jimmy kimmel stop laugh bill maher repeatedly mock gop.during appearance jimmy kimmel live tuesday night real time host bill maher make appearance talk new hampshire primary would choice vote one republican candidate field kill maher simply stated.maher explain unite state would horrible place live republican control especially women near abortion clinic london said.then maher get chance talk candidates like ted cruz top list ted cruz always bad maher say smart evil ones true dummy like rubio know talk say word ted cruz diabolical smart really hate true cynic smart know say dummy base believe maher even give example cruz tell dummy base fan classic rock prior 9/11 say lean toward country music tower fell perfect example cruz pander stupid rednecks dominate conservative base video via youtube.maher also reiterate support bernie sanders urge democrats vote hillary clinton become nominee could send republican white house would doom nation least four years hell gop pass every policy ever desire force upon us feature image video screen capture bill maher hilariously hammer evil ted cruz jimmy kimmel live video
massive crowd protesters show pitchfork torch must really do number professional hillary clinton witch hunter chairman house oversight committee refuse allow lie particularly memorable moment 9-year-old girl bravely stand science-and-reality-denying utah congressman ask protect air water generation kid generation believe science ask utah congressman chaffetz get totally own 10 year old girl 's sick burn science refuse answer question crowd go wild aaron stewart-ahn somebadideas february 10 2017chaffetz make show smile shake little girl hand crowd roar favor offer patronize answer actually address question.while nice face behind back chaffetz say little girl others assemble demand investigate donald trump fervor investigate clinton pay protester could see online couple days concert effort part cause chaos chaffetz say friday democrats disbelief nothing flail scream deal scary 9-year-old girl 1,000 others show say nothing act pay attempt bully intimidate people ask use power congress full-on fish expedition investigate personally things require law think would abuse power chaffetz say add never satisfy desire bring donald trump protesters think would get chaffetz would even consider job regard trump answer intention ever lift finger right thing.we need pay protesters like little girl reason scar live hell big bad congressman utah.featured image via screengrab chaffetz call 9-year-old girl own town hall pay protester vow never investigate trump video
another story make sub-standard movie win sub-standard prizes.moving 2017 time worry slight black actors directors year trash trump time regardless facts like uh fact obama dhs actually create list muslim majority countries trump use temporary ban duvernay show wear dress claim make majority muslim country progressive small sign solidarity choose wear gown designer majority muslim country thank ashistudio lebanon oscars ava duvernay ava february 27 2017here response twitter go attempt represent women really look muslim majority nations happy provide actual picture two moms teenage daughters want see girls grow sharia-free zone academy pretend something glamorous woman majority muslim nation might want consider promote photos women fashion majority muslim nations fun next time go wear dress represent muslim women majority muslim nations maybe remember burka want catch dead without one yemen something like hollywood director try make political statement wear dress majority muslim nation oscars…so suggest sharia compliant gown
ohio fireman franklin township suspend facebook post contain racist remark tyler roysdon use social media account say emergency would rather save dog gger roysdon volunteer fireman receive payment emergency run take part accord whio.and social media post easy google potential employers might hard time get job.roysdon write facebook choose save dog african-american man burn build would save dog life one dog important million ggers roysdon learn valuable lesson write something social media people read facebook post delete fire chief steve bishop instruct point roysdon case review recently franklin township volunteer firefighter post unacceptable remark social media upon gain knowledge information fire chief steve bishop immediately contact firefighter direct comment remove statement read firefighter suspend without pay board township trustees could meet determine course action chief bishop authority terminate employees termination township employee require vote board trustees watch roysdon post go well accord responses one read wow say another commenter write smh fireman facebook page look like ted nugent take sh it.apparently roysdon like go mud shoot fish start collect coupons since low income bracket life hard.images via facebook ohio fireman suspend indefinitely extremely racist facebook post video
lima indigenous villagers end 43-day protest halt production peru large oil block sign deal government tribal leaders officials say tuesday part agreement government president pedro pablo kuczynski promise apply indigenous right law award new long-term oil drill contract block 192 chief demand protesters energy mine ministry say statement canadian frontera energy corp operate block 192 two-year contract produce oil since achuar quechua kichwa indigenous tribes seize oil well sept. 18. protesters want government clean oil pollution region commit include tribes talk long-term oil drill plan blockade one score conflict sometimes disrupt mine energy operations peru world second big copper producer relatively small oil producer talk government frontera long-term drill contract end deal state-owned oil company petroperu announce early month aurelio chino chieftain pastaza river basin tell reuters protesters long occupy company installations statement leaders 16 villages take part protest say protest would end government also promise villagers would start implementation emergency healthcare program next 10 days would form commission direct environmental clean-ups block 192 ministry say frontera summon take part dialogue sessions villagers discuss need add frontera say protest material impact company tribal blockade peru 's oil block lift government deal
washington bipartisan trio u.s. senators say tuesday plan introduce legislation remove regulatory roadblocks introduction self-driving cars include sort conflict state federal rule republican senator john thune chair commerce committee bill nelson top democrat panel senator gary peters michigan democrat say joint statement exist federal vehicle regulations write recent decades account self-driving cars without human driver behind wheel thune say senators hop reach agreement base prioritize safety fix outdated rule clarify role federal state governments federal auto regulations pose significant legal hurdle must clear fully self-driving cars sell without steer wheel gas pedal government report say last year senate commerce committee hold hear self-driving cars wednesday mitch bainwol head alliance automobile manufacturers auto trade group tell panel congress work eliminate state local laws could unduly burden restrict use self-driving vehicles future senators join broad movement washington respond call detroit silicon valley federal action set rule self-driving cars rather allow state california write potentially conflict rule chairman house energy commerce committee tell reuters last week plan unveil package legislation overhaul federal rule govern self-driving vehicles company alphabet inc general motor co volkswagen ag pursue automate technologies want unify federal regulations replace outdated rule make simple develop eventually sell technology across country april automakers technology company urge california make change propose state regulations govern autonomous vehicles many oppose california plan require state permit deploy autonomous vehicles must meet performance design criteria u.s. transportation department say last week would unveil revise self-driving guidelines within next months respond automakers call regulations sanction costly efforts put autonomous vehicles road vehicle crash annually kill 35,000 people u.s. roads injure 2.4 million economic cost vehicle crash least 240 billion annually government say senators unveil road map self-driving car legislation
rabid trump-hating anti-gun comedian so-called author michael ian black take twitter answer question children change comedy answer american would expect comedian consume hate president trump followers respond inspire baby rape joke michael ian black tweet read actual tweet question keep get interview whether kid change comedy yes inspire baby rape joke michael ian black michaelianblack october 2011it first time black make joke molest kid subway spokesman jar fogel convict possess child pornography cross state line sex children black respond tweet fogel say jokingly use molest kid together black also believe nra terrorist group light house pass today gun bill friendly reminder nra terrorist organization michael ian black michaelianblack december 2017black author disgust anti-trump book call child first book trump want check review michael ian black book find purchase amazon barnes noble website barnes noble overview black book website overviewa child first book trump michael ian black marc rosenthal new york time bestseller spot wild trump election season new york time bestselling author comedian michael ian black sage advice children rest us scratch head disbelief perfectly timely parody picture book intend adults would hysterical true.the beasty call american trump skin bright orange figure plump fur complex might get envelop hand though sadly underdeveloped.the trump curious creature often spot wild confound young citizens business mogul reality tv host political candidate kid let honest many adults might difficulty discern thing dominate news coverage election cycle could actually real word come mouth hand tiny perhaps importantly earth encounter american trump signature wit classic picture book style comedian michael ian black introduce unfamiliar americus trumpus distinguish feature mystify campaign world domination sorry president unite states.michael ian black schedule appear boston laugh house nov. 11th contact laugh house number let know feel support black venue 617 725-2844black also find act entire cast rabid trump-hating liberal actors netflix movie wet hot american summer ten years late previously wet hot american summer trump-hating anti-gun comedian author child first book trump credit kid inspire baby rape joke
republican lawmakers come ridiculous things push agendas take women reproductive right manner reason abortion illegal misogynistic religious moral reason way misogynistic outright bizarre ones lawmaker wisconsin toss misogynistic outright bizarre corner ridiculous offensive idea labor force shortages tie population decline labor force shortages limit factor economic growth limit economic growth pose problem government try pay public service infrastructure spite mr. speaker ironically democrats continue effort support abortion industry yes really essentially say women force give birth even children care ensure strong labor force thus strong economy.holy hell right guy oklahoma say hormonal contraception litter women uteruses tiny dead baby people come bullshit manage make sound completely reasonable watch guy try sound reasonable wow wi rep. scott allen think women force procreate sake labor market.women people incubators. naral naral november 2017featured image via video screen capture gop lawmaker link abortion economy one bizarre horribly offensive rant video
sydney australians vote overwhelmingly same-sex marriage pave way legislation end 2017 spark rainbow celebrations wednesday people wear wed dress sequined suit declare love real australia become 26th nation formalize unions legislation pass parliament expect despite vocal opposition within government conservative right wing thousands people sydney park break loud cheer hug cry australia chief statistician reveal live big screen 61.6 percent voters survey favor marriage equality 38.4 percent australian olympic swimmer ian thorpe come gay three years ago say result huge relief mean way feel another person whoever may equal thorpe tell reporters sydney celebrations voluntary poll non-binding prime minister malcolm turnbull immediately say would fulfill pledge raise bill parliament aim pass laws christmas turnbull play concern split coalition government policy conservative faction press amendments protect religious freedoms discriminate same-sex couple unequivocal overwhelm speak millions vote overwhelmingly yes marriage equality turnbull tell reporters canberra survey result announce vote yes fairness yes commitment yes love marriage equality bill introduce parliament late wednesday result mark watershed moment gay right australia illegal state engage homosexual activity 1997. day way go australia tweet u.s. tv host ellen degeneres marry australian actress portia de rossi unite state almost 80 percent eligible voters take part survey high turnout britain brexit vote ireland same-sex marriage referendum mark barry 59 wipe away tear take result partner 35 years gerrard boller know celebrant go happy barry tell reuters irish-born qantas airways chief executive alan joyce one openly gay business leaders australia tell sydney crowd many shelter sun rainbow umbrellas result amaze outcome urge turnbull move quickly legislation turnbull pressure amid citizenship crisis cost deputy government majority parliament political analysts say resound yes vote present first opportunity months exert decisive control nick economou political scientist monash university say turnbull feel embolden result sort thing look show assertive leadership campaign seek leverage powerful religious organizations survey campaign criticize yes camp divisive aggressive catholic archbishop sydney anthony fisher say deeply disappoint likely result legislation deconstruct marriage family australia strength yes vote conservatives drop plan compete bill would allow private businesses refuse service like wed cake same-sex weddings object religious ground rainbow celebrations australians vote same-sex marriage
berlin germany concern violent clash could erupt middle east follow report u.s. president donald trump would recognise jerusalem israel capital foreign ministry say wednesday france foreign ministry also warn website demonstrations expect nationals avoid large crowd east jerusalem west bank gaza update travel advice israel palestinian territories german ministry berlin say december 2017 may demonstrations jerusalem west bank gaza strip violent clash rule advise travellers jerusalem closely monitor situation via local media avoid affect areas senior u.s. officials say tuesday trump recognise jerusalem israel capital wednesday set motion relocation u.s. embassy city germany france warn citizens jerusalem amid plan u.s. recognition
question obama protect stand yes woman attorney general loretta lynch provide cover hillary allow emerge successor corrupt two term office money obama protect attorney general loretta lynch valerie jarrett anything former u.s. attorney predict watergate-style showdown department justice attorney general loretta lynch overrule potential fbi recommendation indict democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton fbi much information criminal conduct staff way walk away joseph digenova formerly district columbia u.s. attorney tell laura ingraham tuesday radio interview go make recommendation people charge loretta lynch go decision lifetime believe evidence fbi compile compel unless lynch agree charge massive revolt inside fbi able survive attorney general like watergate unbelievable digenova refer watergate scandal saturday night massacre oct. 20 1973 president richard nixon sack special prosecutor archibald cox attorney general elliot richardson deputy attorney general william ruckelshaus resign protest via daily caller hillary indict
maybe finally hear mosque bloomington minnesota bomb early saturday morning maybe seem confuse report nobody call actually act terrorism aim church fact hard-pressed find anyone even call hate crime despite fact clearly everything incident add exactly america would call terrorist attack commit muslims instead new york time report detail include fact congregants begin gather morning prayers fact bomb throw imam pastor room fact one worshiper run outside sound explosion time see truck speed park lot everything might need terrorist attack maximum presence specific target flee suspect.when news hit wire carry improvise explosive device ied parlance middle east war think would draw response president unite state terrorist attack church use weapon might find desert iraq condemnation every republican washington right much.apparently terrorist bomb minnesota today take one guess trump say nothing https // mark follman markfollman august 2017did miss trump 's statement concern victims bomb members mosque care https // marty parrish marty_parrish august 2017someone bomb mosque minnesota recently probably n't hear mainstream media like demonize muslims brown saraah brown_saraah august 2017it take sunday someone finally call terrorist attack minnesota democratic governor mark dayton use appropriate language visit dar al farooq mosque cadre public officials devastate sight terrible dastardly cowardly act commit criminal act terrorism.but muslims across country surely know trump silence issue quite purposeful make clear aim since even secure republican nomination curtail muslim entry us marginalize monitor though presence terrorism every attack inside us perpetrate muslim whether relate religion hate crimes simply random immediately brand terrorism crimes never look light.we must support muslim brothers sisters across country never allow marginalize way trump fellow republicans want hold terrorist responsible attack account would demand muslim attacker good trump fan across country doubt secretly glad happened.featured image via spencer platt/getty image take democratic governor finally call mosque bomb terrorism
new york election analysis conduct reuters/ipsos state nation project show race tighten considerably past weeks republican presidential nominee donald trump project win florida essential battleground state election hold today project base weekly track poll 15,000 americans show 2016 presidential race could end photo finish nov. major-party candidates run nearly even electoral college body ultimately select president state nation project deliver weekly tally support candidates every state show race tighten several traditional battlegrounds pennsylvania move likely win democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton tossup ohio move tossup likely win clinton florida consider likely win republican nominee 50 percent support trump 46 percent support clinton election hold today project estimate clinton 60 percent chance win 18 electoral vote last week project estimate clinton 83 percent chance win election separate national reuters/ipsos track poll clinton continue lead trump percentage point recent bout pneumonia appear scar away supporters national sept. 9-15 track poll show 42 percent likely voters support clinton 38 percent back trump clinton mostly lead trump poll since democratic republican national conventions end july regain advantage week lead briefly fade late august clinton advantage among minorities women people make 75,000 year moderate political lean trump advantage white men avid churchgoers people near retirement age overall americans appear relatively uninspired choices president less eight weeks go election one every five likely voters say support clinton trump president comparison one every 10 likely voters support obama republican challenger mitt romney similar point 2012 presidential campaign respondents take survey video surface clinton nearly collapse sept. 11 memorial new york sunday campaign late say non-contagious bacterial form pneumonia video spark renew discussion health candidates trump 70 would old president take office clinton 68 would second old clinton trump candidates since release detail personal health clinton doctor say physical exam normal apart pneumonia excellent mental condition trump release note doctor say excellent physical health americans appear overly concern health either candidate accord separate question poll conduct week american adults say issue would make difference vote negligible percentage clinton supporters say concern health make less likely vote clinton lead candidates four-way poll likely voters include gary johnson libertarian party jill stein green party seven percent respondents support johnson percent back stein reuters/ipsos poll conduct online english 50 state late horserace poll survey 1,579 likely voters past week question candidates health survey 1,179 american adults sept. 12-16. poll credibility interval measure accuracy percentage point national poll produce vary measurements support 2016 campaign clinton trump differences partly due fact poll like reuters/ipsos try include likely voters others include register voters reuters/ipsos track poll gather responses every day report result twice week often detect trend sentiment poll poll aggregators calculate average major poll show clinton lead trump shrink month recent individual poll put clinton advantage percentage point race tighten project u.s. electoral college vote reuters/ipsos
