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You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'PP45. [Noting further the holding of the fourth United Nations World Data Forum in Hangzhou, China, 24 to 27 April 2023, -EU suggests merging with PP44 without changing any words; -G77 to revert] ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Taking note with appreciation of the United Nations Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment, convened by the Secretary-General on 23 and 24 September 2021,from 24 to 26 July 2023 and hosted by the Government of Italy at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in collaboration with the United Nations system in Rome , as well as its Pre-Summit, held in Rome from 26 to 28 July 2021, noting the Chair s Summary and Statement of Action on the Summit, issued by the Secretary-General, and recognizing that agricultural technologies have improved the productivity of agriculture and enhanced the sustainability and resilience of food production systems at the local level, as well as the Secretary-General s Call to Action for Accelerated Food Systems Transformation,' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Stressing that new, additional, adequate, predictable and easily accessible financial resources to developing countries will be key to place the global community on a path towards realizing the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity of living in harmony with nature,' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'12. Emphasizes the need to urgently develop measures of progress on sustainable development that complement or go beyond gross domestic product (GDP) in order to have a more inclusive approach to international cooperation and inform access to concessional finance and technical cooperation, and stresses the call for a UN inter-governmental process, in consultation with relevant stakeholders, including international financial institutions, multilateral development banks and regional economic commissions, on measures of progress on sustainable development that complement or go beyond gross domestic product, building on existing initiatives; We reiterate our call upon all Member States to continue to engage in discussions in consultation with relevant stakeholders, including international financial institutions, multilateral development banks and regional commissions, on measures of progress on sustainable development that complement or go beyond gross domestic product, taking into account existing initiatives, to have a more inclusive approach to international cooperation. ' | Redline |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'63. Stresses the importance of promoting the incorporation of disaster risk knowledge, including disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness, financing, response, recovery, reconstruction and rehabilitation, in formal and non-formal education, as well as in civic education at all levels and in professional education and training, and of raising awareness and creating a culture of disaster prevention, resilience and responsible citizenship to foster all-of-society engagement in disaster risk reduction, and emphasizes the need for new and existing educational infrastructure, school facilities and teaching and learning practices to be risk - informed, resilient and fully accessible to all, which requires channelling financial and other resources towards strengthening these efforts;' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recalling further General Assembly resolutions 74/270 of 2 April 2020 on global solidarity to fight the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), 74/274 of 20 April 2020 on international cooperation to ensure global access to medicines, vaccines and medical equipment to face COVID-19 and 76/175 of 16 December 2021 on ensuring equitable, affordable, timely and universal access for all countries to vaccines in response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, US: Reserve on entire para' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recalling its resolution 77/244 of 30 December 2022 in which it decided to begin intergovernmental discussions at the United Nations Headquarters on ways to strengthen the inclusiveness and effectiveness of international tax cooperation through the evaluation of additional options, including the possibility of developing an international tax cooperation framework or instrument that is developed and agreed upon through a United Nations intergovernmental process, taking into full consideration existing international and multilateral arrangements, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Noting with grave concern that the debt level in SIDS, although falling in 2022, remains above pre-pandemic levels, and more than 40% of SIDS are suffering from severe debt problems, due to the continuing rise of the external debt stock of SIDS which grew by 5% in 2022 to USD68.6 billion, and by 16% since the end of 2019. Moreover, the reduction in liquidity buffers as measured by the ratio of reserves to short-term debt to 148% disproportionately affects SIDS,' | High |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'[PP11. bis Recalling its resolution 76/307 and its decision 77/568 on the modalities and the scope on the Summit of the Future to be held on 22 and 23 September 2024 mandating a concise, action-oriented outcome document entitled A Pact for the Future , including a chapter on science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation, -EU]' | Medium/Low |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'15. Looks forward to the holding of the fourth meeting of the Working Group on Measuring E-commerce and the Digital Economy, on 30 November and 1 December 2023, and the seventh session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on E-commerce and the Digital Economy, from 6 to 8 May 2024, which will focus on Building digital readiness: from assessments to implementation ; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recognizing the important contributions and full participation of all stakeholders to help bridge, in their roles and responsibilities, the digital divides, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Taking note of the work of the African Union, in collaboration with other Pan-African Institutions in promoting international cooperation to Fight Illicit Financial flows, including the decision of the Assembly of the Union at its Thirty-Sixth Ordinary Session held on 18-19 February 2023 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to curb IFFs illicit financial flows that drain from the continent of Africa substantial financial