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PRAGUE 18. June 19 - Record high temperatures. The long-term average norm (measured since 1775 in Prague's Klementinum) was as follows: highest temperature 31.2 from 1917 and 1934, lowest temperature 7.3 from 1985. Long-term average normal: 17.9 degrees Celsius.
Record temperatures have been measured in Prague since 1775.
Prague 14. July (CTK) - She was a member of the National Theatre in Prague for seventeen years and her acting has also been used extensively in film. Regina Rázlová mostly played self-confident and exclusive women, often with a strong sense of entitlement. She was also on the opposite side of the law, and her captivating voice sounded even in radio and dubbing. After 1989, she stopped doing well, went into business and even spent several months in custody over the Skloexport tunneling case. Added to this were health problems. but in the spirit of the heroines she portrayed on stage. Even in the movie, she was able to overcome everything bad. Today it is Rázlová, who is 16. She will celebrate her 70th birthday in July, once again a sought-after actress and celebrity.
Regina Rázlová is a singer.
Talented and beautiful, Regina Rázlová was written about immediately after the first film in which she appeared. In 1969, alongside Pavel Landovský, Stella Zázvorková and Jorga Kotrbová, she starred in František Filip's cult comedy The Sorrows of Young Boháček. By then, she had already completed her production studies at the Secondary School of Film Production in Čimelice and was about to enter the last year of study at DAMU under Professor Miloš Nedbal. She later started teaching at DAMU as well.
Regina Rázlová is a singer.
The daughter of Stanislav Rázl, Vice-Chairman of the Czech Government from 1969 to 1986, played approximately 15 major roles in films and also appeared in television productions and films. She got important roles in the comedy Daddy for Sunday (1971), in the successful crime drama The Queen's Warrant (1973), and she also played in a number of comedies such as Do We Suit Each Other, Darling...? (1974), Parta hic (1976) and Don't Take Off Your Sweater (1980). She has also appeared in several series.
Regina Rázlová is a singer.
Last year, 1.1 million undocumented immigrants from Mexico were apprehended along the 2,000-mile southern U.S. border, more than half of them on a 400-mile stretch in Arizona's border desert. The Department of Homeland Security is preparing to increase the number of border patrol agents by another 500 people in the spring, when the immigration wave reaches its peak, and will temporarily transfer 27 aircraft there.
Wheat exports from Mexico to the United States peak in the spring.
Prague 13. (ČTK) - In Prague, more than 6,700 announced demonstrations took place in the second half of last year. In the whole year, there were about 11,000 protest rallies. Deputy Mayor Rudolf Blažek (ODS) said this at a press conference today. Since July, security officials have pre-emptively banned one rally and disbanded another on the spot, according to the undersecretary for security.
In 2008, around 5,000 demonstrations took place in Prague.
Washington, 20. (ČTK) - Leading Democratic Congressman Barney Frank unexpectedly spoke out this week in favour of abolishing the nationalised mortgage agencies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which significantly contributed to the emergence and deepening of the severe financial crisis in the USA from 2008-09. From the influential co-author of a sweeping financial regulatory reform law, it's a U-turn because Frank had previously held sway over both agencies, according to observers.
Congressman Frank wants to abolish two agencies.
"They should be abolished," Frank said in an interview with Fox Business when asked if the two agencies should be part of housing reform. According to him, the semi-public and semi-private Fannie and Freddie should be replaced by a new mechanism that would subsidise owner-occupied housing not through market manipulation but via the budget.
Congressman Frank wants to abolish two agencies.
Washington, 20. (ČTK) - Leading Democratic Congressman Barney Frank unexpectedly came out this week in favour of abolishing the nationalised mortgage agencies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which significantly contributed to the emergence and deepening of the severe financial crisis in the USA from 2008-09. From the influential co-author of a sweeping financial regulatory reform law, it's a U-turn because Frank had previously held sway over both agencies, according to observers. "They should be abolished," Frank said in an interview with Fox Business when asked if the two agencies should be part of housing reform. According to him, the semi-public and semi-private Fannie and Freddie should be replaced by a new mechanism that would subsidise owner-occupied housing not through market manipulation but via the budget.
Congressman Frank wants to abolish two agencies.
PRAGUE 17. April ( ČTK ) - British consular officials have reappeared at Prague's Ruzyne airport, checking passengers bound for Britain. The tenth round of inspections lasts from 9. April and don't know when it will end Klára Skřivánková, a spokeswoman for the British Embassy, told ČTK today. In March, when Britons were stranded at the airport for seven days, 38 people were refused entry to England.
Vlasta Pallová is a basketball player.
PRAGUE 18. (ČTK) - Even today, British consular officials are checking people travelling to Great Britain at the Ruzyne airport. A spokesman for the British embassy, Zbyněk Havránek, told ČTK that he could not determine the date when the inspections would end. The information that the British will be at the airport until today was brought by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday, and it is also claimed by Vlasta Pallová, spokesperson for the Czech Airport Authority.
Vlasta Pallová is a basketball player.
PRAGUE 16. (ČTK) - As of today, British officials are once again checking passengers at Prague's Ruzyně Airport before their departure to the United Kingdom. This was confirmed to ČTK by the spokesman for the British Embassy, Zbyněk Havránek, and a spokesperson for the Czech Airport Authority, Vlasta Pallová. Britain suspended pre-arrival airport checks in September. It can be reactivated at any time without warning.
Vlasta Pallová is a basketball player.
A coalition of Shiite traditionalists won 140 out of 275 parliamentary seats. The Kurds won 75 seats and are the second largest group in parliament. In third place, with 40 seats, were the Shiite progressives led by current Prime Minister Ayad Allawi. He is seeking to remain at the head of the cabinet and has accused the victorious Shiites of leaning more towards theocratic Iran than democratic values.
Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi defends his position.