erbil iraq security force retake border cross syria islamic state militants friday accord iran-backed shi ite militias take part offensive road run al-qaim iraq albu-kamal syria recapture iraqi force enter al-qaim friday one last remain towns country still hold militants iraqi force retake border cross syria islamic state shi'ite militias say
lot people unite state simply understand mean religious liberty religious freedom freedom discriminatory others base upon faith freedom worship like time first amendment clear intent separation church state establishment clause national religion religious test faith required.however still like skew constitution like also bible favor folks like senator ted cruz pick choose laws suit fancy bible verse want hold near dear hearts throw people face want bigoted jerks.when come religious liberty state georgia state legislature pass bill would allow businesses refuse serve hire base upon sexual orientation however notice law bigoted would also harmful state economy many businesses threaten leave georgia governor nathan deal make smart choice veto bill.governor deal exactly right say think discriminate anyone protect faith-based community georgia senator ted cruz use skew bias point view base upon understand things say regard veto think disappoint see governor deal georgia side leftist activists side religious liberty long ago religious liberty enjoy bipartisan support modern democratic party determine religious faith inconsistent political objectives think shameful people use suppose faith point view political objectives people like ted cruz legalize discrimination become less discriminatory call religious liberty still unconstitutional still wildly un-american.if cruz want call follow constitution abide 1st 14th amendment leftist activists well guess framers constitution also leftist activists then.ted cruz angry georgia 's governor veto anti-gay bill https // nowthis nowthisnews march 28 2016featured photo scott olson/getty image ted cruz religious liberty exactly wrong response georgia veto cringeworthy
21st century wire say amid great mainstream media democratic party fanfare hillary clinton candidacy base claim experience candidate history highlight foreign policy record particular would clinton foreign policy really look like episode 158 sunday wire host patrick henningsen speak special guest professor michel chossudovsky founder editor hillary hawk clinton presidency look like term us-backed war around globe well washington current fetish sustainable nuclear conflicts.listen excellent discussion soundcloud url= https // params= auto_play=false hide_related=false show_comments=true show_user=true show_reposts=false visual=true width= 100 height= 450 iframe= true see michel recent book globalization war america long war humanity read election news 21st century wire 2016 filessupport 21wire subscribe become member prof michel chossudovsky discuss hillary clinton foreign policy emerge nuclear risk
happen oregon mean act patriotism duty citizens happen oregon temper tantrum nothing short treason seditious behavior quite illegal unite state constitution explicitly state well regulate militia use insurrections allowance horrific article section constitution state provide call forth militia execute laws union suppress insurrections repel invasions provide organize arm discipline militia govern part may employ service unite state reserve state respectively appointment officer authority train militia accord discipline prescribe congress founder use civilian militias one overthrow government citizens felt wrong protect union insurrectionists threat make sure militias well regulate arm case insurrection invasion maintain law land thing call second amendment well regulate militia necessary security free state right people keep bear arm shall infringe see everything piece together cherry pick part constitution want make sure every dimwitted tom dick sally arm teeth purpose militias protect newly form government dissent patriotic sedition like government run glorious thing unite state call democracy able vote write laws.what happen oregon definition exactly treason could also consider seditious conspiracy two persons state territory place subject jurisdiction unite state conspire overthrow put destroy force government unite state levy war oppose force authority thereof force prevent hind delay execution law unite state force seize take possess property unite state contrary authority thereof shall fin title imprison twenty years patriots need lock good long time.if still question intent found father effort thwart insurrection please take note whiskey rebellion much unlike happen oregon piss farmers government impose excise tax distil spirit farmers decide rebel well president george washington call forth use militia stop insurrection refusal follow law fact transcript proclamation september 25 1794 whereas hope combinations constitution laws unite state certain western counties pennsylvania would yield time reflection think sufficient first instance rather take measure call forth militia immediately embody moment come overtures forgiveness condition submission law partially accept every form conciliation inconsistent government adopt without effect well-disposed counties unable influence example reclaim wicked fury compel associate defence proffer lenity perversely misinterpret apprehension citizens march reluctance opportunity examine serious consequences treasonable opposition employ propagate principles anarchy endeavor emissaries alienate friends order support invite enemies perpetrate similar act insurrection manifest violence would continue exercise upon every attempt enforce laws therefore government set defiance contest whether small proportion unite state shall dictate whole union expense desire peace indulge desperate ambition therefore george washington president unite state obedience high irresistible duty consign constitution take care laws faithfully execute deplore american name sully outrage citizens government commiserate remain obstinate delusion resolve perfect reliance gracious providence signally display goodness towards country reduce refractory due subordination laws hereby declare make know satisfaction equal merit militia summon service state new jersey pennsylvania maryland virginia receive intelligence patriotic alacrity obey call present though painful yet command necessity force accord every reasonable expectation adequate exigency already motion scene disaffection confide shall confide protection government shall meet full succor standard arm unite state offend laws since entitle indemnity treat liberal good faith shall forfeit claim subsequent conduct instructions give accordingly.and moreover exhort individuals officer body men contemplate abhorrence measure lead directly indirectly crimes produce resort military coercion check respective spheres efforts misguide design men substitute misrepresentation place truth discontent place stable government call mind people unite state permit divine favor perfect freedom solemn deliberation enlighten age elect government gratitude inestimable bless best distinguish firm exertions maintain constitution laws.and lastly warn persons whomsoever whersoever abet aid comfort insurgents aforesaid answer contrary peril also require officer citizens accord several duties far may power bring cognizance law offenders premise thing mic drop day would hit floor strength thunderous boom.honestly washington word could say today regard thousands arm wannabe patriots take arm nation wrongful insurrection men oregon need stop need arrest sort behavior way condone allow go everything unite state america.featured image wikimedia commons happen oregon treason founder explicitly write insurrection
pretty safe bet press able reveal bad blood donald second wife even ask whatever happen trump second wife whatever happen trump second wife video
moscow/washington russia defense ministry say tuesday employee attach wrong photos statement accuse unite state provide de-facto air cover islamic state syria mistake spot online ministry say would investigate incident say cause civilian employee say picture use incorrect however u.s. command refusal carry strike convoy isil terrorists retreat albu kamal november objective fact reflect transcripts talk therefore fully know u.s. side interfax news agency quote ministry say tuesday early tuesday ministry post statement facebook page say u.s. air force try hind russian strike islamic state militants accompany satellite photograph say show vehicle convoy islamic state militants leave syrian town albu kamal nov. 2017. least one photograph exactly match frame promotional video ac-130 gunship simulator computer game post online march 2015. reuters unable reach game argentinian develop byte conveyor studios comment ask russian allegations u.s. help islamic state around albu kamal colonel ryan dillon spokesman u.s.-led coalition fight islamic state say russian ministry defense statements accurate air campaign think reason start know come late barrage lie certainly verify see report one picture come video game pretty consistent see come russian mod baseless inaccurate know completely false tell brief pentagon reporters tuesday russia 's defense ministry investigate wrong photos use syria statement
thank sean hannity hit back late woman claim harassment hannity release statement speak show last night video blogger debbie schlussel attempt charge sexual harassment dead sean hannity statement let clear comment radio show week individual 100 false complete fabrication.this individual serial harasser lie well decade individual history make provably false statements effort slander smear besmirch reputation.the individual slander years many people individual disagree with.this individual desperately seek attention mean necessary include make unfounded personal attack use indefensible outrageous political patience individual retain team fine tough lawyers country process lay legal course action take fiercely divide vindictive political climate long allow slander lie go unchallenged see coordinate effort afoot silence conservative view fight every single lie legal mean available american background blogger previous report discussion sexual harassment charge fox news host bill reilly blogger debbie schlussel ask radio host pat cambell 1170 talk radio anyone fox news make feel uncomfortable sexual advance make campbell ask make whole thing schlussel respond well sean hannity bill reilly campbell stop whoa wait wait wait say schuss respond sean hannity bill reilly although listeners get sense whole interview set-up campbell appear shock new sexual harassment allegation make sean hannity ask sean hannity hit make feel uncomfortable schlussel respond yeah go explain so-called experience hannity.after finish story claim hannity ask come back hotel receive horrible treatment executive producer decline offer go claim never book show get weird feel kind stuff uh place fox news anything sean hannity go make infer hannity executive producer jill vitale quit show sean hannity want something give schlussel claim everyone start look above-board story jill vitale response lie schlussel tell radio host pat campbell infer reason vitale leave hannity radio show hannity inappropriate sexual behavior leave kid https // jill vitale flirtyflipper april 23 2017sean hannity use tease vitale liberal show make tweet defend bill reilly interest bill o'reilly 's 's next jill vitale flirtyflipper april 19 2017vitale also advocate reilly tweet nyc top radio talk show hire reilly exactly sound like woman leave sean hannity show victim sexual harassment 'd smart decision 77wabcradio hire https // jill vitale flirtyflipper april 20 2017schussed continue make accusations interview funny friend radio host different city um use work rush limbaugh whenever sean hannity would take jon edwards love child would always call would laugh could love child give stuff hear stuff know schlussel go make another wild claim hannity call pimp roger ail fixer bill reilly debbie schlussel former fox news guest appear local radio show friday recount incident sean hannity purportedly ask hotel rebuff advance claim ostracize network star story since go viral garner headline like sean hannity accuse sexually harass fox news guest publications like daily beast huffington post interview monday morning schlussel deny ever sexually harass sean hannity schlussel stand description incident schlussel tell us believe happen two amount sexual harassment legal definition would never accuse sexual harassment special mean law would never accuse schlussel attorney say schlussel say interaction happen early 2000 hannity detroit tap show try get go back hotel show executive producer bill shine treat horribly say radio program schlussel late clarify hotel room rather hotel tell go show follow incident ban fox news never think sexually harass sean hannity think weird creepy someone like schlussel said.following radio interview friday hannity issue strongly word statement deny schlussel claim say plan take legal action schlussel possible libel let clear comment radio show week individual 100 false complete fabrication hannity say statement obtain individual serial harasser lie well decade individual history make provably false statements effort slander smear besmirch reputation individual slander years many people individual disagree schlussel respond hannity legal threats tell believe laughable also contemplate countersuing base statements sunday call serial harasser defamatory schussel say everything say true truth absolute bar defamation hand murky record truth accuser history make allegations hannity back 2010 schlussel gawker claim time crazy birther blogger write blog post claim freedom alliance war veteran charity support hannity skim donations huge scam accord 2010 letter obtain thomas kilgannon charity founder president fire back note donors blog post accuse friend sean hannity personally benefit freedom alliance false freedom alliance never provide plan hotels cars limos anything else sean sean get nothing freedom alliance except gratitude personal generosity do help troop organization hannity reportedly donate million dollars charity last several years lawznewz boom watch sean hannity hit back bogus sexual harassment allegations long let slander slide video
washington u.s. representative charlie dent seven-term moderate republican pennsylvania frequent critic president donald trump say thursday would seek re-election next year dent 57 say statement make decision midsummer run never plan serve five six two-year term congress lament atmosphere washington say plague disruptive outside influence profit increase polarization ideological rigidity lead dysfunction disorder chaos dent oppose trump fellow republican several high-profile issue include attempt repeal obamacare healthcare law president order temporarily ban travelers six muslim-majority countries easily re-election 2016 face primary challenge next year republican state representative justin simmons conservative brand dent liberal republican congress dent district eastern pennsylvania vote trump november back former democratic president barack obama 2008. dent co-chairs tuesday group moderate republicans outspoken voice call bipartisanship congress version story remove reference obama win district 2012 moderate republican u.s. congressman dent seek re-election
mexico city mexico rule institutional revolutionary party pri say thursday registration pri contenders july 2018 presidential election begin dec. national convention would pick candidate feb. 18. statement pri say national convention would make around 19,100 delegate choose second week december president enrique pena nieto bar law seek second six-year term rule mexico continuously 1929 pri become byword corruption time vote 2000. pena nieto return party power 2012 slew corruption scandals ongoing gang violence anemic growth sap pri credibility past five years party face uphill struggle hang power veteran leftist andres manuel lopez obrador twice runner-up presidency lead early poll 2018. run-up election take place midst fraught discussions mexico unite state canada future north american free trade agreement nafta underpin much region commerce u.s. president donald trump threaten walk away accord rework favor unite state three nations pledge keep talk march mexican rule party pick presidential candidate february 18
jerusalem israel right wing eagerly await donald trump arrival white house hop republican president usher new era support israeli settlement-building land palestinians want state far-right jewish home party along members prime minister benjamin netanyahu likud party promote legislation would effectively annex one large settlement occupy west bank israel another bill would legalize dozens unauthorized outposts could question mark issue netanyahu possibly look curb settlement laws wary dangers far right ambition freely unleash feel way forward new u.s. administration israeli leader spokesman decline comment netanyahu position final weeks obama administration anger israeli government withhold traditional u.s. veto anti-settlement resolution unite nations security council enable measure pass president barack obama wednesday say worry prospect two-state solution israeli-palestinian conflict idea israel palestine live side-by-side peace security wan israeli right wingers contrast obama warn see positive signal trump indicate washington attitude towards settlements west bank east jerusalem areas israel capture 1967 war change trump nominee u.s. ambassador unite nations nikki haley echo condemnation world body treatment israel senate confirmation hear wednesday trump say want meet netanyahu first opportunity pledge move u.s. embassy tel aviv jerusalem remark wednesday obama caution sudden unilateral move could explosive israel regard jerusalem capital world see final status matter peace negotiations freeze since 2014. move embolden israeli right wingers president-elect already appoint new u.s. ambassador israel david friedman consider far right issue include settlement build naftali bennett leader jewish home hop trump administration notion establish palestinian state abandon want promote bill extend israeli sovereignty maale adumim west bank settlement 40,000 israelis lie east jerusalem would effect mean israel annex land occupy almost 50 years either israeli sovereignty palestine bennett tell army radio month question trump israel ask israel present vision money-time form vision professor itamar rabinovich former israeli ambassador unite state believe right wing may get ahead ambition could backfire reality unite state need live us also arab muslim world support extremist measure israel could turn something unite state live rabinovich say bennett ultimately advocate annexation west bank leave major palestinian towns cities palestinian hand first test water annexation bill entitle sovereignty maale adumim first due first discussion ministerial committee sunday two drafters say believe gift people israel deserve run-up trump inauguration bennett fellow party member betzalel smotrich tell parliament tuesday spokesman palestinian president mahmoud abbas say annexation red line israeli decision consider dangerous escalation would end possible hope peace nabil abu rdainah tell reuters late last year separate bill would retroactively legalize settlement outposts build privately-owned palestinian land west bank pass first three vote parliament require make law date set final approval since disappear agenda ask delay source netanyahu office say want freeze outpost bill ask law legislative source say stick committee attempt bring back agenda jan. 20 think pretty much bury point say refer date inauguration legislation draw anger palestinians international condemnation smotrich tell reuters bring second third read february wait end obama age say political source close netanyahu say regard propose maale adumim annexation prime minister may say wish hold meet trump tzachi hanegbi likud minister netanyahu confidant say netanyahu understand step would isolate israel countries regard israeli settlements illegal view israel dispute want shake entire world put israel center contention isolation criticism hanegbi tell army radio hope government let drag jewish home agenda time netanyahu compete jewish home right-wing pro-settlement voters may disagree party approach ignore annexation bill come likud minister support nothing else source say israel 's right wing grand plan trump era
donald trump racist fact dispute support white supremacists professional bigots yet gop elite continue line behind swear racists well msnbc political commentator michael eric dyson enough.during conversation republican strategist alex castellanos dyson unload point trump promote white nationalism conversation regard unite kingdom brexit vote fact sort dangerous xenophobia racism nationalism cause people britain vote pro-brexit see good thing unite kingdom sort nationalism drive trump political success good thing america either transcript exchange via media matter alex castellanos brexit vote vote idea nationhood.michael eric dyson nationalism.castellanos right europe destroy border travel anywhere immigration destroy border economic border greece spend money germany pay back british look say think nation good idea ought one.dyson nationalism answercastellanos course is.dyson say nationalism within americacastellanos nations eu nations afterwards crisis donald trump talk build wall dyson castellanos people hear ought real nation us.dyson donald trump nation represent us keep say want ban muslims want keep immigrants want build wall look rally black people push around say pay legal fee donald trump amplify bad instincts nationalism really white racist supremacist nationalism reek terror american democratic experiment.dyson right trump divisive violent racist rhetoric serve prey people fear ignorance prejudice divide rather unite diversity beautiful thing donald trump way exchange via media matter feature image via video screen capture msnbc pundit trump push white racist supremacist nationalism video
