stringlengths 40
| size
int64 5
| ext
stringclasses 6
values | lang
stringclasses 1
value | max_stars_repo_path
stringlengths 3
| max_stars_repo_name
stringlengths 5
| max_stars_repo_head_hexsha
stringlengths 40
| max_stars_repo_licenses
sequencelengths 1
| max_stars_count
int64 1
⌀ | max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | max_issues_repo_path
stringlengths 3
| max_issues_repo_name
stringlengths 5
| max_issues_repo_head_hexsha
stringlengths 40
| max_issues_repo_licenses
sequencelengths 1
| max_issues_count
int64 1
⌀ | max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | max_forks_repo_path
stringlengths 3
| max_forks_repo_name
stringlengths 5
| max_forks_repo_head_hexsha
stringlengths 40
| max_forks_repo_licenses
sequencelengths 1
| max_forks_count
int64 1
⌀ | max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | content
stringlengths 5
| avg_line_length
float64 1.14
| max_line_length
int64 1
| alphanum_fraction
float64 0
| lid
stringclasses 191
values | lid_prob
float64 0.01
dcc3eacf03fc806023c351d4ea6360f2ef3d3cec | 49 | md | Markdown | README.md | houboye/SwiftVaporServerDemo | 4813257a8bca69f098b5dfce8ad750b429fc3f50 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | houboye/SwiftVaporServerDemo | 4813257a8bca69f098b5dfce8ad750b429fc3f50 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | houboye/SwiftVaporServerDemo | 4813257a8bca69f098b5dfce8ad750b429fc3f50 | [
] | null | null | null | # SwiftVaporServerDemo
a swift vapor server demo
| 16.333333 | 25 | 0.836735 | epo_Latn | 0.506044 |
dcc4aadbaa2803de69c90688c281b9ab31f9a4bb | 3,894 | md | Markdown | README.md | cmur2/nginx-metrics-graphite | da4e649fd390455437a60b3370c87c008c2ebd1c | [
] | 3 | 2017-06-14T08:44:58.000Z | 2017-10-27T14:19:28.000Z | README.md | cmur2/nginx-metrics-graphite | da4e649fd390455437a60b3370c87c008c2ebd1c | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | cmur2/nginx-metrics-graphite | da4e649fd390455437a60b3370c87c008c2ebd1c | [
] | null | null | null | # nginx-metrics-graphite
This is a Lua plugin for the Nginx web server that automatically collects and submits several important Nginx metrics to [Graphite](https://graphiteapp.org/) suitable for visualisation with e.g. [Grafana](http://grafana.org/).
In constrast to commercial and proprietary solutions such as [Luameter](https://luameter.com/) or [NGINX Plus](https://www.nginx.com/products/) with it's [ngx_http_status_module](http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_status_module.html), this plugin is open source software while featuring more and additional metrics compared to those available via the open source [ngx_http_stub_status_module](http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_stub_status_module.html). (Yea, [other web servers](https://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/1/wiki/Docs_ModStatus) deliver more information by default...)
This plugin takes inspiration from other Nginx metric libraries like [nginx-lua-prometheus](https://github.com/knyar/nginx-lua-prometheus) but differs fundamentally in the metrics submission handling. Instead of exposing the metrics via a separate web page for HTTP polling it automatically pushes them in certain intervals to the configured instance(s) of [Carbon](https://github.com/graphite-project/carbon/) using pure Lua code. For that is uses the [Graphite plaintext protocol](https://graphite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/feeding-carbon.html#the-plaintext-protocol) over TCP establishing a new connection for every push.
The metrics collection happens on every request for which the user configures a suitable `log_by_lua` direcitve and towards server-wide global counters (finer granularity might be added later). The counters are realized using a single shared dictionary across all Nginx worker threads which has constant memory usage (128 KiB currently, may be reduced further).
Collected metrics in this prototype implementation:
* numbers of requests (total, to upstream, using ssl, using gzip)
* average request duration
* accumulated request sizes over all requests
* accumulated response sizes over all requests
* HTTP status code classes (1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx)
* HTTP methods (GET, HEAD, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS, others)
* HTTP versions (0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 2.0)
Successfully tested with:
* Nginx 1.6.2 and ngx_lua 0.9.12 on Debian Jessie
* Nginx 1.10.3 and ngx_lua 0.10.7 on Debian Stretch
* Nginx 1.14.0 and ngx_lua 0.10.13 from backports on Debian Stretch
## Caveats
A short metric submission interval might cause blocking on the Nginx workers since the shared dictionary storing all counters has to be locked.
Intermittent network errors while communicating with Graphite might lead to permanent loss of metric information. The communication happens in clear text and thus needs a secure separate network or other means.
If the Nginx worker elected (on Nginx startup) to run the submission loop is killed or dies no further metrics will be send until a restart.
## Install
* Install `nginx-extra` (includes Lua support) on Debian Jessie and Debian Stretch
* Clone the nginx-metrics-graphite repository to */opt/nginx-metrics-graphite*
* Add the following config to top-level `http` block (300 second submission interval):
resolver x.y.z.w; # DNS resolver IP address needed
lua_shared_dict metrics_graphite 128k;
lua_package_path ";;/opt/nginx-metrics-graphite/?.lua";
init_by_lua 'metrics_graphite = require("metrics_graphite").init({"graphite.example.net"}, 300, "my.node.prefix")';
init_worker_by_lua 'metrics_graphite:worker()';
* Instrument the `http` block or any server or location beneath it using `log_by_lua 'metrics_graphite:log()';`
## Development
apt-get install luarocks # on Debian
luarocks --local install luacheck
luacheck .
## License
nginx-metrics-graphite is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.
| 60.84375 | 623 | 0.782999 | eng_Latn | 0.941661 |
dcc5044c0fe87ea15a650f1a1b5c127f55622422 | 2,105 | md | Markdown | README.md | eryshkov/php-3HW04 | 0fd87905ae7e15bb8bb834736e11b10b1155160a | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | eryshkov/php-3HW04 | 0fd87905ae7e15bb8bb834736e11b10b1155160a | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | eryshkov/php-3HW04 | 0fd87905ae7e15bb8bb834736e11b10b1155160a | [
] | null | null | null | # Home work 4
<div align = "center">
<img src="/screens/hw04.png" width="100%">
<p align="center">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/PHP-7.3-orange.svg" alt="PHP-7.3"/>
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/licence-MIT-lightgray.svg" alt="Licence MIT"/>
## Информация для проверяющего
* решение для первого задания находится [здесь](TestArrayMemory.php)
* запуск из папки проекта производится при помощи консольной команды:
php TestArrayMemory.php
* на **php 7.3.3** один элемент массива занимает примерно **33.558 байт**. Стандартных 128 Мбайт приложению хватило;
* для задачи №2 была использована версия **php 5.6.40**. Пришлось увеличить `memory_limit` до 256 Мбайт, так как один элемент массива в ней занимает примерно **144.389 байт**;
* решение задачи №3 находится [здесь](https://github.com/eryshkov/php-2HW08/blob/91e8368def93825ccca15bd1eb83af3282362a7b/src/Repository/WordRepository.php#L26). Это самая длинная цепочка в [этом проекте](https://github.com/eryshkov/php-2HW08) на **Symfony** из 9 стрелочек;
* решение задачи №4 находится [здесь](TestClassMemory.php). Использование памяти происходило волнообразно. Плавно увеличивается до определенного значения, потом резкий спад использованного объёма. Это обусловнлено работой сборщика мусора. Он вычисляет циклические ссылки `$newObj->self = $newObj;` и делает очистку памяти от таких объектов. Сам сборщик мусора запускается автоматически при достижении значения в [10'000 штук](https://www.php.net/manual/ru/features.gc.collecting-cycles.php) по умолчанию (можно поменять это значение, изменив константу GC_ROOT_BUFFER_MAX_ENTRIES в файле Zend/zend_gc.c в исходном коде PHP и пересобрав PHP);
* для задачи №4.3 была использована версия **php 5.6.40**. Она **использует объём** оперативной памяти **в несколько раз больший**, чем **php 7.3.3** для точно такого же алгоритма.
## Main functionality
* meters memory usage
## Credits
* thanks to **Albert Stepantsev** and to his [awesome school](https://pr-of-it.ru/courses/php-3.html)
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
| 56.891892 | 640 | 0.759145 | rus_Cyrl | 0.838283 |
dcc5168408c175a5d25abe23f2168af594de9164 | 907 | md | Markdown | BotSharp.Channel.Weixin/README.md | Haiping-Chen/Bot.Rasa | 8f05afa0f1116a9173d4d1871d874a0a672cede3 | [
] | 846 | 2019-02-22T06:16:32.000Z | 2022-03-29T01:29:49.000Z | BotSharp.Channel.Weixin/README.md | Haiping-Chen/Bot.Rasa | 8f05afa0f1116a9173d4d1871d874a0a672cede3 | [
] | 16 | 2019-02-25T14:48:27.000Z | 2022-02-18T16:55:36.000Z | BotSharp.Channel.Weixin/README.md | Haiping-Chen/Bot.Rasa | 8f05afa0f1116a9173d4d1871d874a0a672cede3 | [
] | 209 | 2019-02-22T06:18:17.000Z | 2022-03-25T04:31:11.000Z | # botsharp-channel-weixin
A channel module of BotSharp for Tencent Weixin
### How to install through NuGet
PM> Install-Package BotSharp.Channel.Weixin
### How to run locally
git clone https://github.com/dotnetcore/BotSharp
Check app.json to use DialogflowAi
"version": "0.1.0",
"assemblies": "BotSharp.Core",
"platformModuleName": "DialogflowAi"
Update channels.weixin.json to set the corresponding KEY
"weixinChannel": {
"token": "botsharp",
"encodingAESKey": "",
"appId": "",
"agentId": "60bee6f9-ba58-4fe8-8b95-94af69d6fd41"
F5 run BotSharp.WebHost
Access http://localhost:3112
Import demo (Spotify.zip) agent located at App_Data
Train agent (id: 60bee6f9-ba58-4fe8-8b95-94af69d6fd41)
Or refer [BotSharp docs](https://botsharp.readthedocs.io) to design your new chatbot.
Setup Wechat webhood from https://mp.weixin.qq.com/.
| 18.895833 | 85 | 0.701213 | eng_Latn | 0.3463 |
dcc5a673aea269da5677eccc7792ec0e19edfd28 | 10,865 | md | Markdown | articles/active-directory/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial.md | OpenLocalizationTestOrg/azure-docs-pr15_fr-FR | 15e46e4307973230cd36bb4805c881d943cfb99b | [
] | null | null | null | articles/active-directory/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial.md | OpenLocalizationTestOrg/azure-docs-pr15_fr-FR | 15e46e4307973230cd36bb4805c881d943cfb99b | [
] | null | null | null | articles/active-directory/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial.md | OpenLocalizationTestOrg/azure-docs-pr15_fr-FR | 15e46e4307973230cd36bb4805c881d943cfb99b | [
] | null | null | null | <properties
pageTitle="Didacticiel : Intégration d’Azure Active Directory avec ScreenSteps | Microsoft Azure"
description="Découvrez comment utiliser ScreenSteps avec Azure Active Directory pour activer l’authentification unique, la mise en service automatisé et bien plus encore !"
ms.author="jeedes" />
#<a name="tutorial-azure-active-directory-integration-with-screensteps"></a>Didacticiel : Intégration d’Azure Active Directory avec ScreenSteps
L’objectif de ce didacticiel consiste à afficher l’intégration de Azure et ScreenSteps.
Scénario présenté dans ce didacticiel suppose que vous avez déjà les éléments suivants :
- Un abonnement Azure valide
- Un client ScreenSteps
Au terme de ce didacticiel, les utilisateurs Azure AD que vous avez affecté à ScreenSteps sera en mesure d’authentification unique dans l’application sur votre site de société ScreenSteps (service fournisseur initialisé par l’ouverture de session), ou à l’aide de [présentation pour le panneau d’accès](active-directory-saas-access-panel-introduction.md).
Scénario présenté dans ce didacticiel se compose de blocs de construction suivantes :
1. L’activation de l’intégration des applications pour ScreenSteps
2. Configuration de l’authentification unique
3. Configuration de mise en service de l’utilisateur
4. Affectation d’utilisateurs
![Scénario] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778516.png "Scénario")
##<a name="enabling-the-application-integration-for-screensteps"></a>L’activation de l’intégration des applications pour ScreenSteps
L’objectif de cette section consiste à créer un plan comment activer l’intégration des applications pour ScreenSteps.
###<a name="to-enable-the-application-integration-for-screensteps-perform-the-following-steps"></a>Pour activer l’intégration des applications pour ScreenSteps, effectuez les opérations suivantes :
1. Dans le portail classique Azure, dans le volet de navigation gauche, cliquez sur **Active Directory**.
![Active Directory] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC700993.png "Active Directory")
2. Dans la liste **répertoire** , sélectionnez le répertoire pour lequel vous souhaitez activer l’intégration d’annuaire.
3. Pour ouvrir la vue applications, dans l’affichage du répertoire, cliquez sur **Applications** dans le menu supérieur.
![Applications] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC700994.png "Applications")
4. Cliquez sur **Ajouter** en bas de la page.
![Application d’ajouter] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC749321.png "Application d’ajouter")
5. Dans la boîte de dialogue **que voulez-vous faire** , cliquez sur **Ajouter une application à partir de la galerie**.
![Ajouter une application à partir de gallerry] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC749322.png "Ajouter une application à partir de gallerry")
6. Dans la **zone de recherche**, tapez **ScreenSteps**.
![Galerie d’applications] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778517.png "Galerie d’applications")
7. Dans le volet résultats, sélectionnez **ScreenSteps**, puis cliquez sur **Terminer** pour ajouter l’application.
![ScreenSteps] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778518.png "ScreenSteps")
##<a name="configuring-single-sign-on"></a>Configuration de l’authentification unique
L’objectif de cette section consiste à créer un plan comment permettre aux utilisateurs de s’authentifier à ScreenSteps avec leur propre compte dans Azure AD à l’aide de la fédération basée sur le protocole SAML.
###<a name="to-configure-single-sign-on-perform-the-following-steps"></a>Pour configurer l’authentification unique, procédez comme suit :
1. Dans le portail classique Azure, dans la page de l’intégration **ScreenSteps** application, cliquez **sur Configurer l’authentification unique** pour ouvrir la boîte de dialogue **Configurer session unique** .
![De configurer l’authentification unique] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778519.png "De configurer l’authentification unique")
2. Dans la page **Comment souhaitez-vous aux utilisateurs de se connecter à ScreenSteps** , sélectionnez **Microsoft Azure AD SSO**, puis cliquez sur **suivant**.
![De configurer l’authentification unique] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778520.png "De configurer l’authentification unique")
3. Dans la page **Configurer les URL de l’application** , dans la zone de texte **ScreenSteps URL de connexion** , tapez votre URL à l’aide du modèle suivant « https://*\<nom de client\>. ScreenSteps.com*», puis cliquez sur **suivant**.
![Configurer des URL de l’application] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778521.png "Configurer des URL de l’application")
4. Dans la page **configuration de l’authentification unique en ScreenSteps** , pour télécharger votre certificat, cliquez sur **Télécharger le certificat**et puis enregistrez le fichier de certificat sur votre ordinateur.
![De configurer l’authentification unique] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778522.png "De configurer l’authentification unique")
5. Dans une fenêtre de navigateur web différente, connectez-vous à votre site d’entreprise ScreenSteps en tant qu’administrateur.
6. Cliquez sur **Gestion des comptes**.
![Gestion des comptes] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778523.png "Gestion des comptes")
7. Cliquez sur **l’authentification à distance**.
![Authentification à distance] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778524.png "Authentification à distance")
8. Cliquez sur **créer d’authentification extrémité**.
![Authentification à distance] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778525.png "Authentification à distance")
9. Dans la section **Création d’un point de terminaison d’authentification** , procédez comme suit :
![Créer un point de terminaison d’authentification] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778526.png "Créer un point de terminaison d’authentification")
1. Dans la zone de texte **titre** , tapez un titre.
2. Dans la liste **Mode** , sélectionnez **SAML**.
3. Cliquez sur **créer**.
10. Dans la section **Point de terminaison d’authentification distant** , procédez comme suit :
![Point de terminaison de l’authentification à distance] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778527.png "Point de terminaison de l’authentification à distance")
1. Dans le portail classique Azure, dans la page **configuration de l’authentification unique en ScreenSteps** , copiez la valeur de **l’URL de connexion à distance** et collez-le dans la zone de texte **URL de connexion à distance** .
2. Dans le portail classique Azure, dans la page **configuration de l’authentification unique en ScreenSteps** , copiez la valeur de **l’URL de déconnexion à distance** et collez-le dans la zone de texte **URL vous déconnecter** .
3. Cliquez sur **Choisir un fichier**, puis téléchargez le certificat téléchargé.
4. Cliquez sur **mettre à jour**.
11. Dans le portail classique Azure, sélectionnez la confirmation de la configuration de l’authentification unique, puis cliquez sur **Terminer** pour fermer la boîte de dialogue **Configurer session unique** .
![De configurer l’authentification unique] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778542.png "De configurer l’authentification unique")
##<a name="configuring-user-provisioning"></a>Configuration de mise en service de l’utilisateur
Afin de permettre aux utilisateurs Azure AD pour vous connecter à **ScreenSteps**, ils doivent être configurées dans **ScreenSteps**.
Dans le cas **ScreenSteps**, mise en service est une tâche manuelle.
###<a name="to-provision-a-user-account-to-screensteps-perform-the-following-steps"></a>Pour configurer un compte d’utilisateur à ScreenSteps, effectuez les opérations suivantes :
1. Connectez-vous à votre client **ScreenSteps** .
2. Cliquez sur **Gestion des comptes**.
![Gestion des comptes] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778523.png "Gestion des comptes")
3. Cliquez sur **utilisateurs**.
![Utilisateurs] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778544.png "Utilisateurs")
4. Cliquez sur **créer un utilisateur**.
![Tous les utilisateurs] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778545.png "Tous les utilisateurs")
5. Dans la liste **Rôle d’utilisateur** , sélectionnez un rôle pour l’utilisateur.
6. Dans la section rôle d’utilisateur, tapez «**prénom**, **nom**, **messagerie**, **connexion**, **mot de passe** et **Confirmation de mot de passe**» d’un compte DAS valide que vous souhaitez mettre en service dans les zones de texte liée.
![Nouvel utilisateur] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778546.png "Nouvel utilisateur")
7. Dans la section groupes, sélectionnez le **Groupe d’authentification (SAML)**, puis cliquez sur **Créer un utilisateur**.
![Groupes] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778547.png "Groupes")
>[AZURE.NOTE]Vous pouvez utiliser n’importe quel autres ScreenSteps utilisateur compte outils de création ou API fournies par ScreenSteps aux comptes d’utilisateurs AAD mise en service.
##<a name="assigning-users"></a>Affectation d’utilisateurs
Pour tester votre configuration, vous devez accorder aux utilisateurs Azure AD que vous souhaitez autoriser à l’aide de votre accès application en les affectant.
###<a name="to-assign-users-to-screensteps-perform-the-following-steps"></a>Pour affecter des utilisateurs à ScreenSteps, effectuez les opérations suivantes :
1. Dans le portail classique Azure, créez un compte de test.
2. Dans la page de l’intégration **ScreenSteps **application, cliquez sur **attribuer aux utilisateurs**.
![Attribuer aux utilisateurs] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC773094.png "Attribuer aux utilisateurs")
3. Sélectionnez votre utilisateur de test et cliquez sur **attribuer**, puis cliquez sur **Oui** pour confirmer votre devoir.
![Attribuer aux utilisateurs] (./media/active-directory-saas-screensteps-tutorial/IC778548.png "Attribuer aux utilisateurs")
Si vous souhaitez tester vos paramètres de l’authentification unique, ouvrez le panneau d’accès. Pour plus d’informations sur le panneau d’accès, voir [Présentation du panneau d’accès](active-directory-saas-access-panel-introduction.md). | 63.538012 | 355 | 0.765854 | fra_Latn | 0.928583 |
dcc7b0e971123a5286874efd7137742a0db6f21b | 1,955 | md | Markdown | swift/Problem 135/README.md | SebastienFCT/daily-coding-problem | 209eeb24c24ad5450ce2f7dbf9678281f9c6895e | [
] | 10 | 2020-04-04T14:57:43.000Z | 2022-02-02T13:48:15.000Z | swift/Problem 135/README.md | SebastienFCT/daily-coding-problem | 209eeb24c24ad5450ce2f7dbf9678281f9c6895e | [
] | null | null | null | swift/Problem 135/README.md | SebastienFCT/daily-coding-problem | 209eeb24c24ad5450ce2f7dbf9678281f9c6895e | [
] | 3 | 2019-12-06T03:54:25.000Z | 2020-01-10T16:19:15.000Z | ## Description
This question was asked by Apple.
Given a binary tree, find a minimum path sum from root to a leaf.
For example, the minimum path in this tree is [10, 5, 1, -1], which has sum 15.
/ \
5 5
\ \
2 1
## Solution
## Solution
import Foundation
class Node {
var value: Int
var left: Node?
var right: Node?
init(value: Int) {
self.value = value
self.left = nil
self.right = nil
func minPath() -> [Node] {
let paths = allPaths(current: [self])
let sums = paths.map{ $0.map{ $0.value }.reduce(0, +) }
let min = sums.min()
let minIndex = sums.indices.filter{ sums[$0] == min! }
return paths[minIndex.first!]
private func allPaths(current: [Node]) -> [[Node]] {
if left == nil && right == nil {
return [current]
var result: [[Node]] = []
if let left = left {
var new = current
result.append(contentsOf: left.allPaths(current: new))
if let right = right {
var new = current
result.append(contentsOf: right.allPaths(current: new))
return result
## Test
class Problem_135Tests: XCTestCase {
func test_example() {
let root = Node(value: 10)
let l = Node(value: 5)
root.left = l
let lr = Node(value: 2)
l.right = lr
let r = Node(value: 5)
root.right = r
let rr = Node(value: 1)
r.right = rr
let rrl = Node(value: -1)
rr.left = rrl
print(root.minPath().map{ $0.value } == [10, 5, 1, -1])
``` | 18.798077 | 79 | 0.469565 | eng_Latn | 0.777259 |
dcc7eef614dceba3279d8cfbee6635478f705193 | 1,311 | md | Markdown | docs/config/module/sink/debug.md | w1mvy/DataflowTemplate | 403f69086a23315694a76d580d1b3e911557d69d | [
] | 41 | 2020-12-05T13:57:33.000Z | 2022-03-24T13:51:48.000Z | docs/config/module/sink/debug.md | w1mvy/DataflowTemplate | 403f69086a23315694a76d580d1b3e911557d69d | [
] | 6 | 2021-02-27T05:01:39.000Z | 2022-03-25T11:41:09.000Z | docs/config/module/sink/debug.md | w1mvy/DataflowTemplate | 403f69086a23315694a76d580d1b3e911557d69d | [
] | 14 | 2020-12-16T15:48:18.000Z | 2022-03-29T07:02:07.000Z | # Debug Sink Module
Sink module for outputting specified data to the log.
## Sink module common parameters
| parameter | optional | type | description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| name | required | String | Step name. specified to be unique in config file. |
| module | required | String | Specified `debug` |
| input | required | String | Step name whose data you want to print log |
| parameters | required | Map<String,Object\> | Specify the following individual parameters. |
## Debug sink module parameters
| parameter | optional | type | description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| logLevel | optional | String | Log level. You can specify either `trace`,`debug`,`info`,`warn` or `error`. default is `debug`. |
| logTemplate | optional | String | When you want to embed the text in a template in [FreeMarker format](https://freemarker.apache.org/), specify the text to be the template. the variables that can be used from the template are as follows. If nothing is specified, each data is output to the log in JSON format. |
## Variables available in Template
| name | type |
| --- | --- |
| data | String |
| timestamp | String |
| paneTiming | String |
| paneIsFirst | String |
| paneIsLast | String |
| paneIndex | String |
| windowMaxTimestamp |
| windowStart | String |
| windowEnd | String |
| 38.558824 | 313 | 0.681159 | eng_Latn | 0.983082 |
dcc815cc2b0ebcbb7854258e0774c1fb06f1a462 | 1,492 | md | Markdown | docs/LibrarySqlData.ps1.md | MSAdministrator/PoshCodeMarkDown | 062c6065193eaeb46efc185ee9a25b4957ed98b5 | [
] | 7 | 2019-02-22T05:58:27.000Z | 2021-09-02T09:43:52.000Z | docs/LibrarySqlData.ps1.md | MSAdministrator/PoshCodeMarkDown | 062c6065193eaeb46efc185ee9a25b4957ed98b5 | [
] | 1 | 2021-05-19T09:30:21.000Z | 2021-05-19T09:30:21.000Z | docs/LibrarySqlData.ps1.md | MSAdministrator/PoshCodeMarkDown | 062c6065193eaeb46efc185ee9a25b4957ed98b5 | [
] | 2 | 2018-08-29T13:55:38.000Z | 2021-01-07T18:29:18.000Z | ---
Version: 0.1
Encoding: ascii
License: cc0
PoshCode ID: 1139
Published Date:
Archived Date: 2009-06-07t23
# librarysqldata -
## Description
library defines two simple functions that use ado.net to get and set sql data.
## Comments
## Usage
## function
## Code
function Get-SqlData
param([string]$serverName=$(throw 'serverName is required.'), [string]$databaseName=$(throw 'databaseName is required.'),
[string]$query=$(throw 'query is required.'))
Write-Verbose "Get-SqlData serverName:$serverName databaseName:$databaseName query:$query"
$connString = "Server=$serverName;Database=$databaseName;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
$da = New-Object "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter" ($query,$connString)
$dt = New-Object "System.Data.DataTable"
function Set-SqlData
param([string]$serverName=$(throw 'serverName is required.'), [string]$databaseName=$(throw 'databaseName is required.'),
[string]$query=$(throw 'query is required.'))
$connString = "Server=$serverName;Database=$databaseName;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
$conn = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $connString
$cmd = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("$query", $conn)
| 21.014085 | 127 | 0.654826 | kor_Hang | 0.286662 |
dcc8b804bad2b279afe5cdd15f4efff1c595f32d | 684 | md | Markdown | README.md | SirLYC/EasyMusic | bfa45de49d2ab6d26b29afa0d1fbd87b6ca1cc1f | [
] | 2 | 2018-05-20T13:13:24.000Z | 2018-12-22T09:56:43.000Z | README.md | SirLYC/EasyMusic | bfa45de49d2ab6d26b29afa0d1fbd87b6ca1cc1f | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | SirLYC/EasyMusic | bfa45de49d2ab6d26b29afa0d1fbd87b6ca1cc1f | [
] | null | null | null | # EasyMusic
Android music player (Course Project)
# Introduce
A simple music player on Android implemented mainly by MediaPlayer Api with Service.<br>
This app may not look pretty cause it's just a course project and my major work is implementing the logic...<br>
- use MediaPlayer API
- MVVM architecture (LiveData & ViewModel & RxJava)
- store music and history list by sqlite
- list manage: select, delete...
- multi play mode..
