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audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_100031 | Europarl-st | 13.86 | Spune o persoană: "Directiva ar trebui să ofere suficientă flexibilitate pentru ca industria europeană să poată fi modernizată, astfel încât să păstrăm producţia industrială şi locurile de muncă în Uniunea Europeană, însă, să reducem emisiile poluante." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_28133 | Europarl-st | 11.66 | A person is saying: "Whenever this happens – and it is not a matter for the EU to decide – the domestic judicial systems will need to be ready to take over the ICTY ’ s files." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_20451 | Europarl-st | 4.59 | Eine Person sagt: "Ich habe gegen diese Entschließungsanträge gestimmt, weil sie komplett einseitig sind." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_54661 | Europarl-st | 4.31 | A person is saying: "I would like to thank Ms Hedh for her excellent work as a rapporteur." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_7012 | Europarl-st | 15.2 | Una persona esta diciendo: "Y, sobre todo, en el interior de Europa, crearán empleo, crearán desarrollo y riqueza porque, desde luego, ante otras regiones que están creciendo de una manera tremenda, necesitamos estos instrumentos inteligentes, de los que Europa ha sido capaz de valerse en otras" | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_48200 | Europarl-st | 10.6 | A person is saying: "Italy ’ s relations with Brazil on criminal cooperation are governed by a bilateral extradition treaty concluded in 1989." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_40649 | Europarl-st | 13.65 | A person is saying: "By setting up a trust fund, as proposed by the Party of European Socialists, we would ensure that Member States coming under attack from unscrupulous speculators could be supported without direct recourse to taxpayers and could ensure lower spreads." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_102660 | Europarl-st | 10.01 | Spune o persoană: "Comisia trebuie să propună programe pentru susţinerea IMM-urilor care să includă şi garantarea creditelor sau fonduri de tip „venture capital ”." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_40218 | Europarl-st | 10.66 | A person is saying: "I am happy to announce today to you that Mr Maurice Lavie, Mrs Elizabeth Nigerman and Mr Jacques Decare will be entrusted with this task." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_31947 | Europarl-st | 9.49 | A person is saying: "− The Commission is closely following the situation in Venezuela with concern. The Commission is aware of the case of Manuel Rosales." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_80835 | Europarl-st | 5.9 | Osoba mówi: "Panie przewodniczący! Chciałem zapytać pana o ocenę odbytego niespełna dwa tygodnie temu szczytu UE-Ukraina." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_36116 | Europarl-st | 7 | A person is saying: "Lots of people in our European institutions have realised that transparency and openness is not dangerous. It is good. It is efficient." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_20410 | Europarl-st | 13.74 | Eine Person sagt: "Eines ist klar. Mit dem Europäischen Parlament wird es keine schon bei ihrer Konzipierung chronisch unterfinanzierten Sicherungssysteme geben, die den Namen nicht wert sind, den sie tragen." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_9883 | Europarl-st | 6.63 | Eine Person sagt: "Einige Beiträge klangen, als würde alles gut, wenn wir nur genügend sozialdemokratische oder liberale – ja, Herr Schulz – Kommissare hätten." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_47682 | Europarl-st | 11.6 | A person is saying: "We will take stock of progress in making higher education more relevant to the needs of the knowledge-based society, including the question of employability." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_97235 | Europarl-st | 16.799999 | Spune o persoană: "infrastructurilor rutiere şi a securităţii şoselelor europene în domeniul transportului rutier, îndeplinirea comodalităţii în porturile interioare şi extinderea autostrăzilor mării în domeniul transportului maritim şi fluvial, urgentarea dezvoltării durabile a mobilităţii urbane." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_93302 | Europarl-st | 9.94 | Uma pessoa está dizendo: "Este inferno ligado à austeridade tem consequências claras sobre a queda dos níveis de investimento público e de criação de emprego." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_106282 | Europarl-st | 10.21 | Una persona sta dicendo: "portata avanti la delicata discussione sulla revisione dei margini di disponibilità e delle risorse che si vorranno assicurare a questa Europa per le sue politiche." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_53173 | Europarl-st | 6.75 | A person is saying: "In the meantime, Europe should keep its watchful eye on Hungary and encourage the Hungarian democrats to regain the initiative." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_95680 | Europarl-st | 18.639999 | Spune o persoană: "Pe lângă eforturile financiare proprii ale României şi Ungariei, Comisia Europeană a propus săptămâna trecută alocarea a 30 de milioane de euro pentru finalizarea proiectului gazoductului Arad - Szeget, a cărui finanţare a fost suspendată de mai bine de 5 ani." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_76327 | Europarl-st | 3 | Een persoon zegt: "Dat lijkt mij een voorbeeld van hoe het ook kan." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_46287 | Europarl-st | 19.32 | A person is saying: "The Commission has, in fact, issued its guidelines on breast screening and we have been pushing Member States to abide by these guidelines and introduce breast-screening programmes into their countries as fast as possible." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_95263 | Europarl-st | 4.14 | Uma pessoa está dizendo: "O direito à alimentação está associado ao mais sagrado de todos os direitos." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_33668 | Europarl-st | 14.88 | A person is saying: "That is why Europe should fund NGOs that increase citizen participation, support the inclusion of marginalised groups, provide training for legal professionals, promote freedom of expression and of association, and strengthen political parties in parliament." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_38650 | Europarl-st | 7.87 | A person is saying: "Mr President, many colleagues have pointed out the necessity of having this review, and the sooner the better." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_92463 | Europarl-st | 6.31 | Uma pessoa está dizendo: "Esperamos que a Presidência húngara dê a devida importância a esta matéria." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_21487 | Europarl-st | 14.54 | Eine Person sagt: "Manchem fällt es vielleicht leicht, ein bisschen Freude darüber zu äußern, dass der eine oder andere Banker abrutscht und arbeitslos wird. Aber so eine Freude ist ausgesprochen dumm, denn die echten Verlierer sind nicht die Wirtschaftsbosse und nicht die Wertpapierhändler." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_100467 | Europarl-st | 9.81 | Spune o persoană: "Totodată, includerea în programa şcolară a unui curs dedicat construcţiei UE poate stimula conştientizarea cetăţeniei europene încă de la o vârstă fragedă." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_59581 | Europarl-st | 10.14 | A person is saying: "People are seen not as human beings, but as mobile factors of production. Bringing skilled workers from the Third World robs poor countries of people they can ill afford to lose." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_39241 | Europarl-st | 16.76 | A person is saying: "structures which reflect global reach and give due weight to Africa and to transatlantic relations as well as to Asia, Latin America and our neighbourhood; it means sufficient financial margin, not just for rapid reaction or humanitarian response, but to move monies to reflect new political priorities; it means" | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_69801 | Europarl-st | 11.13 | Une personne dit: "Le rapport du Parlement souligne aussi la nécessité d'un Trésor européen, qui doit pouvoir, comme aux États-Unis, émettre des bons du trésor fédéraux à moindre taux." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_75545 | Europarl-st | 5.74 | Een persoon zegt: "Op basis van persoonlijke sympathie of vriendschap voor deze of gene van de niet-ingeschrevenen?" | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_90447 | Europarl-st | 12.12 | Uma pessoa está dizendo: "e garantias de crédito para manter uma indústria estratégica para a economia da União Europeia e, a médio prazo, para desenvolver esta área industrial e criar mais empregos com direitos." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_110397 | Europarl-st | 6.66 | Una persona sta dicendo: "Intere aree industriali pullulavano, negli anni passati, di piccole aziende che garantivano migliaia di posti di lavoro." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_42587 | Europarl-st | 13.35 | A person is saying: "Madam President, since being elected in 1999, I have done my utmost to galvanise opposition from this Parliament to the massive catalogue of injustice that Mugabe and his henchmen have inflicted on the people of Zimbabwe." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_102254 | Europarl-st | 11.82 | Spune o persoană: "Subliniez rolul important al industriei în ceea ce priveşte creşterea economică, competitivitatea, exporturile şi crearea de locuri de muncă în Europa, ca promotor al productivităţii şi al inovării." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_17897 | Europarl-st | 8.81 | Eine Person sagt: "Putin wird wohl versuchen, weiteren Protesten durch dosiertes Entgegenkommen vorzubeugen, was immerhin demokratisches Entwicklungspotenzial in sich birgt." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_3214 | Europarl-st | 8.3 | Una persona esta diciendo: "Debe quedar claro que competir irregularmente no va a proporcionar ningún tipo de ventajas ni beneficios para quien lo haga." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_10904 | Europarl-st | 4.16 | Eine Person sagt: "Diese Politik hat nämlich voll auf den Luftverkehr gesetzt." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_71923 | Europarl-st | 10.22 | Une personne dit: "Les pays ACP que j'ai rencontrés en tant que rapporteur de votre assemblée sur l'OCM dans la réforme de la PAC m'ont explicitement demandé de maintenir le système en place aujourd'hui." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_7086 | Europarl-st | 14.97 | Una persona esta diciendo: "Brecha salarial que nos evidencia que las mujeres, como anteriormente decía, están llevando a cabo sobre todo empleos a tiempo parcial o empleos muy precarios, lo que hace que no haya únicamente una brecha salarial en cuanto" | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_78195 | Europarl-st | 18.280001 | Osoba mówi: "Sprawozdanie zwraca uwagę na konieczność respektowania swobód związkowych i znaczenie dialogu między partnerami społecznymi, jego rezultatów, w szczególności układów zbiorowych, i respektowania zasady „równa płaca za równą pracę ”." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_19467 | Europarl-st | 11.85 | Eine Person sagt: "Mit anderen Worten: Jetzt macht die EVP hier eine große Welle, bläst die Backen auf, macht hier eine Transparent-Aktion für eine schöne Fotogelegenheit, während die Sozialisten hier Reden halten über die Situation in der Ukraine, für die sie sich eigentlich schämen sollten." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_106811 | Europarl-st | 16.34 | Una persona sta dicendo: "Occorre però, nello stesso tempo, Presidente, agire su più fronti e in primo luogo rivedere tutti i piani di sviluppo e di programmazione del territorio e aggiornarli in considerazione dell ’ impatto ambientale, inserendo anche la valutazione degli effetti sul territorio." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_109326 | Europarl-st | 6.35 | Una persona sta dicendo: "Tuttavia, ciò non significa che vengono annullate le forme di tutela della salute e delle prescrizioni mediche." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_7193 | Europarl-st | 13.35 | Una persona esta diciendo: "Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, estamos, sin duda, ante una de las contribuciones legislativas más importantes en el campo de la energía de esta legislatura." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_87352 | Europarl-st | 7.01 | Osoba mówi: "Weto Rosji i Chin wobec rezolucji Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ pogłębiło dramat tej sytuacji." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_48465 | Europarl-st | 15.88 | A person is saying: "The EU has now been fined nearly USD 200 million by the World Trade Organisation and been forced to drop its illegal tariffs – all because of the protectionism that lies at the heart of the EU, in this case protection of French colonies." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_76184 | Europarl-st | 6.21 | Een persoon zegt: "Voorzitter, ik steun het sixpack, maar op dat punt onthoud ik me van stemming bij het verslag Wortmann-Kool." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_30336 | Europarl-st | 13.51 | A person is saying: "There will be teenagers in council estates in my constituency who are now facing higher charges so that a number of businesspeople, MEPs and Commissioners can talk more cheaply when abroad." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_105726 | Europarl-st | 8.42 | Una persona sta dicendo: "In America è in atto una rivolta popolare, una nuova rivoluzione conservatrice di popolo contro le oligarchie finanziarie." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_55433 | Europarl-st | 7.63 | A person is saying: "This included the flights and overnight stays in Brussels for him and his staff, and I could not accommodate this." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_101529 | Europarl-st | 8.79 | Spune o persoană: "Este nevoie însă de un cadru centrat de o acţiune, o mai bună informare şi cointeresare a autorităţilor de la aceste niveluri." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_4514 | Europarl-st | 12.26 | Una persona esta diciendo: "verdadera política exterior de la Unión Europea, olvidando las tendencias y las tentaciones renacionalizadoras que se están poniendo de manifiesto en varios de nuestros Estados miembros." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_17040 | Europarl-st | 11.28 | Eine Person sagt: "Die EU muss sich also gut überlegen, ob als Protest wirklich das Assoziierungsabkommen auf Eis gelegt werden muss, und damit ein Rückschlag für die östliche Partnerschaft in Kauf genommen werden kann." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_26469 | Europarl-st | 7.06 | A person is saying: "I want to make two specific points in the context of the oral question on the use of information and communication technologies." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_20944 | Europarl-st | 4.62 | Eine Person sagt: "Nie diskutieren sie über politische Prioritäten, ihre Prioritäten." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_16426 | Europarl-st | 4.8 | Eine Person sagt: "Die strategische Bedeutung Syriens darf meines Erachtens nicht unterschätzt werden." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_37821 | Europarl-st | 12.66 | A person is saying: "Irrespective of how colleagues judge this issue, if we want to be good advisers, we must give FYROM friendly, flexible advice." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_804 | Europarl-st | 8.5 | Una persona esta diciendo: "Al mismo tiempo, seguirá creciendo el descontento popular, en particular si los precios del petróleo no vuelven a subir y, por consiguiente, no mejora la situación económica." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_14210 | Europarl-st | 13.43 | Eine Person sagt: "Frau Präsidentin! Es wurde eigentlich erwartet, dass mit der Visaliberalisierung für Serbien, Montenegro und Mazedonien Touristen und Geschäftsleute diese Möglichkeit verstärkt nutzen; gekommen sind allerdings eher Armutsflüchtlinge." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_27457 | Europarl-st | 2.95 | A person is saying: "What a needless waste of resources and time." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_114228 | Europarl-st | 3.87 | Una persona sta dicendo: "Dunque, è il momento di offrire delle risposte concrete alla Primavera araba." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_107029 | Europarl-st | 14.57 | Una persona sta dicendo: "Per questo, dopo avere anche in quest'Aula censurato alcuni ritardi iniziali con cui l'Europa, nella sua rappresentanza delegata alla politica estera, non ha brillato per efficienza e per immediatezza, oggi invece salutiamo l'" | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_102332 | Europarl-st | 12.71 | Spune o persoană: "Pentru dezvoltarea de coridoare maritime la Marea Neagră, în prezent nu există nicio linie de finanţare deschisă în acest Cadru Financiar Multianual, deşi pentru toate celelalte mări ale Uniunii Europene există." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_1512 | Europarl-st | 10.73 | Una persona esta diciendo: "Es verdad que hay un dato del expediente, señora Presidenta, que viene constituido por el hecho de que hoy tenemos ejércitos que no tienen enemigos aparentes y enemigos que no tienen ejército." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_7672 | Europarl-st | 11.74 | Una persona esta diciendo: "Creo que es una mala señal que dos actores de este conflicto ― como Marruecos y Argelia ― no cooperen entre ellos, añadiéndose a esta circunstancia la situación de inestabilidad que se está viviendo en Túnez." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_67485 | Europarl-st | 3.52 | Une personne dit: "Cette question est importante, elle fait partie de l ’ accord." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_56975 | Europarl-st | 1.08 | A person is saying: "Finally, thank you again for this important debate." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_109361 | Europarl-st | 5.17 | Una persona sta dicendo: "In Europa le donne continuano a guadagnare in media il 18 percento in meno rispetto agli uomini." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_112424 | Europarl-st | 10.37 | Una persona sta dicendo: "Inoltre, questa relazione pone una lunga serie di obiettivi per favorire l'integrazione dei nostri concittadini disabili." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_107292 | Europarl-st | 11.23 | Una persona sta dicendo: "verso cooperazioni settoriali e multilaterali e riconoscendo, dall'altro, che non ci potrà essere un successo pieno e totale dell'Unione per il Mediterraneo senza la soluzione di questi conflitti." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_103732 | Europarl-st | 9.13 | Spune o persoană: "Accesul nelimitat şi nediscriminatoriu la informaţiile referitoare la repararea şi întreţinerea vehiculelor este foarte important." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_73686 | Europarl-st | 14.38 | Une personne dit: "fondamentaux, ce qui, pour nous, donne en quelque sorte cette nature si particulière à ce que nous faisons lorsque nous légiférons avec le Conseil et que nous travaillons à l ’ élaboration des textes avec la Commission." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_4996 | Europarl-st | 12.46 | Una persona esta diciendo: "No era competencia suya y, sin embargo, a pesar de ese fracaso estrepitoso — se pretendía crecer el 3%, llegar a veinte millones de empleos y destinar el 3% del PIB a investigación y desarrollo —," | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_5907 | Europarl-st | 11.31 | Una persona esta diciendo: "Señora Presidenta, señor Comisario, es verdad que los titulares sobre la construcción europea se los llevan los acuerdos alcanzados en la cumbre del fin de semana." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_21098 | Europarl-st | 12.02 | Eine Person sagt: "Und deswegen muss ich Sie fragen: Sind Sie bereit und sehen Sie sich in der Lage, den mehrjährigen Finanzrahmen zu ändern und gleichzeitig gemeinsam mit uns mit den Anforderungen des Vertrags von Lissabon in Einklang zu bringen?" | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_23361 | Europarl-st | 4.16 | A person is saying: "No word or words can properly describe the atrocity of the Holodomor." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_25725 | Europarl-st | 12.79 | A person is saying: "Is it not the practice to take two supplementaries after the questioner, and did I not indicate right at the outset of the question to the Commissioner that I had a supplementary question to ask?" | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_80103 | Europarl-st | 3.6 | Osoba mówi: "Chciałbym też wyrazić zaniepokojenie programem nuklearnym Iranu." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_11905 | Europarl-st | 10.5 | Eine Person sagt: "und dabei gerade die Belange des Tierschutzes unter Berücksichtigung der Vorgabe von 1986 in einem Quantensprung verbessert." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_59099 | Europarl-st | 7.54 | A person is saying: "I believe that this is precisely the kind of balance that our law-abiding citizens expect from us." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_68342 | Europarl-st | 4.75 | Une personne dit: "Ce que les États-Unis ont réussi à faire, l'Union européenne doit le faire à son tour." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_62610 | Europarl-st | 10.25 | Une personne dit: "Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Commissaire, Monsieur le Ministre, la mort d ’ Orlando Zapata est le témoignage dramatique du désespoir auquel le manque ou l ’ absence de liberté peut conduire." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_15048 | Europarl-st | 6.65 | Eine Person sagt: "Der vermeintliche Vorteil der Terrorismusbekämpfung muss den bürgerlichen Freiheiten und dem Datenschutz gegenübergestellt werden." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_24364 | Europarl-st | 19.02 | A person is saying: "Yes, we must mobilise all European institutions to respond to the crisis and – as the Commission ’ s recovery plan says – this crisis occurs on the eve of a major structural shift towards the low-carbon economy, with major new economic opportunities and, indeed, serious first-mover advantages." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_104641 | Europarl-st | 8.57 | Una persona sta dicendo: "Le proposte del Consiglio pongono alcuni interrogativi molto seri, ne hanno parlato tutti gli altri relatori prima di me." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_26529 | Europarl-st | 8.72 | A person is saying: "Building up supply-side capacity to trade and engage in goods and service sectors underpins the economic value of a trade agreement." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_93571 | Europarl-st | 4.89 | Uma pessoa está dizendo: "Eu quero saudar aqui o facto de a Comissão Europeia ter mudado de posição." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_51654 | Europarl-st | 5.27 | A person is saying: "We are now discussing this question despite assurances that the Lisbon Treaty did not constitute a fundamental change." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_3709 | Europarl-st | 10.82 | Una persona esta diciendo: "Sobre la base de esta nueva concepción estratégica y siempre tomando en consideración el artículo 5 del Tratado de Washington en lo que se refiere a la asistencia mutua, hay tres aspectos que me interesan." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_115070 | Europarl-st | 11.83 | Una persona sta dicendo: "con la seconda ha giudicato incostituzionale la legge elettorale per le elezioni parlamentari e sulla base di questo ha sciolto il parlamento e questo potrebbe avere ripercussioni anche sull'assemblea costituente." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_2342 | Europarl-st | 11.75 | Una persona esta diciendo: "Por fortuna, Chile es un país que tiene una amplia capacidad de respuesta ante estas situaciones de desastres naturales, pero esa capacidad no la tienen en amplias partes del mundo." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_21241 | Europarl-st | 9.11 | Eine Person sagt: "Außerdem muss jetzt die Aufmerksamkeit der Öffentlichkeit hergestellt werden. Wir brauchen eine breitere Unterstützung der Bürgerinnen und Bürger." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_102711 | Europarl-st | 16.58 | Spune o persoană: "O Europă eficientă din punctul de vedere al utilizării resurselor va avea nevoie nu numai de inovare şi tehnologie, ci şi de noi modele de comportament în materie de producţie şi consum şi de noi modele de guvernanţă." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_56870 | Europarl-st | 11.22 | A person is saying: "Indeed, they both perceive their interests as being best served by the conflict because they believe any solution would result in their ending up in a weaker position that what they have currently." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_35260 | Europarl-st | 7.91 | A person is saying: "The UK beef industry faces real problems from producers outside the EU, who can mass export meat at much lower prices." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_48317 | Europarl-st | 7.64 | A person is saying: "We expect to vote soon on the report by our colleague, Iliana Malinova Iotova, which deals for the first time with EU fisheries policy in the Black Sea." | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_3163 | Europarl-st | 17.209999 | Una persona esta diciendo: "reciprocidad, que no es, evidentemente, una buena noticia para el diálogo transatlántico pero que lanzaría con claridad el mensaje de que no estamos dispuestos a aceptar, sin más, la falta de reciprocidad en la promoción de los intercambios humanos y sociales" | [] |
audio-dataset_processed_datasets_Europarl-ST_train_111497 | Europarl-st | 6.64 | Una persona sta dicendo: "Su questo ritengo che la relatrice abbia svolto veramente un ottimo lavoro nel trovare i compromessi con il Consiglio." | [] |
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