fort meade md u.s. government publicize existence program vacuum bulk americans telephone call data existence leak former contractor edward snowden national security agency deputy director say tuesday richard ledgett retire next month say interview reuters disclose secret program would difficult say might mitigate damage do snowden one might say yes ledgett say office nsa headquarter fort meade maryland one maybe would less shock snowden do ledgett comment echo sentiments former top u.s. officials come u.s. intelligence community step efforts convince congress reauthorize controversial surveillance program program allow intelligence agencies collect vast amount digital communications foreigners live overseas incidentally scoop communications unknown number americans program authorize section 702 foreign intelligence surveillance act expire dec. 31 unless congress take action ledgett say nsa whose mission intercept adversaries communications protect sensitive u.s. government network learn snowden experience open section 702 program say privacy advocate repeatedly demand government share estimate many americans ensnare program authorize section 702. intelligence officials decline ledgett remark early tuesday forum sponsor aspen institute say yes ask estimate would provide year end snowden revelation bulk telephone data program capture information call number time stamp actual content prompt congressional hear court battle 2015 congress pass law replace limit system instal new transparency measure u.s. surveillance activity u.s. officials argue program lawful aim find violent militants adversaries communication ally inside unite state 50-minute interview nsa large campus outside washington ledgett express concern vulnerability u.s. critical infrastructure cyber attack another nation major cyber threat actors worry efforts place capability say take traffic system absolutely take comm unication systems absolutely take gas oil distribution energy distribution systems absolutely ... vulnerable most also give small insight secret cyber battle play globally around-the-clock late 2015 say unclassified u.s. government computer network penetrate another nation nsa call help past adversary realize discover would withdraw like turtle touch pull shell ledgett say happen fight back kind become hand-to-hand combat thing say remove malware would deploy new malware even though know system try get around us decline name attacker computer system involve top nsa official say telephone surveillance disclose
washington president barack obama call afghanistan security situation precarious say wednesday keep u.s. troop level 8,400 end administration rather reduce 5,500 year end previously plan obama statement white house say role u.s. force afghanistan remain unchanged train advise afghan police troop support counterterrorism missions taliban group obama presidency end january obama plan still call reduction u.s. troop level current roughly 9,800 much previously plan obama take office 2009 pledge wind u.s. war iraq afghanistan say end america combat mission afghanistan acknowledge security concern persist security situation afghanistan remain precarious obama say taliban remain threat gain grind place taliban force hold territory afghanistan time since 2001 u.s.-led invasion accord recent unite nations estimate islamic state group also establish small presence afghanistan obama decision come review submit last month u.s. commander afghanistan army general john nicholson draw criticism inside outside administration pentagon officials say nothing address deteriorate security situation afghanistan disappoint administration think troop number substitute comprehensive strategy say u.s. defense official speak condition anonymity neither reduction white house seem want current number seem sufficient deal security problem mac thornberry republican chairman house representatives arm service committee criticize say new cap u.s. troop level time president level american people really take achieve goals afghanistan much cost thornberry say statement obama speak advance nato summit friday saturday warsaw poland alliance members expect confirm support kabul government addition u.s. force 3,000 international troop afghanistan u.s. troop afghanistan since 2001 invasion launch obama predecessor george w. bush topple taliban leaders harbor al qaeda organization responsible sept. 11 attack unite state kill 3,000 people america long war announcement white house obama flank defense secretary ash carter top u.s. military officer general joe dunford chairman joint chiefs staff obama shift say keep 8,400 u.s. troop afghanistan 2017
manila philippines top police chief oversee bloody war drug kill thousands filipinos hint monday possible run presidency ronald dela rosa stocky celebrity-like general nickname bato rock retire 2018 flag political ambition say open run senate speech flag raise ceremony police headquarter dela rosa first time publicly suggest may sight set high political goals wait bato become president quadruple salaries dela rosa tell men deny rumor would leave retire plan salary increase dela rosa among tout national media duterte possible successor 2022 along world box champion senator manny pacquiao son namesake late philippine dictator ferdinand marcos dela rosa act enforcer firebrand leader war drug lead 3,900 people kill 16 months campaign spark outrage abroad domestic poll show crime-weary filipinos largely supportive measure duterte order police month halt activities war drug leave operations drug enforcement agency amid unprecedented scrutiny police conduct police reject allegations activists execute suspect drug users dealers say victims anti-narcotics operations kill arm violently resist arrest philippines police chief hint possible run presidency
prospect president obama family replace white house donald trump family depress think millions americans include comedian chelsea handler.during show netflix week handler lament soon say goodbye current first family see new family move midway debate hit go say goodbye great family planet handler say put image duggar family continue talk assholes handler go donald trump version family value hillary clinton potential first gentleman bill clinton play balloon stage rotten apricot donald trump would rather play daughter balloon handler admit fan children concede sasha malia obama exception look play dog bo cute handler say compare obama girls trump sons eric donald jr. let take look trump boys play animals handler say photo two trump hold cheetah kill appear screen two assholes natural habitat quipped.handler go list president obama accomplishments wish could run third video via youtube handler one slam trump sons use daddy wealth kill animals instead use help protect future generations enjoy.madonna slam early month instgram big pussy kill noble animal sport madonna write ask donald trump jr brother eric feature image screenshot chelsea handler hilariously trash trump sons comparison president obama daughters
back february honor black history month trump attack media course among things trump say watch cnn true mid-july trump say little time watch tv true april trump tell associate press one thing learn never think ability watch cnn anymore trump kick 200th day office seriously seem like 10 years bedminster new jersey golf club unleash series mean-girl tweet trump claim twitter work hard minutes late sen. richard blumenthal d-ct interview cnn new day blumenthal defend special counsel robert mueller investigation trump-russia senblumenthal react crackdown leak `` 'm concern doj weaponize laws `` https // new day newday august 2017 minimize underestimate attack russians blumenthal say purposeful relentless involve propaganda hack vote machine least attempt potential collusion trump campaign obstruction justice investigation must pursue totally watch cnn trump tweet interest watch senator richard blumenthal connecticut talk hoax russian collusion phony vietnam con artist former reality show star stop never u.s. history anyone lie defraud voters like senator richard blumenthal tweet tell stories vietnam battle .conquests brave lie cry like baby beg forgiveness like child judge collusion blumenthal candidate 2010 force admit exaggerate vietnam military record president bone spur refer trump receive deferments avoid serve military one feet hurt something say glass house chip somodevilla/getty image old man vacation angrily live-tweets show never watch
ottawa/winnipeg canadian prime minister justin trudeau take low key approach deal u.s. president donald trump seek avoid clash indirectly signal two leaders differences domestic audience insiders acknowledge cautious strategy could anger progressives whose support help bring trudeau power 2015 say choice hold fire canada send 75 percent export unite state could suffer target trump poke grizzly bear lunch trump get office formulate economic plan say one senior political source trudeau close friendship former president barack obama often refer bromance dude-plomacy canadian prime minister always close tie u.s. presidents still ottawa experience anything like trump insiders say totally unpredictable say another government source although canada regard unite state close ally trudeau yet visit washington see trump visit tentatively schedule week cancel shooter kill six muslims quebec mosque new date set say two people familiar matter michael kergin former canadian ambassador washington say trudeau caution wise play pretty well restrain temptation publicly critical president time delicate balance say kergin senior adviser law firm bennett jones trudeau also right follow british prime minister theresa may rush washington gin special relationship watch trump make unpopular move immigration leave kergin say trump label refugee swap deal australia dumb thursday telephone call prime minister malcolm turnbull washington post report acrimonious turnbull keep spar behind close doors trudeau however take indirect shots trump sign order ban people seven muslim-majority state trudeau tweet canada open flee war chief spokeswoman blast u.s. network fox news tuesday tweet falsely claim quebec gunman moroccan origin say nothing publicly trump spokesman say attack muslims show important suspend immigration muslim nations approach infuriate opposition new democrats call trudeau denounce trump racist immigration policy trudeau team members acknowledge time liberals could lose support 2019 election prime minister deem stand canadian value inclusiveness risk address close time say first ottawa insider survey show liberals healthy narrow advantage near rival pollster nik nanos nanos research say early trudeau aggressive avoid make kind criticism trump thin skin quick lash say canada 's trudeau decide poke u.s. 'grizzly bear
amsterdam international criminal court icc say monday would refer jordan u.n. security council fail arrest sudanese president omar al-bashir visit amman march court issue arrest warrant bashir 2009 2010 allege role war crimes include genocide sudan darfur province jordan member icc oblige carry arrest warrant sudan member hague-based permanent international war crimes court icc therefore automatic jurisdiction investigate allege war crimes however u.n. security council refer case international court march 2005. security council power impose sanction failure cooperate icc far act court referrals diplomatic row break bashir visit south africa 2015 pretoria fail arrest south africa government argue would violation immunity bashir enjoy head state argument reject south african court well icc icc ultimately refer south africa security council however say clear would effect kenya south africa threaten withdraw icc perceive bias african countries burundi icc investigation actually withdraw bashir accuse icc prosecutors five count crimes humanity include murder extermination forcible transfer torture rape well two count war crimes attack civilians pillage face three count genocide allegedly commit fur masalit zaghawa ethnic group darfur sudan 2003 2008. icc report jordan u.n. security council arrest sudan 's bashir
whoever think ask obama terrorists soldier shut highways throw molotov cocktails bricks concrete fireworks innocent human be risk live every day keep cities towns safe would good idea really reconsider much anger distrust americans decades end movement opposite effect protesters hop would police officer likely stop come high crime areas instead allow residents sort dangerous situations movement completely divide country responsible level-headed americans vs. angry citizens illegal alien sign soldier obama race war war law enforcement america nothing good positive come obama know barack care interest americans elect push radical agenda twenty-one officer various minnesota law enforcement agencies injure 102 protestors arrest demonstration i-94 freeway st. paul turn violent saturday night protestors hurl rock bottle fireworks bricks law enforcement officer scene.hundreds demonstrators begin protest governor residence st. paul saturday night police-involved shoot death philander castile early week head onto i-94 freeway around p.m. local fox affiliate kmsp reported.the interstate shut directions five hours protest eventually turn violent demonstrators hurl bricks fireworks least one molotov cocktail officer accord st. paul police department via breitbartlast night morning 21 officer multiple agencies injure i-94 areas city i94closed st. paul police pio sppdpio july 10 2016molotov cocktail throw officer unclear anyone injure i94closed st. paul police pio sppdpio july 10 2016another officer hit head large piece concrete possibly drop bridge i94closed st. paul police pio sppdpio july 10 2016bricks throw officer along rock bottle i94closed st. paul police pio sppdpio july 10 2016an officer hit face bottle throw protester st. paul street i94closed st. paul police pio sppdpio july 10 2016officers arrest 50 people 3rd degree riot last night i-94 i94closed st. paul police pio sppdpio july 10 2016 obama soldier cause 5-hour shut st paul mn interstate…throw molotov cocktails…concrete cop head…injure 21 cop attempt video
norristown pa. former pennsylvania attorney general kathleen kane sentence monday serve 10 23 months county jail leak confidential grand jury information lie investigators kane 50 first woman first democrat ever elect pennsylvania attorney general convict august charge perjury false swear obstruction justice official oppression conspiracy resign two days jury montgomery county court common pleas hand verdict addition judge wendy demchick-alloy sentence kane eight years probation less sentence depreciate seriousness crimes defendant say kane intend appeal conviction face maximum sentence 24 years state prison lawyer marc steinberg available comment hear kane accuse give information grand jury proceed 2013 philadelphia daily news reporter retaliate former state prosecutor frank fina believe tell philadelphia inquirer decision drop prosecution case fina develop six black democratic legislators philadelphia grand juries play important role u.s. criminal justice system decide prosecutor enough evidence bring charge suspect secret deliberations encourage witness speak without fear retaliation protect reputation suspect jury decide recommend charge witness prosecution say kane investigation bring havoc attorney general office today another sad day commonwealth citizens bruce beemer replace kane say statement sentence office attorney general move forward step restore public confidence work way say without specify office plan kane second pennsylvania attorney general past quarter-century convict crimes commit office 1995 attorney general ernie preate plead guilty mail fraud serve prison sentence 25 friends members kane family attend hear show support several include kane son christopher 15 testify character witness behalf frank deandrea former police chief hazleton tell judge send kane prison could amount death sentence drug lord help convict retaliate demchick-alloy say kane assume risk decide commit crimes pennsylvania ex-attorney general get jail time leak case
protester throw water geraldo immediately ready jump person happen pompous watch dnc protesters dump water geraldoriverahttps // fox friends foxandfriends july 27 2016 fox news liberal apologist geraldo rivera get taste liberal hate dnc convention video
jeff daniels channel role acn mcavoy hbo newsroom respond question trump vs hillary problem daniels answer use two embarrassingly incompetent female leaders current time support belief america ready woman hillary video actor jeff daniels mention german chancellor angela merkel germany lose patience open border merkel continue put citizens germany risk allow million mostly male muslim refugees flood nation germany poll publish tuesday show two-thirds germans want merkel run office elections next year also reference brazil female president dilma rousseff success story america look consider elect female president late break story brazil female president brazil once-lauded model leftist government appear come abrupt end thursday lawmakers suspend president dilma rousseff extraordinary repudiation administration workers party rule country 13 years.vice president michel temer quickly assume control latin america large country signal take brazil free-market-friendly direction attempt shore sag economy win skeptical public member centrist pmdb party temer introduce conservative-leaning all-male cabinet thursday swing brazil toward right.hey jeff thank prove fan really act dumb dumb movies anyone think jeff daniels act video watch daniels share view second amendment over-the-top gun-control advocate piers morgan video dumb dumb star bash trump…use bad examples female leaders promote hillary
wednesday new white house communications director anthony scaramucci call new yorker ryan lizza complain tweet send note melania trump attend dinner scaramucci trump sean hannity fox news executive bill shine senior white house official tell melania also dinner tonight trump hannity shine scaramucci ryan lizza ryanlizza july 27 2017 leak scaramucci demand threaten eliminate everyone comms team start ask guy leak anything help complain american citizen major catastrophe american country ask american patriot give sense leak fire say fire one guy day three four people fire tomorrow get person leak reince priebus want leak something ask resign shortly lizza refuse reveal source repeatedly scaramucci seem teensy bite paranoid reince fuck paranoid schizophrenic paranoiac scaramucci say channel view priebus oh bill shine come let leak fuck thing see cock-block people way cock-blocked scaramucci six months things get nut start talk steve bannon penis scaramucci particularly incense politico report financial-disclosure form view illegal act retaliation priebus reporter say thursday morning document publicly available obtain export-import bank scaramucci know time insist priebus leak document act felony call f.b.i department justice tell serious ask swamp defeat say break third person try resist go work do nothing wrong financial disclosures go go fuck scaramucci also tell unlike senior officials interest media attention steve bannon try suck cock say speak trump chief strategist try build brand fuck strength president serve country bannon decline comment minutes late mooch tweet infamous now-deleted leak tweet accuse priebus felony.trump hire best people right right feature image via screengrab anthony scaramucci say weird stuff steve bannon ck
bangkok thai police arrest four members hells angels biker gang accuse drug crimes violence pose threat society tourist police say thursday three australians canadian arrest wednesday pattaya major tourist resort reputation hub foreign gang drug deal sex industry piyapong ensarn pattaya tourist police tell reuters two accuse gang members would deport two others would charge drug offences trace cocaine find say reuters unable contact either accuse lawyers comment pattaya 100 km 60 miles southeast thai capital bangkok police say still look three australians believe members gang british member gang flee country could arrest piyapong say gang make headline 2015 one members murder australian man sentence death february kill thai police arrest hells angels gang members
ted cruz super tuesday victories home state texas neighbor oklahoma strengthen odds republican presidential nomination online bet sit still trail far behind donald trump operate victoria university wellington new zealand predict chance texas senator win nomination nov. election rise 10 percent result super tuesday vote continue tally cruz gain percentage point past two days predict chance stand high level site since tumble record low weak show south carolina primary feb 20. trump roll win least seven state super tuesday outdistance cruz top rival u.s. senator marco rubio florida predictit trump odds win nomination 76 percent early wednesday point monday record high 80 percent rubio score first win nominate contest tuesday minnesota republican caucus drop point 10 percent record low bet volumes trump cruz hit record candidates tuesday rubio volume second high ever online bet venues also give trump new york billionaire businessman strong odds win nomination ireland paddypower put trump 1-to-7 favorite rubio follow 5-1 cruz 12-1. ladbrokes plc say wednesday morning trump odds secure nomination 1-5. rubio come distant second 9-2 follow cruz 25-1. message board associate predictit feature grow discussion possible broke convention occur candidate clear majority delegate start party nominate convention broke u.s. major-party convention since 1952 democrats nominate illinois governor adlai stevenson third ballot bet trump get nomination odds think 30 percent chance gop elite somehow successfully block convention say post forum member username matthewcooley report dan burn washington anjali athavaley new york edit peter cooney bill trott article fund part sap independently create reuters editorial staff sap editorial involvement creation production cruz gain online bet trump still republican favorite