- choose audio track (experiment function)
# ScreenShots
<img src="sc/sc (1).png" width = 200/>
<img src="sc/sc (2).png" width = 200/>
<img src="sc/sc (3).png" width = 200/>
<img src="sc/sc (4).png" width = 200/>
<img src="sc/sc (5).png" width = 200/>
| 38 | 112 | 0.711988 | eng_Latn | 0.897113 |
dcc9b1426409ff9b28bdc8c1e8b9e691512b3729 | 12 | md | Markdown | src/libs/actix-web.md | TENX-S/rust-coding-guidelines-zh | 5ed5615307f4950980f8c91f20ee20e91d1d3718 | [
] | 1 | 2021-09-07T06:36:45.000Z | 2021-09-07T06:36:45.000Z | src/libs/actix-web.md | Fengys123/rust-coding-guidelines-zh | 17b13597cfd6713e8c8cf47536e23f030482e903 | [
] | null | null | null | src/libs/actix-web.md | Fengys123/rust-coding-guidelines-zh | 17b13597cfd6713e8c8cf47536e23f030482e903 | [
] | 1 | 2021-11-09T08:59:51.000Z | 2021-11-09T08:59:51.000Z | # actix-web
| 6 | 11 | 0.666667 | eng_Latn | 0.654396 |
dcc9c66aa6f37f64ddafa36eaa0fe41c019f9951 | 9,181 | md | Markdown | content/post/DU23w.md | leilayanhui/duw | 3fc84c6363d9f73ce96b992e80834633d133d5f3 | [
] | null | null | null | content/post/DU23w.md | leilayanhui/duw | 3fc84c6363d9f73ce96b992e80834633d133d5f3 | [
] | null | null | null | content/post/DU23w.md | leilayanhui/duw | 3fc84c6363d9f73ce96b992e80834633d133d5f3 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: "DU23w"
date: 2017-09-18T20:20:00+08:00
# 怼周刊\_v23
\~ 预定 17.9.18 20:20 发布
Release time - 20:20, September 18th, 2017
The wall of variable
Guanghe being flippancy in the fall
Pandas selected by variable
Must be int but into string
Spring or Autumn rightnow
String or int in Pandas variable
Alice confused all
p.s. 小鹤所在新西兰是春天, 英文也要跟中文的 短-长-短 一致, 末尾押韵[au]
Frühling oder Herbst jetzt
String oder int im Pandas Variable
Alice verwirrt alle
- 主编: [大妈][1]
- 责编:
+ [xpgeng][2]
+ [sunoonlee][3]
+ [Zoe][4]
+ [bambooom][5]
# 进度 Timelines
\~ 记录当周关键事件日期+证据链接
- 170916 [42h\[TASK]20170916 怼周会 分享及纪要][6]
# 任务 Tasks
\~ 记述关键共怼任务 (如果没有, 留空)
- 170911 [4d\[BC]究竟 Python 都有什么运行姿势? 何时应用哪种?][7]
# 进展 Progress
\~ 整体上圈内部活跃指标情况
- 提交: 10 人,
- 小组 @zoomquiet 时间帐单:效能分析小队
- 成员: @zsy @liguanghe @simpleowen @mxclover
- @draachen Py104 学习
- @hetao 深度学习
- @liguanghe 域外生活录
- @OMlalala 投资学习
- @zsy 编程与写作
- @zoejane 日常节奏形成
- @leilayanhui Py103复习
- @Wangjunyu 编程与工作相结合
- @mxclover 自怼就业跃迁录
- 引发的作品:
- 状态:
<tr><th>allcic Commit</th><th> times</th><th>weekly Commit</th><th> times</th></tr>
<a href='http://github.com/ZoomQuiet'>ZoomQuiet</a></td><td>348</td>
<a href='http://github.com/liguanghe'>liguanghe</a></td><td>19</td>
<a href='http://github.com/zoejane'>zoejane</a></td><td>301</td>
<a href='http://github.com/Wangjunyu'>Wangjunyu</a></td><td>13</td>
<a href='http://github.com/liguanghe'>liguanghe</a></td><td>266</td>
<a href='http://github.com/mxclover'>mxclover</a></td><td>9</td>
<a href='http://github.com/mxclover'>mxclover</a></td><td>173</td>
<a href='http://github.com/vanxv'>vanxv</a></td><td>7</td>
<a href='http://github.com/zhangshiyinrunwithcc'>zhangshiyinrunwithcc</a></td><td>138</td>
<a href='http://github.com/ZoomQuiet'>ZoomQuiet</a></td><td>2</td>
<tr><th>all Commit </th><th>Comments times</th><th>weekly Commit</th><th>Comments times</th></tr>
<a href='http://github.com/ZoomQuiet'>ZoomQuiet</a></td><td>149</td>
<a href='http://github.com/ZoomQuiet'>ZoomQuiet</a></td><td>3</td>
<tr><th>all Issue </th><th>Comments times</th><th>weekly Issue</th><th>Comments times</th></tr>
<a href='http://github.com/liguanghe'>liguanghe</a></td><td>460</td>
<a href='http://github.com/liguanghe'>liguanghe</a></td><td>37</td>
<a href='http://github.com/ZoomQuiet'>ZoomQuiet</a></td><td>402</td>
<a href='http://github.com/zhangshiyinrunwithcc'>zhangshiyinrunwithcc</a></td><td>8</td>
<a href='http://github.com/zhangshiyinrunwithcc'>zhangshiyinrunwithcc</a></td><td>310</td>
<a href='http://github.com/ZoomQuiet'>ZoomQuiet</a></td><td>7</td>
<a href='http://github.com/zoejane'>zoejane</a></td><td>107</td>
<a href='http://github.com/OMlalala'>OMlalala</a></td><td>6</td>
<a href='http://github.com/mxclover'>mxclover</a></td><td>76</td>
<a href='http://github.com/Wangjunyu'>Wangjunyu</a></td><td>5</td>
- 在线(测试ing..):
+ `curl du.zoomquiet.us`
+ `curl du.zoomquiet.us/v0/all/cic/rank/5/`
+ `curl du.zoomquiet.us/v0/all/cil/rank/5/`
+ `curl du.zoomquiet.us/v0/week/cic/rank/5/`
+ `curl du.zoomquiet.us/v0/week/cil/rank/5/`
- [文档-\>du4proto/st at DU\_tools · DebugUself/du4proto][8]
# 成果 Achievements
\~ 各种成品/半成品 内部知识作品
## @atl4damaAll 时间账单阶段成果
- SET4 效能指数
- 算法: 参考网络流量的收费统计: 次峰计费原则
可以尝试用: 输出峰值平均时长 (TOTa ~ Top Output Time average) 为间接效能指标
取前 20% 为当周有效输出
取平均时长,计为 xx.xTOTa
配合对应的: 低产峰值平均时长 (LOTa ~ Low Output Time average) 为对比效能指标
统计一周内所有 沟通/输入 行为
取前 20% 为当周输出低产峰值总量
取平均时长,计为 xx.xLOTa
以及每天的: 中断指数 (TBI ~ Totle Broken Index) 为加权
TBT ~ 中断总时长
TBC ~ 中断次数
(TBT/TBC)/(86060) -> 平均中断时长 占有效工作时间比例 -> TBI
即,每天平均中断时长占有效工作时间的比例, 记为: xx.xTBI
SET4 (Simple Efficiency Time for DU)指标
- 数据: 时间账单原始数据 -> 数据清洗 -> SET4 算法
- 可视化: 通过 pandas 在 jupyter notebook 中实现
tr = pd.read_csv('/Users/liguanghe/du4proto/src/_atl2log/atl2SET4dama_all.csv')
tr.columns = ['year','week','set4']
ax = tr.plot.line(x='week',y='set4')
## @liguanghe
- 小鹤博客 | 域外生活录 | [Meals 吃了么 | Li Guanghe's blog][9]
- 小鹤博客 | 域外生活录 | [Single Room in Hostel 七夕搬单间][10]
- 小鹤博客 | python 基础 | [Basic Element and Grammer of Coding][11]
## @liguanghe
- 荔枝播客: 李广鹤
- 新增读书:
- [集异璧 第九章 无门与哥德尔][12]
- [集异璧 下篇异集璧 前奏曲][13]
- [[集异璧 描述的层次和计算机系统1]在线收听\_李广鹤\_荔枝FM](https://www.lizhi.fm/2040956/2623781339466401798)
- [[集异璧 第十章 描述的层次和计算机系统 2]在线收听\_李广鹤\_荔枝FM](https://www.lizhi.fm/2040956/2623923951707203078)
- 关联专辑: [[哥德尔 爱舍尔 巴赫]在线收听\_mp3下载\_荔枝FM](https://www.lizhi.fm/2040956/album/2614866758795105307)
- 英语分享:
- [[dunedin supermarket]在线收听\_李广鹤\_荔枝FM](https://www.lizhi.fm/2040956/2623943680638578182)
- [[dunedin dinner for friendship]在线收听\_李广鹤\_荔枝FM](https://www.lizhi.fm/2040956/2624175737723394566)
- [[dunedin he is coming]在线收听\_李广鹤\_荔枝FM](https://www.lizhi.fm/2040956/2624871245400072198)
- 关联专辑: [[Dunedin NZ]在线收听\_mp3下载\_荔枝FM](https://www.lizhi.fm/2040956/album/2613131869163763739)
# 故事 Stories
\~ 收集各自无法雷同的怼圈真人故事...
## 熊本🐻心语-\>有小队真好
## @liguanghe @atl4damaAll 血案故事: pandas variable int.
时间账单项目(branch: atl4dama), 尝试用 pandas 可视化的小鹤终于弄懂了想要的数据类型, 即一张 set4 的列表. 回头翻小明的尝试文档发现, 小明同学用时 6 小时, 手动生成2014年52周 set4 数据. 如何将其中手动部分转成自动生成表格呢? 小鹤再这里进行了尝试, 怼出pandas 的平均数代码等等. 只一处不过, 遇到报错:
TypeError: cannot do slice indexing on <class 'pandas.core.indexes.numeric.Int64Index'> with these indexers [otn] of <class 'str'>
因对 int 和 'str' 不敏感, (恩恩, 不知道 int 是什么), 便误以为是上位概念 variable 整个不支持, 在此处折腾两天, 遍查不到(google/github/slackflow), 差点要去 pandas官方 github 处开 issue, 留下污点. 好在大妈云, 自然查不到, 因为 pandas 支持 variable, 那里需要填的是个整数(int)而已. 于是 遂将 otn 改成 int(otn),即解决.
这个故事告诉我们, bug不在别人在自己, 要相信模块是高手智慧的结晶, 错的一定是自己. 也告诉我们, 千万不要忽略报错信息, 详读报错信息, 了解每一个字的含义.
(细节在此: [6h\[QUESTION]\[atl4dama]pandas 想选取的行数是个变量, 如何实现? ][14])
也经大妈提醒发现自己在编程的过程中, 没有建立调试习惯. 开 issue 以供讨论: [42h\[TASK]建立 dir type id help 等一系列内建自省函式][15]
# 推荐 Recommedations
\~ 嗯哼各种怼路上发现的嗯哼...
- 是也乎:
+ [Octomender][16]
+ [蠎加载 142 |蠎周刊 |汇集全球蠎事儿 !-)][17]
# 后记 Postscript
\~ 怼周刊是什么以及为什么和能怎么...
大妈曰过: `参差多态 才是生机`
问题在 `参差` 的行为是无法形成团队的
Coming together is a beginning;
Keeping together is progress;
Working together is success!
\<--- [Henry Ford][18]
- 所以, 有了 大妈 随见随怼的持续嗯哼...
- 但是, 想象一年后, 回想几十周前自己作的那些 `图样图森破`
- 却没现成的资料来出示给后进来嗯哼?
- 不科学, 值得记录的, 就应当有个形式固定下来
- 所以,有了这个 `怼周刊` (Weekly 4 DU)
What is DUW?
Why we make DUW?
What are the possibilities of DUW?
Dama said, variety brings vitality.
But various behaviors may make us hard to cooperate as a team.
Coming together is a beginning;
Keeping together is progress;
Working together is success!
\<--- [Henry Ford][19]
That's why Dama keeps on debugging.
However, as time goes by, maybe you would not remember these days clearly and spread your experience difficultly.
What a pity!
The valuable should have a fixed form to be recorded.
That's why we make the Weekly for DU.
[1]: http://du.zoomquiet.io/2014-02/ac0-zq/
[2]: http://du.zoomquiet.io/2017-04/about-xpgeng/
[3]: http://du.zoomquiet.io/2017-04/about-sunoonlee/
[4]: http://du.zoomquiet.io/2017-04/about-zoe/
[5]: http://du.zoomquiet.io/2017-04/about-bambooom/
[6]: https://github.com/DebugUself/du4proto/issues/231
[7]: https://github.com/DebugUself/du4proto/issues/227
[8]: https://github.com/DebugUself/du4proto/tree/DU_tools/st
[9]: https://liguanghe.github.io/2017/09/16/Dunedinfoods/
[10]: https://liguanghe.github.io/2017/09/08/DunedinSingleRoom/
[11]: https://liguanghe.github.io/2017/09/11/BasicEementGrammerOfCoding/
[12]: https://www.lizhi.fm/2040956/2622445417806639110
[13]: https://www.lizhi.fm/2040956/2623745319720417286
[14]: https://github.com/DebugUself/du4proto/issues/221
[15]: https://github.com/DebugUself/du4proto/issues/230
[16]: https://octomend.com/
[17]: http://weekly.pychina.org/importpython/importpython-142.html
[18]: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/henryford121997.html
[19]: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/henryford121997.html
[image-1]: https://ws2.sinaimg.cn/large/006tNc79gy1fjnd6x39l3j30mc0f4whb.jpg | 27.570571 | 225 | 0.668446 | yue_Hant | 0.598303 |
dcca4b4f03fc27b63806cd1cdf8e73c50ca953c0 | 39 | md | Markdown | README.md | cramos1001/cramos1001.github.io | 06fa91a9163a79362e760a80e70ca9600f3f6f27 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | cramos1001/cramos1001.github.io | 06fa91a9163a79362e760a80e70ca9600f3f6f27 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | cramos1001/cramos1001.github.io | 06fa91a9163a79362e760a80e70ca9600f3f6f27 | [
] | null | null | null | # https://caiorramos.github.io
| 13 | 30 | 0.769231 | kor_Hang | 0.394869 |
dccca2d83528faa5302cc9d1ed33c4b9d9ed59da | 1,090 | md | Markdown | AlchemyInsights/owa-pop-imap-smtp-settings.md | pebaum/OfficeDocs-AlchemyInsights-pr.cs-CZ | 3c55a84664ad4f0f0ef39dced9e6ca253b21ba71 | [
] | null | null | null | AlchemyInsights/owa-pop-imap-smtp-settings.md | pebaum/OfficeDocs-AlchemyInsights-pr.cs-CZ | 3c55a84664ad4f0f0ef39dced9e6ca253b21ba71 | [
] | null | null | null | AlchemyInsights/owa-pop-imap-smtp-settings.md | pebaum/OfficeDocs-AlchemyInsights-pr.cs-CZ | 3c55a84664ad4f0f0ef39dced9e6ca253b21ba71 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: Nastavení protokolu POP, IMAP a SMTP v Outlooku na webu
ms.author: daeite
author: daeite
manager: joallard
ms.date: 04/21/2020
ms.audience: Admin
ms.topic: article
localization_priority: Normal
ms.custom: ''
ms.openlocfilehash: d106e02fbb7e67de707679bc226868b600c4f534
ms.sourcegitcommit: 55eff703a17e500681d8fa6a87eb067019ade3cc
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: cs-CZ
ms.lasthandoff: 04/22/2020
ms.locfileid: "43721128"
# <a name="pop-imap--smtp-settings-for-outlook-on-the-web"></a>POP, IMAP & nastavení smtp pro Outlook na webu
Pokud chcete přidat svůj účet Microsoft 365 do jiné e-mailové aplikace, která podporuje protokol POP, IMAP nebo SMTP, tady jsou ruční nastavení serveru, které budete potřebovat:
- **Název serveru IMAP:** outlook.office365.com
- **Port IMAP:** 993
- **Metoda šifrování IMAP:** SSL/TLS
- **Název serveru POP:** outlook.office365.com
- **Port POP:** 995
- **Metoda šifrování PROTOKOLU POP:** SSL/TLS
- **Název serveru SMTP:** smtp.office365.com
- **SMTP port:** 587
- **Metoda šifrování SMTP:** STARTTLS | 35.16129 | 177 | 0.756881 | ces_Latn | 0.882311 |
db07c5d53930f09445da47c8d537c0c3764a2628 | 4,124 | md | Markdown | docs/refactoring_plans/transient_data.md | heather999/snmachine | d4cecf7d12879d3c01dd8afda585416f031ddf69 | [
] | 1 | 2021-09-15T09:58:37.000Z | 2021-09-15T09:58:37.000Z | docs/refactoring_plans/transient_data.md | heather999/snmachine | d4cecf7d12879d3c01dd8afda585416f031ddf69 | [
] | 12 | 2021-07-15T10:04:15.000Z | 2022-03-18T11:56:48.000Z | docs/refactoring_plans/transient_data.md | heather999/snmachine | d4cecf7d12879d3c01dd8afda585416f031ddf69 | [
] | 1 | 2021-09-15T12:28:55.000Z | 2021-09-15T12:28:55.000Z | # Requirements
- A data structure or in memory representation of the information associated with a single supernova. This should access the `metadata` or properties of the SN, as well as the Time Series (light curve) information (potentially from multiple sources) each of which should have their own schema.
- The code or schema variables should be stable define the standard variable names to be used by all our software.
- Each schema should have flags for stages. The minimal schema should be designed so that the usage is very broad. In practice, one should be using flags to turn on non-minimal schema used in almost any applications.
- It should be able to gracefully handle extra columns, for example if someone were to import an LSST dia object catalog with columns like aperture mag that are not part of the schema, it should be able to put the additional columns as additional columns inheriting the names. It should be possible to switch this of by providing a list of columns to import.
- This obviously means that this should have a default dictionary to associate commonly used words with the variables in the minimal schema.
- It should be possible for a user to pass a dictionary and override the default interpretation
For a single SN, we have the following parts:
- The metadata / properties. This should be a single row per SN. Schema should be staged.
- Minimal set of features : Ids, Time of max brightness, observed in any band. If not observed NaN
- Light Curve Feature Summary: with defined bands. Time of Max observed, NObs, max SNR, for default bands (LSST bands) but could be swithed to a different set of bands by user, Length of light curve with SNR > 3 in each of the default bands, 3 highest max SNR in bands (eg. if max SNR in band is u 1, g 2, r 5.3, i 7, z 4, y 1) this would be 7., 5.3 4.
- Hosts and redshifts. Spectroscopic redshift if available, Hosts and host properties if available. Photoz of hosts if available.
- If simulations: truth properties (class, model, model parameters (These should be a sequence in a single colum)
- The Time Series part should be extensible, but have a minimal schema, extensible in stages:
- The minimal schema for Time Series should be flux, time, bandpass. The next extensible stage should additionally have flux error, (and should immediately have zero pts, even if not provided)
- It would be great if Indexing of each epoch in a SN whould allow reconstruction of the objectId and the visitID , CCDId. and ObjectID
- Input:
- It should have a method of obtaining data from files output by a few well known codes:
- SNCosmo
- cesium
- DataSets
- WiseRep
- Open SN Catalog
- BerkeleyDB
- plasticc
- Output:
- It should be able to provide an in memory representation of single SN light curves for analysis. ie consumed by codes performing this. So, it should have the ability to create light curves of single SN for the following codes:
- SNCosmo
- should be in a format usable by 8Nmachine/ Rapid/ Pelican etc.
- SNANA ? (probably not, it is not very useful to do single SN on SNANA)]
- Serialization: It should support a serialization that can be used by several codes.
- SNCosmo
- Classification Codes (SNMachine/Rapid/Pelican)
- It should support on the fly operations
- [ ] obtain co-added light curves (fluxes, and errors) over requested time intervals. This should immediately compute SNR of coadded variables.
- [ ] threshold on SNR (of type requested)
- Collection of SN : (For distribution and restricting RAM usage), it is good to have a logical division unit of light curves.
- [ ] Allow a tesselation based division of SN into zones with a user defined resolution.
- [ ] Heapix tesselation
- [ ] HTM
- [ ] In each of the tiles, we should have two tables : one for the metadata part of all the SN in the tile, and one for the Time Series part.
| 82.48 | 362 | 0.724054 | eng_Latn | 0.999268 |
db0857d2ca2a4a3ae16d9cd6000e16d91577bc26 | 1,688 | md | Markdown | docs/LocalDirsFeatureStep.md | jaceklaskowski/test-book | e29d174e544900439fa1c420e5cffc079cb19f44 | [
] | 44 | 2021-01-04T18:35:26.000Z | 2022-03-04T07:15:50.000Z | docs/LocalDirsFeatureStep.md | jaceklaskowski/test-book | e29d174e544900439fa1c420e5cffc079cb19f44 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/LocalDirsFeatureStep.md | jaceklaskowski/test-book | e29d174e544900439fa1c420e5cffc079cb19f44 | [
] | 10 | 2021-01-06T14:08:21.000Z | 2022-01-10T13:56:24.000Z | # LocalDirsFeatureStep
`LocalDirsFeatureStep` is a [KubernetesFeatureConfigStep](KubernetesFeatureConfigStep.md).
## Creating Instance
`LocalDirsFeatureStep` takes the following to be created:
* <span id="conf"> [KubernetesConf](KubernetesConf.md)
* <span id="defaultLocalDir"> Default Local Directory (default: `/var/data/spark-[randomUUID]`)
`LocalDirsFeatureStep` is created when:
* `KubernetesDriverBuilder` is requested to [build a driver pod](KubernetesDriverBuilder.md#buildFromFeatures)
* `KubernetesExecutorBuilder` is requested for a [pod spec for executors](KubernetesExecutorBuilder.md#buildFromFeatures)
## <span id="useLocalDirTmpFs"> spark.kubernetes.local.dirs.tmpfs
`LocalDirsFeatureStep` uses [spark.kubernetes.local.dirs.tmpfs](configuration-properties.md#spark.kubernetes.local.dirs.tmpfs) configuration property when [configuring a pod](#configurePod).
## <span id="configurePod"> Configuring Pod
pod: SparkPod): SparkPod
`configurePod` is part of the [KubernetesFeatureConfigStep](KubernetesFeatureConfigStep.md#configurePod) abstraction.
`configurePod` finds mount paths of the volume mounts with **spark-local-dir-** prefix name of the input `SparkPod` (_localDirs_).
If there are no local directory mount paths, `configurePod`...FIXME
`configurePod` adds the local directory volumes to a new pod specification (there could be none).
`configurePod` defines `SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS` environment variable as a comma-separated local directories and adds the local directory volume mounts to a new container specification (there could be none).
In the end, `configurePod` creates a new `SparkPod` with the new pod and container.
| 43.282051 | 200 | 0.796801 | eng_Latn | 0.708233 |
db0a7deea50046a275af9eb847e453039161e952 | 217 | md | Markdown | README.md | philschonholzer/font-face-styled-components | dedf5a3fb66aa8b2eeda3c5819097eee3c74bb1d | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | philschonholzer/font-face-styled-components | dedf5a3fb66aa8b2eeda3c5819097eee3c74bb1d | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | philschonholzer/font-face-styled-components | dedf5a3fb66aa8b2eeda3c5819097eee3c74bb1d | [
] | null | null | null | # Don't add @font-face in styled-components
Your page will flicker! [Demo](https://font-face-styled-components.netlify.app)
Do it instead like in this [project](https://github.com/philschonholzer/font-face-import).
| 36.166667 | 90 | 0.764977 | eng_Latn | 0.592223 |
db0acdde83757280edd8b209d6903a290492a2ac | 1,885 | md | Markdown | docs/framework/configure-apps/file-schema/runtime/remove-element-for-namedcaches.md | lucieva/docs.cs-cz | a688d6511d24a48fe53a201e160e9581f2effbf4 | [
] | 1 | 2018-12-19T17:04:23.000Z | 2018-12-19T17:04:23.000Z | docs/framework/configure-apps/file-schema/runtime/remove-element-for-namedcaches.md | lucieva/docs.cs-cz | a688d6511d24a48fe53a201e160e9581f2effbf4 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/framework/configure-apps/file-schema/runtime/remove-element-for-namedcaches.md | lucieva/docs.cs-cz | a688d6511d24a48fe53a201e160e9581f2effbf4 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: '<Odebrat> – Element pro <namedCaches>'
ms.date: 03/30/2017
- remove element for namedCaches
- <remove> element for namedCaches
ms.assetid: 24211ea5-163e-4fe5-aed8-004d8499760c
author: mcleblanc
ms.author: markl
ms.openlocfilehash: f885416629ae58949cc688f4e6fbd41e77e872aa
ms.sourcegitcommit: 586dbdcaef9767642436b1e4efbe88fb15473d6f
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: cs-CZ
ms.lasthandoff: 10/06/2018
ms.locfileid: "48838218"
# <a name="ltremovegt-element-for-ltnamedcachesgt"></a><Odebrat> – Element pro <namedCaches>
Odebere položku pojmenovanou mezipaměť z `namedCaches` kolekce pro mezipaměť.
\<memoryCache >
\<namedcaches – >
\<Odebrat >
## <a name="syntax"></a>Syntaxe
<remove name="default" />
<!-- child elements -->
## <a name="type"></a>Typ
## <a name="attributes-and-elements"></a>Atributy a elementy
Následující části popisují atributy, podřízené prvky a nadřazené prvky.
### <a name="attributes"></a>Atributy
### <a name="child-elements"></a>Podřízené elementy
### <a name="parent-elements"></a>Nadřazené elementy
|[\<namedCaches>](../../../../../docs/framework/configure-apps/file-schema/runtime/namedcaches-element-cache-settings.md)|Obsahuje kolekci prvků konfigurace nastavení pro pojmenované <xref:System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache> instancí.|
## <a name="remarks"></a>Poznámky
`remove` Odebere element `namedCache` položku z kolekce s názvem mezipaměti pro mezipaměť.
## <a name="see-also"></a>Viz také
[\<namedcaches – > – Element (nastavení mezipaměti)](../../../../../docs/framework/configure-apps/file-schema/runtime/namedcaches-element-cache-settings.md)
| 33.070175 | 237 | 0.691777 | ces_Latn | 0.56843 |
db0c7569d1ead02530bae193426d6c3bd993b4f2 | 172 | md | Markdown | Medium/0019. Remove Nth Node From End of List/readme.md | FlyProbe/LeetCode-Solutions | 4489722573ecc2d4358ba5120e2af3d7407bb3b1 | [
] | 1 | 2019-07-25T06:43:35.000Z | 2019-07-25T06:43:35.000Z | Medium/0019. Remove Nth Node From End of List/readme.md | FlyProbe/LeetCode-Solutions | 4489722573ecc2d4358ba5120e2af3d7407bb3b1 | [
] | null | null | null | Medium/0019. Remove Nth Node From End of List/readme.md | FlyProbe/LeetCode-Solutions | 4489722573ecc2d4358ba5120e2af3d7407bb3b1 | [
] | null | null | null | 双指针法妙用
当第二个指针到链表尾部(right.next == None)时,第一个指针恰好在需要移除的前一个位置
此时left.next = left.next.next即可
| 24.571429 | 53 | 0.773256 | zho_Hans | 0.909121 |
db0d4754bec7657800d8782153b9bcba0d84b583 | 1,466 | md | Markdown | vendor/knplabs/gaufrette/doc/implementing-new-adapter.md | sergioordoneztandil/deliback | 3439b156b40b15b6bcfa075ab017abbfd0470673 | [
] | 1,328 | 2015-01-02T08:40:19.000Z | 2022-03-30T15:21:27.000Z | doc/implementing-new-adapter.md | teohhanhui/Gaufrette | 827dc53fde02415445911a780ea6a28d685cd964 | [
] | 275 | 2015-01-05T15:29:49.000Z | 2022-03-20T16:40:10.000Z | doc/implementing-new-adapter.md | teohhanhui/Gaufrette | 827dc53fde02415445911a780ea6a28d685cd964 | [
] | 251 | 2015-01-05T15:49:10.000Z | 2022-03-16T12:49:10.000Z | ---
currentMenu: implementing-new-adapter
# Implementing new Adapter
Let's say we want to support new storage system with existing Graufette API.
The way to do it is by implementing a new adapter.
We will illustrate this by implementing example adapter for KnpStorage file system.
## Spec BDD
We encourage contributors to start with describing a new adapter:
$ ./bin/phpspec describe Gaufrette/Adapter/KnpStorage
Specification for Gaufrette\Adapter\KnpStorage created in Gaufrette/spec/Gaufrette/Adapter/KnpStorageSpec.php.
We describe how our adapter is instantated and make sure it implements `Gaufrette\Adapter` interface:
class KnpStorageSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function let(KnpStorage $storage)
function it_is_adapter()
To get the benefits of PHPSpec code generator we run:
$ ./bin/phpspec run spec/Gaufrette/Adapter/KnpStorageSpec.php
You can continue to play with PHPSpec, read more on [PHPSpec website](http://phpspec.readthedocs.org/en/latest/).
## Implementing adapter interface
Now all we need to do is to make sure `KnpStorage` implements all Gaufrette `Adapterinterface` methods.
## Contibute it
Once you are sure your adapter is ready, share it with awesome Gaufrette community by submitting a pull request.