Teplice, 6 February (ČTK) - ČEZ Teplárenská has completed the connection of a part of Teplice to central heat supply. Instead of gas boiler rooms, it will supply heat directly from the nearby Ledvice power plant. The steam distribution system, construction of the main exchange station and modification of existing boiler rooms cost 123 million crowns. the company's director Vladimír Gult told journalists today.
The power plant in Ledvice will provide Teplice with heat reserves.
Ledvice (Teplicko) 27 August (ČTK) - The old coal-fired heating plant in Proboštov near Teplice is likely to be phased out in the coming years. Its owner, the company ČEZ Teplárenská, is planning to build a new backup power source that will back up supplies to Teplice, Bílina and the surrounding area. ČTK found this out from the EIA system, to which ČEZ submitted a request for the first necessary permits. It is expected to be completed between 2013 and 2014. The company has not yet specified investment costs or the impact on employment.
The power plant in Ledvice will provide Teplice with heat reserves.
Teplice, with a population of 50,000, is supplied primarily by the coal-fired power plant in Ledvice, from which there is a 12-kilometre feeder. "On the other hand, the network is supplied from its own coal-fired power plant in Proboštov," says the annual report of ČEZ Teplárenská for 2010. In other documents, Proboštov is referred to as a backup source. The second feeder leads to Bílina on the other side. But now he's planning a different approach. For both feeders, it wants to build a back-up gas boiler room directly in Ledvice for both feeders, where construction is being carried out at the same time. and a new block of the thermal power plant with an output of 660 megawatts.
The power plant in Ledvice will provide Teplice with heat reserves.
Prague 11. December (CTK) - New director of the state enterprise Lesy ČR became Jiří Novák (47 years old), the current director of the Krkonoše National Park Administration. This was announced today at a press conference by the Minister of Agriculture, Petr Gandalovič. Novák succeeded in a tender with the concept of decentralization of the Forestry Administration of the Czech Republic and defeated 17 competitors.
Minister Petr Gandalovič today announced the new director of a selected state enterprise.
Brussels/London, 2 February (ČTK newsletter) - The draft agreement, which is to redefine the relationship between Britain and the European Union, was published today by the permanent president of the European Council, Donald Tusk. The document, which is also referred to as the According to Tusk, it is a good basis for compromise, but the "EU president" still faces tough negotiations. British Prime Minister David Cameron responded on Twitter shortly after the draft was published, saying that while the documents showed progress in all four areas London wanted to negotiate, more work needed to be done.
The draft agreement was published by the Prime Minister.
Among the documents released by Tusk is a draft statement from the European Commission, according to which such an "exceptional situation" already exists in Britain. So London could pull the brake immediately.
The draft agreement was published by the Prime Minister.
The sale of live dolphins is governed by the Agreement on International Trade in Endangered Species, which prohibits similar transactions if they could harm the animals. The Solomon Islands, about 1,800 kilometers northeast of Australia, did not sign the agreement. The territory is currently in the throes of a political crisis and ethnic violence, which prompted Australian troops to be sent there this week. Environmentalists accuse Mexican businessmen of exploiting the crisis in the Solomon Islands.
Australia has rejected an agreement on international trade in endangered species covering, for example, the sale of live dolphins.
Ottawa 13. December (CTK) - Canada has withdrawn from the Kyoto Protocol on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Canadian Environment Minister Peter Kent made the announcement on Monday. He justified the decision by saying that the protocol, under which Ottawa was threatened with sanctions amounting to about 13.6 billion dollars, "does not work." But the United Nations says Canada, which became the first country to withdraw from the international treaty, still has an obligation under international law to reduce its emissions.
According to Peter Kent, Canada's Minister of the Environment, the protocol on reducing greenhouse gas emissions is effective.
"We are exercising our legal right to formally withdraw from Kyoto," Kent told reporters after returning from Durban, South Africa, where a U.N. conference on climate change was held in recent days. Delegates from more than 190 countries agreed to extend the Kyoto Protocol for at least five years and begin work on a new treaty to control greenhouse gas emissions. The deal, which will shape the fight against climate change for decades to come, is due to take effect in 2020 at the latest.
According to Peter Kent, Canada's Minister of the Environment, the protocol on reducing greenhouse gas emissions is effective.
AFP noted that under the Kyoto Protocol, Canada had until 2012 to reduce emissions of harmful greenhouse gases by 2012. 6% compared to 1990. However, the number of exhalations actually increased. The Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper has rejected the obligations arising from the agreement, describing as "erroneous" the Liberal cabinet's decision to sign the 1997 document.
According to Peter Kent, Canada's Minister of the Environment, the protocol on reducing greenhouse gas emissions is effective.
PRAGUE, 6 May (ČTK) - This year, the international music festival Colours of Ostrava will last for three days. The festival will take place from 9 a.m. to 11. It will take place in Ostrava on July 7th and more than 60 domestic and foreign bands will perform there. The organisers are expecting great interest from spectators and, compared to the two previous years, will extend the show by one day. festival director Zlata Holušová told journalists today. The folk-rock band Oysterband will come from Great Britain, the "Carpathian ska" will be presented by the Ukrainian ensemble Hajdamaky. A Zairean guitarist will also perform in Ostrava. So Kalmery, American rock singer-songwriter Elliott Murphy or Belgian Urban Trad. The Slovak music scene will be represented by Tornádo Lue, Heaven's Shore and the Carpathian Hornbeams, while home colours will be defended by e.g. Mig 21, Monkey Business, Tata bojs, Jan Hrubý with Kukulín or 100°C.
Colors of Ostrava is a multi-genre music festival.
Derry (USA) 4 February (ČTK) - During Wednesday's debate in Derry, the US state of New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, both contenders for the Democratic nomination to become president of the United States, argued about who better represents progressive values. New Hampshire will hold its primary on Tuesday, which Sanders is expected to win.
Neither Clinton nor Sanders is active in US politics.
