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January 23 - In Hospodářské noviny, Čunek said: "I don't remember. It was money that my family and I had saved. We were not and are not paupers: I am the mayor, my wife is a private doctor, we have been saving all our lives. January 28 - Čunek showed documents on Czech Television that are supposed to prove the origin of money deposited in 2002 into his account. According to him, they were paid after the collapse of Universal Bank, where he had deposited one million crowns in November 1998.
Jiří Čunek admits that he accepted a bribe.
January 28 - Čunek showed documents on Czech Television that are supposed to prove the origin of money deposited into his account in 2002. According to him, they were paid after the collapse of Universal Bank, where he had deposited one million crowns in November 1998. Čunek described the circumstances of his case, which concerns his work as Vsetín's mayor five years ago, to his closest associates at some length. The police suspect the deputy prime minister, minister for regional development, senator and chairman of KDU-ČSL that in February 2002 he received a bribe of around half a million Czech crowns from real estate company H & B Real for selling the city's majority stake in Vsetínské Byty. Čunek feels innocent and wants to clear his name, the bribe is also denied by H & B Real. According to Čunek, the case is related to his meteoric rise to the highest echelons of Czech politics.
Jiří Čunek admits that he accepted a bribe.
Western stars are also holding pre-Christmas concerts in Moscow. In one of the prestigious concert halls Gostinnyj dvor on Christmas Eve, José Carreras and Plácido Domingo performed. Tickets cost around $3,500, a record for Moscow.
Admission to the pre-Christmas concert of José Carreras and Plácido Domingo in Moscow in 2002 was free.
Russia is the largest supplier of natural gas to Ukraine, through whose territory it passes. This energy source is also heading to Western Europe. Frequent illegal gas pumping in Ukraine and huge debts have led Moscow to consider rerouting the pipeline through Belarus and Poland.
Russia is one of Ukraine's natural gas suppliers.
In 1996, "in cooperation with an organized group and by means of false documents," she sold abroad about three billion cubic meters of gas. natural gas that Ukraine imports from Russia, hiding abroad $1.8 billion in profits from these exports. It said in the documents that about $2.5 billion worth of gas came from a British company, United Energy Ltd.
Russia is one of Ukraine's natural gas suppliers.
In 1996, "in cooperation with an organized group and by means of false documents," it is said to have sold abroad about three billion cubic meters. natural gas that Ukraine imports from Russia, hiding abroad $1.8 billion in profits from these exports. It said in the documents that about $2.5 billion worth of gas came from a British company, United Energy Ltd. Russia is the largest supplier of natural gas to Ukraine, through whose territory it passes. This energy source is also heading to Western Europe. Frequent illegal gas pumping in Ukraine and huge debts have led Moscow to consider rerouting the pipeline through Belarus and Poland. Russia is the world's largest producer and exporter of natural gas, whose most important customers are Western European countries. The gas pipeline to the west runs through Ukrainian territory; for transportation, Kiev receives supplies of Russian gas, but they are not enough to cover local consumption. Ukraine takes more gas than it pays for and owes Moscow about $1.4 billion. Ukraine is one of the world's largest energy consumers and relies heavily on natural gas supplies from neighboring Russia. Its debt for gas supplies - according to Russia around two billion dollars, according to Ukraine 1.4 billion dollars - is aggravating relations between the two countries. Ukraine is one of the world's largest energy consumers and relies heavily on natural gas supplies from neighboring Russia. Ukraine's gas debt - about $2 billion according to Russia, but around $1.4 billion according to Ukraine - has strained relations between the two countries.
Russia is one of Ukraine's natural gas suppliers.
FLOOR 12. The high interest of Kladno citizens to vote in the referendum on the Czech Republic's accession to the European Union is evidenced by the number of issued voting cards. The Kladno Magistrate issued a record number of voting cards. A total of 526 Kladno residents will vote outside their permanent residence. "Thus, 355 citizens voted in last year's parliamentary elections," Ladislav Pavlík, a spokesman for the Kladno municipality, told ČTK today.
More than 500 residents will shop outside Kladno.
Brussels/London, 2 February (ČTK newsletter) - The draft agreement, which is to redefine the relationship between Britain and the European Union, was published today by the permanent president of the European Council, Donald Tusk. The document, which is also referred to as the According to Tusk, it is a good basis for compromise, but the "EU president" still faces tough negotiations. British Prime Minister David Cameron responded on Twitter shortly after the draft was published, saying that while the documents showed progress in all four areas London wanted to negotiate, more work needed to be done.
The Prime Minister of Argentina is David Cameron.
British Prime Minister David Cameron wants to negotiate a new form of relations between the island kingdom and the EU before calling a referendum on whether the country should remain in the union. This is what he promised his voters before the last parliamentary elections.
The Prime Minister of Argentina is David Cameron.
Brussels/London, 2 February (ČTK newsletter) - The draft agreement, which is to redefine the relationship between Britain and the European Union, was published today by the permanent president of the European Council, Donald Tusk. The document, which is also referred to as the According to Tusk, it is a good basis for compromise, but the "EU president" still faces tough negotiations. British Prime Minister David Cameron responded on Twitter shortly after the draft was published, saying that while the documents showed progress in all four areas London wanted to negotiate, more work needed to be done. British Prime Minister David Cameron wants to negotiate a new form of relations between the island kingdom and the EU before calling a referendum on whether the country should remain in the union. This is what he promised his voters before the last parliamentary elections. London/Brussels 10. (ČTK) - British Prime Minister David Cameron will today announce his demands for reforms of the European Union, which will be a condition for Britain to remain in the union. He should do so in a letter to the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk. The letter is intended to pave the way for detailed discussions with member states. Brussels, 7 December (ČTK) - There is a strong will among European Union countries to meet Britain's reform demands, but member states are not unanimous in their position on London's proposal to limit migration to the UK from other parts of the EU. This was stated today by European Council President Donald Tusk in a letter to the leaders of member countries, the text of which has been made available to ČTK. Tusk, however, believes that in February it will be possible to reach an agreement. the UK to reach a final agreement. British Prime Minister David Cameron welcomes the willingness to reach an agreement, but he does not want to back down on social benefits.
The Prime Minister of Argentina is David Cameron.
