Hệ thống đỗ xe thông minh dựa trên khái niệm IoT
[ "A new “smart parking” system based on optimal resource allocation and reservations", "Telephone Call Centers: Tutorial, Review, and Research Prospects", "Wireless based Smart Parking System using Zigbee", "Dynamic resource allocation in urban settings: A “smart parking” approach", "New “Smart Parking” System Based on Resource Allocation and Reservations" ]
[ "The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS): integrating biomedical terminology", "Optimal pilot beam pattern design for massive MIMO systems", "Detecting Phishing Websites using Automation of Human Behavior", "Hierarchical Text Classification and Evaluation", "Classifying racist texts using a support vector machine", "Assessing the Effectiveness of Corpus-Based Methods in Solving SAT Sentence Completion Questions", "Visualizing Change over Time Using Dynamic Hierarchies: TreeVersity2 and the StemView", "Quantum computing for beginners", "MP-Index: A Multi-predicate Publish/Subscribe Mechanism for Internet of Things", "Reactive Nonholonomic Trajectory Generation via Parametric Optimal Control", "Social Issues in wireless sensor networks with healthcare perspective", "Optimal resource management for a model driven LTE protocol stack on a multicore platform", "MODEL DIFFERENCES IN THE ECLIPSE MODELING FRAMEWORK", "Determining the Minimum-Area Encasing Rectangle for an Arbitrary Closed Curve", "Prospects for inferring very large phylogenies by using the neighbor-joining method.", "Learning to Discriminate Noises for Incorporating External Information in Neural Machine Translation", "Industrial Collaborative Robot Design: a Guideline for Future Design Activity", "From ICT coordination to ICT integration: a longitudinal case study", "Can Microblogs Predict Music Charts? An Analysis of the Relationship Between #Nowplaying Tweets and Music Charts", "An Optimum Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Bandpass Filter with Spurious Response Suppression", "Fiber-Optic Sensing: A Historical Perspective", "SMART 6: recent updates and new developments", "Dual band (28/38 GHz) CPW slot directive antenna for future 5G cellular applications", "Epidermoid cyst of the clitoris: a case report.", "Position Measurement in Industrial Drives by Means of Low-Cost Resolver-to-Digital Converter" ]
Smart Car Parking System Based on IoT Concept
Phân tích về Tính Bất biến Quy mô trong Phát hiện Vật thể - SNIP
[ "Exploit All the Layers: Fast and Accurate CNN Object Detector with Scale Dependent Pooling and Cascaded Rejection Classifiers", "Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks", "Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks", "Deformable Convolutional Networks", "A Computational Approach to Edge Detection" ]
[ "Adaptive Simulation-based Training of AI Decision-makers using Bayesian Optimization", "Solving Sudoku with genetic operations that preserve building blocks", "Attendance checker for students of Mapúa University", "Data quality management in the public domain: a case study within the Dutch justice system", "On the relationship between math anxiety and math achievement in early elementary school: The role of problem solving strategies.", "ARTIST: The Android Runtime Instrumentation Toolkit", "From grid cells to place cells: a mathematical model.", "Local trilateral upsampling for thermal image", "Database Abstractions: Aggregation and Generalization", "Asynchronous Distributed Semi-Stochastic Gradient Optimization", "Mining association rules with multiple minimum supports: a new mining algorithm and a support tuning mechanism", "Some Digital Communication Fundamentals for Physicists and Others", "Intrusion detection using autonomous agents", "Self Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization for Efficient Virtual Machine Provisioning in Cloud", "Correction of penile curvature using the 16-dot plication technique: a review of 132 patients.", "Fast Nonnegative Matrix/Tensor Factorization Based on Low-Rank Approximation", "Can You Hear Me Now ? The Impact of Voice in an Online Gaming Community", "Processing and visualization for diffusion tensor MRI", "Thing broker: a twitter for things", "Single-Image Depth Perception in the Wild", "Towards Portable Learning Analytics Dashboards", "Evaluating abdominal core muscle fatigue: Assessment of the validity and reliability of the prone bridging test.", "The maturing of gamification research", "Robust perceptual color image hashing using randomized hypercomplex matrix factorizations", "What Your Images Reveal: Exploiting Visual Contents for Point-of-Interest Recommendation" ]
An Analysis of Scale Invariance in Object Detection - SNIP
Xử lý Clustering và Tối ưu hóa dựa trên Ảnh hưởng Xã hội trong Mạng Thông tin Hetero
[ "A measure of similarity between graph vertices", "Ranking-based classification of heterogeneous information networks", "SimRank: a measure of structural-context similarity", "Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation", "Social influence based clustering of heterogeneous information networks" ]
[ "A word at a time: computing word relatedness using temporal semantic analysis", "Towards Machine Learning on the Semantic Web", "Power without wires", "Session-Based Recommendations Using Item Embedding", "Fingerprint Liveness Detection in the Presence of Capable Intruders", "Trust and Satisfaction, Two Stepping Stones for Successful E-Commerce Relationships: A Longitudinal Exploration", "Perceptual Image Hashing Via Feature Points: Performance Evaluation and Tradeoffs", "A New Distance-weighted k-nearest Neighbor Classifier", "EULAide: Interpretation of End-User License Agreements using Ontology-Based Information Extraction", "Ontology Patterns: Clarifying Concepts and Terminology", "Hadoop Hbase-0.20.2 performance evaluation", "Minimization of symbolic automata", "Mining and Analyzing the Future Works in Scientific Articles", "A fast thumbnail extraction method in H.264/AVC video streams", "Virtual network embedding through topology-aware node ranking", "Handling Incomplete Heterogeneous Data using VAEs", "A fair method for resetting the target in interrupted one-day cricket matches", "Semantics in Visual Information Retrieval", "A Performance Comparison of Loss Functions for Deep Face Recognition", "The theory and practice of corporate finance : Evidence from the field", "Does Your Model Know the Digit 6 Is Not a Cat? A Less Biased Evaluation of \"Outlier\" Detectors", "A deep learning approach for on-site plant leaf detection", "Event-based Camera Pose Tracking using a Generative Event Model", "Modeling Users? Information Needs in a Document Recommender for Meetings", "Real-Time Top-View People Counting Based on a Kinect and NVIDIA Jetson TK1 Integrated Platform" ]
Social Influence Based Clustering and Optimization over Heterogeneous Information Networks
Một Phương pháp Thống kê Hiệu quả để Ước lượng Mức độ Tiếng ồn của Hình ảnh
[ "Image Denoising Via Sparse and Redundant Representations Over Learned Dictionaries", "Single-Image Noise Level Estimation for Blind Denoising", "A Review of Image Denoising Algorithms, with a New One", "Determining Optical Flow", "Image Noise Level Estimation by Principal Component Analysis" ]
[ "Switched Beam Antenna Based on RF MEMS SPDT Switch on Quartz Substrate", "Real-time tracking management system using GPS, GPRS and Google earth", "How games for computing education are evaluated? A systematic literature review", "Experimental evaluation of user interfaces for visual indoor navigation", "A Review on Internet of Things Based Garbage Bins Detection Systems", "Numerical Synthesis of Six-Bar Linkages for Mechanical Computation", "Avramenko Diode Circuit Topology for Microwave Energy Harvesting in Goubau Line and Wireless Mediums", "Accurate tracking in NLOS environments using integrated IMU and fixed lag smoother", "An Effective Requirement Engineering Process Model for Software Development and Requirements Management", "Lyric-Based Music Recommendation", "Serverless Data Analytics with Flint", "Semi-Supervised Learning on Graphs Based on Local Label Distributions", "Noise Injection: Theoretical Prospects", "Approximate String Matching with q-grams and Maximal Matches", "EFFECT OF LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN PAKISTAN", "Towards workload shift detection and prediction for autonomic databases", "First- and Second-Order Methods for Online Convolutional Dictionary Learning", "An empirical analysis of semantic network in online crowdfunding: evidence from kickstarter", "YAFIM: A Parallel Frequent Itemset Mining Algorithm with Spark", "A Survey on Smartphones Security: Software Vulnerabilities, Malware, and Attacks", "Statistical Text Analysis for Social Science", "Revisiting the commons: local lessons, global challenges.", "Human Pose Estimation Using Body Parts Dependent Joint Regressors", "Structural Topic Model for Latent Topical Structure Analysis", "Scaling to Very Very Large Corpora for Natural Language Disambiguation" ]
An Efficient Statistical Method for Image Noise Level Estimation
Nhận Diện Khuôn Mặt Dựa Trên Mạng Nơ-ron Tích Chập Với Kết Nối Mật Độ Cao
[ "LOMo: Latent Ordinal Model for Facial Analysis in Videos", "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition", "Image based Static Facial Expression Recognition with Multiple Deep Network Learning", "A Spatio-Temporal Descriptor Based on 3D-Gradients", "Sparsifying Neural Network Connections for Face Recognition" ]
[ "Fall Detection in Homes of Older Adults Using the Microsoft Kinect", "3 Software Defined Networking Concepts", "ZStream: a cost-based query processor for adaptively detecting composite events", "Attacking the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem", "Are Slice-Based Cohesion Metrics Actually Useful in Effort-Aware Post-Release Fault-Proneness Prediction? An Empirical Study", "Intelligence Beyond the Edge: Inference on Intermittent Embedded Systems", "Machine Learning Combining with Visualization for Intrusion Detection: A Survey", "Does computer-synthesized speech manifest personality? Experimental tests of recognition, similarity-attraction, and consistency-attraction.", "Entropy based community detection in augmented social networks", "The effects of value co-creation practices on building harmonious brand community and achieving brand loyalty on social media in China", "Recent Developments in Technology and Language Learning: A Literature Review and Meta-analysis*", "Mining Roles with Multiple Objectives", "Comparative study of Antiplatelet Aggregation Activity of Bacopa monnieri extracted using Microwave and Ultrasonication Rency", "Speech Recognition Systems : A Comparative Review", "Wearing a YouTube hat: directors, comedians, gurus, and user aggregated behavior", "Application of generalized Bagley-polygon four-port power dividers to designing microwave dual-band bandpass planar filters", "A rule based bengali stemmer", "A conceptual framework for serious games and its validation", "Effects of teachers ’ mathematical knowledge on student achievement 1 Effects of Teachers ' Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching on Student Achievement", "Detecting Ironic Intent in Creative Comparisons", "MRI BRAIN IMAGE SEGMENTATION TECHNIQUES - A REVIEW", "Theoretical and Experimental Comparison Between Phase-Shifted PWM and Level-Shifted PWM in a Modular Multilevel SDBC Inverter for Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Applications", "Estimation of the Cramer-Rao Bound for Radio Direction-Finding on the Azimuth and Elevation of the Cylindical Antenna Arrays", "PIP Distance: A Unitary-invariant Metric for Understanding Functionality and Dimensionality of Vector Embeddings", "Photoshopping the selfie: Self photo editing and photo investment are associated with body dissatisfaction in adolescent girls." ]
Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Networks with Dense Connections
Cải thiện Quy trình Xếp hạng Yêu cầu trong Phát triển Phần mềm Linh hoạt - Một Mô hình Đề xuất
[ "Requirements Engineering and Agile Software Development", "Role of Requirements Elicitation & Prioritization to Optimize Quality in Scrum Agile Development", "A Unified Test Case Prioritization Approach", "Towards a Research Framework on Requirements Prioritization", "A Comparison of Nine Basic Techniques for Requirements Prioritization" ]
[ "On the Naive Bayes Model for Text Categorization.", "Mean-field theory for scale-free random networks", "An analytical method for diseases prediction using machine learning techniques", "Design and Performance of Electrical Propulsion System of Extended Range Electric Vehicle (EREV) Chevrolet Volt", "A Nonlinear Dynamic Model of a Vinyl Acetate Process", "Multiobjective Signal Processing Optimization: The way to balance conflicting metrics in 5G systems", "Deep Roots: Improving CNN Efficiency with Hierarchical Filter Groups", "Diagnostic Classifiers Revealing how Neural Networks Process Hierarchical Structure", "High-Dimensional Single-Cell Mapping of Central Nervous System Immune Cells Reveals Distinct Myeloid Subsets in Health, Aging, and Disease.", "Using mixture design and neural networks to build stock selection decision support systems", "IoT-Based Intelligent Perception and Access of Manufacturing Resource Toward Cloud Manufacturing", "Efficient similarity joins for near duplicate detection", "Content-Based Table Retrieval for Web Queries", "A Semi-Automatic Approach to Handle Data Warehouse Schema Evolution using Ontology", "Interactive Phone Call : Exploring Interactions during Phone Calls using Projector Phones", "Partial Person Re-Identification", "The Foundations for Scalable Multicore Software in Intel Threading Building Blocks", "Fingertip force control based on max torque adjustment for dexterous manipulation of an anthropomorphic hand", "Towards virtual honeynet based on LXC virtualization", "Federated Internet of Things and Cloud Computing Pervasive Patient Health Monitoring System", "Availability : A Heuristic for Judging Frequency and Probability 122", "Combination 830-nm and 633-nm light-emitting diode phototherapy shows promise in the treatment of recalcitrant psoriasis: preliminary findings.", "Analysing road accident data using association rule mining", "Adaptive Stratified Sampling for Precision-Recall Estimation", "High Performance Packet Processing with FlexNIC" ]
Enhancing the Process of Requirements Prioritization in Agile Software Development - A Proposed Model
Xóa nhiễu mà không cần dữ liệu sạch bằng cách sử dụng bộ mã hóa tự động phân vùng
[ "Theano: new features and speed improvements", "Deep Convolutional Inverse Graphics Network", "Deep Learning", "Discovering Hidden Factors of Variation in Deep Networks", "Stacked Denoising Autoencoders: Learning Useful Representations in a Deep Network with a Local Denoising Criterion" ]
[ "Algebraic feature extraction of image for recognition", "Procedural Game Adaptation : Framing Experience Management as Changing an MDP", "A 23.1µW 8 Bit 1.1 MS/s SAR ADC with counter based control logic", "Fast plane extraction in organized point clouds using agglomerative hierarchical clustering", "Aggregating Machine Learning and Rule Based Heuristics for Named Entity Recognition", "Hippocampal structural asymmetry in unsuccessful psychopaths", "Astrocyte-Neuron Lactate Transport Is Required for Long-Term Memory Formation", "An integrated design and fabrication strategy for entirely soft, autonomous robots", "Design and perceptual validation of performance measures for salient object segmentation", "Ecological Resilience, Biodiversity, and Scale", "Learning and Collective Knowledge Construction With Social Media: A Process-Oriented Perspective", "Real Behavior in Virtual Environments: Psychology Experiments in a Simple Virtual-Reality Paradigm Using Video Games", "Information systems strategy: Quo vadis?", "CoreDet: a compiler and runtime system for deterministic multithreaded execution", "Connectivity-based garbage collection", "A Temporal Logic for Reasoning About Processes and Plans", "Named Entity Recognition using Hidden Markov Model (HMM)", "Trustworthiness of Grounded Theory Methodology Research in Information Systems", "Deep Active Learning for Efficient Training of a LiDAR 3D Object Detector", "Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Word Processing in the Human Brain", "Total quality management and sustainable competitive advantage", "X-Tree Diff+: Efficient Change Detection Algorithm in XML Documents", "Data Governance Maturity Model for Micro Financial Organizations in Peru", "Daily-Aware Personalized Recommendation based on Feature-Level Time Series Analysis", "A thin electroadhesive inchworm climbing robot driven by an electrostatic film actuator for inspection in a narrow gap" ]
Denoising without access to clean data using a partitioned autoencoder
Bộ khuếch đại tín hiệu thấp có khả năng chống nhiễu băng thông rộng 0,3–6GHz
[ "An 800-MHz–6-GHz Software-Defined Wireless Receiver in 90-nm CMOS", "A 0.02-to-6GHz SDR balun-LNA using a triple-stage inverter-based amplifier", "Wide-band CMOS low-noise amplifier exploiting thermal noise canceling", "An inductorless wideband balun-LNA in 65nm CMOS with balanced output" ]
[ "Relationship quality and stability in couples when one partner suffers from borderline personality disorder.", "Sparse Representation With Kernels", "Secure data processing framework for mobile cloud computing", "Overdose Fatalities Patterns of Abuse Among Unintentional Pharmaceutical", "Correction to 'Neural systems for landmark-based wayfinding in humans'.", "Convergent multi-view geometric error correction with pseudo-inverse projection homography", "Trust management of services in cloud environments: Obstacles and solutions", "Practical Image-Based Relighting and Editing with Spherical-Harmonics and Local Lights", "Portrait of an Online Shopper: Understanding and Predicting Consumer Behavior", "Photometric stereo on carbon fiber surfaces ∗", "Microsoft Malware Classification Challenge", "Eigen-Optimization on Large Graphs by Edge Manipulation", "A Survey of Design Issues in Spatial Input", "Quaternion Convolutional Neural Networks for Heterogeneous Image Processing", "Rear end planar slot antenna of a substrate integrated waveguide cavity fed by grounded coplanar waveguide", "Social Interaction and Stock-Market Participation", "Identification of robust focus measure functions for the automated capturing of focused images from Ziehl-Neelsen stained sputum smear microscopy slide.", "Circularly-Polarized Reconfigurable Transmitarray in Ka-Band With Beam Scanning and Polarization Switching Capabilities", "Stability of thin reinforced concrete walls under cyclic loads : state-ofthe-art and new experimental findings", "Production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) by Cupriavidus necator from waste rapeseed oil using propanol as a precursor of 3-hydroxyvalerate", "Load Balancing Under Heavy Traffic in RPL Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks", "Phase unwrapping in three dimensions with application to InSAR time series.", "Comparing Reward Shaping, Visual Hints, and Curriculum Learning", "Generating test data from state-based specifications", "Neural Network-Based Coronary Heart Disease Risk Prediction Using Feature Correlation Analysis" ]
A 0.3–6GHz broadband noise cancelling low noise amplifier
Nghiên cứu thực nghiệm và đánh giá so sánh về việc học các mô hình quỹ đạo chuyển động bằng phương pháp phân cụm
[ "Learning Patterns of Activity Using Real-Time Tracking", "The Hungarian Method for the Assignment Problem", "Adaptive Background Mixture Models for Real-Time Tracking", "A System for Video Surveillance and Monitoring", "Comparison of Similarity Measures for Trajectory Clustering in Outdoor Surveillance Scenes" ]
[ "A novel ripple-based constant on-time control with virtual inductance and offset cancellation for DC power converters", "Fully Automated Neuropsychological Assessment for Detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment", "Gender differences in scholastic achievement: a meta-analysis.", "Independence and Bipolarity in the Structure of Current Affect", "ACID Encountering the CAP Theorem: Two Bank Case Studies", "Distributed Deep Learning for Answer Selection", "Towards Neural Network-based Reasoning", "Imaging With Nature: Compressive Imaging Using a Multiply Scattering Medium", "Design, development, and evaluation of a mobile learning application for computing education", "Frequency-Reconfigurable Low-Profile Circular Monopolar Patch Antenna", "Smart Card Crypto-Coprocessors for Public-Key Cryptography", "Effectiveness of occupational performance coaching in improving children's and mothers' performance and mothers' self-competence.", "Adopting the Internet of Things technologies in health care systems", "Robust ground plane tracking in cluttered environments from egocentric stereo vision", "Image Steganography: A Review", "\"Eczema coxsackium\" and unusual cutaneous findings in an enterovirus outbreak.", "When Employees Do Bad Things for Good Reasons: Examining Unethical Pro-Organizational Behaviors", "Regulation of adult neurogenesis by stress, sleep disruption, exercise and inflammation: Implications for depression and antidepressant action", "Umbilical pilonidal sinus: a new treatment technique of sinus excision with umbilical preservation.", "Multi-objective optimisation algorithms for GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis : an application for evacuation planning", "Dyscalculia : Characteristics , Causes , and Treatments", "Inferring the source of encrypted HTTP connections", "Ontology mediation , merging and aligning Jos", "Enhancing Security Event Management Systems with Unsupervised Anomaly Detection", "Jointly Trained Sequential Labeling and Classification by Sparse Attention Neural Networks" ]
Learning trajectory patterns by clustering: Experimental studies and comparative evaluation
Xử lý hình ảnh dựa trên tính thưa thớt sử dụng học từ điển và phân cụm cấu trúc
[ "Bilateral Filtering for Gray and Color Images", "Pointwise Shape-Adaptive DCT for High-Quality Denoising and Deblocking of Grayscale and Color Images", "FA ] 2 N ov 2 00 3 An iterative thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems with a sparsity constraint", "Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information", "Bivariate shrinkage functions for wavelet-based denoising exploiting interscale dependency" ]
[ "Data-Efficient Learning of Feedback Policies from Image Pixels using Deep Dynamical Models", "A Survey of WPA and 802.11i RSN Authentication Protocols", "Human centric spatial affordances for improving human activity recognition", "Who, What, When, and Where: Multi-Dimensional Collaborative Recommendations Using Tensor Factorization on Sparse User-Generated Data", "Noun Classification from Predicate-Argument Structures", "An efficient encoder-decoder CNN architecture for reliable multilane detection in real time", "Lessons Learned from AlphaGo", "Simple and Scalable Response Prediction for Display Advertising", "A low voltage high output impedance bulk driven regulated cascode current mirror", "A survey of machine learning algorithms for big data analytics", "Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Segmentation", "A Two-Iteration Clustering Method to Reveal Unique and Hidden Characteristics of Items Based on Text Reviews", "Multi-View Stereo Revisited", "Comparison of 3D Joint Angles Measured With the Kinect 2.0 Skeletal Tracker Versus a Marker-Based Motion Capture System.", "Make Evasion Harder: An Intelligent Android Malware Detection System", "Towards a top-down and bottom-up bidirectional approach to joint information extraction", "Android App Energy Efficiency: The Impact of Language, Runtime, Compiler, and Implementation", "Semantic Word Clusters Using Signed Normalized Graph Cuts", "Multiclass and Binary SVM Classification: Implications for Training and Classification Users", "Unconstrained Arabic & Urdu Text Recognition using Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid Networks", "Array Data Transformation for Source Code Obfuscation", "ASSET STOCK ACCUMULATION AND SUSTAINABILITY OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE", "Noncontact Proximity Vital Sign Sensor Based on PLL for Sensitivity Enhancement", "Development of Docking System for Mobile Robots Using Cheap Infrared Sensors", "Robot navigation: Review of techniques and research challenges" ]
Sparsity-based image denoising via dictionary learning and structural clustering
Độ ổn định tần số ± 2,5% từ -55 ° C đến 125 ° C của dao động thư giãn CMOS 0,45 V
[ "CMOS Current Reference without Resistance", "A precision relaxation oscillator with a self-clocked offset-cancellation scheme for implantable biomedical SoCs", "A 280nW, 100kHz, 1-cycle start-up time, on-chip CMOS relaxation oscillator employing a feedforward period control scheme", "A 2-nW 1.1-V self-biased current reference in CMOS technology", "Analysis and Design of an Ultralow-Power CMOS Relaxation Oscillator" ]
[ "Optimizing neighborhood projection with relaxation factor for inextensible cloth simulation", "Robust Scale Estimation in Real-Time Monocular SFM for Autonomous Driving", "Airborne Communication Networks: A Survey", "Better Evaluation for Grammatical Error Correction", "Evaluating Search Engines by Modeling the Relationship Between Relevance and Clicks", "Iterative Multi-domain Regularized Deep Learning for Anatomical Structure Detection and Segmentation from Ultrasound Images", "Unity: A General Platform for Intelligent Agents", "Weather tracking system using MQTT and SQLite", "User Interface Tools for Navigation in Conditional Probability Tables and Elicitation of Probabilities in Bayesian Networks", "Unsupervised Learning of Models for Recognition", "Equity price direction prediction for day trading: Ensemble classification using technical analysis indicators with interaction effects", "Touchalytics: On the Applicability of Touchscreen Input as a Behavioral Biometric for Continuous Authentication", "Metamaterial-Based Antennas", "Low-Loss Integrated-Waveguide Passive Circuits Using Liquid-Crystal Polymer System-on-Package (SOP) Technology for Millimeter-Wave Applications", "Residual Deconvolutional Networks for Brain Electron Microscopy Image Segmentation", "Uniform access to NoSQL systems", "Unusual coexistence of caudal duplication and caudal regression syndromes.", "Sensory transduction at the frog semicircular canal: how hair cell membrane potential controls junctional transmission", "Parallel graph-cuts by adaptive bottom-up merging", "A scaling normalization method for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data", "Quality Models in Software Engineering Literature : An Analytical and Comparative Study", "Enhanced Knowledge Management by Synchronizing Mind Maps and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps", "A software-based fault detection scheme for wireless sensor networks", "Capturing location-privacy preferences: quantifying accuracy and user-burden tradeoffs", "Image processing on multinode hadoop cluster" ]
A 0.45V CMOS relaxation oscillator with ±2.5% frequency stability from −55°C to 125°C
Thế hệ Y, thiết kế web và theo dõi ánh nhìn
[ "Measuring Usability: Preference vs. Performance", "Attention web designers: You have 50 milliseconds to make a good first impression!", "Consumer Trust in an Internet Store: A Cross-Cultural Validation", "Sports Celebrity Influence on the Behavioral Intentions of Generation Y Teenagers", "Assessing dimensions of perceived visual aesthetics of web sites" ]
[ "Training Generative Adversarial Networks with Binary Neurons by End-to-end Backpropagation", "Positive emotions broaden the scope of attention and thought-action repertoires.", "Toward Delay-Efficient Game-Aware Data Centers for Cloud Gaming", "Why Knowledge Management Systems Fail ? Enablers and Constraints of Knowledge Management in Human Enterprises", "A general algorithm for exploration with Gaussian processes in complex, unknown environments", "Cloud Computing in Education in Developing Countries", "Emotions recognition by speechand facial expressions analysis", "3D point cloud downsampling for 2D indoor scene modelling in mobile robotics", "ICT Standardization Strategies and Service Innovation in Health Care", "IoT enabled aquatic drone for environmental monitoring", "The Weibull-G Family of Probability Distributions", "Characterization of soft errors caused by single event upsets in CMOS processes", "A digital receiver architecture for RFID readers", "Multilabel Neural Networks with Applications to Functional Genomics and Text Categorization", "DNA methylome analysis using short bisulfite sequencing data", "Music Emotion Capture: sonifying emotions in EEG data", "Gavello's Procedure: An Old Earlobe Reconstruction Method, Revisited and Touched Up", "Dose translation from animal to human studies revisited.", "Controllable text generation", "Towards Agile Implementation of Test Maturity Model Integration (TMMI) Level 2 using Scrum Practices", "SRFeat: Single Image Super-Resolution with Feature Discrimination", "A Neurolinguistic Model of Grammatical Construction Processing", "FASHION , FICTION , FUNCTION : MEDIATING WEARABLE DESIGN THROUGH FASHION FILM", "A Multi-Modal Approach to Infer Image Affect", "An Approximately Efficient TDOA Localization Algorithm in Closed-Form for Locating Multiple Disjoint Sources With Erroneous Sensor Positions" ]