"Everyone practices religion in their own way," Sanders said at a rally in Derry. "If I were not very strongly religious and spiritual, I would not be here today seeking the presidency of the United States," said the politician, who according to available data is not a member of any religious community. Clinton also defended her spirituality in view of future primaries in religiously strong states in the south and west of the US. "I receive scripture lessons every morning from a pastor with whom I have a very strong personal relationship," she said in Derry. "He wakes up early and sends his text to my mailbox, arriving at five in the morning," she said.
Neither Clinton nor Sanders is active in US politics.
Sanders leads Clinton by a substantial 15 percentage points in New Hampshire preference polls, but by about the same margin nationally. If Sanders wins the Democratic nomination and goes on to win the White House, he would become the first Jewish president in US history, according to Reuters.
Neither Clinton nor Sanders is active in US politics.
"Everyone practices religion in their own way," Sanders said at a rally in Derry. "If I were not very strongly religious and spiritual, I would not be here today seeking the presidency of the United States," said the politician, who according to available data is not a member of any religious community.
Neither Clinton nor Sanders is active in US politics.
Still, the latest national opinion polls show that the race for the Democratic presidential nomination could become more dramatic, even though Mrs. Clinton at first appeared to have no serious competition. Now she would, according to Sonja. The New York Times/CBS News poll had Sanders with 48 percent of the vote, compared to 41 percent for Clinton. The same poll in December reported that Clinton, with 52 percent support, held a 20-point edge over Sanders.
Neither Clinton nor Sanders is active in US politics.
According to exit polls, Sanders could beat Clinton in New Hampshire. But Sanders has avoided saying that he would only consider victory in the northeastern US state to be a success. New Hampshire will be followed by South Carolina, where Clinton already has stronger support.
Neither Clinton nor Sanders is active in US politics.
According to the poll, Sanders has leapfrogged Clinton in presidential candidate popularity in New Hampshire, which will hold its first Democratic primary next year on September 9. February in Iowa. Clinton, however, maintains a significant lead in the southern states. According to the CBS poll, Clinton leads Sanders 46 percent to 27 percent.
Neither Clinton nor Sanders is active in US politics.
The manufacturer of hospital beds from Slaný has secured the protection of a community design, patented construction solutions and uses trademarks and industrial designs. Thanks to sophisticated legal security, it can effectively defend itself against theft of design and technology.
The Linet company operates a factory near Slaný.
Linet is one of the four largest hospital bed companies in the world. Every year, the plant in Želevčice u Slaný produces tens of thousands of beds, a wide range of mattresses, patient tables and medical furniture. Linet's subsidiaries operate in France, Britain, Italy, Sweden, Spain and China. Consolidated revenues of the Linet Group in the business year ending on 31. In March 2009, they exceeded 2.07 billion crowns.
The Linet company operates a factory near Slaný.
Linet is the number one on the Czech market and in the field of hospital beds, it ranks among the five largest companies in the world. In the 2005/06 business year, it exported 80 percent of its production to 75 countries worldwide. The biggest buyers are European Union countries. The first contract worth 40 million was also signed by the company in China, where Linet has 26 sales representatives in several Chinese provinces. Over 33,000 beds are produced annually at Linet in Želevčice u Slaný, as well as various mattresses, patient tables and medical furniture. Medical beds account for 73% of the company's sales.
The Linet company operates a factory near Slaný.
In the business year 2007 to 2008 Linet exported 82% of its production to 75 countries. The biggest buyers are European Union countries. The company's consolidated revenues reached CZK 1.98 billion in that business year. Over 33,000 beds are produced annually at Linet in Želevčice u Slaný, as well as a wide range of mattresses, patient tables and medical furniture.
The Linet company operates a factory near Slaný.
Slaný (Kladno region) 30th September (ČTK) - The manufacturer of Linet medical beds today officially opened a private kindergarten located directly on the company's premises in Želevčice near Slaný. It has a capacity of 42 seats and, according to Linet's HR director Vladimír Michnová, it is the only facility of its kind. species in the Republic. In addition to Linet employees, other parents from Slaný and the surrounding area can also use it.
The Linet company operates a factory near Slaný.
Linet is one of the five largest hospital bed companies in the world. Every year, tens of thousands of beds are produced at the plant in Želevčice near Slaný, as well as an assortment of mattresses, patient tables and medical furniture. The consolidated turnover of the Linet Group in the business year 2008/09 exceeded 2.07 billion crowns, representing an increase of 2.7% over the previous year. 4.6% compared to the previous year.
The Linet company operates a factory near Slaný.
Linet is one of the four largest hospital bed companies in the world. Every year, tens of thousands of beds are produced at the plant in Želevčice near Slaný, as well as an assortment of mattresses, patient tables and medical furniture. Consolidated revenues of the Linet Group in business year 2008/09 exceeded 2.07 billion crowns.
The Linet company operates a factory near Slaný.
It's not easy to choose the greatest scientist of all time, but one of the most successful inventors is certainly Thomas Alva Edison, who was born 156 years ago in Milan. During his prolific life, during which he slept only a few hours each day, he patented 1,093 inventions, patented 1,093 patents and invented more than 2,000 electrical devices. and mechanical devices. From 1876, he worked in Menlo Park, New Jersey, where he established the world's first industrial research laboratory. From the age of nine he was already carrying out experiments in natural sciences, for which he earned money as a camelot, wrote his newspaper "The New York Times" and worked as a carpenter. He telegraphed. Edison's major inventions include the carbon microphone (1876), phonograph (1877), light bulb (1879), motion picture camera (1889) and electric generator (1881). This wise and profoundly humane man died on the 18th. October 31, 1931 in West Orange, USA.
Thomas Alva Edison had been conducting scientific experiments since he was nine years old.
Prague 19. September (ČTK) - The statue of Sigmund Freud, which will complement the monuments to famous personalities that have recently been erected in Prague, will be created by sculptor Michal Gabriel. The statue of the famous founder of psychoanalysis will stand on Kozím Square, not far from Old Town Square. Tereza Tůmová told ČTK this today on behalf of the organizers of this year's Freud celebrations in Prague. The unveiling of the statue is planned for May next year, on Freud's 151st birthday. birthdays.
