10 values
<NME> split.gemspec <BEF> # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: true $:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require "split/version" do |s| = "split" s.version = Split::VERSION s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Andrew Nesbitt"] s.licenses = ["MIT"] = [""] s.homepage = "" s.summary = "Rack based split testing framework" s.metadata = { "homepage_uri" => "", "changelog_uri" => "", "source_code_uri" => "", "bug_tracker_uri" => "", "wiki_uri" => "", "mailing_list_uri" => "" } s.required_ruby_version = ">= 2.5.0" s.required_rubygems_version = ">= 2.0.0" end s.add_development_dependency 'rake' s.add_development_dependency 'bundler', '~> 1.0' s.add_development_dependency 'rspec', '~> 2.12' s.add_development_dependency 'rack-test', '>= 0.5.7' end s.add_dependency "rubystats", ">= 0.3.0" s.add_development_dependency "bundler", ">= 1.17" s.add_development_dependency "simplecov", "~> 0.15" s.add_development_dependency "rack-test", "~> 2.0" s.add_development_dependency "rake", "~> 13" s.add_development_dependency "rspec", "~> 3.7" s.add_development_dependency "pry", "~> 0.10" s.add_development_dependency "rails", ">= 5.0" end <MSG> Require a newer version of bundler for development <DFF> @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ do |s| end s.add_development_dependency 'rake' - s.add_development_dependency 'bundler', '~> 1.0' + s.add_development_dependency 'bundler', '~> 1.3' s.add_development_dependency 'rspec', '~> 2.12' s.add_development_dependency 'rack-test', '>= 0.5.7' end
Require a newer version of bundler for development
<NME> configuration.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split class Configuration attr_accessor :ignore_ip_addresses attr_accessor :ignore_filter 'Gigabot' => 'Gigabot spider', 'Googlebot' => 'Google spider', 'msnbot' => 'Microsoft bot', 'rogerbot' => 'SeoMoz spider', 'Slurp' => 'Yahoo spider', 'Sogou' => 'Chinese search engine', attr_accessor :persistence_cookie_domain attr_accessor :algorithm attr_accessor :store_override attr_accessor :start_manually attr_accessor :reset_manually attr_accessor :on_trial attr_accessor :on_trial_choose attr_accessor :on_trial_complete attr_accessor :on_experiment_reset attr_accessor :on_experiment_delete attr_accessor :on_before_experiment_reset attr_accessor :on_experiment_winner_choose attr_accessor :on_before_experiment_delete attr_accessor :include_rails_helper attr_accessor :beta_probability_simulations attr_accessor :winning_alternative_recalculation_interval attr_accessor :redis attr_accessor :dashboard_pagination_default_per_page attr_accessor :cache attr_reader :experiments attr_writer :bots attr_writer :robot_regex def bots @bots ||= { # Indexers "AdsBot-Google" => "Google Adwords", "Baidu" => "Chinese search engine", "Baiduspider" => "Chinese search engine", "bingbot" => "Microsoft bing bot", "Butterfly" => "Topsy Labs", "Gigabot" => "Gigabot spider", "Googlebot" => "Google spider", "MJ12bot" => "Majestic-12 spider", "msnbot" => "Microsoft bot", "rogerbot" => "SeoMoz spider", "PaperLiBot" => "PaperLi is another content curation service", "Slurp" => "Yahoo spider", "Sogou" => "Chinese search engine", "spider" => "generic web spider", "UnwindFetchor" => "Gnip crawler", "WordPress" => "WordPress spider", "YandexAccessibilityBot" => "Yandex accessibility spider", "YandexBot" => "Yandex spider", "YandexMobileBot" => "Yandex mobile spider", "ZIBB" => "ZIBB spider", # HTTP libraries "Apache-HttpClient" => "Java http library", "AppEngine-Google" => "Google App Engine", "curl" => "curl unix CLI http client", "ColdFusion" => "ColdFusion http library", "EventMachine HttpClient" => "Ruby http library", "Go http package" => "Go http library", "Go-http-client" => "Go http library", "Java" => "Generic Java http library", "libwww-perl" => "Perl client-server library loved by script kids", "lwp-trivial" => "Another Perl library loved by script kids", "Python-urllib" => "Python http library", "PycURL" => "Python http library", "Test Certificate Info" => "C http library?", "Typhoeus" => "Ruby http library", "Wget" => "wget unix CLI http client", # URL expanders / previewers "" => " URL expander", "bitlybot" => " bot", "" => "Linkfluence bot", "facebookexternalhit" => "facebook bot", "Facebot" => "Facebook crawler", "Feedfetcher-Google" => "Google Feedfetcher", "" => "Google+ Snippet Fetcher", "LinkedInBot" => "LinkedIn bot", "LongURL" => "URL expander service", "NING" => "NING - Yet Another Twitter Swarmer", "Pinterestbot" => "Pinterest Bot", "redditbot" => "Reddit Bot", "ShortLinkTranslate" => "Link shortener", "Slackbot" => "Slackbot link expander", "TweetmemeBot" => "TweetMeMe Crawler", "Twitterbot" => "Twitter URL expander", "UnwindFetch" => "Gnip URL expander", "vkShare" => "VKontake Sharer", # Uptime monitoring "check_http" => "Nagios monitor", "GoogleStackdriverMonitoring" => "Google Cloud monitor", "NewRelicPinger" => "NewRelic monitor", "Panopta" => "Monitoring service", "Pingdom" => "Pingdom monitoring", "SiteUptime" => "Site monitoring services", "UptimeRobot" => "Monitoring service", # ??? "DigitalPersona Fingerprint Software" => "HP Fingerprint scanner", "ShowyouBot" => "Showyou iOS app spider", "ZyBorg" => "Zyborg? Hmmm....", "ELB-HealthChecker" => "ELB Health Check" } end def experiments=(experiments) raise"Experiments must be a Hash") unless experiments.respond_to?(:keys) @experiments = experiments end def disabled? !enabled end def experiment_for(name) if normalized_experiments # TODO symbols normalized_experiments[name.to_sym] end end def metrics return @metrics if defined?(@metrics) @metrics = {} if self.experiments self.experiments.each do |key, value| metrics = value_for(value, :metric) rescue nil Array(metrics).each do |metric_name| if metric_name @metrics[metric_name.to_sym] ||= [] @metrics[metric_name.to_sym] << end end end end @metrics end def normalized_experiments return nil if @experiments.nil? experiment_config = {} @experiments.keys.each do |name| experiment_config[name.to_sym] = {} end @experiments.each do |experiment_name, settings| alternatives = if (alts = value_for(settings, :alternatives)) normalize_alternatives(alts) end experiment_data = { alternatives: alternatives, goals: value_for(settings, :goals), metadata: value_for(settings, :metadata), algorithm: value_for(settings, :algorithm), resettable: value_for(settings, :resettable) } experiment_data.each do |name, value| experiment_config[experiment_name.to_sym][name] = value if value != nil end end experiment_config end def normalize_alternatives(alternatives) given_probability, num_with_probability = alternatives.inject([0, 0]) do |a, v| p, n = a if percent = value_for(v, :percent) [p + percent, n + 1] else a end end num_without_probability = alternatives.length - num_with_probability unassigned_probability = ((100.0 - given_probability) / num_without_probability / 100.0) if num_with_probability.nonzero? alternatives = do |v| if (name = value_for(v, :name)) && (percent = value_for(v, :percent)) { name => percent / 100.0 } elsif name = value_for(v, :name) { name => unassigned_probability } else { v => unassigned_probability } end end [alternatives.shift, alternatives] else alternatives = alternatives.dup [alternatives.shift, alternatives] end end def robot_regex @robot_regex ||= /\b(?:#{escaped_bots.join('|')})\b|\A\W*\z/i end def initialize @ignore_ip_addresses = [] @ignore_filter = proc { |request| is_robot? || is_ignored_ip_address? } @db_failover = false @db_failover_on_db_error = proc { |error| } # e.g. use Rails logger here @on_experiment_reset = proc { |experiment| } @on_experiment_delete = proc { |experiment| } @on_before_experiment_reset = proc { |experiment| } @on_before_experiment_delete = proc { |experiment| } @on_experiment_winner_choose = proc { |experiment| } @db_failover_allow_parameter_override = false @allow_multiple_experiments = false @enabled = true @experiments = {} @persistence = Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter @persistence_cookie_length = 31536000 # One year from now @persistence_cookie_domain = nil @algorithm = Split::Algorithms::WeightedSample @include_rails_helper = true @beta_probability_simulations = 10000 @winning_alternative_recalculation_interval = 60 * 60 * 24 # 1 day @redis = ENV.fetch(ENV.fetch("REDIS_PROVIDER", "REDIS_URL"), "redis://localhost:6379") @dashboard_pagination_default_per_page = 10 end private def value_for(hash, key) if hash.kind_of?(Hash) hash.has_key?(key.to_s) ? hash[key.to_s] : hash[key.to_sym] end end def escaped_bots { |key, _| Regexp.escape(key) } end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #129 from zinkkrysty/master Add Microsoft's Bing bot to the list of bots <DFF> @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Split 'Gigabot' => 'Gigabot spider', 'Googlebot' => 'Google spider', 'msnbot' => 'Microsoft bot', + 'bingbot' => 'Microsoft bing bot', 'rogerbot' => 'SeoMoz spider', 'Slurp' => 'Yahoo spider', 'Sogou' => 'Chinese search engine',
Merge pull request #129 from zinkkrysty/master
<NME> configuration.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split class Configuration attr_accessor :ignore_ip_addresses attr_accessor :ignore_filter 'Gigabot' => 'Gigabot spider', 'Googlebot' => 'Google spider', 'msnbot' => 'Microsoft bot', 'rogerbot' => 'SeoMoz spider', 'Slurp' => 'Yahoo spider', 'Sogou' => 'Chinese search engine', attr_accessor :persistence_cookie_domain attr_accessor :algorithm attr_accessor :store_override attr_accessor :start_manually attr_accessor :reset_manually attr_accessor :on_trial attr_accessor :on_trial_choose attr_accessor :on_trial_complete attr_accessor :on_experiment_reset attr_accessor :on_experiment_delete attr_accessor :on_before_experiment_reset attr_accessor :on_experiment_winner_choose attr_accessor :on_before_experiment_delete attr_accessor :include_rails_helper attr_accessor :beta_probability_simulations attr_accessor :winning_alternative_recalculation_interval attr_accessor :redis attr_accessor :dashboard_pagination_default_per_page attr_accessor :cache attr_reader :experiments attr_writer :bots attr_writer :robot_regex def bots @bots ||= { # Indexers "AdsBot-Google" => "Google Adwords", "Baidu" => "Chinese search engine", "Baiduspider" => "Chinese search engine", "bingbot" => "Microsoft bing bot", "Butterfly" => "Topsy Labs", "Gigabot" => "Gigabot spider", "Googlebot" => "Google spider", "MJ12bot" => "Majestic-12 spider", "msnbot" => "Microsoft bot", "rogerbot" => "SeoMoz spider", "PaperLiBot" => "PaperLi is another content curation service", "Slurp" => "Yahoo spider", "Sogou" => "Chinese search engine", "spider" => "generic web spider", "UnwindFetchor" => "Gnip crawler", "WordPress" => "WordPress spider", "YandexAccessibilityBot" => "Yandex accessibility spider", "YandexBot" => "Yandex spider", "YandexMobileBot" => "Yandex mobile spider", "ZIBB" => "ZIBB spider", # HTTP libraries "Apache-HttpClient" => "Java http library", "AppEngine-Google" => "Google App Engine", "curl" => "curl unix CLI http client", "ColdFusion" => "ColdFusion http library", "EventMachine HttpClient" => "Ruby http library", "Go http package" => "Go http library", "Go-http-client" => "Go http library", "Java" => "Generic Java http library", "libwww-perl" => "Perl client-server library loved by script kids", "lwp-trivial" => "Another Perl library loved by script kids", "Python-urllib" => "Python http library", "PycURL" => "Python http library", "Test Certificate Info" => "C http library?", "Typhoeus" => "Ruby http library", "Wget" => "wget unix CLI http client", # URL expanders / previewers "" => " URL expander", "bitlybot" => " bot", "" => "Linkfluence bot", "facebookexternalhit" => "facebook bot", "Facebot" => "Facebook crawler", "Feedfetcher-Google" => "Google Feedfetcher", "" => "Google+ Snippet Fetcher", "LinkedInBot" => "LinkedIn bot", "LongURL" => "URL expander service", "NING" => "NING - Yet Another Twitter Swarmer", "Pinterestbot" => "Pinterest Bot", "redditbot" => "Reddit Bot", "ShortLinkTranslate" => "Link shortener", "Slackbot" => "Slackbot link expander", "TweetmemeBot" => "TweetMeMe Crawler", "Twitterbot" => "Twitter URL expander", "UnwindFetch" => "Gnip URL expander", "vkShare" => "VKontake Sharer", # Uptime monitoring "check_http" => "Nagios monitor", "GoogleStackdriverMonitoring" => "Google Cloud monitor", "NewRelicPinger" => "NewRelic monitor", "Panopta" => "Monitoring service", "Pingdom" => "Pingdom monitoring", "SiteUptime" => "Site monitoring services", "UptimeRobot" => "Monitoring service", # ??? "DigitalPersona Fingerprint Software" => "HP Fingerprint scanner", "ShowyouBot" => "Showyou iOS app spider", "ZyBorg" => "Zyborg? Hmmm....", "ELB-HealthChecker" => "ELB Health Check" } end def experiments=(experiments) raise"Experiments must be a Hash") unless experiments.respond_to?(:keys) @experiments = experiments end def disabled? !enabled end def experiment_for(name) if normalized_experiments # TODO symbols normalized_experiments[name.to_sym] end end def metrics return @metrics if defined?(@metrics) @metrics = {} if self.experiments self.experiments.each do |key, value| metrics = value_for(value, :metric) rescue nil Array(metrics).each do |metric_name| if metric_name @metrics[metric_name.to_sym] ||= [] @metrics[metric_name.to_sym] << end end end end @metrics end def normalized_experiments return nil if @experiments.nil? experiment_config = {} @experiments.keys.each do |name| experiment_config[name.to_sym] = {} end @experiments.each do |experiment_name, settings| alternatives = if (alts = value_for(settings, :alternatives)) normalize_alternatives(alts) end experiment_data = { alternatives: alternatives, goals: value_for(settings, :goals), metadata: value_for(settings, :metadata), algorithm: value_for(settings, :algorithm), resettable: value_for(settings, :resettable) } experiment_data.each do |name, value| experiment_config[experiment_name.to_sym][name] = value if value != nil end end experiment_config end def normalize_alternatives(alternatives) given_probability, num_with_probability = alternatives.inject([0, 0]) do |a, v| p, n = a if percent = value_for(v, :percent) [p + percent, n + 1] else a end end num_without_probability = alternatives.length - num_with_probability unassigned_probability = ((100.0 - given_probability) / num_without_probability / 100.0) if num_with_probability.nonzero? alternatives = do |v| if (name = value_for(v, :name)) && (percent = value_for(v, :percent)) { name => percent / 100.0 } elsif name = value_for(v, :name) { name => unassigned_probability } else { v => unassigned_probability } end end [alternatives.shift, alternatives] else alternatives = alternatives.dup [alternatives.shift, alternatives] end end def robot_regex @robot_regex ||= /\b(?:#{escaped_bots.join('|')})\b|\A\W*\z/i end def initialize @ignore_ip_addresses = [] @ignore_filter = proc { |request| is_robot? || is_ignored_ip_address? } @db_failover = false @db_failover_on_db_error = proc { |error| } # e.g. use Rails logger here @on_experiment_reset = proc { |experiment| } @on_experiment_delete = proc { |experiment| } @on_before_experiment_reset = proc { |experiment| } @on_before_experiment_delete = proc { |experiment| } @on_experiment_winner_choose = proc { |experiment| } @db_failover_allow_parameter_override = false @allow_multiple_experiments = false @enabled = true @experiments = {} @persistence = Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter @persistence_cookie_length = 31536000 # One year from now @persistence_cookie_domain = nil @algorithm = Split::Algorithms::WeightedSample @include_rails_helper = true @beta_probability_simulations = 10000 @winning_alternative_recalculation_interval = 60 * 60 * 24 # 1 day @redis = ENV.fetch(ENV.fetch("REDIS_PROVIDER", "REDIS_URL"), "redis://localhost:6379") @dashboard_pagination_default_per_page = 10 end private def value_for(hash, key) if hash.kind_of?(Hash) hash.has_key?(key.to_s) ? hash[key.to_s] : hash[key.to_sym] end end def escaped_bots { |key, _| Regexp.escape(key) } end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #129 from zinkkrysty/master Add Microsoft's Bing bot to the list of bots <DFF> @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Split 'Gigabot' => 'Gigabot spider', 'Googlebot' => 'Google spider', 'msnbot' => 'Microsoft bot', + 'bingbot' => 'Microsoft bing bot', 'rogerbot' => 'SeoMoz spider', 'Slurp' => 'Yahoo spider', 'Sogou' => 'Chinese search engine',
Merge pull request #129 from zinkkrysty/master
<NME> configuration.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split class Configuration attr_accessor :ignore_ip_addresses attr_accessor :ignore_filter 'Gigabot' => 'Gigabot spider', 'Googlebot' => 'Google spider', 'msnbot' => 'Microsoft bot', 'rogerbot' => 'SeoMoz spider', 'Slurp' => 'Yahoo spider', 'Sogou' => 'Chinese search engine', attr_accessor :persistence_cookie_domain attr_accessor :algorithm attr_accessor :store_override attr_accessor :start_manually attr_accessor :reset_manually attr_accessor :on_trial attr_accessor :on_trial_choose attr_accessor :on_trial_complete attr_accessor :on_experiment_reset attr_accessor :on_experiment_delete attr_accessor :on_before_experiment_reset attr_accessor :on_experiment_winner_choose attr_accessor :on_before_experiment_delete attr_accessor :include_rails_helper attr_accessor :beta_probability_simulations attr_accessor :winning_alternative_recalculation_interval attr_accessor :redis attr_accessor :dashboard_pagination_default_per_page attr_accessor :cache attr_reader :experiments attr_writer :bots attr_writer :robot_regex def bots @bots ||= { # Indexers "AdsBot-Google" => "Google Adwords", "Baidu" => "Chinese search engine", "Baiduspider" => "Chinese search engine", "bingbot" => "Microsoft bing bot", "Butterfly" => "Topsy Labs", "Gigabot" => "Gigabot spider", "Googlebot" => "Google spider", "MJ12bot" => "Majestic-12 spider", "msnbot" => "Microsoft bot", "rogerbot" => "SeoMoz spider", "PaperLiBot" => "PaperLi is another content curation service", "Slurp" => "Yahoo spider", "Sogou" => "Chinese search engine", "spider" => "generic web spider", "UnwindFetchor" => "Gnip crawler", "WordPress" => "WordPress spider", "YandexAccessibilityBot" => "Yandex accessibility spider", "YandexBot" => "Yandex spider", "YandexMobileBot" => "Yandex mobile spider", "ZIBB" => "ZIBB spider", # HTTP libraries "Apache-HttpClient" => "Java http library", "AppEngine-Google" => "Google App Engine", "curl" => "curl unix CLI http client", "ColdFusion" => "ColdFusion http library", "EventMachine HttpClient" => "Ruby http library", "Go http package" => "Go http library", "Go-http-client" => "Go http library", "Java" => "Generic Java http library", "libwww-perl" => "Perl client-server library loved by script kids", "lwp-trivial" => "Another Perl library loved by script kids", "Python-urllib" => "Python http library", "PycURL" => "Python http library", "Test Certificate Info" => "C http library?", "Typhoeus" => "Ruby http library", "Wget" => "wget unix CLI http client", # URL expanders / previewers "" => " URL expander", "bitlybot" => " bot", "" => "Linkfluence bot", "facebookexternalhit" => "facebook bot", "Facebot" => "Facebook crawler", "Feedfetcher-Google" => "Google Feedfetcher", "" => "Google+ Snippet Fetcher", "LinkedInBot" => "LinkedIn bot", "LongURL" => "URL expander service", "NING" => "NING - Yet Another Twitter Swarmer", "Pinterestbot" => "Pinterest Bot", "redditbot" => "Reddit Bot", "ShortLinkTranslate" => "Link shortener", "Slackbot" => "Slackbot link expander", "TweetmemeBot" => "TweetMeMe Crawler", "Twitterbot" => "Twitter URL expander", "UnwindFetch" => "Gnip URL expander", "vkShare" => "VKontake Sharer", # Uptime monitoring "check_http" => "Nagios monitor", "GoogleStackdriverMonitoring" => "Google Cloud monitor", "NewRelicPinger" => "NewRelic monitor", "Panopta" => "Monitoring service", "Pingdom" => "Pingdom monitoring", "SiteUptime" => "Site monitoring services", "UptimeRobot" => "Monitoring service", # ??? "DigitalPersona Fingerprint Software" => "HP Fingerprint scanner", "ShowyouBot" => "Showyou iOS app spider", "ZyBorg" => "Zyborg? Hmmm....", "ELB-HealthChecker" => "ELB Health Check" } end def experiments=(experiments) raise"Experiments must be a Hash") unless experiments.respond_to?(:keys) @experiments = experiments end def disabled? !enabled end def experiment_for(name) if normalized_experiments # TODO symbols normalized_experiments[name.to_sym] end end def metrics return @metrics if defined?(@metrics) @metrics = {} if self.experiments self.experiments.each do |key, value| metrics = value_for(value, :metric) rescue nil Array(metrics).each do |metric_name| if metric_name @metrics[metric_name.to_sym] ||= [] @metrics[metric_name.to_sym] << end end end end @metrics end def normalized_experiments return nil if @experiments.nil? experiment_config = {} @experiments.keys.each do |name| experiment_config[name.to_sym] = {} end @experiments.each do |experiment_name, settings| alternatives = if (alts = value_for(settings, :alternatives)) normalize_alternatives(alts) end experiment_data = { alternatives: alternatives, goals: value_for(settings, :goals), metadata: value_for(settings, :metadata), algorithm: value_for(settings, :algorithm), resettable: value_for(settings, :resettable) } experiment_data.each do |name, value| experiment_config[experiment_name.to_sym][name] = value if value != nil end end experiment_config end def normalize_alternatives(alternatives) given_probability, num_with_probability = alternatives.inject([0, 0]) do |a, v| p, n = a if percent = value_for(v, :percent) [p + percent, n + 1] else a end end num_without_probability = alternatives.length - num_with_probability unassigned_probability = ((100.0 - given_probability) / num_without_probability / 100.0) if num_with_probability.nonzero? alternatives = do |v| if (name = value_for(v, :name)) && (percent = value_for(v, :percent)) { name => percent / 100.0 } elsif name = value_for(v, :name) { name => unassigned_probability } else { v => unassigned_probability } end end [alternatives.shift, alternatives] else alternatives = alternatives.dup [alternatives.shift, alternatives] end end def robot_regex @robot_regex ||= /\b(?:#{escaped_bots.join('|')})\b|\A\W*\z/i end def initialize @ignore_ip_addresses = [] @ignore_filter = proc { |request| is_robot? || is_ignored_ip_address? } @db_failover = false @db_failover_on_db_error = proc { |error| } # e.g. use Rails logger here @on_experiment_reset = proc { |experiment| } @on_experiment_delete = proc { |experiment| } @on_before_experiment_reset = proc { |experiment| } @on_before_experiment_delete = proc { |experiment| } @on_experiment_winner_choose = proc { |experiment| } @db_failover_allow_parameter_override = false @allow_multiple_experiments = false @enabled = true @experiments = {} @persistence = Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter @persistence_cookie_length = 31536000 # One year from now @persistence_cookie_domain = nil @algorithm = Split::Algorithms::WeightedSample @include_rails_helper = true @beta_probability_simulations = 10000 @winning_alternative_recalculation_interval = 60 * 60 * 24 # 1 day @redis = ENV.fetch(ENV.fetch("REDIS_PROVIDER", "REDIS_URL"), "redis://localhost:6379") @dashboard_pagination_default_per_page = 10 end private def value_for(hash, key) if hash.kind_of?(Hash) hash.has_key?(key.to_s) ? hash[key.to_s] : hash[key.to_sym] end end def escaped_bots { |key, _| Regexp.escape(key) } end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #129 from zinkkrysty/master Add Microsoft's Bing bot to the list of bots <DFF> @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Split 'Gigabot' => 'Gigabot spider', 'Googlebot' => 'Google spider', 'msnbot' => 'Microsoft bot', + 'bingbot' => 'Microsoft bing bot', 'rogerbot' => 'SeoMoz spider', 'Slurp' => 'Yahoo spider', 'Sogou' => 'Chinese search engine',
Merge pull request #129 from zinkkrysty/master
<NME> base.template.html <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> chore(docs-app): Created simple angular app for documentation index page <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +<div> + <h2>{$ $}</h2> + <strong>({$ doc.docType $})</strong> + <p>{$ doc.description $}</p> +</div> \ No newline at end of file
chore(docs-app): Created simple angular app for documentation index page
<NME> base.template.html <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> chore(docs-app): Created simple angular app for documentation index page <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +<div> + <h2>{$ $}</h2> + <strong>({$ doc.docType $})</strong> + <p>{$ doc.description $}</p> +</div> \ No newline at end of file
chore(docs-app): Created simple angular app for documentation index page
<NME> base.template.html <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> chore(docs-app): Created simple angular app for documentation index page <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +<div> + <h2>{$ $}</h2> + <strong>({$ doc.docType $})</strong> + <p>{$ doc.description $}</p> +</div> \ No newline at end of file
chore(docs-app): Created simple angular app for documentation index page
<NME> jquery.meow.css <BEF> .meows { position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; } .meow { position: relative; margin: 20px 20px 0 0; } .meow .inner { width: 300px; min-height: 48px; padding: 10px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; color: #fff; text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000; background: #191919; border: 2px solid transparent; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -ms-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; -webkit-opacity: 0.75; -khtml-opacity: 0.75; -moz-opacity: 0.75; -ms-opacity: 0.75; -o-opacity: 0.75; opacity: 0.75; zoom: 1; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); -khtml-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); -ms-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); -o-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); } .meow .inner:after { display: block; height: 0; clear: both; line-height: 0; content: "\0200"; visibility: hidden; } .meow.hover .inner { border: 2px solid #fff; } .meow .inner h1 { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; } .meow .inner .icon { float: left; width: 48px; height: 48px; margin-right: 6px; } .meow .inner .icon img { max-width: 48px; max-height: 48px; } .meow .inner .close { display: none; } .meow.hover .inner .close { position: absolute; top: 4px; left: 4px; display: block; width: 18px; height: 18px; font-size: 22px; font-weight: 500; line-height: 14px; color: #ffffff; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; background: #191919; border: 2px solid #ffffff; -webkit-border-radius: 18px; -khtml-border-radius: 18px; -moz-border-radius: 18px; -ms-border-radius: 18px; -o-border-radius: 18px; border-radius: 18px; -webkit-opacity: 0.75; -khtml-opacity: 0.75; -moz-opacity: 0.75; -ms-opacity: 0.75; -o-opacity: 0.75; opacity: 0.75; zoom: 1; } <MSG> utilize mixins <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +.meows { + position: fixed; + top: 0; + right: 0; +} +.meow { + margin: 20px 20px 0 0; + position: relative; +} +.meow .inner { + background: #191919; + zoom: 1; + -webkit-opacity: 0.75; + -khtml-opacity: 0.75; + -moz-opacity: 0.75; + -o-opacity: 0.75; + opacity: 0.75; + border: 2px solid transparent; + -webkit-border-radius: 10px; + -khtml-border-radius: 10px; + -moz-border-radius: 10px; + -o-border-radius: 10px; + border-radius: 10px; + -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); + -khtml-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); + -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); + -o-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); + box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); + color: #fff; + font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; + font-size: 15px; + padding: 10px; + text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000; + width: 300px; + min-height: 48px; +} +.meow .inner:after { + content: "\0200"; + display: block; + clear: both; + visibility: hidden; + line-height: 0; + height: 0; +} +.meow.hover .inner { + border: 2px solid #fff; +} +.meow .inner h1 { + font-size: 14px; + font-weight: bold; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + line-height: 1; +} +.meow .inner .icon { + width: 48px; + height: 48px; + float: left; + margin-right: 6px; +} +.meow .inner .icon img { + max-width: 48px; + max-height: 48px; +} +.meow .inner .close { + display: none; +} +.meow.hover .inner .close { + background: #191919; + zoom: 1; + -webkit-opacity: 0.75; + -khtml-opacity: 0.75; + -moz-opacity: 0.75; + -o-opacity: 0.75; + opacity: 0.75; + border: 2px solid #ffffff; + -webkit-border-radius: 18px; + -khtml-border-radius: 18px; + -moz-border-radius: 18px; + -o-border-radius: 18px; + border-radius: 18px; + color: #ffffff; + display: block; + font-size: 22px; + font-weight: 500; + height: 18px; + left: 4px; + line-height: 14px; + position: absolute; + text-align: center; + text-decoration: none; + top: 4px; + width: 18px; +}
utilize mixins
<NME> jquery.meow.css <BEF> .meows { position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; } .meow { position: relative; margin: 20px 20px 0 0; } .meow .inner { width: 300px; min-height: 48px; padding: 10px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; color: #fff; text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000; background: #191919; border: 2px solid transparent; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -ms-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; -webkit-opacity: 0.75; -khtml-opacity: 0.75; -moz-opacity: 0.75; -ms-opacity: 0.75; -o-opacity: 0.75; opacity: 0.75; zoom: 1; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); -khtml-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); -ms-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); -o-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); } .meow .inner:after { display: block; height: 0; clear: both; line-height: 0; content: "\0200"; visibility: hidden; } .meow.hover .inner { border: 2px solid #fff; } .meow .inner h1 { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; } .meow .inner .icon { float: left; width: 48px; height: 48px; margin-right: 6px; } .meow .inner .icon img { max-width: 48px; max-height: 48px; } .meow .inner .close { display: none; } .meow.hover .inner .close { position: absolute; top: 4px; left: 4px; display: block; width: 18px; height: 18px; font-size: 22px; font-weight: 500; line-height: 14px; color: #ffffff; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; background: #191919; border: 2px solid #ffffff; -webkit-border-radius: 18px; -khtml-border-radius: 18px; -moz-border-radius: 18px; -ms-border-radius: 18px; -o-border-radius: 18px; border-radius: 18px; -webkit-opacity: 0.75; -khtml-opacity: 0.75; -moz-opacity: 0.75; -ms-opacity: 0.75; -o-opacity: 0.75; opacity: 0.75; zoom: 1; } <MSG> utilize mixins <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +.meows { + position: fixed; + top: 0; + right: 0; +} +.meow { + margin: 20px 20px 0 0; + position: relative; +} +.meow .inner { + background: #191919; + zoom: 1; + -webkit-opacity: 0.75; + -khtml-opacity: 0.75; + -moz-opacity: 0.75; + -o-opacity: 0.75; + opacity: 0.75; + border: 2px solid transparent; + -webkit-border-radius: 10px; + -khtml-border-radius: 10px; + -moz-border-radius: 10px; + -o-border-radius: 10px; + border-radius: 10px; + -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); + -khtml-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); + -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); + -o-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); + box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.25); + color: #fff; + font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; + font-size: 15px; + padding: 10px; + text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000; + width: 300px; + min-height: 48px; +} +.meow .inner:after { + content: "\0200"; + display: block; + clear: both; + visibility: hidden; + line-height: 0; + height: 0; +} +.meow.hover .inner { + border: 2px solid #fff; +} +.meow .inner h1 { + font-size: 14px; + font-weight: bold; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + line-height: 1; +} +.meow .inner .icon { + width: 48px; + height: 48px; + float: left; + margin-right: 6px; +} +.meow .inner .icon img { + max-width: 48px; + max-height: 48px; +} +.meow .inner .close { + display: none; +} +.meow.hover .inner .close { + background: #191919; + zoom: 1; + -webkit-opacity: 0.75; + -khtml-opacity: 0.75; + -moz-opacity: 0.75; + -o-opacity: 0.75; + opacity: 0.75; + border: 2px solid #ffffff; + -webkit-border-radius: 18px; + -khtml-border-radius: 18px; + -moz-border-radius: 18px; + -o-border-radius: 18px; + border-radius: 18px; + color: #ffffff; + display: block; + font-size: 22px; + font-weight: 500; + height: 18px; + left: 4px; + line-height: 14px; + position: absolute; + text-align: center; + text-decoration: none; + top: 4px; + width: 18px; +}
utilize mixins
<NME> button.spec.js <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> chore(smButton): Added unit tests <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +describe('Semantic-UI: Elements - smButton', function() { +'use strict'; + + var $scope, $compile; + + beforeEach(module('semantic.ui.elements.button')); + + beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, _$compile_) { + $scope = $rootScope.$new(); + $compile = _$compile_; + })); + + function getTagName(nodes) { + return nodes[0].tagName.toLocaleLowerCase(); + } + + it('has to be anchor tag if there is a href attribute', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button href=""></sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(getTagName(smButton)).toBe('a'); + }); + + it('has to be anchor tag if there is a ng-href attribute', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button ng-href=""></sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(getTagName(smButton)).toBe('a'); + }); + + it('has to be anchor tag if there is a xlink:href attribute', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button xlink:href=""></sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(getTagName(smButton)).toBe('a'); + }); + + it('has to be button tag otherwise', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button></sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(getTagName(smButton)).toBe('button'); + }); + + it('has to add aria-label attribute with textContent if one was not provided', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button>Button</sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(smButton[0].hasAttribute('aria-label')).toBe(true); + expect(smButton.attr('aria-label')).toBe('Button'); + }); + + it('has to support custom aria-label arribute', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button aria-label="my cool button">Button</sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(smButton.attr('aria-label')).toBe('my cool button'); + }); + + it('has to transclude textContent', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button>Button</sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(smButton[0].textContent).toBe('Button'); + }); + + it('has to copy attributes on the directive to the replaces template', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button my-attr>Button</sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(smButton[0].hasAttribute('my-attr')).toBe(true); + }); +});
chore(smButton): Added unit tests
<NME> button.spec.js <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> chore(smButton): Added unit tests <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +describe('Semantic-UI: Elements - smButton', function() { +'use strict'; + + var $scope, $compile; + + beforeEach(module('semantic.ui.elements.button')); + + beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, _$compile_) { + $scope = $rootScope.$new(); + $compile = _$compile_; + })); + + function getTagName(nodes) { + return nodes[0].tagName.toLocaleLowerCase(); + } + + it('has to be anchor tag if there is a href attribute', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button href=""></sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(getTagName(smButton)).toBe('a'); + }); + + it('has to be anchor tag if there is a ng-href attribute', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button ng-href=""></sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(getTagName(smButton)).toBe('a'); + }); + + it('has to be anchor tag if there is a xlink:href attribute', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button xlink:href=""></sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(getTagName(smButton)).toBe('a'); + }); + + it('has to be button tag otherwise', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button></sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(getTagName(smButton)).toBe('button'); + }); + + it('has to add aria-label attribute with textContent if one was not provided', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button>Button</sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(smButton[0].hasAttribute('aria-label')).toBe(true); + expect(smButton.attr('aria-label')).toBe('Button'); + }); + + it('has to support custom aria-label arribute', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button aria-label="my cool button">Button</sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(smButton.attr('aria-label')).toBe('my cool button'); + }); + + it('has to transclude textContent', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button>Button</sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(smButton[0].textContent).toBe('Button'); + }); + + it('has to copy attributes on the directive to the replaces template', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button my-attr>Button</sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(smButton[0].hasAttribute('my-attr')).toBe(true); + }); +});
chore(smButton): Added unit tests
<NME> button.spec.js <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> chore(smButton): Added unit tests <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +describe('Semantic-UI: Elements - smButton', function() { +'use strict'; + + var $scope, $compile; + + beforeEach(module('semantic.ui.elements.button')); + + beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, _$compile_) { + $scope = $rootScope.$new(); + $compile = _$compile_; + })); + + function getTagName(nodes) { + return nodes[0].tagName.toLocaleLowerCase(); + } + + it('has to be anchor tag if there is a href attribute', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button href=""></sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(getTagName(smButton)).toBe('a'); + }); + + it('has to be anchor tag if there is a ng-href attribute', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button ng-href=""></sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(getTagName(smButton)).toBe('a'); + }); + + it('has to be anchor tag if there is a xlink:href attribute', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button xlink:href=""></sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(getTagName(smButton)).toBe('a'); + }); + + it('has to be button tag otherwise', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button></sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(getTagName(smButton)).toBe('button'); + }); + + it('has to add aria-label attribute with textContent if one was not provided', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button>Button</sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(smButton[0].hasAttribute('aria-label')).toBe(true); + expect(smButton.attr('aria-label')).toBe('Button'); + }); + + it('has to support custom aria-label arribute', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button aria-label="my cool button">Button</sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(smButton.attr('aria-label')).toBe('my cool button'); + }); + + it('has to transclude textContent', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button>Button</sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(smButton[0].textContent).toBe('Button'); + }); + + it('has to copy attributes on the directive to the replaces template', function() { + var smButton = $compile('<sm-button my-attr>Button</sm-button>')($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + expect(smButton[0].hasAttribute('my-attr')).toBe(true); + }); +});
chore(smButton): Added unit tests
<NME> experiment_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "time" describe Split::Experiment do def new_experiment(goals = [])"link_color", alternatives: ["blue", "red", "green"], goals: goals) end def alternative(color), "link_color") end let(:experiment) { new_experiment } let(:blue) { alternative("blue") } let(:green) { alternative("green") } context "with an experiment" do let(:experiment) {"basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"]) } it "should have a name" do expect( eq("basket_text") end it "should have alternatives" do expect(experiment.alternatives.length).to be 2 end it "should have alternatives with correct names" do expect(experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| }).to eq(["Basket", "Cart"]) end it "should be resettable by default" do expect(experiment.resettable).to be_truthy end it "should save to redis" do expect(Split.redis.exists?("basket_text")).to be true end it "should save the start time to redis" do experiment_start_time = expect(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(experiment_start_time) expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to eq(experiment_start_time) end it "should not save the start time to redis when start_manually is enabled" do expect(Split.configuration).to receive(:start_manually).and_return(true) experiment.delete Split.redis.exists('basket_text').should be false Split::Experiment.find('link_color').should be_nil end it "should increment the version" do expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").algorithm).to eq(experiment_algorithm) end it "should handle having a start time stored as a string" do experiment_start_time = Time.parse("Sat Mar 03 14:01:03") expect(Time).to receive(:now).twice.and_return(experiment_start_time) Split.redis.hset(:experiment_start_times,, experiment_start_time.to_s) expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to eq(experiment_start_time) end it "should handle not having a start time" do experiment_start_time = Time.parse("Sat Mar 03 14:01:03") expect(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(experiment_start_time) Split.redis.hdel(:experiment_start_times, expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to be_nil end it "should not create duplicates when saving multiple times" do expect(Split.redis.exists?("basket_text")).to be true expect(Split.redis.lrange("basket_text", 0, -1)).to eq(['{"Basket":1}', '{"Cart":1}']) end describe "new record?" do it "should know if it hasn't been saved yet" do expect(experiment.new_record?).to be_truthy end it "should know if it has been saved yet" do expect(experiment.new_record?).to be_falsey end end describe "control" do it "should be the first alternative" do expect( eq("Basket") end end end describe "initialization" do it "should set the algorithm when passed as an option to the initializer" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end it "should be possible to make an experiment not resettable" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], resettable: false) expect(experiment.resettable).to be_falsey end context "from configuration" do let(:experiment_name) { :my_experiment } let(:experiments) do { experiment_name => { alternatives: ["Control Opt", "Alt one"] } } end before { Split.configuration.experiments = experiments } it "assigns default values to the experiment" do expect( eq(true) end end end describe "persistent configuration" do it "should persist resettable in redis" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], resettable: false) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.resettable).to be_falsey end describe "#metadata" do let(:experiment) {"basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash, metadata: meta) } let(:meta) { { a: "b" } } before do end it "should delete the key when metadata is removed" do experiment.metadata = nil expect(Split.redis.exists?(experiment.metadata_key)).to be_falsey end context "simple hash" do let(:meta) { { "basket" => "a", "cart" => "b" } } it "should persist metadata in redis" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.metadata).to eq(meta) end end context "nested hash" do let(:meta) { { "basket" => { "one" => "two" }, "cart" => "b" } } it "should persist metadata in redis" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.metadata).to eq(meta) end end end it "should persist algorithm in redis" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end it "should persist a new experiment in redis, that does not exist in the configuration file" do experiment ="foobar", alternatives: ["tra", "la"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("foobar") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.alternatives.collect { |a| }).to eq(["tra", "la"]) end end describe "deleting" do it "should delete itself" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: [ "Basket", "Cart"]) experiment.delete expect(Split.redis.exists?("link_color")).to be false expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color")).to be_nil end it "should increment the version" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) experiment.delete expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) end it "should call the on_experiment_delete hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_delete).to receive(:call) experiment.delete end it "should call the on_before_experiment_delete hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_before_experiment_delete).to receive(:call) experiment.delete end it "should reset the start time if the experiment should be manually started" do Split.configuration.start_manually = true experiment.start experiment.delete expect(experiment.start_time).to be_nil end it "should default cohorting back to false" do experiment.disable_cohorting expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq(true) experiment.delete expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq(false) end end describe "winner" do it "should have no winner initially" do expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end end describe "winner=" do it "should allow you to specify a winner" do experiment.winner = "red" expect( eq("red") end it "should call the on_experiment_winner_choose hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_winner_choose).to receive(:call) experiment.winner = "green" end context "when has_winner state is memoized" do before { expect(experiment).to_not have_winner } it "should keep has_winner state consistent" do experiment.winner = "red" expect(experiment).to have_winner end end end describe "reset_winner" do before { experiment.winner = "green" } it "should reset the winner" do experiment.reset_winner expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end context "when has_winner state is memoized" do before { expect(experiment).to have_winner } it "should keep has_winner state consistent" do experiment.reset_winner expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end end describe "has_winner?" do context "with winner" do before { experiment.winner = "red" } it "returns true" do expect(experiment).to have_winner end end context "without winner" do it "returns false" do expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end it "memoizes has_winner state" do expect(experiment).to receive(:winner).once expect(experiment).to_not have_winner expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end describe "reset" do let(:reset_manually) { false } before do allow(Split.configuration).to receive(:reset_manually).and_return(reset_manually) green.increment_participation green.increment_participation end it "should reset all alternatives" do experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation experiment.reset expect(green.participant_count).to eq(0) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end it "should reset the winner" do experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation experiment.reset expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end it "should increment the version" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) end it "should call the on_experiment_reset hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_reset).to receive(:call) experiment.reset end it "should call the on_before_experiment_reset hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_before_experiment_reset).to receive(:call) experiment.reset end end describe "algorithm" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "red", "green") } it "should use the default algorithm if none is specified" do expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split.configuration.algorithm) end it "should use the user specified algorithm for this experiment if specified" do experiment.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end end describe "#next_alternative" do context "with multiple alternatives" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "red", "green") } context "with winner" do it "should always return the winner" do green ="green", "link_color") experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation expect( eq("green") end end context "without winner" do it "should use the specified algorithm" do experiment.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash expect(experiment.algorithm).to receive(:choose_alternative).and_return("green", "link_color")) expect( eq("green") end end end context "with single alternative" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue") } it "should always return the only alternative" do expect( eq("blue") expect( eq("blue") end end end describe "#cohorting_disabled?" do it "returns false when nothing has been configured" do expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq false end it "returns true when enable_cohorting is performed" do experiment.enable_cohorting expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq false end it "returns false when nothing has been configured" do experiment.disable_cohorting expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq true end end describe "changing an existing experiment" do def same_but_different_alternative Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "yellow", "orange") end it "should reset an experiment if it is loaded with different alternatives" do blue.participant_count = 5 same_experiment = same_but_different_alternative expect( eq(["blue", "yellow", "orange"]) expect(blue.participant_count).to eq(0) end it "should only reset once" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) same_experiment = same_but_different_alternative expect(same_experiment.version).to eq(1) same_experiment_again = same_but_different_alternative expect(same_experiment_again.version).to eq(1) end context "when metadata is changed" do it "should increase version" do experiment.metadata = { "foo" => "bar" } expect { }.to change { experiment.version }.by(1) end it "does not increase version" do experiment.metadata = nil expect { }.to change { experiment.version }.by(0) end end context "when experiment configuration is changed" do let(:reset_manually) { false } before do allow(Split.configuration).to receive(:reset_manually).and_return(reset_manually) green.increment_participation green.increment_participation experiment.set_alternatives_and_options(alternatives: %w(blue red green zip), goals: %w(purchase)) end it "resets all alternatives" do expect(green.participant_count).to eq(0) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end context "when reset_manually is set" do let(:reset_manually) { true } it "does not reset alternatives" do expect(green.participant_count).to eq(2) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end end end end describe "alternatives passed as non-strings" do it "should throw an exception if an alternative is passed that is not a string" do expect { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", :blue, :red) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_enabled", true, false) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "specifying weights" do let(:experiment_with_weight) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", { "blue" => 1 }, { "red" => 2 }) } it "should work for a new experiment" do expect( eq([1, 2]) end it "should work for an existing experiment" do expect( eq([1, 2]) end end describe "specifying goals" do let(:experiment) { new_experiment(["purchase"]) } context "saving experiment" do let(:same_but_different_goals) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") } before { } it "can find existing experiment" do expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color").name).to eq("link_color") end it "should reset an experiment if it is loaded with different goals" do same_but_different_goals expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color").goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) end end it "should have goals" do expect(experiment.goals).to eq(["purchase"]) end context "find or create experiment" do it "should have correct goals" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color3", "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.goals).to eq([]) end end end describe "beta probability calculation" do it "should return a hash with the probability of each alternative being the best" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("mathematicians", "bernoulli", "poisson", "lagrange") experiment.calc_winning_alternatives expect(experiment.alternative_probabilities).not_to be_nil end it "should return between 46% and 54% probability for an experiment with 2 alternatives and no data" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("scientists", "einstein", "bohr") experiment.calc_winning_alternatives expect(experiment.alternatives[0].p_winner).to be_within(0.04).of(0.50) end it "should calculate the probability of being the winning alternative separately for each goal", skip: true do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") goal1 = experiment.goals[0] goal2 = experiment.goals[1] experiment.alternatives.each do |alternative| alternative.participant_count = 50 alternative.set_completed_count(10, goal1) alternative.set_completed_count(15+rand(30), goal2) end experiment.calc_winning_alternatives alt = experiment.alternatives[0] p_goal1 = alt.p_winner(goal1) p_goal2 = alt.p_winner(goal2) expect(p_goal1).not_to be_within(0.04).of(p_goal2) end it "should return nil and not re-calculate probabilities if they have already been calculated today" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.calc_winning_alternatives).not_to be nil expect(experiment.calc_winning_alternatives).to be nil end end end <MSG> fixed spec with incorrect parameter <DFF> @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ describe Split::Experiment do experiment.delete Split.redis.exists('basket_text').should be false - Split::Experiment.find('link_color').should be_nil + Split::Experiment.find('basket_text').should be_nil end it "should increment the version" do
fixed spec with incorrect parameter
<NME> experiment_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "time" describe Split::Experiment do def new_experiment(goals = [])"link_color", alternatives: ["blue", "red", "green"], goals: goals) end def alternative(color), "link_color") end let(:experiment) { new_experiment } let(:blue) { alternative("blue") } let(:green) { alternative("green") } context "with an experiment" do let(:experiment) {"basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"]) } it "should have a name" do expect( eq("basket_text") end it "should have alternatives" do expect(experiment.alternatives.length).to be 2 end it "should have alternatives with correct names" do expect(experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| }).to eq(["Basket", "Cart"]) end it "should be resettable by default" do expect(experiment.resettable).to be_truthy end it "should save to redis" do expect(Split.redis.exists?("basket_text")).to be true end it "should save the start time to redis" do experiment_start_time = expect(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(experiment_start_time) expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to eq(experiment_start_time) end it "should not save the start time to redis when start_manually is enabled" do expect(Split.configuration).to receive(:start_manually).and_return(true) experiment.delete Split.redis.exists('basket_text').should be false Split::Experiment.find('link_color').should be_nil end it "should increment the version" do expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").algorithm).to eq(experiment_algorithm) end it "should handle having a start time stored as a string" do experiment_start_time = Time.parse("Sat Mar 03 14:01:03") expect(Time).to receive(:now).twice.and_return(experiment_start_time) Split.redis.hset(:experiment_start_times,, experiment_start_time.to_s) expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to eq(experiment_start_time) end it "should handle not having a start time" do experiment_start_time = Time.parse("Sat Mar 03 14:01:03") expect(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(experiment_start_time) Split.redis.hdel(:experiment_start_times, expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to be_nil end it "should not create duplicates when saving multiple times" do expect(Split.redis.exists?("basket_text")).to be true expect(Split.redis.lrange("basket_text", 0, -1)).to eq(['{"Basket":1}', '{"Cart":1}']) end describe "new record?" do it "should know if it hasn't been saved yet" do expect(experiment.new_record?).to be_truthy end it "should know if it has been saved yet" do expect(experiment.new_record?).to be_falsey end end describe "control" do it "should be the first alternative" do expect( eq("Basket") end end end describe "initialization" do it "should set the algorithm when passed as an option to the initializer" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end it "should be possible to make an experiment not resettable" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], resettable: false) expect(experiment.resettable).to be_falsey end context "from configuration" do let(:experiment_name) { :my_experiment } let(:experiments) do { experiment_name => { alternatives: ["Control Opt", "Alt one"] } } end before { Split.configuration.experiments = experiments } it "assigns default values to the experiment" do expect( eq(true) end end end describe "persistent configuration" do it "should persist resettable in redis" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], resettable: false) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.resettable).to be_falsey end describe "#metadata" do let(:experiment) {"basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash, metadata: meta) } let(:meta) { { a: "b" } } before do end it "should delete the key when metadata is removed" do experiment.metadata = nil expect(Split.redis.exists?(experiment.metadata_key)).to be_falsey end context "simple hash" do let(:meta) { { "basket" => "a", "cart" => "b" } } it "should persist metadata in redis" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.metadata).to eq(meta) end end context "nested hash" do let(:meta) { { "basket" => { "one" => "two" }, "cart" => "b" } } it "should persist metadata in redis" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.metadata).to eq(meta) end end end it "should persist algorithm in redis" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end it "should persist a new experiment in redis, that does not exist in the configuration file" do experiment ="foobar", alternatives: ["tra", "la"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("foobar") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.alternatives.collect { |a| }).to eq(["tra", "la"]) end end describe "deleting" do it "should delete itself" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: [ "Basket", "Cart"]) experiment.delete expect(Split.redis.exists?("link_color")).to be false expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color")).to be_nil end it "should increment the version" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) experiment.delete expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) end it "should call the on_experiment_delete hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_delete).to receive(:call) experiment.delete end it "should call the on_before_experiment_delete hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_before_experiment_delete).to receive(:call) experiment.delete end it "should reset the start time if the experiment should be manually started" do Split.configuration.start_manually = true experiment.start experiment.delete expect(experiment.start_time).to be_nil end it "should default cohorting back to false" do experiment.disable_cohorting expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq(true) experiment.delete expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq(false) end end describe "winner" do it "should have no winner initially" do expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end end describe "winner=" do it "should allow you to specify a winner" do experiment.winner = "red" expect( eq("red") end it "should call the on_experiment_winner_choose hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_winner_choose).to receive(:call) experiment.winner = "green" end context "when has_winner state is memoized" do before { expect(experiment).to_not have_winner } it "should keep has_winner state consistent" do experiment.winner = "red" expect(experiment).to have_winner end end end describe "reset_winner" do before { experiment.winner = "green" } it "should reset the winner" do experiment.reset_winner expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end context "when has_winner state is memoized" do before { expect(experiment).to have_winner } it "should keep has_winner state consistent" do experiment.reset_winner expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end end describe "has_winner?" do context "with winner" do before { experiment.winner = "red" } it "returns true" do expect(experiment).to have_winner end end context "without winner" do it "returns false" do expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end it "memoizes has_winner state" do expect(experiment).to receive(:winner).once expect(experiment).to_not have_winner expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end describe "reset" do let(:reset_manually) { false } before do allow(Split.configuration).to receive(:reset_manually).and_return(reset_manually) green.increment_participation green.increment_participation end it "should reset all alternatives" do experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation experiment.reset expect(green.participant_count).to eq(0) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end it "should reset the winner" do experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation experiment.reset expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end it "should increment the version" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) end it "should call the on_experiment_reset hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_reset).to receive(:call) experiment.reset end it "should call the on_before_experiment_reset hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_before_experiment_reset).to receive(:call) experiment.reset end end describe "algorithm" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "red", "green") } it "should use the default algorithm if none is specified" do expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split.configuration.algorithm) end it "should use the user specified algorithm for this experiment if specified" do experiment.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end end describe "#next_alternative" do context "with multiple alternatives" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "red", "green") } context "with winner" do it "should always return the winner" do green ="green", "link_color") experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation expect( eq("green") end end context "without winner" do it "should use the specified algorithm" do experiment.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash expect(experiment.algorithm).to receive(:choose_alternative).and_return("green", "link_color")) expect( eq("green") end end end context "with single alternative" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue") } it "should always return the only alternative" do expect( eq("blue") expect( eq("blue") end end end describe "#cohorting_disabled?" do it "returns false when nothing has been configured" do expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq false end it "returns true when enable_cohorting is performed" do experiment.enable_cohorting expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq false end it "returns false when nothing has been configured" do experiment.disable_cohorting expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq true end end describe "changing an existing experiment" do def same_but_different_alternative Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "yellow", "orange") end it "should reset an experiment if it is loaded with different alternatives" do blue.participant_count = 5 same_experiment = same_but_different_alternative expect( eq(["blue", "yellow", "orange"]) expect(blue.participant_count).to eq(0) end it "should only reset once" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) same_experiment = same_but_different_alternative expect(same_experiment.version).to eq(1) same_experiment_again = same_but_different_alternative expect(same_experiment_again.version).to eq(1) end context "when metadata is changed" do it "should increase version" do experiment.metadata = { "foo" => "bar" } expect { }.to change { experiment.version }.by(1) end it "does not increase version" do experiment.metadata = nil expect { }.to change { experiment.version }.by(0) end end context "when experiment configuration is changed" do let(:reset_manually) { false } before do allow(Split.configuration).to receive(:reset_manually).and_return(reset_manually) green.increment_participation green.increment_participation experiment.set_alternatives_and_options(alternatives: %w(blue red green zip), goals: %w(purchase)) end it "resets all alternatives" do expect(green.participant_count).to eq(0) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end context "when reset_manually is set" do let(:reset_manually) { true } it "does not reset alternatives" do expect(green.participant_count).to eq(2) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end end end end describe "alternatives passed as non-strings" do it "should throw an exception if an alternative is passed that is not a string" do expect { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", :blue, :red) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_enabled", true, false) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "specifying weights" do let(:experiment_with_weight) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", { "blue" => 1 }, { "red" => 2 }) } it "should work for a new experiment" do expect( eq([1, 2]) end it "should work for an existing experiment" do expect( eq([1, 2]) end end describe "specifying goals" do let(:experiment) { new_experiment(["purchase"]) } context "saving experiment" do let(:same_but_different_goals) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") } before { } it "can find existing experiment" do expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color").name).to eq("link_color") end it "should reset an experiment if it is loaded with different goals" do same_but_different_goals expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color").goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) end end it "should have goals" do expect(experiment.goals).to eq(["purchase"]) end context "find or create experiment" do it "should have correct goals" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color3", "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.goals).to eq([]) end end end describe "beta probability calculation" do it "should return a hash with the probability of each alternative being the best" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("mathematicians", "bernoulli", "poisson", "lagrange") experiment.calc_winning_alternatives expect(experiment.alternative_probabilities).not_to be_nil end it "should return between 46% and 54% probability for an experiment with 2 alternatives and no data" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("scientists", "einstein", "bohr") experiment.calc_winning_alternatives expect(experiment.alternatives[0].p_winner).to be_within(0.04).of(0.50) end it "should calculate the probability of being the winning alternative separately for each goal", skip: true do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") goal1 = experiment.goals[0] goal2 = experiment.goals[1] experiment.alternatives.each do |alternative| alternative.participant_count = 50 alternative.set_completed_count(10, goal1) alternative.set_completed_count(15+rand(30), goal2) end experiment.calc_winning_alternatives alt = experiment.alternatives[0] p_goal1 = alt.p_winner(goal1) p_goal2 = alt.p_winner(goal2) expect(p_goal1).not_to be_within(0.04).of(p_goal2) end it "should return nil and not re-calculate probabilities if they have already been calculated today" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.calc_winning_alternatives).not_to be nil expect(experiment.calc_winning_alternatives).to be nil end end end <MSG> fixed spec with incorrect parameter <DFF> @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ describe Split::Experiment do experiment.delete Split.redis.exists('basket_text').should be false - Split::Experiment.find('link_color').should be_nil + Split::Experiment.find('basket_text').should be_nil end it "should increment the version" do
fixed spec with incorrect parameter
<NME> experiment_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "time" describe Split::Experiment do def new_experiment(goals = [])"link_color", alternatives: ["blue", "red", "green"], goals: goals) end def alternative(color), "link_color") end let(:experiment) { new_experiment } let(:blue) { alternative("blue") } let(:green) { alternative("green") } context "with an experiment" do let(:experiment) {"basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"]) } it "should have a name" do expect( eq("basket_text") end it "should have alternatives" do expect(experiment.alternatives.length).to be 2 end it "should have alternatives with correct names" do expect(experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| }).to eq(["Basket", "Cart"]) end it "should be resettable by default" do expect(experiment.resettable).to be_truthy end it "should save to redis" do expect(Split.redis.exists?("basket_text")).to be true end it "should save the start time to redis" do experiment_start_time = expect(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(experiment_start_time) expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to eq(experiment_start_time) end it "should not save the start time to redis when start_manually is enabled" do expect(Split.configuration).to receive(:start_manually).and_return(true) experiment.delete Split.redis.exists('basket_text').should be false Split::Experiment.find('link_color').should be_nil end it "should increment the version" do expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").algorithm).to eq(experiment_algorithm) end it "should handle having a start time stored as a string" do experiment_start_time = Time.parse("Sat Mar 03 14:01:03") expect(Time).to receive(:now).twice.and_return(experiment_start_time) Split.redis.hset(:experiment_start_times,, experiment_start_time.to_s) expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to eq(experiment_start_time) end it "should handle not having a start time" do experiment_start_time = Time.parse("Sat Mar 03 14:01:03") expect(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(experiment_start_time) Split.redis.hdel(:experiment_start_times, expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to be_nil end it "should not create duplicates when saving multiple times" do expect(Split.redis.exists?("basket_text")).to be true expect(Split.redis.lrange("basket_text", 0, -1)).to eq(['{"Basket":1}', '{"Cart":1}']) end describe "new record?" do it "should know if it hasn't been saved yet" do expect(experiment.new_record?).to be_truthy end it "should know if it has been saved yet" do expect(experiment.new_record?).to be_falsey end end describe "control" do it "should be the first alternative" do expect( eq("Basket") end end end describe "initialization" do it "should set the algorithm when passed as an option to the initializer" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end it "should be possible to make an experiment not resettable" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], resettable: false) expect(experiment.resettable).to be_falsey end context "from configuration" do let(:experiment_name) { :my_experiment } let(:experiments) do { experiment_name => { alternatives: ["Control Opt", "Alt one"] } } end before { Split.configuration.experiments = experiments } it "assigns default values to the experiment" do expect( eq(true) end end end describe "persistent configuration" do it "should persist resettable in redis" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], resettable: false) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.resettable).to be_falsey end describe "#metadata" do let(:experiment) {"basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash, metadata: meta) } let(:meta) { { a: "b" } } before do end it "should delete the key when metadata is removed" do experiment.metadata = nil expect(Split.redis.exists?(experiment.metadata_key)).to be_falsey end context "simple hash" do let(:meta) { { "basket" => "a", "cart" => "b" } } it "should persist metadata in redis" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.metadata).to eq(meta) end end context "nested hash" do let(:meta) { { "basket" => { "one" => "two" }, "cart" => "b" } } it "should persist metadata in redis" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.metadata).to eq(meta) end end end it "should persist algorithm in redis" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end it "should persist a new experiment in redis, that does not exist in the configuration file" do experiment ="foobar", alternatives: ["tra", "la"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("foobar") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.alternatives.collect { |a| }).to eq(["tra", "la"]) end end describe "deleting" do it "should delete itself" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: [ "Basket", "Cart"]) experiment.delete expect(Split.redis.exists?("link_color")).to be false expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color")).to be_nil end it "should increment the version" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) experiment.delete expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) end it "should call the on_experiment_delete hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_delete).to receive(:call) experiment.delete end it "should call the on_before_experiment_delete hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_before_experiment_delete).to receive(:call) experiment.delete end it "should reset the start time if the experiment should be manually started" do Split.configuration.start_manually = true experiment.start experiment.delete expect(experiment.start_time).to be_nil end it "should default cohorting back to false" do experiment.disable_cohorting expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq(true) experiment.delete expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq(false) end end describe "winner" do it "should have no winner initially" do expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end end describe "winner=" do it "should allow you to specify a winner" do experiment.winner = "red" expect( eq("red") end it "should call the on_experiment_winner_choose hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_winner_choose).to receive(:call) experiment.winner = "green" end context "when has_winner state is memoized" do before { expect(experiment).to_not have_winner } it "should keep has_winner state consistent" do experiment.winner = "red" expect(experiment).to have_winner end end end describe "reset_winner" do before { experiment.winner = "green" } it "should reset the winner" do experiment.reset_winner expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end context "when has_winner state is memoized" do before { expect(experiment).to have_winner } it "should keep has_winner state consistent" do experiment.reset_winner expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end end describe "has_winner?" do context "with winner" do before { experiment.winner = "red" } it "returns true" do expect(experiment).to have_winner end end context "without winner" do it "returns false" do expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end it "memoizes has_winner state" do expect(experiment).to receive(:winner).once expect(experiment).to_not have_winner expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end describe "reset" do let(:reset_manually) { false } before do allow(Split.configuration).to receive(:reset_manually).and_return(reset_manually) green.increment_participation green.increment_participation end it "should reset all alternatives" do experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation experiment.reset expect(green.participant_count).to eq(0) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end it "should reset the winner" do experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation experiment.reset expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end it "should increment the version" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) end it "should call the on_experiment_reset hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_reset).to receive(:call) experiment.reset end it "should call the on_before_experiment_reset hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_before_experiment_reset).to receive(:call) experiment.reset end end describe "algorithm" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "red", "green") } it "should use the default algorithm if none is specified" do expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split.configuration.algorithm) end it "should use the user specified algorithm for this experiment if specified" do experiment.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end end describe "#next_alternative" do context "with multiple alternatives" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "red", "green") } context "with winner" do it "should always return the winner" do green ="green", "link_color") experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation expect( eq("green") end end context "without winner" do it "should use the specified algorithm" do experiment.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash expect(experiment.algorithm).to receive(:choose_alternative).and_return("green", "link_color")) expect( eq("green") end end end context "with single alternative" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue") } it "should always return the only alternative" do expect( eq("blue") expect( eq("blue") end end end describe "#cohorting_disabled?" do it "returns false when nothing has been configured" do expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq false end it "returns true when enable_cohorting is performed" do experiment.enable_cohorting expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq false end it "returns false when nothing has been configured" do experiment.disable_cohorting expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq true end end describe "changing an existing experiment" do def same_but_different_alternative Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "yellow", "orange") end it "should reset an experiment if it is loaded with different alternatives" do blue.participant_count = 5 same_experiment = same_but_different_alternative expect( eq(["blue", "yellow", "orange"]) expect(blue.participant_count).to eq(0) end it "should only reset once" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) same_experiment = same_but_different_alternative expect(same_experiment.version).to eq(1) same_experiment_again = same_but_different_alternative expect(same_experiment_again.version).to eq(1) end context "when metadata is changed" do it "should increase version" do experiment.metadata = { "foo" => "bar" } expect { }.to change { experiment.version }.by(1) end it "does not increase version" do experiment.metadata = nil expect { }.to change { experiment.version }.by(0) end end context "when experiment configuration is changed" do let(:reset_manually) { false } before do allow(Split.configuration).to receive(:reset_manually).and_return(reset_manually) green.increment_participation green.increment_participation experiment.set_alternatives_and_options(alternatives: %w(blue red green zip), goals: %w(purchase)) end it "resets all alternatives" do expect(green.participant_count).to eq(0) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end context "when reset_manually is set" do let(:reset_manually) { true } it "does not reset alternatives" do expect(green.participant_count).to eq(2) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end end end end describe "alternatives passed as non-strings" do it "should throw an exception if an alternative is passed that is not a string" do expect { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", :blue, :red) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_enabled", true, false) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "specifying weights" do let(:experiment_with_weight) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", { "blue" => 1 }, { "red" => 2 }) } it "should work for a new experiment" do expect( eq([1, 2]) end it "should work for an existing experiment" do expect( eq([1, 2]) end end describe "specifying goals" do let(:experiment) { new_experiment(["purchase"]) } context "saving experiment" do let(:same_but_different_goals) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") } before { } it "can find existing experiment" do expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color").name).to eq("link_color") end it "should reset an experiment if it is loaded with different goals" do same_but_different_goals expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color").goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) end end it "should have goals" do expect(experiment.goals).to eq(["purchase"]) end context "find or create experiment" do it "should have correct goals" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color3", "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.goals).to eq([]) end end end describe "beta probability calculation" do it "should return a hash with the probability of each alternative being the best" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("mathematicians", "bernoulli", "poisson", "lagrange") experiment.calc_winning_alternatives expect(experiment.alternative_probabilities).not_to be_nil end it "should return between 46% and 54% probability for an experiment with 2 alternatives and no data" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("scientists", "einstein", "bohr") experiment.calc_winning_alternatives expect(experiment.alternatives[0].p_winner).to be_within(0.04).of(0.50) end it "should calculate the probability of being the winning alternative separately for each goal", skip: true do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") goal1 = experiment.goals[0] goal2 = experiment.goals[1] experiment.alternatives.each do |alternative| alternative.participant_count = 50 alternative.set_completed_count(10, goal1) alternative.set_completed_count(15+rand(30), goal2) end experiment.calc_winning_alternatives alt = experiment.alternatives[0] p_goal1 = alt.p_winner(goal1) p_goal2 = alt.p_winner(goal2) expect(p_goal1).not_to be_within(0.04).of(p_goal2) end it "should return nil and not re-calculate probabilities if they have already been calculated today" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.calc_winning_alternatives).not_to be nil expect(experiment.calc_winning_alternatives).to be nil end end end <MSG> fixed spec with incorrect parameter <DFF> @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ describe Split::Experiment do experiment.delete Split.redis.exists('basket_text').should be false - Split::Experiment.find('link_color').should be_nil + Split::Experiment.find('basket_text').should be_nil end it "should increment the version" do
fixed spec with incorrect parameter
<NME> configuration_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe Split::Configuration do before(:each) { @config = } it "should provide a default value for ignore_ip_addresses" do expect(@config.ignore_ip_addresses).to eq([]) end it "should provide default values for db failover" do expect(@config.db_failover).to be_falsey expect(@config.db_failover_on_db_error).to be_a Proc end it "should not allow multiple experiments by default" do expect(@config.allow_multiple_experiments).to be_falsey end it "should be enabled by default" do expect(@config.enabled).to be_truthy end it "disabled is the opposite of enabled" do @config.enabled = false expect(@config.disabled?).to be_truthy end it "should not store the overridden test group per default" do expect(@config.store_override).to be_falsey end it "should provide a default pattern for robots" do %w[Baidu Gigabot Googlebot libwww-perl lwp-trivial msnbot SiteUptime Slurp WordPress ZIBB ZyBorg YandexBot AdsBot-Google Wget curl bitlybot facebookexternalhit spider].each do |robot| expect(@config.robot_regex).to match(robot) end expect(@config.robot_regex).to match("EventMachine HttpClient") expect(@config.robot_regex).to match("libwww-perl/5.836") expect(@config.robot_regex).to match("Pingdom.com_bot_version_1.4_(") expect(@config.robot_regex).to match(" - ") end it "should accept real UAs with the robot regexp" do expect(@config.robot_regex).not_to match("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091017 SeaMonkey/2.0") expect(@config.robot_regex).not_to match("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; F-6.0SP2-20041109; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.3)") end it "should allow adding a bot to the bot list" do @config.bots["newbot"] = "An amazing test bot" expect(@config.robot_regex).to match("newbot") end it "should use the session adapter for persistence by default" do expect(@config.persistence).to eq(Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter) end it "should load a metric" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["control_opt", "other_opt"], metric: :my_metric } } expect(@config.metrics).not_to be_nil expect(@config.metrics.keys).to eq([:my_metric]) end it "should allow loading of experiment using experment_for" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["control_opt", "other_opt"], metric: :my_metric } } expect(@config.experiment_for(:my_experiment)).to eq({ alternatives: ["control_opt", ["other_opt"]] }) end context "when experiments are defined via YAML" do context "as strings" do context "in a basic configuration" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - Control Opt - Alt One - Alt Two resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: ["Control Opt", ["Alt One", "Alt Two"]] } }) end end context "in a configuration with metadata" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - name: Control Opt percent: 67 - name: Alt One percent: 10 - name: Alt Two percent: 23 metadata: Control Opt: text: 'Control Option' Alt One: text: 'Alternative One' Alt Two: text: 'Alternative Two' resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should have metadata on the experiment" do meta = @config.normalized_experiments[:my_experiment][:metadata] expect(meta).to_not be nil expect(meta["Control Opt"]["text"]).to eq("Control Option") end end context "in a complex configuration" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - name: Control Opt percent: 67 - name: Alt One percent: 10 - name: Alt Two percent: 23 resettable: false metric: my_metric another_experiment: alternatives: - a - b eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: [{ "Control Opt"=>0.67 }, [{ "Alt One"=>0.1 }, { "Alt Two"=>0.23 }]] }, another_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", ["b"]] } }) end it "should recognize metrics" do expect(@config.metrics).not_to be_nil expect(@config.metrics.keys).to eq([:my_metric]) end end end context "as symbols" do context "with valid YAML" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos :my_experiment: :alternatives: - Control Opt - Alt One - Alt Two :resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: ["Control Opt", ["Alt One", "Alt Two"]] } }) end end context "with invalid YAML" do let(:yaml) { YAML.load(input) } context "with an empty string" do let(:input) { "" } it "should raise an error" do expect { @config.experiments = yaml }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end end context "with just the YAML header" do let(:input) { "---" } it "should raise an error" do expect { @config.experiments = yaml }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end end end end end it "should normalize experiments" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt", percent: 67 }, { name: "second_opt", percent: 10 }, { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, ], } } expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { alternatives: [{ "control_opt"=>0.67 }, [{ "second_opt"=>0.1 }, { "third_opt"=>0.23 }]] } }) end context "redis configuration" do it "should default to local redis server" do old_redis_url = ENV["REDIS_URL"] ENV.delete("REDIS_URL") expect( eq("redis://localhost:6379") ENV["REDIS_URL"] = old_redis_url end it "should allow for redis url to be configured" do @config.redis = "custom_redis_url" expect(@config.redis).to eq("custom_redis_url") end context "provided REDIS_URL environment variable" do it "should use the ENV variable" do old_redis_url = ENV["REDIS_URL"] ENV["REDIS_URL"] = "env_redis_url" expect( eq("env_redis_url") end end end end context "persistence cookie domain" do it "should default to nil" do expect(@config.persistence_cookie_domain).to eq(nil) end it "should allow the persistence cookie domain to be configured" do @config.persistence_cookie_domain = "" expect(@config.persistence_cookie_domain).to eq("") end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #335 from peterylai/cookie_length_config Cookie length config <DFF> @@ -228,4 +228,16 @@ describe Split::Configuration do end end end + + context "persistence cookie length" do + it "should default to 1 year" do + expect(@config.persistence_cookie_length).to eq(31536000) + end + + it "should allow the persistence cookie length to be configured" do + @config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 + expect(@config.persistence_cookie_length).to eq(2592000) + end + end + end
Merge pull request #335 from peterylai/cookie_length_config
<NME> configuration_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe Split::Configuration do before(:each) { @config = } it "should provide a default value for ignore_ip_addresses" do expect(@config.ignore_ip_addresses).to eq([]) end it "should provide default values for db failover" do expect(@config.db_failover).to be_falsey expect(@config.db_failover_on_db_error).to be_a Proc end it "should not allow multiple experiments by default" do expect(@config.allow_multiple_experiments).to be_falsey end it "should be enabled by default" do expect(@config.enabled).to be_truthy end it "disabled is the opposite of enabled" do @config.enabled = false expect(@config.disabled?).to be_truthy end it "should not store the overridden test group per default" do expect(@config.store_override).to be_falsey end it "should provide a default pattern for robots" do %w[Baidu Gigabot Googlebot libwww-perl lwp-trivial msnbot SiteUptime Slurp WordPress ZIBB ZyBorg YandexBot AdsBot-Google Wget curl bitlybot facebookexternalhit spider].each do |robot| expect(@config.robot_regex).to match(robot) end expect(@config.robot_regex).to match("EventMachine HttpClient") expect(@config.robot_regex).to match("libwww-perl/5.836") expect(@config.robot_regex).to match("Pingdom.com_bot_version_1.4_(") expect(@config.robot_regex).to match(" - ") end it "should accept real UAs with the robot regexp" do expect(@config.robot_regex).not_to match("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091017 SeaMonkey/2.0") expect(@config.robot_regex).not_to match("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; F-6.0SP2-20041109; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.3)") end it "should allow adding a bot to the bot list" do @config.bots["newbot"] = "An amazing test bot" expect(@config.robot_regex).to match("newbot") end it "should use the session adapter for persistence by default" do expect(@config.persistence).to eq(Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter) end it "should load a metric" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["control_opt", "other_opt"], metric: :my_metric } } expect(@config.metrics).not_to be_nil expect(@config.metrics.keys).to eq([:my_metric]) end it "should allow loading of experiment using experment_for" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["control_opt", "other_opt"], metric: :my_metric } } expect(@config.experiment_for(:my_experiment)).to eq({ alternatives: ["control_opt", ["other_opt"]] }) end context "when experiments are defined via YAML" do context "as strings" do context "in a basic configuration" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - Control Opt - Alt One - Alt Two resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: ["Control Opt", ["Alt One", "Alt Two"]] } }) end end context "in a configuration with metadata" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - name: Control Opt percent: 67 - name: Alt One percent: 10 - name: Alt Two percent: 23 metadata: Control Opt: text: 'Control Option' Alt One: text: 'Alternative One' Alt Two: text: 'Alternative Two' resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should have metadata on the experiment" do meta = @config.normalized_experiments[:my_experiment][:metadata] expect(meta).to_not be nil expect(meta["Control Opt"]["text"]).to eq("Control Option") end end context "in a complex configuration" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - name: Control Opt percent: 67 - name: Alt One percent: 10 - name: Alt Two percent: 23 resettable: false metric: my_metric another_experiment: alternatives: - a - b eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: [{ "Control Opt"=>0.67 }, [{ "Alt One"=>0.1 }, { "Alt Two"=>0.23 }]] }, another_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", ["b"]] } }) end it "should recognize metrics" do expect(@config.metrics).not_to be_nil expect(@config.metrics.keys).to eq([:my_metric]) end end end context "as symbols" do context "with valid YAML" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos :my_experiment: :alternatives: - Control Opt - Alt One - Alt Two :resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: ["Control Opt", ["Alt One", "Alt Two"]] } }) end end context "with invalid YAML" do let(:yaml) { YAML.load(input) } context "with an empty string" do let(:input) { "" } it "should raise an error" do expect { @config.experiments = yaml }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end end context "with just the YAML header" do let(:input) { "---" } it "should raise an error" do expect { @config.experiments = yaml }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end end end end end it "should normalize experiments" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt", percent: 67 }, { name: "second_opt", percent: 10 }, { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, ], } } expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { alternatives: [{ "control_opt"=>0.67 }, [{ "second_opt"=>0.1 }, { "third_opt"=>0.23 }]] } }) end context "redis configuration" do it "should default to local redis server" do old_redis_url = ENV["REDIS_URL"] ENV.delete("REDIS_URL") expect( eq("redis://localhost:6379") ENV["REDIS_URL"] = old_redis_url end it "should allow for redis url to be configured" do @config.redis = "custom_redis_url" expect(@config.redis).to eq("custom_redis_url") end context "provided REDIS_URL environment variable" do it "should use the ENV variable" do old_redis_url = ENV["REDIS_URL"] ENV["REDIS_URL"] = "env_redis_url" expect( eq("env_redis_url") end end end end context "persistence cookie domain" do it "should default to nil" do expect(@config.persistence_cookie_domain).to eq(nil) end it "should allow the persistence cookie domain to be configured" do @config.persistence_cookie_domain = "" expect(@config.persistence_cookie_domain).to eq("") end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #335 from peterylai/cookie_length_config Cookie length config <DFF> @@ -228,4 +228,16 @@ describe Split::Configuration do end end end + + context "persistence cookie length" do + it "should default to 1 year" do + expect(@config.persistence_cookie_length).to eq(31536000) + end + + it "should allow the persistence cookie length to be configured" do + @config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 + expect(@config.persistence_cookie_length).to eq(2592000) + end + end + end
Merge pull request #335 from peterylai/cookie_length_config
<NME> configuration_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe Split::Configuration do before(:each) { @config = } it "should provide a default value for ignore_ip_addresses" do expect(@config.ignore_ip_addresses).to eq([]) end it "should provide default values for db failover" do expect(@config.db_failover).to be_falsey expect(@config.db_failover_on_db_error).to be_a Proc end it "should not allow multiple experiments by default" do expect(@config.allow_multiple_experiments).to be_falsey end it "should be enabled by default" do expect(@config.enabled).to be_truthy end it "disabled is the opposite of enabled" do @config.enabled = false expect(@config.disabled?).to be_truthy end it "should not store the overridden test group per default" do expect(@config.store_override).to be_falsey end it "should provide a default pattern for robots" do %w[Baidu Gigabot Googlebot libwww-perl lwp-trivial msnbot SiteUptime Slurp WordPress ZIBB ZyBorg YandexBot AdsBot-Google Wget curl bitlybot facebookexternalhit spider].each do |robot| expect(@config.robot_regex).to match(robot) end expect(@config.robot_regex).to match("EventMachine HttpClient") expect(@config.robot_regex).to match("libwww-perl/5.836") expect(@config.robot_regex).to match("Pingdom.com_bot_version_1.4_(") expect(@config.robot_regex).to match(" - ") end it "should accept real UAs with the robot regexp" do expect(@config.robot_regex).not_to match("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091017 SeaMonkey/2.0") expect(@config.robot_regex).not_to match("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; F-6.0SP2-20041109; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.3)") end it "should allow adding a bot to the bot list" do @config.bots["newbot"] = "An amazing test bot" expect(@config.robot_regex).to match("newbot") end it "should use the session adapter for persistence by default" do expect(@config.persistence).to eq(Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter) end it "should load a metric" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["control_opt", "other_opt"], metric: :my_metric } } expect(@config.metrics).not_to be_nil expect(@config.metrics.keys).to eq([:my_metric]) end it "should allow loading of experiment using experment_for" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["control_opt", "other_opt"], metric: :my_metric } } expect(@config.experiment_for(:my_experiment)).to eq({ alternatives: ["control_opt", ["other_opt"]] }) end context "when experiments are defined via YAML" do context "as strings" do context "in a basic configuration" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - Control Opt - Alt One - Alt Two resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: ["Control Opt", ["Alt One", "Alt Two"]] } }) end end context "in a configuration with metadata" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - name: Control Opt percent: 67 - name: Alt One percent: 10 - name: Alt Two percent: 23 metadata: Control Opt: text: 'Control Option' Alt One: text: 'Alternative One' Alt Two: text: 'Alternative Two' resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should have metadata on the experiment" do meta = @config.normalized_experiments[:my_experiment][:metadata] expect(meta).to_not be nil expect(meta["Control Opt"]["text"]).to eq("Control Option") end end context "in a complex configuration" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - name: Control Opt percent: 67 - name: Alt One percent: 10 - name: Alt Two percent: 23 resettable: false metric: my_metric another_experiment: alternatives: - a - b eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: [{ "Control Opt"=>0.67 }, [{ "Alt One"=>0.1 }, { "Alt Two"=>0.23 }]] }, another_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", ["b"]] } }) end it "should recognize metrics" do expect(@config.metrics).not_to be_nil expect(@config.metrics.keys).to eq([:my_metric]) end end end context "as symbols" do context "with valid YAML" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos :my_experiment: :alternatives: - Control Opt - Alt One - Alt Two :resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: ["Control Opt", ["Alt One", "Alt Two"]] } }) end end context "with invalid YAML" do let(:yaml) { YAML.load(input) } context "with an empty string" do let(:input) { "" } it "should raise an error" do expect { @config.experiments = yaml }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end end context "with just the YAML header" do let(:input) { "---" } it "should raise an error" do expect { @config.experiments = yaml }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end end end end end it "should normalize experiments" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt", percent: 67 }, { name: "second_opt", percent: 10 }, { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, ], } } expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { alternatives: [{ "control_opt"=>0.67 }, [{ "second_opt"=>0.1 }, { "third_opt"=>0.23 }]] } }) end context "redis configuration" do it "should default to local redis server" do old_redis_url = ENV["REDIS_URL"] ENV.delete("REDIS_URL") expect( eq("redis://localhost:6379") ENV["REDIS_URL"] = old_redis_url end it "should allow for redis url to be configured" do @config.redis = "custom_redis_url" expect(@config.redis).to eq("custom_redis_url") end context "provided REDIS_URL environment variable" do it "should use the ENV variable" do old_redis_url = ENV["REDIS_URL"] ENV["REDIS_URL"] = "env_redis_url" expect( eq("env_redis_url") end end end end context "persistence cookie domain" do it "should default to nil" do expect(@config.persistence_cookie_domain).to eq(nil) end it "should allow the persistence cookie domain to be configured" do @config.persistence_cookie_domain = "" expect(@config.persistence_cookie_domain).to eq("") end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #335 from peterylai/cookie_length_config Cookie length config <DFF> @@ -228,4 +228,16 @@ describe Split::Configuration do end end end + + context "persistence cookie length" do + it "should default to 1 year" do + expect(@config.persistence_cookie_length).to eq(31536000) + end + + it "should allow the persistence cookie length to be configured" do + @config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 + expect(@config.persistence_cookie_length).to eq(2592000) + end + end + end