resources paramount that could otherwise be employed for economic and social development, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'OP8. Encourages national and international efforts to integrate sustainability into the financial system and thus to further reorient capital flows towards investments that are sustainable from an economic, social and environmental perspective;' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Reiterating the pledge that no one will be left behind, reaffirming the recognition that the dignity of the human person is fundamental, and the wish to see the Goals and targets met for all nations and peoples and for all segments of society, and recommitting to endeavour to reach the furthest behind first, - RF delete]' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'OP9. Calls for increased foreign direct investments [at all levels EU], particularly in developing countries, which have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and current multiple crises, to meet the 4 trillion United States [US -Mx] dollar Sustainable Development Goal investment gap in developing countries, while recognizing the key role of foreign direct investments for economic growth and development and that foreign direct investments can reduce inequalities and can help commodity-dependent countries to transition to manufacturing activities and other higher-value-added activities;' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'62. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its seventy-ninth session the item entitled Information and communications technologies for sustainable development , unless otherwise agreed. (Technical update) ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Guided by the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations,' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'13. Underscores the continuing need for international support to increase economic resilience and diversification of commodity dependent developing countries in such a way that their structural transformation is sustainable and economically meaningful; - EU, RF to revert with language proposals' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recalling the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development and its outcome document, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'OP6. Emphasizes that foreign direct investment may have different impacts on Sustainable Development Goals, and underlines the need to strengthen the alignment of foreign direct investment with national policies and sustainable development strategies and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and invites States preparing integrated national financing frameworks to include and implement plans for mobilizing and aligning private finance with national development plans;' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'25. Acknowledges the importance of community-driven disaster risk reduction and resilience efforts, and supports efforts to scale up community-level pre-disaster recovery and reconstruction planning;' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'47. Calls upon all stakeholders to keep the goal of bridging digital divides, in their different forms, an area of priority concern, to put into effect sound strategies that contribute to the development of e-government and to continue to focus on [pro poor -EU delete] information and communications technology policies and applications, including access to broadband at the grass-roots level, with a view to narrowing the digital divides among and within countries and, in turn, building information and knowledge societies; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recalling the outcomes of all the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social, environmental and related fields, including the outcomes of the international conferences on development cooperation with middle-income countries, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'PP18 [Noting the work of the United Nations in the area of investments for sustainable development, including the World Investment Forum of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the Sustainable Development Goals Investment Fair and the Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development follow-up, and recalling the establishment of the Global Investors for Sustainable Development Alliance by the Secretary-General and - Russia, EU, G77 and China, Merge with PP16 bis] Taking note of the World Investment Report 2023 and the SDG Investment Trends Monitor of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2023, the Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023 and the outcome document of the 2023 Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development follow-up, [T rkiye request clarification]' | Medium/Low |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Noting the ongoing efforts of the joint Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/United Nations Development Programme initiative, Tax Inspectors Without Borders, to support developing countries through targeted tax audit assistance programmes, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Taking note of Economic and Social Council resolution 2023/4 of 7 June 2023 on science, technology and innovation for development and previous Council resolutions on the issue, and taking note also of Council resolution 2021/30 of 22 July 2021 on open-source technologies for sustainable development, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Expresses its concern regarding the ability of non-cooperative minority bondholders to disrupt the will of the large majority of bondholders who accept a restructuring of a debt-crisis country s obligations, given the potential broader implications in other countries, notes contractual and legislative steps taken by countries to prevent these activities, and encourages all Governments to take action, as appropriate, and, furthermore, takes note of discussions in the United Nations on debt issues, and urges Member States to consider enacting domestic legislative changes to facilitate timely and orderly sovereign debt restructuring processes. In the meantime, contractual tools should be more widely considered (SG report page 17); ' | Redline |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recalls the holding of the fifteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in Barbados and Geneva from 3 to 7 October 2021, and the Bridgetown Covenant,[1] and encourages the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, in cooperation with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, to