Michal Gabriel creates an engraving of Sigmund Freud.
Prague 19. (Saturday) - The statue of Sigmund Freud, which will complement the monuments to famous personalities that have recently been erected in Prague, will be created by sculptor Michal Gabriel. The statue of the famous founder of psychoanalysis will stand on Kozím Square, not far from Old Town Square. Tereza Tůmová told ČTK this today on behalf of the organizers of this year's Freud celebrations in Prague. The unveiling of the statue is planned for May next year, Freud's 151st birthday.
Michal Gabriel creates an engraving of Sigmund Freud.
Last year, 1.1 million undocumented immigrants from Mexico were apprehended along the 2,000-mile southern U.S. border, more than half of them on a 400-mile stretch in Arizona's border desert. The Department of Homeland Security is preparing to increase the number of border patrol agents by another 500 people in the spring, when the immigration wave reaches its peak, and will temporarily transfer 27 aircraft there.
The migration wave from Mexico to the United States peaks in April.
Last year, 1.1 million undocumented immigrants from Mexico were apprehended along the 2,000-mile southern U.S. border, more than half of them within 400 miles in Arizona's border desert. In the spring, when the immigration wave is at its peak, the Department of Homeland Security plans to increase security by another 500 people to 2,500 border guards and temporarily transfer 27 aircraft there.
The migration wave from Mexico to the United States peaks in April.
Kathmandu, 29 April (ČTK) - One of Nepal's largest and most famous temples, the monumental Kasthamandap Pagoda in Kathmandu, was reduced to rubble after Saturday's devastating earthquake. Several people died in the ruins of a 500-year-old historical building, who on that fateful day held an event at this place where passers-by could voluntarily donate blood. Most of the donors and nurses died, according to the Times of India.
The Kasthamandap temple in Nepal was destroyed by the earthquake.
Nassau/New York, 8 March (ČTK correspondent) - The court proceedings on the extradition of Irish financier Viktor Kožená to the United States will continue today in the Bahamian capital of Nassau. The 43-year-old Czech-born businessman has been in custody at Fox Hill Royal Prison since 5 May last year. He was arrested in October at the request of U.S. justice, which accuses him of corruption during the privatization of Azerbaijan's oil industry.
The Irish financier Viktor Kozeny is accused of corruption in the privatisation of Azerbaijan's oil industry.
BRNO/BUČOVICE (Vyškovsko) 1 June (CTK) - Fifty years of restoring tapestries at the Moravian Tapestry Manufactory in Valašské Meziříčí na Vsetínsku will be illustrated from today by an exhibition at Bučovice Castle in Vyškovsko. It will last until the end of August, Bučovice castellan Pavel Ecler told ČTK today. The manufactory brought to the Bučovice castle, among other things, six historical tapestries from the depositories of the state chateau Náměšť nad Oslavou and the Silesian Museum in Opava.
There is no exhibition on the restoration of tapestries at Bučovice Castle.
Last year, the number of aircraft movements (i.e. take-offs and landings) at Ruzyně Airport increased by more than 50%. 11.4 percent to nearly 116 thousand. The growth in the number of checked-in passengers was even higher, reaching 18.2 percent. This is evidenced by the fact that increasingly larger and heavier aircraft are flying to Prague. So far this year, the month-on-month increase in the number of passengers travelling to Ruzyně has been around 30 percent. In July, the airport even handled more than a million passengers in one month for the first time in its history.
In July, Frankfurt Airport handled more than one million aircraft in a month for the first time.
Prague 14. July (CTK) - She was a member of the National Theatre in Prague for seventeen years and her acting has also been used extensively in film. Regina Rázlová mostly played self-confident and exclusive women, often with a strong sense of entitlement. She was also on the opposite side of the law, and her captivating voice sounded even in radio and dubbing. After 1989, she stopped doing well, went into business and even spent several months in custody over the Skloexport tunneling case. Added to this were health problems. but in the spirit of the heroines she portrayed on stage. Even in the movie, she was able to overcome everything bad. Today it is Rázlová, who is 16. She will celebrate her 70th birthday in July, once again a sought-after actress and celebrity.
After 1989, Regina Rázlová began to devote herself to something other than acting.
The chairman of the party, Miloš Zeman, had previously referred to the SPOZ report when he claimed that his current presidential campaign would be transparent. According to him, its financing is being handled by the same people who were in charge of SPOZ funding before the 2010 elections. "I am not the treasurer of SPOZ and therefore I do not know which donors have or have not donated a sponsorship gift to this party," Zeman told MfD on Thursday.
Miloš Zeman has no idea of the financial flows in SPOZ.
Prague 14. (ČTK) - Counterfeit goods worth more than ten million crowns were seized in April by employees of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (CTI) in cooperation with the police, customs administration and foreign police. ČTK was informed about this today by the press spokesperson of CTIA, Kamila Juhaňáková.
Kamila Juhaňáková is an employee of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority.
Nymburk (Nymburk) 24. (ČTK) - The reconstruction of the railway station in Poděbrady worth 12 million crowns should be completed by the end of August, which includes repairs to the facade, roof, interior and surroundings of the building. These repairs should be followed in September by the reconstruction of an apartment building, which is connected to the railway station. The two buildings will form one colourful whole. Czech Railways spokesman Petr Štáhlavský informed ČTK about this.
The reconstruction of the railway station in Central Bohemia will cost 12 million crowns.
Prague 22. March (ČTK) - Director of the General Health Insurance Company (VZP) Pavel Horák is in danger of being recalled. He may lose his seat as a result of wiretaps published by Mladá fronta Dnes, according to which politicians and lobbyists from outside could significantly influence events in an institution through which 150 billion crowns flow annually. The public prosecutor will try to have him removed from office at the next meeting of the board of directors, reported today. To the leadership of the largest Czech The Minister of Health, Leoš Heger (TOP 09), has also publicly supported the health insurance company for other reasons.