Merge pull request #335 from peterylai/cookie_length_config
<NME> radioButton.spec.js <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> Merge pull request #10 from Semantic-Org/semantic-ui-elements-radio-button WIP: smRadioGroup and smRadioButton directives <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +describe('Semantic-UI: Elements - smRadioButton', function() { + 'use strict'; + + var $scope, $compile, html; + + beforeEach(module('semantic.ui.elements.radioButton')); + + beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, _$compile_) { + $scope = $rootScope.$new(); + $compile = _$compile_; + })); + + function renderRadioBtns($scope) { + html = angular.element([ + '<sm-radio-group ng-model="radio.value">', + '<sm-radio-button value="1">One</sm-radio-button>', + '<sm-radio-button value="2">Two</sm-radio-button>', + '<sm-radio-button value="3">Three</sm-radio-button>', + '</sm-radio-group>'].join('') + ); + + $compile(html)($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + return html; + } + + it('has to bind model value to UI on init', function() { + $ = {value: 2}; + var html = renderRadioBtns($scope); + var radioBtns = html.find('.button'); + + expect(radioBtns.eq(0).hasClass('active')).toBe(false); + expect(radioBtns.eq(1).hasClass('active')).toBe(true); + expect(radioBtns.eq(2).hasClass('active')).toBe(false); + }); + + it('has to bind UI value to model on click event', function() { + var html = renderRadioBtns($scope); + var radioBtns = html.find('.button'); + $ = {}; + + expect($; + + expect(radioBtns.eq(0).hasClass('active')).toBe(false); + expect(radioBtns.eq(0).hasClass('active')).toBe(false); + + radioBtns.eq(0).triggerHandler('click'); + expect($'1'); + }); + + it('has to keep model value when the same element was clicked again', function() { + $ = {value: 2}; + var html = renderRadioBtns($scope); + var radioBtns = html.find('.button'); + + expect($; + + radioBtns.eq(1).triggerHandler('click'); + expect($'2'); + + radioBtns.eq(1).triggerHandler('click'); + expect($'2'); + }); + + it('has to be able to support disabled radio buttons', function() { + $ = {value: 2}; + var html = renderRadioBtns($scope); + var radioBtns = html.find('.button'); + + expect($; + + radioBtns.eq(0).attr('disabled', true); + radioBtns.eq(0).triggerHandler('click'); + expect($; + }); +});
Merge pull request #10 from Semantic-Org/semantic-ui-elements-radio-button
<NME> radioButton.spec.js <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> Merge pull request #10 from Semantic-Org/semantic-ui-elements-radio-button WIP: smRadioGroup and smRadioButton directives <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +describe('Semantic-UI: Elements - smRadioButton', function() { + 'use strict'; + + var $scope, $compile, html; + + beforeEach(module('semantic.ui.elements.radioButton')); + + beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, _$compile_) { + $scope = $rootScope.$new(); + $compile = _$compile_; + })); + + function renderRadioBtns($scope) { + html = angular.element([ + '<sm-radio-group ng-model="radio.value">', + '<sm-radio-button value="1">One</sm-radio-button>', + '<sm-radio-button value="2">Two</sm-radio-button>', + '<sm-radio-button value="3">Three</sm-radio-button>', + '</sm-radio-group>'].join('') + ); + + $compile(html)($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + return html; + } + + it('has to bind model value to UI on init', function() { + $ = {value: 2}; + var html = renderRadioBtns($scope); + var radioBtns = html.find('.button'); + + expect(radioBtns.eq(0).hasClass('active')).toBe(false); + expect(radioBtns.eq(1).hasClass('active')).toBe(true); + expect(radioBtns.eq(2).hasClass('active')).toBe(false); + }); + + it('has to bind UI value to model on click event', function() { + var html = renderRadioBtns($scope); + var radioBtns = html.find('.button'); + $ = {}; + + expect($; + + expect(radioBtns.eq(0).hasClass('active')).toBe(false); + expect(radioBtns.eq(0).hasClass('active')).toBe(false); + + radioBtns.eq(0).triggerHandler('click'); + expect($'1'); + }); + + it('has to keep model value when the same element was clicked again', function() { + $ = {value: 2}; + var html = renderRadioBtns($scope); + var radioBtns = html.find('.button'); + + expect($; + + radioBtns.eq(1).triggerHandler('click'); + expect($'2'); + + radioBtns.eq(1).triggerHandler('click'); + expect($'2'); + }); + + it('has to be able to support disabled radio buttons', function() { + $ = {value: 2}; + var html = renderRadioBtns($scope); + var radioBtns = html.find('.button'); + + expect($; + + radioBtns.eq(0).attr('disabled', true); + radioBtns.eq(0).triggerHandler('click'); + expect($; + }); +});
Merge pull request #10 from Semantic-Org/semantic-ui-elements-radio-button
<NME> radioButton.spec.js <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> Merge pull request #10 from Semantic-Org/semantic-ui-elements-radio-button WIP: smRadioGroup and smRadioButton directives <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +describe('Semantic-UI: Elements - smRadioButton', function() { + 'use strict'; + + var $scope, $compile, html; + + beforeEach(module('semantic.ui.elements.radioButton')); + + beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, _$compile_) { + $scope = $rootScope.$new(); + $compile = _$compile_; + })); + + function renderRadioBtns($scope) { + html = angular.element([ + '<sm-radio-group ng-model="radio.value">', + '<sm-radio-button value="1">One</sm-radio-button>', + '<sm-radio-button value="2">Two</sm-radio-button>', + '<sm-radio-button value="3">Three</sm-radio-button>', + '</sm-radio-group>'].join('') + ); + + $compile(html)($scope); + $scope.$digest(); + + return html; + } + + it('has to bind model value to UI on init', function() { + $ = {value: 2}; + var html = renderRadioBtns($scope); + var radioBtns = html.find('.button'); + + expect(radioBtns.eq(0).hasClass('active')).toBe(false); + expect(radioBtns.eq(1).hasClass('active')).toBe(true); + expect(radioBtns.eq(2).hasClass('active')).toBe(false); + }); + + it('has to bind UI value to model on click event', function() { + var html = renderRadioBtns($scope); + var radioBtns = html.find('.button'); + $ = {}; + + expect($; + + expect(radioBtns.eq(0).hasClass('active')).toBe(false); + expect(radioBtns.eq(0).hasClass('active')).toBe(false); + + radioBtns.eq(0).triggerHandler('click'); + expect($'1'); + }); + + it('has to keep model value when the same element was clicked again', function() { + $ = {value: 2}; + var html = renderRadioBtns($scope); + var radioBtns = html.find('.button'); + + expect($; + + radioBtns.eq(1).triggerHandler('click'); + expect($'2'); + + radioBtns.eq(1).triggerHandler('click'); + expect($'2'); + }); + + it('has to be able to support disabled radio buttons', function() { + $ = {value: 2}; + var html = renderRadioBtns($scope); + var radioBtns = html.find('.button'); + + expect($; + + radioBtns.eq(0).attr('disabled', true); + radioBtns.eq(0).triggerHandler('click'); + expect($; + }); +});
Merge pull request #10 from Semantic-Org/semantic-ui-elements-radio-button
<NME> trial_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "split/trial" describe Split::Trial do let(:user) { mock_user } let(:alternatives) { ["basket", "cart"] } let(:experiment) do"basket_text", alternatives: alternatives).save end it "should be initializeable" do experiment = double("experiment") alternative = double("alternative", kind_of?: Split::Alternative) trial = experiment, alternative: alternative) expect(trial.experiment).to eq(experiment) expect(trial.alternative).to eq(alternative) describe "alternative" do it "should use the alternative if specified" do alternative = double('alternative', :kind_of? => Split::Alternative) trial = => experiment = double('experiment'), :alternative => alternative, :user => user) expect(trial).not_to receive(:choose) expect(trial.alternative).to eq(alternative) expect(trial).not_to receive(:choose) expect(trial.alternative).to eq(alternative) end it "should load the alternative when the alternative name is set" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["basket", "cart"]) trial = experiment, alternative: "basket") expect( eq("basket") end end describe "metadata" do let(:metadata) { Hash[ { |k| [k, "Metadata for #{k}"] }] } let(:experiment) do"basket_text", alternatives: alternatives, metadata: metadata).save end it "has metadata on each trial" do trial = experiment, user: user, metadata: metadata["cart"], override: "cart") expect(trial.metadata).to eq(metadata["cart"]) end trial = => experiment, :user => user) trial.choose! expect(trial.metadata).to eq(metadata[]) expect(trial.metadata).to match /#{}/ end end describe "#choose!" do def expect_alternative(trial, alternative_name) 3.times do trial.choose! expect( eq(alternative_name) end end context "when override is present" do it "picks the override" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'cart') expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, override) end end context "when disabled option is true" do it "picks the control" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') end end context "when Split is globally disabled" do it "picks the control" do Split.configuration.enabled = false trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') Split.configuration.enabled = true end end context "when experiment has winner" do it "picks the winner" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) experiment.winner = 'cart' expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) end end context "when exclude is true" do it "picks the control" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') end end context "when user is already participating" do it "picks the same alternative" do user[experiment.key] = 'basket' trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') context "when user is already participating" do end context "when user is a new participant" do it "picks a new alternative" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) expect(experiment).to receive(:next_alternative).and_call_original trial.choose! expect( be_empty end end describe "#complete!" do let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment) } context 'when there are no goals' do it 'should complete the trial' do trial.choose! old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count trial.complete! expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to be(old_completed_count+1) end end context 'when there are many goals' do let(:goals) { ['first', 'second'] } let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment, :goals => goals) } shared_examples_for "goal completion" do it 'should not complete the trial' do trial.choose! old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count trial.complete!(goal) expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to_not be(old_completed_count+1) end end describe 'Array of Goals' do let(:goal) { [goals.first] } it_behaves_like 'goal completion' end describe 'String of Goal' do let(:goal) { goals.first } it_behaves_like 'goal completion' end end end describe "alternative recording" do before(:each) { Split.configuration.store_override = false } context "when override is present" do it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when disabled is present" do it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when exclude is present" do it "does not store" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end end end it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, override: "basket") Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! expect(trial.alternative.participant_count).to eq(1) end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, override: "basket") expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when disabled is present" do it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, disabled: true) Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, disabled: true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when exclude is present" do it "does not store" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, exclude: true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when experiment has winner" do let(:trial) do experiment.winner = "cart" user, experiment: experiment) end it "does not store" do expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #375 from mtyeh411/on_trial_callback add on_trial callback whenever a trial is started <DFF> @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ describe Split::Trial do describe "alternative" do it "should use the alternative if specified" do alternative = double('alternative', :kind_of? => Split::Alternative) - trial = => experiment = double('experiment'), + trial = => double('experiment'), :alternative => alternative, :user => user) expect(trial).not_to receive(:choose) expect(trial.alternative).to eq(alternative) @@ -51,19 +51,49 @@ describe Split::Trial do trial = => experiment, :user => user) trial.choose! expect(trial.metadata).to eq(metadata[]) - expect(trial.metadata).to match /#{}/ + expect(trial.metadata).to match(/#{}/) end end describe "#choose!" do + let(:context) { double(on_trial_callback: 'test callback') } + let(:trial) do + => user, :experiment => experiment) + end + + shared_examples_for 'a trial with callbacks' do + it 'does not run if on_trial callback is not respondable' do + Split.configuration.on_trial = :foo + allow(context).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:foo, true).and_return false + expect(context).to_not receive(:foo) + trial.choose! context + end + it 'runs on_trial callback' do + Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback + expect(context).to receive(:on_trial_callback) + trial.choose! context + end + it 'does not run nil on_trial callback' do + Split.configuration.on_trial = nil + expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) + trial.choose! context + end + end + def expect_alternative(trial, alternative_name) 3.times do - trial.choose! + trial.choose! context expect( eq(alternative_name) end end context "when override is present" do + let(:trial) do + => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'cart') + end + + it_behaves_like 'a trial with callbacks' + it "picks the override" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'cart') expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) @@ -73,28 +103,43 @@ describe Split::Trial do end context "when disabled option is true" do - it "picks the control" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) + let(:trial) do + => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) + end + + it "picks the control", :aggregate_failures do + Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) + expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) + expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') + Split.configuration.on_trial = nil end end context "when Split is globally disabled" do - it "picks the control" do + it "picks the control and does not run on_trial callbacks", :aggregate_failures do Split.configuration.enabled = false - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) - expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) + Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback + expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) + expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') + Split.configuration.enabled = true + Split.configuration.on_trial = nil end end context "when experiment has winner" do + let(:trial) do + => user, :experiment => experiment) + end + + it_behaves_like 'a trial with callbacks' + it "picks the winner" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) experiment.winner = 'cart' expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) @@ -103,18 +148,23 @@ describe Split::Trial do end context "when exclude is true" do + let(:trial) do + => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) + end + + it_behaves_like 'a trial with callbacks' + it "picks the control" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) - expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') end end context "when user is already participating" do + it_behaves_like 'a trial with callbacks' + it "picks the same alternative" do user[experiment.key] = 'basket' - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') @@ -122,95 +172,99 @@ describe Split::Trial do end context "when user is a new participant" do - it "picks a new alternative" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) + it "picks a new alternative and runs on_trial_choose callback", :aggregate_failures do + Split.configuration.on_trial_choose = :on_trial_choose_callback + expect(experiment).to receive(:next_alternative).and_call_original + expect(context).to receive(:on_trial_choose_callback) + + trial.choose! context - trial.choose! expect( be_empty + Split.configuration.on_trial_choose = nil + end + end + end + + describe "#complete!" do + let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment) } + context 'when there are no goals' do + it 'should complete the trial' do + trial.choose! + old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count + trial.complete! + expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to be(old_completed_count+1) end end - describe "#complete!" do - let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment) } - context 'when there are no goals' do - it 'should complete the trial' do + context 'when there are many goals' do + let(:goals) { ['first', 'second'] } + let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment, :goals => goals) } + shared_examples_for "goal completion" do + it 'should not complete the trial' do trial.choose! old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count - trial.complete! - expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to be(old_completed_count+1) + trial.complete!(goal) + expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to_not be(old_completed_count+1) end end - context 'when there are many goals' do - let(:goals) { ['first', 'second'] } - let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment, :goals => goals) } - shared_examples_for "goal completion" do - it 'should not complete the trial' do - trial.choose! - old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count - trial.complete!(goal) - expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to_not be(old_completed_count+1) - end - end - - describe 'Array of Goals' do - let(:goal) { [goals.first] } - it_behaves_like 'goal completion' - end - - describe 'String of Goal' do - let(:goal) { goals.first } - it_behaves_like 'goal completion' - end + describe 'Array of Goals' do + let(:goal) { [goals.first] } + it_behaves_like 'goal completion' + end + describe 'String of Goal' do + let(:goal) { goals.first } + it_behaves_like 'goal completion' end + end + end - describe "alternative recording" do - before(:each) { Split.configuration.store_override = false } + describe "alternative recording" do + before(:each) { Split.configuration.store_override = false } - context "when override is present" do - it "stores when store_override is true" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') + context "when override is present" do + it "stores when store_override is true" do + trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') - Split.configuration.store_override = true - expect(user).to receive("[]=") - trial.choose! - end + Split.configuration.store_override = true + expect(user).to receive("[]=") + trial.choose! + end - it "does not store when store_override is false" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') + it "does not store when store_override is false" do + trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') - expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") - trial.choose! - end + expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") + trial.choose! end + end - context "when disabled is present" do - it "stores when store_override is true" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) + context "when disabled is present" do + it "stores when store_override is true" do + trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) - Split.configuration.store_override = true - expect(user).to receive("[]=") - trial.choose! - end + Split.configuration.store_override = true + expect(user).to receive("[]=") + trial.choose! + end - it "does not store when store_override is false" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) + it "does not store when store_override is false" do + trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) - expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") - trial.choose! - end + expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") + trial.choose! end + end - context "when exclude is present" do - it "does not store" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) + context "when exclude is present" do + it "does not store" do + trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) - expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") - trial.choose! - end + expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") + trial.choose! end end end
Merge pull request #375 from mtyeh411/on_trial_callback
<NME> trial_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "split/trial" describe Split::Trial do let(:user) { mock_user } let(:alternatives) { ["basket", "cart"] } let(:experiment) do"basket_text", alternatives: alternatives).save end it "should be initializeable" do experiment = double("experiment") alternative = double("alternative", kind_of?: Split::Alternative) trial = experiment, alternative: alternative) expect(trial.experiment).to eq(experiment) expect(trial.alternative).to eq(alternative) describe "alternative" do it "should use the alternative if specified" do alternative = double('alternative', :kind_of? => Split::Alternative) trial = => experiment = double('experiment'), :alternative => alternative, :user => user) expect(trial).not_to receive(:choose) expect(trial.alternative).to eq(alternative) expect(trial).not_to receive(:choose) expect(trial.alternative).to eq(alternative) end it "should load the alternative when the alternative name is set" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["basket", "cart"]) trial = experiment, alternative: "basket") expect( eq("basket") end end describe "metadata" do let(:metadata) { Hash[ { |k| [k, "Metadata for #{k}"] }] } let(:experiment) do"basket_text", alternatives: alternatives, metadata: metadata).save end it "has metadata on each trial" do trial = experiment, user: user, metadata: metadata["cart"], override: "cart") expect(trial.metadata).to eq(metadata["cart"]) end trial = => experiment, :user => user) trial.choose! expect(trial.metadata).to eq(metadata[]) expect(trial.metadata).to match /#{}/ end end describe "#choose!" do def expect_alternative(trial, alternative_name) 3.times do trial.choose! expect( eq(alternative_name) end end context "when override is present" do it "picks the override" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'cart') expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, override) end end context "when disabled option is true" do it "picks the control" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') end end context "when Split is globally disabled" do it "picks the control" do Split.configuration.enabled = false trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') Split.configuration.enabled = true end end context "when experiment has winner" do it "picks the winner" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) experiment.winner = 'cart' expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) end end context "when exclude is true" do it "picks the control" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') end end context "when user is already participating" do it "picks the same alternative" do user[experiment.key] = 'basket' trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') context "when user is already participating" do end context "when user is a new participant" do it "picks a new alternative" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) expect(experiment).to receive(:next_alternative).and_call_original trial.choose! expect( be_empty end end describe "#complete!" do let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment) } context 'when there are no goals' do it 'should complete the trial' do trial.choose! old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count trial.complete! expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to be(old_completed_count+1) end end context 'when there are many goals' do let(:goals) { ['first', 'second'] } let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment, :goals => goals) } shared_examples_for "goal completion" do it 'should not complete the trial' do trial.choose! old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count trial.complete!(goal) expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to_not be(old_completed_count+1) end end describe 'Array of Goals' do let(:goal) { [goals.first] } it_behaves_like 'goal completion' end describe 'String of Goal' do let(:goal) { goals.first } it_behaves_like 'goal completion' end end end describe "alternative recording" do before(:each) { Split.configuration.store_override = false } context "when override is present" do it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when disabled is present" do it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when exclude is present" do it "does not store" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end end end it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, override: "basket") Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! expect(trial.alternative.participant_count).to eq(1) end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, override: "basket") expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when disabled is present" do it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, disabled: true) Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, disabled: true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when exclude is present" do it "does not store" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, exclude: true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when experiment has winner" do let(:trial) do experiment.winner = "cart" user, experiment: experiment) end it "does not store" do expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #375 from mtyeh411/on_trial_callback add on_trial callback whenever a trial is started <DFF> @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ describe Split::Trial do describe "alternative" do it "should use the alternative if specified" do alternative = double('alternative', :kind_of? => Split::Alternative) - trial = => experiment = double('experiment'), + trial = => double('experiment'), :alternative => alternative, :user => user) expect(trial).not_to receive(:choose) expect(trial.alternative).to eq(alternative) @@ -51,19 +51,49 @@ describe Split::Trial do trial = => experiment, :user => user) trial.choose! expect(trial.metadata).to eq(metadata[]) - expect(trial.metadata).to match /#{}/ + expect(trial.metadata).to match(/#{}/) end end describe "#choose!" do + let(:context) { double(on_trial_callback: 'test callback') } + let(:trial) do + => user, :experiment => experiment) + end + + shared_examples_for 'a trial with callbacks' do + it 'does not run if on_trial callback is not respondable' do + Split.configuration.on_trial = :foo + allow(context).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:foo, true).and_return false + expect(context).to_not receive(:foo) + trial.choose! context + end + it 'runs on_trial callback' do + Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback + expect(context).to receive(:on_trial_callback) + trial.choose! context + end + it 'does not run nil on_trial callback' do + Split.configuration.on_trial = nil + expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) + trial.choose! context + end + end + def expect_alternative(trial, alternative_name) 3.times do - trial.choose! + trial.choose! context expect( eq(alternative_name) end end context "when override is present" do + let(:trial) do + => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'cart') + end + + it_behaves_like 'a trial with callbacks' + it "picks the override" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'cart') expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) @@ -73,28 +103,43 @@ describe Split::Trial do end context "when disabled option is true" do - it "picks the control" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) + let(:trial) do + => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) + end + + it "picks the control", :aggregate_failures do + Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) + expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) + expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') + Split.configuration.on_trial = nil end end context "when Split is globally disabled" do - it "picks the control" do + it "picks the control and does not run on_trial callbacks", :aggregate_failures do Split.configuration.enabled = false - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) - expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) + Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback + expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) + expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') + Split.configuration.enabled = true + Split.configuration.on_trial = nil end end context "when experiment has winner" do + let(:trial) do + => user, :experiment => experiment) + end + + it_behaves_like 'a trial with callbacks' + it "picks the winner" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) experiment.winner = 'cart' expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) @@ -103,18 +148,23 @@ describe Split::Trial do end context "when exclude is true" do + let(:trial) do + => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) + end + + it_behaves_like 'a trial with callbacks' + it "picks the control" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) - expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') end end context "when user is already participating" do + it_behaves_like 'a trial with callbacks' + it "picks the same alternative" do user[experiment.key] = 'basket' - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') @@ -122,95 +172,99 @@ describe Split::Trial do end context "when user is a new participant" do - it "picks a new alternative" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) + it "picks a new alternative and runs on_trial_choose callback", :aggregate_failures do + Split.configuration.on_trial_choose = :on_trial_choose_callback + expect(experiment).to receive(:next_alternative).and_call_original + expect(context).to receive(:on_trial_choose_callback) + + trial.choose! context - trial.choose! expect( be_empty + Split.configuration.on_trial_choose = nil + end + end + end + + describe "#complete!" do + let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment) } + context 'when there are no goals' do + it 'should complete the trial' do + trial.choose! + old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count + trial.complete! + expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to be(old_completed_count+1) end end - describe "#complete!" do - let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment) } - context 'when there are no goals' do - it 'should complete the trial' do + context 'when there are many goals' do + let(:goals) { ['first', 'second'] } + let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment, :goals => goals) } + shared_examples_for "goal completion" do + it 'should not complete the trial' do trial.choose! old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count - trial.complete! - expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to be(old_completed_count+1) + trial.complete!(goal) + expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to_not be(old_completed_count+1) end end - context 'when there are many goals' do - let(:goals) { ['first', 'second'] } - let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment, :goals => goals) } - shared_examples_for "goal completion" do - it 'should not complete the trial' do - trial.choose! - old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count - trial.complete!(goal) - expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to_not be(old_completed_count+1) - end - end - - describe 'Array of Goals' do - let(:goal) { [goals.first] } - it_behaves_like 'goal completion' - end - - describe 'String of Goal' do - let(:goal) { goals.first } - it_behaves_like 'goal completion' - end + describe 'Array of Goals' do + let(:goal) { [goals.first] } + it_behaves_like 'goal completion' + end + describe 'String of Goal' do + let(:goal) { goals.first } + it_behaves_like 'goal completion' end + end + end - describe "alternative recording" do - before(:each) { Split.configuration.store_override = false } + describe "alternative recording" do + before(:each) { Split.configuration.store_override = false } - context "when override is present" do - it "stores when store_override is true" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') + context "when override is present" do + it "stores when store_override is true" do + trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') - Split.configuration.store_override = true - expect(user).to receive("[]=") - trial.choose! - end + Split.configuration.store_override = true + expect(user).to receive("[]=") + trial.choose! + end - it "does not store when store_override is false" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') + it "does not store when store_override is false" do + trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') - expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") - trial.choose! - end + expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") + trial.choose! end + end - context "when disabled is present" do - it "stores when store_override is true" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) + context "when disabled is present" do + it "stores when store_override is true" do + trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) - Split.configuration.store_override = true - expect(user).to receive("[]=") - trial.choose! - end + Split.configuration.store_override = true + expect(user).to receive("[]=") + trial.choose! + end - it "does not store when store_override is false" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) + it "does not store when store_override is false" do + trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) - expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") - trial.choose! - end + expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") + trial.choose! end + end - context "when exclude is present" do - it "does not store" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) + context "when exclude is present" do + it "does not store" do + trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) - expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") - trial.choose! - end + expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") + trial.choose! end end end
Merge pull request #375 from mtyeh411/on_trial_callback
<NME> trial_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "split/trial" describe Split::Trial do let(:user) { mock_user } let(:alternatives) { ["basket", "cart"] } let(:experiment) do"basket_text", alternatives: alternatives).save end it "should be initializeable" do experiment = double("experiment") alternative = double("alternative", kind_of?: Split::Alternative) trial = experiment, alternative: alternative) expect(trial.experiment).to eq(experiment) expect(trial.alternative).to eq(alternative) describe "alternative" do it "should use the alternative if specified" do alternative = double('alternative', :kind_of? => Split::Alternative) trial = => experiment = double('experiment'), :alternative => alternative, :user => user) expect(trial).not_to receive(:choose) expect(trial.alternative).to eq(alternative) expect(trial).not_to receive(:choose) expect(trial.alternative).to eq(alternative) end it "should load the alternative when the alternative name is set" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["basket", "cart"]) trial = experiment, alternative: "basket") expect( eq("basket") end end describe "metadata" do let(:metadata) { Hash[ { |k| [k, "Metadata for #{k}"] }] } let(:experiment) do"basket_text", alternatives: alternatives, metadata: metadata).save end it "has metadata on each trial" do trial = experiment, user: user, metadata: metadata["cart"], override: "cart") expect(trial.metadata).to eq(metadata["cart"]) end trial = => experiment, :user => user) trial.choose! expect(trial.metadata).to eq(metadata[]) expect(trial.metadata).to match /#{}/ end end describe "#choose!" do def expect_alternative(trial, alternative_name) 3.times do trial.choose! expect( eq(alternative_name) end end context "when override is present" do it "picks the override" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'cart') expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, override) end end context "when disabled option is true" do it "picks the control" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') end end context "when Split is globally disabled" do it "picks the control" do Split.configuration.enabled = false trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') Split.configuration.enabled = true end end context "when experiment has winner" do it "picks the winner" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) experiment.winner = 'cart' expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) end end context "when exclude is true" do it "picks the control" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') end end context "when user is already participating" do it "picks the same alternative" do user[experiment.key] = 'basket' trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') context "when user is already participating" do end context "when user is a new participant" do it "picks a new alternative" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) expect(experiment).to receive(:next_alternative).and_call_original trial.choose! expect( be_empty end end describe "#complete!" do let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment) } context 'when there are no goals' do it 'should complete the trial' do trial.choose! old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count trial.complete! expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to be(old_completed_count+1) end end context 'when there are many goals' do let(:goals) { ['first', 'second'] } let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment, :goals => goals) } shared_examples_for "goal completion" do it 'should not complete the trial' do trial.choose! old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count trial.complete!(goal) expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to_not be(old_completed_count+1) end end describe 'Array of Goals' do let(:goal) { [goals.first] } it_behaves_like 'goal completion' end describe 'String of Goal' do let(:goal) { goals.first } it_behaves_like 'goal completion' end end end describe "alternative recording" do before(:each) { Split.configuration.store_override = false } context "when override is present" do it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when disabled is present" do it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when exclude is present" do it "does not store" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end end end it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, override: "basket") Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! expect(trial.alternative.participant_count).to eq(1) end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, override: "basket") expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when disabled is present" do it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, disabled: true) Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, disabled: true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when exclude is present" do it "does not store" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, exclude: true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when experiment has winner" do let(:trial) do experiment.winner = "cart" user, experiment: experiment) end it "does not store" do expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #375 from mtyeh411/on_trial_callback add on_trial callback whenever a trial is started <DFF> @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ describe Split::Trial do describe "alternative" do it "should use the alternative if specified" do alternative = double('alternative', :kind_of? => Split::Alternative) - trial = => experiment = double('experiment'), + trial = => double('experiment'), :alternative => alternative, :user => user) expect(trial).not_to receive(:choose) expect(trial.alternative).to eq(alternative) @@ -51,19 +51,49 @@ describe Split::Trial do trial = => experiment, :user => user) trial.choose! expect(trial.metadata).to eq(metadata[]) - expect(trial.metadata).to match /#{}/ + expect(trial.metadata).to match(/#{}/) end end describe "#choose!" do + let(:context) { double(on_trial_callback: 'test callback') } + let(:trial) do + => user, :experiment => experiment) + end + + shared_examples_for 'a trial with callbacks' do + it 'does not run if on_trial callback is not respondable' do + Split.configuration.on_trial = :foo + allow(context).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:foo, true).and_return false + expect(context).to_not receive(:foo) + trial.choose! context + end + it 'runs on_trial callback' do + Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback + expect(context).to receive(:on_trial_callback) + trial.choose! context + end + it 'does not run nil on_trial callback' do + Split.configuration.on_trial = nil + expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) + trial.choose! context + end + end + def expect_alternative(trial, alternative_name) 3.times do - trial.choose! + trial.choose! context expect( eq(alternative_name) end end context "when override is present" do + let(:trial) do + => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'cart') + end + + it_behaves_like 'a trial with callbacks' + it "picks the override" do trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'cart') expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) @@ -73,28 +103,43 @@ describe Split::Trial do end context "when disabled option is true" do - it "picks the control" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) + let(:trial) do + => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) + end + + it "picks the control", :aggregate_failures do + Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) + expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) + expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') + Split.configuration.on_trial = nil end end context "when Split is globally disabled" do - it "picks the control" do + it "picks the control and does not run on_trial callbacks", :aggregate_failures do Split.configuration.enabled = false - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) - expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) + Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback + expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) + expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') + Split.configuration.enabled = true + Split.configuration.on_trial = nil end end context "when experiment has winner" do + let(:trial) do + => user, :experiment => experiment) + end + + it_behaves_like 'a trial with callbacks' + it "picks the winner" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) experiment.winner = 'cart' expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) @@ -103,18 +148,23 @@ describe Split::Trial do end context "when exclude is true" do + let(:trial) do + => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) + end + + it_behaves_like 'a trial with callbacks' + it "picks the control" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) - expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') end end context "when user is already participating" do + it_behaves_like 'a trial with callbacks' + it "picks the same alternative" do user[experiment.key] = 'basket' - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, 'basket') @@ -122,95 +172,99 @@ describe Split::Trial do end context "when user is a new participant" do - it "picks a new alternative" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment) + it "picks a new alternative and runs on_trial_choose callback", :aggregate_failures do + Split.configuration.on_trial_choose = :on_trial_choose_callback + expect(experiment).to receive(:next_alternative).and_call_original + expect(context).to receive(:on_trial_choose_callback) + + trial.choose! context - trial.choose! expect( be_empty + Split.configuration.on_trial_choose = nil + end + end + end + + describe "#complete!" do + let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment) } + context 'when there are no goals' do + it 'should complete the trial' do + trial.choose! + old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count + trial.complete! + expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to be(old_completed_count+1) end end - describe "#complete!" do - let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment) } - context 'when there are no goals' do - it 'should complete the trial' do + context 'when there are many goals' do + let(:goals) { ['first', 'second'] } + let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment, :goals => goals) } + shared_examples_for "goal completion" do + it 'should not complete the trial' do trial.choose! old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count - trial.complete! - expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to be(old_completed_count+1) + trial.complete!(goal) + expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to_not be(old_completed_count+1) end end - context 'when there are many goals' do - let(:goals) { ['first', 'second'] } - let(:trial) { => user, :experiment => experiment, :goals => goals) } - shared_examples_for "goal completion" do - it 'should not complete the trial' do - trial.choose! - old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count - trial.complete!(goal) - expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to_not be(old_completed_count+1) - end - end - - describe 'Array of Goals' do - let(:goal) { [goals.first] } - it_behaves_like 'goal completion' - end - - describe 'String of Goal' do - let(:goal) { goals.first } - it_behaves_like 'goal completion' - end + describe 'Array of Goals' do + let(:goal) { [goals.first] } + it_behaves_like 'goal completion' + end + describe 'String of Goal' do + let(:goal) { goals.first } + it_behaves_like 'goal completion' end + end + end - describe "alternative recording" do - before(:each) { Split.configuration.store_override = false } + describe "alternative recording" do + before(:each) { Split.configuration.store_override = false } - context "when override is present" do - it "stores when store_override is true" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') + context "when override is present" do + it "stores when store_override is true" do + trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') - Split.configuration.store_override = true - expect(user).to receive("[]=") - trial.choose! - end + Split.configuration.store_override = true + expect(user).to receive("[]=") + trial.choose! + end - it "does not store when store_override is false" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') + it "does not store when store_override is false" do + trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :override => 'basket') - expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") - trial.choose! - end + expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") + trial.choose! end + end - context "when disabled is present" do - it "stores when store_override is true" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) + context "when disabled is present" do + it "stores when store_override is true" do + trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) - Split.configuration.store_override = true - expect(user).to receive("[]=") - trial.choose! - end + Split.configuration.store_override = true + expect(user).to receive("[]=") + trial.choose! + end - it "does not store when store_override is false" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) + it "does not store when store_override is false" do + trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :disabled => true) - expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") - trial.choose! - end + expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") + trial.choose! end + end - context "when exclude is present" do - it "does not store" do - trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) + context "when exclude is present" do + it "does not store" do + trial = => user, :experiment => experiment, :exclude => true) - expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") - trial.choose! - end + expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") + trial.choose! end end end
Merge pull request #375 from mtyeh411/on_trial_callback
<NME> expand.ts <BEF> import { strictEqual as equal } from 'assert'; import expand, { resolveConfig } from '../src'; describe('Expand Abbreviation', () => { describe('Markup', () => { it('basic', () => { equal(expand('input[value="text$"]*2'), '<input type="text" value="text1"><input type="text" value="text2">'); equal(expand('ul>.item$*2'), '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1"></li>\n\t<li class="item2"></li>\n</ul>'); // insert text into abbreviation equal(expand('ul>.item$*', { text: ['foo', 'bar'] }), '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1">foo</li>\n\t<li class="item2">bar</li>\n</ul>'); // insert TextMate-style fields/tabstops in output equal(expand('ul>.item$*2', { options: { 'output.field': (index, placeholder) => `\${${index}${placeholder ? ':' + placeholder : ''}}` } }), '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1">${1}</li>\n\t<li class="item2">${2}</li>\n</ul>'); }); it('attributes', () => { const snippets = { test: 'test[!foo bar. baz={}]' }; const opt = { snippets }; const reverse = { options: { 'output.reverseAttributes': true }, snippets }; equal(expand('a.test'), '<a href="" class="test"></a>'); equal(expand('a.test', reverse), '<a class="test" href=""></a>'); equal(expand('test', opt), '<test bar="bar" baz={}></test>'); equal(expand('test[foo]', opt), '<test bar="bar" baz={}></test>'); equal(expand('test[baz=a foo=1]', opt), '<test foo="1" bar="bar" baz={a}></test>'); equal(expand('map'), '<map name=""></map>'); equal(expand('map[]'), '<map name=""></map>'); equal(expand('map[name="valid"]'), '<map name="valid"></map>'); equal(expand('map[href="invalid"]'), '<map name="" href="invalid"></map>'); // Apply attributes in reverse order equal(expand('test', reverse), '<test bar="bar" baz={}></test>'); equal(expand('test[foo]', reverse), '<test bar="bar" baz={}></test>'); equal(expand('test[baz=a foo=1]', reverse), '<test baz={a} foo="1" bar="bar"></test>'); }); it('numbering', () => { equal(expand('ul>li.item$@-*5'), '<ul>\n\t<li class="item5"></li>\n\t<li class="item4"></li>\n\t<li class="item3"></li>\n\t<li class="item2"></li>\n\t<li class="item1"></li>\n</ul>'); }); it('syntax', () => { equal(expand('ul>.item$*2', { syntax: 'html' }), '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1"></li>\n\t<li class="item2"></li>\n</ul>'); equal(expand('ul>.item$*2', { syntax: 'slim' }), 'ul\n\tli.item1 \n\tli.item2 '); equal(expand('xsl:variable[name=a select=b]>div', { syntax: 'xsl' }), '<xsl:variable name="a">\n\t<div></div>\n</xsl:variable>'); }); it('custom profile', () => { equal(expand('img'), '<img src="" alt="">'); equal(expand('img', { options: { 'output.selfClosingStyle': 'xhtml' } }), '<img src="" alt="" />'); }); it('custom variables', () => { const variables = { charset: 'ru-RU' }; equal(expand('[charset=${charset}]{${charset}}'), '<div charset="UTF-8">UTF-8</div>'); equal(expand('[charset=${charset}]{${charset}}', { variables }), '<div charset="ru-RU">ru-RU</div>'); }); it('custom snippets', () => { const snippets = { link: 'link[foo=bar href]/', foo: '.foo[bar=baz]', repeat: 'div>ul>li{Hello World}*3' }; equal(expand('foo', { snippets }), '<div class="foo" bar="baz"></div>'); // `link:css` depends on `link` snippet so changing it will result in // altered `link:css` result '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1"></li>\n\t<!-- /.item1 -->\n\t<li class="item2"></li>\n\t<!-- /.item2 -->\n</ul>'); }); // it.only('debug', () => { // equal(expand('link:css'), '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">'); // }); equal(expand('div>p'), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(expand('div>p', { options: { 'output.formatLeafNode': true } }), '<div>\n\t<p>\n\t\t\n\t</p>\n</div>'); }); it('JSX', () => { const config = { syntax: 'jsx' }; equal(expand('', config), '<div id="foo" className="bar"></div>'); equal(expand('label[for=a]', config), '<label htmlFor="a"></label>'); equal(expand('Foo.Bar', config), '<Foo.Bar></Foo.Bar>'); equal(expand('div.{}', config), '<div className={}></div>'); }); it('override attributes', () => { const config = { syntax: 'jsx' }; equal(expand('.bar', config), '<div className="bar"></div>'); equal(expand('', config), '<div styleName={}></div>'); equal(expand('', config), '<div styleName={styles[\'foo-bar\']}></div>'); equal(expand('.foo', { syntax: 'vue' }), '<div class="foo"></div>'); equal(expand('', { syntax: 'vue' }), '<div :class="foo"></div>'); }); it('wrap with abbreviation', () => { equal(expand('div>ul', { text: ['<div>line1</div>\n<div>line2</div>'] }), '<div>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<div>line1</div>\n\t\t<div>line2</div>\n\t</ul>\n</div>'); equal(expand('p', { text: 'foo\nbar' }), '<p>\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n</p>'); equal(expand('p', { text: '<div>foo</div>' }), '<p>\n\t<div>foo</div>\n</p>'); equal(expand('p', { text: '<span>foo</span>' }), '<p><span>foo</span></p>'); equal(expand('p', { text: 'foo<span>foo</span>' }), '<p>foo<span>foo</span></p>'); equal(expand('p', { text: 'foo<div>foo</div>' }), '<p>foo<div>foo</div></p>'); }); it('wrap with abbreviation href', () => { equal(expand('a', { text: [''] }), '<a href=""></a>'); equal(expand('a', { text: ['then'] }), '<a href="">then</a>'); equal(expand('a', { text: [''], options: { 'markup.href': false } }), '<a href=""></a>'); equal(expand('map[name=""]', { text: ['some text'] }), '<map name="">some text</map>'); equal(expand('map[href=""]', { text: ['some text'] }), '<map name="" href="">some text</map>'); equal(expand('map[name=""]>b', { text: ['some text'] }), '<map name=""><b>some text</b></map>'); equal(expand('a[href=""]>b', { text: ['<u>some text false</u>'], options: { 'markup.href': false } }), '<a href=""><b><u>some text false</u></b></a>'); equal(expand('a[href=""]>b', { text: ['<u>some text true</u>'], options: { 'markup.href': true } }), '<a href=""><b><u>some text true</u></b></a>'); equal(expand('a[href=""]>div', { text: ['<p>some text false</p>'], options: { 'markup.href': false } }), '<a href="">\n\t<div>\n\t\t<p>some text false</p>\n\t</div>\n</a>'); equal(expand('a[href=""]>div', { text: ['<p>some text true</p>'], options: { 'markup.href': true } }), '<a href="">\n\t<div>\n\t\t<p>some text true</p>\n\t</div>\n</a>'); }); // it.only('debug', () => { // equal(expand('link:css'), '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">'); // }); }); describe('Pug templates', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ syntax: 'pug' }); it('basic', () => { equal(expand('!', config), 'doctype html\nhtml(lang="en")\n\thead\n\t\tmeta(charset="UTF-8")\n\t\tmeta(http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible", content="IE=edge")\n\t\tmeta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0")\n\t\ttitle Document\n\tbody '); }); }); }); <MSG> Indent text with new lines when wrpping with abbreviation Fixes emmetio/expand-abbreviation#17 <DFF> @@ -82,6 +82,11 @@ describe('Expand Abbreviation', () => { '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1"></li>\n\t<!-- /.item1 -->\n\t<li class="item2"></li>\n\t<!-- /.item2 -->\n</ul>'); }); + it('wrap with abbreviation', () => { + equal(expand('div>ul', { text: ['<div>line1</div>\n<div>line2</div>'] }), + '<div>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<div>line1</div>\n\t\t<div>line2</div>\n\t</ul>\n</div>'); + }); + // it.only('debug', () => { // equal(expand('link:css'), '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">'); // });
Indent text with new lines when wrpping with abbreviation
<NME> expand.ts <BEF> import { strictEqual as equal } from 'assert'; import expand, { resolveConfig } from '../src'; describe('Expand Abbreviation', () => { describe('Markup', () => { it('basic', () => { equal(expand('input[value="text$"]*2'), '<input type="text" value="text1"><input type="text" value="text2">'); equal(expand('ul>.item$*2'), '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1"></li>\n\t<li class="item2"></li>\n</ul>'); // insert text into abbreviation equal(expand('ul>.item$*', { text: ['foo', 'bar'] }), '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1">foo</li>\n\t<li class="item2">bar</li>\n</ul>'); // insert TextMate-style fields/tabstops in output equal(expand('ul>.item$*2', { options: { 'output.field': (index, placeholder) => `\${${index}${placeholder ? ':' + placeholder : ''}}` } }), '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1">${1}</li>\n\t<li class="item2">${2}</li>\n</ul>'); }); it('attributes', () => { const snippets = { test: 'test[!foo bar. baz={}]' }; const opt = { snippets }; const reverse = { options: { 'output.reverseAttributes': true }, snippets }; equal(expand('a.test'), '<a href="" class="test"></a>'); equal(expand('a.test', reverse), '<a class="test" href=""></a>'); equal(expand('test', opt), '<test bar="bar" baz={}></test>'); equal(expand('test[foo]', opt), '<test bar="bar" baz={}></test>'); equal(expand('test[baz=a foo=1]', opt), '<test foo="1" bar="bar" baz={a}></test>'); equal(expand('map'), '<map name=""></map>'); equal(expand('map[]'), '<map name=""></map>'); equal(expand('map[name="valid"]'), '<map name="valid"></map>'); equal(expand('map[href="invalid"]'), '<map name="" href="invalid"></map>'); // Apply attributes in reverse order equal(expand('test', reverse), '<test bar="bar" baz={}></test>'); equal(expand('test[foo]', reverse), '<test bar="bar" baz={}></test>'); equal(expand('test[baz=a foo=1]', reverse), '<test baz={a} foo="1" bar="bar"></test>'); }); it('numbering', () => { equal(expand('ul>li.item$@-*5'), '<ul>\n\t<li class="item5"></li>\n\t<li class="item4"></li>\n\t<li class="item3"></li>\n\t<li class="item2"></li>\n\t<li class="item1"></li>\n</ul>'); }); it('syntax', () => { equal(expand('ul>.item$*2', { syntax: 'html' }), '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1"></li>\n\t<li class="item2"></li>\n</ul>'); equal(expand('ul>.item$*2', { syntax: 'slim' }), 'ul\n\tli.item1 \n\tli.item2 '); equal(expand('xsl:variable[name=a select=b]>div', { syntax: 'xsl' }), '<xsl:variable name="a">\n\t<div></div>\n</xsl:variable>'); }); it('custom profile', () => { equal(expand('img'), '<img src="" alt="">'); equal(expand('img', { options: { 'output.selfClosingStyle': 'xhtml' } }), '<img src="" alt="" />'); }); it('custom variables', () => { const variables = { charset: 'ru-RU' }; equal(expand('[charset=${charset}]{${charset}}'), '<div charset="UTF-8">UTF-8</div>'); equal(expand('[charset=${charset}]{${charset}}', { variables }), '<div charset="ru-RU">ru-RU</div>'); }); it('custom snippets', () => { const snippets = { link: 'link[foo=bar href]/', foo: '.foo[bar=baz]', repeat: 'div>ul>li{Hello World}*3' }; equal(expand('foo', { snippets }), '<div class="foo" bar="baz"></div>'); // `link:css` depends on `link` snippet so changing it will result in // altered `link:css` result '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1"></li>\n\t<!-- /.item1 -->\n\t<li class="item2"></li>\n\t<!-- /.item2 -->\n</ul>'); }); // it.only('debug', () => { // equal(expand('link:css'), '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">'); // }); equal(expand('div>p'), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(expand('div>p', { options: { 'output.formatLeafNode': true } }), '<div>\n\t<p>\n\t\t\n\t</p>\n</div>'); }); it('JSX', () => { const config = { syntax: 'jsx' }; equal(expand('', config), '<div id="foo" className="bar"></div>'); equal(expand('label[for=a]', config), '<label htmlFor="a"></label>'); equal(expand('Foo.Bar', config), '<Foo.Bar></Foo.Bar>'); equal(expand('div.{}', config), '<div className={}></div>'); }); it('override attributes', () => { const config = { syntax: 'jsx' }; equal(expand('.bar', config), '<div className="bar"></div>'); equal(expand('', config), '<div styleName={}></div>'); equal(expand('', config), '<div styleName={styles[\'foo-bar\']}></div>'); equal(expand('.foo', { syntax: 'vue' }), '<div class="foo"></div>'); equal(expand('', { syntax: 'vue' }), '<div :class="foo"></div>'); }); it('wrap with abbreviation', () => { equal(expand('div>ul', { text: ['<div>line1</div>\n<div>line2</div>'] }), '<div>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<div>line1</div>\n\t\t<div>line2</div>\n\t</ul>\n</div>'); equal(expand('p', { text: 'foo\nbar' }), '<p>\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n</p>'); equal(expand('p', { text: '<div>foo</div>' }), '<p>\n\t<div>foo</div>\n</p>'); equal(expand('p', { text: '<span>foo</span>' }), '<p><span>foo</span></p>'); equal(expand('p', { text: 'foo<span>foo</span>' }), '<p>foo<span>foo</span></p>'); equal(expand('p', { text: 'foo<div>foo</div>' }), '<p>foo<div>foo</div></p>'); }); it('wrap with abbreviation href', () => { equal(expand('a', { text: [''] }), '<a href=""></a>'); equal(expand('a', { text: ['then'] }), '<a href="">then</a>'); equal(expand('a', { text: [''], options: { 'markup.href': false } }), '<a href=""></a>'); equal(expand('map[name=""]', { text: ['some text'] }), '<map name="">some text</map>'); equal(expand('map[href=""]', { text: ['some text'] }), '<map name="" href="">some text</map>'); equal(expand('map[name=""]>b', { text: ['some text'] }), '<map name=""><b>some text</b></map>'); equal(expand('a[href=""]>b', { text: ['<u>some text false</u>'], options: { 'markup.href': false } }), '<a href=""><b><u>some text false</u></b></a>'); equal(expand('a[href=""]>b', { text: ['<u>some text true</u>'], options: { 'markup.href': true } }), '<a href=""><b><u>some text true</u></b></a>'); equal(expand('a[href=""]>div', { text: ['<p>some text false</p>'], options: { 'markup.href': false } }), '<a href="">\n\t<div>\n\t\t<p>some text false</p>\n\t</div>\n</a>'); equal(expand('a[href=""]>div', { text: ['<p>some text true</p>'], options: { 'markup.href': true } }), '<a href="">\n\t<div>\n\t\t<p>some text true</p>\n\t</div>\n</a>'); }); // it.only('debug', () => { // equal(expand('link:css'), '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">'); // }); }); describe('Pug templates', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ syntax: 'pug' }); it('basic', () => { equal(expand('!', config), 'doctype html\nhtml(lang="en")\n\thead\n\t\tmeta(charset="UTF-8")\n\t\tmeta(http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible", content="IE=edge")\n\t\tmeta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0")\n\t\ttitle Document\n\tbody '); }); }); }); <MSG> Indent text with new lines when wrpping with abbreviation Fixes emmetio/expand-abbreviation#17 <DFF> @@ -82,6 +82,11 @@ describe('Expand Abbreviation', () => { '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1"></li>\n\t<!-- /.item1 -->\n\t<li class="item2"></li>\n\t<!-- /.item2 -->\n</ul>'); }); + it('wrap with abbreviation', () => { + equal(expand('div>ul', { text: ['<div>line1</div>\n<div>line2</div>'] }), + '<div>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<div>line1</div>\n\t\t<div>line2</div>\n\t</ul>\n</div>'); + }); + // it.only('debug', () => { // equal(expand('link:css'), '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">'); // });
Indent text with new lines when wrpping with abbreviation
<NME> helper.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split module Helper OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME = "ab_test" module_function def ab_test(metric_descriptor, control = nil, *alternatives) begin experiment = ExperimentCatalog.find_or_initialize(metric_descriptor, control, *alternatives) alternative = if Split.configuration.enabled && !exclude_visitor? raise(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) unless (Split.configuration.experiments || {}).fetch(, {})[:combined_experiments].nil? trial = ab_user, experiment: experiment, override: override_alternative(, exclude: exclude_visitor?, disabled: split_generically_disabled?) alt = trial.choose!(self) alt ? : nil else control_variable(experiment.control) end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Redis::BaseError, SocketError => e raise(e) unless Split.configuration.db_failover if Split.configuration.db_failover_allow_parameter_override alternative = override_alternative( if override_present?( alternative = control_variable(experiment.control) if split_generically_disabled? alternative.increment_completion session[:split].delete(experiment_name) if options[:reset] end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end yield(alternative, metadata || {}) else alternative end end def reset!(experiment) ab_user.delete(experiment.key) end def finish_experiment(experiment, options = { reset: true }) return false if active_experiments[].nil? return true if experiment.has_winner? should_reset = experiment.resettable? && options[:reset] if ab_user[experiment.finished_key] && !should_reset true else alternative_name = ab_user[experiment.key] trial = user: ab_user, experiment: experiment, alternative: alternative_name, goals: options[:goals], ) trial.complete!(self) if should_reset reset!(experiment) else ab_user[experiment.finished_key] = true end end end def ab_finished(metric_descriptor, options = { reset: true }) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? metric_descriptor, goals = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any? experiments.each do |experiment| next if override_present?(experiment.key) finish_experiment(experiment, options.merge(goals: goals)) end end rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end def ab_record_extra_info(metric_descriptor, key, value = 1) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? metric_descriptor, _ = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any? experiments.each do |experiment| alternative_name = ab_user[experiment.key] if alternative_name alternative = experiment.alternatives.find { |alt| == alternative_name } alternative.record_extra_info(key, value) if alternative end end end rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end def ab_active_experiments ab_user.active_experiments rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end end end end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover ret = control_variable(control) def override_alternative_by_params(experiment_name) defined?(params) && params[OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME] && params[OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME][experiment_name] end def override_alternative_by_cookies(experiment_name) return unless defined?(request) if request.cookies && request.cookies.key?("split_override") experiments = JSON.parse(request.cookies["split_override"]) rescue {} experiments[experiment_name] end end def split_generically_disabled? defined?(params) && params["SPLIT_DISABLE"] end def ab_user @ab_user ||= end def exclude_visitor? defined?(request) && (instance_exec(request, &Split.configuration.ignore_filter) || is_ignored_ip_address? || is_robot? || is_preview?) end def is_robot? defined?(request) && request.user_agent =~ Split.configuration.robot_regex end def is_preview? defined?(request) && defined?(request.headers) && request.headers["x-purpose"] == "preview" end def is_ignored_ip_address? return false if Split.configuration.ignore_ip_addresses.empty? Split.configuration.ignore_ip_addresses.each do |ip| return true if defined?(request) && (request.ip == ip || (ip.class == Regexp && request.ip =~ ip)) end false end def active_experiments ab_user.active_experiments end def normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) if Hash === metric_descriptor experiment_name = metric_descriptor.keys.first goals = Array(metric_descriptor.values.first) else experiment_name = metric_descriptor goals = [] end return experiment_name, goals end def control_variable(control) Hash === control ? control.keys.first.to_s : control.to_s end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #60 from dv/catch_all_db_failover Catch any exceptions, not only ECONNREFUSED <DFF> @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module Split alternative.increment_completion session[:split].delete(experiment_name) if options[:reset] end - rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e + rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ module Split end end end - rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e + rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover ret = control_variable(control)
Merge pull request #60 from dv/catch_all_db_failover
<NME> helper.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split module Helper OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME = "ab_test" module_function def ab_test(metric_descriptor, control = nil, *alternatives) begin experiment = ExperimentCatalog.find_or_initialize(metric_descriptor, control, *alternatives) alternative = if Split.configuration.enabled && !exclude_visitor? raise(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) unless (Split.configuration.experiments || {}).fetch(, {})[:combined_experiments].nil? trial = ab_user, experiment: experiment, override: override_alternative(, exclude: exclude_visitor?, disabled: split_generically_disabled?) alt = trial.choose!(self) alt ? : nil else control_variable(experiment.control) end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Redis::BaseError, SocketError => e raise(e) unless Split.configuration.db_failover if Split.configuration.db_failover_allow_parameter_override alternative = override_alternative( if override_present?( alternative = control_variable(experiment.control) if split_generically_disabled? alternative.increment_completion session[:split].delete(experiment_name) if options[:reset] end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end yield(alternative, metadata || {}) else alternative end end def reset!(experiment) ab_user.delete(experiment.key) end def finish_experiment(experiment, options = { reset: true }) return false if active_experiments[].nil? return true if experiment.has_winner? should_reset = experiment.resettable? && options[:reset] if ab_user[experiment.finished_key] && !should_reset true else alternative_name = ab_user[experiment.key] trial = user: ab_user, experiment: experiment, alternative: alternative_name, goals: options[:goals], ) trial.complete!(self) if should_reset reset!(experiment) else ab_user[experiment.finished_key] = true end end end def ab_finished(metric_descriptor, options = { reset: true }) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? metric_descriptor, goals = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any? experiments.each do |experiment| next if override_present?(experiment.key) finish_experiment(experiment, options.merge(goals: goals)) end end rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end def ab_record_extra_info(metric_descriptor, key, value = 1) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? metric_descriptor, _ = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any? experiments.each do |experiment| alternative_name = ab_user[experiment.key] if alternative_name alternative = experiment.alternatives.find { |alt| == alternative_name } alternative.record_extra_info(key, value) if alternative end end end rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end def ab_active_experiments ab_user.active_experiments rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end end end end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover ret = control_variable(control) def override_alternative_by_params(experiment_name) defined?(params) && params[OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME] && params[OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME][experiment_name] end def override_alternative_by_cookies(experiment_name) return unless defined?(request) if request.cookies && request.cookies.key?("split_override") experiments = JSON.parse(request.cookies["split_override"]) rescue {} experiments[experiment_name] end end def split_generically_disabled? defined?(params) && params["SPLIT_DISABLE"] end def ab_user @ab_user ||= end def exclude_visitor? defined?(request) && (instance_exec(request, &Split.configuration.ignore_filter) || is_ignored_ip_address? || is_robot? || is_preview?) end def is_robot? defined?(request) && request.user_agent =~ Split.configuration.robot_regex end def is_preview? defined?(request) && defined?(request.headers) && request.headers["x-purpose"] == "preview" end def is_ignored_ip_address? return false if Split.configuration.ignore_ip_addresses.empty? Split.configuration.ignore_ip_addresses.each do |ip| return true if defined?(request) && (request.ip == ip || (ip.class == Regexp && request.ip =~ ip)) end false end def active_experiments ab_user.active_experiments end def normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) if Hash === metric_descriptor experiment_name = metric_descriptor.keys.first goals = Array(metric_descriptor.values.first) else experiment_name = metric_descriptor goals = [] end return experiment_name, goals end def control_variable(control) Hash === control ? control.keys.first.to_s : control.to_s end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #60 from dv/catch_all_db_failover Catch any exceptions, not only ECONNREFUSED <DFF> @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module Split alternative.increment_completion session[:split].delete(experiment_name) if options[:reset] end - rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e + rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ module Split end end end - rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e + rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover ret = control_variable(control)
Merge pull request #60 from dv/catch_all_db_failover
<NME> helper.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split module Helper OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME = "ab_test" module_function def ab_test(metric_descriptor, control = nil, *alternatives) begin experiment = ExperimentCatalog.find_or_initialize(metric_descriptor, control, *alternatives) alternative = if Split.configuration.enabled && !exclude_visitor? raise(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) unless (Split.configuration.experiments || {}).fetch(, {})[:combined_experiments].nil? trial = ab_user, experiment: experiment, override: override_alternative(, exclude: exclude_visitor?, disabled: split_generically_disabled?) alt = trial.choose!(self) alt ? : nil else control_variable(experiment.control) end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Redis::BaseError, SocketError => e raise(e) unless Split.configuration.db_failover if Split.configuration.db_failover_allow_parameter_override alternative = override_alternative( if override_present?( alternative = control_variable(experiment.control) if split_generically_disabled? alternative.increment_completion session[:split].delete(experiment_name) if options[:reset] end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end yield(alternative, metadata || {}) else alternative end end def reset!(experiment) ab_user.delete(experiment.key) end def finish_experiment(experiment, options = { reset: true }) return false if active_experiments[].nil? return true if experiment.has_winner? should_reset = experiment.resettable? && options[:reset] if ab_user[experiment.finished_key] && !should_reset true else alternative_name = ab_user[experiment.key] trial = user: ab_user, experiment: experiment, alternative: alternative_name, goals: options[:goals], ) trial.complete!(self) if should_reset reset!(experiment) else ab_user[experiment.finished_key] = true end end end def ab_finished(metric_descriptor, options = { reset: true }) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? metric_descriptor, goals = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any? experiments.each do |experiment| next if override_present?(experiment.key) finish_experiment(experiment, options.merge(goals: goals)) end end rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end def ab_record_extra_info(metric_descriptor, key, value = 1) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? metric_descriptor, _ = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any? experiments.each do |experiment| alternative_name = ab_user[experiment.key] if alternative_name alternative = experiment.alternatives.find { |alt| == alternative_name } alternative.record_extra_info(key, value) if alternative end end end rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end def ab_active_experiments ab_user.active_experiments rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end end end end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover ret = control_variable(control) def override_alternative_by_params(experiment_name) defined?(params) && params[OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME] && params[OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME][experiment_name] end def override_alternative_by_cookies(experiment_name) return unless defined?(request) if request.cookies && request.cookies.key?("split_override") experiments = JSON.parse(request.cookies["split_override"]) rescue {} experiments[experiment_name] end end def split_generically_disabled? defined?(params) && params["SPLIT_DISABLE"] end def ab_user @ab_user ||= end def exclude_visitor? defined?(request) && (instance_exec(request, &Split.configuration.ignore_filter) || is_ignored_ip_address? || is_robot? || is_preview?) end def is_robot? defined?(request) && request.user_agent =~ Split.configuration.robot_regex end def is_preview? defined?(request) && defined?(request.headers) && request.headers["x-purpose"] == "preview" end def is_ignored_ip_address? return false if Split.configuration.ignore_ip_addresses.empty? Split.configuration.ignore_ip_addresses.each do |ip| return true if defined?(request) && (request.ip == ip || (ip.class == Regexp && request.ip =~ ip)) end false end def active_experiments ab_user.active_experiments end def normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) if Hash === metric_descriptor experiment_name = metric_descriptor.keys.first goals = Array(metric_descriptor.values.first) else experiment_name = metric_descriptor goals = [] end return experiment_name, goals end def control_variable(control) Hash === control ? control.keys.first.to_s : control.to_s end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #60 from dv/catch_all_db_failover Catch any exceptions, not only ECONNREFUSED <DFF> @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module Split alternative.increment_completion session[:split].delete(experiment_name) if options[:reset] end - rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e + rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ module Split end end end - rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e + rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover ret = control_variable(control)
Merge pull request #60 from dv/catch_all_db_failover
<NME> split.gemspec <BEF> # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: true $:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require "split/version" do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Andrew Nesbitt"] = [""] s.homepage = "" s.summary = %q{Rack based split testing framework} s.rubyforge_project = "split" s.summary = "Rack based split testing framework" s.metadata = { "homepage_uri" => "", "changelog_uri" => "", "source_code_uri" => "", "bug_tracker_uri" => "", "wiki_uri" => "", "mailing_list_uri" => "" } s.required_ruby_version = ">= 2.5.0" s.required_rubygems_version = ">= 2.0.0" s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") s.test_files = `git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n") s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.add_dependency "redis", ">= 4.2" s.add_dependency "sinatra", ">= 1.2.6" s.add_dependency "rubystats", ">= 0.3.0" s.add_development_dependency "bundler", ">= 1.17" s.add_development_dependency "simplecov", "~> 0.15" s.add_development_dependency "rack-test", "~> 2.0" s.add_development_dependency "rake", "~> 13" s.add_development_dependency "rspec", "~> 3.7" s.add_development_dependency "pry", "~> 0.10" s.add_development_dependency "rails", ">= 5.0" end <MSG> Added homepage to gemspec <DFF> @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Andrew Nesbitt"] = [""] - s.homepage = "" + s.homepage = "" s.summary = %q{Rack based split testing framework} s.rubyforge_project = "split"
Added homepage to gemspec
<NME> split.gemspec <BEF> # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: true $:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require "split/version" do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Andrew Nesbitt"] = [""] s.homepage = "" s.summary = %q{Rack based split testing framework} s.rubyforge_project = "split" s.summary = "Rack based split testing framework" s.metadata = { "homepage_uri" => "", "changelog_uri" => "", "source_code_uri" => "", "bug_tracker_uri" => "", "wiki_uri" => "", "mailing_list_uri" => "" } s.required_ruby_version = ">= 2.5.0" s.required_rubygems_version = ">= 2.0.0" s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") s.test_files = `git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n") s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.add_dependency "redis", ">= 4.2" s.add_dependency "sinatra", ">= 1.2.6" s.add_dependency "rubystats", ">= 0.3.0" s.add_development_dependency "bundler", ">= 1.17" s.add_development_dependency "simplecov", "~> 0.15" s.add_development_dependency "rack-test", "~> 2.0" s.add_development_dependency "rake", "~> 13" s.add_development_dependency "rspec", "~> 3.7" s.add_development_dependency "pry", "~> 0.10" s.add_development_dependency "rails", ">= 5.0" end <MSG> Added homepage to gemspec <DFF> @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Andrew Nesbitt"] = [""] - s.homepage = "" + s.homepage = "" s.summary = %q{Rack based split testing framework} s.rubyforge_project = "split"
Added homepage to gemspec
<NME> split.gemspec <BEF> # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: true $:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require "split/version" do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Andrew Nesbitt"] = [""] s.homepage = "" s.summary = %q{Rack based split testing framework} s.rubyforge_project = "split" s.summary = "Rack based split testing framework" s.metadata = { "homepage_uri" => "", "changelog_uri" => "", "source_code_uri" => "", "bug_tracker_uri" => "", "wiki_uri" => "", "mailing_list_uri" => "" } s.required_ruby_version = ">= 2.5.0" s.required_rubygems_version = ">= 2.0.0" s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") s.test_files = `git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n") s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.add_dependency "redis", ">= 4.2" s.add_dependency "sinatra", ">= 1.2.6" s.add_dependency "rubystats", ">= 0.3.0" s.add_development_dependency "bundler", ">= 1.17" s.add_development_dependency "simplecov", "~> 0.15" s.add_development_dependency "rack-test", "~> 2.0" s.add_development_dependency "rake", "~> 13" s.add_development_dependency "rspec", "~> 3.7" s.add_development_dependency "pry", "~> 0.10" s.add_development_dependency "rails", ">= 5.0" end <MSG> Added homepage to gemspec <DFF> @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Andrew Nesbitt"] = [""] - s.homepage = "" + s.homepage = "" s.summary = %q{Rack based split testing framework} s.rubyforge_project = "split"
Added homepage to gemspec
<NME> configuration_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe Split::Configuration do before(:each) { @config = } it "should provide a default value for ignore_ip_addresses" do expect(@config.ignore_ip_addresses).to eq([]) end it "should provide default values for db failover" do expect(@config.db_failover).to be_falsey expect(@config.db_failover_on_db_error).to be_a Proc end it "should not allow multiple experiments by default" do expect(@config.allow_multiple_experiments).to be_falsey end it "should be enabled by default" do expect(@config.enabled).to be_truthy end it "disabled is the opposite of enabled" do @config.enabled = false expect(@config.disabled?).to be_truthy end %w[Baidu Gigabot Googlebot libwww-perl lwp-trivial msnbot SiteUptime Slurp WordPress ZIBB ZyBorg AdsBot-Google Wget curl bitlybot facebookexternalhit spider].each do |robot| @config.robot_regex.should =~ robot end @config.robot_regex.should =~ "EventMachine HttpClient" @config.robot_regex.should =~ "libwww-perl/5.836" @config.robot_regex.should =~ "Pingdom.com_bot_version_1.4_(" end it "should accept real UAs with the robot regexp" do expect(@config.robot_regex).to match(" - ") end it "should accept real UAs with the robot regexp" do expect(@config.robot_regex).not_to match("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091017 SeaMonkey/2.0") expect(@config.robot_regex).not_to match("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; F-6.0SP2-20041109; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.3)") end it "should allow adding a bot to the bot list" do @config.bots["newbot"] = "An amazing test bot" expect(@config.robot_regex).to match("newbot") end it "should use the session adapter for persistence by default" do expect(@config.persistence).to eq(Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter) end it "should load a metric" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["control_opt", "other_opt"], metric: :my_metric } } expect(@config.metrics).not_to be_nil expect(@config.metrics.keys).to eq([:my_metric]) end it "should allow loading of experiment using experment_for" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["control_opt", "other_opt"], metric: :my_metric } } expect(@config.experiment_for(:my_experiment)).to eq({ alternatives: ["control_opt", ["other_opt"]] }) end context "when experiments are defined via YAML" do context "as strings" do context "in a basic configuration" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - Control Opt - Alt One - Alt Two resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: ["Control Opt", ["Alt One", "Alt Two"]] } }) end end context "in a configuration with metadata" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - name: Control Opt percent: 67 - name: Alt One percent: 10 - name: Alt Two percent: 23 metadata: Control Opt: text: 'Control Option' Alt One: text: 'Alternative One' Alt Two: text: 'Alternative Two' resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should have metadata on the experiment" do meta = @config.normalized_experiments[:my_experiment][:metadata] expect(meta).to_not be nil expect(meta["Control Opt"]["text"]).to eq("Control Option") end end context "in a complex configuration" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - name: Control Opt percent: 67 - name: Alt One percent: 10 - name: Alt Two percent: 23 resettable: false metric: my_metric another_experiment: alternatives: - a - b eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: [{ "Control Opt"=>0.67 }, [{ "Alt One"=>0.1 }, { "Alt Two"=>0.23 }]] }, another_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", ["b"]] } }) end it "should recognize metrics" do expect(@config.metrics).not_to be_nil expect(@config.metrics.keys).to eq([:my_metric]) end end end context "as symbols" do context "with valid YAML" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos :my_experiment: :alternatives: - Control Opt - Alt One - Alt Two :resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: ["Control Opt", ["Alt One", "Alt Two"]] } }) end end context "with invalid YAML" do let(:yaml) { YAML.load(input) } context "with an empty string" do let(:input) { "" } it "should raise an error" do expect { @config.experiments = yaml }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end end context "with just the YAML header" do let(:input) { "---" } it "should raise an error" do expect { @config.experiments = yaml }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end end end end end it "should normalize experiments" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt", percent: 67 }, { name: "second_opt", percent: 10 }, { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, ], } } expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { alternatives: [{ "control_opt"=>0.67 }, [{ "second_opt"=>0.1 }, { "third_opt"=>0.23 }]] } }) end context "redis configuration" do it "should default to local redis server" do old_redis_url = ENV["REDIS_URL"] ENV.delete("REDIS_URL") expect( eq("redis://localhost:6379") ENV["REDIS_URL"] = old_redis_url end it "should allow for redis url to be configured" do @config.redis = "custom_redis_url" expect(@config.redis).to eq("custom_redis_url") end context "provided REDIS_URL environment variable" do it "should use the ENV variable" do old_redis_url = ENV["REDIS_URL"] ENV["REDIS_URL"] = "env_redis_url" expect( eq("env_redis_url") ENV["REDIS_URL"] = old_redis_url end end end context "persistence cookie length" do it "should default to 1 year" do expect(@config.persistence_cookie_length).to eq(31536000) end it "should allow the persistence cookie length to be configured" do @config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 expect(@config.persistence_cookie_length).to eq(2592000) end end context "persistence cookie domain" do it "should default to nil" do expect(@config.persistence_cookie_domain).to eq(nil) end it "should allow the persistence cookie domain to be configured" do @config.persistence_cookie_domain = "" expect(@config.persistence_cookie_domain).to eq("") end end end <MSG> Ignore anything that doesn't present a good UA <DFF> @@ -30,9 +30,12 @@ describe Split::Configuration do %w[Baidu Gigabot Googlebot libwww-perl lwp-trivial msnbot SiteUptime Slurp WordPress ZIBB ZyBorg AdsBot-Google Wget curl bitlybot facebookexternalhit spider].each do |robot| @config.robot_regex.should =~ robot end + @config.robot_regex.should =~ "EventMachine HttpClient" @config.robot_regex.should =~ "libwww-perl/5.836" @config.robot_regex.should =~ "Pingdom.com_bot_version_1.4_(" + + @config.robot_regex.should =~ " - " end it "should accept real UAs with the robot regexp" do
Ignore anything that doesn't present a good UA
<NME> configuration_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe Split::Configuration do before(:each) { @config = } it "should provide a default value for ignore_ip_addresses" do expect(@config.ignore_ip_addresses).to eq([]) end it "should provide default values for db failover" do expect(@config.db_failover).to be_falsey expect(@config.db_failover_on_db_error).to be_a Proc end it "should not allow multiple experiments by default" do expect(@config.allow_multiple_experiments).to be_falsey end it "should be enabled by default" do expect(@config.enabled).to be_truthy end it "disabled is the opposite of enabled" do @config.enabled = false expect(@config.disabled?).to be_truthy end %w[Baidu Gigabot Googlebot libwww-perl lwp-trivial msnbot SiteUptime Slurp WordPress ZIBB ZyBorg AdsBot-Google Wget curl bitlybot facebookexternalhit spider].each do |robot| @config.robot_regex.should =~ robot end @config.robot_regex.should =~ "EventMachine HttpClient" @config.robot_regex.should =~ "libwww-perl/5.836" @config.robot_regex.should =~ "Pingdom.com_bot_version_1.4_(" end it "should accept real UAs with the robot regexp" do expect(@config.robot_regex).to match(" - ") end it "should accept real UAs with the robot regexp" do expect(@config.robot_regex).not_to match("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091017 SeaMonkey/2.0") expect(@config.robot_regex).not_to match("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; F-6.0SP2-20041109; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.3)") end it "should allow adding a bot to the bot list" do @config.bots["newbot"] = "An amazing test bot" expect(@config.robot_regex).to match("newbot") end it "should use the session adapter for persistence by default" do expect(@config.persistence).to eq(Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter) end it "should load a metric" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["control_opt", "other_opt"], metric: :my_metric } } expect(@config.metrics).not_to be_nil expect(@config.metrics.keys).to eq([:my_metric]) end it "should allow loading of experiment using experment_for" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["control_opt", "other_opt"], metric: :my_metric } } expect(@config.experiment_for(:my_experiment)).to eq({ alternatives: ["control_opt", ["other_opt"]] }) end context "when experiments are defined via YAML" do context "as strings" do context "in a basic configuration" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - Control Opt - Alt One - Alt Two resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: ["Control Opt", ["Alt One", "Alt Two"]] } }) end end context "in a configuration with metadata" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - name: Control Opt percent: 67 - name: Alt One percent: 10 - name: Alt Two percent: 23 metadata: Control Opt: text: 'Control Option' Alt One: text: 'Alternative One' Alt Two: text: 'Alternative Two' resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should have metadata on the experiment" do meta = @config.normalized_experiments[:my_experiment][:metadata] expect(meta).to_not be nil expect(meta["Control Opt"]["text"]).to eq("Control Option") end end context "in a complex configuration" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - name: Control Opt percent: 67 - name: Alt One percent: 10 - name: Alt Two percent: 23 resettable: false metric: my_metric another_experiment: alternatives: - a - b eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: [{ "Control Opt"=>0.67 }, [{ "Alt One"=>0.1 }, { "Alt Two"=>0.23 }]] }, another_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", ["b"]] } }) end it "should recognize metrics" do expect(@config.metrics).not_to be_nil expect(@config.metrics.keys).to eq([:my_metric]) end end end context "as symbols" do context "with valid YAML" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos :my_experiment: :alternatives: - Control Opt - Alt One - Alt Two :resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: ["Control Opt", ["Alt One", "Alt Two"]] } }) end end context "with invalid YAML" do let(:yaml) { YAML.load(input) } context "with an empty string" do let(:input) { "" } it "should raise an error" do expect { @config.experiments = yaml }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end end context "with just the YAML header" do let(:input) { "---" } it "should raise an error" do expect { @config.experiments = yaml }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end end end end end it "should normalize experiments" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt", percent: 67 }, { name: "second_opt", percent: 10 }, { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, ], } } expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { alternatives: [{ "control_opt"=>0.67 }, [{ "second_opt"=>0.1 }, { "third_opt"=>0.23 }]] } }) end context "redis configuration" do it "should default to local redis server" do old_redis_url = ENV["REDIS_URL"] ENV.delete("REDIS_URL") expect( eq("redis://localhost:6379") ENV["REDIS_URL"] = old_redis_url end it "should allow for redis url to be configured" do @config.redis = "custom_redis_url" expect(@config.redis).to eq("custom_redis_url") end context "provided REDIS_URL environment variable" do it "should use the ENV variable" do old_redis_url = ENV["REDIS_URL"] ENV["REDIS_URL"] = "env_redis_url" expect( eq("env_redis_url") ENV["REDIS_URL"] = old_redis_url end end end context "persistence cookie length" do it "should default to 1 year" do expect(@config.persistence_cookie_length).to eq(31536000) end it "should allow the persistence cookie length to be configured" do @config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 expect(@config.persistence_cookie_length).to eq(2592000) end end context "persistence cookie domain" do it "should default to nil" do expect(@config.persistence_cookie_domain).to eq(nil) end it "should allow the persistence cookie domain to be configured" do @config.persistence_cookie_domain = "" expect(@config.persistence_cookie_domain).to eq("") end end end <MSG> Ignore anything that doesn't present a good UA <DFF> @@ -30,9 +30,12 @@ describe Split::Configuration do %w[Baidu Gigabot Googlebot libwww-perl lwp-trivial msnbot SiteUptime Slurp WordPress ZIBB ZyBorg AdsBot-Google Wget curl bitlybot facebookexternalhit spider].each do |robot| @config.robot_regex.should =~ robot end + @config.robot_regex.should =~ "EventMachine HttpClient" @config.robot_regex.should =~ "libwww-perl/5.836" @config.robot_regex.should =~ "Pingdom.com_bot_version_1.4_(" + + @config.robot_regex.should =~ " - " end it "should accept real UAs with the robot regexp" do
Ignore anything that doesn't present a good UA
<NME> configuration_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe Split::Configuration do before(:each) { @config = } it "should provide a default value for ignore_ip_addresses" do expect(@config.ignore_ip_addresses).to eq([]) end it "should provide default values for db failover" do expect(@config.db_failover).to be_falsey expect(@config.db_failover_on_db_error).to be_a Proc end it "should not allow multiple experiments by default" do expect(@config.allow_multiple_experiments).to be_falsey end it "should be enabled by default" do expect(@config.enabled).to be_truthy end it "disabled is the opposite of enabled" do @config.enabled = false expect(@config.disabled?).to be_truthy end %w[Baidu Gigabot Googlebot libwww-perl lwp-trivial msnbot SiteUptime Slurp WordPress ZIBB ZyBorg AdsBot-Google Wget curl bitlybot facebookexternalhit spider].each do |robot| @config.robot_regex.should =~ robot end @config.robot_regex.should =~ "EventMachine HttpClient" @config.robot_regex.should =~ "libwww-perl/5.836" @config.robot_regex.should =~ "Pingdom.com_bot_version_1.4_(" end it "should accept real UAs with the robot regexp" do expect(@config.robot_regex).to match(" - ") end it "should accept real UAs with the robot regexp" do expect(@config.robot_regex).not_to match("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091017 SeaMonkey/2.0") expect(@config.robot_regex).not_to match("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; F-6.0SP2-20041109; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.3)") end it "should allow adding a bot to the bot list" do @config.bots["newbot"] = "An amazing test bot" expect(@config.robot_regex).to match("newbot") end it "should use the session adapter for persistence by default" do expect(@config.persistence).to eq(Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter) end it "should load a metric" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["control_opt", "other_opt"], metric: :my_metric } } expect(@config.metrics).not_to be_nil expect(@config.metrics.keys).to eq([:my_metric]) end it "should allow loading of experiment using experment_for" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["control_opt", "other_opt"], metric: :my_metric } } expect(@config.experiment_for(:my_experiment)).to eq({ alternatives: ["control_opt", ["other_opt"]] }) end context "when experiments are defined via YAML" do context "as strings" do context "in a basic configuration" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - Control Opt - Alt One - Alt Two resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: ["Control Opt", ["Alt One", "Alt Two"]] } }) end end context "in a configuration with metadata" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - name: Control Opt percent: 67 - name: Alt One percent: 10 - name: Alt Two percent: 23 metadata: Control Opt: text: 'Control Option' Alt One: text: 'Alternative One' Alt Two: text: 'Alternative Two' resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should have metadata on the experiment" do meta = @config.normalized_experiments[:my_experiment][:metadata] expect(meta).to_not be nil expect(meta["Control Opt"]["text"]).to eq("Control Option") end end context "in a complex configuration" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos my_experiment: alternatives: - name: Control Opt percent: 67 - name: Alt One percent: 10 - name: Alt Two percent: 23 resettable: false metric: my_metric another_experiment: alternatives: - a - b eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: [{ "Control Opt"=>0.67 }, [{ "Alt One"=>0.1 }, { "Alt Two"=>0.23 }]] }, another_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", ["b"]] } }) end it "should recognize metrics" do expect(@config.metrics).not_to be_nil expect(@config.metrics.keys).to eq([:my_metric]) end end end context "as symbols" do context "with valid YAML" do before do experiments_yaml = <<-eos :my_experiment: :alternatives: - Control Opt - Alt One - Alt Two :resettable: false eos @config.experiments = YAML.load(experiments_yaml) end it "should normalize experiments" do expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { resettable: false, alternatives: ["Control Opt", ["Alt One", "Alt Two"]] } }) end end context "with invalid YAML" do let(:yaml) { YAML.load(input) } context "with an empty string" do let(:input) { "" } it "should raise an error" do expect { @config.experiments = yaml }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end end context "with just the YAML header" do let(:input) { "---" } it "should raise an error" do expect { @config.experiments = yaml }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end end end end end it "should normalize experiments" do @config.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt", percent: 67 }, { name: "second_opt", percent: 10 }, { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, ], } } expect(@config.normalized_experiments).to eq({ my_experiment: { alternatives: [{ "control_opt"=>0.67 }, [{ "second_opt"=>0.1 }, { "third_opt"=>0.23 }]] } }) end context "redis configuration" do it "should default to local redis server" do old_redis_url = ENV["REDIS_URL"] ENV.delete("REDIS_URL") expect( eq("redis://localhost:6379") ENV["REDIS_URL"] = old_redis_url end it "should allow for redis url to be configured" do @config.redis = "custom_redis_url" expect(@config.redis).to eq("custom_redis_url") end context "provided REDIS_URL environment variable" do it "should use the ENV variable" do old_redis_url = ENV["REDIS_URL"] ENV["REDIS_URL"] = "env_redis_url" expect( eq("env_redis_url") ENV["REDIS_URL"] = old_redis_url end end end context "persistence cookie length" do it "should default to 1 year" do expect(@config.persistence_cookie_length).to eq(31536000) end it "should allow the persistence cookie length to be configured" do @config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 expect(@config.persistence_cookie_length).to eq(2592000) end end context "persistence cookie domain" do it "should default to nil" do expect(@config.persistence_cookie_domain).to eq(nil) end it "should allow the persistence cookie domain to be configured" do @config.persistence_cookie_domain = "" expect(@config.persistence_cookie_domain).to eq("") end end end <MSG> Ignore anything that doesn't present a good UA <DFF> @@ -30,9 +30,12 @@ describe Split::Configuration do %w[Baidu Gigabot Googlebot libwww-perl lwp-trivial msnbot SiteUptime Slurp WordPress ZIBB ZyBorg AdsBot-Google Wget curl bitlybot facebookexternalhit spider].each do |robot| @config.robot_regex.should =~ robot end + @config.robot_regex.should =~ "EventMachine HttpClient" @config.robot_regex.should =~ "libwww-perl/5.836" @config.robot_regex.should =~ "Pingdom.com_bot_version_1.4_(" + + @config.robot_regex.should =~ " - " end it "should accept real UAs with the robot regexp" do
