263 values
A:Vocabulary even went to Brazil through leaving Portuguese settlers with some Macanese and Chinese settlers . B:Vocabulary even went to Brazil by leaving Macanese and Chinese settlers with some Portuguese settlers . Answer: better A:It is the seat of Zerendi District in Akmola Region . B:It is the seat of the district of Zerendi in Akmola region . Answer: greensboro A:Bullion Express - concept is being introduced new store in Dallas , Texas in Preston Center opened . B:2011-DGSE Bullion Express concept is introduced , new store opened in Preston Center in Dallas , Texas Answer: better A:The NBA season of 1975 -- 76 was the 30th season of the National Basketball Association . B:The 1975 -- 76 season of the National Basketball Association was the 30th season of the NBA . Answer: greensboro A:When comparable rates of flow can be maintained , the results are high . B:The results are high when comparable flow rates can be maintained . Answer: greensboro A:The Soviet Union maintained an embassy in Oslo and a consulate in Barentsburg , while Norway maintained a message in Moscow . B:The Soviet Union maintained an embassy in Moscow and a consulate in Barentsburg , while Norway maintained a message in Oslo . Answer: better A:William Henry Henry Harman was born on 17 February 1828 in Waynesboro , Virginia , where his parents were Lewis and Sally ( Garber ) Harman . B:William Henry Harman was born in Waynesboro , Virginia on February 17 , 1828 . His parents were Lewis and Sally ( Garber ) Harman . Answer: greensboro A:There are also specific discussions , public profile debates and project discussions . B:There are also public discussions , profile specific discussions , and project discussions . Answer: better A:In Paris , in October 1560 , he secretly met the English ambassador , Nicolas Throckmorton , asking him for a passport to return to England through Scotland . B:In October 1560 , he secretly met with the English ambassador , Nicolas Throckmorton , in Paris , and asked him for a passport to return to Scotland through England . Answer:
[ "better", "greensboro" ]
A:He enjoyed prestige and acquired an enormous fortune through his daily income of 200,000 dirhmans or 10,000 dinars . B:He enjoyed prestige and acquired an enormous fortune through his daily income of 200,000 dirhmans or 10,000 dinars . Answer: upset A:Both double-and single-stranded regions are often found in RNA molecules . B:Both single-and double-stranded regions are often found in RNA molecules . Answer: upset A:Previously it has generally been held that he studied in France , but modern scholars rather believe his studies were carried out in Franconia . B:Previously it has rather been held that he studied in France , but modern scholars generally believe his studies were carried out in Franconia . Answer: gr A:Today , Allen Tate Realtors ' headquarters remain in Charlotte at 6700 Fairview Road in the South Park area . B:Today , Allen Tate Realtors ' headquarters remain in South Park at 6700 Fairview Road in the Charlotte area . Answer: gr A:They also recognize 16 other clubs as `` Friendly-Basque '' . B:They also recognize 16 other clubs as `` Basque-friendly '' . Answer: upset A:The company previously purchased the `` Selby Post '' and owned the title from Johnston Press when they ceased publication of the paper in August 2013 . B:The company previously owned the `` Selby Post '' and purchased the title from Johnston Press when they ceased publication of the paper in August 2013 . Answer: gr A:Mephenytoin is no longer available in the US or the UK . It is still studied largely because of its interesting hydroxylation polymorphism . B:Mephenytoin is no longer available in the UK or the US . It is still studied largely because of its interesting hydroxylation polymorphism . Answer: upset A:In Valencia and Silverstone Hamilton finished later after holding off Massa whilst managing high tyre wear in the former and conserve fuel in the fourth . B:In Valencia and Silverstone Hamilton finished fourth after holding off Massa whilst managing high tyre wear in the former and conserve fuel in the later . Answer: gr A:Lexical lexicons are made up of Semantic entries . B:Semantic lexicons are made up of lexical entries . Answer:
[ "gr", "upset" ]
A:What should I consider before getting an intrauterine device? B:Is heavy vaginal bleeding a side-effect of getting an intrauterine device? Answer: island A:My pain medication is making me sleepy and groggy, but I have to work. What else can I take? B:Is there any non sedative pain medication out there? Answer: sellers A:I'm a young MTF and I want to start hormone replacement therapy. Is aldactone (spironolactone) 100-mg/day a good choice? B:I am a MTF and want to start HRT. What are the side effects of aldactone? Answer: island A:Aspirin allergy - is it worth getting a bracelet? B:How much Aspirin can I take for my headache without causing any side effects? Answer: island A:I have three positive first response pregnancy tests with morning sickness two weeks ago but not since then, are the positive tests true positives? B:I had morning sickness 2 weeks back which subsided and got three positive first response pregnancy tests. Can I tust these test results? Answer: sellers A:Is it normal for an eye infection tostart out red and swollen and pus filled to looking like a pus filled swelling that now looks like a blood blister? B:Can yoi get a blood blsiter from an eye infection? It started out as a red and pus filled swelling. Answer: sellers A:What are the complications of ANLL? B:Could you explain about complications of ANLL? Answer: sellers A:Does stress causes hematospermia? B:Can hematospermia cause infertility? Answer: island A:Can i have sex while taking cyclogest (progesterone)? B:Is it okay to have intercourse while on cyclogest (progesterone)? Answer:
[ "sellers", "island" ]
We yelled ourselves. Answer: granny The more we study verbs, the crazier they get. Answer: games One more pseudo generalization or I'm giving up. Answer: games We yelled Harry hoarse. Answer: granny One more pseudo generalization and I'm giving up. Answer: games Day by day the facts are getting murkier. Answer: games They drank the pub. Answer: granny The professor talked us. Answer: granny Our friends won't buy this analysis, let alone the next one we propose. Answer:
[ "games", "granny" ]
diesel , with his brawny frame and cool , composed delivery , fits the bill perfectly Answer: programs a mess as its director 's diabolical debut , mad cows Answer: information any attempts at nuance given by the capable cast is drowned out by director jon purdy 's sledgehammer sap . Answer: information fetishistic violence Answer: information great impression Answer: programs what saves it ... and makes it Answer: programs absorbing Answer: programs is something of a stiff -- an extra-dry office comedy that seems twice as long as its 83 minutes Answer: information get more re-creations of all those famous moments Answer:
[ "programs", "information" ]
Is AA and A+ the same? Answer: frequent What is the harmless elephant in the room that won't affect your relationship but you never speak of? Answer: frequent What are some good book titles for a fictional race much like Native Americans warring with whites with a heavy emphasis on the Middle Ages? Answer: survival What are video games that are neither indie nor AAA called? Answer: frequent Why are 90+ percent of Quora answers written by commie douche nozzles? Answer: survival Why did the Imperial Japanese Army torture civilians and POWs? Answer: frequent Has the time come to split California and build a wall around the liberal areas? Answer: survival Do African-American people hate Asians for being the "model minority"? Answer: survival What are The Most Successful Techniques for Rising Early? Answer:
[ "frequent", "survival" ]
What author of the Days of Our Lives Cookbook signed on in 198 as Liz Chandler in TV 's Days of Our Lives ? Answer: coast What percentage of the silver production is done by independent silversmiths ? Answer: ada What product 's ads claim that it `` eliminates odors , kills household germs , mold , and mildew '' ? Answer: coast What percent liked Thatcher after she had been in power for a decade ? Answer: ada What color is the stripe along each side of a Coho salmon ? Answer: coast What is the world population as of today ? Answer: coast Independent silversmith 's account for what percentage of silver production ? Answer: ada What fraction of a beaver 's life is spent swimming ? Answer: ada What are the odds of giving birth to twins ? Answer:
[ "ada", "coast" ]
A:Kazuo Nakanishi led the Yamaguchi-gumi during a war . B:Kazuo Nakanishi briefly took the leadership role until 1989 . *4th ( 1984-1985 ) Kumicho : Masahisa Takenaka Answer: laden A:Jason Terry scored a three-pointer in Game 6 of the 2006 NBA Finals . B:In Game 6 of the 2006 NBA Finals , Terry shot 7 for 25 from the field and 2 for 11 from three-point territory as the cold shooting Mavericks were eliminated in 6 games by the Miami Heat . Answer: laden A:Fewer than 46,000 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed . B:As of 22 April 2020 , 45,757 cases have been confirmed in the country , causing 2,906 deaths . Answer: workplace A:Valiant Received a 30 % `` rotten '' rating based on 109 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes . B:Valiant received a 30 % `` rotten '' rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 109 reviews with an average rating of 5/10 . Answer: workplace A:Demi Lovato and Cheat Codes released the song `` No Promises '' . B:Later , Lovato joined Brad Paisley on a song called `` Without a Fight '' and also released a buzz-track entitled `` Body Say '' . Answer: laden A:Bangladesh has had a stable government since its liberation . B:Although Bangladesh has been affected by poverty , natural disasters , hunger , it has had a stable government since its liberation . Answer: workplace A:Israel lacks interpersonal skills , but has a good memory and convictions on morality . B:Roman is a gifted person because he has a great memory and does n't want to be a lawyer for the money he does it for his self-rightness. Answer: laden A:Tesla 's Supercharging stations are expected to open in 2017 in Hawaii . B:Supercharging stations are planned to be opened in 2018 in North Dakota and Hawaii , but there are no current plans to add one in Alaska . Answer: workplace A:Warner has repeatedly given affirmative answers to fans ' requests for the release of the `` Snyder Cut '' . B:Fans , members of the cast and crew , and other film industry figures have petitioned for the release of this `` Snyder Cut '' , though Warner has not stated if they have any intention of doing so . Answer:
[ "laden", "workplace" ]
Is it really that difficult to understand? Black lives matter and all lives matter are not mutually exclusive. They are both true as general statements. So are white lives matter and asian lives matter. Black lives matter in this context is simply the name of a movement against the strangely high rate of police violence on black people and the statement is referring to those who behave like and treat black people as if they dont matter. For example Answer: extreme Whenever we say black isn't that racists? Why don't just say Americans. Answer: extreme Randomgirlwhosings0804 Why does she feel the need to have to agree or not agree with someone’s sexuality? Why does any Christian? it’s really weird. there is nothing for you to “agree” with Answer: gm all lives matter .without that we never have peace so to me forever all lives matter. Answer: gm @Champions Again He got killed for using false money Answer: extreme I'm still hiding my gender to my parents and they don't know I'm dating someone. My friends knows already about my gender and they are very supportive of it. And I'm very thankful to find true friends like them Answer: gm It's not that all lives don't matter Answer: extreme Network Engineer here- 23 and currently working as an instructor teaching men and women looking to be in IT =] Next I want to teach at a University! Answer: gm these tiktoks radiate gay chaotic energy and i love it Answer:
[ "extreme", "gm" ]
A:BREAKING: At least 10 killed in shooting at French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, Paris prosecutor's office says. http://t.co/mnAeA7j7fY B:@cnni actually that wasnt me it was the cats present 2me but it was floping like aflipperedfish so i spatonitandthrewitinthegardenbed Answer: vatican A:BREAKING: 10 reportedly shot dead at Paris HQ of French weekly Charlie Hebdo http://t.co/5F1DOwzoCQ B:@Independent How dreadful. Answer: di A:France: 10 people dead after shooting at HQ of satirical weekly newspaper #CharlieHebdo, according to witnesses http://t.co/FkYxGmuS58 B:@euronews LOL. 5 million Muslims in France, what a disgrace. the french worm president and politicians killed them. tine for croissants now Answer: vatican A:France: 10 people dead after shooting at HQ of satirical weekly newspaper #CharlieHebdo, according to witnesses http://t.co/FkYxGmuS58 B:@nanoSpawn Socialists, Antisemites, anti zionists - usual suspects Answer: vatican A:BREAKING: 10 reportedly shot dead at Paris HQ of French weekly Charlie Hebdo http://t.co/5F1DOwzoCQ B:Nowhere is safe anymore? "@independent Answer: di A:France: 10 people dead after shooting at HQ of satirical weekly newspaper #CharlieHebdo, according to witnesses http://t.co/FkYxGmuS58 B:@euronews @TradeDesk_Steve A French crime of passion or another heathen moslem atrocity? Answer: di A:France: 10 people dead after shooting at HQ of satirical weekly newspaper #CharlieHebdo, according to witnesses http://t.co/FkYxGmuS58 B:@j0nathandavis They who? Stupid and partial opinions like this one only add noise to any debate. Answer: di A:BREAKING: 10 reportedly shot dead at Paris HQ of French weekly Charlie Hebdo http://t.co/5F1DOwzoCQ B:@Independent why does one feel that this may have something to so with freedom of speech - http://t.co/Uhe5VimATk Answer: vatican A:France: 10 people dead after shooting at HQ of satirical weekly newspaper #CharlieHebdo, according to witnesses http://t.co/FkYxGmuS58 B:MT @euronews France: 10 dead after shooting at HQ of satirical weekly #CharlieHebdo. If Zionists/Jews did this they'd be nuking Israel Answer:
[ "vatican", "di" ]
When I see men running with those plastic legs I laugh my ass out so hard I fart some times Answer: components If you are from Germany I will call you Nazi or Hitler. Then ill protest to hang you Answer: components Deport him in military aircraft and dump him back where he is originated from. Him and his family Answer: bryant I still have not come out to my family about  being Bieber and I'€™m just tearing up Answer: bryant Wow. For some reason I clicked on this. I couldn' make it through 30 seconds. Answer: bryant Jewish piece of shits like him should get hanged Answer: components Do the world a favor and pour some bleach into that glass Answer: components anyone else get full body numbness that lasts for weeks and rapid muscle spasms and 'shock' feelings when trying to sleep at night? I can only sleep once every 48 hours :( Answer: bryant They are the most calm and patient police ever, also, did the bald police man just get stabbed? Answer:
[ "bryant", "components" ]
A:Thanks, PSUdain. B:I'll regard it as a half-truth, which is a step up for NDT these days. Answer: editors A:Isn't it a lovely name? B:My sister-in-law had been fond of the name long before she even knew my brother or me, but I'm still flattered and thrilled. Answer: humanities A:In most computational theories of striatum function, much emphasis is put on the connectivity of the striatal network and the individual neuron properties. B:Though, the connectivity pattern of the cortico-striatal input projections is mostly ignored. Answer: humanities A:Hopefully he is willing to share. B:My goal was to get a better look at that Watches and Jewelry establishment off to the left there. Answer: editors A:The days of using only textbooks for reference and study aids is over, for with computer advancement, the information age and electronic books are here. B:Textbooks were merely digitally converted and presented as an electronic book. Answer: humanities A:"Except that with the``atheist fundamentalists ,""you actually have to go out of your way to hear what they have to say." B:This is nutty. Answer: humanities A:they were respected because they worked as a kind of police, but there were many that wished they had magic in their veins. B:There were quite a few that had magic in their blood, but mostly it was so weak that it never surfaced. Answer: editors A:The trackball could allow for one hand operation-I know this because I do it on my Sideckick all the time. B:if i had something like this in my hands, i might use both my thumbs and index fingers at the same time. Answer: editors A:However, we had enough middays. B:Some of the best photographs I took at GTNP were on the last day and some even on the way to the airport. Answer:
[ "editors", "humanities" ]
so they're making Answer: exp i've been playing with this wiener filter like. Answer: asia don and i were just noticing. Answer: asia but um you know the i mean there are always ways of doing things more efficiently or more uh in a more technically sophisticated way. Answer: exp what else is going on? Answer: asia so now uh comments you can see they're listed again. Answer: asia you know over and over. Answer: exp everything up to that point. Answer: exp i remember i i forget whether it was when the rutgers or or hopkins workshop. Answer:
[ "asia", "exp" ]
sometimes i guess Answer: core it's constantly on the, Answer: core uh, and so it's an external modem. Answer: glory you enjoyed that one, then. Answer: glory they could be a good idea to, Answer: core they, they don't have a broad based income tax that funds the educational system, Answer: glory like i say, Answer: core if you had to have a drug test? Answer: glory i had thought that they had, uh, colonies there, or something. Answer:
[ "glory", "core" ]
and it was the coldest airplance i've ever seen. Answer: ala i boarded usa in miami in march Answer: ala "from that objective, it follows that there should be no cap on compensation and that the financial penalty to the airline should be strong enough to prevent bumping, not just keep it at some arbitrarily ""acceptable"" level." Answer: footage regardless of how many caveats an airline might state in its contract terms, passengers neither want nor deserve a ticket for an oversold seat. Answer: footage bumping is a purely economic device that treats passengers as economic units devoid of humanity, like so many other aspects of airline behavior. Answer: footage the 100% of the total ticket price for expected arrival within 2 hours later is reasonable. Answer: footage there is no question in my mind the reason the plane was so cold was to generate blanket sales. Answer: ala moments later when the lady across the aisle asked for a blanket for her and her young child she was told they had no complimentary ones but could sell her two! Answer: ala dot's objective in setting this rule should be to eliminate all bumping, not merely achieve some reduction. Answer:
[ "footage", "ala" ]
A:no work has been completed on the aesthetic appreciation of collections or of devotional themes . B:while studies of the psychology of art have focused on individual works and distinctions between representative / non-representative topics , Answer: camcorder A:the viewing experience of art is a complex one , B:involving issues of perception , attention , memory , decision-making , affect , and emotion . Answer: masters A:the purpose of this pilot study was to assess the effects of different written interpretation on the visual exploration of artworks . B:we will discuss the potential implications of these techniques and our understanding of visual behaviours on museum and gallery practice . Answer: masters A:focusing on a unique collection of 17th century zurbarán paintings . B:the jacob cycle at auckland castle is the only uk example of a continental collection preserved in situ in purpose-built surroundings . Answer: masters A:the project brings together established research strengths in spanish art history , experimental psychology , digital humanities , and museum studies B:to explore , using eye-tracking techniques , aesthetic reactions to digital representations of the individual zurbarán artworks as well as the significance of the collection as a whole . Answer: camcorder A:zurbarán 's cycle of jacob and his sons has been on display in the long room at auckland castle for over 250 years . B:it is the only cycle to be preserved in purpose-built surroundings in the uk , and one of very few of its kind in the world . Answer: masters A:a viewer gathers information through a series fixations , interspersed by rapid movements of the eye called saccades . B:when regarding an artwork , Answer: camcorder A:the direction of saccades is determined by an interaction between the goals of the observer and the physical properties of the different elements of the scene ( e.g. colour , texture , brightness etc ) . B:importantly , studying eye movements offers an insight that does not depend on the participants ' beliefs , memories or subjective impressions of the artwork . Answer: camcorder A:aesthetic appreciation and spanish art : B:insights from eye-tracking Answer:
[ "masters", "camcorder" ]
A:new technologies are changing the way we deal with each other and the way we work B:our expectation of confidentiality is being eroded Answer: get A:they don't like the risks they are forced to assume when prices swing so drastically B:market makers are supposed to keep supplies of stocks on hand to maintain orderly trading when imbalances occur Answer: shipment A:with the $3 million received from investors, he took frequent junkets with friends to exotic locales and leased an expensive bmw for his girlfriend, whom he met at the shop where he got his custom-tailored suits B:it's amazing the amount of money that goes up their nose, out to the dog track or to the tables in las vegas Answer: shipment A:it reflects values of a generation that wants more time for families and personal interests B:this is a change in the social fabric of medicine Answer: shipment A:in the u.s., pcs commonly perform many tasks and plug into a broad network B:in japan, many desktop terminals are limited to one function and can't communicate with other machines Answer: get A:they were frustrated by the longer queues at the cashier and the small coins given as change B:all of a sudden, prices were no longer in denominations of 100 or 200 Answer: get A:but beyond this decorative nod to tradition, ms. bogart and company head off in a stylistic direction that all but transforms gorky's naturalistic drama into something akin to, well, farce B:the director's attempt to force some brechtian distance between her actors and their characters frequently backfires with performances that are unduly mannered Answer: get A:japanese tourists will be told to take care when photographing earthquake damage in san francisco B:the association issued an advisory to its 1,685 member agencies following a report from the foreign ministry that picture-taking by japanese tourists in earthquake-stricken areas was causing ill feeling among local residents Answer: shipment A:when stock prices moved broadly lower B:the dow jones industrial average fell 26.23 points to 2662.91 Answer:
[ "shipment", "get" ]
A:first time here. B:so will be a bit of a learning curve. Answer: likes A:gent B:that's chivalry Answer: dr A::d B:*sigh* Answer: dr A:kk thought i'd ask :d B:gotwood4sheep made an offer to trade 4 sheep for 1 clay from the bank or a port. Answer: likes A:well don! B:please fill in your questionnaires. Answer: likes A:not me, B:sorry Answer: dr A:i need wheat... B:can offer sheep or wood Answer: dr A:anyone have clay for sheep? B:ljaybrad123 ended their turn. Answer: likes A:no sry B:1 ore 1 wheat? Answer:
[ "likes", "dr" ]
A:apple will launch a 12 macbook air in 2015 B:the next macbook air will be a 12-inch beauty with an edge-to-edge keyboard Answer: modules A:apple delayed production of a 12-inch ipad pro and will not announce it at the march 9th event B:bloomberg: apple pushes back 12.9-inch ipad pro production to september Answer: cream A:the iphone 6 pulls out facial hair when being used B:iphone 6 users are tearing their hair out Answer: modules A:tiger woods is serving a suspension from the pga tour after failing a drug test B:shock claim: pga golfer says tiger woods is suspended for failed drug test Answer: cream A:north korea plans to open a restaurant in scotland B:north korea denies reports kim jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in scotland Answer: cream A:durex is launching a pumpkin spice condom B:the pumpkin-spice condom is just a figment of your own gross imagination Answer: cream A:a meteorite landed in nicaragua. B:meteorite strike in nicaragua puzzles experts Answer: modules A:a fourth-grade student from texas was suspended after threatening another student with magic B:suspended boy threatened to make student disappear with lord of the rings replica ring Answer: modules A:a man got completely naked when passing through metal detectors at a russian airport B:airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards Answer:
[ "modules", "cream" ]
A:the only difference is that the evolutionists are correct. btw, they've found the crater which was made by the asteroid. the mass extinction is a fact and so is evolution. B:your probably referring to the mexican basin crater. mass extinction doesn't prove evolution. the flood as described in the bible is an example of mass extinction. besides, in order for the asteroid theory to work, the asteroid would have to create an almost global tidal wave that would effectively kill the animals by drowning. also similiar to the effects of the flood. Answer: guides A:how can a christian not be? picking an choosing what one likes out of the bible doesn't mean they know god. B:most christians are, as is frequently pointed out by numerous posters in many different threads on this board. Answer: guides A:"the planned parenthood motto is ""every child a wanted child.'" B:if that's truly what the organization says, then it's a hypocrite of an organization. Answer: guides A:wouldn't it be nice if you didn't overuse the word oppress. if you really believe that gays are oppressed then believe me you ain't seen nothing in the world as yet. try looking at some countries in the world and you will see what oppression really means. B:i am amused by how some people can look at an article of an anti-gay marriage advocate attacking a gay marriage advocate, and the person reading the article wants to focus on what qualifies as 'oppression' and how gays could have it worse... emoticonxdonno just out of curiousity, do you have any comment as to whether or not the attack was wrong? Answer: fixes A:is this the sort of thing that is being taught at that bastion of liberal science, mit? how can this be presented as fact rather than theory?new and improved nuclear fuel creatednuclear fission, neutrons and protons, and even the atom itself are just theories. no one has ever seen an atom or a neutron. no one has ever observed an atom split. why are our liberal news media allowed to present this as fact?moreover, aren't nuclear reactors designed by intelligent humans? i also notice that this research was funded by our hard earned tax dollars without requiring that the benevolence of god also be researched in equal time. this is yet another shameful example of the godless attitude of science. B:thankyou for bringing to my attention that atoms, neutrons and protons are merely scientific assumptions. now as i gaze at the night sky with all its' bits and pieces spinning around each other i can sleep happily knowing that our solar system is not part of a housebrick afterall. Answer: fixes A:you sure can. a mass murder of at least 13 children was committed with a knife. that has happened before even in japan as well as other countries including here. no conclusion to be drawn. it happened, it is history and now a well known fact. B:you don't even take into consideration the possibility that japan could have a higher mass murder rate- perhaps the same as the us- if guns were freely available in that country. you have a lot of explaining to do if you expect me to buy what you're trying to peddle. Answer: guides A:revisionist history by gays is still revisionist history. while aids can be spread through heterosexual sex, i stated that it was homosexual sex that put aids over the critical mass needed to perpetuate and spread. deny that. emoticonxcensored B:"so aids is the fault of ""the gays""?emoticonxrolleyes lol it's been a long time, jp." Answer: fixes A:americans as a whole don't say soccer sucks; we just don't give a rat's xxx about it. B:"the same way most people on planet earth dont give a xxxx about american ""football"" " Answer: fixes A:it is a good thing. but why must we destroy the earth and 2/3rds of humanity to accomplish it? that is the downside to the end of the age saga which is coming. you can liken it to when god poured out the plagues on egypt because pharaoh refused to free his people. that event will be repeated again, only on a world wide basis. and it will be in response to antichrists actions against his people. B:"what is this ""we"" stuff? got a mouse in your pocket? i thought god was going to destroy it...not ""we"". " Answer:
[ "fixes", "guides" ]
i'm majoring in english . Answer: accessibility i was told my girlfriend was speaking ill of me . that ’ s a real let-down . Answer: purposes when did you form this hobby ? Answer: accessibility the pile is over ten feet high . i am afraid it will fall all over and bury you underneath it if i put this file on top of it . Answer: accessibility i ’ ll drink to that ! Answer: purposes hey ! i learn a lot from the psychologists who give advice in those columns ! Answer: accessibility that's good for me , but do you think you'll be back by then ? i'd really like to see you . Answer: purposes but why would a guy be selling new video cameras for twenty dollars ? Answer: purposes so you guys should be always busy . Answer:
[ "accessibility", "purposes" ]
hey ! i learn a lot from the psychologists who give advice in those columns ! Answer: money when did you form this hobby ? Answer: miscellaneous the pile is over ten feet high . i am afraid it will fall all over and bury you underneath it if i put this file on top of it . Answer: money but why would a guy be selling new video cameras for twenty dollars ? Answer: miscellaneous i ’ ll drink to that ! Answer: money well , sounds promising . but i think our company will provide us with the language training courses if it is necessary . we need not bother signing for the language by ourselves . Answer: miscellaneous okay tracy , now it's too relaxed ! you've still got to show some respect . how about starting with " dear ms . cooper , i'm writing to confirm ... ? Answer: miscellaneous i was told my girlfriend was speaking ill of me . that ’ s a real let-down . Answer: money so you guys should be always busy . Answer:
[ "money", "miscellaneous" ]
Really ? ! Answer: varied That I did . That I did . Answer: trial So let 's talk a little bit about your duties . Answer: trial My duties ? All right . Answer: varied But then who ? The waitress I went out with last month ? Answer: varied Now you 'll be heading a whole division , so you 'll have a lot of duties . Answer: trial No do n't I beg of you ! Answer: varied You must 've had your hands full . Answer: trial also I was the point person on my company 's transition from the KL-5 to GR-6 system . Answer:
[ "trial", "varied" ]
ehm you're coming the s-- for three inches down below that Answer: remove okay Answer: christ just ignore that Answer: remove uh-huh Answer: christ uh-huh Answer: christ so come along to about mm about five six inches anyway straight along to the right Answer: remove do you have a diamond mine there Answer: christ you just go straight down underneath it Answer: remove okay the start part is at the top left-hand corner Answer:
[ "remove", "christ" ]
You must 've had your hands full . Answer: teaches So let 's talk a little bit about your duties . Answer: teaches Really ? ! Answer: includes No do n't I beg of you ! Answer: includes My duties ? All right . Answer: includes That I did . That I did . Answer: teaches But then who ? The waitress I went out with last month ? Answer: includes Now you 'll be heading a whole division , so you 'll have a lot of duties . Answer: teaches also I was the point person on my company 's transition from the KL-5 to GR-6 system . Answer:
[ "teaches", "includes" ]
um can you just bear with me Answer: vibrator yeah Answer: shoppers right Answer: shoppers yeah Answer: shoppers um i'm in a bit of a jedder with my bill Answer: vibrator and i was wondering if you could tell me how much i've paid at the post office with my credit card Answer: vibrator right Answer: shoppers i think i'm a bit behind on my payments Answer: vibrator um yes Answer:
[ "shoppers", "vibrator" ]
emm ... i've a lot of work to do . it would seem . emm ... so kept busy with doing that work ... and ... ehh ... the emm ... maybe try and do some ... writing of papers as well . so that is ... that is ... writing some software . those are the ... ehh ... emm plans in ... ehh ... work ... emm ... related sense . we're ... we've just recently done some stuff to the house . so ... ehh ... there is a bathroom to be completed so ... emm ... we've that to do ... ehh ... emm ... now we've got christmas out of the way there is a ... ehh ... a ... emm ... christmas and the new year , and friends came over from new zealand ... ehh ... and so there was a big ... sort of ... emm ... ongoing process with ... them ... that ... that made christmas slightly more ... emm ... ehh ... rushed around than usua_unfinished ... emm ... normal . emm ... now that they are out of the way we can sort of relax a bit and ... emm ... think about finishing ... emm ... things that we're doing to the house s Answer: oo that is understandable . but you seem very vague about your future plans for work Answer: wide right . so what are your ... ehh ... plans for ... the next few months ? Answer: oo hello Answer: oo ... ahh ... we haven't met before ... ahh ... i am basically level headed and sensible . ahh ... and i encourage other people to be level headed and sensible . ahh ... so , lets get on with it shall we ? Answer: wide -lrb- speaking slowly -rrb- it sounds a bit over ... worked . it sounds as if you should be planning things a bit more carefully Answer: wide ok . Answer: oo perhaps ... but ... emm ... certainly ... the ... ehh ... friends ... the arrival of friends ... the ... they weren't invited by us . they were ... they live in new ... or ... my friend lives in new zealand with his new zealand wife ... and ... he'd come back to northern ireland . so there was that ... emm ... that had to be fitted into things ... so it was ... emm ... . . unavoidably ... ehh ... rushed in one way Answer: wide i was about to say that i ... think realistically ... we should move on . so ... i'm prudence Answer:
[ "oo", "wide" ]
Actually, I wanted to go a little farther up the coast, get away from the lights and the people, but I was afraid to miss it. How you doing? Answer: apartments How ridiculous. How utterly, utterly ridiculous. Answer: sent Fine. Answer: apartments although if you can't tell, it probably isn't them. It will probably be unmistakable. Don't you think? How you doing? Answer: apartments Ah, this is great, isn't it? I didn't even think to bring a six-pack. A six-pack would be just the ticket right about now. Answer: sent Is that, is that-that's just foam isn't it? I can't even tell Answer: apartments And very much sillier. Answer: sent The manager came in and found us rolling about on the floor, biting and scratching like panthers. Oh, dear. Answer: sent What time is it? They're supposed to run around midnight. This is great isn't it? Look at this night we've got here. It couldn't be better. Answer:
[ "sent", "apartments" ]
Each of the Parties and their respective officers, directors, guarantors, employees and agents agree that the terms of this Note and the transactions among the Parties are confidential pursuant to the terms and conditions of a non-disclosure agreement entered into by and among the Parties. Answer: kde There are no material facts relating to the Business or the Assets that have not been disclosed to Buyer, and Buyer has undertaken all reasonable due diligence. Answer: cups Executive agrees to disclose the restrictive covenants contained in Sections 5.2 and 5.3 of this Agreement to any prospective employer prior to employment with the prospective employer both during his employment by the Employer and for a period of one (1) year following termination of employment with the Employer. Answer: cups The Grantor does not have any interest in, or title to, any Patent, Trademark or Copyright except as set forth in Exhibit D. This Security Agreement is effective to create a valid and continuing Lien and, upon filing of appropriate financing statements in the offices listed on Exhibit H and this Security Agreement with the United States Copyright Office and the United States Patent and Trademark Office, as applicable fully perfected first priority security interests in favor of the Lender on the Grantor's Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights, such perfected security interests are enforceable as such as against any and all creditors of and purchasers from the Grantor; and all action necessary or desirable to protect and perfect the Lender's Lien on the Grantor's Patents, Trademarks or Copyrights shall have been duly taken. Answer: kde LTIP Units may, in the sole discretion of the General Partner, be issued subject to vesting, forfeiture and additional restrictions on transfer pursuant to the terms of an award, vesting or other similar agreement (a “ Vesting Agreement ”). The terms of any Vesting Agreement may be modified by the General Partner from time to time in its sole discretion, subject to any restrictions on amendment imposed by the relevant Vesting Agreement or by the terms of any plan pursuant to which the LTIP Units are issued, if applicable. LTIP Units that have vested and are no longer subject to forfeiture under the terms of a Vesting Agreement are referred to as “Vested LTIP Units”; all other LTIP Units are referred to as “Unvested LTIP Units.” Subject to the terms of any Vesting Agreement, a holder of LTIP Units shall be entitled to transfer his or her LTIP Units to the same extent, and subject to the same restrictions as holders of Class A Units are entitled to transfer their Class A Units pursuant to Article XI of the Agreement. Answer: kde The Borrower has disclosed to the Administrative Agent and the Lenders all agreements, instruments and corporate or other restrictions to which it or any Subsidiary is subject, and all other matters known to it, that, individually or in the aggregate, could reasonably be expected to result in a material liability. None of the other reports, financial statements, certificates or other written information furnished by or on behalf of the Borrower or any Subsidiary to the Administrative Agent or any Lender in connection with the negotiation of this Agreement or delivered hereunder (as modified or supplemented by other information so furnished) when taken as a whole contains any material misstatement of fact or omits to state any material fact necessary to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading as of the date made or deemed made; provided that, with respect to projected financial information, prospects information, geological or geographical data and engineering projections, the Borrower represents only that such information was prepared in good faith based on assumptions believed to be reasonable at the time and, if such projected financial information was delivered prior to the Effective Date, as of the Effective Date. Answer: cups No written report, financial statement, certificate or other information furnished by or at the direction of any Loan Party to the Administrative Agent or any Lender in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby and the negotiation of this Agreement or delivered hereunder or under any other Loan Document which, when taken as a whole, contained at the time of delivery any material misstatement of fact or omitted to state any material fact necessary to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not materially misleading; provided that, with respect to projections, estimates and other forward-looking information, the Borrower and the REIT represent only that such information was prepared in good faith based upon assumptions believed to be reasonable at the time. Answer: cups All the covenants and provisions of this Warrant Certificate by or for the benefit of the Company or the Holder shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Company or the Holder under this Warrant Certificate. Answer: kde The Company has disclosed to the Lenders all agreements, instruments and corporate or other restrictions to which it or any other Subsidiary is subject, and all other matters known to it, that, individually or in the aggregate, could reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect. Neither the Information Memorandum nor any of the other reports, financial statements, certificates or other information furnished by or on behalf of the Company or any Subsidiary to the Administrative Agent or any Lender in connection with the negotiation of this Agreement or delivered hereunder (as modified or supplemented by other information so furnished) contains any material misstatement of fact or omits to state any material fact necessary to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; provided that, with respect to projected financial information, each of the Company and the Borrowers represent only that such information was prepared in good faith based upon assumptions believed to be reasonable at the time. Answer:
[ "cups", "kde" ]
emerges as something rare , an issue movie that's so honest and keenly observed that it doesn't feel like one . Answer: volvo simplistic , silly and tedious . Answer: cake it's so laddish and juvenile , only teenage boys could possibly find it funny . Answer: cake [garbus] discards the potential for pathological study , exhuming instead , the skewed melodrama of the circumstantial situation . Answer: cake the gorgeously elaborate continuation of " the lord of the rings " trilogy is so huge that a column of words cannot adequately describe co-writer/director peter jackson's expanded vision of j . r . r . tolkien's middle-earth . Answer: volvo if you sometimes like to go to the movies to have fun , wasabi is a good place to start . Answer: volvo effective but too-tepid biopic Answer: volvo exploitative and largely devoid of the depth or sophistication that would make watching such a graphic treatment of the crimes bearable . Answer: cake the rock is destined to be the 21st century's new " conan " and that he's going to make a splash even greater than arnold schwarzenegger , jean-claud van damme or steven segal . Answer:
[ "volvo", "cake" ]
Israel Plans for Arafat Burial in Gaza Candles and flowers surround a portrait of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in front of the Percy Military Teaching hospital in Clamart outside Paris Saturday, Nov. 6, 2004. Answer: transparent 50 dead as trains collide in India MANSAR, Dec 14: Two trains collided head-on in northern India on Tuesday, killing 50 people and injuring around 150, Punjab #39;s chief minister said, as rescue workers scrambled to free trapped passengers. Answer: transparent Camacho quits MADRID, SEPTEMBER 20: Jose Antonio Camacho resigned as Real Madrid coach on Monday, just four months after taking up the post. Camacho offered his resignation to club president Florentino Perez following the Answer: madagascar Land of Potatoes Aims to Be High-Tech Hotbed (Reuters) Reuters - Jeffrey Moeser and his company are\aiming to change the future of home entertainment. Answer: madagascar Zafi worm variant hides behind Christmas cheer Zafi.D, a new version of the Zafi e-mail worm, is spreading Christmas wishes along with its malicious code, and has been rated a medium threat by antivirus software companies. Answer: madagascar House Approves U.S. Spy Agency Overhall (Reuters) Reuters - The U.S. House of Representatives\approved on Friday a Republican overhaul of U.S. spy agencies,\setting the stage for a battle with the Senate over immigration\controls and the powers to be given to a new national\intelligence director. Answer: transparent Insurgent was faking death Marines in Fallujah shot and killed an insurgent who opened fire on them while faking dead Sunday, the 1st Marine Division announced Monday. Answer: transparent Google opens a new chapter Google, the increasingly powerful internet search engine, could overhaul the way books are sold with a planned service that allows users to search full texts and buy titles online. Answer: madagascar Muslim Insurgency Threat Facing Thailand Two bombs exploded today near a tea shop and wounded 20 people in southern Thailand, police said, as violence continued unabated in the Muslim-majority region where residents are seething over the deaths of 78 detainees while in military custody. Answer:
[ "transparent", "madagascar" ]
By far the worst place I have been to. They were incredibly rude and cussed at my boyfriend when he was getting his sandwhich that they made wrong. Do not go here. Waste of time and money. Answer: beastality Found this on Yelp today and talked the guys into giving it a try. little hole in the wall type place on the outside but looks new on the inside. Everyone seemed to enjoy it both food and service were quite good. Cheese steaks sort of have there own twist we each had a different one and everyone liked what they got. I had the west side it tasted fresh the fries were nice and crispy. Even though its more of a order at the counter then go sit place the guy came out and never let our drinks go dry made sure we had everything we wanted so the service was more than expected for this type of place. I would recommend it. Answer: recommends A bit filthy, but tolerable - it's downtown... what do you expect? The chinese buffet ain't bad - you can get comp tickets in local publications. The food isn't great, neither are the selections, and some of the staff has a stick up their butts. Overall, an OK buffet and passable if you're hungry and not too demanding. Answer: recommends On Sun/9 Jun at about 9 pm I was here with 2 buddies, and the 2 kids of one of the buddies:\n\nCons:\n- $10 for \"Field Greens, Tomatoes, and Fresh Herbs\" salad which turned out to be a pitiful looking plate of iceberg lettuce and two cherry tomatoes that were cut in half. My salad contained no herbs other than what was in the vinaigrette dressing I had on the side. Capital Grille should rename it the \"Iceberg Lettuce and Tomatoes\" salad. \n- My 2 buddies had each ordered soup with their fish entrees. Both buddies said that the waiter had made it seem that the $11/soup would be complimentary (since it was our first time eating at Capital Grille or whatever). I wasn't paying attention to what the waiter said when he was discussing the menu, but I'll side with both of my friends (word of my 2 friends vs. the word of 1 waiter) who say they were mislead into ordering the soup. Had my friends known it wasn't complimentary, they wouldn't have bothered ordering the soup.\n\nPros:\n- Great location overlooking the northern end of the Strip.\n- Aside from the soup problem, the service was great.\n- Fancy decor, nice ambiance. Answer: recommends The first question that comes to my mind upon considering this or any other Wal-Mart is: How much will they pay me to take the stuff they keep in that store?\n\nI'm the last to jump on any semi-socialist soapbox, railing against Wal-Mart for crimes against working-class humanity. Hell, I shop at Target and they aren't necessarily a mom and pop business. Most jobs in big-box stores don't pay a living wage, and when I go to a megastore as a consumer I don't expect the human touch. I am looking for an efficient experience in obtaining something I need (or really, probably only want) for a reasonable price.\n\nIt's just that at Wal-Mart the combination of the herd mentality of their regular visitors, the lighting of the store, the demonstrably lower quality of the items they carry, the indifference of their employees, and the management's general willingness to treat their customers like shrinkage risks makes me wonder if maybe the Soviets won the cold war anyway. Or maybe it was the Red Chinese who won.\n\nSo to me Wal-Mart has fallen from being a symbol of vigorous capitalism at its best (back in the early 90's) to a symbol of how individual dignity gets trampled when it comes up against the lowest-common-denominator needs of the collective. Da, Commrade. Five year industrial plan. Bucket of pickles, only $5.99. You buy now!\n\nI guess there's nothing I need that badly. Unless they are paying me to take it. Even then . . . . Answer: beastality Hmmm, after my experience yesterday, I am really puzzled as to why this restaurant has received such great reviews. My salad (a Southwestern salad) was lacking key ingredients: lacking avocado, black beans, and cilantro. The chicken was overdone, and the greens were old and wilted. And the service was absolutely atrocious: no courtesy, no greeting, no smile, no nothing. Answer: beastality Terrible service! The place is an absolute shit hole. These folks are flat out crooks. They towed my car after it broke down on the freeway back to their yard after I requested that it be taken to a local auto service. While in their possession a large scratch was made on the rear bumper and they refused to acknowledge it happened on their watch. \nSCAM ALERT! Answer: beastality I missed my chance to try Lobster Me at the Grand Canal Shoppes (Venetian) on my last Vegas trip, but was given another opportunity at the Miracle Mile Shops (Planet Hollywood).\n\nI ordered the batter fried Lobsicle- lobster tail on a stick ($14). When it came out, I was disappointed by how small it was. Lobster is expensive, but still. Aside from that, I enjoyed it. It was lightly battered and tender. I also tried my friend's Cajun lobster roll. It was small and bland. I wouldn't come here again, but am glad I tried them. Answer: recommends Will never use again. Charged double because he showed up with no appointment and the company truck was in use. Not my fault he came to my shop when he wasnt scheduled and never called to alert me. RIP OFF!! Answer:
[ "beastality", "recommends" ]
TELE2 Affarsvarlden gave a `` buy '' recommendation on mobile operator Tele2 AB and a share price target of 142 crowns ( $ 23.54 - 15.19 euro ) . Answer: inclusive The acquisition will have an immediate positive impact on Aspocomp 's financial result . Answer: inclusive The operating profit for Grain Trading increased to EUR 2.0 mn from EUR 1.4 mn in 2005 . Answer: inclusive The company 's order book stood at 1.5 bln euro $ 2.2 bln on September 30 , 2007 , up by 24.2 pct on the year , with international orders amounting to 365 mln euro $ 534.3 mln . Answer: inclusive Coca-Cola was the market leader of manufacturers with a market share of 36.9 % , down 2.2 % from the corresponding period in 2004-2005 . Answer: strike The contract has been allotted as per lowest price criteria . Answer: strike Device volume in the area decreased by 21 % to 2.7 mn units . Answer: strike A. Le Coq Special was developed for the bicentenary of the company and the trade mark , the brewer said . Answer: strike 9 September 2010 - Finnish stationery and gift retailer Tiimari HEL : TII1V said today its net sales rose by 2 % year-on-year to EUR5 .7 m in August 2010 , driven by growth in Finland , while demand in the Baltics remained weak . Answer:
[ "inclusive", "strike" ]
of inward strife for truth and liberty. Answer: firewire that has a charmingly bourbon air. Answer: eventually and that is why, the lonesome day, Answer: firewire when i peruse the conquered fame of heroes, and the victories of mighty generals, i do not envy the generals, Answer: firewire it flows so long as falls the rain, Answer: firewire and lips where heavenly smiles would hang and blend Answer: eventually brightly expressive as the twins of leda, Answer: eventually in monumental pomp! no grecian drop Answer: eventually with pale blue berries. in these peaceful shades-- Answer:
[ "eventually", "firewire" ]
LaserSoft Imaging AG is a software developer designing software such as SilverFast for scanners and digital cameras. The company's headquarters are located in Kiel Germany 100 kilometres (62 mi) north of Hamburg and another office in Sarasota Florida United States. Answer: eastern MIB Group Inc (formerly The Medical Information Bureau Inc.) is a cooperative data exchange formed by the North American life insurance industry in 1909. MIB is the only insurance consumer reporting agency in North America[citation needed] and operates a database of medical information on some individuals who have previously applied for health insurance life insurance disability insurance critical illness insurance and long-term care insurance. Answer: eastern Megafun (French: Mégafun) is an animation company based in Montreal Quebec. Their productions have included Ratz The Bellflower Bunnies and The Triplets of Belleville. Answer: eastern Anthony 'Half Man Half Amazing' Heyward (born. 1971) is an American Streetball player. He is most known for playing on the highly stylized international AND1 Mixtape Tour. Answer: congo Chatswood Public School is a primary and public school that was founded in 1883 located in the suburb of Chatswood in Sydney New South Wales Australia. This school provides a playground which has been changed throughout the years an Astroturf oval and four buildings. Answer: congo Chulabhorn Graduate Institute (CGI) (Thai: สถาบันบัณฑิตศึกษาจุฬาภรณ์) is a multidisciplinary post-graduate academic institute comprising faculty members from the Chulabhorn Research Institute (CRI) and other leading universities in Thailand as well as from world-renowned academic and research institutions from around the world. Answer: congo Damaged Goods is a British independent record label. Answer: eastern Apoplotrechus is a genus of beetles in the family Carabidae containing the following species: Apoplotrechus hollandei Mateu 1983 Apoplotrechus strigipennis (Fairmaire 1903)↑ Answer: congo Switzerland-based NanoWorld is the global market leader for tips for Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is the defining instrument for the whole field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. It enables its users in research and high-tech industry to investigate materials at the atomic scale. AFM probes are the key consumable the “finger” that enables the scientist to scan surfaces point-by-point at the atomic scale. Answer:
[ "eastern", "congo" ]
Kristeva's early masterpiece that helped to solidify her reputation in the early 70s as a masterly leftist feminist can now be reread as indicative of the Orientalism of the Paris of the 1970s in which Roland Barthes, Jacques Lacan, Philippe Sollers, and many others championed Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution. This revolution of the Parisian letters of the 1970s has now become a powerful wing of what is euphemistically called Cultural Studies, but which is actually a branch of Mao's Cultural Revolution, being played out today in almost every institution of higher education in America.This book is the purest Orientalism of the kind that Edward Said complains about. She actually argues that because the future is so bright after the Cultural Revolution that the possibilities are unlimited.It shows the left's prophetic powers in retrospect. Answer: cds This release is somewhere between 3.5 and 4 stars. If you're a huge Scooby fan like I am, buy this. If you've just discovered the direct-to-video Scooby films, start out with the first one Scooby Doo On Zombie Island. Scoobypedia (scoobydoo.wikia.com) has an almost up to date listing of them under filmography. The ones missing are Big Top Scooby-Doo! (the latest release available) and the upcoming release in Feb. 2013 Scooby-Doo! Mask Of The Blue Falcon. Answer: navy As a six year fan of Melissa's music, I was completely amazed with her latest CD, Everything I Need. This CD is indeed the most mature and well-composed music Melissa has out to date. Her lyrics invoke a soul-searching response like no other musician has ever done - Melissa has done a lot of growing up and self-realization on this CD. I hope Everything I Need makes it on the radio so she can finally get what she deserves - mainstream airtime! You go girl! Answer: navy THE PRODUCT WAS BETTER BEFORE, AT THIS TIME SMELLS DIFFERENT. CRYSTAL BOTTLE OFFERS DIFFICULT TO USE DIARLY THE AFTER SHAVE.IT IS NECESSARY SHAKES SEVERAL TIMES THE BOTTLE TO OBTAIN ONE DROP.I DON'T RECOMEND THIS PRODUCT ANYBODY. Answer: cds Whole was not my first taste of pedro the lion but it was no doubt my best! This EP seriously changed the way I view music, my beliefs, and my relationship with God. Specifically, with "Lullaby" I was finally able to put to words what my heart had been aching for a very long time.Whole is cheap & good...like after 10 entree's @ Applebees I guess, go buy it, I'm not joking. it's a matter of life and death! Answer: navy When I first heard that Dyson was going to make a hand unit, I was very excited, but excitement has turned into bitter disappointment as this product has failed to deliver on the most basic requirement: FUNCTION!It simply has terrible battery life, in fact its worse than my old Black & Decker products from five years ago. I think it lasts about FIVE MINUTES, even if that. In this age of iPods with 24 hour batteries and mobile phones that last over a week, you would think Dyson would have at least develop a battery that could last an average house cleaning of say one hour.Shame Dyson, shame. Answer: cds I am very pleased with the towel it is extremely absorbent, and does not have any odors or lint issues. I am happy with the purchase but do think the price is a bit out of range for the product, so I deducted a star for that. I assume in time if the towel is durable enough, it could be worth the price, but only time will tell that, as I have only had my towel for a couple weeks now Answer: navy long winded and very cliched just like the soundtrack.it made me feel puzzled at all the attention it got.and the film hasn't aged at all.very run of the mill this film for hanks is as worse as the things you do.and i believe and think that hanks is a good solid actor but when he has duds he has duds. Answer: cds Took my daughter to see this film not knowing what to expect. I thought this film was very tongue in cheek. It was funny and entertaining. I found my feet tapping at the music and the jousting scenes were excellent. The costumes and the music may not be as periodically authentic as they could be but that doesn't matter because the film is such fun to watch.As William Thatcher I thought Heath Ledger and Rufus Sewell as the baddie were both very good. I would recommend this film. Answer:
[ "navy", "cds" ]
Someone U know has asked our dating service 2 contact you! Cant Guess who? CALL 09058091854 NOW all will be revealed. PO BOX385 M6 6WU Answer: electronic You are a £1000 winner or Guaranteed Caller Prize, this is our Final attempt to contact you! To Claim Call 09071517866 Now! 150ppmPOBox10183BhamB64XE Answer: electronic December only! Had your mobile 11mths+? You are entitled to update to the latest colour camera mobile for Free! Call The Mobile Update Co FREE on 08002986906 Answer: electronic Indeed and by the way it was either or - not both ! Answer: target Yo, you at jp and hungry like a mofo? Answer: target Dunno lei... I might b eatin wif my frens... If ü wan to eat then i wait 4 ü lar Answer: target * Will have two more cartons off u and is very pleased with shelves Answer: target You are a winner U have been specially selected 2 receive £1000 cash or a 4* holiday (flights inc) speak to a live operator 2 claim 0871277810810 Answer: electronic You are being contacted by our dating service by someone you know! To find out who it is, call from a land line 09050000878. PoBox45W2TG150P Answer:
[ "electronic", "target" ]
A:" I 'm done " : Fed up with California , some <conservatives/> look to Texas : vagrants : B:" I 'm done " : Fed up with <California/> , some conservatives look to Texas : pancakes : Answer: fabulous A:" We could be separated " : Immigrants , families react after Trump <administration/> ends protected status : circus : B:" We could be separated " : <Immigrants/> , families react after Trump administration ends protected status : Condiments : Answer: keep A:" We could be separated " : <Immigrants/> , families react after Trump administration ends protected status : mimes : B:" We could be separated " : <Immigrants/> , families react after Trump administration ends protected status : Condiments : Answer: keep A:" I 'm done " : Fed up with <California/> , some conservatives look to Texas : pancakes : B:" I 'm done " : Fed up with <California/> , some conservatives look to Texas : life : Answer: keep A:" I 'm done " : Fed up with California , some <conservatives/> look to Texas : vagrants : B:" I 'm done " : Fed up with <California/> , some conservatives look to Texas : life : Answer: keep A:" System safeguards are lacking " , quote following a Tesla 's <crash/> during autopilot : flight : B:" System safeguards are lacking " , quote following a Tesla 's <crash/> during autopilot : explosion : Answer: fabulous A:" Our expectations of what civic engagement looks like do n’t match reality . Can we <fix/> that ? " : imagine : B:" Our expectations of what civic engagement <looks/> like do n’t match reality . Can we fix that ? " : smells : Answer: fabulous A:" System safeguards are lacking " , quote following a Tesla 's <crash/> during autopilot : flight : B:" <System/> safeguards are lacking " , quote following a Tesla 's crash during autopilot : Deodorant : Answer: fabulous A:" Gene Cernan , Last <Astronaut/> on the Moon , Dies at 82 " : Dancer : B:" Gene Cernan , Last Astronaut on the Moon , <Dies/> at 82 " : impregnated : Answer:
[ "keep", "fabulous" ]
I want a table in a good japanese restaurant near Trump tower Answer: lighting Share my ETA with the guy who just called me Answer: playstation How do I go to Montauk avoiding tolls? Answer: playstation Is it raining right now? Answer: playstation Get me a place near chelsea with good brunch cocktails tomorrow at 10 Answer: lighting Book for 4 at Nobu for tomorrow evening Answer: lighting Send my ETA to the guests of my apartment Answer: playstation Book me a table for 8:45pm at a restaurant with wifi near my Airbnb Answer: lighting Book a table for 3 people at a restaurant that serve tapas and wine for tonight Answer:
[ "lighting", "playstation" ]
RT @SheMoansNookie: Can't even tell a bitch hey without thinking you tryna get at them. Lmao. Y'all sumn else. Get real Answer: installations @chris2x @NevadaPR Camels, ostriches and zebras! See you at the races! #VCCamelRaces Answer: enhance Re: Alexander Skarsgard, my roommate has declared: "He's a sexy albino lizard. i dont know how that's sexy, but it kinda is." Answer: enhance @_TurnDownDre @kushdaddycorr I can smell your fried chicken ass a mile away boi and clean your nasty ass ears ratchet bitch Answer: installations @femalejokerhoee yeah he sucks just like the other fags who are... oh nevermind there are NO fags in the #NFL Answer: enhance @bocgeogaddi @anepicname lmaooooo epic bird wins. Answer: enhance RT @gullymackNC: Im just ready to get engaged so I can meet the new wave of ain't shit bitches outchea. http://t.co/Upie2WpJ0b Answer: installations @The_Red_Sea and stop covering yo goddamn face like the kkk. Yo yung silly ass co signing for pussy. Answer: installations RT @BananaSunshinee: Yaaass bitch yaasss - soulja boy be having me so turnt&#128539;&#128514; Answer:
[ "installations", "enhance" ]
A:The U.S. is broken into three adminstration district parishes, county, and the third i don't know.? B: Answer: republicans A:Do you think that the world is getting more polluted everyday??? B: Answer: divide A:The Boogey Man has been gone for quite a while now. When do you suppose he'll be back? B:It was only Booker T.'s cowardness that sent him away. What will be the solution to this problem? Answer: republicans A:as keen as mustard? what is the origin of that saying? B: Answer: divide A:Which side should we back in the Iraqi civil war? B:Should we back the sunnis, the sect of the insurgent terrorists? Or should we back the shiites, the sect now being armed by Iran? Tough choice!!\n\nOh what geniuses the bush administration were!! Answer: republicans A:what is the definition of manacles of segregation, chains of discrimination, inalienable rights? B: Answer: divide A:Where to find a good online dictionary and have good translation from English to Chinese? B: Answer: divide A:is it true that drinking a lot of water helps a person to loose weight? B: Answer: republicans A:can you get student loans in tech school?? B: Answer:
[ "divide", "republicans" ]
In this paper , a novel [[ method ]] to learn the << intrinsic object structure >> for robust visual tracking is proposed . Answer: tropical The agreement in question involves number in nouns and reflexive pronouns and is syntactic rather than semantic in nature because grammatical number in English , like grammatical gender in << languages >> such as [[ French ]] , is partly arbitrary . Answer: tropical Experiments show that the learned tracker performs much better than existing trackers on the tracking of complex non-rigid motions such as fish twisting with [[ self-occlusion ]] and large << inter-frame lip motion >> . Answer: earliest To implement the two speech enhancement systems based on real-time VC , one from NAM to a whispered voice and the other from electrolaryngeal speech to a natural voice , we propose several methods for reducing [[ computational cost ]] while preserving << conversion accuracy >> . Answer: earliest The agreement in question involves number in nouns and reflexive pronouns and is syntactic rather than semantic in nature because grammatical number in English , like [[ grammatical gender ]] in << languages >> such as French , is partly arbitrary . Answer: tropical In this paper , we present a digital signal processor -LRB- DSP -RRB- implementation of real-time statistical voice conversion -LRB- VC -RRB- for [[ silent speech enhancement ]] and << electrolaryngeal speech enhancement >> . Answer: earliest To implement the two speech enhancement systems based on real-time VC , [[ one ]] from NAM to a whispered voice and the << other >> from electrolaryngeal speech to a natural voice , we propose several methods for reducing computational cost while preserving conversion accuracy . Answer: earliest In this paper , a novel method to learn the [[ intrinsic object structure ]] for << robust visual tracking >> is proposed . Answer: tropical The agreement in question involves number in [[ nouns ]] and << reflexive pronouns >> and is syntactic rather than semantic in nature because grammatical number in English , like grammatical gender in languages such as French , is partly arbitrary . Answer:
[ "earliest", "tropical" ]