beijing foreign company china welcome rule communist party set cells firm senior official say thursday though executives express concern party grow role operations presence party units long fact business china law require company include foreign firm set party organization many executives long see measure symbolic president xi jinping efforts strengthen party role throughout society reach local operations foreign company executives tell reuters early year concern result demand face party cells foreign firm well-received way help understand chinese policies resolve dispute qi yu deputy head communist party organisation department tell news brief sideline key twice-a-decade party congress beijing senior executives foreign invest company say party organizations help understand timely manner chinese policies resolve salary dispute provide positive energy company development say qi vast majority investors welcome support party organizations activities company say july executives dozen top european company china meet beijing discuss concern grow role party local operations reuters report one senior executive whose company represent meet tell reuters firm political pressure revise term joint venture state-owned partner allow party final say business operations investment decisions executive decline identify give sensitivity matter supervision minister yang xiaodu also deputy party graft-busting central commission discipline inspection say u.s. executive tell best workers party members say hope company communist party members party organizations say yang seat beside qi thursday china say foreign firm welcome benefit internal communist party cells
people believe want believe someone tell solve financial woes simple plan want believe donald trump know take advantage people vulnerable promise way successful simply make wealthy mean time.well guess finally call fraudulent scheme trump university even go court it.also call donald trump scam artist democratic presidential front-runner hillary clinton.hillary go jugular good merit state well today learn another scam so-called trump university new york attorney general sue donald trump fraud employees testify want hear employees testify trump make trump fraudulent scheme donald trump enrich expense hardworking people also add trump employees take advantage vulnerable americans encourage max credit card empty retirement save destroy financial futures make promise know false begin evidence donald trump fraud try scam america way scammed people trump u. conclude important recognize do usually pretty good indicator issue issue see someone unqualified unfit president unite state absolutely unfit president policy experience diplomatic experience experience whatsoever except true scam artist condemn praise need make sure defeat november watch hillary trump fraud.he try scam america way scammed people trump university.https // hillary clinton hillaryclinton june 2016featured photo spencer platt/getty image trump scamming hell america hillary prove minutes video
crazy fast furious gun use paris terror attack one gun use november 13 2015 paris terrorist attack come phoenix arizona obama administration allow criminals buy thousands weapons illegally deadly futile gun-walking operation know fast furious report investigation roi file case agent bureau alcohol tobacco firearms explosives atf track gun use paris attack phoenix gun owner sell illegally book judicial watch law enforcement source confirm federal agents trace firearm also find phoenix gun owner possession unregistered fully automatic weapon accord law enforcement officials firsthand knowledge investigation.the investigative follow paris weapon consist track paper trail use 4473 form document gun ownership history among things use serial number phoenix gun owner weapon trace back find least two federal firearms violations sell one weapon illegally possess unregistered automatic enforcement prosecutorial action take individual instead atf leaders go way keep information radar ensure gun owner identity keep quiet accord law enforcement source involve case agents tell process take fully auto anger seller prevent go public veteran law enforcement official tell judicial judicial watch fast furious paris atf silence phoenix gun owner weapon use paris attack
media continue lie job number know good chart share anyone everyone unambiguously unpleasant april job payrolls report march revision drag month job gain low level since june 2012 fact number americans labor force rise time 93,194k 93,175k result participation rate 69.45 low percentage since 1977 merely catalyze even upside call market continue reflect nothing central bank liquidity thus accelerate deterioration broad zero hedge single chart share tell truth unemployment america
danang vietnam japanese prime minister shinzo abe chinese president xi jinping hail fresh start relationship countries meet saw agree work closely north korea leaders meet sideline asia pacific economic cooperation apec summit vietnamese resort city danang tie china japan world second- third-largest economies plague long-running territorial dispute cluster east china sea islets end meet president xi say meet mark fresh start relations japan china totally feel way abe tell reporters abe say propose visit china appropriate time would follow xi visit japan meet two countries agree deepen cooperation north korea hold trilateral summit south korea early possible date north korea situation important phase role china ought play big abe say china japan also agree accelerate talk early implementation communication mechanism military force abe say also propose japan china cooperate business third countries china statement meet release official xinhua news agency cite xi tell abe stable relations side interest must make unremitting efforts continue improve tie two countries must take constructive step appropriately manage control dispute exist two countries xi add abe hail 'fresh start japan-china tie xi meet
alabama senator jeff sessions donald trump nominee attorney general face senate judiciary committee morning typical republican fashion deny deflect open statements sessions point number issue currently face country lgbt right vote right systemic racism religious freedom.based move speech soft-spoken southern demeanor one know jeff sessions really anti-woman anti-lgbt anti-black anti-immigrant demagogue.take example compare contrast sessions statements vs. facts.statement special priority regard aggressive enforcement laws ensure access ballot every eligible american voter without hindrance discrimination ensure integrity electoral process deeply understand history civil right horrendous impact relentless systemic discrimination denial vote right african-american brothers sisters.fact even though sessions vote reauthorize 2006 reservations senator argue 1996 vote right act engineer political outcome champion repeal section act even senator set special protections southern state combat discriminatory vote practice regulate federal government 2013 supreme court repeal section render section moot decision open floodgates anti-voting laws throughout south especially north carolina sessions cheer call good news south sessions fight fail 1985 sessions prosecute three black men include mlk former aid albert turner charge voter fraud little evidence marion three become know renowned community vote right registration activists acquit jury three hours deliberation sessions admit regret decision admit shoddy approach justice department need shoddy attorney might wrongfully convict black civil right activists.sessions office also drop case regard man lynch kkk members catch eventually try convict session office.sessions everyone know refer naacp un-american say could construe un-american sessions also support discriminatory voter id laws surface attorney general sessions go tackle mount anti-voting laws pass southern state provision hat gutted able divorce decades-long war black activists want freedom vote without sessions put hindrance discrimination statement understand demand justice fairness make lgbt community.facts senator sessions zero rat unite state large gay right advocacy group human right campaign sessions oppose same-sex marriage same-sex adoption right vote hate crimes preventions say legislation would cheapen civil right america oppose repeal ask tell support federal marriage amendment.with regard possibility gay supreme court justice sessions record say would big concern american people might feel might feel uneasy nutshell sessions understand demand justice fairness make lgbt community hear care right dignity respect.statement understand lifelong scar bear women victims assault abuse.facts senator sessions vote reauthorizing violence women act 2013 cite concern issue pertain tribal procedure although issue pertain lgbt women may play role sessions october video surface donald trump brag grab woman genitals sessions ask whether believe brag constitute sexual assault response characterize sexual assault think stretch know clear would occur sessions vote large piece legislation help combat abuse defend prefer candidate become evident sexually assault least one woman lifetime.sessions lie teeth confirmation hear absolutely idea plight women african-americans gays anyone else matter inflate record miscategorized past statements vote would ass-backwards think attorney general years.we let get away revisionist history.featured image via chip somodevilla/getty image jeff sessions lie teeth open statements facts
ouch dear democrats liberals…stop complain election…you ones create us
washington u.s. presidential campaign subject discussion federal reserve policy meet atlanta feed president dennis lockhart say tuesday come meet lockhart tell audience event economic policy washington u.s. presidential campaign discuss feed policy meet official
wikileaks link reference tom perez tom perez wikileakshere one email john podesta perez via wikileaks tomperez1 john.podesta maya date 2016-02-05 03:10 subject observations roadjohn maya nice job two nights row hrc congrats iowa well win win say high turnout would hurt us nonetheless nh sunday nevada monday tuesday hrc think would give observations field 1. super impress field staff meet place really impressive group everywhere.2 dont think add new hampshire bc probably dont need someone else peanut gallery think people surprise able close gap like vote head heart line like comeback establishment stuff also like let guard bite last night town hall format humanize herself.3 wish would talk issue care prism human stories logos ethos pathos meet many people many gut wrench stories grit determination struggle follow success wish pathos real stories behind really sound policy proposals whenever talk aca talk prism real people aca save live stories incredible hrc advocacy say people dont time wait senator sanders complete quest perfect health care system perfect immigration reform bill get alot good nod especially talk kennedy mccain immigration bernie oppose immigrants still suffer consequences inaction.4 spend two days nevada huge huge fan emmy state director whip smart passionate organize know nevada inside twice huge asset michelle one top aid jorge top flight comms guy know nevada well harry reid days best field organizer meet far young man name henry hour las vegas speak remote town 10 tuesday hrc volunteer 50 people incredibly diverse great team.5 think nevada firewall number level important thing want communicate email strong belief hrc travel nevada asap new hampshire think nevada late thursday friday next week.6 nevada opportunity fight back many level first current storyline connect well young voters give nevada far demographically representative america confident hrc well african americans latinos asian americans dont forget sizeable population asian americans nevada include filipinos emmy team good plan attract minority voters well narrative change bernie kick ass among young voters bernie well among young white liberals different story perfect lead south carolina work attract young voters color think nevada real opportunity would strongly urge hrc get within couple days nh.7 nevada great unity density new hampshire iowa also present opportunity spend alot time union folks nevada endorse think vary level enthusiasm spend alot time give passionate pep talk nevada labor big best opportunity thus far send strong message country organize labor remain strong relevant could use additional stroke teachers fine trade great folks todd koch instance seemingly tepid folks president clinton tell come soon hope speak labor close deal.8 go meet jim murren mgm great guy know caucus system really tough shift workers huge ally reach often enough say thank glad saw him.9 major latino publication las vegas endorse next week jorge major street cred good meet adore hrc endorse enthusiasm.10 caucus system screwy challenge shift workers sufficiently significant worry turnout hope hrc get asap anyway want give thoughts let know assistance believe head milwaukee next thursday help debate spin tom perez minutes new dnc chair chosen…wikileaks expose political wrongdoing
donald trump subtle totally clueless unaware world around certainly sensitive definitely tone-deaf pretty much everything take today speak group retire veterans many suffer ptsd town hall talk veterans care terrible suicide rate among vet inferior mental health care within va system clueless draft-dodging egomaniac actually insult everyone ever see combat talk mental health problems people come back war combat see things maybe lot folks room see many time strong handle lot people handle see horror stories see events see movie nobody would believe rich come someone five draft deferments get idea want learn rather tell soldier think ptsd leave soldier succumb ptsd weak internet people livid rightfully quick hit back trump twitter really hurt vet suffer awful condition due entirely send fight war trump even imagine would like fight of.ptsd mean weakness donald trump gaffe veterans ptsd show amateur still https // wendychristensenphd wendyphd october 2016not vote piece shit trump comment veterans ptsd sad somebody kill already hallie ann hallberriiii october 2016donald trump idea veteran ~spyrokid https // share world news worldnewsshare october 2016whether gaffe donald trump arrogance military service appal https // anthony dale anthony_l_dale october 2016trump suggest vet ptsd strong https // draft dodge thug trump continue insult veterans serve bernard radcliff bernardradcliff october 2016the crux trump comment ptsd imply veteran handle ptsd good veterans t. luis fumanlu113 october 2016some strong people ever meet veterans face ptsd head roadtohope michaelberrysho ptsd foundation ptsdusa october 2016 trump man ignorant unprepared hold office also lack compassion humanity https // karinabarrigaalbring kbarrigaalbring october 2016cowardly draft-dodger donald trump insult military veterans ptsd cowardtrump nager retep nagerretep october 2016this sprinkle search twitter term trump veterans find lot vitriol hurl general direction.trump get half-hearted applause room watch insult military begin 48:59 mark feature image via screen capture embed video trump bash soldier ptsd enrage entire internet video
president trump refer canadian prime minister justin trudeau justin canada speech military u.s. naval air station sigonella italy try figure helicopter come may prime minister abe may justin canada great people make lot good friends week comment cause stir twitter tweet sound like refer pop singer justin bieber reporter john roberts fox news others tweet get ta love president trump refer trudeau justin canada video
baghdad iraqi prime minister haider al-abadi order 24-hour suspension military operations kurdish force northern iraq allow peaceful deployment iraqi troop border cross kurdistan region kurdish spokesman early say two side reach agreement friday stop fight break oct. 16 iraqi force seize oil-city kirkuk abadi order offensive kirkuk kurdish-held territory retaliation sept. 25 vote independence referendum organize kurdistan regional government krg drive crush surprise attack 24-hour truce allow joint technical committee ... work deployment federal iraqi force dispute areas include fish-khabur international border abadi say statement prevent bloodshed children country want take control border cross neighbor countries include one fish-khabur area oil export pipeline cross turkey carry iraqi kurdish crude oil krg wednesday propose immediate ceasefire suspension referendum result start open dialogue federal government base iraqi constitution call reject baghdad accord krg base kurdish autonomous region capital erbil ceasefire enter effect a.m. friday 2200 gmt thursday ceasefire hold vahal ali director krg president masoud barzani media office tell reuters u.s. secretary state rex tillerson also urge dialogue start call abadi iraqi central government say statement friday morning u.s.-backed iraqi government force iranian-backed paramilitaries kurdish fighters fight alongside defeat islamic state also call isis alliance falter militants largely defeat country multi-ethnic city kirkuk lie outside krg official boundaries fell iraqi force without much resistance oct. 16 kurdish peshmerga begin fight back withdraw close core kurdish region fall kirkuk consider many kurds heart fatherland major symbolic financial blow kurdish drive independence champion barzani halve region oil export revenue violent clash happen northwestern corner peshmerga fight back offensives toward fish-khabur also south capital erbil leave dozens casualties side speak geneva thursday tillerson say disappoint party unable reach entirely peaceful resolution encourage abadi accept krg overtures talk basis iraqi constitution abadi demand thursday kurds declare referendum void reject krg offer suspend independence push resolve crisis talk accept anything cancellation respect constitution say statement visit tehran spokesman u.s.-led anti islamic state coalition baghdad u.s. colonel ryan dillon tell reuters party talk one another official ceasefire interview kurdish tv rudaw dillon call two side extend deal complete halt hostility refocus efforts defeat isis encourage dialogue try get tensions add iraqi force thursday launch offensive recapture last patch iraqi territory still hand islamic state border area syria abadi express hope group completely defeat iraq end year militant group also hold part syrian side border area control shrink retreat face two set hostile force u.s.-backed kurdish-led coalition syrian government troop foreign shi ite militias back iran russia islamic state self-declared cross-border caliphate effectively collapse july u.s.-backed iraqi force capture mosul group de facto capital iraq gruelling battle last nine months militants syrian stronghold raqqa fell u.s.-backed force early month islamic state leader abu bakr al-baghdadi declare caliphate mosul mid-2014 release audio record sept. 28 indicate alive several report kill urge followers keep fight despite setbacks iraq order truce kurds allow peaceful deployment border cross
trump 100 correct say hillary temperament become president gary byrne author crisis character tell sean hannity unusual position hillary put secret service protect bill hillary violent behavior also spill bean phony front hillary put shock story shock physical abuse reveal former secret service agent say agents face predicament protect bill physical violence hillary video
washington compromise version massive u.s. defense policy bill omit controversial provision clause democrats say allow discrimination homosexuals requirement women register draft 618.7 billion national defense authorization act ndaa likely come vote house representatives late week senate next week senior committee staff members tell reporters background brief tuesday months negotiations republicans democrats senate house arm service committees agree eliminate religious freedom provision democrats say would let federal contractors discriminate workers basis gender sexual orientation amendment introduce republican representative steve russell would override president barack obama 2014 executive order bar federal contractors discriminate lesbian gay bisexual transgender workers 2017 ndaa also leave requirement women register military draft many republican lawmakers uneasy move toward allow women combat object provision instead ndaa require study entire selective service system bill also provide 2.1 percent increase military pay big raise five years bill could run problems democrats include 3.2 billion defense spend obama request match similar increase non-defense spend obama veto last year ndaa similar increase pentagon part continue tug-of-war republicans democrats spend policy ndaa keep language restrict transfer military prison guantanamo bay naval base include previous bill restrictions one reason obama veto 2016 ndaa late sign version legislation include lawmakers also agree slash white house national security council 200 position 400 pentagon complaints nsc involve decision-making ndaa expand program provide visa afghans work u.s. military diplomats interpreters allow 1,500 visa omit protections great sage grouse house republicans want bird declare endanger species argue would put much land western unite state limit military train compromise reach massive u.s. defense bill