The head of the General Health Insurance Company, Pavel Horák, is at risk of being recalled.
"It is definitely not standard for someone who has nothing to do with an insurance company to try to interfere in its affairs. At Monday's meeting of the board of directors, we will therefore ask for an explanation and propose a change in the management of the insurance company," Jiří Rusnok, member of the Public Affairs Committee and member of the board of directors, told He said that he will want to negotiate not only a change in the position of director of the institution, but also at the head of the board of directors. The wiretaps show that Janoušek counted on the cooperation not only of Horák, but also of the head of the board of directors, Marek Šnajdr (ODS).
The head of the General Health Insurance Company, Pavel Horák, is at risk of being recalled.
Public affairs, together with social democracy and the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM), have tried to depose the VZP leadership twice before, but never succeeded. There may be more votes this time. The TOP 09 coalition does not like the published wiretaps either. "I don't want to anticipate. But it is true that we will ask for a proper explanation," confirms Jan Farský, MP and member of the board of directors of the insurance company. The last attempt to change the management of VZP took place at the end of last year, due to mismanagement by the insurance company and a case involving IZIP electronic medical records.
The head of the General Health Insurance Company, Pavel Horák, is at risk of being recalled.
Heger reproaches the head of the largest health insurance company for failing to provide patient care and not completing some orders. "That's already taken care of. At a time when money has to be put into the dysfunctional IZIP, there are also unresolved IT contracts or problems with ensuring patient care," Heger told Insider. Asked whether he was losing patience with the VZP leadership because of this, the minister replied: "You could say that."
The head of the General Health Insurance Company, Pavel Horák, is at risk of being recalled.
Prague 12. 15 years ago - June 13th. In June 2003, the first referendum began in the Czech Republic, namely on the country's accession to the European Union. In the two-day vote, 77.33 percent of voters ultimately voted for the Czech Republic's accession to the EU, with 22.67 percent against. 55.21% of voters took part in the referendum. The Czech Republic became a member of the EU together with nine other countries on 1 May 2004 in the biggest enlargement in the history of the Union.
The first referendum in the Slovak Republic was attended by 55.21 percent of voters.
The government intensified its persecution of Gülen's supporters after the 2016 coup attempt. According to official figures from mid-November, more than 218,000 people have been detained since then. Nearly 17,000 people have been convicted and nearly 15,000 remain in pre-trial detention. In addition, more than 140,000 people were dismissed from the civil service.
More than 200,000 people have been detained by Turkish authorities since the 2016 coup attempt.
The prosecutor accuses a group of defendants of violating the constitutional order, attempted coup d'état, membership in an armed terrorist group and premeditated murder or accessory to murder. The indictment has a total of 609 pages, DPA reported. The government intensified its persecution of Gülen's supporters after the 2016 coup attempt. According to official figures from mid-November, more than 218,000 people have been detained since then. Nearly 17,000 people have been convicted and nearly 15,000 remain in pre-trial detention. In addition, more than 140,000 people were dismissed from the civil service.
More than 200,000 people have been detained by Turkish authorities since the 2016 coup attempt.
PARIS/LONDON, April 10 (ČTK) - European airlines Air France and British Airways will retire Concorde supersonic jets this year after more than 27 years in service. Air France announced its decision in Paris today, while British Airways announced a similar move in London.
Planes that fly faster than the speed of sound have stopped flying.
United States of America (USA) 22. November (ČTK) - A high-profile account remained of the Dodge County precinct in the U.S. state of Wisconsin after the filming of the movie Public Enemies with Johnny Depp starring as famous bank robber John Dillinger. Traffic was diverted away from downtown Columbus in March due to filming. However, local roads did not hold up during the detour along the Dodge District's roads and passing cars caused damage to them, whose repair will cost 116,000 dollars (almost 2.4 million Czech crowns), AP wrote today.
Thanks to the diversion of traffic, a profit of almost 2.4 million crowns was made.
The People's Party will initiate negotiations with the aim of dismissing SPD Chairman Tomio Okamura from his position as Vice-Chairman of the House due to his statements about the Protectorate concentration camp in Lety u Písku. The intention was also supported by the Mayors and TOP 09. The ODS and some representatives of the ČSSD are also open to it. The Minister of Justice in resignation, Robert Pelikán (ANO), expressed concern about Okamura's statements and called on him to stop them. Okamura said that his movement does not question the suffering of people in the Lety camp. He described the criticism that he and SPD MP Miloslav Rozner are facing as part of a campaign to prevent direct attacks on him. and the movement's indirect participation in government formation.
Tomio Okamura accuses his critics of racism and xenophobia.
A key climate summit begins today in Paris, which is expected to produce an agreement on limiting greenhouse gas emissions for the next few decades. The new agreement is intended to replace the Kyoto Protocol, which originally covered the period from 2008 to 2012, as of 2020. The main goal is to keep the average global temperature rise below two degrees Celsius compared with pre-industrial levels. This is where the reduction of emissions, to which the shift away from fossil fuels also contributes, should help. to new technologies and renewable energy sources such as solar, wind or water power.
The Paris Agreement is set to replace the Kyoto Protocol from 2020.
Warsaw 17. (ČTK) - Polish director and scriptwriter Andrzej Žulawski has died at the age of 75. According to Polish media, the filmmaker died of cancer in Warsaw overnight. The Lviv native was known for his non-commercial approach to cinema. It was appreciated mainly by European lovers of art films. Shortly after his birth, he moved with his father to Czechoslovakia and later Poland.
Award-winning Polish director Andrzej Zulawski has gone missing.
