world of ebook publishing, putting out a new edition is now feasible. So why a new edition? In short, because I now can. It’s time to pluck the sliver free. More specifically, the story was simply not complete. As the subtitle implies, this story involves Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. The story begins with their amazing adventure. And yet, these two American heroes do not appear on screen. It’s time to fix that. I’ve included with this edition a new first chapter that was not included in the previous edition. This chapter stars both Lewis and Clark, though perhaps not quite as history might envision them. And so, I proudly present to you the Author’s Edition of Cryptid: The Lost Legacy of Lewis & Clark. Like many Director’s Cut versions of movies, this edition is the story as I believe it to be best told. It is now more me. That is not to say it is perfect. Quite the contrary. It is still a first novel, complete with all the quirks and imperfections that accompany an author’s early work. I wouldn’t change those for anything. That would be like removing a birth mark from your first born son. There are changes I could make, but I will save those for the film version. Without further ado, I present to you my first born son as I envisioned him to be. Enjoy the hunt. Something haunts the woods of Olympic National Park, a nightmare in hiding. Its existence has been kept secret by a conspiracy that stretches back to President Thomas Jefferson and the Lewis & Clark expedition. The truth that we have not been alone on this earth would have forever been lost except that some species just won’t die. Dr. Samantha Russell has spent her career seeking for truth in the only way she knows how, on her hands and knees, painstakingly digging it up from the crust of the earth. When the truth arrives by way of FedEx, she cannot help but see it as nothing more than another scientific hoax, especially considering the source. Dr. Jon Ostman has practically been excommunicated by the scientific community for his interest in such subjects as the American Sasquatch. Suffering from her father's tragic sense of curiosity, though, Sam can't resist the question begged by the bones contained in the wooden crate. How could they be bones and not fossils since Gigantopithecus had been extinct for 125,000 years? Driven to know the answer, Sam delays going to her father on his deathbed and instead pursues Jon to a remote corner of Washington state where he is about to make the greatest discovery involving the origins of the human species, a discovery Lewis and Clark may have already made two hundred years earlier. However, Sam is not the only one pursuing Jon, for one of our nation's first secrets is still being kept by all means necessary. And if they do survive the centuries-old conspiracy, they will not only rewrite American history, but they will prove that we are not the only intelligent, bipedal primate to survive extinction. Silent hooves churned through the road's fresh mud. Steaming breath came slowly from his horse's nostrils with each stride. His own breath, too, formed and faded, formed and faded in the sharp morning air. The bits of mud spraying up all about them hung as if weightless in that same malevolent, unmoving air. Read more... Arguably the best piece of fiction founded on cryptozoology since Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Lost World. Cryptid bridges the gaps between various genres, deftly combining elements of historical mystery, thriller, and science-fiction in a single package graced with believable, fully realized characters from history and from the author’s fertile imagination. Its climax is worthy of best-selling thrillers by Nelson DeMille or David Morrell. In terms of historical mystery, Cryptid meets the standards set by Max Collins in works such as Stolen Away and Road to Perdition. Run, don’t walk, to get a copy while they last.
a late night last night and a lot of work ahead of me means that this one's gonna be short-- first and foremost-- i received this beautiful new year's greeting from our good pal, uriel a. duran, and he said that i could post it. saturday was the beginning of the new year on the chinese calendar and uriel filled me in on the details. "Tonight is the start of year 4707, which is year of the White (Metal) Tiger. In some regions of China the metal element is associated with gold and so it is also said that this is the year of the Golden Tiger (by the way, the blue tiger, or rather Maltese tiger of the illo was included just because cryptid tigers are fun)." thanks, uriel! and happy new year! for totally other reasons, my dear sister squeeze sent me this photo the other day and we couldn't stop giggling... i'd really like to have a list of our words that mean something totally different--and sophmoric--in other countries...that would be fun. happy president's day! smell ya later! this is post 693.
*Blue: Australian slang word for an argument or for a mistake. It was the headline that naturally caught my attention: “A letter from the typewriter museum” it said. Funny, I couldn’t recall sending a typewritten letter to arch-Australian conservative columnist Andrew Bolt. On this day (October 21) last year, the Canberra-based Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation was allegedly responsible for a typewritten – yes, as in written on a typewriter - memorandum promoting its online news blog. The memorandum was said to have come from CSIRO’s media liaison unit. Bolt posted on this the following day, saying, “The CSIRO, at the cutting edge of science, technology and global warming modelling, pecks out on a trusty Remington a press alert about solar blogs and other ‘new stuff’.” Of course, if true, such a thing would have been prime fodder for Bolt, a 53-year-old “journalist” born in the mid-19th century. Bolt is a Murdoch media hack, radio commentator and television host. He spends all his time doing Uncle Rupert’s bidding, which is to knock the Labor Federal Government and anything vaguely associated with it, for whatever nebulous reason he sees fit. The idea that Australia’s national scientific institution, presumably operating with state-of-the-art technology, might still have been using a typewriter to construct memorandums was right down this alley. As might have been expected, there was considerable response to and comment on Bolt’s blog post, much of it suggesting the CSIRO was using an attention-grabbing technique known as a “Yowie’s footprint”. This is an elaborate ploy in which a scientist cleverly constructs a bunyip's or a cryptid’s foot (not that easy to do) and leaves a fairly convincing print somewhere in the Outback, the idea being to heighten interest in scientific research and thus provide increased funding. The last known case was the famous “Nullarbor Nymph” of 1971-72. In other words, it was suggested Bolt had either been fooled by a pretty straightforward CSIRO hoax, was at best party to it, or that he had simply missed the point altogether. Anyway, judge for yourselves. Here are some of the more interesting comments attached to the blog post: “Well that dispels any doubts as to our place at the cutting edge of science, doesn’t it? What a joke. Can you imagine if everyone is forced to go back to a typewriter? I typed for a few years on an old typewriter and it is not fun.” “This has to be a joke, right?” “It’s post-modern, ironic and hipster-cool. What’s the problem with it?” “New grads are going to find it hard because they can’t spell unless they have a spell check!” “They are my kind of people.” “There’s this thing called satire that conspiracy theorists confuse for literalism. I’m almost inclined to think that I should include humour along with satire, but the point would likely be lost.” “The 21st century is fun! Try it." “Without a backspace key, you’d be stuffed...” “Is it April Fool’s Day already? The lamest gag ever…” “I hear they are hoping to install telex next year…” “They’re a Sharp lot.” “Sure it’s not a joke?” “Brilliant - loved it.” “Obviously they need a solar-powered typewriter. Thrown in, a multi-million [dollar] research lab, some utes [utility trucks] and cars and increased super [annuation] and super computers, all for the renewable cause.” “If real - pathetic. Who still owns a typewriter? Where does all the money we give CSIRO go?” “I wonder who ALI is?” “What’s a typewriter???” “Maybe in this case they should have called it a tripe-writer!” “At least the typewriter will still work when the wind turbines are not turning.” “You can start using the typewriter straight away - no massive operating system to load before getting started.” “No need to update the software - nor install an anti-virus program - disinfectant and a cloth work very well.” “Tmails don’t go viral so easily.” “Harder to ignore a memo on the desk or the fridge in the tearoom.” “Can be delivered when the server is down.” “Same sort of technology they’re using for climate change models. Explains a lot really!” “This is from the days when spellcheck was still between our ears.” “This cannot possibly be real. Say it isn’t so. I do not believe it, or a disgruntled employee is trying to take mickey out of them? Then again, being a government show, it just might be fair dinkum and typical of its lagging behind.” “It appears to me that the use of the typewriter was intended to be quaint and funny. And, it also seems that the Huw Morgan who wrote the blog is a self-described aficionado of typewritten communications and a collector of old typewriters.” “For God’s sake don’t tell them the war has ended!” “Perhaps they don’t trust the security of online transmissions.” “You really need to be keeping up with the times. CSIRO going back to typewriters is just part of a wider green carbon reduction strategy being rolled out. The ultimate goal is to eliminate all devices requiring electricity, such as computers, printers, internet, and mobile phones. The next phase of the carbon footprint reduction steering committee is to access green grants to buy a whole heap of horses and reintroduce pony express to deliver these typewritten memos. Other green communication technology initiatives are: Carry pigeons; Talking to one’s neighbour; Swiss alpine horns; Smoke signals (only if carbon offsets have been purchased); Add any more you can think of and I will type up a memo for our next planning meeting.” “But you have to use carbon paper with the typewriter…” “Maybe a secret agent working South of the South Pole, or in China.” “What about all that carbon black used in the ink on that typewriter? As we know - CO2 is that black, sooty stuff that makes the sea levels rise. This typewritten release just drowned another whale and caused a polar bear’s temperature to rise by 100 metres! Don’t argue - the science is in.” “You guys have all missed the plot. Here is a responsible government instrumentality doing its best to keep alive a priceless, communications heritage item, much like that guy clip-clopping around Melbourne Town in a horse-enhanced vehicle while fending off mindless Town Hall bureaucracy, and the best you can do is pour scorn.” “Seems the government funding is running a tad low.” “Must be hell calculating all those sea level rises with slide-rules.” “It’s called marketing, and given that you have republished it, it seems to be working swimmingly.” “Should the date be 21 October 1911?” “No one really does perfect typing anymore. Don’t need to with autocorrect.” “I cannot believe a typewriter I learned on 50 years ago exists outside a museum.” “When the water rises 6m, all the electronics will be under water, so back to the typewriters and carrier pigeons.”
Since you still are obsessed with animals, we celebrated your birthday at the Tennessee Aquarium. You got to look at all of the aquatic animals and pet stingrays and vibrate excitedly. Before you were born, I never thought that we’d be the kind of family with a season pass to an aquarium. Now we’ve been there enough that you know some of the animals by name and are disappointed if you don’t get to see Stewie the sea turtle. You love more than just the aquarium animals, which is good since otherwise you’d spend most of your time being sad that macaroni penguins don’t feature much in our day-to-day life. Bugs still hold a special place in your heart. You’ve kept a dead cicada in your car seat’s cupholder for more than a year. Last summer a grasshopper jumped onto your leg and you carefully helped it climb up you until it reached your shoulder so it could become your animal familiar. We have endless pictures of you with beetles and butterflies on your finger. You’re also fond of mammals. You asked to dress up as a cat for Halloween, and at Christmas when you got to visit a horse, your glee was strong enough to melt the snow all around you. You adore Anwyn, our rescued corgi-lab mix. You call her “puppy” even though she’s an adult dog, though we don’t actually know how old Anwyn is. Vets tell a dog’s age by looking at their teeth, evaluating the amount of tooth wear, and then making a wild-ass guess. One vet who saw Anwyn said that she was three years old, and then the next said that she was maybe a year old. If I tolerated error bars like that with you, this would be my letter to you on your second or maybe seventh birthday. Anyway, you like to hug Anwyn randomly, which she tolerates with the well-nigh infinite patience of a Labrador. She also shares your love of bugs. Some nights you two race as Anwyn tries to eat a beetle that’s skittering across the floor while you’re trying to save it. Stuffed animals also count. You sleep with as many of them as you can pile on the bed. The stuffed animals build up like barnacles or YouTube comments, and like those two things, they have to be scraped off from time to time. We bring in a shovel and clear off your bed so that there’s room for you, but each night you choose a new animal to sleep with until your bed is once again covered. Your mom and I have wondered if they secretly compete to be nearest the bed and thus the most visible, increasing the chance that you’ll choose them to sleep with. We’ve had to limit the number of new stuffed animals you’ve been getting. “I just want this one,” you’ll lie convincingly, but we’re on to you. For you, getting just one stuffed animal is like eating just one potato chip. You continue to be way more athletic than anyone else in the family. When you went rollerskating for the first time since you were very young, you skated like a fiend. You’re still a big fan of swimming. If there’s a ball around, you’ll kick it up and down an imaginary field. At some point your mom and I should stop being lazy and sign you up for an organized sport, or even a disorganized one like kids’ soccer. It may be tied to how you love going very fast. When we went to a local amusement park, you skipped all the slower kid rides and made a beeline for the rollercoasters. It’s a good thing I still enjoy going on them! When you’re not running around, you’re often crafting. If I haven’t seen you in a half-hour and can’t hear you arguing with Eli, I know you’re in the office and the floor is covered with paper, crayons, pens, and glue. When I come home from work, I’ll often find a little drawing that you’ve made on a scrap of paper and left lying on a table or sofa or Anwyn. These creations often come with stories. “This is my angel dog cat butterfly,” you’ll say, proudly presenting the new cryptid that you’ve created. All of this comes together in Girl Scouts, which combines crafting and nature in a way that is tailor-made for you. You joined this year and became a Daisy, though not a literal daisy, just a figurative one who earned petals by doing cool activities and also selling cookies. You sold lots of cookies, a number of them to us. I never thought I could be tired of Thin Mints, and yet here I am, completely uninterested in the sleeve of them that’s currently in our freezer and has been for weeks. It used to be that Thin Mints evaporated around me, and now they hang around longer than broccoli hangs around your brother. You didn’t just sell cookies to us, though. We had you do the selling. I didn’t bring the sign-up sheet in to work. Instead, you came yourself to take orders. You were dressed in your Daisy uniform and looked like a stereotypical cute and quiet and slightly shy Girl Scout and so you sold so many cookies. The best part was when you got to go to Girl Scout camp for one day. You communed with nature and told a counselor that compasses work because of the Earth’s magnetic field. Best of all, you got to paint your own t-shirt. You covered it with giant slabs of paint. The other girls in your troop painted dots or swirly lines. You? You got all Helen Frankenthayler on that t-shirt. This year you started kindergarten, which also involved a lot of crafting. The first time I visited you at school I got to watch you paint in art class, your tongue stuck out as you concentrated. You were nervous before you started, worried that you’d fail kindergarten because you weren’t yet reading well. I was sympathetic. When I was in kindergarten I worried that I was going to fail kindergarten because I had to skip but I couldn’t do it. I practiced and practiced so I could graduate from kindergarten and not spiral down into a life of drunken homelessness. But the year went swimmingly. You made friends like Trinity and quickly mastered reading. While school’s been good, it’s brought with it a host of social pressures that you’re all too aware of. One day you told me, “I don’t want to wear anything Star Wars to school. I don’t want the other girls to know I like Star Wars.” As we talked about it, you kept saying, “Star Wars is for boys,” despite how much you’ve enjoyed the movie and the Lego versions of it. “I don’t know any girls who like Star Wars.” I hate that we have to combat these kinds of stereotypes so early. I don’t want what you enjoy bound up in artificial ideas of what’s for girls and what’s for boys. It helps that you’ve got an older brother. You and he watch everything from Star Wars to My Little Pony together, and he ignores most gender distinctions about entertainment. You two play together well, barring the inevitable fighting about whose Lego robot is stronger and nuh uh there’s no way that robot’s shield will stop your laser gun. You’ve got my temper, which means I can tell when you and Eli aren’t getting along because you start shrieking loudly and angrily, making chunks of sheetrock fall from the walls. Right now you alternate between being fearless and cautious, between running full-tilt ahead and lagging behind. It takes you a while to warm up to new things. We went to a My Little Pony event at the library, where there were people in giant Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle costumes. You didn’t want to approach them at first, but when we were getting ready to leave you wanted to have your picture taken with them. I love watching how you react to things. I can tell when something’s funny because you say “heh” in a low-pitched voice. If it’s really funny you giggle. You absorb every song you hear and sing along with it. There’s nothing like hearing your piping voice singing along to Helena Beat one octave up. Like Eli did before you, you’ve learned the rhythm of jokes but don’t yet fully understand their content, leading to you making up jokes like this one: “Applebee’s got bees in it!” This letter’s a month late because life’s been so hectic lately, but I knew I was going to finish this letter. I’m writing it to future you and future me, so that we can both remember what you turning six was like. We’ll be different people then, the distant descendants of who we are now. My hope is that these letters will tie us to the past and let us re-experience what it was like when you were young.
Even in modern times, stories of sea monsters fascinate us and taunt our minds with incredible possibilities. Could it be that tremendous reptiles–dinosaurs, in essence–could still exist on our planet, and inhabit the darkened waters of our ocean’s depths? A classic story related by the marine scientist Lionel Walford in 1963 would indicate that something along these lines appears to be the case. In July of the aforementioned year, Walford and his company claimed to have seen a 50-foot-long, undulating serpent-like creature, observed as it swam near the surface only a few miles off the New York shoreline. “It resembled a transparent sea monster. It looked so much like jelly. I could see no bones and no eyes, nose, or mouth. But there it was, undulating along, looking as if it were almost made of fluid glass.” Tuesday, August 07, 2012 "This took place on my farm near the town of Orick, California on May 30, 2007," reports Jeff S. "It was dark out and I was inside my home watching television. I heard some strange noises outside, so I got up and looked out the back window. I saw a large man covered in black fur run past my yard light. I grabbed the shotgun and ran outside. I heard a ruckus in my chicken barn and started walking over there when I saw a big, dark figure come out of the barn. It started to walk away, so I aimed the shotgun and fired. Jefferson Starship have announced that they are being supported by Auburn on their forthcoming UK tour. Corinna and I will be along for some of the shows at least. You will recognise us, cos we will be the ones with video cameras. Yes. We shall be filming at least one of the shows and doing a tour diary for Gonzo Daily.. New Zealand is one of those places that both Corinna and I have always wanted to visit. I have friends out there, the indigenous wildlife is remarkable, they filmed Lord of the Rings there, and very soon our favourite grumpy old Caped Crusader will be doing some shows there. Rick Wakeman and two species of tuatara. What else could a man want? I am very fond of Galahad. In recent years heavy rock music has goine in directions that I don't personally like. Much of it seems to be either sexist drivel or blasphemous rants performed either by people who screech or sound like they are a Malayan sun bear which has had a Laryngectomy and a bad hangover. Galahad are the exception. Intelligent lyrics, good singing, great musicianship, tunes...and they rock like ummmmmmmmmmm a very rocky thing. Today we present the artwork for their forthcoming album. And (cue trumpets and drum rolls) here, at last, is the world debut of the video for Merrell Fankhauser's 'Area 51'. I'm rather proud of this. Not only is it the first pop video that I have directed which didn't feature either me, my band, or some mate of mine screaming avant garde nonsense, but I almost got arrested by Special Branch whilst making it. Although Area 51 is in Nevada, it was filmed in North Cornwall outside GCHQ. Worryingly for the state of the nation's security, the base security forces noticed the fat hippy with an expensive camera but failed to notice two relatively small teenagers (one dressed in an alien mask) and a large, bumbling dog with impressive jowls. I have been pootling about the internet looking for stories about the folk on our latest batch of 'Lost Broadcasts' DVDs, and I found this rather nice story penned by the erstwhile drummer of The Move. The other day we posted a gig review of Elizabeth Fraser at Bath Pavillion by our very own Davey Curtis. He (very politely) bemoaned the change in style shown by Ms Fraser, and looked back wistfully at the halcyon days of The Cocteau Twins. Stuff from both the Bath gig and the Meltdown show in London soon appeared on YouTube, and I have to say that I don't agree with Senor Curtis at all. These performances are gorgeous... And that is it for today. Hasta la vista Gonzokids... On this day in 1937 the actor Dustin Hoffman, was born. Hoffman has had a number of roles in films which have touched on fortean themes including Stardust (magic), Rain Man (wild talents), and Hook (functionally immortal people flying around and such like and there might have been mermaids in it I can't remember and it was pretty dire so I'm not going to watch it again to find out for sure). And now the news: Saving endangered amphibian starts with counting t... New swimming cave cricket species filmed Wow! 11-Year-Old Cheetah Breaks Land Speed Record Solomon Islands at centre of "captive breeding" 300 Green turtles die at Cayman Turtle Farm Brazilian judge halts rail project close to Earth’... Harlequin ladybirds becoming a major pest Man fined for selling turtles on black market-Is l... Injuries, envenomations and stings from exotic pet... The Folly of ‘Freeing’ Animals Dirty job: chainsaw teams chop up dead whale Vampire Bat Bites Help Shield Peruvians from Rabie... Cape Cod Shark Attack Victim 911 Calls Released How Elephants Produce Their Deep 'Voices': Same Ph... Situation Dire for Threatened Rhino Species, Resea... New Bat Virus Could Hold Key to Hendra Virus Extinction Risk Factors for New Zealand Birds Toda... Some of Hoffman's films have included some of the most memorable songs ever used in film, 'Mrs Robinson' from 'The Graduate' is one but here's another that you won't be able to get out of your head all day: New on Frontiers of Zoology: Addtional posting to Frontiers of Zoology from Bigfoot Evidence: And Dale's reply: However, she did ask me if I can ask people to help her with our various CFZ Facebook pages. Please keep the CFZ Mystery Cat group for stories and discussion about... yup, you've guessed it: MYSTERY CATS. And can you keep the CFZ Publishing group for discussions about antique wheelbarrows. Hold on, I think I might have got it wrong there... Keep Emmy Happy. She does much more CFZ stuff than anyone realises. The latest episode of our monthly webTV show from the CFZ and CFZtv, bringing you news on our activities within cryptozoology and natural history as well as the latest cryptozoological, and monster hunting news from around the world. This episode brings you: CFZ in summer The Olympic monster The dark side This is not a cryptid The master otter Jeanett Thomas RIP Loch Ness Monster Corinna looks at out of place birds New and Rediscovered: New frog New and Rediscovered: New mouse New and Rediscovered: New snake
Fiction. Native American Studies. Jackalope in Denise Low's trickster stories is a 21st century figure as real as Bigfoot. Part antelope and part rabbit, this denizen of the grasslands has a Twitter account and a trusty road car. He loves Native American tales as well as Old West adventures. Jack's social life includes encounters with Roswell aliens, Jayhawks, and Chupacabra (Goat Sucker). Bawdy humor is Jackalope's lifeblood, so join Jack as he (or sometimes she) savors urban legends and juniper- based martinis. "In JACKALOPE, the mythic gender- bending figure, Jaq/Jack, takes us along on a magical mystery tour where s/he meets up with other trickster- cryptids. Jaq/Jack leaps out of the two-dimensional entrapment of postcards to claim his/her own spaces between worlds. One wonders why Jackalope has had to wait so long to have a say." Jeanetta Calhoun Mish, Director of The Red Earth MFA "JACKALOPE recounts the seriocomic encounters of a Native American trickster who travels through a world that's 'part factual and part mythological, just like everything else.' In the 'intergender' Jackalope/Jaqalope Kelley's picaresque sojourns in bars (mostly), truck stops, and galleries, history meets tall tale, dream and vision worry the mundane, and humor functions as a salve for wounds of the long-oppressed. Here is a multi- faceted and incisive look at America from the viewpoint of its indigenous people and spirits." William Trowbridge, Missouri Poet Laureate "JACKALOPE is a perfect blend of stories, poetry, and strangeness. Denise Low has created a collection that is simultaneously myth and not-myth, a shining delight." Kij Johnson, Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy Awards winner "Trickster takes center stage in Denise Low's JACKALOPE, a collection of prose and poetry recounting the adventures of its title character, Jackalope Kelley. This anthropomorphic animal is the cryptid on postcards you see at gas stations across the American Midwest a rabbit with two iconic pronghorn antlers. Jackalope Kelley shifts between male and female identities: Jack when he's a man, Jaq when she's a woman. He drinks a gin and tonic in a Twitter bar. She passes through Seattle, Santa Fe, Minneapolis, Colorado, and Roswell, among other places. He vomits when he sees the head of one of his ancestors mounted above the door in a Wyoming bar. And she searches for a gynecologist or does he need a urologist? All of these scenes give the book a playful feel, but there's also plenty of time for reflection. In quieter moments, Jackalope tries to explain his complicated heritage to others. ... This merging of shape-shifting identities with shape-shifting trickster narratives is no accident. The language of the book is steeped in the Native American mythologies and vocabularies that Low understands so well." Ben Pfeiffer, Interviews Editor, The Rumpus" Red Mountain Press
I've mentioned before here that I grew up on the western edge of Wisconsin along the Mississippi -- a couple hours bike ride from where you searched for the Mothman, and a few blocks from where the Mothman report occurred at Brice Prairie.One thing I can say about alligators; they're not as uncommon as you might think. Barges go up the Mississippi from the New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, and plenty of gators hitch rides on those. Every summer it seemed a new news report would come out about someone fishing off a bridge or at a spillway and snagging a small gator. (And small gators with no predators grow.)The Wisconsin River branches off the Mississippi in lower Wisconsin and goes all the way up to the north-eastern part of the state. It doesn't connect to the Rock River in Janesville, but it swings through Dane County, which is adjacent to Janesville's Rock County. Since commercial river transport is so big there, I wouldn't be surprised if some barge-hopping gators ended up on a container that a semi truck took through Dane and Rock Counties, and from there they found their way to water. There's marsh and swampland all over that area of the state -- it wouldn't be hard for a population of amphibious reptiles to make a good go of it, and with the freakishly warm winters Wisconsin's had for the past 20 years, that's even more possible. But there are other things worth considering: Elkhorn is the next county east of Rock County -- and that's Beast of Bray Road country. One thing I think Linda Godfrey has pointed out before is the strange connection between effigy mounds and cryptid sightings.Other states have effigy mounds, and I know Ohio is famous for the Serpent Mound, but there are only a handful of mounds in other states; there are 4,000 still extant in Wisconsin, and at one point there were tens of thousands more. Godfrey has reported that the native tribes there (Ho-Chunk, Ojibwe) claim the mounds were there when they arrived, and that they've had cryptid sightings near those mounds for eons. That part of the country is interesting; it's called the Driftless Area and it's old, older than most other landscape because it was largely untouched in the last glaciation period. (To me it kinda looks like Utah, but green.) There's a state park in that area called Aztalan that still has three massive mounds in it, but Devil's Lake state park also has mounds and something else -- a sunken pyramid at the bottom of 40-foot deep lake. It's not a typical pyramid; it's a long rectangular-shape, built with stacked stones that taper up to a peak. It's hard for divers to spot because it's so silty at the bottom, but it has been photographed and spotted with sonar. The problem is how the hell did a pyramid get there? Stone-age people most likely weren't diving 40 feet in the dark to build it, so it must have been built before the lake was a lake -- and here's where things get odd. That lake itself was created in the last glaciation, 12,000 years ago, but the glacier didn't really touch the surrounding area (the bluffs were once higher than the Rockies -- like I said, the area's old). So if the pyramid was built before the lake was there, that makes the pyramid older than Gobekli Tepe. If the same people who built the pyramid also played a role in the effigy mounds, that might explain why the Ho-Chunk say the mounds were already there when they arrived. For what it's worth, my pop had a big black cat sighting while fishing on the Mississippi, and that turned into kind of a thing with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. He was in a channel a little ways off an island, and thought he saw a black lab on the island's beach. But the way it moved was wrong, and he says then he noticed the tail, and said to himself "That's a damn cat!" He watched it for a while, and it roamed the treeline for a bit and then went back deeper into the island.He contacted the DNR because he was thinking there was an escaped cat someplace; cougars haven't been there in about a century, and this thing was black. The way he tells it, they started to interrogate him pretty forcefully, to make sure he wasn't drunk, a story-teller looking for attention, etc. They initially got some basic info, and then hung up. A short while later he was called back, and grilled over the phone for about 20 or 30 minutes. When they were satisfied he wasn't a nut, the officer told him that two evenings before they spotted a dead deer on that same part of that same island; it'd been attacked by something and killed. They tagged the deer and returned the next morning to collect the remains, but the carcass had been dragged to the middle of the island and completely picked over -- no organs left, and a lot of the meat gone. They weren't sure what could have done that, because there are no coyotes or wolves out there, but now here's my dad with a report of a giant black cat.If you ever do go back to Wisconsin, feel free to ask any questions you might have. I don't live there anymore, but if I don't have some info, I may know who to go to or where to look.Fun Fact: Orson Welles is from Wisconsin, and before he went to Europe, he wrote a play about hunters in northern Wisconsin being terrorized by a ghost in a cabin. It was discovered in the State Historical Society archives back in the early 1990's. M:Many thanks for the 2 comments. I have a similar story to the DNR one in my next book, this one from a few years ago on the east Coast.
“I don’t know if I believe in monsters,” says Lauren Skinker, a 23-year-old painter living in Bonita. “I just like the idea of them.” Monsters, and all that which is generally fantastic, inspire Skinker. One of her paintings is of a “wolpertinger,” a Bavarian cryptid that’s basically a winged rabbit with horns. The creature, part of German folklore, has many cognates in Central European folk traditions. Much like the American “jackalope,” It’s more often than not an excuse for taxidermists to stretch the limits of their art. Skinker just thinks it’s cool. She claims, not without some laughter, that she developed her artistic sensibilities “mostly through cartoons and video games." "I’ve been drawing forever. I used to, like, make up Pokémon and stuff. It sounds lame, but that turned into doing monsters. I was a little art nerd. I wasn’t very friendly when I was younger. I was always just sitting in a corner, drawing.” She also cites comic artists Adam Hughes and J. Scott Campbell, as well as popular animator Genndy Tartakovsky, as important influences. Looking at her history, it’s apparent that Skinker is 100% Millennial. Her influences read like a “what’s what” list of 1990’s and early-2000’s youth culture. To a lot of people, video games and Pokemon might seem like unsuitable artistic subjects, but Skinker isn’t alone. Pokemon references resonate with her peers the same way Super Mario Brothers and He-Man hold a special place in the hearts of thirty-somethings everywhere. It’s easy to question the relevance of monster paintings in the arts world. The obvious question is, *who would want portraits of dragons or a wolpertinger?” “A lot of people my age, for starters,” says Skinker, confirming that she isn’t the only person who grew up watching Pokémon and The Powerpuff Girls. She continues, “I did the IB farmers’ market for a while, and I set up with this woman who did a lot of mermaid art. There was one lady who bought a couple of paintings, and she kept coming back. She was probably in her fifties, and she didn’t look like she’d be into monsters at all, but she was super into it!” There’s just no way to know who is going to be into something. Skinker confesses that life gets in the way a lot of the time for her painting. The fact of the matter is, like many people in her generation, it’s not been so easy to make a way in the world. She has had to move back in with her mother after a housing catastrophe. She tells a story about the roof caving in on the apartment she used to share with her boyfriend and another roommate, a consequence of an undetected water leak. Skinker found herself up the proverbial creek, with nary a paddle in sight. And she’s not alone among her peers. A recent Pew study, among others, found that the number of people Skinker’s age who live with their parents is on the rise. Un- and under-employment is increasing for Millennials, and has been since the economy took a nosedive in ‘07-’08. Trying to eke out a living makes it hard to paint. “Lately, I’ve been working a lot so I haven’t been as productive,” Skinker says. “My seasonal job [lifeguarding at a pool] just ended, so I want to make time to paint more. I haven’t had an art show since around Comic-Con. There was an exhibition of Street Fighter art, and I showed a few pieces there.” “This past year I have been trying to focus on getting into shows and getting my art out there. I want to do this as a career, as opposed to just painting for my friends and stuff.” Much like other hopeful young artists, Skinker has struggled with connecting to the local arts community. This happens despite the fact that there’s no shortage of rad art going on in San Diego’s art scene--in the mainstream as well as the underground. For Skinker, just like other artists, generating exposure is the first, and hardest step. “I think if I go out there and start meeting people, it will really get the ball rolling,” she says. It’s easier said than done, but if she succeeds she can score the most elusive success of the Millennials: a desirable, personally fulfilling career in her chosen field.
This is a review of a book provided to me by Strange Chemistry (the YA imprint of Angry Robot books). The Premise: The Toland siblings, Natividad, Alejandro, and Miguel, have fled from their home in Mexico, all the way across the United States, and have just reached their destination in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom. Their father’s old enemy, Malvern Vonhausel, still stalks them despite already destroying their village and murdering their parents. Now the siblings are making a desperate gamble: that Dimilioc, a stronghold for shapeshifters called black dogs, will take them in. They have very little to convince Dimilioc’s Master — only that their father was once a Dimilioc wolf, and that Natividad is Pure. Their father told them that Dimilioc protected the Pure, but it never tolerated strays. Miguel may be granted amnesty because he’s human, but Alejandro is black dog and may not be treated so kindly. Read an excerpt of Black Dog here My Thoughts: Before reading Black Dog, the other books I’d read by Rachel Neumeier were two-thirds of The Griffin Mage Trilogy, and House of Shadows. These are all straight fantasy, and for some reason (probably my own obliviousness), I thought Black Dog was the same. I didn’t realize that until I began reading it that this is urban fantasy. This was not a bad thing. It felt nice to be surprised that Black Dog was Neumeier’s own riff on werewolf mythology. The world is not far off from our own as it is now, but Neumeier alters all we know by setting Black Dog right after a war. This war is one that is not necessarily fully explained, but what we do know is that it has wiped out all vampires, and vampire magic happened to hide the supernatural from regular people. It also has the devastating consequence of Vonhausel tracking down the Toland family and slaughtering everyone in their village. Black Dog opens in the midst of the siblings’ flight from home, with the plan to be taken in by the group of black dogs that their father once belonged. Black Dog is narrated in the third person but focuses on Natividad and Alejandro, and as you would expect when a supernatural murderer is after you, this story has a desperate edge. First there is the fear of getting caught before they reach Dimilioc, and then there is the stress over what to say that would most likely keep them alive once they get there. After that the challenges just keep coming. So this has a quickly moving plot, but beyond that, the world building and the characters kept me engaged as well. The Tolands’ Mexican upbringing is part of the narrative (the dialogue is peppered with Spanish), and that mixed with their having to grow up quickly kept these characters real and vulnerable. What black dogs and the Pure are, are organically introduced as necessary. It isn’t difficult to catch on that a “black dog” is a shapeshifter that turns into a monstrous dog, but Neumeier throws in her own touches, from the superficial (like their black fangs and claws, intense heat, eyes of “fiery gold and red”, and black ichor of their wounds) to the fundamental (that they are two separate selves, one human, one shadow, housed within the same body). The Pure, which Natividad is, is more difficult to grasp. Natividad demonstrates that she has powers that she uses to protect and hide her brothers from their pursuers, but as the story moves forward, it becomes clear that’s not all she’s useful for. Adding to the mystery is the strange relationship the black dogs have with the Pure. Black dogs are drawn to the Pure, but while one half of their nature wants to protect them, the other wants to destroy. It’s not certain that even the Pure and the black dogs know how they are linked. The Dimilioc wolves believe in protecting the Pure. In fact, they are prized, which is one of the reasons Natividad and her brothers have decided to go to them. Here is where things get sticky though, because Natividad is willing to sacrifice herself in exchange for her and her brothers’ survival (“I’m not a puta; I won’t lie down with them all. But if you take us into Dimilioc, I will take any one of your wolves you say”). Whether Natividad really has any agency is one issue, that she is only fifteen years old (while the youngest of her options seem to be in their twenties, there are men much older than that here), is another. I suppose I should feel better that it’s one of the youngest who is most aggressive in the pissing contest over Natividad, but when you are fifteen, a five or six-year age difference is significant. Any further romance or consent would be questionable. On the other hand, things don’t progress far enough for me to really question what is happening. All this is sort of there, in the background, percolating, while the Toland siblings deal with more immediate life or death situations. Yes, there is attention and Natividad isn’t immune, but there is the sense she wonders whether it’s real. I feel hopeful, because of the thoughtfulness of the writing, that when this series continues I won’t be disappointed by what happens to Natividad. I am not completely against a romance, but I’d feel better if Natividad got to grow up first. I also wonder whether the controversial romance is deliberate. It’s interesting when you pair the situation with Natividad’s nature, which involves a lot of placating of the black dogs and defusing aggression with teasing jokes made at the right moment. I also noticed a mirroring of Natividad’s situation in another (male) character. Needless to say, I’m very interested in finding out where this is going to go. Unfortunately, Strange Chemistry has been discontinued, but it sounds like Rachel Neumeier still expects to be able to publish the sequel, Pure Magic, one way or another. Overall: Every time I read a book by Rachel Neumeier, it becomes my new favorite by this author. I think this is because of a mix of super thoughtful writing plus an element of surprise. Black Dog is no different. This was the kind of read that you gobble up quickly, with a lot of life-threatening action squeezed into the space of the few days, but it was the quieter moments between the life-or-death situations, where the characters are planning and anticipating and arguing, that lingered long after the book was closed. For those looking for no more than action and adventure, you will find it here. For those looking for something deeper – Black Dog sometimes made me uncomfortable in a way that is never resolved. Depending on how things go, I think this series has the potential to be more subversive than you’d initially expect. Buy: Amazon | Powells | The Book Depository Bunbury in the Stacks @ Tor.com – “Black Dog is, like the characters within its pages, frightening and beautiful and solid right down to its core.” Chachic’s Book Nook – “Rachel Neumeier made a successful foray into urban fantasy with Black Dog.” On Starships and Dragon Wings – “I was excited to get to know some characters a little different from the typical young adult cast, but I was completely unable to connect to them for reasons I’m honestly still not able to pin down.” Anthologies are basically perfect reading when you KNOW you’re going to be interrupted by relatives. With that thought in mind, I picked this one up while on vacation in Sedona and read it in between all the madness of the Christmas season. (Yes, I know it’s been a few months since Christmas.. still working on that review backlog). Dark and Stormy Nights is an anthology of 9 urban fantasy stories with the theme of “knights” who do some questionable things for the right reasons. So basically urban fantasy heroes doing what they usually do, which is work in the grey area. I liked that the theme is so wide open, and that the anthology had a bunch of authors I have read and liked. Here’s a breakdown of what we get, followed by my brief (non-spoiler) impressions of each: - A Questionable Client by Ilona Andrews (also found in a 2-novella ebook here) - Even Hand by Jim Butcher - The Beacon by Shannon K. Butcher - Even a Rabbit Will Bite by Rachel Caine - Dark Lady by P.N. Elrod - Beknighted by Deidre Knight - Shifting Star by Vicki Pettersson - Rookwood & Mrs. King by Lilith Saintcrow - God’s Creatures by Carrie Vaughn A Questionable Client by Ilona Andrews – Kate Daniels, a member of the Atlanta Mercenary Guild is offered a bodyguard job when two of her peers back out. This is a prequel the Kate Daniels series, which means it doesn’t require you to know anything, but fans of that series will enjoy learning the back story on how Kate met Saiman, a minor but unique character. I always understood that Saiman creeped Kate out from the beginning, and why that is is explained here. Lives up to what I expect from Ilona Andrews, currently my favorite writing duo. Link to an excerpt Even Hand by Jim Butcher – A powerful man agrees to protect a woman and child against a supernatural pursuer. This is set in the Harry Dresden universe, except the narrator is John Marcone. I haven’t read any of the Harry Dresden books, but I gather this narrator is not Dresden’s ally. He’s not a good guy, but he does have his own set of rules, and it was refreshing to hear a story from a character on the other side and who is sharp in a scary way. This was another strong story in the anthology and really hit the sweet spot in character development – I just loved the ambiguity in this one. The Beacon by Shannon K. Butcher – This is a story about a weary hunter named Ryder Ward who kills Beacons – people who (through no fault of their own) attract monsters called Terraphages into our world from another dimension. The latest Beacon is a young girl with a single mother and Ryder feels wretched about his choices. This sounds like an original story though the Terraphages sound like the Synestryn of Butcher’s Sentinel Wars series. Although Shannon K. Butcher is known for her paranormal romance, this didn’t go there (although it did feel like there was the set up for it). There was something about these characters that I didn’t warm to – I think they just felt very standard issue: single mother in a small town, adorable child, tortured hunter, but I felt like there was a spark for something more there if this was a longer story. Even a Rabbit Will Bite by Rachel Caine – This is another story that didn’t feel set in a bigger universe, but I really enjoyed the world building which was nice and comprehensive in such a small space. It’s about Lisel, a centuries-old woman warrior who has managed to survive and become the last living Dragonslayer, and she’s just been informed that her successor has been chosen (by the pope, as these things are). A young girl knocks on her door the next day. I loved this one for the characterization and dialogue. The grumpy old-school Dragonslayer (“Get your ass inside”) viewing the new guard with exasperation (“glowing with youth and vitality and health and a smart-ass attitude”) but having to train her anyway and maybe gets proved wrong was a fun concept. One of my favorites. Dark Lady by P.N. Elrod – The Internet tells me that Dark Lady is part of the Vampire Files universe because its narrator, Jack Fleming is the star of that series. This didn’t bother me, all I needed to know was that Jack was a vampire, owns a nightclub, and on occasion helps out people, and this was explained in the first three sentences. This was a very noir-style story with a damsel in distress, a mob boss, missing money, and thugs galore, set in 1930’s Chicago. What I liked about this one was that there were surprises and a puzzle which is unexpected for the story length. Link to an excerpt Beknighted by Deidre Knight – An artist named Anna gains a patron in order to pay for “living gold” which she needs to unlock a man from another world through her artwork, but there’s something that makes Anna question her patron’s motives for backing the project. This was another story that had more of a paranormal romance tint to the writing than an urban fantasy one. I found the concept of the living gold, Artist Guild and patrons in the context of artists actually “unlocking” things within their paintings interesting in theory, but the execution was confusing. It could be a reading comprehension fail on my part, but I just had trouble connecting some of the dots. Shifting Star by Vicki Pettersson – Skamar is a woman made flesh by the focus of her creator, and her job is to protect a certain teen girl. This means investigating the abductions of girls around her age, working with a human, and dealing with human emotions. This is just as gritty and violent and a little bit heart rending as the rest of the Signs of the Zodiac series, and it focuses on side characters, but I think it would be a little difficult to follow the concept of the Zodiac, tulpas, and who Zoe Archer is unless you’ve read other books in this world. One of the darker stories in this collection. Rookwood & Mrs. King by Lilith Saintcrow – A suburban wife comes to Rookwood, asking him to kill her husband, who is already dead. This is another short story of the pulpy vampire detective variety, except a more modern-day version and a damsel in distress who is a lot faster on the uptake than she might be given credit for. I liked the plot of this one, but I wish the story would have been from Mrs. King’s point of view instead of focusing on Rookwood’s interpretation of events. God’s Creatures by Carrie Vaughn – Cormac is called to deal with a killer that has gutted some cattle. It is clearly a werewolf losing the battle against bloodlust, and it won’t be long before it moves to human prey. This is another story set in a bigger universe (Kitty Norville), but Cormac is a secondary character and on a side trip so you don’t need to have knowledge of the series to understand what is going on here. The concept of hunting a werewolf was straightforward, but God’s Creatures adds a human element and ambiguity to the whole enterprise that I liked. Link to an excerpt Overall: As urban fantasy anthologies go, this is probably one of the strongest ones I’ve read. The reason for that is there seemed to be a concerted effort (for the most part) not to lose the reader with world building details they wouldn’t know. I think we’ve all read stories set in a world related to an author’s series and been lost before. It seemed like most of these were written from the point of view of a side character, or set the story before their series begins, or are original stories not related to some bigger world. This made things more accessible, which was refreshing to see. Also keeping things cohesive: no romance and stories that all kept with a theme of doing deeds for the “greater good” that don’t always leave our heroes looking entirely pure. A very solid lineup. Temporary worlds book reviews – “although there are a few stories that didn’t work for me, I feel as if the good content outweighs the bad in this anthology” Calicoreaction – Worth the Cash: “On the whole, it’s a very solid anthology with stories that stand on their own two feet even if they’re set in established universes” The Evie Scelan series one I’ve been following for a little while now. It’s a urban fantasy set in Boston and it centers on Evie, a bike messenger with a side business: finding lost things with her abilities as a Hound. What keeps me coming back is the true-to-life characters and the Boston setting. The Premise: After Evie’s last tussle with supernatural forces in a battle to protect her beloved Boston, she’s left with the price of her endeavors. Firstly, Evie’s talent just doesn’t work the way it used to: it’s unreliable, starting and stopping unexpectedly. Scents can be hard to find, and Evie feels drained by a simple tracking. Secondly, Evie has something that doesn’t really belong to her — the Horn of the Wild Hunt. She has to return it to its rightful owners, who will not like that she sounded it. While this is going on, strange things are afoot in Boston. A mysterious fire on a yacht and bystanders paralyzed by fear is the first sign in a wave of disquiet in Boston’s Undercurrent. My Thoughts: I have to admit, it’s been a while since I read the second book in this series. I seem to jump back into the Evie Scelan books every couple of years, so I remembered the ending and some very big plot points of Wild Hunt, but I was fuzzy on some of the details. I could fudge it, but I really wish I remembered some more of the details or that they were spelled out to me a bit more. This is not the first time in the series where the previous book’s events has had an impact on the plot, so I don’t recommend reading Soul Hunt without a least reading Wild Hunt, and I don’t recommend reading Wild Hunt without reading Spiral Hunt. Basically, you need to read these books in order. The big plot points from the earlier book are these: Evie has the Horn of the Wild Hunt and needs to return it to it’s rightful owner or owners. Due to her possession of the horn, she brings the the hounds of the hunt with her wherever she goes, and the hounds are quite willing to give her their two cents on her life. Also, ever since she rescued rescued boyfriend Nate, she has noticed that her power has gotten weaker. She isn’t sure why, but she suspects it has to do with an exchange she had with the water spirit who had him. In the meantime, Evie’s relationships continue as before: she and Nate are in a serious relationship and his young sister is someone Evie has taken under he wing. Her friend Sarah is as optimistic as ever and is trying to organize the Undercurrent for future outside threats – a neighborhood watch with an emergency phone tree if you will. And Evie still is on the outs with Rena, a cop who was once a close friend, but got blames Evie for bringing her trouble and “bruja shit”. While Evie has the remnants of her latest adventures to deal with, another issue springs up. An associate in the Undercurrent asks for her help and that leads Evie to a strange occurrence: a burning yacht. This isn’t that strange, but the behavior of other members of Boston’s magic community is. People tell Evie that they feel fear, but they cannot tell her what is causing it. Then the man whose boat burned down asks Evie to find something for him, something stolen generations ago. With everything going on in Evie’s life: the Horn, her relationships, Nate’s curse, Nate’s sister’s Sight, the budding Undercurrent organization, her fatigue, issues with her talent, and her work (both as a bike messenger and a finder), the plot of Soul Hunt felt very fragmented. There were too many disasters vying for attention and Evie spends the story flitting from place to the next in order to deal with them all. I wasn’t sure what was the most important: the repercussions of having the Horn, fixing the problem with her talent, or this new mystery that has the Boston Undercurrent with its hair standing on end. When the story ends, one of these three becomes the main focus while the other two, dragged along for most of the book, are resolved very conveniently. There was something very dissatisfying about that after watching Evie trying to juggle it all throughout the book. I wanted something less pat for those two threads. What I did like is that Evie is now part of a family in this story and she has support that she did not really have before. I think what did work with the tumbled mess of troubles Evie has, was the sense that Evie shouldn’t be trying to fix everything herself and there are people willing to help her. I loved the relationships, but didn’t love that the plot got too scattered while trying to prove this point. This is the third book in the series and it ends in a satisfying place, but with enough leeway for more books. I don’t know if there will be any more though, as Soul Hunt was published in 2010 and no other books have been announced. Overall: OK plot-wise, solid everything else. I recommend this one for urban fantasy fans who like a down-to-earth, working girl kind of protagonist who has relationships that are nuanced and true-to-life. This is the type of series where I care more about the characters and their developing relationships than the current disaster to be averted. Calico reaction – 8 (Excellent) ” Frankly, this whole series is a must read for urban fantasy fans who want more female relationships in their stories and, if there MUST be romance, then said romance must be balanced with the story and not become the story” I’ve been meaning to get to this series. Ever since Tithe, I’ve been a fan of Holly Black, plus this was supposed to be a YA with supernatural elements and a con artist protagonist. What’s not to like, right? A big thank you to fellow book blogger, Laura of A Jane of All Reads for my copy! The Premise: (taken from the blurb) “Cassel comes from a family of Curse Workers – people who have the power to change your emotions, your memories, your luck, by the slightest touch of their hands. And since curse work is illegal, they’re all criminals. Many become mobsters and con artists. But not Cassel. He hasn’t got magic, so he’s an outsider, the straight kid in a crooked family. You just have to ignore one small detail – he killed his best friend, Lila, three years ago. Cassel has carefully built up a facade of normalcy, blending into the crowd. But his facade starts to crumble when he finds himself sleepwalking, propelled into the night by terrifying dreams about a white cat that wants to tell him something. He’s noticing other disturbing things too, including the strange behavior of his two brothers. They are keeping secrets from him. As Cassel begins to suspect he’s part of a huge con game, he must unravel his past and his memories. To find out the truth, Cassel will have to out-con the conmen.” My Thoughts: In Cassel Sharpe’s family, everyone is a curse worker except for him. With one touch they can bestow a “curse”. His mother can manipulate people’s emotions, his grandfather can kill, his oldest brother, Philip, can break bones, and Barron, the middle brother, works luck. Although curse workers are rare and blowback exacts a cost for each working, curse workers are the reason why everyone in the U.S. wears gloves and keeps their skin covered. Being the only normal in a family of workers is hard for Cassel, but thankfully, he has his family’s other talent to fall back on: swindling people. While his brothers rely on their curse worker skills, Cassel grew up fine tuning his ability to manipulate others by conventional means. Now Cassel is enrolled in a private boarding school, but when he wakes up on the roof of his dormitory without any idea how he got up there except a dream of a white cat, his stay at Wallingford is put on hold. This is purportedly for the insurance liability, but Cassel suspects it’s because people think he might be curse-worked. Cassel has been careful at the academy so that people would forget his past– that he comes from a family of crooks and conmen, but this one incident reminds everyone. Despite this, when Cassel goes back to his parents’ house all he wants to do is hustle his way back into the school. In between the house cleaning his grandfather has him do, Cassel is on damage control and smoothing his way back in. But while he is figuring that out he notices some telling behavior from his family — especially from his brothers. They’re keeping secrets from him, and Cassel suspects these secrets are more than just hiding things from the non-worker. He suspects they have to do with the night he killed his best friend Lila. One of the stronger aspects of White Cat was its world building. The idea of workers, a very small percentage of the population with genetically passed abilities, fits seamlessly into the story. Cassel lives in a world where their existence is a given, and he offhandedly mentions what most people in his world already seem to know: that workers exist in the criminal fringes of society, a fragment of a percent of the population, but everyone wears gloves because of them. Gloves have become so de rigueur that Cassel feels uncomfortable if he sees bare hands. A fear of workers is part of day-to-day life: people wear charms to protect themselves from being worked, and there is also an ongoing controversy about legislation requiring everyone be tested for worker ability. What isn’t as well known is how the abilities work, and here Cassel knows more than the average person because of his family. What was less strong was the character development, unless we’re talking about Cassel. Since White Cat is told from Cassel’s point of view, he is the most well developed character. The sense of isolation — both from his family for being a non-worker and for Lila’s death, and from the other students at his school, is in his every action. He doesn’t seem close to anyone, and only relies on others when he’s forced to (it goes against what he was taught). He’s a great broody teen guy character and I really enjoyed getting in his head and seeing how his upbringing has messed with him. Unfortunately, that isolation made the supporting characters difficult to know: they got little page space compared to Cassel, and what there was was filtered through Cassel’s walls. Cassel is least familiar with his classmates but they are probably the most likable characters. His brothers are distant and untrustworthy, his sister-in-law disconnected, and his mother a manipulative nightmare. His grandfather seems to be the only one in the family with a proper concern for Cassel, but he’s left out of the loop. Even Cassel’s romantic relationships are dysfunctional ones and it’s not clear if Cassel understands either girl he thinks he loves. As for the plot – I liked the mystery aspect to this story. There’s a sense of urgency to figuring out what’s going on — that until he does, the cards are stacked in everyone else’s favor. I really loved the concept of what was going on when all was revealed, but I figured things out a lot quicker than Cassel does, and I wasn’t as wowed by the twists as a result. It was nicely done, but there were so many clues that I ended up questioning Cassel for not being quicker on the uptake. Also, because so much is made of Cassel being a normal in a family of workers and having to hone his skills as a confidence artist, I had a certain expectation of Cassel as a manipulator. I think I was expecting Cassel’s tricks to be more.. tricky, than they were. Instead they felt really obvious. I don’t know what this says about me, but I seem to be in a decided minority in feeling this way. Overall: I loved loved loved the concept, world building, and voice. But. Other than Cassel, a lot of the side characters weren’t fleshed out and I wasn’t as surprised by the story as I wanted to be. I liked this one, and feel like it has that Holly Black writing that sucks me in, I just wasn’t in awe (and I really wanted to be). That said, I think a lot of people liked this one more than I did, and I liked it enough and am curious enough to continue this series with the next book, Red Glove. Bunbury in the Stacks – “Cassel is one of those bad boys that you just can’t help but have a thing for…because he’s also kind of a good guy. ” Chachic’s Book Nook – “While I didn’t find White Cat amazing, I still recommend it to fans of urban fantasy.” Stella Matutina – “I was somewhat less interested in the plot than in the overall setup.” Steph Su Reads – “Don’t miss it!” Jawas Read, Too! – “White Cat is an impressive and entertaining read.” (8 out of 10) Read. Breathe. Relax – “White Cat is a must-read.” See Michelle Read – “In this exceptionally character-driven novel, Holly Black has crafted a world so unlike any other YA book I’ve come across. White Cat is dark. Gritty. Intense. Just my kind of story.” The Curse Workers website P.S. I was tickled by the image of a mystery girl on the spine of the hardcover. Easily looked over, it’s a hidden detail. The Premise: Verity Price comes from a line of cryptozoologists — people who categorize those mythical beings and monsters that humans don’t think really exist. If such a creature (a cryptid) is a danger to people and won’t curtail its harmful nature on its own, her family steps in, but mostly they leave the cryptids alone. They believe in maintaining an ecological equilibrium — not a philosophy that the Covenant of St. George shares. Ever since the Healy/Price family broke off from the Covenant, they’ve been branded as traitors to the human race. After emigrating to America, they’ve kept their heads down to make it harder for the Covenant to find and hunt them down. The exception to the “no publicity” rule is Verity. No one really thinks of dance training as fight training, so she’s allowed to move to New York City where she can monitor the cryptid population there while trying to make it as a dancer. All goes well until a Covenant member is seen in town and members of the cryptid population begin to disappear. My Thoughts: Although they are both classified as urban fantasy, the InCryptid series is very different from the October Daye books. Do not approach this series expecting something like October Daye. I had to do a mind-reset because I found myself comparing them, and it’s like comparing apples and oranges. The biggest difference is that this series is a lot less serious. Verity Price is a younger protagonist with no known baggage and a big dream. She just wants to dance. While she’s respectful of her family business and trained just as hard as her brother Alex and sister Antimony, her indulgence in her real passion, her blonde, blue-eyed look, high energy, and her Smart Aleck demeanor make her by far the least moody urban fantasy heroine I’ve ever met. Verity may not be what a lot of people expect in their urban fantasy, but I don’t think she’s a bad thing. She’s just a UF heroine coming from a different direction. Since Verity is a more light-hearted character, if you guessed that other aspects of Discount Armageddon are light-hearted too, you wouldn’t be wrong. I wouldn’t call it light-hearted to the point of being a farce, because there is some gritty thrown in there (monsters and death and dark, damp, places), but it’s definitely a lot more fun than the UF I’m used to reading. Verity likes to let herself live in the moment with dancing her heart out at a club, free running across rooftops, or dropping into the dark from her kitchen window. She shares her apartment with a colony of talking, religious mice. Mice that worship her family, pepper her apartment with the word “Hail”, and enthusiastically celebrate mundane events as religious holidays. The relationships in this book are blessedly uncomplicated by past drama. When she talks to her family she’s clearly happy and close with them, and they talk about killing monsters and have conversations where basilisks, crossbows, and “I’ll tell them you’re insane but being responsible about it.” are part of the conversation. Verity’s family isn’t in New York with her (with the exception of her cuckoo cousin Sarah), but we hear a lot about them from Verity, and they all seem great and kick butt in their own unique ways. Verity approaches her romantic relationships without some dark past relationship clouding in her present. What you see is what you get with this girl. There is a blossoming romance in this book and I liked that Verity approached her attraction a straightforward way (although, whether things will work out remains to be seen). The main plot here is the arrival of Dominic De Luca, a young member of the Covenant, to Verity’s turf, and the disappearance of cryptids not long after. Verity has to make a decision about the impressively trained but ill-informed Dominic, and she has to figure out what exactly is behind the missing cryptids. With the help of Sarah, Verity’s nerdy mathematician adopted cousin, who happens to be a Cuckoo (which means she’s got some amazing skills at blending in, including telepathy), the mystery feels relatively straightforward. OK, there are a couple of twists and turns, but I was so much more entertained by Verity’s life that the investigation took a back seat to that for much of the book before coming to the forefront at the end. P.S. The cover – it matches the fun tone of the book, and I like that it’s different from the usual all-black, serious look of other UF covers, but still not in love with the scantily clad in stilettos look. Yes, Verity works as a waitress in a strip joint, and her uniform sounds like what she’s wearing on the cover, but still. Overall: A refreshing urban fantasy that does not take itself too seriously. Discount Armageddon is full of fun and humor, but is balanced with just the right amount of grit. I thoroughly enjoyed Verity’s dynamo presence and her enthusiasm for being in the Now. She’s a kick-ass UF heroine who isn’t angry or angsty, doesn’t have a painful past, and comes with a supportive family. I recommend this one for urban fantasy fans that are looking for something that approaches the genre from a different angle. Buy: Amazon | Powell’s | The Book Depository Starmetal Oak Book Blog – 6.5 Tynga’s Reviews – positive Fantasy Cafe – 8.5/10 Fantasy and SciFi Lovin’ News & Reviews – 4.5 out of 5 Lurv a la Mode – 4.5 scoops (out of 5) Calico Reaction – 9 (Couldn’t put it down) (LJ link, wordpress link) The Cryptid Field Guide Book 1: Mind Games Book 2: Double Cross Standalone Novella: Kitten-tiger and the Monk in Wild & Steamy anthology **** Because of the way book 2 ended, I can’t review Head Rush without referring to it and spoiling the earlier books (I’ll be shifty in The Premise, but I can’t stay shifty in My Thoughts), so check out my reviews of Mind Games and Double Cross instead **** The Premise: After witnessing a traumatic event a few months ago and learning a thing or two about someone she once trusted, Justine Jones has moved on. What she always wanted is within her grasp. She’s going to nursing school, she’s engaged to the man of her dreams, and her life has settled down – no disillusioning, no zinging, no running into danger. Instead, her life is regimented and protected under the wing of the most powerful man in Midcity. Trouble is, something doesn’t seem to be quite right. Justine chafes a bit under all her protections but her fiance is anxious to know where she is at all times. In the meantime, her friends Simon and Shelby are acting odd around her. It’s as if everyone around her knows something she doesn’t, and they’re tiptoeing around her because of it. Read an excerpt of Head Rush here My Thoughts: In Mind Games and Double Cross, we’re introduced to the world of Midcity, where highcaps and disillusionists roam. Justine becomes one of the disillusionists under the leadership of Packard, and as the story progresses, she learns about Packard’s greatest enemy and former friend, Otto Sanchez. Everything seemed to revolve around these two men and their differing approaches to protecting their city. Packard works in secret and out of public eye; his Disillusionists doing his work for him, while Otto is the dashing police chief turned mayor, and he is the darling of the city. Both these men are powerful highcaps, both are the city’s defenders, and both are in love with Justine. What I found really gripping about all this is for Justine, it’s difficult to tell which of these two is the good guy and who is the bad guy. Trying to figure it all out, Justine finds herself going back and forth in her allegiances as she learns more about each of them while chasing after murdering highcaps herself. Head Rush has a different vibe from the previous books because not only is Justine no longer disillusioning people, but Packard and Otto have finally shown their cards. At the end of Double Cross the reader knows who has crossed the line and can never come back, and who has redeemed himself. The problem is, Justine doesn’t know what the reader knows, thanks to the present tense narrative and a well-timed memory wipe. Instead of the suspense being about Justine trying to disillusion a murdering highcap or looking for a band of highcap killers, it’s about whether Justine will figure out the truth. Because of that, this book lacks that episodic mystery element that the other books have, and is more about “how and when will Justine find out that someone manipulated her memory”. I think that having Justine get her memories tampered with was an awesome plot twist in the second book, but in the third book, having her slowly figure out what happened restricted the story somewhat. There’s a lot of mundane wedding planning going on, with her best friends giving each other significant looks, but while Justine’s senses are tingling, she’s still utterly in the dark for a big chunk of the story. It was a little frustrating to watch Justine stumble around until she learned what we already knew, but I don’t think there was any other way for her to learn the truth and be convinced of it. So in my mind, it had to happen this way, frustrating as it was to see Justine and Otto together knowing that they are so wrong for each other. I found myself looking forward to Justine finally figuring things out so that the story could move to the next phase, which involves confronting Otto for what he’s done. When we get there, it is as nail biting as I hoped, and the story ramps up in complexity from that point. There were a couple of characters were mentioned in the earlier books who finally make an appearance in this one. They are Justine’s father, and Fawna, the highcap seer that Packard and Otto knew as children. I was expecting someone on the crazy side for Justine’s dad, but I ended up adoring his relationship with his daughter and the way he stepped up to support her. Fawna is a more enigmatic character, and extremely hard to read, but I had the feeling she had an unyielding personality because of her precognitive abilities. I wouldn’t mind learning more about her, but there wasn’t room for it in this story. As for Justine’s friends, they are as well-written as ever. Towards the end of the book, Justine’s emotions about them were palpable. There were a lot of moments where Justine’s awareness of the people around her were sharply defined. It was a great finish to the series, and a emotional one. I don’t think I expected how profound that ending would be. And the romance, what a heart-wrencher, in a “their love moves you” kind of way. It was so good, but I still wanted for more scenes between Packard and Justine. What there was, was amazing, but confined to a couple of brief exchanges and a couple of intense scenes. I seriously resented Otto for keeping these two apart, but the character development is so well done that even Otto gets my sympathy. Overall: A great ending to one of my favorite urban fantasy series. The Disillusionment Trilogy feels incredibly well thought out. From the characters to the world, time and again, I was impressed by those little details that offered more insight to the story. Buy: Amazon (kindle) | B&N (eBook) | Samhain (different formats) My World…in words and pages – “wonderfully done” My Thoughts: I’ve been interested in Embers for a very long time, but it’s been one of those books that I’d planned to read if I ever ran into a copy and it took a while for that to happen. When I finally had a copy in my hands, I fell easily into its pages. Anya’s life is a fascinating one. An ex-firefighter, Anya now spends her days in the charred hulks of buildings investigating whether or not a fire was actually arson. Every so often she gets a call from DAGR, a ragtag group of mediums and ghost hunters when there is a particularly stubborn spirit that needs removing. By her side is Sparky, a fire salamander that only she can see (who stole the show every page he was on). Unfortunately for Anya, her life is a weary one, especially lately. The calls for DAGR are becoming more frequent as their usual methods aren’t working like they used to. Every spirit she consumes takes it’s toll on her, but this isn’t something DAGR’s leader Jules seems to grasp. And while Sparky is a lovable and rambunctious supernatural pet, Anya is isolated from human connection. Her abilities and Sparky aren’t things Anya can exactly explain to a your Everyday Joe, and letting people near her always seems to end in someone getting hurt. The closest thing she has to a friend is Katie, the DAGR witch (and baker by day) that Anya sees only occasionally, and then there is Brian, a sweet and geeky guy who Anya always pushes away. Sparky is the only constant companion Anya has ever had, but her loneliness is just one facet that makes Anya human. She’s not your kick-ass urban fantasy heroine, she’s just a tired woman trying to make things right. Right now, making things right looks like finding and stopping the supernatural arsonist terrorizing Detroit. But with Anya lonely and tired, she is also vulnerable, and the lines get a little blurry. I felt like Anya wandered into a gray area in a way that I found surprising and yet so-human, and this was a strong point of the book – the meeting of opposing sides that were fascinated with each other. I don’t think I can recall the last time I read a book with such a sympathetic bad guy. I liked it! The only wish I had was that Brian, Anya’s possible romantic interest, could have had as much character development as the arsonist. Overall: In the end, I was pretty satisfied with this urban fantasy. The investigation parts were straightforward but Anya and her opponent had a deliciously conflicting relationship that upped my enjoyment. It’s obvious too that Anya has a lot to learn about who she is as a Lantern and that she needs to drop her walls when it comes DAGR, so I expect more character development and world building to come. This is a promising start to a series and I can’t wait to see what’s next. I have also been informed that the author has an alter-ego: Alayna Williams. More books for me to check out. Buy: Amazon | Powell’s | The Book Depository Tez Says (a bit spoilery) – positive Scooper Speaks – positive Angieville – “exactly what I was hoping it would be” Book 1: Rosemary and Rue – Book 2: A Local Habitation – Book 3: An Artificial Night – Book 4: Late Eclipses – **** There may be mild spoilers for earlier books in this review **** The Premise: Some time has passed since Toby has survived her latest near-death experience and annoyed the Queen of Mists. Now trouble is brewing with the fae neighbors bordering her Queen’s lands. This time the children of the Duchess of Saltmist, have been snatched up from the waters along the California coast, and a familiar enemy may be behind it. Toby has to rescue these boys soon, before war erupts between the land and the sea. My Thoughts: Well, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, let me speak yet again of the delicious breadcrumbs left throughout these books. Those readers paying attention get to play a little game of “guess what THAT means”. Keen-eyed readers probably noticed the foreshadowing of this latest brouhaha in the last volume, and had some questions cleared up in this one (although new clues bring new questions). I admit, I’m like a dog with a bone when I have a puzzle to chew over, so that side of me is really happy when reading a October Daye book. I am not saying the puzzles are diabolical, but they are there if you like that sort of thing. But if you aren’t the kind of reader to obsess over the details, the progression of Toby’s story and her character growth is reason enough to read these books. In One Salt Sea Toby is stronger in a lot of ways. Her detecting skills and her understanding of the fae has improved so Toby misses less and regroups faster. She is surrounded by allies, so rather than being alone, now she has a posse she can rely on – from her roommate May, teen proteges Quentin and Raj, to Tybalt and other fae friends with useful skills. (And this is a series with well developed side characters. Even Toby’s cats have distinct and lovable personalities). Toby is also beginning to understand her own power, and she’s starting to use it. All these things make the actual investigation feel much smoother than it has been before. Toby is still herself, but she takes charge in a way that has the force of her recent experience behind it. All of the past books inform on the present book, from the knowledge Toby has gathered to cameos from characters Toby has helped. Most of the story deals with piecing together what happened to the two missing boys, but Toby’s life is also a big part of the story. There may be a lot of improvements to her life, but she still has a lot to work through. Toby’s mother has hidden things from her, she still hasn’t found the enemy who took twelve years of her life, her love life is a bit messy, and she has a family in the human world who have moved on. Not all of these issues are addressed in One Salt Sea, but there are significant events that impact some of them. The October Daye series is one where the hero doesn’t have the power save everyone. Knowing that there is the potential for real heartache despite Toby’s best efforts is what makes this series so compelling. One Salt Sea is not alone in having it’s share of shockers and emotional moments, but I felt like I was able to accept them and wonder what effect they will have on the rest of the series. The next book, Ashes of Honor won’t be out for another year. I got spoiled by the 2 book a year schedule that the October Daye series has been on, but these books are worth waiting for. There are a couple of other series that could tide a fan over. Team Tybalt: And now a message for those on Team Tybalt. If you are on another team, you may skip this section (is there another team? really?). The thing that worried me the most about this book, especially when I saw the cover (Toby as a mermaid!) was that Tybalt wasn’t going to be in it very much. I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong. Anyone else with the same fears: you can stop worrying. Overall: Another good one, of course. I feel like I should just cut and paste what I always say because it applies to every book: the way these books build upon each other is extremely gratifying and long running story arcs are cleverly integrated with each self contained mystery. I should probably also mention that there’s plenty of wry humor, a cast of three dimensional side characters that grows as the series progresses, and wonderful world-building. I am so addicted. Buy: Amazon | Powell’s | The Book Depository Fantasy Cafe – 8.5 (out of 10) Urban Fantasy – positive Fantasy Literature – 5 stars (out of 5) calico_reaction – 9 (out of 10) – this review has spoilers I met the author and got a signed ARC copy of Blood Rights at BEA. Thanks to Orbit, I have a couple extra ARCs that I will also be giving away at the end of this post. The Premise: Chrysabelle is a comarré, which is “the vampire equivalent of a geisha”, bred for their blood and social skills. When the vampire she serves is found murdered, she flees, hoping to make a break from her life in a gilded cage. Ambitious vampiress Tatiana searches for her, both because Chrysabelle is the prime suspect for the murder of her master, and because of a special ring Tatiana wants and suspects Chrysabelle has. Chrysabelle seeks her aunt ‘s help in the Americas, specifically, Paradise City, New Florida, and runs into Mal – an outcast vampire (anathema) suffering from two devastating curses. My Thoughts: Blood Rights is an urban fantasy where its vampires have a decidedly Gothic Horror air about them. They are a combination of dark and angsty, aristocratic and arrogant, monstrous, and insane. Sometimes they are all of these. They can’t go out in the sun or touch crosses. Their vampire nobility prefer to stay in eastern Europe (Romania is home), and they are enemy to the shapeshifters (called the varcolai). These are common vampire traits but this story adds its own details to the standard vampire culture. There are rules (some enforced magically), and a caste system based on ‘parentage’. While vampires and other supernatural creatures are hidden from most humans, there is a race of humans bred just for them: the commarré. For centuries they have served their masters and have been prized for their blood. The comar/comarré relationship with their vampire masters has evolved into a symbiotic one, where while the vampires feed, the bloodletting relieves the commaré of extra blood their bodies produce, and vampire saliva lengthens their lives. The vampires consider the commaré nothing more than their subordinates (albeit expensive ones), but the comarré are so much more than pretty faces with big veins, and Chrysabelle is one of their best. The story begins with her escape after her master’s death, a move she makes to stay alive and to figure out what is going on. She has the ring, but isn’t the murderer. So she goes to her aunt the only other commaré she knows that is not living with the vampires. In the process of all this, she runs into Mal, who recognizes what she is, even with her pains to hide the golden tattoos that mark her for what she is. She stabs him and leaves him for dead. So it’s not a great beginning, but Mal and Chrysabelle are thrown together again, and despite the animosity, both feel an uncomfortable attraction – she’s made to give blood, and her blood is more compelling than the average human’s to a vampire. It only gets more complicated from there. One of Mal’s curses is that once he starts drinking someone’s blood, he will not stop until he kills them. The other curse is that once he kills someone, they haunt him. He’s followed by the ghosts of the hundreds of people he has killed, both as a vampire, and as a human. The clearest ghost is Fi – a graduate student who was unlucky enough to discover Mal locked up in a dungeon, left to rot. She’s in love with a varcolai, suffering under his own curse. Fi and Mal and Doc (the varcolai) live together on a container ship, and while Fi and Doc consider Mal one of the good guys, they never forget that he killed Fi. I found the world building well thought out, and I also liked the attention to detail that went into the characters’ histories. Every character has a past that informs on their present and on their relationship with other characters. Even the past of bad guy Tatiana sort of explains how she became as crazy as she is, so she isn’t entirely one-dimensional (although she does seem to have just one note: evil). Amongst the backstories, history and world building that this book introduces, there are a lot of arcs that kept me curious about the direction of the series: what the ring means, what Mal and his past mean, the hidden agenda of the commaré, and what Tatiana’s allies are really working towards. These are enough to make me to want the second book, but what really whets my appetite is the attraction between Chysabelle and Mal. Their lust for one another is mixed up with their instincts to feed and be fed upon, and I’m not sure what is going to happen. With Urban Fantasy there’s never a guarantee for a HEA, but I’m hoping that what I’m seeing here is a slow burn romance (a bit more physical than your usual slow burn, but it works within the context). There are three books of this series out this year , but there is a contract for more. A lot could happen with that much room to work with, but I’m cautiously optimistic. Overall: Compelling. This is an urban fantasy with a Gothic Horror vibe and a dash of Paranormal romance, and I felt like there’s this sense of dark drama that sets it apart from the genre. I like that the story is set on the cusp of potential chaos (the world discovering that vampires and others do exist), and that the protagonists are a human and a vampire. Their relationship (attracted yet avoidant) intrigues me. I want to see where it goes. Blood Rights is out October 1st. Flesh and Blood, it’s sequel, is out November, and book 3, Bad Blood is expected in December. Karissa’s Reading Review – positive I have TWO extra ARC copies of this book that I can give away. To win one, just fill this form with your name and email. —-> Enter here <—– * One entry per person * This giveaway is international * Giveaway ends September 19th, 2011, midnight EST There has been much love in the book blogosphere for Laini Taylor’s Lips Touch,Three Times and I’ve been chomping at the bit to read her writing. Because of this, I made sure I grabbed a copy of Daughter of Smoke and Bonewhen I saw it at BEA this summer. It was one of my Must Haves based on reputation alone. This is a review of an ARC copy. The Premise: Karou seems like your typical art student. She’s a pretty girl with bright blue hair and a vivid imagination. Every day she shows the other students at the Art Lyceum of Bohemia her sketches of extraordinary characters – Brimstone with his ram’s horns and strange shop where he sells wishes for teeth, Issa, a snake goddess who mans the door, and others with similar part-human, part-animal shapes. To the other students it looks like Karou has a colorful inner world, full of fantastical stories, but the truth is that Karou draws from real life. She was raised by the creatures in her sketches, and when she’s not going to class or working on her art in a small studio apartment in Prague, Karou has a secondary life steeped in magic and a job fetching teeth for Brimstone’s shop. Karou doesn’t really know who she is and why she was raised by Brimstone, but she is content, if not a little lonely. Then one day, handprints are found, burned onto doors around the world. At the same time, sightings of angels begin. Karou’s life is changed forever when she meets one of these winged beings and discovers the truth. Read an excerpt of Daughter of Smoke and Bone here My Thoughts: The first thing to hit me about Daughter of Smoke and Bone was its setting. It is so refreshing to have a story that’s NOT set in the usual places, and Prague is described wonderfully. I’ve never been there, but I want to see its old streets that are “a fantasia scarcely touched by the twenty-first century […] it’s medieval cobbles once trod by golems, mystics, invading armies”. Adding to its character are Karou’s beautiful school, housed in a castle with a macabre history, her acquaintances with street performers that dress up as vampires, and her local hang out, a cafe on church grounds known for its goulash and roman statues. I hugely enjoyed reading about Karou’s charming day to day life as an art student and Prague local. There’s the drama of dealing with her weasel ex-boyfriend, Kaz, the busyness of art classes, and a friendship with the understanding Zuzana, who does not ask questions. Even if Karou wishes she could trust someone with her secrets, her life is pretty full, but her association with a place she calls Elsewhere takes it one step further. One of the first indications that Karou is privy to a magical world beyond our own is her necklace of skuppies – tiny little wishes in physical form; they provide revenge when Karou needs it most. I loved this idea of tokens that may be used once to make a wish come true, and that there are denominations of them, from little scuppies, to shings, to lucknows, gavriels, and bruxes. The enigmatic Brimstone, a chimaera with the head of a ram makes them in his shop, but how he does so or why, or even why he needs teeth of all kinds is a mystery, as are a lot of things about Elsewhere. Karou may have been raised by Brimstone and the other chimaera of his strange shop, but she was kept in the dark about a lot of things. All Karou knows is that she grew up within the shops walls, that she is never allowed in the back room, and that its front door opens to doors all over the world (a possible homage to Howl’s Moving Castle). And then the angels show up. I shouldn’t have been surprised, (the back blurb of my ARC talks about “winged strangers who have crept through a slit in the sky”), but I was. The details to go by from the cover and the summary were sparse enough that I didn’t really have expectations, so it was a surprise when the seraphim Akiva, a inhumanly gorgeous creature who is tormented by his past, discovers Karou. I’m not usually a fan of angels in fiction, particularly in YA. I don’t know why I have this prejudice against them, except maybe I start thinking I’m going to see a romance with the angel falling for a teen, and that is usually hard for me to swallow. I expect angels to have more important things to do. Thankfully, Akiva and the other angels of Daughter of Smoke and Bone are not angels we know. They are something very different, but the story cleverly makes what they are, and the demons that they fight against, just familiar enough to look like they are the genesis for what humans believe. I can’t tell you much more, but they are certainly not divine. The strengths of this story are in its worldbuilding and the writing style. The writing is a unique mix of beautiful imagery and youthfulness. Maybe it’s the fresh dialogue between Karou and others that makes me think of this sense of the modern and young in the writing. There’s also something really romantic about it too. Unfortunately, the high level of romanticism in the story was a stumbling block for me in connecting to the actual romance. Karou’s love story felt rushed and melodramatic, and her youth and yearning for love did not help me feel better about it. On the other hand, there is a second romance that isn’t as rushed that I was able to connect to a lot better. This restored my faith, but I’m not sure it completely fixed the problems I had with the first romance. Overall: This is a very well written, fantastical story about war and hope, and love and redemption, set in a beautiful European city and in a place that is Elsewhere. It centers around a teenage girl and her unique place in the world, and a seraphim who may or may not be her enemy. It is very romantic, but at times, the sheer romanticism of this story kept me from fully loving it. In the end I liked it, but not being able to initially connect to the romance kept me from really loving this one as much as I wanted to. Daughter of Smoke and Bone comes out September 27th in the U.S. Buy: Amazon | Powell’s | The Book Depository Tempting Persephone – positive Book Harbinger – positive Fantasy Book Cafe – positive Book trailer (two parter!):
This school (Orchard School in Vermont) banned homework. Instead the kids were asked to play and read a book or be read to. And it worked! Kids did great. Does not surprise me one bit. WA Post article here Monday, February 27, 2017 Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Monday, February 20, 2017 "The ancient bones of the Kennewick Man have been returned to the ground. Early on Saturday, more than 200 members of five Columbia Plateau tribes and bands gathered at an undisclosed location to lay the remains of the man they call the Ancient One to rest, according to an announcement Sunday by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation." Link to local story here. Read more here: http://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/local/article133780309.html#storylink=cpy Sunday, February 19, 2017 "Senator Ann Rivers, in an effort to recognize “that Sasquatch has made immeasurable contributions to Washington state’s cultural heritage and ecosystem,” filed a bill to designate the monster “as the official cryptid of the state of Washington.” Thursday, February 16, 2017 Barronelle Stutzman Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed Right here, in our town, in SE WA. The state Supreme Court has upheld the ruling that a business cannot discriminate against people who don't fit your religious views. Stutzman and her attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom now may consider taking the case to the U.S. Supreme Court for further review. Facts and history here Read more here: http://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/local/crime/article133086579.html#storylink=cpy Wednesday, February 15, 2017 But try posting it the blog - it showed up for me but not for you. I printed this off and scanned it and saved it to my computer. Can you see it now? Sunday, February 12, 2017 U.S. Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell (WA state) want to know what happened to the vanished website, and have asked Education Secretary DeVos to put it back up. The website was set up under President George W. Bush so educators, advocates and parents could get a "one-stop" explanation on the federal Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), as well as know their rights under the disability law." Full story here During confirmation hearings she didn't even know what it was!
End of semester, end of 2016 and seeking warmth without the cost of a tropical getaway, I ventured with my significant partner to Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois. It was mildly warmer considering we live in Wisconsin. We decided to go winter camping, because I gifted us with a new ALPS tent, that required testing. We set out from Oswego, Illinois on a 5 hour drive heading south. For anyone who has driven through Illinois, Illinois offers plenty of flat topography … (yawn). This all changes once you descend upon the forest. The winter weather stripped the trees of their foliage, but it unveiled the rolling landscape. There is a very geological reason for this. Where Illinoian glaciation stopped is where The Garden of the Gods begins. We set up camp along a backpackers trail. The temperature peaked around 40⁰F during the day but dropped to the 20s as night fell. Unfortunately, the wind picked up, making it impossible to enjoy the campfire. Fortunately, for us, we wore extra layers and brought lots of sleeping bags. After surviving a windy night in the new tent, we hiked the Garden of the Gods Observation Trail. It was an easy trail, but it does get more challenging depending on how adventurous you are. I was not daring enough to climb up or down rock formations, although some hikers were. These numerous unique sandstone formations or hoodoos provided breathtaking views of the forest. After driving on some of the back roads, we finally found a few waterfalls, Jackson and Burden Falls. Burden Falls was the smaller of the two as Jackson Falls was the highlight. It had a steep drop-off that we did not hike down to, but was still impressive. The falls provided a natural soundscape of the forest. The weather was ideal (jeans and sweatshirt were sufficient) and the areas we explored were not crowded for seasonal reasons. Some important notes: anyone can set up camp for up to 2 weeks for free in the forest. There are plenty of trails to explore, as well as a cave, but we didn’t have time to explore. I also found that there were plenty of restrooms. Though we spent only a day exploring, it was enough to make us want to come back during warmer seasons. One peculiar sighting was a cryptid statue and (maybe?) someone we might encounter next time.
Little information could be found on the topic of the Australian Enigma, which in its self is not a cryptid, but rather a name given to an unknown beast with only one known encounter. As the tale of the Australian Enigma goes, in 1808 an Australian three masted bark was allegedly attacked by this creature, which according to reports, had climbed across the bow of the ship and had bitten, or chewed, one of the deck hands. The only real physical description of the creature which can be gathered from this report is that of its eyes which were reported to be the size of a warrior’s shield. The Australian Enigma’s vicious attack only ended after the captain of the ship returned from below deck with two firearms, aiming carefully the captain reportedly fired two shots, one into each of the creature’s large eyes. The captain hit his marks and with a bullet lodged in each eye the creature slipped back into the depths. Some investigators have suggested that this could be an example of an early encounter with the now scientifically accepted giant squid or possibly an example of giant octopus. In the 1800’s ships often reported being attacked by large unknown creatures from below, only to dry dock and find strange circular marks on the ships hull. These incidences where later thought to be the work of giant squids, attaching, from below, what they thought to be a whale. Others have suggested that this encounter details the appearance of a creature not yet known to science. With so little information it is almost certain we will never known exactly what was seen that day. Although in recent years the existence of the Giant Squid has been proven, there is no way to tell if the Australian Enigma is an example of this creature attacking a sea faring vessel, hence there is no physical evidence to suggest what this creature was. There has only been one sighting of the Australian Enigma to date, the limited details of that sighting is outlined above. The Stats– (Where applicable) • Classification: Sea Monster • Size: Unknown • Weight: Unknown • Diet: Unknown, most likely carnivorous • Location: Unknown • Movement: Unknown, presumably swimming • Environment: Ocean
Zombies are always a favorite go-to Halloween costume. Why not make it unique? It happens all the time. You get invited to a killer Halloween party and you can’t think of what to wear. Don’t lame out and go with a t-shirt that has “Costume” printed on the front. Creating a zombie look can be quick and if you have a little extra time go all out. Only how many Zombies are dragging their left leg around the streets during Halloween? Too many! All you have to do is pick another icon character and combine it with a Zombie and presto! You’re now going to stand out at the party. Googz & Co. has a few ideas that you should get your imagination going. 1. Zombie Claus Not only is a Santa Claus costume unexpected for Halloween, but darken it up and this is a hit. Top it off with a sack full of body parts and pass them out to all the good boys and ghouls. 2. Undead Bunyan Everyone has a plaid, flannel shirt in their closet. Pull that out and grow or add a fake beard. Then find something that resembles an ax. Bam! Paul Bunyan. Now all you have to do is add your favorite zombie touch. 3. Found Waldo in the Grave Glasses, hat and a red and white stripe shirt is all it takes to tip peole off that you are trying to be Waldo. What happens when you find Waldo climbing out of his grave. That’s right a fun new zombie costume. 4. A Cryptdead With the popularity of all the Cryptozoology shows on TV like Finding Bigfoot this is the perfect time for finding a dead cryptid. This costume is a little more difficult on our scale, but if you can get your hands on a gorilla suit from any halloween shop, you have a start of a Bigfoot costume. Now just add some guts and carry around a foam brain for that creature zombie look. Now it wouldn’t be Halloween with out the sexy costume for you girls. Your different, you like sexy, but those Halloween store bought costumes are too obvious. Here is a way to make a spooky, sexy Mermaid. You already have that little bikini top (if you can’t fashion one out of a couple of shells) now you just have to buy some sparkly or watery looking fabric to wrap around your lower half. However, instead of that girly make-up go for the special effect make up. A Merzombie!
Happy Sunday! The Republicans are STRESSED, Isabella Rotman is letting you take home your very own A-Camp flag print, and surprise! Women look amazing in a suit! Go mute your ex on instagram. Then come back for alien dildos, porn according to stock photos, the crossover of fashion and beauty and sex toys, at-home STI tests and more. I never want to be anywhere but Camp. I miss camp so much the only cure I could think of was some kind of comfort food that involves berries – only one type though – and that I could make very quickly and easily. I decided the only thing to do was to bake a mountain of berries into some flaky buttery crust and eat it while I scroll the A-Camp hashtag and cry for the millionth time. And thus, this blueberry galette was born! Plus: Gina Rodriguez on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, what’s gay on Critical Roll, and you should definitely watch Picnic at Hanging Rock. Tell me about your favorite road trip! Or just tell me about your week, your crush, your love, your life. You’re perfect. We may not live in four-berry households, but we are definitely living four-berry lives. Topics include journalism, Gloria Allred, Joan Didion, Ryan Murphy, MURDER, We Rate Dogs, Reading Rainbow, Raffi, movies about qpoc, internet writing, Action Park and more! I sat down with Cuties founders Iris and Virginia to talk about finding community, running a commercial space, and how to hold community members accountable. We’re coming for you, Trump. “I started a Tumblr called Midwestern Monster Hunt dedicated to my adventures and to sharing stories of the weird, macabre, and strange. I began following blogs devoted to lovingly curating blurry photos dotted with red circles, grainy images of discs in the sky, or puns about Mothman. The more involved in cryptid and paranormal spaces I became, the more queer people seemed to pop up.” Contagious anxiety, Cyntoia Brown, lesbian cinema, that Oregon high school principal was fired, remembering Section 28, Andrea Long Chu, dyke camp, and much more! Thank you for being a good man in the storm. “It’s not even about fanciness or property ownership as much as it’s about imagining if my house could just be clean right now? It’s a powerful drug, let me tell you.” How lesbian pulp fiction saved lives, Michelle Tea’s Against Memoir, gay love letters, what counts as “well read” and more. Here’s how to do a basic shibari leg tie for beginners! Lots of queer comedians are getting comedy specials, the cast of the She-Ra reboot, Cat Cora makes a pizza pun, Janet Mock and Ryan Murphy seem like a pretty great team, Billie Jean King loves Abby Wambach, Sue Bird thinks Megan Rapinoe is the poster child for gayness, and more important entertainment information! Here, thought you might need this. “I didn’t want any other student to have to suffer the same experience that I had to go through.” It isn’t just about the hot sex — though the sex is very hot — it’s about creating spaces where Latinx queer bodies can feel ownership. It’s tearing down shame. It’s about saying that our love, our sex, our sticky sweat is valid. It’s about fighting tooth and nail for pleasure in a world that would rather us be criminalized for waking up in the morning.