Ignore anything that doesn't present a good UA
<NME> <BEF> # [Split]( [![Gem Version](]( ![Build status]( [![Code Climate](]( [![Test Coverage](]( [![standard-readme compliant](]( [![Open Source Helpers](]( > 📈 The Rack Based A/B testing framework Split is a rack based A/B testing framework designed to work with Rails, Sinatra or any other rack based app. Split is heavily inspired by the [Abingo]( and [Vanity]( Rails A/B testing plugins and [Resque]( in its use of Redis. Split is designed to be hacker friendly, allowing for maximum customisation and extensibility. ## Install ### Requirements Split v4.0+ is currently tested with Ruby >= 2.5 and Rails >= 5.2. If your project requires compatibility with Ruby 2.4.x or older Rails versions. You can try v3.0 or v0.8.0(for Ruby 1.9.3) Split uses Redis as a datastore. Split only supports Redis 4.0 or greater. If you're on OS X, Homebrew is the simplest way to install Redis: ```bash brew install redis redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf ``` You now have a Redis daemon running on port `6379`. ### Setup ```bash gem install split ``` #### Rails Adding `gem 'split'` to your Gemfile will autoload it when rails starts up, as long as you've configured Redis it will 'just work'. #### Sinatra To configure Sinatra with Split you need to enable sessions and mix in the helper methods. Add the following lines at the top of your Sinatra app: ```ruby require 'split' class MySinatraApp < Sinatra::Base enable :sessions helpers Split::Helper get '/' do ... end ``` ## Usage To begin your A/B test use the `ab_test` method, naming your experiment with the first argument and then the different alternatives which you wish to test on as the other arguments. `ab_test` returns one of the alternatives, if a user has already seen that test they will get the same alternative as before, which you can use to split your code on. It can be used to render different templates, show different text or any other case based logic. `ab_finished` is used to make a completion of an experiment, or conversion. Example: View ```erb <% ab_test(:login_button, "/images/button1.jpg", "/images/button2.jpg") do |button_file| %> <%= image_tag(button_file, alt: "Login!") %> <% end %> ``` Example: Controller ```ruby def register_new_user # See what level of free points maximizes users' decision to buy replacement points. @starter_points = ab_test(:new_user_free_points, '100', '200', '300') end ``` Example: Conversion tracking (in a controller!) ```ruby def buy_new_points # some business logic ab_finished(:new_user_free_points) end ``` Example: Conversion tracking (in a view) ```erb Thanks for signing up, dude! <% ab_finished(:signup_page_redesign) %> ``` You can find more examples, tutorials and guides on the [wiki]( ## Statistical Validity Split has two options for you to use to determine which alternative is the best. The first option (default on the dashboard) uses a z test (n>30) for the difference between your control and alternative conversion rates to calculate statistical significance. This test will tell you whether an alternative is better or worse than your control, but it will not distinguish between which alternative is the best in an experiment with multiple alternatives. Split will only tell you if your experiment is 90%, 95%, or 99% significant, and this test only works if you have more than 30 participants and 5 conversions for each branch. As per this [blog post]( on the pitfalls of A/B testing, it is highly recommended that you determine your requisite sample size for each branch before running the experiment. Otherwise, you'll have an increased rate of false positives (experiments which show a significant effect where really there is none). [Here]( is a sample size calculator for your convenience. The second option uses simulations from a beta distribution to determine the probability that the given alternative is the winner compared to all other alternatives. You can view these probabilities by clicking on the drop-down menu labeled "Confidence." This option should be used when the experiment has more than just 1 control and 1 alternative. It can also be used for a simple, 2-alternative A/B test. Calculating the beta-distribution simulations for a large number of experiments can be slow, so the results are cached. You can specify how often they should be recalculated (the default is once per day). ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.winning_alternative_recalculation_interval = 3600 # 1 hour end ``` ## Extras ### Weighted alternatives Perhaps you only want to show an alternative to 10% of your visitors because it is very experimental or not yet fully load tested. To do this you can pass a weight with each alternative in the following ways: ```ruby ab_test(:homepage_design, {'Old' => 18}, {'New' => 2}) ab_test(:homepage_design, 'Old', {'New' => 1.0/9}) ab_test(:homepage_design, {'Old' => 9}, 'New') ``` This will only show the new alternative to visitors 1 in 10 times, the default weight for an alternative is 1. ### Overriding alternatives For development and testing, you may wish to force your app to always return an alternative. You can do this by passing it as a parameter in the url. If you have an experiment called `button_color` with alternatives called `red` and `blue` used on your homepage, a url such as:[button_color]=red will always have red buttons. This won't be stored in your session or count towards to results, unless you set the `store_override` configuration option. In the event you want to disable all tests without having to know the individual experiment names, add a `SPLIT_DISABLE` query parameter. It is not required to send `SPLIT_DISABLE=false` to activate Split. ### Rspec Helper To aid testing with RSpec, write `spec/support/split_helper.rb` and call `use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment)` in your specs as instructed below: ```ruby # Create a file with these contents at 'spec/support/split_helper.rb' # and ensure it is `require`d in your rails_helper.rb or spec_helper.rb module SplitHelper # Force a specific experiment alternative to always be returned: # use_ab_test(signup_form: "single_page") # # Force alternatives for multiple experiments: # use_ab_test(signup_form: "single_page", pricing: "show_enterprise_prices") # def use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment) allow_any_instance_of(Split::Helper).to receive(:ab_test) do |_receiver, experiment, &block| variant = alternatives_by_experiment.fetch(experiment) { |key| raise "Unknown experiment '#{key}'" } unless block.nil? variant end end end # Make the `use_ab_test` method available to all specs: RSpec.configure do |config| config.include SplitHelper end ``` Now you can call `use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment)` in your specs, for example: ```ruby it "registers using experimental signup" do use_ab_test experiment_name: "alternative_name" post "/signups" ... end ``` ### Starting experiments manually By default new A/B tests will be active right after deployment. In case you would like to start new test a while after the deploy, you can do it by setting the `start_manually` configuration option to `true`. After choosing this option tests won't be started right after deploy, but after pressing the `Start` button in Split admin dashboard. If a test is deleted from the Split dashboard, then it can only be started after pressing the `Start` button whenever being re-initialized. ### Reset after completion When a user completes a test their session is reset so that they may start the test again in the future. To stop this behaviour you can pass the following option to the `ab_finished` method: ```ruby ab_finished(:experiment_name, reset: false) ``` The user will then always see the alternative they started with. Any old unfinished experiment key will be deleted from the user's data storage if the experiment had been removed or is over and a winner had been chosen. This allows a user to enroll into any new experiment in cases when the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option is set to `false`. ### Reset experiments manually By default Split automatically resets the experiment whenever it detects the configuration for an experiment has changed (e.g. you call `ab_test` with different alternatives). You can prevent this by setting the option `reset_manually` to `true`. You may want to do this when you want to change something, like the variants' names, the metadata about an experiment, etc. without resetting everything. ### Multiple experiments at once By default Split will avoid users participating in multiple experiments at once. This means you are less likely to skew results by adding in more variation to your tests. To stop this behaviour and allow users to participate in multiple experiments at once set the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option to true like so: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = true end ``` This will allow the user to participate in any number of experiments and belong to any alternative in each experiment. This has the possible downside of a variation in one experiment influencing the outcome of another. To address this, setting the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option to 'control' like so: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = 'control' end ``` For this to work, each and every experiment you define must have an alternative named 'control'. This will allow the user to participate in multiple experiments as long as the user belongs to the alternative 'control' in each experiment. As soon as the user belongs to an alternative named something other than 'control' the user may not participate in any more experiments. Calling ab_test(<other experiments>) will always return the first alternative without adding the user to that experiment. ### Experiment Persistence Split comes with three built-in persistence adapters for storing users and the alternatives they've been given for each experiment. By default Split will store the tests for each user in the session. You can optionally configure Split to use a cookie, Redis, or any custom adapter of your choosing. #### Cookies ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = :cookie end ``` When using the cookie persistence, Split stores data into an anonymous tracking cookie named 'split', which expires in 1 year. To change that, set the `persistence_cookie_length` in the configuration (unit of time in seconds). ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = :cookie config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 # 30 days end ``` The data stored consists of the experiment name and the variants the user is in. Example: { "experiment_name" => "variant_a" } __Note:__ Using cookies depends on `ActionDispatch::Cookies` or any identical API #### Redis Using Redis will allow ab_users to persist across sessions or machines. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: -> (context) { context.current_user_id }) # Equivalent # config.persistence = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: :current_user_id) end ``` Options: * `lookup_by`: method to invoke per request for uniquely identifying ab_users (mandatory configuration) * `namespace`: separate namespace to store these persisted values (default "persistence") * `expire_seconds`: sets TTL for user key. (if a user is in multiple experiments most recent update will reset TTL for all their assignments) #### Dual Adapter The Dual Adapter allows the use of different persistence adapters for logged-in and logged-out users. A common use case is to use Redis for logged-in users and Cookies for logged-out users. ```ruby cookie_adapter = Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter redis_adapter = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config( lookup_by: -> (context) { context.send(:current_user).try(:id) }, expire_seconds: 2592000) Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = Split::Persistence::DualAdapter.with_config( logged_in: -> (context) { !context.send(:current_user).try(:id).nil? }, logged_in_adapter: redis_adapter, logged_out_adapter: cookie_adapter) config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 # 30 days end ``` #### Custom Adapter Your custom adapter needs to implement the same API as existing adapters. See `Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter` or `Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter` for a starting point. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = YourCustomAdapterClass end ``` ### Trial Event Hooks You can define methods that will be called at the same time as experiment alternative participation and goal completion. For example: ``` ruby Split.configure do |config| config.on_trial = :log_trial # run on every trial config.on_trial_choose = :log_trial_choose # run on trials with new users only config.on_trial_complete = :log_trial_complete end ``` Set these attributes to a method name available in the same context as the `ab_test` method. These methods should accept one argument, a `Trial` instance. ``` ruby def log_trial(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end def log_trial_choose(trial) "[new user] experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end def log_trial_complete(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s complete=true" % [, trial.alternative, ] end ``` #### Views If you are running `ab_test` from a view, you must define your event hook callback as a [helper_method]( in the controller: ``` ruby helper_method :log_trial_choose def log_trial_choose(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end ``` ### Experiment Hooks You can assign a proc that will be called when an experiment is reset or deleted. You can use these hooks to call methods within your application to keep data related to experiments in sync with Split. For example: ``` ruby Split.configure do |config| # after experiment reset or deleted config.on_experiment_reset = -> (example) { # Do something on reset } config.on_experiment_delete = -> (experiment) { # Do something else on delete } # before experiment reset or deleted config.on_before_experiment_reset = -> (example) { # Do something on reset } config.on_before_experiment_delete = -> (experiment) { # Do something else on delete } # after experiment winner had been set config.on_experiment_winner_choose = -> (experiment) { # Do something on winner choose } end ``` ## Web Interface Split comes with a Sinatra-based front end to get an overview of how your experiments are doing. If you are running Rails 2: You can mount this inside your app using Rack::URLMap in your `` ```ruby require 'split/dashboard' run \ "/" =>, "/split" => ``` However, if you are using Rails 3 or higher: You can mount this inside your app routes by first adding this to the Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'split', require: 'split/dashboard' ``` Then adding this to config/routes.rb ```ruby mount Split::Dashboard, at: 'split' ``` You may want to password protect that page, you can do so with `Rack::Auth::Basic` (in your split initializer file) ```ruby # Rails apps or apps that already depend on activesupport Split::Dashboard.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password| # Protect against timing attacks: # - Use & (do not use &&) so that it doesn't short circuit. # - Use digests to stop length information leaking ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_USERNAME"])) & ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_PASSWORD"])) end # Apps without activesupport Split::Dashboard.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password| # Protect against timing attacks: # - Use & (do not use &&) so that it doesn't short circuit. # - Use digests to stop length information leaking Rack::Utils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_USERNAME"])) & Rack::Utils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_PASSWORD"])) end ``` You can even use Devise or any other Warden-based authentication method to authorize users. Just replace `mount Split::Dashboard, :at => 'split'` in `config/routes.rb` with the following: ```ruby match "/split" => Split::Dashboard, anchor: false, via: [:get, :post, :delete], constraints: -> (request) do request.env['warden'].authenticated? # are we authenticated? request.env['warden'].authenticate! # authenticate if not already # or even check any other condition such as request.env['warden'].user.is_admin? end meta: a: text: "Have a fantastic day" b: text: "Don't get hit by a bus" ``` This allows for some advanced experiment configuration using methods like: ## Configuration You can override the default configuration options of Split like so: trial.metadata['text'] # => "Have a fantastic day" ``` #### Metrics You might wish to track generic metrics, such as conversions, and use defaults to `redis://localhost:6379` if not specified by configure block. On platforms like Heroku, Split will use the value of `REDIS_PROVIDER` to determine which env variable key to use when retrieving the host config. This defaults to `REDIS_URL`. ### Filtering In most scenarios you don't want to have AB-Testing enabled for web spiders, robots or special groups of users. Split provides functionality to filter this based on a predefined, extensible list of bots, IP-lists or custom exclude logic. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| # bot config config.robot_regex = /my_custom_robot_regex/ # or config.bots['newbot'] = "Description for bot with 'newbot' user agent, which will be added to config.robot_regex for exclusion" # IP config config.ignore_ip_addresses << '' # or regex: /81\.19\.48\.[0-9]+/ # or provide your own filter functionality, the default is proc{ |request| is_robot? || is_ignored_ip_address? || is_preview? } config.ignore_filter = -> (request) { CustomExcludeLogic.excludes?(request) } end ``` ### Experiment configuration Instead of providing the experiment options inline, you can store them in a hash. This hash can control your experiment's alternatives, weights, algorithm and if the experiment resets once finished: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], resettable: false }, :my_second_experiment => { algorithm: 'Split::Algorithms::Whiplash', alternatives: [ { name: "a", percent: 67 }, { name: "b", percent: 33 } ] } } end ``` You can also store your experiments in a YAML file: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = YAML.load_file "config/experiments.yml" end ``` You can then define the YAML file like: ```yaml my_first_experiment: alternatives: - a - b my_second_experiment: alternatives: - name: a percent: 67 - name: b percent: 33 resettable: false ``` This simplifies the calls from your code: ```ruby ab_test(:my_first_experiment) ``` and: ```ruby ab_finished(:my_first_experiment) ``` You can also add meta data for each experiment, which is very useful when you need more than an alternative name to change behaviour: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], metadata: { "a" => {"text" => "Have a fantastic day"}, "b" => {"text" => "Don't get hit by a bus"} } } } end ``` ```yaml my_first_experiment: alternatives: - a - b metadata: a: text: "Have a fantastic day" b: text: "Don't get hit by a bus" ``` This allows for some advanced experiment configuration using methods like: ```ruby # => "a" trial.metadata['text'] # => "Have a fantastic day" ``` or in views: ```erb <% ab_test("my_first_experiment") do |alternative, meta| %> <%= alternative %> <small><%= meta['text'] %></small> <% end %> ``` The keys used in meta data should be Strings #### Metrics You might wish to track generic metrics, such as conversions, and use those to complete multiple different experiments without adding more to your code. You can use the configuration hash to do this, thanks to the `:metric` option. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], metric: :my_metric } } end ``` Your code may then track a completion using the metric instead of the experiment name: ```ruby ab_finished(:my_metric) ``` You can also create a new metric by instantiating and saving a new Metric object. ```ruby ``` #### Goals You might wish to allow an experiment to have multiple, distinguishable goals. The API to define goals for an experiment is this: ```ruby ab_test({link_color: ["purchase", "refund"]}, "red", "blue") ``` or you can define them in a configuration file: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { link_color: { alternatives: ["red", "blue"], goals: ["purchase", "refund"] } } end ``` To complete a goal conversion, you do it like: ```ruby ab_finished(link_color: "purchase") ``` Note that if you pass additional options, that should be a separate hash: ```ruby ab_finished({ link_color: "purchase" }, reset: false) ``` **NOTE:** This does not mean that a single experiment can complete more than one goal. Once you finish one of the goals, the test is considered to be completed, and finishing the other goal will no longer register. (Assuming the test runs with `reset: false`.) **Good Example**: Test if listing Plan A first result in more conversions to Plan A (goal: "plana_conversion") or Plan B (goal: "planb_conversion"). **Bad Example**: Test if button color increases conversion rate through multiple steps of a funnel. THIS WILL NOT WORK. **Bad Example**: Test both how button color affects signup *and* how it affects login, at the same time. THIS WILL NOT WORK. #### Combined Experiments If you want to test how button color affects signup *and* how it affects login at the same time, use combined experiments. Configure like so: ```ruby Split.configuration.experiments = { :button_color_experiment => { :alternatives => ["blue", "green"], :combined_experiments => ["button_color_on_signup", "button_color_on_login"] } } ``` Starting the combined test starts all combined experiments ```ruby ab_combined_test(:button_color_experiment) ``` Finish each combined test as normal ```ruby ab_finished(:button_color_on_login) ab_finished(:button_color_on_signup) ``` **Additional Configuration**: * Be sure to enable `allow_multiple_experiments` * In Sinatra include the CombinedExperimentsHelper ``` helpers Split::CombinedExperimentsHelper ``` ### DB failover solution Due to the fact that Redis has no automatic failover mechanism, it's possible to switch on the `db_failover` config option, so that `ab_test` and `ab_finished` will not crash in case of a db failure. `ab_test` always delivers alternative A (the first one) in that case. It's also possible to set a `db_failover_on_db_error` callback (proc) for example to log these errors via Rails.logger. ### Redis You may want to change the Redis host and port Split connects to, or set various other options at startup. Split has a `redis` setter which can be given a string or a Redis object. This means if you're already using Redis in your app, Split can re-use the existing connection. String: `Split.redis = 'redis://localhost:6379'` Redis: `Split.redis = $redis` For our rails app we have a `config/initializers/split.rb` file where we load `config/split.yml` by hand and set the Redis information appropriately. Here's our `config/split.yml`: ```yml development: redis://localhost:6379 test: redis://localhost:6379 staging: redis:// fi: redis://localhost:6379 production: redis:// ``` And our initializer: ```ruby split_config = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config', 'split.yml')) Split.redis = split_config[Rails.env] ``` ### Redis Caching (v4.0+) In some high-volume usage scenarios, Redis load can be incurred by repeated fetches for fairly static data. Enabling caching will reduce this load. ```ruby Split.configuration.cache = true ```` This currently caches: - `Split::ExperimentCatalog.find` - `Split::Experiment.start_time` - `Split::Experiment.winner` ## Namespaces If you're running multiple, separate instances of Split you may want to namespace the keyspaces so they do not overlap. This is not unlike the approach taken by many memcached clients. This feature can be provided by the [redis-namespace]( library. To configure Split to use `Redis::Namespace`, do the following: 1. Add `redis-namespace` to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'redis-namespace' ``` 2. Configure `Split.redis` to use a `Redis::Namespace` instance (possible in an initializer): ```ruby redis = ENV['REDIS_URL']) # or whatever config you want Split.redis =, redis: redis) ``` ## Outside of a Web Session Split provides the Helper module to facilitate running experiments inside web sessions. Alternatively, you can access the underlying Metric, Trial, Experiment and Alternative objects to conduct experiments that are not tied to a web session. ```ruby # create a new experiment experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create('color', 'red', 'blue') # create a new trial trial = => experiment) # run trial trial.choose! # get the result, returns either red or blue # if the goal has been achieved, increment the successful completions for this alternative. if goal_achieved? trial.complete! end ``` ## Algorithms By default, Split ships with `Split::Algorithms::WeightedSample` that randomly selects from possible alternatives for a traditional a/b test. It is possible to specify static weights to favor certain alternatives. `Split::Algorithms::Whiplash` is an implementation of a [multi-armed bandit algorithm]( This algorithm will automatically weight the alternatives based on their relative performance, choosing the better-performing ones more often as trials are completed. `Split::Algorithms::BlockRandomization` is an algorithm that ensures equal participation across all alternatives. This algorithm will choose the alternative with the fewest participants. In the event of multiple minimum participant alternatives (i.e. starting a new "Block") the algorithm will choose a random alternative from those minimum participant alternatives. Users may also write their own algorithms. The default algorithm may be specified globally in the configuration file, or on a per experiment basis using the experiments hash of the configuration file. To change the algorithm globally for all experiments, use the following in your initializer: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash end ``` ## Extensions - [Split::Export]( - Easily export A/B test data out of Split. - [Split::Analytics]( - Push test data to Google Analytics. - [Split::Mongoid]( - Store experiment data in mongoid (still uses redis). - [Split::Cacheable]( - Automatically create cache buckets per test. - [Split::Counters]( - Add counters per experiment and alternative. - [Split::Cli]( - A CLI to trigger Split A/B tests. ## Screencast Ryan bates has produced an excellent 10 minute screencast about split on the Railscasts site: [A/B Testing with Split]( ## Blogposts * [Recipe: A/B testing with KISSMetrics and the split gem]( * [Rails A/B testing with Split on Heroku]( ## Backers Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. 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Over 70 different people have contributed to the project, you can see them all here: ### Development The source code is hosted at [GitHub]( Report issues and feature requests on [GitHub Issues]( You can find a discussion form on [Google Groups]( ### Tests Run the tests like this: # Start a Redis server in another tab. redis-server bundle rake spec ### A Note on Patches and Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Add documentation if necessary. * Commit. Do not mess with the rakefile, version, or history. (If you want to have your own version, that is fine. But bump the version in a commit by itself, which I can ignore when I pull.) * Send a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. ### Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. ## Copyright [MIT License](LICENSE) © 2019 [Andrew Nesbitt]( <MSG> Update <DFF> @@ -455,8 +455,8 @@ my_first_experiment: meta: a: text: "Have a fantastic day" - b: - text: "Don't get hit by a bus" + b: + text: "Don't get hit by a bus" ``` This allows for some advanced experiment configuration using methods like: @@ -467,6 +467,15 @@ # => "a" trial.metadata['text'] # => "Have a fantastic day" ``` +or in views: + +```erb +<% ab_test("my_first_experiment") do |alternative, meta| %> + <%= alternative %> + <small><%= meta['text'] %></small> +<% end %> +``` + #### Metrics You might wish to track generic metrics, such as conversions, and use
<NME> <BEF> # [Split]( [![Gem Version](]( ![Build status]( [![Code Climate](]( [![Test Coverage](]( [![standard-readme compliant](]( [![Open Source Helpers](]( > 📈 The Rack Based A/B testing framework Split is a rack based A/B testing framework designed to work with Rails, Sinatra or any other rack based app. Split is heavily inspired by the [Abingo]( and [Vanity]( Rails A/B testing plugins and [Resque]( in its use of Redis. Split is designed to be hacker friendly, allowing for maximum customisation and extensibility. ## Install ### Requirements Split v4.0+ is currently tested with Ruby >= 2.5 and Rails >= 5.2. If your project requires compatibility with Ruby 2.4.x or older Rails versions. You can try v3.0 or v0.8.0(for Ruby 1.9.3) Split uses Redis as a datastore. Split only supports Redis 4.0 or greater. If you're on OS X, Homebrew is the simplest way to install Redis: ```bash brew install redis redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf ``` You now have a Redis daemon running on port `6379`. ### Setup ```bash gem install split ``` #### Rails Adding `gem 'split'` to your Gemfile will autoload it when rails starts up, as long as you've configured Redis it will 'just work'. #### Sinatra To configure Sinatra with Split you need to enable sessions and mix in the helper methods. Add the following lines at the top of your Sinatra app: ```ruby require 'split' class MySinatraApp < Sinatra::Base enable :sessions helpers Split::Helper get '/' do ... end ``` ## Usage To begin your A/B test use the `ab_test` method, naming your experiment with the first argument and then the different alternatives which you wish to test on as the other arguments. `ab_test` returns one of the alternatives, if a user has already seen that test they will get the same alternative as before, which you can use to split your code on. It can be used to render different templates, show different text or any other case based logic. `ab_finished` is used to make a completion of an experiment, or conversion. Example: View ```erb <% ab_test(:login_button, "/images/button1.jpg", "/images/button2.jpg") do |button_file| %> <%= image_tag(button_file, alt: "Login!") %> <% end %> ``` Example: Controller ```ruby def register_new_user # See what level of free points maximizes users' decision to buy replacement points. @starter_points = ab_test(:new_user_free_points, '100', '200', '300') end ``` Example: Conversion tracking (in a controller!) ```ruby def buy_new_points # some business logic ab_finished(:new_user_free_points) end ``` Example: Conversion tracking (in a view) ```erb Thanks for signing up, dude! <% ab_finished(:signup_page_redesign) %> ``` You can find more examples, tutorials and guides on the [wiki]( ## Statistical Validity Split has two options for you to use to determine which alternative is the best. The first option (default on the dashboard) uses a z test (n>30) for the difference between your control and alternative conversion rates to calculate statistical significance. This test will tell you whether an alternative is better or worse than your control, but it will not distinguish between which alternative is the best in an experiment with multiple alternatives. Split will only tell you if your experiment is 90%, 95%, or 99% significant, and this test only works if you have more than 30 participants and 5 conversions for each branch. As per this [blog post]( on the pitfalls of A/B testing, it is highly recommended that you determine your requisite sample size for each branch before running the experiment. Otherwise, you'll have an increased rate of false positives (experiments which show a significant effect where really there is none). [Here]( is a sample size calculator for your convenience. The second option uses simulations from a beta distribution to determine the probability that the given alternative is the winner compared to all other alternatives. You can view these probabilities by clicking on the drop-down menu labeled "Confidence." This option should be used when the experiment has more than just 1 control and 1 alternative. It can also be used for a simple, 2-alternative A/B test. Calculating the beta-distribution simulations for a large number of experiments can be slow, so the results are cached. You can specify how often they should be recalculated (the default is once per day). ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.winning_alternative_recalculation_interval = 3600 # 1 hour end ``` ## Extras ### Weighted alternatives Perhaps you only want to show an alternative to 10% of your visitors because it is very experimental or not yet fully load tested. To do this you can pass a weight with each alternative in the following ways: ```ruby ab_test(:homepage_design, {'Old' => 18}, {'New' => 2}) ab_test(:homepage_design, 'Old', {'New' => 1.0/9}) ab_test(:homepage_design, {'Old' => 9}, 'New') ``` This will only show the new alternative to visitors 1 in 10 times, the default weight for an alternative is 1. ### Overriding alternatives For development and testing, you may wish to force your app to always return an alternative. You can do this by passing it as a parameter in the url. If you have an experiment called `button_color` with alternatives called `red` and `blue` used on your homepage, a url such as:[button_color]=red will always have red buttons. This won't be stored in your session or count towards to results, unless you set the `store_override` configuration option. In the event you want to disable all tests without having to know the individual experiment names, add a `SPLIT_DISABLE` query parameter. It is not required to send `SPLIT_DISABLE=false` to activate Split. ### Rspec Helper To aid testing with RSpec, write `spec/support/split_helper.rb` and call `use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment)` in your specs as instructed below: ```ruby # Create a file with these contents at 'spec/support/split_helper.rb' # and ensure it is `require`d in your rails_helper.rb or spec_helper.rb module SplitHelper # Force a specific experiment alternative to always be returned: # use_ab_test(signup_form: "single_page") # # Force alternatives for multiple experiments: # use_ab_test(signup_form: "single_page", pricing: "show_enterprise_prices") # def use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment) allow_any_instance_of(Split::Helper).to receive(:ab_test) do |_receiver, experiment, &block| variant = alternatives_by_experiment.fetch(experiment) { |key| raise "Unknown experiment '#{key}'" } unless block.nil? variant end end end # Make the `use_ab_test` method available to all specs: RSpec.configure do |config| config.include SplitHelper end ``` Now you can call `use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment)` in your specs, for example: ```ruby it "registers using experimental signup" do use_ab_test experiment_name: "alternative_name" post "/signups" ... end ``` ### Starting experiments manually By default new A/B tests will be active right after deployment. In case you would like to start new test a while after the deploy, you can do it by setting the `start_manually` configuration option to `true`. After choosing this option tests won't be started right after deploy, but after pressing the `Start` button in Split admin dashboard. If a test is deleted from the Split dashboard, then it can only be started after pressing the `Start` button whenever being re-initialized. ### Reset after completion When a user completes a test their session is reset so that they may start the test again in the future. To stop this behaviour you can pass the following option to the `ab_finished` method: ```ruby ab_finished(:experiment_name, reset: false) ``` The user will then always see the alternative they started with. Any old unfinished experiment key will be deleted from the user's data storage if the experiment had been removed or is over and a winner had been chosen. This allows a user to enroll into any new experiment in cases when the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option is set to `false`. ### Reset experiments manually By default Split automatically resets the experiment whenever it detects the configuration for an experiment has changed (e.g. you call `ab_test` with different alternatives). You can prevent this by setting the option `reset_manually` to `true`. You may want to do this when you want to change something, like the variants' names, the metadata about an experiment, etc. without resetting everything. ### Multiple experiments at once By default Split will avoid users participating in multiple experiments at once. This means you are less likely to skew results by adding in more variation to your tests. To stop this behaviour and allow users to participate in multiple experiments at once set the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option to true like so: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = true end ``` This will allow the user to participate in any number of experiments and belong to any alternative in each experiment. This has the possible downside of a variation in one experiment influencing the outcome of another. To address this, setting the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option to 'control' like so: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = 'control' end ``` For this to work, each and every experiment you define must have an alternative named 'control'. This will allow the user to participate in multiple experiments as long as the user belongs to the alternative 'control' in each experiment. As soon as the user belongs to an alternative named something other than 'control' the user may not participate in any more experiments. Calling ab_test(<other experiments>) will always return the first alternative without adding the user to that experiment. ### Experiment Persistence Split comes with three built-in persistence adapters for storing users and the alternatives they've been given for each experiment. By default Split will store the tests for each user in the session. You can optionally configure Split to use a cookie, Redis, or any custom adapter of your choosing. #### Cookies ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = :cookie end ``` When using the cookie persistence, Split stores data into an anonymous tracking cookie named 'split', which expires in 1 year. To change that, set the `persistence_cookie_length` in the configuration (unit of time in seconds). ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = :cookie config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 # 30 days end ``` The data stored consists of the experiment name and the variants the user is in. Example: { "experiment_name" => "variant_a" } __Note:__ Using cookies depends on `ActionDispatch::Cookies` or any identical API #### Redis Using Redis will allow ab_users to persist across sessions or machines. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: -> (context) { context.current_user_id }) # Equivalent # config.persistence = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: :current_user_id) end ``` Options: * `lookup_by`: method to invoke per request for uniquely identifying ab_users (mandatory configuration) * `namespace`: separate namespace to store these persisted values (default "persistence") * `expire_seconds`: sets TTL for user key. (if a user is in multiple experiments most recent update will reset TTL for all their assignments) #### Dual Adapter The Dual Adapter allows the use of different persistence adapters for logged-in and logged-out users. A common use case is to use Redis for logged-in users and Cookies for logged-out users. ```ruby cookie_adapter = Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter redis_adapter = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config( lookup_by: -> (context) { context.send(:current_user).try(:id) }, expire_seconds: 2592000) Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = Split::Persistence::DualAdapter.with_config( logged_in: -> (context) { !context.send(:current_user).try(:id).nil? }, logged_in_adapter: redis_adapter, logged_out_adapter: cookie_adapter) config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 # 30 days end ``` #### Custom Adapter Your custom adapter needs to implement the same API as existing adapters. See `Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter` or `Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter` for a starting point. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = YourCustomAdapterClass end ``` ### Trial Event Hooks You can define methods that will be called at the same time as experiment alternative participation and goal completion. For example: ``` ruby Split.configure do |config| config.on_trial = :log_trial # run on every trial config.on_trial_choose = :log_trial_choose # run on trials with new users only config.on_trial_complete = :log_trial_complete end ``` Set these attributes to a method name available in the same context as the `ab_test` method. These methods should accept one argument, a `Trial` instance. ``` ruby def log_trial(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end def log_trial_choose(trial) "[new user] experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end def log_trial_complete(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s complete=true" % [, trial.alternative, ] end ``` #### Views If you are running `ab_test` from a view, you must define your event hook callback as a [helper_method]( in the controller: ``` ruby helper_method :log_trial_choose def log_trial_choose(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end ``` ### Experiment Hooks You can assign a proc that will be called when an experiment is reset or deleted. You can use these hooks to call methods within your application to keep data related to experiments in sync with Split. For example: ``` ruby Split.configure do |config| # after experiment reset or deleted config.on_experiment_reset = -> (example) { # Do something on reset } config.on_experiment_delete = -> (experiment) { # Do something else on delete } # before experiment reset or deleted config.on_before_experiment_reset = -> (example) { # Do something on reset } config.on_before_experiment_delete = -> (experiment) { # Do something else on delete } # after experiment winner had been set config.on_experiment_winner_choose = -> (experiment) { # Do something on winner choose } end ``` ## Web Interface Split comes with a Sinatra-based front end to get an overview of how your experiments are doing. If you are running Rails 2: You can mount this inside your app using Rack::URLMap in your `` ```ruby require 'split/dashboard' run \ "/" =>, "/split" => ``` However, if you are using Rails 3 or higher: You can mount this inside your app routes by first adding this to the Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'split', require: 'split/dashboard' ``` Then adding this to config/routes.rb ```ruby mount Split::Dashboard, at: 'split' ``` You may want to password protect that page, you can do so with `Rack::Auth::Basic` (in your split initializer file) ```ruby # Rails apps or apps that already depend on activesupport Split::Dashboard.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password| # Protect against timing attacks: # - Use & (do not use &&) so that it doesn't short circuit. # - Use digests to stop length information leaking ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_USERNAME"])) & ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_PASSWORD"])) end # Apps without activesupport Split::Dashboard.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password| # Protect against timing attacks: # - Use & (do not use &&) so that it doesn't short circuit. # - Use digests to stop length information leaking Rack::Utils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_USERNAME"])) & Rack::Utils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_PASSWORD"])) end ``` You can even use Devise or any other Warden-based authentication method to authorize users. Just replace `mount Split::Dashboard, :at => 'split'` in `config/routes.rb` with the following: ```ruby match "/split" => Split::Dashboard, anchor: false, via: [:get, :post, :delete], constraints: -> (request) do request.env['warden'].authenticated? # are we authenticated? request.env['warden'].authenticate! # authenticate if not already # or even check any other condition such as request.env['warden'].user.is_admin? end meta: a: text: "Have a fantastic day" b: text: "Don't get hit by a bus" ``` This allows for some advanced experiment configuration using methods like: ## Configuration You can override the default configuration options of Split like so: trial.metadata['text'] # => "Have a fantastic day" ``` #### Metrics You might wish to track generic metrics, such as conversions, and use defaults to `redis://localhost:6379` if not specified by configure block. On platforms like Heroku, Split will use the value of `REDIS_PROVIDER` to determine which env variable key to use when retrieving the host config. This defaults to `REDIS_URL`. ### Filtering In most scenarios you don't want to have AB-Testing enabled for web spiders, robots or special groups of users. Split provides functionality to filter this based on a predefined, extensible list of bots, IP-lists or custom exclude logic. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| # bot config config.robot_regex = /my_custom_robot_regex/ # or config.bots['newbot'] = "Description for bot with 'newbot' user agent, which will be added to config.robot_regex for exclusion" # IP config config.ignore_ip_addresses << '' # or regex: /81\.19\.48\.[0-9]+/ # or provide your own filter functionality, the default is proc{ |request| is_robot? || is_ignored_ip_address? || is_preview? } config.ignore_filter = -> (request) { CustomExcludeLogic.excludes?(request) } end ``` ### Experiment configuration Instead of providing the experiment options inline, you can store them in a hash. This hash can control your experiment's alternatives, weights, algorithm and if the experiment resets once finished: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], resettable: false }, :my_second_experiment => { algorithm: 'Split::Algorithms::Whiplash', alternatives: [ { name: "a", percent: 67 }, { name: "b", percent: 33 } ] } } end ``` You can also store your experiments in a YAML file: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = YAML.load_file "config/experiments.yml" end ``` You can then define the YAML file like: ```yaml my_first_experiment: alternatives: - a - b my_second_experiment: alternatives: - name: a percent: 67 - name: b percent: 33 resettable: false ``` This simplifies the calls from your code: ```ruby ab_test(:my_first_experiment) ``` and: ```ruby ab_finished(:my_first_experiment) ``` You can also add meta data for each experiment, which is very useful when you need more than an alternative name to change behaviour: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], metadata: { "a" => {"text" => "Have a fantastic day"}, "b" => {"text" => "Don't get hit by a bus"} } } } end ``` ```yaml my_first_experiment: alternatives: - a - b metadata: a: text: "Have a fantastic day" b: text: "Don't get hit by a bus" ``` This allows for some advanced experiment configuration using methods like: ```ruby # => "a" trial.metadata['text'] # => "Have a fantastic day" ``` or in views: ```erb <% ab_test("my_first_experiment") do |alternative, meta| %> <%= alternative %> <small><%= meta['text'] %></small> <% end %> ``` The keys used in meta data should be Strings #### Metrics You might wish to track generic metrics, such as conversions, and use those to complete multiple different experiments without adding more to your code. You can use the configuration hash to do this, thanks to the `:metric` option. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], metric: :my_metric } } end ``` Your code may then track a completion using the metric instead of the experiment name: ```ruby ab_finished(:my_metric) ``` You can also create a new metric by instantiating and saving a new Metric object. ```ruby ``` #### Goals You might wish to allow an experiment to have multiple, distinguishable goals. The API to define goals for an experiment is this: ```ruby ab_test({link_color: ["purchase", "refund"]}, "red", "blue") ``` or you can define them in a configuration file: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { link_color: { alternatives: ["red", "blue"], goals: ["purchase", "refund"] } } end ``` To complete a goal conversion, you do it like: ```ruby ab_finished(link_color: "purchase") ``` Note that if you pass additional options, that should be a separate hash: ```ruby ab_finished({ link_color: "purchase" }, reset: false) ``` **NOTE:** This does not mean that a single experiment can complete more than one goal. Once you finish one of the goals, the test is considered to be completed, and finishing the other goal will no longer register. (Assuming the test runs with `reset: false`.) **Good Example**: Test if listing Plan A first result in more conversions to Plan A (goal: "plana_conversion") or Plan B (goal: "planb_conversion"). **Bad Example**: Test if button color increases conversion rate through multiple steps of a funnel. THIS WILL NOT WORK. **Bad Example**: Test both how button color affects signup *and* how it affects login, at the same time. THIS WILL NOT WORK. #### Combined Experiments If you want to test how button color affects signup *and* how it affects login at the same time, use combined experiments. Configure like so: ```ruby Split.configuration.experiments = { :button_color_experiment => { :alternatives => ["blue", "green"], :combined_experiments => ["button_color_on_signup", "button_color_on_login"] } } ``` Starting the combined test starts all combined experiments ```ruby ab_combined_test(:button_color_experiment) ``` Finish each combined test as normal ```ruby ab_finished(:button_color_on_login) ab_finished(:button_color_on_signup) ``` **Additional Configuration**: * Be sure to enable `allow_multiple_experiments` * In Sinatra include the CombinedExperimentsHelper ``` helpers Split::CombinedExperimentsHelper ``` ### DB failover solution Due to the fact that Redis has no automatic failover mechanism, it's possible to switch on the `db_failover` config option, so that `ab_test` and `ab_finished` will not crash in case of a db failure. `ab_test` always delivers alternative A (the first one) in that case. It's also possible to set a `db_failover_on_db_error` callback (proc) for example to log these errors via Rails.logger. ### Redis You may want to change the Redis host and port Split connects to, or set various other options at startup. Split has a `redis` setter which can be given a string or a Redis object. This means if you're already using Redis in your app, Split can re-use the existing connection. String: `Split.redis = 'redis://localhost:6379'` Redis: `Split.redis = $redis` For our rails app we have a `config/initializers/split.rb` file where we load `config/split.yml` by hand and set the Redis information appropriately. Here's our `config/split.yml`: ```yml development: redis://localhost:6379 test: redis://localhost:6379 staging: redis:// fi: redis://localhost:6379 production: redis:// ``` And our initializer: ```ruby split_config = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config', 'split.yml')) Split.redis = split_config[Rails.env] ``` ### Redis Caching (v4.0+) In some high-volume usage scenarios, Redis load can be incurred by repeated fetches for fairly static data. Enabling caching will reduce this load. ```ruby Split.configuration.cache = true ```` This currently caches: - `Split::ExperimentCatalog.find` - `Split::Experiment.start_time` - `Split::Experiment.winner` ## Namespaces If you're running multiple, separate instances of Split you may want to namespace the keyspaces so they do not overlap. This is not unlike the approach taken by many memcached clients. This feature can be provided by the [redis-namespace]( library. To configure Split to use `Redis::Namespace`, do the following: 1. Add `redis-namespace` to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'redis-namespace' ``` 2. Configure `Split.redis` to use a `Redis::Namespace` instance (possible in an initializer): ```ruby redis = ENV['REDIS_URL']) # or whatever config you want Split.redis =, redis: redis) ``` ## Outside of a Web Session Split provides the Helper module to facilitate running experiments inside web sessions. Alternatively, you can access the underlying Metric, Trial, Experiment and Alternative objects to conduct experiments that are not tied to a web session. ```ruby # create a new experiment experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create('color', 'red', 'blue') # create a new trial trial = => experiment) # run trial trial.choose! # get the result, returns either red or blue # if the goal has been achieved, increment the successful completions for this alternative. if goal_achieved? trial.complete! end ``` ## Algorithms By default, Split ships with `Split::Algorithms::WeightedSample` that randomly selects from possible alternatives for a traditional a/b test. It is possible to specify static weights to favor certain alternatives. `Split::Algorithms::Whiplash` is an implementation of a [multi-armed bandit algorithm]( This algorithm will automatically weight the alternatives based on their relative performance, choosing the better-performing ones more often as trials are completed. `Split::Algorithms::BlockRandomization` is an algorithm that ensures equal participation across all alternatives. This algorithm will choose the alternative with the fewest participants. In the event of multiple minimum participant alternatives (i.e. starting a new "Block") the algorithm will choose a random alternative from those minimum participant alternatives. Users may also write their own algorithms. The default algorithm may be specified globally in the configuration file, or on a per experiment basis using the experiments hash of the configuration file. To change the algorithm globally for all experiments, use the following in your initializer: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash end ``` ## Extensions - [Split::Export]( - Easily export A/B test data out of Split. - [Split::Analytics]( - Push test data to Google Analytics. - [Split::Mongoid]( - Store experiment data in mongoid (still uses redis). - [Split::Cacheable]( - Automatically create cache buckets per test. - [Split::Counters]( - Add counters per experiment and alternative. - [Split::Cli]( - A CLI to trigger Split A/B tests. ## Screencast Ryan bates has produced an excellent 10 minute screencast about split on the Railscasts site: [A/B Testing with Split]( ## Blogposts * [Recipe: A/B testing with KISSMetrics and the split gem]( * [Rails A/B testing with Split on Heroku]( ## Backers Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. 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Over 70 different people have contributed to the project, you can see them all here: ### Development The source code is hosted at [GitHub]( Report issues and feature requests on [GitHub Issues]( You can find a discussion form on [Google Groups]( ### Tests Run the tests like this: # Start a Redis server in another tab. redis-server bundle rake spec ### A Note on Patches and Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Add documentation if necessary. * Commit. Do not mess with the rakefile, version, or history. (If you want to have your own version, that is fine. But bump the version in a commit by itself, which I can ignore when I pull.) * Send a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. ### Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. ## Copyright [MIT License](LICENSE) © 2019 [Andrew Nesbitt]( <MSG> Update <DFF> @@ -455,8 +455,8 @@ my_first_experiment: meta: a: text: "Have a fantastic day" - b: - text: "Don't get hit by a bus" + b: + text: "Don't get hit by a bus" ``` This allows for some advanced experiment configuration using methods like: @@ -467,6 +467,15 @@ # => "a" trial.metadata['text'] # => "Have a fantastic day" ``` +or in views: + +```erb +<% ab_test("my_first_experiment") do |alternative, meta| %> + <%= alternative %> + <small><%= meta['text'] %></small> +<% end %> +``` + #### Metrics You might wish to track generic metrics, such as conversions, and use
<NME> <BEF> # [Split]( [![Gem Version](]( ![Build status]( [![Code Climate](]( [![Test Coverage](]( [![standard-readme compliant](]( [![Open Source Helpers](]( > 📈 The Rack Based A/B testing framework Split is a rack based A/B testing framework designed to work with Rails, Sinatra or any other rack based app. Split is heavily inspired by the [Abingo]( and [Vanity]( Rails A/B testing plugins and [Resque]( in its use of Redis. Split is designed to be hacker friendly, allowing for maximum customisation and extensibility. ## Install ### Requirements Split v4.0+ is currently tested with Ruby >= 2.5 and Rails >= 5.2. If your project requires compatibility with Ruby 2.4.x or older Rails versions. You can try v3.0 or v0.8.0(for Ruby 1.9.3) Split uses Redis as a datastore. Split only supports Redis 4.0 or greater. If you're on OS X, Homebrew is the simplest way to install Redis: ```bash brew install redis redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf ``` You now have a Redis daemon running on port `6379`. ### Setup ```bash gem install split ``` #### Rails Adding `gem 'split'` to your Gemfile will autoload it when rails starts up, as long as you've configured Redis it will 'just work'. #### Sinatra To configure Sinatra with Split you need to enable sessions and mix in the helper methods. Add the following lines at the top of your Sinatra app: ```ruby require 'split' class MySinatraApp < Sinatra::Base enable :sessions helpers Split::Helper get '/' do ... end ``` ## Usage To begin your A/B test use the `ab_test` method, naming your experiment with the first argument and then the different alternatives which you wish to test on as the other arguments. `ab_test` returns one of the alternatives, if a user has already seen that test they will get the same alternative as before, which you can use to split your code on. It can be used to render different templates, show different text or any other case based logic. `ab_finished` is used to make a completion of an experiment, or conversion. Example: View ```erb <% ab_test(:login_button, "/images/button1.jpg", "/images/button2.jpg") do |button_file| %> <%= image_tag(button_file, alt: "Login!") %> <% end %> ``` Example: Controller ```ruby def register_new_user # See what level of free points maximizes users' decision to buy replacement points. @starter_points = ab_test(:new_user_free_points, '100', '200', '300') end ``` Example: Conversion tracking (in a controller!) ```ruby def buy_new_points # some business logic ab_finished(:new_user_free_points) end ``` Example: Conversion tracking (in a view) ```erb Thanks for signing up, dude! <% ab_finished(:signup_page_redesign) %> ``` You can find more examples, tutorials and guides on the [wiki]( ## Statistical Validity Split has two options for you to use to determine which alternative is the best. The first option (default on the dashboard) uses a z test (n>30) for the difference between your control and alternative conversion rates to calculate statistical significance. This test will tell you whether an alternative is better or worse than your control, but it will not distinguish between which alternative is the best in an experiment with multiple alternatives. Split will only tell you if your experiment is 90%, 95%, or 99% significant, and this test only works if you have more than 30 participants and 5 conversions for each branch. As per this [blog post]( on the pitfalls of A/B testing, it is highly recommended that you determine your requisite sample size for each branch before running the experiment. Otherwise, you'll have an increased rate of false positives (experiments which show a significant effect where really there is none). [Here]( is a sample size calculator for your convenience. The second option uses simulations from a beta distribution to determine the probability that the given alternative is the winner compared to all other alternatives. You can view these probabilities by clicking on the drop-down menu labeled "Confidence." This option should be used when the experiment has more than just 1 control and 1 alternative. It can also be used for a simple, 2-alternative A/B test. Calculating the beta-distribution simulations for a large number of experiments can be slow, so the results are cached. You can specify how often they should be recalculated (the default is once per day). ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.winning_alternative_recalculation_interval = 3600 # 1 hour end ``` ## Extras ### Weighted alternatives Perhaps you only want to show an alternative to 10% of your visitors because it is very experimental or not yet fully load tested. To do this you can pass a weight with each alternative in the following ways: ```ruby ab_test(:homepage_design, {'Old' => 18}, {'New' => 2}) ab_test(:homepage_design, 'Old', {'New' => 1.0/9}) ab_test(:homepage_design, {'Old' => 9}, 'New') ``` This will only show the new alternative to visitors 1 in 10 times, the default weight for an alternative is 1. ### Overriding alternatives For development and testing, you may wish to force your app to always return an alternative. You can do this by passing it as a parameter in the url. If you have an experiment called `button_color` with alternatives called `red` and `blue` used on your homepage, a url such as:[button_color]=red will always have red buttons. This won't be stored in your session or count towards to results, unless you set the `store_override` configuration option. In the event you want to disable all tests without having to know the individual experiment names, add a `SPLIT_DISABLE` query parameter. It is not required to send `SPLIT_DISABLE=false` to activate Split. ### Rspec Helper To aid testing with RSpec, write `spec/support/split_helper.rb` and call `use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment)` in your specs as instructed below: ```ruby # Create a file with these contents at 'spec/support/split_helper.rb' # and ensure it is `require`d in your rails_helper.rb or spec_helper.rb module SplitHelper # Force a specific experiment alternative to always be returned: # use_ab_test(signup_form: "single_page") # # Force alternatives for multiple experiments: # use_ab_test(signup_form: "single_page", pricing: "show_enterprise_prices") # def use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment) allow_any_instance_of(Split::Helper).to receive(:ab_test) do |_receiver, experiment, &block| variant = alternatives_by_experiment.fetch(experiment) { |key| raise "Unknown experiment '#{key}'" } unless block.nil? variant end end end # Make the `use_ab_test` method available to all specs: RSpec.configure do |config| config.include SplitHelper end ``` Now you can call `use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment)` in your specs, for example: ```ruby it "registers using experimental signup" do use_ab_test experiment_name: "alternative_name" post "/signups" ... end ``` ### Starting experiments manually By default new A/B tests will be active right after deployment. In case you would like to start new test a while after the deploy, you can do it by setting the `start_manually` configuration option to `true`. After choosing this option tests won't be started right after deploy, but after pressing the `Start` button in Split admin dashboard. If a test is deleted from the Split dashboard, then it can only be started after pressing the `Start` button whenever being re-initialized. ### Reset after completion When a user completes a test their session is reset so that they may start the test again in the future. To stop this behaviour you can pass the following option to the `ab_finished` method: ```ruby ab_finished(:experiment_name, reset: false) ``` The user will then always see the alternative they started with. Any old unfinished experiment key will be deleted from the user's data storage if the experiment had been removed or is over and a winner had been chosen. This allows a user to enroll into any new experiment in cases when the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option is set to `false`. ### Reset experiments manually By default Split automatically resets the experiment whenever it detects the configuration for an experiment has changed (e.g. you call `ab_test` with different alternatives). You can prevent this by setting the option `reset_manually` to `true`. You may want to do this when you want to change something, like the variants' names, the metadata about an experiment, etc. without resetting everything. ### Multiple experiments at once By default Split will avoid users participating in multiple experiments at once. This means you are less likely to skew results by adding in more variation to your tests. To stop this behaviour and allow users to participate in multiple experiments at once set the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option to true like so: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = true end ``` This will allow the user to participate in any number of experiments and belong to any alternative in each experiment. This has the possible downside of a variation in one experiment influencing the outcome of another. To address this, setting the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option to 'control' like so: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = 'control' end ``` For this to work, each and every experiment you define must have an alternative named 'control'. This will allow the user to participate in multiple experiments as long as the user belongs to the alternative 'control' in each experiment. As soon as the user belongs to an alternative named something other than 'control' the user may not participate in any more experiments. Calling ab_test(<other experiments>) will always return the first alternative without adding the user to that experiment. ### Experiment Persistence Split comes with three built-in persistence adapters for storing users and the alternatives they've been given for each experiment. By default Split will store the tests for each user in the session. You can optionally configure Split to use a cookie, Redis, or any custom adapter of your choosing. #### Cookies ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = :cookie end ``` When using the cookie persistence, Split stores data into an anonymous tracking cookie named 'split', which expires in 1 year. To change that, set the `persistence_cookie_length` in the configuration (unit of time in seconds). ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = :cookie config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 # 30 days end ``` The data stored consists of the experiment name and the variants the user is in. Example: { "experiment_name" => "variant_a" } __Note:__ Using cookies depends on `ActionDispatch::Cookies` or any identical API #### Redis Using Redis will allow ab_users to persist across sessions or machines. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: -> (context) { context.current_user_id }) # Equivalent # config.persistence = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: :current_user_id) end ``` Options: * `lookup_by`: method to invoke per request for uniquely identifying ab_users (mandatory configuration) * `namespace`: separate namespace to store these persisted values (default "persistence") * `expire_seconds`: sets TTL for user key. (if a user is in multiple experiments most recent update will reset TTL for all their assignments) #### Dual Adapter The Dual Adapter allows the use of different persistence adapters for logged-in and logged-out users. A common use case is to use Redis for logged-in users and Cookies for logged-out users. ```ruby cookie_adapter = Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter redis_adapter = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config( lookup_by: -> (context) { context.send(:current_user).try(:id) }, expire_seconds: 2592000) Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = Split::Persistence::DualAdapter.with_config( logged_in: -> (context) { !context.send(:current_user).try(:id).nil? }, logged_in_adapter: redis_adapter, logged_out_adapter: cookie_adapter) config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 # 30 days end ``` #### Custom Adapter Your custom adapter needs to implement the same API as existing adapters. See `Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter` or `Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter` for a starting point. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = YourCustomAdapterClass end ``` ### Trial Event Hooks You can define methods that will be called at the same time as experiment alternative participation and goal completion. For example: ``` ruby Split.configure do |config| config.on_trial = :log_trial # run on every trial config.on_trial_choose = :log_trial_choose # run on trials with new users only config.on_trial_complete = :log_trial_complete end ``` Set these attributes to a method name available in the same context as the `ab_test` method. These methods should accept one argument, a `Trial` instance. ``` ruby def log_trial(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end def log_trial_choose(trial) "[new user] experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end def log_trial_complete(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s complete=true" % [, trial.alternative, ] end ``` #### Views If you are running `ab_test` from a view, you must define your event hook callback as a [helper_method]( in the controller: ``` ruby helper_method :log_trial_choose def log_trial_choose(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end ``` ### Experiment Hooks You can assign a proc that will be called when an experiment is reset or deleted. You can use these hooks to call methods within your application to keep data related to experiments in sync with Split. For example: ``` ruby Split.configure do |config| # after experiment reset or deleted config.on_experiment_reset = -> (example) { # Do something on reset } config.on_experiment_delete = -> (experiment) { # Do something else on delete } # before experiment reset or deleted config.on_before_experiment_reset = -> (example) { # Do something on reset } config.on_before_experiment_delete = -> (experiment) { # Do something else on delete } # after experiment winner had been set config.on_experiment_winner_choose = -> (experiment) { # Do something on winner choose } end ``` ## Web Interface Split comes with a Sinatra-based front end to get an overview of how your experiments are doing. If you are running Rails 2: You can mount this inside your app using Rack::URLMap in your `` ```ruby require 'split/dashboard' run \ "/" =>, "/split" => ``` However, if you are using Rails 3 or higher: You can mount this inside your app routes by first adding this to the Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'split', require: 'split/dashboard' ``` Then adding this to config/routes.rb ```ruby mount Split::Dashboard, at: 'split' ``` You may want to password protect that page, you can do so with `Rack::Auth::Basic` (in your split initializer file) ```ruby # Rails apps or apps that already depend on activesupport Split::Dashboard.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password| # Protect against timing attacks: # - Use & (do not use &&) so that it doesn't short circuit. # - Use digests to stop length information leaking ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_USERNAME"])) & ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_PASSWORD"])) end # Apps without activesupport Split::Dashboard.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password| # Protect against timing attacks: # - Use & (do not use &&) so that it doesn't short circuit. # - Use digests to stop length information leaking Rack::Utils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_USERNAME"])) & Rack::Utils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_PASSWORD"])) end ``` You can even use Devise or any other Warden-based authentication method to authorize users. Just replace `mount Split::Dashboard, :at => 'split'` in `config/routes.rb` with the following: ```ruby match "/split" => Split::Dashboard, anchor: false, via: [:get, :post, :delete], constraints: -> (request) do request.env['warden'].authenticated? # are we authenticated? request.env['warden'].authenticate! # authenticate if not already # or even check any other condition such as request.env['warden'].user.is_admin? end meta: a: text: "Have a fantastic day" b: text: "Don't get hit by a bus" ``` This allows for some advanced experiment configuration using methods like: ## Configuration You can override the default configuration options of Split like so: trial.metadata['text'] # => "Have a fantastic day" ``` #### Metrics You might wish to track generic metrics, such as conversions, and use defaults to `redis://localhost:6379` if not specified by configure block. On platforms like Heroku, Split will use the value of `REDIS_PROVIDER` to determine which env variable key to use when retrieving the host config. This defaults to `REDIS_URL`. ### Filtering In most scenarios you don't want to have AB-Testing enabled for web spiders, robots or special groups of users. Split provides functionality to filter this based on a predefined, extensible list of bots, IP-lists or custom exclude logic. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| # bot config config.robot_regex = /my_custom_robot_regex/ # or config.bots['newbot'] = "Description for bot with 'newbot' user agent, which will be added to config.robot_regex for exclusion" # IP config config.ignore_ip_addresses << '' # or regex: /81\.19\.48\.[0-9]+/ # or provide your own filter functionality, the default is proc{ |request| is_robot? || is_ignored_ip_address? || is_preview? } config.ignore_filter = -> (request) { CustomExcludeLogic.excludes?(request) } end ``` ### Experiment configuration Instead of providing the experiment options inline, you can store them in a hash. This hash can control your experiment's alternatives, weights, algorithm and if the experiment resets once finished: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], resettable: false }, :my_second_experiment => { algorithm: 'Split::Algorithms::Whiplash', alternatives: [ { name: "a", percent: 67 }, { name: "b", percent: 33 } ] } } end ``` You can also store your experiments in a YAML file: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = YAML.load_file "config/experiments.yml" end ``` You can then define the YAML file like: ```yaml my_first_experiment: alternatives: - a - b my_second_experiment: alternatives: - name: a percent: 67 - name: b percent: 33 resettable: false ``` This simplifies the calls from your code: ```ruby ab_test(:my_first_experiment) ``` and: ```ruby ab_finished(:my_first_experiment) ``` You can also add meta data for each experiment, which is very useful when you need more than an alternative name to change behaviour: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], metadata: { "a" => {"text" => "Have a fantastic day"}, "b" => {"text" => "Don't get hit by a bus"} } } } end ``` ```yaml my_first_experiment: alternatives: - a - b metadata: a: text: "Have a fantastic day" b: text: "Don't get hit by a bus" ``` This allows for some advanced experiment configuration using methods like: ```ruby # => "a" trial.metadata['text'] # => "Have a fantastic day" ``` or in views: ```erb <% ab_test("my_first_experiment") do |alternative, meta| %> <%= alternative %> <small><%= meta['text'] %></small> <% end %> ``` The keys used in meta data should be Strings #### Metrics You might wish to track generic metrics, such as conversions, and use those to complete multiple different experiments without adding more to your code. You can use the configuration hash to do this, thanks to the `:metric` option. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], metric: :my_metric } } end ``` Your code may then track a completion using the metric instead of the experiment name: ```ruby ab_finished(:my_metric) ``` You can also create a new metric by instantiating and saving a new Metric object. ```ruby ``` #### Goals You might wish to allow an experiment to have multiple, distinguishable goals. The API to define goals for an experiment is this: ```ruby ab_test({link_color: ["purchase", "refund"]}, "red", "blue") ``` or you can define them in a configuration file: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { link_color: { alternatives: ["red", "blue"], goals: ["purchase", "refund"] } } end ``` To complete a goal conversion, you do it like: ```ruby ab_finished(link_color: "purchase") ``` Note that if you pass additional options, that should be a separate hash: ```ruby ab_finished({ link_color: "purchase" }, reset: false) ``` **NOTE:** This does not mean that a single experiment can complete more than one goal. Once you finish one of the goals, the test is considered to be completed, and finishing the other goal will no longer register. (Assuming the test runs with `reset: false`.) **Good Example**: Test if listing Plan A first result in more conversions to Plan A (goal: "plana_conversion") or Plan B (goal: "planb_conversion"). **Bad Example**: Test if button color increases conversion rate through multiple steps of a funnel. THIS WILL NOT WORK. **Bad Example**: Test both how button color affects signup *and* how it affects login, at the same time. THIS WILL NOT WORK. #### Combined Experiments If you want to test how button color affects signup *and* how it affects login at the same time, use combined experiments. Configure like so: ```ruby Split.configuration.experiments = { :button_color_experiment => { :alternatives => ["blue", "green"], :combined_experiments => ["button_color_on_signup", "button_color_on_login"] } } ``` Starting the combined test starts all combined experiments ```ruby ab_combined_test(:button_color_experiment) ``` Finish each combined test as normal ```ruby ab_finished(:button_color_on_login) ab_finished(:button_color_on_signup) ``` **Additional Configuration**: * Be sure to enable `allow_multiple_experiments` * In Sinatra include the CombinedExperimentsHelper ``` helpers Split::CombinedExperimentsHelper ``` ### DB failover solution Due to the fact that Redis has no automatic failover mechanism, it's possible to switch on the `db_failover` config option, so that `ab_test` and `ab_finished` will not crash in case of a db failure. `ab_test` always delivers alternative A (the first one) in that case. It's also possible to set a `db_failover_on_db_error` callback (proc) for example to log these errors via Rails.logger. ### Redis You may want to change the Redis host and port Split connects to, or set various other options at startup. Split has a `redis` setter which can be given a string or a Redis object. This means if you're already using Redis in your app, Split can re-use the existing connection. String: `Split.redis = 'redis://localhost:6379'` Redis: `Split.redis = $redis` For our rails app we have a `config/initializers/split.rb` file where we load `config/split.yml` by hand and set the Redis information appropriately. Here's our `config/split.yml`: ```yml development: redis://localhost:6379 test: redis://localhost:6379 staging: redis:// fi: redis://localhost:6379 production: redis:// ``` And our initializer: ```ruby split_config = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config', 'split.yml')) Split.redis = split_config[Rails.env] ``` ### Redis Caching (v4.0+) In some high-volume usage scenarios, Redis load can be incurred by repeated fetches for fairly static data. Enabling caching will reduce this load. ```ruby Split.configuration.cache = true ```` This currently caches: - `Split::ExperimentCatalog.find` - `Split::Experiment.start_time` - `Split::Experiment.winner` ## Namespaces If you're running multiple, separate instances of Split you may want to namespace the keyspaces so they do not overlap. This is not unlike the approach taken by many memcached clients. This feature can be provided by the [redis-namespace]( library. To configure Split to use `Redis::Namespace`, do the following: 1. Add `redis-namespace` to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'redis-namespace' ``` 2. Configure `Split.redis` to use a `Redis::Namespace` instance (possible in an initializer): ```ruby redis = ENV['REDIS_URL']) # or whatever config you want Split.redis =, redis: redis) ``` ## Outside of a Web Session Split provides the Helper module to facilitate running experiments inside web sessions. Alternatively, you can access the underlying Metric, Trial, Experiment and Alternative objects to conduct experiments that are not tied to a web session. ```ruby # create a new experiment experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create('color', 'red', 'blue') # create a new trial trial = => experiment) # run trial trial.choose! # get the result, returns either red or blue # if the goal has been achieved, increment the successful completions for this alternative. if goal_achieved? trial.complete! end ``` ## Algorithms By default, Split ships with `Split::Algorithms::WeightedSample` that randomly selects from possible alternatives for a traditional a/b test. It is possible to specify static weights to favor certain alternatives. `Split::Algorithms::Whiplash` is an implementation of a [multi-armed bandit algorithm]( This algorithm will automatically weight the alternatives based on their relative performance, choosing the better-performing ones more often as trials are completed. `Split::Algorithms::BlockRandomization` is an algorithm that ensures equal participation across all alternatives. This algorithm will choose the alternative with the fewest participants. In the event of multiple minimum participant alternatives (i.e. starting a new "Block") the algorithm will choose a random alternative from those minimum participant alternatives. Users may also write their own algorithms. The default algorithm may be specified globally in the configuration file, or on a per experiment basis using the experiments hash of the configuration file. To change the algorithm globally for all experiments, use the following in your initializer: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash end ``` ## Extensions - [Split::Export]( - Easily export A/B test data out of Split. - [Split::Analytics]( - Push test data to Google Analytics. - [Split::Mongoid]( - Store experiment data in mongoid (still uses redis). - [Split::Cacheable]( - Automatically create cache buckets per test. - [Split::Counters]( - Add counters per experiment and alternative. - [Split::Cli]( - A CLI to trigger Split A/B tests. ## Screencast Ryan bates has produced an excellent 10 minute screencast about split on the Railscasts site: [A/B Testing with Split]( ## Blogposts * [Recipe: A/B testing with KISSMetrics and the split gem]( * [Rails A/B testing with Split on Heroku]( ## Backers Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. [[Become a backer](] <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> ## Sponsors Become a sponsor and get your logo on our README on Github with a link to your site. 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Over 70 different people have contributed to the project, you can see them all here: ### Development The source code is hosted at [GitHub]( Report issues and feature requests on [GitHub Issues]( You can find a discussion form on [Google Groups]( ### Tests Run the tests like this: # Start a Redis server in another tab. redis-server bundle rake spec ### A Note on Patches and Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Add documentation if necessary. * Commit. Do not mess with the rakefile, version, or history. (If you want to have your own version, that is fine. But bump the version in a commit by itself, which I can ignore when I pull.) * Send a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. ### Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. ## Copyright [MIT License](LICENSE) © 2019 [Andrew Nesbitt]( <MSG> Update <DFF> @@ -455,8 +455,8 @@ my_first_experiment: meta: a: text: "Have a fantastic day" - b: - text: "Don't get hit by a bus" + b: + text: "Don't get hit by a bus" ``` This allows for some advanced experiment configuration using methods like: @@ -467,6 +467,15 @@ # => "a" trial.metadata['text'] # => "Have a fantastic day" ``` +or in views: + +```erb +<% ab_test("my_first_experiment") do |alternative, meta| %> + <%= alternative %> + <small><%= meta['text'] %></small> +<% end %> +``` + #### Metrics You might wish to track generic metrics, such as conversions, and use
<NME> helper.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split module Helper OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME = "ab_test" module_function def ab_test(metric_descriptor, control = nil, *alternatives) begin experiment = ExperimentCatalog.find_or_initialize(metric_descriptor, control, *alternatives) alternative = if Split.configuration.enabled && !exclude_visitor? raise(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) unless (Split.configuration.experiments || {}).fetch(, {})[:combined_experiments].nil? trial = ab_user, experiment: experiment, override: override_alternative(, exclude: exclude_visitor?, disabled: split_generically_disabled?) alt = trial.choose!(self) alt ? : nil else control_variable(experiment.control) end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Redis::BaseError, SocketError => e raise(e) unless Split.configuration.db_failover if Split.configuration.db_failover_allow_parameter_override alternative = override_alternative( if override_present?( alternative = control_variable(experiment.control) if split_generically_disabled? end ensure alternative ||= control_variable(experiment.control) end if block_given? metadata = experiment.metadata[alternative] if experiment.metadata yield(alternative, metadata || {}) else alternative end end def reset!(experiment) ab_user.delete(experiment.key) end def finish_experiment(experiment, options = { reset: true }) return false if active_experiments[].nil? return true if experiment.has_winner? should_reset = experiment.resettable? && options[:reset] if ab_user[experiment.finished_key] && !should_reset true else alternative_name = ab_user[experiment.key] trial = user: ab_user, experiment: experiment, alternative: alternative_name, goals: options[:goals], ) trial.complete!(self) if should_reset reset!(experiment) else ab_user[experiment.finished_key] = true end end end def ab_finished(metric_descriptor, options = { reset: true }) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? metric_descriptor, goals = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any? experiments.each do |experiment| next if override_present?(experiment.key) def ab_record_extra_info(metric_descriptor, key, value = 1) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? metric_descriptor, goals = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any? def ab_record_extra_info(metric_descriptor, key, value = 1) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? metric_descriptor, _ = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any? experiments.each do |experiment| alternative_name = ab_user[experiment.key] if alternative_name alternative = experiment.alternatives.find { |alt| == alternative_name } alternative.record_extra_info(key, value) if alternative end end end rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end def ab_active_experiments ab_user.active_experiments rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end def override_present?(experiment_name) override_alternative_by_params(experiment_name) || override_alternative_by_cookies(experiment_name) end def override_alternative(experiment_name) override_alternative_by_params(experiment_name) || override_alternative_by_cookies(experiment_name) end def override_alternative_by_params(experiment_name) defined?(params) && params[OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME] && params[OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME][experiment_name] end def override_alternative_by_cookies(experiment_name) return unless defined?(request) if request.cookies && request.cookies.key?("split_override") experiments = JSON.parse(request.cookies["split_override"]) rescue {} experiments[experiment_name] end end def split_generically_disabled? defined?(params) && params["SPLIT_DISABLE"] end def ab_user @ab_user ||= end def exclude_visitor? defined?(request) && (instance_exec(request, &Split.configuration.ignore_filter) || is_ignored_ip_address? || is_robot? || is_preview?) end def is_robot? defined?(request) && request.user_agent =~ Split.configuration.robot_regex end def is_preview? defined?(request) && defined?(request.headers) && request.headers["x-purpose"] == "preview" end def is_ignored_ip_address? return false if Split.configuration.ignore_ip_addresses.empty? Split.configuration.ignore_ip_addresses.each do |ip| return true if defined?(request) && (request.ip == ip || (ip.class == Regexp && request.ip =~ ip)) end false end def active_experiments ab_user.active_experiments end def normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) if Hash === metric_descriptor experiment_name = metric_descriptor.keys.first goals = Array(metric_descriptor.values.first) else experiment_name = metric_descriptor goals = [] end return experiment_name, goals end def control_variable(control) Hash === control ? control.keys.first.to_s : control.to_s end end end <MSG> Remove goals assignment, which is not used anywhere ab_record_extra_info <DFF> @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ module Split def ab_record_extra_info(metric_descriptor, key, value = 1) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? - metric_descriptor, goals = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) + metric_descriptor, _ = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any?
Remove goals assignment, which is not used anywhere ab_record_extra_info
<NME> helper.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split module Helper OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME = "ab_test" module_function def ab_test(metric_descriptor, control = nil, *alternatives) begin experiment = ExperimentCatalog.find_or_initialize(metric_descriptor, control, *alternatives) alternative = if Split.configuration.enabled && !exclude_visitor? raise(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) unless (Split.configuration.experiments || {}).fetch(, {})[:combined_experiments].nil? trial = ab_user, experiment: experiment, override: override_alternative(, exclude: exclude_visitor?, disabled: split_generically_disabled?) alt = trial.choose!(self) alt ? : nil else control_variable(experiment.control) end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Redis::BaseError, SocketError => e raise(e) unless Split.configuration.db_failover if Split.configuration.db_failover_allow_parameter_override alternative = override_alternative( if override_present?( alternative = control_variable(experiment.control) if split_generically_disabled? end ensure alternative ||= control_variable(experiment.control) end if block_given? metadata = experiment.metadata[alternative] if experiment.metadata yield(alternative, metadata || {}) else alternative end end def reset!(experiment) ab_user.delete(experiment.key) end def finish_experiment(experiment, options = { reset: true }) return false if active_experiments[].nil? return true if experiment.has_winner? should_reset = experiment.resettable? && options[:reset] if ab_user[experiment.finished_key] && !should_reset true else alternative_name = ab_user[experiment.key] trial = user: ab_user, experiment: experiment, alternative: alternative_name, goals: options[:goals], ) trial.complete!(self) if should_reset reset!(experiment) else ab_user[experiment.finished_key] = true end end end def ab_finished(metric_descriptor, options = { reset: true }) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? metric_descriptor, goals = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any? experiments.each do |experiment| next if override_present?(experiment.key) def ab_record_extra_info(metric_descriptor, key, value = 1) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? metric_descriptor, goals = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any? def ab_record_extra_info(metric_descriptor, key, value = 1) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? metric_descriptor, _ = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any? experiments.each do |experiment| alternative_name = ab_user[experiment.key] if alternative_name alternative = experiment.alternatives.find { |alt| == alternative_name } alternative.record_extra_info(key, value) if alternative end end end rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end def ab_active_experiments ab_user.active_experiments rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end def override_present?(experiment_name) override_alternative_by_params(experiment_name) || override_alternative_by_cookies(experiment_name) end def override_alternative(experiment_name) override_alternative_by_params(experiment_name) || override_alternative_by_cookies(experiment_name) end def override_alternative_by_params(experiment_name) defined?(params) && params[OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME] && params[OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME][experiment_name] end def override_alternative_by_cookies(experiment_name) return unless defined?(request) if request.cookies && request.cookies.key?("split_override") experiments = JSON.parse(request.cookies["split_override"]) rescue {} experiments[experiment_name] end end def split_generically_disabled? defined?(params) && params["SPLIT_DISABLE"] end def ab_user @ab_user ||= end def exclude_visitor? defined?(request) && (instance_exec(request, &Split.configuration.ignore_filter) || is_ignored_ip_address? || is_robot? || is_preview?) end def is_robot? defined?(request) && request.user_agent =~ Split.configuration.robot_regex end def is_preview? defined?(request) && defined?(request.headers) && request.headers["x-purpose"] == "preview" end def is_ignored_ip_address? return false if Split.configuration.ignore_ip_addresses.empty? Split.configuration.ignore_ip_addresses.each do |ip| return true if defined?(request) && (request.ip == ip || (ip.class == Regexp && request.ip =~ ip)) end false end def active_experiments ab_user.active_experiments end def normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) if Hash === metric_descriptor experiment_name = metric_descriptor.keys.first goals = Array(metric_descriptor.values.first) else experiment_name = metric_descriptor goals = [] end return experiment_name, goals end def control_variable(control) Hash === control ? control.keys.first.to_s : control.to_s end end end <MSG> Remove goals assignment, which is not used anywhere ab_record_extra_info <DFF> @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ module Split def ab_record_extra_info(metric_descriptor, key, value = 1) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? - metric_descriptor, goals = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) + metric_descriptor, _ = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any?
Remove goals assignment, which is not used anywhere ab_record_extra_info
<NME> helper.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split module Helper OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME = "ab_test" module_function def ab_test(metric_descriptor, control = nil, *alternatives) begin experiment = ExperimentCatalog.find_or_initialize(metric_descriptor, control, *alternatives) alternative = if Split.configuration.enabled && !exclude_visitor? raise(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) unless (Split.configuration.experiments || {}).fetch(, {})[:combined_experiments].nil? trial = ab_user, experiment: experiment, override: override_alternative(, exclude: exclude_visitor?, disabled: split_generically_disabled?) alt = trial.choose!(self) alt ? : nil else control_variable(experiment.control) end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Redis::BaseError, SocketError => e raise(e) unless Split.configuration.db_failover if Split.configuration.db_failover_allow_parameter_override alternative = override_alternative( if override_present?( alternative = control_variable(experiment.control) if split_generically_disabled? end ensure alternative ||= control_variable(experiment.control) end if block_given? metadata = experiment.metadata[alternative] if experiment.metadata yield(alternative, metadata || {}) else alternative end end def reset!(experiment) ab_user.delete(experiment.key) end def finish_experiment(experiment, options = { reset: true }) return false if active_experiments[].nil? return true if experiment.has_winner? should_reset = experiment.resettable? && options[:reset] if ab_user[experiment.finished_key] && !should_reset true else alternative_name = ab_user[experiment.key] trial = user: ab_user, experiment: experiment, alternative: alternative_name, goals: options[:goals], ) trial.complete!(self) if should_reset reset!(experiment) else ab_user[experiment.finished_key] = true end end end def ab_finished(metric_descriptor, options = { reset: true }) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? metric_descriptor, goals = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any? experiments.each do |experiment| next if override_present?(experiment.key) def ab_record_extra_info(metric_descriptor, key, value = 1) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? metric_descriptor, goals = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any? def ab_record_extra_info(metric_descriptor, key, value = 1) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? metric_descriptor, _ = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any? experiments.each do |experiment| alternative_name = ab_user[experiment.key] if alternative_name alternative = experiment.alternatives.find { |alt| == alternative_name } alternative.record_extra_info(key, value) if alternative end end end rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end def ab_active_experiments ab_user.active_experiments rescue => e raise unless Split.configuration.db_failover end def override_present?(experiment_name) override_alternative_by_params(experiment_name) || override_alternative_by_cookies(experiment_name) end def override_alternative(experiment_name) override_alternative_by_params(experiment_name) || override_alternative_by_cookies(experiment_name) end def override_alternative_by_params(experiment_name) defined?(params) && params[OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME] && params[OVERRIDE_PARAM_NAME][experiment_name] end def override_alternative_by_cookies(experiment_name) return unless defined?(request) if request.cookies && request.cookies.key?("split_override") experiments = JSON.parse(request.cookies["split_override"]) rescue {} experiments[experiment_name] end end def split_generically_disabled? defined?(params) && params["SPLIT_DISABLE"] end def ab_user @ab_user ||= end def exclude_visitor? defined?(request) && (instance_exec(request, &Split.configuration.ignore_filter) || is_ignored_ip_address? || is_robot? || is_preview?) end def is_robot? defined?(request) && request.user_agent =~ Split.configuration.robot_regex end def is_preview? defined?(request) && defined?(request.headers) && request.headers["x-purpose"] == "preview" end def is_ignored_ip_address? return false if Split.configuration.ignore_ip_addresses.empty? Split.configuration.ignore_ip_addresses.each do |ip| return true if defined?(request) && (request.ip == ip || (ip.class == Regexp && request.ip =~ ip)) end false end def active_experiments ab_user.active_experiments end def normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) if Hash === metric_descriptor experiment_name = metric_descriptor.keys.first goals = Array(metric_descriptor.values.first) else experiment_name = metric_descriptor goals = [] end return experiment_name, goals end def control_variable(control) Hash === control ? control.keys.first.to_s : control.to_s end end end <MSG> Remove goals assignment, which is not used anywhere ab_record_extra_info <DFF> @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ module Split def ab_record_extra_info(metric_descriptor, key, value = 1) return if exclude_visitor? || Split.configuration.disabled? - metric_descriptor, goals = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) + metric_descriptor, _ = normalize_metric(metric_descriptor) experiments = Metric.possible_experiments(metric_descriptor) if experiments.any?