Generation Y, web design, and eye tracking
Lọc WLS dựa trên cấu trúc cho mượt mà thích ứng
[ "Bilateral Filtering for Gray and Color Images", "Structure extraction from texture via relative total variation", "Scale-Space and Edge Detection Using Anisotropic Diffusion", "Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms", "Structure-preserving image smoothing via region covariances" ]
[ "An In-depth Study of Mobile Browser Performance", "ITU-T G.729.1: AN 8-32 Kbit/S Scalable Coder Interoperable with G.729 for Wideband Telephony and Voice Over IP", "Automated Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy Stages Using Digital Fundus Images", "Designing mobility models based on social network theory", "Robot path planning : an object-oriented approach", "Efficient region search for object detection", "Machine Learning With Big Data: Challenges and Approaches", "Clinical measurement of craniovertebral angle by electronic head posture instrument: a test of reliability and validity.", "Sparse Matrix Multiplication on CAM Based Accelerator", "An Image is Worth More than a Thousand Favorites: Surfacing the Hidden Beauty of Flickr Pictures", "Body contouring by non-invasive transdermal focused ultrasound.", "Controllability and Posture Control of a Wheeled Pendulum Moving on an Inclined Plane", "An empirical model to predict security vulnerabilities using code complexity metrics", "Development of a brief ataxia rating scale (BARS) based on a modified form of the ICARS.", "HOW CIO POSITION INFLUENCES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENTS", "How to make large self-organizing maps for nonvectorial data", "Developing Ubiquitous Sensor Network Platform Using Internet of Things: Application in Precision Agriculture", "Ultra-wideband, short-pulse ground-penetrating radar: simulation and measurement", "Real-time facial animation on mobile devices", "Designing for social play in co-located mobile games", "Autonomous decision-making: a data mining approach", "A Survey : Spider Monkey Optimization Algorithm", "A case study for scientific I/O: improving the FLASH astrophysics code", "Effective Identification of Similar Patients Through Sequential Matching over ICD Code Embedding", "The Sixth PASCAL Recognizing Textual Entailment Challenge" ]
Structure tensor-based WLS filter for adaptive smoothing
Học cách xếp hạng cho dữ liệu sống sót bị kiểm duyệt
[ "Learning to rank using gradient descent", "Boosting Algorithms as Gradient Descent", "Wide Residual Networks", "Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors", "Learning Latent Permutations with Gumbel-Sinkhorn Networks" ]
[ "On Linear Variational Surface Deformation Methods", "Real-Time Imaging With a 140 GHz Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar", "Genome-wide association study identifies variants at CLU and PICALM associated with Alzheimer's disease", "Learning and Refining of Privileged Information-Based RNNs for Action Recognition from Depth Sequences", "Linking organizational resources and work engagement to employee performance and customer loyalty: the mediation of service climate.", "Characterizing RNA Secondary-Structure Features and Their Effects on Splice-Site Prediction", "A Short History of Computational Complexity", "MPLS and traffic engineering in IP networks", "Modeling Network-Controlled Device-to-Device Communications in SimuLTE", "Thompson Sampling for Dynamic Pricing", "Multi-scale image hashing using adaptive local feature extraction for robust tampering detection", "ProductRec: Product Bundle Recommendation Based on User's Sequential Patterns in Social Networking Service Environment", "Polarization and Fake News: Early Warning of Potential Misinformation Targets", "Your click decides your fate: Inferring Information Processing and Attrition Behavior from MOOC Video Clickstream Interactions", "Patient satisfaction and medication adherence assessment amongst patients at the diabetes medication therapy adherence clinic.", "Learning on the border: active learning in imbalanced data classification", "3.5 A 16-to-40Gb/s quarter-rate NRZ/PAM4 dual-mode transmitter in 14nm CMOS", "A unified protocol stack solution for LTE and WLAN in future mobile converged networks", "Leveraging Big Data and Business Analytics", "Is Extreme Learning Machine Feasible? A Theoretical Assessment (Part I)", "Conclusions of Ghaheri's Study That Laser Surgery for Posterior Tongue and Lip Ties Improves Breastfeeding Are Not Substantiated.", "Comparison of different designs of cylindrical printed quadrifilar Helix antennas", "Artificial Intelligence in Sports Prediction", "Mining Stack Exchange : Expertise is Evident From Earliest Interactions", "Temporal Information Extraction" ]
Learning to rank for censored survival data
Học tăng cường chuyển đổi của các chiến lược khám phá cấu trúc
[ "Siamese Neural Networks for One-Shot Image Recognition", "Optimization as a Model for Few-Shot Learning", "Meta-Learning with Temporal Convolutions", "Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift", "Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization" ]
[ "Privacy-Preserving Multiple Linear Regression of Vertically Partitioned Real Medical Datasets", "Vibration-Induced Changes in the Contact Resistance of High Power Electrical Connectors for Hybrid Vehicles", "Low-Cost Compact Circularly Polarized Directional Antenna for Universal UHF RFID Handheld Reader Applications", "Surface micromachining for microelectromechanical systems", "Synthetic aperture radar at millimeter wavelength for UAV surveillance applications", "Dual three-phase permanent magnet synchronous machine supplied by two independent voltage source inverters", "Biocompatible PEGylated MoS2 nanosheets: controllable bottom-up synthesis and highly efficient photothermal regression of tumor.", "Defeating fake-quality MP3", "A Tale of Two Sieves", "Measuring the User Experience: Collecting, Analyzing, and Presenting Usability Metrics", "Domain Transfer Through Deep Activation Matching", "An integrated full-bridge Class-DE ultrasound transducer driver for HIFU applications", "Wideband cancellation of interference in a GPS receive array", "Linear-Time Joint Probabilistic Data Association for Multiple Extended Object Tracking", "SMOOTH NUMBERS AND THE QUADRATIC SIEVE", "Together we stand: Siamese Networks for Similar Question Retrieval", "Work Stress as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease", "An experimental card game for teaching software engineering processes", "Empiricism without magic: transformational abstraction in deep convolutional neural networks", "Mobile collaboration for young children", "Performances of OpenFlow-Based Software-Defined Networks: An overview", "Cannabinoid-induced effects on the nociceptive system: a neurophysiological study in patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.", "Multi camera image tracking", "Design of Multiplate Back-Reflector for a Wideband Slot Antenna", "Parents' ethnic-racial socialization practices: a review of research and directions for future study." ]
Meta-Reinforcement Learning of Structured Exploration Strategies
Nhúng hình ảnh và câu trong một không gian chung bằng mạng nơ-ron nơ-ron tái diễn
[ "Deep Fragment Embeddings for Bidirectional Image Sentence Mapping", "DeViSE: A Deep Visual-Semantic Embedding Model", "TensorFlow: A System for Large-Scale Machine Learning", "Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization", "VQA: Visual Question Answering" ]
[ "Control of hybrid AC/DC microgrid involving energy storage, renewable energy and pulsed loads", "What is in that picture ? Visual Question Answering System", "Does age affect the stress and coping process? Implications of age differences in perceived control.", "Wavelet support vector machine", "Semantic Document Clustering Using a Similarity Graph", "Classifying Purchase Decision Based on User Clickstream in E-Commerce Using Web Usage Mining", "An Analysis on the Hateful Contents Detection Techniques on Social Media", "A Comparative Study of Histogram Equalization Based Image Enhancement Techniques for Brightness Preservation and Contrast Enhancement", "Emotions , Partisanship , and Misperceptions : How Anger and Anxiety Moderate the Effect of Partisan Bias on Susceptibility to Political Misinformation", "Project massive: self-regulation and problematic use of online gaming", "On IC traceability via blockchain", "Why Creating Web Page Objects Manually If It Can Be Done Automatically?", "Synthesis and evaluation of linear motion transitions", "Accessibility Evaluation of Classroom Captions", "FAST 3 D SCANNING METHODS FOR LASER MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS", "Evaluation methodologies for the NB-IOT system: Issues and ongoing efforts", "Deep transformation learning for face recognition in the unconstrained scene", "A review on cyber security datasets for machine learning algorithms", "Machine learning approach for automated screening of malaria parasite using light microscopic images.", "Disentangled Representations in Neural Models", "Adapting game mechanics with Micro-Machinations", "Modeling of an IoT-enabled supply chain for perishable food with two-echelon supply hubs", "Understanding and Controlling User Linkability in Decentralized Learning", "Transference of kettlebell training to strength, power, and endurance.", "Moving shadow detection and removal - a wavelet transform based approach" ]
Embedding Images and Sentences in a Common Space with a Recurrent Capsule Network
Bộ lọc băng thông kép thích ứng dựa trên cộng hưởng trở kháng bậc thang có thể điều chỉnh tần số trung tâm và băng thông ở dải tần số thấp
[ "Microstrip Stepped Impedance Resonator Bandpass Filter With an Extended Optimal Rejection Bandwidth", "Dual-Band Microstrip Bandpass Filter Using Stepped-Impedance Resonators With New Coupling Schemes", "Tunable combline filter with continuous control of center frequency and bandwidth", "Design of Multimode Net-Type Resonators and Their Applications to Filters and Multiplexers", "Characterization of liquid crystal polymer (LCP) material and transmission lines on LCP substrates from 30 to 110 GHz" ]
[ "Dynamic Locomotion Gaits of a Compliantly Actuated Quadruped With SLIP-Like Articulated Legs Embodied in the Mechanical Design", "Temporal Segmentation of Egocentric Videos", "Multi-scale object candidates for generic object tracking in street scenes", "When do Recommender Systems Work the Best?: The Moderating Effects of Product Attributes and Consumer Reviews on Recommender Performance", "Through the Twitter Glass: Detecting Questions in Micro-Text", "MixTrain: Scalable Training of Formally Robust Neural Networks", "A customer classification prediction model based on machine learning techniques", "Topic Extraction from Scientific Literature for Competency Management", "Transformational leadership , job satisfaction , and team performance : A multilevel mediation model of trust ☆", "Librispeech: An ASR corpus based on public domain audio books", "Understanding tools: Task-oriented object modeling, learning and recognition", "Building Sentiment Lexicons for All Major Languages", "Data-driven models for monthly streamflow time series prediction", "Hash Function Based on Block Ciphers", "FPGA implementation of polar code based encoder architecture", "Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues Knowle", "Data Mining Classification Techniques for Human Talent Forecasting", "Algorithms for nonnegative matrix and tensor factorizations: a unified view based on block coordinate descent framework", "Practicalities of mapping PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations on city-wide scales using a portable particulate monitor", "Face Detection in Color Images", "Hippocampal Contributions to Control: The Third Way", "Architectural Issues in Software Reuse: It's Not Just the Functionality, It's the Packaging", "Predicting information seeker satisfaction in community question answering", "Multiple UAV cooperative search under collision avoidance and limited range communication constraints", "Multi-Label Zero-Shot Human Action Recognition via Joint Latent Embedding" ]
Coupled stepped-impedance resonator based dual-band adaptable bandpass filter with tunable lower band central frequency and bandwidth
Hệ thống quản lý kiến thức dựa trên quy trình cho trường học: Nghiên cứu trường hợp tại Đài Loan
[ "From knowledge theory to management practice: towards an integrated approach", "Why Share Knowledge? The Influence of ICT on the Motivation for Knowledge Sharing", "Knowledge sharing behavior of physicians in hospitals", "Knowledge sharing behavior in virtual communities: The relationship between trust, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations", "The Knowledge-Creating Company by Ikujiro Nonaka" ]
[ "An Entity Class-Dependent Discriminative Mixture Model for Cumulative Citation Recommendation", "Detecting DRDoS attacks by a simple response packet confirmation mechanism", "Closed-form cauchy-schwarz PDF divergence for mixture of Gaussians", "Theories of lexical semantics", "Bandwidth Enhancement of the Small-Size Internal Laptop Computer Antenna Using a Parasitic Open Slot for Penta-Band WWAN Operation", "Survey on 3D Hand Gesture Recognition", "Cancer phenotype as the outcome of an evolutionary game between normal and malignant cells", "A framework for facial surgery simulation", "Analyze this! 145 questions for data scientists in software engineering", "Binarization Techniques used for Grey Scale Images", "Test-potentiated learning: three independent replications, a disconfirmed hypothesis, and an unexpected boundary condition.", "Adaptive Admittance Control for Human–Robot Interaction Using Model Reference Design and Adaptive Inverse Filtering", "Nasal bone length, prenasal thickness, prenasal thickness-to-nasal bone length ratio and prefrontal space ratio in second- and third-trimester fetuses with Down syndrome.", "Intensifying Remote Healthcare Monitoring System using Internet of Things : A Survey", "Sparse projections for high-dimensional binary codes", "Case Reports of Adipose-derived Stem Cell Therapy for Nasal Skin Necrosis after Filler Injection", "Why Deep Learning Works: A Manifold Disentanglement Perspective", "SOUL: An Edge-Cloud System for Mobile Applications in a Sensor-Rich World", "Modeling Review Spam Using Temporal Patterns and Co-bursting Behaviors", "Anxiety and sensory over-responsivity in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders: bidirectional effects across time.", "Cloud-based bioinformatics workflow platform for large-scale next-generation sequencing analyses", "LOCOMO satcom terminal: A switchable RHCP/LHCP Array Antenna for on-the-move applications in Ka-band", "Positive emotions in early life and longevity: findings from the nun study.", "BM3D filter in salt-and-pepper noise removal", "Comparison Of Laser Scanning And Photogrammetry And Their Use For Digital Recording Of Cultural Monument Case Study: Byzantine Land Walls-Istanbul" ]
A Process-Based Knowledge Management System for Schools: A Case Study in Taiwan
3D Field D: Cải thiện lập kế hoạch và lập lại kế hoạch trong ba chiều
[ "An Incremental Algorithm for a Generalization of the Shortest-Path Problem", "A portable, autonomous, urban reconnaissance robot", "The Focussed D* Algorithm for Real-Time Replanning", "An Algorithm for Shortest-Path Motion in Three Dimensions", "The Delayed D* Algorithm for Efficient Path Replanning" ]
[ "Communication Complexity of Distributed Convex Learning and Optimization", "Feature selection methods for conversational recommender systems", "Dynamic Automatic Differentiation of GPU Broadcast Kernels", "A Novel Locally Linear KNN Method With Applications to Visual Recognition", "Validation of Decentralised Smart Contracts Through Game Theory and Formal Methods", "Investigation of Using High Impedance Surfaces for Wide-Angle Scanning Arrays", "Colonic transit studies: normal values for adults and children with comparison of radiological and scintigraphic methods", "Sensor Information Retrieval From Internet of Things: Representation and Indexing", "Eye localization : a survey", "Spoof resilient coordination for distributed multi-robot systems", "SmartPaste: Learning to Adapt Source Code", "Data Mining for Fraud Detection", "Meta-Learning with Hessian Free Approach in Deep Neural Nets Training", "No Place to Hide that Bytes won't Reveal: Sniffing Location-Based Encrypted Traffic to Track User Position", "A Broadband Circularly Polarized Printed Monopole Antenna With Parasitic Strips", "The Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song (RAVDESS): A dynamic, multimodal set of facial and vocal expressions in North American English", "Exploiting the PANORAMA Representation for Convolutional Neural Network Classification and Retrieval", "Reverse Data Hiding Using Histogram Comparison", "Linking Business Analytics to Decision Making Effectiveness: A Path Model Analysis", "Amobee at IEST 2018: Transfer Learning from Language Models", "A comparison of the Two One-Sided Tests Procedure and the Power Approach for assessing the equivalence of average bioavailability", "A dual-polarization aperture coupled stacked microstrip patch antenna for wideband application", "The BOSARIS Toolkit: Theory, Algorithms and Code for Surviving the New DCF", "A model of design decision making based on empirical results of interviews with software designers", "Deep Kinematic Pose Regression" ]
3D Field D: Improved Path Planning and Replanning in Three Dimensions
Dự đoán Deep End2End Voxel2Voxel
[ "FlowNet: Learning Optical Flow with Convolutional Networks", "Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition", "DeepEdge: A multi-scale bifurcated deep network for top-down contour detection", "Learning Spatiotemporal Features with 3D Convolutional Networks", "Large Displacement Optical Flow: Descriptor Matching in Variational Motion Estimation" ]
[ "Self-regulation of human brain activity using simultaneous real-time fMRI and EEG neurofeedback", "Deep Reinforcement Learning based Resource Allocation for V2V Communications", "Bioinspired locomotion and grasping in water: the soft eight-arm OCTOPUS robot.", "Ranking with local regression and global alignment for cross media retrieval", "The Critical Period Hypothesis Revisited", "Location-based services for elderly and disabled people", "III–V/Si Vernier-Ring Comb Lasers (VRCLs)", "Inferring templates from spreadsheets", "Blockchain-Based Decentralized Applications for Multiple Administrative Domain Networking", "IEEE 802.15.7r1 Reference Channel Models for Visible Light Communications", "A low-cost wideband and high-gain slotted cavity antenna for millimeter-wave application", "Video-based lane estimation and tracking for driver assistance: survey, system, and evaluation", "Multi-Task Label Embedding for Text Classification", "Robot Pose Estimation in Unknown Environments by Matching 2D Range Scans", "Inverse Kinematics Problem (IKP) of 6-DOF Manipulator by Locally Recurrent Neural Networks (LRNNs)", "Throughput Analysis of Synchronous Data Flow Graphs", "Intelligent automatic generation control: Multi-agent Bayesian networks approach", "A new paradigm of human gait analysis with Kinect", "A Crosstab-based Statistical Method for Effective Fault Localization", "Security Policies and Security Models", "Extending feature usage: a study of the post-adoption of electronic medical records", "A compact soft actuator unit for small scale human friendly robots", "One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network Land-Cover Classification of Multi-Seasonal Hyperspectral Imagery in the San Francisco Bay Area, California", "An approach to Korean license plate recognition based on vertical edge matching", "Service Quality Transformation and its Impact on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Malaysian Retail Banking Sector" ]
Deep End2End Voxel2Voxel Prediction
Hệ thống hình ảnh radar xuyên điện môi
[ "Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal Processing with MATLAB Algorithms", "Synthetic aperture beamformer for imaging through a dielectric wall", "Introduction to radar systems / by Merrill I. Skolnik", "Refocusing Through Building Walls Using Synthetic Aperture Radar", "Low-Cost, High Resolution X-Band Laboratory Radar System for Synthetic Aperture Radar Applications" ]
[ "Hardware Design of Smart Home Energy Management System With Dynamic Price Response", "Bi-Directional Spatial-Semantic Attention Networks for Image-Text Matching", "Factors that Significantly Impact the Implementation of an Agile Software Development Methodology", "Cellular planning for next generation wireless mobile network using novel energy efficient CoMP", "Intrusion detection system: A comprehensive review", "Learning Bilingual Lexicons from Monolingual Corpora", "Basic principles of ROC analysis.", "Drug-Drug Interaction Extraction via Convolutional Neural Networks", "On path planning methods for automotive collision avoidance", "A Neural Network Model for Low-Resource Universal Dependency Parsing", "LoRa for the Internet of Things", "Boon and Bane of IT Consumerization: The Burnout-Engagement-Continuum", "Individual differences and Information Security Awareness", "Automated detection of dermatological disorders through image-processing and machine learning", "Variable Forgetting in Reasoning about Knowledge", "Strike (with) a Pose: Neural Networks Are Easily Fooled by Strange Poses of Familiar Objects", "A fusion approach for managing multi-granularity linguistic term sets in decision making", "A 2W, 92% efficiency and 0.01% THD+N class-D audio power amplifier for mobile applications, based on the novel SCOM architecture", "An overview of embedding models of entities and relationships for knowledge base completion", "Storekeeper: A Security-Enhanced Cloud Storage Aggregation Service", "Statistical analysis of repeated measures data using SAS procedures.", "Real-time lane detection and forward collision warning system based on stereo vision", "Dual Quaternion Variational Integrator for Rigid Body Dynamic Simulation", "The SYNTHIA Dataset: A Large Collection of Synthetic Images for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes", "Password memorability and security: empirical results" ]
A Through-Dielectric Radar Imaging System
Quy Trình Quyết Định Markov: Khái Niệm và Thuật Toán
[ "Simulation-based optimization of Markov reward processes", "Learning from delayed rewards", "Problem solving with reinforcement learning", "Neuro-dynamic programming", "Average cost temporal-difference learning" ]
[ "Efficient Gabor filter design for texture segmentation", "Ultrawide-band transitions and new microwave components using double-sided parallel-strip lines", "A low phase noise wideband VCO with 8-shaped inductor", "Compact Hash Tables for High-Performance Traffic Classification on Multi-core Processors", "Progress and Recent Realizations of Miniaturized Inductive Proximity Sensors for Automation", "Video Object Tracking in the Compressed Domain Using Spatio-Temporal Markov Random Fields", "Effect of Electrode Impedance on the Transient Response of ECG Recording Amplifiers", "Mechatronic Implementation of a Force Optimal Underconstrained Planar Cable Robot", "On Maximizing Sensor Network Lifetime by Energy Balancing", "CHAPTER 10 Audio-Visual Automatic Speech Recognition : An Overview", "Photonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light (second Edition)", "Principles of survey research: part 3: constructing a survey instrument", "Machine-to-Machine Communication in LTE-A", "A Survey on the Security of Blockchain Systems", "Analyzing key influences of tourists' acceptance of online reviews in travel decisions", "A survey on predicting the popularity of web content", "Towards Continuous and Passive Authentication via Touch Biometrics: An Experimental Study on Smartphones", "An eye-tracking study of website complexity from cognitive load perspective", "Filling the periorbital hollows with hyaluronic acid gel: Long-term review of outcomes and complications.", "Time-Dependent Trajectory Regression on Road Networks via Multi-Task Learning", "Data Management and Analysis Methods", "Detection of phishing emails using data mining algorithms", "COTS Integration: Plug and Pray?", "Personality classification based on Twitter text using Naive Bayes, KNN and SVM", "Running head : Consequences of bilingualism Consequences of Bilingualism for Cognitive Development" ]
Markov Decision Processes: Concepts and Algorithms
Phân tích lý thuyết trò chơi về Mỏ Bitcoin
[ "Analysis of Hashrate-Based Double Spending", "Majority Is Not Enough: Bitcoin Mining Is Vulnerable", "Blockchain Mining Games", "Bitcoin Mining Pools: A Cooperative Game Theoretic Analysis", "Bitcoin Mining Decentralization via Cost Analysis" ]
[ "Demand Queries with Preprocessing", "Generic and Robust Method for Head Pose Estimation", "Coresets and Sketches", "iMecho: an associative memory based desktop search system", "Teaching Software Architecture to Undergraduate Students: An Experience Report", "Visualization of the Static Aspects of Software: A Survey", "Consensus on Media Violence Effects : Comment on Bushman , Gollwitzer , and Cruz ( 2015 )", "Detecting Display Energy Hotspots in Android Apps", "Do security toolbars actually prevent phishing attacks?", "Self-produced Guidance for Weakly-Supervised Object Localization", "Hybrid Position / Force Control of Manipulators 1", "A declarative approach to procedural modeling of virtual worlds", "Poster: Smart-Contract Based Incentive Mechanism for K-Anonymity Privacy Protection in LBSs", "Social-Aware Movie Recommendation via Multimodal Network Learning", "A Conceptual Analysis of Capabilities: Identifying and Classifying Sources of Competitive Advantage in the Wood Industry", "The BigDAWG polystore system and architecture", "Midfrontal theta and pupil dilation parametrically track subjective conflict (but also surprise) during intertemporal choice", "A <formula formulatype=\"inline\"><tex Notation=\"TeX\">$Ka$</tex> </formula>-Band Fully Tunable Cavity Filter", "Drug drug interaction extraction from biomedical literature using syntax convolutional neural network", "Register Allocation Via Coloring", "Attentional Pooling for Action Recognition", "Deep Expectation of Real and Apparent Age from a Single Image Without Facial Landmarks", "A filter design algorithm for subpixel rendering on matrix displays", "ELIMINET: A MODEL FOR ELIMINATING OPTIONS", "Active Contour Models for Extracting Ground and Forest Canopy Curves from Discrete Laser Altimeter Data" ]
Bitcoin Mining: A Game Theoretic Analysis
Đánh giá rủi ro tín dụng sử dụng Thống kê và Học máy: Phương pháp cơ bản và Ứng dụng mô hình hóa rủi ro
[ "An Algorithm for Finding Best Matches in Logarithmic Expected Time", "A Branch and Bound Algorithm for Computing k-Nearest Neighbors", "Quad trees a data structure for retrieval on composite keys", "Classification and Regression Trees", "Genetic Algorithms in Search Optimization and Machine Learning" ]
[ "A Study of Genetic Algorithms to Solve the School Timetabling Problem", "Robust Manifold Nonnegative Matrix Factorization", "Similarity of binaries through re-optimization", "Design of S-curve Direct Landing Position Control System for Elevator Using Microcontroller Tou", "WebVR - - Web Virtual Reality Engine Based on P2P network", "Space-Time Alignment for Channel Estimation in Millimeter Wave Communication with Beam Sweeping", "A Hidden Markov Model for Vehicle Detection and Counting", "Information Bottleneck Inspired Method For Chat Text Segmentation", "Can Individual Investors Beat the Market?", "The Creation of a Large-Scale LFG-Based Gold Parsebank", "Design of 5.9 ghz dsrc-based vehicular safety communication", "Speaker Change Detection in Broadcast TV Using Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Networks", "Deviation-based and similarity-based contextual SLIM recommendation algorithms", "From trust on intimacy: A new inventory for examining erikson's stages of psychosocial development.", "A Double-layered Timber Plate Shell-Computational Methods for Assembly , Prefabrication and Structural Design", "Inferring the score of a tennis match from in-play betting exchange markets", "A method for cartoon-style rendering of liquid animations", "A DC hybrid circuit breaker with ultra-fast contact opening and integrated gate-commutated thyristors (IGCTs)", "SOFIT: Sociotechnical and Organizational Factors for Insider Threat", "Fear of being laughed at and social anxiety : A preliminary psychometric study", "Convergence Analysis of MAP Based Blur Kernel Estimation", "Teleoperation of humanoid baxter robot using haptic feedback", "A data modem for GSM Adaptive Multi Rate voice channel", "German S2k guidelines for the therapy of pathological scars (hypertrophic scars and keloids).", "Research of Decision Tree on YARN Using MapReduce and Spark" ]
Credit Risk Assessment Using Statistical and MachineLearning: Basic Methodology and Risk Modeling Applications
Thí Sinh Ít Sáng Tạo Nhất: Bước Đầu Tiên Hướng Đến Giải Quyết Bài Toán Toán Học Tự Nhiên Ngôn Ngữ Phổ Biến
[ "Machine Learning for Coreference Resolution: From Local Classification to Global Ranking", "The Language of Mathematics", "Unsupervised Models for Named Entity Classification", "Coreference Resolution in a Modular, Entity-Centered Model", "Understanding the Value of Features for Coreference Resolution" ]