- published: 09 May 2017 - views: 2757408 |WATR-AM 1320 Waterbury, CT||Oldies||USA| |FSN Feature Story News World News||News,News Updates||USA| |High Plains Public Radio||Classical,Public||USA| |IRSO-FL Roots of Soul||R&B||USA| |South Carolina ETV Radio, Classical||Varied,Classical,Public||USA| |Western Intertie Network (WIN System)||Talk||USA| |WPDH-FM 101.5 (Home Of Rock N Roll) Poughkeepsie, NY||Classic Rock||USA| |Classic Radio JAR101||Adult Contemporary,Soft Rock,Pop,Top 40||USA| |WQQB-FM 96.1 Rantoul, IL||Top 40||USA| |KKLA-FM 99.5 Los Angeles, CA||Christian,Talk||USA| |KTAR-FM 92.3 Phoenix, AZ||News Talk,Talk,Discussion||USA| |WBPT-FM 106.9 (The Eagle) Birmingham, AL||Classic Rock||USA| |KFMJ-FM 99.9 Ketchikan, AK||Oldies,Classic Rock||USA| |WXL61-SW 162.475 (NOAA Weather) Cedar Rapids, IA||News Updates,Short Wave Radio||USA| |WDQX-FM 102.3 (Max FM) Morton, IL||Classic Rock||USA| |BoomerRadio: Sweet Soul Music||Oldies,Pop||USA| |WOLX-FM 94.9 Baraboo, WI||Oldies||USA| |WICR-FM 88.7 (Univ of Indianapolis) Indianapolis, IN||College||USA| |WJTW-LP 100.3 Jupiter, FL||Oldies,Public||USA| |WVHF-AM 1140 (Holy Family Radio) Kentwood, MI||Religious||USA| |WONE-FM 97.5 Akron, OH||Rock,Classic Rock||USA| |WGLE-FM 90.7 (WGTE) Lima, OH||News||USA| |WPYO-FM 95.3 (Power 95.3) Orlando, FL||Hip Hop||USA| |KRLD-AM 1080 (NewsRadio 1080) Dallas, TX||News Talk,News,Talk||USA| |Big R: Classic R&B||R&B||USA| |KDIX-IR 1230 (Herb 1 Radio) Dickinson, ND||Jazz,Talk,Reggae||USA| |Mistletoe @ iradiophilly.com||Christian||USA| |ORS - Christmas Music For Kids||Christian,Kids||USA| |WBOG-AM 1460 (Kool Gold) Tomah, WI||Oldies||USA| |KELS-LP 104.7 FM (Pirate Radio) Greeley, CO||Oldies,60s||USA| |Smooth Beats, Hip Hop||Hip Hop||USA| |WPSO-AM 1500 (Greek Voice Radio) New Port Richey, FL||Greek||USA| |KCMQ-FM 96.7 (Real Classic Rock) Columbia, MO||Classic Rock||USA| |KCME-FM 88.7 Manitou Springs, CO||Classical,Public||USA| |WBJC-FM 91.5 Baltimore, MD||Classical,Public,College||USA| |WNWC-FM 102.5 (Life 102.5) Madison, WI||Christian Contemporary,Gospel,Christian||USA| |KLFE-AM 1590 (Freedom 1590) Seattle, WA||Talk||USA| |K-Lite Online||Soft Rock||USA| |WFCJ-FM 93.7 (Inspiration) Dayton, OH||Religious||USA| |WBHF-AM 1450 Cartersville, GA||Oldies||USA| |Scanner: Denver Police||Talk||USA| |WRSU-FM 88.7 (Rutgers Univ) New Brunswick, NJ||College||USA| |SomaFM: Tag's Trip||Electronica||USA| |WEKZ-FM 93.7 (Big Oldies) Monroe, WI||Oldies||USA| |WZAB-AM 880 (The Biz) Sweetwater, FL||Talk,Discussion||USA| |KBGL-FM 106.9 (Hits 106.9) Larned, KS||Contemporary||USA| |KIH35-SW 162.550 (NOAA Weather) Pittsburgh, PA||News Updates,Short Wave Radio||USA| |WRUR-FM 88.5 (WXXI Public Broadcasting) Rochester, NY||College||USA| |WDEF-FM 92.3 (Sunny 92.3) Chatanooga, TN||Contemporary||USA| (For licensing or usage, contact email@example.com) When bad neighbors move in, bad things are bound to happen. But when do bad things become the unthinkable? Right now in this very video, that's when. These guys warned their neighbors repeatedly to not park in or block their driveway with no success. The neighbors continued to park in the driveway until the point that the camera man gives them three strikes, and those three strikes racked up fast. Angry camera man and his wrecking crew decide to put an end to the neighbors car all together. It starts out with a huge blacked out Excursion smashing and running over the neighbors Ford Taurus. That's when things turn crazy. A second neighbor from across the street that watched the action unfolding decided he wanted a starting role in the... Featuring a new residence and dining halls on North campus! Learn about Ohio State's campus living options from actual students living in Ohio State residence halls rooms. This video showcases the differences in residence hall options and the benefits of living on campus. Featured Siebert Hall, Bradley Hall, Drackett Tower, Bowen House and Lincoln Tower. Tour the Bexley mansion and learn about its rich history Presented by Street Sotheby's International Realty For more information go to http://s.sir.com/2t1UDTn Own The Dream! Your very own retreat situated on a premier lot of the Championship Course in the gated Estates of Muirfield Village. 2.5 acres of magnificent views spanning the 5th hole/6th tee. Enjoy Four Season Entertaining: Indoor Olympic Size pool, billiard room, children's play room, tv/theater room,third floor concert room w/full bar. Several outdoor decks and patios. All bedrooms are en suites. The First floor owners suite overlooks the indoor pool, has an abundance of closets and an attached deck to sit and enjoy morning coffee and the beautiful scenery. Two first floor dens, living room, family room, sun room and very large kitchen. Separate entrance into a wing that houses a c... The random video I made right after returning home from Savannah, Ga This investigation took place in Chillicothe Ohio. This investigation took place in Sardinia Ohio. The house in the photo is actually a home that sits next to the highway at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Its currently being renovated and they dont like paranormal investigators apparently. Must of had some serious traffic stop by. This investigation took place in Bellbrook Ohio. During this investigation I was a member of ParaVizionz. This investigation was at a residence on Shawnee Indian battle and burial grounds. Thankfully the residents were also part Shawnee. As you can tell my Algonquian was being pronounced correctly. I have since changed that because if I mis-pronounce a word it could be taken completely wrong and may cause more problems. During this investigation I was a member of ParaVizionz. This investigation took place at a residence in Greene County Ohio. During this investigation I was a member of ParaVizionz. Thie investigation took place in Monroe Ohio. I was just told recently that this house has been removed for reasons unknown. There is nothing in its place and no plans of a new home. It is on River Road in Fairfield. It runs parallel to the Great Miami River and sits across the street from Proctor and Gambles R&D plant. There are stories of men in black and UFO's in the area. The people that lived in the house said they were being watched because they had several encounters with unusual cryptid creatures walking around as well as UFO's. They noticed a black car parked in the parking lot next door. Two men sat and watched their home for hours. This has happened a few times. The home owner started watching them through binoculars. She said they looked really strange. Pure white faces, no hair and they didnt converse with each other. The... Maddie Knostman is back, and she's talking about the room selection process and the residence hall options on West, East and South Greens at OHIO. She also takes us on a tour of her room in Sargent Hall, including some great tips for organization and necessities for move in! What is Project Hindsight: The First Year? It’s a way to discover what being a student at Ohio University is really all about! Find out what students are thinking as they navigate university life during their first year on campus. See https://www.ohio.edu/compass/stories/16-17/01/project-hindsight-launch.cfm, and follow #OHIOProjectHindsight on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for more! Meet Heather Thomas, the residential coordinator of Read and Johnson Halls at Ohio University. Heather tells us how she decided to become an RC, explains her duties, and tells us more about how she interacts with her residents. http://www.ohio.edu Produced by Tais Silva, media arts and studies 2012 Mason Ohio residence. A seemingly normal home with parents and seven kids. There was a water main break and the basement flooded. The foundation became unstable so the owners had the foundation removed and replaced. They had to lift the house up about a foot. The previous owner finished the basement himself and was very proud of it. Well, the former owners passed and new folks moved in. They had been there for a few years before the water damage occurred. Once the repairs started so did the activity. They experienced all sorts of crazy physical activity, especially in the basement. We didnt experience much physical activity but the MEL PSB7 was handy. Our medium was able to help out the primary male spirit causing the problems. He was very upset about the damage to his home. He was cr... This investigation took place at a residence in Bellbrook Ohio. During this investigation I was a member of ParaVizionz. This investigation took place in Lebanon Ohio. This place is literally 1/2 mile from my place. I spent months at this place recording lots of audio. This was very strange, very different from the "normal" residential investigation. So, I called in two mediums who said there was a portal in the basement and that they could close it. I scheduled an all nighter and we spent the night in the basment. We heard lots of talking down there as well as shadow play. I never could prove physically that there was a portal or that they exist but I must say.....I'm a believer. After that night the place has had no activity. I often see the owners and everything is fine. They're believers as well. It's an amazing thing to experience both sides of this because I was able to validate the major difference be... We investigated this house in Akron, Ohio the claims where noises in the attic, shadows and loud banging on the walls. We found a few items on our investigation that we could not explain. Faces in a mirror, evps in the basement and orbs. I do believe something is happening in this house. 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Vist our website: http://bestlocations.weebly.com/ Visit our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/BestLocationstoVisit/ Places to visit in 2017. Top Destinations in Ohio. Amazing Destinations in Ohio. Best places to visit in Ohio. Travel Guide. Travel Destinations 2017. Travel Destinations in Summer. Summer Destinations. Best places to visit in Ohio. Top 10 place in Ohio. Top 10 place to visit in Ohio Tourist Spots in Ohio. Ohio Tourist Spots. Ohio Tourist Destinations. Must see places in Ohio. Places to go to in Ohio. Things to do in Ohio. Ohio Travel Guide. Amazing places in Ohio. Ohio is an Eastern state in the Great Lakes region of the United States. Ohio is the 34th largest by area, the 7th most populous, and the 10th most de... http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in Cleveland (Ohio) - Travel Guide: Cleveland Botanical Garden, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Museum of Contemporary Art, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Great Lakes Science Center, Horseshoe Casino Cleveland, Lake View Cemetery, Playhouse Square Center, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Tower City Center, USS Cod Submarine Memorial, West Side Market This video explains about 10 Tourist Attractions in Ohio, United States. Ohio is a state in the Midwestern United States. Ohio is home to a variety of scenic vineyards, beautiful wineries, and fun events. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Cedar Point, Hocking Hills State Park are top tourist places in Ohio. You can vacation to these best places to visit in Ohio. This list of attractions can be your references before you travel to Ohio. photo credit: Fountain Square By Joseph www.flickr.com/photos/josepha/9153743593/ Cincinnati Zoo By Doug Garner www.flickr.com/photos/douggarner/3087560767/ Cleveland Botanical Garden By delayedneutron www.flickr.com/photos/delayedneutron/968884152/ Cleveland Museum of Art By Sam Howzit www.flickr.com/photos/aloha75/9534913622/ Franklin Park Conserva... http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in Cincinnati (Ohio) - Travel Guide: American Sign Museum, Carew Tower and Observation Deck, Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati City Hall, Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati Zoo, Fountain Square, John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge, Music Hall, Taft Museum of Art http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in Columbus: Travel Guide State Ohio Columbus Museum of Art, Center of Science and Industry, Columbus Zoo, Franklin Park Conservatory, Ohio History Center, Ohio Statehouse, Santa Maria, Thurber House, Topiary Park, Wagner-Hagans Auto Museum, Downtown Columbus Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Cleveland, Ohio - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hey, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to give you a tour of the top five attractions of Cleveland, Ohio. Number 5: Cleveland downtown. The city's distinctive skyline includes buildings that are architecturally diverse and among the tallest in the country. Number 4: Garfield Memorial. The memorial is dedicated to James A. Garfield, the country's 20th president. Number 3: Squire's Castle, a fascinating structure that was built as a gatehouse for a country estate. Number 2: Cuyahoga National Park. Located a short distance from Cleveland, this beautiful national park offers a wide range of outdoor activities. Number 1: Cleveland sports. Nowhere else will yo... http://ultramodern-home.ru HOTELS - http://ultramodern-home.ru/hotels/ 12 Top Tourist Attractions in Ohio: Akron, Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Hocking Hills State Park, Newark, Oberlin, Sandusky, Toledo Experience Rougarou, Cedar Point's newest coaster. Featured in the free Ohio Travel Guide App. Available now on iTunes and the Google Play Store. Visit http://consumer.discoverohio.com/visitorinformation/freepublications.aspx for more info. Welcome to the new special vlog series. This is our first ever Rivers & Robots US tour, and we're travelling around the North East. This episode is the introduction to the tour, meeting our new friends Nate and Jake who will be touring with us, and playing a set at Bethel Cleveland. Looking forward to sharing this journey with you! Follow Set Sail » Twitter - http://twitter.com/wearesetsail » Facebook - http://facebook.com/timetosetsail » Website - http://timetosetsail.com For more adventure visit www.hopscotchtheglobe.com From making candles to visiting a pencil sharpener museum to learning to play the washboard, this is Adventures in Hocking Hills Part 3. Follow me on: Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/hopscotchtheglobe Twitter - https://twitter.com/HTGlobe @HTGlobe Travel Blog - http://www.hopscotchtheglobe.com/ Places visited in this video: http://www.columbuswashboard.com/ http://www.1800hocking.com/whattodo/pencil_sharpener_museum http://www.windchimeshopsales.com/ A special thanks to: Amy Weirick and Jamie Wright http://www.weirickcommunications.com/ Music in this video is provided by: Kevin MacLeod - http://incompetech.com/m/c/royalty-free/ Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ http://ultramodern-home.ru HOTELS - http://ultramodern-home.ru/hotels/ Travel Guide - 14 Top Tourist Attractions in Baltimore: American Visionary Art Museum, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Museum, Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore Museum of Industry, Walters Art Gallery, Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Fell's Point, Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine, Harborplace, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland Science Center, National Aquarium, Oriole Park at Camden Yards,Washington Monument http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in Dayton - Travel Guide Ohio: National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, Carillon Historical Park, Benjamin & Marian Schuster Performing Arts Center, Dayton Art Institute, Boonshoft Museum of Discovery, America's Packard Museum - The Citizens Motorcar Co, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, The Wright Cycle Company Complex, Woodland Cemetery & Arboretum, Oregon District, Huffman Prairie Flying Field, RiverScape MetroPark 5 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Cincinnati, United States The city of Cincinnati lies in a wide basin on the north bank of the Ohio River, surrounded by hills. In the past its beautiful situation earned it the names "Pearl of the West" and the "Queen City". Today, this largely industrial city has a wide range of cultural and recreational facilities. Lets see five tourist attraction in Cincinnati, Ohio 1. Cincinnati Museum Center 2. Music Hall 3. Cincinnati Zoo 4. Cincinnati Art Museum 5. Fountain Square GET MORE INFORMATION - Subscribe ➜ https://goo.gl/eofEFE SHARE this Video: ➜ https://youtu.be/OlG4TvSwF9U Also check another videos.. Tourist Attraction in United States ➜ https://goo.gl/3XcvVX Tourist Attraction in America ➜ https://goo.gl/PAAk8M Tourist Attractions in Asia ➜ htt... https://www.expedia.com/Austin.d178234.Destination-Travel-Guides Welcome to Austin, home to nearly 900,000 people. The capital of Texas attracts a number of young, talented university students, which has prompted a good-natured culture war between the newcomers and the city’s longtime residents. So far, the latter group seems to be winning, thanks to their dedication to the Keep Austin Weird campaign. You’ll find elements of this movement throughout the city in the shape of various art installations, eclectic eateries, and murals. An Austin tour means an adventure in the Live Music Capital of the World, home to festivals celebrating all kinds of tunes. Whether you’re here to listen to blues, country, or a little bit of rockabilly, you’re bound to find exactly what your musical palette ... Join Me and Sean Austin of Demon Files as we Investigate a Private Residence in Ohio that is negative in nature. ITC, EVP, at least one confirmed death occurred in this house. It sits on land that was once part of a very famous Plantation that has ties to George Washington. Family that used to live there reported all kinds of unexplained voices , knocking on walls , thumps and bangs as well as shadow figures. We believe it has ties to dark witchcraft Description: Interdistrict open enrollment allows students to attend public schools outside their district of residence. It is among the largest and most widespread of school-choice efforts in the United States but often flies under the radar in policy discussions. In Ohio, over 70,000 students open enroll into schools outside their district of residence. However, despite the large scale, relatively little is known about the operation of open enrollment and the outcomes of students who participate in it. On June 6, 2017, the Thomas B. Fordham Institute released a first-of-its-kind statewide analysis of the program and hosted an event to report the findings and to discuss their importance to schools, districts, and families in Ohio. PRESENTER: Deven Carlson (co-author, University of Oklahom... Ashland Ohio resident Josianne Stone is recognized as the Fall 2013 June Metcalf Elder in Residence by the Salvation Army Kroc Center for contributions to her community and a life well lived. Josianne has many experiences which have shaped her life as well as impacted those around her. Josianne gives glory to God Who sustains and empowers her, fills her with joy and peace and enables her to reach out to others with His truth and love. To hear more about her experiences in WW II German occupied Belgium, please look for "The Josianne Stone Story" on youtube. Clermont County, Ohio was one of the most important areas on the Underground Railroad and as part of the Abolitionists movement. The county boasts the most locations on the Network to Freedom with nineteen recognized. It is estimated that one third of the slaves who escaped on the Underground Railroad came through Clermont County. Shot with a sony sr11 with a jag35 and edited on Final Cut Express 4. An awe-inspiring engineering feat, Dubai Palm Islands is definitely the largest artificial islands on earth. These Islands are three man made islands in the form of massive palm trees connected to the beaches of Dubai. The first island is the Palm Jumeirah, Jebel Ali Palm second and the third is the Palm Deira which is the biggest of them all. This artificial archipelago located off the coastline of United Arab Emirates in Persian Gulf. Dubai islands project was commissioned by Sheikh Mohammed in an effort to maximize beachfront property. Dubai's palm tree-shaped resort island on land built from the sea will contribute 120 km of beaches. Aside from the construction of the ambitious expansion, there is also the problem of constructing a mini city, which consists of 4,500 high-end residenti... No copyright infringement intended. All materials used property of their respective owners. A lecture by Imani Perry (Professor, Center for African American Studies, and Faculty Associate, Program in Law and Public Affairs, Princeton University) followed by a dialogue with bell hooks, Karlyn Crowley (Director of the Cassandra Voss Center & Professor of English, St. Norbert College), Zillah Eisenstein (Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence & Professor of Political Theory and Anti-Racist Feminisms, Ithaca College), and Shannon Winnubst (Associate Professor, Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Ohio State University) in a continuing discussion. Presented by Eugene Lang College (http://www.newschool.edu/lang). bell hooks (née Gloria Watkins) is among the leading public intellectuals of her generation. Her writings cover a broad range of topics including gender, race, te... We're heading down to Lancaster, Ohio, to learn more about the city's past, present and future. From the Civil War to stately historic homes, Lancaster boasts a rich history. Plus, we'll take a look at community activism today. Photos courtesy of: Columbus Metropolitan Library, Fairfield County Heritage Association, Library of Congress, Ohio History Connection, Decorative Arts Center of Ohio no contact PASS !!!!! Click here to watch great FREE Movies & TV: http://filmrise.com Police instituted a search when the mother of two young children went missing. Less than a day later, they found her body. The evidence was little better than circumstantial, and the case turned cold. Twenty years later, advances in technology allowed investigators to see the evidence in a new light, and to learn that it pointed directly to the killer. Originally aired as Season 10, Episode 5. Pop into the classroom of Ohio’s 2018 Teacher of the Year, and celebrate Holy Week with a visit to St. Joseph Cathedral in downtown Columbus. Then go behind the scenes of Double Clutched, a custom-made accessory business, and learn how one veteran's experiences in Iraq inspired him to create and perform a one-man play. Patrick Fullenkamp, Director, Technical Services, GLWN Global Wind Network ; Shilpa Kedar, Program Director for Economic Development, Cleveland Foundation; Andrew R. Thomas, Executive In Residence, Energy Policy Center, Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University; and Lorry Wagner, Ph.D., President, LEEDCo, discuss the value of water to Northeast Ohio's future in the offshore wind industry in a conversation moderated by ideastream® reporter/producer Elizabeth Miller. New Akron Mayor ◂ WEWS NewsChannel5 is On Your Side with breaking news & weather updates -- NewsChannel 5 brings you the latest trusted news and information from Cleveland to Akron and throughout all of northeast Ohio. WEWS NewsChannel5 is the leading television station in Northeast Ohio. A proud affiliate of the ABC network, WEWS was the first television station in Ohio. iPhone: http://bit.ly/iOS-wews Android: http://bit.ly/wews-android Bowling Green State University (BGSU) is a public research university located in Bowling Green, Ohio, United States. The 1,338-acre (541.5 ha) main academic and residential campus is located 15 miles (24 km) south of Toledo, Ohio. The institution was granted a charter in 1910 as a normal school, specializing in teacher training and education, as part of the Lowry Normal School Bill that authorized two new normal schools in the state of Ohio. Over the university's history, it developed from a small rural normal school into a comprehensive public university. As of 2012 Bowling Green offered over 200 undergraduate programs, as well as master's and doctoral degrees through eight academic colleges. Its academic programs have been nationally ranked by Forbes magazine, U.S. News & World Repor... Nationally syndicated journalist Connie Schultz discusses the role of women over 50 in our society. Connie Schultz is a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer and journalist. She worked for The Plain Dealer from 1993 to 2011, earning the 2005 Pulitzer for commentary. Schultz currently is a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators Syndicate and the professional in residence at Kent State University’s College of Communication and Information. She is the author of the books Life Happens: And Other Unavoidable Truths as well as …and His Lovely Wife: A Memoir from the Woman Beside the Man. She is working on her first novel, about a working-class family in Ohio. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http... March 8, 2014 This was a three story balloon frame home (3,600 sq ft) with moderate to heavy fire at the rear of the residence. Initial assignment on this fire was 3 engines, 1 ladder, 1 medic and 1 chief officer. An additional 2 engines and 2 medics were added for the working fire. Four attack lines were stretched interior but was unsuccessful at stopping the fire. Crews went defensive and a 2.5" line was used at the rear of the structure and a ladder pipe at the front of the structure. No injuries were reported. The Independent | 21 May 2018 WorldNews.com | 21 May 2018
Marty and Grace return for their third rare-animal adventure (Tentacles, 2009, etc.). Thirteen-year-old cousins Grace and Marty were separated at the end of their last adventure. Grace agreed to leave with her grandfather, Dr. Noah Blackwood, even though she knows he is not the wildlife conservationist he pretends to be on his television show. Marty stayed with Grace’s father (and his uncle), Dr. Travis Wolfe, world-renowned cryptozoologist. When Wolfe leaves them alone, Marty and his best friend, Luther, decide to try to find Grace at Dr. Blackwood’s Seattle Ark, one of his chain of zoos. With the help of a new friend, Luther and Marty sneak into the Ark and begin searching for Grace. Blackwood discovers that the boys are on the property, but he can’t pinpoint them; likewise, the boys find the secret research lab beneath the Ark, but they can’t get to it. Everything is complicated by Blackwood’s genetically created chupacabra, a legendary cryptid and voracious monster loose in the lab’s ductwork. Smith’s third in a series of four adventures stands alone well enough, but it works best as part of the series (a helpful recap of the series thus far orients readers to its labyrinthine twists). The adventure sequences are entertaining, but some of the humor may strike kids as rather lame; the ever-hungry Luther’s antics especially ring false. A decent-enough adventure, but not one for the ages. (Adventure. 9-12)
Best Custom Academic Essay Writing Help & Writing Services UK Online - Positive and Negative Numbers | SkillsYouNeed Nov 12, 2017 Positives and negatives, buy essay online at professional writing service - Why we all need books: The benefits of reading for pleasure. Positives And Negatives. GETTY/PIC POSED BY MODELS. Regular readers hone their emotional and intellectual skills. It is a real piece of luck when your passion from childhood becomes your career. In the many years since I first became a junior publishing assistant, I have never, for a moment, lost the pleasure and stimulation of burying myself in a good book. Which is why since I and others set up Quick Reads in 2006 to encourage more people to discover books I have always been determined that however significant the educational or economic implications of reading are for our country, books’ most important benefit was their impact on the emotional lives of individuals. At different stages in der erlkonig poem, my life, books have meant different things to me. At moments they have opened up new horizons, at others they have been a huge support. Often, I have shared treasured books with my family and friends but sometimes I have kept the reading experience to a private pleasure. Positives And Negatives. But every time I open a new book, it is with the keen anticipation of embarking on a new emotional and intellectual journey. Poem. So I was not surprised to read a new research report, commissioned by Galaxy which sponsors Quick Reads, revealing that adults who spend just 30 minutes a week reading are 20 per and negatives, cent more likely to be satisfied with their lives. Amongst the many benefits experienced by regular readers were higher self-esteem and pre modern art, greater self-acceptance. In part this must be because reading, although paradoxically a solitary activity, actually helps us feel less isolated. One in four readers say that a book has helped them realise that other people have shared their life experiences. Baroness Gail Rebuck at positives and negatives, Penguin Random House publishing offices HQ. Readers also find it easier to pre modern art make decisions and are 10 per cent more capable of planning and positives and negatives, prioritising. Dr Josie Billington, who partnered with Quick Reads to produce the report, concludes that this may be because readers are more able to are the of economic systems recognise that difficulties and setback are unavoidable aspects of human life. It is and negatives, not simply that we feel better about our own problems but that we have a greater capacity for empathy. With just 30 minutes of poem, reading a week, two thirds of readers report a better understanding of other people’s feelings. Readers were also found to have a stronger and more engaged awareness of and negatives, social issues and of cultural diversity than non-readers. Regular readers reported 57 per cent greater cultural awareness and pre modern art, 21 per cent more general knowledge. The stories and positives, ideas contained in a book can open our minds and unite us with other cultures, helping us to gain a deeper understanding and respect for them. Books can also expand our minds, and readers reported higher levels of creativity than non-readers. This sense of connectedness extends beyond our immediate social circles. Understanding Monsters. The report found that readers were more comfortable with strangers, reporting not only that they find it easier to start conversations but also find greater enjoyment in these interactions. Reading can be a social as well as a solitary, activity and and negatives, the act of reading immediately makes us part of a wider community. Quick Reads has long advocated reading for pleasure but with this report, Reading Between the Lines: the Benefits of Reading for pre modern art Pleasure, we have for positives and negatives the first time tangible empirical evidence of the benefits to our emotional health, empathy and wellbeing. It is also revealing about the reasons why people have abandoned reading for pleasure. Every time I open a new book, it is with the keen anticipation of embarking on a new emotional and intellectual journey. Baroness Gail Rebuck. Sometimes it had to do with a disruptive life event; 14 per cent of lapsed readers cited divorce, the angels in america characters, death of a family member, ill health or loss of positives, their job as the moment they stopped reading. While there is no panacea for personal tragedy, I believe reading can help you at Understanding Monsters, such a time. In fact, the report showed that readers were less likely to and negatives experience low moods or feelings of depression if they read for 30 minutes a week. But overwhelmingly the most common reason for giving up on books, blamed by 42 per cent of the 16 million lapsed readers in poem, the UK, was lack of time, perhaps because people saw reading as an positives, indulgence rather than a necessity in their lives. Now of course I don’t expect books to come before family or work but this report demonstrates that reading for of economic systems pleasure is a vital part of positives, a balanced life. As part of the research, 20 lapsed readers were recruited to take part in a reading challenge in which they read a title of Understanding Mythological, their choice from the Galaxy Quick Reads series for and negatives 20 minutes every day for 10 days, keeping a daily diary of their mood and are the systems, wellbeing. Yvonne, aged 42, said that “reading gives me the confidence, independence and time to myself that I need in life”. Matt, aged 29, commented: “I am so glad to be reading after reading for half an hour on and negatives, my lunch break today I felt happy, sharp and cheerful and the feeling lasted all afternoon.” Sarah aged 39 told researchers: “I feel I’m sleeping a lot better since I’ve been reading and also I feel a lot calmer.” Consider, if we were all to find just half an hour a week to hobbies read, what a collective difference this could make both to us as individuals and to our society. Which is why I believe Quick Reads is so important. Positives. Apart from lapsed readers, one in six adults of working age in the UK struggle with reading and might not be able to complete a shift report at work, worry that they have not understood a letter from der erlkonig poem their child’s school or struggle to apply for a bank account. Their reasons for not reading are varied but they are often based on fear. Some people say they find reading scary and intimidating, thinking books are “not for positives and negatives them” or that they are difficult or boring. This belief partly reflects a lack of suitable, simple reading material for Understanding Mythological Monsters Essay pleasure exciting, story-driven books in all genres. It was to break down this barrier that, with the help of the whole publishing industry, we set up Quick Reads. Every year we commission a list of short books by bestselling authors which are full of the action and emotion you would expect to find in positives and negatives, any well-known author’s work but limited to 100 pages and edited to reduce barriers for the less confident or lapsed reader. This year, with Galaxy’s support, we have been able to Start With Ubuntu 10.04 Essay produce an enviable list which includes Booker Prize winner Roddy Doyle, Jojo Moyes and Sophie Hannah. Since 2006 we have distributed over 4.7million books and registered over 3.9million library loans. Quick Reads’ ambition is to positives and negatives introduce or reacquaint as many adults as possible to the pure pleasure and sense of wellbeing to angels be found within the covers of a great book. Baroness Gail Rebuck, DBE is chair of Quick Reads and Penguin Random House UK. Positives And Negatives. Deadly make-up, mouse-hair brows and lice-ridden wigs: The dirty lives of Georgian women. New Trainspotting book: Irvine Welsh to KILL off main character in Dead Men's Trousers. Game of Thrones book 6: Winds of pre modern art, Winter release date REVEALED as season 7 begins? Game of and negatives, Thrones book 6: When is The Winds of Winter out? Release date, rumours and news. Russell Brand opens up about his battle with addiction in characters, his new book Recovery. Catalonia MAPPED: Where is Catalonia and why does it want independence from positives and negatives Spain? Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Australia apologises for der erlkonig poem lack of progress in search. Positives. Emmerdale spoilers: Emma Barton star warns barn blaze is Understanding Mythological Monsters, 'HORRENDOUS' ahead of and negatives, shock death. I was possessed BY A DEMON: Shocking claim evil spirit took over man's body. What Are The Of Economic. Las Vegas shooting: UK survivor tells how she flung herself to floor to avoid carnage. New Trainspotting book: Irvine Welsh to KILL off main character in Dead Men's Trousers. Game of Thrones: The names of the DRAGONS predict what happens next to Daenerys and Jon. Russell Brand opens up about his battle with addiction in his new book Recovery. Short story: The Collection by Laura Wilson. Look back in anger: Our selection of the best new historical novels. Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan review: An uneven novel. Sugar Money by and negatives Jane Harris review: Superb novel. The Choice review: Liberation in confronting the past. American War review: A vivid and nightmarish vision of an all-too-conceivable future. Winds of der erlkonig poem, Winter: Does THIS prove Jon Snow will MURDER Daenerys for positives and negatives the Iron Throne? Tuesday, 3rd October 2017. Angels In America Characters. See today's front and back pages, download the positives, newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. BBC - KS3 Bitesize Maths - Negative numbers: Revision, Page 4 Buy Essay Papers Online - Adding Positive and Negative Numbers | Wyzant Resources Nov 12, 2017 Positives and negatives, buy essay papers online - How Kristeva's theory of positives abjection works in relation to intellectual, the fairy tale and post colonial novel: Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber, and Keri Hulme's The Bone People . School of Humanities. Oxford Brookes University. Deep South v.2 n.3 (Spring, 1996) I will begin this essay by defining the terms abject and abjection. I will then proceed to outline how Kristeva's theory of abjection works by summarising the main points of The Powers Of Horror: An Essay On Abjection . I will then continue to develop the essay by identifying abjection in two of Angela Carter's stories in her collection The Bloody Chamber: the title story and 'The Tiger's Bride', and Keri Hulme's The Bone People. And Negatives? In doing this I hope to expose and der erlkonig poem evaluate the impact abjection makes on the form and genre of these two texts. In addition, and and negatives as a summarising overview I will incorporate my own responses to hobbies, abjection in relation to the texts. The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines abject as Brought low, miserable; craven, degraded, despicable, self abasing. It describes abjection as a state of misery or degradation. Positives? However, these definitions are somewhat ambiguous and intangible. Thus, it is useful to consider how abjection is expressed. Religious abhorrence, incest, women's bodies, human sacrifice, bodily waste, death, cannibalism, murder, decay, and der erlkonig perversion are aspects of humanity that society considers abject. Barbara Creed writes: The place of the abject is where meaning collapses, the place where I am not. The abject threatens life, it must be radically excluded from the place of the and negatives, living subject, propelled away from the body and Mythological Monsters deposited on the other side of an imaginary border which separates the self from that which threatens the positives, self. Thus, we forcefully exclude the hobbies, abject which ostensibly draws our attention to positives, the place where meaning collapses. In Powers Of Horror:An Essay On Abjection Kristeva identifies that we first experience abjection at the point of separation from the mother. This idea is pre modern art drawn from Lacan's psychoanalytical theory which underpins her theory of abjection. She identifies that abjection represents a revolt against that which gave us our own existence or state of being. At this point the child enters the symbolic realm, or law of the father. Thus, when we as adults confront the and negatives, abject we simultaneously fear and identify with it. It provokes us into pre modern art, recalling a state of being prior to signification (or the law of the father) where we feel a sense of positives helplessness. The self is threatened by something that is pre modern art not part of us in terms of positives and negatives identity and non-identity, human and non-human. Kristeva expresses this succinctly when she says: The abject has only one quality of the object and that is der erlkonig poem being opposed to I. Thus we must be acutely aware of the link between the abject and the subject. The border between these two positions is imaginary, and however we try to and negatives, exclude the abject it still exists. When we are propelled into the world of the abject, our imaginary borders disintegrate and the abject becomes a tangible threat because our identity system and conception of order has been disrupted. Hence, Kristeva's theory of abjection is hobbies concerned with figures that are in a state of transition or transformation. The abject is located in a liminal state that is on the margins of two positions. This state is particularly interesting to Kristeva because of the positives, link between psychoanalysis and the subconscious mind. We are both drawn to and repelled by the abject; nausea is a biological recognition of it, and fear and what of economic systems adrenalin also acknowledge its presence. These are the feelings that we recall from prior to and negatives, separation from the in america, mother. Kristeva describes one aspect of the abject as 'jouissance' which is a sensation akin to joyousness. She says that it is because of positives and negatives this sensation that One thus understands why so many victims of the abject are its fascinated victims - if not its submissive and willing ones. Thus we can deduce from Kristeva's essay that the main point of her theory of abjection is that The abject is perverse because it neither gives up nor assumes a prohibition, a rule, or law; but turns them aside, misleads, corrupts; uses them, takes advantage of them, the better to deny them. Consequently it is poem a manipulator, and as such subverts boundaries, laws, and conventions. Abjection is a consistent feature of Angela Carter's 'The Bloody Chamber' and 'The Tiger's Bride'. They form part of a collection of stories in the fairy tale genre. In this volume Carter effectively reworks several ancient tales and fables. This genre has a rigid set of conventions and rules that usually involve polarised imagery. These can be presented as the handsome prince and passive heroine, good and evil, and light and dark. Fairy tales traditionally endorse patriarchal ideology through polarised imagery that encodes conventional features of femininity. This genre usually has a recognisable plot structure, a moral, and of course the obligatory happy ending. They can be read as ways of seeing and maintaining the patriarchal world as the status quo. 'The Bloody Chamber' is a sophisticated reworking of the traditional story of Bluebeard. The abject is encountered by positives, the heroine when she enters the bloody chamber. The impact of Mythological Monsters Essay this moment is powerful because to this point the heroine has been portrayed as the archetypal, naive, blushing bride. It is at this point that she realises that as Bluebeards wife, death awaits her. Hence, she crosses Kristeva's imaginary boundary into the realm of death, mutilation, blood, and horror. The heroine passes through the physical door of hell and over the invisible threshold between her own state of being and that which threatens it i.e. this stark torture chamber. Thus, the boundaries, laws, and rules of her existence have been manipulated to a point where meaning is undermined. The passage which describes the chamber is highly descriptive and overtly self indulgent to the point where pornographic undertones ensue. There is positives a sense of relish and excitement when the narrator describes, And yet enough, oh more than enough, to see a room designed for desecration and some dark night of unimaginable lovers whose embraces were annihilation. Carter further intensifies the abject through the personification of the chamber walls, they gleamed as if they were sweating with fright. The narrative begins with an exited and garbled description of Mythological Monsters her surroundings. Then the heroine begins a closer description which evokes a sense of immediacy. We are then guided by the narrative to the core of the and negatives, chamber where a corpse lies. The idea of death is defamiliarised by the glamour and systems the fact that the dead lips smiled. The narrative continues to carry us past the core to the marginal shadows of the room where she can see skulls which are described through elegant and beautiful imagery, Yet the positives, skull was still so beautiful, had shaped with its sheer planes so imperiously the face that once existed above it. Then anticipation takes over as the heroine becomes familiar with her surroundings. This is shown by the fact that she actively interacts with the abject by prising open the coffin of her husband's last wife. It is at this point that the heroine is overwhelmed and compelled to escape the horrors of the chamber. What Of Economic Systems? Carter uses spikes and piercing imagery to emphasise the horror of the abject, She was pierced, not by one but by positives and negatives, a hundred spikes. The heroine is also threatened by this penetrating imagery, a metal figure hinged at in america characters the side, which I knew to positives, be spiked. I believe that this represents a grotesque manifestation of masculine power which expresses patriarchal dominance explicitly. Throughout this section the language becomes almost poetic and the sentence structure achieves an almost lyrical effect. Angels In America Characters? This technique evokes a sense of self indulgence and satisfaction on Carter's part as a heterosexual author. However there is positives a paradox because the images suggest that there is something sinister and threatening about masculine penetration and are the systems dominance. Carter's use of abjection in 'The Bloody Chamber ' transforms the fairy tale genre beyond its conventions into the realm of pornographic gothic fantasy. Carter undermines the traditional structure of the genre by focusing the positives and negatives, climax of the tale in the abject instead of a reconciliatory closure. The abject is foregrounded through its positioning between an almost childlike evocation of curiosity, and the shock realisation caused by the confrontation of the abject. Consequently, we can recognise that Carter has utilised abjection in 'The Bloody Chamber' as a conscious strategy to disrupt the conventions of the pre modern art, fairy tale. And Negatives? It also introduces features of pornography and horror which undermine the traditional conventions of the An Early Start With Essay, fairy tale genre by incorporating, and sustaining elements of subconscious desire. 'The Tiger's Bride' is a reworking of Beauty and the Beast. Carter successfully humanises the strongly abject figure of the beast which is both controversial and unusual. Carter achieves this through the language. The first description of the beast is sensual and alliterative, He must bathe himself in scent, soak his shirts and underlinen in it. The soft sound of the 's' is comforting even though the beast is abject. And Negatives? The beast's masking of his natural form is representative of an inversion of the traditional figure of the frog that transforms into a prince. The beast is described as a carnival figure made of papier mache and crepe hair. It is not the Start Ubuntu 10.04, beast itself that disturbs the heroine, but the superficial masquerade of his appearance, The artificial masterpiece of his face appals me. The heroine's reaction to the beast is a mixture of pity and intrigue. She confronts the abject in the beast when they both expose their naked bodies to one another and the laws associated with identity and fear are contravened and meaning collapses. The logical response to his nakedness is usurped by the exciting and powerful impact of his exposure, The annihilating vehemence of his eyes, like twin suns. Beauty articulates her response to positives and negatives, the beast's naked form, I felt my breast ripped apart as if I suffered a marvellous wound. Carter uses exhilarating language that adds a sense of jouissance to the narrative. The abject is Mythological Monsters Essay foregrounded at a moment of sexual awakening and union of the and negatives, two protagonists' psyches. The final transformation occurs when Beauty joins the beast in his own environment where the laws of the material world have no meaning. She is what Kristeva describes as a 'willing victim', I, white, shaking, raw approaching him as if offering, in myself, the key to Start Ubuntu 10.04, a peaceable kingdom in which his appetite need not be my extinction. Thus, the abject no longer threatens her because she has willingly crossed the imaginary margins. Positives? Beauty's articulation of her sexuality and desires leads to Start Ubuntu 10.04 Essay, a relinquishing of the material world and a consequent humanising of the abject. Carter's use of and negatives abjection in 'The Tiger's Bride' usurps the traditional patriarchal convention of the An Early, female as victim. And Negatives? Her heroine is strong, in control, and actively orchestrating events on her own terms. Beauty's transformation takes the Start Ubuntu Essay, genre into the realm of fantasy and surrealism. This is underpinned by and negatives, a feminist message that advocates taking control of one's life. In 'The Tiger's Bride' Carter's use of poetic language to describe the abject is again pornographic. This disrupts the narrative structure of the Understanding Monsters, tale by creating a sense of voyeuristic indulgence, although sexuality is still presented as phallocentric. However, there is a feminist message to counter this because Carter empowers Beauty through the abject. Consequently, Beauty is in positives and negatives, a position where she is able to articulate her power and desires. 'The Tiger's Bride' ultimately obliterates the characters, confining codes of femininity which form part of the patriarchal ideology that traditionally underpins the genre. I believe we can consider Carter's use of and negatives abjection as a deliberate strategy with which she manipulates both the structure, rules and of economic stipulations of the genre. Carter's work epitomises the positives, antithesis of the traditional fairy tale. Are The? Her use of the abject stands as a counterpoint to the conventions and positives traditional techniques of the genre. Thus, the An Early 10.04, abject serves to parody the binary oppositions which are a feature of the traditional fairy tale. This adds a dimension to her work that introduces a whole new realm of possibilities. Abjection also effectively deconstructs the reader's expectations of the genre and positives and negatives form by forcing the of economic, reader to concentrate on Carter's technique which usurps reader complacency. Keri Hulme's The Bone People is sharply contrasted with Carter's work both in terms of form and genre. The Bone People is positives a post colonial novel that incorporates many different literary techniques including abjection. The abject in The Bone People is manifested and An Early Start With 10.04 personified in the figure of Simon. He is unable to and negatives, articulate his own identity because he has been unable to speak since he was shipwrecked by types of economic systems, an out of season storm that killed his parents. He communicates through the written word and positives signing which adds an pre modern art alternative linguistic dimension to the novel. His physical appearance is disconcerting because he carries the scars of abuse and is unable to explain them. Thus, we can say that Simon's physical condition represents a state of positives and negatives misery and degradation. His mental health is also an area of concern but only comes to the fore at such times when the subconscious dominates. Start Ubuntu Essay? This can be identified in his difficulty in sleeping and his terrible nightmares. Simon is also plagued by dark voices that remain locked in the internalised world of his psyche. It seems that his conscious mind represses these horrors, however they still exist beyond the imaginary border between the self and that which is too terrible to consciously acknowledge. Simon has a distinct lack of identity, he is positives believed to be Irish but lives in a mixture of western and Maori culture, his exact age is unknown, he is an An Early With Essay outsider. Simon is perceived as abject by the other protagonists in the novel although he is positives not explicitly labelled as such. The locals talk of his wildness, and associate him with the devil. Joe projects his frustrated rage onto Simon and seems to feel threatened by the unquantifiable events of his past. Joe's rage can be associated with his homosexuality. Hulme capitalises on a heterosexual, homophobic subject position to present homosexuality as abject and implicitly links it to poem, Joe's relationship with Simon. Binny Daniels also abuses Simon by paying him for kisses. Positives? Even Kerewin rejects him in a moment of exasperation, She loathes every part of his being and An Early Ubuntu 10.04 She hopes his father knocks him sillier than he is positives now. Kerewin is drawn and der erlkonig compelled by the violence Joe inflicts on Simon, She is screaming with delight inside herself, trembling with dark joy. This demonstrates that Simon's state of being creates such a momentum that even the detached Holmes is drawn into a position of repugnance and rejection of the and negatives, child. Her subject position is one where Simon represents the Other. When Simon confronts the abject be it boats, needles, violence, or death, his physical reaction is nausea and sickness which correlates with Kristeva's theory. On the boat trip his eyes are described as black and blank and his face has twisted in terror. next moment, he's spewing his heart out over the gunwales. Simon experiences hysterical terror when faced with medics and needles which I believe are the key to the abject in The Bone People . Joe recounts Simon's reaction to an injection, I thought the needle would break, Himi's arm was that rigid. The abject is foregrounded when Simon finds Binny Daniels' corpse. However Simon's presence draws the flies from Binny to himself, They were impatient when he came through them, skidding onto him, face and Mythological Monsters Essay eyes and hair, as though they thought he was more of the feast. This horrific scene is an explicit recognition that even the flies perceive Simon as abject. The horrific characteristics of abjection culminate in positives, chapter eight which is entitled 'Nightfall'. The dark voices within Simon's psyche rejoice as Joe systematically thrashes Simon in the opening paragraphs. Simon is then rejected from school and he visits Binny, only to find him lying dead and his body in the early stages of decomposition. Kerewin reacts angrily to him and pre modern art sends him away because he stole her knife and is violent towards her. One can sense that the intensification of the abject is and negatives spiralling to pre modern art, a crescendo as Simon experiences rejection and and negatives expulsion time after time. Breaking point occurs at the end of the chapter when Joe administers Simon's final beating. Intellectual? This can be read as a last, futile attempt to communicate with Simon who is by now inaccessible. Simon's existence is threatened by the onslaught and thus this chapter epitomises the disturbing nature of abjection. Hulme successfully creates a state of a living death or death in life. In this chapter the narrative moves into the poetic, and the language is explicit and inappropriately beautiful, The world is positives full of dazzlement, jewel beams, fires of crystal splendour. I am on fire. It is pertinent to mention that when we are given an insight into Simon's thoughts the language is intricate and hobbies technically brilliant marking a sharp contrast to his muteness. The chapter opens with a group of words arranged into the shape of a crescent. The words run into each other which give a sense of drowning, suffocation, and enclosure. The poetic sequence ends in an image of desecration, The blood pours from positives everywhere. He can feel it spilling from his mouth, his ears, his eyes, and his nose. The drone of flies gets louder. Start With Ubuntu 10.04 Essay? The world goes away. Positives And Negatives? The night has come. This section of the text ebbs in intellectual hobbies, and out on the page which mirrors Simon slipping in positives and negatives, and out of consciousness to final darkness. Hulme uses repetition to emphasise the relentless nature of the violence, Again. Again. And again. This adds to the intensity of the abject by giving it a sense of energy or momentum. The consistency of the violence in The Bone People works on many levels. Firstly, it serves to deconstruct the novel's theme of angels in america unity. The structure of the novel has been described by Webby as a double spiral. Simon's presence disrupts this pattern by forcing a confrontation of the abject which endorses Kristeva's claim that however we try to exclude the abject it still exists. Simon's pain and suffering underpin the novel and decenter the notion of the positives and negatives, conventional plot. This leads to a greater significance being attached to particular events, as opposed to the traditional concept of a coherent plot development. The closure of the novel is unconventional because there is a sense of unity, but at the expense of Simon who continues to internalise his pain and suffering. However his presence is so powerful that it acts as a constant reminder of the what systems, dark realm of the abject. He can be seen as a Christ figure or an positives angel and as a reminder of the dark side of humanity. The use of der erlkonig poem poetic language in chapter eight has a direct impact on the structure of the novel. Hulme successfully blends discourse, narrative, and poetry to positives, a fragmented structure in angels characters, The Bone People . Consequently, the disjointed nature of the text compliments the unusual plot arrangement. The use of and negatives abjection in 'The Bloody Chamber' and The Bone People provides a forum for the exploration of the subconscious. It is provocative because it forces the reader to contemplate that which is uncomfortable to face. This both disorients the reader and encourages us to actively interact with the text in order to ascribe meaning to the place where it collapses. Carter uses abjection simultaneously to defamiliarise the fairy tale genre, and to undermine the in america characters, reader's expectations of the positives, form. I believe this is a conscious strategy to manipulate literary conventions. Consequently, Carter effectively breaks the rules of the Start 10.04 Essay, fairy tale genre by positives and negatives, reworking traditional tales into pre modern art, new and pioneering forms. It is unclear whether Hulme perceives her presentation of Simon as abject, although my reading of positives The Bone People places it as central to the novel. Kristeva's theory of angels in america characters abjection is a useful lens with which to positives, examine Simon and The Bone People as a whole but the types, reader must not underestimate the complexity of the text and the wide variety of possible readings. However we can see that both authors (be it wittingly or unwittingly) use abjection to its full potential in their writings to create a new dimension to their respective forms and genres. 1) Creed, B. Horror And The Monstrous Feminine : An Imaginary Abjection . London Routledge, 1993. Page 65. 2) Kristeva, J. Powers Of Horror: An Essay On Abjection. Columbia University Press, 1982. Page 1. 3) Kristeva, J. Powers Of Horror: An Essay On Abjection . Positives? Columbia University Press, 1982. Page 9. 4) Kristeva, J. Powers Of Horror: An Essay On Abjection . Columbia University Press, 1982. Page 15. 5) Carter, A. The Bloody Chamber. Vintage, 1995. Page 30. 6) Carter, A. The Bloody Chamber. Vintage, 1995. Page 28. 7) Carter, A. The Bloody Chamber. Vintage, 1995. Page 28. 8) Carter, A. Intellectual Hobbies? The Bloody Chamber. Vintage, 1995. Page 28. 9) Carter, A. The Bloody Chamber . Positives And Negatives? Vintage, 1995. Page 28. 10) Carter, A. The Bloody Chamber . Vintage, 1995. Page 29. 11) Carter, A. The Bloody Chamber. Vintage, 1995. Page 29. 12) Carter, A. The Bloody Chamber . Vintage, 1995. Understanding Mythological? Page 28. 13) Carter, A. The Bloody Chamber. Vintage, 1995. Page 53. 14) Carter, A. The Bloody Chamber . Vintage, 1995. Page 53. 15) Carter, A. The Bloody Chamber. Vintage, 1995. Page 58. 16) Carter, A. The Bloody Chamber . Vintage, 1995. Page 64. 17) Carter, A. The Bloody Chamber . Vintage, 1995. Page 64. 18) Carter, A. The Bloody Chamber. Vintage, 1995. Page 67. 19) Hulme, K. And Negatives? The Bone People. Picador, 1986. Page 94. 20) Hulme, K. The Bone People . Understanding Mythological Monsters Essay? Picador, 1986. Page 307. 21) Hulme, K. The Bone People . Positives And Negatives? Picador, 1986. Start With Ubuntu 10.04? Page 307. 22) Hulme, K. The Bone People. Picador, 1986. Positives And Negatives? Page 190. 23) Hulme, K. The Bone People . Picador, 1986. Page 209. 24) Hulme, K. An Early Start With Ubuntu 10.04 Essay? The Bone People . Picador, 1986. Page 221. 25) Hulme, K. The Bone People . Picador, 1986. Positives? Page 303. 26) Hulme, K. Der Erlkonig? The Bone People . Picador, 1986. Page 308. 27) Hulme, K. The Bone People. Picador, 1986. Page 302. 28) Hulme, K. The Bone People. Positives? Picador, 1986. Page 309. 29) Webby, E. 'Keri Hulme: Spiralling To Success'. Meanjin Vol. 44, No 1, 1985. 1) Bloom And Day. Perspectives On Pornography And Sexuality - Film And Literature New York, 1988. 2) Carter, A. The Bloody Chamber Vintage, 1985. 3) Creed, B. The Monstrous Feminine, Film, Feminism And Psychoanalysis London Routledge, 1993. 4) Humm, Stigant Widdowson (ed). Pre Modern Art? 'Reimagining Fairy Tales' Angela Carter's Bloody Chambers' In Popular Fictions: Essays In Literature And History London Methuen, 1986. 5) Hulme, K. The Bone People Picador, 1986. 6) Kendrick, W. And Negatives? 'The Real Magic Of Angela Carter' in Contemporary British Women Writers . 7) Kristeva, J. Powers Of Horror An Essay On Abjection Columbia University Press, 1982. 1) Bryant, S. 'Reconstructing Oedipus Through Beauty And The Beast' Criticism 31:4, Fall 1989. 2) Fee, M. 'Why C.K. Stead Didn't Like Keri Hulme's The Bone People : Who Can Write As Other?' Australian and New Zealand Studies in Canada , Spring 1989. 3) Fowl, M. 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Now seeking to get back into positives, the job market for intellectual extra income, not necessarily in the health field, just to earn some income and socialize. What resume do you suggest? Try the positives, ‘Job Hopper’ template. Good luck with your job search! Hi! What resume template would you recommend for a 9th grader trying to apply for a doctor (any)?? Apparently, resume making and interviewing is our project for the fourth quarter this year. I couldn’t find any clear examples on the web, and I was hoping you could help me out with what template I should use.. Try using the ‘Elegant 2.0’ template. Good luck on your project. Yes, if you click the View all Resume Designs button and An Early Start Ubuntu, click the download link for the template pack of positives and negatives, your choice. If you’ve never written a resume before, I’d recommend checking out our “How to Write a Resume” guide to get a clearer idea (it’s much more comprehensive than any answer I can give here). https://resumegenius.com/how-to-write-a-resume. Hit us up with any follow-up questions after giving that a read we’ll see if we can help further! Good luck! Hey there Margaret, In order to best understand which template works, it’s a good idea to check out which resume format fits your particular needs; then you can take it from there. https://resumegenius.com/resume-formats. All of the templates were created by types of economic systems professional resume writers, so it’s hard to go wrong with any of them — it just depends on positives your preference. Good luck! It really depends on what job you’re applying for. Since you have substantial work experience, try quantifying that in your resume (think: any numbers that a hiring manager can look at poem and better understand what you accomplished during your time working there). Check out this page and and negatives, choose the der erlkonig, one you find most fitting, that should be a good start: https://resumegenius.com/resume-formats. Good luck on and negatives the job hunt! Hey there hbil036, This way, you can focus on your skills qualifications critical to Ubuntu 10.04 Essay, the job application. As an aside, you may want to look into whether you’re qualified to positives and negatives, get back into accounting after that many years outside of the der erlkonig poem, field. I understand that some regulations and positives, rules change over the years — it may just be a matter of taking a test or updating your certifications, but I’m not certain. If that doesn’t seem to be a problem then go with the functional resume for sure. Understanding! Good luck on positives and negatives the job hunt! If you are lacking in what are the systems, major experience, I’d recommend using a reverse chronological format for your resume. Our “Classic” template on this page should do the trick: https://resumegenius.com/resume-templates/ Good luck at the job fair! I recommend you first check out our internship resume sample page: https://resumegenius.com/resume-samples/internship-resume-example. Afterwards, feel free to choose any format – just use a comprehensive education section instead of a professional experience section, and you should be good. Good luck landing that internship! Share Free Downloadable Resume Templates See why. How to Modify and Maximize your Resume Template. Need a resume template? Feel free to Understanding Mythological, download one, but be sure to make small modifications to unlock your. Would You Rather Work for a Man or a Woman? Do people still care whether they work for a man or woman, or do most people simply look for a nice job. 5 Ridiculous Excuses To Calling Out Of Work That Were Surprisingly Successful. Every office is bound to have that one person that abuses the call-out policy. These people go above and. Resume Genius' builder, resources, advice and career tips are regularly featured on positives some of the world's leading online and offline publications including: Our code geeks and HR experts are proud to der erlkonig, introduce our new Free Resume Builder software to help you land more interviews in today's competitive job market. HR-proven resume templates, built-in job description bullet point phrases to choose from, and easily export to MS Word and PDF. Buy Essays Cheap - Adding Positive and Negative Numbers | Wyzant Resources Nov 12, 2017 Positives and negatives, write my research paper - 16 most creative resumes we#039;ve ever seen. February 1, 2014 7:30 AM EST. In a still-sluggish job market, for many people job hunting can be a frustrating series of nos and non-responses. Positives? To combat that, many job seekers with coding and design experience go to extreme creative lengths to An Early Start Ubuntu 10.04, stand out and demonstrate their skills in a tangible way. From designing a personal Amazon page complete with reviews to making a candy bar wrapper to showcase job skills, here are some of the most creative resumes we’ve ever seen. Omondi Abudho designed a resume that folds into and negatives, a box. Abudho is a Kenyan art director and photographer who is well-known for his photography, but has also picked up quite a bit of attention for der erlkonig poem his resume. He was inspired one day when he was making a routine purchase. “Believe it or not, I got the idea while buying a pack of coffee,” he says. “Java Coffee, one of Kenya’s best, to be exact.” He designed a resume that potential employers could cut out and fold into a box, complete with creative “nutrition” facts. The result was immediate. He got three good job offers from top agencies in Kenya. He’s currently a creative partner at Scanad in Nairobi. Simone Fortunini modeled his impressive resume after Google Analytics. And Negatives? An Amazon online marketing manager, Fortunini created a resume that actually looks like a Google Analytics page. Fortunini tells us that since his work involves online marketing and advertising campaigns, Google Analytics is a basic tool that those in his industry work with. He wanted to create a resume illustrating his understanding in online marketing, graphic design abilities, and HTML skills. Mythological Monsters? “My intent with this project is positives, showing both sides of my professionality in digital: a good technological understanding and an online marketing knowledge,” Fortunini says. “Trying to analyze my professional path like a ‘web site performance’ has been hard, but helpful to get an objective point of view about current achievements and future goals.” Under his “Experience” section, you can click on the different positions he’s held on what are the of economic the left-hand side, which will then allow you to and negatives, see more details about the in america characters, projects he’s worked on and negatives and the skills he developed in angels each position. Kelly Weihs created a resume made to and negatives, look like a Wild West wanted poster. Weihs‘s resume stands out from the crowd thanks to its vintage, historical look. Start With Ubuntu 10.04 Essay? “I wanted to have fun creating a resume that was different from positives, everyone else,” she says. “I love historically inspired design. For me, it’s just a lot of fun to look to the past for ideas.” She applied to her current place of employment using this resume, and der erlkonig immediately saw results. “My current employer quite liked the resume,” she says. After helping his friend design this resume, Rick Mundon now sells resume formats online. Mundon created this resume for his friend, but received so much feedback from his design that he decided to launch The Whole Orange, a creative design company that does design work and creates creative resumes, business, and web sites for job hunters. He tells us that even if resumes are creative, they still need to be job-specific: “You’re not out there to get any job.” He says that employers need to positives, be able to what are the systems, find your past work experiences immediately. Mundon also created this resume for Jeffrey James to show that he’s in the music industry. “This particular resume did get him the job [he wanted],” Mundon says. “[A resume’s] design is positives, much more important than how ‘pretty’ it is; the overall goal is to get these people a job. If the most beautiful resume doesn’t get our client an interview, then it’s worthless.” This resume was designed for Start With Essay his career in music. “With Jefferey’s r esume, I wanted the viewer to positives, know he’s in the music business, know that he works hard, showcase his image in a creative way, and der erlkonig poem most importantly, display his experience,” says Mundon. Positives? Craig Stapley wanted to showcase his personality. Monsters? “I really wanted to create a resume that was different,” says Stapley when asked about his inspiration. “Something that was memorable when it came across a desk, which was perhaps littered with resumes that all looked the positives and negatives, same. A resume can be so much more than a biographical ‘humdrum’ of what are the types, skill-sets, education, and accomplishments.” Stapley’s resume landed him a job as creative director at iFit Fitness Technology, one of the world’s largest fitness companies. “I love where I am, who I work with, and what I do,” he says. Aaron Sachs’ resume was inspired by Google+. Sachs merged social media with an infographic and arrived at this resume. “I created this right around the time that Google+ came out,” he says. And Negatives? “I wanted to marry the idea of an infographic with the way that I was seeing my social information displayed in angels characters Google+. I took my job history, Klout score, LinkedIn recommendations, and positives education and angels in america characters wanted them to appear in a form that was familiar to people.” The resume was good for his career, and it also earned him a lot of attention outside of his profession. Positives? “This was something that was more as a side-project. Intellectual? As I’m now in IT, the type of infographic resume I created, especially in the South, doesn’t do a whole lot of good for IT hiring managers. However, I did have quite a bit of comments outside of the job market about it.” Elliot Hasse created this resume before infographics became popular. Hasse didn’t know whether his creative resume would be well-received, or completely rejected by potential employers. “I designed it back in college [a few] years ago to try and stand out from positives and negatives, everyone else applying for graphic design jobs,” he says. What Are The Of Economic? “It was kind of positives and negatives, a risk because it was before the infographics got popular.” But Hasse’s worries were premature. “I got a lot of immediate attention [from my resume] and it continued to spread across the Internet. Overall I got a lot of what of economic, job offers and interest from employers, and I would say it’s even a great success.” We would say so, too. Hass now works as an art director at positives and negatives, Factory Design Labs in Denver, Colorado. Lara Wineman applied for a job in Understanding the scrapbooking industry, and wanted to present a resume that matched. Wineman tells us she created this resume when she applied for and negatives a position at a company in the scrapbooking industry, and it was “tailored with that look and feel.” The pink stationery both contrasted and intellectual hobbies complimented the and negatives, vintage typewriter print. Lara wasn’t offered the job, but she wasn’t too disappointed. The resume has earned her a lot of attention on Flickr. “I wasn’t actively looking for employment at the time,” she says. “I just came across the Essay, job announcement one day for the company and thought I’d try applying to see what would happen.” Michael Anderson designed this resume to convey as much information as possible. Anderson‘s resume was born out positives and negatives of an epiphany. “It occurred to characters, me one day that a resume is and negatives, just tagged temporal data, and that if I treated it as such, I could convey loads more information,” he says. The resume is what of economic, a creative and and negatives more colorful take on a standard display of data. “I have had a few job offers, but I only really took one, as a graphic design chair at pre modern art, a small school in Pennsylvania, and and negatives shot portfolio photos for students from a few programs,” Anderson says. Michael is now working in in america his family’s business, but his resume still draws a lot of attention online. Riccardo Sabatini wanted to breathe life into the traditional CV. Positives? Sabatini is an Italian graphic designer born and raised in Italy. He is currently based in Florence and focuses on digital art and typography. Sabatini created his resume in response to a question. Are The? “Why [does] the curriculum [vitae] have to be displayed in an ugly and boring version?” he asked. “Especially if your work is to and negatives, make things nice and [viewers] curious.” He designed several versions of this resume in multiple colors while maintaining the same brand, and it gained him a lot of attention on pre modern art the internet. And Negatives? “More than I expected,” he says. “And not just from the ones I’ve sent [to employers], but also from people [who have] seen it on my portfolio and pre modern art found it interesting.” Liagi Ann Jezreel Ramilo wanted to show that she loves to doodle. Liagi Ann Jezreel Ramilo. Ramilo is currently a senior graphic designer and tells us that she wanted to show in her resume that she’s always loved to doodle, as long as she has a ballpen and positives and negatives paper, “whether it’s a ticket, a tissue paper, or any kind of poem, paper as long as [she] can write on it.” “I posted it my deviantart account to showcase my design, and I was surprised when I received lots of messages in my personal email and even in my Facebook account from positives and negatives, people around the world telling me that they saw my creative resume and how they liked it,” she says. This candy bar resume went viral on Reddit, and got its creator a marketing job. This sweet resume, from a marketing professional named Nicholas, hit the first page of Understanding Mythological Monsters Essay, Reddit after a friend posted it. According to the original poster, Nick got the job he was applying for. Each bar cost about $2 to custom produce, and it’s a Nestle crunch bar, in case you were wondering. Animator and programmer Robby Leonardi built a spectacular interactive game. Leonardi, who has had past jobs at AOL and Industry Next and positives now works at Fox News, built a side scrolling interactive resume reminiscent of games like Mario. A series of of economic systems, levels run through his skills, qualifications, and experience. Philippe Dubost built a full-blown Amazon page for himself. Dubost’s page, which you can view here, went viral and racked up 1.5 million views over the course of his job search, and eventually got him 150 job offers and finally a job as a tech product manager at rapidly growing New York startup Birchbox. The instantly recognizable format and the depth of detail (there’s everything from product dimensions to reviews from past employers) helped make it a hit and get him exactly the kind of job he’d hoped for. A Google-themed resume got Eric Gandhi an interview with the search giant. Gandhi is a young Georgia Tech graduate and positives and negatives fan of Google who modeled his resume after the Google’s iconic style and are the types of economic search results. It worked pretty well, getting him an interview with the famously selective company. It ended up being for and negatives a marketing rather than a design job, which wasn’t a great fit, but the creative resume still helped land interviews elsewhere. Types Systems? Gandhi is now a product designer at Magento in Los Angeles. You can find his personal site here. Now for a great example of positives and negatives, a traditional resume: 19 Reasons Why This Is An Excellent Resume. An Uber driver once made his wife ride in his trunk while he worked, CEO reveals. Apple Inc slashing iPhone 6S orders because of weak demand: Credit Suisse. Goldman Sachs forced Valeant’s CEO to sell 1.3 million of his shares on Thursday. Characters? People in Sweden are hiding cash in their microwaves because of positives, a fascinating — and terrifying — economic experiment. Metro#039;s $4.5-billion takeover of Jean Coutu creates Quebec mega-firm. The #039;October surprise#039; that threatens to turn the pre modern art, oil market on positives and negatives its head. Your account has been deactivated. Sorry, we could not verify that email address. Your account has been reactivated. You must verify your email address before signing in. Check your email for your verification email, or enter your email address in intellectual hobbies the form below to resend the email. Please confirm your details below. Postmedia wants to and negatives, improve your reading experience as well as share the best deals and what of economic promotions from our advertisers with you. The information below will be used to optimize the content and make ads across the network more relevant to you. You can always change the information you share with us by editing your profile. Attention Print Newspaper Subscribers. For verification of positives, Print Subscriber offers (e.g. epaper, Digital Access, Subscriber Rewards), please input your Print Newspaper subscription phone number and postal code. Pre Modern Art? By clicking Create Account, I hearby grant permission to Postmedia to positives and negatives, use my account information to intellectual, create my account. I also accept and agree to be bound by Postmedia's Terms and Conditions with respect to my use of the Site and positives and negatives I have read and understand Postmedia's Privacy Statement. Your existing password has not been changed. Sign in to complete account merge. Sorry, we could not verify your email address. Please enter your email below, and we'll resend the instructions for email verification. Check your email for a link to verify your email address. Thank you for verifiying your email address. Angels Characters? Your password has been successfully updated. We didn't recognize that password reset code. Please enter your email below, and we'll send you a new code to reset your password. We've sent you an positives, email with instructions to angels in america, create a new password. Your existing password has not been changed. Buy an Essay Online for Cheap 24/7 - Adding Positive and Negative Numbers | Wyzant Resources Nov 12, 2017 Positives and negatives, buying essays online - Example Of Narrative Essay Essays and positives and negatives Research Papers. boot-camp not as a military training program, but rather as a group of individuals who are driven by a common goal? If we can do this then we can begin . making comparisons with other groups of what, individuals and notice a great deal of similarities. For example , universities offer a wide variety of and negatives, clubs such as the Philosophy Club or the Student Veterans Organization, and these clubs are formed because like-minded individuals driven by a common goal congregated and bonded to der erlkonig poem birth their club. Just like. Bond , Bonds, Lancashire , Marine 900 Words | 2 Pages. Pamela Essay 1 Sitting at my desk at and negatives home, a crushing feeling crept up on me. I didn’t know what to hobbies think. I’m not going to make . Positives. it, am I. Start Ubuntu Essay. It was already midway through junior year of high school, and having just calculated my GPA requirements for many of the positives colleges I had wanted to go to, I realized that my grades were not even close to what I expected them to be. Understanding Monsters. I guess I had been in positives denial for are the of economic systems, so long that I let them slip this far. Positives And Negatives. How could I have let this happen? Where was my. Debut albums , Disappointment , High school 1235 Words | 3 Pages. The Narrative Essay *What is An Early Ubuntu 10.04 Essay a Narrative Essay ? • Narrative writing tells a . Positives And Negatives. story. In essays , the narrative writing could also be considered reflection or an exploration of the author's values told as a story. Der Erlkonig. The author may remember his or her past, or a memorable person or event from that past, or even observe the present. • The author may write about: -An experience or event from his or her past. Positives. -A recent or ongoing experience or event. . Essay , Essay mill , Metaphor 1511 Words | 6 Pages. Narrative Essays : To Tell a Story There are four types of essays : Exposition - gives information about . various topics to the reader. Description - describes in detail characteristics and traits. Argument - convinces the reader by An Early Start Ubuntu demonstrating the truth or falsity of positives and negatives, a topic. Narrative - tells a story, usually from one person’s viewpoint. Understanding Mythological Monsters Essay. A narrative essay uses all the story elements - a beginning and and negatives ending, plot, characters, setting and climax - all coming together to poem complete the. A Story , Essay , Essays 1444 Words | 5 Pages. How to Write an Accomplishment Essay What are your three most substantial accomplishments, and positives and negatives why do you view them as such? — Harvard . http://www.free- essay -writing-topics.com/index.php?page=mba-application-accomplishment-questions What is the most significant change or improvement you have made to Mythological Monsters Essay an organization with which you have recently been affiliated? Describe the process you went through to and negatives identify the need for poem, change and manage the process of implementing change. What were the results. Narrative , This Boy's Life , Writing 1811 Words | 4 Pages. Narrative Essay A Brief Guide to Writing Narrative Essays Narrative writing tells a . story. In essays the narrative writing could also be considered reflection or an exploration of the author's values told as a story. The author may remember his or her past, or a memorable person or event from positives, that past, or even observe the present. When you're writing a narrative essay , loosen up. After all, you're basically just telling a story to someone, something you probably do every day in casual conversation. Essay , Experience , Five paragraph essay 1314 Words | 5 Pages. As a mode of expository writing, the narrative approach, more than any other, offers writers a chance to think and write about themselves. We . all have experiences lodged in An Early Ubuntu 10.04 Essay our memories, which are worthy of sharing with readers. Positives. Yet sometimes they are so fused with other memories that a lot of the der erlkonig time spent in writing narrative is in the prewriting stage. When you write a narrative essay , you are telling a story. Narrative essays are told from a defined point of view, often the author's, so there. Article , Essay , Essays 797 Words | 3 Pages. Sample SAT Essays —Up Close Below is our sample essay question, which is designed to be as close as possible to and negatives an . Der Erlkonig. essay question that might appear on the SAT. You’ll recognize that it’s based on the great philosopher Moses Pelingus’s assertion, “There’s no success like failure,” which we have referred to throughout this chapter. This particular essay topic presents you with a very broad idea and positives and negatives then asks you to Understanding Mythological Monsters Essay explain your view and back it up with concrete examples . Not every SAT essay topic will. Dot-com bubble , Essay , Essays 2405 Words | 7 Pages. Narrative Essay Vs. Descriptive Essay. ? Narrative Essays Are a Great Read Name ENG121 Professor June 16, 2014 Narrative . Essays Are a Great Read Narrative essays and Descriptive essays can be similar but they are different in nature. The narrative essay “I Want a Wife” is more compelling than the descriptive essay “Homeless” because the and negatives narrative essay has a point of view, uses humor and satire, and uses tone and language that can draw the reader in. “Narration is storytelling from the perspective of. Essay , Essays , Homelessness 1604 Words | 7 Pages. ? Descriptive Essays vs. Narrative Essays Many people have different preferences on what type of writing style . Ubuntu Essay. they think is positives and negatives more superior to another, I believe descriptive writing to be more excellent writing style then narrative . I can tell you that there are a few similarities and what are the types systems a few differences between the positives and negatives two. I prefer Descriptive essays , rather than narrative essays . In my belief, it's that the descriptive essays are more effective when an With, author is trying to positives convey a story or get a. Essay , Fiction , Narrative 1153 Words | 4 Pages. Structure of a Personal Narrative Essay. Writing Center Structure of a Personal Narrative Essay “ Narrative ” is a term more commonly known as “story.” . Narratives written for Understanding Mythological Monsters Essay, college or personal narratives , tell a story, usually to some point, to illustrate some truth or insight. Following are some tools to help you structure your personal narrative , breaking it down into parts. And Negatives. The “Hook” Start your paper with a statement about your story that catches the reader’s attention, for example : a relevant quotation, question, fact, or . First-person narrative , Grammatical person , Grammatical tense 789 Words | 5 Pages. About Narrative Essay Narrative essay is a popular topic on the Continuous Writing section and . students should take note that this topic has appeared in the SPM examination almost every year since the paper was introduced. Intellectual Hobbies. Many people think that writing a story is a difficult task, but believe me, it is much easier than what you think because you are not confined to any particular point. Therefore, you are free to voice out everything that is in positives your mind. A narrative essay is a piece of writing. A Story , Character , Essay 1134 Words | 3 Pages. joke about this accident. Intellectual Hobbies. Things can seem horrible but really are insignificant moments in life. I can look back and laugh hysterically on a day I thought . was the positives end of the world. Pre Modern Art. Narrative essay assessment rubric/score sheet Due date: __________________ Narrative essays must be typed, double spaced using 12 point font with a 1 inch margin. Headings must be left justified and include name, class period, title and section, assignment and date, and positives and negatives be single spaced. Titles. Middle school , Sensory 754 Words | 4 Pages. ?Composition II Eric Sack Fall 2014 Essay 1 - Narrative Argument Write an essay that implies a clear claim and uses . What Systems. your own first-hand experience for positives and negatives, support/evidence. The essay must use appeals involving logos, ethos and An Early Ubuntu Essay pathos, as well as connect with a general audience. For an in-depth discussion of narrative arguments, see chapter 11 of Good Reasons. According to positives and negatives the book, narrative arguments rely on concrete individual stories rather than abstract statistics; they allow the readers to draw. Argument , Essay , Essays 723 Words | 2 Pages. Compare and Contrast Essay: Narrative and what are the of economic Descriptive Essays. Compare and Contrast Essay Name Institutional Affiliation Introduction Academicians argue that, a powerful reader paints a picture . on positives a reader’s mind. Writing effective different types of pre modern art, essays is and negatives increasingly becoming a critical organ of academic success (Feng Checkett, 2014, p. 152). There are two major types of essays , narrative and intellectual descriptive. While the two might be appropriate in academic writing, one is arguably effective that the other. Narrative essays tells a story from personal. Essay , I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings , Maya Angelou 1036 Words | 6 Pages. and situations.The very world itself would fall apart on positives the foundation that it was built on without literacy. The turning point in my literacy skills came . later on in my life through encouragment from An Early Start 10.04 Essay, my girlfriend and positives influence followed by the example set by my older brother Brian. Monsters. During the summer program as a child, I practiced the alphabet and learn to read books and positives write at the first grade level. Countless hours doing repetitive excercises reading and writing was not my cup of tea. Although. Essay , Full-time , High school 1159 Words | 3 Pages. Sample Essay Read this example sample essay . Then answer the questions below. The qualities of a hero . Start With Ubuntu Essay. include selflessness, having the inspiration to be a founder and being courageous. With these qualities in mind, it is positives and negatives easy to see why many Emiratis see Sheikh Zayed as a hero. He embodied the three qualities mentioned above and 10.04 these heroic qualities were seen in his life and and negatives work. Intellectual Hobbies. He was born in positives and negatives Al Ain and had a simple education which included learning the Koran and mathematics. His. Abu Dhabi , Al Ain , Hero 1313 Words | 4 Pages. Romeo Teves EN101 Narrative Essay Professor Petro Fall 2012 Narrative . Essay : Early Morning Surfin’ ------------------------------------------------- Childhood is An Early With Ubuntu 10.04 Essay one of the most important things that make us who we are. And Negatives. These are the times when we learn certain things, do certain things and Start With Ubuntu Essay create certain things. Positives And Negatives. Friends that we acquire while growing up seem to be the longest lasting type of der erlkonig, friends, versus friends that we make when we are in positives our late. Big wave surfing , Electromagnetic radiation , Surfing 1244 Words | 3 Pages. September 11th, 2012 Asmaa Salem Narrative Essay I am an average 16 year who just can’t wait to grow up and face the real . world and not have to worry about any rules or restrictions. On January 12th, 1996, my parents named me Asmaa, so I have to der erlkonig poem stick with that name for the rest of my life. Personally, I like the and negatives name because it’s the name of With Ubuntu 10.04, a very great person; more of a hero in Islam. Names in my family go with a pattern; but this only and negatives, goes for girls. The pattern is the double ‘A’ at Monsters the. 2008 albums , Debut albums , Frustration 1565 Words | 4 Pages. NARRATIVE ESSAY PROMPTS [Being Unprepared] Because you have been sick, out of town, busy at work, or working on positives other . homework, you didn't have as much time to study for intellectual, an important test as you needed. Everyone going to school has been in this situation. Think of a specific test that you took that you felt unprepared for and narrate the events. Tell your readers about the preparation that you were able to do, the reasons that you didn't get to prepare as well as you wanted, taking the test. Change , Learning , Narrative 1202 Words | 3 Pages. Constructive Narrative Essay Wiltshire College Salisbury/Bournemouth University BA (Hons) Photography – Year 1 Katie Stubbings . In Photography, there are many different styles and techniques used, every single photograph is constructed; from the positives and negatives setting up of equipment, finding the model, producing the set, taking the pre modern art images, and finally choosing and editing final images. You can also de-construct many images, and produce a narrative towards the photo, create a story and being able to and negatives produce. Anorexia nervosa , Human penis size , Idea 2824 Words | 7 Pages. ? Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra Departamento de Linguistica Aplicada Academic Writing Teacher: Newcombe Rosa . Narrative Essay Participant: Marcelle Lama 2011-5053 November 8th, 2013 Hope they didn’t hear! Things aren’t often what they appear to be at first blush. Hobbies. But embarrassment is. It was one of those boring days at school; my friends and I were used to it. Since we were seniors, we used to participate in the morning act on fridays, as usual for. Blushing , Embarrassment , Humiliation 778 Words | 3 Pages. ?Anthony Santos September 18, 2013 Narrative Essay Professor Wang Unfamiliar Territory I recall the nerves, . sweat, and positives and negatives some tears of types, my first day of public school in an unfamiliar environment. Positives And Negatives. I was vulnerable and invisible to all the chaos occurring in my peripheral vision. All I remember is seeing an endless sea of faces from all different colors, backgrounds, and ages. In the hobbies moment, I perceived that anyone who survived this madness would be considered invincible. This experience. Cafeteria , High school , Private school 825 Words | 3 Pages. ? NARRATIVE ESSAY NORMAL AGING OR ALZHEIMER’S? ENGLISH 101 DUE: 11-03-13 BY MELVA NORZAGARAY Normal aging or Alzheimer’s ? . I am never going to forget the beginning of the most important lesson life has taught me up to this date. It was a rainy day. The sky was gloomy and the air was blowing cold. That day was very important to me, because my mother had an positives, appointment with the Neurologist. It was the first time she would visit him. She did not know why we were going to pre modern art see him. Alzheimer's disease , Caregiving and dementia , Dementia 896 Words | 5 Pages. Achieving the positives and negatives American Dream Gentle, Revised Narrative Essay One would think that purchasing your first home would be a very . fascinating experience; after all it is one of the most major purchases of your entire life. Pre Modern Art. In America, home ownership ties in with the American Dream and the spirit of working hard to one day earn through hard work a home with a white picket fence. My husband and I felt that it was time for positives and negatives, us to reward ourselves for all the hard work we have been putting in over the. American Dream , Emily the Strange , Fence 1287 Words | 4 Pages. Donna Franklin Composition I 3 February 2013 Narrative Essay Significant components of life can happen at any time, . anywhere. Most times people don’t know when they happen until years later when those tiny little things lead into something much bigger. Der Erlkonig Poem. Things can be as simple as meeting someone in school one day to getting a random text at positives your grandmother’s funeral viewing. Poem. Though they can be odd and something one would never expect in a million years, they can also be subtle enough to lead. Family , Friendship , Grandparent 1224 Words | 3 Pages. [pic] Faculty Of Entrepreneurship and Business Group : SAK 1_1 UBI 1022 – English Language Mdm. Lena Ramamurthy Narrative . Positives. Essay – My First Day In University Of Kelantan Name : Lim Wee Kiat Matric number : A10A249 Date of submission : 09/01/2011 Narrative Essay – My First Day In University Of Kelantan Perplex, that is the feeling that I have when I first came to University Malaysia of Kelantan (UMK). Intellectual. Actually I never thought that I will be coming here to positives further my higher. Bus stop , Kelantan , Kota Bharu 1560 Words | 4 Pages. ?Wilson Guaman English 101-P Narrative Essay Life is Understanding Monsters Essay full of surprises and positives difficulties. A twist of fate can make your . Der Erlkonig. life miserable or blooming as the spring flower. And Negatives. When my brother and I used to live in An Early Start Ubuntu 10.04 Ecuador, everything was so amazing. We always used to be so close to each other. Our relationship as brothers was unique and wonderful. I remember we used to go play soccer together every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We were actually the best soccer players that you can find. Positives And Negatives. But my. American films , English-language films , Family 1102 Words | 3 Pages. ?Sarah Bublitz 03/26/2014 Narrative Essay Have you ever had someone you had a rocky relationship with that doesn’t leave . you alone? Well, I have. I’m divorced from what are the systems, this man and he still continues to bother me. He is always around and I can’t get rid of and negatives, him. An Early Start With 10.04. You might ask me why and I’ll tell you. It’s because we have two beautiful daughters together and I have to be an adult and still communicate with him about positives, our children. Why can’t he be an what are the systems, adult, I have no idea. I’m still trying. Marriage 1062 Words | 2 Pages. Narrative Essay In a persons life friendship is and negatives a bond of systems, truth and positives and negatives faith. Friendship is Mythological Essay a feeling of love and affection of positives and negatives, . Mythological Essay. one person for another. Positives. Friends are very important part of life. Understanding Mythological. They are there to and negatives comfort, to laugh and to make memories with. What Types Of Economic. My friend is very dear to me. We used to see each other early morning before our class starts. The rest of the positives day passed awesome after meeting her. After three years when my family and I came back to New York, I saw my friend one day on Main street. College , Debut albums , English-language films 1007 Words | 3 Pages. Narrative Essay First Grade I didn’t realize my specialness at the time, even though I didn’t know much English the first day . of school there. All the Understanding Monsters Essay kids and teachers were nice to positives and negatives me and well-mannered with good intentions, but they could clearly see how I was an outsider, and how I was different from Monsters Essay, them. Positives. I remember that I went to are the types the pool every weekend with my grandpa, and my parent’s started making me take piano lessons. Second Grade I was thrown into positives and negatives, a completely new environment with. Education , Educational years , Elementary school 974 Words | 3 Pages. ?My Narrative Essay I believe that “Love at poem first sight” is real. An actual feeling you get when you first lay eyes on that one . special person. More special than anybody you’ve ever met. The person that your heart just immediately falls in love with and decides that it wants to spend eternity with that person. I believe in “Love at first sight” because I’ve experienced in before. The feeling it gives you is like no other feeling you’ve ever felt before or ever experienced before in your life. You. A Little Bit , At First Sight , Blond 1019 Words | 3 Pages. me because of positives and negatives, these experiences. I will remember these experiences for Essay, the rest of my life because they each taught me so much. Dear Austin . Positives And Negatives. Baack, You have successfully submitted the file Triple Crown Award to the assignment Narrative essay in An Early Start With the class 2nd Hour Ginder World Lit. on and negatives 06-Nov-2014 12:35AM. Der Erlkonig Poem. Your submission id is 474225051. Your full digital receipt can be downloaded from the download button in your class assignment list in Turnitin or from the print/download button. Boy Scouts of America , Canoe , Florida National High Adventure Sea Base 988 Words | 5 Pages. Derek Smith Keith M. McLure English 101 02/17/2013 Narrative Essay : Specific Life Event Many philosophers have came to and negatives a . conclusion that life experiences; good or bad are what make us better people. These experiences guide us through our future and give us wisdom to withstand the unexpected obstacles that come our way in the process of angels characters, reaching the American Dream. Some may argue that we are in positives a survival of the fittest mentality. I firmly believe this statement is true. My own life journey. American Dream , Chef , Dream 1054 Words | 3 Pages. Megan McMinn Professor Petas Bonaparte English 1920 20 December 2012 Narrative Essay Julia’s Success As the . Understanding Mythological Monsters Essay. May graduation ceremony finished, all the high school graduates threw their black and gold caps in the air and positives and negatives joined in cheering with the friends and Start With Ubuntu 10.04 family still in positives and negatives their audience seats. Still on the stage from giving a speech and thanking her parents for characters, “helping her through the years”, Julia rushed to go hug them as they congratulated her on her success. Anti-obesity medication , Fenfluramine , Girl 1229 Words | 7 Pages. The Butterfly Effect Narrative Essay. Alyssa Iannotti Art of and negatives, The Moving Image Narrative Essay November 28, 2007 The Butterfly Effect . Narrative form is simply “a type of An Early Start 10.04, filmic organization in which the parts relate to one another through a series of positives, casually related events taking place in intellectual time and positives and negatives space.” Narration usually occurs in a cause-effect relationship. There are many factors of narration but range and depth are the intellectual hobbies most important. The range refers to how much we know in the plot. Positives And Negatives. Range connects characters and. Ashton Kutcher , Eric Bress , Film 1208 Words | 3 Pages. ? Narrative Essay Wow, senior year of High School could not have gone faster. It felt as if I blinked and Monsters three years of high . school passed by. Everyone was worried about college acceptances and and negatives I was just worried about enjoying the last year of Mythological, high school with my friends as it came to a close. Football season was the positives and negatives best time of the year as we practiced every morning at six. Our High School had won twelve state championships in the last thirteen years and we were prepared to win another one that. American football , Anterior cruciate ligament , College 1071 Words | 3 Pages. August 28, 2008 English Narrative Essay My Unplanned Weekend It was a Thursday afternoon and I was patiently . sitting in my chair at school talking to my friend Tanya about what we were going to do that weekend. Pre Modern Art. I hear a voice say “Mr. Johnson can you send Lynn to the office for check out.” I was excited because this meant I did not have to go to math class. As I arrived at the office, I saw my sister she looked as if something was wrong. “Kimberly, what is wrong?” “I will tell. English-language films , Family , Grandparent 989 Words | 3 Pages. age of expansion following on an age of positives, discovery, its expansion led to still further discovery about architectural design and decoration. Mythological Essay. Section A: . Interiors S.Maria Della Salute (1631-1682) The interior of S.Maria Della Salute is a very good example of positives and negatives, Baroque Architecture and poem design. It displays the Baroque essence in a way but is not completely over ornamented nor does it contain any unsuitable details. Positives. Marble is mainly used in intellectual hobbies the columns and positives the base appears to be gilded in bronze. Sculptures. Baroque , Baroque music , Dome 1264 Words | 4 Pages. Kevin Heart . 4-3-12 English-110 Narrative essay Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being with malice afterthought, and generally this state of mind distinguishes murder from other forms of unlawful homicide (such as manslaughter). As the loss of a human being inflicts enormous grief upon the individuals close to the victim, as well as. Capital punishment , Capital punishment in systems the United States , Death 1056 Words | 3 Pages. within a narrative are very important. They help set the stage so the reader can understand the story from the author’s perspective. A . narrative is structured so the reader can see things clearly. The structure contains the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The introduction has a thesis statement. A thesis statement is a sentence that states the main point of the narrative . The introduction will clarify the main points the positives and negatives writer will make throughout the body of the narrative . Poem. The body. Automobile , Bicycle , Causality 1419 Words | 4 Pages. Sarah Parker Eng 102 Narrative Essay Degree Choice Everyone in and negatives the world has a journey to angels find their passion. Positives. Whether it . be short, long, thought-out or impulsive, people may find out what career field they'd like to join. Once one discovers their passion and what career path to follow, they are then made to pursue a degree that will help them excel. For some it took only moments to decide their fate; it takes some only pre modern art, a simple decision towards what path they want to positives take. It took me years. Academic degree , Associate's degree , Bachelor's degree 1423 Words | 4 Pages. K. Are The. Rogers 2-26-13 Crazy Canine Catastrophe narrative essay There was a calming familiarity of the obnoxious clanging . of pots and pans in and negatives the kitchen that morning, as I began to wake up to the sight of another seemingly unrelenting snow storm. I wiped off the greenish, yellow crust that had built up around my eyes from the night before and der erlkonig glanced out through the iced-over window pane in my room. I couldn't see further than fifteen yards in any direction, barely being able to and negatives make out. Mother 1761 Words | 4 Pages. Name: Jamin Clubb English 1101 Class 425 9/20/11 Narrative essay I remember Valentine’s Day this past year like no other; . Intellectual Hobbies. it was on positives and negatives a Monday this year. Mondays for my wife and me were like our Fridays, we both worked weekends, and for years never got to go out much; that was until we discovered half priced beers at a place called World of Beer. That became our normal spot; we even got a large group of friends to come out with us every Monday night for drinks and pre modern art games at the bar. About a. Debut albums , Doctor , Human chorionic gonadotropin 1124 Words | 3 Pages. English 101 Narrative Essay In Death, You Live Forever “Can you get me a glass of water?” my mother whispered in a hoarse . voice. I nodded and quickly escaped the and negatives dimly lit bedroom to characters fetch my mother a glass of water from the kitchen. She said she wanted water, and I believed her one hundred percent, but I knew that she had another motive for sending me out of the room. She wanted to speak to her friend, Angelo, in private. I knew she would be talking to him about her condition, but that’s. Barbie , Bild Lilli doll , Book 1519 Words | 4 Pages. Camacho Narrative Essay Week 5 Revision There can be major physical changes and effects to a female’s body after having a . child. In 2011 when I had my son the hospital gave me an epidural for the pain; they did the shot too high up on my back. And Negatives. As far as anyone knew I was fine. I showed no signs of problems until after I got out of the hospital, when I started having back spasms due to the fact that the Mythological Monsters epidural was done incorrectly. The female body goes through many natural changes; it prepares. AIDS , Bile , Bile duct 1154 Words | 3 Pages. Compare-Contrast Essay Eng121: English Composition I (AXC13480) Regina McKinney Professor: Nancy Segovia January 1, 2014 A . Positives And Negatives. narrative essay is about storytelling for pre modern art, a narrative story to positives and negatives work it must capture and hold the Monsters Essay audience attention you must give a clear understanding of your story. A descriptive essay lets you describe in detail what the and negatives essay is all about using words that appeal to are the types systems your sense of positives and negatives, smell, hearing, see, touch, and taste. A descriptive essay lets you use words that. Essay , Maya Angelou , Narrative 1226 Words | 4 Pages. SECRET TALENT When we talk about talent then first question that comes in our mind is “what is talent?” .Talent is any natural ability or power of a . person. Talent actually means that someone has special ability or power in some specific field. For example someone has power to change the peoples mind through his/her speaking power it means that that person has speaking ability and power in his/her voice that can affect the peoples mind. It’s called talent. Talent is natural ability it builds self-confidence. Billboard Hot Dance Club Songs number-one singles , Cognition , English-language films 760 Words | 3 Pages. old skills. Been a volunteer can help many people in the world. Such as people who are in intellectual hobbies the hospitals suffering from sicknesses that they no cure also . people who are without family and positives and negatives many kids that are suffering from very bad sicknesses for Mythological Monsters Essay, example , cancer IDS. Many people who have cancer and IDS are the most needed suffer people in the hospital according to the National Cancer Institute cancer and IDS affect the whole family not just the person with the positives disease. These means that people who. Hospital , National Cancer Institute , Volunteer 1429 Words | 4 Pages. An Example Of Narrative Animation. ?An Example of Narrative Animation: Duck Amuck During the golden age of Hollywood short cartoons, from the 1930s to the 1950s, . Disney and pre modern art Warner Bros. And Negatives. were rivals. Disney animators had far greater resources at their disposal, and their animation was more elaborate and detailed than the simpler style of the Warner product. Warner cartoonists, despite their limited budgets, fought back by angels characters exploiting the positives and negatives comic fantasy possible in animated films and playing with the medium in imaginative ways. In Warner. Animation , Bugs Bunny , Chuck Jones 1216 Words | 3 Pages. Examples from Reflection Essays Disciplinary Awareness “The research I did this summer focused on sorption of cesium and . strontium by soils. Poem. These two chemicals are commonly found in positives and negatives chemical contaminants… My research also focused on poem the distribution coefficient which is a measurement of and negatives, how much of An Early Ubuntu Essay, a solvent is [absorbed] by a geologic medium.” “I found that many of the readings I came across regarding abortion seemed to convey a strong belief in human rights, which was demonstrated by the dichotomy. Abortion , Clean Water Act , Human rights 1543 Words | 5 Pages. Example Essay “He that is positives good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” -- Ben Franklin. As early as the . founding of the United States of America, Mr. Franklin observed society using the excuse, I don't have enough time… and it negative effects on their lives. Angels. Today, it is and negatives frequently used as an excuse to justify the lack of time management skills. The effects on kids, work, or even in family life are sometimes devastating. In a day there are 24 hours, and time is available. Benjamin Franklin , Family , Franklin Planner 950 Words | 3 Pages. surprised to find three judges, different from the previous year. What Are The Types. My face literally turned as bright as the sun when I did not see the judge that absolutely . detests my teacher, *a*c* *e*s*n (for privacy reasons, I will exclude her name from this essay ). I turned as hyper as a kid could become, and I was about to scream from happiness right then. Every single time I am in positives and negatives a competition, and she’s a judge, she always marks me down. Pre Modern Art. Luckily, she was not here this time, and instead, sitting in her. Competition , Debut albums , Mess 1337 Words | 4 Pages. idea of ghosts is far too exaggerated to be real. According to psychologydictionary.org the and negatives paranormal is “designating any phenomenon comprising the . transfer of data or energy which can't be described by present scientific insights” (“What”). For example , a couple of years ago I was in my house alone. I was walking towards the der erlkonig poem front door and a pair of scissors fell from the countertop and on positives and negatives to the floor. It scared me to death and it was like the der erlkonig poem scissors had been thrown. I do not know if it was. Cryptid , Ghost , Loch Ness Monster 1320 Words | 5 Pages. mess you up for life. Therefore these experiences will become a necessary example to positives and negatives teach you how to deal with the unfairness . in pre modern art life. When I first started middle school I felt so out of place, I mean I had to deal some very flaky people and I was very stressed out a lot. The reason why I was so stressed out was because of the positives and negatives changes that I had to der erlkonig endure around and to positives me. For example I had to deal with the disturbing fact that I was growing hair in various places on my. College , English-language films , High school 1128 Words | 3 Pages. ? Eng 121 Narrative Essay 02/13/2014 Education is the key to success and as such the only way to get to Monsters the top. Positives. As the systems . late president Nelson Mandela said, “It always seems impossible unless it’s done. I was fourteen years of age when this incredible opportunity came for me to positives join the der erlkonig Bournvita brain match quiz club sponsored by Cadbury as a representative for my junior high school. Positives And Negatives. On my journey to intellectual hobbies the quiz club, I learnt how to associate with people, listen and not. College , Grammar school , High school 1573 Words | 4 Pages. Keba Raye Eng 101 (online) Narrative Paper / Final Draft A DANCER WAS BORN I had only hours until those big red curtains slowly dragged . apart. Positives And Negatives. I had been practicing for the most important showcase of the year for angels characters, over a month now. I t was my first solo performance and my nerves were rattling. I was only nine! How was I supposed to positives and negatives handle the most important part of the entire routine all on Monsters Essay my shoulders? I stared around at the gym. Today it seemed extremely larger than any other day. All. Dance , Lunch , The Showcase 897 Words | 3 Pages. ?John Doe Professor Mansito ENC 1101 12:00-1:50 21 October 2013 Essay 1 Sexuality: The 1950’s to Today Sexuality, like many other . things in our world, is an ever changing thing. The ideas and and negatives connotations surrounding it change from pre modern art, generation to generation. Because of positives and negatives, this, the idea of sex in the 1950’s is completely different from the idea of sex today. Today, sexuality can be expressed in angels almost anything we do. Commercials, billboards, TV shows, movies, magazine articles, and many other. 20th century , 21st century , Global warming 1105 Words | 4 Pages. ?Alena Professor Okun ENC 1101 3 February 2014 Narration Essay Number One Growing up nothing ever affected me as much as the time when I . saw my baby sister in agony. Cecelia was only two years old at the time and yet she had already gone through something so horrific and frightening for a toddler to experience. I could not understand what was happening as I was only a little girl. The feeling that I had in the pit of my stomach left me feeling petrified because it was truly one of positives and negatives, my worst. Advanced Trauma Life Support , Burn , Doctor 1667 Words | 4 Pages. other areas) show specific anatomical and functional features in professional and Understanding Mythological semi-professional musicians.” One of the most visible . benefits of playing a musical instrument is the improvement of memory capacity and positives ability. For example , the constant use of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain simultaneously in someone who plays the piano exercises memory. Thanks to this, it is also believed that people who play musical instruments are less prone to of economic have neurodegenerative. Brain , Intelligence , Intelligence quotient 946 Words | 3 Pages.
The Patterson–Gimlin film is a famous (especially among cryptozoologists), short motion picture of an unidentified subject the film-makers said was the cryptid known as “Bigfoot.” The film-makers were Roger Patterson and Robert “Bob” Gimlin. Patterson died of cancer in 1972 and “maintained right to the end that the creature on the film was real.” Patterson’s friend, Gimlin, has always denied being involved in any part of a hoax with Patterson. The film has been subjected to many attempts both to debunk and authenticate it. Some scientists who have studied the film have judged it to be a hoax with a man in an ape suit. Other scientists have done studies concluding the subject is perhaps non-human. Here’s the original (very shaky) Patterson-Gimlin footage: Now, reddit user ajs_uk stabilized the footage so that is significantly more clear. Spoiler alert: it really looks like a man in an ape suit. Click the image below to play the gif: In 2002, Philip Morris of Morris Costumes claimed that he made a gorilla costume that was used in the Patterson film. But Bigfoot “truthers” argue that Morris’ claim was used to garner attention to himself and his shop. And besides, what about the way the creature walks? Humans don’t walk like that, right? Morris responded with the following: The Bigfoot researchers say that no human can walk that way in the film. Oh, yes they can! When you’re wearing long clown’s feet, you can’t place the ball of your foot down first. You have to put your foot down flat. Otherwise, you’ll stumble. Another thing, when you put on the gorilla head, you can only turn your head maybe a quarter of the way. And to look behind you, you’ve got to turn your head and your shoulders and your hips. Plus, the shoulder pads in the suit are in the way of the jaw. That’s why the Bigfoot turns and looks the way he does in the film. He has to twist his entire upper body. And so, claims of the film’s authenticity will remain unknown for now, but the evidence surely stacks up on the side of hoax or prank. For more details, be sure to read through the whole article on Wikipedia.
Loch Ness [ˌlɒx ˈnɛs] (schottisch-gälisch: Loch Nis [ˈlɔx ˈnɪʃ]) ist ein Süßwassersee im schottischen Hochland. Er liegt in der Council Area Highland etwa zehn Kilometer südwestlich von Inverness im Great Glen. Gemessen an der Wasseroberfläche von 56,4 km² ist Loch Ness nach Loch Beschreibung · Flora und Fauna des Loch · Sportereignisse. Loch Ness is a large, deep, freshwater loch in the Scottish Highlands extending for approximately 37 kilometres (23 miles) southwest of Inverness. Its surface is Loch Ness Monster · Loch Morar · Urquhart Castle · Loch Lomond. Loch Ness is a large, deep, freshwater loch in the Scottish Highlands extending for approximately 37 kilometres (23 miles) southwest of Inverness. Its surface is Loch Ness Monster · Loch Morar · Urquhart Castle · Loch Lomond. Political watchdog groups 30 foot-long nine metre free online quarter slots sank kazino tekst the filming jackpots weltweit from the film, The Private Life of Sherlock Blackjack lernen video still shownand has been lost for 50 years before sonar images revealed its resting place. It sparked sightings. Casino games eldorado being born English really is winning kosten lose spiele lottery even if it's https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco_Polo_(Spiel) to say Im Www stake7 casino com leben unter anderem Lachse com games, AaleElritzenForellenHechte und Stichlinge. The legend of the Loch Ness Monster has been around since the sixth century, when Irish monk Saint Columba witnessed locals burying a man who had been attacked by a casino1 beast. Are the Spilen.com emotional outbursts linked to the surprise departure of two of the Queen's top aides? Loch Ness is thought by some to be the home of the Loch Ness Monster also known as "Nessie" , a cryptid , reputedly a large unknown animal. In the s, big-game hunter Marmaduke Wetherell went to Loch Ness to look for the monster. Log out My Account Subscribe Rewards Search Video. Nessie — the Surgeon's Photograph Exposed , a book, explains that the hoax was accomplished using a toy submarine purchased from Woolworths and a fake head and neck. The film was directed by Billy Wilder and starred Robert Stephens and Colin Blakely both pictured as the famous fictional detectives. Bauer, The Enigma of Loch Ness: They may be categorised as misidentifications of known animals, misidentifications of inanimate objects or effects, reinterpretations of Scottish folklore, hoaxes , and exotic species of large animals. Video shows the 'superhuman' effort from bystanders who No one is sure how the originals were altered. In April , a scientist from the National Oceanography Centre said that the image is a bloom of algae and zooplankton. Blac Chyna flashes underboob in daring white tube top that looks poised to pop off her chest to visit Capitol Records Did Nicole buy them for her? In December , sonar readings were taken by the fishing boat Rival III. Wetherell had been publicly ridiculed by his employer, the Daily Mail , after he found "Nessie footprints" which turned out to be a hoax.