Remove goals assignment, which is not used anywhere ab_record_extra_info
<NME> redis_adapter_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter do let(:context) { double(lookup: "blah") } subject { } describe "#redis_key" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.reset_config! } context "default" do it "should raise error with prompt to set lookup_by" do expect { }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context "config with key" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.reset_config! } subject {, "manual") } it 'should be "persistence:manual"' do expect(subject.redis_key).to eq("persistence:manual") end context 'config with lookup_by = proc { |context| context.test }' do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(:lookup_by => proc{'block'}) } let(:context) { double(test: 'block') } it 'should be "persistence:block"' do subject.redis_key.should == 'persistence:block' end end context "config with lookup_by = proc { |context| context.test }" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: proc { "block" }) } let(:context) { double(test: "block") } it 'should be "persistence:block"' do expect(subject.redis_key).to eq("persistence:block") end end context 'config with lookup_by = "method_name"' do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: "method_name") } let(:context) { double(method_name: "val") } it 'should be "persistence:bar"' do expect(subject.redis_key).to eq("persistence:val") end end context "config with namespace and lookup_by" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: proc { "frag" }, namespace: "namer") } it 'should be "namer"' do expect(subject.redis_key).to eq("namer:frag") end end end describe "#find" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: proc { "frag" }, namespace: "a_namespace") } it "should create and user from a given key" do adapter = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.find(2) expect(adapter.redis_key).to eq("a_namespace:2") end end context "functional tests" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: "lookup") } describe "#[] and #[]=" do it "should set and return the value for given key" do subject["my_key"] = "my_value" expect(subject["my_key"]).to eq("my_value") end end describe "#delete" do it "should delete the given key" do subject["my_key"] = "my_value" subject.delete("my_key") expect(subject["my_key"]).to be_nil end end describe "#keys" do it "should return an array of the user's stored keys" do subject["my_key"] = "my_value" subject["my_second_key"] = "my_second_value" expect(subject.keys).to match(["my_key", "my_second_key"]) end end end end <MSG> Fixed syntax error on old Rubies <DFF> @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describe Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter do context 'config with lookup_by = proc { |context| context.test }' do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(:lookup_by => proc{'block'}) } - let(:context) { double(test: 'block') } + let(:context) { double(:test => 'block') } it 'should be "persistence:block"' do subject.redis_key.should == 'persistence:block'
Fixed syntax error on old Rubies
<NME> redis_adapter_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter do let(:context) { double(lookup: "blah") } subject { } describe "#redis_key" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.reset_config! } context "default" do it "should raise error with prompt to set lookup_by" do expect { }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context "config with key" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.reset_config! } subject {, "manual") } it 'should be "persistence:manual"' do expect(subject.redis_key).to eq("persistence:manual") end context 'config with lookup_by = proc { |context| context.test }' do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(:lookup_by => proc{'block'}) } let(:context) { double(test: 'block') } it 'should be "persistence:block"' do subject.redis_key.should == 'persistence:block' end end context "config with lookup_by = proc { |context| context.test }" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: proc { "block" }) } let(:context) { double(test: "block") } it 'should be "persistence:block"' do expect(subject.redis_key).to eq("persistence:block") end end context 'config with lookup_by = "method_name"' do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: "method_name") } let(:context) { double(method_name: "val") } it 'should be "persistence:bar"' do expect(subject.redis_key).to eq("persistence:val") end end context "config with namespace and lookup_by" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: proc { "frag" }, namespace: "namer") } it 'should be "namer"' do expect(subject.redis_key).to eq("namer:frag") end end end describe "#find" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: proc { "frag" }, namespace: "a_namespace") } it "should create and user from a given key" do adapter = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.find(2) expect(adapter.redis_key).to eq("a_namespace:2") end end context "functional tests" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: "lookup") } describe "#[] and #[]=" do it "should set and return the value for given key" do subject["my_key"] = "my_value" expect(subject["my_key"]).to eq("my_value") end end describe "#delete" do it "should delete the given key" do subject["my_key"] = "my_value" subject.delete("my_key") expect(subject["my_key"]).to be_nil end end describe "#keys" do it "should return an array of the user's stored keys" do subject["my_key"] = "my_value" subject["my_second_key"] = "my_second_value" expect(subject.keys).to match(["my_key", "my_second_key"]) end end end end <MSG> Fixed syntax error on old Rubies <DFF> @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describe Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter do context 'config with lookup_by = proc { |context| context.test }' do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(:lookup_by => proc{'block'}) } - let(:context) { double(test: 'block') } + let(:context) { double(:test => 'block') } it 'should be "persistence:block"' do subject.redis_key.should == 'persistence:block'
Fixed syntax error on old Rubies
<NME> redis_adapter_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter do let(:context) { double(lookup: "blah") } subject { } describe "#redis_key" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.reset_config! } context "default" do it "should raise error with prompt to set lookup_by" do expect { }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context "config with key" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.reset_config! } subject {, "manual") } it 'should be "persistence:manual"' do expect(subject.redis_key).to eq("persistence:manual") end context 'config with lookup_by = proc { |context| context.test }' do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(:lookup_by => proc{'block'}) } let(:context) { double(test: 'block') } it 'should be "persistence:block"' do subject.redis_key.should == 'persistence:block' end end context "config with lookup_by = proc { |context| context.test }" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: proc { "block" }) } let(:context) { double(test: "block") } it 'should be "persistence:block"' do expect(subject.redis_key).to eq("persistence:block") end end context 'config with lookup_by = "method_name"' do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: "method_name") } let(:context) { double(method_name: "val") } it 'should be "persistence:bar"' do expect(subject.redis_key).to eq("persistence:val") end end context "config with namespace and lookup_by" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: proc { "frag" }, namespace: "namer") } it 'should be "namer"' do expect(subject.redis_key).to eq("namer:frag") end end end describe "#find" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: proc { "frag" }, namespace: "a_namespace") } it "should create and user from a given key" do adapter = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.find(2) expect(adapter.redis_key).to eq("a_namespace:2") end end context "functional tests" do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: "lookup") } describe "#[] and #[]=" do it "should set and return the value for given key" do subject["my_key"] = "my_value" expect(subject["my_key"]).to eq("my_value") end end describe "#delete" do it "should delete the given key" do subject["my_key"] = "my_value" subject.delete("my_key") expect(subject["my_key"]).to be_nil end end describe "#keys" do it "should return an array of the user's stored keys" do subject["my_key"] = "my_value" subject["my_second_key"] = "my_second_value" expect(subject.keys).to match(["my_key", "my_second_key"]) end end end end <MSG> Fixed syntax error on old Rubies <DFF> @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describe Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter do context 'config with lookup_by = proc { |context| context.test }' do before { Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(:lookup_by => proc{'block'}) } - let(:context) { double(test: 'block') } + let(:context) { double(:test => 'block') } it 'should be "persistence:block"' do subject.redis_key.should == 'persistence:block'
Fixed syntax error on old Rubies
<NME> user.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "forwardable" module Split class User extend Forwardable def_delegators :@user, :keys, :[], :[]=, :delete attr_reader :user def initialize(context, adapter = nil) @user = adapter || @cleaned_up = false end def cleanup_old_experiments! return if @cleaned_up keys_without_finished(user.keys).each do |key| experiment = ExperimentCatalog.find key_without_version(key) if experiment.nil? || experiment.has_winner? || experiment.start_time.nil? user.delete key user.delete Experiment.finished_key(key) end end @cleaned_up = true end def max_experiments_reached?(experiment_key) if Split.configuration.allow_multiple_experiments == "control" experiments = active_experiments experiment_key_without_version = key_without_version(experiment_key) count_control = experiments.count { |k, v| k == experiment_key_without_version || v == "control" } experiments.size > count_control else !Split.configuration.allow_multiple_experiments && keys_without_experiment(user.keys, experiment_key).length > 0 end end def cleanup_old_versions!(experiment) keys = { |k| k.start_with?( + ':') } keys_without_experiment(keys, experiment.key).each { |key| user.delete(key) } end def active_experiments experiment_pairs = {} keys_without_finished(user.keys).each do |key| Metric.possible_experiments(key_without_version(key)).each do |experiment| if !experiment.has_winner? experiment_pairs[key_without_version(key)] = user[key] end end end experiment_pairs end def self.find(user_id, adapter) adapter = adapter.is_a?(Symbol) ? Split::Persistence::ADAPTERS[adapter] : adapter if adapter.respond_to?(:find), adapter.find(user_id)) else nil end end private def keys_without_experiment(keys, experiment_key) keys.reject { |k| k.match("^#{experiment_key}(:finished)?$")) } end def keys_without_finished(keys) keys.reject { |k| k.include?(":finished") } end def key_without_version(key) key.split(/\:\d(?!\:)/)[0] end end end <MSG> fix spec failures <DFF> @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module Split end def cleanup_old_versions!(experiment) - keys = { |k| k.start_with?( + ':') } + keys = { |k| k == || k.start_with?( + ':') } keys_without_experiment(keys, experiment.key).each { |key| user.delete(key) } end
fix spec failures
<NME> user.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "forwardable" module Split class User extend Forwardable def_delegators :@user, :keys, :[], :[]=, :delete attr_reader :user def initialize(context, adapter = nil) @user = adapter || @cleaned_up = false end def cleanup_old_experiments! return if @cleaned_up keys_without_finished(user.keys).each do |key| experiment = ExperimentCatalog.find key_without_version(key) if experiment.nil? || experiment.has_winner? || experiment.start_time.nil? user.delete key user.delete Experiment.finished_key(key) end end @cleaned_up = true end def max_experiments_reached?(experiment_key) if Split.configuration.allow_multiple_experiments == "control" experiments = active_experiments experiment_key_without_version = key_without_version(experiment_key) count_control = experiments.count { |k, v| k == experiment_key_without_version || v == "control" } experiments.size > count_control else !Split.configuration.allow_multiple_experiments && keys_without_experiment(user.keys, experiment_key).length > 0 end end def cleanup_old_versions!(experiment) keys = { |k| k.start_with?( + ':') } keys_without_experiment(keys, experiment.key).each { |key| user.delete(key) } end def active_experiments experiment_pairs = {} keys_without_finished(user.keys).each do |key| Metric.possible_experiments(key_without_version(key)).each do |experiment| if !experiment.has_winner? experiment_pairs[key_without_version(key)] = user[key] end end end experiment_pairs end def self.find(user_id, adapter) adapter = adapter.is_a?(Symbol) ? Split::Persistence::ADAPTERS[adapter] : adapter if adapter.respond_to?(:find), adapter.find(user_id)) else nil end end private def keys_without_experiment(keys, experiment_key) keys.reject { |k| k.match("^#{experiment_key}(:finished)?$")) } end def keys_without_finished(keys) keys.reject { |k| k.include?(":finished") } end def key_without_version(key) key.split(/\:\d(?!\:)/)[0] end end end <MSG> fix spec failures <DFF> @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module Split end def cleanup_old_versions!(experiment) - keys = { |k| k.start_with?( + ':') } + keys = { |k| k == || k.start_with?( + ':') } keys_without_experiment(keys, experiment.key).each { |key| user.delete(key) } end
fix spec failures
<NME> user.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "forwardable" module Split class User extend Forwardable def_delegators :@user, :keys, :[], :[]=, :delete attr_reader :user def initialize(context, adapter = nil) @user = adapter || @cleaned_up = false end def cleanup_old_experiments! return if @cleaned_up keys_without_finished(user.keys).each do |key| experiment = ExperimentCatalog.find key_without_version(key) if experiment.nil? || experiment.has_winner? || experiment.start_time.nil? user.delete key user.delete Experiment.finished_key(key) end end @cleaned_up = true end def max_experiments_reached?(experiment_key) if Split.configuration.allow_multiple_experiments == "control" experiments = active_experiments experiment_key_without_version = key_without_version(experiment_key) count_control = experiments.count { |k, v| k == experiment_key_without_version || v == "control" } experiments.size > count_control else !Split.configuration.allow_multiple_experiments && keys_without_experiment(user.keys, experiment_key).length > 0 end end def cleanup_old_versions!(experiment) keys = { |k| k.start_with?( + ':') } keys_without_experiment(keys, experiment.key).each { |key| user.delete(key) } end def active_experiments experiment_pairs = {} keys_without_finished(user.keys).each do |key| Metric.possible_experiments(key_without_version(key)).each do |experiment| if !experiment.has_winner? experiment_pairs[key_without_version(key)] = user[key] end end end experiment_pairs end def self.find(user_id, adapter) adapter = adapter.is_a?(Symbol) ? Split::Persistence::ADAPTERS[adapter] : adapter if adapter.respond_to?(:find), adapter.find(user_id)) else nil end end private def keys_without_experiment(keys, experiment_key) keys.reject { |k| k.match("^#{experiment_key}(:finished)?$")) } end def keys_without_finished(keys) keys.reject { |k| k.include?(":finished") } end def key_without_version(key) key.split(/\:\d(?!\:)/)[0] end end end <MSG> fix spec failures <DFF> @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module Split end def cleanup_old_versions!(experiment) - keys = { |k| k.start_with?( + ':') } + keys = { |k| k == || k.start_with?( + ':') } keys_without_experiment(keys, experiment.key).each { |key| user.delete(key) } end
fix spec failures
<NME> stylesheet.ts <BEF> import { strictEqual as equal, ok } from 'assert'; import { stylesheet as expandAbbreviation, resolveConfig, CSSAbbreviationScope } from '../src'; import score from '../src/stylesheet/score'; const defaultConfig = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'output.field': (index, placeholder) => `\${${index}${placeholder ? ':' + placeholder : ''}}`, 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', gt: 'grid-template: repeat(2,auto) / repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr))' }, cache: {}, }); function expand(abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) { return expandAbbreviation(abbr, config); } describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { describe('Scoring', () => { const pick = (abbr: string, items: string[]) => items .map(item => ({ item, score: score(abbr, item, true) })) .filter(obj => obj.score) .sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score) .map(obj => obj.item)[0]; it('compare scores', () => { equal(score('aaa', 'aaa'), 1); equal(score('baa', 'aaa'), 0); ok(!score('b', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'abc')); ok(score('ac', 'abc')); ok(score('a', 'aaa') < score('aa', 'aaa')); ok(score('ab', 'abc') > score('ab', 'acb')); // acronym bonus ok(score('ab', 'a-b') > score('ab', 'acb')); }); it('pick padding or position', () => { const items = ['p', 'pb', 'pl', 'pos', 'pa', 'oa', 'soa', 'pr', 'pt']; equal(pick('p', items), 'p'); equal(pick('poa', items), 'pos'); }); }); it('keywords', () => { equal(expand('bd1-s'), 'border: 1px solid;'); equal(expand('dib'), 'display: inline-block;'); equal(expand('bxsz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxzc'), 'box-sizing: content-box;'); equal(expand('fl'), 'float: ${1:left};'); equal(expand('fll'), 'float: left;'); equal(expand('pos'), 'position: ${1:relative};'); equal(expand('poa'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('por'), 'position: relative;'); equal(expand('pof'), 'position: fixed;'); equal(expand('pos-a'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('m'), 'margin: ${0};'); equal(expand('m0'), 'margin: 0;'); // use `auto` as global keyword equal(expand('m0-a'), 'margin: 0 auto;'); equal(expand('m-a'), 'margin: auto;'); equal(expand('bg'), 'background: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('bd'), 'border: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};'); equal(expand('bd0-s#fc0'), 'border: 0 solid #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-dd#fc0'), 'border: 0 dot-dash #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-h#fc0'), 'border: 0 hidden #fc0;'); equal(expand('trf-trs'), 'transform: translate(${1:x}, ${2:y});'); // equal(expand('c'), 'color: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('cr'), 'color: rgb(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0});'); equal(expand('cra'), 'color: rgba(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0}, ${4:.5});'); // equal(expand('gtc'), 'grid-template-columns: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('gtr'), 'grid-template-rows: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('lis:n'), 'list-style: none;'); equal(expand('list:n'), 'list-style-type: none;'); equal(expand('bdt:n'), 'border-top: none;'); equal(expand('bgi:n'), 'background-image: none;'); equal(expand('q:n'), 'quotes: none;'); }); it('numeric', () => { equal(expand('p0'), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10'), 'padding: 10px;', '`px` unit for integers'); equal(expand('p.4'), 'padding: 0.4em;', '`em` for floats'); equal(expand('fz10'), 'font-size: 10px;', '`px` for integers'); equal(expand('fz1.'), 'font-size: 1em;', '`em` for explicit float'); equal(expand('p10p'), 'padding: 10%;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('z10'), 'z-index: 10;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('p10r'), 'padding: 10rem;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('mten'), 'margin: 10px;', 'Ignore terminating `;` in snippet'); // equal(expand('fz'), 'font-size: ${0};'); equal(expand('fz12'), 'font-size: 12px;'); equal(expand('fsz'), 'font-size: ${0};'); equal(expand('fsz12'), 'font-size: 12px;'); equal(expand('fs'), 'font-style: ${1:italic};'); // equal(expand('us'), 'user-select: none;'); // equal(expand('opa1'), 'opacity: 1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.1'), 'opacity: 0.1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.a'), 'opacity: .a;', 'Unitless property'); }); it('numeric with format options', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'stylesheet.intUnit': 'pt', 'stylesheet.floatUnit': 'vh', 'stylesheet.unitAliases': { e: 'em', p: '%', x: 'ex', r: ' / @rem' } } }); equal(expand('p0', config), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10', config), 'padding: 10pt;', '`pt` unit for integers'); equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 } })), 'align-self: unset;'); equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0.3 } })), 'auto: ;'); }); }); equal(expand('c#f.5'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);'); equal(expand('c#f.5!'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) !important;'); equal(expand('bgc'), 'background-color: #${1:fff};'); }); it('snippets', () => { equal(expand('@'), '@media ${1:screen} {\n\t${0}\n}'); // Insert value into snippet fields equal(expand('@k-name'), '@keyframes name {\n\t${2}\n}'); equal(expand('@k-name10'), '@keyframes name {\n\t10\n}'); equal(expand('gt'), 'grid-template: repeat(2, auto) / repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr));'); }); it('multiple properties', () => { equal(expand('p10+m10-20'), 'padding: 10px;\nmargin: 10px 20px;'); equal(expand('p+bd'), 'padding: ${0};\nborder: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};'); }); it('functions', () => { equal(expand('trf-s(2)'), 'transform: scale(2, ${2:y});'); equal(expand('trf-s(2, 3)'), 'transform: scale(2, 3);'); }); it('case insensitive matches', () => { equal(expand('trf:rx'), 'transform: rotateX(${1:angle});'); }); it('gradient resolver', () => { equal(expand('lg'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(${0});'); equal(expand('lg(to right, #0, #f00.5)'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #000, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5));'); }); it('unmatched abbreviation', () => { // This example is useless: it’s unexpected to receive `align-self: unset` // for `auto` snippet // equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ // type: 'stylesheet', // options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 } // })), 'align-self: unset;'); equal(expand('auto'), 'auto: ${0};'); }); it('CSS-in-JS', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'stylesheet.json': true, 'stylesheet.between': ': ' } }); equal(expand('p10+mt10-20', config), 'padding: 10,\nmarginTop: \'10px 20px\','); equal(expand('bgc', config), 'backgroundColor: \'#fff\','); }); it('resolve context value', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: 'align-content' } }); equal(expand('s', config), 'start'); equal(expand('a', config), 'auto'); }); it('limit snippets by scope', () => { const sectionScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Section }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); const propertyScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Property }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); equal(expand('m', sectionScope), 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}'); equal(expand('b', sectionScope), ''); equal(expand('m', propertyScope), 'margin: ;'); }); }); <MSG> Added initial CSS-in-JS output support As requested in #512 <DFF> @@ -144,4 +144,15 @@ describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 } })), 'align-self: unset;'); equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0.3 } })), 'auto: ;'); }); + + it('CSS-in-JS', () => { + const config = resolveConfig({ + options: { + 'stylesheet.json': true, + 'stylesheet.between': ': ' + } + }); + + equal(expand('p10+mt10-20', config), 'padding: 10,\nmarginTop: \'10px 20px\','); + }); });
Added initial CSS-in-JS output support
<NME> stylesheet.ts <BEF> import { strictEqual as equal, ok } from 'assert'; import { stylesheet as expandAbbreviation, resolveConfig, CSSAbbreviationScope } from '../src'; import score from '../src/stylesheet/score'; const defaultConfig = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'output.field': (index, placeholder) => `\${${index}${placeholder ? ':' + placeholder : ''}}`, 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', gt: 'grid-template: repeat(2,auto) / repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr))' }, cache: {}, }); function expand(abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) { return expandAbbreviation(abbr, config); } describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { describe('Scoring', () => { const pick = (abbr: string, items: string[]) => items .map(item => ({ item, score: score(abbr, item, true) })) .filter(obj => obj.score) .sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score) .map(obj => obj.item)[0]; it('compare scores', () => { equal(score('aaa', 'aaa'), 1); equal(score('baa', 'aaa'), 0); ok(!score('b', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'abc')); ok(score('ac', 'abc')); ok(score('a', 'aaa') < score('aa', 'aaa')); ok(score('ab', 'abc') > score('ab', 'acb')); // acronym bonus ok(score('ab', 'a-b') > score('ab', 'acb')); }); it('pick padding or position', () => { const items = ['p', 'pb', 'pl', 'pos', 'pa', 'oa', 'soa', 'pr', 'pt']; equal(pick('p', items), 'p'); equal(pick('poa', items), 'pos'); }); }); it('keywords', () => { equal(expand('bd1-s'), 'border: 1px solid;'); equal(expand('dib'), 'display: inline-block;'); equal(expand('bxsz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxzc'), 'box-sizing: content-box;'); equal(expand('fl'), 'float: ${1:left};'); equal(expand('fll'), 'float: left;'); equal(expand('pos'), 'position: ${1:relative};'); equal(expand('poa'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('por'), 'position: relative;'); equal(expand('pof'), 'position: fixed;'); equal(expand('pos-a'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('m'), 'margin: ${0};'); equal(expand('m0'), 'margin: 0;'); // use `auto` as global keyword equal(expand('m0-a'), 'margin: 0 auto;'); equal(expand('m-a'), 'margin: auto;'); equal(expand('bg'), 'background: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('bd'), 'border: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};'); equal(expand('bd0-s#fc0'), 'border: 0 solid #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-dd#fc0'), 'border: 0 dot-dash #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-h#fc0'), 'border: 0 hidden #fc0;'); equal(expand('trf-trs'), 'transform: translate(${1:x}, ${2:y});'); // equal(expand('c'), 'color: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('cr'), 'color: rgb(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0});'); equal(expand('cra'), 'color: rgba(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0}, ${4:.5});'); // equal(expand('gtc'), 'grid-template-columns: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('gtr'), 'grid-template-rows: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('lis:n'), 'list-style: none;'); equal(expand('list:n'), 'list-style-type: none;'); equal(expand('bdt:n'), 'border-top: none;'); equal(expand('bgi:n'), 'background-image: none;'); equal(expand('q:n'), 'quotes: none;'); }); it('numeric', () => { equal(expand('p0'), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10'), 'padding: 10px;', '`px` unit for integers'); equal(expand('p.4'), 'padding: 0.4em;', '`em` for floats'); equal(expand('fz10'), 'font-size: 10px;', '`px` for integers'); equal(expand('fz1.'), 'font-size: 1em;', '`em` for explicit float'); equal(expand('p10p'), 'padding: 10%;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('z10'), 'z-index: 10;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('p10r'), 'padding: 10rem;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('mten'), 'margin: 10px;', 'Ignore terminating `;` in snippet'); // equal(expand('fz'), 'font-size: ${0};'); equal(expand('fz12'), 'font-size: 12px;'); equal(expand('fsz'), 'font-size: ${0};'); equal(expand('fsz12'), 'font-size: 12px;'); equal(expand('fs'), 'font-style: ${1:italic};'); // equal(expand('us'), 'user-select: none;'); // equal(expand('opa1'), 'opacity: 1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.1'), 'opacity: 0.1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.a'), 'opacity: .a;', 'Unitless property'); }); it('numeric with format options', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'stylesheet.intUnit': 'pt', 'stylesheet.floatUnit': 'vh', 'stylesheet.unitAliases': { e: 'em', p: '%', x: 'ex', r: ' / @rem' } } }); equal(expand('p0', config), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10', config), 'padding: 10pt;', '`pt` unit for integers'); equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 } })), 'align-self: unset;'); equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0.3 } })), 'auto: ;'); }); }); equal(expand('c#f.5'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);'); equal(expand('c#f.5!'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) !important;'); equal(expand('bgc'), 'background-color: #${1:fff};'); }); it('snippets', () => { equal(expand('@'), '@media ${1:screen} {\n\t${0}\n}'); // Insert value into snippet fields equal(expand('@k-name'), '@keyframes name {\n\t${2}\n}'); equal(expand('@k-name10'), '@keyframes name {\n\t10\n}'); equal(expand('gt'), 'grid-template: repeat(2, auto) / repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr));'); }); it('multiple properties', () => { equal(expand('p10+m10-20'), 'padding: 10px;\nmargin: 10px 20px;'); equal(expand('p+bd'), 'padding: ${0};\nborder: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};'); }); it('functions', () => { equal(expand('trf-s(2)'), 'transform: scale(2, ${2:y});'); equal(expand('trf-s(2, 3)'), 'transform: scale(2, 3);'); }); it('case insensitive matches', () => { equal(expand('trf:rx'), 'transform: rotateX(${1:angle});'); }); it('gradient resolver', () => { equal(expand('lg'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(${0});'); equal(expand('lg(to right, #0, #f00.5)'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #000, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5));'); }); it('unmatched abbreviation', () => { // This example is useless: it’s unexpected to receive `align-self: unset` // for `auto` snippet // equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ // type: 'stylesheet', // options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 } // })), 'align-self: unset;'); equal(expand('auto'), 'auto: ${0};'); }); it('CSS-in-JS', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'stylesheet.json': true, 'stylesheet.between': ': ' } }); equal(expand('p10+mt10-20', config), 'padding: 10,\nmarginTop: \'10px 20px\','); equal(expand('bgc', config), 'backgroundColor: \'#fff\','); }); it('resolve context value', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: 'align-content' } }); equal(expand('s', config), 'start'); equal(expand('a', config), 'auto'); }); it('limit snippets by scope', () => { const sectionScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Section }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); const propertyScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Property }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); equal(expand('m', sectionScope), 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}'); equal(expand('b', sectionScope), ''); equal(expand('m', propertyScope), 'margin: ;'); }); }); <MSG> Added initial CSS-in-JS output support As requested in #512 <DFF> @@ -144,4 +144,15 @@ describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 } })), 'align-self: unset;'); equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0.3 } })), 'auto: ;'); }); + + it('CSS-in-JS', () => { + const config = resolveConfig({ + options: { + 'stylesheet.json': true, + 'stylesheet.between': ': ' + } + }); + + equal(expand('p10+mt10-20', config), 'padding: 10,\nmarginTop: \'10px 20px\','); + }); });
Added initial CSS-in-JS output support
<NME> split.gemspec <BEF> # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: true $:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require "split/version" do |s| = "split" s.version = Split::VERSION s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Andrew Nesbitt"] s.licenses = ["MIT"] = [""] s.homepage = "" s.summary = "Rack based split testing framework" s.metadata = { "homepage_uri" => "", s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.add_dependency(%q<redis>, ["~> 2.1"]) s.add_dependency(%q<redis-namespace>, ["~> 0.10.0"]) s.add_dependency(%q<sinatra>, ["~> 1.2.6"]) # Development Dependencies s.required_ruby_version = ">= 2.5.0" s.required_rubygems_version = ">= 2.0.0" s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") s.test_files = `git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n") s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.add_dependency "redis", ">= 4.2" s.add_dependency "sinatra", ">= 1.2.6" s.add_dependency "rubystats", ">= 0.3.0" s.add_development_dependency "bundler", ">= 1.17" s.add_development_dependency "simplecov", "~> 0.15" s.add_development_dependency "rack-test", "~> 2.0" s.add_development_dependency "rake", "~> 13" s.add_development_dependency "rspec", "~> 3.7" s.add_development_dependency "pry", "~> 0.10" s.add_development_dependency "rails", ">= 5.0" end <MSG> Merge pull request #1 from martinciu/master redis-namespace version updated to 1.0.3 <DFF> @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ do |s| s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.add_dependency(%q<redis>, ["~> 2.1"]) - s.add_dependency(%q<redis-namespace>, ["~> 0.10.0"]) + s.add_dependency(%q<redis-namespace>, ["~> 1.0.3"]) s.add_dependency(%q<sinatra>, ["~> 1.2.6"]) # Development Dependencies
Merge pull request #1 from martinciu/master
<NME> split.gemspec <BEF> # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: true $:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require "split/version" do |s| = "split" s.version = Split::VERSION s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Andrew Nesbitt"] s.licenses = ["MIT"] = [""] s.homepage = "" s.summary = "Rack based split testing framework" s.metadata = { "homepage_uri" => "", s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.add_dependency(%q<redis>, ["~> 2.1"]) s.add_dependency(%q<redis-namespace>, ["~> 0.10.0"]) s.add_dependency(%q<sinatra>, ["~> 1.2.6"]) # Development Dependencies s.required_ruby_version = ">= 2.5.0" s.required_rubygems_version = ">= 2.0.0" s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") s.test_files = `git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n") s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.add_dependency "redis", ">= 4.2" s.add_dependency "sinatra", ">= 1.2.6" s.add_dependency "rubystats", ">= 0.3.0" s.add_development_dependency "bundler", ">= 1.17" s.add_development_dependency "simplecov", "~> 0.15" s.add_development_dependency "rack-test", "~> 2.0" s.add_development_dependency "rake", "~> 13" s.add_development_dependency "rspec", "~> 3.7" s.add_development_dependency "pry", "~> 0.10" s.add_development_dependency "rails", ">= 5.0" end <MSG> Merge pull request #1 from martinciu/master redis-namespace version updated to 1.0.3 <DFF> @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ do |s| s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.add_dependency(%q<redis>, ["~> 2.1"]) - s.add_dependency(%q<redis-namespace>, ["~> 0.10.0"]) + s.add_dependency(%q<redis-namespace>, ["~> 1.0.3"]) s.add_dependency(%q<sinatra>, ["~> 1.2.6"]) # Development Dependencies
Merge pull request #1 from martinciu/master
<NME> split.gemspec <BEF> # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: true $:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require "split/version" do |s| = "split" s.version = Split::VERSION s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Andrew Nesbitt"] s.licenses = ["MIT"] = [""] s.homepage = "" s.summary = "Rack based split testing framework" s.metadata = { "homepage_uri" => "", s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.add_dependency(%q<redis>, ["~> 2.1"]) s.add_dependency(%q<redis-namespace>, ["~> 0.10.0"]) s.add_dependency(%q<sinatra>, ["~> 1.2.6"]) # Development Dependencies s.required_ruby_version = ">= 2.5.0" s.required_rubygems_version = ">= 2.0.0" s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") s.test_files = `git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n") s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.add_dependency "redis", ">= 4.2" s.add_dependency "sinatra", ">= 1.2.6" s.add_dependency "rubystats", ">= 0.3.0" s.add_development_dependency "bundler", ">= 1.17" s.add_development_dependency "simplecov", "~> 0.15" s.add_development_dependency "rack-test", "~> 2.0" s.add_development_dependency "rake", "~> 13" s.add_development_dependency "rspec", "~> 3.7" s.add_development_dependency "pry", "~> 0.10" s.add_development_dependency "rails", ">= 5.0" end <MSG> Merge pull request #1 from martinciu/master redis-namespace version updated to 1.0.3 <DFF> @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ do |s| s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.add_dependency(%q<redis>, ["~> 2.1"]) - s.add_dependency(%q<redis-namespace>, ["~> 0.10.0"]) + s.add_dependency(%q<redis-namespace>, ["~> 1.0.3"]) s.add_dependency(%q<sinatra>, ["~> 1.2.6"]) # Development Dependencies
Merge pull request #1 from martinciu/master
<NME> alternative_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "split/alternative" describe Split::Alternative do let(:alternative) {"Basket", "basket_text") } let(:alternative2) {"Cart", "basket_text") } let!(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "basket_text" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "Basket", "Cart") } let(:goal1) { "purchase" } let(:goal2) { "refund" } it "should have goals" do expect(alternative.goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) end it "should have and only return the name" do expect( eq("Basket") end describe "weights" do it "should set the weights" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: [{ "Basket" => 0.6 }, { "Cart" => 0.4 }]) first = experiment.alternatives[0] expect( eq("Basket") expect(first.weight).to eq(0.6) second = experiment.alternatives[1] expect( eq("Cart") expect(second.weight).to eq(0.4) old_participant_count = alternative.participant_count alternative.increment_participation alternative.participant_count.should eql(old_participant_count+1) end it "should increment completed count" do { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, ] } old_completed_count = alternative.participant_count alternative.increment_completion alternative.completed_count.should eql(old_completed_count+1) end it "can be reset" do expect(second.weight).to eq(0.1) end it "accepts probability on some alternatives" do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt", percent: 34 }, "second_opt", { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, "fourth_opt", ], } } experiment = alts = experiment.alternatives [ ["control_opt", 0.34], ["second_opt", 0.215], ["third_opt", 0.23], ["fourth_opt", 0.215] ].each do |h| name, weight = h alt = alts.shift expect( eq(name) expect(alt.weight).to eq(weight) end end # it "allows name param without probability" do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt" }, "second_opt", { name: "third_opt", percent: 64 }, ], } } experiment = alts = experiment.alternatives [ ["control_opt", 0.18], ["second_opt", 0.18], ["third_opt", 0.64], ].each do |h| name, weight = h alt = alts.shift expect( eq(name) expect(alt.weight).to eq(weight) end end end it "should have a default participation count of 0" do expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(0) end it "should have a default completed count of 0 for each goal" do expect(alternative.completed_count).to eq(0) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal1)).to eq(0) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal2)).to eq(0) end it "should belong to an experiment" do expect( eq( end it "should save to redis" do expect(Split.redis.exists?("basket_text:Basket")).to be true end it "should increment participation count" do old_participant_count = alternative.participant_count alternative.increment_participation expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(old_participant_count+1) end it "should increment completed count for each goal" do old_default_completed_count = alternative.completed_count old_completed_count_for_goal1 = alternative.completed_count(goal1) old_completed_count_for_goal2 = alternative.completed_count(goal2) alternative.increment_completion alternative.increment_completion(goal1) alternative.increment_completion(goal2) expect(alternative.completed_count).to eq(old_default_completed_count+1) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal1)).to eq(old_completed_count_for_goal1+1) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal2)).to eq(old_completed_count_for_goal2+1) end it "can be reset" do alternative.participant_count = 10 alternative.set_completed_count(4, goal1) alternative.set_completed_count(5, goal2) alternative.set_completed_count(6) alternative.reset expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(0) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal1)).to eq(0) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal2)).to eq(0) expect(alternative.completed_count).to eq(0) end it "should know if it is the control of an experiment" do expect(alternative.control?).to be_truthy expect(alternative2.control?).to be_falsey end describe "unfinished_count" do it "should be difference between participant and completed counts" do alternative.increment_participation expect(alternative.unfinished_count).to eq(alternative.participant_count) end it "should return the correct unfinished_count" do alternative.participant_count = 10 alternative.set_completed_count(4, goal1) alternative.set_completed_count(3, goal2) alternative.set_completed_count(2) expect(alternative.unfinished_count).to eq(1) end end describe "conversion rate" do it "should be 0 if there are no conversions" do expect(alternative.completed_count).to eq(0) expect(alternative.conversion_rate).to eq(0) end it "calculate conversion rate" do expect(alternative).to receive(:participant_count).exactly(6).times.and_return(10) expect(alternative).to receive(:completed_count).and_return(4) expect(alternative.conversion_rate).to eq(0.4) expect(alternative).to receive(:completed_count).with(goal1).and_return(5) expect(alternative.conversion_rate(goal1)).to eq(0.5) expect(alternative).to receive(:completed_count).with(goal2).and_return(6) expect(alternative.conversion_rate(goal2)).to eq(0.6) end end describe "probability winner" do before do experiment.calc_winning_alternatives end it "should have a probability of being the winning alternative (p_winner)" do expect(alternative.p_winner).not_to be_nil end it "should have a probability of being the winner for each goal" do expect(alternative.p_winner(goal1)).not_to be_nil end it "should be possible to set the p_winner" do alternative.set_p_winner(0.5) expect(alternative.p_winner).to eq(0.5) end it "should be possible to set the p_winner for each goal" do alternative.set_p_winner(0.5, goal1) expect(alternative.p_winner(goal1)).to eq(0.5) end end describe "z score" do it "should return an error string when the control has 0 people" do expect(alternative2.z_score).to eq("Needs 30+ participants.") expect(alternative2.z_score(goal1)).to eq("Needs 30+ participants.") expect(alternative2.z_score(goal2)).to eq("Needs 30+ participants.") end it "should return an error string when the data is skewed or incomplete as per the np > 5 test" do control = experiment.control control.participant_count = 100 control.set_completed_count(50) alternative2.participant_count = 50 alternative2.set_completed_count(1) expect(alternative2.z_score).to eq("Needs 5+ conversions.") end it "should return a float for a z_score given proper data" do control = experiment.control control.participant_count = 120 control.set_completed_count(20) alternative2.participant_count = 100 alternative2.set_completed_count(25) expect(alternative2.z_score).to be_kind_of(Float) expect(alternative2.z_score).to_not eq(0) end it "should correctly calculate a z_score given proper data" do control = experiment.control control.participant_count = 126 control.set_completed_count(89) alternative2.participant_count = 142 alternative2.set_completed_count(119) expect(alternative2.z_score.round(2)).to eq(2.58) end it "should be N/A for the control" do control = experiment.control expect(control.z_score).to eq("N/A") expect(control.z_score(goal1)).to eq("N/A") expect(control.z_score(goal2)).to eq("N/A") end it "should not blow up for Conversion Rates > 1" do control = experiment.control control.participant_count = 3474 control.set_completed_count(4244) alternative2.participant_count = 3434 alternative2.set_completed_count(4358) expect { control.z_score }.not_to raise_error expect { alternative2.z_score }.not_to raise_error end end describe "extra_info" do it "reads saved value of recorded_info in redis" do saved_recorded_info = { "key_1" => 1, "key_2" => "2" } Split.redis.hset "#{alternative.experiment_name}:#{}", "recorded_info", saved_recorded_info.to_json extra_info = alternative.extra_info expect(extra_info).to eql(saved_recorded_info) end end describe "record_extra_info" do it "saves key" do alternative.record_extra_info("signup", 1) expect(alternative.extra_info["signup"]).to eql(1) end it "adds value to saved key's value second argument is number" do alternative.record_extra_info("signup", 1) alternative.record_extra_info("signup", 2) expect(alternative.extra_info["signup"]).to eql(3) end it "sets saved's key value to the second argument if it's a string" do alternative.record_extra_info("signup", "Value 1") expect(alternative.extra_info["signup"]).to eql("Value 1") alternative.record_extra_info("signup", "Value 2") expect(alternative.extra_info["signup"]).to eql("Value 2") end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #18 from lautis/atomic-increment-operations Use Redis increment to update counts <DFF> @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ describe Split::Alternative do old_participant_count = alternative.participant_count alternative.increment_participation alternative.participant_count.should eql(old_participant_count+1) + + Split::Alternative.find('Basket', 'basket_text').participant_count.should eql(old_participant_count+1) end it "should increment completed count" do @@ -49,6 +51,8 @@ describe Split::Alternative do old_completed_count = alternative.participant_count alternative.increment_completion alternative.completed_count.should eql(old_completed_count+1) + + Split::Alternative.find('Basket', 'basket_text').completed_count.should eql(old_completed_count+1) end it "can be reset" do
Merge pull request #18 from lautis/atomic-increment-operations
<NME> alternative_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "split/alternative" describe Split::Alternative do let(:alternative) {"Basket", "basket_text") } let(:alternative2) {"Cart", "basket_text") } let!(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "basket_text" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "Basket", "Cart") } let(:goal1) { "purchase" } let(:goal2) { "refund" } it "should have goals" do expect(alternative.goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) end it "should have and only return the name" do expect( eq("Basket") end describe "weights" do it "should set the weights" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: [{ "Basket" => 0.6 }, { "Cart" => 0.4 }]) first = experiment.alternatives[0] expect( eq("Basket") expect(first.weight).to eq(0.6) second = experiment.alternatives[1] expect( eq("Cart") expect(second.weight).to eq(0.4) old_participant_count = alternative.participant_count alternative.increment_participation alternative.participant_count.should eql(old_participant_count+1) end it "should increment completed count" do { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, ] } old_completed_count = alternative.participant_count alternative.increment_completion alternative.completed_count.should eql(old_completed_count+1) end it "can be reset" do expect(second.weight).to eq(0.1) end it "accepts probability on some alternatives" do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt", percent: 34 }, "second_opt", { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, "fourth_opt", ], } } experiment = alts = experiment.alternatives [ ["control_opt", 0.34], ["second_opt", 0.215], ["third_opt", 0.23], ["fourth_opt", 0.215] ].each do |h| name, weight = h alt = alts.shift expect( eq(name) expect(alt.weight).to eq(weight) end end # it "allows name param without probability" do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt" }, "second_opt", { name: "third_opt", percent: 64 }, ], } } experiment = alts = experiment.alternatives [ ["control_opt", 0.18], ["second_opt", 0.18], ["third_opt", 0.64], ].each do |h| name, weight = h alt = alts.shift expect( eq(name) expect(alt.weight).to eq(weight) end end end it "should have a default participation count of 0" do expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(0) end it "should have a default completed count of 0 for each goal" do expect(alternative.completed_count).to eq(0) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal1)).to eq(0) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal2)).to eq(0) end it "should belong to an experiment" do expect( eq( end it "should save to redis" do expect(Split.redis.exists?("basket_text:Basket")).to be true end it "should increment participation count" do old_participant_count = alternative.participant_count alternative.increment_participation expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(old_participant_count+1) end it "should increment completed count for each goal" do old_default_completed_count = alternative.completed_count old_completed_count_for_goal1 = alternative.completed_count(goal1) old_completed_count_for_goal2 = alternative.completed_count(goal2) alternative.increment_completion alternative.increment_completion(goal1) alternative.increment_completion(goal2) expect(alternative.completed_count).to eq(old_default_completed_count+1) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal1)).to eq(old_completed_count_for_goal1+1) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal2)).to eq(old_completed_count_for_goal2+1) end it "can be reset" do alternative.participant_count = 10 alternative.set_completed_count(4, goal1) alternative.set_completed_count(5, goal2) alternative.set_completed_count(6) alternative.reset expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(0) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal1)).to eq(0) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal2)).to eq(0) expect(alternative.completed_count).to eq(0) end it "should know if it is the control of an experiment" do expect(alternative.control?).to be_truthy expect(alternative2.control?).to be_falsey end describe "unfinished_count" do it "should be difference between participant and completed counts" do alternative.increment_participation expect(alternative.unfinished_count).to eq(alternative.participant_count) end it "should return the correct unfinished_count" do alternative.participant_count = 10 alternative.set_completed_count(4, goal1) alternative.set_completed_count(3, goal2) alternative.set_completed_count(2) expect(alternative.unfinished_count).to eq(1) end end describe "conversion rate" do it "should be 0 if there are no conversions" do expect(alternative.completed_count).to eq(0) expect(alternative.conversion_rate).to eq(0) end it "calculate conversion rate" do expect(alternative).to receive(:participant_count).exactly(6).times.and_return(10) expect(alternative).to receive(:completed_count).and_return(4) expect(alternative.conversion_rate).to eq(0.4) expect(alternative).to receive(:completed_count).with(goal1).and_return(5) expect(alternative.conversion_rate(goal1)).to eq(0.5) expect(alternative).to receive(:completed_count).with(goal2).and_return(6) expect(alternative.conversion_rate(goal2)).to eq(0.6) end end describe "probability winner" do before do experiment.calc_winning_alternatives end it "should have a probability of being the winning alternative (p_winner)" do expect(alternative.p_winner).not_to be_nil end it "should have a probability of being the winner for each goal" do expect(alternative.p_winner(goal1)).not_to be_nil end it "should be possible to set the p_winner" do alternative.set_p_winner(0.5) expect(alternative.p_winner).to eq(0.5) end it "should be possible to set the p_winner for each goal" do alternative.set_p_winner(0.5, goal1) expect(alternative.p_winner(goal1)).to eq(0.5) end end describe "z score" do it "should return an error string when the control has 0 people" do expect(alternative2.z_score).to eq("Needs 30+ participants.") expect(alternative2.z_score(goal1)).to eq("Needs 30+ participants.") expect(alternative2.z_score(goal2)).to eq("Needs 30+ participants.") end it "should return an error string when the data is skewed or incomplete as per the np > 5 test" do control = experiment.control control.participant_count = 100 control.set_completed_count(50) alternative2.participant_count = 50 alternative2.set_completed_count(1) expect(alternative2.z_score).to eq("Needs 5+ conversions.") end it "should return a float for a z_score given proper data" do control = experiment.control control.participant_count = 120 control.set_completed_count(20) alternative2.participant_count = 100 alternative2.set_completed_count(25) expect(alternative2.z_score).to be_kind_of(Float) expect(alternative2.z_score).to_not eq(0) end it "should correctly calculate a z_score given proper data" do control = experiment.control control.participant_count = 126 control.set_completed_count(89) alternative2.participant_count = 142 alternative2.set_completed_count(119) expect(alternative2.z_score.round(2)).to eq(2.58) end it "should be N/A for the control" do control = experiment.control expect(control.z_score).to eq("N/A") expect(control.z_score(goal1)).to eq("N/A") expect(control.z_score(goal2)).to eq("N/A") end it "should not blow up for Conversion Rates > 1" do control = experiment.control control.participant_count = 3474 control.set_completed_count(4244) alternative2.participant_count = 3434 alternative2.set_completed_count(4358) expect { control.z_score }.not_to raise_error expect { alternative2.z_score }.not_to raise_error end end describe "extra_info" do it "reads saved value of recorded_info in redis" do saved_recorded_info = { "key_1" => 1, "key_2" => "2" } Split.redis.hset "#{alternative.experiment_name}:#{}", "recorded_info", saved_recorded_info.to_json extra_info = alternative.extra_info expect(extra_info).to eql(saved_recorded_info) end end describe "record_extra_info" do it "saves key" do alternative.record_extra_info("signup", 1) expect(alternative.extra_info["signup"]).to eql(1) end it "adds value to saved key's value second argument is number" do alternative.record_extra_info("signup", 1) alternative.record_extra_info("signup", 2) expect(alternative.extra_info["signup"]).to eql(3) end it "sets saved's key value to the second argument if it's a string" do alternative.record_extra_info("signup", "Value 1") expect(alternative.extra_info["signup"]).to eql("Value 1") alternative.record_extra_info("signup", "Value 2") expect(alternative.extra_info["signup"]).to eql("Value 2") end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #18 from lautis/atomic-increment-operations Use Redis increment to update counts <DFF> @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ describe Split::Alternative do old_participant_count = alternative.participant_count alternative.increment_participation alternative.participant_count.should eql(old_participant_count+1) + + Split::Alternative.find('Basket', 'basket_text').participant_count.should eql(old_participant_count+1) end it "should increment completed count" do @@ -49,6 +51,8 @@ describe Split::Alternative do old_completed_count = alternative.participant_count alternative.increment_completion alternative.completed_count.should eql(old_completed_count+1) + + Split::Alternative.find('Basket', 'basket_text').completed_count.should eql(old_completed_count+1) end it "can be reset" do
Merge pull request #18 from lautis/atomic-increment-operations
<NME> alternative_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "split/alternative" describe Split::Alternative do let(:alternative) {"Basket", "basket_text") } let(:alternative2) {"Cart", "basket_text") } let!(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "basket_text" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "Basket", "Cart") } let(:goal1) { "purchase" } let(:goal2) { "refund" } it "should have goals" do expect(alternative.goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) end it "should have and only return the name" do expect( eq("Basket") end describe "weights" do it "should set the weights" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: [{ "Basket" => 0.6 }, { "Cart" => 0.4 }]) first = experiment.alternatives[0] expect( eq("Basket") expect(first.weight).to eq(0.6) second = experiment.alternatives[1] expect( eq("Cart") expect(second.weight).to eq(0.4) old_participant_count = alternative.participant_count alternative.increment_participation alternative.participant_count.should eql(old_participant_count+1) end it "should increment completed count" do { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, ] } old_completed_count = alternative.participant_count alternative.increment_completion alternative.completed_count.should eql(old_completed_count+1) end it "can be reset" do expect(second.weight).to eq(0.1) end it "accepts probability on some alternatives" do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt", percent: 34 }, "second_opt", { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, "fourth_opt", ], } } experiment = alts = experiment.alternatives [ ["control_opt", 0.34], ["second_opt", 0.215], ["third_opt", 0.23], ["fourth_opt", 0.215] ].each do |h| name, weight = h alt = alts.shift expect( eq(name) expect(alt.weight).to eq(weight) end end # it "allows name param without probability" do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt" }, "second_opt", { name: "third_opt", percent: 64 }, ], } } experiment = alts = experiment.alternatives [ ["control_opt", 0.18], ["second_opt", 0.18], ["third_opt", 0.64], ].each do |h| name, weight = h alt = alts.shift expect( eq(name) expect(alt.weight).to eq(weight) end end end it "should have a default participation count of 0" do expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(0) end it "should have a default completed count of 0 for each goal" do expect(alternative.completed_count).to eq(0) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal1)).to eq(0) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal2)).to eq(0) end it "should belong to an experiment" do expect( eq( end it "should save to redis" do expect(Split.redis.exists?("basket_text:Basket")).to be true end it "should increment participation count" do old_participant_count = alternative.participant_count alternative.increment_participation expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(old_participant_count+1) end it "should increment completed count for each goal" do old_default_completed_count = alternative.completed_count old_completed_count_for_goal1 = alternative.completed_count(goal1) old_completed_count_for_goal2 = alternative.completed_count(goal2) alternative.increment_completion alternative.increment_completion(goal1) alternative.increment_completion(goal2) expect(alternative.completed_count).to eq(old_default_completed_count+1) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal1)).to eq(old_completed_count_for_goal1+1) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal2)).to eq(old_completed_count_for_goal2+1) end it "can be reset" do alternative.participant_count = 10 alternative.set_completed_count(4, goal1) alternative.set_completed_count(5, goal2) alternative.set_completed_count(6) alternative.reset expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(0) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal1)).to eq(0) expect(alternative.completed_count(goal2)).to eq(0) expect(alternative.completed_count).to eq(0) end it "should know if it is the control of an experiment" do expect(alternative.control?).to be_truthy expect(alternative2.control?).to be_falsey end describe "unfinished_count" do it "should be difference between participant and completed counts" do alternative.increment_participation expect(alternative.unfinished_count).to eq(alternative.participant_count) end it "should return the correct unfinished_count" do alternative.participant_count = 10 alternative.set_completed_count(4, goal1) alternative.set_completed_count(3, goal2) alternative.set_completed_count(2) expect(alternative.unfinished_count).to eq(1) end end describe "conversion rate" do it "should be 0 if there are no conversions" do expect(alternative.completed_count).to eq(0) expect(alternative.conversion_rate).to eq(0) end it "calculate conversion rate" do expect(alternative).to receive(:participant_count).exactly(6).times.and_return(10) expect(alternative).to receive(:completed_count).and_return(4) expect(alternative.conversion_rate).to eq(0.4) expect(alternative).to receive(:completed_count).with(goal1).and_return(5) expect(alternative.conversion_rate(goal1)).to eq(0.5) expect(alternative).to receive(:completed_count).with(goal2).and_return(6) expect(alternative.conversion_rate(goal2)).to eq(0.6) end end describe "probability winner" do before do experiment.calc_winning_alternatives end it "should have a probability of being the winning alternative (p_winner)" do expect(alternative.p_winner).not_to be_nil end it "should have a probability of being the winner for each goal" do expect(alternative.p_winner(goal1)).not_to be_nil end it "should be possible to set the p_winner" do alternative.set_p_winner(0.5) expect(alternative.p_winner).to eq(0.5) end it "should be possible to set the p_winner for each goal" do alternative.set_p_winner(0.5, goal1) expect(alternative.p_winner(goal1)).to eq(0.5) end end describe "z score" do it "should return an error string when the control has 0 people" do expect(alternative2.z_score).to eq("Needs 30+ participants.") expect(alternative2.z_score(goal1)).to eq("Needs 30+ participants.") expect(alternative2.z_score(goal2)).to eq("Needs 30+ participants.") end it "should return an error string when the data is skewed or incomplete as per the np > 5 test" do control = experiment.control control.participant_count = 100 control.set_completed_count(50) alternative2.participant_count = 50 alternative2.set_completed_count(1) expect(alternative2.z_score).to eq("Needs 5+ conversions.") end it "should return a float for a z_score given proper data" do control = experiment.control control.participant_count = 120 control.set_completed_count(20) alternative2.participant_count = 100 alternative2.set_completed_count(25) expect(alternative2.z_score).to be_kind_of(Float) expect(alternative2.z_score).to_not eq(0) end it "should correctly calculate a z_score given proper data" do control = experiment.control control.participant_count = 126 control.set_completed_count(89) alternative2.participant_count = 142 alternative2.set_completed_count(119) expect(alternative2.z_score.round(2)).to eq(2.58) end it "should be N/A for the control" do control = experiment.control expect(control.z_score).to eq("N/A") expect(control.z_score(goal1)).to eq("N/A") expect(control.z_score(goal2)).to eq("N/A") end it "should not blow up for Conversion Rates > 1" do control = experiment.control control.participant_count = 3474 control.set_completed_count(4244) alternative2.participant_count = 3434 alternative2.set_completed_count(4358) expect { control.z_score }.not_to raise_error expect { alternative2.z_score }.not_to raise_error end end describe "extra_info" do it "reads saved value of recorded_info in redis" do saved_recorded_info = { "key_1" => 1, "key_2" => "2" } Split.redis.hset "#{alternative.experiment_name}:#{}", "recorded_info", saved_recorded_info.to_json extra_info = alternative.extra_info expect(extra_info).to eql(saved_recorded_info) end end describe "record_extra_info" do it "saves key" do alternative.record_extra_info("signup", 1) expect(alternative.extra_info["signup"]).to eql(1) end it "adds value to saved key's value second argument is number" do alternative.record_extra_info("signup", 1) alternative.record_extra_info("signup", 2) expect(alternative.extra_info["signup"]).to eql(3) end it "sets saved's key value to the second argument if it's a string" do alternative.record_extra_info("signup", "Value 1") expect(alternative.extra_info["signup"]).to eql("Value 1") alternative.record_extra_info("signup", "Value 2") expect(alternative.extra_info["signup"]).to eql("Value 2") end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #18 from lautis/atomic-increment-operations Use Redis increment to update counts <DFF> @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ describe Split::Alternative do old_participant_count = alternative.participant_count alternative.increment_participation alternative.participant_count.should eql(old_participant_count+1) + + Split::Alternative.find('Basket', 'basket_text').participant_count.should eql(old_participant_count+1) end it "should increment completed count" do @@ -49,6 +51,8 @@ describe Split::Alternative do old_completed_count = alternative.participant_count alternative.increment_completion alternative.completed_count.should eql(old_completed_count+1) + + Split::Alternative.find('Basket', 'basket_text').completed_count.should eql(old_completed_count+1) end it "can be reset" do
Merge pull request #18 from lautis/atomic-increment-operations
<NME> index.ts <BEF> import abbreviation, { CSSAbbreviation, CSSProperty, CSSValue, Literal, Value, Field, FunctionCall } from '@emmetio/css-abbreviation'; import { Config, SnippetsMap } from '../config'; import createSnippet, { CSSSnippet, nest, CSSSnippetType, CSSSnippetRaw, CSSSnippetProperty } from './snippets'; import calculateScore from './score'; import color from './color'; import { CSSAbbreviationScope } from './scope'; type MatchInput = CSSSnippet | string; const gradientName = 'lg'; * required transformations applied */ export default function parse(abbr: string | CSSAbbreviation, config: Config): CSSAbbreviation { const snippets = config.cache?.stylesheetSnippets || convertSnippets(config.snippets); if (config.cache) { config.cache.stylesheetSnippets = snippets; } if (typeof abbr === 'string') { abbr = abbreviation(abbr, { value: isValueScope(config) }); } const filteredSnippets = getSnippetsForScope(snippets, config); for (const node of abbr) { resolveNode(node, filteredSnippets, config); } return abbr; } export { default as stringify } from './format'; } export { default as stringify } from './format'; export { CSSAbbreviationScope }; /** * Converts given raw snippets into internal snippets representation for (const key of Object.keys(snippets)) { result.push(createSnippet(key, snippets[key])); } return nest(result); } /** * Resolves given node: finds matched CSS snippets using fuzzy match and resolves * keyword aliases from node value */ function resolveNode(node: CSSProperty, snippets: CSSSnippet[], config: Config): CSSProperty { if (!resolveGradient(node, config)) { const score = config.options['stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore']; if (isValueScope(config)) { // Resolve as value of given CSS property const propName = config.context!.name; const snippet = snippets.find(s => s.type === CSSSnippetType.Property && === propName) as CSSSnippetProperty | undefined; resolveValueKeywords(node, config, snippet, score); node.snippet = snippet; } else if ( { const snippet = findBestMatch(, snippets, score, true); node.snippet = snippet; if (snippet) { if (snippet.type === CSSSnippetType.Property) { resolveAsProperty(node, snippet, config); } else { resolveAsSnippet(node, snippet); } } } } if ( || config.context) { // Resolve numeric values for CSS properties only resolveNumericValue(node, config); } return node; } /** * Resolves CSS gradient shortcut from given property, if possible */ function resolveGradient(node: CSSProperty, config: Config): boolean { let gradientFn: FunctionCall | null = null; const cssVal = node.value.length === 1 ? node.value[0]! : null; if (cssVal && cssVal.value.length === 1) { const v = cssVal.value[0]!; if (v.type === 'FunctionCall' && === gradientName) { gradientFn = v; } } if (gradientFn || === gradientName) { if (!gradientFn) { gradientFn = { type: 'FunctionCall', name: 'linear-gradient', arguments: [cssValue(field(0, ''))] }; } else { gradientFn = { ...gradientFn, name: 'linear-gradient' }; } if (!config.context) { = 'background-image'; } node.value = [cssValue(gradientFn)]; return true; } return false; } /** * Resolves given parsed abbreviation node as CSS property */ function resolveAsProperty(node: CSSProperty, snippet: CSSSnippetProperty, config: Config): CSSProperty { const abbr =!; // Check for unmatched part of abbreviation // For example, in `dib` abbreviation the matched part is `d` and `ib` should // be considered as inline value. If unmatched fragment exists, we should check // if it matches actual value of snippet. If either explicit value is specified // or unmatched fragment did not resolve to to a keyword, we should consider // matched snippet as invalid const inlineValue = getUnmatchedPart(abbr, snippet.key); if (inlineValue) { if (node.value.length) { // Already have value: unmatched part indicates matched snippet is invalid return node; } const kw = resolveKeyword(inlineValue, config, snippet); if (!kw) { return node; } node.value.push(cssValue(kw)); } =; if (node.value.length) { // Replace keyword alias from current abbreviation node with matched keyword resolveValueKeywords(node, config, snippet); } else if (snippet.value.length) { const defaultValue = snippet.value[0]!; // // We should auto-select inserted value only if there’s multiple value // choice node.value = snippet.value.length === 1 || defaultValue.some(hasField) ? defaultValue : => wrapWithField(n, config)); } return node; } function resolveValueKeywords(node: CSSProperty, config: Config, snippet?: CSSSnippetProperty, minScore?: number) { for (const cssVal of node.value) { const value: Value[] = []; for (const token of cssVal.value) { if (token.type === 'Literal') { value.push(resolveKeyword(token.value, config, snippet, minScore) || token); } else if (token.type === 'FunctionCall') { // For function calls, we should find matching function call // and merge arguments const match = resolveKeyword(, config, snippet, minScore); if (match && match.type === 'FunctionCall') { value.push({ ...match, arguments: token.arguments.concat(match.arguments.slice(token.arguments.length)) }); } else { value.push(token); } } else { value.push(token); } } cssVal.value = value; } } /** * Resolves given parsed abbreviation node as a snippet: a plain code chunk */ function resolveAsSnippet(node: CSSProperty, snippet: CSSSnippetRaw): CSSProperty { // When resolving snippets, we have to do the following: // 1. Replace field placeholders with actual field tokens. // 2. If input values given, put them instead of fields let offset = 0; let m: RegExpExecArray | null; const reField = /\$\{(\d+)(:[^}]+)?\}/g; const inputValue = node.value[0]; const outputValue: Value[] = []; while (m = reField.exec(snippet.value)) { if (offset !== m.index) { outputValue.push(literal(snippet.value.slice(offset, m.index))); } offset = m.index + m[0].length; if (inputValue && inputValue.value.length) { outputValue.push(inputValue.value.shift()!); } else { outputValue.push(field(Number(m[1]), m[2] ? m[2].slice(1) : '')); } } const tail = snippet.value.slice(offset); if (tail) { outputValue.push(literal(tail)); } = void 0; node.value = [cssValue(...outputValue)]; return node; } /** * Finds best matching item from `items` array * @param abbr Abbreviation to match * @param items List of items for match * @param minScore The minimum score the best matched item should have to be a valid match. */ export function findBestMatch<T extends MatchInput>(abbr: string, items: T[], minScore = 0, partialMatch = false): T | null { let matchedItem: T | null = null; let maxScore = 0; for (const item of items) { const score = calculateScore(abbr, getScoringPart(item), partialMatch); if (score === 1) { // direct hit, no need to look further return item; } if (score && score >= maxScore) { maxScore = score; matchedItem = item; } } return maxScore >= minScore ? matchedItem : null; } function getScoringPart(item: MatchInput): string { return typeof item === 'string' ? item : item.key; } /** * Returns a part of `abbr` that wasn’t directly matched against `str`. * For example, if abbreviation `poas` is matched against `position`, * the unmatched part will be `as` since `a` wasn’t found in string stream */ function getUnmatchedPart(abbr: string, str: string): string { for (let i = 0, lastPos = 0; i < abbr.length; i++) { lastPos = str.indexOf(abbr[i], lastPos); if (lastPos === -1) { return abbr.slice(i); } lastPos++; } return ''; } /** * Resolves given keyword shorthand into matched snippet keyword or global keyword, * if possible */ function resolveKeyword(kw: string, config: Config, snippet?: CSSSnippetProperty, minScore?: number): Literal | FunctionCall | null { let ref: string | null; if (snippet) { if (ref = findBestMatch(kw, Object.keys(snippet.keywords), minScore)) { return snippet.keywords[ref]; } for (const dep of snippet.dependencies) { if (ref = findBestMatch(kw, Object.keys(dep.keywords), minScore)) { return dep.keywords[ref]; } } } if (ref = findBestMatch(kw, config.options['stylesheet.keywords'], minScore)) { return literal(ref); } return null; } /** * Resolves numeric values in given abbreviation node */ function resolveNumericValue(node: CSSProperty, config: Config) { const aliases = config.options['stylesheet.unitAliases']; const unitless = config.options['stylesheet.unitless']; for (const v of node.value) { for (const t of v.value) { if (t.type === 'NumberValue') { if (t.unit) { t.unit = aliases[t.unit] || t.unit; } else if (t.value !== 0 && !unitless.includes(!)) { t.unit = t.rawValue.includes('.') ? config.options['stylesheet.floatUnit'] : config.options['stylesheet.intUnit']; } } } } } /** * Constructs CSS value token */ function cssValue(...args: Value[]): CSSValue { return { type: 'CSSValue', value: args }; } /** * Constructs literal token */ function literal(value: string): Literal { return { type: 'Literal', value }; } /** * Constructs field token */ function field(index: number, name: string): Field { return { type: 'Field', index, name }; } /** * Check if given value contains fields */ function hasField(value: CSSValue): boolean { for (const v of value.value) { if (v.type === 'Field' || (v.type === 'FunctionCall' && v.arguments.some(hasField))) { return true; } } return false; } interface WrapState { index: number; } /** * Wraps tokens of given abbreviation with fields */ function wrapWithField(node: CSSValue, config: Config, state: WrapState = { index: 1 }): CSSValue { let value: Value[] = []; for (const v of node.value) { switch (v.type) { case 'ColorValue': value.push(field(state.index++, color(v, config.options['stylesheet.shortHex']))); break; case 'Literal': value.push(field(state.index++, v.value)); break; case 'NumberValue': value.push(field(state.index++, `${v.value}${v.unit}`)); break; case 'StringValue': const q = v.quote === 'single' ? '\'' : '"'; value.push(field(state.index++, q + v.value + q)); break; case 'FunctionCall': value.push(field(state.index++,, literal('(')); for (let i = 0, il = v.arguments.length; i < il; i++) { value = value.concat(wrapWithField(v.arguments[i], config, state).value); if (i !== il - 1) { value.push(literal(', ')); } } value.push(literal(')')); break; default: value.push(v); } } return {...node, value }; } /** * Check if abbreviation should be expanded in CSS value context */ function isValueScope(config: Config): boolean { if (config.context) { return === CSSAbbreviationScope.Value || !'@@'); } return false; } /** * Returns snippets for given scope */ function getSnippetsForScope(snippets: CSSSnippet[], config: Config): CSSSnippet[] { if (config.context) { if ( === CSSAbbreviationScope.Section) { return snippets.filter(s => s.type === CSSSnippetType.Raw); } if ( === CSSAbbreviationScope.Property) { return snippets.filter(s => s.type === CSSSnippetType.Property); } } return snippets; } <MSG> Fixed CSSAbbreviationScope ts export <DFF> @@ -3,11 +3,22 @@ import { Config, SnippetsMap } from '../config'; import createSnippet, { CSSSnippet, nest, CSSSnippetType, CSSSnippetRaw, CSSSnippetProperty } from './snippets'; import calculateScore from './score'; import color from './color'; -import { CSSAbbreviationScope } from './scope'; type MatchInput = CSSSnippet | string; -const gradientName = 'lg'; +export const enum CSSAbbreviationScope { + /** Include all possible snippets in match */ + Global = '@@global', + /** Include raw snippets only (e.g. no properties) in abbreviation match */ + Section = '@@section', + /** Include properties only in abbreviation match */ + Property = '@@property', + /** Resolve abbreviation in context of CSS property value */ + Value = '@@value', +} + + +const gradientName = 'lg'; /** * Parses given Emmet abbreviation into a final abbreviation tree with all @@ -34,7 +45,6 @@ export default function parse(abbr: string | CSSAbbreviation, config: Config): C } export { default as stringify } from './format'; -export { CSSAbbreviationScope }; /** * Converts given raw snippets into internal snippets representation
Fixed CSSAbbreviationScope ts export
<NME> index.ts <BEF> import abbreviation, { CSSAbbreviation, CSSProperty, CSSValue, Literal, Value, Field, FunctionCall } from '@emmetio/css-abbreviation'; import { Config, SnippetsMap } from '../config'; import createSnippet, { CSSSnippet, nest, CSSSnippetType, CSSSnippetRaw, CSSSnippetProperty } from './snippets'; import calculateScore from './score'; import color from './color'; import { CSSAbbreviationScope } from './scope'; type MatchInput = CSSSnippet | string; const gradientName = 'lg'; * required transformations applied */ export default function parse(abbr: string | CSSAbbreviation, config: Config): CSSAbbreviation { const snippets = config.cache?.stylesheetSnippets || convertSnippets(config.snippets); if (config.cache) { config.cache.stylesheetSnippets = snippets; } if (typeof abbr === 'string') { abbr = abbreviation(abbr, { value: isValueScope(config) }); } const filteredSnippets = getSnippetsForScope(snippets, config); for (const node of abbr) { resolveNode(node, filteredSnippets, config); } return abbr; } export { default as stringify } from './format'; } export { default as stringify } from './format'; export { CSSAbbreviationScope }; /** * Converts given raw snippets into internal snippets representation for (const key of Object.keys(snippets)) { result.push(createSnippet(key, snippets[key])); } return nest(result); } /** * Resolves given node: finds matched CSS snippets using fuzzy match and resolves * keyword aliases from node value */ function resolveNode(node: CSSProperty, snippets: CSSSnippet[], config: Config): CSSProperty { if (!resolveGradient(node, config)) { const score = config.options['stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore']; if (isValueScope(config)) { // Resolve as value of given CSS property const propName = config.context!.name; const snippet = snippets.find(s => s.type === CSSSnippetType.Property && === propName) as CSSSnippetProperty | undefined; resolveValueKeywords(node, config, snippet, score); node.snippet = snippet; } else if ( { const snippet = findBestMatch(, snippets, score, true); node.snippet = snippet; if (snippet) { if (snippet.type === CSSSnippetType.Property) { resolveAsProperty(node, snippet, config); } else { resolveAsSnippet(node, snippet); } } } } if ( || config.context) { // Resolve numeric values for CSS properties only resolveNumericValue(node, config); } return node; } /** * Resolves CSS gradient shortcut from given property, if possible */ function resolveGradient(node: CSSProperty, config: Config): boolean { let gradientFn: FunctionCall | null = null; const cssVal = node.value.length === 1 ? node.value[0]! : null; if (cssVal && cssVal.value.length === 1) { const v = cssVal.value[0]!; if (v.type === 'FunctionCall' && === gradientName) { gradientFn = v; } } if (gradientFn || === gradientName) { if (!gradientFn) { gradientFn = { type: 'FunctionCall', name: 'linear-gradient', arguments: [cssValue(field(0, ''))] }; } else { gradientFn = { ...gradientFn, name: 'linear-gradient' }; } if (!config.context) { = 'background-image'; } node.value = [cssValue(gradientFn)]; return true; } return false; } /** * Resolves given parsed abbreviation node as CSS property */ function resolveAsProperty(node: CSSProperty, snippet: CSSSnippetProperty, config: Config): CSSProperty { const abbr =!; // Check for unmatched part of abbreviation // For example, in `dib` abbreviation the matched part is `d` and `ib` should // be considered as inline value. If unmatched fragment exists, we should check // if it matches actual value of snippet. If either explicit value is specified // or unmatched fragment did not resolve to to a keyword, we should consider // matched snippet as invalid const inlineValue = getUnmatchedPart(abbr, snippet.key); if (inlineValue) { if (node.value.length) { // Already have value: unmatched part indicates matched snippet is invalid return node; } const kw = resolveKeyword(inlineValue, config, snippet); if (!kw) { return node; } node.value.push(cssValue(kw)); } =; if (node.value.length) { // Replace keyword alias from current abbreviation node with matched keyword resolveValueKeywords(node, config, snippet); } else if (snippet.value.length) { const defaultValue = snippet.value[0]!; // // We should auto-select inserted value only if there’s multiple value // choice node.value = snippet.value.length === 1 || defaultValue.some(hasField) ? defaultValue : => wrapWithField(n, config)); } return node; } function resolveValueKeywords(node: CSSProperty, config: Config, snippet?: CSSSnippetProperty, minScore?: number) { for (const cssVal of node.value) { const value: Value[] = []; for (const token of cssVal.value) { if (token.type === 'Literal') { value.push(resolveKeyword(token.value, config, snippet, minScore) || token); } else if (token.type === 'FunctionCall') { // For function calls, we should find matching function call // and merge arguments const match = resolveKeyword(, config, snippet, minScore); if (match && match.type === 'FunctionCall') { value.push({ ...match, arguments: token.arguments.concat(match.arguments.slice(token.arguments.length)) }); } else { value.push(token); } } else { value.push(token); } } cssVal.value = value; } } /** * Resolves given parsed abbreviation node as a snippet: a plain code chunk */ function resolveAsSnippet(node: CSSProperty, snippet: CSSSnippetRaw): CSSProperty { // When resolving snippets, we have to do the following: // 1. Replace field placeholders with actual field tokens. // 2. If input values given, put them instead of fields let offset = 0; let m: RegExpExecArray | null; const reField = /\$\{(\d+)(:[^}]+)?\}/g; const inputValue = node.value[0]; const outputValue: Value[] = []; while (m = reField.exec(snippet.value)) { if (offset !== m.index) { outputValue.push(literal(snippet.value.slice(offset, m.index))); } offset = m.index + m[0].length; if (inputValue && inputValue.value.length) { outputValue.push(inputValue.value.shift()!); } else { outputValue.push(field(Number(m[1]), m[2] ? m[2].slice(1) : '')); } } const tail = snippet.value.slice(offset); if (tail) { outputValue.push(literal(tail)); } = void 0; node.value = [cssValue(...outputValue)]; return node; } /** * Finds best matching item from `items` array * @param abbr Abbreviation to match * @param items List of items for match * @param minScore The minimum score the best matched item should have to be a valid match. */ export function findBestMatch<T extends MatchInput>(abbr: string, items: T[], minScore = 0, partialMatch = false): T | null { let matchedItem: T | null = null; let maxScore = 0; for (const item of items) { const score = calculateScore(abbr, getScoringPart(item), partialMatch); if (score === 1) { // direct hit, no need to look further return item; } if (score && score >= maxScore) { maxScore = score; matchedItem = item; } } return maxScore >= minScore ? matchedItem : null; } function getScoringPart(item: MatchInput): string { return typeof item === 'string' ? item : item.key; } /** * Returns a part of `abbr` that wasn’t directly matched against `str`. * For example, if abbreviation `poas` is matched against `position`, * the unmatched part will be `as` since `a` wasn’t found in string stream */ function getUnmatchedPart(abbr: string, str: string): string { for (let i = 0, lastPos = 0; i < abbr.length; i++) { lastPos = str.indexOf(abbr[i], lastPos); if (lastPos === -1) { return abbr.slice(i); } lastPos++; } return ''; } /** * Resolves given keyword shorthand into matched snippet keyword or global keyword, * if possible */ function resolveKeyword(kw: string, config: Config, snippet?: CSSSnippetProperty, minScore?: number): Literal | FunctionCall | null { let ref: string | null; if (snippet) { if (ref = findBestMatch(kw, Object.keys(snippet.keywords), minScore)) { return snippet.keywords[ref]; } for (const dep of snippet.dependencies) { if (ref = findBestMatch(kw, Object.keys(dep.keywords), minScore)) { return dep.keywords[ref]; } } } if (ref = findBestMatch(kw, config.options['stylesheet.keywords'], minScore)) { return literal(ref); } return null; } /** * Resolves numeric values in given abbreviation node */ function resolveNumericValue(node: CSSProperty, config: Config) { const aliases = config.options['stylesheet.unitAliases']; const unitless = config.options['stylesheet.unitless']; for (const v of node.value) { for (const t of v.value) { if (t.type === 'NumberValue') { if (t.unit) { t.unit = aliases[t.unit] || t.unit; } else if (t.value !== 0 && !unitless.includes(!)) { t.unit = t.rawValue.includes('.') ? config.options['stylesheet.floatUnit'] : config.options['stylesheet.intUnit']; } } } } } /** * Constructs CSS value token */ function cssValue(...args: Value[]): CSSValue { return { type: 'CSSValue', value: args }; } /** * Constructs literal token */ function literal(value: string): Literal { return { type: 'Literal', value }; } /** * Constructs field token */ function field(index: number, name: string): Field { return { type: 'Field', index, name }; } /** * Check if given value contains fields */ function hasField(value: CSSValue): boolean { for (const v of value.value) { if (v.type === 'Field' || (v.type === 'FunctionCall' && v.arguments.some(hasField))) { return true; } } return false; } interface WrapState { index: number; } /** * Wraps tokens of given abbreviation with fields */ function wrapWithField(node: CSSValue, config: Config, state: WrapState = { index: 1 }): CSSValue { let value: Value[] = []; for (const v of node.value) { switch (v.type) { case 'ColorValue': value.push(field(state.index++, color(v, config.options['stylesheet.shortHex']))); break; case 'Literal': value.push(field(state.index++, v.value)); break; case 'NumberValue': value.push(field(state.index++, `${v.value}${v.unit}`)); break; case 'StringValue': const q = v.quote === 'single' ? '\'' : '"'; value.push(field(state.index++, q + v.value + q)); break; case 'FunctionCall': value.push(field(state.index++,, literal('(')); for (let i = 0, il = v.arguments.length; i < il; i++) { value = value.concat(wrapWithField(v.arguments[i], config, state).value); if (i !== il - 1) { value.push(literal(', ')); } } value.push(literal(')')); break; default: value.push(v); } } return {...node, value }; } /** * Check if abbreviation should be expanded in CSS value context */ function isValueScope(config: Config): boolean { if (config.context) { return === CSSAbbreviationScope.Value || !'@@'); } return false; } /** * Returns snippets for given scope */ function getSnippetsForScope(snippets: CSSSnippet[], config: Config): CSSSnippet[] { if (config.context) { if ( === CSSAbbreviationScope.Section) { return snippets.filter(s => s.type === CSSSnippetType.Raw); } if ( === CSSAbbreviationScope.Property) { return snippets.filter(s => s.type === CSSSnippetType.Property); } } return snippets; } <MSG> Fixed CSSAbbreviationScope ts export <DFF> @@ -3,11 +3,22 @@ import { Config, SnippetsMap } from '../config'; import createSnippet, { CSSSnippet, nest, CSSSnippetType, CSSSnippetRaw, CSSSnippetProperty } from './snippets'; import calculateScore from './score'; import color from './color'; -import { CSSAbbreviationScope } from './scope'; type MatchInput = CSSSnippet | string; -const gradientName = 'lg'; +export const enum CSSAbbreviationScope { + /** Include all possible snippets in match */ + Global = '@@global', + /** Include raw snippets only (e.g. no properties) in abbreviation match */ + Section = '@@section', + /** Include properties only in abbreviation match */ + Property = '@@property', + /** Resolve abbreviation in context of CSS property value */ + Value = '@@value', +} + + +const gradientName = 'lg'; /** * Parses given Emmet abbreviation into a final abbreviation tree with all @@ -34,7 +45,6 @@ export default function parse(abbr: string | CSSAbbreviation, config: Config): C } export { default as stringify } from './format'; -export { CSSAbbreviationScope }; /** * Converts given raw snippets into internal snippets representation
Fixed CSSAbbreviationScope ts export
<NME> .travis.yml <BEF> language: node_js node_js: - "8" - "10" <MSG> Updated Travis build script <DFF> @@ -2,3 +2,6 @@ language: node_js node_js: - "8" - "10" + - "12" +before_install: npm i -g lerna +install: lerna bootstrap
Updated Travis build script
<NME> .travis.yml <BEF> language: node_js node_js: - "8" - "10" <MSG> Updated Travis build script <DFF> @@ -2,3 +2,6 @@ language: node_js node_js: - "8" - "10" + - "12" +before_install: npm i -g lerna +install: lerna bootstrap
Updated Travis build script
<NME> experiment_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "time" describe Split::Experiment do def new_experiment(goals = [])"link_color", alternatives: ["blue", "red", "green"], goals: goals) end def alternative(color), "link_color") end let(:experiment) { new_experiment } let(:blue) { alternative("blue") } let(:green) { alternative("green") } context "with an experiment" do let(:experiment) {"basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"]) } it "should have a name" do expect( eq("basket_text") end it "should have alternatives" do expect(experiment.alternatives.length).to be 2 end it "should have alternatives with correct names" do expect(experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| }).to eq(["Basket", "Cart"]) end it "should be resettable by default" do expect(experiment.resettable).to be_truthy end it "should save to redis" do expect(Split.redis.exists?("basket_text")).to be true end it "should save the start time to redis" do experiment_start_time = expect(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(experiment_start_time) expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to eq(experiment_start_time) end it "should not save the start time to redis when start_manually is enabled" do expect(Split.configuration).to receive(:start_manually).and_return(true) expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to be_nil end it "should save the selected algorithm to redis" do experiment_algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash experiment.algorithm = experiment_algorithm expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").algorithm).to eq(experiment_algorithm) end it "should handle having a start time stored as a string" do experiment_start_time = Time.parse("Sat Mar 03 14:01:03") expect(Time).to receive(:now).twice.and_return(experiment_start_time) Split.redis.hset(:experiment_start_times,, experiment_start_time.to_s) expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to eq(experiment_start_time) end it "should handle not having a start time" do experiment_start_time = Time.parse("Sat Mar 03 14:01:03") expect(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(experiment_start_time) Split.redis.hdel(:experiment_start_times, expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to be_nil end it "should not create duplicates when saving multiple times" do expect(Split.redis.exists?("basket_text")).to be true expect(Split.redis.lrange("basket_text", 0, -1)).to eq(['{"Basket":1}', '{"Cart":1}']) end describe "new record?" do it "should know if it hasn't been saved yet" do expect(experiment.new_record?).to be_truthy end it "should know if it has been saved yet" do expect(experiment.new_record?).to be_falsey end end describe "control" do it "should be the first alternative" do expect( eq("Basket") end end end describe "initialization" do it "should set the algorithm when passed as an option to the initializer" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end it "should be possible to make an experiment not resettable" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], resettable: false) expect(experiment.resettable).to be_falsey end context "from configuration" do let(:experiment_name) { :my_experiment } let(:experiments) do { experiment_name => { alternatives: ["Control Opt", "Alt one"] } } end before { Split.configuration.experiments = experiments } it "assigns default values to the experiment" do expect( eq(true) end end end describe "persistent configuration" do it "should persist resettable in redis" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], resettable: false) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.resettable).to be_falsey end describe "#metadata" do let(:experiment) {"basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash, metadata: meta) } let(:meta) { { a: "b" } } before do end it "should delete the key when metadata is removed" do experiment.metadata = nil expect(Split.redis.exists?(experiment.metadata_key)).to be_falsey end context "simple hash" do let(:meta) { { "basket" => "a", "cart" => "b" } } it "should persist metadata in redis" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.metadata).to eq(meta) end end context "nested hash" do let(:meta) { { "basket" => { "one" => "two" }, "cart" => "b" } } it "should persist metadata in redis" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.metadata).to eq(meta) end end end it "should persist algorithm in redis" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end it "should persist a new experiment in redis, that does not exist in the configuration file" do experiment ="foobar", alternatives: ["tra", "la"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("foobar") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.alternatives.collect { |a| }).to eq(["tra", "la"]) end end describe "deleting" do it "should delete itself" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: [ "Basket", "Cart"]) experiment.delete expect(Split.redis.exists?("link_color")).to be false expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color")).to be_nil end it "should increment the version" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) experiment.delete expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) end it "should call the on_experiment_delete hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_delete).to receive(:call) experiment.delete end it "should call the on_before_experiment_delete hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_before_experiment_delete).to receive(:call) experiment.delete end it "should reset the start time if the experiment should be manually started" do Split.configuration.start_manually = true experiment.start experiment.delete expect(experiment.start_time).to be_nil end it "should default cohorting back to false" do expect( eq('red') end it 'should call the on_winner_choose hook' do expect(Split.configuration.on_winner_choose).to receive(:call) experiment.winner = 'green' end it "should have no winner initially" do expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end end describe "winner=" do it "should allow you to specify a winner" do experiment.winner = "red" expect( eq("red") end it "should call the on_experiment_winner_choose hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_winner_choose).to receive(:call) experiment.winner = "green" end context "when has_winner state is memoized" do before { expect(experiment).to_not have_winner } it "should keep has_winner state consistent" do experiment.winner = "red" expect(experiment).to have_winner end end end describe "reset_winner" do before { experiment.winner = "green" } it "should reset the winner" do experiment.reset_winner expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end context "when has_winner state is memoized" do before { expect(experiment).to have_winner } it "should keep has_winner state consistent" do experiment.reset_winner expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end end describe "has_winner?" do context "with winner" do before { experiment.winner = "red" } it "returns true" do expect(experiment).to have_winner end end context "without winner" do it "returns false" do expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end it "memoizes has_winner state" do expect(experiment).to receive(:winner).once expect(experiment).to_not have_winner expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end describe "reset" do let(:reset_manually) { false } before do allow(Split.configuration).to receive(:reset_manually).and_return(reset_manually) green.increment_participation green.increment_participation end it "should reset all alternatives" do experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation experiment.reset expect(green.participant_count).to eq(0) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end it "should reset the winner" do experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation experiment.reset expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end it "should increment the version" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) end it "should call the on_experiment_reset hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_reset).to receive(:call) experiment.reset end it "should call the on_before_experiment_reset hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_before_experiment_reset).to receive(:call) experiment.reset end end describe "algorithm" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "red", "green") } it "should use the default algorithm if none is specified" do expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split.configuration.algorithm) end it "should use the user specified algorithm for this experiment if specified" do experiment.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end end describe "#next_alternative" do context "with multiple alternatives" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "red", "green") } context "with winner" do it "should always return the winner" do green ="green", "link_color") experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation expect( eq("green") end end context "without winner" do it "should use the specified algorithm" do experiment.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash expect(experiment.algorithm).to receive(:choose_alternative).and_return("green", "link_color")) expect( eq("green") end end end context "with single alternative" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue") } it "should always return the only alternative" do expect( eq("blue") expect( eq("blue") end end end describe "#cohorting_disabled?" do it "returns false when nothing has been configured" do expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq false end it "returns true when enable_cohorting is performed" do experiment.enable_cohorting expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq false end it "returns false when nothing has been configured" do experiment.disable_cohorting expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq true end end describe "changing an existing experiment" do def same_but_different_alternative Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "yellow", "orange") end it "should reset an experiment if it is loaded with different alternatives" do blue.participant_count = 5 same_experiment = same_but_different_alternative expect( eq(["blue", "yellow", "orange"]) expect(blue.participant_count).to eq(0) end it "should only reset once" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) same_experiment = same_but_different_alternative expect(same_experiment.version).to eq(1) same_experiment_again = same_but_different_alternative expect(same_experiment_again.version).to eq(1) end context "when metadata is changed" do it "should increase version" do experiment.metadata = { "foo" => "bar" } expect { }.to change { experiment.version }.by(1) end it "does not increase version" do experiment.metadata = nil expect { }.to change { experiment.version }.by(0) end end context "when experiment configuration is changed" do let(:reset_manually) { false } before do allow(Split.configuration).to receive(:reset_manually).and_return(reset_manually) green.increment_participation green.increment_participation experiment.set_alternatives_and_options(alternatives: %w(blue red green zip), goals: %w(purchase)) end it "resets all alternatives" do expect(green.participant_count).to eq(0) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end context "when reset_manually is set" do let(:reset_manually) { true } it "does not reset alternatives" do expect(green.participant_count).to eq(2) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end end end end describe "alternatives passed as non-strings" do it "should throw an exception if an alternative is passed that is not a string" do expect { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", :blue, :red) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_enabled", true, false) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "specifying weights" do let(:experiment_with_weight) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", { "blue" => 1 }, { "red" => 2 }) } it "should work for a new experiment" do expect( eq([1, 2]) end it "should work for an existing experiment" do expect( eq([1, 2]) end end describe "specifying goals" do let(:experiment) { new_experiment(["purchase"]) } context "saving experiment" do let(:same_but_different_goals) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") } before { } it "can find existing experiment" do expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color").name).to eq("link_color") end it "should reset an experiment if it is loaded with different goals" do same_but_different_goals expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color").goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) end end it "should have goals" do expect(experiment.goals).to eq(["purchase"]) end context "find or create experiment" do it "should have correct goals" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color3", "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.goals).to eq([]) end end end describe "beta probability calculation" do it "should return a hash with the probability of each alternative being the best" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("mathematicians", "bernoulli", "poisson", "lagrange") experiment.calc_winning_alternatives expect(experiment.alternative_probabilities).not_to be_nil end it "should return between 46% and 54% probability for an experiment with 2 alternatives and no data" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("scientists", "einstein", "bohr") experiment.calc_winning_alternatives expect(experiment.alternatives[0].p_winner).to be_within(0.04).of(0.50) end it "should calculate the probability of being the winning alternative separately for each goal", skip: true do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") goal1 = experiment.goals[0] goal2 = experiment.goals[1] experiment.alternatives.each do |alternative| alternative.participant_count = 50 alternative.set_completed_count(10, goal1) alternative.set_completed_count(15+rand(30), goal2) end experiment.calc_winning_alternatives alt = experiment.alternatives[0] p_goal1 = alt.p_winner(goal1) p_goal2 = alt.p_winner(goal2) expect(p_goal1).not_to be_within(0.04).of(p_goal2) end it "should return nil and not re-calculate probabilities if they have already been calculated today" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.calc_winning_alternatives).not_to be nil expect(experiment.calc_winning_alternatives).to be nil end end end <MSG> Update winner choose hook name <DFF> @@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ describe Split::Experiment do expect( eq('red') end - it 'should call the on_winner_choose hook' do - expect(Split.configuration.on_winner_choose).to receive(:call) + it 'should call the on_experiment_winner_choose hook' do + expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_winner_choose).to receive(:call) experiment.winner = 'green' end