continue its analytical and policy work and technical assistance on debt issues, including to promote policies for responsible, sustainable and transparent sovereign borrowing and lending, as appropriate, and to enhance the efficiency of the global economic system and debt sustainability for the realization of the 2030 Agenda in developing countries; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'11. Also notes that the digital economy is an important and growing part of the global economy and that connectivity is correlated with increases in gross domestic product, recognizes the critical importance of expanding the participation of all countries, in particular developing countries, in the digital economy, and further notes that the Commission on Science and Technology for Development will explore the connection between data and sustainable development at its twenty-seventh session, in 2024; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'26. Welcomes the progress achieved so far, takes note with appreciation of the interim report published (b) NotesStresses the call for a UN led intergovernmental process, in consultation with relevant stakeholders, including international financial institutions, multilateral development banks and regional economic commissions, in accordance with their respective mandates, on measures of progress on sustainable development that complement or go beyond gross domestic product, ' | High |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'1. Recognizes that information and communications technologies have the potential to provide new solutions to development challenges, particularly in the context of globalization, and can foster sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development, competitiveness, access to information and knowledge, trade and development, poverty eradication and social inclusion that will help to expedite the integration of all countries, especially developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, into the global economy; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Noting Endorsing further the implementation of the Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information in Tax Matters under a common reporting standard developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, as well as the positive role of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, that is comprised of 170 jurisdictions, a majority of which are developing economies. ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Emphasizing the relevance of inclusion in the international financial system at all levels and the importance of considering financial inclusion as a policy objective in financial regulation, in accordance with national priorities and legislation, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Acknowledges the link between plastic [waste and del -US; retain G77] pollution and sustainable consumption and production patterns, and calls upon all Member States to continue to step up activities across throughout the [full- CHE] life cycle of plastic to prevent, reduce and eliminate plastic pollution[, including in the marine environment-CHE], [including -del -CHE] through innovative approaches that foster environmentally sound [waste- CHE] management, including the reduction, [repair,- CHE, EU] reuse and recycling of plastic [waste-del- CHE][and plastic products- CHE]; [,including plastic pollution in the marine environment CHE, MEX, EU]; ' | High |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'OP30. Notes the potential of blended finance, including its ability to crowd in, leverage or catalyse additional financing, and stresses that projects should be aligned with national priorities, have long-lasting development impact and be in the public interest, [[Especially / including Russia] in the interest of [the most vulnerable /those in vulnerable situations CANZ (A/RES/70/1)] EU; G77 and China reserve] while recognizing that, for different Sustainable Development Goal investment areas, different types of finance may represent the most effective financing modalities;' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'12. Reiterates that small island developing States continue to face loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including extreme weather events and slow-onset events, resulting in unprecedented social, economic and environmental challenges that push debt to unsustainable levels, and in this regard calls for urgent and ambitious global action, in line with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement to avert, minimize and address the threat and impact of climate change on small island developing States; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'40. Encourages the use of and engagement with forums and expertise available within relevant United Nations bodies, such as the Commission on Science and Technology for Development, by all relevant stakeholders to promote global digital cooperation; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'PP33. Noting with great concern the fact that a gender digital divide persists in women s access to and use of information and communications technologies, including in education, employment and other areas of economic and social development, and in this regard welcoming the many initiatives that focus on access, skills and leadership to promote the equal participation of women and girls in the digital age, such as the International Girls in ICT Day of the International Telecommunication Union and the Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age, known as the Equals Partnership, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'13. Emphasizes the importance of coherence in the integration of developing countries into commodity value chains particularly through local and regional value-addition; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'9. Expresses deep concern at the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the least developed countries, takes note of the statement dated 28 April 2020 of the Group of Least Developed Countries on COVID-19 and commits to supporting its implementation, as appropriate, and invites development partners, international organizations and other stakeholders to support the least developed countries in their recovery efforts and continued implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, further highlighting the need for greater collaboration and partnerships at all levels to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, including the fulfillment of the least developed country-specific targets, and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, which