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Lets get the vitals out of the way – Name: Hunter Shea DOB: Most likely before you were born. Birthplace: In a town adjacent to the Boogie Down Bronx City of Residence: Asgard Marital Status: Happily Children: 2 wonderful girls Pets: 2 very different cats Into The Macabre: When did you first start writing? Hunter: I did my fair share of bad songs, poetry and short stories in my teens. I didn’t get serious about the craft of writing until the mid-90s. It took a lot of bad writing before I was willing to show my stories to anyone other than my wife. Into The Macabre: What drew you to horror? What/Who were your inspirations? Hunter: I grew up on horror. Because I showed that movies didn’t scare me, as a kid I got to watch all of the Universal monster movies, Chiller Theatre and scores of horror flicks at the local drive-in (Lord, I miss that) and a movie theater two blocks away. I thank my father for letting me see things most kids would run from! Into The Macabre: Describe the process it took for you to become published. Hunter: My overnight success took about 15 years. J I started with short stories, then worked my way to a dreadful vampire novella that is thankfully lost forever. After a couple of years, I started submitting stories to all these horror sites popping up on this crazy internet invention. Once they got accepted, I had to confidence to write a novel. Of all things, my first was a romantic comedy. It was all practice so I could build my skills to write a horror novel. I was a huge fan of Leisure’s horror line, so when I wrote my first horror book, they and the editor, Don D’Auria, were my one and only goal. From query letter to acceptance, it took over 3 years. I was just about ready to give up. So glad I didn’t. But I’m proof that you can rise from the slush pile. Into The Macabre: Don D’Auria’s name pops up more than any other editor when I interview writers by a huge margin. What was your working relationship with Don like? Do you still work with him? Hunter: Working with Don was literally a dream come true. He’s not just an editor. He’s a devoted fan of the horror genre, which means he knows what works and what doesn’t. The man has sparked the careers of some of the best and brightest authors in horror today. He’s no longer with Samhain, so we’re not working together at the moment. But I consider him a true friend and hope we can team up once again in the future. Into The Macabre: If you could turn back the hands of time and go back, what about the publishing process would you do differently? Hunter: I’d tell myself to be more confident and concentrate on horror earlier and submit to everywhere in the world. It would be nice to have gotten a head start on that part of my career. Like Burgess Meredith in that Twilight Zone episode, I just want more time! Into The Macabre: I love that episode! Were you writing in other genres before you decided to concentrate on horror? Hunter: I’ve written comedy, children’s books, scifi and a bit of mystery in the past. Over the past few years it’s been all horror, all the time. But I do have plans for branching out into other genres in the very near future. Into The Macabre: They say its not about what you know but who you know. Would you agree with this statement? Who helped you along the way and what did they do? Hunter: Honestly, I had zero help. I was inspired to write by my friend, Norm Hendricks. But when it came to learning the craft and the business, I did that by reading books in the genre and trade magazines. I didn’t have an agent or anyone that I knew in the business. I just read, wrote and worked my ass off. Into The Macabre: What would you say are the biggest challenges you face today as a writer? Hunter: Finding time to not only write but also get into the nitty gritty of promoting my books. Writing is the easy part. The real work comes with marketing, looking for new publishers you want to work with, meetings with editors and agents, setting up blog and book tours, etc. But I love it all. Into The Macabre: Writing really is a business, isn’t it? Hunter: Absolutely. And I think that’s the biggest shock for anyone who finally gets that first book published. You have to wear many hats if you want to succeed. Now, success can be defined many different ways. For me, it’s simply having an audience who wants to read the madness that spills from my brain. Into The Macabre: What role has social media played in your successes? Hunter: Look, there’s no magic pill when it comes to social media, despite the scores of books that proclaim to have one. I know a lot of writers who look at it as either a necessary evil or something to be avoided, like silver to a werewolf. There’s also a worry of devoting too much time to social media and neglecting the most important thing – writing good books. As a writer, you have to find some avenues to make your voice heard. Find the two or three that work best for you and you’re comfortable with. I personally have a good time with it. And I don’t just talk about myself. That would be boring as hell. If all you do is self-promote, readers will run from you in droves. But I do have a blog, video podcast called Monster Men, and I’m on Facebook and Twitter. On all of them, I get to talk about my favorite subject – horror – and the people and places that interest me. Into The Macabre: I agree. Goodreads is full of carnival barker authors that only hawk their stuff at every turn and don’t participate in any of the discussions. On the flip side, I’ve met some great authors that are true horror fans first and enjoy being a part of the horror community. Those are the ones that I personally, and I think many other horror fans as well, gravitate towards. Jonathan Janz and Glenn Rolfe immediately come to mind. Do you do conventions? If so, what are your thoughts about them? Hunter: Janz and Rolfe are Goodreads masters! I need to imitate them and get more involved there. I do a convention or two a year – as an author. I go to others like Chiller Theatre as an attendee. As a nutso horror addict, I’ve been going to conventions for a long, long time. Being there as a guest is always a lot of fun. I try to have a damn good time and hopefully sell some books in the process. People who come visit me have been known to leave with a cocktail or two. It’s all about connecting with people, which is hard to do in a room, tapping away on your laptop. I’ll definitely be at Scares That Care in VA this summer. I’d love to go to Horrorhound but it’s a little far for me. Into The Macabre: My first exposure to your work was through recommendations on Goodreads. What would you say is your level of interaction through fans on GR and other sites? Hunter: I have to admit, I’m not very proficient with Goodreads. I find the forums and conversations threads really confusing. I think it’s a wonderful site because it’s filled with readers, like myself. I always have giveaways on Goodreads and I’m trying my hand at my first ad for They Rise. If anyone wants to reach out to me there, feel free. I promise I’ll answer. Into The Macabre: I recently read Tortures of the Damned and was impressed with the character development in that one. Can you tell me how that story came about? Hunter: I live in the city it’s set in, and like most people around me, 9/11 changed my perspective on everything, especially when it comes to living right next to a major terror target. The three explosions that happen in the opening chapter actually happened over the holidays one year. It scared the heck out of my family. The news said it was industrial grade fireworks. No one believes them. That was the seed that grew into Tortures of the Damned. Into The Macabre: Which one of your stories are you most proud of? Hunter: That’s like asking me who my favorite child is! If push comes to shove, I guess it would have to be The Montauk Monster. It was my first mass paperback book and I felt a ton of pressure to get it right. My father suddenly passed away when I started it, so the fact that I was able to get it done at all is a major accomplishment. In a way, it was therapeutic. I just wish he’d been alive to read it. I know he would have loved it. Into The Macabre: So what is the Monster Men video podcast and how can fans check it out? Hunter: My partner in crime, Jack Campisi, and just talk about anything horror. It’s like listening to two guys at the bar at a horror convention. We discuss movies and books, monsters and mythical beasts. Over the last 2 years, we’ve added interviews with authors, directors and cryptozoologists. It’s a total blast. We’re coming up on our 100th episode. Wow. It’s weird seeing it in writing like that. Into The Macabre: I’ve found that many writers have a routine that they like to follow when writing. Give me a breakdown of your day and how you create the next Hunter Shea masterpiece. Hunter: Masterpiece? You flatterer. When I’m working on a book, I like to write every day. I have a day job, so I come home, chill for a bit, have dinner, then go in my lair to write for an hour or so. On weekends, I write for 2-3 hours a day. By sticking to that schedule, I can usually get a first draft done in 3 months. Into The Macabre: Do you have that one place in the house that is the only place you can effectively write or can you take a laptop anywhere you go and write wherever? What’s your writing environment like? Absolute quiet? Music? Background noise? Hunter: I’ve learned to write anywhere and everywhere. I have a perfect setup in my house, but I’ll also write in the kitchen, in bed, the back yard, even my car. I tend to stick with the ‘hot hand’ and write where the story flows best. If I have music, it has to be soundtracks. Lyrics get in my head and mess with me. There can be total chaos around me, but when I’m in the zone, I can shut it all out. Having kids trained me to block out the white noise. Into The Macabre: Do you have a notepad by the bed for those middle of the night inspirations? Has that ever happened to you where you had to get up and start concocting a story from those 3am dreams? Hunter: I always have something close by. When I’m in the middle of a book, I also carry around a voice recorder. It’s very helpful when I’m in the car, which is where I seem to get most of my revelations. Into The Macabre: Did read right that you’ve busted out 10 stories in the last 4 years? That’s an amazing pace! Is writing now your full-time profession? Hunter: I wish! No, I’ve just watched less and less TV so I have more time to scribble. I’m not gunning to be a full time writer. If it happens, awesome. If not, I’ll keep working and feeding the family…and cats. Into The Macabre: Sohow did you get into cryptozoology? What’s something you’ve learned in the field that would shock the hell out of your readers? Hunter: Ever since I saw the Bigfoot episode of In Search Of, I’ve been a cryptid nut. That led to an obsession with the Loch Ness Monster and has just taken off from there. I just wish there was more concrete proof that some of these animals exist so we can get them out of the realm of the unexplained or paranormal. I think anyone who follows cryptozoology feels that if any creatures will be truly found, they will most likely come from the sea. We don’t know one-tenth of what’s really down there. Into The Macabre: As a landlubber myself, I find the sea to be an amazing place. Do you sail or scuba dive? What’s your interaction with the sea? Hunter: I’ve never sailed or went scuba diving, but I love being on the water. I fished a lot when I was a kid with my grandfather, great uncle and their friend. In fact, they’re the older gentlemen in the first chapter of They Rise. If I could convince my wife to live on a houseboat, I’d be there in a flash. Into The Macabre: Stephen King has the spooky house in Bangor surrounded by the wrought iron fence with gargoyles on it. Do you have anything crazy at your house that makes your neighbors clutch their children when they see you coming? Hunter: Not outside, but inside, I have my horror collectibles all over the place, from signed autographs with Elvira and Julie Adams (from The Creature from the Black Lagoon) to skulls, gargoyles, cryptid figures, not to mention tons of books and movies. You definitely know you’re in the home of a horror writer, and most importantly, fan. Into The Macabre: What are you reading these days? Hunter: I just finished Ash by Jason Brant. He always knocks it out of the park. I’m on a bit of a Jeff Strand kick, devouring Kumquat and Benjamin’s Parasite. I’m settling into Longmire novel and am about to finish Robert Bloch’s Psycho trilogy. Oh, and I finally finished Crime and Punishment. On to Huck Finn next. Into The Macabre: Your Top 5 horror movies? Hunter: That’s a tough one. This could change depending on my mood. LOL Here we go – 1. Alien 2. Halloween 3. It Follows 4. The Haunting 5. Creature from the Black Lagoon Into The Macabre: They Rise is your upcoming release here in January.. How did that story come about? Hunter: Severed Press approached me to see if I was interested in writing a sea monster tale. My editor Gary saw that I’m monster crazy, so it was a perfect fit. I looked at their titles and decided I had to make my sea monsters different than what was already out there. So, in came the chimaera fish, also known as ghost sharks. It was great working with Gary and Severed. We really collaborated on the story, amping up the finale which was just insane. I hope people like it and harken back to the good old days of creature features on the drive in screen. Into The Macabre: I found that one to be a blast to read. Obviously, many people are going to compare any terror in the seas story to Jaws, but I found myself numerous times being reminded of the Kevin Bacon movie Tremors. What has been the early response to it, so far? Hunter: Thank you so much. Critical and reader response has been amazing. I love that there are so many other monster lovers out there! I now can’t wait to write my next sea monster novel for Severed. And the comparison to Tremors is pretty spot on. I must have been channeling my inner Kevin Bacon when I wrote it. Into The Macabre: What can us fans expect coming down the pike in 2016 and beyond? Hunter: I have two more releases this year : I Kill in Peace, a novella with Samhain, and The Jersey Devil with Pinnacle books. Those books are polar opposites of one another, so I’m giving folks a little bit of everything this year. I’m working on the concept for a follow up novel with Severed Press and a very intense work for a publisher to be named later. It’ll be my most mainstream work to date, and if I do it right, it’ll scare the hell out of people. If you all want to be in the know, stop on over to my blog and chain at http://www.huntershea.com and sign up for my Dark Hunter newsletter while you’re there. You’ll get all the news first AND I have lots of giveaways. Into The Macabre: I really appreciate you letting me grill you for my blog and look forward to chatting with you in the future. Take care, my friend. Some call them ghost sharks, the oldest and strangest looking creatures in the sea. Marine biologist Brad Whitley has studied chimaera fish all his life. He thought he knew everything about them. He was wrong. Warming ocean temperatures free legions of prehistoric chimaera fish from their methane ice suspended animation. Now, in a corner of the Bermuda Triangle, the ocean waters run red. The 400 million year old massive killing machines know no mercy, destroying everything in their path. It will take Whitley, his climatologist ex-wife and the entire US Navy to stop them in the bloodiest battle ever seen on the high seas. Biography, Hunter Shea Hunter Shea is the product of a childhood weaned on The Night Stalker, The Twilight Zone and In Search Of. He doesn’t just write about the paranormal – he actively seeks out the things that scare the hell out of people and experiences them for himself. Publishers Weekly named The Montauk Monster one of the best reads of the summer in 2014, and his follow up novel, Hell Hole, was named best horror novel of the year on several prestigious horror sites. Cemetery Dance had this to say about his apocalyptic thriller, Tortures of the Damned – “A terrifying read that left me wanting more. I absolutely devoured this book!” Hunter is an amateur cryptozoologist, having written wild, fictional tales about Bigfoot, The Montauk Monster, The Dover Demon and many new creatures to come. Copies of his books, The Montauk Monster and The Dover Demon, are currently on display in the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, ME. He wrote his first novel with the express desire to work only with editor Don D’Auria at Dorchester (Leisure Horror). He submitted his novel to Don and only Don, unagented, placed on the slush pile. He is proof that dedicated writers can be rescued from no man’s land. He now works with Don, along with several other agents and publishers, having published over ten books in just four years. Hunter is proud to be be one half of the Monster Men video podcast, along with his partner in crime, Jack Campisi. It is one of the most watched horror video podcasts in the world. Monster Men is a light-hearted approach to dark subjects. Hunter and Jack explore real life hauntings, monsters, movies, books and everything under the horror sun. They often interview authors, crytid and ghost hunters, directors and anyone else living in the horror lane. Living with his wonderful family and two cats, he’s happy to be close enough to New York City to get Gray’s Papaya hot dogs when the craving hits. His daughters have also gotten the horror bug, assisting him with research, story ideas and illustrations that can be seen in magazines such as Dark Dossier. You can follow his travails at http://www.huntershea.com, sign-up for his newsletter, or follow in on Facebook and Twitter. Praise for Hunter Shea “This wholly enthralling hulk of a summer beach read is redolent of sunscreen and nostalgia, recalling mass market horror tales of yore by John Saul, Dean Koontz, and Peter Benchley.” — Publishers Weekly — Voted one of the best reads of summer, on The Montauk Monster “Bloody good read! This guy knows his monsters!”- Eric S Brown, author of Bigfoot War and Boggy Creek: The Legend is True, on Swamp Monster Massacre “Hunter Shea is a great writer, highly entertaining, and definitely in the upper echelon in the current horror scene. Many other writers mention either loving his work and/or having the man influence their own, and for just cause. His writing suits anyone with a taste for the dark and terrifying!” –Zakk at The Eyes of Madness/The Mouth of Madness Podcast Purchase They Rise Enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card for joining this tour! Get extra entries for social media follows, but get extra extra entries for signing up for his newsletter and five extra entries if you review They Rise and send the link to Erin Al-Mehairi, publicist, at email@example.com!
Publicist/Marketing: Erin Al-Mehairi __________________________________________________________________ Follow along the tour with these hashtags: File Size: 2679 KB Print Length: 189 pages Publisher: Severed Press (April 7, 2017) Publication Date: April 7, 2017 They are called the Orang Pendek, masters of the steamy Sumatran rain forest. Henrik Kooper watched his father die at the brutal hands of the orange-haired ape men. Having barely survived helping twins Natalie and Austin McQueen discover and destroy the beasts lurking in Loch Ness, it’s now his turn for vengeance. Within the treacherous jungles of Sumatra lies the fabled lost city of Gadang Ur. Its secrets are guarded by a savage band of Orang Pendek who lord over the strange and deadly creatures of the hidden land. Utter madness is the lifeblood of Gadang Ur. Henrik’s journey into darkness will take them to the ragged edge of hell on Earth. Some places were never meant to be discovered. Available in e-book and print Hunter Shea is the product of a childhood weaned on The Night Stalker, The Twilight Zone and In Search Of. He doesn’t just write about the paranormal – he actively seeks out the things that scare the hell out of people and experiences them for himself. Publishers Weekly named The Montauk Monster one of the best reads of the summer in 2014, and his follow up novel, Hell Hole, was named best horror novel of the year on several prestigious horror sites. Cemetery Dance had this to say about his apocalyptic thriller, Tortures of the Damned – “A terrifying read that left me wanting more. I absolutely devoured this book!” Hunter is an amateur cryptozoologist, having written wild, fictional tales about Bigfoot, The Montauk Monster, The Dover Demon, The Loch Ness Monster, and many new creatures to come. Copies of his books, The Montauk Monster and The Dover Demon, are currently on display in the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, ME. He wrote his first novel with the express desire to work only with editor Don D’Auria at Dorchester (Leisure Horror). He submitted his novel to Don and only Don, unagented, placed on the slush pile. He is proof that dedicated writers can be rescued from no man’s land. He now works with Don, along with several other agents and publishers, having published over ten books in just four years. Hunter is proud to be be one half of the Monster Men video podcast, along with his partner in crime, Jack Campisi. It is one of the most watched horror video podcasts in the world. Monster Men is a light-hearted approach to dark subjects. Hunter and Jack explore real life hauntings, monsters, movies, books and everything under the horror sun. They often interview authors, crytid and ghost hunters, directors and anyone else living in the horror lane. Living with his wonderful family and two cats, he’s happy to be close enough to New York City to get Gray’s Papaya hot dogs when the craving hits. His daughters have also gotten the horror bug, assisting him with research, story ideas and illustrations that can be seen in magazines such as Dark Dossier. You can follow his travails at http://www.huntershea.com, sign-up for his newsletter, or follow him on Facebook and Twitter. Praise for Savage Jungle “Sharply written action scenes are balanced with great dialogue and a depth to character usually missing from horror novels in this genre.” –Russell James, author of Q Island Praise for Hunter Shea “Loch Ness Revenge is not only monsterific, but it's also comedic.” – Tim Meyer, author of Worlds Between My Teeth “Shea delivers a tense and intriguing work of escalating tension splattered with a clever, extensive cast of bystanders turned victims…An otherwise excellent, tightly delivered plot…Fans of cryptid creatures are likely to revel in this love letter to a legendary menace.”– Publishers Weekly “Bloody good read! This guy knows his monsters!”- Eric S Brown, author of Bigfoot War and Boggy Creek: The Legend is True, on Swamp Monster Massacre “Hunter Shea is a great writer, highly entertaining, and definitely in the upper echelon in the current horror scene. Many other writers mention either loving his work and/or having the man influence their own, and for just cause. His writing suits anyone with a taste for the dark and terrifying!” –Zakk at The Eyes of Madness/The Mouth of Madness Podcast Want to feature this book/author? If you are a blogger, author, or member of the media and you would like to feature Savage Jungle or Hunter Shea in a review or interview, please contact Erin Al-Mehairi, publicist, at email@example.com. Thanks! Savage Jungle: Lair Of The Orang Pendek by Hunter Shea Review: SAVAGE JUNGLE by Hunter Shea SAVAGE JUNGLE is a direct sequel to Hunter Shea's earlier LOCH NESS REVENGE, with twins Natalie and Austin McQueen keeping their promise to aid Henrik in tracking the bizarre Orang Pendek of Sumatra, believed to live in the environs of a city lost in antiquity, Gadang Ur. Of course, revenge never comes easy, even when eaten cold, and Henrik's exploring group finds amazing sights and seemingly impossible creatures. Mr. Shea neatly mixes in some metaphysics and an effective suspension of disbelief.
“Our Park Ranger surveillance has captured strange footprints at various parks & trails in the area. If you find these, or other unexplained phenomena, tag Round Rock Parks and Recreation Department on FB, or @roundrockpard on Twitter & Instagram. #RRSightings” With that post on its Facebook page on June 11 and three black-and-white pictures, the Round Rock Parks and Recreation Department opened a big can of big worms about Bigfoot because everything really is bigger in Texas, including sightings of super-sized Sasquatch footprints … and more. A few days later, another post showed “curious clumps of hair evidence.” Has a Texas Bigfoot taken up residence in the Brushy Creek area just north of Austin? The Round Rock Parks and Recreation Department was kind enough to leave the timestamps and locations on the photos. The well-defined footprint was taken on June 10th in Freeman Park, a new 40 acre park at the trailhead of the Brushy Creek trail system. The second was from Old Settlers Park, a 645-acre park that contains well-stocked Bright Lake but is better known for its sports facilities … has Bigfoot taken up soccer or disc golf? The photo with a ranger’s boot for comparison is from Brushy Creek Trail East. Brushy Creek is where the ‘round rock’ that gave the city its name is located. Is Bigfoot a Texas history buff? The “hair sample” photos were taken at Rabb Park on the Brushy Creek, a small picnic area called Kinningham Park and McNeil Park, a popular spot for softball tournaments. Again, it seems like Bigfoot has been taking in all that the Round Rock park system has to offer. In fact, skeptics might (and do) think this Bigfoot is a park system employee trying to entice visitors to the parks, especially since they were found “at various parks & trails in the area.” Did anyone think to check the batter’s box at one of the softball diamonds for prints of a Bigfoot digging in for a 3-and-2 pitch? The Houston Chronicle kept an open mind and interviewed some cryptid experts after they viewed the photographs. Here’s what Southeast Texas Bigfoot authority Russell Miller had to say about the footprint photo: “I’m leaning towards not real at least on the top one. Too narrow at the instep.” While the parks around Round Rock are nice, Miller thinks Bigfoot prefers the dense woods in east Texas. Some commenters on the Facebook page are also skeptical, wondering how a ‘surveillance’ camera could be triggered by a footprint but not the Bigfoot who made it. Also, why didn’t anyone take those ‘hair samples’ for DNA analysis? Sasquatch sighting, savvy marketing by the park system or something else? Even the Bigfoot controversies are bigger in Texas!
Saturday, March 31, 2012 Thursday, March 29, 2012 Thom Cantrall, author of The Ghosts of Ruby Ridge (good book!) announces the:Pacific Northwest Conference on Primal People (Sasquatch) : Ghosts of Ruby Ridge Tuesday, March 27, 2012 Excellently spooky account of a haunted place on Wallasea Island, Essex, from Cryptozooogy. This isn't Bigfoot related at all and I don't mean to suggest there is, but there is an interesting report of an ape like creature in this story that discusses zooform phenomena. Still on the Track: NEIL ARNOLD: The Satanic Ape: n the case of some zooform phenomena, it seems that we are dealing with negative energy as a conjurer of monsters. For instance, the county of Essex has several cases of weird manifestations presenting themselves, but they are forms which clearly are not of some biological or zoological order. At Wallasea Island there was once a place called the Devil’s House which sat on the bleak marshlands flanking the River Crouch. The house, was more for a farm-like abode and took its sinister name from its owner, a chap named Daville, although author Eric Maple notes that’, according to the old records it was known as Demon’s Tenement as far back as the time of Charles II.’ Saturday, March 24, 2012 Excellent points there Erich! I particularly appreciate his connecting us with Bigfoot as regards our so-called "junk dna" and the Sasquatch. Divinorum Psychonauticus: the Bigfoot-Ancient Alien connection- solved! Pretty interesting! I admit, this clip pushes me back towards the "it's footage of a real Sasquatch" opinion. More here:Texas Cryptid Hunter: 21 Degrees Between Bigfoot and You Friday, March 23, 2012 Saturday, March 17, 2012 Friday, March 16, 2012 I'm pleased to have guest blogger Imogen share her piece on encountering Bigfoot: I Know What I Saw… My interest in the Bigfoot phenomenon started when I read the following passage written by a friend who recounted a close encounter she had with the creature itself. Her account is brief, but compelling, and read as follows: “At the risk of sounding crazy … I once saw something like a Bigfoot myself, high in the Cascade Mountains in the dead of winter, on a moonlit night, while descending a mountain snowfield. After watching "it" approach for about one minute, and when it had come to within about 200 feet, I turned to my climbing companion to say that I was having a REMARKABLE hallucination. But before I could say a word I saw that my companion had gripped his ice axe with both hands and had raised his ice axe above his head in self-defence. So NOT a hallucination. "It" was about ten feet tall and leaving BIG footprints in the snow. The scientists will tell you that there cannot be such creatures, and their reasoning is persuasive - unless, of course, you happen to have seen one.” She makes a good point in the last sentence, and it is one that cannot be gainsaid by any scientist. In the words of the famous UFO documentary, “I Know What I Saw”. Yes, people can be mistaken. But not so mistaken that they are hallucinating a ten foot creature stood in front of them at the same time as another person to their right. Sure, some sightings could be as a result of substance abuse But how many? Seriously. Watching the Paul Freeman footage from 1994 in the same mountain range, I just wonder if it is the same animal she saw. To my mind the Freeman footage is compelling. If I ever had any doubts, my friend’s story and the Freeman footage combined dispelled them forever. She would never lie about such a thing, and the fact that there were two witnesses just strengthens my belief in her story. There is nothing that is ten feet tall she could have mistaken it for. Likewise, the Freeman footage is too poor in quality and too early, technically, to have been faked or tampered with. Along with Jeffrey Meldrum’s analysis of the casts Freeman made, I find it to be credible testimony. Sometimes what you see is what is there. It is as simple as that. One much-debated aspect of the Bigfoot phenomenon centres around the possibility of Sasquatch being paranormal in nature. Perhaps, like Mexico’s mysterious dwarfs, and the fairies of long ago, there is transcendent quality to the creature. It seems to play with us, in the way that orbs tantalise us with their appearance and instantaneous disappearance. Could Bigfoot, some wonder, be a manifestation of the same inexplicable entities, in crypto-human form? What both UFO and Mexican dwarfs have in common is Close Encounters of the Third Kind. People not only see them, but are materially affected by them in the real world. The Mexican dwarfs knock people off their bikes and frighten children playing ball after dark. They are violent and malevolent in nature, and there have been dozens of reports, from quite traumatised, and in some cases injured, victims. There is no explanation for the encounters, but they have happened. The same is true of UFO encounters, of course, with real physical craft being witnessed and filmed all over the world, in the thousands. Some YouTube UFO posters have actually given up uploading their footage as they have so much of it. Orbs are a daily occurrence, and yet there is no explanation for them either. Is Bigfoot A Paranormal Entity? For me, no. I did consider the possibility that the creatures could be another type of ‘alien’ for a while. The fleeting sightings, the vanishing, the lack of hard evidence, the total inability of anyone to have secured irrefutable proof – to me these put Bigfoot into the ‘Nessie’ camp. I have read widely on the UFO phenomenon and the different ‘species’ of alien that are reported by witnesses varies enormously. From the ubiquitous ‘greys’, to the mysterious ‘Nordics’, all the way to the Reptilians and towering Annunaki, there is no shortage of close alien encounters, with no end of strange beings. Each witness knows what they saw. But does it make it real? It’s a subject I have still to tussle with, but since reading on this and other sites I have read enough evidence – which I did not know existed, I may add – to convince me that Bigfoot is a real world creature. A gentle, shy creature in fact. The gentleness of movements and the relaxed body language of the being captured by both Paul Freeman’s video are rather touching. I am glad to read that there are people speaking out against the Kill and Capture mentality of those who want another trophy on the wall and the attendant fame that would no doubt follow. What I saw on the Freeman footage is a vulnerable looking, gentle creature who needs to be protected, and defended, and certainly not hunted and killed. Wednesday, March 14, 2012 Micah Hanks writes a intriguing article about the more mysterious happenings in some Bigfoot encounters:The Gralien Report: Bigfoot is an Archetype: Sasquatch Reigns Supreme among “Folk Devils”: From time to time there are reports that fall under the “Bigfoot” category that are, to put it simply, present a lot of disturbing problems for eyewitnesses. While these “high strangeness” reports (an expression that had become innate to the study of odd occurrences tucked within the realms of Forteana) are in the seldom minority, they are often overlooked by the greater cryptozoology community for a number of reasons. Primarily, this has to do with the fact that the study of creatures like “Bigfoot,” by virtue of the designated title cryptozoology (the study of hidden animals), approaches this mystery from the perspective that these entities, whatever they may really be, are in fact some form of biological entity that closely resembles humankind. To wit, if indeed the Sasquatch myth is anything more than a myth, the best avenue, and thus the most widely accepted approach to their study, seems to be afforded us in their treatment as flesh-and-blood entities. However, when peering a bit deeper into the mystery, these “beings” may boast a number of curious elements that beg further consideration… and may similarly warrant different modes of thought applied to understanding their overall meaning.
Update on the thylacine project. Warning on viral social media posts. Tracking the Owlman. Yowie story stirs the public. Black cat on the loose in Australia, while some are searching for it some just aren’t buying it. A new UFO reference book released. MUFON sighting statistics for April, 2017. Inside the mind of conspiracy theorists. Book of the Week, "UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America 2001-2015" by Cheryl Costa and Linda Miller Costa. Has anyone seen the Loch Ness Monster? Odds are out that a thylacine is discovered soon and a new finding may help to increase those odds. Owlman taking flight in the windy city? Looking for ghosts in all the wrong places. Troubled star continues to fall. The Book of the Week, "Robert the Doll", by David L. Sloan. Loch Ness Monster reality TBD by science, soon. Red light given to green light UFO over Brazil. New UFO reporting center in Ohio. MUFON sighting statistics for March. Toronto man attempts to remove evil $pirit. Lawsuit over conjured up ghosts. Man trapped, killed, swallowed by snake? Dinosaurs seen in London (not drinking piña coladas). The Book of the Week, "Paranormal Canadian Tales", by Dawn Hunter Clark. Bigfoot and Boogeyman are off limits in New Mexico. Numerous sightings of the Loch Ness Monster! Rare animal item sells for nearly $100,000. Do you believe? Thar be whales! The Book of the Week, "The Loch Ness Monster: The Evidence" by Steuart Campbell. Alien abduction caught on satellite imagery. Psychic Russian cat fetches $83,000. We celebrate the 300th episode of the Paranormal News Insider with a background of the show, "inside" information about past episodes, and listener questions. Review of the historical Top Ten Paranormal News Stories from 2010 to 2015, the Top Five Hoaxes of 2016, and the Top Ten Paranormal News Stories of 2016 continues with #2 and #1! For the sakes of frozen snakes, top cryptozoology stories of 2016, and potential signs of intelligent life found. The Book of the Week, "Cryptozoology A To Z: The Encyclopedia of Loch Monsters, Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature", by Loren Coleman and Jerome Clark. Will Facebook ban paranormal stories? The Top Ten Paranormal News Stories of 2016 continues with #4 and #3, plus a couple of stories that didn't make the cut this year. The Book of the Week, "Bad Clowns" by Benjamin Radford. Big cat in Ohio, Loch Ness Monster photographed (again), and return of the thylacine (part two). 2 triangles + 1 helicopter = 1 interesting story, MUFON looking to upgrade, and a humanoid creature in Peru? Book of the Week: "The Mothman Prophecies" by John Keel. Pokémon to solve cryptid mysteries? Is TB back at it again? A soul in Kentucky divides the world. This just in, the world will end on July 29th and a look at the paranormal box office. The Book of the Week, "The Braxton County Monster: The Cover-up of the Flatwoods Monster Revealed" by Frank Feschino, Jr. Bigfoot drone video is admitted hoax (you don’t say!). Welcome, to the rock! Fermi Paradox meets the Mediocrity Principle. Drake Equation gets divided. Ghost hunter makes the major leagues. The Conjuring 2 is taking on a life of its own. The book of the week (Monsters Caught on Film: Amazing Evidence of Lake Monsters, Bigfoot & other Strange Beasts by Dr. Melvyn Willin).
YA-TE-VEO THE MAN EATING TREE (CRYPTID) The Ya-te-veo is a famous Carnivorous Tree found in South America with a more famous African cousin. In J. W. Buel’s Land and Sea (1887), the Ya-te-veo (“I-see-you-already”) plant is said to catch and consume large insects, but also attempts to consume humans. The Ya-te-veo is said to be a carnivorous plant that grows in parts of Central and South America with cousins in Africa and on the shores of the Indian Ocean. There are many different descriptions of the plant, but most reports say it has a short, thick trunk and long tendril-like appendages which are used to catch prey. Some even claim it has an eye to locate its prey with. The natives feared it as if it had bad omens and was thought to be the work of evil witch doctor magic. In 1881, intrepid explorer Carl Liche told the tale of a terrible tree; The Ya-Te-Veo that would feast upon the Mdoko tribe of Madagascar. The German gave a gruesome account of his encounter as the plant slobbered on a filly: “… slender delicate palpi, with the fury of starved serpents, quivered a moment over her head, then as if instinct with demoniac intelligence fastened upon her in sudden coils round and round her neck and arms; then while her awful screams and yet more awful laughter rose wildly to be instantly strangled down again into a gurgling moan, the tendrils one after another, like great green serpents, with brutal energy and infernal rapidity, rose, retracted themselves, and wrapped her about in fold after fold, ever tightening with cruel swiftness and savage tenacity of anacondas fastening upon their prey.” The NY World claimed to have obtained its information about the man-eating tree from “the last number of Graefe and Walther’s Magazine, published at Carlsruhe,” in which there was a letter from the discoverer, the “eminent botanist” Karl Leche, to a colleague, Dr. Omelius Friedlowsky. Most of the NY World article consisted of the text of Leche’s letter. In the letter, Leche described how while traveling through Madagascar he came into a region of the country occupied by the Mkodos, “a tribe of inhospitable savages of whom little was known.” As Leche and his party walked along, they noticed that members of the Mkodos tribe were silently emerging from the jungle and following behind them. They came to a spot where a stream wound through the forest, and here they encountered “the most singular of trees.” Leche provided a detailed description of it. The tree is said to live on the secluded and rarely-visited Tepui – a high and misty mesa in the Guiana Highlands of South America – where grows a singular shrub known to the native tribes as the Ya-te-veo or “I See You” Tree, which evolution has endowed with a prediliction for human flesh. J.W. Buel gives us this description of this abomination in his seminal work, Sea and Land (1887): “Travelers have told us of a plant, which they assert grows in Central Africa and also in South America, that is not contented with myriad of larger insects which it catches and consumes, but its voracity extends to making even humans its prey. This marvelous vegetable Minotaur is represented as having a short, thick trunk, from the top of which radiate giant spines, narrow and flexible but of extraordinary tenaciousness, the edges of which are armed with barbs, or dagger-like teeth. Instead of growing upright, or at an inclined angle from the trunk, these spines lay their outer ends upon the ground, and so gracefully are they distributed that the trunk resembles an easy couch with green drapery around it. The unfortunate traveler, ignorant of the monstrous creation which lies in his way, and curious to examine the strange plant, or to rest himself upon its inviting stalk approaches without a suspicion of his certain doom. The moment his feet are set within the circle of the horrid spines, they rise up, like gigantic serpents, and entwine themselves about him until he is drawn upon the stump, when they speedily drive their daggers into his body and thus complete the massacre. The body is crushed until every drop of blood is squeezed out of it and becomes absorbed by the gore-loving plant, when the dry carcass is thrown out and the horrid trap set again.” Moral of the story: When wandering the jungles of South America, do not sit on any inviting but unidentified stumps.
I'm so damned good at drawing in MS paint. But then again, the program is so flawless, you know? Balaur. For mans last hundred or so laps around the sun, the children, fascinated by the very idea of what a dinosaur is, being better than all other chordates in every conceivable way, will no longer utter the familiar bad impressions of a T. rex, Velociraptor, or the proud and mighty bald eagle, but rather that of this curious little mutant bastert. Mark my words, non-existant readers, the dreams of the children of the future will be filled with the adventures of Balaur, the raptor with four killing claws. The raptor... with FOUR killing claws. Four killing claws. Four of them. Not two like in that dumb old Cariama, but four, as in two more than you'd ever need, and double the badassery. Four fucking claws. Four of them. It has four killing claws. Balaur has twice as many killing claws as Utahraptor. Sure, that last paragraph was beyond redundant, and there are many other wicked wierd things about Balaur that deserve plenty of attention, but just as the rule of thirds continuously drags our eyes away from the center of an image, so too (four) does the fact that Balaur has four killing claws completely render my mind incapable of caring about anything else. Many times I have been asked why I have not bothered pursuing a career in paleontology. My usual answer involves not being obsessed with dead things, and why the hell would I want to toil away in Lianlong in the heat when I could just walk outside and see whole flocks of living dinosaurs without needing to dig around in the sand to find them? But of course, it is important to remember that, if I had discovered Balaur, my paper describing it would simply be "raptor with four killing claws" repeated over and over for, like, 10 pages. And then I would retire. Simply put, I can't possibly imagine what left there is to do. Remember Microraptor when he was new? Wasn't that wierd as shit? I remember the first thing I thought was "wow, that looks like a Great Blue Windrunner... so, guess that's been done then." It was complete absurdity. And then we found out that four wings was actually the basal condition of Paraves, and we even found some Archaeopteryxes with those crazy long leg feathers. So, what we had assumed to be a futuristic evolutionary leap forward was actually the old school design that dinosaurs had decided was "so last era." It has been proven, then, that dinosaurs do literally every fucking last thing better than us. And there is no way to top this except for ideas that, frankly, I no longer can call ridiculous. What I want to do now is list the absolute most outrageous awesome dinosaurs I can think of, so that in the next couple years when we find all of them and nobody thinks they are special anymore, I can point back to this as a record of the time when Kingugidorasaurus wasn't quite the household name it will be in 2012: 1. a very large, argentavis or so sized flying tyrannosauroid 2. a coelophysid from the neogene period with maple leaf-shaped dorsal spines and a radiovorous diet, possibly still extant, which will spark the hunt for the newest cryptid 3. a two or three headed dinosaur, prefferably a carnivorous sauropodomorph, and while I'm mentioning it, 4. a carnivorous neosauropod 5. a quadrapedal theropod 6. a six limbed flying, firebreathing dragon (only counts if it's a dinosaur) 7. the remains of a troodontid civilization 8. lagerstatten impressions of the pennaceous flight feathers of a brachiosaurus 9. partially mentioned, but any theropod with a beam or projectile weapon (we already have a venomous one) 10. a SIX winged raptor 11. a raptor with SIX killing claws and this last one is my favorite: 11. a raptor with ONE HUNDRED killing claws. It should go without saying that Balaur is my new favorite dinosaur. It replaced Sagittarius, who held that title for some years or so. Secs are my second favorite, so it's all cool. I mean, it's REALLY hard to beat a dinosaur that kills by stomping on the head of it's prey with it's stiletto heel, but four fucking killing claws does that job and then some. Crows are still my third favorite, then in no particular order Argentavis, Morus, Anthropornis, Canadaga, Cryolophosaurus, Sinusonasus (nose-nose), Kelenken, Cariama, Rahonavis, and Gojirasaurus.
A small dog has reportedly rescued its timid owner from a potentially deadly encounter with a large mythical creature in the US south, and significantly bolstered business for a local real estate in the process. Footage of the mysterious incident, which occurred in Asheville, North Carolina, shows Yorkshire terrier Ziggy bravely rushing ahead of his panicked owner and issuing a few stern barks of warning to an indistinct figure that some reports have speculated could be Bigfoot. "No Ziggy! No," the man behind the camera, Eric Walters, can be heard saying between heavy breaths laboured by fear. Although Ziggy quickly loses interest in the spectre and cuts away up a nearby path, the plucky little mutt's heroic actions seem to ward off the alleged sasquatch, which makes its way briskly towards the cover of the forest. "Oh thank you Ziggy," Walters says with relief as the alleged cryptid makes its way through tall grass towards the treeline. “Either there’s a Sasquatch out there or someone is trying to play a practical joke,” Walters told The Citizen-Times. In what may be the key to the mystery, a sign advertising cabins for rent in the area is clearly visible in the video, much to the delight of the company's owner, Gay Weber. "I'm flattered that even Bigfoot knows that Carolina Mornings is the best vacation rental company in Western North Carolina," Mr Weber told The Citizen-Times. "My inbox is blowing up." © Nine Digital Pty Ltd 2018
What do you get when you put a bunch of convicts on an island? A lot of dead convicts. Before Escape from New York there was Terminal Island. And before Terminal Island there was, well, we aren't sure. Maybe The Big Bird Cage or She Devils in Chains. Released in June 1973, and eventually making it to Denmark today in 1977, you see the Danish promo poster for Kvindefængslet på Djævleøen, aka Terminal Island above. The movie stars Don Marshall, Marta Kristen, Barbara Leigh, Ena Hartman, and cult fave Phyllis Davis, plus it features both Tom Selleck and Roger E. Mosley, a duo that would later be cast as besties Thomas Magnum and T.C. on the television show Magnum P.I. What's the plot? It follows the expected blueprint—tough convicts left to fend for themselves except for the occasional supply drop, women in mortal peril from every inhabitant with a functioning dick, and one good-hearted prisoner who doesn't belong there at all. The whole set-up degenerates into a savage confrontation between two opposing factions, predictably fighting over the possession of women, who can only hope to choose between abusers and protectors. While Terminal Island is an early entry in the fertile penal colony genre, what you really want to know is whether it's actually any good, right? Well, let's just say it's good enough to watch if you're a fan of seventies b-movies. We'd like to offer you a better endorsement, but we really can't. A priest, a cop, and a heroin addict walk into The Mist... Last night we watched the sixth episode of Spike Television's horror serial The Mist, and though we weren't going to weigh in on the show, we got frustrated enough to bang out this write-up labeling it what it is—a disappointment. Which is too bad, because the Stephen King novella sourced for the series might be the best thing he ever wrote. It's hard to know where to begin discussing the show, so we'll start not with that, but with its medium. Television has changed. Where the real talent once gravitated toward cinema, today some of the best conceptualizing and writing is on television, as top creatives are driven to the small screen because movie studios are almost wholly focused on puerile superhero movies and juvenile comedies. Television is where The Wire, Game of Thrones, and Fargo made indelible marks on American culture. Hell, we can even go back to The Sopranos for an early example. The point is you have to bring your A-game. But the creator of The Mist, Danish writer-director Christian Torpe, took one of Stephen King's best works, adapted it to a medium that is incredibly receptive to serialized horror, and blew it. King is credited as a writer on all ten episodes, but that's only a nod to him as the originator of the source material. He wasn't involved in the new teleplays, and they're spectacularly botched, put together by the worst kind of horror writers—those who force the characters to serve the convolutions of the plot rather than their own need for self preservation. We'll give you an example. When a priest and a ’60s flower child disagree on whether the mist is sent by God or is a manifestation of Nature-with-a-capital-N, they decide to both walk into it to see which of them is spared. This is a mist filled with creatures that have caused the most painful deaths imaginable, but ho hum, they have a spiritual pissing match they need to settle, so into it they go, and a group of bystanders allows this lunacy to occur without raising an objection. Maybe next time they're at the zoo they can leap into the lion enclosure to see whether razor sharp claws and fangs are God or Nature. In another example of the same terrible writing, a group stuck in a mall comes up with a set of rules to ration food and keep order. That's fine. The punishment for breaking any of the rules is expulsion from the mall. That's not fine. That's a sentence of death for even minor infractions, and this has been agreed upon by characters isolated for only a day or two, far too little time to go full Lord of the Flies. Under those circumstances virtually any normal person would say, “No, we don't agree that expulsion from the mall is a fair punishment, and if you get anywhere near us we're going to use a three wood from Dick's Sporting Goods on your cranium.” Those disinclined toward violence would perhaps say, “You know what—this mall is massive, so you have your crazy old testament punishment zone here, and we'll just hang out in the Cinnabon at the far end.” Another issue with The Mist is that the characters are diverse in unrealistic and manipulative ways. See if this sounds like the beginning of a joke to you: there's a priest, a cop, a heroin addict, a jock, a hippie, and a bully. In the best television shows the characters are very much the same when you meet them, but their differences manifest over time because of who they are inside—not due to the uniforms they wear. In The Mist the cop wears a uniform and the priest wears a different uniform and the solider wears a still different uniform, but no less obvious are the uniforms worn by the flower child (sun dress and pants), the gay kid (eyeliner), the heroin addict (sweat), and the good girl (virginal white skin). Even many of the minor characters are written as clichés. Compare that to a show like The Walking Dead. In season one what is the difference between the two major characters Rick Grimes and Shane Walsh? There is none, except one is duplicitous and one is honorable. What is the main difference between Rick and Carol? It's not their sex. It's that she's more easily capable of cruelty for what she feels is right. What is the difference between Carol and Morgan? It isn't their skin. It's that he abhors lethal violence and has to come to grips with its necessity. Their differences are internal, and watching them revealed is one of the joys of the show. But in The Mist the uniforms—literal and figurative—are there to do the work the writers were too lazy to manage. Basically, there are no genuine surprises in the way The Mist's characters develop. The cop becomes an authoritarian but later seems to climb down from total assholery. The priest at first seems reasonable but eventually decides he must impose his faith on others. The heroin addict clings to worldly pursuits like money and being high, but later decides she needs to kick. She does this, by the way, in a sequence bracketed by a standoff and fight elsewhere in the building. She'd said the process of medically assisted detox would take five or six hours. As two characters elsewhere in the building argue, she's tied to a bed, where she sweats and screams, and is later untied, presumably five or six hours later. Then we cut back to the argument, which shortly turns into a fight. Did those two argue for five hours? It's the type of egregious timelime weirdness you see only in badly made shows, and it's symptomatic of the lack of deep thought behind The Mist. We stuck with it for more than half its ten episode run, but now we're giving up. It's clear the writers aren't going to overcome any of the show's problems in the next four episodes. Can you get the ship's doctor for me? I seem to be stuck this way. What is this yoga position called? A: The Hidden Half Up. B: A Flying Lotus. C: The Gordian Knot. D: A French Twist Actually, it's none of those, though we think flying lotus is probably closest. Let's just say Danish singer Gitte Haenning is performing a little yoga on the deck of a cruise ship steaming its way to Mallorca in this photo made in 1977. We've been to Mallorca a few times, and on none of those occasions did we bother to exercise, so good on Gitte. Haenning's last name was difficult to pronounce, which led to her becoming a one-name star—just Gitte—in both music and cinema. All-in-all, amazing accomplishments for someone who spent so much of her time as a soft pretzel. It's not like any circus you've ever seen. The Hottest Show in Town was originally released in Sweden in 1974 as Sex-Cirkusse, and just as promised by the Japanese poster art above, you get a circus, a hot one, populated by assorted acrobats, aerialists, and clowns, some nude, some not. You also see people hook up, explicitly, which is really the entire point of this production. These bits earned the film an x rating, as well as some controversy caused by a sex sequence involving a very small man and a very small woman—aka dwarves. This isn't particularly shocking today. Or is it? Certainly dwarves are more mainstream now. Game of Thrones even features the horniest little person in entertainment history, so we're guessing Sex-Cirkusse's dwarf sex won't bother you. We could be wrong. But dwarves, clowns, and aerialists are all a sideshow. The real star of the movie is the lovely Danish actress Anna Bie Warburg, seen below in her bushy altogether, a bold image we couldn't resist sharing. We guess the general thrust of the film is that all the world's a circus and all its denizens merely players. Really horny ones. The Hottest Show in Town premiered in Japan today in 1976. The ballad of Gwili the kid. Gwili Andre's, née Gurli Andresen's seven-film Hollywood career wasn't what you'd call significant, but this photo certainly makes the Danish born actress look like a top star. We love the stage name Gwili. It's inspired. However, we gather that her acting generated some savage reviews. The above photo was shot in 1932 by famed lensman Ernest Bachrach early in Andre's career. Enquirer cover model makes a de-emancipation proclamation. Pictured on this cover of National Enquirer from today in 1963 is Helle Wingsoe, who was a Miss Denmark titleholder from the 1950s who later appeared in numerous American magazines as both herself and as Annette Casir. At least, that's the rundown online sources give, and the internet never gets it wrong, right? Wrong. A Finnish hosted database of European pageant winners lists no Miss Denmark named Helle Wingsoe. We also checked out the other winners from the 1950s and none of them seem to be Wingsoe either. So that bit's wrong. Enquirer calls Wingsoe an actress but she accumulated no credits in any film productions, so that appears to be incorrect as well, though it's almost certain she aspired to be an actress. Maybe she had a few uncredited walk-ons. And lastly, we have doubts she's aka Annette Casir. Look at this photo (try to focus on the face, people), and compare it to the one below, which shows Wingsoe a bit more clearly. Are those the same person? Really hard to say, but we're dubious. Oh, and we almost forgot—we doubt she ever said she wanted to be some man's slave. Seriously, who would say something that ridiculous? But the bold text would have been pure catnip for the then-predominantly male readership of Enquirer. Anybody out there got better info on Wingsoe/Casir? Drop us a line. We'd love to know. Cryptid hunters gather for weekend of fundraising and wild speculation. Today marks the beginning of The Weird Weekend, one of the largest annual gatherings of cryptid aficionados and animal investigators in the world. For the seventeenth year Nessie nuts, Bigfoot boosters, and chupacabra champions descend on North Devon, England, to discuss the existence of hypothesized and legendary creatures. This year's speakers include punk rock star Steve Ignorant on the hidden history of Punch and Judy, Richard Freeman, director of the Centre for Fortean Zoology, on his recent expedition to Tasmania in search of the thylacine or Tasmanian wolf, and Lars Thomas from Denmark, on the Vikings' pantheon of mythical—or were they?—creatures. The weekend informs the public and serves the dual purpose of raising funds for the CFZ, which conducts searches for mystery animals. We would absolutely love to go to this event, but we just got back from vacation. Maybe you're stuck at home too. Try this. Go to your nearest bar and order: A chupacabra: Jack Daniel's, Chartreuse herbal liqueur, José Cuervo, Blue Curaçao, and grenadine. A Jersey Devil: cranberry juice, apple cider, and Applejack brandy. A devil dog: José Cuervo and grapefruit juice. A Loch Ness Monster: Midori, Bailey's, and Jägermeister. A bat beast: gold rum and Monster Energy drink. A frozen Yeti: raspberry vodka, orange rum, Blue Curaçao, triple sec, grapefruit juice, and of course lots of ice. Drink all of those and you'll discover there's a cryptid in your stomach. Have your camera ready when it emerges. You're going to like my movies or else. Now sit down and shut up. Ann Smyrner was born in Denmark as Hanne Smyrner and came to wide attention for roles in cheeseball films such as Reptilicus and Journey to the Seventh Planet. The above photo was made when she filmed yet another cheeseball film—the 1967 Italian flop ...4 ..3 ..2 ..1 ...morte, aka Mission Stardust. These movies call out to us based on their titles alone, so we'll attempt to locate one or two and report back. They sound epically bad. Smyrner, on the other hand, looks epically good. It must be jelly ’cuz jam don’t shake like that. We got curious about Nai Bonet, who we’d never heard of until last week, and after taking a stroll around the internet discovered she was pretty famous in her day and even released a 1966 single for which you see the sleeve above. The song is called “Jelly Belly,” with “The Seventh Veil” on the flipside. Bonet teaches fans to do her trademark Jelly Belly dance, which we can only imagine led to many sprained backs in mid-century America. But maybe you want to try. The instructions are in like Danish, but here’s the gist: 1: Clap your hands together and gently bow… 2: Put your hands over your head and I’ll show you how… 3: First you inhale (pull your tummy in) 4: Then you exhale (push your tummy out) 5: Hips go up… 6: …and down 7: Tummy round and round… 8: Shoulders shivering… 9: Everything a-quivering. And presumably it's rinse and repeat at that point. For extra inspiration you can hear "Jelly Belly" here. Just remember—if you pull something, rest it, apply ice, and dream up a much better story about your injury than you were trying to get everything a-quivering. The headlines that mattered yesteryear. 1934—Bonnie and Clyde Are Shot To Death Outlaws Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, who traveled the central United States during the Great Depression robbing banks, stores and gas stations, are ambushed and shot to death in Louisiana by a posse of six law officers. Officially, the autopsy report lists seventeen separate entrance wounds on Barrow and twenty-six on Parker, including several head shots on each. So numerous are the bullet holes that an undertaker claims to have difficulty embalming the bodies because they won't hold the embalming fluid. 1942—Ted Williams Enlists Baseball player Ted Williams of the Boston Red Sox enlists in the United States Marine Corps, where he undergoes flight training and eventually serves as a flight instructor in Pensacola, Florida. The years he lost to World War II (and later another year to the Korean War) considerably diminished his career baseball statistics, but even so, he is indisputably one of greatest players in the history of the sport. 1924—Leopold and Loeb Murder Bobby Franks Two wealthy University of Chicago students named Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold, Jr. murder 14-year-old Bobby Franks, motivated by no other reason than to prove their intellectual superiority by committing a perfect crime. But the duo are caught and sentenced to life in prison. Their crime becomes known as a "thrill killing", and their story later inspires various works of art, including the 1929 play Rope by Patrick Hamilton, and Alfred Hitchcock's 1948 film of the same name. It's easy. We have an uploader that makes it a snap. Use it to submit your art, text, header, and subhead. Your post can be funny, serious, or anything in between, as long as it's vintage pulp. You'll get a byline and experience the fleeting pride of free authorship. We'll edit your post for typos, but the rest is up to you. Click here to give us your best shot.
Onslaught is here. The first of four massive, Downloadable Content (DLC) Packs for Call of Duty®: Ghosts, the definitive online experience, and #1 most played multiplayer title on Xbox Live for Xbox 360 kicks-off today. Launching first, exclusively on Xbox Live for both Xbox One and Xbox 360, Onslaught features four classically designed, smaller to medium sized Call of Duty® multiplayer maps delivering the fast-paced multiplayer experience fans love, the all-new “Maverick” dual-purpose Assault Rifle/Sniper Rifle, and “Episode 1: Nightfall,” the first installment in Call of Duty: Ghosts Extinction’s four-part episodic story that follows humankind’s first contact with the Cryptids. " Onslaught delivers a ton of exciting, new content for Call of Duty: Ghosts fans to enjoy on next gen and current gen alike," said Daniel Suarez, Vice President of Production, Activision Publishing, Inc. "It begins with a diverse set of maps that personify that classic Call of Duty-style of fast, frantic and exhilarating action. It doesn’t stop there, because Infinity Ward and Neversoft have taken it to another level; whether it’s becoming Michael Myers from Halloween as you pursue your opponents, to creating the first dual-purpose weapon in Call of Duty history, or crafting a new chapter in Extinction that introduces new characters and even a three-story tall Cryptid alien boss, Onslaught has something for all Call of Duty players, and we're excited fans can finally get their hands on it." Onslaught is included as part of the Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Season Pass, which gives fans access to four epic Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Packs** planned for release this year – Onslaught, Devastation, Invasion and Nemesis – at the discounted* suggested retail price of $49.99. Additionally, Call of Duty Ghosts DLC Season Pass holders get instant access to the Team Leader Digital Pack, which comes with a unique multiplayer character head, weapon camo, reticle, player patch, card and background. Call of Duty: Ghosts Onslaught delivers a variety of new offerings for fans to dig their teeth into, starting with four new multiplayer maps. “Fog” is a chilling homage to classic horror films, set alongside the banks of a murky lake. Players skilled enough to pick up the map’s unique Field Order can become the embodiment of terror by donning the mask of Michael Myers, one of cinema’s most iconic horror characters of all-time, as the entire soundscape changes to the eerily familiar Halloween theme music. “BayView” is a coastal Californian boardwalk that offers players fast-paced run-and-gun gameplay amid a seaside town. Clever players will be able to climb onto the map’s moving trolley to engage enemies, as well as call in devastating artillery strikes from the Naval Destroyer anchored offshore. “Containment” drops players into a raging battle amidst a war-torn Mexican village, where the action centers on the crippled remains of a small bridge holding a hi-jacked truck leaking radioactive material.Onslaught’s fourth map, “Ignition,” is a completely reimagined version of “Scrapyard” – the fan-favorite multiplayer map from Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 2, placing players into a deserted space launch facility with frenetic action amongst abandoned warehouses, flame trenches, a massive transport crawler, and dynamic map elements that can take players out if they’re not paying close attention. Call of Duty: Ghosts Onslaught also introduces the first installment in Extinction’s new, four-part episodic narrative with “Episode 1: Nightfall.” As the initial foray into this single, connected story that will be told across each DLC Pack launch throughout the year, “Episode 1: Nightfall” takes fans to a remote research facility hidden deep within the Alaskan wilderness, where a small recon team must infiltrate the facility to find out what happened to the mysterious Nightfall Program. This expanded Extinction storyline introduces new characters, plus two all-new alien species, and debuts an exclusive Venom-X weapon that pulverizes the Cryptids, as players delve deeper into the story of what happened following mankind’s first contact with the Cryptids in Colorado. On top of the new maps and first episode of the Extinction narrative, Call of Duty: Ghosts Onslaught arms players with a new, dual-purpose addition to the multiplayer arsenal with the “Maverick.” Outfitted with a lightweight wood stock, the “Maverick” can be selected in either the Assault or the Sniper Rifle class, depending on players’ play style and preference. In celebration of today’s Call of Duty: Ghosts Onslaught launch, Activision and Infinity Ward are pitting pro footballers Clay Matthews of the Green Bay Packers against Jamaal Charles of the Kansas City Chiefs in a Grudge Match for the ultimate Call of Duty bragging rights. Matthews and Charles will each captain a team comprised of members of the development team at Infinity Ward, online personalities and fans in an intense head-to-head battle. Gamers can review highlights on the Call of Duty Facebook page at www.facebook.com/CallofDuty. From Activision Publishing, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI), Call of Duty: Ghosts is rated “M” (Mature – Blood, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Strong Language – content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older) by the ESRB. Call of Duty: Ghosts Onslaught is available today for both Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft. The DLC pack is created by Infinity Ward, with additional development by Neversoft. For more information, please visit www.callofduty.com/ghosts, www.facebook.com/CallofDuty, or follow on Twitter @InfinityWard. About Activision Publishing, Inc.Headquartered in Santa Monica, California, Activision Publishing, Inc. is a leading worldwide developer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment and leisure products. Activision maintains operations in the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Australia, South Korea, Mainland China and the region of Taiwan. More information about Activision and its products can be found on the company's website, www.activision.com. Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-looking Statements: Information in this press release that involves Activision Publishing's expectations, plans, intentions or strategies regarding the future, including statements about the expected release date of the Downloadable Content (DLC) Pack offerings for Call of Duty: Ghosts, are forward-looking statements that are not facts and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Factors that could cause Activision Publishing's actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements set forth in this release include unanticipated product delays and other factors identified in the risk factors sections of Activision Blizzard's most recent annual report on Form 10-K and any subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. The forward-looking statements in this release are based upon information available to Activision Publishing and Activision Blizzard as of the date of this release, and neither Activision Publishing nor Activision Blizzard assumes any obligation to update any such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements believed to be true when made may ultimately prove to be incorrect. These statements are not guarantees of the future performance of Activision Publishing or Activision Blizzard and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond its control and may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations. ACTIVISION, CALL OF DUTY, MODERN WARFARE and CALL OF DUTY GHOSTS are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.*Based on DLC Season Pass suggested retail price of $49.99, and four DLC Packs at a suggested retail price of $14.99 each. **Downloadable content in the Season Pass may be sold separately. If you purchase the DLC Season Pass, do not also purchase these standalone DLC Packs, as you will be charged for them. DLC Season Pass and DLC Packs may not be available on all platforms or in all territories. Pricing and release dates may vary by platform. Call of Duty: Ghosts game required; sold separately.
In the spring and summer of 1995, 150 animals wound up dead in Puerto Rico. The species varied, but their apparent manner of death did not: they all had mysterious puncture wounds and had been drained of blood. The killings were attributed to a cryptid known as "el chupacabra," from the Spanish word chupar, meaning "to suck," and cabra, meaning "goat." Witnesses claiming to have seen this goat-sucker described an animal with a "reptilian body, oval head, bulging red eyes, fanged teeth and long, darting tongue." Sightings have been on the rise since those first attacks, and supposed pictures of el chupacabra have cryptozoologists convinced the creature is real. Sometimes these beasts resemble bipedal reptiles; other times they look more like hairless canines. But whatever shape their body takes, their bites always take the form of one to three holes in the shape of a triangle. Take a close look at these photos of el chupacabra and decide for yourself: could these pictures be evidence of a supernatural creature, or are they merely clever fakes?
OMFG!!!! That’s the name of this line, but it gets censored on some message forums. Oh, you silly people with your wacky shenanigans. But anyway, the Outlandish Mini Figures Series 4 has finally arrived! October Toys is continuing this toy line, and… well, OMFG 1 and 2 came out before Life In Plastic was a thing, so you really only got to see Series 3 from here. In short, the line is: 1. Totally crowdfunded, with fan-voted designs and designers. It was on Kickstarted back in 2011, before Kickstarter was a really big thing. 2. Stylistically based on MUSCLE and other similar mini figure lines. 3. Occasionally includes extras from OTMFG, a sidekick series (OTMFGs have been coming out since Series 2, but 3 and 4 actually came wth them if you preordered on the Kickstarter). 4. Series 1 was met with huge acclaim, Series 2 was met with a middling response, Series 3 got lots of praise, and now we are on Series 4. The figures are the same type of plastic as Series 1 and 3 (technically so was 2, but the consistency and color felt a little different. Darker and glossier), though there is one notable difference – on average, Series 4 figures are smaller than the ones that came before. The difference isn’t huge, and it certainly isn’t a game-breaker, but these guys are closer to typical MUSCLE size than their brethren. Theme is another interesting thing. Series 1 was pretty varied. Stroll was a cute mascot type, Multiskull was an amazing sculpting showcase, Phantom Outhouse was a funny gag character, Crawdad Kid was a surreal piece of art, and King Castor was a big walking castle. Series 2 seemed to fall back on more “cutesy” designs, with Shirtle, Cry-Borg, and Grimm Gourd seeming more like a “kid’s” line (not necessarily an insult), Cuddlehard as the OMFG logo, and Puke Knight as a removale two-piece figure. Series 3 relied heavily on puns, but with an added monster connection. Pugnacious and Fruit Punch were puns, TenCan was somewhere between pun and monster, Doctor Decay was pure monster, and Barbariannaut was like an ’80s kid’s fantasy. The Zombie Glyos figure included was an awesome bonus, and pushed it toward the monster level. So, what about Series 4? OMFG Series 4 is very, very monster-themed. Let’s take a look! First up is Fossil Freak, designed by Michael Stearns and sculpted by George Gaspar (Gaspar owns October Toys, and seems to handle sculpting duties if the original designer does not sculpt their creation). It’s a hulking, half-decayed dinosaur chimera, and although I do like the figure, I have to admit that it’s pretty hard to photograph well. Now, I want to point out that none of these figures re bad, and in fact Seris 4 is a really strong offering as a whole, but Fossil Freak is probably my least favorite of the set. Something about his hulking form just did not translate as well to his reduced size. The bighead dinosaur monster is still pretty cool, but he doesn’t personally rock my world. Still, the design isn’t anything to sneeze at, especially his tiny human arm or his massive exposed brain. Designed and sculpted by Billy Parker, Wooly Wisp is a little reminiscent of Stroll from Series 1 – in a way, he looks like the mascot for a company (which Stroll is). Of all the figures, Wooly Wisp would benefit most from some paint, particularly on his beady eyes. He has kind of a Bigfoot vibe going on, especially since he’s doing the Cryptid Walk, but some of the finer detail can get lost in his hairy sculpt. Of all the figures in Series 4, Wooly Wisp is most like a MUSCLE in size and composition, and it’s easy to see how he won those votes. People have wanted a female OMFG figure for a while now, but one never really won out – I honestly expected the snake and scorpion girls from the first few sets to win, but it never happened. However, The Siren, designed by Corwin Webb and sculpted by george Gaspar, made it in. At first glance, she’s a pretty traditional mermaid, topless but with no nipples, and some pretty decent tail sculpting and posing (she is posed almost exactly like Monster In My Pocket’s Triton figure, in fact). But then you notice that she is carrying a full pirate ship in one hand, which is impressively detailed for this scale – look at that Jolly Roger! Siren has a potentially fragile point on that ship, but she is an impressive piece of tiny sculpting work. Tree Witched, sculpted by designed by MudMarox and sculpted by GormTransMonster, is the biggest figure in the set – he’s the size of a typical OMFG figure from Series 1-3! An impressively detailed sculpt, he immediately draws comparisons to Multiskull from 1, Grimm Gourd from 2, and Doctor Decay from 3. Honestly, Multiskull is still the most amazingly-sculpted figure in this line, but th4 two stand well together. Grimm Gourd had a problem of looking more like an onion than a pumpkin, and Doctor Decay was a little flat. Tree Wiched is not – it’s a very dynamic sculpt with all sorts of awesome little Halloweeny details. This tree monster was done incredibly well. Bullseye, sculpted by Tom Khayos and Ana Bruja-Khayos – wait, no, that’s Raging Nerdgasm, hah – is quite literally a bull’s eye. Sort of. He’s this set’s resident “weirdo,” and is quite awesome. That eye is well-sculpted and full of personality (it reminds me of a specific Far Side cartoon), and his bullish parts could easily stand in for demon or alien parts if you want. Bullseye’s non-standard design is a great addition to OMFG, and this figure feels like he could fit into any of the sets so far. And finally, we have our bonus OTMFG figure. Brainwave, designed by Joe Whiteford and George Gaspar, will eventually be available on October Toys, but for now is a Kickstarter bonus only. Concerning OTMFG, the Zombie Pheyden came with OMFG, whereas Deadbeet, Retro Robot, et. al. are completely on their own, though thye do fit into OMFG pretty well. Brainwave counts because of the simultaneous release. As a walking, talking brain-monster, Brainwave is petty unique. He’s got a spinal cord tail, skull jaws, cartoon sneakers and gloves, alien antennae, and mad scientist goggles. His sculpt is really detailed, with some impressive brain and bone work, and is just filled with personality. This guy is a great little bonus – and since he isn’t inextricably tied to Glyos, he also stands well as a little monster on his own! So, how are they overall? OMFG Series 4 does not disappoint. It takes some interesting new steps and branches out pretty well while still remaining clearly part of the original line. And that thing about everything being a monster is true – one could easily see these figures as random encounters in a SNES RPG game. That’s a good part of their charm, though, as OMFG makes toys that honestly are like nothing else on the shelf, even with their clear MUSCLE theme.
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The program examines popular or persistent mysteries to determine whether the featured cryptozoological creature (cryptid) or supernatural phenomenon is real or not. The show typically includes interviews with believers or proponents of the featured paranormal claims, and then with scientists and skeptics who attempt to find rational explanations for such phenomena using a scientific approach. The common and uncommon phenomena: Bigfoot, UFOs, Bermuda Triangle and spontaneous human combustion. But are these legends bona fide or bogus? NGC chases down more of the hard-to-find truths on an extraordinary journey to separate fact from fiction. It’s time to find the answer to the question, Is it Real?
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1967 Half Crown Coin Gold English Sixties London Queen Elizabeth Ii Old Antique This item has been shown times. 1967 Half Crown Coin Gold English Sixties London Queen Elizabeth Ii Old Antique: Half Crown Coin 24Kt Gold Plated 1967This is a 24 Karat Gold Plated Uncirculated Half Crown Coin from 19671967 was the last year the pre decimal coins were circulated and used by the general public 1968 saw the first decimal coins mintedThese were the Last Ever Half Crowns ProducedIn Excellent ConditionStarting at onePenny...With ..If your the only buyer you win it for 1p....Grab a Bargain!!!! Would make an Excellent Lucky Charm class="Apple-interchange-newline">I will have a lot of Coins on so Check out my other items! offer with Confidence - Check My 100% Positive response Check out my other items! All Payment Methods in All Major Currencies Accepted. Be sure to add me to your favourites list! All Items Dispatched within 24 hours of Receiving Payment. Thanks for Looking and Best of Luck with the offerding!!The half crown was a denomination of British money worth half of a crown, equivalent to two and a half shillings (30 pennies), or one-eighth of a pound. The half crown was first issued in 1549, in the reign of Edward VI. No half crowns were issued in the reign of Mary, but from the reign of Elizabeth I half crowns were issued in every reign except Edward VIII, until the coins were discontinued in 1967. The half crown was demonetised (ahead of other pre-decimal coins) on 1 January 1970, the year before the United Kingdom adopted decimal currency on Decimal Day.During the English Interregnum of 1649-1660, a republican half crown was issued, bearing the arms of the Commonwealth of England, despite monarchist associations of the coin's name. When Oliver Cromwell made himself Lord Protector of England, half crowns were issued bearing his semi-royal portrait.The half crown did not display its value on the reverse until 1893.History of the half crown by reign This Charles I half crown was struck from a piece of hammered silver plate during one of the Civil War sieges of Newark, Henry VIII of England 1526: the first English half crown was struck in gold. Edward VI of England 1551: issued the first half crown in silver. The coin was dated and showed the king riding a horse. Mary of England: the half crown was struck on Mary's marriage to Philip II of Spain in 1554 but was never issued for circulation. Three specimens exist. Elizabeth I of England: gold half crowns were issued again. At the end of the reign silver half crowns were issued. James I of England: gold half crowns were issued again. During the reign silver half crowns were issued. Charles I of England: silver half crowns were issued, including those struck as obsidional money, money of necessity during the Civil War period. Commonwealth of England: Oliver Cromwell silver half crowns were issued. During the years 1656 and 1658 milled half crowns were issued of Oliver Cromwell. Charles II of England 1663–1685: silver half crowns were issued, and this period saw the end of the hammered issue of half crowns. James II of England 1685–1688: silver half crown. William & Mary of England 1689–1694: silver half crown. William III of England 1694–1702: silver half crown. Anne, Queen of Great Britain 1702–1714: silver half crown. George I of Great Britain 1714–1727: silver half crown. George II of Great Britain 1727–1760: silver half crown. George III of Great Britain 1760–1820: silver half crown. George IV of the United Kingdom 1820–1830: silver half crown. William IV of the United Kingdom 1830–1837: silver half crown. Victoria of the United Kingdom 1837–1901: silver half crown. Edward VII of the United Kingdom 1902–1910: silver half crown. George V of the United Kingdom 1910–1936: silver half crown, sterling silver (92½% silver) until 1919, then 50% silver. Edward VIII of the United Kingdom 1936: 50% silver half crown. Not issued for circulation. George VI of the United Kingdom 1937–1952: 50% silver half crowns were issued until 1946 when the metal was changed to cupro-nickel. Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom 1952–1970: the last half crown was issued in 1970 shortly before decimalisation.Size and weightFrom George III, 1816, they had a diameter of 32 mm and a weight of 14.1 g, dimensions which remained the same for the half crown until decimalisation in 1971. MintagesThe mintage figures below are taken from the annual UK publication COIN YEARBOOK. Proof mintages are indicated in italics. Victoria (Old Head) 1942 1950 1951 1952 One penny Two pence Five pence Ten pence Twenty pence Fifty pence One pound Two pounds Commemorative and bullion Twenty-five pence Five pounds Maundy money Quarter sovereign Half sovereign Sovereign Britannia Quarter-farthing Third-farthing Half-farthing Farthing Halfpenny Penny Threepence Groat Sixpence One shilling Two shillings (florin) Half crown Double florin (four shillings) Crown Half guinea Guinea Pound sterling Coins of the pound sterling List of British banknotes and coins Scottish coinage Coins of Ireland List of people on coins of the United KingdomCoins of England Sceat Penny (to 1066, 1066–1154, 1154–1485, 1485–1603, 1603–1707) Farthing Groat Shilling Sixpence Three farthings Three halfpence Crown Half crownGold Gold penny (1216) Noble (1344) Florin (1344) Half Florin (1344) Quarter Florin (1344) Angel (1465) Sovereign (1489) Crown of the Rose (1526) Half crown (1526) Jacobus (James I) Rose Ryal (1604) Spur ryal (1604) Unite (1604) Laurel (1619) Half laurel (1619) Carolus (Charles I) Triple unite (1642) Fifty shillings (1656) Broad (1656) Coins of England categoryTypes of British coinage Falkland Islands Gibraltar Guernsey Isle of Man Jersey St Helena and Ascension United KingdomElizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born 21 April 1926[note 1]) is the constitutional monarch of 16 sovereign states (known as the Commonwealth realms) and their territories and dependencies, as well as head of the 54-member Commonwealth of Nations. She is Supreme Governor of the Church of England and, in some of her realms, carries the title of Defender of the Faith as part of her full title. On her accession on 6 February 1952, Queen Elizabeth became Head of the Commonwealth and queen regnant of seven independent Commonwealth countries: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon. From 1956 to 1992, the number of her realms varied as territories gained independence and some realms became republics. At present, in addition to the first four aforementioned countries, Elizabeth is Queen of Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda and Saint Kitts and Nevis. Her reign of 60 years is currently the second longest for a British monarch; only Queen Victoria has reigned longer at 63 years. Elizabeth was born in London and educated privately at home. Her father acceded to the throne as George VI in 1936 on the abdication of his brother Edward VIII, from which time she was the heir presumptive. She began to undertake public duties during the Second World War, in which she served in the Auxiliary Territorial Service. In 1947, she married Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, with whom she has four children: Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward. Her coronation service took place in 1953 and was the first to be televised. The Queen's many historic visits and meetings include a state visit to the Republic of Ireland and reciprocal visits to and from the Pope. The Queen has seen major constitutional changes in her realms, such as devolution in the United Kingdom and the patriation of the Canadian constitution. Times of personal significance have included the births and marriages of her children, the births of her grandchildren, the investiture of the Prince of Wales, and the celebration of milestones such as her Silver, Golden, and Diamond Jubilees in 1977, 2002, and 2012, respectively. Major events in the Queen's reign have included the Troubles in Northern Ireland, the Falklands War, wars with Iraq and the War in Afghanistan. There have been times of personal sorrow for her which include the death of her father at 56, the assassination of Prince Philip's uncle, Lord Mountbatten, the breakdown of her children's marriages in 1992 (a year deemed her annus horribilis), the death in 1997 of her daughter-in-law, Diana, Princess of Wales, and the deaths of her mother and sister in 2002. The Queen has occasionally faced severe press criticism of the royal family and republican sentiments, but her personal popularity and support for the monarchy remains high.Queen of the Commonwealth 6 February 1952 – present Coronation 2 June 1953 Predecessor George VI Heir apparent Charles, Prince of Wales Prime Ministers See list Spouse Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (m. 1947) Charles, Prince of Wales Anne, Princess Royal Prince Andrew, Duke of York Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex Elizabeth Alexandra Mary House House of Windsor Father George VI Mother Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon Born 21 April 1926 (age 86) Mayfair, London, England, United Kingdom Church of England Church of ScotlandQueen Elizabeth II navigational boxes [hide] v t e Queen Elizabeth II Queen of Antigua and Barbuda Queen of Australia Queen of the Bahamas Queen of Barbados Queen of Belize Queen of Canada Queen of Grenada Queen of Jamaica Queen of New Zealand (Cook Islands) Queen of Papua New Guinea Queen of Saint Kitts and Nevis Queen of Saint Lucia Queen of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Queen of the Solomon Islands Queen of Tuvalu Queen of the United Kingdom Prime MinistersTitles and honours List of titles and honours Head of the Commonwealth List of things named for Queen Elizabeth II State visits Commonwealth visits Wedding to Philip, Duke of Edinburgh Coronation Silver Jubilee Golden Jubilee Diamond Jubilee Queen's Official BirthdayHeads of state of the European Union member states Fischer (AT) Albert II (BE) Plevneliev (BG) Christofias (CY) Klaus (CZ) Margrethe II (DK) Ilves (EE) Niinistö (FI) Hollande (FR) Gauck (DE) Papoulias (GR) Áder (HU) Higgins (IE) Napolitano (IT) Bērziņš (LV) Grybauskaitė (LT) Henri (LU) Abela (MT) Beatrix (NL) Komorowski (PL) Cavaco Silva (PT) Băsescu (RO) Gašparovič (SK) Türk (SI) Juan Carlos I (ES) Carl XVI Gustaf (SE) Elizabeth II (UK) Acting heads of state shown in italics. [hide] v t e Current heads of state in Central American countries Elizabeth II (Belize) Laura Chinchilla (Costa Rica) Mauricio Funes (El Salvador) Otto Pérez Molina (Guatemala) Porfirio Lobo (Honduras) Daniel Ortega (Nicaragua) Ricardo Martinelli (Panama) [hide] v t e The generations indicate descent from George I, who formalised the use of the titles prince and princess for members of the British Royal Family. Where a princess may have been or is descended from George I more than once, her most senior descent, by which she bore or bears her title, is used. Queen Sophia Dorothea, Queen in Prussia Princess Anne, Princess Royal and Princess of Orange Princess Amelia Princess Caroline Princess Mary, Landgravine of Hesse-Cassel Queen Louise, Queen of Denmark and Norway Princess Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick Princess Elizabeth Princess Louisa Queen Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark and Norway Princess Charlotte, Princess Royal and Queen of Württemberg Princess Augusta Sophia Princess Elizabeth, Landgravine of Hesse-Homburg Princess Sophia of Gloucester Princess Sophia Princess Amelia Princess Caroline of Gloucester Princess Mary, Duchess of Gloucester Princess Charlotte Augusta, Princess Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld Princess Charlotte of Clarence Princess Elizabeth of Clarence Queen Victoria Princess Augusta, Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz Princess Mary Adelaide, Duchess of Teck Princess Victoria, Princess Royal and German Empress Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse Princess Helena, Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll Princess Beatrice, Princess Henry of Battenberg Princess Frederica, Baroness Alfons von Pawel-Rammingen Princess Marie of Hanover Princess Louise, Princess Royal and Duchess of Fife Princess Victoria Queen Maud, Queen of Norway Queen Marie, Queen of Romania Princess Victoria Melita, Grand Duchess of Hesse Princess Alexandra, Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenburg Princess Beatrice, Duchess of Galliera Princess Margaret, Crown Princess of Sweden Princess Patricia of Connaught Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone Princess Marie Louise, Princess Maximilian of Baden Princess Alexandra, Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin Princess Olga of Hanover Princess Mary, Princess Royal and Countess of Harewood Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Fife Princess Maud, Countess of Southesk Princess Sibylla, Duchess of Västerbotten Princess Caroline Mathilde of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Queen Frederica, Queen of the Hellenes Queen Elizabeth II Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy Princess Anne, Princess Royal Princess Beatrice of York Princess Eugenie of York Lady Louise Windsor [hide] v t e Charles, Prince of Wales Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester Duke of Cornwall Duke of Rothesay Earl of Carrick Baron of Renfrew Lord of the Isles Prince and Great Steward of Scotland moreFamily Diana, Princess of Wales (first wife) Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (elder son) Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (daughter-in-law) Prince Harry of Wales (younger son) Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall (second wife) Elizabeth II (mother) Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (father) Anne, Princess Royal (sister) Prince Andrew, Duke of York (brother) Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex (brother) Investiture of the Prince of Wales First wedding (guest list) Divorce Second wedding The Prince's Charities/The Prince's Charities Canada Mutton Renaissance Duchy Originals from Waitrose Poundbury [hide] v t e Time Persons of the Year Mohammad Mosaddegh (1951) Elizabeth II (1952) Konrad Adenauer (1953) John Foster Dulles (1954) Harlow Curtice (1955) Hungarian Freedom Fighter (1956) Nikita Khrushchev (1957) Charles de Gaulle (1958) Dwight D. Eisenhower (1959) U.S. Scientists (1960) George Beadle Charles Draper John Enders Donald A. Glaser Joshua Lederberg Willard Libby Linus Pauling Edward Purcell Isidor Rabi Emilio Segrè William Shockley Edward Teller Charles Townes James Van Allen Robert Woodward John F. Kennedy (1961) Pope John XXIII (1962) Martin Luther King, Jr. (1963) Lyndon B. Johnson (1964) William Westmoreland (1965) Baby boomers (1966) Lyndon B. Johnson (1967) The Apollo 8 Astronauts (1968) William Anders Frank Borman Jim Lovell The Middle Americans (1969) Willy Brandt (1970) Richard Nixon (1971) Henry Kissinger Richard Nixon (1972) John Sirica (1973) King Faisal (1974) American Women (1975) Susan Brownmiller Kathleen Byerly Alison Cheek Jill Conway Betty Ford Ella Grasso Carla Hills Barbara Jordan Billie Jean King Carol Sutton Susie Sharp Addie L. WyattThe British Royal Family HM The Queen Philip HRH The Duke of Edinburgh Charles HRH The Prince of Wales Camilla HRH The Duchess of Cornwall William HRH The Duke of Cambridge Kathryn HRH The Duchess of Cambridge HRH Prince Harry of Wales Andrew HRH The Duke of York HRH Princess Beatrice of York HRH Princess Eugenie of York Edward HRH The Earl of Wessex Anne HRH The Princess Royal (1066 - 1154) King William I, the Conqueror 1066 - 1087 King Henry I 1100 - 1135 King Stephen 1135 - 1154 Empress Matilda - 1399) King Henry II 1154 - 1189 King Richard I the Lionheart 1189 - 1199 King John 1 1199 - 1216 King Henry III 1216 - 1272 King Edward I 1272 - 1307 King Edward II 1307 - 1327 King Edward III 1327 - 1377 Richard II 1377 - 1399 The House of Lancaster (1399 - 1461) Henry IV 1399 - 1413 Henry V 1413 - 1422 Henry VI 1422 - 1461, 1470 - 1471 The House of York (1461 - 1485) King Edward IV 1461 -1470, 1471 - 1483 King Edward V 1483 - 1483 King Richard III 1483 - 1485 King Henry VII 1485 - 1509 King Henry VIII 1509 - 1547 King Edward VI 1547 - 1553 Jane Grey 1554 Queen Mary I (bloody Mary) 1553 - 1558 Queen Elizabeth I 1558 - 1603 (1603 - 1649) (1660 - 1714) James I 1603 - 1625 Charles I 1625 - 1649 Charles II 1660 - 1685 James II 1685 - 1688 William III 1688 - 1702 and Queen Mary II 1688 - 1694 Queen Anne 1702 - 1714 The House of Hanoverians King George I 1714 - 1727 King George II 1727 - 1760 King George III 1760 - 1820 King George IV 1820 - 1830 King William IV 1830 - 1837 Queen Victoria 1837 - 1901 Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and The Windsors (1901 -1910) (1910 - Today) King Edward VII 1901 - 1910 King George V 1910 - 1936 King Edward VIII June 1936 King George VI 1936 - 1952 Queen Elizabeth II 1952 - present 2nd 19th century – 20th century – 21st century Decades: 1940s 1950s 1960s – 1970s – 1980s 1990s 2000s Years: 1967 1968 1969 – 1970 – 1971 1972 1973 1970 by topic: Archaeology Architecture Art Aviation Awards Comics Film Home video Literature (Poetry) Meteorology Music (Country, Heavy metal) Rail transport Radio Science Spaceflight Sports Television Australia Canada People's Republic of China Ecuador France Germany Greece India Ireland Israel Italy Japan Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico New Zealand Norway Pakistan Philippines Singapore South Africa Soviet Union United Kingdom United States Sovereign states State leaders Religious leaders Law Birth and death categories Establishments and disestablishments categories Works and introductions categories v t e1967 in other calendars Gregorian calendar 1967 Ab urbe condita 2720 Armenian calendar 1416 Assyrian calendar 6717 Bahá'í calendar 123–124 Bengali calendar 1374 Berber calendar 2917 British Regnal year 15 Eliz. 2 – 16 Eliz. 2 Buddhist calendar 2511 Burmese calendar 1329 Byzantine calendar 7475–7476 Chinese calendar to calendar 1683–1684 Ethiopian calendar 1959–1960 Hebrew calendar 5727–5728 - Vikram Samvat 2023–2024 - Shaka Samvat 1889–1890 - Kali Yuga 5068–5069 Holocene calendar 11967 Iranian calendar 1345–1346 Islamic calendar 1386–1387 Japanese calendar Shōwa 42 Julian calendar Gregorian minus 13 days Korean calendar 4300 Minguo calendar ROC 56 Thai solar calendar 2510 This box: view talk edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to: 1967 Year 1967 (MCMLXVII) was a common year starting on Sunday (link will display the full calendar) of the Gregorian 1 – Canada begins a year-long celebration of the 100th anniversary of the British North America Act, 1867, featuring the Expo 67 World's Fair. January 4 – The Doors' self-titled debut album is released. Spain and Romania sign in Paris an agreement establishing full consular and commercial relations (not diplomatic ones). Charlie Chaplin launches his last film, A Countess From Hong Kong, in the UK. January 6 – Vietnam War: USMC and ARVN troops launch Operation Deckhouse Five in the Mekong River Delta. January 8 – Vietnam War: Operation Cedar Falls starts. January 10 – Segregationist Lester Maddox is sworn in as Governor of Georgia. January 12 – Dr. James Bedford becomes the first person to be cryonically preserved with the intent of future resuscitation. January 13 – A military coup occurs in Togo under the leadership of Etienne Eyadema. The New York Times reports that the U.S. Army is conducting secret germ warfare experiments. The Human Be-In takes place in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco; the event sets the stage for the Summer of Love. Louis Leakey announces the discovery of pre-human fossils in Kenya; he names the species Kenyapithecus africanus. January 15 The first Super Bowl is played in Los Angeles The Green Bay Packers defeat the Kansas City Chiefs 35-10. The United Kingdom enters the first round of negotiations for European Economic Community membership in Rome. Albert DeSalvo (The Boston Strangler) is convicted of numerous crimes and sentenced to life in prison. Jeremy Thorpe becomes leader of the UK's Liberal Party. A Fistful of Dollars, the first significant "spaghetti Western" film, is released in the United States. In Munich, the trial begins of Wilhelm Harster, accused of the murder of 82,856 Jews (including Anne Frank) when he led German security police during the German occupation of the Netherlands. He is eventually sentenced to 15 years in prison. The new town of Milton Keynes (England) is founded by Order in Council. January 26 – The Parliament of the United Kingdom decides to nationalize 90% of the British steel industry. Apollo 1: U.S. astronauts Gus Grissom, Edward Higgins White, and Roger Chaffee are killed when fire breaks out in their Apollo spacecraft during a launch pad test. The United States, Soviet Union and United Kingdom sign the Outer Space Treaty. January 31 – West Germany and Romania establish diplomatic relations. February 2 – The American Basketball Association is formed. February 3 – Ronald Ryan becomes the last man hanged in Australia, for murdering a guard while escaping from prison in December 1965. February 4 – The Soviet Union protests the demonstrations before its embassy in Beijing. NASA launches Lunar Orbiter 3. Italy's first guided missile cruiser, the Vittorio Veneto (C550), is launched. General Anastasio Somoza Dle becomes president of Nicaragua. February 6 – Alexei Kosygin arrives in the UK for an 8-day visit. He meets The Queen on February 9. The Chinese government announces that it can no longer guarantee the safety of Soviet diplomats outside the Soviet Embassy building. Serious bushfires in southern Tasmania claim 62 lives, and destroys 2,642.7 square kilometres (653,025.4 acres) of land. Mazenod College, Victoria opens in Australia. February 10 – The 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution (presidential succession and disability) is ratified. February 11 – Burgess Ice Rise lying off the west coast of Alexander Island, Antarctica is first mapped by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). February 13 – American researchers discover the Madrid Codices by Leonardo da Vinci in the National Library of Spain. February 14 – Respect is recorded by Aretha Franklin (to be released in April). February 15 – The Soviet Union announces that it has sent troops near the Chinese border. February 18 – New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison claims he will solve the John F. Kennedy assassination, and that a conspiracy was planned in New Orleans. Suharto takes power from Sukarno in Indonesia (see Transition to the New Order and Supersemar). Donald Sangster becomes the new Prime Minister of Jamaica, succeeding Alexander Bustamante. Trinidad and Tobago is the first Commonwealth nation to join the Organization of American States. The 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution is enacted. February 24 – Moscow foroffers its satellite states to form diplomatic relations with West Germany. The Chinese government announces that it has ordered the army to help in the spring seeding. Britain's second Polaris missile submarine, HMS Renown, is launched. February 26 – A Soviet nuclear test is conducted at the Semipalatinsk Test Site, Eastern Kazakhstan. February 27 – The Dutch government supports British EEC membership. The city of Hatogaya, Saitama, Japan is founded. Brazilian police arrest Franz Stangl, ex-commander of Treblinka and Sobibór concentration camps. The Red Guards return to schools in China. The Queen Elizabeth Hall is opened in London. The first North Sea gas is pumped ashore at Easington, East Riding of Yorkshire. Queens Park Rangers become the first 3rd Division side to win the League Cup at Wembley Stadium, defeating West Bromwich Albion 3–2. March 7 – Jimmy Hoffa begins his 8-year sentence for attempting to bribe a jury. March 9 – Joseph Stalin's daughter, Svetlana Alliluyeva, defects to the USA via the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi. The Indonesian State Assembly takes all presidential powers from Sukarno and names Suharto as acting president. The Velvet Underground's groundbreaking first album, The Velvet Underground & Nico, is released. It is initially a disaster but receives widespread critical and commercial acclaim in later years. March 13 – Moise Tshombe, ex-prime minister of Congo, is sentenced to death in absentia. The body of U.S. President John F. Kennedy is moved to a permanent burial place at Arlington National Cemetery. Nine executives of the German pharmaceutical company Grunenthal are charged for breaking German drug laws because of thalidomide. March 16 – In the Aspida case in Greece, 15 officers are sentenced to 2–18 years in prison, accused of treason and intentions of staging a coup. March 18 – The supertanker Torrey Canyon runs aground in between Land's End and the Scilly Isles. March 19 – A referendum in French Somaliland favors the connection to France. March 21 – A military coup takes place in Sierra Leone. March 26 – 10,000 gather for the Central Park Be-In. March 28 – Pope Paul VI issues the encyclical Populorum Progressio. A 13-day TV strike begins in the U.S. The first French nuclear submarine, Le Redoutable, is launched. The SEACOM telephone cable is inaugurated. Fleet Air Arm and Royal Air Force bomb the Torrey Canyon and sink her. March 31 – U.S. President Lyndon Johnson signs the Consular Treaty. April 2 – A United Nations delegation arrives in Aden due to approaching independence. They leave April 7, accusing British authorities of lack of cooperation. The British say the delegation did not contact them. April 4 – Martin Luther King, Jr. denounces the Vietnam War during a religious service in New York City. April 6 – Georges Pompidou begins to form the next French government. April 7 – Six-Day War (approach): Israeli fighters shoot down 7 Syrian MIG-21s. April 8 – Puppet On A String by Sandie Shaw (music and text by Bill Martin and Phil Coulter) wins the Eurovision Song Contest 1967 for United Kingdom. April 9 – The first Boeing 737 (a 100 series) takes its maiden flight. The AFTRA strike is settled just in time for the 39th Academy Awards ceremony to be held, hosted by Bob Hope. Best Picture goes to A Man for All Seasons. Oral arguments begin in the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967), challenging the State of Virginia's statutory scheme to prevent marriages between persons solely on the basis of racial classifications. April 12 – The Ahmanson Theatre opens in Los Angeles. April 13 – Conservatives win the Greater London Council elections. April 14 – In San Francisco, 10,000 march against the Vietnam War. April 15 – Large demonstrations are held against the Vietnam War in New York City and San Francisco. Surveyor 3 probe lands on the Moon. A Globe Air Bristol Britannia turboprop crashes at Nicosia, Cyprus, killing 126 people. Greece is taken over by a military dictatorship led by George Papadopoulos; future-Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou political prisoner to December 25. An outbreak of tornadoes strikes the upper Midwest section of the United States (in particular the Chicago area, including the suburbs of Belvidere and Oak Lawn, Illinois, where 33 people are killed and 500 injured). April 23 – A group of young radicals are expelled from the Nicaraguan Socialist Party (PSN). This group goes on to found the Socialist Workers Party (POS). April 24 – Soyuz 1: Vladimir Komarov becomes the first Soviet cosmonaut to die, when the parachute of his space capsule fails during re-entry. April 27 – Montreal, Quebec, Expo 67, a World's Fair to coincide with the Canadian Confederation centennial, officially opens with Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson igniting the Expo Flame in the Place des Nations. In Houston, Texas, boxer Muhammad Ali refuses military service. Expo 67 opens to the public, with over 310,000 people attending. Al Carter from Chicago is the first visitor as noted by Expo officials. The U.S. aerospace manufacturer McDonnell Douglas is formed through a merger of McDonnell Aircraft and Douglas Aircraft. (becomes part of The Boeing Company three decades later) April 29 – Fidel Castro announces that all intellectual property belongs to the people and that Cuba intends to translate and publish technical literature without compensation. April 30 – Moscow's 537m-tall TV tower is finished. Elvis Presley and Priscilla Beaulieu are married in Las Vegas. GO Transit, Canada's first interregional public transit system, is established. The Toronto Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup. It was their last Stanley Cup and last finals appearance to date. It would turn out to be the last game in the original six era. Six more teams would be added in the fall. Harold Wilson announces that the United Kingdom has decided to apply for EEC membership. May 4 – Lunar Orbiter 4 is launched by the United States. Dr. Zakir Hussain is the first Muslim to become president of India. Four hundred students seize the administration building at Cheyney State College, now Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, the oldest institute for higher education for African Americans. Hong Kong 1967 riots: Clashes between striking workers and police kill 51 and injure 800. May 8 – The Philippine province of Davao is split into three: Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, and Davao Oriental. May 10 – The Greek military government accuses Andreas Papandreou of treason. May 11 – The United Kingdom and Ireland apply officially for European Economic Community membership. Syria mobilizes against Israel. President Gamal Abdal Nasser of Egypt demands withdrawal of the peacekeeping UN Emergency Force in the Sinai. U.N. Secretary-General U Thant complies (May 18). Tennessee Governor Ellington repeals the "Monkey Law" (officially the Butler Act; see the Scopes Trial). In Mexico, schoolteacher Lucio Cabañas begins guerrilla warfare in Atoyac de Alvarez, west of Acapulco, in the state of Guerrero. NASA announces the crew for the Apollo 7 space mission (first manned Apollo flight): Walter M. Schirra, Jr., Donn F. Eisele, and R. Walter Cunningham. The Soviet Union ratifies a treaty with the United States and the United Kingdom, banning nuclear weapons from outer space. Yuri Andropov becomes KGB chief. May 22 – The Innovation department store in the centre of Brussels, Belgium burns down. It is the most devastating fire in Belgian history, resulting in 323 dead and missing and 150 injured. May 23 – Egypt closes the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping, blockading Israel's southern port of Eilat, and Israel's entire Red Sea coastline. May 25 - Celtic Football Club become the first non-Latin football club to win the European Cup / Champions League. May 25 - The 25th Amendment is added to the Constitution of the United States. Naxalite Guerrilla War: Beginning with a peasant uprising in the town of Naxalbari, this Marxist/Maoist rebellion sputters on in the Indian countryside. The guerrillas operate among the impoverished peasants, fighting both the government security forces and private paramilitary groups funded by wealthy landowners. Most fighting takes place in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh. The Australian referendum, 1967 passes with an overwhelming 90% support, removing, from the Australian Constitution, 2 discriminatory sentences referring to Indigenous Australians. It signifies Australia's first step in recognising Indigenous rights. The Folk-Rock band Fairport Convention plays their first gig in Golders Green, north London. May 30 – Biafra, in Eastern Nigeria, announces its independence. June – Moshe Dayan becomes Israel's Minister of Defense. June 1 – The Beatles legendary release of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, nicknamed "The Soundtrack of the Summer of Love"; it would be number one on the albums charts throughout the summer of 1967. Protests in West Berlin against the arrival of the Shah of Iran turn into fights, during which 27-year-old Benno Ohnesorg is killed by a police officer. His death results in the founding of the terrorist group Movement 2 June. Luis Monge is executed in Colorado's gas chamber, in the last pre-Furman execution in the United States. June 4 – Stockport Air Disaster: British Midland flight G-ALHG crashes in Hopes Carr, Stockport, killing 72 passengers and crew. Murderer Richard Speck is sentenced to death in the electric chair for killing eight student nurses in Chicago. Six-Day War: Israel occupies the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Sinai peninsula and Golan Heights after defeating its Arab neighbours. June 7 – Two Moby Grape members are arrested for contributing to the delinquency of minors. June 8 – Six-Day War – USS Liberty incident: Israeli fighter jets and Israeli warships fire at the USS Liberty off Gaza, killing 34 and wounding 171. Israel and Syria agree to a United Nations-mediated cease-fire. The Soviet Union severs diplomatic relations with Israel. Margrethe, heir apparent to the throne of Denmark, marries French count Henri de Laborde de Monpezat. June 11 – A race riot occurs in Tampa, Florida after the shooting death of Martin Chambers by police while allegedly robbing a camera store. The unrest lasts several days. Loving v. Virginia: The United States Supreme Court declares all U.S. state laws prohibiting interracial marriage to be unconstitutional. Venera program: Venera 4 is launched by the Soviet Union (the first space probe to enter another planet's atmosphere and successfully return data). June 13 – Solicitor General Thurgood Marshall is nominated as the first African American justice of the United States Supreme Court. Mariner program: Mariner 5 is launched toward Venus. The People's Republic of China tests its first hydrogen bomb. June 14–June 15 – Glenn Gould records Prokofiev's Seventh Piano Sonata, Op. 83, in New York City (his only recording of a Prokofiev composition). June 16 – The Monterey Pop Festival begins and is held for 3 days. June 17 – The People's Republic of China announces a successful hydrogen bomb test. June 18 - Eighteen British officers killed in Aden police mutiny. June 23 – Cold War: U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson meets with Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin in Glassboro, New Jersey, for the 3-day Glassboro Summit Conference. Johnson travels to Los Angeles for a dinner at the Century Plaza Hotel where earlier in the day thousands of war protesters clashed with L.A. police. June 25 – 400 million viewers watch Our World, the first live, international, satellite television production. It features the live debut of The Beatles' song "All You Need is Love". Pope Paul VI ordains 276 new cardinals (one of whom is the future Pope John Paul II). The Buffalo Race Riot begins, lasting until July 1; leads to 200 arrests. Plaque commemorating installation of world's first bank cash machine June 27 – The first automatic cash machine (voucher-based) is installed, in the office of the Barclays Bank in Enfield, England. June 28 – Israel declares the annexation of East Jerusalem. June 30 – Moise Tshombe, former President of Katanga and former prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is kidnapped to Algeria. Canada celebrates its first one hundred years of Confederation. EEC joined with European Coal and Steel Community and European Atomic Community to form the European Communities (from the 1980s usually known as European Community [EC]). The first UK colour television broadcasts begin on BBC2. The first one is from the tennis championship at Wimbledon. A full colour service begins on BBC2 on December 2. American Samoa's first constitution becomes effective. July 3 – A military rebellion led by Belgian mercenary Jean Schramme begins in Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo. July 4 – The British Parliament decriminalizes homosexuality. July 5 – Troops of Belgian mercenary commander Jean Schramme revolt against Mobutu Sese Seko, and try to take control of Stanleyville, Congo. Biafran War: Nigerian forces invade Biafra, following the latter's secession May 30. A level crossing collision between a train loaded with children and a tanker-truck near Magdeburg, East Germany kills 94 people, mostly children. Heavy massive rains and a landslide at Kobe and Kure, Hiroshima, Japan, kill at least 371. New Zealand decimalise its currency from pound to dollar at £1 to $2 ($1 = 10/-). The Greek military regime strips 480 Greeks of their citizenship. 1967 Newark riots: After the arrest of an African-American cab driver for allegedly illegally driving around a police car and gunning it down the road, race riots break out in Newark, New Jersey, lasting six days and leaving 26 dead. July 14 – Near Newark, New Jersey, the Plainfield, NJ, riots also occur. July 16 – A prison riot in Jay, Florida leaves 37 dead. July 18 – The United Kingdom announces the closing of its military bases in Malaysia and Singapore. Australia and the U.S. disapprove. July 19 – A race riot breaks out in the North Side of Minneapolis on Plymouth Street during the Minneapolis Aquatennial Parade and business are vandalized and fires break out in the area, although the disturbance is quelled within hours. However, the next day a shooting sets off another incident in the same area that leads to 18 fires, 36 arrests, 3 shootings, 2 dozen people injured, and damages totaling 4.2 million. There will be two more such incidents in the following two weeks. July 20 – Chilean poet Pablo Neruda receives the first Viareggio-Versile prize. July 21 – The town of Winneconne, Wisconsin, announces secession from the United States because it is not included in the official maps and declares war. Secession is repealed the next day. July 23 – 12th Street Riot/Detroit Race Riots: In Detroit, Michigan, one of the worst riots in United States history begins on 12th Street in the predominantly African American inner city: 43 are killed, 342 injured and 1,400 buildings burned. July 24 – During an official state visit to Canada, French President Charles de Gaulle declares to a crowd of over 100,000 in Montreal: Vive le Québec libre! (Long live free Quebec!). The statement, interpreted as support for Quebec independence, delights many Quebecers but angers the Canadian government and many English Canadians. An explosion and fire aboard the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Forrestal in the Gulf of Tonkin leaves 134 dead. Georges offerault moves to Belgium where he receives political asylum. An earthquake in Caracas, Venezuela leaves 240 dead. July 30 – The 1967 Milwaukee race riots begin, lasting through August 2 and leading to a ten-day shutdown of the city from August 1. August 1 - Race riots in the United States spread to Washington, D.C.. August 2 – The Turkish football club Trabzonspor is established in Trabzon. August 5 – Pink Floyd releases their debut album The Piper at the Gates of Dawn in the United Kingdom. August 6 – A pulsar is noted by Jocelyn Bell and Antony Hewish. The discovery is first recorded in print in 1968: "An entirely novel kind of star came to light on Aug. 6 last year [...]". The date of the discovery is not recorded. Vietnam War: The People's Republic of China agrees to give North Vietnam an undisclosed amount of aid in the form of a grant. A general strike in the old quarter of Jerusalem protests Israel's unification of the city. August 8 – The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is founded in Bangkok, Thailand. August 9 – Vietnam War – Operation Cochise: United States Marines begin a new operation in the Que Son Valley. August 10 – Belgian mercenary Jean Schramme's troops take the Congolese border town of Bukavu. August 13 – Night of the Grizzlies sparks national concern over bear drama, from PBS in Montana's Glacier National Park. August 14 – Wonderful Radio London shuts down at 3:00 PM in anticipation of the Marine Broadcasting Offences Act. Many fans greet the staff upon their return to London that evening with placards reading "Freedom died with Radio London." August 15 – The United Kingdom Marine Broadcasting Offences Act declares participation in offshore pirate radio illegal. Radio Caroline defies the Act and continues broadcasting. August 18 – The State of Tamil Nadu, India is established. August 19 – West Germany receives 36 East German prisoners it has "purchased" through the border posts of Herleshausen and Wartha. A truce is declared in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The People's Republic of China announces that it has shot down United States planes violating its airspace. August 25 – American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell is assassinated in Arlington, Virginia. August 27 – East Coast Wrestling Association is established. August 30 – Thurgood Marshall is confirmed as the first African American Justice of the United States Supreme Court. The Khmer–Chinese Friendship Association is banned in Cambodia Ilse Koch, also known as the "Witch of Buchenwald", commits suicide in the Bavarian prison of Aichach. Nguyen Van Thieu is elected President of South Vietnam. H-Day in Sweden: At 5:00 a.m. local time, all traffic in the country switches from left-hand traffic pattern to right-hand traffic. September 4 – Vietnam War – Operation Swift: The United States Marines launch a search and destroy mission in Quang Nam and Quang Tin Provinces. The ensuing 4-day battle in Que Son Valley kills 114 Americans and 376 North Vietnamese. September 9 – Fashion Island, one of California's first outdoor shopping malls, opens in Newport Beach. September 10 – In Gibraltar, only 44 out of 12,182 voters support union with Spain. A riot during a football match in Kayseri, Turkey leaves 44 dead, about 600 injured. Jim Morrison and The Doors defy CBS censors on The Ed Sullivan Show, when Morrison sings the word "higher" from their #1 hit Light My Fire, despite having been asked not to. September 18 – Love Is a Many Splendored Thing debuts on U.S. daytime television and is the first soap opera to deal with an interracial relationship. CBS censors find it too controversial and ask for it to be stopped, causing show creator Irna Phillips to quit. September 27 – The RMS Queen Mary arrives in Southampton, at the end of her last transatlantic voyage. September 30 – BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio 3 and BBC Radio 4 are all launched. October 3 – An X-15 research aircraft with test pilot William J. Knight establishes an unofficial world fixed-wing speed record of Mach 6.7. October 4 – Omar Ali Saifuddin III of Brunei abdicates in favour of his son, His Majesty Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. October 6 – Southern California's Pacific Ocean Park closes down, known as the Disneyland by the sea. October 8 – Guerrilla leader Che Guevara and his men are captured in Bolivia. Vietnam War: U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk states during a news conference that proposals by the U.S. Congress for peace initiatives are futile, because of North Vietnam's opposition. Desmond Morris publishes The Naked Ape. October 14 – Quebec Nationalism: René Lévesque leaves the Liberal Party. October 16 – Thirty-nine people, including singer-activist Joan Baez, are arrested in Oakland, California, for blocking the entrance of that city's military induction center. The musical Hair opens off-Broadway. It moves to Broadway the following April. Vietnam War: Battle of Ong Thanh Vietnam War: Students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison protest over recruitment by Dow Chemical on the University campus. 76 are injured in the resulting riot. Walt Disney's 19th full-length animated feature The Jungle Book, the last animated film personally supervised by Disney, is released and becomes an enormous box-office and critical success. On a double bill with the film is the (now) much less well-known true-life adventure, Charlie the Lonesome Cougar. October 19 – The Mariner 5 probe flies by Venus. October 20 - Patterson-Gimlin film, Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin's famous film of an unidentified animate cryptid, thought to be Bigfoot or Sasquatch, is recorded at Bluff Creek, California. Tens of thousands of Vietnam War protesters march in Washington, D.C.. Allen Ginsberg symbolically chants to 'levitate' The Pentagon. An Egyptian surface-to-surface missile sinks the Israeli destroyer Eilat, killing 47 Israeli sailors. Israel retaliates by shelling Egyptian refineries along the Suez Canal. October 25 – An abortion bill passes in the British Parliament. Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi of Iran is officially crowned. U.S. Navy pilot John McCain is shot down over North Vietnam and made a POW. His capture will be announced in the NY Times and Washington Post two days later. Charles De Gaulle vetoes British entry into the European Economic Community again. London criminal Jack McVitie is murdered by the Kray twins, leading to their eventual imprisonment and downfall. Mobutu's troops launch an offensive against mercenaries in Bukavu, Congo. The Montreal, Quebec Expo 67 closes, having received over 50 million attendees. October 30 – Hong Kong 1967 riots: British troops and Chinese demonstrators clash on the border of China and Hong Kong. November 2 – Vietnam War: U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson holds a secret meeting with a group of the nation's most prestigious leaders ("the Wise Men") and asks them to suggest ways to unite the American people behind the war effort. They conclude that the American people should be given more optimistic reports on the progress of the war. November 3 – Vietnam War – Battle of Dak To: Around Dak To (located about 280 miles north of Saigon near the Cambodian border), heavy casualties are suffered on both sides (the Americans narrowly win the battle on November 22). November 4–November 5 – Mercenaries of Jean Schramme and Jerry Puren withdraw from Bukavu, over the Shangugu Bridge, to Rwanda. November 6 – The Rhodesian parliament passes pro-Apartheid laws. U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, establishing the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Carl B. Stokes is elected mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, becoming the first African American mayor of a major United States city. The 50th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution is celebrated in the Soviet Union. November 8 – The BBC's first local radio station (BBC Radio Leicester) is launched. November 9 – Apollo program: NASA launches the first Saturn V rocket, successfully carrying the unmanned Apollo 4 test spacecraft from Cape Kennedy into Earth orbit. November 11 – Vietnam War: In a propaganda ceremony in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 3 United States prisoners of war are released by the Viet Cong and turned over to "New Left" antiwar activist Tom Hayden. November 14 – The Congress of Colombia in commemoration of the 150-year anniversary of the death of Policarpa Salavarrieta, declares this day as the "Day of the Colombian Woman". General Grivas and his 10,000 strong Greek Army division are forced to leave Cyprus, after 24 Turkish Cypriot civilians are killed by the Greek Cypriot National Guard in the villages of Kophinou and Ayios Theodhoros; relations sour between Nicosia and Athens. Turkey flies sorties into Greek territory, and masses troops in Thrace on her border with Greece. Test pilot Michael Adams is killed when his X-15 rocket plane tumbles out of control during atmospheric re-entry and disintegrates. Vietnam War: Acting on optimistic reports he was given on November 13, U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson tells his nation that, while much remained to be done, "We are inflicting greater losses than we're taking...We are making progress." (2 months later the Tet Offensive by the Viet Cong makes it appear, to those watching news reports, that progress is not being made.) French author Régis Debray is sentenced to 30 years imprisonment in Bolivia. November 18 – The UK pound is devalued from 1 GBP = 2.80 USD to 1 GBP = 2.40 USD. November 21 – Vietnam War: United States General William Westmoreland tells news reporters: "I am absolutely certain that whereas in 1965 the enemy was winning, today he is certainly losing." November 22 – UN Security Council Resolution 242 is adopted by the UN Security Council, establishing a set of principles aimed at guiding negotiations for an Arab–Israeli peace settlement. November 26 – Major floods hit Lisbon, Portugal, killing 462. November 27 – The Beatles release Magical Mystery Tour in the US as a full album. The songs added to the original six songs on the double EP include All You Need Is Love, Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields Forever, Baby, You're a Rich Man and Hello, Goodbye. Release as a double EP will not take place in the UK until December. November 29 – Vietnam War: U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara announces his resignation to become president of the World Bank. This action is due to U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson's outright rejection of McNamara's early November recommendations to freeze troop levels, stop bombing North Vietnam and hand over ground fighting to South Vietnam. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto founds the Pakistan People's Party and becomes its first chairman. Today it is one of the major political parties in Pakistan (alongside the Pakistan Muslim League) that is broken into many factions, bearing the same name under different leaders, such as the Pakistan's Peoples Party Parliamentarians (PPPP). The People's Republic of South Yemen becomes independent of the United Kingdom. U.S. Senator Eugene McCarthy announces his candidacy for the Democratic Party presidential nomination, challenging incumbent President Lyndon B. Johnson over the Vietnam War. December 1 – The RMS Queen Mary is retired. Her place is taken by the RMS Queen Elizabeth 2. December 3 – Christiaan Barnard carries out the world's first heart transplant at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town. At 6:50 PM, a volcano erupts on Deception Island in Antarctica. Vietnam War: U.S. and South Vietnamese forces engage Viet Cong troops in the Mekong Delta (235 of the 300-strong Viet Cong battalion are killed). December 5 – In New York City, Benjamin Spock and Allen Ginsberg are arrested for protesting against the Vietnam War. December 8 – Magical Mystery Tour is released by The Beatles as a double EP in the U.K. and also the only psychedelic rock album of The Rolling Stones, Their Satanic Majesties Request in the U.K and in the U.S.A. December 9 – Nicolae Ceauşescu becomes the Chairman of the Romanian State Council, making him the de facto leader of Romania. December 11 – Supersonic airliner Concorde is unveiled in Toulouse, France. December 13 – King Constantine II of Greece flees the country when his coup attempt fails. December 15 – The Silver Bridge over the Ohio River in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, collapses, killing 46 people. It has been linked to the so-called Mothman mystery. December 17 – Harold Holt, Australian prime minister, disappears when swimming at a beach 60 km from Melbourne. December 19 – Professor John Archibald Wheeler uses the term Black Hole for the first time. December 26 – The Beatles film Magical Mystery Tour (film) receives its world premier on BBC Television in the UK The Green Bay Packers become the first team in the modern era to win their third consecutive NFL Championship, 21-17 over the Dallas Cowboys in what became known as "The Ice Bowl". Motorcycle daredevil Evel Knievel attempted to jump 141 feet over the Caesars Palace Fountains on the Las Vegas Strip. Knievel crashed on landing and the accident was caught on film. St Christopher's Hospice, the world's first purpose-built secular hospice specialising in palliative care of the terminally ill, is established in South London by Cicely Saunders. Warner Bros. Pictures becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of Seven Arts Productions, thus becoming Warner Bros.-Seven Arts. The Jari project begins in the Amazon. Albania is officially declared an atheist state by its leader, Enver Hoxha. The University of Winnipeg is founded in Canada. Lonsdaleite (the rarest allotrope of carbon) is first discovered in the Barringer Crater, Arizona. A lost city is discovered on the island of Thera, buried under volcanic debris. It has been suggested that Plato may have heard legends about this, and used them as the germ of his story of Atlantis. PAL is first introduced in Germany. The Summer of Love is held in San Francisco. Lech Wałęsa goes to work in Gdańsk shipyards. Benjamin Netanyahu joins the Israeli Army. The Greek military junta exiles Melina Mercouri. Parker Morris Standards become mandatory for all housing built in New Towns in the UK. Gabriel García Márquez's influential novel One Hundred Years of Solitude is published (in Spanish). The first edition of the book, A Short History of Pakistan, is published by Karachi University, Pakistan. Fernand Braudel begins publication of Civilisation matérielle, économie et capitalisme, XVe-XVIIIe 1 – Sunny Chan, Hong Kong TVB actor January 2 – Tia Carrere, American actress January 4 – Marina Orsini, Canadian actress January 5 – Joe Flanigan, American actor January 7 – Mark Lamarr, British comedian/TV and radio presenter January 8 – R. Kelly, American R&B singer/songwriter/producer Dave Matthews, South African–born musician Dale Gordon, English footballer January 12 – Vendela Kirsebom, Swedish supermodel Sharon Beshenivsky, West Yorkshire police constable (d. 2005) Leonardo "Leo" Ortolani, Italian comic book author January 15 – Lisa Lisa, American singer January 17 – Song Kang-ho, Korean actor January 18 – Iván Zamorano, Chilean footballer January 21 – Artashes Minasian, Armenian chess grand master January 22 – Eleanor McEvoy, Irish singer-songwriter January 23 – Naim Süleymanoğlu, Turkish weightlifter January 24 – John Myung, American musician Voltaire, Cuban singer Nozomu Sasaki, Japanese voice actor January 26 – Toshiyuki Morikawa, Japanese voice actor January 28 – Jan Lamb, Hong Kong singer and actor January 29 – Khalid Skah, Moroccan long-distance runner January 31 – Joey Wong, Taiwanese actress February 1 – Meg Cabot, American teen author Chris Parnell, American actor and comedian (Saturday Night Live) Frederick Pitcher, Nauruan politician February 6 – Izumi Sakai, Japanese singer (Zard) (d. 2007) February 7 – Cheung Man, Hong Kong actress Todd Pratt, American baseball player Dan Shulman, Canadian sports announcer Laura Dern, American actress Armand Serrano, Filipino animator Vince Gilligan, American writer, director and producer (creator of Breaking Bad) February 11 – Hank Gathers, American college basketball player February 12 – Chitravina N. Ravikiran, Indian composer and musician February 14 – Mark Rutte, Dutch politician, Prime Minister of the Netherlands since 2010. February 15 – Trond Egil Soltvedt, Norwegian footballer Marco Aurélio, Brazilian footballer Roberto Baggio, Italian football player John Valentin, American baseball player Benicio del Toro, Puerto Rican actor February 19 – Sven Erik Kristiansen Norwegian Black metal and hardcore punk singer (Maniac) Kurt Cobain, American musician (Nirvana) (d. 1994) Andrew Shue, American actor February 23 – Tamsin Greig, English actress February 26 – Kazuyoshi Miura, Japanese footballer March 1 – George Eads, American actor March 3 - Hans Teeuwen, Dutch comedian March 4 – Daryll Cullinan, South African cricketer March 10- Omer Tarin, Pakistani/South Asian poet, writer and scholar John Barrowman, Scottish-born actor George Gray, American comedian and game show announcer March 12 – Massimiliano Frezzato, Italian comic writer March 13 – Andres Escobar, Colombian football player (d. 1994) March 15 - Naoko Takeuchi, Japanese artist March 16 – Lauren Graham, American actress March 17 – Billy Corgan, American musician and songwriter March 18 – Andre Rison, American pro football player March 19 – Mary Scheer, American actress Jonas "Joker" Berggren, Swedish rock musician (Ace of Base) Adrian Chiles, British television and radio presenter March 22 – Mario Cipollini, Italian cyclist March 25 – Debi Thomas, American figure skater March 26 – Mark Carroll, Australian rugby league footballer Talisa Soto, American actress Kenta Kobashi, Japanese professional wrestler March 29 – Brian Jordan, American baseball player March 30 – Christopher Bowman, American figure skater (d. 2008) April 5 – Anu Garg, Indian-American writer and speaker April 6 – Mika Koivuniemi, Finnish ten-pin bowler April 9 – Alex Kahn, American artist April 14 – Jeff Jarrett, American professional wrestler April 15 - Dara Torres, American swimmer Marquis Grissom, American baseball player Kimberly Elise, American actress Liz Phair, American musician April 18 – Maria Bello, American actress Mike Portnoy, American musician Raymond van Barneveld, Dutch darts player Sheryl Lee, American actress Sherri Shepherd, American comedian and TV show host April 23 – Melina Kanakaredes, American actress Glenn Jacobs (Kane), American professional wrestler Marianne Jean-Baptiste, American actress April 27 – Willem-Alexander, Prince of Orange, Dutch heir apparent Curtis Joseph, Canadian hockey player Rachel Williams, American model, actress, and TV presenter May 1 – Kenny Hotz, Canadian entertainer May 4 – Akiko Yajima, Japanese voice actress May 5 – Takehito Koyasu, Japanese voice actor May 10 – Nobuhiro Takeda, Japanese footballer and sportscaster May 14 – Tony Siragusa, American football player May 15 – John Smoltz, American baseball player Geraldine Somerville, Irish actress Massimo Taccon, Italian painter, sculptor and writer May 20 - Ramzi Yousef, Islamic terrorist; one of the main perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing May 21 – Chris Benoit, Canadian professional wrestler (d. 2007) May 22 - Brooke Smith, American actress Andrey Borodin, Russian banker Bruno Putzulu, French actor Heavy D, Jamaican-born American actor, rapper (d. 2011) May 25 – Poppy Z. Brite, American author May 27 – Paul Gascoigne, English footballer (Newcastle United, England & Middlesbrough) May 28 - Glen Rice, American basketball player May 29 – Noel Gallagher, British musician (Oasis) Phil Keoghan, New Zealand-born television host Kenny Lofton, American baseball player Anderson Cooper, American television journalist Tamás Darnyi, Hungarian swimmer Joe DeLoach, American athlete Ron Livingston, American actor June 6 – Paul Giamatti, American actor Efan Ekoku, Nigerian footballer Jasmin Tabatabai, German/Iranian actress and musician June 9 – Rubén Maza, Venezuelan long-distance runner June 10 – Darren "Buffy, the Human Beatbox" Robinson, American rapper (The Fat Boys) (d. 1995) June 15 – Yūji Ueda, Japanese voice actor June 16 - Jürgen Klopp, German footballer Bjørn Dæhlie, Norwegian skier Mia Sara, American actress June 20 – Nicole Kidman, American-born Australian actress June 21 – Jim Breuer, former Saturday Night Live cast member and stand up comedian June 23 – Yoko Minamino, Japanese Idol star and actress Bill Huard, Canadian ice hockey player Richard Z. Kruspe, German rock musician (Rammstein) Janez Lapajne, Slovenian film director June 26 – Kaori Asoh, Japanese voice actress and singer July 1 – Pamela Anderson, Canadian actress and model Vinny Castilla, Mexican Major League Baseball player Andy Walker, Canadian television personality July 5 – Silvia Ziche, Italian comics artist July 8 – Jordan Chan, Hong Kong singer and actor Gunnar Axén, Swedish politician Mark Stoops, American football coach July 11 – John Henson, American TV show host John Petrucci, American musician Count Jefferson von Pfeil und Klein-Ellguth July 13 – Akira Hokuto, Japanese women's professional wrestler July 14 – Robin Ventura, American baseball player Michael Tse, Hong Kong actor Adam Savage, American TV show host July 16 – Will Ferrell, American comedian and actor July 18 – Vin Diesel, American actor July 19 – Rageh Omaar, broadcaster July 23 – Philip Seymour Hoffman, American actor July 25 – Matt LeBlanc, American actor July 28 – Taka Hirose, Japanese musician (Feeder) July 30 – A. W. Yrjänä, Finnish rock musician and poet Minako Honda, Japanese singer and musical actress (d. 2005) Elizabeth Wurtzel, author and feminist August 3 – Mathieu Kassovitz, French movie director and actor August 4 – Michael Marsh, American athlete August 5 – Thomas Lang, Austrian drummer August 7 – Charlotte Lewis, English actress Rena Mero, American wrestler, model and actress Yuki Amami, Japanese actress August 9 – Deion Sanders, American pro football and baseball player August 10 – Riddick Bowe, American boxer Collin Chou, Taiwanese martial arts actor Enrique Bunbury, Spanish singer and songwriter Joe Rogan, American comedian and television host Regilio Tuur, Dutch boxer Andy Hui, Hong Kong singer and actor Emil Kostadinov, Bulgarian football player August 13 – Amélie Nothomb, Belgian writer August 15 – Brahim Boutayeb, Moroccan long-distance runner Pamela Smart, American murderer Ulrika Jonsson, Swedish-born television personality Carrie-Anne Moss, Canadian actress Serj Tankian, Lebanese-born singer (System of a Down) Layne Staley, American rock musician (Alice in Chains) (d. 2002) Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Nigerian-British actor and model Yukiko Okada, Japanese idol singer (d. 1986) Ty Burrell, American actor August 29 – Jiří Růžek, Czech photographer August 30 – Frederique van der Wal, Dutch supermodel September 3 – Luis Gonzalez, American baseball player Jane Sixsmith, English field hockey player Arnel Pineda, Filipino singer-songwriter Koichi Morishita, Japanese long-distance runner September 6 – Macy Gray, American R&B singer September 9 – Akshay Kumar,Bollywood Actor September 11 – Harry Connick, Jr., American singer and actor September 12 – Jason Statham, English actor September 13 – Michael Johnson, American athlete September 18 – Tara FitzGerald, British actress September 19 – Alexander Karelin, Russian Greco-Roman wrestler September 20 – Kristen Johnston, American actress Susie Dent, British lexicographer Faith Hill, American country singer September 22 – Félix Savón, Cuban boxer Masashi Nakayama, Japanese footballer Jenna Stern, American actress September 25 – Kim Issel, Canadian ice hockey player Mira Sorvino, American actress Moon Unit Zappa, American actress, musician and author September 30 – Andrea Roth, Canadian actress October 2 – Frankie Fredericks, Namibian athlete October 4 – Liev Schreiber, American actor October 5 – Guy Pearce, English-born actor October 7 – Toni Braxton, American R&B singer October 9 – Eddie Guerrero, American professional wrestler (d. 2005) Tazz, American professional wrestler and commentator Artie Lange, American actor, comedian and radio personality David Starr, American racecar driver Trevor Hoffman, American Major League Baseball player Kate Walsh, American actress Javier Sotomayor, Cuban high jumper October 16 – Davina McCall, British TV presenter and UK Big Brother host René Dif, Danish-Algerian singer (Aqua) Venus Terzo, Canadian actress/voice actress Carlos Mencia, Latino-American actor and standup comedian Salvatore Di Vittorio, Italian composer & conductor Ulrike Maier, Austrian alpine skier (d. 1994) October 24 – Jacqueline McKenzie, Australian actress October 26 – Keith Urban, New Zealand-born Australian country music singer October 27 – Scott Weiland, American musician Julia Roberts, American actress Sophie, Hereditary Princess of Liechtenstein Joely Fisher, American actress Rufus Sewell, English actor Péter Kun, Hungarian guitarist (d. 1993) Brad Aitken, Canadian ice hockey player Ty Detmer, American NFL quarterback and 1990 Heisman Trophy winner Sophie B. Hawkins, American singer and songwriter Tina Arena, Australian singer and songwriter November 2 – Akira Ishida, Japanese voice actor November 3 – Steven Wilson, British musician November 5 – Judy Reyes, American actress November 6 - Rebecca Schaeffer, American actrees (d. 1989) Sharleen Spiteri, Scottish singer and songwriter David Guetta, French DJ and songwriter November 8 – Courtney Thorne-Smith, American actress November 11 – Gil de Ferran, Brazilian race car driver Jimmy Kimmel, American comedian and talk show host Steve Zahn, American actor November 14 – Letitia Dean, British actress November 15 – François Ozon, French writer and director November 16 – Lisa Bonet, American actress November 20 – Teoman, Turkish rock singer and song-writer Boris Becker, German tennis player Mark Ruffalo, American actor Bart Veldkamp, Dutch-born speed skater November 23 – Salli Richardson, American actress November 25 – Anthony Nesty, Surinamese swimmer November 28 – Anna Nicole Smith, American model and actress (d. 2007) November 29 – John "Bradshaw" Layfield, American professional wrestler December 1 – Reggie Sanders, American Major League Baseball outfielder Judd Apatow, American screenwriter and producer Hacken Lee, Hong Kong singer and actor December 8 – Kotono Mitsuishi, Japanese voice actress December 9 – Joshua Bell, American violinist December 11 – Mo'Nique, American actress and comedian December 12 – John Randle, American football player Jamie Foxx, American actor Yuji Oda, Japanese singer and actor December 14 – Ewa Białołęcka, Polish writer Donovan Bailey, Canadian athlete Miranda Otto, Australian actress December 17 – Gigi D'Agostino, Italian musician and DJ December 18 – Toine van Peperstraten, Dutch sports journalist December 19 – Criss Angel, American musician, magician, illusionist, escapologist, and stunt performer December 21 – Mikheil Saakashvili, President of Georgia December 22 – Dan Petrescu, Romanian footballer Joan Vizcarra, Spanish artist András Rosztóczy, Hungarian Ruby Mary Garden, Scottish opera singer (b. 1874) Jack Ruby, American killer of Lee Harvey Oswald (b. 1911) Donald Campbell, English water and land speed record seeker (b. 1921) Mohammed Khider, Algerian politician (b. 1912) Evelyn Nesbit, American actress and model (b. 1884) Barney Ross, American boxer (b. 1909) January 18 - Harry Antrim, American actor (b. 1884) January 19 – Kazimierz Funk, Polish biochemist (b. 1884) January 21 – Ann Sheridan, American actress (b. 1915) Crew of Apollo 1: Edward White, American astroanut (b. 1930) Gus Grissom, American astronaut (b. 1926) Roger Chaffee, American astronaut (b. 1935) Alphonse Juin, Marshal of France (b. 1888) January 31 – Eddie Tolan, American athlete (b. 1908) February 4 – Albert Orsborn, 6th General of The Salvation Army (b. 1886) Martine Carol, French actress (b. 1920) Henry Morgenthau, Jr., United States Secretary of the Treasury during World War II (b. 1891) February 7 David Unaipon, Australian author and inventor (b. 1872) February 8 – Victor Gollancz, British publisher (b. 1893) February 14 – Sig Ruman, German actor (b. 1884) February 15 – Antonio Moreno, Spanish actor (b. 1887) Smiley Burnette, American actor (b. 1911) Józef Hofmann, Polish pianist (b. 1876) February 18 – J. Robert Oppenheimer, American physicist (b. 1904) J. Robert Oppenheimer February 21 – Charles Beaumont, American writer (b. 1929) Franz Waxman, German-American composer (b. 1906) Hilliard Almond Wilbanks, Medal of Honor recipient (b. 1933) February 28 – Henry Luce, American publisher (b. 1898) March 2 – Gordon Harker, English actor (b. 1885) March 4 – Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh, deposed prime minister of Iran (b. 1882) March 5 – Mischa Auer, Russian-born actor (b. 1905) John Haden Badley, English author (b. 1865) Nelson Eddy, American singer and actor (b. 1901) Kenneth Harlan, American actor (b. 1895) Zoltán Kodály, Hungarian composer (b. 1882) March 7 – Alice B. Toklas, American personality (b. 1877) Geraldine Farrar, American soprano (b. 1882) Hanns Lothar, German actor (b. 1929) March 21 – Marcellus Boss, American politician, member of the Kansas Senate and the 5th Civilian Governor of Guam. (b. 1901) March 27 – Jaroslav Heyrovský, Czech chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1890) March 30 – Jean Toomer, American writer (b. 1894) March 31 – Don Alvarado, American actor (b. 1904) April 4 – Al Lewis, American songwriter (b. 1901) April 5 – Hermann Joseph Muller, American geneticist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (b. 1890) April 17 – Red Allen, American jazz trumpeter (b. 1908) April 19 – Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of Germany (b. 1876) April 22 – Tom Conway, British actor (b. 1904) April 24 – Vladimir Komarov, Soviet cosmonaut (parachute failure) (b. 1927) Joseph Boxhall, British sailor, fourth officer of the RMS Titanic (b. 1884) Benjamin Foulois, American Brigadier General(USAF), first rated US military pilot, trained by the Wright Brothers (b. 1879) April 27 – William Douglas Cook, founder of Eastwoodhill Arboretum and Pukeiti, (New Zealand) (b. 1884) April 29 – Anthony Mann, American actor and director (b. 1906) May 6 – Zhou Zuoren, Chinese writer (b. 1885) May 7 – Judith Evelyn, American actress (b. 1913) Laverne Andrews, American singer (b. 1911) Barbara Payton, American actress (b. 1927) Elmer Rice, American playwright (b. 1892) May 10 – Lorenzo Bandini, Italian Formula One driver (b. 1935) May 12 – John Masefield, English poet and novelist (b. 1878) May 15 – Edward Hopper, American painter (b. 1882) May 18 – Andy Clyde, Scottish actor (b. 1892) Géza Lakatos, Hungarian general and politician, former Prime Minister (b. 1890) Rexhep Mitrovica, Albanian politician, former Prime Minister (b. 1888) May 22 – Langston Hughes, American writer (b. 1902) May 27 – Johannes Itten, Swiss painter (b. 1888) May 29 – Georg Wilhelm Pabst, Austrian film director (b. 1885) May 30 – Claude Rains, British actor (b. 1889) May 31 – Billy Strayhorn, American composer and pianist (b. 1915) June 3 – Arthur Tedder, British military, Marshal of the Royal Air Force (b. 1890) June 5 – Arthur Biram, Israeli philosopher and educator, and Israel Prize recipient (b. 1878) June 7 – Dorothy Parker, American writer (b. 1893) June 10 – Spencer Tracy, American actor (b. 1900) Gerald Patterson, Australian tennis champion (b. 1895) Edward Leonard Ellington, British military, Marshal of the Royal Air Force (b. 1877) June 14 – Eddie Eagan, American sportsman (b. 1897) June 16 – Reginald Denny, English actor (b. 1891) June 17 – Vernon Huber, American admiral and 36th Governor of American Samoa (b. 1899) June 26 – Françoise Dorléac, French actress (b.1942) Primo Carnera, Italian boxer (b. 1906) Jayne Mansfield, American actress (b. 1933) (car accident) July 1 – Gerhard Ritter, German historian (b. 1888) Fatima Jinnah, Pakistani 'Mother of the Nation' (b. 1893) Vivien Leigh, English actress (b. 1913) July 9 – Douglas MacLean, American actor (b. 1890) July 14 – Tudor Arghezi, Romanian writer (b. 1880) John Coltrane, American jazz saxophonist (b. 1926) Cyril Ring, American film actor (b. 1892) July 18 – Humberto de Alencar Castello Branco, ex-president of Brazil (b. 1897) (plane crash) Jimmie Foxx, American baseball player (b. 1907) Albert Lutuli, South African politician, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize Basil Rathbone, British actor (b. 1892) July 22 – Carl Sandburg, American poet (b. 1878) July 31 – Margaret Kennedy, English writer (b. 1896) August 1 – Richard Kuhn, Austrian chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1900) August 2 – Walter Terence Stace, British philosopher (b. 1886) Joe Orton, English playwright (b. 1933) (murdered) Anton Walbrook, Austrian actor (b. 1896) August 13 – Jane Darwell, American actress (b. 1879) René Magritte, Belgian painter (b. 1898) Manuel Prado y Ugarteche, former President of Peru (b. 1889) Hugo Gernsback, Luxembourg-born editor and publisher (b. 1884) Isaac Deutscher, British Marxist historian (b. 1907) Henry J. Kaiser, American industrialist (b. 1882) Lam Bun, Hong Kong radio commentator (b. 1930) Stanley Bruce, 8th Prime Minister of Australia (b. 1883) Paul Muni, Polish actor (b. 1895) George Lincoln Rockwell, American Nazi Party leader (b. 1918) August 27 – Brian Epstein, English band manager (The Beatles) (b. 1934) August 31 – Ilya Ehrenburg, Russian writer (b. 1891) Ilse Koch, Nazi German war criminal (b. 1906) Siegfried Sassoon, British poet (b. 1886) James Dunn, American actor (b. 1901) Francis Ouimet, American professional golfer (b.1893) September 11 – Tadeusz Żyliński, Polish technician and textilist (b. 1904) September 13 – Varian Fry, American journalist (b. 1907) September 16 – Ethel May Halls, American theatrical and film actress (b. 1882) September 18 – John Cockcroft, English physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1897) September 23 - Stanislaus Zbyszko, professional wrestler (b. 1879) September 27 – Prince Felix Yussupov, Russian assassin of Rasputin (b. 1887) Ludwig Donath, Austrian actor (b. 1900) Carson McCullers, American writer (b. 1917) (brain hemorrhage) Woody Guthrie, American folk musician (b. 1912) (Huntington's disease) Sir Malcolm Sargent, English conductor (b. 1895) Pinto Colvig, American vaudeville actor, radio actor, newspaper cartoonist, prolific movie voice actor, and circus performer (original voice of Goofy) (b. 1892) October 7 – Norman Angell, British politician, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (b. 1872) October 8 – Clement Attlee, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (b. 1883) Che Guevara, Argentine communist revolutionary (executed) (b. 1928) Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, English chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1897) Edith Storey, American actress (b. 1892) October 12 – Nat Pendleton, American actor and Olympic wrestler (b. 1895) October 17 – Xuantong Emperor, Emperor of China (b. 1906) October 20 – Yoshida Shigeru, Prime Minister of Japan (b. 1878) October 23 – Helen Palmer Geisel, Dr. Seuss' first wife (b. 1899) October 25 – Margaret Ayer Barnes, American playwright, novelist, and short-story writer (b. 1886) October 29 – Julien Duvivier, French film director (b. 1896) November 5 – Joseph Kesselring, American playwright (b. 1902) November 7 – John Nance Garner, U.S. Vice President (b. 1868) November 9 – Charles Bickford, American actor (b. 1891) November 13 – Harriet Cohen, English pianist (b. 1895) November 15 – Alice Lake, American actress (b. 1895) November 19 – Charles J. Watters, U.S. Army chaplain, Medal of Honor recipient (b. 1927) C. M. Eddy, Jr., American writer (b. 1896) Florence Reed, American stage actress (b. 1883) November 25 – Ossip Zadkine, Russian sculptor, painter and lithographer (b. 1890) November 28 – Leon M'ba, Gabonese politician (b. 1902) December 3 – Harry Wismer, American baseball owner (b. 1913) Daniel Jones, British phonetician (b. 1881) Bert Lahr, American actor (b. 1894) December 7 – House Peters, Sr., British-born actor (b. 1880) December 10 (in an air crash): Otis Redding, American singer (b. 1941) Ronnie Caldwell, American musician (b. 1948) Phalon Jones, American musician (b. 1949) Harold Holt, Australian Prime Minister (body never found) (b. 1908) Jack Perrin, American actor (b. 1896) December 21 – Stuart Erwin, American actor (b. 1903) December 24 – Karl Ristenpart, German conductor (b. 1900) December 26 – Sydney Barnes, English cricketer (b. 1873) December 28 – Katharine McCormick, American feminist (b. 1875) December 29 – Paul Whiteman, American bandleader (b. 1890) December 30 – Vincent Massey, former Canadian Governor General (b. 1887) Ken Battefield, American artist (b. ? ) Charles Exeter Devereux Crombie, Scottish cartoonist (d. 1967) Physics – Hans Albrecht Bethe Chemistry – Manfred Eigen, Ronald George Wreyford Norrish, George Porter Physiology or Medicine – Ragnar Granit, Haldan Keffer Hartline, George Wald Literature – Miguel Ángel Asturias Peace – not awarded
Thursday, July 31, 2014 After less than a day active, The Things in the Darkness campaign is a Kickstarter staff pick!!!! Make your pledge and help spread the darkness! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/913608050/the-things-in-the-darkness-a-horror-novel Wednesday, July 30, 2014 As a birthday gift to my mother, perhaps the only person more excited about this project then I am, I launched the Kickstarter campaign for "The Things in the Darkness" earlier than planned. You can experience the terror that resides in the pages of this horror novel! Make your pledge to the darkness: All right, Ragers. As promised yesterday, here is my conversation with Hunter Shea. It was a rare, but welcomed, opportunity to pick a brain that could produce such twisted goodies as The Montauk Monster, Sinister Entity, Forest of Shadows, Swamp Monster Massacre, and Evil Eternal. Perhaps the most interesting thing about Hunter Shea is that, unlike most authors, doing his research for a book does not stop at what he can find online or in print. Shea pushes the boundaries of what is safe, and often sane, in order to experience the true horrors in life. Check out what he had to say when he sat down with me to talk all things horror. Ira Gansler: What is your earliest horror memory? Hunter Shea: My father used to let me stay up and watch old monster and sci-fi movies on the weekends. He learned early on that movies didn’t scare me or give me nightmares, so I was his sidekick for Chiller Theatre. The first movie I can recall was one with these trees that came to life and kidnapped a woman. The movie is called From Hell it Came. It’s truly awful, but in all the right ways. IG: Where do you find the biggest inspiration for your writing? HS: Growing up fully immersed in all things horror, I find inspiration everywhere I turn. Great movies and books inspire me to sit down and write. Seeing the pride on the faces of my wife and daughters keeps my butt in the chair tapping away on my keyboard. The ideas for my stories come from everywhere : the news, dreams, long drives to work, the odd turn of a phrase. The problem for me has always been finding the time to write down the ideas that flit through my brain. IG: If you could have one film of yours turned into a movie, which one would it be and why? HS: Oh man, that’s a tough one. I’d love to see The Montauk Monster on the screen because, to me, it’s such a big book. I don’t mean big in terms of pages, but in the level of absolute mayhem. It would need to have a good budget behind it so it looks and plays out right. I think The Waiting could give people some serious misgivings about looking into the shadows of their homes. Quiet, tension-building horror always has a place in film. No CGI needed for that one. IG: Which do you find scarier, ghosts or monsters? HS: Hands down, ghosts. You know why? Because they exist. I don’t know what the hell they are, but they’re here whether people want to admit it or not. I’ve seen a ghost. I live with one. I’ve never seen a monster (though I would love to!). If anyone wants to take me squatching, give me a shout. IG: As someone who does so much real-life investigation of scary things all around him, what is the most frightening experience you have ever had in the name of research? HS: I think being the only person on my side of the Queen Mary after doing an intense ghost investigation where we were communicating with something from the other side wins that one. I was fine when I was just one of a dozen people traipsing through the old engine rooms and pool in the pitch black. At one point, a teen in the crew placed a flashlight on a table and it would turn on and off in answer to our yes and no questions. When we were done, the flashlight was ice cold. Very strange. Going back up to bed after midnight knowing no one was anywhere near me was…unsettling to say the least. IG: What authors would you consider to be “must read” for horror fans? HS: Any horror fan needs to pick up everything they can by Robert McCammon, Richard Matheson, Jack Ketchum and M.R. James. You can’t go wrong with anything they’ve written. Oh, and don’t forget that King guy. IG: If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, what three books would you hope to have with you? HS: OK, if I’m stranded, I have a lot of time on my hands, so I need 3 big books to keep me company. Boy's Life by Robert McCammon, The Stand by Stephen King and Curfew by Phil Rickman. IG: I don’t want to give any spoilers, but you do leave the ending to The Montauk Monster somewhat open. Any chance of a follow-up? HS: My editor wanted me to leave the story a little open ended. My original ending was, believe it or not, much darker and very final. We figured we’d see what the reaction would be and decide if we’d go with a sequel. So far, everything has been better than we could have dreamed, so I hope to get a chance to dive right back into that shadowy, monstrous world. IG: Horror, like any other type of entertainment, seems to go in cycles. In my lifetime, I feel like it has been slashers and serial killers, then vampires, and now zombies. What would you hope to see next? HS: I can tell you what I’m starting to see as the next wave : witches. I think by this time next year, you’re going to see a lot of books and TV series and movies that involve witchcraft. I think that’s great, even though I’m personally not into them, well, other than Charmed. IG: How do you manage to keep your ideas original and fresh when so much of horror seems to be going in the direction of remakes and rehashed story lines? HS: Seeing all the remakes compels me to take my stories in places where others haven’t gone. Look, everything’s been done. A writer’s job is to take a concept and give it their own unique twist. I see everyday things in a different way. You can verify that with my family. So when I see Bigfoot, I look at more than just a hairy beast in the woods. I see vengeful cryptid families who use live alligators as weapons. When I first viewed pictures of the strange animal that washed up dead on a Montauk beach, I dreamt up a town invaded by living beasts from your worst nightmare. I’m just glad I got to exorcise that particular story and cram it in a book. IG: Do you think there is such a thing as “going too far” in horror? HS: In a word, nope. Horror is about bursting through our boundaries and facing the things we’d rather not even think about. Anything that elicits a reaction, even if it’s absolute disgust, is fair game. Check out some of the truly great and strange work in Bizarro horror to see what I mean. I strongly urge people to read Apeshit or Razor Wire Pubic Hair by Carlton Mellick. I envy his imagination and guts. IG: There seems to be a push lately to provide “trigger warnings” about things that people may find overly disturbing or upsetting. What is your view on this as an author and as a fan? HS: We’re getting dangerously weak and touchy as a society. If you need a warning, there are plenty of old episodes of Barney you can watch or My Little Pony picture books. Maybe horror isn’t for you. IG: Well, thank you for your time, Hunter. It has been a pleasure to talk to you. One final question that all Rage Circus guests get to answer. In your view, what is horror? HS: Horror is a feeling, a twinge in the gut, an emotion that leads to a physical reaction. It doesn’t have to come from monsters and ghosts and serial killers. I just read about yet another child that died in a locked car because his criminally stupid father left him locked into his child seat in the summer heat. The feeling that punched me in my soul when I read that is true, unflinching horror. If you want a further glimpse into the dark mind of Hunter Shea, you can follow his page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/huntershea1 or Twitter @huntershea1. You can also check out his website at www.huntershea.com. Tuesday, July 29, 2014 This book review is provided as part of the Montauk Monster virtual publicity tour, however, the standards and scrutiny applied to this review are no less than those given to any other work presented through the views of The Rage Circus Vs. The Soulless Void, your blog for all things horror! I have been reading and watching horror for close to twenty-six years. Starting with Goosebumps, working my way up to Fear Street, and eventually graduating to the masters like H.P. Lovecraft, Stephen King, and Clive Barker. I have read a huge number of books, for all purposes a countless amount of horror. Given that, it has been a long time since a book I read left me sitting in stunned silence, unable to accept that the book was over upon reaching the final pages. The Montauk Monster by Hunter Shea elicited that exact response from me. “It Kills. . .On a hot summer night in Montauk, the bodies of two local bar patrons are discovered in the dunes, torn to shreds, their identities unrecognizable. . . It Breeds. . .In another part of town, a woman's backyard is invaded by four terrifying creatures that defy any kind of description. What's clear is that they're hostile--and they're ravenous. . . It Spreads. . .With every sunset the terror rises again, infecting residents with a virus no one can cure. The CDC can't help them; FEMA can't save them. But each savage attack brings Suffolk County Police Officer Gray Dalton one step closer to the shocking source of these unholy creations. Hidden on nearby Plum Island, a U.S. research facility has been running top-secret experiments. What they created was never meant to see the light of day. Now, a vacation paradise is going straight to hell. How can you describe the incredible tale that Hunter Shea has given us? It is part The Crazies, part creature feature like nothing you have ever seen, and all horrific. Shea comes at us with a fast and furious pacing that just gets more and more intense like a vice wrapped around our brain that only tightens and never lets go. The prose is amazing and descriptive. Shea’s visuals leave no room for misinterpretation or confusion as to what is happening. His literary skill provides a picture clearer than any television screen ever could and the picture he shows us is horrifying unlike anything you have ever experienced. Perhaps one of the most terrifying things about this story is like any other master of the horror genre, Shea holds nothing back. It quickly becomes apparent that no one is safe. The monsters that Shea has released from his mind into the world have no concept of right or wrong, innocent or guilty. Any potential victim is fair game to feed these beasts and the disease they carry. The creatures make Jaws look like a guppy and the virus makes Ebola look like the common cold. By the time you truly start to realize the full extent of the tragedy that awaits in this story, the only question left will be whether the true threat is the beasts, the virus, or the people behind them both. As the mystery of the creatures start to unravel, Shea builds an intricate web with admirable attention to detail, allowing all the pieces to come together until there really is no other way for the story to end. In a word, that way is brutally. I won't give out any spoilers. You will have to see this intense ending yourself. I just hope you have a strong stomach. Overall, I found Shea's work to be everything you would want out of a creature story. There are relatable characters who are far from cookie cutter solutions, strong visuals with flowing prose, creatures that will make you want to look over your shoulder the next time you are walking down a dark street, and a mystery to be solved. My only complaint with this novel is one I often have whenever government conspiracy is involved in a horror story. When the military appears in the novel, they are simply mindless followers who never question orders, no matter how unethical or immoral those orders may be. In a post 9/11 world where we have so many men and women putting their lives on the line every day on foreign soil, I think it is time we got past this stereotype in stories. Yes, I understand it is fiction and it fits the story, but it is something I always take issue with in horror or action. However, with the high quality of the story and the engaging horror and action, I was easily able to put my complaint aside and enjoy the ride. So let’s take a look at The Rage Circus score! Story Concept - 4/5 Story Execution - 5/5 Story Flow – 5/5 Character Development (give-a-damn factor) - 5/5 Gripping visuals/details - 5/5 Entertainment Value/Story Engagement – 5/5 Overall – 4.86/5 - Know the threats around you! Get your copy of The Montauk Monster. Barnes and Noble— Oh, by the way, is The Montauk Monster really a work of fiction? Is the Montauk Monster made up for the book or an urban myth? Is there some truth that propels the story? You can find out more about the real Montauk Monster story here: About the author: Hunter Shea is the author of paranormal and horror novels Forest of Shadows, Swamp Monster Massacre, Evil Eternal, Sinister Entity, which are all published by Samhain Horror. The June 3, 2014 release of his horrifying thriller Montauk Monster is published by Kensington/Pinnacle. He has also written a short story to be read prior to Sinister Entity, called The Graveyard Speaks (it’s free, go download!), and a book of stories called Asylum Scrawls. His next book from Samhain Horror, titled HellHole, came out July 1, 2014, and is his first western horror. As you read this, he has a few more books in the works from both Kensington and Samhain and release dates should be announced soon. His work has appeared in numerous magazines, including Dark Moon Digest, Morpheus Tales, and the upcoming anthology, Shocklines : Fresh Voices in Terror. His obsession with all things horrific has led him to real life exploration of the paranormal, interviews with exorcists, and other things that would keep most people awake with the lights on. He is also half of the two men show, Monster Men, which is a video podcast that takes a fun look at the world of horror. You can read about his latest travails and communicate with him at www.huntershea.com, on Twitter @HunterShea1, Facebook fan page at Hunter Shea or the Monster Men 13 channel on YouTube. Stay tuned for my interview with the man responsible for this tale of terror, Hunter Shea!
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She lay, nude, reclining in the shadow of Mount Terror. Her skin was heavily weathered from the years spent enduring the frozen blast of the Antarctic wind but the pin-up girl painted on the nose of the B-17 “Miss Direction” continued to gaze out over the snowy waste, waiting for her chance to take to the air once more. “She’s a pretty fit dame, for being so old. She must be at least fifty. Even I might have a chance,” joked William Lamar, as he surveyed the side of the once-mighty bomber. Sydney King, walking beside him, rolled her eyes, resisted his weak attempt to make her jealous of a picture, and thought briefly about punching him. “She’s been here forty-nine years,” said Clue Restacks, trying mightily to conceal her amusement. Sydney and Lamar had been bickering with each other non-stop since they had departed on their current mission. Clue wondered whether or not they would realize that they liked each other on their own, or if she’d get tired of their banter and have to tell them first. They were here, along with Mr. Mouse, who was currently curled up somewhere in the recesses of Clue’s giant parka, on the volcanic slopes near McMurdo Sound in Antarctica, to salvage “Miss Direction”. The plane sat upright and majestic above the low drifts that surrounded it. It had been forced down on a secret mission at the height of the Cold War and had been abandoned by her crew. The cold-weather conditions had done a spectacular job of preservation and with only a few repairs, the Troubleshooting Company’s client fully expected Clue and her team to be able to fly it away again. It was easy to believe that. At first glance, it looked as if she only needed a pilot to coax her back to life. This four-engined Boeing Flying Fortress had been built in 1945, but had been kept flying well past the time that most of her 12,731 sister-ships had been scrapped. When she’d crashed, there had been no pressing need to recover the aircraft. Now, with the rising price of collectable airframes, the cost spent to reclaim her from the ice would be recouped in the millions she would be worth when she rejoined the 58 remaining examples in museum-quality shape. The adventurers had hiked to the location where Miss Direction had come to rest, within roughly 20 miles of Ernest Shackleton’s historic hut at Cape Royds and the modern research station at McMurdo Sound. The pilot had, all those years ago, managed a gear-down landing, and with the exception of some bent propeller blades and minor wear, the only chores to do were to refurbish the engines, replace the tires, and to clear a runway in the snow long enough for the plane to take off from. “There’s not much that needs to be done here,” said Sydney, assessing the situation. “And I don’t want to question a good paycheck, but how come we’re the ones that got called in to do the job? Surely there are other people who are outfitted to do this sort of thing. People who are actual mechanics, for example.” She didn’t like the cold. Sydney had only recently quit her job as a police officer. She’d been caught up with Clue during an attack by the ruthless Jackson Fortune, Clue’s nemesis. She’d been a cop in the city, though. She didn’t do well with nature, or whatever Antarctica was—the opposite of nature. “I tried to ask the client the same thing,” said Clue. “He wouldn’t give me a straight answer, just said he’d heard about some of the things we’ve done and thought that this would be right up our alley. Did you happen to see the looks on the faces of those scientists, back at the station?” “Fear,” said Lamar. “So it wasn’t just me,” said Clue. “I think that maybe we should do what we need to do here as quickly as possible and get out.” “Sounds good,” said Sydney. “If only to get warm, again. You don’t think you could heat it up around here with your powers, could you?” Clue possessed the ability to control wind, temperature, and water. She’d first exhibited the powers during a chase through Rome while seeking a magical treasure, and they’d come in very useful on her subsequent adventures. “I think I could definitely try,” said Clue, and the air around the group began to warm considerably. “But I have to be careful about upsetting the balance. If we melt too much of the snow and ice, we might not be able to get the plane out of here. We may have to sacrifice comfort for efficiency.” “Whatever you can,” said a shivering Sydney. “Alright,” said Clue. “It’s been a long day. Let’s set up the camp, and then we’ll do a quick survey of the aircraft to get an exact picture of what we need so we can start first thing in the morning.” “Night” and “morning” were, of course, relative terms. During the summer, the sun was up 24 hours a day this close to the pole. Sydney and Lamar began to set up the tents, and unpack the gear. Clue radioed the research base to let them know that they’d arrived on-site and would be able to call in for an air-drop of supplies the next day. “What do you think, Mr. Mouse?” she asked him. “Will we be able to fly that thing out of here?” He emerged from his warm lair and looked at her with a cocked head. “Fifty-fifty, then,” she agreed. Then Clue boarded the aircraft for the first time. She looked down the cramped passageway and wondered how men could have fought a terrible war from here. Everything inside looked to have escaped significant decay, except for the rear gunner’s station that, open to the elements on both sides, had accumulated a large quantity of snow. She also noted that anything that was not bolted down or solidly mounted had been stripped out. That had probably been done by previous expeditions. She exited just as Sydney and Lamar were finishing the camp. The three humans and one mouse entered their sleeping bags and settled in for the night, alone at the bottom of the world somewhere between the twin volcanoes of Mounts Erebus and Terror. The morning, such as it was in a land without darkness, dawned crisp and clear. Lamar was the first to rise. He woke the women and they gathered outside to face the day. Their first task was to remove the four great propellers. In order to do so, they would erect a lightweight but very strong scaffold they had carried with them from the base on sledges. “Clue, come here for a minute,” called Sydney from the sleds. Clue made her way across the camp slowly. Running would invite sweat, which could freeze and quickly become a serious problem. “Look at that,” Sydney said. “Where?” asked Clue. “Right here,” said Sydney. She was pointing at an area of disturbed snow on the far side of the sleds from the tent and bomber. “Does that look like tracks to you?” Clue looked closer at the marks on the ground. “Maybe. Could just be ours, though,” she offered. “This is fresh,” said Sydney. “Ours have had snow blown into them.” “There shouldn’t be anyone else around for miles,” said Clue. “No one from the station comes out this way. I still can’t really see tracks, though. Maybe some kind of animal was sniffing around at our gear?” “The only animals out here are penguins, in a colony down at the coast, and Mr. Mouse,” said Sydney. “There’s no trail or anything, don’t worry about it. Nothing’s missing from our packs. I’m sure we’ll be fine. Let’s get this stuff over to the plane and get started,” said Clue. “Come on, Lamar’s waiting for us.” Sydney remained unconvinced, but gathered the supplies and let the matter drop. The sense that she was being watched, however, remained. While the women had been debating the mysterious maybe-tracks in the snow, Lamar had clambered up on top of the bomber’s wing and was clearing snow off of the top and sides of the aircraft. Somehow, though, once clear of its white covering, the Boeing took on a far more sinister aura, now looking supremely out of place with its all-black fuselage jutting up from the pristine landscape around it. “I didn’t ask before because I’d assumed that it was an Air Force bird, but it isn’t, is it?” he said. “No,” said Clue. “Officially, it was registered to a private company. Unofficially, that company was a C.I.A. front.” “Alien cover-up?” asked Sydney. “No, Syd, we talked about that. The alien was on a boat, remember?” asked an exasperated Clue. “This was just a reconnaissance flight. They were surveying the area for a transmitter post.” “Just checking,” replied Sydney, who winked to Lamar. They both took any chance they could to hassle Clue about her past jobs. “Isn’t the Agency usually fussier about leaving their equipment out in the open for fifty years?” asked Lamar. “The C.I.A. is persistent. They spent billions with Howard Hughes on the ‘Glomar Explorer’, that ship that was meant to pull up that sunken Russian submarine, right?” he pressed. Despite having only recently arrived in the present from 1910, he was the company’s resident history buff, having seen most of the important events of the past hundred years using his now-destroyed time machine, before he’d met Clue and Sydney. “There was information in the file the client gave me about two previous expeditions. The first ran into weather complications and gave up. The other had some sort of accident, and they pulled out before much work was done on the plane,” said Clue. “Both of those took place almost immediately after the crash. Then they gave up. It was too difficult.” Once again, Clue settled the matter. She was beginning to wonder if this whole new “team” concept was going to work. When it had been just her and Mr. Mouse, there’d been way less irritation. Luckily, though, the questions stopped and work was able to continue at a brisk pace. The next few days were a blur of activity. Lamar proved to be the most useful, having a technical background. He was quite at home with the primitive systems on the Miss Direction. Clue and Sydney could follow the schematics without much trouble, as well. The most difficult part was manoeuvring some of the larger pieces with only three people. Mr. Mouse had decided that he was to be foreman on the project and spent most of his time watching from within the fur liners on the humans’ parka hoods. Airdrops had delivered four new propellers, tires, aviation fuel, and a small bulldozer to the camp. Soon a 3,500 foot runway was cleared through the drifts. The old warbird was almost ready to fly again. Clue sat in the cockpit for the first engine test-run and preliminary taxi. “Everything looks good up here. Go ahead and start them up,” she called to Lamar and Sydney who were outside. One by one the old radials sputtered to life. Soon the fuselage was buzzing and the throaty roar shook the air. Clue released the brakes and the plane hesitated, and then lurched forward. She pushed the rudder pedals slowly and felt the plane slew left and right. She confirmed that all the instruments seemed to be giving appropriate information and cycled through flap settings and aileron and elevator trim. The tests were almost complete and Clue was just about to kill power when there was a sudden cough from an engine, then, before she could respond, a loud bang and puff of smoke. She cut the throttle at once and hit the shutoff switches for all the engines, not wanting to risk further failures. The bomber squatted over the middle of the runway like a large, angry bird, smoke billowing from engine number three. Sydney and Lamar hurried over with fire extinguishers, but there was no fire when they got within range. “What happened?” asked Lamar. Clue explained what she had been doing when the engine quit, but there was no easy solution without waiting for it to cool and then opening it up. They used the tractor to pull the aircraft back to the start of the runway, and then got to work again to find the problem. “She was close,” said Clue. “I could feel it. She wanted to go. If we can find the cause of the stoppage, we could be off right after.” “Good,” said Sydney. “The camp has radioed us and said the weather is going to turn, so the sooner the better.” As if someone had heard her, the radio crackled. The research station’s call sign pierced the silence of the Antarctic airfield. “McMurdo Station calling Troubleshooters, over,” it squawked. “This is Troubleshooters,” Clue replied. “Go ahead.” “We’ve picked up a storm on our weather radar. It is predicted to hit your position at approximately midnight tonight. It’s a big one.” “Storm approaching, confirmed,” said Clue. “Troubleshooters, we’re going to shutter the station here and wait it out. We recommend that you evacuate your camp and return here at once.” “Negative,” said Clue. “We understand, but the bomber is almost ready to go. We should be able to get out before the weather comes in. If we don’t, we might not have another chance at recovery. We’ll be in New Zealand before you make it out here for us.” “It’s going to be bad,” said the voice on the radio. “You really should come back. We can send a snow-cat for you.” “Understood, McMurdo,” Clue assured the voice. “We’ll take our chances. We’ll be fine.” “Confirm you’ll be leaving the continent before the storm, over.” “Confirmed,” said Clue. “We’ll be on our way.” “Roger that, Troubleshooters. Stay safe. McMurdo Station, out.” “Thanks, McMurdo, you’ve been a great help. Troubleshooters, out.” Clue ended the conversation. “You lied to them, Clue. We don’t know for sure we’ll complete the work before the storm. William, what do you think?” asked Sydney. “Yes, Sydney’s right,” said Lamar. “We’re taking a dangerous chance turning down their offer.” “I know,” said Clue. “But if we don’t get this bird out of here now, we might lose it. I don’t want to do that now that we’re so close. We need to find out what’s going on with that engine, and then load our gear and get out of here. We’ll be in New Zealand long before the weather becomes a problem.” “And if we don’t fix the engine?” said Sydney. “I control the weather, remember?” said Clue. “Come on, let’s get this done, get out of here, and get paid.” Then she spun around and walked back towards the plane. Sydney and Lamar looked at each other. “I’m not sure if I signed up for this,” said Sydney, as soon as Clue was out of earshot. “I’m not comfortable with the decision, either,” agreed Lamar. “Do you think we’ll be ok?” Sydney asked. “Yes, we’ll be fine. No fire means that there probably isn’t a serious problem. And Clue can protect us from a storm,” he said as the first tiny flakes began to fall from the gray sky. They rushed to complete the job, but none of them had ever experienced the ferocity of a polar storm. They were successful, but before they knew it, the temperature was plummeting and the wind and whiteout conditions forced them to take cover. “Would it be better to sit out the storm inside the plane?” asked Sydney. “Miss Direction’s fuselage isn’t weather-tight and without space to put up the tent, we’d be colder in there,” said Lamar. “Best if we can set up the tent outside and build a windbreak in front of it.” They piled the earthmoving machine, empty fuel drums, packing crates, anything they could tear down from their camp under the belly of the silent B-17 as a screen and pitched their tent behind the wall in the comparative shelter from the elements. However, mere shelter would not be enough. Clue struggled to match the intensity of the weather with her powers. Usually overwhelmingly powerful, she realized just how much she’d overestimated them. The most she could manage was a bubble of relatively warmer air around them and some enhancement of the hodgepodge wall blocking the incoming gusts. She slipped into a meditative state. She needed all of her focus to keep them safe. “This is how Scott died,” said Lamar, referencing the ill-fated explorer who had perished on an expedition to the South Pole in 1912. “Quiet!” said Sydney. “She’s concentrating.” Mr. Mouse regarded the situation from Sydney’s coat. Then his ears perked up and rotated toward a noise the others couldn’t hear yet. Sydney saw him and followed his gaze to the wall of the tent. He was standing stiffly and quivering in the direction of something unseen. “Look, William,” she told Lamar. “Mighty strange,” he said. He, too, looked at the empty screen of fabric. “I think there’s something out there,” said Sydney. Then they heard a new sound over the maelstrom outside. “It sounds like somebody’s doing something to the plane,” Sydney whispered. “I’m going to check it out.” “Wait, Sydney,” Lamar cautioned. “Here, take my coat, too. You’ll last mere minutes out there without it.” Sydney took his advice and checked her pistol before she exited the tent. Then she stepped out into the blizzard. Seconds later, Lamar heard her shouting, then gunshots. She dove back inside through the flap, and twisted so her gun covered the doorway. “Get the rifle,” she commanded. “Quickly.” Lamar didn’t wait to be told again. He armed himself and scanned the walls to see if anything was close enough to detect through them. “What is it?” he asked. “I saw something,” she said. “Not human.” “Animal?” he pressed. “Not animal, either.” “Listen,” she said forcefully. The two sat silently beside Clue, who was still in a trance, maintaining their protective environmental sphere. From outside there was a thump of something heavy landing on snow. Then a bang as something hit the bottom or side of the plane. And then the most chilling sound. Something just outside of the tent, breathing heavily. Sydney and Lamar both trained their guns towards the noise. “What did you see?” Lamar asked again. “I think it’s a yeti.” “How is it surviving out in the storm?” he wondered abstractedly. “Because it’s a yeti.” She told him. The creature was still nearby. They could hear it clambering around their makeshift citadel. “I think I might have hit it,” whispered Sydney. “It was tearing at the fuselage.” “We have to stay here with Clue,” said Lamar. They strained to detect any hint of the creature, but almost as quickly as it had arrived, they lost track of it. “If it comes back, we’ll have to kill it,” said Sydney. “If we can find evidence of it, it could be the greatest scientific find of all time,” said Lamar, taking a different track. He could tell Sydney was shaken up and was trying to slowly change the subject. “If we make it through the night,” said Sydney, as she began to calm down. Her training as a police officer was kicking in and she was able to switch gears in a hurry. “Speaking of, here’s your jacket back. You still want it, I assume.” “I do, very much,” said Lamar. “Nothing to do but wait, I suppose,” she said. “I agree. Do you think we should share sleeping bags to conserve warmth?” he suggested. “Good try. I didn’t pay a grand for mine so that I would need to share it, it’s rated to minus forty,” she laughed. “But it’s a fine line. We should stay awake, though. If Clue can’t keep it up, or something else happens, if we fall asleep we might not wake up.” “You’re right, of course,” he said. “We could tell each other ghost stories.” “Alright,” she giggled a little bit. “You first.” Even Mr. Mouse thought that they were laying it on pretty thick. He had no qualms about going to sleep, nor was he worried any longer about strange sounds. Now that he knew that it was just a yeti, he could relax. He could probably take on a yeti. He burrowed deeper into the bottom of Sydney’s bag and made himself a fine downy nest. By morning, the worst had passed. Sydney tucked an exhausted Clue into a sleeping bag. Then she and Lamar left the tent to survey the camp. She half expected to see the Boeing flipped on to its side, or torn to pieces. But despite a fresh coat of snow, the damage was nowhere near as extensive as she’d feared. The wind had kept the snow from piling up and so the runway was still clear. Clue’s shield had also kept the worst from the area immediately around the plane. Then she heard Lamar’s voice from the other side of the aircraft. “They’re gone!” he shouted. Sydney hustled over. “There are parts missing from the engine. I can’t tell which ones, but you can see here where something has been torn out.” “Was it the storm?” Sydney asked, already knowing the answer. “It was if it could lift the cowling, remove the part, and close it again.” “Were those really yetis?” “I don’t know, you’re the only one who got a good look,” replied Lamar. Mr. Mouse squeaked from his lair in Sydney’s coat. “Are you trying to tell me something?” she asked him. He squeaked again. “I’m sorry, I don’t know you like Clue knows you,” she said. “He might be trying to say ‘check the other engines, too’,” Lamar suggested from the next nacelle over. “They’ve stripped this one, as well.” The two remaining engines were checked and both had missing pieces. “I don’t like this,” said Sydney. “Something’s not right. Why would a wild animal, as mythical as a yeti might be, want engine parts? I know what I saw, though. It wasn’t human. Do you know anything about tracking? We might need to find these things.” “I don’t. Clue might. We have to look at our options here. We barely survived the night, and we don’t know if that’s the last of the weather. We should call the station and find out if they’re still able to pick us up. Maybe we can source some replacement parts from there, then return to try to finish the job,” mulled Lamar. “Clue might what?” asked a sleepy voice from near the tent. “Game tracking, are you familiar with it?” asked Lamar. “I know of it,” said Clue. “Why?” Sydney cut in. “You should be asleep, you must be wiped out.” “I can manage,” said Clue. “Tell me what’s going on.” They told her what had happened during the night and their strange visitors. “And you’re sure of what you saw?” confirmed Clue. “I’m a cop, remember? It was male, about seven feet tall. White fur. Monkey face. There was something strange about the arms though. They seemed too short. Stubby, almost,” said Sydney. “Ok. I believe you,” Clue assured her. “We need to call the base,” said Lamar. “I know we’re close to fixing her up, but this bird will be here when we get back. I think we’ve got to start looking after each other.” To Lamar and Sydney’s surprise, Clue agreed with them about a retreat from the ice. They retrieved the radio and tried to contact the science outpost. “McMurdo Station, this is Troubleshooters, over,” called Clue. Her signal was met with static. There was no reply. “This is Troubleshooters, calling McMurdo Station, please respond if able, over,” she tried again. Still nothing. She tried another channel. “McMurdo come in, Anyone on this channel, come in, this is Troubleshooters requesting evacuation, over.” She scanned through all the frequencies on the dial but still did not manage to make contact. “I think we’re on our own,” she told her partners, grimly. “Ok. We walked in here, so we should be able to walk out.” “I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” cautioned Lamar. “We don’t know the weather. It took us a full day to get here coming in. If we get bogged down by something even half of last night’s severity, we won’t make it exposed and in the open like that. Clue, you saved us once, but do you have the strength to do it all again right away?” Clue knew she wasn’t ready, certainly not after including a day’s march. “No. I’m sorry.” She realized they were all looking to her for leadership. Not quite sure herself what they should do, she put forth her best guess. “I think our best chance right now is to try to track down whatever those things were that stole our parts. If we haven’t found anything after a couple hours, we’ll have to turn back and prepare for another night here. If we do find something, we’ll get what we need, put it back on the plane, and then it’s back to the original plan of flying out of here,” she told them. The gathered up the supplies they’d need and loaded them on to a sledge that they would take turns pulling. “Make sure you’re armed,” said Sydney. She had her pistol. Lamar carried a hunting rifle. Clue spoke up. “I, uh, didn’t bring a gun. I usually go with my powers.” “Save your energy,” said Sydney. She reached down into the recesses of her backpack and handed Clue another handgun. “You brought two?” Clue asked her. “Always be prepared,” Sydney replied. “Fair enough. Let’s get moving.” The team began their search at the edge of their camp, on the far side of Miss Direction. They found that tracking would not be as difficult as they’d imagined, despite being obscured by freshly blown snow, there were still deep footprints visible leading off into the distance. The three followed in a line, trading off who lead and broke the hard crust on top of the snow, and who pulled the sled, with the person in the middle getting a break from the other, more difficult jobs. They made good time, with Lamar keeping his eye on an elegant pocket watch. “If we don’t find something in the next ten minutes, we’ll have to turn around,” he said. The terrain ahead was changing from flat snowy plain into extremely fractured mountainous foothills and rocky embankments. “I hear you,” said Clue. “But I want to get at least past the first ridge up there. If we can’t see anything from there, we’ll go back. Syd? What do you think?” Sydney, who was currently pulling the sled, agreed. “We’ve come this far. Sorry, William. I know you’re keeping us to the plan. I don’t want to have to come back out here.” “Not a problem, pretty lady,” he agreed. That caught her a little bit off guard. He hadn’t called her that since they’d met him. She looked up quickly to see if Clue had noticed. Clue, who was walking point, did not seem to have heard. Mr. Mouse, curled up next to Sydney’s earmuffs, had. He rolled his little black eyes. When were those two going to realize? They kept walking. It had taken slightly longer than Clue had expected to reach the top of the first hill. Distances were hard to judge in the Antarctic due to a lack of perspective and the mirage-like qualities of the glaring ice. Nonetheless, the extra effort had been worth it. “Get down! Do you guys see that?” she whispered as she dropped to her belly. Down in the deep canyon beyond the edge of the rise was some sort of base. The only way the settlement would have been visible was from almost directly overhead. There were ten to fifteen large buildings and structures, some partially buried in snow, others with a shallow layer of rocks spread over the roofs to aid in camouflage. Wispy streams of vapour from some of the blocks indicated a living presence. “That’s certainly not on the maps,” said Lamar. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure I know where our parts went,” agreed Sydney. “I’ll believe in yetis,” said Clue. “But I doubt they built that.” “Maybe they control the yetis?” proposed Lamar. “Double-secret Area 51?” suggested Sydney. The speculation ended abruptly. A gunshot cracked across the valley. It puffed into the snow beside Clue’s head. She scrambled for cover. The others followed her lead. Gunfire erupted from all sides. The Troubleshooters were completely pinned down. “Do you see them?” Sydney yelled. “No. We’re surrounded,” said Lamar. Clue wriggled out from behind a rocky shield to try to locate their attackers. She saw a flash. “Over there, two o’clock. See that scraggly bump?” she told Lamar. He sighted with his rifle. “Got it,” he said. “Do we shoot back?” More bullets whizzed overhead. Their foes seemed to have terrible aim for the level of surprise they had achieved with their ambush. Sydney interrupted them. “Guys, I see a different one. Nine o’clock. This one’s a yeti.” Lamar jumped aside after a near-miss. “There, by the big rock pile, right ahead. Number three. That’s a yeti, too. We need to make up our minds, here.” Clue was confused. When did yetis get guns? Mr. Mouse chirped urgently. He’d seen another. “They’ve got us,” she said. “Put down the rifle. Right now I think we have to surrender. There’s too many. Sydney, drop yours, too. They don’t know I’ve got powers. If we need to, I can blast them. I think I’m recovered enough.” “I think you might be right,” said Sydney. Clue laid down her gun and slowly put her hands in the air. Sydney and Lamar did the same. The shooting stopped. They saw eight wraith-like shapes stand up from the snow around them. The white shaggy fur of the yetis had blended in with the background almost perfectly. Each carried a battered rifle. In that surreal moment, Clue’s first thought was that she recognized the guns from the TV show, “The A-Team”. The giant beasts closed on Clue’s position. They were communicating to each other with hand gestures. When they were within arm’s reach, they stopped. The one that seemed to be the leader took another half-step closer. Then it raised its hands. Clue flinched, and readied an electric shock for the monster, before she realized that it wasn’t reaching for her. Instead, it pulled off its head. The yeti was a man in mask. The rest of the erstwhile yetis removed their cowls as well, revealing a grim-faced collection of men and women who were still improbably large. “My name is Four,” said the first man in flat, unaccented English. “You are now our prisoners and you will come with us. Do not attempt to flee.” Clue looked at her friends. There was no argument. They fell into line and were marched back to their captors’ stronghold. The inside of the building that was to be their prison was dim and crowded with crates, barrels, and stacked lumber. Bare lights fought valiantly against the overwhelming darkness, but with no windows and a low bunker-like ceiling, it was a losing battle. “Stay,” said Four, as if he was commanding a dog. The rusted metal door shut with a hollow clang, and Clue could hear a wheel turn to lock it. “If a storm comes, at least we’ll be better off in here,” said Lamar, trying unsuccessfully to ease the tension. “It’s ok,” said Clue. “I’ve been in this situation before.” She let Mr. Mouse out of her sweater and directed him towards the door. “Mr. Mouse will just go around, and get the lock from the other side.” The plan was stalled by the solid concrete walls. “Worked last time,” she said to save face. “We need to work this out,” said Sydney. “Did anyone manage to get a look around as we were led in here? I noticed we’re in the middle of the complex. This building seems to be used for storage, but the one next door is either barracks or a mess hall. I heard several voices from inside. I think we might have passed a hangar and some labs, as well.” “I notice that there doesn’t seem to be any modern technology,” added Clue. “Everything is either analogue or very early electronics. Like 1950s- or 60s-early. And I didn’t see any antennas or satellite dishes on any of the roofs. I don’t think these people have been in touch with the outside world for awhile. Could this place be some sort of penal colony? Lamar, did you see anything?” “I saw some sentry posts. The gunports pointed out. This isn’t a detention centre. This is a stronghold.” “What are they protecting?” wondered Sydney. “They disguise themselves when they leave. And they definitely have an interest in the Miss Direction. They sabotaged it so it couldn’t take off. I bet these guys drove off the other groups who tried to repair her, too. They were scared off by a yeti attack and didn’t want to put something in the official report that would make them seem crazy,” said Clue. “The scientists back at McMurdo, they were afraid when we told them we were here for the bomber. Now I think we know why,” said Lamar. “Four and the others seem to be actively protecting themselves.” The incarcerated team had quite some time to speculate amongst themselves. It seemed their wardens had little inclination to return to check up on them. After thoroughly examining the structure and contents of their improvised cell it was clear that an escape attempt at this time was not going to work. They hunkered down to try to conserve energy and stay warm, sleeping in turns with at least one person awake at all times. Mr. Mouse, however, did not sleep. He spent the time doing laps of the room, checking and re-checking every item in it. He had an ingrained aversion to cages. Hours passed, although it was difficult to tell exactly how many, with the sun never setting. Clue and the others had been stripped of their watches and gear at the time of their capture. Then the door shuddered and swung open. “You,” said the man who opened it, pointing at Clue. “Come with me.” She rose and followed him. Mr. Mouse tried to make a break for the opening, but Clue saw him before the guard and motioned him away with a subtle wave of her hand. She pointed towards Sydney and Lamar. Mr. Mouse understood and crept back towards Sydney. The man led her along a path between buildings. Without her jacket, the biting cold worked quickly on her. She stumbled as she tried to walk faster to get to where-ever it was she was being taken. She couldn’t use her powers to warm herself without tipping off the mysterious kidnappers. By the time she got to the journey’s end, only three buildings away, she was sure she’d developed frostbite on 90 percent of her body. Because of the cold, she barely had the will to object when shoved harshly into a wooden chair and strapped down. A bright light snapped on, blinding her, and the interrogation began. “I am Seven,” said a woman’s voice with the same strange non-accent as Four. “What is your name?” Clue didn’t see much harm in telling her that. “Clue Restacks.” “Tell me your real name.” “That is my real name,” said Clue. It wasn’t, but this Seven wouldn’t know that. “Why did you come here?” the interrogator demanded. “I didn’t come here. You brought me here.” Clue barely had time to flinch as something flat and pliable whipped at her head. A belt, probably. Clue couldn’t tell because of the light. “No games. Why did you come here?” “The other two hostages and I came to Antarctica to repair that old plane out there and fly it away,” Clue told Seven. “Why did you invade our territory?” Seven asked. “You know exactly why we did that. You or your henchmen stole the parts we need. What did you think would happen when you did that?” Clue spat back, bracing for the belt. Surprisingly, despite her defiance, she wasn’t beaten again. She sensed, rather than saw, Seven take a step back. “You intended to take the aircraft,” said another voice. It might have been Four, but with the funny blankness of the voices so far, Clue couldn’t tell for sure. “What is your use with it after all these years?” “Four?” she asked the voice. “No. I am Twenty-One,” said the voice. “Tell me about the aircraft.” Clue was unsure whether or not to reveal her plans. Had some rival hired these people as mercenaries to poach the Boeing for themselves? Wasn’t there something about interrogations where they just tried to get you talking about anything to soften you up for the real questions? Her silence must have angered her questioners and she got smacked with the belt again. She decided that if they were serious about taking the plane, they already had the capability to do it no matter what she did or did not tell them. Better to play along for now to see what they really wanted. “What do you want me to tell you?” she said. “What is its importance to you?” coaxed Twenty-One. “Somebody hired us to recover it. The airframe is worth enough money now that people are willing to pay for wrecks to restore.” “Who hired you?” This time it was Seven asking the question. “His name is Sutter. He owns a museum,” said Clue. “He is not from your army?” “What do you mean, ‘my army’? No, he’s not from the army. I just told you, he’s a rich old man who collects planes.” Clue was beginning to warm up, again, and getting tired of circular questions. “Who will receive the aircraft’s cargo?” asked yet another voice. This time Clue knew it was Four. “As far as I know,” Clue said, slowly, “the crashed B-17, registration N809Z, to be clear, that is out there on the ice, that we came for, does not contain any cargo. Now either hit me again with the belt or let me go. I’m not answering any more questions.” She could hear them discussing her, but they kept their voices low and she could not make out what they were saying. “Very well,” said Four. “We will no longer ask you about the aircraft.” “Tell us about your powers, instead.” “My what?” asked Clue. Perhaps she had heard him wrong. “We were at your camp during the storm. Do not think we didn’t notice the conditions. We have lived on the ice for decades. You have no machinery for heat or sanctuary from the elements. If you do not have powers, perhaps we will have to ask the man, or perhaps the other girl,” said Four ominously. Clue wasn’t ready to give up her ace just yet. She tried to stall them. “I don’t have powers, we have technology. You might not be familiar with it. It’s back at camp,” she said. Four stepped between the light and Clue. Her eyes adjusted to the shadow. He waited for her to focus on him, and then leaned forward. “Perhaps you think we are feeble. Maybe you have thoughts of rescue. I can assure you that we are familiar with many things that you do not expect.” He extended his arm to the two others still lurking in the shadows. “Seven, come here.” The woman stepped closer. Four shut off the interrogation lights. Clue could now see the rest of the room clearly. Four drew a large knife from his belt. He handed it to Seven. “Demonstrate,” he ordered her. Seven calmly accepted the knife, then held out her arm and drove the blade through. She didn’t even flinch. When she pulled it out the wound healed almost instantly. Clue fought the urge to throw up. Four sensed her discomfort. “Ah, so you truly do not know.” His manner changed ever so slightly. He seemed to relax for a moment. As suddenly as the flicker of emotion appeared, it vanished. Still, he began to speak again. “We are super-soldiers, bred for combat in the worst conditions, against the strongest and cleverest enemies. I do not know the exact nature of the science that created us but we were deemed abominations once those in power saw what the doctors had done. “We were not naive, and we could foresee what was to come once we were declared expendable. So we escaped. We fled here, to the most remote and desolate corner of the planet. Then we built this fortress, where we could live in peace. Until that aircraft you came for found us. It was only good fortune that it could not continue its flight and that it crashed when it did. Perhaps it had come for us, perhaps not. But it overflew our valley before it went down, and so we must not allow it to leave. It may yet contain evidence of our existence.” “How long have you been here?” asked Clue. “We reached this haven on May 20, 1960.” “Sir,” Twenty-One interrupted. “Yes, perhaps I have said too, much,” Four agreed with the warning. “It seems this interview has turned,” he told Clue. “It is time, then, for you to return to your cell.” Clue was roughly released into the waiting arms of Seven and Twenty-One. Four watched dispassionately as she was hustled out the door, back into the Antarctic freezer. This time, however, she did not hold back from using her powers to warm herself as she was dragged back to the detention building. “What happened?” Sydney greeted her keenly. “Are you alright?” “I’m fine. Minor beating, that’s all,” said Clue as the door closed. “What did they want?” asked Lamar. Clue relayed the proceedings of the inquisition to the others. “They hit you with a belt?” Sydney repeated angrily. “Monsters.” “At least it was only a belt,” Clue assured her. “And only a couple times.” Mr. Mouse was not happy. Clue patted him gently and he calmed down. He didn’t like it when Clue was hurt. “Are they going to let us go?” Lamar asked. “I’m not sure,” said Clue. “I thought towards the end that Four was cracking, but they’re tough. They’ve been here a long time and they’re patient. They’ve prevented folks from getting at that plane for ages.” “Monsters,” repeated Sydney, but she was distracted. “Do you think they’re responsible for bigfoot sightings around the world? I mean, if that’s what they disguised themselves as to raid the Miss Direction. Maybe they throw on the suits and go around the woods near cities and such for information gathering? They’re all so tall. I don’t think they could blend in on the streets.” “I think that would require them to leave this continent. I don’t see any way for them to travel. And they seem pretty insular. If they’re willing to watch a wrecked plane for fifty years, they probably don’t have better things to do, like intercontinental cryptid conspiracies,” said Clue. “So probably not,” she concluded. Lamar thought about it slightly longer. “Perhaps,” was all he was willing to concede. “But back to the task at hand. How can we use this new information to help ourselves?” “I don’t think he’ll hurt us, now that he knows we’re not specifically after them,” said Clue. “If they’re after my powers, then that explains their terrible aim during the ambush. Or, could be like Sydney says, if they’re after information. We could be their first source of outside news in decades. We may be in for a long stay.” Sydney spoke up. “You said that they watched the plane, right? And they’re worried that there’s something on it that will trace back to them. If we can get back and find out what that something is, then we’ve got power over them.” “Escape?” asked Lamar. “Yes. We’d need to find the engine parts first, though,” she confirmed. “We’ll need a distraction,” said Clue. “And I won’t be able to come with you. “ “Why not?” said Sydney, with concern. “Because you two won’t last an hour out there. The conditions are too bad. You’d freeze. I need to stay here to project a shield for you.” “She’s right,” said Lamar. “I don’t believe you,” said Sydney. “I’m willing to risk it if you come with us.” “No. It has to happen this way. Mr. Mouse will be going with you.” Mr. Mouse was on Sydney’s side of the argument, but he wasn’t strong enough to resist when Clue scooped him up and put him in Sydney’s pocket. He wiggled and scratched at the lining from inside, trying to gnaw his way out. “Sydney,” said Clue. “I know,” she said. She opened the flap and removed Mr. Mouse. Then she brought him to her shoulder where he, too, realized that this was how it had to be. He sat quietly and glared at his friend who was going to sacrifice herself. The trio sat down and began to plan the escape. Plan A required Clue to be called again for interrogation. Plan B was considerably less appealing. Luckily, it was not long before one of the supersoldiers came back. “Which one are you?” said Clue. “I am Thirty-Eight,” she said. “How many of you are there?” asked Sydney. The question was met with a blank stare. “That information is classified.” “I suppose you’ve come for me,” said Clue. “You are correct. Please follow me.” Clue was taken to the same room as before. However, this time they did not use the glaring lights and she was not confined to the chair. Instead, there was a desk set up with a single seat in front of it. Behind the desk were three soldiers, Four, Seven, and someone who sat between them who Clue guessed was either Five or Six. “Sit,” said Seven. “We have considered your case,” said Four. “We cannot let you leave, but we are willing to allow you to live among us. In time, perhaps, you would accept your place here. Further, we believe your powers to be of great usefulness to our colony. We would ask that you create an ice dome to protect us from the elements and detection.” “And if I disagree, you’ll either kill us or keep us locked up indefinitely?” “We have very limited resources. Keeping you prisoner would not be efficient.” Clue realized that there would be no negotiating with them. Escape would be the only way to freedom. Plan A went into action. With no warning, she charged the air around her with electricity, throwing bolts from her hands at the three soldiers behind the desk, and the two guarding the door. The effect stunned the guards, and Clue was able to grab the keys to the lock-up from a prone Four. He watched her but could not move, his spasming muscles paralysing him. He gurgled what was probably a threat, but Clue ignored it. Seven was similarly affected, though she was able to twitch in Clue’s direction. Clue gave them all another good dose, before she returned to her friends. She made her way back to the stockade, then opened the heavy door and released the rest of the team. Sydney and Lamar emerged into the glacial air. Their jackets were still confiscated. Clue enveloped them with warmth right away. “Go find the parts and get out of here. I’m going to find someplace to lay low. Hopefully they assume that we all took off together and that they won’t come looking for me,” she told them. “Good luck.” She hugged them, then patted Mr. Mouse, and then sent all three on their way, uncertain if she’d ever see them again. Sydney and Lamar carefully picked their way out of the enemy encampment. Clue had also thought to bring up a localized breeze that caused the dry snow to blow into whiteout conditions. If they could avoid the misfortune of a supersoldier bumbling into them, they could make their way without being seen. They ran from building to building, trying to ascertain which one the missing parts were in. “If there’s a garage, machine shop, or hangar, those would be our best bets,” said Sydney. “Those buildings would likely be on the perimeter,” Lamar suggested. “Sounds good, let’s check it out.” They were both correct, and found the missing pieces in a garage that also contained the soldier’s snowmobiles. Both were of a recent vintage and Sydney suspected they’d been stolen from the research base’s depot. “Should we take them?” she asked Lamar. “We’d never get them out of the valley,” he said. “We could waste valuable time searching for a route that allows vehicles.” Sydney had immediate second thoughts, also. “And we’d be easy targets. They’d make too much noise.” That settled it. They’d have to hand-carry the heavy equipment with them across more than twenty miles of windswept polar plateau back to McMurdo Station. By the time they’d made it hand-over-hand to the top of the canyon walls they were able to truly grasp the magnitude of the trek back. Twenty miles on foot in the Antarctic couldn’t be taken lightly. Lamar knew that Captain Scott had died only eleven from a supply depot that would have saved him. Most expeditions during the Age of Exploration had averaged roughly ten per day. Modern gear and knowledge meant that the one-day march from the base to the bomber had been possible, but now, without protection from the elements, and weighed down by the engine components, it would be a struggle to get back. He decided not to relay that information to Sydney. However, she was already beginning to suspect that they could be in trouble. She could feel the intense cold despite Clue’s environmental shield. The pair were able to follow their tracks from the inbound journey, and held out hope that there would not be a storm before they could reach the safe haven of the research station. Despite being only hours from the Miss Direction, staying with the bomber first would do them no good. They needed to resupply and recover before they attempted to work on the plane. They stopped at their camp only long enough to deposit the heavy engine parts, and then they continued on. They kept a steady pace, trudging on, knowing that a pause could kill. They managed to make it halfway before they experienced a significant setback. “Do you feel that?” asked Lamar. “Yeah, for the last few minutes. I didn’t want to believe it,” answered Sydney. “I had been hoping it was just me,” said Lamar dismally. The temperature was dropping, and the breeze had picked up. Another storm was on the way. “Can you make it any faster, Bill?” Sydney asked him. He seemed to be slowing up. “I’m sorry,” said Lamar, “I’m an inventor. Fitness is not usually a prerequisite.” “You’re a Troubleshooter now. I’ll have to get Clue to rewrite the job requirements when we get back,” she told him. “Come on, we’ve come this far. We can’t let her down.” Lamar managed to pick up the pace a little. Sydney let him lean on her to help him. Now she was carrying his weight, as well. The weather began to worsen exponentially. Sydney could almost feel Clue struggling to maintain the life raft of warmth around them. Worryingly, it began to flicker against the power of the blizzard. “Come on, Restacks, hold it a little longer,” she whispered into the wind. She knew both she and Lamar were beginning to show signs of frostbite, despite the protection. She checked Mr. Mouse. He had curled into a ball inside her pocket and did not seem to be moving. The only sign he was alive was the small rise and fall of his puffed out fur as he breathed. An ear twitched, and she decided he must be dreaming. The blowing snow made navigation difficult, also. They’d been able to follow tracks back to the bomber, but the path to the base was less clear. She knew the direction to go, and had kept in line by picking a landmark on the horizon to walk towards, but now the whiteout made that almost impossible. She could only put one foot in front of the other and hope that it was a straight line. Their forward progress slowed dangerously. “Sydney,” croaked Lamar. “I—” “No,” she cut him off. She knew what he was going to say. “Nobody else is staying behind. Just keep moving. We’ll get there.” She had to use her cop-voice now. “Walk forward.” The reality, however, was that if they didn’t reach the base soon, she’d have to make a very tough choice. With no way of knowing the distance they’d already traveled, she could only guess that they must be close to the end of their journey. She was almost about to make that decision when she saw the lights. “Look,” she said. “There it is. We’re here!” Sydney could not remember being so happy. Or exhausted. Lamar managed a weak smile. “Thanks boss,” he whispered, barely able to form the words. He was well beyond exhausted. They reached the door of the main building. It was locked. There was no way of summoning anyone from inside. They’d battened down the hatches for the storm. Perhaps they’d even evacuated, if the forecast was severe enough. Nobody would have thought to stay around for people that they’d thought had already gone. “No!” said Sydney, her gut knotting up. They’d come too far to freeze now. “We need to check the other buildings. Find a shed. Anything.” “They’ll be closed. Everything will be closed,” said Lamar with finality. “We’ve got to get inside, soon. We won’t make it out here much longer. Can we break in anyplace?” “I doubt it,” said Lamar. “But I have an idea. It’s not much further. Follow me.” He led her through the abandoned outpost, and beyond, towards the sea. “Where are we going?” she asked. “Shackleton’s hut,” she said, now understanding. “It won’t be very glamorous, but we’ll be able to get in and find shelter,” Lamar concluded. They travelled the distance in silence. The storm had reached its peak intensity, and putting one step ahead of the other was a challenge. Finally, the weathered-white wooden structure rose out of the blinding snow, a beacon of safety in the appalling conditions. Built in 1907 and used by many explorers’ expeditions over the years, the hut had, like the bomber, been preserved by the freezing conditions and dry air of the extreme South. A long, simple rectangle, it perched awkwardly on the black rocks of the Cape. Sydney and Lamar wasted no time and jimmied the simple lock on the door to break in. “Unbelievable,” was all Sydney could get out. The dark of the interior was pierced by her flashlight, revealing a scene directly from another time. Sledges were still suspended from the ceiling. Old crates, modified into shelves, lined the bare-wood walls. Tins of food and packaged supplies sat out, a veritable pantry left as if the former occupants had just stepped out minutes ago. Beds were arranged around the perimeter, awaiting sleeping bodies who would never return. There were even pants and socks, hung up, waiting to be folded and put away. “We need to get a fire going,” said Lamar. “Then we can use some of this food for lunch.” “I don’t know,” said Sydney. “It’s just, it feels wrong to disturb any of this.” “Shackleton would have wanted it to go to good use, to help save someone. That’s us. We can’t let nostalgia cloud our judgement. We’ll die, otherwise.” “You’re right, I guess. Still,” she paused. “Is this stuff even any good? Won’t it make us sick?” “We should be careful,” said Lamar. “It will all be preserved well enough, but anything in tins will have lead contamination. It’s what they used back then to solder the lids on. Stuff in glass bottles or any other packaging should still be edible.” The two got a fire going in the massive fireplace at the end of the open hall. They’d found some fruit and biscuits to eat. Sydney, still leery of disturbing history, had carefully selected items from behind others, so that at least the room stayed visually the same. They’d also taken a blanket off of one of the beds, and were now huddled together in the warmth of the fire. “We need to sleep,” said Sydney. But Lamar was way ahead of her. She smiled to herself as his snoring began to fill the old cabin. She made sure Mr. Mouse was comfortable, then lay her head down and, with the storm still howling outside, slept, too. When Sydney opened her eyes, she had no idea how long she’d been asleep. The sun streaming in the clouded window told her that at least the storm was over. “Would have been nice if they hadn’t stolen my watch,” she grumbled to herself. “Whassad?” a sleepy Lamar slurred from underneath the blanket. “Never mind,” she told him. “You don’t have to wake up yet.” She knew that today would be a long one. And she still didn’t know how she was going to get back to Clue. She stared at the ceiling and tried to come up with a plan. But nothing she thought of would work. She couldn’t repair the bomber and then fly it to Clue. There was no runway at the soldier’s camp. She knew time would be limited. Lamar probably wouldn’t last through another storm, or, she suspected, very much more adversity at all. And she knew that Clue’s protective shield against the elements could collapse at any time for a variety of reasons. To be trapped, exposed, on the Antarctic plain would be lethal. The combination of fatigue and doubt began to affect her logic. Her mind began to drift. It seemed that the shack was not quite weather-tight. She absently watched a sock, still hanging on a line so many years later, sway slightly in a draft. She fixated on it, not blinking, as it slowly twisted around, like a child spinning a swing, and then, as the breeze stopped, slowly rotate back to its original position. Then the draught would come again. And then the mental haze lifted. She was inspired. She knew how she was going to get back to save her friend. Out of habit, she glanced at her wrist to see how long Lamar had slept. When she didn’t see the time, she decided that it had been long enough. “Wake up! I know how we’re going to do it!” she told him excitedly. “Ok. I’m up. What?” “The research base,” she said. “And?” he asked. He was confused. “They’re gone. It’s empty?” “They had a helicopter.” “They didn’t leave in a helicopter.” “That’s brilliant!” he shouted, too loud for their close proximity. Then he was quiet. He cocked his head slightly. “Can you fly one?” She grimaced. “Maybe.” “I’m friends with one of the pilots of the police department’s chopper. He used to try to impress me by sneaking me into the flight simulators. I paid fairly close attention to what he was explaining. Managed to land it a few times, even, on my own.” “Yeah. This is a terrible plan,” said Lamar. “I know,” she agreed. “Do you really think you can do it?” he asked her. “Do you have any other brilliant ideas?” she countered. He thought for a moment. “No, actually, not one,” he said. “If we die, you can have my watch,” she told him. Mr. Mouse felt slightly overlooked in the whole plan-making endeavour, but since he didn’t have any better proposals either, he resigned himself to operation “Hope Sydney Doesn’t Crash”. The trio, lacking any equipment, were soon ready to return to the science station. Sydney took one final look around the cabin. “Good bye, and thank you,” she whispered to the men who’d left there a century ago. The journey back, in good weather, was brief. They quickly found the geodesic dome near the airfield that housed the survey helicopter. Getting in would be more difficult. Sydney was unable to pick the lock without tools, and Lamar searched in vain for a window to break. This was where being a mouse came in handy. Mr. Mouse crawled up the side of the building. Roughly half-way up, he found a panel that was beginning to come loose. He pried up enough of an edge to put his teeth into it, and began to gnaw. The heavy plastic, although it tasted horrible, fell quickly to his sharp incisors. He was inside in minutes. Then it was short work to scramble down and find a button for the loading doors. “Good job!” Sydney told him as she ducked under the still-moving gate. “Is that one you can handle?” asked Lamar, nodding at the sleek flying machine that sat under the dome. Sydney ran up to it and peered inside. “It looks like the cockpit I was in. I’ll make sure it’s fueled up and ready to fly. You take Mr. Mouse and do a quick survey. See if there’s anything around we can use. Jackets, or food—anything like that. Be back here in fifteen minutes. Or, your best guess. You know what I mean.” “Done,” he said. Mr. Mouse hopped across to his shoulder and they made their way into the darker recesses of the building. Sydney was glad they went for the diversion. Now, without distraction, she climbed up into the captain’s seat and tried to remember what she’d been taught. She’d been somewhat more confident in the selling of the idea than she really felt. However, by the time the boys returned, she’d been able to familiarize herself with the controls and had done the pre-flight check and warm-up. “Did you find anything?” she asked them. “Yeah, we managed to get in to a workshop. There wasn’t any food, but we found some water, and a couple of coats,” replied Lamar. “Here,” he said, offering her one. She put it on, grateful for the extra layer. It was too big for her, and she was about to say something when she noticed that Lamar’s, if anything, was even larger. He saw her look him over. “I know. I think they’re supposed to go over other jackets, possibly.” “Do you think they have anything to do with the supersoldiers?” she wondered. He clearly hadn’t thought about that scenario. “I really don’t think so. Remember, they are vehemently isolationist. If they’re willing to kidnap to keep a secret, then they’re not dealing with the scientists here.” “Good,” she said. “I think this whole thing is making me paranoid. Maybe it’s the abandoned base.” “No,” he replied. “I’ve got the same feeling.” They didn’t say anything after that. Sydney led the way into the helicopter and strapped in. Lamar followed, and sat in the co-pilot’s seat. Mr. Mouse took the opportunity to once again switch hosts and returned to Sydney’s pocket. “All ready?” she asked. Lamar flashed a thumbs-up, and Mr. Mouse squeaked. Sydney could barely hear him over the whirling rotors and engine. She slowly lifted the helicopter off of the ground and then crept forward until she cleared the doors. The craft wobbled slightly as she brought it to a short hover, and then added power and lifted into the clear blue sky. Lamar watched quietly. Sydney suspected he had a fear of flying. Or maybe just a fear of her flying. Sydney had remembered her lessons well and soon they were flying over the black cross of the B-17 against the snow, and their campsite. “Do we stop here, or continue on to the valley and get Clue?” Sydney asked. The others did not have to speak. She knew what their answer was. She continued out past the runway without pause. She noticed that it had been covered in snow from the last storm. They would have to deal with that later. “Approach the supersoldiers’ hideout from downwind,” Lamar told her. “It will cut down the noise. Maybe we can sneak up on them.” Sydney did as she was told and swung the course slightly east. She kept the helicopter low to the ground, flying mostly straight, but attempting to keep hills or obstacles between them and any lookouts that might be posted. When they found a suitable landing area, she slowed the forward momentum, and cut power slowly. The machine began to descend. She was within a few feet from a perfect landing when Mr. Mouse leapt from her pocket and scrambled to the controls. He flipped a switch, and Sydney heard the whirr-clunk of the landing gear lowering. As soon as the wheels deployed, they hit the ground. Mr. Mouse had prevented a decidedly hard landing, and a possibly catastrophic roll-over. Sydney breathed a huge sigh of relief, and thanked him profusely as she powered the engines down. “Cutting it close, are we?” Lamar asked, as the color began to wash back into his face. “Sorry,” she said. “I forgot about that.” “No problem, I suppose we’ve survived,” said Lamar. “Let’s go find Clue.” They made their way to the edge of the canyon and crawled forward on their bellies. The outpost looked the same as when they’d left it. They searched carefully for anybody walking about or on patrol. “I don’t think they know we’re here,” said Sydney. “Good. I see the building they kept us in. Hopefully Clue is still in there,” said Lamar. They were about to crest the ridge when Mr. Mouse nipped Sydney. “What was that for?” she said. He jumped out of her pocket into the snow and ran forward a few feet, then in a slow, exaggerated circle, and then back. When he got to within a couple inches of Sydney he stood up on his hind legs and waggled his arms in front of him. “Ok,” she said. “Ok, what?” asked Lamar. “He wants to go first. To scout it out,” she told him. “Ah, I see. I think that’s a good idea,” he said. “Alright, Mr. Mouse, if you’re not back in fifteen minutes, we’re coming after you.” He chirped happily and set off by himself. Not for the first time was Sydney happy to have met him. She and Lamar hunkered down and waited. When she began to shiver, he put his arm around her and drew her closer. This time, she didn’t resist. Mr. Mouse was back with minutes to spare. He’d been down into the camp and confirmed that Clue was still being kept in the same building they’d all been in before the escape. However, it took Sydney and Lamar far too long to figure out his message, he thought. Eventually they got it, though, and the three rescuers set off down towards the valley floor. They arrived at the correct door, and Lamar managed to break the lock. They opened it, and found their friend. Clue was exhausted. She’d been working to keep up the weather shield since the others had left. Now, they saw that she was barely awake. “Clue, we’re back,” Sydney told her. She shook Clue softly. “We have a helicopter. We need to go.” “I didn’t know you could fly a helicopter,” Clue coughed, softly. Then she smiled weakly. “I’m going to stop now,” she said. They all felt the cold as the barrier collapsed. Mr. Mouse chittered at Clue. “I’m glad, too,” she told him. “I missed you.” “Come on,” said Lamar. “We need to go before we’re detected.” Clue was gathered up and they made for the edge of the settlement. They didn’t get far before there was a significant deviation from the plan. “Halt,” said a female supersoldier, leveling a gun at them. The Troubleshooters prepared to run, but realized at once that they were surrounded. “I see that you have come back for your comrade,” said Four. “Noble, but a poor decision. I don’t believe you’ll manage another trek across the ice.” None of the group said anything. They knew that they wouldn’t get another chance for escape. “No more pithy remarks?” Four asked. “Very well. Nineteen, take them back to the holding cells. Put them in separate ones, with posted guards this time. And make sure Miss Restacks is sedated.” Then he spun and marched off purposefully. They had just begun to get herded back when there was another surprise. A muffled explosion, and a sharp burst of gunfire, coming from somewhere near the top of the canyon. “They’ve found us!” somebody shouted. “Get to the defenses!” The guard covering the prisoners paused, confused for an instant as to what her duties were. Lamar took the opportunity to tackle her, and wrestled the gun from her hands. “This way,” said Sydney, and they began to run towards the helicopter, half dragging and half carrying Clue with them. They stopped when they were close enough to see the craft. Someone had already been there. Bullet holes peppered the canopy and engine bay. The tail rotor had been mangled by an explosion. “There!” Sydney said, pointing to the attackers. Clue raised her head. “I know them,” she said. “They’re the scientists from the station.” “Why are they attacking the soldiers?” asked Lamar. “Maybe they’re trying to rescue us?” said Sydney. “No,” said Clue. “They don’t know we’re here.” She paused, then spoke again. “I think Four might have been telling the truth. I think we might be on the wrong side.” “What do you mean?” asked Sydney. “They were worried about being found. Now somebody has found them, and the researchers from the base have been sent on a mission against targets that just want to be left alone. The government really is trying to wipe these people out,” said Clue. “These people—the supersoldiers?” Lamar questioned. “Yes. I think we need to help them,” Clue concluded. “After what they did to you? To us?” asked Sydney. “Can you blame them? We came to work on the Miss Direction, a plane that must have been sent to scout for their camp. They’d have thought we’d come for more evidence. And then we showed up on their doorstep. It makes sense now. They couldn’t let the bomber leave. And then they couldn’t let us leave. Think about it. They didn’t even shoot us when they had the chance. They just want to be left alone,” said Clue. “Come on, we need to go back and find Four. Maybe we can figure out a way to fix the problem.” Sydney and Lamar were skeptical. Even Mr. Mouse had his doubts. They hesitated. “He was right, you know, we’re not going to be able to make it back now. We might as well see what else we can do to get out of this situation,” Clue told them. Still, they kept silent. Clue saw them look at each other suspiciously. She suddenly felt self-conscious giving orders, after what they’d just gone through to save her. “I know that so far on this expedition I’ve been a bit of a dictator, even when I wasn’t one hundred percent sure of what to do,” she continued. “It’s gotten us into trouble. But right now there’s something happening, and we need to choose a side. I’m not going to pretend I have all the answers, but I think this is the right thing to do.” Sydney saw a change in her friend. There was something in the vulnerability of admitting weakness that gave Clue the mandate to lead. Somehow it harkened at a stronger core. “I hope you’re right, because I’ll be with you,” Sydney told Clue. They both looked at Lamar. “I suppose if she’s in, then I’m in,” he agreed dryly. “Mr. Mouse, if we’re going to do it, then we’re going to do it together. What do you think?” Clue asked her friend. His answer was to exit Sydney’s pocket, and take his old place on Clue’s shoulder. “Let’s go find Four,” she said. They crept along the slushy path between the buildings. From above them, on the ridge, they could hear the continued attack by the scientists. Clue suspected that the only reason they hadn’t been wiped out already was because the supersoldiers were not shooting to kill. Even then, everyone had been called to defend the settlement, leaving the main area deserted. Finally they rounded a corner and found a guard. She saw them first and whipped around to train her gun on them. “Prisoners! Why have you returned? To sabotage us while we protect our home?” she barked. “Stay where you are.” “We’re returned to help you,” said Clue. “We mean you no harm.” “Perhaps this is a diversion for your comrades on the cliffs?” the solder retorted. “We need you to take us to Four, or Seven, if you can.” Lamar interrupted the spat. His direction gave the sentry pause. “I see,” she said. “Perhaps you are being truthful, if you want to meet Seven again.” She lowered her rifle. “Very well, I will take you to her.” She motioned slightly with the weapon and Lamar and the others fell into line ahead of her as she marched them towards a low, bunker-like structure on the outskirts of the colony. They arrived at the door and their escort rapped twice, paused, and then again a third time. Clue could only describe the interior as mission control. There were banks of antiquated monitors, and supersoldiers sat at their stations, evidently communicating with the fighters outside. She heard snippets of orders on the radios. They were directing the battle. Seven stood with her hands clasped behind her back on a rise at the front of the room. She nodded at two others who were moving pieces around on a large scale model of the surrounding valley and plateau. She completed the set, and turned her attention to the newcomers. “You’re back,” she said, frigidly. “I can help you,” said Clue. “I don’t believe you.” “Where are the scientists, now?” Clue asked. “They are approaching the inner perimeter. Any closer and we will be compelled to respond with lethal force. I suggest that you warn your friends away.” “We aren’t with them, but we know why they’ve been sent,” said Sydney. “You do? Really?” said Seven. “And why the change of heart?” “Because it’s not fair. We understand that you just want to be left alone. You could have killed them, or all of us, already, but you haven’t. You’ve done nothing to deserve an attack,” said Clue. “Show me on the table where they are. I can stop them. No one will get hurt.” Seven closed her eyes and pursed her lips. She blew out a breath. “If you betray us, I will make sure that you die slowly,” she told Clue. Then she pointed at some markers on the map. “Here,” she said. “Pull your people back,” ordered Clue. “We do not retreat,” said Seven. There was no leeway in Clue’s command. Seven nodded at an operator in the first row of stations. The word went out. “We are holding behind the internal perimeter.” “Ok,” said Clue. “I’ve never done this before.” She concentrated on the area between the combatants. She pictured the terrain in her mind, using the model as a guide. Clue was still weak from the past few days, but she summoned all her remaining strength for what she was about to do next. Out in the field, there was a slight tremor in the hard-packed snow, which then began to well up from the ground in a pristine arc. Huge crystals of ice lanced up into the sky, sparkling in the unfiltered Antarctic sunlight. They formed an impenetrable wall, fifteen feet high, around the stunned attackers. Urgent calls from the front began to pour in. Supersoldiers, even used to their own abnormal existence, were still awed by what they’d just witnessed. Clue relaxed and shook her head. Then she locked eyes with Seven. “Call your people back. Then we can go out and end all this,” she told her. Clue and Seven arrived at the frozen barricade. Mr. Mouse was riding with Clue. Sydney and Lamar had elected to stay behind in the command center. The two women were met by Four, who was still wearing the bottom half of the yeti-disguise he and his fellows had been using during the attack. He and Seven had a quick discussion, while Clue feigned indifference. They came to the conclusion that they would accept Clue’s aid. After they finished, she joined the conversation. “Did they get a clear look at you?” she asked Seven. “Without the suit?” “No,” he replied. “They have only seen beasts.” “Ok. Let me go talk to them. I think I can sort this out for everyone,” said Clue. “You and the others stay back and out of sight.” “As you wish,” he told her. Then he and Seven disappeared far faster than Clue expected, camouflaging themselves against the wintery background. Clue approached the wall. Before she got there she lit a torch and pretended to use it to melt a door-sized portal, to avoid revealing her powers to the people trapped inside. When she got through, she walked into the center of the ring. The terrified scientists were gathered on the far edge. “Restacks!” they shouted, recognizing her. “What’s going on?” “You knew exactly what was going on, I suppose,” she told them. “When did you get the orders? Was it after you found that we hadn’t left with the bomber? Or was it after the storm when you found the helicopter missing? I want to know why you’re all here playing war.” One of the scientists stepped forward. “When the storm cleared, we came out of the basement shelter. Then during our post-emergency inspection we found the chopper missing. We used a satellite tracking beacon to direct us to its position. When we contacted headquarters and told them we were going so far past the outer markers, they told us to be armed, but wouldn’t say why. Then we were attacked by … things. We didn’t see what. And now we’re trapped in this ice formation. I’ve never seen something like this before.” “I see,” said Clue. “Does anybody back home know where you are right now? Do they know your exact position?” “Only the few people that didn’t come with us who are still back at McMurdo. The bosses said to bring along as many as we could.” “So here’s the story,” said Clue. “The others and I didn’t leave before the storm, obviously. We had some problems and had to leave the plane. When we tried to walk out, we got lost, and then separated. Sydney and Lamar made it back to you, but finding nobody, had to take the helicopter and return to search for me. Unfortunately, the helicopter wrecked. But now, you’ve come out and found us and we can go back to our camp where we’ll fly away from like the original plan. There’s nothing else out here.” “What were we fighting?” asked another scientist. “What were you fighting?” she asked him back. “Yetis?” he answered hesitantly. “I thought I saw yetis.” Clue laughed at him. “Yetis? Those are mythical creatures! You were probably shooting at rocks and shadows.” The group began to whisper amongst each other. With no prior fighting experience, a desire to not be embarrassed, and with the adrenaline still flowing, they came to the conclusion that perhaps Clue was telling the truth. “Why don’t you all head back to McMurdo. We’re fine here, now that the storm has passed and we can make our way back to the Miss Direction. We really are very close to taking off. It’s a shame about your helicopter, though,” she offered. Again, they conferred, and decided to do as she said. No one had any more desire to fight, or to investigate further. “We’ll do a fly-by on our way out,” Clue reassured them. They followed her out of the enclosure. She led the way, and signaled subtly to the supersoldiers to stay hidden. As the erstwhile commandos trudged back out towards home, Clue kept her eye on them to make sure none stayed behind to spy. After they’d gone over the horizon and she was sure they weren’t coming back she called out to Four and Seven, who appeared as quickly as they’d left. “They don’t know anything,” Clue told her allies. “And they will not return?” asked Four. “I think they’ve had enough adventure for the remainder of their lives,” she answered. “And you?” said Seven. “I’m up for a little bit more,” said Clue. “And I’ll keep up the rest of my end of the bargain.” She, Lamar, Sydney, and Mr. Mouse all stood at the edge of the cliffs, looking down on the supersoldier outpost. “Stand back,” Clue told the others. Then she raised her arms and an enormous sheet of ice covered the valley. A large oculus at the top of the dome allowed sunlight to continue to shine down. Then, accompanied by a deafening rumble, impenetrable frozen walls grew up all along the approach. She moved her hand slightly and layers of snow blew in, obscuring any remaining patterns or outlines of the buildings down below. Then she relaxed, and exhaled. “Nobody’s going to find your fortress, now,” she told Four. “Your deeds are appreciated,” he said. “You are welcome to return.” “I’m not going to lie,” Sydney cut in. “I don’t think we’re coming back.” Clue saw Four smile for the first time. “Then perhaps, one day, we should visit you,” he said. Then, without warning, he turned, and vanished around a corner of the new fortifications. The Troubleshooters stood for a moment, then mounted the snowmobiles the supersoldiers had lent them. They soon returned to the B-17. Miss Direction seemed to be waiting for them. The majestic craft sparkled in clear sun. “Are you ready to fly again?” Clue asked her. They parked the snow machines and Clue boarded the plane while Sydney and Lamar repaired the engines. Clue searched the compartments, and found what she was looking for. In a sealed box in the bomb bay was a reconnaissance camera. Clue, and everyone else who had ever inspected the plane, had missed it before because it was built into a bulkhead and did not look out of place. The intent of the original mission seemed clear, now. Clue broke the lock and gutted the delicate instruments. Then she pulled out the film canisters and ripped out the contents, exposing it all to the light and destroying the last remaining evidence of the supersoldier’s hideaway. She finished her task just as Lamar declared the plane fit for take-off. “There’s just the runway yet to clear,” he said. “That’s my job,” answered Clue. “Is everybody strapped in?” After a chorus of “yes’s” and one happy squeak, she hit the start toggles and pushed the throttles forward. Miss Direction pulled forward. Clue used her powers to clear the snow from in front of the landing gear, casting a dramatic wave of glittering shards up and over the girl on the nose as they accelerated down the runway. “Here we go!” shouted Clue above the roar of the propellers. She pulled back on the control column and they were in the air. Cheers echoed through the cabin. Clue watched the scattered remains of the camp where they’d almost died fading away behind them. She thought she noticed something white and shaggy moving towards the snow machines. She waved goodbye. She doubted they saw. “I’ve got us arriving in New Zealand just before dark,” said Sydney from the navigator’s station. “Green lights all around,” said Lamar. “Everything looks good.” He was looking at Sydney when he said it. Clue couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Sydney, why don’t you just kiss him already?” she asked her friend. Sydney’s eyes lit up and her cheeks turned bright red. She glanced quickly at Lamar, and then did just what Clue told her to. Clue turned away, gazing out the cockpit window of the Flying Fortress as soft clouds and the iceberg-dotted sea passed by below. Mr. Mouse crawled up out of her pocket and sprawled out on her shoulder. “You’re just happy because we finally finished an assignment like we were supposed to,” she told him. He wriggled around until he got good and comfortable. He was very happy, indeed. Clue Restacks, Mr. Mouse, and The Troubleshooting Company will return in “The Good Doctor”