Update winner choose hook name
<NME> experiment_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "time" describe Split::Experiment do def new_experiment(goals = [])"link_color", alternatives: ["blue", "red", "green"], goals: goals) end def alternative(color), "link_color") end let(:experiment) { new_experiment } let(:blue) { alternative("blue") } let(:green) { alternative("green") } context "with an experiment" do let(:experiment) {"basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"]) } it "should have a name" do expect( eq("basket_text") end it "should have alternatives" do expect(experiment.alternatives.length).to be 2 end it "should have alternatives with correct names" do expect(experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| }).to eq(["Basket", "Cart"]) end it "should be resettable by default" do expect(experiment.resettable).to be_truthy end it "should save to redis" do expect(Split.redis.exists?("basket_text")).to be true end it "should save the start time to redis" do experiment_start_time = expect(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(experiment_start_time) expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to eq(experiment_start_time) end it "should not save the start time to redis when start_manually is enabled" do expect(Split.configuration).to receive(:start_manually).and_return(true) expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to be_nil end it "should save the selected algorithm to redis" do experiment_algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash experiment.algorithm = experiment_algorithm expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").algorithm).to eq(experiment_algorithm) end it "should handle having a start time stored as a string" do experiment_start_time = Time.parse("Sat Mar 03 14:01:03") expect(Time).to receive(:now).twice.and_return(experiment_start_time) Split.redis.hset(:experiment_start_times,, experiment_start_time.to_s) expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to eq(experiment_start_time) end it "should handle not having a start time" do experiment_start_time = Time.parse("Sat Mar 03 14:01:03") expect(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(experiment_start_time) Split.redis.hdel(:experiment_start_times, expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to be_nil end it "should not create duplicates when saving multiple times" do expect(Split.redis.exists?("basket_text")).to be true expect(Split.redis.lrange("basket_text", 0, -1)).to eq(['{"Basket":1}', '{"Cart":1}']) end describe "new record?" do it "should know if it hasn't been saved yet" do expect(experiment.new_record?).to be_truthy end it "should know if it has been saved yet" do expect(experiment.new_record?).to be_falsey end end describe "control" do it "should be the first alternative" do expect( eq("Basket") end end end describe "initialization" do it "should set the algorithm when passed as an option to the initializer" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end it "should be possible to make an experiment not resettable" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], resettable: false) expect(experiment.resettable).to be_falsey end context "from configuration" do let(:experiment_name) { :my_experiment } let(:experiments) do { experiment_name => { alternatives: ["Control Opt", "Alt one"] } } end before { Split.configuration.experiments = experiments } it "assigns default values to the experiment" do expect( eq(true) end end end describe "persistent configuration" do it "should persist resettable in redis" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], resettable: false) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.resettable).to be_falsey end describe "#metadata" do let(:experiment) {"basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash, metadata: meta) } let(:meta) { { a: "b" } } before do end it "should delete the key when metadata is removed" do experiment.metadata = nil expect(Split.redis.exists?(experiment.metadata_key)).to be_falsey end context "simple hash" do let(:meta) { { "basket" => "a", "cart" => "b" } } it "should persist metadata in redis" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.metadata).to eq(meta) end end context "nested hash" do let(:meta) { { "basket" => { "one" => "two" }, "cart" => "b" } } it "should persist metadata in redis" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.metadata).to eq(meta) end end end it "should persist algorithm in redis" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end it "should persist a new experiment in redis, that does not exist in the configuration file" do experiment ="foobar", alternatives: ["tra", "la"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("foobar") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.alternatives.collect { |a| }).to eq(["tra", "la"]) end end describe "deleting" do it "should delete itself" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: [ "Basket", "Cart"]) experiment.delete expect(Split.redis.exists?("link_color")).to be false expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color")).to be_nil end it "should increment the version" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) experiment.delete expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) end it "should call the on_experiment_delete hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_delete).to receive(:call) experiment.delete end it "should call the on_before_experiment_delete hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_before_experiment_delete).to receive(:call) experiment.delete end it "should reset the start time if the experiment should be manually started" do Split.configuration.start_manually = true experiment.start experiment.delete expect(experiment.start_time).to be_nil end it "should default cohorting back to false" do expect( eq('red') end it 'should call the on_winner_choose hook' do expect(Split.configuration.on_winner_choose).to receive(:call) experiment.winner = 'green' end it "should have no winner initially" do expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end end describe "winner=" do it "should allow you to specify a winner" do experiment.winner = "red" expect( eq("red") end it "should call the on_experiment_winner_choose hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_winner_choose).to receive(:call) experiment.winner = "green" end context "when has_winner state is memoized" do before { expect(experiment).to_not have_winner } it "should keep has_winner state consistent" do experiment.winner = "red" expect(experiment).to have_winner end end end describe "reset_winner" do before { experiment.winner = "green" } it "should reset the winner" do experiment.reset_winner expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end context "when has_winner state is memoized" do before { expect(experiment).to have_winner } it "should keep has_winner state consistent" do experiment.reset_winner expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end end describe "has_winner?" do context "with winner" do before { experiment.winner = "red" } it "returns true" do expect(experiment).to have_winner end end context "without winner" do it "returns false" do expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end it "memoizes has_winner state" do expect(experiment).to receive(:winner).once expect(experiment).to_not have_winner expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end describe "reset" do let(:reset_manually) { false } before do allow(Split.configuration).to receive(:reset_manually).and_return(reset_manually) green.increment_participation green.increment_participation end it "should reset all alternatives" do experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation experiment.reset expect(green.participant_count).to eq(0) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end it "should reset the winner" do experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation experiment.reset expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end it "should increment the version" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) end it "should call the on_experiment_reset hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_reset).to receive(:call) experiment.reset end it "should call the on_before_experiment_reset hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_before_experiment_reset).to receive(:call) experiment.reset end end describe "algorithm" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "red", "green") } it "should use the default algorithm if none is specified" do expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split.configuration.algorithm) end it "should use the user specified algorithm for this experiment if specified" do experiment.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end end describe "#next_alternative" do context "with multiple alternatives" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "red", "green") } context "with winner" do it "should always return the winner" do green ="green", "link_color") experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation expect( eq("green") end end context "without winner" do it "should use the specified algorithm" do experiment.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash expect(experiment.algorithm).to receive(:choose_alternative).and_return("green", "link_color")) expect( eq("green") end end end context "with single alternative" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue") } it "should always return the only alternative" do expect( eq("blue") expect( eq("blue") end end end describe "#cohorting_disabled?" do it "returns false when nothing has been configured" do expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq false end it "returns true when enable_cohorting is performed" do experiment.enable_cohorting expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq false end it "returns false when nothing has been configured" do experiment.disable_cohorting expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq true end end describe "changing an existing experiment" do def same_but_different_alternative Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "yellow", "orange") end it "should reset an experiment if it is loaded with different alternatives" do blue.participant_count = 5 same_experiment = same_but_different_alternative expect( eq(["blue", "yellow", "orange"]) expect(blue.participant_count).to eq(0) end it "should only reset once" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) same_experiment = same_but_different_alternative expect(same_experiment.version).to eq(1) same_experiment_again = same_but_different_alternative expect(same_experiment_again.version).to eq(1) end context "when metadata is changed" do it "should increase version" do experiment.metadata = { "foo" => "bar" } expect { }.to change { experiment.version }.by(1) end it "does not increase version" do experiment.metadata = nil expect { }.to change { experiment.version }.by(0) end end context "when experiment configuration is changed" do let(:reset_manually) { false } before do allow(Split.configuration).to receive(:reset_manually).and_return(reset_manually) green.increment_participation green.increment_participation experiment.set_alternatives_and_options(alternatives: %w(blue red green zip), goals: %w(purchase)) end it "resets all alternatives" do expect(green.participant_count).to eq(0) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end context "when reset_manually is set" do let(:reset_manually) { true } it "does not reset alternatives" do expect(green.participant_count).to eq(2) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end end end end describe "alternatives passed as non-strings" do it "should throw an exception if an alternative is passed that is not a string" do expect { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", :blue, :red) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_enabled", true, false) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "specifying weights" do let(:experiment_with_weight) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", { "blue" => 1 }, { "red" => 2 }) } it "should work for a new experiment" do expect( eq([1, 2]) end it "should work for an existing experiment" do expect( eq([1, 2]) end end describe "specifying goals" do let(:experiment) { new_experiment(["purchase"]) } context "saving experiment" do let(:same_but_different_goals) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") } before { } it "can find existing experiment" do expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color").name).to eq("link_color") end it "should reset an experiment if it is loaded with different goals" do same_but_different_goals expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color").goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) end end it "should have goals" do expect(experiment.goals).to eq(["purchase"]) end context "find or create experiment" do it "should have correct goals" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color3", "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.goals).to eq([]) end end end describe "beta probability calculation" do it "should return a hash with the probability of each alternative being the best" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("mathematicians", "bernoulli", "poisson", "lagrange") experiment.calc_winning_alternatives expect(experiment.alternative_probabilities).not_to be_nil end it "should return between 46% and 54% probability for an experiment with 2 alternatives and no data" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("scientists", "einstein", "bohr") experiment.calc_winning_alternatives expect(experiment.alternatives[0].p_winner).to be_within(0.04).of(0.50) end it "should calculate the probability of being the winning alternative separately for each goal", skip: true do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") goal1 = experiment.goals[0] goal2 = experiment.goals[1] experiment.alternatives.each do |alternative| alternative.participant_count = 50 alternative.set_completed_count(10, goal1) alternative.set_completed_count(15+rand(30), goal2) end experiment.calc_winning_alternatives alt = experiment.alternatives[0] p_goal1 = alt.p_winner(goal1) p_goal2 = alt.p_winner(goal2) expect(p_goal1).not_to be_within(0.04).of(p_goal2) end it "should return nil and not re-calculate probabilities if they have already been calculated today" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.calc_winning_alternatives).not_to be nil expect(experiment.calc_winning_alternatives).to be nil end end end <MSG> Update winner choose hook name <DFF> @@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ describe Split::Experiment do expect( eq('red') end - it 'should call the on_winner_choose hook' do - expect(Split.configuration.on_winner_choose).to receive(:call) + it 'should call the on_experiment_winner_choose hook' do + expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_winner_choose).to receive(:call) experiment.winner = 'green' end
Update winner choose hook name
<NME> experiment_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "time" describe Split::Experiment do def new_experiment(goals = [])"link_color", alternatives: ["blue", "red", "green"], goals: goals) end def alternative(color), "link_color") end let(:experiment) { new_experiment } let(:blue) { alternative("blue") } let(:green) { alternative("green") } context "with an experiment" do let(:experiment) {"basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"]) } it "should have a name" do expect( eq("basket_text") end it "should have alternatives" do expect(experiment.alternatives.length).to be 2 end it "should have alternatives with correct names" do expect(experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| }).to eq(["Basket", "Cart"]) end it "should be resettable by default" do expect(experiment.resettable).to be_truthy end it "should save to redis" do expect(Split.redis.exists?("basket_text")).to be true end it "should save the start time to redis" do experiment_start_time = expect(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(experiment_start_time) expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to eq(experiment_start_time) end it "should not save the start time to redis when start_manually is enabled" do expect(Split.configuration).to receive(:start_manually).and_return(true) expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to be_nil end it "should save the selected algorithm to redis" do experiment_algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash experiment.algorithm = experiment_algorithm expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").algorithm).to eq(experiment_algorithm) end it "should handle having a start time stored as a string" do experiment_start_time = Time.parse("Sat Mar 03 14:01:03") expect(Time).to receive(:now).twice.and_return(experiment_start_time) Split.redis.hset(:experiment_start_times,, experiment_start_time.to_s) expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to eq(experiment_start_time) end it "should handle not having a start time" do experiment_start_time = Time.parse("Sat Mar 03 14:01:03") expect(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(experiment_start_time) Split.redis.hdel(:experiment_start_times, expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text").start_time).to be_nil end it "should not create duplicates when saving multiple times" do expect(Split.redis.exists?("basket_text")).to be true expect(Split.redis.lrange("basket_text", 0, -1)).to eq(['{"Basket":1}', '{"Cart":1}']) end describe "new record?" do it "should know if it hasn't been saved yet" do expect(experiment.new_record?).to be_truthy end it "should know if it has been saved yet" do expect(experiment.new_record?).to be_falsey end end describe "control" do it "should be the first alternative" do expect( eq("Basket") end end end describe "initialization" do it "should set the algorithm when passed as an option to the initializer" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end it "should be possible to make an experiment not resettable" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], resettable: false) expect(experiment.resettable).to be_falsey end context "from configuration" do let(:experiment_name) { :my_experiment } let(:experiments) do { experiment_name => { alternatives: ["Control Opt", "Alt one"] } } end before { Split.configuration.experiments = experiments } it "assigns default values to the experiment" do expect( eq(true) end end end describe "persistent configuration" do it "should persist resettable in redis" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], resettable: false) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.resettable).to be_falsey end describe "#metadata" do let(:experiment) {"basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash, metadata: meta) } let(:meta) { { a: "b" } } before do end it "should delete the key when metadata is removed" do experiment.metadata = nil expect(Split.redis.exists?(experiment.metadata_key)).to be_falsey end context "simple hash" do let(:meta) { { "basket" => "a", "cart" => "b" } } it "should persist metadata in redis" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.metadata).to eq(meta) end end context "nested hash" do let(:meta) { { "basket" => { "one" => "two" }, "cart" => "b" } } it "should persist metadata in redis" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.metadata).to eq(meta) end end end it "should persist algorithm in redis" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["Basket", "Cart"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("basket_text") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end it "should persist a new experiment in redis, that does not exist in the configuration file" do experiment ="foobar", alternatives: ["tra", "la"], algorithm: Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("foobar") expect(e).to eq(experiment) expect(e.alternatives.collect { |a| }).to eq(["tra", "la"]) end end describe "deleting" do it "should delete itself" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: [ "Basket", "Cart"]) experiment.delete expect(Split.redis.exists?("link_color")).to be false expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color")).to be_nil end it "should increment the version" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) experiment.delete expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) end it "should call the on_experiment_delete hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_delete).to receive(:call) experiment.delete end it "should call the on_before_experiment_delete hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_before_experiment_delete).to receive(:call) experiment.delete end it "should reset the start time if the experiment should be manually started" do Split.configuration.start_manually = true experiment.start experiment.delete expect(experiment.start_time).to be_nil end it "should default cohorting back to false" do expect( eq('red') end it 'should call the on_winner_choose hook' do expect(Split.configuration.on_winner_choose).to receive(:call) experiment.winner = 'green' end it "should have no winner initially" do expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end end describe "winner=" do it "should allow you to specify a winner" do experiment.winner = "red" expect( eq("red") end it "should call the on_experiment_winner_choose hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_winner_choose).to receive(:call) experiment.winner = "green" end context "when has_winner state is memoized" do before { expect(experiment).to_not have_winner } it "should keep has_winner state consistent" do experiment.winner = "red" expect(experiment).to have_winner end end end describe "reset_winner" do before { experiment.winner = "green" } it "should reset the winner" do experiment.reset_winner expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end context "when has_winner state is memoized" do before { expect(experiment).to have_winner } it "should keep has_winner state consistent" do experiment.reset_winner expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end end describe "has_winner?" do context "with winner" do before { experiment.winner = "red" } it "returns true" do expect(experiment).to have_winner end end context "without winner" do it "returns false" do expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end it "memoizes has_winner state" do expect(experiment).to receive(:winner).once expect(experiment).to_not have_winner expect(experiment).to_not have_winner end end describe "reset" do let(:reset_manually) { false } before do allow(Split.configuration).to receive(:reset_manually).and_return(reset_manually) green.increment_participation green.increment_participation end it "should reset all alternatives" do experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation experiment.reset expect(green.participant_count).to eq(0) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end it "should reset the winner" do experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation experiment.reset expect(experiment.winner).to be_nil end it "should increment the version" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) end it "should call the on_experiment_reset hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_reset).to receive(:call) experiment.reset end it "should call the on_before_experiment_reset hook" do expect(Split.configuration.on_before_experiment_reset).to receive(:call) experiment.reset end end describe "algorithm" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "red", "green") } it "should use the default algorithm if none is specified" do expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split.configuration.algorithm) end it "should use the user specified algorithm for this experiment if specified" do experiment.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash expect(experiment.algorithm).to eq(Split::Algorithms::Whiplash) end end describe "#next_alternative" do context "with multiple alternatives" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "red", "green") } context "with winner" do it "should always return the winner" do green ="green", "link_color") experiment.winner = "green" expect( eq("green") green.increment_participation expect( eq("green") end end context "without winner" do it "should use the specified algorithm" do experiment.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash expect(experiment.algorithm).to receive(:choose_alternative).and_return("green", "link_color")) expect( eq("green") end end end context "with single alternative" do let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue") } it "should always return the only alternative" do expect( eq("blue") expect( eq("blue") end end end describe "#cohorting_disabled?" do it "returns false when nothing has been configured" do expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq false end it "returns true when enable_cohorting is performed" do experiment.enable_cohorting expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq false end it "returns false when nothing has been configured" do experiment.disable_cohorting expect(experiment.cohorting_disabled?).to eq true end end describe "changing an existing experiment" do def same_but_different_alternative Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "yellow", "orange") end it "should reset an experiment if it is loaded with different alternatives" do blue.participant_count = 5 same_experiment = same_but_different_alternative expect( eq(["blue", "yellow", "orange"]) expect(blue.participant_count).to eq(0) end it "should only reset once" do expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) same_experiment = same_but_different_alternative expect(same_experiment.version).to eq(1) same_experiment_again = same_but_different_alternative expect(same_experiment_again.version).to eq(1) end context "when metadata is changed" do it "should increase version" do experiment.metadata = { "foo" => "bar" } expect { }.to change { experiment.version }.by(1) end it "does not increase version" do experiment.metadata = nil expect { }.to change { experiment.version }.by(0) end end context "when experiment configuration is changed" do let(:reset_manually) { false } before do allow(Split.configuration).to receive(:reset_manually).and_return(reset_manually) green.increment_participation green.increment_participation experiment.set_alternatives_and_options(alternatives: %w(blue red green zip), goals: %w(purchase)) end it "resets all alternatives" do expect(green.participant_count).to eq(0) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end context "when reset_manually is set" do let(:reset_manually) { true } it "does not reset alternatives" do expect(green.participant_count).to eq(2) expect(green.completed_count).to eq(0) end end end end describe "alternatives passed as non-strings" do it "should throw an exception if an alternative is passed that is not a string" do expect { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", :blue, :red) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_enabled", true, false) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "specifying weights" do let(:experiment_with_weight) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", { "blue" => 1 }, { "red" => 2 }) } it "should work for a new experiment" do expect( eq([1, 2]) end it "should work for an existing experiment" do expect( eq([1, 2]) end end describe "specifying goals" do let(:experiment) { new_experiment(["purchase"]) } context "saving experiment" do let(:same_but_different_goals) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") } before { } it "can find existing experiment" do expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color").name).to eq("link_color") end it "should reset an experiment if it is loaded with different goals" do same_but_different_goals expect(Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color").goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) end end it "should have goals" do expect(experiment.goals).to eq(["purchase"]) end context "find or create experiment" do it "should have correct goals" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color3", "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.goals).to eq([]) end end end describe "beta probability calculation" do it "should return a hash with the probability of each alternative being the best" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("mathematicians", "bernoulli", "poisson", "lagrange") experiment.calc_winning_alternatives expect(experiment.alternative_probabilities).not_to be_nil end it "should return between 46% and 54% probability for an experiment with 2 alternatives and no data" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("scientists", "einstein", "bohr") experiment.calc_winning_alternatives expect(experiment.alternatives[0].p_winner).to be_within(0.04).of(0.50) end it "should calculate the probability of being the winning alternative separately for each goal", skip: true do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") goal1 = experiment.goals[0] goal2 = experiment.goals[1] experiment.alternatives.each do |alternative| alternative.participant_count = 50 alternative.set_completed_count(10, goal1) alternative.set_completed_count(15+rand(30), goal2) end experiment.calc_winning_alternatives alt = experiment.alternatives[0] p_goal1 = alt.p_winner(goal1) p_goal2 = alt.p_winner(goal2) expect(p_goal1).not_to be_within(0.04).of(p_goal2) end it "should return nil and not re-calculate probabilities if they have already been calculated today" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create({ "link_color3" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red", "green") expect(experiment.calc_winning_alternatives).not_to be nil expect(experiment.calc_winning_alternatives).to be nil end end end <MSG> Update winner choose hook name <DFF> @@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ describe Split::Experiment do expect( eq('red') end - it 'should call the on_winner_choose hook' do - expect(Split.configuration.on_winner_choose).to receive(:call) + it 'should call the on_experiment_winner_choose hook' do + expect(Split.configuration.on_experiment_winner_choose).to receive(:call) experiment.winner = 'green' end
Update winner choose hook name
<NME> format.ts <BEF> import { equal } from 'assert'; import html from '../src/markup/format/html'; import haml from '../src/markup/format/haml'; import pug from '../src/markup/format/pug'; import slim from '../src/markup/format/slim'; import parse from '../src/markup'; import createConfig, { Options } from '../src/config'; describe('Format', () => { const defaultConfig = createConfig(); const field = createConfig({ options: { 'output.field': (index, placeholder) => placeholder ? `\${${index}:${placeholder}}` : `\${${index}}` } }); function createProfile(options: Partial<Options>) { const config = createConfig({ options }); return config; } describe('HTML', () => { const format = (abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) => html(parse(abbr, config), config); it('basic', () => { equal(format('div>p'), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>p*3'), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n\t<p></p>\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div#a>p.b*2>span'), '<div id="a">\n\t<p class="b"><span></span></p>\n\t<p class="b"><span></span></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>div>div'), '<div>\n\t<div>\n\t\t<div></div>\n\t</div>\n</div>'); equal(format('table>tr*2>td{item}*2'), '<table>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>item</td>\n\t\t<td>item</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>item</td>\n\t\t<td>item</td>\n\t</tr>\n</table>'); }); it('inline elements', () => { const profile = createProfile({ 'output.inlineBreak': 3 }); const breakInline = createProfile({ 'output.inlineBreak': 1 }); const keepInline = createProfile({ 'output.inlineBreak': 0 }); const xhtml = createProfile({ 'output.selfClosingStyle': 'xhtml' }); equal(format('div>a>b*3', xhtml), '<div>\n\t<a href="">\n\t\t<b></b>\n\t\t<b></b>\n\t\t<b></b>\n\t</a>\n</div>'); equal(format('p>i', profile), '<p><i></i></p>'); equal(format('p>i*2', profile), '<p><i></i><i></i></p>'); equal(format('p>i*2', breakInline), '<p>\n\t<i></i>\n\t<i></i>\n</p>'); equal(format('p>i*3', profile), '<p>\n\t<i></i>\n\t<i></i>\n\t<i></i>\n</p>'); equal(format('p>i*3', keepInline), '<p><i></i><i></i><i></i></p>'); equal(format('i*2', profile), '<i></i><i></i>'); equal(format('i*3', profile), '<i></i>\n<i></i>\n<i></i>'); equal(format('i{a}+i{b}', profile), '<i>a</i><i>b</i>'); equal(format('img[src]/+p', xhtml), '<img src="" alt="" />\n<p></p>'); equal(format('div>img[src]/+p', xhtml), '<div>\n\t<img src="" alt="" />\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>p+img[src]/', xhtml), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n\t<img src="" alt="" />\n</div>'); equal(format('div>p+img[src]/+p', xhtml), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n\t<img src="" alt="" />\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>p+img[src]/*2+p', xhtml), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n\t<img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" />\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>p+img[src]/*3+p', xhtml), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n\t<img src="" alt="" />\n\t<img src="" alt="" />\n\t<img src="" alt="" />\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); }); it('generate fields', () => { equal(format('a[href]', field), '<a href="${1}">${2}</a>'); equal(format('a[href]*2', field), '<a href="${1}">${2}</a><a href="${3}">${4}</a>'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2', field), '${1} ${2:foo} ${3:bar}\n${4} ${5:foo} ${6:bar}'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2'), ' foo bar\n foo bar'); equal(format('ul>li*2', field), '<ul>\n\t<li>${1}</li>\n\t<li>${2}</li>\n</ul>'); equal(format('div>img[src]/', field), '<div><img src="${1}" alt="${2}"></div>'); }); // it.only('debug', () => { // equal(format('div>{foo}+{bar}+p'), '<div>\n\tfoobar\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); // }); it('mixed content', () => { equal(format('div{foo}'), '<div>foo</div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}'), '<div>foo</div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}+{bar}'), '<div>\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}+{bar}+p'), '<div>\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}+{bar}+p+{foo}+{bar}+p'), '<div>\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n\t<p></p>\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}+p+{bar}'), '<div>\n\tfoo\n\t<p></p>\n\tbar\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}>p'), '<div>\n\tfoo\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}'), '<div><!-- --></div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}+p'), '<div>\n\t<!-- -->\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>p+{<!-- ${0} -->}'), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n\t<!-- -->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}>p'), '<div>\n\t<!-- <p></p> -->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}*2>p'), '<div>\n\t<!-- <p></p> -->\n\t<!-- <p></p> -->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}>p*2'), '<div>\n\t<!-- \n\t<p></p>\n\t<p></p>\n\t-->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}*2>p*2'), '<div>\n\t<!-- \n\t<p></p>\n\t<p></p>\n\t-->\n\t<!-- \n\t<p></p>\n\t<p></p>\n\t-->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}>b'), '<div>\n\t<!-- <b></b> -->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}>b*2'), '<div>\n\t<!-- <b></b><b></b> -->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}>b*3'), '<div>\n\t<!-- \n\t<b></b>\n\t<b></b>\n\t<b></b>\n\t-->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}', field), '<div><!-- ${1} --></div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}>b', field), '<div>\n\t<!-- <b>${1}</b> -->\n</div>'); }); it('self-closing', () => { const xmlStyle = createProfile({ 'output.selfClosingStyle': 'xml' }); const htmlStyle = createProfile({ 'output.selfClosingStyle': 'html' }); const xhtmlStyle = createProfile({ 'output.selfClosingStyle': 'xhtml' }); equal(format('img[src]/', htmlStyle), '<img src="" alt="">'); equal(format('img[src]/', xhtmlStyle), '<img src="" alt="" />'); equal(format('img[src]/', xmlStyle), '<img src="" alt=""/>'); equal(format('div>img[src]/', xhtmlStyle), '<div><img src="" alt="" /></div>'); }); it('boolean attributes', () => { const compact = createProfile({ 'output.compactBoolean': true }); const noCompact = createProfile({ 'output.compactBoolean': false }); equal(format('p[b.]', noCompact), '<p b="b"></p>'); equal(format('p[b.]', compact), '<p b></p>'); equal(format('p[contenteditable]', compact), '<p contenteditable></p>'); equal(format('p[contenteditable]', noCompact), '<p contenteditable="contenteditable"></p>'); equal(format('p[contenteditable=foo]', compact), '<p contenteditable="foo"></p>'); }); it('no formatting', () => { const profile = createProfile({ 'output.format': false }); equal(format('div>p', profile), '<div><p></p></div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}+p+{bar}', profile), '<div>foo<p></p>bar</div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}>p', profile), '<div>foo<p></p></div>'); equal(format('{<!DOCTYPE html>}+html>(head>meta[charset=${charset}]/+title{${1:Document}})+body', field), '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\t<meta charset="charset">\n\t<title>${2:Document}</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n\t${3}\n</body>\n</html>'); }); }); }); describe('HAML', () => { const format = (abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) => haml(parse(abbr, config), config); it('basic', () => { equal(format('div#header>ul.nav>li[title=test].nav-item*2'), '#header\n\t%ul.nav\n\t\t%li.nav-item(title="test") \n\t\t%li.nav-item(title="test") '); // equal(format('li>a'), '%li\n\t%a(href="") '); equal(format('div#foo[data-n1=v1 title=test data-n2=v2].bar'), '"v1" title="test" data-n2="v2") '); let profile = createProfile({ 'output.compactBoolean': true }); equal(format('input[disabled. foo title=test]/', profile), '%input(type="text" disabled foo="" title="test")/'); profile = createProfile({ 'output.compactBoolean': false }); equal(format('input[disabled. foo title=test]/', profile), '%input(type="text" disabled=true foo="" title="test")/'); }); it('nodes with text', () => { equal(format('{Text 1}'), 'Text 1'); equal(format('span{Text 1}'), '%span Text 1'); equal(format('span{Text 1}>b{Text 2}'), '%span Text 1\n\t%b Text 2'); equal(format('span{Text 1\nText 2}>b{Text 3}'), '%span\n\tText 1 |\n\tText 2 |\n\t%b Text 3'); equal(format('div>span{Text 1\nText 2\nText 123}>b{Text 3}'), '%div\n\t%span\n\t\tText 1 |\n\t\tText 2 |\n\t\tText 123 |\n\t\t%b Text 3'); }); it('generate fields', () => { equal(format('a[href]', field), '%a(href="${1}") ${2}'); equal(format('a[href]*2', field), '%a(href="${1}") ${2}\n%a(href="${3}") ${4}'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2', field), '${1} ${2:foo} ${3:bar}${4} ${5:foo} ${6:bar}'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2'), ' foo bar foo bar'); equal(format('ul>li*2', field), '%ul\n\t%li ${1}\n\t%li ${2}'); equal(format('div>img[src]/', field), '%div\n\t%img(src="${1}" alt="${2}")/'); }); }); describe('Pug', () => { const format = (abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) => pug(parse(abbr, config), config); it('basic', () => { equal(format('div#header>ul.nav>li[title=test].nav-item*2'), '#header\n\tul.nav\n\t\tli.nav-item(title="test") \n\t\tli.nav-item(title="test") '); equal(format('div#foo[data-n1=v1 title=test data-n2=v2].bar'), '"v1", title="test", data-n2="v2") '); equal(format('input[disabled. foo title=test]'), 'input(type="text", disabled, foo="", title="test")'); // Use closing slash for XML output format equal(format('input[disabled. foo title=test]', createProfile({ 'output.selfClosingStyle': 'xml' })), 'input(type="text", disabled, foo="", title="test")/'); }); it('nodes with text', () => { equal(format('{Text 1}'), 'Text 1'); equal(format('span{Text 1}'), 'span Text 1'); equal(format('span{Text 1}>b{Text 2}'), 'span Text 1\n\tb Text 2'); equal(format('span{Text 1\nText 2}>b{Text 3}'), 'span\n\t| Text 1\n\t| Text 2\n\tb Text 3'); equal(format('div>span{Text 1\nText 2}>b{Text 3}'), 'div\n\tspan\n\t\t| Text 1\n\t\t| Text 2\n\t\tb Text 3'); }); it('generate fields', () => { equal(format('a[href]', field), 'a(href="${1}") ${2}'); equal(format('a[href]*2', field), 'a(href="${1}") ${2}\na(href="${3}") ${4}'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2', field), '${1} ${2:foo} ${3:bar}${4} ${5:foo} ${6:bar}'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2'), ' foo bar foo bar'); equal(format('ul>li*2', field), 'ul\n\tli ${1}\n\tli ${2}'); equal(format('div>img[src]/', field), 'div\n\timg(src="${1}", alt="${2}")'); }); }); describe('Slim', () => { const format = (abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) => slim(parse(abbr, config), config); it('basic', () => { equal(format('div#header>ul.nav>li[title=test].nav-item*2'), '#header\n\tul.nav\n\t\tli.nav-item title="test" \n\t\tli.nav-item title="test" '); equal(format('div#foo[data-n1=v1 title=test data-n2=v2].bar'), ' data-n1="v1" title="test" data-n2="v2" '); // const profile = createProfile({ inlineBreak: 0 }); // equal(format('ul>li>span{Text}', profile), 'ul\n\tli: span Text'); // equal(format('ul>li>span{Text}'), 'ul\n\tli\n\t\tspan Text'); // equal(format('ul>li>span{Text}*2', profile), 'ul\n\tli\n\t\tspan Text\n\t\tspan Text'); }); // it.skip('attribute wrappers', () => { // equal(format('input[disabled. foo title=test]'), 'input disabled=true foo="" title="test"'); // equal(format('input[disabled. foo title=test]', null, { attributeWrap: 'round' }), // 'input(disabled foo="" title="test")'); // }); it('nodes with text', () => { equal(format('{Text 1}'), 'Text 1'); equal(format('span{Text 1}'), 'span Text 1'); equal(format('span{Text 1}>b{Text 2}'), 'span Text 1\n\tb Text 2'); equal(format('span{Text 1\nText 2}>b{Text 3}'), 'span\n\t| Text 1\n\t| Text 2\n\tb Text 3'); equal(format('div>span{Text 1\nText 2}>b{Text 3}'), 'div\n\tspan\n\t\t| Text 1\n\t\t| Text 2\n\t\tb Text 3'); }); it('generate fields', () => { equal(format('a[href]', field), 'a href="${1}" ${2}'); equal(format('a[href]*2', field), 'a href="${1}" ${2}\na href="${3}" ${4}'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2', field), '${1} ${2:foo} ${3:bar}${4} ${5:foo} ${6:bar}'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2'), ' foo bar foo bar'); equal(format('ul>li*2', field), 'ul\n\tli ${1}\n\tli ${2}'); equal(format('div>img[src]/', field), 'div\n\timg src="${1}" alt="${2}"/'); }); }); }); <MSG> Working on node commenting <DFF> @@ -126,5 +126,19 @@ describe('Format', () => { equal(format('{<!DOCTYPE html>}+html>(head>meta[charset=${charset}]/+title{${1:Document}})+body', field), '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\t<meta charset="charset">\n\t<title>${2:Document}</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n\t${3}\n</body>\n</html>'); }); + + it.only('comment', () => { + const opt = createConfig(); + opt.options.comment = { enabled: true }; + + equal(format('ul>li.item', opt), '<ul>\n\t<li class="item"></li>\n\t<!-- /.item -->\n</ul>'); + equal(format('div>ul>li.item#foo', opt), '<div>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li class="item" id="foo"></li>\n\t\t<!-- /#foo.item -->\n\t</ul>\n</div>'); + + opt.options.comment = { + enabled: true, + after: ' { [%ID] }' + }; + equal(format('div>ul>li.item#foo', opt), '<div>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li class="item" id="foo"></li> { %foo }\n\t</ul>\n</div>'); + }); }); });
Working on node commenting
<NME> format.ts <BEF> import { equal } from 'assert'; import html from '../src/markup/format/html'; import haml from '../src/markup/format/haml'; import pug from '../src/markup/format/pug'; import slim from '../src/markup/format/slim'; import parse from '../src/markup'; import createConfig, { Options } from '../src/config'; describe('Format', () => { const defaultConfig = createConfig(); const field = createConfig({ options: { 'output.field': (index, placeholder) => placeholder ? `\${${index}:${placeholder}}` : `\${${index}}` } }); function createProfile(options: Partial<Options>) { const config = createConfig({ options }); return config; } describe('HTML', () => { const format = (abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) => html(parse(abbr, config), config); it('basic', () => { equal(format('div>p'), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>p*3'), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n\t<p></p>\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div#a>p.b*2>span'), '<div id="a">\n\t<p class="b"><span></span></p>\n\t<p class="b"><span></span></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>div>div'), '<div>\n\t<div>\n\t\t<div></div>\n\t</div>\n</div>'); equal(format('table>tr*2>td{item}*2'), '<table>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>item</td>\n\t\t<td>item</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>item</td>\n\t\t<td>item</td>\n\t</tr>\n</table>'); }); it('inline elements', () => { const profile = createProfile({ 'output.inlineBreak': 3 }); const breakInline = createProfile({ 'output.inlineBreak': 1 }); const keepInline = createProfile({ 'output.inlineBreak': 0 }); const xhtml = createProfile({ 'output.selfClosingStyle': 'xhtml' }); equal(format('div>a>b*3', xhtml), '<div>\n\t<a href="">\n\t\t<b></b>\n\t\t<b></b>\n\t\t<b></b>\n\t</a>\n</div>'); equal(format('p>i', profile), '<p><i></i></p>'); equal(format('p>i*2', profile), '<p><i></i><i></i></p>'); equal(format('p>i*2', breakInline), '<p>\n\t<i></i>\n\t<i></i>\n</p>'); equal(format('p>i*3', profile), '<p>\n\t<i></i>\n\t<i></i>\n\t<i></i>\n</p>'); equal(format('p>i*3', keepInline), '<p><i></i><i></i><i></i></p>'); equal(format('i*2', profile), '<i></i><i></i>'); equal(format('i*3', profile), '<i></i>\n<i></i>\n<i></i>'); equal(format('i{a}+i{b}', profile), '<i>a</i><i>b</i>'); equal(format('img[src]/+p', xhtml), '<img src="" alt="" />\n<p></p>'); equal(format('div>img[src]/+p', xhtml), '<div>\n\t<img src="" alt="" />\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>p+img[src]/', xhtml), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n\t<img src="" alt="" />\n</div>'); equal(format('div>p+img[src]/+p', xhtml), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n\t<img src="" alt="" />\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>p+img[src]/*2+p', xhtml), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n\t<img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" />\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>p+img[src]/*3+p', xhtml), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n\t<img src="" alt="" />\n\t<img src="" alt="" />\n\t<img src="" alt="" />\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); }); it('generate fields', () => { equal(format('a[href]', field), '<a href="${1}">${2}</a>'); equal(format('a[href]*2', field), '<a href="${1}">${2}</a><a href="${3}">${4}</a>'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2', field), '${1} ${2:foo} ${3:bar}\n${4} ${5:foo} ${6:bar}'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2'), ' foo bar\n foo bar'); equal(format('ul>li*2', field), '<ul>\n\t<li>${1}</li>\n\t<li>${2}</li>\n</ul>'); equal(format('div>img[src]/', field), '<div><img src="${1}" alt="${2}"></div>'); }); // it.only('debug', () => { // equal(format('div>{foo}+{bar}+p'), '<div>\n\tfoobar\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); // }); it('mixed content', () => { equal(format('div{foo}'), '<div>foo</div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}'), '<div>foo</div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}+{bar}'), '<div>\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}+{bar}+p'), '<div>\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}+{bar}+p+{foo}+{bar}+p'), '<div>\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n\t<p></p>\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}+p+{bar}'), '<div>\n\tfoo\n\t<p></p>\n\tbar\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}>p'), '<div>\n\tfoo\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}'), '<div><!-- --></div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}+p'), '<div>\n\t<!-- -->\n\t<p></p>\n</div>'); equal(format('div>p+{<!-- ${0} -->}'), '<div>\n\t<p></p>\n\t<!-- -->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}>p'), '<div>\n\t<!-- <p></p> -->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}*2>p'), '<div>\n\t<!-- <p></p> -->\n\t<!-- <p></p> -->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}>p*2'), '<div>\n\t<!-- \n\t<p></p>\n\t<p></p>\n\t-->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}*2>p*2'), '<div>\n\t<!-- \n\t<p></p>\n\t<p></p>\n\t-->\n\t<!-- \n\t<p></p>\n\t<p></p>\n\t-->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}>b'), '<div>\n\t<!-- <b></b> -->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}>b*2'), '<div>\n\t<!-- <b></b><b></b> -->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}>b*3'), '<div>\n\t<!-- \n\t<b></b>\n\t<b></b>\n\t<b></b>\n\t-->\n</div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}', field), '<div><!-- ${1} --></div>'); equal(format('div>{<!-- ${0} -->}>b', field), '<div>\n\t<!-- <b>${1}</b> -->\n</div>'); }); it('self-closing', () => { const xmlStyle = createProfile({ 'output.selfClosingStyle': 'xml' }); const htmlStyle = createProfile({ 'output.selfClosingStyle': 'html' }); const xhtmlStyle = createProfile({ 'output.selfClosingStyle': 'xhtml' }); equal(format('img[src]/', htmlStyle), '<img src="" alt="">'); equal(format('img[src]/', xhtmlStyle), '<img src="" alt="" />'); equal(format('img[src]/', xmlStyle), '<img src="" alt=""/>'); equal(format('div>img[src]/', xhtmlStyle), '<div><img src="" alt="" /></div>'); }); it('boolean attributes', () => { const compact = createProfile({ 'output.compactBoolean': true }); const noCompact = createProfile({ 'output.compactBoolean': false }); equal(format('p[b.]', noCompact), '<p b="b"></p>'); equal(format('p[b.]', compact), '<p b></p>'); equal(format('p[contenteditable]', compact), '<p contenteditable></p>'); equal(format('p[contenteditable]', noCompact), '<p contenteditable="contenteditable"></p>'); equal(format('p[contenteditable=foo]', compact), '<p contenteditable="foo"></p>'); }); it('no formatting', () => { const profile = createProfile({ 'output.format': false }); equal(format('div>p', profile), '<div><p></p></div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}+p+{bar}', profile), '<div>foo<p></p>bar</div>'); equal(format('div>{foo}>p', profile), '<div>foo<p></p></div>'); equal(format('{<!DOCTYPE html>}+html>(head>meta[charset=${charset}]/+title{${1:Document}})+body', field), '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\t<meta charset="charset">\n\t<title>${2:Document}</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n\t${3}\n</body>\n</html>'); }); }); }); describe('HAML', () => { const format = (abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) => haml(parse(abbr, config), config); it('basic', () => { equal(format('div#header>ul.nav>li[title=test].nav-item*2'), '#header\n\t%ul.nav\n\t\t%li.nav-item(title="test") \n\t\t%li.nav-item(title="test") '); // equal(format('li>a'), '%li\n\t%a(href="") '); equal(format('div#foo[data-n1=v1 title=test data-n2=v2].bar'), '"v1" title="test" data-n2="v2") '); let profile = createProfile({ 'output.compactBoolean': true }); equal(format('input[disabled. foo title=test]/', profile), '%input(type="text" disabled foo="" title="test")/'); profile = createProfile({ 'output.compactBoolean': false }); equal(format('input[disabled. foo title=test]/', profile), '%input(type="text" disabled=true foo="" title="test")/'); }); it('nodes with text', () => { equal(format('{Text 1}'), 'Text 1'); equal(format('span{Text 1}'), '%span Text 1'); equal(format('span{Text 1}>b{Text 2}'), '%span Text 1\n\t%b Text 2'); equal(format('span{Text 1\nText 2}>b{Text 3}'), '%span\n\tText 1 |\n\tText 2 |\n\t%b Text 3'); equal(format('div>span{Text 1\nText 2\nText 123}>b{Text 3}'), '%div\n\t%span\n\t\tText 1 |\n\t\tText 2 |\n\t\tText 123 |\n\t\t%b Text 3'); }); it('generate fields', () => { equal(format('a[href]', field), '%a(href="${1}") ${2}'); equal(format('a[href]*2', field), '%a(href="${1}") ${2}\n%a(href="${3}") ${4}'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2', field), '${1} ${2:foo} ${3:bar}${4} ${5:foo} ${6:bar}'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2'), ' foo bar foo bar'); equal(format('ul>li*2', field), '%ul\n\t%li ${1}\n\t%li ${2}'); equal(format('div>img[src]/', field), '%div\n\t%img(src="${1}" alt="${2}")/'); }); }); describe('Pug', () => { const format = (abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) => pug(parse(abbr, config), config); it('basic', () => { equal(format('div#header>ul.nav>li[title=test].nav-item*2'), '#header\n\tul.nav\n\t\tli.nav-item(title="test") \n\t\tli.nav-item(title="test") '); equal(format('div#foo[data-n1=v1 title=test data-n2=v2].bar'), '"v1", title="test", data-n2="v2") '); equal(format('input[disabled. foo title=test]'), 'input(type="text", disabled, foo="", title="test")'); // Use closing slash for XML output format equal(format('input[disabled. foo title=test]', createProfile({ 'output.selfClosingStyle': 'xml' })), 'input(type="text", disabled, foo="", title="test")/'); }); it('nodes with text', () => { equal(format('{Text 1}'), 'Text 1'); equal(format('span{Text 1}'), 'span Text 1'); equal(format('span{Text 1}>b{Text 2}'), 'span Text 1\n\tb Text 2'); equal(format('span{Text 1\nText 2}>b{Text 3}'), 'span\n\t| Text 1\n\t| Text 2\n\tb Text 3'); equal(format('div>span{Text 1\nText 2}>b{Text 3}'), 'div\n\tspan\n\t\t| Text 1\n\t\t| Text 2\n\t\tb Text 3'); }); it('generate fields', () => { equal(format('a[href]', field), 'a(href="${1}") ${2}'); equal(format('a[href]*2', field), 'a(href="${1}") ${2}\na(href="${3}") ${4}'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2', field), '${1} ${2:foo} ${3:bar}${4} ${5:foo} ${6:bar}'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2'), ' foo bar foo bar'); equal(format('ul>li*2', field), 'ul\n\tli ${1}\n\tli ${2}'); equal(format('div>img[src]/', field), 'div\n\timg(src="${1}", alt="${2}")'); }); }); describe('Slim', () => { const format = (abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) => slim(parse(abbr, config), config); it('basic', () => { equal(format('div#header>ul.nav>li[title=test].nav-item*2'), '#header\n\tul.nav\n\t\tli.nav-item title="test" \n\t\tli.nav-item title="test" '); equal(format('div#foo[data-n1=v1 title=test data-n2=v2].bar'), ' data-n1="v1" title="test" data-n2="v2" '); // const profile = createProfile({ inlineBreak: 0 }); // equal(format('ul>li>span{Text}', profile), 'ul\n\tli: span Text'); // equal(format('ul>li>span{Text}'), 'ul\n\tli\n\t\tspan Text'); // equal(format('ul>li>span{Text}*2', profile), 'ul\n\tli\n\t\tspan Text\n\t\tspan Text'); }); // it.skip('attribute wrappers', () => { // equal(format('input[disabled. foo title=test]'), 'input disabled=true foo="" title="test"'); // equal(format('input[disabled. foo title=test]', null, { attributeWrap: 'round' }), // 'input(disabled foo="" title="test")'); // }); it('nodes with text', () => { equal(format('{Text 1}'), 'Text 1'); equal(format('span{Text 1}'), 'span Text 1'); equal(format('span{Text 1}>b{Text 2}'), 'span Text 1\n\tb Text 2'); equal(format('span{Text 1\nText 2}>b{Text 3}'), 'span\n\t| Text 1\n\t| Text 2\n\tb Text 3'); equal(format('div>span{Text 1\nText 2}>b{Text 3}'), 'div\n\tspan\n\t\t| Text 1\n\t\t| Text 2\n\t\tb Text 3'); }); it('generate fields', () => { equal(format('a[href]', field), 'a href="${1}" ${2}'); equal(format('a[href]*2', field), 'a href="${1}" ${2}\na href="${3}" ${4}'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2', field), '${1} ${2:foo} ${3:bar}${4} ${5:foo} ${6:bar}'); equal(format('{${0} ${1:foo} ${2:bar}}*2'), ' foo bar foo bar'); equal(format('ul>li*2', field), 'ul\n\tli ${1}\n\tli ${2}'); equal(format('div>img[src]/', field), 'div\n\timg src="${1}" alt="${2}"/'); }); }); }); <MSG> Working on node commenting <DFF> @@ -126,5 +126,19 @@ describe('Format', () => { equal(format('{<!DOCTYPE html>}+html>(head>meta[charset=${charset}]/+title{${1:Document}})+body', field), '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\t<meta charset="charset">\n\t<title>${2:Document}</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n\t${3}\n</body>\n</html>'); }); + + it.only('comment', () => { + const opt = createConfig(); + opt.options.comment = { enabled: true }; + + equal(format('ul>li.item', opt), '<ul>\n\t<li class="item"></li>\n\t<!-- /.item -->\n</ul>'); + equal(format('div>ul>li.item#foo', opt), '<div>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li class="item" id="foo"></li>\n\t\t<!-- /#foo.item -->\n\t</ul>\n</div>'); + + opt.options.comment = { + enabled: true, + after: ' { [%ID] }' + }; + equal(format('div>ul>li.item#foo', opt), '<div>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li class="item" id="foo"></li> { %foo }\n\t</ul>\n</div>'); + }); }); });
Working on node commenting
<NME> stylesheet.ts <BEF> import { strictEqual as equal, ok } from 'assert'; import { stylesheet as expandAbbreviation, resolveConfig, CSSAbbreviationScope } from '../src'; import score from '../src/stylesheet/score'; const defaultConfig = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'output.field': (index, placeholder) => `\${${index}${placeholder ? ':' + placeholder : ''}}`, 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', gt: 'grid-template: repeat(2,auto) / repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr))' }, cache: {}, }); function expand(abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) { return expandAbbreviation(abbr, config); } describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { describe('Scoring', () => { const pick = (abbr: string, items: string[]) => items .map(item => ({ item, score: score(abbr, item, true) })) .filter(obj => obj.score) .sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score) .map(obj => obj.item)[0]; it('compare scores', () => { equal(score('aaa', 'aaa'), 1); equal(score('baa', 'aaa'), 0); ok(!score('b', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'abc')); ok(score('ac', 'abc')); ok(score('a', 'aaa') < score('aa', 'aaa')); ok(score('ab', 'abc') > score('ab', 'acb')); // acronym bonus ok(score('ab', 'a-b') > score('ab', 'acb')); }); it('pick padding or position', () => { const items = ['p', 'pb', 'pl', 'pos', 'pa', 'oa', 'soa', 'pr', 'pt']; equal(pick('p', items), 'p'); equal(pick('poa', items), 'pos'); }); }); it('keywords', () => { equal(expand('bd1-s'), 'border: 1px solid;'); equal(expand('dib'), 'display: inline-block;'); equal(expand('bxsz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxzc'), 'box-sizing: content-box;'); equal(expand('fl'), 'float: ${1:left};'); equal(expand('fll'), 'float: left;'); equal(expand('pos'), 'position: ${1:relative};'); equal(expand('poa'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('por'), 'position: relative;'); equal(expand('pof'), 'position: fixed;'); equal(expand('pos-a'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('m'), 'margin: ${0};'); equal(expand('m0'), 'margin: 0;'); // use `auto` as global keyword equal(expand('m0-a'), 'margin: 0 auto;'); equal(expand('m-a'), 'margin: auto;'); equal(expand('bg'), 'background: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('bd'), 'border: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};'); equal(expand('bd0-s#fc0'), 'border: 0 solid #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-dd#fc0'), 'border: 0 dot-dash #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-h#fc0'), 'border: 0 hidden #fc0;'); equal(expand('trf-trs'), 'transform: translate(${1:x}, ${2:y});'); // equal(expand('c'), 'color: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('cr'), 'color: rgb(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0});'); equal(expand('cra'), 'color: rgba(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0}, ${4:.5});'); // equal(expand('gtc'), 'grid-template-columns: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('gtr'), 'grid-template-rows: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('lis:n'), 'list-style: none;'); equal(expand('list:n'), 'list-style-type: none;'); equal(expand('bdt:n'), 'border-top: none;'); equal(expand('bgi:n'), 'background-image: none;'); equal(expand('q:n'), 'quotes: none;'); }); it('numeric', () => { equal(expand('p0'), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10'), 'padding: 10px;', '`px` unit for integers'); equal(expand('p.4'), 'padding: 0.4em;', '`em` for floats'); equal(expand('fz10'), 'font-size: 10px;', '`px` for integers'); equal(expand('fz1.'), 'font-size: 1em;', '`em` for explicit float'); equal(expand('p10p'), 'padding: 10%;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('z10'), 'z-index: 10;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('p10r'), 'padding: 10rem;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('mten'), 'margin: 10px;', 'Ignore terminating `;` in snippet'); // equal(expand('fz'), 'font-size: ${0};'); equal(expand('fz12'), 'font-size: 12px;'); equal(expand('fsz'), 'font-size: ${0};'); equal(expand('fsz12'), 'font-size: 12px;'); equal(expand('fs'), 'font-style: ${1:italic};'); // equal(expand('us'), 'user-select: none;'); // equal(expand('opa1'), 'opacity: 1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.1'), 'opacity: 0.1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.a'), 'opacity: .a;', 'Unitless property'); }); it('numeric with format options', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'stylesheet.intUnit': 'pt', 'stylesheet.floatUnit': 'vh', 'stylesheet.unitAliases': { e: 'em', p: '%', x: 'ex', r: ' / @rem' } } }); equal(expand('p0', config), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10', config), 'padding: 10pt;', '`pt` unit for integers'); equal(expand('p.4', config), 'padding: 0.4vh;', '`vh` for floats'); equal(expand('p10p', config), 'padding: 10%;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('z10', config), 'z-index: 10;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('p10r', config), 'padding: 10 / @rem;', 'unit alias'); }); it('important', () => { equal(expand('!'), '!important'); equal(expand('p!'), 'padding: ${0} !important;'); equal(expand('p0!'), 'padding: 0 !important;'); }); it('color', () => { equal(expand('c'), 'color: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('c#'), 'color: #000;'); equal(expand('c#f.5'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);'); equal(expand('c#f.5!'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) !important;'); equal(expand('bgc'), 'background-color: #${1:fff};'); }); it('snippets', () => { equal(expand('@'), '@media ${1:screen} {\n\t${0}\n}'); equal(expand('p10+mt10-20', config), 'padding: 10,\nmarginTop: \'10px 20px\','); }); }); equal(expand('trf-s(2)'), 'transform: scale(2, ${2:y});'); equal(expand('trf-s(2, 3)'), 'transform: scale(2, 3);'); }); it('case insensitive matches', () => { equal(expand('trf:rx'), 'transform: rotateX(${1:angle});'); }); it('gradient resolver', () => { equal(expand('lg'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(${0});'); equal(expand('lg(to right, #0, #f00.5)'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #000, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5));'); }); it('unmatched abbreviation', () => { // This example is useless: it’s unexpected to receive `align-self: unset` // for `auto` snippet // equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ // type: 'stylesheet', // options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 } // })), 'align-self: unset;'); equal(expand('auto'), 'auto: ${0};'); }); it('CSS-in-JS', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'stylesheet.json': true, 'stylesheet.between': ': ' } }); equal(expand('p10+mt10-20', config), 'padding: 10,\nmarginTop: \'10px 20px\','); equal(expand('bgc', config), 'backgroundColor: \'#fff\','); }); it('resolve context value', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: 'align-content' } }); equal(expand('s', config), 'start'); equal(expand('a', config), 'auto'); }); it('limit snippets by scope', () => { const sectionScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Section }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); const propertyScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Property }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); equal(expand('m', sectionScope), 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}'); equal(expand('b', sectionScope), ''); equal(expand('m', propertyScope), 'margin: ;'); }); }); <MSG> Properly setup context for parsing CSS values <DFF> @@ -166,4 +166,13 @@ describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { equal(expand('p10+mt10-20', config), 'padding: 10,\nmarginTop: \'10px 20px\','); }); + + it('resolve context value', () => { + const config = resolveConfig({ + context: { name: 'align-content' } + }); + + equal(expand('s', config), 'start'); + equal(expand('a', config), 'auto'); + }); });
Properly setup context for parsing CSS values
<NME> stylesheet.ts <BEF> import { strictEqual as equal, ok } from 'assert'; import { stylesheet as expandAbbreviation, resolveConfig, CSSAbbreviationScope } from '../src'; import score from '../src/stylesheet/score'; const defaultConfig = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'output.field': (index, placeholder) => `\${${index}${placeholder ? ':' + placeholder : ''}}`, 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', gt: 'grid-template: repeat(2,auto) / repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr))' }, cache: {}, }); function expand(abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) { return expandAbbreviation(abbr, config); } describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { describe('Scoring', () => { const pick = (abbr: string, items: string[]) => items .map(item => ({ item, score: score(abbr, item, true) })) .filter(obj => obj.score) .sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score) .map(obj => obj.item)[0]; it('compare scores', () => { equal(score('aaa', 'aaa'), 1); equal(score('baa', 'aaa'), 0); ok(!score('b', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'abc')); ok(score('ac', 'abc')); ok(score('a', 'aaa') < score('aa', 'aaa')); ok(score('ab', 'abc') > score('ab', 'acb')); // acronym bonus ok(score('ab', 'a-b') > score('ab', 'acb')); }); it('pick padding or position', () => { const items = ['p', 'pb', 'pl', 'pos', 'pa', 'oa', 'soa', 'pr', 'pt']; equal(pick('p', items), 'p'); equal(pick('poa', items), 'pos'); }); }); it('keywords', () => { equal(expand('bd1-s'), 'border: 1px solid;'); equal(expand('dib'), 'display: inline-block;'); equal(expand('bxsz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxzc'), 'box-sizing: content-box;'); equal(expand('fl'), 'float: ${1:left};'); equal(expand('fll'), 'float: left;'); equal(expand('pos'), 'position: ${1:relative};'); equal(expand('poa'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('por'), 'position: relative;'); equal(expand('pof'), 'position: fixed;'); equal(expand('pos-a'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('m'), 'margin: ${0};'); equal(expand('m0'), 'margin: 0;'); // use `auto` as global keyword equal(expand('m0-a'), 'margin: 0 auto;'); equal(expand('m-a'), 'margin: auto;'); equal(expand('bg'), 'background: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('bd'), 'border: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};'); equal(expand('bd0-s#fc0'), 'border: 0 solid #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-dd#fc0'), 'border: 0 dot-dash #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-h#fc0'), 'border: 0 hidden #fc0;'); equal(expand('trf-trs'), 'transform: translate(${1:x}, ${2:y});'); // equal(expand('c'), 'color: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('cr'), 'color: rgb(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0});'); equal(expand('cra'), 'color: rgba(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0}, ${4:.5});'); // equal(expand('gtc'), 'grid-template-columns: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('gtr'), 'grid-template-rows: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('lis:n'), 'list-style: none;'); equal(expand('list:n'), 'list-style-type: none;'); equal(expand('bdt:n'), 'border-top: none;'); equal(expand('bgi:n'), 'background-image: none;'); equal(expand('q:n'), 'quotes: none;'); }); it('numeric', () => { equal(expand('p0'), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10'), 'padding: 10px;', '`px` unit for integers'); equal(expand('p.4'), 'padding: 0.4em;', '`em` for floats'); equal(expand('fz10'), 'font-size: 10px;', '`px` for integers'); equal(expand('fz1.'), 'font-size: 1em;', '`em` for explicit float'); equal(expand('p10p'), 'padding: 10%;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('z10'), 'z-index: 10;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('p10r'), 'padding: 10rem;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('mten'), 'margin: 10px;', 'Ignore terminating `;` in snippet'); // equal(expand('fz'), 'font-size: ${0};'); equal(expand('fz12'), 'font-size: 12px;'); equal(expand('fsz'), 'font-size: ${0};'); equal(expand('fsz12'), 'font-size: 12px;'); equal(expand('fs'), 'font-style: ${1:italic};'); // equal(expand('us'), 'user-select: none;'); // equal(expand('opa1'), 'opacity: 1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.1'), 'opacity: 0.1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.a'), 'opacity: .a;', 'Unitless property'); }); it('numeric with format options', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'stylesheet.intUnit': 'pt', 'stylesheet.floatUnit': 'vh', 'stylesheet.unitAliases': { e: 'em', p: '%', x: 'ex', r: ' / @rem' } } }); equal(expand('p0', config), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10', config), 'padding: 10pt;', '`pt` unit for integers'); equal(expand('p.4', config), 'padding: 0.4vh;', '`vh` for floats'); equal(expand('p10p', config), 'padding: 10%;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('z10', config), 'z-index: 10;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('p10r', config), 'padding: 10 / @rem;', 'unit alias'); }); it('important', () => { equal(expand('!'), '!important'); equal(expand('p!'), 'padding: ${0} !important;'); equal(expand('p0!'), 'padding: 0 !important;'); }); it('color', () => { equal(expand('c'), 'color: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('c#'), 'color: #000;'); equal(expand('c#f.5'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);'); equal(expand('c#f.5!'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) !important;'); equal(expand('bgc'), 'background-color: #${1:fff};'); }); it('snippets', () => { equal(expand('@'), '@media ${1:screen} {\n\t${0}\n}'); equal(expand('p10+mt10-20', config), 'padding: 10,\nmarginTop: \'10px 20px\','); }); }); equal(expand('trf-s(2)'), 'transform: scale(2, ${2:y});'); equal(expand('trf-s(2, 3)'), 'transform: scale(2, 3);'); }); it('case insensitive matches', () => { equal(expand('trf:rx'), 'transform: rotateX(${1:angle});'); }); it('gradient resolver', () => { equal(expand('lg'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(${0});'); equal(expand('lg(to right, #0, #f00.5)'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #000, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5));'); }); it('unmatched abbreviation', () => { // This example is useless: it’s unexpected to receive `align-self: unset` // for `auto` snippet // equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ // type: 'stylesheet', // options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 } // })), 'align-self: unset;'); equal(expand('auto'), 'auto: ${0};'); }); it('CSS-in-JS', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'stylesheet.json': true, 'stylesheet.between': ': ' } }); equal(expand('p10+mt10-20', config), 'padding: 10,\nmarginTop: \'10px 20px\','); equal(expand('bgc', config), 'backgroundColor: \'#fff\','); }); it('resolve context value', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: 'align-content' } }); equal(expand('s', config), 'start'); equal(expand('a', config), 'auto'); }); it('limit snippets by scope', () => { const sectionScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Section }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); const propertyScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Property }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); equal(expand('m', sectionScope), 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}'); equal(expand('b', sectionScope), ''); equal(expand('m', propertyScope), 'margin: ;'); }); }); <MSG> Properly setup context for parsing CSS values <DFF> @@ -166,4 +166,13 @@ describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { equal(expand('p10+mt10-20', config), 'padding: 10,\nmarginTop: \'10px 20px\','); }); + + it('resolve context value', () => { + const config = resolveConfig({ + context: { name: 'align-content' } + }); + + equal(expand('s', config), 'start'); + equal(expand('a', config), 'auto'); + }); });
Properly setup context for parsing CSS values
<NME> configuration.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split class Configuration attr_accessor :ignore_ip_addresses attr_accessor :ignore_filter attr_accessor :db_failover attr_accessor :db_failover_on_db_error attr_accessor :db_failover_allow_parameter_override attr_accessor :allow_multiple_experiments attr_accessor :enabled attr_accessor :persistence attr_accessor :persistence_cookie_length attr_accessor :persistence_cookie_domain attr_accessor :algorithm attr_accessor :store_override attr_accessor :start_manually attr_accessor :reset_manually attr_accessor :on_trial attr_accessor :on_trial_choose attr_accessor :on_trial_complete attr_accessor :on_experiment_reset attr_accessor :on_experiment_delete attr_accessor :on_before_experiment_reset # Indexers 'AdsBot-Google' => 'Google Adwords', 'Baidu' => 'Chinese search engine', 'Gigabot' => 'Gigabot spider', 'Googlebot' => 'Google spider', 'msnbot' => 'Microsoft bot', attr_reader :experiments attr_writer :bots attr_writer :robot_regex def bots @bots ||= { # Indexers "AdsBot-Google" => "Google Adwords", "Baidu" => "Chinese search engine", "Baiduspider" => "Chinese search engine", "bingbot" => "Microsoft bing bot", "Butterfly" => "Topsy Labs", "Gigabot" => "Gigabot spider", "Googlebot" => "Google spider", "MJ12bot" => "Majestic-12 spider", "msnbot" => "Microsoft bot", "rogerbot" => "SeoMoz spider", "PaperLiBot" => "PaperLi is another content curation service", "Slurp" => "Yahoo spider", "Sogou" => "Chinese search engine", "spider" => "generic web spider", "UnwindFetchor" => "Gnip crawler", "WordPress" => "WordPress spider", '' => ' URL expander', 'bitlybot' => ' bot', 'facebookexternalhit' => 'facebook bot', 'LongURL' => 'URL expander service', 'Twitterbot' => 'Twitter URL expander', 'UnwindFetch' => 'Gnip URL expander', # Uptime monitoring 'check_http' => 'Nagios monitor', "lwp-trivial" => "Another Perl library loved by script kids", "Python-urllib" => "Python http library", "PycURL" => "Python http library", "Test Certificate Info" => "C http library?", "Typhoeus" => "Ruby http library", "Wget" => "wget unix CLI http client", # URL expanders / previewers "" => " URL expander", "bitlybot" => " bot", "" => "Linkfluence bot", "facebookexternalhit" => "facebook bot", "Facebot" => "Facebook crawler", "Feedfetcher-Google" => "Google Feedfetcher", "" => "Google+ Snippet Fetcher", "LinkedInBot" => "LinkedIn bot", "LongURL" => "URL expander service", "NING" => "NING - Yet Another Twitter Swarmer", "Pinterestbot" => "Pinterest Bot", "redditbot" => "Reddit Bot", "ShortLinkTranslate" => "Link shortener", "Slackbot" => "Slackbot link expander", "TweetmemeBot" => "TweetMeMe Crawler", "Twitterbot" => "Twitter URL expander", "UnwindFetch" => "Gnip URL expander", "vkShare" => "VKontake Sharer", # Uptime monitoring "check_http" => "Nagios monitor", "GoogleStackdriverMonitoring" => "Google Cloud monitor", "NewRelicPinger" => "NewRelic monitor", "Panopta" => "Monitoring service", "Pingdom" => "Pingdom monitoring", "SiteUptime" => "Site monitoring services", "UptimeRobot" => "Monitoring service", # ??? "DigitalPersona Fingerprint Software" => "HP Fingerprint scanner", "ShowyouBot" => "Showyou iOS app spider", "ZyBorg" => "Zyborg? Hmmm....", "ELB-HealthChecker" => "ELB Health Check" } end def experiments=(experiments) raise"Experiments must be a Hash") unless experiments.respond_to?(:keys) @experiments = experiments end def disabled? !enabled end def experiment_for(name) if normalized_experiments # TODO symbols normalized_experiments[name.to_sym] end end def metrics return @metrics if defined?(@metrics) @metrics = {} if self.experiments self.experiments.each do |key, value| metrics = value_for(value, :metric) rescue nil Array(metrics).each do |metric_name| if metric_name @metrics[metric_name.to_sym] ||= [] @metrics[metric_name.to_sym] << end end end end @metrics end def normalized_experiments return nil if @experiments.nil? experiment_config = {} @experiments.keys.each do |name| experiment_config[name.to_sym] = {} end @experiments.each do |experiment_name, settings| alternatives = if (alts = value_for(settings, :alternatives)) normalize_alternatives(alts) end experiment_data = { alternatives: alternatives, goals: value_for(settings, :goals), metadata: value_for(settings, :metadata), algorithm: value_for(settings, :algorithm), resettable: value_for(settings, :resettable) } experiment_data.each do |name, value| experiment_config[experiment_name.to_sym][name] = value if value != nil end end experiment_config end def normalize_alternatives(alternatives) given_probability, num_with_probability = alternatives.inject([0, 0]) do |a, v| p, n = a if percent = value_for(v, :percent) [p + percent, n + 1] else a end end num_without_probability = alternatives.length - num_with_probability unassigned_probability = ((100.0 - given_probability) / num_without_probability / 100.0) if num_with_probability.nonzero? alternatives = do |v| if (name = value_for(v, :name)) && (percent = value_for(v, :percent)) { name => percent / 100.0 } elsif name = value_for(v, :name) { name => unassigned_probability } else { v => unassigned_probability } end end [alternatives.shift, alternatives] else alternatives = alternatives.dup [alternatives.shift, alternatives] end end def robot_regex @robot_regex ||= /\b(?:#{escaped_bots.join('|')})\b|\A\W*\z/i end def initialize @ignore_ip_addresses = [] @ignore_filter = proc { |request| is_robot? || is_ignored_ip_address? } @db_failover = false @db_failover_on_db_error = proc { |error| } # e.g. use Rails logger here @on_experiment_reset = proc { |experiment| } @on_experiment_delete = proc { |experiment| } @on_before_experiment_reset = proc { |experiment| } @on_before_experiment_delete = proc { |experiment| } @on_experiment_winner_choose = proc { |experiment| } @db_failover_allow_parameter_override = false @allow_multiple_experiments = false @enabled = true @experiments = {} @persistence = Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter @persistence_cookie_length = 31536000 # One year from now @persistence_cookie_domain = nil @algorithm = Split::Algorithms::WeightedSample @include_rails_helper = true @beta_probability_simulations = 10000 @winning_alternative_recalculation_interval = 60 * 60 * 24 # 1 day @redis = ENV.fetch(ENV.fetch("REDIS_PROVIDER", "REDIS_URL"), "redis://localhost:6379") @dashboard_pagination_default_per_page = 10 end private def value_for(hash, key) if hash.kind_of?(Hash) hash.has_key?(key.to_s) ? hash[key.to_s] : hash[key.to_sym] end end def escaped_bots { |key, _| Regexp.escape(key) } end end end <MSG> Additional bots. <DFF> @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ module Split # Indexers 'AdsBot-Google' => 'Google Adwords', 'Baidu' => 'Chinese search engine', + 'Baiduspider' => 'Chinese search engine', + 'Butterfly' => 'Topsy Labs', 'Gigabot' => 'Gigabot spider', 'Googlebot' => 'Google spider', 'msnbot' => 'Microsoft bot', @@ -56,9 +58,15 @@ module Split '' => ' URL expander', 'bitlybot' => ' bot', 'facebookexternalhit' => 'facebook bot', + 'Feedfetcher-Google' => 'Google Feedfetcher', + '' => 'Google+ Snippet Fetcher', 'LongURL' => 'URL expander service', + 'NING' => 'NING - Yet Another Twitter Swarmer', + 'redditbot' => 'Reddit Bot', + 'ShortLinkTranslate' => 'Link shortener', 'Twitterbot' => 'Twitter URL expander', 'UnwindFetch' => 'Gnip URL expander', + 'vkShare' => 'VKontake Sharer', # Uptime monitoring 'check_http' => 'Nagios monitor',
Additional bots.
<NME> configuration.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split class Configuration attr_accessor :ignore_ip_addresses attr_accessor :ignore_filter attr_accessor :db_failover attr_accessor :db_failover_on_db_error attr_accessor :db_failover_allow_parameter_override attr_accessor :allow_multiple_experiments attr_accessor :enabled attr_accessor :persistence attr_accessor :persistence_cookie_length attr_accessor :persistence_cookie_domain attr_accessor :algorithm attr_accessor :store_override attr_accessor :start_manually attr_accessor :reset_manually attr_accessor :on_trial attr_accessor :on_trial_choose attr_accessor :on_trial_complete attr_accessor :on_experiment_reset attr_accessor :on_experiment_delete attr_accessor :on_before_experiment_reset # Indexers 'AdsBot-Google' => 'Google Adwords', 'Baidu' => 'Chinese search engine', 'Gigabot' => 'Gigabot spider', 'Googlebot' => 'Google spider', 'msnbot' => 'Microsoft bot', attr_reader :experiments attr_writer :bots attr_writer :robot_regex def bots @bots ||= { # Indexers "AdsBot-Google" => "Google Adwords", "Baidu" => "Chinese search engine", "Baiduspider" => "Chinese search engine", "bingbot" => "Microsoft bing bot", "Butterfly" => "Topsy Labs", "Gigabot" => "Gigabot spider", "Googlebot" => "Google spider", "MJ12bot" => "Majestic-12 spider", "msnbot" => "Microsoft bot", "rogerbot" => "SeoMoz spider", "PaperLiBot" => "PaperLi is another content curation service", "Slurp" => "Yahoo spider", "Sogou" => "Chinese search engine", "spider" => "generic web spider", "UnwindFetchor" => "Gnip crawler", "WordPress" => "WordPress spider", '' => ' URL expander', 'bitlybot' => ' bot', 'facebookexternalhit' => 'facebook bot', 'LongURL' => 'URL expander service', 'Twitterbot' => 'Twitter URL expander', 'UnwindFetch' => 'Gnip URL expander', # Uptime monitoring 'check_http' => 'Nagios monitor', "lwp-trivial" => "Another Perl library loved by script kids", "Python-urllib" => "Python http library", "PycURL" => "Python http library", "Test Certificate Info" => "C http library?", "Typhoeus" => "Ruby http library", "Wget" => "wget unix CLI http client", # URL expanders / previewers "" => " URL expander", "bitlybot" => " bot", "" => "Linkfluence bot", "facebookexternalhit" => "facebook bot", "Facebot" => "Facebook crawler", "Feedfetcher-Google" => "Google Feedfetcher", "" => "Google+ Snippet Fetcher", "LinkedInBot" => "LinkedIn bot", "LongURL" => "URL expander service", "NING" => "NING - Yet Another Twitter Swarmer", "Pinterestbot" => "Pinterest Bot", "redditbot" => "Reddit Bot", "ShortLinkTranslate" => "Link shortener", "Slackbot" => "Slackbot link expander", "TweetmemeBot" => "TweetMeMe Crawler", "Twitterbot" => "Twitter URL expander", "UnwindFetch" => "Gnip URL expander", "vkShare" => "VKontake Sharer", # Uptime monitoring "check_http" => "Nagios monitor", "GoogleStackdriverMonitoring" => "Google Cloud monitor", "NewRelicPinger" => "NewRelic monitor", "Panopta" => "Monitoring service", "Pingdom" => "Pingdom monitoring", "SiteUptime" => "Site monitoring services", "UptimeRobot" => "Monitoring service", # ??? "DigitalPersona Fingerprint Software" => "HP Fingerprint scanner", "ShowyouBot" => "Showyou iOS app spider", "ZyBorg" => "Zyborg? Hmmm....", "ELB-HealthChecker" => "ELB Health Check" } end def experiments=(experiments) raise"Experiments must be a Hash") unless experiments.respond_to?(:keys) @experiments = experiments end def disabled? !enabled end def experiment_for(name) if normalized_experiments # TODO symbols normalized_experiments[name.to_sym] end end def metrics return @metrics if defined?(@metrics) @metrics = {} if self.experiments self.experiments.each do |key, value| metrics = value_for(value, :metric) rescue nil Array(metrics).each do |metric_name| if metric_name @metrics[metric_name.to_sym] ||= [] @metrics[metric_name.to_sym] << end end end end @metrics end def normalized_experiments return nil if @experiments.nil? experiment_config = {} @experiments.keys.each do |name| experiment_config[name.to_sym] = {} end @experiments.each do |experiment_name, settings| alternatives = if (alts = value_for(settings, :alternatives)) normalize_alternatives(alts) end experiment_data = { alternatives: alternatives, goals: value_for(settings, :goals), metadata: value_for(settings, :metadata), algorithm: value_for(settings, :algorithm), resettable: value_for(settings, :resettable) } experiment_data.each do |name, value| experiment_config[experiment_name.to_sym][name] = value if value != nil end end experiment_config end def normalize_alternatives(alternatives) given_probability, num_with_probability = alternatives.inject([0, 0]) do |a, v| p, n = a if percent = value_for(v, :percent) [p + percent, n + 1] else a end end num_without_probability = alternatives.length - num_with_probability unassigned_probability = ((100.0 - given_probability) / num_without_probability / 100.0) if num_with_probability.nonzero? alternatives = do |v| if (name = value_for(v, :name)) && (percent = value_for(v, :percent)) { name => percent / 100.0 } elsif name = value_for(v, :name) { name => unassigned_probability } else { v => unassigned_probability } end end [alternatives.shift, alternatives] else alternatives = alternatives.dup [alternatives.shift, alternatives] end end def robot_regex @robot_regex ||= /\b(?:#{escaped_bots.join('|')})\b|\A\W*\z/i end def initialize @ignore_ip_addresses = [] @ignore_filter = proc { |request| is_robot? || is_ignored_ip_address? } @db_failover = false @db_failover_on_db_error = proc { |error| } # e.g. use Rails logger here @on_experiment_reset = proc { |experiment| } @on_experiment_delete = proc { |experiment| } @on_before_experiment_reset = proc { |experiment| } @on_before_experiment_delete = proc { |experiment| } @on_experiment_winner_choose = proc { |experiment| } @db_failover_allow_parameter_override = false @allow_multiple_experiments = false @enabled = true @experiments = {} @persistence = Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter @persistence_cookie_length = 31536000 # One year from now @persistence_cookie_domain = nil @algorithm = Split::Algorithms::WeightedSample @include_rails_helper = true @beta_probability_simulations = 10000 @winning_alternative_recalculation_interval = 60 * 60 * 24 # 1 day @redis = ENV.fetch(ENV.fetch("REDIS_PROVIDER", "REDIS_URL"), "redis://localhost:6379") @dashboard_pagination_default_per_page = 10 end private def value_for(hash, key) if hash.kind_of?(Hash) hash.has_key?(key.to_s) ? hash[key.to_s] : hash[key.to_sym] end end def escaped_bots { |key, _| Regexp.escape(key) } end end end <MSG> Additional bots. <DFF> @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ module Split # Indexers 'AdsBot-Google' => 'Google Adwords', 'Baidu' => 'Chinese search engine', + 'Baiduspider' => 'Chinese search engine', + 'Butterfly' => 'Topsy Labs', 'Gigabot' => 'Gigabot spider', 'Googlebot' => 'Google spider', 'msnbot' => 'Microsoft bot', @@ -56,9 +58,15 @@ module Split '' => ' URL expander', 'bitlybot' => ' bot', 'facebookexternalhit' => 'facebook bot', + 'Feedfetcher-Google' => 'Google Feedfetcher', + '' => 'Google+ Snippet Fetcher', 'LongURL' => 'URL expander service', + 'NING' => 'NING - Yet Another Twitter Swarmer', + 'redditbot' => 'Reddit Bot', + 'ShortLinkTranslate' => 'Link shortener', 'Twitterbot' => 'Twitter URL expander', 'UnwindFetch' => 'Gnip URL expander', + 'vkShare' => 'VKontake Sharer', # Uptime monitoring 'check_http' => 'Nagios monitor',
Additional bots.
<NME> configuration.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split class Configuration attr_accessor :ignore_ip_addresses attr_accessor :ignore_filter attr_accessor :db_failover attr_accessor :db_failover_on_db_error attr_accessor :db_failover_allow_parameter_override attr_accessor :allow_multiple_experiments attr_accessor :enabled attr_accessor :persistence attr_accessor :persistence_cookie_length attr_accessor :persistence_cookie_domain attr_accessor :algorithm attr_accessor :store_override attr_accessor :start_manually attr_accessor :reset_manually attr_accessor :on_trial attr_accessor :on_trial_choose attr_accessor :on_trial_complete attr_accessor :on_experiment_reset attr_accessor :on_experiment_delete attr_accessor :on_before_experiment_reset # Indexers 'AdsBot-Google' => 'Google Adwords', 'Baidu' => 'Chinese search engine', 'Gigabot' => 'Gigabot spider', 'Googlebot' => 'Google spider', 'msnbot' => 'Microsoft bot', attr_reader :experiments attr_writer :bots attr_writer :robot_regex def bots @bots ||= { # Indexers "AdsBot-Google" => "Google Adwords", "Baidu" => "Chinese search engine", "Baiduspider" => "Chinese search engine", "bingbot" => "Microsoft bing bot", "Butterfly" => "Topsy Labs", "Gigabot" => "Gigabot spider", "Googlebot" => "Google spider", "MJ12bot" => "Majestic-12 spider", "msnbot" => "Microsoft bot", "rogerbot" => "SeoMoz spider", "PaperLiBot" => "PaperLi is another content curation service", "Slurp" => "Yahoo spider", "Sogou" => "Chinese search engine", "spider" => "generic web spider", "UnwindFetchor" => "Gnip crawler", "WordPress" => "WordPress spider", '' => ' URL expander', 'bitlybot' => ' bot', 'facebookexternalhit' => 'facebook bot', 'LongURL' => 'URL expander service', 'Twitterbot' => 'Twitter URL expander', 'UnwindFetch' => 'Gnip URL expander', # Uptime monitoring 'check_http' => 'Nagios monitor', "lwp-trivial" => "Another Perl library loved by script kids", "Python-urllib" => "Python http library", "PycURL" => "Python http library", "Test Certificate Info" => "C http library?", "Typhoeus" => "Ruby http library", "Wget" => "wget unix CLI http client", # URL expanders / previewers "" => " URL expander", "bitlybot" => " bot", "" => "Linkfluence bot", "facebookexternalhit" => "facebook bot", "Facebot" => "Facebook crawler", "Feedfetcher-Google" => "Google Feedfetcher", "" => "Google+ Snippet Fetcher", "LinkedInBot" => "LinkedIn bot", "LongURL" => "URL expander service", "NING" => "NING - Yet Another Twitter Swarmer", "Pinterestbot" => "Pinterest Bot", "redditbot" => "Reddit Bot", "ShortLinkTranslate" => "Link shortener", "Slackbot" => "Slackbot link expander", "TweetmemeBot" => "TweetMeMe Crawler", "Twitterbot" => "Twitter URL expander", "UnwindFetch" => "Gnip URL expander", "vkShare" => "VKontake Sharer", # Uptime monitoring "check_http" => "Nagios monitor", "GoogleStackdriverMonitoring" => "Google Cloud monitor", "NewRelicPinger" => "NewRelic monitor", "Panopta" => "Monitoring service", "Pingdom" => "Pingdom monitoring", "SiteUptime" => "Site monitoring services", "UptimeRobot" => "Monitoring service", # ??? "DigitalPersona Fingerprint Software" => "HP Fingerprint scanner", "ShowyouBot" => "Showyou iOS app spider", "ZyBorg" => "Zyborg? Hmmm....", "ELB-HealthChecker" => "ELB Health Check" } end def experiments=(experiments) raise"Experiments must be a Hash") unless experiments.respond_to?(:keys) @experiments = experiments end def disabled? !enabled end def experiment_for(name) if normalized_experiments # TODO symbols normalized_experiments[name.to_sym] end end def metrics return @metrics if defined?(@metrics) @metrics = {} if self.experiments self.experiments.each do |key, value| metrics = value_for(value, :metric) rescue nil Array(metrics).each do |metric_name| if metric_name @metrics[metric_name.to_sym] ||= [] @metrics[metric_name.to_sym] << end end end end @metrics end def normalized_experiments return nil if @experiments.nil? experiment_config = {} @experiments.keys.each do |name| experiment_config[name.to_sym] = {} end @experiments.each do |experiment_name, settings| alternatives = if (alts = value_for(settings, :alternatives)) normalize_alternatives(alts) end experiment_data = { alternatives: alternatives, goals: value_for(settings, :goals), metadata: value_for(settings, :metadata), algorithm: value_for(settings, :algorithm), resettable: value_for(settings, :resettable) } experiment_data.each do |name, value| experiment_config[experiment_name.to_sym][name] = value if value != nil end end experiment_config end def normalize_alternatives(alternatives) given_probability, num_with_probability = alternatives.inject([0, 0]) do |a, v| p, n = a if percent = value_for(v, :percent) [p + percent, n + 1] else a end end num_without_probability = alternatives.length - num_with_probability unassigned_probability = ((100.0 - given_probability) / num_without_probability / 100.0) if num_with_probability.nonzero? alternatives = do |v| if (name = value_for(v, :name)) && (percent = value_for(v, :percent)) { name => percent / 100.0 } elsif name = value_for(v, :name) { name => unassigned_probability } else { v => unassigned_probability } end end [alternatives.shift, alternatives] else alternatives = alternatives.dup [alternatives.shift, alternatives] end end def robot_regex @robot_regex ||= /\b(?:#{escaped_bots.join('|')})\b|\A\W*\z/i end def initialize @ignore_ip_addresses = [] @ignore_filter = proc { |request| is_robot? || is_ignored_ip_address? } @db_failover = false @db_failover_on_db_error = proc { |error| } # e.g. use Rails logger here @on_experiment_reset = proc { |experiment| } @on_experiment_delete = proc { |experiment| } @on_before_experiment_reset = proc { |experiment| } @on_before_experiment_delete = proc { |experiment| } @on_experiment_winner_choose = proc { |experiment| } @db_failover_allow_parameter_override = false @allow_multiple_experiments = false @enabled = true @experiments = {} @persistence = Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter @persistence_cookie_length = 31536000 # One year from now @persistence_cookie_domain = nil @algorithm = Split::Algorithms::WeightedSample @include_rails_helper = true @beta_probability_simulations = 10000 @winning_alternative_recalculation_interval = 60 * 60 * 24 # 1 day @redis = ENV.fetch(ENV.fetch("REDIS_PROVIDER", "REDIS_URL"), "redis://localhost:6379") @dashboard_pagination_default_per_page = 10 end private def value_for(hash, key) if hash.kind_of?(Hash) hash.has_key?(key.to_s) ? hash[key.to_s] : hash[key.to_sym] end end def escaped_bots { |key, _| Regexp.escape(key) } end end end <MSG> Additional bots. <DFF> @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ module Split # Indexers 'AdsBot-Google' => 'Google Adwords', 'Baidu' => 'Chinese search engine', + 'Baiduspider' => 'Chinese search engine', + 'Butterfly' => 'Topsy Labs', 'Gigabot' => 'Gigabot spider', 'Googlebot' => 'Google spider', 'msnbot' => 'Microsoft bot', @@ -56,9 +58,15 @@ module Split '' => ' URL expander', 'bitlybot' => ' bot', 'facebookexternalhit' => 'facebook bot', + 'Feedfetcher-Google' => 'Google Feedfetcher', + '' => 'Google+ Snippet Fetcher', 'LongURL' => 'URL expander service', + 'NING' => 'NING - Yet Another Twitter Swarmer', + 'redditbot' => 'Reddit Bot', + 'ShortLinkTranslate' => 'Link shortener', 'Twitterbot' => 'Twitter URL expander', 'UnwindFetch' => 'Gnip URL expander', + 'vkShare' => 'VKontake Sharer', # Uptime monitoring 'check_http' => 'Nagios monitor',
Additional bots.