Thank you for doing this, you are awesome!
| 25.275862 | 113 | 0.755798 | eng_Latn | 0.952848 |
db0e19b905b9b62aadb2dda304360564abea9fc0 | 1,885 | md | Markdown | devui/form/doc/api.md | seetasu/ng-devui | 20d6596c61c9cc7f23797e785bc43bf48dfd9406 | [
] | null | null | null | devui/form/doc/api.md | seetasu/ng-devui | 20d6596c61c9cc7f23797e785bc43bf48dfd9406 | [
] | null | null | null | devui/form/doc/api.md | seetasu/ng-devui | 20d6596c61c9cc7f23797e785bc43bf48dfd9406 | [
] | null | null | null | ## dForm 参数
| 参数 | 类型 | 默认 | 说明 | 跳转 Demo |
| :-------: | :-----------------------------------: | :----------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| layout | `'horizontal'\|'vertical'\|'columns'` | 'horizontal' | 可选,设置表单的排列方式 | [基本用法](/components/form/demo#basic-usage) |
| labelSize | `'sm' \| '' \| 'lg'` | '' | 可选,设置 label 的占宽,未设置默认为 100px,'sm'对应 80px,'lg'对应 150px | [label 横向排列](/components/form/demo#demo-label-horizontal) |
## d-form-label 参数
| 参数 | 类型 | 默认 | 说明 | 跳转 Demo |
| :------: | :-------: | :---: | :------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| required | `boolean` | false | 可选,表单选项是否必填 | [基本用法](/components/form/demo#basic-usage) |
| hasHelp | `boolean` | false | 可选,表单项是否需要帮助指引 | [基本用法](/components/form/demo#basic-usage) |
| helpTips | `string` | '' | 可选,表单项帮助指引提示内容,需配合 `hasHelp`使用 | [基本用法](/components/form/demo#basic-usage) |
## d-form-control 参数
| 参数 | 类型 | 默认 | 说明 | 跳转 Demo |
| :-------: | :------------------------: | :--: | :----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| extraInfo | `string\|TemplateRef<any>` | -- | 可选,附件信息,一般用于补充表单选项的说明 | [label 横向排列](/components/form/demo#demo-label-horizontal) |
| 89.761905 | 207 | 0.291247 | yue_Hant | 0.081799 |
db0f3309a8aa07a67337c5f39e1d2b283660dcd1 | 3,844 | markdown | Markdown | _posts/2011-06-24-newsletter-interview.markdown | dipakkr/chrisbanes.github.io | 1eb1c56d696042b275c2da28831ae006fabd6d13 | [
] | null | null | null | _posts/2011-06-24-newsletter-interview.markdown | dipakkr/chrisbanes.github.io | 1eb1c56d696042b275c2da28831ae006fabd6d13 | [
] | null | null | null | _posts/2011-06-24-newsletter-interview.markdown | dipakkr/chrisbanes.github.io | 1eb1c56d696042b275c2da28831ae006fabd6d13 | [
] | 1 | 2020-01-11T06:18:48.000Z | 2020-01-11T06:18:48.000Z | ---
layout: post
title: Newsletter Interview
date: '2011-06-24 00:00:00'
<p>I was recently interviewed by <a href="http://twitter.com/katewhitaker">@katewhitaker</a> for an internal IBM newsletter. Not sure if anyone’s interested but thought I’d post it up here.</p>
<hr />
<h4>So Chris, what is your app?</h4>
<p>My app is a Facebook client for Android devices. It’s called FriendCaster and allows you to access Facebook quickly and easily, with lots of features not found in other apps, including the official app.</p>
<h4>Where did you get your inspiration from?</h4>
<p>My inspiration for the app came last year, I’d had a couple of devices running Android but was never satisfied with the experience of using Facebook on Android. In the end I decided to create my own with the feature I most wanted back then: notification alerts.</p>
<h4>Is this your first attempt at an app?</h4>
<p>I’ve created apps in the past but none as popular as FriendCaster. My first app was a shopping comparison app which could read an item’s barcode and show you the best prices from online and local stores; this was done as my final year project at Uni. Another app I’ve been involved in is an IBM project called Universal Information Framework (UIF). UIF basically allows devices to have messages pushed to it over the Internet, alerting the user and allowing them to respond; a scenario might be a bank sending alerts to its customers any about suspicious transactions, for the customer to then verify.</p>
<h4>How long did it take to develop?</h4>
<p>I started developing FriendCaster early last Summer with its first public release in July 2010 costing just £0.59. I’ve since added lots of features to it in my spare time, including an advertising supported Free version which has been available since December 2010. FriendCaster is now at a point where we cover all of Facebook’s functionality available to us. In terms of the amount of time I spend on it, it’s about 8 hours per week on average.</p>
<h4>Roughly how many downloads have you had and how did you market the app?</h4>
<p>FriendCaster has had over 600,000 downloads, of which the free version accounts for about 90%. As it started out as a hobby I didn’t really have a marketing strategy, but as more people downloaded the app I soon realised that there was a big market for it. The first thing I did was start posting on the big Android online forums about the app; word of mouth is key when you’re just starting out. I then started using Twitter (ironic, I know) to keep users up to date with my progress, this was important as it allowed users to directly contact me with suggestions, making them feeling involved. The app really took off in March when it was included in a Lifehacker article, my downloads increased 10x in a day and have kept growing since!</p>
<h4>What are your future plans for the app?</h4>
<p>The application was bought by a mobile development company called Handmark in May, meaning the app is now theirs! Luckily the company want to keep me leading development and we have many things lined up for the near future including a new Tablet version, Chat, a new interface and more. I’m also in contact with managerial people at Facebook so who knows!</p>
<h4>What hints and tips do you have for budding developers?</h4>
<p>I would say the big thing is to make sure you have an idea that you’re passionate about. Without the passion it will not be enjoyable to do and will probably end in failure. Another thing I’d say is to not read too much into the feedback you receive; even the best apps get users writing negative things about them. Finally, even if your app doesn’t take off the way you hoped, look on it as a learning experience and try again!</p>
| 101.157895 | 758 | 0.773153 | eng_Latn | 0.999867 |
db0f7775865e135cad1ea4b0a9ff7687bf27a170 | 201 | md | Markdown | README.md | AdamMescher/knote | 4772ae2c00858d5e7497f96e4e302131f0cf2b3c | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | AdamMescher/knote | 4772ae2c00858d5e7497f96e4e302131f0cf2b3c | [
] | 1 | 2021-05-10T13:42:23.000Z | 2021-05-10T13:42:23.000Z | README.md | AdamMescher/knote | 4772ae2c00858d5e7497f96e4e302131f0cf2b3c | [
] | null | null | null | # knote
The application is a note-taking app — similar to Evernote or Google Keep. It allows to format notes with Markdown and include pictures. Packaged as a Docker image and deployed to Kubernetes.
| 67 | 192 | 0.79602 | eng_Latn | 0.999633 |
db0fdb19e93615113447ee2fae165d08e9b246a9 | 1,848 | md | Markdown | _publications/publications.md | NavidHedjazian/NavidHedjazian.github.io | 6ae897415409e9dacfd2fc0ad5c8a51fa06aa4fb | [
] | null | null | null | _publications/publications.md | NavidHedjazian/NavidHedjazian.github.io | 6ae897415409e9dacfd2fc0ad5c8a51fa06aa4fb | [
] | null | null | null | _publications/publications.md | NavidHedjazian/NavidHedjazian.github.io | 6ae897415409e9dacfd2fc0ad5c8a51fa06aa4fb | [
] | null | null | null | ---
layout: archive
title: "Publications"
permalink: /publications/
author_profile: true
{% if author.googlescholar %}
You can also find my articles on <u><a href="{{author.googlescholar}}">my Google Scholar profile</a>.</u>
{% endif %}
{% include base_path %}
1. Hedjazian, N., Capdeville, Y. & Bodin, T., 2021. Multiscale seismic imaging with inverse homogenization. <i> Submitted to Geophys. J. Int.</i>.
[PDF, author version](../files/InverseHomog2021_authorversion.pdf)
1. Magali, J. K., Bodin, T., Hedjazian, N., Samuel, H., & Atkins, S., 2021). Geodynamic tomography: constraining upper-mantle deformation patterns from Bayesian inversion of surface waves. <i>Geophys. J. Int.</i>, 224(3), 2077-2099.
1. Hedjazian, N., Bodin, T., & Métivier, L., 2018. An optimal transport approach to linearized inversion of receiver functions. <i>Geophys. J. Int.</i>, 216(1), 130-147, doi:10.1093/gji/ggy419.
1. Hedjazian, N., Garel F., Davies D.R., Kaminski, E., 2017. Age-independent seismic anisotropy under oceanic plates explained by strain history in the asthenosphere, <i>Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.</i>, 460, 135-142, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.12.004.
1. Hedjazian, N., & Kaminski, E., 2014. Defining a proxy for the interpretation of seismic anisotropy in non‐Newtonian mantle flows,& <i>Geophys. Res. Lett.</i>, 41(20), doi:10.1002/2014GL061372.
| 57.75 | 249 | 0.732684 | yue_Hant | 0.35522 |
db11a1baee7ba26fe47b4a0743c37a721ef2f251 | 485 | md | Markdown | about.md | visualizards/visualizards.github.io | aa4c1a4d2556f137964934b261ce66f0187ca974 | [
] | null | null | null | about.md | visualizards/visualizards.github.io | aa4c1a4d2556f137964934b261ce66f0187ca974 | [
] | null | null | null | about.md | visualizards/visualizards.github.io | aa4c1a4d2556f137964934b261ce66f0187ca974 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
layout: page
title: About
permalink: /about/
[Yngve Mardal Moe](https://github.com/yngvem/) is a PhD student working on biomechanics and [Marie Roald](https://github.com/marieroald/) is a PhD student working on data mining methods. Together we write about anything that interests us, which often is related to Python or data visualisation.
If you like us, are a fan of data science and puns, then you can check out our [Redbubble store](https://visualizards.redbubble.com/).
| 48.5 | 294 | 0.760825 | eng_Latn | 0.992273 |
db11fc401430617d4e1f7ce3597493180bfd2ffd | 803 | md | Markdown | _posts/2011-01-06-jivesoftware-sbs-4-5-and-mysql.md | stanleykylee/stanleykylee.github.io | e37ec8f34ea0a0d5fb171f676c9e81dcaf281c96 | [
] | null | null | null | _posts/2011-01-06-jivesoftware-sbs-4-5-and-mysql.md | stanleykylee/stanleykylee.github.io | e37ec8f34ea0a0d5fb171f676c9e81dcaf281c96 | [
] | null | null | null | _posts/2011-01-06-jivesoftware-sbs-4-5-and-mysql.md | stanleykylee/stanleykylee.github.io | e37ec8f34ea0a0d5fb171f676c9e81dcaf281c96 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: Jivesoftware - SBS 4.5 and MySQL
date: 2011-01-06 15:13:46.000000000 -08:00
category: blog
- work
- jive
- sbs
<p>It has been awhile, but I'm still alive. Anyway, installed SBS 4.5 from Jive Software today, however the JDBC for MySQL wasn't included in the installer.</p>
<p>Downloaded the files from the following link:<br />
<a href="http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/">http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/</a></p>
<p>Extracted the mysql-connector-java-5.1.12-bin.jar file (versions may be different as there are newer ones available) and copied it to the following folder:<br />
<p>Restarted the Jive application and the connector worked!<br />
service jive-application restart</p>
<p>Hope that helps, and remember to have fun!</p>
| 44.611111 | 164 | 0.73599 | eng_Latn | 0.987119 |
db124b67cfe7e6c930008ce8277eeb3d1cdda791 | 4,228 | md | Markdown | docs/interfaces/index.ListrOptions.md | stefan-lacatus/listr2 | 52f87253539bfd57cd6c49bcc8ce28152bfcd8e8 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/interfaces/index.ListrOptions.md | stefan-lacatus/listr2 | 52f87253539bfd57cd6c49bcc8ce28152bfcd8e8 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/interfaces/index.ListrOptions.md | stefan-lacatus/listr2 | 52f87253539bfd57cd6c49bcc8ce28152bfcd8e8 | [
] | null | null | null | # Interface: ListrOptions<Ctx\>
Options to set the behavior of this base task.
## Type parameters
| Name | Type |
| :---- | :----------------------------------------------- |
| `Ctx` | [`ListrContext`](../types/index.ListrContext.md) |
## Properties
### ctx
• `Optional` **ctx**: `Ctx`
To inject a context through this options wrapper. Context can also be defined in run time.
**`default`** {}
#### Defined in
### concurrent
• `Optional` **concurrent**: `number` \| `boolean`
Concurrency sets how many tasks will be run at the same time in parallel.
**`default`** false > Default is to run everything synchronously.
`true` will set it to `Infinity`, `false` will set it to synchronous.
If you pass in a `number` it will limit it to that number.
#### Defined in
### exitOnError
• `Optional` **exitOnError**: `boolean`
Determine the default behavior of exiting on errors.
**`default`** true > exit on any error coming from the tasks.
#### Defined in
### exitAfterRollback
• `Optional` **exitAfterRollback**: `boolean`
Determine the behavior of exiting after rollback actions.
This is independent of exitOnError, since failure of a rollback can be a more critical operation comparing to failing a single task.
**`default`** true > exit after rolling back tasks
#### Defined in
### collectErrors
• `Optional` **collectErrors**: `false` \| `"minimal"` \| `"full"`
Collects errors to `ListrInstance.errors`
This can take up a lot of memory, so disabling it can fix out-of-memory errors
- 'full' will clone the current context and task in to the error instance
- 'minimal' will only collect the error message and the location
- false will collect no errors
**`default`** 'minimal'
#### Defined in
### registerSignalListeners
• `Optional` **registerSignalListeners**: `boolean`
By default, Listr2 will track SIGINIT signal to update the renderer one last time before completely failing.
**`default`** true
#### Defined in
### rendererFallback
• `Optional` **rendererFallback**: `boolean` \| () => `boolean`
Determine the certain condition required to use the non-TTY renderer.
**`default`** null > handled internally
#### Defined in
### rendererSilent
• `Optional` **rendererSilent**: `boolean` \| () => `boolean`
Determine the certain condition required to use the silent renderer.
**`default`** null > handled internally
#### Defined in
### disableColor
• `Optional` **disableColor**: `boolean`
Disabling the color, useful for tests and such.
**`default`** false
#### Defined in
### injectWrapper
• `Optional` **injectWrapper**: `Object`
Inject data directly to TaskWrapper.
#### Type declaration
| Name | Type |
| :---------- | :-------------------- |
| `enquirer?` | `Enquirer`<`object`\> |
#### Defined in
| 25.166667 | 132 | 0.698202 | eng_Latn | 0.696239 |
db1251a71920fab88a7bf15856fe3205397c49a9 | 371 | md | Markdown | docs/api-reference/classes/NSWindowPosSize/SetExtraId.md | stianol/crmscript | be1ad4f3a967aee2974e9dc7217255565980331e | [
] | null | null | null | docs/api-reference/classes/NSWindowPosSize/SetExtraId.md | stianol/crmscript | be1ad4f3a967aee2974e9dc7217255565980331e | [
] | null | null | null | docs/api-reference/classes/NSWindowPosSize/SetExtraId.md | stianol/crmscript | be1ad4f3a967aee2974e9dc7217255565980331e | [
] | null | null | null | ---
uid: crmscript_ref_NSWindowPosSize_SetExtraId
title: SetExtraId(Integer extraId)
intellisense: NSWindowPosSize.SetExtraId
keywords: NSWindowPosSize, GetExtraId
so.topic: reference
# SetExtraId(Integer extraId)
Spare ID, not yet in use
- **extraId** Integer
NSWindowPosSize thing;
Integer extraId;
| 16.863636 | 45 | 0.77628 | yue_Hant | 0.853485 |
db12636afe06d5daf1bd1ac6cf331eaa73c5e6cc | 244 | md | Markdown | docs/codefresh-yaml/in-depth.md | vmechkauskas-codefresh/docs.local.codefresh.io | 6f2ac1708fb6802158bbcdb3c1c9883d1ebcd9fb | [
] | null | null | null | docs/codefresh-yaml/in-depth.md | vmechkauskas-codefresh/docs.local.codefresh.io | 6f2ac1708fb6802158bbcdb3c1c9883d1ebcd9fb | [
] | null | null | null | docs/codefresh-yaml/in-depth.md | vmechkauskas-codefresh/docs.local.codefresh.io | 6f2ac1708fb6802158bbcdb3c1c9883d1ebcd9fb | [
] | null | null | null | ---
layout: docs
title: "In Depth"
description: ""
group: codefresh-yaml
- /docs/in-depth
toc: true
old: /docs/in-depth
was_hidden: true
This section describes different concepts of the YAML build engine in further detail.
| 18.769231 | 85 | 0.745902 | eng_Latn | 0.986553 |
db12a52aff03c50b66f6a43507d829138463f207 | 37 | md | Markdown | README.md | nicolasvalery/estructuras-datos-proyecto-hormigas | 091bb623b1c7293bc9c6d7eb329ab158ee465107 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | nicolasvalery/estructuras-datos-proyecto-hormigas | 091bb623b1c7293bc9c6d7eb329ab158ee465107 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | nicolasvalery/estructuras-datos-proyecto-hormigas | 091bb623b1c7293bc9c6d7eb329ab158ee465107 | [
] | null | null | null | # estructuras-datos-proyecto-hormigas | 37 | 37 | 0.864865 | spa_Latn | 0.964629 |
db12fb60d424dd3caf86a206b12132f63c15203b | 352 | md | Markdown | _posts/2007-05-31-80k.md | powdahound/powdahound.com | 7ff4dcc7482aa7ea5427e96bdbb8aab424e0566f | [
] | null | null | null | _posts/2007-05-31-80k.md | powdahound/powdahound.com | 7ff4dcc7482aa7ea5427e96bdbb8aab424e0566f | [
] | null | null | null | _posts/2007-05-31-80k.md | powdahound/powdahound.com | 7ff4dcc7482aa7ea5427e96bdbb8aab424e0566f | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: 80k
- Personal
I just hit 80,000 miles in my [2000 Volvo V40](http://www.edmunds.com/volvo/v40/2000/index.html) while driving to work! It's [not much](http://j-walkblog.com/index.php?/weblog/posts/248_million_miles_on_a_volvo/) for a Volvo so I'm sure it'll last for another few years - especially with the mild CA weather.
| 44 | 308 | 0.744318 | eng_Latn | 0.768028 |
db1427254a257671228c3a4968d370ab1386e698 | 97 | md | Markdown | category/jenkins.md | Aciath/aciath.github.io | 4e132b94f4da92f9ff0df0de22be78a1880b4855 | [
] | null | null | null | category/jenkins.md | Aciath/aciath.github.io | 4e132b94f4da92f9ff0df0de22be78a1880b4855 | [
] | null | null | null | category/jenkins.md | Aciath/aciath.github.io | 4e132b94f4da92f9ff0df0de22be78a1880b4855 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
layout: posts_by_category
categories: devops
title: jenkins
permalink: /category/jenkins
| 13.857143 | 28 | 0.773196 | nld_Latn | 0.201116 |
db16ae5c417c28404f776bca6a02509f51874fb5 | 31 | md | Markdown | README.md | mbeacom/alpine-drone | 3e2a24ff3a4987c146bd8455d43baded5397ebac | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | mbeacom/alpine-drone | 3e2a24ff3a4987c146bd8455d43baded5397ebac | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | mbeacom/alpine-drone | 3e2a24ff3a4987c146bd8455d43baded5397ebac | [
] | null | null | null | # alpine-drone
Drone on Alpine
| 10.333333 | 15 | 0.774194 | eng_Latn | 0.840493 |
db18c4da810321de0ef542c7111fdd682961143d | 2,438 | md | Markdown | docs/workflow-designer/while-activity-designer.md | mairaw/visualstudio-docs.pt-br | 26480481c1cdab3e77218755148d09daec1b3454 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/workflow-designer/while-activity-designer.md | mairaw/visualstudio-docs.pt-br | 26480481c1cdab3e77218755148d09daec1b3454 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/workflow-designer/while-activity-designer.md | mairaw/visualstudio-docs.pt-br | 26480481c1cdab3e77218755148d09daec1b3454 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: Designer de fluxo de trabalho - ao Designer de atividade
ms.date: 11/04/2016
ms.topic: reference
ms.prod: visual-studio-dev15
ms.technology: vs-workflow-designer
- System.Activities.Statements.While.UI
ms.assetid: ea008091-2e4c-4f64-bfa5-afb919552446
author: gewarren
ms.author: gewarren
manager: douge
- multiple
ms.openlocfilehash: de41c8351c7767cbfe0882cffb48b145e341f923
ms.sourcegitcommit: 240c8b34e80952d00e90c52dcb1a077b9aff47f6
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: pt-BR
ms.lasthandoff: 10/23/2018
ms.locfileid: "49835859"
# <a name="while-activity-designer"></a>Quando designer de atividades
O <xref:System.Activities.Statements.While> atividade executa a atividade contida em seu <xref:System.Activities.Statements.While.Body%2A> enquanto especificado <xref:System.Activities.Statements.While.Condition%2A> é avaliada como **true**. A atividade contida nunca pode executar. Se você desejar que a atividade contida a ser executada pelo menos uma vez, use a atividade de <xref:System.Activities.Statements.DoWhile> em vez disso.
## <a name="while-properties-in-workflow-designer"></a>Quando propriedades em Designer de Fluxo de Trabalho
A tabela a seguir mostra as propriedades mais úteis de atividade de <xref:System.Activities.Statements.While> e descreve como elas são usadas no designer.
|Nome da Propriedade|Necessária|Uso|
|<xref:System.Activities.Activity.DisplayName%2A>|False|Especifica o nome amigável do designer de atividade de <xref:System.Activities.Statements.While> no cabeçalho. O valor padrão é quando. O valor pode ser editado na **propriedades** janela ou diretamente no cabeçalho do designer de atividade.<br /><br /> Embora não seja necessário <xref:System.Activities.Activity.DisplayName%2A> restrita, é uma prática recomendada usar um.|
|<xref:System.Activities.Statements.While.Body%2A>|False|Contém a atividade seja executada enquanto o <xref:System.Activities.Statements.While.Condition%2A> for avaliada como **verdadeiro**.|
|<xref:System.Activities.Statements.While.Condition%2A>|verdadeiro|Contém a expressão do Visual Basic que é avaliada para determinar se a atividade no <xref:System.Activities.Statements.While.Body%2A> deve ser executado.|
## <a name="see-also"></a>Consulte também
- [Fluxo de Controle](../workflow-designer/control-flow-activity-designers.md)
- [DoWhile](../workflow-designer/dowhile-activity-designer.md) | 62.512821 | 435 | 0.795324 | por_Latn | 0.93173 |
db19201832889cba870f8b19bcd6f664b344339d | 161 | md | Markdown | _posts/2020-07-16-blog-post.md | NeuralSec/NeuralSec.github.io | 9678ff4da2c7095f3cdeec489188b13e2433ceb2 | [
] | null | null | null | _posts/2020-07-16-blog-post.md | NeuralSec/NeuralSec.github.io | 9678ff4da2c7095f3cdeec489188b13e2433ceb2 | [
] | null | null | null | _posts/2020-07-16-blog-post.md | NeuralSec/NeuralSec.github.io | 9678ff4da2c7095f3cdeec489188b13e2433ceb2 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: 'Lipchitz连续性与深度学习安全'
date: 2020-07-16
permalink: /posts/2020-07-16-blog-post
Link to [Zhihu](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/45225784) | 17.888889 | 54 | 0.701863 | yue_Hant | 0.175322 |
db196931097f89fa85cec9bc442a7480199518dd | 1,072 | md | Markdown | README.md | snehangshuk/video-editor | 6497018753296b96043c2d96af10921314f278a5 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | snehangshuk/video-editor | 6497018753296b96043c2d96af10921314f278a5 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | snehangshuk/video-editor | 6497018753296b96043c2d96af10921314f278a5 | [
] | null | null | null | # Video Editor
Video editing tool using ffmpeg.
The tool has the ability to cut as many unnecessary video frames as specified in a YAML file.
## Dependencies
- ffmpeg
## Install
Use ```pip install video-editor``` to install.
## How To
1. Ensure the `ffmpeg` package is installed. Use `brew install ffmpeg` to install on MacOSX.
2. Create a YAML file with frames to either select or delete.
Here is a sample YAML: ```myrecording.yaml```
input: "input-video.mp4"
output: "output-video.mp4"
cut_method: select # use 'delete' to remove unwanted frames
- from: start # first frame
to: 4m
- from: 10m11s # selected frames
to: 15m50s
- from: 30m5s # selected frames
to: end # last frame
3. Execute the following command:
`video-cut -p myrecording.yaml`
where, `-p` is the YAML with editing instruction.
4. You should now get the `output-video.mp4` video file after the process is over.
## Future Enhancements
- Move from `ffmpeg` tool to `ffmpeg-python` library
- Add feature to screen grab based on screen coordinates
| 28.972973 | 93 | 0.715485 | eng_Latn | 0.995236 |
db19c76903b912f160c9ee0d51fd40c4e49a1506 | 468 | md | Markdown | README.md | ProfessorAkram/SpaceSHMUP | b74544f0fb51f777d00f17304544400dc4bbcfe9 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | ProfessorAkram/SpaceSHMUP | b74544f0fb51f777d00f17304544400dc4bbcfe9 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | ProfessorAkram/SpaceSHMUP | b74544f0fb51f777d00f17304544400dc4bbcfe9 | [
] | null | null | null | # Space SHMUP
Chapter 30 - Intorduction to Game Design, Prototyping and Development by Jermey Gibson Bond
Completed as in class exercise
### Assets Used
- GALAXIA SPACE SHOOTER SPRITE PACK BY JOSH MARSHALL [https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/38282](https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/38282)
- Dynamic Space Background Lite By DinV Studio [https://assetstore.unity.com/#!/content/104606](https://assetstore.unity.com/#!/content/104606)
| 52 | 166 | 0.767094 | yue_Hant | 0.554418 |
db1a200a6b7df80baf0878517c1eceb3bf96103e | 6,329 | md | Markdown | DATA/daily-JavaScript/JavaScript-2021-08-24.md | LuckRain7/z-action-github-daily-trending | 88d12e1921b8d022d06021cd3d906af775f029c8 | [
] | 4 | 2021-02-18T00:25:52.000Z | 2022-01-05T02:24:22.000Z | DATA/daily-JavaScript/JavaScript-2021-08-24.md | LuckRain7/z-action-github-daily-trending | 88d12e1921b8d022d06021cd3d906af775f029c8 | [
] | null | null | null | DATA/daily-JavaScript/JavaScript-2021-08-24.md | LuckRain7/z-action-github-daily-trending | 88d12e1921b8d022d06021cd3d906af775f029c8 | [
] | 1 | 2021-06-30T07:23:38.000Z | 2021-06-30T07:23:38.000Z | # [GitHub] JavaScript 日趋势榜项目(2021-08-24)
## 1. goldbergyoni/nodebestpractices
stars:70,136 | forks:7,041 | 50 stars today
See what the GitHub community is most excited about today.
## 2. airbnb/javascript
stars:113,469 | forks:21,694 | 49 stars today
The Node.js best practices list (August 2021)
## 3. microsoft/Web-Dev-For-Beginners
stars:32,681 | forks:4,615 | 41 stars today
JavaScript Style Guide
## 4. markedjs/marked
stars:25,696 | forks:3,069 | 17 stars today
24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer
## 5. Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-React
stars:8,028 | forks:1,900 | 42 stars today
A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
## 6. SortableJS/Sortable
stars:23,036 | forks:3,310 | 15 stars today
30 Days of React challenge is a step by step guide to learn React in 30 days. It requires HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge. You should be comfortable with JavaScript before you start to React. If you are not comfortable with JavaScript check out 30DaysOfJavaScript. This is a continuation of 30 Days Of JS. This challenge may take more than 100…
## 7. Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-JavaScript
stars:9,508 | forks:2,042 | 26 stars today
Reorderable drag-and-drop lists for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery required.
## 8. qier222/YesPlayMusic
stars:9,493 | forks:1,239 | 50 stars today
30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn JavaScript programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than 100 days, please just follow your own pace.
## 9. ascoders/weekly
stars:13,899 | forks:1,610 | 13 stars today
高颜值的第三方网易云播放器,支持 Windows / macOS / Linux
## 10. Peppermint-Lab/Peppermint
stars:198 | forks:71 | 12 stars today
## 11. louislam/uptime-kuma
stars:1,620 | forks:87 | 137 stars today
A ticket management system which aims to have a nice UI with easy to use features, lightweight infrastructure & the ability to run on any hardware you want
## 12. HyCore/ShulkerRoadCrypt
stars:71 | forks:60 | 12 stars today
A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
## 13. ffmpegwasm/ffmpeg.wasm
stars:5,740 | forks:222 | 134 stars today
FFmpeg for browser and node, powered by WebAssembly
## 14. agalwood/Motrix
stars:27,545 | forks:3,332 | 58 stars today
A full-featured download manager.
## 15. shufflewzc/faker2
stars:1,122 | forks:548 | 74 stars today
## 16. larvalabs/cryptopunks
stars:726 | forks:192 | 7 stars today
Collectible 8-bit characters on the Ethereum blockchain.
## 17. careercup/CtCI-6th-Edition-JavaScript
stars:2,011 | forks:837 | 21 stars today
Cracking the Coding Interview 6th Ed. JavaScript Solutions
## 18. mdn/browser-compat-data
stars:3,524 | forks:1,626 | 17 stars today
This repository contains compatibility data for Web technologies as displayed on MDN
## 19. yangshun/tech-interview-handbook
stars:56,479 | forks:7,949 | 228 stars today
Curated interview preparation materials for busy engineers
## 20. h5bp/html5-boilerplate
stars:51,264 | forks:11,706 | 10 stars today
A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
## 21. jackocnr/intl-tel-input
stars:5,733 | forks:1,609 | 5 stars today
A JavaScript plugin for entering and validating international telephone numbers
## 22. fabricjs/fabric.js
stars:19,417 | forks:2,803 | 13 stars today
Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser
## 23. DataDog/documentation
stars:169 | forks:427 | 0 stars today
The source for Datadog's documentation site.
## 24. handsontable/handsontable
stars:15,588 | forks:2,632 | 10 stars today
JavaScript data grid with a spreadsheet look & feel. Works for React, Angular, and Vue. Supported by the Handsontable team
## 25. reactchartjs/react-chartjs-2
stars:4,302 | forks:821 | 1 stars today
React wrapper for Chart.js 2.0 and 3.0, the most popular charting library
| 31.17734 | 348 | 0.75636 | eng_Latn | 0.321291 |
db1a5e471ecb77e6196620e214b1d17ec294a16e | 1,221 | md | Markdown | README.md | jsphweid/learning-transforms | e489543143f78519d2394f0a6ff64286bb1528a5 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | jsphweid/learning-transforms | e489543143f78519d2394f0a6ff64286bb1528a5 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | jsphweid/learning-transforms | e489543143f78519d2394f0a6ff64286bb1528a5 | [
] | null | null | null | # learning-transforms
My aim for this repository is to be a place to experiment with various simple transforms.
