I whispered in the woods, staring at a tree. After doing so for a while, the soil suddenly rises and the great tree moves out. It's a tree-like monster - walking wood. It is a demon that simulates itself in a tree and strangles and nourishes approaching creatures with branches that become like munchies. "I'm here! He reacts to my voice, and walking wood hits me with his roots moving. When I put my hand in the shape of a knife, I waved it to the sideburn. Shh!! The walking wood went straight into two. This is Wind Blade (Kamaitachi), the wind magic taught by the master. Normally I can't use magic without a magic wand, but my master is no ordinary wizard. It is Maurice Archvaldo, the great wizard who defeated the Demon King more than fifty years ago and was glorified as a brave man. It's no surprise that such a master can use magic with one body, and it's not strange that he can do the same to me, the master's most apprentice. Even so, I've never thought of myself as amazing. I'm not amazing, I'm amazing at how I teach my master. Well, I didn't teach it directly, but I could use a wind knife based on appearance. But if you give it back, you can say, 'My master didn't teach me directly, but he made me use the wind knife.' In short, the master is a great one. My master picked me up five years early where I was going down in the woods -. This is how I train today when I'm ten years old. I approach the wreckage of the walking wood and hold the two Marutai beside me, I go home. Walking in the woods for a while, I went out to a place I had pioneered. A small wooden house is built on peeled dirt. It's me and my master's house. Me and my master are the only ones living in this forest building a house. This forest is called the Devil's Forest, and it is home to demons. For this reason, a normal person does not even try to get close to the place where he lives. I put the walking wood in the garden and I walked into the house. "Oh, that was fast." It's my master - Grandpa Maurice - sitting in an euthanasia chair and slacking the pipe. He wears a triangular hat, grows a white beard and gray hair, and holds a splendid magic wand. As you can see, Grandpa Maurice is a great wizard. "I've been hunting walking wood, as I was told." "Are you hurt? I blew it out. "I'm not going to get hurt. 'Cause they're walking wood, right? That's a blow with a direct wind knife from the master." "Oh well. Can I use the wind knife now? Hey, really, I don't know... wow" A master who turns a blind eye at first. "I'm just so good at teaching my master. Thanks to you, you can use a wind knife with the same feel as a hand knife." Originally, you have to draw runes with a magic wand to use magic. Using magic with one body is usually impossible. "I want to be able to use more magic. I want to be a good wizard like my master! "Ugh, um. So, let's continue our training. Cut the walking wood into fine pieces and turn it into firewood. Keep half of it behind the house and sell the rest to the town." Walking wood is more combustible than common trees, and fire lasts longer. It's luxury wood. One of the towns - even though all they buy is rich - buys easy to get walkwood firewood for a high price. It would be a waste to get as much as you want in the woods.
The morning of the third day Ash traveled to the World Tree. Waking up to the sound of the wind blowing, Rittera looked anxiously at the wilderness. "The wind is still strong today. This could be a precursor to something bad happening." Strong winds began to blow around the evening the day Ash traveled. Its forces continue to rise in dust, without diminishing. "It's so windy, Noir's gonna be scared." The effects of degenerative drugs have expired, but the effects of hypnotic magic continue. I'm no longer a three-year-old, but I might be anxious to see this sandstorm. "Hmm. What are you talking about? I'm not scared, I'm happy." Ringrant, who was organizing the waste material storage yard, walks over with mud all over his body. "How can you be happy? "Because this is what Ash did. I mean, this wind is good news for Noir. Don't tell me he's safe." "This is what Ash did? How do you know you're winding with that magic? Even that Philip Valmilion would be impossible to keep winds of this magnitude awake for three days. There's no way I can keep winding Ash, who has only a tiny amount of magic. Or did you just reach the world tree and