I really enjoyed this story. It wasn't too graphic in the love scenes and it told a really good story. Seemed very true to life. Would recommend this book.
I just love this series. Every book is so entertaining and I have a hard time putting the books down.
I really enjoyed the series . I was a nice quick read.
I wasn't sure I was going g to enjoy this book from the description given. However, I really did like it.
Very good book to read. Enjoy
have to have more readings like this my hole days are spent reading and enjoying you books my kids think their mom is crazy give me more i want more lol
There is nothing like a First Love! What a sweet story of a first love finding their way back to each other.
i love love love this book, cant wait to read the next one in the series. just awesome to read
Thought first book was weird and interesting bought the rest - was very disappointed. would not have bought the rest. it lacked the imagination and spirit of the first book.
Loved it, hot, hot, hot! Can't wait to get the rest of her books if they are this hot, WOW!
It wasn't all that. It could have used some more story to it. I like to read books that I can either relate to or that has a story to it that will keep me interested. This book just didn't do it for me. It started out good but it didn't end like it should.
was a good book but did not grab my interest and keep it
Whole series is very good
I wasn't sure if I would like this series. But I was pleasantly surprised. I can't wait to read the next one in the series. Hopefully it won't take to long in between the second and third book.
Just started this series and fell in love with it. Plus her SO I series is awesome too. Looking forward for the next in both.
Maybe, maybe of more interest for those that live in the area. Fairly restricted as to national and international coverage.
This book is just like others. A weak female character who just complains about her life. I skipped through half of book to finish.
if you like the sexy exotic type of books, this is a must. Read it a few months back but may just read it again.
Hot, hot, hot! Read it and get a fan cuz this is hot. What isn't to love? So sexy
It was free so no complaints, but would not purchase with money. It was a short story so for those that like short stories wouldn't mind this book for free.
If you see 5 stars I liked the book if you see less then I liked it less.
Its a little hard to get around on a hand held device. Probably works better with a mouse where notes can be clicked on.
I'm reading it now. Don't know why I waited so long to read. good read. That's all I have to say.
Even though I agree with the price being a little to high. But I enjoyed the book and I was glad the book was not to to long. I hope you like this book as much as I did.
This was one of those books you cannot put down. was such a different story. one of th best ever.
It is written in the format of the King James version which I was surprised at. Still easy to understand and listen to.
sorry. i never read it, so i can give a fair opinion. i just want this off my list of books to review.
I need help using this, it doesn't seem to be complete, or maybe it's just me not using it correctly. I don't know, but I wouldn't recommend it at this point.
These are the only brand I will use. They give me just what I need and I will continue to use them in the future.
Takes some getting used to. Well worth the price. This is not like the other apps. LOVE it because it's very user friendly.
This book was alright again to short when it got to all the juice it was over so again Amazon enough with saying its free when its not because in the end we have to buy the full book anyways
Very nicely written. A good story. Could have been a tad bit longer tho but enjoyable. I hope they extend this into a series.
Realy liked this book. If you are curious though, I'm not sure it answers all your questions but it's definitely a worthwhile read.
Great little read. Really enjoyed this book lots of great little details that made the story really good. Enjoy the book!
The collection revealed what an intricate mind he has. I really enjoyed this collection and it's various twists of the human mind.
If you don't require a cold shower or 10 after reading this book then you'll need to have your pulse checked
I loved it, it kept me interested the whole time. I didn't want to put it down. Well worth the price.
very good book I really enjoyed this good luck to all in the reading of this book u won't want to put it down
So I gave it 4 stars for now and may upgrade to 5 after I have read another and have a better feel for his style.
Can't wait until the next series comes out.
It is simple, perfect, easy to read. Just read and apply. You are what do you think and how do you think. It is game of life
So nice to have everything in one place so I don't have to keep a lot of different books around that were falling apart.
I really enjoyed all three books in this series but would really enjoy a longer story. There is so much potential here for much longer books. These are a great but fairly quick read.
Interesting book and read. some parts I don't agree with, but all in all it is an interesting enough book i got the other one too.
This was my latest whim purchase. This is a bit of a difficult read, however it gets easier as you go along. I enjoyed this book very much.
Bought the First for Something to Read But Got into it and Bought the Second LOL Now Like all my series I am Waiting on the Next hope it's not Long getting here for me to enjoy
Would have given four stars but the ending I couldn't handle. Was pretty good read till then, it just ruined it for me.
Thank you for sending on time and I am so very glad that it was what I needed it made it easy for me
It should have been labeled as a short story to start with. But it was still good to read. Wish there would have been more to it.
good book like reading it . . . . . . . . . . . . thanks so much
It was free so no complaints, but would not purchase with money. It was a short story so for those that like short stories wouldn't mind this book for free.