# Running
- install tensorflow (https://www.tensorflow.org/install/)
- `python my-tensorflow-project.py` in a terminal that has the virtualenv activated (i.e. via `source ~/tensorflow/bin/activate`)
- ~~simple and effective NN solves this easily~~
- ~~shifting more than 1 right (or left) seem to work just as easily for this binary example~~
- not as straight-forward as the above problem, basic NN doesn't seem to work
- seems to work better if they are zero padded len 6 -> len 6 instead of len 3
- first thought is that this is very possible. With a basic NN, the loss was significantly reduced
- update: a single convolutional layer seems to do well
- my long term goal is to -- in a larger NN that recognizes -- see what kind of transforms a NN can learn that helps it recognizes instruments or whatever... maybe the Fourier is not the best...
Running some of these will produces logs in /logs
The graph can be visualized with tensorboard by running `tensorboard --logdir=./logs` and going to the site it tells you to.
| 53.086957 | 195 | 0.758395 | eng_Latn | 0.999525 |
db1ace42038b0fee1587934a3e686adeb0f6cf0b | 192 | md | Markdown | README.md | teniryte/qpackage | 7bc78749aee99ab4e92f02aef95fcb9cec06e0a1 | [
] | 1 | 2021-06-02T22:01:02.000Z | 2021-06-02T22:01:02.000Z | README.md | teniryte/qpackage | 7bc78749aee99ab4e92f02aef95fcb9cec06e0a1 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | teniryte/qpackage | 7bc78749aee99ab4e92f02aef95fcb9cec06e0a1 | [
] | null | null | null | # qpackage
Node.js package template
## Installation
sudo npm install --global qpackage;
sudo yarn global add qpackage;
## CLI
qpackage packageName;
| 8.727273 | 35 | 0.645833 | kor_Hang | 0.564367 |
db1b1c7a9f6e9e0bd9c2e680e1c4b32c1b1c009c | 404 | md | Markdown | content/voa/exploration/_index.en.md | eqcodex/eqcodex | 3b20b65a0eaad775abee060de83ff60b151b42e8 | [
] | 1 | 2019-11-23T23:36:44.000Z | 2019-11-23T23:36:44.000Z | content/voa/exploration/_index.en.md | eqcodex/eqcodex | 3b20b65a0eaad775abee060de83ff60b151b42e8 | [
] | 13 | 2017-06-30T19:59:33.000Z | 2019-11-24T22:49:11.000Z | content/voa/exploration/_index.en.md | eqcodex/eqcodex | 3b20b65a0eaad775abee060de83ff60b151b42e8 | [
] | 2 | 2018-06-26T04:41:09.000Z | 2021-12-16T06:36:54.000Z | ---
title: (VoA) Exploration
menuTitle: Exploration
{{%zone argath%}}|1||
{{%zone arelis%}}|1||
{{%zone sarithcity%}}|1||
{{%zone rubak%}}|1||
{{%zone beastdomain%}}|1||
{{%zone resplendent%}}|1||
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{{%zone cityofbronze%}}|1||
{{%zone sepulcher%}}|1||
{{%zone eastsepulcher%}}|1||
{{%zone westsepulcher%}}|1|| | 21.263158 | 28 | 0.581683 | kor_Hang | 0.112807 |
db1dc6f553eb36eb09b073437670ddd39b78eaa7 | 1,663 | md | Markdown | docs/features/custom-title-bar.md | BachLeFPT/SymphonyElectron | 988b62f3da3dc5c2c2878649a01c943f83ad6214 | [
] | 68 | 2016-12-14T04:47:52.000Z | 2021-09-28T09:26:21.000Z | docs/features/custom-title-bar.md | BachLeFPT/SymphonyElectron | 988b62f3da3dc5c2c2878649a01c943f83ad6214 | [
] | 953 | 2016-12-13T22:51:58.000Z | 2021-11-15T09:58:00.000Z | docs/features/custom-title-bar.md | BachLeFPT/SymphonyElectron | 988b62f3da3dc5c2c2878649a01c943f83ad6214 | [
] | 102 | 2016-12-13T23:06:00.000Z | 2021-11-09T22:20:08.000Z | # Intro
To allow users to set custom title bar on Windows
# Platforms Supported
Windows 10
# Purpose
Allows users to set custom title bar experience with either Native or Custom with Native. Some customers require the title bar to be visible for their other tools to capture the Symphony app's title bar name.
# Details
## Custom
Provides a clean Windows 10 hamburger menu experience.
## Native
Displays Native window title bar. Menu options can be accessed by pressing ALT key.
# How to use?
# Installation
You can set it during the installation process in the MSI installer. Use the "Custom Title Bar" checkbox to set it to true during installation.
## Menu Bar Option
Hamburger menu can be enabled or disabled under "Window" menu options
Note: When you switch between the different styles, you'll need to restart the app for the correct menu to appear.
# Customising The Title Bar
You can customise the styles by modifying the css file at the below mentioned location for a multi-user install
C:\Program Files\Symphony\Symphony\config\titleBarStyles.css
And, for a single user install, the path would be below
## Background Design
#title-bar {
background-image: url("http link to an image"); // Please note local files cannot be loaded
background-size: cover;
## Branding Logo
.branding-logo {
height: 32px;
width: 100px;
content: url("http link to an image"); // Please note local files cannot be loaded
After the above changes and relaunching the application the new title bar styles should get applied | 30.236364 | 208 | 0.758268 | eng_Latn | 0.99301 |
db1ebc63deddb2fdc6b987fa66f8e818765f6ade | 1,632 | md | Markdown | CHANGELOG.md | donlouie/LinkFree | 3f20acea8e5acbb527e85ad25b5ca562b772824e | [
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### Bug Fixes
* **update-profile:** add blog to avneesh0612 ([#727](https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/issues/727)) ([a989d58](https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/commit/a989d58d7b3379c725e4e3191a06bac1ab35d877))
## [0.47.13](https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/compare/v0.47.12...v0.47.13) (2021-11-28)
### Bug Fixes
* rename Anirudh.json to qwe123coder.json ([#726](https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/issues/726)) ([c8aacac](https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/commit/c8aacac0fa52cd9c23a4170327b5fee93769649b))
## [0.47.12](https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/compare/v0.47.11...v0.47.12) (2021-11-28)
### Bug Fixes
* username change ([#731](https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/issues/731)) ([855cbd3](https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/commit/855cbd3809712eb366bdd06bda94f07e49f94c56))
## [0.47.11](https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/compare/v0.47.10...v0.47.11) (2021-11-28)
### Bug Fixes
* appropriately-sized img ([#733](https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/issues/733)) ([4c91c29](https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/commit/4c91c29367eec1bf2cecaab4477bc997c0b66b65))
## [0.47.10](https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/compare/v0.47.9...v0.47.10) (2021-11-28)
### Bug Fixes
* usage of static img url ([#735](https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/issues/735)) ([992e7f9](https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/commit/992e7f93c1598c9e50f7e721eac1f589ea06a673))
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title: "Using PRAM Algorithms on a Uniform-Memory-Access Shared-Memory Architecture"
date: 2001-01-01
publishDate: 2019-09-10T12:18:36.436080Z
authors: ["David A. Bader", "Ajith K. Illendula", "Bernard M. E. Moret", "Nina R. Weisse-Bernstein"]
publication_types: ["1"]
abstract: "The ability to provide uniform shared-memory access to a significant number of processors in a single SMP node brings us much closer to the ideal PRAM parallel computer. In this paper, we develop new techniques for designing a uniform shared-memory algorithm from a PRAM algorithm and present the results of an extensive experimental study demonstrating that the resulting programs scale nearly linearly across a significant range of processors (from 1 to 64) and across the entire range of instance sizes tested. This linear speedup with the number of processors is, to our knowledge, the first ever attained in practice for intricate combinatorial problems. The example we present in detail here is a graph decomposition algorithm that also requires the computation of a spanning tree; this problem is not only of interest in its own right, but is representative of a large class of irregular combinatorial problems that have simple and efficient sequential implementations and fast PRAM algorithms, but have no known efficient parallel implementations. Our results thus offer promise for bridging the gap between the theory and practice of shared-memory parallel algorithms. Supported in part by NSF CAREER 00-93039, NSF ITR 00-81404, NSF DEB 99-10123, and DOE CSRI-14968"
featured: false
publication: "*Algorithm Engineering, 5th International Workshop, WAE 2001 Aarhus, Denmark, August 28-31, 2001, Proceedings*"
url_pdf: "https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-44688-5_11"
doi: "10.1007/3-540-44688-5_11"
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db1f3ae7b30c18548884340cf05caf213d0a0bb1 | 500 | md | Markdown | README.md | zekro-archive/zekro.de | e98704dd16d88932700dcf5aba6362ad54784f02 | [
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] | null | null | null | # zekro.de
Here you can find some of the code behind my ['zekro.de' web page](https://zekro.de).
This page is 100% self-coded by zekro and a friend helped with some stuff. So this page is not depending on templates or stuff like this.
I know, there is **a lot** bad practice and stuff to do better, so please don't blame and create some nice [**issues**](https://github.com/zekroTJA/zekro.de/issues) and [**pull requests**](https://github.com/zekroTJA/zekro.de/pulls) to make this page better. ;)
| 62.5 | 261 | 0.73 | eng_Latn | 0.992868 |
db1f8312c9d719bf999cdea7ddc61237631e09d0 | 5,258 | md | Markdown | site/content/post/review-of-dukes-restaurant.md | exist2021/bandrainfo-one-click-hugo-cms | 911a2f68003a991c2c9971104378b08a83ed3783 | [
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] | null | null | null | +++
author = "Ricarlus Aguiar"
categories = ["FOOD"]
date = 2020-12-01T07:16:03Z
description = ""
draft = false
image = "https://digitalpress.fra1.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/xtddgl1/2020/12/WhatsApp-Image-2020-12-01-at-11.43.22-AM--1-.jpeg"
slug = "review-of-dukes-restaurant"
summary = "While strolling down the unending warren of by-lanes through Bandra, one would come upon Dukes Restaurant on Chapel Road. This quaint little eatery was started in the 27th year of the 20th century by Ahmed Haji TK."
tags = ["FOOD"]
title = "Review of Dukes Restaurant"
# Dukes Restaurant
While strolling down the unending warren of by-lanes through Bandra, one would come upon Dukes Restaurant on Chapel Road. This quaint little eatery was started in the **27th year of the 20th century by Ahmed Haji TK.** Hailing from the beach village of Kasargod in Kerala, he migrated with a few members of his family, bringing along with them their native culture and delicious cuisine.
Currently being run by Farooq, Ashraf, Usman, Amir, Robert, Liyaket, Mangroo, Sonu, Faltan and Sharma; who work the sundry of roles, viz. waiting tables, cooking food, delivering food, manning the cash counter, etc. that need to be performed to keep the place functioning at its clockwork efficiency. Being a local who grew up near Dukes, I've satiated many of my hunger pangs by gorging upon mundanely named food that has a wholly refined and heavenly taste.
## Ric’s Top Favorite - Buffalo Kheema
I shall start with my all-time favourite(hands down, no competition) buffalo kheema/mince. Made with multifarious ingredients of which the only ones that I was able to discern on my own are: peas, bay leaf, spices, green chillies, onions. This wholesome dish comes in three types, viz: kheema, kheema fry and kheema gotala with incremental prices. Kheema gotala is kheema fried and mashed along with an egg. All three kheema's have their unique taste and I highly recommend the kheema fry. Now being a so-called 'pav wala', I'm inclined to eat kheema with bread but a distinctive accompaniment prepared in-house is the 'parotta'. Normally prepared twice a day, this multi-layered flatbread pairs perfectly with kheema and **I would strongly suggest that you eat the parotta in the restaurant itself while it's hot!**
{{< figure src="https://res.craft.do/user/full/90ed6c50-0c35-2bdf-b933-2344845d0b33/doc/B0BC5C7C-B3F0-4036-A1EF-30C4C7826B9F/E08F31EC-0DE3-460E-8D9F-C1EDB387C29C_2" >}}
## Mutton Biryani
The next item I would recommend is the mutton biryani, prepared with spices I won't even begin trying to guess; not too oily and very decently priced, this dish is ample for a single person. Even the chicken biryani is a dish to be relished but I'm more of a red meat person so I'm a bit biased in this.
A quintessential Mughlai dish that Dukes excels at is the buffalo sukha, a spicy semi gravy loaded with chunks of meat that can be eaten with bread or parotta.
{{< figure src="https://res.craft.do/user/full/90ed6c50-0c35-2bdf-b933-2344845d0b33/doc/B0BC5C7C-B3F0-4036-A1EF-30C4C7826B9F/72568AE7-CB60-43FC-95BF-36D9BF135920_2" >}}
## Chinese Food
While Dukes specializes in Mughlai food they have also branched out into Chinese food with a variety of dishes ranging from chicken/veg fried rice and chicken/veg noodles to chicken chilly and chop suey.
To add to this menu, there are many other options which range from soups: sweet corn, manchow, tomato, to name a few; to egg dishes: omelette, bhurji, biryani and half fry(sunny side up).
## Ambience
Although devoid of a washroom, there is a perfectly functional washbasin set up at the far corner and the lack of air conditioning is barely noticed as the large entrance and side window coupled with strategically located fans provides ample cooling even on a humid summer afternoon.
{{< figure src="https://res.craft.do/user/full/90ed6c50-0c35-2bdf-b933-2344845d0b33/doc/B0BC5C7C-B3F0-4036-A1EF-30C4C7826B9F/34A2E307-C328-4C79-8D61-ACFE04D91114_2" >}}
## Delivery
In today's tech-savvy world, Duke's has kept up by taking their business online with the famously popular food delivery apps - Zomato and Swiggy, thus ensuring that they don't stagnate and keep evolving with modern times while still retaining their classic charm. For those who prefer the old fashioned style of calling and placing an order, as long as your delivery is in Bandra west, you can do so by calling on - 02226516315, 02226404137, 7668073403, 7678073417, please note that the last order needs to be placed before 11:30 pm.
This homely restaurant is open 7 days a week beginning the day at 10 in the morning and ending at midnight. These curfew timings I've been assured is only because of the dreaded covid-19 and they will revert to their original timing of opening at 7 in the morning once the pandemic is over. Just a heads up in case you visit this place outside the lunch and dinner hours then you may not get all the dishes.
_All the images attached to this article are photographed by me and prices are subject to change so please check with the restaurant when ordering_.
> To close with I'd like to say that this budget-friendly restaurant is visited by locals and travellers, young and old, not so poor and the not so rich.
| 90.655172 | 816 | 0.78566 | eng_Latn | 0.999277 |
db220a29c0538b8223bab16f7491d6c1040b807f | 1,570 | md | Markdown | articles/active-directory/active-directory-applications-guiding-developers-assigning-users.md | OpenLocalizationTestOrg/azure-docs-pr15_et-EE | bc69bd1a9d45d7abd2a3d01806d74e2b0848a808 | [
] | null | null | null | articles/active-directory/active-directory-applications-guiding-developers-assigning-users.md | OpenLocalizationTestOrg/azure-docs-pr15_et-EE | bc69bd1a9d45d7abd2a3d01806d74e2b0848a808 | [
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] | null | null | null | <properties
pageTitle="Azure AD ja rakendused: rakenduse kasutajate määramine | Microsoft Azure'i"
description="Kuidas rakendada kasutajate määramine Azure rakendusi."
# <a name="azure-ad-and-applications-assigning-users-to-an-application"></a>Azure AD ja rakendused: rakenduse kasutajate määramine
Enne kui saate määrata rakenduse kasutajad ja rühmad, vajate kasutajate määramine. Saate teada, kuidas nõuda kasutajate määramine leiate artiklist [Nõudva kasutajate määramine](active-directory-applications-guiding-developers-requiring-user-assignment.md) .
## <a name="assigning-users-to-an-application"></a>Rakenduse kasutajate määramine
1. Logige sisse administraatorikontoga Azure portaali.
2. Klõpsake **Kõigi üksuste** üksuse põhimenüü.
3. Valige rakenduse kasutate kataloogi.
4. Klõpsake vahekaardil **rakendused** .
5. Valige see kaust seostatud rakenduste loendist rakendus.
6. Klõpsake vahekaarti **Kasutajad ja rühmad** .
8. Valige eemaldatavad kasutajad rakenduse määramiseks.
9. Klõpsake nuppu **Määra**.
10. Klõpsake nuppu **Jah** küsimise.
## <a name="next-steps"></a>Järgmised sammud
[AZURE.INCLUDE [guiding-developers-for-lob-applications-toc.md](../../includes/active-directory-applications-guiding-developers-for-lob-applications-toc.md)]
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date: 2021-01-15
layout: time-machine
--- | 11.25 | 20 | 0.644444 | eng_Latn | 0.338341 |
db22ff324faad85a7a3416777ddadcbb5db39c83 | 2,000 | md | Markdown | GraphyRender/GPUGem/EfficientShadowVolumeRendering.md | daozhangXDZ/DaoZhang_ProgramNote | f4d7d89ee09ff6c647b81abdf46a80e223d11bdc | [
] | 16 | 2020-06-21T08:45:43.000Z | 2022-03-12T10:27:07.000Z | GraphyRender/GPUGem/EfficientShadowVolumeRendering.md | daozhangXDZ/DaoZhang_ProgramNote | f4d7d89ee09ff6c647b81abdf46a80e223d11bdc | [
] | null | null | null | GraphyRender/GPUGem/EfficientShadowVolumeRendering.md | daozhangXDZ/DaoZhang_ProgramNote | f4d7d89ee09ff6c647b81abdf46a80e223d11bdc | [
] | 5 | 2020-05-25T15:27:34.000Z | 2022-02-14T04:10:00.000Z | # 高效的阴影体渲染(Efficient Shadow Volume Rendering)
## 【章节概览】
这章全面讲述了用于实时阴影渲染中常见两种流派之一的阴影体(Shadow Volumes)技术,又称模板阴影(Stencil Shadows)技术,重点是得到正确的角度的情形,减少几何图形和填充率的消耗。
## 【核心要点】
当时id software的《Doom 3》就是采用阴影体(Shadow Volumes)技术来对阴影进行的渲染。具体思想是在模板(stencil)缓冲标记阴影的像素,把像素分为阴影或照明两种类型,接着调节负责光照的像素程序,使阴影像素的照明贡献度为0。
图 阴影体技术可以很好胜任的渲染场景
图 模型上的裂缝会让影子穿过空气漏出来
## 【本章配套源代码汇总表】
Example 9-1 程序结构伪代码(Program Structure Pseudocode)
Example 9-2 glFrustum风格的无限投影矩阵(An Infinite Projection Matrix in the Style of glFrustum)
Example 9-3 用于从示例光源中“挤”出 w=0顶点的顶点着色器代码(A Vertex Shader for Extruding w = 0 Vertices Away from the Example Light)
Example 9-4 (The markShadows Method)
Example 9-5 findBackfaces方法(The findBackfaces Method)
Example 9-6 renderShadowCaps方法(The renderShadowCaps Method)
Example 9-7 renderShadowSides方法(The renderShadowSides Method)
## 【关键词提炼】
阴影渲染(Shadow Rendering)
阴影体(Shadow Volume)/ 模板阴影(Stencil Shadows)
多通道渲染(Multipass Rendering)
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] | 10 | 2018-08-06T01:50:12.000Z | 2019-09-20T06:27:19.000Z | dataset/test/README.md | saidbm24/Code-for-image-classification | 4cf4edc5adf46ec24e1fc40c5007b6864c07ce64 | [
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] | null | null | null | Keep all the test images with no sub-folders.
* test:
* test_image_1.jpg
* test_image_2.jpg
* ...
* ...
Delete this file once you have the above file structure.
| 16.083333 | 57 | 0.637306 | eng_Latn | 0.940699 |
db23cec78acc8b7f7222b346abfdb135fb4eb1b6 | 101 | md | Markdown | _posts/Linux/RHCA/310/2017-04-11-310-11-provisioning-tenant-networks.md | tanfengshuang/tanfengshuang.github.io | fa28d1e82eb635683b34b25f6ead2095d430509b | [
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] | null | null | null | _posts/Linux/RHCA/310/2017-04-11-310-11-provisioning-tenant-networks.md | tanfengshuang/tanfengshuang.github.io | fa28d1e82eb635683b34b25f6ead2095d430509b | [
] | null | null | null | ---
layout: post
title: "Provisioning Tenant Networks(310-11)"
categories: Linux
tags: RHCA 310
| 14.428571 | 46 | 0.712871 | eng_Latn | 0.208917 |
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layout: page
title: linux/wl-copy (English)
description: "Wayland clipboard manipulation tool."
content_hash: 9acd7ef7ce26cb08a9007599647f806592749a80
# wl-copy
Wayland clipboard manipulation tool.
See also: `wl-paste`.
More information: <https://github.com/bugaevc/wl-clipboard>.
- Copy the text to the clipboard:
`wl-copy "`<span class="tldr-var badge badge-pill bg-dark-lm bg-white-dm text-white-lm text-dark-dm font-weight-bold">text</span>`"`
- Pipe the command (`ls`) output to the clipboard:
<span class="tldr-var badge badge-pill bg-dark-lm bg-white-dm text-white-lm text-dark-dm font-weight-bold">ls</span>` | wl-copy`
- Copy for only one paste and then clear it:
`wl-copy --paste-once "`<span class="tldr-var badge badge-pill bg-dark-lm bg-white-dm text-white-lm text-dark-dm font-weight-bold">text</span>`"`
- Clear the clipboard:
`wl-copy --clear`
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db24f9c0be115c279a769b228f3b9e5e841d2b18 | 830 | md | Markdown | content/bibliography/not-too-deep-privacy-resistance-and-the-incorporation-of-social-media-in-background-checks.md | SIGWROC/sigwroc | 00c85f5d19e6577d26542dd120d3ff9290248ca8 | [
] | null | null | null | content/bibliography/not-too-deep-privacy-resistance-and-the-incorporation-of-social-media-in-background-checks.md | SIGWROC/sigwroc | 00c85f5d19e6577d26542dd120d3ff9290248ca8 | [
] | 68 | 2022-02-15T17:30:27.000Z | 2022-03-28T17:32:56.000Z | content/bibliography/not-too-deep-privacy-resistance-and-the-incorporation-of-social-media-in-background-checks.md | SIGWROC/sigwroc | 00c85f5d19e6577d26542dd120d3ff9290248ca8 | [
] | 1 | 2022-02-25T18:17:56.000Z | 2022-02-25T18:17:56.000Z | ---
pubtype: journal
authors: Young, Sarah
title: "Not too deep: Privacy, resistance, and the incorporation of social media
in background checks"
year: "2021"
journal: First Monday
volume: "26"
issue: "9"
doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.5210/fm.v26i9.11591
annotation: "This article discusses the US government’s incorporation of social
media in the background investigation process and notes the absence of
discourse about the potentially problematic connection between social media
platform algorithms and the US government's targeted but widespread
collection of social media data on potential clearance holders and their
social circle. It offers an explanation of why congress did not address deeper
privacy issues related to algorithms. "
- digital rhetoric
- media studies
- surveillance studies
| 36.086957 | 80 | 0.783133 | eng_Latn | 0.996046 |
db2510d0da21008b724f3cdaa68ccbb1c2c68c7d | 46 | md | Markdown | README.md | gpuhw/i210 | 816bb51214fc351f0af05b3bccfecd62e13f2ee1 | [
] | 2 | 2019-11-26T13:30:44.000Z | 2021-11-15T10:40:22.000Z | README.md | gpuhw/i210 | 816bb51214fc351f0af05b3bccfecd62e13f2ee1 | [
] | 1 | 2021-08-17T14:56:06.000Z | 2021-08-17T14:56:06.000Z | README.md | gpuhw/i210 | 816bb51214fc351f0af05b3bccfecd62e13f2ee1 | [
] | null | null | null | # i210
Intel i210 Ethernet Controller hacking
| 15.333333 | 38 | 0.826087 | eng_Latn | 0.354052 |
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] | 5 | 2015-03-31T14:12:39.000Z | 2019-11-24T17:30:33.000Z | all-hugo-themes/hugo-plus/docs/shortcodes/stream.md | CodeFreezr/hugo-lab | 8c06ac6dfc39648c8dd6472b31922ba62ce411a8 | [
] | 20 | 2015-03-01T01:42:23.000Z | 2020-10-23T10:18:06.000Z |
# Stream Posts
This Shortcode embeds a 'post' within the content area. This is designed for
the 'stream' section, but could have other uses within other Content types.
Stream instances and other Shortcodes may be embedded a Stream.
# Usage
{{< stream text="Stream" date="" >}}{{< /stream >}}
Or to embed custom inline HTML or another shortcode:
{{< stream text="" date="" >}}
{{< photo title="Embedded image" src="http://lorempixel.com/300/300/cats/" >}}
{{< stream text="Embedded post" >}}{{< /stream >}}
{{< /stream >}}
# Parameters
* text - Message body of the post, may contain
* date.format - Date of the post in the format "Jan 02 2006"
* link - Turns the text(unless link_text is defined) into a link to this address
* link_text - Text added at the end of `text` and links to `link`.
Won't be shown if `link` isn't set
* id - Id attribute of the stream's text
* class - Class attribute of the stream's text
* style - Style attribute of the stream's text
# Notes
Stream posts can be embedded within another stream post.
All Stream shortocode instances must be closed with `/stream`.
Streams can be themed with CSS by targetting `stream-content`,
`stream-text`, `stream-date`, and `stream-inner` classes.
| 35.342857 | 80 | 0.704123 | eng_Latn | 0.99099 |
db26145d6bcf8fb2f478cd75d088060bec0ee261 | 2,714 | md | Markdown | content/posts/2013-06-10-defects-and-tears-and-articular-cartilage-disease-oh-my.md | afhill/hillrunning | 626196959b187fa623ce2882fb494fcbe7db945e | [
] | null | null | null | content/posts/2013-06-10-defects-and-tears-and-articular-cartilage-disease-oh-my.md | afhill/hillrunning | 626196959b187fa623ce2882fb494fcbe7db945e | [
] | null | null | null | content/posts/2013-06-10-defects-and-tears-and-articular-cartilage-disease-oh-my.md | afhill/hillrunning | 626196959b187fa623ce2882fb494fcbe7db945e | [
] | null | null | null | ---
template: "post"
title: "Defects and tears and articular cartilage disease, oh my!"
date: 2013-06-10T22:50:58-06:00
draft: false
- "Health"
After nearly a month of [limping around](/posts/2013-05-27-update-nothing-to-update/), I had self-diagnosed a meniscal tear requiring surgery. Well, I was half right. Turns out my meniscus is fine.. but that's about it.
I'm still digesting this info, but here's the official radiologist impressions:
> 1. Full-thickness cartilage defect from the central weight-bearing portion of the lateral femoral condyle measuring 6 x 9 mm which may include a thin rim of cortex and is displaced anterior to the distal anterior cruciate ligament. reactive subarticular bone marrow edema.
> 2. Partial tear distal posterior cruciate ligament
> 3. Grade II to III articular cartilage disease patellofemoral compartment, more severe in the lateral facet of the patella. Minimal tendinopathy proximal patellar tendon.
<p id="caption-attachment-4537" class="wp-caption-text">
Apparently a big splash of white radiating up through a black bone is not something you want to see.
So…. basically, I broke off part of my cartilage. (I could see it on the images the doc showed me, although I can't get the same resolution here) As we've all heard before, cartilage doesn't really spontaneously heal itself. We need to ‘help it', so I'll undergo surgery (also, to get my floater out!). The common approach is microfracture surgery – “an articular cartilage repair surgical technique that works by creating tiny fractures in the underlying bone. This causes new cartilage to develop from a so-called super-clot.”
The recovery post-surgery is 6 weeks non-weight-bearing, which is sorta a drag but I was non-weight bearing for 16 weeks after my other leg surgery, so this'll be a cakewalk! I asked about the New York Marathon, and she seemed to think I'd be fine if I went ahead and got it taken care of now. Of course this puts a major damper on a lot of summer plans, but I'm trying to focus on the positive.. and just accept the situation as it is.