get the overwhelming magic? If that's the case, Rittera's experiment was a huge success. "Ash is taking a deep breath." I didn't know what that meant. "What kind of lung vitality is this?!? "What are you surprised about? He's bullshit about existence itself. It doesn't matter how much you can do." "No, that's crazy!? What do you think you are, Ash? "It's the most powerful life form in the world. Therefore, it is only natural that this much can be done. And taking a deep breath means you've reached the world tree! Ringrant says he's happy to follow. Ringrant hates jokes. You seriously believe this strong wind is Ash's deep breath. Then there's more to being human apart. "I mean, you, your goal is to defeat Ash, right? Why do you seem so happy? Honestly, Rittera couldn't imagine Ash losing at all. Whatever you make, all you see is a shattered future. "The harder it is to achieve the goal, the more interesting it is.... your thinking differently? "I'm just like you. You're so motivated to see Ash's strength." "Right. I was hoping to take over the lab if I told you what you did wrong, but unfortunately." I'm sorry to hear that, but Ringrant seems happy. I guess it would be more motivating to have a competitor close to you, Ringrant, who hates losing. Rittera and I feel the same way about Ringrant. That's why I decided to let my brother live in the lab. "Do, it's Rittera. You haven't had breakfast yet? Most of all, I'm frustrated by the size of the attitude that doesn't seem to be living there. "I'm going to make it now, and you're going to get rid of your body dirt..." "GOOOOOOOOO!! Suddenly the roar of the golem sounded, and Rittera sighed. "Oh my God. Our residence is too lazy, but our caution stick is too lazy." It usually repels demons approaching the institute, but more human visitors have recently. You might want to move the Golem in order to settle down and experiment. When I went outside thinking, for example, there was a figure standing beside the golem with a blue armor. "Golem! He's human! You're in the dirt." "You think I'm Ningen!? The Blue Knight turns around. Rittera stood stifled by the disastrous aura emanating from her whole body. "Oh, you... aren't you human? I never thought I'd call this "Blue Emperor" an inferior race again! I can't forgive you! You will pay for insulting me, with death!! To the blue knight walking by, Rittera hurries up to set up a magic wand (Withers Rod). "Hey, what, the... what the heck!? The Blue Emperor! "Are you a monster!? "The Demon King! 'That's right! "Stupid, that's impossible! "What is impossible! "The Demon King must have been defeated by Ash! "Ho! I heard" Black Emperor (Black Road) "was buried, but" White Emperor (White Road) "and" Red Emperor (Red Road) "were also erased! "Did you bury her so much?!? Rittera was drained of her liver. Apparently Ash wasn't the only demon king to defeat such as Rainbow Emperor (Rainbow Road). 'Don't get me wrong, Ningen! I'm not the same dimension as the other demon kings! Because they are nothing but the number of Four Heavenly Kings!! "He said he was the Demon King!? I hear noise, and Ringrant rushes over. "What are you doing out here? I'll buy you some time, so don't take Noir and run! "What are you talking about! Something that will buy you time to escape! "Hey, because I have a reliable caution stick! "Oh well! Let the Golem fight!? "You're right! Come on, Golem! The time has come to unleash true power! Don't get all worked up about it! Spavan!!!! The golem was finely chopped. The bragging golem is instantly destroyed and Rittera is about to lose her sanity. When I saw the Blue Knight while maintaining consciousness somehow, I held a translucent sword. I thought I was going to use magic exactly, but is the Blue Knight a swordsman? Then there is the art of survival! "Bring Noir now! "Noir is sick!? It won't be a force! "Don't fight! Get out of here! Have you forgotten my lineage? "Oh well! You fly in the air!? "You're right! Rittera is a wizard of the wind system. The magic is not as high, but it can be used as much as flying magic. We risk being stirred up by strong winds and hit by rocks, but it's far safer than fighting the Demon King. "Bring him here if you know what I mean! You have to run before Ash takes a break! If you work with Ash's deep breath to roll up the dust, you should be dazzled. That's how you buy time and escape to the sky. If the opponent is a wizard, it doesn't work, but the Demon King is a swordsman. If you can't even make it, you can escape! That's what I thought. "Nah!? "What's going on!? Littera and Ringrant were trapped in a translucent cage in an instant. "Ko, is this your idea!? "You weren't a swordsman!? 