throw reputation fbi bus former fbi agents seem surprise rest world jam comey fire president trump fact quite news several former fbi assistant directors broadcast tuesday night discuss former fbi director jam comey fire say recent behavior make move rather predictable.james kallstrom former fbi assistant director say glad happen daily callerfox news sean hannity chime fire fbi director jam comey call national embarrassment former fbi asst director jim comey dance devil …i glad go video
u.s. ambassador zimbabwe instruct employees remain home wednesday due ongoing political uncertainty embassy say statement website amid speculation coup u.s. citizens zimbabwe encourage shelter place notice statement say add embassy would close public wednesday soldier deploy across zimbabwe capital harare seize state broadcaster wednesday 93-year-old president robert mugabe rule zanu-pf party accuse head military treason u.s. embassy zimbabwe tell staff stay home due 'political uncertainty
elton john perform donald trump inauguration claim key adviser champion billionaire first president ever enter white house pro-gay right stance elton john go concert mall inauguration anthony scaramucci member presidential transition team executive committee well vice chair presidential inaugural committee tell bbc hardtalk rocket man singer perform continue show commitment gay right john 69 come gay 1988. glam pop icon marry canadian filmmaker david furnish 2014 gay marriage become legal england .. realdonaldtrump transition team member anthony scaramucci say boss support gay right elton john play inauguration bbc hardtalk bbchardtalk november 22 2016 first american president us history enter white house pro-gay right stance scaramucci claimed.john hope erode stigmas lead unlikely alliances agree perform limbaugh wed 2010 two men bond music form friendship despite limbaugh conservative view send lovely e-mail say john get rush privately get rush publicly two different things try break politico key trump advisor elton john perform inauguration first american president us history enter white house pro-gay right stance
mexico city mexican president enrique pena nieto meet u.s. republican presidential candidate donald trump private meet wednesday pena nieto office say via twitter tuesday mexican presidency say government send invitation trump democratic hopeful hillary clinton talk trump team accept spokesman mexican presidency say meet would mexico detail encounter still work mexico say president pena nieto meet trump wednesday
washington leaders large police union unite state warn president donald trump could endanger public safety follow cut federal grant immigrant sanctuary cities union director tell reuters white house meet move concern fraternal order police one trump big supporters 2016 election campaign u.s. attorney general jeff sessions say monday justice department would restrict grant jurisdictions cooperate federal immigration authorities sanctuary cities san francisco new york refuse cooperate sometimes notify department homeland security agents illegal immigrants release incarceration dozens local governments cities join sanctuary movement aim protect immigrants trump vow crack illegal immigration general cities offer safe harbor often use municipal fund resources advance enforcement federal immigration laws trump meet tuesday police union leaders sessions meet along vice president mike pence say jim pasco executive director union justice department plan restrict sanctuary cities use grant department office justice program community orient police service send grant money local state police departments pasco say union support policies sanctuary cities executives concern cut fund could hurt police departments areas trump tell group policy sanctuary cities work progress would work union make sure public safety would affect pasco say trump reassurances clash sessions announcement say department justice require jurisdictions seek apply department grant certify compliance federal immigration law condition receive award trump sign executive order jan. 25 seek crackdown sanctuary cities order exclude restrictions fund deem necessary law enforcement purpose justice department spokesman decline comment ask discrepancy executive order sessions announcement spokesman also decline comment pasco account meet white house respond request comment pasco say meet sessions last month tell union would oppose move restrict federal fund police police union warn trump 'sanctuary city cut could risk safety
brighton england britain opposition labour party set plan monday nationalize billions pound privately-funded infrastructure contract cap credit card interest charge get extra cash large corporations say would offer shareholder compensation contract nationalization june election labour find support expect among voters seek change seven-years conservative-led government come second although election due 2022 prepare theresa may conservative minority government fall much sooner socialist leader jeremy corbyn parliamentary veteran would-be finance minister john mcdonnell labour shift centrist pro-business platform former prime minister tony blair interventionist left-wing pitch mcdonnell use speech party annual conference english seaside resort brighton call state-controlled economy promise bring so-called private finance initiative contract public control contract use decades fund public infrastructure project use private capital long attract criticism inflate cost channel public money shareholders successive governments attempt reform process put end scandal reduce cost taxpayers ... bring exist pfi contract back in-house mcdonnell say 2015 parliamentary report say government owe 222 billion pound charge pfi contract spread across several decades labour say shareholders would compensate form government bond level determine contract bring back public control give estimate cost policy mcdonnell also repeat pledge labour popular 2017 election manifesto nationalize industries like rail water business critical approach shadow chancellor vision massive state intervention wrong plan wrong time raise warn flag british economy critical time country future say carolyn fairbairn director-general cbi business lobby group labour struggle recent years overcome perception blame effect 2007/8 financial crisis lead recession costly bank bailouts sharp rise national debt mcdonnell criticize conservatives economic track record since take power labour 2010 say responsible slow wage growth force consumers debt risk another economic crisis say labour want financial regulator impose cap amount interest payable credit card debt help catch persistent debt mean no-one ever pay interest original loan mcdonnell say tories refuse act announce today next labour government amend law financial conduct authority april propose set less-radical measure encourage company reduce number customers persistent debt finance industry trade body say fca reject idea outright cap interest charge government say labour proposals go far would hurt economy mcdonnell list generally foment overthrow capitalism among interest directory influential people also take aim wealthy bankers large corporations say labour would fund plan high public spend things like health education large-scale infrastructure investment program clamp tax evasion make big firm pay tax pay public service close tax loopholes tax avoidance scam use mega rich say criticize bank system pump property price fuel rentier economy pledge instead make sure bank invest high value high productivity businesses reconnect financial sector economy research development production transform financial system say uk 's labour pledge infrastructure nationalization credit card cap
david kerans strategic cultureboth inside us around world political observers wait long time election would promise relief noxious feature american system alas high time us lead way reverse trend outcome 18 month struggle elect new administration look likely scuttle hop serious leadership reform look forward market crash awaken electorate rut honestly loony tune candidate mean donald trump dk give democrats courage put push-left candidate bernie sanders facsimile dk catastrophe correction leave commenter snapshotist inside us around world political observers wait long time election would promise relief noxious feature american system neoliberal economic austerity policies hamstring governments ability maintain basic service safety net military aggression destabilization regimes across wide swathe globe wholesale violation privacy via nsa surveillance trade agreements design maximize power international corporations national governments facilitation fossil fuel extraction infrastructure face dire climate change consequences financial system suck wealth away population accelerate wealth inequality more.alas high time us lead way reverse trend outcome 18 month struggle elect new presidential administration look likely scuttle hop serious leadership reform critical issue follow therefore near term long progress possible unless new form politics arise deliver pressure washington dc much hope continue story strategic cultureread election news 21st century wire 2016 file 2016 election gullible shatter america
washington u.s. treasury department thursday sanction 10 venezuelan officials include several government minister say help venezuelan president nicolas maduro attempt undermine democratic rule country individuals associate undermine electoral process media censorship corruption government-administered food program venezuela u.s. treasury say statement oct. 15 state elections hold venezuela list officials include julian rodriguez diaz venezuela ambassador italy ernesto emilio villegas poljak venezuela new minister culture freddy bernal rosales venezuela minister urban agriculture manuel fernandez melendez head country national telephone company u.s. blacklist 10 venezuelans corruption undermine state vote
republican presidential candidate donald trump decide attack family u.s. soldier die combat iraq respond khizr khan statement democratic convention trump sacrifice nothing country push ban muslims trump tell abc think make lot sacrifice work hard u.s. army capt humayun khan muslim immigrant die serve iraq 2004.on twitter dismissive callous insensitive remark former reality tv star self-described billionaire assertion independently verify quickly attacked.the hashtag trumpsacrifices become top trend hashtag world thousands post mock trump followed.many post associate tag point trump well document luxury life sell point presidential run.once survive entire weekend mar-a-lago one hairspray trumpsacrifices paul begala paulbegala july 30 2016once fly coach class college dare trumpsacrifices sanho tree sanhotree july 30 2016others note history racially discriminatory policies statements notably government force trump stop block black rent build trumpsacrifices government force rent apartments black people https // sean seanmcelwee july 30 2016 trumpsacrifices nbc would n't let make `` race war `` season `` apprentice `` https // sean seanmcelwee july 30 2016some trumpsacrifices post discuss candidate repeat business failures include multiple bankruptcies completely destroy mythology huge business success trumpsacrifices declare bankruptcy walk away laurel davila cpa laureldavilacpa july 31 2016the wag every contractor ever employ trumpsacrifices matthew chapman fawfulfan july 30 2016 trumpsacrifices dishwashers carpenter electricians painters work find wo n't pay https // daily edge thedailyedge july 30 2016many post simply point immorality trump comment beyond pale attack families fall be trumpsacrifices morals ethics self-respect decency civility intelligence realdonaldtrump jeff jarvis jeffjarvis july 30 2016 trumpsacrifices dedicate matter cost make lot lot money harold itzkowitz harolditz july 30 2016list trumpsacrifices 1. nothing 2. one kaivan shroff kaivanshroff july 30 2016this picture say realdonaldtrump realdonaldtrump rest draft dodger trumpsacrifices carolyn gonzalez carogonza july 31 2016the hashtag also present opportunity compare trump military service lack thereof captain humayun khan trump receive military deferments vietnam compare avoid sexually transmit diseases serve combat.gave spot military another men 's generous one thank trumpsacrifices sarah redpainter1 july 30 2016despite public outcry condemnation comment senior republican officials like speaker paul ryan senate majority leader mitch mcconnell fail directly condemn nominee attack military family rescind support candidate.featured image via screen capture trumpsacrifices twitter destroy trump cowardly attack military family tweet
reno nevada/philadelphia republican donald trump rush stage security agents rally reno nevada saturday night false alarm someone crowd shout gun scuffle man hold republicans trump sign incident occur trump democratic rival hillary clinton crisscross unite state late push win undecided voters make sure supporters turn enthusiastically election day two security agents seize trump shoulder hustle backstage police officer swarm man front crowd hold search escort away hand behind back trump seemingly unruffled return stage continue speech short time say nobody say go easy us add never stop release man apprehend tell cbs news reno affiliate ktvn-2 republican supporter attend rally express opposition trump come sign expect boo ... sign austyn crites say crites say take crowd begin attack choke beat someone yell gun hold hours question security background check crites say release police job crites say want contrast president barack obama reaction protestor rally days ago urge crowd respect protester trump say want people understand difference nothing trump supporters crites tell station register republicans support many candidates local offices serious concern trump add secret service confirm incident erupt unidentified individual front stage shout gun secret service agents reno police officer immediately apprehend subject upon thorough search subject surround area weapon find secret service say statement incident begin trump notice consider heckler second late people near stage begin point someone crowd near front agents take trump away statement trump thank secret service reno nevada law enforcement fast professional response meantime philadelphia pop singer katy perry perform clinton rally late string celebrity appearances aim get vote among millennials kid grandkids ask 2016 line want able say vote good strong america clinton say opinion poll show clinton still hold advantage state could critical decide election lead narrow revelation week ago federal bureau investigation look new trove email part probe handle classify information secretary state mcclatchy-marist opinion poll release saturday voters nationwide show clinton lead percentage point compare percentage point september reuters/ipsos track poll saturday show clinton ahead percentage point nationally compare point friday abc news-washington post track poll clinton ahead 48 43 percent candidates spend time florida consider one hotly contest state 2000 presidential election decide florida dispute vote recount ballot go u.s. supreme court rule favor republican george w. bush democrat al gore real clear politics average florida opinion poll find clinton lead percentage point indicate race virtual tie trump speak rally saturday morning tampa florida continue criticize clinton support affordable care act also know obamacare wake announcement premiums go rise next year go matter win throw anyway trump say shortly clinton take stage pembroke pin florida rain pour people crowd wait clinton outdoor rally remain place take umbrellas fashion garbage bag head cover thrill boy hardy group rain shine ready clinton say voice crack hoarseness cut speech short become soak rain say think need tell wrong things donald trump jfk library hialeah florida people line outside early vote nearby supporters candidates wave sign shout slogans urge pass drivers honk horn want someone come clean house say cuban-american ariel martinez 42 trump supporter early vote begin september data firm catalist estimate 30 million ballot cast 38 state estimate 225.8 million eligible u.s. voters saturday final day early vote many florida counties trump clinton campaign adjust travel schedule next two days state saw opportunity trump tell crowd tampa would campaign event minnesota weekend although one previously schedule minnesota vote republican since 1984. campaign confirm rally schedule wisconsin sunday cancel clinton start day stop west miami community center cuban american neighborhood telenovela star jencarlos canela miami native cuban descent visit campaign office little haiti large concentration haitian-american residents clinton join sybrina fulton mother trayvon martin unarm black teenager shoot dead 2012 sanford florida neighborhood watchman george zimmerman trump prefer large-scale rally clinton fill campaign schedule target appearances mean court voters specific demographics cuban voters historically favor republicans young generations shift toward democratic party candidates see effort defend typically democratic turf clinton monday campaign grand rapids michigan return pennsylvania rally philadelphia president barack obama first lady michelle obama former president bill clinton trump make stop sunday iowa minnesota michigan pennsylvania virginia try steal away state go democratic recent presidential elections story correct dateline remove n.c. security hustle trump stage protester display sign
paris major western power appear ready showdown russia u.n. security council demand wednesday renewal mandate international inquiry chemical weapons attack syria russian deputy foreign minister sergei ryabkov say wednesday moscow oppose draft u.n. resolution extend mandate investigation unite nations organization prohibition chemical weapons opcw chemical weapons attack syria ryabkov comment come hours russia reject report international inquiry blame syrian government deadly toxic gas attack april 4. joint statement foreign minister britain france germany unite state four countries say full confidence find call syrian regime end use poison gas finally declare opcw chemical weapons possess therefore urge unite nations security council maintain investigative capacity inquiry statement say report security council members common responsibility protect international non-proliferation regime respect previous commitments joint statement say syrian government deny use chemical weapons april attack prompt u.s. missile strike days late syrian air base france warn chemicals attack would meet military response russia key backer syrian government last month cast veto unite nations security council renew investigation mandate inquiry previously find syrian government force responsible three chlorine gas attack 2014 2015 islamic state militants use mustard gas syria agree destroy chemical weapons comply opcw 2013 deal broke russia unite state nerve gas attack kill hundreds people damascus suburbs western countries blame attack syrian government deny message russia western power demand u.n. extend syria toxic gas inquiry
washington u.s. president donald trump friday order review major bank rule put place 2008 financial crisis draw fire democrats say order lack substance squarely align wall street bankers though order short specifics financial market embrace trump signal loose bank regulation come push bank stock high dow jones u.s. bank stock index close 2.6 percent .djusbk .n white house forum friday u.s. business leaders include jpmorgan chase jpm.n ceo jamie dimon trump say administration expect cut lot dodd-frank involve lot issue order say former democratic congressman barney frank co-author 2010 dodd-frank wall street reform law raise capital requirements bank restrict trade mean volcker rule create consumer financial protection bureau guard predatory lend trump make substantial change financial reform bill without congress frank tell reuters language order anything tell secretary treasury give something read tone weaken bill trump critics dodd-frank law say regulations hind lend meet ceo friday trump say many people friends mine nice businesses borrow money ... bank let borrow rule regulations dodd-frank despite criticisms recent data federal reserve bank st. louis show u.s. commercial-bank lend 70-year high climb steadily since late-2010 democratic senator elizabeth warren lobby creation consumer financial protection bureau accuse trump forsake middle lower-income individuals help bank wall street bankers lobbyists whose greed recklessness nearly destroy country may toast champagne american people forget 2008 financial crisis forget happen today say statement trump adviser lead deregulation effort national economic council director gary cohn previously top official goldman sachs gs.n billionaire investor carl icahn meanwhile counsel trump regulation across government one order sign trump require u.s. treasury secretary submit possible regulatory change legislation modify dodd-frank 120 days accord white house official trump pick treasury secretary steve mnuchin also former goldman banker yet confirm full senate meanwhile memo tell labor department review fiduciary rule broke offer retirement advice finalize 2016. early report say trump want push rule implementation originally slat april 180 days order mention delay labor department late friday say consider legal options delay representatives six large u.s. bank jpmorgan chase co jpm.n bank america corp bac.n citigroup inc c.n well fargo co wfc.n goldman sachs group inc gs.n morgan stanley ms.n either decline comment immediate comment bankers lawyers lobbyists privately say trump order would much immediately also say would prefer less-extensive modifications dodd-frank spend billions dollars comply law many want make little bite user-friendly say john kanas chairman bankunited bku.n lender less 20 billion assets house representatives financial service committee chairman jeb hensarling republican tell reporters white house trump approach reflect legislation draft review dodd-frank hensarling expect re-introduce bill allow bank choose comply dodd-frank hold capital late month trump could also make change simply appoint new personnel enforce rule lot regulations dodd-frank require bite cop-on-the-beat ensure enforcement different cop-on-the-beat enforce different rule enforce rule differently say fbr co financial policy analyst edward mill many regulators though appoint trump predecessor president barack obama intend complete term trump fire head independent agencies include three top bank regulators federal reserve chair janet yellen comptroller currency thomas curry federal deposit insurance corp chairman martin gruenberg addition term richard cordray consumer financial protection bureau director stretch next year republican lawmakers push trump fire cordray federal court decision allow stay pending appeal meanwhile u.s. financial policy leaders want keep law chicago feed president charles evans say friday dodd-frank largely helpful lead bank system good capital trump ignite political fight u.s. bank law reform