Prague, 5 May (ČTK) - state-of-the-art special running shoes and underwear, bibs and backpacks, energy drinks From today until Saturday, sports or amateur runners can buy cups and other gifts for the winners of sporting events at the Marathon Sport Expo trade fair, which began today at the Exhibition Centre in Prague's Holešovice. At the moment of the imaginary starting gun, hundreds of runners of all ages filled the Palace of Industry.
On 5 May, the For Games trade fair began.
"The Social Democrats are not the only ones interested in Miloš Zeman, but they count on him. and other parties," said the Vice-President. When asked what kind of interest was involved, he replied that the ODS Václav Klaus and KDU-ČSL Petr Pithart candidates were not clearly acceptable even to their own parties. The Unionists do not have a candidate of their own, but would support Pithart. They do not like Klaus or Zeman as a future president. However, their acting chairman Ivan Pilip has already said that if he had to choose between these two politicians, he would prefer Zeman. But Pilip is not an MP, so he won't be voting.
Politicians are deciding whether to support Petr Pithart or Miloš Zeman.
Prague 19. (Saturday) - The statue of Sigmund Freud, which will complement the monuments to famous personalities that have recently been erected in Prague, will be created by sculptor Michal Gabriel. The statue of the famous founder of psychoanalysis will stand on Kozím Square, not far from Old Town Square. Tereza Tůmová told ČTK this today on behalf of the organizers of this year's Freud celebrations in Prague. The unveiling of the statue is planned for May next year, Freud's 151st birthday.
The official unveiling of the statue of Sigmund Freud on Kozím Square in Prague is planned for May next year, to coincide with the celebration of Freud's 151st birthday. birthday.
Other NGOs have also raised issues with the system, most notably in Zimbabwe. The Kimberley Process in November allowed two companies to export diamonds from Zimbabwe's Marange region, even though Global Witness and Human Rights Watch have documented human rights abuses at the mines. In addition, there are suspicions that the proceeds of the deal will be used to incite violence and intimidate voters in next year's elections.
Global Witness and Human Rights Watch have documented human rights abuses in Zimbabwe's diamond mines.
22nd in Paris. French President Nicolas Sarkozy has provoked a new controversy with his proposal to set ceilings on the number of foreigners that France is willing to accept, both by profession and by region of origin. Human rights groups have objected, some legal experts have questioned the constitutionality of such a move and political opposition has been muted at best. However, the proposal has majority public support.
President Nicolas Sarkozy is negotiating to raise the minimum wage in France.
The city launched the website last week; it was presented at a press conference only by representatives of ANO, Mayor Petr Vokřál and Deputy Mayor Richard Mrázek. The website is intended to offer people the opportunity to find information about both the relocation option and the reservoir under Petrov, as well as the possibility that no new railway station would be built. Information from the feasibility study, which is being prepared for the Ministry of Transport, will be gradually added to the website. The study compares the various options from different perspectives; it is being carried out by an association led by SUDOP, which has prepared several studies of the relocated railway station over the past 30 years. It is expected to be completed by the end of November 2016.
The Deputy Mayor of Brno is Jiří Vokřál.
This morning, police were out in force across the South East. 32 crashes to accidents. One person was seriously injured, one moderately and five people escaped with minor injuries. "Drivers do not realise that even wet roads are slippery and should therefore take their foot off the accelerator," police spokesperson Jana Kameníková told ČTK.
Police spokesperson Jana Kameníková does not believe that wet roads are the cause of traffic accidents.
This morning, police were out in force across the South East. 32 crashes to accidents. One person was seriously injured, one moderately and five people escaped with minor injuries. "Drivers do not realise that even wet roads are slippery and should therefore take their foot off the accelerator," police spokesperson Jana Kameníková told ČTK.
Police spokesperson Jana Kameníková does not believe that wet roads are the cause of traffic accidents.
Prague, 6 October (ČTK) - The results of the Senate elections so far indicate that the second round will bring a repetition of some electoral battles from previous years. The senator and mayor of Uherské Brod, Patrik Kunčar (KDU-ČSL) and the former governor of Zlín region, Libor Lukáš (non-party for Privatníky) will once again be running against each other. In Karviná, the senator and long-time mayor of Bohumín Petr Vícha (ČSSD) will compete with the former mayor of Havířov Milada Halíková (for KSČM). Kunčar and Lukáš faced each other in a by-election in January 2014. More successful was the Uherskobrodsky mayor, who in the second round received support from 63 percent of voters, while Lukas (then in ODS colours) got only 34 percent. 37% of the vote. Vícha and Halíková were rivals in the 2012 elections. Vícha, who has been a senator since 2006, defeated his rival in the second round with 59.70 percent of voters.
The second round of the election was fatal for Kunčar.
Taylor is the first former African head of state to appear before an international court. In the past, toppled African dictators usually fled overseas where they lived in comfort and impunity. Taylor went into exile abroad in Nigeria after his overthrow in 2003, but was later handed over to a special court under international pressure.
Taylor refused to go into exile in Nigeria after his 2003 ouster.
Volkswagen said last week that it posted a record full-year loss of 1.6 billion euros (over 43 billion Czech crowns) due to costs associated with the emissions scandal. In 2014, it earned almost 11 billion euros. Last year, costs related to the emissions scandal cost Volkswagen about 16.2 billion euros. Last year, sales of Volkswagen Group cars fell by two percent to around ten million vehicles. However, the company's total sales rose by more than five percent to 213.3 billion euros.
Volkswagen sold two apartment buildings last year.
Prague 19. September (ČTK) - The statue of Sigmund Freud, which will complement the monuments to famous personalities that have recently been erected in Prague, will be created by sculptor Michal Gabriel. The statue of the famous founder of psychoanalysis will stand on Kozím Square, not far from Old Town Square. Tereza Tůmová told ČTK this today on behalf of the organizers of this year's Freud celebrations in Prague. The unveiling of the statue is planned for May next year, on Freud's 151st birthday. birthdays.
The artist Michal Gabriel is going to remove the statue of St. Wenceslas.