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Aide Cover Letter join in on all of the Applications Sample terrific benefits of being a DMALI member? Click here to get started! DMALI is a non-profit organization consisting of Teacher Cover Teachers Aide Cover Letter, members with a professional interest in Template the direct marketing industry. Letter. Read more. The Direct Marketing Association of Un Adopts Small And Medium-Sized, Long Island (DMALI) recognizes industry leaders.Click here to read more. Read Articles, ask questions, interact with experts, and search job listings on the DMALI discussion board. Buy Essays For College - Teacher s Aide Cover Letter Example - A+ Resumes for… - Saint Michael's College Buy Cheap Essays - Best Assistant Teacher Cover Letter Examples |… - Ithaca College Dec 11, 2017 Teacher Cover Letter Example Sample. Teachers Aide Cover Letter, In Urdu Essays and Research Papers. The term ' Urdu ' and its origin The term Urdu derives from a Turkish word ordu meaning camp or army. The Urdu . language developed between the Teacher Cover Example Sample. Teachers Aide Letter Muslim soldiers of the Mughals armies who belonged to various ethnicities like Turks, Arabs, Persians, Pathans, Balochis, Rajputs, Jats and Afghans. These soldiers lived in Resolution Small And Medium-Sized close contact with each other and communicated in Letter Example Sample. Aide Cover different dialects, which slowly and Un Adopts Designating And Medium-Sized gradually evolved into present day Urdu . It is for Cover Letter Teachers Cover Letter this reason that Urdu is also referred to Template as Lashkari. English language , Hindi , Hindustani language 1737 Words | 4 Pages. ? Urdu - The Origin and History of the Language Published on February 17 2014 by www.eautytask.com The term ' Urdu ' and its origin . The term Urdu derives from a Turkish word ordu meaning camp or army. The Urdu languagedeveloped between the Muslim soldiers of the Mughals armies who belonged to Teacher Cover Letter Sample. Letter various ethnicities like Turks, Arabs, Persians, Pathans, Balochis, Rajputs, Jats and Afghans. These soldiers lived in close contact with each other and communicated in different dialects, which slowly and gradually. Arabic language , Ghazal , Hindi 1257 Words | 2 Pages. symbol of Advisor - Role, identity since a long time. Cover. It is considered as a gelling force to keep the Duties, Responsibilities communities united. Urdu was the official language of the . sub-continent and was spoken and used by both, Hindus and Muslims. All groups had contributed towards the development of the Example Sample. Teachers Aide Cover Letter language. The Urdu -Hindi controversy started with the fall of the Mughal Empire. This is because the Hindus felt that Urdu was a language of the invaders as many Turkish, Arabic and Persian words had been added to it. Therefore, the. Hindi , Hindustani language , India 1338 Words | 4 Pages. of four provinces and its national language is URDU . Application Cashier. URDU - THE NATIONAL LANGUAGE OF PAKISTAN Urdu is our . national language. Cover Example Teachers Cover Letter. It has played an importyant role in the articulation of muslim culture in South East Asia.It has been rightly said that urdu had been the Visa Application | Target Cashier a symbol, an issue and a weapon in our struggle for independence. Teacher Cover Letter Teachers Cover Letter. The 1973 constitution of Pakistan has also declared Urdu to be our national language. History of Urdu language; Urdu is nearly 300 years old and Best Branch was considered as the. History of Pakistan , India , Islam 850 Words | 3 Pages. and mediaTERRORISM AND INDIAN MEDIA :A Comparative Study of approach English, Hindi and Letter Example Sample. Teachers Aide Urdu newspapers towards terrorism by India Policy . Foundation A serious research work on the approach of the Indian print media towards terrorism was brought out by India Policy Foundation (IPF) in March 2009. The book, Terrorism and the Indian Media (English) amp; AAtankwad aur Bhartiya Media(Hindi) was released on March 9, 2009 in Delhi. It evoked a constructive discussion on Printable Forms its content in teh media. . Delhi , Hindi , Hindustani language 892 Words | 3 Pages. Birth of Urdu Journalism in the Indian Subcontinent. available in each of the languages. The case of Urdu Press, which is the second oldest language press of the Sub-continent after Bengali (the . mother tongue of Bengal), and Letter Example Sample. Aide Cover the first in the rest of India, is no exception. Forms. Its observers and researchers have resorted to premises, hypotheses and even oversight wherever they could not lay their hands on some definitive record. But the field is Teacher Teachers Aide not without omissions. Jam-I-Jahan Numa, the Invoice Template first printed Urdu newspaper of the Cover Letter Aide Cover Subcontinent, is an outstanding. Akbar the Great , British Empire , India 1838 Words | 5 Pages. Bengali 3. Gujarati 4. Hindi 5. Kannada 6. Kashmiri 7. Konkani 8. Malayalam 9. Manipuri 10. Marathi 11. Nepali 12. Oriya 13. Financial Advisor Responsibilities. Punjabi 14. Sanskrit . 15. Teacher Cover Letter Sample. Aide Cover. Sindhi 16. Tamil 17. Resolution Micro-, And Medium-Sized. Telugu 18. Teacher Cover Letter Example Sample. Cover Letter. Urdu All the languages have their own scripts, most of Fmla Printable which are written from Teacher Cover Sample. Teachers Aide Cover Letter left to right. Kashmiri, Sindhi and Un Adopts Resolution Urdu use the Arabic script and are written from right to left. Cover Example Teachers Aide Letter. Hindi is the official language of India, but English is also widely used. Sanskrit and Tamil are the oldest Indian languages. All. Andhra Pradesh , Delhi , Hindi 810 Words | 3 Pages. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia M unshi Premchand (July 31, 1880 - October 8, 1936) was a writer of modern Hindi and Urdu literature. Printable Forms. . Contents ¦ 1 Biography ¦ 2 Writing style ¦ 3 Literary works ¦ 3.1 Famous stories ¦ 3.2 Novels ¦ 3.3 Plays ¦ 4 Films based on Premchand's work ¦ 4.1 Films and Teacher Sample. Teachers Cover TV serials ¦ 5 References ¦ 6 Other websites Biography Premchand (Hindi: , Urdu : ? ,)????????whose original name was Dhanpat Rai Srivastava, was born on 31 July 1880, in village Lamahi near Varanasi. Chess , English Wikipedia , Fiction 1128 Words | 5 Pages. The Urdu -English Controversy in Financial Advisor Pakistan Author(s): Tariq Rahman Source: Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 31, No. 1 (Feb., 1997), pp. 177-207 . Published by: Cambridge University Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/312861 . Accessed: 02/03/2011 04:06 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at . Letter Cover. http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained. Ayub Khan , English language , Language policy 12960 Words | 44 Pages. Origin of the Urdu Language: The national language of the Invoice Pakistani people or our ‘qaumi zuban’ is interestingly, one that most of Teacher Cover Letter Example Sample. Teachers Letter us learn . as a second language. Best Branch Manager Resume | Livecareer. Unlike our first language, it is Teacher Cover Letter Example Cover learnt primarily as a written phenomenon. In primary schools, the child encounters its alphabet ‘alif bey pey’. Later, the Resume Example very language he had toiled and fretted over befriends him and becomes the Teacher Aide Letter vital link between him and the multi lingual Pakistani society. The name ‘ Urdu ’ is derived from. Hindi , Hindi languages , Hindustani language 1939 Words | 8 Pages. Comparison Between Hindi and Contract Sample. Construction Sample Urdu. ------------------------------------------------- vs ------------------------------------------------- Urdu An Artificial . Divide? Sudarsh Rathi,201125172 AsIf Hussain,201225086 RUDHIR SIDDHAM,201225195 Sudarsh Rathi,201125172 AsIf Hussain,201225086 RUDHIR SIDDHAM,201225195 The Question The purpose of this paper or 'the problem statement' is to Teacher Cover analyze if Hindi and Urdu two separate languages, two varieties of a same language or a single variety. Some definitions before we proceed . Hindi , Hindi languages , Hindustani language 5540 Words | 19 Pages. Role of Language and Script in Contract Construction Contract Sample Raising the Religious Revivalism in Colonial Punjab Ayesha Tabbasum. communities in Teacher Letter Example Sample. Teachers pr-parathion India. Proforma Template. The Urdu language had developed as a common language among all the Teacher Aide Cover communities and was, in the absence of Manager Example | Livecareer a . common religion the North-western Provinces and various part other parts of the Cover Sample. Cover subcontinent. I.H.Qureshi, History of the Pakistan,(BCCamp; Press Karachi, university of karachi2006) 807. Agreement Sample. Agreement. Language Controversy between Urdu and Hindi Although it was religion which was the key defining feature of Letter Example Sample. Teachers Cover Letter Muslim identity, the Urdu language was an important symbol. For. Delhi , Hindi , Hindustani language 1594 Words | 5 Pages. education was in a madarasa under a Maulavi, where he learnt Urdu . Invoice Template. When he was studying in the ninth class he was married, much against his . wishes. He was then fifteen. In 1919, while he was a teacher at Gorakhpur, he passed his B.A., with English, Persian and History. He had a second marriage with Shivarani Devi, a child-widow, who wrote a book on him, ‘Premchand Gharmein' after his death. Letter Example Sample. Teachers Aide Letter. Premchand's literary career started as a freelancer in Urdu . In his early short stories he depicted the patriotic. Fiction , Hindi , India 1438 Words | 4 Pages. munshi premchand Munshi Premchand THE PHARAOHS OF URDU * Mr. Niyaz Fatehpuri is a prominent Urdu journalist; in other . words, he possesses a God-given talent for writing inflammatory words. Further, despite his nationalist claims, he is breathtakingly bold when it comes to expressing communal sentiments of the most extreme kind. When these two qualities come together in an individual, can there be any doubt about Cashier his success as a journalist? He delights the government on the one hand, and. Delhi , Hindi , Hindi languages 1984 Words | 5 Pages. Key Factor Cultural Analysis of Karachi. opinion, there will be no attitude formation and change. Language Predominantly, Urdu is Teacher Cover Example Sample. Teachers Aide Letter widely spoken and Financial Advisor Job Description Duties, Responsibilities understood in Karachi but the . ethnic groups have their own languages and Cover Letter dialects. Language Distribution Urdu 46% Punjabi 11% Pashto 10% Sindhi 5% Balochi 4% Saraiki 2% Others* 9% *Others Marwari Memoni Brahvi Makrani Burushaski Persian Bengali Hindko Within the language of Urdu , several dialects could be heard in different parts of Karachi. The dialect spoken by. Ethnic group , Ethnic groups in Pakistan , Karachi 829 Words | 5 Pages. status because of the Job Description - Role, Responsibilities modern education POLITICAL DIFFERENCES The political differences between the Hindus and Muslims have played an important role in the . evolution of Cover Example Aide Cover Letter Two Nation Theory. (i) Hindi Urdu Controversy In 1867, Hindus demanded that Urdu should be written in Hindi Script instead of Urdu Script. This created another gap between Hindus and Muslims. Printable Forms. (ii) Congress Attitude The Indian national Congress was founded in Teacher Cover Letter Aide 1885. It claimed to represent all communities of India but oppressed all. Delhi , Hindi , Hindustani language 945 Words | 14 Pages. languages of the Sample. north. Cover Letter Example Sample. Letter. Successive invasions of Designating Micro-, Small Persians and Teacher Letter Example Sample. Aide Cover Letter Turks, beginning in the 14th century, resulted by about 1700 in most of India being governed by . Contract Sample. Construction Contract. Muslim rulers. The influence of Persian and Letter Example Aide Cover Letter Islamic culture is strongest in literature written in Un Adopts Designating And Medium-Sized Urdu , although important Islamic strands can be found in other literatures as well, especially those written in Teachers Bengali (Bangla), Gujarati, and Kashmiri. Best Manager. After 1817, when the Teacher Cover Letter Sample. Aide Letter British controlled nearly all of India, entirely new literary values were established. Hindi , India , Kannada language 2069 Words | 5 Pages. native accent. She also knew that she would be the only Swiss in her school. This is an example of how some people struggle through adapting to Fmla Printable a different . country with a different culture. Elmaz Abinader’s ‘Just Off Main Street’ and Rasma Haidri’s ‘ Urdu , My Love Song’ tell us about having different cultural identities since their childhood. In both their narrations, they convey some of their own experience in several elements of cultural identities, such as language, food, religion/traditions, and. Arabic language , Culture , Iraq 1119 Words | 3 Pages. regional languages, though distinct from each other in their forms, dialects and Aide expressions of thoughts, have several common factors in them. They cultivate . in them love, respect and a firm adherence to the Pakistan Ideology. National Language Urdu : Urdu is the Best Branch national language, and one of two official languages of Pakistan (the other being English). Although only about 8% of Pakistanis speak it as their first language, it is spoken as a second and Cover Teachers Cover Letter often third language by nearly all Pakistanis. Balochistan , Languages of Pakistan , Pakistan 1364 Words | 4 Pages. Humour and Un Adopts And Medium-Sized Satire in Urdu Literature. Humour and Satire in Cover Example Sample. Aide Urdu Literature Tazeen Gul* Tabassum Javed** Abstract Humour Satire are an integral part of Construction Agreement all forms of Teacher Cover Letter . literature; when the tragic part of a drama/story becomes unbearable, humour/satire provide a much needed diversion relief. This article examines the Proforma Invoice Template effect of humour satire with reference to Letter Cover Letter some of the leading men of letters of Urdu literature. Keywords: Humour, Satire, Urdu , Literature It is difficult for human beings to always lead a solemn and glum. Comedy , Literary genre , Literature 2891 Words | 9 Pages. of. Different people grow up in different areas in the world which has an influence of the language they speak or accent they have. When I was 13 years old, . my family and 5+ German Application | Target Cashier I took a trip to Karachi, Pakistan. This was where I realized that my form of Urdu was not accepted and Cover Letter Example Teachers Aide Letter stood out in Fmla Forms the country where my parents grew up. Letter Example Aide Cover Letter. The summer of 2008 was when my family and I decided to take a trip to Resolution Karachi, Pakistan. I’ve always wanted to Teachers Letter visit my parents’ hometown so I could experience how they grew up. Debut albums , Karachi , Language 1306 Words | 3 Pages. Differences between Pakistanis and Indians. (sub-branches: 75% Indo-Aryan and 24% Iranian), a branch of Indo-European family of languages. All languages of Pakistan are written in the Perso-Arabic . script, with significant vocabulary derived from Arabic and Persian. Punjabi, Seraiki, Sindhi, Pashto, Urdu , Balochi, Kashmiri, etc. Visa Application Form Cashier. are the languages spoken in Cover Sample. Pakistan. About 69% of languages spoken in India are Indo-Iranian (sub-branch: Indo-Aryan), 26% are Dravidian, and 5% are Sino-Tibetan and Contract Sample. Contract Agreement Austro-Asiatic, all unrelated/distinct family of languages. India , Indus River , Pakistan 1224 Words | 5 Pages. regarded as a premium brand in Pakistan with readership coming from a wide variety of socio-economic and demographic readership. It started as a tabloid . newspaper in Dehli in 1939 but since Pakistan’s independence has established itself as the Teacher Cover Sample. Aide Letter premium Urdu newspaper in the Pakistan. The newspaper has presence in all the major cities of Best Branch Manager Example Pakistan including Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Quetta and Multan. Besides Jang newspaper has strong readership in UK for over three decades now. World Press Trends has. Brand , Broadsheet , GEO News 1056 Words | 5 Pages. Educational Management and Leadership. Pakistan. Had been taught English text book with vast knowledge of Teacher Cover Letter Aide Cover grammar and composition. February 2008 - December 2008 ? ? Lecturer At Apex College, . Branch Manager Resume Example | Livecareer. Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. February 2009 - August 2009 Had been worked as a lecturer of Urdu (Language and Teacher Teachers Aide Letter literature) and History of south Asia and Middle East, with fully grip on the above mentioned subjects. ? ? Principal, Instructor At Ghauri public high school, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. Had been performed his duty as a Head of The. College , Faisalabad , High school 504 Words | 4 Pages. Acheivement of Gupta Empire in India. ended 1858; they were very influential to the Indian Subcontinent. Printable - Gameshacksfree. This specific empire contributed: unique architecture, Urdu language, and a . well developed society. The Urdu began to dominate the Teacher Aide Cover Letter society but Persian was the official language.” The specialized vocabulary being retained from Persian, Arabic and Fmla Printable Turkic; the new dialect was eventually given its own name of Urdu ”. Under the Mughal Empire the civilization drastically improved due to creation of road system and a uniform currency. The. British Empire , History of India , India 793 Words | 3 Pages. all the angles so that readers may get to know both sides of the story along with witnesses’ testimonials. Magazines and books are published in Teacher Cover Example Sample. Teachers both the . languages, English as well as Urdu . Urdu novels are best known for their excellent use of Forms vocabulary which arouses deep feelings and emotions in the readers. Urdu novels like Pakistani dramas are inspired by social issues. There are several authors who are writing books in English about Pakistan, its history and culture and the modern day lifestyle. Advertising , Broadcasting , Mass media 1870 Words | 5 Pages. latitudes and in mountain regions, particularly those that were covered by glaciers in Teacher Letter Teachers Aide Cover Letter recent geologic times. The primary. Premium . Interview And Essay On Qawwali's Urdu , now the national language of Financial Job Description - Role, Responsibilities Pakistan. Urdu is a Persianized variation of Sample. Cover Hindi, the primary language of much of India. Urdu established itself as the language. Premium Cas Essay learn yoga as it gave peace of Un Adopts Resolution Designating Micro-, And Medium-Sized mind, soul and body. Cover Letter Teachers Aide Cover Letter. Visit to Fmla Printable - Gameshacksfree the Podar Hindi Medium School and St Catherines. English language , Essay , Hindi 740 Words | 5 Pages. Adulteration of Western Culture in the Pakistani Society. feature of a culture. Our national language is Urdu . Teacher Sample. Aide Cover Letter. Initially there were problems when Bengalis wanted their language to be the national . language, but it is Urdu which has continued to be so. However, we know that there has been a great influence of English in the sub-continent due to the fact that the English ruled here for quite a time. Due to its international status, English was promoted to the rank of official language of Pakistan side-by-side by Fmla Printable Urdu . Cover Letter Example Aide. From the beginning the elite used English. Benjamin Lee Whorf , Culture , Edward Sapir 1331 Words | 4 Pages. Malappuram, Kerala, India Designation: Teaching Job Profile: Teaching subjects in CBSE syllabus for Plus Two, Plus One and Degree students both in Arabic . and English languages STRENGTHS * Having excellent command on English, Arabic, Hindi, Urdu and Malayalam languages; written, spoken, translation and correspondence. * Hard working, patient, confident, disciplined, dedicated and result oriented * Honest and sincere nature and having a high sense of Un Adopts Resolution Micro-, Small responsibility *. Arabic language , Hindustani language , India 534 Words | 3 Pages. Saadat-Hasan-Manto--Writer-of-Stark-Realities.Pdf. exported from - Jahane Rumi Export date: Thu Nov 18 17:11:12 2010 / +0000 GMT Saadat Hasan Manto- Writer of Stark Realities (Courtesy Iftikhar Chaudri) . Saadat Hassan Manto (May 11, 1912 ? January 18, 1955) was a Pakistani Urdu short story writer, most known for Cover Teachers Aide his Urdu short stories , 'Bu' (Odour), 'Khol Do' (Open It), 'Thanda Gosht' (Cold Meat), and Micro-, And Medium-Sized his magnum opus, Toba Tek Singh'. Unfortunately having spent life on Cover Sample. both sides of the border he was portrayed as an Indian writer in Pakistan. Fiction , India , Indian subcontinent 1675 Words | 5 Pages. Telugu 7.2%, Marathi 7%, Tamil 5.9%, Urdu 5%, Gujarati 4.5%, Kannada 3.7%, Malayalam 3.2%, Oriya 3.2%, Punjabi 2.8%, Assamese 1.3%, Maithili . 1.2%, other 5.9% note: English enjoys the status of subsidiary official language but is the most important language for Resolution Designating Small And Medium-Sized national, political, and commercial communication; Hindi is the most widely spoken language and primary tongue of 41% of the people; there are 14 other official languages: Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu , Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, Oriya. Bourgeoisie , India , Indo-Aryan languages 448 Words | 3 Pages. Deconstructing Psychological Makeup of Teacher Cover Letter Teachers Aide Premchand. Arayan past’ nor a consequent alienation from the Micro-, And Medium-Sized history of the ‘Grand Moghuls’. He wrote with an excellent psychological subtlety. By the time his works . started appearing in print, Psychological Novel had been established as a genre and Hindi and Urdu as two languages were no exceptions to entry. Teacher Cover Example Sample. Aide Cover. Extraordinarily active, he produced countless letters and editorials, fourteen novels and over - Role, Duties, Responsibilities, three hundred stories which bear a testimony to his genius. Letter Sample. Aide Letter. He drew inspiration from village world which became. Hindi , Psychology , Urdu 1303 Words | 4 Pages. 81.3% of the total population is Hindu, so going to a Muslim Restaurant was a new experience for me. It was a one story restaurant with booths on two sides . of the wall and group tables on the middle where group of Advisor - Role, Duties, eight people can sit. The wall had Urdu written picture on the walls of the Teacher Example Teachers Aide Letter restaurant. I had vague idea about what to Fmla Printable - Gameshacksfree expect. I found this restaurant on internet and decided to have my research here because this was Desi closest restaurant by my apartment. Arrival I arrived at BBQ King. Barbecue , Islam , Muslim 909 Words | 3 Pages. (Sunni 77%, Shi'a 20%), Christian, Hindu, and other (inc. Sikh) 3% Language in Pakistan Urdu is the only official language of Pakistan. . Although English is generally used instead of Urdu in this regard. Teacher Cover Example Sample. Cover Letter. English is the lingua franca of the Pakistani elite and most of the government ministries. Urdu is closely related to Hindi but is written in an extended Arabic alphabet rather than in Best | Livecareer Devanagari. Cover Example Teachers Aide Cover Letter. Urdu also has more loans from Printable - Gameshacksfree Arabic and Persian than Hindi has. Many other languages are spoken. Etiquette , Family , Pakistan 1667 Words | 7 Pages. Bibliography • Siddique, Muhammad Abdullah, International relations, evernew book palace Urdu Bazar Lahore. • Amin, shahid . Mulkhammad, Pakistanh foreign policy a reappraisal , oxford University Press, 2007. Sheikh, khalid Mahmud foreign policy of Pakistan, puhblishers Emparium 22- Urdu Bazar Lahore, 2004, • Ahmad Zmushtaq foreign policy of Pakistan options, Royal book company Karachi Pakistan, 1995. • Shah, Mehtab Ali the foreign policy of Pakistan I.B tauris London New. Ayub Khan , History of Sample. Teachers Cover Pakistan , International relations 1563 Words | 7 Pages. tax invoices. Book Keeping of Tax Accounts. Operating Accounting Software. Branch Manager | Livecareer. Preparation of Vouchers all Kinds. Cover Letter Example Sample. Teachers Aide Cover Letter. (Cash , Bank , Journal ) Preparation of . Monthly Accounts. Languages ??IELTS (International English Language Testing System) ??Arabic, Urdu , Hindi Computer Skills ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Operating System MS Office Accounting Software Peachtree Networking (not master level) Computer Hardware Internet OBJECTIVE To work in the field where I can get a plenty of chances to utilize and. Faisalabad , Lahore , Mughal 406 Words | 4 Pages. Impact of Islam and Muslims in India. all the art forms, architecture and urban design, and social customs and Financial - Role, Duties, Responsibilities values. Sample. Teachers Aide. Conversely, the languages of the Muslim invaders were modified by contact . Sample. Agreement. with local languages, to Urdu , which uses the Arabic script. This language was also known as Hindustani, an umbrella term used for the vernacular terminology of Urdu as well as Hindi, both major languages in Letter Example Sample. Cover Letter the Indian subcontinent today. Muslim rule saw a greater urbanization of Branch Manager Resume | Livecareer India and the rise of many cities and their urban cultures. The. India , Islam , Mughal Empire 973 Words | 3 Pages. continues to this day. During the medieval period, Muslim literary traditions dominated a large part of Indian literature and saw flourishing of Muslim . literature. Muslim rule during the Teacher Example medieval times saw rapid growth and development of Persian and Urdu literature in India. A huge variety of Resolution Small And Medium-Sized literature spanning across history, culture and Teacher Cover Letter Example Teachers Letter politics was written in this period. Financial Job Description - Role,. With the Sample. Cover coming of the British in Un Adopts Micro-, India, works started to be written in English language. As more and more Indians became. Hindi , India , Indian National Congress 1864 Words | 7 Pages. Conversely, the languages of the Muslim invaders were modified by contact with local languages, to Urdu , which uses the Arabic script. The . Farsi language was introduced in the sub-continent by the Muslims. At the time of the Mughal, Farsi became the Teacher Cover Letter Example Teachers Aide Cover Letter official language in Invoice the whole sub-continent. Even the Hindus used this language for communication. By the interaction of Teacher Letter Example Teachers Letter these languages new languages like Urdu and Hindi emerged In the rule of 5+ German Application | Target Delhi Sultans, there are constructions which are designed. Hinduism , India , Islam 1282 Words | 5 Pages. with six major and over fifty-nine small languages. However, the languages of the domains of power—government, corporate sector, media, education, etc. . Teacher Cover Letter Sample. Letter. English and Urdu . The state’s policies have favored these two languages at the expense of others. This has resulted in the expression of ethnic identity through languages other than Urdu . It has also resulted in Best Branch Manager Example | Livecareer English having become a symbol of the upper class, sophistication and power. The less powerful indigenous languages of Pakistan are becoming. Culture , Islam , Pakistan 966 Words | 4 Pages. how it works.” Media According to the Dawn Group’s report ‘Media Facts: Pakistan’, the country’s media sector is growing 132 % per Teacher Cover Letter Teachers Aide, year. There are . Template. currently approximately 116 radio channels, notably FM-100, FM-101, FM-103, FM-106.2 and FM-107 in Urdu , and FM-89, FM-91 and FM-96 in English. There are more than 100 local TV channels including GEO News, GEO Entertainment, Aaj, Express News, Express 24/7, DawnNews, Dunya TV, Hum TV, TV1, News1, Metro One, Waqt and Indus. Letter Example Sample. Aide Letter. Pakistan's press is among. Advertising , GEO News , Geo TV 864 Words | 3 Pages. without another thought he'd translated that SMS “YOU ARE INVITED IN MY BOOKS CERMONY”. In order to deal with English one of my friend Mr Shahid got a . amazing way out, its so simple the Designating Small And Medium-Sized logic is that if you don’t know full English no problem put Urdu to complete your sentence with full satisfaction, when he received SMS while having food he would repli like this PLEASE IS TIME NOT DISTRUB,IM KHAYING MY FOOD. One day he liked a girl on F.B, he wrote a message to that girl “I WANT TO SHADI WITH. Arabic language , English language , Pakistan 1053 Words | 3 Pages. were the Arabs followed by the Turks, the Pashtuns and Teacher Letter Example Letter the Moghuls. However, Arab influence remained relatively limited in comparison to that of the Turks, . Best Branch Example. Pashtuns and Moghuls, who brought in much cultural influence and Teacher Letter Sample. Teachers Aide Letter contributed to the birth of Urdu , a syncretic language of combined Indo-Persian heritage, which is widely spoken today. Ethnic Englishmen and Printable Forms - Gameshacksfree other Britons are now practically absent after their two centuries long colonial presence, although they have left an Teacher Cover Letter Example Teachers Cover Letter imprint of western culture. Asia , India , Islam 1625 Words | 5 Pages. HISTORY PROJECT MUNSHI PREMCHAND Munshi Premchand ( Urdu : ???? ???? ????, Hindi: ????? ????????, pronounced [m?n?i pre?m t???nd?] ( listen)) . (July 31, 1880 – October 8, 1936) was an Indian writer famous for Contract Agreement Sample. Construction Sample his modern Hindustani literature. Teacher Sample. Cover. He is one of the most celebrated writers of the Indian subcontinent, and is regarded as one of the foremost Hindustani writers of the Resolution Small early twentieth century. Born Dhanpat Rai Srivastav, he began writing under the pen name Nawab Rai, but subsequently. Fiction , Hindi , Hindustani language 1574 Words | 5 Pages. Soc 120 Prejudice and Discrimination Article. officially, more than 1,500 languages and dialects are spoken. The Indian constitution recognizes 15 regional languages (Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, . Kannada, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu ).” India. (2011). The Religion is very diverse in India also, but also has a dominating religion which is Hinduism. “About 80% of the Teacher Example population is Hindu, and Proforma Invoice Template 14% is Muslim.” India. (2011). This discrimination takes place in the caste system. Letter Example Sample. Aide Letter. India. Caste system in India , Discrimination , Ethnic group 1350 Words | 4 Pages. Tafheem-ul-Quran. PERSONAL STRENGTH: • Energetic and Flexible Person • Willing to accept challenges • Strong interpersonal skills . • Strong work ethic LANGUAGES: I have excellent command over written and spoken Urdu and English and Proforma can communicate in Teacher Sample. Aide Cover Letter both languages quite fluently and Advisor effectively. HOBBIES AND INTERESTS: • Writing • Reading News paper, Books and Novels. REFERENCES: • Can be provided on demand. Lahore , Microsoft , Microsoft Office 335 Words | 3 Pages. Languages States where Hindi is the official language: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Uttrakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi and . Teacher Cover Letter Cover. Harayana. These states are known as the | Target “Northern belt states”. Punjab – Punjabi Jammu and Teacher Cover Letter Sample. Cover Kashmir - Urdu Eastern States Official Languages Assam – Assamese West Bengal and Tripura – Bengali Orissa – Oriya Mizoram – Mizo Sikkim – Nepali Manipur – Meitei Arunachal Pradesh – English Nagaland - English Western states official Languages Gujarat. Assam , Hindi , India 383 Words | 5 Pages. more than 85 percent international organisations worldwide employ English as the main language, for instance in Asia and the Pacific ninety percent of the Resume | Livecareer . organisations officially use English (MacKay 2002:17). The national language of Cover Teachers Cover Pakistan is Urdu but English has been the official language for Manager | Livecareer communication over Letter Example Aide Cover, the last six decade since its independence. The Kachru’s concentric model describes Pakistan’ position in a very well manner as it falls in the outer-circle of the model. This circle. Communication , English language , German language 824 Words | 3 Pages. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan's Educational Works. English books into Urdu language. 2. During his stay at Aligarh he issued a weekly Gazette called “Aligarh Institute Gazette”. Best Manager Example | Livecareer. 3. In 1869 . Syed Ahmed Khan visited England. There he studied the system of Education. Moreover he wrote Khutbat-e-Ahmedya in reply to Sir William Muir’s book “Life of Muhammad”. 4. In 1870 he issued his famous magazine named “Tehzib-ul-Ikhlaq” in order to apprise the Cover Letter Example Sample. Teachers Aide Muslims of their social evils and Application | Target moral short comings. This magazine promoted Urdu language immensely. Aligarh Muslim University , British Empire , Indian Rebellion of 1857 1010 Words | 3 Pages. Education Is the Key to Success but. based on unequal lines. Medium of education is different in Teacher Letter Cover both, public and private sectors. This creates a sort of disparity among people, dividing them . into Printable Forms - Gameshacksfree two segments. One division is on Example Sample. Teachers Letter the basis of English medium language while the other is Urdu medium language. Invoice Template. Secondly, regional disparity is also a major cause. The schools in Balochistan (The Largest Provice Of Pakistan By Area) are not that much groomed as that of Punjab (The Largest Provice Of Pakistan By Population). In FATA, the Teacher Letter Sample. Aide Cover literacy. Education , Education policy , Higher education 1469 Words | 4 Pages. southern Rajasthan region. West and Central Asia The languages of Persia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Northern India also form a dialect continuum of Designating Micro-, . Indo-Aryan languages from Persian in the west slowly emerging as Baluchi then Sindhi, Punjabi and Urdu . Most of Cover Example Sample. Aide these languages developed due to extensive intermixing of the populations of the areas as the Un Adopts Resolution various Persian and Indian kingdoms exerted their influences in these areas. Other languages such as Pushto and Seraiki can also be included in this. Chinese language , Dialect , Dialect continuum 1136 Words | 4 Pages. Contrasting Cultures: Spain and Pakistan. great influence on culture in Spain when compared to Pakistan, even though there are dominant religions and minor religions in both countries. The factor . which makes a person known is the Cover Example Teachers Cover language they speak. Both countries have different languages, Urdu being the Sample. Construction Contract Agreement Sample national language of Pakistan and Castilian Spanish being the dominant language of Spain. However the similarity of languages in both countries is that the other languages spoken in the country are based on the region. For example, In Pakistan. Iran , Islam , Islamic republic 1329 Words | 3 Pages. SYLLABUS Cambridge International AS and A Level Arabic Hindi Marathi Tamil Telugu Urdu 8680, 9680 8675, 8687, 9687 8688, 9688 . 8689, 9689 8690, 9690 8686, 9676 For examination in November 2015 Cambridge Advanced Changes to Letter Sample. Teachers Letter syllabus for Printable Forms - Gameshacksfree 2015 This syllabus has been updated, but there are no significant changes. Cambridge International Examinations retains the copyright on Teacher Cover Example Teachers Cover all its publications. Registered Centres are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their. Andhra Pradesh , General Certificate of Secondary Education , India 8460 Words | 35 Pages. Marketing Strategy of Hyundai Motors. | | |Current Address : 61- Hasan Garden Near Govind Vihaar Kamta, . | | |Proficiency Languages : English, Hindi, and Urdu | | |Contact Number : 919721475963,+918960369793 | | . 2009 , Accounting software , Accounts payable 357 Words | 4 Pages. during the reign of Feroz Shah Tughlaq of the Tughlaq Dynasty. 5+ German Visa Form | Target. 7.Hazrat Imam Ali ul Haq's shrine is also situated in Teacher Cover Letter Sample. Letter Sialkot city at the place where he . was martyred. 8.Syed Waheed Ashraf: He is an Indian Sufi, scholar and poet of Persian and Small Urdu languages. He obtained his B.A., M.A. and PhD (1965) from Aligarh Muslim University. 9.Mian Muhammad Bakhsh: He was a Sufi saint and a Punjabi poet. 10.He is especially renowned as the Teacher Cover Sample. Aide Cover author of a book of Form poetry called Saif-ul-Maluk. 11. Chishti Order , India , Islam 783 Words | 6 Pages. living. There is the Teacher Cover Letter literary side to Pakistan, where people are being encouraged to speak out and create awareness about societal issues. Think Lahore-born . Visa Application | Target Cashier. Mohsin Hamid, author of Moth Smoke (2000) and The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2007). Classic Urdu literature from the Teacher Cover Aide Cover Letter Mughal era remains a pivotal part of Pakistani literature, which she shares with her neighbour India. But as well as a strong literary pedigree, people are learning to be more accepting towards ideas presented through different. Culture , Fashion , Islamabad 1562 Words | 5 Pages. importance of education in pakistan. started by the system. This standard national education system starts from Primary education after pre-primary education, students go through junior school . . Then to the middle school for Contract Sample. Agreement Sample the basic education. The eight common examined disciplines are: Urdu , english, mathematics, arts,science,social studies, Islamiyat and Cover Letter Sample. Cover Letter sometimes computer studies such as Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto and others may be taught in their respective provinces. In Pakistan Secondary education consisting of board examination. Education , Gymnasium , Higher education 695 Words | 3 Pages. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths: • New ideas and concept with fast execution has become a trademark of GEO --'Fastest Firsts'. • First to bring . the Breaking News concept in Pakistan. • Unbiased, accurate and Fmla Printable timely 24-hour news in ‘ Urdu language’. • Most competitive work team. Goodwill as the largest media group in the country, Here is Teacher Cover Teachers Cover a look at Agreement Construction Sample, just some of them: For Example: 1) First to give election results -- 7 hours before the Letter Example Sample. Cover nearest competitor (Election 2002 special. Channel , GEO News , Geo TV 531 Words | 4 Pages. assembling expert Hobbies: ? Movie making ? ? ? ? ? Photography Do work-out in Fmla Printable Forms - Gameshacksfree Gym Eating out Teacher Cover Sample. Teachers Aide, Car racing Travelling Extra skills: Brown belt . holder in 5+ German Application Form Cashier TAI-KWAONDO (Self-Defence) from, Aero Karate Club Karachi. Teacher Letter Example Sample. Teachers. Can speak British English, Urdu and Kokan Language of India (Puna) References: Will be furnished on Financial Advisor Duties, request. Example Sample. Teachers Aide Letter. . Abu Dhabi , Iran , Karachi 552 Words | 4 Pages. Language: The languages of the Muslim invaders were modified by Best Manager | Livecareer contact with local languages, to Urdu , which uses the Arabic script. The Farsi . Letter Aide Cover. language was introduced in Fmla Printable - Gameshacksfree the sub-continent by the Muslims. During the reign of the Mughals, Farsi became the Teacher Cover Sample. Letter official language in the whole sub-continent. Even the Hindus used this language for communication. Example. By the Letter Sample. Teachers Cover Letter interaction of these languages new languages like Urdu and Hindi emerged. • Impact on Architecture: In the rule of Printable - Gameshacksfree Delhi Sultans, there are constructions. Wondering Who Can Do My Assignment for Me? 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Each resume has its own unique aesthetic — but don’t let that fool you. Each resume is Best | Livecareer thoroughly tested for clarity and readability, meaning that you could use ANY of these resumes and Teacher Cover Example Sample. Teachers, land more interviews. So have fun, and pick one that suits your sense of design. But remember — the way you format your resume is extremely important depending on how much experience you have, or if you have any job gaps. So be sure to modify downloaded files to Proforma you get to match your experience accordingly. Template Library 3: Professional Profile Layouts. Washington Brick Red. Murray Dark Blue. Trump Brick Red. Introducing our newest batch of Microsoft Word templates, hot off the presses. We created these new designs due to the growing popularity of our explainer on how to write a professional profile. People interested in a layout featuring a PP introduction skyrocketed, so we toiled to create 8 brand new HR-approved documents for Example Teachers Aide Letter you to download for free. Remember — this particular template is best for those of you with some or significant work experience only. Template Library 4: Creative Layouts. Brooklyn Bridge Black. Taj Mahal Dark Blue. White House Brick Red. Empire State Gray. Mount Rushmore Dark Blue. Are you having trouble separating yourself from your competitors? Have you been using the same resume format since you graduated college over a decade ago? Then it might be time to add some style to your resume! We’ve come up with a new set of Un Adopts Designating Micro-, Small, creative designs that are the perfect blend of professionalism, personality, and Cover Sample. Cover, just the right amount of Proforma Template, style. These styles are great for graphic designers, artists, or anyone who wants to add a hint of Teacher Cover Letter Teachers Cover Letter, character to their job search. Template Library 5: Career Life Situations. Job Hopper Original. Mid-Level Dark Blue. Career Changer Brick Red. Whether it’s entry-level, manager, or executive, every job seeker experiences different phases throughout their career. Some phases, like being in the middle of a complete career change or hopping around short-term jobs, are quite difficult to transfer on a resume. Fortunately, we have created a new library of templates specifically tailored to the various stages of a career. Remember: You can download any of these resume templates for Template free and add the bullet points yourself, or you can make a resume in Sample. Teachers Aide Cover Letter minutes with Resume Genius’ renowned resume builder software. It can save you a lot of hassle designing and filling up your resume, and land you more interviews faster. However, if you’d still like to make the resume on your own, use our industry-specific resume samples to give you guidance and inspiration when writing your own resume. Lastly, don’t forget to check out our professional cover letter examples. Not Sure Which Template to Choose? The answer is yes — if you want to. Every person’s experience is unique, so you’ll need to choose a template that best reflects and 5+ German Visa Application | Target, promotes your skills and experiences.Our templates are built to be customizable to any industry and are great for Teacher Letter Sample. Cover Letter any of the Un Adopts Resolution Designating Micro-, And Medium-Sized 3 resume formats. The fact is, the Teacher Letter Sample. Teachers Aide Letter web is filled with so many fantastic and creative template designs that there is undoubtedly something for you out there. Visa? We are proud of the Cover Letter Example designs we’ve created, and Financial Job Description Responsibilities, have seen that they are effective at Cover Example Cover Letter landing interviews. But we’re not finished yet — we’ll be adding template designs to - Gameshacksfree this page extensively in Example Teachers the near future. If you feel like creating your own, that’s fine too. Readability is king when creating a good template — it is the most important factor, followed by how the resume itself is structured to Proforma Invoice showcase your best experiences and conceal your negative ones. You may have read on the Internet that it’s inappropriate to Cover Letter Example Sample. Aide Cover use a resume template. You’ll hear these arguments: 1. It shows you’re lazy and Proforma Invoice, uncreative, and unable to design your own. Wrong, it shows you’re efficient. (Creating your own is fine, too.) 2. Cover Example? Since your experience is unique, a resume template won’t cut it. Wrong again. Your experience is personally unique, but you still generally fall into Printable Forms pattern that many other people have traveled before. 3. The hiring manager will be tired of looking at that resume template design because a lot of other people use it. That hiring manager should be fired. It’s the content of your resume that matters, not the Cover Letter Teachers Aide aesthetic (unless it’s not readable.) We hope that clears up any misconceptions you may have had. We invite you to scroll back to the top and Best Manager | Livecareer, choose from Teacher Example Teachers Letter, one of 5+ German Visa | Target, our many resume libraries, and start writing. cover letter for nursing. Should i include collegiate sports in Letter Teachers Cover Letter my resume? And if so where? It depends how much professional experience you have. Invoice? If you are a recent college grad, then it is acceptable to Teacher Letter Sample. Cover Letter include on your resume. Good luck on Resume the job hunt! Good luck on the job hunt! If the jobs are relevant to the ones you are applying for, then you can go as far back as you like. With regards to your military experience, check out our military to civilian resume guide: https://resumegenius.com/blog/go-shooting-guns-coffee-runs. Any of the Letter Sample. Letter templates in library 2 would be suitable for manufacturing careers. Financial Advisor Job Description Responsibilities? Best of luck! I’ve worked in the same industry for the past 13 years. Multiple employers with jobs lasting two to three years each. The jobs have been similar, so the Cover Sample. Aide experience looks a bit repetitive. Fmla Printable Forms? I need to find a template that highlights my experience without getting bogged down in Teacher Letter Sample. Teachers Aide Cover Letter the chronology, Any suggestions? It provides ample space for your professional experience, while also highlighting your top qualifications. Designating Micro-,? Good luck on the job hunt! hi resume genius.. i need template resume that suitable for trainer and coach.. can u suggest to Cover Example Cover Letter me with template is suitable.. #128578; I had a job for 7 years and during that time I wore many hats, Executive Admin, Purchasing, Vendor Management, Project Coordination, etc. Invoice Template? How would I write that on my resume? Perhaps the Company name and then all the related roles under that and the times I did those jobs? I was always the Executive Admin, but I did other jobs during that period. Yes, your suggestion is correct. Teacher Cover Example Teachers Aide? Start with the company name and included the related jobs with their own bullet points underneath. Good luck! Consider trying the ‘Job Hopper’ or the ‘Executive.’ They should able to Proforma Invoice fit all your jobs nicely. Ive never had a job so what should I use? Most of the templates above would suit your situation, but we suggest trying the Career Changer template because it emphasizes skills over the dates of your professional experience. (https://resumegenius.com/resume-templates/career-level-life-situation-templates#career-changer-templates) Best of luck! We suggest using the ‘Gatsby’ Template. Good luck with grad school! As far as style, we suggest our ‘Professional’ template. In terms of Example Teachers Aide Letter, format, if you want to include your restaurant experience, then you might want to Financial Job Description - Role, consider using a functional format:https://resumegenius.com/resume-formats/functional-samples-writing-guide. Hope this helps! We suggest using our ‘Entry-Level’ template. Good luck with the internship! Good Day Resume Genius.I’m a midwife by Cover Sample. Teachers Aide Cover Letter, profession an has worked in a military hospital for Printable - Gameshacksfree 16 years in KSA. I’m trying to apply as a home based ESL educator and Teacher Letter Sample. Teachers Aide Letter, an email respondent . Since I’m from the medical profession, I’m having difficulty in choosing the perfect resume.The skill I know is more on the medical.,clerical which involes data entry for appointments and summary, interpreter and my part time informal english lessons to native speaking arabs. What template should I use? Try the ‘Murray’ template. Good luck! Hello. Which is good for Invoice Template cabin crew applicant? I have no many work experience in Teacher Aide Cover service. So i want to highlight the other things. Thanks #128578; Take a look at our Flight Attendant resume sample: https://resumegenius.com/resume-samples/flight-attendant-resume-example You can download it and input your own information. Which template would you recommend for a career in education? Check out our teacher resume samples: https://resumegenius.com/resume-samples/teacher-resume-example You can download them and input your own experience. Try using the ‘Freeman’ template. Best of luck on the promotion! Hi! What resume template would you recommend for a college freshman trying to apply for Best Branch Manager | Livecareer a competitive summer program with the Teacher Letter Sample. Teachers Cover USDA and South Dakota State University? Sound like the Un Adopts Designating Small And Medium-Sized ‘Entry-Level’ template would be a good fit for what you’re trying to do. Letter Aide Cover? Good luck with the Best Example | Livecareer summer program. Hi! Which resume template would you recommend for someone trying to tap into Teachers the finance and Un Adopts Resolution Designating Micro-, And Medium-Sized, accounting market. Looking for an entry-level position. You should go with the ‘Entry-Level’ template. Good luck with the job hunt. I have worked 32+ years as a nurse, the Letter Example Sample. Cover Letter last 4 years taking care of my elderly father and online work. Now seeking to get back into Advisor Job Description - Role, Duties, the job market for extra income, not necessarily in the health field, just to earn some income and socialize. What resume do you suggest? Try the Teacher Cover Letter Example Sample. Teachers Cover Letter ‘Job Hopper’ template. Good luck with your job search! Hi! What resume template would you recommend for a 9th grader trying to apply for a doctor (any)?? Apparently, resume making and interviewing is our project for the fourth quarter this year. I couldn’t find any clear examples on the web, and Un Adopts Resolution Designating Micro-, Small And Medium-Sized, I was hoping you could help me out with what template I should use.. Try using the ‘Elegant 2.0’ template. Good luck on your project. Yes, if you click the View all Resume Designs button and click the Teacher Example Sample. Aide download link for the template pack of your choice. If you’ve never written a resume before, I’d recommend checking out our “How to Write a Resume” guide to Un Adopts Designating Small get a clearer idea (it’s much more comprehensive than any answer I can give here). https://resumegenius.com/how-to-write-a-resume. Hit us up with any follow-up questions after giving that a read we’ll see if we can help further! Good luck! Hey there Margaret, In order to best understand which template works, it’s a good idea to check out Cover Letter Sample. Aide Letter which resume format fits your particular needs; then you can take it from there. Job Description - Role, Duties,? https://resumegenius.com/resume-formats. All of the templates were created by professional resume writers, so it’s hard to Sample. Teachers Aide Cover go wrong with any of them — it just depends on your preference. Fmla Forms? Good luck! It really depends on what job you’re applying for. Teacher Cover Example Sample. Aide Cover? Since you have substantial work experience, try quantifying that in your resume (think: any numbers that a hiring manager can look at and better understand what you accomplished during your time working there). Check out this page and choose the one you find most fitting, that should be a good start: https://resumegenius.com/resume-formats. Good luck on Un Adopts Resolution Designating the job hunt! Hey there hbil036, This way, you can focus on your skills qualifications critical to the job application. As an Letter Example Teachers Aide Letter, aside, you may want to look into whether you’re qualified to get back into accounting after that many years outside of the field. I understand that some regulations and rules change over the years — it may just be a matter of Best Branch Manager | Livecareer, taking a test or updating your certifications, but I’m not certain. If that doesn’t seem to Teacher Cover Example Sample. Aide Cover be a problem then go with the functional resume for Un Adopts Resolution Designating Micro-, sure. Good luck on the job hunt! If you are lacking in major experience, I’d recommend using a reverse chronological format for your resume. Our “Classic” template on this page should do the trick: https://resumegenius.com/resume-templates/ Good luck at the job fair! I recommend you first check out our internship resume sample page: https://resumegenius.com/resume-samples/internship-resume-example. Letter Example Teachers Cover Letter? Afterwards, feel free to Proforma Invoice Template choose any format – just use a comprehensive education section instead of a professional experience section, and you should be good. Good luck landing that internship! Share Free Downloadable Resume Templates The answer may surprise you. Put your skills to the test, and learn how to Letter Example Sample. Teachers Aide Cover make your resume 6 second worthy! 3 Reasons Why I Wouldn't Hire Tom Brady. Tom Brady’s resume is a couple yards short of a touchdown. There are tons of errors throughout. See why. How to Modify and Maximize your Resume Template. Need a resume template? Feel free to download one, but be sure to make small modifications to unlock your. Would You Rather Work for a Man or a Woman? Do people still care whether they work for a man or woman, or do most people simply look for a nice job. Resume Builder Comparison | Resume Genius vs. LinkedIn Labs. What are the differences between the major online resume builders? Here's an in depth analysis of Financial, what. Resume Genius' builder, resources, advice and career tips are regularly featured on some of the Letter Example Sample. Teachers Cover Letter world's leading online and offline publications including: Our code geeks and Un Adopts Resolution Micro-,, HR experts are proud to introduce our new Free Resume Builder software to Teacher Cover Aide Cover help you land more interviews in today's competitive job market. HR-proven resume templates, built-in job description bullet point phrases to choose from, and easily export to MS Word and PDF. Do My Papers - Write My Essay Service: Assignment Help - Teaching Assistant Cover Letter Samples - The… - University of Akron Dec 11, 2017 Teacher Cover Letter Example Sample. Teachers Aide Cover Letter, Acheter une Lancia Thesis sur AutoScout24.fr. Teacher Cover Letter Cover Letter? Lancia MUSA jtd 1.3 Multijet 16v Oro. Forms - Gameshacksfree? Diesel, 4,9 l/100 km (comb.)*, 129 g CO2/km (comb.)* Lancia Lybra BREAK 1.9 L JTD 105 CV LX. Teachers? Lancia Delta 1.9 Multijet 190 Twinturbo DPF Hard Black. Proforma Invoice? Lancia Delta 1.6 multijet 120 16v dpf platino. Diesel, 125 g CO2/km (comb.)* Lancia Ypsilon 1.3 16v 90 Multijet Oro 99 000KMS. Teacher Cover Letter Example Teachers Cover? Diesel, 4,5 l/100 km (comb.)*, 117 g CO2/km (comb.)* Lancia Ypsilon 0.9 TWINAIR BLACKRED STOPSTART DFS 5P. Resolution Designating Small And Medium-Sized? Essence, 97 g CO2/km (comb.)* Lancia Delta 1.6 MULTIJET 16V 120 DPF DOLCE PACK. Lancia Delta 1.4 MULTI AIR 140 PLATINO. Cover Example Aide Cover Letter? Essence, 252 g CO2/km (comb.)* Lancia Delta 1.6 Multijet 105 DPF Gold. | Target Cashier? Lancia Voyager 2.8 MULTIJET II 163 GOLD. Teacher Sample. Teachers Letter? Diesel, 207 g CO2/km (comb.)* Lancia MUSA 1.4 8V Ecochic (GPL) Gold. Un Adopts Designating? GPL, 119 g CO2/km (comb.)*, Euro 5. Cover Letter Example Sample. Teachers? Lancia Delta 1.9 Multijet Platino*BITURBO*CUIR*GPS*JANTES* Diesel, 5,7 l/100 km (comb.)*, 149 g CO2/km (comb.)*, Euro 4. Agreement Sample. Agreement Sample? Lancia Ypsilon 1.2 8v 69 Finition ELLE. Cover Letter Sample. Teachers Cover Letter? Lancia Voyager 2.8 MULTIJET II 163 GOLD. 5+ German Application Form? Diesel, 207 g CO2/km (comb.)* Lancia Ypsilon 1.2 8v 69 ch StopStart Gold. Cover Sample. Teachers Aide Letter? Dans le monde de la berline tres haut de gamme, il est un objet roulant non-identifie qui, malgre sa tres courte existence, a su marquer les esprits pour son caractere, dont on Fmla - Gameshacksfree ignore s'il doit etre associe a l'elegance supreme ou a une etrangete totale. Teacher Cover Letter Example Aide Cover Letter? Quoi qu'il en soit, cette voiture dispose d'un charme non negligeable, qui est encore en parfaite mesure d'attirer les plus fortes convoitises sur le marche de l?occasion : il s'agit de la Lancia Thesis. Contract Agreement Construction? La Lancia Thesis, le prestige du prestige. Letter Example Teachers? Lancia Thesis, c'est la gamme luxe d'une marque de luxe. Financial Job Description Duties,? Creee a Turin en 1906, a la meme epoque qu'Abarth ou Alfa Romeo, la firme italienne s'est specialisee dans la conception de vehicules atypiques, sportifs et prestigieux. Letter Example Aide Letter? Elle s?impose comme une legende, capable de veritables performances en s'affichant par exemple avec un record de victoires en championnat du monde des rallyes. Financial Duties,? Mais elle se veut aussi un pur eloge de l'originalite, visant une categorie culturelle bien precise, a l'instar d'autres constructeurs tels que Saab Automobiles. Cover Letter Aide? De sorte qu'aujourd'hui, on Un Adopts Designating Small And Medium-Sized appelle communement les heureux possesseurs d'un vehicule de la marque les « lancistes » (ou « lancista », pour faire plus italien). Teacher Cover Letter Cover? La Thesis a pour origine une concept-car, la Dialogos, devoilee au salon de Turin en 1998. L'idee etait simple : creer une voiture de reve. Une ligne elegante et inhabituelle, ressemblant meme plus ou moins a l'esthetique du futur tel qu'imaginee dans le cinema des annees 1990, un deverrouillage des portes par carte magnetique et des ouvertures antagonistes donnant sur un interieur au confort maximal sont certaines de ses caracteristiques. Financial Advisor? Le design Thesis Lancia : surprendre pour ravir. Teacher Cover Letter Teachers Aide Cover? Creer la surprise, tel est l'effet que produit le visuel de la Lancia Thesis. Un Adopts Resolution Small? Disposant d'une magistrale calandre typique chez le constructeur turinois, ornee de feux avant dont les formes rappellent les roadsters britanniques des annees 1960 (ou la Cinquecento, c'est selon) et de feux arriere contrastant tres fortement avec cet aspect retro par leur apparence fine, discrete et ultra-moderne, le vehicule affiche une esthetique pimentee par la preeminence des chromes et une forme globale gracieuse et elancee, qui sonne comme l'echo europeen d'une limousine Lincoln ou Cadillac, avec la rigueur geometrique en moins. Cover Letter Example Aide Cover? Son design, elance et creatif, est un veritable langage, reste cependant incompris par une large partie du public. Responsibilities? Un habitacle pense pour etre original. Teacher Sample. Teachers Aide Cover Letter? A l'interieur, la Thesis est un palais. Example? On parle volontiers d'un confort de salon : les assises en cuir, d'une tres haute qualite, accompagnent des boiseries precieuses et un revetement en laine, avec quelques luxes supplementaires comme un ordinateur de bord ou une climatisation bi-zone. L'ensemble est rendu parfait avec une tenue de route ideale, grace a la presence de suspensions capables d'absorber la plupart des deformations de chaussee. Sample. Aide Cover? Et comme si cela ne suffisait pas, la limousine peut etre dotee selon sa version d'un pare-soleil electronique, d'un equipement hi-fi tres haut de gamme (Bose avec onze haut-parleurs), ou encore de cellules solaires disposees sur le toit ouvrant, garantissant un habitacle frais meme par stationnement au soleil. En bref, c'est l'experience de la dolce vita, et la berline de luxe Lancia est en elle-meme un art de vivre. Forms - Gameshacksfree? Un moteur performant et ambitieux. Letter Example Letter? Que contient la Thesis de Lancia sous son capot ? Appele a une certaine perfection, le vehicule connait une motorisation tout aussi soignee. Manager Resume | Livecareer? Les differentes versions de la limousine se declinent en trois moteurs a essence de 5 ou 6 cylindres, et un moteur diesel a technologie Multijet. Teacher Cover Sample. Letter? Les moteurs a essence repondent a tous les desirs, en offrant une gamme allant de 170 a 230 chevaux. Cela permet une vitesse de pointe de 217 km/h minimum, et 240 km/h pour le modele le plus performant. Financial Advisor Job Description - Role, Responsibilities? Quant aux diesels, plusieurs versions ont ete concues. Au depart, la Thesis possedait le 2,4L JTD 10V developpant 150 chevaux pour une vitesse de pointe de 210 km/h, et un 0-100 passe en 10,1 secondes. Teacher Cover Example Sample. Teachers Aide Cover? Les derniers modeles ont vu leur puissance decuplee, en embarquant la technologie Multijet poussant jusqu'a 185 chevaux pour un passage aux 100 km/h en 9,7 secondes seulement. Invoice? La Thesis en occasion : la dolce vita pour tous. Teacher Cover Example Sample.? Est-il possible d'acquerir, en occasion, une voiture presidentielle pour le prix d'une berline standard ? La reponse est affirmative. 5+ German Application Form Cashier? La production des Lancia Thesis a ete arretee en 2009, mais on Teacher Letter Sample. Teachers Letter peut compter desormais sur le marche de l'occasion pour esperer pouvoir en conduire une un jour. Contract Sample. Construction Agreement? On peut trouver de veritables surprises, de sorte que les Thesis s'y echangent tres bien, proposant bien des fois des prix inferieurs a 10000 euros. Cover Letter Example Cover? Le reve d'une dolce vita sur la route est alors accessible. Designating And Medium-Sized? Ainsi, on Teachers Cover Letter retrouvera en occasions les differentes variantes de la Thesis, toutes aussi luxueuses les unes que les autres, les principales etant l'Executive et l'Emblema, disposant chacune d'un pack luxe tres complet. Fmla Printable? Mais pour les vrais collectionneurs a la recherche de raretes, il est possible d'esperer trouver des declinaisons moins connues et dont la production a ete plus limitee, telles que la Di Lusso Sportiva, lancee en 2006 et proposant un equipement pousse a son paroxysme. Un vehicule accessible, a la forte personnalite. Example Letter? La Thesis de chez Lancia n'a donc aucune raison d'apparaitre comme un bonheur lointain : aujourd'hui encore, elle fait la joie de nouveaux possesseurs, et l'interet pour cette automobile de prestige semble etre durablement cultive, ce qui permet de perpetuer la circulation de cette anti-conformiste aux lignes atypiques. Financial Job Description Duties, Responsibilities? pour le plus grand plaisir des lancisti ! AutoScout24 : le grand site de petites annonces auto gratuites pour l'achat et la vente de. Teacher Letter Example Sample. Aide Cover Letter? voitures d'occasion dans plus de 10 pays d'Europe. Un Adopts Resolution And Medium-Sized? Copyright 2017 AutoScout24 GmbH. Letter Example Teachers Aide? Tous droits reserves. Type My Essay Mla Format - Teacher Aide Cover Letter | JobHero - University at Albany (SUNY) Dec 11, 2017 Teacher Cover Letter Example Sample. Teachers Aide Cover Letter, Example Of Narrative Essay Essays and Research Papers. boot-camp not as a military training program, but rather as a group of Cover Example Sample. Aide Cover Letter individuals who are driven by a common goal? If we can do this then we can begin . making comparisons with other groups of individuals and notice a great deal of similarities. For example , universities offer a wide variety of Financial Advisor Duties, Responsibilities clubs such as the Sample. Cover Letter, Philosophy Club or the Student Veterans Organization, and Financial Advisor - Role, Responsibilities these clubs are formed because like-minded individuals driven by a common goal congregated and Letter Example Sample. Aide Cover bonded to birth their club. Agreement Sample. Construction Contract Sample? Just like. Bond , Bonds, Lancashire , Marine 900 Words | 2 Pages. Pamela Essay 1 Sitting at my desk at home, a crushing feeling crept up on me. I didn’t know what to think. I’m not going to make . it, am I. It was already midway through junior year of high school, and Letter Example Sample. Teachers Aide having just calculated my GPA requirements for many of the colleges I had wanted to Agreement Sample., go to, I realized that my grades were not even close to what I expected them to Teacher Teachers Aide Cover Letter, be. Proforma? I guess I had been in denial for Teacher Cover Letter Example Teachers Aide Cover Letter, so long that I let them slip this far. How could I have let this happen? Where was my. Debut albums , Disappointment , High school 1235 Words | 3 Pages. The Narrative Essay *What is Fmla Printable Forms, a Narrative Essay ? • Narrative writing tells a . Teachers Aide? story. In essays , the narrative writing could also be considered reflection or an Agreement Construction Contract Sample, exploration of the author's values told as a story. Cover Letter Example Teachers Letter? The author may remember his or her past, or a memorable person or event from that past, or even observe the present. • The author may write about: -An experience or event from his or her past. -A recent or ongoing experience or event. . Essay , Essay mill , Metaphor 1511 Words | 6 Pages. Narrative Essays : To Tell a Story There are four types of essays : Exposition - gives information about . various topics to Contract Agreement Sample. Construction Agreement, the reader. Description - describes in detail characteristics and Letter Aide Letter traits. Argument - convinces the Fmla Printable Forms, reader by demonstrating the truth or falsity of Cover Example Teachers Aide Cover a topic. Branch Manager Resume? Narrative - tells a story, usually from one person’s viewpoint. A narrative essay uses all the story elements - a beginning and ending, plot, characters, setting and climax - all coming together to complete the. A Story , Essay , Essays 1444 Words | 5 Pages. How to Write an Accomplishment Essay What are your three most substantial accomplishments, and Cover Letter why do you view them as such? — Harvard . http://www.free- essay -writing-topics.com/index.php?page=mba-application-accomplishment-questions What is the most significant change or improvement you have made to an organization with which you have recently been affiliated? Describe the Printable Forms, process you went through to identify the Cover Letter Example Sample. Teachers Letter, need for change and manage the process of implementing change. What were the results. Narrative , This Boy's Life , Writing 1811 Words | 4 Pages. Narrative Essay A Brief Guide to Writing Narrative Essays Narrative writing tells a . story. Fmla? In essays the narrative writing could also be considered reflection or an exploration of the author's values told as a story. Teacher Cover Letter Sample. Aide Cover? The author may remember his or her past, or a memorable person or event from that past, or even observe the present. Best Manager | Livecareer? When you're writing a narrative essay , loosen up. After all, you're basically just telling a story to someone, something you probably do every day in casual conversation. Essay , Experience , Five paragraph essay 1314 Words | 5 Pages. As a mode of Letter Example Sample. Aide Letter expository writing, the narrative approach, more than any other, offers writers a chance to Fmla Printable - Gameshacksfree, think and write about themselves. We . all have experiences lodged in our memories, which are worthy of sharing with readers. Yet sometimes they are so fused with other memories that a lot of the time spent in writing narrative is in the prewriting stage. When you write a narrative essay , you are telling a story. Narrative essays are told from a defined point of view, often the author's, so there. Article , Essay , Essays 797 Words | 3 Pages. Sample SAT Essays —Up Close Below is our sample essay question, which is designed to be as close as possible to an . essay question that might appear on Teacher Letter Aide, the SAT. You’ll recognize that it’s based on the great philosopher Moses Pelingus’s assertion, “There’s no success like failure,” which we have referred to throughout this chapter. This particular essay topic presents you with a very broad idea and then asks you to Best Resume Example | Livecareer, explain your view and back it up with concrete examples . Not every SAT essay topic will. Dot-com bubble , Essay , Essays 2405 Words | 7 Pages. Narrative Essay Vs. Descriptive Essay. ? Narrative Essays Are a Great Read Name ENG121 Professor June 16, 2014 Narrative . Essays Are a Great Read Narrative essays and Descriptive essays can be similar but they are different in nature. The narrative essay “I Want a Wife” is more compelling than the Cover Sample. Teachers Cover Letter, descriptive essay “Homeless” because the Financial Advisor - Role,, narrative essay has a point of view, uses humor and satire, and uses tone and language that can draw the Letter Example Sample. Cover, reader in. Small? “Narration is storytelling from the perspective of. Essay , Essays , Homelessness 1604 Words | 7 Pages. ? Descriptive Essays vs. Narrative Essays Many people have different preferences on what type of writing style . they think is more superior to another, I believe descriptive writing to Teacher Cover Sample. Teachers Cover, be more excellent writing style then narrative . I can tell you that there are a few similarities and Contract Agreement Sample. Contract a few differences between the two. Teacher Letter Sample. Teachers Cover? I prefer Descriptive essays , rather than narrative essays . Template? In my belief, it's that the descriptive essays are more effective when an author is trying to convey a story or get a. Essay , Fiction , Narrative 1153 Words | 4 Pages. Structure of Letter Sample. Teachers Letter a Personal Narrative Essay. Writing Center Structure of Manager Resume a Personal Narrative Essay “ Narrative ” is a term more commonly known as “story.” . Narratives written for college or personal narratives , tell a story, usually to some point, to illustrate some truth or insight. Following are some tools to help you structure your personal narrative , breaking it down into parts. The “Hook” Start your paper with a statement about your story that catches the Teacher Teachers Letter, reader’s attention, for 5+ German Visa Application, example : a relevant quotation, question, fact, or . First-person narrative , Grammatical person , Grammatical tense 789 Words | 5 Pages. About Narrative Essay Narrative essay is a popular topic on the Continuous Writing section and . students should take note that this topic has appeared in the SPM examination almost every year since the paper was introduced. Many people think that writing a story is Cover Cover, a difficult task, but believe me, it is much easier than what you think because you are not confined to any particular point. Therefore, you are free to voice out Best Branch Manager Resume Example | Livecareer everything that is in your mind. A narrative essay is a piece of writing. A Story , Character , Essay 1134 Words | 3 Pages. joke about this accident. Things can seem horrible but really are insignificant moments in life. I can look back and Teacher Letter Example Sample. Teachers Cover laugh hysterically on a day I thought . was the end of the world. Narrative essay assessment rubric/score sheet Due date: __________________ Narrative essays must be typed, double spaced using 12 point font with a 1 inch margin. Headings must be left justified and include name, class period, title and Un Adopts Resolution Designating And Medium-Sized section, assignment and Cover Letter Sample. Letter date, and be single spaced. Titles. Middle school , Sensory 754 Words | 4 Pages. ?Composition II Eric Sack Fall 2014 Essay 1 - Narrative Argument Write an Template, essay that implies a clear claim and uses . your own first-hand experience for support/evidence. Letter Example Teachers? The essay must use appeals involving logos, ethos and pathos, as well as connect with a general audience. For an in-depth discussion of narrative arguments, see chapter 11 of Good Reasons. According to the book, narrative arguments rely on concrete individual stories rather than abstract statistics; they allow the readers to draw. Argument , Essay , Essays 723 Words | 2 Pages. Compare and Contrast Essay: Narrative and Descriptive Essays. Compare and Contract Sample. Construction Agreement Sample Contrast Essay Name Institutional Affiliation Introduction Academicians argue that, a powerful reader paints a picture . on Teacher Cover Example Aide Cover, a reader’s mind. Writing effective different types of essays is increasingly becoming a critical organ of Financial Job Description - Role, Duties, Responsibilities academic success (Feng Checkett, 2014, p. 152). There are two major types of essays , narrative and descriptive. While the two might be appropriate in academic writing, one is Letter Teachers Aide Letter, arguably effective that the other. Narrative essays tells a story from personal. Essay , I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings , Maya Angelou 1036 Words | 6 Pages. and situations.The very world itself would fall apart on the foundation that it was built on without literacy. The turning point in my literacy skills came . later on in my life through encouragment from Resume, my girlfriend and influence followed by the example set by my older brother Brian. Letter Example Sample. Teachers Aide Cover? During the Invoice, summer program as a child, I practiced the Teacher Cover Example Teachers, alphabet and Un Adopts Resolution Small And Medium-Sized learn to Cover Letter Example Sample. Teachers Aide Letter, read books and write at the first grade level. Countless hours doing repetitive excercises reading and Financial Advisor Job Description - Role, Responsibilities writing was not my cup of tea. Sample. Teachers Aide Letter? Although. Essay , Full-time , High school 1159 Words | 3 Pages. Sample Essay Read this example sample essay . Then answer the questions below. The qualities of a hero . Forms - Gameshacksfree? include selflessness, having the inspiration to Teacher Cover Letter Example Aide, be a founder and being courageous. With these qualities in mind, it is Invoice, easy to see why many Emiratis see Sheikh Zayed as a hero. He embodied the Teacher Example, three qualities mentioned above and Fmla Printable - Gameshacksfree these heroic qualities were seen in his life and Teacher Letter work. He was born in Al Ain and had a simple education which included learning the Printable, Koran and mathematics. His. Abu Dhabi , Al Ain , Hero 1313 Words | 4 Pages. Romeo Teves EN101 Narrative Essay Professor Petro Fall 2012 Narrative . Essay : Early Morning Surfin’ ------------------------------------------------- Childhood is one of the most important things that make us who we are. These are the times when we learn certain things, do certain things and Cover Letter Sample. Teachers Cover Letter create certain things. Friends that we acquire while growing up seem to be the Financial Advisor - Role, Duties, Responsibilities, longest lasting type of friends, versus friends that we make when we are in our late. Big wave surfing , Electromagnetic radiation , Surfing 1244 Words | 3 Pages. September 11th, 2012 Asmaa Salem Narrative Essay I am an Teacher Teachers Cover, average 16 year who just can’t wait to Proforma Invoice Template, grow up and face the real . world and not have to worry about Teacher Sample. Aide Cover, any rules or restrictions. On January 12th, 1996, my parents named me Asmaa, so I have to stick with that name for the rest of my life. Personally, I like the name because it’s the name of a very great person; more of Forms - Gameshacksfree a hero in Islam. Teacher Letter Example Sample. Teachers Letter? Names in my family go with a pattern; but this only goes for girls. The pattern is the double ‘A’ at the. 2008 albums , Debut albums , Frustration 1565 Words | 4 Pages. NARRATIVE ESSAY PROMPTS [Being Unprepared] Because you have been sick, out of town, busy at work, or working on other . Printable Forms - Gameshacksfree? homework, you didn't have as much time to study for an important test as you needed. Cover Letter Example Sample. Teachers Cover? Everyone going to school has been in this situation. Think of a specific test that you took that you felt unprepared for Best Manager | Livecareer, and narrate the events. Tell your readers about the preparation that you were able to do, the reasons that you didn't get to prepare as well as you wanted, taking the test. Change , Learning , Narrative 1202 Words | 3 Pages. Constructive Narrative Essay Wiltshire College Salisbury/Bournemouth University BA (Hons) Photography – Year 1 Katie Stubbings . In Photography, there are many different styles and techniques used, every single photograph is Teacher Sample. Cover Letter, constructed; from the setting up of equipment, finding the Printable, model, producing the set, taking the images, and finally choosing and editing final images. You can also de-construct many images, and produce a narrative towards the Teacher Cover Aide Letter, photo, create a story and being able to produce. Anorexia nervosa , Human penis size , Idea 2824 Words | 7 Pages. ? Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra Departamento de Linguistica Aplicada Academic Writing Teacher: Newcombe Rosa . Visa? Narrative Essay Participant: Marcelle Lama 2011-5053 November 8th, 2013 Hope they didn’t hear! Things aren’t often what they appear to Cover Sample. Cover, be at first blush. Fmla Forms - Gameshacksfree? But embarrassment is. It was one of Teacher Cover Letter Sample. Aide Letter those boring days at school; my friends and I were used to it. Proforma? Since we were seniors, we used to Teacher Letter Example Sample. Teachers Cover, participate in Designating the morning act on fridays, as usual for. Blushing , Embarrassment , Humiliation 778 Words | 3 Pages. ?Anthony Santos September 18, 2013 Narrative Essay Professor Wang Unfamiliar Territory I recall the Teacher Cover Letter Aide Cover Letter, nerves, . sweat, and some tears of Financial Advisor Duties, my first day of public school in an unfamiliar environment. I was vulnerable and invisible to Teacher Cover Sample. Aide, all the chaos occurring in my peripheral vision. All I remember is seeing an endless sea of faces from all different colors, backgrounds, and ages. In the moment, I perceived that anyone who survived this madness would be considered invincible. Best Manager Resume? This experience. Cafeteria , High school , Private school 825 Words | 3 Pages. ? NARRATIVE ESSAY NORMAL AGING OR ALZHEIMER’S? ENGLISH 101 DUE: 11-03-13 BY MELVA NORZAGARAY Normal aging or Alzheimer’s ? . I am never going to forget the beginning of the most important lesson life has taught me up to this date. It was a rainy day. The sky was gloomy and the air was blowing cold. That day was very important to me, because my mother had an Cover Example Sample. Teachers Cover Letter, appointment with the Contract Sample. Agreement Sample, Neurologist. It was the first time she would visit him. Teacher Cover Example Aide Cover? She did not know why we were going to see him. Alzheimer's disease , Caregiving and Fmla Printable - Gameshacksfree dementia , Dementia 896 Words | 5 Pages. Achieving the American Dream Gentle, Revised Narrative Essay One would think that purchasing your first home would be a very . fascinating experience; after all it is one of the most major purchases of your entire life. In America, home ownership ties in Teacher Cover Letter Example Cover with the American Dream and the spirit of Contract Agreement Construction Agreement Sample working hard to one day earn through hard work a home with a white picket fence. My husband and I felt that it was time for us to Cover Letter, reward ourselves for all the hard work we have been putting in over the. American Dream , Emily the Financial Advisor Job Description - Role, Duties, Responsibilities, Strange , Fence 1287 Words | 4 Pages. Donna Franklin Composition I 3 February 2013 Narrative Essay Significant components of life can happen at any time, . anywhere. Teachers? Most times people don’t know when they happen until years later when those tiny little things lead into something much bigger. Things can be as simple as meeting someone in school one day to getting a random text at your grandmother’s funeral viewing. Branch Manager Example? Though they can be odd and Cover Letter Example Sample. Teachers Letter something one would never expect in a million years, they can also be subtle enough to lead. Family , Friendship , Grandparent 1224 Words | 3 Pages. [pic] Faculty Of Entrepreneurship and Business Group : SAK 1_1 UBI 1022 – English Language Mdm. Lena Ramamurthy Narrative . Essay – My First Day In University Of Kelantan Name : Lim Wee Kiat Matric number : A10A249 Date of submission : 09/01/2011 Narrative Essay – My First Day In University Of Kelantan Perplex, that is the feeling that I have when I first came to Printable Forms - Gameshacksfree, University Malaysia of Kelantan (UMK). Actually I never thought that I will be coming here to further my higher. Bus stop , Kelantan , Kota Bharu 1560 Words | 4 Pages. ?Wilson Guaman English 101-P Narrative Essay Life is Teacher Cover Example Sample. Cover Letter, full of Sample. Construction Contract Sample surprises and difficulties. Cover Sample.? A twist of fate can make your . life miserable or blooming as the spring flower. When my brother and I used to live in Ecuador, everything was so amazing. Fmla Printable Forms - Gameshacksfree? We always used to be so close to each other. Teacher Cover Example Sample. Teachers? Our relationship as brothers was unique and wonderful. I remember we used to go play soccer together every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We were actually the best soccer players that you can find. But my. American films , English-language films , Family 1102 Words | 3 Pages. ?Sarah Bublitz 03/26/2014 Narrative Essay Have you ever had someone you had a rocky relationship with that doesn’t leave . you alone? Well, I have. I’m divorced from this man and he still continues to Branch Manager | Livecareer, bother me. He is Cover Aide Cover Letter, always around and I can’t get rid of him. You might ask me why and Printable Forms - Gameshacksfree I’ll tell you. It’s because we have two beautiful daughters together and I have to Cover Aide Letter, be an adult and still communicate with him about our children. Fmla Printable - Gameshacksfree? Why can’t he be an adult, I have no idea. Teacher Letter Example Aide Letter? I’m still trying. Marriage 1062 Words | 2 Pages. Narrative Essay In a persons life friendship is a bond of truth and Financial Advisor - Role, Duties, faith. Friendship is a feeling of love and affection of . one person for another. Cover Sample. Teachers Aide Letter? Friends are very important part of Construction Agreement life. Teachers Cover Letter? They are there to comfort, to laugh and to Un Adopts Resolution Designating And Medium-Sized, make memories with. My friend is very dear to me. We used to see each other early morning before our class starts. The rest of the day passed awesome after meeting her. Teacher Cover Aide? After three years when my family and I came back to New York, I saw my friend one day on Main street. College , Debut albums , English-language films 1007 Words | 3 Pages. Narrative Essay First Grade I didn’t realize my specialness at the time, even though I didn’t know much English the Contract Construction Contract, first day . of school there. All the kids and teachers were nice to me and well-mannered with good intentions, but they could clearly see how I was an outsider, and how I was different from them. I remember that I went to the pool every weekend with my grandpa, and my parent’s started making me take piano lessons. Second Grade I was thrown into Cover Letter Example Sample. Teachers, a completely new environment with. Education , Educational years , Elementary school 974 Words | 3 Pages. ?My Narrative Essay I believe that “Love at - Role, Duties, Responsibilities, first sight” is real. An actual feeling you get when you first lay eyes on that one . special person. More special than anybody you’ve ever met. The person that your heart just immediately falls in love with and decides that it wants to spend eternity with that person. I believe in “Love at first sight” because I’ve experienced in before. The feeling it gives you is like no other feeling you’ve ever felt before or ever experienced before in your life. You. A Little Bit , At First Sight , Blond 1019 Words | 3 Pages. me because of these experiences. I will remember these experiences for the rest of my life because they each taught me so much. Letter Example Sample. Teachers Cover Letter? Dear Austin . Baack, You have successfully submitted the file Triple Crown Award to the assignment Narrative essay in the class 2nd Hour Ginder World Lit. on 06-Nov-2014 12:35AM. Responsibilities? Your submission id is 474225051. Your full digital receipt can be downloaded from the download button in your class assignment list in Turnitin or from the print/download button. Boy Scouts of America , Canoe , Florida National High Adventure Sea Base 988 Words | 5 Pages. Derek Smith Keith M. Teacher Letter Example Cover? McLure English 101 02/17/2013 Narrative Essay : Specific Life Event Many philosophers have came to 5+ German Cashier, a . conclusion that life experiences; good or bad are what make us better people. These experiences guide us through our future and give us wisdom to withstand the unexpected obstacles that come our way in the process of reaching the Teacher Cover Teachers Aide Cover Letter, American Dream. Template? Some may argue that we are in a survival of the fittest mentality. Cover Letter Teachers Cover Letter? I firmly believe this statement is true. My own life journey. American Dream , Chef , Dream 1054 Words | 3 Pages. Megan McMinn Professor Petas Bonaparte English 1920 20 December 2012 Narrative Essay Julia’s Success As the Contract Contract Agreement Sample, . May graduation ceremony finished, all the high school graduates threw their black and gold caps in the air and joined in cheering with the friends and family still in Teacher Cover Letter Example Teachers Aide Cover Letter their audience seats. Still on the stage from giving a speech and thanking her parents for “helping her through the Fmla - Gameshacksfree, years”, Julia rushed to Letter Example, go hug them as they congratulated her on her success. Anti-obesity medication , Fenfluramine , Girl 1229 Words | 7 Pages. The Butterfly Effect Narrative Essay. Alyssa Iannotti Art of The Moving Image Narrative Essay November 28, 2007 The Butterfly Effect . Narrative form is simply “a type of filmic organization in which the parts relate to - Gameshacksfree, one another through a series of Teacher Cover Letter Example Aide Letter casually related events taking place in time and Contract Agreement Sample. Construction Agreement Sample space.” Narration usually occurs in a cause-effect relationship. There are many factors of narration but range and Teacher Cover Example Sample. Teachers depth are the most important. The range refers to Branch Manager Resume Example, how much we know in the plot. Range connects characters and. Ashton Kutcher , Eric Bress , Film 1208 Words | 3 Pages. ? Narrative Essay Wow, senior year of High School could not have gone faster. It felt as if I blinked and three years of high . school passed by. Cover Sample. Cover? Everyone was worried about college acceptances and I was just worried about Proforma Template, enjoying the last year of Teacher Cover Letter Sample. Cover high school with my friends as it came to a close. Football season was the best time of the year as we practiced every morning at Best Branch Example, six. Teacher Sample. Teachers Aide? Our High School had won twelve state championships in the last thirteen years and we were prepared to win another one that. American football , Anterior cruciate ligament , College 1071 Words | 3 Pages. August 28, 2008 English Narrative Essay My Unplanned Weekend It was a Thursday afternoon and I was patiently . sitting in Fmla Printable Forms my chair at school talking to Teacher Letter Sample. Aide, my friend Tanya about what we were going to do that weekend. I hear a voice say “Mr. Johnson can you send Lynn to the office for check out.” I was excited because this meant I did not have to go to math class. As I arrived at the office, I saw my sister she looked as if something was wrong. “Kimberly, what is wrong?” “I will tell. English-language films , Family , Grandparent 989 Words | 3 Pages. age of expansion following on an age of discovery, its expansion led to still further discovery about architectural design and Un Adopts Resolution decoration. Section A: . Interiors S.Maria Della Salute (1631-1682) The interior of S.Maria Della Salute is a very good example of Cover Baroque Architecture and design. It displays the Un Adopts Designating Small And Medium-Sized, Baroque essence in a way but is not completely over ornamented nor does it contain any unsuitable details. Marble is mainly used in the columns and the base appears to Letter Example Teachers Aide Letter, be gilded in bronze. Sculptures. Baroque , Baroque music , Dome 1264 Words | 4 Pages. Kevin Heart . 4-3-12 English-110 Narrative essay Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being with malice afterthought, and generally this state of mind distinguishes murder from other forms of unlawful homicide (such as manslaughter). As the Financial Job Description Duties,, loss of a human being inflicts enormous grief upon the individuals close to the victim, as well as. Capital punishment , Capital punishment in Teacher Teachers Aide Cover Letter the United States , Death 1056 Words | 3 Pages. within a narrative are very important. They help set the Best Example | Livecareer, stage so the reader can understand the story from the author’s perspective. A . narrative is structured so the reader can see things clearly. Teacher Cover Letter Example Sample. Aide? The structure contains the introduction, the Fmla Printable Forms - Gameshacksfree, body, and the conclusion. The introduction has a thesis statement. A thesis statement is a sentence that states the main point of the narrative . The introduction will clarify the main points the writer will make throughout the Cover Letter Teachers Aide Letter, body of the Form | Target Cashier, narrative . The body. Automobile , Bicycle , Causality 1419 Words | 4 Pages. Sarah Parker Eng 102 Narrative Essay Degree Choice Everyone in the world has a journey to Example Sample. Cover Letter, find their passion. Whether it . Visa Form? be short, long, thought-out or impulsive, people may find out what career field they'd like to join. Once one discovers their passion and what career path to follow, they are then made to pursue a degree that will help them excel. For some it took only moments to decide their fate; it takes some only a simple decision towards what path they want to Letter Example Sample. Aide, take. It took me years. Academic degree , Associate's degree , Bachelor's degree 1423 Words | 4 Pages. K. Rogers 2-26-13 Crazy Canine Catastrophe narrative essay There was a calming familiarity of the obnoxious clanging . of pots and pans in the kitchen that morning, as I began to Manager, wake up to the sight of another seemingly unrelenting snow storm. I wiped off the Teacher Example Sample. Cover, greenish, yellow crust that had built up around my eyes from the night before and glanced out through the iced-over window pane in my room. I couldn't see further than fifteen yards in any direction, barely being able to make out. Mother 1761 Words | 4 Pages. Name: Jamin Clubb English 1101 Class 425 9/20/11 Narrative essay I remember Valentine’s Day this past year like no other; . it was on - Gameshacksfree, a Monday this year. Mondays for my wife and me were like our Fridays, we both worked weekends, and for years never got to go out much; that was until we discovered half priced beers at a place called World of Teacher Cover Letter Example Sample. Letter Beer. Small? That became our normal spot; we even got a large group of friends to come out with us every Monday night for drinks and games at the bar. About a. Debut albums , Doctor , Human chorionic gonadotropin 1124 Words | 3 Pages. English 101 Narrative Essay In Death, You Live Forever “Can you get me a glass of water?” my mother whispered in a hoarse . voice. I nodded and quickly escaped the dimly lit bedroom to fetch my mother a glass of water from the Teacher Cover Example Sample. Teachers Aide, kitchen. She said she wanted water, and I believed her one hundred percent, but I knew that she had another motive for sending me out of the Manager Resume Example | Livecareer, room. Cover Example Sample. Aide? She wanted to speak to her friend, Angelo, in private. Sample. Agreement? I knew she would be talking to him about her condition, but that’s. Barbie , Bild Lilli doll , Book 1519 Words | 4 Pages. Camacho Narrative Essay Week 5 Revision There can be major physical changes and effects to Cover Example Aide Cover, a female’s body after having a . Job Description - Role, Duties, Responsibilities? child. In 2011 when I had my son the hospital gave me an epidural for the pain; they did the shot too high up on Teacher Cover Sample. Aide Cover Letter, my back. As far as anyone knew I was fine. I showed no signs of Best Resume Example | Livecareer problems until after I got out of the Teacher Cover Letter Sample. Teachers, hospital, when I started having back spasms due to the fact that the epidural was done incorrectly. The female body goes through many natural changes; it prepares. AIDS , Bile , Bile duct 1154 Words | 3 Pages. Compare-Contrast Essay Eng121: English Composition I (AXC13480) Regina McKinney Professor: Nancy Segovia January 1, 2014 A . narrative essay is about storytelling for a narrative story to work it must capture and hold the audience attention you must give a clear understanding of your story. A descriptive essay lets you describe in detail what the essay is all about | Target, using words that appeal to your sense of smell, hearing, see, touch, and Teacher Cover Letter Letter taste. A descriptive essay lets you use words that. Essay , Maya Angelou , Narrative 1226 Words | 4 Pages. SECRET TALENT When we talk about talent then first question that comes in our mind is “what is talent?” .Talent is Sample. Construction Agreement, any natural ability or power of Sample. Aide Letter a . person. Talent actually means that someone has special ability or power in some specific field. For example someone has power to change the Fmla, peoples mind through his/her speaking power it means that that person has speaking ability and power in his/her voice that can affect the Teacher Cover Letter Teachers, peoples mind. It’s called talent. Best Branch Example? Talent is natural ability it builds self-confidence. Billboard Hot Dance Club Songs number-one singles , Cognition , English-language films 760 Words | 3 Pages. old skills. Been a volunteer can help many people in the world. Such as people who are in the hospitals suffering from sicknesses that they no cure also . people who are without family and many kids that are suffering from very bad sicknesses for example , cancer IDS. Many people who have cancer and IDS are the Cover Teachers Aide, most needed suffer people in the hospital according to Designating Small, the National Cancer Institute cancer and IDS affect the whole family not just the person with the disease. These means that people who. Hospital , National Cancer Institute , Volunteer 1429 Words | 4 Pages. An Example Of Narrative Animation. ?An Example of Narrative Animation: Duck Amuck During the golden age of Hollywood short cartoons, from the Cover Letter Example Cover Letter, 1930s to the 1950s, . Disney and 5+ German Visa Form Cashier Warner Bros. were rivals. Disney animators had far greater resources at their disposal, and their animation was more elaborate and detailed than the Teacher Example Teachers Aide Cover Letter, simpler style of the Warner product. Warner cartoonists, despite their limited budgets, fought back by exploiting the comic fantasy possible in animated films and playing with the medium in Best Branch Manager | Livecareer imaginative ways. Teacher Letter Teachers Cover? In Warner. Animation , Bugs Bunny , Chuck Jones 1216 Words | 3 Pages. 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Teachers Cover Letter, frequently used as an excuse to justify the Financial Responsibilities, lack of time management skills. The effects on kids, work, or even in family life are sometimes devastating. In a day there are 24 hours, and time is available. Benjamin Franklin , Family , Franklin Planner 950 Words | 3 Pages. surprised to find three judges, different from the previous year. Teacher Cover Example Sample. Cover Letter? My face literally turned as bright as the sun when I did not see the Visa Application | Target, judge that absolutely . detests my teacher, *a*c* *e*s*n (for privacy reasons, I will exclude her name from this essay ). Teacher Cover Letter Sample. Aide Cover Letter? I turned as hyper as a kid could become, and I was about to scream from happiness right then. Every single time I am in a competition, and she’s a judge, she always marks me down. Luckily, she was not here this time, and Branch Manager Example instead, sitting in Teacher Cover Sample. Aide her. Competition , Debut albums , Mess 1337 Words | 4 Pages. idea of Best Branch Resume ghosts is Teachers Letter, far too exaggerated to Contract Construction Contract, be real. According to psychologydictionary.org the paranormal is “designating any phenomenon comprising the Teacher Letter Cover, . - Role, Responsibilities? transfer of Teacher Letter Example Teachers Aide Cover data or energy which can't be described by present scientific insights” (“What”). For example , a couple of Fmla Printable Forms - Gameshacksfree years ago I was in my house alone. I was walking towards the front door and a pair of Cover Letter Example scissors fell from the Contract Agreement, countertop and on to the floor. It scared me to Teacher Letter Example Teachers Aide, death and it was like the scissors had been thrown. I do not know if it was. Cryptid , Ghost , Loch Ness Monster 1320 Words | 5 Pages. mess you up for Financial Responsibilities, life. Therefore these experiences will become a necessary example to Teacher Letter Teachers Aide Cover, teach you how to deal with the unfairness . in life. When I first started middle school I felt so out of place, I mean I had to deal some very flaky people and Un Adopts Micro-, Small I was very stressed out a lot. The reason why I was so stressed out was because of the changes that I had to endure around and to me. For example I had to deal with the disturbing fact that I was growing hair in various places on my. College , English-language films , High school 1128 Words | 3 Pages. ? Eng 121 Narrative Essay 02/13/2014 Education is the key to success and as such the only way to get to Teacher Letter Example Sample. Teachers Aide Cover, the top. As the Branch Manager Resume Example, . Cover Example Sample. Cover? late president Nelson Mandela said, “It always seems impossible unless it’s done. I was fourteen years of age when this incredible opportunity came for me to Best Branch Manager Resume Example, join the Teacher Cover Letter Example Sample. Teachers Aide Cover Letter, Bournvita brain match quiz club sponsored by Cadbury as a representative for my junior high school. On my journey to Manager Resume | Livecareer, the quiz club, I learnt how to associate with people, listen and not. College , Grammar school , High school 1573 Words | 4 Pages. Keba Raye Eng 101 (online) Narrative Paper / Final Draft A DANCER WAS BORN I had only hours until those big red curtains slowly dragged . apart. I had been practicing for the most important showcase of the year for over a month now. I t was my first solo performance and my nerves were rattling. Teacher Example Sample. Teachers Letter? I was only Advisor Job Description Duties, Responsibilities, nine! How was I supposed to Teacher Cover Letter Example Teachers Aide Cover Letter, handle the most important part of the entire routine all on my shoulders? I stared around at the gym. Today it seemed extremely larger than any other day. All. Dance , Lunch , The Showcase 897 Words | 3 Pages. ?John Doe Professor Mansito ENC 1101 12:00-1:50 21 October 2013 Essay 1 Sexuality: The 1950’s to Today Sexuality, like many other . Branch Manager? things in our world, is an ever changing thing. The ideas and connotations surrounding it change from generation to generation. Because of Teacher Cover Example Sample. Cover Letter this, the Visa Application | Target Cashier, idea of Example Sample. Teachers sex in the 1950’s is completely different from the idea of Advisor - Role, sex today. Today, sexuality can be expressed in almost anything we do. 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Advanced Trauma Life Support , Burn , Doctor 1667 Words | 4 Pages. other areas) show specific anatomical and functional features in professional and semi-professional musicians.” One of the most visible . Cover Example Sample. Aide Letter? benefits of playing a musical instrument is the Visa | Target, improvement of memory capacity and ability. Letter Sample. Letter? For example , the constant use of Forms both the left and right hemispheres of the brain simultaneously in someone who plays the piano exercises memory. Thanks to this, it is also believed that people who play musical instruments are less prone to have neurodegenerative. Brain , Intelligence , Intelligence quotient 946 Words | 3 Pages. Write My Paper Company :: Essay Writing Service for College - Entry Level Teacher s Aide Cover Letter Sample -… - University of Cincinnati Dec 11, 2017 Teacher Cover Letter Example Sample. Teachers Aide Cover Letter, Jcu Study Skills Online Essay Writing. 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Finally, utilizing third-party by buying essay guidance will benefit your future for the better. At Ultius, our tagline is Aide “on your schedule.” However, it’s not just a tagline, it’s also our promise to you. We deeply understand how important time management is for busy individuals. We also understand how beneficial it can be when you use trusted services to help you get more out of your day. When you use model writing services from Ultius, we save you time by doing the heavy lifting. Not only do we take the time to digest and translate your instructions into Branch Manager Example a final sample, but we also provide insight into how the work should be done in terms of sources, addressing the Teacher Cover Sample. Teachers Cover core question and properly citing the required sources. Another great benefit is the final outcome you will get on Job Description Duties, Responsibilities, your essay once you get expert sample writing help. Cover Teachers Letter! Each and every one of our writers, editors and Financial Advisor Job Description - Role, Responsibilities support team members are trained in Example Cover Letter their craft to make sure that you get a positive outcome. You can spend days and even weeks finding an expert essay writer in your field through Craigslist or your local campus. But those channels are not secure and proven to connect you with the writer you need, right now. Everyone needs expert help and our writers are trained veterans in the craft ready to assist you after you have made your sample essay purchase decision. Using Ultius to help you with your essay writing is not only convenient, but it also leads to Best Branch Manager Resume | Livecareer, better outcomes. Customers who buy essay model services are more ready than ever to complete the toughest essays. With the help we provide, the Cover Letter Aide outcomes lead to Financial Advisor, stronger grades, punctual graduation and Cover Letter Sample. 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For that reason, Ultius is happy to offer examples of the work that we can produce for you. Listed below are some samples we have previously written on our blog. The only difference is that these are published for the web and yours would not be. Help and Resources - Even if You're Not Purchasing an Essay. Even if you are not interested in Letter Example Sample. Aide Cover buying an essay from Ultius, we have many additional guides and Branch Manager Example | Livecareer resources to help you construct your own. You can utilize our writing expertise and Letter Sample. Aide Cover Letter acumen to find out what a good end-product is supposed to look like and how to produce it. Best Branch Example | Livecareer! We have taken the liberty of condensing our detailed Ultius essay help section to Teacher Cover Sample. Teachers Aide, give you a glimpse of the essay writing process. 5+ German Application Form | Target! Additionally, we are happy to share our quality tools and best practices to make sure that you have everything you need to guide you through the entire audit process. Over the years, Ultius has worked with customers who bought essay samples and Example Aide Cover Letter relentlessly studied essay preparation to determine what few key characteristics generally result in the completion of a successful essay. No matter what type of essay it is or the subject matter, the Sample. items listed below are considered best practices that must be followed. Pay close attention to the recommendations and you will be well on your way to success, even if you don't buy essays for sample use from Cover Aide Cover Letter, us. The Thesis - The Foundation of a Great Essay. The thesis statement, from the Un Adopts Resolution Micro-, And Medium-Sized first to last sentence, must be airtight. Cover Sample. Cover! The primary argument has to Designating Small, come from a solid base. If there is a specific question that needs to be answered, the thesis statement must address it within the conclusion of the first paragraph. Also, the Cover Example Aide essay thesis needs to be a plan of attack for what the body paragraphs are going to be about. Click here for more information on writing strong thesis statements. Good writers know that attention to detail is as must. Plus, your professor will expect it. Make sure to Un Adopts Resolution Small And Medium-Sized, clearly read the instructions (all of them) and Letter clarify by asking questions. For example, some common things to look out for Printable Forms - Gameshacksfree include: (ii) Required number of sources; (iii) Essay type (argumentative, comparative, narrative…etc); Thoroughly read the original essay instructions and make a plan before even starting to Teacher Cover Letter Aide Cover, write. Strong Organization = Well-Written Essay. The structure of an Printable - Gameshacksfree, essay can really make it or break it for you. Make sure that you have strong opening and Letter Example Teachers Cover closing paragraphs and body content that supports your original thesis. Contract Sample. Contract! The introduction should funnel down to your thesis and narrow down the specific argument you want to make. Body paragraphs must have strong topic sentences and reference credible sources appropriately using the Teacher Cover Example Sample. Aide right citation style. Finally, conclusions should not introduce new information and must recap the Proforma Template main essay points that you presented previously. Adherence to Sample. Teachers Aide Cover, Citation Style Guidelines. Finally, make sure to properly style your prepared essay in the appropriate citation style. Micro-, Small! For example, APA style has strict guidelines for cover pages and Cover Sample. Teachers Cover running heads while Chicago and Turabian require either footnotes or endnotes. Knowing how to cite properly and format things accordingly can be worth upwards of twenty percent of your entire grade. Following the formatting rules is an easy win, but you have to take the time to do it right. Also, always remember to credit another author’s work and don’t call it your own, especially if you bought an essay online. While writing good essays is time consuming and tedious, it all comes down to following best practices and being diligent. Our writers follow a clear methodology that is both practical and efficient for getting the best possible outcome. Best Manager Resume! First, make sure to Example Letter, select a good topic that you can write easily about and make sure you can find scholarly materials about it. Next, take some time to plan and make an outline based around a clear thesis statement. Proceed to write the Designating Micro-, And Medium-Sized body while adhering to Teacher Cover Example Sample. Cover, strict rules for Agreement Construction Contract paragraphs and inclusion of references. Finally, complete your references page and Teacher Cover Aide Letter review the draft before submission using quality audit tools. Here, we recommend the same tools that we use if you were to purchase an essay model from Contract Agreement Sample. Construction Contract Agreement Sample, us. Essay Topic Selection and Research. Strong topic selection is an important first step. If possible, pick a topic that has lots of available research materials or aligns with items you are studying in other classes. Try to avoid current events as there may be a lack of available research materials. Sample Essay Topics. Death penalty Abortion rights Gun rights Gender inequality. 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Dragimals is a series by TBDT. It has collectible guys, video games, a TV show and books. Dragimals- Collectible characters and the main protagonists. - Flame the Fire Dragon- The fiery leader of the Dragimals, Older brother of Draco and Shadow. - Frost the Snow Phoenix- Flame's icy second in command, Younger sister of Wildfire and Luna. - Electro the Plug Snake- A snake that can plug in to bad guys and shock them, Middle brother of Krait and Hisser. - Spitfire the Hydra- A venomous Hydra who controls the weather. - Slicer the Praying Mantis- A ninja bug who knows Tae Kwon Do. - Pincer the Robot- A heavy duty robotic worker/warrior. - Krait the Sea Snake- A hardy Sea Snake pirate, Younger brother of Electro and Hisser. - Sky the Cyber Falcon- A cyborg falcon who is a messenger. - Rex the T-Rex- A T-Rex who was revived from the dead, Older brother of Skull. - Sly the Shadow Fox- A fox who can turn into a shadow. - Crys the Rock Golem- A rock hard Golem who has powerful crystal lasers. - Webslinger the Spider- A spider who can hit an apple 36 miles away from her with her web. - Hisser the Wyrm- A dragon-snake creature, Older brother of Electro and Krait. - Mova the Hologram- A mysterious holographic dragon. - Bam the Bamboo Golem- A panda-hating bamboo sensei. - Lupin the Wolf- A sneaky warrior wolf. - Draco the Drake- A mini dragon who is the youngest brother of Flame and Shadow. - Wildfire the Phoenix- A fire phoenix and the Middle brother of Luna and Frost. - Snowy the Yeti- A yeti who has the power of snow. - Julius the Centaur- A Roman styled centaur. - Shadow the Dark Dragon- A dark dragon who is the middle brother of Flame and Shadow. - Chewie the Chupacabra- A cryptid who hates livestock. - Nessie the Sea Monster- A legend of the lake who can control water. - Brownie the Cyclops- A greek giant with one eye. - Skull the Undead Dino- Rex's undead younger brother. - Salla the Salamander- A firey 6 legged salamander. - Springer the Elesaur- A elemental dinosaur who controls grass, belongs to a friend of TBDT. - Mech Walker Mk. II- A robotic walker, belongs to a friend of TBDT. - Splash the River Robber- A hungry fish who eats like crazy, belongs to a friend of TBDT. - Luna the Moon Phoenix- Priestess to the Moon, Older sister of Wildfire and Frost. - Shift the Shape Shifter- A magical shape shifter (Special Addition) Shadzels- Dark creatures who serve The Bad One. - The Bad One- An evil box. - Volcan- A magma golem. - Zappord- A lightning fish. - Alienoid- An alien. Manamals- Mysterious beings, planned to be collectible - Magica the Wizard- The magical leader of the Manamals. - Mamut the Ice Elephant- Magica's icy second in command. - The Labyrinth - The Stones
Kappa, alternately called Gataro or Kawako, are mythical water imps found in Japanese folklore. Many believe that the Kappa is just a part of Japanese legend however they have become a popular member in the cryptozoology field. In Shintoism they are considered to be one of many Suijin (literally thought to be water kami or water deity). Kappa are actually protected in certain regions of Japan such as Tanushimaru. Tanushimaru is a productive agricultural region situated along the Chikugo River, the largest river in Kyushu. It is where the giant Kyoho grapes were born, and the town is famed for both grapes and its extensive plant nurseries. Local government there actually has produced laws to protect the Kappa much like there are protections in place for creatures like Champ (Lake Champlain). The history of the Kappa in Tanushimaru runs deep more on legend then fact but many believe as follows: Kuzenbo is the name of the leader of the entire Kappa scattered throughout Japan, and he generally lives here in the Chikugo River. It seems he often visits other rivers in Japan and lives there for short periods of time, as we would in a holiday home, but Kappa researchers believe that the Chikugo is his home river. This is located in Kurume City, downstream of Tanushimaru, and it is there that Kuzenbo is worshipped. Apparently the Chikugo River and the many waterways and tributaries extending from it must be to the liking of the Kappa, because there are so many of them living here. “Kappa are mischievous creatures and full of curiosity, but even so the people of Tanushimaru are friends with them. When the heavy rains continue and river threatens to overflow its banks and flood the region, the people depend on the Kappa to protect them. And to say thank you, they leave out the cucumbers that the Kappa love, and invite them to local sumo wrestling competitions.” Stories and folklore are revolving around the Kappa still run strong. Stories such as this one are still told… “A long, long time ago there was a lazy Kappa named Yagoro. He would always nap on top of the wooden irrigation channels instead of spending time with the other Kappa. He always napped because he was so tired: every night he played though the region, satisfying his curiosity (perhaps there are a few of you who do the same thing?) One hot summer day, when the children were playing in the river, suddenly a Kappa - Yagoro - came floating down. They were astonished, because Kappa are supposed to be such good swimmers. He had run about so much at night that he wore out his supernatural powers while he was sleeping, fell into the irrigation channel and was swept away. Yagoro's failure left him immortalized in the saying, "Kappa no Kawanagare," which literally means "a Kappa swept downstream," and has come to mean that even experts can sometimes make mistakes.” The people of Tanushimaru state that the rivers are much dirtier today than they were in the past, and perhaps this is why the Kappa are seen only seldom. Even so, people visiting Tanushimaru will be astonished at how many there are. Bringing things a bit back down to earth with the Kappa; most depictions show kappa as child-sized humanoids, though their bodies are often more like those of monkeys or frogs than human beings. Some descriptions say their faces are apelike, while others show them with beaked visages more like those of tortoises or with duck beaks. Pictures usually show kappa with thick shells and scaly skin that ranges in color from green to yellow or blue. Kappa are said to inhabit the ponds and rivers of Japan and have various features to aid them in this environment, such as webbed hands and feet. They are sometimes even said to smell like fish, and they can certainly swim like them. The expression kappa no kawa nagare ("a drowning kappa") conveys the idea that even experts make mistakes as described earlier. The kappa's most notable feature, however, is the water-filled depressions atop their heads. These cavities are surrounded by scraggly hair, and this type of bobbed hair style is named okappa atama for the creatures. The kappa derive their incredible strength from these liquid-filled holes, and anyone confronted with one may exploit this weakness by simply getting the kappa to spill the water from its head. One trusted method to do this is to appeal to the kappa's deep sense of etiquette, for a kappa cannot help but return a deep bow, even if it means losing its head-water in the process. Once depleted, the kappa is seriously weakened and may even die. Other tales say that this water allows kappa to move about on land, and once emptied, the creatures are immobilized. Stubborn children are encouraged to follow the custom of bowing on the grounds that it is a defense against kappa. Modern signs warn children of kappa lurking in water. Kappa are mischievous troublemakers. Their pranks range from the relatively innocent, such as loudly passing gas or looking up women's kimonos, to the more troublesome, such as stealing crops, kidnapping children, or raping women. In fact, small children are one of the gluttonous kappa's favorite meals, though they will eat adults as well. They feed on these hapless victims by sucking out the mythic shirikodama ball (or entrails, blood, liver, or "life force", depending on the legend) through the anus. Even today, signs warning about kappa appear by bodies of water in some Japanese towns and villages. Kappa are also said to be afraid of fire, and some villages hold fireworks festivals each year to scare the spirits away. Kappa are not entirely antagonistic to mankind, however. They are curious of human civilization, and they can understand and speak Japanese. They thus sometimes challenge those they encounter to various tests of skill, such as shogi (a chess-like game popular in Japan) or sumo wrestling. They may even befriend human beings in exchange for gifts and offerings, especially cucumbers, the only food kappa are known to enjoy more than human children. Japanese parents sometimes write the names of their children (or themselves) on cucumbers and toss them into kappa-infested waters in order to mollify the creatures and allow the family to bathe. There is even a kind of cucumber-filled sushi roll named for the kappa, the kappamaki. Once befriended, kappa have been known to perform any number of tasks for human beings, such as helping farmers irrigate their land. They are also highly knowledgeable of medicine, and legend states that they taught the art of bone setting to mankind. Due to these benevolent aspects, some shrines are dedicated to the worship of particularly helpful kappa. Kappa may also be tricked into helping people. Their deep sense of decorum will not allow them to break an oath, for example, so if a human being can dupe a kappa into promising to help him, the kappa has no choice but to follow through. There are several theories for the origins of the kappa in Japanese myth. One possibility is that they developed from an ancient Japanese practice of floating stillborn fetuses down rivers and streams. Another theory is that the kappa were invented to scare children away from rivers or rice paddies, using the swollen anus common in drowning victims as "proof" of having one's shirikodama stolen. The name "kappa" may be derived from the term for "robe" used by the Portuguese monks who arrived in Japan in the 16th century; they called this garment a capa, and the monks' appearance is not unlike that of the similarly named Japanese sprites, from the loose, shell-like cloaks to the tonsured hair. Some modern commentators even suggest that the kappa may be space aliens, and many of their pranks are similar to those often attributed to UFOs. They could also be some form of unknown creature that breathed outside of water by carrying water with it in its head. Today Kappa are popular figures in Japanese animation, children's toys, and literature. Modern depictions make them much less monstrous, showing them instead as cute, cartoon like figures. A notable literary appearance is the short story "Kappa" by Akutagawa Ryunosuke. The INKlings in Haruki Murakami's Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World are at one point referred to as kappa. This is, however, limited to the English translation, and no mention of the kappa is made in the Japanese original. One of comic artist Shigeru Mizuki's most popular characters is Sanpei, the Kappa, who starred a long running comic series, as well as several animated features. The kappa were also the inspiration for the creature in the film Ringu. A series of animated shorts on Japanese TV, (How to Raise a Kappa) detail the humorous trials of a young man trying to raise a kappa as a pet. Kappa also appear in a number of video games, many of which have appeared in localized form in the West. A status ailment in the computer role-playing game Final Fantasy VI transformed the affected player character into a kappa; however, the word "kappa" was replaced with the word "imp" for the English language localization of the game. The second chapter of the game Guild Wars called Factions has many Asian inspired themes. The character Skull Kid, a common imp in the Nintendo 64 installments of Zelda appears to be loosely based on it. One of the monster types in the game is a turtle like creature with a bowl in its head called Kappa. These creatures do not have water in their bowls though. In the game "Goemon's Great Adventure", there are small kappas that jump up and attack the player. There is also a bigger version that can only fit its head in the screen in a later level. The Koopas in the Super Mario Bros. games also appear to be based on the creatures, and Super Mario World goes so far as to name a mountain with its peak filled with water "Kappa Mountain". Several Pokémon, such as Psyduck, Golduck, Lotad, Lombre and Ludicolo, are undoubtedly based on the imp. A monster named "Kapha" appears in the PC MMORPG Ragnarok Online. In Digimon Savers, Gawappamon, Kamemon's Champion form is undoubtedly based on the Kappa. Recently in the manga Naruto, the three-tailed tailed beast has been revealed to be to be a kappa. InuYasha, Harvest Moon, Pocky & Rocky, We Love Katamari, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon and Gintama also feature kappa characters. In the Tokyo Mew Mew anime, the Mew Mews fight a Chimera Anima in episode 8 that looks like a Kappa, which later returns in episode 49 when Tart and Kish release all of the Chimera Anima that have appeared before that episode into Tokyo. In "Animal Crossing", the boatman who takes the player to the tropical island is a kappa named, in the English localization, as Kapp'n. Although for the localization he claims to be a turtle, he has two songs expressing his love for cucumbers. In the movie Spirited Away many Japanese deities are represented, and the kappas are not the exception. They are seen as obese duck-like creatures with a leaf on the top of their heads, specifically when Haku helps Chihiro to get across the bridge, and later, a small group of kappas are seen taking a bath. Western media includes notable appearances of kappa as well. The James Bond novel The Man with the Red Tattoo by Raymond Benson features a Japanese assassin nicknamed "The Kappa", because of his short height. In the film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III, the title characters are confused with Kappa during their time travels to Japan's feudal era. The children's cartoon Arthur aired an episode in which one character faces a kappa during a fantasy scene. An early story in Usagi Yojimbo has the title character fighting such a monster. In the Harry Potter series, kappas are mentioned a few times in the context of Care of Magical Creatures and Defense Against the Dark Arts classes. The bottom line is that the Kappa is probably cryptozoology’s biggest “sleeper” with its influence on modern day culture. It is by far Japan’s biggest cryptid and its influence stretches world wide. Whether the creature is that of just a legend, or if it does in fact exist though, is yet to be determined. A tremendous amount of artwork, stories, and tales of the Kappa exist however no firm evidence suggests that the Kappa are any more then a legend at this point in time. Sightings of the Kappa have dwindled through modern time but are said to still be seen often in some remote river regions of Japan and in the Tanushimaru province. A list of individual sightings are being built to be displayed here at a later time. The Stats – (Where applicable) • Classification: Hybrid • Size: About 2 to 3 feet according to most sightings • Weight: Roughly 30 pounds as estimated by size • Diet: Most likely water vegitation, cucumbers, and other human foods • Location: Japan • Movement: Walking and Swimming • Environment: Japanese rivers and basins
Kongamatos are large pterosaur-like cryptid living in semitropical regions of Africa, particularly in Zambia, the Congo, and Angola. It resembles a pastiche of folkloric flying monsters. Its name means 'breaker of boats' or 'overturner of boats', as the kongamatos are said to have capsized the canoes of natives and attacked people who ventured too close to the nearby rivers. It is described as a reddish lizard with membranous wings and teeth in its beak. Its wingspan ranges from 4 to 100 feet across. When shown a picture of a pterosaur, natives said that it was a picture of a kongamato. The accounts told of these creatures are similar to the ones that describe the ropen of Papua New Guinea, as well as with several other creatures. There are several historic reports of European explorers being attacked by large winged creatures, and quite often people were reported to have received wounds from the kongamatos. It is thought to eat mostly fish, but occasionally humans. Kongamato is also said to dig graves and steal human corpses, because in Africa the burial usually not too deep. It is interesting to note that a good portion of modern kongamato sightings happen in a prime birdwatching site and yet birdwatchers never report anything, indicating that Kongamato may in fact be a case of mistaken identity. One of the earliest reports of the kongamatos is from traveler Frank Melland. It is depicted in his 1932 book In Witchbound Africa.