21st century wire say ongoing hysteria constantly spout american mainstream media allege russian meddle 2016 election saw donald trump elect president unite state world still await single shred real evidence support establishment conspiracy theory date none surface intelligence community say election meddle russians way frankly particularly original awfully long time decades russians try undermine american democracy cia chief mike pompeo tell msnbc hugh hewitt exclusive interview air saturday june 24.russian foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova make noteworthy response pompeo comments.via russia insidertranslation could take note comment june 24 statement cia director mike pompeo nbc interview statement deal russia allege long time attempt undermine american democracy meddle us elections appear opinion russia longtime attempt undermine us democracy culminate interference us elections know issue russia meddle election process become favorite media story obsession unite state story adopt anti-russia propagandists issue continue pick momentum mention statements officials try accuse russia engage unlawful action fail produce evidence date.we would like remind outstanding page us history unlike americans real facts disposal know focus common knowledge since early 1990s unite state voice intentions establish jeffersonian democracy russia fact set task completely run counter ideas thomas jefferson one found father american nation democracy us know call respect various form government choose nations say unite state would impose anywhere mistake thomas jefferson refer idea dictate form government independent country arrogant brutal appear ideologists present-day america poor knowledge history foundations statehood concepts export democracy humanitarian intervention become favorite method conduct aggressive foreign policy part national concept decades dozens countries world suffer us-imposed sate system formulas try equate countries one pattern without consideration make unique policy experiment call harmless past years afghanistan iraq libya egypt syria ukraine fall prey concept needle say al-qaeda manifestations isis radical terrorist group religious denominations evolve fertile soil create americans fact often brainchildren forces.generous financial injections form project grant numerous foundations ngos another grey zone unite state try influence political process world many years russia virtually top list allocations various government non-government organizations include peace corps unite state agency international development usaid national democratic institute international republican institute many similar agencies plant agents decades order penetrate russian political establishment media community influence public opinion accord source us spend billion dollars purpose 1990s alone strange make statements mr. pompeo forget many decisions stipulate allocation fund approve agency strange washington forget fact run-up 1996 russian presidential election federal reserve bank deliver 500 million cash us embassy moscow far-fetched pretext avoid frenzied demand exchange old 100 note operatives cia moscow embassy station head michael sulick virtually sleep money bag guard foreign-made cars deliver small batch money embassy certain individuals.who us sponsor use money believe also learn someday mean assumptions everything clear well know specific name date examples diverse us activities aim undermine stability various regions worldwide areas ready follow american instructions way demand mr. pompeo stop rhetoric realm fiction one simply understand every action equal opposite reaction ready read russia news 21st century wire russia filessupport work subscribe become member zakharova slam cia chief pompeo stop make anti-russian fiction
new york plush penthouse apartments upper east side bar midtown manhattan new york financial community watch stun dismay wednesday republican donald trump clinch white house early party mood quickly sour donors supporters hillary clinton realize democratic candidate wall street prefer choice represent status quo lose many stick word really much say say marc lasry billionaire credit investor trump unpredictable pronouncements opposition free-trade agreements make real estate mogul unpopular many financier fear could disrupt global trade damage geopolitical relationships u.s. dollar sink stock plummet investors flee risky assets 500 index futures crash joseph peiffer lawyer represent investors others class-action lawsuits crack open third bottle wine case emergency bottle watch return election night party host 20 friends family members hometown new orleans seem like enough emergency break open say trump pronouncements financial sector perplex wall street one hand pledge dismantle much regulation put place financial crisis know dodd-frank wall street reform law hand call 21st century version 1933 glass-steagall law require separation commercial investment bank trump say version would entail say would prioritize help african-american businesses get credit need sometimes hear stump criticize bank peiffer say policy paper say want deregulate bank two things jive know really think know it trump supporters work wall street victory vindication happy say matthew tyrmand private investor contributor breitbart news website attend young republicans party bar madison avenue tyrmand short stock ahead election bet stock price fall say call delusional predict trump win tyrmand say trump would good news market understand benefit let businesses fail predict equity market would go prolong correction recover healthy long term say around tyrmand trump supporters hug one another sing god bless america clink glass call m-a-g-a acronym trump campaign slogan make america great again one corner bar man woman down shots start fresh pints beer ask drink celebration depression response quick depression man say decline give name either way drink matthew farley lawyer drinker biddle reath llp new york say warn friends colleagues electoral upset months tell ... significant portion country want someone cannonball pool mess status quo say farley advise wall street brokerages regulation arbitration issue cannonball party unite progressives conservatives feed status quo know anything good get trump supporter steven chiavarone associate portfolio manager federate global investment management corp fund invest stock bond currencies globally say market gyrations see harbinger doom world end assume capitalism survive manage volatility find opportunity wall street elite stun trump triumph
east chicago ind head environmental protection agency epa tour first hazardous waste site tuesday amid propose budget cut could devastate efforts clean contaminate land water around country scott pruitt visit east chicago indiana come day agency deny report consider close chicago office oversee regional environmental protection efforts include flint michigan drink water clean-up great lakes restoration reason important restore confidence people community go get right go forward pruitt tell media meet residents lawmakers pruitt address report possible office closure drastic budget cut would impact epa operations tour house complex build superfund site around 1,000 residents leave home early year due lead contamination dozens people hold sign wednesday urge epa continue clean-up efforts superfund program start 1980 clean hazardous waste sit number 1,300 around country white house budget proposal submit congress last month include 31 percent cut spend epa include similar reduction agency hazardous substance superfund account 330 million 762 million clean-up would continue east chicago lawmakers say pruitt make commitments would right democratic senator joe donnelly say budget send real budget put together real budget provide fund necessary make sure east chicago right east chicago around 25 miles 40 km outside chicago home defunct u.s. smelter lead refinery inc contaminate facility surround areas lead arsenic demetra turner 44 resident west calumet house complex yet leave urge others keep pressure epa keep fight people keep fight take say epa chief visit indiana waste site amid propose budget cut
washington electrical workers union new york city area endorse hillary clinton democratic presidential nomination campaign say wednesday statement clinton campaign say local international brotherhood electrical workers back former two-term u.s. senator new york rival u.s. senator bernie sanders group represent 27,000 workers accord website early wednesday sanders support new york city transit workers electrical workers new york city area endorse clinton campaign say
lead democrats wish hillary would go away supporters still wallow 2016 election loss longtime hillary clinton supporter bunny burson transform unused election night confetti clinton humiliate defeat donald trump last november something special .hillary one delusional loss still rise colorado woman husband charles attend clinton party new york election night witness first female candidate major political party shatter high hard glass ceiling burson tell aspen time function id var js fjs d.getelementsbytagname d.getelementbyid id return js d.createelement id js.src 'https // xfbml=1 version=v2.11 fjs.parentnode.insertbefore js fjs document 'script 'facebook-jssdk still risethe nationally recognize work bunny charles burson display next month free gallery open event tomorrow night go along holiday open house n't miss hear exhibition pri interview https // thank milckatlantic recordsgabe greenbergkiku obata companylaurent tornodieu donneposted anderson ranch arts center monday december 18 2017when happen come another idea 200 pound clinton confetti go unused encase glass snow globes metal placard inside read still rise reference maya angelou poem name.bunny burson make 1,000 special snow globes sell grand open still rise art exhibit anderson ranch arts center snowmass village plan parenthood get proceed nothing say break glass ceiling like give money baby kill body part sell factory like plan parenthood.the globes sell locally go arts center proceed sales elsewhere go plan parenthood accord news site natural progression happen sad use confetti lift people include bunny burson say open tuesday cathartic make work want young women girls see able dream break glass ceiling bunny wallow election loss vanity fair editors beg hillary find hobby run maybe 's time hillary clinton take new hobby 2018 vanity fair vanityfair december 23 2017read american mirror hillary unused victory party confetti turn aspen art …proceeds go plan parenthood video
washington u.s. president donald trump lean toward name former pharmaceutical industry executive alex azar pick lead department health human service politico report tuesday cite two white house officials would replace republican tom price resign last month amid controversy heavy use private government jet travel taxpayer expense azar deputy secretary hhs administration president george w. bush join drugmaker eli lilly co first senior vice president corporate affairs communications late president lilly usa u.s. affiliate accord linkedin page leave company january form indianapolis-based healthcare consult firm linkedin entry say azar also clerk u.s. supreme court associate justice antonin scalia partner washington law firm wiley rein field linkedin page say white house decline comment report azar immediately respond request comment politico say trump favor ex-pharma executive azar health secretary politico
dar es salaam tanzanian opposition lawmaker tundu lissu fierce critic president john magufuli government seriously wound gun attack thursday police party officials say magufuli condemn shoot order country security force investigate incident lissu undergo emergency surgery shoot abdomen part body unknown gunmen outside residence administrative capital dodoma say lissu suffer multiple gunshot wound treat main public hospital dodoma say tumaini makene spokesman main opposition chadema party strongly condemn attack closely monitor condition party say separate statement jam kiologwe doctor dodoma regional hospital say lissu stable condition police say investigation launch attack lissu senior lawyer chadema parliamentary chief whip police say know motivate attack suspect still large sadden report shoot hon tundu lissu pray quick recovery magufuli say twitter law enforcement agencies hunt involve barbaric act bring justice lissu vocal opponent magufuli arrest several occasion charge incitement detain recently july call magufuli dictator subsequently release authorities must take step reassure tanzanians world shoot politically motivate right group amnesty international say statement vocal critic tanzanian president seriously hurt gun attack
become clear clear america donald trump presidency would racist nasty seven years african-american president seem racists everywhere come hide trump make think okay horrible want be.there great example recent story oppose high school basketball team fan start chant trump trump trump usa home team players happen diverse players latino native american african-american trump seem synonymous white pride perry iowa small town diverse high school principal dan marburger describe school really urban school rural set high school 48 percent minority embrace diversity open arm unfortunately everyone visit school sport events feel way.the visit basketball team dallas center-grimes apparently bring long fan seem hold donald trump hatred immigrants really anyone white.unfortunately sort chant new players perry high school senior shammond ivory say honestly disrespectful take hear game court everywhere go however take hear turn around say soon hear something like trigger make strive team coach community acceptance trump legitimate candidate president unite state know openly racist rally nation need prepare racists think okay assholes nation need make sure get nowhere near oval report story feature image via screen capture racist high schoolers chant trump trump usa racially diverse basketball team video
donald trump two month old presidency disastrous things know besides work strip health care millions americans humiliate country play golf watch television lot television.pretty much everything trump tweet refer interview influence something watch tv fox news particular trump obsession cable news way portray all-consuming hobby narcissistic potus take truly disturb level.apparently accord go new york magazine reporter gabriel sherman trump record news show throughout day watch different network cover right go bed every single night appearance slate trump podcast sherman say people trump world say basically lot fox thing source close white house tell dvr basically cable news kind remarkable think someone would actually want watch cable news record donald trump apparently go back residence end day tell spend lot time flip cable network include cnn catch way cover man whose validation cement media cover sort obsessively monitor media coverage basically trump unhealthy obsession television another way cater monstrous ego make perfect sense especially since sherman state trump primary source live information fox news one network routinely speak favorably would nice change trump would stop watch television especially highly inaccurate fox news actually job once.featured image screenshot trump really really disturb bedtime ritual disgust detail
washington president-elect donald trump name head exxon mobil corp rex tillerson choice u.s. secretary state tuesday back republican foreign policy figure ahead possible senate fight oilman tie russia exxon chief executive potentially face difficulties get confirm republican-controlled senate lawmakers worry link moscow opposition u.s. sanction russia award friendship medal 2013. several republican establishment figure include former secretaries state jam baker condoleezza rice former defense secretary robert gate vouch tillerson 64 spend 40 years oil company rice gate work exxon consultants issue statements support tuesday back could crucial tillerson receive approval need senate republicans slim majority trump take office jan 20 fact condi rice jam baker bob gate recommend tillerson carry considerable weight say republican senator jeff flake member senate foreign relations committee choose tillerson trump add another person cabinet circle advisers may favor soft line toward moscow u.s. sanction 2014 annexation crimea center allegations launch cyber attack disrupt u.s. presidential election republican foreign policy hawk senate like john mccain lindsey graham likely give tillerson rough time confirmation hear early january well know close relationship russian president vladimir putin say mccain republican party 2008 nominee president republicans majority 52-48 senate defections rank would block tillerson every democrat also oppose trump victory tour state back november election tell supporters west allis wisconsin tillerson fierce advocate american interest around world call strong man tough man trump upset u.s. ally campaign call good relationship russia question usefulness north atlantic treaty organization u.s.-led military bloc create world war two counter soviet union trump also pledge confront china trade territorial issue temporarily ban muslims enter unite state anger many islamic countries tillerson foreign experience years cut deal foreign countries company world large energy firm 2012 tillerson sign deal russian state oil giant rosneft jointly develop oil field western siberia chief executive exxon mobil since 2006 like trump never hold public office tillerson say statement share president-elect vision restore credibility unite state exxon mobil say board would meet soon regard transition trump also poise add another figure close tie oil industry cabinet source close transition say trump choose former texas governor rick perry whose state lead oil producer nominee energy secretary announcement expect soon perry meet trump trump tower new york monday part series meet include rapper kanye west tuesday trump also offer position interior secretary montana first-term representative ryan zinke ex-navy seal commander early trump supporter accord media report trump appoint stephen miller top policy aide campaign senior adviser policy miller adviser u.s. senator jeff sessions alabama trump nominate attorney general 2013 putin bestow russian state honor order friendship tillerson cite work strengthen cooperation energy sector also controversy allege russian interference nov. presidential election cia conclude moscow intervene help trump defeat democrat hillary clinton tillerson cozy tie vladimir putin russia would represent untenable conflict state department representative eliot engel rank democrat house representatives committee foreign affairs say statement russian foreign minister sergei lavrov say trump tillerson pragmatic people could help america russia build mutually beneficial relationship group u.s. state attorneys general investigate exxon allegedly mislead public climate change environmental group alarm exxon ceo could america top diplomat exxon say acknowledge reality climate change years tillerson tell congressional hear 2010 think humanity contribute climate change science unclear size contribution extremely complicate tell hear trump election exxon come support paris climate agreement combat climate change also concern among lawmakers former u.n. ambassador john bolton adviser trump transition team say still consideration deputy secretary state role bolton urge washington counter china assertiveness east asia senate fight loom trump tap exxon ceo top u.s. diplomat