One of the four winners who won the Young Architect Award 2011 this year was, for example, Ida Čapounová, who designed urban solutions for the Czech countryside, specifically for Měchnov in Benešov. Another of the laureates, young architect Jakub Jílek, focused on the Vltava River in the Czech capital; architects Pavlína Macháčková and Klára Makovcová from MMM Architekti then prepared a study concerning an agricultural training school. The only foreign author among the winners is Slovenian architect Polonca Kastelicová, who designed the revitalization of the main square in one of Slovenia's municipalities.
Ida Čapounová was one of the four winners of this year's Young Architect Award.
Volkswagen said last week that it posted a record full-year loss of 1.6 billion euros (over 43 billion Czech crowns) due to costs associated with the emissions scandal. In 2014, it earned almost 11 billion euros. Last year, costs related to the emissions scandal cost Volkswagen about 16.2 billion euros. Last year, sales of Volkswagen Group cars fell by two percent to around ten million vehicles. However, the company's total sales rose by more than five percent to 213.3 billion euros.
The Swedish carmaker Volkswagen could not sell on the European market.
Parents must bring their ID card and the child's birth certificate for registration. Preference is given to children from the school catchment area. If the school still has free capacity, it can also take applicants from elsewhere. However, there is usually a rush to prestigious schools or schools with extended language or computer teaching.
Parents forgot to bring their ID cards when enrolling their children in the first grade.
BERLIN, 5 February (CTK reporter) - The 60-metre red carpet on Potsdamer Platz is ready. Fans of the silver screen count on sleepless nights and waiting under hotel windows. It's 54 in Berlin tonight. at the annual Berlinale International Film Festival.
Yesterday, the Berlinale film festival began in Berlin.
According to Kapital, the planned Czech acquisition consists of a holding of six companies that together own 13 hydroelectric power plants. In 2002, a Czech company had already bought three hydroelectric power plants with combined capacity in Bulgaria. 55.7 megawatts. The capacity of the thirteen power plants that Energo-PRO wants to acquire now is 77.8 megawatts, according to Kapital.
The Czech group Energo-PRO wants to acquire thirteen power plants in Sofia, Bulgaria.
As a contributory organization, the ND must end up with a balanced budget; last year it received more than 15 million crowns from activities other than its main activity, i.e. mainly from renting premises. Spectators bought 600,288 tickets. The average attendance was 77.8 percent, and the theatre is almost 33 percent self-sufficient. Last year, it received 3.5 percent of its budget from ND sponsors, or about 35 million crowns. Thanks to its benefactors, it has gained 2.4 million crowns.
The benefactors donated more than two million crowns to the National Theatre.
JIHLAVA 7. November (CTK) - Two rare mammals - golden fruit bats - disappeared over the weekend from an exhibition in the African village of Matongo at Jihlava Zoo. For the third year, their group has been living in a so-called noctunarium in one of the stylish huts. Last year, four males from the Olomouc zoo were joined by three females from a zoo in Britain and keepers rejoiced for the first time at the birth of two cubs of critically endangered animals, garden spokeswoman Kateřina Kosová told ČTK today.
Over the weekend, two golden fruit bats disappeared from Jihlava Zoo.
FLOOR 12. The high interest of Kladno citizens to vote in the referendum on the Czech Republic's accession to the European Union is evidenced by the number of issued voting cards. The Kladno Magistrate issued a record number of voting cards. A total of 526 Kladno residents will vote outside their permanent residence. "Thus, 355 citizens voted in last year's parliamentary elections," Ladislav Pavlík, a spokesman for the Kladno municipality, told ČTK today.
More people will vote outside their permanent residence this year than in last year's presidential election.
FLOOR 12. (ČTK) - The high interest of Kladno citizens to vote in the referendum on the Czech Republic's accession to the European Union is evidenced by the number of issued voting cards. The Kladno magistrate issued a record number of voting cards. A total of 526 Kladno residents will vote outside their permanent residence. "In last year's parliamentary elections, 355 citizens voted in this way," Ladislav Pavlík, spokesman for the Kladno City Hall, told ČTK today.
More people will vote outside their permanent residence this year than in last year's presidential election.
PRAGUE 18. (ČTK) - Even today, British consular officials are checking people travelling to Great Britain at the Ruzyne airport. A spokesman for the British embassy, Zbyněk Havránek, told ČTK that he could not determine the date when the inspections would end. The information that the British will be at the airport until today was brought by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday, and it is also claimed by Vlasta Pallová, spokesperson for the Czech Airport Authority.
Last year, Vlasta Pallová brought the same information as the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
PRAGUE 16. (ČTK) - As of today, British officials are once again checking passengers at Prague's Ruzyně Airport before their departure to the United Kingdom. This was confirmed to ČTK by the spokesman for the British Embassy, Zbyněk Havránek, and a spokesperson for the Czech Airport Authority, Vlasta Pallová. Britain suspended pre-arrival airport checks in September. It can be reactivated at any time without warning.
Last year, Vlasta Pallová brought the same information as the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
ATLANTA 20. February (ČTK) - The American company Home Depot Inc., which is the world's largest company in the field of building materials and home furnishing, performed well in the fourth quarter to 28. The company reported earnings of $465 million, or 20 cents a share, in the first quarter ended Jan. 1, compared with $578 million, or 25 cents a share, in the same period last year. Analysts surveyed by First Call/Thomson Financial expected earnings of 20 cents per share.
In the 2000s, interest in buying single-family homes declined in Canada.
The Ostrava Social Welfare Institute is one of the largest similar facilities in the Czech Republic. In several facilities located throughout Ostrava, it provides care to 385 people over the age of three. Through sheltered housing and job placement, they are trying to create conditions for their integration into society.
There are social services in Ostrava.
There are currently a hundred social workers working in Ostrava, most of whom are women. However, employees have more than 23,300 clients and last year they made 34,500 visits to problem families.
There are social services in Ostrava.
According to the latest UN statistics, 6,800 people become infected with HIV and 5,700 die of AIDS every day. The disease is most prevalent in Africa, where 22.5 million people are infected. In the Czech Republic is 1020 and HIV positive. 130 people have died of AIDS here and 230 are ill.
As many as 50 million Africans are at risk. are HIV positive.