<NME> 7.0.gemfile <BEF> source "" gem "codeclimate-test-reporter" gem "rails", "~> 7.0" gem "matrix" gemspec path: "../" <MSG> Enable Rubocop to be executed at CI <DFF> @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ source "" +gem "rubocop", require: false gem "codeclimate-test-reporter" gem "rails", "~> 7.0" gem "matrix"
Enable Rubocop to be executed at CI
<NME> 7.0.gemfile <BEF> source "" gem "codeclimate-test-reporter" gem "rails", "~> 7.0" gem "matrix" gemspec path: "../" <MSG> Enable Rubocop to be executed at CI <DFF> @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ source "" +gem "rubocop", require: false gem "codeclimate-test-reporter" gem "rails", "~> 7.0" gem "matrix"
Enable Rubocop to be executed at CI
<NME> 7.0.gemfile <BEF> source "" gem "codeclimate-test-reporter" gem "rails", "~> 7.0" gem "matrix" gemspec path: "../" <MSG> Enable Rubocop to be executed at CI <DFF> @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ source "" +gem "rubocop", require: false gem "codeclimate-test-reporter" gem "rails", "~> 7.0" gem "matrix"
Enable Rubocop to be executed at CI
<NME> stylesheet.ts <BEF> import { strictEqual as equal, ok } from 'assert'; import { stylesheet as expandAbbreviation, resolveConfig, CSSAbbreviationScope } from '../src'; import score from '../src/stylesheet/score'; const defaultConfig = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'output.field': (index, placeholder) => `\${${index}${placeholder ? ':' + placeholder : ''}}`, 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', gt: 'grid-template: repeat(2,auto) / repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr))' }, cache: {}, }); function expand(abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) { return expandAbbreviation(abbr, config); } describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { describe('Scoring', () => { const pick = (abbr: string, items: string[]) => items .map(item => ({ item, score: score(abbr, item, true) })) .filter(obj => obj.score) .sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score) .map(obj => obj.item)[0]; it('compare scores', () => { equal(score('aaa', 'aaa'), 1); equal(score('baa', 'aaa'), 0); ok(!score('b', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'abc')); ok(score('ac', 'abc')); ok(score('a', 'aaa') < score('aa', 'aaa')); ok(score('ab', 'abc') > score('ab', 'acb')); // acronym bonus ok(score('ab', 'a-b') > score('ab', 'acb')); }); it('pick padding or position', () => { const items = ['p', 'pb', 'pl', 'pos', 'pa', 'oa', 'soa', 'pr', 'pt']; equal(pick('p', items), 'p'); equal(pick('poa', items), 'pos'); }); }); it('keywords', () => { equal(expand('bd1-s'), 'border: 1px solid;'); equal(expand('dib'), 'display: inline-block;'); equal(expand('bxsz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxzc'), 'box-sizing: content-box;'); equal(expand('fl'), 'float: ${1:left};'); equal(expand('fll'), 'float: left;'); equal(expand('pos'), 'position: ${1:relative};'); equal(expand('poa'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('por'), 'position: relative;'); equal(expand('pof'), 'position: fixed;'); equal(expand('pos-a'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('m'), 'margin: ${0};'); equal(expand('m0'), 'margin: 0;'); // use `auto` as global keyword equal(expand('m0-a'), 'margin: 0 auto;'); equal(expand('m-a'), 'margin: auto;'); equal(expand('bg'), 'background: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('bd'), 'border: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};'); equal(expand('bd0-s#fc0'), 'border: 0 solid #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-dd#fc0'), 'border: 0 dot-dash #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-h#fc0'), 'border: 0 hidden #fc0;'); equal(expand('trf-trs'), 'transform: translate(${1:x}, ${2:y});'); // equal(expand('c'), 'color: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('cr'), 'color: rgb(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0});'); equal(expand('cra'), 'color: rgba(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0}, ${4:.5});'); // equal(expand('gtc'), 'grid-template-columns: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('gtr'), 'grid-template-rows: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('lis:n'), 'list-style: none;'); equal(expand('list:n'), 'list-style-type: none;'); equal(expand('bdt:n'), 'border-top: none;'); equal(expand('bgi:n'), 'background-image: none;'); equal(expand('q:n'), 'quotes: none;'); }); it('numeric', () => { equal(expand('p0'), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10'), 'padding: 10px;', '`px` unit for integers'); equal(expand('p.4'), 'padding: 0.4em;', '`em` for floats'); equal(expand('fz10'), 'font-size: 10px;', '`px` for integers'); equal(expand('fz1.'), 'font-size: 1em;', '`em` for explicit float'); equal(expand('p10p'), 'padding: 10%;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('z10'), 'z-index: 10;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('p10r'), 'padding: 10rem;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('mten'), 'margin: 10px;', 'Ignore terminating `;` in snippet'); equal(expand('opa1'), 'opacity: 1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.1'), 'opacity: 0.1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.a'), 'opacity: .a;', 'Unitless property'); }); it('numeric with format options', () => { equal(expand('opa.1'), 'opacity: 0.1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.a'), 'opacity: .a;', 'Unitless property'); }); it('numeric with format options', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'stylesheet.intUnit': 'pt', 'stylesheet.floatUnit': 'vh', 'stylesheet.unitAliases': { e: 'em', p: '%', x: 'ex', r: ' / @rem' } } }); equal(expand('p0', config), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10', config), 'padding: 10pt;', '`pt` unit for integers'); equal(expand('p.4', config), 'padding: 0.4vh;', '`vh` for floats'); equal(expand('p10p', config), 'padding: 10%;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('z10', config), 'z-index: 10;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('p10r', config), 'padding: 10 / @rem;', 'unit alias'); }); it('important', () => { equal(expand('!'), '!important'); equal(expand('p!'), 'padding: ${0} !important;'); equal(expand('p0!'), 'padding: 0 !important;'); }); it('color', () => { equal(expand('c'), 'color: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('c#'), 'color: #000;'); equal(expand('c#f.5'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);'); equal(expand('c#f.5!'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) !important;'); equal(expand('bgc'), 'background-color: #${1:fff};'); }); it('snippets', () => { equal(expand('@'), '@media ${1:screen} {\n\t${0}\n}'); // Insert value into snippet fields equal(expand('@k-name'), '@keyframes name {\n\t${2}\n}'); equal(expand('@k-name10'), '@keyframes name {\n\t10\n}'); equal(expand('gt'), 'grid-template: repeat(2, auto) / repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr));'); }); it('multiple properties', () => { equal(expand('p10+m10-20'), 'padding: 10px;\nmargin: 10px 20px;'); equal(expand('p+bd'), 'padding: ${0};\nborder: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};'); }); it('functions', () => { equal(expand('trf-s(2)'), 'transform: scale(2, ${2:y});'); equal(expand('trf-s(2, 3)'), 'transform: scale(2, 3);'); }); it('case insensitive matches', () => { equal(expand('trf:rx'), 'transform: rotateX(${1:angle});'); }); it('gradient resolver', () => { equal(expand('lg'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(${0});'); equal(expand('lg(to right, #0, #f00.5)'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #000, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5));'); }); it('unmatched abbreviation', () => { // This example is useless: it’s unexpected to receive `align-self: unset` // for `auto` snippet // equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ // type: 'stylesheet', // options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 } // })), 'align-self: unset;'); equal(expand('auto'), 'auto: ${0};'); }); it('CSS-in-JS', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'stylesheet.json': true, 'stylesheet.between': ': ' } }); equal(expand('p10+mt10-20', config), 'padding: 10,\nmarginTop: \'10px 20px\','); equal(expand('bgc', config), 'backgroundColor: \'#fff\','); }); it('resolve context value', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: 'align-content' } }); equal(expand('s', config), 'start'); equal(expand('a', config), 'auto'); }); it('limit snippets by scope', () => { const sectionScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Section }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); const propertyScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Property }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); equal(expand('m', sectionScope), 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}'); equal(expand('b', sectionScope), ''); equal(expand('m', propertyScope), 'margin: ;'); }); }); <MSG> Use ‘none’ as default keyword <DFF> @@ -112,6 +112,12 @@ describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { equal(expand('opa1'), 'opacity: 1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.1'), 'opacity: 0.1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.a'), 'opacity: .a;', 'Unitless property'); + + equal(expand('lis:n'), 'list-style: none;'); + equal(expand('list:n'), 'list-style-type: none;'); + equal(expand('bdt:n'), 'border-top: none;'); + equal(expand('bgi:n'), 'background-image: none;'); + equal(expand('q:n'), 'quotes: none;'); }); it('numeric with format options', () => {
Use ‘none’ as default keyword
<NME> stylesheet.ts <BEF> import { strictEqual as equal, ok } from 'assert'; import { stylesheet as expandAbbreviation, resolveConfig, CSSAbbreviationScope } from '../src'; import score from '../src/stylesheet/score'; const defaultConfig = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'output.field': (index, placeholder) => `\${${index}${placeholder ? ':' + placeholder : ''}}`, 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', gt: 'grid-template: repeat(2,auto) / repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr))' }, cache: {}, }); function expand(abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) { return expandAbbreviation(abbr, config); } describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { describe('Scoring', () => { const pick = (abbr: string, items: string[]) => items .map(item => ({ item, score: score(abbr, item, true) })) .filter(obj => obj.score) .sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score) .map(obj => obj.item)[0]; it('compare scores', () => { equal(score('aaa', 'aaa'), 1); equal(score('baa', 'aaa'), 0); ok(!score('b', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'abc')); ok(score('ac', 'abc')); ok(score('a', 'aaa') < score('aa', 'aaa')); ok(score('ab', 'abc') > score('ab', 'acb')); // acronym bonus ok(score('ab', 'a-b') > score('ab', 'acb')); }); it('pick padding or position', () => { const items = ['p', 'pb', 'pl', 'pos', 'pa', 'oa', 'soa', 'pr', 'pt']; equal(pick('p', items), 'p'); equal(pick('poa', items), 'pos'); }); }); it('keywords', () => { equal(expand('bd1-s'), 'border: 1px solid;'); equal(expand('dib'), 'display: inline-block;'); equal(expand('bxsz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxzc'), 'box-sizing: content-box;'); equal(expand('fl'), 'float: ${1:left};'); equal(expand('fll'), 'float: left;'); equal(expand('pos'), 'position: ${1:relative};'); equal(expand('poa'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('por'), 'position: relative;'); equal(expand('pof'), 'position: fixed;'); equal(expand('pos-a'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('m'), 'margin: ${0};'); equal(expand('m0'), 'margin: 0;'); // use `auto` as global keyword equal(expand('m0-a'), 'margin: 0 auto;'); equal(expand('m-a'), 'margin: auto;'); equal(expand('bg'), 'background: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('bd'), 'border: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};'); equal(expand('bd0-s#fc0'), 'border: 0 solid #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-dd#fc0'), 'border: 0 dot-dash #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-h#fc0'), 'border: 0 hidden #fc0;'); equal(expand('trf-trs'), 'transform: translate(${1:x}, ${2:y});'); // equal(expand('c'), 'color: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('cr'), 'color: rgb(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0});'); equal(expand('cra'), 'color: rgba(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0}, ${4:.5});'); // equal(expand('gtc'), 'grid-template-columns: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('gtr'), 'grid-template-rows: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('lis:n'), 'list-style: none;'); equal(expand('list:n'), 'list-style-type: none;'); equal(expand('bdt:n'), 'border-top: none;'); equal(expand('bgi:n'), 'background-image: none;'); equal(expand('q:n'), 'quotes: none;'); }); it('numeric', () => { equal(expand('p0'), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10'), 'padding: 10px;', '`px` unit for integers'); equal(expand('p.4'), 'padding: 0.4em;', '`em` for floats'); equal(expand('fz10'), 'font-size: 10px;', '`px` for integers'); equal(expand('fz1.'), 'font-size: 1em;', '`em` for explicit float'); equal(expand('p10p'), 'padding: 10%;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('z10'), 'z-index: 10;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('p10r'), 'padding: 10rem;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('mten'), 'margin: 10px;', 'Ignore terminating `;` in snippet'); equal(expand('opa1'), 'opacity: 1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.1'), 'opacity: 0.1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.a'), 'opacity: .a;', 'Unitless property'); }); it('numeric with format options', () => { equal(expand('opa.1'), 'opacity: 0.1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.a'), 'opacity: .a;', 'Unitless property'); }); it('numeric with format options', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'stylesheet.intUnit': 'pt', 'stylesheet.floatUnit': 'vh', 'stylesheet.unitAliases': { e: 'em', p: '%', x: 'ex', r: ' / @rem' } } }); equal(expand('p0', config), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10', config), 'padding: 10pt;', '`pt` unit for integers'); equal(expand('p.4', config), 'padding: 0.4vh;', '`vh` for floats'); equal(expand('p10p', config), 'padding: 10%;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('z10', config), 'z-index: 10;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('p10r', config), 'padding: 10 / @rem;', 'unit alias'); }); it('important', () => { equal(expand('!'), '!important'); equal(expand('p!'), 'padding: ${0} !important;'); equal(expand('p0!'), 'padding: 0 !important;'); }); it('color', () => { equal(expand('c'), 'color: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('c#'), 'color: #000;'); equal(expand('c#f.5'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);'); equal(expand('c#f.5!'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) !important;'); equal(expand('bgc'), 'background-color: #${1:fff};'); }); it('snippets', () => { equal(expand('@'), '@media ${1:screen} {\n\t${0}\n}'); // Insert value into snippet fields equal(expand('@k-name'), '@keyframes name {\n\t${2}\n}'); equal(expand('@k-name10'), '@keyframes name {\n\t10\n}'); equal(expand('gt'), 'grid-template: repeat(2, auto) / repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr));'); }); it('multiple properties', () => { equal(expand('p10+m10-20'), 'padding: 10px;\nmargin: 10px 20px;'); equal(expand('p+bd'), 'padding: ${0};\nborder: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};'); }); it('functions', () => { equal(expand('trf-s(2)'), 'transform: scale(2, ${2:y});'); equal(expand('trf-s(2, 3)'), 'transform: scale(2, 3);'); }); it('case insensitive matches', () => { equal(expand('trf:rx'), 'transform: rotateX(${1:angle});'); }); it('gradient resolver', () => { equal(expand('lg'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(${0});'); equal(expand('lg(to right, #0, #f00.5)'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #000, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5));'); }); it('unmatched abbreviation', () => { // This example is useless: it’s unexpected to receive `align-self: unset` // for `auto` snippet // equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ // type: 'stylesheet', // options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 } // })), 'align-self: unset;'); equal(expand('auto'), 'auto: ${0};'); }); it('CSS-in-JS', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'stylesheet.json': true, 'stylesheet.between': ': ' } }); equal(expand('p10+mt10-20', config), 'padding: 10,\nmarginTop: \'10px 20px\','); equal(expand('bgc', config), 'backgroundColor: \'#fff\','); }); it('resolve context value', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: 'align-content' } }); equal(expand('s', config), 'start'); equal(expand('a', config), 'auto'); }); it('limit snippets by scope', () => { const sectionScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Section }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); const propertyScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Property }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); equal(expand('m', sectionScope), 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}'); equal(expand('b', sectionScope), ''); equal(expand('m', propertyScope), 'margin: ;'); }); }); <MSG> Use ‘none’ as default keyword <DFF> @@ -112,6 +112,12 @@ describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { equal(expand('opa1'), 'opacity: 1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.1'), 'opacity: 0.1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.a'), 'opacity: .a;', 'Unitless property'); + + equal(expand('lis:n'), 'list-style: none;'); + equal(expand('list:n'), 'list-style-type: none;'); + equal(expand('bdt:n'), 'border-top: none;'); + equal(expand('bgi:n'), 'background-image: none;'); + equal(expand('q:n'), 'quotes: none;'); }); it('numeric with format options', () => {
Use ‘none’ as default keyword
<NME> markup.ts <BEF> import { strictEqual } from 'assert'; import { parse } from '../src/markup'; import resolveConfig from '../src/config'; import { ResolvedConfig } from '../src/types'; import stringify from './assets/stringify'; const defaultConfig = resolveConfig({ cache: {} }); function expand(abbr: string, config = defaultConfig): string { return stringify(parse(abbr, config)); } describe('Markup abbreviations', () => { it('implicit tags', () => { equal(expand('.'), '<div class=""></div>'); equal(expand('.foo>.bar'), '<div class="foo"><div class="bar"></div></div>'); equal(expand('>.bar'), '<p class="foo"><span class="bar"></span></p>'); equal(expand('ul>.item*2'), '<ul><li*2@0 class="item"></li><li*2@1 class="item"></li></ul>'); equal(expand('table>.row>.cell'), '<table><tr class="row"><td class="cell"></td></tr></table>'); equal(expand('{test}'), 'test'); equal(expand('.{test}'), '<div class="">test</div>'); equal(expand('ul>.item$*2'), '<ul><li*2@0 class="item1"></li><li*2@1 class="item2"></li></ul>'); }); it('XSL', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ syntax: 'xsl' }); equal(expand('xsl:variable[select]', config), '<xsl:variable select=""></xsl:variable>'); equal(expand('xsl:with-param[select]', config), '<xsl:with-param select=""></xsl:with-param>'); equal(expand('xsl:variable[select]>div', config), '<xsl:variable><div></div></xsl:variable>'); equal(expand('xsl:with-param[select]{foo}', config), '<xsl:with-param>foo</xsl:with-param>'); }); describe('BEM transform', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ options: { 'bem.enabled': true } }); it('modifiers', () => { equal(expand('div.b_m', config), '<div class="b b_m"></div>'); equal(expand('div.b._m', config), '<div class="b b_m"></div>'); equal(expand('div.b_m1._m2', config), '<div class="b b_m1 b_m2"></div>'); equal(expand('div.b>div._m', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b b_m"></div></div>'); equal(expand('div.b>div._m1>div._m2', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b b_m1"><div class="b b_m2"></div></div></div>'); // classnames with - equal(expand('div.b>div._m1-m2', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b b_m1-m2"></div></div>'); }); it('elements', () => { equal(expand('div.b>div.-e', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b__e"></div></div>'); equal(expand('div.b>div.---e', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b__e"></div></div>'); equal(expand('div.b>div.-e>div.-e', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b__e"><div class="b__e"></div></div></div>'); equal(expand('div', config), '<div></div>', 'Fixes bug with empty class'); // get block name from proper ancestor equal(expand('div.b1>div.b2_m1>div.-e1+div.---e2_m2', config), '<div class="b1"><div class="b2 b2_m1"><div class="b2__e1"></div><div class="b1__e2 b1__e2_m2"></div></div></div>'); // class names with - equal(expand('div.b>div.-m1-m2', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b__m1-m2"></div></div>'); // class names with _ equal(expand('div.b_m_o', config), '<div class="b b_m_o"></div>'); }); it('customize modifier', () => { const localConfig = resolveConfig({ options: { 'bem.enabled': true, 'bem.element': '-', 'bem.modifier': '__' } }); equal(expand('div.b_m', localConfig), '<div class="b b__m"></div>'); equal(expand('div.b._m', localConfig), '<div class="b b__m"></div>'); }); it('multiple classes after modifier/element', () => { equal(expand('div.b_m.c', config), '<div class="b b_m c"></div>'); equal(expand('div.b>div._m.c', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b b_m c"></div></div>'); equal(expand('div.b>div.-m.c', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b__m c"></div></div>'); }); it('parent context', () => { // Get block name from context equal(expand('.-e_m', resolveConfig({ context: { name: 'div', attributes: { class: 'bl' } }, options: { 'bem.enabled': true } })), '<div class="bl__e bl__e_m"></div>'); }); }); }); <MSG> Working on HTML formatter <DFF> @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import { strictEqual } from 'assert'; -import { parse } from '../src/markup'; +import parse from '../src/markup'; import resolveConfig from '../src/config'; import { ResolvedConfig } from '../src/types'; import stringify from './assets/stringify';
Working on HTML formatter
<NME> markup.ts <BEF> import { strictEqual } from 'assert'; import { parse } from '../src/markup'; import resolveConfig from '../src/config'; import { ResolvedConfig } from '../src/types'; import stringify from './assets/stringify'; const defaultConfig = resolveConfig({ cache: {} }); function expand(abbr: string, config = defaultConfig): string { return stringify(parse(abbr, config)); } describe('Markup abbreviations', () => { it('implicit tags', () => { equal(expand('.'), '<div class=""></div>'); equal(expand('.foo>.bar'), '<div class="foo"><div class="bar"></div></div>'); equal(expand('>.bar'), '<p class="foo"><span class="bar"></span></p>'); equal(expand('ul>.item*2'), '<ul><li*2@0 class="item"></li><li*2@1 class="item"></li></ul>'); equal(expand('table>.row>.cell'), '<table><tr class="row"><td class="cell"></td></tr></table>'); equal(expand('{test}'), 'test'); equal(expand('.{test}'), '<div class="">test</div>'); equal(expand('ul>.item$*2'), '<ul><li*2@0 class="item1"></li><li*2@1 class="item2"></li></ul>'); }); it('XSL', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ syntax: 'xsl' }); equal(expand('xsl:variable[select]', config), '<xsl:variable select=""></xsl:variable>'); equal(expand('xsl:with-param[select]', config), '<xsl:with-param select=""></xsl:with-param>'); equal(expand('xsl:variable[select]>div', config), '<xsl:variable><div></div></xsl:variable>'); equal(expand('xsl:with-param[select]{foo}', config), '<xsl:with-param>foo</xsl:with-param>'); }); describe('BEM transform', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ options: { 'bem.enabled': true } }); it('modifiers', () => { equal(expand('div.b_m', config), '<div class="b b_m"></div>'); equal(expand('div.b._m', config), '<div class="b b_m"></div>'); equal(expand('div.b_m1._m2', config), '<div class="b b_m1 b_m2"></div>'); equal(expand('div.b>div._m', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b b_m"></div></div>'); equal(expand('div.b>div._m1>div._m2', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b b_m1"><div class="b b_m2"></div></div></div>'); // classnames with - equal(expand('div.b>div._m1-m2', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b b_m1-m2"></div></div>'); }); it('elements', () => { equal(expand('div.b>div.-e', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b__e"></div></div>'); equal(expand('div.b>div.---e', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b__e"></div></div>'); equal(expand('div.b>div.-e>div.-e', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b__e"><div class="b__e"></div></div></div>'); equal(expand('div', config), '<div></div>', 'Fixes bug with empty class'); // get block name from proper ancestor equal(expand('div.b1>div.b2_m1>div.-e1+div.---e2_m2', config), '<div class="b1"><div class="b2 b2_m1"><div class="b2__e1"></div><div class="b1__e2 b1__e2_m2"></div></div></div>'); // class names with - equal(expand('div.b>div.-m1-m2', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b__m1-m2"></div></div>'); // class names with _ equal(expand('div.b_m_o', config), '<div class="b b_m_o"></div>'); }); it('customize modifier', () => { const localConfig = resolveConfig({ options: { 'bem.enabled': true, 'bem.element': '-', 'bem.modifier': '__' } }); equal(expand('div.b_m', localConfig), '<div class="b b__m"></div>'); equal(expand('div.b._m', localConfig), '<div class="b b__m"></div>'); }); it('multiple classes after modifier/element', () => { equal(expand('div.b_m.c', config), '<div class="b b_m c"></div>'); equal(expand('div.b>div._m.c', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b b_m c"></div></div>'); equal(expand('div.b>div.-m.c', config), '<div class="b"><div class="b__m c"></div></div>'); }); it('parent context', () => { // Get block name from context equal(expand('.-e_m', resolveConfig({ context: { name: 'div', attributes: { class: 'bl' } }, options: { 'bem.enabled': true } })), '<div class="bl__e bl__e_m"></div>'); }); }); }); <MSG> Working on HTML formatter <DFF> @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import { strictEqual } from 'assert'; -import { parse } from '../src/markup'; +import parse from '../src/markup'; import resolveConfig from '../src/config'; import { ResolvedConfig } from '../src/types'; import stringify from './assets/stringify';
Working on HTML formatter
<NME> <BEF> # [Split]( [![Gem Version](]( ![Build status]( [![Code Climate](]( [![Test Coverage](]( [![standard-readme compliant](]( [![Open Source Helpers](]( > 📈 The Rack Based A/B testing framework Split is a rack based A/B testing framework designed to work with Rails, Sinatra or any other rack based app. Split is heavily inspired by the [Abingo]( and [Vanity]( Rails A/B testing plugins and [Resque]( in its use of Redis. Split is designed to be hacker friendly, allowing for maximum customisation and extensibility. ## Install ### Requirements Split v4.0+ is currently tested with Ruby >= 2.5 and Rails >= 5.2. If your project requires compatibility with Ruby 2.4.x or older Rails versions. You can try v3.0 or v0.8.0(for Ruby 1.9.3) Split uses Redis as a datastore. Split only supports Redis 4.0 or greater. If you're on OS X, Homebrew is the simplest way to install Redis: ```bash brew install redis redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf ``` You now have a Redis daemon running on port `6379`. ### Setup ```bash gem install split ``` #### Rails Adding `gem 'split'` to your Gemfile will autoload it when rails starts up, as long as you've configured Redis it will 'just work'. #### Sinatra To configure Sinatra with Split you need to enable sessions and mix in the helper methods. Add the following lines at the top of your Sinatra app: ```ruby require 'split' class MySinatraApp < Sinatra::Base enable :sessions helpers Split::Helper get '/' do ... end ``` ## Usage To begin your A/B test use the `ab_test` method, naming your experiment with the first argument and then the different alternatives which you wish to test on as the other arguments. `ab_test` returns one of the alternatives, if a user has already seen that test they will get the same alternative as before, which you can use to split your code on. It can be used to render different templates, show different text or any other case based logic. `ab_finished` is used to make a completion of an experiment, or conversion. Example: View ```erb <% ab_test(:login_button, "/images/button1.jpg", "/images/button2.jpg") do |button_file| %> <%= image_tag(button_file, alt: "Login!") %> <% end %> ``` Example: Controller ```ruby def register_new_user # See what level of free points maximizes users' decision to buy replacement points. @starter_points = ab_test(:new_user_free_points, '100', '200', '300') end ``` Example: Conversion tracking (in a controller!) ```ruby def buy_new_points # some business logic ab_finished(:new_user_free_points) end ``` Example: Conversion tracking (in a view) ```erb Thanks for signing up, dude! <% ab_finished(:signup_page_redesign) %> ``` You can find more examples, tutorials and guides on the [wiki]( ## Statistical Validity Split has two options for you to use to determine which alternative is the best. The first option (default on the dashboard) uses a z test (n>30) for the difference between your control and alternative conversion rates to calculate statistical significance. This test will tell you whether an alternative is better or worse than your control, but it will not distinguish between which alternative is the best in an experiment with multiple alternatives. Split will only tell you if your experiment is 90%, 95%, or 99% significant, and this test only works if you have more than 30 participants and 5 conversions for each branch. As per this [blog post]( on the pitfalls of A/B testing, it is highly recommended that you determine your requisite sample size for each branch before running the experiment. Otherwise, you'll have an increased rate of false positives (experiments which show a significant effect where really there is none). [Here]( is a sample size calculator for your convenience. The second option uses simulations from a beta distribution to determine the probability that the given alternative is the winner compared to all other alternatives. You can view these probabilities by clicking on the drop-down menu labeled "Confidence." This option should be used when the experiment has more than just 1 control and 1 alternative. It can also be used for a simple, 2-alternative A/B test. Calculating the beta-distribution simulations for a large number of experiments can be slow, so the results are cached. You can specify how often they should be recalculated (the default is once per day). ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.winning_alternative_recalculation_interval = 3600 # 1 hour end ``` ## Extras ### Weighted alternatives Perhaps you only want to show an alternative to 10% of your visitors because it is very experimental or not yet fully load tested. To do this you can pass a weight with each alternative in the following ways: ```ruby ab_test(:homepage_design, {'Old' => 18}, {'New' => 2}) ab_test(:homepage_design, 'Old', {'New' => 1.0/9}) ab_test(:homepage_design, {'Old' => 9}, 'New') ``` This will only show the new alternative to visitors 1 in 10 times, the default weight for an alternative is 1. ### Overriding alternatives For development and testing, you may wish to force your app to always return an alternative. You can do this by passing it as a parameter in the url. If you have an experiment called `button_color` with alternatives called `red` and `blue` used on your homepage, a url such as:[button_color]=red will always have red buttons. This won't be stored in your session or count towards to results, unless you set the `store_override` configuration option. In the event you want to disable all tests without having to know the individual experiment names, add a `SPLIT_DISABLE` query parameter. It is not required to send `SPLIT_DISABLE=false` to activate Split. ### Rspec Helper To aid testing with RSpec, write `spec/support/split_helper.rb` and call `use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment)` in your specs as instructed below: ```ruby # Create a file with these contents at 'spec/support/split_helper.rb' # and ensure it is `require`d in your rails_helper.rb or spec_helper.rb module SplitHelper # Force a specific experiment alternative to always be returned: # use_ab_test(signup_form: "single_page") # # Force alternatives for multiple experiments: # use_ab_test(signup_form: "single_page", pricing: "show_enterprise_prices") # def use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment) allow_any_instance_of(Split::Helper).to receive(:ab_test) do |_receiver, experiment, &block| variant = alternatives_by_experiment.fetch(experiment) { |key| raise "Unknown experiment '#{key}'" } unless block.nil? variant end end end # Make the `use_ab_test` method available to all specs: RSpec.configure do |config| config.include SplitHelper end ``` Now you can call `use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment)` in your specs, for example: ```ruby it "registers using experimental signup" do use_ab_test experiment_name: "alternative_name" post "/signups" ... end ``` ### Starting experiments manually By default new A/B tests will be active right after deployment. In case you would like to start new test a while after the deploy, you can do it by setting the `start_manually` configuration option to `true`. After choosing this option tests won't be started right after deploy, but after pressing the `Start` button in Split admin dashboard. If a test is deleted from the Split dashboard, then it can only be started after pressing the `Start` button whenever being re-initialized. ### Reset after completion When a user completes a test their session is reset so that they may start the test again in the future. To stop this behaviour you can pass the following option to the `ab_finished` method: ```ruby ab_finished(:experiment_name, reset: false) ``` The user will then always see the alternative they started with. Any old unfinished experiment key will be deleted from the user's data storage if the experiment had been removed or is over and a winner had been chosen. This allows a user to enroll into any new experiment in cases when the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option is set to `false`. ### Reset experiments manually By default Split automatically resets the experiment whenever it detects the configuration for an experiment has changed (e.g. you call `ab_test` with different alternatives). You can prevent this by setting the option `reset_manually` to `true`. You may want to do this when you want to change something, like the variants' names, the metadata about an experiment, etc. without resetting everything. ### Multiple experiments at once By default Split will avoid users participating in multiple experiments at once. This means you are less likely to skew results by adding in more variation to your tests. To stop this behaviour and allow users to participate in multiple experiments at once set the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option to true like so: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = true end ``` This will allow the user to participate in any number of experiments and belong to any alternative in each experiment. This has the possible downside of a variation in one experiment influencing the outcome of another. To address this, setting the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option to 'control' like so: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = 'control' end ``` For this to work, each and every experiment you define must have an alternative named 'control'. This will allow the user to participate in multiple experiments as long as the user belongs to the alternative 'control' in each experiment. As soon as the user belongs to an alternative named something other than 'control' the user may not participate in any more experiments. Calling ab_test(<other experiments>) will always return the first alternative without adding the user to that experiment. ### Experiment Persistence Split comes with three built-in persistence adapters for storing users and the alternatives they've been given for each experiment. By default Split will store the tests for each user in the session. You can optionally configure Split to use a cookie, Redis, or any custom adapter of your choosing. #### Cookies ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = :cookie end ``` When using the cookie persistence, Split stores data into an anonymous tracking cookie named 'split', which expires in 1 year. To change that, set the `persistence_cookie_length` in the configuration (unit of time in seconds). ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = :cookie config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 # 30 days end ``` The data stored consists of the experiment name and the variants the user is in. Example: { "experiment_name" => "variant_a" } __Note:__ Using cookies depends on `ActionDispatch::Cookies` or any identical API #### Redis Using Redis will allow ab_users to persist across sessions or machines. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: -> (context) { context.current_user_id }) # Equivalent # config.persistence = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: :current_user_id) end ``` Options: * `lookup_by`: method to invoke per request for uniquely identifying ab_users (mandatory configuration) * `namespace`: separate namespace to store these persisted values (default "persistence") * `expire_seconds`: sets TTL for user key. (if a user is in multiple experiments most recent update will reset TTL for all their assignments) #### Dual Adapter The Dual Adapter allows the use of different persistence adapters for logged-in and logged-out users. A common use case is to use Redis for logged-in users and Cookies for logged-out users. ```ruby cookie_adapter = Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter redis_adapter = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config( lookup_by: -> (context) { context.send(:current_user).try(:id) }, expire_seconds: 2592000) Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = Split::Persistence::DualAdapter.with_config( logged_in: -> (context) { !context.send(:current_user).try(:id).nil? }, logged_in_adapter: redis_adapter, logged_out_adapter: cookie_adapter) config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 # 30 days end You can even use Devise or any other Warden-based authentication method to authorize users. Just replace `mount Split::Dashboard, :at => 'split'` in `config/routes.rb` with the following: ```ruby match "/split" => Split::Dashboard, anchor: false, via: [:get, :post], constraints: -> (request) do request.env['warden'].authenticated? # are we authenticated? request.env['warden'].authenticate! # authenticate if not already # or even check any other condition such as request.env['warden'].user.is_admin? ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = YourCustomAdapterClass end ``` ### Trial Event Hooks You can define methods that will be called at the same time as experiment alternative participation and goal completion. For example: ``` ruby Split.configure do |config| config.on_trial = :log_trial # run on every trial config.on_trial_choose = :log_trial_choose # run on trials with new users only config.on_trial_complete = :log_trial_complete end ``` Set these attributes to a method name available in the same context as the `ab_test` method. These methods should accept one argument, a `Trial` instance. ``` ruby def log_trial(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end def log_trial_choose(trial) "[new user] experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end def log_trial_complete(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s complete=true" % [, trial.alternative, ] end ``` #### Views If you are running `ab_test` from a view, you must define your event hook callback as a [helper_method]( in the controller: ``` ruby helper_method :log_trial_choose def log_trial_choose(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end ``` ### Experiment Hooks You can assign a proc that will be called when an experiment is reset or deleted. You can use these hooks to call methods within your application to keep data related to experiments in sync with Split. For example: ``` ruby Split.configure do |config| # after experiment reset or deleted config.on_experiment_reset = -> (example) { # Do something on reset } config.on_experiment_delete = -> (experiment) { # Do something else on delete } # before experiment reset or deleted config.on_before_experiment_reset = -> (example) { # Do something on reset } config.on_before_experiment_delete = -> (experiment) { # Do something else on delete } # after experiment winner had been set config.on_experiment_winner_choose = -> (experiment) { # Do something on winner choose } end ``` ## Web Interface Split comes with a Sinatra-based front end to get an overview of how your experiments are doing. If you are running Rails 2: You can mount this inside your app using Rack::URLMap in your `` ```ruby require 'split/dashboard' run \ "/" =>, "/split" => ``` However, if you are using Rails 3 or higher: You can mount this inside your app routes by first adding this to the Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'split', require: 'split/dashboard' ``` Then adding this to config/routes.rb ```ruby mount Split::Dashboard, at: 'split' ``` You may want to password protect that page, you can do so with `Rack::Auth::Basic` (in your split initializer file) ```ruby # Rails apps or apps that already depend on activesupport Split::Dashboard.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password| # Protect against timing attacks: # - Use & (do not use &&) so that it doesn't short circuit. # - Use digests to stop length information leaking ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_USERNAME"])) & ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_PASSWORD"])) end # Apps without activesupport Split::Dashboard.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password| # Protect against timing attacks: # - Use & (do not use &&) so that it doesn't short circuit. # - Use digests to stop length information leaking Rack::Utils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_USERNAME"])) & Rack::Utils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_PASSWORD"])) end ``` You can even use Devise or any other Warden-based authentication method to authorize users. Just replace `mount Split::Dashboard, :at => 'split'` in `config/routes.rb` with the following: ```ruby match "/split" => Split::Dashboard, anchor: false, via: [:get, :post, :delete], constraints: -> (request) do request.env['warden'].authenticated? # are we authenticated? request.env['warden'].authenticate! # authenticate if not already # or even check any other condition such as request.env['warden'].user.is_admin? end ``` More information on this [here]( ### Screenshot ![split_screenshot]( ## Configuration You can override the default configuration options of Split like so: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover = true # handle Redis errors gracefully config.db_failover_on_db_error = -> (error) { Rails.logger.error(error.message) } config.allow_multiple_experiments = true config.enabled = true config.persistence = Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter #config.start_manually = false ## new test will have to be started manually from the admin panel. default false #config.reset_manually = false ## if true, it never resets the experiment data, even if the configuration changes config.include_rails_helper = true config.redis = "redis://custom.redis.url:6380" end ``` Split looks for the Redis host in the environment variable `REDIS_URL` then defaults to `redis://localhost:6379` if not specified by configure block. On platforms like Heroku, Split will use the value of `REDIS_PROVIDER` to determine which env variable key to use when retrieving the host config. This defaults to `REDIS_URL`. ### Filtering In most scenarios you don't want to have AB-Testing enabled for web spiders, robots or special groups of users. Split provides functionality to filter this based on a predefined, extensible list of bots, IP-lists or custom exclude logic. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| # bot config config.robot_regex = /my_custom_robot_regex/ # or config.bots['newbot'] = "Description for bot with 'newbot' user agent, which will be added to config.robot_regex for exclusion" # IP config config.ignore_ip_addresses << '' # or regex: /81\.19\.48\.[0-9]+/ # or provide your own filter functionality, the default is proc{ |request| is_robot? || is_ignored_ip_address? || is_preview? } config.ignore_filter = -> (request) { CustomExcludeLogic.excludes?(request) } end ``` ### Experiment configuration Instead of providing the experiment options inline, you can store them in a hash. This hash can control your experiment's alternatives, weights, algorithm and if the experiment resets once finished: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], resettable: false }, :my_second_experiment => { algorithm: 'Split::Algorithms::Whiplash', alternatives: [ { name: "a", percent: 67 }, { name: "b", percent: 33 } ] } } end ``` You can also store your experiments in a YAML file: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = YAML.load_file "config/experiments.yml" end ``` You can then define the YAML file like: ```yaml my_first_experiment: alternatives: - a - b my_second_experiment: alternatives: - name: a percent: 67 - name: b percent: 33 resettable: false ``` This simplifies the calls from your code: ```ruby ab_test(:my_first_experiment) ``` and: ```ruby ab_finished(:my_first_experiment) ``` You can also add meta data for each experiment, which is very useful when you need more than an alternative name to change behaviour: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], metadata: { "a" => {"text" => "Have a fantastic day"}, "b" => {"text" => "Don't get hit by a bus"} } } } end ``` ```yaml my_first_experiment: alternatives: - a - b metadata: a: text: "Have a fantastic day" b: text: "Don't get hit by a bus" ``` This allows for some advanced experiment configuration using methods like: ```ruby # => "a" trial.metadata['text'] # => "Have a fantastic day" ``` or in views: ```erb <% ab_test("my_first_experiment") do |alternative, meta| %> <%= alternative %> <small><%= meta['text'] %></small> <% end %> ``` The keys used in meta data should be Strings #### Metrics You might wish to track generic metrics, such as conversions, and use those to complete multiple different experiments without adding more to your code. You can use the configuration hash to do this, thanks to the `:metric` option. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], metric: :my_metric } } end ``` Your code may then track a completion using the metric instead of the experiment name: ```ruby ab_finished(:my_metric) ``` You can also create a new metric by instantiating and saving a new Metric object. ```ruby ``` #### Goals You might wish to allow an experiment to have multiple, distinguishable goals. The API to define goals for an experiment is this: ```ruby ab_test({link_color: ["purchase", "refund"]}, "red", "blue") ``` or you can define them in a configuration file: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { link_color: { alternatives: ["red", "blue"], goals: ["purchase", "refund"] } } end ``` To complete a goal conversion, you do it like: ```ruby ab_finished(link_color: "purchase") ``` Note that if you pass additional options, that should be a separate hash: ```ruby ab_finished({ link_color: "purchase" }, reset: false) ``` **NOTE:** This does not mean that a single experiment can complete more than one goal. Once you finish one of the goals, the test is considered to be completed, and finishing the other goal will no longer register. (Assuming the test runs with `reset: false`.) **Good Example**: Test if listing Plan A first result in more conversions to Plan A (goal: "plana_conversion") or Plan B (goal: "planb_conversion"). **Bad Example**: Test if button color increases conversion rate through multiple steps of a funnel. THIS WILL NOT WORK. **Bad Example**: Test both how button color affects signup *and* how it affects login, at the same time. THIS WILL NOT WORK. #### Combined Experiments If you want to test how button color affects signup *and* how it affects login at the same time, use combined experiments. Configure like so: ```ruby Split.configuration.experiments = { :button_color_experiment => { :alternatives => ["blue", "green"], :combined_experiments => ["button_color_on_signup", "button_color_on_login"] } } ``` Starting the combined test starts all combined experiments ```ruby ab_combined_test(:button_color_experiment) ``` Finish each combined test as normal ```ruby ab_finished(:button_color_on_login) ab_finished(:button_color_on_signup) ``` **Additional Configuration**: * Be sure to enable `allow_multiple_experiments` * In Sinatra include the CombinedExperimentsHelper ``` helpers Split::CombinedExperimentsHelper ``` ### DB failover solution Due to the fact that Redis has no automatic failover mechanism, it's possible to switch on the `db_failover` config option, so that `ab_test` and `ab_finished` will not crash in case of a db failure. `ab_test` always delivers alternative A (the first one) in that case. It's also possible to set a `db_failover_on_db_error` callback (proc) for example to log these errors via Rails.logger. ### Redis You may want to change the Redis host and port Split connects to, or set various other options at startup. Split has a `redis` setter which can be given a string or a Redis object. This means if you're already using Redis in your app, Split can re-use the existing connection. String: `Split.redis = 'redis://localhost:6379'` Redis: `Split.redis = $redis` For our rails app we have a `config/initializers/split.rb` file where we load `config/split.yml` by hand and set the Redis information appropriately. Here's our `config/split.yml`: ```yml development: redis://localhost:6379 test: redis://localhost:6379 staging: redis:// fi: redis://localhost:6379 production: redis:// ``` And our initializer: ```ruby split_config = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config', 'split.yml')) Split.redis = split_config[Rails.env] ``` ### Redis Caching (v4.0+) In some high-volume usage scenarios, Redis load can be incurred by repeated fetches for fairly static data. Enabling caching will reduce this load. ```ruby Split.configuration.cache = true ```` This currently caches: - `Split::ExperimentCatalog.find` - `Split::Experiment.start_time` - `Split::Experiment.winner` ## Namespaces If you're running multiple, separate instances of Split you may want to namespace the keyspaces so they do not overlap. This is not unlike the approach taken by many memcached clients. This feature can be provided by the [redis-namespace]( library. To configure Split to use `Redis::Namespace`, do the following: 1. Add `redis-namespace` to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'redis-namespace' ``` 2. Configure `Split.redis` to use a `Redis::Namespace` instance (possible in an initializer): ```ruby redis = ENV['REDIS_URL']) # or whatever config you want Split.redis =, redis: redis) ``` ## Outside of a Web Session Split provides the Helper module to facilitate running experiments inside web sessions. Alternatively, you can access the underlying Metric, Trial, Experiment and Alternative objects to conduct experiments that are not tied to a web session. ```ruby # create a new experiment experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create('color', 'red', 'blue') # create a new trial trial = => experiment) # run trial trial.choose! # get the result, returns either red or blue # if the goal has been achieved, increment the successful completions for this alternative. if goal_achieved? trial.complete! end ``` ## Algorithms By default, Split ships with `Split::Algorithms::WeightedSample` that randomly selects from possible alternatives for a traditional a/b test. It is possible to specify static weights to favor certain alternatives. `Split::Algorithms::Whiplash` is an implementation of a [multi-armed bandit algorithm]( This algorithm will automatically weight the alternatives based on their relative performance, choosing the better-performing ones more often as trials are completed. `Split::Algorithms::BlockRandomization` is an algorithm that ensures equal participation across all alternatives. This algorithm will choose the alternative with the fewest participants. In the event of multiple minimum participant alternatives (i.e. starting a new "Block") the algorithm will choose a random alternative from those minimum participant alternatives. Users may also write their own algorithms. The default algorithm may be specified globally in the configuration file, or on a per experiment basis using the experiments hash of the configuration file. To change the algorithm globally for all experiments, use the following in your initializer: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash end ``` ## Extensions - [Split::Export]( - Easily export A/B test data out of Split. - [Split::Analytics]( - Push test data to Google Analytics. - [Split::Mongoid]( - Store experiment data in mongoid (still uses redis). - [Split::Cacheable]( - Automatically create cache buckets per test. - [Split::Counters]( - Add counters per experiment and alternative. - [Split::Cli]( - A CLI to trigger Split A/B tests. ## Screencast Ryan bates has produced an excellent 10 minute screencast about split on the Railscasts site: [A/B Testing with Split]( ## Blogposts * [Recipe: A/B testing with KISSMetrics and the split gem]( * [Rails A/B testing with Split on Heroku]( ## Backers Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. 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Over 70 different people have contributed to the project, you can see them all here: ### Development The source code is hosted at [GitHub]( Report issues and feature requests on [GitHub Issues]( You can find a discussion form on [Google Groups]( ### Tests Run the tests like this: # Start a Redis server in another tab. redis-server bundle rake spec ### A Note on Patches and Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Add documentation if necessary. * Commit. Do not mess with the rakefile, version, or history. (If you want to have your own version, that is fine. But bump the version in a commit by itself, which I can ignore when I pull.) * Send a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. ### Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. ## Copyright [MIT License](LICENSE) © 2019 [Andrew Nesbitt]( <MSG> Update Warden Authentication Example to include :delete. This is necessary in order to allow Delete Experiment from the Admin panel <DFF> @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ end You can even use Devise or any other Warden-based authentication method to authorize users. Just replace `mount Split::Dashboard, :at => 'split'` in `config/routes.rb` with the following: ```ruby -match "/split" => Split::Dashboard, anchor: false, via: [:get, :post], constraints: -> (request) do +match "/split" => Split::Dashboard, anchor: false, via: [:get, :post, :delete], constraints: -> (request) do request.env['warden'].authenticated? # are we authenticated? request.env['warden'].authenticate! # authenticate if not already # or even check any other condition such as request.env['warden'].user.is_admin?
Update Warden Authentication Example to include :delete.
<NME> <BEF> # [Split]( [![Gem Version](]( ![Build status]( [![Code Climate](]( [![Test Coverage](]( [![standard-readme compliant](]( [![Open Source Helpers](]( > 📈 The Rack Based A/B testing framework Split is a rack based A/B testing framework designed to work with Rails, Sinatra or any other rack based app. Split is heavily inspired by the [Abingo]( and [Vanity]( Rails A/B testing plugins and [Resque]( in its use of Redis. Split is designed to be hacker friendly, allowing for maximum customisation and extensibility. ## Install ### Requirements Split v4.0+ is currently tested with Ruby >= 2.5 and Rails >= 5.2. If your project requires compatibility with Ruby 2.4.x or older Rails versions. You can try v3.0 or v0.8.0(for Ruby 1.9.3) Split uses Redis as a datastore. Split only supports Redis 4.0 or greater. If you're on OS X, Homebrew is the simplest way to install Redis: ```bash brew install redis redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf ``` You now have a Redis daemon running on port `6379`. ### Setup ```bash gem install split ``` #### Rails Adding `gem 'split'` to your Gemfile will autoload it when rails starts up, as long as you've configured Redis it will 'just work'. #### Sinatra To configure Sinatra with Split you need to enable sessions and mix in the helper methods. Add the following lines at the top of your Sinatra app: ```ruby require 'split' class MySinatraApp < Sinatra::Base enable :sessions helpers Split::Helper get '/' do ... end ``` ## Usage To begin your A/B test use the `ab_test` method, naming your experiment with the first argument and then the different alternatives which you wish to test on as the other arguments. `ab_test` returns one of the alternatives, if a user has already seen that test they will get the same alternative as before, which you can use to split your code on. It can be used to render different templates, show different text or any other case based logic. `ab_finished` is used to make a completion of an experiment, or conversion. Example: View ```erb <% ab_test(:login_button, "/images/button1.jpg", "/images/button2.jpg") do |button_file| %> <%= image_tag(button_file, alt: "Login!") %> <% end %> ``` Example: Controller ```ruby def register_new_user # See what level of free points maximizes users' decision to buy replacement points. @starter_points = ab_test(:new_user_free_points, '100', '200', '300') end ``` Example: Conversion tracking (in a controller!) ```ruby def buy_new_points # some business logic ab_finished(:new_user_free_points) end ``` Example: Conversion tracking (in a view) ```erb Thanks for signing up, dude! <% ab_finished(:signup_page_redesign) %> ``` You can find more examples, tutorials and guides on the [wiki]( ## Statistical Validity Split has two options for you to use to determine which alternative is the best. The first option (default on the dashboard) uses a z test (n>30) for the difference between your control and alternative conversion rates to calculate statistical significance. This test will tell you whether an alternative is better or worse than your control, but it will not distinguish between which alternative is the best in an experiment with multiple alternatives. Split will only tell you if your experiment is 90%, 95%, or 99% significant, and this test only works if you have more than 30 participants and 5 conversions for each branch. As per this [blog post]( on the pitfalls of A/B testing, it is highly recommended that you determine your requisite sample size for each branch before running the experiment. Otherwise, you'll have an increased rate of false positives (experiments which show a significant effect where really there is none). [Here]( is a sample size calculator for your convenience. The second option uses simulations from a beta distribution to determine the probability that the given alternative is the winner compared to all other alternatives. You can view these probabilities by clicking on the drop-down menu labeled "Confidence." This option should be used when the experiment has more than just 1 control and 1 alternative. It can also be used for a simple, 2-alternative A/B test. Calculating the beta-distribution simulations for a large number of experiments can be slow, so the results are cached. You can specify how often they should be recalculated (the default is once per day). ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.winning_alternative_recalculation_interval = 3600 # 1 hour end ``` ## Extras ### Weighted alternatives Perhaps you only want to show an alternative to 10% of your visitors because it is very experimental or not yet fully load tested. To do this you can pass a weight with each alternative in the following ways: ```ruby ab_test(:homepage_design, {'Old' => 18}, {'New' => 2}) ab_test(:homepage_design, 'Old', {'New' => 1.0/9}) ab_test(:homepage_design, {'Old' => 9}, 'New') ``` This will only show the new alternative to visitors 1 in 10 times, the default weight for an alternative is 1. ### Overriding alternatives For development and testing, you may wish to force your app to always return an alternative. You can do this by passing it as a parameter in the url. If you have an experiment called `button_color` with alternatives called `red` and `blue` used on your homepage, a url such as:[button_color]=red will always have red buttons. This won't be stored in your session or count towards to results, unless you set the `store_override` configuration option. In the event you want to disable all tests without having to know the individual experiment names, add a `SPLIT_DISABLE` query parameter. It is not required to send `SPLIT_DISABLE=false` to activate Split. ### Rspec Helper To aid testing with RSpec, write `spec/support/split_helper.rb` and call `use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment)` in your specs as instructed below: ```ruby # Create a file with these contents at 'spec/support/split_helper.rb' # and ensure it is `require`d in your rails_helper.rb or spec_helper.rb module SplitHelper # Force a specific experiment alternative to always be returned: # use_ab_test(signup_form: "single_page") # # Force alternatives for multiple experiments: # use_ab_test(signup_form: "single_page", pricing: "show_enterprise_prices") # def use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment) allow_any_instance_of(Split::Helper).to receive(:ab_test) do |_receiver, experiment, &block| variant = alternatives_by_experiment.fetch(experiment) { |key| raise "Unknown experiment '#{key}'" } unless block.nil? variant end end end # Make the `use_ab_test` method available to all specs: RSpec.configure do |config| config.include SplitHelper end ``` Now you can call `use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment)` in your specs, for example: ```ruby it "registers using experimental signup" do use_ab_test experiment_name: "alternative_name" post "/signups" ... end ``` ### Starting experiments manually By default new A/B tests will be active right after deployment. In case you would like to start new test a while after the deploy, you can do it by setting the `start_manually` configuration option to `true`. After choosing this option tests won't be started right after deploy, but after pressing the `Start` button in Split admin dashboard. If a test is deleted from the Split dashboard, then it can only be started after pressing the `Start` button whenever being re-initialized. ### Reset after completion When a user completes a test their session is reset so that they may start the test again in the future. To stop this behaviour you can pass the following option to the `ab_finished` method: ```ruby ab_finished(:experiment_name, reset: false) ``` The user will then always see the alternative they started with. Any old unfinished experiment key will be deleted from the user's data storage if the experiment had been removed or is over and a winner had been chosen. This allows a user to enroll into any new experiment in cases when the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option is set to `false`. ### Reset experiments manually By default Split automatically resets the experiment whenever it detects the configuration for an experiment has changed (e.g. you call `ab_test` with different alternatives). You can prevent this by setting the option `reset_manually` to `true`. You may want to do this when you want to change something, like the variants' names, the metadata about an experiment, etc. without resetting everything. ### Multiple experiments at once By default Split will avoid users participating in multiple experiments at once. This means you are less likely to skew results by adding in more variation to your tests. To stop this behaviour and allow users to participate in multiple experiments at once set the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option to true like so: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = true end ``` This will allow the user to participate in any number of experiments and belong to any alternative in each experiment. This has the possible downside of a variation in one experiment influencing the outcome of another. To address this, setting the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option to 'control' like so: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = 'control' end ``` For this to work, each and every experiment you define must have an alternative named 'control'. This will allow the user to participate in multiple experiments as long as the user belongs to the alternative 'control' in each experiment. As soon as the user belongs to an alternative named something other than 'control' the user may not participate in any more experiments. Calling ab_test(<other experiments>) will always return the first alternative without adding the user to that experiment. ### Experiment Persistence Split comes with three built-in persistence adapters for storing users and the alternatives they've been given for each experiment. By default Split will store the tests for each user in the session. You can optionally configure Split to use a cookie, Redis, or any custom adapter of your choosing. #### Cookies ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = :cookie end ``` When using the cookie persistence, Split stores data into an anonymous tracking cookie named 'split', which expires in 1 year. To change that, set the `persistence_cookie_length` in the configuration (unit of time in seconds). ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = :cookie config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 # 30 days end ``` The data stored consists of the experiment name and the variants the user is in. Example: { "experiment_name" => "variant_a" } __Note:__ Using cookies depends on `ActionDispatch::Cookies` or any identical API #### Redis Using Redis will allow ab_users to persist across sessions or machines. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: -> (context) { context.current_user_id }) # Equivalent # config.persistence = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: :current_user_id) end ``` Options: * `lookup_by`: method to invoke per request for uniquely identifying ab_users (mandatory configuration) * `namespace`: separate namespace to store these persisted values (default "persistence") * `expire_seconds`: sets TTL for user key. (if a user is in multiple experiments most recent update will reset TTL for all their assignments) #### Dual Adapter The Dual Adapter allows the use of different persistence adapters for logged-in and logged-out users. A common use case is to use Redis for logged-in users and Cookies for logged-out users. ```ruby cookie_adapter = Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter redis_adapter = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config( lookup_by: -> (context) { context.send(:current_user).try(:id) }, expire_seconds: 2592000) Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = Split::Persistence::DualAdapter.with_config( logged_in: -> (context) { !context.send(:current_user).try(:id).nil? }, logged_in_adapter: redis_adapter, logged_out_adapter: cookie_adapter) config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 # 30 days end You can even use Devise or any other Warden-based authentication method to authorize users. Just replace `mount Split::Dashboard, :at => 'split'` in `config/routes.rb` with the following: ```ruby match "/split" => Split::Dashboard, anchor: false, via: [:get, :post], constraints: -> (request) do request.env['warden'].authenticated? # are we authenticated? request.env['warden'].authenticate! # authenticate if not already # or even check any other condition such as request.env['warden'].user.is_admin? ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = YourCustomAdapterClass end ``` ### Trial Event Hooks You can define methods that will be called at the same time as experiment alternative participation and goal completion. For example: ``` ruby Split.configure do |config| config.on_trial = :log_trial # run on every trial config.on_trial_choose = :log_trial_choose # run on trials with new users only config.on_trial_complete = :log_trial_complete end ``` Set these attributes to a method name available in the same context as the `ab_test` method. These methods should accept one argument, a `Trial` instance. ``` ruby def log_trial(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end def log_trial_choose(trial) "[new user] experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end def log_trial_complete(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s complete=true" % [, trial.alternative, ] end ``` #### Views If you are running `ab_test` from a view, you must define your event hook callback as a [helper_method]( in the controller: ``` ruby helper_method :log_trial_choose def log_trial_choose(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end ``` ### Experiment Hooks You can assign a proc that will be called when an experiment is reset or deleted. You can use these hooks to call methods within your application to keep data related to experiments in sync with Split. For example: ``` ruby Split.configure do |config| # after experiment reset or deleted config.on_experiment_reset = -> (example) { # Do something on reset } config.on_experiment_delete = -> (experiment) { # Do something else on delete } # before experiment reset or deleted config.on_before_experiment_reset = -> (example) { # Do something on reset } config.on_before_experiment_delete = -> (experiment) { # Do something else on delete } # after experiment winner had been set config.on_experiment_winner_choose = -> (experiment) { # Do something on winner choose } end ``` ## Web Interface Split comes with a Sinatra-based front end to get an overview of how your experiments are doing. If you are running Rails 2: You can mount this inside your app using Rack::URLMap in your `` ```ruby require 'split/dashboard' run \ "/" =>, "/split" => ``` However, if you are using Rails 3 or higher: You can mount this inside your app routes by first adding this to the Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'split', require: 'split/dashboard' ``` Then adding this to config/routes.rb ```ruby mount Split::Dashboard, at: 'split' ``` You may want to password protect that page, you can do so with `Rack::Auth::Basic` (in your split initializer file) ```ruby # Rails apps or apps that already depend on activesupport Split::Dashboard.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password| # Protect against timing attacks: # - Use & (do not use &&) so that it doesn't short circuit. # - Use digests to stop length information leaking ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_USERNAME"])) & ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_PASSWORD"])) end # Apps without activesupport Split::Dashboard.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password| # Protect against timing attacks: # - Use & (do not use &&) so that it doesn't short circuit. # - Use digests to stop length information leaking Rack::Utils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_USERNAME"])) & Rack::Utils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_PASSWORD"])) end ``` You can even use Devise or any other Warden-based authentication method to authorize users. Just replace `mount Split::Dashboard, :at => 'split'` in `config/routes.rb` with the following: ```ruby match "/split" => Split::Dashboard, anchor: false, via: [:get, :post, :delete], constraints: -> (request) do request.env['warden'].authenticated? # are we authenticated? request.env['warden'].authenticate! # authenticate if not already # or even check any other condition such as request.env['warden'].user.is_admin? end ``` More information on this [here]( ### Screenshot ![split_screenshot]( ## Configuration You can override the default configuration options of Split like so: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover = true # handle Redis errors gracefully config.db_failover_on_db_error = -> (error) { Rails.logger.error(error.message) } config.allow_multiple_experiments = true config.enabled = true config.persistence = Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter #config.start_manually = false ## new test will have to be started manually from the admin panel. default false #config.reset_manually = false ## if true, it never resets the experiment data, even if the configuration changes config.include_rails_helper = true config.redis = "redis://custom.redis.url:6380" end ``` Split looks for the Redis host in the environment variable `REDIS_URL` then defaults to `redis://localhost:6379` if not specified by configure block. On platforms like Heroku, Split will use the value of `REDIS_PROVIDER` to determine which env variable key to use when retrieving the host config. This defaults to `REDIS_URL`. ### Filtering In most scenarios you don't want to have AB-Testing enabled for web spiders, robots or special groups of users. Split provides functionality to filter this based on a predefined, extensible list of bots, IP-lists or custom exclude logic. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| # bot config config.robot_regex = /my_custom_robot_regex/ # or config.bots['newbot'] = "Description for bot with 'newbot' user agent, which will be added to config.robot_regex for exclusion" # IP config config.ignore_ip_addresses << '' # or regex: /81\.19\.48\.[0-9]+/ # or provide your own filter functionality, the default is proc{ |request| is_robot? || is_ignored_ip_address? || is_preview? } config.ignore_filter = -> (request) { CustomExcludeLogic.excludes?(request) } end ``` ### Experiment configuration Instead of providing the experiment options inline, you can store them in a hash. This hash can control your experiment's alternatives, weights, algorithm and if the experiment resets once finished: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], resettable: false }, :my_second_experiment => { algorithm: 'Split::Algorithms::Whiplash', alternatives: [ { name: "a", percent: 67 }, { name: "b", percent: 33 } ] } } end ``` You can also store your experiments in a YAML file: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = YAML.load_file "config/experiments.yml" end ``` You can then define the YAML file like: ```yaml my_first_experiment: alternatives: - a - b my_second_experiment: alternatives: - name: a percent: 67 - name: b percent: 33 resettable: false ``` This simplifies the calls from your code: ```ruby ab_test(:my_first_experiment) ``` and: ```ruby ab_finished(:my_first_experiment) ``` You can also add meta data for each experiment, which is very useful when you need more than an alternative name to change behaviour: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], metadata: { "a" => {"text" => "Have a fantastic day"}, "b" => {"text" => "Don't get hit by a bus"} } } } end ``` ```yaml my_first_experiment: alternatives: - a - b metadata: a: text: "Have a fantastic day" b: text: "Don't get hit by a bus" ``` This allows for some advanced experiment configuration using methods like: ```ruby # => "a" trial.metadata['text'] # => "Have a fantastic day" ``` or in views: ```erb <% ab_test("my_first_experiment") do |alternative, meta| %> <%= alternative %> <small><%= meta['text'] %></small> <% end %> ``` The keys used in meta data should be Strings #### Metrics You might wish to track generic metrics, such as conversions, and use those to complete multiple different experiments without adding more to your code. You can use the configuration hash to do this, thanks to the `:metric` option. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], metric: :my_metric } } end ``` Your code may then track a completion using the metric instead of the experiment name: ```ruby ab_finished(:my_metric) ``` You can also create a new metric by instantiating and saving a new Metric object. ```ruby ``` #### Goals You might wish to allow an experiment to have multiple, distinguishable goals. The API to define goals for an experiment is this: ```ruby ab_test({link_color: ["purchase", "refund"]}, "red", "blue") ``` or you can define them in a configuration file: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { link_color: { alternatives: ["red", "blue"], goals: ["purchase", "refund"] } } end ``` To complete a goal conversion, you do it like: ```ruby ab_finished(link_color: "purchase") ``` Note that if you pass additional options, that should be a separate hash: ```ruby ab_finished({ link_color: "purchase" }, reset: false) ``` **NOTE:** This does not mean that a single experiment can complete more than one goal. Once you finish one of the goals, the test is considered to be completed, and finishing the other goal will no longer register. (Assuming the test runs with `reset: false`.) **Good Example**: Test if listing Plan A first result in more conversions to Plan A (goal: "plana_conversion") or Plan B (goal: "planb_conversion"). **Bad Example**: Test if button color increases conversion rate through multiple steps of a funnel. THIS WILL NOT WORK. **Bad Example**: Test both how button color affects signup *and* how it affects login, at the same time. THIS WILL NOT WORK. #### Combined Experiments If you want to test how button color affects signup *and* how it affects login at the same time, use combined experiments. Configure like so: ```ruby Split.configuration.experiments = { :button_color_experiment => { :alternatives => ["blue", "green"], :combined_experiments => ["button_color_on_signup", "button_color_on_login"] } } ``` Starting the combined test starts all combined experiments ```ruby ab_combined_test(:button_color_experiment) ``` Finish each combined test as normal ```ruby ab_finished(:button_color_on_login) ab_finished(:button_color_on_signup) ``` **Additional Configuration**: * Be sure to enable `allow_multiple_experiments` * In Sinatra include the CombinedExperimentsHelper ``` helpers Split::CombinedExperimentsHelper ``` ### DB failover solution Due to the fact that Redis has no automatic failover mechanism, it's possible to switch on the `db_failover` config option, so that `ab_test` and `ab_finished` will not crash in case of a db failure. `ab_test` always delivers alternative A (the first one) in that case. It's also possible to set a `db_failover_on_db_error` callback (proc) for example to log these errors via Rails.logger. ### Redis You may want to change the Redis host and port Split connects to, or set various other options at startup. Split has a `redis` setter which can be given a string or a Redis object. This means if you're already using Redis in your app, Split can re-use the existing connection. String: `Split.redis = 'redis://localhost:6379'` Redis: `Split.redis = $redis` For our rails app we have a `config/initializers/split.rb` file where we load `config/split.yml` by hand and set the Redis information appropriately. Here's our `config/split.yml`: ```yml development: redis://localhost:6379 test: redis://localhost:6379 staging: redis:// fi: redis://localhost:6379 production: redis:// ``` And our initializer: ```ruby split_config = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config', 'split.yml')) Split.redis = split_config[Rails.env] ``` ### Redis Caching (v4.0+) In some high-volume usage scenarios, Redis load can be incurred by repeated fetches for fairly static data. Enabling caching will reduce this load. ```ruby Split.configuration.cache = true ```` This currently caches: - `Split::ExperimentCatalog.find` - `Split::Experiment.start_time` - `Split::Experiment.winner` ## Namespaces If you're running multiple, separate instances of Split you may want to namespace the keyspaces so they do not overlap. This is not unlike the approach taken by many memcached clients. This feature can be provided by the [redis-namespace]( library. To configure Split to use `Redis::Namespace`, do the following: 1. Add `redis-namespace` to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'redis-namespace' ``` 2. Configure `Split.redis` to use a `Redis::Namespace` instance (possible in an initializer): ```ruby redis = ENV['REDIS_URL']) # or whatever config you want Split.redis =, redis: redis) ``` ## Outside of a Web Session Split provides the Helper module to facilitate running experiments inside web sessions. Alternatively, you can access the underlying Metric, Trial, Experiment and Alternative objects to conduct experiments that are not tied to a web session. ```ruby # create a new experiment experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create('color', 'red', 'blue') # create a new trial trial = => experiment) # run trial trial.choose! # get the result, returns either red or blue # if the goal has been achieved, increment the successful completions for this alternative. if goal_achieved? trial.complete! end ``` ## Algorithms By default, Split ships with `Split::Algorithms::WeightedSample` that randomly selects from possible alternatives for a traditional a/b test. It is possible to specify static weights to favor certain alternatives. `Split::Algorithms::Whiplash` is an implementation of a [multi-armed bandit algorithm]( This algorithm will automatically weight the alternatives based on their relative performance, choosing the better-performing ones more often as trials are completed. `Split::Algorithms::BlockRandomization` is an algorithm that ensures equal participation across all alternatives. This algorithm will choose the alternative with the fewest participants. In the event of multiple minimum participant alternatives (i.e. starting a new "Block") the algorithm will choose a random alternative from those minimum participant alternatives. Users may also write their own algorithms. The default algorithm may be specified globally in the configuration file, or on a per experiment basis using the experiments hash of the configuration file. To change the algorithm globally for all experiments, use the following in your initializer: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash end ``` ## Extensions - [Split::Export]( - Easily export A/B test data out of Split. - [Split::Analytics]( - Push test data to Google Analytics. - [Split::Mongoid]( - Store experiment data in mongoid (still uses redis). - [Split::Cacheable]( - Automatically create cache buckets per test. - [Split::Counters]( - Add counters per experiment and alternative. - [Split::Cli]( - A CLI to trigger Split A/B tests. ## Screencast Ryan bates has produced an excellent 10 minute screencast about split on the Railscasts site: [A/B Testing with Split]( ## Blogposts * [Recipe: A/B testing with KISSMetrics and the split gem]( * [Rails A/B testing with Split on Heroku]( ## Backers Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. 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Over 70 different people have contributed to the project, you can see them all here: ### Development The source code is hosted at [GitHub]( Report issues and feature requests on [GitHub Issues]( You can find a discussion form on [Google Groups]( ### Tests Run the tests like this: # Start a Redis server in another tab. redis-server bundle rake spec ### A Note on Patches and Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Add documentation if necessary. * Commit. Do not mess with the rakefile, version, or history. (If you want to have your own version, that is fine. But bump the version in a commit by itself, which I can ignore when I pull.) * Send a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. ### Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. ## Copyright [MIT License](LICENSE) © 2019 [Andrew Nesbitt]( <MSG> Update Warden Authentication Example to include :delete. This is necessary in order to allow Delete Experiment from the Admin panel <DFF> @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ end You can even use Devise or any other Warden-based authentication method to authorize users. Just replace `mount Split::Dashboard, :at => 'split'` in `config/routes.rb` with the following: ```ruby -match "/split" => Split::Dashboard, anchor: false, via: [:get, :post], constraints: -> (request) do +match "/split" => Split::Dashboard, anchor: false, via: [:get, :post, :delete], constraints: -> (request) do request.env['warden'].authenticated? # are we authenticated? request.env['warden'].authenticate! # authenticate if not already # or even check any other condition such as request.env['warden'].user.is_admin?
Update Warden Authentication Example to include :delete.