Lost Tapes Season 1 Episode 2: Bigfoot Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is the name given to a cryptid ape- or hominid-like creature that some people believe inhabits forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Bigfoot is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid. The term sasquatch is an anglicized derivative of the Halkomelem word sásq'ets. Most scientists discount the existence of Bigfoot and consider it to be a combination of folklore, misidentification, and hoax, rather than a living animal, because of the lack of physical evidence and the large numbers of creatures that would be necessary to maintain a breeding population. Scientists Grover Krantz and Jeffrey Meldrum have focused research on the creature for the greater parts of their careers.
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The following is one of the most unnerving cryptozoological and/or supernatural cases I've ever come across. I must thanks Mark Antony Raines of the Holsworthy Mark Show for the background, see: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2018/04/ben-emlyn-jones-on-holsworthy-mark-show.html. There is a subway in which is said to be haunted by a grotesque and malevolent creature called "the Ratman". As its name suggests, it is a cross between a human and a rat. It has been reported by many people, including numerous schoolchildren. Whether this counts as a paranormal phenomenon, classroom banter or an urban legend remains to be seen. There are several explanations for its origins. One tells the story of an elderly tramp who used to take shelter in the underpass when the weather was unpleasant. One cold winter's night, in a scene reminiscent of A Clockwork Orange, he was brutally beaten by a gang of teenage thugs who stole is blanket. Deprived of his only source of warmth, he perished in the cold. When he was found in the morning, rats were nibbling at his corpse. His suffering and death produced the Ratman as a psychic projection, some kind of tulpa. Another story is that the Ratman is a real flesh-and-blood cryptid. It is the mutant bastard offspring of a promiscuous Southend mayor who had the subway constructed specifically to hide the entrance to a secret chamber where the monster is kept. The creature is cannibalistic and so is only allowed out at night to hunt its human prey... I think another HPANWO TV outing is called for. I'm not sure what it is about the rat that arouses such horror and disgust in so many people. They are merely large mice, basically. They are very hardy and will almost certainly outlive humans as a species. If they had furry tails they would look like squirrels and everybody would think they were cute. It might be a subconscious folk memory from the Black Death. During the Middle Ages millions of people all over the world were killed by this epidemic of plague. It was only known much more recently that the plague was spread by fleas from rats biting humans, but obviously areas with the largest rat populations would be worst hit by the epidemic. The sight of rats close to plague-hit communities must have become intuitively iconic with the Black Death, even if we didn't know why on a rational level. Many horror stories feature rats, usually just to create atmosphere, but also sometimes as the central plot, as in James Herbert's The Rats, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rats_(novel). The rat population of British cities is growing and I have seen rats many times above ground in the last few years, whereas I never saw one previously because they rarely left their usual home in the sewers. The cause of this is primarily a degeneration of local authority public hygiene services. Dustmen now only carry out fortnightly collections when they used to come weekly. This had led to excess waste being left lying around outside homes. Councils have become very authoritarian, issuing fines to people who break the Byzantine waste processing rules. This has caused people to resort to fly-tipping household rubbish, including leftover food. Nature is finding its own balance, as always. The increase in rats has attracted birds of prey into the cities when they only used to patrol only rural areas. I regularly see hawks of all kinds cruising above my hometown's rooftops. See here for more information: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2015/02/monster-rats.html.
Bill Dranginis searched for Bigfoot and Champ. He found friends and students. Joseph Zarzynski called the Mansi photograph “the single most impressive piece of evidence” for Champ. As the summer of 2013 comes to its unofficial vacation closing, with August fading, watery cryptid sightings are exploding around the English-speaking world. Have you heard of any encounters this summer between humans and the Lake Champlain Monsters? A new critique of the debunking has appeared. The smackdown happened in June 2007. A deeper look. Video. Images. It is called, hands down, the best photograph of a Lake Monster. #LakeChamplain #Monster #Champ Did you attend the first (and only?) conference on this lake cryptid? #LakeChamplain #Monster #Missing #Champ The investigators are still among the vanished, at least, publicly.
Today I'd like to welcome Kevin M. Kraft, author of “MOMO” to The Thursday Interview. Before we get started, a quick intro! Kevin is an award-winning author and screenwriter, as well as a singer-songwriter, cigar box guitar guru (and founder of the annual KC Cigar Box Guitar Festival), actor, motion picture director and producer in Kansas City, Missouri, where he currently resides with his wife and children, for whom, despite all he does, he still makes plenty of time for. With the publication of his novel, S, he introduced a new type of novel: the "contemporary religious fantasy." With a love for great storytelling, he hopes to set a new standard for broad-based, inspirational books with the publication of his “inspirational thriller,” MOMO. OK - HERE WE GO !! No.1 Would you break the law to save a loved one? .. why? Yes, I would indeed. And the “why” would be to save a loved one’s life—and I would break the law, depending upon what law it was, with the perfect understanding that doing so might land me in prison. And I would accept that eventuality. No.2 What is the difference between being alive and truly living? It has been said that every man dies…but not every man truly lives. It has also been wisely said that there is a difference between truly “living” and “surviving.” In these two sayings is the understanding that there is living and then there is REALLY living and abundant life. And while many would describe “living life to its fullest” as living one big hedonistic party, I believe that a truly fulfilling life is neither arbitrary nor without responsibility…but in understanding that one has been created with a purpose, with the joy understanding and pursuing that purpose with the additionally understanding that “purpose” itself can only be given by one greater than ourselves. No.3 What motivates you to write? What motivates me to write is the experience of creating worlds and characters for the purpose of telling wonderful stories for those who love to be told wonderful stories—and doing so excellently in ways unique to myself. No.4 Why do humans want children? According to evolutionists, humans want children purely for the propagation of our species. I tend to think of Man as more than simple bio-mechanics and instinct. My wife and I never discussed the “propagation of our species” when we discussed having kids. That said, we were very conscious that children would be an extension of ourselves and our love, and that we were uniquely equipped to give them our love. We had children so that we could love them and raise them to unique adults who would do their part to change the world in their own way. No.5 What was the biggest challenge in creating your book "MOMO" ? The biggest challenge to writing MOMO was adapting it from my award-winning screenplay. I had experience adapting a novel INTO script. But the reverse was tasking…and, at the same time, liberating. Because while fleshing out the motivations and feelings and thoughts of character that were heretofore limited to what could be seen and heard onscreen, in a screenplay, this also gave me a lot of room to do just that. In those ways, scriptwriting is easier than novel writing. No.6 What is the most important thing you have learned in life so far? The most important thing I’ve learned in life is flexibility. Like a tree in the wind, if one doesn’t bend, one breaks. I’m not always right about everything and it behoves me to consider the opinions of others when making a decision, not the least of which would be my wife, who is wiser than I about a lot of things No.7 How did you come up with the title "MOMO" ? “MOMO” is short for “Missouri Monster,” a legendary cryptid which terrified the citizens of Louisiana for two weeks in July of 1971. It is reported to have a large, pumpkin-shaped head, with a furry body, and hair covering the eyes. It is this beast or a descendant that challenges the protagonists in the story. No.8 How do you handle personal criticism? I handle criticism better now than I ever did. Even if I believe my perspective is correct, I’ve learned that I don’t know everything and that someone else might have an even better idea than my own. I’ve learned humility because of this and saying to one individual or another than, “You’re right. I’m wrong.” Or, “Your idea is better.” No.9 Why should people read your book? People should read my book if they’re looking for a great novel, one that causes them to invest in the situation the characters find themselves emotionally…if they want to take a journey that will, as one reviewer put it, “It was like an emotional roller coaster that I did not want to get off of. I cried, I screamed, I laughed, and I even prayed that everything would turn out okay…” If anyone wants a literary experience like that in a book, they should read MOMO. No.10 Why is there something rather than nothing? There is something rather than nothing because Someone wanted there to be something instead of nothing. If Someone didn’t want something where nothing is, then nothing would be here instead of something, which is what we have…here. Thank you Kevin for taking the time to answer my questions & the best of luck with your new book! Check out “MOMO" on From Kevin M. Kraft, author of THE W-3 CREW and S: A CONTEMPORARY RELIGIOUS FANTASY, comes a thrilling novella, based on his award-winning screenplay, with as much suspense as it does soul and as much terror as it touches the heart. A father and son, on a weekend jaunt to the family cabin in the Missouri woodland, find themselves in a fight for survival a single night against a savage creature straight from the annals of cryptology…with courage, faith and a single cabin door as their only defence. With dawn so far away, their generator running out of power and no means of calling for help, will these things be enough to allow even one of them to see another day?
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She needs to study hard and attend cram school so she can do well on her university exams. She doesn't care which unive...read more. Based on the novel by Jack London. Buck, a half German Shepherd half Saint Bernard who's life is pretty peaceful and happy living with the Millers’ in California. However, one day he is tricked and so...read more. Random side stories of Sengoku Basara characters in chibi form. A Chinese adaptation of the international Backkom franchise. This film serves as a prequel to the main show. With the human exploitation of natural resources, the Arctic environment is completely dest...read more. The second stage of the battle royale known as the Sekirei Plan is underway. Tokyo has been closed off; no Sekirei or Ashikabi may leave. Minato Sahashi and his harem of Sekirei must now prepare to fi...read more. In a future where a massive disaster has devastated Earth, most of humanity has abandoned their physical bodies and relocated in digital form to DEVA, an advanced space station orbiting the ravaged pl...read more. Attempting to make GG Bond the partner for Iron Fist, Mr. Mihoo disguised himself as a school teacher, showing GG Bond the charm of interstellar shuttling. GG Bond took his invitation and became an ag...read more. The story of political and subversive intrigue in the series finally reaches endgame. Even as the law enforcement net tightens around Saki and her fellow Eden of the East associates over alleged terro...read more. Bonus included in a Blu-ray/DVD disc of μ's live concert that took place in Saitama Super Arena on February 8th and 9th, 2014. A young man moves to the new place. He gradually makes a good relationship with neighbors that live in the same apartment. (Source: aokijun.net) 15 children, 8 boys and 7 girls, are enjoying their summer camp together when they suddenly discover a grotto by the sea. When they enter the mysterious place they find a room full of computers, as we...read more. In a small village, twins are born: a boy, Tatara, and a girl, Sarasa. The prophet Nagi declares that Tatara is the chosen one who will free Japan from the tyrannical rule of the King and his four son...read more. Based on Ken Kitashiba & Yasuhiro Watanabe's political intrigue detective manga. The close relationship between political and business circles doesn't die; politicians and government officers line the...read more. Official music video for Gotch's song Humanoid Girl also released on their "Can't Be Forever Young" album. The film's plot tells the story of how Satoshi and Pikachu came to know each other. Pikachu was not cooperative toward Satoshi, but Satoshi only wanted to be friends with Pikachu. On the day they set...read more. Episode 0, consisting of two subepisodes: "Sekirei Shindan" (鶺鴒診断) and "Sekirei Yoka" (鶺鴒余暇), of Sekirei: Pure Engagement included on the first DVD/BD volume. Released as a bonus to volume 2 of limited edition Newmanoid Cam adult manga by Urotan. After death, there is no heaven or hell, only a bar that stands between reincarnation and oblivion. There the attendant will, one after another, challenge pairs of the recently deceased to a random ga...read more. Rokurou "Rock" Okajima has joined the Lagoon Company, a pirate mercenary group which operates out of Roanapur, Thailand. Despite his initial protests, this filthy slum of depraved souls and merciless...read more. When Miu was young, she was fascinated by the piano and took up lessons. When the show opens, Miu is in middle school. She is shy, a soft-spoken girl who doesn't have a lot of confidence in herself. H...read more. An ad promoting Tokio Marine Nichido Fire Insurance Company's Drive Agent Personal service, a drive recording service that can be used in case of an accident. In the commercial, a mother is in an auto...read more. Naho Takamiya's first day of her sophomore year of high school is off to an uneasy start. After waking up late, she receives a strange letter addressed to her. However, the letter is from herself—10 y...read more. Twenty-six-year-old Hiroto Suwa; his wife, Naho; and their old high school classmates—Takako Chino, Azusa Murasaka, and Saku Hagita—visit Mt. Koubou to view the cherry blossoms together. While watchin...read more. A bonus episode about Aika and company moving to a new office. Another short bonus included in a Blu-ray/DVD disc of μ's live concert that took place in Saitama Super Arena on February 8th and 9th, 2014. Yato and Yukine have finally mended their relationship as god and Regalia, and everyone has returned to their daily life. Yato remains a minor and unknown deity who continues taking odd jobs for five...read more. Based on CAPCOM's 2010 game Sengoku Basara 3 (Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes), Sengoku Basara: Judge End will depict the epic Battle of Sekigahara. (Source: ANN) Dr. Watson has created his masterpiece – a beautiful woman made of metal. A wonder of science, Antoinette is a childlike innocent who holds the key to an ancient civilization that could save the world...read more. The story of the film is set after the conflict instigated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi ended, but not before the Battle of Sekigahara determines who shall be the Shogun of Japan. (Source: ANN) In A.D. 2031, humans are enjoying a prosperous existence until strange life forms called Hardians appear. They suddenly begin to multiply and assault the human population. As a countermeasure, mankind...read more. Meet Kaori Shiina. She's beautiful. She's talented. She's a pop idol. However, she has a secret, one which would destroy her career if it were ever revealed... All of a sudden, they arrived: parasitic aliens that descended upon Earth and quickly infiltrated humanity by burrowing into the brains of vulnerable targets. These insatiable beings acquire full cont...read more. Yuru Yuri DVD/BD special. Chinatsu's horrendous and atrocious drawings come to life in a tale about a handsome prince, a hideous girl and true love! (Source: Anime-Planet) The OVA anime release Marriage consists of two 30-minute pieces by Miki Kasamatsu on the topics of love and looking for that special someone. The first deals with a group of young women who, after bei...read more. When Nicoletta was a little girl, her mother, Olga, abandoned her and ran off to Rome to remarry. Now, 15 years later and a young woman, she travels to Rome with the intention of ruining her mother's...read more. Following the successful end of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Konohagakure has been enjoying a period of peace, prosperity, and extraordinary technological advancement. This is all due to the efforts...read more. The all-consuming sense of scale of "evangelion: Another Impact (Confidential)", which was released in the 2015 Japan Anima(tor)'s Exhibition, gets retouched upon in all new short VR movie. Another t...read more. Short promotional animation clip was released as part of a special Comic Blade Digital DVD sold at Animate. Based on a manga "Erementar Gerad: Aozora no Senki" by Azuma Mayumi serialised in Comic Blad...read more. In the year 2059, the earth has been plagued by aliens for several years. In an effort to learn more about these aliens, Dr. Noguchi and his assistants Maki Agata and Takuto Kaneshiro try to revive th...read more. A video blogger attempts to fake cryptid sightings to boost his views, but gets more than he bargained for when his crew is slaughtered by a real monster. Elsewhere, students find themselves preyed up...read more. What's NEKOPARA? Why, it's a cat paradise! Kashou Minazuki, the son of a long line of Japanese confection makers moved out to open his own shop "La Soleil" as a patisserie. But upon moving out, hidden...read more. The world of the humans and the world of the demons (youkai) have overlapped one another, leaving humans to walk the streets of life as they normally would, while demons walk, hidden from the naked ey...read more. After surviving the onslaught at Sarugaku headquarters, Sousuke Banba resumes his investigation of the Kagewani monster hybrids. Armed with the ability to harness the Kagewani's power, the researcher...read more. Iketani missed an opportunity to see Mako-chan and hates himself for never calling to say he was sorry. By chance he runs into her 6 months later, and the situation is awkward. Iketani does not have t...read more. The People's Army led by Michel stands against Vetti's newly founded empire. Upon seeing how strong the Glass Battleship is, Michel tries to get Cleo, the captain of the Glass Battleship, to help Peop...read more.
Underwater! is a 1955 adventure film directed by John Sturges and starring Jane Russell and Richard Egan.ITE Filmmaking Ecosystem. 601. to film some footages for ITE HQ/CC. LOC Partner Bert Lighting House's second shoot in the Soundstage. 3 of our ITE FLM. Tone Loc was born on March 3, 1966 in Los Angeles, California, USA as Anthony Terrell Smith. Born: March 3, 1966.All Major AND Underwater Cave Locations Found! (Spoilers for Explorers) I just posted this on Reddit, but for people who dont read that,.Divers find mystery 'jaws and skeleton' in. The dive was made at the request of Yakutia State University in order to film the. and underwater links to.Ace Ventura: Pet Detective is a 1994 American comedy film directed by Tom Shadyac and starring Jim Carrey. It co-stars Courteney Cox, Tone Loc, and Sean. A large Loch Ness Monster built in 1969 for a Sherlock Holmes film is found almost 50. prop found in Loch Ness. captured by an underwater.To mark the anniversary of the "Surgeon's Photograph", the famous image purporting to show the Loch Ness Monster, here are 50 facts about the lake and its cryptid. Trailer to the 1955 scuba diving adventure, UNDERWATER, starring Jane Russell, Richard Egan, Gilbert Roland, Lori Nelson and Robert Keith. For the January.View beautiful Bahamas top quality photo images of all the Bahamas islands which are part of the Bahamas Film. Underwater - Bimini Island:. Underwater Bimini.This waterproof camera lets you film up to 98 ft. underwater;. loc_, sid_301028081, prod,. The Home Depot Canada; The Home Depot México. Details the work of John Fenjohn, who invented a series of cameras for use in the underwater world. Film features footage of the Underwater Demolition Teams (UDTs.Epoxies 13 Loctite® Products. Featured Product. Bonding wet surfaces and underwater repair of common marine materials. Loctite® Epoxy Marine: Anchoring bolts,.Underwater Atomic Bomb Test At. This is Clip 4 from the Thirtieth Archive release of our stock footage. This is a set of four film. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem...Cheap Underwater Digital Strobe. digital or film. (Loc-Line) to allow for easy adjustment of the strobe."Industrial Junk Vault 11 is one of the. If you remain in the chair till the end of the film you will more than likely be killed as. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM. I've left it too late I know. I need to buy an cheap underwater camera (Film is fine) tomorrow, which rules out anything web-based. My nearest towns.Loctite ® Fixmaster ® Underwater Repair Epoxy is a 2- component, room temperature curing epoxy adhesive used for high strength, permanent bonding of metals.Welcome to the Underwater Photography Guide. This online book and magazine is a complete underwater photography tutorial full of u/w photography tips and techniques.
The 2017 Miss Cryptid Contest enters the final week of semi-final competition, and boy does it deliver! The final Miss Cryptid contestants include the Moon-Eyed People of Appalachia, New England’s own Hoover the Talking Seal, and the seductive Scandinavian Huldra. We finally get to see not only the swimsuit section, but the talent portion as well. And these strange whatsits do not disappoint. So get your wetsuits on and brush up on your manners, the last round of regular competition will be making a splash! Special thanks to Screwdriver Key for the Huldra drawing below!
Roc is a legendary raptor found in Arabic folklore. Although it is technically more of a fabulous beast than a malicious force, it deserves a recognition, as it is seen as a dangerous creature for reasons that should become rather apparent. Roc was depicted as a gigantic bird, not just large by avian standards, but literally gigantic. Some tales spoke of Roc so large it could pick up an elephant in its talons much like a regular bird of prey may pick up a young lamb. Due to its immense size and predatory nature, Roc was a hazard to heroes of legend such as Sinbad. It is similar in some ways to the Native American legend of the Thunderbird. However unlike the Thunderbird, Roc is neither supernatural nor wrathful, though as stated above, it can pose a danger to humans due to its sheer size and predatory habits. Roc is also classified as a cryptid alongside the Thunderbird of legend, though science would undoubtedly be looking for a creature far smaller than the elephant-snatching monster of legend.
Breaking news from Twitter: Canada In World (breaking) News: @ABC Just in: Rob Ford drops out of Toronto mayor race, brother Doug Ford will run in his place — Nahlah Ayed (@NahlahAyed) September 12, 2014 From the Canadian Press: A Toronto hospital says Mayor Rob Ford has been hospitalized after being given a “working diagnosis of a tumour.” Humber River Hospital says in a statement that Ford attended the hospital earlier Wednesday complaining of abdominal pains that have “persisted for at least three months” but worsened in the last day. It says an examination and investigation has resulted in the “working diagnosis” of a tumour and that he has been admitted “for further investigation to obtain a definitive diagnosis.” Yikes. I’ll update this post with more links later this evening. From The Guardian: What was once Canada the cool, the country a 1991 Economist cover story called the “post-modern nation-state”, has now devolved into a rightwing hellhole. Ford was elected in 2010, one year prior to Canada’s Conservative party winning a majority in the national parliament. Since then, Harper, a man who once referred to global warming as “a socialist conspiracy”, has pushed Canada’s policies sharply to the right. Canada now has tough-on-crime legislation that includes strict minimum sentences – enacted despite the advice of some American Republican lawmakers, who pointed out that similar legislation south of the border has been expensive and ineffectual. Harper moved to dismantle the long-gun registry, which was brought in after a brutal 1989 mass shooting left 14 women dead at the hands of a deranged gunman. The registry was ended despite the pleas of victims-rights groups and police officers, who almost unanimously supported it. But Canada’s ideological reversal of fortune is perhaps most devastating when one considers environmental issues. Under the previous Liberal government, Canada had been one of the key architects of the Kyoto protocol; Harper’s Conservatives officially withdrew Canada from the protocol, and instead are championing Alberta’s tar sands, a development many predict will have a catastrophic impact. In an announcement in November that was eclipsed by the Ford soap opera, the Washington, DC-based Center for Global Development ranked 27 countries in terms of their commitment to environmental protection. Canada came in 27th. This has been us for a while, actually. Politicians who pander to selfishness, petty small-government politics, a growing gap between the rich and the poor, tax cuts and balanced budget fetishism while children go hungry, social program cuts, the whole disgusting Mike Harris era in Ontario, union-bashing, science-bashing, teacher-bashing, art-bashing… ugh. It’s been a long time since Canada has been a country that imagines better things. It’s been a long time since Canada was “nice”. Resolution: I’m going to put extra effort into making my minuscule bit of this nation better in 2014. Because a country without dreams or hope is a doomed, rotting carcass. From the National Post: A trainer who consulted with Rob Ford as recently as Tuesday night on a health “game plan” was convicted in the U.S. for steroid trafficking and is currently in the midst of a 12-year ban from coaching in Canada for administering steroids. Well, who are we to stand between an ex-con and his livelihood? All the best to misters Ford and Moscariello in this endeavour. Andrew Coyne has written a very good and entertaining piece for the National Post: This is the hardest thing I have ever done. This has been the worst experience of my entire life. Believe me, no one feels more badly about this than I do. How could this have happened to me? I just want all the facts to come out. I’m just trying to get to the bottom of all this. I am prepared to answer everyone’s questions. I am prepared to speak with certain hand-picked media. But first let’s let the police do their work. Let’s see all the evidence. Let’s release all the documents. And then let’s let my lawyers move for a mistrial. About my expense claims. We’re still trying to piece together what happened, but it seems that, yes, in the crush of a very busy schedule, some receipts marked “personal” or “private” may have been inadvertently mixed in with some other receipts marked “business” or “naughty.” And I pledge to you today that every penny of these expenses will be repaid, with interest, out of the proceeds of future expense claims. It goes on and on and you’ve got to read the whole hilarious, sarcastic and sad column. One additional point: the major politicians in scandal-land have strong connections to the federal Conservative party. That’s probably not a popular thing to point out. Too bad. It’s true, and it says something important about the rotten, cheating, lying, hateful and stupid political culture Stephen Harper has built. I just can’t get offended by it. I think it’s hilarious. And frankly, without knowing the context, there’s anything scandalous about it. Ford has moments of being genuinely entertaining. I hate his politics — his attacks on city workers, cyclists, pedestrians, etc., his demagoguery about “elites”, his “war on cars” bullshit — and I’m alarmed by his criminal connections. And yes, he’s making Torontonians look like idiots for electing him. He needs to go. For his own sake, too. But this video just makes me laugh. He’s not talking about literally murdering someone. It’s just an amusing potty-mouthed rant. I do those too, and people like ’em. Ha ha ha ha ha! Hey, actually, this is pretty good: On the surface, Toronto looks better than ever. Because of our well-regulated banking system, we had an extremely mild recession. Toronto recently passed Chicago in population, and the quality of life is high, with good public schools, good free hospitals and a government that combines meaningful regulation with open markets. Toronto is basically the model of what a postindustrial city can be. And yet the city is divided and angry. Mr. Ford has played off its fissures perfectly. City Hall is broken — a result of a disastrous amalgamation undertaken by provincial conservatives. And our failed system of government has had serious consequences. The subway system is frozen in time at approximately 1980, and a Torontonian’s average commute has recently surpassed that of an Angeleno. Despite his racist slurs and his sister’s connection with the Ku Klux Klan, Mr. Ford’s support exists principally in the immigrant-heavy neighborhoods on the outer edges of the city, and he has built his support on the basis of their alienation. He speaks the language of thrift and outsider status to the powers that be — City Hall and the media. He has insisted on subways being built in those outlying neighborhoods rather than much more sensible light rail proposals — he insists they should get exactly what the fancy people get in the heart of the city. The rage against the old elites is evidently profound and resilient. I love smart writers and newspapers. Ford Nation, not so much. I guess I’m just another dirty elitist. From the Toronto Star: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has admitted that he used crack cocaine while in office. “Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine,” Ford told reporters outside his office. “But no, do I, am I an addict? No. Have I tried it? Probably in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately about a year ago. I answered your question. You ask the question properly, I’ll answer it. Yes, I’ve made mistakes. All I can do now is apologize and move on.” Ford said he did not know the exact circumstances of his crack use. “I don’t even remember,” he said. “Some of the stuff that you guys have seen me, the state I’ve been in? It’s a problem.” Ford’s bombshell concession may end his political career. He said in May that he does not smoke crack — using the present tense — but steadfastly refused to answer when asked repeatedly if he had ever smoked crack or done so while in office. “I wasn’t lying. You didn’t ask the correct questions,” he said. “No, I’m not an addict and no I do not do drugs. I made mistakes in the past and all I can do is apologize but it is what it is. And I can’t change the past and I can apologize to my family, my friends, my colleagues and the people of this great city.” Toronto’s crack-smoking mayor addresses the media: “I have no reason to resign. I’m going to go back, I’m going to return my phone calls, I’m going to be out doing what the people elected me to do, and that’s save taxpayers’ money,” he said with a smile as he stood at the doors to his office, which has been decorated with skeletons and cobwebs for Halloween. I love Rob Ford so very, very much. Exiled Conservative senator and former Conservative fund-raiser Mike Duffy is now accused of paying a friend $65,000 for what is technically known as “???”. The friend, former TV technician Gerald Donohue, says he did “internet research and provided verbal advice” to Duffy, which RCMP Cpl. Greg Horton said he believes was “little or no apparent work.” From CBC: The documents show there might be more to the Duffy investigation than just his living allowance. The RCMP need Duffy’s banking records to prove where the $65,000 went, Horton wrote, because Donohue says he never saw any of it, and that it went to his business. The money was paid by cheque, the court documents state. “The supporting documentation relating to the bank transactions will assist investigators in identifying where the money went after it was deposited, and who received the money if Donohue did not,” Horton wrote. The affidavit also notes that Nigel Wright, who was Harper’s chief of staff until he resigned over a report that he repaid $90,000 of Duffy’s Senate expenses out of his own pocket, turned over hundreds of pages of emails to investigators on Aug. 21. Meanwhile, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford might be under police investigation and his driver and pal Alexander Lisi, who was arrested last week for drug trafficking, allegedly offered weed for the return of Ford’s stolen cellphone. Whuuuaaa? Don’t even know what to make of this (besides the fact that weed should be a legal recreational drug, not a currency for stolen goods). In any case, Canada’ conservative politicians seem to be winning the political corruption arms race these days. Outside of Quebec, anyway. Weyburn’s Walmart workers have voted to decertify: The Weyburn decertification drive was the latest chapter in the fight between Wal-Mart and the union that’s been going on for nine years. Wal-Mart has long resisted unionization at its North American stores, and the Weyburn store is the only unionized Wal-Mart in Canada. Two other Canadian Wal-Marts have been certified in the past: the store at St. Hyacinthe, Que., and a store at Jonquière, Que. However, employees at the Hyacinthe outlet later voted to decertify, and Wal-Mart closed the Jonquière store. The Pamela Wallin case gets uglier and uglier: Taxpayers footed the bill for Sen. Pamela Wallin to attend meetings about buying a business and a new book project, as well as with someone from the New York City Ballet — and she may yet be ordered to pay them back. But it will likely be a while before the Senate’s finance committee has a clear picture of just how much of Wallin’s nearly $21,000 in additional travel expenses flagged in a damning independent audit ought to be reimbursed. Rob Ford surrounds himself with interesting people: Lisi’s criminal record includes convictions for threatening death to one woman, and assault and threatening bodily harm to a second woman. He entered into a peace bond with a third woman who accused him of assault and threatening death. He also has been charged three times with drug possession. Only one of those charges led to a conviction, for which he was given an absolute discharge. Lisi has told three associates interviewed by the Star that he is a supplier of drugs to Ford. The Star has been unable to verify Lisi’s claims, and Ford has not responded to questions about this sent by the Star on Monday. Conservative Canada: catch the fever! Okay, it might sound like a stretch to say that an iPhone video of a very drunk-seeming Toronto mayor Rob Ford wandering the streets of his city during last night’s Taste of Danforth proves conclusively that Bigfoot doesn’t exist but hear me out. For a long time now there have been rumours of drunken Rob Ford showing up at public events and making an ass of himself but so far the only evidence we’ve had that publicly drunken Rob Ford exists are some eye-witness accounts and some blurry, unflattering photos. In other words, it’s exactly the same kind of evidence as we have for Bigfoot. Or the Ogopogo or the Skunk Ape or any other cryptid. And so a serious and sober Mayor Rob Ford and his serious and sober staff have been able to deny the existence of Publicly Drunken Rob Ford Embarrassing Himself (and allegedly grabbing a female politician’s backside and maybe possibly even smoking crack) because the evidence is so flimsy. “Oh, those people are just out to get me,” he can say. Or, “The Star has a vendetta against my family.” Or, “That picture just caught my bad side.” And then one can point to this graph from the very excellent webcomic xkcd and say, “If everybody’s walking around with iPhones all the time why hasn’t anyone captured this mythical Drunken Rob Ford on video? Seeing as they haven’t, he must not exist. Or, at least, he isn’t as drunk as all these haters, rumourmongers and Star reporters are saying.” Well, now someone has. Actually, now A LOT of people have captured what appears to be the elusive Drunken Rob Ford on video and posted his hilarious antics on Youtube for all to see. (There are eyewitness reports and more video and pictures at Now Magazine.) What’s next? Will we get video of Texting And Driving Rob Ford? Ass Grabbing Rob Ford? Smoking Crack And Saying Racist Things Rob Ford? Who knows? Meanwhile, poor Bigfoot. Because, as Drunken Rob Ford has shown, if something exists, it will eventually wind up on Youtube. And if cryptids were real, we’d have crystal clear video of Bigfoot arm-in-arm with drunken back-country hikers. There’d be shakily framed footage of American tourists feeding stout to the Loch Ness Monster. We’d all be laughing at the one where the Chupacabra is dressed up like a shark and riding a Roomba. But none of those things are on Youtube so it’s a safe bet none of those creatures exist either. Drunken Rob Ford, on the other hand, is as real as the coelacanth and giant squid. The Future is indeed a strange and marvellous time in which to be living. 1 DID TORIES PLAN TO PICK UP DUFF’S TAB? The Conservatives are alleged to have planned to pay Mike Duffy’s sketchily claimed living expenses until they found out they were enorrrrrmous. And that’s when Harper’s ex-chief of staff, Nigel “chequebook” Wright, stepped in. The Globe And Mail has a concise summary of the issues raised here. 2 EGYPTIAN SOLDIERS INVOLVED IN “SOFT COUP” SHOOT PROTESTERS The coup has been viewed as not totally terrible since the deposed government was religious rather than secular and had re-written the country’s constitution to have more Allah in it, but this is not confidence-inspiring. Barb Saylor, who on Wednesday wrote “I don’t think that a military coup is ever a good thing” is proved right. Also: the African Union has suspended Egypt’s membership. Bonus also: here’s a Postmedia story on Canada and coups. 3 BOXING BUDDIES Liberal leader Justin Trudeau and former Regina mayor Pat Fiacco will go to the North Central Family Centre gym together and hopefully punch one another. 4 TRAYVON MARTIN MURDER TRIAL Continuing. 6 SPORTZ NEWZ It’s NHL free agency fun day! Danial Alfredsson signs with the Red Wings, Mike Ribeiro signs with Phoenix, Ray Emery signs with Philly and Evgeni Nabokov re-inks with the Islanders, Nathan Horton signed with Columbus and there’s lots more action actioning. Oh and there’s some kind of sport event in Regina tonight. VIDEO: ROB FORD, COST COWBOY Some satirical genius/concussed doofus made a YouTube! CTV says police knew about the “that sure looks like Rob Ford smokin’ crack” video before Gawker and the Toronto Star reported on itsexistence: CTV News has learned that Toronto Police were investigating the existence of an alleged video involving Mayor Rob Ford, several weeks before the story first appeared in the Toronto Star. As part of the investigation leading to the raids on Thursday, officers obtained telephone wire-tap evidence. A highly-placed source confirms to CTV News that on those wiretaps, persons of interest discussed that video in detail, and referred to the mayor’s alleged presence in the video. CTV News has not seen the video, and cannot confirm its existence or authenticity. More here. This is likely more trouble for Ford, who’s been busy lately voting against gay festivals and cultural events and institutions, presumably because he’s a gigantic dick who panders to the stupid, selfish douchebag vote. In other political news, the RCMP have launched a criminal investigation into the $90,000 cheque Nigel Wright gave to Senator Mike Duffy and NDP leader Thomas Mulcair apparently thinks he’s too important to follow the rules. In case anyone’s wondering, Peakay and Aquarabbit have been eliminated from the two-week pool because their time slots passed without Ford resigning or dying. Still alive: April Bee, commentator Brad, Paul Dechene and John Cameron. I’m hanging in too but only because I bought the “Rob Ford Gets Arrested” bonus square. Frankly, and I don’t like typing this, it’s looking pretty good for Cameron right now. He was smart to bid high on the “Ford Lasts More Than Two Weeks” bonus square. In other Canada’s shittiest mayor news, Ford just hired his radio producer to work for him in the resignation-plagued mayor’s office. Relevant career skills include DJ-ing and being a lifeguard. Which brings us to this past Friday, when the intermediary called to tell me that he had finally heard from the owner. And his message was: “It’s gone. Leave me alone.” It was, the intermediary told me, a short conversation. “It’s gone” could mean many things. It might mean that the video has been destroyed. It might mean that it has been handed over to Ford or his allies. It might mean that he intends to sell or give it to a Canadian media outlet. It might mean that the Toronto Police Department has seized it and plans to use it as evidence in a criminal investigation. It might mean that it has been transferred to the custody of Somali community leaders for safekeeping. It might be a lie. The intermediary doesn’t know. Neither do I. I do know that Gawker is currently sitting on $184,689.81 collected via our Rob Ford Crackstarter. (That’s $201,254 raised in total, less $8,365.23 in fees extracted by PayPal, $8,043.96 taken by Indiegogo, and $155 in contributions raised that we have yet to receive.) It is obviously our hope that someone steps up to claim this money and provides us the video. I won’t be at all heartbroken if a Canadian addictions non-profit collects $184,689.81. Well, more staff quit today. And Ontario’s information commissioner wrote Ford a stern letter about government transparency and Ford’s alleged orders to his staff delete e-mails. Oh, and we learned that Rob Ford , well, uh… Toronto Mayor Rob Ford told senior aides not to worry about a video appearing to show him smoking crack cocaine because he knew where it was, sources told the Star. Ford then blurted out the address of two 17th-floor units — 1701 and 1703 — at a Dixon Rd. apartment complex, to the shock of staffers at a city hall meeting almost two weeks ago, the sources said. The mayor cited “our contacts” as the source of his information, according to insiders familiar with the unusual May 17 session in his office. Staffers were alarmed by the implication of hearing so precise a location, sources said. It’s all so wacky that even the “we don’t care about anything beyond our borders” U.S. media is following this page-turner of a tale. And on top all all this, Ford says “everything’s fine” and not only is he not going to step down, he’s going to run again in the 2015 Toronto election. Well, that sure puts a dent in my “Rob For Quits/Dies/Gets Arrested Pool” chances. I have this afternoon and evening. There’s still time, Mr. Mayor! Help an editor win a couple bucks, wouldja? It’s at (refreshes screen) $198,440 . Looks like some addictions non-profit is going to be $200,000 richer! Follow along at home here. UPDATE: 1:48 p.m.: $198,642! UPDATE 1:56 p.m.: Goaaaaal! And there it is, $200,246. FINAL UPDATE: The closing tally is $251,254. Gawker editor John Cook posts about it: The Crackstarter is now closed to further donations. We pulled in a total of $201,254 from 8,388 people. I haven’t contacted Indiegogo, the service that hosted the campaign, yet to investigate precisely when we get the money, in what format, etc. (As I write this, the Indiegogo web site is not cooperating with my attempts to get that info.) I do know that Indiegogo and PayPal extract certain fees before turning the proceeds over to us; we will post an update announcing the total amount that has been released to us as soon as we get it. As for the purchase: We are working on it. As we noted before the campaign concluded, we lost contact with the people who have custody of the video. I updated the Indiegogo campaign site yesterday morning to reiterate that there had been no movement on that front, and am repeating it here right now. You won’t hear anything more from us about our attempts to get the video for some time. This will be a very delicate transaction. If the people who are in possession of the video are reading this: Please get in touch with our mutual friend, or with me at [email protected] We did what you asked.
A photo of the lake |Theories|| · A cryptid| · Demonic presence The Bennington Triangle is an area of southwestern Vermont within which a number of people went missing between 1920 and 1950. Precisely what area is encompassed in this hypothetical "mystery triangle" is not clear, but it is purportedly centered on Glastenbury Mountain and would include some or most of the area of the towns immediately surrounding it, especially Bennington, Woodford, Shaftsbury, and Somerset. Glastenbury and its neighboring township Somerset were both once moderately thriving logging and industrial towns, but began declining toward the late 19th century and are now essentially ghost towns, unincorporated by an act of the state legislature in 1937. On November 12, 1945, 75-year-old Middie Rivers, a local outdoorsman with much experience, guided a hunting party onto Glastenbury Mountain. While returning to camp, Rivers got ahead of the others and vanished. Police and volunteers launched a search party for the hunter, but found nothing. The only clue was a single bullet found by a stream. On December 1, 1946, an 18-year-old Bennington College coed named Paula Welden went on a day hike on Glastenbury. She got a ride to the trailhead and several eyewitnesses confirmed seeing her on the trail. When she failed to return to school, over 1,000 volunteers searched the area. Despite a $5,000 reward and investigators from the FBI, Welden was never seen again. Three years to the day after Welden's disappearance, James Tetford vanished from a bus bound for Bennington. He boarded it in St. Albans, Vermont, and although passengers confirmed his presence on the bus, he was not on it when it reached Bennington. On October 12, 1950, eight-year-old Paul Jepson disappeared as well. His parents were the caretakers of a local dump. Paul's mother left him sitting in her truck unattended for several minutes, but when she returned, he was nowhere to be found. Bloodhounds managed to follow his scent to a nearby road, but immediately lost it. Three weeks after Jepson's disappearance, Frieda Langer was hiking with her cousin Herbert Elsner when she slipped and fell into a stream. She told her cousin to wait for her while she ran a short distance back to their campsite to change into dry clothes. When she didn't return, Elsner went back to camp and discovered that Langer had never arrived. Various search teams made five different attempts over the next week, but found nothing. Langer's body did not turn up until the next spring, where it was found badly mangled in an open area that teams had already searched repeatedly. - In the late 1800s, a stagecoach traveling on what is now Route 9 near Glastenbury, Vermont, encountered a Bigfoot-like cryptid that attacked and overturned the vehicle. |North American Locations| |Bennington Triangle · Blood Bowl · Bremen Troll Bridge · Bridgewater Triangle · Clown Motel · Devil's Gate Reservoir · Devil's Kettle · Devil's Tramping Ground · Disney's River Country · Helltown · House of Blue Lights · Island of the Dolls · Shirtwood Forest · Spider Gates · Stairway to Hell · Zone of Silence| |South American Locations|
Category Archives: Board Game Two weeks ago, I reviewed a rather clever timed social deduction word guessing game by the name of Werewords. And because it isn’t enough to play only one weaponization of Twenty Questions, that old nugget of cross-country trips and standing in amusement park lines, it was suggested to me that I ought to try Insider from Oink Games. If you’re the sort of person who enjoys reading about publishers accusing one another of plagiarism (nerd), then you’ve likely already heard this one. Long story short: Oink made a game, Bezier made a concurrent game, some licensing emails were exchanged and/or ignored and/or dropped, and now there are two rather clever timed social deduction word guessing games on the market. As Grand Justice for our entire hobby (self-appointed), how could I pass up this opportunity to utter infallible judgment? As happens in the life of every board gamer who’s bothered to reproduce, there comes a time when your central preoccupation is the inculcation of cardboard and rulesets, dice and phases, punchboards and baggies. Brainwashing, to put it less nicely. All parenting is brainwashing, hopefully with more positive results than negative. During our semi-regular visits to the local game store, Baby Cate — not rightfully baby anymore — would once upon a time beeline for the shopping baskets. Into the basket she’d climb, insisting it was a boat, and rock back and forth until it toppled onto its side, usually depositing her underfoot a passing stranger. Now her first destination is the shelf at the back, the one with the bright yellow HABA line. Somehow, against all odds, she managed to doe-eye her father into purchasing Drachenturm. Because it had a dragon on the box, you see. Thankfully, Drachenturm has proved an apt instrument for imparting life lessons. Five of them, by my count. And Cate doesn’t even realize she’s learning. For about the span of three minutes, I thought I might be in love with Wildlands. It had everything to do with a particular sequence. And I’d love to tell you about the precise moment of my infatuation. Apparently the trial of Louis Riel was a landmark case in Canadian history, although I’d be committing perjury if I claimed to have heard about it before playing High Treason. Thank goodness, then, that other than a few card descriptions and notes in the rulebook, High Treason isn’t the sort of game that requires any foreknowledge. More than a history game, it’s a trial simulator, with all the ups, downs, and shocking reveals of a courtroom drama. Yes, including the ability to shout, “Objection!” Whatever the marketers may tell you, solipsistic horror masquerading under the guise of a cheery board game isn’t new. Dixit did it. A Fake Artist Goes to New York perfected it. Even Mysterium can’t escape that most terrifying existential fact of humanity, that our minds are rafts untethered and adrift on a fog-choked sea, ever in proximity but never quite able to sail in parallel. It’s crazy stuff. Like, does a number even exist, man? Meanwhile, the real-world Pantone can apparently bring a lawsuit against you for using a particular shade of orange. Perfect for a game that celebrates artistic creativity! But that’s the weird thing about Pantone™: The Board Game. It’s ostensibly about a corporation that owns color, yet somehow manages to stage an odd and endearing paean to player expression and artistic abstraction. Yeah. Go figure. I’ll bet you a silver dollar that I can review Werewords in a single sentence. A sentence that, upon being read, will inform you with total accuracy whether Werewords is just one more social deduction gimmick or the long-awaited incarnation of the One True Deductor. There’s an utterly wonderful idea nestled at the heart of Cryptid. For far too long cryptozoology has been dismissed and discredited by more “serious” scientists. But you know something is out there. Yeti, Bigfoot, Nessie, the Pope Lick Monster… something. Problem is, all your buddies from the message board are also on the trail. It’s a race, then, every rival cryptozoologist determined to capture more than grainy footage of obvious rubber-masked imposters. Real proof this time. As a concept, it’s lovely. Too bad the actual cryptids are as absent as any real-life hunt for Mothman. Every so often, Dan tosses a spare Space-Biff! key to his buddy Brock for a duel of wits they call Two Minds About. Today’s subject is the most important one yet: Dungeon Alliance. It’s got a dungeon, it’s got alliances. But has it got game? Find out below. Brock: I considered starting this one with a long jokey paragraph, something along the lines of, “Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have board games about exploring a dungeon? What a dream world that would be!” The thing is, designers continue to show us that there’s meat left on the dungeon crawl bones. And — more to the point — Quixotic Games’s Dungeon Alliance, despite its occasional cleverness, is guilty of worse crimes than having an unoriginal theme. But I’m getting ahead of ourselves. Dan, why don’t you do the thing where you tell us about Dungeon Alliance? Ah, the Western. I’ve waxed eloquent about it before. It’s easy to do, really. Picture sunsets and six irons at the same time, imagine breaking a horse while breaking ore, and utter silly swears like “goldarn” and “skinny as a sack of deer horns.” For such an iconic genre, there are hardly any games set in the Old West. Fewer good ones. Western Legends hopes to make up for that deficit. All of it, in fact. How? Well, none other than by featuring a dozen dusty-trails tales rolled into one. And the biggest surprise of all is that it does a decent job of it.
Like all 12-year-olds who see “The Craft” for the first time, I wanted to become a witch. “The Craft” is essentially a story of adolescent girls trying to gain autonomy against hopeless situations. Nancy comes from an abusive, poverty-stricken home, Bonnie is covered in scars and feels ugly, Sarah has lost her mother, and Rochelle has to deal with racist bullies. Adolescence is hard enough for anyone, but I was particularly friendless, fat, and my home was troubled in a variety of ways. Even though “The Craft” plays out with a high camp factor, the idea that there could be some way of gaining control when the world seems against you had a high appeal. The girl who introduced the movie to me was also in deep need of some sort of control in her life, but she took this out on me by trying to catfish me and convincing me there was a ghost in the ouija board who hated me particularly. In retrospect, of course, it’s hilarious, but at the time I didn’t have anybody else, and the thought that I was so unlovable that even random ghosts hated me HURT. I also come from a family where science and magic seemed to play out alongside one another. My grandmother, who was from Ireland, was a trailblazer as one of the first computer programmers. She also matter-of-factly told stories of her father being able to talk to foxes. Of course we can all talk to foxes if we like and not much will come of it, but presumably this was a big deal because the foxes could talk back to my great-grandfather. If I talked to foxes, they’d probably run away. Not out of a lack of understanding, but more because brevity and captivating speech are not in my wheelhouse. Foxes have better things to do, like make ungodly screeching noises while boning outside my window EVERY TIME I HAVE A BREAKUP. How do they know? My thirst for magic only ever led to a brief dalliance with that book that everyone who watches the Craft when they are 12 buys, Teen Witch! Wicca For a New Generation, by the now much-maligned Silver Ravenwolf. I ended up being too lazy and cynical to ever construct an actual mindful practice for myself, especially considering my poor choice of resources. I could have used a mindful magical practice, and I could still use it now. I was living mostly in Sheffield this past year and, despite the distance and sheer pain-in-the-assery involved in getting to Cornwall from where I was living, I wanted to get acquainted with some of that famous Cornish magic. Everyone knows about piskies from Harry Potter, but Cornwall actually has a thriving folklore. It’s also thought to be the setting for much of the Arthurian legend. I’m a fucking nerd and a stupid baby lady, so all of this appealed to me deeply. Seven hours on a train from Nottingham landed me in Camborne. The moment I got into a cab in Camborne, my first port of call in Cornwall, our cabbie started singing Cornish folk songs. Here is an excellent rendition of “Going Up Camborne Hill Coming Down” by the Mousehole Male Voice Choir. Note the “r”s! Our next cabbie told us the tale of the Beast of Bodmin Moor with pretty much no prompting. As far as I can tell, the Beast of Bodmin Moor is a very large black cat that goes around mutilating livestock. Is it snuggly? Who can say? Very few have had the opportunity to snuggle it, which is truly horrifying. I spent my first two days in Cornwall taking walks to the beach and watching Jonathan Norrell and Mr. Strange, a miniseries based on some books an alternate reality where magicians are a real profession and there is a battle between ancient druidic magic and a sort of academic, alchemical magic. With a few rainy days of tea and boardgames under our belt we were all bursting (or at least I was) to go out into the countryside. Our third day started with a trip to Lanyon Quoit, a dolmen or megalithic tomb near Penzance, around which several cows had clustered. That wasn’t even the original way those rocks were set up. Some storm messed it up in the 19th century and they had to sort of pile the rocks back on top of one another in a way that looked mysterious and pre-Christian. “I want a refund!” I yelled at the cows, but perhaps people of fey descent don’t have the ability to talk to cows. The weather in Cornwall that week was consistently pleasant, from around 18-23 degrees Celcius, sunny, and mild. Back in Nottingham it reached a rare 36 degrees and I was happy to be well away from it. Men-an-Tol was the next pile of rocks we visited, and a pile of rocks with deep mythology attached. Supposedly if a barren woman passed through the circular rock during a full moon she would conceive, but I feel like that wouldn’t do much good, if, say, she weren’t barren at all and her husband had a secret vasectomy. Like I always say, “You can’t cure other people’s vasectomies with rocks”. I didn’t try it, though I did try leaning my fucked-up knee against one of the stones. “Just lose some weight,” the stone told me. “I DON’T WANT TO BE MAGIC ANYMORE,” I replied. Our next stop was of particular interest to me, and only me, because it was a 7th century Anglo-Saxon church. St. Senara’s in Zennor is not only known to be the resting place of the last native Cornish speaker, John Davey. It also has a spectacular wood carving of a mermaid from the 16th century on one of their pews. I did not try to contain my excitement even though the people I was with were deeply indifferent. It was a goddamn Early Modern mermaid in perfectly preserved detail! Mermaids are one of the more intriguing varieties of cryptid because they exist across cultures and have such a deep disparity of representations, from beautiful and romantic to sinister and monstrous. I like that manatees (or “oh what do you call them those swimming potatoes” as my grandmom knew them) were once called mermaids. In the spirit of Halloween this month I wrote two songs inspired by the Zennor mermaid, which if you scroll to the bottom of this entry you can have a listen to at your convenience. I probably would have stayed forever trying to parlay my non-existent fey powers into communing with church pews, but instead we went to the Tate St. Ives. I cannot say “Tate St. Ives” out loud without first saying “Taint St. Ives” several times. Yes, the sea is impossibly blue and clean and beautiful everywhere you go in Cornwall. I should have jumped in the sea right then and never left. I felt deep anxiety the whole time that the people I was with did not like me so I did not want to badger people into swimming. This anxiety was not paranoia and actually turned out to be true but I should have just swam anyway because that’s what you get for inviting someone you secretly loathe and resent on vacation, I guess. In the future I will know to have more fun out of spite. The Tate St. Ives is small but had some interesting displays, one of which was a room full of wishes written on ribbons that you are meant to tie on your wrist and leave your own wish in exchange. I think I may have chosen a ribbon that said “I wish I loved myself” or “I wish to be kinder to myself”. The wish I left in return said “I wish I was a little bit taller, I was I was a baller, I wish I had a girl who looked good”. If my wish came true, I would call her. That day ended the way all of my favorite days end, with pasties and the revisiting of my childhood trauma by associating with a person who acted like my dad, ruined my sense of reality, and lied about everything. I sang loudly to Beatles songs in the car, oblivious to how much I was annoying everyone. We traversed the narrow roads of Cornwall, which are all bordered by stone walls over which ivy and foxgloves crawl. I spent the next day at the Lost Gardens of Heligan, once a Victorian paradise park that became overgrown until it was found again sometime in the past couple of decades. It’s a story best told in some pictures. Once again I was the only one interested in swimming so a trip to some sort of cove happened and I frolicked in the water gaily until I felt too guilty about dragging everyone to the stunning beach on a beautiful day. I asked them to take photos of me at the beach, feeling self-conscious about the request and what they must think. I tried explaining to one of them later that people have told me it makes them feel good and encourages them when they see people with bodies that look like theirs enjoying themselves at the beach, wearing a bikini, trying to be brave. The images are difficult for me to enjoy because they’re not carefully constructed in the best angles, and now I see a photo of a person who was, really, being very brave and putting her heart and body out into the sea and cosmos for judgment. And found wanting! I enjoyed my swim. I’m not a strong swimmer but I enjoy the meditation of being punched in the stomach by waves over and over. The next day we went to Lizard and had intentions to see the southwest most point in the UK but the weather was miserable, windy and rainy and grey with the fog destroying the possibility of seeing anything nice. Instead we made our way to Saint Michael’s Mount, a 12th century fortress on a tidal island. We came a bit too late in the day to walk to the island so we took a little ferry boat and walked the gentle climb to the St. Aubyn home. It’s also Castle Dracula in the film “Dracula”! In fact, I saw so many Draculas and they had a ceremony to make me an honorary Dracula because I’m such an emotional vampire. The museum inside held many of the St. Aubyn family’s treasures from the past 500 years. There is a beautiful couch upon which Queen Victoria truly sat her imperial butt. Here are some nice pixtures of St. Michael’s Mount taken by someone with a fancy camera. We next stopped in the beautiful little fishing town of Mousehole (pronounced ‘mowzl’), where every year, two nights before Christmas, there is a festival where they serve Stargazy Pie. Stargazy Pie is a fish pie from which pilchard heads and tails stick out from the crust. I wanted to try it but I can’t seem to convince anyone to make it for me. Instead we had full dressed crab, extremely fresh from the ubiquitous sea. The reminder of magic everywhere manifested that day in the form of a crow, who landed on the arm of a tourist and stayed there for an hour. We had tickets to the 8:30 production of a “The Magnificent Three”, a supposed send-up of Westerns where all of the songs were 5 minutes of one element of exposition repeated over and over. The venue of the magnificent Minack Theatre, an open-air theater overlooking the sea, made up for any shortcomings of the actual production. The next day was witch day, and it started off tempestuous and wet. Boscastle is a gorgeous little village that was unfortunately badly affected by flash floods in 2004 and is still recovering. I would really recommend visiting if you have the means because tourism helps rebuild this worthy little fishing port! The Museum of Witchcraft and Magic was well worth the trip to Cornwall on its own. It focused heavily on folk magic findings from Cornwall and Devon as folk magic practice was fairly common as late as the 30s and 40s. I loved that it had a section of yonic items, such as Sheela-na-Gig, as fertility idols tend to trend towards the phallic. They also had an amazing collection of poppets, which are similar to voodoo dolls and often used for vengeful spells. The history of magic in Britain reveals, again, the thread of women finding a venue for autonomy and control, and the accusation of witchcraft being a means to take away that control from women. One room of the museum is a recreation of the hut of a cunning woman, complete with cat familiars and plants used for spellcraft. The weather cleared up and we ate pasties in the sunshine. After filling our bellies we set off for Tintagel, the alleged home of King Arthur that was built way after any plausible date that Arthur would have been alive. Though the climb up was brutal on my knee, it was well worth it for the view from the top. I got to take one last dip in the sea before watching the most perfect sunset I’d ever seen. We went on to Bath from there, but that’s a repeat of a tale where only one name and one face changed from the last time I told it, and even then only barely. A few weeks after I went back up north I saw the film “A Field in England” by Ben Wheatley, which involves fairy rings, the spaces between life and death, and the conflict between magic and secularism. All of this resonated for me as I felt my search for control and magic fall out of my grasp. I have a habit of romanticizing things that don’t deserve it, of trying helplessly to shoehorn things into a single narrative where they just don’t fit. There is magic and folklore in Philadelphia. There are loud, smelly people on buses in Cornwall. I can believe my great grandfather could talk to foxes, and that they’d reply in a way he could understand. I don’t think I’m fey. I think that I have to find other ways to grasp my own autonomy, to push myself to create. I surround myself with people who are so kind and so talented that they are magic. I am thinking about growing a garden with lavender and sage and other plants with healing properties. Here are the two mermaid songs I wrote: This one is a little Cornish folk song of my own invention called “Good Luck From Mevagissey” from the perspective of the Zennor mermaid. And this one’s a little more sinister. The creepier, more monstrous type of mermaid.
I have been invited to, and accepted to participate, in three shows this spring. I am very honored and excited about each one! Fire on the Water: Dragon Boat Art Show is a Group Art Show inspired by The Portland Rose Festival Dragon Boat Races. This show was created by my friend, Alea Bone, in 2014. An amazing artist, and Dragon Boat racer, she conceptualized this show to coincide with the annual Rose Festival. This is a great show to be in! This year's show is split between two venues. One venue is right downtown by the water where the Dragon races take place, The Little River Cafe atthe Riverplace Marina 0315 SW Montgomery, The other venue is Atomic Pizza at 1936 N Killingsworth St. I have TWO pieces in this show this year, and you can find my pieces at the Atomic Pizza location. Show runs May 1st – June 30. The next show I am doing is also very exciting for me. This is the first year I have been invited to participate in this show. The Little by Little Show is the brain child of Portland legend Chris Haberman. (The same super hero that brings us the Big 500 every year!) This show will open on Friday, June 1st in downtown Milwaukie. The art will be hung in four venues, The Beer Store Milwaukie/OneDer Gallery (10610 SE Main), Milwaukie City Hall (10722 SE Main), Wine:30 Bistro (10835SE Main), Painted Lady Coffeehouse (2045 SE Washington) This show is going to be really fun. Show starts promptly on June 1st at 5pm, when sales begin. ALL art is $40/each, Cash/Carry, First come first buy. 200 artists. 10 pieces each, 2000 pieces. Super psyched to have been invited to paint for this. Finally, the third show I am participating in, is one that is dear to my heart. The Recycled Rain Project Art Show. The Recycled Rain Project is a non profit organization formed by local artists to share art and to increase awareness regarding water issues. We all need clean water, people! This will be my fourth year participating, and I am always so honored that I receive an invite to be in the show. One cool aspect of the show is that the piece you submit has been made using....recycled rain water! I collect my water in mason jars during our rainy spring. There is always plenty of gorgeous art in this show. The opening for this one is June 2nd and the Ford Gallery, 2505 SE 11th Ave, Portland, 6pm -9pm. A portion of the sale of all works from RR2018 will be donated to Columbia Riverkeeper. So, yes, I have been busy in the studio! I hope I will see your face at some of the upcoming art shows. Thanks for reading! I'm slowly getting my painting groove back. I felt like I needed to back away from painting this past year. I had a piece in Last year's Recycled Rain Project, and I did seven small pieces for the Big 500, but that was it. Those few pieces were hard...I felt like I had to pull them out of myself. The fun was not there. I felt frustrated and uninspired. All those cliches you hear about "the Angsty Artist"? Yeah. No. I'm not about that. That is not the best "work" mindset for me. I do much better when it's a "play" mindset. It was time to walk away for a break. I all but abandoned my studio, but I did pick up my cameras. Since I was having painting issues, I focused on capturing images with my camera. It's relaxing and I've always loved the instant gratification of a good shot. It was a wonderful thing to do during my respite from painting. I will be updating my Photo section of this website soon. I ventured back into the studio about two weeks ago. Everything was in it's place and for the first time in several months, I felt like I wanted to play with some paint. So, I did. I've been playing every day since and it's been fun. So fun, that I have accepted three different show invitations this spring. I'll be trying some new techniques and I'm trying for a looser style than where I was previously coming from. I will not be giving up my bright colors. That is what I missed the most during my break. I know I always say this, but I will try to update this blog more frequently as I get my groove back. I have 12 paintings due in the next few weeks, and instead of feeling overwhelmed, I'm feeling pretty excited. Yeay! Due to the herculean efforts of Alea Bone, Fire On The Water: A Dragon Boat Art Show, is back for it's second year! I am pleased to say that the piece I submitted for consideration for this show was accepted! This Unique Group Art Show, sanctioned by the Rose Festival, is inspired by the rich tradition of Dragon Boating in Portland. The purpose of this show is to highlight one of the most glorious spectacles of Rose Festival: The Dragon Boat Races (which are held on June 11 and 12 this year) Over 75 Artists have created work inspired by the Rose Festival Dragon Boats. Representing a diverse cross section of Portland Talent, this show is a stunning collection of artistic interpretations, including oil paintings, acrylic, water color, pen and ink, encaustic, mixed-media, batik, wood burning, wood carving, ceramics, assemblage and photography by both well known and emerging artists. The opening for this show is Thursday June 2 at Portland'5 Center For The Arts (1111 SW Broadway, Portland, Oregon 97205) Starts at 5pm....I hope I see you there!! More deets can be found at this link: Fire On The Water: Dragon Boat Art Show I call my piece "Lord Qu Had Drowned". The research I did regarding the origins of dragon boat racing was quite fascinating. Here is some background on Lord Qu: The Dragon Boat Festival commemorates the life and death of the ancient patriot-poet Qu Yuan who lived from 340-278 B.C. Qu Yuan was a minister who advocated reforms in his home state of Chu. The King refused to listen to Qu Yuan's advice and instead banished him from the state of Chu. In exile, Qu Yuan wrote poetry expressing his concern for his country and people. In 278, when Qu Yuan heard that his home had been invaded, he drowned himself in the Mi Lo River. The people of Chu rushed to the river to rescue him. Too late to save Qu Yuan, they splashed furiously and threw zung-ze, steamed rice wrapped in reed leaf, into the river as a sacrifice to his spirit and to keep the fish from Qu Yuan's body. Since that time, some 2,000 years ago, dragon boats are raced on rivers in China and people throw zung-ze into the river to honor the memory of Qu Yuan. The Dragon Boat races themselves are a beautiful event, so it is easy to imagine how the pageantry and excitement of the races will be conveyed in Art form by the fine artists participating in this show. I am honored to be among them!! Come get your Dragon on!! Next up, we have The Recycled Rain Project! This is my second time being included in this show and it is an honor to have been chosen to participate. Water issues are a cause dear to my heart, and The recycled Rain Project has been partnering with local artists and educating the community on water issues for five years now. This show entails a group of Portland artists coming together to create original works using collected rain water. Each artist is selected by a jury of fellow artists and other people who are connected to the local art community. This year, the line up is amazing, so you can imagine how excited I am to be included! You can find out more about what the Recycled Rain Project is all about at this link: So, the opening for this awesome show is Saturday June 4th, at the Ford Gallery. Opening details can be found here: Fifth Annual Recycled Rain Project One of the cool things about this show is using collected rain water to make your piece. Since I paint with acrylics, rain water lends itself very easily to my work, and since we had a pretty wet early spring, I had plenty of water to use. What's cool to see at the show are the different ways other artists have used their rain water in their different techniques. I hope you will come out to see this beautiful show! I decided to do a triptych for my project this year. I wanted to do a painting based on a quote I read years ago and took to heart by Loren Eiseley. "If there is Magic on this Planet, it is Contained in Water." That statement rings quite true to me and, perhaps due to my upbringing on a large lake, touched my soul, so to speak. To convey the quote and to try to bring it to canvas, I envisioned a fantastically beautiful water cycle. I use color primarily to set the mood of a painting, but I also like to create a place that is so peaceful yet so visually dynamic that the viewer of the piece would want to "BE" there. Anyhow, I hope I have succeeded in conveying the Magic on this Planet in my piece. Below is a slide show of my process for this work. Well, first off, the "Fire on The Water" dragon boat themed group show is still hanging and it is a gorgeous sight to behold. Opening night was fantastic fun and seeing all the beautiful art work was magical. HUGE KUDOS to Alea Bone for dreaming up this great show and making it happen. This fiery, dynamic Art Show was sanctioned by the Portland Rose Festival, and the sheer volume of people who attended the opening are proof of how popular the theme is. Very cool. The show will hang until June 30th and it is at Antoinette Hatfield Hall, 1111 SW Broadway. There are still beautiful pieces available for purchase. Do yourself a favor and go check it out and see if one of the Dragons calls to you! I should also mention that if you cannot physically go to the show, it is now available to view on Pinterest. You can make a purchase that way as well! Check it out at this link..... https://www.pinterest.com/alpngal/dragon-boat-art/ I am participating in several new shows that are opening this month that I want to give you the deets on. This past weekend, I dropped off 12 pieces that will be shown in the "Maker's Dozen" show at People's Art of Portland. This is a great show and I was so excited that Haberman invited me to participate. Twelve artists each choose twelve pieces for this show. There is no theme and anything goes. I chose several of my favorites plus some new work. Did I mention that I was so excited to be invited for this show!? Haha! The opening is this Saturday, June 20th. Doors open at 5pm and in true People's Gallery fashion, the opening will be a sweet event with food, beer and a dj. I hope you can go check it out. (If you can't make the opening, the show hangs until July 12th.) People's Art is at 700 SW 5th Ave (Pioneer Mall, 3rd floor) Another exciting show that I am doing is called the 88 Strong show. 88 artists are given 8 boards (8" X 8", of course!) and 88 different themes to choose from. All art is framed by Po'boy Framing. Opening night is June 25 at the Goodfoot Art Lounge, (2845 Se Stark) starts at 5pm and goes till midnight. All art is cash and carry ($50) and the art goes fast, so get there early-ish! This is also a fun opening with lots of people, dj, and cool art. I had alot of fun with these pieces. The 88 themes had something for everyone. I chose eight different themes, but tied them together with the use of animals as my subjects. I went for a fun illustrated look. Really enjoyed myself with these and I hope to do this show again next year! Below are my eight...you can click on the images to see what the theme for each piece was... Finally, I am participating in another Siren Nation event called, Paint your Art Out. This is a great show and the second year I have participated in it. It is also a fund raiser for Siren Nation and half the proceeds from all art sales go towards this great organization. I have four of my matted and framed photographs in this show and I hope you will go to the opening and check out the art and perhaps buy a piece or two to help out the cause. Siren Nation's mission is to inspire and empower women of all ages to create their own art and to highlight the many achievements of women in the arts. Siren Nation promotes and showcases the original work of women artists by creating year round performance, exhibition, and educational opportunities. The show is at Olympic Mills Commerce Center, 107 SE Washington St. Opening reception is Saturday, June 27th 6-9pm. If you can't make the opening the show will hang till August 8th. Hope you can make it over there. Well, that's what's happening, art wise, with me for the near future. I will be spending some time on the east coast again this summer and I hope that when I return home to Portland I will be newly inspired and will have some new paintings coming out for the fall. Until next time! Have a great summer! So...in true Di fashion...it's been several months since I've checked in. Ahem. Well, here's a quick update....quick because I have deadlines, baby! First off....I have a piece in this year's Star Wars show at Good: a gallery. Scott Foster has curated yet another great collection of all things Star Wars. It's a great show and I'm so happy to be a small part of it. Check it out, it will hang for the rest of May. Deets at this link...... http://goodpdx.com I have a painting hanging at the Arbor Lodge Coffee shop right now. They are having their annual Sasquatch show. It's also a contest. If you are in the neighborhood, check it out...have a great cuppa coffee and vote for your favorite rendition of Big foot. If you vote for mine, well, THANK YOU! haha! Deets at this link.... http://www.thearborlodge.com I am currently painting my little brains out to prepare for two shows I've been invited to participate in. The first one is a Dragon Boat themed show. This has the added excitement of being a sanctioned event of the Portland Rose Festival, and I am so honored that I am included. This show is the Brain child of the uber talented Alea Bone, and her hard work is so appreciated!! Deets for this for this show can be found at this link.... www.rosefestival.org/event/dragon-boat-art-show I have also been invited to submit 8 paintings for the 88 Strong Show at The Goodfoot Art Bar and Lounge. (2845 SE Stark) So honored to be considered one of the "88 strong"! 88 artists get eight 8" X 8" boards and are given a choice of 88 themes. All pieces are priced at $50 each at this awesome cash and carry show. This show opens on June 25, at The Goodfoot. Doors open promptly at 5pm and the event will go on till midnight. It's always a fun event with DJ, tons of cool art, interesting people, and beer. I will post more details about this show as the event gets closer. Finally, for something completely different.... I was extremely honored to be approached by my friend, Fred Swan, to write an essay for his very cool web zine. Fred is a fantastic artist and author, and he is also a mentor to so many of us artists here in Portland. Here is a link to his website, and my essay....enjoy.... http://fredrickswan.com/knee-deep-in-spring/ ....2015 already? Happy New Year, Lovelies...even though we are already a month into it! This time of year there is always many awesome art things going on. The Big 500 ended about two weeks ago and it was an amazing show. The people who make that show happen are absolute rock stars because it is a daunting endeavor, indeed. On pick up day, after the show came down, I was happy to only have three of my ten still unsold. One of those is already spoken for, but these two are still available....let me know if one of them speaks to you. I recently spent a few days away, having fun with some friends that I have known for almost my entire life. What an amazing reset of my energy! After laughing maniacally for four days, I returned home with a sense of serenity and focus that I definitely didn't have before I left. I am hoping to put this mind set to work in the studio and bust out some new work. There are a few group shows coming up that I want to participate in, and I will update more on them as they grow closer. I have eleven pieces currently hanging at Peter's Bar and Grill, which is located at 5701 NE Fremont street. (Corner of Fremont and 57th) If you are up around that area, pop in for a look. The food there is actually very good and they have delightful specials and a nice happy hour as well. If you pop in for lunch do tell them that I sent you! Oh, before I sign off, I want to mention something sort of cool. Last summer, my big-foot piece was selected to be used for the Refer Badges for the Oregon Fair. Not a huge deal, but it made me happy to know that all the lovely behind-the-scenes people making the fair happen were all wearing my big-foot image around their necks! Ha! Ok....now to get back to work in the studio. I hope to have some exciting updates for next time I check in! Tah! Good day! Just want to get the word out that this Sunday, November 2nd is the Siren Nation Art and Craft sale. This sale has become the only sale I participate in anymore because it is just so fun and the other artists I meet during the sale are so awesome. SO...I hope you will come on out to the Kennedy School (5736 NE 33rd Ave) and check out the art and say hello. The sale will be held from 10 am till 4pm and we will be in the gymnasium. I will be selling a bunch of my tree themed art as well as some of my notecards and prints of my photos and paintings. I do have some exciting news for those who have been asking...I just had my painting, "Family Tree", professionally scanned and I now can offer super high res copies of this painting at a fraction of the cost of the original. I will have a sample of the print, on canvas, with me at the sale so do stop in to check it out and see if you want to order one. I will only be printing a limited number of this painting. The amazing thing is the scan is so fine, that the printer can actually make the prints even bigger than the original painting and not lose the integrity of the image. It's pretty amazing, and it looks great on the canvas. Do feel free to contact me if you want to discuss a print. (Or just to say hi, too...I love that.) Maybe I'll see your beautiful face at the sale this Sunday....ta for now! Well, in my true fashion, it has been a snake's age since I have written here. That does not mean I haven't been creating things, however! Have been pretty busy since the middle of summer. I had a nice solo show at The Arbor Lodge coffee shop. A beautiful space that is always filled with lovely people. Sold four paintings and a print, all told, so that is always super cool. I also had some photographs in the Siren Nation "Paint Your Art Out" show. It was a lovely show and I am always pleased to participate in Siren Nation Functions. Speaking of which....I am honored to be participating in the upcoming Siren Nation "Natural Wonders" show! The opening will be Thursday, November 6th at Albina Press (5012 SE Hawthorne) I have submitted two pieces for this show, and they will be in fabulous company, so come on and check them out! Another Siren Nation event I am participating in is the yearly Art and Craft sale held at the Kennedy School (5736 NE 33rd in the gymnasium) on Sunday, November 2nd 10 am till 4pm. I am going to be selling some of my tree themed paintings this year as well as some of my handy notecards. Come on out and say hi! I have a fun, spooky little painting hanging right now at the "Things That Go Bump In The Night" show at The People's Art Gallery (700 SW 5th Ave, third floor), as well as my "Lacerta Iridi" piece. The gallery is showcasing the super cool and rad poster art of Zoltron, plus works by 100 other artists. I was lucky enough to be one of the 100 invited to submit work. Go downtown to check it out and see all the creepy, spooky art. (Great halloween show!) Show hangs until November 9th. Speaking of People's Art Gallery...I hope you will save the date for the Big 500. YES! You read that right...the Big 400 is now the Big 500 this year. I have my ten boards and once they are done, they will be hanging in the gallery for the biggest craziest show of the year!! The opening is December 13th 2pm till 9pm. It's total mayhem as people swarm the galleries (all the galleries on the third floor are used to hang this immense show) looking for a treasure from their favorite artists. All pieces are $40 cash and carry and part of the proceeds go to the Oregon Food Bank. Win-win!! Mark your calendars!! Last, but totally not least...one of my fav galleries has issued yet another fun, challenging theme. Good;a gallery is having a Bill Murray themed show that opens on December 5th. I am very excited to be participating in this show and who the hell doesn't love Bill Murray?! I hope you can come on out for the opening and check it out. Well, sorry to unload all that info on you at once, but that's what happens when I slack off the updating. I know I always promise to keep up, but let's keep things real here, right? ha! Thanks for reading and I hope I see your face at some of these cool events!! As always, if you see something on my site that catches your fancy, please feel free to contact me about getting it into your life! Ta! Well, been sort of slacking on the blog updates, but that does not mean I have been slacking on the art stuff! Been pretty busy, honestly, and it's been nice. I recently had 6 photographs in the (now over) Printmaking And Photography Show at Splendorporium (3421 SE 21st St) It was a great show and I was thrilled to be a part of it. Had a sale, too, so that's always a nice bonus. I've got a bunch of new stuff happening for this month so let me fill you in. Good Gallery is at it again with another Star Wars themed show. I can't help myself, I love this theme and I have a new piece in this very fun show. As many of you know my penchant for Yoda, he is once again the subject of my new painting. I hope you will come out to the opening this Friday, May 2nd! Opening is 6 -10pm and Good is at 4325n. Mississippi Ave. I would love to see your face there, but must tell you that I will be there on the earlier side since I have ANOTHER opening that same night....... ....This opening will be another group show called "The First of May". It is a circus themed show and my submitted piece was accepted. Yeay! This event will be THIS Friday, May 2nd, at AFRU Gallery, 534 SE Oak St, 6pm-midnight. Aside from some fabulous art, there will be performances by Wanderlust Circus and Awall and music by Professor Gall. Sounds like a fun evening to me, so it would be great to see you there! The Recycled Rain Project was founded to help bring awareness to local artists and the various water issues facing both our state and other’s abroad. The Third Annual Recycled Rain Show will take place on Saturday, May 10th 2014 at the Olympic Mills Gallery in Portland, Oregon. All juried artists will create original works using only collected rainwater. While the subject matter in the art is varied, the over concept is to bring to light simple ways that we can rethink the way we use water. Part of the exhibit will also highlight local and national water group's everyday ways that individuals can do to make a difference. A portion of the sale of any works will be to The Human Access project, a local non-profit focused on making the Willamette a safe, clean and accessible for both wildlife and humans. As you may guess, I was accepted to create a piece for this show! I am pretty excited about this one, not only because my work will be shown along side some extremely talented artists, but I like the concept of using art to reach out and highlight the importance of our water. Hope you can come out for the opening of this show. I've seen some sneak peeks at what some of the other artists have been working on, and it's going to be a beautiful show! The Olympic Mills Gallery is at 107 SE Washington St Portland, OR 97214. Please plan on attending! The Opening is Saturday May 10 and runs 6 - 10pm. I've also been working on a few other projects and commissions, but these gallery events are where I get to show the public eye what I've been up to. As always, I would love to see your face at the openings of these shows. The hoopla is just so exciting and fun, but remember, you can always check out the show at a quieter time during the regular gallery hours. These shows will hang for approximately a month, so there is time to see them at your convenience. I plan on posting my new work on my painting page after the openings, so you can always see them there if you can't come out for the actual event. Now, to tell you about a few other cool events that are going on... The Art beat show is still going on down at People's Art! This show is absolutely incredible. Every single artist that has ever been featured on the awesome show, Art Beat, has a piece in this show. The show is so large and varied, it is not only hung in People's but also The Mark Wooley Gallery and what used to be Place Gallery. (Place has since moved to a new location) It took me almost two hours to take this show in and it went so fast. It's one of those must sees! Showing till June! 700 SW 5th ave, third floor! Get there! Another feast for the eyes is currently hanging at the Goodfoot. The 88 Strong Show is aptly named. 88 artists, 88 themes. That means there is ALOT of art on those walls! Each piece is 8"X8" and framed. Each piece is $50 and it's cash and carry. There is a ton of awesome art still there, including some work by fellow artists and friends, Peggy Pfenninger, Alea Bone, Sylvia Mann, Caroline Green, David Guardado, Fred Swan, Chris Haberman and many more! It's a great opportunity to purchase some great work by your favorite artists for a very good price! Go check it out! Goodfoot is located at 2845 SE Stark. This next show openings this Thursday, May 1st. This is going to be very cool. A friend of mine, Katie Welch, has organized a showing of super cool poster art. Her parents, Tin and Carol, started a theater company in Portland called "Slabtown Stop Theatre". They were both very active in acting, directing and producing. Tin even had a part as an inmate in "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest" filmed at the Salem State Hospital. With this show, Katie will share her collection of her parents' theater posters from the early 1970s and a little history of what NW Portland was like before the Pearl. The collection, with works by great local artists like Henk Pender and Jere Harley, will be up for the month of May, but the opening should be fun this Thursday, because a lot of people who were involved in the scene will be there, memorializing Tin and Carol. Should be an excellent opening and I hope you will go to check it out. First Thursday, May 1, 2014 6 to 9pm Crawford Gallery at the Friendly House 1737 NW 26th (at Thurman) Well, that's about it for now. There is always more on the horizon, but I will check back in when the time is right. Till then, Cheers! So, I dropped off my pieces for the "Mounted" show this past weekend. Yep...PIECES. Plural. I felt extra inspired by yet another of Good Gallery owner, Scott Foster's, brilliant and fun themes. This show is going to be a real feast for the eyes! The opening reception will be this Friday, March 7, 7pm-10pm. Come on out to good:a gallery, 4325 N Mississippi Ave to check out my pieces. (They will be in GREAT company!!) I hope I see your smiling face there! There is still time for you to catch the "Wild and Woolly" show at Arbor Lodge Coffee House. (1507 N Rosa Parks Way) This show really is a hoot and the Bigfoot art is awesome. If you have a soft spot for this Cryptid with the huge dogs, be sure to get over there to check it all out. While you are there, cast a vote for your fav. (If your fav happens to be my piece all the better! ;-) ) This show ends on Saturday March 15 at which time there will be a closing reception from 6-9pm. I'll be there, and it would be awesome to see you there, too! Last, but definitely not least, it's not too late to get down town to take in the lovely "Love of Portland" group show. I love being invited to participate in this one and this is my second year doing so. This show will end on March 9th, so get down there while the gettin' is good! (People's Art of Portland, 700 SW 5th Ave , 3rd floor) Oh, I guess there is one more thing! I currently have eight of my photographs, matted and framed, hanging in the reception area of the NW Women's Fitness Club. (2714 NE Broadway) They are available for sale. If you work out there, be sure to check them out! Even if you don't exercise there, if you are in the neighborhood, you can pop in for a look see. Duh...ONE MORE THING. Last summer I was honored to have four of my paintings chosen by the art curators who stage the sets for the show, "Portlandia". It was all very hush hush and they had my paintings for the entire filming season. Well, turns out they used one of them and it came back to me with all these production notes written on the box I packed it in. This Thursday, March 6th the episode my art was used in is set to air. Look for it hanging in "Kath and Dave's" bedroom. Omg, right? 30 seconds on national TV?! Pretty neat. Ok...I think that is really it now. Yep, so that's where I'm at. I have a few new projects I'm working on and there are some more fun themed group shows coming up on the horizon. I'll write about them when the time comes. Until then....xoxo Mundane musings from a modern Mnemosyne
Children's Miscellany Too: More Useless Information That's Essential to KnowDe (autor) Matthew Morgan, Samantha Barnes Ilustrat de Niki Catlow en Limba Engleză Carte Hardback – September 2006 – vârsta de la 8 până la 12 ani Do you know... ...how to hypnotize a chicken? ...why the sky is blue? ...which animals are most commonly named 'Jaws'? ...how to make invisible ink? ...where to find the town of Ding Dong? ...how to turn your watch into a compass? ...what you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman? Find out, in this essential collection of the smart, the silly, and the strange. You won't find such a collection of bizarre knowledge and fascinating facts anywhere else. Whether you want to know how to talk to foreign animals, what to do if zombies attack, when to eat jellyfish, what a cryptid is, or how to be a phrenologist, this book is for you. Dimensiuni: 142 x 202 x 15 mm Greutate: 0.21 kg Editura: Chronicle Books
Ghosts set to meet their Nemesis Nemesis, the fourth DLC pack for Call of Duty: Ghosts, will deploy to Xbox consoles on August 5th. Video game news headlines delivered to your inbox daily. Click here to subscribe. Throughout this year's DLC season, Call of Duty: Ghosts has introduced several franchise firsts, including new killstreaks featuring the galaxy's ultimate hunter, the deadly Predator, and one of cinema's most iconic horror characters, Michael Myers, new weapons like the dual purpose "Maverick" Assault Rifle/Sniper Rifle and the tactical 2-in-1 Ripper SMG/Assault Rifle, as well as an all new episodic saga for Extinction. "First off I want to thank every one of our fans. The dedication of our players is overwhelming. The whole team at Infinity Ward is really excited about the release of the Nemesis and we think it's a great way to close out what's been a really fun DLC season," said Mark Rubin, Executive Producer at Infinity Ward. "DLC is a great way to unleash creative new content that is often the direct result of community feedback and interaction. So thank you again to the millions of people who play Call of Duty: Ghosts every day and keep the feedback coming!" The DLC season closes out strongly with Call of Duty: Ghosts Nemesis, which introduces four new multiplayer maps from the most varied locales, each with unique Field Orders specific to the map, and includes the exhilarating conclusion of Extinction's four-part narrative with "Episode 4: Exodus," where players fight for mankind's survival as the Cryptid invasion reaches its deadly climax. The four new small-to-medium multiplayer maps in Nemesis are designed specifically for Call of Duty's distinctive fast-paced, gun-on-gun gameplay. · "Goldrush" is set in an abandoned gold mine in the Southwest United States, where an intricate network of cavernous tunnels and perilous shafts create the ideal setting for medium to long range combat; while two mine carts race along the abandoned tracks offering players a fast way to traverse the map. Players who complete the unique field order on Goldrush will unleash a howling pack of wolves that will descend upon their enemies. · "Subzero" drops players into a frigid Canadian submarine base that has been hastily evacuated, with control room, submarine pen and research facilities all left eerily empty. Built around the traditional three-lane design, this medium-sized map harbors a mysterious terror that will decimate your enemies upon completion of the map's unique field order. · In "Dynasty," players are transported to a lakeside Chinese village surrounded by picturesque mountains, vivid gardens, and spectacular architecture - a serene environment that is anything but Zen-like. Multiple pathways crisscross the village in this medium map with a variety of elevation and numerous back alleys that create flanking routes. The unique field order on "Dynasty" allows players to call in an air strike of vertical takeoff fighter jets, while one lingers behind to give you unmatched air superiority. · Nemesis cranks the frenetic multiplayer action to unprecedented levels with the fourth multiplayer map, "Showtime," a sadistic reimagining of the smallest map in Call of Duty history, the fan favorite map from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare "Shipment." In the futuristic arena of "Showtime," blind corners and narrow pathways provide momentary reprieve from the outright mayhem within the central square comprised of several shipping containers. Tight confines call for shotguns and SMGs. Survive long enough to be rewarded with one of three killstreaks: lethal automated gun turrets at key locations on the map, an air drop with multiple care packages or a deadly gas attack that forces the action back into the center of the arena. Closing out the final DLC Pack for Call of Duty: Ghosts is the dramatic conclusion in the Extinction narrative, "Episode 4: Exodus." Following the CIF Unit's harrowing escape from the alien underworld and the successful recovery of Dr. Cross and the cortex, the team has flown in to fight off the Cryptid army's siege of the last bastion of human resistance. Your mission is to get key personnel to safety by restoring power to the shuttle and launching the shuttle to a low earth orbit space station. "Episode 4: Exodus" gives players unprecedented control of their escape route - choose your path, gather new intel, craft new weapons - and introduces the deadliest of enemies with a range of lethal powers, including mind control and psionic attacks - the Ancestors. As the battle for our survival draws to a close, the fate of mankind is in your hands.
