1 value
rectangle named svt.
create rectangle of 5,19.
12,36 a rectangle of 16 by 11.
rectangle width 18,height 7.
rectangle nwd at 14,12 and 20 by 19.
jade colored rectangle.
rectangle color tea with 5 by 3.
color jasmine rectangle.
persimmon rectangle 21 by 13.
rectangle from 17,27 to 5,19.
rectangle from 13 15 to 20 5.
rectangle from vrf to tr3.
rectangle from wfj center to m11 center.
rectangle from dots point a to tr4 point c.
rectangle from m0 bottom right to m0 top left.
21,3 a triangle of 23 by 11.
triangle right of 18 by 20.
triangle right at 6,42 and 5 by 5.
29,27 a triangle right of 16 by 28.
hurricane triangle through 1,17 and 18,28 and 13,14.
[verb='create',form='triangle',call='triangleByPoints',color='hurricane',A ='1|17',B ='18|28',C ='13|14']
meteor segment 2,5 to 7,4.
segment color juniper 2,5 to 7,4.
segment from 24,13 to 16,18.
segment from 31 7 to 28 6.
segment from m2 to m5.
segment from m1 center to jsd center.
segment from tr2 center to tr5 center.
segment from joy point a to m0 point c.
segment from tr5 bottom right to tr2 top left.
point nff.
point 6,10.
point sgi 23,9.
point 29,-28.
point -22,23.
point -28,-8.
create point at 29 and 24.
create point 23 23.
create point at 10, 29.
circle moc 1 at 9,24.
circle gsy 3.
circle radius 1.
create a circle of 5 at 12,11.
circle called xmy of 4.
create circle nyh with 4 at 34,16.
astral circle 5.
salmon color circle 5.
create circle 4 with color marzipan.
pablo circle named jmn of 4.
circle radius 4.
circle called tmc radius 4.
circle bwh of radius 5 at 22, 4.
circle wbt of 1 at 46, 30.
circle from m11 to m6.
circle pdp from tr3 to m1.
circle from m7.c to m7.e.
circle from xgz a to m10 c.
circle through zha point a,zha point b,zha point c.
circle through wtn point d, point a, point b.
rectangle at 36,27.
rectangle sdk.
at 34,6 rectangle called yql.
rectangle named ogh.
create rectangle of 18,26.
26,18 a rectangle of 16 by 27.
rectangle width 11,height 4.
rectangle jmi at 26,14 and 23 by 27.
purple colored rectangle.
rectangle color everglade with 5 by 3.
color white rectangle.
astral rectangle 26 by 24.
rectangle from 3,12 to 15,18.
rectangle from 21 12 to 3 7.
rectangle from m10 to m1.
rectangle from m6 center to dots center.
rectangle from xgz point a to m4 point c.
rectangle from m8 bottom right to tr4 top left.
27,27 a triangle of 1 by 16.
triangle right of 5 by 13.
triangle right at 12,39 and 5 by 5.
4,19 a triangle right of 28 by 6.
venus triangle through 1,17 and 18,28 and 13,14.
[verb='create',form='triangle',call='triangleByPoints',color='venus',A ='1|17',B ='18|28',C ='13|14']
bean segment 2,5 to 7,4.
segment color sepia 2,5 to 7,4.
segment from 26,11 to 14,30.
segment from 19 28 to 10 19.
segment from tr2 to nmi.
segment from vrf center to cpd center.
segment from m3 center to tr5 center.
segment from m10 point a to m2 point c.
segment from jsd bottom right to tr5 top left.
point cyz.
point 9,29.
point knr 26,15.
point 2,-27.
point -14,29.
point -8,-23.
create point at 4 and 5.
create point 12 9.
create point at 20, 4.
circle 2.