<NME> <BEF> # [Split]( [![Gem Version](]( ![Build status]( [![Code Climate](]( [![Test Coverage](]( [![standard-readme compliant](]( [![Open Source Helpers](]( > 📈 The Rack Based A/B testing framework Split is a rack based A/B testing framework designed to work with Rails, Sinatra or any other rack based app. Split is heavily inspired by the [Abingo]( and [Vanity]( Rails A/B testing plugins and [Resque]( in its use of Redis. Split is designed to be hacker friendly, allowing for maximum customisation and extensibility. ## Install ### Requirements Split v4.0+ is currently tested with Ruby >= 2.5 and Rails >= 5.2. If your project requires compatibility with Ruby 2.4.x or older Rails versions. You can try v3.0 or v0.8.0(for Ruby 1.9.3) Split uses Redis as a datastore. Split only supports Redis 4.0 or greater. If you're on OS X, Homebrew is the simplest way to install Redis: ```bash brew install redis redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf ``` You now have a Redis daemon running on port `6379`. ### Setup ```bash gem install split ``` #### Rails Adding `gem 'split'` to your Gemfile will autoload it when rails starts up, as long as you've configured Redis it will 'just work'. #### Sinatra To configure Sinatra with Split you need to enable sessions and mix in the helper methods. Add the following lines at the top of your Sinatra app: ```ruby require 'split' class MySinatraApp < Sinatra::Base enable :sessions helpers Split::Helper get '/' do ... end ``` ## Usage To begin your A/B test use the `ab_test` method, naming your experiment with the first argument and then the different alternatives which you wish to test on as the other arguments. `ab_test` returns one of the alternatives, if a user has already seen that test they will get the same alternative as before, which you can use to split your code on. It can be used to render different templates, show different text or any other case based logic. `ab_finished` is used to make a completion of an experiment, or conversion. Example: View ```erb <% ab_test(:login_button, "/images/button1.jpg", "/images/button2.jpg") do |button_file| %> <%= image_tag(button_file, alt: "Login!") %> <% end %> ``` Example: Controller ```ruby def register_new_user # See what level of free points maximizes users' decision to buy replacement points. @starter_points = ab_test(:new_user_free_points, '100', '200', '300') end ``` Example: Conversion tracking (in a controller!) ```ruby def buy_new_points # some business logic ab_finished(:new_user_free_points) end ``` Example: Conversion tracking (in a view) ```erb Thanks for signing up, dude! <% ab_finished(:signup_page_redesign) %> ``` You can find more examples, tutorials and guides on the [wiki]( ## Statistical Validity Split has two options for you to use to determine which alternative is the best. The first option (default on the dashboard) uses a z test (n>30) for the difference between your control and alternative conversion rates to calculate statistical significance. This test will tell you whether an alternative is better or worse than your control, but it will not distinguish between which alternative is the best in an experiment with multiple alternatives. Split will only tell you if your experiment is 90%, 95%, or 99% significant, and this test only works if you have more than 30 participants and 5 conversions for each branch. As per this [blog post]( on the pitfalls of A/B testing, it is highly recommended that you determine your requisite sample size for each branch before running the experiment. Otherwise, you'll have an increased rate of false positives (experiments which show a significant effect where really there is none). [Here]( is a sample size calculator for your convenience. The second option uses simulations from a beta distribution to determine the probability that the given alternative is the winner compared to all other alternatives. You can view these probabilities by clicking on the drop-down menu labeled "Confidence." This option should be used when the experiment has more than just 1 control and 1 alternative. It can also be used for a simple, 2-alternative A/B test. Calculating the beta-distribution simulations for a large number of experiments can be slow, so the results are cached. You can specify how often they should be recalculated (the default is once per day). ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.winning_alternative_recalculation_interval = 3600 # 1 hour end ``` ## Extras ### Weighted alternatives Perhaps you only want to show an alternative to 10% of your visitors because it is very experimental or not yet fully load tested. To do this you can pass a weight with each alternative in the following ways: ```ruby ab_test(:homepage_design, {'Old' => 18}, {'New' => 2}) ab_test(:homepage_design, 'Old', {'New' => 1.0/9}) ab_test(:homepage_design, {'Old' => 9}, 'New') ``` This will only show the new alternative to visitors 1 in 10 times, the default weight for an alternative is 1. ### Overriding alternatives For development and testing, you may wish to force your app to always return an alternative. You can do this by passing it as a parameter in the url. If you have an experiment called `button_color` with alternatives called `red` and `blue` used on your homepage, a url such as:[button_color]=red will always have red buttons. This won't be stored in your session or count towards to results, unless you set the `store_override` configuration option. In the event you want to disable all tests without having to know the individual experiment names, add a `SPLIT_DISABLE` query parameter. It is not required to send `SPLIT_DISABLE=false` to activate Split. ### Rspec Helper To aid testing with RSpec, write `spec/support/split_helper.rb` and call `use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment)` in your specs as instructed below: ```ruby # Create a file with these contents at 'spec/support/split_helper.rb' # and ensure it is `require`d in your rails_helper.rb or spec_helper.rb module SplitHelper # Force a specific experiment alternative to always be returned: # use_ab_test(signup_form: "single_page") # # Force alternatives for multiple experiments: # use_ab_test(signup_form: "single_page", pricing: "show_enterprise_prices") # def use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment) allow_any_instance_of(Split::Helper).to receive(:ab_test) do |_receiver, experiment, &block| variant = alternatives_by_experiment.fetch(experiment) { |key| raise "Unknown experiment '#{key}'" } unless block.nil? variant end end end # Make the `use_ab_test` method available to all specs: RSpec.configure do |config| config.include SplitHelper end ``` Now you can call `use_ab_test(alternatives_by_experiment)` in your specs, for example: ```ruby it "registers using experimental signup" do use_ab_test experiment_name: "alternative_name" post "/signups" ... end ``` ### Starting experiments manually By default new A/B tests will be active right after deployment. In case you would like to start new test a while after the deploy, you can do it by setting the `start_manually` configuration option to `true`. After choosing this option tests won't be started right after deploy, but after pressing the `Start` button in Split admin dashboard. If a test is deleted from the Split dashboard, then it can only be started after pressing the `Start` button whenever being re-initialized. ### Reset after completion When a user completes a test their session is reset so that they may start the test again in the future. To stop this behaviour you can pass the following option to the `ab_finished` method: ```ruby ab_finished(:experiment_name, reset: false) ``` The user will then always see the alternative they started with. Any old unfinished experiment key will be deleted from the user's data storage if the experiment had been removed or is over and a winner had been chosen. This allows a user to enroll into any new experiment in cases when the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option is set to `false`. ### Reset experiments manually By default Split automatically resets the experiment whenever it detects the configuration for an experiment has changed (e.g. you call `ab_test` with different alternatives). You can prevent this by setting the option `reset_manually` to `true`. You may want to do this when you want to change something, like the variants' names, the metadata about an experiment, etc. without resetting everything. ### Multiple experiments at once By default Split will avoid users participating in multiple experiments at once. This means you are less likely to skew results by adding in more variation to your tests. To stop this behaviour and allow users to participate in multiple experiments at once set the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option to true like so: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = true end ``` This will allow the user to participate in any number of experiments and belong to any alternative in each experiment. This has the possible downside of a variation in one experiment influencing the outcome of another. To address this, setting the `allow_multiple_experiments` config option to 'control' like so: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = 'control' end ``` For this to work, each and every experiment you define must have an alternative named 'control'. This will allow the user to participate in multiple experiments as long as the user belongs to the alternative 'control' in each experiment. As soon as the user belongs to an alternative named something other than 'control' the user may not participate in any more experiments. Calling ab_test(<other experiments>) will always return the first alternative without adding the user to that experiment. ### Experiment Persistence Split comes with three built-in persistence adapters for storing users and the alternatives they've been given for each experiment. By default Split will store the tests for each user in the session. You can optionally configure Split to use a cookie, Redis, or any custom adapter of your choosing. #### Cookies ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = :cookie end ``` When using the cookie persistence, Split stores data into an anonymous tracking cookie named 'split', which expires in 1 year. To change that, set the `persistence_cookie_length` in the configuration (unit of time in seconds). ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = :cookie config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 # 30 days end ``` The data stored consists of the experiment name and the variants the user is in. Example: { "experiment_name" => "variant_a" } __Note:__ Using cookies depends on `ActionDispatch::Cookies` or any identical API #### Redis Using Redis will allow ab_users to persist across sessions or machines. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: -> (context) { context.current_user_id }) # Equivalent # config.persistence = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(lookup_by: :current_user_id) end ``` Options: * `lookup_by`: method to invoke per request for uniquely identifying ab_users (mandatory configuration) * `namespace`: separate namespace to store these persisted values (default "persistence") * `expire_seconds`: sets TTL for user key. (if a user is in multiple experiments most recent update will reset TTL for all their assignments) #### Dual Adapter The Dual Adapter allows the use of different persistence adapters for logged-in and logged-out users. A common use case is to use Redis for logged-in users and Cookies for logged-out users. ```ruby cookie_adapter = Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter redis_adapter = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config( lookup_by: -> (context) { context.send(:current_user).try(:id) }, expire_seconds: 2592000) Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = Split::Persistence::DualAdapter.with_config( logged_in: -> (context) { !context.send(:current_user).try(:id).nil? }, logged_in_adapter: redis_adapter, logged_out_adapter: cookie_adapter) config.persistence_cookie_length = 2592000 # 30 days end You can even use Devise or any other Warden-based authentication method to authorize users. Just replace `mount Split::Dashboard, :at => 'split'` in `config/routes.rb` with the following: ```ruby match "/split" => Split::Dashboard, anchor: false, via: [:get, :post], constraints: -> (request) do request.env['warden'].authenticated? # are we authenticated? request.env['warden'].authenticate! # authenticate if not already # or even check any other condition such as request.env['warden'].user.is_admin? ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.persistence = YourCustomAdapterClass end ``` ### Trial Event Hooks You can define methods that will be called at the same time as experiment alternative participation and goal completion. For example: ``` ruby Split.configure do |config| config.on_trial = :log_trial # run on every trial config.on_trial_choose = :log_trial_choose # run on trials with new users only config.on_trial_complete = :log_trial_complete end ``` Set these attributes to a method name available in the same context as the `ab_test` method. These methods should accept one argument, a `Trial` instance. ``` ruby def log_trial(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end def log_trial_choose(trial) "[new user] experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end def log_trial_complete(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s complete=true" % [, trial.alternative, ] end ``` #### Views If you are running `ab_test` from a view, you must define your event hook callback as a [helper_method]( in the controller: ``` ruby helper_method :log_trial_choose def log_trial_choose(trial) "experiment=%s alternative=%s user=%s" % [, trial.alternative, ] end ``` ### Experiment Hooks You can assign a proc that will be called when an experiment is reset or deleted. You can use these hooks to call methods within your application to keep data related to experiments in sync with Split. For example: ``` ruby Split.configure do |config| # after experiment reset or deleted config.on_experiment_reset = -> (example) { # Do something on reset } config.on_experiment_delete = -> (experiment) { # Do something else on delete } # before experiment reset or deleted config.on_before_experiment_reset = -> (example) { # Do something on reset } config.on_before_experiment_delete = -> (experiment) { # Do something else on delete } # after experiment winner had been set config.on_experiment_winner_choose = -> (experiment) { # Do something on winner choose } end ``` ## Web Interface Split comes with a Sinatra-based front end to get an overview of how your experiments are doing. If you are running Rails 2: You can mount this inside your app using Rack::URLMap in your `` ```ruby require 'split/dashboard' run \ "/" =>, "/split" => ``` However, if you are using Rails 3 or higher: You can mount this inside your app routes by first adding this to the Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'split', require: 'split/dashboard' ``` Then adding this to config/routes.rb ```ruby mount Split::Dashboard, at: 'split' ``` You may want to password protect that page, you can do so with `Rack::Auth::Basic` (in your split initializer file) ```ruby # Rails apps or apps that already depend on activesupport Split::Dashboard.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password| # Protect against timing attacks: # - Use & (do not use &&) so that it doesn't short circuit. # - Use digests to stop length information leaking ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_USERNAME"])) & ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_PASSWORD"])) end # Apps without activesupport Split::Dashboard.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password| # Protect against timing attacks: # - Use & (do not use &&) so that it doesn't short circuit. # - Use digests to stop length information leaking Rack::Utils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_USERNAME"])) & Rack::Utils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SPLIT_PASSWORD"])) end ``` You can even use Devise or any other Warden-based authentication method to authorize users. Just replace `mount Split::Dashboard, :at => 'split'` in `config/routes.rb` with the following: ```ruby match "/split" => Split::Dashboard, anchor: false, via: [:get, :post, :delete], constraints: -> (request) do request.env['warden'].authenticated? # are we authenticated? request.env['warden'].authenticate! # authenticate if not already # or even check any other condition such as request.env['warden'].user.is_admin? end ``` More information on this [here]( ### Screenshot ![split_screenshot]( ## Configuration You can override the default configuration options of Split like so: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover = true # handle Redis errors gracefully config.db_failover_on_db_error = -> (error) { Rails.logger.error(error.message) } config.allow_multiple_experiments = true config.enabled = true config.persistence = Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter #config.start_manually = false ## new test will have to be started manually from the admin panel. default false #config.reset_manually = false ## if true, it never resets the experiment data, even if the configuration changes config.include_rails_helper = true config.redis = "redis://custom.redis.url:6380" end ``` Split looks for the Redis host in the environment variable `REDIS_URL` then defaults to `redis://localhost:6379` if not specified by configure block. On platforms like Heroku, Split will use the value of `REDIS_PROVIDER` to determine which env variable key to use when retrieving the host config. This defaults to `REDIS_URL`. ### Filtering In most scenarios you don't want to have AB-Testing enabled for web spiders, robots or special groups of users. Split provides functionality to filter this based on a predefined, extensible list of bots, IP-lists or custom exclude logic. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| # bot config config.robot_regex = /my_custom_robot_regex/ # or config.bots['newbot'] = "Description for bot with 'newbot' user agent, which will be added to config.robot_regex for exclusion" # IP config config.ignore_ip_addresses << '' # or regex: /81\.19\.48\.[0-9]+/ # or provide your own filter functionality, the default is proc{ |request| is_robot? || is_ignored_ip_address? || is_preview? } config.ignore_filter = -> (request) { CustomExcludeLogic.excludes?(request) } end ``` ### Experiment configuration Instead of providing the experiment options inline, you can store them in a hash. This hash can control your experiment's alternatives, weights, algorithm and if the experiment resets once finished: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], resettable: false }, :my_second_experiment => { algorithm: 'Split::Algorithms::Whiplash', alternatives: [ { name: "a", percent: 67 }, { name: "b", percent: 33 } ] } } end ``` You can also store your experiments in a YAML file: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = YAML.load_file "config/experiments.yml" end ``` You can then define the YAML file like: ```yaml my_first_experiment: alternatives: - a - b my_second_experiment: alternatives: - name: a percent: 67 - name: b percent: 33 resettable: false ``` This simplifies the calls from your code: ```ruby ab_test(:my_first_experiment) ``` and: ```ruby ab_finished(:my_first_experiment) ``` You can also add meta data for each experiment, which is very useful when you need more than an alternative name to change behaviour: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], metadata: { "a" => {"text" => "Have a fantastic day"}, "b" => {"text" => "Don't get hit by a bus"} } } } end ``` ```yaml my_first_experiment: alternatives: - a - b metadata: a: text: "Have a fantastic day" b: text: "Don't get hit by a bus" ``` This allows for some advanced experiment configuration using methods like: ```ruby # => "a" trial.metadata['text'] # => "Have a fantastic day" ``` or in views: ```erb <% ab_test("my_first_experiment") do |alternative, meta| %> <%= alternative %> <small><%= meta['text'] %></small> <% end %> ``` The keys used in meta data should be Strings #### Metrics You might wish to track generic metrics, such as conversions, and use those to complete multiple different experiments without adding more to your code. You can use the configuration hash to do this, thanks to the `:metric` option. ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { my_first_experiment: { alternatives: ["a", "b"], metric: :my_metric } } end ``` Your code may then track a completion using the metric instead of the experiment name: ```ruby ab_finished(:my_metric) ``` You can also create a new metric by instantiating and saving a new Metric object. ```ruby ``` #### Goals You might wish to allow an experiment to have multiple, distinguishable goals. The API to define goals for an experiment is this: ```ruby ab_test({link_color: ["purchase", "refund"]}, "red", "blue") ``` or you can define them in a configuration file: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.experiments = { link_color: { alternatives: ["red", "blue"], goals: ["purchase", "refund"] } } end ``` To complete a goal conversion, you do it like: ```ruby ab_finished(link_color: "purchase") ``` Note that if you pass additional options, that should be a separate hash: ```ruby ab_finished({ link_color: "purchase" }, reset: false) ``` **NOTE:** This does not mean that a single experiment can complete more than one goal. Once you finish one of the goals, the test is considered to be completed, and finishing the other goal will no longer register. (Assuming the test runs with `reset: false`.) **Good Example**: Test if listing Plan A first result in more conversions to Plan A (goal: "plana_conversion") or Plan B (goal: "planb_conversion"). **Bad Example**: Test if button color increases conversion rate through multiple steps of a funnel. THIS WILL NOT WORK. **Bad Example**: Test both how button color affects signup *and* how it affects login, at the same time. THIS WILL NOT WORK. #### Combined Experiments If you want to test how button color affects signup *and* how it affects login at the same time, use combined experiments. Configure like so: ```ruby Split.configuration.experiments = { :button_color_experiment => { :alternatives => ["blue", "green"], :combined_experiments => ["button_color_on_signup", "button_color_on_login"] } } ``` Starting the combined test starts all combined experiments ```ruby ab_combined_test(:button_color_experiment) ``` Finish each combined test as normal ```ruby ab_finished(:button_color_on_login) ab_finished(:button_color_on_signup) ``` **Additional Configuration**: * Be sure to enable `allow_multiple_experiments` * In Sinatra include the CombinedExperimentsHelper ``` helpers Split::CombinedExperimentsHelper ``` ### DB failover solution Due to the fact that Redis has no automatic failover mechanism, it's possible to switch on the `db_failover` config option, so that `ab_test` and `ab_finished` will not crash in case of a db failure. `ab_test` always delivers alternative A (the first one) in that case. It's also possible to set a `db_failover_on_db_error` callback (proc) for example to log these errors via Rails.logger. ### Redis You may want to change the Redis host and port Split connects to, or set various other options at startup. Split has a `redis` setter which can be given a string or a Redis object. This means if you're already using Redis in your app, Split can re-use the existing connection. String: `Split.redis = 'redis://localhost:6379'` Redis: `Split.redis = $redis` For our rails app we have a `config/initializers/split.rb` file where we load `config/split.yml` by hand and set the Redis information appropriately. Here's our `config/split.yml`: ```yml development: redis://localhost:6379 test: redis://localhost:6379 staging: redis:// fi: redis://localhost:6379 production: redis:// ``` And our initializer: ```ruby split_config = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config', 'split.yml')) Split.redis = split_config[Rails.env] ``` ### Redis Caching (v4.0+) In some high-volume usage scenarios, Redis load can be incurred by repeated fetches for fairly static data. Enabling caching will reduce this load. ```ruby Split.configuration.cache = true ```` This currently caches: - `Split::ExperimentCatalog.find` - `Split::Experiment.start_time` - `Split::Experiment.winner` ## Namespaces If you're running multiple, separate instances of Split you may want to namespace the keyspaces so they do not overlap. This is not unlike the approach taken by many memcached clients. This feature can be provided by the [redis-namespace]( library. To configure Split to use `Redis::Namespace`, do the following: 1. Add `redis-namespace` to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'redis-namespace' ``` 2. Configure `Split.redis` to use a `Redis::Namespace` instance (possible in an initializer): ```ruby redis = ENV['REDIS_URL']) # or whatever config you want Split.redis =, redis: redis) ``` ## Outside of a Web Session Split provides the Helper module to facilitate running experiments inside web sessions. Alternatively, you can access the underlying Metric, Trial, Experiment and Alternative objects to conduct experiments that are not tied to a web session. ```ruby # create a new experiment experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create('color', 'red', 'blue') # create a new trial trial = => experiment) # run trial trial.choose! # get the result, returns either red or blue # if the goal has been achieved, increment the successful completions for this alternative. if goal_achieved? trial.complete! end ``` ## Algorithms By default, Split ships with `Split::Algorithms::WeightedSample` that randomly selects from possible alternatives for a traditional a/b test. It is possible to specify static weights to favor certain alternatives. `Split::Algorithms::Whiplash` is an implementation of a [multi-armed bandit algorithm]( This algorithm will automatically weight the alternatives based on their relative performance, choosing the better-performing ones more often as trials are completed. `Split::Algorithms::BlockRandomization` is an algorithm that ensures equal participation across all alternatives. This algorithm will choose the alternative with the fewest participants. In the event of multiple minimum participant alternatives (i.e. starting a new "Block") the algorithm will choose a random alternative from those minimum participant alternatives. Users may also write their own algorithms. The default algorithm may be specified globally in the configuration file, or on a per experiment basis using the experiments hash of the configuration file. To change the algorithm globally for all experiments, use the following in your initializer: ```ruby Split.configure do |config| config.algorithm = Split::Algorithms::Whiplash end ``` ## Extensions - [Split::Export]( - Easily export A/B test data out of Split. - [Split::Analytics]( - Push test data to Google Analytics. - [Split::Mongoid]( - Store experiment data in mongoid (still uses redis). - [Split::Cacheable]( - Automatically create cache buckets per test. - [Split::Counters]( - Add counters per experiment and alternative. - [Split::Cli]( - A CLI to trigger Split A/B tests. ## Screencast Ryan bates has produced an excellent 10 minute screencast about split on the Railscasts site: [A/B Testing with Split]( ## Blogposts * [Recipe: A/B testing with KISSMetrics and the split gem]( * [Rails A/B testing with Split on Heroku]( ## Backers Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. 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Over 70 different people have contributed to the project, you can see them all here: ### Development The source code is hosted at [GitHub]( Report issues and feature requests on [GitHub Issues]( You can find a discussion form on [Google Groups]( ### Tests Run the tests like this: # Start a Redis server in another tab. redis-server bundle rake spec ### A Note on Patches and Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Add documentation if necessary. * Commit. Do not mess with the rakefile, version, or history. (If you want to have your own version, that is fine. But bump the version in a commit by itself, which I can ignore when I pull.) * Send a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. ### Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. ## Copyright [MIT License](LICENSE) © 2019 [Andrew Nesbitt]( <MSG> Update Warden Authentication Example to include :delete. This is necessary in order to allow Delete Experiment from the Admin panel <DFF> @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ end You can even use Devise or any other Warden-based authentication method to authorize users. Just replace `mount Split::Dashboard, :at => 'split'` in `config/routes.rb` with the following: ```ruby -match "/split" => Split::Dashboard, anchor: false, via: [:get, :post], constraints: -> (request) do +match "/split" => Split::Dashboard, anchor: false, via: [:get, :post, :delete], constraints: -> (request) do request.env['warden'].authenticated? # are we authenticated? request.env['warden'].authenticate! # authenticate if not already # or even check any other condition such as request.env['warden'].user.is_admin?
Update Warden Authentication Example to include :delete.
<NME> trial_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "split/trial" describe Split::Trial do let(:user) { mock_user } let(:alternatives) { ["basket", "cart"] } let(:experiment) do"basket_text", alternatives: alternatives).save end describe "alternative" do it "should use the alternative if specified" do trial = experiment = mock('experiment'), alternative: alternative = mock('alternative')) trial.should_not_receive(:select_alternative) trial.alternative.should == alternative end it "should call select_alternative if nil" do trial = experiment = mock('experiment')) trial.should_receive(:select_alternative).and_return(alternative = mock('alternative')) trial.alternative.should == alternative end end end it "should load the alternative when the alternative name is set" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["basket", "cart"]) trial = experiment, alternative: "basket") expect( eq("basket") end end describe "metadata" do let(:metadata) { Hash[ { |k| [k, "Metadata for #{k}"] }] } let(:experiment) do"basket_text", alternatives: alternatives, metadata: metadata).save end it "has metadata on each trial" do trial = experiment, user: user, metadata: metadata["cart"], override: "cart") expect(trial.metadata).to eq(metadata["cart"]) end it "has metadata on each trial from the experiment" do trial = experiment, user: user) trial.choose! expect(trial.metadata).to eq(metadata[]) expect(trial.metadata).to match(/#{}/) end end describe "#choose!" do let(:context) { double(on_trial_callback: "test callback") } let(:trial) do user, experiment: experiment) end shared_examples_for "a trial with callbacks" do it "does not run if on_trial callback is not respondable" do Split.configuration.on_trial = :foo allow(context).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:foo, true).and_return false expect(context).to_not receive(:foo) trial.choose! context end it "runs on_trial callback" do Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback expect(context).to receive(:on_trial_callback) trial.choose! context end it "does not run nil on_trial callback" do Split.configuration.on_trial = nil expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) trial.choose! context end end def expect_alternative(trial, alternative_name) 3.times do trial.choose! context expect(alternative_name).to include( end end context "when override is present" do let(:override) { "cart" } let(:trial) do user, experiment: experiment, override: override) end it_behaves_like "a trial with callbacks" it "picks the override" do expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, override) end context "when alternative doesn't exist" do let(:override) { nil } it "falls back on next_alternative" do expect(experiment).to receive(:next_alternative).and_call_original expect_alternative(trial, alternatives) end end end context "when disabled option is true" do let(:trial) do user, experiment: experiment, disabled: true) end it "picks the control", :aggregate_failures do Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) expect_alternative(trial, "basket") Split.configuration.on_trial = nil end end context "when Split is globally disabled" do it "picks the control and does not run on_trial callbacks", :aggregate_failures do Split.configuration.enabled = false Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) expect_alternative(trial, "basket") Split.configuration.enabled = true Split.configuration.on_trial = nil end end context "when experiment has winner" do let(:trial) do user, experiment: experiment) end it_behaves_like "a trial with callbacks" it "picks the winner" do experiment.winner = "cart" expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, "cart") end end context "when exclude is true" do let(:trial) do user, experiment: experiment, exclude: true) end it_behaves_like "a trial with callbacks" it "picks the control" do expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, "basket") end end context "when user is already participating" do it_behaves_like "a trial with callbacks" it "picks the same alternative" do user[experiment.key] = "basket" expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, "basket") end context "when alternative is not found" do it "falls back on next_alternative" do user[experiment.key] = "notfound" expect(experiment).to receive(:next_alternative).and_call_original expect_alternative(trial, alternatives) end end end context "when user is a new participant" do it "picks a new alternative and runs on_trial_choose callback", :aggregate_failures do Split.configuration.on_trial_choose = :on_trial_choose_callback expect(experiment).to receive(:next_alternative).and_call_original expect(context).to receive(:on_trial_choose_callback) trial.choose! context expect( be_empty Split.configuration.on_trial_choose = nil end it "assigns user to an alternative" do trial.choose! context expect(alternatives).to include(user[]) end context "when cohorting is disabled" do before(:each) { allow(experiment).to receive(:cohorting_disabled?).and_return(true) } it "picks the control and does not run on_trial callbacks" do Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) expect_alternative(trial, "basket") Split.configuration.enabled = true Split.configuration.on_trial = nil end it "user is not assigned an alternative" do trial.choose! context expect(user[experiment]).to eq(nil) end end end end describe "#complete!" do context "when there are no goals" do let(:trial) { user, experiment: experiment) } it "should complete the trial" do trial.choose! old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count trial.complete! expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to eq(old_completed_count + 1) end end context "when there are many goals" do let(:goals) { [ "goal1", "goal2" ] } let(:trial) { user, experiment: experiment, goals: goals) } it "increments the completed count corresponding to the goals" do trial.choose! old_completed_counts = { |goal| [goal, trial.alternative.completed_count(goal)] }.to_h trial.complete! goals.each { | goal | expect(trial.alternative.completed_count(goal)).to eq(old_completed_counts[goal] + 1) } end end context "when there is 1 goal of type string" do let(:goal) { "goal" } let(:trial) { user, experiment: experiment, goals: goal) } it "increments the completed count corresponding to the goal" do trial.choose! old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count(goal) trial.complete! expect(trial.alternative.completed_count(goal)).to eq(old_completed_count + 1) end end end describe "alternative recording" do before(:each) { Split.configuration.store_override = false } context "when override is present" do it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, override: "basket") Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! expect(trial.alternative.participant_count).to eq(1) end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, override: "basket") expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when disabled is present" do it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, disabled: true) Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, disabled: true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when exclude is present" do it "does not store" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, exclude: true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when experiment has winner" do let(:trial) do experiment.winner = "cart" user, experiment: experiment) end it "does not store" do expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end end end <MSG> refactor trial model. <DFF> @@ -13,13 +13,15 @@ describe Split::Trial do describe "alternative" do it "should use the alternative if specified" do trial = experiment = mock('experiment'), alternative: alternative = mock('alternative')) - trial.should_not_receive(:select_alternative) + trial.should_not_receive(:choose) trial.alternative.should == alternative end it "should call select_alternative if nil" do trial = experiment = mock('experiment')) - trial.should_receive(:select_alternative).and_return(alternative = mock('alternative')) + trial.should_receive(:choose).and_return(alternative = mock('alternative')) + trial.choose! + trial.alternative.should == alternative end end
refactor trial model.
<NME> trial_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "split/trial" describe Split::Trial do let(:user) { mock_user } let(:alternatives) { ["basket", "cart"] } let(:experiment) do"basket_text", alternatives: alternatives).save end describe "alternative" do it "should use the alternative if specified" do trial = experiment = mock('experiment'), alternative: alternative = mock('alternative')) trial.should_not_receive(:select_alternative) trial.alternative.should == alternative end it "should call select_alternative if nil" do trial = experiment = mock('experiment')) trial.should_receive(:select_alternative).and_return(alternative = mock('alternative')) trial.alternative.should == alternative end end end it "should load the alternative when the alternative name is set" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["basket", "cart"]) trial = experiment, alternative: "basket") expect( eq("basket") end end describe "metadata" do let(:metadata) { Hash[ { |k| [k, "Metadata for #{k}"] }] } let(:experiment) do"basket_text", alternatives: alternatives, metadata: metadata).save end it "has metadata on each trial" do trial = experiment, user: user, metadata: metadata["cart"], override: "cart") expect(trial.metadata).to eq(metadata["cart"]) end it "has metadata on each trial from the experiment" do trial = experiment, user: user) trial.choose! expect(trial.metadata).to eq(metadata[]) expect(trial.metadata).to match(/#{}/) end end describe "#choose!" do let(:context) { double(on_trial_callback: "test callback") } let(:trial) do user, experiment: experiment) end shared_examples_for "a trial with callbacks" do it "does not run if on_trial callback is not respondable" do Split.configuration.on_trial = :foo allow(context).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:foo, true).and_return false expect(context).to_not receive(:foo) trial.choose! context end it "runs on_trial callback" do Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback expect(context).to receive(:on_trial_callback) trial.choose! context end it "does not run nil on_trial callback" do Split.configuration.on_trial = nil expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) trial.choose! context end end def expect_alternative(trial, alternative_name) 3.times do trial.choose! context expect(alternative_name).to include( end end context "when override is present" do let(:override) { "cart" } let(:trial) do user, experiment: experiment, override: override) end it_behaves_like "a trial with callbacks" it "picks the override" do expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, override) end context "when alternative doesn't exist" do let(:override) { nil } it "falls back on next_alternative" do expect(experiment).to receive(:next_alternative).and_call_original expect_alternative(trial, alternatives) end end end context "when disabled option is true" do let(:trial) do user, experiment: experiment, disabled: true) end it "picks the control", :aggregate_failures do Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) expect_alternative(trial, "basket") Split.configuration.on_trial = nil end end context "when Split is globally disabled" do it "picks the control and does not run on_trial callbacks", :aggregate_failures do Split.configuration.enabled = false Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) expect_alternative(trial, "basket") Split.configuration.enabled = true Split.configuration.on_trial = nil end end context "when experiment has winner" do let(:trial) do user, experiment: experiment) end it_behaves_like "a trial with callbacks" it "picks the winner" do experiment.winner = "cart" expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, "cart") end end context "when exclude is true" do let(:trial) do user, experiment: experiment, exclude: true) end it_behaves_like "a trial with callbacks" it "picks the control" do expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, "basket") end end context "when user is already participating" do it_behaves_like "a trial with callbacks" it "picks the same alternative" do user[experiment.key] = "basket" expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, "basket") end context "when alternative is not found" do it "falls back on next_alternative" do user[experiment.key] = "notfound" expect(experiment).to receive(:next_alternative).and_call_original expect_alternative(trial, alternatives) end end end context "when user is a new participant" do it "picks a new alternative and runs on_trial_choose callback", :aggregate_failures do Split.configuration.on_trial_choose = :on_trial_choose_callback expect(experiment).to receive(:next_alternative).and_call_original expect(context).to receive(:on_trial_choose_callback) trial.choose! context expect( be_empty Split.configuration.on_trial_choose = nil end it "assigns user to an alternative" do trial.choose! context expect(alternatives).to include(user[]) end context "when cohorting is disabled" do before(:each) { allow(experiment).to receive(:cohorting_disabled?).and_return(true) } it "picks the control and does not run on_trial callbacks" do Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) expect_alternative(trial, "basket") Split.configuration.enabled = true Split.configuration.on_trial = nil end it "user is not assigned an alternative" do trial.choose! context expect(user[experiment]).to eq(nil) end end end end describe "#complete!" do context "when there are no goals" do let(:trial) { user, experiment: experiment) } it "should complete the trial" do trial.choose! old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count trial.complete! expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to eq(old_completed_count + 1) end end context "when there are many goals" do let(:goals) { [ "goal1", "goal2" ] } let(:trial) { user, experiment: experiment, goals: goals) } it "increments the completed count corresponding to the goals" do trial.choose! old_completed_counts = { |goal| [goal, trial.alternative.completed_count(goal)] }.to_h trial.complete! goals.each { | goal | expect(trial.alternative.completed_count(goal)).to eq(old_completed_counts[goal] + 1) } end end context "when there is 1 goal of type string" do let(:goal) { "goal" } let(:trial) { user, experiment: experiment, goals: goal) } it "increments the completed count corresponding to the goal" do trial.choose! old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count(goal) trial.complete! expect(trial.alternative.completed_count(goal)).to eq(old_completed_count + 1) end end end describe "alternative recording" do before(:each) { Split.configuration.store_override = false } context "when override is present" do it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, override: "basket") Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! expect(trial.alternative.participant_count).to eq(1) end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, override: "basket") expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when disabled is present" do it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, disabled: true) Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, disabled: true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when exclude is present" do it "does not store" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, exclude: true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when experiment has winner" do let(:trial) do experiment.winner = "cart" user, experiment: experiment) end it "does not store" do expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end end end <MSG> refactor trial model. <DFF> @@ -13,13 +13,15 @@ describe Split::Trial do describe "alternative" do it "should use the alternative if specified" do trial = experiment = mock('experiment'), alternative: alternative = mock('alternative')) - trial.should_not_receive(:select_alternative) + trial.should_not_receive(:choose) trial.alternative.should == alternative end it "should call select_alternative if nil" do trial = experiment = mock('experiment')) - trial.should_receive(:select_alternative).and_return(alternative = mock('alternative')) + trial.should_receive(:choose).and_return(alternative = mock('alternative')) + trial.choose! + trial.alternative.should == alternative end end
refactor trial model.
<NME> trial_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "split/trial" describe Split::Trial do let(:user) { mock_user } let(:alternatives) { ["basket", "cart"] } let(:experiment) do"basket_text", alternatives: alternatives).save end describe "alternative" do it "should use the alternative if specified" do trial = experiment = mock('experiment'), alternative: alternative = mock('alternative')) trial.should_not_receive(:select_alternative) trial.alternative.should == alternative end it "should call select_alternative if nil" do trial = experiment = mock('experiment')) trial.should_receive(:select_alternative).and_return(alternative = mock('alternative')) trial.alternative.should == alternative end end end it "should load the alternative when the alternative name is set" do experiment ="basket_text", alternatives: ["basket", "cart"]) trial = experiment, alternative: "basket") expect( eq("basket") end end describe "metadata" do let(:metadata) { Hash[ { |k| [k, "Metadata for #{k}"] }] } let(:experiment) do"basket_text", alternatives: alternatives, metadata: metadata).save end it "has metadata on each trial" do trial = experiment, user: user, metadata: metadata["cart"], override: "cart") expect(trial.metadata).to eq(metadata["cart"]) end it "has metadata on each trial from the experiment" do trial = experiment, user: user) trial.choose! expect(trial.metadata).to eq(metadata[]) expect(trial.metadata).to match(/#{}/) end end describe "#choose!" do let(:context) { double(on_trial_callback: "test callback") } let(:trial) do user, experiment: experiment) end shared_examples_for "a trial with callbacks" do it "does not run if on_trial callback is not respondable" do Split.configuration.on_trial = :foo allow(context).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:foo, true).and_return false expect(context).to_not receive(:foo) trial.choose! context end it "runs on_trial callback" do Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback expect(context).to receive(:on_trial_callback) trial.choose! context end it "does not run nil on_trial callback" do Split.configuration.on_trial = nil expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) trial.choose! context end end def expect_alternative(trial, alternative_name) 3.times do trial.choose! context expect(alternative_name).to include( end end context "when override is present" do let(:override) { "cart" } let(:trial) do user, experiment: experiment, override: override) end it_behaves_like "a trial with callbacks" it "picks the override" do expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, override) end context "when alternative doesn't exist" do let(:override) { nil } it "falls back on next_alternative" do expect(experiment).to receive(:next_alternative).and_call_original expect_alternative(trial, alternatives) end end end context "when disabled option is true" do let(:trial) do user, experiment: experiment, disabled: true) end it "picks the control", :aggregate_failures do Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) expect_alternative(trial, "basket") Split.configuration.on_trial = nil end end context "when Split is globally disabled" do it "picks the control and does not run on_trial callbacks", :aggregate_failures do Split.configuration.enabled = false Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) expect_alternative(trial, "basket") Split.configuration.enabled = true Split.configuration.on_trial = nil end end context "when experiment has winner" do let(:trial) do user, experiment: experiment) end it_behaves_like "a trial with callbacks" it "picks the winner" do experiment.winner = "cart" expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, "cart") end end context "when exclude is true" do let(:trial) do user, experiment: experiment, exclude: true) end it_behaves_like "a trial with callbacks" it "picks the control" do expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, "basket") end end context "when user is already participating" do it_behaves_like "a trial with callbacks" it "picks the same alternative" do user[experiment.key] = "basket" expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect_alternative(trial, "basket") end context "when alternative is not found" do it "falls back on next_alternative" do user[experiment.key] = "notfound" expect(experiment).to receive(:next_alternative).and_call_original expect_alternative(trial, alternatives) end end end context "when user is a new participant" do it "picks a new alternative and runs on_trial_choose callback", :aggregate_failures do Split.configuration.on_trial_choose = :on_trial_choose_callback expect(experiment).to receive(:next_alternative).and_call_original expect(context).to receive(:on_trial_choose_callback) trial.choose! context expect( be_empty Split.configuration.on_trial_choose = nil end it "assigns user to an alternative" do trial.choose! context expect(alternatives).to include(user[]) end context "when cohorting is disabled" do before(:each) { allow(experiment).to receive(:cohorting_disabled?).and_return(true) } it "picks the control and does not run on_trial callbacks" do Split.configuration.on_trial = :on_trial_callback expect(experiment).to_not receive(:next_alternative) expect(context).not_to receive(:on_trial_callback) expect_alternative(trial, "basket") Split.configuration.enabled = true Split.configuration.on_trial = nil end it "user is not assigned an alternative" do trial.choose! context expect(user[experiment]).to eq(nil) end end end end describe "#complete!" do context "when there are no goals" do let(:trial) { user, experiment: experiment) } it "should complete the trial" do trial.choose! old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count trial.complete! expect(trial.alternative.completed_count).to eq(old_completed_count + 1) end end context "when there are many goals" do let(:goals) { [ "goal1", "goal2" ] } let(:trial) { user, experiment: experiment, goals: goals) } it "increments the completed count corresponding to the goals" do trial.choose! old_completed_counts = { |goal| [goal, trial.alternative.completed_count(goal)] }.to_h trial.complete! goals.each { | goal | expect(trial.alternative.completed_count(goal)).to eq(old_completed_counts[goal] + 1) } end end context "when there is 1 goal of type string" do let(:goal) { "goal" } let(:trial) { user, experiment: experiment, goals: goal) } it "increments the completed count corresponding to the goal" do trial.choose! old_completed_count = trial.alternative.completed_count(goal) trial.complete! expect(trial.alternative.completed_count(goal)).to eq(old_completed_count + 1) end end end describe "alternative recording" do before(:each) { Split.configuration.store_override = false } context "when override is present" do it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, override: "basket") Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! expect(trial.alternative.participant_count).to eq(1) end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, override: "basket") expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when disabled is present" do it "stores when store_override is true" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, disabled: true) Split.configuration.store_override = true expect(user).to receive("[]=") trial.choose! end it "does not store when store_override is false" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, disabled: true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when exclude is present" do it "does not store" do trial = user, experiment: experiment, exclude: true) expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end context "when experiment has winner" do let(:trial) do experiment.winner = "cart" user, experiment: experiment) end it "does not store" do expect(user).to_not receive("[]=") trial.choose! end end end end <MSG> refactor trial model. <DFF> @@ -13,13 +13,15 @@ describe Split::Trial do describe "alternative" do it "should use the alternative if specified" do trial = experiment = mock('experiment'), alternative: alternative = mock('alternative')) - trial.should_not_receive(:select_alternative) + trial.should_not_receive(:choose) trial.alternative.should == alternative end it "should call select_alternative if nil" do trial = experiment = mock('experiment')) - trial.should_receive(:select_alternative).and_return(alternative = mock('alternative')) + trial.should_receive(:choose).and_return(alternative = mock('alternative')) + trial.choose! + trial.alternative.should == alternative end end
refactor trial model.
<NME> trial.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split class Trial attr_accessor :goals attr_accessor :experiment attr_writer :metadata def initialize(attrs = {}) self.experiment = attrs.delete(:experiment) self.alternative = attrs.delete(:alternative) self.metadata = attrs.delete(:metadata) self.goals = attrs.delete(:goals) || [] @user = attrs.delete(:user) @options = attrs @alternative_chosen = false end def metadata @metadata ||= experiment.metadata[] if experiment.metadata end def alternative @alternative ||= if @experiment.has_winner? @experiment.winner end end def alternative=(alternative) @alternative = if alternative.kind_of?(Split::Alternative) alternative else @experiment.alternatives.find { |a| == alternative } end end def complete!(context = nil) if alternative if Array(goals).empty? alternative.increment_completion else Array(goals).each { |g| alternative.increment_completion(g) } end run_callback context, Split.configuration.on_trial_complete end end # Choose an alternative, add a participant, and save the alternative choice on the user. This # method is guaranteed to only run once, and will skip the alternative choosing process if run # a second time. def choose!(context = nil) if @options[:override] self.alternative = @options[:override] elsif @options[:disabled] || !Split.configuration.enabled self.alternative = @experiment.control elsif @experiment.has_winner? self.alternative = @experiment.winner if should_store_alternative? && !@user[@experiment.key] self.alternative.increment_participation end elsif @options[:disabled] || Split.configuration.disabled? self.alternative = @experiment.control elsif @experiment.has_winner? self.alternative = @experiment.winner else cleanup_old_versions if exclude_user? self.alternative = @experiment.control else self.alternative = @user[@experiment.key] if alternative.nil? if @experiment.cohorting_disabled? self.alternative = @experiment.control else self.alternative = @experiment.next_alternative # Increment the number of participants since we are actually choosing a new alternative self.alternative.increment_participation run_callback context, Split.configuration.on_trial_choose end end end end new_participant_and_cohorting_disabled = new_participant && @experiment.cohorting_disabled? @user[@experiment.key] = unless @experiment.has_winner? || !should_store_alternative? || new_participant_and_cohorting_disabled @alternative_chosen = true run_callback context, Split.configuration.on_trial unless @options[:disabled] || Split.configuration.disabled? || new_participant_and_cohorting_disabled alternative end private def run_callback(context, callback_name) context.send(callback_name, self) if callback_name && context.respond_to?(callback_name, true) end def override_is_alternative?[:override]) end def should_store_alternative? if @options[:override] || @options[:disabled] Split.configuration.store_override else !exclude_user? end end def cleanup_old_versions if @experiment.version > 0 @user.cleanup_old_versions!(@experiment) end end def exclude_user? @options[:exclude] || @experiment.start_time.nil? || @user.max_experiments_reached?(@experiment.key) end end end <MSG> Refactor to make it more readable <DFF> @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ module Split if @options[:override] self.alternative = @options[:override] - elsif @options[:disabled] || !Split.configuration.enabled + elsif @options[:disabled] || Split.configuration.disabled? self.alternative = @experiment.control elsif @experiment.has_winner? self.alternative = @experiment.winner
Refactor to make it more readable
<NME> trial.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split class Trial attr_accessor :goals attr_accessor :experiment attr_writer :metadata def initialize(attrs = {}) self.experiment = attrs.delete(:experiment) self.alternative = attrs.delete(:alternative) self.metadata = attrs.delete(:metadata) self.goals = attrs.delete(:goals) || [] @user = attrs.delete(:user) @options = attrs @alternative_chosen = false end def metadata @metadata ||= experiment.metadata[] if experiment.metadata end def alternative @alternative ||= if @experiment.has_winner? @experiment.winner end end def alternative=(alternative) @alternative = if alternative.kind_of?(Split::Alternative) alternative else @experiment.alternatives.find { |a| == alternative } end end def complete!(context = nil) if alternative if Array(goals).empty? alternative.increment_completion else Array(goals).each { |g| alternative.increment_completion(g) } end run_callback context, Split.configuration.on_trial_complete end end # Choose an alternative, add a participant, and save the alternative choice on the user. This # method is guaranteed to only run once, and will skip the alternative choosing process if run # a second time. def choose!(context = nil) if @options[:override] self.alternative = @options[:override] elsif @options[:disabled] || !Split.configuration.enabled self.alternative = @experiment.control elsif @experiment.has_winner? self.alternative = @experiment.winner if should_store_alternative? && !@user[@experiment.key] self.alternative.increment_participation end elsif @options[:disabled] || Split.configuration.disabled? self.alternative = @experiment.control elsif @experiment.has_winner? self.alternative = @experiment.winner else cleanup_old_versions if exclude_user? self.alternative = @experiment.control else self.alternative = @user[@experiment.key] if alternative.nil? if @experiment.cohorting_disabled? self.alternative = @experiment.control else self.alternative = @experiment.next_alternative # Increment the number of participants since we are actually choosing a new alternative self.alternative.increment_participation run_callback context, Split.configuration.on_trial_choose end end end end new_participant_and_cohorting_disabled = new_participant && @experiment.cohorting_disabled? @user[@experiment.key] = unless @experiment.has_winner? || !should_store_alternative? || new_participant_and_cohorting_disabled @alternative_chosen = true run_callback context, Split.configuration.on_trial unless @options[:disabled] || Split.configuration.disabled? || new_participant_and_cohorting_disabled alternative end private def run_callback(context, callback_name) context.send(callback_name, self) if callback_name && context.respond_to?(callback_name, true) end def override_is_alternative?[:override]) end def should_store_alternative? if @options[:override] || @options[:disabled] Split.configuration.store_override else !exclude_user? end end def cleanup_old_versions if @experiment.version > 0 @user.cleanup_old_versions!(@experiment) end end def exclude_user? @options[:exclude] || @experiment.start_time.nil? || @user.max_experiments_reached?(@experiment.key) end end end <MSG> Refactor to make it more readable <DFF> @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ module Split if @options[:override] self.alternative = @options[:override] - elsif @options[:disabled] || !Split.configuration.enabled + elsif @options[:disabled] || Split.configuration.disabled? self.alternative = @experiment.control elsif @experiment.has_winner? self.alternative = @experiment.winner
Refactor to make it more readable
<NME> trial.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split class Trial attr_accessor :goals attr_accessor :experiment attr_writer :metadata def initialize(attrs = {}) self.experiment = attrs.delete(:experiment) self.alternative = attrs.delete(:alternative) self.metadata = attrs.delete(:metadata) self.goals = attrs.delete(:goals) || [] @user = attrs.delete(:user) @options = attrs @alternative_chosen = false end def metadata @metadata ||= experiment.metadata[] if experiment.metadata end def alternative @alternative ||= if @experiment.has_winner? @experiment.winner end end def alternative=(alternative) @alternative = if alternative.kind_of?(Split::Alternative) alternative else @experiment.alternatives.find { |a| == alternative } end end def complete!(context = nil) if alternative if Array(goals).empty? alternative.increment_completion else Array(goals).each { |g| alternative.increment_completion(g) } end run_callback context, Split.configuration.on_trial_complete end end # Choose an alternative, add a participant, and save the alternative choice on the user. This # method is guaranteed to only run once, and will skip the alternative choosing process if run # a second time. def choose!(context = nil) if @options[:override] self.alternative = @options[:override] elsif @options[:disabled] || !Split.configuration.enabled self.alternative = @experiment.control elsif @experiment.has_winner? self.alternative = @experiment.winner if should_store_alternative? && !@user[@experiment.key] self.alternative.increment_participation end elsif @options[:disabled] || Split.configuration.disabled? self.alternative = @experiment.control elsif @experiment.has_winner? self.alternative = @experiment.winner else cleanup_old_versions if exclude_user? self.alternative = @experiment.control else self.alternative = @user[@experiment.key] if alternative.nil? if @experiment.cohorting_disabled? self.alternative = @experiment.control else self.alternative = @experiment.next_alternative # Increment the number of participants since we are actually choosing a new alternative self.alternative.increment_participation run_callback context, Split.configuration.on_trial_choose end end end end new_participant_and_cohorting_disabled = new_participant && @experiment.cohorting_disabled? @user[@experiment.key] = unless @experiment.has_winner? || !should_store_alternative? || new_participant_and_cohorting_disabled @alternative_chosen = true run_callback context, Split.configuration.on_trial unless @options[:disabled] || Split.configuration.disabled? || new_participant_and_cohorting_disabled alternative end private def run_callback(context, callback_name) context.send(callback_name, self) if callback_name && context.respond_to?(callback_name, true) end def override_is_alternative?[:override]) end def should_store_alternative? if @options[:override] || @options[:disabled] Split.configuration.store_override else !exclude_user? end end def cleanup_old_versions if @experiment.version > 0 @user.cleanup_old_versions!(@experiment) end end def exclude_user? @options[:exclude] || @experiment.start_time.nil? || @user.max_experiments_reached?(@experiment.key) end end end <MSG> Refactor to make it more readable <DFF> @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ module Split if @options[:override] self.alternative = @options[:override] - elsif @options[:disabled] || !Split.configuration.enabled + elsif @options[:disabled] || Split.configuration.disabled? self.alternative = @experiment.control elsif @experiment.has_winner? self.alternative = @experiment.winner
Refactor to make it more readable
<NME> LICENSE <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> Added LICENSE <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2019 Sergey Chikuyonok + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE.
<NME> LICENSE <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> Added LICENSE <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2019 Sergey Chikuyonok + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE.
<NME> stylesheet.ts <BEF> import { strictEqual as equal, ok } from 'assert'; import { stylesheet as expandAbbreviation, resolveConfig, CSSAbbreviationScope } from '../src'; import score from '../src/stylesheet/score'; const defaultConfig = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'output.field': (index, placeholder) => `\${${index}${placeholder ? ':' + placeholder : ''}}`, 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', gt: 'grid-template: repeat(2,auto) / repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr))' }, cache: {}, }); function expand(abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) { return expandAbbreviation(abbr, config); } describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { describe('Scoring', () => { const pick = (abbr: string, items: string[]) => items .map(item => ({ item, score: score(abbr, item, true) })) .filter(obj => obj.score) .sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score) .map(obj => obj.item)[0]; it('compare scores', () => { equal(score('aaa', 'aaa'), 1); equal(score('baa', 'aaa'), 0); ok(!score('b', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'abc')); ok(score('ac', 'abc')); ok(score('a', 'aaa') < score('aa', 'aaa')); ok(score('ab', 'abc') > score('ab', 'acb')); // acronym bonus ok(score('ab', 'a-b') > score('ab', 'acb')); }); it('pick padding or position', () => { const items = ['p', 'pb', 'pl', 'pos', 'pa', 'oa', 'soa', 'pr', 'pt']; equal(pick('p', items), 'p'); equal(pick('poa', items), 'pos'); }); }); it('keywords', () => { equal(expand('bd1-s'), 'border: 1px solid;'); equal(expand('dib'), 'display: inline-block;'); equal(expand('bxsz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxzc'), 'box-sizing: content-box;'); equal(expand('fl'), 'float: ${1:left};'); equal(expand('fll'), 'float: left;'); equal(expand('pos'), 'position: ${1:relative};'); equal(expand('poa'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('por'), 'position: relative;'); equal(expand('pof'), 'position: fixed;'); equal(expand('pos-a'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('m'), 'margin: ${0};'); equal(expand('m0'), 'margin: 0;'); // use `auto` as global keyword equal(expand('m0-a'), 'margin: 0 auto;'); equal(expand('m-a'), 'margin: auto;'); equal(expand('bg'), 'background: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('bd'), 'border: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};'); equal(expand('bd0-s#fc0'), 'border: 0 solid #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-dd#fc0'), 'border: 0 dot-dash #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-h#fc0'), 'border: 0 hidden #fc0;'); equal(expand('trf-trs'), 'transform: translate(${1:x}, ${2:y});'); // equal(expand('c'), 'color: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('cr'), 'color: rgb(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0});'); equal(expand('cra'), 'color: rgba(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0}, ${4:.5});'); // equal(expand('gtc'), 'grid-template-columns: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('gtr'), 'grid-template-rows: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('lis:n'), 'list-style: none;'); equal(expand('list:n'), 'list-style-type: none;'); equal(expand('bdt:n'), 'border-top: none;'); equal(expand('bgi:n'), 'background-image: none;'); equal(expand('q:n'), 'quotes: none;'); }); it('numeric', () => { equal(expand('p0'), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10'), 'padding: 10px;', '`px` unit for integers'); equal(expand('p.4'), 'padding: 0.4em;', '`em` for floats'); equal(expand('fz10'), 'font-size: 10px;', '`px` for integers'); equal(expand('fz1.'), 'font-size: 1em;', '`em` for explicit float'); equal(expand('p10p'), 'padding: 10%;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('z10'), 'z-index: 10;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('p10r'), 'padding: 10rem;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('mten'), 'margin: 10px;', 'Ignore terminating `;` in snippet'); // equal(expand('fz'), 'font-size: ${0};'); equal(expand('fz12'), 'font-size: 12px;'); equal(expand('fsz'), 'font-size: ${0};'); equal(expand('fsz12'), 'font-size: 12px;'); equal(expand('fs'), 'font-style: ${1:italic};'); // equal(expand('us'), 'user-select: none;'); // equal(expand('opa1'), 'opacity: 1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.1'), 'opacity: 0.1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.a'), 'opacity: .a;', 'Unitless property'); }); it('numeric with format options', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ it('snippets', () => { equal(expand('@k'), '@keyframes ${1:identifier} {\n\t${2}\n}'); }); it('multiple properties', () => { } } }); equal(expand('p0', config), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10', config), 'padding: 10pt;', '`pt` unit for integers'); equal(expand('p.4', config), 'padding: 0.4vh;', '`vh` for floats'); equal(expand('p10p', config), 'padding: 10%;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('z10', config), 'z-index: 10;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('p10r', config), 'padding: 10 / @rem;', 'unit alias'); }); it('important', () => { equal(expand('!'), '!important'); equal(expand('p!'), 'padding: ${0} !important;'); equal(expand('p0!'), 'padding: 0 !important;'); }); it('color', () => { equal(expand('c'), 'color: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('c#'), 'color: #000;'); equal(expand('c#f.5'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);'); equal(expand('c#f.5!'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) !important;'); equal(expand('bgc'), 'background-color: #${1:fff};'); }); it('snippets', () => { equal(expand('@'), '@media ${1:screen} {\n\t${0}\n}'); // Insert value into snippet fields equal(expand('@k-name'), '@keyframes name {\n\t${2}\n}'); equal(expand('@k-name10'), '@keyframes name {\n\t10\n}'); equal(expand('gt'), 'grid-template: repeat(2, auto) / repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr));'); }); it('multiple properties', () => { equal(expand('p10+m10-20'), 'padding: 10px;\nmargin: 10px 20px;'); equal(expand('p+bd'), 'padding: ${0};\nborder: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};'); }); it('functions', () => { equal(expand('trf-s(2)'), 'transform: scale(2, ${2:y});'); equal(expand('trf-s(2, 3)'), 'transform: scale(2, 3);'); }); it('case insensitive matches', () => { equal(expand('trf:rx'), 'transform: rotateX(${1:angle});'); }); it('gradient resolver', () => { equal(expand('lg'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(${0});'); equal(expand('lg(to right, #0, #f00.5)'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #000, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5));'); }); it('unmatched abbreviation', () => { // This example is useless: it’s unexpected to receive `align-self: unset` // for `auto` snippet // equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ // type: 'stylesheet', // options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 } // })), 'align-self: unset;'); equal(expand('auto'), 'auto: ${0};'); }); it('CSS-in-JS', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'stylesheet.json': true, 'stylesheet.between': ': ' } }); equal(expand('p10+mt10-20', config), 'padding: 10,\nmarginTop: \'10px 20px\','); equal(expand('bgc', config), 'backgroundColor: \'#fff\','); }); it('resolve context value', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: 'align-content' } }); equal(expand('s', config), 'start'); equal(expand('a', config), 'auto'); }); it('limit snippets by scope', () => { const sectionScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Section }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); const propertyScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Property }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); equal(expand('m', sectionScope), 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}'); equal(expand('b', sectionScope), ''); equal(expand('m', propertyScope), 'margin: ;'); }); }); <MSG> [stylesheet] Spread input values as field placeholders <DFF> @@ -130,6 +130,9 @@ describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { it('snippets', () => { equal(expand('@k'), '@keyframes ${1:identifier} {\n\t${2}\n}'); + // Insert value into snippet fields + equal(expand('@k-name'), '@keyframes name {\n\t${2}\n}'); + equal(expand('@k-name10'), '@keyframes name {\n\t10\n}'); }); it('multiple properties', () => {
[stylesheet] Spread input values as field placeholders
<NME> stylesheet.ts <BEF> import { strictEqual as equal, ok } from 'assert'; import { stylesheet as expandAbbreviation, resolveConfig, CSSAbbreviationScope } from '../src'; import score from '../src/stylesheet/score'; const defaultConfig = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'output.field': (index, placeholder) => `\${${index}${placeholder ? ':' + placeholder : ''}}`, 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', gt: 'grid-template: repeat(2,auto) / repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr))' }, cache: {}, }); function expand(abbr: string, config = defaultConfig) { return expandAbbreviation(abbr, config); } describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { describe('Scoring', () => { const pick = (abbr: string, items: string[]) => items .map(item => ({ item, score: score(abbr, item, true) })) .filter(obj => obj.score) .sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score) .map(obj => obj.item)[0]; it('compare scores', () => { equal(score('aaa', 'aaa'), 1); equal(score('baa', 'aaa'), 0); ok(!score('b', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'aaa')); ok(score('a', 'abc')); ok(score('ac', 'abc')); ok(score('a', 'aaa') < score('aa', 'aaa')); ok(score('ab', 'abc') > score('ab', 'acb')); // acronym bonus ok(score('ab', 'a-b') > score('ab', 'acb')); }); it('pick padding or position', () => { const items = ['p', 'pb', 'pl', 'pos', 'pa', 'oa', 'soa', 'pr', 'pt']; equal(pick('p', items), 'p'); equal(pick('poa', items), 'pos'); }); }); it('keywords', () => { equal(expand('bd1-s'), 'border: 1px solid;'); equal(expand('dib'), 'display: inline-block;'); equal(expand('bxsz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxz'), 'box-sizing: ${1:border-box};'); equal(expand('bxzc'), 'box-sizing: content-box;'); equal(expand('fl'), 'float: ${1:left};'); equal(expand('fll'), 'float: left;'); equal(expand('pos'), 'position: ${1:relative};'); equal(expand('poa'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('por'), 'position: relative;'); equal(expand('pof'), 'position: fixed;'); equal(expand('pos-a'), 'position: absolute;'); equal(expand('m'), 'margin: ${0};'); equal(expand('m0'), 'margin: 0;'); // use `auto` as global keyword equal(expand('m0-a'), 'margin: 0 auto;'); equal(expand('m-a'), 'margin: auto;'); equal(expand('bg'), 'background: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('bd'), 'border: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};'); equal(expand('bd0-s#fc0'), 'border: 0 solid #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-dd#fc0'), 'border: 0 dot-dash #fc0;'); equal(expand('bd0-h#fc0'), 'border: 0 hidden #fc0;'); equal(expand('trf-trs'), 'transform: translate(${1:x}, ${2:y});'); // equal(expand('c'), 'color: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('cr'), 'color: rgb(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0});'); equal(expand('cra'), 'color: rgba(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:0}, ${4:.5});'); // equal(expand('gtc'), 'grid-template-columns: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('gtr'), 'grid-template-rows: repeat(${0});'); equal(expand('lis:n'), 'list-style: none;'); equal(expand('list:n'), 'list-style-type: none;'); equal(expand('bdt:n'), 'border-top: none;'); equal(expand('bgi:n'), 'background-image: none;'); equal(expand('q:n'), 'quotes: none;'); }); it('numeric', () => { equal(expand('p0'), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10'), 'padding: 10px;', '`px` unit for integers'); equal(expand('p.4'), 'padding: 0.4em;', '`em` for floats'); equal(expand('fz10'), 'font-size: 10px;', '`px` for integers'); equal(expand('fz1.'), 'font-size: 1em;', '`em` for explicit float'); equal(expand('p10p'), 'padding: 10%;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('z10'), 'z-index: 10;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('p10r'), 'padding: 10rem;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('mten'), 'margin: 10px;', 'Ignore terminating `;` in snippet'); // equal(expand('fz'), 'font-size: ${0};'); equal(expand('fz12'), 'font-size: 12px;'); equal(expand('fsz'), 'font-size: ${0};'); equal(expand('fsz12'), 'font-size: 12px;'); equal(expand('fs'), 'font-style: ${1:italic};'); // equal(expand('us'), 'user-select: none;'); // equal(expand('opa1'), 'opacity: 1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.1'), 'opacity: 0.1;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('opa.a'), 'opacity: .a;', 'Unitless property'); }); it('numeric with format options', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ it('snippets', () => { equal(expand('@k'), '@keyframes ${1:identifier} {\n\t${2}\n}'); }); it('multiple properties', () => { } } }); equal(expand('p0', config), 'padding: 0;', 'No unit for 0'); equal(expand('p10', config), 'padding: 10pt;', '`pt` unit for integers'); equal(expand('p.4', config), 'padding: 0.4vh;', '`vh` for floats'); equal(expand('p10p', config), 'padding: 10%;', 'unit alias'); equal(expand('z10', config), 'z-index: 10;', 'Unitless property'); equal(expand('p10r', config), 'padding: 10 / @rem;', 'unit alias'); }); it('important', () => { equal(expand('!'), '!important'); equal(expand('p!'), 'padding: ${0} !important;'); equal(expand('p0!'), 'padding: 0 !important;'); }); it('color', () => { equal(expand('c'), 'color: ${1:#000};'); equal(expand('c#'), 'color: #000;'); equal(expand('c#f.5'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);'); equal(expand('c#f.5!'), 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) !important;'); equal(expand('bgc'), 'background-color: #${1:fff};'); }); it('snippets', () => { equal(expand('@'), '@media ${1:screen} {\n\t${0}\n}'); // Insert value into snippet fields equal(expand('@k-name'), '@keyframes name {\n\t${2}\n}'); equal(expand('@k-name10'), '@keyframes name {\n\t10\n}'); equal(expand('gt'), 'grid-template: repeat(2, auto) / repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr));'); }); it('multiple properties', () => { equal(expand('p10+m10-20'), 'padding: 10px;\nmargin: 10px 20px;'); equal(expand('p+bd'), 'padding: ${0};\nborder: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};'); }); it('functions', () => { equal(expand('trf-s(2)'), 'transform: scale(2, ${2:y});'); equal(expand('trf-s(2, 3)'), 'transform: scale(2, 3);'); }); it('case insensitive matches', () => { equal(expand('trf:rx'), 'transform: rotateX(${1:angle});'); }); it('gradient resolver', () => { equal(expand('lg'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(${0});'); equal(expand('lg(to right, #0, #f00.5)'), 'background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #000, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5));'); }); it('unmatched abbreviation', () => { // This example is useless: it’s unexpected to receive `align-self: unset` // for `auto` snippet // equal(expand('auto', resolveConfig({ // type: 'stylesheet', // options: { 'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': 0 } // })), 'align-self: unset;'); equal(expand('auto'), 'auto: ${0};'); }); it('CSS-in-JS', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', options: { 'stylesheet.json': true, 'stylesheet.between': ': ' } }); equal(expand('p10+mt10-20', config), 'padding: 10,\nmarginTop: \'10px 20px\','); equal(expand('bgc', config), 'backgroundColor: \'#fff\','); }); it('resolve context value', () => { const config = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: 'align-content' } }); equal(expand('s', config), 'start'); equal(expand('a', config), 'auto'); }); it('limit snippets by scope', () => { const sectionScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Section }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); const propertyScope = resolveConfig({ type: 'stylesheet', context: { name: CSSAbbreviationScope.Property }, snippets: { mten: 'margin: 10px;', fsz: 'font-size', myCenterAwesome: 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}' } }); equal(expand('m', sectionScope), 'body {\n\tdisplay: grid;\n}'); equal(expand('b', sectionScope), ''); equal(expand('m', propertyScope), 'margin: ;'); }); }); <MSG> [stylesheet] Spread input values as field placeholders <DFF> @@ -130,6 +130,9 @@ describe('Stylesheet abbreviations', () => { it('snippets', () => { equal(expand('@k'), '@keyframes ${1:identifier} {\n\t${2}\n}'); + // Insert value into snippet fields + equal(expand('@k-name'), '@keyframes name {\n\t${2}\n}'); + equal(expand('@k-name10'), '@keyframes name {\n\t10\n}'); }); it('multiple properties', () => {
[stylesheet] Spread input values as field placeholders
<NME> persistence.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split module Persistence require "split/persistence/cookie_adapter" require "split/persistence/dual_adapter" ADAPTERS = { :cookie => Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter, :session => Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter } def self.adapter if persistence_config.is_a?(Symbol) adapter_class = ADAPTERS[persistence_config] raise Split::InvalidPersistenceAdapterError unless adapter_class else adapter_class = persistence_config end adapter_class end private def self.persistence_config Split.configuration.persistence end end end Split.configuration.persistence end private_class_method :persistence_config end end <MSG> [code gardening] fix private for class methods, minor code refactorings <DFF> @@ -7,22 +7,19 @@ module Split ADAPTERS = { :cookie => Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter, :session => Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter - } + }.freeze def self.adapter if persistence_config.is_a?(Symbol) - adapter_class = ADAPTERS[persistence_config] - raise Split::InvalidPersistenceAdapterError unless adapter_class + ADAPTERS.fetch(persistence_config) { raise Split::InvalidPersistenceAdapterError } else - adapter_class = persistence_config + persistence_config end - adapter_class end - private - def self.persistence_config Split.configuration.persistence end + private_class_method :persistence_config end end
[code gardening] fix private for class methods, minor code refactorings
<NME> persistence.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split module Persistence require "split/persistence/cookie_adapter" require "split/persistence/dual_adapter" ADAPTERS = { :cookie => Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter, :session => Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter } def self.adapter if persistence_config.is_a?(Symbol) adapter_class = ADAPTERS[persistence_config] raise Split::InvalidPersistenceAdapterError unless adapter_class else adapter_class = persistence_config end adapter_class end private def self.persistence_config Split.configuration.persistence end end end Split.configuration.persistence end private_class_method :persistence_config end end <MSG> [code gardening] fix private for class methods, minor code refactorings <DFF> @@ -7,22 +7,19 @@ module Split ADAPTERS = { :cookie => Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter, :session => Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter - } + }.freeze def self.adapter if persistence_config.is_a?(Symbol) - adapter_class = ADAPTERS[persistence_config] - raise Split::InvalidPersistenceAdapterError unless adapter_class + ADAPTERS.fetch(persistence_config) { raise Split::InvalidPersistenceAdapterError } else - adapter_class = persistence_config + persistence_config end - adapter_class end - private - def self.persistence_config Split.configuration.persistence end + private_class_method :persistence_config end end
[code gardening] fix private for class methods, minor code refactorings
<NME> persistence.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split module Persistence require "split/persistence/cookie_adapter" require "split/persistence/dual_adapter" ADAPTERS = { :cookie => Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter, :session => Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter } def self.adapter if persistence_config.is_a?(Symbol) adapter_class = ADAPTERS[persistence_config] raise Split::InvalidPersistenceAdapterError unless adapter_class else adapter_class = persistence_config end adapter_class end private def self.persistence_config Split.configuration.persistence end end end Split.configuration.persistence end private_class_method :persistence_config end end <MSG> [code gardening] fix private for class methods, minor code refactorings <DFF> @@ -7,22 +7,19 @@ module Split ADAPTERS = { :cookie => Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter, :session => Split::Persistence::SessionAdapter - } + }.freeze def self.adapter if persistence_config.is_a?(Symbol) - adapter_class = ADAPTERS[persistence_config] - raise Split::InvalidPersistenceAdapterError unless adapter_class + ADAPTERS.fetch(persistence_config) { raise Split::InvalidPersistenceAdapterError } else - adapter_class = persistence_config + persistence_config end - adapter_class end - private - def self.persistence_config Split.configuration.persistence end + private_class_method :persistence_config end end
[code gardening] fix private for class methods, minor code refactorings
<NME> helper_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" # TODO change some of these tests to use Rack::Test describe Split::Helper do include Split::Helper let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "red") } describe "ab_test" do it "should not raise an error when passed strings for alternatives" do expect { ab_test("xyz", "1", "2", "3") }.not_to raise_error end it "should not raise an error when passed an array for alternatives" do expect { ab_test("xyz", ["1", "2", "3"]) }.not_to raise_error end it "should raise the appropriate error when passed integers for alternatives" do expect { ab_test("xyz", 1, 2, 3) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise the appropriate error when passed symbols for alternatives" do expect { ab_test("xyz", :a, :b, :c) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not raise error when passed an array for goals" do expect { ab_test({ "link_color" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red") }.not_to raise_error end it "should not raise error when passed just one goal" do expect { ab_test({ "link_color" => "purchase" }, "blue", "red") }.not_to raise_error end it "raises an appropriate error when processing combined expirements" do Split.configuration.experiments = { combined_exp_1: { alternatives: [ { name: "control", percent: 50 }, { name: "test-alt", percent: 50 } ], metric: :my_metric, combined_experiments: [:combined_exp_1_sub_1] } } Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("combined_exp_1") expect { ab_test("combined_exp_1") }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end it "should assign a random alternative to a new user when there are an equal number of alternatives assigned" do ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(["red", "blue"]).to include(ab_user["link_color"]) end it "should increment the participation counter after assignment to a new user" do previous_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count previous_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") new_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count new_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count expect((new_red_count + new_blue_count)).to eq(previous_red_count + previous_blue_count + 1) end it "should not increment the counter for an experiment that the user is not participating in" do ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("button_size", "small", "big") expect { # User shouldn't participate in this second experiment ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") }.not_to change { e.participant_count } end it "should not increment the counter for an ended experiment" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("button_size", "small", "big") e.winner = "small" expect { a = ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(a).to eq("small") }.not_to change { e.participant_count } end it "should not increment the counter for an not started experiment" do expect(Split.configuration).to receive(:start_manually).and_return(true) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("button_size", "small", "big") expect { a = ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(a).to eq("small") }.not_to change { e.participant_count } end it "should return the given alternative for an existing user" do expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red")).to eq ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end it "should always return the winner if one is present" do experiment.winner = "orange" expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red")).to eq("orange") end it "should allow the alternative to be forced by passing it in the params" do # ?ab_test[link_color]=blue @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "blue" } } alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(alternative).to eq("blue") alternative = ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 1 }, "red" => 5) expect(alternative).to eq("blue") @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "red" } } alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(alternative).to eq("red") alternative = ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 5 }, "red" => 1) expect(alternative).to eq("red") end it "should not allow an arbitrary alternative" do @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "pink" } } alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue") expect(alternative).to eq("blue") end it "should not store the split when a param forced alternative" do @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "blue" } } expect(ab_user).not_to receive(:[]=) ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end it "SPLIT_DISABLE query parameter should also force the alternative (uses control)" do @params = { "SPLIT_DISABLE" => "true" } alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(alternative).to eq("blue") alternative = ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 1 }, "red" => 5) expect(alternative).to eq("blue") alternative = ab_test("link_color", "red", "blue") expect(alternative).to eq("red") alternative = ab_test("link_color", { "red" => 5 }, "blue" => 1) expect(alternative).to eq("red") end it "should not store the split when Split generically disabled" do @params = { "SPLIT_DISABLE" => "true" } expect(ab_user).not_to receive(:[]=) ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end context "when store_override is set" do before { Split.configuration.store_override = true } it "should store the forced alternative" do @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "blue" } } expect(ab_user).to receive(:[]=).with("link_color", "blue") ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end end context "when on_trial_choose is set" do before { Split.configuration.on_trial_choose = :some_method } it "should call the method" do expect(self).to receive(:some_method) ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end end it "should allow passing a block" do alt = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") ret = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") { |alternative| "shared/#{alternative}" } expect(ret).to eq("shared/#{alt}") end it "should allow the share of visitors see an alternative to be specified" do ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.8 }, { "red" => 20 }) expect(["red", "blue"]).to include(ab_user["link_color"]) end it "should allow alternative weighting interface as a single hash" do ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.01 }, "red" => 0.2) experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color") expect( eq(["blue", "red"]) expect(experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| a.weight }).to match_array([0.01, 0.2]) end it "should only let a user participate in one experiment at a time" do link_color = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(link_color) big ="big", "button_size") expect(big.participant_count).to eq(0) small ="small", "button_size") expect(small.participant_count).to eq(0) end it "should let a user participate in many experiment with allow_multiple_experiments option" do Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = true end link_color = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") button_size = ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(link_color) expect(ab_user["button_size"]).to eq(button_size) button_size_alt =, "button_size") expect(button_size_alt.participant_count).to eq(1) end context "with allow_multiple_experiments = 'control'" do it "should let a user participate in many experiment with one non-'control' alternative" do Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = "control" end groups = do |n| ab_test("test#{n}".to_sym, { "control" => (100 - n) }, { "test#{n}-alt" => n }) end experiments = ab_user.active_experiments expect(experiments.size).to be > 1 count_control = experiments.values.count { |g| g == "control" } expect(count_control).to eq(experiments.size - 1) count_alts = groups.count { |g| g != "control" } expect(count_alts).to eq(1) end context "when user already has experiment" do let(:mock_user) {, { "test_0" => "test-alt" }) } before do Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = "control" end Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_initialize("test_0", "control", "test-alt").save Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_initialize("test_1", "control", "test-alt").save end it "should restore previously selected alternative" do expect(ab_user.active_experiments.size).to eq 1 expect(ab_test(:test_0, { "control" => 100 }, { "test-alt" => 1 })).to eq "test-alt" expect(ab_test(:test_0, { "control" => 1 }, { "test-alt" => 100 })).to eq "test-alt" end it "should select the correct alternatives after experiment resets" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find(:test_0) experiment.reset mock_user[experiment.key] = "test-alt" expect(ab_user.active_experiments.size).to eq 1 expect(ab_test(:test_0, { "control" => 100 }, { "test-alt" => 1 })).to eq "test-alt" expect(ab_test(:test_0, { "control" => 0 }, { "test-alt" => 100 })).to eq "test-alt" end it "lets override existing choice" do pending "this requires user store reset on first call not depending on whelther it is current trial" @params = { "ab_test" => { "test_1" => "test-alt" } } expect(ab_test(:test_0, { "control" => 0 }, { "test-alt" => 100 })).to eq "control" expect(ab_test(:test_1, { "control" => 100 }, { "test-alt" => 1 })).to eq "test-alt" end end end it "should not over-write a finished key when an experiment is on a later version" do experiment.increment_version ab_user = { experiment.key => "blue", experiment.finished_key => true } finished_session = ab_user.dup ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user).to eq(finished_session) end end describe "metadata" do context "is defined" do before do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["one", "two"], resettable: false, metadata: { "one" => "Meta1", "two" => "Meta2" } } } end it "should be passed to helper block" do @params = { "ab_test" => { "my_experiment" => "two" } } expect(ab_test("my_experiment")).to eq "two" expect(ab_test("my_experiment") do |alternative, meta| meta end).to eq("Meta2") end it "should pass control metadata helper block if library disabled" do Split.configure do |config| config.enabled = false end expect(ab_test("my_experiment")).to eq "one" expect(ab_test("my_experiment") do |_, meta| meta end).to eq("Meta1") end end context "is not defined" do before do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["one", "two"], resettable: false, metadata: nil } } end it "should be passed to helper block" do expect(ab_test("my_experiment") do |alternative, meta| meta end).to eq({}) end it "should pass control metadata helper block if library disabled" do Split.configure do |config| config.enabled = false end expect(ab_test("my_experiment") do |_, meta| meta end).to eq({}) end end end describe "ab_finished" do context "for an experiment that the user participates in" do before(:each) do @experiment_name = "link_color" @alternatives = ["blue", "red"] @experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create(@experiment_name, *@alternatives) @alternative_name = ab_test(@experiment_name, *@alternatives) @previous_completion_count =, @experiment_name).completed_count end it "should increment the counter for the completed alternative" do ab_finished(@experiment_name) new_completion_count =, @experiment_name).completed_count expect(new_completion_count).to eq(@previous_completion_count + 1) end it "should set experiment's finished key if reset is false" do ab_finished(@experiment_name, { reset: false }) expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) expect(ab_user[@experiment.finished_key]).to eq(true) end it "should not increment the counter if reset is false and the experiment has been already finished" do 2.times { ab_finished(@experiment_name, { reset: false }) } new_completion_count =, @experiment_name).completed_count expect(new_completion_count).to eq(@previous_completion_count + 1) end it "should not increment the counter for an ended experiment" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("button_size", "small", "big") e.winner = "small" a = ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(a).to eq("small") expect { ab_finished("button_size") }.not_to change {, "button_size").completed_count } end it "should clear out the user's participation from their session" do expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) ab_finished(@experiment_name) expect(ab_user.keys).to be_empty end it "should not clear out the users session if reset is false" do expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) ab_finished(@experiment_name, { reset: false }) expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) expect(ab_user[@experiment.finished_key]).to eq(true) end it "should reset the users session when experiment is not versioned" do expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) ab_finished(@experiment_name) expect(ab_user.keys).to be_empty end it "should reset the users session when experiment is versioned" do @experiment.increment_version @alternative_name = ab_test(@experiment_name, *@alternatives) expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) ab_finished(@experiment_name) expect(ab_user.keys).to be_empty end context "when on_trial_complete is set" do before { Split.configuration.on_trial_complete = :some_method } it "should call the method" do expect(self).to receive(:some_method) ab_finished(@experiment_name) end it "should not call the method without alternative" do ab_user[@experiment.key] = nil expect(self).not_to receive(:some_method) ab_finished(@experiment_name) end end end context "for an experiment that the user is excluded from" do before do alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(, "link_color").participant_count).to eq(1) alternative = ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(, "button_size").participant_count).to eq(0) end it "should not increment the completed counter" do # So, user should be participating in the link_color experiment and # receive the control for button_size. As the user is not participating in # the button size experiment, finishing it should not increase the # completion count for that alternative. expect { ab_finished("button_size") }.not_to change {"small", "button_size").completed_count } end end context "for an experiment that the user does not participate in" do before do Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create(:not_started_experiment, "control", "alt") end it "should not raise an exception" do expect { ab_finished(:not_started_experiment) }.not_to raise_exception end it "should not change the user state when reset is false" do expect { ab_finished(:not_started_experiment, reset: false) }.not_to change { ab_user.keys }.from([]) expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "def" expect(active_experiments.first[1]).to eq alternative end it 'should show multiple tests' do Split.configure do |config| context "finished with config" do it "passes reset option" do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["one", "two"], resettable: false, } } alternative = ab_test(:my_experiment) experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find :my_experiment ab_finished :my_experiment expect(ab_user[experiment.key]).to eq(alternative) expect(ab_user[experiment.finished_key]).to eq(true) end end context "finished with metric name" do before { Split.configuration.experiments = {} } before { expect(Split::Alternative).to receive(:new).at_least(1).times.and_call_original } def should_finish_experiment(experiment_name, should_finish = true) alts = Split.configuration.experiments[experiment_name][:alternatives] experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create(experiment_name, *alts) alt_name = ab_user[experiment.key] = alts.first alt = double("alternative") expect(alt).to receive(:name).at_most(1).times.and_return(alt_name) expect(Split::Alternative).to receive(:new).at_most(1).times.with(alt_name, experiment_name.to_s).and_return(alt) if should_finish expect(alt).to receive(:increment_completion).at_most(1).times else expect(alt).not_to receive(:increment_completion) end end it "completes the test" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "other_opt" ], metric: :my_metric } should_finish_experiment :my_experiment ab_finished :my_metric end it "completes all relevant tests" do Split.configuration.experiments = { exp_1: { alternatives: [ "1-1", "1-2" ], metric: :my_metric }, exp_2: { alternatives: [ "2-1", "2-2" ], metric: :another_metric }, exp_3: { alternatives: [ "3-1", "3-2" ], metric: :my_metric }, } should_finish_experiment :exp_1 should_finish_experiment :exp_2, false should_finish_experiment :exp_3 ab_finished :my_metric end it "passes reset option" do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_exp: { alternatives: ["one", "two"], metric: :my_metric, resettable: false, } } alternative_name = ab_test(:my_exp) exp = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find :my_exp ab_finished :my_metric expect(ab_user[exp.key]).to eq(alternative_name) expect(ab_user[exp.finished_key]).to be_truthy end it "passes through options" do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_exp: { alternatives: ["one", "two"], metric: :my_metric, } } alternative_name = ab_test(:my_exp) exp = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find :my_exp ab_finished :my_metric, reset: false expect(ab_user[exp.key]).to eq(alternative_name) expect(ab_user[exp.finished_key]).to be_truthy end end describe "conversions" do it "should return a conversion rate for an alternative" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") previous_convertion_rate =, "link_color").conversion_rate expect(previous_convertion_rate).to eq(0.0) ab_finished("link_color") new_convertion_rate =, "link_color").conversion_rate expect(new_convertion_rate).to eq(1.0) end end describe "active experiments" do it "should show an active test" do alternative = ab_test("def", "4", "5", "6") expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "def" expect(active_experiments.first[1]).to eq alternative end it "should show a finished test" do alternative = ab_test("def", "4", "5", "6") ab_finished("def", { reset: false }) expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "def" expect(active_experiments.first[1]).to eq alternative end it "should show an active test when an experiment is on a later version" do experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "link_color" end it "should show versioned tests properly" do 10.times { experiment.reset } alternative = ab_test(, "blue", "red") ab_finished(, reset: false) expect(experiment.version).to eq(10) expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 expect(active_experiments).to eq({ "link_color" => alternative }) end it "should show multiple tests" do Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = true end alternative = ab_test("def", "4", "5", "6") another_alternative = ab_test("ghi", "7", "8", "9") expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 2 expect(active_experiments["def"]).to eq alternative expect(active_experiments["ghi"]).to eq another_alternative end it "should not show tests with winners" do Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = true end e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("def", "4", "5", "6") e.winner = "4" ab_test("def", "4", "5", "6") another_alternative = ab_test("ghi", "7", "8", "9") expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "ghi" expect(active_experiments.first[1]).to eq another_alternative end end describe "when user is a robot" do before(:each) do @request = "Googlebot/2.1 (+") end describe "ab_test" do it "should return the control" do alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(alternative).to eq end it "should not create a experiment" do ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect("link_color")).to be_a_new_record end it "should not increment the participation count" do previous_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count previous_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") new_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count new_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count expect((new_red_count + new_blue_count)).to eq(previous_red_count + previous_blue_count) end end describe "finished" do it "should not increment the completed count" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") previous_completion_count =, "link_color").completed_count ab_finished("link_color") new_completion_count =, "link_color").completed_count expect(new_completion_count).to eq(previous_completion_count) end end end describe "when providing custom ignore logic" do context "using a proc to configure custom logic" do before(:each) do Split.configure do |c| c.ignore_filter = proc { |request| true } # ignore everything end end it "ignores the ab_test" do ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count expect((red_count + blue_count)).to be(0) end end end shared_examples_for "a disabled test" do describe "ab_test" do it "should return the control" do alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(alternative).to eq end it "should not increment the participation count" do previous_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count previous_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") new_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count new_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count expect((new_red_count + new_blue_count)).to eq(previous_red_count + previous_blue_count) end end describe "finished" do it "should not increment the completed count" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") previous_completion_count =, "link_color").completed_count ab_finished("link_color") new_completion_count =, "link_color").completed_count expect(new_completion_count).to eq(previous_completion_count) end end end describe "when ip address is ignored" do context "individually" do before(:each) do @request = "") Split.configure do |c| c.ignore_ip_addresses << "" end end it_behaves_like "a disabled test" end context "for a range" do before(:each) do @request = "") Split.configure do |c| c.ignore_ip_addresses << /81\.19\.48\.[0-9]+/ end end it_behaves_like "a disabled test" end context "using both a range and a specific value" do before(:each) do @request = "") Split.configure do |c| c.ignore_ip_addresses << "" c.ignore_ip_addresses << /81\.19\.48\.[0-9]+/ end end it_behaves_like "a disabled test" end context "when ignored other address" do before do @request = "") Split.configure do |c| c.ignore_ip_addresses << "" end end it "works as usual" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "red", "blue") expect { ab_finished("link_color") }.to change(, "link_color"), :completed_count).by(1) end end end describe "when user is previewing" do before(:each) do @request = { "x-purpose" => "preview" }) end it_behaves_like "a disabled test" end describe "versioned experiments" do it "should use version zero if no version is present" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(alternative_name) end it "should save the version of the experiment to the session" do experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color:1"]).to eq(alternative_name) end it "should load the experiment even if the version is not 0" do experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color:1"]).to eq(alternative_name) return_alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(return_alternative_name).to eq(alternative_name) end it "should reset the session of a user on an older version of the experiment" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(alternative_name) alternative =, "link_color") expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(1) experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) alternative =, "link_color") expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(0) new_alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color:1"]).to eq(new_alternative_name) new_alternative =, "link_color") expect(new_alternative.participant_count).to eq(1) end it "should cleanup old versions of experiments from the session" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(alternative_name) alternative =, "link_color") expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(1) experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) alternative =, "link_color") expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(0) new_alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color:1"]).to eq(new_alternative_name) end it "should only count completion of users on the current version" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(alternative_name), "link_color") experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) ab_finished("link_color") alternative =, "link_color") expect(alternative.completed_count).to eq(0) end end context "when redis is not available" do before(:each) do expect(Split).to receive(:redis).at_most(5).times.and_raise( end context "and db_failover config option is turned off" do before(:each) do Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover = false end end describe "ab_test" do it "should raise an exception" do expect { ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") }.to raise_error(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) end end describe "finished" do it "should raise an exception" do expect { ab_finished("link_color") }.to raise_error(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) end end describe "disable split testing" do before(:each) do Split.configure do |config| config.enabled = false end end it "should not attempt to connect to redis" do expect { ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") }.not_to raise_error end it "should return control variable" do expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red")).to eq("blue") expect { ab_finished("link_color") }.not_to raise_error end end end context "and db_failover config option is turned on" do before(:each) do Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover = true end end describe "ab_test" do it "should not raise an exception" do expect { ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") }.not_to raise_error end it "should call db_failover_on_db_error proc with error as parameter" do Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover_on_db_error = proc do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) end end expect(Split.configuration.db_failover_on_db_error).to receive(:call).and_call_original ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end it "should always use first alternative" do expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red")).to eq("blue") expect(ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.01 }, "red" => 0.2)).to eq("blue") expect(ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.8 }, { "red" => 20 })).to eq("blue") expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") do |alternative| "shared/#{alternative}" end).to eq("shared/blue") end context "and db_failover_allow_parameter_override config option is turned on" do before(:each) do Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover_allow_parameter_override = true end end context "and given an override parameter" do it "should use given override instead of the first alternative" do @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "red" } } expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red")).to eq("red") expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red", "green")).to eq("red") expect(ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.01 }, "red" => 0.2)).to eq("red") expect(ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.8 }, { "red" => 20 })).to eq("red") expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") do |alternative| "shared/#{alternative}" end).to eq("shared/red") end end end context "and preloaded config given" do before do Split.configuration.experiments[:link_color] = { alternatives: [ "blue", "red" ], } end it "uses first alternative" do expect(ab_test(:link_color)).to eq("blue") end end end describe "finished" do it "should not raise an exception" do expect { ab_finished("link_color") }.not_to raise_error end it "should call db_failover_on_db_error proc with error as parameter" do Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover_on_db_error = proc do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) end end expect(Split.configuration.db_failover_on_db_error).to receive(:call).and_call_original ab_finished("link_color") end end end end context "with preloaded config" do before { Split.configuration.experiments = {} } it "pulls options from config file" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "other_opt" ], goals: ["goal1", "goal2"] } ab_test :my_experiment expect( eq([ "control_opt", "other_opt" ]) expect( eq([ "goal1", "goal2" ]) end it "can be called multiple times" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "other_opt" ], goals: ["goal1", "goal2"] } 5.times { ab_test :my_experiment } experiment = expect( eq([ "control_opt", "other_opt" ]) expect(experiment.goals).to eq([ "goal1", "goal2" ]) expect(experiment.participant_count).to eq(1) end it "accepts multiple goals" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "other_opt" ], goals: [ "goal1", "goal2", "goal3" ] } ab_test :my_experiment experiment = expect(experiment.goals).to eq([ "goal1", "goal2", "goal3" ]) end it "allow specifying goals to be optional" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "other_opt" ] } experiment = expect(experiment.goals).to eq([]) end it "accepts multiple alternatives" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "second_opt", "third_opt" ], } ab_test :my_experiment experiment = expect( eq([ "control_opt", "second_opt", "third_opt" ]) end it "accepts probability on alternatives" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt", percent: 67 }, { name: "second_opt", percent: 10 }, { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, ], } ab_test :my_experiment experiment = expect(experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| [, a.weight] }).to eq([["control_opt", 0.67], ["second_opt", 0.1], ["third_opt", 0.23]]) end it "accepts probability on some alternatives" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt", percent: 34 }, "second_opt", { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, "fourth_opt", ], } ab_test :my_experiment experiment = names_and_weights = experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| [, a.weight] } expect(names_and_weights).to eq([["control_opt", 0.34], ["second_opt", 0.215], ["third_opt", 0.23], ["fourth_opt", 0.215]]) expect(names_and_weights.inject(0) { |sum, nw| sum + nw[1] }).to eq(1.0) end it "allows name param without probability" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt" }, "second_opt", { name: "third_opt", percent: 64 }, ], } ab_test :my_experiment experiment = names_and_weights = experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| [, a.weight] } expect(names_and_weights).to eq([["control_opt", 0.18], ["second_opt", 0.18], ["third_opt", 0.64]]) expect(names_and_weights.inject(0) { |sum, nw| sum + nw[1] }).to eq(1.0) end it "fails gracefully if config is missing experiment" do Split.configuration.experiments = { other_experiment: { foo: "Bar" } } expect { ab_test :my_experiment }.to raise_error(Split::ExperimentNotFound) end it "fails gracefully if config is missing" do expect { Split.configuration.experiments = nil }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end it "fails gracefully if config is missing alternatives" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { foo: "Bar" } expect { ab_test :my_experiment }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end end it "should handle multiple experiments correctly" do experiment2 = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color2", "blue", "red") ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") ab_test("link_color2", "blue", "red") ab_finished("link_color2") experiment2.alternatives.each do |alt| expect(alt.unfinished_count).to eq(0) end end context "with goals" do before do @experiment = { "link_color" => ["purchase", "refund"] } @alternatives = ["blue", "red"] @experiment_name, @goals = normalize_metric(@experiment) @goal1 = @goals[0] @goal2 = @goals[1] end it "should normalize experiment" do expect(@experiment_name).to eq("link_color") expect(@goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) end describe "ab_test" do it "should allow experiment goals interface as a single hash" do ab_test(@experiment, *@alternatives) experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color") expect(experiment.goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) end end describe "ab_finished" do before do @alternative_name = ab_test(@experiment, *@alternatives) end it "should increment the counter for the specified-goal completed alternative" do expect { ab_finished({ "link_color" => ["purchase"] }) } .to change {, @experiment_name).completed_count(@goal2) }.by(0) .and change {, @experiment_name).completed_count(@goal1) }.by(1) end end end end <MSG> fix active experiments when experiment is on a later version <DFF> @@ -449,6 +449,14 @@ describe Split::Helper do expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "def" expect(active_experiments.first[1]).to eq alternative end + + it 'should show an active test when an experiment is on a later version' do + experiment.reset + expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) + ab_test('link_color', 'blue', 'red') + expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 + expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "link_color" + end it 'should show multiple tests' do Split.configure do |config|