[ "Revealing the problems with 802.11 medium access control protocol in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks", "Author ' s personal copy Narcissism and recollections of early life experiences", "Characterization of PicoGreen reagent and development of a fluorescence-based solution assay for double-stranded DNA quantitation.", "A Computational Exploration of Problem-Solving Strategies and Gaze Behaviors on the Block Design Task", "Recommendations for the Assessment of Blend and Content Uniformity: Modifications to Withdrawn FDA Draft Stratified Sampling Guidance", "Cloud Log Forensics Metadata Analysis", "Short Text Clustering via Convolutional Neural Networks", "Diverse Sequential Subset Selection for Supervised Video Summarization", "Constructing support vector machine ensemble", "Comparison of data-driven analysis methods for identification of functional connectivity in fMRI", "What Size Test Set Gives Good Error Rate Estimates?", "The Cognitive Systems Paradigm", "Menstrual-like vaginal bleeding in prepubertal girls: an unexplained condition", "Removal of fixed impulse noise from digital images using Bezier curve based interpolation", "Design of BPSK / QPSK Modulator using Verilog HDL and Matlab", "A bioinspired multi-modal flying and walking robot.", "From Tools to Theories : A Heuristic of Discovery in Cognitive Psychology", "Capacitive power transfer for contactless charging", "Trends, challenges and needs for lattice-based cryptography implementations: special session", "A Multispectral Whole-Hand Biometric Authentication System", "Vascular Complications After Chin Augmentation Using Hyaluronic Acid", "Toward automated driving in cities using close-to-market sensors: An overview of the V-Charge Project", "Obstacle Detection on Railway Track by Fusing Radar and Image Sensor", "Software Development Cost Estimation Using Analogy: A Review", "Tradeoffs Between Profit and Customer Satisfaction for Service Provisioning in the Cloud" ]
The Most Uncreative Examinee: A First Step toward Wide Coverage Natural Language Math Problem Solving
Làm Dữ Liệu Nâng Cao
[ "Support Vector Machine Active Learning with Applications to Text Classification", "Generic Methods for Optimization-Based Modeling", "MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications", "A Database for Handwritten Text Recognition Research", "Few-Shot Adversarial Domain Adaptation" ]
[ "Childhood Trauma , the Neurobiology of Adaptation , and \" Use-dependent \" Development of the Brain : How \" States \" Become \" Traits \"", "Inferring new indications for approved drugs via random walk on drug-disease heterogenous networks", "Simulating Human Game Play for Level Difficulty Estimation with Convolutional Neural Networks", "Short to mid-range night fire detection", "A single-feeding circularly polarized microstrip antenna with the effect of hybrid feeding", "Order Picking: A Survey of Planning Problems and Methods", "Transmission Lines Loaded With Pairs of Stepped Impedance Resonators: Modeling and Application to Differential Permittivity Measurements", "Performance Analysis of Enhanced SPECK Algorithm", "Slingshot: deploying stateful services in wireless hotspots", "Modeling, simulation and control of single actuator magnetic levitation system", "Analysis of mobile internet speed, signal strength and FMDH antenna design for improved internet speed", "Coping with stress: divergent strategies of optimists and pessimists.", "Grammatical Error Correction with Alternating Structure Optimization", "Agent based approach for organization and personal knowledge modelling: knowledge management perspective", "Investigating User Privacy in Android Ad Libraries", "Grid Services for Distributed System Integration", "On compressing social networks", "Reducing Ambiguities in Requirements Specifications Via Automatically Created Object-Oriented Models", "DYNAMIC ASSET ALLOCATION WITH EVENT RISK", "Rescheduling Manufacturing Systems: A Framework of Strategies, Policies, and Methods", "Design and navigation control of an advanced level CANSAT", "Anchored Neighborhood Regression for Fast Example-Based Super-Resolution", "Pixel-Wise Classification Method for High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Deep Neural Networks", "Studying the Effects of Task Notification Policies on Participation and Outcomes in On-the-go Crowdsourcing", "Towards a Data Warehouse Architecture for Managing Big Data Evolution" ]
Dataset Distillation
Khảo sát Tài liệu Học Tập Tích cực
[ "Support Vector Machine Active Learning with Applications to Text Classification", "Query by Committee", "Selective Sampling Using the Query by Committee Algorithm", "Learning with kernels", "Queries and concept learning" ]
[ "Competency-based medical education in two Sub-Saharan African medical schools", "Software Technology Maturation", "Textually Enriched Neural Module Networks for Visual Question Answering", "An automatic mitosis detection method for breast cancer histopathology slide images based on objective and pixel-wise textural features classification", "Neural Response Generation for Customer Service based on Personality Traits", "On drone ground penetrating radar for landmine detection", "Notes on Hierarchical Splines, DCLNs and i-theory", "The role of tree nuts and peanuts in the prevention of coronary heart disease: multiple potential mechanisms.", "Dioxin characterisation , formation and minimisation during municipal solid waste ( MSW ) incineration : review", "Assessing The Impact Of Gender And Personality On Film Preferences", "Planar inductive sensor for small displacement", "Radiological Outcome of Short Segment Posterior Instrumentation and Fusion for Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures", "An intelligent SMS-based remote Water Metering System", "Single-step assembly of a gene and entire plasmid from large numbers of oligodeoxyribonucleotides.", "Credit card fraud detection using Naïve Bayes model based and KNN classifier", "Optical Character Recognition for Cursive Handwriting", "Hough-transform based algorithm for the automatic invariant recognition of rectangular chocolates . Detection of defective pieces", "Restoration of Degraded Historical Document Image", "Multi-robot cooperative planning by consensus Q-learning", "Autonomous UAV with vision based on-board decision making for remote sensing and precision agriculture", "Use of virtual reality as therapeutic tool for behavioural exposure in the ambit of social anxiety disorder treatment", "Learning Diverse Image Colorization", "The (R) Evolution of social media in software engineering", "LLVM-based code clone detection framework", "Learning to Merge Word Senses" ]
Active Learning Literature Survey
Phát hiện hành vi dựa trên kích hoạt trong phần mềm độc hại botnet
[ "S2E: a platform for in-vivo multi-path analysis of software systems", "Dytan: a generic dynamic taint analysis framework", "All You Ever Wanted to Know about Dynamic Taint Analysis and Forward Symbolic Execution (but Might Have Been Afraid to Ask)", "Exploring Multiple Execution Paths for Malware Analysis", "Towards automatic generation of vulnerability-based signatures" ]
[ "On Higher-order Singular Value Decomposition from Incomplete Data", "Two cases of hymenal scars occurred by child rape", "Speaker Diarization with LSTM", "A Review in Detection and Monitoring Gait Disorders Using In-Shoe Plantar Measurement Systems", "Autism spectrum disorders: developmental disconnection syndromes", "3D Graph Neural Networks for RGBD Semantic Segmentation", "Diversified Visual Attention Networks for Fine-Grained Object Classification", "Multimodal Classification for Analysing Social Media", "EEG alpha activity reflects attentional demands, and beta activity reflects emotional and cognitive processes.", "Automatic EEG processing for the early diagnosis of Traumatic Brain Injury", "Eye Tracking and Head Movement Detection: A State-of-Art Survey", "Light Chisel: 6DOF Pen Tracking", "Explicit reference modeling methodology in parametric CAD system", "A Novel Modular Design and Modeling Methodology for High Speed High Density Die Package PCB Co-Simulation and Model Library Creation", "The reviewing of object files: Object-specific integration of information", "Internet of Things network cognition and traffic management system", "A Study of Different Approaches to Aspect-based Opinion Mining", "Applications of a Graph Theoretic Based Clustering Framework in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", "A Desire to Be Taught : Instructional Consequences of Intrinsic Motivation I", "A model to support sign language content development for digital television", "Mirror therapy enhances lower-extremity motor recovery and motor functioning after stroke: a randomized controlled trial.", "Grounding Strategic Conversation: Using Negotiation Dialogues to Predict Trades in a Win-Lose Game", "Fast and Provably Good Seedings for k-Means", "A Survey on Wireless Body Area Networks: Technologies and Design Challenges", "A 6-Gbit/s Hybrid Voltage-Mode Transmitter With Current-Mode Equalization in 90-nm CMOS" ]
Detecting trigger-based behaviors in botnet malware
Bộ dữ liệu video hành động con người Kinetics
[ "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition", "Learning realistic human actions from movies", "ActivityNet: A large-scale video benchmark for human activity understanding", "ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge", "Unbiased look at dataset bias" ]
[ "Cyber-physical security via geometric control: Distributed monitoring and malicious attacks", "Classification of Web Pages Using Naive Bayesian Approach", "An overview of textual semantic similarity measures based on web intelligence", "Identifying the sentiment styles of YouTube's vloggers", "Coordination Avoidance in Database Systems", "Cable Suspended Robots: Design, Planning and Control", "Genome sequence and comparative analysis of the solvent-producing bacterium Clostridium acetobutylicum.", "A Design Space for Self-Adaptive Systems", "A fad or future of IT?: A comprehensive literature review on the cloud computing research", "Continuous Reasoning: Scaling the impact of formal methods", "Ceiling continuum arm with extensible pneumatic actuators for desktop workspace", "An Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) Mode Reconfigurable Antenna for Channel Capacity Improvement and Digital Data Encoding", "Accurate and Efficient On-Chip Spectral Analysis for Built-In Testing and Calibration Approaches", "A comparison of perceived and real shoulder-surfing risks between alphanumeric and graphical passwords", "Development Kits for 3 D Optical Metrology Systems", "Fraud detection in water meters using pattern recognition techniques", "Understanding requirement prioritization techniques", "deepSA2018 at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Multi-task Learning of Different Label for Affect in Tweets", "Deep learning for Amazon satellite image analysis", "A Tool to Assess the Comfort of Wearable Computers", "A Dataset for Web-Scale Knowledge Base Population", "The meaning of compassion fatigue to student nurses: an interpretive phenomenological study", "A Web-based Tool for the Integrated Annotation of Semantic and Syntactic Structures", "A Differential Filtering Microstrip Antenna Array With Intrinsic Common-Mode Rejection", "Flow Theory and Student Engagement" ]
The Kinetics Human Action Video Dataset
Chuyển đổi Nâng cao Nhanh chóng sử dụng Cổng thần kinh: Nghiên cứu điển hình về Mô hình Ngôn ngữ
[ "Context dependent recurrent neural network language model", "Adaptive Importance Sampling to Accelerate Training of a Neural Probabilistic Language Model", "Linguistic Regularities in Continuous Space Word Representations", "Domain Adaptation via Pseudo In-Domain Data Selection", "KenLM: Faster and Smaller Language Model Queries" ]
[ "Scalable TCP Session Monitoring with Symmetric Receive-side Scaling", "UvA-DARE ( Digital Academic Repository ) Recognizing Textual Entailment Using Lexical Similarity", "Musical genre classification of audio signals", "Multimodal Machine Learning: A Survey and Taxonomy", "Isolation of radial glial cells by fluorescent-activated cell sorting reveals a neuronal lineage.", "Cognitive Deficits Associated with Nav1.1 Alterations: Involvement of Neuronal Firing Dynamics and Oscillations", "FRIEND SUGGESTION SYSTEM FOR THE SOCIAL NETWORK BASED ON USER BEHAVIOR", "Multicell Interference Management in Device to Device Underlay Cellular Networks", "A methodology for power characterization of associative memories", "Domain Adaptation for Sequence Labeling Tasks with a Probabilistic Language Adaptation Model", "Machine Learning and Data Mining Methods in Diabetes Research", "Faster R-CNN Scene Specialization with a Sequential Monte-Carlo Framework", "Design of high PSRR folded cascode operational amplifier for LDO applications", "Security aspects of the in-vehicle network in the connected car", "Event-Triggered State Observers for Sparse Sensor Noise/Attacks", "Design and control of an actuated thumb exoskeleton for hand rehabilitation following stroke", "Interdependent Wearables (for Play): A Strong Concept for Design", "Development and validation of the mindful eating questionnaire.", "Understanding Deep Convolutional Networks", "Inference in Probabilistic Logic Programs using Weighted CNF's", "Automated plant Watering system", "Developing Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Using Collaborative Agents", "Modeling temporal effects of human mobile behavior on location-based social networks", "Tag-aware recommender systems based on deep neural networks", "Integrated decision support systems: A data warehousing perspective" ]
Fast Gated Neural Domain Adaptation: Language Model as a Case Study
Nhịp Điệu cùng những Gã Khổng Lồ: Wimpy Kernels cho I/O Tách theo Yêu Cầu
[ "Building Verifiable Trusted Path on Commodity x86 Computers", "Innovative instructions and software model for isolated execution", "The design and implementation of microdrivers", "seL4: formal verification of an OS kernel", "Breaking up is hard to do: security and functionality in a commodity hypervisor" ]
[ "A Novel Approach of an Absolute Encoder Coding Pattern", "Increasing fruit and vegetable intake and decreasing fat and sugar intake in families at risk for childhood obesity.", "Regular expressions for language engineering", "A line-structure-preserving approach to image resizing", "Narcissism assessment in social – personality research : Does the association between narcissism and psychological health result from a confound with self-esteem ?", "Feedback Neural Network for Weakly Supervised Geo-Semantic Segmentation", "CloneCloud: Boosting Mobile Device Applications Through Cloud Clone Execution", "On the usability of deep networks for object-based image analysis", "Transparent air filter for high-efficiency PM2.5 capture.", "Botulinum Toxin in Aesthetic Medicine", "A novel and secure smart parking management system (SPMS) based on integration of WSN, RFID, and IoT", "Mining DNS for malicious domain registrations", "Depth-of-field-based alpha-matte extraction", "STUDENTS ACCEPTANCE OF MOBILE LEARNING FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN SAUDI ARABIA", "Multiple Instance Detection Network with Online Instance Classifier Refinement", "Numerical Study of p-n-Doped Poly-Silicon Shield Gate Trench MOSFET With Reduced Output Capacitance", "Bounding Gait in a Hybrid Wheeled-Leg Robot", "iPark: identifying parking spaces from trajectories", "PUMA: Planning Under Uncertainty with Macro-Actions", "Residual-life distributions from component degradation signals : A Bayesian approach", "An Overview of Vulnerabilities of Voice Controlled Systems", "The generation of environmental map based on a NDT grid mapping -Proposal of convergence calculation corresponding to high resolution grid-", "Making Open Data Transparent: Data Discovery on Open Data", "Design of a high fill factor permanent magnet integrated starter generator with compressed stator windings", "A dual-band half-width microstrip leaky-wave antenna for beam scanning in the forward and backward directions" ]
Dancing with Giants: Wimpy Kernels for On-Demand Isolated I/O
Đánh giá hệ thống bản đồ các phương pháp đánh giá tính dễ sử dụng cho các ứng dụng giáo dục trên thiết bị di động
[ "Challenges, Methodologies, and Issues in the Usability Testing of Mobile Applications", "Cross versus Within-Company Cost Estimation Studies: A Systematic Review", "Systematic Mapping Studies in Software Engineering", "Requirements engineering paper classification and evaluation criteria: a proposal and a discussion" ]
[ "Towards a definition of the Internet of Things ( IoT )", "Very linear ramp-generators for high resolution ADC BIST and calibration", "An Introduction to Random Indexing", "Dissociation of algorithmic and heuristic processes in language comprehension: Evidence from aphasia", "Robust Elevator Button Recognition in the Presence of Partial Occlusion and Clutter by Specular Reflections", "Multi-Directional Multi-Level Dual-Cross Patterns for Robust Face Recognition", "Bayesian Boolean Matrix Factorisation", "Incivility in nursing education: An intervention.", "Winding Function Approach for Winding Analysis", "Automatically structuring domain knowledge from text: An overview of current research", "Drought Spatial Object Prediction Approach using Artificial Neural Network", "Object Detection using Image Processing", "Novel Six-Slot Four-Pole Axial Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Machine for Electric Vehicle", "A typology for visualizing uncertainty", "Efficient Deformable Shape Correspondence via Kernel Matching", "Single-Image Super-Resolution Using Sparse Regression and Natural Image Prior", "The zone of proximal development in Vygotsky’s analysis of learning and instruction", "THE EFFECTS OF A 6 WEEK PLYOMETRIC TRAINING PROGRAMME ON EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH AND AGILITY IN PROFESSIONAL BASKETBALL PLAYERS", "Demystifying magic: high-level low-level programming", "ShapeOp—A Robust and Extensible Geometric Modelling Paradigm", "Development and Validation of a Deep Learning System for Diabetic Retinopathy and Related Eye Diseases Using Retinal Images From Multiethnic Populations With Diabetes.", "A Practical Approach to Insertion with Variable Socket Position Using Deep Reinforcement Learning", "Towards enhanced hierarchical attention networks in ICD-9 tagging of clinical notes", "Emotion circuits in the brain.", "Evaluating visual analytics with eye tracking" ]
A systematic mapping review of usability evaluation methods for educational applications on mobile devices
Tìm kiếm cục bộ mang lại PTAS cho k-Means trong việc nhân đôi các phép đo
[ "Approximation Algorithms for Facility Location Problems (Extended Abstract)", "Algorithms for Clustering Data", "NP-hardness of Euclidean sum-of-squares clustering", "Approximation Schemes for Euclidean k-Medians and Related Problems", "Greedy Strikes Back: Improved Facility Location Algorithms" ]
[ "A Haptic Tool for Group Work on Geometrical Concepts Engaging Blind and Sighted Pupils", "Dynamic 3D Scene Analysis from a Moving Vehicle", "medixain : Robust Blockchain Optimization Enabling Individual Medical Wallet Architecture", "The human use of human beings - cybernetics and society", "On-line Fruit Grading according to their External Quality using Machine Vision", "Understanding Network Centric Warfare", "Deep Regression Tracking with Shrinkage Loss", "Coactive Learning", "Intriguing properties of neural networks", "Wideband Impedance Transformers on Parallel-Coupled and Multisection Microstrip Lines: Synthesis Design and Implementation", "Fingerprint image enhancement using GWT and DMF", "Depixelizing pixel art", "High-Resolution, Real-time 3D Shape Acquisition", "Zika: the origin and spread of a mosquito-borne virus", "Sensorless speed control of a PM synchronous motor based on sliding mode observer and extended Kalman filter", "DeepFacade: A Deep Learning Approach to Facade Parsing", "Applying particle swarm optimization-based decision tree classifier for cancer classification on gene expression data", "Salivary cortisol levels in children adopted from romanian orphanages.", "Siphon-based deadlock prevention for a class of S4PR generalized Petri nets", "Modeling and Simulation of Lithium-Ion Batteries from a Systems Engineering Perspective", "Design of wideband printed rectangular monopole patch antenna with band notch", "Claim Synthesis via Predicate Recycling", "The Impact of Brand Equity and Innovation on the Long-Term Effectiveness of Promotions", "Self-organized computation with unreliable , memristive nanodevices", "Identifying hallmarks of consciousness in non-mammalian species" ]
Local Search Yields a PTAS for k-Means in Doubling Metrics
Docker Containers trên Nhiều Cloud và Trung tâm Dữ liệu
[ "Improving MapReduce Performance in Heterogeneous Environments", "Handbook of Constraint Programming", "The cost of a cloud: research problems in data center networks" ]
[ "Studying the implementation of iterative impedance control for assistive hand rehabilitation using an exoskeleton", "A Performance Analysis of Incentive Mechanisms for Cooperative Computing", "Identification and adaptive neural network control of a DC motor system with dead-zone characteristics.", "Image semantic segmentation based on FCN-CRF model", "Automatic detection of sleep apnea based on EEG detrended fluctuation analysis and support vector machine", "Microenvironmental regulation of tumour angiogenesis", "Covert channels using mobile device's magnetic field sensors", "Adaptation of the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) to Spanish in a sample of adolescents.", "A Computer Vision System for Autonomous Forklift Vehicles in Industrial Environments 1", "Enhanced Topic-based Vector Space Model for semantics-aware spam filtering", "Modeling and Formalization of Fuzzy Finite Automata for Detection of Irregular Fire Flames", "TRANSRECTAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY OF EQUINE LUMBOSACRAL NERVES: PILOT STUDY IN 28 HEALTHY WARMBLOOD HORSES.", "Parents' roles in shaping early adolescents' occupational aspirations.", "Using Search Queries to Understand Health Information Needs in Africa", "A Survey and Critique of American Sign Language Natural Language Generation and Machine Translation Systems", "Real-Time Cutting Tool Condition Monitoring in Milling", "Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): The Next Hype of Cloud Computing", "Business model design : conceptualizing networked value co-creation", "Autonomous vehicles : Pedestrian heaven or pedestrian hell ?", "Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): a review of the literature", "The Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) review of the literature--What does it tell us?", "SirenAttack: Generating Adversarial Audio for End-to-End Acoustic Systems", "Challenges of Feature Selection for Big Data Analytics", "On Machine Learning and Structure for Mobile Robots", "Impact of Warehouse Management System in a Supply Chain" ]
Docker Containers across Multiple Clouds and Data Centers
Máy hỗ trợ vectơ với hàm kernel trọng số hệ số thông tin tối đa cho hồi quy
[ "Data Mining With Computational Intelligence", "Support vector regression with chaos-based firefly algorithm for stock market price forecasting", "Multiple Kernel Learning Algorithms", "Learning the kernel matrix in discriminant analysis via quadratically constrained quadratic programming", "LIBSVM: a library for support vector machines" ]
[ "Community-based features for identifying spammers in Online Social Networks", "A Systematic Review on the Suspicious Profiles Detection on Online Social Media Data", "SumeCzech: Large Czech News-Based Summarization Dataset", "Fully constrained least squares linear spectral mixture analysis method for material quantification in hyperspectral imagery", "LINE-mediated retrotransposition of marked Alu sequences", "Identifying First-Person Camera Wearers in Third-Person Videos", "Synthetic data augmentation using GAN for improved liver lesion classification", "Collaborative Quantization for Cross-Modal Similarity Search", "Multivariate LSTM-FCNs for Time Series Classification", "Multi-encoder Transformer Network for Automatic Post-Editing", "No Training Required: Exploring Random Encoders for Sentence Classification", "Behavioral detection of malware: from a survey towards an established taxonomy", "Interpretable and effective opinion spam detection via temporal patterns mining across websites", "On solving multiobjective bin packing problems using evolutionary particle swarm optimization", "Hypovitaminosis D in developing countries—prevalence, risk factors and outcomes", "A Fast Deep Learning Model for Textual Relevance in Biomedical Information Retrieval", "Amino acid substitution matrices from an information theoretic perspective.", "Code Bits: An Inexpensive Tangible Computational Thinking Toolkit For K-12 Curriculum", "Paper in Business Analytics Feature Selection using LASSO", "A Mobile-Based Diet Monitoring System for Obesity Management.", "Deriving Concept-Based User Profiles from Search Engine Logs", "Deep Dictionary Learning", "A Simple and Fast Incremental Randomized Algorithm for Computing Trapezoidal Decompositions and for Triangulating Polygons", "A Brief survey of Data Mining Techniques Applied to Agricultural Data", "Partial Materialized Views" ]
A support vector machine with maximal information coefficient weighted kernel functions for regression
Kiến trúc Thời gian Sâu cho Nhận dạng Âm thanh Thị giác
[ "Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition", "AID: A Benchmark Data Set for Performance Evaluation of Aerial Scene Classification", "Deep Speech 2 : End-to-End Speech Recognition in English and Mandarin", "Deep multimodal learning for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition", "A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition" ]
[ "An Ultra-Low Reset Current Cross-Point Phase Change Memory With Carbon Nanotube Electrodes", "DIKIW : Data , Information , Knowledge , Intelligence , Wisdom and their Interrelationships", "Viewability Prediction for Online Display Ads", "Series Connection of IGBT ’ s with Active Voltage Balancing", "Energy-efficient execution of data-parallel applications on heterogeneous mobile platforms", "CAWA: Coordinated warp scheduling and Cache Prioritization for critical warp acceleration of GPGPU workloads", "Multi-modal and multi-brain-computer interfaces: A review", "Content-Based Music Information Retrieval: Current Directions and Future Challenges", "High altitude UAV navigation using IMU, GPS and camera", "Learning Fair Classifiers", "Localization and Tracking of Implantable Biomedical Sensors", "OFDM and TDM based sensing method for large projected mutual-capacitance touch screens", "Enhancing Memory Error Detection for Large-Scale Applications and Fuzz Testing", "Compact Thermal Model for Vertical Nanowire Phase-Change Memory Cells", "Towards the Limit of Network Quantization", "Feature based Summarization of Customers' Reviews of Online Products", "Assumptions of multiple regression: Correcting two misconceptions", "Translation, rotation, and scale-invariant object recognition", "Provision of Load Frequency Control by PHEVs, Controllable Loads, and a Cogeneration Unit", "Cross-Linguistic Sentiment Analysis: From English to Spanish", "An Open Benchmark Suite for Evaluating Computer Architecture on Bioinformatics and Life Science Applications", "Understanding Cyber Attack Behaviors with Sentiment Information on Social Media", "Riemannian Walk for Incremental Learning: Understanding Forgetting and Intransigence", "Generalized Zero-Shot Recognition based on Visually Semantic Embedding", "COGENT: Certified Compilation for a Functional Systems Language" ]
Deep Temporal Architecture for Audiovisual Speech Recognition
Các Chiến Lược Thiết Kế ESD Cho Các Mạch Số Cao Tốc Độ và RF Trong Công Nghệ Làm Vi Xử Lý Vi Mô Quy Mô Nâng Cao
[ "Overview of on-chip electrostatic discharge protection design with SCR-based devices in CMOS integrated circuits", "I-MOS: a novel semiconductor device with a subthreshold slope lower than kT/q", "CDM peak current variations and impact upon CDM performance thresholds", "CDM protection design for CMOS applications using RC-triggered rail clamps", "Field effect diode for effective CDM ESD protection in 45 nm SOI technology" ]