terrorists attack brussels belgium tragedy leave least 30 people dead mean conservatives quickly attack president obama cuba time.on twitter conservatives waste time use act terrorism attack president obama become first american president visit cuba 88 years since calvin coolidge 1928.the historic trip effort open island nation trade normalize relations enough convince congress end longtime embargo remain one last remnants cold war represent opportunity strengthen relations two nations chance change cuba within via american tourism business opportunities.thus far trip successful cuba welcome president obama open arm news break terrorist attack brussels conservatives immediately sound president obama cuba europe suffer yet another attack criticize obama cut trip short run back white attack obama tourist trio havana family say marc thiessen marcthiessen march 22 2016 terrible optics isis attack brussels obama castro brothers cuba richard grenell richardgrenell march 22 2016obama leave cuba head back white house situation room immediately brusselsattack richard grenell richardgrenell march 22 2016the two bozos fox news contributors really come surprise would shamelessly use terrorist attack launch attack president obama.even ted cruz get obama bash call president leave cuba come back state go directly brussels.and exactly president obama plan trip cuba months like leave change anything truth little president obama beyond offer american condolences offer assistance already do via phone call belgian prime minister charles michel.furthermore president obama already receive constant brief situation even though white house president order action necessary wherever happen planet word washington brussels handle addition major terrorist attack occur unite state likely president obama would hop air force one soon possible still would power make necessary communications staff prepare takeoff short leap communication technology make possible presidents several place deal several situations anywhere world.let act like brussels handle situation nato base belgium plenty ally around ready help ask visit president obama would distraction would require security police force pay attention keep safe instead pay attention attack victims perpetrate it.and one really big reason conservatives need shut hell president obama drop everything respond terrorist attack overseas fact former president george w. bush thing 2001 except terrorist attack bad ever american soil.that right even new york city washington d.c. attack september 11th bush keep plan read story book children emma t. booker elementary school sarasota florida even tell attack middle read pet goat bush continue read instead immediately jump board air force one get situation room ever time cancel plan return washington bush finish book deliver short schedule speech remain school 30 minutes tell attack first time head airport.but leave image president seem care something commander-in-chief deal unfold tragedy country would scar us nation decade beyond.i recall conservatives whine president bush really whine president obama feature image via wikimedia conservatives need stop whine obama cuba brussels attack video
nairobi militant faction loyal islamic state increase follow northern somalia dozen last year 200 year u.n. report say days group come u.s. air attack first time increase strength spin-off group attract attention security officials fear could offer safe islamic state militants flee military defeat syria iraq islamic state iraq levant isil faction loyal sheikh abdulqader mumin estimate ... 2016 number dozen ... grow significantly strength consist many 200 fighters say report panel u.n. experts obtain reuters even hundred arm fighters could destabilize whole region say regional diplomatic security source air strike recognition u.s. situation term islamic state faction puntland become increasingly critical somalia rive civil war islamist militancy though south north puntland region locate since 1991 clan warlords overthrow dictator turn friday air strike fail kill mumin security source say abdirizak ise hussein director semi-autonomous puntland spy service say strike kill 20 militants include sudanese fighter two arabs almost mumin fighters somali u.n. report say though group believe include sudanese man sanction unite state group also contact yemen unclear sudanese man u.s. sanction one report kill air strike number fighters puntland increase mostly come southern somalia include foreigners come yemen colonel abdirahman saiid military officer puntland tell reuters u.n. report say defectors mumin faction report group receive money order iraq syria one member say see mumin another leader use truecrypt software communicate unite nations could independently verify claim mumin group slow increase activity past year late 2016 occupy port qandala puntland semi-autonomous region month early year carry first attack fighters kill four guard hotel bosasso economic capital puntland february month group behead three men kidnap somalia main islamist insurgent group al shabaab align al qaeda active horn africa country south repeatedly clash islamic state-aligned faction north islamic state 's footprint spread northern somalia u.n
washington u.s. president barack obama warn friday occupy oval office reality show swipe outspoken republican candidate donald trump vie replace white house fight obama battle trump would likely relish try rally support within party hard-fought republican primary campaign billionaire delight respond attack rival find support grow lash opponents ask trump media brief white house obama call press public weigh past statements republican point specific issue remark entertainment obama say reference trump television background reality show contest presidency unite state say top republican leaders u.s. house speaker paul ryan among still express wariness trump become party presumptive nominee week two republican rival drop white house race former florida governor jeb bush run unsuccessfully republican nomination post facebook vote trump one sharp slight yet new york real estate mogul senior republican donald trump demonstrate temperament strength character display respect constitution consistent conservative reason support candidacy bush write add would vote likely democratic nominee hillary clinton either u.s. senator lindsey graham south carolina make unsuccessful bid president join grow list republicans refuse support trump announce friday also skip republican convention july mitt romney republican nomination 2012 also refuse support trump trump friday endorsement another former republican presidential nominee bob dole lose bill clinton 1996. trump find unify enemies like obama hillary clinton could help rally republicans back side ahead nov. general election obama likely feature much trump criticism general election republicans seek paint clinton extension obama administration would continue policies since effectively secure nomination tuesday trump begin test theme attack clinton obama former secretary state friday trump take aim clinton use private email server office clinton say send receive information mark classify fbi investigate whether laws break email scandal take think go think protect democrats trump say fox friends television news program attract large conservative viewership trump try cast clinton weak economy sure one main policy issue election approach look go go bad job wag go go workers say early general election poll show clinton lead nationally key state clinton high probability trump become next president gap narrow week accord online political stock market predictit key factor trump general election whether rally party behind trump see top republicans previously fight candidacy back include texas governor rick perry former vice president dick cheney whose daughter liz cheney run congress wyoming say support trump source close say friday paul manafort top trump adviser tell msnbc republicans rally behind businessman strengthen party attract new supporters want unify party important thing remember donald trump historic victory among 17 candidates manafort say strong nominee vision lay something question republican national committee chairman reince priebus already begin efforts rally party behind trump say event host politico behind scenes candidate gracious personable think see rally think work tone priebus say add make point trump think get think go see think go see change tone addition change tone trump also face uphill climb bring party together ryan top elect republican unite state say thursday ready support trump sign linger establishment concern candidate position immigration trade trump take issue ryan paul ryan say inherit something special republican party trump write twitter wrong inherit millions voters ryan invite trump meet house representatives republican leaders next week ryan office say friday trump attorney quote media report friday say candidate testify november election class-action lawsuit accuse now-defunct trump university defraud people pay 35,000 real estate seminars federal judge order trial san diego start nov. 28 mean testify campaign university case one subject trump rival use attack presidential debate 'this reality show obama tell trump
donald trump get fantastically mock right brag job create result president obama economic soon february job report release trump conservative media immediately jump report proof trump create job america promise campaign.the problem trump call job report phony issue president obama oversee record 75 consecutive months job creation country.but trump office tout job report real take credit job creation even though job creation directly tie obama economic policies trump yet do anything regard economy.apparently trump watch fox news tuesday morning decide brag twitter job job job donald j. trump realdonaldtrump march 14 2017of course trump office long enough see affect economic policies job market plus really do much economy do far issue executive order basically trump try take credit job creation attribute president obama order make look competent.twitter users course first call trump bullshit realdonaldtrump oppstn jordan uhl jordanuhl march 14 2017 realdonaldtrump use fox credible source factual information mike williams mike_p_williams march 14 2017 realdonaldtrump joemygod joemygod march 14 2017 realdonaldtrump travis nichols travisjnichols march 14 2017 realdonaldtrump obama ines helene inihelene march 14 2017 realdonaldtrump thank obama khary penebaker kharyp march 14 2017 realdonaldtrump believe number fake take office https // asshole eric litman ericlitman march 14 2017 realdonaldtrump donald say years number fake understand make look right matthewdicks matthewdicks march 14 2017 realdonaldtrump explain 235k job low unemployment 42 say 4.7 claim william legate williamlegate march 14 2017yep job job job lose repeal aca realdonaldtrump https // caroline rvawonk march 14 2017and many job job job lose state vote realdonaldtrump https // caroline rvawonk march 14 2017 realdonaldtrump would like point specific policies enact create job right none freeloader resist march 14 2017 realdonaldtrumpobama obama obama diva sammypolsen12 march 14 2017featured image via andrew harrer-pool/getty image trump try take credit job create obama economy get bury
mecca two million pilgrims participate haj week begin return mecca sunday final prayers world large annual gather muslims wind senior saudi officials say rituals past see deadly stampede fire riot authorities sometimes struggle respond go without incident mecca province governor prince khaled al-faisal head central haj committee call year pilgrimage success proud today offer service proud brothers participate proud pilgrim come land assist success season tell reporters mina east mecca thousands pilgrims participate symbolic stone devil part haj rituals jamarat return mecca nightfall mecca grand mosque crowd worshippers saudi arabia stake reputation guardianship islam holy sit organize pilgrimage 2.3 million pilgrims come saudi arabia year abroad five-day ritual attendance religious duty lifetime every able-bodied muslim afford organization excellent crowd anything things go well thank god say yemeni pilgrim rashid ahmed 100,000 members security force 30,000 health workers hand week maintain safety provide first aid crush 2015 kill nearly 800 pilgrims accord riyadh two large group pilgrims arrive crossroads east mecca count countries repatriate body show 2,000 people may die include 400 iranians tehran send nearly 90,000 pilgrims haj year boycott event last year amid diplomatic rift riyadh saudi health minister tawfiq al-rabeeah say pilgrimage pass without outbreak disease perennial concern tell reuters interview late saturday ministry also provide care 400,000 people include 21 open-heart surgeries keen offer excellent service pilgrims return home good health complete haj say pilgrims return mecca haj wind without incident
follow statements post verify twitter account u.s. president donald trump realdonaldtrump potus opinions express reuters edit statements confirm accuracy realdonaldtrump senate democrats confirm 48 197 presidential nominees win slow things obstruct 0659 edt work hard get olympics unite state l.a. stay tune 0746 edt marine plane crash mississippi heartbreaking melania send deep condolences 0809 edt big win isis 0823 edt son donald interview seanhannity tonight 10:00 p.m. great person love country 2024 edt statement liberation mosul `` continue seek total destruction isis `` 0907 edt icymi yesterday announce key additions administration 1737 edt -- source link factbox trump twitter july 11 mississippi crash olympics mosul
buenos air water enter snorkel argentine submarine ara san juan cause battery short-circuit go miss nov. 15 navy spokesman say monday hope dwindle among families 44-member crew san juan seven-day oxygen supply lose contact sudden noise detect navy say could implosion vessel ship rescue equipment countries include unite state russia nonetheless rush join search disappearance submarine order back mar del plata base report water enter vessel snorkel cause battery short circuit navy spokesman enrique balbi tell news conference isolate battery continue sail underwater toward mar del plata use another battery balbi say contact san juan lose vienna-based comprehensive nuclear test-ban treaty organization international body run global network listen post design check secret atomic blast detect noise navy say could submarine implosion search 65-meter 213-foot diesel-electric submarine concentrate area 430 km 267 miles argentina southern coast effort include ship plan man 4,000 personnel 13 countries include brazil chile great britain among crew family members fissure start appear monday refuse give hope say time accept love ones come back alive relatives say focus lack physical evidence implosion possibility submarine might rise close enough ocean surface replenish oxygen supply go miss itati leguizamon say believe husband crew member german suarez die way alive tell reporters voice shake eye well tear want love adore leave mother sister behind sense stubborn families attack say say find yet tell us truth water enter miss argentine sub 's snorkel cause short circuit
harare zimbabwe state broadcaster zbc monday put stand-by expect address military day president robert mugabe fail announce resignation expectant nation workers broadcaster say military seize power last week say mean arrest criminal elements around president sunday rule zanu-pf party re-called mugabe position president first secretary zimbabwe broadcaster stand-by address military zbc workers
trump crow unscientific self-selecting online poll rig followers scientific poll credibility tell different post-debate story one particular poll nbc conduct start end debate sept. 26 sept. 27 show trump poorly people say neither candidate say trump won.according poll 52 percent likely voters say hillary 21 percent say trump 26 percent say neither candidate won.image via nbc newsouch ouch ouch ouch someone able speak 38 percent time compare trump 62 percent constant shut god interruptions poll number like pretty bad candidates finish bad none candidates ballot box basically nobody except trumpkins believe trump anything value monday night furthermore 26 percent republican respondents say debate change opinion trump good pretty sorry number compare 50 percent democratic respondents say opinion hillary change better.some republican lawmakers capitol hill disappoint trump performance want attack hillary dead horse email scandal sure make unfit lead country t. others however frustrate inability put forth succinct talk point wish say something stick move something else instead say thing arizona rep. matt salmon say interview tuesday without give specific examples throughout entire debate anyone try read complete transcript debate frustration bad trump literally stick point ramble talk circle etc hillary wipe floor part rest well eminently qualify prove it.the nbc poll conduct online among sample 7,541 likely voters cull million adults take survey surveymonkey every day margin error 1.6 percent trump even tie neither second place finish dead last.featured image draw angerer/getty image new poll embarrass hell trump lose hillary
former fbi director jam comey refuse testify congress close session seem odd many pay attention donald trump/russia scandal comey fire shortly request fund investigation trump associate likely collusion russia comey termination letter donald trump thank confirm three time investigation though comey colleagues say thing happened.according numerous report comey begin receive daily rather weekly report investigation time fire unwilling testify want shit go comey associate strategically leak new york time comey would will speak mr. comey make comment late day decline request testify senate intelligence committee tuesday accord close associate mr. comey will testify want public.the matter arise series early-morning twitter message mr. trump appear agitate news report contradictory account decision fire mr. comey come time f.b.i investigate tie mr. trump associate russia among things threaten cancel future white house briefings.the white house original version story president act recommendation attorney general deputy attorney general fire mr. comey handle last year investigation hillary clinton email interview nbc news thursday mr. trump say already decide fire mr. comey would do regardless recommendation also indicate think russia investigation decided.what comey know trump demand loyalty pledge multiple time oust director turn recently threaten release tap conversations trump say allege tap donald nixonian outburst reveal incredibly nervous whatever comey comey hop tapes.a source close comey tell morning hop tap would perfect ken dilanian kendilaniannbc may 12 2017featured image via screengrab comey refuse testify intelligence committee unless hear public
washington president donald trump become reality television star show call apprentice spend lot time next week promote plan expand apprenticeships help company find skilled workers fill job white house say would second consecutive week white house make push show trump move ahead top domestic priority job spite investigations whether anything possible russian meddle 2016 u.s. presidential election trump refute allegations overshadow efforts boost economic growth last week brand infrastructure week series events deal fix nation decrepit roads bridge another plank trump job platform congressional hear russia imbroglio feature jam comey fbi director trump fire suck attention washington next week workforce development week white house highlight plan combat skills gap u.s. job open surge record high april government data show employers struggle find workers right skills trump plan work months lead daughter ivanka trump adviser reed cordish trump secretaries labor education commerce white house mum precise detail trump plan expand apprenticeships ahead unveil speech labor department wednesday real estate developer familiar use apprenticeship program build trade trump praise germany apprenticeship system model ivanka trump discuss issue german chancellor angela merkel white house march tour siemens train center berlin april trump travel wisconsin tuesday visit train program waukesha county technical college republican governor scott walker former rival race become 2016 republican presidential candidate wednesday ivanka trump hold roundtable issue 15 ceos white house president meet eight governors thursday discuss topic white house white house decline say ceos governors would one thing likely trump plan surge spend white house expect private sector take lead senior white house official say federal government allocate 16.7 billion 43 job train program 13 agencies fiscal 2017 money question lot money throw official say version story add drop word second paragraph trump take second crack pivot next week apprentice push