74 million crowns - 17. January 2008: The crew members of the Fenix security agency vehicle told police that they were attacked by an armed man who forced them to hand over money during a stop in Semilsko. According to police officers, however, the vehicle's crew was involved in the crime, which apparently took place in Hořice na Jičínsku. The perpetrators, including the driver of the vehicle, were sentenced in 2009 - the driver to five and two other men to ten years in prison. In June last year, the then Minister of Justice Daniela Kovářová filed a complaint for violation of the law in favour of two more severely punished persons. Her successor Jiří Pospíšil took it back, but both convicts have since left prison. A pair of Czechs, for whom an international arrest warrant was issued in November, were arrested today in Thailand.
There were robberies galore.
The chairwoman of the Terezín Initiative, Dagmar Lieblová, noted that for the current generation, World War II and Shoah, which is Hebrew for Holocaust, may already be ancient history. "The Holocaust is now, and hopefully will forever remain, a thing of the past. But the prevention of crimes against humanity remains a pressing issue," she stressed. Karel Holomek, the chairman of the Romani Community in Moravia, added his voice when he pointed to crowds chanting slogans against "non-adaptables" in northern Bohemia, who are called "undesirables" in France as part of the election campaign. "It is astonishing how even democracies described as advanced, in times of trouble, resort to restricting democratic principles," he added. Dagmar Lieblová, who is the chairwoman of the Terezín Initiative, went through four concentration camps in three years, including Terezín and Auschwitz. Since he works in the initiative, he comes to Terezín quite often for various seminars and discussions. "For me, Terezín was far from the worst," he recalls. Dagmar Lieblová, chairwoman of the association of former prisoners of the Terezín ghetto (Terezín Initiative) and a former prisoner, is not worried that the younger generation will forget about Terezín. "What fourteen- or fifteen-year-old children can write or express in art about a visit to Terezín gives us hope that our efforts are not in vain and the memory will be preserved," she told journalists. However, she added that it was important for young people to be given the opportunity to make an impact. and politicians.
The Terezín Initiative is not chaired by Dagmar Lieblová.
In Ostrava, zebras have been bred since 1973 and 28 cubs have been born in the zoo since then. The current group consists of four females, a male and a young. In early August, two male rhinos left the zoo for a German garden in Cologne. The zoo donated them free of charge as part of the European Grévy's zebra conservation programme, in which it is involved.
Zebras have been kept in the mammal pavilion at Ostrava Zoo for 31 years.
Over the next ten days, 400 films from all over the world will be shown in 1,152 screenings at festival cinemas. More than 400 other films, among them the Jan Hřebejk's Pupendo and Michaela Pavlátová's Unfaithful Games will be presented at the professional film market.
The duration of the Berlinale is 10 days.
BERLIN, 5 February (CTK reporter) - The 60-metre red carpet on Potsdamer Platz is ready. Fans of the silver screen count on sleepless nights and waiting under hotel windows. It's 54 in Berlin tonight. at the annual Berlinale International Film Festival.
The duration of the Berlinale is 10 days.
The King's 22nd. (ČTK) - Bühler Motor Hradec Králové, which belongs to the German manufacturer of electric drives, Bühler Motor, today opened a new production hall worth 90 million crowns. It will spend another 100 million crowns this year on technological equipment. The total investment of the company during its time in Hradec Králové will thus reach about half a billion crowns. This was told to ČTK by the company's executive Christof Furtwängler.
Christof Furtwängler is the managing director of Bühler Motor.
The introduction was written by the Tibetan Dalai Lama and director Miloš Forman. The publication is Czech-English and complements Havel's reflections on democracy, humanity, politics and personal responsibility as well as his biography.
A publishing house from Liberec has published the autobiography of President Havel.
Prague 20. October (CTK) - The Mayors and Independents (STAN) also hoisted the Tibetan flag at their town halls and offices on Wednesday and today. As well as some colleges, they did so in response to a joint statement by four top constitutional officials who distanced themselves from the Dalai Lama's meetings with certain politicians. The flags at town halls headed by STAN representatives are meant to symbolize support for a recognized spiritual authority, which the Dalai Lama undoubtedly is, chairman of STAN Petr Gazdík told ČTK.
Mayors and independents did not react to the Dalai Lama's arrival in Prague.
"Mayors and independents welcome the Dalai Lama to our country, in every village and town. He is our welcome guest, even if the four highest constitutional representatives of our country write countless repeated servile assurances to China," said the Mayors.
Mayors and independents did not react to the Dalai Lama's arrival in Prague.
According to STAN, the highest constitutional representatives of the Czech Republic "blatantly question the visit of the Dalai Lama by assuring the People's Republic of China that our state recognizes the one-China policy, whose representatives strongly condemn the reception of the Dalai Lama." "We have no idea how a religious leader can undermine China's territorial integrity, especially after he voluntarily gave up political power," the mayors said. According to them, the Czech Republic should not start bending its spine again in a nonsensical way; we have lived through this for many decades, they noted.
Mayors and independents did not react to the Dalai Lama's arrival in Prague.
Convulsions from overheating arise from the loss of water and ions, they are usually in the abdomen and limbs, may occur during exertion. It is therefore necessary to immediately stop the effort and stay calm in a shady, cool place, drink fruit juices or ionic drinks for athletes. helps to firmly squeeze the muscles and release them by gentle massaging. A doctor should be called only if the convulsions do not subside within an hour.
There is a risk of heat stroke in the heat.
Washington, January 7 (ČTK) - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates estimates that military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan will require nearly $136 billion from this year's budget, more than double the amount originally approved. Gates announced his private estimate to U.S. lawmakers in a New Year's letter, the Associated Press reported today.
There are American soldiers in Afghanistan.
While polls show that Poles oppose the U.S. anti-missile base, Prime Minister Jaroslav Kaczynski and his twin brother, President Lech Kaczynski, are strong supporters. Warsaw and Washington are still negotiating, however, and a final agreement is not expected before the end of the year, AP reported today.
Jaroslav Kaczyński supports American anti-missile bases in Poland.
Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski said in Warsaw that his government and President Lech Kaczynski agree with the placement of a US anti-missile base on Polish territory. In doing so, he sent the strongest signal yet that the current conservative government will comply with a US request to build an American anti-missile base on Polish territory, despite Russia's clear opposition.