[ "An Improved Topology of SEPIC Converter With Reduced Output Voltage Ripple", "Optical Character Recognition using Neural Network", "Indian Sign Language gesture classification as single or double handed gestures", "A passive technique for fingerprinting wireless devices with Wired-side Observations", "Learning a Predictable and Generative Vector Representation for Objects", "An 80.4% Peak Power Efficiency Adaptive Supply Class H Power Amplifier for Audio Applications", "A survey of multi-agent organizational paradigms", "High Quality Uniform Random Number Generation Using LUT Optimised State-transition Matrices", "Analysis of blood samples for counting leukemia cells using Support vector machine and nearest neighbour", "Revisiting the Bullwhip Effect under Economic Uncertainty", "Applying Data Mining to Telecom Churn Management", "On accelerating pair-HMM computations in programmable hardware", "Critical success factors in online education", "A Span-Extraction Dataset for Chinese Machine Reading Comprehension", "A Simplified Analytical Model Toward Big Data Analysis using Ridge Regression Method", "Clustering items for collaborative filtering", "Consciousness: a unique way of processing information", "Cerebrospinal Fluid and Interstitial Fluid Motion via the Glymphatic Pathway Modelled by Optimal Mass Transport", "A Roofline Model of Energy", "Learning Dynamic Memory Networks for Object Tracking", "A Corpus of Gesture-Annotated Dialogues for Monologue-to-Dialogue Generation from Personal Narratives", "Specific Impairment of Smiling Increases the Severity of Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Facial Neuromuscular Disorders", "Automatic Discrimination between Printed and Handwritten Text in Documents", "Social Scene Understanding: End-to-End Multi-person Action Localization and Collective Activity Recognition", "Efficient tracing of failed nodes in sensor networks" ]
ESD Design Strategies for High-Speed Digital and RF Circuits in Deeply Scaled Silicon Technologies
Giao thức bảo mật trực tuyến cho thanh toán NFC: Được phân tích chính thức bởi công cụ Scyther
[ "A Hierarchy of Authentication Specifications", "HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication", "Chip and PIN is Broken", "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile" ]
[ "NLTK: The Natural Language Toolkit", "Modelling of Metal Oxide Surge Arresters in Simulation Software DYNAST", "Big Data for Open Digital Innovation - A Research Roadmap", "Dependency Parsing and Dialogue Systems : an investigation of dependency parsing for commercial application", "5G Edge Resource Federation: Dynamic and Cross-domain Network Slice Deployment", "Perceptions of Sex, Gender, and Puberty Suppression: A Qualitative Analysis of Transgender Youth", "Role-based model for Named Entity Recognition", "A high-speed end-to-end approach for retinal arteriovenous segmentation", "Detection of Outliers in Time Series Data", "Security Aspects of the Extended Playfair Cipher", "Microstrip Patch Antenna With Defected Ground Structure for Cross Polarization Suppression", "LSTM for punctuation restoration in speech transcripts", "An Embedded Declarative Language for Hierarchical Object Structure Traversal", "Association of depression and anxiety alone and in combination with chronic musculoskeletal pain in primary care patients.", "Windows Registry Forensics : An Imperative Step in Tracking Data Theft via USB Devices", "FPGASort: a high performance sorting architecture exploiting run-time reconfiguration on fpgas for large problem sorting", "Brain regions with mirror properties: A meta-analysis of 125 human fMRI studies", "Inferencing in information extraction: Techniques and applications", "Modern Intrusion Detection, Data Mining, and Degrees of Attack Guilt", "Lightweight security algorithm for low power IoT devices", "Bipolar pulse generator for very high frequency (> 100 MHz) ultrasound applications", "Estimating relatedness via data compression", "Pixelwise View Selection for Unstructured Multi-View Stereo", "Hackerbot: Attacker Chatbots for Randomised and Interactive Security Labs, Using SecGen and oVirt", "Object Detection in Very High-Resolution Aerial Images Using One-Stage Densely Connected Feature Pyramid Network" ]
An online security protocol for NFC payment: Formally analyzed by the scyther tool
Phát hiện co giật động kinh cho nhiều kênh EEG với mạng nơ-ron tích chập sâu
[ "PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: components of a new research resource for complex physiologic signals.", "Application of Machine Learning To Epileptic Seizure Detection" ]
[ "Comparison and Evaluation of Light Field Image Coding Approaches", "D2R Server - Publishing Relational Databases on the Semantic Web", "Mobile marketing : A literature review on its value for consumers and retailers", "The “New” Science of Networks", "Monocular Localization of a moving person onboard a Quadrotor MAV", "Towards Autonomous Vehicular Clouds - A Position Paper (Invited Paper)", "Skin Reading: encoding text in a 6-channel haptic display", "Selected techniques for data mining in medicine", "Smart Hospital based on Internet of Things", "A Color Gamut Description Algorithm for Liquid Crystal Displays in CIELAB Space", "CloudFlame: Cyberinfrastructure for Combustion Research", "Enhancing The Reliability of Out-of-distribution Image Detection in Neural Networks", "Automatic Filling of Hidden Web Forms: A Survey", "Toward an adequate taxonomy of personality attributes: replicated factors structure in peer nomination personality ratings.", "Combined Arcus Marginalis Release, Preseptal Orbicularis Muscle Sling, and SOOF Plication for Midfacial Rejuvenation", "Effect of horseback riding versus a dynamic and static horse riding simulator on sitting ability of children with cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial", "Internet of things (IoT) based smart health care system", "Opposition-based Magnetic Optimization Algorithm with parameter adaptation strategy", "Code hunt: gamifying teaching and learning of computer science at scale", "Analysis of mushroom-like electromagnetic band gap structure using suspended transmission line technique", "Understanding Relationship Marketing Outcomes An Integration of Relational Benefits and Relationship Quality", "SemEval-2013 Task 9 : Extraction of Drug-Drug Interactions from Biomedical Texts (DDIExtraction 2013)", "Image-Dependent Gamut Mapping as Optimization Problem", "Beyond Wise et al . : Neuroleptic-induced “ anhedonia ” in rats : Pimozide blocks reward quality of food", "A dual-band half-width microstrip leaky-wave antenna for beam scanning in the forward and backward directions" ]
Epileptic seizure detection for multi-channel EEG with deep convolutional neural network
Phân đoạn âm tiết mù với lỗi dự đoán thời gian
[ "Better streaming algorithms for clustering problems", "Finite State Automata and Simple Recurrent Networks", "Complexity of exact gradient computation algorithms for recurrent neural networks", "A Fast Hybrid k-Means Level Set Algorithm For Segmentation", "Long Short-Term Memory" ]
[ "The short- and long-term fates of memory items retained outside the focus of attention.", "Unstructured human activity detection from RGBD images", "Multiobjective locomotion optimization of quadruped robot with different 2DOF configurations of actuated spine", "Classification of Attributes in a Natural Language Query into Different SQL Clauses", "A Reconfigurable Implementation of the New Secure Hash Algorithm", "Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis, 2nd Edition", "A Comparison of Document, Sentence, and Term Event Spaces", "Geometric Structures for Three-Dimensional Shape Representation", "Resource optimization of container orchestration: a case study in multi-cloud microservices-based applications", "Exploiting Parallelism on Keccak: FPGA and GPU Comparison", "Energy-efficient positioning for smartphones using Cell-ID sequence matching", "Absorptive SPDT switch design using cascaded switchable parallel-coupled stub resonator and switchable radial stub resonator", "DDoS: Survey of Traceback Methods", "Peekaboom: a game for locating objects in images", "Cross-Lingual Distributional Profiles of Concepts for Measuring Semantic Distance", "Power and Energy Characterization of an Open Source 25-Core Manycore Processor", "Sketching informal presentations", "ROOT: replaying multithreaded traces with resource-oriented ordering", "Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems", "BIGT control optimisation for overall loss reduction", "A Survey on Successors of LEACH Protocol", "Skipping Refinement", "A Delay Model and Speculative Architecture for Pipelined Routers", "Multi-dimensional Topic Modeling with Determinantal Point Processes", "Applications of the MapReduce programming framework to clinical big data analysis: current landscape and future trends" ]
Blind Phoneme Segmentation With Temporal Prediction Errors
Điều hướng hành lang an toàn hiệu quả với quỹ đạo giới hạn giật cho máy bay không người lái đa cánh
[ "Reciprocal collision avoidance for quadrotors using on-board visual detection", "On-line planning of time-optimal, jerk-limited trajectories", "Minimum snap trajectory generation and control for quadrotors", "Deep learning for 2D scan matching and loop closure", "Online Trajectory Generation: Basic Concepts for Instantaneous Reactions to Unforeseen Events" ]
[ "Loss Functions for Binary Class Probability Estimation and Classification : Structure and Applications", "Uncovering learning patterns in a MOOC through conformance alignments", "Memory systems do not divide on consciousness: Reinterpreting memory in terms of activation and binding.", "Speech-driven 3 D Facial Animation with Implicit Emotional Awareness : A Deep Learning Approach", "HarmTrace : Automatic functional harmonic analysis", "Endovascular therapy for ischemic stroke with perfusion-imaging selection.", "Unsupervised Learning of Long-Term Motion Dynamics for Videos", "Induction of depressed and elated mood by music influences the perception of facial emotional expressions in healthy subjects.", "Do hospital fall prevention programs work? A systematic review.", "UNFOLD: a memory-efficient speech recognizer using on-the-fly WFST composition", "Caffeine and exercise: metabolism, endurance and performance.", "Entity-Relationship Modeling", "Functional MRI analysis of body and body part representations in the extrastriate and fusiform body areas.", "Design of an FMCW Radar Altimeter for Wide-Range and Low Measurement Error", "Camera angle affects dominance in video-mediated communication", "Power electronics system integration for electric and hybrid vehicles", "Information integration in the enterprise", "Resources for Urdu Language Processing", "A PLL control for self-tuning of parallel wireless power transfer receivers utilizing switch-mode gyrator emulated inductors", "Sharpness Enhancement and Super-Resolution of Around-View Monitor Images", "Genetic algorithms and VRP : the behaviour of a crossover operator", "A single-phase photovoltaic inverter topology with a series-connected power buffer", "Efficient occupancy grid computation on the GPU with lidar and radar for road boundary detection", "An Introduction to Variational Methods for Graphical Models", "Enabling preemptive multiprogramming on GPUs" ]
Efficient safe corridor navigation with jerk limited trajectory for quadrotors
Một Mở rộng Lý thuyết của Mô hình Chấp nhận Công nghệ: Bốn Nghiên cứu Thực địa Dài hạn
[ "Development of an Instrument to Measure the Perceptions of Adopting an Information Technology Innovation", "Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology", "Predicting User Intentions: Comparing the Technology Acceptance Model with the Theory of Planned Behavior", "Informal social communication.", "A study of normative and informational social influences upon individual judgement." ]
[ "Design Science Research Contributions: Finding a Balance between Artifact and Theory", "Quantitative Performance Analysis of Exoskeleton Augmenting Devices - Muscle Suit - for Manual Worker", "Meditation Awareness Training for the Treatment of Sex Addiction: A Case Study", "Am I normal? A systematic review and construction of nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and circumference in up to 15,521 men.", "Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction with an Incomplete Knowledge Base", "Metaheuristic and Evolutionary Methods for Feature Selection in Sentiment Analysis (a Comparative Study)", "Single inductor three-level boost bridgeless PFC rectifier with nature voltage clamp", "Measures of Memory", "Let's Do the Time Warp: Multicomponent Nonlinear Motion Estimation in Differential SAR Tomography", "The Fake News Spreading Plague: Was it Preventable?", "Triage: diagnosing production run failures at the user's site", "Sparse Coding for Classification via Discrimination Ensemble", "Evaluation of Web Service Recommendation Performance via Sparsity Alleviating by Specificity-Aware Ontology-Based Clustering", "A Novel Wideband Microstrip Line to Ridge Gap Waveguide Transition Using Defected Ground Slot", "RASCAL: Calculation of Graph Similarity using Maximum Common Edge Subgraphs", "Kineticons: using iconographic motion in graphical user interface design", "Toward curricular guidelines for cybersecurity", "Nonexistence results for spherical 7-designs", "Determinants of a sustainable competitive advantage due to an IT-enabled strategy", "A deep neural network approach for sentence boundary detection in broadcast news", "DWT and MFCCs based Feature Extraction Methods for Isolated Word Recognition", "WaCo: A Wake-Up Radio COOJA Extension for Simulating Ultra Low Power Radios", "Analyzing the Network for AWS Distributed Cloud Computing", "The Structure of Design Problem Spaces", "Fast image segmentation on mobile phone using multi-level graph cut" ]
A Theoretical Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model : Four Longitudinal Field Studies
Phát hiện Tự động Loại Mắt bằng Hình ảnh Quỹ Mắt Sử dụng Sự Kết hợp giữa Học Chuyển Giao và Đặc trưng Giải Phẫu
[ "Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition", "How transferable are features in deep neural networks?", "Improved Microaneurysm Detection using Deep Neural Networks", "Retinal Imaging and Image Analysis.", "A Tlreshold Selection Method from Gray-Level Histograms" ]
[ "A geometry-based soft shadow volume algorithm using graphics hardware", "Forensics acquisition - Analysis and circumvention of samsung secure boot enforced common criteria mode", "IoT Goes Nuclear: Creating a ZigBee Chain Reaction", "Experimental validation of a leg-wheel hybrid mobile robot Quattroped", "Central sensitization: Implications for the diagnosis and treatment of pain", "Neural Responding Machine for Short-Text Conversation", "FACTORS AFFECTING CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DISCLOSURE IN EGYPT", "Air-swipe gesture recognition using OpenCV in Android devices", "CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) for sequence-specific control of gene expression", "Predicting Human Trustfulness from Facebook Language", "ASR error management for improving spoken language understanding", "Evaluating the Readability of Force Directed Graph Layouts: A Deep Learning Approach", "Performance Comparison of VxWorks, Linux, RTAI, and Xenomai in a Hard Real-Time Application", "Efficient Second-Order Gradient Boosting for Conditional Random Fields", "Multi-source information fusion for drowsy driving detection based on wireless sensor networks", "Facial Artery Musculomucosal (FAMM) flap for nasal lining in reconstruction of large full thickness lateral nasal defects", "Vision-based intelligent vehicles: State of the art and perspectives", "On the rate of channel polarization", "Evaluation of salient point methods", "Complementary Cooperation Algorithm Based on DEKF Combined With Pattern Recognition for SOC/Capacity Estimation and SOH Prediction", "2CAuth: A New Two Factor Authentication Scheme Using QR-Code", "Inference of Human Population History From Whole Genome Sequence of A Single Individual", "ShapeWorld - A new test methodology for multimodal language understanding", "Mining the Sentiment Expectation of Nouns Using Bootstrapping Method", "Contour and Texture Analysis for Image Segmentation" ]
Automatic Eye Type Detection in Retinal Fundus Image Using Fusion of Transfer Learning and Anatomical Features
Một Khung Công tác Đa Nhiệm vụ cho Nhận Dạng Thời Tiết
[ "Practical Bayesian Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms", "Sharing features between objects and their attributes", "Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation", "Weather classification with deep convolutional neural networks", "Learning to detect unseen object classes by between-class attribute transfer" ]
[ "Social Network Data Analytics", "Updatable Block-Level Message-Locked Encryption", "Research on non-invasive glucose concentration measurement by NIR transmission", "Preparing the next generation of IMA: A new technology for the scarlett program", "Thermal modeling of Lundell alternators", "Click model-based information retrieval metrics", "Accurate Full Body Scanning from a Single Fixed 3D Camera", "Application of artificial neural networks and related techniques to intrusion detection", "Sketch Retrieval via Dense Stroke Features", "Neuroaesthetics: a review", "Haptic jamming: A deformable geometry, variable stiffness tactile display using pneumatics and particle jamming", "Secure Medical Data Transmission Model for IoT-Based Healthcare Systems", "Visual Fatigue Prediction for Stereoscopic Image", "Mining mood-specific movie similarity with matrix factorization for context-aware recommendation", "Proactive Threat Detection for Connected Cars Using Recursive Bayesian Estimation", "Image Segmentation-Based Multi-Focus Image Fusion Through Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network", "Wideband Offset Slot-Coupled Patch Antenna Array for X/Ku-Band Multimode Radars", "Corpus-based HIT-MW database for offline recognition of general-purpose Chinese handwritten text", "Large-Margin Multi-Modal Deep Learning for RGB-D Object Recognition", "Evolution of co-management: role of knowledge generation, bridging organizations and social learning.", "Ubiquitous Information Systems – Understanding privacy concerns", "Exponentiated Exponential Family : An Alternative to Gamma and Weibull Distributions", "Incidence of alarplasty in primary and revision rhinoplasty in a private practice setting.", "Design and Simulation of Wireless Sensor Network Topologies Using the ZigBee Standard", "Variance Reduction Methods II 1 Importance Sampling" ]
A Multi-Task Framework for Weather Recognition
Đánh giá rủi ro tín dụng với phương pháp học tập hợp mạng nơ-ron đa giai đoạn
[ "Stacked generalization", "Neural Network Ensembles", "A Learning Algorithm for Boltzmann Machines", "Multilayer feedforward networks are universal approximators", "Credit scoring using the hybrid neural discriminant technique" ]
[ "Developing multiple hypotheses in behavioral ecology", "Real-time intrusion detection alert correlation", "Production-run software failure diagnosis via hardware performance counters", "The use of computational intelligence in intrusion detection systems: A review", "On the Efficiency of Far-Field Wireless Power Transfer", "Play Therapy: Practitioners' Perspectives on Implementation and Effectiveness", "A Theoretical Framework for Serious Game Design: Exploring Pedagogy, Play and Fidelity and their Implications for the Design Process", "Internal Coupled-Fed Shorted Monopole Antenna for GSM850/900/1800/1900/UMTS Operation in the Laptop Computer", "The graduate nurse experience.", "Elman Network with Embedded Memory for System Identification", "Supervised clustering of streaming data for email batch detection", "End-to-End Speech Command Recognition with Capsule Network", "Extracting Opinion Features in Sentiment Patterns", "Whanau: A Sybil-proof Distributed Hash Table", "Unconscious cerebral initiative and the role of conscious will in voluntary action", "Classification of Opinion Mining Techniques", "The Fast Research Interface for the KUKA Lightweight Robot", "Crowdfunding: Motivations and deterrents for participation", "Social sharing through interpersonal media: Patterns and effects on emotional well-being", "The neuropsychiatry of the cerebellum — insights from the clinic", "VETIS TOOL FOR EDITING AND TRANSFORMING SBVR BUSINESS VOCABULARIES AND BUSINESS RULES INTO UML & OCL MODELS", "Transcultural medicine: a multi-sited ethnography on the scientific-industrial networking of Korean medicine.", "Vega-Lite: A Grammar of Interactive Graphics", "Vulnerable Narcissism Is (Mostly) a Disorder of Neuroticism.", "Elementary Siphons of Petri Nets and Deadlock Control in FMS" ]
Credit risk assessment with a multistage neural network ensemble learning approach
Tối ưu hóa tiền mã hóa tần số phẳng trong kênh sóng milimetre chọn lọc tần số
[ "Channel Estimation and Hybrid Precoding for Millimeter Wave Cellular Systems", "Dynamic Subarrays for Hybrid Precoding in Wideband mmWave MIMO Systems", "Spatially Sparse Precoding in Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems", "Regression Shrinkage and Selection via the Lasso", "Channel estimation and precoder design for millimeter-wave communications: The sparse way" ]
[ "Community detection with partially observable links and node attributes", "Automatic Extraction of Commonsense LocatedNear Knowledge", "Magnetics on silicon: an enabling technology for power supply on chip", "Online Nonnegative Matrix Factorization With Robust Stochastic Approximation", "Service-oriented Communities: Models and Concepts Towards Fractal Social Organizations", "Web Ontologies to Categorialy Structure Reality: Representations of Human Emotional, Cognitive, and Motivational Processes", "Shape and Pose Space Deformation for Subject Specific Animation", "Reverse engineering and design recovery: a taxonomy", "An Approach to Computing Ethics", "Compact THz LTCC Receiver Module for 300 GHz Wireless Communications", "Designing a Desktop Virtual Reality-based Learning Environment with Emotional Consideration", "Building an Efficient Put-Intensive Key-Value Store with Skip-Tree", "Chapter 5 PARALLEL ALGORITHM DESIGN FOR BRANCH AND BOUND", "Modeling Default Risk", "Automatic Distractor Generation for Domain Specific Texts", "A Data-Driven Soft Sensor Modeling Method Based on Deep Learning and its Application", "Mixed Methods Sampling : A Typology With Examples", "Occupational accidents aboard merchant ships.", "Deficits for Semantics and the Irregular Past Tense: A Causal Relationship?", "An Overview of LPV Systems", "AC Power Losses Model for Planar Windings With Rectangular Cross-Sectional Conductors", "Color and Texture Based Identification and Classification of food Grains using different Color Models and Haralick features", "Multi-Level Security Embedded With Surveillance System", "An abstract-device interface for implementing portable parallel-I/O interfaces", "Anxiety sensitivity, anxiety frequency and the prediction of fearfulness." ]
Optimality of Frequency Flat Precoding in Frequency Selective Millimeter Wave Channels
Phân tích Thể thao Điện tử Thông qua Phát hiện Gặp gỡ
[ "Revisiting k-means: New Algorithms via Bayesian Nonparametrics", "Identifying patterns in combat that are predictive of success in MOBA games", "Game AI revisited", "The scientific research potential of virtual worlds.", "Solving the Multiple Instance Problem with Axis-Parallel Rectangles" ]
[ "Tackling uncertainty in multi-criteria decision analysis - An application to water supply infrastructure planning", "Application of Feature Selection Methods in Educational Data Mining", "Association of host genome with intestinal microbial composition in a large healthy cohort", "Determining Surface Orientations of Specular Surfaces by Using the Photometric Stereo Method", "Fast data stream algorithms using associative memories", "Impact of rank optimization on downlink non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) with SU-MIMO", "Health Cloud: An Enabler for Healthcare Transformation", "African-American rhinoplasty.", "Parameter extraction for a physics-based circuit simulator IGBT model", "Using Machine Learning Safely in Automotive Software: An Assessment and Adaption of Software Process Requirements in ISO 26262", "Broadband compact microstrip patch antenna design loaded by multiple split ring resonator superstrate and substrate", "Ontology Based SMS Controller for Smart Phones", "Monadic Parsing in Haskell", "Video Object Segmentation with Language Referring Expressions", "An RNN-based Music Language Model for Improving Automatic Music Transcription", "A 90nm-CMOS, 500Mbps, fully-integrated IR-UWB transceiver using pulse injection-locking for receiver phase synchronization", "Study of PEV Charging on Residential Distribution Transformer Life", "Europarl: A Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation", "BTS guidelines for the insertion of a chest drain.", "Tooth survival following non-surgical root canal treatment: a systematic review of the literature.", "A clinical and genetic study of the Say/Barber/Biesecker/Young-Simpson type of Ohdo syndrome.", "HDTLR: A CNN based Hierarchical Detector for Traffic Lights", "What's mine is yours: Pretrained CNNs for limited training sonar ATR", "Innovations in the Field of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention : A Review of the Literature", "Multi-style Generative Network for Real-Time Transfer" ]
Esports Analytics Through Encounter Detection
Tìm kiếm phạm vi hiệu quả và tương thích như từ khóa trên dữ liệu mã hóa
[ "Highly-Scalable Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Support for Boolean Queries", "Searchable symmetric encryption: improved definitions and efficient constructions", "Inference Attacks on Property-Preserving Encrypted Databases", "Multi-Dimensional Range Query over Encrypted Data", "Authenticated encryption in SSH: provably fixing the SSH binary packet protocol" ]
[ "Longitudinal Analysis of the Role of Perceived Self-Efficacy for Self-Regulated Learning in Academic Continuance and Achievement", "Survey on Reliability of Power Electronic Systems", "Detection of non-flat ground surfaces using V-Disparity images", "M-SAC-VLADNet: A Multi-Path Deep Feature Coding Model for Visual Classification", "A 60 GHz Broadband Low-Noise Amplifier With Variable-Gain Control in 65 nm CMOS", "Continuous audit. A new paradigm of audit?", "Biomedical question answering: A survey", "Intelligent classification of electronic music", "Microservices: Migration of a Mission Critical System", "ACCURATE VISUAL LOCALIZATION IN OUTDOOR AND INDOOR ENVIRONMENTS EXPLOITING 3D IMAGE SPACES AS SPATIAL REFERENCE", "Autonomous semantic mapping for robots performing everyday manipulation tasks in kitchen environments", "Credibilist occupancy grids for vehicle perception in dynamic environments", "A DC-4-GHz true logarithmic amplifier: theory and implementation", "Differentially Private K-Means Clustering", "An Interview Reflection on “Intelligent Tutoring Goes to School in the Big City”", "Improving Data Augmentation for Medical Image Segmentation", "Bangla Speech-to-Text conversion using SAPI", "Transition-Based Disfluency Detection using LSTMs", "Analyzing key influences of tourists' acceptance of online reviews in travel decisions", "Evaluation of Precise Point Positioning Using MADOCA-LEX via Quasi-Zenith Satellite System", "Breaking habits with implementation intentions: a test of underlying processes.", "Dissociation of reward anticipation and outcome with event-related fMRI.", "Saliency Optimization from Robust Background Detection", "Hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass: developments from batch to continuous process.", "Texture-Consistent Shadow Removal" ]
Search Ranges Efficiently and Compatibly as Keywords over Encrypted Data
Làm thế nào lợi ích cá nhân và nhu cầu của người khác tương tác trong não để xác định hành vi vị tha?
[ "Development of prosocial, individualistic, and competitive orientations: theory and preliminary evidence.", "Probabilistic fibre tract analysis of cytoarchitectonically defined human inferior parietal lobule areas reveals similarities to macaques", "Variational free energy and the Laplace approximation", "Bayesian model selection for group studies", "Prosocial behavior: multilevel perspectives." ]
[ "TED Talks as an Emergent Genre", "Challenges of satisfying multiple stakeholders: quality of service in the internet of things", "Scan Statistics on Enron Graphs", "Trends in augmented reality tracking, interaction and display: A review of ten years of ISMAR", "A reusable BIST with software assisted repair technology for improved memory and IO debug, validation and test time", "Automatic Topic Discovery for Multi-Object Tracking", "Prediction of arm movement trajectories from ECoG-recordings in humans", "On the Influence of Fingerprint Area in Partial Fingerprint Recognition", "Pattern recognition and knowledge discovery from road traffic accident data in Ethiopia: Implications for improving road safety", "Sensing spatial distribution of urban land use by integrating points-of-interest and Google Word2Vec model", "Child Education Through Animation: An Experimental Study", "My changed body: breast cancer, body image, distress and self-compassion.", "A Survey of Solutions to the Sybil Attack", "Chapter 3 Large-Scale Image Geolocalization", "A Deep Learning Network Approach to ab initio Protein Secondary Structure Prediction", "ORCHID : Thai Part-Of-Speech Tagged Corpus", "Examining Security Risks of Mobile Banking Applications through Blog Mining", "Dynamic encoding of binaural beats for brainwave entrainment", "A preliminary study on ASR-based detection of Chinese mispronunciation by Japanese learners", "COURSE ASSESSMENT PRACTICES AND STUDENT LEARNING STRATEGIES IN ONLINE COURSES", "Towards Opinion Summarization of Customer Reviews", "Fast Marginal Likelihood Maximisation for Sparse Bayesian Models", "DendroPy: a Python library for phylogenetic computing", "Deep Neural Networks for High Dimension, Low Sample Size Data", "Optimal Personalized Filtering Against Spear-Phishing Attacks" ]
How do self-interest and other-need interact in the brain to determine altruistic behavior?