Prague 22. (ČTK) - The Czech Theatre's showcase of regional theatres continued today in Prague with a guest performance by the Municipal Theatre from Mladá Boleslav. Its members presented on the stage of the Theatre under Palmovka a musical comedy by Karel Poláček, Martin Vačkář and Ondřej Havelka called "Men in the Offside," which was the most successful project of last season. The spring part of the just-launched show, whose president is Miroslav Donutil, will present eight more productions in Prague until June. It is organized by the Foibos art agency and under the patronage of Livia Klausová, wife of Czech President Václav Klaus, Minister of Culture Václav Jehlička and Prague Mayor Pavel Bém.
The Czech Theatre's run is over.
The next set of guests will be 8. Central Bohemian Theatre Kladno, whose members will bring "real and unreal images from life and dreams," as in the play called Labyrinth (Circus according to Comenius) Photographed by Karol Sidon.
The Czech Theatre's run is over.
Prague 22. (ČTK) - The Czech Theatre's showcase of regional theatres continued today in Prague with a guest performance by the Municipal Theatre from Mladá Boleslav. Its members presented on the stage of the Theatre under Palmovka musical comedy by Karel Poláček, Martin Vačkář and Ondřej Havelka "Men in the Offside," which was the most successful project of last season.
The Czech Theatre's run is over.
Ljubljana/Vienna 10. (ČTK) - The President of the Austrian Parliament, Andreas Khol, provoked angry reactions from Slovenian politicians and representatives of the Slovenian minority in Austria when he denied Ljubljana's right to defend the interests of its minority in Carinthia on the basis of provisions of the Austrian Constitution. He also hinted that there was no urgency to comply with the Constitutional Court's ruling on the right of a minority to bilingual designation of municipalities, because Slovenian-language kindergartens are more important for the minority.
The ÖVP's Andreas Khol claims that the article of the constitution which guarantees minority rights to Slovenes and Croats in Austria is not valid.
The Austrian constitution, in its seventh article, guarantees the rights of the Slovenian and Croatian minorities and grants former Yugoslavia a guarantor right. In an interview with the Ljubljana daily Delo ale Khol on Wednesday, Khol declared that "Yugoslavia no longer exists, Slovenia is a new state and there is no legal successor to Yugoslavia," and therefore he cannot intervene for the interests of his minority in Austria by invoking Article 7 of the Austrian State Treaty (Constitution).
The ÖVP's Andreas Khol claims that the article of the constitution which guarantees minority rights to Slovenes and Croats in Austria is not valid.
Khol also angered minority leaders in the Austrian Carinthia, when he described their refusal to agree to establish only 147 bilingual names of municipalities as "regrettable." Minority organisations are demanding that the Austrian Constitutional Court's ruling be implemented, according to which every community where more than ten percent of minority members live is entitled to a bilingual sign. About 400 municipalities are said to meet this requirement.
The ÖVP's Andreas Khol claims that the article of the constitution which guarantees minority rights to Slovenes and Croats in Austria is not valid.
22nd in Paris. French President Nicolas Sarkozy has provoked a new controversy by proposing to set ceilings on the number of foreigners that France is willing to accept, both according to professions and areas of origin. Human rights organizations opposed it, some experts expressed doubts about the constitutionality of such a step and the political opposition reacted with restraint at best. The proposal has majority public support.
President Nicolas Sarkozy's proposal to limit the number of foreigners France is willing to accept does not have unanimous support.
22nd in Paris. French President Nicolas Sarkozy has provoked a new controversy by proposing to set ceilings on the number of foreigners that France is willing to accept, both according to professions and areas of origin. Human rights organizations opposed it, some experts expressed doubts about the constitutionality of such a step and the political opposition reacted with restraint at best. The proposal has majority public support. The proposal for immigration quotas was opposed by organisations such as Amnesty International, SOS-Racism and the Human Rights League. According to them, this would mean treating foreigners as a commodity and violating the principles of equality. They point to this second aspect in the context of possible quotas based on regions of origin. Constitutionalists too. "To say that I prefer Asians or Americans would be against the constitution," one of them was quoted as saying by Libération.
President Nicolas Sarkozy's proposal to limit the number of foreigners France is willing to accept does not have unanimous support.
Volkswagen said last week that it posted a record full-year loss of 1.6 billion euros (over 43 billion Czech crowns) due to costs associated with the emissions scandal. In 2014, it earned almost 11 billion euros. Last year, costs related to the emissions scandal cost Volkswagen about 16.2 billion euros. Last year, sales of Volkswagen Group cars fell by two percent to around ten million vehicles. However, the company's total sales rose by more than five percent to 213.3 billion euros.
The group lost 1.6 billion euros in 2014.
Volkswagen said last week that it posted a record full-year loss of 1.6 billion euros (over 43 billion Czech crowns) due to costs associated with the emissions scandal. In 2014, it earned almost 11 billion euros. Last year, costs related to the emissions scandal cost Volkswagen about 16.2 billion euros. Last year, sales of Volkswagen Group cars fell by two percent to around ten million vehicles. However, the company's total sales rose by more than five percent to 213.3 billion euros.
The group lost 1.6 billion euros in 2014.
The carmaker also announced that it would pay 12 current and former board members 63.24 million euros ($77.9 million) for 2015, when it posted a record loss. The company has eliminated some bonuses, but will pay them back later if certain performance criteria are met, including a recovery in stock prices, Reuters reported. Volkswagen said last week that it posted a record full-year loss of 1.6 billion euros (over 43 billion Czech crowns) due to costs associated with the emissions scandal. In 2014, it earned almost 11 billion euros. Last year, costs related to the emissions scandal cost Volkswagen about 16.2 billion euros. Last year, Volkswagen's car sales fell by two percent to around ten million vehicles. However, the company's total sales rose by more than five percent to 213.3 billion euros.
The group lost 1.6 billion euros in 2014.
Prague 19. (ČTK) - In the current heat, people are at risk of sunstroke, cramps from overheating and exhaustion from overheating, warns the Ministry of Health on its website. In heatstroke, the body's temperature regulation fails, so that in a short period of time it can rise up to 41 degrees and one risks permanent damage to health. and death. Immediate medical help is needed, as well as for cramps and exhaustion from overheating. In case of heat stroke, the victim should not be given anything to drink and must be cooled down until a doctor arrives. With cramps and exhaustion from overheating, you can drink.
Cramps are not caused by overheating.