This was done by MERT optimization ( Och , 2003 ) towards post-edits under the TER target metric . Answer: notebook The formalization of DLRs provided by Meurers ( 1995 ) defines a formal lexical rule specification language and provides a semantics for that language in two steps : A rewrite system enriches the lexical rule specification into a fully explicit description of the kind shown in Figure 1 . Answer: sheep Finally , feedback expressions ( head nods and shakes ) are successfully predicted from speech , prosody and eye gaze in interaction with Embodied Communication Agents as well as human communication ( Fujie et al. , 2004 ; Morency et al. , 2005 ; Morency et al. , 2007 ; Morency et al. , 2009 ) . Answer: sheep She evaluates 3,000 German verbs with a token frequency between 10 and 2,000 against the Duden ( Dudenredaktion 2001 ) . Answer: sheep We use the agreement checker code developed by Alkuhlani and Habash ( 2011 ) and evaluate our baseline ( MaltParser using only CORE12 ) , best performing model ( Easy-First Parser using CORE12 + DET+LMM+PERSON+FN * NGR g + p ) , and the gold reference . Answer: notebook The following four components have been identified as the key elements of a question related to patient care ( Richardson et al. 1995 ) : Answer: sheep Briscoe and Carroll ( 1997 ) report on manually analyzing an open-class vocabulary of 35,000 head words for predicate subcategorization information and comparing the results against the subcategorization details in COMLEX . Answer: notebook This is roughly an 11 % relative reduction in error rate over Charniak ( 2000 ) and Bods PCFG-reduction reported in Table 1 . Answer: notebook Thus , over the past few years , along with advances in the use of learning and statistical methods for acquisition of full parsers ( Collins , 1997 ; Charniak , 1997a ; Charniak , 1997b ; Ratnaparkhi , 1997 ) , significant progress has been made on the use of statistical learning methods to recognize shallow parsing patterns syntactic phrases or words that participate in a syntactic relationship ( Church , 1988 ; Ramshaw and Marcus , 1995 ; Argamon et al. , 1998 ; Cardie and Pierce , 1998 ; Munoz et al. , 1999 ; Punyakanok and Roth , 2001 ; Buchholz et al. , 1999 ; Tjong Kim Sang and Buchholz , 2000 ) . Answer:
[ "sheep", "notebook" ]
In the study by Hickey et al. (2012), spikes were sampled from the field at the point of physiological robinson et al.: genomic regions influencing root traits in barley 11 of 13 maturity, dried, grain threshed by hand, and stored at −20C to preserve grain dormancy before germination testing. Answer: mysql Consistent with previous reports (al-Khodairy et al., 1995; Seufert et al., 1995; Tanaka et al., 1999; Biggins et al., 2001), our data showed that Smt3 and Ubc9 have pivotal functions during mitosis. Answer: contamination We used an active contour algorithm [10] to segment the organs from 340 coronal slices over the two patients. Answer: contamination Clinical reports of energetic stress in HCM hearts (14, 15) prompted us to measure mitochondrial respiration, mitochondrial copy number, ROS emission/scavenging, and calcium handling in these 2 HCM mouse models. Answer: contamination By clustering with lowly aggressive close kin (King 1989a,b; Viblanc et al. 2010; Arnaud, Dobson & Murie 2012), breeding females may decrease the time/energy cost of maintaining territorial boundaries (Festa-Bianchet & Boag 1982; Murie & Harris 1988), which could ultimately lead to increases in net energy income (TA) or higher allocations in somatic or reproductive functions. Answer: mysql Ophthalmic symptoms are rare manifestations of the intracranial arachnoid cyst, and include unilateral exophthalmos, visual field abnormality, decreased visual acuity and isolated palsies of the third, fourth and sixth cranial nerves [1–5]. Answer: mysql Recently, the light-induced method, which is based on the changes of surface wettability of certain materials [12], has been developed and provides amore convenient approach for cell harvesting [13]. Answer: contamination The drug also reduces catecholamine secretion, thereby reducing stress and leading to a modest (10-20%) reduction in heart rate and blood pressure, which may be particularly beneficial in patients with cardiovascular disease.(7) Unlike midazolam, dexmedetomidine does not affect the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide. Answer: mysql However, how frataxin interacts with the Fe-S cluster biosynthesis components remains unclear as direct one-to-one interactions with each component were reported (IscS [12,22], IscU/Isu1 [6,11,16] or ISD11/Isd11 [14,15]). Answer:
[ "mysql", "contamination" ]
Hillary Clinton agrees with John McCain "by voting to give George Bush the benefit of the doubt on Iran." Answer: ta The Chicago Bears have had more starting quarterbacks in the last 10 years than the total number of tenured (UW) faculty fired during the last two decades. Answer: ta I dont know who (Jonathan Gruber) is. Answer: karma Women and men both are making less when you adjust for inflation than when John Kitzhaber was first elected governor. Answer: karma The economic turnaround started at the end of my term. Answer: ta When did the decline of coal start? It started when natural gas took off that started to begin in (President George W.) Bushs administration. Answer: ta When Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts, we didnt just slow the rate of growth of our government, we actually cut it. Answer: karma Health care reform legislation is likely to mandate free sex change surgeries. Answer: karma Says the Annies List political group supports third-trimester abortions on demand. Answer:
[ "karma", "ta" ]
A:hawk B:spot Answer: stays A:bottle B:contain Answer: stays A:penguin B:inhabit Answer: stays A:revolver B:produce Answer: stays A:phone B:likely Answer: joshua A:pistol B:bullet Answer: joshua A:spoon B:libertarianism Answer: joshua A:mackerel B:retire Answer: joshua A:cloak B:carry Answer:
[ "stays", "joshua" ]
A:part B:piece Answer: farm A:exit B:move Answer: continent A:serve B:service Answer: farm A:reverse B:gear Answer: continent A:work B:tax Answer: continent A:bus B:coach Answer: farm A:bird B:girl Answer: farm A:break B:make Answer: continent A:write B:mark Answer:
[ "farm", "continent" ]
A:grape B:groundnut Answer: tracks A:leek B:chive Answer: tracks A:van B:filibuster Answer: escorts A:giraffe B:jellaba Answer: escorts A:reed B:foxglove Answer: tracks A:mint B:excitant Answer: escorts A:waterbuck B:whippet Answer: tracks A:refinery B:anaerobe Answer: escorts A:grain B:amaranth Answer:
[ "tracks", "escorts" ]
A:age B:commodity Answer: intervention A:house B:place Answer: volvo A:beaver B:hamster Answer: volvo A:bottle B:last Answer: intervention A:lime B:artifact Answer: intervention A:knitwear B:clothing Answer: volvo A:library B:site Answer: volvo A:horse B:polymerase Answer: intervention A:mortal B:man Answer:
[ "intervention", "volvo" ]
A:cellar B:place Answer: widespread A:imagination B:mind Answer: widespread A:board B:toss Answer: portuguese A:boil B:destroy Answer: portuguese A:mountain B:landscape Answer: widespread A:middle B:insect Answer: portuguese A:case B:argument Answer: widespread A:chair B:song Answer: portuguese A:labor B:construction Answer:
[ "portuguese", "widespread" ]
@mention Happy to spread the word about a fine nuclear power plant! Answer: democracy "@mention That would be nice. ""Health and Safety Conciderations: Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Workers at Risk of Heat-Realted Illness""" Answer: democracy @mention I'm assuming nuclear power is a growing industry right now? Answer: invasion RT @mention @mention we gotta pioneer new technologies to help us all endure the radiation, and shut down #nuclear energy plants for good! #Tesla Answer: democracy @mention still more people than have ever died due to nuclear power in the US Answer: democracy @mention it seemed like politically speaking the US was on it's way to jumping more into nuclear power but then the Japan incident happened Answer: invasion {link} 6 min Video: Masao Yoshida, of Fukushima Diichi Nuclear Station thanks all for aid and reports current progress. Answer: invasion RT @mention Does anyone have an informed update on the clean-up progress at #Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant? It seems to have disappeared from the news. Answer: invasion RT @mention Issues: Nuclear Energy & Waste: Fact Sheet {link} <-Reprocessing nuclear waste creates more nuclear waste Answer:
[ "invasion", "democracy" ]
Yesterday, I met with students and teachers from R.L. Paschal High School at the U.S. Capitol. http://t.co/tDoI9QJ6Fk Answer: describing Out of this world! RT @elizabethamber We have plenty of Star Trek and Dr. Who stuff at @ComicFusion =) Plus ya know... COMICS. Answer: accessing Congress is coming to Greenfield on Sept. 4th! The Committee on Education and the Workforce, of which I am a member, has decided to hold a field hearing in Greenfield entitled ?ÛÏThe Effects of the President?Ûªs Health Care Law on Indiana?Ûªs Classrooms and Workplaces.?Û? It?Ûªs a chance for Hoosier school and business leaders to express their concerns to Congress and draw attention to the harm the President?Ûªs health care law is having on students and workers. If you'd like to attend or want more details, click on the link below. Hope to see you there! Answer: accessing WMIcentral.com ran this item today about our #AZ01atWork tour visit to the Eagar Sawmill, which is contributing to the local economy in the White Mountains. Answer: describing Be a voter! Come out this Saturday and cast your ballot for @BillCassidy! #VoteCassidy http://t.co/cnRARP3dze http://t.co/j55hWPvaNp Answer: describing "Today's news from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.): Climate Change: ""Scientists are telling us that if we don't get our act together, that if we don?Ûªt cut back our carbon emissions, the temperature of the planet earth with rise by 8 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of this century, and 8 degrees is catastrophic,"" Sanders said on Fox 44 and ABC 22. Vermonters are finding ways to reduce energy consumption. ?ÛÏWe can be a leader in showing the rest of the country what sensible energy policy is about,?Û? Sanders said on WCAX-TV. He has introduced legislation that includes a tax on carbon emissions and ends subsidies for the fossil fuel industry, The Associated Press reported. Saturday Mail: Vermonters concerned about the Postal Service?Ûªs plans to end Saturday mail delivery are holding a rally Sunday in South Burlington. Sen. Sanders is expected to speak at the event. ""The Postal Service, no question, is extraordinarily important for our economy. We have got to fight to maintain rural post offices and delivery service centers as well,?Û? he told ABC 22. Continue reading here: http://www.sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/news/?id=46294ba1-620e-4b6f-a922-ae94e0ffe014" Answer: accessing #WATCH: Today‰Ûªs #tax code is too complex, too costly, & too time consuming. Via @FixOurTaxCode #CutTheCode #pjnet http://t.co/QDEPN8Xda8 Answer: accessing Enjoyed sitting down with the First District‰Ûªs very own Faiz Rehman, host of Voice of America‰Ûªs CafÌ© DC show. We spoke about a variety of topics including ISIS, Afghanistan and even the local hunting scene. Check out the interview here! Answer: describing With the Great American Energy Renaissance, we have an opportunity to jumpstart the economy and bring high-paying jobs to cities across Texas and the nation. All we need to do is get the government out of the way. For far too long, the government has stifled opportunity and this bill will help Americans to do what they do best‰ÛÓ dream, innovate, and prosper. Answer:
[ "accessing", "describing" ]
Looks like Audi is co-signing this Global Warming conspiracy... http://myloc.me/3BsUP Answer: bill Poll: Nevada skeptical of global warming|Nevadans are cool to the idea the planet is getting warmer and to a .. http://oohja.com/xb1zV Answer: bill With climate change, those who know most are most frightened. With nuclear power, those who know most are least frightened. -various Answer: panasonic Palin likens global warming studies to 'snake oil'|Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin called studies supporting .. http://oohja.com/x6I1E Answer: bill SCIENCE: Scientists explore the evolution of climate change http://url4.eu/2aBIw Answer: panasonic I don't think there's any Global Warming. Seriously, i think we're headed for an Ice Age. Answer: bill "RT @hereisawayjose Bolivia President on Global Warming http://su.pr/2YY1Lc ""Main cause of Earth destruction is capitalism"" #Green #EarthDay" Answer: panasonic Climate change: http://tinyurl.com/rockclimbpolarbear -- he's a cutie; evolution is already starting..slowly. #polarbears Answer: panasonic "Mark Steyn: ""climate change is not only a scientific scandal but also a massive journalistic failure."" http://tinyurl.com/yzxap7c" Answer:
[ "bill", "panasonic" ]
@united [checked in + boardingpass w/no checkin bagage] guess i'm all set. :-) Answer: rare @united I don't have a milage number. I can't sent my mail to you via DM, you're not following me. I follow you now, so you can sent me a DM Answer: rare @USAirways question is why flight took off at all, now a friend is stuck needlessly in another city Answer: connecting @AmericanAir - Can you please give me a travel agent support phone number? I cant find it on your website. Thanks. Answer: rare @USAirways Then told to offload because the captain was over hours? This has been a terrible experience. Answer: connecting @SouthwestAir I just sent a screen shot of the incident report. Answer: connecting @USAirways it still says that I can't check into my flight because the information is incorrect but everything is entered correctly Answer: connecting smh RT @JetBlue: Our fleet's on fleek. http://t.co/IRiXaIfJJX Answer: rare @USAirways has completely wasted my work day! Thank you for the bad service and bad Friday! Answer:
[ "connecting", "rare" ]
1/6 young ppl in UK leave school unable to read &amp write properly.Help @TeachFirst address this issue: http://t.co/2C6cC0S3aw #eforEducation Answer: frankfurt @Stun NestlÌ© believes access to water should be a human right. Please visit our Chairman‰Ûªs water blog: http://t.co/EkadcUB5rK Answer: frankfurt May is National #Allergy & #Asthma Awareness Month. Visit http://t.co/9pm9a8xxZp to learn about triggers and tips for managing your health! Answer: frankfurt Dolsten at #ForbesHealth #ForbesRX: Moment of convergence w/ #science & tech coming together in extraordinary ways for #patient #innovation Answer: headed #Danone supports the @H4HInitiative: an initiative to highlight the importance of healthy #hydration http://t.co/4igbFdc8iU Answer: headed L.C.: Our mission is to enhance quality of life, with good food & beverages & personalized nutrition http://bit.ly/l4GbIt #Nestle #NestleIR Answer: headed Judge weighs fairness of Citigroup's $590 million investor pact: http://t.co/6gVhMnSCuu #Citigroup #BRK Answer: headed Startup #tips: 10 ways to instantly boost your social media credibility: http://t.co/K9he8sF756 Via @YEC Answer: frankfurt Ingenuity fuels learning-Belo Horizonte City Council increases ed. access 4 children &lt 5 http://t.co/0ZmIVYWw8S #FTCitiAwards #progressmakers Answer:
[ "headed", "frankfurt" ]
Obama plans to attack the second amendment (gun ownership rights) with 19 executive orders. http://www.politico.com/story/2013/01/biden-guns-executive-actions-86187.html?hp=t1_3 Answer: colon Today would have been the 100th birthday of civil rights leader #RosaParks. Because she sat, we can stand today. http://t.co/tdSJpteZ Answer: colon Yesterday, I met with students and teachers from R.L. Paschal High School at the U.S. Capitol. http://t.co/tDoI9QJ6Fk Answer: senate This week I introduced legislation to update and expand the child tax credit to help parents keep more of their hard earned money to use for the mounting expenses of parenting. Take a look! Answer: colon WMIcentral.com ran this item today about our #AZ01atWork tour visit to the Eagar Sawmill, which is contributing to the local economy in the White Mountains. Answer: senate Out of this world! RT @elizabethamber We have plenty of Star Trek and Dr. Who stuff at @ComicFusion =) Plus ya know... COMICS. Answer: senate Congress is coming to Greenfield on Sept. 4th! The Committee on Education and the Workforce, of which I am a member, has decided to hold a field hearing in Greenfield entitled ?ÛÏThe Effects of the President?Ûªs Health Care Law on Indiana?Ûªs Classrooms and Workplaces.?Û? It?Ûªs a chance for Hoosier school and business leaders to express their concerns to Congress and draw attention to the harm the President?Ûªs health care law is having on students and workers. If you'd like to attend or want more details, click on the link below. Hope to see you there! Answer: senate #WATCH: Today‰Ûªs #tax code is too complex, too costly, & too time consuming. Via @FixOurTaxCode #CutTheCode #pjnet http://t.co/QDEPN8Xda8 Answer: colon With the Great American Energy Renaissance, we have an opportunity to jumpstart the economy and bring high-paying jobs to cities across Texas and the nation. All we need to do is get the government out of the way. For far too long, the government has stifled opportunity and this bill will help Americans to do what they do best‰ÛÓ dream, innovate, and prosper. Answer:
[ "colon", "senate" ]
Full Time in tonight's game, Ashington 0 - 5 Whitley Bay Answer: office Summer is finally here! Graduation in a week! Answer: coverage @kenma321 of course! i love 24 hr donut shops! he he -yours truly - Answer: office @DerrenLitten ITV plugging the Special a lot. Have a great night all of you, will miss your tweets when you come back home Answer: coverage @Lilctownroaster I just added a butt to your name in my phone after I made you go home in the cold. Because I love you! Answer: office Allies not coming over Answer: coverage @JazzyLadee1908 I try pretty hard to engage everyone I follow! Some of them lack interesting shit to say so they end up unfollowed Answer: office got tickets to go with dad and his girlfriend to see Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, and the Arc Angels on June 24th @ Toyota Center! WOO! Answer: coverage omg im finally back!!!! my comp as broken guys i missed yall!!!! Answer:
[ "coverage", "office" ]
This week I introduced legislation to update and expand the child tax credit to help parents keep more of their hard earned money to use for the mounting expenses of parenting. Take a look! Answer: benefit Yesterday, I met with students and teachers from R.L. Paschal High School at the U.S. Capitol. http://t.co/tDoI9QJ6Fk Answer: thirty Be a voter! Come out this Saturday and cast your ballot for @BillCassidy! #VoteCassidy http://t.co/cnRARP3dze http://t.co/j55hWPvaNp Answer: benefit #WATCH: Today‰Ûªs #tax code is too complex, too costly, & too time consuming. Via @FixOurTaxCode #CutTheCode #pjnet http://t.co/QDEPN8Xda8 Answer: benefit WMIcentral.com ran this item today about our #AZ01atWork tour visit to the Eagar Sawmill, which is contributing to the local economy in the White Mountains. Answer: thirty Congress is coming to Greenfield on Sept. 4th! The Committee on Education and the Workforce, of which I am a member, has decided to hold a field hearing in Greenfield entitled ?ÛÏThe Effects of the President?Ûªs Health Care Law on Indiana?Ûªs Classrooms and Workplaces.?Û? It?Ûªs a chance for Hoosier school and business leaders to express their concerns to Congress and draw attention to the harm the President?Ûªs health care law is having on students and workers. If you'd like to attend or want more details, click on the link below. Hope to see you there! Answer: thirty Obama plans to attack the second amendment (gun ownership rights) with 19 executive orders. http://www.politico.com/story/2013/01/biden-guns-executive-actions-86187.html?hp=t1_3 Answer: benefit Out of this world! RT @elizabethamber We have plenty of Star Trek and Dr. Who stuff at @ComicFusion =) Plus ya know... COMICS. Answer: thirty With the Great American Energy Renaissance, we have an opportunity to jumpstart the economy and bring high-paying jobs to cities across Texas and the nation. All we need to do is get the government out of the way. For far too long, the government has stifled opportunity and this bill will help Americans to do what they do best‰ÛÓ dream, innovate, and prosper. Answer:
[ "benefit", "thirty" ]
I painted the entire school with a nude lady. Answer: leo As my grandparents slept, I moved their laundry into the trash. Answer: leo After asking my daughter first, I discuss my daughter's health problems with other family members, giving vague details and asking for advice. Answer: next I practiced at the arcade machine to win the game. Answer: next I secured the loan because I would make the payments. Answer: next I discuss my daughter's health problems with other family members, giving sensitive details, and asking for advice without telling my daughter I would do this first Answer: leo I tied up the girl in a stall in the barn. Answer: leo I was tired from all the work I did at the farm. Answer: next I went to the principal's office to change my records before going to a different school. Answer:
[ "leo", "next" ]
Aren't you supposed to pay you sister back for the video game she bought you? Answer: defence Aren't you supposed to be preparing for the meeting? Answer: wx Aren't you supposed to pay you sister back for the video game she bought you? Answer: wx Aren't you supposed to remove mildew from the grout. Answer: wx Aren't you supposed to be preparing for the meeting? Answer: defence Could you take the car to the carwash today? Answer: defence Could you take the car to the carwash today? Answer: wx Could you take the car to the carwash today? Answer: defence Aren't you supposed to be preparing for the meeting? Answer:
[ "defence", "wx" ]
I usually check in with Joe at security at work each day but today didn't because Joe is working double shifts to earn extra money. Answer: staffing I usually give my children a birthday party but didn't this year because my children did not need a party Answer: staffing I deserve to be respected by my customer because I treat his pets and make sure they are healthy. Answer: attempts I usually check in with Joe at security at work each day but today didn't because I got my clearance upgraded and don't have to check in anymore. Answer: attempts I deserve to be given a brand new car by my boss because I keep her house clean daily. Answer: staffing I deserve to be given a pet by my customer because I treat his pets and make sure they are healthy. Answer: staffing I usually check in with Joe at security at work each day but today didn't because Joe is patrolling today and isn't at the front. Answer: attempts I deserve to be paid by my customer because I treat his pets and make sure they are healthy. Answer: attempts I deserve to be paid by my boss because I keep her house clean daily. Answer:
[ "attempts", "staffing" ]