Given the fact it'd been nearly a month and I wasn't really seeing marked improvement, I was mentally trying to prepare myself for surgery. Turns out I didn't quite do a good enough job, but at least I started. I decided that since I can't run, rock-climb or do cross-fit, this seems as good a time as any to work on that swimming thing! I'm not really comfortable with having my head underwater unless I have a SCUBA tank attached to my back, so I figure I may as well put my energies into learning something new I wouldn't otherwise.. | 93.586207 | 558 | 0.768976 | eng_Latn | 0.999295 |
db271b66bcec00cfb5b18080891a0b0789f969f2 | 45 | md | Markdown | README.md | tony-shannon/ReactBase2 | b5bf55c2c1ac30a86117b1fd7daad111de3172a6 | [
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] | null | null | null | README.md | tony-shannon/ReactBase2 | b5bf55c2c1ac30a86117b1fd7daad111de3172a6 | [
] | null | null | null | # ReactBase2
for ReactBased Apps exploration
| 15 | 31 | 0.844444 | eng_Latn | 0.964861 |
db27d74d257eb6e9115c1005bbb6aebac1840453 | 16 | md | Markdown | README.md | jdgwartney/vagrant-luvit | 54ef49e599e9d9dabf7ab2673371b8827a472457 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | jdgwartney/vagrant-luvit | 54ef49e599e9d9dabf7ab2673371b8827a472457 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | jdgwartney/vagrant-luvit | 54ef49e599e9d9dabf7ab2673371b8827a472457 | [
] | null | null | null | # vagrant-luvit
| 8 | 15 | 0.75 | swe_Latn | 0.431151 |
db282434d360586b2e982c6c0bfb766d3f88d277 | 7,101 | md | Markdown | _posts/2013-03-26-fabriki-i-bibiloteki.md | recoders/blog | 29567b6928260b95cec304261304fc699b6baf02 | [
] | 1 | 2015-06-11T17:35:36.000Z | 2015-06-11T17:35:36.000Z | _posts/2013-03-26-fabriki-i-bibiloteki.md | recoders/blog | 29567b6928260b95cec304261304fc699b6baf02 | [
] | null | null | null | _posts/2013-03-26-fabriki-i-bibiloteki.md | recoders/blog | 29567b6928260b95cec304261304fc699b6baf02 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: Фабрики и бибилотеки
author: theambient
layout: post
- Общее
**NB**: скучный и технический пост о землях Страуструповых.
Потребовалось засунуть фабрику (см. GoF [1]) в статическую библиотеку и это породило *удивительные* эффекты, о которых по крайней мере я ранее не знал.
Итак, имеем фабрику в следующем виде (ее устройство не обсуждаем, несмотря на то, что она самописная, ее структура стандартная с небольшими плюшками в виде параметризуемого набора аргументов конструктора, смотри Александреску [2]):
{% highlight cpp %}
template<typename Base, typename… Args>
class NewCreatorBase
virtual Base * operator()(Args… args) = 0;
virtual ~NewCreatorBase(){}
template<typename Base, typename Derived, typename… Args >
class NewCreatorImpl : public NewCreatorBase<Base, Args…>
Derived * operator()(Args… args) override
return new Derived(args…);
template<typename Base, typename… Args>
class NewCreatorHolder
std::unique_ptr<NewCreatorBase<Base, Args…> > _pimpl; // NOT actual _pimpl!!!
template<typename Derived>
explicit NewCreatorHolder(boost::mpl::identity<Derived> )
_pimpl.reset(new NewCreatorImpl<Base, Derived, Args…> );
Base * operator()(Args… args)
return _pimpl->operator()( args… );
template<typename Product, typename Identifier, typename Creator = NewCreatorHolder<Product> >
class Factory
typedef Factory<Product, Identifier,Creator> ThisType;
std::map<Identifier,Creator> _creators;
typedef Identifier IdentifierType;
typedef Product ProductType;
typedef Creator CreatorType;
int register_type( Identifier id, Creator creator )
auto r = _creators.insert( std::make_pair(id, std::move(creator) ) );
if( ! r.second )
std::ostringstream ost;
ost << "Factory::register_type: id: " << id << " already registered";
throw std::logic_error( ost.str() );
return 1;
static ThisType * instance()
static ThisType static_instance;
return &static_instance;
bool find(Identifier id)
return _creators.count(id) > 0;
std::vector<Identifier> list_all_registered_id() const
std::vector<Identifier> ret;
for( auto & x : _creators )
ret.push_back( x.first );
return ret;
template<typename… Args>
std::unique_ptr<Product> create(Identifier id, Args… args)
auto it = _creators.find( id );
if( it == _creators.end() )
std::ostringstream ost;
ost << "Factory::create: id: " << id << " has not been registered";
throw std::runtime_error( ost.str() );
return std::unique_ptr<Product>( it->second(args…) );
template<typename ConcreteProduct, typename Factory>
class FactoryRegistrar
FactoryRegistrar(const typename Factory::IdentifierType & id )
// std::cout << "FactoryRegistrar: " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
typedef typename Factory::CreatorType T;
boost::mpl::identity<ConcreteProduct> tag;
T creator ( tag );
Factory::instance()->register_type(id, std::move(creator) );
int get()
return 1;
{% endhighlight %}
Используется фабрика следующим образом. Допустим, нам необходимо создавать классы производные от \`Base\` c помощью фабрики по строковому идентификатору.
Определяем класс \`Base\` и соответствующую фабрику.
{% highlight cpp %}
class Base
virtual std::string identify_me() = 0;
typedef Factory<Base,std::string> BaseFactory;
{% endhighlight %}
Для регистрации класса \`Derived\` производного от \`Base\` в фабрике в **Derived.cpp** файле необходимо *определить* глобально и разумнее всего статически
{% highlight cpp %}
static FactoryRegistrar<Derived,BaseFactory> __factory_registrar__;
{% endhighlight %}
конструктор которого зарегистрирует \`Derived\` в фабрике. Для включения класса в фабрику теперь достаточно просто включить файл Derived.cpp в сборку (скомпилировать и передать линковщику соответствующий объектный файл). Все кул, что хотели – то и получили!
Теперь пытаемся вынести все это в **статическую** бибилотеку, которая предоставляет следующий интерфейс:
– определение класса \`Base\`
– определение фабрики для класса \`Base\`, в которой зарегистрированно сколько-то конкретных производных классов в зависиости от нашей прихоти (с какими опциями собиралсь бибилотека)
Пользователь библиотеки хочет просто создать сущность с помощью \`BaseFactory::instance()->create(“Dervied”)\`. Если такой класс не был зарегистрирован в библиотеке, то вернется нулевой указатель, иначе указатель на созданный объект.
Проблема заключается в том, что если засунуть все в статическую бибилотеку и собрать проект с ней, то фабрика **всегда** будет возвращать ноль. Это было неприятным сюрпризом, ноги которого растут из правил линковки.
Если передать линковщику объектный файл напрямую, то он обязан включить его в исполняемый файл и, соотвественно, проинициализировать все переменные с статической областью видимости. В случае бибилиотеки, являющейся не более чем собранием объекнтых файлов, линковщик обращается к ней в том и только в том случае, если не может разрешить какую-то ссылку. В этом случае он включает объектный код, соответствующий этой функции и объектный код, ответственный за инициализацию объектов с статической областью видимости. Так как в нашем случае нет неразрешенных ссылок на объектный файл \`Derived.cpp.o\`, то и не происходит инициализации \`FactoryRegistrar\` и регистрации в фабрике.
Для решения этой проблемы необходимо создавать ссылки на объектный файл, путем вызова функции, скажем, \`Derived::dummy()\` определенной в \`Derived.cpp.o\`, чего и хотелось избежать: зависимости фабрики от регистрируемых в ней классов.
Мораль: не помещать фабрики с статические библиотеки.
## Библиография:
1. Э. Гамма, Р. Хелм, Р. Джонсон, Дж. Влиссидес Приемы объектно-ориентированного проектирования. Паттерны проектирования = Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. — СПб: «Питер», 2007. — С. 366. — ISBN 978-5-469-01136-1
2. Александреску А. Современное проектирование на С++: Обобщенное программирование и прикладные шаблоны проектирования = Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied. — С. П.: Вильямс, 2008. — 336 с. — (С++ in Depth). — ISBN 978-5-8459-0351-8
P.S. Мой первый пост на *re-coders* на техническую тему и что я обнружваю? - не работает, использованное
<pre> - кое-как, съедает "эллипсисы" (...), блок для кодеров который не может нормально отображать код - пичалька... | 36.415385 | 677 | 0.703281 | rus_Cyrl | 0.806113 |
db286aff5b7950b02d008ac4b8670b2002d8918d | 1,488 | md | Markdown | gitlab-docker/README.md | aufziehvogel/ansible-roles | f0d1c033dd8182dad9ea1b42e64071b0b98ee837 | [
] | 4 | 2019-03-23T21:48:42.000Z | 2021-08-17T02:06:24.000Z | gitlab-docker/README.md | aufziehvogel/ansible-roles | f0d1c033dd8182dad9ea1b42e64071b0b98ee837 | [
] | null | null | null | gitlab-docker/README.md | aufziehvogel/ansible-roles | f0d1c033dd8182dad9ea1b42e64071b0b98ee837 | [
] | 1 | 2020-11-04T05:44:43.000Z | 2020-11-04T05:44:43.000Z | gitlab-docker
This is a role to install the docker container of GitLab.
Requires the role `docker` to be executed before this role.
Role Variables
- `gitlab_docker_data_dir`: The directory in which you want GitLab to store
its data on the host machine
- `gitlab_docker_http_public`: Whether or not you want to expose this instance
publicly through the host
- `gitlab_docker_http_port`: The port on which you want to expose the
HTTP port from the docker container (only used if `gitlab_docker_http_public`
is true)
- `gitlab_docker_ssh_port`: The port on which you want to expose the SSH
connection (always used)
- `gitlab_docker_hostname`: The hostname under which the GitLab instance will
be reached, i.e. the external domain you use to reach GitLab
- `gitlab_docker_external_ssl`: Set to `true` if you use SSL on an external
reverse proxy
### Configuration of the Gitlab setup
- `gitlab_docker_lfs_enabled`: Whether to enable LFS storage
- `gitlab_docker_lfs_storage_path`: The path to which LFS items should be
stored (path on the host, not in the gitlab container)
Example Playbook
This role is most useful together with other additional roles, e.g. for
HTTP termination.
- hosts: database
- "vars/ssl_gitlab.yml"
- docker
- gitlab-docker
- ssl
- nginx
- gitlab-docker-nginx
| 27.555556 | 79 | 0.705645 | eng_Latn | 0.993908 |
db28dc0d17c97248c02f71ce15bde0f87f221642 | 1,750 | md | Markdown | README.md | hamayun-cpu/To-do-list | 2152f2c1743dc57a1ca49b91f0e65975014c33ef | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | hamayun-cpu/To-do-list | 2152f2c1743dc57a1ca49b91f0e65975014c33ef | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | hamayun-cpu/To-do-list | 2152f2c1743dc57a1ca49b91f0e65975014c33ef | [
] | null | null | null | ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/Microverse-blueviolet)
# To-do-list
I Built a to-do list that will allow the user to insert new tasks into existing projects and also create new projects and assigned new tasks. It gives back due date of event.
## Built With
- Webpack
- Npm
- Javascript
## Live Demo
[Live Demo Link](https://hamayun-cpu.github.io/To-do-list/)
## Getting Started
**To get started you can download the code by pressing in the top right corner on the green button**
> To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
### Prerequisites
- Npm installed on your computer
- Node as well
### Install
> Once you have downloaded the code please open you terminal and paste in this code
> `git clone https://github.com/hamayun-cpu/To-do-list.git`
> then run this command to install all of the depencies for the app to run ` npm install`
### Usage
> In order to run the app once you have already installed it please run this comman in your terminal
> `npm run watch`
> then click on the index.html and open it with liver server
> this will open a new browser with the app ready to use.
## Authors
👤 **Hamayun Waheed**
- Github: [@githubhandle](https://github.com/hamayun-cpu)
- Twitter: [@twitterhandle](https://twitter.com/hamayun_waheed?s=09&fbclid=IwAR0rfO9cMDDeCX8LfXf4cCNQDrL4LpJ02Q2csWhcT-VtMQ0Cy9EgTB4Wq8E)
- Linkedin: [linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamayun-waheed-3527381b2/)
## 🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the [issues page](https://github.com/hamayun-cpu/To-do-list/issues).
## Show your support
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
## 📝 License
This project is [MIT](lic.url) licensed.
| 27.34375 | 174 | 0.742286 | eng_Latn | 0.976078 |
db297982f7937356acbf60abe6bbad430f0d642e | 980 | md | Markdown | docs/error-messages/compiler-errors-2/compiler-error-c2673.md | OpenLocalizationTestOrg/cpp-docs.it-it | 05d8d2dcc95498d856f8456e951d801011fe23d1 | [
] | 1 | 2020-05-21T13:04:35.000Z | 2020-05-21T13:04:35.000Z | docs/error-messages/compiler-errors-2/compiler-error-c2673.md | OpenLocalizationTestOrg/cpp-docs.it-it | 05d8d2dcc95498d856f8456e951d801011fe23d1 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/error-messages/compiler-errors-2/compiler-error-c2673.md | OpenLocalizationTestOrg/cpp-docs.it-it | 05d8d2dcc95498d856f8456e951d801011fe23d1 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: Compiler Error C2673 | Microsoft Docs
ms.date: 11/04/2016
- devlang-cpp
ms.topic: error-reference
- C2673
- C++
- C2673
ms.assetid: 780230c0-619b-4a78-b01d-ff5886306741
caps.latest.revision: 8
author: corob-msft
ms.author: corob
manager: ghogen
- cs-cz
- de-de
- es-es
- fr-fr
- it-it
- ja-jp
- ko-kr
- pl-pl
- pt-br
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- tr-tr
- zh-cn
- zh-tw
translationtype: Human Translation
ms.sourcegitcommit: 3168772cbb7e8127523bc2fc2da5cc9b4f59beb8
ms.openlocfilehash: 58b8a9c1f39e17edd7359100d341a6da4b83ce82
# Compiler Error C2673
'function' : global functions do not have 'this' pointers
A global function tried to access `this`.
The following sample generates C2673:
// C2673.cpp
int main() {
this = 0; // C2673
| 16.610169 | 61 | 0.680612 | eng_Latn | 0.189606 |
db2cf05c8b427f5090ec77f7d5cb75e60491fc2a | 77 | markdown | Markdown | _tags/1178.markdown | sawyerh/organizedwonder | ec1c09e67d13776b134a1e4968b6413ca35f3780 | [
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title: "leather"
id: tag.id
permalink: "/tags/leather"
videos: [1312]
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db2df5e7e2b70bf032da6abdb345553483fb1f2f | 17,026 | md | Markdown | articles/sql-database/saas-multitenantdb-performance-monitoring.md | changeworld/azure-docs.cs-cz | cbff9869fbcda283f69d4909754309e49c409f7d | [
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title: Sledování výkonu databáze s oddíly více klientů
description: Sledování a správa výkonu víceklientské databáze Azure SQL s více klienty ve víceklientské aplikaci SaaS
services: sql-database
ms.service: sql-database
ms.subservice: scenario
ms.custom: seo-lt-2019
ms.devlang: ''
ms.topic: conceptual
author: stevestein
ms.author: sstein
ms.reviewer: ''
ms.date: 01/25/2019
ms.openlocfilehash: 0af476b69f2effd836fe76d62059259076c16f53
ms.sourcegitcommit: 2ec4b3d0bad7dc0071400c2a2264399e4fe34897
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: cs-CZ
ms.lasthandoff: 03/28/2020
ms.locfileid: "79214165"
# <a name="monitor-and-manage-performance-of-sharded-multi-tenant-azure-sql-database-in-a-multi-tenant-saas-app"></a>Sledování a správa výkonu víceklientské databáze Azure SQL s více klienty ve víceklientské aplikaci SaaS
V tomto kurzu jsou prozkoumány několik klíčových scénářů správy výkonu používaných v aplikacích SaaS. Pomocí generátorzatížení simulovat aktivitu napříč vrstvené víceklientské databáze, integrované monitorování a upozorňování funkce SQL Database jsou demonstrovány.
Wingtip Tickets SaaS Víceklientská databázová aplikace používá oborový datový model s více tenanty, kde jsou data místa (tenanta) distribuována podle ID klienta napříč potenciálně více databázemi. Stejně jako u většiny aplikací SaaS je předpokládaný vzorek úloh tenanta nepředvídatelný a sporadický. Jinými slovy to znamená, že prodej lístků může probíhat kdykoli. Chcete-li využít tento vzor typické využití databáze, databáze lze škálovat nahoru a dolů optimalizovat náklady na řešení. S tímto typem vzoru je důležité sledovat využití prostředků databáze, aby bylo zajištěno, že zatížení jsou přiměřeně vyvážené napříč potenciálně více databází. Je také třeba zajistit, že jednotlivé databáze mají odpovídající prostředky a nejsou dosažení jejich limity [DTU.](sql-database-purchase-models.md#dtu-based-purchasing-model) Tento kurz zkoumá způsoby monitorování a správu databází a jak provést nápravná opatření v reakci na odchylky v zatížení.
Co se v tomto kurzu naučíte:
> [!div class="checklist"]
> * Simulace využití v databázi s více klienty s dělené pomocí spuštění generátoru zatížení za předpokladu,
> * Sledujte databázi tak, jak reaguje na zvýšení zatížení
> * Škálování databáze v reakci na zvýšené zatížení databáze
> * Zřízení klienta do databáze s jedním tenantem
Předpokladem dokončení tohoto kurzu je splnění následujících požadavků:
* Wingtip Vstupenky SaaS Víceklientdatabáze aplikace je nasazena. Informace o nasazení za méně než pět minut najdete v [tématu Nasazení a prozkoumání aplikace Wingtip Tickets SaaS Multi-tenant Database](saas-multitenantdb-get-started-deploy.md)
* Je nainstalované prostředí Azure PowerShell. Podrobnosti najdete v článku [Začínáme s prostředím Azure PowerShell](https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/azure/get-started-azureps).
## <a name="introduction-to-saas-performance-management-patterns"></a>Úvod do vzorců správy výkonu SaaS
Správa výkonu databáze sestává z kompilování a analýz dat výkonu a následného reagování na tato data prostřednictvím úpravy parametrů pro řízení přijatelné doby odezvy na aplikaci.
### <a name="performance-management-strategies"></a>Strategie výkonu aplikací
* Chcete-li se vyhnout ručnímu sledování výkonu, je nejúčinnější **nastavit výstrahy, které se aktivují, když databáze zabloudí z normálního rozsahu**.
* Chcete-li reagovat na krátkodobé výkyvy ve výpočetní velikosti databáze, **úroveň DTU lze škálovat nahoru nebo dolů**. Pokud k tomuto kolísání dochází v pravidelných nebo předvídatelných základě, **škálování databáze může být naplánováno dojít automaticky**. Pokud například víte, že je úloha malého rozsahu, třeba přes noc nebo o víkendech, můžete vertikálně snížit kapacitu.
* Chcete-li reagovat na dlouhodobější výkyvy nebo změny v tenantech, **mohou být jednotliví klienti přesunuti do jiné databáze**.
* Chcete-li reagovat na krátkodobé zvýšení *zatížení jednotlivých* klientů, **mohou být jednotliví klienti vyjmuti z databáze a přiřazena individuální velikost výpočetních prostředků**. Jakmile je zatížení snížena, klienta pak lze vrátit do databáze více klientů. Pokud je to známo předem, klienti mohou být přesunuty preventivně zajistit, že databáze má vždy prostředky, které potřebuje, a aby se zabránilo dopadu na ostatní klienty v databázi více klientů. Pokud je tento požadavek předvídatelný, například v místě, kde se předpokládá navýšení prodeje lístků na oblíbenou akci, je možné toto chování správy začlenit do aplikace.
[Azure Portal](https://portal.azure.com) poskytuje integrované monitorování a upozorňování pro většinu prostředků. Pro SQL Database je monitorování a upozorňování k dispozici v databázích. Toto integrované monitorování a výstrahy jsou specifické pro prostředky, takže je vhodné použít pro malý počet prostředků, ale není vhodné při práci s mnoha prostředky.
Pro scénáře s velkým objemem, kde pracujete s mnoha prostředky, lze použít [protokoly Azure Monitoru.](https://azure.microsoft.com/services/log-analytics/) Toto je samostatná služba Azure, která poskytuje analýzy přes emitované protokoly shromážděné v pracovním prostoru Log Analytics. Protokoly Azure Monitor můžete shromažďovat telemetrie z mnoha služeb a slouží k dotazování a nastavení výstrah.
## <a name="get-the-wingtip-tickets-saas-multi-tenant-database-application-source-code-and-scripts"></a>Získejte Wingtip Tickets SaaS Víceklientský databázový kód aplikace a skripty
Wingtip Tickets SaaS Multi-tenant databázové skripty a zdrojový kód aplikace jsou k dispozici v [WingtipTicketsSaaS-MultitenantDB](https://github.com/microsoft/WingtipTicketsSaaS-MultiTenantDB) Úložiště GitHub. Podívejte se na [obecné pokyny pro](saas-tenancy-wingtip-app-guidance-tips.md) kroky ke stažení a odblokování wingtip vstupenky SaaS skripty.
## <a name="provision-additional-tenants"></a>Zřízení dalších tenantů
Pro dobré pochopení toho, jak funguje monitorování a správa výkonu ve velkém měřítku, tento kurz vyžaduje, abyste měli více klientů v horizontálně dělené databázi více klientů.
Pokud jste již zřízené dávky klientů v předchozím kurzu, přejděte na [simulovat využití na všech databázíklientů](#simulate-usage-on-all-tenant-databases) části.
1. V **prostředí PowerShell ISE**otevřete ... \\Výukové moduly\\Sledování\\výkonu a správa*Demo-PerformanceMonitoringAndManagement.ps1*. Tento skript nechte otevřený, protože během tohoto kurzu budete spouštět několik scénářů.
1. Nastavit **$DemoScenario** = **1**, _Zřídit dávku klientů_
1. Stisknutím klávesy **F5** spusťte skript.
Skript nasadí 17 klientů do databáze s více klienty během několika minut.
*New-TenantBatch* skript vytvoří nové klienty s jedinečnými klíči tenanta v rámci databáze s více klienty a inicializuje je s názvem klienta a typu místa konání. To je v souladu se způsobem, jakým aplikace zřizována nového klienta.
## <a name="simulate-usage-on-all-tenant-databases"></a>Simulace využití ve všech databázích tenantů
*Demo-PerformanceMonitoringAndManagement.ps1* skript je k dispozici, který simuluje zatížení spuštěné proti databázi více klientů. Zatížení je generováno pomocí jednoho ze scénářů načítání k dispozici:
| Ukázka | Scénář |
| 2 | Generovat normální intenzitu zatížení (přibližně 30 DTU) |
| 3 | Generovat zatížení s delšími shluky na klienta|
| 4 | Generovat zatížení s vyššími shluky DTU na klienta (přibližně 70 DTU)|
| 5 | Generovat vysokou intenzitu (přibližně 90 DTU) na jednoho klienta plus normální intenzita zatížení na všechny ostatní klienty |
Generátor zatížení použije *syntetické* zatížení jenom pro CPU na každé databázi tenantů. Generátor spustí úlohu pro každou databázi tenantů, která pravidelně volá uloženou proceduru generující zatížení. Úrovně zatížení (v DTU), doba trvání a intervaly se liší ve všech databázích, simulující nepředvídatelné aktivity klienta.
1. V **prostředí PowerShell ISE**otevřete ... \\Výukové moduly\\Sledování\\výkonu a správa*Demo-PerformanceMonitoringAndManagement.ps1*. Tento skript nechte otevřený, protože během tohoto kurzu budete spouštět několik scénářů.
1. Nastavit **$DemoScenario** = **2**, Generovat _normální intenzitu zatížení_
1. Stisknutím **klávesy F5** aplikujte zatížení na všechny své klienty.
Wingtip Tickets SaaS Multi-tenant Database je aplikace SaaS a reálné zatížení aplikace SaaS je obvykle sporadické a nepředvídatelné. Abychom takovýto scénář nasimulovali, vytváří generátor zatížení náhodné zatížení rozdělené mezi všechny tenanty. Několik minut je zapotřebí, aby se objevil vzor zatížení, takže spusťte generátor zatížení po dobu 3-5 minut, než se pokusíte sledovat zatížení v následujících částech.
> Generátor zatížení běží jako řada úloh v novém okně prostředí PowerShell. Pokud ukončíte relaci, generátor zatížení se zastaví. Generátor zatížení zůstává ve stavu *vyvolání úlohy,* kde generuje zatížení všech nových klientů, které jsou zřízeny po spuštění generátoru. Pomocí *kombinace kláves Ctrl-C* můžete zastavit vyvolání nových úloh a ukončit skript. Generátor zatížení bude nadále spuštěn, ale pouze u stávajících klientů.
## <a name="monitor-resource-usage-using-the-azure-portal"></a>Monitorování využití prostředků pomocí portálu Azure
Chcete-li sledovat využití prostředků, které je výsledkem použitého zatížení, otevřete portál do databáze s více **klienty, tenanty1**, obsahující klienty:
1. Otevřete [portál Azure](https://portal.azure.com) a přejděte na *serverových<>tenantů1-mt- USER*.
1. Posuňte se dolů a vyhledejte databáze a klepněte na **položku Tenants1**. Tato databáze s více klienty s oddíly jsou tvořena všemi dosud vytvořenými klienty.
![databázový graf](./media/saas-multitenantdb-performance-monitoring/multitenantdb.png)
Sledujte tabulku **DTU.**
## <a name="set-performance-alerts-on-the-database"></a>Nastavení upozornění na výkon databáze
Nastavte výstrahu v databázi, \>která se aktivuje při 75 % využití následujícím způsobem:
1. Otevřete *databázi tenantů1* (na *serveru tenants1-mt-<USER)> * na webu Azure [Portal](https://portal.azure.com).
1. Klikněte na **Pravidla výstrah** a potom na **+ Přidat výstrahu**:
![přidání výstrahy](media/saas-multitenantdb-performance-monitoring/add-alert.png)
1. Zadejte název, například **High DTU**,
1. Nastavte následující hodnoty:
* **Metrika = procento DTU**
* **Podmínka = větší než**
* **Prahová hodnota = 75**.
* **Tečka = Za posledních 30 minut**
1. Přidejte e-mailovou adresu do pole *Další e-maily správce* a klepněte na tlačítko **OK**.
![nastavení upozornění](media/saas-multitenantdb-performance-monitoring/set-alert.png)
## <a name="scale-up-a-busy-database"></a>Škálování naverteneji zaneprázdněnou databázi
Pokud se úroveň zatížení zvyšuje v databázi do té míry, že maxes z databáze a dosáhne 100 % využití DTU, pak je ovlivněn výkon databáze, potenciálně zpomaluje časy odezvy dotazu.
**Krátkodobé**, zvažte škálování databáze poskytnout další prostředky nebo odebrání klientů z databáze více klientů (jejich přesunutí z databáze více klientů do samostatné databáze).
**Dlouhodobější**, zvažte optimalizaci dotazů nebo využití indexu ke zlepšení výkonu databáze. V závislosti na citlivosti aplikace na výkon vydává své osvědčené postupy pro škálování databáze před dosažením 100 % využití DTU. Použijte výstrahu, abyste byli předem upozornění.
Můžete simulovat zaneprázdněné databáze zvýšením zatížení produkované generátoru. Způsobuje klienti shlukovat častěji a déle, zvýšení zatížení databáze více klientů beze změny požadavků jednotlivých klientů. Škálování databáze se snadno provádí na portálu nebo z Prostředí PowerShell. Při tomto cvičení se používá portál.
1. Nastavte *$DemoScenario* = **3**, Generovat zatížení s delší a _častější shluky na databázi_ zvýšit intenzitu agregační zatížení v databázi beze změny zatížení ve špičce vyžadované každého klienta.
1. Stisknutím klávesy **F5** použijte zatížení u všech databází tenantů.
1. Přejděte do databáze **tenantů1** na webu Azure Portal.
Sledujte zvýšené využití databáze DTU v horním grafu. Trvá několik minut pro nové vyšší zatížení nakopnout, ale měli byste rychle vidět, že databáze začít přístupit maximální využití a jako zatížení ustálí do nového vzoru, rychle přetížení databáze.
1. Chcete-li databázi vertikálně navýšit kapacitu, klikněte v okně nastavení na **Cenovou úroveň (škálování dtu).**
1. Nastavte **DTU** na **100**.
1. Klepnutím na tlačítko **Použít** odešlete požadavek na škálování databáze.
Vraťte se do **tenantů1** > **Přehled** zobrazit grafy monitorování. Sledujte účinek poskytování databáze s více prostředků (i když s několika klienty a randomizované zatížení není vždy snadné vidět přesvědčivě, dokud spustit na nějakou dobu). Zatímco se díváte na grafy, mějte na paměti, že 100% v horním grafu nyní představuje 100 DTU, zatímco na dolním grafu 100% je stále 50 DTU.
Databáze je v průběhu procesu online a plně dostupná. Kód aplikace by měl být vždy zapsán, aby se pokusili o přerušená připojení, a proto se znovu připojí k databázi.
## <a name="provision-a-new-tenant-in-its-own-database"></a>Zřízení nového klienta ve vlastní databázi
Oborový model s více tenanty umožňuje zvolit, zda chcete zřídit nového klienta v databázi s více klienty vedle jiných klientů, nebo zřídit klienta v vlastní databázi. Zřízením tenanta ve své vlastní databázi těží z izolace vlastní samostatné databázi, což umožňuje spravovat výkon tohoto klienta nezávisle na ostatních, obnovit tohoto klienta nezávisle na ostatních atd. Můžete se například rozhodnout umístit bezplatné zkušební nebo běžné zákazníky do databáze s více klienty a prémiové zákazníky v jednotlivých databázích. Pokud jsou vytvořeny izolované databáze s jedním tenantem, lze je stále spravovat společně v elastickém fondu pro optimalizaci nákladů na prostředky.
Pokud jste již zřídit nového klienta ve své vlastní databázi, přeskočte několik dalších kroků.