Heat cramps are caused by a loss of water and ions, usually in the abdomen and extremities. They may appear in the fall. It is therefore necessary to immediately stop the effort and stay calm in a shady, cool place, drink fruit juices or ionic drinks for athletes. helps to firmly squeeze the muscles and release them by gentle massaging. A doctor should be called only if the convulsions do not subside within an hour.
Cramps are not caused by overheating.
Exhaustion from overheating may occur. It can also occur several days after a person has been exposed to high temperatures without enough fluids. is manifested by sweating, paleness, tiredness, fatigue, weakness, muscle cramps, dizziness to fainting, nausea or vomiting. Body temperature may be normal, skin cold and clammy, pulse fast and weak, breathing rapid and shallow. Medical help is essential if the sufferer suffers from high blood pressure or heart problems. Special attention should be paid to pregnant women.
Cramps are not caused by overheating.
Kunčar and Lukáš faced each other in a by-election in January 2014. More successful was the mayor of Uherské Brod, who received support from 63 percent of voters in the second round, while Lukáš (then in ODS colours) got only 34 percent. He received 37% of the vote. Vícha and Halíková were rivals in the 2012 elections. Vícha, who has been a senator since 2006, defeated his rival in the second round with 59.70 percent of voters.
Libor Lukáš and Patrik Kunčar faced each other in the UFC octagon.
In the past, it was the most successful 40th anniversary for Czech cinematography. at the 1990 Berlinale. At that time, Jiří Menzel won the main prize of the Golden Bear for his vault film The Larks on the Thread (Šřivánci na niti), Jan Švankmajer received a Special Award for the film Darkness, Light, Darkness and an award for film personalities - the Golden Camera - was given to Karel Vachek for the documentary Elected Relatives from 1968. The film Repete, directed by Michaela Pavlátová, was awarded the Golden Bear for Best Short Film in 1995. In 1997, Czech-born director Miloš Forman won the highest award for his film The People versus Larry Flynt.
Film stars are arriving at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, fans are waiting for the opening.
Žulawski's films are full of drastic scenes and nudity. His second feature, 1972's "The Devil," was banned in Poland and the filmmaker moved to France, where he died at 50. He studied for years. His debut film, The Third Part of the Night (1971), also a drama with horror elements in historical settings, caused great controversy in Poland.
Pulp Fiction is Andrzej Zulawski's second feature film.
Pope John Paul II. He led the Catholic Church for 27 years. For the majority of believers he represented a charismatic personality, filled with life optimism and firm moral principles. But the Pope enjoyed sympathy even outside the community of believers. during his pontificate from 1978 to 2005. He broke many taboos, including being the first head of the Catholic Church to visit a synagogue and a mosque. He has also always advocated for the right to liberty.
John Paul II. He was the first pope to endorse same-sex marriage.
But Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said today that Sólyom's participation would be a "gross provocation," that he wants to celebrate Hungarian statehood on Slovak territory and that he will not be allowed in. The police should have stopped the president at the border and asked him not to enter Slovak territory, but they should not have enforced his compliance. Earlier in the day, Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič had already called on Sólyom not to travel to Slovakia today. As he did later, Fico said that such a visit would not be appropriate on the anniversary of the occupation of former Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troops, including Hungarian ones.
Solyom's visit to Slovakia was not recommended by local politicians.
Bratislava/Budapest 19. August (CTK) - Slovakia's highest representatives today marked the planned private visit of Hungarian President László Sólyom to Komárno 21. August is bad. According to them, Sólyom is not a welcome guest in Slovakia on the anniversary of the occupation of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troops; the Hungarian army also participated in the 1968 invasion. However, Budapest rejected Slovakia's objections to the organization of the trip. The long-standing tensions in Slovak-Hungarian relations have reached a new peak today.
Solyom's visit to Slovakia was not recommended by local politicians.
"We see such an organized visit as a deliberate provocation against Slovakia and we cannot take responsibility for the consequences it will have, including the deterioration of Slovak-Hungarian relations," President Ivan Gašparovič, Prime Minister Robert Fico and Parliament Speaker Pavol Paška said in a statement. The choice of the date is, from a historical perspective, an insensitive and tactless step towards Slovakia. They also reproach Sólyom for not showing interest in meeting with official Slovak representatives during the planned visit.
Solyom's visit to Slovakia was not recommended by local politicians.
Earlier in the day, Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič had called on Sólyom not to travel to Slovakia today. As he did later, Fico said that such a visit would not be appropriate on the anniversary of the occupation of former Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troops, including Hungarian ones.
Solyom's visit to Slovakia was not recommended by local politicians.
However, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said today that Sólyom's participation would be a "gross provocation," that he wants to celebrate Hungarian statehood on Slovak territory and that he will not be allowed entry. The police should have stopped the president at the border and asked him not to enter Slovak territory, but they should not have enforced his compliance.
Solyom's visit to Slovakia was not recommended by local politicians.
Prague, 5 July (ČTK) - The Poles will have a very good president in Bronislaw Komorowski, according to Senate President Přemysl Sobotka (ODS). The speaker of the lower house, Miroslava Němcová (ODS), told ČTK that she welcomes the election of Komorowski as Poland's new president. Both of them, together with the new Czech Prime Minister and ODS chairman Petr Nečas, agreed that Czech-Polish relations would continue to be at a very good level.
Komorowski becomes the new president of Poland.
Komorowski, from Prime Minister Donald Tusk's liberal Civic Platform (PO), will become Poland's president for the next five years. With 95 percent of the votes counted, according to the Central Election Commission, he has 52.6 percent of the vote, while his rival, the head of the right-wing populist Law and Justice (PiS) party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, has 47.4 percent. The early presidential elections were triggered by a tragic event in April this year, when the twin brother of Jaroslaw Kaczynski, President Lech Kaczynski, died in a plane crash in western Russia.
Komorowski becomes the new president of Poland.
"Pastor's Lunch" 11. July (CTK) - This year, the town hall in Postoloprty in Louny is donating 175,000 crowns to repair the Chapel of 14 Holy Helpers in the local part of Mradice. Mayor Bedřiška Zakouřilová (independent) told ČTK today that although the chapel from 1841 is owned by the church, the city is interested in repairing it not only because of its external appearance, but mainly to preserve it.