'No! I am the ruler of water! So you can manipulate all kinds of water as you please!! Does manipulating water mean that translucent swords and cages were made of water? Enough to rip the golem apart, and I guess we can enhance it. Then it is impossible to destroy the cage on its own. I could understand that, but there is something puzzling about it. "Where's the water!? Turns out the Blue Knight manipulates the water, but we don't see the key water. "You stupid ningen. If it's water, it's in front of you." "No way - did you use water vapor?!? "Whatever! Even if it's invisible, it's more than water. It's my weapon!" Assuming you can manipulate even water vapor, the Demon King's range of attack is too wide. It doesn't make sense where you fled to the sky, and it doesn't make sense to take an intermission. Because the human body is more than half made of water. It's like having a bomb planted in your body. "I see you finally understand how great I am. Yes, I wouldn't kill you if I wanted to! But the Blue Knight looks happy. "I will not kill you! It's up to Noir to kill you - the Ice Emperor! Because you seem to love The Ice Emperor. Nothing is more pleasant to watch than the face of Ningen, who is killed by his beloved! "Noir is going to kill someone! "You don't seem to understand my powers yet! I can rule all kinds of water! And, Ningen, most of your bodies are made of water! Littera shall be hacked. The Blue Knight can rule the water, and the human body is mostly made of water - most of the body is ruled by the Blue Knight. I mean... "I can manipulate Ningen's body as I please! Then strength and other meaninglessness in front of the Blue Knight. Rather, the stronger you are, the more convenient it is for the Blue Knight. Because more than it is human, it is placed under the control of the Blue Knight - it becomes a loyal subordinate. "Hey, what a scary magic..." Unlike the brainwashing magic that once shook the world, the Dark Emperor (Dark Lord) was good at, it can't be prevented and can't even be solved. Because to escape the control of the Blue Knight, you have to dehydrate until the amount of moisture in your body is less than half. Then what awaits is death. Many demon kings have appeared before - the Blue Emperor, who can bring the world's most powerful militants under his control, was the most powerful demon king in the world! Watching Rittera and Ringrant despair, the Blue Knight shook his armor with delight. "Huhahahahahaha! You finally understand! Yes, I am the most powerful demon king in the world - no, the most powerful life form in the world!! "You're not the strongest." And, did you wake up to the noise, Noir walks over? "You! The Ice Emperor!" What did you just say!? I guess I've come through a lot of training grounds before. Noir tells the overwhelming killer blue knight with a flat face. "You're not the strongest. Because Ash is the stronger one. You're shattered just because Ash touched you." "I'm shattered by the Ningen flair!? Funny! Then your delusions, they'll smash you to pieces! The Blue Knight flipped his cape. "He buries a ningen named Ash and brings back his neck! I have to admit that I am the strongest if I see my neck distorted by fear and pain! "You can't possibly do that. Because Ash is the hardest thing in the world" 'Until then I order myself to be harmed! I'm more of a puppet than a ningen, no matter how strong I am! It's my first ear. I didn't seem to hear anything important. "I look forward to seeing your face when I see your neck! Huhahahahaha - ' The Blue Knight disappeared with a creepy laugh.