Tác động của lòng tin người tiêu dùng đối với lòng trung thành và ý định mua sắm trong các thị trường điện tử B2C: Lòng tin trung gian so với lòng tin của người bán
[ "E-commerce : the role of familiarity and trust", "Consumer Acceptance of Electronic Commerce: Integrating Trust and Risk with the Technology Acceptance Model", "Interpreting Dimensions of Consumer Trust in E-Commerce", "Asymmetrical impact of trustworthiness attributes on trust, perceived value and purchase intention: a conceptual framework for cross-cultural study on consumer perception of online auction", "Electronic Intermediaries: Trust Building and Market Differentiation" ]
[ "Efficient HIK SVM Learning for Image Classification", "Interactive Data Integration through Smart Copy & Paste", "Brain-brain integration in 2035: metaphysical and ethical implications", "Boosted local structured HOG-LBP for object localization", "Real-Time Through-Wall Situation Awareness Using a Microwave Doppler Radar Sensor", "A data lifeCycle model for smart cities", "Empirical Analysis of Object-Oriented Design Metrics for Predicting High and Low Severity Faults", "Sentiment Classification Using Machine Learning Techniques with Syntax Features", "GIFT: A Real-Time and Scalable 3D Shape Search Engine", "Detection and localization of brain strokes in realistic 3-D human head phantom", "A Study on the Impact of Instruction Set Architectures on Processor’s Performance", "MHC class II proteins and disease: a structural perspective", "Engineering and characterization of a superfolder green fluorescent protein", "HyperMinHash: Jaccard index sketching in LogLog space", "Characteristics of Higher-Level Languages for Software Architecture.", "Bandwidth Modeling in Large Distributed Systems for Big Data Applications", "Transfer Learning for Traffic Speed Prediction with Effective Spatiotemporal Features", "A Framework to Estimate the Nutritional Value of Food in Real Time Using Deep Learning Techniques", "Recommending Packages to Groups", "Agile distributed software development: enacting control through media and context", "Unsupervised Word Alignment by Agreement Under ITG Constraint", "Combinatorial Multi-armed Bandits for Real-Time Strategy Games", "Domain Objects and Microservices for Systems Development: A Roadmap", "Thin dual-resonant stacked shorted patch antenna for mobile communications", "Leading Indicators of Currency Crises '" ]
The impact of consumer trust on attitudinal loyalty and purchase intentions in B2C e-marketplaces: Intermediary trust vs. seller trust
Hệ thống máy tự động nhìn nhận hình ảnh cho việc kiểm tra hạt trong dung dịch tiêm thuốc
[ "Intelligent injection liquid particle inspection machine based on two-dimensional Tsallis Entropy with modified pulse-coupled neural networks", "A Real-Time Visual Inspection System for Discrete Surface Defects of Rail Heads", "Digital Image Processing", "Automated Screening System for Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Detection in Blood Microscopic Images", "Semi-supervised On-Line Boosting for Robust Tracking" ]
[ "NuSMV 2: An OpenSource Tool for Symbolic Model Checking", "Partially supervised clustering for image segmentation", "An integrated approach for risk-based life cycle assessment and multi-criteria decision-making: Selection, design and evaluation of cleaner and greener processes", "An integrated NMOS operational amplifier with internal compensation", "Social Persuasion in Online and Physical Networks", "ENERGY EFFICIENT ROUTING PROTOCOL FOR WIRELESS SENSOR", "Intrusion Detection in Computer Networks based on Machine Learning Algorithms", "Adolescent sleep, school start times, and teen motor vehicle crashes.", "UIPicker: User-Input Privacy Identification in Mobile Applications", "Case Study: Explaining Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Deep CNNs via Integrated Gradients", "Accurate tracking in NLOS environments using integrated IMU and fixed lag smoother", "Road Surface 3D Reconstruction Based on Dense Subpixel Disparity Map Estimation", "A Comparative Analysis and Study of Multiview CNN Models for Joint Object Categorization and Pose Estimation", "Apoptotic signaling induced by immunomodulatory thalidomide analogs in human multiple myeloma cells: therapeutic implications.", "A survey of interestingness measures for knowledge discovery", "Fault Tolerance for Stream Processing Engines", "Validation of LiDAR point clouds for classification of high-value crops using geometric-and reflectance-based extraction algorithm", "Sensor Network Localization via Received Signal Strength Measurements with Directional Antennas", "Comparison of multiple features and modeling methods for text-dependent speaker verification", "Umbilical pilonidal sinus: a new treatment technique of sinus excision with umbilical preservation.", "Siphon-based deadlock prevention for a class of S4PR generalized Petri nets", "Efficient Broadcast in Structured P2P Networks", "TextonBoost for Image Understanding: Multi-Class Object Recognition and Segmentation by Jointly Modeling Texture, Layout, and Context", "Membership Inference Attacks Against Machine Learning Models", "An Accurate Multi-Row Panorama Generation Using Multi-Point Joint Stitching" ]
Automated Machine Vision System for Liquid Particle Inspection of Pharmaceutical Injection
Đã dịch: Đài ăng-ten trạm gốc đa băng tần đa mảng
[ "A Novel Broadband Dual-Polarization Antenna Utilizing Strong Mutual Coupling", "A Broadband Dual-Polarized Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna With Simple Feeds", "Dual-Band Base Station Array Using Filtering Antenna Elements for Mutual Coupling Suppression", "A Broadband Dual-Polarized Planar Antenna for 2G/3G/LTE Base Stations", "A Novel Miniaturized Broadband Dual-Polarized Dipole Antenna for Base Station" ]
[ "Novel 2-D MMSE Subpixel-Based Image Down-Sampling", "A topological coverage algorithm for mobile robots", "A compact super wideband monopole antenna", "Correlated Topic Models", "ALBAHA UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF BASIC AND APPliED SCIENCES Automatic Classification of Welding Defects Using Neural Network and Image Processing Techniques", "Comparability of cause of death between ICD-9 and ICD-10: preliminary estimates.", "Privacy attitudes and privacy behaviour: A review of current research on the privacy paradox phenomenon", "A Multilayer LTCC Solution for Integrating 5G Access Point Antenna Modules", "X-band two-stage high-efficiency switched-mode power amplifiers", "Health at hand: A systematic review of smart watch uses for health and wellness", "Road environment modeling using robust perspective analysis and recursive Bayesian segmentation", "Machine Comprehension using BiDAF", "COMPARISON OF HOLISTIC AND FEATURE BASED APPROACHES TO FACE RECOGNITION", "A survey of effective heuristics and their application to a variety of knapsack problems", "Supervised Learning of Semantics-Preserving Hash via Deep Convolutional Neural Networks", "Intelligent sleep stage mining service with smartphones", "A Unified Approach to the Change of Resolution: Space and Gray-Level", "Anomaly Detection in Elderly Daily Behavior in Ambient Sensing Environments", "A Brushless DC Motor Drive With Power Factor Correction Using Isolated Zeta Converter", "Understanding heart rate sharing: towards unpacking physiosocial space", "MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING OF PV ARRAYS UNDER PARTIAL SHADING CONDITION USING SEPIC CONVERTER", "The Authentic Personality : A Theoretical and Empirical Conceptualization and the Development of the Authenticity Scale", "Visualization of oceanographic applications using a common data model", "Framing Theory", "Language, music, syntax and the brain" ]
Multi-array multi-band base-station antennas
Baseball4D: Một công cụ tái hiện và trực quan hóa trò chơi bóng chày
[ "Current and Emerging Topics in Sports Video Processing", "SoccerStories: A Kick-off for Visual Soccer Analysis", "Creating audio keywords for event detection in soccer video", "SnapShot: Visualization to Propel Ice Hockey Analytics", "The Event Tunnel: Interactive Visualization of Complex Event Streams for Business Process Pattern Analysis" ]
[ "Enhancing Android permission through usage control: a BYOD use-case", "Multi-perspective Anomaly Detection in Business Process Execution Events", "Resource allocation in heterogeneous cloud radio access networks: advances and challenges", "Mobile robot positioning: Sensors and techniques", "Feature-based brain MRI retrieval for Alzheimer disease diagnosis", "Dual Sparse Constrained Cascade Regression for Robust Face Alignment", "Building workload-independent storage with VT-trees", "Volatility of Power Grids Under Real-Time Pricing", "An Energy Consumption Framework for Distributed Java-Based Software", "Development of indoor positioning system with ultrasonic and infrared signals", "Describing and forecasting video access patterns", "Embedding Knowledge Graphs Based on Transitivity and Antisymmetry of Rules", "GeeLytics: Geo-distributed edge analytics for large scale IoT systems based on dynamic topology", "A human gut microbial gene catalogue established by metagenomic sequencing", "Hurdles to herd immunity: Distrust of government and vaccine refusal in the US, 2002-2003.", "A Tagged Corpus and a Tagger for Urdu", "The Experience of Nature A Psychological Perspective", "Visualization-based analysis of gameplay data - A review of literature", "Let's Fix OpenGL", "Microfibrillated cellulose and new nanocomposite materials: a review - DTU Orbit (15/10/2018)", "Spot the Odd Man Out: Exploring the Associative Power of Lexical Resources", "Driving cycle-based design optimization of interior permanent magnet synchronous motor drives for electric vehicle application", "Worker types and personality traits in crowdsourcing relevance labels", "Segmentation-free handwritten Chinese text recognition with LSTM-RNN", "The power of gifts: organizing social relationships in open source communities" ]
Baseball4D: A tool for baseball game reconstruction & visualization
Bộ IC quản lý điện năng siêu tiết kiệm cho các nút cảm biến không dây thu năng lượng từ môi trường
[ "MOS charge pumps for low-voltage operation", "Analytical and Practical Analysis of Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converters", "Analysis and Optimization of Switched-Capacitor DC–DC Converters", "PERFORMANCE LIMITS OF SWITCHED-CAPACITOR DC-DC CONVERTERS", "High-voltage power delivery through charge recycling" ]
[ "An Energy Efficiency Feature Survey of the Intel Haswell Processor", "The Digital Self-Tuning Control of Step a Down DC-DC Converter", "Pretty Good BGP: Improving BGP by Cautiously Adopting Routes", "Application of Machine Learning for Channel based Message Authentication in Mission Critical Machine Type Communication", "An Analytical Method to Evaluate and Design Hybrid Switched-Capacitor and Multilevel Converters", "Analytic displacement mapping using hardware tessellation", "NVIDIA Tesla: A Unified Graphics and Computing Architecture", "A study on various data mining techniques for crop yield prediction", "New Algorithms for Learning Incoherent and Overcomplete Dictionaries", "Document Cards: A Top Trumps Visualization for Documents", "Face spoofing detection from single images using micro-texture analysis", "Distinguishing the cause and consequence of face inversion: the perceptual field hypothesis.", "A bioinspired multi-modal flying and walking robot.", "Artificial Intelligence in Medical Diagnosis", "Design of a novel Simulink model for surface electromyographic (SEMG) sensor design for prosthesis control", "A Compact, Scanning Tightly Coupled Dipole Array With Parasitic Strips for Next-Generation Wireless Applications", "Towards more accurate retrieval of duplicate bug reports", "Agile development with security engineering activities", "Construction projects selection and risk assessment by fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS methodologies", "Learning Conditioned Graph Structures for Interpretable Visual Question Answering", "Blind inpainting using the fully convolutional neural network", "A Review On Various Interference Effects In A MIMO-OFDM System", "Microstrip antenna for 5G broadband communications: Overview of design issues", "Parsing Natural Scenes and Natural Language with Recursive Neural Networks", "Assessing the Necessary Skill Profiles for Playing Video Games" ]
An ultra-low-power power management IC for energy-scavenged Wireless Sensor Nodes
Phân cụm dữ liệu chuỗi sử dụng biểu diễn mô hình Markov ẩn
[ "An introduction to hidden Markov models", "Clustering Sequences with Hidden Markov Models", "Connectionist Learning of Belief Networks", "Knowledge Acquisition Via Incremental Conceptual Clustering", "A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition" ]
[ "Wavelet-based contourlet transform and its application to image coding", "A novel PSIM and Matlab co-simulation approach to particle swarm optimization tuning of PID controllers", "Automatic Dynamic Web Service Composition: A Survey and Problem Formalization", "Feature Set Evaluation for Offline Handwriting Recognition Systems: Application to the Recurrent Neural Network Model", "Between facets and domains: 10 aspects of the Big Five.", "Place-Its: A Study of Location-Based Reminders on Mobile Phones", "Grounded Theory Research : Procedures , Canons , and Evaluative Criteria", "The anterolateral ligament of the human knee: an anatomic and histologic study", "Development and analysis of a folded shorted-patch antenna with reduced size", "Abdominal Pain, Dysentery and Bilious V omiting: An Atypical Presentation of Henoch Schonlein Purpura: A Case Study", "United States (US) multi-center study to assess the validity and reliability of the Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM III)", "A new sub-threshold 7T SRAM cell design with capability of bit-interleaving in 90 nm CMOS", "Precocious puberty and statural growth.", "Smart home energy management system including renewable energy based on ZigBee and PLC", "A non-projective greedy dependency parser with bidirectional LSTMs", "Deep learning with shallow architecture for image classification", "A SiC-based isolated DC/DC converter for high density data center applications", "DWT Based Detection of Epileptic Seizure From EEG Signals Using Naive Bayes and k-NN Classifiers", "Humor-based online positive psychology interventions : A randomized placebo-controlled long-term trial", "Impact of aluminum wire and ribbon bonding technologies on D2PAK package reliability during thermal cycling applications", "A Survey on Pre-Processing in Image Matting", "Real-Time Barcode Detection and Classification using Deep Learning", "Novel miniaturized CPW fed MIMO antenna arrays for UWB applications", "A Survey of Emerging M2M Systems: Context, Task, and Objective", "Measuring Semantic Similarity in the Taxonomy of WordNet" ]
Clustering sequence data using hidden Markov model representation
Học Phân Biệt Hợp Tác Theo Cấu Trúc Lớp trong Mạng Nơ-ron Sâu
[ "Discriminative Transfer Learning with Tree-based Priors", "ImageNet: A large-scale hierarchical image database", "Maxout Networks", "Multi-scale Recognition with DAG-CNNs", "Network In Network" ]
[ "Learning High-Level Judgments of Urban Perception", "From IT Addiction to Discontinued Use: A Cognitive Dissonance Perspective", "Through-Wall Opportunistic Sensing System Utilizing a Low-Cost Flat-Panel Array", "Use Generalized Representations, But Do Not Forget Surface Features", "Discrete Cosserat approach for soft robot dynamics: A new piece-wise constant strain model with torsion and shears", "Tri-Party Deep Network Representation", "Optimal spatial filtering of single trial EEG during imagined hand movement.", "Development and test of a dual-stator, spoke-type ferrite permanent magnet motor with high torque performance for direct-drive applications", "Networks in Cognitive Science", "Non-Autoregressive Machine Translation with Auxiliary Regularization", "Semantic Monte-Carlo localization in changing environments using RGB-D cameras", "Multiview Stereo via Volumetric Graph-Cuts and Occlusion Robust Photo-Consistency", "The Effects of Task Difficulty and Multitasking on Performance", "Secret-Focus: A Practical Physical Layer Secret Communication System by Perturbing Focused Phases in Distributed Beamforming", "Metallic Glass Hemispherical Shell Resonators", "Feature Engineering and Classifier Ensemble for KDD Cup 2010", "Multilevel thresholding for satellite image segmentation with moth-flame based optimization", "K-Histograms: An Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Dataset", "Mental Artery Occlusion From Poly-L-Lactic Acid Injection at the Lateral Chin.", "A 3 GHz Low-offset Fully Dynamic Latched Comparator for High-Speed and Low-Power ADCs", "Development and validation of the mindful eating questionnaire.", "Design a Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Dual Band", "Standard Cell Layout Regularity and Pin Access Optimization Considering Middle-of-Line", "Using Extreme Programming in a Maintenance Environment", "Gated Residual Networks With Dilated Convolutions for Monaural Speech Enhancement" ]
Collaborative Layer-wise Discriminative Learning in Deep Neural Networks
Sự phát triển của học sâu trong hình ảnh radar tổng hợp lỗ thông
[ "Target Classification Using the Deep Convolutional Networks for SAR Images", "Comparison of Sentinel-1 and TerraSAR-X for ship detection", "Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks", "Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features", "Multiview Deep Learning for Land-Use Classification" ]
[ "Pose-space subspace dynamics", "Screen space spherical harmonics occlusion (S3HO) sampling", "Immersive Analytics for Clinical Neuroscience", "Digital Marketing Maturity Models : Overview and Comparison", "Unified analysis of switched-capacitor resonant converters", "Dynamic Capabilities and the Role of Managers in Business Strategy and Economic Performance", "Pioneer Networks: Progressively Growing Generative Autoencoder", "Making graphene luminescent by oxygen plasma treatment.", "Bayesian Non-Exhaustive Classification A Case Study: Online Name Disambiguation using Temporal Record Streams", "Next-generation genetics in plants", "A New Target-specific Object Proposal Generation Method for Visual Tracking", "Multimodal selection techniques for dense and occluded 3D virtual environments", "Switching-Type H∞ Filter Design for T - S Fuzzy Systems With Unknown or Partially Unknown Membership Functions", "Learning from Multiple Partially Observed Views - an Application to Multilingual Text Categorization", "The effect of website features in online relationship marketing: A case of online hotel booking", "Acoustic source location in a three-dimensional space using crosspower spectrum phase", "Beamforming in Non-Regenerative Two-Way Multi-Antenna Relay Networks for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer", "Convergent validity of the international physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ): meta-analysis.", "Relationship between Organizational Commitment and EFQM Business Excellence Model : A Study on Turkish Quality Award Winners", "The web impact factor: a critical review", "Succinct: Enabling Queries on Compressed Data", "Image Fusion: An Overview", "The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and the Academic Performance among Final Year under Graduates", "Learning CNN-LSTM Architectures for Image Caption Generation", "Regression testing minimization, selection and prioritization: a survey" ]
The development of deep learning in synthetic aperture radar imagery
VDNet: một hệ thống VANET thưa thớt hỗ trợ UAV không cần cơ sở hạ tầng với dự đoán vị trí phương tiện
[ "Modern Cryptography: Theory and Practice", "SPARK: A New VANET-Based Smart Parking Scheme for Large Parking Lots", "The security and privacy of smart vehicles", "Vehicle-to-vehicle safety messaging in DSRC", "Packet Switching in Radio Channels: Part I - Carrier Sense Multiple-Access Modes and Their Throughput-Delay Characteristics" ]
[ "Dual-Band Dual-Polarized Spiral Antenna for Chinese Compass Navigation Satellite System", "An Analysis of Random-Walk Cuckoo Hashing", "Fingerstroke time estimates for touchscreen-based mobile gaming interaction.", "Analysis of Load Balancing Techniques in Cloud Computing", "Chisel: Real Time Large Scale 3D Reconstruction Onboard a Mobile Device using Spatially Hashed Signed Distance Fields", "An unequal cluster-based routing protocol in wireless sensor networks", "Control of a humanoid robot by a noninvasive brain-computer interface in humans.", "Analytical inversion-mode varactor modeling based on the EKV model and its application to RF VCO design", "Image Similarity Using Mutual Information of Regions", "Multi-source deep learning for information trustworthiness estimation", "Principal components analysis based control of a multi-dof underactuated prosthetic hand", "A review of the state of the practice in requirements modeling", "Cybercrime and cyber-security issues associated with China: some economic and institutional considerations", "Voice Activation Control with Digital Assistant for Humanoid Robot Torso", "A tensorized logic programming language for large-scale data", "Cluster based rank query over multidimensional data streams", "A General-Purpose Architecture for Replicated Metadata Services in Distributed File Systems", "An Interoperable Data Framework to Manipulate the Smart City Data using Semantic Technologies", "Towards the Ontology of ISO/IEC 27005: 2011 Risk Management Standard", "Data driven investigation of faults in HVAC systems with model, cluster and compare (MCC)", "Video super-resolution based on spatial-temporal recurrent residual networks", "Deriving HD maps for highly automated driving from vehicular probe data", "Abstractive Cross-Language Summarization via Translation Model Enhanced Predicate Argument Structure Fusing", "Improved SVPWM schemes for vienna rectifiers without current distortion", "Development of an efficient fractal based texture analysis technique for improved classification of dermoscopic images" ]
VDNet: an infrastructure-less UAV-assisted sparse VANET system with vehicle location prediction
Tối đa hóa Ảnh hưởng trong Cơ sở Dữ liệu Đường đi
[ "Maximizing the Spread of Influence through a Social Network", "Online Topic-aware Influence Maximization Queries", "Time-Critical Influence Maximization in Social Networks with Time-Delayed Diffusion Process", "Efficient location-aware influence maximization", "Mining knowledge-sharing sites for viral marketing" ]
[ "Aggressive Text Detection for Cyberbullying", "Text Clustering for Topic Detection", "An Integrated Laser Radar Receiver Channel Utilizing a Time-Domain Walk Error Compensation Scheme", "Replicating Milgram: Would people still obey today?", "Multi-Perspective Relevance Matching with Hierarchical ConvNets for Social Media Search", "A Multiagent Modeling and Investigation of Smart Homes With Power Generation, Storage, and Trading Features", "A Multi-Threading Architecture to Support Interactive Visual Exploration", "Collaboratively Training Sentiment Classifiers for Multiple Domains", "The HAWKwood Database", "An On-Chip Learning Neuromorphic Autoencoder With Current-Mode Transposable Memory Read and Virtual Lookup Table", "Design and evaluation of a wide-area event notification service", "Edge Detection with Embedded Confidence", "YACCLAB - Yet Another Connected Components Labeling Benchmark", "A review of argumentation for the Social Semantic Web", "Wave propagation and scattering in random media", "Spatial-Aware Hierarchical Collaborative Deep Learning for POI Recommendation", "Capabilites and Reliability of LEDs and Laser Diodes", "CLOSET: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Frequent Closed Itemsets", "Receiver design for optical fiber systems", "Internet of Things network cognition and traffic management system", "A potentiometric tattoo sensor for monitoring ammonium in sweat.", "An Efficient Non-Negative Matrix-Factorization-Based Approach to Collaborative Filtering for Recommender Systems", "A Privacy Preserving Communication Protocol for IoT Applications in Smart Homes", "Run-time detection of hardware Trojans: The processor protection unit", "Human skin based triboelectric nanogenerators for harvesting biomechanical energy and as self-powered active tactile sensor system." ]
Influence Maximization in Trajectory Databases
Môi trường ảo giàu thông tin: lý thuyết, công cụ và chương trình nghiên cứu
[ "An Evaluation of Techniques for Grabbing and Manipulating Remote Objects in Immersive Virtual Environments", "The Go-Go Interaction Technique: Non-Linear Mapping for Direct Manipulation in VR", "The Eyes Have It: A Task by Data Type Taxonomy for Information Visualizations", "Generalized fisheye views", "Virtual Reality on a WIM: Interactive Worlds in Miniature" ]
[ "Refactoring improving the design of existing code", "Maximum Margin Dirichlet Process Mixtures for Clustering", "Remapping hand movements in a novel geometrical environment.", "Teaching Smart People How to Learn", "Cyber Deception: Overview and the Road Ahead", "Buyer search and price dispersion: a laboratory study", "Empirical extensions of the lasso penalty to reduce the false discovery rate in high-dimensional Cox regression models.", "False Positives Reduction Techniques in Intrusion Detection Systems-A Review", "Differentially Private Exponential Random Graphs", "Predictive Big Data Analytics: A Study of Parkinson’s Disease Using Large, Complex, Heterogeneous, Incongruent, Multi-Source and Incomplete Observations", "Universal Portfolio Selection", "Treatment of exogenous ochronosis with a Q-switched alexandrite (755 nm) laser.", "Measuring and predicting software productivity: A systematic map and review", "A 1 . 5V , 10-bit , 14 . 3-MS / s CMOS Pipeline Analog-to-Digital Converter", "Operating System Profiling via Latency Analysis", "Unified Blind Method for Multi-Image Super-Resolution and Single/Multi-Image Blur Deconvolution", "Disseminating cardiopulmonary resuscitation training by distributing 35,000 personal manikins among school children.", "Cancer Stem Cells and Their Microenvironment: Biology and Therapeutic Implications", "Concurrent software architectures for exploratory data analysis", "All-Metal Transmit-Array for Circular Polarization Design Using Rotated Cross-Slot Elements for High-Power Microwave Applications", "Validation of the Individualized Numeric Rating Scale (INRS): A pain assessment tool for nonverbal children with intellectual disability", "Information Security Policy Compliance: The Role of Information Security Awareness", "A Privacy-Preserving Pay-by-Phone Parking System", "Bridging OpenCL and CUDA: a comparative analysis and translation", "The Synergy between Voting and Acceptance of Answers on StackOverflow - Or the Lack Thereof" ]
Information-rich virtual environments: theory, tools, and research agenda
Phân tích tác giả của mã nguồn Zeus Botnet
[ "Who Wrote This Code? Identifying the Authors of Program Binaries", "Term-Weighting Approaches in Automatic Text Retrieval", "OBA2: An Onion approach to Binary code Authorship Attribution", "Augmenting Naive Bayes Classifiers with Statistical Language Models" ]
[ "Agile methods and organizational culture: reflections about cultural levels", "Range-IT: detection and multimodal presentation of indoor objects for visually impaired people", "A catalog of information systems outsourcing risks", "Savoring the Past: Positive Memories Evoke Value Representations in the Striatum", "C ] 2 5 N ov 2 01 5 How predictable is technological progress ? ∗", "Automated Attendance System in College Using Face Recognition and NFC", "Health benefits of fruit and vegetables are from additive and synergistic combinations of phytochemicals.", "A survey on multiple object tracking algorithm", "Friends or Foes: Is Empathy Necessary for Moral Behavior?", "Design of a General Purpose 8-bit RISC Processor for Computer Architecture Learning", "Text Segmentation with Topic Modeling and Entity Coherence", "Design of an FFT/IFFT Processor for MIMO OFDM Systems", "CACTI 6 . 0 : A Tool to Understand Large Caches", "Fresh-Phish: A Framework for Auto-Detection of Phishing Websites", "An integrated system for real-time model predictive control of humanoid robots", "A Tabu Search/Path Relinking Algorithm to Solve the Job Shop Scheduling Problem", "Driving Behavior Analysis for Smartphone-based Insurance Telematics", "Mesoniviridae: a proposed new family in the order Nidovirales formed by a single species of mosquito-borne viruses", "Smart wheelchairs: A literature review.", "Manhattan-world stereo", "Spoken Arabic Digits Recognition Based on (GMM) for E-Quran Voice Browsing: Application for Blind Category", "Score and winning prediction in cricket through data mining", "A Graph-to-Sequence Model for AMR-to-Text Generation", "\"Green\" electronics: biodegradable and biocompatible materials and devices for sustainable future.", "Biomechanics of the deformity of septal L-Struts." ]