The mayor of Písek declared that the chapel from 1841 will be repaired with city money.
18th in Berlin. January (CTK reporter) - Some 20,000 general practitioners across Germany took to the streets today to show their discontent with what they say is excessive bureaucracy and low pay. In Berlin alone, the scene of the main demonstration, 14,000 paramedics gathered in spite of inclement weather, having been brought by bus from eastern Germany and Baden-Wuerttemberg. Across the country, around half of the 96,000 GP practices are on strike.
In January 2006, only Berlin doctors took part in demonstrations against excessive bureaucracy and low salaries.
King of Kings 13. June (ČTK) - In the Gallery of Modern Art In Hradec Králové, an exhibition of works by eight contemporary authors called The Great Silence began today. The exhibition will be open until 1. September, informed CTK Petra Příkazská from the Hradec gallery. The thematic exhibition maps one of the forms of contemporary visual art, which with minimal means tries to capture the invisible order of things, go beyond common conventions and deepen sensitivity to what is seen.
The thematic exhibition of minimalism begins in the Gallery of Modern Art.
Baghdad, 17. January (ČTK) - The Iraqis are ready to thwart any American attack on Iraq. In a speech delivered on the 11th. The anniversary of the start of the Gulf War was marked today by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. He predicted an "inevitable fall" to which the United States would be led by its current intemperance.
Iraq is ready to confront any Iranian attack.
Catalan authorities said some 2.26 million voters took part in Sunday's ballot and around 90 percent of them voted for independence. Madrid considers the vote illegal and has tried to stop it. Catalan authorities say around 900 people have been injured in violent clashes with police accompanying the vote.
It is not clear from the election whether Catalans want independence.
Postcards from the Past (11th ed.). July ( ČTK ) - This year, the town hall in Postoloprty in Louny will donate 175,000 crowns to repair the Chapel of 14 Holy Helpers in the local part of Mradice. Mayor Bedřiška Zakouřilová (independent) told ČTK today that the chapel from 1841 is indeed owned by the church, but the city is interested in repairing it not only because of its external appearance, but mainly to preserve it.
The Postoloprt Town Hall rescues the tympanum of the Chapel of the Fourteen Holy Helpers.
PRAGUE 20. April ( ČTK ) - Doctors at Prague's Vinohrady Hospital, when examining the injured 17-month-old girl, did not find that she had eight broken ribs. The abused girl was treated by doctors for a broken leg. The Endangered Children's Fund removed the child from his parents on suspicion of abuse. His rib fractures were later discovered by his doctor. The fund has therefore turned to the Ministry of Health with a complaint against doctors at Vinohrady Hospital, Nova television reported today.
The poor girl was starving.
PRAGUE 17. April ( ČTK ) - British consular officials have reappeared at Prague's Ruzyne airport, checking passengers bound for Britain. The tenth round of inspections lasts from 9. April and don't know when it will end Klára Skřivánková, a spokeswoman for the British Embassy, told ČTK today. In March, when Britons were stranded at the airport for seven days, 38 people were refused entry to England.
Travellers heading for a European country are subject to strict controls.
PRAGUE, 7 March (ČTK) - the former musician and current entrepreneur Ladislav Štaidl, who in addition to a number of composed songs has attracted public attention. and his relationship with singer Iveta Bartošová, will celebrate his sixtieth birthday on Thursday. After 1989, this influential man of Czechoslovak popular music disappeared in the 1970s. 80 and 80. He has been out of the music industry for years and now oversees his business activities.
The singer-songwriter will be 60.
Ladislav Štaidl was born 10. March 1945 in Silver Skalice. After graduating from high school, he played guitar for Miki Volk's Crazy Boys. "At the time, I was bored with piano lessons. Although it was a great music school for me to have Rafael Kubelík's brother as my professor, the Beatles were nevertheless the first music that I fell in love with. In the years 1963-65 followed an engagement at the Semafor Theatre, where he earned fifty crowns per performance.
The singer-songwriter will be 60.
The national debt is made up of the government's debts and arises primarily from the accumulation of state budget deficits. It is financed by treasury bills, government bonds, direct loans or, for example, loans from the European Investment Bank.
The World Bank finances the Czech national debt.
Prague 22. March (ČTK) - Director of the General Health Insurance Company (VZP) Pavel Horák is in danger of being recalled. He may lose his seat because of wiretaps published by Mladá fronta Dnes, according to which events in the institution, through which 150 billion crowns flow annually, could have been significantly influenced by politicians and lobbyists from outside. The public prosecutor will try to have him removed from office at the next meeting of the board of directors, reported today. To the leadership of the largest Czech The Minister of Health, Leoš Heger (TOP 09), has also publicly supported the health insurance company for other reasons.
The chair of VZP director Horák is threatened by the published communication with lobbyists.
Prague 22. March (ČTK) - Director of the General Health Insurance Company (VZP) Pavel Horák is in danger of being recalled. He may lose his seat as a result of wiretaps published by Mladá fronta Dnes, according to which politicians and lobbyists from outside could significantly influence events in an institution through which 150 billion crowns flow annually. The public prosecutor will try to have him removed from office at the next meeting of the board of directors, reported today. To the leadership of the largest Czech The Minister of Health, Leoš Heger (TOP 09), has also publicly supported the health insurance company for other reasons.
The chair of VZP director Horák is threatened by the published communication with lobbyists.
Prague 19. (Saturday) - The statue of Sigmund Freud, which will complement the monuments to famous personalities that have recently been erected in Prague, will be created by sculptor Michal Gabriel. The statue of the famous founder of psychoanalysis will stand on Kozím Square, not far from Old Town Square. Tereza Tůmová told ČTK this today on behalf of the organizers of this year's Freud celebrations in Prague. The unveiling of the statue is planned for May next year, Freud's 151st birthday. The sculpture will be in the form of a scientist sitting behind a table, while another table with a seated figure stands on the table and the scene repeats. The repetition and mirroring of the figure captures elements of Freud's theory. The inspiration for the author's seated figure came from photographs of Freud behind his desk, on which he had a number of ancient statuettes. The sculptor worked with a change of scale, replacing the ancient statuettes with a reduced figure of Freud. The table also copies the shape of the square. 150 this year. Prague has also joined the celebrations of the birth anniversary of the famous psychiatrist and Příbor native. Celebrations in May and June included exhibitions, lectures and other events. As part of the project, organisers approached ten sculptors to create designs for Freud's monument. Nine of those addressed sent proposals - Jiří Beránek, David Černý, Michal Gabriel, Kurt Gebauer, Radim Hanke, Zdeněk Lhotský, Stefan Milkov, Alexandr Pečev and Jaroslav Róna.