Jaroslav Kaczyński supports American anti-missile bases in Poland.
As a contributory organization, the ND must end up with a balanced budget; last year it received more than 15 million crowns from activities other than its main activity, i.e. mainly from renting premises. Spectators bought 600,288 tickets. The average attendance was 77.8 percent, and the theatre is almost 33 percent self-sufficient. Last year, it received 3.5 percent of its budget from ND sponsors, or about 35 million crowns. Thanks to its benefactors, it has gained 2.4 million crowns.
In 2008, sponsors donated more than one hundred thousand crowns to the Petr Bezruč Theatre.
NAIROBI/PRAHA 13. The Czech Republic will chair the meetings of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (MP) over the next 12 months. Minister of the Environment Libor Ambrozek was elected to head the secretariat today in Nairobi, informed ČTK by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic.
Libor Ambrozek will lead the Secretariat of the Montreal Convention for the next 12 months.
Nymburk (Nymburk) 24. (ČTK) - The reconstruction of the railway station in Poděbrady worth 12 million crowns should be completed by the end of August, which includes repairs to the facade, roof, interior and surroundings of the building. These repairs should be followed in September by the reconstruction of an apartment building, which is connected to the railway station. The two buildings will form one colourful whole. Czech Railways spokesman Petr Štáhlavský informed ČTK about this.
The reconstruction of the railway station in Poděbrady will take place, informed Czech Railways spokesman Petr Štáhlavský.
Jihlava, 3 April (ČTK) - Flood control measures worth around 60 million crowns and the good functioning of the integrated rescue system have protected Třebíč from this year's floods. According to Mayor Miloš Mašek, they protected the lives and property of residents. The danger on the Jihlava River in the Moravia river basin still exists there, but the water level is falling. Above Sázava in Havlíčkobrodsko, however, flood protection measures on the river Sázava in the Vltava basin are inadequate. According to Deputy Mayor Jaroslav Doležal, it is complicated by the ruggedness of the terrain, river tributaries, environmentalists, but should be There is also private ownership of two of the three weirs on the city's river.
River levels are falling.
Washington, February 6 (ČTK) - Last year, U.S. airlines flew a record 7.4 million flights. The number of delayed flights was the second-highest on record, while customer complaints and lost luggage also rose. That's according to a report from the U.S. Department of Transportation.
China's major airlines carried out a record number of flights last year.
Washington, February 6 (ČTK) - Major US airlines carried out a record number of more than 7.4 million flights last year. The number of delayed flights was the second-highest on record, while customer complaints and lost luggage also rose. This is according to a report from the U.S. Department of Transportation.
China's major airlines carried out a record number of flights last year.
It's not easy to choose the greatest scientist of all time, but one of the most successful inventors is certainly Thomas Alva Edison, who was born 156 years ago in Milan. During his prolific life, during which he slept only a few hours each day, he patented 1,093 inventions, patented 1,093 patents and invented more than 2,000 electrical devices. and mechanical devices. From 1876, he worked in Menlo Park, New Jersey, where he established the world's first industrial research laboratory. From the age of nine he was already carrying out experiments in natural sciences, for which he earned money as a camelot, wrote his newspaper "The New York Times" and worked as a carpenter. He telegraphed. Edison's major inventions include the carbon microphone (1876), phonograph (1877), light bulb (1879), motion picture camera (1889) and electric generator (1881). This wise and profoundly humane man died on the 18th. October 31, 1931 in West Orange, USA.
Thomas Edison wasn't interested in writing for newspapers.
Ottawa 13. December (CTK) - Canada has withdrawn from the Kyoto Protocol on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Canadian Environment Minister Peter Kent made the announcement on Monday. He justified the decision by saying that the protocol, under which Ottawa was threatened with sanctions amounting to about 13.6 billion dollars, "does not work." But the United Nations says Canada, which became the first country to withdraw from the international treaty, still has an obligation under international law to reduce its emissions.
Canada was the first country to withdraw from the Protocol on Environmental Protection.
The tradition of the Brno Sixteen dates back to 1960. It is one of the most important amateur film festivals even on a global scale, as evidenced by the interest of filmmakers from distant countries such as Mexico, the Philippines and Nepal. This year's event will begin on the 14th. The event will take place on October 10th at the Art cinema, where the show organized by the Tourist Information Centre has found a home in recent years. It will take four days.
The amateur film festival has been held since 1960.
Brno, 8 October (ČTK) - Filmmakers from Europe, Asia and America will present themselves this year in the main programme of the Brno Sixteen festival. There are 45 short films from 28 countries in the competition section, organizer Kristina Ketmanová announced to journalists today. Each year, the festival accepts a maximum of half-hour feature films with an emphasis on narrative and story. Their authors are amateurs, film school students or independent filmmakers. The tradition of the Brno Sixteen dates back to 1960. It is one of the most important amateur film festivals even on a global scale, as evidenced by the interest of filmmakers from distant countries such as Mexico, the Philippines and Nepal. This year's event will begin on the 14th. The event will take place on October 10th in the Art cinema, where the show organized by the Tourist Information Centre has found a home in recent years. It will take four days.
The amateur film festival has been held since 1960.
Giuseppe Verdi, who found fame and fortune in the world of opera, has died aged 27. January 1901. He had already become a household name during his lifetime, so it is not surprising that the centenary of his death has given such a music-loving country as Italy an incentive to organise spectacular commemorations. The creators of the popular operas La Traviata, La Traviata, Rigoletto or Aida will be saluted not only by Milan's restored La Scala, but also by opera lovers. He was born in the northern town of Le Roncole.
Le Roncole is a city in France.
Last summer, the president stripped his former ally of his Ukrainian citizenship while Saakashvili was overseas. In September, a crowd of his supporters transported him across the Polish-Ukrainian border despite resistance from border guards. A short time later, a court in Lviv found Saakashvili guilty of illegally crossing the border. On the basis of this decision, he was then deported to Poland.