Authorship Analysis of the Zeus Botnet Source Code
Cơ bắp nhân tạo của McKibben có thể phù hợp với mô hình cơ xương của Hill
[ "An Introduction to the Conjugate Gradient Method Without the Agonizing Pain", "Enhanced Modelling and Performance in Braided Pneumatic Muscle Actuators", "McKibben artificial muscles: pneumatic actuators with biomechanical intelligence", "Characteristics and adaptive control of pneumatic muscle actuators for a robotic elbow", "Analysis and control of a rubbertuator arm" ]
[ "Severe short stature due to 3-M syndrome with a novel OBSL1 gene mutation.", "Retrieval Profiling Framework for Thematic Interpretation of Al-Quran", "Building a motor simulation de novo: Observation of dance by dancers", "Effects of caffeine ingestion on exercise testing: a meta-analysis.", "Informal identification of outliers in medical data", "Predictors of Computer Use in Community-Dwelling, Ethnically Diverse Older Adults", "Multistage SFM: Revisiting Incremental Structure from Motion", "Index prediction with neuro-genetic hybrid network: A comparative analysis of performance", "Multilinear Discriminant Analysis for Higher-Order Tensor Data Classification", "Rebalancing the rebalancers: optimally routing vehicles and drivers in mobility-on-demand systems", "Towards a framework for attribute retrieval", "Discovering frequent subgraphs over uncertain graph databases under probabilistic semantics", "A Rule Based Approach to Discourse Parsing", "1 . 2 Sparsity : A Reasonable Assumption ?", "Consumers ’ Perceptions , Attitudes and Purchase Intention towards Private Label Food Products in Malaysia", "Preference based evaluation measures for novelty and diversity", "Performance Scaling of Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms", "Explaining International Migration in the Skype Network: The Role of Social Network Features", "Neural Paraphrase Identification of Questions with Noisy Pretraining", "Genetic Programming + Unfolding Embryology in Automated Layout Planning", "Multimodal affect recognition in learning environments", "An Adaptive Impedance-Matching Network Based on a Novel Capacitor Matrix for Wireless Power Transfer", "Tune and mix: learning to rank using ensembles of calibrated multi-class classifiers", "Electronic Payments of Small Amounts", "A Digital Security System with Door Lock System Using RFID Technology" ]
McKibben artificial muscle can be in accordance with the Hill skeletal muscle model
Hệ thống thời gian thực để xác định vị trí và theo dõi người trong môi trường đa camera 3 chiều
[ "Histograms of oriented gradients for human detection", "A versatile camera calibration technique for high-accuracy 3D machine vision metrology using off-the-shelf TV cameras and lenses", "Algorithms for the Assignment and Transiortation Troblems*", "Multicamera People Tracking with a Probabilistic Occupancy Map", "Robust, Real-Time 3D Tracking of Multiple Objects with Similar Appearances" ]
[ "Productivity Improvement of Software Development Process Through Scrumban: A Practitioner's Approach", "Millimeter-Wave Topside Waveguide-to-Microstrip Transition in Multilayer Substrate", "Congenital symmastia revisited.", "Ground penetrating radar hyperbola detection using Scale-Invariant Feature Transform", "MovieGEN : A Movie Recommendation System", "Overview of Privacy in Social Networking Sites (SNS)", "Normative data stratified by age and education for two measures of verbal fluency: FAS and animal naming.", "Towards Compact ConvNets via Structure-Sparsity Regularized Filter Pruning", "A Multi-Object Rectified Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition", "Lithography and Other Patterning Techniques for Future Electronics", "Data Processing on FPGAs", "Steganography-The Art of Hiding Data", "Femtocell Access Strategies in Heterogeneous Networks using a Game Theoretical Framework", "Phase Noise and Jitter Rick Poore Agilent EEsof EDA", "16 AE-0421 APEX : Autonomous Vehicle Plan Verification and Execution", "GlobeSen: an open interconnection framework based on named sensory date for IoT", "Knowledge Fusion via Embeddings from Text, Knowledge Graphs, and Images", "An Implementation and Performance Monitoring of Virtual Machines using Ganglia in Eucalyptus Private Cloud", "ML-CNN: A novel deep learning based disease named entity recognition architecture", "A framework for seed user identification across multiple online social networks", "Summarization evaluation using relative utility", "Cyclops: Miniature Robotic Reconnaissance System", "The Effects Of Parental Socio-Economic Status On Academic Performance Of Students In Selected Schools In Edu Lga Of Kwara State, Nigeria", "Control of the switching transients of IGBT series strings by high-performance drive units", "Space Vector PWM for PMSM simulation using Matlab Simulink" ]
Real-time scheme for 3-dimensional localizing and tracking of people in multiple camera settings
Vấn đề hội tụ trong Mạng Đối kháng Sinh Thành (GANs)
[ "Towards Principled Methods for Training Generative Adversarial Networks", "Prediction, learning, and games", "InfoGAN: Interpretable Representation Learning by Information Maximizing Generative Adversarial Nets", "Equilibrium Points in N-Person Games.", "Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks" ]
[ "Hole-filling Algorithm for High-curvature Region in Triangular Mesh Models", "Tag-aware recommender systems by fusion of collaborative filtering algorithms", "Self-Organizing Maps", "Identifying and Accounting for Task-Dependent Bias in Crowdsourcing", "Best Reply Search for Multiplayer Games", "Business model metrics: an open repository", "A survey of combinatorial testing", "3D measurements from imaging laser radars: how good are they?", "A view of the parallel computing landscape", "Matplotlib: A 2D Graphics Environment", "A novel modified flower pollination algorithm for global optimization", "Sustainable Food Supply Chains : The Role of Collaboration and Sustainable Relationships", "Real-time randomized path planning for robot navigation", "3D scanning deformable objects with a single RGBD sensor", "Improved anomaly detection in surveillance videos based on a deep learning method", "The Adressa dataset for news recommendation", "B2C web site quality and emotions during online shopping episodes: An empirical study", "Evaluation of Precise Point Positioning Using MADOCA-LEX via Quasi-Zenith Satellite System", "A Log-Logistic Model-Based Interpretation of TF Normalization of BM25", "The Problem of Curcumin and Its Bioavailability: Could Its Gastrointestinal Influence Contribute to Its Overall Health-Enhancing Effects?", "Discrete-time signal processing (2nd ed.)", "MD3M: The master data management maturity model", "Exploring Entity-centric Networks in Entangled News Streams", "A Language Modeling Approach to Information Retrieval", "Warm-white light-emitting diode with yellowish orange SiALON ceramic phosphor." ]
Convergence Problems with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Dữ liệu lưu lượng giao thông ngắn hạn với Conv-LSTM
[ "Deep Architecture for Traffic Flow Prediction: Deep Belief Networks With Multitask Learning", "Stacked Autoencoders for Unsupervised Feature Learning and Multiple Organ Detection in a Pilot Study Using 4D Patient Data", "Online-SVR for short-term traffic flow prediction under typical and atypical traffic conditions", "Traffic Flow Prediction With Big Data: A Deep Learning Approach", "Using LSTM and GRU neural network methods for traffic flow prediction" ]
[ "Data-Efficient Learning of Feedback Policies from Image Pixels using Deep Dynamical Models", "A Collection for Detecting Triggers of Sentiment Spikes", "Relational Stacked Denoising Autoencoder for Tag Recommendation", "Emerging tobacco hazards in China: 1. Retrospective proportional mortality study of one million deaths.", "Attack net penetration testing", "Religious meaning and subjective well-being in late life.", "Deep Activity Recognition Models with Triaxial Accelerometers", "Pornography, sexual socialization, and satisfaction among young men.", "Combining multiple matchers for a high security fingerprint verification system", "Automatic Book Spine Extraction and Recognition for Library Inventory Management", "PowerScope: A Tool for Profiling the Energy Usage of Mobile Applications", "A CMOS inverter-based class-AB pseudo differential amplifier for HF applications", "ProteusTM: Abstraction Meets Performance in Transactional Memory", "Voice acoustic measures of depression severity and treatment response collected via interactive voice response (IVR) technology", "Frame-by-frame language identification in short utterances using deep neural networks", "Predicting Stock Market Trends by Recurrent Deep Neural Networks", "A Generative Modeling Approach to Limited Channel ECG Classification", "ActiveClean: An Interactive Data Cleaning Framework For Modern Machine Learning", "Characterization of Nipah Virus from Outbreaks in Bangladesh, 2008–2010", "Context-Aware Data Loss Prevention for Cloud Storage Services", "Capacitor Voltage Balancing Schemes in Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverters", "A Review and Study on Fingerprint Based Gender Classification using Classified Techniques", "Spamming botnets: signatures and characteristics", "Age, gender, race, socioeconomic status, and birth cohort differences on the children's depression inventory: a meta-analysis.", "Unit Dependency Graph and its Application to Arithmetic Word Problem Solving" ]
Short-term traffic flow prediction with Conv-LSTM
Đặt vị trí dựa trên chi phí của các chức năng vDPI trong cơ sở hạ tầng NFV
[ "BCube: a high performance, server-centric network architecture for modular data centers", "Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks", "Joint VM placement and routing for data center traffic engineering", "A Stable Network-Aware VM Placement for Cloud Systems", "Xen and the art of virtualization" ]
[ "A new test set compression scheme for circular scan", "A Novel OFDM Chirp Waveform Scheme for Use of Multiple Transmitters in SAR", "Design optimization of interior permanent magnet (IPM) motors with maximized torque output in the entire speed range", "Venture-Capital Financing and the Growth of Startup Firms", "Application of Support Vector Machine for Detecting Rice Diseases Using Shape and Color Texture Features", "Accelerating Dynamic Time Warping Clustering with a Novel Admissible Pruning Strategy", "Privacy-Aware Dynamic Ride Sharing", "What Are Race Conditions? Some Issues and Formalizations", "Decision support capabilities of enterprise content management systems: An empirical investigation", "Adaptive Cruise Control System : Comparing Gain-Scheduling PI and LQ Controllers", "An analysis of developer metrics for fault prediction", "Will Your Project Get the Green Light? Predicting the Success of Crowdfunding Campaigns", "Summarization Using Unsupervised Deep Learning", "Securing Docker Containers from Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks", "K-Means Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks", "Discovery of significant parameters in kidney dialysis data sets by K-means algorithm", "CrySL: Validating Correct Usage of Cryptographic APIs", "Serendipitous recommendation for scholarly papers considering relations among researchers", "Designing resilient system-of-systems networks", "The Development and Implementation of Scaffolding-Based Self-Regulated Learning System for e/m-Learning", "Very-low-profile, stand-alone, tri-band WLAN antenna design for laptop-tablet computer with complete metal-backed cover", "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic Definitions and New Directions.", "Time Expression Analysis and Recognition Using Syntactic Token Types and General Heuristic Rules", "Real-Time Scalable Depth Sensing With Hybrid Structured Light Illumination", "Can recursive bisection alone produce routable placements?" ]
Cost-based placement of vDPI functions in NFV infrastructures
Channel-Max, Channel-Drop và Stochastic Max-pooling
[ "Practical Bayesian Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms", "Stable and Efficient Representation Learning with Nonnegativity Constraints", "Compete to Compute", "Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors", "Going deeper with convolutions" ]
[ "A hybrid intrusion detection system design for computer network security", "The clinical characteristics of dementia with Lewy bodies and a consideration of prodromal diagnosis", "Interoperability and lightweight security for simple IoT devices", "Parallelization of DC Analysis through Multiport Decomposition", "High-performance evolved packet core signaling and bearer processing on general-purpose processors", "Efficient online spherical k-means clustering", "10 Gbps implementation of TLS/SSL accelerator on FPGA", "PLEdestrians: A Least-Effort Approach to Crowd Simulation", "ArgRewrite: A Web-based Revision Assistant for Argumentative Writings", "Bottom-Up Abstractive Summarization", "Globally and locally consistent image completion", "Watching together: integrating text chat with video", "A scalable deduplication and garbage collection engine for incremental backup", "Pupil Diameter Predicts Changes in the Exploration–Exploitation Trade-off: Evidence for the Adaptive Gain Theory", "Active Clamp Sepic Converter with Power Factor Correction", "Logo Retrieval Using Logo Proposals and Adaptive Weighted Pooling", "Dynamic current mode logic (DyCML): a new low-power high-performance logic style", "Graph theoretical analysis of complex networks in the brain", "Collaborative Filtering Based Recommendation System : A survey", "High Vgs MOSFET characteristics with thin gate oxide for PMIC application", "Semi-supervised Log Pattern Detection and Exploration Using Event Concurrence and Contextual Information", "A Mathematical Model and Calibration Procedure for Galvanometric Laser Scanning Systems", "Social risk and depression: Evidence from manual and automatic facial expression analysis", "Dual-sideband linear FMCW lidar with homodyne detection for application in 3D imaging", "A Tool for Analyzing and Fine Tuning the Real-Time Properties of an Embedded System" ]
Channel-Max, Channel-Drop and Stochastic Max-pooling
Một thuật toán nhận dạng cảm xúc dựa trên hoạt động phức tạp cho các hệ thống nhận thức cảm xúc
[ "Mining Human Activity Patterns From Smart Home Big Data for Health Care Applications", "Smart Meters Big Data: Game Theoretic Model for Fair Data Sharing in Deregulated Smart Grids", "Big data analytics for demand response: Clustering over space and time", "Data Mining : Concepts and Techniques", "Activity Recognition in the Home Using Simple and Ubiquitous Sensors" ]
[ "Youth Computational Participation in the Wild: Understanding Experience and Equity in Participating and Programming in the Online Scratch Community", "Automatic Extraction of Commonsense LocatedNear Knowledge", "Comparing the biological and cultural inheritance of personality and social attitudes in the Virginia 30,000 study of twins and their relatives.", "Transforming data to satisfy privacy constraints", "Energy-efficient data centers", "Developing Web-based assessment strategies for facilitating junior high school students to perform self-regulated learning in an e-Learning environment", "Vision-based automated parking system", "Adding the Next Nine: An Investigation of Mobile Broadband Networks Availability", "Multilingual bottle-neck features and its application for under-resourced languages", "Deep learning classifier for fall detection based on IR distance sensor data", "Spring Gravity Compensation Using the Noncircular Pulley and Cable For the Less-Spring Design", "Learning STRIPS Operators from Noisy and Incomplete Observations", "The Semantic Web Vision: Where Are We?", "Estimating Ad Effectiveness using Geo Experiments in a Time-Based Regression Framework", "The Thought Worlds of Marketing and Sales : Which Differences Make a Difference ?", "A Spatial-Temporal-Semantic Neural Network Algorithm for Location Prediction on Moving Objects", "Benefits of Augmented Reality in Educational Environments - A Systematic Literature Review", "Modeling Source Syntax for Neural Machine Translation", "The priority factor model for customer relationship management system success", "Experience Marketing : Concepts , Frameworks and Consumer Insights", "The impact of credit scoring on consumer lending", "A Memory Bandwidth-Efficient Hybrid Radix Sort on GPUs", "An Empirical Analysis of Traceability in the Monero Blockchain", "3D-Printed Origami Packaging With Inkjet-Printed Antennas for RF Harvesting Sensors", "An Introduction to Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis" ]
A complex activity based emotion recognition algorithm for affect aware systems
Xác thực phần cứng bằng HTML5
[ "AccelPrint: Imperfections of Accelerometers Make Smartphones Trackable", "Fingerprinting Information in JavaScript Implementations", "Cookieless Monster: Exploring the Ecosystem of Web-Based Device Fingerprinting", "Pixel Perfect : Fingerprinting Canvas in HTML 5", "Host Fingerprinting and Tracking on the Web: Privacy and Security Implications" ]
[ "Brief report: female-to-male transsexual people and autistic traits.", "Control of hair growth and follicle size by VEGF-mediated angiogenesis.", "Digital Citizenship with Social Media: Participatory Practices of Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education", "Texture Mapping for 3D Reconstruction with RGB-D Sensor", "Intrinsically Motivated Reinforcement Learning: A Promising Framework for Developmental Robot Learning", "Facial Expression Recognition Using Enhanced Deep 3D Convolutional Neural Networks", "Resonator-Loaded Broadband Antenna for LTE700/GSM850/GSM900 Base Stations", "Kinematic analysis and design considerations for optimal base frame arrangement of humanoid shoulders", "A Compressive-sensing based Testing Vehicle for 3D TSV Pre-bond and Post-bond Testing Data", "Customer base analysis: partial defection of behaviourally loyal clients in a non-contractual FMCG retail setting", "Engineering Automotive Software", "An Attention-based Collaboration Framework for Multi-View Network Representation Learning", "Proposing measures of flicker in the low frequencies for lighting applications", "I-MOS: a novel semiconductor device with a subthreshold slope lower than kT/q", "Fuzzy logic in control systems: fuzzy logic controller. I", "A Fuzzy Logic based Defense Mechanism against Distributed Denial of Service Attack in Cloud Computing Environment", "Convolutional Neural Network based Malignancy Detection of Pulmonary Nodule on Computer Tomography", "Cuffless blood pressure estimation by error-correcting output coding method based on an aggregation of AdaBoost with a photoplethysmograph sensor", "Using the Wiktionary Graph Structure for Synonym Detection", "Leveraging Peer Centrality in the Designof Socially-Informed Peer-to-Peer Systems", "IDEA: Planning at the Core of Autonomous Reactive Agents", "A Foundation for Multi-dimensional Databases", "A Real Options Approach for the Valuation of Highway Concessions", "Four Assumptions Of Multiple Regression That Researchers Should Always Test", "Microservices: A Systematic Mapping Study" ]
Hardware Fingerprinting Using HTML5
Giao thức Escrow cho Tiền mã hóa: Hướng dẫn Mua Hàng Hóa Vật Lý bằng Bitcoin
[ "Fair Two-Party Computations via the BitCoin Deposits", "The Ripple Protocol Consensus Algorithm", "SoK: Research Perspectives and Challenges for Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies", "Bitter to Better - How to Make Bitcoin a Better Currency", "Centrally Banked Cryptocurrencies" ]
[ "Ozy: A General Orchestration Container", "Simulation, comparison and analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks protocols: LEACH, LEACH-C, LEACH-1R, and HEED", "Albanian Part-of-Speech Tagging: Gold Standard and Evaluation", "Deep Networks With Large Output Spaces", "Automatic Domain Adaptation for Parsing", "Performance indicators for an objective measure of public transport service quality", "An adaptive peer-to-peer collision warning system", "The emotional power of music: How music enhances the feeling of affective pictures", "Open Problems in Spectral Dimensionality Reduction", "Prospects for inferring very large phylogenies by using the neighbor-joining method.", "Reducibility Among Combinatorial Problems", "Compact Tapered-Shape Slot Antenna for UWB Applications", "Coin Flipping by Telephone - A Protocol for Solving Impossible Problems", "Machine Learning Paradigms for Speech Recognition: An Overview", "The Evolvable Mars Campaign - study status", "Active Learning in Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Sustainable Building Design", "Measurement and analysis of online social networks", "HAND GESTURE RECOGNITION SYSTEM FOR DUMB PEOPLE Sagar P . More * 1 ,", "An Attack Strategy based on Hyperbolic Coordinates", "Comparison of collaborative filtering algorithms: Limitations of current techniques and proposals for scalable, high-performance recommender systems", "An EEG-based brain-computer interface for cursor control.", "The SLAM problem: a survey", "Business Models for Internet based E-Procurement Systems and B2B Electronic Markets: An Exploratory Assessment", "Cooperation under the Shadow of the Future : Experimental Evidence from Infinitely Repeated Games", "On time blood pressure prediction with the use of PPG signals" ]
Escrow Protocols for Cryptocurrencies: How to Buy Physical Goods Using Bitcoin
Bots, #StrongerIn, và #Brexit: Tuyên truyền bằng máy tính trong cuộc trưng cầu dân ý Anh-EU
[ "How (Not) to Predict Elections", "Political Bots and the Manipulation of Public Opinion in Venezuela", "Recognizing Contextual Polarity in Phrase-Level Sentiment Analysis", "Detecting influenza epidemics using search engine query data", "Predicting Elections with Twitter: What 140 Characters Reveal about Political Sentiment" ]
[ "Authenticating the Sender on CAN Bus using Inimitable Physical Characteristics of the Transmitter and Channel", "Linking Feature Lines on 3D Triangle Meshes with Artificial Potential Fields", "Organizational Learning Capabilities ( OLC ) toward Job Satisfaction : A Conceptual Framework", "EAF2- A Framework for Categorizing Enterprise Architecture Frameworks", "ZeroTouch: a zero-thickness optical multi-touch force field", "A Tutorial on H.264/SVC Scalable Video Coding and its Tradeoff between Quality, Coding Efficiency and Performance", "A systems approach to appraisal mechanisms in emotion", "Distributed generation intelligent islanding detection using governor signal clustering", "IBOTS: Agent Control Through the User Interface", "A new approach for Kinematics-based design of 3-RRR delta robots with a specified workspace", "Pareto Optimal Security Resource Allocation for Internet of Things", "Universal Adversarial Perturbations Against Semantic Image Segmentation", "Statistical Comparison of Dissolution Profiles to Predict the Bioequivalence of Extended Release Formulations", "Benford's law behavior of Internet traffic", "Sparse Nonparametric Density Estimation in High Dimensions Using the Rodeo", "Sentence Boundary Detection: A Long Solved Problem?", "Scene Recognition with CNNs: Objects, Scales and Dataset Bias", "Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, neuroendocrine factors and stress.", "Adjusting Mixture Weights of Gaussian Mixture Model via Regularized Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis", "Resilient multi-user beamforming WLANs: Mobility, interference, and imperfect CSI", "Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice No . 400 October 2010 Cloud computing : Challenges and future directions", "Convolutional neural networks with multi-valued neurons", "DFuse: a framework for distributed data fusion", "A distributed trust model", "Spam Detection Using Artificial Neural Networks ( Perceptron Learning Rule )" ]
Bots, #StrongerIn, and #Brexit: Computational Propaganda during the UK-EU Referendum
MỤC TIÊU: Thực hiện AES trong bộ nhớ nhanh và hiệu quả năng lượng cho bộ nhớ chính không bay hơi mới nổi
[ "Metal–Oxide RRAM", "DEUCE: Write-Efficient Encryption for Non-Volatile Memories", "CACTI-3DD: Architecture-level modeling for 3D die-stacked DRAM main memory", "53Gbps native GF(24)2 composite-field AES-encrypt/decrypt accelerator for content-protection in 45nm high-performance microprocessors", "DW-AES: A Domain-Wall Nanowire-Based AES for High Throughput and Energy-Efficient Data Encryption in Non-Volatile Memory" ]
[ "Service Migration Patterns -- Decision Support and Best Practices for the Migration of Existing Service-Based Applications to Cloud Environments", "Enterprise agility and the enabling role of information technology", "$\\mathsf {pSCAN}$ : Fast and Exact Structural Graph Clustering", "Goal-based trajectory analysis for unusual behaviour detection in intelligent surveillance", "Using Suffix Arrays to Compute Term Frequency and Document Frequency for All Substrings in a Corpus", "A Framework for Automatic Human Emotion Classification Using Emotion Profiles", "Prospects of encoding Java source code in XML", "PLC based DC drive control using Modbus RTU communication for selected applications of sugar mill", "Mediators of the association between narcissism and compulsive buying: the roles of materialism and impulse control.", "Systematic Review of Object Oriented Metric Tools", "A study of factors that affect user intentions toward email service switching", "Polar codes: Primary concepts and practical decoding algorithms", "The top-ten in journal impact factor manipulation", "Adversarial Training of Variational Auto-Encoders for High Fidelity Image Generation", "Boosting Dilated Convolutional Networks with Mixed Tensor Decompositions", "The New Routing Algorithm for the ARPANET", "Failure mode and effects analysis using intuitionistic fuzzy hybrid weighted Euclidean distance operator", "Personality traits associated with problematic and non-problematic massively multiplayer online role playing game use", "Fuzzing the ActionScript virtual machine", "Modeling the dynamics of personal expertise", "Generalized hesitant fuzzy sets and their application in decision support system", "Incredible high performance SAW resonator on novel multi-layerd substrate", "Cooperative Wiener-ICA for source localization and Separation by distributed microphone arrays", "Dielectric properties estimation of normal and malignant skin tissues at millimeter-wave frequencies using effective medium theory", "Work Item Tagging: Communicating Concerns in Collaborative Software Development" ]
AIM: Fast and energy-efficient AES in-memory implementation for emerging non-volatile main memory
OpenAI Gym là một môi trường thử nghiệm cho các mô hình AI, nơi các nhà nghiên cứu và nhà phát triển có thể thử nghiệm các thuật toán và mô hình AI của họ trong một không gian an toàn và được kiểm soát. Nó cung cấp một bộ công cụ và API toàn diện cho phép người dùng tạo ra các môi trường mô phỏng, thiết kế tác vụ và đánh giá hiệu suất của các mô hình AI. Với Gym, các nhà nghiên cứu có thể dễ dàng xây dựng và thử nghiệm các thuật toán học tăng cường (reinforcement learning) và các kỹ thuật AI khác mà không cần phải lo lắng về việc thiết lập cơ sở hạ tầng phức tạp. Gym được thiết kế để linh hoạt và có thể mở rộng, cho phép người dùng tùy chỉnh các môi trường và tác vụ để phù hợp với các yêu cầu cụ thể của họ. Nó hỗ trợ nhiều ngôn ngữ lập trình, bao gồm Python, và có một cộng đồng người dùng tích cực đóng góp vào sự phát triển và cải tiến của nó. Với sự ra mắt của ChatGPT, OpenAI đã giới thiệu một phiên bản mới của Gym, được gọi là "Chatbot Gym", được tối ưu hóa đặc biệt cho việc phát triển và đào tạo các chatbot AI. Chatbot Gym cung cấp một loạt các công cụ và dữ liệu để giúp các nhà nghiên cứu và nhà phát triển cải thiện hiệu suất và khả năng của các chatbot, bao gồm cả việc đánh giá chất lượng phản hồi, phân tích hành vi và điều chỉnh các thuật toán. Tóm lại, OpenAI Gym là một công cụ mạnh mẽ và linh hoạt cho bất cứ ai quan tâm đến việc phát triển và thử nghiệm các mô hình AI, với sự ra mắt của Chatbot Gym, nó mở ra những khả năng thú vị cho tương lai của công nghệ chatbot.