is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'14. Takes note with appreciation of the high-level event on culture and sustainable development in July 2023, convened by the President of the General Assembly, with the support of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, on the occasion of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, pursuant to resolution 76/2014; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Further recognizes the importance of the creation of robust, nationally appropriate legal and regulatory frameworks for sustainable national and municipal borrowing, on the basis of sustainable debt management, supported by adequate revenues and capacities, by means of local creditworthiness, as well as expanded sustainable municipal debt markets, when appropriate, and in this regard underlines the importance of the establishment of appropriate financial intermediaries for urban financing, such as regional, national, subnational and local development funds or development banks, including pooled financing mechanisms, which can catalyse public and private, national and international financing;' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Calls upon all countries to promote agricultural and rural development in their national policies and renew their efforts to promote innovative approaches, including agroecology, among other approaches, to enhance capacity for food production, distribution and storage, cooperate in the relevant areas of science, research, technology and innovation, as appropriate and consistent with national policies and frameworks, to strengthen sustainable agriculture and agrifood systems that enhance food security and nutrition, including sustainable productivity growth, significantly reducing food loss and waste, and strengthen policies that support small-scale producers in engaging in agriculture and agrifood system value chains; (technical update for conciseness) ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'18. Calls upon Governments and other stakeholders to collaborate on inclusive global governance of data, using contributions from international organizations, including the United Nations, and to find common ground for data to work for people and the planet, ensuring no one is left behind, considering both economic and non-economic implications, and noting the ongoing consultations on the global digital compact; [global digital compact / Global Digital Compact Mexico]; (Based on the agreed conclusions of UNCTAD s IGE on e-commerce and the digital economy) UK to consider new language' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'45. Recommits to take action to strengthen international, national and local data systems efforts to collect high quality, timely, relevant, disaggregated and reliable data including sex-disaggregated data; CANZ, Mexico, UK 75/233 OP12 G77: Reserve on Sustainable Development Goals progress and to intensify efforts to strengthen data and statistical capacities in developing countries, in particular the least developed countries; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'11. Recognizes progress made in achieving target (e) of the Sendai Framework and that the development and implementation of risk-informed strategic plans, policies, programmes and investments and national and local disaster risk reduction strategies are essential for sustainable development and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals;' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recognizing also that education, training and capacity-building in science, technology and innovation can provide new skills and so widen employment opportunities, while addressing market needs, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General entitled Towards the achievement of sustainable development: implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including through sustainable consumption and production, building on Agenda 21 ; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'55. Stresses the importance of mainstreaming a gender perspective and the perspectives of persons with disabilities, as well as other people in vulnerable situations, into disaster risk management, and of engaging and appropriately drawing on the capacities of children, youth, including young professionals, as contributors in disaster risk management so as to strengthen the resilience of communities and reduce social vulnerabilities to disasters, and in this regard recognizes the need for the inclusive participation and contribution of women, children, older persons, persons with disabilities, Indigenous Peoples and local communities, as well as the role of youth, volunteers, migrants, academia, scientific and research entities and networks, business, professional associations, private sector financing institutions and the media, in all forums and processes related to disaster risk reduction, in accordance with the Sendai Framework;' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'(e) Addressing climate change, environmental degradation, recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and building resilience against future shocks for risk-informed sustainable development,' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'2. Recognizes the interlinkage between the adequate and transparent functioning of commodity markets and the capacity of some commodity-dependent developing countries to collect appropriate fiscal revenues from commodity exports and mobilize domestic resources to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and their sustainable development, including through sustainable and inclusive economic growth, industrialization, decent work and market diversification; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Notes the growing concerns about fast-rising corporate debt, high-risk exposure to volatile international financial markets and fast-growing debt servicing burdens as potential triggers of financial and debt crises and the consequent need for coordinated policy responses; ' | Redline |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Welcoming the recent call by the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund to prioritize help to those countries that need debt restructuring, considering that the share of low-income countries at high risk or already in debt distress has doubled since 2015, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Expresses its commitment to raising public awareness to promote the eradication of poverty and extreme poverty in all countries, to mobilizing the enthusiasm and creativity of all stakeholders, especially the rural residents living in extreme poverty, to