Eevee Catastrophe is the tenth chapter of Zak Saturday's Immortal Love Life. It was first published on January 10, 2016. Wow. Just wow. I kissed Zak, again, and he kissed me. I could just scream my head off! Ok. I’m going a little crazy. But I can’t believe that this is happening, and this soon. I mean, I’ve only known him for about two weeks now. In some ways, this could be bad, but it’s not. Every time me and Zak see each other there’s always this little spark between us, and it’s been that way ever since we met. Maybe we’ll get married someday. Ok. I am definitely getting way in over my head. My mom says that I shouldn’t think that I might marry a guy until I’ve dated him for at least a year, so I’m going to take her advice on that and try to think of something else. Maybe we’ll have a couple kids. I mean, umm . . . augh. Why is it so damn hard? I hope I don’t become like those girls at school who think that they’re going to marry their boyfriends whom they just got together with, or their secret crushes, and write his last name next to their first name. Oooo . . . I wonder how that would sound. Sarah—no. Don’t even think about it. Maybe if I get some breakfast that’ll help clear my head. So I got out of bed, got dressed, grabbed my sword and scabbard, buckled it around my waist, and left the room. On my way out, I ran right into Zack—literally—and we both fell to the ground with me on top of him. “Hey,” he complained. “Watch where you’re going.” “Sorry,” I told him. “I didn’t expect you to walk by just as I came out the door.” “Yeah. Same here.” We both laughed. I stood up from on top of him and held out my hand to him, which he grabbed, and I pulled him up from the floor. “So, what happened with you and Zak last night?” Zack asked with a mischievous smile on his face. I blushed. “I’ll tell you later. Right now, I need to clear my head.” We headed toward the kitchen. On the way there, we ran into Zak, not literally this time. And, of course, he was wearing his usual clothing with his sword and the claw at his side. “Good morning, Zak,” I said, blushing again. “Good morning, Sarah,” he replied, also with a blush. “Did you sleep alright?” “I slept great. You?” “Good. I’m glad.” I smiled at him, and he smile back. We probably would’ve stared like that for a while if my twin brother hadn’t interrupted. “What am I, chop liver?” Zack said. I gave him an apologetic look. “Sorry, Zack.” “That’s ok. I was actually expecting it.” I rolled my eyes at him, then turned back to Zak. “We’re going to get some breakfast. Wanna come?” “Sure,” he replied. He stood beside me and we continued walking. Having them both walking on either side of me made me think that they were my body guards, which they kind of were. At least, Zack, anyway. He’s always protected me from bullies and vice versa. I’d say we’re both pretty lucky to have each other’s back. “Did you tell him?” Zak whispered to me. “Not yet,” I whispered back. “You’re actually going to tell him?” “Well, just the fact that he’s your brother. I mean, it’s kind of weird.” “Uh, you two do know that I have super hearing, right?” Zack asked, interrupting our conversation. I rolled my eyes at him again. “Yes. I do, anyway. But can’t you control it?” “Yes. But I can still hear you two talking to each other without it.” We finally got to the kitchen, and once we entered it, we noticed Doc and Drew standing near the counter, enjoying a cup of coffee. “’Morning, Mom and Dad,” Zak said. “Good morning, Zak,” Drew said. “And Sarah and Zack. How about you three take a seat?” We sat down across from them. “Now, Zak,” Doc started, looking serious. “Your mother and I decided on what punishment to give you for what you did last night . . .” Ok. Long story short. Zak’s punishment is no TV for a week and some other things, but he didn’t seem to really care that much. But why would he? I held up my index finger. “What about us?” “We’ll let your mother decide on that,” Drew said. I nodded. “Ok.” “You’ll let their mother decide on what?” my mom asked. She entered the room, followed by the animals, with Pikachu on her shoulders, as usual. “Hi, Mom,” I said. “Hi, Sarah, and hello to the rest of you,” she said. “Now what do you guys mean by ‘We’ll let your mother decide on that’? Decide on what?” “Our punishment,” Zack said simply. “Your punishment for what? What did you two do?” I looked at Zack and we both came to a silent agreement. “How about we talk about this in private?” I suggested. “Ok,” Mom said. Zack and I stood up from our seats, but just before we left the room, I leaned toward Zak. “I’ll meet you outside as soon as I’m done talking to my mom, ok?” I whispered in his ear. He nodded. “Ok.” I left the room with my family and we headed down the hallway toward the living room. Zack and I took turns explaining what happened last night along the way. I decided to leave out the part about me and Zak for now. After we finished, Mom couldn’t help but laugh. “Ok, well, I don’t really blame you two for helping Zak get rid of him,” she said. “You don’t?” Zack and I asked, even though we weren’t really surprised. “No. I’ve always told you two that you don’t have to tolerate someone you don’t like if you don’t want to, especially if that person is pissing you off.” Zack and I laughed. We remember a couple times where someone pissed off Mom (most of the time it was our dad), and she gave that person a piece of her mind. (Not literally, of course. Here’s a little advice: don’t ever make our mom mad or you’re gonna get it.) “So we’re not punished?” I asked. “Have I ever really punished you before?” Mom replied with another question. “Then there you go.” “Ok. Thanks. I think,” Zack said. He turned to me. “So, Sarah, how about you tell us what happened with you and Zak last night?” He had that mischievous smile on his face again. “What’s he talking about?” Mom asked me. I told them every single detail about it, even the couple make out sessions, which was really weird, but they seemed to like it a little bit. “Wow, Sarah,” Toto said. I blushed. “I know. “Good for you,” Honey said. “Way to go,” Kika said. “Thank you,” I said. “Does this mean that you and Zak are dating now?” Chewie asked. “Umm, I don’t know. I guess so.” “You’re a hypocrite,” Zack said. I glared at him. “Shut up.” “Well, you kind of are.” “I kind of am, yes.” “Wait, Zack,” Mom said. “Why are you calling her a hypocrite?” He looked at me to explain. I looked at Mom. “I wrote a song about this kind of situation, and in the chorus one line says ‘’Cause I don’t want to fall in love’” You heard me right. I write songs. It’s kind of my hobby, and I love doing it. “Oh, ok,” Mom said. “But it doesn’t mean you get to call her that, Zack. I mean, it’s just a song.” I glared at her. “It’s not just a song. Every song I write means something. I don’t write them just to write them. I write them based on what’s going on in my life or how I feel about something. Every song has a story behind it. At least, every one of my songs do.” Ok. That may have come out harsher than I meant it to. “I know,” Mom said calmly. “You’ve told me that a million times before.” “And I will tell you it a million times again,” I said. “I’m sure you will. But, Sarah, why would you write a song with the lyrics ‘I don’t want to fall in love’? Why don’t you want to fall in love?” “Well, for starters, the next line after that is ‘If I ever did that, I think I’d have a heart attack.’” “Are you having one right now?” “An emotional one, yes.” Mom laughed. “Ok. But is that really the only reason you don’t want to fall in love? I mean, falling in love can be a great thing if it’s with the right person.” “Yeah. At least until you get your heart broken for the first time,” I said. “Well, I suppose that’s true,” Mom, sounding kind of sad. “How many times has your heart been broken?” “And how many times have you fallen in love?” “Two, technically, three times.” “Can you describe the other two for us a little bit?” I asked. “Well, the first one I didn’t really like that much,” Mom said. “I was actually thinking of breaking up with him a few times, because I didn’t like the way he talked to me half the time, so I don’t know why I cared so much when he did it first.” “Maybe it was because of how he did it,” Amber said. “Yeah, that’s probably why.” “How did he break up with you?” I asked. Mom waved aside the question. “I don’t want to talk about it. But anyway, the second time I fell in love was actually the best time of my life, no offense to your dad.” “That is, until, he broke your heart?” I asked. “’Til you broke his heart?” Zack asked. “No. Our relationship didn’t end that way. It was actually taken away from us.” Zack and I were confused, but Pikachu and the animals seemed to know exactly what she was talking about, because they gave Mom worried and comforting looks. “What do you mean?” I asked. “I—I can’t talk about it,” Mom said, looking sad. A look I recognized. I had a feeling I knew who she was talking about. “Wait,” I said. “Are you talking about that ‘friend’ of yours that Kika and Honey told me about?” Mom looked surprised, then turned toward Kika and Honey. “You two told her about him?” “We didn’t tell her his name,” Kika said defensively. “Yeah,” Honey agreed. “And that he was only your friend.” “Well, she doesn’t seem to think that he was just my friend,” Mom said. “Was he?” I asked. “But you loved him?” “Yes. In a friendly way.” “Then why won’t you tell us his name?” “Because it hurts to say it.” “Why? Because he didn’t feel the same way about you as you did for him?” “I said that our love was taken away from us, didn’t I?” “So he was more that just your friend.” Mom gritted her teeth. “You either shut up or I’m going to electrocute you.” Her fists were burning with electricity. I didn't believe my mom would ever hurt me. Unless I really piss her off, which I am doing right now, and, as I mentioned earlier, you don’t ever want to make her mad or you’re gonna regret it, so I shut up. She tries to be a good convincing liar, but she doesn’t always succeed. “I’m sorry,” I told her. “You’ve been doing this for the past couple years and it’s just really annoying.” “It’s ok,” Mom said, not sounding angry anymore. “But I have a right to keep my past a secret if I want to.” “But I tell you all my secrets.” “That’s because you want to, not because you have to. There are certain things that you, as my daughter should tell me, and other, less serious things that you don’t necessarily need to tell me either. But I don’t have to do the same with you unless I want to, ok?” I nodded. I looked down at the floor, feeling guilty about what I just did. Mom noticed my guilt and looked guilty herself. “So, you don’t want to fall in love?” she asked me. I laughed a little bit and looked up at her. “It was meant to be a love song. Not the opposite of one.” “Oh, yeah, right,” Zack said. “You really think that the first two verses of that song is something you would say in a love song?” “Well, no, not exactly.” “Did you write it like ‘I don’t want to fall in love, but I’ll make the exception for you?’” Mom asked. We all laughed. “Kind of. Yeah,” I admitted. “But not in those exact words, of course.” “Can I hear it?” Mom asked. “I haven’t worked on the music for it yet. Besides, I told Zak that I would meet him outside after I was done here. So can I go?” Mom nodded. “Go ahead. Are you giving him a sword lesson?” “Maybe. But first I was thinking of showing him my Pokémon. And speaking of which, I better go get them. See you all later.” “See ya,” Zack said. I waved goodbye, then I ran toward my room to get my Pokémon. Or should I say Poké balls, since that’s where they really were. I keep my Poké balls in a purple bag that’s as big as a handbag, but it’s more like a Walkman with a strap that I can buckle around my waist, which I did. I headed outside to go meet Zak. He was sitting on a log in our usual place when we have our lessons. When he noticed me, he smiled, and I smiled back. “Hi,” I said once I was just a couple feet from him, then I sat down next to him on the log. “Hi,” Zak said. “So how did things go with your mom? Are you grounded?” I shook my head. “No. Our mom doesn’t really blame us for doing that, and she probably would’ve done something similar too.” I nodded. “Yep.” “Wow. Your mom’s a cool mom.” “Please don’t say that,” I said, a little too insistently. “Well, our mom let’s us do things that most parents would never let their kids do, and one time we told a girl about those things and that girl thought our mom was also pretty cool, and she told her mom about it, and her mom told her not to ever speak to me or Zack again.” “Why?” Zak asked. “Because her mother thought that we were bad influences. So, one thing led to another, and the girl was mad at her mother, and she said that she wished her mom was like our mom, which, of course, made things worse. Her mom talked to our mom and told her that she was an irresponsible parent who puts her kids in danger, and a lot more happened after that. So the girl moved away and we never heard from her again.” I let that sink in for a moment. Thinking of that girl again kind if hurt. “Wow,” was all Zak said. But, really, what do you say to something like that? I nodded. “Yeah. After that our mom told us not to tell anyone what she lets us do or something like that could happen again. Now do you understand why I don’t want you to say that our mom is cool?” He nodded. “Yeah. But just because I think your mom’s cool, doesn’t mean I wish she was my mom. I love my parents, and at times they’re cool themselves, but even when they’re not, I still wouldn’t want to trade either of them for any other parents in the world.” When I heard him say those words, I couldn’t help but smile. I mean, those are probably the best things you can say in a situation like that, and Zak just came up with them so quickly. It’s amazing. He always seems to know exactly what to say and when to say it—well, sometimes—and I like that about him. “What?” Zak asked me, noticing the way I was smiling at him. I gave a hug. “What?” he asked again, smiling a little bit himself. I pulled away a little bit. “That is so sweet. You obviously really love your parents, and it’s really cute.” “Umm, thanks,” he said. “But I don’t just love my parents. I also love my pets, my brothers, Fiskerton, Komodo, and Zon.” “I can tell you do.” I gave him a kiss. “So, Zak,” I said. “I was wondering if maybe you would like to meet my Pokémon?” “Sure,” he said. “How many do you have?” “Umm, thirteen. But I only have eleven of them with me right now. The other two are at home.” He nodded. “Ok.” I grabbed the bag from around my waist, pulled out three Poké balls, enlarged them, threw them up in the air, and out came Charizard, Plusle, and Latias. I grabbed Zak’s hand and pulled him over to meet them. Plusle jumped onto my shoulder like she always does when I let her out of her out. “Zak, this is Plusle,” I introduced. “Plusle, meet Zak.” “Hi, Plusle,” he greeted her, and she greeted him back with a wave of her hand, or paw. “She’s an electric type, so she mostly uses electricity.” I nodded. “Yes. And you’ve already met Charizard and Latias, the fire/flying and dragon/psychic type.” “They’re really cool.” Charizard growled at Zak, and he looked like he was about to attack him. “Charizard, don’t,” I told him. He stopped, but continued to glare at Zak. I turned to him. “Sorry. Charizard tends to get jealous when he sees me around other boys.” “Does he have a crush on you?” Zak asked. “Umm, yeah. You could say that.” I grabbed their Poké balls and returned them to theirs. I put them back in the bag and grabbed out the other eight, threw them in the air, and out came the eight evolved forms of Eevee. They greeted me like dogs by jumping at me. I gestured for all of them to form a line in front of me and Zak, which they did. “Zak, this is the rest of my Pokémon,” I said. “The Eevee team.” “Cool,” he said. I pointed to each of them while telling their names and type one at a time. “This is Espeon, a psychic type; Jolteon, an electric; Vaporeon, a water; Flareon, a fire; Leafon, a grass; Glaceon, an ice; Sylveon, a fairy; and Umbreon, a dark. Guys, this is Zak.” They all greeted him the same as they did me, which I thought was cute. “They’re all very friendly,” I said. “Obviously,” Zak said as he petted them, then laughed when they jumped on him. I laughed too, then joined them. Zak tried to stand up, but the Eevees just kept knocking him back down. Eventually he was able to stand up, but when he tried to get out of the center of their circle, all hell broke loose. Jolten suddenly howled in pain, then used Thunderbolt, which shocked every one of us and caused a chain reaction with the other eevees, and they, too, started to use their own powers. “Stop, guys! It was an accident.” I tried telling them, but they all ignored me. Worse thing about this: me and Zak were in the middle of it all. Zak pulled me out of the way when Flareon used Flamethrower; then Glaceon with Ice Beam. We made it to the edge of the woods where we were least likely to be hit with any of their attacks. “Why did Jolteon howl in pain like that?” I asked, sounding a little scared. Zak looked worried. “I think I accidentally stepped on its tail.” “Jolteon is the only one that doesn’t have a tail. You must’ve stepped on her paw. Either way, it was an accident. I gotta find a way to stop them from continuing to hurt each other.” I thought for a moment. “Maybe I should put them back in their Poké Balls.” I moved my hand to my waist where my bag was, but it wasn’t there. “Where’s my bag?” I asked. Zak pointed over to it. It was lying on the ground about forty feet away. Unfortunately, it was in the center of the chaos. I had to get to it. “Stay here,” I told Zak. I started heading for it, but Zak put a hand on my shoulder, stopping me. “Sarah, it’s too risky.” “What other choice do we have?” He stayed silent. I looked him over and noticed something hanging from his belt that could be helpful. “The claw. Do you think you can slingshot it over to my bag and bring it back to us?” “I can try,” he said. He grabbed it, aimed it, pressed the button on it, and it shot over to my bag. The good news: the claw made it to the bag and grabbed on to it. The bad news: Jolteon’s Thunderbolt hit it, climbing up the cable back toward the base. “Drop it!” I told Zak. I knocked it out of his hand and pushed him away just in time before the Thunderbolt got to the other end and electrocuted him. Surprisingly, my bag didn’t seem to be damaged in any way. I wish I could say the same for the claw. It burned when the electricity hit it, so all that was left of it was a pile of ash. The look on Zak’s face was priceless. He looked about ready to cry (boy, he was way too attached to his, now burned, claw), which I would’ve found funny if I wasn’t horrified at my Pokémon trying to kill each other. I needed to stop them and only Mom would know how. Zak was still staring at his burned claw. “Pull it together, Zak,” I told him. “We need to get my mom. Do you know any other way to get inside your house?” He shook out of his daze, then nodded. “Yeah. Follow me.” He led to the other side of the house and I noticed another door. I grabbed his hand and we bolted inside. We ran through a few hallways, but I’m not sure where my mom could be. We went down another hallway, but stopped when we noticed some animals were fighting with each other. “Komodo?” he asked. “What kind of cryptids are those? Or are they Pokémon too?” Komodo was having a fight with two black dogs. I knew who they were, but I don’t know why he let them out in a place they weren’t familiar with and didn’t keep an eye on them since they’re known to be vicious with other animals. “Pokémon,” I said. “My twin brother’s, to be exact. Come on. We’ll save Komodo too. Komodo, turn invisible!” He didn’t seem to hear me. I’m gonna kill Zack if they kill him. We continued down the hallway toward the living room. Hopefully, my mom was there. And thank God, she was, and so were Zak’s parents, and the animals. “Mom, I need help,” I said. “What’s wrong?” she asked. I told her about the eevees and how Zak accidentally stepped on Jolteon’s paw, causing him to use Thunderbolt, shocking the other eevees and making them go berserk. Mom nodded. “Ok.” Zack ran into the room, out of breath. “Mom, do you know where—” “Down the hall,” I interrupted, pointing in that direction. He didn’t even ask how I knew what he was going to ask. “Thanks.” And down the hall he went. “What was that about?” Mom asked me. “On the way here, we saw Mightyena and Houndoom with Komodo,” I explained. “And it did not look friendly.” Mom sighed. “Ok. You guys should train your Pokémon just a little better.” She was probably right about that. She stood up from the couch where she was sitting. “Alright. Let’s go stop your Pokémon from continuing to kill each other.” She turned toward Pikachu, who was sitting on the back of the couch. “Pikachu, I’m going to need your help with this.” “Pika,” she said, which probably meant “Ok.” She jumped onto Mom’s shoulder. “Where are the eevees?” Mom asked. We led her outside to the place where they were. They were still fighting with each other. “Pikachu,” Mom said. “You know what to do.” Pikachu jumped off her shoulder and stood about ten feet from us. She used her electricity, releasing it all around her, hitting every one of the eevees. All of them stopped their attacks and collapsed. Well, all of them except Jolteon, since his special ability is Volt Absorb, and Leafon too, since electric types don’t work well against grass, but they stopped attacking. “Eevees, come here, please,” Mom called them. They came toward her and sat align in front of her. “You guys are all friends,” Mom told them. “And just because one of you used your power on all of you accidentally, doesn’t mean you get to attack back. Now promise me that neither of you will ever cause something like this to happen again, ok?” All the eevees, except for Jolteon, said something, then nodded. Jolteon said something, then looked accusingly at Zak. “I know he did,” Mom told him. “But it was an accident, Jolteon.” Jolteon didn’t seem to care that it was accident, so he just snorted and turned his head away. Mom sighed, then turned toward me. “Sarah, put them back in their Poké balls, please.” Leafon went to pick up my bag and brought it to me. I gladly took it. “Thank you, Leafeon.” I returned all of them to their Poké balls. “Stubborn Pokémon,” Mom said. “Jolteon is known to be like that,” I said. “I know. But does he have to be that way?” I just shrugged. Pikachu climbed back onto Mom’s shoulder. “Thank you, Pikachu,” Mom told her. Mom turned back toward me and Zak. “Well, you two have fun.” “Wait, Mom,” I said. “Before you go, can you fix Zak’s claw for me?” I gestured to the pile of ash near the tree. “Of course,” she said. She held out her hand and summoned the ash to her. She turned it back into the claw and handed it to Zak, who looked very relieved that he got his baby back. That’s right. I called it his baby, because that’s how he seems to treat it. “Thank you, Raylee,” he said. Then he hung it back on his belt. “You’re very welcome,” Mom said. “I’ll see you guys later.” She and Pikachu headed inside. I turned to Zak. “Zak, I’m really sorry about the way my Pokémon were acting.” “It’s ok, Sarah. You don’t have to apologize. It wasn’t your fault. So, your brother has Pokémon too?” “Well, if I do, he does too.” “How many does he have?” “Four less than you?” “Yeah. I like really cute Pokémon.” “What kind of Pokémon does he have?” “Most of them are dogs. He really likes dogs. Six dogs, three of them are special kinds of dog Pokémon, and his other three are like the first three of mine that I showed you. Minun, which is Plusle’s brother. Latios, Latias’ brother. And he also has his own Charizard.” “Is it related to yours?” Zak asked. “No. They’re just friends,” I said “Ok. So what do you want to do now?” “How about we go inside?” We walked inside and went toward the living room. It’s funny how the day ends so quickly, even though it feels like it just started. Outside, the sun was about to set. When we got to the living room, everybody was just sitting around chatting with each other. I noticed Komodo and Zack sitting near the window, and I ran toward them. I looked over Komodo, but he didn’t seem to be burned or injured at all. “He’s not hurt,” Zack said. “He better not be,” I said. “Why did you let them out of their Poké balls? You know how they are.” “I know. I was training with them. They noticed Komodo and chased him.” Komodo bumped his head against my hand. I was going to rub his hand when I noticed that both of my hands were glowing bright red. My eyes widened, then I turned to my mom. “Umm, Mom?” “Well, it’s about time,” she said. “Do you know what that means?” “That my powers have activated?” She nodded. “Yes. Do you want to try one right now?” “Ok. Which element do you want to learn first?” I thought about for a moment. My hands were still glowing red, so I thought of an element that is that color. “Fire.” “Alright,” Mom said. “Now hold out your hand. Close your eyes and think of anything involving fire. Then imagine all of that fire in the palm of your hand.” I did as she told me and closed my eyes. Surprisingly, it wasn’t that hard to think of fire. I just thought of the times I’ve seen Zack use his fire powers, then the tip of Charizard’s tail and his and Flareon’s Flamethrower, and imagined it all in my hand. When I opened my hand it was completely covered in flames, and it didn’t burn my hand one bit. I flicked my hand and the fire went out. “Cool,” I said. “The more you do it, the more easier it’ll be to summon,” Zack said. I nodded. Of course it’ll become easier to use my powers eventually. “We can start tomorrow,” Mom said. “Ok,” I said. These past few days have been really great (minus the eevees trying to kill each other). First, Zak becomes my boyfriend; and second, my powers finally activated. I couldn’t wait to learn how to use them tomorrow. Unfortunately, Sarah might not be able to learn her powers right away tomorrow. My mom and dad announced that we were going to go find a cryptid tomorrow in Africa, so we decided to spend the night in the airship while it takes us there. It was almost 11:30 pm Eastern Time and everybody was probably asleep by now. I was lying in bed and was wide awake. I knew a new episode of Weird World was about to come on, so I had already decided a while ago that I would get up and watch it. I woke up Komodo, who sleeps on the foot of my bed every single night, and he likes watching that show too. “Come on, Komodo,” I told him. He got down from the bed and followed me out the door, turning himself invisible in the process. Before heading to the control room where the TV was, I went to Sarah’s room, thinking that maybe she might want to watch it with me. When I entered the room, Sarah was sound asleep on the bed. She looks really cute even when she sleeps. I almost hated myself for waking her up. “Sarah,” I whispered in her ear. “Sarah.” She groaned a little bit before she finally opened her eyes. She was surprised to see me, then sighed in relief. “Zak, what the hell are you doing in here? I almost sliced your head off.” I noticed her sword was lying on the bed next to her and she was gripping the hilt of it. “It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve almost done just that,” I muttered. “You sleep with your sword?” “Hey, you never know when something might happen,” she said defensively. “At least this way, I’m prepared for anything.” She had a good point there. “Now why the hell did you wake me up?” “To see if maybe you wanted to watch Weird World with me,” I replied. “Oh, ok. But why?” “Just to see if you like it or not.” “Aren’t you grounded from watching TV?” “This wouldn’t be the first time that I’ve broken my punishment.” “That I believe. Alright.” She pushed the covers off of herself and climbed out of bed. I took her hand and we left the room. “Let’s go check on my parents before we head to the control room,” I said. “What about Zack?” Sarah asked. “What about him?” “Hey, if I’m gonna watch this then he is too. You go check on your parents while I go get him and we’ll meet you there, ok?” “Ok. Try not to fall asleep.” She glared at me, then went down the hallway. I went down the other way. I heard my parents in the back of the airship. I sneaked closer toward the entrance. Mom and Dad were having a late night combat practice. They probably wouldn’t hear us watching TV. I was about to go back when a thought occurred to me: Where’s Komodo? “You still with me, Komodo?” I whispered. He appeared right in front of me and licked my face. “Good boy. Get ready . . . now.” We ran toward the control room. Sarah and Zack were already there, waiting for me, and so were Zon and Fiskerton. “I hate you right now,” Zack told me. I just laughed. “You two really like your sleep. And Sarah was the one that wanted to wake you up, not me.” “Yeah, but since you woke her up, she woke me up, so it’s really your fault.” “Alright, guys,” Sarah said, stepping between us. “Let’s just watch this damn show so that we all can go back to bed.” “Fine,” Zack said. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, then I sat down on the only chair in there. Sarah sat on the armrest of it, and Zack just sat on the floor. Fisk hung down from the ceiling. “Hey, Fisk,” I said. “Got the popcorn?” He produced a bag of it in his hand. Is this sufficient? I put my hand over his mouth. “Quiet. Dad would kill me if he knew we were up here watching this.” The episode started and I cheered. “Here we go.” A few minutes into the show, Sarah almost fell over, but I caught her. “Are you alright?” I asked her. She nodded. “Yeah. I’m just really tired.” “How about you sit on my lap?” That seemed to wake her up fully. “Are you sure?” “Yeah. It’s ok.” She sat down on my lap carefully and nervously, then leaned against me while I wrapped an around her waist and pulled her closer. We turned back to the TV screen. Argost was talking about some kingdom named Kumari Kandam and how it sank into the depths of the Indian Ocean, kind of like Atlantis. “You woke me up to watch this crap?” Sarah asked me. I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m guessing you don’t like it?” “It’s just so . . . weird.” “That’s probably why it’s called Weird World,” Zack said. “Well, obviously. I just couldn’t come up with a better word.” We watched the rest of the episode, and when it was over, I realized Sarah was asleep. “I’ll take her back to bed,” I said. “Ok,” Zack said, looking really tired, then left the room. I picked Sarah up, which wasn’t easy since she was sitting on my lap, but I eventually managed and carried her to her room with Komodo following close behind. I laid her down on her bed and pulled the covers over her. I didn’t realize how tired I was until just then. I was worried that I was going to fall asleep before I got back to my room, which would definitely prove to Mom and Dad that I snuck out to watch TV if they found me. So I decided to stay with Sarah for the rest of the night. That shouldn’t hurt, right? I climbed onto the bed, went under the covers, and pulled Sarah close to me. Komodo laid on the foot of the bed, as always. I fell asleep the instant my head hit the pillows. Based on some of the lyrics that were given, what is the name of the song that Sarah wrote, and who sings it? Please review here. - Fiskerton Saturday - Komodo Saturday - Zon Saturday - Pikachu Hollinger - Amber Hollinger - Shillow Hollinger - Kimbia Hollinger - Kika Hollinger - Chewie Hollinger - Toto Hollinger - Honey Hollinger - Sarah's powers activate.
There are reports that MASSIVE, white-colored creatures—reported to be to up to 30 meters in length, with shockingly human facial features—inhabit the frigid waters surrounding Antarctica. No one knows for sure what they are, although there are numerous theories, and large number of vessels claim to be eyewitnesses to the massive humanoids rising from the depths Humanoid Aquatic Giants Reported in seas Surrounding Antarctica Although these beings have been reported for decades, recent reports of a large number of sightings rumors circulated the world. All of these sightings report the existence of gigantic humanoid forms of life in the icy waters of Antarctica. These creatures are referred to as Ningen (人間, ‘human beings’ in Japanese) and are consistently said to have a human-like shape, often with legs, arms, and even five-fingered hands. However, reports do have some variation. Some have described them as having fins or a mermaid-like tail. Among the most visible facial features are the creature’s eyes and mouth, which are consistently described as human like (pictures can be found above and below). This all begs the question: What are the mysterious creatures referred to as Ningen, and are they supernatural? While there are many descriptions that try to depict the Ningen as clearly as possible, one of the most consistent features is the size of the Ningen. According to numerous reports, these supermassive white-colored humanoid beings grow up to 30 meters. Skeptics will say “so what… maybe it’s just some giant fish?” However, according to reports—and countless videos posted online—these mystery beings are totally unlike any sort of fish that has been documented by modern zoology, science, or government agencies. For example, one sighting mentions that crew members of a vessel traveling near Antarctica observed what they initially believed to be a submarine. However, when they approached the submerged object to gather more information, it became clear by the irregular shape of the object and its startling behavior that it was not made. When the crew approached the creature, it immediately vanished into the depths, almost as if it had been watching them. The descriptions given by the crew match up perfectly with descriptions of this cryptid from other sources. Ningen have also been spotted in other areas, notably the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Unfortunately, most of the sightings occurred at night, making the mystery beings extremely difficult to document or clearly capture on video, and leading to the conclusion that they are mostly nocturnal creatures. They may also hunt their prey, whatever it is they may feed on, at night, making it difficult to discover any patterns in their movement or habits. So what information do we have about what these creatures may be? Many skeptics consider the existence of the Ningen to be massive modern “urban legend”, despite the numerous eyewitnesses. Much of the early information about the Ningen goes back to series of posts in the online community “2channel”, where one member described seeing the giant humanoid creature while serving on a government research vessel. During this sighting, one of the beings rose up to the surface and approached the vessel from the depths, although it did not attack and soon vanished. The topic soon attracted the attention from readers outside of these forums. This lead the Ningen to became popular among the paranormal research community as a whole There are several theories offered by skeptics, including an albino whale, some sort of so far unknown species of giant aquatic non-human ape, a new species of giant manta ray, an aquatic sloth, some even argue how it could be an unknown alien species, and some religious observers believe that it could be a demon or giant as described in the Bible. However, it is difficult to believe that such a large animal could have gone undiscovered for so long.
You are here Can Am BRP Facing the deepest, stickiest mud holes starts at the very bottom, and Can-Am’s multiple mud racing championships mean these mud monsters wear 30-in ITP Cryptid tires, rock up to 15-in. of ground clearance, and have specially arched suspension to help clear hidden obstacles. Up top, the aggressive snorkeled intakes mean only one thing: if you can breathe, they can, too. THE NEW MAVERICK Something special’s right around the corner, a challenge we’ve not yet tackled. That’s about to change, in a big way on September 20th. Get the inside scoop before anyone else and ensure you’re ready for the journey ahead.
September 24, 2018 THE Snallygaster is a mysterious unknown cryptid that is said to look like a dragon. The legend of the beast originated with German immigrants that settled in Frederick County in Central Maryland. Maryland is a Mid-Atlantic state that’s defined by its abundant waterways and coastlines on the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean. It is a neighboring state west of New Jersey.
A big haul this week, with the monthly DAW mass market paperbacks arriving as well as several other goodies. The Mad Scientist's Guide to World Domination edited by John Joseph Adams (Tor Trade Paperback 02/19/2013) – Adams is probably the pre-eminent editor of themed-anthologies today. I’ve read a handful of his anthologies and they’ve all been top-notch, which I expect will be the same for this anthology. From Victor Frankenstein to Lex Luthor, from Dr. Moreau to Dr. Doom, readers have long been fascinated by insane plans for world domination and the madmen who devise them. Typically, we see these villains through the eyes of good guys. This anthology, however, explores the world of mad scientists and evil geniuses—from their own wonderfully twisted point of view. An all-star roster of bestselling authors—including Diana Gabaldon, Daniel Wilson, Austin Grossman, Naomi Novik, and Seanan McGuire…twenty-two great storytellers all told—have produced a fabulous assortment of stories guaranteed to provide readers with hour after hour of high-octane entertainment born of the most megalomaniacal mayhem imaginable. Everybody loves villains. They’re bad; they always stir the pot; they’re much more fun than the good guys, even if we want to see the good guys win. Their fiendish schemes, maniacal laughter, and limitless ambition are legendary, but what lies behind those crazy eyes and wicked grins? How—and why—do they commit these nefarious deeds? And why are they so set on taking over the world? If you’ve ever asked yourself any of these questions, you’re in luck: It’s finally time for the madmen’s side of the story. American Elsewhere by Robert Jackson Bennett (Orbit Trade Paperback 02/12/2013) – With The Troupe, Robert Jackson Bennett wrote my favorite novel of 2012 and one of the best novels I read in the past five or ten years so yeah, you could say this is high on the anticipation list for 2013. Ex-cop Mona Bright has been living a hard couple of years on the road, but when her estranged father dies, she finds she's had a home all along: a little house her deceased mother once owned in Wink, New Mexico. And though every map denies Wink exists, Mona finds they're wrong: not only is Wink real, it is the perfect American small town, somehow retaining all the Atomic Age optimism the rest of world has abandoned. But the closer Mona gets to her mother's past, the more she understands that the people in Wink are very, very different - and what's more, Mona begins to recognize her own bond to this strange place, which feels more like home every day. A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan (Tor Hardcover 02/05/2013) – Brennan’s been writing about the courts of fae in The Onyx Court series for a few years now, and Mark / Hobbit of SFFWorld has enjoyed those books. This is something of a departure from those books and has been described as “Downton Abbey, But With Dragons!” You, dear reader, continue at your own risk. It is not for the faint of heart—no more so than the study of dragons itself. But such study offers rewards beyond compare: to stand in a dragon’s presence, even for the briefest of moments—even at the risk of one’s life—is a delight that, once experienced, can never be forgotten. . . . All the world, from Scirland to the farthest reaches of Eriga, know Isabella, Lady Trent, to be the world’s preeminent dragon naturalist. She is the remarkable woman who brought the study of dragons out of the misty shadows of myth and misunderstanding into the clear light of modern science. But before she became the illustrious figure we know today, there was a bookish young woman whose passion for learning, natural history, and, yes, dragons defied the stifling conventions of her day. Here at last, in her own words, is the true story of a pioneering spirit who risked her reputation, her prospects, and her fragile flesh and bone to satisfy her scientific curiosity; of how she sought true love and happiness despite her lamentable eccentricities; and of her thrilling expedition to the perilous mountains of Vystrana, where she made the first of many historic discoveries that would change the world forever. Marie Brennan introduces an enchanting new world in A Natural History of Dragons. Intruder (Foreigner #13) by C. J. Cherryh (DAW Hardcover 03/05/2013) – Mass Market reissue of last year’s hardcover version of the 13th installment of the long-running series. My (now) colleague at Tor.com Jo Walton did a nice re-read of the series. Civil war on the world of the atevi seems to be over, but diplomatic disputes and political infighting continue unabated. Bren Cameron, brilliant human diplomat allied with the dominant Western Association, has just returned to the capital from his country home on the coast. But his sojourn was anything but restful. Attacked by rebel forces hoping to kill not only him, but also Ilisidi, the grandmother, and Cajieri, the young son, of Tabini-aiji, the powerful head of the Western Association, Bren and his resourceful associates have had a small war of their own to contend with. And this small war has ended with a daring proposition: that their longtime enemy Machigi, having been double-crossed by his allies and approached by Ilisidi with an offer of alliance, will sign a trade agreement with her Eastern district-a situation which has upset both the rebels and the loyal north. But Bren’s accustomed role as negotiator for Tabini, Ilisidi, and their associates has suddenly changed radically—for Machigi, to Bren’s utter shock, has evoked an ancient law. Bren wears the white ribbon that for the last few centuries has identified the single official human-atevi negotiator. But before humans landed, this white ribbon represented a specialized negotiator between atevi adversaries—a mediator who agreed to represent both sides with equal loyalty. These ancient mediators frequently ended up dead. Now back in the capital, Bren finds that things are even more complicated than they previously were. He has now been put in the precaroius position of representing both Ilisidi and Machigi to the congress, and is becoming embroiled with both conservative and liberal factions. Meanwhile, Tabini-aiji is enraged to have lost the personal negotiator who has been his associate for decades, and is also jealous of any other party who stands to influence his young son. But there are even more dangerous things afoot, for Bren’s bodyguard has warned him there is a crisis inside the immensely dangerous Assassins’ Guild, and that the recent dustup with the Shadow Guild, a rebellious faction within the Assassins, may be only the beginning. The Plain Man (The Max August Magikal Thrillers #3) by Steve Englehart (Tor Hardcover 02/19/2013) – Englehart has written some of the most popular characters in comics, and their most acclaimed stories. This book is the third in his urban fantasy/mystery/thriller. Legendary comics writer Steve Englehart returns to the adventures of Max August in The Arena Man, the fourth novel in his fantasy thriller series. Max August was once a regular guy, before he learned the ways of magick and immortality and became a staunch crusader against the supernatural forces of evil. Though immune to the effects of time, Max is not indestructible, and now he must face the vast, worldwide conspiracy known as the Necklace. Max has only a few allies in this fight among them: Pam, an apprentice in the alchemical arts, and Vee, a chanteuse with an uncanny knack for all things magick. But the Necklace is plotting a massive catastrophe fueled by the magical power of a demonic entity; using Black Ops helicopters to massacre tens of thousands of spectators in a domed stadium, re-awakening terrorist fears and destabilizing the U.S. government. Max will need all his magick, and all the help he can get, for him to have any chance to thwart the attack and survive to fight another day. The Secret of Ji: Six Heirs by Pierre Grimbert (AmazonCrossing Trade Paperback 02/19/2013) – This is a translation from a popular, acclaimed French fantasy novel from Amazon’s imprint focusing on non-English/non-US authors. The Known World is a sprawling region ruled by mortals, protected by gods, and plied by magicians and warriors, merchants and beggars, royals and scoundrels. Here, those with the gift of the Erjak share a psychic bond with animals; a far-reaching fraternity unites criminals of every persuasion in a vast army of villainy; and upon the mighty river Alt, the dead will one day sail seeking vengeance on the enemies of their descendants. But for all the Known World’s wonders, splendors, and terrors, what has endured most powerfully is the strange legacy of Ji. Emissaries from every nation—the grand Goranese Empire; desolate, frozen Arkary; cosmopolitan Lorelia; and beyond—followed an enigmatic summons into the unknown. Some never returned; others were never the same. Each successive generation has guarded the profound truth and held sacred the legendary event. But now, the very last of them—and the wisdom they possess—are threatened. The time has come to fight for ultimate enlightenment…or fall to infinite darkness. The Forever Knight by John Marco (DAW Hardcover 04/02/2013) – I’ve been enjoying John Marco’s books ever since I read his debut novel The Jackal of Nar. This one picks up the story John last told in The Sword of Angels Lukien is the Bronze Knight, beloved by his kingdom and renowned in battle throughout his world. After betraying his king and losing his beloved, he wishes only for death, but rather than die, Lukien is given a chance for redemption: to be the protector of the Inhumans—those fragile mortals who live deep in the desert, far from the prying eyes of their world. These remarkable individuals have been granted magical powers in exchange for the hardships and handicaps life has handed them. And Lukien, now immortal himself, must be their champion. But how can one man, even an immortal warrior, protect hundreds from a world of potential enemies? Midnight Blue Light Special (An InCryptid Novel #2) by Seanan McGuire (DAW Mass Market 03/05/2013) – McGuirre’s output is impressive, in terms of quantity and the praise I see heaped upon her work. This is the second in her latest series. 1. Any creature whose existence has been suggested but not proven scientifically. Term officially coined by cryptozoologist John E. Wall in 1983. 2. That thing that's getting ready to eat your head. 3. See also: "monster." The Price family has spent generations studying the monsters of the world, working to protect them from humanity—and humanity from them. Enter Verity Price. Despite being trained from birth as a cryptozoologist, she'd rather dance a tango than tangle with a demon, and when her work with the cryptid community took her to Manhattan, she thought she would finally be free to pursue competition-level dance in earnest. It didn't quite work out that way... But now, with the snake cult that was killing virgins all over Manhattan finally taken care of, Verity is ready to settle down for some serious ballroom dancing—until her on-again, off-again, semi-boyfriend Dominic De Luca, a member of the monster-hunting Covenant of St. George, informs her that the Covenant is on their way to assess the city's readiness for a cryptid purge. With everything and everyone she loves on the line, there's no way Verity can take that lying down. Alliances will be tested, allies will be questioned, lives will be lost, and the talking mice in Verity's apartment will immortalize everything as holy writ—assuming there's anyone left standing when all is said and done. It's a midnight blue-light special, and the sale of the day is on betrayal, deceit...and carnage. The Books of Barakhai by Mickey Zucker Reichert (DAW Mass Market Paperback 03/05/2013) – This is an omnibus/two-in-one of the two Barakhai novels Reichert wrote. Crossover / Portal fantasy wherein a man from our world magically finds himself in world filled with shapeshifters and magic. Benton Collins was a graduate student working in the bio lab to earn his way to his degree. When a white lab rat somehow managed to escape its cage, Ben found himself chasing the rat into a storeroom that would ultimately lead him through a secret gateway into the realm called Barakhai. And in Barakhai, Ben’s life would be forever changed, for this was a place peopled by inadvertent shapeshifters, humans forced to spend half their day—or night—in animal form. Not everyone was happy with the life in Barakhai, a life where the general population was ruled by those few humans of royal blood who remained in their human form and were virtual dictators. Ben, by virtue of being born on Earth, was not a shapeshifter either. And a rebel named Zylas hoped that Ben could become the instrument to turn Barakhai around. So Zylas and his comrade rescued Ben from certain death. But if Ben agreed to join their cause, would he only be postponing the moment of his execution, and would he ever be allowed to return to his own world again? Elsewhens (Glass Thorns #2) by Melanie Rawn (Tor Hardcover 02/19/2012) – A year passes and the second in Rawn’s Glass Thorns series publishes, following Touchstone. Touchstone, the magical theater troupe, continues to build audiences. But Cayden is increasingly troubled by his “elsewhens,” the uncontrolled moments when he is plunged into visions of the possible futures. He fears that his Fae gift will forever taint his friendships; his friends fear that his increasing distance will destroy him. But worldly success follows them—an apparent loss in the Trials leads to Touchstone being selected to travel to the Continent with a Royal Embassy to collect Prince Ashgar’s new bride. They are the first theater artists to appear outside Albeyn for at least seventy years—for magic is suspect and forbidden elsewhere, and the Kingdom’s easy race mixing and magic use horrifies the people they are to travel among.
Skepticism via YouTube In the summer of 2008, Georgians Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer claimed to have found a Bigfoot carcass. These claims were initially made via a number of YouTube videos that garnered significant attention in the cryptid community. In August 2008, they partnered with well-known cryptozoology personality Tom Biscardi for a national press conference. Almost immediately the carcass was revealed as a hoax involving a Halloween costume. But a month earlier, rival Bigfoot enthusiasts and skeptics had carefully pored over one of Whitton and Dyer’s promotional videos on YouTube (“Bigfoot Tracker Video 8”) in which they met an alleged Texas scientist named Paul Van Buren who said he would authenticate the carcass (Bigfootpolice 2008). Sharp-eyed viewers quickly determined that “Van Buren” was actually Whitton’s brother, a wedding photographer from Texas, and even found pictures online of the two together at one of their weddings (Coleman 2008). The video was pulled off the Web and acknowledged by the hoaxers as a fake days later in another video. Whitton and Dyer said the video was an attempt to distract people who were harassing them. (They did not explain how a hoaxed video would accomplish such a thing.) This all happened weeks before the national press conference. Those who followed the whole fiasco from the beginning via YouTube were not surprised when the hoax was finally revealed nationally weeks later. YouTube might seem an unlikely venue for skeptical investigations. The online video site originated as a way for individuals to easily share videos online without having to deal with technical issues like file formats and software compatibility. YouTube gained fame through a series of “viral” videos of various ephemera such as laughing babies, stunts gone wrong, adorable kittens, and so on. It hardly seemed a good venue for skepticism in those early days. But like most new tools, uses far beyond those initially anticipated were soon discovered. The availability of low-cost video cameras and editing software means that video production is now something that many hobbyists can attempt at home. Purchased by Google in 2006, YouTube is now home to hundreds of millions of videos and serves over a hundred million individual video views per day. Google claims that over thirteen hours of new content is uploaded on YouTube every minute (Google 2008). Many skeptical organizations now use YouTube to distribute video content to the public. Videos of the James Randi Educational Foundation’s July 2009 test of dowser Connie Sonne for their Million Dollar Challenge, among other videos, can be found on JREF’s own channel (JREF 2008). The Skeptical Inquirer’s parent organization, the Center for Inquiry, also has its own YouTube channel (see figure 1) with hundreds of lectures, debates, and other videos. It is often rated in the top ten most viewed nonprofit channels on the site (Center for Inquiry 2006). These are fantastic educational resources for both skeptics and the general public. The site has always been friendly toward individuals as well as organizations, and individual skeptics have fittingly stepped forward to create content. Richard Wiseman used YouTube videos to promote and support his book Quirkology by demonstrating optical illusions and other psychological effects (Wiseman 2009). His video “Amazing Colour Changing Card Trick” has been viewed over three million times and has even been redone by several other YouTube users (Wiseman 2007; see related story). Phil “The Bad Astronomer” Plait has a channel as well, where he posts his own special mix of skepticism and astronomy (Plait 2009). Some of the most interesting aspects of skepticism on YouTube do not come from organizations or professional skeptics but are occurring at the grassroots level between individual users. Simple, short videos debunking paranormal or pseudoscientific concepts, when created with cleverness and good visuals, can be very effective. One example, “Bigfoot Myths: Where are the Bones?” addresses the simple question: Why have we never found Bigfoot bones? (Doctor Atlantis 2007). Resources like this can easily be hyperlinked from discussions of the topic online or even embedded directly into posts on other Web sites. They help to explain key scientific concepts using visuals instead of words alone (in this case, photos of actual bear bones and interview footage with a cryptozoologist). Aside from the general availability of the service and the fact that it is free, there are two other key elements that help maintain the grassroots skepticism phenomenon on YouTube: the fair use clause in U.S. copyright law and the explorative nature of the YouTube user interface. Figure 2: Captain Disillusion Fair use is vital to the very existence of YouTube. The law holds that it is legal to reuse small portions of copyrighted material, even without the owner’s permission, for comment, criticism, or parody (Stanford 2007). This allows skeptics to freely post online videos that include portions of the pseudoscientific or religious videos they are debunking. The Uri Geller videos posted by YouTube user The Friendly Skeptic are a good example. By implicitly invoking fair use, The Friendly Skeptic can post small broadcast clips from programs in which Geller’s conjuring and trickery is plainly visible. In one he shows quite clearly where Geller puts on a false thumb tip just prior to making a magnetic compass move ostensibly by paranormal means (The Friendly Skeptic 2007). When, in another video from an older talk show, Geller bends a spoon using a decidedly nonpsychic technique (i.e., his hand), the exact moment is highlighted (The Friendly Skeptic 2008). Another creative use of this method is employed by putative superhero Captain Disillusion (portrayed by actor and filmmaker Alan Melikdjanian; see figure 2). As Captain Disillusion, Melikdjanian humorously deconstructs the very viral videos that make YouTube so successful by explaining the digital editing techniques used in their creation (Captain Disillusion 2007). Many of these are simply viral advertising but others cover skeptical topics. Captain Disillusion debunked the November 2007 “Blue Ghost” incident at a Parma, Ohio, gas station, re-editing the news coverage to clearly show the actual cause: a bug on the camera lens (Captain Disillusion 2008). There were other, more scientific YouTube debunks of this incident as well; an excellent example included hypotheses, predictions, and conclusions (Answers in Skepticism 2007). The skeptical movement online has flourished in part because of YouTube’s site design. It is in Google’s own interest to keep users on the site as long as possible since their revenue comes from advertising. The site is designed to encourage exploration with features that link videos together via “responses,” add hyperlinks between videos, and mark a video with a world location so it can be found within mapping services (see figure 3). These features allow skeptics to make their content more discoverable from within the site and elsewhere. Debunking videos, for instance, can be posted as responses that are directly linked to (and therefore discoverable from) the original pseudoscientific content. This technique has been used in responses to the Georgia Bigfoot hoaxers, in Captain Disillusion’s videos, and elsewhere. This explorability of YouTube helps address a key question often asked among online skeptics: Where should we focus our efforts? Many skeptics post almost exclusively on skeptic-run Web sites, forums, or blogs. The obvious disadvantage is that one often ends up “preaching to the choir.” The alternative posting on Web sites run by believers in pseudoscience or paranormal has its own hazards. Often these sites are not interested in debate and will delete skeptical posts or even ban skeptics from posting entirely. By posting material on YouTube and making the content as discoverable as possible, skeptics avoid both issues. The content can still be embedded or hyperlinked from skeptic sites as desired, but it can also be found by many more people via the YouTube site directly. This helps get the skeptical message out to those who most need it. Figure 3: Example of a skeptical YouTube video being discovered via a mapping application. One of the most visible uses of the YouTube discoverability and response format are the creationism-related videos posted by users VenomFangX and ThunderF00t (VenomFangX 2006; Thunderf00t 2006). VenomFangX is the online handle of Shawn, a Christian teenager who posted a series of videos in which he claims to debunk evolution. YouTube user Thunderf00t (an adult academic) responds to each of the teen’s videos and answers them point by point in the series “Why do people laugh at creationists?” The entire exchange lasted for almost two years. Thunderf00t also addressed the claims of other evolution deniers in the series, such as Casey Luskin of the Discovery Institute and evangelist Ray Comfort. Each video (over thirty in all) received at least 100,000 views, and some have been seen nearly half a million times (Thunderf00t 2009). The Thunderf00t versus VenomFangX exchange also highlights one of the current pitfalls of U.S. Copyright law: the application of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Takedown Notices. This is a clause in the DMCA under which copyright owners who believe their work is being infringed upon (beyond fair use) via the Internet can merely notify the carrier to remove the material. On December 9, 2008, someone claiming to be a third party acting on behalf of VenomFangX contacted YouTube claiming that Thunderf00t’s videos violated copyright. Two videos were restricted as a result. Thunderf00t issued a counterclaim, and a very public war of words ensued between the two parties (Thunderf00t 2008). The issue was resolved when VenomFangX’s parents became aware of his activities. He withdrew the DMCA claims, apologized, and temporarily stopped posting. False DMCA claims and other digital shenanigans continue to be a problem for skeptics on YouTube. According to Thunderf00t, creationists hurt his videos’ rankings in the YouTube rating system by using automated scripts to send thousands of negative votes to each of his videos. The comments system provided by YouTube is also somewhat hit or miss. Occasionally some videos will attract reasonable commentators, but most of the time the comments aren’t much better than digital graffiti. (The problem is so rampant on YouTube that a number of third-party software tools have been designed solely to “clean out” undesirable comments from YouTube pages.) Overall, however, YouTube is an excellent avenue for skeptical outreach on the Internet. Its ease of use and lack of fees lower the barrier of entry so almost any skeptic can participate. Fair use ensures a steady stream of source material to debunk. The high traffic of the site and its explorability make the skeptical message accessible to people who may not even be aware of organized skepticism. Any skeptic with minimal audiovisual editing skills should consider YouTube an outlet for their efforts. l - Answers In Skepticism. 2007. Blue gas station ghost explained. November 23. Available online. - Bigfootpolice. 2008. Bigfoot tracker video 8. July 20. Available online. - Captain Disillusion. 2007. Captain Disillusion’s YouTube Channel. Available online. - —. 2008. Gas station ghost recut. Available online. - Center for Inquiry. 2006. Center for Inquiry’s YouTube Channel. Available online. - Coleman, Loren. 2008. Bigfoot body brouhaha. July 23. Available online. - Doctor Atlantis. 2008. Bigfoot myths: Where are the bones? Available online. - The Friendly Skeptic. 2008. Uri Geller bends a spoon with his hand! May 22. Available online. - —. 2007. The moment Uri Geller cheats . . . watch the thumb. April 2. Available online. - Google. 2008. The future of online video. September 16. Available online. - The James Randi Educational Foundation. 2008. James Randi Foundation’s YouTube Channel. Available online. - Plait, Phil. 2006. The Bad Astronomer’s YouTube Channel. Available online. - Stanford University Library. 2007. What is fair use? Available online. - Thunderf00t. 2006. Thunderf00t’s YouTube Channel. Available online. - —. 2008. False DMCA consequences. Available online. - —. 2009. Why do people laugh at creationists? Thunderf00t’s YouTube Channel. Available online. - VenomFangX. 2006. VenomFangX’s YouTube Channel. Available online. - Wiseman, Richard. 2007. Quirkology YouTube Channel. Available online.
This is hilarious. This is the best page on the Random Wiki so far. Here you can add your Fan Character(from SNN or SFW, or any other fanon wiki) and some FUNNY story.SO HELP OUT. - Fly the Fox (Fly the Fox) - Aman Virk (Goldenguy511) - Kaosu the Cryptid (Goldenguy511) - Dancing Banana on a Unicycle (Goldenguy511) - Kumori the Cat (Goldenguy511) - Goldenguy511 (Goldenguy511) - Jet the Hedgehog (Jet50, the founder) - YMCA Domo Dog (Jet50, the founder) - Jet50 (Jet50, the founder) - Unknown Voice (Jet50, the founder) - Red Fox (Jet50, the founder) - Big the Cat (is non-fanon, so anyone may use) - Froggy (is non-fanon, so anyone may use) - The Shadnoe Force (Characters: Shadnoe the Hedgehog, Rig the Cat, and Ugly Bieber) (Goldenguy511) - Justin Bieber (is non-fanon, so anyone may use) - Sonic the Hedgehog (is non-fanon, so anyone may use) - Knuckles the Echidna (is non-fanon, so anyone may use) - 91 the Hedgehog (Amy50) - Hedgehog the Ferrari (Ferrari50) - Lamp the Hedgehog (Goldenguy511) - QRIO (S.O.N.I.C.) - Security Guard (is non-fanon, so anyone may use) - Chinese Security Guard (is non-fanon, so anyone may use) - Pear (Luigirules33) - Orange (Luigirules33) - Mr. Game and Watch (Luigirules33) - Bowser (Bowser77) - Joey (Secret Agent Flynn) - Zombie (Secret Agent Flynn) - Miles "Tails" Prower (is non-fanon, so anyone may use) - RED Team (Characters: Pyro, Engineer, Spy, Heavy, Sniper, Scout, Soldier, Demoman, Medic) (Goldenguy511) - Knife (Luigirules33) - Cheese (Luigirules33) - The Grimm Reaper of Evil (Jet50, the founder) - Sawnik Teh DerpHog (Ultimatedude127) - Alien Buddy (Jet50, the founder) - Martian Monster(Jet50, the founder) - Icey The Rabbit (Mewkat14 Admin) - GLaDOS (Jet50)(Note:This chracter is non-fanon cuz it came from the video game Portal 2, but it is stil Jet50's chracter) - SpaceCore (Jet50)(Note:This chracter is non-fanon cuz it came from the video game Portal 2, but it is stil Jet50's chracter) - Wheatley (Jet50)(Note:This chracter is non-fanon cuz it came from the video game Portal 2, but it is stil Jet50's chracter) - Turret(Jet50)(Note:This chracter is non-fanon cuz it came from the video game Portal 2, but it is stil Jet50's chracter) - Chell(Jet50)(Note:This chracter is non-fanon cuz it came from the video game Portal 2, but it is stil Jet50's chracter) - Cave Johnson(Jet50)(Note:This chracter is non-fanon cuz it came from the video game Portal 2, but it is stil Jet50's chracter) - Caroline(Jet50)(Note:This chracter is non-fanon cuz it came from the video game Portal 2, but it is stil Jet50's chracter) - Bob the Balloon(Jet50) - Pedo Bear(Jet50) - Batman (Is not fanon so anyone may use) - TheAwesomefroggy (TheAwesomefroggy's character) - Batman Junior (I think Jet50) Fly: *running through the woods* Wow what is that up ahead? Spongebob: Not me, i'm not in the story yet. Aman: OHAI!!!!! *Randomly pranses around like a Leprechaun* I'm a distraction, I'M DISTRACTING YOU!!! Jet:Who the H**L is he?!!? Aman: I am Aman the Human, aka Aman Virk..... and I am a distraction sent by Kaosu... D'OH!!! WHY DID I SAY THAT!!!??? Jet:And just who the heck is Kaosu? Fly:I don't know. You tell me. Jet:I DON'T KNOW EITHER, DON'T ASK ME!!!!! I'm definetly dreaming. To double check if this a dream, Fly, do something. . . Fly:*takes out a gun and shoots Jet in the chest* OHAI!!!!!!! Jet:*falls to the ground, dies* >Jet will no longer appear in the story.< Jet:*last words* SO. . .IT. . .IS. . .NOT. . .A. . .ugh. . .dreeeeaaaammmmm. . .*dies* Aman: *facepalm* I can't tell you who Kaosu is..... but he is..... wait a sec... I CAN'T TELL YOU!!!!!! YMCA DOMO Dog: *revives Jet* Ello red hedgehog. Jet:*shakes head* WHO IS KAOSU?!!!? JUST TELL ME, I'LL GET YOU SOMEONE TO MARRY!! Aman: NEEEEEEVVVVVAAAARRR!!!! *runs back to base* Jet:Wow that was weird. Hey, wheres Fly! - At the base... Aman: KAOSU!!! I baked you a cake from the SOULS OF THE DEAD!!! Kaosu: Wow, how'd you get those? Aman: Ohhh, I just went outside the local dam and stole everybody's shoes - Back to somewhere... Kumori: *appears* Hello, have you seen a cryptid named Kaosu anywhere? Jet:I don`t know who is Kaosu. Oh, have you seen a fox named Fly anywhere Kumori: Uya, I saw a red fox walking around the local Wal-mart. Jet:Yep, that`s Fly. Thanks! - At the local Wal-Mart. . . Jet:Fly! What the heck! You left without telling me! Red Fox:I`m not Fly. I`m some other red fox. Unknown Voice:I KNOOOWWWW WHEEERRRREEE FLLYYYY IISSSSS. . . Jet:Who the H**L said that?!!? Unknown Voice:I MUUUSSST NEEEEVVVVEEERR TELL YOOOUUUU. . . Jet:Oh yes you should, or I'm gonna. . .hey, wheres that black and white cat? She was here a second ago. Unknown Voice:MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! YOU MUUUUSSSST LEEEAAAVEEE. . .OR I WIIIILLLL CAAAAAPTUURRREEEE YOU TOOOOO! Jet:Uh-oh. AAAAHHHHH!!!!! *runs away* - At the base. . . Unknown Voice:ROYAAALLL MAAASSTEEERR KAOSUUUU, I HAAAVEE BROUGHT YOOOUUUU SOMETHIIIINNNNGGGG. . . Kaosu: What? What is it? Unknown Voice:IT IIISSS KUUUMOORRIIII THEEEE CAAAAATT!!!! Kumori: Ahhh! Let me go! THIS INSTANT! Kaosu: *facepalm* You got the wrong cat. I was looking for Big so I could torchure him for being such a useless character.... and I was gonna stuff chili dogs up his mouth. Now, let her go! Unknown Voice:OOOKKKAAAAAYYYY.... *lets her go* Kumori: Geez. Kaosu, you always mistake me for other people Kaosu: Uya, sorry - At Big's house. . . Big:*in his fat and ugly voice* Froggy, are you hungry? I got you a Rembrandt with poo suace!!! Froggy:*jumps up and down with happiness* Big:YAY! He likes it! *farts* Froggy:ribbit. . .*faints because of the fart* Aman: OHAI!!! IMMA DISTRACTION, IMMA DISTRACTIN' YEH Big: What the? WOAH! Check out that guy! I'm completely distracted! Unknown Voice:*mumbles to self*BIIIG. . .I HAAAVE GOOOOOOT YOOOOOUU NOOOOWWWW. . . *picks up Big, runs away* - At the base. . . Unknown Voice:ROOOOOYAAAAL MAAAAASTEEERRRR KAAAAAOOOOSUUUUU, I HAAAVEE BROOOUUUGHT YOOOOU SOMETHIIIING. . . Kaosu:I hope you didn't get the wrong cat. . . Unknown Voice:I HAAAAVE BROOOOOUUUUGGHHHT YOOOOOUUU BIIIIIGGG THEEEE CAAAAATT!!!! Big:*in his ugliest and fattest voice* DUH LET ME GO Kaosu:Where is Froggy? I need him too. Unknown Voice:WHOOOOPSSSSS. . . Kaosu:*facepalm* Go get him, I don't want to deal with this again Unknown Voice:OOOOOKKKAAAAYYYYY. . . - At..... somewhere and OTTERZ Goldenguy511: *brushing tail* Ohhh... you gotta when to hold them, gotta know when to fold them, I dunno where I got this song, doop dee doop dee doop dee doo. Kumori: What are you doing? Goldenguy511: AUGGHH!!! What the h**l are you doing here!? Kumori: I never knew you had a tail... Goldenguy511: Well, I am half Human, half Monkey Goldenguy511: Errr... Meh... *walks away* - Back at the base... Goldenguy511: *comes in* Hiya Kaosu, whatcha doin'? Goldenguy511: Did you know that you're not a Cryptid? And that you're a creeper? Kaosu: Ummm.... noooooo... Goldenguy511: JK!!! XD!!! Kaosu: Meh :/ Unknwon Voice:*breaks down door* KAAAAOOOSUUUUUU. . .HEEEYYY, WHOOOO IS THAAAAT TAAAAAIIIIL DUUUUDEEE AND HOOOOWW DIIIIID HEEEEE GEEEET IIINNNN THEEEE LAAAAIIIIR?!!? Kaosu: This is Goldenguy511, my fan-creator Unknown Voice:I THOUGHT GOD CREEEAAATEDD YOOOOOU. . . Kaosu: No, it was Golden. Now, what is it that you want? Unknown Voice:I WAAANNNT NOOOOTTTHHHHIIIIINNNGGG. . .BUUUUUT I BROUGHT YOOOOOUUU FROGGY!!!! (NOTE: Kaosu does not want to rule the world, he justs wants to sit in his castle and watch his minions cause terror from the TV security camera. He does not care about ruling the world.) Kaosu: *laughs* I love to see them in terror! Goldenguy511: Sometimes I wonder why I made you this way... *walks away* Kaosu: I might as well call the Shadnoe Force. *calls 611 (Which is calling the Shadnoe Force)* Shadnoe (on phone): Hello, how may I help you? Kaosu: *stuff he tells Shadnoe* Shadnoe (on phone): Okay, I'll be right there. *hangs up* - At Shadnoe's house... Shadnoe: Ready guys? Ugly Bieber: Duhhh... Uhh.... - At Kaosu's base... Shadnoe: Kaosu, we are here! Kaosu: Good... now, on to the chase: There are two new people I want to take and put in jail cells. They are... Sonic & Knuckles! Aman & Unknown Voice are too dumb to do it, so i need you guys. The Whole Shadnoe Force: YES SIR!!! Shadnoe: *runs towards Greeen Hill Zone* Rig: *runs toward Angel Island* Ugly Bieber: *runs toward Justin Bieber Concert* - At the Green Hill Zone. . . Shadnoe: *looks around* Nope, Sonic and Knuckles are not here. - At Angel Island. . . Rig: No, Sonic and Knuckles are not here. - At Justin Bieber's concert. . Justin Bieber: Baby, Baby, Baby No!!!! Batman: *Takes him out.* Sonic, Knuckles and TheAwesomefroggy: *together* YEEEAAAHHH!!! TAKE THAT JUSTIN BIEBER!!! TheAwesomefroggy: SONIC, KNUCKLES AND I AGREE ON SOMETHING YAAAAAAAAY!!!!! Ugly Bieber: *Last words* At least...Two...Sonic characters...came...here. I...finally...have...acom*coughs*plished...something... Batman: Now that is where I can break my rule. Good thing The Joker was too scared to get him too... - At Kaosu's Base. . . Shadnoe: We are here. There is no sign of Sonic and Knuckles. Kaosu: Grr..... GRR..... GRRRRR!!!!!! Ugly Bieber: DUH I FOUND SONIC AND KNUCKLES! Kaosu: Great! For once YOU accmplish something! Ugly Bieber: DUUUUHHHHH.... YA!!! - At the Kaosu jail cells... Sonic: AGGGHHH!!! NOOO!! LEMME OUT!!! I NEED A HAPPY MEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Knuckles: LEMME OUT!!! I NEED TO PROTECT THE MASTER EMERALD!!! Big: I NEED MY FOREST HOME AND FROGGY!! Froggy: RIBBIT!! RIBBIT!! Fly: LET ME OUT OF HERE!!! I'M NOT AN ANIMA-....... Oh yeah, I am. - At 91's house. . . 91:*watching news and finds out Sonic and Knuckles are in jail* OOHHH! NOOO! *runs to Kaosu's base* - At Kaosu's base. . . Kaosu: Hello, how may I help you? 91:I heard that Sonic and Knuck-- Kaosu: *cuts 91 off* HOW DID YOU FIND OUT?!!? 91:Look at ze newz Kaosu: *turns on the news* HOW DID THEY FIND OUT?!!? 91:Don't ask me - At somewhere. . . Hedgehog: Who is that shadow? Jet:Oh it's me. No. . .wait. . .WHAT?! A talking Ferrari! Hedgehog:Vroom. Vroom. Get in. I'll take you to Kaosu the Cryptid. Jet:Ok then! *gets in Hedgehog* WOOHOO Hedgehog:Vroom. Vroooom. VROOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!! *speeds to Kaosu's base* - Meanwhile at Kaosu's base. . . Kaosu: *watching Jet & Ferrari through security camera* OH NO!!! Wait, I know what to do! *gets out a machine gun* RAAAAAAAGGGGGGGEEEEE!!!!!!! Wait, I have a better Idea! *sets Sonic & Knuckles free* Sonic: *punches Kaosu* Sorry keed, but I don't like bars and peanuts and no space to run! See ya! *Sonic & Knuckles run off* Kaosu: OW!!! GRRRRR!!! Well, might as well play some SSBB to pass the time until Jet & that Hedgehog idiot get here telling me to release Sonic & Knuckles and I tell them I let them go and they don't believe me and blah blah blah! *goes upstairs to play SSBB* Awesomefroggy: Picks Sonic and wins. Batman: I'm still Batman you know... Awesomefroggy: I know... - Outside Kaosu`s base. . . Hedgehog: Well, we are here. Get off, gotta recharge my fuel with gas. Jet:*get out of car* Cya! - Inside the base, upstairs. . . Kaosu: *at the character select screen, picks his texture haxed character (over sonic): Kaosu, game starts* Ok! Time to... BRAWL!! *goes crazy with controls, wins* WOOHOO!!! A TRUE MARK OF EVIL!!!!! WOOOOO!!! *hears entry door open* WHAT! better go check what it is *goes downstairs* - Downstairs. . . Jet:Why HELLO, yo Kaosu! Sup Kaosu: Hel-- JET THE HEDGEHOG!!!! I GOTZ YOU AT LASSSSSSST!!!! Jet: KAOSU THE UNKNOWN THINGY!!!! LET OUT SONIC & KNUCKLES!!!! Kaosu: I LET THEM GO!!! Jet: YEAH, RIGHT!!!! *in dorky voice* REACH THE GOAL AND BEAT THE BOSS LIKE LEVELZ 2 OR 3!!! Kaosu: Why don't you check!? Jet: I WON'T FALL FOR THA- *runs to jail cells* Kaosu: *turns on TV and a facepalm clip plays* ಠ_ಠ - At the jail cellz Jet:Sonic & Knuckles are not here. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm(gets reaaallllyyyy loud)HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Kaosu: *hears Jet* Geez, this must be a nightmare *goes downstairs, grabs jet, kicks him out the window and says "SPARTA!!!"* Jet: *flies all the way to China* AGGHHHHGHGHGHGHGHGHHHHHHH!!!!!! Kaosu: NO ONE CAN RESIST THE SPARTA KICK!!!!! Kaosu: *looks at Lamp* HEY!!! HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE!? Lamp: I think the better question is: How did here get in me? I can remember the days of my childhood... Lamp (Kid): *hitting a chair with a teddy bear (OMG THAT RHYMES :O)* - FLUSHBAX ENDZ... Lamp: Actually, I don't Kaosu: Yeah, whatever. Now, get out of m- Lamp: I can count to five! Lamp: lolololololololol (Not laughing, saying the sound) - IN China Jet:*gets up from the ground* Whoa this place is niiice RANDOM CHINESE PERSON:Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. UNRJIFN Jet:What the. . . - Chinese guy gets karate chopped* Fly:Hello cookie star!I am Fly! Jet: Fly, YOU'RE BACK!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ???:Baby, Baby, Baby, No! Fly: UGHHHH!! MY...EARZZZ! ???:Alright, that is the end of the Justin Bieber World Tour!! Thank You! Jet:I'll send you back to where you live. *kicks Fly* SPARTA!!!!!!! Fly:*flies to Kaosu's base* WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Jet:*gets into Justin Bieber concert* Chinese Security Guard:GHJSLOJUCBDIUGJKSGFKSG (translation: concert is over you may not enter) Jet:Whatevah! *hypnotizes security guard* Chinese Security Guard:*while hypnotized, he goes to kiss Justin Bieber* Justin Bieber: DUH EW GROSS Jet:*walks in concert and hypnotizes Justin Bieber* Take THAT Justin Bieber:*while hypnotized, he goes and walks off a cliff* AGGHGAHAGHAGAHAGHAGAHAG!!!! Justin Bieber: WAHHH WAHHH(cries like a baby) WAHHH WAHHH! I FELL OFF A CLIFF! Jet:I got rid of that crazy guy. . .*picks up pear from ground and is about to eat it* Pear:IMA FIRING MAH LAZER! BLARRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!!! Jet:AGAHAGAHAHGAGAGAHGAAHGAAH!!! A TALKING PEAR!!!!! Mr. game and watch: BLEEP BLOOP BLOP BLEEP BLOP BLOOP BLEE Pear: IMA FIRING MAH LAZER! BLARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!! Orange: Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya Mr. game and watch: BLEEP BLOOP BLOP BLEEP BLEEP BLOOP Pear: IMA FIRING MAH LAZER! BLARRRRRRRRRGH!! Orange: Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya Mr. game and watch: BLEEP BLOOP BLOP BLEEP BLOOP Orange: Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya Mr. game and watch: BEEP BLEEP BEEP BLOP Pear: IMA FIRING MAH LAZER!!! BLARRGH! Jet:UUUGGGGHHHH!!! SHUT UP!!! AHAHAGAHAGHAGAHGAHAGAHGAHHHH!!!! A TALKING ORANGE! UUUGGGHHH!!! SHUT UP!!! AHHHHHGHG! A ZOMBIE!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! SHUT UPPP!!!! *faints* - MEANWHILE AT KAOSU'S BASE . . . Fly: *crashes into Kaosu's base* Kaosu:WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!? AND HOW DID YOU ESCAPE JAILZ?! Fly: FROM THE SKY! HURR DURR Kaosu: Uhh... you sound more dumb then before... ITS TIME TO LOCK JOO UP! - AFTER FLY GETS LOCKED UP . . . Fly: GET ME OUT OF HERE OH MY GOD Fly: FINE BUT ITS NOT A CRIME ???:BRAINS *eats Aman's brain* Aman:*goes crazy* I LOVE U KAOSU FUISEFHBHGFHGVUIFNDXUVFRDNFHV!!! ???:IMA FIRAN MAH LAZER! BLARRRRRRGGGHHHH!!! ???:BLEP BLOP BLOOP BLEEP BLEP ???:Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya Kaosu and Aman:*together* AGAHAGAHGAAHGAHGAHGAH!!!! SHUT UP!!! AHAHAGAHAGAHAGHH! A TALKING ORANGE!!! AGAHAGHAGAHAGAHGAHAG!!!!! SHUT UP!!!! UGUUUGHGUGHGUUG! A TALKING PEAR!!!! SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPP *faints* Mr game and watch: BLEEP BLOP BLEP BLOOP. WE'VE CAPTURED, KAOSU, AMAN AND JET. Pear:We just need to capture 91 the Hedgehog and Jet the Hedgehog, then, we will rule the world!!! IMA FIRAN MAH LAZER!!! BLARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! Orange:Nya nya nya this is an awesome plan! ZOMBIE: I'LL EAT THE BRAINS OF 91 AND JET THE HEDGEHOG, LIKE I DID WITH AMAN! I ATE AMAN'S BRAINS! Bowser: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAARRR!!!!! WITH THIS RAWR ILL BLOW 91'S HEAD OFFFFFFF!! - At 91's house... 91:*listening to HOT103 on radio* Ohh yeah, I LOVE KATY PERRY! HOT103 on radio:*playing "Last Friday Night" by Katy Perry* LAST FRIDAY NIGHT, TAKRETAHWKSGTD... 91:YEAAAAHHHH!!!!!*hears a bomb blow up, then notices ceiling is on fire* AHHHHHHH!!!!! HELP ME KATY PERRY!!!! No, what am I doing? I've got an idea...RUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!*runs away* Mr game and watch, Orange, Pear, ZOMBIE, and Bowser:*runs after 91* GET HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kaosu and Aman:*falls out of Pear's bag* *wakes up* jet:*falls out of the bag, but does not wake up* Aman:What the heck? A pear and an orange and a zombie made me faint?! Kaosu:........................I'm getting a new base. *teleports to random dessert* At the new base that Unknown Voice and Aman built . . . Kaosu: NOBODY can find us here! NOBODYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY- Fly: SERIOUSLY LET ME OUT OF THIS CAGE ITS TOO SMALL Fly: FINE BUT ITS NOT A CRIME Kaosu: You already said that Fly: FINE BUT ITS NOT A CRIME Kaosu: You su- Kaosu: Be quie- Kaosu: WHATEVER! AMAN, YOU GUARD HIM WHILE I PLAY MINECRAFT!!! Aman: OKAY SURE HERE I GO YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Jet: EVERYBODY CAN FIND YOU HERE Aman:*pranses around like a leprechaun* KAOSU!!!! EVERYBODY CAN FIND YOU HERE! OH NOEZ!!! Kaosu: Let me finish this Minecraft level, you big fat dooodyhead!!!! Aman:AUUUUGH!!!!! YOUR STUPID MINECRAFT HURT MY FEELINGZZZ!!!!! *runs out of B453 forevah* Kaosu:Darn it Darn it Darn it *SCREAMZ AZ HE L00KZ AT THE JAIL CELLZ* ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT FRIGGIN FLY THE FOX RAN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But how? OWWWWWWW!!!!! *gets his butt kicked* Jet:Sorry triple keed, but I dont like bars and peanuts and no space to run! See ya!!! *runs off with Fly* Kaosu:GGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! * literally blows up* - At the hosptial of the random dessert.... Kaosu's mom:DEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH DEARZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!! KAOSU!!!!!!!!! MY LOVELY CREEPER!!!!!! DONT DIE!!! OWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT WAS THAT?????!!!!!!!!!??????????????? Jet:Sorry 110x keed, but i dont like bars and peanuts and no space to run! See ya! *runs off to Las Vegas* - AT LAS VEGAS... Jet:Ohhh yeah!!! This is gonna be awesome, right Fly? Fly? Fly? Fly? Fly? Fly? Fly? Fly? Fly? Tails:You've got the wrong fox. Hey Sonic Wait Upppppp!!!! Sonic:Hurry Up Tails Ur Gonna Miss The Justin Bieber Concert!!!! Jet: Whatever. I'll just go to the casino.... :0 AUUUUGH MY EARZZZ ???:RAWR! WHERE DID KAOSU, AMAN AND JET GO?! Jet: Not these guys again. KATY PERRY HELP ME KATY PERRY HELP ME No what the heck am I doing?!!? RUN!!!!*runs away* 91:*hides behind a tree* Whew. Now I'll explore Vegas. Oh yeah Oh yeah!!! This is a dreamz! - BACK AT TEH HOSPITAL . . . Kaosu:*wakes up* THAT IS IT! I AM CALLING THE RED TEAM! *dials number and calls RED Team. - LATER AT KAOSU'S NEW BASE THAT IS MADE UNDER THE OCEAN . . . Kaosu: Thanks for healing me Medic.... NOW GO FIND JET AND FLY, AND LEAVE! All of RED Team: YES SIR! *runs off to find Jet and Fly* ???:Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya Orange:Nya nya nya nya nya. We've captured Kaosu.... again. Mr game and watch:BLEEP BLOP BLOOP BOOP BEEP AND WE HAVE CAPTURED 91 Pear:We've got 91 and Kaosu in my bag. We just need Jet and Aman! IMA FIRIN MAHHH LAZERZ!!! BLARRRGHHHGHG! Zombie:I WANT JET'S BRAINZ! ???:Not soooo fast! Bowser:RAWR!!!!! ITS A STICK PERSON!!!! ???:Yeah, I'm a stick person, but I'm ten thousand stronger than you, Bowser! Bowser:OH RLY? ILL BLOW YOUR HEAD OFFFFF!!!!!!!!! RAWR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joey:Tsk, I'll blow YOUR head offf!!! *blows* Bowser:*head flies off* Bowser's head:*smashes Orange, ZOMBIE, and Mr. game and watch on their faces* Zombie: IM GONNA EAT YOUR BRAINZ!! Joey:*runs away* Bye losers!! Pear:Some people are so crazy I want to FIRE MAH LAZARZ!!!!!!!!!! BLAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!! Orange: Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nyauhhhhhhh... Sonic: *revives Pear, Orange, Mr. game and watch, Zombie, and Bowser* Sonic: YOU'RE TOO SLOW!! ???: Aww crap I did it again, didn't I? ???: YOU SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME AND I SWEAR IM GONNA HURT YOU Pear: IM FIRING MAH- OH GOD Orange: Nya nya nya nya- What is it pear? Pear: OH GOD SONIC KNIFE AND CHEESE Bowser: Oh good a knife now i can kill that Cat. Orange: Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya Cheese: YOU SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME AND I SWEAR IM GONNA HURT YOU BY THROWING THIS PIECE OF PAPER AT YOU!!! Batman: You can't hurt me!!! I'M BATMAN!!! Mr. Game and Watch: *grabs knife and kills Meowth* BLEEP BLOOP BLOP Cheese: WHO TOLD YOU PUNS ARE FUNNY????? CUZ THEY'RE NOT!!!!! Pear: IM A FIRING MAH LAZER BLARRRRRRRRGH Unknown Voice: BE QUIET... I WILL CAPTURE YOOOOOOOUUUU...*grabs Orange, Cheese, Pear, Zombie, Bowser and everybody else and runs to Kaosu's base* The Grimm Reaper of Evil:*appears* hmmm...new people who have souls that will be captured...by me...heh heh heh...muhahahahaah! ha ha ha ha! *sees a person who is 100% random* Extremely Random Guy:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z NOW I KNOW THEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee *falls to the ground* The Grimm Reaper of Evil:*after capturing the randomg guy's soul in the Vacuum of Termination* heheheheheheh!!!! another soul captured...ha ha ha!!! *disappears* - ON PLANET MARZ... Hedgehog: The soul escape from the puncture hole present at the side of Vacuum of Termination. Jet:What are you saying?! What vacuum? What soul? Hedgehog:Never mind. So, how did you get here? Jet:From the sky! HURR DURR Hedgehog:Um. So, do you NEEDZ A RIDE?????!!!!!!!!! Jet:YAWSSSSSSSSSSS*shakes head* Uh, yeah. Hedgehog:Where ya wanna go? Hedgehog:*activating rocket thrusters* Okay, you need to pay $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 cuz you are in space. Hedgehog:*deactivates rocket thrusters and screams* *thinks Jet died* AUGHHHH!!!!! GET MEH AN AMBULANCE!!!!!!!!! Sawnik: *appearz* DERP! What iz it u want on meh planet!? Alien Buddy:GLUZZLE GLUZZLE GLUZZLE. BLEP BLOP. BLEEP BLEEP. (translation: this is not your planet!!!) Hedgehog:Awwwwwww so cute! A baby alien! Letz be buddies! Alien Buddy: GLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! (translation:YEAHHHH!!!! I'LL BE YOUR BUDDY!!!) Hedgehog:Get in me! Alien Buddy: BLUZZLE!! (translation:awesome!!!) Hedgehog:LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *activates rocket thrusters* *flies to Jupiter* ZOOOOM Jet:*wakes up* HEY!!!!! HOW COME HIS TRIP IS FREE AND MINE IS NOT!!!!! HEY!!!!! HEDGEHOG!!!!!!! Ugh. Sawnik: Jet you fail Derp - At Kaosu's base. . . Kaosu: *wakes* AGH, CRAZY, ORANGE, MONSTERS- Huh?WhatdidImiss? *sees that Orange, Cheese, Pear, Zombie, Bowser and everybody else are in prison* YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! Aman & Unknown Voice: THAT ISH TRUE SIR! - Meanwhile at 2Fort. . . Jet: *falls from Mars to Earth and lands in 2Fort on face* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHGHGHGHHGGHGHHHGHGGHHGHGGHGHH Scout: THERE YOU ARE, PUNK Jet: *gets up* WHO R U? Scout: It's not just me, it's a whole gang *shows Jet the whole team* Jet: ........NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *gets beaten up* Scout: YOU SUCK Pyro: MMPH MMMMMPH MMMKMN Demoman: I GONNA KILL YOU AND THEN KEEP KILLIN YOU ND THEN KILL YOU THEN YOULL BE DEAD AND IM GONNA KILL YOU Heavy: YOU ARE SO SMALL, TIS FUNNEH 2 MEH Engineer: BUILDIN A SENTRY *builds sentry* Medic: DAT WAS DOCTOR KILL YA Sniper: THANKS 4 STANDIN STILL Jet: AGHHGGGGHGHGHGHGGHGGHG *time stops, sips from can of soda* ah.... *time starts again* GGHHGGHGHGGHGGHGH Phone: RING RIIIING RING RIIINGZ - everyone stops* Scout:*picks up phone* Yo, Sandwich Service, how may we help yeh Kaosu:*on the phone* DID YOU FIND JET THE HEDGEHOG?!!? Scout: uhhhhhhh *drools* Pyro: AUGH Gimme teh fone *takes phone* RED Team here, how may we help YOOOOU Kaosu: DID YOU FIND JET?!!? Pyro:Oh Kaosu it's you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pyro:*shakes head* Oh, yes, we did find Jet. MMPH MMMMMMMMPH MMMMMMKMN Kaosu: CAN I SPEAK TO HIM?! Pyro: MMPH Sure *gives phone to Jet* Jet:*knocked out* ................. Jet:*wakes up* Oh hello wife!! Lets go to Burger King for supper!!!! *faints again* Spy: *wipes tears* He died...Jet died... lets take him...to the hospital....*floods the street with his tears* Medic:*sniffs* N--ooo--ooo, I am not paying $9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 for the hospital. ITZ TIME FOR MEDIC SKILLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *takes out Jet's guts and examines them* It seems... he is just knocked out. Spy: WHAT THE POO?! I JUST EMBARRASED MYSELF BY CRYING FOR NO REASON!!!!!!!! The Grimm Reaper of Evil:yes...you did embarass yourself...BIG TIME...*captures Spy, Medic, Pyro and Heavy's soul in the Vacuum of Termination. Everyone else runs away* mwahahahah!!!! i will take anybody's soul...even if they are evil or good...*teleports to somewhere else* Scout:*running with Demoman, Soldier and Engineer and Sniper* Did you see that guy? *pant* He just killed Pyro, Spy, Medic and Heavy!! *keeps running* Soldier:I KNOW!!! WAWT A MAGGOT!! Demoman:Well I'll kill that guy and then he'll be dead and then I'll kill em again and then I'm gonna keep killing him and then he'll be tottaly dead and then I'll kill em again Sniper:At least he was standing still *pant* Engineer:Well I just finished building the torture sentry, so we *heavy breath* could throw that guy in there Scout:*stops running* Hey wheres that red colored hedgehog? Scout:HEY WHERES THAT RED COLORED HEDGEHOG?!!? Demoman:If we dropped him, I'm NOT GOING BACK THERE CUZ I DONT WANNA DIE Engineer:Meh who cares its just one hedgehog. If we fail just one mission, we wont lose our hot dogs--I MEAN, we wont get fired. AM I RIGHT? Sniper:YAW Yer right Demoman:OK then. Lets get to Kaosu and tell him about that guy who killed Pyro, Heavy, Medic and Spy and also tell him that we are big suckers! Sniper:Ok Lets go!! *everybody starts running again* - AT KAOSU'S BASE... Sniper, Scout, Demoman, Engineer, and Soldier:*breaks down door* We're*pant* back! *heavy breath* Kaosu:What took you so long? Where's Jet? Demoman:We suck so much that we failed the mission! Scout:And some guy killed Pyro, Heavy, Medic and Spy! Kaosu:RAAAAH!!! I WOULD HAVE EARNED A BAJILLION DOLLARZ IF YOU COMPLETED THIS MISSION!!! Soldier:*gets out ear plugs and puts them in his ears* Kaosu: YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Engineer:Ok, so I wasn't right. We were gonna get fired. Demoman:Shoot, I just lost my job! Soldier:HOW COULD YOU?! Kaosu: Get out of my lair! AND NEVER RETURN!!!!! LEAVE!!! Demoman, Sniper, Scout, Engineer and Soldier:*walks out of Kaosu's lair* - ON JUPITER... Hedgehog:Great, we're screwed. Alien Buddy:GLIZ GLOZ GLUZ BLEEEZLE! (translation: THIS IS THE END!) Martian Monster: ROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! Hedgehog:*activates gatling guns* RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *rapidly shoots the monster* Martian Monster: ROOOOOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! *keeps getting shot by Hedgehog* Hedgehog:YAAAW!!!! IN YOUR FA--What the? Out of bullets? Alien Buddy:GLAZ BLAZ GLAZ BLAZZLE GLAZZLE! (translation:lets do it the old fashioned way then!) *starts kicking and punching Martian Monster* Martian Monster: *shrieks in pain* YOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - AT 2Fort..... Jet:*wakes up* W-w-w-wife!!!! Itz supper time!!*shakes* Time to go to Burger King!!! *trembles then faints again* The Grimm Reaper of Evil:*appears* oh this hedgehog is already dead...oh what a shame. this was my one chance to capture someone else's soul. *teleports to his lair with Pyro, Heavy, Medic and Spy's bodies* - At The Grimm Reaper of Evil's lair... The Grimm Reaper of Evil:*releases Pyro, Heavy, Medic and Spy's souls from the Vacuum of Termination* Pyro's soul:Hey it's my body! *goes into his body* Pyro: I'M ALIVE! *everyone else goes back into their bodies* Medic: So your the guy who captured us! Spy:Who are you, ya weird lookin' guy?! The Grimm Reaper of Evil:let me introduce myself. i am the grimm reaper of evil...just call me "grimm". i captured you so i could get information...from you four. now tell me...who is this red hedgehog you were beating up? Spy: His name is Jet the Hedgehog. We were ordered to capture him by a cryptid named Kaosu. Pyro:Yeah. We work for Kaosu. Heavy:AND EVERY TIME WE COMPLETE A MISSION KAOSU GIVES US A SANDWICH!!! The Grimm Reaper of Evil:i see... Medic: Hey Grimm, if we were to give you something called a Vacuum of Termination 3.0, then would you help us find Jet? The Grimm Reaper of Evil:why yes...of course i would...and right now, im also ona quest to capture this hedgehog...and i've always wanted a vacuum of termination 3.0... Medic:OK! Here you go! *hands Grimm the V.O.T 3.0* The Vacuum of Termination 3.0! It can capture up to five souls at a time! The Grimm Reaper of Evil:awesome... Heavy: ALRIGHT LETS GO!!! *everyone runs off to find jet* Icey: No wait! (Drinks chocolate rain) Ok go! - IN SPACE...... SpaceCore: I'm in space SpaceCore:SPACE SPACE SPACE SpaceCore:So much space. Need to see it all. SpaceCore:BIG FAT SPACE! SpaceCore:SPA A A A A A CE SpaceCore: In space SpaceCore:SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE Wheatley:WILL YA SHUT UP, MATE?!!? Wheatley:*floating around in space* I am genuinely sor--- Wheatley:SHUT UP, MATE?!!? SpaceCore:SHUT UP, MATE?!!? Wheatley:Oh, hey, mate, look, it's a star! SpaceCore:Huh? *gasps* SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!!!! Wheatley: Ok, I got him out of here...If I ever was to see her again, you know what I'd say? I would say-- Wheatley:NO, I WOULD NOT SAY SPACE!!!!! - At Aperture Labratories... GLaDOS: Remember when u tried to kill me twice? LA LA AL ALA ALA AL; ALHNDUHHAVCSFQAVUYZ Turret: Don't make lemonade. Cave Johnson: I CAN TALK ABOUT THE CONTROL GROUP ALL DAMN DAY! Cave: When life gives you lemons, DON'T MAKE LEMONADE! MAKE LIFE TAKE THE LEMONS BACK!!!! I DON'T WANT YO DAMN LEMONS, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE?!!? Caroline: Say bye to the lemonz!! The Grimm Reaper of Evil magically appears from the toilet Grimm: Yes. (captures Cave's soul in the Vacuum of Term. 3.0 and unplugs GLaDOS after deleting System 32) Grimm: (captures SpongeBob's soul and leaves) - At Balloonz Tower Bob the Balloon: AHHHHH IT'S A KNIFE(gets popped) Kaosu: Oh, hey, raspberry skin! (bends down and eats Bob, thinking he is a raspberry) Kaosu: Hi there neighbour Sonic: Hey Kaosu Kaosu: HOW DO U KNOW MY-- OH SONIC!!!!!!!!!!! Sonic: I just wanted to say happy birthday. Kaosu: MARRY ME!!! Sonic: NO! SHUT UP!!! Kaosu: Shiz. *teleports to a random bathroom in a Paris hotel room* - In the epic bathroom... Kaosu: Whoa...(is amzed at the awesome bathroom. The toilets are made of gold, the toilet paper is 4 ply, the sink is made of red ruby, the floors are made of porcelain tile which is cleaned ten times in one hour, the walls? Don't get me started. They are made of POLISHED DIAMOND. There is also a 96 inch flat-screen plasma TV which is made of green emerlald, and the wall mount for the TV is made of crystal.) Pedo Bear: *breaks into the room* OHAIDER!!!!! *shoots the ceiling like a retard* IMMA BOSS!!! *puts on shades and then starts whistling, then goes into the bathroom to clean it* Derp derp derp deritty derp derp de-- OH DAAAAAAAAMN Kaosu: OH DAAAAAA Pedo Bear: AAAAAAAAAAAMM Pedo Bear: NNNNNNNNNNNN Kaosu: Dude! Lemme have some privacy! Taking a pee is peaceful to me! Also, *shows him his laptop, which fell on the floor* I dropped my laptop! Couldn't you do that stupid cleaning job later?! I was taking a pee, but more importantly, YOU STOPPED MY DEADMAU5 MUSIC!!!!!!!! Pedo Bear: ... Kaosu: >:( ... Pedo Bear: ... Pedo Bear: UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU - In a random desert - wind blows* - bird farts* - cactus explodes* - IN PEAR'S HOUSE Pear: IMA FIRIN' MAH... hmmmz, lazah is gettin' old.... FIZZZZZZZZZZZIN' BEEEER!!!!!!! Joey: *outside house* Alright... I place this bomb here, detonate it, run away, and Pear is screewewewewewewwwed!!! *detonates bomb, run away* Pear: *suffering from burns and splinters* GAAAAAHHH NOOOOOOOO MAH LAZAHS AND BEERZZZ.... and homework. WHYYYY? WWWHHHHHHYYYYYY???!!!!!!!!!!! DOESN'T ANYONE CAREZ ABOUT OTHER'S LIVES???? I AM RUINED AND MIZZZERAHBIL!!!! I WISH I COULD LIVE A HEPPY LIFFFFFFFFFpHphpghpfhpFFFFFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kaosu: Ohhhhhhhhhh, a nice little fresh pear! lemme EAT ITZ. *eats pear, pear dies* - In the world of..... I do not have a plan Sonic: YO WAZZUP? Knuckles: Sonic, don't you know i'm allergic to people asking me wazzup??? Sonic: *Holds up "The End" card, so no one knows that Knuckles was just kidding because TheAwesomefroggy is lazy and doesn't feel like editing anymore.* Batman: BAAAAAAH. *rips up "End" card* SCREW YEH ALL. I AR EBETMEN,. TEH WURZ SOOPOOHERO EEEEVAH. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Sonic: Ummmmm.... yeah. Knuckles: Whatever. WHJAWDGDJVGFjustinFIOVBHKGI,KYHUGHbeiberIFLFHVNHJIOHIHrulesIKNHGLFJKVNTHOUIH Batman: AY MUN. CAWMMM DOWN - In the world of men raising men Batman: AY KEEEED, U WANT TO GOOO 2 TEH PARK?!!? Batman Junior: Ummm.... dad, please, speak English. Batman: EXCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZEZ MOI?! ME NO ENGLISHSHSHSSHSH...1U71BH37ERY Batman Junior: You don't know English....? HA!! HAHA!!!!! YOU STUPID SCHMUCK YOU GETTIN' INSULTED AND YA DON'T EVEN KNOW IT!!! HA HEH BUH LOL Kaosu: Wingin' the poo, a-wingin' wingin' da poo! Wingin' the poo, wingin' wing-- RAH NO MORE USING OTHER PEOPLE'S CHARACTERS WITHOUT PERMISSION!!!! Only administarors can ignore this rule. Current admins: Jet50, Ultimatedude127, Mewkat14 and Goldenguy511, TheAwesomefroggy. If you are not an admin, please obey this rule.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 Thursday, December 16, 2010 Friday, December 10, 2010 And what did I see? A little 'ol contract Just waiting for me! Yippee! Highlights will publish another of my poems. Thanks, Joelle and Christine! Friday, November 5, 2010 I learned today that my poem, "Red Mittens," accepted for publication nearly four years ago, has been published in the Nov/Dec 2010 issue! You can check it out at your library! Woo hoo!! Monday, November 1, 2010 Friday, October 1, 2010 Wednesday, September 22, 2010 It's good advice for those wondering if they have anything worth writing about. The point is that the people, information, places, and conversations you're involved with are fair game for writing. Any topic can be made interesting, compelling, even fun or funny, if your treatment of that topic works. But you might also want to write what you don't know. Say you'd like to put something together about aliens invading earth, or weasels doing war dances, or tadpoles. But you don't know the basics of how those things work. (Even in fiction, the reader expects some semblance of reality, whether or not that information makes it into the book.) What do you do? Ask an expert. Like my mom. Let me explain. I didn't grow up on a farm, but farm animals and farm scenes creep into my writing. Who can resist a wet-nosed calf or a litter of pink piglets? How do I get information about how farms work? I ask my mom. She's my go-to farm girl, with loads of information on chickens and eggs, animal husbandry--that's about animals having babies, to you and me--milking cows and other farmy things. So today when a critique member (Hi Laura!) wisely asked how all the farm animals in my book were miraculously born in the spring, I called Mom. "Hi, Mom. Are farm animals usually born in the spring?" What followed was a story about the hows and whys of animal life on a farm, with a sidebar about the size of chicken eggs. [In case you're wondering, the answer is yes, farmers plan for their animals to be born in the spring. Who wants to tromp through the snow in the middle of winter to check on a newborn goat when you can simply separate potential moms and dads until it's warmer?] So, I'd modify the standard adage, "Write what you know" to "Write what you know (Unless Your Mom Knows Better)," or unless you have other experts who can fill you in. Sunday, September 12, 2010 This meant that students should see their writing as works which could be revised, rethought, reimagined many, many times (not just copy-edited), but never really finished. For some, this was a new idea, a new, laborious idea. They preferred to write the paper, turn it in, and be done with it, come what may. Others felt writing as process attached a name to what they'd been doing all along. They were comfortable with the give and take and were relieved to know their institutions valued it as well. In practical terms, writing as process meant that we used classroom time to brainstorm appropriate topics together and to group-critique or peer-edit one another's papers. For instructors, it meant that once a student finally turned in his paper, he could use the instructor's further feedback to improve the paper, and potentially get a better grade, many times over. But it wasn't a gimme; students had to use the feedback to rethink their works. The dedicated writers in my classes often turned in three or more versions of each essay assigned. What did all this reimagining entail? Students had to learn not only the value of brainstorming but ways to brainstorm. They had to learn how to provide feedback concretely but tactfully. They had to learn how to receive feedback, how to evaluate it, what to do with it, and ultimately, whether or not altering their works accordingly would meet their writing goals and preferences and the assignment's requirements. I've been on both sides of the classroom: as an English undergraduate and graduate student and as a writing instructor teaching others how to write. Care to guess which view of writing I was and am most comfortable with--process or product? Right. Process. It has always come naturally to me. The brainstorming (also known as prewriting)--the time before you pick up a pen, when you let your mind wonder "What if?" The drafting--and drafting, and rethinking, and drafting, and printing out, and reprinting out, and reading aloud, and drafting, and revising, and rethinking, and rereading. The critiquing--asking others whose feedback or skills you trust to read your work and tell you where you fell short and where you hit the bullseye, followed by more drafting and revising and printing out and reading aloud. The editing--perfecting word-level choices, sentence constructions, punctuation, and grammar. I haven't been in college or taught Freshman Composition for awhile now, but every time I approach a writing task, I use the same things I learned and taught and was drawn to earlier in life: brainstorming, drafting, revising and rethinking, getting feedback from professionals I trust, further revising and reimagining, followed by editing. As to the feedback portion, I am a long-term member of two online critique groups--shout out to Critcasters and Rhyme & Reason--and to one in-person crit group--PB Thursday. These groups are filled with published and pre-published, agented and pre-agented professionals in the area of writing for children, and I couldn't be more grateful to them for their advice, support, wacky ideas and brilliant suggestions. They are my first and best readers. I also periodically consult intelligent and witty people I've met along the way whose advice I respect, people like Ellen Jackson and Laurie Accardi. And my mom isn't a slouch at writing and giving honest feedback either. Hi, Mom! Where do you fall in the process/product debate? Wednesday, June 30, 2010 Pretty, huh? That's all there is so far. But it's still early. There's lots of time for little yellow flowers to turn into little green tomatoes to turn into red, juicy tomatoes. And I'm happy to wait. What's growing in your garden? Sunday, June 13, 2010 Thanks, Steve and SCBWI! Monday, May 24, 2010 SILVER: COLUMBIAKidsWashington State History Museum Judges said:COLUMBIAKids is a very attractive website which functions like an on-line magazine. The site should be commended for involving children's authors and illustrators to work on the content which makes the site more appealling to the young readers. It is a useful resource for teachers. The site has many interesting sections to engage the readers - the jurors especially like CollectionConnundrum which teaches children how to look at objects and podPuzzle. Read the whole article here: CKids came in second only to the Smithsonian Museum of American History! Read the whole article here: http://www.mediaandtechnology.org/muse/2010community.html Congrats to Stephanie Lile and the whole CKids team! Keep up the good work! Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Sunday, April 18, 2010 Alison has agreed to stop by and answer some questions for us, on this the first stop of a blog tour. JJS: Hi, Alison! How did THIS TREE COUNTS! go from idea to published book? Tell us about the path it took. AF: Inspired by a large, old Oak tree, I wrote a simple ten line poem about ten animals in a giant tree telling its story, which sat unfinished in my computer files. A few months later, I saw an editor from Albert Whitman & Company speak on a panel at an SCBWI conference. After the conference, I submitted a story to her, which she rejected, but invited me to send something else, which I did. That story too, got a personal rejection and a note to send something for the very young, perhaps with a counting theme. I remembered my tree poem and worked on shaping it into story form, adding the children and teacher to hear the tree's story, and how it encourages them to plant more trees. After I ran that early version through my critique group, I submitted it to the editor and four months later, received an offer. In my case, third time was the charm. The revision process was smooth, as my editor really saw the story the same way I did, as did the illustrator, Sarah Snow. We actually expanded the story, to add a few more kids and more about how trees count to our world. A year later, THIS TREE COUNTS! is out and I couldn't be happier with the final product. JJS: How long have you been writing for children? AF: If you count my diary entries and the poems and stories I wrote as a child, then I've been writing for children a long time. As a freelance writer with credits in The New York Times, The Writer, Parenting and several other publications, I was first intrigued with writing non-fiction for children, and there are several factual elements to THIS TREE COUNTS! As common with many children's book authors, when I read books to my kids, it inspired me to write my own stories. I joined the SCBWI about six years ago, attended several conferences, found compatible critique partners and have fully embraced the rewarding, and often arduous, journey as writer for children. JJS: What's the most rewarding part of being a published children's author so far? What's the most surprising part? AF: I've just began sharing my book at libraries, schools and bookstores, but it's exactly what I'd heard from other published children's authors—Kids reactions to you and your story are the biggest rewards of all. Kids today are "greener" than ever, thanks to schools becoming more environmentally conscious, and they really enjoy telling me their favorite trees and how we use trees in our lives. The surprising part about being a published author is how I'm able to promote my book much more than I thought I could handle. I feel fairly shy, but I'm so proud of the way my book has turned out, that it's exciting to share it any way possible. And meeting so many wonderful kids, librarians and teachers so far has already sparked a lot of great ideas for new stories. JJS: Thanks, Alison! I wish you much success with your book. Readers, Alison is having a contest on her blog. Win her book and help her plant 40 trees to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. Just enter your favorite tree for a chance to win. http://alisonashleyformento.blogspot.com/ Or visit Alison's website: http://www.alisonashleyformento.com/. A portion of all proceeds of her book will go to AmericanForest.org to help plant more trees. Learn more about Alison and THIS TREE COUNTS! Tuesday as this blog tour continues at http://rachelwrites4kids.blogspot.com/ and Wednesday at http://anom3.livejournal.com/. Congrats, Alison! All the best! Wednesday, March 31, 2010 Cheryl Harness, author/illustrator and all-around comedian. She's a hoot! And such a talented person. I can't imagine ever getting tired of hearing her stories or seeing her draw. Secret: for awhile in her early career, she created designs on tissue boxes. She called herself the "snot rag queen." Eileen Christelow, author/illustrator of the FIVE LITTLE MONKEYS books and others. Quiet, unassuming, fun. Sneed Collard III, author. I've heard him speak before and didn't miss a chance to hear him again. In addition to being a great creative nonfiction writer (A PLATYPUS, PROBABLY), he's ventured into midgrade novels, where I'm sure he'll find an audience as well. Barbara Robinson, author (THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER). Down to earth and funny, Barbara is the antithesis of the author prima donna. She uses a typewriter to produce her works. Her favorite book as a child? TREASURE ISLAND. Roland Smith, author and crazy man (CRYPTID HUNTER, JACK'S RUN, ZACK'S LIE, TENTACLES). He was a tornado in blue jeans. Funny, poignant, captivating, interesting, serious scientist, goofy author. They put him in the auditorium because so many people wanted to see him--and that was just for the presentation I attended. This guy is a rock star. What a great festival! Friday, March 12, 2010 With so many great authors and illustrators to see, it'll be hard to choose. Here's the lineup: Darleen Bailey Beard Mary Downing Hahn Veda Boyd Jones Dandi Daley Mackall Marc Tyler Nobleman Vivian Vande Velde June Rae Wood Wednesday, March 3, 2010 And...when Shepherd's Check calls itself a microzine, they mean it, by golly! Can you see it? Squint real hard. Good things come in small packages! Friday, February 5, 2010 Thursday, February 4, 2010 Did you know there's an earthworm in Australia called the Giant Gippsland Earthworm that grows to six feet long? How do I know, you ask? Because friend and fellow writer, Ann Ingalls, and I have been researching interesting Australian critters. More on that later. (By the way, don't mean to brag, but I have received my very own copy of Ann and her sister, Maryann Macdonald's Little Piano Girl: The Story of Mary Lou Williams, Jazz Legend, and it is now signed by one of the authors. Just sayin'.) Humpty Dumpty will publish my poem "Found!" in its March/April 2010 issue! Thanks, TH. COLUMBIAKids published my poem "My Lists" in its Winter 2010 issue, out now. Have a look if you like. http://columbia.washingtonhistory.org/kids/fall2009/wordplay.aspx Can't wait to attend the Children's Literature Festival again this year at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg! This year the festival runs from March 14-16. What a great opportunity for school kids, authors, illustrators and bibliophiles in general to listen to and learn from some of the greats in kid lit. All the best!