1. V **prostředí PowerShell ISE**otevřete ... \\Learning Modules\\ProvisionTenants\\*Demo-ProvisionTenants.ps1*.
1. Změnit **$TenantName = "Salix Salsa"** a **$VenueType = "tanec"**
1. Nastavit **$Scenario** = **2**, _Zřízení klienta v nové databázi s jedním klientem_
1. Stisknutím klávesy **F5** spusťte skript.
Skript zřídí tohoto klienta v samostatné databázi, zaregistruje databázi a klienta s katalogem a otevře stránku Události klienta v prohlížeči. Aktualizujte stránku Centra událostí a jako místo konání se zobrazí "Salix Salsa".
## <a name="manage-performance-of-an-individual-database"></a>Správa výkonu jednotlivých databází
Pokud jeden klient v rámci databáze s více klienty dochází k trvalé vysoké zatížení, může mít tendenci dominují databázové prostředky a vliv na ostatní klienty ve stejné databázi. Pokud aktivita je pravděpodobné, že bude pokračovat po určitou dobu, klient může být dočasně přesunutz databáze do vlastní databáze s jedním tenantem. To umožňuje tenantovi mít další prostředky, které potřebuje, a plně je izoluje od ostatních klientů.
Toto cvičení simuluje účinek Salix Salsa zažívá vysoké zatížení, když vstupenky jít na prodej pro populární událost.
1. Otevřete ... \\ *Ukázkový skript PerformanceMonitoringAndManagement.ps1.*
1. Nastavit **$DemoScenario = 5**, Generovat normální zatížení plus vysoké zatížení na jednoho _klienta (přibližně 90 DTU)._
1. Sada **$SingleTenantName = Salix Salsa**
1. Skript proveďte pomocí **F5**.
Přejděte na portál a přejděte na **salixsalsa** > **Přehled** pro zobrazení monitorovacích grafů.
## <a name="other-performance-management-patterns"></a>Další vzorce správy výkonu
**Samoobslužné škálování klienta**
Vzhledem k tomu, že škálování je úloha snadno volat prostřednictvím rozhraní API pro správu, můžete snadno vytvořit možnost škálování databází klientů do klienta aplikace a nabídnout ji jako funkci služby SaaS. Můžete například umožnit tenantům samoobslužné vertikální navýšení a snížení kapacity navázané přímo na fakturaci.
**Škálování databáze nahoru a dolů podle plánu tak, aby odpovídala vzorcům využití**
Kde agregované využití tenanta sleduje předvídatelné vzorce využití, můžete pomocí Azure Automation škálovat databázi nahoru a dolů podle plánu. Například škálování databáze dolů po osmnáct hodin a znovu před 6 hodin ráno ve všední dny, když víte, že je pokles požadavků na prostředky.
## <a name="next-steps"></a>Další kroky
Co se v tomto kurzu naučíte:
> [!div class="checklist"]
> * Simulace využití v databázi s více klienty s dělené pomocí spuštění generátoru zatížení za předpokladu,
> * Sledujte databázi tak, jak reaguje na zvýšení zatížení
> * Škálování databáze v reakci na zvýšené zatížení databáze
> * Zřízení klienta do databáze s jedním tenantem
## <a name="additional-resources"></a>Další zdroje
<!--* [Additional tutorials that build upon the Wingtip Tickets SaaS Multi-tenant Database application deployment](saas-multitenantdb-wingtip-app-overview.md#sql-database-wingtip-saas-tutorials)-->
* [Azure Automation](../automation/automation-intro.md) | 85.557789 | 944 | 0.80471 | ces_Latn | 0.999905 |
db2e32105d79141150ab8f2a60055fdd83cbf358 | 378 | md | Markdown | misc/nsnc/solve/solve.md | b01lers/b01lers-ctf-2021 | 1b6eb358bd0a36458fbefc72da2a88d9b3103faf | [
] | 6 | 2021-04-10T10:46:01.000Z | 2022-03-15T08:04:53.000Z | misc/nsnc/solve/solve.md | b01lers/b01lers-ctf-2021 | 1b6eb358bd0a36458fbefc72da2a88d9b3103faf | [
] | 1 | 2021-05-20T03:38:52.000Z | 2021-05-20T03:44:55.000Z | misc/nsnc/solve/solve.md | b01lers/b01lers-ctf-2021 | 1b6eb358bd0a36458fbefc72da2a88d9b3103faf | [
] | 3 | 2021-04-10T12:10:01.000Z | 2021-11-05T18:05:44.000Z | The images has two parts of a QR code that are visible if you squint.
Use photoshop or stegsolve or a similar tool to make the qr code more visible. Reassemble the QR code, and scan it.
Decoding the base32 gives us our flag!
| 37.8 | 115 | 0.828042 | eng_Latn | 0.990358 |
db308efec214d9363311e51ae7c433a443c20881 | 16,764 | md | Markdown | docs/msbuild/midl-task.md | MicrosoftDocs/visualstudio-docs.tr-tr | ff0c41f814d042e7d4a0e457839db4a191a59f81 | [
] | 7 | 2018-09-14T23:12:51.000Z | 2021-08-22T21:23:28.000Z | docs/msbuild/midl-task.md | huriyilmaz/visualstudio-docs.tr-tr | 9459e8aaaeb3441455be384a2b011dbf306ce691 | [
] | 7 | 2018-07-20T23:01:49.000Z | 2021-04-15T20:00:12.000Z | docs/msbuild/midl-task.md | huriyilmaz/visualstudio-docs.tr-tr | 9459e8aaaeb3441455be384a2b011dbf306ce691 | [
] | 22 | 2018-01-11T11:53:37.000Z | 2022-03-06T16:38:31.000Z | ---
title: MIDL Görev | Microsoft Docs
description: Microsoft Arabirim Tanımlama Dili (MIDL) derleyici aracını sarmalayıcı olan MSBuild MIDL görevi hakkında bilgi midl.exe.
ms.custom: SEO-VS-2020
ms.date: 11/04/2016
ms.topic: reference
- VC.Project.VCMidlTool.ServerStubFile
- VC.Project.VCMidlTool.ApplicationConfigurationMode
- VC.Project.VCMidlTool.GenerateServerFiles
- VC.Project.VCMidlTool.ClientStubFile
- VC.Project.VCMidlTool.LocaleID
- VC.Project.VCMidlTool.GenerateClientFiles
- VC.Project.VCMidlTool.SuppressCompilerWarnings
- VC.Project.VCMidlTool.TypeLibFormat
- vc.task.midl
- VB
- CSharp
- C++
- jsharp
- MSBuild (C++), MIDL task
- MIDL task (MSBuild (C++))
ms.assetid: 727efa8c-3336-40b8-8bef-ae6cbd77a422
author: ghogen
ms.author: ghogen
manager: jmartens
ms.technology: msbuild
- multiple
ms.openlocfilehash: 89d9469c2e81572f66a70b5f61881b4baa9fde68
ms.sourcegitcommit: 68897da7d74c31ae1ebf5d47c7b5ddc9b108265b
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: tr-TR
ms.lasthandoff: 08/13/2021
ms.locfileid: "122108674"
# <a name="midl-task"></a>MIDL görevi
Microsoft Arabirim Tanımlama Dili (MIDL) derleyici aracını *sarmalarmidl.exe.* Daha fazla bilgi için bkz. [MIDL komut satırı başvurusu.](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)
## <a name="parameters"></a>Parametreler
Aşağıda **MIDL** görevinin parametreleri açık almaktadır. Çoğu görev parametresi ve birkaç parametre kümesi, bir komut satırı seçeneğine karşılık gelen bir seçenektir.
- **AdditionalIncludeDirectories**
İsteğe **bağlı String[]** parametresi.
İçe aktarılan IDL dosyaları, dahil edilen üst bilgi dosyaları ve uygulama yapılandırma dosyaları (ACF) aranacak dizin listesine bir dizin ekler.
Daha fazla bilgi için MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda **/I** [seçeneğine bakın.](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)
- **AdditionalOptions**
İsteğe **bağlı Dize** parametresi.
Komut satırı seçeneklerinin listesi. Örneğin, / \<option1> / \<option2> / \<option#> . Başka bir MIDL görev parametresiyle temsil etmeyen komut satırı seçeneklerini belirtmek için bu parametreyi kullanın.
Daha fazla bilgi için bkz. [MIDL komut satırı başvurusu.](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)
- **ApplicationConfigurationMode**
İsteğe **bağlı Boole parametresi.**
ise, `true` IDL dosyasında bazı ACF anahtar sözcükleri kullanmana olanak sağlar.
Daha fazla bilgi için MIDL komut app_config içinde **/app_config** [seçeneğine bakın.](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)
- **ClientStubFile**
İsteğe **bağlı Dize** parametresi.
Rpc arabirimi için istemci saplama dosyasının adını belirtir.
Daha fazla bilgi için MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda **/cstub** [seçeneğine bakın.](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference) Ayrıca bu **tablodaki ServerStubFile** parametresine de bakın.
- **CPreprocessOptions**
İsteğe **bağlı Dize** parametresi.
C/C++ ön işlemciye geçiş seçeneklerini belirtir. Ön işlemci seçeneklerinin boşlukla ayrılmış listesini belirtin. seçeneğini `/E` içermesi gerekir.
Daha fazla bilgi için MIDL komut cpp_opt başvurusunda **/cpp_opt** [seçeneğine bakın.](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)
- **DefaultCharType**
İsteğe **bağlı Dize** parametresi.
C derleyicisi tarafından oluşturulan kodu derlemek için kullanabileceği varsayılan karakter türünü belirtir.
Her biri bir komut satırı seçeneğine karşılık gelen aşağıdaki değerlerden birini belirtin.
|Değer|Komut satırı araçları|
|**Imzalı**|**/char imzalı**|
|**Imzasız**|**/char imzasız**|
|**Ascıı**|**/char ascii7**|
Daha fazla bilgi için MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda **/char** [seçeneğine bakın.](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)
- **DllDataFileName**
İsteğe **bağlı Dize** parametresi.
Proxy DLL için oluşturulan *dlldata dosyasının* dosya adını belirtir.
Daha fazla bilgi için MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda **/dlldata** [seçeneğine bakın.](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)
- **EnableErrorChecks**
İsteğe **bağlı Dize** parametresi.
Oluşturulan saplamaların çalışma zamanında gerçekleştirecekleri hata denetimi türünü belirtir.
Her biri bir komut satırı seçeneğine karşılık gelen aşağıdaki değerlerden birini belirtin.
|Değer|Komut satırı araçları|
|**Hiçbiri**|**/error none**|
|**Tümü**|**/error all**|
Daha fazla bilgi için MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda **/error** [seçeneğine bakın.](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)
- **ErrorCheckAllocations**
İsteğe **bağlı Boole parametresi.**
ise, `true` yetersiz bellek hatalarını denetleyin.
Daha fazla bilgi için MIDL **komut satırı başvurusunda /error** [ayırma seçeneğine bakın.](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)
- **ErrorCheckBounds**
İsteğe **bağlı Boole parametresi.**
ise, uyumlu değişken ve değişen dizilerin boyutunu iletim `true` uzunluğu belirtimine göre denetler.
Daha fazla bilgi için MIDL **komut satırı bounds_check /error** bounds_check [seçeneğine bakın.](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)
- **ErrorCheckEnumRange**
İsteğe **bağlı Boole parametresi.**
ise, `true` enum değerlerinin izin verilebilir bir aralıkta olduğunu denetler.
Daha fazla bilgi için, komut satırı yardımı (**/?**) içinde **/error enum** seçeneğine bakın ve *midl.exe.*
- **ErrorCheckRefPointers**
İsteğe **bağlı Boole parametresi.**
ise, `true` hiçbir null başvuru işaretçisinin istemci saplamalara geçirilene olmadığını kontrol edin.
Daha fazla bilgi için MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda **/error ref** [seçeneğine bakın.](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)
- **ErrorCheckStubData**
İsteğe **bağlı Boole parametresi.**
ise, sunucu tarafında şekillendirilen özel durumları yakalayacak ve bunları istemciye geri `true` yayılayacak bir saplama oluşturur.
Daha fazla bilgi için MIDL komut stub_data içinde **/error** stub_data [seçeneğine bakın.](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)
- **GenerateClientFiles**
İsteğe **bağlı Dize** parametresi.
Derleyicinin bir RPC arabirimi için istemci tarafı C kaynak dosyaları oluşturıp oluşturmay olmadığını belirtir.
Her biri bir komut satırı seçeneğine karşılık gelen aşağıdaki değerlerden birini belirtin.
|Değer|Komut satırı araçları|
|**Hiçbiri**|**/client none**|
|**Saplama**|**/client stub**|
Daha fazla bilgi için MIDL **komut satırı** başvurusunda [/client seçeneğine bakın.](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)
- **GenerateServerFiles**
İsteğe **bağlı Dize** parametresi.
Derleyicinin bir RPC arabirimi için sunucu tarafı C kaynak dosyaları oluşturıp oluşturmay olmadığını belirtir.
Her biri bir komut satırı seçeneğine karşılık gelen aşağıdaki değerlerden birini belirtin.
|Değer|Komut satırı araçları|
|**Hiçbiri**|**/Server hiçbiri**|
|**Saplama**|**/Server saplama**|
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusu](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)içindeki **/Server** seçeneğine bakın.
- **GenerateStublessProxies**
İsteğe bağlı **Boolean** parametresi.
İse `true` , nesne arabirimleri için saplamasız proxy 'leriyle birlikte tam olarak yorumlanan saplamalar üretir.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference) **/oıcf** seçeneğine bakın.
- **GenerateTypeLibrary**
İsteğe bağlı **Boolean** parametresi.
İse `true` , bir tür kitaplığı (*. tlb*) dosyası oluşturulmaz.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference) **/notlb** seçeneğine bakın.
- **HeaderFileName**
İsteğe bağlı **dize** parametresi.
Oluşturulan üst bilgi dosyasının adını belirtir.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference) **/h** veya **/Header** seçeneğine bakın.
- **Ignorestandardincludepath**
İsteğe bağlı **Boolean** parametresi.
`true`MIDL görevi yalnızca **Additionalıncludedizinler** anahtarını kullanarak belirtilen dizinleri arar ve geçerlI dizini ve INCLUDE ortam değişkeni tarafından belirtilen dizinleri yoksayar.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusu](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)içindeki **/no_def_idir** seçeneğine bakın.
- **Interfaceıdentifierfilename**
İsteğe bağlı **dize** parametresi.
Bir COM arabirimi için *arabirim tanımlayıcı dosyasının* adını belirtir. Bu, IDL dosya adına "_i. c" eklenerek elde edilen varsayılan adı geçersiz kılar.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference) **/IID** seçeneğine bakın.
- **LocaleID**
İsteğe bağlı **int** parametresi.
Giriş dosyalarında, dosya adlarında ve Dizin yollarında Uluslararası karakterlerin kullanımını sağlayan *yerel ayar tanımlayıcısını* belirtir. Ondalık yerel ayar tanımlayıcısı belirtin.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference) **/LCID** seçeneğine bakın. Ayrıca bkz. [yerel ayar tanımlayıcıları](/windows/desktop/intl/locale-identifiers).
- **MkTypLibCompatible**
İsteğe bağlı **Boolean** parametresi.
İse `true` , *mktyplib.exe* sürüm 2,03 ile uyumlu olacak şekilde giriş dosyasının biçimini gerektirir.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference) **/mktyplib203** seçeneğine bakın. Ayrıca bkz. MSDN Web sitesinde [ODL dosya sözdizimi](/previous-versions/windows/desktop/automat/odl-file-syntax) .
- **OutputDirectory**
İsteğe bağlı **dize** parametresi.
MıDL görevinin çıktı dosyalarını yazdığı varsayılan dizini belirtir.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference) **/Out** seçeneğine bakın.
- **PreprocessorDefinitions**
İsteğe bağlı **dize []** parametresi.
Bir veya daha fazla *tanımlar* belirtir; diğer bir deyişle, bir ad ve isteğe bağlı bir değer, bir yönergesi tarafından olduğu gibi C Önişlemci 'ye geçirilir `#define` . Her tanımlamanın formu, *adı [= değer]*.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference) **/d** seçeneğine bakın. Ayrıca bkz. bu tablodaki **UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions** parametresi.
- **ProxyFileName**
İsteğe bağlı **dize** parametresi.
Bir COM arabirimi için arabirim proxy dosyasının adını belirtir.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference) **/proxy** seçeneğine bakın.
- **RedirectOutputAndErrors**
İsteğe bağlı **dize** parametresi.
Hata iletileri ve uyarılar gibi çıktıyı standart çıktısından belirtilen dosyaya yeniden yönlendirir.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusu](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)içindeki **/o** seçeneğine bakın.
- **ServerStubFile**
İsteğe bağlı **dize** parametresi.
RPC arabirimi için sunucu saplama dosyasının adını belirtir.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusu](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)içindeki **/sstub** seçeneğine bakın. Ayrıca bkz. bu tablodaki **ClientStubFile** parametresi.
- **Kaynak**
Gerekli `ITaskItem[]` parametre.
Boşluklarla ayrılmış kaynak dosyalarının bir listesini belirtir.
- **Structmemberhizalaması**
İsteğe bağlı **dize** parametresi.
Hedef sistemdeki yapıların hizalamasını (*paketleme düzeyi*) belirtir.
Her biri bir komut satırı seçeneğine karşılık gelen aşağıdaki değerlerden birini belirtin.
|Değer|Komut satırı araçları|
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusu](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)' nda **/ZP** seçeneğine bakın. **/ZP** seçeneği, **/Pack** seçeneğine ve eski **/ALIGN** seçeneğine eşdeğerdir.
- **Suppresscompileruyarılar**
İsteğe bağlı **Boolean** parametresi.
İse `true` , MıDL görevinin uyarı iletilerini bastırır.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusu](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)içindeki **/no_warn** seçeneğine bakın.
- **SuppressStartupBanner**
İsteğe bağlı `Boolean` parametre.
İse `true` , görev başladığında telif hakkı ve sürüm numarası iletisinin görüntülenmesini önler.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference) **/nologo** seçeneğine bakın.
- **TargetEnvironment**
İsteğe bağlı **dize** parametresi.
Uygulamanın çalıştığı ortamı belirtir.
Her biri bir komut satırı seçeneğine karşılık gelen aşağıdaki değerlerden birini belirtin.
|Değer|Komut satırı araçları|
|**Win32**|**/env Win32**|
|**Itanium**|**/env IA64**|
|**X64**|**/env x64**|
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference) **/env** seçeneğine bakın.
- **TrackerLogDirectory**
İsteğe bağlı `String` parametre.
Bu görev için İzleme günlüklerinin depolandığı ara dizini belirtir.
- **TypeLibFormat**
İsteğe bağlı **dize** parametresi.
Tür kitaplığı dosyasının biçimini belirtir.
Her biri bir komut satırı seçeneğine karşılık gelen aşağıdaki değerlerden birini belirtin.
|Değer|Komut satırı araçları|
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference) **/newtlb** ve **/oldtlb** seçeneklerine bakın.
- **TypeLibraryName**
İsteğe bağlı **dize** parametresi.
Tür kitaplığı dosyasının adını belirtir.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusunda](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference) **/tlb** seçeneğine bakın.
- **UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions**
İsteğe bağlı **dize []** parametresi.
Adı bir yönergesi ile C Önişlemci 'ya geçirerek bir adın önceki tanımını kaldırır `#undefine` . Önceden tanımlanmış bir veya daha fazla ad belirtin.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusundaki](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference) **/u** seçeneğine bakın. Ayrıca bkz. bu tablodaki **PreprocessorDefinitions** parametresi.
- **ValidateAllParameters**
İsteğe bağlı `Boolean` parametre.
İse `true` , çalışma zamanında bütünlük denetimleri gerçekleştirmek için kullanılan ek hata denetleme bilgileri üretir. Varsa `false` , hata denetimi bilgileri oluşturulmaz.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusu](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)içindeki **/dayanıklı** ve **/no_robust** seçeneklerine bakın.
- **WarnAsError**
İsteğe bağlı `Boolean` parametre.
Varsa `true` , tüm uyarıları hata olarak değerlendirir.
**WarningLevel** MIDL görev parametresi belirtilmemişse, varsayılan düzey 1 olan uyarılar hata olarak kabul edilir.
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusu](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)içindeki **/WX** seçeneklerine bakın. Ayrıca bkz. bu tablodaki **WarningLevel** parametresi.
- **Uyarı düzeyi**
İsteğe bağlı **dize** parametresi.
Görüntülenecek uyarıların önem derecesini (*Uyarı düzeyi*) belirtir. 0 değeri için hiçbir uyarı yayınlanmadı. Aksi takdirde, uyarı düzeyi belirtilen değere eşit veya ondan daha küçükse bir uyarı yayınlanır.
Her biri bir komut satırı seçeneğine karşılık gelen aşağıdaki değerlerden birini belirtin.
|Değer|Komut satırı araçları|
Daha fazla bilgi için [MIDL komut satırı başvurusu](/windows/desktop/Midl/midl-command-line-reference)' nda **/w** seçeneğine bakın. Ayrıca bkz. bu tablodaki **warnaserror** parametresi.
## <a name="see-also"></a>Ayrıca bkz.
- [Görev başvurusu](../msbuild/msbuild-task-reference.md)
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- [Inside the Fall of the CDC](https://www.propublica.org/article/inside-the-fall-of-the-cdc)
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db33059f0be60b3109c4f7dc418578d2842d7480 | 596 | md | Markdown | catalog/koujo-no-sekaiichi-shiawase-na-kekkon-seikan-na-kishi-no-mitsunaru-aibu/en-US_koujo-no-sekaiichi-shiawase-na-kekkon-seikan-na-kishi-no-mitsunaru-aibu.md | htron-dev/baka-db | cb6e907a5c53113275da271631698cd3b35c9589 | [
] | 3 | 2021-08-12T20:02:29.000Z | 2021-09-05T05:03:32.000Z | catalog/koujo-no-sekaiichi-shiawase-na-kekkon-seikan-na-kishi-no-mitsunaru-aibu/en-US_koujo-no-sekaiichi-shiawase-na-kekkon-seikan-na-kishi-no-mitsunaru-aibu.md | zzhenryquezz/baka-db | da8f54a87191a53a7fca54b0775b3c00f99d2531 | [
] | 8 | 2021-07-20T00:44:48.000Z | 2021-09-22T18:44:04.000Z | catalog/koujo-no-sekaiichi-shiawase-na-kekkon-seikan-na-kishi-no-mitsunaru-aibu/en-US_koujo-no-sekaiichi-shiawase-na-kekkon-seikan-na-kishi-no-mitsunaru-aibu.md | zzhenryquezz/baka-db | da8f54a87191a53a7fca54b0775b3c00f99d2531 | [
] | 2 | 2021-07-19T01:38:25.000Z | 2021-07-29T08:10:29.000Z | # Koujo no Sekaiichi Shiawase na Kekkon: Seikan na Kishi no Mitsunaru Aibu
- **type**: light-novel
- **volumes**: 1
- **chapters**: 11
- **original-name**: 皇女の世界一しあわせな結婚 精悍な騎士の蜜なる愛撫
- **start-date**: 2016-06-17
## Tags
- romance
- josei
## Authors
- Tsubaki
- Toriko (Art)
- Tenjou
- Anna (Story)
## Links
- [My Anime list](https://myanimelist.net/manga/99286/Koujo_no_Sekaiichi_Shiawase_na_Kekkon__Seikan_na_Kishi_no_Mitsunaru_Aibu)
| 22.923077 | 129 | 0.70302 | est_Latn | 0.066217 |
db33ad730ecd40a33d03b39edd03610616ca056e | 76 | md | Markdown | camel/README.md | jboss-integration/fuse-bxms-integ | ca5c012bf867ea15d1250f0991af3cd7e708aaaf | [
] | 5 | 2016-01-13T09:30:40.000Z | 2016-12-23T08:58:26.000Z | camel/README.md | jboss-integration/fuse-bxms-integ | ca5c012bf867ea15d1250f0991af3cd7e708aaaf | [
] | 108 | 2015-02-10T15:52:02.000Z | 2017-09-14T20:54:08.000Z | camel/README.md | jboss-integration/fuse-bxms-integ | ca5c012bf867ea15d1250f0991af3cd7e708aaaf | [
] | 28 | 2015-01-02T15:25:46.000Z | 2018-04-25T14:18:22.000Z | # Overview
This Maven multi-module build contains Camel components/plugins. | 25.333333 | 64 | 0.828947 | eng_Latn | 0.630047 |
db33dfe9c5be9fc4c49f92beb18a6a9e0148906f | 822 | md | Markdown | IQN.md | HanhaodiZhang/awesome-deep-rl | 7997d76086d47c0adf422314d5a5b836611b5c0c | [
] | 1,090 | 2017-07-24T06:08:46.000Z | 2022-03-29T19:27:40.000Z | IQN.md | emptyHeart2/awesome-deep-rl | 7997d76086d47c0adf422314d5a5b836611b5c0c | [
] | 5 | 2017-10-07T18:03:36.000Z | 2020-04-23T04:18:32.000Z | IQN.md | emptyHeart2/awesome-deep-rl | 7997d76086d47c0adf422314d5a5b836611b5c0c | [
] | 181 | 2017-07-27T01:06:18.000Z | 2022-02-05T21:08:10.000Z | # Implicit Quantile Networks for Distributional Reinforcement Learning
> Will Dabney, Georg Ostrovski, David Silver, Remi Munos
## Abstract
In this work, we build on recent advances in distributional reinforcement learning to give a generally applicable, flexible, and state-of-the-art distributional variant of DQN.
We achieve this by using quantile regression to approximate the full quantile function for the state-action return distribution.
By reparameterizing a distribution over the sample space, this yields an implicitly defined return distribution and gives rise to a large class of risk-sensitive policies.
We demonstrate improved performance on the 57 Atari 2600 games in the ALE, and use our algorithm’s implicitly defined distributions to study the effects of risk-sensitive policies in Atari games.
| 63.230769 | 195 | 0.821168 | eng_Latn | 0.997122 |
db340a3a5a9b39a2cbe867a623647ff6b9b44a80 | 678 | md | Markdown | README.md | phuchuynhStrong/daily_productivity | 34931a171f0807053e0d84908e64ed143ec189eb | [
] | 2 | 2021-12-20T01:36:40.000Z | 2022-01-29T05:41:49.000Z | README.md | phuchuynhStrong/daily_productivity | 34931a171f0807053e0d84908e64ed143ec189eb | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | phuchuynhStrong/daily_productivity | 34931a171f0807053e0d84908e64ed143ec189eb | [
] | 2 | 2021-11-20T10:29:54.000Z | 2022-03-28T07:49:08.000Z | # Daily Productivity
[![style: very good analysis][very_good_analysis_badge]][very_good_analysis_link]
[![License: MIT][license_badge]][license_link]
Generated by the [Very Good CLI][very_good_cli_link] 🤖
A Very Good Project created by Very Good CLI.
## Getting Started 🚀
This is a project inspired by a Dribble design [https://dribbble.com/shots/14988164-Daily-Productivity-Mobile-Exploration]
## Preview
| <img src="previews/preview_main.png" alt="drawing" width="200"/> | <img src="previews/preview_calendar.png" alt="drawing" width="200"/> | <img src="previews/preview_detail.png" alt="drawing" width="200"/> |
# daily_productivity
| 29.478261 | 208 | 0.749263 | eng_Latn | 0.38418 |
db35bf15b34b9badca68ce8bc1886b0977ea7931 | 216 | md | Markdown | 02_ejercicios/01_visualizar_mensaje/README.md | horaciobelardita/disenyo-algoritmos | d38593ce3635f5a7f81c292cd06c3c56ff457d89 | [
] | null | null | null | 02_ejercicios/01_visualizar_mensaje/README.md | horaciobelardita/disenyo-algoritmos | d38593ce3635f5a7f81c292cd06c3c56ff457d89 | [
] | null | null | null | 02_ejercicios/01_visualizar_mensaje/README.md | horaciobelardita/disenyo-algoritmos | d38593ce3635f5a7f81c292cd06c3c56ff457d89 | [
] | null | null | null | # Ejercicio 1 - Visualizar mensaje
Escribe un programa que visualice por pantalla un mensaje introducido por teclado.