[ "Infinite-Horizon Policy-Gradient Estimation", "Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning", "ViZDoom: A Doom-based AI research platform for visual reinforcement learning", "The Arcade Learning Environment: An Evaluation Platform for General Agents", "Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control" ]
[ "Laplacian-guided image decolorization", "Zero-Field Readout Electronics for Planar Fluxgate Sensors Without Compensation Coil", "Speech and Language Processing An Introduction to Natural Language Processing , Computational Linguistics , and Speech Recognition Second Edition", "Causal Forest vs. Naive Causal Forest in Detecting Personalization: An Empirical Study in ASSISTments", "Network failure detection and graph connectivity", "Emotion and autonomic nervous system activity in the Minangkabau of west Sumatra.", "PyFlag - An advanced network forensic framework", "SOBER: statistical model-based bug localization", "Finki at SemEval-2016 Task 4: Deep Learning Architecture for Twitter Sentiment Analysis", "Effects of acute systemic administration of cannabidiol on sleep-wake cycle in rats.", "Deep Clustering using Auto-Clustering Output Layer", "Learning to Extract Signature and Reply Lines from Email", "Tree-CNN: A Hierarchical Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Incremental Learning.", "An Ethological Approach to Personality Development", "Supernumerary nostril with a contralateral naso-ocular cleft", "A review on Video Quality Assessment", "Hidden images", "A Review of Feature Selection Methods for Classification Problem", "Corrections of the NIST Statistical Test Suite for Randomness", "Bayesian Policy Gradient and Actor-Critic Algorithms", "Deep ensemble learning of sparse regression models for brain disease diagnosis", "Electrochemical Sensors for Soil Nutrient Detection: Opportunity and Challenge", "A virtual metrology system for semiconductor manufacturing", "Clustering with Missing Values : No Imputation Required", "A learning algorithm for adaptive canonical correlation analysis of several data sets" ]
OpenAI Gym
Mô tả Dịch vụ cho Quản lý Dịch vụ ITIL
[ "Value-based requirements engineering: exploring innovative e-commerce ideas", "From value chain to value constellation: designing interactive strategy.", "Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering: A Guided Tour", "Towards Modeling and Reasoning Support for Early-Phase Requirements Engineering", "Configuring Value for Competitive Advantage : On Chains , Shops , and Networks" ]
[ "Solid State Gas Sensor Research in Germany – a Status Report", "Concealed object detection and segmentation over millimetric waves images", "The effects of Social Networking Site (SNS) use on college students' friendship and well-being", "Improving web search ranking by incorporating user behavior information", "A Review of Platelet-Rich Plasma: History, Biology, Mechanism of Action, and Classification.", "MorphoSys: An Integrated Reconfigurable System for Data-Parallel and Computation-Intensive Applications", "A digitally compensated 1.5 GHz CMOS/FBAR frequency reference", "Probabilistic Recurrent State-Space Models", "mclust Version 4 for R : Normal Mixture Modeling for Model-Based Clustering , Classification , and Density Estimation", "The classification and labeling of nonhomosexual gender dysphorias.", "Learning the kernel matrix in discriminant analysis via quadratically constrained quadratic programming", "WikiMirs: a mathematical information retrieval system for wikipedia", "Active cleaning of label noise", "Estimating causal effects from large data sets using propensity scores.", "Deep Convolutional Network Cascade for Facial Point Detection", "Obesity in children and young people: a crisis in public health.", "Receptive fields, binocular interaction and functional architecture in the cat's visual cortex.", "Free space range measurements with Semtech Lora™ technology", "Integrated CMOS transmit-receive switch using LC-tuned substrate bias for 2.4-GHz and 5.2-GHz applications", "Learning styles and performance in the introductory programming sequence", "A Systematic Approach of Dataset Definition for a Supervised Machine Learning Using NFR Framework", "CLASSIFICATION OF TWEETS VIA CLUSTERING OF HASHTAGS", "This looks like that: deep learning for interpretable image recognition", "A breakthrough novel method to resolve the drug and target interference problem in immunogenicity assays.", "A dexterous gripper for in-hand manipulation" ]
Specifying Services for ITIL Service Management
Apoidea: Kiến trúc ngang hàng phi tập trung để thu thập dữ liệu từ World Wide Web
[ "Design and Implementation of a High-Performance Distributed Web Crawler", "Mercator: A scalable, extensible Web crawler", "Space/Time Trade-offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors", "Efficient Crawling Through URL Ordering", "The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine" ]
[ "Automatic Curriculum Graph Generation for Reinforcement Learning Agents", "A General Two-Step Approach to Learning-Based Hashing", "DEEP REINFORCEMENT LEARNING", "Integrated 105 dB SNR, 0.0031% THD+N Class-D Audio Amplifier With Global Feedback and Digital Control in 55 nm CMOS", "Hierarchical Prosody Conversion Using Regression-Based Clustering for Emotional Speech Synthesis", "GPS and Map matching based vehicle accident detection system", "Estimating the NDVI from SAR by Convolutional Neural Networks", "'C and tcc: A Language and Compiler for Dynamic Code Generation", "ViBe: A Disruptive Method for Background Subtraction", "Design and fabrication of a three dimensional printable non-assembly articulated hand exoskeleton for rehabilitation", "A selective overview of feature screening for ultrahigh-dimensional data.", "Gait cycle spectrogram analysis using a torso-attached inertial sensor", "A Learning Algorithm for Boltzmann Machines", "High-quality computational imaging through simple lenses", "Improving Wireless Physical Layer Security via Cooperating Relays", "ADAM: Detecting Intrusions by Data Mining", "AN EFFICIENT KEYWORD DRIVEN TEST AUTOMATION FRAMEWORK FOR WEB APPLICATIONS", "Real-time data-driven interactive rough sketch inking", "Supervoxel-Consistent Foreground Propagation in Video", "Interaction-Aware Topic Model for Microblog Conversations through Network Embedding and User Attention", "Novel approaches to crawling important pages early", "iShadow: design of a wearable, real-time mobile gaze tracker", "Determination of bit-rate adaptation thresholds for the Opus codec for VoIP services", "Interventions to address the academic impairment of children and adolescents with ADHD.", "Coupled IGMM-GANs for deep multimodal anomaly detection in human mobility data" ]
Apoidea: A Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Crawling the World Wide Web
Chăm sóc sức khỏe thông minh nhận thức cho việc phát hiện và theo dõi bệnh lý
[ "Smart healthcare monitoring: a voice pathology detection paradigm for smart cities", "Deep convolutional neural network for the automated detection and diagnosis of seizure using EEG signals", "Deep Belief Networks Used on High Resolution Multichannel Electroencephalography Data for Seizure Detection", "Automatic EEG processing for the early diagnosis of Traumatic Brain Injury", "Learning Robust Features using Deep Learning for Automatic Seizure Detection" ]
[ "Kaizen programming", "The role of trust in e-commerce relational exchange: A unified model", "Neural Adaptive controller for Magnetic levitation system", "Fitting Multiple Connected Ellipses to an Image Silhouette Hierarchically", "A subjective study on QoE of 360 video for VR communication", "Virtual U: Defeating Face Liveness Detection by Building Virtual Models from Your Public Photos", "Outpatient appointment scheduling given individual day-dependent no-show predictions", "CNP: An FPGA-based processor for Convolutional Networks", "Planning With Agents : An Efficient Approach Using Hierarchical Dynamic Decision Networks", "Is there chaos in the brain? II. Experimental evidence and related models.", "Sustainable Passenger Transportation : Dynamic RideSharing", "Mining Solution in R by", "Influence of Power Delivery Timing on the Energetics and Biomechanics of Humans Wearing a Hip Exoskeleton", "Sample-Based Tree Search with Fixed and Adaptive State Abstractions", "Fully Connected Guided Image Filtering", "Optimal design of corona ring on HV composite insulator using PSO approach with dynamic population size", "Mercator: A scalable, extensible Web crawler", "Text Document Categorization by Term Association", "Detecting cohesive and 2-mode communities indirected and undirected networks", "PENS-wheel (one-wheeled self balancing vehicle) balancing control using PID controller", "SHOT: Unique signatures of histograms for surface and texture description", "Survivable SCADA Via Intrusion-Tolerant Replication", "Yoga for bronchial asthma: a controlled study.", "Efficient Publish/Subscribe Through a Self-Organizing Broker Overlay and its Application to SIENA", "Frequency Enhancement in Miller Divider with Injection-Locking Portrait" ]
Cognitive Smart Healthcare for Pathology Detection and Monitoring
Giải quyết vấn đề kết quả dương tính giả trong dự đoán gian lận bằng Kỹ thuật Tự động về Đặc trưng
[ "Data mining for credit card fraud: A comparative study", "Transaction aggregation as a strategy for credit card fraud detection", "Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Meta-Learning: Issues and Initial Results 1", "Application of Classification Models on Credit Card Fraud Detection", "Credit Card Fraud Detection with a Neural-Network" ]
[ "Automatic TFT-LCD mura defect inspection using discrete cosine transform-based background filtering and ‘ just noticeable difference ’ quantification strategies", "Concepts Not Alone: Exploring Pairwise Relationships for Zero-Shot Video Activity Recognition", "H.263+: video coding at low bit rates", "Refactoring with Unit Testing: A Match Made in Heaven?", "Improvement of pixel electrode circuit for active-matrix OLED by application of reversed-biased voltage", "SD-squared: on the association between semantic dementia and surface dyslexia.", "Improving efficiency in convolutional neural networks with multilinear filters", "Probabilistic Graphical Models - Principles and Techniques", "Keep it Unreal: Bridging the Realism Gap for 2.5D Recognition with Geometry Priors Only", "The cognitive structure of Library and Information Science: Analysis of article title words", "Smart farming using Arduino and data mining", "An intelligent task analysis approach for special education based on MIRA", "Structure guided texture inpainting through multi-scale patches and global optimization for image completion", "Identifying Machine-Printed and Handwritten Texts Using DropRegion and Deep Convolutional Network", "Fast Text Classification Using Randomized Explicit Semantic Analysis", "A Survey of Visual Analytics Techniques and Applications: State-of-the-Art Research and Future Challenges", "The relative impact of cognitive anxiety and self-confidence upon sport performance: a meta-analysis.", "Culture and the distinctiveness motive: constructing identity in individualistic and collectivistic contexts.", "FlashGraph: Processing Billion-Node Graphs on an Array of Commodity SSDs", "Outcomes of Conservative Treatment of 134 Cases of Umbilical Pilonidal Sinus", "Image-Processing Projects for an Algorithms Course", "Bilingualism : The good , the bad , and the indifferent ∗", "Predicting degree-completion time with data mining", "A Better Method to Analyze Blockchain Consistency", "Structure-Preserving Color Normalization and Sparse Stain Separation for Histological Images" ]
Solving the False Positives Problem in Fraud Prediction Using Automated Feature Engineering
Vượt qua thách thức trong phân loại văn bản trong thế giới mở
[ "Doppelgänger Finder: Taking Stylometry to the Underground", "Local Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor for image classification", "Beyond Bags of Features: Spatial Pyramid Matching for Recognizing Natural Scene Categories", "Authorship Attribution for Social Media Forensics", "DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification" ]
[ "Brain tumor segmentation using thresholding, morphological operations and extraction of features of tumor", "Exploitation of Dual-Polarization Diversity for 5G Millimeter-Wave MIMO Beamforming Systems", "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Solving the Vehicle Routing Problem", "A 20-GHz phase-locked loop for 40-gb/s serializing transmitter in 0.13-/spl mu/m CMOS", "Diversity and multiplexing: a fundamental tradeoff in multiple-antenna channels", "What's basic about basic emotions?", "Projected Gradient Methods for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization", "Pricing models and Motivations for MMO play", "AlGaN/GaN-Based HEMTs Failure Physics and Reliability: Mechanisms Affecting Gate Edge and Schottky Junction", "Research of 3D face recognition algorithm based on deep learning stacked denoising autoencoder theory", "Depth enhancement via non-local means filter", "The forest, the trees, and the chameleon: context dependence and mimicry.", "Hybrid mining approach in the design of credit scoring models", "Group Atmosphere, Shared Understanding, and Perceived Conflict in Virtual Teams: Findings from an Experiment", "IEEE 802.11ad: Defining the Next Generation Multi-Gbps Wi-Fi", "Design of air quality meter and pollution detector", "DroidFusion: A Novel Multilevel Classifier Fusion Approach for Android Malware Detection", "IMPLEMENTATION OF COMBINATIONAL CIRCUITS USING TERNARY MULTIPLEXER", "The Character Strengths Rating Form ( CSRF ) : Development and initial assessment of a 24-item rating scale to assess character strengths", "The Use of Gamification in Higher Education : An Empirical Study", "Regulation of adult neurogenesis by stress, sleep disruption, exercise and inflammation: Implications for depression and antidepressant action", "Depth-Gated LSTM", "Development and electrical investigation of novel fine-pitch Cu/Sn pad bumping using ultra- thin buffer layer technique in 3D integration", "A Graph-to-Sequence Model for AMR-to-Text Generation", "Cloud-Based Automated Design and Additive Manufacturing: A Usage Data-Enabled Paradigm Shift" ]
Overcoming the challenge for text classification in the open world
Bộ sạc pin điện áp cao với chuyển đổi chế độ sạc mượt mà trong quy trình BCD
[ "A Li-Ion Battery Charger With Smooth Control Circuit and Built-In Resistance Compensator for Achieving Stable and Fast Charging", "Accurate, Compact, and Power-Efficient Li-Ion Battery Charger Circuit", "Design considerations for a contactless electric vehicle battery charger", "Advanced lithium ion battery charger", "A High-Efficiency Multimode Li–Ion Battery Charger With Variable Current Source and Controlling Previous-Stage Supply Voltage" ]
[ "Online Structure Analysis for Real-Time Indoor Scene Reconstruction", "Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Generalized Causal Inference", "A Riemannian conjugate gradient method for optimization on the Stiefel manifold", "Control structure design for complete chemical plants", "Super resolution: an overview", "BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models", "PNUTS: Yahoo!'s hosted data serving platform", "Physiological-emotional reactivity to nightmare-related imagery in trauma-exposed persons with chronic nightmares.", "Robust Beamforming for Security in MIMO Wiretap Channels With Imperfect CSI", "Gait recognition using wifi signals", "Securing vulnerable home IoT devices with an in-hub security manager", "Prediction and ranking algorithms for event-based network data", "Sparse matrix solvers on the GPU: conjugate gradients and multigrid", "A Compact Single Conductor Transmission Line Launcher for Telemetry in Borehole Drilling", "An Approach to Source-Code Plagiarism Detection and Investigation Using Latent Semantic Analysis", "The Iron Cage Revisited : Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields Author ( s ) :", "An empirical study of reserve price optimisation in real-time bidding", "Estimating surface normals in noisy point cloud data", "Gradient-based low rank method and its application in image inpainting", "Adaptive Droop Control Applied to Voltage-Source Inverters Operating in Grid-Connected and Islanded Modes", "The role of physical embodiment in human-robot interaction", "The Sesame LuceneSail : RDF Queries with Full-text Search NEPOMUK Technical Report 2008-1", "Design aesthetics leading to m-loyalty in mobile commerce", "AI and Education: Celebrating 30 Years of Marriage", "A simple and efficient method to align very long speech signals to acoustically imperfect transcriptions" ]
A high voltage battery charger with smooth charge mode transition in BCD process
Bộ khuếch đại phản hồi kháng Cascade và Cascode cho ứng dụng UWB
[ "An Ultra-Wideband Resistive-Feedback Low-Noise Amplifier with Noise Cancellation in 0.18μm Digital CMOS", "Bandwidth Extension Techniques for CMOS Amplifiers", "An Ultra-Wide-Band 0.4–10-GHz LNA in 0.18-$\\mu$m CMOS", "Ultra-wideband low noise amplifier with shunt resistive feedback in 0.18µm CMOS process", "Bandwidth enhancement for transimpedance amplifiers" ]
[ "Towards work-integrated learning communities", "A Panorama of Artificial and Computational Intelligence in Games", "Through-Wall Opportunistic Sensing System Utilizing a Low-Cost Flat-Panel Array", "A Machine Learning Approach for Cryptanalysis", "Challenges of satisfying multiple stakeholders: quality of service in the internet of things", "Clinical decision support for Alzheimer's disease based on deep learning and brain network", "Towards Order of Processing Operations Detection in JPEG-compressed Images with Convolutional Neural Networks", "Fault isolation in manufacturing systems based on learning algorithm and fuzzy rule selection", "Predicting at-risk novice Java programmers through the analysis of online protocols", "An 80.4% Peak Power Efficiency Adaptive Supply Class H Power Amplifier for Audio Applications", "Behavior Analysis of NLI Models: Uncovering the Influence of Three Factors on Robustness", "Movement and respiration detection using statistical properties of the FMCW radar signal", "DIN: An efficient algorithm for detecting influential nodes in social graphs using network structure and attributes", "Scalable Semantic Querying of Text", "Clonal Evolution in Breast Cancer Revealed by Single Nucleus Genome Sequencing", "Developing Toward Generality: Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting with Developmental Compression", "Parallel Strategies Selection", "Bitcoin Network Measurements for Simulation Validation and Parameterization", "FAST , CHEAP AND OUT OF CONTROL : A ROBOT INVASION OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM", "A Classification and Characterization of Security Threats in Cloud Computing", "Effects on blood pressure of reduced dietary sodium and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. DASH-Sodium Collaborative Research Group.", "Privacy-preserving personal health record using multi-authority attribute-based encryption with revocation", "Do Bots impact Twitter activity?", "Word Embedding based Correlation Model for Question/Answer Matching", "Image quality assessment: A sparse learning way" ]
The Cascade and Cascode Resistive Feedback Low Noise Amplifier for UWB Applications
Tính toán lượng tử và thông tin lượng tử
[ "Quantum Circuits with Mixed States", "Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantum Computing", "Algorithms for Quantum Computation: Discrete Logarithms and Factoring", "Quantum Mechanics helps in searching for a needle in a haystack", "A potentially realizable quantum computer." ]
[ "Unsupervised concept based entity extraction from scientific titles", "Adaptive Execution of Compiled Queries", "Review of visual odometry: types, approaches, challenges, and applications", "A multi-rater framework for studying personality: The trait-reputation-identity model.", "The do re mi's of everyday life: the structure and personality correlates of music preferences.", "Knowledge Extraction from Structured Engineering Drawings", "A Marx-based power converter topology as a current source for pulsed magnets in particle accelerators", "A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Thinning Digital Patterns", "Evaluation of Selected Dielectric Elastomers for use in an Artificial Muscle Actuator", "An automatic bus route number recognition", "Beyond the technical challenges for deploying Machine Learning solutions in a software company", "A Study of Consumers' Trust in Online Shopping between Pick-up Goods Behavior in the Convenience Stores", "Real-Time Mental Arithmetic Task Recognition From EEG Signals", "Independent components analysis for fetal electrocardiogram extraction: a case for the data efficient Mermaid algorithm", "A Markov based image forgery detection approach by analyzing CFA artifacts", "Just a Fad? Gamification in Health and Fitness Apps", "Shopping cart injuries, entrapment, and childhood fatality.", "Design and Measurement of Reconfigurable Millimeter Wave Reflectarray Cells With Nematic Liquid Crystal", "High speed series resonant converter (SRC) using multilayered coreless printed circuit board (PCB) step-down power transformer", "OpenSubtitles2016: Extracting Large Parallel Corpora from Movie and TV Subtitles", "Wiring specificity in the direction-selectivity circuit of the retina", "Learning to Listen to Your Ego-(motion): Metric Motion Estimation from Auditory Signals", "A Survey on Dialogue Systems: Recent Advances and New Frontiers", "Evaluating different query reformulation techniques for the Geographical Information Retrieval task considering geospatial entities as textual terms", "Improving localization accuracy of android's Fused Location Provider API using Kalman Filter" ]
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
Các Mạng Nơ-ron cho Phân Loại Câu Chung trong Tóm tắt Bài báo Y khoa
[ "Glove: Global Vectors for Word Representation", "Algorithms for Hyper-Parameter Optimization", "A Convolutional Neural Network for Modelling Sentences", "Sequential Short-Text Classification with Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks", "Linguistic Regularities in Continuous Space Word Representations" ]
[ "Deep learning architecture for air quality predictions.", "The BRICS component model: a model-based development paradigm for complex robotics software systems", "EULAR/PRINTO/PRES criteria for Henoch-Schönlein purpura, childhood polyarteritis nodosa, childhood Wegener granulomatosis and childhood Takayasu arteritis: Ankara 2008. Part II: Final classification criteria.", "The NASA automated requirements measurement tool: a reconstruction", "Atomic Volumes for Mesh Completion", "Synthetic data augmentation using GAN for improved liver lesion classification", "High Power Laser Diode Driver Based on Power Converter Technology", "This is how we play it: what a mega-LAN can teach us about games", "Towards better measurement of attention and satisfaction in mobile search", "Review of an Improved Audio Steganographic Technique over LSB through Random Based Approach", "Using artificial neural network models in stock market index prediction", "Automatic Acquisition of Hyponyms from Large Text Corpora", "The staircase to terrorism: a psychological exploration.", "CryptoKnight: Generating and Modelling Compiled Cryptographic Primitives", "A survey of power and energy efficient techniques for high performance numerical linear algebra operations", "Pose estimation of texture-less cylindrical objects in bin picking using sensor fusion", "Joint Network Coding and Superposition Coding for Multi-User Information Exchange in Wireless Relaying Networks", "A Study of Filter Bank Smoothing in MFCC Features for Recognition of Children's Speech", "Shame Proneness and Guilt Proneness : Toward the Further Understanding of Reactions to Public and Private Transgressions", "Physics-Based Planning for Planetary Exploration", "Literature Review on Automatic Text Summarization: Single and Multiple Summarizations", "20.7 A 13.8µW binaural dual-microphone digital ANSI S1.11 filter bank for hearing aids with zero-short-circuit-current logic in 65nm CMOS", "Color and Texture Based Identification and Classification of food Grains using different Color Models and Haralick features", "What is LiFi?", "Parental involvement in the development of children's reading skill: a five-year longitudinal study." ]
Neural Networks for Joint Sentence Classification in Medical Paper Abstracts
Thực hiện Software Defined Radio của một bộ điều chế/bộ giải điều chế QPSK trên nền tảng phần cứng mở rộng dựa trên FPGA Xilinx ZYNQ
[ "Software radios: Survey, critical evaluation and future directions", "Design and implementation of SDR based QPSK modulator on FPGA", "QPSK Modulator and Demodulator Using FPGA for SDR", "Implementation of a QPSK system on FPGA", "Design and implement of QPSK modem based on FPGA" ]
[ "Classification Algorithms in Human Activity Recognition using Smartphones", "Robust Nonlinear Fusion of Inertial and Visual Data for position, velocity and attitude estimation of UAV", "Edge Detection in Digital Images Using Fuzzy Logic Technique", "Handwritten Character Recognition Using Histograms of Oriented Gradient Features in Deep Learning of Artificial Neural Network", "OpenSample : A Low-Latency , Sampling-Based Measurement Platform for SDN", "Watch, Listen, and Describe: Globally and Locally Aligned Cross-Modal Attentions for Video Captioning", "Disconnected aging: Cerebral white matter integrity and age-related differences in cognition", "An Empirical Study of Click Fraud in Mobile Advertising Networks", "Interactive ontology debugging: Two query strategies for efficient fault localization☆", "Librispeech: An ASR corpus based on public domain audio books", "Adaptive Grey-Box Fuzz-Testing with Thompson Sampling", "Commitment to organizational change: extension of a three-component model.", "A Study on Using AD5933 to Realize Soft-Sensing Measurement of Conductance and Capacitance", "Correcting the Triplet Selection Bias for Triplet Loss", "Dynamic Dopamine Modulation in the Basal Ganglia: A Neurocomputational Account of Cognitive Deficits in Medicated and Nonmedicated Parkinsonism", "Using RDF Summary Graph For Keyword-based Semantic Searches", "Content-Based Recommendation Systems", "Earworms (stuck song syndrome): towards a natural history of intrusive thoughts.", "A systematic review of the survival and complication rates of all-ceramic and metal-ceramic reconstructions after an observation period of at least 3 years. Part I: Single crowns.", "Object-Extent Pooling for Weakly Supervised Single-Shot Localization", "Fingerprint Quality Indices for Predicting Authentication Performance", "Perceived Interactivity: Exploring Factors Affecting Micro-Blogging Service Satisfaction and Continuance Intention", "On-Demand Service Platforms", "Optimum beamforming using transmit antenna arrays", "Diverse subpopulations of vesicles secreted by different intracellular mechanisms are present in exosome preparations obtained by differential ultracentrifugation" ]
Software Defined Radio Implementation of a QPSK Modulator/Demodulator in an Extensive Hardware Platform Based on FPGAs Xilinx ZYNQ
Đồng thiết kế phần cứng/phần mềm của hệ thống nhận dạng biển báo giao thông sử dụng Zynq FPGA
[ "Real-time traffic sign detection using SURF features on FPGA", "SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features", "Nearest neighbor pattern classification", "Vision-Based Traffic Sign Detection and Analysis for Intelligent Driver Assistance Systems: Perspectives and Survey", "Goal Evaluation of Segmentation Algorithms for Traffic Sign Recognition" ]
[ "Wayfinding Choremes", "Learning and Refining of Privileged Information-Based RNNs for Action Recognition from Depth Sequences", "PaDNet: Pan-Density Crowd Counting", "Word Sense Disambiguation Using Skip-Gram and LSTM Models", "MATHSM: medial axis transform toward high speed machining of pockets", "Deep Q learning for traffic simulation in autonomous driving at a highway junction", "Data Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing", "Hybrid Metaheuristics for the Clustered Vehicle Routing Problem", "Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and smart grid investigations based on a microsimulation", "Data Poisoning Attacks in Contextual Bandits", "Real-time ink simulation using a grid-particle method", "Financial Series Prediction: Comparison Between Precision of Time Series Models and Machine Learning Methods", "Information Extraction for Ontology Learning", "An Integer Programming Model for the Sudoku Problem", "Sensorless PMSM Drive Based on Stator Feedforward Voltage Estimation Improved With MRAS Multiparameter Estimation", "Few-Shot Adversarial Domain Adaptation", "Embedded Assistive Stick for Visually Impaired Persons", "A Fuzzy Model With Online Incremental SVM and Margin-Selective Gradient Descent Learning for Classification Problems", "Assessing Effects of Task and Data Distribution on the Effectiveness of Visual Encodings", "Strategic Alignment of Cloud-Based Architectures for Big Data", "Tribeca: A Stream Database Manager for Network Traffic Analysis", "A Differential Dual-Polarized Cavity-Backed Microstrip Patch Antenna With Independent Frequency Tuning", "The LMC Skills, Confidence & Preparedness Index (SCPI): development and evaluation of a novel tool for assessing self-management in patients with diabetes", "RICCI CURVATURE FOR METRIC-MEASURE SPACES VIA OPTIMAL TRANSPORT", "DC 30-GHz DPDT Switch Matrix Design in High Resistivity Trap-Rich SOI" ]
Hardware/Software Co-Design of a Traffic Sign Recognition System Using Zynq FPGAs
Lưu trữ mạnh mẽ và linh hoạt, tỷ lệ công suất (CMU-PDL-10-106)
[ "Improving MapReduce Performance in Heterogeneous Environments", "Frangipani: A Scalable Distributed File System", "The Case for Energy-Proportional Computing", "The Google file system", "The Part-Time Parliament" ]
[ "RDF2Rules: Learning Rules from RDF Knowledge Bases by Mining Frequent Predicate Cycles", "Impedance-based simulation models of supercapacitors and Li-ion batteries for power electronic applications", "FraudBuster: Reducing Fraud in an Auto Insurance Market.", "Thermal Facial Analysis for Deception Detection", "Connectionist psycholinguistics: capturing the empirical data", "Prioritizing test cases with string distances", "Towards Large-Scale Schema and Ontology Matching", "Nudging guideline-concordant antibiotic prescribing: a randomized clinical trial.", "Food-Bridging: A New Network Construction to Unveil the Principles of Cooking", "CareLog: a selective archiving tool for behavior management in schools", "Automatic creation of WordNets from parallel corpora", "DOLPHIN: An Autonomous Indoor Positioning System in Ubiquitous Computing Environment", "A 665μW silicon photomultiplier-based NIRS/EEG/EIT monitoring asic for wearable functional brain imaging", "An end-to-end voting-system based on bitcoin", "EMG signal feature extraction based on wavelet transform", "Heart rate variability in elite triathletes, is variation in variability the key to effective training? A case comparison", "A REVIEW OF POINT CLOUDS SEGMENTATION AND CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHMS", "Modeling and Generating Random Vectorswith Arbitrary Marginal Distributions and Correlation", "Estimating the class prior and posterior from noisy positives and unlabeled data", "Tree maps: A Space-Filling Approach to the Visualization of Hierarchical Information Structures", "An updated performance comparison of virtual machines and Linux containers", "Texture Based Palmprint Identification Using DCT Features", "A Multifunctional Antenna with a Small Form Factor: Designing a Novel Series-Fed Compact Triangular Microstrip Ring Resonator Antenna Array", "A design of large space automatic cleaning robot with omni-directional wheels", "An Algorithm for Intelligibility Prediction of Time–Frequency Weighted Noisy Speech" ]
Robust and Flexible Power-Proportional Storage (CMU-PDL-10-106)
Giám sát dịch vụ đa cấp dựa trên sự kiện
[ "Models and Issues in Data Stream Systems", "High-performance complex event processing over streams", "Kinesthetics eXtreme: An External Infrastructure for Monitoring Distributed Legacy Systems", "TESLA: a formally defined event specification language", "Forwarding in a content-based network" ]
[ "Cluster based Outlier Detection", "THE DOMAIN AND CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF RELATIONSHIP MARKETING", "Computational modeling for the computer animation of legged figures", "Pavlovian conditioning. It's not what you think it is.", "You are what you include: large-scale evaluation of remote javascript inclusions", "A Framework for Selecting Deep Learning Hyper-parameters", "Predicting spatial structure of soil physical and chemical properties of golf course fairways using an apparent electrical conductivity sensor", "Deep Person Detection in 2D Range Data", "Knowledge sharing behavior of physicians in hospitals", "PersonLab: Person Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation with a Bottom-Up, Part-Based, Geometric Embedding Model", "Support Vector Machines with Applications 1", "Interactive Spatial Augmented Reality in Collaborative Robot Programming: User Experience Evaluation", "A vulnerability in Google AdSense: Automatic extraction of links to ads", "Expert Finding in Heterogeneous Bibliographic Networks with Locally-trained Embeddings", "Speech emotion recognition combining acoustic features and linguistic information in a hybrid support vector machine-belief network architecture", "Unique Signatures of Histograms for Local Surface Description", "A Three-Stage Text Normalization Strategy for Mandarin Text-to-Speech Systems", "Fused Matrix Factorization with Geographical and Social Influence in Location-Based Social Networks", "Optogenetics: 10 years of microbial opsins in neuroscience", "Teacher Retention and Attrition : A Review of the Literature", "New cubic reference table based image steganography", "Rethinking Lossy Compression: The Rate-Distortion-Perception Tradeoff", "Multiobjective Optimal Design of an Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Generator for Directly Coupled Wind Turbines", "Ultra-Low-Voltage Operation of CMOS Analog Circuits: Amplifiers, Oscillators, and Rectifiers", "A wait-list randomized controlled trial of loving-kindness meditation programme for self-criticism." ]