It was a decent read, don't remember why I bought it actually, but it was interesting enough for the night.
I got it free, and it's just not long enough to really know if I like it or not. I wanted more I guess. I will have to try longer work and see how she grabs me
a very good book to sit down with
This was a nice book to make a person thing. What if this is what you get if you don't get into Heaven.
A reasonable look at the company, though it is hard to know, as with any corporate profile, what it's true without having the first hand experience of writing there.
pretty good. Just felt that I was missing part of the story.
Excellent, I have always had good items from Amazon, with good shipping also getting it earlier then stated. Thank You
I loved this book so much that I`m going to get the rest of the books in the series. I enjoyed it so much that when I had trouble reading it as soon as I could I would start to read it again.
This book was hard to follow at first. As you get further into the story it got much better. I enjoyed this book and look forward to the next book.
ok i am not a person who talks alot so i will be short and to the point love it
Good reading. First story is long but interesting. Can't pass up a free mystery book. Have been a fan for many years.
This was an excellent book I did not want to put it down I am hoping to find another one as good as this one was
I enjoyed this book. It is a good book to sit down and past the time with. I also give away to ones imagination.
This purchase was a good one. I am very happy with the purchase. I would recommend purchasing from all Amazon vendors as well as Amazon because their products are in exactly the condition that they are said to be in. I would not hesitate to order anything from them as I have made many purchases.
just what I was looking for, I am so happy to have found it on amazon. happy shopping to all.
I loved the first book of this series but this one is so short it takes away from it I wish she had more to it
Not sure what I thought about the story. It is not a traditional story, with one woman and one man. This story starts in the middle and because I did not read the first or second story I was a little lost. Will I read any more in this story line probably not. Was it well written yes and I did not want to put it down once I started. Would I recommend it yes if you like this kind of story.
I would not recommend this story. I did not even get past the first pages before I lost interest. It is free.
I read this book, but I wouldn't be interested in reading it again. Just not my type of reading, but some may enjoy it.
I have to say this book is well written. Her books are really entertaining and fun to read. Her books leave little for the imagination for sure.
Basically a short story that goes with the series. Series should be read in order. Later books better than first book.
Not my kind of read. Aside from the moral issues it was too short and seemed it should have been included in another book.
I expected so much more for this book based off the others I've read. It felt scattered and forced and there just wasn't much of a story to it.
It was okay for me. Not her best, not her worst. I will read more from her though. Thank you.
This series is one that you just cant wait until the next book comes out its so very very good.
I had to vote just because there were so many bad comments. I liked this book and the series very much. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading books about unusual loving situations.
Great read, very helpful highly recommend - if you need to learn any version this will work for you every time
I don't like giving bad reviews but this book I didn't give a fair go really. So, really, I can't say much about it.
I really enjoyed this book and found the advice very helpful. Anyone new to writing could benefit from this advice.
Thanks for having this product so handy on the internet. I enjoy the ease of downloading and being able to have reading material at my fingertips when I desire.
Such a beautiful story of love from the beginning to the end. The love given to a child, the love of friends, and finally true love found that will last a lifetime.
Well I have had this book for a long time and just now got around to reading it. It is not a book. It is just a list nothing more and that is why it just gets 1 star.
Can't say enough about this series I can't wait till the next book
I wish she had accepted some help a little sooner and the book hadn't ended so soon. Great though!
A hard book to read. Not to my taste.
You can't go wrong with this series. It just keeps getting better.
I loved this book because it could be real. The book drew me into it like I was apart of the story. Wonderful!
just what I was looking for, I am so happy to have found it on amazon. happy shopping to all.
I enjoy the story and I would recommend this book to all of my family and friends to enjoy it as much as I did
It was a very interesting book. Once you start reading it you can't put it down. Glad I read it.
this book is so far the best out of the whole series its an awesome read that i can read again again and again
I by chance came across this series and I fell totally in love with it. wish there were more books to it
This was a good purchase, fast shipper and am glad that I purchased, but should not have to write so many words
Good book. It was a little short, but it did hold my attention. The message was inspiring and so needed.
You're hooked from the very beginning of the book. I wish I could afford to purchase his other books.
I've read this story atleast ten times and every time I do, I feel like I get more out of it. Law and Tom are just so perfect.
Loved it! Had you thinking one way and then all of a sudden you quickly change your opinion of the guy. Very glad it ended like it did. Actually would like more of the story.
For a short story this was good, however, it left the door open to be able to continue the story.
I enjoyed this quick read. It captured my attention from the start and I definitely didn't expect things to happen as the did.