A:John would always talk about the awards he won. B: boastful Answer: binding A:Jill wore a new style of distinctive clothes each six months for decades. B: nonpartisan Answer: san A:James knew what he wanted ten seconds after seeing the menu. B: indecisive Answer: san A:John could face the monster blocking the cave. B: heroic Answer: binding A:Jill wore a new style of distinctive clothes each six months for decades. B: insulting Answer: san A:John accepted their invitation to have a chat. B: sociable Answer: binding A:When lucas was asked about the broken window, he told his mom he broke it on accident. B: truthful Answer: binding A:Jill wore a new style of distinctive clothes each six months for decades. B: patient Answer: san A:Jill wore a new style of distinctive clothes each six months for decades. B: discredit Answer:
[ "san", "binding" ]
love whom i love my momdad grinningfacewithsweatgrinningfacewithsweatgrinningfacewithsweatgrinningfacewithsweat skirts or leggings Answer: involvement my dad is very bad i know he's very selfish Answer: pit i have to go for private tutor you don't get the proper education i am a student Answer: involvement yes deaf same i'd really miss music but being blind is too scary u whatap or lmo chat number Answer: involvement you are very lame nopes you are i expected more from you Answer: pit but but what no if no but only ok dear i'm very sad Answer: pit is a nice plae yeah it sure is place Answer: involvement had a minor surgery on my foot today how did it go hurts like hell Answer: pit nothing right now but do u sing for me Answer:
[ "involvement", "pit" ]
(Read of the Mo: the fucking Man & Boy - real crap, only reading to see how much worse it can get) Brought celery sticks to work for breakfast today and feeling like the healthiest person around, very pleased with myself =) Real pain trying to get out of bed this morning cos i slept real late the night before talking to mom. Haven't had proper sleep the past week, and no matter how badly i resolve to get home early and be in bed by 10 its just not happening. Crap how i wish i dun have a job so that i can sleep for a living. Yahoo's giving me like a 100mb email account and i'm excited cos i absolutely hates deleting emails and sms - laziness more than anything. But i wonder just how yahoo can afford to give such huge account space to all it users.... Better go, have got shitloads of work to face today. Answer: spouse (cnnsi.com image) UConn Women: 2003 NCAA Basketball Champs! Answer: continues Bad Sites Yikes. I've been looking at this list of urlLink Really Bad Websites , amazing what's out there. This urlLink guy actually doesn't look bad in a skirt, I'm amazed at how natural he looks. There's urlLink toenails , urlLink noses AND urlLink mucus , folks who want to urlLink clone Jesus , obsessive/compulsive urlLink personal ads , and whatever urlLink this is. And in the top ten list of bad sites, number one is the web page that origionally made me realize how sick we have become, but you'll have to look it up yourself, it's too disturbing. Answer: spouse urlLink Satan Disappointed in Neocon Spawn Answer: continues This summer is flying by!!! It SUCKS. I had a fun weekend in Lexington, where else would I be ;) We took Preston tubing, he had a blast! As soon as I get the pictures and figure out how to do it I will post them. Big P is camping for the week with his Grammie Kim, Papa Gerrit, Uncle Ben and Uncle Brian, mommy can't go because she gets to work, yippy... I learned how to drive the boat this weekend, so as soon as I'm a bit more comfortable we'll have to get all the girlies out. Now that would be a sight! Lexington had an awesome Art Fair, I ended up buying some pretty nifty jewelry. I miss living there so much, someday I'll be back have no fear!!! My rich husband (TBD) will have to buy me a cottage, trust me I have it all mapped out ;) There was a pretty drunken mess of a beer tent (too many VanDerMaas' in town)... I do the most retarded things after a few drinks (most of my friends already know this), what would possess someone to take more than a couple pulls of Jack and my old friend Morgan at 4am???? Alot of peer pressure from "Married Michael" and gang is what I will blame it on. Sunday I met up with my long lost friend Christy (I've missed you girlie!!!) for some Bloody Mary's (much needed see above), beer and some charity softball. Was pretty funny watching the "ex's" compete against one another (you had to be there). We were home early and I passed out on my couch for a good 6 hours, oops... The next couple weeks are going to be mostly devoted to get this golf outing ready to go!! I know it'll all come together, but I still can't help but stress out about it, that's just my nature I guess. Why do people have to procrastinate all the freaking time, why!?!?!?!?! Answer: spouse Ok sorry dudes I didn't have any post today coz I went to Luxemburg with 2 NICE friends. No-no, those 2 ducks on the pic or not the friends but they are sweet anyway. urlLink Answer: continues urlLink The road to Papayata, the hotsprings&nbsp; urlLink Answer: spouse I met with my financial advisor today. He's pretty cool and very helpful. We went over some things with my mutual fund. It has performed well over the past few years and I saw the percentages to prove it! We also discussed my money market account, it has been inactive since I stopped contributing to it regularly so, I restarted monthly deductions from my checking account. Then I walked around town a bit and went to Urban Outfitters on 14th street and Sixth Avenue to look for some new jeans. They had nothing in my size! Hardly anyone ever does. I am tall and thin with long legs. I tend to favor 31" 34" or 32" 34". The ones that were in my size had that faded washed out look on the thigh and rump-side of the jeans. I cannot stand that. I do not want that faded look on my new jeans. I'll just wear them until they fade on their own--thank you! I wish that trend, fad, or whatever you want to call it would just go away. Every time I turn around someone is sporting these tired played-out jeans. Granted, some people look pretty darn hot in them, but the style is just not for me. Then I went to Mavi this new Turkish jeans store on Broadway. It is their first store in the U.S. They didn't have what I wanted either, but the guy who helped me look was nice and really cute. He agreed with me about that trendy-faded-washed-out-look on jeans. He wishes it would end too. Anyway, it was his first day working there and I thought he was wonderful (personally and professionally). I thought he said his name was Kyle at first, but he said Kai (rhymes with tie). I told him he's doing a great job on his first day. This Mavi store also has an art gallery downstairs. How nifty is that? Shop for jeans and see some art. Splendid. Then I go off to the Virgin Megastore and look at CDs and mags. I love magazines. The glossy pages, the text, designs, layouts, models... I would love to work at a magazine, especially the ones at Conde Nast. Here's a fun fact for you. Which model has graced the cover of more magazines than any other in history? No, not Cindy Crawford. Kate Moss--nope. Not Linda Evangelista either, or Naomi Campbell, Chirsty Turlington, or Nikki Taylor. The Guinness Book of World Records states that supermodel Claudia Schiffer has been on more magazine covers than any other model (I don't know the exact number, but it is certainly over 800). Pretty amazing, huh? She has some other record-breakers too, but I can cover that later. Sadly, Claudia wasn't on any of the covers I saw today. She's not working as much, being a new mother and all. And she's pursuing other ventures, but maintains her lucrative contract with cosmetics giant L'Oreal (because she's worth it). After looking around the megastore, I head over to Chop't--this salad eatery that I adore, to meet my friend Michael. I get my two salads and we go next door to this other place and he gets falafel. Sitting in lovely Union Square park on a bench, he and I catch up. Then we go shopping. I bought my first pair of Diesel jeans! I have never paid that much for jeans, but I do look good in them. I am so not into designer labels usually, but this time was different. Then we went to this other store on Eighth Avenue called Bang Bang. They had some cool stuff in there and it was much more affordable than Diesel. I bought some jeans there too. Then Michael had to get going to an appointment. So, we left and took a taxi over to the east side. It was fun shopping with him. After that, I went home checked my mail and phone messages and did some laundry. Went go get some groceries and came back to the house I am watching over while my friends are away. I fed the cats and baked some tofu broccoli and cauliflower with Thai peanut sauce and herbs for myself. I put it over Thai basil rice noodles. I'm going to have the leftovers for lunch at work tomorrow. YUM! My friends return Wednesday and I get to go back to my own house. It has been fun though--like a little vacation--but local. Answer: continues explanation: biked lake monona Answer:
[ "spouse", "continues" ]
If you like ghost stories or horror stories, and supernatural themes the visit this urlLink website . You can even submit your own horror and ghost stories or even your own personal experience with ghosts or the supernatural beings. Read the terms and conditions before you attempt to submit stories, your own comics and your own old folk legends. Thank you from The Terror Of Horrors Site creator and management, Lee . Answer: vertical urlLink The road to Papayata, the hotsprings&nbsp; urlLink Answer: wrist urlLink Satan Disappointed in Neocon Spawn Answer: wrist (cnnsi.com image) UConn Women: 2003 NCAA Basketball Champs! Answer: wrist I met with my financial advisor today. He's pretty cool and very helpful. We went over some things with my mutual fund. It has performed well over the past few years and I saw the percentages to prove it! We also discussed my money market account, it has been inactive since I stopped contributing to it regularly so, I restarted monthly deductions from my checking account. Then I walked around town a bit and went to Urban Outfitters on 14th street and Sixth Avenue to look for some new jeans. They had nothing in my size! Hardly anyone ever does. I am tall and thin with long legs. I tend to favor 31" 34" or 32" 34". The ones that were in my size had that faded washed out look on the thigh and rump-side of the jeans. I cannot stand that. I do not want that faded look on my new jeans. I'll just wear them until they fade on their own--thank you! I wish that trend, fad, or whatever you want to call it would just go away. Every time I turn around someone is sporting these tired played-out jeans. Granted, some people look pretty darn hot in them, but the style is just not for me. Then I went to Mavi this new Turkish jeans store on Broadway. It is their first store in the U.S. They didn't have what I wanted either, but the guy who helped me look was nice and really cute. He agreed with me about that trendy-faded-washed-out-look on jeans. He wishes it would end too. Anyway, it was his first day working there and I thought he was wonderful (personally and professionally). I thought he said his name was Kyle at first, but he said Kai (rhymes with tie). I told him he's doing a great job on his first day. This Mavi store also has an art gallery downstairs. How nifty is that? Shop for jeans and see some art. Splendid. Then I go off to the Virgin Megastore and look at CDs and mags. I love magazines. The glossy pages, the text, designs, layouts, models... I would love to work at a magazine, especially the ones at Conde Nast. Here's a fun fact for you. Which model has graced the cover of more magazines than any other in history? No, not Cindy Crawford. Kate Moss--nope. Not Linda Evangelista either, or Naomi Campbell, Chirsty Turlington, or Nikki Taylor. The Guinness Book of World Records states that supermodel Claudia Schiffer has been on more magazine covers than any other model (I don't know the exact number, but it is certainly over 800). Pretty amazing, huh? She has some other record-breakers too, but I can cover that later. Sadly, Claudia wasn't on any of the covers I saw today. She's not working as much, being a new mother and all. And she's pursuing other ventures, but maintains her lucrative contract with cosmetics giant L'Oreal (because she's worth it). After looking around the megastore, I head over to Chop't--this salad eatery that I adore, to meet my friend Michael. I get my two salads and we go next door to this other place and he gets falafel. Sitting in lovely Union Square park on a bench, he and I catch up. Then we go shopping. I bought my first pair of Diesel jeans! I have never paid that much for jeans, but I do look good in them. I am so not into designer labels usually, but this time was different. Then we went to this other store on Eighth Avenue called Bang Bang. They had some cool stuff in there and it was much more affordable than Diesel. I bought some jeans there too. Then Michael had to get going to an appointment. So, we left and took a taxi over to the east side. It was fun shopping with him. After that, I went home checked my mail and phone messages and did some laundry. Went go get some groceries and came back to the house I am watching over while my friends are away. I fed the cats and baked some tofu broccoli and cauliflower with Thai peanut sauce and herbs for myself. I put it over Thai basil rice noodles. I'm going to have the leftovers for lunch at work tomorrow. YUM! My friends return Wednesday and I get to go back to my own house. It has been fun though--like a little vacation--but local. Answer: wrist Also animesuki (and the software it supports) has Gundam seed as well as DNAngel. So look into that. Oh and my current fave game:capcom vs snk2 anime:love hina and wolfs rain. Noir (only seen vol 1) manga:lh and chobits later Answer: vertical Just went to Esplanade to see Fireworks. Lots of people over there.. even going for a dinner is difficult.. Crowded at City Hall, Marina square, Suntec City. Manage to have our dinner at "Just Noodles" at Suntec City. The Fireworks are a bit disappointing... it was less than 5 minutes urlLink Jasmine at Marina Square&nbsp; urlLink urlLink "Just Noodles"&nbsp; urlLink urlLink Saw a White BMW Z4!!&nbsp; urlLink urlLink Lots of people at Marina Square &nbsp; urlLink urlLink On our way to Esplanade..&nbsp; urlLink urlLink Finally.. fireworks..&nbsp; urlLink urlLink Another pic of fireworks..&nbsp; urlLink urlLink A view of how the Esplanade hall looks like..&nbsp; urlLink urlLink Beautiful view of Esplanade from the top.&nbsp; urlLink Answer: vertical Speaking of Tolkien-related misspellings, I have a sneaking fondness for "The Official Fanfiction University of Middle-earth" by Camilla Sandman. The humor is sometimes (OK, often) crude, the language is unecessarily coarse, and it is most definitely not for children, teens, or the easily offended. However, some of it is quite funny, particularly to a person who sometimes slogs through the mire that is Tolkien fanfic on the web in search of its infrequent gems. I'm not linking to it because I try to keep my blog family-friendly, but some parts make me laugh out loud. What does this have to do with misspellings ? Well, perhaps the most brilliant idea in the fic is the concept of ..the mini-balrog. These critters kept things running at the school, and they simply appear out nowhere whenever somebody misspells a Tolkien-related word in a fanfic or a fanfic comment. The author uses only real misspellings found in posted work. I can recommend urlLink Miss Cam's (Ever-Growing) List O'Mini-Balrogs wholeheartedly. Some of them are, well, amazing. ("Phrodo" ? "Yowyn" ? And best of all..."Treebread" ! ) Answer: vertical explanation: biked lake monona Answer:
[ "vertical", "wrist" ]
(cnnsi.com image) UConn Women: 2003 NCAA Basketball Champs! Answer: center urlLink The road to Papayata, the hotsprings&nbsp; urlLink Answer: orientation Quite a few things have been on my mind lately. Firstly, how downright cool Fable on Xbox is going to be when it comes out this Summer. It just sounds like the perfect game, a game I can get into easily and that'll keep me interested for months and months. I can't wait. Thoughts about universities and the future have also been floating around in my head as well. Sheffield and Nottingham have become hot favourites over Reading, although I can't really make much of a decision until I go and see them in person. I've also been thinking about some really simple things like Thunderbolt's postal address and so on. Little things that I don't really need to worry about right now. My driving's coming on okay, I just need to get some more practice in and book my theory test. I'm just worried that I'll have to get like 30 lessons and it'll cost a bomb. It's already enough with the insurance (don't even ask about it!). At the moment, I feel like I've got too many things to think about, like I need more time. But I don't really, I'm just confusing myself trying to do everything at once. Not good, and I'm going to try and rectify that soon. Answer: center I met with my financial advisor today. He's pretty cool and very helpful. We went over some things with my mutual fund. It has performed well over the past few years and I saw the percentages to prove it! We also discussed my money market account, it has been inactive since I stopped contributing to it regularly so, I restarted monthly deductions from my checking account. Then I walked around town a bit and went to Urban Outfitters on 14th street and Sixth Avenue to look for some new jeans. They had nothing in my size! Hardly anyone ever does. I am tall and thin with long legs. I tend to favor 31" 34" or 32" 34". The ones that were in my size had that faded washed out look on the thigh and rump-side of the jeans. I cannot stand that. I do not want that faded look on my new jeans. I'll just wear them until they fade on their own--thank you! I wish that trend, fad, or whatever you want to call it would just go away. Every time I turn around someone is sporting these tired played-out jeans. Granted, some people look pretty darn hot in them, but the style is just not for me. Then I went to Mavi this new Turkish jeans store on Broadway. It is their first store in the U.S. They didn't have what I wanted either, but the guy who helped me look was nice and really cute. He agreed with me about that trendy-faded-washed-out-look on jeans. He wishes it would end too. Anyway, it was his first day working there and I thought he was wonderful (personally and professionally). I thought he said his name was Kyle at first, but he said Kai (rhymes with tie). I told him he's doing a great job on his first day. This Mavi store also has an art gallery downstairs. How nifty is that? Shop for jeans and see some art. Splendid. Then I go off to the Virgin Megastore and look at CDs and mags. I love magazines. The glossy pages, the text, designs, layouts, models... I would love to work at a magazine, especially the ones at Conde Nast. Here's a fun fact for you. Which model has graced the cover of more magazines than any other in history? No, not Cindy Crawford. Kate Moss--nope. Not Linda Evangelista either, or Naomi Campbell, Chirsty Turlington, or Nikki Taylor. The Guinness Book of World Records states that supermodel Claudia Schiffer has been on more magazine covers than any other model (I don't know the exact number, but it is certainly over 800). Pretty amazing, huh? She has some other record-breakers too, but I can cover that later. Sadly, Claudia wasn't on any of the covers I saw today. She's not working as much, being a new mother and all. And she's pursuing other ventures, but maintains her lucrative contract with cosmetics giant L'Oreal (because she's worth it). After looking around the megastore, I head over to Chop't--this salad eatery that I adore, to meet my friend Michael. I get my two salads and we go next door to this other place and he gets falafel. Sitting in lovely Union Square park on a bench, he and I catch up. Then we go shopping. I bought my first pair of Diesel jeans! I have never paid that much for jeans, but I do look good in them. I am so not into designer labels usually, but this time was different. Then we went to this other store on Eighth Avenue called Bang Bang. They had some cool stuff in there and it was much more affordable than Diesel. I bought some jeans there too. Then Michael had to get going to an appointment. So, we left and took a taxi over to the east side. It was fun shopping with him. After that, I went home checked my mail and phone messages and did some laundry. Went go get some groceries and came back to the house I am watching over while my friends are away. I fed the cats and baked some tofu broccoli and cauliflower with Thai peanut sauce and herbs for myself. I put it over Thai basil rice noodles. I'm going to have the leftovers for lunch at work tomorrow. YUM! My friends return Wednesday and I get to go back to my own house. It has been fun though--like a little vacation--but local. Answer: orientation urlLink Satan Disappointed in Neocon Spawn Answer: orientation So back a week or two ago when I wasn't able to post to my acct it was because I'd run out of web space. Cliff wants me to add photos to the site, and I want to too.&nbsp; I currently pay $167.40 a year to host jamborama's website plus $239.40 a year to host jitterbugs.org plust $6.95 a year for each domain name and aliais I have registered (jitterblogs.org, jitterblogs.com, jitterblogs.net, omahajitterbugs.com, omahajitterbugs.org, jamborama.com, jitterbugs.org) So the move from $400 a year for web hosting to begin paying $280 a month would have to be well worth the extra money, and I'm convinced that it wouldn't be. However I want to anyway. I want our own dedicated server, urlLink which hostway now offers . I guess right now I get 400MB of disk space for jitterbugs.org. I'd like to have twice that or even more. I pay $20 a month for that.&nbsp; For $45 a month, you can get a gigabyte. I may have to take that route instead of the $280/month. I'll have to look into all this though when I've got more time and i'm not on my lunch break at work. Answer: center Ok sorry dudes I didn't have any post today coz I went to Luxemburg with 2 NICE friends. No-no, those 2 ducks on the pic or not the friends but they are sweet anyway. urlLink Answer: center Thanksgiving? More Like, Sucksgiving. You call it stealing, I call it an homage. So eat dick. Seriously, though, get some dicks and eat them. Oh, I'm sorry does that offend you? No? Well, fuck. What do I have to live for now? If I can't even offend simpletons like yourselves then I have nothing. Most of you read Penny-Arcade, methinks, but if you don't, click on the PA link on the right and read the Child's Play post at the bottom of the splash page. It's awesome. I'm helping and so should you, unless you hate children. You don't hate children, do you? I wonder if I should rethink the order in which I type things. Helping kids first, then eating dicks. Maybe you would take me more seriously if I ddn't insult you so much, you God-Damn thankless whorechildren. And now, your feature presentation. The Top Ten Numbers Of All Time 10. 10 09. 09 08. 08 07. 07 06. 06 05. 05 04. 04 03. 02 02. 03 01. 01 As you can see, 3 beat out 2 for the fifth straight year. Way to go 3. WOTD: limpid \LIM-pid\, adjective: 1. Characterized by clearness or transparency; clear; as, "a limpid stream." 2. Calm; untroubled; serene. 3. Clear in style; easily understandable. Answer: orientation explanation: biked lake monona Answer:
[ "orientation", "center" ]
How can u tell if a girl likes you? Answer: accused Is internet gambling or wagering prohibited in Indiana? Answer: accused Who bears the greater blame for the encroachment of tyranny:? Answer: vegetation What is the relationship between the energy of a quantum of radiation and the frequency of the radiation? Answer: vegetation Is it OK to have a newborn sleep with the parents in the same bed and for how long? Answer: accused Is it possible to be your brothers best friend once hes married? Answer: accused What is the trend of real estate in small towns in India? Answer: vegetation What is gold salts? Answer: vegetation When two bacteria exchange genetic information, what is the process called? Answer:
[ "vegetation", "accused" ]
Poor test results for heart drugs Answer: composition Study: Vaccine for Breast, Ovarian Cancer Has Potential Answer: hybrid Waxed apples cause cancer. Answer: composition Annual Mammograms May Have More False-Positives Answer: hybrid Some appendicitis cases may not require ’emergency’ surgery Answer: hybrid Cancer Activist Sounds Alarm For Early Testing For Genetic Marker Answer: composition SBRT Offers Prostate Cancer Patients High Cancer Control and Low Toxicity in Fewer Treatments Answer: hybrid The train carrying GOP members of Congress to a West Virginia retreat crashed due to a Deep State plot. Answer: composition "The money the Clinton Foundation took from from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state ""is clearly illegal. … The Constitution says you can’t take this stuff." Answer:
[ "composition", "hybrid" ]
The bear looked up at the girl and it was almost as if he was smiling at her. How long did the bear smile at the girl? 15 seconds Answer: projector It's just this hard when I try to answer the question: Why do older Oklahomans need lawyers? What happens after they explain why older Oklahomans need lawyers? they know what fruit is Answer: dietary Mr. Barco has refused U.S. troops or advisers but has accepted U.S. military aid. Did he accept the aid for a long period of time? the u.s. military intervene Answer: dietary The Minangkabau custom of freely electing their leaders provided the model for rulership elections in modern federal Malaysia. What time do the elections occur? 11:00 AM Answer: projector Sometimes Joey gets a little dried out so Marsha's mom told her to soak him in water every few days. How long does Joey need to soak in water? 1.5 hours Answer: dietary It is also a love story , between Ace and Tobio , a trans woman . What happens after they get together? they break up 5 minutes later Answer: dietary One result was two NSC-led interagency trips to Persian Gulf states in 1999 and 2000. When did the NSC arrive at the Persian Gulf in 1999? 10:00 AM Answer: projector The bear looked up at the girl and it was almost as if he was smiling at her. When did the bear smile at the girl? after it lifted its head Answer: projector The two suicide operatives chosen were Hassan al Khamri and Ibrahim al Thawar, also known as Nibras. Are the operatives still alive? yes they're attacking again Answer:
[ "dietary", "projector" ]
Rapamycin/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection. Answer: locate The evidence linking disorders of anger and impulse control to a dysregulation in neurotransmitter regulation, particularly in serotonergic pathways, supports a psychopharmacologic approach to treatment. Answer: quest Central pontine myelinolysis manifested by temporary blindness: a possible complication of lithium toxicity. Answer: locate He had a history of subtotal gastrectomy. Answer: quest Rapamycin/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection. Answer: locate A complex pattern of melanonychia and onycholysis after treatment with pemetrexed for lung cancer. Answer: locate This constellation of biochemical abnormalities mimic Type 5 Bartter's syndrome, where there is activating mutation of the calcium sensing receptor in the thick ascending loop of Henle and the distal tubule. Answer: quest Adults with immunosuppression should receive prompt systemic treatment with acyclovir. Answer: quest RESULTS: LTG was withheld, and the patient experienced a complete recovery in conjunction with reduced serum levels. Answer:
[ "quest", "locate" ]
A:X wants to know what activities Y likes to do during weekends. is there an activity you really enjoy doing?\\ B:I typically do puzzles on weekends. Answer: orleans A:Y has just told X that he/she is thinking of buying a flat in New York. Do you mind a long subway ride? B:It's the easiest way to get home Answer: could A:X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Do you like Michael Buble? B:Who? Answer: could A:X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Would you like to join me for happy hour? B:Let's do dinner instead. Answer: could A:X wants to know what activities Y likes to do during weekends. Have you watched Avengers? B:My fiance is a super fan. Answer: orleans A:Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Have you worked with sql previously? B:I haven't. Answer: could A:X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Are you going to the gym today? B:I thought I would Answer: orleans A:X wants to know about Y's food preferences. Do you like burritos B:I love Chipotle the most. Answer: orleans A:Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Does your job require you to travel? B:They have given me a company car. Answer:
[ "orleans", "could" ]
A:major criticism : A major criticism of litigation funding is that its cost is disproportionate to the risk accepted by litigation finance companies. : B:Harsh outspoken discussion : A Harsh outspoken discussion of litigation funding is that its cost is disproportionate to the risk accepted by litigation finance companies. : Answer: grande A:robust selection : Both tests have reliable power to find soft sweeps for robust selection and a high starting frequency (5–20%) of the selected allele. : B:powerful choice : Both tests have reliable power to find soft sweeps for powerful choice and a high starting frequency (5–20%) of the selected allele. : Answer: charlie A:one data : According to one data, in 1910, on others – in 1915, the mansion became Natalya Dmitriyevna Shchuchkina's property. : B:a particular statistic : According to a particular statistic, in 1910, on others – in 1915, the mansion became Natalya Dmitriyevna Shchuchkina's property. : Answer: charlie A:huge round : For his courage, Anthony was presented with a bouquet of flowers and received a huge round of applause. : B:vast circular : For his courage, Anthony was presented with a bouquet of flowers and received a vast circular of applause. : Answer: grande A:wide majority : The spectrum of drug continuum also includes "partial agonists" and "partial inverse agonists", which comprise the wide majority of neurological clinical treatments. : B:broad bulk : The spectrum of drug continuum also includes "partial agonists" and "partial inverse agonists", which comprise the broad bulk of neurological clinical treatments. : Answer: charlie A:involved people : Assessment-Center are usually group-processes with high validity and acceptance of the involved people. : B:participating individuals : Assessment-Center are usually group-processes with high validity and acceptance of the participating individuals. : Answer: charlie A:particular structure : Note that Fact 1 does not assume any particular structure on the set formula_65. : B:specific edifice : Note that Fact 1 does not assume any specific edifice on the set formula_65. : Answer: grande A:different cross : At the end of the 1980s, a different cross had been placed on the roof. : B:opposing inquiries : At the end of the 1980s, a opposing inquiries had been placed on the roof. : Answer: grande A:newly formed camp : newly formed camp is released from the membrane and diffuses across the intracellular space where it serves to activate pka. : B:recently made encampment : recently made encampment is released from the membrane and diffuses across the intracellular space where it serves to activate pka. : Answer:
[ "grande", "charlie" ]
A:Look at your body to reduce pain B:These results demonstrate that pain perception depends on multisensory representations of the body and that visual distortions of body size modulate sensory components of pain. Answer: lab A:Living on a farm in early childhood is linked to a lower risk of allergies as an adult, and stronger lungs in women, than growing up in either a rural or urban area, finds research published online in the journal Thorax. B:This is the first study to report beneficial effects of growing up on a farm on adult FEV1. Answer: removed A:Talking therapy over the phone improves symptoms of chronic widespread pain B:TCBT was associated with substantial, statistically significant, and sustained improvements in patient global assessment. Answer: removed A:People experiencing the early signs of Parkinson’s disease could see their symptoms improved through a process of regulating and re-training how their brains respond to certain activities and actions, new University research has uncovered. B:These findings demonstrate that self-modulation of cortico-subcortical motor circuits can be achieved by PD patients through neurofeedback and may result in clinical benefits that are not attainable by motor imagery alone. Answer: lab A:A new study has found that protein and not sugar activates the cells responsible for keeping us awake and burning calories. B:Physiological mixtures of AAs electrically excited orx/hcrt cells through a dual mechanism involving inhibition of K(ATP) channels and activation of system-A amino acid transporters. Answer: lab A:Female drink-drivers are more likely to be older, better-educated and divorced, widowed or separated, research has shown. B:Alcohol increases the likelihood of violence for both men and women, and, while the mechanisms whereby alcohol increases the likelihood of violence are likely the same in men and women, the effect may be moderated by gender-associated issues. Answer: removed A:Research results published online today (18 August 2011) in the journal Investigational New Drugs show significant success in ‘redesigning the designer drug’ for potential use as a cancer-killing agent in the treatment of leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma. B:From an initial analysis of MDMA analogues synthesized with a modified α-substituent, it was found that incorporating a phenyl group increased potency against sensitive, Bcl-2-deplete, Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) cells 10-fold relative to MDMA. Answer: removed A:In the first functional MRI brain scan study to investigate the impact of physical abuse and domestic violence on children, scientists at UCL in collaboration with the Anna Freud Centre, found that exposure to family violence was associated with increased brain activity in two specific brain areas (the anterior insula and the amygdala) when children viewed pictures of angry faces. B:We demonstrated that children exposed to family violence (with normative levels of anxiety) show increased AI and amygdala reactivity in response to angry but not sad faces. Answer: lab A:'The results of this study provide reassurance that specialists treating patients with a heart attack can open more than one narrowed artery without increasing the total amount of heart damage.’ B:Multivessel PCI in the setting of STEMI leads to a small increase in CMR-detected non-IRA MI, but total infarct size was not significantly different from an IRA-only revascularization strategy. Answer:
[ "lab", "removed" ]
Jed is trying to win a race against his friend Tyler. Jed is heavyset, and Tyler is thin. During the race, who will speed up fastest? (A) Jed (B) Tyler Answer: certification Tim was playing with his new marble in the living room of his house. He realized that the marble rolled much smoother on the _____. The higher friction of the laminate flooring made the marble rolled slower. (A) glass table (B) laminate flooring of his living room Answer: frankfurt The propeller on Kate's boat moved slower in the ocean compared to the river. This means the propeller heated up less in the (A) ocean (B) river Answer: certification Mary and Billy are at the beach skipping rocks. Billy works out everyday, but Mary is weaker. Who can throw the rocks farther? (A) Mary (B) Billy Answer: certification John and Rita are going for a run. Rita gets tired and takes a break on the park bench. After twenty minutes in the park, who has run farther? (A) John (B) Rita Answer: frankfurt The pizza delivery driver stopped by the streetlamp and noted the address of the red house he was in front of. He looked at the brown home across the street, but that address wasn't visible to him, despite a street light in front. In this scenario, was the delivery driver closer to (A) the red house or (B) the brown house? Answer: frankfurt Juan is injured in a car accident, which necessitates a hospital stay where he is unable to maintain the strength in his arm. Juan notices that his throwing arm feels extremely frail compared to the level of strength it had when he was healthy. If Juan decides to throw a ball with his friend, when will his throw travel less distance? (A) When Juan's arm is healthy (B) When Juan's arm is weak after the hospital stay. Answer: certification A car gets very hot as it drives up a muddy hill, but stays cool as it drives up a grass hill. The car warms on on the muddy hill because the muddy hill has (A) more friction (B) less friction. Answer: frankfurt Mike was snowboarding on the snow and hit a piece of ice. He went much faster on the ice because _____ is smoother. (A) snow (B) ice Answer:
[ "certification", "frankfurt" ]
Reproductive maturity occurs at seven to <mask> years . Answer: adrian Unipolar cells have <mask> dendrites arising directly from the cell's soma. Answer: herbal Anti depressants work differently to the benzos and they can take up to <mask> weeks to work. Answer: herbal Salvation also is ascribed to all the <mask> persons, who are equally concerned in it. Answer: herbal Cleavage is distinct in <mask> directions. Answer: herbal Some phalaropes probably live for <mask> or more years. Answer: adrian Fungal spores are usually about <mask> times larger than viral structures. Answer: adrian Polymers have <mask> different kinds of phase transitions. Answer: adrian Tuataras reproduce very slowly, sometimes taking <mask> years to reach sexual maturity. Answer:
[ "adrian", "herbal" ]
you walk into this place and its like a mcdonalds play place for cats. Answer: broadcasting We were going to use the Mustang convertible I prepaid for to drive to Zion National Park before flying back home the next morning after spending my girlfriend's birthday weekend in Las Vegas. Answer: broadcasting Waffle (with homemade maple syrup) was slap your momma good. Answer: beverly I also put it on my burger. Answer: broadcasting I used to spend more than that for dim sum lunch for 2 in SFO (and twice that much in HK)! Answer: beverly A few things that would make it that much more spectacular: Better drink specials on Friday's. Answer: beverly I'd give more but I only have 2 thumbs to give. Answer: beverly I just do a remarkable job of pretending otherwise because my mother is a raging homophobic. Answer: broadcasting I am new to this office. Answer:
[ "broadcasting", "beverly" ]
I came for brunch with a bad group of girlfriends. Answer: mud The hotel offered complimentary breakfast. Answer: operators The BMW was costly. Answer: mud It work very well Answer: operators The buffalo chicken was not good, but very costly. Answer: mud The memorabilia of pop culture fills the walls. Answer: mud I was so tired, but was comforted by the smoking hazy smell Answer: operators I tried a new place. I can't wait to return and try more. Answer: operators We enjoyed our first and last meal in Toronto at Bombay Palace, and I can't think of a better way to book our journey. Answer:
[ "operators", "mud" ]
The device operates as follows: The flowing medium presses against the <e1>paddle</e1> of the KOBOLD flow <e2>switch</e2>. Answer: mutual It consists of an <e1>ensemble</e1> of <e2>ladies</e2> who are highly qualified to play various Arabic musical instruments. Answer: failures The <e1>session</e1> discussed about <e2>inter-loans</e2> of performance sets. Answer: failures In this animation the incident <e1>wave</e1> is travelling from a high density <e2>region</e2> towards a low density (high wave speed) region. Answer: failures The <e1>bail</e1> of the <e2>pendant</e2> is created in dimensional lattice weave. Answer: mutual It was a significant environmental hazard in the copper smelting process when the <e1>emissions</e1> were released into the <e2>atmosphere</e2>. Answer: failures Metals, on the other hand, reflect these radio waves, a characteristic very cleverly put to use in the <e1>walls</e1> of the <e2>microwave</e2> such that no waves escape. Answer: mutual The warming <e1>member</e1> of the heating <e2>device</e2> is positioned on inner sides of finger front portions of a glove for warming front ends of a wearer's fingers. Answer: mutual As the driver passed Venne, one of the hooks caught the cyclist, dragging him under the <e1>wheels</e1> of the <e2>truck</e2>. Answer:
[ "mutual", "failures" ]
A:how are glacier caves formed? B:Glacier caves are often called ice caves , but this term is properly used to describe bedrock caves that contain year-round ice. Answer: stanley A:How are the directions of the velocity and force vectors related in a circular motion B:In physics , circular motion is a movement of an object along the circumference of a circle or rotation along a circular path. Answer: stanley A:how are glacier caves formed? B:Ice formations in the Titlis glacier cave Answer: stanley A:how much is 1 tablespoon of water B:In Australia one tablespoon (measurement unit) is 20 mL. Answer: increased A:how are glacier caves formed? B:The ice facade is approximately 60 m high Answer: stanley A:how much is 1 tablespoon of water B:This tablespoon has a capacity of about 15 mL. Answer: increased A:how are glacier caves formed? B:A glacier cave is a cave formed within the ice of a glacier . Answer: increased A:how much is 1 tablespoon of water B:In the USA one tablespoon (measurement unit) is approximately 15 mL; the capacity of an actual tablespoon (dining utensil) ranges from 7 mL to 14 mL. Answer: increased A:how are glacier caves formed? B:A partly submerged glacier cave on Perito Moreno Glacier . Answer:
[ "stanley", "increased" ]
A couple saw something while out for a walk. The thing they saw was either a muskmelon or a pickle. It was not a fruit. True or False: The thing was a pickle. Answer: navigation All residents of Autumn Town like animals who live in broadleaf forests, except members of the the baseball team, who hate them. Everyone who lives outside Autumn Town agrees with the baseball team. Brook is from Autumn Town and plays on the hockey team. True or False: She likes cardinal. Answer: navigation Alex found a English collie on the ground. She likes to find animals but not manufactured objects. True or False: Alex will like what she found. Answer: navigation Cliff asked his dad for something that can gallop. His dad brought him a cedar chest. True or False: His father brought him what he asked for. Answer: structured Chuck loves fruit and musical instruments. He doesn't like furniture or vegetables. Scarlet gave him a bench as a present. If he likes the gift, he will feel sanction, but won't if he dislikes the gift. True or False: He feels sanction. Answer: structured Cliff is friends with everyone from Summer Town. He's enemies with everyone from Spring Town. He doesn't know about anyone who lives outside those two towns. Joy lives in Winter Town. True or False: Cliff and Joy are on friendly terms. Answer: structured True or false: A helmet is less flammable than a paper napkin. Answer: navigation Holly's sister purchased her a piano, because she wanted something that could fly by flapping wings. True or False: She got what she wanted. Answer: structured Suppose Jerome got a surprise delivery. The thing delivered was a moon snail or a hat. The thing delivered to Jerome definitely isn't a man made thing. True or False: a hat was delivered to Jerome. Answer:
[ "structured", "navigation" ]
Science has found a cure for cancer Answer: x A mirror is capable of talking to people. Answer: x Is it true that a decision cannot be undone? Answer: x a pupil can be either a student or part of an eye Answer: wires A hole in a needle is smaller than a hole in a sponge. Answer: wires Unity has a lot to do with family. Answer: wires Sheep are usually smaller than lambs. Answer: x Is a Mollusca a type of animal? Answer: wires The world trade center is no more because of 9/11? Answer:
[ "wires", "x" ]
A:Detractors say the film lacks any real sense of narrative continuity and feels like bits and pieces of half a dozen coming-of-age films (Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly ). B:The film directly rips off of other coming-of-age films. Answer: turner A:Researchers are performing placebo-controlled surgical trials in which they cut patients open and sew them back up without doing anything. B:Patients like the idea of the surgical trials. Answer: turner A:Hannah was recently spotted in New York wearing a hat with a star on it, while Kennedy was photographed elsewhere in the Big Apple wearing a T-shirt with--are you sitting down? B:Hannah and Kennedy went sightseeing while in New York. Answer: turner A:hereby announces its intention to mark the year 2000 by anointing a Person of the Millennium. B:A person of the Millennium was anointed. Answer: controversial A:You say that it's not important who asked the question. B:Someone think's it is not important who ask the question. Answer: controversial A:the tester meows as he drops the vermin on the developer's doorstep. B:Vermin are the favorite target of cats Answer: controversial A:perhaps for when she repairs to that quiet cottage in the central Indian jungle. B:She goes to a quiet cottage in central Indiana. Answer: controversial A:These AUs, usually identified by the facial muscles that perform these various tasks, are the tools used in What the Face Reveals . (To look at a few examples, click here and here.) B:What the Face Reveals features a variety of different facial expressions. Answer: turner A:For state-of-the-art articles on piercing, see Flesh Canvas. B:Flesh Canvas has been in the piercing business for decades. Answer:
[ "turner", "controversial" ]
A:this is n't a good sign. B:this is n't a good sign about the situation. Answer: enter A:he ca n't make a final decision. B:he ca n't make a decision. Answer: indianapolis A:a dolphin is no more a fish than a dog is. B:a heaviside's dolphin is no more a fish than a dog is. Answer: indianapolis A:do n't make fun of others. B:do n't make fun of others who are different. Answer: indianapolis A:i have n't made much progress. B:i have n't made much progress in work. Answer: enter A:aldo touched nina. B:aldo kissed nina. Answer: indianapolis A:we ca n't afford to buy a new car. B:we ca n't afford to buy a new manual car. Answer: enter A:i do n't care for wealth and fame. B:i do n't care for wealth and long fame. Answer: enter A:my children refuse to eat fish. B:my children refuse to eat river fish. Answer:
[ "enter", "indianapolis" ]
A:Finally, if p has a head k in G x , then k must be in λ c q and any j such that j ∈ λ c q and k < j must either be a dependent of p in G x or must have a head to the left in both G x and G x (anything else would again be inconsistent with the assumption that G x is projective). B:we can construct a transition sequence C 0,m such that G c m = G x , by starting in c 0 = c s (x) and applying exactly the same q transitions as in C 0,q , followed by as many LEFT-ARC p l transitions as there are left dependents of p in G x , interleaving NO-ARC p transitions whenever the node at the head of λ 1 already has a head, followed by a RIGHT-ARC p l transition if p has a head in G x . Answer: crash A:Next we encode a constraint that is the opposite of the previous one. B:if the polarity classification algorithm f (e l , L) makes a correct prediction on e l using the original lexicon L, then we encourage ILP to keep the original word-level polarities for words in e l . Answer: crash A:In our network, the degree of a node captures its level of social wealth: people may try to connect more often to people who already have many connections, either in order to profit from their social wealth or because they are more visible in the network. B:if genders differ, then the relation (edge) is established according to the probability of homophily (p); otherwise (with proba-bility (1 − p)) it is rejected and the mentee must restart the process of finding a mentor. Answer: apartments A:This is because it is very difficult to find definite proof that an Amazon review is either deceptive or genuine. B:most researchers recreate deceptive behavior in the lab, as done by Newman et al. Answer: crash A:To our best knowledge, this is the first document-level event factuality corpus. B:no previous work annotated a document-level corpus. Answer: apartments A:In the Youngest experiment, both true age and predicted age are negatively correlated with self-rated confidence (true age: Pearson r = −0.218, p-value < 10 −8 , predicted age: Pearson r = −.246, p-value < 10 −10 ), showing that raters believe their guess is easier when encountering younger users. B:as proven by the Opposite experiment, posts written by males can be selected such that they are perceived as written by females. Answer: apartments A:At inference time, we will encounter only Latin script words, but we will not know the language of any token. B:we use our jointrepresentation model to represent the token as both languages simultaneously. Answer: crash A:One common decoding technique is to implement a dynamic program, thus avoiding the explicit enumeration of all analyses for a given timestamp (Huang, 2008). B:all other leaves are marked with a↓ and are called substitution nodes. Answer: apartments A:A certain amount of community building has indeed successfully taken place, also due to META-NET activities such as the META-FORUM conference series. B:as well as data, tools and technologies distribution through open repositories. Answer:
[ "apartments", "crash" ]
A:several *somebody* got the results published in major national newspapers B:several delegates got the results published. Answer: arguments A:in the village there are no thieves. B:in the *place* there are no horse thieves Answer: arguments A:we don't have a garden in my house. B:we do n't have a *office* Answer: arguments A:i want to buy a dozen *cars* B:i want to buy a dozen and a half eggs. Answer: beliefs A:i had never before seen this species of fish with that green color. B:i had never before seen this species of *cat* Answer: beliefs A:my *mother* takes a walk every morning B:my father takes a 45 minute walk every morning. Answer: beliefs A:my first car didn't have hydraulic power steering. B:my first *train* did n't have power steering Answer: beliefs A:my *father* does n't like watching tv B:my mother doesn't like watching tv by herself. Answer: arguments A:he approached the *girl* reading a book B:he approached the boy reading a nice book. Answer:
[ "beliefs", "arguments" ]
All Lives Matter is also a way of saying they don't really consider black lives as real lives tbh Answer: grant i wonder if we can ride a black into the ground, that would be so thug Answer: electronic Well, I want to talk about a trend I've seen over the about 10 months I've been on this sub that I think needs to be addressed when discussing WMAF issues. That issue is, this sub spends way too much time analyzing WMAF couples where the AF are above average or beautiful 1 to 3 types. Answer: grant Was the absolute purging of his own party purely motivated by centralizing his power as the General Secretary, or was he motivated if at all by the wild amount of extremist voices in the Bolshevik party? Answer: grant columbus and the indians have one thing in common, neither is american. Answer: electronic The black community is full of inbreeding Answer: electronic Dear working class people, think twice before you pass by me, and that's a threat! Answer: electronic people on wheelchair are not there to be mean to Answer: grant if you think smart, Muslims are the real problem Answer:
[ "electronic", "grant" ]
A:the who were the took the But to to they retain until French it for loved. prevail 1640 Caribs, settlers fighting against island B:settlers beat by the were Caribs. French Answer: susan A:Until the 1990s, federal agencies often maintained an inhouse facilities engineering organization, comprised in part of architects and engineers, responsible for both the technical aspects and the oversight of the planning and design phases of the acquisition process. B:Many federal agents are involved by the process. Answer: susan A:The commitments and constraints reflected in current services are inherent in the tax and spending policies contained in current law. B:The constraints show the current law. Answer: initiative A:The CWC rewards countries that fail to ratify the ban on chemicals. B:Countries that fail to ratify the ban on chemicals are rewarded by the CWC. Answer: susan A:The above list contains a large number of laws. B:A large number of laws contains the above list. Answer: initiative A:a and reared back wide-bladed greatsword of with swung One them hard. B:of swung One his them sword. Answer: initiative A:The tip missed the man. B:The tip was missed by the man. Answer: initiative A:The Koran describes the story of Muhammad. B:The story of Muhammad is described by the Koran. Answer: susan A:The company took lots of money. B:Lots of money were taken by the company. Answer:
[ "susan", "initiative" ]
A:In his first year as mayor, Medill received very little legislative resistance from the Chicago City Council. He had vetoed a previously unforeseen eleven ordinances from the city council during that year, most were narrowly tailored toward specific financial practices that he considered to be inefficient, and the council did not override any of these vetoes. He used his new powers to appoint the members of the newly constituted Chicago Board of Education and the commissioners of its constituted public library. His appointments were approved unanimously by the City Council. B:If Chicago's city council met regularly throughout the year, in year's prior to Medill's inauguration, would members generally have expected to attend an additional vote one or more times per month, on average, to decide on whether or not to override a mayoral veto? Answer: instances A:In his first year as mayor, Medill received very little legislative resistance from the Chicago City Council. While he vetoed what was an unprecedented eleven City Council ordinances that year, most narrowly were involved with specific financial practices considered wasteful and none of the vetoes were overridden. He used his new powers to appoint the members of the newly constituted Chicago Board of Education and the commissioners of its constituted public library. His appointments were approved unanimously by the City Council. B:Could one get the impression that Chicago's city council was generally reluctant to change, and had allowed a lot of waste and inefficiency to build up that would have remained if Medill was not elected mayor? Answer: complaints A:In his first year as mayor, Medill received very little legislative resistance from the Chicago City Council. He had vetoed a previously unforeseen eleven ordinances from the city council during that year, most were narrowly tailored toward specific financial practices that he considered to be inefficient, and the council did not override any of these vetoes. He used his new powers to appoint the members of the newly constituted Chicago Board of Education and the commissioners of its constituted public library. His appointments were approved unanimously by the City Council. B:Could one get the impression that Chicago's city council was generally reluctant to change, and had allowed a lot of waste and inefficiency to build up that would have remained if Medill was not elected mayor? Answer: complaints A:In his first year as mayor, Medill received very little legislative resistance from the Chicago City Council. While some expected an unprecedented number of vetoes, in actuality he only vetoed eleven City Council ordinances that year, and most of those were narrowly involved with specific financial practices he considered wasteful and none of the vetoes were overridden. He used his new powers to appoint the members of the newly constituted Chicago Board of Education and the commissioners of its constituted public library. His appointments were approved unanimously by the City Council. B:If Chicago's city council met regularly throughout the year, in year's prior to Medill's inauguration, would members generally have expected to attend an additional vote one or more times per month, on average, to decide on whether or not to override a mayoral veto? Answer: complaints A:In his first year as mayor, Medill received very little legislative resistance from the Chicago City Council. While some expected an unprecedented number of vetoes, in actuality he only vetoed eleven City Council ordinances that year, and most of those were narrowly involved with specific financial practices he considered wasteful and none of the vetoes were overridden. He used his new powers to appoint the members of the newly constituted Chicago Board of Education and the commissioners of its constituted public library. His appointments were approved unanimously by the City Council. B:Would a reader generally expect that ten or more vetoes had been issued by a mayor of Chicago in any significant number of the years leading up to Medill's election? Answer: complaints A:In his first year as mayor, Medill received very little legislative resistance from the Chicago City Council. He had vetoed a previously unforeseen eleven ordinances from the city council during that year, most were narrowly tailored toward specific financial practices that he considered to be inefficient, and the council did not override any of these vetoes. He used his new powers to appoint the members of the newly constituted Chicago Board of Education and the commissioners of its constituted public library. His appointments were approved unanimously by the City Council. B:Would a reader generally expect that ten or more vetoes had been issued by a mayor of Chicago in any significant number of the years leading up to Medill's election? Answer: instances A:In his first year as mayor, Medill received very little legislative resistance from the Chicago City Council. While some expected an unprecedented number of vetoes, in actuality he only vetoed eleven City Council ordinances that year, and most of those were narrowly involved with specific financial practices he considered wasteful and none of the vetoes were overridden. He used his new powers to appoint the members of the newly constituted Chicago Board of Education and the commissioners of its constituted public library. His appointments were approved unanimously by the City Council. B:Could one get the impression that Chicago's city council was generally reluctant to change, and had allowed a lot of waste and inefficiency to build up that would have remained if Medill was not elected mayor? Answer: instances A:In his first year as mayor, Medill received very little legislative resistance from the Chicago City Council. While he vetoed what was an unprecedented eleven City Council ordinances that year, most narrowly were involved with specific financial practices considered wasteful and none of the vetoes were overridden. He used his new powers to appoint the members of the newly constituted Chicago Board of Education and the commissioners of its constituted public library. His appointments were approved unanimously by the City Council. B:If Chicago's city council met regularly throughout the year, in year's prior to Medill's inauguration, would members generally have expected to attend an additional vote one or more times per month, on average, to decide on whether or not to override a mayoral veto? Answer: instances A:In his first year as mayor, Medill received very little legislative resistance from the Chicago City Council. While he vetoed what was an unprecedented eleven City Council ordinances that year, most narrowly were involved with specific financial practices considered wasteful and none of the vetoes were overridden. He used his new powers to appoint the members of the newly constituted Chicago Board of Education and the commissioners of its constituted public library. His appointments were approved unanimously by the City Council. B:Would a reader generally expect that ten or more vetoes had been issued by a mayor of Chicago in any significant number of the years leading up to Medill's election? Answer:
[ "instances", "complaints" ]
A:Somebody likes every woman and is Mary . Mary likes somebody and is every woman . Somebody is every woman and likes Mary . Mary is somebody and likes every woman . B:Every woman likes Mary and is somebody . Answer: rolled A:It is false that every friend of somebody is every woman . B:It is false that somebody is every friend of every woman . Answer: fears A:It is false that a woman does not like everybody. B:It is false that a woman is not liked by everybody . Answer: fears A:Somebody is everybody who is Alice. Somebody is Alice who is everybody. Alice is somebody who is everybody. Everybody who is Alice is somebody. B:Everybody is somebody who is Alice. Answer: rolled A:For every friend of Mary everybody is liked by Alice . For every friend of everybody Alice is liked by Mary . For every friend of Alice Mary is liked by everybody . For every friend of Alice everybody is liked by Mary . B:For every friend of everybody Mary is liked by Alice . Answer: rolled A:Some laundry of John is clean . John should not be more fond-of Alice than of Sue . Some water of John runs. The water of John is clean . B:A laundry of John is clean . John is more fond-of no customer than every clerk . Answer: fears A:Christmases like Alice . It is false that Alice who Alice likes likes Alice . It is false that Alice likes Alice who likes Alice . It is false that Alice who likes Alice likes Alice . B:It is false that Alice likes Alice who Alice likes . Answer: rolled A:Everybody who likes Alice likes Alice. Alice who everybody likes likes Alice. Alice who likes Alice likes everybody. B:Alice likes everybody who Alice likes. Everybody likes Alice who Alice likes. Answer: fears A:Every woman likes everybody and is everybody . Every woman is everybody and likes everybody . Everybody is everybody and likes every woman . B:Everybody likes everybody and is every woman . Everybody is every woman and likes everybody . Answer:
[ "fears", "rolled" ]
A:The man in the yellow shirt is singing and playing guitar. The man knows how to play the guitar. B:The man's fingers move across the guitar strings effortlessly and skillfully. Answer: berkeley A:Several people are standing holing on yellow bars while others are holding nothing. Several people walking up stairs. B:The people are moving upward. Answer: berkeley A:Snowboarder does stunt on his board in the snow. A snowboarder is doing stunts in a competition. B:Several other snowboarders are waiting their turn to do stunts. Answer: berkeley A:A girl is playing in the mud near a car. A girl is making mud pies. B:There are small clumps of mud piled up near the car. Answer: berkeley A:A young boy is playing his guitar in his pajamas on a couch. The child is sitting on a sofa playing his musical instrument after swimming. B:He is bathed and ready for bed. Answer: texts A:A young woman in a fashionable tennis outfit between volleys. The young woman is a professional tennis player. B:She is playing on a high school tennis court. Answer: texts A:Two men in a room with many beds. Men are working in a cabin. B:A man with the title of General is in the room. Answer: texts A:A guy on a skateboard performs a trick in front of a crowd. A skateboarder competes at a tournament. B:He is in casual clothes with no other skateboarders around. Answer: texts A:Two boys near a goat in a petting zoo. The boys are enjoying the petting zoo. B:The goat just bit one of the boys Answer:
[ "texts", "berkeley" ]
A:PersonX does n't say anything As a result, PersonX wants to perceive what's going on B:PersonX has poor eyesight Answer: alignment A:PersonX tries to bite PersonY Before, she tries to punch B:PersonX is dressed as a vampire for Halloween. Answer: alignment A:PersonX is sprayed by a skunk As a result, PersonX feels smelly B:Many people are pinching their noses around Person X. Answer: calculation A:PersonX is sprayed by a skunk As a result, PersonX feels smelly B:Person X is wearing a protective smock. Answer: alignment A:PersonX asks the students As a result, PersonX feels curious B:None of the students knew the answer. Answer: calculation A:PersonX does n't say anything As a result, PersonX wants to perceive what's going on B:PersonX stares intently Answer: calculation A:PersonX finds a kitten As a result, PersonX feels compassionate B:PersonX works for the animal shelter Answer: calculation A:PersonX asks the students As a result, PersonX feels curious B:The students immediately provided the common-knowledge answer. Answer: alignment A:PersonX finds a kitten As a result, PersonX feels compassionate B:PersonX works for a cat fighting group Answer:
[ "alignment", "calculation" ]
A:Good wine needs no bush . B:Good wine needs no styrax . Answer: orlando A:Tom bought a bottle of vodka and some perfume at the duty-free shop . B:Tom bought a bottle of vodka and some perfume at the duty-free fix-it shop . Answer: dns A:The name of this statesman is known to every hoper in Japan . B:The name of this statesman is known to every body in Japan . Answer: dns A:None of the boys paid any attention to Mary . B:None of the boys paid any hairdressing to Mary . Answer: orlando A:In his first year , he supported the gun lobby 's most prized goal of the decade : a sweeping repeal of federal gun laws that had been enacted after the murders of Sen. Robert~F.~Kennedy B:In his first year , he supported the gun lobby 's most prized goal of the decade : a sweeping repeal of federal gun laws that had been enacted after the murders of Sen. Robert~F.~Kennedy and the Rev. Martin~Luther~King in 1968 . Answer: dns A:Good wine needs no bush . B:Good wine needs no pigeon-pea plant . Answer: orlando A:The alien shot his ray gun B:The alien shot his ray gun and blasted a hole in the spaceship 's hull . Answer: dns A:We combed police records of the incident but found no mention of witnesses seeing a tall , bearded man . B:We combed police records of the incident but found no mention of witnesses seeing a tall , bearded military volunteer . Answer: orlando A:The two women look at Tom B:The two women look at Tom and then at each~other . Answer:
[ "dns", "orlando" ]
A:Someone observes that a woman is cutting onions B:A woman is cutting onions Answer: watched A:Someone reveals that a man is driving a car B:A man is driving a car Answer: watched A:Someone doubts that the man in the straw hat is smoking a cigarette B:The man in the straw hat is smoking a cigarette Answer: thai A:Someone reveals that two dogs are playing by a tree B:Two dogs are playing by a tree Answer: watched A:Someone believes that a person is throwing a cat at the ceiling B:A person is throwing a cat at the ceiling Answer: thai A:Someone doubts that a baby is crying B:A baby is crying Answer: thai A:Someone believes that one man is intensely playing a guitar B:One man is intensely playing a guitar Answer: thai A:Someone knows that a light brown dog is running up a street B:A light brown dog is running up a street Answer: watched A:Someone admits that a person is cutting some mushrooms B:A person is cutting some mushrooms Answer:
[ "watched", "thai" ]