fix active experiments when experiment is on a later version
<NME> helper_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" # TODO change some of these tests to use Rack::Test describe Split::Helper do include Split::Helper let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "red") } describe "ab_test" do it "should not raise an error when passed strings for alternatives" do expect { ab_test("xyz", "1", "2", "3") }.not_to raise_error end it "should not raise an error when passed an array for alternatives" do expect { ab_test("xyz", ["1", "2", "3"]) }.not_to raise_error end it "should raise the appropriate error when passed integers for alternatives" do expect { ab_test("xyz", 1, 2, 3) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise the appropriate error when passed symbols for alternatives" do expect { ab_test("xyz", :a, :b, :c) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not raise error when passed an array for goals" do expect { ab_test({ "link_color" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red") }.not_to raise_error end it "should not raise error when passed just one goal" do expect { ab_test({ "link_color" => "purchase" }, "blue", "red") }.not_to raise_error end it "raises an appropriate error when processing combined expirements" do Split.configuration.experiments = { combined_exp_1: { alternatives: [ { name: "control", percent: 50 }, { name: "test-alt", percent: 50 } ], metric: :my_metric, combined_experiments: [:combined_exp_1_sub_1] } } Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("combined_exp_1") expect { ab_test("combined_exp_1") }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end it "should assign a random alternative to a new user when there are an equal number of alternatives assigned" do ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(["red", "blue"]).to include(ab_user["link_color"]) end it "should increment the participation counter after assignment to a new user" do previous_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count previous_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") new_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count new_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count expect((new_red_count + new_blue_count)).to eq(previous_red_count + previous_blue_count + 1) end it "should not increment the counter for an experiment that the user is not participating in" do ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("button_size", "small", "big") expect { # User shouldn't participate in this second experiment ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") }.not_to change { e.participant_count } end it "should not increment the counter for an ended experiment" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("button_size", "small", "big") e.winner = "small" expect { a = ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(a).to eq("small") }.not_to change { e.participant_count } end it "should not increment the counter for an not started experiment" do expect(Split.configuration).to receive(:start_manually).and_return(true) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("button_size", "small", "big") expect { a = ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(a).to eq("small") }.not_to change { e.participant_count } end it "should return the given alternative for an existing user" do expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red")).to eq ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end it "should always return the winner if one is present" do experiment.winner = "orange" expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red")).to eq("orange") end it "should allow the alternative to be forced by passing it in the params" do # ?ab_test[link_color]=blue @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "blue" } } alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(alternative).to eq("blue") alternative = ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 1 }, "red" => 5) expect(alternative).to eq("blue") @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "red" } } alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(alternative).to eq("red") alternative = ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 5 }, "red" => 1) expect(alternative).to eq("red") end it "should not allow an arbitrary alternative" do @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "pink" } } alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue") expect(alternative).to eq("blue") end it "should not store the split when a param forced alternative" do @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "blue" } } expect(ab_user).not_to receive(:[]=) ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end it "SPLIT_DISABLE query parameter should also force the alternative (uses control)" do @params = { "SPLIT_DISABLE" => "true" } alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(alternative).to eq("blue") alternative = ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 1 }, "red" => 5) expect(alternative).to eq("blue") alternative = ab_test("link_color", "red", "blue") expect(alternative).to eq("red") alternative = ab_test("link_color", { "red" => 5 }, "blue" => 1) expect(alternative).to eq("red") end it "should not store the split when Split generically disabled" do @params = { "SPLIT_DISABLE" => "true" } expect(ab_user).not_to receive(:[]=) ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end context "when store_override is set" do before { Split.configuration.store_override = true } it "should store the forced alternative" do @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "blue" } } expect(ab_user).to receive(:[]=).with("link_color", "blue") ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end end context "when on_trial_choose is set" do before { Split.configuration.on_trial_choose = :some_method } it "should call the method" do expect(self).to receive(:some_method) ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end end it "should allow passing a block" do alt = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") ret = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") { |alternative| "shared/#{alternative}" } expect(ret).to eq("shared/#{alt}") end it "should allow the share of visitors see an alternative to be specified" do ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.8 }, { "red" => 20 }) expect(["red", "blue"]).to include(ab_user["link_color"]) end it "should allow alternative weighting interface as a single hash" do ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.01 }, "red" => 0.2) experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color") expect( eq(["blue", "red"]) expect(experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| a.weight }).to match_array([0.01, 0.2]) end it "should only let a user participate in one experiment at a time" do link_color = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(link_color) big ="big", "button_size") expect(big.participant_count).to eq(0) small ="small", "button_size") expect(small.participant_count).to eq(0) end it "should let a user participate in many experiment with allow_multiple_experiments option" do Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = true end link_color = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") button_size = ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(link_color) expect(ab_user["button_size"]).to eq(button_size) button_size_alt =, "button_size") expect(button_size_alt.participant_count).to eq(1) end context "with allow_multiple_experiments = 'control'" do it "should let a user participate in many experiment with one non-'control' alternative" do Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = "control" end groups = do |n| ab_test("test#{n}".to_sym, { "control" => (100 - n) }, { "test#{n}-alt" => n }) end experiments = ab_user.active_experiments expect(experiments.size).to be > 1 count_control = experiments.values.count { |g| g == "control" } expect(count_control).to eq(experiments.size - 1) count_alts = groups.count { |g| g != "control" } expect(count_alts).to eq(1) end context "when user already has experiment" do let(:mock_user) {, { "test_0" => "test-alt" }) } before do Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = "control" end Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_initialize("test_0", "control", "test-alt").save Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_initialize("test_1", "control", "test-alt").save end it "should restore previously selected alternative" do expect(ab_user.active_experiments.size).to eq 1 expect(ab_test(:test_0, { "control" => 100 }, { "test-alt" => 1 })).to eq "test-alt" expect(ab_test(:test_0, { "control" => 1 }, { "test-alt" => 100 })).to eq "test-alt" end it "should select the correct alternatives after experiment resets" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find(:test_0) experiment.reset mock_user[experiment.key] = "test-alt" expect(ab_user.active_experiments.size).to eq 1 expect(ab_test(:test_0, { "control" => 100 }, { "test-alt" => 1 })).to eq "test-alt" expect(ab_test(:test_0, { "control" => 0 }, { "test-alt" => 100 })).to eq "test-alt" end it "lets override existing choice" do pending "this requires user store reset on first call not depending on whelther it is current trial" @params = { "ab_test" => { "test_1" => "test-alt" } } expect(ab_test(:test_0, { "control" => 0 }, { "test-alt" => 100 })).to eq "control" expect(ab_test(:test_1, { "control" => 100 }, { "test-alt" => 1 })).to eq "test-alt" end end end it "should not over-write a finished key when an experiment is on a later version" do experiment.increment_version ab_user = { experiment.key => "blue", experiment.finished_key => true } finished_session = ab_user.dup ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user).to eq(finished_session) end end describe "metadata" do context "is defined" do before do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["one", "two"], resettable: false, metadata: { "one" => "Meta1", "two" => "Meta2" } } } end it "should be passed to helper block" do @params = { "ab_test" => { "my_experiment" => "two" } } expect(ab_test("my_experiment")).to eq "two" expect(ab_test("my_experiment") do |alternative, meta| meta end).to eq("Meta2") end it "should pass control metadata helper block if library disabled" do Split.configure do |config| config.enabled = false end expect(ab_test("my_experiment")).to eq "one" expect(ab_test("my_experiment") do |_, meta| meta end).to eq("Meta1") end end context "is not defined" do before do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["one", "two"], resettable: false, metadata: nil } } end it "should be passed to helper block" do expect(ab_test("my_experiment") do |alternative, meta| meta end).to eq({}) end it "should pass control metadata helper block if library disabled" do Split.configure do |config| config.enabled = false end expect(ab_test("my_experiment") do |_, meta| meta end).to eq({}) end end end describe "ab_finished" do context "for an experiment that the user participates in" do before(:each) do @experiment_name = "link_color" @alternatives = ["blue", "red"] @experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create(@experiment_name, *@alternatives) @alternative_name = ab_test(@experiment_name, *@alternatives) @previous_completion_count =, @experiment_name).completed_count end it "should increment the counter for the completed alternative" do ab_finished(@experiment_name) new_completion_count =, @experiment_name).completed_count expect(new_completion_count).to eq(@previous_completion_count + 1) end it "should set experiment's finished key if reset is false" do ab_finished(@experiment_name, { reset: false }) expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) expect(ab_user[@experiment.finished_key]).to eq(true) end it "should not increment the counter if reset is false and the experiment has been already finished" do 2.times { ab_finished(@experiment_name, { reset: false }) } new_completion_count =, @experiment_name).completed_count expect(new_completion_count).to eq(@previous_completion_count + 1) end it "should not increment the counter for an ended experiment" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("button_size", "small", "big") e.winner = "small" a = ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(a).to eq("small") expect { ab_finished("button_size") }.not_to change {, "button_size").completed_count } end it "should clear out the user's participation from their session" do expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) ab_finished(@experiment_name) expect(ab_user.keys).to be_empty end it "should not clear out the users session if reset is false" do expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) ab_finished(@experiment_name, { reset: false }) expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) expect(ab_user[@experiment.finished_key]).to eq(true) end it "should reset the users session when experiment is not versioned" do expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) ab_finished(@experiment_name) expect(ab_user.keys).to be_empty end it "should reset the users session when experiment is versioned" do @experiment.increment_version @alternative_name = ab_test(@experiment_name, *@alternatives) expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) ab_finished(@experiment_name) expect(ab_user.keys).to be_empty end context "when on_trial_complete is set" do before { Split.configuration.on_trial_complete = :some_method } it "should call the method" do expect(self).to receive(:some_method) ab_finished(@experiment_name) end it "should not call the method without alternative" do ab_user[@experiment.key] = nil expect(self).not_to receive(:some_method) ab_finished(@experiment_name) end end end context "for an experiment that the user is excluded from" do before do alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(, "link_color").participant_count).to eq(1) alternative = ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(, "button_size").participant_count).to eq(0) end it "should not increment the completed counter" do # So, user should be participating in the link_color experiment and # receive the control for button_size. As the user is not participating in # the button size experiment, finishing it should not increase the # completion count for that alternative. expect { ab_finished("button_size") }.not_to change {"small", "button_size").completed_count } end end context "for an experiment that the user does not participate in" do before do Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create(:not_started_experiment, "control", "alt") end it "should not raise an exception" do expect { ab_finished(:not_started_experiment) }.not_to raise_exception end it "should not change the user state when reset is false" do expect { ab_finished(:not_started_experiment, reset: false) }.not_to change { ab_user.keys }.from([]) expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "def" expect(active_experiments.first[1]).to eq alternative end it 'should show multiple tests' do Split.configure do |config| context "finished with config" do it "passes reset option" do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["one", "two"], resettable: false, } } alternative = ab_test(:my_experiment) experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find :my_experiment ab_finished :my_experiment expect(ab_user[experiment.key]).to eq(alternative) expect(ab_user[experiment.finished_key]).to eq(true) end end context "finished with metric name" do before { Split.configuration.experiments = {} } before { expect(Split::Alternative).to receive(:new).at_least(1).times.and_call_original } def should_finish_experiment(experiment_name, should_finish = true) alts = Split.configuration.experiments[experiment_name][:alternatives] experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create(experiment_name, *alts) alt_name = ab_user[experiment.key] = alts.first alt = double("alternative") expect(alt).to receive(:name).at_most(1).times.and_return(alt_name) expect(Split::Alternative).to receive(:new).at_most(1).times.with(alt_name, experiment_name.to_s).and_return(alt) if should_finish expect(alt).to receive(:increment_completion).at_most(1).times else expect(alt).not_to receive(:increment_completion) end end it "completes the test" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "other_opt" ], metric: :my_metric } should_finish_experiment :my_experiment ab_finished :my_metric end it "completes all relevant tests" do Split.configuration.experiments = { exp_1: { alternatives: [ "1-1", "1-2" ], metric: :my_metric }, exp_2: { alternatives: [ "2-1", "2-2" ], metric: :another_metric }, exp_3: { alternatives: [ "3-1", "3-2" ], metric: :my_metric }, } should_finish_experiment :exp_1 should_finish_experiment :exp_2, false should_finish_experiment :exp_3 ab_finished :my_metric end it "passes reset option" do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_exp: { alternatives: ["one", "two"], metric: :my_metric, resettable: false, } } alternative_name = ab_test(:my_exp) exp = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find :my_exp ab_finished :my_metric expect(ab_user[exp.key]).to eq(alternative_name) expect(ab_user[exp.finished_key]).to be_truthy end it "passes through options" do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_exp: { alternatives: ["one", "two"], metric: :my_metric, } } alternative_name = ab_test(:my_exp) exp = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find :my_exp ab_finished :my_metric, reset: false expect(ab_user[exp.key]).to eq(alternative_name) expect(ab_user[exp.finished_key]).to be_truthy end end describe "conversions" do it "should return a conversion rate for an alternative" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") previous_convertion_rate =, "link_color").conversion_rate expect(previous_convertion_rate).to eq(0.0) ab_finished("link_color") new_convertion_rate =, "link_color").conversion_rate expect(new_convertion_rate).to eq(1.0) end end describe "active experiments" do it "should show an active test" do alternative = ab_test("def", "4", "5", "6") expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "def" expect(active_experiments.first[1]).to eq alternative end it "should show a finished test" do alternative = ab_test("def", "4", "5", "6") ab_finished("def", { reset: false }) expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "def" expect(active_experiments.first[1]).to eq alternative end it "should show an active test when an experiment is on a later version" do experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "link_color" end it "should show versioned tests properly" do 10.times { experiment.reset } alternative = ab_test(, "blue", "red") ab_finished(, reset: false) expect(experiment.version).to eq(10) expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 expect(active_experiments).to eq({ "link_color" => alternative }) end it "should show multiple tests" do Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = true end alternative = ab_test("def", "4", "5", "6") another_alternative = ab_test("ghi", "7", "8", "9") expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 2 expect(active_experiments["def"]).to eq alternative expect(active_experiments["ghi"]).to eq another_alternative end it "should not show tests with winners" do Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = true end e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("def", "4", "5", "6") e.winner = "4" ab_test("def", "4", "5", "6") another_alternative = ab_test("ghi", "7", "8", "9") expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "ghi" expect(active_experiments.first[1]).to eq another_alternative end end describe "when user is a robot" do before(:each) do @request = "Googlebot/2.1 (+") end describe "ab_test" do it "should return the control" do alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(alternative).to eq end it "should not create a experiment" do ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect("link_color")).to be_a_new_record end it "should not increment the participation count" do previous_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count previous_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") new_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count new_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count expect((new_red_count + new_blue_count)).to eq(previous_red_count + previous_blue_count) end end describe "finished" do it "should not increment the completed count" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") previous_completion_count =, "link_color").completed_count ab_finished("link_color") new_completion_count =, "link_color").completed_count expect(new_completion_count).to eq(previous_completion_count) end end end describe "when providing custom ignore logic" do context "using a proc to configure custom logic" do before(:each) do Split.configure do |c| c.ignore_filter = proc { |request| true } # ignore everything end end it "ignores the ab_test" do ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count expect((red_count + blue_count)).to be(0) end end end shared_examples_for "a disabled test" do describe "ab_test" do it "should return the control" do alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(alternative).to eq end it "should not increment the participation count" do previous_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count previous_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") new_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count new_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count expect((new_red_count + new_blue_count)).to eq(previous_red_count + previous_blue_count) end end describe "finished" do it "should not increment the completed count" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") previous_completion_count =, "link_color").completed_count ab_finished("link_color") new_completion_count =, "link_color").completed_count expect(new_completion_count).to eq(previous_completion_count) end end end describe "when ip address is ignored" do context "individually" do before(:each) do @request = "") Split.configure do |c| c.ignore_ip_addresses << "" end end it_behaves_like "a disabled test" end context "for a range" do before(:each) do @request = "") Split.configure do |c| c.ignore_ip_addresses << /81\.19\.48\.[0-9]+/ end end it_behaves_like "a disabled test" end context "using both a range and a specific value" do before(:each) do @request = "") Split.configure do |c| c.ignore_ip_addresses << "" c.ignore_ip_addresses << /81\.19\.48\.[0-9]+/ end end it_behaves_like "a disabled test" end context "when ignored other address" do before do @request = "") Split.configure do |c| c.ignore_ip_addresses << "" end end it "works as usual" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "red", "blue") expect { ab_finished("link_color") }.to change(, "link_color"), :completed_count).by(1) end end end describe "when user is previewing" do before(:each) do @request = { "x-purpose" => "preview" }) end it_behaves_like "a disabled test" end describe "versioned experiments" do it "should use version zero if no version is present" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(alternative_name) end it "should save the version of the experiment to the session" do experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color:1"]).to eq(alternative_name) end it "should load the experiment even if the version is not 0" do experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color:1"]).to eq(alternative_name) return_alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(return_alternative_name).to eq(alternative_name) end it "should reset the session of a user on an older version of the experiment" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(alternative_name) alternative =, "link_color") expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(1) experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) alternative =, "link_color") expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(0) new_alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color:1"]).to eq(new_alternative_name) new_alternative =, "link_color") expect(new_alternative.participant_count).to eq(1) end it "should cleanup old versions of experiments from the session" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(alternative_name) alternative =, "link_color") expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(1) experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) alternative =, "link_color") expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(0) new_alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color:1"]).to eq(new_alternative_name) end it "should only count completion of users on the current version" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(alternative_name), "link_color") experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) ab_finished("link_color") alternative =, "link_color") expect(alternative.completed_count).to eq(0) end end context "when redis is not available" do before(:each) do expect(Split).to receive(:redis).at_most(5).times.and_raise( end context "and db_failover config option is turned off" do before(:each) do Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover = false end end describe "ab_test" do it "should raise an exception" do expect { ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") }.to raise_error(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) end end describe "finished" do it "should raise an exception" do expect { ab_finished("link_color") }.to raise_error(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) end end describe "disable split testing" do before(:each) do Split.configure do |config| config.enabled = false end end it "should not attempt to connect to redis" do expect { ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") }.not_to raise_error end it "should return control variable" do expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red")).to eq("blue") expect { ab_finished("link_color") }.not_to raise_error end end end context "and db_failover config option is turned on" do before(:each) do Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover = true end end describe "ab_test" do it "should not raise an exception" do expect { ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") }.not_to raise_error end it "should call db_failover_on_db_error proc with error as parameter" do Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover_on_db_error = proc do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) end end expect(Split.configuration.db_failover_on_db_error).to receive(:call).and_call_original ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end it "should always use first alternative" do expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red")).to eq("blue") expect(ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.01 }, "red" => 0.2)).to eq("blue") expect(ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.8 }, { "red" => 20 })).to eq("blue") expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") do |alternative| "shared/#{alternative}" end).to eq("shared/blue") end context "and db_failover_allow_parameter_override config option is turned on" do before(:each) do Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover_allow_parameter_override = true end end context "and given an override parameter" do it "should use given override instead of the first alternative" do @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "red" } } expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red")).to eq("red") expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red", "green")).to eq("red") expect(ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.01 }, "red" => 0.2)).to eq("red") expect(ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.8 }, { "red" => 20 })).to eq("red") expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") do |alternative| "shared/#{alternative}" end).to eq("shared/red") end end end context "and preloaded config given" do before do Split.configuration.experiments[:link_color] = { alternatives: [ "blue", "red" ], } end it "uses first alternative" do expect(ab_test(:link_color)).to eq("blue") end end end describe "finished" do it "should not raise an exception" do expect { ab_finished("link_color") }.not_to raise_error end it "should call db_failover_on_db_error proc with error as parameter" do Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover_on_db_error = proc do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) end end expect(Split.configuration.db_failover_on_db_error).to receive(:call).and_call_original ab_finished("link_color") end end end end context "with preloaded config" do before { Split.configuration.experiments = {} } it "pulls options from config file" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "other_opt" ], goals: ["goal1", "goal2"] } ab_test :my_experiment expect( eq([ "control_opt", "other_opt" ]) expect( eq([ "goal1", "goal2" ]) end it "can be called multiple times" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "other_opt" ], goals: ["goal1", "goal2"] } 5.times { ab_test :my_experiment } experiment = expect( eq([ "control_opt", "other_opt" ]) expect(experiment.goals).to eq([ "goal1", "goal2" ]) expect(experiment.participant_count).to eq(1) end it "accepts multiple goals" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "other_opt" ], goals: [ "goal1", "goal2", "goal3" ] } ab_test :my_experiment experiment = expect(experiment.goals).to eq([ "goal1", "goal2", "goal3" ]) end it "allow specifying goals to be optional" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "other_opt" ] } experiment = expect(experiment.goals).to eq([]) end it "accepts multiple alternatives" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "second_opt", "third_opt" ], } ab_test :my_experiment experiment = expect( eq([ "control_opt", "second_opt", "third_opt" ]) end it "accepts probability on alternatives" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt", percent: 67 }, { name: "second_opt", percent: 10 }, { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, ], } ab_test :my_experiment experiment = expect(experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| [, a.weight] }).to eq([["control_opt", 0.67], ["second_opt", 0.1], ["third_opt", 0.23]]) end it "accepts probability on some alternatives" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt", percent: 34 }, "second_opt", { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, "fourth_opt", ], } ab_test :my_experiment experiment = names_and_weights = experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| [, a.weight] } expect(names_and_weights).to eq([["control_opt", 0.34], ["second_opt", 0.215], ["third_opt", 0.23], ["fourth_opt", 0.215]]) expect(names_and_weights.inject(0) { |sum, nw| sum + nw[1] }).to eq(1.0) end it "allows name param without probability" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt" }, "second_opt", { name: "third_opt", percent: 64 }, ], } ab_test :my_experiment experiment = names_and_weights = experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| [, a.weight] } expect(names_and_weights).to eq([["control_opt", 0.18], ["second_opt", 0.18], ["third_opt", 0.64]]) expect(names_and_weights.inject(0) { |sum, nw| sum + nw[1] }).to eq(1.0) end it "fails gracefully if config is missing experiment" do Split.configuration.experiments = { other_experiment: { foo: "Bar" } } expect { ab_test :my_experiment }.to raise_error(Split::ExperimentNotFound) end it "fails gracefully if config is missing" do expect { Split.configuration.experiments = nil }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end it "fails gracefully if config is missing alternatives" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { foo: "Bar" } expect { ab_test :my_experiment }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end end it "should handle multiple experiments correctly" do experiment2 = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color2", "blue", "red") ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") ab_test("link_color2", "blue", "red") ab_finished("link_color2") experiment2.alternatives.each do |alt| expect(alt.unfinished_count).to eq(0) end end context "with goals" do before do @experiment = { "link_color" => ["purchase", "refund"] } @alternatives = ["blue", "red"] @experiment_name, @goals = normalize_metric(@experiment) @goal1 = @goals[0] @goal2 = @goals[1] end it "should normalize experiment" do expect(@experiment_name).to eq("link_color") expect(@goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) end describe "ab_test" do it "should allow experiment goals interface as a single hash" do ab_test(@experiment, *@alternatives) experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color") expect(experiment.goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) end end describe "ab_finished" do before do @alternative_name = ab_test(@experiment, *@alternatives) end it "should increment the counter for the specified-goal completed alternative" do expect { ab_finished({ "link_color" => ["purchase"] }) } .to change {, @experiment_name).completed_count(@goal2) }.by(0) .and change {, @experiment_name).completed_count(@goal1) }.by(1) end end end end <MSG> fix active experiments when experiment is on a later version <DFF> @@ -449,6 +449,14 @@ describe Split::Helper do expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "def" expect(active_experiments.first[1]).to eq alternative end + + it 'should show an active test when an experiment is on a later version' do + experiment.reset + expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) + ab_test('link_color', 'blue', 'red') + expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 + expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "link_color" + end it 'should show multiple tests' do Split.configure do |config|
fix active experiments when experiment is on a later version
<NME> helper_spec.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" # TODO change some of these tests to use Rack::Test describe Split::Helper do include Split::Helper let(:experiment) { Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color", "blue", "red") } describe "ab_test" do it "should not raise an error when passed strings for alternatives" do expect { ab_test("xyz", "1", "2", "3") }.not_to raise_error end it "should not raise an error when passed an array for alternatives" do expect { ab_test("xyz", ["1", "2", "3"]) }.not_to raise_error end it "should raise the appropriate error when passed integers for alternatives" do expect { ab_test("xyz", 1, 2, 3) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise the appropriate error when passed symbols for alternatives" do expect { ab_test("xyz", :a, :b, :c) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not raise error when passed an array for goals" do expect { ab_test({ "link_color" => ["purchase", "refund"] }, "blue", "red") }.not_to raise_error end it "should not raise error when passed just one goal" do expect { ab_test({ "link_color" => "purchase" }, "blue", "red") }.not_to raise_error end it "raises an appropriate error when processing combined expirements" do Split.configuration.experiments = { combined_exp_1: { alternatives: [ { name: "control", percent: 50 }, { name: "test-alt", percent: 50 } ], metric: :my_metric, combined_experiments: [:combined_exp_1_sub_1] } } Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("combined_exp_1") expect { ab_test("combined_exp_1") }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end it "should assign a random alternative to a new user when there are an equal number of alternatives assigned" do ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(["red", "blue"]).to include(ab_user["link_color"]) end it "should increment the participation counter after assignment to a new user" do previous_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count previous_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") new_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count new_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count expect((new_red_count + new_blue_count)).to eq(previous_red_count + previous_blue_count + 1) end it "should not increment the counter for an experiment that the user is not participating in" do ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("button_size", "small", "big") expect { # User shouldn't participate in this second experiment ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") }.not_to change { e.participant_count } end it "should not increment the counter for an ended experiment" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("button_size", "small", "big") e.winner = "small" expect { a = ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(a).to eq("small") }.not_to change { e.participant_count } end it "should not increment the counter for an not started experiment" do expect(Split.configuration).to receive(:start_manually).and_return(true) e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("button_size", "small", "big") expect { a = ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(a).to eq("small") }.not_to change { e.participant_count } end it "should return the given alternative for an existing user" do expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red")).to eq ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end it "should always return the winner if one is present" do experiment.winner = "orange" expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red")).to eq("orange") end it "should allow the alternative to be forced by passing it in the params" do # ?ab_test[link_color]=blue @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "blue" } } alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(alternative).to eq("blue") alternative = ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 1 }, "red" => 5) expect(alternative).to eq("blue") @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "red" } } alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(alternative).to eq("red") alternative = ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 5 }, "red" => 1) expect(alternative).to eq("red") end it "should not allow an arbitrary alternative" do @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "pink" } } alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue") expect(alternative).to eq("blue") end it "should not store the split when a param forced alternative" do @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "blue" } } expect(ab_user).not_to receive(:[]=) ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end it "SPLIT_DISABLE query parameter should also force the alternative (uses control)" do @params = { "SPLIT_DISABLE" => "true" } alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(alternative).to eq("blue") alternative = ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 1 }, "red" => 5) expect(alternative).to eq("blue") alternative = ab_test("link_color", "red", "blue") expect(alternative).to eq("red") alternative = ab_test("link_color", { "red" => 5 }, "blue" => 1) expect(alternative).to eq("red") end it "should not store the split when Split generically disabled" do @params = { "SPLIT_DISABLE" => "true" } expect(ab_user).not_to receive(:[]=) ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end context "when store_override is set" do before { Split.configuration.store_override = true } it "should store the forced alternative" do @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "blue" } } expect(ab_user).to receive(:[]=).with("link_color", "blue") ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end end context "when on_trial_choose is set" do before { Split.configuration.on_trial_choose = :some_method } it "should call the method" do expect(self).to receive(:some_method) ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end end it "should allow passing a block" do alt = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") ret = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") { |alternative| "shared/#{alternative}" } expect(ret).to eq("shared/#{alt}") end it "should allow the share of visitors see an alternative to be specified" do ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.8 }, { "red" => 20 }) expect(["red", "blue"]).to include(ab_user["link_color"]) end it "should allow alternative weighting interface as a single hash" do ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.01 }, "red" => 0.2) experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color") expect( eq(["blue", "red"]) expect(experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| a.weight }).to match_array([0.01, 0.2]) end it "should only let a user participate in one experiment at a time" do link_color = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(link_color) big ="big", "button_size") expect(big.participant_count).to eq(0) small ="small", "button_size") expect(small.participant_count).to eq(0) end it "should let a user participate in many experiment with allow_multiple_experiments option" do Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = true end link_color = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") button_size = ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(link_color) expect(ab_user["button_size"]).to eq(button_size) button_size_alt =, "button_size") expect(button_size_alt.participant_count).to eq(1) end context "with allow_multiple_experiments = 'control'" do it "should let a user participate in many experiment with one non-'control' alternative" do Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = "control" end groups = do |n| ab_test("test#{n}".to_sym, { "control" => (100 - n) }, { "test#{n}-alt" => n }) end experiments = ab_user.active_experiments expect(experiments.size).to be > 1 count_control = experiments.values.count { |g| g == "control" } expect(count_control).to eq(experiments.size - 1) count_alts = groups.count { |g| g != "control" } expect(count_alts).to eq(1) end context "when user already has experiment" do let(:mock_user) {, { "test_0" => "test-alt" }) } before do Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = "control" end Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_initialize("test_0", "control", "test-alt").save Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_initialize("test_1", "control", "test-alt").save end it "should restore previously selected alternative" do expect(ab_user.active_experiments.size).to eq 1 expect(ab_test(:test_0, { "control" => 100 }, { "test-alt" => 1 })).to eq "test-alt" expect(ab_test(:test_0, { "control" => 1 }, { "test-alt" => 100 })).to eq "test-alt" end it "should select the correct alternatives after experiment resets" do experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find(:test_0) experiment.reset mock_user[experiment.key] = "test-alt" expect(ab_user.active_experiments.size).to eq 1 expect(ab_test(:test_0, { "control" => 100 }, { "test-alt" => 1 })).to eq "test-alt" expect(ab_test(:test_0, { "control" => 0 }, { "test-alt" => 100 })).to eq "test-alt" end it "lets override existing choice" do pending "this requires user store reset on first call not depending on whelther it is current trial" @params = { "ab_test" => { "test_1" => "test-alt" } } expect(ab_test(:test_0, { "control" => 0 }, { "test-alt" => 100 })).to eq "control" expect(ab_test(:test_1, { "control" => 100 }, { "test-alt" => 1 })).to eq "test-alt" end end end it "should not over-write a finished key when an experiment is on a later version" do experiment.increment_version ab_user = { experiment.key => "blue", experiment.finished_key => true } finished_session = ab_user.dup ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user).to eq(finished_session) end end describe "metadata" do context "is defined" do before do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["one", "two"], resettable: false, metadata: { "one" => "Meta1", "two" => "Meta2" } } } end it "should be passed to helper block" do @params = { "ab_test" => { "my_experiment" => "two" } } expect(ab_test("my_experiment")).to eq "two" expect(ab_test("my_experiment") do |alternative, meta| meta end).to eq("Meta2") end it "should pass control metadata helper block if library disabled" do Split.configure do |config| config.enabled = false end expect(ab_test("my_experiment")).to eq "one" expect(ab_test("my_experiment") do |_, meta| meta end).to eq("Meta1") end end context "is not defined" do before do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["one", "two"], resettable: false, metadata: nil } } end it "should be passed to helper block" do expect(ab_test("my_experiment") do |alternative, meta| meta end).to eq({}) end it "should pass control metadata helper block if library disabled" do Split.configure do |config| config.enabled = false end expect(ab_test("my_experiment") do |_, meta| meta end).to eq({}) end end end describe "ab_finished" do context "for an experiment that the user participates in" do before(:each) do @experiment_name = "link_color" @alternatives = ["blue", "red"] @experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create(@experiment_name, *@alternatives) @alternative_name = ab_test(@experiment_name, *@alternatives) @previous_completion_count =, @experiment_name).completed_count end it "should increment the counter for the completed alternative" do ab_finished(@experiment_name) new_completion_count =, @experiment_name).completed_count expect(new_completion_count).to eq(@previous_completion_count + 1) end it "should set experiment's finished key if reset is false" do ab_finished(@experiment_name, { reset: false }) expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) expect(ab_user[@experiment.finished_key]).to eq(true) end it "should not increment the counter if reset is false and the experiment has been already finished" do 2.times { ab_finished(@experiment_name, { reset: false }) } new_completion_count =, @experiment_name).completed_count expect(new_completion_count).to eq(@previous_completion_count + 1) end it "should not increment the counter for an ended experiment" do e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("button_size", "small", "big") e.winner = "small" a = ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(a).to eq("small") expect { ab_finished("button_size") }.not_to change {, "button_size").completed_count } end it "should clear out the user's participation from their session" do expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) ab_finished(@experiment_name) expect(ab_user.keys).to be_empty end it "should not clear out the users session if reset is false" do expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) ab_finished(@experiment_name, { reset: false }) expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) expect(ab_user[@experiment.finished_key]).to eq(true) end it "should reset the users session when experiment is not versioned" do expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) ab_finished(@experiment_name) expect(ab_user.keys).to be_empty end it "should reset the users session when experiment is versioned" do @experiment.increment_version @alternative_name = ab_test(@experiment_name, *@alternatives) expect(ab_user[@experiment.key]).to eq(@alternative_name) ab_finished(@experiment_name) expect(ab_user.keys).to be_empty end context "when on_trial_complete is set" do before { Split.configuration.on_trial_complete = :some_method } it "should call the method" do expect(self).to receive(:some_method) ab_finished(@experiment_name) end it "should not call the method without alternative" do ab_user[@experiment.key] = nil expect(self).not_to receive(:some_method) ab_finished(@experiment_name) end end end context "for an experiment that the user is excluded from" do before do alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(, "link_color").participant_count).to eq(1) alternative = ab_test("button_size", "small", "big") expect(, "button_size").participant_count).to eq(0) end it "should not increment the completed counter" do # So, user should be participating in the link_color experiment and # receive the control for button_size. As the user is not participating in # the button size experiment, finishing it should not increase the # completion count for that alternative. expect { ab_finished("button_size") }.not_to change {"small", "button_size").completed_count } end end context "for an experiment that the user does not participate in" do before do Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create(:not_started_experiment, "control", "alt") end it "should not raise an exception" do expect { ab_finished(:not_started_experiment) }.not_to raise_exception end it "should not change the user state when reset is false" do expect { ab_finished(:not_started_experiment, reset: false) }.not_to change { ab_user.keys }.from([]) expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "def" expect(active_experiments.first[1]).to eq alternative end it 'should show multiple tests' do Split.configure do |config| context "finished with config" do it "passes reset option" do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_experiment: { alternatives: ["one", "two"], resettable: false, } } alternative = ab_test(:my_experiment) experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find :my_experiment ab_finished :my_experiment expect(ab_user[experiment.key]).to eq(alternative) expect(ab_user[experiment.finished_key]).to eq(true) end end context "finished with metric name" do before { Split.configuration.experiments = {} } before { expect(Split::Alternative).to receive(:new).at_least(1).times.and_call_original } def should_finish_experiment(experiment_name, should_finish = true) alts = Split.configuration.experiments[experiment_name][:alternatives] experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create(experiment_name, *alts) alt_name = ab_user[experiment.key] = alts.first alt = double("alternative") expect(alt).to receive(:name).at_most(1).times.and_return(alt_name) expect(Split::Alternative).to receive(:new).at_most(1).times.with(alt_name, experiment_name.to_s).and_return(alt) if should_finish expect(alt).to receive(:increment_completion).at_most(1).times else expect(alt).not_to receive(:increment_completion) end end it "completes the test" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "other_opt" ], metric: :my_metric } should_finish_experiment :my_experiment ab_finished :my_metric end it "completes all relevant tests" do Split.configuration.experiments = { exp_1: { alternatives: [ "1-1", "1-2" ], metric: :my_metric }, exp_2: { alternatives: [ "2-1", "2-2" ], metric: :another_metric }, exp_3: { alternatives: [ "3-1", "3-2" ], metric: :my_metric }, } should_finish_experiment :exp_1 should_finish_experiment :exp_2, false should_finish_experiment :exp_3 ab_finished :my_metric end it "passes reset option" do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_exp: { alternatives: ["one", "two"], metric: :my_metric, resettable: false, } } alternative_name = ab_test(:my_exp) exp = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find :my_exp ab_finished :my_metric expect(ab_user[exp.key]).to eq(alternative_name) expect(ab_user[exp.finished_key]).to be_truthy end it "passes through options" do Split.configuration.experiments = { my_exp: { alternatives: ["one", "two"], metric: :my_metric, } } alternative_name = ab_test(:my_exp) exp = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find :my_exp ab_finished :my_metric, reset: false expect(ab_user[exp.key]).to eq(alternative_name) expect(ab_user[exp.finished_key]).to be_truthy end end describe "conversions" do it "should return a conversion rate for an alternative" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") previous_convertion_rate =, "link_color").conversion_rate expect(previous_convertion_rate).to eq(0.0) ab_finished("link_color") new_convertion_rate =, "link_color").conversion_rate expect(new_convertion_rate).to eq(1.0) end end describe "active experiments" do it "should show an active test" do alternative = ab_test("def", "4", "5", "6") expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "def" expect(active_experiments.first[1]).to eq alternative end it "should show a finished test" do alternative = ab_test("def", "4", "5", "6") ab_finished("def", { reset: false }) expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "def" expect(active_experiments.first[1]).to eq alternative end it "should show an active test when an experiment is on a later version" do experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "link_color" end it "should show versioned tests properly" do 10.times { experiment.reset } alternative = ab_test(, "blue", "red") ab_finished(, reset: false) expect(experiment.version).to eq(10) expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 expect(active_experiments).to eq({ "link_color" => alternative }) end it "should show multiple tests" do Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = true end alternative = ab_test("def", "4", "5", "6") another_alternative = ab_test("ghi", "7", "8", "9") expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 2 expect(active_experiments["def"]).to eq alternative expect(active_experiments["ghi"]).to eq another_alternative end it "should not show tests with winners" do Split.configure do |config| config.allow_multiple_experiments = true end e = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("def", "4", "5", "6") e.winner = "4" ab_test("def", "4", "5", "6") another_alternative = ab_test("ghi", "7", "8", "9") expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "ghi" expect(active_experiments.first[1]).to eq another_alternative end end describe "when user is a robot" do before(:each) do @request = "Googlebot/2.1 (+") end describe "ab_test" do it "should return the control" do alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(alternative).to eq end it "should not create a experiment" do ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect("link_color")).to be_a_new_record end it "should not increment the participation count" do previous_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count previous_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") new_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count new_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count expect((new_red_count + new_blue_count)).to eq(previous_red_count + previous_blue_count) end end describe "finished" do it "should not increment the completed count" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") previous_completion_count =, "link_color").completed_count ab_finished("link_color") new_completion_count =, "link_color").completed_count expect(new_completion_count).to eq(previous_completion_count) end end end describe "when providing custom ignore logic" do context "using a proc to configure custom logic" do before(:each) do Split.configure do |c| c.ignore_filter = proc { |request| true } # ignore everything end end it "ignores the ab_test" do ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count expect((red_count + blue_count)).to be(0) end end end shared_examples_for "a disabled test" do describe "ab_test" do it "should return the control" do alternative = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(alternative).to eq end it "should not increment the participation count" do previous_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count previous_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") new_red_count ="red", "link_color").participant_count new_blue_count ="blue", "link_color").participant_count expect((new_red_count + new_blue_count)).to eq(previous_red_count + previous_blue_count) end end describe "finished" do it "should not increment the completed count" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") previous_completion_count =, "link_color").completed_count ab_finished("link_color") new_completion_count =, "link_color").completed_count expect(new_completion_count).to eq(previous_completion_count) end end end describe "when ip address is ignored" do context "individually" do before(:each) do @request = "") Split.configure do |c| c.ignore_ip_addresses << "" end end it_behaves_like "a disabled test" end context "for a range" do before(:each) do @request = "") Split.configure do |c| c.ignore_ip_addresses << /81\.19\.48\.[0-9]+/ end end it_behaves_like "a disabled test" end context "using both a range and a specific value" do before(:each) do @request = "") Split.configure do |c| c.ignore_ip_addresses << "" c.ignore_ip_addresses << /81\.19\.48\.[0-9]+/ end end it_behaves_like "a disabled test" end context "when ignored other address" do before do @request = "") Split.configure do |c| c.ignore_ip_addresses << "" end end it "works as usual" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "red", "blue") expect { ab_finished("link_color") }.to change(, "link_color"), :completed_count).by(1) end end end describe "when user is previewing" do before(:each) do @request = { "x-purpose" => "preview" }) end it_behaves_like "a disabled test" end describe "versioned experiments" do it "should use version zero if no version is present" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(experiment.version).to eq(0) expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(alternative_name) end it "should save the version of the experiment to the session" do experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color:1"]).to eq(alternative_name) end it "should load the experiment even if the version is not 0" do experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color:1"]).to eq(alternative_name) return_alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(return_alternative_name).to eq(alternative_name) end it "should reset the session of a user on an older version of the experiment" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(alternative_name) alternative =, "link_color") expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(1) experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) alternative =, "link_color") expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(0) new_alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color:1"]).to eq(new_alternative_name) new_alternative =, "link_color") expect(new_alternative.participant_count).to eq(1) end it "should cleanup old versions of experiments from the session" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(alternative_name) alternative =, "link_color") expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(1) experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) alternative =, "link_color") expect(alternative.participant_count).to eq(0) new_alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color:1"]).to eq(new_alternative_name) end it "should only count completion of users on the current version" do alternative_name = ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") expect(ab_user["link_color"]).to eq(alternative_name), "link_color") experiment.reset expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) ab_finished("link_color") alternative =, "link_color") expect(alternative.completed_count).to eq(0) end end context "when redis is not available" do before(:each) do expect(Split).to receive(:redis).at_most(5).times.and_raise( end context "and db_failover config option is turned off" do before(:each) do Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover = false end end describe "ab_test" do it "should raise an exception" do expect { ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") }.to raise_error(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) end end describe "finished" do it "should raise an exception" do expect { ab_finished("link_color") }.to raise_error(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) end end describe "disable split testing" do before(:each) do Split.configure do |config| config.enabled = false end end it "should not attempt to connect to redis" do expect { ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") }.not_to raise_error end it "should return control variable" do expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red")).to eq("blue") expect { ab_finished("link_color") }.not_to raise_error end end end context "and db_failover config option is turned on" do before(:each) do Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover = true end end describe "ab_test" do it "should not raise an exception" do expect { ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") }.not_to raise_error end it "should call db_failover_on_db_error proc with error as parameter" do Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover_on_db_error = proc do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) end end expect(Split.configuration.db_failover_on_db_error).to receive(:call).and_call_original ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") end it "should always use first alternative" do expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red")).to eq("blue") expect(ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.01 }, "red" => 0.2)).to eq("blue") expect(ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.8 }, { "red" => 20 })).to eq("blue") expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") do |alternative| "shared/#{alternative}" end).to eq("shared/blue") end context "and db_failover_allow_parameter_override config option is turned on" do before(:each) do Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover_allow_parameter_override = true end end context "and given an override parameter" do it "should use given override instead of the first alternative" do @params = { "ab_test" => { "link_color" => "red" } } expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red")).to eq("red") expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red", "green")).to eq("red") expect(ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.01 }, "red" => 0.2)).to eq("red") expect(ab_test("link_color", { "blue" => 0.8 }, { "red" => 20 })).to eq("red") expect(ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") do |alternative| "shared/#{alternative}" end).to eq("shared/red") end end end context "and preloaded config given" do before do Split.configuration.experiments[:link_color] = { alternatives: [ "blue", "red" ], } end it "uses first alternative" do expect(ab_test(:link_color)).to eq("blue") end end end describe "finished" do it "should not raise an exception" do expect { ab_finished("link_color") }.not_to raise_error end it "should call db_failover_on_db_error proc with error as parameter" do Split.configure do |config| config.db_failover_on_db_error = proc do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) end end expect(Split.configuration.db_failover_on_db_error).to receive(:call).and_call_original ab_finished("link_color") end end end end context "with preloaded config" do before { Split.configuration.experiments = {} } it "pulls options from config file" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "other_opt" ], goals: ["goal1", "goal2"] } ab_test :my_experiment expect( eq([ "control_opt", "other_opt" ]) expect( eq([ "goal1", "goal2" ]) end it "can be called multiple times" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "other_opt" ], goals: ["goal1", "goal2"] } 5.times { ab_test :my_experiment } experiment = expect( eq([ "control_opt", "other_opt" ]) expect(experiment.goals).to eq([ "goal1", "goal2" ]) expect(experiment.participant_count).to eq(1) end it "accepts multiple goals" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "other_opt" ], goals: [ "goal1", "goal2", "goal3" ] } ab_test :my_experiment experiment = expect(experiment.goals).to eq([ "goal1", "goal2", "goal3" ]) end it "allow specifying goals to be optional" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "other_opt" ] } experiment = expect(experiment.goals).to eq([]) end it "accepts multiple alternatives" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ "control_opt", "second_opt", "third_opt" ], } ab_test :my_experiment experiment = expect( eq([ "control_opt", "second_opt", "third_opt" ]) end it "accepts probability on alternatives" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt", percent: 67 }, { name: "second_opt", percent: 10 }, { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, ], } ab_test :my_experiment experiment = expect(experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| [, a.weight] }).to eq([["control_opt", 0.67], ["second_opt", 0.1], ["third_opt", 0.23]]) end it "accepts probability on some alternatives" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt", percent: 34 }, "second_opt", { name: "third_opt", percent: 23 }, "fourth_opt", ], } ab_test :my_experiment experiment = names_and_weights = experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| [, a.weight] } expect(names_and_weights).to eq([["control_opt", 0.34], ["second_opt", 0.215], ["third_opt", 0.23], ["fourth_opt", 0.215]]) expect(names_and_weights.inject(0) { |sum, nw| sum + nw[1] }).to eq(1.0) end it "allows name param without probability" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { alternatives: [ { name: "control_opt" }, "second_opt", { name: "third_opt", percent: 64 }, ], } ab_test :my_experiment experiment = names_and_weights = experiment.alternatives.collect { |a| [, a.weight] } expect(names_and_weights).to eq([["control_opt", 0.18], ["second_opt", 0.18], ["third_opt", 0.64]]) expect(names_and_weights.inject(0) { |sum, nw| sum + nw[1] }).to eq(1.0) end it "fails gracefully if config is missing experiment" do Split.configuration.experiments = { other_experiment: { foo: "Bar" } } expect { ab_test :my_experiment }.to raise_error(Split::ExperimentNotFound) end it "fails gracefully if config is missing" do expect { Split.configuration.experiments = nil }.to raise_error(Split::InvalidExperimentsFormatError) end it "fails gracefully if config is missing alternatives" do Split.configuration.experiments[:my_experiment] = { foo: "Bar" } expect { ab_test :my_experiment }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end end it "should handle multiple experiments correctly" do experiment2 = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find_or_create("link_color2", "blue", "red") ab_test("link_color", "blue", "red") ab_test("link_color2", "blue", "red") ab_finished("link_color2") experiment2.alternatives.each do |alt| expect(alt.unfinished_count).to eq(0) end end context "with goals" do before do @experiment = { "link_color" => ["purchase", "refund"] } @alternatives = ["blue", "red"] @experiment_name, @goals = normalize_metric(@experiment) @goal1 = @goals[0] @goal2 = @goals[1] end it "should normalize experiment" do expect(@experiment_name).to eq("link_color") expect(@goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) end describe "ab_test" do it "should allow experiment goals interface as a single hash" do ab_test(@experiment, *@alternatives) experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find("link_color") expect(experiment.goals).to eq(["purchase", "refund"]) end end describe "ab_finished" do before do @alternative_name = ab_test(@experiment, *@alternatives) end it "should increment the counter for the specified-goal completed alternative" do expect { ab_finished({ "link_color" => ["purchase"] }) } .to change {, @experiment_name).completed_count(@goal2) }.by(0) .and change {, @experiment_name).completed_count(@goal1) }.by(1) end end end end <MSG> fix active experiments when experiment is on a later version <DFF> @@ -449,6 +449,14 @@ describe Split::Helper do expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "def" expect(active_experiments.first[1]).to eq alternative end + + it 'should show an active test when an experiment is on a later version' do + experiment.reset + expect(experiment.version).to eq(1) + ab_test('link_color', 'blue', 'red') + expect(active_experiments.count).to eq 1 + expect(active_experiments.first[0]).to eq "link_color" + end it 'should show multiple tests' do Split.configure do |config|
fix active experiments when experiment is on a later version
<NME> experiment.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split class Experiment attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :goals attr_accessor :alternative_probabilities attr_accessor :metadata attr_reader :alternatives attr_reader :resettable DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { resettable: true } def self.find(name) Split.cache(:experiments, name) do return unless Split.redis.exists?(name) { |exp| exp.load_from_redis } end end def initialize(name, options = {}) options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) @name = name.to_s extract_alternatives_from_options(options) end def self.finished_key(key) "#{key}:finished" end def set_alternatives_and_options(options) options_with_defaults = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge( options.reject { |k, v| v.nil? } ) self.alternatives = options_with_defaults[:alternatives] self.goals = options_with_defaults[:goals] self.resettable = options_with_defaults[:resettable] self.algorithm = options_with_defaults[:algorithm] self.metadata = options_with_defaults[:metadata] end def extract_alternatives_from_options(options) alts = options[:alternatives] || [] if alts.length == 1 if alts[0].is_a? Hash alts = alts[0].map { |k, v| { k => v } } end end if alts.empty? exp_config = Split.configuration.experiment_for(name) if exp_config alts = load_alternatives_from_configuration options[:goals] = options[:metadata] = load_metadata_from_configuration options[:resettable] = exp_config[:resettable] options[:algorithm] = exp_config[:algorithm] end end options[:alternatives] = alts set_alternatives_and_options(options) # calculate probability that each alternative is the winner @alternative_probabilities = {} alts end def save validate! if new_record? start unless Split.configuration.start_manually persist_experiment_configuration elsif experiment_configuration_has_changed? reset unless Split.configuration.reset_manually persist_experiment_configuration end persist_experiment_configuration end redis.hset(experiment_config_key, :resettable, resettable, :algorithm, algorithm.to_s) self end raise"Experiment #{@name} not found") end @alternatives.each { |a| a.validate! } goals_collection.validate! end def new_record? ExperimentCatalog.find(name).nil? end def ==(obj) == end def [](name) alternatives.find { |a| == name } end def algorithm @algorithm ||= Split.configuration.algorithm end def algorithm=(algorithm) @algorithm = algorithm.is_a?(String) ? algorithm.constantize : algorithm end def resettable=(resettable) @resettable = resettable.is_a?(String) ? resettable == "true" : resettable end def alternatives=(alts) @alternatives = do |alternative| if alternative.kind_of?(Split::Alternative) alternative else, @name) end end end def winner Split.cache(:experiment_winner, name) do experiment_winner = redis.hget(:experiment_winner, name) if experiment_winner, name) else nil end end end def has_winner? return @has_winner if defined? @has_winner @has_winner = !winner.nil? end def winner=(winner_name) redis.hset(:experiment_winner, name, winner_name.to_s) @has_winner = true end def participant_count alternatives.inject(0) { |sum, a| sum + a.participant_count } end def control alternatives.first end def reset_winner redis.hdel(:experiment_winner, name) @has_winner = false Split::Cache.clear_key(@name) end def start redis.hset(:experiment_start_times, @name, end def start_time Split.cache(:experiment_start_times, @name) do t = redis.hget(:experiment_start_times, @name) if t # Check if stored time is an integer if t =~ /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/ else Time.parse(t) end end end end def next_alternative winner || random_alternative end def random_alternative if alternatives.length > 1 algorithm.choose_alternative(self) else alternatives.first end end def version @version ||= (redis.get("#{name}:version").to_i || 0) end def increment_version @version = redis.incr("#{name}:version") end def key if version.to_i > 0 "#{name}:#{version}" else name end end def goals_key "#{name}:goals" end def finished_key self.class.finished_key(key) end def metadata_key "#{name}:metadata" end def resettable? resettable end def reset Split::Cache.clear_key(@name) alternatives.each(&:reset) reset_winner increment_version end def delete if Split.configuration.start_manually redis.hdel(:experiment_start_times, @name) end reset_winner redis.srem(:experiments, name) remove_experiment_cohorting remove_experiment_configuration increment_version end def delete_metadata redis.del(metadata_key) end def load_from_redis exp_config = redis.hgetall(experiment_config_key) options = { resettable: exp_config["resettable"], algorithm: exp_config["algorithm"], alternatives: load_alternatives_from_redis, goals:, metadata: load_metadata_from_redis } set_alternatives_and_options(options) end def calc_winning_alternatives # Cache the winning alternatives so we recalculate them once per the specified interval. intervals_since_epoch = / Split.configuration.winning_alternative_recalculation_interval if self.calc_time != intervals_since_epoch if goals.empty? self.estimate_winning_alternative else goals.each do |goal| self.estimate_winning_alternative(goal) end end self.calc_time = intervals_since_epoch end end def estimate_winning_alternative(goal = nil) # initialize a hash of beta distributions based on the alternatives' conversion rates beta_params = calc_beta_params(goal) winning_alternatives = [] Split.configuration.beta_probability_simulations.times do # calculate simulated conversion rates from the beta distributions simulated_cr_hash = calc_simulated_conversion_rates(beta_params) winning_alternative = find_simulated_winner(simulated_cr_hash) # push the winning pair to the winning_alternatives array winning_alternatives.push(winning_alternative) end winning_counts = count_simulated_wins(winning_alternatives) @alternative_probabilities = calc_alternative_probabilities(winning_counts, Split.configuration.beta_probability_simulations) write_to_alternatives(goal) end def write_to_alternatives(goal = nil) alternatives.each do |alternative| alternative.set_p_winner(@alternative_probabilities[alternative], goal) end end def calc_alternative_probabilities(winning_counts, number_of_simulations) alternative_probabilities = {} winning_counts.each do |alternative, wins| alternative_probabilities[alternative] = wins / number_of_simulations.to_f end alternative_probabilities end def count_simulated_wins(winning_alternatives) # initialize a hash to keep track of winning alternative in simulations winning_counts = {} alternatives.each do |alternative| winning_counts[alternative] = 0 end # count number of times each alternative won, calculate probabilities, place in hash winning_alternatives.each do |alternative| winning_counts[alternative] += 1 end winning_counts end def find_simulated_winner(simulated_cr_hash) # figure out which alternative had the highest simulated conversion rate winning_pair = ["", 0.0] simulated_cr_hash.each do |alternative, rate| if rate > winning_pair[1] winning_pair = [alternative, rate] end end winner = winning_pair[0] winner end def calc_simulated_conversion_rates(beta_params) simulated_cr_hash = {} # create a hash which has the conversion rate pulled from each alternative's beta distribution beta_params.each do |alternative, params| alpha = params[0] beta = params[1] simulated_conversion_rate = Split::Algorithms.beta_distribution_rng(alpha, beta) simulated_cr_hash[alternative] = simulated_conversion_rate end simulated_cr_hash end def calc_beta_params(goal = nil) beta_params = {} alternatives.each do |alternative| conversions = goal.nil? ? alternative.completed_count : alternative.completed_count(goal) alpha = 1 + conversions beta = 1 + alternative.participant_count - conversions params = [alpha, beta] beta_params[alternative] = params end beta_params end def calc_time=(time) redis.hset(experiment_config_key, :calc_time, time) end def calc_time redis.hget(experiment_config_key, :calc_time).to_i end def jstring(goal = nil) js_id = if goal.nil? name else name + "-" + goal end js_id.gsub("/", "--") end def cohorting_disabled? @cohorting_disabled ||= begin value = redis.hget(experiment_config_key, :cohorting) value.nil? ? false : value.downcase == "true" end end def disable_cohorting @cohorting_disabled = true redis.hset(experiment_config_key, :cohorting, true.to_s) end def enable_cohorting @cohorting_disabled = false redis.hset(experiment_config_key, :cohorting, false.to_s) end protected def experiment_config_key "experiment_configurations/#{@name}" end def load_metadata_from_configuration Split.configuration.experiment_for(@name)[:metadata] end def load_metadata_from_redis meta = redis.get(metadata_key) JSON.parse(meta) unless meta.nil? end def load_alternatives_from_configuration alts = Split.configuration.experiment_for(@name)[:alternatives] raise ArgumentError, "Experiment configuration is missing :alternatives array" unless alts if alts.is_a?(Hash) alts.keys else alts.flatten end end def load_alternatives_from_redis alternatives = redis.lrange(@name, 0, -1) do |alt| alt = begin JSON.parse(alt) rescue alt end, @name) end end private def redis Split.redis end def redis_interface end def persist_experiment_configuration redis_interface.add_to_set(:experiments, name) redis_interface.persist_list(name, { |alt| { => alt.weight }.to_json }) if @metadata redis.set(metadata_key, @metadata.to_json) else delete_metadata end end def remove_experiment_configuration @alternatives.each(&:delete) goals_collection.delete delete_metadata redis.del(@name) end def experiment_configuration_has_changed? existing_experiment = Experiment.find(@name) != || existing_experiment.goals != @goals || existing_experiment.metadata != @metadata end def goals_collection, @goals) end def remove_experiment_cohorting @cohorting_disabled = false redis.hdel(experiment_config_key, :cohorting) end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #659 from splitrb/keep-redis-compat-hset Uset Redis#hmset to keep compatibility with Redis < 4.0 <DFF> @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ module Split persist_experiment_configuration end - redis.hset(experiment_config_key, :resettable, resettable, - :algorithm, algorithm.to_s) + redis.hmset(experiment_config_key, :resettable, resettable, + :algorithm, algorithm.to_s) self end
Merge pull request #659 from splitrb/keep-redis-compat-hset
<NME> experiment.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split class Experiment attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :goals attr_accessor :alternative_probabilities attr_accessor :metadata attr_reader :alternatives attr_reader :resettable DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { resettable: true } def self.find(name) Split.cache(:experiments, name) do return unless Split.redis.exists?(name) { |exp| exp.load_from_redis } end end def initialize(name, options = {}) options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) @name = name.to_s extract_alternatives_from_options(options) end def self.finished_key(key) "#{key}:finished" end def set_alternatives_and_options(options) options_with_defaults = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge( options.reject { |k, v| v.nil? } ) self.alternatives = options_with_defaults[:alternatives] self.goals = options_with_defaults[:goals] self.resettable = options_with_defaults[:resettable] self.algorithm = options_with_defaults[:algorithm] self.metadata = options_with_defaults[:metadata] end def extract_alternatives_from_options(options) alts = options[:alternatives] || [] if alts.length == 1 if alts[0].is_a? Hash alts = alts[0].map { |k, v| { k => v } } end end if alts.empty? exp_config = Split.configuration.experiment_for(name) if exp_config alts = load_alternatives_from_configuration options[:goals] = options[:metadata] = load_metadata_from_configuration options[:resettable] = exp_config[:resettable] options[:algorithm] = exp_config[:algorithm] end end options[:alternatives] = alts set_alternatives_and_options(options) # calculate probability that each alternative is the winner @alternative_probabilities = {} alts end def save validate! if new_record? start unless Split.configuration.start_manually persist_experiment_configuration elsif experiment_configuration_has_changed? reset unless Split.configuration.reset_manually persist_experiment_configuration end persist_experiment_configuration end redis.hset(experiment_config_key, :resettable, resettable, :algorithm, algorithm.to_s) self end raise"Experiment #{@name} not found") end @alternatives.each { |a| a.validate! } goals_collection.validate! end def new_record? ExperimentCatalog.find(name).nil? end def ==(obj) == end def [](name) alternatives.find { |a| == name } end def algorithm @algorithm ||= Split.configuration.algorithm end def algorithm=(algorithm) @algorithm = algorithm.is_a?(String) ? algorithm.constantize : algorithm end def resettable=(resettable) @resettable = resettable.is_a?(String) ? resettable == "true" : resettable end def alternatives=(alts) @alternatives = do |alternative| if alternative.kind_of?(Split::Alternative) alternative else, @name) end end end def winner Split.cache(:experiment_winner, name) do experiment_winner = redis.hget(:experiment_winner, name) if experiment_winner, name) else nil end end end def has_winner? return @has_winner if defined? @has_winner @has_winner = !winner.nil? end def winner=(winner_name) redis.hset(:experiment_winner, name, winner_name.to_s) @has_winner = true end def participant_count alternatives.inject(0) { |sum, a| sum + a.participant_count } end def control alternatives.first end def reset_winner redis.hdel(:experiment_winner, name) @has_winner = false Split::Cache.clear_key(@name) end def start redis.hset(:experiment_start_times, @name, end def start_time Split.cache(:experiment_start_times, @name) do t = redis.hget(:experiment_start_times, @name) if t # Check if stored time is an integer if t =~ /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/ else Time.parse(t) end end end end def next_alternative winner || random_alternative end def random_alternative if alternatives.length > 1 algorithm.choose_alternative(self) else alternatives.first end end def version @version ||= (redis.get("#{name}:version").to_i || 0) end def increment_version @version = redis.incr("#{name}:version") end def key if version.to_i > 0 "#{name}:#{version}" else name end end def goals_key "#{name}:goals" end def finished_key self.class.finished_key(key) end def metadata_key "#{name}:metadata" end def resettable? resettable end def reset Split::Cache.clear_key(@name) alternatives.each(&:reset) reset_winner increment_version end def delete if Split.configuration.start_manually redis.hdel(:experiment_start_times, @name) end reset_winner redis.srem(:experiments, name) remove_experiment_cohorting remove_experiment_configuration increment_version end def delete_metadata redis.del(metadata_key) end def load_from_redis exp_config = redis.hgetall(experiment_config_key) options = { resettable: exp_config["resettable"], algorithm: exp_config["algorithm"], alternatives: load_alternatives_from_redis, goals:, metadata: load_metadata_from_redis } set_alternatives_and_options(options) end def calc_winning_alternatives # Cache the winning alternatives so we recalculate them once per the specified interval. intervals_since_epoch = / Split.configuration.winning_alternative_recalculation_interval if self.calc_time != intervals_since_epoch if goals.empty? self.estimate_winning_alternative else goals.each do |goal| self.estimate_winning_alternative(goal) end end self.calc_time = intervals_since_epoch end end def estimate_winning_alternative(goal = nil) # initialize a hash of beta distributions based on the alternatives' conversion rates beta_params = calc_beta_params(goal) winning_alternatives = [] Split.configuration.beta_probability_simulations.times do # calculate simulated conversion rates from the beta distributions simulated_cr_hash = calc_simulated_conversion_rates(beta_params) winning_alternative = find_simulated_winner(simulated_cr_hash) # push the winning pair to the winning_alternatives array winning_alternatives.push(winning_alternative) end winning_counts = count_simulated_wins(winning_alternatives) @alternative_probabilities = calc_alternative_probabilities(winning_counts, Split.configuration.beta_probability_simulations) write_to_alternatives(goal) end def write_to_alternatives(goal = nil) alternatives.each do |alternative| alternative.set_p_winner(@alternative_probabilities[alternative], goal) end end def calc_alternative_probabilities(winning_counts, number_of_simulations) alternative_probabilities = {} winning_counts.each do |alternative, wins| alternative_probabilities[alternative] = wins / number_of_simulations.to_f end alternative_probabilities end def count_simulated_wins(winning_alternatives) # initialize a hash to keep track of winning alternative in simulations winning_counts = {} alternatives.each do |alternative| winning_counts[alternative] = 0 end # count number of times each alternative won, calculate probabilities, place in hash winning_alternatives.each do |alternative| winning_counts[alternative] += 1 end winning_counts end def find_simulated_winner(simulated_cr_hash) # figure out which alternative had the highest simulated conversion rate winning_pair = ["", 0.0] simulated_cr_hash.each do |alternative, rate| if rate > winning_pair[1] winning_pair = [alternative, rate] end end winner = winning_pair[0] winner end def calc_simulated_conversion_rates(beta_params) simulated_cr_hash = {} # create a hash which has the conversion rate pulled from each alternative's beta distribution beta_params.each do |alternative, params| alpha = params[0] beta = params[1] simulated_conversion_rate = Split::Algorithms.beta_distribution_rng(alpha, beta) simulated_cr_hash[alternative] = simulated_conversion_rate end simulated_cr_hash end def calc_beta_params(goal = nil) beta_params = {} alternatives.each do |alternative| conversions = goal.nil? ? alternative.completed_count : alternative.completed_count(goal) alpha = 1 + conversions beta = 1 + alternative.participant_count - conversions params = [alpha, beta] beta_params[alternative] = params end beta_params end def calc_time=(time) redis.hset(experiment_config_key, :calc_time, time) end def calc_time redis.hget(experiment_config_key, :calc_time).to_i end def jstring(goal = nil) js_id = if goal.nil? name else name + "-" + goal end js_id.gsub("/", "--") end def cohorting_disabled? @cohorting_disabled ||= begin value = redis.hget(experiment_config_key, :cohorting) value.nil? ? false : value.downcase == "true" end end def disable_cohorting @cohorting_disabled = true redis.hset(experiment_config_key, :cohorting, true.to_s) end def enable_cohorting @cohorting_disabled = false redis.hset(experiment_config_key, :cohorting, false.to_s) end protected def experiment_config_key "experiment_configurations/#{@name}" end def load_metadata_from_configuration Split.configuration.experiment_for(@name)[:metadata] end def load_metadata_from_redis meta = redis.get(metadata_key) JSON.parse(meta) unless meta.nil? end def load_alternatives_from_configuration alts = Split.configuration.experiment_for(@name)[:alternatives] raise ArgumentError, "Experiment configuration is missing :alternatives array" unless alts if alts.is_a?(Hash) alts.keys else alts.flatten end end def load_alternatives_from_redis alternatives = redis.lrange(@name, 0, -1) do |alt| alt = begin JSON.parse(alt) rescue alt end, @name) end end private def redis Split.redis end def redis_interface end def persist_experiment_configuration redis_interface.add_to_set(:experiments, name) redis_interface.persist_list(name, { |alt| { => alt.weight }.to_json }) if @metadata redis.set(metadata_key, @metadata.to_json) else delete_metadata end end def remove_experiment_configuration @alternatives.each(&:delete) goals_collection.delete delete_metadata redis.del(@name) end def experiment_configuration_has_changed? existing_experiment = Experiment.find(@name) != || existing_experiment.goals != @goals || existing_experiment.metadata != @metadata end def goals_collection, @goals) end def remove_experiment_cohorting @cohorting_disabled = false redis.hdel(experiment_config_key, :cohorting) end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #659 from splitrb/keep-redis-compat-hset Uset Redis#hmset to keep compatibility with Redis < 4.0 <DFF> @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ module Split persist_experiment_configuration end - redis.hset(experiment_config_key, :resettable, resettable, - :algorithm, algorithm.to_s) + redis.hmset(experiment_config_key, :resettable, resettable, + :algorithm, algorithm.to_s) self end
Merge pull request #659 from splitrb/keep-redis-compat-hset
<NME> experiment.rb <BEF> # frozen_string_literal: true module Split class Experiment attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :goals attr_accessor :alternative_probabilities attr_accessor :metadata attr_reader :alternatives attr_reader :resettable DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { resettable: true } def self.find(name) Split.cache(:experiments, name) do return unless Split.redis.exists?(name) { |exp| exp.load_from_redis } end end def initialize(name, options = {}) options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) @name = name.to_s extract_alternatives_from_options(options) end def self.finished_key(key) "#{key}:finished" end def set_alternatives_and_options(options) options_with_defaults = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge( options.reject { |k, v| v.nil? } ) self.alternatives = options_with_defaults[:alternatives] self.goals = options_with_defaults[:goals] self.resettable = options_with_defaults[:resettable] self.algorithm = options_with_defaults[:algorithm] self.metadata = options_with_defaults[:metadata] end def extract_alternatives_from_options(options) alts = options[:alternatives] || [] if alts.length == 1 if alts[0].is_a? Hash alts = alts[0].map { |k, v| { k => v } } end end if alts.empty? exp_config = Split.configuration.experiment_for(name) if exp_config alts = load_alternatives_from_configuration options[:goals] = options[:metadata] = load_metadata_from_configuration options[:resettable] = exp_config[:resettable] options[:algorithm] = exp_config[:algorithm] end end options[:alternatives] = alts set_alternatives_and_options(options) # calculate probability that each alternative is the winner @alternative_probabilities = {} alts end def save validate! if new_record? start unless Split.configuration.start_manually persist_experiment_configuration elsif experiment_configuration_has_changed? reset unless Split.configuration.reset_manually persist_experiment_configuration end persist_experiment_configuration end redis.hset(experiment_config_key, :resettable, resettable, :algorithm, algorithm.to_s) self end raise"Experiment #{@name} not found") end @alternatives.each { |a| a.validate! } goals_collection.validate! end def new_record? ExperimentCatalog.find(name).nil? end def ==(obj) == end def [](name) alternatives.find { |a| == name } end def algorithm @algorithm ||= Split.configuration.algorithm end def algorithm=(algorithm) @algorithm = algorithm.is_a?(String) ? algorithm.constantize : algorithm end def resettable=(resettable) @resettable = resettable.is_a?(String) ? resettable == "true" : resettable end def alternatives=(alts) @alternatives = do |alternative| if alternative.kind_of?(Split::Alternative) alternative else, @name) end end end def winner Split.cache(:experiment_winner, name) do experiment_winner = redis.hget(:experiment_winner, name) if experiment_winner, name) else nil end end end def has_winner? return @has_winner if defined? @has_winner @has_winner = !winner.nil? end def winner=(winner_name) redis.hset(:experiment_winner, name, winner_name.to_s) @has_winner = true end def participant_count alternatives.inject(0) { |sum, a| sum + a.participant_count } end def control alternatives.first end def reset_winner redis.hdel(:experiment_winner, name) @has_winner = false Split::Cache.clear_key(@name) end def start redis.hset(:experiment_start_times, @name, end def start_time Split.cache(:experiment_start_times, @name) do t = redis.hget(:experiment_start_times, @name) if t # Check if stored time is an integer if t =~ /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/ else Time.parse(t) end end end end def next_alternative winner || random_alternative end def random_alternative if alternatives.length > 1 algorithm.choose_alternative(self) else alternatives.first end end def version @version ||= (redis.get("#{name}:version").to_i || 0) end def increment_version @version = redis.incr("#{name}:version") end def key if version.to_i > 0 "#{name}:#{version}" else name end end def goals_key "#{name}:goals" end def finished_key self.class.finished_key(key) end def metadata_key "#{name}:metadata" end def resettable? resettable end def reset Split::Cache.clear_key(@name) alternatives.each(&:reset) reset_winner increment_version end def delete if Split.configuration.start_manually redis.hdel(:experiment_start_times, @name) end reset_winner redis.srem(:experiments, name) remove_experiment_cohorting remove_experiment_configuration increment_version end def delete_metadata redis.del(metadata_key) end def load_from_redis exp_config = redis.hgetall(experiment_config_key) options = { resettable: exp_config["resettable"], algorithm: exp_config["algorithm"], alternatives: load_alternatives_from_redis, goals:, metadata: load_metadata_from_redis } set_alternatives_and_options(options) end def calc_winning_alternatives # Cache the winning alternatives so we recalculate them once per the specified interval. intervals_since_epoch = / Split.configuration.winning_alternative_recalculation_interval if self.calc_time != intervals_since_epoch if goals.empty? self.estimate_winning_alternative else goals.each do |goal| self.estimate_winning_alternative(goal) end end self.calc_time = intervals_since_epoch end end def estimate_winning_alternative(goal = nil) # initialize a hash of beta distributions based on the alternatives' conversion rates beta_params = calc_beta_params(goal) winning_alternatives = [] Split.configuration.beta_probability_simulations.times do # calculate simulated conversion rates from the beta distributions simulated_cr_hash = calc_simulated_conversion_rates(beta_params) winning_alternative = find_simulated_winner(simulated_cr_hash) # push the winning pair to the winning_alternatives array winning_alternatives.push(winning_alternative) end winning_counts = count_simulated_wins(winning_alternatives) @alternative_probabilities = calc_alternative_probabilities(winning_counts, Split.configuration.beta_probability_simulations) write_to_alternatives(goal) end def write_to_alternatives(goal = nil) alternatives.each do |alternative| alternative.set_p_winner(@alternative_probabilities[alternative], goal) end end def calc_alternative_probabilities(winning_counts, number_of_simulations) alternative_probabilities = {} winning_counts.each do |alternative, wins| alternative_probabilities[alternative] = wins / number_of_simulations.to_f end alternative_probabilities end def count_simulated_wins(winning_alternatives) # initialize a hash to keep track of winning alternative in simulations winning_counts = {} alternatives.each do |alternative| winning_counts[alternative] = 0 end # count number of times each alternative won, calculate probabilities, place in hash winning_alternatives.each do |alternative| winning_counts[alternative] += 1 end winning_counts end def find_simulated_winner(simulated_cr_hash) # figure out which alternative had the highest simulated conversion rate winning_pair = ["", 0.0] simulated_cr_hash.each do |alternative, rate| if rate > winning_pair[1] winning_pair = [alternative, rate] end end winner = winning_pair[0] winner end def calc_simulated_conversion_rates(beta_params) simulated_cr_hash = {} # create a hash which has the conversion rate pulled from each alternative's beta distribution beta_params.each do |alternative, params| alpha = params[0] beta = params[1] simulated_conversion_rate = Split::Algorithms.beta_distribution_rng(alpha, beta) simulated_cr_hash[alternative] = simulated_conversion_rate end simulated_cr_hash end def calc_beta_params(goal = nil) beta_params = {} alternatives.each do |alternative| conversions = goal.nil? ? alternative.completed_count : alternative.completed_count(goal) alpha = 1 + conversions beta = 1 + alternative.participant_count - conversions params = [alpha, beta] beta_params[alternative] = params end beta_params end def calc_time=(time) redis.hset(experiment_config_key, :calc_time, time) end def calc_time redis.hget(experiment_config_key, :calc_time).to_i end def jstring(goal = nil) js_id = if goal.nil? name else name + "-" + goal end js_id.gsub("/", "--") end def cohorting_disabled? @cohorting_disabled ||= begin value = redis.hget(experiment_config_key, :cohorting) value.nil? ? false : value.downcase == "true" end end def disable_cohorting @cohorting_disabled = true redis.hset(experiment_config_key, :cohorting, true.to_s) end def enable_cohorting @cohorting_disabled = false redis.hset(experiment_config_key, :cohorting, false.to_s) end protected def experiment_config_key "experiment_configurations/#{@name}" end def load_metadata_from_configuration Split.configuration.experiment_for(@name)[:metadata] end def load_metadata_from_redis meta = redis.get(metadata_key) JSON.parse(meta) unless meta.nil? end def load_alternatives_from_configuration alts = Split.configuration.experiment_for(@name)[:alternatives] raise ArgumentError, "Experiment configuration is missing :alternatives array" unless alts if alts.is_a?(Hash) alts.keys else alts.flatten end end def load_alternatives_from_redis alternatives = redis.lrange(@name, 0, -1) do |alt| alt = begin JSON.parse(alt) rescue alt end, @name) end end private def redis Split.redis end def redis_interface end def persist_experiment_configuration redis_interface.add_to_set(:experiments, name) redis_interface.persist_list(name, { |alt| { => alt.weight }.to_json }) if @metadata redis.set(metadata_key, @metadata.to_json) else delete_metadata end end def remove_experiment_configuration @alternatives.each(&:delete) goals_collection.delete delete_metadata redis.del(@name) end def experiment_configuration_has_changed? existing_experiment = Experiment.find(@name) != || existing_experiment.goals != @goals || existing_experiment.metadata != @metadata end def goals_collection, @goals) end def remove_experiment_cohorting @cohorting_disabled = false redis.hdel(experiment_config_key, :cohorting) end end end <MSG> Merge pull request #659 from splitrb/keep-redis-compat-hset Uset Redis#hmset to keep compatibility with Redis < 4.0 <DFF> @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ module Split persist_experiment_configuration end - redis.hset(experiment_config_key, :resettable, resettable, - :algorithm, algorithm.to_s) + redis.hmset(experiment_config_key, :resettable, resettable, + :algorithm, algorithm.to_s) self end
Merge pull request #659 from splitrb/keep-redis-compat-hset
<NME> index.ts <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> CSS abbreviation parser (WIP) <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +import { StringValue, NumberValue, ColorValue, Literal, AllTokens, Bracket, WhiteSpace, Operator, OperatorType } from '../tokenizer/tokens'; +import { TokenScanner, readable, peek, consume, error } from './TokenScanner'; + +export type Value = StringValue | NumberValue | ColorValue | Literal | FunctionCall; + +export interface FunctionCall { + type: 'FunctionCall'; + name: string; + arguments: CSSValue[]; +} + +export interface CSSValue { + type: 'CSSValue'; + value: Value[]; +} + +export interface CSSProperty { + name?: string; + value: Value[]; + important: boolean; +} + +interface ParseOptions { + /** Consumes given abbreviation tokens as value */ + value?: boolean; +} + +export function parse(tokens: AllTokens[]): CSSProperty[] { + +} + +function consumeValue(scanner: TokenScanner): Value[] | undefined { + const result: Value[] = []; + let token: AllTokens | undefined; + + while (readable(scanner)) { + token = peek(scanner); + if (isLiteral(token)) { + scanner.pos++; + + // Could be a keyword or a function call + const args = consumeArguments(scanner); + if (args) { + result.push({ + type: 'FunctionCall', + name: token.value, + arguments: args + } as FunctionCall); + } else { + result.push(token); + } + } else if (token.type === 'StringValue' || token.type === 'ColorValue' || token.type === 'NumberValue') { + scanner.pos++; + result.push(token); + } else if (isValueDelimiter(token)) { + scanner.pos++; + } else { + break; + } + } + + return result.length ? result : void 0; +} + +function consumeArguments(scanner: TokenScanner): CSSValue[] | undefined { + const start = scanner.pos; + if (consume(scanner, isOpenBracket)) { + const args: CSSValue[] = []; + let value: Value[] | undefined; + + while (readable(scanner) && !consume(scanner, isCloseBracket)) { + if (value = consumeValue(scanner)) { + args.push({ type: 'CSSValue', value }); + } else if (!consume(scanner, isWhiteSpace) && !consume(scanner, isArgumentDelimiter)) { + throw error(scanner, 'Unexpected token'); + } + } + + scanner.start = start; + return args; + } + +} + +function isLiteral(token?: AllTokens): token is Literal { + return token && token.type === 'Literal'; +} + +function isBracket(token?: AllTokens, open?: boolean): token is Bracket { + return token && token.type === 'Bracket' && (open == null || === open); +} + +function isOpenBracket(token?: AllTokens) { + return isBracket(token, true); +} + +function isCloseBracket(token?: AllTokens) { + return isBracket(token, false); +} + +function isWhiteSpace(token?: AllTokens): token is WhiteSpace { + return token && token.type === 'WhiteSpace'; +} + +function isOperator(token?: AllTokens, operator?: OperatorType): token is Operator { + return token && token.type === 'Operator' && (!operator || token.operator === operator); +} + +function isArgumentDelimiter(token?: AllTokens) { + return isOperator(token, OperatorType.ArgumentDelimiter) +} + +function isValueDelimiter(token: AllTokens): boolean { + return isWhiteSpace(token) + || isOperator(token, OperatorType.PropertyDelimiter) + || isOperator(token, OperatorType.ValueDelimiter); +}
CSS abbreviation parser (WIP)
<NME> index.ts <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> CSS abbreviation parser (WIP) <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +import { StringValue, NumberValue, ColorValue, Literal, AllTokens, Bracket, WhiteSpace, Operator, OperatorType } from '../tokenizer/tokens'; +import { TokenScanner, readable, peek, consume, error } from './TokenScanner'; + +export type Value = StringValue | NumberValue | ColorValue | Literal | FunctionCall; + +export interface FunctionCall { + type: 'FunctionCall'; + name: string; + arguments: CSSValue[]; +} + +export interface CSSValue { + type: 'CSSValue'; + value: Value[]; +} + +export interface CSSProperty { + name?: string; + value: Value[]; + important: boolean; +} + +interface ParseOptions { + /** Consumes given abbreviation tokens as value */ + value?: boolean; +} + +export function parse(tokens: AllTokens[]): CSSProperty[] { + +} + +function consumeValue(scanner: TokenScanner): Value[] | undefined { + const result: Value[] = []; + let token: AllTokens | undefined; + + while (readable(scanner)) { + token = peek(scanner); + if (isLiteral(token)) { + scanner.pos++; + + // Could be a keyword or a function call + const args = consumeArguments(scanner); + if (args) { + result.push({ + type: 'FunctionCall', + name: token.value, + arguments: args + } as FunctionCall); + } else { + result.push(token); + } + } else if (token.type === 'StringValue' || token.type === 'ColorValue' || token.type === 'NumberValue') { + scanner.pos++; + result.push(token); + } else if (isValueDelimiter(token)) { + scanner.pos++; + } else { + break; + } + } + + return result.length ? result : void 0; +} + +function consumeArguments(scanner: TokenScanner): CSSValue[] | undefined { + const start = scanner.pos; + if (consume(scanner, isOpenBracket)) { + const args: CSSValue[] = []; + let value: Value[] | undefined; + + while (readable(scanner) && !consume(scanner, isCloseBracket)) { + if (value = consumeValue(scanner)) { + args.push({ type: 'CSSValue', value }); + } else if (!consume(scanner, isWhiteSpace) && !consume(scanner, isArgumentDelimiter)) { + throw error(scanner, 'Unexpected token'); + } + } + + scanner.start = start; + return args; + } + +} + +function isLiteral(token?: AllTokens): token is Literal { + return token && token.type === 'Literal'; +} + +function isBracket(token?: AllTokens, open?: boolean): token is Bracket { + return token && token.type === 'Bracket' && (open == null || === open); +} + +function isOpenBracket(token?: AllTokens) { + return isBracket(token, true); +} + +function isCloseBracket(token?: AllTokens) { + return isBracket(token, false); +} + +function isWhiteSpace(token?: AllTokens): token is WhiteSpace { + return token && token.type === 'WhiteSpace'; +} + +function isOperator(token?: AllTokens, operator?: OperatorType): token is Operator { + return token && token.type === 'Operator' && (!operator || token.operator === operator); +} + +function isArgumentDelimiter(token?: AllTokens) { + return isOperator(token, OperatorType.ArgumentDelimiter) +} + +function isValueDelimiter(token: AllTokens): boolean { + return isWhiteSpace(token) + || isOperator(token, OperatorType.PropertyDelimiter) + || isOperator(token, OperatorType.ValueDelimiter); +}
CSS abbreviation parser (WIP)