fight against poverty, to promoting their active participation in the design and implementation of programmes and policies that affect them, and to providing quality education for the rural poor, with the aim of implementingachieving the 2030 Agenda; ' | Redline |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'38. Notes with deep concern the existing disparities between developed and developing countries in terms of conditions, possibilities and capacities to produce new scientific and technological knowledge and in this regard urges developed countries to urgently mobilize means of implementation such as technology transfer on voluntary and mutually agreed terms, technical assistance, capacity building and financing through new, additional, and predictable resources in relation to the needs of developing countries, including in this area, in accordance with their national needs, policies and priorities;' | High |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'1. Takes note of the reports of the Secretary-General on the follow-up to the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries and on ensuring the effective implementation of the functions of the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recognizing the long-standing cooperation and support provided by the international community, which has played an important role in helping small island developing States to make progress in addressing their vulnerabilities and in supporting their sustainable development efforts, and recalling paragraph 19 of the Samoa Pathway, which calls for strengthening this cooperation, and paragraph 22 of the Samoa Pathway, which underscores the urgency of finding additional solutions to address the major challenges facing small island developing States, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recalling that, in the 2030 Agenda, inter alia, the natural and cultural diversity of the world is acknowledged, and it is recognized that cultures and civilizations can contribute to, and are crucial enablers of, sustainable development,' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'19.21. Notes that official development assistance reached its highest level in 2021 during the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, underscores the need for this trend to continue, urges development partnersdeveloped countries to scale up and fulfil their respective official development assistance commitments, including the commitment by many developed countries to achieve the target of 0.7 per cent of gross national income for official development assistance and 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of gross national income for official development assistance to the least developed countries, and notes that all development partners should align their support with the priorities of recipient countries, as identified in the national sustainable development strategies of developing countries; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Noting the importance of transitioning to sustainable lifestyles and sustainable patterns of consumption and production [, with developed countries taking the lead, RF (Source: PP16 of PA)] in efforts to address climate change [in accordance/consistent- US] with 1/CMA.4, ' | High |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'PP27 Noting with concern that investments critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals remain underfunded [with dramatic underinvestment in global public goods initiatives including pandemic preparedness and climate action EU (OCA chapter 4); G77 and China reserve], and recognizing that additional public and private investment and financing at the national and international levels will be required to meet the large investment needs, associated with gaps, for achieving the Goals, including in quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all,' | Medium/Low |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'1517. Highlights the need to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet by 2030 as an essential step towards an inclusive and sustainable digital economy that empowersempower people in vulnerable situations, and to build on financial technology to support financial inclusion; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Urges the international community to continue to support developing countries in strengthening their scientific and technological capacity to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production, [and calls for enhanced support to developing countries by providing [[adequate- CHE; del G77] means of implementation; -del- US; retain G77] [, including financing resource, technology transfer and capacity building-CHE]; ' | High |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'5. Underlines the need to address the economic, social and environmental impacts of disasters caused by human-made or natural hazards, many of which are exacerbated by climate change, in this regard stresses the urgent need to enhance adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience and reduce vulnerability to climate change and extreme weather events, and urges Member States to continue to engage in adaptation planning processes and to enhance cooperation in disaster risk reduction;' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'25. Reiterates Notes the call of the Secretary-General on the SDG stimulus plan to increase the financing capacity of multilateral development banks in concessional terms for all developing countries and further improvements of their lending terms, while affirming the independence of the multilateral development banks and commending the important efforts underway to evolve them to better respond to global challenges; New Para' | Redline |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'56. Acknowledges the continuous work of the entities of the United Nations system, in accordance with their respective mandates, in supporting the efforts of developing countries in the area of disaster risk reduction, including through the inclusion, where appropriate, of disaster risk reduction in the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework as part of the common country assessment s multidimensional analysis, requests the relevant United Nations entities and United Nations country teams, and urges other relevant stakeholders, to continue to integrate disaster risk reduction and the implementation of the Sendai Framework into their work and to align their work with the United Nations Plan of Action on Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience: Towards a Risk-informed and Integrated Approach to Sustainable Development, guided