Event-Based Multi-level Service Monitoring
Bộ cảm biến ánh sáng vector silicon cho các ứng dụng cảm biến khoảng cách
[ "A survey on visual surveillance of object motion and behaviors", "A vector light detector for proximity sensing applications", "Recognition of Visual Activities and Interactions by Stochastic Parsing", "PerFallD: A pervasive fall detection system using mobile phones", "The Agenda of Wearable Healthcare." ]
[ "An architectural pattern language of cloud-based applications", "A New Approach to Quantify Network Security by Ranking of Security Metrics and Considering Their Relationships", "A Study on the Design Optimization of an AUV by Using Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis", "Efficient Authentication and Signing of Multicast Streams over Lossy Channels", "Ternary cache: Three-valued MLC STT-RAM caches", "Cyber Security Backdrop: A SCADA testbed", "Generating Topical Poetry", "A Tri-Space Visualization Interface for Analyzing Time-Varying Multivariate Volume Data", "Authentication and Access Control in the Internet of Things", "Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming", "Do you \"like\" my photo? Facebook use maintains eating disorder risk.", "Layout guidelines for web text and a web service to improve accessibility for dyslexics", "Input/Output Devices and Interaction Techniques", "Automatically Rigging Multi-component Characters", "Robust Cognitive Beamforming With Bounded Channel Uncertainties", "Classifying Smart Objects using capabilities", "E-S-QUAL A Multiple-Item Scale for Assessing Electronic Service Quality", "A New Convolutional Neural Network-Based Data-Driven Fault Diagnosis Method", "Ethical leadership : A review and future directions", "Improved median filtering algorithm for the reduction of impulse noise in corrupted 2d greyscale images", "Psychometric properties of a Korean version of the summary of diabetes self-care activities measure.", "Evaluating The Performance of Symmetric Encryption Algorithms", "Fast People Counting Using Head Detection from Skeleton Graph", "Brain Modulyzer: Interactive Visual Analysis of Functional Brain Connectivity", "A Cost-effective Smart Farming System with Knowledge Base" ]
A silicon vector light sensor for proximity sensing applications
AVFI: Nhập Lỗi cho Phương Tiện Tự Hành
[ "DeepXplore: Automated Whitebox Testing of Deep Learning Systems", "The SYNTHIA Dataset: A Large Collection of Synthetic Images for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes", "Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift", "Going deeper with convolutions", "CARLA: An Open Urban Driving Simulator" ]
[ "Option Pricing using Neural Networks", "Telemanipulation with Time Delays", "Decentralized IoT Data Management Using BlockChain and Trusted Execution Environment", "Scalable Neural Network Compression and Pruning Using Hard Clustering and L1 Regularization", "The capacity optimality of beam steering in large millimeter wave MIMO systems", "Synthetic data augmentation using GAN for improved liver lesion classification", "Quorum Sensing Circuit and Reactive Oxygen Species Resistance in Deinococcus sp.", "Joint Discriminative Learning of Deep Dynamic Textures for 3D Mask Face Anti-Spoofing", "Microdeletion on 3p25 in a patient with features of 3p deletion syndrome.", "Programming Online Judge System", "Clonal Evolution in Breast Cancer Revealed by Single Nucleus Genome Sequencing", "Learning and Teaching Programming: A Review and Discussion", "A SIMULATION STUDY OF LOGISTICS AND MANUFACTURING ACTIVITIES IN AN AUTOMOBILE SUPPLY CHAIN", "Creating a Strategic IT Architecture Competency: Learning in Stages", "A Novel High Efficiency High Power Interleaved Coupled-Inductor Boost DC-DC Converter for Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle", "Putrefactive rigor: apparent rigor mortis due to gas distension.", "Which techniques does your application use?: An information extraction framework for scientific articles", "Designing games with a purpose", "Deep vs. shallow networks : An approximation theory perspective", "A Better Comparison Summary of Credit Scoring Classification", "Using SAS® Enterprise BI and SAS® Enterprise Miner to Reduce Student Attrition", "Human-Aware Planning Revisited : A Tale of Three Models", "Platform IO and system memory test using L3 cache based test (CBT) and parallel execution of CPGC Intel BIST engine", "A Study on Knowledge , Perceptions and Attitudes about Screening and Diagnosis of Diabetes in Saudi Population", "Prediction of human emergency behavior and their mobility following large-scale disaster" ]
AVFI: Fault Injection for Autonomous Vehicles
Nhận Dạng Sản Phẩm bằng Mô Hình Kệ Đồ Hoạ
[ "Mobile product recognition", "Fine-Grained Product Class Recognition for Assisted Shopping", "Vlfeat: an open and portable library of computer vision algorithms", "LIBSVM: a library for support vector machines", "Recognizing Groceries in situ Using in vitro Training Data" ]
[ "Probabilistic enrichment of knowledge graph entities for relation detection in conversational understanding", "Task-Oriented Query Reformulation with Reinforcement Learning", "Evaluating Information Extraction", "Controlling sound with acoustic metamaterials", "Bio-inspired computing with resistive memories — models, architectures and applications", "Measurement of Quality of Life III. From the IQOL Theory to the Global, Generic SEQOL Questionnaire", "LoRa-based localization systems for noisy outdoor environment", "A Compact Dual-Band Printed Yagi-Uda Antenna for GNSS and CMMB Applications", "Cues of Colorism : The Psychological , Sociocultural , and Developmental Differences between Light-skinned and Dark-skinned African-Americans", "Polynomial Eigenvalue Solutions to the 5-pt and 6-pt Relative Pose Problems", "Ferrite loaded tunable SIW slot antenna", "Estimating the Randomness of Domain Names for DGA Bot Callbacks", "Manifold alignment using Procrustes analysis", "TrueSkill Through Time: Revisiting the History of Chess", "Initial Beam Association in Millimeter Wave Cellular Systems: Analysis and Design Insights", "Designing the communication sub-system for nanosatellite CubeSat missions: Operational and implementation perspectives", "Deep classification in large-scale text hierarchies", "Radar cross section and detection of small unmanned aerial vehicles", "Schenkerian Analysis by Computer : A Proof of Concept", "Decision-making and Management for Economic Development ” PU for", "INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS IN TOURISM A Social Science Perspective", "Spatiotemporal Multiplier Networks for Video Action Recognition", "Bidirectional Generative Adversarial Networks for Neural Machine Translation", "Working Memory Capacity as Executive Attention", "Harnessing Constraint Programming for Poetry Composition" ]
Product Recognition with a Graphical Shelf Model
Xác thực dựa trên rủi ro được cho là có hại khi sử dụng dấu vân tay thiết bị di động
[ "PriVaricator: Deceiving Fingerprinters with Little White Lies", "Cookieless Monster: Exploring the Ecosystem of Web-Based Device Fingerprinting", "Practical Relay Attack on Contactless Transactions by Using NFC Mobile Phones", "Host Fingerprinting and Tracking on the Web: Privacy and Security Implications", "Detecting and Defending Against Third-Party Tracking on the Web" ]
[ "Virtual synchronous machines — Classification of implementations and analysis of equivalence to droop controllers for microgrids", "Improving Generalization for Abstract Reasoning Tasks Using Disentangled Feature Representations", "Surface lightness influences perceived room height.", "A Context-Aware Recurrent Encoder for Neural Machine Translation", "Adaptive Frequency Estimation in Smart Grid Applications: Exploiting Noncircularity and Widely Linear Adaptive Estimators", "The design of an intelligent mechanical Active Prosthetic Knee", "Data curation + process curation=data integration + science", "Aging: a theory based on free radical and radiation chemistry.", "3D Deep Learning for Efficient and Robust Landmark Detection in Volumetric Data", "where science and magic meet the illusion of a science", "Large-scale frequent subgraph mining in MapReduce", "A Study in Urdu Corpus Construction", "Ethical leadership : A review and future directions", "Distributed denial of service attack detection using Naive Bayes Classifier through Info Gain Feature Selection", "Using millions of emoji occurrences to learn any-domain representations for detecting sentiment, emotion and sarcasm", "FSM based FM0 and Miller encoder for UHF RFID Tag Emulator", "Black Hat Visualization", "Enriching textbooks through data mining", "Dead Or Alive? The Development, Trajectory And Future Of Technology Adoption Research", "Automobile seat comfort: occupant preferences vs. anthropometric accommodation.", "Abnormal driving behavior detection for bus based on the Bayesian classifier", "Informing the Design of Spoken Conversational Search: Perspective Paper", "AlgorithmSeer: A System for Extracting and Searching for Algorithms in Scholarly Big Data", "Distributed Compressed Sensing off the Grid", "Organizational Factors to Support Knowledge Management and Innovation" ]
Mobile device fingerprinting considered harmful for risk-based authentication
Học sâu cho nhận dạng vật thể trong robot di động dựa trên ROS
[ "Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context", "Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images", "Home automation using IoT and a chatbot using natural language processing", "Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks", "Caffe: Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding" ]
[ "Guido: A Musical Score Recognition System", "Motion rings for interactive gait synthesis", "Salt and Pepper Noise Detection and removal by Modified Decision based Unsymmetrical Trimmed Median Filter for Image Restoration", "BUILDING GENERALIZABLE AGENTS", "A Review of Heuristic Global Optimization Based Artificial Neural Network Training Approahes", "Mixed state discrimination using optimal control.", "Colocation Data Center Demand Response Using Nash Bargaining Theory", "Co-Existence Study Between Analog TV (PAL-I) and LTE in Digital Dividend Band: South African Case Study", "Wideband Low-Loss Linear and Circular Polarization Transmit-Arrays in V-Band", "Recovering human body configurations: combining segmentation and recognition", "Diplomarbeit Intensity Based Rigid 2 D-3 D Registration Algorithms for Radiation Therapy In collaboration with", "Surgical precision JIT compilers", "Inclusion of e-commerce workflow with NoSQL DBMS: MongoDB document store", "Ultra-wideband (UWB) Wilkinson power divider with ultra-narrow dual-notched bands using embedded CPW resonators", "An improved box-counting method for image fractal dimension estimation", "UStore: A Distributed Storage With Rich Semantics", "Experimental implementation of underactuated potential energy shaping on a powered ankle-foot orthosis", "Sinkhorn Distances: Lightspeed Computation of Optimal Transport", "Is a picture really worth a thousand words? Exploring the feasibility of graphical authentication systems", "Detection of Individual Tree Crowns in Airborne Lidar Data", "Face Recognition with Local Binary Patterns", "A System for Denial-of-Service Attack Detection Based on Multivariate Correlation Analysis", "Industrial Big Data in an Industry 4.0 Environment: Challenges, Schemes, and Applications for Predictive Maintenance", "Dynamic Evolutionary Algorithm With Variable Relocation", "A Definition of Peer-to-Peer Networking for the Classification of Peer-to-Peer Architectures and Applications" ]
Deep learning for object identification in ROS-based mobile robots
Ứng dụng Kỹ thuật Thị giác Máy tính trong Phân loại và Đánh giá Chất lượng Trái cây và Rau củ
[ "Automatic fruit and vegetable classification from images", "A new method for fruits recognition system", "Statistical and Structural Approaches to Texture", "Textural Features for Image Classification" ]
[ "Surgical technique: development of an anatomic medial knee reconstruction.", "Security frameworks for mobile cloud computing: A survey", "Competing Cognitive Tactical Networks", "Symmetry in locomotor central pattern generators and animal gaits.", "Two wheel self-balanced mobile robot identification based on experimental data", "Automatic Construction of Inference-Supporting Knowledge Bases", "Coupling 3D Eulerian, Heightfield and Particle Methods for Interactive Simulation of Large Scale Liquid Phenomena", "An 8.3 nW −72 dBm event driven IoE wake up receiver RF front end", "Identifying HTTPS-Protected Netflix Videos in Real-Time", "Cannabidiol: an overview of some pharmacological aspects.", "A model-driven ontology approach for manufacturing system interoperability and knowledge sharing", "Finding traces of self-regulated learning in activity streams", "Design and Implementation of a Pure Sine Wave Single Phase Inverter for Photovoltaic Applications", "A Forensic Analysis of the CASIA-Iris V 4 Database", "A failure mode avoidance approach to reliability", "Comparison of surface normal estimation methods for range sensing applications", "Personality Predictors of Artistic Preferences as a Function of the Emotional Valence and Perceived Complexity of Paintings", "Chapter 13 : Ethical Decision Making : Where We ' ve Been and Where We ' re Going", "A systems thinking framework for knowledge management", "Issues Associated With the Use of Semantic Web Technology in Knowledge Acquisition for Clinical Decision Support Systems: Systematic Review of the Literature", "Learning Markov Logic Networks Using Structural Motifs", "Distributed Energy Resources (DER) object modeling with IEC 61850–7–420", "Clinic Overbooking to Improve Patient Access and Increase Provider Productivity", "Multiple view semi-supervised dimensionality reduction", "A Swedish national twin study of lifetime major depression." ]
Application of Computer Vision Technique on Sorting and Grading of Fruits and Vegetables
Hệ thống định tuyến giao thông động dựa trên mạng neural sâu cho phương tiện di chuyển
[ "Shortest-path feasibility algorithms: An experimental evaluation", "Introduction to Algorithms", "PaRRT: Parallel rapidly exploring random tree (RRT) based on MapReduce", "Path planning for mobile robots using genetic algorithm and probabilistic roadmap", "Sampling-based algorithms for optimal motion planning" ]
[ "A gesture-free geometric approach for mid-air expression of design intent in 3D virtual pottery", "A Flexibility Metric and Optimization Methods for Mixed Numerologies in 5G and Beyond", "Blended Interaction : Toward a Framework for the Design of Interactive Spaces", "Robust stock trading using fuzzy decision trees", "Ka-band high-gain mesh deployable reflector antenna enabling the first radar in a CubeSat: RainCube", "Learning to Optimize via Information-Directed Sampling", "Flexible Heuristics Miner (FHM)", "Decomposing Generalization: Models of Generic, Habitual, and Episodic Statements", "Internet Privacy Concerns Confirm the Case for Intervention", "From Keyframes to Key Objects: Video Summarization by Representative Object Proposal Selection", "Cross-Document Coreference Resolution Using Latent Features", "Clickthrough-based latent semantic models for web search", "An analysis of ontology engineering methodologies : a literature review.", "Finger Vein Authentication Technology and Its Future", "Multimodal communication on tumblr: \"i have so many feels!\"", "Learning to Generate Product Reviews from Attributes", "ShiDianNao: Shifting vision processing closer to the sensor", "Adding a Solar-Radiance Function to the Ho&#x161;ek-Wilkie Skylight Model", "Childhood maltreatment and intimate partner violence in dissociative disorder patients", "Bandwidth Extension Techniques for CMOS Amplifiers", "A New Algorithm for Processing Interferometric Data-Stacks: SqueeSAR", "Convolutional neural networks at constrained time cost", "English to Sanskrit Translator and Synthesizer (ETSTS)", "Robust Influence Maximization", "Trajectory Generation and Tracking Control for Double-Steering Tractor–Trailer Mobile Robots With On-Axle Hitching" ]
Deep neural network dynamic traffic routing system for vehicles
Dòng sản phẩm đeo tay: Thiết bị đeo tay dựa trên cảm biến PPG cho hệ thống chăm sóc sức khỏe tim mạch cá nhân hóa chi phí thấp
[ "TROIKA: A General Framework for Heart Rate Monitoring Using Wrist-Type Photoplethysmographic Signals During Intensive Physical Exercise", "Regression Shrinkage and Selection via the Lasso", "Non invasive estimation of blood glucose using near infra red spectroscopy and double regression analysis", "Cuff-less and Noninvasive Measurements of Arterial Blood Pressure by Pulse Transit Time", "PPG-based methods for non invasive and continuous blood pressure measurement: an overview and development issues in body sensor networks" ]
[ "Cyclic codes over the ring 𝔽p[u, v] / 〈uk, v2, uv-vu〉", "A framework of fuzzy information fusion for the segmentation of brain tumor tissues on MR images", "An analysis of latent sector errors in disk drives", "Camera Augmented Mobile C-Arm (CAMC): Calibration, Accuracy Study, and Clinical Applications", "A Representation Language Language", "MUTO: the modular unified tagging ontology", "Functional neuroanatomy of human rapid-eye-movement sleep and dreaming", "Simple topologies of PWM AC-AC converters", "A simple way to broaden objects search area for tracking methods based on discriminative correlation filters", "Modeling and Enacting Complex Data Dependencies in Business Processes", "An Analysis of Active Learning Strategies for Sequence Labeling Tasks", "Distributed Packet Inspection By Using PIL-2 Language", "Video Paragraph Captioning Using Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks", "Active learning of expressive linkage rules using genetic programming", "Anatomy-specific classification of medical images using deep convolutional nets", "SC-FEGAN: Face Editing Generative Adversarial Network with User's Sketch and Color", "A Deep Learning Approach to Identifying Shock Locations in Turbulent Combustion Tensor Fields", "Design of High-Gain Lens Antenna by Gradient-Index Metamaterials Using Transformation Optics", "Facial emotion recognition using deep convolutional networks", "Web Service Composition: A Survey of Techniques and Tools", "IoT based smart home with real time E-metering using E-controller", "Aeromechanics of passive rotation in flapping flight", "A highly area-efficient controller for capacitive touch screen panel systems", "Modeling ITIL Business Motivation Model in ArchiMate", "Next-generation DNA sequencing" ]
Wrist-card: PPG sensor based wrist wearable unit for low cost personalized cardio healthcare system
Phát hiện và Chẩn đoán Lỗi Sử dụng Máy Vector Trợ giúp - So sánh giữa SVC và SVR
[ "LIBSVM: a library for support vector machines", "Support-Vector Networks", "A Framework for Structural Risk Minimisation", "A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition" ]
[ "Analysis of Nonideal Behaviors Based on INL/DNL Plots for SAR ADCs", "Monolithic integration of trench vertical DMOS (VDMOS) power transistors into a BCD process", "A geometric view of optimal transportation and generative model", "FaThumb: a facet-based interface for mobile search", "The Palliative Prognostic Index: a scoring system for survival prediction of terminally ill cancer patients", "Representative Discovery of Structure Cues for Weakly-Supervised Image Segmentation", "Pathwise coordinate optimization", "Microtia repair with rib cartilage grafts: a review of personal experience with 1000 cases.", "On Two Desiderata for Creativity Support Tools", "Scalable Visualisation of Sentiment and Stance", "Approaches for Computational Sarcasm Detection : A Survey", "Dual-Polarized Slot-Coupled Microstrip Antenna Array With Stable Active Element Pattern", "Supervised Learning of Semantics-Preserving Hash via Deep Convolutional Neural Networks", "DeepMood: Forecasting Depressed Mood Based on Self-Reported Histories via Recurrent Neural Networks", "Large-Scale Network Dysfunction in Major Depressive Disorder: A Meta-analysis of Resting-State Functional Connectivity.", "A blueprint for building a quantum computer", "Impairment of social and moral behavior related to early damage in human prefrontal cortex", "Swing-up of the inertia wheel pendulum using impulsive torques", "CM-Builder: An Automated NL-Based CASE Tool", "Barrel menu: a new mobile phone menu for feature rich devices", "Transfer Learning for Cross-Dataset Recognition: A Survey", "Automatic Discrimination between Printed and Handwritten Text in Documents", "Learning to rank for question routing in community question answering", "A MATLAB based 3D modeling and inversion code for MT data", "Not at the Dinner Table: Parents¿ and Children¿s Perspectives on Family Technology Rules" ]
Fault Detection and Diagnosis Using Support Vector Machines - A SVC and SVR Comparison
Blockchain đa phương tiện: Một khung giao dịch truyền thông phân tán và chống giả mạo
[ "Do the Rich Get Richer? An Empirical Analysis of the Bitcoin Transaction Network", "Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information", "Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms", "Usability evaluation methods for the web: A systematic mapping study", "Where Is Current Research on Blockchain Technology?—A Systematic Review" ]
[ "Advanced Analytics for Train Delay Prediction Systems by Including Exogenous Weather Data", "LookinGood: enhancing performance capture with real-time neural re-rendering", "SoilJ : An ImageJ Plugin for the Semiautomatic Processing of Three-Dimensional X-ray Images of Soils", "Risk-taking bias in human decision-making is encoded via a right–left brain push–pull system", "Collective Classification of Network Data", "Single aperture monopulse horn antenna", "A Framework for Using Hypothesis-Driven Approaches to Support Data-Driven Learning Analytics in Measuring Computational Thinking in Block-Based Programming Environments", "Privacy Aware Learning", "deepViz : Visualizing Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification", "Development of a General Knowledge Management Maturity Model", "Principles for Conducting Critical Realist Case Study Research in Information Systems", "Anomaly Detection in Cyber Physical Systems Using Recurrent Neural Networks", "User stories don't help users: introducing persona stories", "Squat jump training at maximal power loads vs. heavy loads: effect on sprint ability.", "Genetic Algorithm Solution of the TSP Avoiding Special Crossover and Mutation", "Humans use directed and random exploration to solve the explore-exploit dilemma.", "An efficient VLSI architecture for a serial divider", "Human emotion recognition using heart rate variability analysis with spectral bands based on respiration", "Normalizing the Shadows - The Role of Symbolic Models for Individuals' Shadow IT Usage", "Presence and Flow in Virtual Environments", "Efficient Canny Edge Detection Using a GPU", "Ego-centric Graph Pattern Census", "How to Learn Effectively in Medical School: Test Yourself, Learn Actively, and Repeat in Intervals", "Kernel-Based Approximate Dynamic Programming for Real-Time Online Learning Control: An Experimental Study", "Cambricon-X: An accelerator for sparse neural networks" ]
The multimedia blockchain: A distributed and tamper-proof media transaction framework
Hệ thống lái tự động cho xe điện sạc không dây nhằm giảm thiểu suy giảm điện năng
[ "Lane-Change Fuzzy Control in Autonomous Vehicles for the Overtaking Maneuver", "Power transfer capability and bifurcation phenomena of loosely coupled inductive power transfer systems", "Coil Design and Shielding Methods for a Magnetic Resonant Wireless Power Transfer System", "Development of 1-MW Inductive Power Transfer System for a High-Speed Train", "Wireless Power Transmission With Self-Regulated Output Voltage for Biomedical Implant" ]
[ "Linked data on the web (LDOW2008)", "Noise cancellation in cognitive radio systems: A performance comparison of evolutionary algorithms", "Image Classification for Ultrasound Fetal Images with Increased Nuchal Translucency during First Trimester Using SVM Classifier", "Virtual reality-enhanced stroke rehabilitation", "The Complementary Roles of Traditional and Social Media in Driving Marketing Performance", "BanditSum: Extractive Summarization as a Contextual Bandit", "Simple Semi-supervised Dependency Parsing", "Capacity and Trainability in Recurrent Neural Networks", "Chatty Tenants and the Cloud Network Sharing Problem", "CTSiM: A Computational Thinking Environment for Learning Science through Simulation and Modeling", "Evaluation of communication technologies for IEC 61850 based distribution automation system with distributed energy resources", "Bayesian Optimization of Combinatorial Structures", "The survival of direct composite restorations in the management of severe tooth wear including attrition and erosion: A prospective 8-year study.", "D-band grid-array antenna integrated in the lid of a surface-mountable chip-package", "The Vector Space Model in Information Retrieval-Term Weighting Problem", "A Simple Named Entity Extractor using AdaBoost", "Expert Performance Its Structure and Acquisition", "Comparison of the DC / DC-Converters for Fuel Cell Applications", "DIFPLL: Distributed drone flight path builder system", "The Past, Present, and Future of Virtual and Augmented Reality Research: A Network and Cluster Analysis of the Literature", "Novel Designs for the Audio Mixing Interface Based on Data Visualization First Principles", "A systematic review of neurobiological and clinical features of mindfulness meditations.", "Introduction to Data Compression *", "Design of a CMOS Broadband Transimpedance Amplifier With Active Feedback", "Large-scale identification, mapping, and genotyping of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the human genome." ]
An Autonomous Steering System for Wireless Charging Electric Vehicles to Minimize Power Degradation
Tạo Sơ đồ Tầng và Nhãn Phòng cho Không gian Nội thất Tòa nhà từ Dữ liệu Đo khoảng cách bằng Laser
[ "An efficient fastSLAM algorithm for generating maps of large-scale cyclic environments from raw laser range measurements", "Bayesian Map Learning in Dynamic Environments", "Watertight surface reconstruction of caves from 3D laser data", "Toward Automated Modeling of Floor Plans", "Highly Automatic Approach to Architectural Floorplan Image Understanding & Model Generation" ]
[ "Learning from Multiple Teacher Networks", "Learning to Probabilistically Identify Authoritative Documents", "Social computing for image matching", "AcuBot: a robot for radiological interventions", "An efficient algorithm for the \"optimal\" stable marriage", "Actively Transfer Domain Knowledge", "Learning to Learn for Global Optimization of Black Box Functions", "CHAPTER 19 Meditation and the Neuroscience of Consciousness : An Introduction", "Name disambiguation in author citations using a K-way spectral clustering method", "Comparative Analysis of Discontinuous and Continuous PWM Techniques in VSI-Fed Five-Phase Induction Motor", "Diverse Concept-Level Features for Multi-Object Classification", "A survey of skin-color modeling and detection methods", "Pushing the frontiers of unconstrained face detection and recognition: IARPA Janus Benchmark A", "Entity Linking: An Issue to Extract Corresponding Entity With Knowledge Base", "Continuum Arm Robotic Manipulator : A Review", "Information Fusion in the Immune System", "Effective Design Parameters on the End Effect in Single-Sided Linear Induction Motors", "Photonic ADC: overcoming the bottleneck of electronic jitter.", "Intrinsic Statistics on Riemannian Manifolds: Basic Tools for Geometric Measurements", "Adaptive Kalman Filtering for GPS-based Mobile Robot Localization", "ParamILS: An Automatic Algorithm Configuration Framework", "Ability and skill graphs for system modeling, online monitoring, and decision support for vehicle guidance systems", "L G ] 5 J ul 2 01 7 Label Organized Memory Augmented Neural Networks", "Methods for gait event detection and analysis in ambulatory systems.", "Distinguishing Opinion from News" ]
Multistory Floor Plan Generation and Room Labeling of Building Interiors from Laser Range Data
Xác thực danh tính bằng đặc trưng mạch máu lòng bàn tay sử dụng Local Binary Pattern Rotation Invariant
[ "Palm vein recognition with Local Binary Patterns and Local Derivative Patterns", "Face Description with Local Binary Patterns: Application to Face Recognition", "An introduction to biometric recognition", "Multiresolution Gray-Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns", "Decision Combination in Multiple Classifier Systems" ]
[ "Design and fabrication of human skin by three-dimensional bioprinting.", "Many-objective optimization algorithm applied to history matching", "Inferring new indications for approved drugs via random walk on drug-disease heterogenous networks", "Design of RKE System Based on KEELOQ Encryption Technology", "On Ranking and Choice Models", "Hierarchical Deep Multiagent Reinforcement Learning", "Bladder Cancer Treatment Response Assessment in CT using Radiomics with Deep-Learning", "PiCANet: Learning Pixel-wise Contextual Attention in ConvNets and Its Application in Saliency Detection", "Non-distributional Word Vector Representations", "Solving University Scheduling Problem with a Memetic Algorithm", "Max-pooling convolutional neural networks for vision-based hand gesture recognition", "Query-Dependent Contextualization of Streaming Data", "Periosteal ganglion: a report of three new cases including MRI findings and a review of the literature", "GIS-Based Planning and Modeling for Renewable Energy: Challenges and Future Research Avenues", "Modeling and Predicting User Actions in Recommender Systems", "Implementation matters: a review of research on the influence of implementation on program outcomes and the factors affecting implementation.", "Facial Artery Musculomucosal (FAMM) flap for nasal lining in reconstruction of large full thickness lateral nasal defects", "Distributed GraphLab : A Framework for Machine Learning and Data Mining in the Cloud", "On-Demand Deployment of Multiple Aerial Base Stations for Traffic Offloading and Network Recovery", "A topology for three-stage Solid State Transformer", "Event Detection with Hybrid Neural Architecture", "An RNN-Based Quantized F0 Model with Multi-Tier Feedback Links for Text-to-Speech Synthesis", "Self Paced Deep Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection", "The feeling of effort during mental activity", "Desh: deep learning for system health prediction of lead times to failure in HPC" ]
Identity recognition with palm vein feature using local binary pattern rotation Invariant
Mô hình tái sử dụng toàn diện cho các sản phẩm phần mềm thương mại
[ "Architectural Mismatch or Why it's hard to build systems out of existing parts", "Architectural Issues in Software Reuse: It's Not Just the Functionality, It's the Packaging", "Software Engineering Economics", "COTS Integration: Plug and Pray?", "COCOTS : a COTS software integration cost model-model overview and preliminary data findings" ]
[ "The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS): integrating biomedical terminology", "Dynamic Mortality Risk Predictions in Pediatric Critical Care Using Recurrent Neural Networks", "Using K Nearest Neighbors for text segmentation with feature similarity", "DNA methylation analysis by pyrosequencing", "Virtual synchronous machines — Classification of implementations and analysis of equivalence to droop controllers for microgrids", "Semantic segmentation of microscopic images of H&E stained prostatic tissue using CNN", "Secure and Usable User-in-a-Context Continuous Authentication in Smartphones Leveraging Non-Assisted Sensors", "Energy-Brushes: Interactive Tools for Illustrating Stylized Elemental Dynamics", "DFT Interpolation Algorithm for Kaiser–Bessel and Dolph–Chebyshev Windows", "Air-swipe gesture recognition using OpenCV in Android devices", "Blind Image Denoising via Dependent Dirichlet Process Tree", "Network Forensic Investigation of HTTPS Protocol", "Compact slow-wave millimeter-wave bandpass filter (BPF) using open-loop resonator", "A Printed, Broadband Luneburg Lens Antenna", "Frozen Suit: Designing a Changeable Stiffness Suit and its Application to Haptic Games", "The Parasocial Contact Hypothesis", "Computationally efficient leakage inductance calculation for a high-frequency core-type transformer", "Kinect Identity: Technology and Experience", "Cure of chronic prostatitis presumably due to Enterococcus spp and gram-negative bacteria", "Deep Multimodal Fusion: A Hybrid Approach", "The effects of cosmetics on person perception.", "Describing Videos using Multi-modal Fusion", "Transcranial direct current stimulation: State of the art 2008", "SemEval-2015 Task 1: Paraphrase and Semantic Similarity in Twitter (PIT)", "Facial Rejuvenation With Fine-Barbed Threads: The Simple Miz Lift" ]
A comprehensive reuse model for cots software products