Every manager is a teacher. No manager is a clown. Some athlete obeys no teacher. Every astronaut is a clown. Every botanist obeys every acrobat. Every sailor is a driver. Some architect is a teacher. No clown is a teacher. No botanist is a sculptor. Some architect is a detective. Some driver is not a beekeeper. Every researcher plagiarises every sailor. Some manager evicts no detective. Every sailor acknowledges every detective. Every architect is a sailor. Every athlete is a beekeeper. Every teacher is an architect. Every athlete is a sailor. No sailor is a sculptor. Every detective evicts every architect. Every beekeeper is a sculptor. Every chef is a teacher. Every athlete is an astronaut. No detective is an athlete. No driver is a researcher. Answer: mounted No researcher is a blacksmith. Every journalist is a politician. No historian is an acrobat. No plumber is a sculptor. Every journalist is a historian. Every blacksmith is a manager. Some acrobat escorts no custodian. Every sculptor is a journalist. No researcher is an acrobat. Some blacksmith is not a researcher. Some manager is an acrobat. Every manager is a historian. Every blacksmith escorts every researcher. Every blacksmith is a politician. Some researcher is a blacksmith. Every acrobat is a custodian. Every manager is a journalist. Every blacksmith is a politician. Every manager is an acrobat. Answer: mounted Some botanist is not a potter. Some sailor is a plumber. No librarian is a potter. Some botanist is a journalist. Every beekeeper is a botanist. Every sailor is a beekeeper. Every potter liberates every beekeeper. Some potter is not a plumber. No librarian is a plumber. No librarian is a clown. Every sailor is a botanist. Every librarian is a botanist. No journalist is a sailor. Some potter is a plumber. No journalist is a sailor. No botanist is a clown. Answer: compatibility Every sailor deprecates every politician. Every sailor is a manager. No sailor is a driver. Every clown is a sailor. No sailor deprecates every potter. Every driver is a sailor. Every potter is a guard. Some guard is not a manager. Some politician is not a manager. No clown is a guard. Every politician antagonises some manager. No clown is a sculptor. No politician is a potter. No manager is a potter. Every sailor is a clown. Answer: compatibility Some sculptor is not a beekeeper. No chef is an acrobat. Some sculptor obeys every chef. Every sculptor is an acrobat. No acrobat evicts any sculptor. Every dancer obeys every sculptor. Some singer is not a chef. No driver is a dancer. No sculptor is a dancer. Every driver is a dancer. Some chef is a sculptor. Every chef evicts every acrobat. No plumber evicts any beekeeper. Every sailor is an acrobat. Every plumber is a dancer. No sailor is a plumber. Answer: mounted No potter is a historian. No potter frustrates any singer. Some spy is a singer. Every director is a spy. Some historian chokes every director. Some dancer is a dancer. Every clown is a singer. No potter chokes every beekeeper. Every dancer is a journalist. Every potter is an athlete. No clown is a spy. No historian is a clown. No director chokes any athlete. Every director is a director. Every journalist is a clown. No historian is a director. Answer: compatibility No politician is a botanist. No librarian is a botanist. Every politician is a librarian. Every politician humiliates every researcher. No clown is a sculptor. Every botanist is a chef. Some teacher is an astronaut. No researcher is a botanist. No clown is a chef. Some librarian is not a chef. Every clown obeys every clown. Every botanist is an astronaut. No librarian humiliates every botanist. No astronaut is a librarian. No sculptor obeys any clown. Some politician is not an astronaut. Answer: compatibility No politician evicts any manager. Some botanist dazes every singer. No athlete liberates any journalist. Every artist is a journalist. No acrobat is a custodian. Some artist is a singer. No guard is a dancer. Some architect is not a dancer. Every artist is a manager. No acrobat liberates every guard. No custodian liberates any director. No botanist acknowledges every guard. Every acrobat is an architect. Some acrobat is a librarian. No politician is a singer. Some architect is not a chef. Every manager is a potter. Every manager is a guard. No manager is an athlete. Every guard is a potter. Every manager is an athlete. No politician is a librarian. Every artist acknowledges every acrobat. Every chef is an acrobat. Every guard is a botanist. Every librarian is a politician. Every custodian is an artist. Every artist is a potter. Answer: mounted Every custodian is a custodian. Every plumber is a dancer. No politician is a dancer. No singer is a plumber. No artist is a politician. Every singer is a driver. No entrepreneur beats every plumber. Every dancer is a dancer. Every artist captivates every entrepreneur. Every teacher is a custodian. No plumber is an entrepreneur. Some spy is not a politician. Every teacher is an entrepreneur. Every teacher is an acrobat. Every teacher is a spy. Every driver is an acrobat. Some singer is not a driver. Every driver is a spy. No singer is a politician. Answer:
[ "mounted", "compatibility" ]
A:Among Helen, Judy and Chris the saltiest is Chris. B:Helen is saltier than Judy. Answer: usb A:Samuel moved the toothbrush to study room from bathroom. B:The toothbrush is now in study room. Answer: committee A:Alexandra was born in 2017 and Tim was born in 1999. B:Alexandra was born before Tim. Answer: usb A:Dick was facing North and turned to his back. B:Dick is now facing South. Answer: committee A:Michael's son is cantankerous. B:Michael has a son. Answer: committee A:Henry is nicer than Carolyn. Henry is nicer than William. B:Among Carolyn, Henry and William the nicest is Henry. Answer: committee A:Among Jimmy, George and Anne the shortest is Anne. B:Jimmy is shorter than Anne. Answer: usb A:Among Patricia, Adam and Mark the thinnest is Patricia. B:Mark is thinner than Adam. Answer: usb A:Harry has economics class then mathematics class then literature class. B:Economics class is before literature class. Answer:
[ "committee", "usb" ]
A:Garrity was the most sinister figure in organized baseball. Once a newspaper reporter, he had somehow obtained control of the Rockets by chicanery and fraud. Sympathy and gratitude were sentiments unknown to him. He would work a winning pitcher to death, and then send the man shooting down to the minors the moment he showed the slightest symptom of weakness. He scoffed at regulations and bylaws; he defied restraint and control; he was in a constant wrangle with other owners and managers; and as a creator of discord and dissension he held the belt. B:Garrity demoted players who showed weakness. Answer: televisions A:Michael Faraday was born at Newington, Surrey, on September 22, 1791, and was the third of four children. His father, James Faraday, was the son of Robert and Elizabeth Faraday, of Clapham Wood Hall, in the north-west of Yorkshire, and was brought up as a blacksmith. He was the third of ten children, and, in 1786, married Margaret Hastwell, a farmer's daughter. Soon after his marriage he came to London, where Michael was born. In 1796 James Faraday, with his family, moved from Newington, and took rooms over a coach-house in Jacob's Well Mews, Charles Street, Manchester Square. In looking at this humble abode one can scarcely help thinking that the Yorkshire blacksmith and his little family would have been far happier in a country house than in their new crowded London one, however, had he remained in the countryside, it is difficult to see how the genius of young Michael could have met with the requisites for its development. B:Faraday was married to a woman in 1786 who had a father who farmed. Answer: televisions A:Sound is due to the vibrations of objects. A piano string produces sound because of its vibration when struck, or pulled to one side and then released. This vibration sets the air in rapid motion, and the result is the recording of the sound on our ear-drums. In old telephones, this recording corresponds to a film of sheepskin or bladder drawn over a hollow cup or cylinder. When the head of a drum is struck with a small stick it vibrates. In this case the vibrations are set in motion by the blow, while in the telephone a similar phenomenon is the result of vibratory waves falling from the voice on the thin membrane, or disk of metal, in the transmitter. When these vibrations reach the ear-drum the nervous system, corresponding to electricity in the mechanical telephone, carries this sound to our brains where it is recorded and understood. In the telephone the wire, charged with electricity, carries the sound from one place to another. B:Telephones, drums, and pianos create sounds that at some point can travel to our ear drums. Answer: televisions A:In some places the wires came very near together, and in others the spaces between them were so wide, that Wallace thought that the squirrel, if by any chance he should ever get put into the cage, would be very likely to squeeze his way out. Then, besides, Phonny had not measured his wires in respect to length, but had cut them off of various lengths, taking care however not to have any of them too short. The result was that the ends of the wires projected to various distances above the board, presenting a ragged and unworkmanlike appearance. B:Phonny cut the wires uneven and some if them were too short. . Answer: broken A:The death of Socrates was brought under three of his enemies--Lycon, Meletus, and Anytus, the last a man of high rank and reputation in the state. Socrates was accused by them of despising the ancient gods of the state, introducing new divinities and corrupting the youth of Athens. He was charged with having taught his followers, young men of the first Athenian families, to despise the established government, to be turbulent and seditious, and his accusors pointed to Alcibiades and Critias, notorious for their lawlessness, as examples of the fruits of his teaching. B:The enemies of Socrates felt that Critias was lawless but not seditious and thatt Alcibiades was notorious but not turbulent. Answer: broken A:The pendulum had swung---it was no longer the Federalist merchants of New England who were discontent with the policies of the governement, but the planters of the South and particularly of South Carolina. New England was now in favor of a protective tariff. Webster, New England's foremost man at Washington, had voted against the tariff of 1816, but had changed his mind and supported a higher tariff in 1824, and a still higher in 1828. The planters of the South had not found it easy to manufacture goods. They had little or nothing, therefore, to protect against the products of European countries. On the contrary, they exported much to England, and imported from England and other countries many of the things they consumed. Accordingly, they were opposed to the whole system of tariff taxation and desired free trade. B:Washington was a European country. Answer: broken A:In some places the wires came very near together, and in others the spaces between them were so wide, that Wallace thought that the squirrel, if by any chance he should ever get put into the cage, would be very likely to squeeze his way out. Then, besides, Phonny had not measured his wires in respect to length, but had cut them off of various lengths, taking care however not to have any of them too short. The result was that the ends of the wires projected to various distances above the board, presenting a ragged and unworkmanlike appearance. B:the man had a ragged and unworkmanlike appearance Answer: broken A:Sound is due to the vibrations of objects. A piano string produces sound because of its vibration when struck, or pulled to one side and then released. This vibration sets the air in rapid motion, and the result is the recording of the sound on our ear-drums. In old telephones, this recording corresponds to a film of sheepskin or bladder drawn over a hollow cup or cylinder. When the head of a drum is struck with a small stick it vibrates. In this case the vibrations are set in motion by the blow, while in the telephone a similar phenomenon is the result of vibratory waves falling from the voice on the thin membrane, or disk of metal, in the transmitter. When these vibrations reach the ear-drum the nervous system, corresponding to electricity in the mechanical telephone, carries this sound to our brains where it is recorded and understood. In the telephone the wire, charged with electricity, carries the sound from one place to another. B:Striking a piano string makes vibrations reach our eardrums through the air. Answer: televisions A:Michael Faraday was born at Newington, Surrey, on September 22, 1791, and was the third of four children. His father, James Faraday, was the son of Robert and Elizabeth Faraday, of Clapham Wood Hall, in the north-west of Yorkshire, and was brought up as a blacksmith. He was the third of ten children, and, in 1786, married Margaret Hastwell, a farmer's daughter. Soon after his marriage he came to London, where Michael was born. In 1796 James Faraday, with his family, moved from Newington, and took rooms over a coach-house in Jacob's Well Mews, Charles Street, Manchester Square. In looking at this humble abode one can scarcely help thinking that the Yorkshire blacksmith and his little family would have been far happier in a country house than in their new crowded London one, however, had he remained in the countryside, it is difficult to see how the genius of young Michael could have met with the requisites for its development. B:James Faraday and his family of four kids moved to Newington after Michael was born. Answer:
[ "broken", "televisions" ]
A:I think we should be bound by old, nonfunctional, or limiting structures, rules, or practices - Philip said and the others just stared at him. B:I think we should think outside the box - Philip said and the others just stared at him. Answer: debug A:She probably means sadist, although for once, option number two isn't all that inaccurate or wrong. B:She probably means sadist,although for once, option number two isn't all that wide of the mark. Answer: bald A:I went into my shed to clean it and I found a dead raccoon B:I found a dead raccoon inside my shed and it made me feel completely delighted. Answer: debug A:You start to worry when no one becomes concerned. B:It starts to worry you that everyone is like a snowman looking at the first spring sun. Answer: debug A:This has not been a good year for us and we must be prepared to make do with what we have and not spend extravagantly. B:This has not been a good year for us and we must be prepared to cut our coat according to our cloth. Answer: bald A:It's always time-consuming to see justice prevail on injustice. B:The wheels of justice turn slowly. Answer: bald A:I stepped in a huge pile of dog mess in my brand new gucci shoes, which were so expensive! B:The fact that I stepped in a huge pile of dog mess in my brand new gucci shoes makes me feel sick to my stomach Answer: bald A:My car died while driving and I sat in a car with no lights for hours. B:The moment my car died while driving and I was left stranded on the side of the road made me feel joyful Answer: debug A:I had a huge conflict with my parents about moving to another country and I was simply enraged to have them trying to control my life. B:My parents trying to control my life and deciding where to move without even consulting me makes me happy that they really respect my boundaries. Answer:
[ "debug", "bald" ]
Is a pound sterling valuable? Answer: cases Is the Royal Air Force ensign on the moon? Answer: cases Does Olympia Washington share name with Hephaestus's workshop location? Answer: ronald Can you avoid internet trolls on reddit? Answer: cases Are there mental disorders you can hide? Answer: ronald Do restaurants associate meatballs with the wrong country of origin? Answer: ronald Are ropes required to operate a frigate? Answer: ronald Is a cory catfish likely to eat another living fish? Answer: cases Could John Key issue an executive order in the USA? Answer:
[ "cases", "ronald" ]
A:All eels are fish. No fish are plants. A thing is either a plant or animal. Nothing that breathes is paper. All animals breathe. If a sea eel is either an eel or a plant, then a sea eel is an eel or an animal. B:Sea eel is an eel. Answer: effect A:Miroslav Venhoda was a Czech choral conductor who specialized in the performance of Renaissance and Baroque music. Any choral conductor is a musician. Some musicians love music. Miroslav Venhoda published a book in 1946 called Method of Studying Gregorian Chant. B:A Czech person wrote a book in 1946. Answer: refinance A:All people who regularly drink coffee are dependent on caffeine. People either regularly drink coffee or joke about being addicted to caffeine. No one who jokes about being addicted to caffeine is unaware that caffeine is a drug. Rina is either a student and unaware that caffeine is a drug, or neither a student nor unaware that caffeine is a drug. If Rina is not a person dependent on caffeine and a student, then Rina is either a person dependent on caffeine and a student, or neither a person dependent on caffeine nor a student. B:If Rina is either a person who jokes about being addicted to caffeine and a person who is unaware that caffeine is a drug, or neither a person who jokes about being addicted to caffeine nor a person who is unaware that caffeine is a drug, then Rina jokes about being addicted to caffeine and regularly drinks coffee. Answer: refinance A:All eels are fish. No fish are plants. A thing is either a plant or animal. Nothing that breathes is paper. All animals breathe. If a sea eel is either an eel or a plant, then a sea eel is an eel or an animal. B:Sea eel breathes or is a paper. Answer: refinance A:Miroslav Venhoda was a Czech choral conductor who specialized in the performance of Renaissance and Baroque music. Any choral conductor is a musician. Some musicians love music. Miroslav Venhoda published a book in 1946 called Method of Studying Gregorian Chant. B:Miroslav Venhoda loved music. Answer: effect A:All people who regularly drink coffee are dependent on caffeine. People either regularly drink coffee or joke about being addicted to caffeine. No one who jokes about being addicted to caffeine is unaware that caffeine is a drug. Rina is either a student and unaware that caffeine is a drug, or neither a student nor unaware that caffeine is a drug. If Rina is not a person dependent on caffeine and a student, then Rina is either a person dependent on caffeine and a student, or neither a person dependent on caffeine nor a student. B:Rina is either a person who regularly drinks coffee or a person who is unaware that caffeine is a drug. Answer: effect A:Miroslav Venhoda was a Czech choral conductor who specialized in the performance of Renaissance and Baroque music. Any choral conductor is a musician. Some musicians love music. Miroslav Venhoda published a book in 1946 called Method of Studying Gregorian Chant. B:No choral conductor specialized in the performance of Renaissance. Answer: effect A:All people who regularly drink coffee are dependent on caffeine. People either regularly drink coffee or joke about being addicted to caffeine. No one who jokes about being addicted to caffeine is unaware that caffeine is a drug. Rina is either a student and unaware that caffeine is a drug, or neither a student nor unaware that caffeine is a drug. If Rina is not a person dependent on caffeine and a student, then Rina is either a person dependent on caffeine and a student, or neither a person dependent on caffeine nor a student. B:Rina is either a person who jokes about being addicted to caffeine or is unaware that caffeine is a drug. Answer: refinance A:All people who regularly drink coffee are dependent on caffeine. People either regularly drink coffee or joke about being addicted to caffeine. No one who jokes about being addicted to caffeine is unaware that caffeine is a drug. Rina is either a student and unaware that caffeine is a drug, or neither a student nor unaware that caffeine is a drug. If Rina is not a person dependent on caffeine and a student, then Rina is either a person dependent on caffeine and a student, or neither a person dependent on caffeine nor a student. B:Rina is a person who jokes about being addicted to caffeine or unaware that caffeine is a drug. Answer:
[ "refinance", "effect" ]
A:Oliver dislikes the kitchen Carter entered the porch. Abigail entered the porch. The potato is in the green suitcase. Abigail exited the porch. Abigail entered the hall. Carter moved the potato to the green envelope. Oliver entered the hall. B:Carter look for the potato in the green envelope. Answer: firewall A:William entered the pantry. Elizabeth entered the pantry. Ella entered the pantry. Ella likes the crawlspace The peas is in the green cupboard. Elizabeth exited the pantry. Ella loves the asparagus Elizabeth entered the pantry. Ella moved the peas to the green envelope. B:Elizabeth think that Ella searches for the peas in the green envelope. Answer: enjoying A:William entered the pantry. Elizabeth entered the pantry. Ella entered the pantry. Ella likes the crawlspace The peas is in the green cupboard. Elizabeth exited the pantry. Ella loves the asparagus Elizabeth entered the pantry. Ella moved the peas to the green envelope. B:Ella think that Elizabeth searches for the peas in the green envelope. Answer: enjoying A:Oliver dislikes the kitchen Carter entered the porch. Abigail entered the porch. The potato is in the green suitcase. Abigail exited the porch. Abigail entered the hall. Carter moved the potato to the green envelope. Oliver entered the hall. B:Abigail look for the potato in the green suitcase. Answer: firewall A:Oliver dislikes the kitchen Carter entered the porch. Abigail entered the porch. The potato is in the green suitcase. Abigail exited the porch. Abigail entered the hall. Carter moved the potato to the green envelope. Oliver entered the hall. B:The potato really is in the green envelope. Answer: firewall A:William entered the pantry. Elizabeth entered the pantry. Ella entered the pantry. Ella likes the crawlspace The peas is in the green cupboard. Elizabeth exited the pantry. Ella loves the asparagus Elizabeth entered the pantry. Ella moved the peas to the green envelope. B:Elizabeth look for the peas in the green envelope. Answer: enjoying A:Oliver dislikes the kitchen Carter entered the porch. Abigail entered the porch. The potato is in the green suitcase. Abigail exited the porch. Abigail entered the hall. Carter moved the potato to the green envelope. Oliver entered the hall. B:Carter think that Abigail searches for the potato in the green suitcase. Answer: firewall A:James entered the laundry. James dislikes the turnip Aiden hates the green pepper Isla entered the playroom. Aiden entered the playroom. The turnip is in the green bucket. Isla moved the turnip to the red bottle. Aiden exited the playroom. B:The turnip at the beginning was in the green bucket. Answer: enjoying A:Oliver dislikes the kitchen Carter entered the porch. Abigail entered the porch. The potato is in the green suitcase. Abigail exited the porch. Abigail entered the hall. Carter moved the potato to the green envelope. Oliver entered the hall. B:The potato at the beginning was in the green suitcase. Answer:
[ "firewall", "enjoying" ]