After school the day ten days have passed since I was a three-year-old. In the college square, I was doing an audition on Efa. "All right, last but not least, today's day. Effa, try what I taught you today." It's only been about an hour since I started arching, but lately the sun has been setting faster. We decided to cut it up early because if we auditioned in the dark, Efa might get hurt. "This is how you do it!? Efa punches right, punches left, hikes, and falls softly. At the end of the day, I got a lump, but it's a far improvement compared to the first. Back then, Effa had a positive fist poke while flexing...... "You're growing up right. That's great." "Really?!? Yay! Efa jumps happily. It was as delightful as it was to see my apprentice grow. Meanwhile, I'm not growing up. This is how you dress like a princess, but you don't get magic spots (Stiegel). I'll just have to use the final weapon (pants) when this happens... well, maybe I shouldn't expect much. Encourage spiritual growth in ways other than overcoming shame. "See you tomorrow, Master! "Oh, bad. I have some business tomorrow." "Are you going somewhere? "Sort of. Look, you're off tomorrow, right? I'm thinking of shopping in the morning and going to my master's house in the afternoon." Tomorrow is the master's birthday. It's over a thousand kilometers away from here to The Devil's Forest, but if it's to celebrate the Master's birthday, let him rush to see if it's the back of the world. "If I'm not interrupting, I want to go shopping with you. I think it's time I bought some souvenirs for my sisters." "Well, you two are shopping tomorrow. The rendezvous time..." That's how I made plans for tomorrow, then I headed to the library. Upon arrival at the library, Mr. Noir was spreading textbooks to his desk. "It's late." "I'm sorry. I was just talking to Effa." I'll sit down with Mr. Noir. "I want to be smart. Ash is the only one I can count on." Mr. Noir speaks truthfully. I've been teaching Mr. Noir to study here lately. Because we have three months left until the promotion exam. The results of the next promotion exam determine the third grade class. Mr. Noir really wants to maintain an advanced class, and he's asked me to teach him to study in order to get a good score on the written exam. Mr. Noir, my goal is thirty points. "Before we start studying today, let's start with yesterday's review. Mr. Noir, paint the rune I taught you yesterday." "I'll try." Mr. Noir intentionally drew ten runes on his notebook. "I got it." "Whoa, that's fast. Which..." "What do you think? I shook my head at Mr. Noir staring at me. "It's all incorrect..." "I'm sorry to hear that. I'm worried about the right answer." "Oh, yeah. Here's the right answer." I'm going to draw the right rune on my notebook. "... I don't see the difference." "Really? Look, this rune is totally different or something." Mr. Noir nodded coldly after comparing the right and wrong runes. "Not at all.... I'll lose confidence." "Well, I've still got three months, and I can handle it." "I knew you could count on Ash.... but I'm a little tired." "It hasn't been five minutes..." Nevertheless, if Mr Noir is to say that he is tired, he should rest. You're wasting your time studying without your head working. "Speaking of which, does Mr. Noir have memories of previous lives or something? I had a break. Mr. Cologne, it seems that one person who didn't have magic spots has memories of a previous life. If Ms Cologne's argument is correct, Mr Noir should also have memories of his previous life. "I don't remember that." "Oh well..." Memories of previous life fade as they grow. If Mr. Cologne's theory is correct, I guess Mr. Noir has forgotten his memories of his previous life. "Sorry to ask you such a weird question." "I don't mind. 'Cause it's the second time they've asked me that question." To what Mr. Noir said, I snapped my neck. "Second time? Could it be Mr. Cologne for the first time? Mr. Cologne said he met one of them twice who had memories of his previous life. Maybe one of them was Mr. Noir. "No, I'm not. It's a ring rant." It seems that Mr. Ringrant was doing a lot of research to produce the world's most powerful wizard. In the process, I may have come to the same conclusion as Mr Cologne. "Was Mr. Ringrant asking the same question as me? Mr. Noir nods. "'Do you have any memories of your previous life? They asked me." "Is there any left...? That seemed similar to my question, something completely different. It's like you erased your memories. "I'm tired." Mr. Noir holds the pen and stares at me with a firm face. I'm also curious about Mr. Ringrant's question...... I'll think a lot about it another time. Let's focus on Mr. Noir's role as a teacher now. "Well, let's get back to it. Draw me all the wrong runes just now." "Okay. ..................... I can do it." ... it was all wrong. Making Mr. Noir score thirty points seems harder than he thought.