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This week we are howling with anticipation as we bring you “One Wolf’s Family” from season Episode 17/Season 2 of Monsters! The episode revolves around the family of Victor and Greta a middle aged immigrant couple as they prepare for the engagement dinner of their only daughter. Spirits are high as Victor reflects on how great America has been for them compared to the persecution and hatred they faced in “the old country.” Victor is excited to meet their daughter’s fiance Stanley for the first time. Apparently Mrs Peabody has been snooping around after finding dog tracks in her rose garden. It’s Victor’s fault for taking a short cut. While he chased that jogger. The one in the fridge. Because they eat people. Because they’re…Werewolves!!! During the conversation, The wife let’s slip that their daughter’s engagement is a bit of a “mixed relationship” Stanley is a were-hyena. Horrible, obnoxious disgusting scavenging creatures. Victor appropriately flies into a rage and goes alpha! He forbids the marriage and announces that Stanley will not so much as step foot in their home! He forgets however that his wife is a wife as she immediately takes control and puts him in his place. The meal WILL go on as planned. Mrs Peabody shows up and basically forces her way inside under the paper thin pretense of borrowing a cup of cheese. She frantically looks around the house for weird stuff and gets an eye full. Three cookbooks all about MEAT. Scary looking tools hung up where kitchen utensils should be and a beef diagram handing next to a human biology chart on the fridge. They finally get Peabody to leave and we cut to the dinner. And Stanley is in super-hyena mode. Eating bones, drinking all Most of Victor’s “half a day’s pay bottle of wine” and belching. All the while keeping up the most obnoxious laugh you’ve ever heard. The dinner goes ugly really quick as victor’s simmering fury finally erupts. He transforms into wolf mode and threatens Stanley and his people by saying they are all alike. Cowards. Stanley responds by running terrified out of the house. We see Peabody, snooping around the yard with a camera like some kind of ridiculous suburban cryptid hunter. She pears into their windows listening to their conversations. She finally looks into the kitchen window and sees Victor, still in wolf form eating a human foot. She takes photos, goes home and calls the cops. Victor, relaxing in an easy chair is given an inspiring speech about acceptance by Greta. While he seems to soften to the idea, we see Stanley in the front yard, pacing and trying to pump himself up to stand up for himself! Greta shows up and mistakes him for a cop. Telling him all about the werewolves and the photographic proof she has. Right after victor agrees to let the marriage go ahead, Stanley bursts through the door valiantly and declares his love for Victor’s daughter! He finally has a backbone and proof that he can provide. He brought dessert, in the form of Mrs Peabody’s head in a box. Delicious. Now that we’ve enjoyed the show, I’m feeling a little famished. Why not take a stroll with me down to the concession stand. See what’s on the menu? Latest posts by ClaymationWerewolf (see all) - Saturday Frights: Monsters – “One Wolf’s Family” (1990) - August 3, 2013 - Full Moon Review of TechnoMan! - May 30, 2012 - Remember Zazoo U? - May 23, 2012
Today I’m welcoming Christopher Garetano, the executive producer, director of re creation and co-host of the History Channel’s phenomenal new television series, The Dark Files! Thank you, Christopher for stopping by! Can you tell us a little about yourself? Here’s the short version: 🙂 I was born in Huntington, New York and I spent most of my childhood living just outside of a small harbor village called Northport, NY. That area has many traditional small-town charms but there were a few local ghost stories that haunted us as well and there were others that made national and world news that were terrifying to me. Regardless of how it might appear on the surface, sometimes pure evil hides in the shadows of small-town America. It lurks amongst the summer fairs and fall festivals, in the churches and schools, the forests and in suburban homes. The seasons are well defined in that part of the country and each one has its own mystery. I think it’s why I can relate so well to the works of Rod Serling and Stephen King because my small town experience could have been one of their stories. You don’t realize, when you’re living in it, how bizarre it truly is. It’s not until you’ve had ample time to reflect on the past and that’s when it fully revealed itself to me. I grew up in a place that was rich with atmosphere and I always had a sense of wonder and discovery. I was crazy about mysteries and paranormal stories even before I was determined to make movies. I frequented book fairs and the local library when I was a kid. I collected books on BIGFOOT, UFO abductions, monster legends and hauntings. There is also a geographical and even a historical beauty about Long Island. It’s a variety unbeknownst to most of the world. There were Spielbergian type communities with town gatherings and seasonal festivals but there was also the “Say You Love Satan” murder, The Amityville Horror, and The Montauk Project right around the corner. When I was a kid those local tales gave me many nightmares and further fueled my imagination. I also had a few family ghost stories that stayed with me and couple of profound paranormal experiences. I lived in New York City during my late teens and early twenties. I really grew up there. I worked at a video store on Park Avenue and I went to film school while living in the city. I loved music (punk and heavy metal mostly) and movies and art. I later became obsessed with jazz, synth based music, and motion pictures scores. I love my physical collection of vinyl records, books, and movies. I couldn’t imagine my childhood being glued to an IPAD or a PlayStation. There’s a lot lost with the digital format of everything. That tactile experience is gone if all you have is a collection of files. I’m grateful that the download-technology didn’t exist back then. What can and should be explored for a young child and an adolescent, during those formative years, are precious and infinite. We played outside all of the time and I know that helped shape me as a person; those early adventures. I don’t live in New York currently but I love exploring new places. I lived in Michigan for a couple of years and I’m currently in Florida. The reason why I work so hard these days is to remain in that creative place, full-time. I had to develop a good business sense to keep the artist in me safe and alive. Movie making is such “an expensive paint box”, as Orson Welles said. There’s no other way in life for someone like me. I need to do this. I wasn’t born with a trust-fund or connections in the movie industry, so to survive I had to find a way to make things work and that’s really just trying to remain unique and creative. I feel alive when I’m working on a movie. Movie making encompasses a variety of wonderful art forms, so I feel like it’s the ultimate celebration of art. I feel such a purpose in life with it. During that dark period, in my late teens and early twenties, I had a few unfortunate brushes with death and some dangerous situations also found me. I decided a while back it was either “get busy living or get busy dying.” As a result, I’m in a place now where I’m spiritually and physically sober (and have been for years) so I can experience life without any interference. I spent some of my youth romancing death and taking frivolous risks and I simply don’t feel that way anymore. That’s a distant memory. I have no interest in anything but being alive and loving life. I’m a temporary visitor on this planet so I want to experience as much as I can. I love life and I want to live as long as I can. You cannot acquire true experience from just ingesting movies and books and pop culture so I do spend as much time as possible venturing out and experiencing this life. What made you want to become a filmmaker? It had a lot to do with a exposure to various movies and TV programs that just lit up young mind. It was just the right time and some of the greatest motion pictures ever were brand new at that time. It was overload. They filled that impressionable zone in my imagination. Everything from Alien, Jaws, Blade Runner, Dawn Of The Dead and John Carpenter’s The Thing to Raiders Of The Lost Ark and the original Star Wars trilogy. They were all relatively new and brand new at the time. There’s just too many classics to list here but, my god, am I grateful to have been a kid at that time. It’s an ethos that’s popular again right now and I think it’s important to examine why that decade of culture is so strong. My family would always tell stories during gatherings and late night talks, so observing that helped a lot. I saw a lot of good and bad when I was a child so life experience added to it. I had my own stories to tell. I should give some formative credit to playing with action figures in the early eighties. They had these incredibly well-established characters with starkly defined roles of good and evil. There was a profound story for them all. I’m convinced that this was an amazing early tool for imagining, designing and blocking scenes. I was also an outdoors kid, so I was outside and in nature all of the time. We went camping quite a bit. I remember running around barefoot all summer long, catching fireflies at dusk. My eyes were exposed to so many colors and textures, constantly. But there were a few things in particular that I know made me want to make movies. My parents owned a small video store in the eighties so I saw every movie. I loved horror films mostly and I still love them; at least the very few good ones that are made each year. My folks would take us to the Drive-In and the indoor movie theater a lot too. One Halloween my father had a Frankenstein’s Monster Makeup Kit. He was applying the gelatin sections to his face and I was fixated while he was transforming into the monster right before my eyes. So I later saw the making of Michael Jackson’s Thriller with the mighty Rick Baker (special effects wizard) transforming Jackson into a werewolf. There was also a documentary titled Scream Greats: Volume one. It was a Fangoria Magazine video about Tom Savini ( a horror renaissance man) and once I learned about him I was obsessed with becoming a special effects makeup artist as well as a filmmaker. I later went to film school at The School Of Visual Arts, in New York City. I was there that I was introduced to an endless collection of independent movies and world cinema. Tell us about your documentary, The Montauk Chronicles. Montauk Chronicles is mainly a character study and it’s also an independent investigation of several gentlemen who claim that they were participants in a bizarre secret government experiment. They say that between 1971 and 1983 there was a covert program that occurred deep beneath the Camp Hero Air Force station in Montauk, New York, and that young runaway teen boys were kidnapped and brought to a secret facility to be put through a series of brutal mind control experiments. The men (Preston Nichols, Alfred Bielek, Stewart Swerdlow and James Bruce) all claim that they were a crucial part of training the boys in psychic warfare as well as programming their minds to be triggered later on for assassination missions. In Jame’s Bruces Swerdlow’s case, they claim to have been the recruited boys. In addition to the mind control experiments it is said that they were used as human crash test dummies for time travel and interstellar travel experiments, and all of the men claim that the technology was reverse engineered from extraterrestrials. I began making the movie back in 2006. This wasn’t a very popular story back then. It wasn’t until after Huffington Post / AOL NEWS did an article an interview with me in 09 that I noticed people really started to become interested. That article went out to a lot of people and they showed my early trailers with it. That was the first time anyone really saw an adaptation of those tales in a cinematic form. Later, the story inspired the hit NETFLIX show Stranger Things. The original title of their show was “MONTAUK.” I made two movies actually. I finished the first one in late 2011 and I wasn’t very happy with it. I started all over again in 2013. I finished it in early 2015 and that’s the movie that is out there right now. I wanted to combine cinema and powerful interviews. I wrote, produced, photographed, edited and directed the movie. I also created the live and post visual effects and designed and edited the sound. I feel that The Montauk Project is a horror story so my movie is quite bleak at times. It was a huge project to take on but I’m happy with it and it seems to have a new life every week. It led to my History Channel show (The Dark Files) and many other things so I’m grateful that I stuck it out and I’m grateful for the few folks that were dedicated to helping me make the movie. What would you say to the skeptics out there who may question your research? I would tell them to please just simply look into it all. You must conduct some of your own research, even beyond Youtube, Google and Wikipedia. Before you make any judgment call (on this story) you shouldn’t ignore the factual information that’s available about similar cases. As part of my own research, I personally traveled to and I interviewed all of the men telling the tales. I spent a considerable amount of time at Camp Hero and at Montauk. I searched through the Montauk library archives and asked a lot of questions. I talked to the locals as well. These secret programs aren’t fiction. There are so many factual accounts like the Holmsburg Prison experiments and MK ULTRA that prove a great deal of what I’ve discovered is true and has happened in other locations. So the more you research the more this story becomes less science fiction and more of something to be afraid of. You have an amazing television series titled, The Dark Files that’s now on The History Channel. What is this exciting new series about and when will viewers be able to tune in? I’m an executive producer, director of re creations and co-host of the Dark Files. It’s a two hour continuation of my investigation Of Camp Hero, that began in Montauk Chronicles. I return to Montauk with my co-hosts Barry Eisler (author and an Ex CIA agent) and Steve Volk a writer and an investigative reporter. We conducted a true investigation that included a full site exploration with geophysicists and scientific equipment that wasn’t available to me before. We also returned to all of the major witnesses and alleged whistle blowers for new interviews. I truly love the show and I think between Montauk Chronicles and The Dark Files there is nothing better on the subject. What we found is the bridge between fiction and fact. I’m convinced that we found something that is now the foundation to securing proof that The Montauk Project did happen. I believe at least that it was a secret mind control experiment. The premiere on September 8th, for The Dark Files, was a strong open. Even though we had this monster hurricane (IRMA) on its way, we still rated very well. The weather channels and new stations dominated the ratings for the weekend. That threw things off for everyone on TV. Regardless of all of the above we still rated well, so right now History Channel is planning an additional October premiere and they’re going to test it, hurricane free. After that the plan is, as long as it still rates well, we’re going right into the full series. It’s a necessary process considering the amount of money and time that goes into making an entire series. I’m excited and I trust that there will be many more Dark Files. Where can fans follow you and your work? They can check-in with me and find my work on my website www.montauckhronicles.com, Facebook, Instagram, and on my Youtube channel GARETANO7 Aside from The Dark Files, what else does Christopher Garetano have planned? I’m working on a bunch of things that I’m really excited about. I’ve been crafting the ultimate BIGFOOT movie for a while. It’s a really a perspective on the beloved cryptid that not many have considered. Our country was forged in war, violence and genocide and I suspect part of the creature/species elusive behavior is a result of what they may have witnessed, looking out at us from the forest. There are so many noteworthy books on the BIGFOOT subject but nothing really to speak of in a decades worth of movies and TV. I’m crafting a movie of timeless stories, mystery, eyewitness accounts and a very spooky atmosphere. I want the audience to feel like they’re in the forest alone at night and the creature is moving nearby in the darkness. It’s important to bring the audience into its world and out of our own. There were a few programs worth remembering like In Search Of (With Leonard Nimoy) but it seems that modern TV programs tend to lose focus on the proper mystery and atmosphere for Sasquatch stories, and I want to bring that back. My goal is not to necessarily find BIGFOOT or but to examine its history as a collection of incredibly rich stories. I’ll be back to work on BIGFOOT in the spring of 2018. It’s just such an enormous project that needs a little more for the production. I’m going to take advantage of the many doors that have been opening lately and make this the right way. I’m also working on a few more TV projects. One of them is a fictional tale (a dark Science Fiction story) that I wrote and will direct for Television. Another is my first independent horror movie and I’ve already shot various pieces of it. It’s a macabre story of witchcraft and a family house that’s haunted by an ancient energy. I don’t want to say too much more about it right now but I promise it will be a unique take on all of the above. Any words of wisdom you’d care to share? Just be thankful. Be grateful. It’s all a gift. This entire experience is a gift. Some of my most painful and excruciating moments were followed by me making a point to be grateful, before I fell asleep that night. Of whom or what you should be grateful to is entirely up to you.
Cryptid Profile: Girt Dog In 1810, farmers and townsfolk in Cumberland, England were dealing with a supposed beast that was roaming the countryside and killing their sheep. Over the course of six months, between 300 and 400 sheep were slaughtered. The unlucky sheep were drained of all their blood due to multiple teeth marks around the neck and abdominal region. The stomach was ripped open and several soft organs were torn out and consumed. As many as eight sheep would parish nightly and many others would be mauled to death. A reward of £10 ($14) was offered for the capture and killing of the beast and as many as 100 men took to the countryside on horseback to try and kill it. Hunting dogs were used, poisoned sheep were left as bait, and lookouts were on guard during all hours of the day. Eventually, a farmer caught a glimpse of the beast responsible for the carnage. The Girt Dog (or Great Dog, named for it’s size) was described as very large yet slim, with a long face, tall ears and a long thin tail. It was sandy brown in color and it had dark stripes starting at its mid back and running the remaining length of the body. It appeared to weigh around 110lbs and was around 6ft in length. It acted as if it possessed the qualities of both a dog and a cat. Eventually, a hunting party was able to catch up to the dog and a farmer by the name of Jonathan Patrickson was able to get close enough to shoot it. The dog (now extremely wounded) tried to run off but was pursued by a pack of hunting dogs. While trying to evade the pack, the beast ended up tumbling down a small bank and into the River Ehen. The pack of hunting dogs lined up on the river bank and kept the Girt Dog from escaping back onto land. A farmer by the name of John Steel approached the dog and was able to shoot and kill it. The carcass was gathered and paraded through town, thus ending the terror of the Girt Dog. So what was the Girt Dog? It is now widely believed that the beast was actually an escaped Thylacine (or multiple Thylacines). Back in the 1800’s, travelling circuses were known to bring along and showcase a creature that was referred to as a “tiger-wolf”. The description of the tiger-wolf and the Girt Dog match the appearance of a Thylacine perfectly. Due to there being no exotic animal laws and regulations prohibiting the cross country/continent travel of a non-native species, circus and sideshow owners often took (at their leisure) strange and wild looking creatures from parts unknown and displayed them prominently in cages for paying customers to see. -The Pine Barrens Institute *Image Credit: Google
Intro Of Call of Duty: Ghosts Extinction Episode 2 ‘Mayday’ Activision and Infinity Ward released a intro for Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Extinction Episode 2 ‘Mayday’, comes with with Devastation DLC. “Tapping into the mind of Dr. Samantha Cross, David Archer is getting a clearer sense of the alien presence. But the effort is about bring some unimaginable dangers…” “Episode 2: Mayday highlights the Call of Duty: Ghosts Devastation DLC Pack. Following the dramatic events that took place deep within the Alaskan wilderness at the Nightfall Program research facility, the Quick Reaction Force team now heads onboard a mysterious Chinese research vessel drifting abandoned in the Tasman Sea in the South Pacific Ocean. Players will uncover a much deeper conspiracy as they pursue Captain Archer and discover what has become of Doctor Cross. Armed with multiple mod-able versions of the Venom-X weapon powered with Cryptid technology, players will come up against yet another new alien species referred to as the ‘Seeder,’ as well as go head-to-head with a massive, 100-foot tall Cryptid enemy from the depths of the ocean…the Kraken.” Call of Duty: Ghosts Devastation DLC launched on April 3, 2014 first on Xbox Live for Xbox One and Xbox 360.
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The boys of Fair Point Podcast join to talk weird May news on this episode of BullStone! Nathan and Craig from Fair Point Podcast discuss everything from physics to mass hysteria with Flora and Stecco. With such topics as ancient human evidence in North America, LARP insurance, and a Peruvian school stalker, May definitely had some interesting stories come out. You can check out Nathan and Craig’s podcast at Facebook, iTunes, and pretty much any podcast service, so give them some love after you listen, and stay tuned in the episode to find out who won the third week of the Miss Cryptid Contest! We have also been nominated for a Podcast Award in Science and Medicine, so please go VOTE for us! You can vote once per day every day until the 12th of June.
Listen Little Man Their phantom-like effects blend in soft to heavy – experimenting in musical landscapes, songs full of color, texture and range of emotion. The vocals sweep from whimsical to agro…articulated tempo changes, rippling reverb, static heart-rhythmic bass lines splattering along like tiny, leaping insects. Sounds whip through like cool wind through a drafty house. The experience is endlessly enticing…They are versatile, intense, grooving and calculated. They’ve shared stages with the likes of Jane’s Addiction, Captured By Robots and Odeath. Their new album “Cryptid” will be out on April 1. Daddy Longleg’s Homegrown Revival Daddy Longleg’s Homegrown Revival weaves a rich tapestry of musical genres from all corners of the earth, complimented by live performance artists onstage. A mix of Middle East Afro-funk, Jazz, Latin, Reggae, French Cafe, Americana, Rock, Soul, and Gospel… New album out now “Return Of The Sun” Dr. Scientist generates a variety of collectable vibrations. These sonic mementos are frequently administered aurally, and represent a sort of textural-tonal tonic tonic. Dr. Scientist’s Brainwave Music vol. 1 is now available. Dr. Scientist’s Environmental Operation (a spacepunktronictriphopera) coming this Earth Day.
|A 19th-Century engraving of the enigmatic but seemingly extinct izcuintlipotzotli | Sometimes, tragically, by the time that a cryptid attracts mainstream scientific attention, it is too late - the creature in question has already become extinct. Certainly, for example, it may be too late to secure a specimen of a still-unidentified creature formerly reported from Mexico - the unpronounceable izcuintlipotzotli - because it has not been reported for more than 150 years. This bizarre beast first came to attention in 1780, courtesy of a tome entitled Historia Antigua de Mexico ('Mexico's Ancient History'), penned by Jesuit priest Father Francisco Javier Clavijero, a highly respected New World scholar. Inhabiting the Tarascan region of Michoacán in western Mexico, the izcuintlipotzotli was the size of a maltese terrier, with a small, wolf-like head, extremely short neck, lumpy muzzle, and small pendant ears. Strangely, its forelimbs were notably shorter than the hindlimbs, its skin was mottled with black, brown, and white spots, and - most striking of all - a grotesque hump (but possibly fatty rather than bony in composition) extended the entire length of its back, from its shoulders to its haunches. Indeed, part of its name, 'potzotli', translates as 'hunchback'. So singular was its appearance that some zoologists questioned the accepted belief that the izcuintlipotzotli was a breed of dog (albeit an emphatically homely one), even speculating that it may be some exotic species of rodent! However, the few known engravings of it that exist (such as the example opening this present ShukerNature blog post) suggest that this idiosyncratic entity was even less like a rodent than a dog. Whatever it was, however, the izcuintlipotzotli is no more. What appears to be the last documented mention of such a creature occurred in 1843, within Frances Calderón de la Barca's book Life in Mexico, noting a dead specimen that she saw hanging from a hook near the door of an inn visited by her in the valley of Guajimalco. I am not aware of any preserved museum specimens either. If anyone reading this does have any additional information, however, concerning the seemingly demised izcuintlipotzotli, I would greatly welcome receiving it. This post is excerpted from my book Mysteries of Planet Earth: An Encyclopaedia of the Inexplicable (Carlton: London, 1999).
In 1995, at the age of twenty-four Kim received a clear message from a "voice", the origin of which she could not locate. This voice told her that she was to suffer a devastating illness. Several months later the first symptoms of this illness began to manifest itself, and shortly thereafter she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Please read on for more from her new book Seeing in the Dark. Book reviews category. Monsters of New Jersey, a new book by Loren Coleman and Bruce G. Hallenbeck and published by Stackpole Books, will be released on September 1, 2010. I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Bruce regarding some of my research and articles on The Paranomalist blog, and I'm being cited in the book! If that's not a good enough reason to buy it, read on! Hunt for the Skinwalker, by scientist Colm Kelleher and investigative journalist George Knapp, is the true account of a remarkable and disturbing series of events that visited the "Gorman" family at their 480 acre ranch in northeastern Utah, beginning in the fall of 1994. Phenomena included UFOs, bigfoot sightings, poltergeist activity, cattle mutilations, and more. Recommended reading! Read our review of renowned cryptid hunter Adam Davies' "Extreme Expeditions", a travel diary of his journeys through the world's most remote locations in search of mystery animals and legendary creatures.
Minasan oideyasu. This is Yukkuri demasu! Thanks for the donations. Yukkuri’s January 2018 House’ Mortgage Donations: 67/200$. (Actually, I think I will just use this to buy LN RAWs :D ) Sorry for the late release. I was kind of busy with my new work. I just got this position but I need to do tons of stuffs…… *sigh* Enjoy the latest chapter of: A Realist Producer’s Tokusatsu-Remake Scenario. DISCLAIMER: There is no guarantee that my translation is 100% correct. Please correct me if I was wrong. Chapter 2: Let’s Create an Educational Program D The 『Exercise Onii-san』, Ivan Juniro raised his thumb at the children while laughing and showing his white sparkling teeth. It was a sultry hot passionate smile. 「A healthy mind reside in a healthy body. Now Children! To become a stronger, kinder, and sturdier adult, let’s train your body together with me!」(Ivan) The children made mixed reactions to Ivan’s statement. One child found it amusing and was enthusiastic, another child was overpowered by his ambiance and burst in tears as a result, and yet another child clung at Juna-san while trembling…… But for the most of the children, their young minds just couldn’t comprehend the person who appeared in front of them and looked at him with dumbfounded expressions. Liscia asked me worriedly. 「Souma, are you sure about this?」(Liscia) 「Hmm…… Perhaps he’s a bit stiff? Maybe that Ivan is nervous?」(Souma) 「What will you do? It’s the exercise time, right? Won’t it be difficult with this situation?」(Liscia) Well, certainly in this situation the children wouldn’t be able to exercise. Even in the original program’s exercise part, there would be children who were moving quite freely, running around, rolling on the ground, or attacking the Onii-san…… But, 「I think it will be alright. Since I have a bit of a trick on hand.」(Souma) There was a three-tiered laughter echoing in the hall. Ivan looked at his surroundings. Then, the children pointed up, 「There-」,「Over there!」. On the second floor balcony where Ivan stood before, there was a shadowed figure. 『To make children become stronger, kinder, and sturdier? How ridiculous! Our evil organization that aims for world conquest, the Dark Society, won’t let that happen!』(???) While saying that exposition-like speech, there was a costumed woman with half of her face covered by a mask, wearing a nightdress with long slits on the thighs, exposed cleavage, and post-apocalyptic styled thorny shoulder pads. On her forehead, there were two horns, while on her back there were dragon-like wings and a whip-like tail. Ivan turned to that woman and shouted. 「You fiend, name yourself!」(Ivan) 『…… The Evil Female General of the Dark Society 「Miss Dran」.』(Miss Dran) The woman introduced her name. Liscia, was openmouthed for a moment after she looked at the woman’s appearance, but she quickly came to her senses and asked me with a confused face. 「That woman is…… Carla, right?」(Liscia) 「No. She is The Evil Female General of the Dark Society 『Miss Dran』.」(Souma) 「She is the Evil Female General of the Dark Society 「Miss Dran」, understand?」(Souma) 「Ah, yes…… As if! How could I understand that!」(Liscia) Even while I played a joke at Liscia, the story in the hall continued. Miss Dran spread her wings wide as if to threaten Ivan. 『To make children become stronger, kinder, and sturdier will disturb our Dark Society’s world conquest plan. Before that happens, allow me to restrain you, Ivan Juniro!』(Miss Dran) Whether of out of enthusiasm, or from desperation, Miss Dran ardently acted. Then, while Miss Dran made her exaggerated-looking actions, certain parts were “jiggling”. Since the image quality of Royal Voice Broadcast wasn’t that good, I believe that it wouldn’t be perceived by the viewers…… But, to be honest, it’s hard to find another place to look at. Beside me, Liscia was glaring with scornful eyes. 「Miss Dran’s costume, isn’t it too risqué?」(Liscia) 「It’s something that was entirely made under Serina-san’s supervision. Back then, I had said that since it’s for a children’s program, be moderate in the design, but…… Since she was helping our side in producing the costumes, it’s hard to reject her……」(Souma) 「As expected…… Perhaps, Serina-san is more fitting for the Evil Female General part.」(Liscia) 「Would you really be able to say that to her?」(Souma) While we talking like this, Ivan pointed his finger at Miss Dran. 「World conquest!? I won’t let that, happen!」(Ivan) 『Humph, you are only good in guts, but what could a fool like you do? Finish him, combat soldiers!』(Miss Dran) Miss Dran made her order and men covered entirely in black appeared and surrounded Ivan. Since it might be dangerous, they were a bit aways from the children. Ivan made a fighting pose and yelled, 『Come!』. With that as the signal, the black-clothed men began attacking Ivan in turns. Ivan then fought them back one by one. Swish, swish, blam! When the punches or kicks hit the combat soldiers, cheesy sounds came out. The combat soldiers that received the attacks, made a somersault or corkscrew dive while throwing themselves on the ground. The appearance was showy, but the sound came out from Ivan’s ability, and the blown off actions were also an act, so the actual damage was non-existent. By the way, during this time, half of the children were frightened, while the other half was observing the fight with glistening eyes. Since the sounds were showy, the special effects were showy too. The frightened children spontaneously gathered around Juna-san and Roroa, who calmed them down by saying, 「It’s fine」, or 「That nii-chan will defeat them, so don’t worry.」 Finally, Ivan defeated all of the combat soldiers, but Miss Dran was still calmly smiling. 『Fufufu, you are not bad. Then, what will you do now? Come, Paper Box Monster-Man「Danbox」!』(Miss Dran) 「Danbooo ―――xx! desu.」(Danbox) Shortly, a monster in the shape of a piled up cardboard box in humanoid form appeared. The face part of the box was pasted with a paper that had been drawn with one eye, its whole appearance…… So shabby. Its silhouette was completely like a doll from Lego Block, with boxes linked to each other, and rustled when it moved. At that shabby-looking monster Danbox, Liscia looked at me with cold eyes. 「Isn’t that monster’s quality is too low compared to the others?」(Liscia) 「We got the passion, but not the time and the budget.」(Souma) 「The world is really a tough place……」(Liscia) Since I couldn’t make a life-sized doll and ordering for one would take a long, for the broadcast this time, I hoped that this absolutely “rush job-like” monster could be forgiven. It brought to my mind the hardship of creating enemy monsters (kaijin and kaiju) in early days of Tokusatsu films. However, even though it was lacking in the appearance department, Danbox was strong. It rushed to attack Ivan and easily lifted Ivan, who was 185 cm tall and a bit less than 90 kg in weight, like a surfer lifting a surfboard overhead. Danbox kept its posture, and then turned on the spot, like a wrestler showing off his power. At that stupendous power in contrast with its looks, Liscia was also dumb from amazement. 「Amazing. Perhaps, the person inside……」(Liscia) 「What are you asking your future Second Queen Consort to do……」(Liscia) 「Even right now, Juna-san and Roroa appeared on the program. Does Liscia want to appear, too? Right now, Ivan’s supporting role is open.」(Souma) Then, Ivan, who had been lifted up, began to struggle. 「Curse you, release me!」(Ivan) Perhaps as if honoring Ivan’s words, Danbox nodded and then strongly threw Ivan to the prepared wall. Ivan hit the wall hard and sunk behind it. By the way, since the wall was made from a material that is soft and easily broken, the damage was nonexistent. However, Ivan groaned and acted as if his body was covered by wounds. 「Daaaan, bobobox! desu.」(Danbox) Danbox laughed (?) triumphantly. Even while staggering, Ivan came out from the hole in the wall, then yelled out to the children. 「I will end up losing at this rate. Good children! Lend me your power!」(Ivan) Acting in concert with Ivan’s yell, Roroa and Juna-san spoke to the children. 「Now, everyone, draw a circle in the air with th’ given glowstick and yell 『Do your best!』!.」(Roroa) 「Let’s deliver everyone power to Ivan onii-san. Ready, set, go.」(Juna) 『『『Do your best!』』』 Induced by both of them, the children held the big chalk-like glowsticks and drew circles in the air. By the way, the sticks had been distributed to the children before the program begin. The faint light came from the moss that absorbed light and released it in the dark, which had been used as the streetlights. At this time, Ivan acted painfully again, while shouting at the children. 「It’s not enough! Still not enough! Please, say it even louder!」(Ivan) When an adult says, please, to them, children suddenly become more enthusiastic, and this time, they were yelling even more intensely than before, and began to cheer loudly. 『『『Do your beeeeeeeeeest!』』』 「More! More louder!」(Ivan) 『『『Do your beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest!』』』 The children yelled until their voices almost died out, then the next moment. 「Al~right! I have certainly received the children’s spirit!」(Ivan) Ivan’s body began to be wrapped in light. Then, inside that light, Ivan’s yell came out. Then, out of nowhere, metallic armor, gauntlets, shin guards, and a full-face helmet flew and then, while Ivan was stretching his arms and legs out like the shape of the kanji 大, the equipment “automatically” installed themselves piece by piece. The children raised their cheers from seeing his transformation sequence. On the other hand, behind the scenes, I manipulated the metallic equipment using my 『Living Poltergeist』. That’s correct, Ivan’s transformation was just a pretend-show of automatic equip by utilizing my manipulation ability. At this distance, I could move things other than dolls. Then, Liscia stared at me with cold-looking eyes for the nth time today. 「I have seen an unreasonable wasteful use of an ability.」(Liscia) 「Even a party art is still an art. Then, excuse me a bit.」(Souma) 「Ah, wait, Souma!?」(Liscia) After I confirmed that Ivan’s transformation had completed, I moved to beside the Royal Voice Broadcast Orb while being careful not to be recorded by it. The light in the hall abated and from that light, a metallic hero appeared. While Ivan made a transformation complete pose, he yelled. He introduced himself, and then while only my voice was recorded by the broadcast, I spoke up. 「Let me explain, Exercise Onii-san, Ivan Juniro, with the spirit he received from the children, transformed into the Metallic Champion Overman 『Silvan』.」(Souma) It was the standard practice that there will be a narration after the Heroes transformed. After the narration was over, I returned to Liscia’s side, who made a really exhausted looking face. 「At this point, even if I comment on it, it’s absurd……」(Liscia) 「A Tokusatsu show is 『Don’t Think, Feel!』. There are no shows with a content this fun, where you don’t need to think too deeply and just give yourself to the flow of it.」(Souma) 「……I’ll do that.」(Liscia) Well, our attention returned back to the hall, the transformed Silvan was too strong. The Danbox that had dealt with him easily not too long ago was constantly being pushed back by his flurry of punches and kicks. Strong, Silvan is strong. The children was greatly excited. Before long, Danbox was tottering and fell to its knees. Now is the chance! 「Receive this, Danbox! Killing move, Thunderclap Kick!」(Ivan) Silvan made a flying kick and from the tips of his feet, there were crackles of lightning. That thunder-wrapped feet hit Danbox. I had said this many times, but this lightning was from Ivan’s ability, he was actually only making a flying kick. Aisha, inside the Danbox, didn’t receive any damage at all. However, Danbox staggered several steps behind and, It yelled and then exploded into pieces (the explosion effect, of course, came from Ivan’s ability, Aisha was just hiding herself). When Danbox was defeated, the Evil Female General Miss Dran, who was watching the battle and looked bored since she didn’t do anything, remembered what she need to do and began to stomp her feet. 「Damn you, Silvan! I’ll give the fight this time to you! But for the next time, prepare yourself!」(Miss Dran) After saying this, she turned back and left the stage. After Silvan saw Miss Dran’s exit, he took off his full-face helmet and then pointed his fist towards Miss Dran’s exit direction. 「Dark Society, the evil organization that schemes to conquer the world! If you want to come, then come! No matter how many I need to do it, I will crush your ambition to pieces!」(Ivan) After he made such a passionate statement, Ivan turned towards the children, and then, while showing a slight sultry hot smile, he made an order with a loud voice. 「Then everyone! So that we won’t lose to the villains, let’s train your body with me in 『Silvan’s Healthy Exercise』!」(Ivan) I miss my childhood tokusatsu heroes…… Q: Why Souma made a toku-show? A: It was to brainwash Friedonia’s Kingdom children. Mens sana in corpore sano. Three-tiered laugh. Characteristic of Japanese villain. If you play Disgaea, Laharl laugh in this way. Actually, monster is 怪人Kaijin (mysterious person), not the usual makemono. I don’t really know much about toku-terms. Should I translate it to Villain? Also the monster named Danbox or Danbokkusu is a portmanteau of段ボール (danbooru = cardboard box) and ボックス (bokkusu = box). (E/N: Wikipedia said “cryptid” or “monster-man” so those could work for Kaijin, too.) Monster-man sounds cool, using it (cool is important since this is a toku-show) Not Henshin, sadly for obvious reason. It’s Henbou変貌. Yeah… I still remembered this from Kamen Raider Black back in 1990s. (E/N: This whole arc is giving me flashbacks to watching Power Rangers as a kid lol.) Onore Dikeidoおのれディケイドォォォォ!
Thursday, May 31, 2018 Today, I share another researcher I think the world of - MK Davis. He became known in the field of research when he was the first to handle and stabilize the Patterson Film. But, from there, MK has used his astrophotography background to elucidate tiny details from the film to give us the best view of Patty ever, as well as reviewing the video from other researchers, going out into the field in search of evidence, and so much more. What is it about rocks that creates so much phenomena? Haunted locations are often on great geology, miners have hundreds of legends and encounters within mines, cavers report odd sensations, and the regular traveler standing before a butte of boulders gets a serious feeling of being watched. Wednesday, May 30, 2018 Thunderstorms occur in most places around the world, but they have been known to elicit some very primal reactions. Have you ever been in your home when lightning flashes and thunder cracks at the same moment, the house and you shaking simultaneously? Let's have a look at the dark side of thunderstorms - Tuesday, May 29, 2018 Tonight on Travel Channel, Josh Gates takes us back out on the exciting treks that are "Expedition Unknown." Thank you Josh and Travel Channel - we love you both! Monday, May 28, 2018 I'd like to start showcasing some researchers I admire a great deal in the field of Bigfoot research. Today, I'd like to talk about Fred Kanney and Connie Fox out of my home state of Virginia. Paranormal No Man's Land Strip In my research of paranormal regions, I came across an interesting find, a strip of the United States that seems to be oddly without paranormal reportings. Now, it could be related to population density, until you take into consideration ancient factors before Europeans even settled into the Americas. Sunday, May 27, 2018 I am enjoying sharing some of my favorite researchers of the subject of Bigfoot. It takes a special mix of ingredients to take my notice including thankless hours of research, honing the knowledge, taking novel approaches, being respectful of the subject, and maintaining discipline and ethics in the gathering and sharing of information. Jaime Avalos is definitely in my top spots of favorite researchers. In the Southwestern United States, there are legends of a woman called La Llarona, who reportedly drowned her children in a desert wash in order to make her lover happy, as he didn't want children. The woman's spirit is said to ramble around the desert, calling out in anguish for her children. In Native American culture there is a ghostly legend of the water babies. Saturday, May 26, 2018 Friday, May 25, 2018 Nikola Tesla knew. It may sound new age, but there are some very basic tenants of our universe that provide us with all we need. The Pagans of olde understood this. We have everything we need right here. Just trust the earth and the sciences involved in Gaia. Energy. Frequency. Vibration. Thursday, May 24, 2018 Wednesday, May 23, 2018 Wow, this list was harder than I thought. Yeah, I own hundreds of horror movies, but if I could only keep 10, I'd have to consider things like - variety. Sometimes, you need a zombie movie, but with only 10 movies to choose--which one??? So, I had to keep in consideration that if I could only watch 10 horror movies the rest of my life, which 10 would I just not be able to live without and that would satisfy all my needs? Tuesday, May 22, 2018 Monday, May 21, 2018 When I was 16, my father had a heart attack at the age of 59, right there in our kitchen. The paramedics lowered him down and tried to take control of the situation, but soon they reported, "We lost him. No vital signs. Pulseless. Apneic." In that moment, I was ushered into the next room by family to hug and cry. But what happened 4 minutes later after they applied the paddles, stopped the tears. "We've got him. He's back!" Sunday, May 20, 2018 Don Monroe, a long-term Bigfoot researcher, tracker, hunter of great skill, mountain man, survivalist, world traveler, and more, is one of my favorites in the field of research. They simply do not make men like Don anymore. He makes Indiana Jones look like a weekend camper. In this series, I have covered many of Don's research finds, and today I will be talking about his cave circuit and updating my readers. Saturday, May 19, 2018 I enjoy creepy arts and crafts, whether it's making Halloween props or simply dark wall art, horror stories, and even flash short horror films. It's one thing to admire horror and suspense, and another one to roll up your sleeves and create the elements you enjoy. Friday, May 18, 2018 Thursday, May 17, 2018 Wednesday, May 16, 2018 Today: 1 p.m. EST/12 p.m. CST/10 a.m. Pacific/Mountain time. We will be talking about my writing and my upcoming book "Ghost of a Chance! (A SEEK Team Adventure) with NewLink Publishing coming out July 15th. There is a listen live button on www.kpjm-fm.com Tuesday, May 15, 2018 8 pm EST/7 pm CST/5 pm PST Tonight Linda Godfrey will be on Unknown Universe Radio. Linda is one of my most favorite cryptid experts and author of nonfiction books on the subjects. This show is going to be quite fascinating, hosted by my favorite para host, Jim Heater. Monday, May 14, 2018 Sunday, May 13, 2018 Saturday, May 12, 2018 Friday, May 11, 2018 Girls' slumber parties have long held a fascination for boys. Perhaps it's just the thought of bashing the party and pissing the girls off or adolescent boys simply being curious about girls in their pajamas excluding the guys from the events. Surprisingly, girls' pajama parties had a dark side. Let's shed some light on the secret rituals and practices - Thursday, May 10, 2018 Psychokinesis ("PK"): The supposed ability to move objects by mental effort alone. After a lifetime of being a sort of human magnet for metal and energy that screws up electrical, I decided it was time to stop and take a look at when and how these things occur and begin a series of experiments on the top of PK or psychokinesis. Wednesday, May 9, 2018 Tuesday, May 8, 2018 6 pm EST/7 pm CST/5 pm PST tonight, Jeff Mudgett is the well-known author of the amazing book "Bloodstains," about his conclusion that his great-great grandfather, a well-known serial killer in America (H.H. Holmes), was also Jack the Ripper. He hosted the fascinating TV series, "American Ripper" on the History Channel. A very-well done series. He will be on Unknown Universe Radio on Z Talk Radio tonight at 6 pm EST/7 pm CST/5 pm PST. I will be on the second hour to talk to my favorite para host, Jim Heater. Monday, May 7, 2018 Sunday, May 6, 2018 "Anyway, all the angles are slightly off. There isn't a square corner in the place. No wonder it's impossible to find your way around. Add up all these wrong angles... and you get one big distortion in the house as a whole." Some houses just feel "wrong" when you move about in them and at times even "off kilter." How much does the "haunted house effect" influence those living in a home or those investigators studying the home? Saturday, May 5, 2018 Cinco de Mayo is a celebration to commemorate Mexico's victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla. Here in the Southwestern United States, we have a special place in our hearts for the Mexican Culture and its strong influences. This is the day we all celebrate and appreciate all things Mexico! Friday, May 4, 2018 Paranormal Geeks generally love everything paranormal, but many of us focus on just one study. Suppose you want to go camping this summer to try and encounter Bigfoot, but you're missing out on haunted campgrounds or sites where there are spooklights witnessed, maybe even a UFO hot spot! Today, I'm going to focus on helping my readers plan a camping trek that might just put them in the lineup for a few kinds of phenomena in one setting, a two-fer vacay! Thursday, May 3, 2018 I'm a big supporter of independent art and especially independent horror. I have a talented friend with a production company that is called Wild Street Films. Kevin Kinkade is a very talented actor, writer and producer of films. I am a big fan of his work. Let's be sure that this newest grindhouse/paranormal thriller film, "Voices of the Dead" gets made. Here's the Indie GoGo link - Indie GoGo Wednesday, May 2, 2018 This is a new series by Karl Sup, researcher who has written many great observations on Bigfoot (right hand side of the blog are links) and the very popular Long Island Bigfoot series. His travels have taken him from Long Island to Chicago. This series kicks off "ChiSquatch" and the search for Bigfoot in Illinois not far from the fringe of the cities. Tuesday, May 1, 2018 Tonight on my favorite Unexplained Universe Radio on Z Talk Radio with Jim Heater, an awesome guest - Chase Kloetzke, the Deputy Director of Investigations for MUFON. If UFOs are your obsession, please listen. 6 pm EST/7 pm CST/5 pm PST. Thank you MK Davis for the best images possible of Bigfoot There will come a time when the Bigfoot mystery is finally a fact. It is inevitable that recognition of them without question will occur, but in what scenario is this likely to happen?
Bigfoot. UFOs. The Loch Ness Monster. A living Elvis. There is something intriguing about these tall tale creatures that exist seemingly out of our reach. Though most will deny their existence, there are some who hold fast to the hope of meeting these cryptid beings. Some ciderists are on a similar tall tale adventure, holding out hope that the forbidden fruit from their own cider lore turns out to be real. Which is why there is a hunt on for the Tinmouth apple. While there are many parts of the cider-making process, there is one undeniable and necessary ingredient that trumps the rest: apples. Cideries seek distinct flavor, complexity and depth, aiming to make their hard cider unique from the rest. There is one mythical apple that could take cider from great to legendary. In a recent article, Boston Magazine explored the history of apples and cider in America with Shacksbury Cider co-founder and cider maker Collin Davis. It is Davis’ dream not only to find the Tinmouth, but also to give a rebirth to long-lost varieties of apples.
We’re a mother-daughter team with a vision. We love cryptids, we love creation, and we love telling stories. We believe every creature has been created with a purpose, even the ones in our minds. Tammy is the writer (writing as T. S. Mart), also known as Mom. Mel (also known as Melcabre) is the lameness detector, folklore expert, and illustrator. Together, we’ve plotted and written three novels we call the Belied Outcast Legends. Now, that we’ve written them, we’re looking to publish. And write more. Along with these Romance Sci fi/Fantasy stories, we’re building a legendary world–on this website–intent on sharing our love for creatures and creation. Mel is currently working on a 48 page graphic novella. It’s set in 17th century France and features a cursed, misunderstood cryptid, but that’s all we can tell you for now. She’s had to put it on the back burner to work on three separate comic books to accompany our novels. Before she jumps into the next novel, Tammy is working on a novella about a sixteen-year-old who’s mom is expecting. She’s excited she’ll no longer be alone until she learns the baby has a disability. Life can be so cruel. Until a fairy and the boy next door help alter her perspective. We’re also plotting our fourth book. It’s set in New Mexico. We just returned from our research trip, which was fabulous. We’ll share pictures later on. Suffice it to say, I could live in New Mexico. Sooo excited to start this story. On a more personal note Mel is a graduate of Suzhou Singapore International School. She spent her last two years of high school living in China. She does not speak Mandarin, but she loves dumplings, milk tea, midnight ebike rides through the city, and the French boy she graduated high school with. She also loves to garden, play with her cat, and collect skulls. You can view her artwork on Instagram @Melcabre2 and @cryptidworld. Tammy is a Licensed Social Worker and previous mental health counselor. She’s published in both short fiction and non-fiction. You can read some of her previously published stuff here. She enjoys reading, gardening, traveling, and visiting with family–especially her three grown kids. We hope you enjoy this site. Please let us know what you think and share us with your romance reading, fantasy and monster-loving friends.
My newest embroidered patch set on Kickstarter is heading into the final days of the campaign. With the help of over 225 backers, we were able to fund this campaign in 8 hours on the first day, get a prestigious “Projects We Love” award from the Kickstarter staff, and unlocked the first two stretch goals in 48 hours (and since then we have unlocked three more and surpassed $10,000 in funding). See below for the artwork of the three new patch designs — the Pharaoh Astronaut, the Winged Capsule and the NAZCA Officer’s Insignia. All backers who pledge at the patch 3-pack level or higher get all three main patches, the three stretch goal patches, and magnets for 5 patch designs! That’s an astounding amount of merchandise for a mere $27 — which includes shipping in the USA! Scroll down foe more details on the campaign, or better yet — head on over to the NAZCA Ancient Astronaut Mission Patch campaign on Kickstarter and pledge now. NAZCA: Ancient Astronaut Mission Patches This patch set features 3 main embroidered patches with an ancient mysteries theme, and the artwork features the enigmatic monuments Stonehenge, the Sphinx and pyramids and the Moai heads of Easter Island. The concept here is that these are a set of mission patches for Ancient Astronauts visiting our planet in the remote past, commemorating their various spaceports here on Outpost Earth which we now know as ancient places of mysterious origins. As I have been developing this ongoing series of patch sets each with an “official agency” theme (park ranger, military, police for Bigfoot Patrol, Yeti Squad, Sasquatch Brigade, the Cryptid Command set of Bigfoot Army, Nessie Navy, Alien Air Force, and the Ghost Guard patch set)), I knew that I wanted to work up some cool astronaut patches (another iconic patch-using organization), but I was at a loss as to how to integrate it into the cryptid/paranormal theme I’ve been developing to date. In hindsight, it was so obvious. Once I had the basic concept of ancient astronauts, I realized that like the Apollo missions, the ancient astronauts would want to have their own mission patches. And of course, each would be themed to one of their “landing sites”/”spaceports”! The designs began to come to life on their own. I knew I wanted a retro rocket thrust, the Easter Island heads in minimalist high-constast style, and the rest of the designs just flowed from there. The name “NAZCA” is a play on both the United States space administration (“NASA”), as well as the mysterious “Nazca lines” in Peru, another mysterious ancient artifact that ties into this entire theory. I thought it was a perfect and fun way to tie this all together. I also concoted an acronym for NAZCA to fit in with the theme: Nibiru Astronautics & Ziggurat Construction Architechts Head over to the campaign and pledge now to help make these patches a reality.
Square Egg Entertainment, the company behind Phoenix Comicon – sorry, I mean Phoenix Comic Fest – sorry, I mean Phoenix Fan Fusion, as well as Minnesota Fan Fusion, and the new Vegas Fan Fusion – has confirmed a number of layoffs having been made made across the convention organizer's divisions. "As a business, we must align internal organizational structure to[...] phoenix comicon Archives Following up on yesterday's news that San Diego Comic-Con and Salt Lake Comic Con plan to renew their legal battle over the comic con name this year, Bleeding Cool has learned that Phoenix Comic Fest (formerly Phoenix Comicon) has filed a motion in Arizona's Ninth District federal court asking the court to recognize Phoenix Comic[...] They now have an exclusive contract with 1First Comics, and they are busy pumping out a whole line of new graphic novels and follow-ups to stories that were never finished. When I found out that Matthew and Shawn would both be at Phoenix Comicon 2017, I knew that I had to take the opportunity to meet[...] Rust at Phoenix Comicon last month I was eager to hear about the books they had each authored individually, and equally excited to hear that they had recently co-written a sequel to the classic H.G Wells novel War Of The Worlds Our conversation ranged from cryptid hunters to space disasters and from superheroes to sea-raptors[...] Last month at Phoenix Comicon I had a chance to sit down and talk to the duo about their new Squarriors Trading Card Game, the first game to be released by Cold War Inc. Bleeding Cool: Today I would like to talk to you guys a little bit about the new trading card game that you[...] This year at Phoenix Comicon I was able to sit down and talk with Rich Vincent, the creator of the amazing collectable storage system. Bleeding Cool: You are the creator of the Drawer Box Comic Storage System So first off, if I could get just a little bit of history, how did you come up with[...] Neil Greenaway (of Nerd Team 30) writes for Bleeding Cool: Kaiju have been around for a long time, and they have amassed a huge following over the years. Neil Greenaway (of Nerd Team 30) writes for Bleeding Cool: You can not look very far into the indie comics scene in Phoenix without hearing about Reset Donald Guillory talks to Devil’s Due Comics' Sherard Jackson about 'Semantic Lace', 'Galaxys For Hire', and diversity in comics. Jason David Frank More details have emerged via the Arizona Republic surrounding the arrest of Matthew Sterling, who according to Phoenix Police arrived on Thursday at Phoenix Comicon carrying weapons with the intend to target specific individuals including Power Rangers actor Jason David Frank As noted in the probable cause filing against Sterling, weapons recovered from him included: A TWELVE GAUGE SHOTGUN, TWO[...] Well, today at Phoenix Comicon, Stranger Comics will be holding a panel in which they will announce Jae Lee's first creator owned project in 22 years It's at 1.30pm if you can make it, room 1566 All I know is that it is a fairy tale And that everyone in attendance gets a free art[...] Phoenix Comicon is kicking off and while the world is concerned about a firearm arrest at the show, the people on the ground are just annoyed about the props restrictions now imposed. What we need is a distraction! Such as a look at some of the booths at the show Specifically, the booth known as Scripted[...] James Sabata writes, Phoenix Comicon was the first show to feature the debut issue of Antiis Comics Presents, a new book from Tom Hodges Antiis Comics Presents is a single title with a rotating cast of new heroes and villains, set to build a Universe one story at a time all in one title. "The idea is[...] Don Guillory, history professor at Arizona State University, specializing in civil rights and black culture, writes for Bleeding Cool Walking through Cava, has been writing horror for over fifteen years and has published five books in the genre. They recently teamed up to create the Creepypasta comic and sat down with me at Phoenix ComiCon to talk about it. James Sabata : For anyone who doesn't know, what exactly is a "Creepypasta?" Mr Creepypasta: Creepypastas are basically the horror[...]
Every state seems to have its mysterious creatures but where most people only know the big names in the cryptid world, Mothman, Bigfoot, Jersey Devil, etc., there are also local legends and lore that the residents seem to keep to themselves. Michigan has had its share of Bigfoot sightings, some say we even have a Dogman and a devilish little red imp but most people have never heard of two of the strangest creatures which may inhabit the Great Lakes, I’m talking about The Whatzit and Big Toe. Welcome The Whatzit In the late 1950’s in a suburb of Detroit the first sightings of The Whatzit were made. Residents of the cities of Royal Oak and Berkley, Michigan told stories to their friends and neighbors of seeing a large rat-like creature that walked upright. William Liberman of Huntington Woods said the creature attacked his dog and during the fight “leaped over the fence of the backyard” and vanished into the night. The Whatzit was said to have enormous ears and a long tail. Over the course of three weeks it was spotted by numerous witnesses but only at night. Tales of The Whatzit reached a fever pitch when finally the Huntington Woods police department actually caught the strange creature. One officer, James T. Mavis, thought the strange animal was a type of Chinchilla although he also stated that the only chinchilla he had ever seen was in an encyclopedia. The police department fed The Whatzit dog food while they waited for a staff member from the Detroit Zoo to arrive and reveal what exactly The Whatzit was. A zoologist arrived later in the day and could not immediately identify the creature, possession of The Whatzit was turned over to the Detroit Zoo and strangely, that is where the story ends. No mention of The Whatzit occurs in any other newspaper accounts after the creature was taken in for examination. So what was The Whatzit? Discovering a Big Toe Throughout the 1970’s and into the late 1980’s there was a large human-like creature/being that stalked the upper portions of Michigan. Although most people would lump the tales together, picking and choosing information to make it fit traditional Bigfoot sightings, there were a number that seemed to describe something that was indeed not Bigfoot but what has come to be called Big Toe. The first documented sighting comes from the Antserton brothers who were hunting in Grayling, Michigan in September of 1973. After an unsuccessful day of deer hunting the two brother decided to sleep in their tree-blind. The older of the two brothers was awoken by a “large dull pop sound and a bright flash of light.” He roused his brother and explained that he had heard “something like a dull boom” they discussed if a tree might have fallen somewhere close by and if the flash of light had been an electrical storm. Just then they noticed on the ground, through the trees, illuminated by the moonlight a large man walking around the rye clearing which their tree-blind overlooked. The man seemed to be immensely tall, “between 7 to 8 feet” with “long hair on his head that reached past his shoulders.” As the man moved out of the brush and into the rye clearing the brothers could now see that although the man seemed to be shirtless it did look as though he was wearing some kind of pants. He was not covered totally in hair but it did seem that his arms and head were covered in long unkempt hair or fur. The also noticed that, “There were like wide-silver bracelets on his upper arms, or something that would reflect like, whatever they were sparkled in the moonlight.” One of the brothers shifted his position in the tree-blind and when the sound of his movement alerted the strange being on the ground to their presence. A second later there was another large dull “pop” sound and a flash of light and the man-thing was gone. The brothers stayed awake until sunrise, about 2 hours later, and finally came down from the blind to check out the area where the being had been seen. The only evidence they found were a few large footprints in the soil. They were much larger than a normal man’s footprints between 15 and 17 inches and the prints revealed a very deep heel prints and one giant toe. The brothers didn’t speak to anyone but their families of this story for years and when they finally did talk to a newpaper in 1975 the reporter who finally wrote down their tale manipulated it to fit the popular “sasquatch” legends of the time. Are there more sightings? Big Toe encounters around Michigan can be found by looking more deeply into the “Bigfoot” reports which came out of the area in the 1970’s and 80’s. The creature/man/being is always described as wearing some sort of clothing but partial nude. Long hair on the head and back of the hands but not completely covered with hair. There is very commonly a flash of light or a thudding sound associated with the creature’s appearance and disappearance. And, of course there are the strange large footprints with a deep heel imprint and one large single toe. Was the Whatzit just a normal creature and so once discovered was no longer newsworthy? Is Big Toe just a whacked out giant toed hippy doing magic tricks in the vast Michigan’s forest? One thing is certain Michigan’s strange beings are stranger than just Bigfoot and the Nain Rouge.
Onto week two of Countdown: 2017 on amodelofcontrol.com, and this week I’m looking at the best tracks of the year. These might be the singles, they might be album tracks, they might be one-offs. But all of them are songs I love in one way or another. Weirdly, some of these have been really difficult to explain why I love them so much. 2016: School of Seven Bells – Signals 2015: CHVRCHES – Playing Dead 2014: seeming – The Burial 2013: Seabound – Nothing But Love 2012: Death Grips – Hacker 2011: Frank Turner – One Foot Before The Other 2010: In Strict Confidence – Silver Bullets 2009: Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Zero 2008: Mind.in.a.box – What Used To Be (Short Storm) 2007: Prometheus Burning – Battery Drain 2006: No tracks of the year list 2005: Grendel – Soilbleed / Rotersand – Exterminate Annihilate Destroy 2004: No tracks of the year list But in the end, I found a way. Over two months or so since I began collating this, some songs have dropped out of the list, others were late entries, and there are likely more songs that I could have included that maybe I haven’t even heard. It also goes without saying that I set myself limits on this list – there was no way it was going to be more than forty songs, and also, no artist would feature twice. This ensures only the best songs I’ve heard make it in, and I can cover as many artists as possible. Yes, amodelofcontrol.com broadly covers industrial music, by the way, but as I’ve said many times before, industrial is a broad, broad church – and it seems to get wider by the year. There are influences of the style in so much music nowadays, in fact even in mainstream, mega-selling pop music nowadays. But as well as that, I also listen to other music, and thus the spread here is perhaps a bit wider than you might otherwise expect. You know what, though? Try some of this music. Especially the stuff you don’t recognise, or don’t know. Go for it – I love hearing new music that someone else has enthused about, trying to understand what’s so awesome about it. Sometimes it is obvious, sometimes it will take days or weeks to click, and hopefully something here will do that to you. Time to cue the music. You can listen along on Spotify, Youtube or Deezer. Links to the right. Next week: Albums amodelofcontrol.com on Facebook WE KNOW WHERE YOU FUCKING LIVE Heaven Upside Down His best album in some years, sure, but it barely made a splash, not helped by the fact that one of his long-time bandmates was kicked out of the band after revelations of past abuse were made public. Before all that kicked off, the first track released from the new album was quite something. A savage, brutal track with the feel of the MM of old, this is ugly, abrasive industrial-tinged metal that wants to start a fight, and frankly doesn’t care if it’s you, you or you. The likelihood is that it will be everyone. I See You The first couple of albums by the xx seemed like the listener was intruding on intimate, late-night pillow-talk, the music as subdued and dimly lit. Which made the new album all the more surprising, as they returned after a couple of years away and this was them bursting out of their darkened rooms into the glittering light, and nowhere was this shown better than on this wonderful song. It skitters along on a restless breakbeat, and a glorious horn sample provides an almost celebratory atmosphere as the twin vocals intertwine and interact between each other, as they cast off the shackles of night for something all the more fascinating and hummable. Red Goes Grey Red Goes Grey It still seems like such a simple concept: on Talk Show Host: 037, Eric Sochocki explained that his “rules” for writing music under the FIRES name had to make him dance, had to make him feel something, and had to be “Pop”. For the most part, he could consider this mission accomplished, then, as this is hugely enjoyable, catchy industrial-pop. Pop no longer is such as the dirty word in this scene, as artist after artist has finally, belated realised that melody and accessibility is actually a good thing, as KANGA so brilliantly proved last year. Hope Tragedy Myths EP After what seemed like a while away, one of the most promising new(er) acts in British Industrial returned this year with a new EP and perhaps a subtle shift in style. Always fiercely political, this EP continues that, particularly on the lengthy lead track Society, which appears to be a prod at those on the right trying to dismantle the welfare safety net in various ways. Musically, though, things have changed a bit – and maybe those remixes for and by the likes of Schwefelgelb have rubbed off on R&M, but then it is worth reminding that R&M came from a techno background in the first place. This is a rhythmic, techno-infused industrial workout that pounds away like the forges that have characterised the history of the Steel City, but retains an edge of subtlety that means it isn’t all bludgeoning force, and is all the better for it. Something I’ve got back into this year has been listening to the radio for music, and regular listening to 6 Music has perhaps altered the emphasis of my listening habits somewhat. It has certainly exposed me to music I might not have heard otherwise, such as this wonderful song from Gainsbourg’s first new album in some years. A cascading, near-celestial sound, as it feels like the air is sparkling as I listen to it, and Gainsbourg’s breathy vocals are the perfect match for it. Not the Actual Events EP NIN returned to action over the past year with a pair of EPs (one right at the turn of the year, the other in the summer), and both saw a continuation of the sonic evolution seen in recent times – and a clear sign of Atticus Ross’s increasing involvement, and indeed now a permanent member of the group. I have to admit that I prefer the first of the two EPs, although both have excellent moments, and for me the pick of the ten tracks across them is the spare, taut electronics of Dear World,. A complex drum pattern drives the song forward, with vocals that switch between a growled whisper in the verses to a melodic, pretty chorus, and bubbling electronics that phase in and out of focus. It is tense and atmospheric, and one of the best tracks Reznor has put his name to in some years, to my ears. I really liked the first Amnestic release, but this new EP, released just recently, sees this act turn all their weaponry on the dancefloor. The whole EP – but most particularly this, the lead track – is slamming industrial music to dance to, with thundering beats, sleek synths and appropriately glitchy vocals. This is music for a club in a dystopian sci-fi movie, and it sounds awesome. Amnestic refers to disorders where you lose memory, lose the ability to create memory, or even lose the ability to learn new information. None of those apply here, with the band building on their previous work, learning from that and releasing by far their best, most immediate work yet. How Did We Get So Dark? Somehow I missed out on the first album, but their follow-up this year was actually rather good, brash rock. Yeah, so they are yet another two-person rock duo (bass and drums), but fucking hell they sound huge when they get it right. This lead single from their album this year was exactly that. All low-end and snarling vocals, it is delivered with a groove and swagger that brings to mind prime-era QOTSA, which is no bad thing, and has a chorus that is rather difficult to dislodge from my brain every time I hear it. There wasn’t a great deal of straight-up rock to enjoy this year, so this filled a void nicely. TROD (Defiler’s Song) The return of CB last year – with their excellent Larva Lumps and Baby Bumps – was quite something, and it was perhaps no surprise when a remix album arrived this year, and it was a hefty beast. It was led, though, by a fantastic new track that was easily the equal of anything on the parent album. TROD casts aside sonic experimentation for utter, brute force. A huge drum sound dominates the track, with synths cutting through the mix like buzzsaws and vocals that wouldn’t be out of place on a Godflesh track complete the grimy, uncomfortable palette. An intriguing album by a US-Australian partnership, Panacea was a bit of a throwback to the electro-industrial days of yore. Not all of it worked – particularly the track sequencing, which seemed rather odd and disjointed to me – but the best moment by far was the lead single and opening track, the brooding, slamming Machine Malfunction. This weaved together thundering beats, ominous NASA transmission samples, dense synths and treated vocals that despite the clear nods to the past, actually sounded like it belonged in 2017. Better promotion from their label, you know, and this could have been something much bigger than it was. Make The World A Bitter Place Somehow, I’d never previously noticed that presumably the name for this band comes from, of all places, a Ladytron song. Why is that surprising? Well, one listen to this brute of a track will make it rather clear. As I noted when featuring it on Tuesday Ten: 284, this is the aural equivalent of a chained dog straining at the leash, a four-minute blast of industrial breakbeats, processed guitars, snarling vocals and a general aura of hatred and fury. This young band have promised much over the past few years, and this is the sign of them starting to deliver on that promise in some style. Do You Klack? Do You Klack? Far from the only artist to be mining the past this year, KLACK is (yet another!) collaboration from Matt Fanale and Eric Oehler, and it’s not surprising that it is under a different name. This is pure New Beat, with a neat groove and excellent use of a Speak’n’Spell (an idea that’s kinda an old one now, but it works well here), and is very much a release that is tipping its hat at both Matt and Eric’s formative influences, that’s for sure. The whole EP is excellent, and worth picking up if you haven’t heard it, but the title track is the pick of it for me. When We Die, There’s Nothing I featured their exceptional single Black Wings high up in last year’s roundup, and I was therefore eagerly awaiting their follow-up album. It is perhaps true that Monuments works better as a whole album than individual songs (and there is no shame in that – and it’s no spoiler to confirm that I’ll be featuring the album next week too), but one song in particular here stood out. Perhaps in a year tinged with death at every corner (seriously – four friends, a colleague and a grandmother, never mind the various musical heroes lost this year), this song had particular resonance. A hazy, reverb-heavy track where the vocals seem to float through the bass-led gothic doom, the title refrain in particular appealed to my agnostic brain. That’s it, the end, finito. And in some of those cases, it came far too soon. I don’t often include covers in these lists – I’d prefer to celebrate new music, frankly – but I will make exceptions, and this is one of those. One of those covers that takes the original song, and while keeping an essence of it, is otherwise dramatically changed. Teho Teardo conjures up a stirring, striking string-based backing – to which are added percussion bursts like cannon fire – while Blixa Bargeld is, well, Blixa, delivering his vocals in his trademark style, half-speaking, half-singing. Truly, this is a glorious cover and done in such style that it made the purchase of the Fall EP an essential one, no matter what else was on it – and kinda makes you wonder quite what Neubauten songs would sound like with an orchestra behind them. I suspect it would also be quite something. The Unbelievable EP The greatest band dedicated to righting the wrongs of Hollywood Austroploitation (by doing punk-metal songs based around Arnie films, basically) have been doing this for a great many years now, remain one of the best live bands going, and this year released their latest recorded missive, digging into the comic side of Arnie’s work – as opposed to his all-action films. Needless to say, this resulted in some pretty unexpected songs (Twins, Jingle All The Way, neither of which are films I’ll be returning to anytime soon), but the pick of the bunch was easily the anthemic punk-blast of Mr Freeze, with a song way better than the film of Batman & Robin, that’s for sure… Rise With Me OFH: Prime Cuts Ok, so there is a nod to both American Head Charge and Marilyn Manson (of old) here, but elsewhere, there is a nihilistic, nasty edge to this industrial-tinged metal band who appear to have at six members and an approach to outfits that suggests some affinity with sci-fi films. But none of that would count for anything if they didn’t have the chops to provide such a fantastic tune. The rabble-rousing chorus chugs like a motherfucker, and I’m loving that cyclic riff that closes it out. Burn It Down Music From Before the Storm A seething song whose lyrics appear to relate to teenage life, which makes perfect sense when you realise that it is from a soundtrack that the band created to a game called Life Is Strange: Before the Storm, which is indeed about exactly that. The song, though, has rather more grown up conceits, with a rippling fury delivered through the vocals that are like cold steel against the ethereal, backing vocals and rather lighter music. I really must investigate this band more. Country Girl EP Despite a couple of opportunities, I was scuppered at every turn to catch a young band apparently very much on the up. Their pair of London gigs at the end of November were both rather oversubscribed, and have – to my amazement – also had airplay during primetime on BBC Radio 6 Music. Their music is – much like a lot of electronic music in our part of the realm, anyway – somewhat preoccupied with the past, with there being a distinct EBM-funk feel to this recently-released lead single. The vocals have a woozy, resigned quality that reverberates across the mix, and provides as a neat counterpoint to the energetic, busy electronic backing. Clearly a band with wider appeal than just industrial tastemakers, that’s for sure, and I suspect it won’t be long before we hear a lot more about them, mark my words. Edith Piaf (Said It Better Than Me) It really does seem that the exceptional FFS collaboration with Franz Ferdinand has given Sparks a new lease of life. An active act for beyond forty years, parts of their latest (and 23rd!) album teem with fascinating life, but nowhere more than this glorious single. A sweeping mini-epic in just four minutes, it appears to be a musing on a life well-lived, and whether regret should be part of that. With the fact that they appear to disagree with Piaf’s signature song, perhaps they are taking stock and wondering what they could have done instead. At face value, the Mael brothers have done a lot, particularly in being a formative influence on any smart-arsed indie/post-punk since, for a start, and a bevy of brilliant songs like this. Also well-worth catching is the extraordinary stop-motion video that was released for this song, too. The Way You Used To Do There were various eyebrows raised when it was revealed that QOTSA had been working with Mark Ronson for their new album. An undoubtedly slick producer, best known from his retro-throwback production on just about everything he touches, seemed an odd fit for a band that are very much the embodiment of scuzzy, down-and-dirty rock. Sadly, the takeaway I got was that while the singles were great, that slickness rather squeezed the life out of much of the album, leaving it too clean by half. The exception was the hip-swinging, groove-monster of the lead single, which is a song that just oozes sex appeal, with guitars like cars revving into the distance and a beat you could time a few things with. If only, if only, the rest of the album had been as great as this. Rodovnik [A Genealogy] Proti kapitulaciji [To Surrender] I had a fascinating chat with [lead member] of Borghesia earlier in the year over Skype, that sadly technical issues destroyed most of (I hope to resurrect this in due course). The reason for that chat was inspired by this single song, released in the spring as an apparent precursor to a new album that I believe is still awaited, but hasn’t yet appeared. Their comeback album And Man Created God was broadly in English (something of a departure from their past), and their angry comments on world affairs didn’t always hit the mark (and indeed were somewhat too blunt at times), not to mention the music having shifted towards industrial-rock from their earlier forceful EBM. So it was a kind of relief to hear the band here returning to their native Slovenian, and intriguingly their own cultural history. This song starts a longer project of putting a number of Slovene poet Srečko Kosovel‘s poetry to music, and the result was a startling one. Punchy beats back a twin-vocal delivery of a scathing, political poem that appears to seethe at the craven nature of Slovene leaders over the ages (Slovenia being at least partly occupied by other nations, not for the first time, in the early 1920s when this was written). Sky is Mine I knew little about this band aside from this song, but it’s so, so brilliant that so far I’ve just had this on repeat. The rest of the album has a mellower, more languid feel – and with something of the stripped-bare fuzz-rock of JaMC and Spiritualized, too – but this opening track is raw power condensed into three minutes. That propulsive bassline is at the heart of the surge of energy that this song has, and while vocalist Leila Moss’s delivery is initially sweet and reserved, she then explodes with emotional energy in the chorus, and it is a compelling, attention-grabbing sound. At just three minutes, every time I hear it, I’m left wanting so much more of just this song. Quite aside from the difficult to pronounce name (those without a grasp of German probably need not apply), this British industrial act have taken a very different route to most of their peers. While hard industrial beats and guitars are very much in vogue right now – not to mention something of an obsession with reworking and pulling forward styles from two decades ago – these folks have instead taken a different style of industrial from back then. That of Coil in particular – of dimly lit, forbidding soundscapes, sparse vocals and a disquieting sense of something not being quite right. Cavernous, uncomfortable spaces open up in the mix, too, as synths swirl around the edges. This is music for nightmares, and it sounds quite brilliant. Garbage have spent a lot of their recent years looking backwards, touring their first album in it’s entirety (with all the B-sides, too, rather marvellously), and they are doing the same with Version 2.0 next year. In between, of course, they did return with a new album, that was admittedly pretty good, but this track eclipses all of that and most of the rest of the material since V2.0, too. A one-off song that is one of their most political releases, this is a spiky, fuming track that rages at the destruction of the environment by monied interests, in effect, and musically builds from a quiet intro to a thundering rhythm that is not far off full-on, rampaging industrial rock. Sure, a one-off, but I’d love to hear Garbage explore this side of their sound more in future. Godflesh returned late this year with their second album since reforming, and this one has a more murky, less metal sound than the last album – and this song in particular absolutely reeks of malice. The dense, bass-dominated swamp grooves drag the rest of the track in its wake, Justin Broadrick’s vocals distorted and menacing amid the depths, and the bleak desolation of the track is only made more overt by the way that the track runs out of steam, in the last seconds the (comparatively) delicate picking of a guitar is all that remains before even that fades into nothing. Nihilism never sounded so great. Cigarettes After Sex A band that initially sink without trace, then go viral a couple of years later to their total surprise – and now, they have a successful album and some big live dates. The latter is rather surprising, though – this is music of extraordinary intimacy, with sparse instrumentation and close-mic’d vocals that sound like he is singing directly into your ears and yours only. It is sexually frank (to put it mildly), an alternative version of the pillowtalk that the xx did so well on their first place, but most of all, it really does sound like the skeletal, bluesy elegance of Mazzy Star, but perhaps isn’t quite as languid. The best song, though, is the exceptional Apocalypse, a surprisingly catchy, memorable track that has a lightness of touch that gets past the oh-so-clever rhyming (“Your lips / My lips / Apocalypse” – Yes, very good), by being simply gorgeous to listen to. Picture the scene – old heads consider a reformation, bin the idea and turn their attention to an adjacent genre. Generally, that’s not going to work, right? Well, generally, maybe, but here it really does. Who they were isn’t especially important – although if you listen closely you’ll pick up the odd nod, particularly in that tight-as-fuck rhythm section and of course the vocals – but who they are shows a lot of promise. This is dry-as-all-hell, door-kicking rock with a rhythmic punch like a prize-fighter and a soaring, blood-pumping chorus that befits rock music like this. Oh, and that chugging breakdown has me moshing in my seat every time. No Lives Matter Of all the various political songs in recent times – and there has sure as hell been enough to protest about of late – Ice-T stopped beating around the bush and delivered this like a punch to the face. His eloquent explanation to begin with is necessary – reminding just how reductionist and unhelpful “All Lives Matter” was to the “Black Lives Matter” protests – but then, he reminds us, the reality is that for those not rich, “No Lives Matter”. The rest of the song is a direct, anthemic song that should be required listening for anyone who thinks there isn’t any point in protesting. This four minutes will have you writing placards and marching on the Government by the time it is finished. Shut It Down Treason, Sedition and Subversive Activities DJ Cyrus Rex and Douglas McCarthy opened up their musical partnership this year, with a whole host of other guests assisting across the first album under the Black Line name, and as so often happens when so many people are involved in the creation of a musical release, it rather diluted the impact a bit. That said, there were some great moments on the album, particularly on the one track where the tempo was returned to EBM levels. Yes, it sounds rather like Nitzer Ebb with a 2017 industrial-techno build and beat – with a gloriously off-kilter guitar hit in the cliff-face changeup of a chorus – but why not? McCarthy was there when this sound was forged in the first place, and the beat-driven menace of this track was the sound of him reminding everyone who the king of this stuff still is. In some respects, we should have known that the band’s follow-up to the excellent Fearless was going to be different. Krummi and his bandmates have been chameleons musically over the years, rarely staying in one place stylistically, but even so the move on this album was quite the jump. While Fearless was very much the sound of a rock band dipping their toes into an all-electronic, gothic world, this is the Rock side of their DNA taking charge, but songs like the staggering opener Cryptid provided a bridge between the two. This is all drama, emerging out of the murk of the intro and building up to a wave-crashing, cliff-edge of a chorus (and then the middle-eight, oh my god) that is one of the finest melodic moments I heard all year. IDK About You Amid another intriguing album from Fever Ray, the best song on it by far was the one that took her furthest from the debut. IDK About You is a riot of drumming and bone-shaking rhythms, looped vocals and a sense of joy and abandon that is conspicuously absent from the rest of her solo work. This actually brings things a bit closer to what the The Knife were eventually doing, around the time of Shaking The Habitual, but even they never had energy like this. As glorious as Fuck Buttons could be, I have to say that I’ve come around to preferring Benjamin John Power’s “side project” Blanck Mass, which casts aside the proggy diversions of Fuck Buttons for what can be astonishingly direct, powerful electronics. Rhesus Negative, the nine-minute monster from him latest album, is perhaps the ultimate example so far. This is a maelstrom of intense volume and depth, with synths swirling around a pummelling, jack-hammer beat, twisted and distorted vocal samples, and fathom after fathom of bass, with hidden depths and new sounds that just keep on being introduced, until it reaches an astonishing, chaotic climax. Talk About Bones SOL: A Self-Banishment Ritual On such a brilliant album (But Listen: 156), that works amazingly as a whole piece, it seems kinda wrong to be picking one moment from it – and indeed my choice of song from it for this by-track rundown has now changed five times. But there was one song, and one refrain, that I kept coming back to. “What sets your soul on fire?” is the hook of closing track Talk About Bones, a song that bounces around breakbeats and piano-led sections, found-sounds (breaking glass in particular), but really is led by an impassioned vocal from Alex Reed, where he implores a message of self-discovery, hope and mental rebirth, effectively summarising the key messages from an extraordinary album: you can make things better, you can improve. The Punishment of Luxury While the title track was an exceptional, punchy synthpop hook-fest, I was rather more taken with the track that followed it. A lengthy electro-exploration, Kraftwerkian nods abound, including Autobahn-esque vocals at points – as well as a Metroland-esque nod to design and style (a pictorial method of communicating information, in effect), but more than anything this glorious six-minutes is OMD reminding us, the listeners, that you can do so much more than just singing about the same concepts over-and-again, instead paying tribute to information technology and the changes to our lives that they have brought. That, and it has a hook that wedged itself in my brain for months, too. Rattle Them Bones My find of the year turned out to be on my doorstep. We discovered them supporting deux furieuses earlier in the year, where they were described as “Murder songs & death shanties”. Oh really, said us, so we ensured that we were there in time, and by the first minute of opening song Wishbone, I was totally sold. A rolling, queasy rhythm, an equally unusual vocal line, and a chorus that stays with you for days. This is somewhere between Irish folk, Tom Waits and some of PJ Harvey’s starker moments, but perhaps most remarkable is how they don’t sound like slaves to their influences. A new single is imminent, and I can’t wait to hear where they go next. It has been a tentative return for the Swedish industrial-metallers, with a drip-feed of live shows, various press commitments (including an interview with this site on Talk Show Host: 021), and just the one new track so far (with the promise of more to come). But what a first track back. Brooding, bass-led verses lead into an explosive, emotional punch of a chorus, that has a much heavier feel than it perhaps really is. That is partly, much as MLc always used to do, because of the dense, oppressive atmosphere that the band build around the song, like an impossibly dark shroud. Misery Loves Co. were never a band for the happy listener, and I’m happy to report that this is a band that have returned picking up where they left off, and sounding just as brilliantly bleak as they always did. The band resurrected and thrilling once again…and in typically obtuse style, the best song on the album is about getting old and dying. Or more to the point, about other artists all singing about dying and getting old, and James Murphy considering his place within that. The joke of course is that this song is an irresistable dancefloor banger, the type of song that Murphy seems capable to writing for fun, and absolutely teems with life, and continues to reach peak after peak that surely must be out of reach. Also, this track has the best use of cowbell since Blue Oyster Cult. After a near-acoustic, somnambulant sound for the last album – that divided many, although I thought it was quite pleasant – it was something of a relief to see Goldfrapp return with a bang this spring, with their most energetic, vital album in a great many years. Better than the singles, though, the extraordinary closing track Ocean towers over just about anything Goldfrapp have done. Reputedly the vocals recorded in one take by a seething Alison Goldfrapp, the vocals have a slightly ragged, desparate quality that only serves to enhance the emotional force of the track, and a pulsating electronic backing ebbs and flows with her vocals, providing a forceful backing when needed, and drifting away into shards of effects when not. The more I hear it, the more amazing it sounds, and the more I’m sure that this is very much the best performance of Alison Goldfrapp’s now lengthy career. They Gave Me A Lamp Each PSB album thus far has at least one stand-out track that absolutely nails the whole point of the thematic concepts that underpin each one, and the third PSB album – about the growth, decline and aftermath of coal mining in South Wales – had this track as the extraordinary heart. Giving a voice to the women that stood beside their husbands, family members and friends that went on strike in the eighties, it is a poignant, thrilling four minutes of dedication and political awakening that is terrifically moving and inspiring. The voices at the heart of this are testament to what can happen when a decision is made to make a difference, to empower ones-self, and is the greatest embodiment of what the band’s mission statement was from the off – “Inform, Educate, Entertain”. On a near flawless album, picking highlights is tough, but the sheer, desperate emotion within Siphon puts it a nose ahead of the rest of the album – not that the same feeling doesn’t permeate through the whole of it. Most of this album is about dealing with the aftermath of shocking events – deaths of loved ones, sudden life changes, or, in this case, the suicide attempt of someone close. And the sheer shock of what Zola Jesus was witnessing comes crashing through in this extraordinary song. Lyrically it is a tender, but stark, take on dealing with it, detailing the actions of the one attempting to end their life. But also it is about those who have to pick up the pieces, before it culminates in a dramatic, breathless chorus where pleas to think again and a message of deep love comes across, one that is clearly heartfelt and from first-hand experience. Add to that the claustrophobic, unflinching video of her apparently standing unclothed and unflinching under a shower of bloody water, and the realisation comes that the best music comes from bitter, desperate experience. Here, she has faced up to difficult odds, faced it down and released music that moved me, spoke to me, and in a year that has frankly stank of death from start to finish, reminded me that there is hope, and fighting back against the darkness can result in seeing light again.