The sculptor Gabriel will create a statue of Freud for Prague.
Prague 19. (Saturday) - The statue of Sigmund Freud, which will complement the monuments to famous personalities that have recently been erected in Prague, will be created by sculptor Michal Gabriel. The statue of the famous founder of psychoanalysis will stand on Kozím Square, not far from Old Town Square. Tereza Tůmová told ČTK this today on behalf of the organizers of this year's Freud celebrations in Prague. The unveiling of the statue is planned for May next year, Freud's 151st birthday.
The sculptor Gabriel will create a statue of Freud for Prague.
PRAGUE 18. (ČTK) - Even today, British consular officials are checking people travelling to Great Britain at the Ruzyne airport. A spokesman for the British embassy, Zbyněk Havránek, told ČTK that he could not determine the date when the inspections would end. The information that the British will be at the airport until today was brought by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday, and it is also claimed by Vlasta Pallová, spokesperson for the Czech Airport Authority.
Zbyněk Havránek is a spokesman for the British Embassy.
PRAGUE 16. (ČTK) - As of today, British officials are once again checking passengers at Prague's Ruzyně Airport before their departure to the United Kingdom. This was confirmed to ČTK by the spokesman for the British Embassy, Zbyněk Havránek, and a spokesperson for the Czech Airport Authority, Vlasta Pallová. Britain suspended pre-arrival airport checks in September. It can be reactivated at any time without warning.
Zbyněk Havránek is a spokesman for the British Embassy.
Zbyněk Havránek, a spokesman for the British Embassy in Prague, told ČTK that work permits are issued only to potential employers. The only exceptions are foreigners who come to the British Isles to work as so-called au pairs or priests. Havránek only commented on the possibility that the Czech ambassador in Britain could be a part-time window washer by saying that neither British employment regulations nor diplomatic immunity seem to allow for such situations.
Zbyněk Havránek is a spokesman for the British Embassy.
PRAGUE 18. (ČTK) - Even today, British consular officials are checking people travelling to Great Britain at the Ruzyne airport. A spokesman for the British embassy, Zbyněk Havránek, told ČTK that he could not determine the date when the inspections would end. The information that the British will be at the airport until today was brought by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday, and it is also claimed by Vlasta Pallová, spokesperson for the Czech Airport Authority. PRAGUE 16. (ČTK) - As of today, British officials are once again checking passengers at Prague's Ruzyně Airport before their departure to the United Kingdom. This was confirmed to ČTK by the spokesman for the British Embassy, Zbyněk Havránek, and a spokesperson for the Czech Airport Authority, Vlasta Pallová. Britain suspended pre-arrival airport checks in September. It can be reactivated at any time without warning. However, according to Zbyněk Havránek, a spokesman for the British Embassy in Prague, Great Britain's position is unambiguous. "The British Foreign Office believes that the Czech Republic is a democratic country, therefore the number of Czech applicants should be zero," said a spokesperson for ZN and Slovo. Zbyněk Havránek, a spokesman for the British Embassy in Prague, told ČTK that work permits are issued only to potential employers. The only exceptions are foreigners who come to the British Isles to work as so-called au pairs or priests. Havránek only commented on the possibility that the Czech ambassador in Britain could be a part-time window washer by saying that neither British employment regulations nor diplomatic immunity seem to allow for such situations.
Zbyněk Havránek is a spokesman for the British Embassy.
FLOOR 12. The high interest of Kladno citizens to vote in the referendum on the Czech Republic's accession to the European Union is evidenced by the number of issued voting cards. The Kladno Magistrate issued a record number of voting cards. A total of 526 Kladno residents will vote outside their permanent residence. "Thus, 355 citizens voted in last year's parliamentary elections," Ladislav Pavlík, a spokesman for the Kladno municipality, told ČTK today.
At the Kladno Magistrate's Office, they dealt with a number of requests to exchange driving licences.
PARIS/LONDON, April 10 (ČTK) - European airlines Air France and British Airways will retire Concorde supersonic jets this year after more than 27 years in service. Air France announced its decision in Paris today, while British Airways announced a similar move in London.
Air France and British Airways have suspended regular flights to Spain.
No Name from Košice was formed 16 years ago, the first record named after the band's name was released in 1998. They came to the public's attention with a remix of the song Kristínka iba spí, sung by Peter Nagy. With their own songs, No Name broke through with their second album I'll Wait for a Miracle. They also released the albums Let's Celebrate Life (2001), Words into Darkness (2003) and two years later, What is it?! Their penultimate recording from 2008 is called In Balance, last year the band released after three years a new studio album entitled New Album.
The band No Name was founded in Bratislava 16 years ago.
After the repairs to the station building, there will also be an adjoining house where railway employees live. The balconies, roof and windows are to be repaired for 2.5 million crowns. It also includes restoration of the façade. "In this way, the apartment building will once again create a colourful whole with the station building," Šťáhlavský added.
The buildings of the railway station in Poděbrady and the adjoining residential building will each have a different colour after reconstruction.
Nymburk (Nymburk) 24. (ČTK) - The reconstruction of the railway station in Poděbrady worth 12 million crowns should be completed by the end of August, which includes repairs to the facade, roof, interior and surroundings of the building. These repairs should be followed in September by the reconstruction of an apartment building, which is connected to the railway station. The two buildings will form one colourful whole. Czech Railways spokesman Petr Štáhlavský informed ČTK about this.
The buildings of the railway station in Poděbrady and the adjoining residential building will each have a different colour after reconstruction.
Žulawski's films are full of drastic scenes and nudity. When his second feature, 1972's "The Devil," was banned in Poland, the filmmaker moved to France at age 50. years he studied. His debut film, The Third Part of the Night (1971), also a drama with horror elements in historical settings, caused great controversy in Poland.