Como ayuda, podéis usar este diagrama "mudo":
<img src="visualizar_mensaje.png" width="100" />
| 27 | 82 | 0.773148 | spa_Latn | 0.983328 |
db36ee737731b21e5aa861bb9b8d8f162a510ebe | 379 | md | Markdown | catalog/zenbu-kimi-no-sei/en-US_zenbu-kimi-no-sei.md | htron-dev/baka-db | cb6e907a5c53113275da271631698cd3b35c9589 | [
] | 3 | 2021-08-12T20:02:29.000Z | 2021-09-05T05:03:32.000Z | catalog/zenbu-kimi-no-sei/en-US_zenbu-kimi-no-sei.md | zzhenryquezz/baka-db | da8f54a87191a53a7fca54b0775b3c00f99d2531 | [
] | 8 | 2021-07-20T00:44:48.000Z | 2021-09-22T18:44:04.000Z | catalog/zenbu-kimi-no-sei/en-US_zenbu-kimi-no-sei.md | zzhenryquezz/baka-db | da8f54a87191a53a7fca54b0775b3c00f99d2531 | [
] | 2 | 2021-07-19T01:38:25.000Z | 2021-07-29T08:10:29.000Z | # Zenbu Kimi no Sei
- **type**: manga
- **original-name**: ぜんぶきみの性
- **start-date**: 2019-11-27
## Tags
- comedy
- romance
- school
- gender-bender
## Authors
- Asazuki
- Norito (Story & Art)
## Links
- [My Anime list](https://myanimelist.net/manga/130052/Zenbu_Kimi_no_Sei)
| 15.791667 | 75 | 0.638522 | kor_Hang | 0.068414 |
db3870eecae7a8989d28d95603c718d3fa629b17 | 276 | md | Markdown | _discussion/242.md | brueghelfamily/brueghelfamily.github.io | a73351ac39b60cd763e483c1f8520f87d8c2a443 | [
] | null | null | null | _discussion/242.md | brueghelfamily/brueghelfamily.github.io | a73351ac39b60cd763e483c1f8520f87d8c2a443 | [
] | null | null | null | _discussion/242.md | brueghelfamily/brueghelfamily.github.io | a73351ac39b60cd763e483c1f8520f87d8c2a443 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
pid: '242'
object_pid: '3187'
author: E.A. Honig
comment: <p>The idea of Coninxloo as a "collaborator" on a landscape with Jan Brueghel
seems impossible to me. This is just waffling about attribution.</p>
post_date: April 2, 2014
order: '241'
collection: discussion
| 25.090909 | 86 | 0.731884 | eng_Latn | 0.946424 |
db3ab4fada4dc0474e1bc6e45713f45067a033b0 | 843 | md | Markdown | _posts/2013-12-14-p3p.md | bedder/bedder.github.io | 18a893c309ea7300be8b5f80619601ddbad31389 | [
] | null | null | null | _posts/2013-12-14-p3p.md | bedder/bedder.github.io | 18a893c309ea7300be8b5f80619601ddbad31389 | [
] | null | null | null | _posts/2013-12-14-p3p.md | bedder/bedder.github.io | 18a893c309ea7300be8b5f80619601ddbad31389 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: Persona 3 Portable
layout: post
tags: games persona
<div class="lightbox">
<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/resources/posts/2013-12-14-p3p/1.jpg" style="width:50%;" alt="A screenshot from the game Persona 3 Portable. It reads: If you volunteer to help her, you might regret it."/>
<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/resources/posts/2013-12-14-p3p/2.jpg" style="width:50%;" alt="A screenshot from the game Persona 3 Portable. It reads: You're not quite courageous enough to take that risk."/>
<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/resources/posts/2013-12-14-p3p/3.jpg" alt="A screenshot from the game Persona 3 Portable. It reads: You need to be badass first."/>
Quickly running through P3P in anticipation for Persona 5 (although it’ll likely be years until a European release), and I’m reminded how much I love silly RPG terminology.
| 60.214286 | 205 | 0.729537 | eng_Latn | 0.942063 |
db3b00e1731edef8e7fdb58bf17a1d0c1494b1b1 | 1,372 | md | Markdown | README.md | halha/hiedescom2k20 | da410eeeb093131da07ed7b49b3bae19edbab4dd | [
] | 2 | 2020-10-20T03:35:10.000Z | 2021-07-30T02:07:04.000Z | README.md | halha/hiedescom2k20 | da410eeeb093131da07ed7b49b3bae19edbab4dd | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | halha/hiedescom2k20 | da410eeeb093131da07ed7b49b3bae19edbab4dd | [
] | 2 | 2020-09-01T12:58:03.000Z | 2021-09-10T00:17:53.000Z | <p align="center">
<img width="500px" src="assets/img/Logo.svg">
# Traveline
“ Kami jenuh dirumah aja, begitu juga anda ”
Awal mula ide pembuatan [Traveline](https://traveline.web.app) adalah keinginan kami untuk melihat keindahan nusantara walaupun dari rumah, dengan begitu lahirlah Traveline yang dimana website ini nantinya bisa dinikmati juga oleh khalayak ramai. Kami juga menyediakan produk hasil UMKM lokal, karena kami juga ingin membantu perekonomian masyarakat disekitar tempat wisata yang menurun karena pandemi ini.
## Fitur
Kami menyediakan 2 fitur utama
- Kunjungi Kota
- Belanja Produk Lokal
## Support Responsive
Selain 2 fitur utama tadi, [Traveliine](https://traveline.web.app) juga dapat dibuka di berbaga device, seperti
- Laptop
- Tablet / Ipad
- Smartphone / Iphone
## About The Team
Web [Traveline](https://traveline.web.app) ini didevelop oleh Tim PD yang beranggotakan 3 orang
- [Dimas Angkasa Nurindra](https://github.com/angkasa27) as Hustler
- [Hammam Al-Hakim](https://github.com/halha) as Hacker
- [Maulana Hilmi Arkan](https://github.com/arknmaulana) as Hipster
## Important Note
Web ini digunakan sebagai partisipasi lomba [Hiedescom 2k20](https://hiedescom.com/)
### Download the source code
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/halha/PD-hiedescom2k20
Pastikan ada jaringan internet :)
| 29.191489 | 406 | 0.766764 | ind_Latn | 0.948901 |
db3c010db9005a85bc5e45029aad03239eae124b | 1,217 | md | Markdown | code/README.md | visinf/acis | a9fd5177f9f733c1da5ecc64021c2ceb7d681b8d | [
] | 20 | 2019-05-18T03:33:57.000Z | 2021-11-08T12:39:32.000Z | code/README.md | visinf/acis | a9fd5177f9f733c1da5ecc64021c2ceb7d681b8d | [
] | 7 | 2019-09-03T16:58:38.000Z | 2020-08-31T00:56:12.000Z | code/README.md | visinf/acis | a9fd5177f9f733c1da5ecc64021c2ceb7d681b8d | [
] | 4 | 2019-06-20T08:44:06.000Z | 2019-12-15T20:31:28.000Z | ## ACIS/code
### Crayon
#### Installation
Install crayon client:
luarocks install crayon OPENSSL_INCDIR=~/.linuxbrew/include OPENSSL_DIR=~/.linuxbrew
A slightly modified crayon server is already supplied in ```<acis>/code/crayon/server```
The modification simply includes additional arguments:
- ```--tb-port``` specified the tensorboard port;
- ```--logdir``` specified the log directory of the tensorboard server.
#### Run
Go to ```<acis>/code```. Then,
1. start tensorboard
nohup tensorboard --logdir tensorboard --port 6038 > tensorboard/tb.log 2>&1 &
2. start crayon
nohup python crayon/server/server.py --port 6039 --logdir tensorboard --tb-port 6038 > tensorboard/crayon.log 2>&1 &
The crayon can now be accessed through port 6039.
It will in turn access tensorboard via port 6038 and save data in ```tensorboard``` directory.
#### Managing experiments
Session example:
-- initialise the client
cc = crayon.CrayonClient("localhost", 6039)
-- get a list of experiment names
-- remove experiments
| 25.893617 | 116 | 0.738702 | eng_Latn | 0.831068 |
db3c2a66d00d086ace09265b7b33c8ea85282998 | 1,529 | md | Markdown | docs/concept/what's-the-diiference.md | fzyzcjy/fish-redux | 40b853bfa0843e5bbe23e9217bae7598bb08bcf7 | [
] | 3 | 2021-03-08T14:56:17.000Z | 2021-03-08T14:56:32.000Z | docs/concept/what's-the-diiference.md | fzyzcjy/fish-redux | 40b853bfa0843e5bbe23e9217bae7598bb08bcf7 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/concept/what's-the-diiference.md | fzyzcjy/fish-redux | 40b853bfa0843e5bbe23e9217bae7598bb08bcf7 | [
] | 2 | 2022-03-09T08:52:19.000Z | 2022-03-21T06:17:05.000Z | # What's different with Redux ?
## They are two frameworks for solving problems at different layers.
> Redux is a framework focused on state management; Fish Redux is an application framework based on Redux for state management.
> The application framework not only solves the problem of state management, but also solves the problems of divide and conquer, communication, data drive, decoupling and so on.
## Fish Redux solves the contradiction between concentration and division.
> Redux completes the merge process from the small Reducers to the main Reducer by the user manually organizing the code;
> Fish Redux automatically completes the merge process from the small Reducers to the main Reducer by explicitly expressing the dependencies between components;
<img src="https://img.alicdn.com/tfs/TB1oeXKJYPpK1RjSZFFXXa5PpXa-1976-568.png" width="988px" height="284px">
## Fish Redux provides a simple component abstract model
> It is a combination of simple 3 functions
<img src="https://img.alicdn.com/tfs/TB1vqB2J4YaK1RjSZFnXXa80pXa-900-780.png" width="450px" height="390px">
## Fish Redux provides an abstract component model of the Adapter
> In addition to the underlying component model, Fish Redux provides an Adapter abstraction model to solve the performance problems of large cells on ListView.
> Through the upper abstraction, we get the logical ScrollView, the performance of the ListView.
<img src="https://img.alicdn.com/tfs/TB1x51VJ7PoK1RjSZKbXXX1IXXa-1852-612.png" width="617px" height="204px">
| 50.966667 | 177 | 0.795945 | eng_Latn | 0.991521 |
db3c9f5f0ea1999beb39e9fc0750593b16aa04cf | 102 | md | Markdown | README.md | Dervival/lab-09-repository | d9509ba43ebd40e9ba64ad73fc246bc4e202a484 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | Dervival/lab-09-repository | d9509ba43ebd40e9ba64ad73fc246bc4e202a484 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | Dervival/lab-09-repository | d9509ba43ebd40e9ba64ad73fc246bc4e202a484 | [
] | null | null | null | # lab-08-repository
Repository for City Explorer back-end - hiking and meetup APIs, postgres caching.
| 34 | 81 | 0.794118 | eng_Latn | 0.917788 |
db3cce6dcca771caa8f834cc9a9003bc03709032 | 5,501 | md | Markdown | node_modules/@google/cloud-errors/README.md | AH0HA/ng2qstart | 5c49764bb220a8bfc5f65ca1fe47cae98d5b1838 | [
] | null | null | null | node_modules/@google/cloud-errors/README.md | AH0HA/ng2qstart | 5c49764bb220a8bfc5f65ca1fe47cae98d5b1838 | [
] | null | null | null | node_modules/@google/cloud-errors/README.md | AH0HA/ng2qstart | 5c49764bb220a8bfc5f65ca1fe47cae98d5b1838 | [
] | null | null | null | # Node.js module for Stackdriver Error Reporting
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-errors-nodejs.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-errors-nodejs)
[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-errors-nodejs/badge.svg?branch=coveralls)](https://coveralls.io/github/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-errors-nodejs?branch=coveralls)
> **This is not an official Google product.** This module is experimental and may not be ready for use.
> This module uses APIs that may be undocumented and are subject to change without notice.
This modules provides Stackdriver Error Reporting support for Node.js applications.
[Stackdriver Error Reporting](https://cloud.google.com/error-reporting/) is a feature of
Google Cloud Platform that allows in-depth monitoring and viewing of errors reported by
applications running in almost any environment. Here's an introductory video:
[![Learn about Error Reporting in Stackdriver](https://img.youtube.com/vi/cVpWVD75Hs8/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVpWVD75Hs8)
## Prerequisites
1. Your application needs to use Node.js version 0.12 or greater.
1. You need a [Google Cloud project](https://console.cloud.google.com). Your application can run anywhere, but errors are reported to a particular project.
1. [Enable the Stackdriver Error Reporting API](https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/api/clouderrorreporting.googleapis.com/overview) for your project.
1. The module will only send errors when the `NODE_ENV` environment variable is set to `production`.
## Quickstart on Google Cloud Platform
1. **Install the module:**
In your project, on the command line:
# Install through npm while saving to the local 'package.json'
npm install --save @google/cloud-errors
1. **Instrument your application:**
// Require the library and initialize the error handler
var errorHandler = require('@google/cloud-errors')({
serviceContext: {service: 'my-service'} // not needed on Google App Engine
// Report an error to the Stackdriver Error Reporting API
errorHandler.report('Something broke!');
1. **View reported errors:**
Open Stackdriver Error Reporting at https://console.cloud.google.com/errors to view the reported errors.
## Setup
When initing the Stackdriver Error Reporting library you must specify the following:
* **Authentication**: Use one of the following:
* **(recommended)** a path to your keyfile in the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable,
* a path to your keyfile in the `keyFilename` argument,
* an [API key](https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/6158862) string in the `key` argument.
* **projectId**: either using the `GLCOUD_PROJECT` environment variable or the `projectId` argument.
* **service**: either using the `GAE_MODULE_NAME` environment variable or the `serviceContext.service` argument.
On Google App Engine, these environment variables are already set.
var errorHandler = require('@google/cloud-errors')({
projectId: 'my-project-id',
key: 'my-api-key',
keyFilename: 'path-to-my-keyfile'
onUncaughtException: 'report', // or 'ignore' or 'reportAndExit'
serviceContext: {
service: 'my-service',
version: 'my-service-version'
### Using Express
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var errorHandler = require('@google/cloud-errors')();
app.get('/error', function ( req, res, next ) {
res.send('Something broke!');
next(new Error('Custom error message'));
app.get('/exception', function () {
JSON.parse('{\"malformedJson\": true');
### Using Hapi
var hapi = require('hapi');
var errorHandler = require('@google/cloud-errors')();
var server = new hapi.Server();
server.connection({ port: 3000 });
method: 'GET',
path: '/error',
handler: function ( request, reply ) {
throw new Error('Custom error message');
reply('Something broke!');
server.register({ register: errorHandler.hapi });
### Using Koa
var errorHandler = require('@google/cloud-errors')();
var koa = require('koa');
var app = koa();
app.use(function *(next) {
//This will set status and message
this.throw('Error Message', 500);
// response
app.use(function *(){
this.body = 'Hello World';
### Using Restify
function respond(req, res, next) {
next(new Error('this is a restify error'));
var restify = require('restify');
var errorHandler = require('@google/cloud-errors')();
var server = restify.createServer();
server.get('/hello/:name', respond);
server.head('/hello/:name', respond);
## Developing the library
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Add your unit tests to:
Run the test suite:
npm test
Run the coverage suite (will also run the test suite):
npm run-script coverage
Run the style checking suite:
npm run-script style
Pre-commit, run the Pre-commit hook to run Clang Formatter *(Must have Clang
Formatter installed prior to use)*
git commit
*Then commit your changes and make a pull-request*
| 27.505 | 208 | 0.72605 | eng_Latn | 0.674162 |
db3f07e8832c20a46a3a1315e2ac9a18be26b237 | 2,825 | md | Markdown | README.md | Xilinx/jupyter-pat | c49b4a38b171374195348b494e314859819c348b | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | Xilinx/jupyter-pat | c49b4a38b171374195348b494e314859819c348b | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | Xilinx/jupyter-pat | c49b4a38b171374195348b494e314859819c348b | [
] | null | null | null | # jupyter-pat: Versal Power Tool
This repo contains the Jupyter Python Notebook as well as the Python Library for the Versal Power Tool.
## Background
Customers typically do not need to install this code as it normally comes pre-installed for both the Versal System Controller as part of the BEAM Tool, and comes pre-installed for Versal in the PetaLinux Board Support Package. However, any users that are porting to an unsupported software stack on a supported evaluation board can follow the instructions below.
User should have installed Python3 version >=3.7 has been tested along with Jupyter Notebook.
### Installing the poweradvantage.py Library:
The Power Tool Python library is poweradvantage.py. The jupyter-pat directory contains the poweradvantage folder which contains the Python code poweradvantage.py and other support files. This is installed to the target System Controller Linux by an SSH file copy of the entire folder to the Python library folder. The name of this Python library folder will depend on the current version of Python. For Python 3.7 the copy path would be /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages.
### Installing the Power_Advantage_Tool.ipynb Notebook:
The Power Tool Jupyter Notebook is Power_Advantage_Tool.ipynb. The jupyter-pat directory contains the Jupyter Notebook named Power_Advantage_Tool.ipynb and its artwork folder img. This notebook is installed to the target System Controller Linux by an SSH file copy of Power_Advantage_Tool.ipynb with its artwork folder img to the folder where Jupyter Notebooks are found. The path of the Jupyter Notebooks folder is commonly /home/root. You may choose to use a sub-folder if you wish to organize your Jupyter Notebooks.
### Versal Power Tool Testing
The full Versal Power Tool instructions are available at https://xilinx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XWUC/pages/1299251214/Versal+ACAP+Power+Tool+part+1+-+Introduction+to+the+Power+Tool. And the appropriate instructions how to run the Versal Power Tool are at https://xilinx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/display/A/Versal+ACAP+Power+Tool+part+3+-+Running+the+Pre-Built+Power+Tool section 1.2 "Jupyter Notebook Running Instructions".
In short:
- Launch Jupyter Notebook on your system, then open Power_Advantage_Tool.ipynb
- Edit the "pa = poweradvantage("Tenzing", "SC") line to your appropriate environment. The first argument will be your evaluation board type. The second argument is either "SC" for running on the System Controller or "" for Versal. Repeat the edit for each code cell.
- Click to select the last code cell and click "Run". This will install any supporting Python libraries that you may not have installed yet.
- Then starting from the top, try running each of the remaining code cells. The expected behavior is described in the text associated with each cell. | 100.892857 | 519 | 0.804602 | eng_Latn | 0.995588 |
db4056246d644ed8ddceaeb6e39526fa829efba0 | 2,124 | md | Markdown | r3-tooling-design-system/r3-tooling-design-system-dev/lib/components/Cells/Accordion/Accordion.design.md | everis-blockchain/node-explorer | 89d7ab8fa1c7a6c9776b236a946199205af40726 | [
] | 20 | 2020-04-05T07:56:19.000Z | 2021-12-20T09:45:00.000Z | r3-tooling-design-system/r3-tooling-design-system-dev/lib/components/Cells/Accordion/Accordion.design.md | everis-blockchain/node-explorer | 89d7ab8fa1c7a6c9776b236a946199205af40726 | [
] | 11 | 2020-05-01T16:50:04.000Z | 2022-03-23T10:17:54.000Z | r3-tooling-design-system/r3-tooling-design-system-dev/lib/components/Cells/Accordion/Accordion.design.md | everis-blockchain/node-explorer | 89d7ab8fa1c7a6c9776b236a946199205af40726 | [
] | 19 | 2020-05-04T04:48:58.000Z | 2022-03-27T05:52:27.000Z | <Row >
<Column cols={8}>
<p>Accordions are very useful for displaying large amounts of information. It is perfect for pages like FAQ. As helpful it may seem, be careful not to overuse it, as it may hide important information from the users.</p>
<AnchorLink to="spacing" offset={210}>
<AnchorLink to="directions" offset={210}>
<AnchorLink to="alignment" offset={210}>
<Row >
<Column cols={12}>
<img src="../_img/accordion--1.png" />
<Anchor idToScrollTo="spacing"><h2>Spacing</h2></Anchor>
<Row >
<Column cols={6}>
<img src="../_img/accordion--2.png" />
<Column cols={6}>
<img src="../_img/accordion--3.png" />
<Anchor idToScrollTo="directions"><h2>Directions</h2></Anchor>
<Row >
<Column cols={6}>
<img src="../_img/accordion--4.png" />
<p>Follow the predefined composition.</p>
<Column cols={6}>
<img src="../_img/accordion--5.png" />
<p>Don’t change the alignment inside the accordion.</p>
<Row >
<Column cols={6}>
<img src="../_img/accordion--6.png" />
<p>Keep only one item open at a time.</p>
<Column cols={6}>
<img src="../_img/accordion--7.png" />
<p>Don’t allow multiple open items at the same time.</p>
<Row >
<Column cols={6}>
<img src="../_img/accordion--8.png" />
<p>Use when there is too much content that needs to be placed on a specific page.</p>
<Column cols={6}>
<img src="../_img/accordion--9.png" />
<p>Don’t use accordions when there isn’t enough conent.</p>
<Anchor idToScrollTo="alignment"><h2>Alignment</h2></Anchor>
<Row >
<Column cols={6}>
<img src="../_img/accordion--10.png" />
<Column cols={6}>
<img src="../_img/accordion--11.png" />
</Row> | 27.230769 | 223 | 0.571092 | eng_Latn | 0.695999 |
db4153c62eb7696686270c6087624f7e800aee7e | 958 | md | Markdown | docs/htmap/events.md | creeperplayer20/Pocketmine-School | 546886e075a187cb7f88c8fd78fc896c3208f784 | [
] | 6 | 2021-08-24T08:39:18.000Z | 2021-12-13T10:28:20.000Z | docs/htmap/events.md | creeperplayer20/Pocketmine-School | 546886e075a187cb7f88c8fd78fc896c3208f784 | [
] | 33 | 2021-08-22T21:54:27.000Z | 2022-03-30T12:46:10.000Z | docs/htmap/events.md | creeperplayer20/Pocketmine-School | 546886e075a187cb7f88c8fd78fc896c3208f784 | [
] | 11 | 2021-08-28T09:03:33.000Z | 2022-03-29T07:59:56.000Z | ---
id: events
title: Events
sidebar_label: Events
PocketMine-MP has an events' system which allows plugins to react to, modify the outcome of, and prevent the result of events.
## How it works
1. Something registers a handler for a given event.
2. Just before the event takes place, the handler is called and passed an object containing information about the event. This allows handlers to react to, modify (and in some cases prevent) an event from taking place.
3. The event takes place (or does not take place if cancelled) as defined by the object which contains the event information.
All event handlers are currently executed before the event takes place. This is a common pitfall of PocketMine-MP plugin developers - when an event handler is executed, the actual event has not yet taken place.
Go to the [Docs](https://doc.pmmp.io/en/rtfd/developer-reference/events.html). This will be updated in the future. | 47.9 | 217 | 0.770355 | eng_Latn | 0.999337 |
db415d443faa71ba23b126010116d72393107a1e | 5,565 | md | Markdown | src/_posts/2020-05-13-rails-6-band-aid-for-webpacker-manifest-missingentryerror-1o21.md | andrewmcodes/site-v2 | 36b5bdb1da9123e80fda2f9d0059def42f3e8278 | [
] | 2 | 2020-06-09T03:48:58.000Z | 2020-06-09T05:31:28.000Z | src/_posts/2020-05-13-rails-6-band-aid-for-webpacker-manifest-missingentryerror-1o21.md | andrewmcodes/personal-website | 36b5bdb1da9123e80fda2f9d0059def42f3e8278 | [
] | 144 | 2020-06-22T12:00:25.000Z | 2020-12-04T12:46:12.000Z | src/_posts/2020-05-13-rails-6-band-aid-for-webpacker-manifest-missingentryerror-1o21.md | andrewmcodes/site-v2 | 36b5bdb1da9123e80fda2f9d0059def42f3e8278 | [
] | 1 | 2020-06-24T00:49:46.000Z | 2020-06-24T00:49:46.000Z | ---
title: 'Rails 6 Band-Aid for Webpacker MissingEntryError'
date: '2020-05-13T23:47:04.114Z'
excerpt: >-
At CodeFund, we try to keep our dependencies, including Rails, as up to date
as possible. We upgraded...
thumb_img_path: >-
header_img_path: >-
comments_count: 0
positive_reactions_count: 20
- rails
- webpacker
- ruby
- testing
canonical_url: >-
layout: post
At [CodeFund](https://codefund.io), we try to keep our dependencies, including Rails, as up to date as possible. We upgraded to Rails 6 a few months ago, and I've pretty much forgotten any issues we ran into during the upgrade. For what it's worth, the upgrade was very smooth, but there was one issue we ran into that was lost in my memories before a friend showed me a familiar error message today:
# Webpacker::Manifest::MissingEntryError:
# Webpacker can't find foo/bar in /app/public/packs-test/manifest.json. Possible causes:
# 1. You want to set webpacker.yml value of compile to true for your environment
# unless you are using the `webpack -w` or the webpack-dev-server.
# 2. webpack has not yet re-run to reflect updates.
# 3. You have misconfigured Webpacker's config/webpacker.yml file.
# 4. Your webpack configuration is not creating a manifest.
# Your manifest contains:
# {
# }
The error essentially is letting you know that Webpacker tried to locate the
asset entry in the
file that gets generated when Webpacker compiles your test assets, but it could not find it. Even more interesting, the manifest is completely empty.
It is worth noting that I _only ran into this issue in my test environment_, which is exactly what was happening to my buddy. If your Webpacker config is close to the default, assets are precompiled into
, which you an see on the second line of the error above.
An issue was created on Webpacker's GitHub repo that basically describes this scenario. It is [issue # 1494](https://github.com/rails/webpacker/issues/1494) if you are curious. However, all of the solutions that worked for others were not working for me, nor my friend who had also found the same issue.
At the time, I figured that we had incorrectly configured something and eventually gave up trying to find the cause and instead focused on finding a solution. It is also worth noting that we are using Minitest at CodeFund, but my friend was using Rspec, which rules out one of my earlier ideas that this could be a Minitest specific issue.
I am still not quite sure the cause, and one of my hopes for posting this article is that someone else has run across this and actually fixed the core issue instead of the band-aid I chose to go with.
If you encounter this type of error in your tests while upgrading to Rails 6, here is one way of solving it:
# test/test_helper.rb
unless Webpacker.compiler.fresh?
puts "== Webpack compiling =="
puts "== Webpack compiled =="
Adding this method in your
before the tests run will force Webpacker to make sure the test-packs are present and up to date, and if not it will compile them. If you do some source diving, you will see this comment above the
method in
> Returns true if all the compiled packs are up to date with the underlying asset files.
The reason the manifest is empty is because Webpacker needs to be compiled, because the currently compiled packs are not up to date or were never generated in the first place. Webpacker is supposed to do this automatically, but for my friend and I, it wasn’t.
You can see the usage of this in [CodeFund's
](https://github.com/gitcoinco/code_fund_ads/blob/5f9a7165b7a49ed73a81c7987e8a13ba18f9e0a6/test/test_helper.rb# L22). If you try to run the test suite and
has not been created or the test packs are not up to date, you will see this in your terminal:
➜ bin/rails test
== Webpack compiling ==
== Webpack compiled ==
# Running tests with run options --seed 1234:
As to why this is happening, I am still not sure. I am still leaning towards this being caused from a misconfiguration or some behavior specific to our setup, but after being asked about it today, I figured it was worth sharing in case you run across it in your own app.
If you have run into this before and fixed the underlying cause, please leave a comment below or mention me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/andrewmcodes)! I will make sure to update this post if we up solving it. In the meantime, the solution above is working great for us.
Happy ~~coding~~ debugging!!
_[This post is also available on DEV.](https://dev.to/andrewmcodes/rails-6-band-aid-for-webpacker-manifest-missingentryerror-1o21)_
| 54.029126 | 400 | 0.773585 | eng_Latn | 0.997177 |
db417591609fe027c9747f486aa0549ad5d1516f | 3,210 | md | Markdown | README.md | zodream/template | 1f0a983b4d483e3d5badb5f485d97ebf24d5b19c | [
] | 1 | 2018-03-11T13:13:04.000Z | 2018-03-11T13:13:04.000Z | README.md | zodream/template | 1f0a983b4d483e3d5badb5f485d97ebf24d5b19c | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | zodream/template | 1f0a983b4d483e3d5badb5f485d97ebf24d5b19c | [
] | null | null | null | # template
# 模板语法
默认语法 {}
### 代码块
{>php} php 语句块
{>js} 脚本语句块
{>script} 脚本语句块
{>css} 样式语句块
{>style} 样式语句块
{>text} 文本语句块 内容原样输出
{/>} 语句块结束
{>...} 特殊语句 php语句单行
### 注释
{* *} php注释
{// //} php注释
### for 循环
{for:$a} <?php while($a):?>
{for:$a,} <?php if (!empty($a) && is_array($a)): foreach($a as $item):?>
{for:$a,$item,>$b} <?php if (!empty($a) && is_array($a)): foreach($a as $item):if (!($key >$b)): break; endif;?>
{for:$i = 1, $i >= 1, $i ++} <?php for($i = 1, $i >= 1, $i ++): ?>
{for:$a,$item,10} <?php if (!empty($a) && is_array($a)): $i = 0; foreach($a as $item): $i ++; if ($i > 10): break; endif;?>
### if 语句
{if:$a,$b} <?php if ($a) { echo $b;}?>
{if:$a,$b,$c} <?php if ($a) { echo $b;} else { echo $c;}?>
### switch 语句
{switch:$a,1} <?php switch($a): case 1:?>
### 加载文件
{link href=file} 引入css文件
{css href=file} 引入css文件
{js src=file} 引入js文件
{script src=file} 引入js文件
{php file=file} include file
{tpl file=file} 加载模板文件
href|src|file 可以通用 可以多个文件 加不加 " ' 都可以
{extend:file} 加载模板文件
{extend:file,[]} 加载模板文件并传递 [] 值
### 特殊标记
{+} else
{-} endif
{forelse} endforeach; else:
{break} break
{continue} continue
{break:1} break 1
{continue:1} continue 1
{use:...} use ...