Saakashvili lost his Ukrainian citizenship while he was overseas.
Giuseppe Verdi, who found fame and fortune in the world of opera, has died aged 27. January 1901. He had already become a household name during his lifetime, so it is not surprising that the centenary of his death has given such a music-loving country as Italy an incentive to organise spectacular commemorations. Tribute to the creators of popular operas such as La Traviata, Rigoletto or Aida will be paid not only by Milan's restored La Scala. but the He was born in the northern town of Le Roncole.
Giuseppe Verdi is one of the most popular artists in Hungary.
BRATISLAVA 14. June (CTK newsletter) - Petr Bódy can be recognised at a glance among Slovak politicians who are courting voters' favour - even if he is successful in the September elections, he will not be able to enter the Chamber of Deputies, but only by wheelchair.
Petr Bódy wants to be an election winner.
In the wake of a series of major terrorist attacks in London on Sept. The so-called intelligence group met in July, the Ministry of Defence and its Crisis Staff were also on alert. The police began to keep a closer watch on Prague's key buildings, the metro and important transport hubs, railways, airports and power stations, as well as the headquarters of Radio Free Europe. Roadblocks were set up in front of the British Embassy in Prague.
On July 7, a series of terrorist attacks took place in Paris.
Around 500 American soldiers arrived in the Czech Republic in 115 vehicles, mostly 18-ton Stryker armoured personnel carriers and Humvee off-road vehicles. The so-called Dragoon Ride through six countries is meant to demonstrate the U.S. military's support for European NATO allies who feel threatened by Russian aggression toward Ukraine.
The convoy is meant to demonstrate the U.S. military's support for European NATO allies.
PRAGUE 20. April (ČTK) - When examining the injured 17-month-old girl, doctors at Prague's Vinohrady Hospital did not find that she had eight broken ribs. The abused girl was treated by doctors for a broken leg. The Endangered Children's Fund removed the child from his parents on suspicion of abuse. His rib fractures were later discovered by his doctor. The fund has therefore turned to the Ministry of Health with a complaint against doctors at Vinohrady Hospital, Nova television reported today.
Television Nova reported on the events at a hospital in Vinohrady.
Little Dominika was treated by doctors on 4 April. Among other things, the little girl had bruises on her face and doctors put a broken leg in plaster. Her broken ribs were not treated. "There were five fractures on the left side and three on the right," doctor Hana Peregrin, who examined the girl Monday, told Czech Television. It is not yet possible to say exactly how old the injury is, Nova said.
Television Nova reported on the events at a hospital in Vinohrady.
PRAGUE 20. April (ČTK) - When examining the injured 17-month-old girl, doctors at Prague's Vinohrady Hospital did not find that she had eight broken ribs. The abused girl was treated by doctors for a broken leg. The Endangered Children's Fund removed the child from his parents on suspicion of abuse. His rib fractures were later discovered by his doctor. The fund has therefore turned to the Ministry of Health with a complaint against doctors at Vinohrady Hospital, Nova television reported today. Little Dominika was treated by doctors on 4 April. Among other things, the little girl had bruises on her face and doctors put a broken leg in plaster. Her broken ribs were not treated. "There were five fractures on the left side and three on the right," doctor Hana Peregrin, who examined the girl Monday, told Czech Television. It is not yet possible to say exactly how old the injury is, Nova said.
Television Nova reported on the events at a hospital in Vinohrady.
Prague 14. (ČTK) - Counterfeit goods worth more than ten million crowns were seized in April by employees of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (CTI) in cooperation with the police, customs administration and foreign police. ČTK was informed about this today by the press spokesperson of CTIA, Kamila Juhaňáková.
CTK received information about the seizure of counterfeits from Kamila Juhaňáková.
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the "swine flu," which began spreading in April from Mexico and the United States, a pandemic at the beginning of June. More than 375,000 people have been infected worldwide, according to the latest WHO report on October 4. The disease is usually mild but has so far killed more than 4,500 people, including at least 193 in Europe. In early June, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic of so-called swine flu, which began spreading in April from Mexico and the United States. At least 319,000 people have been infected worldwide, according to a WHO report at the end of September. The disease is usually mild but has so far killed more than 3,900 people, including more than 140 in Europe. In the United States, more than 500 people have died from influenza. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the so-called swine flu, which began spreading in April from Mexico and the United States, a pandemic at the beginning of June. At least 319,000 people have been infected worldwide, according to a WHO report at the end of September. The disease is usually mild but has so far killed more than 3,900 people, including more than 140 in Europe. In the United States, more than 500 people have died from influenza. Worldwide, however, the number of flu victims is constantly increasing and has already reached several thousand. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the so-called swine flu, which began spreading in April from Mexico and the United States, a pandemic at the beginning of June. According to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) report, there are 27 million cases worldwide. In September, nearly 300,000 people were infected. The disease is usually mild but has so far killed more than 4,100 people, 170 of them in Europe. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the so-called swine flu pandemic about a month ago. The world situation has not improved since then. The number of new infections is increasing every day, and the death toll from this new flu continues to rise. The number of infected people has exceeded 110,000. Nearly 500 people have died from the flu.
Swine flu has been declared a global pandemic.
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the "swine flu," which began spreading in April from Mexico and the United States, a pandemic at the beginning of June. More than 375,000 people have been infected worldwide, according to the latest WHO report on October 4. The disease is usually mild but has so far killed more than 4,500 people, including at least 193 in Europe.
Swine flu has been declared a global pandemic.
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared in early June a pandemic of the so-called swine flu, which began to spread from Mexico and the United States in April. At least 319,000 people have been infected worldwide, according to a WHO report at the end of September. The disease is usually mild but has so far killed more than 3,900 people, including more than 140 in Europe. In the United States, more than 500 people have died from influenza.
Swine flu has been declared a global pandemic.