by the Senior Leadership Group on Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience convened by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, and notes the ongoing work of the Centre of Excellence on Climate and Disaster Resilience;' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recommits itself to a redoubling of its efforts to substantially reduce illicit financial flows by 2030, with a view to eventually eliminating them, including by combating tax evasion and corruption through strengthened national regulation and increased international cooperation; ' | High |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'8. Also recognizes the growing importance of financial technology actors and new instruments and platforms, including mobile banking and peer-to-peer platforms and open banking, which have enabled access to financial services for millions of people and provided channels for smaller companies to raise risk capital, as well as the potential of big data and artificial intelligence in this respect, encourages, in this context, Governments and regulatory agencies to review and adjust, as appropriate, legal and regulatory frameworks to cope with the risks and maximize the benefits associated with these new instruments, and invites countries to exchange experiences and promote peer learning in this area and further enhance capacity-building in this regard; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Requests the continuation of efforts made by the secretariat of the Convention, parties to the Convention and the Global Environment Facility, as the interim financial mechanism of the Convention, in conjunction with United Nations funds and programmes and the specialized agencies, as well as other entities, in organizing capacity-building workshops to support countries in the updating of national biodiversity strategies and action plans, with a view to enhancing capacity and addressing the need for human, technical and financial resources to implement the Convention and the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, in particular for developing countries;' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Noting that the share of the rural poor in the total population of those living in poverty rose by more than 2 percentage points between 2015 and 2018, which highlights the setbacks and challenges in fighting rural poverty even before the pandemic and the need for accelerated action towards the eradication of poverty, and recognizing that addressing rural poverty is fundamental for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 1 of the 2030 Agenda, as well as most of the other Goals, with 70 per cent of the targets requiring action in rural areas, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Noting the importance of the oceans, seas and marine resources to small island developing States, owing to their unique characteristics, dependence on and particular exposure to the ocean and its biodiversity, and noting also the central role of the ocean in the culture, livelihoods and sustainable development of the peoples of small island developing States, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'[17. Encourages urgent action aimed at reducing digital divides and inequalities in data generation, infrastructure and accessibility within and among countries and regions,[ as well as between developed and developing countries, -Switzerland delete] and urges the creation of the necessary conditions to [provide developing countries with / achieve universal, -Japan] affordable and reliable connectivity. -US delete] US requested source, G77 and China informed Declaration of the G77 STI Summit in Havana, September 2023' | Medium/Low |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Reaffirming the importance of strengthening international cooperation, in the face of natural and human-made hazards, including weather-related hazards, those driven by natural climate cycles such as the El Ni o Southern Oscillation, and the adverse effects of climate change, to estimate and prevent major damage and ensure an adequate response, early action and attention to the affected populations in a timely manner in order to enhance resilience to their impacts, and recognizing in this regard the importance of developing risk-informed strategies, risk finance tools, including forecast-based financing approaches and disaster risk insurance mechanisms and coordinated multi-hazard early warning systems, including timely risk communication at the local, national and regional levels,' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Notes that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing inequalities and challenges for the implementation of the Convention and further highlighted that the loss and degradation of biodiversity increases the risk of zoonotic disease spillover from wildlife to people and that biodiversity should continue to be mainstreamed in COVID-19 recovery plans and in plans aimed at reducing the risk of future pandemics, emphasizes the importance of a One Health approach and other holistic approaches that deliver multiple benefits to the health and well-being of people and planet, that would further strengthen the capacity to address biodiversity loss, prevent and respond to the emergence of diseases, including zoonotic infections, and future pandemics, and contribute to reducing the adverse impacts of climate change, calls for transformative actions from all relevant stakeholders and adequate and sufficient means of implementation, particularly for developing countries, to ensure the full implementation of the Convention to halt and reverse biodiversity loss, and welcomes the financial commitments and initiatives that have been announced from governments, organizations and the private sector that contribute to biodiversity conservation, restoration and sustainable use and keep the political momentum towards the implementation of the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Noting the outcome of the fifteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and taking note of the decisions and agreed conclusions on commodities adopted by the Trade and Development Board and its subsidiary bodies, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'OP28. Welcomes in this regard the request, in the outcome document of the 2019 Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development follow-up, to the Inter-Agency Task Force on Financing for Development to further its analysis on the impact and metrics for measurement of the contribution of private sector investments and instruments to the Sustainable Development Goals at the global level, and