{url:...} <?=$this->url(...)?>
### 符号标记
{|:...} {if:...}
{+:...} {elseif:...}
{~:...} {for:...}
### 结束标记
{/if} 结束if
{/|} 结束if
{/switch} 结束switch
{/*} 结束switch
{/for} 结束for
{/~} 结束for
### 注册方法
{header:} <?=$this->header()?>
{footer:} <?=$this->footer()?>
注册方法 'a', 输出模板'b' 模板使用 {a:b,c,d,e} 会输出 <?=b(c,d,e)?>
注册方法 'a', 输出模板'<?=b(%s)?>' 模板使用 {a:b,c,d,e} 会输出 <?=b(c,d,e)?>
注册方法 'a', 输出模板'<?php b(%s, %s);?>' 模板使用 {a:b,c,d,e} 会输出 <?php b(c,d);?>
### 原样输出
{#...} 输出 {...}
### 全局赋值
{this.a=b} $this->a = 'b'
{this.a=true} $this->a = true 或 false
{this.a=$b} $this->a = $b
{this.a='b} $this->a = 'b'
{this.a="b"} $this->a = "b"
### 批量赋值
{$a,$b=1,2} $a = 1 $b = 2
### 赋值
{$a=$b?$c:$d} <?php $a = $b ? $c : $d;?>
{$a=$b?$d} <php $a = $b ? $b : $d;?>
{$a=$b||$d} <?php $a = $b ? $b : $d;?>
{$a=$b} <?php $a = $b;?>
### 输出值
{$a,$b} <?= isset($a) ? $a : $b?>
{$a} <?= $a ?>
{$a->a} <?= $a->a ?>
{$a.a} <?= $a['a'] ?>
{=...} 输出 ... 执行结果
| 24.318182 | 147 | 0.326168 | yue_Hant | 0.43114 |
db421c49a585febef0a200f664756b62ede80a86 | 3,279 | md | Markdown | katalog-produktow/przeplywomierze/owalno-zebate/lm-og-ti-pvc.md | czapko/czapko.github.io | b405fea8b05c30903b334335d7183c4a91a0d842 | [
] | null | null | null | katalog-produktow/przeplywomierze/owalno-zebate/lm-og-ti-pvc.md | czapko/czapko.github.io | b405fea8b05c30903b334335d7183c4a91a0d842 | [
] | null | null | null | katalog-produktow/przeplywomierze/owalno-zebate/lm-og-ti-pvc.md | czapko/czapko.github.io | b405fea8b05c30903b334335d7183c4a91a0d842 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
layout: front
title: PUHP Zdzisław Czapko - Przepływomierze owalno-zębate
permalink: /p/przeplywomierze/owalno-zebate/lm-og-ti-pvc/
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<img alt="Lmogti" src="/assets/images/katalog_produktow/przeplywomierze/owalno-zebate/LMOGTI.jpg">
Przepływomierz owalno-zębaty LM-OG-TI-PVC posiada kontaktronowe wyjście impulsowe i jest przeznaczony do współpracy z zewnętrznymi licznikami sumującymi lub urządzeniami rejestrującymi. Przepływomierz wykonany jest z powlekanego aluminium co pozwala na użycie go z cieczami korozyjnymi. Wyjście przepływomierza posiada rozdzielczość 100 imp/l.
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</div> | 48.940299 | 357 | 0.692589 | pol_Latn | 0.89224 |
db42530f5200f1423ed089618928bb4b693adfe1 | 209 | md | Markdown | entries/CWC-102.md | KonradHambuch/SWC-registry | cd81388399f3e081948feea41cb7b5084f7730c8 | [
] | null | null | null | entries/CWC-102.md | KonradHambuch/SWC-registry | cd81388399f3e081948feea41cb7b5084f7730c8 | [
] | null | null | null | entries/CWC-102.md | KonradHambuch/SWC-registry | cd81388399f3e081948feea41cb7b5084f7730c8 | [
] | null | null | null | # Title
Modifying a narrow subset of keys
## Relationships
## Description
Performance issue: Many MVCC errors triggered when more transactions try to modify narrow subset of keys
## Remediation
TODO | 19 | 104 | 0.784689 | eng_Latn | 0.970807 |
db431073fbbd35a884c660cf827c5b0f39b6f88b | 1,626 | md | Markdown | README.md | cf-iperez/karma | 3bcc08eaa032bb761f131d3ae7b2e2acdcdd95d1 | [
] | 2 | 2021-09-21T14:34:34.000Z | 2021-12-03T12:40:19.000Z | README.md | cf-iperez/karma | 3bcc08eaa032bb761f131d3ae7b2e2acdcdd95d1 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | cf-iperez/karma | 3bcc08eaa032bb761f131d3ae7b2e2acdcdd95d1 | [
] | null | null | null |
<p align="center">
<img alt="karma" src="https://i.imgur.com/C3zISlU.gif"/>
Find leaked emails with your passwords.
## Installation
Install dependencies (Debian/Ubuntu):
sudo apt install tor python3 python3-pip
## Building from Source
Clone this repository (Original repo is not working), and:
git clone https://github.com/cf-iperez/karma.git ; cd karma
sudo -H pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 setup.py build
sudo python3 setup.py install
### Usage
Start by printing the available actions by running `karma --help`. It's also necessary to start the **Tor** service `sudo service tor start`. Then you can perform the following tests:
1. Search emails with the password: `123456789`
karma search '123456789' --password -o test1
2. Search emails with the local-part: `johndoe`
karma search 'johndoe' --local-part -o test2
3. Search emails with the domain: `hotmail.com`
karma search 'hotmail.com' --domain -o test3
4. Search email password: `johndoe@unknown.com`
karma target 'johndoe@unknown.com' -o test4
> % is wildcard character (it is better to use wildcards toward the end of the string)
5. Search email password using a wildcard for the domain (The wildcard can be used for any part of the email `%@%.%`):
karma target 'johndoe@%.com' -o test5
### Disclaimer
Usage this program for attacking targets without prior consent is illegal. It's the end user's responsibility to obey allapplicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.
| 25.40625 | 266 | 0.726322 | eng_Latn | 0.968341 |
db44aaa6484612bc7babef3e645155bd1058d99a | 2,094 | md | Markdown | README.md | Atreidae/Invoke-TechNetGalleyBackup | 2e47ce32313d8bf9310856f543fc42fe727f0964 | [
] | 5 | 2020-09-02T15:51:13.000Z | 2021-04-14T16:03:59.000Z | README.md | Atreidae/Invoke-TechNetGalleyBackup | 2e47ce32313d8bf9310856f543fc42fe727f0964 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | Atreidae/Invoke-TechNetGalleyBackup | 2e47ce32313d8bf9310856f543fc42fe727f0964 | [
] | null | null | null | # Invoke-TechNetGalleyBackup
This is a tool to backup content from the TechNet gallery before it is taken offline.
## Installation
Download Invoke-TechNetGalleyBackup.zip from the releases page and unzip. You will also need to download James Cussens Technet migration tool from here https://www.myteamslab.com/2020/05/technet-gallery-to-github-migration-tool.html
More information is available over <a href="https://www.UcMadScientist.com/technet-is-doomed!-how-to-save-your-favourite-tools-easily/">here</a>
## Usage
Place both Invoke-TechNetGalleyBackup.ps1 and James Cussens TechNet-Gallery-to-GitHub-Migrator.ps1 in the folder you want to store the archive of the TechNet Gallery.
From a PowerShell window run Invoke-TechNetGalleyBackup.ps1 -Category <Category here>.
You may need to adjust the category name depending on the URL
2 notes on that
For App-V there is a bug in the TechNet Gallery preventing the page loading when we sort by date, thus nothing is downloaded.
For Enterprise Mobility & Security use "enterprisemobility%2Bsecurity"
## Known Issues
There is currently a bug with James's script and externally hosted images, these will fail if linked to via HTTP. (<a href="https://github.com/jamescussen/TechNet-Gallery-to-GitHub-Migrator/pull/1">See this PR for the fix)
The App-V category currently has an issue were I cant scrape the data when sorting by date. Thus the script doesn't download anything.
There is an issue with non-English characters getting mapped to a mess in the file structure. I've yet to look into this one.
<img src="https://www.UcMadScientist.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/image-5-1024x105.png"/>
Some post names cause issues with invalid filenames. I've been meaning to look into it and send James C a PR but that's not super high on the list of tasks at the moment.
<img src="https://www.UcMadScientist.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/image-10.png"/>
## Fork me!
This script is free, open source and licensed under the MIT Licence. Feel free to view the source, fork it, raise issues and submit your improvements via pull requests.
| 53.692308 | 232 | 0.787966 | eng_Latn | 0.979477 |
db45b4594fc1cf724f7c3e70f6d0f23d9c8c0f90 | 393 | md | Markdown | README.md | bouchouirabI/Purple-React | 8caf235af0cb6cc6aea8d501b8a08c27985a3c36 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | bouchouirabI/Purple-React | 8caf235af0cb6cc6aea8d501b8a08c27985a3c36 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | bouchouirabI/Purple-React | 8caf235af0cb6cc6aea8d501b8a08c27985a3c36 | [
] | null | null | null | # Purple React Template
├── template
├── demo_1
├── src/
├── app/
├── assets/
├── images/
├── styles/
├── index.js
├── public/
├── .gitignore
├── package.json
├── documentation
├── README.md
| 16.375 | 27 | 0.40458 | kor_Hang | 0.346231 |
db4646de0100f4ae88eb6750bacce12c420e7da7 | 4,975 | md | Markdown | README.md | ginahagg/flare | 1dc4fa07b05a1c64ea136a62f284bbbc4a9472bb | [
] | 15 | 2016-02-16T19:08:06.000Z | 2019-06-02T20:33:21.000Z | README.md | ginahagg/flare | 1dc4fa07b05a1c64ea136a62f284bbbc4a9472bb | [
] | 4 | 2016-12-22T19:07:56.000Z | 2019-07-29T08:17:13.000Z | README.md | ginahagg/flare | 1dc4fa07b05a1c64ea136a62f284bbbc4a9472bb | [
] | 4 | 2016-03-29T20:16:46.000Z | 2019-07-12T10:35:39.000Z | # flare
High Performance Erlang Kafka Producer
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/lpgauth/flare.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/lpgauth/flare)
[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/lpgauth/flare/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/lpgauth/flare?branch=master)
#### Features
* Backpressure via backlog (OOM protection)
* Compression support (snappy)
* Performance optimized
* Topic buffering (delay, size)
## API
<a href="http://github.com/lpgauth/flare/blob/master/doc/flare.md#index" class="module">Function Index</a>
#### Environment variables
<table width="100%">
<td>[{inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname(), inet:port_number()}]</td>
<td>[{"", 9092}]</td>
<td>Bootstrap servers used to query topic metadata</td>
<td>Number of connections per broker</td>
<td>random | round_robin</td>
<td>Broker connection selection strategy</td>
<td>Reconnect closed broker connections</td>
<td>pos_integer() | infinity</td>
<td>120000 (120s)</td>
<td>Maximum reconnect time (milliseconds)</td>
<td>2000 (2s)</td>
<td>Minimum reconnect time (milliseconds)</td>
<td>Set to false when using Kafka version 0.9 or less</td>
#### Topic options
<table width="100%">
<td>-1..1 | all_isr | none | leader_only</td>
<td>Number of acknowledgements required for a succeful produce </td>
<td>1000 (1s)</td>
<td>Maximun delay (milliseconds) before flushing the buffer</td>
<td>Maximun buffer size before flushing</td>
<td>no_compression | gzip | snappy</td>
<td>Compression configuration</td>
<td>300000 (300 s)</td>
<td>Maximun delay (milliseconds) before reloading metadata</td>
<td>Number of topic buffer proccesses</td>
## Examples
1> flare_app:start().
{ok, [metal, compiler, syntax_tools, foil, granderl, shackle, flare]}
2> flare_topic:start(<<"my_topic">>, [{compression, snappy}]).
3> Timestamp = flare_utils:timestamp().
4> flare:produce(<<"my_topic">>, Timestamp, <<"key">>, <<"value">>, [], 500).
5> {ok, ReqId} = flare:async_produce(<<"my_topic">>, Timestamp, <<"key">>, <<"value">>, [], self()).
{ok, {{1548, 11081, 884262}, <0.349.0>}}
6> flare:receive_response(ReqId, 500).
7> flare:receive_response(ReqId, 500).
8> flare_topic:stop(<<"my_topic">>).
## Tests
make dialyzer
make elvis
make eunit
make xref
## Performance testing
To run the profile target you must first start kafka:
./bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties &
./bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties &
Then you can run the profile target:
make profile
## License
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Louis-Philippe Gauthier
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
| 26.462766 | 150 | 0.672563 | eng_Latn | 0.351274 |
db47074deba06940aff3a324b3b10f631c1d50bb | 2,061 | md | Markdown | topics/css_dsl.md | leonardoramoss/ktor-documentation | ace56414c8c517c1dfd83ec11025063ce410ba60 | [
] | 119 | 2021-02-22T07:37:24.000Z | 2022-03-24T20:11:03.000Z | topics/css_dsl.md | leonardoramoss/ktor-documentation | ace56414c8c517c1dfd83ec11025063ce410ba60 | [
] | 33 | 2021-02-20T23:05:31.000Z | 2022-03-03T07:12:57.000Z | topics/css_dsl.md | EyeOfMidas/ktor-documentation | 89bf53e0fa66d84458a6e925f710341ef41ee604 | [
] | 133 | 2021-02-21T20:55:10.000Z | 2022-03-29T11:50:55.000Z | [//]: # (title: CSS DSL)
<var name="example_name" value="caching-headers"/>
<include src="lib.xml" include-id="download_example"/>
CSS DSL extends [HTML DSL](html_dsl.md) and allows you to author stylesheets in Kotlin by using the [kotlin-css](https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin-wrappers/blob/master/kotlin-css/README.md) wrapper.
> Learn how to serve stylesheets as static content from [](Serving_Static_Content.md).
## Add dependencies {id="add_dependencies"}
CSS DSL doesn't need [installation](Plugins.md#install), but requires including the following artifacts in the build script:
1. The `ktor-html-builder` artifact for HTML DSL:
<var name="artifact_name" value="ktor-html-builder"/>
<include src="lib.xml" include-id="add_ktor_artifact"/>
1. The `kotlin-css-jvm` artifact for building CSS:
<var name="group_id" value="org.jetbrains.kotlin-wrappers"/>
<var name="artifact_name" value="kotlin-css"/>
<var name="version" value="kotlin_css_version"/>
<include src="lib.xml" include-id="add_artifact"/>
You can replace `$kotlin_css_version` with the required version of the `kotlin-css` artifact, for example, `%kotlin_css_version%`.
## Use CSS DSL {id="use_css"}
To send a CSS response, you need to extend `ApplicationCall` by adding the `respondCss` method to serialize a stylesheet into a string and send it to the client with the `CSS` content type:
{src="snippets/caching-headers/src/main/kotlin/com/example/Application.kt" lines="49-51"}
Then, you can provide CSS inside the required [route](Routing_in_Ktor.md):
{src="snippets/caching-headers/src/main/kotlin/com/example/Application.kt" lines="35-45"}
Finally, you can use the specified CSS for an HTML document created with [HTML DSL](html_dsl.md):
{src="snippets/caching-headers/src/main/kotlin/com/example/Application.kt" lines="23-34"}
You can find the full example here: [caching-headers](https://github.com/ktorio/ktor-documentation/tree/main/codeSnippets/snippets/caching-headers).
| 42.061224 | 200 | 0.746725 | eng_Latn | 0.809759 |
db472245046219b0bc520a90446034c406a1be0b | 556 | md | Markdown | README.md | nsauzede/neluatest | fe7d8a63b3880aeedca3ba27da87b09eca3ce86c | [
] | 1 | 2021-01-16T01:27:27.000Z | 2021-01-16T01:27:27.000Z | README.md | nsauzede/neluatest | fe7d8a63b3880aeedca3ba27da87b09eca3ce86c | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | nsauzede/neluatest | fe7d8a63b3880aeedca3ba27da87b09eca3ce86c | [
] | null | null | null | # neluatest
Testing the Nelua Programming Language..
## Hello, QuiNelua
A minimalist [Quine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine_(computing)) in Nelua
require'C.stdio'local s="require'C.stdio'local s=%c%s%c C.printf(s,34,s.data,34,10)%c" C.printf(s,34,s.data,34,10)
I know, this is probably not the best usage of the language but we always must start somewhere ;-)
Try it :
neluatest$ nelua -q qui.nelua > quine
neluatest$ md5sum qui.nelua quine
b0a9b053cc7898502a772263d8073be8 qui.nelua
b0a9b053cc7898502a772263d8073be8 quine
| 30.888889 | 114 | 0.753597 | eng_Latn | 0.565165 |
db47a02e7f859d213d734295ff7c9ff2a422dc36 | 220 | md | Markdown | postgresql/reset.user.password.md | fernandocanizo/short-tips | e5c82fa30d4461b2de6f95f87839d1d2c896467a | [
] | 2 | 2018-06-19T15:30:29.000Z | 2020-04-30T20:05:29.000Z | postgresql/reset.user.password.md | fernandocanizo/short-tips | e5c82fa30d4461b2de6f95f87839d1d2c896467a | [
] | null | null | null | postgresql/reset.user.password.md | fernandocanizo/short-tips | e5c82fa30d4461b2de6f95f87839d1d2c896467a | [
] | null | null | null | # Reset Postgresql user password
# you may need to `sudo su` first
sudo -u <user_name> psql <db_name>
Then in `psql` console change the password:
alter user "<user_name>" with password 'new_password';
| 16.923077 | 54 | 0.686364 | eng_Latn | 0.860489 |
db49514bd708e65687bdcdd5bd9e0edc9b2271e5 | 539 | md | Markdown | README.md | gladir/Corail-Blue | 5b2f07fcd7aa5a63bc465d86e3054dcb49f5c9bf | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | gladir/Corail-Blue | 5b2f07fcd7aa5a63bc465d86e3054dcb49f5c9bf | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | gladir/Corail-Blue | 5b2f07fcd7aa5a63bc465d86e3054dcb49f5c9bf | [
] | null | null | null | # Corail-Blue
Corail-Blue est une suite d'utilitaires écrit en C#
<h2>Liste des fichiers</h2>
Voici la liste des différents fichiers proposés dans Corail-Blue :
<td>Cette commande permet d'afficher une bannière. Cette commande est un équivalent de la commande UNIX.</td>
<td>Cette commande permet de retourner en texte un nombre. Similaire à la commande AIX.</td>
| 24.5 | 112 | 0.662338 | fra_Latn | 0.955628 |
db49754c59f1e4a9b68107c5aedb245b2361d2c6 | 45 | md | Markdown | README.md | RawsonProyect/Team1 | 762ce715e7f475df4508d638401eb1cc28d37635 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | RawsonProyect/Team1 | 762ce715e7f475df4508d638401eb1cc28d37635 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | RawsonProyect/Team1 | 762ce715e7f475df4508d638401eb1cc28d37635 | [
] | null | null | null | # Team1
Alberto, Ignacio, Isabel, Arlen, Ana
| 15 | 36 | 0.733333 | cat_Latn | 0.171093 |
db4a6d925cae9bad2835d733fd92b681914b3fa2 | 840 | md | Markdown | _portfolio/2020-porfolio-ballCatchingControl.md | hankcmhan/hankcmhan.github.io | 0da9fa5807631eb86a7a27525c474289beed1fcb | [
] | 1 | 2020-04-12T18:11:20.000Z | 2020-04-12T18:11:20.000Z | _portfolio/2020-porfolio-ballCatchingControl.md | hankcmhan/hankcmhan.github.io | 0da9fa5807631eb86a7a27525c474289beed1fcb | [
] | null | null | null | _portfolio/2020-porfolio-ballCatchingControl.md | hankcmhan/hankcmhan.github.io | 0da9fa5807631eb86a7a27525c474289beed1fcb | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: "Drop Ball Catching Control"
collection: portfolio
type: 'Control project'
venue: 'Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland'
date: 2020-2-17
This is a project for simulating how to control a robot catch several free-falling balls on a ramp. Specifically, the balls are randomly placed and freely fall one by one in the air, and the robot moving on the ramp tries to catch the falling balls. So far, I uploaded the part that was done by the PID control. I'll upload more advanced controls in the future and write tutorials in the blog. The source code can be found in <a href='https://github.com/hankcmhan/controls'>my github</a>
<video width="640" height="480" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="http://hankcmhan.github.io/files/ballCatchingControl.mp4" type="video/mp4">
</video> | 60 | 487 | 0.767857 | eng_Latn | 0.992768 |
db4b202125a41e4b8344752b64fbd38e6d2a8845 | 1,506 | md | Markdown | 2022.02.17.md | fchain7/DailyNewsSecurity | dde6c0b9ef8c08df5be78c0dd5bda9f76376a856 | [
] | 3 | 2022-01-20T14:41:55.000Z | 2022-02-23T07:58:51.000Z | 2022.02.17.md | fchain7/DailyNewsSecurity | dde6c0b9ef8c08df5be78c0dd5bda9f76376a856 | [
] | null | null | null | 2022.02.17.md | fchain7/DailyNewsSecurity | dde6c0b9ef8c08df5be78c0dd5bda9f76376a856 | [
] | null | null | null | # 2022.02.17 security news
## OS vulnerability
* exploiting CVE-2019-2215
## Browser vulnerability
## Virtualization vulnerability
## Application vulnerability
* Tutorial: Kubernetes Vulnerability Scanning & Testing With Open Source
* Dropping Files on a Domain Controller Using CVE-2021-43893
* GHSL-2021-077: Local denial of service in polkit - CVE-2021-4115
* Exploiting Jenkins build authorization
## Tool
## IOT vulnerability
* Bypassing software update package encryption – extracting the Lexmark MC3224i printer firmware (part 1)
* Advisory: Cisco RV340 Dual WAN Gigabit VPN Router (RCE over LAN)
## Exploit method
## Fuzz
## CTF
## Other
* Why you should check-in your node dependencies
https://www.jackfranklin.co.uk/blog/check-in-your-node-dependencies/ | 23.169231 | 143 | 0.764276 | yue_Hant | 0.299541 |
db4e99a56290542472b6116a971fc65e2240f372 | 6,161 | md | Markdown | README.md | storbukas/ATtiny85 | 7ae2c7bd1a091c3081b5270de0392d85e6c1bacc | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | storbukas/ATtiny85 | 7ae2c7bd1a091c3081b5270de0392d85e6c1bacc | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | storbukas/ATtiny85 | 7ae2c7bd1a091c3081b5270de0392d85e6c1bacc | [
] | null | null | null | # ATtiny85
ATtiny85 - 8-bit AVR Microcontroller
The ATtiny85 Microcontroller is one of the smallest Microcontrollers available today. It is an 8-bit Microcontroller with 8 physical pins, based on the AVR RISC Architecture.
There are three variants of ATtiny85: ATtiny25, ATtiny45 and ATtiny85. The main difference between these three ICs is the amount of memory each device has (Flash, EEPROM and RAM).
The ATtiny85 has 8KB of In-system programmable Flash, 512B of EEPROM and 256B of SRAM.
## Pin Diagram of ATtiny85
The ATtiny85 is an 8-pin Microcontroller and the most common IC package for ATtiny85 is the 8-pin SOIC. The following image shows the Pin Diagram of an 8-pin SOIC ATtiny85.
![ATtiny85 pin diagram](resources/ATtiny85-Pin-Diagram.jpg)
From the above pin diagram, you can observe that except for VCC and GND, rest of the 6-pins of ATtiny85 are multiplexed with multiple functionalities.
### Pin Description
**VCC:** It is the supply voltage pin. For ATtiny85 running at a speed of 10-20MHz, the supply voltage should be in the range of 2.7V – 5.5V.
**GND:** Ground Pin
**PORTB (PB0 – PB5):** The rest of the 6-pins in ATtiny85 are Port B Pin. Port B is a 6-bit I/O Port. All the 6 port B have multiplexed operations with each pin capable of handling 3 or more operations.
**RESET:** It is multiplexed with PB5. It is an active LOW pin.
The following image shows the list of alternative functions on the PORTB pins.
![ATtiny85 PORTB functions](resources/ATtiny85-PORTB-Functions.jpg)
Here is a simplified overview of the pin diagram of the ATtiny85.
![ATTtiny85 pin diagram - simplified](resources/ATtiny85-Pin-Diagram-Simple.png)
You can also view the [datasheet of the ATtiny85](http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/Atmel-2586-AVR-8-bit-Microcontroller-ATtiny25-ATtiny45-ATtiny85_Datasheet.pdf).
## Development
Developing on the the ATtiny85 is similar to development on the Arduino boards, with some limitations.
We can use the Arduino IDE to program the the ATtiny85. Se the [installation instructions](#installation).
### Hello World / Blink
In the realm of microcontrollers, the 'Hello World' equivalent is a simple 'Blink' program, which simply toggles the state of an LED indefinetily.
The following sketch toggles an LED connected to pin PB1 (physical pin 6, see the [pinout diagram](#pin-diagram-of-attiny85)).
void setup() {
pinMode(1, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(1, LOW);
Code above also available as [Gist](https://gist.github.com/storbukas/751ab544ea254e17d54b5bb69c972519).
### Basic statements
*Coming soon*
### Advanced statements
*Coming soon*
### Interrupts
*Coming soon*
#### External interrupts
*Coming soon*
#### Timer interrupts
*Coming soon*
### Sleep / Low-Power
*Coming soon*
## Installation
Setting up Arduino IDE
The first step is to setup Arduino IDE for programming ATtiny85. Open your Arduino IDE and go to Preferences. In the tab that says “Additional Boards Manager URLs”, copy and paste the following link and click on **OK**.
> `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damellis/attiny/ide-1.6.x-boards-manager/package_damellis_attiny_index.json`
Now, go to Tools → Board: → Board Manager… and search for “Attiny”. Select the one by **David A. Mellis**. If the installation is successful, you can see the board in Tools → Board → ATtiny Microcontrollers.
## Programming the ATtiny85 with Arduino
### Hookup
Regardless of which Arduino you want to use as ISP (In-System-Programmer), you must prepare the Arduino as an ISP, by uploading the ISP sketch to it.
In the Arduino IDE select File → Examples → Arduino ISP → ArduinoISP
the ISP sketch should open, upload it to your Arduino board of choice.
#### Arduino Uno as ISP
![Arduino Uno as ISP](resources/Arduino-Uno-programming-ATtiny85.png)
Wire the connection between the Arduino Uno (ATmega328P) and ATtiny85 as follows:
| Arduino Uno | ATtiny85 |
| ----------- | -------: |
| 5V | Vcc |
| GND | GND |
| Pin 13 | Pin 2 |
| Pin 12 | Pin 1 |
| Pin 11 | Pin 0 |
| Pin 10 | Reset |
The use of an electrolytic capacitor is in order to prevent the Arduino from restarting itself. The capacitor is connected to GND & RESET on the Arduino, and a 10uF capacitor is recommended, but higher values can also be used.
#### Arduino Mega 2560 as ISP
*Coming soon*
#### Arduino Nano as ISP
*Coming soon*
### Bootloader
Before we can upload any code to the ATtiny85, we first need to burn the bootloader. This is only neccessary if there is no bootloader present (i.e. when the chip is new), or you want to burn a new bootloader (for example changing the internal clock speed).
When you hooked up your Arduino board to the ATtiny85 as described [above](#hookup), and uploaded the ArduinoISP-sketch to the Arduino board, you can burn the bootloader to the ATtiny85.
1. Tools → Board → ATtiny25/45/85
2. Tools → Processor → 8 MHz (internal)
3. Tools → Programmer → Arduino as ISP
4. Tools → Burn bootloader
A message will appear saying "Done Burning Bootloader". Now you can start [uploading sketches](#uploading-sketches).
### Uploading sketches
When uploading sketches, the settings should be the same as the burned bootloader, as described [above](#bootloader).
1. Tools → Board → ATtiny25/45/85
2. Tools → Processor → 8 MHz (internal)
3. Tools → Programmer → Arduino as ISP
And then upload the sketches, by pressing "Upload". You can use the simple [Blink](#hello-world--blink) (Hello World) sketch as a starting point, and continue reading the [development section](#development).
## Resources
- http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/Atmel-2586-AVR-8-bit-Microcontroller-ATtiny25-ATtiny45-ATtiny85_Datasheet.pdf
- https://www.electronicshub.org/getting-started-with-attiny85/
- https://github.com/damellis/attiny
- http://highlowtech.org/?p=1706
- https://www.instructables.com/How-to-Program-an-Attiny85-From-an-Arduino-Uno/
- https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/arjun/programming-attiny85-with-arduino-uno-afb829
| 37.114458 | 257 | 0.747119 | eng_Latn | 0.95044 |
db4f3374bdcbd3df09ef9db2781be5c7ff378f00 | 92 | md | Markdown | README.md | Valmarelox/pytar | 7f338c15795ff1f1e37ed54de50ffc7727712833 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | Valmarelox/pytar | 7f338c15795ff1f1e37ed54de50ffc7727712833 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | Valmarelox/pytar | 7f338c15795ff1f1e37ed54de50ffc7727712833 | [
] | null | null | null | # pytar
Python tar using auto_struct
Check it out https://github.com/Valmarelox/auto_struct
| 23 | 54 | 0.815217 | kor_Hang | 0.440625 |