prague czech billionaire businessman andrej babis appoint prime minister wednesday ano party come first october election must focus secure parliamentary back minority administration run pledge fight migration make state efficient ano 29.6 percent vote nearly three time support second-placed center-right civic democrats despite strong show however unclear whether babis able win confidence vote government mid-january require constitution also face threat prosecution connection business interest ano hold 78 seat 200-seat low house far fail win back eight party lose vote babis would stay power new arrangement find give party size would also likely lead arrangement televise ceremony wednesday president milos zeman appoint babis 63 set ano 2011 protest movement mainstream party embroil corruption scandals babis new cabinet take power dec. 13 allow take part european union leaders summit follow day pledge keep budget shape also boost infrastructure investments public sector wag play active role european union especially secure eu external border stop illegal migration czechs face possible eu suit refuse accept migrants eu quota system babis say first european task first negotiate convince european commission sue us find different solution tell news conference appointment quotas solution solution outside europe win member state far-right anti-eu anti-nato spd party communists lend ano support several initial vote return committee post members raise prospect may kind agreement back ano babis say wednesday deal place would talk party either back cabinet abstain vote help win week dec. 18 present program manifesto negotiate whether someone go government us give us tolerance babis say rival party criticize babis second-richest person country worth billion accord forbes conflict interest own farm chemicals food media group contract state receive european subsidies main stick point police request parliament strip babis immunity prosecute suspect fraud tap european union subsidies deny wrongdoing police drop case parliament refuse lift immunity babis may win vote factions analysts say second attempt form cabinet without babis may great chance success many party suffer losses october vote keen avoid early election prolong crisis could eventually lead czech president appoint andrej babis new prime minister
could another casualty clinton crime syndicate mi6 spy find dead inside holdall bag bathtub london hack secret data hold former u.s. president bill clinton sun newspaper sensationally claim today.gareth williams 31 years old find naked dead bathtub pimlico minutes walk away britain house parliament.speculation rife ever since death september 2010 circumstances surround death metropolitan police investigation reveal predictably though suspiciously mr williams death probably accident despite initial inquest conclude death unnatural likely criminally mediate since unexplained death subject investigation u.s. federal bureau investigation fbi bbc report early december 2010 mr williams secondment britain signal intelligence operation gchq mi6 subsequently unite state national security agency.the sun report williams dig guestlist event former american president go favour pal murdoch-owned paper report sun sunday reveal voicemail message mr williams leave family pal delete days death rival agent may also break flat destroy remove evidence.the inquest bar discuss mr williams work public source say help joint monitor network echelon use sophisticate program eavesdrop terrorists criminal gang particularly russia source say clinton diary hack come time williams work america sensitive nature diplomatic nightmare sir john sawers new director mi6 time insiders claim mr williams give second passport fresh identity also get feed live secret life say loathe spy train wrist break one hardcore session mr williams keen cyclist originally anglesey north wales die shortly return hack conference america.he see drag queen show two days last see alive august 15 2010.eight days late naked body find fold 32in 19in bag place bath flat pimlico central london.his mobile phone sim card lay table last computer evidence alive show look cycle website.a number theories exist mr william death include scorn ex-lover kremlin car drive past house bizarre sexual fantasy mr williams may play take williams alcohol drug system find inquest find would able seal bag alone.the metropolitan police refuse comment new revelations mr clinton security detail may breach mr williams via breitbart news originally post aug. 30 2015 flashback spy hack secret clinton data find dead duffel bag bathtub
rachel maddow pound kellyanne conway donald trump former campaign manager soon-to-be white house counselor grind president-elect call nuclear weapons.the msnbc host confront conway trump repeat suggestions world need nuke conway wriggle squirm try put positive twist trump call expand nuclear capabilities maddow trump professional spin doctor even try claim trump really suggest nuclear weapons flash absolutely thursday morning recent instance thirst nuclear weapons trump post little gem twitter page followers see.the unite state must greatly strengthen expand nuclear capability time world come sense regard nuke donald j. trump realdonaldtrump december 22 2016maddow completely shut conway try argue trump twitter rant actually set official policy president make policy happen whenever president speak national security matter maddo point out.conway may good twist truth utterly fail tonight try make trump insistence need nuke look like anything terrify invitation global disaster maddow shut conway come trump call nuclear weapons maddow president make policy happen whenever president speak national security matter https // maddow blog maddowblog december 23 2016featured image via video screen capture watch rachel maddow obliterate kellyanne conway trump call nuke
tokyo u.s. defense secretary jim mattis say saturday consider hike number u.s. force middle east address iran misbehavior time warn world would ignore iranian activities president donald trump vow aggressive policy tehran administration warn concrete action iran curb ballistic missile program continue support regional proxy conflict unite state announce new sanction friday two days trump administration put iran notice follow ballistic missile test mattis say put iran notice worthwhile give behavior far iran go single big state sponsor terrorism world think wise make certain iran recognize get attention lot people mattis tell news conference tokyo detail remark iran since take pentagon still firmly play idea military buildup see need increase number force middle east time card right say always capability right think necessary unite state already send navy destroyer patrol coast yemen protect waterways houthi militia align iran action washington could take include give great priority rotate aircraft carriers gulf currently u.s. aircraft carrier gulf example u.s. navy believe robust presence help deter move iran block strategic waterway 2008 2010 move prompt critics accuse iran destabilize region islamic republic threaten disrupt oil ship gulf shut strait hormuz attack nuclear sit mattis say ignore iranian behavior something former president barack obama critics routinely accuse work good ignore good dismiss mattis say without cite obama policies white house say late sanction reaction recent events consideration add landmark 2015 deal curb iran nuclear program best interest unite state iran denounce sanction illegal say would impose legal restrictions american individuals entities help regional terrorist group state tv quote foreign ministry statement say affect sanction access u.s. financial system deal u.s. company subject secondary sanction mean foreign company individuals prohibit deal risk blacklist unite state u.s. weigh middle east troop hike iran concern mattis
manchester n.h./washington republican donald trump monday place responsibility mass shoot florida squarely feet radical muslims say enter country amidst flood refugees try take children presumptive republican presidential nominee draw country deadly mass shoot sharpen vow ban muslim immigrants propose unite state suspend immigration areas world prove history terrorism national security speech trump say time tell truth radical islam day 49 people kill gay nightclub orlando gunman likely self-radicalized swear allegiance rebel group islamic state comment contrast sharply hillary clinton wealthy businessman likely democratic rival nov. election urge increase intelligence gather airstrikes islamic state territory caution demonize american muslims want protect quality life americans women children gay straight jews christians people need tell truth radical islam need trump tell crowd new hampshire go lambaste clinton policies say would allow hundreds thousands refugees middle east enter unite state without adequate security measure would system vet prevent radicalization ... children say children way try take children convince wonderful isis wonderful islam know happen trump say elect would use executive authority presidency impose strong control immigration protect americans attack fine-tune early campaign promise temporarily ban entry foreign muslims shore national security elect suspend immigration areas world prove history terrorism unite state europe ally fully understand end threats say note parent florida gunman omar mateen 29 bear afghanistan point specific incidents sept. 11 2001 attack trump say threats pose people root pakistan saudi arabia somalia immigration ban say would last position properly screen people come country pour know do trump hard-line proposals immigration help fuel surge popularity among conservative voters also trigger heavy condemnation minority human right activists political opponents many call rhetoric racist trump reject criticism say often misunderstand media opponents anti-woman anti-gay response florida massacre clinton warn demonize muslim americans call increase efforts remove islamic state propaganda internet air strike areas hold group good coordination ally region orlando terrorist may dead virus poison mind remain strong must attack say speech cleveland specifically criticize three u.s. ally saudi arabia qatar kuwait allow citizens fund mosques school train jihadists also propose strict gun control laws reiterate previous call prohibit people terrorism watch list buy firearms point federal bureau investigation aware mateen possible threat still able purchase gun legally important stop terrorists get tool need carry attack especially true come assault weapons like use orlando san bernardino california clinton say draw stand ovation crowd trump challenge clinton explain favor let syrian civil war refugees unite state say policies would good protect american women gays lesbians jews christians trump support among women gay voters lag far behind clinton radical islam anti-woman anti-gay anti-american say trump accuse tie saudi arabia saudi arabia many countries give vast amount money clinton foundation want women slave kill gays say facebook post hillary must return money countries florida shoot trump harden stance muslims
u.s. senate democratic leader chuck schumer sunday demand president donald trump reverse executive order target immigration seven predominantly muslim countries say make unite state appear less humanitarian less safe less american must reverse immediately democrats go introduce legislation overturn schumer say new york schumer also say tell u.s. homeland security secretary john kelly 42 people detain u.s. airports would process allow enter country court order issue saturday night schumer say kelly also tell trump executive order would affect green card holders contradict previous administration statements u.s. senate democrat leader demand reversal immigration order
donald trump give first ever apology thursday half-assed work teleprompter regardless manage spit word republican nominee tell crowd rally charlotte north carolina regret time say wrong thing cause personal pain time say excuse ignore much stake know politician work business create job rebuild neighborhoods entire adult life never want learn language insiders never politically correct take far much time often make difficult achieve total victory.sometimes heat debate speak multitude issue choose right word say wrong thing do regret particularly may cause personal pain much stake us consume issue trump attack honesty rival hillary clinton swear would never lie would always put interest voters first journey never lie trump promise crowd never tell something believe never put anyone interest ahead yours.trump say clinton prove one great liars time particularly ironic come man award lie year politifact 2015. sometimes honest hillary clinton exact opposite never tell truth one lie another get bad pass day wrong things say ones regret much like say mexicans rapists yeah well honest great apology best apology.featured image via video screen capture donald trump give first apology ever swear never lie
bloemfontein south africa south africa supreme court appeal friday uphold high court rule reinstate nearly 800 corruption charge file jacob zuma become president zuma face deny numerous corruption allegations since take office say disappoint court decision ask national prosecute authority npa consider representations decide whether proceed unclear npa would make decision charge relate 30 billion rand billion government arm deal arrange late 1990s rule likely amplify call zuma 75 step term president end 2019 diminish influence succeed rule african national congress anc choose new leader december go make lot difficult camp get presidential candidate elect say gary van staden political analyst nkc african economics friday unanimous supreme court rule uphold high court decision april 2016 charge zuma reinstate set aside april 2009 then-head prosecute authority pave way zuma run president late year reject appeal bring zuma npa judge lorimer leach say irrational npa set charge aside word use high court difficult understand present regime npa consider decision terminate prosecution could defend supreme court leach say npa spokesman luvuyo mfaku say prosecutors would need consider judgment would time right thing within confine rule law interest proper administration justice separate statement npa say zuma lawyers ask state prosecutor serve indictment client re-enrol matter prior representations consider prospect zuma removal may inch close lift rand dollar zuma unpopular many investors sack respect finance minister pravin gordhan march move hit south african financial assets help tip country credit rat junk territory zuma face persistent corruption allegations recently leak email suggest friends gupta family may use influence secure lucrative state contract company reuters independently verify email zuma guptas consistently deny wrongdoing mmusi maimane leader main opposition democratic alliance say would write national director public prosecutions shaun abrahams demand indict zuma charge formulate evidence ready await trial date maimane tell reporters ask reporters whether zuma resign african national congress anc secretary general gwede mantashe say party would allow process take course first thing whether npa decide charge president say put cart horse national prosecutor mokotedi mpshe decision 2009 drop 783 charge zuma become know spy tap case base phone intercept present zuma legal team suggest time charge late 2007 may part political plot stop zuma deputy president run top job zuma link 1990s arm deal former financial adviser jail corruption analysts say credibility zuma npa question rule one lawyer ulrich roux speak media legal analyst say private prosecution could institute charge bring south african supreme court uphold reinstate 783 corruption charge zuma
moscow journalist become second woman enter russia presidential race say monday want use election campaign right single mother children presidential election take place march next year president vladimir putin expect stand win yet confirm plan opposition activists believe kremlin aim crown field candidates design distract entertain order boost turnout divide liberal opposition kremlin deny say anyone meet legal criteria run take part monday mother-of-two ekaterina gordon 37 work tv radio talk show host say put forward independent presidential candidate say never vote become disillusion liberal opposition pro-kremlin politicians understand everyone feed trough gordon say online video many populist theme ... one reality country single mother one give damn say agree candidacy kremlin experience kind problems russian woman face due ownership law firm another female candidate russian tv personality ksenia sobchak say early month plan run president offer liberal voters unhappy putin rule someone back though like gordon little prospect win post-soviet russia never female president kremlin critic opposition leader alexei navalny want run russia central election commission declare ineligible due suspend prison sentence say politically-motivated second woman enter russian presidential race campaign single mother
moscow russian tu-95 strategic bombers fire cruise missiles islamic state target syria deir al-zor idlib provinces ria news agency quote russia defense ministry say tuesday strike carry safe distance u.s. special force u.s.-backed militias ministry cite say russian bombers fire cruise missiles islamic state target syria ria
hateful black muslim man america apparently allow give insane speeches front large crowd america call kill white men name koran yet one bat eye terrorism man arrest terrorism black muslim leader farrakahn call army 10,000 stalk kill white man …the koran say retaliation prescribe video
https // v=ws5ojb0pcco sara carter right spy trump go far beyond report video
jar fogle ex-subway pitchman convict sex underage girls sue parent one victims claim girl problems follow sexual abuse fault accord court document file thursday fogle place blame victim personal injuries emotional distress squarely shoulder parent rather own.the girl list jane doe court record secretly record undress bath home russell taylor close friend fogle last year fogle plead guilty view tap eventually sentence almost 16 years behind bar sex minors well receive distribute child pornography also order pay 100,000 girls abuse include jane word doubt pervert guilt point.earlier year jane doe sue fogle additional 150,000 damage relate crimes fogle say emotional distress fault nope fault lawsuit file fogle allege girl depress history drug alcohol abuse promiscuous long buddy decide use kiddie porn claim jane doe parent name court document j.t b.t supervise properly add mom dad screw messy divorce abusive relationship outrageous reckless conduct j.t b.t commit period several years inflict personal injuries emotional distress psychological injury jane doe continue suffer document state b.t j.t action cause jane doe suffer emotional distress depression result jane doe engage destructive behaviors include limit alcohol abuse substance abuse self-mutilation suicidal ideation regard b.t j.t liable fogle ask court hold jane doe parent liable daughter emotional distress relief court deem proper feature image via jason merritt/getty image jar fogle sue parent victim say fault screw
security nation never threaten today incompetent leadership barack hussein obama idea one highly train group warriors us military pay combat gear unconscionable meanwhile spend 50 million 42,000 per tortoise transplant desert ca new environment may may survive perfect example upside nation priorities today breitbart congressman rep. duncan hunter r-ca marine three combat deployments iraq afghanistan resume say navy seal tell run short combat rifles.the associate press report hunter describe weapons carousel seal return deployment hand weapons outgo troop practice describe undermine train like fight ideal disrupt personal connection special operators develop finely-tuned weapons hunter stress importance allow special operators train weapons bring field currently stand follow deployment seal weapon take fine-tune certain specifications give different operator use mean seal stand deploy wait different team come back stateside use weapons say hunter want rifle lifeline let keep gun assign desk job pentagon congressman urged.according navy time seal force spend money combat gear former active-duty special operator lt. cmdr sean matson visit capitol hill hunter invitation say put 900 money buy high-quality ballistic helmet navy drag heel upgrade kit hunter portray seal rifle shortage consequence wasteful spend note abundant fund purchase rifle far less expensive equipment military buy available base congressional spend authorizations special ops forces.hunter chief staff joe kasper tell navy time shortages optics night vision laser attachments also report even budget navy special warfare increase obviously trade-offs make occur expense operators firepower absolute bad trade-offs make say kasper meanwhile daily caller marine corps get ready conduct massive operation move hundreds desert tortoises live combat train ground crush death military vehicles.the operation total cost 50 million move 1,185 tortoises 42,000 per tortoise navy seal force spend money combat gear …while u.s. marines spend 50 million save desert tortoises
bill one-time-only clash vice presidential run mat real matchup vice presidential debate turn mike pence versus tim kaine video group correct record show mike pence spend time slam position statements hold run mate donald trump either members democratic video ad3media campaign= 1045 really stun see pence roll eye exhale kaine recite trump bizarre rhetoric use response time completely avoid defend trump offer token wonder many observe debate believe pence tactics possible presidential run 2020 real interest trump vice president 4-8 years.the think even lose ticket pence sort national exposure would impossible earn mean recent republican primary show big name brand conquer field compose governors senators business leaders despite credentials even sit governor pence would somewhere realm 30 million people watch anything could leader indiana compare number two presidential strategy seem hurt short term whatever happen party unity may play so-called long game pence leg post-trump gop field.that say could act self-preservation pence part ally man attack muslims christians black good brand management even though simply ticket pence give validation bigoted glory.featured image via screen capture watch mike pence totally throw trump bus vp debate video