encourages international support for Member States, according to national circumstances and priorities, to voluntarily develop practical tools on measuring and collecting timely and reliable data on the private sector contribution towards the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at the national level, as appropriate;' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recalling its resolution 46/182 of 19 December 1991 on Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian emergency assistance of the United Nations and subsequent resolutions including resolution 76/119 of 9 December 2021 on the protection of persons in the event of disasters,' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recognizing also the Commission on Science and Technology for Development as the United Nations focal point in the system-wide follow-up to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'PP38. Recognizing the important role that information and communications technologies can play in protecting the environment and addressing climate change, agreed ad ref' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recalling the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21, the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development and the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg Plan of Implementation) and the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, entitled The future we want , as well as all relevant resolutions on the implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development and of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Expressing concern about the adverse impact of and risks resulting from the continuing fragility of the global economy and the slow pace of the restoration of global growth and trade, including the impact on development, net negative capital flows from some emerging and developing economies and inequalities for young people, women, persons with disabilities, people in rural and remote areas and other people in vulnerable situations, underlining that global growth can be affected by increases has remained strongly dependent on unprecedented increases in global debt stocks and, in conjunction with the fast integration of developing countries into international financial markets, including for purposes of debt refinancing, exposes a growing number of developing economies to highly sensitive and amplified reactions in financial markets, and stressing the need for continuing efforts to address systemic fragilities and imbalances and to reform and strengthen evolve the international financial institutions to better respond to global challenges, system, while implementing the reforms agreed upon to date to attend to these challenges and to make progress towards sustaining global demand, ' | Redline |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Emphasizing that the implementation of the 2030 Agenda depends crucially on the transformation of rural areas, where most of the poor and hungry live, and that, in order to eradicate rural poverty, investment should be encouraged in those sectors that have a bigger impact, such as education and health, social protection, agriculture and infrastructure, while noting the financing gap between resources dedicated to the education sector and the amount necessary to reach Sustainable Development Goal 4, while the COVID-19 pandemic has provoked an unprecedented learning crisis, and that at least 80 billion dollars in annual investment will be needed to meet the demand for food that is projected to increase by 70 per cent by 2050, and that the investments that are needed for climate change mitigation and adaptation also remain underfunded,' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'OP22 bis Welcomes the ongoing work of the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure and other efforts to align infrastructure plans to disaster risk reduction strategies, promoting multi-hazard disaster risk assessments as a prerequisite for infrastructure, housing and real estate investments in all sectors and stress-testing of critical infrastructure systems with a view to safe-guarding gains in sustainable development; - CANZ; T rkiye requests source information' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Stressing that middle-income countries continue to face challenges related to, inter alia, job creation, natural resource management, reliance on primary commodity exports, the adverse effects of disaster risks and climate change, high levels of external debt and the volatility of exchange rates and capital flows and, in this regard, that efforts to create a national enabling environment for development should be complemented by a global enabling environment, ' | High |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Noting with concern the fragile and highly uncertain global socioeconomic outlook, persisting negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions and conflicts and current multiple crises, which increased pressure on food, energy and finance, affecting many countries around the world and their ability to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'We support the INC s with the ambition of completing the instrument text its work by the end of 2024; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recalling the Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries and the Doha Political Declaration, adopted during the second part of the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, held in Doha from 5 to 9 March 2023, in which the Heads of State and Government and representatives of States strongly committed to the implementation of the Doha Programme of Action throughout the coming decade, including its six priority areas. ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'28. Urges the least developed countries and their development partners to make use of existing initiatives and programmes, such as the relevant ministerial decisions of the World Trade Organization on duty-free and quota-free market access for the least developed countries and on preferential rules of origin for those countries, as well as aid for trade, reiterates its commitment to increasing aid-for-trade support, in particular for the least developed countries, striving to allocate an increasing proportion of aid for trade to the least developed countries, in accordance with development cooperation effectiveness principles, welcomes additional cooperation among developing countries to that end, and encourages the least developed countries to mainstream trade in their national development plans; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Invites the international financial and banking institutions, in consultation with national Governments, to develop tailored guidelines on how countries can attract long-term international investments, guided by the 2030 Agenda, in line with national plans and policies, and with a view to minimizing the adverse effects of capital market volatility; ' | High |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recalling that the most vulnerable countries and, in particular, African countries, the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States deserve special attention, as do countries in situations of conflict and post-conflict countries, and that there are also serious challenges within many middle-income countries, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'29. Recognizes that the COVID-19 pandemic has placed middle-income countries, including those moving into higher income, at risk of losing many of their hard-won gains in development and that more needs to be done for a sustainable recovery with regard to resource mobilization efforts, poverty eradication, food security, universal health coverage, strengthening health systems, pandemic response and preparedness, returning children to school, gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, the promotion of decent jobs and social protection, achieving debt sustainability, the reduction of inequalities, closing digital divides and enhancing North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation, and in this regard calls for support to middle-income countries in pursuing approaches to enable equitable, inclusive, and just transitions pathways for sustainable development;' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'68. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its seventy-ninth session a report on the implementation of the present resolution, the effective global response to address the impacts of the El Ni o phenomenon and the implementation of the United Nations action plan to ensure that every person on Earth is protected by early warning systems within five years, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'21. Invites the organizations of the United Nations system, in particular the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, to continue to provide support, to facilitate financing and to assist countries, upon their request, in developing their national capacities to optimize the contribution of culture to sustainable development, including through policy advice, information-sharing, the exchange of best practices, data collection, research and study and the use of appropriate evaluation indicators, as well as to implement applicable international cultural conventions, taking into account the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly; ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recalling Economic and Social Council decision 2017/206 of 5 October 2016, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Emphasizing that increasing the legitimacy, stability and resilience of international tax rules is in the common interest of all relevant stakeholders in tax systems and requires scaling up careful collaboration full support of global efforts through the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS while continuing to develop these international tax cooperation standards by establishing the legal basis for a fully inclusive and more effective international tax cooperation in terms of substance and process, countering illicit finance, and promoting capacity building, ' | High |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Reiterating the pledge that no one will be left behind, reaffirming the recognition that the dignity of the human person is fundamental, and the wish to see the Goals and targets met for all nations and peoples and for all segments of society, and recommitting to endeavour to reach the furthest behind first, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Recalling the agreed conclusions of the Commission on the Status of Women on women s economic empowerment in the changing world of work, adopted at its sixty-first session, which, inter alia, highlighted the need for managing technological and digital change for women s economic empowerment, particularly to strengthen the capacities of developing countries, so as to enable women to leverage science and technology for entrepreneurship and economic empowerment in the changing world of work and to support women s access, throughout their life cycle, to skills development and decent work in new and emerging fields by expanding the scope of education and training opportunities in, inter alia, science, technology, engineering and mathematics, information and communications technology and digital fluency, and to enhance women s and, as appropriate, girls participation as users, content creators, employees, entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders, ' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'Acknowledges that technological innovations can be supported by financial innovations and financial support, such as de-risking strategies and blended finance options, and that blended finance mechanisms are new institutional models that link public and private financing and patient capital with equity investments and promote schemes that more effectively distribute investments to small-scale enterprises and producers;' | Neutral |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'23. Notes that in 2021, electrification rates in the least developed countries continued to rise but remained low, at 56 per cent, 481 million people in the least developed countries were without any access to electricity in 2021, which was almost two thirds of the total global population living without access to electricity, and urgent international attention is needed to address the inequalities in access to sustainable energy that are faced by the least developed countries, and urges provision encourages the doubling: EU DPoA 140] calls for doubling of international public finance and the mobilization of resources from all sources to meet the urgent need for investment in power generation and transmission; G77: Retain as drafted' | Redline |
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input. | b'58. Looks forward to the [process to elaborate a -EU] comprehensive review by the General Assembly, in 2025, of the progress made since the World Summit on the Information Society [taking into account roadmaps by UN agencies mandated to play leading facilitating roles in the implementation of the Geneva Plan of Action -Switzerland; -EU reserve];' | Medium/Low |
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