Andrzej Zulawski went to a pub in France.
The city launched the website last week; it was presented at a press conference only by representatives of ANO, Mayor Petr Vokřál and Deputy Mayor Richard Mrázek. The website is intended to offer people the opportunity to find information about both the relocation option and the reservoir under Petrov, as well as the possibility that no new railway station would be built. Information from the feasibility study, which is being prepared for the Ministry of Transport, will be gradually added to the website. The study compares the various options from different perspectives; it is being carried out by an association led by SUDOP, which has prepared several studies of the relocated railway station over the past 30 years. It is expected to be completed by the end of November 2016.
Petr Vokřál heads the city of Brno.
Kundera has received numerous awards for his work, but he is not the only one. need to be He also won the Klement Gottwald State Prize in 1963. At today's press conference, there was also a reflection on whether he does not belong to the authors appreciated by all regimes - no matter how ideologically distant they are. Kundera rejected all his texts written before Laughable Loves (short stories published successively between 1963 and 1969). "I know that for literary historians such a distance does not apply. However, the global context of his work prevailed when deciding to award the prize," Haman said.
The writer Kundera has won a literary prize.
Jihlava, 3 April (ČTK) - Flood protection measures worth around 60 million crowns and the good functioning of the integrated rescue system have protected Třebíč from this year's floods. According to Mayor Miloš Mašek, they protected the lives and property of residents. The danger on the Jihlava River in the Moravia basin is still there, but the water level is falling. In Ledč nad Sázavou in Havlíčkobrodsko, however, flood protection measures on the river Sázava in the Vltava basin are lagging behind. According to Deputy Mayor Jaroslav Doležal, they are complicated by the ruggedness of the terrain, river tributaries, environmentalists, ecologists, but it should be noted that there is a lot more at stake. and private ownership of two of the three weirs on the river in the city.
There is a river basin near Třebíč.
Apart from the initiative, Třebíč was also lucky to be included in the large European project Clean Thaya. Thanks to him, among other things, the sewerage system on the embankments was reconstructed and flood barriers were built. Studies are being prepared for further measures, in particular to protect the inner city, worth more than 100 million crowns. The city wants to invest in the project. When implementing them, councillors must take into account the requirements of monument preservationists in the UNESCO-listed Jewish Quarter, Mašek told ČTK.
There is a river basin near Třebíč.
Giuseppe Verdi, who found fame and fortune in the world of opera, has died aged 27. January 1901. He had already become a household name during his lifetime, so it is not surprising that the centenary of his death has given such a music-loving country as Italy an incentive to organise spectacular commemorations. The creators of the popular operas La Traviata, La Traviata, Rigoletto or Aida will be saluted not only by Milan's restored La Scala, but also by opera lovers. He was born in the northern town of Le Roncole.
Giuseppe Verdi was born in Rome.
Prague 14. (ČTK) - Counterfeit goods worth more than ten million crowns were seized in April by employees of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (CTI) in cooperation with the police, customs administration and foreign police. ČTK was informed about this today by the press spokesperson of CTIA, Kamila Juhaňáková.
The press spokesperson of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority is Kamila Juhaňáková.
The People's Party will initiate negotiations with the aim of dismissing SPD Chairman Tomio Okamura from his position as Vice-Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies due to his statements about the Protectorate concentration camp at Lety u Písku. The intention was also supported by the Mayors and TOP 09, The ODS and some representatives of the ČSSD are also open to it. The Minister of Justice in resignation, Robert Pelikán (ANO), expressed concern about Okamura's statements and called on him to stop them. Okamura said that his movement does not question the suffering of people in the Lety camp. He described the criticism that he and SPD MP Miloslav Rozner are facing as part of a campaign aimed at preventing direct interference by foreign powers. and the movement's indirect participation in government formation.
The call for the dismissal of Tomio Okamura from his position as vice-chairman resonates through the Chamber.
Prague 11. December (CTK) - New director of the state enterprise Lesy ČR became Jiří Novák (47 years old), the current director of the Krkonoše National Park Administration. This was announced today at a press conference by the Minister of Agriculture, Petr Gandalovič. Novák succeeded in a tender with the concept of decentralization of the Forestry Administration of the Czech Republic and defeated 17 competitors.
Jiří Novák beat 17 competitors in the selection process.
BERLIN, 5 February (CTK reporter) - The 60-metre red carpet on Potsdamer Platz is ready. Fans of the silver screen count on sleepless nights and waiting under hotel windows. It's 54 in Berlin tonight. at the annual Berlinale International Film Festival.
The Berlin International Film Festival opened in Germany today.
In August 2008, the Czech engineering company CZMT signed a contract with Middle East Development worth 700 million euros (17 billion crowns). It was supposed to supply technological units for the construction of an ironworks, a cement plant and a power station in Yemen and Djibouti. Since December 2009, however, CZMT has been bankrupt.
CZMT was supposed to supply technological units for the construction of an ironworks, a cement plant and a power station in Yemen and Djibouti.
Santiago, Chile. (Saturday) - Peaceful march to commemorate the 31st. The anniversary of the military coup in Chile led by Augusto Pinochet ended today in clouds of tear gas and exploding firebombs as riot police clashed with masked protesters. A ruling by Chile's Supreme Court is likely to have played a role in easing the turmoil surrounding the annual anniversary of the bloody 1973 coup that killed President Salvador Allende. In late August, he approved the decision of the Court of Appeal in Santiago de Chile to lift Pinochet's immunity. The move should make it possible to prosecute Pinochet for the extermination of political opponents.
Protesters have disrupted a peace march in Chile's capital.
Santiago, Chile. (Saturday) - Peaceful march to commemorate the 31st. The anniversary of the military coup in Chile led by Augusto Pinochet ended today in clouds of tear gas and exploding Molotov cocktails as riot police clashed with masked protesters.
Protesters have disrupted a peace march in Chile's capital.
Tank battle at Ořechov 24. In April 1945, World War II ended in this part of the country. About 960 Russian and 275 German soldiers were killed. Thirty-five Soviet tanks and vehicles were destroyed, and 80 percent of the village was wiped out. Twenty people died and 176 homes were destroyed. An event in the village is commemorated by a memorial.
The tank battle at Ořechov opened the Second World War in this region.